tests: simplify adding new account from seed test

This commit is contained in:
Anastasiya Semenkevich 2024-08-29 11:03:37 +03:00 committed by Anastasiya
parent c9b7d9eab6
commit cc1e185080

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@ -1,18 +1,13 @@
import random
import string
import time
import allure
import pytest
from allure import step
from constants import UserAccount, RandomUser
from scripts.utils.generators import random_name_string, random_password_string
from constants.wallet import WalletAccountPopup
from constants import RandomUser
from tests.wallet_main_screen import marks
import constants
import driver
from gui.components.signing_phrase_popup import SigningPhrasePopup
from gui.components.authenticate_popup import AuthenticatePopup
from gui.main_window import MainWindow
@ -24,15 +19,12 @@ pytestmark = marks
'Manage an account created from the generated seed phrase')
@pytest.mark.parametrize('user_account', [RandomUser()])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('name, color, emoji, emoji_unicode, '
'new_name, new_color, new_emoji, new_emoji_unicode, keypair_name', [
@pytest.mark.parametrize('name, color, emoji, emoji_unicode, keypair_name', [
pytest.param('SPAcc', '#2a4af5', 'sunglasses', '1f60e',
'SPAccedited', '#216266', 'thumbsup', '1f44d', 'SPKeyPair')])
def test_plus_button_manage_account_added_for_new_seed(main_screen: MainWindow, user_account,
name: str, color: str, emoji: str,
emoji_unicode: str,
new_name: str, new_color: str, new_emoji: str,
new_emoji_unicode: str,
keypair_name: str):
with step('Create generated seed phrase wallet account'):
wallet = main_screen.left_panel.open_wallet()
@ -57,32 +49,3 @@ def test_plus_button_manage_account_added_for_new_seed(main_screen: MainWindow,
if time.monotonic() - started_at > 15:
raise LookupError(f'Account {expected_account} not found in {wallet.left_panel.accounts}')
with step('Edit wallet account'):
account_popup = wallet.left_panel.open_edit_account_popup_from_context_menu(name)
with step('Verify that error appears when name consists of less then 5 characters'):
account_popup.set_name(''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_letters +
string.digits, k=4)))
assert account_popup.get_error_message() == WalletAccountPopup.WALLET_ACCOUNT_NAME_MIN.value
with step('Verify that the account is correctly displayed in accounts list'):
expected_account = constants.user.account_list_item(new_name, new_color.lower(), new_emoji_unicode)
started_at = time.monotonic()
while expected_account not in wallet.left_panel.accounts:
if time.monotonic() - started_at > 15:
raise LookupError(f'Account {expected_account} not found in {wallet.left_panel.accounts}')
with step('Delete wallet account with agreement'):
with step('Verify toast message notification when removing account'):
messages = main_screen.wait_for_notification()
assert f'"{new_name}" successfully removed' in messages, \
f"Toast message about account removal is not correct or not present. Current list of messages: {messages}"
with step('Verify that the account is not displayed in accounts list'):
assert driver.waitFor(lambda: new_name not in [account.name for account in wallet.left_panel.accounts], 10000), \
f'Account with {new_name} is still displayed even it should not be'