Reverts the refactor that makes getChannelGroups (ie getChats) not return chats (now it does return all chats too).
That way, we actually have the right mentions and unread count when receiving new messages
Also fixes an issue where mentions and unread count would get reset to 0 when getting a community update, because the signal doesn't have enough info
test(suite_communities): Fixed community related tests
- A new intermediate popup is now displayed when user clicks on `Create New Community` button from `Community Portal`.
- Reformulated `tst_communityPermissions` since now it is a default option without the need of activating it from experimental feature's section.
disable retranslation, display a confirmation dialog and apply the
language change after app restart
rationale: the way the retranslation works internally is that it force
reevaluation of _all_ QML bindings which:
- might lead to crashes (immediately or later)
- lots of warnings printed to console, some bindings can get broken as a result
- not all UI is correctly retranslated on the fly (we have lots of places
where we assign the text imperatively via JS code), so these wouldn't
appear translated before app restart anyway
In case an account being deleted is migrated to a Keycard keystore file it was not removed from
`keycards_accounts` table and in case it was the last account for that keypair derived from keystore
file was not removed as well as other keycards containing the same keypair. That's all sorted out.
The issue above happened when you double click on a chat section. It causes the fetch to happen twice, which is wasteful, but also causes the model to get reset while it's being processed, thus creating the crash.
The fix here is to not signal that we are changing section if we are trying to switch to the section which is already active (makes sense ofc)
Upgrade Nim compiler to 1.6.
The necessary changes are related to how `for` loops now implicitly
create a `lent` type, which is Nim's way of creating a "temporary"
reference to an item inside a collection - this helps performance by
avoiding a copy of the data, but it also means that the copy that
previously was implicit in the for loop must be made explicit in the
The problem was that doing the sort inside the insertRows messed up the model.
I removed it and it fixed the issues. However, it created an other issue with ordering.
The problem this time is that when populating the model at the start, we do not get the chats in order, so calculating the right position to insert a chat is difficult.
Instead, I use a setData function to just put all the chats in the items list, sort it and call it done, using the resetModel function.
I also did some clean ups.
- expose "isEnsVerified" as model role
- fix returning "ensName" when the user is not ensVerified
- react to nickname updates correctly
- fix sorting in the user/member list view
Major changes:
- Don't allow empty network selection. End up using the nim model
directly instead because of individual row changes issues
encountered with nim models
- Made the clone model a generic implementation to be used in other
places where we need to clone a model: ReceiveModal,
- Use cloned model as alternative to NetworksExtraStoreProxy in
- Added tristate support to our generic checkbox control
- UX improvements as per design
- Fix save address tests naming and zero address issue
- Various fixes
- Failed to make NetworkSelectPopup follow ground-truth: show partially
checked as user intention until the network is selected in the
source model. Got stuck on nim models not being stable models and
report wrong entry change when reset. Tried sorting and only updating
changes without reset but it didn't work.
- Moved grouped property SingleSelectionInfo to its own file from
an inline component after finding out that it fails to load on Linux
with error "Cannot assign to property of unknown type: "*".".
It works on MacOS as expected
Closes: #10119
Part of #3364
To make the drag and drop reorder work correctly on channels, we needed to change the model again so that it was sorted in the model itself.
That is because the drag and drop gives us the value of the position it is dropped to as a single list, so dragging the second item of the second category would mean from position 5 to position to position 4, but what the backend wants is moving the item 2 to position 1.
Sorting the model enables us to get the category that is the parent of that position and call the service with the right positions and id.
It also enables us to reorder the channel in and out of the category.
See the module code to see how the calculation is done with an explanatory comment.
The model needed some changes to support that. Some of the function where changed from dataChange calls to resetModel calls, since we need to re-sort the model.
I tried using beginMove, but it would crash. Maybe there is a bug in NimQML or I used it badly, I'm not sure.
There were a couple of small issues.
First, we didn't call the function to calculate the highlight on new messages.
Secondly, the calculation was bugged because the category wasn't saved correctly in the channelGroup update.