Previously, the displayed key for generated accounts was displaying the public key of the account, and not the whisper account. This has been fixed.
Futher work has gone in to strongly-typing a lot of the responses from status-go and removed a lot of the manual string parsing.
Simplified types and type-conversions by using the `nim-serialization` library.
Generates 5 random accounts with identicons, allows user to enter password, then stores the account and logs in to the statusgo node.
Add EventEmitter that notifies nim_status_client.nim once node has started and is logged in (likely needs some refactoring to include the eventemitter in the base controller class).
Add QML StateMachine for the onboarding view.
Add nimcrytpo, uuids, eventemitter, isaac dependencies via submodules.
Add button to Intro view to randomly gen account.