ChartStoreBase -> ChartDataBase
TokenBalanceHistoryStore -> TokenBalanceHistoryData
TokenMarketValuesStore -> TokenMarketValuesData
Those components store data without any interaction with the backend.
Therefore they are not stores.
Closes: #16295
* fix(SeedPhrase): Fixing seed phrase validation
1. Validate each word after the editing is finished
2. Fixing the seed phrase suggestions where the suggestions box was hidden behind other ui elements
3. Propagate editingFinished signal in StatusBaseInput, StatusInput, StatusSeedPhraseInput
4. Fixing undefined `mnemonicIndex` errors
* fix: Refactoring of SeedPhraseInputView
Remove duplicated code and use EnterSeedPhrase component
+ Added storybook page
* fix(Onboarding): Fixing seed phrase validation on windows
The seed phrase validation fails on windows due to the dictionary line endings
* chore(squish): Update e2e tests to the new enter seed phrase panel construction
* fix: Load english dictionary from local file using StringUtils
Setting signer logic and computing fees.
AC messages for different transfer ownership states.
Declining ownership logic.
Added `CommunityTokensStore.qml` stub.
Removed deprecated property.
Issue #11964