test(community): add a test where the admin can delete a user's message

Fixes #6891
This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Rainville 2022-12-26 11:31:26 -05:00
parent 29450d34a7
commit 235c0d3042
16 changed files with 118 additions and 7 deletions

View File

@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class MainScreenComponents(Enum):
SPLASH_SCREEN = "splashScreen"
TOOLBAR_BACK_BUTTON = "main_toolBar_back_button"
LEAVE_CHAT_MENUITEM = "leaveChatMenuItem"
EMPTY_CHAT_PANEL_IMAGE = "mainWindow_emptyChatPanelImage"
CONTACTS_COLUMN_MESSAGES_HEADLINE = "mainWindow_ContactsColumn_Messages_Headline"
class ProfilePopup(Enum):
USER_IMAGE = "ProfileHeader_userImage"
@ -58,13 +58,13 @@ class ChatNamePopUp(Enum):
class StatusMainScreen:
def __init__(self):
# Main screen is ready to interact with it (Splash screen animation not present and no banners on top of the screen)
def is_ready(self):
verify(is_displayed(MainScreenComponents.EMPTY_CHAT_PANEL_IMAGE.value), "Verifying if empty chat panel image is displayed")
verify(is_displayed(MainScreenComponents.CONTACTS_COLUMN_MESSAGES_HEADLINE.value), "Verifying if the Messages headline is displayed")
def wait_for_splash_animation_ends(self, timeoutMSec: int = 10000):
start = time.time()

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
statusDesktop_mainWindow = {"name": "mainWindow", "type": "StatusWindow", "visible": True}
statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay = {"container": statusDesktop_mainWindow, "type": "Overlay", "unnamed": 1, "visible": True}
mainWindow_navBarListView_ListView = {"container": statusDesktop_mainWindow, "objectName": "statusMainNavBarListView", "type": "ListView", "visible": True}
mainWindow_communityNavBarListView_ListView = {"container": statusDesktop_mainWindow, "objectName": "statusCommunityMainNavBarListView", "type": "ListView", "visible": True}
chatView_log = {"container": statusDesktop_mainWindow, "objectName": "chatLogView", "type": "StatusListView", "visible": True}
secureSeedPhrase_Banner = {"container": statusDesktop_mainWindow, "objectName": "secureYourSeedPhraseBanner", "type": "ModuleWarning"}
connectionInfo_Banner = {"container": statusDesktop_mainWindow, "objectName": "connectionInfoBanner", "type": "ModuleWarning"}
@ -17,6 +18,7 @@ splashScreen = {"container": statusDesktop_mainWindow, "objectName": "splashScre
mainWindow_StatusToolBar = {"container": statusDesktop_mainWindow, "objectName": "statusToolBar", "type": "StatusToolBar", "visible": True}
main_toolBar_back_button = {"container": mainWindow_StatusToolBar, "objectName": "toolBarBackButton", "type": "StatusFlatButton", "visible": True}
mainWindow_emptyChatPanelImage = {"container": statusDesktop_mainWindow, "objectName": "emptyChatPanelImage", "type": "Image", "visible": True}
mainWindow_ContactsColumn_Messages_Headline = {"container": statusDesktop_mainWindow, "objectName": "ContactsColumnView_MessagesHeadline", "type": "StatusNavigationPanelHeadline"}
# main right panel
@ -37,7 +39,7 @@ closeButton_StatusHeaderAction = {"container": statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay,
mainWindow_statusChatNavBarListView_ListView = {"container": statusDesktop_mainWindow, "objectName": "statusChatNavBarListView", "type": "ListView", "visible": True}
navBarListView_Chat_navbar_StatusNavBarTabButton = {"checkable": True, "container": mainWindow_statusChatNavBarListView_ListView, "objectName": "Messages-navbar", "type": "StatusNavBarTabButton", "visible": True}
mainWindow_public_chat_icon_StatusIcon = {"container": statusDesktop_mainWindow, "objectName": "public-chat-icon", "source": "qrc:/StatusQ/src/assets/img/icons/public-chat.svg", "type": "StatusIcon", "visible": True}
chatList_Repeater = {"container": statusDesktop_mainWindow, "objectName": "chatListItems", "type": "Repeater"}
chatList_Repeater = {"container": statusDesktop_mainWindow, "objectName": "chatListItems", "type": "Repeater", "visible": True}
chatList = {"container": statusDesktop_mainWindow, "objectName": "ContactsColumnView_chatList", "type": "StatusChatList"}
mainWindow_startChat = {"checkable": True, "container": statusDesktop_mainWindow, "objectName": "startChatButton", "type": "StatusIconTabButton"}
join_public_chat_StatusMenuItem = {"checkable": False, "container": statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay, "enabled": True, "text": "Join public chat", "type": "StatusMenuItem", "unnamed": 1, "visible": True}
@ -46,6 +48,7 @@ chatView_StatusChatInfoButton = {"container": statusDesktop_mainWindow, "objectN
chatInfoButton_Pin_Text = {"container": chatView_StatusChatInfoButton, "objectName": "StatusChatInfo_pinText", "type": "StatusBaseText", "visible": True}
joinPublicChat_input = {"container": statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay, "objectName": "joinPublicChannelInput", "type": "TextEdit", "visible": True}
startChat_Btn = {"container": statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay, "objectName": "startChatButton", "type": "StatusButton"}
chatButtonsPanelConfirmDeleteMessageButton_StatusButton = {"container": statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay, "objectName": "chatButtonsPanelConfirmDeleteMessageButton", "type": "StatusButton"}
# My Profile Popup
ProfileHeader_userImage = {"container": statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay, "objectName": "ProfileHeader_userImage", "type": "UserImage", "visible": True}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file contains hook functions to run as the .feature file is executed.
# A common use-case is to use the OnScenarioStart/OnScenarioEnd hooks to
# start and stop an AUT, e.g.
# @OnScenarioStart
# def hook(context):
# startApplication("addressbook")
# @OnScenarioEnd
# def hook(context):
# currentApplicationContext().detach()
# See the section 'Performing Actions During Test Execution Via Hooks' in the Squish
# manual for a complete reference of the available API.
# Detach (i.e. potentially terminate) all AUTs at the end of a scenario
def hook(context):
for ctx in applicationContextList():

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from scripts.global_names import *
navBarListView_Communities_Portal_navbar_StatusNavBarTabButton = {"checkable": True, "container": mainWindow_navBarListView_ListView, "objectName": "Communities Portal-navbar", "type": "StatusNavBarTabButton", "visible": True}
mainWindow_communitiesPortalLayoutContainer_CommunitiesPortalLayout = {"container": statusDesktop_mainWindow, "objectName": "communitiesPortalLayout", "type": "CommunitiesPortalLayout"}
communitiesPortalLayoutContainer_createCommunityButton_StatusButton = {"container": mainWindow_communitiesPortalLayoutContainer_CommunitiesPortalLayout, "objectName": "createCommunityButton", "type": "StatusButton", "visible": True}
navBarListView_All_Community_Buttons = {"checkable": True, "container": mainWindow_navBarListView_ListView, "objectName": "CommunityNavBarButton", "type": "StatusNavBarTabButton"}
navBarListView_All_Community_Buttons = {"checkable": True, "container": mainWindow_communityNavBarListView_ListView, "objectName": "CommunityNavBarButton", "type": "StatusNavBarTabButton"}
# Create community popup:
createCommunityNameInput_TextEdit = {"container": statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay, "objectName": "createCommunityNameInput", "type": "TextEdit", "visible": True}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# A quick introduction to implementing scripts for BDD tests:
# This file contains snippets of script code to be executed as the .feature
# file is processed. See the section 'Behaviour Driven Testing' in the 'API
# Reference Manual' chapter of the Squish manual for a comprehensive reference.
# The decorators Given/When/Then/Step can be used to associate a script snippet
# with a pattern which is matched against the steps being executed. Optional
# table/multi-line string arguments of the step are passed via a mandatory
# 'context' parameter:
# @When("I enter the text")
# def whenTextEntered(context):
# <code here>
# The pattern is a plain string without the leading keyword, but a couple of
# placeholders including |any|, |word| and |integer| are supported which can be
# used to extract arbitrary, alphanumeric and integer values resp. from the
# pattern; the extracted values are passed as additional arguments:
# @Then("I get |integer| different names")
# def namesReceived(context, numNames):
# <code here>
# Instead of using a string with placeholders, a regular expression can be
# specified. In that case, make sure to set the (optional) 'regexp' argument
# to True.
import names

View File

@ -2,6 +2,6 @@ AUT=nim_status_client
TEST_CASES=tst_communityFlows tst_searchFlows tst_communityMessageFlows tst_communityMemberFlows
TEST_CASES=tst_communityFlows tst_searchFlows tst_communityMessageFlows tst_communityMemberFlows tst_communityAdminFlows

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
# Status.im
# * \file test.feature
# *
# * \test Status Desktop - Community Member Flows
# * \date August 2022
# **
# *****************************************************************************/
Feature: Status Desktop community admin features
As an admin I want to interact in a community
# TODO we need the mailserver to get the message we want to delete
Scenario: Admin can delete another member's message
# User 1 Bobby sends a message
Given the user starts the application with a specific data folder "../../../fixtures/community_members"
When the user "Bobby" logs in with password "TesTEr16843/!@00"
Then the user lands on the signed in app
When the user opens the community named "MyFriends"
Then the user lands on the community named "MyFriends"
When the user switches to "general" chat
# Buffer message so that we are sure that once deleted, the last message will not be and old one
And the user sends a chat message "Wholesome message"
And the user sends a chat message "I sure hope no admin will delete this message"
Then the last chat message contains "I sure hope no admin will delete this message"
# User 2 Alice (admin) logs in
Given the user restarts the app
And the user "Alive" logs in with password "TesTEr16843/!@00"
Then the user lands on the signed in app
When the user opens the community named "MyFriends"
Then the user lands on the community named "MyFriends"
And the last chat message contains "I sure hope no admin will delete this message"
# Deleting the message
When the user deletes the message at index 0
Then the last message displayed is not "I sure hope no admin will delete this message"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
source(findFile('scripts', 'python/bdd.py'))
collectStepDefinitions('./steps', '../shared/steps/', '../../global_shared/steps/', '../../suite_onboarding/shared/steps/', '../../suite_messaging/shared/steps/')
def main():
testSettings.throwOnFailure = True

View File

@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ chatView_chatLogView_lastMsg_MessageView = {"container": chatView_log, "index":
chatView_lastChatText_Text = {"container": chatView_chatLogView_lastMsg_MessageView, "type": "TextEdit", "objectName": "StatusTextMessage_chatText", "visible": True}
chatView_editMessageInputComponent = {"container": statusDesktop_mainWindow, "objectName": "editMessageInput", "type": "StatusChatInput", "visible": True}
chatView_editMessageInputTextArea = {"container": chatView_editMessageInputComponent, "objectName": "messageInputField", "type": "TextArea", "visible": True}
chatButtonsPanelConfirmDeleteMessageButton_StatusButton = {"container": statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay, "objectName": "chatButtonsPanelConfirmDeleteMessageButton", "type": "StatusButton"}
mark_as_Read_StatusMenuItem = {"container": statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay, "objectName": "chatMarkAsReadMenuItem", "type": "StatusMenuItem", "visible": True}
chat_Input_Stickers_Button = {"container": statusDesktop_mainWindow, "objectName": "statusChatInputStickersButton", "type": "StatusFlatRoundButton", "visible": True}
chatView_SuggestionBoxPanel ={"container": statusDesktop_mainWindow, "objectName": "suggestionsBox", "type": "SuggestionBoxPanel"}

View File

@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ Rectangle {
ListView {
id: communityItemsListView
objectName: "statusCommunityMainNavBarListView"
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.fillHeight: true

View File

@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ Item {
Layout.fillWidth: true
StatusNavigationPanelHeadline {
objectName: "ContactsColumnView_MessagesHeadline"
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
text: qsTr("Messages")