refactor: gas estimation and transaction sends have been abstracted to allow calling `estimateGas`, `send`, and `call` on the contract method (similar to the web3 API).
Moved sticker pack gas estimation and purchase tx over to the new API
*Sticker purchase:*
- gas estimate is done using new API and debounced using a timer
*Wallet send transaction:*
- tokens can now be sent
- gas is estimated correctly for a token tx, and debounced using a timer
1. If attempting to send tokens on testnet, you must use a custom token as the token addresses in the pre-built list are for mainnet and will not work on testnet.
2. The new API should support all existing gas estimates, send txs, and calls. The loading of sticker pack data, balance, count, purchased sticker packs, etc, can be moved over to the new API. Almost all of the `eth_sendTransaction`, `eth_gasEstimate`, and `eth_call` could be move over as well (that's the idea at least).
Add gas estimate for sticker pack purchase.
Update transaction for sticker pack purchase.
Add GasValidator component which validates gas is selected correctly and displays an error message if not. This component is not visible until it is not valid (at which point the valdiation error message is displayed).
In a future PR, need to:
1. estimate gas for token txfer (sendTransaction) via a normalised method for estimating gas for EthSend
2. move sticker pack purchase to use an EthSend object so gas can be estimated and tx sent
Sticker pack details retreived from contract:
- pack data decoded from contract response
- data contains contentHash which, once decoded, contains an IPFS identifier
- futher pack data in EDN format is downloaded from IPFS
- the EDN info is decoded in to a StickerPack
List of available packs from contract are obtained separately from list of installed contracts (stored as a setting in Status-go).
Sticker market contains dynamic list of sticker packs. The sticker button shown for each pack has all states defined (in the design) for all UI states (ie bought, free, installed, pending, etc)
Add modal popup showing sticker pack details and list of stickers to be un/installed. Contains a "larger" version of the sticker pack button with many differnt UI states defined.
Uninstallation of a sticker pack removes those sticker pack's stickers from the recent sticker list and persists the list
Simplify the view model by including stickers, instead of setting an "activeStickerPackId" property. This allowed for display of sticker pack stickers to be displayed in the modal popup separately from the sticker packs shown in the market.