- show countdown until which the sign (WalletConnect and Swap) dialogs
- after expiration, hide the Reject/Sign buttons and display a plain
Close button
- make the dialogs non-closable by clicking outside or pressing Esc; the
user has to explicitely click some of the footer buttons
- format Big decimal numbers correctly according to the current locale;
some precisions loss is tolerated here for the display purposes
- fixes wrong decimal separators in some places and aligns with the
standard in terms of number of decimals, as everywhere else in the app
- remove old popup and related components/adaptors
- simplify the API of the Sign/Approve modals to take pre-formatted
amounts as strings
- correct login/auth icon
- SB: make it possible to open the new secondary modals
- SB: fix the `fetchSuggestedRoutes` response handling, pass around the
`uuid` and inject it to the mocked suggested routes
- adjust SB pages and tests
- create a common base for "sign" transaction popups/modals:
- add SwapSignModal, deriving from the above common modal base
- add it to StoryBook; integration TBD as part of a different followup
- add QML tests