feat(StatusQ): QML-oriented proxy model concatenating source models vertically

Closes: #12682
This commit is contained in:
Michał Cieślak 2023-11-22 10:28:53 +01:00 committed by Michał
parent a915f48fd9
commit e2fa702ec4
7 changed files with 2950 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
import StatusQ 0.1
import Qt.labs.qmlmodels 1.0
Item {
id: root
ListModel {
id: firstModel
ListElement {
name: "entry 1 (1)"
ListElement {
name: "entry 2 (1)"
ListElement {
name: "entry 3 (1)"
ListElement {
name: "entry 4 (1)"
ListElement {
name: "entry 5 (1)"
ListElement {
name: "entry 6 (1)"
ListElement {
name: "entry 7 (1)"
ListElement {
name: "entry 8 (1)"
ListModel {
id: secondModel
ListElement {
name: "entry 1 (2)"
key: 1
ListElement {
key: 2
name: "entry 2 (2)"
ListElement {
key: 3
name: "entry 3 (2)"
ConcatModel {
id: concatModel
sources: [
SourceModel {
model: firstModel
markerRoleValue: "first_model"
SourceModel {
model: secondModel
markerRoleValue: "second_model"
markerRoleName: "which_model"
expectedRoles: ["key", "name"]
RowLayout {
anchors.fill: parent
ColumnLayout {
Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width / 3
ListView {
id: firstModelListView
spacing: 15
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.fillHeight: true
model: firstModel
delegate: RowLayout {
width: ListView.view.width
Label {
Layout.fillWidth: true
font.bold: true
text: model.name
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {
firstModel.setProperty(model.index, "name",
firstModel.get(model.index).name + "_")
Button {
text: "append"
onClicked: {
firstModel.append({name: "appended entry (1)"})
Button {
text: "insert at 1"
onClicked: {
firstModel.insert(1, {name: "inserted entry (1)"})
ColumnLayout {
Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width / 3
Layout.fillHeight: true
ListView {
id: secondModelListView
spacing: 15
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.fillHeight: true
model: secondModel
delegate: RowLayout {
width: ListView.view.width
Label {
Layout.fillWidth: true
font.bold: true
text: model.name
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: secondModel.setProperty(
model.index, "name",
secondModel.get(model.index).name + "_")
Button {
text: "append"
onClicked: {
secondModel.append({name: "appended entry (1)", key: 34})
Button {
text: "insert at 1"
onClicked: {
secondModel.insert(1, {name: "inserted entry (1)", key: 999})
ColumnLayout {
Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width / 3
Layout.fillHeight: true
ListView {
id: concatListView
spacing: 15
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.fillHeight: true
model: concatModel
ScrollBar.vertical: ScrollBar {}
section.property: "which_model"
section.delegate: ColumnLayout {
Label {
height: implicitHeight * 2
text: section + " inset"
font.pixelSize: 20
font.bold: true
font.underline: true
color: "darkred"
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
RowLayout {
CheckBox {
text: "some switch here"
CheckBox {
text: "some other switch here"
delegate: DelegateChooser {
id: chooser
role: "which_model"
DelegateChoice {
roleValue: "first_model"
RowLayout {
width: ListView.view.width
Label {
Layout.fillWidth: true
font.bold: true
text: model.name + ", " + model.which_model
color: "darkgreen"
DelegateChoice {
roleValue: "second_model"
RowLayout {
width: ListView.view.width
Label {
Layout.fillWidth: true
font.bold: true
text: model.name + ", " + model.which_model
+ " (" + model.key + ")"
color: "darkblue"
Label {
text: concatListView.count
// category: Models

View File

@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ endif()
add_library(StatusQ SHARED add_library(StatusQ SHARED
include/StatusQ/QClipboardProxy.h include/StatusQ/QClipboardProxy.h
include/StatusQ/leftjoinmodel.h include/StatusQ/leftjoinmodel.h
include/StatusQ/modelutilsinternal.h include/StatusQ/modelutilsinternal.h
include/StatusQ/permissionutilsinternal.h include/StatusQ/permissionutilsinternal.h
@ -102,6 +103,7 @@ add_library(StatusQ SHARED
include/StatusQ/singleroleaggregator.h include/StatusQ/singleroleaggregator.h
include/StatusQ/sumaggregator.h include/StatusQ/sumaggregator.h
src/QClipboardProxy.cpp src/QClipboardProxy.cpp
src/leftjoinmodel.cpp src/leftjoinmodel.cpp
src/modelutilsinternal.cpp src/modelutilsinternal.cpp
src/permissionutilsinternal.cpp src/permissionutilsinternal.cpp

View File

@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
#pragma once
#include <QAbstractListModel>
#include <QQmlListProperty>
#include <QQmlParserStatus>
class SourceModel : public QObject
Q_PROPERTY(QAbstractItemModel* model READ model
WRITE setModel NOTIFY modelChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString markerRoleValue READ markerRoleValue
WRITE setMarkerRoleValue NOTIFY markerRoleValueChanged)
explicit SourceModel(QObject* parent = nullptr);
void setModel(QAbstractItemModel* model);
QAbstractItemModel* model() const;
void setMarkerRoleValue(const QString& markerRoleValue);
const QString& markerRoleValue() const;
void modelAboutToBeChanged();
void modelChanged(bool deleted);
void markerRoleValueChanged();
void onModelDestroyed();
QAbstractItemModel* m_model = nullptr;
QString m_markerRoleValue;
class ConcatModel : public QAbstractListModel, public QQmlParserStatus
Q_PROPERTY(QQmlListProperty<SourceModel> sources READ sources CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(QString markerRoleName READ markerRoleName
WRITE setMarkerRoleName NOTIFY markerRoleNameChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QStringList expectedRoles READ expectedRoles
WRITE setExpectedRoles NOTIFY expectedRolesChanged)
explicit ConcatModel(QObject *parent = nullptr);
QQmlListProperty<SourceModel> sources();
void setMarkerRoleName(const QString& markerRoleName);
const QString& markerRoleName() const;
void setExpectedRoles(const QStringList& expectedRoles);
const QStringList& expectedRoles() const;
Q_INVOKABLE int sourceModelRow(int row) const;
Q_INVOKABLE QAbstractItemModel* sourceModel(int row) const;
Q_INVOKABLE int fromSourceRow(const QAbstractItemModel* model, int row) const;
// QAbstractItemModel interface
int rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) const override;
QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const override;
QHash<int, QByteArray> roleNames() const override;
// QQmlParserStatus interface
void classBegin() override;
void componentComplete() override;
void markerRoleNameChanged();
void expectedRolesChanged();
static constexpr auto s_defaultMarkerRoleName = "whichModel";
std::pair<SourceModel*, int> sourceForIndex(int index) const;
void initRoles();
void initRolesMapping(int index, QAbstractItemModel* model);
void initRolesMapping();
void initAllModelsSlots();
void connectModelSlots(int index, QAbstractItemModel* model);
void disconnectModelSlots(QAbstractItemModel* model);
int rowCountInternal() const;
int countPrefix(int sourceIndex) const;
void fetchRowCounts();
QVector<int> mapFromSourceRoles(int sourceIndex,
const QVector<int>& sourceRoles) const;
QList<SourceModel*> m_sources;
QStringList m_expectedRoles;
QString m_markerRoleName = s_defaultMarkerRoleName;
int m_markerRole = 0;
bool m_initialized = false;
QHash<int, QByteArray> m_roleNames;
std::unordered_map<QByteArray, int> m_nameRoles;
std::vector<std::unordered_map<int, int>> m_rolesMappingFromSource;
std::vector<std::unordered_map<int, int>> m_rolesMappingToSource;
std::vector<bool> m_rolesMappingInitializationFlags;
std::vector<int> m_rowCounts;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,681 @@
#include "StatusQ/concatmodel.h"
#include <QDebug>
\qmltype SourceModel
\instantiates SourceModel
\inqmlmodule StatusQ
\inherits QtObject
\brief Wraps arbitrary QAbstractItemModel to be concatenated with other
models within a \l {ConcatModel}.
It allows assigning a value of a special marker role in ConcatModel for the
given model.
\qmltype ConcatModel
\instantiates ConcatModel
\inqmlmodule StatusQ
\inherits QAbstractListModel
\brief Proxy model concatenating vertically multiple source models.
It allows concatenating multiple source models, with same roles, partially
different roles or even totally different roles. The model performs necessary
roles mapping internally.
The proxy is similar to \l {QConcatenateTablesProxyModel} but QML-ready,
performing all necessary role names remapping.
Roles are established when the first item appears in one of the sources.
Expected roles can be also declared up-front using expectedRoles property
(because on first insertion some roles may be not yet available via
roleNames() on other models).
Additionally the model introduces an extra role with a name configurable via
\l {CocatModel::markerRoleName}. Value of this role may be set separately
for each source model in \l {SourceModel} wrapper. This allows to easily
create inserts between models using \l {ListView}'s sections mechanism.
ListModel {
id: firstModel
ListElement { name: "entry 1_1" }
ListElement { name: "entry 1_2" }
ListElement { name: "entry 1_3" }
ListModel {
id: secondModel
ListElement {
name: "entry 1_2"
key: 1
ListElement {
key: 2
name: "entry 2 _2"
ConcatModel {
id: concatModel
sources: [
SourceModel {
model: firstModel
markerRoleValue: "first_model"
SourceModel {
model: secondModel
markerRoleValue: "second_model"
markerRoleName: "which_model"
expectedRoles: ["key", "name"]
SourceModel::SourceModel(QObject* parent)
: QObject{parent}
void SourceModel::setModel(QAbstractItemModel* model)
if (m_model == model)
if (model)
connect(model, &QObject::destroyed, this, &SourceModel::onModelDestroyed);
if (m_model)
disconnect(m_model, &QObject::destroyed, this, &SourceModel::onModelDestroyed);
emit modelAboutToBeChanged();
m_model = model;
emit modelChanged(false);
\qmlproperty any StatusQ::SourceModel::model
The model that will be concatenated with other models within ConcatModel.
QAbstractItemModel* SourceModel::model() const
return m_model;
void SourceModel::setMarkerRoleValue(const QString& markerRoleValue)
if (m_markerRoleValue == markerRoleValue)
m_markerRoleValue = markerRoleValue;
emit markerRoleValueChanged();
\qmlproperty string StatusQ::SourceModel::markerRoleValue
The value that will be exposed from the ConcatModel through the role named
according to \l {ConcatModel::markerRoleName} for the entries coming from
the model defined in SourceModel::model.
const QString& SourceModel::markerRoleValue() const
return m_markerRoleValue;
void SourceModel::onModelDestroyed()
m_model = nullptr;
emit modelChanged(true);
ConcatModel::ConcatModel(QObject* parent)
: QAbstractListModel{parent}
\qmlproperty list<SourceModel> StatusQ::ConcatModel::sources
This property holds the list of \l {SourceModel} wrappers. Every wrapper
holds model which is intended to be concatenated with others within the
QQmlListProperty<SourceModel> ConcatModel::sources()
QQmlListProperty<SourceModel> listProperty(this, &m_sources);
listProperty.replace = nullptr;
listProperty.clear = nullptr;
listProperty.removeLast = nullptr;
listProperty.append = [](auto listProperty, auto element) {
ConcatModel* model = qobject_cast<ConcatModel*>(listProperty->object);
if (model->m_initialized) {
qWarning() << "Adding sources dynamically is not supported.";
return listProperty;
void ConcatModel::setMarkerRoleName(const QString& markerRoleName)
if (m_markerRoleName == markerRoleName)
if (m_markerRoleName != s_defaultMarkerRoleName || m_initialized) {
qWarning() << "Property \"markerRoleName\" is intended to be "
"initialized once before roles initialization and not "
"modified later.";
m_markerRoleName = markerRoleName;
emit markerRoleNameChanged();
\qmlproperty string StatusQ::ConcatModel::markerRoleName
This property contains the name of an extra role allowing to distinguish
source models from the delegate level.
const QString& ConcatModel::markerRoleName() const
return m_markerRoleName;
void ConcatModel::setExpectedRoles(const QStringList& expectedRoles)
if (m_expectedRoles == expectedRoles)
if (!m_expectedRoles.isEmpty()) {
qWarning() << "Property \"expectedRoles\" is intended "
"to be initialized once and not changed!";
m_expectedRoles = expectedRoles;
emit expectedRolesChanged();
\qmlproperty list<string> StatusQ::ConcatModel::expectedRoles
This property allows to predefine a set of roles exposed by ConcatModel.
This is useful when roles are not initially defined for some source models.
For example, for ListModel, roles are not defined as long as the model is
const QStringList& ConcatModel::expectedRoles() const
return m_expectedRoles;
\qmlmethod int StatusQ::ConcatModel::sourceModelRow(row)
Returns the row index inside the source model for a given row of the proxy.
int ConcatModel::sourceModelRow(int row) const
auto source = sourceForIndex(row);
return source.first != nullptr ? source.second : -1;
\qmlmethod QAbstractItemModel* StatusQ::ConcatModel::sourceModel(row)
Returns the source model for a given row of the proxy.
QAbstractItemModel* ConcatModel::sourceModel(int row) const
auto source = sourceForIndex(row);
return source.first != nullptr ? source.first->model() : nullptr;
\qmlmethod int StatusQ::ConcatModel::fromSourceRow(model, row)
Returns the row number of the ConcatModel for a given source model and
source model's row index.
int ConcatModel::fromSourceRow(const QAbstractItemModel* model, int row) const
if (model == nullptr || row < 0 || model->rowCount() <= row)
return -1;
auto it = std::find_if(m_sources.cbegin(), m_sources.cend(),
[model](auto source) {
return source->model() == model;
if (it == m_sources.cend())
return -1;
return countPrefix(it - m_sources.begin()) + row;
int ConcatModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex& parent) const
if (!m_initialized)
return 0;
return rowCountInternal();
QVariant ConcatModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
if (!checkIndex(index, CheckIndexOption::IndexIsValid))
return {};
auto row = index.row();
int rowCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < m_sources.size(); i++) {
const int subRowCount = m_rowCounts[i];
if (rowCount + subRowCount > row) {
auto source = m_sources[i];
if (role == m_markerRole)
return source->markerRoleValue();
auto model = source->model();
if (model == nullptr)
return {};
auto& mapping = m_rolesMappingToSource.at(i);
auto it = mapping.find(role);
if (it == mapping.end())
return {};
return model->data(model->index(row - rowCount, 0), it->second);
rowCount += subRowCount;
return {};
QHash<int, QByteArray> ConcatModel::roleNames() const
return m_roleNames;
void ConcatModel::classBegin()
void ConcatModel::componentComplete()
if (m_initialized)
for (auto i = 0; i < m_sources.size(); i++) {
SourceModel* source = m_sources[i];
connect(source, &SourceModel::modelAboutToBeChanged, this,
[this, i, source]()
auto model = source->model();
if (model != nullptr)
if (auto count = m_rowCounts[i]) {
auto prefix = countPrefix(i);
beginRemoveRows({}, prefix, prefix + count - 1);
connect(source, &SourceModel::modelChanged, this,
[this, source, i](bool deleted)
auto previousRowCount = m_rowCounts[i];
if (deleted) {
auto prefix = countPrefix(i);
beginRemoveRows({}, prefix, prefix + previousRowCount - 1);
if (previousRowCount) {
m_rowCounts[i] = 0;
auto model = source->model();
if (model == nullptr)
auto rowCount = model->rowCount();
if (rowCount > 0) {
auto prefix = countPrefix(i);
beginInsertRows({}, prefix, prefix + rowCount - 1);
m_rowCounts[i] = rowCount;
if (!m_initialized) {
m_initialized = true;
} else {
initRolesMapping(i, model);
connectModelSlots(i, model);
connect(source, &SourceModel::markerRoleValueChanged, this,
[this, source, i]
auto count = this->m_rowCounts[i];
if (count == 0)
auto prefix = this->countPrefix(i);
emit this->dataChanged(this->index(prefix),
this->index(prefix + count - 1),
{ this->m_markerRole });
auto count = rowCountInternal();
if (count == 0)
beginInsertRows({}, 0, count - 1);
m_initialized = true;
std::pair<SourceModel*, int> ConcatModel::sourceForIndex(int index) const
if (index < 0)
return {};
int rowCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < m_sources.size(); i++) {
const int subRowCount = m_rowCounts[i];
if (rowCount + subRowCount > index)
return {m_sources[i], index - rowCount};
rowCount += subRowCount;
return {};
void ConcatModel::initRoles()
m_nameRoles.reserve(m_expectedRoles.size() + 1);
for (auto& expectedRoleName : qAsConst(m_expectedRoles))
m_nameRoles.try_emplace(expectedRoleName.toUtf8(), m_nameRoles.size());
for (auto sourceModel : qAsConst(m_sources)) {
auto model = sourceModel->model();
if (model == nullptr)
auto roleNames = model->roleNames();
for (auto& role : roleNames)
m_nameRoles.try_emplace(role, m_nameRoles.size());
auto it = m_nameRoles.try_emplace(m_markerRoleName.toUtf8(),
m_markerRole = it->second;
for (auto& [name, role] : m_nameRoles)
m_roleNames.insert(role, name);
void ConcatModel::initRolesMapping(int index, QAbstractItemModel* model)
Q_ASSERT(model != nullptr);
auto roleNames = model->roleNames();
auto rowCount = model->rowCount();
std::unordered_map<int, int> fromSource;
std::unordered_map<int, int> toSource;
for (auto i = roleNames.cbegin(), end = roleNames.cend(); i != end; ++i) {
auto it = std::as_const(m_nameRoles).find(i.value());
if (it == m_nameRoles.cend())
auto globalRole = it->second;
fromSource.insert({i.key(), globalRole});
toSource.insert({globalRole, i.key()});
bool initialized = !roleNames.empty() || rowCount > 0;
m_rolesMappingFromSource[index] = std::move(fromSource);
m_rolesMappingToSource[index] = std::move(toSource);
m_rolesMappingInitializationFlags[index] = initialized;
void ConcatModel::initRolesMapping()
m_rolesMappingInitializationFlags.resize(m_sources.size(), false);
for (auto i = 0; i < m_sources.size(); ++i) {
auto sourceModelWrapper = m_sources.at(i);
auto sourceModel = sourceModelWrapper->model();
if (sourceModel == nullptr)
initRolesMapping(i, sourceModel);
void ConcatModel::initAllModelsSlots()
for (auto sourceIndex = 0; sourceIndex < m_sources.size(); ++sourceIndex) {
auto sourceModelWrapper = m_sources.at(sourceIndex);
auto sourceModel = sourceModelWrapper->model();
if (sourceModel)
connectModelSlots(sourceIndex, sourceModel);
void ConcatModel::connectModelSlots(int index, QAbstractItemModel *model)
connect(model, &QAbstractItemModel::rowsAboutToBeInserted, this,
[this, index](const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)
auto prefix = this->countPrefix(index);
this->beginInsertRows({}, first + prefix, last + prefix);
connect(model, &QAbstractItemModel::rowsInserted, this,
[this, model, index](const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)
m_rowCounts[index] += last - first + 1;
if (!m_initialized) {
m_initialized = true;
} else if (!m_rolesMappingInitializationFlags.at(index)) {
initRolesMapping(index, model);
connect(model, &QAbstractItemModel::rowsAboutToBeRemoved, this,
[this, index](const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)
auto prefix = this->countPrefix(index);
this->beginRemoveRows({}, first + prefix, last + prefix);
connect(model, &QAbstractItemModel::rowsRemoved, this,
[this, index](const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)
m_rowCounts[index] -= last - first + 1;
connect(model, &QAbstractItemModel::rowsAboutToBeMoved, this,
[this, index](
const QModelIndex&, int sourceStart, int sourceEnd,
const QModelIndex&, int destinationRow)
auto prefix = this->countPrefix(index);
this->beginMoveRows({}, sourceStart + prefix, sourceEnd + prefix,
{}, destinationRow + prefix);
connect(model, &QAbstractItemModel::rowsMoved, this,
[this, index]
connect(model, &QAbstractItemModel::layoutAboutToBeChanged, this, [this]
emit this->layoutAboutToBeChanged();
connect(model, &QAbstractItemModel::layoutAboutToBeChanged, this, [this]
emit this->layoutChanged();
connect(model, &QAbstractItemModel::modelAboutToBeReset, this, [this]
connect(model, &QAbstractItemModel::modelReset, this, [this, model, index]
m_rowCounts[index] = model->rowCount();
m_rolesMappingInitializationFlags[index] = false;
connect(model, &QAbstractItemModel::dataChanged, this,
[this, index](auto& topLeft, const auto& bottomRight, auto& roles)
auto prefix = this->countPrefix(index);
auto rolesMapped = mapFromSourceRoles(index, roles);
if (rolesMapped.empty())
emit this->dataChanged(this->index(prefix + topLeft.row()),
this->index(prefix + bottomRight.row()),
void ConcatModel::disconnectModelSlots(QAbstractItemModel* model)
Q_ASSERT(model != nullptr);
bool disconnected = disconnect(model, nullptr, this, nullptr);
int ConcatModel::rowCountInternal() const
return std::reduce(m_rowCounts.cbegin(), m_rowCounts.cend());
int ConcatModel::countPrefix(int sourceIndex) const
Q_ASSERT(sourceIndex >= 0 && sourceIndex < m_sources.size());
return std::reduce(m_rowCounts.cbegin(), m_rowCounts.cbegin() + sourceIndex);
void ConcatModel::fetchRowCounts()
for (auto i = 0; i < m_sources.size(); ++i) {
auto sourceModelWrapper = m_sources.at(i);
auto sourceModel = sourceModelWrapper->model();
m_rowCounts[i] = (sourceModel == nullptr) ? 0 : sourceModel->rowCount();
QVector<int> ConcatModel::mapFromSourceRoles(
int sourceIndex, const QVector<int>& sourceRoles) const
QVector<int> mapped;
auto& mapping = m_rolesMappingFromSource[sourceIndex];
for (auto role : sourceRoles) {
auto it = mapping.find(role);
if (it != mapping.end())
mapped << it->second;
return mapped;

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
#include <qqmlsortfilterproxymodeltypes.h> #include <qqmlsortfilterproxymodeltypes.h>
#include "StatusQ/QClipboardProxy.h" #include "StatusQ/QClipboardProxy.h"
#include "StatusQ/concatmodel.h"
#include "StatusQ/leftjoinmodel.h" #include "StatusQ/leftjoinmodel.h"
#include "StatusQ/modelutilsinternal.h" #include "StatusQ/modelutilsinternal.h"
#include "StatusQ/permissionutilsinternal.h" #include "StatusQ/permissionutilsinternal.h"
@ -35,6 +36,8 @@ public:
qmlRegisterType<ManageTokensController>("StatusQ.Models", 0, 1, "ManageTokensController"); qmlRegisterType<ManageTokensController>("StatusQ.Models", 0, 1, "ManageTokensController");
qmlRegisterType<ManageTokensModel>("StatusQ.Models", 0, 1, "ManageTokensModel"); qmlRegisterType<ManageTokensModel>("StatusQ.Models", 0, 1, "ManageTokensModel");
qmlRegisterType<SourceModel>("StatusQ", 0, 1, "SourceModel");
qmlRegisterType<ConcatModel>("StatusQ", 0, 1, "ConcatModel");
qmlRegisterType<LeftJoinModel>("StatusQ", 0, 1, "LeftJoinModel"); qmlRegisterType<LeftJoinModel>("StatusQ", 0, 1, "LeftJoinModel");
qmlRegisterType<SubmodelProxyModel>("StatusQ", 0, 1, "SubmodelProxyModel"); qmlRegisterType<SubmodelProxyModel>("StatusQ", 0, 1, "SubmodelProxyModel");
qmlRegisterType<RoleRename>("StatusQ", 0, 1, "RoleRename"); qmlRegisterType<RoleRename>("StatusQ", 0, 1, "RoleRename");

View File

@ -64,3 +64,7 @@ add_test(NAME SingleRoleAggregatorTest COMMAND SingleRoleAggregatorTest)
add_executable(SumAggregatorTest tst_SumAggregator.cpp) add_executable(SumAggregatorTest tst_SumAggregator.cpp)
target_link_libraries(SumAggregatorTest PRIVATE Qt5::Test StatusQ) target_link_libraries(SumAggregatorTest PRIVATE Qt5::Test StatusQ)
add_test(NAME SumAggregatorTest COMMAND SumAggregatorTest) add_test(NAME SumAggregatorTest COMMAND SumAggregatorTest)
add_executable(ConcatModelTest tst_ConcatModel.cpp)
target_link_libraries(ConcatModelTest PRIVATE Qt5::Qml Qt5::Test StatusQ)
add_test(NAME ConcatModelTest COMMAND ConcatModelTest)

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff