mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 16:00:50 +00:00
chore(@desktop/general): check for updates updated
- unused `updates.nim` removed from `backend` - `ens.nim` updated accordingly to what we have there before - the way how we're checking for updates is updated
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,11 +1,8 @@
from stew/base32 import nil
from stew/base58 import nil
import chronicles, httpclient, net, options
import json, chronicles, httpclient, net, options
import strutils
import semver
import ../provider/service as provider_service
import ../ens/utils as ens_utils
import ../../../backend/ens as status_ens
const APP_UPDATES_ENS* = "desktop.status.eth"
@ -16,31 +13,12 @@ type
url*: string
proc getLatestVersion*(): VersionInfo =
let contentHash = ens_utils.getContentHash(APP_UPDATES_ENS)
if contentHash.isNone():
let response = status_ens.resourceUrl(chainId=1, username=APP_UPDATES_ENS)
let host = response.result{"Host"}.getStr
if host == "":
raise newException(ValueError, "ENS does not have a content hash")
var url: string = ""
let decodedHash = ens_utils.decodeENSContentHash(contentHash.get())
case decodedHash[0]:
of ENSType.IPFS:
base58bytes = base58.decode(base58.BTCBase58, decodedHash[1])
base32Hash = base32.encode(base32.Base32Lower, base58bytes)
url = "https://" & base32Hash & IPFS_GATEWAY
url = "https://" & SWARM_GATEWAY & "/bzz:/" & decodedHash[1]
of ENSType.IPNS:
url = "https://" & decodedHash[1]
warn "Unknown content for", contentHash
raise newException(ValueError, "Unknown content for " & contentHash.get())
let url = "https://" & host & response.result{"Path"}.getStr
# Read version from folder
let secureSSLContext = newContext()
@ -1,216 +1,37 @@
import sequtils
import strutils
import nimcrypto
import json
import json_serialization
import tables
import stew/byteutils
import web3/[ethtypes, conversions], stint
import chronicles, libp2p/[multihash, multicodec, cid]
import json, web3/[conversions, ethtypes]
import ./core
import response_type
export response_type
import ./statusgo_backend/wallet
import ./statusgo_backend/accounts as status_accounts
import ./statusgo_backend/settings as status_settings
import ./statusgo_backend_new/ens as status_ens
proc resolver*(chainId: int, username: string): RpcResponse[JsonNode] {.raises: [Exception].} =
let payload = %* [chainId, username]
result = core.callPrivateRPC("ens_resolver", payload)
import ./types/[transaction, setting, rpc_response, network_type, network, profile]
import ./utils
import ./transactions
import ./eth/contracts
proc ownerOf*(chainId: int, username: string): RpcResponse[JsonNode] {.raises: [Exception].} =
let payload = %* [chainId, username]
result = core.callPrivateRPC("ens_ownerOf", payload)
const domain* = ".stateofus.eth"
proc contentHash*(chainId: int, username: string): RpcResponse[JsonNode] {.raises: [Exception].} =
let payload = %* [chainId, username]
result = core.callPrivateRPC("ens_contentHash", payload)
proc userName*(ensName: string, removeSuffix: bool = false): string =
if ensName != "" and ensName.endsWith(domain):
if removeSuffix:
result = ensName.split(".")[0]
result = ensName
if ensName.endsWith(".eth") and removeSuffix:
return ensName.split(".")[0]
result = ensName
proc publicKeyOf*(chainId: int, username: string): RpcResponse[JsonNode] {.raises: [Exception].} =
let payload = %* [chainId, username]
result = core.callPrivateRPC("ens_publicKeyOf", payload)
proc addDomain*(username: string): string =
if username.endsWith(".eth"):
return username
return username & domain
proc addressOf*(chainId: int, username: string): RpcResponse[JsonNode] {.raises: [Exception].} =
let payload = %* [chainId, username]
result = core.callPrivateRPC("ens_addressOf", payload)
proc hasNickname*(contact: Profile): bool = contact.localNickname != ""
proc expireAt*(chainId: int, username: string): RpcResponse[JsonNode] {.raises: [Exception].} =
let payload = %* [chainId, username]
result = core.callPrivateRPC("ens_expireAt", payload)
proc userNameOrAlias*(contact: Profile, removeSuffix: bool = false): string =
if(contact.ensName != "" and contact.ensVerified):
result = "@" & userName(contact.ensName, removeSuffix)
elif(contact.localNickname != ""):
result = contact.localNickname
result = contact.alias
proc price*(chainId: int): RpcResponse[JsonNode] {.raises: [Exception].} =
let payload = %* [chainId]
result = core.callPrivateRPC("ens_price", payload)
proc resolver*(username: string): string =
let chainId = status_settings.getCurrentNetwork().toChainId()
let res = status_ens.resolver(chainId, username)
return res.result.getStr
proc owner*(username: string): string =
let chainId = status_settings.getCurrentNetwork().toChainId()
let res = status_ens.ownerOf(chainId, username)
let address = res.result.getStr
if address == "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000":
return ""
return address
proc pubkey*(username: string): string =
let chainId = status_settings.getCurrentNetwork().toChainId()
let res = status_ens.publicKeyOf(chainId, addDomain(username))
var key = res.result.getStr
return "0x04" & key
return ""
proc address*(username: string): string =
let chainId = status_settings.getCurrentNetwork().toChainId()
let res = status_ens.addressOf(chainId, username)
return res.result.getStr
proc contenthash*(username: string): string =
let chainId = status_settings.getCurrentNetwork().toChainId()
let res = status_ens.contentHash(chainId, username)
return res.result.getStr
proc getPrice*(): Stuint[256] =
let chainId = status_settings.getCurrentNetwork().toChainId()
let res = status_ens.price(chainId)
return fromHex(Stuint[256], res.result.getStr)
proc releaseEstimateGas*(username: string, address: string, success: var bool): int =
chainId = status_settings.getCurrentNetwork().toChainId()
txData = transactions.buildTransaction(parseAddress(address), 0.u256)
let resp = status_ens.releaseEstimate(chainId, txData, username)
result = resp.result.getInt
success = true
success = false
result = 0
proc release*(username: string, address: string, gas, gasPrice, password: string, success: var bool): string =
chainId = status_settings.getCurrentNetwork().toChainId()
txData = transactions.buildTransaction(
parseAddress(address), 0.u256, gas, gasPrice
let resp = status_ens.release(chainId, txData, password, username)
result = resp.result.getStr
success = true
let ensUsernamesContract = contracts.findContract(chainId, "ens-usernames")
trackPendingTransaction(result, address, $ensUsernamesContract.address, PendingTransactionType.ReleaseENS, username)
success = false
result = "failed to release the username"
proc getExpirationTime*(username: string, success: var bool): int =
let chainId = status_settings.getCurrentNetwork().toChainId()
let res = status_ens.expireAt(chainId, username)
return fromHex[int](res.result.getStr)
proc registerUsernameEstimateGas*(username: string, address: string, pubKey: string, success: var bool): int =
chainId = status_settings.getCurrentNetwork().toChainId()
txData = transactions.buildTransaction(parseAddress(address), 0.u256)
let resp = status_ens.registerEstimate(chainId, txData, username, pubkey)
result = resp.result.getInt
success = true
success = false
result = 0
proc registerUsername*(username, pubKey, address, gas, gasPrice: string, isEIP1559Enabled: bool, maxPriorityFeePerGas: string, maxFeePerGas: string, password: string, success: var bool): string =
network = status_settings.getCurrentNetwork().toNetwork()
chainId = network.chainId
txData = transactions.buildTransaction(
parseAddress(address), 0.u256, gas, gasPrice, isEIP1559Enabled, maxPriorityFeePerGas, maxFeePerGas
let resp = status_ens.register(chainId, txData, password, username, pubkey)
result = resp.result.getStr
success = true
let sntContract = contracts.findErc20Contract(chainId, network.sntSymbol())
trackPendingTransaction(result, address, $sntContract.address, PendingTransactionType.RegisterEns, username & domain)
success = false
result = "failed to register the username"
proc setPubKeyEstimateGas*(username: string, address: string, pubKey: string, success: var bool): int =
chainId = status_settings.getCurrentNetwork().toChainId()
txData = transactions.buildTransaction(parseAddress(address), 0.u256)
let resp = status_ens.setPubKeyEstimate(chainId, txData, username, pubkey)
result = resp.result.getInt
success = true
success = false
result = 0
proc setPubKey*(username, pubKey, address, gas, gasPrice: string, isEIP1559Enabled: bool, maxPriorityFeePerGas: string, maxFeePerGas: string, password: string, success: var bool): string =
chainId = status_settings.getCurrentNetwork().toChainId()
txData = transactions.buildTransaction(
parseAddress(address), 0.u256, gas, gasPrice, isEIP1559Enabled, maxPriorityFeePerGas, maxFeePerGas
let resp = status_ens.setPubKey(chainId, txData, password, username, pubkey)
result = resp.result.getStr
success = true
let resolverAddress = resolver(username)
trackPendingTransaction(result, $address, resolverAddress, PendingTransactionType.SetPubKey, username)
success = false
result = "failed to set the pubkey"
proc statusRegistrarAddress*():string =
let network = status_settings.getCurrentNetwork().toNetwork()
let contract = contracts.findContract(network.chainId, "ens-usernames")
if contract != nil:
return $contract.address
result = ""
proc validateEnsName*(ens: string, isStatus: bool, usernames: seq[string]): string =
var username = ens & (if(isStatus): domain else: "")
result = ""
if usernames.filter(proc(x: string):bool = x == username).len > 0:
result = "already-connected"
let ownerAddr = owner(username)
if ownerAddr == "" and isStatus:
result = "available"
let userPubKey = status_settings.getSetting[string](Setting.PublicKey, "0x0")
let userWallet = status_accounts.getWalletAccounts()[0].address
let ens_pubkey = pubkey(ens)
if ownerAddr != "":
if ens_pubkey == "" and ownerAddr == userWallet:
result = "owned" # "Continuing will connect this username with your chat key."
elif ens_pubkey == userPubkey:
result = "connected"
elif ownerAddr == userWallet:
result = "connected-different-key" # "Continuing will require a transaction to connect the username with your current chat key.",
result = "taken"
result = "taken"
proc resourceURL*(chainId: int, username: string): RpcResponse[JsonNode] {.raises: [Exception].} =
let payload = %* [chainId, username]
result = core.callPrivateRPC("ens_resourceURL", payload)
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import json, strutils, strformat
import json
import ./core, ./response_type
export response_type
@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
import stew/byteutils
from stew/base32 import nil
from stew/base58 import nil
import ./statusgo_backend_new/ens as status_ens
import chronicles, httpclient, net
import strutils
import json
import semver
import constants
VersionInfo* = object
version*: string
url*: string
proc getLatestVersion*(): VersionInfo =
let response = status_ens.resourceUrl(chainId=1, username=APP_UPDATES_ENS)
let host = response.result{"Host"}.getStr
if host == "":
raise newException(ValueError, "ENS does not have a content hash")
let url = "https://" & host & response.result{"Path"}.getStr
# Read version from folder
let secureSSLContext = newContext()
let client = newHttpClient(sslContext = secureSSLContext, timeout = CHECK_VERSION_TIMEOUT_MS)
result.version = client.getContent(url & "/VERSION").strip()
result.url = url
proc isNewer*(currentVersion, versionToCheck: string): bool =
let lastVersion = parseVersion(versionToCheck)
let currVersion = parseVersion(currentVersion)
result = lastVersion > currVersion
Reference in New Issue
Block a user