* refactor getters for chainIds and enabledChainIds
* simplify community chainIds getter
* simplify usage of network dto objects
* remove duplicated roles from send area
* rename network model in send module to network route model
- validate input also when pasting via the button (extract to a common
- show the Paste button only when the input is empty and we have sth to
paste actually and prevent it from stealing focus
- upon clicking the Paste button, put focus on the input field
- after pasting, set the cursor past the end of the text
Uses status-go's endpoints:
- `wallet_buildTransactions` to format the transaction
- `wallet_signMessage` to sign the transaction
- `wallet_buildRawTransaction` to format the final signed transaction
Updates #15126
- create new dedicated (asset) token selector component
- integrate it into `SwapInputPanel` and `SwapModal`
- add respective SB page and QML tests suite
The new account selector expects a generic account model. It will display all the account data if provided, including preferred chains, balance or asset balance. Otherwise it will display only the available data.
The account selector can receive an initial selection based on account address and will provide the current selected address and the current selected model item.
- Unify the account selector between communities and wallet
- Update the account selector to work with addresses instead of model indexes
- Adapt all components using the account selector or the account selection
- Move/reuse qml components involved in the account selector UI
- Remove nim logic used to handle index based account selection.
- Adding storybook page
TLDR: later this should form a basic building block for a new
TokenSelector picker component, potentially replacing the current
HoldingSelector* and TokenListView components (support for collectibles
TBD as part of https://github.com/status-im/status-desktop/issues/15121)
- create reusable `TokenSelectorAssetDelegate` and `TokenSelectorView`
- add corresponding SB page, showcasing the flow/integration and the
separation of concerns between the view, adaptor and delegate layers
- add QML testcase for TokenSelectorView
- don't display crypto symbol for token balances per chain tags
- update the stores and SB pages
- add some missing formatter functions to LocaleUtils and CurrenciesStore
Implement infrastructure and integration with status-go to support
general session requests
Supported methods:
- personal_sign
- eth_signTypedData_v4
depends on status-go change that exposes the signing methods
- support hex or utf8 encoding for personal_sign
- format the typed data for display in the modal
Tests are disabled for now, as they are crashing on CI
Close: #14927
Trigger authentication with identity of the request
Track the authentication using the identity and allow only once
Add tests for the new functionality
Minor improvements around the code
For start support showing sign message only
Support rejecting the request
Storybook integration
Add disabled tests for the main logic and sanity UI tests.
They crash on CI only and work locally on mac. Postponed finding out why
for now.
Closes: #14927
Abstract WalletConnectSDK to make it testable
Implement WC service pairing test
Bring back DAppsWorkflow tests back to life and add a pair modal test
Updates: #14927
* fix(wallet): Renamed KeyPair to key pair throughout the entire app
replaced the keypair occurances with key pair in the entire qml ui files
fixes: #13612
Co-authored-by: belalshehab <belal@status.im>
Co-authored-by: Valentina Novgorodtceva <valentina@status.im>
- new panel created: `SwapInputPanel`
- some cleanups to the needed stores
- created a SB page demonstrating the use of 2 panels and the
- created QML tests
Things done here:
Integrate basic functionality for wallet connect in status-go
Update the list of dapps from the SDK
Retrieve the persistence dapps list from the backend as a fallback
if there is no connection and SDK can't be initialized
Provide a basic simple view of dapps in the wallet connect popup
Closes: #14557