- hide the "Current password" label when creating a new password
- fix margins inside the keycard popup
- some minor UI fixups according to Figma
Fixes: #14214Fixes: #14177
* Feat: New showcase models for a contact
* feat(ProfileShowcase): Integrate the new profile showcase backend
* fix(Storybook): Fix ProfileShowcaseModelsPage
* fix: fetch only requested profile showcase data
Support PR for https://github.com/status-im/status-go/pull/4982
* feat: Load and validate profile showcase for a contact in two steps
* fix: fetching criteria for profile showcase collectibles
* fix: review fixes
Co-authored-by: Alex Jbanca <alexjb@status.im>
- Added dialog instead of calling directly to the cancel method.
- Updated `Cancel` button format according to figma in `CommunityMembershipSetupDialog`.
This commit:
- improves selection of addresses to reveal
- keeps the selection state for the popup lifetime
- brings higher granularity in terms of signed requests by keypairs
- meets new requirements from the latest related Figma
- merges edit shared addresses feature and request to join community features
into a single component, cause the flow is logically the same, with the only
difference that when editing revealed addresses we don't show the community
intro screen
Fixes at least points 3 and 4 from #13988
- Added loading state in dirty toast message.
- Added store connections in `MyProfileView` and save loading logic.
- Added toasts notifications.
- add an `interactive` property as a drop-in replacement for `enabled`;
the UI looks "disabled" but can still display e.g. a tooltip or some
loading animation
- add the ability to display a tooltip
- remove DisabledTooltipButton and replace it with a regular
`Status(Flat)Button`, using the above new features
- update storybook with the new `interactive` switch
when ENS name is resolved. Resolve ENS name before used in SendModal.
UI tweaks:
- red stroke on address input in case of error
- smaller tick for validation address input
- added validation spinner to address input, removed from the button
- handled tab key to move focus between inputs
- Send/request ID verification
- Reply to incoming ID request
- Review ID verification reply
- adjust SB and add shortcuts to trigger the various states of the ID
verification flows
- implement two new actions and popups to directly mark a contact as "ID
verified" and remove the verification thereof respectively
- do not hardcode the secondary button inside ProfileDialogView and make
it a Loader
- make the CommonContactDialog contents scrollable
- make `SendContactRequestModal.qml` use the common dialog, use the
contact details if we already have it
- make some minimal changes to the "Send ID verification" flow since it
shares the same dialog
- simplify the `CommonContactDialog.qml` footer/buttons handling
- adjust the menu item texts
- emit toasts when the action is performed
- display a tooltip over the compressed elided key
- introduce a shared `CommonContactDialog.qml` component, to be used in
all profile/contact related flows
- make `NicknamePopup.qml` use the common dialog
- adjust the menu item text and add a new "Remove nickname" item
- remove unused `DisplayNamePopup.qml`
- emit toasts when the nickname changes
- Replaced current `StatusButton` type to `DisabledTootipButton` to allow tooltip displayed when disabled in dirty toast message.
- Added needed conditions in `MyProfileView` where the tooltip when the save changes is disabled.
- adds the green/gray dot (aka online indicator) to Profile dialog and
context menu (via ProfileHeader and UserImage components)
- add the respective combobox to storybook too
- create new `ShareProfileDialog` with QR code + links
- align the context menu items with latest Figma designs
- add `isBlocked` to contact icons
- adjust SB to show more options and showcase models