Implement the UI part of Profile/Settings/Showcase:
- Communities/Accounts/Collectibles/Assets tabs
- drag and drop of items between "hidden" and "in showcase" sections
- ability to set individual items' visibility
- persistency (showcase saved across restarts), not exposed yet due to
missing backend API
Fixing QML Connections warnings due to deprecated onFoo handlers. Now we're using function onFoo(params).
Fixing QML compilation error due to js filename format.
Fixing cyclic dependencies between qml components.
Added currency picker into `LanguageView.qml`.
Added `category` and `imageSource` property to existing `CurrenciesStore.qml`. Renamed `code` to `shortName`.
Added `currenciesModel` property to `WalletStore.qml`.
Added wallet store into `LanguageView.qml` in order to link to the currencies model.
Added some tokens in the currencies store.
Made wallet and any currency related UI code that uses current currency use the new Display Currency value.
Removed no longer used wallet/settings related files.