Currently the `nimbus-build-system` exists twice in each checked out
`status-desktop` reposity, and each contains the `Nim-csources-v1`
submodule, which weights close to 900MB each:
Because of this each `status-destop` clone takes up 4 GB of disk space
after the cleanup has run, which is not okay.
Signed-off-by: Jakub Sokołowski <>
It needs to be separate script, because once the submodules are broken
and the `` file is not available from `nimbus-build-system`
then we cannot even call `make clean-git` successfully because it will
be caught by the `if` clause that checks for ``.
Possible fix for issues with submodules not being updated in some
windows release builds.
Signed-off-by: Jakub Sokołowski <>