refactor: extract ens code from chat view

This commit is contained in:
Iuri Matias 2021-06-17 09:51:59 -04:00
parent 45b0e5e756
commit 9aba9ae3c1
4 changed files with 77 additions and 51 deletions

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import ../../status/ens as status_ens
import ../../status/chat/[chat, message]
import ../../status/profile/profile
import web3/[conversions, ethtypes]
import views/[channels_list, message_list, chat_item, suggestions_list, reactions, stickers, groups, transactions, communities, community_list, community_item, format_input, activity_notification_list]
import views/[channels_list, message_list, chat_item, suggestions_list, reactions, stickers, groups, transactions, communities, community_list, community_item, format_input, ens, activity_notification_list]
import ../utils/image_utils
import ../../status/tasks/[qt, task_runner_impl]
import ../../status/tasks/marathon/mailserver/worker
@ -31,8 +31,6 @@ type
AsyncActivityNotificationLoadTaskArg = ref object of QObjectTaskArg
AsyncMessageLoadTaskArg = ref object of QObjectTaskArg
chatId: string
ResolveEnsTaskArg = ref object of QObjectTaskArg
ens: string
const getLinkPreviewDataTask: Task = proc(argEncoded: string) {.gcsafe, nimcall.} =
let arg = decode[GetLinkPreviewDataTaskArg](argEncoded)
@ -110,26 +108,12 @@ proc asyncActivityNotificationLoad[T](self: T, slot: string) =
const resolveEnsTask: Task = proc(argEncoded: string) {.gcsafe, nimcall.} =
arg = decode[ResolveEnsTaskArg](argEncoded)
output = %* { "address": status_ens.address(arg.ens), "pubkey": status_ens.pubkey(arg.ens) }
proc resolveEns[T](self: T, slot: string, ens: string) =
let arg = ResolveEnsTaskArg(
tptr: cast[ByteAddress](resolveEnsTask),
vptr: cast[ByteAddress](self.vptr),
slot: slot,
ens: ens
ChatsView* = ref object of QAbstractListModel
status: Status
formatInputView: FormatInputView
ensView: EnsView
chats*: ChannelsList
currentSuggestions*: SuggestionsList
activityNotificationList*: ActivityNotificationList
@ -157,6 +141,7 @@ QtObject:
proc delete(self: ChatsView) =
@ -179,6 +164,7 @@ QtObject:
new(result, delete)
result.status = status
result.formatInputView = newFormatInputView()
result.ensView = newEnsView(status)
result.connected = false
result.chats = newChannelsList(status)
@ -204,6 +190,14 @@ QtObject:
QtProperty[QVariant] formatInputView:
read = getFormatInput
proc getEns(self: ChatsView): QVariant {.slot.} = newQVariant(self.ensView)
QtProperty[QVariant] ensView:
read = getEns
proc getCommunities*(self: ChatsView): QVariant {.slot.} = newQVariant(self.communities)
QtProperty[QVariant] communities:
read = getCommunities
proc getMessageListIndexById(self: ChatsView, id: string): int
proc getChannel*(self: ChatsView, index: int): Chat =
@ -243,12 +237,6 @@ QtObject:
QtProperty[QVariant] chats:
read = getChatsList
proc getCommunities*(self: ChatsView): QVariant {.slot.} =
QtProperty[QVariant] communities:
read = getCommunities
proc getChannelColor*(self: ChatsView, channel: string): string {.slot.} =
if (channel == ""): return
let selectedChannel = self.getChannelById(channel)
@ -825,29 +813,6 @@ QtObject:
proc deleteMessage*(self: ChatsView, channelId: string, messageId: string) =
proc isEnsVerified*(self: ChatsView, id: string): bool {.slot.} =
if id == "": return false
let contact = self.status.contacts.getContactByID(id)
if contact == nil:
return false
result = contact.ensVerified
proc formatENSUsername*(self: ChatsView, username: string): string {.slot.} =
result = status_ens.addDomain(username)
# Resolving a ENS name
proc resolveENS*(self: ChatsView, ens: string) {.slot.} =
self.resolveEns("ensResolved", ens) # Call self.ensResolved(string) when ens is resolved
proc ensWasResolved*(self: ChatsView, resolvedPubKey: string, resolvedAddress: string) {.signal.}
proc ensResolved(self: ChatsView, addressPubkeyJson: string) {.slot.} =
parsed = addressPubkeyJson.parseJson
address = parsed["address"].to(string)
pubkey = parsed["pubkey"].to(string)
self.ensWasResolved(pubKey, address)
proc isConnected*(self: ChatsView): bool {.slot.} =
result =

View File

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
import NimQml, Tables, json, sequtils, chronicles, times, re, sugar, strutils, os, strformat, algorithm
import ../../../status/[status, contacts]
import ../../../status/ens as status_ens
import ../../../status/tasks/[qt, task_runner_impl]
topics = "ens-view"
ResolveEnsTaskArg = ref object of QObjectTaskArg
ens: string
const resolveEnsTask: Task = proc(argEncoded: string) {.gcsafe, nimcall.} =
arg = decode[ResolveEnsTaskArg](argEncoded)
output = %* { "address": status_ens.address(arg.ens), "pubkey": status_ens.pubkey(arg.ens) }
proc resolveEns[T](self: T, slot: string, ens: string) =
let arg = ResolveEnsTaskArg(
tptr: cast[ByteAddress](resolveEnsTask),
vptr: cast[ByteAddress](self.vptr),
slot: slot, ens: ens
type EnsView* = ref object of QObject
status: Status
proc setup(self: EnsView) = self.QObject.setup
proc delete*(self: EnsView) = self.QObject.delete
proc newEnsView*(status: Status): EnsView =
new(result, delete)
result.status = status
proc isEnsVerified*(self: EnsView, id: string): bool {.slot.} =
if id == "": return false
let contact = self.status.contacts.getContactByID(id)
if contact == nil:
return false
result = contact.ensVerified
proc formatENSUsername*(self: EnsView, username: string): string {.slot.} =
result = status_ens.addDomain(username)
# Resolving a ENS name
proc resolveENS*(self: EnsView, ens: string) {.slot.} =
self.resolveEns("ensResolved", ens) # Call self.ensResolved(string) when ens is resolved
proc ensWasResolved*(self: EnsView, resolvedPubKey: string, resolvedAddress: string) {.signal.}
proc ensResolved(self: EnsView, addressPubkeyJson: string) {.slot.} =
parsed = addressPubkeyJson.parseJson
address = parsed["address"].to(string)
pubkey = parsed["pubkey"].to(string)
self.ensWasResolved(pubKey, address)

View File

@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ ModalPopup {
fromAuthor = fromAuthorParam || ""
identicon = identiconParam || ""
text = textParam || ""
isEnsVerified = chatsModel.isEnsVerified(this.fromAuthor)
isEnsVerified = chatsModel.ensView.isEnsVerified(this.fromAuthor)
isBlocked = profileModel.contacts.isContactBlocked(this.fromAuthor);
alias = chatsModel.alias(this.fromAuthor) || ""

View File

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Item {
noContactsRect.visible = false
searchResults.loading = true
searchResults.showProfileNotFoundMessage = false
function validate() {
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ Item {
textField.anchors.rightMargin: clearBtn.width + Style.current.padding + 2
Connections {
target: chatsModel
target: chatsModel.ensView
onEnsWasResolved: {
if(chatKey.text == ""){
ensUsername.text = "";
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ Item {
//% "Can't chat with yourself"
validationError = qsTrId("can-t-chat-with-yourself");
} else {
searchResults.username = chatsModel.formatENSUsername(chatKey.text)
searchResults.username = chatsModel.ensView.formatENSUsername(chatKey.text)
let userAlias = utilsModel.generateAlias(resolvedPubKey)
userAlias = userAlias.length > 20 ? userAlias.substring(0, 19) + "..." : userAlias
searchResults.userAlias = userAlias + " • " + Utils.compactAddress(resolvedPubKey, 4)