feat(ProfileShowcase): Display counter in `In showcase` section header and elements limit

- Added counter in showcase header.
- Added placeholder when limit reached and section expanded.
- Added placeholder when limit reached and section collapsed.
- Added green animation when section collapsed and element added.
- Disabled showcase delegate context menu when limit reached.
- Dynamic tooltip offset center added.
- Added model changes tracker to track the in showcase count.

Closes #13507
This commit is contained in:
Noelia 2024-03-03 12:02:30 +01:00 committed by Noelia
parent 33c3fcf582
commit b92974ffff
9 changed files with 267 additions and 128 deletions

View File

@ -99,6 +99,7 @@ SplitView {
inShowcaseModel: emptyModelChecker.checked ? emptyModel : inShowcaseModelItem
hiddenModel: emptyModelChecker.checked ? emptyModel : hiddenModelItem
currentWallet: root.currentWallet
showcaseLimit: 5
LogsAndControlsPanel {

View File

@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ SplitView {
SplitView.preferredHeight: 500
inShowcaseModel: inShowcaseModelItem
hiddenModel: hiddenShowcaseModelItem
showcaseLimit: 8
addAccountsButtonVisible: !hasAllAccountsChecker.checked

View File

@ -211,6 +211,7 @@ SplitView {
SplitView.preferredHeight: 500
inShowcaseModel: emptyModelChecker.checked ? emptyModelItem : joinedInShowcase
hiddenModel: emptyModelChecker.checked ? emptyModelItem : joinedHiddenModel
showcaseLimit: 8
addAccountsButtonVisible: !hasAllAccountsChecker.checked

View File

@ -129,6 +129,7 @@ SplitView {
inShowcaseModel: emptyModelChecker.checked ? emptyModel : inShowcaseModelItem
hiddenModel: emptyModelChecker.checked ? emptyModel : hiddenModelItem
showcaseLimit: 5
LogsAndControlsPanel {

View File

@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ SplitView {
SplitView.fillHeight: true
emptyInShowcasePlaceholderText: "No items in showcase"
emptyHiddenPlaceholderText: "No hidden items"
showcaseLimit: limitCounter.value
onChangePositionRequested: function (from, to) {
inShowcaseModelItem.move(from, to, 1)
@ -100,6 +101,8 @@ SplitView {
delegate: ProfileShowcasePanelDelegate {
id: delegate
title: model ? model.title : ""
secondaryTitle: model ? model.secondaryTitle : ""
hasImage: model ? model.hasImage : false
@ -137,11 +140,13 @@ SplitView {
Slider {
id: inShowcaseCounter
from: 0
to: 200
to: limitCounter.value
stepSize: 1
value: 25
value: limitCounter.value > 0 ? limitCounter.value - 1 : 0
ColumnLayout {
Label {
text: "Hidden: " + hiddenCounter.value
@ -153,6 +158,18 @@ SplitView {
value: 25
ColumnLayout {
Label {
text: "Showcase limit: " + limitCounter.value
Slider {
id: limitCounter
from: 0
to: 200
stepSize: 1
value: 5

View File

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
import AppLayouts.Wallet.controls 1.0
import utils 1.0
import shared.controls 1.0
StatusDraggableListItem {
id: root
@ -20,6 +21,8 @@ StatusDraggableListItem {
property alias actionComponent: additionalActionsLoader.sourceComponent
property int showcaseVisibility: Constants.ShowcaseVisibility.NoOne
property bool blurState: false
property bool contextMenuEnabled: true
property string tooltipTextWhenContextMenuDisabled
signal showcaseVisibilityRequested(int value)
@ -46,14 +49,18 @@ StatusDraggableListItem {
actions: [
Loader {
Layout.maximumWidth: root.width *.4
id: additionalActionsLoader
StatusRoundButton {
Layout.maximumWidth: root.width *.4
DisabledTooltipButton {
interactive: root.contextMenuEnabled
tooltipText: root.tooltipTextWhenContextMenuDisabled
buttonComponent: StatusRoundButton {
enabled: root.contextMenuEnabled
icon.name: ProfileUtils.visibilityIcon(root.showcaseVisibility)
Layout.preferredWidth: 58
Layout.preferredHeight: 28
width: 58
height: 30
border.width: 1
border.color: Theme.palette.directColor7
radius: 14
@ -110,6 +117,7 @@ StatusDraggableListItem {
Component {

View File

@ -30,8 +30,11 @@ DoubleFlickableWithFolding {
property string emptyInShowcasePlaceholderText
property string emptyHiddenPlaceholderText
// Signal to requst position change of the visible items
property int showcaseLimit: ProfileUtils.showcaseLimit
// Signal to request position change of the visible items
signal changePositionRequested(int from, int to)
// Signal to request visibility change of the items
signal setVisibilityRequested(var key, int toVisibility)
@ -43,6 +46,8 @@ DoubleFlickableWithFolding {
QtObject {
id: d
readonly property bool limitReached: root.showcaseLimit === inShowcaseCounterTracker.count
readonly property var dragHiddenItemKey: ["x-status-draggable-showcase-item-hidden"]
readonly property var dragShowcaseItemKey: ["x-status-draggable-showcase-item"]
@ -51,6 +56,27 @@ DoubleFlickableWithFolding {
property int additionalHeaderComponentWidth: 350 // by design
property int additionalHeaderComponentHeight: 40 // by design
property bool startAnimation: false
signal setVisibilityInternalRequested(var key, int toVisibility)
onSetVisibilityInternalRequested: {
if(toVisibility !== Constants.ShowcaseVisibility.NoOne) {
startAnimation = !startAnimation
root.setVisibilityRequested(key, toVisibility)
ModelChangeTracker {
id: inShowcaseCounterTracker
property int count: {
return model.rowCount()
model: root.inShowcaseModel
clip: true
@ -67,19 +93,64 @@ DoubleFlickableWithFolding {
model: root.inShowcaseModel
header: FoldableHeader {
readonly property bool isDropAreaVisible: root.flickable1Folded && d.isAnyHiddenDragActive
width: ListView.view.width
title: qsTr("In showcase")
folded: root.flickable1Folded
rightAdditionalComponent: VisibilityDropAreaButtonsRow {
rightAdditionalComponent: isDropAreaVisible && d.limitReached ? limitReachedHeaderButton :
isDropAreaVisible ? dropHeaderAreaComponent : counterComponent
Component {
id: counterComponent
StatusBaseText {
id: counterText
width: d.additionalHeaderComponentWidth
height: d.additionalHeaderComponentHeight
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
text: "%1 / %2".arg(inShowcaseCounterTracker.count).arg(root.showcaseLimit)
font.pixelSize: Style.current.tertiaryTextFontSize
color: Theme.palette.baseColor1
ColorAnimation {
id: animateColor
target: counterText
properties: "color"
from: Theme.palette.successColor1
to: Theme.palette.baseColor1
duration: 2000
Connections {
target: d
function onStartAnimationChanged() {
Component {
id: dropHeaderAreaComponent
VisibilityDropAreaButtonsRow {
margins: 0
visible: root.flickable1Folded &&
(d.isAnyHiddenDragActive ||
parent.containsDrag ||
everyoneContainsDrag ||
contactsContainsDrag ||
width: d.additionalHeaderComponentWidth
height: d.additionalHeaderComponentHeight
Component {
id: limitReachedHeaderButton
VisibilityDropAreaButton {
width: d.additionalHeaderComponentWidth
height: d.additionalHeaderComponentHeight
rightInset: 1
text: qsTr("Showcase limit of %1 reached").arg(root.showcaseLimit)
enabled: false
textColor: Theme.palette.baseColor1
iconVisible: false
onToggleFolding: root.flip1Folding()
@ -99,13 +170,30 @@ DoubleFlickableWithFolding {
width: parent.width
height: ProfileUtils.defaultDelegateHeight
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
visible: d.isAnyHiddenDragActive ||
visible: !d.limitReached &&
(d.isAnyHiddenDragActive ||
parent.containsDrag ||
everyoneContainsDrag ||
contactsContainsDrag ||
// Overlaid showcase listview content when limit reached:
VisibilityDropAreaButton {
id: limitReachedButton
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
anchors.bottomMargin: Style.current.halfPadding
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
width: parent.width - Style.current.padding
height: ProfileUtils.defaultDelegateHeight - Style.current.padding
visible: d.isAnyHiddenDragActive && d.limitReached
enabled: false
text: qsTr("Showcase limit of %1 reached").arg(root.showcaseLimit)
textColor: Theme.palette.baseColor1
iconVisible: false
flickable2: EmptyShapeRectangleFooterListView {
@ -165,8 +253,10 @@ DoubleFlickableWithFolding {
readonly property alias containsDrag: dropArea.containsDrag
property bool iconVisible: true
property string textColor: icon.color
property int showcaseVisibility: Constants.ShowcaseVisibility.NoOne
property var dropAreaKeys
property var dropAreaKeys: []
padding: Style.current.halfPadding
spacing: padding/2
@ -175,7 +265,7 @@ DoubleFlickableWithFolding {
background: ShapeRectangle {
path.strokeColor: dropArea.containsDrag ? Theme.palette.primaryColor2 : Theme.palette.directColor7
path.fillColor: dropArea.containsDrag ? Theme.palette.primaryColor3 : Theme.palette.baseColor4
path.fillColor: dropArea.containsDrag ? Theme.palette.primaryColor3 : Theme.palette.getColor(Theme.palette.baseColor4, 0.7)
DropArea {
id: dropArea
@ -188,7 +278,7 @@ DoubleFlickableWithFolding {
onDropped: function(drop) {
root.setVisibilityRequested(drop.source.key, visibilityDropAreaButton.showcaseVisibility)
d.setVisibilityInternalRequested(drop.source.key, visibilityDropAreaButton.showcaseVisibility)
@ -200,6 +290,7 @@ DoubleFlickableWithFolding {
spacing: visibilityDropAreaButton.spacing
StatusIcon {
visible: visibilityDropAreaButton.iconVisible
width: 20
height: width
icon: ProfileUtils.visibilityIcon(visibilityDropAreaButton.showcaseVisibility)
@ -211,7 +302,7 @@ DoubleFlickableWithFolding {
font.pixelSize: Style.current.additionalTextSize
font.weight: Font.Medium
elide: Text.ElideRight
color: visibilityDropAreaButton.icon.color
color: visibilityDropAreaButton.textColor
text: visibilityDropAreaButton.text
@ -290,7 +381,7 @@ DoubleFlickableWithFolding {
function handleDropped(drop) {
if (showcaseDelegateRoot.isHiddenShowcaseItem) {
root.setVisibilityRequested(drop.source.key, Constants.ShowcaseVisibility.NoOne)
d.setVisibilityInternalRequested(drop.source.key, Constants.ShowcaseVisibility.NoOne)
@ -321,13 +412,14 @@ DoubleFlickableWithFolding {
sourceComponent: root.delegate
onItemChanged: {
if (item) {
item.showcaseVisibilityRequested.connect((toVisibility) => root.setVisibilityRequested(showcaseDelegateRoot.model.showcaseKey, toVisibility))
item.showcaseVisibilityRequested.connect((toVisibility) => d.setVisibilityInternalRequested(showcaseDelegateRoot.model.showcaseKey, toVisibility))
Binding {
when: showcaseDelegateRoot.isHiddenShowcaseItem ? d.isAnyShowcaseDragActive : d.isAnyHiddenDragActive
when: showcaseDelegateRoot.isHiddenShowcaseItem ? d.isAnyShowcaseDragActive : (d.isAnyHiddenDragActive ||
(d.isAnyHiddenDragActive && d.limitReached))
target: showcaseDraggableDelegateLoader.item
property: "blurState"
value: true
@ -342,6 +434,22 @@ DoubleFlickableWithFolding {
restoreMode: Binding.RestoreBindingOrValue
Binding {
when: showcaseDelegateRoot.isHiddenShowcaseItem && d.limitReached
target: showcaseDraggableDelegateLoader.item
property: "contextMenuEnabled"
value: false
restoreMode: Binding.RestoreBindingOrValue
Binding {
when: showcaseDelegateRoot.isHiddenShowcaseItem && d.limitReached
target: showcaseDraggableDelegateLoader.item
property: "tooltipTextWhenContextMenuDisabled"
value: qsTr("Showcase limit of %1 reached. <br>Remove item from showcase to add more.").arg(root.showcaseLimit)
restoreMode: Binding.RestoreBindingOrValue
// Delegate shadow background when dragging:
ShadowDelegate {
id: showcaseShadow

View File

@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ Item {
StatusToolTip {
id: tooltip
visible: hoverHandler.hovered && !!text
offset: -(tooltip.x + tooltip.width/2 - root.width/2)

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
QtObject {
readonly property int defaultDelegateHeight: 76
readonly property int showcaseLimit: 100
function displayName(nickName, ensName, displayName, aliasName)