chore(demoApp): restore DemoApp to have the latest changes from both master and base_bc

Updated DemoApp, main and Models to have the
latest changes from both master and base_bc
This commit is contained in:
Noelia 2022-02-01 16:20:57 +01:00 committed by Michał Cieślak
parent 6de288570c
commit 4cb28fee12
6 changed files with 298 additions and 1106 deletions

View File

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import StatusQ.Popups 0.1
import StatusQ.Platform 0.1
import "demoapp"
import "demoapp/data" 1.0
Rectangle {
id: demoApp
@ -33,15 +34,15 @@ Rectangle {
function setActiveItem(sectionId) {
for (var i = 0; i < models.demoAppSectionsModel.count; i++) {
let item = models.demoAppSectionsModel.get(i)
for (var i = 0; i < Models.demoAppSectionsModel.count; i++) {
let item = Models.demoAppSectionsModel.get(i)
if (item.sectionId !== sectionId)
models.demoAppSectionsModel.setProperty(i, "active", false)
Models.demoAppSectionsModel.setProperty(i, "active", false)
models.demoAppSectionsModel.setProperty(i, "active", true);
Models.demoAppSectionsModel.setProperty(i, "active", true);
@ -77,7 +78,7 @@ Rectangle {
communityTypeRole: "sectionType"
sectionModel: models.demoAppSectionsModel
sectionModel: Models.demoAppSectionsModel
property bool communityAdded: false
@ -185,514 +186,16 @@ Rectangle {
Component {
id: statusAppChatView
StatusAppTwoPanelLayout {
leftPanel: Item {
anchors.fill: parent
StatusNavigationPanelHeadline {
id: headline
anchors.topMargin: 16
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
text: "Chat"
Item {
id: searchInputWrapper headline.bottom
anchors.topMargin: 16
width: parent.width
height: searchInput.height
StatusBaseInput {
id: searchInput
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: actionButton.left
anchors.leftMargin: 16
anchors.rightMargin: 16
height: 36
topPadding: 8
bottomPadding: 0
placeholderText: "Search" "search"
StatusRoundButton {
id: actionButton
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.rightMargin: 8
width: 32
height: 32
type: StatusRoundButton.Type.Secondary "add"
state: "default"
onClicked: chatContextMenu.popup(actionButton.width-chatContextMenu.width, actionButton.height + 4)
states: [
State {
name: "default"
PropertyChanges {
target: actionButton
icon.rotation: 0
highlighted: false
State {
name: "pressed"
PropertyChanges {
target: actionButton
icon.rotation: 45
highlighted: true
transitions: [
Transition {
from: "default"
to: "pressed"
RotationAnimation {
duration: 150
direction: RotationAnimation.Clockwise
easing.type: Easing.InCubic
Transition {
from: "pressed"
to: "default"
RotationAnimation {
duration: 150
direction: RotationAnimation.Counterclockwise
easing.type: Easing.OutCubic
StatusPopupMenu {
id: chatContextMenu
onOpened: {
actionButton.state = "pressed"
onClosed: {
actionButton.state = "default"
StatusMenuItem {
text: "Start new chat" "private-chat"
StatusMenuItem {
text: "Start group chat" "group-chat"
StatusMenuItem {
text: "Join public chat" "public-chat"
StatusMenuItem {
text: "Communities" "communities"
Column { searchInputWrapper.bottom
anchors.topMargin: 16
width: parent.width
spacing: 8
StatusContactRequestsIndicatorListItem {
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
title: "Contact requests"
requestsCount: 3
StatusChatList {
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
model: models.demoChatListItems
onChatItemUnmuted: {
for (var i = 0; i < models.demoChatListItems.count; i++) {
let item = models.demoChatListItems.get(i);
if (item.chatId === id) {
models.demoChatListItems.setProperty(i, "muted", false)
popupMenu: StatusPopupMenu {
property string chatId
openHandler: function (id) {
chatId = id
StatusMenuItem {
text: "View Profile" "group-chat"
StatusMenuSeparator {}
StatusMenuItem {
text: "Mute chat" "notification"
StatusMenuItem {
text: "Mark as Read" "checkmark-circle"
StatusMenuItem {
text: "Clear history" "close-circle"
StatusMenuSeparator {}
StatusMenuItem {
text: "Delete chat" "delete"
type: StatusMenuItem.Type.Danger
rightPanel: Item {
anchors.fill: parent
StatusChatToolBar {
width: parent.width
chatInfoButton.title: "Amazing Funny Squirrel"
chatInfoButton.subTitle: "Contact"
chatInfoButton.icon.color: Theme.palette.miscColor7
chatInfoButton.type: StatusChatInfoButton.Type.OneToOneChat
chatInfoButton.pinnedMessagesCount: 1
searchButton.visible: false
membersButton.visible: false
notificationCount: 1
onNotificationButtonClicked: notificationCount = 0
popupMenu: StatusPopupMenu {
id: contextMenu
StatusMenuItem {
text: "Mute Chat" "notification"
StatusMenuItem {
text: "Mark as Read" "checkmark-circle"
StatusMenuItem {
text: "Clear History" "close-circle"
StatusMenuSeparator {}
StatusMenuItem {
text: "Leave Chat" "arrow-right"
icon.width: 14
iconRotation: 180
type: StatusMenuItem.Type.Danger
StatusAppChatView { }
Component {
id: statusAppCommunityView
StatusAppThreePanelLayout {
id: root
handle: Rectangle {
implicitWidth: 5
color: SplitHandle.pressed ? Theme.palette.baseColor2
: (SplitHandle.hovered ? Qt.darker(Theme.palette.baseColor5, 1.1) : "transparent")
leftPanel: Item {
id: leftPanel
StatusChatInfoToolBar {
id: statusChatInfoToolBar
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
chatInfoButton.title: "CryptoKitties"
chatInfoButton.subTitle: "128 Members"
chatInfoButton.image.source: ""
chatInfoButton.icon.color: Theme.palette.miscColor6
popupMenu: StatusPopupMenu {
StatusMenuItem {
text: "Create channel" "channel"
StatusMenuItem {
text: "Create category" "channel-category"
StatusMenuSeparator {}
StatusMenuItem {
text: "Invite people" "share-ios"
ScrollView {
id: scrollView statusChatInfoToolBar.bottom
anchors.topMargin: 8
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
width: leftPanel.width
contentHeight: communityCategories.height
clip: true
StatusChatListAndCategories {
id: communityCategories
width: leftPanel.width
height: implicitHeight > (leftPanel.height - 64) ? implicitHeight + 8 : leftPanel.height - 64
draggableItems: true
draggableCategories: false
model: models.demoCommunityChatListItems
showCategoryActionButtons: true
categoryPopupMenu: StatusPopupMenu {
property string categoryId
openHandler: function (id) {
categoryId = id
StatusMenuItem {
text: "Mute Category" "notification"
StatusMenuItem {
text: "Mark as Read" "checkmark-circle"
StatusMenuItem {
text: "Edit Category" "edit"
StatusMenuSeparator {}
StatusMenuItem {
text: "Delete Category" "delete"
type: StatusMenuItem.Type.Danger
chatListPopupMenu: StatusPopupMenu {
property string chatId
StatusMenuItem {
text: "Mute chat" "notification"
StatusMenuItem {
text: "Mark as Read" "checkmark-circle"
StatusMenuItem {
text: "Clear history" "close-circle"
StatusMenuSeparator {}
StatusMenuItem {
text: "Delete chat" "delete"
type: StatusMenuItem.Type.Danger
popupMenu: StatusPopupMenu {
StatusMenuItem {
text: "Create channel" "channel"
StatusMenuItem {
text: "Create category" "channel-category"
StatusMenuSeparator {}
StatusMenuItem {
text: "Invite people" "share-ios"
centerPanel: Item {
StatusChatToolBar {
id: statusChatToolBar
width: parent.width
chatInfoButton.title: "general"
chatInfoButton.subTitle: "Community Chat"
chatInfoButton.icon.color: Theme.palette.miscColor6
chatInfoButton.type: StatusChatInfoButton.Type.CommunityChat
onSearchButtonClicked: {
searchButton.highlighted = !searchButton.highlighted;
membersButton.onClicked: membersButton.highlighted = !membersButton.highlighted
onMembersButtonClicked: {
root.showRightPanel = !root.showRightPanel;
StatusSearchPopup {
id: searchPopup
searchOptionsPopupMenu: searchPopupMenu
onAboutToHide: {
if (searchPopupMenu.visible) {
//clear menu
for (var i = 2; i < searchPopupMenu.count; i++) {
onClosed: {
statusChatToolBar.searchButton.highlighted = false
onSearchTextChanged: {
if (searchPopup.searchText !== "") {
searchPopup.loading = true;
} else {
searchPopup.searchResults = [];
Timer {
id: searchModelSimTimer
interval: 500
onTriggered: {
if (searchPopup.searchText.startsWith("c")) {
searchPopup.searchResults = models.searchResultsA;
} else {
searchPopup.searchResults = models.searchResultsB;
searchPopup.loading = false;
StatusSearchLocationMenu {
id: searchPopupMenu
searchPopup: searchPopup
locationModel: models.optionsModel
rightPanel: Item {
id: rightPanel
StatusBaseText {
id: titleText
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.leftMargin: 16
opacity: (rightPanel.width > 50) ? 1.0 : 0.0
visible: (opacity > 0.1)
font.pixelSize: 15
text: qsTr("Members")
ListView { titleText.bottom
anchors.topMargin: 16
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.leftMargin: 8
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.rightMargin: 8
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
anchors.bottomMargin: 16
boundsBehavior: Flickable.StopAtBounds
model: ["John", "Nick", "Maria", "Mike"]
delegate: Row {
width: parent.width
height: 30
spacing: 8
Rectangle {
width: 24
height: 24
radius: width/2
color: Qt.rgba(Math.random(), Math.random(), Math.random(), 255)
StatusBaseText {
height: parent.height
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
opacity: (rightPanel.width > 50) ? 1.0 : 0.0
visible: (opacity > 0.1)
font.pixelSize: 15
color: Theme.palette.directColor1
text: modelData
StatusAppCommunityView {
communityDetailModalTitle: demoCommunityDetailModal.header.title
communityDetailModalImage: demoCommunityDetailModal.header.image.source
onChatInfoButtonClicked: {;

View File

@ -1,498 +0,0 @@
import QtQuick 2.14
import StatusQ.Components 0.1
QtObject {
property var demoChatListItems: ListModel {
id: demoChatListItems
ListElement {
itemId: "x012340000"
name: "#status"
icon: ""
isIdenticon: false
color: "blue"
description: ""
type: StatusChatListItem.Type.PublicChat
hasUnreadMessages: true
notificationsCount: 0
muted: false
active: false
position: 0
subItems: []
ListElement {
itemId: "x012340001"
name: "status-desktop"
icon: ""
isIdenticon: false
color: "red"
description: ""
type: StatusChatListItem.Type.PublicChat
hasUnreadMessages: true
notificationsCount: 1
muted: false
active: false
position: 1
subItems: []
ListElement {
itemId: "x012340002"
name: "Amazing Funny Squirrel"
icon: "
isIdenticon: true
color: "green"
description: ""
type: StatusChatListItem.Type.OneToOneChat
hasUnreadMessages: false
notificationsCount: 0
muted: false
active: true
position: 2
subItems: []
ListElement {
itemId: "x012340003"
name: "Black Ops"
icon: ""
isIdenticon: false
color: "purple"
description: ""
type: StatusChatListItem.Type.OneToOneChat
hasUnreadMessages: false
notificationsCount: 0
muted: false
active: false
position: 3
subItems: []
ListElement {
itemId: "x012340004"
name: "Spectacular Growing Otter"
icon: ""
isIdenticon: false
color: "orange"
description: ""
type: StatusChatListItem.Type.OneToOneChat
hasUnreadMessages: false
notificationsCount: 0
muted: false
active: false
position: 4
subItems: []
ListElement {
itemId: "x012340005"
name: "channel-with-a-super-duper-long-name"
icon: ""
isIdenticon: false
color: "green"
description: ""
type: StatusChatListItem.Type.PublicChat
hasUnreadMessages: false
notificationsCount: 0
muted: false
active: false
position: 5
subItems: []
property var demoCommunityChatListItems: ListModel {
id: demoCommunityChatListItems
ListElement {
itemId: "x012340000"
name: "general"
icon: ""
isIdenticon: false
color: "orange"
description: ""
type: StatusChatListItem.Type.CommunityChat
hasUnreadMessages: true
notificationsCount: 0
muted: false
active: false
position: 0
subItems: []
ListElement {
itemId: "x012340001"
name: "Public"
icon: ""
isIdenticon: false
color: "orange"
description: ""
type: StatusChatListItem.Type.Unknown0
hasUnreadMessages: false
notificationsCount: 0
muted: false
active: true
position: 1
subItems: [
ListElement {
itemId: "x012340002"
parentItemId: "x012340001"
name: "random"
icon: ""
isIdenticon: false
color: "orange"
description: ""
hasUnreadMessages: true
notificationsCount: 4
muted: false
active: false
position: 0
ListElement {
itemId: "x012340003"
parentItemId: "x012340001"
name: "watercooler"
icon: ""
isIdenticon: false
color: "orange"
description: ""
hasUnreadMessages: false
notificationsCount: 0
muted: false
active: true
position: 1
ListElement {
itemId: "x012340004"
name: "Development"
icon: ""
isIdenticon: false
color: "orange"
description: ""
type: StatusChatListItem.Type.Unknown0
hasUnreadMessages: false
notificationsCount: 0
muted: false
active: false
position: 2
subItems: [
ListElement {
itemId: "x012340005"
parentItemId: "x012340004"
name: "language-design"
icon: ""
isIdenticon: false
color: "orange"
description: ""
hasUnreadMessages: false
notificationsCount: 0
muted: true
active: false
position: 0
property var demoProfileGeneralMenuItems: ListModel {
id: demoProfileGeneralMenuItems
ListElement {
title: "My Profile"
icon: "profile"
ListElement {
title: "Contacts"
icon: "contact"
ListElement {
title: "ENS Usernames"
icon: "username"
property var demoProfileSettingsMenuItems: ListModel {
id: demoProfileSettingsMenuItems
ListElement {
title: "Privacy & Security"
icon: "security"
ListElement {
title: "Appearance"
icon: "appearance"
ListElement {
title: "Browser"
icon: "browser"
ListElement {
title: "Sounds"
icon: "sound"
ListElement {
title: "Language"
icon: "language"
ListElement {
title: "Notifications"
icon: "notification"
ListElement {
title: "Sync settings"
icon: "mobile"
ListElement {
title: "Advanced"
icon: "settings"
property var demoProfileOtherMenuItems: ListModel {
id: demoProfileOtherMenuItems
ListElement {
title: "Need help?"
icon: "help"
ListElement {
title: "About"
icon: "info"
ListElement {
title: "Sign out & Quit"
icon: "logout"
//dummy search popup models
property var searchResultsA: ListModel {
ListElement { itemId: "i1"; titleId: "t1"; title: "@Flea"; sectionName: "Messages"; time: "18:55 AM"; content: "lorem ipsum <font color='#4360DF'>@Nick</font> dolor sit amet";
image: "";
color: "orange";
badgeImage: "";
badgePrimaryText: "CryptoKities";
badgeSecondaryText: "";
badgeIconColor: "";
badgeIsLetterIdenticon: false }
ListElement { itemId: "i2"; titleId: "t2"; image: ""; color: "blue"; title: "core"; sectionName: "Channels"; time: ""; content: ""; badgeImage: ""; badgePrimaryText: ""; badgeSecondaryText: ""; badgeIconColor: ""; badgeIsLetterIdenticon: false }
ListElement { itemId: "i3"; titleId: "t3"; image: ""; color: "yellow"; title: "communities-phase3"; sectionName: "Channels"; time: ""; content: ""; badgeImage: ""; badgePrimaryText: ""; badgeSecondaryText: ""; badgeIconColor: ""; badgeIsLetterIdenticon: false }
ListElement { itemId: "i4"; titleId: "t4"; image: ""; color: "black"; title: "core-ui"; sectionName: "Channels"; time: ""; content: ""; badgeImage: ""; badgePrimaryText: ""; badgeSecondaryText: ""; badgeIconColor: ""; badgeIsLetterIdenticon: false }
ListElement { itemId: "i5"; titleId: "t5"; image: ""; color: "green"; title: "desktop"; sectionName: "Channels"; time: ""; content: ""; badgeImage: ""; badgePrimaryText: ""; badgeSecondaryText: ""; badgeIconColor: ""; badgeIsLetterIdenticon: false }
ListElement { itemId: "i6"; titleId: "t6"; image: ""; color: "red"; title: "Crocodile Vanilla Bird"; sectionName: "Chat"; time: ""; content: ""; badgeImage: ""; badgePrimaryText: ""; badgeSecondaryText: ""; badgeIconColor: ""; badgeIsLetterIdenticon: false }
ListElement { itemId: "i7"; titleId: "t7"; image: ""; color: "purple"; title: "carmen eth"; sectionName: "Chat"; time: ""; content: ""; badgeImage: ""; badgePrimaryText: ""; badgeSecondaryText: ""; badgeIconColor: ""; badgeIsLetterIdenticon: false }
ListElement { itemId: "i8"; titleId: "t8"; image: ""; color: "red"; title: "CryptoKitties"; sectionName: "Communities"; time: ""; content: ""; badgeImage: ""; badgePrimaryText: ""; badgeSecondaryText: ""; badgeIconColor: ""; badgeIsLetterIdenticon: false }
ListElement { itemId: "i9"; titleId: "t9"; image: ""; color: "blue"; title: "MyCommunity"; sectionName: "Communities"; time: ""; content: ""; badgeImage: ""; badgePrimaryText: ""; badgeSecondaryText: ""; badgeIconColor: ""; badgeIsLetterIdenticon: false }
ListElement { itemId: "i10"; titleId: "t10"; image: ""; color: "green"; title: "Foo"; sectionName: "Communities"; time: ""; content: ""; badgeImage: ""; badgePrimaryText: ""; badgeSecondaryText: ""; badgeIconColor: ""; badgeIsLetterIdenticon: false }
property var searchResultsB: ListModel {
ListElement { itemId: "i1"; titleId: "t1"; title: "@Ant"; sectionName: "Messages"; time: "11:43 AM"; content: "<font color='#4360DF'>@John</font>, lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum ";
image: "";
color: "orange";
badgeImage: "";
badgePrimaryText: "CryptoKities";
badgeSecondaryText: "#design";
badgeIconColor: "pink"; badgeIsLetterIdenticon: true }
ListElement { itemId: "i2"; titleId: "t2"; image: ""; color: "blue"; title: "support"; sectionName: "Channels"; time: ""; content: ""; badgeImage: ""; badgePrimaryText: ""; badgeSecondaryText: ""; badgeIconColor: ""; badgeIsLetterIdenticon: false }
ListElement { itemId: "i3"; titleId: "t3"; image: ""; color: "red"; title: "desktop-ui"; sectionName: "Channels"; time: ""; content: ""; badgeImage: ""; badgePrimaryText: ""; badgeSecondaryText: ""; badgeIconColor: ""; badgeIsLetterIdenticon: false }
ListElement { itemId: "i4"; titleId: "t4"; image: ""; color: "orange"; title: "climate-change"; sectionName: "Chat"; time: ""; content: ""; badgeImage: ""; badgePrimaryText: ""; badgeSecondaryText: ""; badgeIconColor: ""; badgeIsLetterIdenticon: false }
ListElement { itemId: "i5"; titleId: "t5"; image: ""; color: "black"; title: "food"; sectionName: "Chat"; time: ""; content: ""; badgeImage: ""; badgePrimaryText: ""; badgeSecondaryText: ""; badgeIconColor: "pink"; badgeIsLetterIdenticon: true }
ListElement { itemId: "i6"; titleId: "t6"; image: ""; color: "green"; title: "CryptoKitties"; sectionName: "Communities"; time: ""; content: ""; badgeImage: ""; badgePrimaryText: ""; badgeSecondaryText: ""; badgeIconColor: ""; badgeIsLetterIdenticon: false }
ListElement { itemId: "i7"; titleId: "t7"; image: ""; color: "purple"; title: "CryptoRangers"; sectionName: "Communities"; time: ""; content: ""; badgeImage: ""; badgePrimaryText: ""; badgeSecondaryText: ""; badgeIconColor: ""; badgeIsLetterIdenticon: false }
ListElement { itemId: "i8"; titleId: "t8"; image: ""; color: "yellow"; title: "Foo"; sectionName: "Communities"; time: ""; content: ""; badgeImage: ""; badgePrimaryText: ""; badgeSecondaryText: ""; badgeIconColor: "orange"; badgeIsLetterIdenticon: true }
property ListModel optionsModel: ListModel {
ListElement {
value: "item_1"
title: "Item with icon"
imageSource: ""
iconName: "chat"
iconColor: ""
isIdenticon: false
subItems: [
ListElement {
value: "sub_item_1_1"
text: "Profile image item"
imageSource: ""
iconName: ""
iconColor: ""
isIdenticon: false
ListElement {
value: "sub_item_1_2"
text: "identicon item"
imageSource: ""
iconName: ""
iconColor: ""
isIdenticon: true
ListElement {
value: "item_2"
title: "Community item";
imageSource: ""
iconName: ""
iconColor: ""
isIdenticon: false
subItems: [
ListElement {
value: "sub_item_2_1"
text: "welcome"
imageSource: ""
iconName: "channel"
iconColor: ""
isIdenticon: false
ListElement {
value: "sub_item_2_2"
text: "support"
imageSource: ""
iconName: "channel"
iconColor: ""
isIdenticon: false
ListElement {
value: "sub_item_2_3"
text: "news"
imageSource: ""
iconName: "channel"
iconColor: ""
isIdenticon: false
ListElement {
value: "item_3"
title: "Other";
imageSource: "";
iconName: "info"
iconColor: ""
isIdenticon: false
subItems: [
ListElement {
value: "sub_item_3_1"
text: "news"
imageSource: ""
iconName: "channel"
iconColor: ""
isIdenticon: false
ListElement {
value: "item_4"
title: "Letter identicon";
imageSource: "";
iconName: ""
iconColor: "red"
isIdenticon: false
subItems: [
ListElement {
value: "sub_item_4_1"
text: "news"
imageSource: ""
iconName: "channel"
iconColor: ""
isIdenticon: false
// App Section Types:
// chat: 0
// community: 1
// wallet: 2
// browser: 3
// nodeManagement: 4
// profileSettings: 5
// apiDocumentation: 100
// demoApp: 101
property ListModel mainAppSectionsModel: ListModel {
ListElement {
sectionId: "mainApp"
sectionType: 100
name: "API Documentation"
active: true
image: ""
icon: "edit"
color: ""
hasNotification: false
notificationsCount: 0
ListElement {
sectionId: "demoApp"
sectionType: 101
name: "Demo Application"
active: false
image: ""
icon: "status"
color: ""
hasNotification: false
notificationsCount: 0
property ListModel demoAppSectionsModel: ListModel {
ListElement {
sectionId: "chat"
sectionType: 0
name: "Chat"
active: true
image: ""
icon: "chat"
color: ""
hasNotification: false
notificationsCount: 0
ListElement {
sectionId: "0x123456789"
sectionType: 1
name: "Status Community"
active: false
image: ""
icon: ""
color: ""
hasNotification: false
notificationsCount: 0
ListElement {
sectionId: "wallet"
sectionType: 2
name: "Wallet"
active: false
image: ""
icon: "wallet"
color: ""
hasNotification: false
notificationsCount: 0
ListElement {
sectionId: "browser"
sectionType: 3
name: "Browser"
active: false
image: ""
icon: "bigger/browser"
color: ""
hasNotification: false
notificationsCount: 0
ListElement {
sectionId: "profile"
sectionType: 6
name: "Profile"
active: false
image: ""
icon: "bigger/settings"
color: ""
hasNotification: true
notificationsCount: 0

View File

@ -149,10 +149,7 @@ StatusAppThreePanelLayout {
StatusChatList {
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
chatListItems.model: Models.demoChatListItems
selectedChatId: "0"
onChatItemSelected: selectedChatId = id
model: Models.demoChatListItems
onChatItemUnmuted: {
for (var i = 0; i < Models.demoChatListItems.count; i++) {
let item = Models.demoChatListItems.get(i);

View File

@ -77,11 +77,9 @@ StatusAppThreePanelLayout {
draggableItems: true
draggableCategories: false
chatList.model: Models.demoCommunityChatListItems
categoryList.model: Models.demoCommunityCategoryItems
model: Models.demoCommunityChatListItems
showCategoryActionButtons: true
onChatItemSelected: selectedChatId = id
categoryPopupMenu: StatusPopupMenu {

View File

@ -4,122 +4,216 @@ import StatusQ.Components 0.1
QtObject {
property ListModel demoChatListItems: ListModel {
property var demoChatListItems: ListModel {
id: demoChatListItems
ListElement {
chatId: "0"
itemId: "x012340000"
name: "#status"
chatType: StatusChatListItem.Type.PublicChat
muted: false
unreadMessagesCount: 0
mentionsCount: 0
icon: ""
isIdenticon: false
color: "blue"
description: ""
type: StatusChatListItem.Type.PublicChat
hasUnreadMessages: true
notificationsCount: 0
muted: false
active: false
position: 0
isCategory: false
subItems: []
ListElement {
chatId: "1"
itemId: "x012340001"
name: "status-desktop"
chatType: StatusChatListItem.Type.PublicChat
muted: false
icon: ""
isIdenticon: false
color: "red"
unreadMessagesCount: 1
mentionsCount: 1
description: ""
type: StatusChatListItem.Type.PublicChat
hasUnreadMessages: true
notificationsCount: 1
muted: false
active: false
position: 1
isCategory: false
subItems: []
ListElement {
chatId: "2"
itemId: "x012340002"
name: "Amazing Funny Squirrel"
chatType: StatusChatListItem.Type.OneToOneChat
muted: false
color: "green"
identicon: "
icon: "
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name: "Black Ops"
chatType: StatusChatListItem.Type.GroupChat
muted: false
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chatId: "4"
name: "Spectacular Growing Otter"
chatType: StatusChatListItem.Type.OneToOneChat
muted: true
color: "Orange"
unreadMessagesCount: 0
position: 4
ListElement {
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muted: false
isIdenticon: true
color: "green"
unreadMessagesCount: 0
description: ""
type: StatusChatListItem.Type.OneToOneChat
hasUnreadMessages: false
notificationsCount: 0
muted: false
active: true
position: 2
isCategory: false
subItems: []
ListElement {
itemId: "x012340003"
name: "Black Ops"
icon: ""
isIdenticon: false
color: "purple"
description: ""
type: StatusChatListItem.Type.OneToOneChat
hasUnreadMessages: false
notificationsCount: 0
muted: false
active: false
position: 3
isCategory: false
subItems: []
ListElement {
itemId: "x012340004"
name: "Spectacular Growing Otter"
icon: ""
isIdenticon: false
color: "orange"
description: ""
type: StatusChatListItem.Type.OneToOneChat
hasUnreadMessages: false
notificationsCount: 0
muted: false
active: false
position: 4
isCategory: false
subItems: []
ListElement {
itemId: "x012340005"
name: "channel-with-a-super-duper-long-name"
icon: ""
isIdenticon: false
color: "green"
description: ""
type: StatusChatListItem.Type.PublicChat
hasUnreadMessages: false
notificationsCount: 0
muted: false
active: false
position: 5
isCategory: false
subItems: []
property var demoCommunityChatListItems: ListModel {
id: demoCommunityChatListItems
ListElement {
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itemId: "x012340000"
name: "general"
chatType: StatusChatListItem.Type.CommunityChat
muted: false
unreadMessagesCount: 0
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isIdenticon: false
color: "orange"
description: ""
type: StatusChatListItem.Type.Unknown0
hasUnreadMessages: true
notificationsCount: 0
muted: false
active: false
position: 0
isCategory: true
subItems: []
ListElement {
chatId: "1"
name: "random"
chatType: StatusChatListItem.Type.CommunityChat
itemId: "x0125340000"
name: "Pink Channel"
icon: ""
isIdenticon: false
color: "pink"
description: ""
type: StatusChatListItem.Type.CommunityChat
hasUnreadMessages: true
notificationsCount: 0
muted: false
unreadMessagesCount: 0
color: "orange"
categoryId: "public"
active: false
position: 0
isCategory: false
subItems: []
ListElement {
chatId: "2"
name: "watercooler"
chatType: StatusChatListItem.Type.CommunityChat
muted: false
unreadMessagesCount: 0
color: "orange"
categoryId: "public"
position: 1
ListElement {
chatId: "3"
name: "language-design"
chatType: StatusChatListItem.Type.CommunityChat
muted: false
unreadMessagesCount: 0
color: "orange"
categoryId: "dev"
position: 0
property var demoCommunityCategoryItems: ListModel {
id: demoCommunityCategoryItems
ListElement {
categoryId: "public"
itemId: "x012340001"
name: "Public"
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description: ""
type: StatusChatListItem.Type.Unknown0
hasUnreadMessages: false
notificationsCount: 0
muted: false
active: true
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isCategory: true
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ListElement {
itemId: "x012340002"
parentItemId: "x012340001"
name: "random"
icon: ""
isIdenticon: false
color: "orange"
description: ""
hasUnreadMessages: true
notificationsCount: 4
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active: false
position: 0
ListElement {
itemId: "x012340003"
parentItemId: "x012340001"
name: "watercooler"
icon: ""
isIdenticon: false
color: "orange"
description: ""
hasUnreadMessages: false
notificationsCount: 0
muted: false
active: true
position: 1
ListElement {
categoryId: "dev"
itemId: "x012340004"
name: "Development"
position: 1
icon: ""
isIdenticon: false
color: "orange"
description: ""
type: StatusChatListItem.Type.Unknown0
hasUnreadMessages: false
notificationsCount: 0
muted: false
active: false
position: 2
isCategory: true
subItems: [
ListElement {
itemId: "x012340005"
parentItemId: "x012340004"
name: "language-design"
icon: ""
isIdenticon: false
color: "orange"
description: ""
hasUnreadMessages: false
notificationsCount: 0
muted: true
active: false
position: 0
@ -746,12 +840,20 @@ CExPynn1gWf9bx498P7/nzPcxEzGExhBdJGYihtAYQlO+tUZvqrPbqeudo5iJGEJjCE15a3VtodH3q2I
ListElement {
nickName: "carmen.eth"
userName: ""
chatKey: ""
trustIndicator: StatusMemberListItem.TrustedType.Untrustworthy
isMutualContact: false
isOnline: false
source: ""
isIdenticon: false
ListElement {
nickName: "This girl I know from work"
userName: "annabelle"
chatKey: ""
trustIndicator: StatusMemberListItem.TrustedType.None
isMutualContact: false
isOnline: true
source: "
@ -769,4 +871,97 @@ CExPynn1gWf9bx498P7/nzPcxEzGExhBdJGYihtAYQlO+tUZvqrPbqeudo5iJGEJjCE15a3VtodH3q2I
isIdenticon: true
// App Section Types:
// chat: 0
// community: 1
// wallet: 2
// browser: 3
// nodeManagement: 4
// profileSettings: 5
// apiDocumentation: 100
// demoApp: 101
property ListModel mainAppSectionsModel: ListModel {
ListElement {
sectionId: "mainApp"
sectionType: 100
name: "API Documentation"
active: true
image: ""
icon: "edit"
color: ""
hasNotification: false
notificationsCount: 0
ListElement {
sectionId: "demoApp"
sectionType: 101
name: "Demo Application"
active: false
image: ""
icon: "status"
color: ""
hasNotification: false
notificationsCount: 0
property ListModel demoAppSectionsModel: ListModel {
ListElement {
sectionId: "chat"
sectionType: 0
name: "Chat"
active: true
image: ""
icon: "chat"
color: ""
hasNotification: false
notificationsCount: 0
ListElement {
sectionId: "0x123456789"
sectionType: 1
name: "Status Community"
active: false
image: ""
icon: ""
color: ""
hasNotification: false
notificationsCount: 0
ListElement {
sectionId: "wallet"
sectionType: 2
name: "Wallet"
active: false
image: ""
icon: "wallet"
color: ""
hasNotification: false
notificationsCount: 0
ListElement {
sectionId: "browser"
sectionType: 3
name: "Browser"
active: false
image: ""
icon: "bigger/browser"
color: ""
hasNotification: false
notificationsCount: 0
ListElement {
sectionId: "profile"
sectionType: 6
name: "Profile"
active: false
image: ""
icon: "bigger/settings"
color: ""
hasNotification: true
notificationsCount: 0

View File

@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ import StatusQ.Components 0.1
import StatusQ.Layout 0.1
import StatusQ.Platform 0.1
import "demoapp/data" 1.0
StatusWindow {
id: rootWindow
width: Qt.platform.os == "ios" || Qt.platform.os == "android" ? Screen.width
@ -46,20 +48,15 @@ StatusWindow {
readonly property int demoApp: 101
Models {
id: models
function setActiveItem(sectionId) {
for (var i = 0; i < models.mainAppSectionsModel.count; i++) {
let item = models.mainAppSectionsModel.get(i)
if (item.sectionId !== sectionId)
models.mainAppSectionsModel.setProperty(i, "active", false)
for (var i = 0; i < Models.mainAppSectionsModel.count; i++) {
let item = Models.mainAppSectionsModel.get(i)
if (item.sectionId !== sectionId) {
Models.mainAppSectionsModel.setProperty(i, "active", false);
models.mainAppSectionsModel.setProperty(i, "active", true);
Models.mainAppSectionsModel.setProperty(i, "active", true);
@ -72,7 +69,7 @@ StatusWindow {
communityTypeRole: "sectionType"
sectionModel: models.mainAppSectionsModel
sectionModel: Models.mainAppSectionsModel
regularNavBarButton: StatusNavBarTabButton {
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter