feat(Wallet): AssetsViewAdaptor added for preparing data for AssetsView

This commit is contained in:
Michał Cieślak 2024-06-13 14:17:33 +02:00 committed by Michał
parent 4f24ee0422
commit b12caa3f9a
4 changed files with 480 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
import StatusQ.Models 0.1
import Storybook 1.0
import utils 1.0
import shared.views 1.0
Item {
id: root
ListModel {
id: listModel
readonly property var data: [
tokensKey: "key_ETH",
name: "Ether",
symbol: "ETH",
balances: [
chainId: "chain_id_1",
balance: "186316672770338050",
account: "account_1",
chainId: "chain_id_1",
balance: "386318672772348050",
account: "account_2",
chainId: "chain_id_2",
balance: "186311232772348990",
account: "account_1",
chainId: "chain_id_2",
balance: "986317232772348990",
account: "account_1",
decimals: 18,
communityId: "",
communityName: "",
communityImage: Qt.resolvedUrl(""),
marketDetails: {
changePct24hour: -2.1232,
currencyPrice: {
amount: 3423.23898
detailsLoading: false,
image: Qt.resolvedUrl("")
tokensKey: "key_SNT",
name: "Status",
symbol: "SNT",
balances: [
chainId: "chain_id_1",
balance: "386316672770338850",
account: "account_1",
chainId: "chain_id_1",
balance: "377778672772348050",
account: "account_2",
chainId: "chain_id_2",
balance: "146311232772348990",
account: "account_1",
chainId: "chain_id_3",
balance: "86317232772348990",
account: "account_1",
decimals: 18,
communityId: "",
communityName: "",
communityImage: Qt.resolvedUrl(""),
marketDetails: {
changePct24hour: 9.232,
currencyPrice: {
amount: 33.23898
detailsLoading: false,
image: Qt.resolvedUrl("")
tokensKey: "key_MYASST",
name: "Community Asset",
symbol: "MYASST",
balances: [
chainId: "chain_id_1",
balance: "23234",
account: "account_1",
chainId: "chain_id_1",
balance: "63234",
account: "account_2",
decimals: 3,
communityId: "0x033f36ccb",
communityName: "My Community",
communityImage: Constants.tokenIcon("DAI", false),
marketDetails: {
changePct24hour: 0,
currencyPrice: {
amount: 0
detailsLoading: false,
image: Constants.tokenIcon("ZRX", false)
Component.onCompleted: {
const chains = new Set()
const accounts = new Set()
data.forEach(e => e.balances.forEach(
e => { chains.add(e.chainId);
chainsSelector.model = [...chains.values()]
chainsDownSelector.model = [...chains.values()]
accountsSelector.model = [...accounts.values()]
ManageTokensController {
id: manageTokensController
sourceModel: listModel
serializeAsCollectibles: false
onRequestLoadSettings: {
const jsonData = [
"key": "ETH",
"position": 1,
"visible": true
"key": "SNT",
"position": 2,
"visible": true
"key": "MYASST",
"position": 5,
"visible": true
AssetsViewAdaptor {
id: adaptor
controller: manageTokensController
chains: chainsSelector.selection
accounts: accountsSelector.selection
marketValueThreshold: minimumBalanceSlider.value
chainsError: chains => {
const chainsDown = chainsDownSelector.selection
const downForToken = chains.filter(value => chainsDown.includes(value))
if (downForToken.length)
return "Chains down: " + JSON.stringify(downForToken)
return ""
tokensModel: listModel
ColumnLayout {
anchors.fill: parent
Label { text: "CHAINS:" }
CheckBoxFlowSelector {
id: chainsSelector
Layout.fillWidth: true
initialSelection: true
Label { text: "CHAINS DOWN:" }
CheckBoxFlowSelector {
id: chainsDownSelector
Layout.fillWidth: true
Label { text: "ACCOUNTS:" }
CheckBoxFlowSelector {
id: accountsSelector
Layout.fillWidth: true
initialSelection: true
Label { text: "MINIMUM BALANCE:" }
RowLayout {
Slider {
id: minimumBalanceSlider
from: 0.1
to: 100
value: 10
Label {
text: minimumBalanceSlider.value
RowLayout {
GenericListView {
label: "Input model"
model: listModel
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.fillHeight: true
skipEmptyRoles: true
GenericListView {
label: "Adapter's output model"
model: adaptor.model
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.fillHeight: true
["key", "symbol", "name", "icon", "error", "balance", "balanceText",
"marketDetailsAvailable", "marketDetailsLoading",
"marketPrice", "marketChangePct24hour", "communityId",
"communityName", "communityIcon", "position", "canBeHidden"]
skipEmptyRoles: true
// category: Adaptors

View File

@ -95,6 +95,8 @@ QtObject {
/* This model joins the "Tokens by symbol model combined with Community details"
and "Grouped Account Assets Model" by tokenskey */
property LeftJoinModel groupedAccountAssetsModel: LeftJoinModel {
objectName: "groupedAccountAssetsModel"
leftModel: root.baseGroupedAccountAssetModel
rightModel: _jointTokensBySymbolModel
joinRole: "tokensKey"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
import QtQml 2.15
import StatusQ 0.1
import StatusQ.Models 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Utils 0.1
import utils 1.0
import SortFilterProxyModel 0.2
QObject {
id: root
// Controller providing information about visibility and order defined
// by a user (token management)
required property ManageTokensController controller
Expected model structure:
Tokens related part:
tokensKey [string] - unique identifier of a token, e.g "0x3234235"
symbol [string] - token's symbol e.g. "ETH" or "SNT"
name [string] - token's name e.g. "Ether" or "Dai"
image [url] - token's icon for custom tokens
decimals [int] - number of decimal places, e.g. 18 for ETH
balances [model] - submodel of balances per chain/account
chainId [string] - unique identifier of a chain
account [string] - unique identifier of an account
balance [string] - balance in basic unit as big integer string
marketDetails [object] - object holding market details
changePct24hour [double] - percentage change of fiat price in last day
currencyPrice [object] - object holding fiat price details
amount [double] - fiat prace of 1 logical unit of cryptocurrency
detailsLoading [bool] - indicatator if market details are ready to use
Community related part (relevant for community minted assets, empty otherwise):
communityId [string] - unique identifier of a community, e.g. "0x6734235"
communityName [string] - name of a community e.g. "Crypto Kitties"
communityImage [url] - community's icon url
property var tokensModel
// function formatting tokens balance expressed in a commonly used units,
// e.g. 1.2 for 1.2 ETH, according to rules specific for given symbol
property var formatBalance:
(balance, symbol) => `${balance.toLocaleString(Qt.locale())} ${symbol}`
// function providing error message per token depending on used chains,
// should return empty string if no error found
property var chainsError: chains => ""
// list of chain identifiers used for balance calculation
property var chains: []
// list of accounts used for balance calculation
property var accounts: []
// threshold below which the token is omitted from the output model
property double marketValueThreshold
Model structure:
All roles from the source model are passed directly to the output model,
key [string] - renamed from tokensKey
icon [url] - from image or fetched by symbol for well-known tokens
balance [double] - tokens balance is the commonly used unit, e.g. 1.2 for 1.2 ETH,
computed from balances according to provided criteria
balanceText [string] - formatted and localized balance
error [string] - error message related to balance
marketDetailsAvailable [bool] - specifies if market datails are available for given token
marketDetailsLoading [bool] - specifies if market datails are available for given token
marketPrice [double] - specifies market price in currently used currency
marketChangePct24hour [double] - percentage price change in last 24 hours, e.g. 0.5 for 0.5% of price change
position [int] - if custom order available, display position fetched from ManageTokensController
canBeHidden [bool] - specifies if given token can be hidden (e.g. ETH should be always visible)
communityIcon [url] - renamed from communityImage
readonly property alias model: sfpm
ObjectProxyModel {
id: proxyModel
sourceModel: root.tokensModel ?? null
delegate: QObject {
readonly property var rootModel: model
readonly property bool hasCommunityId: !!model.communityId
readonly property var marketDetails: model.marketDetails
// Read-only roles exposed to the model:
readonly property string key: model.tokensKey
readonly property string error:
readonly property double balance:
AmountsArithmetic.toNumber(totalBalanceAggregator.value, model.decimals)
readonly property string balanceText: root.formatBalance(balance, model.symbol)
readonly property bool marketDetailsAvailable: !hasCommunityId
readonly property bool marketDetailsLoading: model.detailsLoading
readonly property real marketPrice: marketDetails.currencyPrice.amount ?? 0
readonly property real marketChangePct24hour: marketDetails.changePct24hour ?? 0
readonly property int position: {
return controller.order(model.symbol)
readonly property bool visible: {
if (!root.controller.filterAcceptsSymbol(model.symbol))
return false
if (hasCommunityId)
return true
return balance * marketPrice >= root.marketValueThreshold
readonly property url icon:
!!model.image ? model.image
: Constants.tokenIcon(model.symbol, false)
readonly property url communityIcon: model.communityImage ?? ""
readonly property bool canBeHidden: model.symbol !== Constants.ethToken
SortFilterProxyModel {
id: filteredBalances
sourceModel: rootModel.balances
filters: [
FastExpressionFilter {
expression: root.chains.includes(model.chainId)
expectedRoles: ["chainId"]
FastExpressionFilter {
expression: root.accounts.includes(model.account)
expectedRoles: ["account"]
FunctionAggregator {
id: totalBalanceAggregator
model: filteredBalances
initialValue: "0"
roleName: "balance"
aggregateFunction: (aggr, value) => AmountsArithmetic.sum(
FunctionAggregator {
id: chainsAggregator
readonly property var uniqueChains: [...new Set(value).values()]
model: filteredBalances
initialValue: []
roleName: "chainId"
aggregateFunction: (aggr, value) => [...aggr, value]
["tokensKey", "symbol", "image", "balances", "decimals",
"detailsLoading", "marketDetails", "communityId", "communityImage"]
["key", "error", "balance", "balanceText", "position", "icon",
"visible", "canBeHidden", "marketDetailsAvailable", "marketDetailsLoading",
"marketPrice", "marketChangePct24hour", "communityIcon"]
SortFilterProxyModel {
id: sfpm
sourceModel: proxyModel
filters: ValueFilter {
roleName: "visible"
value: true

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
AssetContextMenu 1.0 AssetContextMenu.qml
AssetsView 1.0 AssetsView.qml
AssetsViewAdaptor 1.0 AssetsViewAdaptor.qml
AssetsViewNew 1.0 AssetsViewNew.qml
ConfirmHideAssetPopup 1.0 ConfirmHideAssetPopup.qml
ConfirmHideCommunityAssetsPopup 1.0 ConfirmHideCommunityAssetsPopup.qml