feat(StatusPinInput): Introduce StatusPinInput control

It creates `StatusPinInput` control that allows customzing its circle diameter, circle spacing and pin length. It contains a `TextInput` object that will provide the component, input text management like validation rules.

It incorporates a blinking animation when the control is focused and feedback (mouse shape changed) when hovering it.

It adds new page in sandbox to play with `StatusPinInput` control.

It adds component documentation.

Also it creates 2 new `StatusValidator` controls with their corresponding documentation:
- `StatusRegularExpressionValidator` which wraps a QML type `RegularExpressionValidator`.

- `StatusIntValidator` which wraps a QML type `IntValidator`.

Closes #524
This commit is contained in:
Noelia 2022-02-10 11:06:41 +01:00 committed by Michał Cieślak
parent 0df69a8f51
commit c4ede85ed3
11 changed files with 441 additions and 0 deletions

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 2.1 KiB

View File

@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
\li \l{StatusIdenticonRing} \li \l{StatusIdenticonRing}
\li \l{StatusInput} \li \l{StatusInput}
\li \l{StatusPickerButton} \li \l{StatusPickerButton}
\li \l{StatusPinInput}
\li \l{StatusProgressBar} \li \l{StatusProgressBar}
\li \l{StatusPasswordStrengthIndicator} \li \l{StatusPasswordStrengthIndicator}
\li \l{StatusSwitchTabButton} \li \l{StatusSwitchTabButton}
@ -40,5 +41,7 @@
\li \l{StatusSelectableText} \li \l{StatusSelectableText}
\li \l{StatusWalletColorButton} \li \l{StatusWalletColorButton}
\li \l{StatusWalletColorSelect} \li \l{StatusWalletColorSelect}
\li \l{StatusRegularExpressionValidator}
\li \l{StatusIntValidator}
\endlist \endlist
*/ */

View File

@ -229,6 +229,11 @@ StatusWindow {
selected: viewLoader.source.toString().includes(title) selected: viewLoader.source.toString().includes(title)
onClicked: mainPageView.page(title); onClicked: mainPageView.page(title);
} }
StatusNavigationListItem {
title: "StatusPinInput"
selected: viewLoader.source.toString().includes(title)
onClicked: mainPageView.page(title);
StatusListSectionHeadline { text: "StatusQ.Components" } StatusListSectionHeadline { text: "StatusQ.Components" }
StatusNavigationListItem { StatusNavigationListItem {
title: "StatusAddress" title: "StatusAddress"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
import QtQuick 2.14
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.14
import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
import StatusQ.Core 0.1
import StatusQ.Controls 0.1
import StatusQ.Controls.Validators 0.1
Column {
id: root
spacing: 25
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignVCenter
// PIN input that accepts only numbers
StatusBaseText {
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
color: Theme.palette.directColor1
text: "Enter Keycard PIN"
font.pixelSize: 30
font.bold: true
StatusPinInput {
id: numbersPinInput
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
validator: StatusIntValidator{bottom: 0; top: 999999;}
StatusBaseText {
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
color: Theme.palette.dangerColor1
text: "Only numbers allowed"
font.pixelSize: 16
StatusBaseText {
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
color: Theme.palette.directColor1
text: "Introduced PIN: " + numbersPinInput.pinInput
font.pixelSize: 12
// PIN input that accepts input depending on the regular expression definition
StatusBaseText {
topPadding: 100
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
color: Theme.palette.directColor1
text: "Enter another Keycard PIN"
font.pixelSize: 30
font.bold: true
StatusPinInput {
id: regexPinInput
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
validator: StatusRegularExpressionValidator { regularExpression: /[0-9A-Za-z@]+/ }
circleDiameter: 22
circleSpacing: 22
pinLen: 7
StatusBaseText {
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
color: Theme.palette.dangerColor1
text: "Only alphanumeric characters and '@' allowed"
font.pixelSize: 16
StatusBaseText {
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
color: Theme.palette.directColor1
text: "Introduced PIN: " + regexPinInput.pinInput
font.pixelSize: 12

View File

@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
import QtQuick 2.0
import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
import StatusQ.Controls.Validators 0.1
\qmltype StatusPinInput
\inherits Item
\inqmlmodule StatusQ.Controls
\since StatusQ.Controls 0.1
\brief It allows entering an N pin length.
The \c StatusPinInput displays N visual circles corresponging with the pin length to introduce.
It runs a blinking animation when the control is focused and ready to introduce the pin, as well as, an hovering feedback when user is in the MouseArea where is able to click into the control.
This pin input control allows introducing validators.
Example of how the control looks like:
\image status_pin_input.png
Example of how to use it:
StatusPinInput {
id: regexPinInput
validator: StatusRegularExpressionValidator { regularExpression: /[0-9A-Za-z@]+/ }
circleDiameter: 22
circleSpacing: 22
pinLen: 7
For a list of components available see StatusQ.
Item {
id: root
\qmlproperty string StatusPinInput::pinInput
This property holds the introduced user pin.
property alias pinInput: inputText.text
\qmlproperty Validator StatusPinInput::validator
This property allows you to set a validator on the StatusPinInput. When a validator is set the StatusPinInput will only accept
input which leaves the pinInput property in an acceptable state.
Currently supported validators are qml StatusIntValidator and StatusRegularExpressionValidator.
An example of using validators is shown below, which allows input of integers between 0 and 999999 into the pin input
StatusPinInput {
id: numbersPinInput
validator: StatusIntValidator{bottom: 0; top: 999999;}
property alias validator: d.statusValidator
\qmlproperty int StatusPinInput::pinLen
This property allows you to set a specific pin input length. The default value is 6.
property int pinLen: 6
\qmlproperty int StatusPinInput::circleSpacing
This property allows you to customize spacing between pin circles. The default value is 16 pixels.
property int circleSpacing: 16
\qmlproperty int StatusPinInput::circleDiameter
This property allows you to customize pin circle diameter. The default value is 16 pixels.
property int circleDiameter: 16
QtObject {
id: d
property int currentPinIndex: 0
property StatusValidator statusValidator
function activateBlink () {
const currItem = repeater.itemAt(d.currentPinIndex)
if(currItem) {
if((currItem.innerState === "NEXT") && (!currItem.blinkingAnimation.running)) {
function deactivateBlink () {
const currItem = repeater.itemAt(d.currentPinIndex)
if(currItem) {
if((currItem.innerState === "NEXT") && (currItem.blinkingAnimation.running)) {
// To ensure that the opacity does not remain in an intermediate state when forcing the animation to stop
currItem.innerOpacity = 1
\qmlmethod StatusPinInput::statesInitialization()
Initializes pin input bringing it to its initial state.
It is directly called in Component.onCompleted slot and can be called whenever you need resetting it.
function statesInitialization() {
d.currentPinIndex = 0
repeater.itemAt(d.currentPinIndex).innerState = "NEXT"
for (var i = 1; i < root.pinLen; i++) {
repeater.itemAt(i).innerState = "EMPTY"
width: (root.circleDiameter + root.circleSpacing) * root.pinLen
height: root.circleDiameter
Component.onCompleted: { statesInitialization() }
// Pin input data management object:
TextInput {
id: inputText
visible: false
focus: true
maximumLength: root.pinLen
validator: d.statusValidator.validatorObj
onTextChanged: {
// Modify state of current introduced character position:
if(text.length >= (d.currentPinIndex + 1)) {
repeater.itemAt(d.currentPinIndex).innerState = "FILLED"
// Update next:
if(d.currentPinIndex < root.pinLen)
repeater.itemAt(d.currentPinIndex).innerState = "NEXT"
// Modify state of current removed character position:
else if (text.length <= (d.currentPinIndex + 1)) {
if(d.currentPinIndex < root.pinLen)
repeater.itemAt(d.currentPinIndex).innerState = "EMPTY"
repeater.itemAt(d.currentPinIndex).innerState = "NEXT"
// Some component validations:
if(text.length !== d.currentPinIndex)
console.error("StatusPinInput input management error. Current pin length must be "+ text.length + "and is " + d.currentPinIndex)
onFocusChanged: { if(!focus) { d.deactivateBlink () } }
// Pin input visual objects:
Row {
spacing: root.circleSpacing
Repeater {
id: repeater
model: root.pinLen
Rectangle {
id: background
property string innerState: "EMPTY"
property alias blinkingAnimation: blinkingAnimation
property alias innerOpacity: inner.opacity
width: root.circleDiameter
height: width
color: Theme.palette.primaryColor2
radius: 0.5 * width
Rectangle {
id: inner
state: background.innerState
anchors.centerIn: parent
height: width
color: Theme.palette.primaryColor1
radius: 0.5 * width
states: [
State {
name: "NEXT"
StateChangeScript { script: { if(inputText.focus) blinkingAnimation.start() } }
PropertyChanges {target: inner; width: root.circleDiameter / 2}
State {
name: "FILLED"
StateChangeScript { script: if(blinkingAnimation.running) blinkingAnimation.stop() }
PropertyChanges {target: inner; width: root.circleDiameter}
PropertyChanges {target: inner; opacity: 1}
State {
name: "EMPTY"
StateChangeScript { script: if(blinkingAnimation.running) blinkingAnimation.stop() }
PropertyChanges {target: inner; width: 0}
PropertyChanges {target: inner; opacity: 1}
// Animation on transitions
Behavior on width { NumberAnimation { duration: 200 } }
// Animation on "cursor" blinking
SequentialAnimation {
id: blinkingAnimation
loops: Animation.Infinite
NumberAnimation { target: inner; property: "opacity"; to: 0; duration: 800 }
NumberAnimation { target: inner; property: "opacity"; to: 1; duration: 800 }
MouseArea {
id: mouseArea
anchors.fill: parent
hoverEnabled: true
// MouseArea behavior:
onClicked: {
d.activateBlink ()
onContainsMouseChanged: { if(containsMouse) { cursorShape = Qt.PointingHandCursor } }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
import QtQuick 2.14
import StatusQ.Controls 0.1
\qmltype StatusIntValidator
\inherits StatusValidator
\inqmlmodule StatusQ.Controls.Validators
\since StatusQ.Controls.Validators 0.1
\brief The StatusIntValidator type provides a validator for integer values.
The \c StatusIntValidator type provides a validator for integer values.
It is a wrapper of QML type \l{https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qml-qtquick-intvalidator.html}{IntValidator}.
Example of how to use it:
StatusIntValidator {
bottom: 0
top: 125
errorMessage: qsTr("This is an invalid numeric value")
For a list of components available see StatusQ.
StatusValidator {
id: root
\qmlproperty string StatusIntValidator::bottom
This property holds the validator's lowest acceptable value. By default, this property's value is derived from the lowest signed integer available (typically -2147483647).
property int bottom
\qmlproperty string StatusIntValidator::locale
This property holds the name of the locale used to interpret the number.
property string locale
\qmlproperty string StatusIntValidator::top
This property holds the validator's highest acceptable value. By default, this property's value is derived from the highest signed integer available (typically 2147483647).
property int top
name: "intValidator"
errorMessage: "Please enter a valid numeric value."
validatorObj: IntValidator { bottom: root.bottom; locale: root.locale; top: root.top }
validate: function (t) {
// Basic validation management
return root.validatorObj.validate() === IntValidator.Acceptable

View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
import QtQuick 2.14
import StatusQ.Controls 0.1
\qmltype StatusRegularExpressionValidator
\inherits StatusValidator
\inqmlmodule StatusQ.Controls.Validators
\since StatusQ.Controls.Validators 0.1
\brief The StatusRegularExpressionValidator type provides a validator for regular expressions.
The \c StatusRegularExpressionValidator type provides a validator, that counts as valid any string which matches a specified regular expression.
It is a wrapper of QML type \l{https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qml-qtquick-regularexpressionvalidator.html}{RegularExpressionValidator}.
Example of how to use it:
StatusRegularExpressionValidator {
regularExpression: /[0-9A-Za-z@]+/
errorMessage: qsTr("Please enter a valid regular expression.")
For a list of components available see StatusQ.
StatusValidator {
id: root
\qmlproperty string StatusRegularExpressionValidator::regularExpression
This property holds the regular expression used for validation.
Note that this property should be a regular expression in JS syntax, e.g /a/ for the regular expression matching "a".
By default, this property contains a regular expression with the pattern .* that matches any string.
Some more examples of regular expressions:
> A list of numbers with one to three positions separated by a comma:
> An amount consisting of up to 3 numbers before the decimal point, and 1 to 2 after the decimal point:
property var regularExpression
name: "regex"
errorMessage: "Please enter a valid regular expression."
validatorObj: RegularExpressionValidator { regularExpression: root.regularExpression }
validate: function (t) {
// Basic validation management
return root.validatorObj.validate() === RegularExpressionValidator.Acceptable

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ QtObject {
property string name: "" property string name: ""
property string errorMessage: "invalid input" property string errorMessage: "invalid input"
property var validatorObj
property var validate: function (value) { property var validate: function (value) {
return true return true

View File

@ -4,7 +4,9 @@ StatusAddressValidator 0.1 StatusAddressValidator.qml
StatusAddressOrEnsValidator 0.1 StatusAddressOrEnsValidator.qml StatusAddressOrEnsValidator 0.1 StatusAddressOrEnsValidator.qml
StatusAsyncValidator 0.1 StatusAsyncValidator.qml StatusAsyncValidator 0.1 StatusAsyncValidator.qml
StatusAsyncEnsValidator 0.1 StatusAsyncEnsValidator.qml StatusAsyncEnsValidator 0.1 StatusAsyncEnsValidator.qml
StatusIntValidator 0.1 StatusIntValidator.qml
StatusMinLengthValidator 0.1 StatusMinLengthValidator.qml StatusMinLengthValidator 0.1 StatusMinLengthValidator.qml
StatusMaxLengthValidator 0.1 StatusMaxLengthValidator.qml StatusMaxLengthValidator 0.1 StatusMaxLengthValidator.qml
StatusRegularExpressionValidator 0.1 StatusRegularExpressionValidator.qml
StatusUrlValidator 0.1 StatusUrlValidator.qml StatusUrlValidator 0.1 StatusUrlValidator.qml
StatusValidator 0.1 StatusValidator.qml StatusValidator 0.1 StatusValidator.qml

View File

@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ StatusSelect 0.1 StatusSelect.qml
StatusBaseInput 0.1 StatusBaseInput.qml StatusBaseInput 0.1 StatusBaseInput.qml
StatusInput 0.1 StatusInput.qml StatusInput 0.1 StatusInput.qml
StatusPickerButton 0.1 StatusPickerButton.qml StatusPickerButton 0.1 StatusPickerButton.qml
StatusPinInput 0.1 StatusPinInput.qml
StatusProgressBar 0.1 StatusProgressBar.qml StatusProgressBar 0.1 StatusProgressBar.qml
StatusPasswordStrengthIndicator 0.1 StatusPasswordStrengthIndicator.qml StatusPasswordStrengthIndicator 0.1 StatusPasswordStrengthIndicator.qml
StatusSwitchTabButton 0.1 StatusSwitchTabButton.qml StatusSwitchTabButton 0.1 StatusSwitchTabButton.qml

View File

@ -326,5 +326,8 @@
<file>src/StatusQ/Components/StatusContactVerificationIcons.qml</file> <file>src/StatusQ/Components/StatusContactVerificationIcons.qml</file>
<file>src/StatusQ/Controls/StatusIdenticonRing.qml</file> <file>src/StatusQ/Controls/StatusIdenticonRing.qml</file>
<file>src/StatusQ/Core/StatusIdenticonRingSettings.qml</file> <file>src/StatusQ/Core/StatusIdenticonRingSettings.qml</file>
</qresource> </qresource>
</RCC> </RCC>