Introduced Style.svg() Style.png() Style.emoji() and
Style.icon() in Style.qml. Those should be used to
set the source in Images instead of using relative
paths. Usage:
Image {
source: Style.svg("check)
Also moved all Singletons inside a new "utils"
folder and made it a QML module, to use
import utils 1.0 instead of relative paths
As reported in #1584 the message that asks users to backup their seed phrase
is shown even when the seed phrase was imported in the first place, implying that
the mnemonic is already backed (it has to come from somewhere, right?).
This commit introduces a new `appSettings` property that is temporarily set to
determine whether or not the backup message should be shown.
It's set only temporarily because we actualy determine whether we want to show the
backup message, by checking if the account's mnemonic is still stored in the settings.
When a backup is done, Status removes the mnemonic from the profile settings.
So in order to get the right behaviour we need to make sure to remove the mnemonic
from the profile settings after the account has logged-in and originated from
an imported seed phrase. This is done by setting the mentioned property.
Update StatusRoundButton colours to support a "tertiary" style (background and icon color overlay), as well as tertiary hover colour.
Fix the modal header close button so that it more closely matches the design.
Replace the buttons in the onboarding modals with StatusRoundButtons were possible.
Move the onboarding/login state machine to the top level in main.qml, so that logout events can trigger new states.
Add Loader to statemachine so that each component is lazy-loaded. Initial tests saved 50MB of memory on startup.
Currently, logging out, then logging back in to the same or different account results in a doubling-up of chats/messages/wallet accounts. These need to be reset, however I need help doing that and it would delayed and blown out this PR further. This reset has been done for Onboarding and Login, but needs to be done for chats, wallet, mailservers, etc.
- fix: Change displayed login key to whisper public key (starts with 0x04)
- fix: remove key displayed on login accounts as this value is not passed to use from status-go's openAccounts
- feat: add selected account view when entering password for login and generating an account (same UI as importing a key)
Generates 5 random accounts with identicons, allows user to enter password, then stores the account and logs in to the statusgo node.
Add EventEmitter that notifies nim_status_client.nim once node has started and is logged in (likely needs some refactoring to include the eventemitter in the base controller class).
Add QML StateMachine for the onboarding view.
Add nimcrytpo, uuids, eventemitter, isaac dependencies via submodules.
Add button to Intro view to randomly gen account.