mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 16:00:50 +00:00
feat(activity): Add navigation to tx details (#13634)
This commit is contained in:
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ proc init*(self: Controller) =
self.communityTokensModule.onOwnerTokenReceived(args.communityId, args.communityName, args.chainId, args.contractAddress)
self.events.on(SIGNAL_COMMUNITY_TOKEN_RECEIVED) do(e: Args):
let args = CommunityTokenReceivedArgs(e)
self.communityTokensModule.onCommunityTokenReceived(args.name, args.symbol, args.image, args.communityId, args.communityName, $args.amount, args.chainId, args.txHash, args.isFirst, args.tokenType, args.accountName)
self.communityTokensModule.onCommunityTokenReceived(args.name, args.symbol, args.image, args.communityId, args.communityName, $args.amount, args.chainId, args.txHash, args.isFirst, args.tokenType, args.accountName, args.accountAddress)
self.events.on(SIGNAL_SET_SIGNER_STATUS) do(e: Args):
let args = SetSignerArgs(e)
self.communityTokensModule.onSetSignerStateChanged(args.communityId, args.chainId, args.transactionHash, args.status)
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ method removeCommunityToken*(self: AccessInterface, communityId: string, chainId
method onOwnerTokenReceived*(self: AccessInterface, communityId: string, communityName: string, chainId: int, contractAddress: string) {.base.} =
raise newException(ValueError, "No implementation available")
method onCommunityTokenReceived*(self: AccessInterface, name: string, symbol: string, image: string, communityId: string, communityName: string, balance: string, chainId: int, txHash: string, isFirst: bool, tokenType: int, accountName: string) {.base.} =
method onCommunityTokenReceived*(self: AccessInterface, name: string, symbol: string, image: string, communityId: string, communityName: string, balance: string, chainId: int, txHash: string, isFirst: bool, tokenType: int, accountName: string, accountAddress: string) {.base.} =
raise newException(ValueError, "No implementation available")
method onSendOwnerTokenStateChanged*(self: AccessInterface, chainId: int, transactionHash: string, tokenName: string, status: ContractTransactionStatus) {.base.} =
@ -334,8 +334,8 @@ method onAirdropStateChanged*(self: Module, communityId: string, tokenName: stri
method onOwnerTokenReceived*(self: Module, communityId: string, communityName: string, chainId: int, contractAddress: string) =
self.view.emitOwnerTokenReceived(communityId, communityName, chainId, contractAddress)
method onCommunityTokenReceived*(self: Module, name: string, symbol: string, image: string, communityId: string, communityName: string, balance: string, chainId: int, txHash: string, isFirst: bool, tokenType: int, accountName: string) =
self.view.emitCommunityTokenReceived(name, symbol, image, communityId, communityName, balance, chainId, txHash, isFirst, tokenType, accountName)
method onCommunityTokenReceived*(self: Module, name: string, symbol: string, image: string, communityId: string, communityName: string, balance: string, chainId: int, txHash: string, isFirst: bool, tokenType: int, accountName: string, accountAddress: string) =
self.view.emitCommunityTokenReceived(name, symbol, image, communityId, communityName, balance, chainId, txHash, isFirst, tokenType, accountName, accountAddress)
method onSetSignerStateChanged*(self: Module, communityId: string, chainId: int, transactionHash: string, status: ContractTransactionStatus) =
let communityDto = self.controller.getCommunityById(communityId)
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ QtObject:
proc burnFeeUpdated*(self: View, ethCurrency: QVariant, fiatCurrency: QVariant, errorCode: int, responseId: string) {.signal.}
proc setSignerFeeUpdated*(self: View, ethCurrency: QVariant, fiatCurrency: QVariant, errorCode: int, responseId: string) {.signal.}
proc ownerTokenReceived*(self: View, communityId: string, communityName: string, chainId: int, contractAddress: string) {.signal.}
proc communityTokenReceived*(self: View, name: string, symbol: string, image: string, communityId: string, communityName: string, balance: string, chainId: int, txHash: string, isFirst: bool, tokenType: int, accountName: string) {.signal.}
proc communityTokenReceived*(self: View, name: string, symbol: string, image: string, communityId: string, communityName: string, balance: string, chainId: int, txHash: string, isFirst: bool, tokenType: int, accountName: string, accountAddress: string) {.signal.}
proc setSignerStateChanged*(self: View, communityId: string, communityName: string, status: int, url: string) {.signal.}
proc ownershipNodeLost*(self: View, communityId: string, communityName: string) {.signal.}
proc sendOwnerTokenStateChanged*(self: View, tokenName: string, status: int, url: string) {.signal.}
@ -117,8 +117,8 @@ QtObject:
proc emitOwnerTokenReceived*(self: View, communityId: string, communityName: string, chainId: int, contractAddress: string) =
self.ownerTokenReceived(communityId, communityName, chainId, contractAddress)
proc emitCommunityTokenReceived*(self: View, name: string, symbol: string, image: string, communityId: string, communityName: string, balance: string, chainId: int, txHash: string, isFirst: bool, tokenType: int, accountName: string) =
self.communityTokenReceived(name, symbol, image, communityId, communityName, balance, chainId, txHash, isFirst, tokenType, accountName)
proc emitCommunityTokenReceived*(self: View, name: string, symbol: string, image: string, communityId: string, communityName: string, balance: string, chainId: int, txHash: string, isFirst: bool, tokenType: int, accountName: string, accountAddress: string) =
self.communityTokenReceived(name, symbol, image, communityId, communityName, balance, chainId, txHash, isFirst, tokenType, accountName, accountAddress)
proc emitSetSignerStateChanged*(self: View, communityId: string, communityName: string, status: int, url: string) =
self.setSignerStateChanged(communityId, communityName, status, url)
@ -128,6 +128,12 @@ QtObject:
read = getHasMore
notify = hasMoreChanged
proc getIndex*(self: Model, txHash: string): int {.slot.} =
for i, e in self.entries:
if e.getId() == txHash:
return i
return -1
proc refreshItemsContainingAddress*(self: Model, address: string) =
for i in 0..self.entries.high:
if cmpIgnoreCase(self.entries[i].getSender(), address) == 0 or
@ -89,10 +89,15 @@ Item {
if (leftPanelSelection === WalletLayout.LeftPanelSelection.SavedAddresses) {
} else {
let address = data.address ?? ""
if (leftPanelSelection === WalletLayout.LeftPanelSelection.AllAddresses) {
} else if (leftPanelSelection === WalletLayout.LeftPanelSelection.Address) {
if (!!address) {
} else {
if (rightPanelSelection !== WalletLayout.RightPanelSelection.Collectibles &&
@ -105,10 +110,14 @@ Item {
rightPanelStackView.currentItem.currentTabIndex = rightPanelSelection
let txHash = data.txHash?? ""
let savedAddress = data.savedAddress?? ""
if (!!savedAddress) {
} else if (!!txHash) {
@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ QtObject {
recentsFilters.length !== 0 ||
savedAddressFilters.length !== 0
signal displayTxDetails(string txHash)
readonly property QtObject _d: QtObject {
id: d
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ QtObject {
// Community token received in the user wallet:
function onCommunityTokenReceived(name, symbol, image, communityId, communityName, balance, chainId, txHash, isFirst, tokenType, walletAccountName) {
function onCommunityTokenReceived(name, symbol, image, communityId, communityName, balance, chainId, txHash, isFirst, tokenType, walletAddress, walletAccountName) {
// Some error control:
if(tokenType !== Constants.TokenType.ERC20 && tokenType !== Constants.TokenType.ERC721) {
@ -155,7 +155,8 @@ QtObject {
tokenName: name,
tokenSymbol: symbol,
tokenImage: image,
tokenAmount: balance
tokenAmount: balance,
walletAddress: walletAddress
if(isFirst) {
@ -217,17 +218,18 @@ QtObject {
case ToastsManager.ActionType.ViewTransactionDetails:
var txHash = ""
if(actionData) {
var parsedData = JSON.parse(actionData)
txHash = parsedData.txHash
const txHash = parsedData.txHash
const walletAddress = parsedData.walletAddress
// TODO: Final navigation to the specific transaction entry --> {transaction: txHash}) --> Issue #13249
{address: walletAddress,
txHash: txHash})
console.warn("Unexpected transaction hash while trying to navigate to the details page: " + txHash)
console.warn("Unexpected transaction hash while trying to navigate to the details page")
case ToastsManager.ActionType.OpenFirstCommunityTokenPopup:
if(actionData) {
@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ ActivityNotificationBase {
property int tokenType: root.tokenData.tokenType
// Wallet related:
property string walletAccountName: !!root.store ? root.store.walletStore.getNameForWalletAddress(root.tokenData.walletAddress) : ""
property string txHash: root.tokenData.txHash
property string walletAccountName: !!root.store && !root.isFirstTokenReceived ? root.store.walletStore.getNameForWalletAddress(root.tokenData.walletAddress) : ""
QtObject {
id: d
@ -57,8 +57,13 @@ ActivityNotificationBase {
readonly property string ctaText: root.isFirstTokenReceived ? qsTr("Learn more") : qsTr("Transaction details")
readonly property string title: root.isFirstTokenReceived ? (root.isAssetType ? qsTr("You received your first community asset") : qsTr("You received your first community collectible")) :
qsTr("Tokens received")
readonly property string info: root.isFirstTokenReceived ? qsTr("%1 %2 was airdropped to you from the %3 community").arg(root.tokenAmount).arg(d.formattedTokenName).arg(root.communityName) :
qsTr("You were airdropped %1 %2 from %3 to %4").arg(root.tokenAmount).arg(root.tokenName).arg(root.communityName).arg(root.walletAccountName)
readonly property string info: {
if (root.isFirstTokenReceived) {
return qsTr("%1 %2 was airdropped to you from the %3 community").arg(root.tokenAmount).arg(d.formattedTokenName).arg(root.communityName)
} else {
return qsTr("You were airdropped %1 %2 from %3 to %4").arg(root.tokenAmount).arg(root.tokenName).arg(root.communityName).arg(root.walletAccountName)
bodyComponent: RowLayout {
@ -121,9 +126,10 @@ ActivityNotificationBase {
else {
// TODO: Final navigation to the specific transaction entry --> {transaction: txHash}) --> Issue #13249
{address: root.tokenData.walletAddress,
txHash: root.txHash})
@ -38,7 +38,8 @@ QtObject {
string communityId, string communityName,
string balance, int chainId,
string txHash, bool isFirst,
int tokenType, string walletAccountName)
int tokenType, string walletAccountName,
string walletAddress)
// Minting tokens:
function deployCollectible(communityId, collectibleItem)
@ -136,8 +137,8 @@ QtObject {
root.ownerTokenReceived(communityId, communityName)
function onCommunityTokenReceived(name, symbol, image, communityId, communityName, balance, chainId, txHash, isFirst, tokenType, walletAccountName) {
root.communityTokenReceived(name, symbol, image, communityId, communityName, balance, chainId, txHash, isFirst, tokenType, walletAccountName)
function onCommunityTokenReceived(name, symbol, image, communityId, communityName, balance, chainId, txHash, isFirst, tokenType, walletAccountName, walletAccountName, walletAddress) {
root.communityTokenReceived(name, symbol, image, communityId, communityName, balance, chainId, txHash, isFirst, tokenType, walletAccountName, walletAccountName, walletAddress)
function onSetSignerStateChanged(communityId, communityName, status, url) {
@ -48,6 +48,10 @@ ColumnLayout {
onVisibleChanged: {
d.openTxDetailsHash = ""
Component.onCompleted: {
if (RootStore.transactionActivityStatus.isFilterDirty) {
@ -69,6 +73,16 @@ ColumnLayout {
Connections {
target: WalletStores.RootStore.currentActivityFiltersStore
enabled: root.visible
function onDisplayTxDetails(txHash) {
if (!d.openTxDetails(txHash)) {
d.openTxDetailsHash = txHash
QtObject {
id: d
readonly property bool isInitialLoading: RootStore.loadingHistoryTransactions && transactionListRoot.count === 0
@ -84,6 +98,23 @@ ColumnLayout {
d.lastRefreshTime = Date.now()
newTransactions.visible = false
property string openTxDetailsHash
function openTxDetails(txHash) {
// Prevent opening details when loading, that will invalidate the model data
if (RootStore.loadingHistoryTransactions) {
return false
const index = WalletStores.RootStore.currentActivityFiltersStore.transactionsList.getIndex(txHash)
if (index < 0)
return false
const entry = transactionListRoot.itemAtIndex(index)
root.selectedTransaction = Qt.binding(() => entry.modelData)
return true
StyledText {
@ -142,6 +173,16 @@ ColumnLayout {
objectName: "walletAccountTransactionList"
anchors.fill: parent
onCountChanged: {
if (!!d.openTxDetailsHash && root.visible) {
if (d.openTxDetails(d.openTxDetailsHash)) {
d.openTxDetailsHash = ""
} else {
model: SortFilterProxyModel {
id: txModel
Reference in New Issue
Block a user