mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 16:00:50 +00:00
fix(StatusBaseInput): ensure input text is selectable with mouse
This also sets the correcrt selection and selected text color.
This commit is contained in:
@ -68,86 +68,88 @@ Item {
return sensor.containsMouse ? Theme.palette.primaryColor2 : "transparent"
Flickable {
id: flick
anchors.fill: parent
anchors.leftMargin: statusBaseInput.leftPadding
anchors.rightMargin: statusBaseInput.rightPadding + clearable ? clearButtton.width : 0
anchors.topMargin: statusBaseInput.topPadding
anchors.bottomMargin: statusBaseInput.bottomPadding
contentWidth: edit.paintedWidth
contentHeight: edit.paintedHeight
clip: true
QC.ScrollBar.vertical: QC.ScrollBar { interactive: multiline }
function ensureVisible(r) {
if (contentX >= r.x)
contentX = r.x;
else if (contentX+width <= r.x+r.width)
contentX = r.x+r.width-width;
if (contentY >= r.y)
contentY = r.y;
else if (contentY+height <= r.y+r.height)
contentY = r.y+r.height-height;
TextEdit {
id: edit
width: flick.width
selectByMouse: true
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
focus: true
font.pixelSize: 15
font.family: Theme.palette.baseFont.name
color: Theme.palette.directColor1
onCursorRectangleChanged: flick.ensureVisible(cursorRectangle)
wrapMode: TextEdit.NoWrap
Keys.onReturnPressed: {
if (multiline) {
event.accepted = false
} else {
event.accepted = true
Keys.onEnterPressed: {
if (multiline) {
event.accepted = false
} else {
event.accepted = true
StatusBaseText {
id: placeholder
visible: edit.text.length === 0
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
font.pixelSize: 15
elide: StatusBaseText.ElideRight
font.family: Theme.palette.baseFont.name
color: statusBaseInput.enabled ? Theme.palette.baseColor1 :
} // Flickable
MouseArea {
id: sensor
hoverEnabled: true
anchors.fill: parent
cursorShape: Qt.IBeamCursor
onClicked: edit.forceActiveFocus()
Flickable {
id: flick
anchors.fill: parent
anchors.leftMargin: statusBaseInput.leftPadding
anchors.rightMargin: statusBaseInput.rightPadding + clearable ? clearButtton.width : 0
anchors.topMargin: statusBaseInput.topPadding
anchors.bottomMargin: statusBaseInput.bottomPadding
contentWidth: edit.paintedWidth
contentHeight: edit.paintedHeight
clip: true
QC.ScrollBar.vertical: QC.ScrollBar { interactive: multiline }
function ensureVisible(r) {
if (contentX >= r.x)
contentX = r.x;
else if (contentX+width <= r.x+r.width)
contentX = r.x+r.width-width;
if (contentY >= r.y)
contentY = r.y;
else if (contentY+height <= r.y+r.height)
contentY = r.y+r.height-height;
TextEdit {
id: edit
width: flick.width
selectByMouse: true
selectionColor: Theme.palette.primaryColor2
selectedTextColor: color
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
focus: true
font.pixelSize: 15
font.family: Theme.palette.baseFont.name
color: Theme.palette.directColor1
onCursorRectangleChanged: flick.ensureVisible(cursorRectangle)
wrapMode: TextEdit.NoWrap
Keys.onReturnPressed: {
if (multiline) {
event.accepted = false
} else {
event.accepted = true
Keys.onEnterPressed: {
if (multiline) {
event.accepted = false
} else {
event.accepted = true
StatusBaseText {
id: placeholder
visible: edit.text.length === 0
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
font.pixelSize: 15
elide: StatusBaseText.ElideRight
font.family: Theme.palette.baseFont.name
color: statusBaseInput.enabled ? Theme.palette.baseColor1 :
} // Flickable
} // Rectangle
StatusFlatRoundButton {
Reference in New Issue
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