[#2563] Fixed hover over Join button has wrong shape

For performance reasons clipping doesn't work
with rounded corners - wrapping Join button in
an Item and apply clipping there instead

Closes #2563
This commit is contained in:
Alexandra Betouni 2021-07-20 15:08:36 +03:00 committed by Iuri Matias
parent 076a5bc5b7
commit 7ac63b4451
1 changed files with 57 additions and 52 deletions

View File

@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ Item {
Loader {
id: rectangleBubbleLoader
@ -127,8 +127,8 @@ Item {
State {
name: "requestToJoin"
when: invitedCommunity.access === Constants.communityChatOnRequestAccess &&
// !invitedCommunity.joined && !invitedCommunity.isMember
// !invitedCommunity.joined && !invitedCommunity.isMember
PropertyChanges {
target: joinBtn
//% "Request Access"
@ -178,17 +178,17 @@ Item {
id: invitedYou
text: {
if (chatsModel.channelView.activeChannel.chatType === Constants.chatTypeOneToOne) {
return isCurrentUser ?
//% "You invited %1 to join a community"
//% "%1 invited you to join a community"
: qsTrId("-1-invited-you-to-join-a-community").arg(displayUserName)
return isCurrentUser ?
//% "You invited %1 to join a community"
//% "%1 invited you to join a community"
: qsTrId("-1-invited-you-to-join-a-community").arg(displayUserName)
} else {
return isCurrentUser ?
//% "You shared a community"
//% "A community has been shared"
: qsTrId("a-community-has-been-shared")
return isCurrentUser ?
//% "You shared a community"
//% "A community has been shared"
: qsTrId("a-community-has-been-shared")
anchors.top: title.bottom
@ -254,56 +254,61 @@ Item {
anchors.top: communityNbMembers.bottom
anchors.topMargin: Style.current.halfPadding
StatusButton {
id: joinBtn
type: "secondary"
anchors.top: sep2.bottom
Item {
width: parent.width
height: 44
enabled: true
//% "Unsupported state"
text: qsTrId("unsupported-state")
onClicked: {
let onBtnClick = function(){
let error
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
clip: true
StatusButton {
id: joinBtn
type: "secondary"
anchors.top: parent.top
anchors.topMargin: -Style.current.smallPadding
borderRadius: 16
width: parent.width
height: 54
enabled: true
//% "Unsupported state"
text: qsTrId("unsupported-state")
onClicked: {
let onBtnClick = function(){
let error
if (rectangleBubble.state === "joined") {
} else if (rectangleBubble.state === "unjoined") {
error = chatsModel.communities.joinCommunity(communityId, true)
else if (rectangleBubble.state === "requestToJoin") {
error = chatsModel.communities.requestToJoinCommunity(communityId,
profileModel.profile.ensVerified ? profileModel.profile.username : "")
if (!error) {
rectangleBubble.isPendingRequest = chatsModel.communities.isCommunityRequestPending(communityId)
if (rectangleBubble.state === "joined") {
} else if (rectangleBubble.state === "unjoined") {
error = chatsModel.communities.joinCommunity(communityId, true)
else if (rectangleBubble.state === "requestToJoin") {
error = chatsModel.communities.requestToJoinCommunity(communityId,
profileModel.profile.ensVerified ? profileModel.profile.username : "")
if (!error) {
rectangleBubble.isPendingRequest = chatsModel.communities.isCommunityRequestPending(communityId)
if (error) {
joiningError.text = error
return joiningError.open()
if (error) {
joiningError.text = error
return joiningError.open()
if (appSettings.communitiesEnabled) {
} else {
openPopup(confirmationPopupComponent, { onConfirmed: onBtnClick });
} else {
openPopup(confirmationPopupComponent, {
onConfirmed: onBtnClick
MessageDialog {
id: joiningError
//% "Error joining the community"
title: qsTrId("error-joining-the-community")
icon: StandardIcon.Critical
standardButtons: StandardButton.Ok
MessageDialog {
id: joiningError
//% "Error joining the community"
title: qsTrId("error-joining-the-community")
icon: StandardIcon.Critical
standardButtons: StandardButton.Ok