Within this commit apart of `ChatContextMenuView` and `MessageContextMenuView`
some other things are fixed:
- pinned messages model (`asyncFetchChatMessagesTask`), which was corrupted most
likely by resolving conflicts
- `pinned by` part of the pinned messages
- set/remove local nickname for a contact
- contacts in a message list and pinned by name, contact in a pinned message list
and pinned by name, one to one chat details and chat tool bar are updated in a way
that they are responsive to the contact's updates
- pinned messages updated received from remote (from the `status-go`) is handled
- load more messages on scroll up for chat/channel added
- sending messages improved in terms of adding new messages to
appropriate position
- scroll to message added on the qml side
- qml connected to the sending message success/failed signals
- `NormalMessageView` component is removed since we work with `CompactMessageView`
and it's the only and default message component in the app.
- `useCompactMode` property removed from local settings since it's not in use as
well and corresponding code is updated accordingly
- `chatType` added to `Constants` to group chat type related values
- `messageContentType` added to `Constants` to group message content type related
- `MessageStore` maintained per message list now
- added new `ChatContentView` component used to display chat/channel content
- components updated to display messages from the new backend
- `StatusChatToolBar` appropriately updated
- mute/unmute feature added to chat/channel list as well as to `StatusChatToolBar`
Moved Message component & dependencies to shared
for usage import shared.views.chat 1.0 and accordingly
import shared.controls/panels.chat 1.0