- add an `interactive` property as a drop-in replacement for `enabled`;
the UI looks "disabled" but can still display e.g. a tooltip or some
loading animation
- add the ability to display a tooltip
- remove DisabledTooltipButton and replace it with a regular
`Status(Flat)Button`, using the above new features
- update storybook with the new `interactive` switch
- implemented the missing `StatusBaseButton.Type.Success` state and
colors for both `StatusButton` and `StatusFlatButton`
- use a `switch` instead of a waterfall of ternaries
- adjust storybook for the new case
- introduce StatusButton storybook page with controls to play around
with the its options and variants
- StatusBaseButton: make the content item horizontally centered by
- StatusBaseButton: remove `textAlignment` and fix `textFillWidth` for
the intended usage
- fixup usage of the 2 above options which were introduced merely as a
workaround, mostly in wallet + corresponding storybook pages