chore(@desktop/general): use different icons for Windows/Linux and MacOS

Icons are updated, mac uses rounded rect log, win and linux circle logo.

Fixes: #2833
This commit is contained in:
Sale Djenic 2021-07-19 18:00:05 +02:00 committed by Iuri Matias
parent 4269b51ea6
commit abf89fa399
11 changed files with 188 additions and 193 deletions

View File

@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ $(STATUS_CLIENT_DMG): nim_status_client $(DMG_TOOL)
cp Info.plist $(MACOS_OUTER_BUNDLE)/Contents/ cp Info.plist $(MACOS_OUTER_BUNDLE)/Contents/
cp bin/nim_status_client $(MACOS_OUTER_BUNDLE)/Contents/MacOS/ cp bin/nim_status_client $(MACOS_OUTER_BUNDLE)/Contents/MacOS/
cp status.icns $(MACOS_OUTER_BUNDLE)/Contents/Resources/ cp status.icns $(MACOS_OUTER_BUNDLE)/Contents/Resources/
cp status.svg $(MACOS_OUTER_BUNDLE)/Contents/ cp status-macos.svg $(MACOS_OUTER_BUNDLE)/Contents/
cp -R resources.rcc $(MACOS_OUTER_BUNDLE)/Contents/ cp -R resources.rcc $(MACOS_OUTER_BUNDLE)/Contents/
mkdir -p $(MACOS_OUTER_BUNDLE)/Contents/i18n mkdir -p $(MACOS_OUTER_BUNDLE)/Contents/i18n

View File

@ -56,14 +56,19 @@ proc mainProc() =
QResource.registerResource(app.applicationDirPath & resources) QResource.registerResource(app.applicationDirPath & resources)
let statusAppIcon = let statusAppIcon =
if defined(production):
if defined(macosx): if defined(macosx):
"" # not used in macOS "" # not used in macOS
elif defined(windows) and defined(production): elif defined(windows):
"/../resources/status.svg" "/../resources/status.svg"
elif defined(development):
else: else:
"/../status.svg" "/../status.svg"
if defined(macosx):
"" # not used in macOS
if not defined(macosx): if not defined(macosx):
app.icon(app.applicationDirPath & statusAppIcon) app.icon(app.applicationDirPath & statusAppIcon)
@ -201,6 +206,9 @@ proc mainProc() =
engine.setRootContextProperty("signals", signalController.variant) engine.setRootContextProperty("signals", signalController.variant)
engine.setRootContextProperty("mailserver", mailserverController.variant) engine.setRootContextProperty("mailserver", mailserverController.variant)
var prValue = newQVariant(if defined(production): true else: false)
engine.setRootContextProperty("production", prValue)
engine.load(newQUrl("qrc:///main.qml")) engine.load(newQUrl("qrc:///main.qml"))
# Please note that this must use the `cdecl` calling convention because # Please note that this must use the `cdecl` calling convention because

View File

@ -1,94 +1,17 @@
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status-macos.ico Normal file

Binary file not shown.


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@ -1,94 +1,17 @@
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