mirror of
synced 2025-02-16 16:47:24 +00:00
refactor(contactDetailsAsJson): Adding ContactDetails
component to replace getContactDetailsAsJson
This component has live data and its purpose is to replace getContactDetailsAsJson + adding storybook page + adding tests
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
import QtQml 2.15
import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
import SortFilterProxyModel 0.2
import StatusQ.Components 0.1
import StatusQ.Controls 0.1
import StatusQ.Core 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Utils 0.1
import Storybook 1.0
import utils 1.0
import Models 1.0
import AppLayouts.Profile.helpers 1.0
import AppLayouts.Profile.stores 1.0
import QtTest 1.15
SplitView {
id: root
ColumnLayout {
SplitView.fillWidth: true
SplitView.fillHeight: true
clip: true
spacing: 5
Label {
Layout.fillWidth: true
text: "publicKey: " + contactDetails.publicKey
font.bold: true
Label {
Layout.fillWidth: true
text: "loading: " + contactDetails.loading
font.bold: true
Label {
Layout.fillWidth: true
text: "displayName: " + contactDetails.displayName
Label {
Layout.fillWidth: true
text: "ensName: " + contactDetails.ensName
Label {
Layout.fillWidth: true
text: "ensVerified: " + contactDetails.ensVerified
Label {
Layout.fillWidth: true
text: "localNickname: " + contactDetails.localNickname
Label {
Layout.fillWidth: true
text: "alias: " + contactDetails.alias
Label {
Layout.fillWidth: true
text: "icon: " + contactDetails.icon
Label {
Layout.fillWidth: true
text: "colorId: " + contactDetails.colorId
Label {
Layout.fillWidth: true
text: "colorHash: " + contactDetails.colorHash
Label {
Layout.fillWidth: true
text: "onlineStatus: " + contactDetails.onlineStatus
Label {
Layout.fillWidth: true
text: "isContact: " + contactDetails.isContact
Label {
Layout.fillWidth: true
text: "isCurrentUser: " + contactDetails.isCurrentUser
Label {
Layout.fillWidth: true
text: "isVerified: " + contactDetails.isVerified
Label {
Layout.fillWidth: true
text: "isUntrustworthy: " + contactDetails.isUntrustworthy
Label {
Layout.fillWidth: true
text: "isBlocked: " + contactDetails.isBlocked
Label {
Layout.fillWidth: true
text: "contactRequestState: " + contactDetails.contactRequestState
Label {
Layout.fillWidth: true
text: "incomingVerificationStatus: " + contactDetails.incomingVerificationStatus
Label {
Layout.fillWidth: true
text: "outgoingVerificationStatus: " + contactDetails.outgoingVerificationStatus
Pane {
contentItem: RowLayout {
ComboBox {
id: pubKeySelector
model: [...ModelUtils.modelToFlatArray(myContactsModel, "pubKey"), "myPubKey", "none"]
ModelChangeTracker {
id: modelChangeTracker
model: myContactsModel
onRevisionChanged: {
pubKeySelector.model = [...ModelUtils.modelToFlatArray(myContactsModel, "pubKey"), "myPubKey", "none"]
UsersModelEditor {
id: myContactsModelEditor
SplitView.fillHeight: true
SplitView.preferredWidth: 500
model: myContactsModel
onRemoveClicked: (index) => {
myContactsModel.remove(index, 1)
onRemoveAllClicked: () => {
onAddClicked: () => {
UsersModel {
id: myContactsModel
ContactsStore {
id: contactsStoreMock
readonly property string myPublicKey: "0x123"
readonly property UsersModel contactsModel: myContactsModel
function requestContactInfo(pubKey) {
pubKey: pubKey,
displayName: "displayName",
ensName: "ensName",
ensVerified: true,
localNickname: "localNickname",
alias: "alias",
icon: "icon",
colorId: 1,
colorHash: [],
onlineStatus: 1,
isContact: true,
isCurrentUser: false,
isVerified: true,
isUntrustworthy: false,
isBlocked: false,
contactRequestState: 3,
incomingVerificationStatus: 3,
outgoingVerificationStatus: 2,
defaaaultDisplayName: "defaultDisplayName",
optionalName: "optionalName",
lastUpdated: 1234567890,
lastUpdatedLocally: 1234567890,
thumbnailImage: "thumbnailImage",
largeImage: "largeImage",
isContactRequestReceived: false,
isContactRequestSent: false,
isSyncing: false,
removed: false,
trustStatus: 1,
bio: "bio"
ProfileStore {
id: profileStoreMock
readonly property string displayName: "myDisplayName"
readonly property string name: "myEnsName"
readonly property string username: "myUsername"
readonly property string icon: "myIcon"
readonly property int colorId: 1
readonly property var colorHash: {}
readonly property int currentUserStatus: 1
readonly property string defaultDisplayName: "myDefaultDisplayName"
readonly property string thumbnailImage: "myThumbnailImage"
readonly property string largeImage: "myLargeImage"
readonly property string bio: "myBio"
ContactDetails {
id: contactDetails
contactsStore: contactsStoreMock
profileStore: profileStoreMock
publicKey: pubKeySelector.currentText === "myPubKey" ? "0x123" : pubKeySelector.currentText
// category: Contacts
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
import QtQuick 2.15
import QtTest 1.15
import QtQml 2.15
import AppLayouts.Profile.helpers 1.0
import AppLayouts.Profile.stores 1.0
Item {
id: root
Component {
id: testComponent
ContactDetails {
id: contactDetails
Component {
id: failingTestComponent
ContactDetails {
id: contactDetails
Component {
id: contactsStore
ContactsStore {
readonly property string myPublicKey: "0x123"
readonly property ListModel contactsModel: ListModel { id: myContactsModel }
property var requestContactInfo: requestContactInfoCall
function requestContactInfoCall(pubKey) {
pubKey: pubKey,
displayName: "displayName",
ensName: "ensName",
isEnsVerified: true,
localNickname: "localNickname",
alias: "alias",
icon: "icon",
colorId: 1,
colorHash: [],
onlineStatus: 1,
isContact: true,
isCurrentUser: false,
isVerified: true,
isUntrustworthy: false,
isBlocked: false,
contactRequest: 3,
incomingVerificationStatus: 3,
outgoingVerificationStatus: 2,
defaultDisplayName: "defaultDisplayName",
optionalName: "optionalName",
lastUpdated: 1234567890,
lastUpdatedLocally: 1234567890,
thumbnailImage: "thumbnailImage",
largeImage: "largeImage",
isContactRequestReceived: false,
isContactRequestSent: false,
isSyncing: false,
isRemoved: false,
trustStatus: 1,
bio: "bio"
Component {
id: profileStore
ProfileStore {
id: profileStoreMock
readonly property string displayName: "myDisplayName"
readonly property string name: "myEnsName"
readonly property string username: "myUsername"
readonly property string icon: "myIcon"
readonly property int colorId: 1
readonly property var colorHash: {1}
readonly property int currentUserStatus: 1
readonly property string defaultDisplayName: "myDefaultDisplayName"
readonly property string thumbnailImage: "myThumbnailImage"
readonly property string largeImage: "myLargeImage"
readonly property string bio: "myBio"
TestCase {
name: "ContactDetailsTest"
function test_initialization() {
const contactDetails = createTemporaryObject(testComponent, root, {
contactsStore: createTemporaryObject(contactsStore, root),
profileStore: createTemporaryObject(profileStore, root),
publicKey: ""
verify(!!contactDetails, "Expected the contact details to initialize")
function test_initializationOwnProfile() {
const contactDetails = createTemporaryObject(testComponent, root, {
contactsStore: createTemporaryObject(contactsStore, root),
profileStore: createTemporaryObject(profileStore, root),
publicKey: "0x123"
compare(contactDetails.loading, false, "Expected the loading flag to be false")
compare(contactDetails.publicKey,"0x123", "Expected the public key to be set")
compare(contactDetails.contactsStore.myPublicKey,"0x123", "Expected the contacts store to be set")
compare(contactDetails.profileStore.displayName,"myDisplayName", "Expected the profile store to be set")
compare(contactDetails.displayName, contactDetails.profileStore.displayName, "Expected the display name to be set")
compare(contactDetails.ensName, contactDetails.profileStore.name, "Expected the ens name to be set")
compare(contactDetails.ensVerified, true, "Expected the ensVerified to be set")
compare(contactDetails.localNickname, "", "Expected the local nickname to be empty")
compare(contactDetails.alias, contactDetails.profileStore.username, "Expected the alias to be set")
compare(contactDetails.icon, contactDetails.profileStore.icon, "Expected the icon to be set")
compare(contactDetails.colorId, contactDetails.profileStore.colorId, "Expected the color id to be set")
compare(contactDetails.colorHash, contactDetails.profileStore.colorHash, "Expected the color hash to be empty")
compare(contactDetails.onlineStatus, contactDetails.profileStore.currentUserStatus, "Expected the online status to be set")
compare(contactDetails.thumbnailImage, contactDetails.profileStore.thumbnailImage, "Expected the is contact flag to be set")
compare(contactDetails.largeImage, contactDetails.profileStore.largeImage, "Expected the is contact flag to be set")
compare(contactDetails.bio, contactDetails.profileStore.bio, "Expected the is contact flag to be set")
compare(contactDetails.isContact, false, "Expected the is contact flag to be set")
compare(contactDetails.isCurrentUser, true, "Expected the is contact flag to be set")
function test_initializationWithContact() {
const contactsStoreMock = createTemporaryObject(contactsStore, root)
contactsStoreMock.requestContactInfo("0x321") //appending new contact to the model
const contactDetails = createTemporaryObject(testComponent, root, {
contactsStore: contactsStoreMock,
profileStore: createTemporaryObject(profileStore, root),
publicKey: "0x321"
compare(contactDetails.loading, false, "Expected the loading flag to be false")
compare(contactDetails.publicKey,"0x321", "Expected the public key to be set")
compare(contactDetails.displayName, "displayName", "Expected the display name to be set")
compare(contactDetails.ensName, "ensName", "Expected the ens name to be set")
compare(contactDetails.ensVerified, true, "Expected the ensVerified to be set")
compare(contactDetails.localNickname, "localNickname", "Expected the local nickname to be set")
compare(contactDetails.alias, "alias", "Expected the alias to be set")
compare(contactDetails.icon, "icon", "Expected the icon to be set")
compare(contactDetails.colorId, 1, "Expected the color id to be set")
compare(contactDetails.onlineStatus, 1, "Expected the online status to be set")
compare(contactDetails.thumbnailImage, "thumbnailImage", "Expected the thumbnailImage to be set")
compare(contactDetails.largeImage, "largeImage", "Expected the largeImage to be set")
compare(contactDetails.bio, "bio", "Expected the bio to be set")
compare(contactDetails.isContact, true, "Expected the is contact flag to be set")
compare(contactDetails.isCurrentUser, false, "Expected the isCurrentUser flag to be set")
compare(contactDetails.isVerified, true, "Expected the isVerified flag to be set")
compare(contactDetails.isUntrustworthy, false, "Expected the isUntrustworthy flag to be set")
compare(contactDetails.isBlocked, false, "Expected the isBlocked flag to be set")
compare(contactDetails.contactRequestState, 3, "Expected the contactRequestState flag to be set")
compare(contactDetails.incomingVerificationStatus, 3, "Expected the incomingVerificationStatus flag to be set")
compare(contactDetails.outgoingVerificationStatus, 2, "Expected the outgoingVerificationStatus flag to be set")
compare(contactDetails.defaultDisplayName, "defaultDisplayName", "Expected the defaultDisplayName to be set")
compare(contactDetails.optionalName, "optionalName", "Expected the optionalName to be set")
compare(contactDetails.lastUpdated, 1234567890, "Expected the lastUpdated to be set")
compare(contactDetails.lastUpdatedLocally, 1234567890, "Expected the lastUpdatedLocally to be set")
compare(contactDetails.isContactRequestReceived, false, "Expected the isContactRequestReceived flag to be set")
compare(contactDetails.isContactRequestSent, false, "Expected the isContactRequestSent flag to be set")
compare(contactDetails.isSyncing, false, "Expected the isSyncing to be set")
compare(contactDetails.removed, false, "Expected the removed flag to be set")
compare(contactDetails.trustStatus, 1, "Expected the trustStatus flag to be set")
function test_initFails() {
ignoreWarning(new RegExp("Required property publicKey was not initialized"))
ignoreWarning(new RegExp("Required property contactsStore was not initialized"))
ignoreWarning(new RegExp("Required property profileStore was not initialized"))
const contactDetails = createTemporaryObject(failingTestComponent, root)
verify(!contactDetails, "Expected the contact details to fail to initialize")
function test_initWithEmptyContacts() {
const contactsStoreMock = createTemporaryObject(contactsStore, root)
let requestContactInfoCallCount = 0
contactsStoreMock.requestContactInfo = function(pubKey) {
const contactDetails = createTemporaryObject(testComponent, root, {
contactsStore: contactsStoreMock,
profileStore: createTemporaryObject(profileStore, root),
publicKey: "0x1234"
compare(requestContactInfoCallCount, 1, "Expected the requestContactInfo to be called")
compare(contactDetails.loading, true, "Expected the loading flag to be true")
compare(contactDetails.publicKey,"0x1234", "Expected the public key to be set")
//add the contact
contactsStoreMock.requestContactInfo = contactsStoreMock.requestContactInfoCall
compare(contactDetails.loading, false, "Expected the loading flag to be false")
compare(contactDetails.publicKey,"0x1234", "Expected the public key to be set")
compare(contactDetails.displayName, "displayName", "Expected the display name to be set")
compare(contactDetails.ensName, "ensName", "Expected the ens name to be set")
compare(contactDetails.ensVerified, true, "Expected the ensVerified to be set")
function test_contactRemovedFromModel() {
const contactsStoreMock = createTemporaryObject(contactsStore, root)
contactsStoreMock.requestContactInfo("0x1234") //appending new contact to the model
const contactDetails = createTemporaryObject(testComponent, root, {
contactsStore: contactsStoreMock,
profileStore: createTemporaryObject(profileStore, root),
publicKey: "0x1234"
compare(contactDetails.loading, false, "Expected the loading flag to be false")
compare(contactDetails.publicKey,"0x1234", "Expected the public key to be set")
compare(contactDetails.displayName, "displayName", "Expected the display name to be set")
compare(contactDetails.ensName, "ensName", "Expected the ens name to be set")
compare(contactDetails.ensVerified, true, "Expected the ensVerified to be set")
// removing from model should not clear the contact details
compare(contactDetails.loading, false, "Expected the loading flag to be true")
compare(contactDetails.publicKey,"0x1234", "Expected the public key to be set")
compare(contactDetails.displayName, "displayName", "Expected the display name to be empty")
compare(contactDetails.ensName, "ensName", "Expected the ens name to be empty")
compare(contactDetails.ensVerified, true, "Expected the ensVerified to be false")
function test_liveUpdate() {
const contactsStoreMock = createTemporaryObject(contactsStore, root)
contactsStoreMock.requestContactInfo("0x1234") //appending new contact to the model
const contactDetails = createTemporaryObject(testComponent, root, {
contactsStore: contactsStoreMock,
profileStore: createTemporaryObject(profileStore, root),
publicKey: "0x1234"
compare(contactDetails.loading, false, "Expected the loading flag to be false")
compare(contactDetails.publicKey,"0x1234", "Expected the public key to be set")
compare(contactDetails.displayName, "displayName", "Expected the display name to be set")
compare(contactDetails.ensName, "ensName", "Expected the ens name to be set")
compare(contactDetails.ensVerified, true, "Expected the ensVerified to be set")
// updating the contact should update the contact details
contactsStoreMock.contactsModel.set(0, {
pubKey: "0x1234",
displayName: "newDisplayName",
ensName: "newEnsName",
isEnsVerified: false,
localNickname: "newLocalNickname",
alias: "newAlias",
icon: "newIcon",
colorId: 2,
colorHash: [],
onlineStatus: 2,
isContact: false,
isCurrentUser: true,
isVerified: false,
isUntrustworthy: true,
isBlocked: true,
contactRequest: 2,
incomingVerificationStatus: 2,
outgoingVerificationStatus: 1,
defaultDisplayName: "newDefaultDisplayName",
optionalName: "newOptionalName",
lastUpdated: 1234567891,
lastUpdatedLocally: 1234567891,
thumbnailImage: "newThumbnailImage",
largeImage: "newLargeImage",
isContactRequestReceived: true,
isContactRequestSent: true,
isSyncing: true,
isRemoved: true,
trustStatus: 2,
bio: "newBio"
compare(contactDetails.loading, false, "Expected the loading flag to be false")
compare(contactDetails.publicKey,"0x1234", "Expected the public key to be set")
compare(contactDetails.displayName, "newDisplayName", "Expected the display name to be set")
compare(contactDetails.ensName, "newEnsName", "Expected the ens name to be set")
compare(contactDetails.ensVerified, false, "Expected the ensVerified to be set")
compare(contactDetails.localNickname, "newLocalNickname", "Expected the local nickname to be set")
compare(contactDetails.alias, "newAlias", "Expected the alias to be set")
compare(contactDetails.icon, "newIcon", "Expected the icon to be set")
compare(contactDetails.colorId, 2, "Expected the color id to be set")
compare(contactDetails.onlineStatus, 2, "Expected the online status to be set")
compare(contactDetails.thumbnailImage, "newThumbnailImage", "Expected the thumbnailImage to be set")
compare(contactDetails.largeImage, "newLargeImage", "Expected the largeImage to be set")
compare(contactDetails.bio, "newBio", "Expected the bio to be set")
compare(contactDetails.isContact, false, "Expected the is contact flag to be set")
compare(contactDetails.isCurrentUser, true, "Expected the isCurrentUser flag to be set")
compare(contactDetails.isVerified, false, "Expected the isVerified flag to be set")
compare(contactDetails.isUntrustworthy, true, "Expected the isUntrustworthy flag to be set")
compare(contactDetails.isBlocked, true, "Expected the isBlocked flag to be set")
compare(contactDetails.contactRequestState, 2, "Expected the contactRequestState flag to be set")
compare(contactDetails.incomingVerificationStatus, 2, "Expected the incomingVerificationStatus flag to be set")
compare(contactDetails.outgoingVerificationStatus, 1, "Expected the outgoingVerificationStatus flag to be set")
compare(contactDetails.defaultDisplayName, "newDefaultDisplayName", "Expected the defaultDisplayName to be set")
compare(contactDetails.optionalName, "newOptionalName", "Expected the optionalName to be set")
compare(contactDetails.lastUpdated, 1234567891, "Expected the lastUpdated to be set")
compare(contactDetails.lastUpdatedLocally, 1234567891, "Expected the lastUpdatedLocally to be set")
compare(contactDetails.isContactRequestReceived, true, "Expected the isContactRequestReceived flag to be set")
compare(contactDetails.isContactRequestSent, true, "Expected the isContactRequestSent flag to be set")
compare(contactDetails.isSyncing, true, "Expected the isSyncing to be set")
compare(contactDetails.removed, true, "Expected the removed flag to be set")
compare(contactDetails.trustStatus, 2, "Expected the trustStatus flag to be set")
function test_changingPublicKeyFromOwnToContact() {
const contactsStoreMock = createTemporaryObject(contactsStore, root)
const contactDetails = createTemporaryObject(testComponent, root, {
contactsStore: contactsStoreMock,
profileStore: createTemporaryObject(profileStore, root),
publicKey: "0x123"
compare(contactDetails.loading, false, "Expected the loading flag to be false")
compare(contactDetails.publicKey,"0x123", "Expected the public key to be set")
compare(contactDetails.contactsStore.myPublicKey,"0x123", "Expected the contacts store to be set")
compare(contactDetails.profileStore.displayName,"myDisplayName", "Expected the profile store to be set")
compare(contactDetails.displayName, contactDetails.profileStore.displayName, "Expected the display name to be set")
compare(contactDetails.ensName, contactDetails.profileStore.name, "Expected the ens name to be set")
contactDetails.publicKey = "0x321"
compare(contactDetails.loading, false, "Expected the loading flag to be false")
compare(contactDetails.publicKey,"0x321", "Expected the public key to be set")
compare(contactDetails.displayName, "displayName", "Expected the display name to be set")
compare(contactDetails.ensName, "ensName", "Expected the ens name to be set")
compare(contactDetails.ensVerified, true, "Expected the ensVerified to be set")
compare(contactDetails.localNickname, "localNickname", "Expected the local nickname to be set")
@ -20,4 +20,15 @@ QtObject {
const regex = new RegExp(`^[ \\t]{${minIndent}}`, "gm")
return code.replace(regex, "")
function findChild(parent, name) {
if (!parent || !parent.children)
return null
for (let i = 0; i < parent.children.length; i++) {
if (parent.children[i].objectName === name)
return parent.children[i]
return null
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
import QtQuick 2.15
QtObject {
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
import QtQuick 2.15
QtObject {
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
LanguageStore 1.0 LanguageStore.qml
ProfileSectionStore 1.0 ProfileSectionStore.qml
WalletStore 1.0 WalletStore.qml
ContactsStore 1.0 ContactsStore.qml
ProfileStore 1.0 ProfileStore.qml
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
import QtQuick 2.15
import StatusQ 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Utils 0.1
import AppLayouts.Profile.stores 1.0
import utils 1.0
QObject {
id: root
required property ContactsStore contactsStore
required property ProfileStore profileStore
required property string publicKey
readonly property alias loading: d.loading
// model properties
readonly property string displayName: d.contactDetails.displayName ?? ""
readonly property string ensName: d.contactDetails.ensName ?? ""
readonly property bool ensVerified: d.contactDetails.isEnsVerified ?? false
readonly property string localNickname: d.contactDetails.localNickname ?? ""
readonly property string alias: d.contactDetails.alias ?? ""
readonly property string icon: d.contactDetails.icon ?? ""
readonly property int colorId: d.contactDetails.colorId ?? 0
readonly property var colorHash: d.contactDetails.colorHash ?? []
readonly property int onlineStatus: d.contactDetails.onlineStatus ?? Constants.onlineStatus.inactive
readonly property bool isContact: d.contactDetails.isContact ?? false
readonly property bool isCurrentUser: d.contactDetails.isCurrentUser ?? false
readonly property bool isVerified: d.contactDetails.isVerified ?? false
readonly property bool isUntrustworthy: d.contactDetails.isUntrustworthy ?? false
readonly property bool isBlocked: d.contactDetails.isBlocked ?? false
readonly property int contactRequestState: d.contactDetails.contactRequest ?? Constants.ContactRequestState.None
readonly property int incomingVerificationStatus: d.contactDetails.incomingVerificationStatus ?? Constants.verificationStatus.unverified
readonly property int outgoingVerificationStatus: d.contactDetails.outgoingVerificationStatus ?? Constants.verificationStatus.unverified
readonly property string defaultDisplayName: d.contactDetails.defaultDisplayName ?? ""
readonly property string optionalName: d.contactDetails.optionalName ?? ""
readonly property int lastUpdated: d.contactDetails.lastUpdated ?? 0
readonly property int lastUpdatedLocally: d.contactDetails.lastUpdatedLocally ?? 0
readonly property string thumbnailImage: d.contactDetails.thumbnailImage ?? ""
readonly property string largeImage: d.contactDetails.largeImage ?? ""
readonly property bool isContactRequestReceived: d.contactDetails.isContactRequestReceived ?? false
readonly property bool isContactRequestSent: d.contactDetails.isContactRequestSent ?? false
readonly property bool isSyncing: d.contactDetails.isSyncing ?? false
readonly property bool removed: d.contactDetails.isRemoved ?? false
readonly property int trustStatus: d.contactDetails.trustStatus ?? Constants.trustStatus.unknown
readonly property string bio: d.contactDetails.bio ?? ""
// Backwards compatibility properties - Don't use in new code
// TODO: #14965 - Try to remove these properties
readonly property string name: ensName
readonly property int verificationStatus: outgoingVerificationStatus
// Extra properties provided by getContactDetailsAsJson, not available in the model
// TODO: #14964 - Review all the model rolenames and fill the rest of the properties with data from the model
//readonly property int verificationStatus: d.contactDetails.verificationStatus ?? Constants.verificationStatus.unverified
//readonly property var socialLinks: d.contactDetails.socialLinks ?? []
ModelEntry {
id: itemData
sourceModel: root.publicKey !== "" && !d.isMe ? contactsStore.contactsModel : null
key: "pubKey"
value: root.publicKey
cacheOnRemoval: true
QObject {
id: d
property bool loading: !itemData.available && !isMe
onLoadingChanged: {
if (loading) {
readonly property bool isMe: root.contactsStore.myPublicKey === root.publicKey
readonly property var ownProfile: QObject {
readonly property string displayName: root.profileStore.displayName
readonly property string ensName: root.profileStore.name
readonly property bool isEnsVerified: root.profileStore.name !== ""
readonly property string localNickname: ""
readonly property string alias: root.profileStore.username
readonly property string icon: root.profileStore.icon
readonly property int colorId: root.profileStore.colorId
readonly property var colorHash: root.profileStore.colorHash
readonly property int onlineStatus: root.profileStore.currentUserStatus
readonly property bool isContact: false
readonly property bool isCurrentUser: true
readonly property bool isVerified: false
readonly property bool isUntrustworthy: false
readonly property bool isBlocked: false
readonly property int contactRequestState: Constants.ContactRequestState.None
readonly property int incomingVerificationStatus: Constants.verificationStatus.unverified
readonly property int outgoingVerificationStatus: Constants.verificationStatus.unverified
readonly property string defaultDisplayName: root.profileStore.defaultDisplayName
readonly property string optionalName: defaultDisplayName
readonly property string name: defaultDisplayName
readonly property int lastUpdated: 0
readonly property int lastUpdatedLocally: 0
readonly property string thumbnailImage: root.profileStore.thumbnailImage
readonly property string largeImage: root.profileStore.largeImage
readonly property bool isContactRequestReceived: Constants.ContactRequestState.None
readonly property bool isContactRequestSent: Constants.ContactRequestState.None
readonly property bool isSyncing: false
readonly property bool removed: false
readonly property int trustStatus: Constants.trustStatus.unknown
readonly property string bio: root.profileStore.bio
readonly property var contactDetails: !isMe ? itemData.item : ownProfile
@ -3,3 +3,4 @@ ProfileShowcaseModelAdapter 1.0 ProfileShowcaseModelAdapter.qml
ProfileShowcaseSettingsModelAdapter 1.0 ProfileShowcaseSettingsModelAdapter.qml
ProfileShowcaseModels 1.0 ProfileShowcaseModels.qml
VisibilityAndPositionDirtyStateModel 1.0 VisibilityAndPositionDirtyStateModel.qml
ContactDetails 1.0 ContactDetails.qml
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
import QtQuick 2.13
import utils 1.0
import StatusQ 0.1
QtObject {
id: root
@ -11,6 +13,8 @@ QtObject {
property string myPublicKey: !!Global.userProfile? Global.userProfile.pubKey : ""
// contactsModel holds all available contacts
property var contactsModel: contactsModule.contactsModel
property var myContactsModel: contactsModule.myMutualContactsModel
property var blockedContactsModel: contactsModule.blockedContactsModel
property var receivedContactRequestsModel: contactsModule.receivedContactRequestsModel
@ -19,6 +19,12 @@ QtObject {
property var privacyStore: profileSectionModule.privacyModule
readonly property string keyUid: !!Global.userProfile ? Global.userProfile.keyUid : ""
readonly property bool isKeycardUser: !!Global.userProfile ? Global.userProfile.isKeycardUser : false
readonly property int currentUserStatus: !!Global.userProfile ? Global.userProfile.currentUserStatus : 0
readonly property var thumbnailImage: !!Global.userProfile ? Global.userProfile.thumbnailImage : ""
readonly property var largeImage: !!Global.userProfile ? Global.userProfile.largeImage : ""
readonly property int colorId: Utils.colorIdForPubkey(root.pubkey)
readonly property var colorHash: Utils.getColorHashAsJson(root.pubkey, name != "")
readonly property string defaultDisplayName: Utils.getDefaultDisplayName("", name, displayName, username)
readonly property string bio: profileModule.bio
readonly property string socialLinksJson: profileModule.socialLinksJson
@ -5,3 +5,4 @@ NotificationsStore 1.0 NotificationsStore.qml
DevicesStore 1.0 DevicesStore.qml
ProfileSectionStore 1.0 ProfileSectionStore.qml
WalletStore 1.0 WalletStore.qml
ContactsStore 1.0 ContactsStore.qml
Reference in New Issue
Block a user