diff --git a/storybook/pages/StatusTxProgressBarPage.qml b/storybook/pages/StatusTxProgressBarPage.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e249cf0f1..0000000000
--- a/storybook/pages/StatusTxProgressBarPage.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-import QtQuick 2.14
-import QtQuick.Controls 2.14
-import utils 1.0
-import AppLayouts.Wallet.controls 1.0
-import AppLayouts.Wallet.panels 1.0
-import StatusQ.Controls 0.1
-import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
-import Storybook 1.0
-import Models 1.0
-SplitView {
- id: root
- Logs { id: logs }
- orientation: Qt.Vertical
- QtObject {
- id: d
- property var dummyTx: ({
- id: 0xb501e3042105c382a498819b07aba58de3422984e1150655c1583bd1aae144ef,
- txType: "erc20",
- address: 0x9d41ac74e7d1f981e98f4ec0d631cde0857a2b9c,
- blockNumber: 0x7b7935,
- blockHash: 0,
- timestamp: 1670419848,
- nonce: 0x36,
- txStatus: 0x1,
- chainId: 5,
- txHash: 0x82de33a9e81f7c06ea03ad742bc666c4eacb7ec771bac4544ef70a12b2c46d04,
- symbol: "ETH",
- })
- }
- Item {
- SplitView.fillWidth: true
- SplitView.fillHeight: true
- Column {
- anchors.centerIn: parent
- spacing: 100
- StatusTxProgressBar {
- id: progressBar
- anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
- width: 500
- error: failureCheckBox.checked
- networkLayer: mainnetCheckbox.checked ? 1 : 2
- confirmations: confirmationsSlider.value
- duration: durationSlider.to
- progress: durationSlider.value
- chainName: isLayer1 ? "Mainnet" : "Optimism"
- }
- Rectangle {
- width: root.width
- height: 200
- border.width: 2
- WalletTxProgressBlock {
- anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
- anchors.top: parent.top
- anchors.topMargin: 20
- width: 500
- error: failureCheckBox.checked
- inNetworkConfirmations: confirmationsSlider.value
- outNetworkConfirmations: confirmationsSlider.value
- inChainName: progressBar.isLayer1 ? "Mainnet" : "Optimism"
- outChainName: inChainName
- inNetworkTimestamp: 1670419847
- outNetworkTimestamp: 1670419848
- }
- }
- }
- }
- LogsAndControlsPanel {
- id: logsAndControlsPanel
- SplitView.minimumHeight: 100
- SplitView.preferredHeight: 250
- logsView.logText: logs.logText
- Column {
- CheckBox {
- id: mainnetCheckbox
- text: "Mainnet"
- checked: true
- }
- CheckBox {
- id: failureCheckBox
- text: "Failed"
- }
- Slider {
- id: confirmationsSlider
- width: 600
- value: 0
- from: 0
- to: 1000
- stepSize: 1
- Text {
- anchors.left: parent.right
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- text: "Confirmations = " + confirmationsSlider.value
- }
- }
- TextField {
- id: duration
- placeholderText: "Duration for finalisation"
- text: "7"
- visible: !mainnetCheckbox.checked && !failureCheckBox.checked
- }
- Slider {
- id: durationSlider
- width: 600
- value: 0
- from: 0
- to: Number(duration.text)*24
- stepSize: 1
- Text {
- anchors.left: parent.right
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- text: "Finalisation = " + durationSlider.value
- }
- visible: !mainnetCheckbox.checked && !failureCheckBox.checked
- }
- }
- }
-// category: Wallet
diff --git a/storybook/pages/TransactionAddressPage.qml b/storybook/pages/TransactionAddressPage.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index 20ce548fc8..0000000000
--- a/storybook/pages/TransactionAddressPage.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
-import QtQuick 2.15
-import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
-import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
-import Storybook 1.0
-import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
-import shared.controls 1.0
-import utils 1.0
-SplitView {
- id: root
- orientation: Qt.Vertical
- property bool globalUtilsReady: false
- property bool mainModuleReady: false
- Item {
- SplitView.fillWidth: true
- SplitView.fillHeight: true
- Rectangle {
- anchors.fill: loader
- anchors.margins: -1
- color: "transparent"
- border.width: 1
- border.color: "#20000000"
- }
- // globalUtilsInst mock
- QtObject {
- function getCompressedPk(publicKey) { return "zx3sh" + publicKey }
- function getColorHashAsJson(publicKey) {
- return JSON.stringify([{"segmentLength":1,"colorId":12},{"segmentLength":5,"colorId":18},
- {"segmentLength":3,"colorId":25},{"segmentLength":3,"colorId":23},
- {"segmentLength":1,"colorId":10},{"segmentLength":3,"colorId":26},
- {"segmentLength":2,"colorId":30},{"segmentLength":1,"colorId":18},
- {"segmentLength":4,"colorId":28},{"segmentLength":1,"colorId":17},
- {"segmentLength":2,"colorId":2}])
- }
- function isCompressedPubKey(publicKey) { return true }
- function getColorId(publicKey) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) }
- Component.onCompleted: {
- Utils.globalUtilsInst = this
- root.globalUtilsReady = true
- }
- Component.onDestruction: {
- root.globalUtilsReady = false
- Utils.globalUtilsInst = {}
- }
- }
- // mainModuleInst mock
- QtObject {
- function getContactDetailsAsJson(publicKey, getVerification) {
- return JSON.stringify({
- displayName: "ArianaP",
- displayIcon: "",
- publicKey: publicKey,
- name: "",
- alias: "",
- localNickname: "",
- isContact: d.isContact
- })
- }
- function isEnsVerified(publicKey) { return false }
- Component.onCompleted: {
- Utils.mainModuleInst = this
- root.mainModuleReady = true
- }
- Component.onDestruction: {
- root.mainModuleReady = false
- Utils.mainModuleInst = {}
- }
- }
- QtObject {
- id: d
- property string addressName: "Ariana Pearlona"
- property bool isContact: true
- property bool isWallet: false
- property bool isSavedAccount: false
- readonly property string displayAddress: "0x29D7d1dd5B6f9C864d9db560D72a247c178aE86B"
- }
- QtObject {
- id: contactsStoreMockup
- readonly property var myContactsModel: QtObject {
- signal itemChanged(address: string)
- }
- function getContactPublicKeyByAddress(address) {
- return d.isContact ? "zQ3shWU7xpM5YoG19KP5JDRiSs1AdWtjpnrWEerMkxfQnYo7x" : ""
- }
- }
- QtObject {
- id: rootStoreMockup
- readonly property var accounts: QtObject {
- signal itemChanged(address: string)
- }
- readonly property var savedAddresses: QtObject {
- readonly property var sourceModel: QtObject {
- signal itemChanged(address: string)
- }
- }
- function getNameForSavedWalletAddress(address) {
- return d.isSavedAccount ? d.addressName : ""
- }
- function getEmojiForWalletAddress(address) {
- return ''
- }
- function getColorForWalletAddress(address) {
- return "blue"
- }
- function getNameForWalletAddress(address) {
- return d.isWallet ? d.addressName : ""
- }
- }
- Loader {
- id: loader
- anchors.centerIn: parent
- width: 400
- active: root.globalUtilsReady && root.mainModuleReady
- sourceComponent: TransactionAddress {
- width: parent.width
- address: d.displayAddress
- rootStore: rootStoreMockup
- contactsStore: contactsStoreMockup
- }
- }
- }
- LogsAndControlsPanel {
- SplitView.minimumHeight: 100
- SplitView.preferredHeight: 150
- SplitView.fillWidth: true
- ColumnLayout {
- spacing: 5
- Label {
- text: "Account type"
- }
- RadioButton {
- text: "contact"
- checked: d.isContact
- onClicked: {
- d.isContact = true
- d.isWallet = false
- d.isSavedAccount = false
- rootStoreMockup.accounts.itemChanged(d.displayAddress)
- rootStoreMockup.savedAddresses.sourceModel.itemChanged(d.displayAddress)
- contactsStoreMockup.myContactsModel.itemChanged(d.displayAddress)
- }
- }
- RadioButton {
- text: "wallet"
- checked: d.isWallet
- onClicked: {
- d.isContact = false
- d.isWallet = true
- d.isSavedAccount = false
- rootStoreMockup.accounts.itemChanged(d.displayAddress)
- rootStoreMockup.savedAddresses.sourceModel.itemChanged(d.displayAddress)
- contactsStoreMockup.myContactsModel.itemChanged(d.displayAddress)
- }
- }
- RadioButton {
- text: "saved address"
- checked: d.isSavedAccount
- onClicked: {
- d.isContact = false
- d.isWallet = false
- d.isSavedAccount = true
- rootStoreMockup.accounts.itemChanged(d.displayAddress)
- rootStoreMockup.savedAddresses.sourceModel.itemChanged(d.displayAddress)
- contactsStoreMockup.myContactsModel.itemChanged(d.displayAddress)
- }
- }
- RadioButton {
- text: "unkown"
- onClicked: {
- d.isContact = false
- d.isWallet = false
- d.isSavedAccount = false
- rootStoreMockup.accounts.itemChanged(d.displayAddress)
- rootStoreMockup.savedAddresses.sourceModel.itemChanged(d.displayAddress)
- contactsStoreMockup.myContactsModel.itemChanged(d.displayAddress)
- }
- }
- Label {
- text: "Name:"
- }
- RowLayout {
- TextField {
- text: d.addressName
- onTextChanged: d.addressName = text
- }
- }
- }
- }
-// category: Wallet
diff --git a/storybook/pages/TransactionAddressTilePage.qml b/storybook/pages/TransactionAddressTilePage.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index a4178ac5d3..0000000000
--- a/storybook/pages/TransactionAddressTilePage.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-import QtQuick 2.15
-import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
-import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
-import Storybook 1.0
-import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
-import shared.controls 1.0
-import utils 1.0
-import AppLayouts.Profile.stores 1.0
-SplitView {
- id: root
- orientation: Qt.Vertical
- property bool globalUtilsReady: false
- property bool mainModuleReady: false
- Item {
- SplitView.fillWidth: true
- SplitView.fillHeight: true
- // globalUtilsInst mock
- QtObject {
- function getCompressedPk(publicKey) { return "zx3sh" + publicKey }
- function getColorHashAsJson(publicKey) {
- return JSON.stringify([{"segmentLength":1,"colorId":12},{"segmentLength":5,"colorId":18},
- {"segmentLength":3,"colorId":25},{"segmentLength":3,"colorId":23},
- {"segmentLength":1,"colorId":10},{"segmentLength":3,"colorId":26},
- {"segmentLength":2,"colorId":30},{"segmentLength":1,"colorId":18},
- {"segmentLength":4,"colorId":28},{"segmentLength":1,"colorId":17},
- {"segmentLength":2,"colorId":2}])
- }
- function isCompressedPubKey(publicKey) { return true }
- function getColorId(publicKey) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) }
- Component.onCompleted: {
- Utils.globalUtilsInst = this
- root.globalUtilsReady = true
- }
- Component.onDestruction: {
- root.globalUtilsReady = false
- Utils.globalUtilsInst = {}
- }
- }
- // mainModuleInst mock
- QtObject {
- function getContactDetailsAsJson(publicKey, getVerification) {
- return JSON.stringify({
- displayName: "ArianaP",
- displayIcon: "",
- publicKey: publicKey,
- name: "",
- alias: "",
- localNickname: "",
- isContact: true
- })
- }
- function isEnsVerified(publicKey) { return false }
- Component.onCompleted: {
- Utils.mainModuleInst = this
- root.mainModuleReady = true
- }
- Component.onDestruction: {
- root.mainModuleReady = false
- Utils.mainModuleInst = {}
- }
- }
- ContactsStore {
- id: contactsStoreMockup
- readonly property var myContactsModel: QtObject {
- signal itemChanged(address: string)
- }
- function getContactPublicKeyByAddress(address) {
- return address.includes("0x29D7d1dd5B6f9C864d9db560D72a247c178aE86C") ? "zQ3shWU7xpM5YoG19KP5JDRiSs1AdWtjpnrWEerMkxfQnYo7x" : ""
- }
- }
- QtObject {
- id: mockupRootStore
- function getNameForAddress(address) {
- const nameList = [ 'Alice', 'Bob', 'Charlie', 'Dave', 'Eve','Frank', 'Grace', 'Hank', 'Iris', 'Jack' ];
- const randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * nameList.length);
- return nameList[randomIndex];
- }
- function getNameForSavedWalletAddress(address) {
- if (address.includes("0x4de3f6278C0DdFd3F29df9DcD979038F5c7bbc35")) {
- return ""
- }
- return getNameForAddress(address)
- }
- function getEmojiForWalletAddress(address) {
- return ''
- }
- function getColorForWalletAddress(address) {
- return "blue"
- }
- function getNameForWalletAddress(address) {
- if (address.includes("0x4de3f6278C0DdFd3F29df9DcD979038F5c7bbc35") || address.includes("0x4de3f6278C0DdFd3F29df9DcD979038F5c7bbc36")) {
- return ""
- }
- return getNameForAddress(address)
- }
- }
- Loader {
- id: loader
- anchors.centerIn: parent
- width: 500
- active: root.globalUtilsReady && root.mainModuleReady
- sourceComponent: Column {
- id: content
- spacing: 0
- TransactionAddressTile {
- title: "From"
- width: parent.width
- rootStore: mockupRootStore
- contactsStore: contactsStoreMockup
- addresses: [
- "0x29D7d1dd5B6f9C864d9db560D72a247c178aE86B"
- ]
- }
- TransactionAddressTile {
- title: "To"
- width: parent.width
- rootStore: mockupRootStore
- contactsStore: contactsStoreMockup
- addresses: [
- "0x29D7d1dd5B6f9C864d9db560D72a247c178aE86C",
- "eth:arb1:oeth:0x4de3f6278C0DdFd3F29df9DcD979038F5c7bbc35",
- "0x4de3f6278C0DdFd3F29df9DcD979038F5c7bbc35",
- "eth:oeth:arb1:0x4de3f6278C0DdFd3F29df9DcD979038F5c7bbc35",
- "eth:oeth:arb1:0x29D7d1dd5B6f9C864d9db560D72a247c178aE86B",
- "0x29D7d1dd5B6f9C864d9db560D72a247c178aE86B",
- "eth:oeth:arb1:0x4de3f6278C0DdFd3F29df9DcD979038F5c7bbc36"
- ]
- }
- }
- }
- }
- LogsAndControlsPanel {
- SplitView.minimumHeight: 100
- SplitView.preferredHeight: 150
- SplitView.fillWidth: true
- }
-// category: Wallet
diff --git a/ui/app/AppLayouts/Wallet/panels/WalletNftPreview.qml b/ui/app/AppLayouts/Wallet/panels/WalletNftPreview.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5dd3ba7ca7..0000000000
--- a/ui/app/AppLayouts/Wallet/panels/WalletNftPreview.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-import QtQuick 2.15
-import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
-import QtGraphicalEffects 1.15
-import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
-import StatusQ.Core 0.1
-import StatusQ.Controls 0.1
-import StatusQ.Components 0.1
-import shared.controls 1.0
-import utils 1.0
-ColumnLayout {
- id: root
- property string nftName
- property string nftUrl
- property string tokenId
- property string tokenAddress
- property bool strikethrough: false
- property bool areTestNetworksEnabled: false
- spacing: Theme.padding
- StatusBaseText {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- font.pixelSize: 15
- color: Theme.palette.directColor5
- text: qsTr("Preview")
- elide: Text.ElideRight
- }
- Rectangle {
- radius: 8
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- Layout.preferredHeight: nftPreviewColumn.height + Theme.bigPadding
- color: nftPreviewSensor.hovered ? Theme.palette.baseColor2 : "transparent"
- border.width: 1
- border.color: Theme.palette.separator
- HoverHandler {
- id: nftPreviewSensor
- target: parent
- }
- Column {
- // NOTE Using Column instead of Layout to handle image fill mode properly
- id: nftPreviewColumn
- spacing: Theme.padding
- anchors {
- left: parent.left
- top: parent.top
- right: parent.right
- margins: Theme.bigPadding / 2
- }
- height: childrenRect.height
- StatusRoundedMedia {
- id: nftPreviewImage
- width: parent.width
- height: width
- mediaUrl: root.nftUrl
- mediaType: "image"
- radius: 8
- }
- RowLayout {
- width: parent.width
- spacing: Theme.smallPadding
- ColumnLayout {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- Layout.rightMargin: button.visible ? 0 : button.width + parent.spacing
- Layout.topMargin: Theme.smallPadding
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft
- spacing: 4
- StatusBaseText {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- font.pixelSize: 15
- font.strikeout: root.strikethrough
- text: root.nftName
- visible: !!text
- elide: Text.ElideRight
- }
- StatusBaseText {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- font.pixelSize: 15
- color: Theme.palette.directColor5
- text: root.tokenId
- visible: !!text
- elide: Text.ElideRight
- }
- }
- StatusRoundButton {
- id: button
- implicitWidth: 32
- implicitHeight: 32
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignTop
- icon.color: hovered ? Theme.palette.directColor1 : Theme.palette.baseColor1
- icon.name: "external"
- type: StatusRoundButton.Type.Quinary
- radius: 8
- visible: nftPreviewSensor.hovered && !!root.tokenId && !!root.tokenAddress
- onClicked: {
- let link = Constants.networkExplorerLinks.etherscan
- if (areTestNetworksEnabled) {
- link = Constants.networkExplorerLinks.sepoliaEtherscan
- }
- Global.openLink("%1/nft/%2/%3".arg(link).arg(root.tokenAddress).arg(root.tokenId))
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/ui/app/AppLayouts/Wallet/panels/WalletTxProgressBlock.qml b/ui/app/AppLayouts/Wallet/panels/WalletTxProgressBlock.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index d56587ce4c..0000000000
--- a/ui/app/AppLayouts/Wallet/panels/WalletTxProgressBlock.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-import QtQuick 2.13
-import QtQuick.Layouts 1.13
-import StatusQ.Core 0.1
-import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
-import utils 1.0
-import shared.panels 1.0
-import "../controls"
-ColumnLayout {
- id: root
- property bool error: false
- property bool pending: false
- property int outNetworkLayer: 0
- property int inNetworkLayer: 0
- property double outNetworkTimestamp: 0
- property double inNetworkTimestamp: 0
- property string outChainName
- property string inChainName
- property int outNetworkConfirmations: 0
- property int inNetworkConfirmations: 0
- spacing: 32
- StatusTxProgressBar {
- id: progressBarOut
- Layout.topMargin: 8
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- error: root.error
- networkLayer: root.outNetworkLayer
- confirmations: root.outNetworkConfirmations
- timestamp: root.outNetworkTimestamp
- chainName: root.outChainName
- }
- TextColumn {
- visible: progressBarOut.isValid && progressBarOut.error
- text: qsTr("Failed on %1").arg(progressBarOut.chainName)
- timestamp: progressBarOut.timestamp
- }
- StatusTxProgressBar {
- id: progressBarIn
- Layout.topMargin: 8
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- error: root.error
- networkLayer: root.inNetworkLayer
- confirmations: root.inNetworkConfirmations
- timestamp: root.inNetworkTimestamp
- chainName: root.inChainName
- }
- TextColumn {
- visible: progressBarOut.isValid && progressBarOut.confirmed
- text: qsTr("Confirmed on %1").arg(progressBarOut.chainName)
- timestamp: progressBarOut.confirmationTimeStamp
- }
- TextColumn {
- visible: progressBarIn.isValid && progressBarIn.confirmed
- text: qsTr("Confirmed on %1").arg(progressBarIn.chainName)
- timestamp: progressBarIn.confirmationTimeStamp
- }
- TextColumn {
- visible: progressBarOut.isValid && progressBarOut.finalized
- text: qsTr("Finalised on %1").arg(progressBarOut.chainName)
- timestamp: progressBarOut.finalisationTimeStamp
- }
- TextColumn {
- visible: progressBarIn.isValid && progressBarIn.finalized
- text: qsTr("Finalised on %1").arg(progressBarIn.chainName)
- timestamp: progressBarIn.finalisationTimeStamp
- }
- TextColumn {
- visible: progressBarIn.isValid && progressBarIn.error
- text: qsTr("Failed on %1").arg(progressBarIn.chainName)
- timestamp: progressBarIn.timestamp
- }
- component TextColumn: Column {
- id: textColumn
- property string text
- property int timestamp
- spacing: 4
- StatusBaseText {
- horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
- verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
- font.pixelSize: 13
- color: Theme.palette.baseColor1
- lineHeight: 18
- lineHeightMode: Text.FixedHeight
- text: textColumn.text
- }
- StatusBaseText {
- horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
- verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
- font.pixelSize: 13
- color: Theme.palette.directColor1
- lineHeight: 18
- lineHeightMode: Text.FixedHeight
- text: textColumn.timestamp > 0 ? LocaleUtils.formatDateTime(textColumn.timestamp * 1000, Locale.LongFormat) : ""
- }
- }
diff --git a/ui/app/AppLayouts/Wallet/panels/qmldir b/ui/app/AppLayouts/Wallet/panels/qmldir
index a730350ed2..7ca46bedf6 100644
--- a/ui/app/AppLayouts/Wallet/panels/qmldir
+++ b/ui/app/AppLayouts/Wallet/panels/qmldir
@@ -12,5 +12,3 @@ SignInfoBox 1.0 SignInfoBox.qml
SwapInputPanel 1.0 SwapInputPanel.qml
TokenSelectorPanel 1.0 TokenSelectorPanel.qml
WalletHeader 1.0 WalletHeader.qml
-WalletNftPreview 1.0 WalletNftPreview.qml
-WalletTxProgressBlock 1.0 WalletTxProgressBlock.qml
diff --git a/ui/app/AppLayouts/Wallet/popups/TransactionAddressMenu.qml b/ui/app/AppLayouts/Wallet/popups/TransactionAddressMenu.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6bebdd6731..0000000000
--- a/ui/app/AppLayouts/Wallet/popups/TransactionAddressMenu.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,354 +0,0 @@
-import QtQuick 2.15
-import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
-import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
-import QtQuick.Window 2.15
-import StatusQ 0.1
-import StatusQ.Components 0.1
-import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
-import StatusQ.Core 0.1
-import StatusQ.Controls 0.1
-import StatusQ.Popups 0.1
-import shared.controls 1.0
-import utils 1.0
-import shared.stores 1.0
-import "../stores" as WalletStores
-import AppLayouts.Profile.stores 1.0 as ProfileStores
-// NOTE:
-// The address should be marked as shown (calling `mainModule.addressWasShown(address)`) if the user interacts with
-// actions in the menu that reveals the address.
-// That call is not added now, just because the only place where this menu is used is in the transaction details view
-// and the address will be already marked as shown when the user opens the transaction details view.
-// This note here is just to remember that if this menu is used in other places, the address should be marked as shown.
-StatusMenu {
- id: root
- property ProfileStores.ContactsStore contactsStore
- property NetworkConnectionStore networkConnectionStore
- property bool areTestNetworksEnabled: false
- signal openSendModal(address: string)
- enum AddressType {
- Address,
- Sender,
- Receiver,
- Tx,
- InputData,
- Contract
- }
- QtObject {
- id: d
- property string selectedAddress: ""
- property string cleanSelectedAddress: d.selectedAddress.split(":").pop()
- property string addressName: ""
- property string addressEns: ""
- property string colorId: ""
- property string contractName: ""
- property int addressType: TransactionAddressMenu.AddressType.Address
- readonly property QtObject exp: Constants.networkExplorerLinks
- readonly property QtObject chains: Constants.networkShortChainNames
- readonly property bool isAddress: d.addressType !== TransactionAddressMenu.Tx
- function getViewText(target) {
- switch(d.addressType) {
- case TransactionAddressMenu.AddressType.Contract:
- if (d.contractName.length > 0)
- return qsTr("View %1 contract address on %2").arg(d.contractName).arg(target)
- return qsTr("View contract address on %1").arg(target)
- case TransactionAddressMenu.AddressType.InputData:
- return qsTr("View input data on %1").arg(target)
- case TransactionAddressMenu.AddressType.Tx:
- return qsTr("View transaction on %1").arg(target)
- case TransactionAddressMenu.AddressType.Sender:
- return qsTr("View sender address on %1").arg(target)
- case TransactionAddressMenu.AddressType.Receiver:
- return qsTr("View receiver address on %1").arg(target)
- default:
- return qsTr("View address on %1").arg(target)
- }
- }
- function refreshShowOnActionsVisiblity(shortChainNameList) {
- for (let i = 0 ; i < shortChainNameList.length ; i++) {
- switch(shortChainNameList[i].toLowerCase()) {
- case d.chains.arbitrum:
- showOnArbiscanAction.enabled = true
- break
- case d.chains.optimism:
- showOnOptimismAction.enabled = true
- break
- default:
- showOnEtherscanAction.enabled = true
- break
- }
- }
- }
- function openMenu(delegate) {
- const x = delegate.width - 40
- const y = delegate.height / 2 + 20
- root.popup(delegate, x, y)
- }
- readonly property TextMetrics contentMetrics: TextMetrics {
- id: contentMetrics
- font.pixelSize: root.fontSettings.pixelSize
- font.family: Theme.baseFont.name
- text: {
- // Getting longest possible text
- if (showOnEtherscanAction.enabled) {
- return showOnEtherscanAction.text
- } else if (showOnArbiscanAction.enabled) {
- return showOnArbiscanAction.text
- }
- return showOnOptimismAction.text
- }
- }
- }
- function openSenderMenu(delegate, address, chainShortNameList = []) {
- d.addressType = TransactionAddressMenu.AddressType.Sender
- openEthAddressMenu(delegate, address, chainShortNameList)
- }
- function openReceiverMenu(delegate, address, chainShortNameList = []) {
- d.addressType = TransactionAddressMenu.AddressType.Receiver
- openEthAddressMenu(delegate, address, chainShortNameList)
- }
- function openEthAddressMenu(delegate, address, chainShortNameList = []) {
- d.selectedAddress = address
- address = address.toLowerCase()
- const contactPubKey = "" // TODO retrive contact public key or contact data directly from address
- let contactData = Utils.getContactDetailsAsJson(contactPubKey)
- let isWalletAccount = false
- const isContact = contactData.isContact
- if (isContact) {
- d.addressName = contactData.name
- } else {
- // Revisit here after this issue (resolving source for preferred chains...):
- // https://github.com/status-im/status-desktop/issues/13109
- d.addressName = WalletStores.RootStore.getNameForWalletAddress(address)
- isWalletAccount = d.addressName.length > 0
- if (!isWalletAccount) {
- let savedAddress = WalletStores.RootStore.getSavedAddress(address)
- d.addressName = savedAddress.name
- d.addressEns = savedAddress.ens
- d.colorId = savedAddress.colorId
- }
- }
- showOnEtherscanAction.enabled = true
- showOnArbiscanAction.enabled = address.includes(d.chains.arbitrum + ":")
- showOnOptimismAction.enabled = address.includes(d.chains.optimism + ":")
- d.refreshShowOnActionsVisiblity(chainShortNameList)
- saveAddressAction.enabled = d.addressName.length === 0
- editAddressAction.enabled = !isWalletAccount && !isContact && d.addressName.length > 0
- if (root.networkConnectionStore.sendBuyBridgeEnabled)
- sendToAddressAction.enabled = true
- showQrAction.enabled = true
- d.openMenu(delegate)
- }
- function openTxMenu(delegate, address, chainShortNameList=[]) {
- d.addressType = TransactionAddressMenu.AddressType.Tx
- d.selectedAddress = address
- d.refreshShowOnActionsVisiblity(chainShortNameList)
- d.openMenu(delegate)
- }
- function openContractMenu(delegate, address, chainShortNameList=[], name="") {
- d.addressType = TransactionAddressMenu.AddressType.Contract
- d.contractName = name
- d.selectedAddress = address
- d.refreshShowOnActionsVisiblity(chainShortNameList)
- d.openMenu(delegate)
- }
- function openInputDataMenu(delegate, address) {
- d.addressType = TransactionAddressMenu.AddressType.InputData
- d.selectedAddress = address
- d.openMenu(delegate)
- }
- onClosed: {
- d.addressType = TransactionAddressMenu.AddressType.Address
- d.contractName = ""
- showOnEtherscanAction.enabled = false
- showOnArbiscanAction.enabled = false
- showOnOptimismAction.enabled = false
- showQrAction.enabled = false
- saveAddressAction.enabled = false
- editAddressAction.enabled = false
- sendToAddressAction.enabled = false
- }
- // Additional offset for menu icon
- contentWidth: contentMetrics.width + 50
- hideDisabledItems: true
- StatusAction {
- id: showOnEtherscanAction
- enabled: false
- text: d.getViewText(qsTr("Etherscan"))
- icon.name: "link"
- onTriggered: {
- let url = Utils.getEtherscanUrl(d.chains.mainnet, root.areTestNetworksEnabled, d.cleanSelectedAddress, d.isAddress)
- Global.openLink(url)
- }
- }
- StatusAction {
- id: showOnArbiscanAction
- enabled: false
- text: d.getViewText(qsTr("Arbiscan"))
- icon.name: "link"
- onTriggered: {
- let url = Utils.getEtherscanUrl(d.chains.arbitrum, root.areTestNetworksEnabled, d.cleanSelectedAddress, d.isAddress)
- Global.openLink(url)
- }
- }
- StatusAction {
- id: showOnOptimismAction
- enabled: false
- text: d.getViewText(qsTr("Optimism Explorer"))
- icon.name: "link"
- onTriggered: {
- let url = Utils.getEtherscanUrl(d.chains.optimism, root.areTestNetworksEnabled, d.cleanSelectedAddress, d.isAddress)
- Global.openLink(url)
- }
- }
- StatusSuccessAction {
- id: copyAddressAction
- successText: {
- switch(d.addressType) {
- case TransactionAddressMenu.AddressType.Contract:
- return qsTr("Contract address copied")
- case TransactionAddressMenu.AddressType.InputData:
- return qsTr("Input data copied")
- case TransactionAddressMenu.AddressType.Tx:
- return qsTr("Tx hash copied")
- case TransactionAddressMenu.AddressType.Sender:
- return qsTr("Sender address copied")
- case TransactionAddressMenu.AddressType.Receiver:
- return qsTr("Receiver address copied")
- default:
- return qsTr("Address copied")
- }
- }
- text: {
- switch(d.addressType) {
- case TransactionAddressMenu.AddressType.Contract:
- return qsTr("Copy contract address")
- case TransactionAddressMenu.AddressType.InputData:
- return qsTr("Copy input data")
- case TransactionAddressMenu.AddressType.Tx:
- return qsTr("Copy Tx hash")
- case TransactionAddressMenu.AddressType.Sender:
- return qsTr("Copy sender address")
- case TransactionAddressMenu.AddressType.Receiver:
- return qsTr("Copy receiver address")
- default:
- return qsTr("Copy address")
- }
- }
- icon.name: "copy"
- onTriggered: ClipboardUtils.setText(d.selectedAddress)
- }
- StatusAction {
- id: showQrAction
- enabled: false
- text: {
- switch(d.addressType) {
- case TransactionAddressMenu.AddressType.Sender:
- return qsTr("Show sender address QR")
- case TransactionAddressMenu.AddressType.Receiver:
- return qsTr("Show receiver address QR")
- default:
- return qsTr("Show address QR")
- }
- }
- icon.name: "qr"
- onTriggered: {
- onTriggered: Global.openShowQRPopup({
- showSingleAccount: true,
- switchingAccounsEnabled: false,
- hasFloatingButtons: false,
- name: d.addressName,
- address: d.selectedAddress,
- colorId: d.colorId,
- })
- }
- }
- StatusAction {
- id: saveAddressAction
- enabled: false
- text: {
- switch(d.addressType) {
- case TransactionAddressMenu.AddressType.Sender:
- return qsTr("Save sender address")
- case TransactionAddressMenu.AddressType.Receiver:
- return qsTr("Save receiver address")
- default:
- return qsTr("Save address")
- }
- }
- icon.name: "star-icon-outline"
- onTriggered: {
- Global.openAddEditSavedAddressesPopup({
- addAddress: true,
- address: d.selectedAddress,
- ens: d.addressEns
- })
- }
- }
- StatusAction {
- id: editAddressAction
- enabled: false
- text: qsTr("Edit saved address")
- icon.name: "pencil-outline"
- onTriggered: Global.openAddEditSavedAddressesPopup({
- edit: true,
- name: d.addressName,
- address: d.selectedAddress,
- ens: d.addressEns,
- colorId: d.colorId})
- }
- StatusAction {
- id: sendToAddressAction
- enabled: false
- text: {
- switch(d.addressType) {
- case TransactionAddressMenu.AddressType.Sender:
- return qsTr("Send to sender address")
- case TransactionAddressMenu.AddressType.Receiver:
- return qsTr("Send to receiver address")
- default:
- return qsTr("Send to address")
- }
- }
- icon.name: "send"
- onTriggered: root.openSendModal(d.selectedAddress)
- }
diff --git a/ui/imports/shared/controls/TransactionAddress.qml b/ui/imports/shared/controls/TransactionAddress.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ac1d79342..0000000000
--- a/ui/imports/shared/controls/TransactionAddress.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
-import QtQuick 2.15
-import QtQuick.Layouts 1.13
-import StatusQ.Core 0.1
-import StatusQ.Components 0.1
-import StatusQ.Controls 0.1
-import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
-import AppLayouts.Wallet 1.0
-import AppLayouts.Wallet.stores 1.0 as WalletStores
-import AppLayouts.Profile.stores 1.0 as ProfileStores
-import utils 1.0
- \qmltype TransactionAddress
- \inherits Item
- \inqmlmodule shared.controls
- \since shared.controls 1.0
- \brief It displays transaction address in depending on amount of data provided.
- The \c TransactionAddress should be used to display transaction activity data.
- \qml
- TransactionAddress {
- address: "0x29D7d1dd5B6f9C864d9db560D72a247c208aE86B"
- }
- \endqml
-Item {
- id: root
- /*!
- \qmlproperty string TransactionAddress::address
- This property holds wallet address.
- */
- property string address
- /* /internal Property hold reference to contacts store to refresh contact data on any change. */
- property ProfileStores.ContactsStore contactsStore
- /* /internal Property hold reference to root store to refresh wallet data on any change. */
- property WalletStores.RootStore rootStore
- /*!
- \qmlproperty \l{StatusAssetSettings} TransactionAddress::asset
- Property holds asset settings for contact icon.
- */
- property StatusAssetSettings asset: StatusAssetSettings {
- id: statusAssetSettings
- width: 36
- height: 36
- color: d.isContact ? Utils.colorForPubkey(root.contactPubKey) : d.walletAddressColor
- name: {
- if (d.isContact) {
- return isImage ? d.contactData.thumbnailImage : nameText.text
- } else if (d.isWallet && !d.walletAddressEmoji) {
- return "filled-account"
- }
- return ""
- }
- isImage: d.isContact && statusAssetSettings.isImgSrc(d.contactData.thumbnailImage)
- emoji: d.isWallet && !!d.walletAddressEmoji ? d.walletAddressEmoji : ""
- isLetterIdenticon: d.isContact && !isImage
- charactersLen: 2
- }
- implicitHeight: Math.max(44, contentColumn.height) + 12
- onAddressChanged: {
- d.refresh()
- }
- Component.onCompleted: {
- d.refresh()
- }
- QtObject {
- id: d
- property string contactPubKey: !!root.contactsStore ? root.contactsStore.getContactPublicKeyByAddress(root.address) : ""
- readonly property bool isContact: contactData.isContact
- readonly property bool isWallet: !isContact && !!walletAddressName
- property var contactData
- property string savedAddressName
- property string walletAddressName
- property string walletAddressEmoji
- property string walletAddressColor
- function refresh() {
- refreshContactData()
- refreshSavedAddressName()
- refreshWalletAddress()
- }
- function refreshContactData() {
- d.contactData = Utils.getContactDetailsAsJson(d.contactPubKey)
- }
- function refreshSavedAddressName() {
- if (!root.rootStore) {
- return
- }
- let savedAddress = root.rootStore.getSavedAddress(root.address)
- d.savedAddressName = savedAddress.name
- }
- function refreshWalletAddress() {
- d.walletAddressName = !!root.rootStore ? root.rootStore.getNameForWalletAddress(root.address) : ""
- if (!d.walletAddressName)
- return // No need to query other if name not found
- d.walletAddressEmoji = !!root.rootStore ? root.rootStore.getEmojiForWalletAddress(root.address) : ""
- d.walletAddressColor = Utils.getColorForId(!!root.rootStore ? root.rootStore.getColorForWalletAddress(root.address) : "")
- }
- readonly property Connections walletAccountsConnection: Connections {
- target: !!root.rootStore ? root.rootStore.accounts ?? null : null
- function onItemChanged(address) {
- if (address === root.address)
- d.refreshWalletAddress()
- }
- }
- readonly property Connections myContactsModelConnection: Connections {
- target: root.contactsStore.myContactsModel ?? null
- function onItemChanged(pubKey) {
- if (pubKey === root.contactPubKey)
- d.refreshContactData()
- }
- }
- readonly property Connections receivedContactsReqModelConnection: Connections {
- target: root.contactsStore.receivedContactRequestsModel ?? null
- function onItemChanged(pubKey) {
- if (pubKey === root.contactPubKey)
- d.refreshContactData()
- }
- }
- readonly property Connections sentContactReqModelConnection: Connections {
- target: root.contactsStore.sentContactRequestsModel ?? null
- function onItemChanged(pubKey) {
- if (pubKey === root.contactPubKey)
- d.refreshContactData()
- }
- }
- }
- RowLayout {
- id: contentRow
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- anchors.left: parent.left
- anchors.right: parent.right
- StatusSmartIdenticon {
- id: identicon
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignTop
- asset: root.asset
- name: nameText.text
- ringSettings {
- ringSpecModel: d.isContact ? Utils.getColorHashAsJson(d.contactData.publicKey) : []
- ringPxSize: asset.width / 24
- }
- visible: d.isContact || d.isWallet
- }
- ColumnLayout {
- id: contentColumn
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- spacing: 0
- StatusBaseText {
- id: nameText
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- font.pixelSize: 15
- color: Theme.palette.directColor1
- text: {
- let name = ""
- if (d.isContact) {
- name = ProfileUtils.displayName(d.contactData.localNickname, d.contactData.name, d.contactData.displayName, d.contactData.alias)
- }
- return name || d.walletAddressName || d.savedAddressName
- }
- visible: !!text
- elide: Text.ElideRight
- }
- StatusBaseText {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- font.pixelSize: 15
- color: Theme.palette.directColor1
- wrapMode: Text.WrapAnywhere
- enabled: false // Set to false to disable hover for rich text
- text: root.address
- visible: !!root.address
- elide: Text.ElideRight
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/ui/imports/shared/controls/TransactionAddressTile.qml b/ui/imports/shared/controls/TransactionAddressTile.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index 471636c3db..0000000000
--- a/ui/imports/shared/controls/TransactionAddressTile.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-import QtQuick 2.13
-import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
-import QtQuick.Shapes 1.15
-import StatusQ.Core 0.1
-import StatusQ.Controls 0.1
-import StatusQ.Components 0.1
-import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
-import AppLayouts.Profile.stores 1.0 as ProfileStores
-import AppLayouts.Wallet.stores 1.0 as WalletStores
- \qmltype TransactionAddressTile
- \inherits TransactionDataTile
- \inqmlmodule shared.controls
- \since shared.controls 1.0
- \brief It displays list of addresses for wallet activity.
- The \c TransactionAddressTile can display list of addresses formatted in specific way.
- \qml
- TransactionAddressTile {
- title: qsTr("From")
- width: parent.width
- rootStore: WalletStores.RootStore
- addresses: [
- "eth:arb1:oeth:0x4de3f6278C0DdFd3F29df9DcD979038F5c7bbc35",
- "0x4de3f6278C0DdFd3F29df9DcD979038F5c7bbc35",
- ]
- }
- \endqml
-TransactionDataTile {
- id: root
- /*!
- \qmlproperty var TransactionAddressTile::addresses
- This property holds list or model of addresses to display in the tile.
- */
- property var addresses: []
- /*!
- \qmlproperty var TransactionAddressTile::rootStore
- This property holds rootStore object used to retrive data for each address.
- */
- property WalletStores.RootStore rootStore
- /* /internal Property hold reference to contacts store to refresh contact data on any change. */
- property ProfileStores.ContactsStore contactsStore
- implicitHeight: transactionColumn.height + transactionColumn.spacing + root.topPadding + root.bottomPadding
- buttonIconName: "more"
- Column {
- id: transactionColumn
- anchors {
- left: parent.left
- leftMargin: root.leftPadding
- right: parent.right
- rightMargin: root.statusListItemComponentsSlot.width + root.rightPadding * 2
- bottom: parent.bottom
- bottomMargin: root.bottomPadding
- }
- height: childrenRect.height
- spacing: 4
- Repeater {
- model: root.addresses
- delegate: TransactionAddress {
- width: parent.width
- address: modelData
- rootStore: root.rootStore
- contactsStore: root.contactsStore
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/ui/imports/shared/controls/TransactionDataTile.qml b/ui/imports/shared/controls/TransactionDataTile.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index 903eba070c..0000000000
--- a/ui/imports/shared/controls/TransactionDataTile.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-import QtQuick 2.15
-import QtGraphicalEffects 1.15
-import StatusQ.Components 0.1
-import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
-import StatusQ.Core 0.1
-import StatusQ.Controls 0.1
-import utils 1.0
-import shared.panels 1.0
- \qmltype TransactionDataTile
- \inherits StatusListItem
- \inqmlmodule shared.controls
- \since shared.controls 1.0
- \brief It displays data for wallet activity.
- The \c TransactionDataTile can display wallet activity data as a tile.
- To show button fill \l{buttonIcon} property.
- \qml
- TransactionDataTile {
- width: parent.width
- title: qsTr("From")
- buttonIcon: "more"
- }
- \endqml
-StatusListItem {
- id: root
- /*!
- \qmlproperty int TransactionDataTile::topPadding
- This property holds spacing between top and content item in tile.
- */
- property int topPadding: 12
- /*!
- \qmlproperty int TransactionDataTile::bottomPadding
- This property holds spacing between bottom and content item in tile.
- */
- property int bottomPadding: 12
- /*!
- \qmlproperty bool TransactionDataTile::smallIcon
- This property holds information about icon state. Setting it to true will display small icon before subtitle.
- Default value is false.
- */
- property bool smallIcon: false
- /*!
- \qmlproperty string TransactionDataTile::buttonIconName
- This property holds button icon source string.
- To show button icon source must be filled
- */
- property string buttonIconName
- property StatusAssetSettings iconSettings: StatusAssetSettings {
- name: root.asset.name
- color: "transparent"
- width: root.smallIcon ? 20 : 36
- height: root.smallIcon ? 20 : 36
- bgWidth: width
- bgHeight: height
- }
- signal buttonClicked()
- leftPadding: 12
- rightPadding: 12
- height: visible ? implicitHeight + bottomPadding : 0
- radius: 0
- sensor.cursorShape: Qt.ArrowCursor
- color: sensor.containsMouse || highlighted ? Theme.palette.baseColor5 : Theme.palette.transparent
- // Title
- statusListItemTitle.customColor: Theme.palette.directColor5
- statusListItemTitle.enabled: false
- statusListItemTitleArea.anchors {
- left: statusListItemTitleArea.parent.left
- top: statusListItemTitleArea.parent.top
- topMargin: topPadding
- right: statusListItemTitleArea.parent.right
- verticalCenter: undefined
- }
- // Subtitle
- statusListItemTagsRowLayout.anchors.topMargin: 8
- statusListItemTagsRowLayout.width: statusListItemTagsRowLayout.parent.width - (!!root.buttonIconName ? 36 : 0)
- statusListItemSubTitle.customColor: Theme.palette.directColor1
- // Tertiary title
- statusListItemTertiaryTitle.anchors.topMargin: -statusListItemTertiaryTitle.height
- statusListItemTertiaryTitle.horizontalAlignment: Qt.AlignRight
- // Icon
- asset.isImage: false
- statusListItemTagsRowLayout.spacing: 8
- subTitleBadgeComponent: !!asset.name ? iconComponent : null
- statusListItemIcon.asset: StatusAssetSettings {}
- statusListItemIcon.name: ""
- Component {
- id: iconComponent
- StatusRoundIcon {
- asset: root.iconSettings
- layer.enabled: asset.bgRadius > 0
- layer.effect: OpacityMask {
- maskSource: Rectangle {
- width: root.iconSettings.bgWidth
- height: root.iconSettings.bgHeight
- radius: root.iconSettings.bgRadius
- }
- }
- }
- }
- components: Loader {
- active: !!root.buttonIconName
- sourceComponent: StatusRoundButton {
- width: 32
- height: 32
- icon.color: hovered ? Theme.palette.directColor1 : Theme.palette.baseColor1
- icon.name: root.buttonIconName
- type: StatusRoundButton.Type.Quinary
- radius: 8
- visible: root.sensor.containsMouse
- onClicked: root.buttonClicked()
- }
- }
- Separator {
- anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
- }
diff --git a/ui/imports/shared/controls/qmldir b/ui/imports/shared/controls/qmldir
index 561807f0f0..b982a625e8 100644
--- a/ui/imports/shared/controls/qmldir
+++ b/ui/imports/shared/controls/qmldir
@@ -43,9 +43,6 @@ StyledTextEdit 1.0 StyledTextEdit.qml
StyledTextEditWithLoadingState 1.0 StyledTextEditWithLoadingState.qml
Timer 1.0 Timer.qml
TokenDelegate 1.0 TokenDelegate.qml
-TransactionAddress 1.0 TransactionAddress.qml
-TransactionAddressTile 1.0 TransactionAddressTile.qml
-TransactionDataTile 1.0 TransactionDataTile.qml
TransactionDelegate 1.0 TransactionDelegate.qml
TransactionDetailsHeader.qml 1.0 TransactionDetailsHeader.qml
WalletAccountListItem 1.0 WalletAccountListItem.qml