fix(wallet): fix loading of initial balances

This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Rainville 2021-06-28 14:43:49 -04:00 committed by Iuri Matias
parent eb726a315c
commit b720a611c4
4 changed files with 35 additions and 19 deletions

View File

@ -101,14 +101,27 @@ QtObject:
if loadTransactions:
proc initBalance(self: BalanceView, acc: WalletAccount, loadTransactions: bool = true) =
accountAddress = acc.address
tokenList = acc.assetList.filter(proc(x:Asset): bool = x.address != "").map(proc(x: Asset): string = x.address)
self.initBalances("getAccountBalanceSuccess", accountAddress, tokenList)
if loadTransactions:
proc initBalance*(self: BalanceView, accountAddress: string, loadTransactions: bool = true) =
echo "initBalance"
#var found = false
#let acc = self.status.wallet.accounts.find(acc => acc.address.toLowerAscii == accountAddress.toLowerAscii, found)
#if not found:
# error "Failed to init balance: could not find account", account=accountAddress
# return
#self.initBalance(acc, loadTransactions)
var found = false
var acc: WalletAccount
for a in self.status.wallet.accounts:
if a.address.toLowerAscii == accountAddress.toLowerAscii:
found = true
acc = a
if not found:
error "Failed to init balance: could not find account", account=accountAddress
self.initBalance(acc, loadTransactions)
proc getAccountBalanceSuccess*(self: BalanceView, jsonResponse: string) {.slot.} =
let jsonObj = jsonResponse.parseJson()

View File

@ -33,8 +33,11 @@ proc loadTransactions*[T](self: T, slot: string, address: string, toBlock: Uint2
let arg = LoadTransactionsTaskArg(
tptr: cast[ByteAddress](loadTransactionsTask),
vptr: cast[ByteAddress](self.vptr),
slot: slot, address: address,
toBlock: toBlock, limit: limit, loadMore: loadMore
slot: slot,
address: address,
toBlock: toBlock,
limit: limit,
loadMore: loadMore
@ -58,10 +61,12 @@ QtObject:
proc historyWasFetched*(self: HistoryView) {.signal.}
proc loadingTrxHistoryChanged*(self: HistoryView, isLoading: bool, address: string) {.signal.}
proc setHistoryFetchState*(self: HistoryView, accounts: seq[string], isFetching: bool) =
for acc in accounts:
self.fetchingHistoryState[acc] = isFetching
if not isFetching: self.historyWasFetched()
self.loadingTrxHistoryChanged(isFetching, acc)
proc isFetchingHistory*(self: HistoryView, address: string): bool {.slot.} =
if self.fetchingHistoryState.hasKey(address):
@ -71,8 +76,6 @@ QtObject:
proc isHistoryFetched*(self: HistoryView, address: string): bool {.slot.} =
return self.transactionsView.currentTransactions.rowCount() > 0
proc loadingTrxHistoryChanged*(self: HistoryView, isLoading: bool, address: string) {.signal.}
proc loadTransactionsForAccount*(self: HistoryView, address: string, toBlock: string = "0x0", limit: int = 20, loadMore: bool = false) {.slot.} =
self.loadingTrxHistoryChanged(true, address)
let toBlockParsed = stint.fromHex(Uint256, toBlock)

View File

@ -11,19 +11,19 @@ import "../../../shared/status"
Item {
property int pageSize: 20 // number of transactions per page
property var tokens: {
const count = walletModel.tokensView.defaultTokenList.rowCount()
let count = walletModel.tokensView.defaultTokenList.rowCount()
const toks = []
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
"address": walletModel.tokensView.defaultTokenList.rowData(i, 'address'),
"symbol": walletModel.tokensView.defaultTokenList.rowData(i, 'symbol')
count = walletModel.customTokenList.rowCount()
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
count = walletModel.tokensView.customTokenList.rowCount()
for (let j = 0; j < count; j++) {
"address": walletModel.customTokenList.rowData(i, 'address'),
"symbol": walletModel.customTokenList.rowData(i, 'symbol')
"address": walletModel.customTokenList.rowData(j, 'address'),
"symbol": walletModel.customTokenList.rowData(j, 'symbol')
return toks