feat: Add transaction modal when changing the pubkey
This commit is contained in:
@ -209,9 +209,10 @@ QtObject:
proc registerENSGasEstimate(self: EnsManager, ensUsername: string, address: string): int {.slot.} =
proc registerENSGasEstimate(self: EnsManager, ensUsername: string, address: string): int {.slot.} =
var success: bool
var success: bool
let pubKey = status_settings.getSetting[string](Setting.PublicKey, "0x0")
let pubKey = status_settings.getSetting[string](Setting.PublicKey, "0x0")
result = registerUsernameEstimateGas(ensUsername, address, pubKey, success)
if not success:
result = registerUsernameEstimateGas(ensUsername, address, pubKey)
result = 325000
result = 380000
proc registerENS*(self: EnsManager, username: string, address: string, gas: string, gasPrice: string, password: string): string {.slot.} =
proc registerENS*(self: EnsManager, username: string, address: string, gas: string, gasPrice: string, password: string): string {.slot.} =
var success: bool
var success: bool
@ -226,15 +227,25 @@ QtObject:
self.add ensUsername
self.add ensUsername
proc setPubKey(self: EnsManager, username: string, password: string) {.slot.} =
except RpcException as e:
result = $(%* { "error": %* { "message": %e.msg }})
proc setPubKeyGasEstimate(self: EnsManager, ensUsername: string, address: string): int {.slot.} =
let pubKey = status_settings.getSetting[string](Setting.PublicKey, "0x0")
let pubKey = status_settings.getSetting[string](Setting.PublicKey, "0x0")
let address = status_wallet.getWalletAccounts()[0].address
let walletAddress = parseAddress(address)
result = setPubKeyEstimateGas(ensUsername, address, pubKey)
let trxHash = setPubKey(username, walletAddress, pubKey, password)
result = 80000
proc setPubKey(self: EnsManager, username: string, address: string, gas: string, gasPrice: string, password: string): string {.slot.} =
let pubKey = status_settings.getSetting[string](Setting.PublicKey, "0x0")
let response = setPubKey(username, pubKey, address, gas, gasPrice, password)
result = $(%* { "result": %response })
# TODO: handle transaction failure
# TODO: handle transaction failure
self.add username
self.add username
except RpcException as e:
result = $(%* { "error": %* { "message": %e.msg }})
@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ proc registerUsername*(username, pubKey, address, gas, gasPrice, password: stri
if success:
if success:
trackPendingTransaction(result, address, $sntContract.address, PendingTransactionType.RegisterENS, username & domain)
trackPendingTransaction(result, address, $sntContract.address, PendingTransactionType.RegisterENS, username & domain)
proc setPubKey*(username:string, address: EthAddress, pubKey: string, password: string): string =
proc setPubKeyEstimateGas*(username: string, address: string, pubKey: string): int =
var hash = namehash(username)
var hash = namehash(username)
@ -199,28 +199,36 @@ proc setPubKey*(username:string, address: EthAddress, pubKey: string, password:
x = fromHex(FixedBytes[32], "0x" & pubkey[4..67])
x = fromHex(FixedBytes[32], "0x" & pubkey[4..67])
y = fromHex(FixedBytes[32], "0x" & pubkey[68..131])
y = fromHex(FixedBytes[32], "0x" & pubkey[68..131])
resolverContract = contracts.getContract("ens-resolver")
resolverContract = contracts.getContract("ens-resolver")
setPubkey = SetPubkey(label: label, x: x, y: y)
resolverAddress = resolver(hash)
var tx = transactions.buildTokenTransaction(parseAddress(address), parseAddress(resolverAddress), "", "")
let response = resolverContract.methods["setPubkey"].estimateGas(tx, setPubkey)
result = fromHex[int](response)
except RpcException as e:
proc setPubKey*(username, pubKey, address, gas, gasPrice, password: string): string =
var hash = namehash(username)
label = fromHex(FixedBytes[32], "0x" & hash)
x = fromHex(FixedBytes[32], "0x" & pubkey[4..67])
y = fromHex(FixedBytes[32], "0x" & pubkey[68..131])
resolverContract = contracts.getContract("ens-resolver")
setPubkey = SetPubkey(label: label, x: x, y: y)
setPubkey = SetPubkey(label: label, x: x, y: y)
setPubkeyAbiEncoded = resolverContract.methods["setPubkey"].encodeAbi(setPubkey)
resolverAddress = resolver(hash)
let resolverAddress = resolver(hash)
var tx = transactions.buildTokenTransaction(parseAddress(address), parseAddress(resolverAddress), gas, gasPrice)
let payload = %* {
"from": $address,
result = resolverContract.methods["setPubkey"].send(tx, setPubkey, password)
"to": resolverAddress,
trackPendingTransaction(result, $address, resolverAddress, PendingTransactionType.SetPubKey, username)
# "gas": 200000, # TODO: obtain gas price?
except RpcException as e:
"data": setPubkeyAbiEncoded
let responseStr = sendTransaction($payload, password)
let response = Json.decode(responseStr, RpcResponse)
if not response.error.isNil:
raise newException(RpcException, "Error setting the pubkey: " & response.error.message)
trackPendingTransaction(response.result, $address, resolverAddress, PendingTransactionType.SetPubKey, username)
result = response.result
proc statusRegistrarAddress*():string =
proc statusRegistrarAddress*():string =
result = $contracts.getContract("ens-usernames").address
result = $contracts.getContract("ens-usernames").address
@ -46,34 +46,11 @@ Item {
Qt.callLater(validateENS, ensUsername, isStatus)
Qt.callLater(validateENS, ensUsername, isStatus)
ModalPopup {
SetPubKeyModal {
id: transactionDialog
id: transactionDialog
//% "TODO: replace this for the transaction dialog"
ensUsername: ensUsername.text
title: qsTrId("todo--replace-this-for-the-transaction-dialog")
width: 400
height: 400
Input {
id: passwd
placeholderText: "Password"
anchors.top: parent.textToCopy
anchors.topMargin: 24
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.leftMargin: 24
StyledButton {
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
anchors.bottomMargin: Style.current.padding
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.leftMargin: Style.current.padding
//% "Ok"
label: qsTrId("ok")
onClicked: {
profileModel.ens.setPubKey(ensUsername.text, passwd.text)
passwd.text = "";
StyledText {
StyledText {
@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
import QtQuick 2.13
import QtQuick.Controls 2.13
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.13
import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.3
import "../../../../../imports"
import "../../../../../shared"
ModalPopup {
id: root
readonly property var asset: {"name": "Ethereum", "symbol": "ETH"}
property string ensUsername: ""
title: qsTr("Connect username with your pubkey")
property MessageDialog sendingError: MessageDialog {
id: sendingError
title: qsTr("Error sending the transaction")
icon: StandardIcon.Critical
standardButtons: StandardButton.Ok
onClosed: {
function sendTransaction() {
let responseStr = profileModel.ens.setPubKey(root.ensUsername,
let response = JSON.parse(responseStr)
if (response.error) {
if (response.error.message.includes("could not decrypt key with given password")){
transactionSigner.validationError = qsTr("Wrong password")
sendingError.text = response.error.message
return sendingError.open()
TransactionStackView {
id: stack
height: parent.height
anchors.fill: parent
anchors.leftMargin: Style.current.padding
anchors.rightMargin: Style.current.padding
onGroupActivated: {
root.title = group.headerText
btnNext.label = group.footerText
TransactionFormGroup {
id: group1
headerText: qsTr("Connect username with your pubkey")
footerText: qsTr("Continue")
AccountSelector {
id: selectFromAccount
accounts: walletModel.accounts
selectedAccount: walletModel.currentAccount
currency: walletModel.defaultCurrency
width: stack.width
label: qsTr("Choose account")
showBalanceForAssetSymbol: "ETH"
minRequiredAssetBalance: 0
reset: function() {
accounts = Qt.binding(function() { return walletModel.accounts })
selectedAccount = Qt.binding(function() { return walletModel.currentAccount })
showBalanceForAssetSymbol = Qt.binding(function() { return "ETH" })
minRequiredAssetBalance = Qt.binding(function() { return 0 })
onSelectedAccountChanged: gasSelector.estimateGas()
RecipientSelector {
id: selectRecipient
visible: false
accounts: walletModel.accounts
contacts: profileModel.addedContacts
selectedRecipient: { "address": profileModel.ens.ensRegisterAddress, "type": RecipientSelector.Type.Address }
readOnly: true
onSelectedRecipientChanged: gasSelector.estimateGas()
GasSelector {
id: gasSelector
visible: false
slowestGasPrice: parseFloat(walletModel.safeLowGasPrice)
fastestGasPrice: parseFloat(walletModel.fastestGasPrice)
getGasEthValue: walletModel.getGasEthValue
getFiatValue: walletModel.getFiatValue
defaultCurrency: walletModel.defaultCurrency
reset: function() {
slowestGasPrice = Qt.binding(function(){ return parseFloat(walletModel.safeLowGasPrice) })
fastestGasPrice = Qt.binding(function(){ return parseFloat(walletModel.fastestGasPrice) })
property var estimateGas: Backpressure.debounce(gasSelector, 600, function() {
if (!(root.ensUsername !== "" && selectFromAccount.selectedAccount)) {
selectedGasLimit = 80000;
selectedGasLimit = profileModel.ens.setPubKeyGasEstimate(root.ensUsername, selectFromAccount.selectedAccount.address)
GasValidator {
id: gasValidator
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
anchors.bottomMargin: 8
selectedAccount: selectFromAccount.selectedAccount
selectedAsset: root.asset
selectedAmount: 0
selectedGasEthValue: gasSelector.selectedGasEthValue
reset: function() {
selectedAccount = Qt.binding(function() { return selectFromAccount.selectedAccount })
selectedAsset = Qt.binding(function() { return root.asset })
selectedAmount = Qt.binding(function() { return 0 })
selectedGasEthValue = Qt.binding(function() { return gasSelector.selectedGasEthValue })
TransactionFormGroup {
id: group3
headerText: qsTr("Connect username with your pubkey")
footerText: qsTr("Sign with password")
TransactionPreview {
id: pvwTransaction
width: stack.width
fromAccount: selectFromAccount.selectedAccount
gas: {
"value": gasSelector.selectedGasEthValue,
"symbol": "ETH",
"fiatValue": gasSelector.selectedGasFiatValue
toAccount: selectRecipient.selectedRecipient
asset: root.asset
currency: walletModel.defaultCurrency
amount: {
const fiatValue = walletModel.getFiatValue(0, root.asset.symbol, currency)
return { "value": 0, "fiatValue": fiatValue }
reset: function() {
fromAccount = Qt.binding(function() { return selectFromAccount.selectedAccount })
toAccount = Qt.binding(function() { return selectRecipient.selectedRecipient })
asset = Qt.binding(function() { return root.asset })
amount = Qt.binding(function() { return { "value": 0, "fiatValue": walletModel.getFiatValue(0, root.asset.symbol, currency) } })
gas = Qt.binding(function() {
return {
"value": gasSelector.selectedGasEthValue,
"symbol": "ETH",
"fiatValue": gasSelector.selectedGasFiatValue
TransactionFormGroup {
id: group4
headerText: qsTr("Connect username with your pubkey")
footerText: qsTr("Sign with password")
TransactionSigner {
id: transactionSigner
width: stack.width
signingPhrase: walletModel.signingPhrase
reset: function() {
signingPhrase = Qt.binding(function() { return walletModel.signingPhrase })
footer: Item {
anchors.top: parent.top
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
StyledButton {
id: btnNext
anchors.right: parent.right
label: qsTr("Next")
disabled: !stack.currentGroup.isValid
onClicked: {
const validity = stack.currentGroup.validate()
if (validity.isValid && !validity.isPending) {
if (stack.isLastGroup) {
return root.sendTransaction()
Designer {
Reference in New Issue