- Bump status-go head that include the required specific changes
- fetch token balance (native or ERC20) and cache historical token quantity data
- fetch FIAT currency
- Extend presentation layer (NIM and QML) to account for API changes
- Remove timed request and other optimizations from the time of fetching
balance history every time instead of querying cache
- Add C++ integration debugging tests and update network chain configuration (outdated)
Closes: #8175
Fixing QML Connections warnings due to deprecated onFoo handlers. Now we're using function onFoo(params).
Fixing QML compilation error due to js filename format.
Fixing cyclic dependencies between qml components.
Quick integration of fetching balance in the current chart view.
The proper implementation requires refactoring the QML views to separate
price chart, that depends only on the token and chain, from balance that
depends on token, chain and address.
Closes: #7662