Keycard implementation affected onboarding/login flows.
- new user - first run - new keys into keycard
- new user - first run - import seed phrase into keycard
- old user - first run - login importing from keycard
- login the app using keycard
Fixes: #5972
- Created new test case with basic create group chat scenario.
- Added specific data folder for `tst_groupChat`.
- Removed deprecated data folder.
- Added dynamic login (depending on the account).
- Added global account information in `suite_status/data` folder.
- Added new group chat validations, title, history texts, members added and send chat message.
- Replaced some ids by objectNames.
- Some improvements in ``.
- Onboarding objects refactor.
- startup, login and onboarding modules merged into the single one
- `State` class introduced which is the base class for all states, every state
determines what is the next state in each of 3 possible actions, and what
is the previous state, if it has previous state
- `StateWrapper` class is introduced as a convenient way to expose
`State`'s props and deal with them on the qml side
- startup module maintains states as a linked list and there are few convenient
methods to move through the list `onBackActionClicked`, `onNextPrimaryActionClicked`
`onNextSecondaryActionClicked`, `onNextTertiaryActionClicked`
- redundant code removed
Fixes: #6473
This includes changing the account selector from being a modal to
a drop down menu, which also includes an option to generate a new
In addition, it adds the status logo plus a dedicated headline.
Closes: #5623#5624