- add the sort combobox to assets/collectibles main wallet view pages
- preserve the current view settings
- add the possibility to navigate/drill down into wallet settings
- some other minor changes/fixes
Note: currently assets can't be sorted by "1W change" and collectibles
by "Date added" due to missing backend for these
- Bump status-go head that include the required specific changes
- fetch token balance (native or ERC20) and cache historical token quantity data
- fetch FIAT currency
- Extend presentation layer (NIM and QML) to account for API changes
- Remove timed request and other optimizations from the time of fetching
balance history every time instead of querying cache
- Add C++ integration debugging tests and update network chain configuration (outdated)
Closes: #8175
Fixing QML Connections warnings due to deprecated onFoo handlers. Now we're using function onFoo(params).
Fixing QML compilation error due to js filename format.
Fixing cyclic dependencies between qml components.