- enable the Next button, and delay the validation after it's been clicked
- visually display required fields also for logo, banner, and tags (min
1 tag is required now)
- when pasting over limit, chop the text to the maximum length, instead
of just leaving the text field empty
- do not let the popup autoclose on clicking outside or pressing Esc
- add a StoryBook page
- minor cleanups and alignments to the latest Figma designs/flows
- propagate and set `requiresPermissions` + `locked` from the
- set the icon accordingly for community chats
This commit brings a separation of concerns for the UI components involved in dApp interactions.
Issue: The UI components depend on the WalletConnectService and also on its dependencies like DAppsRequestHAndler. As a result the UI components have a hard dependency on the WalletConnect specifics and are incompatible with BC. This results in duplication of logic.
Issue: The UI components operate on WalletConnect specific JSON object. E.g. session objects, session proposal etc. As a result the UI is built around the WalletConnect message format.
Issue: The UI components operate on ListModel items received through functions and stored internally. Any change in the model would result in a crash.
Solution: Remove the WalletConnectService dependency from DAppsWorkflow. The DAppsWorkflow now operates with models, signals and functions. This is the first step in the broader refactoring. Moving the logic into the service itself will allow us to further refactor the WC and BC.
How does it work now:
Dependencies - The UI components have a dependency on models. SessionRequestsModel and DAppsModel.
Pairing - The pairing is initiated in the UI. On user input a pairingValidationRequested signal is emitted and the result is received as a function pairingValidated. If the url is valid the UI requests a pairingRequested. When the WalletConnectService is refactored we can go further and request only pairingRequested and to receive a pairingResult call as a function with the result. In the current implementation on pairingRequested we'll receive a connectDApp request.
Connecting dApps - The flow is initiated with connectDApp function. This call currently contains all the needed info as args. In the next step it could be replaced with a ConnectionRequests model. The connectDApp call triggered a connection popup if we're not currently showing one to the user. If we're currently showing one it will be queued (corner case). The connection can be accepted with connectionAccepted and rejected with connectionDeclined. Once the connection is accepted we're expecting a result connectionSuccessful or connectionFailed. The connectionSuccessful also expects a new id for the established connection.
Signing - The signing flow orbits around the SessionRequestsModel. Each item from the model will generate a popup showing the sign details to the user. Sign can be accepted or rejected using signRequestAccepted or signRequestRejected. No response is currently expected. The model is expected to remove the sign request item.
- according to the Figma designs; looks much better now in both
small/big views
- don't stretch the bottomRow component unnecessarily in the Loader;
provide implicit width for the tags container instead
- restore previous context menu item spacing (ColumnLayout has an
implicit spacing of 5)
- don't wrap the MessageReactionsRow into an extra Item container; fixes
the emoji reactions row being garbled
- enhance the SB page so that the above can be seen/tested there and
rename it to match the component name
- some smaller cleanups
- StatusSuccessAction, despite its name, is a visual item (`MenuItem` ->
`AbstractButton`) which is not part of the `contentModel` but just added
to the menu container
- therefore we don't use a ListView but a ScrollView/Repeater instead
and set the width/maxWidth manually after the menu items have been added
to the layout
- show countdown until which the sign (WalletConnect and Swap) dialogs
- after expiration, hide the Reject/Sign buttons and display a plain
Close button
- make the dialogs non-closable by clicking outside or pressing Esc; the
user has to explicitely click some of the footer buttons
- simpler, standard property based API
- much lighter than deriving from the heavy StatusListItem
- should reduce RAM usage significantly, esp. with large communities
Iterates #11059
- fix for a corner case prob when there was a valid seedphrase word
(e.g. cat) that is at the same type a prefix for other valid suggestions
(e.g. category, catalog, ...); it was imposible to select it using Enter
key or mouse click from the suggestions popup at the last field
- add a QML regression test for this issue
- use standard subcomponents (StatusDropdown, StatusListView) reducing
code duplication and unifying UI/UX
- add various error/warning messages according to Figma (where it makes
- letters or more than 2 decimals are caught by the internal validator
so those combinations are impossible to enter
- fix marking the custom value as (in)valid
- fix selecting "Use default" after typing a custom value
- fix resetting to predefined value after typing a custom value that
matches one of the predefined ones
- reject typing thousands separator
- add regression QML tests for the above fixes
- the new C++ EmojiModel provides a simple wrapper around the existing
JSON to facilitate a faster access and to be able to search/filter in
QML using SFPM
- no more nested GridViews inside Repeaters
- get rid of emoji manipulation and search/filter using JavaScript
- included the C++ script to generate the emojiList.js
- this fixes 2 small regressions, namely in how we calculate the
background corner radius and icon size when in the mode of `isRoundIcon`
- the "Saved addresses" button in wallet's left view is very special on
its own; overall we have only 2 instances of this "round" icon buttons
in the whole app
- add a secondary "loading" state (`loadingWithText`), that is show the
loading indicator next to the text
- simplify the StatusBaseButton layout (esp. handling the overall
- add a QML test suite; the code was becoming too complex and adding a
simple boolean prop was getting "dangerous"
- port the SwapModal to use the new `loadingWithText` property
- make it possible to configure the locale of the validator
- use the correct default decimal point in AmountValidator
- update/add the relevant tests for AmountToSendNew
WalletConnect cannot operate on shared cookies in between accounts. This commit will split the cookies and cache in different folders with the user public key as folder name.
- make the StatusBetaTag highlighted when used inside an active/checked
- simplify the components, get rid of MouseArea just for the sake of
setting the cursorShape
- display additional beta information as a tooltip
- don't overlap the Beta badge with the unread msg indicator
- some minor cleanups & fixes