- update shared addresses dialog to avoid small jumps when
selecting/unselecting accounts due to requirements check text displayed
- display the pending text and spinner next to the Permissions header
This commit:
- improves selection of addresses to reveal
- keeps the selection state for the popup lifetime
- brings higher granularity in terms of signed requests by keypairs
- meets new requirements from the latest related Figma
- merges edit shared addresses feature and request to join community features
into a single component, cause the flow is logically the same, with the only
difference that when editing revealed addresses we don't show the community
intro screen
Fixes at least points 3 and 4 from #13988
- distinguish between `permissionTypeLimitReached` and the new
- the latter is used to enable/disable the "Save" button when editting
the permissions as we're not going to add a new one (going over the
limit), and to also hide the warning texts
* feat(@desktop/communities): Hide channels if the user is not permitted to view and hideIfPermissionsNotMet is set
Extend chats model with channel permissions info and hideIfPermissionsNotMet.
Visibility of chat item is based on: member roles, channel permissions, hideIfPermissionsNotMet.
If all channels from category are hidden, category item is also hidden.
If all chats in community are hidden, infomration label is displayed.
Issue #13291
* chore(@desktop): Upgrade status-go
Issue #13291
- add an `interactive` property as a drop-in replacement for `enabled`;
the UI looks "disabled" but can still display e.g. a tooltip or some
loading animation
- add the ability to display a tooltip
- remove DisabledTooltipButton and replace it with a regular
`Status(Flat)Button`, using the above new features
- update storybook with the new `interactive` switch
Add new field AmountInWeis to token criteria dto.
Keep strings instead of floats in token_criteria_item.
HoldingSelectionModel keeps amount in wei-like units but they are displayed in permissions as floats (divided by decimals).
Issue #11588
- Created `ProfileShowcaseInfoPopup` component.
- Added storybook support for the new popup component.
- Added new popup into the application flow.
- New property stored in local account settings file.
- implemented the missing `StatusBaseButton.Type.Success` state and
colors for both `StatusButton` and `StatusFlatButton`
- use a `switch` instead of a waterfall of ternaries
- adjust storybook for the new case
The actual issue wasn't reproducible, even if I removed the guards against duplicate names.
But I did find that the community wasn't cleaned up correctly, so I fixed it in this PR. It should limit the confusion and possible issues that could arise.
1. Make PermissionsView/EditPermissionsView configurable to support channel permissions config
2. Adding channel permissions support in the create/edit channel popup
3. Connect the channel permissions to backend
4. Cleaning unneeded emojiPopup
1. Adding the `Fast` expressions where needed
2. Break the channel permissions into categories in PermissionsStore
3. Remove unused/unneeded code
The purpose of this component is to hold the dirty permissions edited my the user.
This is a functional component used to create/edit/delete permissions. The edited permissions are detached from the backend.
- reduce the duplication by moving the controllers (1 per type) to the
toplevel stores
- make sure the internal properties stay in sync between save/load now
that we have just 1 common controller
- fix navigating to the Hidden section from the toast
- finish impl of hiding the token from FirstTokenReceivedPopup
ChannelsSelectionModel.qml is freezing the app when used with a live channel that's being edited because on each channel change the selection model is re-created.
The fix for this is to use the LeftJoinModel to unify the channels selection (a light model containing only keys) and the full channels model containing the channels data. On top of this, the SortFilterProxyModel is added to decorate the model with the roles expected in the UI. Another improvement is by replacing the ExpressionRole with the FastExpressionRole.