feat: show loading image on the button when sending

This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Rainville 2020-09-10 14:55:24 -04:00 committed by Iuri Matias
parent ef53f3d90e
commit ad00709104
3 changed files with 105 additions and 24 deletions

View File

@ -275,16 +275,22 @@ QtObject:
except RpcException as e:
result = $(%* { "error": %* { "message": %e.msg }})
proc sendTransaction*(self: WalletView, from_addr: string, to: string, assetAddress: string, value: string, gas: string, gasPrice: string, password: string): string {.slot.} =
proc transactionWasSent*(self: WalletView, txResult: string) {.signal.}
proc transactionSent(self: WalletView, txResult: string) {.slot.} =
proc sendTransaction*(self: WalletView, from_addr: string, to: string, assetAddress: string, value: string, gas: string, gasPrice: string, password: string) {.slot.} =
let tokens = self.status.wallet.tokens
var response = ""
if assetAddress != ZERO_ADDRESS and not assetAddress.isEmptyOrWhitespace:
response = self.status.wallet.sendTokenTransaction(from_addr, to, assetAddress, value, gas, gasPrice, password)
response = self.status.wallet.sendTransaction(from_addr, to, value, gas, gasPrice, password)
result = $(%* { "result": %response })
spawnAndSend(self, "transactionSent") do:
$(%status_wallet.sendTransaction(tokens, from_addr, to, assetAddress, value, gas, gasPrice, password))
except RpcException as e:
result = $(%* { "error": %* { "message": %e.msg }})
"error": %*{
"message": e.msg
proc getDefaultAccount*(self: WalletView): string {.slot.} =

View File

@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
import json, json, options, json_serialization, stint, chronicles
import json, json, options, json_serialization, stint, chronicles, tables
import core, types, utils, strutils, strformat
import eth/common/utils as eth_utils
import accounts/constants as constants
import ./coder as coder
from nim_status import validateMnemonic, startWallet
import ../wallet/account
import ./eth/contracts as contractMethods
@ -65,6 +68,46 @@ proc getTransfersByAddress*(address: string): seq[types.Transaction] =
let msg = getCurrentExceptionMsg()
error "Failed getting wallet account transactions", msg
proc sendTransaction*(tx: EthSend, password: string): RpcResponse =
let responseStr = core.sendTransaction($(%tx), password)
result = Json.decode(responseStr, RpcResponse)
if not result.error.isNil:
raise newException(RpcException, "Error sending transaction: " & result.error.message)
trace "Transaction sent succesfully", hash=result
proc sendTransaction*(tokens: JsonNode, source, to, assetAddress, value, gas, gasPrice, password: string): RpcResponse =
weiValue = eth2Wei(parseFloat(value), 18) # ETH
data = ""
toAddr = eth_utils.parseAddress(to)
let gasPriceInWei = gwei2Wei(parseFloat(gasPrice))
# TODO: this code needs to be tested with testnet assets (to be implemented in
# a future PR
if assetAddress != constants.ZERO_ADDRESS and not assetAddress.isEmptyOrWhitespace:
token = tokens.first("address", assetAddress)
contract = contractMethods.getContract("snt")
transfer = coder.Transfer(to: toAddr, value: eth2Wei(parseFloat(value), token["decimals"].getInt))
weiValue = 0.u256
let transferThing = contract.methods["transfer"]
data = transferThing.encodeAbi(transfer)
toAddr = eth_utils.parseAddress(assetAddress)
let tx = EthSend(
source: eth_utils.parseAddress(source),
to: toAddr.some,
gas: (if gas.isEmptyOrWhitespace: Quantity.none else: Quantity(cast[uint64](parseFloat(gas).toUInt64)).some),
gasPrice: (if gasPrice.isEmptyOrWhitespace: int.none else: gwei2Wei(parseFloat(gasPrice)).truncate(int).some),
value: weiValue.some,
data: data
result = sendTransaction(tx, password)
except RpcException as e:
proc getBalance*(address: string): string =
let payload = %* [address, "latest"]
let response = parseJson(callPrivateRPC("eth_getBalance", payload))

View File

@ -8,6 +8,10 @@ import "../../../shared/status"
import "./components"
ModalPopup {
property bool sending: false
property string oldButtonText
property int oldButtonWidth
id: root
//% "Send"
@ -36,26 +40,18 @@ ModalPopup {
function sendTransaction() {
let responseStr = walletModel.sendTransaction(selectFromAccount.selectedAccount.address,
sending = true
oldButtonText = btnNext.label
oldButtonWidth = btnNext.width
btnNext.label = ""
btnNext.width = oldButtonWidth
let response = JSON.parse(responseStr)
if (response.error) {
if (response.error.message.includes("could not decrypt key with given password")){
transactionSigner.validationError = qsTr("Wrong password")
sendingError.text = response.error.message
return sendingError.open()
sendingSuccess.text = qsTr("Transaction sent to the blockchain. You can watch the progress on Etherscan: %2/%1").arg(response.result).arg(walletModel.etherscanLink)
TransactionStackView {
@ -258,7 +254,7 @@ ModalPopup {
id: btnNext
anchors.right: parent.right
label: qsTr("Next")
disabled: !stack.currentGroup.isValid || stack.currentGroup.isPending
disabled: !stack.currentGroup.isValid || stack.currentGroup.isPending || root.sending
onClicked: {
const validity = stack.currentGroup.validate()
if (validity.isValid && !validity.isPending) {
@ -268,6 +264,42 @@ ModalPopup {
Loader {
active: root.sending
sourceComponent: loadingImage
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
Component {
id: loadingImage
LoadingImage {}
Connections {
target: walletModel
onTransactionWasSent: {
try {
root.sending = false
btnNext.label = root.oldButtonText
let response = JSON.parse(txResult)
if (response.error) {
if (response.error.message.includes("could not decrypt key with given password")){
transactionSigner.validationError = qsTr("Wrong password")
sendingError.text = response.error.message
return sendingError.open()
sendingSuccess.text = qsTr("Transaction sent to the blockchain. You can watch the progress on Etherscan: %2/%1").arg(response.result).arg(walletModel.etherscanLink)
} catch (e) {
console.error('WOW', e)