- Added new additional footer component in `EmptyShapeRectangleFooterListView`.
- Enabled more accounts component in profile showcase assets and collectibles panel.
- Modified `ProfileShowcasePanel` with 2 foldable sections.
- Modified api of `ProfileShowcaseCommunitiesPanel` with the new base component.
- Modified api of `ProfileShowcaseAccountsPanel` with the new base component.
- Modified api of `ProfileShowcaseAssetsPanel` and `ProfileShowcaseCollectiblesPanel` with the new base component.
- Added needed `storybook` support.
Closes of #13504
Renamed `ManageTokensListViewBase` to `EmptyShapeRectangleFooterListView` and moved `FoldableHeader` to shared/controls.
Updated related `ManageXXPanel` components.
This commit handles saved addresses changes and reflect them to the history view
and tx details view. In this context it handles the same way changes coming from sync
Also fix the issue when switching network mode.
Closes: #13095
- adds the green/gray dot (aka online indicator) to Profile dialog and
context menu (via ProfileHeader and UserImage components)
- add the respective combobox to storybook too
- create new `ShareProfileDialog` with QR code + links
- align the context menu items with latest Figma designs
- add `isBlocked` to contact icons
- adjust SB to show more options and showcase models
Show discord user as a message sender.
Show discord avatar next to user name.
Show "Bridged from Discord" label.
Open adjusted profile context menu.
Issue #13098
... under Settings/Wallet/Manage Tokens
- rename Tokens List tab to Advanced tab
- introduce a new `CurrencyAmountInput` component, backed by
`FormattedDoubleProperty` C++ class (plus the respective SB page)
- use `FastExpressionFoo` for the collectibles views as well
- adding selection color section
- all input field validations
- interactions within the popup
- an ephemeral notification when adding an address
.. to filter by community or collection name
- make the HistoryView own filter button look like the other combos
- fix some cosmetic issues for StatusCombo in small/secondary mode
- fix StatusBaseInput bg color in dark mode (was invisible)
- update CollectiblesViewPage with options to include regular and/or
community collectibles
- Adding a reaction by going in add reaction and clicking R1 should have no effect (Currently the reaction R1 is removed which is not expected)
- Clicking on the R1 directly on the message should remove the reaction (I checked and this already works)
- Add a visual indicator in the add reaction popup on which emoji is already selected
- update the CollectiblesView.qml view and delegates according to the
latest design
- add CollectiblesView to Storybook
- add new section for Community Collectibles
- (re)use the community badge with tooltip and link action to take the
user to the respective community
- add Community Collectibles info icon + popup
- create context menu for token delegates with actions
(Send/Receive/Manage tokens/Hide)
- add confirmation popups when hiding a single or all community tokens
- emit a toast bubble after hiding the token(s)
- fix eliding the community name inside ManageTokensCommunityTag
- some smaller fixes/cleanups
- update the AssetsView.qml view and delegates according to the latest
- add AssetsView to Storybook
- add new section for Community Assets
- (re)use the community badge with tooltip and link action to take the
user to the respective community
- add Community Assets info icon + popup
- create context menu for token delegates with actions
(Send/Receive/Manage tokens/Hide)
- add confirmation popups when hiding a single or all community tokens
- emit a toast bubble after hiding the token(s)
- plus related controller/backend methods for handling the
settings-related actions
- some smaller fixes/cleanups
- implements the UI component to manage regular & community tokens
(drag'n'drop or context menu to reorder, show/hide, group by community)
- implements a custom C++ QAIM model which acts as a fake proxy model
for the above QML panel (internally it does all the
sorting/grouping/hiding and preserves the custom sort order)
- adds and corrects support for cascading submenus in StatusAction, and
- adds support for mirrored (horizontally flipped) StatusSwitch
- adds a new SortOrderComboBox.qml (this was being used in the first
Figma version, can be ignored now, will be used by the main wallet view
- some minor fixes and cleanups in the used components
Iterates #12377Closes#12587
* feat: live received status link previews
* link preview cards: active members count
* update `requestCommunityInfo` to new backend. Add `requiredTimeSinceLastRequest` arg
* feat(StatusQ): Adding numberToLocaleStringInCompactForm function to LocaleUtils
This function will format the number in a compact form
E.g: 1000 -> 1K; 1000000 -> 1M; 1100000 -> 1.1M
+ adding tests
fix(statusQ): Update numberToLocaleStringInCompactForm to return the locale number when greter than 999T
fix(StatusQ): extend the test_numberToLocaleStringInCompactForm with new data
* feat(LinkPreviews): Update the link preview area in StatusChatInput to use the new model
1. Create a new component `LinkPreviewMiniCardDelegate.qml` that filters the model data to properly fill the link preview card with the needed data based on the preview type
2. Update storybook pages
3. Small updates to LinkPreviewMiniCard
* feat(LinkPreviews): Update the link previews in message history to use the new backend
1. Create delegate items for LinkPreviewCard and gif link preview to clean the LinksMessageView component and filter the model data based on the preview type
2. Remove UserProfileCard and reuse the LinkPreviewCard to display contacts link previews
3. Update LinkPreviewCard so that it can accommodate status link previews (communities, channels, contacts). The generic properties (title, description, footer) have been dropped and replaced with specialised properties for each preview type.
4. Fix LinkPreviewCard layout to better accommodate different content variants (missing properties, long/short title, missing description, missing icon)
5. Fixing the link preview context menu and click actions
fix: Move inline components to separate files
Fixing the linux builds using Qt 5.15.2 affected by this bug:
* fix: Align LinkPreviewMiniCard implementation with LinkPreviewCard and remove state based model filtering
Because of https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-90740 inline context menu causes tests for StatusChatInput crashing (stack overflow) on 5.15.2 (this version is used on CI). The easiest option to solve that problem is moving inline component to a separate file.
Closes: #12435
This commit adds the link preview settings card in the chat input area and connects the settings to the controller.
Not included in this commit: Backend for the preserving the settings, syncing the settings and enforcing the settings on the backend side.
Whenever an url is detected in the chat input area, the link preview settings card is presented. This card enables the user to choose one of the following options:
1. `Show for this message` - All the link previews in the current message will be loaded without asking again. The current message can be defined as the message currently typed/pasted in the chat input. Deleting or sending the current content is resetting this setting and the link preview settings card will be presented again when a new url is detected.
2. `Always show previews` - All the link previews will be loaded automatically. The link preview settings card will not be presented again (in the current state, this settings is enabled for the lifetime of the controller. This will change once the settings are preserved and synced)
3. `Never show previews` - No link preview will be loaded. Same as the `Always show previews` option, this will be preserved for the lifetime of the controller for now.
4. Dismiss (x button) - The link preview settings card will be dismissed. It will be loaded again when a new link preview is detected
The same options can be loaded as a context menu on the link preview card.
1. Adding `LinkPreviewSettingsCard`
2. Adding the settings context menu to `LinkPreviewSettingsCard` and `LinkPreviewMiniCard`
3. Connect settings events to the nim controller
4. Adding the controller logic for settings change
5. Adding the link preview dismiss settings flag to the preserverd properties and use it as a condition to load the settings.
6. Adding/Updating corresponding storybook pages
This component is a wrapper for LinkPreviewMiniCard and StatusChatInputImageArea. The purpose of this component is to arrange the cards in a row layout and provide scrolling behaviour. This component also has an opacity mask that will provide a fade out appearance when the items are scrolled out of view.
+ adding storybook page
+ integrate ChatInputLinksPreviewArea in StatusChatInput
Adding LinkPreviewMiniCard component based on Figma designs. This component is similar to LinkPreviewCard, but has less info and a different format.
There is also some additional functionality attached to this card: close button, reload button and hovered state. The LinkPreviewMiniCard can have multiple states, based on content type and loading state.
+ Adding storybook page
Figma design: https://www.figma.com/file/Mr3rqxxgKJ2zMQ06UAKiWL/💬-Chat⎜Desktop?type=design&node-id=22341-184809&mode=design&t=151TjdzkzI7flR4P-0