I was debugging a crash at login and found out that
TransactionDetailView was being loaded even when it was not being used;
my debugging code in `onComplete` was trying to access transaction data
from nim which was not set.
Updates #13663
This commit:
- improves selection of addresses to reveal
- keeps the selection state for the popup lifetime
- brings higher granularity in terms of signed requests by keypairs
- meets new requirements from the latest related Figma
- merges edit shared addresses feature and request to join community features
into a single component, cause the flow is logically the same, with the only
difference that when editing revealed addresses we don't show the community
intro screen
Fixes at least points 3 and 4 from #13988
- take the balance threshold value into account when presenting the
assets in the main wallet view
- additional fix from Emil for storing the threshold value
- storybook fixes to display the correct `currentCurrencyBalance` values
based on the address/wallet filters and mocking the threshold values
using TransactionStore
Fixes: #14017
- Added loading state in dirty toast message.
- Added store connections in `MyProfileView` and save loading logic.
- Added toasts notifications.
- Removed `ProfileSectionStore` instance from `CurrenciesStore`. Only needed some certain accesses to the `profileSectionModule`.
- Added strict type in `CommunitiesView`.
- add placeholder image if the collection/community has none
- elide the whole group name, taking into account the copy button
- fix the tooltip position over such elided text
- do not go overboard and don't use a StatusSmartIdention just to to
display a rounded icon/image
- distinguish between `permissionTypeLimitReached` and the new
- the latter is used to enable/disable the "Save" button when editting
the permissions as we're not going to add a new one (going over the
limit), and to also hide the warning texts
* feat(@desktop/communities): Hide channels if the user is not permitted to view and hideIfPermissionsNotMet is set
Extend chats model with channel permissions info and hideIfPermissionsNotMet.
Visibility of chat item is based on: member roles, channel permissions, hideIfPermissionsNotMet.
If all channels from category are hidden, category item is also hidden.
If all chats in community are hidden, infomration label is displayed.
Issue #13291
* chore(@desktop): Upgrade status-go
Issue #13291
- add an `interactive` property as a drop-in replacement for `enabled`;
the UI looks "disabled" but can still display e.g. a tooltip or some
loading animation
- add the ability to display a tooltip
- remove DisabledTooltipButton and replace it with a regular
`Status(Flat)Button`, using the above new features
- update storybook with the new `interactive` switch
- Added network prefixes in profile showcase accounts delegate and included them in the searcher.
- Added filter to just display own accounts in profile showcase accounts tab.
- If only minted collectibles, section header visible. Otherwise, if only regular collectibles, section hidden.
- Updated header used to `FoldableHeader`.
* prevent animation if loading not started
* prevent scrolling to verification/contact request messages
* fix ac click behaviour
* remove CURSOR_VALUE_IGNORE. cleanup logs
- display the locally bundled privacy/terms of use texts in a popup
- add support for reading text files with both relative and absolute
files or URLs, useful for having the same file path in both storybook
and the app