It adds the `StatusItemPicker` control and `StatusListPicker` component and its corresponding documentation.
The new selector component is composed by a `StatusButtonPicker` and a drop-down list.
It adds sections in `ListView` by using `category` model property.
It incorporates a searcher in header.
The selector type can be customised as a `StatusRadioButton` or a `StatusCheckbox`.
It adds dynamic selection mechanism.
It adds a dynamic text fit between `name` and `shortName` text components.
It adds a specific page in `sandbox` and some models to play with that.
It extends `StatusPickerButton` to allow more than one type.
It creates `StatusPinInput` control that allows customzing its circle diameter, circle spacing and pin length. It contains a `TextInput` object that will provide the component, input text management like validation rules.
It incorporates a blinking animation when the control is focused and feedback (mouse shape changed) when hovering it.
It adds new page in sandbox to play with `StatusPinInput` control.
It adds component documentation.
Also it creates 2 new `StatusValidator` controls with their corresponding documentation:
- `StatusRegularExpressionValidator` which wraps a QML type `RegularExpressionValidator`.
- `StatusIntValidator` which wraps a QML type `IntValidator`.
Created new control `StatusIdenticonRing` and used in `StatusSmartIdenticon` component.
Added property assignments in sandbox models to display the `StatusIdenticonRing` when needed.
Added first documentation approach for `StatusIdenticonRing` and `StatusIdenticonRingSettings`.
To generate docs, from doc folder run
/path/to/Qt/installation/bin/qdoc statusq.qdocconf
A folder named "html" will be generated under doc,
open the statusq-index.html to get to the home page.