- don't use the expensive `ExpressionFoo` in SFPM, just use
`AnyOf/AllOf` combinations where possible
- in HoldingsSelectionModel, don't call the `getTokenByKey` twice to
construct the `text`, once is enough
- lastly, rewrite the JS helper `PermissionsHelpers.getTokenByKey` to
C++; this method gets called recursively way too often from many places
In the longterm, we should provide a specific C++ transformation model
for SharedAddressesPermissionsPanel to follow the UI requirements more
closely; that way we'd be able to fix the issues here for good
- implement sorting of the wallet accounts by the number of tokens (aka tags) and
then by alphabet
- due to the delegate complexity here and usage of nested models, keep
track of the tags count separately and outside of the model
- this will be improved later on as part of the complete sort/order
design described in https://github.com/status-im/status-desktop/issues/14192Fixes#14101
- implement the eligibility check in C++, returning the highest possible
role the user would be allowed to join under
- enable/disable the "Share" button based on the above permissions check
- remove all the locally placed components, access teh popup only via
- calculate the `accessType` internally based on the permissions present
- update the eligibility as the async check for permissions is finished
- fix the permissions panel background color
- partially revert the share/finish/cancel buttons behavior; it must be
one button due to StatusStackModal limitations
- fix some other minor UI issues or differences to current Figma designs
- adjust SB, add the possibility to play around with different
permission models
* fix(JoinCommunity): Add missing state ONLY private permissions and NOT MET
- Modified `becomeMemberModel` in store to provide all member permissions.
- Modified permissions model filter to only discard permissions that are private and NOT met.
- Updated `storybook/PermissionsModel` with new only private permissions and added new model option in corresponding pages.
* fix(JoinCommunity): Text position when all channels hidden
Updated text position when `allChannelsAreHiddenBecauseNotPermitted` in community join process
- Change text and remove existing icon.
- Removed unnecessary property `loginType` on different files.
- Renamed signals to be more accurate with existing requirements.
- update shared addresses dialog to avoid small jumps when
selecting/unselecting accounts due to requirements check text displayed
- display the pending text and spinner next to the Permissions header
This commit:
- improves selection of addresses to reveal
- keeps the selection state for the popup lifetime
- brings higher granularity in terms of signed requests by keypairs
- meets new requirements from the latest related Figma
- merges edit shared addresses feature and request to join community features
into a single component, cause the flow is logically the same, with the only
difference that when editing revealed addresses we don't show the community
intro screen
Fixes at least points 3 and 4 from #13988
- distinguish between `permissionTypeLimitReached` and the new
- the latter is used to enable/disable the "Save" button when editting
the permissions as we're not going to add a new one (going over the
limit), and to also hide the warning texts
* feat(@desktop/communities): Hide channels if the user is not permitted to view and hideIfPermissionsNotMet is set
Extend chats model with channel permissions info and hideIfPermissionsNotMet.
Visibility of chat item is based on: member roles, channel permissions, hideIfPermissionsNotMet.
If all channels from category are hidden, category item is also hidden.
If all chats in community are hidden, infomration label is displayed.
Issue #13291
* chore(@desktop): Upgrade status-go
Issue #13291
- add an `interactive` property as a drop-in replacement for `enabled`;
the UI looks "disabled" but can still display e.g. a tooltip or some
loading animation
- add the ability to display a tooltip
- remove DisabledTooltipButton and replace it with a regular
`Status(Flat)Button`, using the above new features
- update storybook with the new `interactive` switch
Add new field AmountInWeis to token criteria dto.
Keep strings instead of floats in token_criteria_item.
HoldingSelectionModel keeps amount in wei-like units but they are displayed in permissions as floats (divided by decimals).
Issue #11588
- Created `ProfileShowcaseInfoPopup` component.
- Added storybook support for the new popup component.
- Added new popup into the application flow.
- New property stored in local account settings file.
- implemented the missing `StatusBaseButton.Type.Success` state and
colors for both `StatusButton` and `StatusFlatButton`
- use a `switch` instead of a waterfall of ternaries
- adjust storybook for the new case
The actual issue wasn't reproducible, even if I removed the guards against duplicate names.
But I did find that the community wasn't cleaned up correctly, so I fixed it in this PR. It should limit the confusion and possible issues that could arise.
1. Make PermissionsView/EditPermissionsView configurable to support channel permissions config
2. Adding channel permissions support in the create/edit channel popup
3. Connect the channel permissions to backend
4. Cleaning unneeded emojiPopup