Fixes: #2318.
Currently, when exiting the app and the sticker packs task is being run, the app will wait for the sticker packs task to completely finish before exiting the app. This causes a beachball to be displayed and can cause a long delay while waiting for the task to finish.
This PR passes an interrupt signal to the sticker pack loading task in the threadpool thread. The task loads the interrupt on each iteration of its loop (each sticker pack to load) and also during the processing of each sticker pack (getting of sticker pack data). This allows the application to exit neatly.
fix: Handle shutdown of long-running (marathon) task before login
Currently, we wait for the “loggedIn” message to be passed to the marathon task runner before initialising the mailserver model. We were, however, blocking the thread until “loggedIn” was received, meaning that if “shutdown” was received (as it is when cmd+q is pressed), this message would be ignored and the application would have to be forced to quit.
This PR adds logic that not only listens for the “loggedIn” message, but also for the “shudown” message. Once the “shutdown” message is received, the marathon worker thread exits.
Prior to this commit, loaded channels and chats would always be
sorted by date of last message received, with the latest one being
moved to the top of the list.
When new channels or chats are joined, they are added on top of the
list as well, however, when the application is restarted,
those new joined chats would not necessarily show up at the top anymore
becaue nothing keeps track of when a channel was joined, which should
be taken into account when preserving the order.
The changes introduced in this commit solve this by introducing a
new `joined` property on the `Chat` type which gets updated with
the current timestamp whenever a channel is joined.
It also depends on the changes made to the `status-go` client, which
have to land first: #1832
There is an unknown state that the data dir seems to get in that causes the application to crash when checking pending transactions. This is fixed by checking if the pending transactions RPC result has a `”result”` field first before attempting to read it.
### NOTE:
Clearing the data directory fixed the issue for me, however I do not know what caused it in the first place. While the crash was happening, there was also an error appearing in the logs:
ERR 2021-05-18 15:40:47+10:00 rpc response error topics="rpc" tid=3893906 file=core.nim:24 methodName=wallet_getPendingTransactions payload=[] result="{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"id\":0,\"error\":{\"code\":-32000,\"message\":\"no such column: transaction_hash\"}}"
After clearing the data dir, this error also went away.
When inviting contacts to a community, Status Desktop suggests a list of
all contacts, even if contacts of that list are already members of the community.
This commit introduces a new flag to `ExistingContacts` component that
allows for configuring whether community members should be hidden or not
Add an event filter to `qApp` that can detect a dock icon click (in macos) when the main window is hidden or closed.
When the event has been triggered, the main window will be shown again.
Co-authored-by: Boris Melnik <>
Fixes: #2365.
Previously, suggestions for mentions were showing profile pics even for users who were not contacts. Now, profile pics are only shown for those users who are contacts. The user’s identicon is shown otherwise.
fix: user thumbnail not shown when no profile pic
When a user was a contact, but didn’t have a profile pic, an image would not be loaded and a ‘reload’ image would be shown instead. With this PR, if the user is a contact and they do not have a profile pic, their identicon will be shown instead.
Currently, if a wrong password is entered when generating a wallet account, the app will crash due to attempting to decode a `GeneratedAccount ` from an rpc response containing only an error.
With this PR, we are detecting if an error is returned in the response, and if so, raising a StatusGoException. This exception is caught in the call chain, and translated in to a `StatusGoError` which is serialised and sent to the QML view, where it is parsed and displayed as an invalid password error in the input box.
refactor: remove string return values as error messages in wallet model
In the wallet model, we were passing back empty strings for no error, or an error as a string. This is not only confusing, but does not benefit from leaning on the compiler and strong types. One has to read the entire code to understand if a string result is returned when there is no error instead of implicitly being able to understand there is no return type.
To alleviate this, account creation fundtions that do not need to return a value have been changed to a void return type, and raise `StatusGoException` if there is an error encountered. This can be caught in the call chain and used as necessary (ie to pass to QML).
refactor: move invalid password string detection to Utils
Currently, we are reading returned view model values and checking to see if they include a known string from Status Go that means there was an invalid password used. This string was placed in the codebased in mulitple locations.
This PR moves the string check to a Utils function and updates all the references to use the function in Utils.
This commit does a couple of things:
- add StatusQ as a dependency (
our emerging component library
- updates the rcc generation script to follow symlinks as well
- add qrc:/./StatusQ/src as import path
At the time of creating this commit `StatusQ` provides only the StatusIcon
component, but more will be added in the future.
Fixes: #2364
The Send Message button click event was erroring due to a refactor that had been done to allow for changing app sections.
This has been updated to follow the current way to change app sections.
fix: “Send Message” button crash in communities
This required switching from communities to normal view.
fix: crash when clicking channel link in community message
When a message in communities contains a link to another channel (ie #otherchannel), the search for this channel needed to be updated to also search for the channel by name, allowing for switching between channels within a community by message link. Additionally, when in a community, if the channel was located in a normal chat, it will switch the view to the normal chat after being found.
This commit ensures that, once a community was imported, the application
will listen to the newly introduced `community.found` signal, which will be
emitted by status-go.
The signal exposes a `Community` object that is then used to add a
community item to the community list in the UI.
**This can only land after has landed first!**
This will reset the QT settings of all users, since we change from using the address to using the pubkey.
The reason for that is that the account address also called keyId is somehow not set correctly on first login. The pubkey stays constant on the other hand. So using the pubkey is better.
Fixes: #2418.
Chat notifications for one-on-one chats were showing only a user’s alias and not their ENS name if they have one.
This PR now shows a user’s ENS name if they have one, or their alias if they don’t in one-on-one chat notifications.
In the repo:
$ bin/nim_status_client --help
In the packaged app (macOS example):
$ cd /Applications/
$ ./nim_status_client --help
nim_status_client [OPTIONS]...
The following options are available:
-d, --dataDir Status Desktop data directory.
**Using the option**
$ cd ~/status-ci-builds/master/
$ ./nim_status_client --dataDir:"${HOME}/status-dirs/master"
In another terminal:
$ cd ~/status-ci-builds/PR-4242/
$ ./nim_status_client --dataDir:"${HOME}/status-dirs/PR-4242"
The path supplied can be relative or absolute, and can be specified with
`--dataDir:[path]`, `--dataDir=[path]`, `-d:[path]`, or `-d=[path]`.
Either `:` or `=` must be used, i.e. this *will not* work: `--dataDir [path]`
or `-d [path]`.
The name of the option follows Nim's partial case-insensitivity rules, so
`--dataDir`, `--datadir`, and `--data_dir` are all equivalent. See
[Identifier equality][ieq] in the Nim Manual.
It is possible to run the same build in multiple terminals by supplying
different `--dataDir`, i.e. this works:
$ cd /Applications/
$ ./nim_status_client --dataDir="${HOME}/temp/some1"
In another terminal:
$ cd /Applications/
$ ./nim_status_client --dataDir="${HOME}/temp/some2"
It is recommended to use a Git Bash or MSYS2 terminal when invoking
`bin/nim_status_client.exe` (development build) or `bin/Status.exe` (production
build) on the command-line. The reason is that if the exe is invoked in a
session of `cmd.exe` it will return to the prompt immediately; the app will run
but there will be no output in the terminal. In any case, the `--dataDir`
option will take effect whether the exe is invoked in `cmd.exe` or a
recommended terminal.
For development builds, when invoking `bin/nim_status_client.exe` directly
instead of via `make run`, because e.g. you wish to use the `--dataDir` option,
it is required to first setup the `PATH` environment variable correctly. See
the `run-windows` target in this repo's Makefile for more information.
The `--dataDir` option may be passed to command-line invocation of a
production (AppImage) build in the same way as passing it to a development
$ Status.AppImage --dataDir:/path/to/wherever
For development builds, when invoking `bin/nim_status_client` directly instead
of via `make run`, because e.g. you wish to use the `--dataDir` option, it is
required to setup the `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` environment variable correctly. See the
`run-linux` target in this repo's Makefile for more information.
BREAKING CHANGE: The `qt` subdir of the app's data directory is now a sibling
of the status-go directory rather than a subdir of the status-go directory:
Status (app data directory)
├── data (status-go directory)
├── qt
└── tmp
Because app settings are stored in the `qt` directory that means that existing
installations will lose their customized settings.
At app startup, it would be possible to detect `Status/data/qt` and if
`Status/qt` doesn't exist yet then copy `Status/data/qt` to
`Status/qt`. However, there was some concern that behavior could lead to
problems later on if we forget the workaround is in place. So for now that
settings preservation strategy has not been implemented, but it might be before
this commit is merged pending full team awareness/consensus.
Command-line option support is provided by
The environment variable `NIM_STATUS_CLIENT_DEV` has been removed in favor of
passing a "define" option to the Nim compiler: `-d:development` for development
builds (e.g. `make V=1`) and `-d:production` for packaged builds (e.g. `make
V=1 pkg`). Passing the correct option is handled automatically by the Makefile.
A make variable named `RELEASE` has been introduced, which defaults to
`false`. Presently the `RELEASE` variable should not be set on the command-line
nor in CI as more work needs to be done to toggle the proper compiler flags. In
the case of Status Desktop, "release vs. debug" is a concern orthogonal to
"production vs. development". At present, production builds and development
builds are all debug builds, but that will likely change in the future: we can
have non-release CI production builds and local development builds be debug
builds, while release builds in CI would be production builds with
`RELEASE=true` (the compiled executable will be fully optimized).
Prior to the changes in this PR, symmetry is somewhat lacking between
development and production (packaged) builds with respect to the concept of the
"data directory". In development builds the root of the repo effectively serves
as the `Status` directory used by production builds, e.g. on macOS
`~/Library/Application Support/Status`. Also, there's a bit of confusion as to
whether "data directory" refers to a directory for the desktop app's overall
data (including status-go data) or to the specific directory used by status-go.
This PR attempts to provide symmetry and reduce confusion:
* The term "data directory" means the directory used by the desktop app to
store multiple kinds of data and is not a reference to the subdirectory used by
* For development builds the "data directory" defaults to `./Status/` relative
to the root of the repo.
* For production builds the "data directory" default is the same as before,
e.g. on macOS it's ` ~/Library/Application Support/Status/`.
The directory used by status-go is `Status/data/`. To be clear, that should be
referred to as the "status-go directory" and not the app's "data directory". It
would nice if we could rename it from `Status/data/` to `Status/status-go/`. We
can do that, I already checked that it works correctly; however, for existing
installations it would require that at app launch we check for the presence of
`Status/data/` and rename it to `Status/status-go`. While simple enough to do,
I was concerned that there might be edge cases where the directory rename could
cause a problem (e.g. if another copy of the app is running) so chose for now
to stick with the status-go directory being `Status/data/`.
More work needs to be done to ensure that all data written by the app is
contained in the default or cli-specified data directory. Currently, both
development and production (packaged) builds are writing to common directories
outside of the data directory, e.g. located within `~/Library/` on
macOS. Changing that behavior seems like it will mainly involve changing
defaults related to Qt components such as the web engine. See:
In general, additional refactoring could be done in the future. For
example, implementing `StatusDesktopConfig` in
`src/status/libstatus/accounts/constants.nim` (as done in this PR) works fine
for now, but better code organization is desirable.
This commit introces global settings that apply across accounts used
inside the application. This is useful when settings like the selected
locale should b the same across all accounts.
Current settings caching logic was inefficient when attempting to retrieve settings that contain the sensitive mnemonic. While those calls were limited to the login logic, each call would need to round trip to status-go to get all settings when they wanted to include sensitive data, as the cache was not being updated for these calls.
This PR updates the cache regardless if sensitive data is requested of not, effectively making the caching mechanism more efficient during login.
After some heavy profiling, it became clear that sending of each message was causing a fetch to get all contacts from status-go. This was incurring a minimum of a 0.03s delay for each fetch, which was causing a bottleneck each time it was called for various operations throughout the codebase.
This code addds a layer of threadsafe caching to the contacts call, such that only the first call to contacts fetching will incur the delay, as well as every fetch after a contacts CUD operation.
Methuselah is the a task manager for long-running tasks. It allows fo registration of workers that will each run in their own thead. Each worker can pass messages to and recieve messages from the main thread.
MailserverWoker was also introduced which moves all mailserver model logic to a MethuselahWorker. All communication to/from the model is done via a MethuselahTask. Results of the task are returned to the main thread by way of `signal_handler`, which calls the QtObject slot specified in the task.
Mailsever also provides a way for the model to emit events inside of the worker. These events are forwarded to the main thread via the `receiveEvent` slot of the `MailserverController`.
Co-authored-by: Michael Bradley, Jr <>