This PR is a response to @emizzle's suggested change in PR #1431 . It checks if a user is blocked before exposing certain functionality to the user in a Profile popup. The new unblock button also has a fail-safe unblock confirmation popup
disable the chat input if 1-on-1 chat recipient has been blocked.
The segmentation fault occured because the RPC response returned json with an error message as oppossed to the usual data required to update the chat. Since the section of the code didn't handle this error message it caused the app to crash. I've handled this error to show an error alert box by emitting a event
Add keyboard shortcuts according to
fix: update chat message bubbles
- Align emojis to middle of text
- Add line-height as per design
- Properly support RTL languages (right-aligned) and LTR languages (left-aligned)
- Remove unneeded non-breaking space at the beginning of current user messages
- Properly support markdown for bold, strikethrough, and italic
- Fix text being removed when in between strikethrough markdown (~~)
fix: emoji resolution update for high resolution monitors
- Emojis now use the 72x72 original set, but are down-scaled to 20x20 (in chat bubbles) or 22x22 in other places, effectively tripling their pixel density
feat: handle new lines in blockquote
Handle new lines in blockquote so that messages display correctly.
Also, add functionality when a new line is entered in to the chat input, if it's inside a blockquote, a new ">" will be added automatically. This is also handled when backspace is entered.
feat: update xss to support full qt html4 table and table-cell attributes
The transaction component's `reset` functionality was meant ot reset a form when the modal was closed. It was difficult to manage and added extra overhead for each additional transaction modal created.
Instead of using reset functions, we can use Loaders to load and destroy the modal's as they are opened and closed. We do not need to keep them in memory and then also reset their functions. It creates a smaller memory footprint to destroy the object and reload on open.
feat: load gas prediction prices asynchronously
We were previously displaying an address in the "to" field for TransactionPreview. Instead, this is meant to be a contact view.
- Fix ContactSelector to trigger selectedContactChanged
- Fix RecipientSelector > ContactSelector to trigger resolveEns from outside call to prevent infinite loop from the above fix
- Add alias to pre-selected contact for the Contact view of TransactionPreview
- Add option to change debounce delay so that when values are pre-selected (readonly), there is no delay before resolution.
- Fix missing tx data param in walletModel.estimateGas