diff --git a/ui/i18n/base.ts b/ui/i18n/base.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index cdbd38d3aa..0000000000
--- a/ui/i18n/base.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8221 +0,0 @@
- . The transaction will probably fail.
- before %1Between %1 and %2
- Welcome to the beginning of the <span style=
- Any messages you send here are encrypted and can only be read by you and <span style=
- Error loading the imageLoading image...
- Clear History
- Remove Contact
- - ENS Only
- Invite people
- Edit Category
- Delete Category
- ↓ Fetch messages
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "S" because the title above is "Seed Phrase"
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "M" because the title above is "Mailserver"
- Homepage
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "A" because the title above is "Account"
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "C" because the title above is "Chat Key"
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "E" because the title above is "ENS Name"
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "P" because the title above is "Peer"
- Main network
- Get your keys
- A set of keys controls your account. Your keys live on your device, so only you can use them.
- Enter passwordConnecting...
- use-suggestions
- Maximum priority fee: %1 ETH
- Copy to clipboard
- Show read notificationsHide read notifications
- You need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messagesYou need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messagesWaiting for %1 to accept your request
- Before you get started...
- I acknowledge that Status Desktop is in Beta and by using it, I take the full responsibility for all risks concerning my data and funds.
- Terms of Use
- Get Started
- AcceptRejectOptionsButtonsPanel
- AccountView
- ActivityCenterMessageComponentView
- AddAccountModal
- AddEditSavedAddressPopup
- AddFavoriteModal
- AddShowTokenModal
- AddWakuNodeModal
- AdvancedView
- AppMain
- AppSearch
- AppearanceView
- BeforeGetStartedModal
- BlockContactConfirmationDialog
- BrowserView
- BrowserWebEngineView
- ChangePasswordModal
- ChangePasswordSuccessModal
- ChatContentView
- ChatContextMenuView
- ChatView
- CollectibleCollectionView
- CollectibleDetailView
- CollectibleDetailsHeader
- CollectibleModal
- CollectiblesStore
- CollectiblesView
- CommunitiesPopup
- CommunityChannelsAndCategoriesBannerPanel
- CommunityDetailPopup
- CommunityEditSettingsPanel
- CommunityMembersSettingsPanel
- CommunityOverviewSettingsPanel
- CommunityProfilePopupInviteFriendsPanel
- CommunityProfilePopupMembersListPanel
- CommunityProfilePopupOverviewPanel
- CommunitySettingsView
- ConfirmAppRestartModal
- ConfirmPasswordView
- ConfirmationDialog
- Constants
- ContactPanel
- ContactsColumnView
- ContactsListAndSearch
- ContactsListPanel
- ContactsView
- CreateCategoryPopup
- CreateChannelPopup
- CreateChatView
- CreateCommunityPopup
- CreatePasswordModal
- CreatePasswordView
- CryptoServicesModal
- CurrenciesStore
- DefaultDAppExplorerView
- DemoApp
- DerivationPathsPanel
- DerivedAddressesPanel
- DisplayNamePopup
- DownloadPage
- EditCroppedImagePanel
- EnsDetailsView
- EnsReleasedView
- EnsSearchView
- EnsTermsAndConditionsView
- ExemptionNotificationsModal
- FetchMoreMessagesButton
- GasSelector
- GroupInfoPopup
- HomePageView
- ImportSeedPhrasePanel
- InsertCard
- InsertDetailsView
- InviteFriendsPopup
- KeycardCreatePINModal
- KeysMainView
- LanguageView
- Layout
- LeftTabView
- LoginView
- MainView
- MenuPanel
- MessageContextMenuView
- MessagingView
- MyProfileView
- NetworkFilter
- NetworksView
- NicknamePopup
- NoImageUploadedPanel
- NodeLayout
- NotificationSelect
- NotificationsView
- PINModal
- PairingModal
- PasswordView
- PermissionsListView
- PrivacyView
- ProfileLayout
- ProfilePopup
- ProfileSectionStore
- RateView
- ReceiveModal
- RenameAccontModal
- RootStore
- SavedAddressesView
- SeedPhraseInputView
- SelectGeneratedAccount
- SendContactRequestModal
- SendModalFooter
- SendModalHeader
- SettingsPageLayout
- SignTransactionModal
- StatusAddressOrEnsValidator
- StatusAddressValidator
- StatusAppCommunityView
- StatusAsyncEnsValidator
- StatusAsyncValidator
- StatusBadge
- StatusChatInput
- StatusChatListAndCategories
- StatusChatListCategoryItem
- StatusChatListItem
- StatusChatToolBar
- StatusETHTransactionModal
- StatusExpandableSettingsItemPage
- StatusFloatValidator
- StatusGifColumn
- StatusGifPopup
- StatusIntValidator
- StatusListPicker
- StatusListPickerPage
- StatusMacNotification
- StatusPasswordStrengthIndicator
- StatusSearchListPopup
- StatusSearchLocationMenu
- StatusSearchPopup
- StatusSpellcheckingMenuItems
- StatusStickerMarket
- StatusTagSelectorPage
- StatusTokenInlineSelector
- StatusUrlValidator
- StatusValidator
- StatusWalletColorSelect
- StatusWindowsTitleBar
- StoreToKeychainSelectionModal
- TabAddressSelectorView
- TabNetworkAndFees
- TouchIDAuthView
- TransactionBubbleView
- TransactionModal
- TransactionSettingsConfirmationPopup
- TransferOwnershipPopup
- UploadProfilePicModal
- UserListPanel
- UserStatusContextMenu
- UsernameLabel
- Utils
- WakuNodesModal
- WalletView
- WelcomeView
- main
diff --git a/ui/i18n/qml_ar.ts b/ui/i18n/qml_ar.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index bd29a7dc4a..0000000000
--- a/ui/i18n/qml_ar.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8593 +0,0 @@
- تصحيح
- اسم
- ازاله
- فعله
- إضافة
- يسمح لـ DApp باسترداد عنوان محفظتك وتمكين Web3
- يسمح لـ DApp إمكانية استرداد مفتاح الدردشة الخاص بك
- رفض
- السماح
- أدخل عنوان URL
- المعاملة جارية ...
- كلمة مرور خاطئة
- علامة تبويب جديدة
- العثور
- الإعدادات
- غير معروف
- الأصول
- التاريخ
- فتح
- إلغاء
- فتح في علامة تبويب جديدة
- حسنا
- من عند
- البيانات
- رسالة
- تسجيل
- تسجيل الدخول بكلمة مرور
- متصل
- الدردشة غير متصلة بالأنترنت
- إرسال
- طلب
- استمر
- إلى
- التالى
- رسوم الشبكة
- . The transaction will probably fail.
- صورة
- او
- دعوه
- before %1Between %1 and %2
- ↓ جلب المزيد من الرسائل
- Welcome to the beginning of the <span style=
- Any messages you send here are encrypted and can only be read by you and <span style=
- رفض الدعوة
- الرد
- المزيد
- Error loading the imageLoading image...
- طلب الدخول
- انضم
- انضم
- تمكين معاينات الارتباط في الدردشة؟
- لا تسألني مرة أخرى
- إعادة إرسال
- طلب معاملة
- قبول العنوان ومشاركته
- رفض الدعوة
- حدد حساب
- التوقيع والإرسال
- المعلقه
- تم تأكيد
- العنوان المطلوب
- العنوان المستلم
- تم رفض الصفقة
- أنت
- Clear History
- تاريخ واضح
- Leave Group
- غادر المجموعة
- Remove Contact
- مجتمعات
- - ENS Only
- دردشات
- الأعضاء
- Invite people
- دعوة الأشخاص
- طلبات العضوية
- Edit Category
- Delete Category
- عرض الصفحة الشخصية
- الاخطارات
- قم بإنشاء قناة
- حذف
- إضافة أعضاء
- قناة جديدة
- اسم القناة
- وصف القناة
- انشاء
- شروط العضوية
- تتطلب دعوة من عضو آخر
- تتطلب الموافقة
- لا يوجد شرط
- يمكنك أن تطلب من الأعضاء الجدد تلبية معايير معينة قبل أن يتمكنوا من الانضمام. يمكن تغيير هذا في أي وقت
- حفظ
- الأعضاء
- دعوه الأصدقاء
- جهات الاتصال
- دعوه
- دردشة
- بدء دردشة جديده
- بدء الدردشة الجماعية
- انضم إلى الدردشة العامة
- لا توجد رسائل
- مشاركة الدردشة
- حذف الدردشة
- مغادرة الدردشة
- فتح في Status
- المشرف
- ↓ Fetch messages
- ↓ جلب الرسائل
- دردشة جماعيه جديده
- إنشاء دردشة جماعية
- جميع جهات الاتصال الخاصة بك موجودة بالفعل في المجموعة
- جعل المشرف
- إرسال رسالة
- حذف الرسالة
- الاسم المستعار
- دردشة جديدة
- ملفي الشخصي
- ENS (dynamicik94) أو مفتاح الدردشة (0x04…)
- لا جهات اتصالات
- اسم المستخدم ENS
- مفتاح المحادثة
- إعدادات الدردشة
- لا شيء
- أضف إلى جهات الاتصال
- اسم الدردشة
- بدء الدردشة
- حفظ
- الملف الشخصي
- نسخة التطبيق
- سياسة خاصة
- شبكة الاتصال
- اسطول
- المحفظه
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "S" because the title above is "Seed Phrase"
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "M" because the title above is "Mailserver"
- مظهر خارجي
- خلفية بيضاء
- خلفية بيضاء
- داكن
- نظام
- النسخ الاحتياطي لعبارة "Seed "
- إذا فقدت العبارة الأولية الخاصة بك ، فستفقد بياناتك وأموالك
- إذا فقدت إمكانية الوصول ، على سبيل المثال عن طريق فقد هاتفك ، فلا يمكنك الوصول إلى مفاتيحك إلا باستخدام العبارة الأولية. لا أحد ، ولكن لديك العبارة الأولية. اكتبه. ابقها آمنة
- تحقق من العبارة الأولية الخاصة بك
- أدخل كلمة
- هل أنت متأكد؟
- لن تكون قادرًا على رؤية جملة البذور الكاملة مرة أخرى
- حسنا ، تابع
- كلمة خاطئة
- Homepage
- افتراضي
- الخصوصيه
- تعيين أذونات الوصول إلى DApp
- إنهاء
- معاينات ارتباط الدردشة
- مواقع الويب
- تمكين الكل
- إضافة جهة اتصال جديدة
- إضافة جهة اتصال
- لم يتم العثور على المستخدم
- الأجهزة
- الرجاء تعيين اسم لجهازك.
- حدد اسم
- الإعلان عن الجهاز
- قم بإقران أجهزتك لمزامنة جهات الاتصال والدردشة بينهما
- أعرف أكثر
- الأجهزة المقترنة
- المزامنة ...
- مزامنة جميع الأجهزة
- أسماء المستخدمين ENS
- اسم المستخدم المضاف
- حسنا، تابع
- يمكنك متابعة التقدم المحرز في قسم سجل المعاملات في محفظتك.
- عنوان المحفظة
- مفتاح
- الى الخلف
- اسم المستخدم الأساسي
- مرحبا
- أضافه اسم مستخدم
- أسماء المستخدمين الخاصة بك
- ما لا يقل عن ٤ أحرف. الحروف اللاتينية والأرقام والأحرف الصغيرة فقط.
- الحروف والأرقام فقط.
- اكتب اسم المستخدم بالكامل بما في ذلك المجال المخصص مثل username.domain.eth
- اسم المستخدم الخاص بك
- ✓ اسم المستخدم متاح!
- سيؤدي الاستمرار إلى ربط اسم المستخدم هذا بمفتاحك الخاص.
- اسم المستخدم لا ينتمي إليك :(
- الاسم مستخدم من قبل :(
- اسم المستخدم مرتبط بالفعل بالمفتاح الخاص بك ويمكن استخدامه في الحالة.
- ستتطلب المتابعة معاملة لتوصيل اسم المستخدم بالمفتاح الحالي
- مجال مخصص
- أريد مجال Stateofus.eth
- أنا أملك اسمًا في مجال آخر
- تودع الأموال لمدة 1 سنة. سيتم قفل SNT الخاص بك ، ولكن لا تنفق.
- بعد عام واحد ، يمكنك تحرير الاسم واسترداد مقدمك ، أو عدم اتخاذ أي إجراء للحفاظ على الاسم.
- إذا تغيرت شروط العقد-علي سبيل المثال الحالة التي تجعل ترقيات العقد-يحق للمستخدم الإفراج عن اسم المستخدم بغض الزمن عن الوقت المحتفظ به.
- لا يمكن لوحده تحكم العقد الوصول إلى أموالك المودعة. يمكن نقلها فقط إلى العنوان الذي أرسلها.
- سيتم ربط عنوانك (عناوينك) علنا باسم ENS الخاص بك.
- يتم إنشاء أسماء المستخدمين على هيئة نطاقات فرعية لـ stateofus.eth وتخضع لشروط العقد الذكية لـ ENS.
- يمكنك تخويل العقد لنقل SNT نيابة عنك. يمكن ان يحدث هذا فقط عند الموافقة علي معامله لتخويل النقل.
- هذه الشروط مضمونة في منطق العقد الذكية في العناوين:
- 10 SNT
- ايداع
- غير كافي SNT
- تسجيل
- الحصول علي اسم مستخدم عالمي
- تقوم أسماء ENS بتحويل هذه العناوين المجنونة إلى أسماء مستخدمين فريدة.
- تخصيص اسم الدردشة الخاصة بك
- تبسيط عنوان ETH الخاص بك
- يمكنك تلقي الأموال إلى اسم ENS سهل المشاركة بدلاً من التجزئة السداسية العشرية (0x ...).
- استلام المعاملات في الدردشة
- يمكن للآخرين إرسال الأموال إليك عبر الدردشة في خطوة واحدة بسيطة.
- 10 SNT للتسجيل
- سجل مرة واحدة للحفاظ على الاسم للأبد. بعد عام واحد ، يمكنك إطلاق الاسم واستعادة SNT.
- هل تملك اسم مستخدم بالفعل ؟
- يمكنك التحقق من وإضافة أي أسماء مستخدمين تمتلكها في الخطوات التالية.
- مدعوم من Ethereum اسم الخدمات
- متوفر فقط على Mainnet
- لتسجيل اسم المستخدم ، يرجى المحاولة مرة أخرى.
- تحذير!
- المعجم
- الحساب
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "A" because the title above is "Account"
- مفتاح المحادثة
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "C" because the title above is "Chat Key"
- يتم إرسال واستقبال الرسائل على بروتوكول دردشة الحالة باستخدام مفاتيح التشفير. مفتاح الدردشة العامة هو سلسلة من الأحرف التي تشاركها مع الآخرين حتى يتمكنوا من إرسال رسائل إليك في الحالة.
- اسم الدردشة
- ثلاث كلمات عشوائية، مشتقة من مفتاح الدردشة الخاص بك واستخدامها كاسم مستعار افتراضي في الدردشة. أسماء الدردشة هي فريدة من نوعها تماما. لا يمكن أن يكون أي مستخدم آخر له نفس الكلمات الثلاث.
- اسم ENS
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "E" because the title above is "ENS Name"
- اسم مستعار مخصص لمفتاح الدردشة الذي يمكنك تسجيله باستخدام خدمة Ethereum Name Service. أسماء ENS هي أسماء مستخدمين لا مركزية.
- عقدة Status
- عقدة في شبكة Status تقوم بتوجيه الرسائل وتخزينها لمدة تصل إلى 30 يومًا.
- الند
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "P" because the title above is "Peer"
- العبارة الأولية
- الاسئله المتداولة
- إرسال خطأ
- طلب ميزة
- لغة
- إلغاء كتم الصوت
- سيتم تسجيل الحساب عند إلغاء قفلها مرة أخرى ، سيتم استخدام الشبكة المحددة
- اضافة شبكة
- حدد عنوان URL لـ RPC
- سلسلة الشبكة
- Main network
- الشبكة الرئيسية
- اختبار شبكة Ropsten
- Rinkeby اختبار الشبكة
- مجال مخصص
- عنوان الشبكة
- الشبكات الرئيسية
- اختبار الشبكات
- شبكات مخصصة
- تفضيلات الإشعار
- الأمان
- إعدادات المزامنة
- إضافة عقدة Status
- اسم الحساب
- نوع
- المشاهدة فقط
- خارج شجرة الحالة
- على شجرة Status
- مسار الاشتقاق
- التخزين
- هذا الجهاز
- حذف حسابي
- إضافة عملة رمزية مخصص
- عنوان العقد
- رمز
- الكسور العشرية
- القيمة الإجمالية
- تلقي
- النسخ الاحتياطي للعبارة الأولية الخاصة بك
- المستلم
- فشلت المعاملة
- ضبط العملة الافتراضية
- عبارة التوقيع
- هذه هي عبارة توقيعك
- يجب أن تشاهد هذه الكلمات 3 قبل توقيع المعاملة
- إذا رأيت مجموعة تحرير وإدراج مختلفة، فقم بإلغاء المعاملة وتسجيل الخروج.
- أرني هذا مرة أخرى
- إعدادات الحساب
- قابلة للجمع
- إنشاء حساب
- أضافه عنوان للمشاهدة فقط
- أدخل العبارة الأولية
- إدخال مفتاح خاص
- إضافة حساب من مفتاح خاص
- كلمه المرور
- مفتاح سري
- جار التحميل...
- إضافة حساب
- أضف حسابًا بعبارة أولية
- العبارة الأولية
- أضف حسابًا للمراقبة فقط
- عنوان الحساب
- تفاصيل token
- إزالة عملة رمزية
- تفاصيل المعاملات
- عندما تحتوي المعاملة على 12 تأكيدًا ، يمكنك اعتبارها قد تمت تسويتها.
- حظر
- رموز التجزئة
- حد الغاز
- سعر الغاز
- الغاز المستخدم
- اعتباطي
- هناك خطأ ما
- عرض
- وصف
- المتصفح
- الجدول الزمني
- إنشاء كلمه مرور
- أدخل العبارة الأولية
- هذه العبارة الأولية لا تتوافق مع قاموسنا المدعوم. تحقق من وجود أخطاء إملائية.
- العبارة غير صالحة
- اختيار اسم دردشة
- الاتصالات الخاصة حقا
- محفظة آمنة
- التطبيقات اللامركزية
- Get your keys
- احصل علي مفتاح
- A set of keys controls your account. Your keys live on your device, so only you can use them.
- أدخل كلمة المرور
- Enter passwordConnecting...
- الاتصال...
- مفاتيحك
- سيكون عليك إنشاء رمز أو كلمة مرور جديدة لإعادة تشفير المفتاح الخاص بك
- إعادة تشفير المفتاح الخاص
- لصق
- use-suggestions
- Maximum priority fee: %1 ETH
- لون الحساب
- تاكيد
- المتقدمة
- غواي
- تطبيق
- لا يكفي ETH للغاز
- نسخ
- Copy to clipboard
- نسخ
- عنوان
- صديق
- البحث
- رسائل
- الأصول
- المبلغ
- إرسال المعاملة
- طلب المعاملة
- دردشة عامة
- غير صديق
- رسالة
- ↓ تثبيت
- ↓ مجاني
- تحديث
- ستظهر الملصقات المستخدمة مؤخرًا هنا
- الحصول على ملصقات
- إلغاء الوصول
- عرض المزيد
- الكل
- Show read notificationsHide read notifications
- إعدادات الإشعار
- You need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messagesYou need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messagesWaiting for %1 to accept your request
- استيراد
- دعم
- مجتمعك مجاني للانضمام ، ولكن يجب أن تتم الموافقة على الأعضاء الجدد من قبل منشئ المجتمع أولاً
- لا يمكن الانضمام إلى مجتمعك إلا من خلال دعوة من أعضاء المجتمع الحاليين
- مجتمعك مجاني لأي شخص للانضمام
- لغة
- Before you get started...
- I acknowledge that Status Desktop is in Beta and by using it, I take the full responsibility for all risks concerning my data and funds.
- Terms of Use
- شروط الاستخدام
- Get Started
- البدء
- الآن
- AcceptRejectOptionsButtonsPanel
- عرض الصفحة الشخصية
- AccountView
- نوع
- التخزين
- ActivityCenterMessageComponentView
- AddAccountModal
- المتقدمة
- AddEditSavedAddressPopup
- اسم
- عنوان
- حفظ
- AddFavoriteModal
- لصق
- اسم
- AddShowTokenModal
- AddWakuNodeModal
- AdvancedView
- AppMain
- AppSearch
- AppearanceView
- BeforeGetStartedModal
- سياسة خاصة
- BlockContactConfirmationDialog
- BrowserView
- BrowserWebEngineView
- ChangePasswordModal
- ChangePasswordSuccessModal
- ChatContentView
- ChatContextMenuView
- غادر المجموعة
- حفظ
- حذف
- ChatView
- الأعضاء
- CollectibleCollectionView
- CollectibleDetailView
- CollectibleDetailsHeader
- إرسال
- CollectibleModal
- CollectiblesStore
- قابلة للجمع
- CollectiblesView
- CommunitiesPopup
- مجتمعات
- أنشئ مجتمعًا
- CommunityChannelsAndCategoriesBannerPanel
- CommunityDetailPopup
- المعلقه
- CommunityEditSettingsPanel
- اسم جذاب
- وصف
- CommunityMembersSettingsPanel
- الأعضاء
- CommunityOverviewSettingsPanel
- CommunityProfilePopup
- الأعضاء
- CommunityProfilePopupInviteFriendsPanel
- جهات الاتصال
- CommunityProfilePopupMembersListPanel
- CommunityProfilePopupOverviewPanel
- CommunitySettingsView
- الأعضاء
- الاخطارات
- الإعدادات
- CommunityUserList
- الأعضاء
- ConfirmAppRestartModal
- ConfirmPasswordView
- ConfirmationDialog
- تاكيد
- إلغاء
- Constants
- ContactPanel
- عرض الصفحة الشخصية
- إرسال رسالة
- ContactsColumnView
- بدء الدردشة
- ContactsListAndSearch
- ContactsListPanel
- ContactsView
- جهات الاتصال
- CreateCategoryPopup
- CreateChannelPopup
- اسم القناة
- وصف
- وصف القناة
- CreateChatView
- جهات الاتصال
- CreateCommunityPopup
- اسم مجتمعك
- اسم جذاب
- أعطها وصفا موجزا
- لون المجتمع
- CreatePasswordModal
- CreatePasswordView
- CryptoServicesModal
- CurrenciesStore
- DefaultDAppExplorerView
- DemoApp
- دعوة الأشخاص
- DerivationPathsPanel
- DerivedAddressesPanel
- الحساب
- DisplayNamePopup
- تصحيح
- حسنا
- DownloadPage
- EditCroppedImagePanel
- EnsDetailsView
- عنوان المحفظة
- مفتاح
- EnsReleasedView
- EnsSearchView
- EnsTermsAndConditionsView
- ExemptionNotificationsModal
- فعله
- FetchMoreMessagesButton
- GasSelector
- GroupInfoPopup
- HomePageView
- ImageCropperModal
- إنهاء
- ImportSeedPhrasePanel
- InsertCard
- إلغاء
- InsertDetailsView
- التالى
- InviteFriendsPopup
- KeycardCreatePINModal
- KeysMainView
- أدخل العبارة الأولية
- LanguageView
- لغة
- Layout
- دعوة الأشخاص
- LeftTabView
- الإعدادات
- LoginView
- حسنا
- MainView
- MenuPanel
- الإعدادات
- MessageContextMenuView
- MessagingView
- جهات الاتصال
- MyProfileView
- اسم المستخدم ENS
- مفتاح المحادثة
- NetworkFilter
- NetworksView
- NicknamePopup
- الاسم المستعار
- NoImageUploadedPanel
- NodeLayout
- NotificationSelect
- NotificationsView
- رسائل
- PINModal
- PairingModal
- PasswordView
- إنشاء كلمه مرور
- PermissionsListView
- PrivacyView
- ProfileLayout
- جهات الاتصال
- ProfilePopup
- اسم المستخدم ENS
- مفتاح المحادثة
- إعدادات الدردشة
- الاسم المستعار
- لا شيء
- أضف إلى جهات الاتصال
- ProfileSectionStore
- الملف الشخصي
- أسماء المستخدمين ENS
- المحفظه
- المتصفح
- مظهر خارجي
- المتقدمة
- RateView
- ReceiveModal
- نسخ
- RenameAccontModal
- RootStore
- أنت
- SavedAddressesView
- إلغاء
- حذف
- SeedPhraseInputView
- أدخل العبارة الأولية
- التالى
- استيراد
- SelectGeneratedAccount
- SendContactRequestModal
- لصق
- SendModalFooter
- غير معروف
- SendModalHeader
- إلى
- SettingsPageLayout
- إلغاء
- SignTransactionModal
- إرسال
- استمر
- StatusAddressOrEnsValidator
- StatusAddressValidator
- StatusAppCommunityView
- الأعضاء
- StatusAsyncEnsValidator
- StatusAsyncValidator
- StatusBadge
- StatusChatInput
- إرسال
- StatusChatListAndCategories
- المزيد
- StatusChatListCategoryItem
- المزيد
- StatusChatListItem
- إلغاء كتم الصوت
- StatusChatToolBar
- البحث
- الأعضاء
- المزيد
- StatusETHTransactionModal
- StatusExpandableSettingsItemPage
- النسخ الاحتياطي لعبارة "Seed "
- StatusFloatValidator
- StatusGifColumn
- StatusGifPopup
- StatusIntValidator
- StatusListPicker
- البحث
- StatusListPickerPage
- StatusMacNotification
- فتح
- StatusPasswordStrengthIndicator
- StatusSearchListPopup
- StatusSearchLocationMenu
- StatusSearchPopup
- StatusSpellcheckingMenuItems
- StatusStickerMarket
- StatusTagSelectorPage
- StatusTokenInlineSelector
- او
- StatusUrlValidator
- StatusValidator
- StatusWalletColorSelect
- لون الحساب
- StatusWindowsTitleBar
- StoreToKeychainSelectionModal
- TabAddressSelectorView
- TabNetworkAndFees
- المتقدمة
- مجال مخصص
- TouchIDAuthView
- TransactionBubbleView
- TransactionModal
- TransactionSettingsConfirmationPopup
- هل أنت متأكد؟
- TransferOwnershipPopup
- المفتاح الخاص بالمجتمع
- نسخ
- نسخ
- UploadProfilePicModal
- ازاله
- فعله
- UserList
- الأعضاء
- UserListPanel
- UserStatusContextMenu
- UsernameLabel
- أنت
- Utils
- WakuNodesModal
- WalletView
- المحفظه
- WelcomeView
- main
diff --git a/ui/i18n/qml_de.ts b/ui/i18n/qml_de.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index f0aac14941..0000000000
--- a/ui/i18n/qml_de.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8587 +0,0 @@
- Bearbeiten
- Name
- Entfernen
- Erledigt
- hinzufügen
- Durch das Zulassen wird diese DApp berechtigt, Ihre Wallet abzurufen und Web3 zu aktivieren
- Durch das Gewähren des Zugriffs wird diese DApp berechtigt, Ihren Chat-Schlüssel abzurufen
- Verweigern
- Erlauben
- URL eingeben
- Transaktion ausstehend...
- Falsches Passwort
- Neue Registerkarte
- Finden
- Einstellungen
- Unbekannt
- Assets
- Transaktionsverlauf
- Öffnen
- Abbrechen
- In neuer Registerkarte öffnen
- OK
- Von
- Daten
- Nachricht
- Signieren
- Mit Passwort signieren
- Verbunden
- Chat offline
- Senden
- Anfrage
- Fortsetzen
- An
- Weiter
- Netzwerkgebühr
- . The transaction will probably fail.
- Bild
- Einladen
- before %1Between %1 and %2
- ↓ Weitere Nachrichten abrufen
- Welcome to the beginning of the <span style=
- Any messages you send here are encrypted and can only be read by you and <span style=
- Einladung ablehnen
- Antworten
- mehr
- Error loading the imageLoading image...
- Zugang anfordern
- Beigetreten
- Beitreten
- Linkvorschau im Chat aktivieren?
- Frag mich nicht noch einmal
- Erneut senden
- Transaktionsanfrage
- Adresse akzeptieren und teilen
- Ablehnen
- Konto auswählen
- Signieren und senden
- Ausstehend
- Bestätigt
- Adresse angefordert
- Adresse erhalten
- Transaktion abgelehnt
- Sie
- Clear History
- Verlauf löschen
- Leave Group
- Gruppe verlassen
- Remove Contact
- Gemeinschaften
- - ENS Only
- Chats
- Mitglieder
- Invite people
- Leute einladen
- Anfragen zur Mitgliedschaft
- Edit Category
- Delete Category
- Profil anzeigen
- Benachrichtigungen
- Einen Kanal erstellen
- Löschen
- Mitglieder hinzufügen
- Neuer Kanal
- Kanalname
- Erstellen
- Voraussetzung für die Mitgliedschaft
- Einladung von einem anderen Mitglied anfordern
- Genehmigung erforderlich
- Keine Bedingung
- Sie können von neuen Mitgliedern verlangen, dass sie bestimmte Kriterien erfüllen, bevor sie beitreten können. Dies kann jederzeit geändert werden
- Speichern
- Mitglieder
- Freunde einladen
- Kontakte
- Einladen
- Chat
- Neuen Chat starten
- Gruppenchat starten
- Öffentlichem Chat beitreten
- Keine Nachrichten
- Chat teilen
- Chat löschen
- Chat verlassen
- In Status öffnen
- Admin
- ↓ Fetch messages
- ↓ Nachrichten abrufen
- Neuer Gruppenchat
- Gruppenchat erstellen
- Alle Ihre Kontakte sind bereits in der Gruppe
- Zum Admin ernennen
- Nachricht senden
- Nachricht löschen
- Alias
- Neuer Chat
- Mein Profil
- ENS-Name oder Chat-Key eingeben
- Keine Kontakte
- ENS-Benutzername
- Chat-Key
- Chat-Einstellungen
- Keine
- Zu Kontakten hinzufügen
- Chatname
- Chat beginnen
- Speichern
- Profil
- App-Version
- Datenschutzbestimmungen
- Netzwerk
- Fleet
- Wallet
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "S" because the title above is "Seed Phrase"
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "M" because the title above is "Mailserver"
- Erscheinungsbild
- Hell
- Hell
- Dunkel
- System
- Sichern der Seed-Phrase
- Wenn Sie Ihre Seed-Phrase verlieren, verlieren Sie Ihre Daten und Ihr Geld
- Wenn Sie den Zugang verlieren, z.B. durch den Verlust Ihres Telefons, können Sie auf Ihre Schlüssel nur noch mit Ihrer Seed-Phrase zugreifen. Niemand außer Sie haben Ihre Seed-Phrase. Schreiben Sie ihn auf und bewahren Sie siesicher auf.
- Überprüfen Sie Ihre Seed-Phrase
- Wort eingeben
- Sind Sie sicher?
- Die gesamte Seed-Phrase wird nicht mehr angezeigt
- Okay, weiter
- Falsches Wort
- Homepage
- Standard
- Datenschutz
- Festlegen von DApp-Zugriffsberechtigungen
- Fertig
- Chat-Link-Vorschauen
- Webseiten
- Alle aktivieren
- Neuen Kontakt hinzufügen
- Kontakt hinzufügen
- Benutzer nicht gefunden
- Geräte
- Bitte geben Sie einen Namen für Ihr Gerät ein.
- Geben Sie einen Namen an
- Gerät synchronisieren
- Koppeln Sie Ihre Geräte, um Kontakte und Chats zwischen ihnen zu synchronisieren
- Mehr erfahren
- Gekoppelte Geräte
- Synchronisiere...
- Alle Geräte synchronisieren
- ENS-Benutzernamen
- Benutzername hinzugefügt
- Ok, verstanden
- Sie können den Fortschritt im Abschnitt "Transaktionsverlauf" Ihrer Wallet verfolgen.
- Wallet-Adresse
- Schlüssel
- Zurück
- Primärer Benutzername
- Hallo
- Benutzernamen hinzufügen
- Ihre Benutzernamen
- Mindestens 4 Zeichen. Nur lateinische Buchstaben, Zahlen und Kleinbuchstaben.
- Nur Buchstaben und Zahlen.
- Geben Sie den gesamten Benutzernamen einschließlich der benutzerdefinierten Domain wie username.domain.eth ein
- Ihr Benutzername
- ✓ Benutzername verfügbar!
- Wenn Sie fortfahren, wird dieser Benutzername mit Ihrem Chat-Schlüssel verbunden.
- Benutzername gehört Ihnen nicht :(
- Benutzername bereits vergeben :(
- Der Benutzername ist bereits mit Ihrem Chat-Schlüssel verbunden und kann in Status verwendet werden.
- Für die Fortsetzung ist eine Transaktion erforderlich, um den Benutzernamen mit Ihrem aktuellen Chat-Schlüssel zu verbinden.
- Benutzerdefinierte Domain
- Ich möchte eine stateofus.eth-Domain
- Ich besitze einen Namen auf einer anderen Domain
- Das Geld wird für ein Jahr hinterlegt. Ihr SNT wird gesperrt, aber nicht ausgegeben.
- Nach einem Jahr können Sie den Namen freigeben und Ihre Einzahlung zurückerhalten oder keine Maßnahmen ergreifen, um den Namen beizubehalten.
- Wenn sich die Contract-Bedingungen ändern – z. B. Status führt Contract-Aktualisierungen durch – hat der Benutzer das Recht, den Benutzernamen unabhängig von der gesetzten Frist freizugeben.
- Der Contract Controller kann nicht auf Ihre eingezahlten Beträge zugreifen. Sie können nur an die Adresse zurückgeschoben werden, an die sie gesendet wurden.
- Ihre Adresse(n) werden öffentlich mit Ihrem ENS-Namen verknüpft.
- Benutzernamen werden als Subdomain-Knoten von stateofus.eth erstellt und unterliegen den ENS-Smart-Contract-Bedingungen.
- Sie ermächtigen den Contract, SNT in Ihrem Namen zu übertragen. Dies kann nur auftreten, wenn Sie eine Transaktion zur Autorisierung der Übertragung genehmigen.
- Diese Bedingungen werden durch die intelligente Smart-Contract-Logik an folgenden Adressen garantiert:
- 10 SNT
- Einzahlen
- Nicht genug SNT
- Registrieren
- Erhalten sie einen universellen Benutzernamen
- ENS-Namen verwandeln diese verrückten langen Adressen in eindeutige Benutzernamen.
- Wählen Sie einen Chat-Namen
- Vereinfachen Sie Ihre ETH-Adresse
- Sie können Geld auf Ihren einfach zu teilenden ENS-Namen anstatt auf Ihren hexadezimalen Hash (0x ...) erhalten.
- Erhalten Sie Transaktionen im Chat
- Andere können ihnen in einem Schritt Geld per Chat senden.
- 10 SNT für die Registrierung
- Registrieren Sie sich ein Mal, um den Namen für immer zu behalten. Nach einem Jahr können Sie den Namen freigeben und Ihre SNT zurückerhalten.
- Besitzt Du bereits einen Benutzernamen?
- In den nächsten Schritten können Sie alle Benutzernamen überprüfen und hinzufügen, die Sie besitzen.
- Unterstützt von Ethereum Name Services
- Nur im Hauptnetzwerk verfügbar
- Versuchen Sie es erneut, um den Benutzernamen zu registrieren.
- Warnung!
- Glossar
- Konto
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "A" because the title above is "Account"
- Chat-Schlüssel
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "C" because the title above is "Chat Key"
- Nachrichten im Status-Chat-Protokoll werden mit Verschlüsselungsschlüsseln gesendet und empfangen. Der öffentliche Chat-Schlüssel ist eine Zeichenfolge, die Sie mit anderen teilen, damit diese Ihnen Nachrichten im Status senden können.
- Chat-Name
- Drei zufällige Wörter, die algorithmisch von Ihrem Chat-Schlüssel abgeleitet und als Standardalias im Chat verwendet werden. Chat-Namen sind völlig eindeutig. Kein anderer Benutzer kann dieselben drei Wörter haben.
- ENS-Name
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "E" because the title above is "ENS Name"
- Benutzerdefinierter Alias für Ihren Chat-Schlüssel, den Sie über den Ethereum Name Service registrieren können. ENS-Namen sind dezentrale Benutzernamen.
- Mail-Server
- Ein Knoten im Statusnetzwerk, der Nachrichten für bis zu 30 Tage weiterleitet und speichert.
- Peer
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "P" because the title above is "Peer"
- Seed-Phrase
- Häufig gestellte Fragen
- Einen Fehler einreichen
- Eine Funktion vorschlagen
- Sprache
- Stummschaltung aufheben
- Das Konto wird abgemeldet. Wenn Sie es erneut entsperren, wird das ausgewählte Netzwerk verwendet.
- Netzwerk hinzufügen
- Spezifizieren Sie eine RPC-URL
- Netzwerkkette
- Main network
- Hauptnetzwerk
- Ropsten-Testnetzwerk
- Rinkeby-Testnetzwerk
- Benutzerdefiniert
- Netzwerk-ID
- Hauptnetzwerke
- Testnetzwerke
- Benutzerdefinierte Netzwerke
- Benachrichtigungseinstellungen
- Sicherheit
- Synchronisierung
- Mailserver hinzufügen
- Name des Kontos
- Typ
- Nur zur Beobachtung
- Nicht mit Status verbunden
- Mit Status verbunden
- Ableitungspfad
- Aufbewahrung
- Dieses Gerät
- Konto löschen
- Benutzerdefiniertes Token hinzufügen
- Vertragsadresse
- Symbol
- Dezimalstellen
- Gesamtwert
- Empfangen
- Sichern sie ihre Seed-Phrase
- Empfänger
- Transaktion fehlgeschlagen
- Standardwährung festlegen
- Signierphrase
- Dies ist Ihre Signaturphrase
- Sie sollten diese 3 Wörter sehen, bevor Sie jede Transaktion signieren
- Sie sollten diese Wörter sehen, bevor Sie jede Transaktion signieren. Wenn nicht, brechen und melden Sie sich ab.
- Nochmal anzeigen
- Konto-Einstellungen
- Sammlerstücke
- Konto erstellen
- Fügen Sie ein Beobachtungskonto hinzu
- Geben Sie ein eine Seed-Phrase ein
- Geben Sie einen Schlüssel ein
- Konto mit privatem Schlüssel hinzufügen
- Passwort
- Privater Schlüssel
- Laden…
- Konto hinzufügen
- Konto mit einer Seed-Phrase hinzufügen
- Seed-Phrase
- Füge ein Beobachtungskonto hinzu
- Kontoadresse
- Token-Details
- Token entfernen
- Transaktionsdetails
- Wenn die Transaktion 12 Bestätigungen hat, können Sie sie als abgeschlossen betrachten.
- Block
- Hash
- Gaslimit
- Gaspreis
- Gas verbraucht
- Nonce
- Etwas ist schiefgelaufen
- ansehen
- Beschreibung
- Browser
- Timeline
- Erstellen Sie ein Passwort
- Seed-Phrase eingeben
- Diese Seed-Phrase passt nicht zu unserem unterstützten Wörterbuch. Suchen Sie nach falsch geschriebenen Wörtern.
- Falsche Seed-Phrase
- Wählen Sie einen Chat-Namen
- Wirklich private Kommunikation
- Sichere Krypto-Wallet
- Dezentrale Apps
- Get your keys
- Holen Sie sich Ihre Schlüssel
- A set of keys controls your account. Your keys live on your device, so only you can use them.
- Passwort eingeben
- Enter passwordConnecting...
- Verbinden...
- Ihre Schlüssel
- Sie müssen einen neuen Code oder ein neues Passwort erstellen, um Ihren Schlüssel erneut zu verschlüsseln.
- Verschlüsseln Sie Ihre Schlüssel erneut
- Einfügen
- use-suggestions
- Maximum priority fee: %1 ETH
- Farbe des Kontos
- Bestätigen
- Erweitert
- Gwei
- Anwenden
- Nicht genug ETH für Gas
- Kopiert
- Copy to clipboard
- Kopieren
- Adresse
- Kontakt
- Suche
- Nachrichten
- Asset
- Betrag
- Transaktion senden
- Transaktion anfordern
- Öffentlicher Chat
- Kein Kontakt
- Nachricht
- ↓ Installieren
- ↓ Kostenlos
- Aktualisieren
- Kürzlich verwendete Sticker werden hier angezeigt
- Sticker hinzufügen
- Zugangsberechtigung aufheben
- Mehr anzeigen
- Alle
- Show read notificationsHide read notifications
- Benachrichtigungseinstellungen
- You need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messagesYou need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messagesWaiting for %1 to accept your request
- Importieren
- Sichern
- Der Beitritt zu Ihrer Community ist kostenlos, aber neue Mitglieder müssen zunächst vom Ersteller der Community genehmigt werden
- Ihrer Community kann nur durch eine Einladung von bestehenden Gemeinschaftsmitgliedern beigetreten werden
- Deiner Community kann jeder kostenlos beitreten
- Sprache
- Before you get started...
- I acknowledge that Status Desktop is in Beta and by using it, I take the full responsibility for all risks concerning my data and funds.
- Terms of Use
- Get Started
- Loslegen
- Jetzt
- AcceptRejectOptionsButtonsPanel
- Profil anzeigen
- AccountView
- Typ
- Aufbewahrung
- ActivityCenterMessageComponentView
- AddAccountModal
- Erweitert
- AddEditSavedAddressPopup
- Name
- Adresse
- Speichern
- AddFavoriteModal
- Einfügen
- Name
- AddShowTokenModal
- AddWakuNodeModal
- AdvancedView
- AppMain
- AppSearch
- AppearanceView
- BeforeGetStartedModal
- Datenschutzbestimmungen
- BlockContactConfirmationDialog
- BrowserView
- BrowserWebEngineView
- ChangePasswordModal
- ChangePasswordSuccessModal
- ChatContentView
- ChatContextMenuView
- Gruppe verlassen
- Speichern
- Löschen
- ChatView
- Mitglieder
- CollectibleCollectionView
- CollectibleDetailView
- CollectibleDetailsHeader
- Senden
- CollectibleModal
- CollectiblesStore
- Sammlerstücke
- CollectiblesView
- CommunitiesPopup
- Gemeinschaften
- Eine Gemeinschaft erstellen
- CommunityChannelsAndCategoriesBannerPanel
- CommunityDetailPopup
- Ausstehend
- CommunityEditSettingsPanel
- Ein einprägsamer Name
- Beschreibung
- CommunityMembersSettingsPanel
- Mitglieder
- CommunityOverviewSettingsPanel
- CommunityProfilePopup
- Mitglieder
- CommunityProfilePopupInviteFriendsPanel
- Kontakte
- CommunityProfilePopupMembersListPanel
- CommunityProfilePopupOverviewPanel
- CommunitySettingsView
- Mitglieder
- Benachrichtigungen
- Einstellungen
- CommunityUserList
- Mitglieder
- ConfirmAppRestartModal
- ConfirmPasswordView
- ConfirmationDialog
- Bestätigen
- Abbrechen
- Constants
- ContactPanel
- Profil anzeigen
- Nachricht senden
- ContactsColumnView
- Chat beginnen
- ContactsListAndSearch
- ContactsListPanel
- ContactsView
- Kontakte
- CreateCategoryPopup
- CreateChannelPopup
- Kanalname
- Beschreibung
- CreateChatView
- Kontakte
- CreateCommunityPopup
- Nennen Sie Ihre Gemeinschaft
- Ein einprägsamer Name
- Geben Sie eine kurze Beschreibung
- Community Farbe
- CreatePasswordModal
- CreatePasswordView
- CryptoServicesModal
- CurrenciesStore
- DefaultDAppExplorerView
- DemoApp
- Leute einladen
- DerivationPathsPanel
- DerivedAddressesPanel
- Konto
- DisplayNamePopup
- Bearbeiten
- OK
- DownloadPage
- EditCroppedImagePanel
- EnsDetailsView
- Wallet-Adresse
- Schlüssel
- EnsReleasedView
- EnsSearchView
- EnsTermsAndConditionsView
- ExemptionNotificationsModal
- Erledigt
- FetchMoreMessagesButton
- GasSelector
- GroupInfoPopup
- HomePageView
- ImageCropperModal
- Fertig
- ImportSeedPhrasePanel
- InsertCard
- Abbrechen
- InsertDetailsView
- Weiter
- InviteFriendsPopup
- KeycardCreatePINModal
- KeysMainView
- Geben Sie ein eine Seed-Phrase ein
- LanguageView
- Sprache
- Layout
- Leute einladen
- LeftTabView
- Einstellungen
- LoginView
- OK
- MainView
- MenuPanel
- Einstellungen
- MessageContextMenuView
- MessagingView
- Kontakte
- MyProfileView
- ENS-Benutzername
- Chat-Key
- NetworkFilter
- NetworksView
- NicknamePopup
- Alias
- NoImageUploadedPanel
- NodeLayout
- NotificationSelect
- NotificationsView
- Nachrichten
- PINModal
- PairingModal
- PasswordView
- Erstellen Sie ein Passwort
- PermissionsListView
- PrivacyView
- ProfileLayout
- Kontakte
- ProfilePopup
- ENS-Benutzername
- Chat-Key
- Chat-Einstellungen
- Alias
- Keine
- Zu Kontakten hinzufügen
- ProfileSectionStore
- Profil
- ENS-Benutzernamen
- Wallet
- Browser
- Erscheinungsbild
- Erweitert
- RateView
- ReceiveModal
- Kopieren
- RenameAccontModal
- RootStore
- Sie
- SavedAddressesView
- Abbrechen
- Löschen
- SeedPhraseInputView
- Seed-Phrase eingeben
- Weiter
- Importieren
- SelectGeneratedAccount
- SendContactRequestModal
- Einfügen
- SendModalFooter
- Unbekannt
- SendModalHeader
- An
- SettingsPageLayout
- Abbrechen
- SignTransactionModal
- Senden
- Fortsetzen
- StatusAddressOrEnsValidator
- StatusAddressValidator
- StatusAppCommunityView
- Mitglieder
- StatusAsyncEnsValidator
- StatusAsyncValidator
- StatusBadge
- StatusChatInput
- Senden
- StatusChatListAndCategories
- mehr
- StatusChatListCategoryItem
- mehr
- StatusChatListItem
- Stummschaltung aufheben
- StatusChatToolBar
- Suche
- Mitglieder
- mehr
- StatusETHTransactionModal
- StatusExpandableSettingsItemPage
- Sichern der Seed-Phrase
- StatusFloatValidator
- StatusGifColumn
- StatusGifPopup
- StatusIntValidator
- StatusListPicker
- Suche
- StatusListPickerPage
- StatusMacNotification
- Öffnen
- StatusPasswordStrengthIndicator
- StatusSearchListPopup
- StatusSearchLocationMenu
- StatusSearchPopup
- StatusSpellcheckingMenuItems
- StatusStickerMarket
- StatusTagSelectorPage
- StatusTokenInlineSelector
- StatusUrlValidator
- StatusValidator
- StatusWalletColorSelect
- Farbe des Kontos
- StatusWindowsTitleBar
- StoreToKeychainSelectionModal
- TabAddressSelectorView
- TabNetworkAndFees
- Erweitert
- Benutzerdefiniert
- TouchIDAuthView
- TransactionBubbleView
- TransactionModal
- TransactionSettingsConfirmationPopup
- Sind Sie sicher?
- TransferOwnershipPopup
- Privater Community-Schlüssel
- Kopieren
- Kopiert
- UploadProfilePicModal
- Entfernen
- Erledigt
- UserList
- Mitglieder
- UserListPanel
- UserStatusContextMenu
- UsernameLabel
- Sie
- Utils
- WakuNodesModal
- WalletView
- Wallet
- WelcomeView
- main
diff --git a/ui/i18n/qml_es.ts b/ui/i18n/qml_es.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 0edbd1bcb9..0000000000
--- a/ui/i18n/qml_es.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8591 +0,0 @@
- Editar
- Nombre
- Eliminar
- Listo
- Agregar
- Permitir autoriza a esta DApp a recuperar la dirección de tu billetera y habilitar Web3
- Conceder acceso autoriza a esta DApp a obtener tu clave de chat
- Negar
- Permitir
- Ingresa una URL
- Transacción pendiente...
- Contraseña incorrecta
- Nueva pestaña
- Encontrar
- Ajustes
- Desconocido
- Activos
- Historial
- Abrir
- Cancelar
- Abrir en una pestaña nueva
- OK
- De
- Datos
- Mensaje
- Firmar
- Firmar con contraseña
- Conectado
- Chat sin conexión
- Enviar
- Solicitud
- Continuar
- Para
- Siguiente
- Tarifa de la red
- . The transaction will probably fail.
- Imagen
- O
- Invitar
- before %1Between %1 and %2
- ↓ Recuperar más mensajes
- Welcome to the beginning of the <span style=
- Any messages you send here are encrypted and can only be read by you and <span style=
- Rechazar invitación
- Responder
- más
- Error loading the imageLoading image...
- Solicitar acceso
- Unido
- Unirse
- ¿Habilitar vistas previas de enlaces en el chat?
- No me vuelvas a preguntar
- Reenviar
- Solicitud de transacción
- Aceptar y compartir dirección
- Rechazar
- Seleccionar cuenta
- Firmar y enviar
- Pendiente
- Confirmado
- Dirección solicitada
- Dirección recibida
- Transacción rechazada
- Tú
- Clear History
- Borrar historial
- Leave Group
- Abandonar grupo
- Remove Contact
- Comunidades
- - ENS Only
- Chats
- Miembros
- Invite people
- Invitar a otros
- Solicitudes de membresía
- Edit Category
- Delete Category
- Ver perfil
- Notificaciones
- Crea un canal
- Eliminar
- Agregar miembros
- Nuevo canal
- Nombre del canal
- Describa el canal
- Crear
- Requisito de membresía
- Necesitas invitación de otro miembro
- Requiere aprobación
- Sin requisitos
- Puedes exigir que los nuevos miembros cumplan con ciertos criterios antes de poder unirse. Esto se puede cambiar en cualquier momento.
- Guardar
- Miembros
- Invitar a amigos
- Contactos
- Invitá
- Chat
- Iniciar nuevo chat
- Iniciar chat grupal
- Unirte a chat público
- No hay mensajes
- Compartir chat
- Eliminar chat
- Abandonar chat
- Abrir en Status
- Admin
- ↓ Fetch messages
- ↓ Recuperar mensajes
- Nuevo grupo de chat
- Crear chat grupal
- Todos tus contactos ya están en el grupo
- Hacer admin
- Enviar mensaje
- Eliminar mensaje
- Apodo
- Nuevo chat
- ENS (juanca94) o clave de chat (0x04…)
- Nombre de usuario ENS
- Clave de chat
- Ajustes de chat
- Ninguno
- Agregar a contactos
- Nombre del chat
- Iniciar chat
- Guardar
- Perfil
- Versión de la app
- Política de privacidad
- Red
- Fleet
- Billetera
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "S" because the title above is "Seed Phrase"
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "M" because the title above is "Mailserver"
- Apariencia
- Claro
- Claro
- Oscuro
- Sistema
- Respaldar la frase semilla
- Si pierdes la frase semilla, pierdes tus datos y fondos
- Si pierdes acceso, por ejemplo, al perder tu teléfono, solo puedes acceder a tus claves con tu frase semilla. Nadie aparte de ti tiene tu frase semilla. Anótala y guárdala de forma segura.
- Comprueba tu frase semilla
- Ingresa la palabra
- ¿Estás seguro/a?
- No podrás volver a ver toda la frase semilla
- Vale, continuar
- Palabra incorrecta
- Homepage
- Predeterminados
- Privacidad
- Establecer permisos de acceso de DApp
- Finalizar
- Vistas previas de enlaces de chat
- Sitios web
- Habilitar todos
- Agregar nuevo contacto
- Agregar contacto
- Usuario no encontrado
- Dispositivos
- Por favor, establece un nombre para tu dispositivo.
- Especifica un nombre
- Publicar el dispositivo
- Vincula tus dispositivos para sincronizar los contactos y chats entre ellos
- Más información
- Dispositivos vinculados
- Sincronizando...
- Sincronizar todos los dispositivos
- Nombres de usuario ENS
- Nombre de usuario agregado
- Entendido
- Puedes seguir el progreso en la sección de Historial de transacciones de tu billetera.
- Dirección de la billetera
- Clave
- Atrás
- Nombre de usuario principal
- Hola
- Agregar nombre de usuario
- Tus nombres de usuario
- Al menos 4 caracteres. Letras latinas, números y sólo minúsculas.
- Sólo letras y números.
- Escribe el nombre de usuario completo, incluido el dominio personalizado como username.domain.eth
- Tu nombre de usuario
- ✓ ¡Nombre de usuario disponible!
- Continuar conectará este nombre de usuario con tu clave de chat.
- El nombre de usuario no te pertenece :(
- Nombre de usuario ya está tomado :(
- El nombre de usuario ya está conectado con tu clave de chat y se puede usar dentro de Status.
- Continuar requerirá una transacción para conectar el nombre de usuario con tu clave de chat actual.
- Dominio personalizado
- Quiero un dominio stateofus.eth
- Tengo un nombre en otro dominio
- Los fondos se depositan por 1 año. Tu SNT se bloqueará, pero no se gastará.
- Después de 1 año, puedes liberar el nombre y recuperar tu depósito, o no tomar ninguna acción para mantener el nombre.
- Si los términos del contrato cambian —por ejemplo, Status actualiza el contrato— el usuario tiene derecho a liberar el nombre de usuario independientemente del tiempo retenido.
- El controlador del contrato no puede acceder a tus fondos depositados. Sólo pueden ser devueltos a la dirección que los envió.
- Tu(s) dirección(es) se asociará(n) públicamente con tu nombre ENS.
- Los nombres de usuario se crean como nodos de subdominio de stateofus.eth y están sujetos a los términos del contrato inteligente de ENS.
- Autorizas el contrato para transferir SNT en tu nombre. Esto solo puede ocurrir cuando apruebas una transacción para autorizar la transferencia.
- Estos términos están garantizados por la lógica del contrato inteligente en las direcciones:
- 10 SNT
- Depósito
- No hay suficiente SNT
- Registrar
- Obtén un nombre de usuario universal
- Los nombres ENS transforman esas direcciones larguísimas en nombres de usuario únicos.
- Personaliza tu nombre de chat
- Simplifica tu dirección ETH
- Puedes recibir fondos a tu ENS fácil de compartir, en vez de tu hash hexadecimal (0x...)
- Recibe transacciones en el chat
- Otros pueden enviarte fondos desde el chat en un simple paso.
- 10 SNT para registrar
- Regístrate una vez para mantener el nombre para siempre. Después de 1 año, podrás liberar el nombre y recuperar tus SNT.
- ¿Ya tienes un nombre de usuario?
- Puedes verificar y agregar cualquier nombre de usuario que poseas en los siguientes pasos.
- Propulsado por Ethereum Name Services
- Solo disponible en Mainnet
- Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo para registrar el nombre de usuario.
- ¡Advertencia!
- Glosario
- Cuenta
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "A" because the title above is "Account"
- Clave de chat
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "C" because the title above is "Chat Key"
- Los mensajes en el protocolo de chat de Status se envían y reciben utilizando claves de encriptación. La clave pública de chat es una cadena de caracteres que compartes con otros para que puedan enviarte mensajes en Status.
- Nombre del chat
- Tres palabras aleatorias, derivadas algorítmicamente de tu clave de chat y utilizadas como tu alias predeterminado en el chat. Los nombres de los chats son completamente únicos; ningún otro usuario puede tener las mismas tres palabras.
- Nombre ENS
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "E" because the title above is "ENS Name"
- Alias personalizado para tu clave de chat que puedes registrar utilizando Ethereum Name Service. Los nombres ENS son nombres de usuario descentralizados.
- Nodo de Status
- Un nodo en la red de Status que envía y almacena mensajes, hasta por 30 días.
- Pares
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "P" because the title above is "Peer"
- Frase semilla
- Preguntas frecuentes
- Reportar un error
- Solicitar una funcionalidad
- Idioma
- Activar sonido
- Se cerrará la sesión de la cuenta. Cuando la desbloquees de nuevo, se utilizará la red seleccionada
- Agregar red
- Especifica una URL RPC
- Cadena de la red
- Main network
- Red principal
- Red de prueba Ropsten
- Red de prueba Rinkeby
- Personalizado
- ID de red
- Redes principales
- Redes de prueba
- Redes personalizadas
- Preferencias de notificación
- Seguridad
- Ajustes de sincronización
- Agregar nodo de Status
- Nombre de la cuenta
- Tipo
- Sólo para ver
- Derivado fuera de Status
- En el árbol de Status
- Ruta de derivación
- Almacenamiento
- Este dispositivo
- Borrar cuenta
- Agregar un token personalizado
- Dirección del contrato
- Símbolo
- Decimales
- Valor total
- Recibir
- Respalda tu frase semilla
- Receptor
- La transacción ha fallado
- Establecer moneda
- Frase de firma
- Esta es tu frase de firma
- Deberías ver estas tres palabras antes de firmar cada transacción
- Si ves una combinación diferente, cancela la transacción y cierra sesión
- Verlo de nuevo
- Ajustes de la cuenta
- Coleccionables
- Generar una cuenta
- Agregar una dirección de solo observación
- Ingresa una frase semilla
- Ingresa una clave privada
- Agregar una cuenta desde una clave privada
- Contraseña
- Clave privada
- Cargando...
- Agregar una cuenta
- Agregar una cuenta con una frase semilla
- Frase semilla
- Agregar una cuenta sólo para mirar
- Dirección de la cuenta
- Detalles del token
- Eliminar token
- Detalles de la transacción
- Cuando la transacción tenga 12 confirmaciones, puede considerarla resuelta.
- Bloquear
- Hash
- Límite de gas
- Precio del gas
- Gas utilizado
- Nonce
- Algo salió mal
- Ver
- Descripción
- Navegador
- Línea de tiempo
- Crea una contraseña
- Ingresar la frase semilla
- Esta frase semilla no coincide con nuestro diccionario compatible. Revisa si hay palabras mal escritas.
- Frase semilla inválida
- Elige un nombre de chat
- Comunicación verdaderamente privada
- Criptobilletera segura
- Apps descentralizadas
- Get your keys
- Obtener las claves
- A set of keys controls your account. Your keys live on your device, so only you can use them.
- Ingresa la contraseña
- Enter passwordConnecting...
- Conectando...
- Tus claves
- Deberás crear un nuevo código o contraseña para volver a encriptar tus claves
- Vuelve a encriptar tus claves
- Pegar
- use-suggestions
- Maximum priority fee: %1 ETH
- Color de la cuenta
- Confirmar
- Avanzado
- Gwei
- Aplicar
- No hay suficiente ETH para el gas
- Copiado
- Copy to clipboard
- Copiar
- Dirección
- Contacto
- Buscar
- Mensajes
- Activo
- Cantidad
- Enviar transacción
- Solicitar transacción
- Chat público
- No es contacto
- Mensaje
- ↓ Instalar
- ↓ Gratis
- Actualizar
- Las pegatinas usadas recientemente aparecerán aquí
- Obtener pegatinas
- Revocar el acceso
- Mostrar más
- Todos
- Show read notificationsHide read notifications
- Ajustes de las notificaciones
- You need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messagesYou need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messagesWaiting for %1 to accept your request
- Importar
- Respaldo
- Puedes unirte de manera gratuita, pero el creador de la comunidad deberá aprobar primero a los nuevos miembros
- Únicamente puedes unirte a la comunidad mediante invitación de un miembro existente
- Cualquier persona puede unirse a tu comunidad
- Idioma
- Before you get started...
- I acknowledge that Status Desktop is in Beta and by using it, I take the full responsibility for all risks concerning my data and funds.
- Terms of Use
- Get Started
- Iniciar
- Ahora
- AcceptRejectOptionsButtonsPanel
- Ver perfil
- AccountView
- Tipo
- Almacenamiento
- ActivityCenterMessageComponentView
- AddAccountModal
- Avanzado
- AddEditSavedAddressPopup
- Nombre
- Dirección
- Guardar
- AddFavoriteModal
- Pegar
- Nombre
- AddShowTokenModal
- AddWakuNodeModal
- AdvancedView
- AppMain
- AppSearch
- AppearanceView
- BeforeGetStartedModal
- Política de privacidad
- BlockContactConfirmationDialog
- BrowserView
- BrowserWebEngineView
- ChangePasswordModal
- ChangePasswordSuccessModal
- ChatContentView
- ChatContextMenuView
- Abandonar grupo
- Guardar
- Eliminar
- ChatView
- Miembros
- CollectibleCollectionView
- CollectibleDetailView
- CollectibleDetailsHeader
- Enviar
- CollectibleModal
- CollectiblesStore
- Coleccionables
- CollectiblesView
- CommunitiesPopup
- Comunidades
- Crear una comunidad
- CommunityChannelsAndCategoriesBannerPanel
- CommunityDetailPopup
- Pendiente
- CommunityEditSettingsPanel
- Elige un nombre memorable
- Descripción
- CommunityMembersSettingsPanel
- Miembros
- CommunityOverviewSettingsPanel
- CommunityProfilePopup
- Miembros
- CommunityProfilePopupInviteFriendsPanel
- Contactos
- CommunityProfilePopupMembersListPanel
- CommunityProfilePopupOverviewPanel
- CommunitySettingsView
- Miembros
- Notificaciones
- Ajustes
- CommunityUserList
- Miembros
- ConfirmAppRestartModal
- ConfirmPasswordView
- ConfirmationDialog
- Confirmar
- Cancelar
- Constants
- ContactPanel
- Ver perfil
- Enviar mensaje
- ContactsColumnView
- Iniciar chat
- ContactsListAndSearch
- ContactsListPanel
- ContactsView
- Contactos
- CreateCategoryPopup
- CreateChannelPopup
- Nombre del canal
- Descripción
- Describa el canal
- CreateChatView
- Contactos
- CreateCommunityPopup
- Asigna un nombre a tu comunidad
- Elige un nombre memorable
- Descríbelo brevemente
- Color de la comunidad
- CreatePasswordModal
- CreatePasswordView
- CryptoServicesModal
- CurrenciesStore
- DefaultDAppExplorerView
- DemoApp
- Invitar a otros
- DerivationPathsPanel
- DerivedAddressesPanel
- Cuenta
- DisplayNamePopup
- Editar
- OK
- DownloadPage
- EditCroppedImagePanel
- EnsDetailsView
- Dirección de la billetera
- Clave
- EnsReleasedView
- EnsSearchView
- EnsTermsAndConditionsView
- ExemptionNotificationsModal
- Listo
- FetchMoreMessagesButton
- GasSelector
- GroupInfoPopup
- HomePageView
- ImageCropperModal
- Finalizar
- ImportSeedPhrasePanel
- InsertCard
- Cancelar
- InsertDetailsView
- Siguiente
- InviteFriendsPopup
- KeycardCreatePINModal
- KeysMainView
- Ingresa una frase semilla
- LanguageView
- Idioma
- Layout
- Invitar a otros
- LeftTabView
- Ajustes
- LoginView
- OK
- MainView
- MenuPanel
- Ajustes
- MessageContextMenuView
- MessagingView
- Contactos
- MyProfileView
- Nombre de usuario ENS
- Clave de chat
- NetworkFilter
- NetworksView
- NicknamePopup
- Apodo
- NoImageUploadedPanel
- NodeLayout
- NotificationSelect
- NotificationsView
- Mensajes
- PINModal
- PairingModal
- PasswordView
- Crea una contraseña
- PermissionsListView
- PrivacyView
- ProfileLayout
- Contactos
- ProfilePopup
- Nombre de usuario ENS
- Clave de chat
- Ajustes de chat
- Apodo
- Ninguno
- Agregar a contactos
- ProfileSectionStore
- Perfil
- Nombres de usuario ENS
- Billetera
- Navegador
- Apariencia
- Avanzado
- RateView
- ReceiveModal
- Copiar
- RenameAccontModal
- RootStore
- Tú
- SavedAddressesView
- Cancelar
- Eliminar
- SeedPhraseInputView
- Ingresar la frase semilla
- Siguiente
- Importar
- SelectGeneratedAccount
- SendContactRequestModal
- Pegar
- SendModalFooter
- Desconocido
- SendModalHeader
- Para
- SettingsPageLayout
- Cancelar
- SignTransactionModal
- Enviar
- Continuar
- StatusAddressOrEnsValidator
- StatusAddressValidator
- StatusAppCommunityView
- Miembros
- StatusAsyncEnsValidator
- StatusAsyncValidator
- StatusBadge
- StatusChatInput
- Enviar
- StatusChatListAndCategories
- más
- StatusChatListCategoryItem
- más
- StatusChatListItem
- Activar sonido
- StatusChatToolBar
- Buscar
- Miembros
- más
- StatusETHTransactionModal
- StatusExpandableSettingsItemPage
- Respaldar la frase semilla
- StatusFloatValidator
- StatusGifColumn
- StatusGifPopup
- StatusIntValidator
- StatusListPicker
- Buscar
- StatusListPickerPage
- StatusMacNotification
- Abrir
- StatusPasswordStrengthIndicator
- StatusSearchListPopup
- StatusSearchLocationMenu
- StatusSearchPopup
- StatusSpellcheckingMenuItems
- StatusStickerMarket
- StatusTagSelectorPage
- StatusTokenInlineSelector
- O
- StatusUrlValidator
- StatusValidator
- StatusWalletColorSelect
- Color de la cuenta
- StatusWindowsTitleBar
- StoreToKeychainSelectionModal
- TabAddressSelectorView
- TabNetworkAndFees
- Avanzado
- Personalizado
- TouchIDAuthView
- TransactionBubbleView
- TransactionModal
- TransactionSettingsConfirmationPopup
- ¿Estás seguro/a?
- TransferOwnershipPopup
- Clave privada de la comunidad
- Copiar
- Copiado
- UploadProfilePicModal
- Eliminar
- Listo
- UserList
- Miembros
- UserListPanel
- UserStatusContextMenu
- UsernameLabel
- Tú
- Utils
- WakuNodesModal
- WalletView
- Billetera
- WelcomeView
- main
diff --git a/ui/i18n/qml_fil.ts b/ui/i18n/qml_fil.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 651fe39f62..0000000000
--- a/ui/i18n/qml_fil.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8591 +0,0 @@
- Edit
- Pangalan
- Alisin
- Tapos na
- Idagdag
- Pinapayagan ang nagpapahintulot sa DApp na ito na makuha ang iyong address ng pitaka at paganahin ang Web3
- Pinapahintulutan ng pagbibigay ng pag-access ang DApp na makuha ang iyong susi sa chat
- Deny
- Payagan
- Ilagay ang URL
- Naka-pending ang transaksyon ...
- Maling password
- Bagong tab
- Maghanap
- Settings
- Hindi kilala
- Assets
- Kasaysayan
- bukas
- Pagkansela
- Magbukas ng bagong tab
- OK
- Mula sa
- Data
- Mensahe
- Sign
- Mag-sign in gamit ang password
- Nakakonekta
- Chat offline
- Ipadala
- Kahilingan
- Magpatuloy
- Para kay
- Sunod
- Bayad sa network
- . The transaction will probably fail.
- Imahe
- O
- Mag-anyaya
- before %1Between %1 and %2
- ↓ Kumuha ng higit pang mga mensahe
- Welcome to the beginning of the <span style=
- Any messages you send here are encrypted and can only be read by you and <span style=
- Tanggihan ang paanyaya
- Sagot
- higit pa
- Error loading the imageLoading image...
- Humiling ng pag-access
- Sumali
- Sumali
- Paganahin ang mga link previews sa chat?
- Huwag mo ulit akong tanungin
- I-resend
- Kahilingan sa Transaksyon
- Tanggapin at ibahagi ang address
- Tanggihan
- Piliin ang account
- Mag-sign at ipadala
- Naghihintay
- Nakumpirma
- Hiniling ang address
- Natanggap ang address
- Hindi tinanggap ang transaksyon
- ikaw
- Clear History
- Alisin ang history
- Leave Group
- Umalis sa grupo
- Remove Contact
- Mga Komunidad
- - ENS Only
- Chats
- Mga kasapi
- Invite people
- Mag-imbita ng mga tao
- Mga kahilingan sa pagiging miyembro
- Edit Category
- Delete Category
- Tingnan ang Profile
- Mga notification
- Lumikha ng channel
- Tanggalin
- Magdagdag ng mga miyembro
- Bagong channel
- Pangalan ng channel
- Ilarawan ang channel
- Lumikha
- Kahilingan sa pagiging kasapi ng pangkat
- Humiling ng paanyaya mula sa ibang miyembro
- Mangangailangan ng pag-apruba
- Walang kinakailangan
- Maaari kang mangailangan ng mga bagong kasapi upang matugunan ang ilang mga pamantayan bago sila sumali. Maaari itong mabago anumang oras
- I-save
- Mga kasapi
- Mag-imbita ng mga kaibigan
- Mga contact
- Mag-anyaya
- Chat
- Magsimula ng bagong chat
- Simulan ang group chat
- Sumali sa pampublikong Chat
- Walang mensahe
- Ibahagi ang chat
- Tanggalin ang chat
- Umalis sa chat
- Buksan ang Status
- Admin
- ↓ Fetch messages
- ↓ Kumuha ng mga mensahe
- Panibagong group chat
- Gumawa ng group chat
- Ang lahat ng iyong mga contact ay nasa grupo na
- Gumawa ng admin
- Magpadala ng Mensahe
- Tanggalin ang mensahe
- Palayaw
- Bagong chat
- Profile
- ilagay ang ENS username o chat key
- Wala pang contact
- Username ng ENS
- Chat key
- Mga setting ng chat
- Wala
- Idagdag sa mga contact
- Pangalan ng chat
- Simulan ang chat
- I-save
- Profile
- Bersyon ng app
- Patakaran sa pagkapribado
- Network
- Fleet
- Pitaka
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "S" because the title above is "Seed Phrase"
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "M" because the title above is "Mailserver"
- Hitsura
- Mailaw
- Mailaw
- Madilim
- System
- Back up ng seed phrase
- Kung mawala mo ang iyong seed phrase mawawala mo rin, ang iyong data at pondo
- Kung nawalan ka ng pag-access, halimbawa sa pagkawala ng iyong telepono, maaari mo lamang ma-access ang iyong mga key gamit ang iyong seed phrase. Walang sinuman dapat nakaalam ng iyong seed phrase kung hindi ikaw lamang, kung mangyaring Isulat mo at Panatilihing ligtas
- Suriin ang iyong seed phrase
- ilagay ang word
- Sigurado ka ba?
- Hindi mo na makikitang muli ang seed phrase
- Okay, magpatuloy
- Maling salita
- Homepage
- Default
- Pagkapribado
- Itakda ang mga pahintulot sa pag-access ng DApp
- Tapos na
- Mga preview ng chat link
- Websites
- Paganahin lahat
- Magdagdag ng bagong contact
- Magdagdag ng contact
- Hindi nahanap ang gumagamit
- Aparato
- Mangyaring magtakda ng isang pangalan para sa iyong aparato.
- Tukuyin ang isang pangalan
- Mag-advertise ng aparato
- Ipares ang iyong mga aparato upang i-sync ang mga contact at chat sa pagitan nila
- Dagdagan ang nalalaman
- Mga aparato na ipinares
- Syncing...
- Sync lahat ng aparato
- Mga pangalan ng ENS
- Idinagdag ang username
- Ok, nakuha ito
- Maaari mong sundin ang pag-unlad sa seksyon ng Kasaysayan ng Transaksyon ng iyong wallet.
- Address ng Wallet
- Key
- Balik
- Pangunahing username
- Hey
- Magdagdag ng username
- Ang iyong mga username
- Hindi bababa sa 4 na character. Mga letrang Latin, numero, at maliit na titik lamang.
- Mga letra at mga numero lang.
- I-type ang buong username kabilang ang pasadyang domain tulad ng username.domain.eth
- Ang iyong username
- Ang username ay magagamit
- Ang pagpapatuloy ay magkakokonekta sa username na ito sa iyong chat key.
- Hindi kabilang sa iyo ang Username :(
- Nakuha na ang username :(
- Nakakonekta na ang Username sa iyong chat key at maaaring magamit sa loob ng Status.
- Ang pagpapatuloy ay mangangailangan ng isang transaksyon upang ikonekta ang username sa iyong chat key.
- Custom domain
- Gusto ko ng isang stateofus.eth domain
- Nagmamay-ari ako ng isang pangalan sa isa pang domain
- Ang mga pondo ay idineposito para sa 1 taon. Ang iyong SNT ay mai-lock, ngunit hindi ginugol.
- Matapos ang 1 taon, maaari mong palabasin ang pangalan at ibabalik ang iyong deposito, o walang pagkilos upang mapanatili ang pangalan.
- Kung ang mga termino ng pagbabago sa kontrata - e.g Status gumagawa ng mga pag-upgrade ng kontrata - May karapatan ang gumagamit na palabasin ang username anuman ang gaganapin sa oras.
- Hindi ma-access ng Controller ng kontrata ang iyong mga na-deposito na pondo. Maaari lamang silang ilipat sa address na nagpadala sa kanila.
- Ang iyong address (es) ay maiugnay sa publiko sa iyong pangalan ng ENS.
- Ang mga username ay nilikha bilang mga subdomain node ng stateofus.eth at napapailalim sa ENS smart contract sa mga terms.
- Pinapayagan mo ang kontrata para ilipat ang SNT sa iyong ngalan. Magagawa lamang ito kapag inaprubahan mo ang isang transaksyon upang pahintulutan ang paglipat.
- Ang mga salitang ito ay ginagarantiyahan ng smart contract logic sa address:
- 10 SNT
- Deposito
- Hindi sapat ang iyong SNT
- Magrehistro
- Kumuha ng isang unibersal na username
- Binago ni ENS ang mga pangalan na sobrang habang address sa mga natatanging pangalan.
- I-customize ang iyong pangalan ng chat
- Pasimplehin ang iyong ETH address
- Maaari kang makatanggap ng mga pondo sa iyong easy-to-share ENS name kaysa sa iyong hexadecimal hash (0x...).
- Tumanggap ng mga transaksyon sa chat
- Ang iba ay maaaring magpadala sa iyo ng mga pondo sa pamamagitan ng chat sa isang simpleng hakbang.
- 10 SNT upang magparehistro
- Magrehistro ng isang beses upang mapanatili ang pangalan magpakailanman. Matapos ang 1 taon maaari mong pakawalan ang pangalan at maibalik ang iyong SNT.
- Mayroon ka bang isang username?
- Maaari mong i-verify at magdagdag ng anumang mga username na pagmamay-ari mo sa susunod na mga hakbang.
- Pinapagana ng Ethereum Name Services
- Magagamit lamang sa Mainnet
- Para mairehistro ang username, mangyaring subukang muli.
- Babala!
- Glossary
- Account
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "A" because the title above is "Account"
- Chat Key
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "C" because the title above is "Chat Key"
- Mensahe sa Status Chat Protocol ay ipinapadala at natanggap gamit ang mga encryption keys. Mga public chat key ay isang string ng mga character na ibinabahagi mo sa iba upang maaari silang magpadala sa iyo ng mga mensahe sa Status.
- Chat Name
- Tatlong random na salita, nagmula algorithmically galing sa iyong chat key at gamitin mo ito para sa iyong default na alyas sa chat. Pangalan ng Chat ay ganap na natatangi o kakaiba, walang ibang user ang maaring magkapareho sa tatlong salita.
- Pangalan ng ENS
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "E" because the title above is "ENS Name"
- Pasadyang alyas para sa iyong susi sa chat na maaari iparehistro gamit ang serbisyong pangalan ng Ethereum. Ang mga pangalan ng ENS ay desentralisado na mga username.
- Status node
- Ang isang node sa Status network na ruta at nag-iimbak ng mga mensahe, hanggang sa 30 araw.
- Peer
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "P" because the title above is "Peer"
- Seed Phrase
- Mga madalas na tinatanong
- Magsumite ng isang bug
- Humiling ng isang tampok
- Lengwahe
- Unmute
- Ang account ay mai-log out. Kapag binuksan mo ulit ito, gagamitin ang napiling network
- Magdagdag ng network
- Tukuyin ang isang URL ng RPC
- Network chain
- Main network
- Pangunahing network
- Ropsten test network
- Rinkeby test network
- Pasadyang
- Network ID
- pangunahing networks
- Mga network ng pagsubok
- Pasadyang mga network
- Mga kagustuhan sa abiso
- Seguridad
- Mga setting ng pag-sync
- Magdagdag ng Status node
- Pangalan ng account
- Uri
- panoorin lamang
- Off Status tree
- Sa Puno ng Status
- Landas ng dereksyon
- Imbakan
- Ang aparato na ito
- Tanggalin ang account
- Magdagdag ng custom token
- Contract address
- Simbolo
- Decimals
- Kabuuang halaga
- Tumanggap
- I-back up ang iyong seed phrase
- Tagatanggap
- Nabigo ang transaksyon
- Itakda ang pera
- Pag sign ng phrase
- Ito ang iyong signing phrase
- Dapat mong makita ang mga 3 salita bago mag-sign sa bawat transaksyon
- Kung nakakita ka ng ibang kombinasyon, kanselahin ang transaksyon at mag-sign out
- Ipakita mo sa akin ito muli
- Mga setting ng account
- Mga Kolektibo
- Lumikha ng account
- Magdagdag ng isang address na panonood lamang
- Ilagay ang seed phrase
- Ilagay ang pribadong susi
- Magdagdag ng account mula sa pribadong key
- Password
- Pribadong key
- Loading...
- Magdagdag ng account
- Magdagdag ng account para sa seed phrase
- Seed phrase
- Magdagdag ng isang account na panonood lamang
- Address ng account
- detalye ng token
- Alisin ang token
- Mga detalye ng transaksyon
- Kapag ang transaksyon ay may 12 kumpirmasyon maaari mong isaalang-alang na naayos ito.
- Block
- Hash
- Gas limit
- Presyo ng Gas
- Ginamit na gas
- Nonce
- May nangyari na mali
- Tingnan
- Paglalarawan
- Browser
- Timeline
- Gumawa ng password
- Ilagay ang seed phrase
- Ang seed phrase ay hindi tumutugma sa aming suportadong diksyunaryo. Suriin para sa mga maling salita.
- Hindi wastong seed phrase
- Pumili ng isang pangalan ng chat
- Tunay na pribadong komunikasyon
- Secure ang crypto wallet
- Desentralisadong apps
- Get your keys
- Kunin ang iyong mga keys
- A set of keys controls your account. Your keys live on your device, so only you can use them.
- Ilagay ang password
- Enter passwordConnecting...
- Pagkonekta ...
- Ang iyong susi
- Kailangan mong lumikha ng isang bagong code o password upang muling i-encrypt ang iyong mga key
- I-encrypt muli ang iyong mga keys
- Paste
- use-suggestions
- Maximum priority fee: %1 ETH
- Kulay ng account
- Kumpirma
- Advanced
- Gwei
- Apply
- hindi sapat ang gas ng ETH mo
- Kinopya
- Copy to clipboard
- Kopya
- Address
- Makipag-ugnay
- Paghahanap
- mensahe
- Asset
- Halaga
- Magpadala ng transaksyon
- Humiling ng transaksyon
- Pampublikong chat
- Hindi isang contact
- Mensahe
- ↓ Install
- ↓ Libre
- Update
- Ang mga kamakailang ginamit na sticker ay lilitaw dito
- Kumuha ng Sticker
- Bawiin ang access
- Magpakita pa
- Lahat
- Show read notificationsHide read notifications
- Mga setting ng notification
- You need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messagesYou need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messagesWaiting for %1 to accept your request
- angkat
- I-back up
- Ang iyong komunidad ay malayang sumali, ngunit ang mga bagong kasapi ay kinakailangang maaprubahan muna ng lumikha ng komunidad
- Ang iyong komunidad ay maaari lamang sumali sa pamamagitan ng isang paanyaya mula sa existing na miyembro ng komunidad
- Bukas ang iyong pamayanan para sumali ang sinuman
- Lengwahe
- Before you get started...
- I acknowledge that Status Desktop is in Beta and by using it, I take the full responsibility for all risks concerning my data and funds.
- Terms of Use
- Mga Tuntunin ng Paggamit
- Get Started
- Magsimula
- Ngayon
- AcceptRejectOptionsButtonsPanel
- Tingnan ang Profile
- AccountView
- Uri
- Imbakan
- ActivityCenterMessageComponentView
- AddAccountModal
- Advanced
- AddEditSavedAddressPopup
- Pangalan
- Address
- I-save
- AddFavoriteModal
- Paste
- Pangalan
- AddShowTokenModal
- AddWakuNodeModal
- AdvancedView
- AppMain
- AppSearch
- AppearanceView
- BeforeGetStartedModal
- Patakaran sa pagkapribado
- BlockContactConfirmationDialog
- BrowserView
- BrowserWebEngineView
- ChangePasswordModal
- ChangePasswordSuccessModal
- ChatContentView
- ChatContextMenuView
- Umalis sa grupo
- I-save
- Tanggalin
- ChatView
- Mga kasapi
- CollectibleCollectionView
- CollectibleDetailView
- CollectibleDetailsHeader
- Ipadala
- CollectibleModal
- CollectiblesStore
- Mga Kolektibo
- CollectiblesView
- CommunitiesPopup
- Mga Komunidad
- Lumikha ng isang pamayanan
- CommunityChannelsAndCategoriesBannerPanel
- CommunityDetailPopup
- Naghihintay
- CommunityEditSettingsPanel
- Isang kapansin pansin na pangalan
- Paglalarawan
- CommunityMembersSettingsPanel
- Mga kasapi
- CommunityOverviewSettingsPanel
- CommunityProfilePopup
- Mga kasapi
- CommunityProfilePopupInviteFriendsPanel
- Mga contact
- CommunityProfilePopupMembersListPanel
- CommunityProfilePopupOverviewPanel
- CommunitySettingsView
- Mga kasapi
- Mga notification
- Settings
- CommunityUserList
- Mga kasapi
- ConfirmAppRestartModal
- ConfirmPasswordView
- ConfirmationDialog
- Kumpirma
- Pagkansela
- Constants
- ContactPanel
- Tingnan ang Profile
- Magpadala ng Mensahe
- ContactsColumnView
- Simulan ang chat
- ContactsListAndSearch
- ContactsListPanel
- ContactsView
- Mga contact
- CreateCategoryPopup
- CreateChannelPopup
- Pangalan ng channel
- Paglalarawan
- Ilarawan ang channel
- CreateChatView
- Mga contact
- CreateCommunityPopup
- Pangalanan ang iyong pamayanan
- Isang kapansin pansin na pangalan
- Bigyan ito ng isang maikling paglalarawan
- Kulay ng pamayanan
- CreatePasswordModal
- CreatePasswordView
- CryptoServicesModal
- CurrenciesStore
- DefaultDAppExplorerView
- DemoApp
- Mag-imbita ng mga tao
- DerivationPathsPanel
- DerivedAddressesPanel
- Account
- DisplayNamePopup
- Edit
- OK
- DownloadPage
- EditCroppedImagePanel
- EnsDetailsView
- Address ng Wallet
- Key
- EnsReleasedView
- EnsSearchView
- EnsTermsAndConditionsView
- ExemptionNotificationsModal
- Tapos na
- FetchMoreMessagesButton
- GasSelector
- GroupInfoPopup
- HomePageView
- ImageCropperModal
- Tapos na
- ImportSeedPhrasePanel
- InsertCard
- Pagkansela
- InsertDetailsView
- Sunod
- InviteFriendsPopup
- KeycardCreatePINModal
- KeysMainView
- Ilagay ang seed phrase
- LanguageView
- Lengwahe
- Layout
- Mag-imbita ng mga tao
- LeftTabView
- Settings
- LoginView
- OK
- MainView
- MenuPanel
- Settings
- MessageContextMenuView
- MessagingView
- Mga contact
- MyProfileView
- Username ng ENS
- Chat key
- NetworkFilter
- NetworksView
- NicknamePopup
- Palayaw
- NoImageUploadedPanel
- NodeLayout
- NotificationSelect
- NotificationsView
- mensahe
- PINModal
- PairingModal
- PasswordView
- Gumawa ng password
- PermissionsListView
- PrivacyView
- ProfileLayout
- Mga contact
- ProfilePopup
- Username ng ENS
- Chat key
- Mga setting ng chat
- Palayaw
- Wala
- Idagdag sa mga contact
- ProfileSectionStore
- Profile
- Mga pangalan ng ENS
- Pitaka
- Browser
- Hitsura
- Advanced
- RateView
- ReceiveModal
- Kopya
- RenameAccontModal
- RootStore
- ikaw
- SavedAddressesView
- Pagkansela
- Tanggalin
- SeedPhraseInputView
- Ilagay ang seed phrase
- Sunod
- angkat
- SelectGeneratedAccount
- SendContactRequestModal
- Paste
- SendModalFooter
- Hindi kilala
- SendModalHeader
- Para kay
- SettingsPageLayout
- Pagkansela
- SignTransactionModal
- Ipadala
- Magpatuloy
- StatusAddressOrEnsValidator
- StatusAddressValidator
- StatusAppCommunityView
- Mga kasapi
- StatusAsyncEnsValidator
- StatusAsyncValidator
- StatusBadge
- StatusChatInput
- Ipadala
- StatusChatListAndCategories
- higit pa
- StatusChatListCategoryItem
- higit pa
- StatusChatListItem
- Unmute
- StatusChatToolBar
- Paghahanap
- Mga kasapi
- higit pa
- StatusETHTransactionModal
- StatusExpandableSettingsItemPage
- Back up ng seed phrase
- StatusFloatValidator
- StatusGifColumn
- StatusGifPopup
- StatusIntValidator
- StatusListPicker
- Paghahanap
- StatusListPickerPage
- StatusMacNotification
- bukas
- StatusPasswordStrengthIndicator
- StatusSearchListPopup
- StatusSearchLocationMenu
- StatusSearchPopup
- StatusSpellcheckingMenuItems
- StatusStickerMarket
- StatusTagSelectorPage
- StatusTokenInlineSelector
- O
- StatusUrlValidator
- StatusValidator
- StatusWalletColorSelect
- Kulay ng account
- StatusWindowsTitleBar
- StoreToKeychainSelectionModal
- TabAddressSelectorView
- TabNetworkAndFees
- Advanced
- Pasadyang
- TouchIDAuthView
- TransactionBubbleView
- TransactionModal
- TransactionSettingsConfirmationPopup
- Sigurado ka ba?
- TransferOwnershipPopup
- Pribadong key ng komunidad
- Kopya
- Kinopya
- UploadProfilePicModal
- Alisin
- Tapos na
- UserList
- Mga kasapi
- UserListPanel
- UserStatusContextMenu
- UsernameLabel
- ikaw
- Utils
- WakuNodesModal
- WalletView
- Pitaka
- WelcomeView
- main
diff --git a/ui/i18n/qml_fr.ts b/ui/i18n/qml_fr.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index fa2e29a06b..0000000000
--- a/ui/i18n/qml_fr.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8575 +0,0 @@
- Modifier
- Nom
- Enlever
- Fait
- Ajouter
- Autoriser cette DApp à récupérer votre adresse portefeuille et à activer Web3
- Accorder un accès autorise ce DApp à récupérer votre code de contact
- Refuser
- Autoriser
- Entrer l'URL
- Transaction en cours.....
- Mauvais mot de passe
- Nouvel onglet
- Trouver
- Réglages
- Inconnu
- Actifs
- Histoire
- Ouvrir
- Annuler
- Ouvrir dans un nouvel onglet
- OK
- De
- Données
- Message
- Connecter
- Signer avec mot de passe
- Connecté
- Chat hors ligne
- Envoyer
- Requête
- Continuer
- À
- Suivant
- Frais de réseau
- . The transaction will probably fail.
- Image
- OU
- Inviter
- before %1Between %1 and %2
- ↓ Récupérer plus de messages
- Welcome to the beginning of the <span style=
- Any messages you send here are encrypted and can only be read by you and <span style=
- Décliner l'invitation
- Répondre
- plus
- Error loading the imageLoading image...
- Demander l’accès
- Joindre
- Activer l'aperçu des liens dans le chat ?
- Ne plus demander
- Renvoyer
- Demande de transaction
- Accepter et partager l'adresse
- Décliner
- Sélectionner le compte
- Signer et envoyer
- En attente
- Confirmé
- Adresse demandée
- Adresse reçue
- Transaction refusée
- Vous
- Clear History
- Effacer l'historique
- Leave Group
- Quitter le groupe
- Remove Contact
- Communautés
- - ENS Only
- Chats
- Membres
- Invite people
- Inviter des personnes
- Demandes d'adhésion
- Edit Category
- Delete Category
- Voir le profil
- Notifications
- Créer une chaîne
- Supprimer
- Ajouter des membres
- Nouvelle chaîne
- Nom du réseau
- Description du canal
- Créer
- Conditions d'adhésion
- Exige l'invitation d'un autre membre
- Exiger une approbation
- Sans conditions
- Vous pouvez exiger que les nouveaux membres répondent à certains critères avant de pouvoir adhérer. Ces critères peuvent être modifiés à tout moment.
- Sauvegarder
- Membres
- Inviter des amis
- Contacts
- Inviter
- Chat
- Démarrer un nouveau chat
- Démarrer le chat de groupe
- Rejoindre le chat public
- Pas de messages
- Partager un chat
- Supprimer le chat
- Quitter le chat
- Ouvert dans Status
- Admin
- ↓ Fetch messages
- ↓ Récupérer les messages
- Nouveau chat de groupe
- Créer un chat de groupe
- Tous vos contacts sont déjà dans le groupe
- Faire admin
- Envoyer un message
- Supprimer le message
- Pseudo
- Nouveau chat
- Mon profil
- ENS (vitalik94) ou clé de chat (0x04…)
- Non contacts
- Nom d'utilisateur ENS
- Code de contact
- Paramètres de Chat
- Aucun
- Ajouter aux contacts
- Nom du chat
- Démarrer le chat
- Sauvegarder
- Profil
- Version de l'application
- Politique de confidentialité
- Réseau
- Flotte
- Portefeuille
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "S" because the title above is "Seed Phrase"
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "M" because the title above is "Mailserver"
- Apparence
- Clair
- Clair
- Foncé
- Système
- Sauvegardez votre phrase de récupération
- Si vous perdez votre phrase de récupération, vous perdez vos données et vos fonds
- Status ne peut pas vous aider à récupérer votre multi-compte si vous perdez votre phrase de récupération. Vous êtes responsable de la sécurité de vos données. Ecrire votre phrase de récupération quelque part sur constitue la meilleure protection.
- Vérifiez votre phrase de récupération
- Entrer le mot
- Êtes-vous sûr?
- Vous ne pourrez jamais plus voir toute la phrase de récupération
- D'accord, continuez
- Mauvais mot
- Homepage
- Défaut
- Confidentialité
- Définir les autorisations d'accès DApp
- Finir
- Aperçu des liens de chat
- Sites internet
- Tout activer
- Ajouter un nouveau contact
- Ajouter un contact
- Utilisateur non trouvé
- Appareils
- Veuillez définir un nom pour votre appareil.
- Spécifiez un nom
- Publicité de l'appareil
- Jumelez vos appareils pour synchroniser les contacts et les conversations entre eux.
- En savoir plus
- Appareils jumelés
- Synchronisation...
- Synchroniser tous les appareils
- Noms d'utilisateurs ENS
- Nom d'utilisateur ajouté
- Ok, j'ai compris
- Vous pouvez suivre l'évolution dans la section Historique des transactions de votre portefeuille.
- Adresse portefeuille
- Clé
- Retour
- Nom d'utilisateur principal
- Salut
- Ajouter un nom d'utilisateur
- Vos noms d'utilisateurs
- Au moins 4 caractères. Lettres latines, chiffres et minuscules seulement.
- Lettres et chiffres uniquement
- Tapez le nom d'utilisateur complet, y compris le domaine personnalisé comme nom d'utilisateur.domaine.eth.eth
- Votre nom d'utilisateur
- ✓ Nom d'utilisateur disponible !
- En continuant, vous connecterez ce nom d'utilisateur avec votre clé.
- Le nom d'utilisateur ne vous appartient pas :(
- Nom d'utilisateur déjà pris :(
- Le nom d'utilisateur est maintenant connecté avec votre clé et peut être utilisé dans Status.
- Pour continuer, vous devrez effectuer une transaction pour connecter votre nom d'utilisateur à votre clé.
- Domaine personnalisé
- Je veux un domaine stateofus.eth
- Je possède un nom sur un autre domaine
- Les fonds sont déposés pendant 1 an. Votre SNT sera verrouillé, mais pas dépensé.
- Après 1 an, vous pouvez libérer le nom et récupérer votre dépôt, ou ne prendre aucune mesure pour garder le nom.
- Si les conditions du contrat changent - par exemple, si Status fait des mises à jour du contrat - l'utilisateur a le droit de libérer le nom d'utilisateur quelle que soit la durée du contrat.
- Le contrôleur des contrats ne peut pas accéder à vos fonds déposés. Ils ne peuvent être déplacés qu'à l'adresse qui les a envoyés.
- Votre (vos) adresse(s) sera (seront) publiquement associée(s) à votre nom ENS.
- Les noms d'utilisateurs sont créés en tant que nœuds de sous domaines de stateofus.eth et sont soumis aux conditions du contrat intelligent ENS.
- Vous autorisez le contrat à transférer SNT en votre nom. Cela ne peut se produire que lorsque vous approuvez une transaction pour autoriser le transfert.
- Ces conditions sont garanties par la logique contractuelle intelligente des adresses :
- 10 SNT
- Dépôt
- Pas assez SNT
- S'inscrire
- Obtenir un nom d'utilisateur universel
- Les noms ENS transforment ces adresses d'une longueur insensée en noms d'utilisateur uniques.
- Choisissez votre pseudonyme
- Simplifiez votre adresse ETH
- Vous pouvez recevoir des fonds grâce à votre nom ENS facile à partager plutôt qu'à votre hash hexadécimal (0x...).
- Recevez des transactions dans la discussion
- D'autres utilisateurs peuvent vous envoyer des fonds en une étape simple.
- 10 SNT pour s'enregistrer
- Inscrivez-vous une fois pour garder le nom pour toujours. Après 1 an, vous pouvez libérer le nom et récupérer votre SNT.
- Possédez-vous déjà un nom d'utilisateur ?
- Vous pouvez vérifier et ajouter tous les noms d'utilisateur que vous possédez au cours des prochaines étapes.
- Propulsé par Ethereum Name Services
- Disponible uniquement sur Mainnet
- Pour enregistrer le nom d'utilisateur, veuillez réessayer.
- Avertissement!
- Glossaire
- Compte
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "A" because the title above is "Account"
- Code de contact
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "C" because the title above is "Chat Key"
- Les messages sur le protocole de conversation de Status sont envoyés et reçus à l'aide de clés de chiffrement. Le code de contact public est une chaîne de caractères que vous partagez avec les autres afin qu'ils puissent vous envoyer des messages dans Status.
- Nom de discussion
- Trois mots aléatoires, dérivés algorithmiquement de votre code de contact et utilisés comme pseudonyme par défaut dans les discussions. Les noms de discussions sont complètement uniques; aucun autre utilisateur ne peut avoir les mêmes trois mots.
- Nom ENS
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "E" because the title above is "ENS Name"
- Pseudonyme personnalisé pour votre code de contact que vous pouvez enregistrer à l'aide du service du service de nom Ethereum ENS. Les noms ENS sont des noms d'utilisateur décentralisés.
- Nœud de Status
- Un nœud dans le réseau Status qui dirige et stocke les messages pour une durée maximale de 30 jours.
- Pair
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "P" because the title above is "Peer"
- Phrase de récupération
- Foire aux questions
- Soumettre un bogue
- Demander une fonctionnalité
- Langue
- Réactiver
- Le multi-compte sera déconnecté. Si vous vous reconnectez, le réseau sélectionné sera utilisé
- Ajouter réseau
- Spécifier une URL RPC
- Chaîne de réseau
- Main network
- Réseau principal
- Réseau de test Ropsten
- Réseau de test Rinkeby
- Personnalisé
- ID réseau
- Principaux réseaux
- Réseaux de test
- Réseaux personnalisés
- Préférences de notification
- Sécurité
- Paramètres de synchronisation
- Ajouter un nœud de Status
- Nom du compte
- Type
- Compte de veille uniquement
- Arbre Status désactivé
- Sur l'arbre Status
- Chemin de dérivation
- Stockage
- Cet appareil
- Supprimer mon compte
- Ajouter un jeton personnalisé
- Adresse du contrat
- Symbole
- Décimales
- Valeur totale
- Recevoir
- Sauvegardez votre phrase de récupération
- Bénéficiaire
- La transaction a échoué
- Choisir votre devise
- Phrase de signature
- Voici votre phrase de signature
- Vous devriez voir ces trois mots avant de signer chaque transaction
- Si vous voyez une combinaison différente, annulez la transaction et déconnectez-vous.
- Me le rappeler plus tard
- Paramètres du compte
- Objets de collection
- Créez une nouvelle clé
- Ajouter un compte de veille uniquement
- Entrer une phrase de récupération
- Entrer une clé privée
- Ajouter un compte à partir d'une clé privée
- Mot de passe
- Clé privée
- Chargement...
- Ajouter un compte
- Ajouter un compte avec une phrase de récupération
- Phrase de récupération
- Ajouter un compte de veille uniquement
- Adresse du compte
- Détails du jeton
- Supprimer le jeton
- Détails de la transaction
- Lorsque la transaction a 12 confirmations, vous pouvez la considérer comme réglée.
- Bloc
- Hash
- Limite de gaz
- Prix du gaz
- Gaz utilisé
- Nonce
- Quelque chose a mal tourné
- Vue
- Description
- Navigateur
- Chronologie
- Créer un mot de passe
- Entrez la phrase de récupération
- Cette phrase de récupération ne correspond pas à notre dictionnaire. Vérifiez les mots mal orthographiés.
- Phrase de récupération non valide
- Choisissez un pseudo
- Communication privée et sécurisée
- Portefeuille crypto sécurisé
- Applications décentralisées
- Get your keys
- Obtenez votre clé
- A set of keys controls your account. Your keys live on your device, so only you can use them.
- Entrer le mot de passe
- Enter passwordConnecting...
- Connexion...
- Vos clés
- Vous devrez créer un nouveau code ou mot de passe pour recrypter votre clé
- Crypter à nouveau votre clé
- Coller
- use-suggestions
- Maximum priority fee: %1 ETH
- Couleur du compte
- Confirmer
- Avancé
- Gwei
- Appliquer
- Pas assez d'ETH pour le gaz
- Copié
- Copy to clipboard
- Copie
- Adresse
- Contact
- Rechercher
- Messages
- Actif
- Montant
- Envoyer la transaction
- Demande de transaction
- Chat public
- Pas un contact
- Message
- Installer
- ↓ Gratuit
- Mettre à jour
- Les autocollants récemment utilisés apparaîtront ici
- Obtenir des autocollants
- Révoquer l'accès
- Afficher plus
- Tout
- Show read notificationsHide read notifications
- Paramètres de notification
- You need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messagesYou need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messagesWaiting for %1 to accept your request
- Importer
- Sauvegarder
- L'adhésion à votre communauté est gratuite mais les nouveaux membres doivent d'abord être approuvés par le créateur de la communauté.
- Votre communauté ne peut être rejointe que sur invitation des membres de la communauté
- Votre communauté est accessible à tous
- Langue
- Before you get started...
- I acknowledge that Status Desktop is in Beta and by using it, I take the full responsibility for all risks concerning my data and funds.
- Terms of Use
- Get Started
- Commencer
- Maintenant
- AcceptRejectOptionsButtonsPanel
- Voir le profil
- AccountView
- Type
- Stockage
- ActivityCenterMessageComponentView
- AddAccountModal
- Avancé
- AddEditSavedAddressPopup
- Nom
- Adresse
- Sauvegarder
- AddFavoriteModal
- Coller
- Nom
- AddShowTokenModal
- AddWakuNodeModal
- AdvancedView
- AppMain
- AppSearch
- AppearanceView
- BeforeGetStartedModal
- Politique de confidentialité
- BlockContactConfirmationDialog
- BrowserView
- BrowserWebEngineView
- ChangePasswordModal
- ChangePasswordSuccessModal
- ChatContentView
- ChatContextMenuView
- Quitter le groupe
- Sauvegarder
- Supprimer
- ChatView
- Membres
- CollectibleCollectionView
- CollectibleDetailView
- CollectibleDetailsHeader
- Envoyer
- CollectibleModal
- CollectiblesStore
- Objets de collection
- CollectiblesView
- CommunitiesPopup
- CommunityChannelsAndCategoriesBannerPanel
- CommunityDetailPopup
- En attente
- CommunityEditSettingsPanel
- Un nom accrocheur
- Description
- CommunityMembersSettingsPanel
- Membres
- CommunityOverviewSettingsPanel
- CommunityProfilePopup
- Membres
- CommunityProfilePopupInviteFriendsPanel
- Contacts
- CommunityProfilePopupMembersListPanel
- CommunityProfilePopupOverviewPanel
- CommunitySettingsView
- Membres
- Notifications
- Réglages
- CommunityUserList
- Membres
- ConfirmAppRestartModal
- ConfirmPasswordView
- ConfirmationDialog
- Confirmer
- Annuler
- Constants
- ContactPanel
- Voir le profil
- Envoyer un message
- ContactsColumnView
- Démarrer le chat
- ContactsListAndSearch
- ContactsListPanel
- ContactsView
- Contacts
- CreateCategoryPopup
- CreateChannelPopup
- Nom du réseau
- Description
- Description du canal
- CreateChatView
- Contacts
- CreateCommunityPopup
- Nommez votre communauté
- Un nom accrocheur
- Donnez une brève description
- Couleur de la communauté
- CreatePasswordModal
- CreatePasswordView
- CryptoServicesModal
- CurrenciesStore
- DefaultDAppExplorerView
- DemoApp
- Inviter des personnes
- DerivationPathsPanel
- DerivedAddressesPanel
- Compte
- DisplayNamePopup
- Modifier
- OK
- DownloadPage
- EditCroppedImagePanel
- EnsDetailsView
- Adresse portefeuille
- Clé
- EnsReleasedView
- EnsSearchView
- EnsTermsAndConditionsView
- ExemptionNotificationsModal
- Fait
- FetchMoreMessagesButton
- GasSelector
- GroupInfoPopup
- HomePageView
- ImageCropperModal
- Finir
- ImportSeedPhrasePanel
- InsertCard
- Annuler
- InsertDetailsView
- Suivant
- InviteFriendsPopup
- KeycardCreatePINModal
- KeysMainView
- Entrer une phrase de récupération
- LanguageView
- Langue
- Layout
- Inviter des personnes
- LeftTabView
- Réglages
- LoginView
- OK
- MainView
- MenuPanel
- Réglages
- MessageContextMenuView
- MessagingView
- Contacts
- MyProfileView
- Nom d'utilisateur ENS
- Code de contact
- NetworkFilter
- NetworksView
- NicknamePopup
- Pseudo
- NoImageUploadedPanel
- NodeLayout
- NotificationSelect
- NotificationsView
- Messages
- PINModal
- PairingModal
- PasswordView
- Créer un mot de passe
- PermissionsListView
- PrivacyView
- ProfileLayout
- Contacts
- ProfilePopup
- Nom d'utilisateur ENS
- Code de contact
- Paramètres de Chat
- Pseudo
- Aucun
- Ajouter aux contacts
- ProfileSectionStore
- Profil
- Noms d'utilisateurs ENS
- Portefeuille
- Navigateur
- Apparence
- Avancé
- RateView
- ReceiveModal
- Copie
- RenameAccontModal
- RootStore
- Vous
- SavedAddressesView
- Annuler
- Supprimer
- SeedPhraseInputView
- Entrez la phrase de récupération
- Suivant
- Importer
- SelectGeneratedAccount
- SendContactRequestModal
- Coller
- SendModalFooter
- Inconnu
- SendModalHeader
- À
- SettingsPageLayout
- Annuler
- SignTransactionModal
- Envoyer
- Continuer
- StatusAddressOrEnsValidator
- StatusAddressValidator
- StatusAppCommunityView
- Membres
- StatusAsyncEnsValidator
- StatusAsyncValidator
- StatusBadge
- StatusChatInput
- Envoyer
- StatusChatListAndCategories
- plus
- StatusChatListCategoryItem
- plus
- StatusChatListItem
- Réactiver
- StatusChatToolBar
- Rechercher
- Membres
- plus
- StatusETHTransactionModal
- StatusExpandableSettingsItemPage
- Sauvegardez votre phrase de récupération
- StatusFloatValidator
- StatusGifColumn
- StatusGifPopup
- StatusIntValidator
- StatusListPicker
- Rechercher
- StatusListPickerPage
- StatusMacNotification
- Ouvrir
- StatusPasswordStrengthIndicator
- StatusSearchListPopup
- StatusSearchLocationMenu
- StatusSearchPopup
- StatusSpellcheckingMenuItems
- StatusStickerMarket
- StatusTagSelectorPage
- StatusTokenInlineSelector
- OU
- StatusUrlValidator
- StatusValidator
- StatusWalletColorSelect
- Couleur du compte
- StatusWindowsTitleBar
- StoreToKeychainSelectionModal
- TabAddressSelectorView
- TabNetworkAndFees
- Avancé
- Personnalisé
- TouchIDAuthView
- TransactionBubbleView
- TransactionModal
- TransactionSettingsConfirmationPopup
- Êtes-vous sûr?
- TransferOwnershipPopup
- Clé privée de la communauté
- Copie
- Copié
- UploadProfilePicModal
- Enlever
- Fait
- UserList
- Membres
- UserListPanel
- UserStatusContextMenu
- UsernameLabel
- Vous
- Utils
- WakuNodesModal
- WalletView
- Portefeuille
- WelcomeView
- main
diff --git a/ui/i18n/qml_id.ts b/ui/i18n/qml_id.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index b30a259990..0000000000
--- a/ui/i18n/qml_id.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8522 +0,0 @@
- Edit
- Nama
- Menghapus
- Selesai
- Menambahkan
- Mengizinkan otorisasi DApp ini untuk mengambil alamat dompet Anda dan mengaktifkan Web3
- Memberi akses memberi otorisasi DApp ini untuk mengambil kunci obrolan Anda
- Menyangkal
- Mengizinkan
- Masukkan URL
- Menunggu transaksi...
- Kata sandi salah
- Temukan
- Pengaturan
- Tidak dikenal
- Aset
- Sejarah
- Buka
- Membatalkan
- baik
- Dari
- Data
- Pesan
- Tanda
- Masuk dengan kata sandi
- Terhubung
- Obrolan offline
- Kirim
- Permintaan
- Lanjutkan
- Untuk
- Lanjut
- Biaya jaringan
- . The transaction will probably fail.
- Gambar
- Undang
- before %1Between %1 and %2
- ↓ Ambil lebih banyak pesan
- Welcome to the beginning of the <span style=
- Any messages you send here are encrypted and can only be read by you and <span style=
- Tolak undangan
- Balasan
- lagi
- Error loading the imageLoading image...
- Bergabung
- Aktifkan pratinjau tautan dalam obrolan?
- Jangan tanya saya lagi
- Kirim ulang
- Permintaan Transaksi
- Terima dan bagikan alamat
- Menurun
- Pilih akun
- Tanda tangani dan kirim
- Tertunda
- Dikonfirmasi
- Alamat yang diminta
- Alamat diterima
- Transaksi ditolak
- Kamu
- Clear History
- Bersihkan riwayat
- Leave Group
- Meninggalkan grup
- Remove Contact
- - ENS Only
- Obrolan
- Anggota
- Invite people
- Edit Category
- Delete Category
- Tampilkan profil
- Notifikasi
- Menghapus?
- Tambahkan anggota
- Menjelaskan salurannya
- Membuat
- Menyimpan
- Anggota
- Mengundang teman-teman
- Kontak
- Undang
- Obrolan
- Mulai obrolan baru
- Mulai obrolan grup
- Bergabunglah dengan obrolan publik
- Tidak ada pesan
- Bagikan obrolan
- Hapus obrolan
- Tinggalkan obrolan
- Buka di Status
- Admin
- ↓ Fetch messages
- ↓ Mengambil pesan
- Obrolan grup baru
- Buat obrolan grup
- Semua kontak Anda sudah ada di grup
- Membuat admin
- Mengirim pesan
- Hapus pesan
- Nama panggilan
- Obrolan baru
- Profil saya
- Masukkan nama pengguna ENS atau kunci obrolan
- Nama pengguna ENS
- Kunci obrolan
- Pengaturan Chat
- Tidak ada
- Tambahkan ke Kontak
- Nama obrolan
- Memulai obrolan
- Menyimpan
- Profil
- Versi aplikasi
- Kebijakan pribadi
- Jaringan
- Armada kapal
- Dompet
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "S" because the title above is "Seed Phrase"
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "M" because the title above is "Mailserver"
- Penampilan
- Cahaya
- Cahaya
- Gelap
- Sistem
- Cadangkan phrase seed
- Jika Anda kehilangan frase seed Anda, Anda kehilangan data dan dana Anda
- Jika Anda kehilangan akses, misalnya dengan kehilangan telepon Anda, Anda hanya dapat mengakses kunci Anda dengan frase seed Anda. Tidak seorang pun, tetapi Anda memiliki frase benih Anda. Tuliskan. Amankan
- Periksa frasa benih Anda
- Masukkan kata
- Apakah kamu yakin?
- Anda tidak akan dapat melihat seluruh frase seed lagi
- Oke, lanjutkan
- Kata yang salah
- Homepage
- Default
- Pribadi
- Tetapkan izin akses DApp
- Selesai
- Pratinjau tautan obrolan
- Situs web
- Aktifkan semua
- Tambahkan kontak baru
- Tambah kontak
- Pengguna tidak ditemukan
- Perangkat
- Silakan tentukan nama untuk perangkat Anda.
- Tentukan nama
- Iklankan perangkat
- Pasangkan perangkat Anda untuk menyinkronkan kontak dan mengobrol di antara mereka
- Belajarlah lagi
- Perangkat yang dipasangkan
- Menyinkronkan...
- Sinkronkan semua perangkat
- ENS nama pengguna
- Nama pengguna ditambahkan
- OK mengerti
- Anda dapat mengikuti kemajuan di bagian Riwayat Transaksi dompet Anda.
- Alamat Dompet
- Kunci
- Kembali
- Nama pengguna utama
- Hai
- Tambahkan nama pengguna
- Nama pengguna Anda
- Setidaknya 4 karakter. Hanya huruf latin, angka, dan huruf kecil.
- Huruf dan angka saja.
- Ketik seluruh nama pengguna termasuk domain khusus seperti namapengguna.domain.eth
- Nama pengguna Anda
- ✓ Nama pengguna tersedia!
- Melanjutkan akan menghubungkan nama pengguna ini dengan kunci obrolan Anda.
- Nama pengguna bukan milik Anda :(
- Nama pengguna sudah diambil :(
- Nama pengguna sudah terhubung dengan kunci obrolan Anda dan dapat digunakan di dalam Status.
- Melanjutkan akan membutuhkan transaksi untuk menghubungkan nama pengguna dengan kunci obrolan Anda saat ini.
- Domain khusus
- Saya ingin domain stateofus.eth
- Saya memiliki nama di domain lain
- Dana disetor selama 1 tahun. SNT Anda akan dikunci, tetapi tidak digunakan.
- Setelah 1 tahun, Anda dapat merilis nama dan mendapatkan kembali setoran Anda, atau tidak mengambil tindakan apa pun untuk mempertahankan nama tersebut.
- Jika ketentuan kontrak berubah - misalnya Status membuat peningkatan kontrak - pengguna memiliki hak untuk melepaskan nama pengguna terlepas dari waktu yang dipegang.
- Pengontrol kontrak tidak dapat mengakses dana yang Anda setorkan. Mereka hanya dapat dipindahkan kembali ke alamat yang mengirim mereka.
- Alamat Anda akan dikaitkan secara publik dengan nama ENS Anda.
- Nama pengguna dibuat sebagai simpul subdomain stateofus.eth dan tunduk pada persyaratan kontrak pintar ENS.
- Anda mengesahkan kontrak untuk mentransfer SNT atas nama Anda. Ini hanya dapat terjadi ketika Anda menyetujui transaksi untuk mengotorisasi transfer.
- Ketentuan-ketentuan ini dijamin oleh logika kontrak pintar di alamat:
- 10 SNT
- Menyetorkan
- SNT tidak cukup
- Daftar
- Dapatkan nama pengguna universal
- Nama ENS mengubah alamat panjang gila itu menjadi nama pengguna unik.
- Kustomisasi nama obrolan Anda
- Sederhanakan alamat ETH anda
- Anda dapat menerima dana dengan nama ENS yang mudah dibagikan daripada hash heksadesimal Anda (0x ...).
- Terima transaksi dalam obrolan
- Orang lain dapat mengirimi Anda dana melalui obrolan dalam satu langkah sederhana.
- 10 SNT untuk mendaftar
- Daftarkan sekali untuk menjaga nama selamanya. Setelah 1 tahun Anda dapat merilis nama dan mendapatkan SNT Anda kembali.
- Sudah memiliki nama pengguna?
- Anda dapat memverifikasi dan menambahkan nama pengguna apa pun yang Anda miliki di langkah selanjutnya.
- Didukung oleh Ethereum Layanan Nama
- Hanya tersedia di Mainnet
- Untuk mendaftarkan nama pengguna, silakan coba lagi.
- Peringatan!
- Glosarium
- Akun
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "A" because the title above is "Account"
- Kunci Obrolan
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "C" because the title above is "Chat Key"
- Pesan pada protokol obrolan Status dikirim dan diterima menggunakan kunci enkripsi. Kunci obrolan publik adalah serangkaian karakter yang Anda bagikan dengan orang lain sehingga mereka dapat mengirimi Anda pesan dalam Status.
- Nama Obrolan
- Tiga kata acak, diturunkan secara algoritmik dari kunci obrolan Anda dan digunakan sebagai alias default Anda dalam obrolan. Nama obrolan sepenuhnya unik; tidak ada pengguna lain yang memiliki tiga kata yang sama.
- Nama ENS
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "E" because the title above is "ENS Name"
- Alias khusus untuk kunci obrolan yang dapat Anda daftarkan menggunakan Layanan Nama Ethereum. Nama ENS adalah nama pengguna yang didesentralisasi.
- Node sejarah
- Node di jaringan Status yang merutekan dan menyimpan pesan, hingga 30 hari.
- Peer
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "P" because the title above is "Peer"
- Seed Phrase
- Pertanyaan yang sering diajukan
- Kirimkan bug
- Minta fitur
- Bahasa
- Suarakan
- Akun akan keluar. Ketika Anda membuka kunci lagi, jaringan yang dipilih akan digunakan
- Tambahkan jaringan
- Tentukan URL RPC
- Rantai jaringan
- Main network
- Jaringan utama
- Jaringan uji Ropsten
- Jaringan pengujian Rinkeby
- Kustom
- ID jaringan
- Jaringan utama
- Uji jaringan
- Jaringan khusus
- Preferensi pemberitahuan
- Keamanan
- Pengaturan sinkronisasi
- Tambahkan simpul sejarah
- Nama akun
- Tipe
- Hanya menonton
- Tidak Aktif Pohon Status
- Di pohon Status
- Jalur derivasi
- Penyimpanan
- Alat ini
- Hapus akun
- Tambahkan token khusus
- Alamat kontrak
- Simbol
- Desimal
- Nilai total
- Menerima
- Cadangkan frase seed Anda
- Penerima
- transaksi gagal
- Tetapkan mata uang
- Menandatangani frasa
- Ini adalah frasa penandatanganan Anda
- Anda harus melihat 3 kata ini sebelum menandatangani setiap transaksi
- Jika Anda melihat kombinasi yang berbeda, batalkan transaksi dan keluar
- Tunjukkan ini lagi
- Pengaturan akun
- Koleksi
- Buat akun
- Tambahkan alamat khusus arloji
- Masukkan seed phrase
- Masukkan kunci pribadi
- Tambahkan akun dari kunci pribadi
- Kata sandi
- Kunci pribadi
- Memuat...
- Tambahkan akun
- Tambahkan akun dengan frase awal
- Frase benih
- Tambahkan akun khusus arloji
- Alamat akun
- Detail token
- Hapus token
- Detil transaksi
- Ketika transaksi memiliki 12 konfirmasi, Anda dapat menganggapnya telah selesai.
- Blok
- Hash
- Batas gas
- Harga Gas
- Gas yang digunakan
- Nonce
- Ada yang salah
- Deskripsi
- Browser
- Linimasa
- Membuat kata sandi
- Masukkan frase seed
- Frasa seed ini tidak cocok dengan kamus kami yang didukung. Periksa kata-kata yang salah eja.
- Seed phrase tidak valid
- Pilih nama obrolan
- Komunikasi yang benar-benar pribadi
- Amankan dompet crypto
- Aplikasi terdesentralisasi
- Get your keys
- Dapatkan kunci Anda
- A set of keys controls your account. Your keys live on your device, so only you can use them.
- Masukkan kata kunci
- Enter passwordConnecting...
- Menghubungkan ...
- Kunci Anda
- Anda harus membuat kode atau kata sandi baru untuk mengenkripsi ulang kunci Anda
- Enkripsi ulang kunci Anda
- Tempel
- use-suggestions
- Maximum priority fee: %1 ETH
- Warna akun
- Konfirmasi
- Maju
- Gwei
- Menerapkan
- ETH untuk gas tidak cukup
- Disalin
- Copy to clipboard
- Salinan
- Alamat
- Kontak
- Cari
- Pesan
- Aset
- Jumlah
- Kirim transaksi
- Minta transaksi
- Obrolan publik
- Bukan kontak
- Pesan
- ↓ Instal
- ↓ Gratis
- Memperbarui
- Stiker yang baru saja digunakan akan muncul di sini
- Dapatkan Stiker
- Mencabut akses
- Menampilkan lebih banyak
- Semua
- Show read notificationsHide read notifications
- You need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messagesYou need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messagesWaiting for %1 to accept your request
- Bahasa
- Before you get started...
- I acknowledge that Status Desktop is in Beta and by using it, I take the full responsibility for all risks concerning my data and funds.
- Terms of Use
- Get Started
- Memulai
- Sekarang
- AcceptRejectOptionsButtonsPanel
- Tampilkan profil
- AccountView
- Tipe
- Penyimpanan
- ActivityCenterMessageComponentView
- AddAccountModal
- Maju
- AddEditSavedAddressPopup
- Nama
- Alamat
- Menyimpan
- AddFavoriteModal
- Tempel
- Nama
- AddShowTokenModal
- AddWakuNodeModal
- AdvancedView
- AppMain
- AppSearch
- AppearanceView
- BeforeGetStartedModal
- Kebijakan pribadi
- BlockContactConfirmationDialog
- BrowserView
- BrowserWebEngineView
- ChangePasswordModal
- ChangePasswordSuccessModal
- ChatContentView
- ChatContextMenuView
- Meninggalkan grup
- Menyimpan
- Menghapus?
- ChatView
- Anggota
- CollectibleCollectionView
- CollectibleDetailView
- CollectibleDetailsHeader
- Kirim
- CollectibleModal
- CollectiblesStore
- Koleksi
- CollectiblesView
- CommunitiesPopup
- CommunityChannelsAndCategoriesBannerPanel
- CommunityDetailPopup
- Tertunda
- CommunityEditSettingsPanel
- Deskripsi
- CommunityMembersSettingsPanel
- Anggota
- CommunityOverviewSettingsPanel
- CommunityProfilePopup
- Anggota
- CommunityProfilePopupInviteFriendsPanel
- Kontak
- CommunityProfilePopupMembersListPanel
- CommunityProfilePopupOverviewPanel
- CommunitySettingsView
- Anggota
- Notifikasi
- Pengaturan
- CommunityUserList
- Anggota
- ConfirmAppRestartModal
- ConfirmPasswordView
- ConfirmationDialog
- Konfirmasi
- Membatalkan
- Constants
- ContactPanel
- Tampilkan profil
- Mengirim pesan
- ContactsColumnView
- Memulai obrolan
- ContactsListAndSearch
- ContactsListPanel
- ContactsView
- Kontak
- CreateCategoryPopup
- CreateChannelPopup
- Deskripsi
- Menjelaskan salurannya
- CreateChatView
- Kontak
- CreateCommunityPopup
- CreatePasswordModal
- CreatePasswordView
- CryptoServicesModal
- CurrenciesStore
- DefaultDAppExplorerView
- DemoApp
- DerivationPathsPanel
- DerivedAddressesPanel
- Akun
- DisplayNamePopup
- Edit
- baik
- DownloadPage
- EditCroppedImagePanel
- EnsDetailsView
- Alamat Dompet
- Kunci
- EnsReleasedView
- EnsSearchView
- EnsTermsAndConditionsView
- ExemptionNotificationsModal
- Selesai
- FetchMoreMessagesButton
- GasSelector
- GroupInfoPopup
- HomePageView
- ImageCropperModal
- Selesai
- ImportSeedPhrasePanel
- InsertCard
- Membatalkan
- InsertDetailsView
- Lanjut
- InviteFriendsPopup
- KeycardCreatePINModal
- KeysMainView
- Masukkan seed phrase
- LanguageView
- Bahasa
- Layout
- LeftTabView
- Pengaturan
- LoginView
- baik
- MainView
- MenuPanel
- Pengaturan
- MessageContextMenuView
- MessagingView
- Kontak
- MyProfileView
- Nama pengguna ENS
- Kunci obrolan
- NetworkFilter
- NetworksView
- NicknamePopup
- Nama panggilan
- NoImageUploadedPanel
- NodeLayout
- NotificationSelect
- NotificationsView
- Pesan
- PINModal
- PairingModal
- PasswordView
- Membuat kata sandi
- PermissionsListView
- PrivacyView
- ProfileLayout
- Kontak
- ProfilePopup
- Nama pengguna ENS
- Kunci obrolan
- Pengaturan Chat
- Nama panggilan
- Tidak ada
- Tambahkan ke Kontak
- ProfileSectionStore
- Profil
- ENS nama pengguna
- Dompet
- Browser
- Penampilan
- Maju
- RateView
- ReceiveModal
- Salinan
- RenameAccontModal
- RootStore
- Kamu
- SavedAddressesView
- Membatalkan
- Menghapus?
- SeedPhraseInputView
- Masukkan frase seed
- Lanjut
- SelectGeneratedAccount
- SendContactRequestModal
- Tempel
- SendModalFooter
- Tidak dikenal
- SendModalHeader
- Untuk
- SettingsPageLayout
- Membatalkan
- SignTransactionModal
- Kirim
- Lanjutkan
- StatusAddressOrEnsValidator
- StatusAddressValidator
- StatusAppCommunityView
- Anggota
- StatusAsyncEnsValidator
- StatusAsyncValidator
- StatusBadge
- StatusChatInput
- Kirim
- StatusChatListAndCategories
- lagi
- StatusChatListCategoryItem
- lagi
- StatusChatListItem
- Suarakan
- StatusChatToolBar
- Cari
- Anggota
- lagi
- StatusETHTransactionModal
- StatusExpandableSettingsItemPage
- Cadangkan phrase seed
- StatusFloatValidator
- StatusGifColumn
- StatusGifPopup
- StatusIntValidator
- StatusListPicker
- Cari
- StatusListPickerPage
- StatusMacNotification
- Buka
- StatusPasswordStrengthIndicator
- StatusSearchListPopup
- StatusSearchLocationMenu
- StatusSearchPopup
- StatusSpellcheckingMenuItems
- StatusStickerMarket
- StatusTagSelectorPage
- StatusTokenInlineSelector
- StatusUrlValidator
- StatusValidator
- StatusWalletColorSelect
- Warna akun
- StatusWindowsTitleBar
- StoreToKeychainSelectionModal
- TabAddressSelectorView
- TabNetworkAndFees
- Maju
- Kustom
- TouchIDAuthView
- TransactionBubbleView
- TransactionModal
- TransactionSettingsConfirmationPopup
- Apakah kamu yakin?
- TransferOwnershipPopup
- Salinan
- Disalin
- UploadProfilePicModal
- Menghapus
- Selesai
- UserList
- Anggota
- UserListPanel
- UserStatusContextMenu
- UsernameLabel
- Kamu
- Utils
- WakuNodesModal
- WalletView
- Dompet
- WelcomeView
- main
diff --git a/ui/i18n/qml_it.ts b/ui/i18n/qml_it.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index cd876b8028..0000000000
--- a/ui/i18n/qml_it.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8571 +0,0 @@
- Modifica
- Nome
- Rimuovi
- Fatto
- Aggiungi
- Autorizzare questo DApp a recuperare l'indirizzo del tuo portafoglio e abilitare Web3
- Concedendo l'accesso autorizzi questa DApp a recuperare la tua chiave chat
- Nega
- Consenti
- Inserisci l'URL
- Transazione in attesa...
- Password errata
- Nuova scheda
- Trova
- Impostazioni
- Sconosciuto
- Monete
- Cronologia
- Apri
- Annulla
- Apri in una nuova scheda
- OK
- Da
- Dati
- Messaggio
- Firma
- Firma con password
- Connesso
- Chat offline
- Invia
- Richiedi
- Continua
- A
- Prossimo
- Commissione di rete
- . The transaction will probably fail.
- Immagine
- O
- Invita
- before %1Between %1 and %2
- ↓ Recuperare altri messaggi
- Welcome to the beginning of the <span style=
- Any messages you send here are encrypted and can only be read by you and <span style=
- Rifiuta l'invito
- Rispondi
- di più
- Error loading the imageLoading image...
- Richiedi accesso
- Iscriviti
- Abilitare le anteprime dei collegamenti nella chat?
- Non chiedermelo più
- Invia di nuovo
- Richiesta Transazione
- Accetta e condividi indirizzo
- Rifiuta
- Seleziona un account
- Firma e invia
- In attesa
- Confermata
- Indirizzo richiesto
- Indirizzo ricevuto
- Transazione rifiutata
- Tu
- Clear History
- Cancellare la cronologia
- Leave Group
- Abbandona gruppo
- Remove Contact
- Comunità
- - ENS Only
- Chat
- Partecipanti
- Invite people
- Invita
- Richieste di adesione
- Edit Category
- Delete Category
- Visualizza profilo
- Notifiche
- Crea un canale
- Elimina
- Aggiungi partecipanti
- Nuovo canale
- Nome canale
- Crea
- Requisito di iscrizione
- Richiedi invito da un altro membro
- Richiedi approvazione
- Nessun requisito
- È possibile richiedere ai nuovi membri di soddisfare determinati criteri prima che possano aderire. Questo può essere cambiato in qualsiasi momento
- Salva
- Partecipanti
- Invita amici
- Contatti
- Invita
- Chat
- Inizia una nuova chat
- Inizia chat di gruppo
- Entra in una chat pubblica
- Nessun messaggio
- Condividi chat
- Elimina chat
- Lascia la chat
- Apri in Status
- Amministratore
- ↓ Fetch messages
- ↓ Recupera messaggi
- Nuova chat di gruppo
- Crea chat di gruppo
- Tutti i tuoi contatti sono già nel gruppo
- Rendi amministratore
- Invia messaggio
- Cancella il messaggio
- Soprannome
- Nuova chat
- Inserisci il nome utente ENS o la chiave chat
- Nome ENS
- Chiave chat
- Impostazioni chat
- Nessuno
- Aggiungi ai contatti
- Nome chat
- inizia chat
- Salva
- Profilo
- Versione App
- Informativa sulla privacy
- Rete
- Fleet
- Portafoglio
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "S" because the title above is "Seed Phrase"
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "M" because the title above is "Mailserver"
- Aspetto
- Chiaro
- Chiaro
- Scuro
- Sistema
- Backup frase di recupero
- Se perdi la frase di recupero perderai dati e fondi
- Status non può aiutarti a recuperare le tue chiavi se perdi la frase di recupero. Soltanto tu la possiedi. Scrivila e tienila in un posto sicuro.
- Controlla la tua frase di recupero
- Inserisci parola
- Sei sicuro?
- Non sarai più in grado di vedere l'intera frase di recupero
- Ok, continua
- Parola sbagliata
- Homepage
- Predefinito
- Privacy
- Impostare le autorizzazioni di accesso alle DApp
- Finito
- Anteprime dei link della chat
- Siti web
- Abilita tutto
- Aggiungi nuovo contatto
- Aggiungi ai contatti
- Utente non trovato
- Dispositivi
- Si prega di impostare un nome per il dispositivo.
- Specifica un nome
- Associa questo dispositivo
- Associa i tuoi dispositivi per sincronizzare contatti e chat tra di loro
- Per saperne di più
- Dispositivi associati
- Sincronizzazione...
- Sincronizza tutti i dispositivi
- Nomi utente ENS
- Nome utente aggiunto
- Ok capito
- Puoi seguire i progressi nella sezione Cronologia transazioni del tuo portafoglio.
- Indirizzo del portafoglio
- Chiave
- Indietro
- Nome utente principale
- Hey
- Aggiungi nome utente
- I tuoi nomi utente
- Almeno 4 caratteri. Solo lettere latine, numeri e lettere minuscole.
- Solo lettere e numeri.
- Digita l'intero nome utente incluso il dominio personalizzato come nomeutente.dominio.eth
- Il tuo nome utente
- ✓ Nome utente disponibile!
- Continuando assocerai questo nome utente alla tua chiave di chat.
- Il nome utente non ti appartiene :(
- Nome utente già preso :(
- Il nome utente è già collegato alla tua chiave di chat e può essere utilizzato all'interno di Status.
- Per continuare sarà necessaria una transazione per collegare il nome utente con la tua chiave di chat.
- Dominio personalizzato
- Voglio un dominio stateofus.eth
- Possiedo un nome su un altro dominio
- I fondi vengono depositati per 1 anno. Il tuo SNT sarà bloccato, ma non speso.
- Dopo 1 anno, puoi rilasciare il nome e riavere il tuo deposito oppure non agire per mantenerlo.
- Se i termini del contratto cambiano - ad es. Status effettua aggiornamenti del contratto - l'utente ha il diritto di rilasciare il nome utente indipendentemente dal tempo trascorso.
- Il controllore del contract non può accedere ai fondi depositati. Possono solo essere spostati indietro all'indirizzo che li ha inviati.
- I tuoi indirizzi saranno associati pubblicamente al tuo nome ENS.
- I nomi utente vengono creati come nodi sottodominio di stateofus.eth e sono soggetti ai termini dello Smart Contract ENS.
- Autorizzi il contract a trasferire SNT per tuo conto. Ciò può verificarsi solo quando si approva una transazione per autorizzare il trasferimento.
- Questi termini sono garantiti dalla logica dello Smart Contract agli indirizzi:
- 10 SNT
- Deposita
- Non hai abbastanza Token SNT
- Registrati
- Ottieni un nome utente universale
- I nomi ENS trasformano quei lunghi e folli indirizzi in nomi utente unici.
- Personalizza il tuo nome in chat
- Semplifica il tuo indirizzo ETH
- Puoi ricevere fondi tramite il tuo nome ENS invece di dover condividere il tuo indirizzo esadecimale (0x...).
- Ricevi transazioni in chat
- In un semplice passaggio, altri utenti possono inviarti dei fondi via chat.
- 10 SNT per la registrazione
- Registra il nome una sola volta per tenerlo per sempre. Dopo un anno puoi rilasciarlo e riavere indietro i tuoi SNT.
- Possiedi già un nome utente?
- Puoi verificare e aggiungere qualsiasi nome utente che già possiedi.
- Offerto da Ethereum Name Services
- Disponibile solo su Mainnet
- Per registrare il nome utente, per favore prova di nuovo.
- Attenzione!
- Glossario
- Account
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "A" because the title above is "Account"
- Chiave di chat
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "C" because the title above is "Chat Key"
- I messaggi sul protocollo Status vengono inviati e ricevuti tramite chiavi di cifratura. La chiave di chat pubblica è una stringa di caratteri che condividete con gli altri in modo che possano inviarvi messaggi.
- Nome della chat
- Tre parole casuali, derivate algoritmicamente dalla chiave della chat e utilizzate come alias predefinito nella chat. I nomi delle chat sono unici; nessun altro utente può avere le stesse tre parole.
- Nome ENS
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "E" because the title above is "ENS Name"
- Alias personalizzato per la tua chiave di chat che puoi registrare usando Ethereum Name Service. I nomi ENS sono nomi utente decentralizzati.
- Nodo Status
- Un nodo nella rete Status che instrada e archivia i messaggi, per un massimo di 30 giorni.
- Peer
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "P" because the title above is "Peer"
- Frase di recupero
- Domande frequenti
- Segnala un bug
- Richiedi una funzionalità
- Lingua
- Riattiva
- L'account verrà disconnesso. Quando lo sblocchi di nuovo, verrà utilizzata la rete selezionata
- Aggiungi rete
- Specificare un URL RPC
- Reti
- Main network
- Rete principale
- Rete di test Ropsten
- Rete di test Rinkeby
- Personalizzato
- ID di rete
- Reti principali
- Reti di test
- Reti personalizzate
- Preferenze sulle notifiche
- Sicurezza
- Impostazioni di sincronizzazione
- Aggiungi nodo Status
- Nome utente
- Tipo
- sola lettura
- Fuori Status
- In Status
- Percorso di derivazione
- Archivio
- Questo dispositivo
- Elimina account
- Aggiungi token personalizzato
- Indirizzo del Contract
- Simbolo
- Decimali
- Valore complessivo
- Ricevi
- Backup frase di recupero
- Destinatario
- Transazione fallita
- Imposta la valuta predefinita
- Frase di firma
- Questa è la tua frase di firma
- Dovresti vedere queste 3 parole prima di firmare ogni transazione
- Se vedi una combinazione diversa, annulla la transazione ed esci
- Ricordamelo più tardi
- Impostazioni account
- Collezionabili
- Genera un nuovo account
- Aggiungi un indirizzo di sola lettura
- Inserisci la tua frase di recupero
- Inserisci una chiave privata
- Aggiungi un account usando la tua chiave privata
- Password
- Chiave privata
- Caricamento in corso...
- Aggiungi un account
- Aggiungi account usando la tua frase mnemonica
- Frase di recupero
- Aggiungi un account di sola lettura
- Indirizzo dell'account
- Dettagli token
- Rimuovi token
- Dettagli della transazione
- Quando la transazione ha 12 conferme si può considerare conclusa.
- Blocco
- Hash
- Limite di gas
- Prezzo del gas
- Gas utilizzato
- Nonce
- Qualcosa è andato storto
- Visualizza
- Descrizione
- Browser
- Timeline
- Crea una password
- Inserisci la tua frase di recupero
- Questa frase di recupero contiene parole non presenti nel nostro dizionario. Controlla se ci sono errori.
- Frase di recupero errata
- Scegli un nome per la chat
- Comunicazione veramente privata
- Proteggi il tuo portafoglio crypto
- App decentralizzate
- Get your keys
- Ottieni le tue chiavi
- A set of keys controls your account. Your keys live on your device, so only you can use them.
- Inserire la password
- Enter passwordConnecting...
- Connessione in corso...
- Le tue chiavi
- Dovrai creare un nuovo codice o password per criptare nuovamente le tue chiavi
- Cripta nuovamente la tue chiavi
- Incolla
- use-suggestions
- Maximum priority fee: %1 ETH
- Colore dell'account
- Conferma
- Avanzate
- Gwei
- Applica
- ETH non sufficiente per il gas
- Copiato
- Copy to clipboard
- Copia
- Indirizzo
- È nella lista contatti
- Ricerca
- Messaggi
- Asset
- Importo
- Invia transazione
- Richiedi transazione
- Chat pubblica
- Non è nella lista contatti
- Scrivi un messaggio...
- Installa
- Gratis
- Aggiorna
- Gli adesivi utilizzati di recente appariranno qui
- Scarica adesivi
- Revoca l'accesso
- Mostra di più
- Tutti
- Show read notificationsHide read notifications
- Impostazioni sulle notifiche
- You need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messagesYou need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messagesWaiting for %1 to accept your request
- Importa
- Backup
- La tua comunità è libera , ma i nuovi membri devono prima essere approvati dal creatore della comunità
- Ci si può unire alla tua comunità solo su invito di membri già iscritti
- La tua community permette a chiunque di unirsi
- Lingua
- Before you get started...
- I acknowledge that Status Desktop is in Beta and by using it, I take the full responsibility for all risks concerning my data and funds.
- Terms of Use
- Get Started
- Iniziare
- Ora
- AcceptRejectOptionsButtonsPanel
- Visualizza profilo
- AccountView
- Tipo
- Archivio
- ActivityCenterMessageComponentView
- AddAccountModal
- Avanzate
- AddEditSavedAddressPopup
- Nome
- Indirizzo
- Salva
- AddFavoriteModal
- Incolla
- Nome
- AddShowTokenModal
- AddWakuNodeModal
- AdvancedView
- AppMain
- AppSearch
- AppearanceView
- BeforeGetStartedModal
- Informativa sulla privacy
- BlockContactConfirmationDialog
- BrowserView
- BrowserWebEngineView
- ChangePasswordModal
- ChangePasswordSuccessModal
- ChatContentView
- ChatContextMenuView
- Abbandona gruppo
- Salva
- Elimina
- ChatView
- Partecipanti
- CollectibleCollectionView
- CollectibleDetailView
- CollectibleDetailsHeader
- Invia
- CollectibleModal
- CollectiblesStore
- Collezionabili
- CollectiblesView
- CommunitiesPopup
- CommunityChannelsAndCategoriesBannerPanel
- CommunityDetailPopup
- In attesa
- CommunityEditSettingsPanel
- Un nome accattivante
- Descrizione
- CommunityMembersSettingsPanel
- Partecipanti
- CommunityOverviewSettingsPanel
- CommunityProfilePopup
- Partecipanti
- CommunityProfilePopupInviteFriendsPanel
- Contatti
- CommunityProfilePopupMembersListPanel
- CommunityProfilePopupOverviewPanel
- CommunitySettingsView
- Partecipanti
- Notifiche
- Impostazioni
- CommunityUserList
- Partecipanti
- ConfirmAppRestartModal
- ConfirmPasswordView
- ConfirmationDialog
- Conferma
- Annulla
- Constants
- ContactPanel
- Visualizza profilo
- Invia messaggio
- ContactsColumnView
- inizia chat
- ContactsListAndSearch
- ContactsListPanel
- ContactsView
- Contatti
- CreateCategoryPopup
- CreateChannelPopup
- Nome canale
- Descrizione
- CreateChatView
- Contatti
- CreateCommunityPopup
- Dai un nome alla tua comunità
- Un nome accattivante
- Fornisci una breve descrizione
- Colore della comunità
- CreatePasswordModal
- CreatePasswordView
- CryptoServicesModal
- CurrenciesStore
- DefaultDAppExplorerView
- DemoApp
- Invita
- DerivationPathsPanel
- DerivedAddressesPanel
- Account
- DisplayNamePopup
- Modifica
- OK
- DownloadPage
- EditCroppedImagePanel
- EnsDetailsView
- Indirizzo del portafoglio
- Chiave
- EnsReleasedView
- EnsSearchView
- EnsTermsAndConditionsView
- ExemptionNotificationsModal
- Fatto
- FetchMoreMessagesButton
- GasSelector
- GroupInfoPopup
- HomePageView
- ImageCropperModal
- Finito
- ImportSeedPhrasePanel
- InsertCard
- Annulla
- InsertDetailsView
- Prossimo
- InviteFriendsPopup
- KeycardCreatePINModal
- KeysMainView
- Inserisci la tua frase di recupero
- LanguageView
- Lingua
- Layout
- Invita
- LeftTabView
- Impostazioni
- LoginView
- OK
- MainView
- MenuPanel
- Impostazioni
- MessageContextMenuView
- MessagingView
- Contatti
- MyProfileView
- Nome ENS
- Chiave chat
- NetworkFilter
- NetworksView
- NicknamePopup
- Soprannome
- NoImageUploadedPanel
- NodeLayout
- NotificationSelect
- NotificationsView
- Messaggi
- PINModal
- PairingModal
- PasswordView
- Crea una password
- PermissionsListView
- PrivacyView
- ProfileLayout
- Contatti
- ProfilePopup
- Nome ENS
- Chiave chat
- Impostazioni chat
- Soprannome
- Nessuno
- Aggiungi ai contatti
- ProfileSectionStore
- Profilo
- Nomi utente ENS
- Portafoglio
- Browser
- Aspetto
- Avanzate
- RateView
- ReceiveModal
- Copia
- RenameAccontModal
- RootStore
- Tu
- SavedAddressesView
- Annulla
- Elimina
- SeedPhraseInputView
- Inserisci la tua frase di recupero
- Prossimo
- Importa
- SelectGeneratedAccount
- SendContactRequestModal
- Incolla
- SendModalFooter
- Sconosciuto
- SendModalHeader
- A
- SettingsPageLayout
- Annulla
- SignTransactionModal
- Invia
- Continua
- StatusAddressOrEnsValidator
- StatusAddressValidator
- StatusAppCommunityView
- Partecipanti
- StatusAsyncEnsValidator
- StatusAsyncValidator
- StatusBadge
- StatusChatInput
- Invia
- StatusChatListAndCategories
- di più
- StatusChatListCategoryItem
- di più
- StatusChatListItem
- Riattiva
- StatusChatToolBar
- Ricerca
- Partecipanti
- di più
- StatusETHTransactionModal
- StatusExpandableSettingsItemPage
- Backup frase di recupero
- StatusFloatValidator
- StatusGifColumn
- StatusGifPopup
- StatusIntValidator
- StatusListPicker
- Ricerca
- StatusListPickerPage
- StatusMacNotification
- Apri
- StatusPasswordStrengthIndicator
- StatusSearchListPopup
- StatusSearchLocationMenu
- StatusSearchPopup
- StatusSpellcheckingMenuItems
- StatusStickerMarket
- StatusTagSelectorPage
- StatusTokenInlineSelector
- O
- StatusUrlValidator
- StatusValidator
- StatusWalletColorSelect
- Colore dell'account
- StatusWindowsTitleBar
- StoreToKeychainSelectionModal
- TabAddressSelectorView
- TabNetworkAndFees
- Avanzate
- Personalizzato
- TouchIDAuthView
- TransactionBubbleView
- TransactionModal
- TransactionSettingsConfirmationPopup
- Sei sicuro?
- TransferOwnershipPopup
- Chiave privata della comunità
- Copia
- Copiato
- UploadProfilePicModal
- Rimuovi
- Fatto
- UserList
- Partecipanti
- UserListPanel
- UserStatusContextMenu
- UsernameLabel
- Tu
- Utils
- WakuNodesModal
- WalletView
- Portafoglio
- WelcomeView
- main
diff --git a/ui/i18n/qml_ko.ts b/ui/i18n/qml_ko.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index f296485a57..0000000000
--- a/ui/i18n/qml_ko.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8598 +0,0 @@
- 편집
- 이름
- 삭제
- 완료
- 추가
- 웹3를 활용하기 위해, 디앱이 사용자의 지갑 주소를 검색하는 것을 허용합니다
- 디앱에 접근 권한을 부여하여 채팅 키를 검색합니다
- 거절
- 허용
- URL 입력
- 트랜잭션 대기 중...
- 잘못된 비밀번호
- 새 탭
- 찾기
- 설정
- 알 수 없음
- 자산
- 기록
- 열기
- 취소
- 새 탭에서 열기
- 확인
- 보내는 주소
- 데이터
- 메시지
- 서명
- 비밀번호로 서명
- 연결됨
- 연결 중...
- 보내기
- 요청
- 계속
- 받는 주소
- 다음
- 네트워크 수수료
- . The transaction will probably fail.
- 이미지
- 또는
- 초대
- before %1Between %1 and %2
- ↓ 메시지 더 가져오기
- Welcome to the beginning of the <span style=
- Any messages you send here are encrypted and can only be read by you and <span style=
- 초대 거절
- 답장
- 더 보기
- Error loading the imageLoading image...
- 접근 권한 요청
- 참여
- 참여
- 링크 미리보기를 활성화할까요?
- 다시 묻지 않기
- 재전송
- 트랜잭션 요청
- 주소 수락 및 공유
- 거절
- 계정 선택
- 서명 및 송금
- 대기 중
- 확인됨
- 주소 요청됨
- 주소 받음
- 트랜잭션 거절됨
- 사용자
- Clear History
- 기록 삭제
- Leave Group
- 그룹 나가기
- Remove Contact
- 커뮤니티
- - ENS Only
- 채팅
- 멤버
- Invite people
- 친구 초대
- 멤버십 요청
- Edit Category
- Delete Category
- 프로필 보기
- 알림
- 채널 만들기
- 삭제
- 멤버 추가
- 새 채널
- 채널명
- 채널 설명
- 고정된 메시지
- 만들기
- 멤버십 요건
- 다른 멤버의 초대 필요
- 승인 필요
- 요구 사항 없음
- 신규 회원이 가입하기 전에 특정 기준을 충족하도록 요구할 수 있습니다. 기준은 언제든지 변경할 수 있습니다.
- 저장
- 멤버
- 친구 초대
- 연락처
- 초대
- 채팅
- 새 채팅 시작
- 그룹 채팅 시작
- 오픈채팅 참여
- 메시지 없음
- 채팅 공유
- 채팅방 삭제
- 채팅방 나가기
- 스테이터스로 열기
- 관리자
- ↓ Fetch messages
- ↓ 메시지 가져오기
- 새 그룹 채팅
- 그룹 채팅 생성
- 이미 모든 연락처가 그룹에 있습니다.
- 관리자로 지정
- 고정 해제
- 고정
- 메시지 보내기
- 메시지 삭제
- 닉네임
- 새 채팅
- 내 프로필
- ENS (vitalik94) 또는 채팅 키 (0x04…)
- 연락처 아님
- ENS 사용자 이름
- 채팅 키
- 채팅 설정
- 해당 없음
- 연락처에 추가
- 채팅 이름
- 채팅 시작
- 저장
- 프로필
- 앱 버전
- 개인 정보 보호 정책
- 네트워크
- 플릿(Fleet)
- 지갑
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "S" because the title above is "Seed Phrase"
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "M" because the title above is "Mailserver"
- 테마
- 라이트
- 라이트
- 다크
- 시스템
- 시드 구문 백업
- 시드 구문을 잃어버리면 데이터와 자산을 분실하게 됩니다
- 스마트폰을 분실하거나 접근 권한을 상실한 경우, 이 시드 구문을 통해 계정에 접근할 수 있습니다. 오로지 본인만이 이 시드 구문을 관리할 수 있습니다. 메모해두고 안전하게 관리하시기 바랍니다.
- 시드 구문 확인
- 단어 입력
- 정말 삭제하시겠어요?
- 지금부터 전체 시드 구문을 다시 확인할 수 없습니다
- 네, 알겠습니다
- 잘못된 단어
- Homepage
- 기본 설정
- 개인 정보
- 디앱 접근 권한 설정
- 완료
- 채팅 링크 미리보기
- 웹사이트
- 모두 활성화
- 새 연락처 추가
- 연락처 추가
- 사용자를 찾을 수 없습니다
- 기기
- 기기의 이름을 설정해주세요
- 이름 지정
- 기기 페어링
- 기기를 페어링하여 연락처와 채팅을 동기화합니다
- 더 알아보기
- 페어링 된 기기
- 동기화 중...
- 모든 기기 동기화
- ENS 이름
- 사용자 이름 추가됨
- 알겠습니다
- 지갑의 트랜잭션 기록 섹션에서 진행 상황을 확인할 수 있습니다.
- 지갑 주소
- 키
- 뒤로
- 주 사용자 이름
- 안녕하세요
- 사용자 이름 추가
- 사용자 이름
- 최소 4자 이상이어야 하며, 알파벳 소문자 및 숫자만 가능합니다.
- 문자와 숫자만 가능.
- username.domain.eth와 같은 커스텀 도메인 형식의 사용자 이름을 입력해주세요
- 사용자 이름
- ✓ 사용자 이름을 사용할 수 있습니다!
- 계속하면 이 사용자 이름이 채팅 키와 연결됩니다.
- 소유한 사용자 이름이 아닙니다 :(
- 이미 사용 중인 이름입니다 :(
- 사용자 이름은 사용자의 채팅 키와 연결되며, 스테이터스에서 사용 가능합니다.
- 사용자 이름과 현재 키를 연결하는 트랜잭션이 필요합니다.
- 커스텀 도메인
- stateofus.eth 도메인 획득하기
- 다른 도메인의 이름 가져오기
- 자산은 1년 동안 예치됩니다. 여러분의 SNT는 잠기게 되며, 별도로 지출되지 않습니다.
- 1년 후, 등록한 이름의 계약을 해지하고 예치금을 돌려받을 수 있습니다. 이름을 유지하고 싶을 경우에는 별도의 조치를 할 필요가 없습니다.
- 스테이터스가 컨트랙트를 업그레이드 하는 등으로 이용 약관을 변경하는 경우, 사용자는 남은 기간에 상관 없이 사용자 이름을 해지할 수 있습니다.
- 컨트랙트 관리자는 사용자의 예치금에 접근할 수 없습니다. 이는 등록된 주소로만 반환됩니다.
- 사용자의 주소는 ENS 이름과 공개적으로 연동됩니다.
- 사용자 이름은 stateofus.eth 의 서브 도메인 노드로 생성되며, ENS 스마트 컨트랙트 이용 약관을 따릅니다.
- 사용자를 대신하여 SNT를 양도하는 계약을 승인합니다. 이는 트랜잭션에 전송 권한을 부여할 때부터 유효합니다.
- 이러한 조항은 다음 주소의 스마트 컨트랙트 로직으로 보장됩니다:
- 10 SNT
- 입금
- SNT가 부족합니다
- 등록하기
- 범용 사용자 이름 등록
- ENS 이름은 굉장히 긴 주소를 직관적인 사용자 이름으로 변환합니다.
- 채팅 이름을 원하는 대로 만들어보세요
- ETH 주소를 단순화하세요
- (0x...)로 시작하는 16진수 해시값 대신, 읽고 쓰기 쉬운 ENS 이름으로 거래를 시작하세요.
- 채팅으로 트랜잭션을 진행하세요
- 다른 사람들과 더욱 간편하게 거래하세요.
- 10 SNT만으로 등록할 수 있습니다
- 한 번 이름을 등록하면, 해당 이름을 영원히 보유할 수 있습니다. 등록한 지 1년 후, 이름을 공개하고 SNT를 돌려받을 수 있습니다.
- 이미 사용자 이름이 있으신가요?
- 다음 단계에서 소유한 사용자 이름을 인증하고 추가하세요.
- Powered by Ethereum Name Services
- Mainnet에서만 사용 가능
- 사용자 이름을 등록하려면 다시 시도해주세요
- 주의!
- 용어 사전
- 계정
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "A" because the title above is "Account"
- 채팅 키
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "C" because the title above is "Chat Key"
- 스테이터스 채팅 프로토콜의 메시지는 암호화 키를 활용하여 메시지를 주고 받습니다. 공개 채팅 키는 다른 사람들과 메시지를 주고 받기 위해 공유되는 문자열을 의미합니다.
- 채팅 이름
- 무작위로 선택된 세 단어로, 채팅 키를 특수한 알고리즘에 대입하여 산출하며 채팅의 기본 닉네임으로 표시됩니다. 채팅 이름은 완전히 고유의 값으로, 다른 유저들과 채팅 이름이 중복될 수 없습니다.
- ENS 이름
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "E" because the title above is "ENS Name"
- 이더리움 네임 서비스(Ethereum Name Service)로 채팅키와 연결되는 커스텀 닉네임. ENS 이름은 탈중앙화된 사용자 이름입니다.
- 스테이터스 노드
- 메시지를 전달하거나 최대 30일까지 메시지를 저장하는 스테이터스 네트워크 노드.
- 피어
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "P" because the title above is "Peer"
- 시드 구문
- 자주 묻는 질문
- 버그 제출
- 기능 요청
- 언어
- 메시지 및 알림 수신
- 계정에서 로그아웃힙니다. 다시 로그인하면 선택한 네트워크를 사용합니다
- 네트워크 추가
- RPC URL 지정
- 네트워크 체인
- Main network
- 메인 네트워크
- Ropsten 테스트 네트워크
- Rinkeby 테스트 네트워크
- 커스텀 토큰
- 네트워크 ID
- 메인 네트워크
- 테스트 네트워크
- 사용자 정의 네트워크
- 알림 설정
- 보안
- 동기화 설정
- 스테이터스 노드 추가
- 계정 이름
- 종류
- 열람 전용
- 스테이터스 트리 끄기
- 스테이터스 트리 켜기
- 파생 경로
- 저장소
- 스마트폰에 저장
- 계정 삭제
- 커스텀 토큰 추가
- 컨트랙트 주소
- 기호 (Symbol)
- 소수점 (Decimals)
- 총 자산
- 받기
- 시드 구문 백업
- 수신인
- 트랜잭션 실패
- 통화 설정
- 서명 구문
- 사용자의 서명 구문입니다
- 트랜잭션 서명 전 이 3단어가 표시됩니다
- 다른 단어가 표시되면, 트랜잭션을 취소하고 로그아웃하세요
- 나중에 다시 확인
- 계정 설정
- 수집품
- 계정 생성
- 열람 전용 계정 추가
- 시드 구문 입력
- 개인 키 입력
- 개인 키로 계정 추가
- 비밀번호
- 개인 키
- 로딩 중...
- 계정 추가
- 시드 구문으로 계정 추가
- 시드 구문
- 열람 전용 계정 추가
- 계정 주소
- 토큰 세부 정보
- 토큰 제거
- 트랜잭션 세부정보
- 12번 이상 확인된 트랜잭션은 확정된 것으로 간주됩니다.
- 차단
- 해시값
- 가스 한도
- 가스 가격
- 사용된 가스
- Nonce
- 문제가 발생했습니다
- 보기
- 설명
- 브라우저
- 타임라인
- 비밀번호 만들기
- 시드 구문 입력
- 시드 구문 단어들이 스테이터스 딕셔너리와 일치하지 않습니다. 철자를 확인해주세요.
- 잘못된 시드 구문
- 채팅 이름 선택
- 검열 없는 안전한 커뮤니케이션
- 안전한 암호화폐 지갑
- 탈중앙 앱
- Get your keys
- 키 생성하기
- A set of keys controls your account. Your keys live on your device, so only you can use them.
- 비밀번호 입력
- Enter passwordConnecting...
- 연결 중...
- 키 목록
- 새로운 코드 혹은 비밀번호를 생성해 키를 재암호화해야 합니다.
- 키 재암호화
- 붙여넣기
- use-suggestions
- Maximum priority fee: %1 ETH
- 계정 색상
- 확인
- 고급 설정
- Gwei
- 적용
- 가스로 사용할 ETH가 부족합니다
- 클립보드에 복사됨
- Copy to clipboard
- 클립보드에 복사
- 주소
- 연락처에 등록되어 있음
- 검색
- 메시지
- 자산
- 수량
- 트랜잭션 보내기
- 트랜잭션 요청
- 오픈채팅
- 연락처에 없음
- 메시지
- ↓ 설치
- ↓ 무료
- 업데이트
- 최근 사용한 이모티콘이 여기에 나타납니다
- 이모티콘 가져오기
- 접근 권한 취소
- 더 보기
- 전체
- Show read notificationsHide read notifications
- 알림 설정
- You need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messagesYou need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messagesWaiting for %1 to accept your request
- 불러오기
- 백업
- 커뮤니티는 무료로 가입할 수 있지만 신규 회원은 먼저 커뮤니티 생성인의 승인을 받아야 합니다.
- 사용자의 커뮤니티는 오직 기존 멤버의 초대를 통해서만 참여할 수 있습니다
- 사용자의 커뮤니티는 누구나 자유롭게 가입할 수 있습니다
- 핀 한도에 도달했습니다. 먼저 이전 메시지를 고정 해제해주세요
- 언어
- Before you get started...
- I acknowledge that Status Desktop is in Beta and by using it, I take the full responsibility for all risks concerning my data and funds.
- Terms of Use
- 이용 약관
- Get Started
- 시작
- 방금 막
- AcceptRejectOptionsButtonsPanel
- 프로필 보기
- AccountView
- 종류
- 저장소
- ActivityCenterMessageComponentView
- AddAccountModal
- 고급 설정
- AddEditSavedAddressPopup
- 이름
- 주소
- 저장
- AddFavoriteModal
- 붙여넣기
- 이름
- AddShowTokenModal
- AddWakuNodeModal
- AdvancedView
- AppMain
- AppSearch
- AppearanceView
- BeforeGetStartedModal
- 개인 정보 보호 정책
- BlockContactConfirmationDialog
- BrowserView
- BrowserWebEngineView
- ChangePasswordModal
- ChangePasswordSuccessModal
- ChatContentView
- ChatContextMenuView
- 그룹 나가기
- 저장
- 삭제
- ChatView
- 멤버
- CollectibleCollectionView
- CollectibleDetailView
- CollectibleDetailsHeader
- 보내기
- CollectibleModal
- CollectiblesStore
- 수집품
- CollectiblesView
- CommunitiesPopup
- 커뮤니티
- 커뮤니티 만들기
- CommunityChannelsAndCategoriesBannerPanel
- CommunityDetailPopup
- 대기 중
- CommunityEditSettingsPanel
- 기억하기 쉬운 이름
- 설명
- CommunityMembersSettingsPanel
- 멤버
- CommunityOverviewSettingsPanel
- CommunityProfilePopup
- 멤버
- CommunityProfilePopupInviteFriendsPanel
- 연락처
- CommunityProfilePopupMembersListPanel
- CommunityProfilePopupOverviewPanel
- CommunitySettingsView
- 멤버
- 알림
- 설정
- CommunityUserList
- 멤버
- ConfirmAppRestartModal
- ConfirmPasswordView
- ConfirmationDialog
- 확인
- 취소
- Constants
- ContactPanel
- 프로필 보기
- 메시지 보내기
- ContactsColumnView
- 채팅 시작
- ContactsListAndSearch
- ContactsListPanel
- ContactsView
- 연락처
- CreateCategoryPopup
- CreateChannelPopup
- 채널명
- 설명
- 채널 설명
- CreateChatView
- 연락처
- CreateCommunityPopup
- 커뮤니티 이름 지정
- 기억하기 쉬운 이름
- 짧은 설명을 더하세요
- 커뮤니티 색상
- CreatePasswordModal
- CreatePasswordView
- CryptoServicesModal
- CurrenciesStore
- DefaultDAppExplorerView
- DemoApp
- 친구 초대
- DerivationPathsPanel
- DerivedAddressesPanel
- 계정
- DisplayNamePopup
- 편집
- 확인
- DownloadPage
- EditCroppedImagePanel
- EnsDetailsView
- 지갑 주소
- 키
- EnsReleasedView
- EnsSearchView
- EnsTermsAndConditionsView
- ExemptionNotificationsModal
- 완료
- FetchMoreMessagesButton
- GasSelector
- GroupInfoPopup
- HomePageView
- ImageCropperModal
- 완료
- ImportSeedPhrasePanel
- InsertCard
- 취소
- InsertDetailsView
- 다음
- InviteFriendsPopup
- KeycardCreatePINModal
- KeysMainView
- 시드 구문 입력
- LanguageView
- 언어
- Layout
- 친구 초대
- LeftTabView
- 설정
- LoginView
- 확인
- MainView
- MenuPanel
- 설정
- MessageContextMenuView
- MessagingView
- 연락처
- MyProfileView
- ENS 사용자 이름
- 채팅 키
- NetworkFilter
- NetworksView
- NicknamePopup
- 닉네임
- NoImageUploadedPanel
- NodeLayout
- NotificationSelect
- NotificationsView
- 메시지
- PINModal
- PairingModal
- PasswordView
- 비밀번호 만들기
- PermissionsListView
- PinnedMessagesPopup
- 고정 해제
- PrivacyView
- ProfileLayout
- 연락처
- ProfilePopup
- ENS 사용자 이름
- 채팅 키
- 채팅 설정
- 닉네임
- 해당 없음
- 연락처에 추가
- ProfileSectionStore
- 프로필
- ENS 이름
- 지갑
- 브라우저
- 테마
- 고급 설정
- RateView
- ReceiveModal
- 클립보드에 복사
- RenameAccontModal
- RootStore
- 사용자
- SavedAddressesView
- 취소
- 삭제
- SeedPhraseInputView
- 시드 구문 입력
- 다음
- 불러오기
- SelectGeneratedAccount
- SendContactRequestModal
- 붙여넣기
- SendModalFooter
- 알 수 없음
- SendModalHeader
- 받는 주소
- SettingsPageLayout
- 취소
- SignTransactionModal
- 보내기
- 계속
- StatusAddressOrEnsValidator
- StatusAddressValidator
- StatusAppCommunityView
- 멤버
- StatusAsyncEnsValidator
- StatusAsyncValidator
- StatusBadge
- StatusChatInput
- 보내기
- StatusChatListAndCategories
- 더 보기
- StatusChatListCategoryItem
- 더 보기
- StatusChatListItem
- 메시지 및 알림 수신
- StatusChatToolBar
- 검색
- 멤버
- 더 보기
- StatusETHTransactionModal
- StatusExpandableSettingsItemPage
- 시드 구문 백업
- StatusFloatValidator
- StatusGifColumn
- StatusGifPopup
- StatusIntValidator
- StatusListPicker
- 검색
- StatusListPickerPage
- StatusMacNotification
- 열기
- StatusPasswordStrengthIndicator
- StatusSearchListPopup
- StatusSearchLocationMenu
- StatusSearchPopup
- StatusSpellcheckingMenuItems
- StatusStickerMarket
- StatusTagSelectorPage
- StatusTokenInlineSelector
- 또는
- StatusUrlValidator
- StatusValidator
- StatusWalletColorSelect
- 계정 색상
- StatusWindowsTitleBar
- StoreToKeychainSelectionModal
- TabAddressSelectorView
- TabNetworkAndFees
- 고급 설정
- 커스텀 토큰
- TouchIDAuthView
- TransactionBubbleView
- TransactionModal
- TransactionSettingsConfirmationPopup
- 정말 삭제하시겠어요?
- TransferOwnershipPopup
- 커뮤니티 개인키
- 클립보드에 복사
- 클립보드에 복사됨
- UploadProfilePicModal
- 삭제
- 완료
- UserList
- 멤버
- UserListPanel
- UserStatusContextMenu
- UsernameLabel
- 사용자
- Utils
- WakuNodesModal
- WalletView
- 지갑
- WelcomeView
- main
diff --git a/ui/i18n/qml_pt_BR.ts b/ui/i18n/qml_pt_BR.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 17ce00a5a7..0000000000
--- a/ui/i18n/qml_pt_BR.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8598 +0,0 @@
- Editar
- Nome
- Remover
- Concluído
- Adicionar
- Permitir que este DApp recupere o endereço da sua carteira e ative o Web3
- A concessão de acesso autoriza este DApp a recuperar sua chave de bate-papo
- Negar
- Permitir
- Inserir URL
- Transação pendente ...
- Senha incorreta
- Nova aba
- Encontrar
- Configurações
- Desconhecido
- Ativos
- Histórico
- Abrir
- Cancelar
- Abrir em nova aba
- OK
- De
- Dados
- Mensagem
- Assinar
- Assinar com senha
- Conectado
- Bate-papo offline
- Enviar
- Solicitação
- Continuar
- Para
- Próximo
- Taxa de rede
- . The transaction will probably fail.
- Imagem
- OU
- Convidar
- before %1Between %1 and %2
- ↓ Buscar mais mensagens
- Welcome to the beginning of the <span style=
- Any messages you send here are encrypted and can only be read by you and <span style=
- Recusar o convite
- Responder
- mais
- Error loading the imageLoading image...
- Solicitar acesso
- Entrou
- Participar
- Ativar visualizações de link no chat?
- Não me pergunte novamente
- Reenviar
- Solicitação de transação
- Aceitar e compartilhar endereço
- Recusar
- Selecionar conta
- Assinar e enviar
- Pendente
- Confirmado
- Endereço solicitado
- Endereço recebido
- Transação recusada
- Você
- Clear History
- Apagar histórico
- Leave Group
- Sair do grupo
- Remove Contact
- Comunidades
- - ENS Only
- Chats
- Membros
- Invite people
- Convide pessoas
- Pedidos de participação
- Edit Category
- Delete Category
- Ver perfil
- Notificações
- Criar um canal
- Excluir
- Adicionar membros
- Novo canal
- Nome do canal
- Descreva o canal
- Mensagens fixadas
- Criar
- Requisitos de participação
- Exigir convite de outro membro
- Exigir aprovação
- Nenhuma exigência
- Você pode exigir que novos membros atendam a certos critérios antes que eles possam participar. Isso pode ser alterado a qualquer momento
- Salvar
- Membros
- Convide amigos
- Contatos
- Convidar
- Bate-papo
- Iniciar nova conversa
- Iniciar conversa em grupo
- Participar do bate-papo público
- Nenhuma mensagem
- Compartilhar bate-papo
- Excluir conversa
- Sair da conversa
- Abrir no Status
- Administrador
- ↓ Fetch messages
- ↓ Buscar mensagens
- Novo grupo de bate-papo
- Criar bate-papo do grupo
- Todos os seus contatos já estão no grupo
- Tornar-se administrador
- Desafixar
- Fixar
- Enviar mensagem
- Apagar mensagem
- Apelido
- Nova conversa
- Meu perfil
- ENS (vitalik94) ou chave de bate-papo (0x04 ...)
- Sem contatos
- Nome de usuário ENS
- Chave de bate-papo
- Configurações do chat
- Nenhum
- Adicionar aos contatos
- Nome do chat
- Iniciar bate-papo
- Salvar
- Perfil
- Versão do aplicativo
- Política de privacidade
- Rede
- Frota
- Carteira
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "S" because the title above is "Seed Phrase"
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "M" because the title above is "Mailserver"
- Aparência
- Claro
- Claro
- Escuro
- Sistema
- Fazer backup da frase-semente
- Se você perder a sua frase-semente, você perde seus dados e fundos
- Se perder o acesso, por exemplo, ao perder seu telefone, você só pode acessar suas chaves com sua frase-semente. Só você tem a sua frase-semente. Anote e mantenha sua frase-semente em segurança
- Confira sua frase-semente
- Digite a palavra
- Você tem certeza?
- Você não poderá ver toda a frase-semente de novo
- Ok, continuar
- Palavra errada
- Homepage
- Padrão
- Privacidade
- Definir permissões de acesso do DApp
- Terminar
- Visualizações de links de chat
- Sites
- Habilitar todos
- Adicionar novo contato
- Adicionar contato
- Usuário não encontrado
- Dispositivos
- Defina um nome para o seu dispositivo.
- Especifique um nome
- Anunciar dispositivo
- Emparelhe seus dispositivos para sincronizar contatos e bate-papos entre eles
- Saiba mais
- Dispositivos sincronizados
- Sincronizando...
- Sincronizar todos dispositivos
- Nomes de usuário ENS
- Nome de usuário adicionado
- Ok, entendi.
- Você pode acompanhar o progresso na seção Histórico de Transações da sua carteira.
- Endereço da carteira
- Chave
- Voltar
- Nome de usuário principal
- Olá
- Adicionar nome de usuário
- Seus nomes de usuário
- Pelo menos 4 caracteres. Usando letras minúsculas e números.
- Apenas letras e números.
- Digite o nome de usuário inteiro, incluindo o domínio personalizado, como nomedeusuario.domínio.eth
- Seu nome de usuário
- ✓ Nome de usuário disponível!
- Continuar conectará esse nome de usuário com sua chave de bate-papo.
- O nome de usuário não pertence a você :(
- Nome de usuário já utilizado :(
- O nome de usuário já está conectado à sua chave de bate-papo e pode ser usado dentro do Status.
- Continuar exigirá uma transação para conectar o nome de usuário com sua chave de bate-papo atual.
- Domínio personalizado
- Eu quero um domínio stateofus.eth
- Eu possuo um nome em outro domínio
- Os fundos são depositados por 1 ano. Seu SNT será bloqueado, mas não será gasto.
- Após 1 ano, você pode liberar o nome e receber seu depósito de volta ou não fazer nenhuma ação para manter o nome.
- Se os termos do contrato mudarem — por exemplo, o Status fizer atualizações do contrato — o usuário tem o direito de liberar o nome de usuário, independentemente do tempo de espera.
- O controlador do contrato não pode acessar seus fundos depositados. Eles só podem ser movidos de volta para o endereço que os enviou.
- Seus endereços serão publicamente associados ao seu nome no ENS.
- Os nomes de usuários são criados como nós de subdomínio stateofus.eth e estão sujeitos aos termos do contrato inteligente do ENS.
- Você autoriza o contrato a transferir o SNT em seu nome. Isso só pode ocorrer quando você aprovar uma transação para autorizar a transferência.
- Estes termos são garantidos pela lógica do contrato inteligente nos endereços:
- 10 SNT
- Depósito
- SNT insuficiente
- Cadastro
- Obter um nome universal
- Os nomes do ENS transformam esses endereços compridos e malucos em nomes de usuário exclusivos.
- Personalize seu nome de chat
- Simplifique seu endereço ETH
- Você pode receber fundos em um nome ENS fácil de compartilhar, em vez do seu endereço hexadecimal (0x ...).
- Receba transações no chat
- Outras pessoas podem enviar fundos para você pelo chat em um único passo.
- 10 SNT para se cadastrar
- Cadastre-se uma vez para manter o nome para sempre. Após 1 ano, você pode liberar o nome e recuperar seu SNT.
- Já possui um nome de usuário?
- Você pode verificar e adicionar qualquer nome de usuário que você possui nos próximos passos.
- Desenvolvido com Ethereum Name Services
- Disponível apenas na Mainnet
- Para cadastrar o nome de usuário, tente novamente.
- Atenção!
- Glossário
- Conta
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "A" because the title above is "Account"
- Chave de bate-papo
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "C" because the title above is "Chat Key"
- As mensagens no protocolo de bate-papo Status são enviadas e recebidas usando chaves de criptografia. A chave de bate-papo público é uma sequência de caracteres que você compartilha com outras pessoas para que elas possam enviar mensagens para você no Status.
- Nome no chat
- Três palavras aleatórias, derivadas algoritmicamente da sua chave de bate-papo e usadas como pseudônimo padrão no bate-papo. Os nomes de bate-papo são completamente únicos; nenhum outro usuário pode ter as mesmas três palavras.
- Nome ENS
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "E" because the title above is "ENS Name"
- Pseudônimo personalizado para sua chave de bate-papo que você pode cadastrar usando o Ethereum Name Service. Os nomes do ENS são nomes de usuário descentralizados.
- Nó de mensagem Status
- Um nó na rede Status que encaminha e armazena mensagens por até 30 dias.
- Par
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "P" because the title above is "Peer"
- Frase-semente
- Perguntas frequentes
- Relatar um bug
- Solicitar um recurso
- Idioma
- Ativar som
- A conta será desconectada. Quando você a desbloquear novamente, a rede selecionada será usada
- Adicionar rede
- Especifique um URL RPC
- Cadeia de rede
- Main network
- Rede principal
- Rede de teste de Ropsten
- Rede de teste Rinkeby
- Personalizado
- ID de rede
- Redes principais
- Redes de teste
- Redes personalizadas
- Preferências de notificação
- Segurança
- Configurações de sincronização
- Adicionar nó do Status
- Nome da conta
- Tipo
- Somente exibição
- Árvore Status desativada
- Árvore Status ativada
- Caminho de derivação
- Armazenamento
- Este dispositivo
- Remover conta
- Adicionar token personalizado
- Endereço do contrato
- Símbolo
- Decimais
- Valor total
- Receber
- Fazer backup da frase-semente
- Destinatário
- Falha na transação
- Definir moeda
- Frase de assinatura
- Esta é a sua frase de assinatura
- Você deve ver essas três palavras antes de assinar cada transação
- Se você ver uma combinação diferente, cancele a transação e finalize a sessão
- Mostrar isso novamente
- Configurações da conta
- Colecionáveis
- Gerar uma conta
- Adicione um endereço somente leitura
- Digite uma frase-semente
- Digite uma chave privada
- Adicionar conta a partir de chave privada
- Senha
- Chave privada
- Carregando...
- Adicione uma conta
- Adicionar conta com uma frase-semente
- Frase-semente
- Adicionar uma conta somente para exibição
- Endereço da conta
- Detalhes do Token
- Remover token
- Detalhes da transação
- Quando a transação tiver 12 confirmações, você poderá considerá-la liquidada.
- Bloquear
- Hash
- Limite de gás
- Preço do gás
- Gás usado
- Nonce
- Algo deu errado
- Visualizar
- Descrição
- Navegador
- Linha do tempo
- Crie uma senha
- Inserir frase-semente
- Esta frase-semente não é compatível com o nosso dicionário. Verifique se há palavras com erros ortográficos.
- Frase-semente inválida
- Escolha um nome de bate-papo
- Comunicação verdadeiramente privada
- Carteira criptográfica segura
- Aplicativos descentralizados
- Get your keys
- Obtenha suas chaves
- A set of keys controls your account. Your keys live on your device, so only you can use them.
- Digite a senha
- Enter passwordConnecting...
- Conectando...
- Suas chaves
- Você terá que definir um novo código ou senha para recriptografar suas chaves
- Recriptografe suas chaves
- Colar
- use-suggestions
- Maximum priority fee: %1 ETH
- Cor da conta
- Confirmar
- Avançado
- Gwei
- Aplicar
- Não há ETH suficiente para o gás
- Copiado
- Copy to clipboard
- Copiar
- Endereço
- Contato
- Procurar
- Mensagens
- Ativo
- Quantia
- Enviar transação
- Solicitar transação
- Conversa pública
- Não é um contato
- Mensagem
- Instalar
- ↓ Grátis
- Atualizar
- Os adesivos usados recentemente aparecerão aqui
- Obter Adesivos
- Recuperar acesso
- Mostrar mais
- Todos
- Show read notificationsHide read notifications
- Configurações de notificação
- You need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messagesYou need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messagesWaiting for %1 to accept your request
- Importar
- Cópia de segurança
- Sua comunidade é livre para participar, mas novos membros são obrigados a ser aprovados pelo criador da comunidade primeiro
- Sua comunidade só pode ser acessada por convite de membros existentes da comunidade
- Sua comunidade é livre para que qualquer pessoa possa participar
- Limite de mensagens fixadas atingido. Desafixe uma mensagem anterior primeiro.
- Idioma
- Before you get started...
- I acknowledge that Status Desktop is in Beta and by using it, I take the full responsibility for all risks concerning my data and funds.
- Terms of Use
- Termos de uso
- Get Started
- Começar
- Agora
- AcceptRejectOptionsButtonsPanel
- Ver perfil
- AccountView
- Tipo
- Armazenamento
- ActivityCenterMessageComponentView
- AddAccountModal
- Avançado
- AddEditSavedAddressPopup
- Nome
- Endereço
- Salvar
- AddFavoriteModal
- Colar
- Nome
- AddShowTokenModal
- AddWakuNodeModal
- AdvancedView
- AppMain
- AppSearch
- AppearanceView
- BeforeGetStartedModal
- Política de privacidade
- BlockContactConfirmationDialog
- BrowserView
- BrowserWebEngineView
- ChangePasswordModal
- ChangePasswordSuccessModal
- ChatContentView
- ChatContextMenuView
- Sair do grupo
- Salvar
- Excluir
- ChatView
- Membros
- CollectibleCollectionView
- CollectibleDetailView
- CollectibleDetailsHeader
- Enviar
- CollectibleModal
- CollectiblesStore
- Colecionáveis
- CollectiblesView
- CommunitiesPopup
- Comunidades
- Criar uma comunidade
- CommunityChannelsAndCategoriesBannerPanel
- CommunityDetailPopup
- Pendente
- CommunityEditSettingsPanel
- Um nome atraente
- Descrição
- CommunityMembersSettingsPanel
- Membros
- CommunityOverviewSettingsPanel
- CommunityProfilePopup
- Membros
- CommunityProfilePopupInviteFriendsPanel
- Contatos
- CommunityProfilePopupMembersListPanel
- CommunityProfilePopupOverviewPanel
- CommunitySettingsView
- Membros
- Notificações
- Configurações
- CommunityUserList
- Membros
- ConfirmAppRestartModal
- ConfirmPasswordView
- ConfirmationDialog
- Confirmar
- Cancelar
- Constants
- ContactPanel
- Ver perfil
- Enviar mensagem
- ContactsColumnView
- Iniciar bate-papo
- ContactsListAndSearch
- ContactsListPanel
- ContactsView
- Contatos
- CreateCategoryPopup
- CreateChannelPopup
- Nome do canal
- Descrição
- Descreva o canal
- CreateChatView
- Contatos
- CreateCommunityPopup
- Dê um nome para sua comunidade
- Um nome atraente
- Dê uma breve descrição
- Cor da comunidade
- CreatePasswordModal
- CreatePasswordView
- CryptoServicesModal
- CurrenciesStore
- DefaultDAppExplorerView
- DemoApp
- Convide pessoas
- DerivationPathsPanel
- DerivedAddressesPanel
- Conta
- DisplayNamePopup
- Editar
- OK
- DownloadPage
- EditCroppedImagePanel
- EnsDetailsView
- Endereço da carteira
- Chave
- EnsReleasedView
- EnsSearchView
- EnsTermsAndConditionsView
- ExemptionNotificationsModal
- Concluído
- FetchMoreMessagesButton
- GasSelector
- GroupInfoPopup
- HomePageView
- ImageCropperModal
- Terminar
- ImportSeedPhrasePanel
- InsertCard
- Cancelar
- InsertDetailsView
- Próximo
- InviteFriendsPopup
- KeycardCreatePINModal
- KeysMainView
- Digite uma frase-semente
- LanguageView
- Idioma
- Layout
- Convide pessoas
- LeftTabView
- Configurações
- LoginView
- OK
- MainView
- MenuPanel
- Configurações
- MessageContextMenuView
- MessagingView
- Contatos
- MyProfileView
- Nome de usuário ENS
- Chave de bate-papo
- NetworkFilter
- NetworksView
- NicknamePopup
- Apelido
- NoImageUploadedPanel
- NodeLayout
- NotificationSelect
- NotificationsView
- Mensagens
- PINModal
- PairingModal
- PasswordView
- Crie uma senha
- PermissionsListView
- PinnedMessagesPopup
- Desafixar
- PrivacyView
- ProfileLayout
- Contatos
- ProfilePopup
- Nome de usuário ENS
- Chave de bate-papo
- Configurações do chat
- Apelido
- Nenhum
- Adicionar aos contatos
- ProfileSectionStore
- Perfil
- Nomes de usuário ENS
- Carteira
- Navegador
- Aparência
- Avançado
- RateView
- ReceiveModal
- Copiar
- RenameAccontModal
- RootStore
- Você
- SavedAddressesView
- Cancelar
- Excluir
- SeedPhraseInputView
- Inserir frase-semente
- Próximo
- Importar
- SelectGeneratedAccount
- SendContactRequestModal
- Colar
- SendModalFooter
- Desconhecido
- SendModalHeader
- Para
- SettingsPageLayout
- Cancelar
- SignTransactionModal
- Enviar
- Continuar
- StatusAddressOrEnsValidator
- StatusAddressValidator
- StatusAppCommunityView
- Membros
- StatusAsyncEnsValidator
- StatusAsyncValidator
- StatusBadge
- StatusChatInput
- Enviar
- StatusChatListAndCategories
- mais
- StatusChatListCategoryItem
- mais
- StatusChatListItem
- Ativar som
- StatusChatToolBar
- Procurar
- Membros
- mais
- StatusETHTransactionModal
- StatusExpandableSettingsItemPage
- Fazer backup da frase-semente
- StatusFloatValidator
- StatusGifColumn
- StatusGifPopup
- StatusIntValidator
- StatusListPicker
- Procurar
- StatusListPickerPage
- StatusMacNotification
- Abrir
- StatusPasswordStrengthIndicator
- StatusSearchListPopup
- StatusSearchLocationMenu
- StatusSearchPopup
- StatusSpellcheckingMenuItems
- StatusStickerMarket
- StatusTagSelectorPage
- StatusTokenInlineSelector
- OU
- StatusUrlValidator
- StatusValidator
- StatusWalletColorSelect
- Cor da conta
- StatusWindowsTitleBar
- StoreToKeychainSelectionModal
- TabAddressSelectorView
- TabNetworkAndFees
- Avançado
- Personalizado
- TouchIDAuthView
- TransactionBubbleView
- TransactionModal
- TransactionSettingsConfirmationPopup
- Você tem certeza?
- TransferOwnershipPopup
- Chave privada da comunidade
- Copiar
- Copiado
- UploadProfilePicModal
- Remover
- Concluído
- UserList
- Membros
- UserListPanel
- UserStatusContextMenu
- UsernameLabel
- Você
- Utils
- WakuNodesModal
- WalletView
- Carteira
- WelcomeView
- main
diff --git a/ui/i18n/qml_ru.ts b/ui/i18n/qml_ru.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index b8d71ea2a5..0000000000
--- a/ui/i18n/qml_ru.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8587 +0,0 @@
- Изменить
- URL-адрес
- Имя
- Удалить
- Готово
- Добавить
- Соглашаясь, вы разрешаете DApp получить адрес вашего кошелька и включить Web3
- Предоставление доступа разрешает этому DApp получать ваш код контакта
- Отказать
- Разрешить
- Введите URL-адрес
- Транзакция в ожидании подтверждения...
- Неверный пароль
- Новая вкладка
- Найти
- Настройки
- Неизвестно
- Активы
- История
- Открыть
- Отменить
- Открыть в новой вкладке
- OK
- От
- Данные
- Сообщение
- Подписать
- Подписать с паролем
- Подключен
- Чат не в сети
- Отправить
- Запрос
- Продолжить
- Кому
- Далее
- Комиссия сети
- . The transaction will probably fail.
- Изображение
- Пригласить
- before %1Between %1 and %2
- ↓ Открыть больше сообщений
- Welcome to the beginning of the <span style=
- Any messages you send here are encrypted and can only be read by you and <span style=
- Отказаться от приглашения
- Ответить
- больше
- Error loading the imageLoading image...
- Запрос доступа
- В группе
- Присоединиться
- Разрешить предварительный просмотр ссылок в чате?
- Больше не спрашивать
- Отправить повторно
- Запрос транзакции
- Принять и поделиться адресом
- Отклонить
- Выберите аккаунт
- Подписать и отправить
- В ожидании
- Подтверждено
- Адрес запрошен
- Адрес получен
- Транзакция отклонена
- Вы
- Clear History
- Очистить историю
- Leave Group
- Покинуть группу
- Remove Contact
- Сообщества
- - ENS Only
- Чаты
- Участники
- Invite people
- Пригласить друзей
- Запросы на участие
- Edit Category
- Delete Category
- Просмотреть профиль
- Уведомления
- Создать канал
- Удалить
- Добавить участников
- Новый канал
- Название канала
- Создать
- Требование к участию
- Требуется приглашение от другого участника
- Требуется одобрение
- Не требуется
- Вы можете потребовать, чтобы новые участники соответствовали определенным критериям. Это условие можно изменить в любое время
- Сохранить
- Участники
- Пригласить друзей
- Контакты
- Пригласить
- Чат
- Новый чат
- Начать общение в групповом чате
- Присоединиться к публичному чату
- Нет сообщений
- Поделиться чатом
- Удалить чат
- Выйти из чата
- Открыть в Status
- Администратор
- ↓ Fetch messages
- ↓ Получить сообщения
- Новый групповой чат
- Создать групповой чат
- Все ваши контакты уже в группе
- Сделать администратором
- Отправить сообщение
- Удалить сообщение
- Псевдоним
- Новый чат
- Мой профиль
- ENS (vitalik94) или код контакта (0x04...)
- Нет контактов
- ENS-имя
- Код контакта
- Настройки чата
- Нет
- Добавить в контакты
- Имя в чате
- Начать общение в чате
- Сохранить
- Профиль
- Версия приложения
- Политика конфиденциальности
- Сеть
- Fleet
- Кошелек
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "S" because the title above is "Seed Phrase"
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "M" because the title above is "Mailserver"
- Внешний вид
- Светлая
- Светлая
- Темная
- Системная
- Резервное копирование сид-фразы
- Если вы потеряете сид-фразу, то уже не сможете получить доступ к данным и средствам на этом аккаунте
- В случае, если вы потеряете свой ключ или пароль от аккаунта, вы сможете восстановить доступ к нему только с помощью сид-фразы, закрепленной за данным аккаунтом. Никто, кроме вас не должен иметь доступ к вашей сид-фразе. Запишите ее и храните в надежном месте.
- Проверьте свою сид-фразу
- Введите слово
- Вы уверены?
- Вы не сможете увидеть всю сид-фразу снова
- Хорошо, продолжить
- Неверное слово
- Homepage
- По умолчанию
- Конфиденциальность
- Установить права доступа к DApp
- Завершить
- Предварительный просмотр ссылок в чате
- Веб-сайты
- Разрешить все
- Добавить новый контакт
- Добавить контакт
- Пользователь не найден
- Устройства
- Задайте название вашего устройства.
- Укажите имя
- Установить сопряжение
- Свяжите устройства для синхронизации контактов и чатов между ними
- Узнать больше
- Связанные устройства
- Синхронизация...
- Синхронизировать все устройства
- ENS-имена
- Имя пользователя добавлено
- Понятно
- Вы можете следить за ходом выполнения в разделе вашего кошелька «История транзакций».
- Адрес кошелька
- Ключ
- Назад
- Основное имя пользователя
- Привет
- Добавить имя пользователя
- Ваши имена пользователей
- Как минимум 4 символа. Только латинские буквы, цифры и строчные буквы.
- Только буквы и цифры.
- Введите полное имя пользователя, включая пользовательский домен, например username.domain.eth
- Ваше имя пользователя
- ✓ Имя пользователя доступно!
- Если вы продолжите, это имя пользователя будет привязано к вашему коду контакта.
- Имя пользователя вам не принадлежит :(
- Это имя пользователя уже занято :(
- Имя пользователя уже связано с вашим кодом контакта и может быть использовано в Status.
- Для продолжения потребуется транзакция, чтобы связать имя пользователя с текущим кодом контакта.
- Пользовательский домен
- Я хочу имя на домене stateofus.eth
- У меня есть имя на другом домене
- Средства вносятся на 1 год. Ваши SNT будут заблокированы, но не потрачены.
- Через 1 год вы можете освободить имя и получить свой депозит обратно или ничего не делать и тогда имя останется вашим.
- Если условия контракта меняются (например, Status обновляет контракт), то пользователь имеет право освободить имя пользователя без учета времени, прошедшего с момента его регистрации.
- Контролер контракта не может получить доступ к внесенным вами средствам. Их можно переместить обратно только на тот адрес, с которого они были отправлены.
- Ваш(и) адрес(а) будет(ут) публично связан(ы) с вашим ENS-именем.
- Имена пользователей создаются в качестве нод субдоменов stateofus.eth и подчиняются условиям смарт-контракта ENS.
- Вы даете разрешение контракту перевести SNT от вашего имени. Это может произойти только если вы одобрите транзакцию для авторизации перевода.
- Эти условия гарантируются смарт-контрактом по адресам:
- 10 SNT
- Депозит
- Недостаточно SNT
- Зарегистрировать
- Получить универсальное имя пользователя
- ENS-имена преобразуют эти невероятно длинные адреса в уникальные имена пользователей
- Настройте свое имя в чате
- Упростите свой адрес ETH
- Получайте средства, используя свое ENS-имя вместо публичного адреса (0x...)
- Получайте транзакции в чате
- Вам могут отправлять средства через чат одним простым действием.
- 10 SNT за регистрацию
- Зарегистрировавшись один раз, вы получаете имя навсегда. Через год вы можете освободить имя и вернуть свои токены SNT.
- Уже есть имя пользователя?
- Далее вы можете проверить любое имя пользователя и зарегистрировать его, если оно свободно.
- При поддержке Ethereum Name Services
- Доступно только на Mainnet
- Повторите попытку регистрации имя пользователя.
- Предупреждение!
- Глоссарий
- Аккаунт
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "A" because the title above is "Account"
- Ключ чата
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "C" because the title above is "Chat Key"
- Протокол работы чатов приложения Status формирует прием и отправку сообщений с использованием ключей шифрования. Публичный код контакта – это строка символов, которой вы делитесь с другими пользователями, чтобы они имели возможность отправить вам сообщение в приложении.
- Имя в чате
- Набор из трех случайных слов, генерируется алгоритмическим путем на основе вашего кода контакта. Полученное имя используется по умолчанию в качестве псевдонима. Имена полностью уникальны и не могут состоять из трех одинаковых слов.
- ENS-имя
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "E" because the title above is "ENS Name"
- Псевдоним пользователя для вашего кода контакта. Вы можете зарегистрировать псевдоним с помощью Ethereum Name Service. ENS-имя – это уникальное децентрализованное имя пользователя.
- Нода Status
- Нода в сети Status отвечает за маршрутизацию и хранение сообщений сроком до 30 дней.
- Одноранговый узел
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "P" because the title above is "Peer"
- Сид-фраза
- Часто задаваемые вопросы
- Сообщить об ошибке
- Запросить новую функцию
- Язык
- Включить звук
- Вы выйдете из системы. При повторной разблокировке будет использоваться выбранная сеть.
- Добавить сеть
- URL-адрес RPC
- Укажите URL-адрес RPC
- Тип сети
- Main network
- Основная сеть
- Тестовая сеть Ropsten
- Тестовая сеть Rinkeby
- Пользовательские
- Идентификатор сети
- Основные сети
- Тестовые сети
- Пользовательские сети
- Параметры уведомлений
- Безопасность
- Настройки синхронизации
- Добавить ноду Status
- Название аккаунта
- Тип
- Только для просмотра
- Выключить дерево Status
- Включить дерево Status
- Путь вывода
- Хранилище
- Это устройство
- Удалить аккаунт
- Добавить пользовательский токен
- Адрес контракта
- Символ
- Количество знаков после запятой
- Общая сумма
- Получить
- Резервное копирование сид-фразы
- Получатель
- Не удалось выполнить транзакцию
- Установить валюту
- Фраза для подписи
- Это ваша фраза для подписи транзакций
- Вы должны увидеть эти 3 слова перед подписанием каждой транзакции
- Если вы видите другую комбинацию слов, отмените транзакцию и выйдите из системы
- Показать еще раз
- Настройки аккаунта
- Коллекции
- Создать аккаунт
- Добавить адрес только для просмотра
- Введите сид-фразу
- Введите приватный ключ
- Добавить аккаунт из приватного ключа
- Пароль
- Приватный ключ
- Загрузка...
- Добавить аккаунт
- Добавить аккаунт с сид-фразой
- Сид-фраза
- Добавить аккаунт только для просмотра
- Адрес аккаунта
- Детали токена
- Удалить токен
- Детали транзакции
- После получения 12 подтверждений транзакция считается завершенной.
- Блокировать
- Хеш
- Лимит газа
- Цена на газ
- Использованный газ
- Nonce
- Что-то пошло не так
- Посмотреть
- Описание
- Браузер
- Временная шкала
- Создайте пароль
- Введите сид-фразу
- Данная сид-фраза не соответствует поддерживаемому словарю. Проверьте введенные вами слова.
- Неверная сид-фраза
- Выберите имя в чате
- Действительно приватное общение
- Безопасный криптокошелек
- Децентрализованные приложения
- Get your keys
- Сгенерируйте свои ключи
- A set of keys controls your account. Your keys live on your device, so only you can use them.
- Введите пароль
- Enter passwordConnecting...
- Подключение...
- Ваши ключи
- Вам нужно будет создать новый код или пароль, чтобы повторно зашифровать свои ключи
- Зашифруйте свои ключи повторно
- Вставить
- use-suggestions
- Maximum priority fee: %1 ETH
- Цвет аккаунта
- Подтвердить
- Расширенные настройки
- Gwei
- Применить
- Недостаточно ETH, чтобы заплатить за газ
- Скопировано
- Copy to clipboard
- Копировать
- Адрес
- Есть в контактах
- Поиск
- Сообщения
- Актив
- Сумма
- Отправить транзакцию
- Запросить транзакцию
- Публичный чат
- Отсутствует в контактах
- Сообщение
- ↓ Установить
- ↓ Бесплатно
- Обновить
- Недавно использованные стикеры появятся здесь
- Получить стикеры
- Отменить доступ
- Показать больше
- Все
- Show read notificationsHide read notifications
- Настройки уведомлений
- You need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messagesYou need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messagesWaiting for %1 to accept your request
- Импорт
- Резервная копия
- Сообщество открытое, но новые участники должны быть одобрены создателем сообщества
- К сообществу можно присоединиться только по приглашению существующих членов сообщества
- Сообщество открыто для всех желающих
- Язык
- Before you get started...
- I acknowledge that Status Desktop is in Beta and by using it, I take the full responsibility for all risks concerning my data and funds.
- Terms of Use
- Get Started
- Начать
- Сейчас
- AcceptRejectOptionsButtonsPanel
- Просмотреть профиль
- AccountView
- Тип
- Хранилище
- ActivityCenterMessageComponentView
- AddAccountModal
- Расширенные настройки
- AddEditSavedAddressPopup
- Имя
- Адрес
- Сохранить
- AddFavoriteModal
- URL-адрес
- Вставить
- Имя
- AddShowTokenModal
- AddWakuNodeModal
- AdvancedView
- AppMain
- AppSearch
- AppearanceView
- BeforeGetStartedModal
- Политика конфиденциальности
- BlockContactConfirmationDialog
- BrowserView
- BrowserWebEngineView
- ChangePasswordModal
- ChangePasswordSuccessModal
- ChatContentView
- ChatContextMenuView
- Покинуть группу
- Сохранить
- Удалить
- ChatView
- Участники
- CollectibleCollectionView
- CollectibleDetailView
- CollectibleDetailsHeader
- Отправить
- CollectibleModal
- CollectiblesStore
- Коллекции
- CollectiblesView
- CommunitiesPopup
- Сообщества
- Создать сообщество
- CommunityChannelsAndCategoriesBannerPanel
- CommunityDetailPopup
- В ожидании
- CommunityEditSettingsPanel
- Запоминающееся имя
- Описание
- CommunityMembersSettingsPanel
- Участники
- CommunityOverviewSettingsPanel
- CommunityProfilePopup
- Участники
- CommunityProfilePopupInviteFriendsPanel
- Контакты
- CommunityProfilePopupMembersListPanel
- CommunityProfilePopupOverviewPanel
- CommunitySettingsView
- Участники
- Уведомления
- Настройки
- CommunityUserList
- Участники
- ConfirmAppRestartModal
- ConfirmPasswordView
- ConfirmationDialog
- Подтвердить
- Отменить
- Constants
- ContactPanel
- Просмотреть профиль
- Отправить сообщение
- ContactsColumnView
- Начать общение в чате
- ContactsListAndSearch
- ContactsListPanel
- ContactsView
- Контакты
- CreateCategoryPopup
- CreateChannelPopup
- Название канала
- Описание
- CreateChatView
- Контакты
- CreateCommunityPopup
- Назовите ваше сообщество
- Запоминающееся имя
- Дайте краткое описание
- Цвет сообщества
- CreatePasswordModal
- CreatePasswordView
- CryptoServicesModal
- CurrenciesStore
- DefaultDAppExplorerView
- DemoApp
- Пригласить друзей
- DerivationPathsPanel
- DerivedAddressesPanel
- Аккаунт
- DisplayNamePopup
- Изменить
- OK
- DownloadPage
- EditCroppedImagePanel
- EnsDetailsView
- Адрес кошелька
- Ключ
- EnsReleasedView
- EnsSearchView
- EnsTermsAndConditionsView
- ExemptionNotificationsModal
- Готово
- FetchMoreMessagesButton
- GasSelector
- GroupInfoPopup
- HomePageView
- ImageCropperModal
- Закончить
- ImportSeedPhrasePanel
- InsertCard
- Отменить
- InsertDetailsView
- Далее
- InviteFriendsPopup
- KeycardCreatePINModal
- KeysMainView
- Введите сид-фразу
- LanguageView
- Язык
- Layout
- Пригласить друзей
- LeftTabView
- Настройки
- LoginView
- OK
- MainView
- MenuPanel
- Настройки
- MessageContextMenuView
- MessagingView
- Контакты
- MyProfileView
- ENS-имя
- Код контакта
- NetworkFilter
- NetworksView
- NicknamePopup
- Псевдоним
- NoImageUploadedPanel
- NodeLayout
- NotificationSelect
- NotificationsView
- Сообщения
- PINModal
- PairingModal
- PasswordView
- Создайте пароль
- PermissionsListView
- PrivacyView
- ProfileLayout
- Контакты
- ProfilePopup
- ENS-имя
- Код контакта
- Настройки чата
- Псевдоним
- Нет
- Добавить в контакты
- ProfileSectionStore
- Профиль
- ENS-имена
- Кошелек
- Браузер
- Внешний вид
- Расширенные настройки
- RateView
- ReceiveModal
- Копировать
- RenameAccontModal
- RootStore
- Вы
- SavedAddressesView
- Отменить
- Удалить
- SeedPhraseInputView
- Введите сид-фразу
- Далее
- Импорт
- SelectGeneratedAccount
- SendContactRequestModal
- Вставить
- SendModalFooter
- Неизвестно
- SendModalHeader
- Кому
- SettingsPageLayout
- Отменить
- SignTransactionModal
- Отправить
- Продолжить
- StatusAddressOrEnsValidator
- StatusAddressValidator
- StatusAppCommunityView
- Участники
- StatusAsyncEnsValidator
- StatusAsyncValidator
- StatusBadge
- StatusChatInput
- Отправить
- StatusChatListAndCategories
- больше
- StatusChatListCategoryItem
- больше
- StatusChatListItem
- Включить звук
- StatusChatToolBar
- Поиск
- Участники
- больше
- StatusETHTransactionModal
- StatusExpandableSettingsItemPage
- Резервное копирование сид-фразы
- StatusFloatValidator
- StatusGifColumn
- StatusGifPopup
- StatusIntValidator
- StatusListPicker
- Поиск
- StatusListPickerPage
- StatusMacNotification
- Открыть
- StatusPasswordStrengthIndicator
- StatusSearchListPopup
- StatusSearchLocationMenu
- StatusSearchPopup
- StatusSpellcheckingMenuItems
- StatusStickerMarket
- StatusTagSelectorPage
- StatusTokenInlineSelector
- StatusUrlValidator
- StatusValidator
- StatusWalletColorSelect
- Цвет аккаунта
- StatusWindowsTitleBar
- StoreToKeychainSelectionModal
- TabAddressSelectorView
- TabNetworkAndFees
- Расширенные настройки
- Пользовательские
- TouchIDAuthView
- TransactionBubbleView
- TransactionModal
- TransactionSettingsConfirmationPopup
- Вы уверены?
- TransferOwnershipPopup
- Приватный ключ сообщества
- Копировать
- Скопировано
- UploadProfilePicModal
- Удалить
- Готово
- UserList
- Участники
- UserListPanel
- UserStatusContextMenu
- UsernameLabel
- Вы
- Utils
- WakuNodesModal
- WalletView
- Кошелек
- WelcomeView
- main
diff --git a/ui/i18n/qml_tr.ts b/ui/i18n/qml_tr.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 88ec09ab8b..0000000000
--- a/ui/i18n/qml_tr.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8591 +0,0 @@
- Düzenle
- Ad
- Kaldır
- Bitti
- Ekle
- Bu DApp'e cüzdan adresinizi alma ve Web3'ü etkinleştirme yetkisi verin.
- Erişim izni vermek, DApp'e sohbet anahtarınızı alma yetkisi verir
- Reddet
- İzin ver
- URL girin
- İşlem bekleniyor ...
- Yanlış şifre
- Yeni sekme
- Bul
- Ayarlar
- Bilinmeyen
- Varlıklar
- Geçmiş
- Açık
- İptal
- Yeni sekmede aç
- tamam
- Kaynak
- Veri
- Mesaj
- İmzala
- Şifre ile oturum açın
- Bağlandı
- Sohbet Çevrimdışı
- Gönder
- İstek
- Devam et
- için
- Sonraki
- Ağ ücreti
- . The transaction will probably fail.
- Resim
- Veya
- Davet et
- before %1Between %1 and %2
- Daha fazla mesaj getir
- Welcome to the beginning of the <span style=
- Any messages you send here are encrypted and can only be read by you and <span style=
- Daveti reddet
- Cevap
- Daha
- Error loading the imageLoading image...
- Erişim talep et
- Katıldı
- Katılın
- Sohbette bağlantı önizlemeleri etkinleştirilsin mi?
- Bir daha sorma
- Yeniden gönder
- İşlem İsteği
- Adresi kabul et ve paylaş
- Reddet
- Hesabı seçin
- İmzala ve gönder
- Bekliyor
- Onaylandı
- Adrese talep edildi.
- Adres alındı
- İşlem reddedildi
- Sen
- Clear History
- Geçmişi temizle
- Leave Group
- Gruptan ayrıl
- Remove Contact
- Topluluklar
- - ENS Only
- Sohbetler
- Üyeler
- Invite people
- İnsanları davet et
- Üyelik talepleri
- Edit Category
- Delete Category
- Profili Görüntüle
- Bildirimler
- Kanal oluştur
- Sil
- Üye ekle
- Yeni kanal
- Kanal ismi
- Kanalı açıklayın
- Oluştur
- Üyelik şartı
- Başka bir üyeden davet iste
- Onay gerekli
- Gerek yok
- Yeni üyelerin katılmadan önce belirli kriterleri karşılamasını zorunlu kılabilirsiniz. Bu herhangi bir zamanda değiştirilebilir
- Kaydet
- Üyeler
- Arkadaşlarınızı davet edin
- Kişiler
- Davet et
- Sohbet
- Yeni sohbet başlat
- Grup sohbeti başlat
- Herkese açık sohbete katılın
- Mesaj yok
- Sohbeti paylaş
- Sohbeti sil
- Sohbetten ayrıl
- Statusda aç
- Yönetici
- ↓ Fetch messages
- Mesajları getir
- Yeni grup sohbeti
- Grup sohbeti oluştur
- Tüm kişileriniz zaten grupta
- Admin yap
- Mesaj gönder
- Mesajı sil
- Takma ad
- Yeni sohbet
- Benim profilim
- ENS (vitalik94) veya sohbet anahtarı (0x04…)
- Kişi olmayanlar
- ENS kullanıcı adı
- Sohbet anahtarı
- Sohbet ayarları
- Hiçbiri
- Rehbere ekle
- Sohbet Adı
- Sohbeti başlat
- Kaydet
- Profil
- Uygulama Versiyonu
- Gizlilik Politikası
- Ağ
- Fleet
- Cüzdan
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "S" because the title above is "Seed Phrase"
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "M" because the title above is "Mailserver"
- Görünüm
- Aydınlık
- Aydınlık
- Karanlık
- Sistem
- Kelime imzanızı yedekleyin
- Kelime imzanızı kaybederseniz verilerinizi ve bakiyenizide kaybedersiniz.
- Erişiminizi kaybederseniz, örneğin telefonunuzu kaybederek, anahtarlarınıza yalnızca kelime imzanızla erişebilirsiniz. Ama senin kelime imzan var. Bir yere yaz. Güvende tut.
- Kelime imzalarınızı kontrol edin
- Kelime girin
- Emin misiniz?
- kelime imzanızın tamamını bir daha göremeyeceksiniz
- Tamam, devam et
- Yanlış kelime
- Homepage
- Varsayılan
- Gizlilik
- DApp erişim izinlerini ayarla
- Bitti
- Sohbet bağlantısı önizlemeleri
- Web siteleri
- Hepsini etkinleştir
- Yeni kişi ekle
- Kişi ekle
- Kullanıcı bulunamadı
- Cihazlar
- Lütfen cihazınız için bir ad belirleyin.
- Bir ad belirtin
- Diğer cihazların telefonunuzu bulmasına izin verin
- Kişileri ve sohbetleri aralarında senkronize etmek için cihazlarınızı eşleyin
- Daha fazla bilgi edinin
- Eşleşmiş cihazlar
- Senkronize ediliyor ...
- Tüm cihazları senkronize et
- ENS kullanıcı adlarınız
- Kullanıcı adı eklendi
- Tamam anladım
- İlerlemeyi cüzdanınızın '' İşlem Geçmişi '' bölümünden takip edebilirsiniz.
- Cüzdan adresi
- Anahtar
- Geri
- Birincil kullanıcı adı
- Hey
- Kullanıcı adı ekle
- Kullanıcı adlarınız
- En az 4 karakter. Yalnızca Latin harfleri, sayılar ve küçük harfler
- Sadece harfler ve rakamlar.
- Username.domain.eth gibi özel alan adı dahil olmak üzere tüm kullanıcı adınızı yazın
- Kullanıcı adınız
- ✓ Kullanıcı adı kullanılabilir!
- Devam ederseniz, bu kullanıcı adı sohbet anahtarınıza bağlanır.
- Kullanıcı adı size ait değil :(
- Bu kullanıcı adı daha önce zaten alınmış :(
- Kullanıcı adı sohbet anahtarınıza zaten bağlı ve Status içinde kullanılabilir.
- Devam etmek için kullanıcı adını mevcut sohbet anahtarınıza bağlamaki çin işlem yapmanız gerekiyor.
- Özel alan adı
- Stateofus.eth alan adı istiyorum
- Başka bir alan adında bir isme sahibim
- Fonlar 1 yıl süreyle yatırılır. SNT'niz kilitlenecek, ancak harcanmayacak.
- 1 yıl sonra adınızdan vazgeçebilirsiniz ve depozitonuzu geri alabilirsiniz.Veya isterseniz adınızın kayıtta olması için herhangi bir işlem yapmanıza gerek yok.
- Sözleşme şartları değiştiğinde (örneğin, Status sözleşmede güncellemeler yapıyorsa )Kullanıcı tutulmuş zaman her ne olursa olsun kullanıcı adını serbest bırakmak için hakka sahiptir.
- Sözleşme denetleyicisi yatırdığınız paraya erişemez. Yalnızca onları gönderen adrese geri taşıyabilir.
- Adresleriniz ENS adınızla herkese açık olarak ilişkilendirilecektir.
- Kullanıcı adları stateofus.eth alt etki alanı düğümleri olarak oluşturulur ve ENS akıllı sözleşme koşullarına tabidir.
- Sizin adınıza SNT'yi transfer etmek için sözleşmeye yetki verirsiniz. Bu yalnızca aktarıma yetkilendirmek üzere bir işlemi onayladığınızda oluşabilir.
- Bu koşullar, adreslerdeki akıllı sözleşme mantığı ile garanti edilir:
- 10 SNT
- Depozito
- Yeterli SNT yok
- Kayıt ol
- Evrensel bir kullanıcı adı edinin
- ENS adları bu çılgın adresleri benzersiz kullanıcı adlarına dönüştürür.
- Sohbet adınızı özelleştirin
- ETH adresinizi basitleştirin
- Onaltılık karma (0x ...) yerine paylaşması kolay ENS adınıza para alabilirsiniz.
- Sohbette işlem alın
- Diğer herkes size tek bir adımda para gönderebilir.
- Kayıt için 10 snt gerekli
- Sadece bir kez kayıt olun ve o ad sizin olsun.1 yıl sonra isterseniz adınızdan vazgeçebilir ve Sntlerinizi geri alabilirsiniz.
- Zaten bir kullanıcı adınız var mı?
- Sonraki adımlarda sahip olduğunuz kullanıcı adlarınızı doğrulayabilir ve ekleyebilirsiniz.
- Powered by Ethereum İsim Hizmetleri
- Yalnızca Mainnet'te kullanılabilir
- Kullanıcı adını kaydetmek için lütfen tekrar deneyin.
- Uyarı!
- Terimler sözlüğü
- Hesap
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "A" because the title above is "Account"
- Sohbet Anahtarı
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "C" because the title above is "Chat Key"
- Status sohbet protokolündeki mesajlar şifreleme anahtarları kullanılarak gönderilir ve alınır. Genel sohbet anahtarları sizin Status ile mesaj gönderilmesi için başkalarıyla paylaştığınız bir karakter dizisidir.
- Sohbet Adı
- Sohbet anahtarınızdan algoritmik olarak türetilen ve sohbette varsayılan takma adınız olarak kullanılan üç rastgele kelimedir. Sohbet adları tamamen benzersizdir; başka hiçbir kullanıcı aynı üç kelimeye sahip olamaz.
- ENS Adı
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "E" because the title above is "ENS Name"
- Ethereum Name Service'i kullanarak kaydedebileceğiniz sohbet anahtarınız için özel takma ad. ENS isimleri merkezi olmayan kullanıcı isimleridir.
- Status nodesi
- Status ağında iletileri 30 güne kadar yönlendiren ve depolayan bir node.
- Eş
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "P" because the title above is "Peer"
- Kelime imzanız
- Sıkça Sorulan Sorular
- Bir hata gönderin
- Bir özellik isteyin
- Dil
- Sessize Al
- Hesap oturumu kapatılacak. Tekrar kilidini açtığınızda, seçilen ağ kullanılır
- Ağ ekle
- RPC URL'si
- Bir RPC URL'si belirtin
- Ağ zinciri
- Main network
- Ana ağ
- Ropsten test ağı
- Rinkeby test ağı
- Özel
- Ağ kimliği
- Ana ağlar
- Test ağları
- Özel ağlar
- Bildirim Tercihleri
- Güvenlik
- Senkronizasyon ayarları
- Status nodesi ekle
- Hesap adı
- Türü
- Yalnızca İzle
- Staus ağacı kapalı
- Status ağacında
- Türetme yolu
- Depolama
- Bu cihaz
- Hesabı sil
- Özel token ekle
- Sözleşme adresi
- Sembol
- Basamaklı
- Toplam değer
- Al
- İmza kelimenizi yedekleyin
- alıcı
- İşlem başarısız oldu
- Para birimini ayarla
- Kelime imzası
- Bu sizin kelime imzanız
- Her bir işlemi imzalamadan önce bu 3 kelimeyi görmelisiniz
- Farklı bir kombinasyon görürseniz işlemi iptal edin ve oturumu kapatın
- Bunu tekrar göster
- Hesap ayarları
- Koleksiyon
- Bir hesap oluştur
- Yalnızca izleme adresi ekleyin
- Kelime imzası girin
- Özel bir anahtar girin
- Özel Anahtarı Hesabına Ekle
- Şifre
- Özel anahtar
- Yükleniyor...
- Bir hesap ekle
- Kelime imzasıyla hesap ekle
- Kelime imzanız
- Yalnızca izlenen bir hesap ekleyin
- Hesap adresi
- Token detayları
- Tokeni Sil
- Ödeme detayları
- İşlemin 12 onayı olduğunda, işlemin tamamlanmış olduğunu düşünebilirsiniz.
- Engelle
- Hash
- Gas limiti
- Gaz fiyatı
- Gas kullanılıyor
- nonce
- Bir şeyler yanlış gitti
- Görünüm
- Açıklama
- Tarayıcı
- Zaman çizelgesi
- Şifre oluştur
- Kelime imzanızı girin
- Bu kelime imzası desteklenebilen kelimeler ile eşleşmiyor. Yanlış yazılmış kelimeleri kontrol edin.
- Geçersiz kelime imzası
- Bir sohbet adı seçin
- Gerçekten özel iletişim
- Güvenli kripto cüzdanı
- Merkezi olmayan uygulamalar
- Get your keys
- Anahtarlarını al
- A set of keys controls your account. Your keys live on your device, so only you can use them.
- Şifre girin
- Enter passwordConnecting...
- Bağlanıyor...
- Senin anahtarların
- Anahtarlarınızı yeniden şifrelemek için yeni bir kod veya şifre oluşturmanız gerekecek
- Anahtarlarınızı yeniden şifreleyin
- Yapıştır
- use-suggestions
- Maximum priority fee: %1 ETH
- Hesap rengi
- Onayla
- Gelişmiş
- Gwei
- Uygula
- Gas için yeterli ETH yok
- Kopyalandı
- Copy to clipboard
- Kopyala
- Adres
- İletişim
- Arama
- Mesajlar
- Varlık
- Miktar
- İşlem gönder
- İşlem iste
- Genel sohbet
- Ekli Değil
- Mesaj
- ◊ Yükle
- ↓ Ücretsiz
- Güncelleme
- Son kullanılan etiketler burada görünecek
- Çıkartma Al
- Erişimi iptal et
- Daha fazla göster
- Hepsi
- Show read notificationsHide read notifications
- Bildirim ayarları
- You need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messagesYou need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messagesWaiting for %1 to accept your request
- İçe Aktar
- Yedekleme
- Topluluğunuza katılmak ücretsizdir, ancak yeni üyelerin önce topluluk oluşturucu tarafından onaylanması gerekir
- Topluluğunuza yalnızca mevcut topluluk üyelerinden gelen bir davetle katılabilir
- Topluluğunuz herkesin katılması için ücretsizdir
- Dil
- Before you get started...
- I acknowledge that Status Desktop is in Beta and by using it, I take the full responsibility for all risks concerning my data and funds.
- Terms of Use
- Kullanım Şartları
- Get Started
- Başlayın
- Şimdi
- AcceptRejectOptionsButtonsPanel
- Profili Görüntüle
- AccountView
- Türü
- Depolama
- ActivityCenterMessageComponentView
- AddAccountModal
- Gelişmiş
- AddEditSavedAddressPopup
- Ad
- Adres
- Kaydet
- AddFavoriteModal
- Yapıştır
- Ad
- AddShowTokenModal
- AddWakuNodeModal
- AdvancedView
- AppMain
- AppSearch
- AppearanceView
- BeforeGetStartedModal
- Gizlilik Politikası
- BlockContactConfirmationDialog
- BrowserView
- BrowserWebEngineView
- ChangePasswordModal
- ChangePasswordSuccessModal
- ChatContentView
- ChatContextMenuView
- Gruptan ayrıl
- Kaydet
- Sil
- ChatView
- Üyeler
- CollectibleCollectionView
- CollectibleDetailView
- CollectibleDetailsHeader
- Gönder
- CollectibleModal
- CollectiblesStore
- Koleksiyon
- CollectiblesView
- CommunitiesPopup
- Topluluklar
- Bir topluluk oluşturun
- CommunityChannelsAndCategoriesBannerPanel
- CommunityDetailPopup
- Bekliyor
- CommunityEditSettingsPanel
- Akılda kalıcı bir isim
- Açıklama
- CommunityMembersSettingsPanel
- Üyeler
- CommunityOverviewSettingsPanel
- CommunityProfilePopup
- Üyeler
- CommunityProfilePopupInviteFriendsPanel
- Kişiler
- CommunityProfilePopupMembersListPanel
- CommunityProfilePopupOverviewPanel
- CommunitySettingsView
- Üyeler
- Bildirimler
- Ayarlar
- CommunityUserList
- Üyeler
- ConfirmAppRestartModal
- ConfirmPasswordView
- ConfirmationDialog
- Onayla
- İptal
- Constants
- ContactPanel
- Profili Görüntüle
- Mesaj gönder
- ContactsColumnView
- Sohbeti başlat
- ContactsListAndSearch
- ContactsListPanel
- ContactsView
- Kişiler
- CreateCategoryPopup
- CreateChannelPopup
- Kanal ismi
- Açıklama
- Kanalı açıklayın
- CreateChatView
- Kişiler
- CreateCommunityPopup
- Topluluğunuzu adlandırın
- Akılda kalıcı bir isim
- Kısa bir açıklama yapın
- Topluluk rengi
- CreatePasswordModal
- CreatePasswordView
- CryptoServicesModal
- CurrenciesStore
- DefaultDAppExplorerView
- DemoApp
- İnsanları davet et
- DerivationPathsPanel
- DerivedAddressesPanel
- Hesap
- DisplayNamePopup
- Düzenle
- tamam
- DownloadPage
- EditCroppedImagePanel
- EnsDetailsView
- Cüzdan adresi
- Anahtar
- EnsReleasedView
- EnsSearchView
- EnsTermsAndConditionsView
- ExemptionNotificationsModal
- Bitti
- FetchMoreMessagesButton
- GasSelector
- GroupInfoPopup
- HomePageView
- ImageCropperModal
- Bitti
- ImportSeedPhrasePanel
- InsertCard
- İptal
- InsertDetailsView
- Sonraki
- InviteFriendsPopup
- KeycardCreatePINModal
- KeysMainView
- Kelime imzası girin
- LanguageView
- Dil
- Layout
- İnsanları davet et
- LeftTabView
- Ayarlar
- LoginView
- tamam
- MainView
- MenuPanel
- Ayarlar
- MessageContextMenuView
- MessagingView
- Kişiler
- MyProfileView
- ENS kullanıcı adı
- Sohbet anahtarı
- NetworkFilter
- NetworksView
- NicknamePopup
- Takma ad
- NoImageUploadedPanel
- NodeLayout
- NotificationSelect
- NotificationsView
- Mesajlar
- PINModal
- PairingModal
- PasswordView
- Şifre oluştur
- PermissionsListView
- PrivacyView
- ProfileLayout
- Kişiler
- ProfilePopup
- ENS kullanıcı adı
- Sohbet anahtarı
- Sohbet ayarları
- Takma ad
- Hiçbiri
- Rehbere ekle
- ProfileSectionStore
- Profil
- ENS kullanıcı adlarınız
- Cüzdan
- Tarayıcı
- Görünüm
- Gelişmiş
- RateView
- ReceiveModal
- Kopyala
- RenameAccontModal
- RootStore
- Sen
- SavedAddressesView
- İptal
- Sil
- SeedPhraseInputView
- Kelime imzanızı girin
- Sonraki
- İçe Aktar
- SelectGeneratedAccount
- SendContactRequestModal
- Yapıştır
- SendModalFooter
- Bilinmeyen
- SendModalHeader
- için
- SettingsPageLayout
- İptal
- SignTransactionModal
- Gönder
- Devam et
- StatusAddressOrEnsValidator
- StatusAddressValidator
- StatusAppCommunityView
- Üyeler
- StatusAsyncEnsValidator
- StatusAsyncValidator
- StatusBadge
- StatusChatInput
- Gönder
- StatusChatListAndCategories
- Daha
- StatusChatListCategoryItem
- Daha
- StatusChatListItem
- Sessize Al
- StatusChatToolBar
- Arama
- Üyeler
- Daha
- StatusETHTransactionModal
- StatusExpandableSettingsItemPage
- Kelime imzanızı yedekleyin
- StatusFloatValidator
- StatusGifColumn
- StatusGifPopup
- StatusIntValidator
- StatusListPicker
- Arama
- StatusListPickerPage
- StatusMacNotification
- Açık
- StatusPasswordStrengthIndicator
- StatusSearchListPopup
- StatusSearchLocationMenu
- StatusSearchPopup
- StatusSpellcheckingMenuItems
- StatusStickerMarket
- StatusTagSelectorPage
- StatusTokenInlineSelector
- Veya
- StatusUrlValidator
- StatusValidator
- StatusWalletColorSelect
- Hesap rengi
- StatusWindowsTitleBar
- StoreToKeychainSelectionModal
- TabAddressSelectorView
- TabNetworkAndFees
- Gelişmiş
- Özel
- TouchIDAuthView
- TransactionBubbleView
- TransactionModal
- TransactionSettingsConfirmationPopup
- Emin misiniz?
- TransferOwnershipPopup
- Topluluk özel anahtarı
- Kopyala
- Kopyalandı
- UploadProfilePicModal
- Kaldır
- Bitti
- UserList
- Üyeler
- UserListPanel
- UserStatusContextMenu
- UsernameLabel
- Sen
- Utils
- WakuNodesModal
- WalletView
- Cüzdan
- WelcomeView
- main
diff --git a/ui/i18n/qml_ur.ts b/ui/i18n/qml_ur.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 6abaaa6dc3..0000000000
--- a/ui/i18n/qml_ur.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8268 +0,0 @@
- تصحیح
- نام
- نکالیں
- ہو گیا
- غلط پاسورڈ
- سیٹنگز
- نامعلوم
- منسوخ کریں
- سے
- ڈیٹا
- پیغام
- بجانب
- اگلا
- . The transaction will probably fail.
- before %1Between %1 and %2
- مزید
- Error loading the imageLoading image...
- آپ
- Clear History
- تاریخ مٹا دیں
- Remove Contact
- - ENS Only
- چیٹ
- ممبران
- Invite people
- Edit Category
- Delete Category
- ممبران شامل کریں
- محفوظ کریں
- ممبران
- رابطے
- عوامی چیٹ میں شامل ہوں
- کوئی پیغام نہیں
- چیٹ کو حذف کریں
- ↓ Fetch messages
- نئی گروپ چیٹ
- چیٹ کی سیٹنگز
- کوئی نہیں
- اپنے رابطوں میں درج کریں
- چیٹ کا نام
- محفوظ کریں
- پروفائل
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "S" because the title above is "Seed Phrase"
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "M" because the title above is "Mailserver"
- Homepage
- سنکرونائز ہو رہا ہے
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "A" because the title above is "Account"
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "C" because the title above is "Chat Key"
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "E" because the title above is "ENS Name"
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "P" because the title above is "Peer"
- Main network
- وصول کنندہ
- پاسورڈ
- Get your keys
- A set of keys controls your account. Your keys live on your device, so only you can use them.
- Enter passwordConnecting...
- use-suggestions
- Maximum priority fee: %1 ETH
- Copy to clipboard
- پتہ
- رقم
- لین دین بھیجیں
- کوئی پیغام ٹائپ کریں....
- Show read notificationsHide read notifications
- You need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messagesYou need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messagesWaiting for %1 to accept your request
- Before you get started...
- I acknowledge that Status Desktop is in Beta and by using it, I take the full responsibility for all risks concerning my data and funds.
- Terms of Use
- Get Started
- AcceptRejectOptionsButtonsPanel
- AccountView
- ActivityCenterMessageComponentView
- AddAccountModal
- AddEditSavedAddressPopup
- نام
- پتہ
- محفوظ کریں
- AddFavoriteModal
- نام
- AddShowTokenModal
- AddWakuNodeModal
- AdvancedView
- AppMain
- AppSearch
- AppearanceView
- BeforeGetStartedModal
- BlockContactConfirmationDialog
- BrowserView
- BrowserWebEngineView
- ChangePasswordModal
- ChangePasswordSuccessModal
- ChatContentView
- ChatContextMenuView
- محفوظ کریں
- ChatView
- ممبران
- CollectibleCollectionView
- CollectibleDetailView
- CollectibleDetailsHeader
- CollectibleModal
- CollectiblesStore
- CollectiblesView
- CommunitiesPopup
- CommunityChannelsAndCategoriesBannerPanel
- CommunityDetailPopup
- CommunityEditSettingsPanel
- CommunityMembersSettingsPanel
- ممبران
- CommunityOverviewSettingsPanel
- CommunityProfilePopup
- ممبران
- CommunityProfilePopupInviteFriendsPanel
- رابطے
- CommunityProfilePopupMembersListPanel
- CommunityProfilePopupOverviewPanel
- CommunitySettingsView
- ممبران
- سیٹنگز
- CommunityUserList
- ممبران
- ConfirmAppRestartModal
- ConfirmPasswordView
- ConfirmationDialog
- منسوخ کریں
- Constants
- ContactPanel
- ContactsColumnView
- ContactsListAndSearch
- ContactsListPanel
- ContactsView
- رابطے
- CreateCategoryPopup
- CreateChannelPopup
- CreateChatView
- رابطے
- CreateCommunityPopup
- CreatePasswordModal
- CreatePasswordView
- CryptoServicesModal
- CurrenciesStore
- DefaultDAppExplorerView
- DemoApp
- DerivationPathsPanel
- DerivedAddressesPanel
- DisplayNamePopup
- تصحیح
- DownloadPage
- EditCroppedImagePanel
- EnsDetailsView
- EnsReleasedView
- EnsSearchView
- EnsTermsAndConditionsView
- ExemptionNotificationsModal
- ہو گیا
- FetchMoreMessagesButton
- GasSelector
- GroupInfoPopup
- HomePageView
- ImportSeedPhrasePanel
- InsertCard
- منسوخ کریں
- InsertDetailsView
- اگلا
- InviteFriendsPopup
- KeycardCreatePINModal
- KeysMainView
- LanguageView
- Layout
- LeftTabView
- سیٹنگز
- LoginView
- MainView
- MenuPanel
- سیٹنگز
- MessageContextMenuView
- MessagingView
- رابطے
- MyProfileView
- NetworkFilter
- NetworksView
- NicknamePopup
- NoImageUploadedPanel
- NodeLayout
- NotificationSelect
- NotificationsView
- PINModal
- PairingModal
- PasswordView
- PermissionsListView
- PrivacyView
- ProfileLayout
- رابطے
- ProfilePopup
- چیٹ کی سیٹنگز
- کوئی نہیں
- اپنے رابطوں میں درج کریں
- ProfileSectionStore
- پروفائل
- RateView
- ReceiveModal
- RenameAccontModal
- RootStore
- آپ
- SavedAddressesView
- منسوخ کریں
- SeedPhraseInputView
- اگلا
- SelectGeneratedAccount
- SendContactRequestModal
- SendModalFooter
- نامعلوم
- SendModalHeader
- بجانب
- SettingsPageLayout
- منسوخ کریں
- SignTransactionModal
- StatusAddressOrEnsValidator
- StatusAddressValidator
- StatusAppCommunityView
- ممبران
- StatusAsyncEnsValidator
- StatusAsyncValidator
- StatusBadge
- StatusChatInput
- StatusChatListAndCategories
- مزید
- StatusChatListCategoryItem
- مزید
- StatusChatListItem
- StatusChatToolBar
- ممبران
- مزید
- StatusETHTransactionModal
- StatusExpandableSettingsItemPage
- StatusFloatValidator
- StatusGifColumn
- StatusGifPopup
- StatusIntValidator
- StatusListPicker
- StatusListPickerPage
- StatusMacNotification
- StatusPasswordStrengthIndicator
- StatusSearchListPopup
- StatusSearchLocationMenu
- StatusSearchPopup
- StatusSpellcheckingMenuItems
- StatusStickerMarket
- StatusTagSelectorPage
- StatusTokenInlineSelector
- StatusUrlValidator
- StatusValidator
- StatusWalletColorSelect
- StatusWindowsTitleBar
- StoreToKeychainSelectionModal
- TabAddressSelectorView
- TabNetworkAndFees
- TouchIDAuthView
- TransactionBubbleView
- TransactionModal
- TransactionSettingsConfirmationPopup
- TransferOwnershipPopup
- UploadProfilePicModal
- نکالیں
- ہو گیا
- UserList
- ممبران
- UserListPanel
- UserStatusContextMenu
- UsernameLabel
- آپ
- Utils
- WakuNodesModal
- WalletView
- WelcomeView
- main
diff --git a/ui/i18n/qml_zh.ts b/ui/i18n/qml_zh.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index dc6cb19108..0000000000
--- a/ui/i18n/qml_zh.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8598 +0,0 @@
- 编辑
- 名称
- 删除
- 完成
- 添加
- 允许授权此DApp以检索您的钱包地址, 并启用Web3
- 授予此DApp访问权限以查看您的聊天码
- 拒绝
- 允许
- 输入网址
- 交易待确定…
- 密码错误
- 新选项卡
- 查找
- 设置
- 未知
- 资产
- 历史记录
- 打开
- 取消
- 在新选项卡中打开
- 确定
- 从
- 数据
- 消息
- 签名
- 使用密码签署
- 已连接
- 离线聊天
- 发送
- 请求
- 继续
- 到
- 下一步
- 网络费
- . The transaction will probably fail.
- 图像
- 或
- 邀请
- before %1Between %1 and %2
- ↓获取更多消息
- Welcome to the beginning of the <span style=
- Any messages you send here are encrypted and can only be read by you and <span style=
- 拒绝邀请
- 回复
- 更多
- Error loading the imageLoading image...
- 申请加入
- 已加入
- 加入
- 在聊天中启用链接预览?
- 不再询问我
- 重新发送
- 交易请求
- 同意并分享地址
- 拒绝
- 选择帐号
- 签名并发送
- 等待中
- 已确认
- 已请求地址
- 已收到地址
- 交易被拒绝
- 您
- Clear History
- 清空历史记录
- Leave Group
- 退群
- Remove Contact
- 社区
- - ENS Only
- 聊天
- 成员
- Invite people
- 邀请其他人
- 加入申请
- Edit Category
- Delete Category
- 查看个人资料
- 通知
- 创建频道
- 刪除
- 添加成员
- 新频道
- 频道名称
- 渠道简介
- 置顶的消息
- 创建
- 加入条件
- 需要其他成员的邀请
- 需要取得同意
- 无要求
- 您可以要求新成员在加入前满足某些条件。这些条件可以随时更改
- 保存
- 成员
- 邀请好友
- 联系人
- 邀请
- 聊天
- 开始新聊天
- 开始群聊
- 加入公共聊天
- 无消息
- 分享聊天
- 刪除聊天
- 退出聊天
- 在Status中打开
- 管理员
- ↓ Fetch messages
- ↓获取消息
- 新的群聊
- 创建群聊
- 您的所有联系人都已在群组中
- 设置管理员
- 取消置顶
- 置顶
- 发送消息
- 删除消息
- 昵称
- 新聊天
- 我的个人资料
- ENS(vitalik94)或聊天码(0x04…)
- 非联系人
- ENS用户名
- 聊天码
- 聊天设置
- 无
- 添加到联系人
- 聊天名称
- 开始聊天
- 保存
- 个人资料
- 应用版本
- 隐私政策
- 网络
- 组别
- 钱包
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "S" because the title above is "Seed Phrase"
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "M" because the title above is "Mailserver"
- 显示
- 白天模式
- 白天模式
- 夜晚模式
- 智能模式
- 备份助记词
- 如果您丢失了您的助记词, 您也同时失去了您的数据和资金
- 如果您失去了访问权限(例如,丢失了手机),则只能使用助记词访问密钥。除了您没有任何其他人有您的助记词。请将其写下来并安全保存
- 查看您的助记词
- 输入单词
- 确定吗?
- 您将无法再次查看整个助记词
- 好的,继续
- 错误的单词
- Homepage
- 默认
- 隐私
- 设置DApp访问权限
- 完成
- 聊天中的链接预览
- 网站
- 全部启用
- 添加新联系人
- 添加联系人
- 未找到用户
- 设备
- 请为您的设备设置名称。
- 指定名称
- 广告设备
- 配对您的设备,以在它们之间同步联系人和聊天
- 了解更多
- 已配对设备
- 正在同步...
- 同步所有设备
- ENS用户名
- 用户名已添加
- 好的, 知道了
- 您可以在钱包的"交易历史记录"中关注进度。
- 钱包地址
- 密钥
- 返回
- 主用户名
- 嘿
- 添加用户名
- 您的用户名
- 至少4个字符。仅限拉丁字母、数字和小写字母。
- 仅限字母和数字。
- 输入完整的用户名,包括自定义域,例如username.domain.eth
- 您的用户名
- ✓用户名可用!
- 如果继续,会将此用户名与您的聊天码关联。
- 用户名不属于您 :(
- 用户名已被占用 :(
- 用户名已与您的聊天码关联,可以在Status中使用。
- 如果继续,将需要通过一笔交易将用户名与您当前的聊天码关联起来。
- 自定义域名
- 我想要一个stateofus.eth域名
- 我在其他域上拥有名称
- 资金存入1年。您的SNT将被锁定,但不会被花费。
- 1年后,您可以释放名称并赎回您的押金,或者不采取任何措施保留该名称。
- 如果合约条款发生变化(例如,Status升级合约),用户有权释放用户名,无论持有时间长短。
- 合约控制者无法访问您缴纳的押金。它们只能原路返回发送它们的钱包地址。
- 您的地址将与您的ENS名称公开关联。
- 用户名创建为stateofus.eth的子域节点,并受ENS智能合约条款的约束。
- 您授权合约代表您转发SNT。仅当您批准交易以授权转发时,才会出现这种情况。
- 这些条款由下列地址的智能合约逻辑保证:
- 10 SNT
- 存款
- SNT不足
- 注册
- 获取通用用户名
- ENS名称将那些冗长的地址转换为独一无二的用户名。
- 自定义聊天名称
- 简化您的ETH地址
- 您可以使用易于共享的ENS名称而不是十六进制哈希(0x ...)来接收资金。
- 在聊天中接收交易
- 其他人可以在聊天中通过一个简单的操作向您汇款。
- 注册需要10个SNT
- 注册一次就可以永久保留该用户名。1年后,您可以解绑用户名,并赎回您的SNT。
- 已经拥有用户名?
- 您可以在后续步骤中验证并添加您拥有的任何用户名。
- 由以太坊名称服务提供支持
- 仅适用于主网
- 要注册用户名,请重试。
- 警告!
- 词汇
- 帐户
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "A" because the title above is "Account"
- 聊天码
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "C" because the title above is "Chat Key"
- 在Status聊天协议中使用加密密钥发送和接收消息。公共聊天码是您与他人分享的一串字符,在Status中用于其他人向您发送消息。
- 聊天名称
- 三个随机的词,通过算法从您的聊天码中派生,并用作您在聊天中的默认别名。聊天名称是独一无二的;没有任何其他用户可以拥有相同的三个词。
- ENS名称
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "E" because the title above is "ENS Name"
- 您可以使用以太坊名称服务(ENS)为您的聊天码注册的自定义别名。ENS名称是去中心化的用户名。
- Status节点
- Status网络中路由和存储消息的节点,最多存储30天的消息。
- 对等点
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "P" because the title above is "Peer"
- 助记词
- 常见问题
- 提交错误
- 请求功能
- 语言
- 取消静音
- 该帐户将被注销。再次解锁时,将使用所选的网络
- 添加网络
- 指定一个RPC URL
- 网链
- Main network
- 主网
- Ropsten测试网络
- Rinkeby测试网络
- 自定义
- 网络ID
- 主网
- 测试网络
- 自定义网络
- 通知首选项
- 安全
- 同步设置
- 添加Status节点
- 帐户名称
- 类型
- 仅限观察
- 不在Status树上
- 在Status树上
- 派生路径
- 存储
- 本设备
- 删除帐户
- 添加自定义代币
- 合约地址
- 符号
- 小数点
- 总价值
- 接收
- 备份您的助记词
- 接收入
- 交易失败
- 设置货币
- 签名短语
- 这是您的签名短语
- 在签署每笔交易之前, 您应看到这3个单词
- 如果您看到不同的组合, 请取消交易并注销
- 给我再显示
- 帐户设置
- 收藏物
- 生成帐户
- 添加仅限观察的地址
- 输入助记词
- 输入私钥
- 通过私钥添加帐户
- 密码
- 私钥
- 载入中...
- 添加帐户
- 使用助记词添加帐户
- 助记词
- 添加仅限观察的帐户
- 帐户地址
- 代币详细信息
- 删除代币
- 交易明细
- 当交易达到 12 个确认时,您可以认为交易已成功。
- 屏蔽
- 哈希
- Gas限制
- Gas价格
- 使用的Gas
- 随机数
- 出错
- 查看
- 描述
- 浏览器
- 时间轴
- 创建密码
- 输入助记词
- 该助记词与我们支持的词库不匹配。请检查是否存在拼写错误。
- 助记词无效
- 选择一个聊天名称
- 真正的私密交流
- 安全加密钱包
- 去中心化应用程序
- Get your keys
- 获取密钥
- A set of keys controls your account. Your keys live on your device, so only you can use them.
- 输入密码
- Enter passwordConnecting...
- 正在连接...
- 您的密钥
- 您必须创建新的代码或密码才能重新加密密钥
- 重新加密密钥
- 粘贴
- use-suggestions
- Maximum priority fee: %1 ETH
- 帐户颜色
- 确认
- 高级
- 应用
- ETH不足以支付gas费
- 已复制
- Copy to clipboard
- 复制
- 地址
- 联系人
- 搜索
- 消息
- 资产
- 金额
- 发送交易
- 请求交易
- 公共聊天
- 非联系人
- 消息
- ↓安装
- ↓免费
- 更新
- 最近使用的贴纸将显示在此处
- 获取贴纸
- 撤消访问权限
- 显示更多
- 全部
- Show read notificationsHide read notifications
- 通知设置
- You need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messagesYou need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messagesWaiting for %1 to accept your request
- 导入
- 备份
- 您的社区可以自由加入,但是新成员首次必须先获得社区创建者的同意
- 您的社区只能通过现有社区成员的邀请才能加入
- 任何人都可以自由加入您的社区
- 已达到置顶数上限。请先取消一条之前置顶的消息。
- 语言
- Before you get started...
- I acknowledge that Status Desktop is in Beta and by using it, I take the full responsibility for all risks concerning my data and funds.
- Terms of Use
- 使用条款
- Get Started
- 开始
- 现在
- AcceptRejectOptionsButtonsPanel
- 查看个人资料
- AccountView
- 类型
- 存储
- ActivityCenterMessageComponentView
- AddAccountModal
- 高级
- AddEditSavedAddressPopup
- 名称
- 地址
- 保存
- AddFavoriteModal
- 粘贴
- 名称
- AddShowTokenModal
- AddWakuNodeModal
- AdvancedView
- AppMain
- AppSearch
- AppearanceView
- BeforeGetStartedModal
- 隐私政策
- BlockContactConfirmationDialog
- BrowserView
- BrowserWebEngineView
- ChangePasswordModal
- ChangePasswordSuccessModal
- ChatContentView
- ChatContextMenuView
- 退群
- 保存
- 刪除
- ChatView
- 成员
- CollectibleCollectionView
- CollectibleDetailView
- CollectibleDetailsHeader
- 发送
- CollectibleModal
- CollectiblesStore
- 收藏物
- CollectiblesView
- CommunitiesPopup
- 社区
- 创建社区
- CommunityChannelsAndCategoriesBannerPanel
- CommunityDetailPopup
- 等待中
- CommunityEditSettingsPanel
- 容易记住的名称
- 描述
- CommunityMembersSettingsPanel
- 成员
- CommunityOverviewSettingsPanel
- CommunityProfilePopup
- 成员
- CommunityProfilePopupInviteFriendsPanel
- 联系人
- CommunityProfilePopupMembersListPanel
- CommunityProfilePopupOverviewPanel
- CommunitySettingsView
- 成员
- 通知
- 设置
- CommunityUserList
- 成员
- ConfirmAppRestartModal
- ConfirmPasswordView
- ConfirmationDialog
- 确认
- 取消
- Constants
- ContactPanel
- 查看个人资料
- 发送消息
- ContactsColumnView
- 开始聊天
- ContactsListAndSearch
- ContactsListPanel
- ContactsView
- 联系人
- CreateCategoryPopup
- CreateChannelPopup
- 频道名称
- 描述
- 渠道简介
- CreateChatView
- 联系人
- CreateCommunityPopup
- 命名您的社区
- 容易记住的名称
- 请简短描述
- 社区颜色
- CreatePasswordModal
- CreatePasswordView
- CryptoServicesModal
- CurrenciesStore
- DefaultDAppExplorerView
- DemoApp
- 邀请其他人
- DerivationPathsPanel
- DerivedAddressesPanel
- 帐户
- DisplayNamePopup
- 编辑
- 确定
- DownloadPage
- EditCroppedImagePanel
- EnsDetailsView
- 钱包地址
- 密钥
- EnsReleasedView
- EnsSearchView
- EnsTermsAndConditionsView
- ExemptionNotificationsModal
- 完成
- FetchMoreMessagesButton
- GasSelector
- GroupInfoPopup
- HomePageView
- ImageCropperModal
- 完成
- ImportSeedPhrasePanel
- InsertCard
- 取消
- InsertDetailsView
- 下一步
- InviteFriendsPopup
- KeycardCreatePINModal
- KeysMainView
- 输入助记词
- LanguageView
- 语言
- Layout
- 邀请其他人
- LeftTabView
- 设置
- LoginView
- 确定
- MainView
- MenuPanel
- 设置
- MessageContextMenuView
- MessagingView
- 联系人
- MyProfileView
- ENS用户名
- 聊天码
- NetworkFilter
- NetworksView
- NicknamePopup
- 昵称
- NoImageUploadedPanel
- NodeLayout
- NotificationSelect
- NotificationsView
- 消息
- PINModal
- PairingModal
- PasswordView
- 创建密码
- PermissionsListView
- PinnedMessagesPopup
- 取消置顶
- PrivacyView
- ProfileLayout
- 联系人
- ProfilePopup
- ENS用户名
- 聊天码
- 聊天设置
- 昵称
- 无
- 添加到联系人
- ProfileSectionStore
- 个人资料
- ENS用户名
- 钱包
- 浏览器
- 显示
- 高级
- RateView
- ReceiveModal
- 复制
- RenameAccontModal
- RootStore
- 您
- SavedAddressesView
- 取消
- 刪除
- SeedPhraseInputView
- 输入助记词
- 下一步
- 导入
- SelectGeneratedAccount
- SendContactRequestModal
- 粘贴
- SendModalFooter
- 未知
- SendModalHeader
- 到
- SettingsPageLayout
- 取消
- SignTransactionModal
- 发送
- 继续
- StatusAddressOrEnsValidator
- StatusAddressValidator
- StatusAppCommunityView
- 成员
- StatusAsyncEnsValidator
- StatusAsyncValidator
- StatusBadge
- StatusChatInput
- 发送
- StatusChatListAndCategories
- 更多
- StatusChatListCategoryItem
- 更多
- StatusChatListItem
- 取消静音
- StatusChatToolBar
- 搜索
- 成员
- 更多
- StatusETHTransactionModal
- StatusExpandableSettingsItemPage
- 备份助记词
- StatusFloatValidator
- StatusGifColumn
- StatusGifPopup
- StatusIntValidator
- StatusListPicker
- 搜索
- StatusListPickerPage
- StatusMacNotification
- 打开
- StatusPasswordStrengthIndicator
- StatusSearchListPopup
- StatusSearchLocationMenu
- StatusSearchPopup
- StatusSpellcheckingMenuItems
- StatusStickerMarket
- StatusTagSelectorPage
- StatusTokenInlineSelector
- 或
- StatusUrlValidator
- StatusValidator
- StatusWalletColorSelect
- 帐户颜色
- StatusWindowsTitleBar
- StoreToKeychainSelectionModal
- TabAddressSelectorView
- TabNetworkAndFees
- 高级
- 自定义
- TouchIDAuthView
- TransactionBubbleView
- TransactionModal
- TransactionSettingsConfirmationPopup
- 确定吗?
- TransferOwnershipPopup
- 社区私钥
- 复制
- 已复制
- UploadProfilePicModal
- 删除
- 完成
- UserList
- 成员
- UserListPanel
- UserStatusContextMenu
- UsernameLabel
- 您
- Utils
- WakuNodesModal
- WalletView
- 钱包
- WelcomeView
- main
diff --git a/ui/i18n/qml_zh_TW.ts b/ui/i18n/qml_zh_TW.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 63de8c3cb7..0000000000
--- a/ui/i18n/qml_zh_TW.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8598 +0,0 @@
- 編輯
- 網址
- 名稱
- 移除
- 完成
- 新增
- 允許授權此DApp檢索您的錢包地址並啟用Web3
- 同意授權此DApp檢索您的聊天金鑰
- 拒絕
- 允許
- 輸入網址
- 交易待處理...
- 密碼錯誤
- 新分頁
- 搜尋
- 設定
- 未知
- 資產
- 歷史紀錄
- 打開
- 取消
- 用新分頁開啟
- 確定
- 從
- 數據
- 留言
- 確認
- 輸入密碼確認
- 已連結
- 離線聊天
- 發送
- 請求
- 繼續
- 到
- 下一個
- 網路費用
- . The transaction will probably fail.
- 圖片
- 或
- 邀請
- before %1Between %1 and %2
- ↓取得更多訊息
- Welcome to the beginning of the <span style=
- Any messages you send here are encrypted and can only be read by you and <span style=
- 拒絕邀請
- 回覆
- 更多
- Error loading the imageLoading image...
- 申請加入
- 已加入
- 加入
- 啟用聊天中的連結預覽?
- 不再詢問我
- 重新傳送
- 交易請求
- 接受並分享地址
- 拒絕
- 選擇帳號
- 簽名並傳送
- 等待中
- 已確認
- 地址請求
- 接收位址
- 交易被拒絕
- 您
- Clear History
- 清除歷史記錄
- Leave Group
- 退出群組
- Remove Contact
- 社群
- - ENS Only
- 聊天室
- 成員
- Invite people
- 邀請其他人
- 會員申請
- Edit Category
- Delete Category
- 查看資料
- 通知
- 建立頻道
- 刪除
- 新增成員
- 新頻道
- 頻道名稱
- 頻道簡介
- 置顶的消息
- 建立
- 入會要求
- 需要其他成員的邀請
- 需要取得同意
- 沒有要求
- 您可以要求新成員滿足某些條件才能加入。可以隨時更改
- 儲存
- 成員
- 邀請朋友
- 好友名單
- 邀請
- 聊天室
- 開始新聊天
- 開始群組聊天
- 加入公共聊天
- 無訊息
- 分享聊天
- 刪除聊天
- 退出聊天
- 在Status中開啟
- 管理員
- ↓ Fetch messages
- ↓取得訊息
- 新的群組聊天
- 建立聊天室
- 所有連絡人已經在群組中
- 設為管理員
- 取消置顶
- 置顶
- 發訊息
- 刪除留言
- 暱稱
- 新聊天
- 我的個人資料
- 輸入ENS用戶名或聊天密鑰
- 非聯絡人
- ENS用戶名稱
- 聊天金鑰
- 聊天設定
- 沒有
- 新增到好友名單
- 聊天名稱
- 開始聊天
- 儲存
- 個人資料
- 應用程式版本
- 隱私權政策
- 網路
- 機群(Fleet)
- 錢包
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "S" because the title above is "Seed Phrase"
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "M" because the title above is "Mailserver"
- 版面外觀
- 白天
- 白天
- 夜晚
- 系統預設
- 備份種子詞組
- 如果您遺失種子詞組,您將失去所有的數據資料和資金
- 如果您遺失存取裝置,例如:您的手機,您將只能使用種子詞組取回個人密鑰。切勿讓他人得知您的種子詞組,請立刻寫下這些字詞,並妥善維護其安全。
- 檢查您的種子詞組
- 輸入密碼
- 您確定嗎?
- 您將無法再看到完整的種子詞組
- 好,繼續
- 輸入錯誤
- Homepage
- 預設
- 隱私
- 設定DApp訪問權限
- 完成
- 聊天連結預覽
- 網站
- 全部啟用
- 新增好友
- 新增好友
- 找不到使用者
- 裝置
- 請為您的裝置設定名稱。
- 指定一個名稱
- 其他通知裝置
- 配對裝置以同步好友名單和聊天
- 瞭解更多
- 已配對裝置
- 同步中...
- 同步所有裝置
- ENS用戶名稱
- 用戶名已新增
- 好的,我知道了
- 您可以在錢包的“交易歷史記錄”部分中追蹤進度。
- 錢包地址
- 金鑰
- 返回
- 主要使用者名稱
- 嘿
- 新增用戶名稱
- 您的用戶名稱
- 至少4個字元。僅拉丁字母,數字和小寫字母。
- 只能使用字母和數字。
- 輸入整個用戶名,包括自訂網域,如username.domain.eth
- 您的用戶名稱
- ✓用戶名稱可以使用!
- 繼續以將此用戶名稱與您的聊天金鑰連結。
- 用戶名稱不屬於您:(
- 用戶名稱已被使用:(
- 用戶名稱已經與您的聊天密鑰連結,可以在"Status"中使用。
- 繼續進行將產生一筆交易來將用戶名稱與您當前的聊天金鑰連結。
- 自訂網域
- 我想要一個stateofus.eth網域
- 我在另一個網域上擁有註冊名稱
- 資金存入後,您該筆SNT將被鎖定一整年,無法被花費。
- 一年後,您可以釋放名稱並取回押金,或者不採取任何措施來保留名稱。
- 如果合約條款發生更改(例如"Status"變更了合約),則用戶有權釋放用戶名,而不管其持有時間為何。
- 合約控制者無法取用您的存款。他們只能將存款返回發送位址。
- 您的地址將與您的ENS名稱產生公開連結。
- 用戶名稱將成為stateofus.eth的子網域節點,並接受ENS智慧合約條款的約束。
- 您授權合約代表您同意轉讓SNT。僅當您核准交易以授權轉移時,才會出現此提示。
- 這些條款由以下地址的智慧合約邏輯保證:
- 10 SNT
- 存款
- SNT不足
- 註冊
- 獲取專屬用戶名稱
- ENS名稱將那些瘋狂的長串地址轉換為唯一的用戶名。
- 自定義您的聊天名稱
- 簡化您的ETH地址
- 您可以使用易於共用的ENS名稱而不是十六進制雜湊(0x ...)來接收資金。…
- 在聊天中接收交易
- 其他人可以在聊天中透過一個簡單的操作匯款給您。
- 用10 SNT進行註冊
- 註冊一次就可以永久保留該用戶名。1年後,您可以解綁用戶名,並贖回您的SNT。
- 已擁有用戶名?
- 您可以在接下來的步驟中驗證並新增您擁有的任何用戶名。
- 由Ethereum Name Services提供
- 僅在主網上可用
- 要註冊用戶名稱,請重試。
- 警告!
- 詞彙表
- 帳號
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "A" because the title above is "Account"
- 聊天金鑰
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "C" because the title above is "Chat Key"
- "Status"聊天協議使用加密金鑰傳送和接收有關的訊息。聊天公鑰是您與他人共用的字串,讓他們可以在“Status”中向您傳送訊息。
- 聊天名稱
- 從聊天鍵中演算法得出的三個隨機詞,會當作聊天中的默認別名。聊天名稱是完全唯一的;沒有其他用戶可以使用相同的三個詞。
- ENS名稱
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "E" because the title above is "ENS Name"
- 您可以使用乙太坊名稱服務(Ethereum Name Service, ENS) 註冊自訂的聊天別名。ENS名稱是分散式的用戶名。
- Status節點
- "Status"網路中路由和儲存訊息的節點,最多30天。
- 端點
- This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "P" because the title above is "Peer"
- 輸入種子詞組
- 常見問題
- 回報錯誤
- 要求功能
- 語言Lang
- 取消靜音
- 該帳戶即將登出。再次解鎖時,將使用前次選定的網路
- 新增網路
- 指定一個RPC網址
- 網路鏈
- Main network
- 主網路
- Ropsten測試網路
- Rinkeby測試網路
- 自訂
- 網路ID
- 主網路
- 測試網路
- 自訂網路
- 通知首選項
- 安全性
- 同步設定
- 新增Status節點
- 帳號名稱
- 類型
- 監看
- 關閉"Status"
- 在"Status"上
- 推導路徑
- 儲存
- 這個設備
- 刪除帳號
- 新增自訂代幣
- 合約地址
- 符號
- 小數點
- 總值
- 接收
- 備份您的種子詞組
- 收款人
- 交易失敗
- 設定默認貨幣
- 簽署詞組
- 這是您的簽署字詞
- 這三個字詞證明交易是安全的。
- 在簽署每筆交易之前,您應該看到這些單詞,反之請取消並登出。
- 再讓我看一次
- 帳號設定
- 收藏
- 新增帳號
- 新增監看地址
- 輸入種子詞組
- 輸入私鑰
- 通過私鑰新增帳戶
- 密碼
- 私鑰
- 載入中...
- 新增收款地址
- 使用種子詞組來新增帳號
- 種子詞組
- 新增監視帳號
- 帳號地址
- 代幣詳細訊息
- 刪除代幣
- 交易明細
- 當交易經過12次確認後,您可以視為已結算完成。
- 區塊
- 雜湊
- Gas上限
- Gas價格
- Gas用量
- Nonce
- 發生錯誤
- 查看
- 描述
- 瀏覽器
- 時間軸
- 建立密碼
- 輸入種子詞組
- 該種子詞組與我們支持的辭典不相符。請檢查拼寫錯誤的單字。
- 無效的種子詞組
- 選擇一個聊天名稱
- 真正的隱密交流
- 安全的加密錢包
- 去中心化應用
- Get your keys
- 獲取您的金鑰
- A set of keys controls your account. Your keys live on your device, so only you can use them.
- 輸入密碼
- Enter passwordConnecting...
- 正在連線...
- 您的金鑰
- 您將必須創建新的代碼或密碼來重新加密金鑰
- 重新加密您的金鑰
- 貼上
- use-suggestions
- Maximum priority fee: %1 ETH
- 帳戶顏色
- 確認
- 進階
- Gwei
- 執行
- ETH不足以支付gas
- 已複製
- Copy to clipboard
- 複製
- 地址
- 聯絡人
- 搜尋
- 留言
- 資產
- 數目
- 發送交易
- 請求交易
- 公開的聊天
- 不是聯絡人
- 訊息
- ↓安裝
- ↓免費
- 更新
- 最近使用過的貼圖會出現在這裡
- 取得貼圖
- 解除訪問權限
- 顯示更多
- 所有
- Show read notificationsHide read notifications
- 通知设置
- You need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messagesYou need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messagesWaiting for %1 to accept your request
- 匯入
- 備份
- 您的社群可以自由加入,但是新成員必須先取得社群創建者的同意
- 您的社群只能透過現有社群成員邀請才能加入
- 您的社群是任何人都能自由加入
- 已达到置顶限制。请先取消一条之前置顶的消息。
- 語言Lang
- Before you get started...
- I acknowledge that Status Desktop is in Beta and by using it, I take the full responsibility for all risks concerning my data and funds.
- Terms of Use
- 使用條款
- Get Started
- 開始吧
- 現在
- AcceptRejectOptionsButtonsPanel
- 查看資料
- AccountView
- 類型
- 儲存
- ActivityCenterMessageComponentView
- AddAccountModal
- 進階
- AddEditSavedAddressPopup
- 名稱
- 地址
- 儲存
- AddFavoriteModal
- 網址
- 貼上
- 名稱
- AddShowTokenModal
- AddWakuNodeModal
- AdvancedView
- AppMain
- AppSearch
- AppearanceView
- BeforeGetStartedModal
- 隱私權政策
- BlockContactConfirmationDialog
- BrowserView
- BrowserWebEngineView
- ChangePasswordModal
- ChangePasswordSuccessModal
- ChatContentView
- ChatContextMenuView
- 退出群組
- 儲存
- 刪除
- ChatView
- 成員
- CollectibleCollectionView
- CollectibleDetailView
- CollectibleDetailsHeader
- 發送
- CollectibleModal
- CollectiblesStore
- 收藏
- CollectiblesView
- CommunitiesPopup
- 社群
- 建立社群
- CommunityChannelsAndCategoriesBannerPanel
- CommunityDetailPopup
- 等待中
- CommunityEditSettingsPanel
- 容易記憶的名稱
- 描述
- CommunityMembersSettingsPanel
- 成員
- CommunityOverviewSettingsPanel
- CommunityProfilePopup
- 成員
- CommunityProfilePopupInviteFriendsPanel
- 好友名單
- CommunityProfilePopupMembersListPanel
- CommunityProfilePopupOverviewPanel
- CommunitySettingsView
- 成員
- 通知
- 設定
- CommunityUserList
- 成員
- ConfirmAppRestartModal
- ConfirmPasswordView
- ConfirmationDialog
- 確認
- 取消
- Constants
- ContactPanel
- 查看資料
- 發訊息
- ContactsColumnView
- 開始聊天
- ContactsListAndSearch
- ContactsListPanel
- ContactsView
- 好友名單
- CreateCategoryPopup
- CreateChannelPopup
- 頻道名稱
- 描述
- 頻道簡介
- CreateChatView
- 好友名單
- CreateCommunityPopup
- 請為您的社群命名
- 容易記憶的名稱
- 請簡短描述
- 社群顏色
- CreatePasswordModal
- CreatePasswordView
- CryptoServicesModal
- CurrenciesStore
- DefaultDAppExplorerView
- DemoApp
- 邀請其他人
- DerivationPathsPanel
- DerivedAddressesPanel
- 帳號
- DisplayNamePopup
- 編輯
- 確定
- DownloadPage
- EditCroppedImagePanel
- EnsDetailsView
- 錢包地址
- 金鑰
- EnsReleasedView
- EnsSearchView
- EnsTermsAndConditionsView
- ExemptionNotificationsModal
- 完成
- FetchMoreMessagesButton
- GasSelector
- GroupInfoPopup
- HomePageView
- ImageCropperModal
- 完成
- ImportSeedPhrasePanel
- InsertCard
- 取消
- InsertDetailsView
- 下一個
- InviteFriendsPopup
- KeycardCreatePINModal
- KeysMainView
- 輸入種子詞組
- LanguageView
- 語言Lang
- Layout
- 邀請其他人
- LeftTabView
- 設定
- LoginView
- 確定
- MainView
- MenuPanel
- 設定
- MessageContextMenuView
- MessagingView
- 好友名單
- MyProfileView
- ENS用戶名稱
- 聊天金鑰
- NetworkFilter
- NetworksView
- NicknamePopup
- 暱稱
- NoImageUploadedPanel
- NodeLayout
- NotificationSelect
- NotificationsView
- 留言
- PINModal
- PairingModal
- PasswordView
- 建立密碼
- PermissionsListView
- PinnedMessagesPopup
- 取消置顶
- PrivacyView
- ProfileLayout
- 好友名單
- ProfilePopup
- ENS用戶名稱
- 聊天金鑰
- 聊天設定
- 暱稱
- 沒有
- 新增到好友名單
- ProfileSectionStore
- 個人資料
- ENS用戶名稱
- 錢包
- 瀏覽器
- 版面外觀
- 進階
- RateView
- ReceiveModal
- 複製
- RenameAccontModal
- RootStore
- 您
- SavedAddressesView
- 取消
- 刪除
- SeedPhraseInputView
- 輸入種子詞組
- 下一個
- 匯入
- SelectGeneratedAccount
- SendContactRequestModal
- 貼上
- SendModalFooter
- 未知
- SendModalHeader
- 到
- SettingsPageLayout
- 取消
- SignTransactionModal
- 發送
- 繼續
- StatusAddressOrEnsValidator
- StatusAddressValidator
- StatusAppCommunityView
- 成員
- StatusAsyncEnsValidator
- StatusAsyncValidator
- StatusBadge
- StatusChatInput
- 發送
- StatusChatListAndCategories
- 更多
- StatusChatListCategoryItem
- 更多
- StatusChatListItem
- 取消靜音
- StatusChatToolBar
- 搜尋
- 成員
- 更多
- StatusETHTransactionModal
- StatusExpandableSettingsItemPage
- 備份種子詞組
- StatusFloatValidator
- StatusGifColumn
- StatusGifPopup
- StatusIntValidator
- StatusListPicker
- 搜尋
- StatusListPickerPage
- StatusMacNotification
- 打開
- StatusPasswordStrengthIndicator
- StatusSearchListPopup
- StatusSearchLocationMenu
- StatusSearchPopup
- StatusSpellcheckingMenuItems
- StatusStickerMarket
- StatusTagSelectorPage
- StatusTokenInlineSelector
- 或
- StatusUrlValidator
- StatusValidator
- StatusWalletColorSelect
- 帳戶顏色
- StatusWindowsTitleBar
- StoreToKeychainSelectionModal
- TabAddressSelectorView
- TabNetworkAndFees
- 進階
- 自訂
- TouchIDAuthView
- TransactionBubbleView
- TransactionModal
- TransactionSettingsConfirmationPopup
- 您確定嗎?
- TransferOwnershipPopup
- 社群管理私鑰
- 複製
- 已複製
- UploadProfilePicModal
- 移除
- 完成
- UserList
- 成員
- UserListPanel
- UserStatusContextMenu
- UsernameLabel
- 您
- Utils
- WakuNodesModal
- WalletView
- 錢包
- WelcomeView
- main
diff --git a/ui/nim-status-client.pro b/ui/nim-status-client.pro
index 9e8c0eddd6..25d9ecb1cb 100644
--- a/ui/nim-status-client.pro
+++ b/ui/nim-status-client.pro
@@ -50,23 +50,9 @@ SOURCES = *.qml \
app/AppLayouts/Wallet/data/Currencies.qml \
+# Other *.ts files will be provided by Lokalise platform
- i18n/base.ts \
i18n/qml_en.ts \
- i18n/qml_fr.ts \
- i18n/qml_it.ts \
- i18n/qml_ko.ts \
- i18n/qml_ru.ts \
- i18n/qml_tr.ts \
- i18n/qml_es.ts \
- i18n/qml_id.ts \
- i18n/qml_de.ts \
- i18n/qml_pt_BR.ts \
- i18n/qml_fil.ts \
- i18n/qml_zh.ts \
- i18n/qml_zh_TW.ts \
- i18n/qml_ar.ts \
- i18n/qml_ur.ts
imports/Constants.qml \