@ -145,6 +145,10 @@ ListModel {
title: "HoldingsDropdown"
title: "HoldingsDropdown"
section: "Popups"
section: "Popups"
ListElement {
title: "MembersDropdown"
section: "Popups"
ListElement {
ListElement {
title: "InDropdown"
title: "InDropdown"
section: "Popups"
section: "Popups"
@ -24,6 +24,9 @@
"ChatAnchorButtonsPanel": [
"CommunitiesPortalLayout": [
"CommunitiesPortalLayout": [
@ -76,6 +79,9 @@
"DerivationPathInput": [
"DidYouKnowSplashScreen": [
"DidYouKnowSplashScreen": [
@ -118,6 +124,10 @@
"LoginView": [
"LoginView": [
"MembersDropdown": [
"NetworkSelectPopup": [
"NetworkSelectPopup": [
@ -172,11 +182,5 @@
"StatusCommunityCard": [
"StatusCommunityCard": [
"ChatAnchorButtonsPanel": [
"DerivationPathInput": [
@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
import QtQml 2.15
import 1.0
import utils 1.0
import SortFilterProxyModel 0.2
import Storybook 1.0
SplitView {
id: root
property bool globalUtilsReady: false
property bool mainModuleReady: false
orientation: Qt.Vertical
Logs { id: logs }
QtObject {
function isCompressedPubKey(publicKey) {
return true
function getColorId(publicKey) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * 10)
Component.onCompleted: {
Utils.globalUtilsInst = this
globalUtilsReady = true
Component.onDestruction: {
globalUtilsReady = false
Utils.globalUtilsInst = {}
QtObject {
function getContactDetailsAsJson() {
return JSON.stringify({ ensVerified: true })
Component.onCompleted: {
mainModuleReady = true
Utils.mainModuleInst = this
Component.onDestruction: {
mainModuleReady = false
Utils.mainModuleInst = {}
ListModel {
id: members
property int counter: 0
function addMember() {
const i = counter++
const key = `pub_key_${i}`
const firstLetters = ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
const firstLetterIdx = Math.min(Math.floor(i / firstLetters.length),
firstLetters.length - 1)
const firstLetter = firstLetters[firstLetterIdx]
alias: "",
colorId: "1",
displayName: `${firstLetter}contact ${i}`,
ensName: "",
icon: "",
isContact: true,
localNickname: "",
onlineStatus: 1,
pubKey: key,
isVerified: true,
isUntrustworthy: false
Component.onCompleted: {
for (let i = 0; i < 33; i++)
Pane {
id: container
SplitView.fillWidth: true
SplitView.fillHeight: true
Rectangle {
id: startRect
border.color: "green"
color: "lightgreen"
border.width: 3
width: 50
height: width
x: 70
y: 70
radius: width / 2
MouseArea {
id: dragArea
anchors.fill: parent
| parent
Loader {
id: loader
anchors.centerIn: parent
active: globalUtilsReady && mainModuleReady
sourceComponent: MembersDropdown {
id: membersDropdown
closePolicy: Popup.NoAutoClose
model: SortFilterProxyModel {
Binding on sourceModel {
when: globalUtilsReady && mainModuleReady
value: members
restoreMode: Binding.RestoreBindingOrValue
filters: [
ExpressionFilter {
enabled: membersDropdown.searchText !== ""
function matchesAlias(name, filter) {
return name.split(" ").some(p => p.startsWith(filter))
expression: {
if (membersDropdown.selectedKeys.indexOf(model.pubKey) > -1)
return true
const filter = membersDropdown.searchText.toLowerCase()
return matchesAlias(model.alias.toLowerCase(), filter)
|| model.displayName.toLowerCase().includes(filter)
|| model.ensName.toLowerCase().includes(filter)
|| model.localNickname.toLowerCase().includes(filter)
|| model.pubKey.toLowerCase().includes(filter)
onBackButtonClicked: {
onAddButtonClicked: {
logs.logEvent("MembersDropdown::addButtonClicked, keys: "
+ membersDropdown.selectedKeys)
Component.onCompleted: open()
LogsAndControlsPanel {
SplitView.minimumHeight: 100
SplitView.preferredHeight: 250
logsView.logText: logs.logText
Loader {
active: loader.item
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
sourceComponent: ColumnLayout {
readonly property MembersDropdown membersDropdown: loader.item
RowLayout {
Label {
text: "maximum list height:"
Slider {
id: maxListHeightSlider
from: 100
to: 500
stepSize: 1
Component.onCompleted: {
value = membersDropdown.maximumListHeight
= Qt.binding(() => value)
Label {
text: maxListHeightSlider.value
RowLayout {
Label {
text: "margins:"
Slider {
id: marginsSlider
from: -1
to: 50
stepSize: 1
Component.onCompleted: {
value = membersDropdown.margins
membersDropdown.margins = Qt.binding(() => value)
Label {
text: marginsSlider.value
RowLayout {
Label {
text: "bottom inset:"
Slider {
id: bottomInsetSlider
from: 0
to: 50
stepSize: 1
Component.onCompleted: {
value = membersDropdown.bottomInset
membersDropdown.bottomInset = Qt.binding(() => value)
Label {
text: bottomInsetSlider.value
RowLayout {
RadioButton {
id: anchorToItemRadioButton
text: "anchor to item"
checked: true
RadioButton {
id: anchorToOverlayRadioButton
text: "anchor to overlay"
Binding {
target: membersDropdown
property: "parent"
value: anchorToItemRadioButton.checked
? startRect : membersDropdown.Overlay.overlay
Binding {
target: membersDropdown.anchors
when: anchorToOverlayRadioButton.checked
property: "centerIn"
value: membersDropdown.parent
restoreMode: Binding.RestoreBindingOrValue
Binding {
target: membersDropdown
property: "x"
value: anchorToItemRadioButton.checked
? startRect.width / 2 : 0
Binding {
target: membersDropdown
property: "y"
value: anchorToItemRadioButton.checked
? startRect.height / 2 : 0
Label {
Layout.fillWidth: true
text: `selected members: ${membersDropdown.selectedKeys}`
wrapMode: Label.Wrap
@ -166,10 +166,9 @@ StatusDropdown {
visible: statesStack.size > 1
visible: statesStack.size > 1
spacing: 0
spacing: 0
leftPadding: 4
leftPadding: 4
statusIcon: "next"
statusIcon: "previous"
icon.width: 12
icon.width: 12
icon.height: 12
icon.height: 12
iconRotation: 180
text: qsTr("Back")
text: qsTr("Back")
@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
import StatusQ.Core 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
import StatusQ.Controls 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Utils 0.1
import shared.controls 1.0
import shared.controls.delegates 1.0
StatusDropdown {
id: root
property var selectedKeys: []
property int maximumListHeight: 288
property alias model: listView.model
readonly property alias count: listView.count
readonly property alias searchText: filterInput.text
property bool fixedYPosition: !anchors.centerIn && margins < 0
signal backButtonClicked
signal addButtonClicked
width: 295
height: Math.min(
content.requestedHeight + d.vPadding)
padding: 11
bottomInset: 10
bottomPadding: padding + bottomInset
QtObject {
id: d
readonly property int sectionDelegateHeight: 40
readonly property int delegateHeight: 47
readonly property int vPadding: root.topPadding + root.bottomPadding
readonly property int availableExternalHeight:
(root.Overlay.overlay ? root.Overlay.overlay.height : 0) - root.bottomMargin -
(root.fixedYPosition ? contentItem.parent.y : root.topMargin)
contentItem: ColumnLayout {
id: content
spacing: 8
height: root.availableHeight
clip: true
readonly property int requestedHeight:
backButton.height +
spacing + filterInput.height +
spacing + (listView.count
? Math.min(listView.contentHeight, root.maximumListHeight)
: noContactsText.Layout.preferredHeight) +
spacing + addButton.height
StatusIconTextButton {
id: backButton
Layout.preferredHeight: 48
Layout.maximumWidth: root.availableWidth
spacing: 0
leftPadding: 4
statusIcon: "previous"
icon.width: 12
icon.height: 12
text: qsTr("Back")
onClicked: root.backButtonClicked()
SearchBox {
id: filterInput
Layout.fillWidth: true
placeholderText: qsTr("Search members")
maximumHeight: 36
topPadding: 0
bottomPadding: 0
input.asset.width: 15
input.asset.height: 15
input.leftPadding: 13
input.font.pixelSize: 13
input.placeholder.font.pixelSize: 13
StatusBaseText {
id: noContactsText
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.preferredHeight: 50
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
visible: listView.count === 0
text: qsTr("No contacts found")
color: Theme.palette.baseColor1
font.pixelSize: Theme.tertiaryTextFontSize
elide: Text.ElideRight
lineHeight: 1.2
StatusListView {
id: listView
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.fillHeight: true
visible: count > 0
header: StatusCheckBox {
width: ListView.view.width
text: qsTr("Select all")
font.weight: Font.Medium
checked: root.selectedKeys.length === listView.count
leftSide: false
size: StatusCheckBox.Size.Small
indicator.anchors.rightMargin: 12
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor
onClicked: {
if (listView.headerItem.checked) {
root.selectedKeys = []
const count = root.model.rowCount()
const keys = []
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
const key = ModelUtils.get(root.model, i, "pubKey")
root.selectedKeys = keys
delegate: ContactListItemDelegate {
id: delegateRoot
width: ListView.view.width
height: d.delegateHeight
asset.width: 29
asset.height: 29
rightPadding: 0
leftPadding: 6
color: "transparent"
onClicked: {
const index = root.selectedKeys.indexOf(model.pubKey)
const selectedKeysCopy = Object.assign(
[], root.selectedKeys)
if (index === -1)
selectedKeysCopy.splice(index, 1)
root.selectedKeys = selectedKeysCopy
components: [
StatusCheckBox {
id: contactCheckbox
size: StatusCheckBox.Size.Small
checked: root.selectedKeys.indexOf(model.pubKey) > -1
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor
onClicked: delegateRoot.clicked(
delegateRoot.itemId, mouse)
| "displayName"
section.criteria: ViewSection.FirstCharacter
section.delegate: StatusBaseText {
text: section.toUpperCase()
width: ListView.view.width
height: d.sectionDelegateHeight
padding: 5
verticalAlignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
color: Theme.palette.baseColor1
font.pixelSize: Theme.tertiaryTextFontSize
StatusButton {
id: addButton
Layout.fillWidth: true
textFillWidth: true
enabled: root.selectedKeys.length > 0
text: enabled
? qsTr("Add %n member(s)", "", root.selectedKeys.length)
: qsTr("Add")
onClicked: root.addButtonClicked()
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ HoldingTypes 1.0 HoldingTypes.qml
HoldingsDropdown 1.0 HoldingsDropdown.qml
HoldingsDropdown 1.0 HoldingsDropdown.qml
InDropdown 1.0 InDropdown.qml
InDropdown 1.0 InDropdown.qml
InlineNetworksComboBox 1.0 InlineNetworksComboBox.qml
InlineNetworksComboBox 1.0 InlineNetworksComboBox.qml
MembersDropdown 1.0 MembersDropdown.qml
MembersSelectorPanel 1.0 MembersSelectorPanel.qml
MembersSelectorPanel 1.0 MembersSelectorPanel.qml
PermissionItem 1.0 PermissionItem.qml
PermissionItem 1.0 PermissionItem.qml
PermissionsDropdown 1.0 PermissionsDropdown.qml
PermissionsDropdown 1.0 PermissionsDropdown.qml
@ -23,13 +23,6 @@ Item {
readonly property alias count: contactGridView.count
readonly property alias count: contactGridView.count
signal contactClicked(var contact)
function matchesAlias(name, filter) {
let parts = name.split(" ")
return parts.some(p => p.startsWith(filter))
StatusGridView {
StatusGridView {
id: contactGridView
id: contactGridView
anchors.fill: parent
anchors.fill: parent
Reference in New Issue