StatusQ: StatusFlowSelector added
This commit is contained in:
@ -149,6 +149,10 @@ ListModel {
title: "StatusDotsLoadingIndicator"
section: "Components"
ListElement {
title: "StatusFlowSelector"
section: "Components"
ListElement {
title: "StatusItemSelector"
section: "Components"
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
import StatusQ.Components 0.1
import utils 1.0
ColumnLayout {
Item {
Layout.fillHeight: true
Layout.fillWidth: true
StatusFlowSelector {
anchors.centerIn: parent
icon: Style.png("tokens/SNT")
title: "Item Selector Title"
placeholderText: "Example: Empty items"
Repeater {
id: repeater
model: ListModel {
id: listModel
property int counter: 0
delegate: StatusListItemTag {
title: `tag ${}`
onClicked: listModel.remove(index)
placeholderItem.visible: listModel.count === 0
addButton.onClicked: {
listModel.append({ name: `item ${repeater.counter++}` })
Button {
Layout.bottomMargin: 10
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
text: "Clear list"
onClicked: listModel.clear()
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
\li \l{StatusContactRequestsIndicatorListItem}
\li \l{StatusDescriptionListItem}
\li \l{StatusExpandableItem}
\li \l{StatusFlowSelector}
\li \l{StatusGroupBox}
\li \l{StatusImageSettings}
\li \l{StatusItemSelector}
@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
import QtQuick 2.15
import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
import StatusQ.Controls 0.1
\qmltype StatusFlowSelector
\inherits StatusGroupBox
\inqmlmodule StatusQ.Components
\since StatusQ.Components 0.1
\brief It allows to add items and display them as a list within a Flow
The \c StatusFlowSelector can be populated with a repeater.
Example of how the component looks like:
\image status_item_selector.png
Example of how to use it:
StatusFlowSelector {
icon: Style.svg("contact_verified")
title: qsTr("Who holds")
placeholderItem.visible: listModel.count === 0
Repeater {
id: repeater
model: ListModel {
id: listModel
property int counter: 0
delegate: StatusListItemTag {
title: `tag ${}`
onClicked: listModel.remove(index)
addButton.onClicked: {
listModel.append({ name: `item ${repeater.counter++}` })
For a list of components available see StatusQ.
StatusGroupBox {
id: root
default property alias content:
\qmlproperty string StatusFlowSelector::placeholderText
This property holds the placeholder item text which can be shown when the
list of items is empty.
property string placeholderText
\qmlproperty url StatusFlowSelector::placeholderImageSource
This property holds the default item icon shown when the list of items is empty.
property url placeholderImageSource
\qmlproperty StatusListItemTag StatusFlowSelector::placeholder
This property holds an alias to the placeholder item.
readonly property alias placeholderItem: placeholderListItemTag
\qmlproperty StatusRoundButton StatusFlowSelector::addButton
This property holds an alias to the `add` button.
readonly property alias addButton: addItemButton
\qmlproperty int StatusFlowSelector::flowSpacing
This property specifies spacing between items in the selector.
property alias flowSpacing: flow.spacing
implicitWidth: 560
Flow {
id: flow
width: root.availableWidth
spacing: 6
StatusListItemTag {
id: placeholderListItemTag
bgColor: Theme.palette.baseColor2
title: root.placeholderText
|||| root.placeholderImageSource
asset.isImage: true
closeButtonVisible: false
titleText.color: Theme.palette.baseColor1
titleText.font.pixelSize: 15
onPositioningComplete: {
// the "add" button is intended to be the last item in the flow
if (addItemButton.Positioner.isLastItem || !addItemButton.visible)
addItemButton.parent = null
addItemButton.parent = flow
StatusRoundButton {
id: addItemButton
implicitHeight: 32
implicitWidth: implicitHeight
height: width
type: StatusRoundButton.Type.Secondary
|||| "add"
@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ StatusImageCropPanel 0.1 StatusImageCropPanel.qml
StatusColorSpace 0.0 StatusColorSpace.qml
StatusCommunityCard 0.1 StatusCommunityCard.qml
StatusCommunityTags 0.1 StatusCommunityTags.qml
StatusFlowSelector 0.1 StatusFlowSelector.qml
StatusItemSelector 0.1 StatusItemSelector.qml
StatusCard 0.1 StatusCard.qml
StatusDatePicker 0.1 StatusDatePicker.qml
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
Reference in New Issue