feat(@desktop/chat): allow for entering ENS names manually
This commit enables users to enter fully qualified ENS names manually and marking them as mentions, which are then later being replaced with pubkeys. The changes do not prevent users from entering ENS names that don't exist. There's also a fix that ensure prepended "@" signs are removed from the items selected in the suggestions box. Closes #3149
This commit is contained in:
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ Rectangle {
property alias suggestionsModel: filterItem.model
property alias filter: filterItem.filter
property alias formattedPlainTextFilter: filterItem.formattedFilter
property alias suggestionFilter: filterItem
property alias property: filterItem.property
property int cursorPosition
signal itemSelected(var item, int lastAtPosition, int lastCursorPosition)
@ -105,6 +105,22 @@ Rectangle {
function insertMention(aliasName, lastAtPosition, lastCursorPosition) {
const hasEmoji = Emoji.hasEmoji(messageInputField.text)
const spanPlusAlias = `${Constants.mentionSpanTag}@${aliasName}</span> `
let rightIndex = hasEmoji ? lastCursorPosition + 2 : lastCursorPosition
messageInputField.remove(lastAtPosition, rightIndex)
messageInputField.insert(lastAtPosition, spanPlusAlias)
messageInputField.cursorPosition = lastAtPosition + aliasName.length + 2
if (messageInputField.cursorPosition === 0) {
// It reset to 0 for some reason, go back to the end
messageInputField.cursorPosition = messageInputField.length
property var interpretMessage: function (msg) {
if (msg.startsWith("/shrug")) {
return msg.replace("/shrug", "") + " ¯\\\\\\_(ツ)\\_/¯"
@ -208,6 +224,13 @@ Rectangle {
isColonPressed = (event.key === Qt.Key_Colon) && (event.modifiers & Qt.ShiftModifier);
if (event.key === Qt.Key_Space && suggestionsBox.formattedPlainTextFilter.length > 1 && suggestionsBox.formattedPlainTextFilter.trim().split(" ").length === 1) {
let aliasName = suggestionsBox.formattedPlainTextFilter
let lastCursorPosition = suggestionsBox.suggestionFilter.cursorPosition
let lastAtPosition = suggestionsBox.suggestionFilter.lastAtPosition
insertMention(aliasName, lastAtPosition, lastCursorPosition)
function wrapSelection(wrapWith) {
@ -586,28 +609,12 @@ Rectangle {
cursorPosition: messageInputField.cursorPosition
property: ["userName", "localName", "alias"]
onItemSelected: function (item, lastAtPosition, lastCursorPosition) {
const hasEmoji = Emoji.hasEmoji(messageInputField.text)
const properties = "userName, alias"; // Ignore localName
let aliasName = item[properties.split(",").map(p => p.trim()).find(p => !!item[p])]
aliasName = aliasName.replace("@", "")
aliasName = aliasName.replace(/(\.stateofus)?\.eth/, "")
const spanPlusAlias = `${Constants.mentionSpanTag}@${aliasName}</span> `
let rightIndex = hasEmoji ? lastCursorPosition + 2 : lastCursorPosition
messageInputField.remove(lastAtPosition, rightIndex)
messageInputField.insert(lastAtPosition, spanPlusAlias)
messageInputField.cursorPosition = lastAtPosition + aliasName.length + 2
if (messageInputField.cursorPosition === 0) {
// It reset to 0 for some reason, go back to the end
messageInputField.cursorPosition = messageInputField.length
insertMention(aliasName, lastAtPosition, lastCursorPosition)
Reference in New Issue