refactor(StatusChatList): updates due to chat & communities models refactored

Updated Models.qml for chats and communities models to reflect changes due to
refactor in the actual backend.`StatusChatList` and `StatusChatListAndCategories`
components updated accordingly.
This commit is contained in:
Sale Djenic 2022-02-01 10:22:06 +01:00 committed by Michał Cieślak
parent 0f3d6fccde
commit 1529070e24
7 changed files with 707 additions and 157 deletions

View File

@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
import QtQuick 2.14
import QtQuick.Controls 2.14
import StatusQ.Core 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
import StatusQ.Controls 0.1
import StatusQ.Components 0.1
import StatusQ.Layout 0.1
import StatusQ.Popups 0.1
import StatusQ.Platform 0.1
@ -182,16 +185,514 @@ Rectangle {
Component {
id: statusAppChatView
StatusAppChatView { }
StatusAppTwoPanelLayout {
leftPanel: Item {
anchors.fill: parent
StatusNavigationPanelHeadline {
id: headline
anchors.topMargin: 16
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
text: "Chat"
Item {
id: searchInputWrapper headline.bottom
anchors.topMargin: 16
width: parent.width
height: searchInput.height
StatusBaseInput {
id: searchInput
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: actionButton.left
anchors.leftMargin: 16
anchors.rightMargin: 16
height: 36
topPadding: 8
bottomPadding: 0
placeholderText: "Search" "search"
StatusRoundButton {
id: actionButton
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.rightMargin: 8
width: 32
height: 32
type: StatusRoundButton.Type.Secondary "add"
state: "default"
onClicked: chatContextMenu.popup(actionButton.width-chatContextMenu.width, actionButton.height + 4)
states: [
State {
name: "default"
PropertyChanges {
target: actionButton
icon.rotation: 0
highlighted: false
State {
name: "pressed"
PropertyChanges {
target: actionButton
icon.rotation: 45
highlighted: true
transitions: [
Transition {
from: "default"
to: "pressed"
RotationAnimation {
duration: 150
direction: RotationAnimation.Clockwise
easing.type: Easing.InCubic
Transition {
from: "pressed"
to: "default"
RotationAnimation {
duration: 150
direction: RotationAnimation.Counterclockwise
easing.type: Easing.OutCubic
StatusPopupMenu {
id: chatContextMenu
onOpened: {
actionButton.state = "pressed"
onClosed: {
actionButton.state = "default"
StatusMenuItem {
text: "Start new chat" "private-chat"
StatusMenuItem {
text: "Start group chat" "group-chat"
StatusMenuItem {
text: "Join public chat" "public-chat"
StatusMenuItem {
text: "Communities" "communities"
Column { searchInputWrapper.bottom
anchors.topMargin: 16
width: parent.width
spacing: 8
StatusContactRequestsIndicatorListItem {
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
title: "Contact requests"
requestsCount: 3
StatusChatList {
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
model: models.demoChatListItems
onChatItemUnmuted: {
for (var i = 0; i < models.demoChatListItems.count; i++) {
let item = models.demoChatListItems.get(i);
if (item.chatId === id) {
models.demoChatListItems.setProperty(i, "muted", false)
popupMenu: StatusPopupMenu {
property string chatId
openHandler: function (id) {
chatId = id
StatusMenuItem {
text: "View Profile" "group-chat"
StatusMenuSeparator {}
StatusMenuItem {
text: "Mute chat" "notification"
StatusMenuItem {
text: "Mark as Read" "checkmark-circle"
StatusMenuItem {
text: "Clear history" "close-circle"
StatusMenuSeparator {}
StatusMenuItem {
text: "Delete chat" "delete"
type: StatusMenuItem.Type.Danger
rightPanel: Item {
anchors.fill: parent
StatusChatToolBar {
width: parent.width
chatInfoButton.title: "Amazing Funny Squirrel"
chatInfoButton.subTitle: "Contact"
chatInfoButton.icon.color: Theme.palette.miscColor7
chatInfoButton.type: StatusChatInfoButton.Type.OneToOneChat
chatInfoButton.pinnedMessagesCount: 1
searchButton.visible: false
membersButton.visible: false
notificationCount: 1
onNotificationButtonClicked: notificationCount = 0
popupMenu: StatusPopupMenu {
id: contextMenu
StatusMenuItem {
text: "Mute Chat" "notification"
StatusMenuItem {
text: "Mark as Read" "checkmark-circle"
StatusMenuItem {
text: "Clear History" "close-circle"
StatusMenuSeparator {}
StatusMenuItem {
text: "Leave Chat" "arrow-right"
icon.width: 14
iconRotation: 180
type: StatusMenuItem.Type.Danger
Component {
id: statusAppCommunityView
StatusAppCommunityView {
communityDetailModalTitle: demoCommunityDetailModal.header.title
communityDetailModalImage: demoCommunityDetailModal.header.image.source
onChatInfoButtonClicked: {;
StatusAppThreePanelLayout {
id: root
handle: Rectangle {
implicitWidth: 5
color: SplitHandle.pressed ? Theme.palette.baseColor2
: (SplitHandle.hovered ? Qt.darker(Theme.palette.baseColor5, 1.1) : "transparent")
leftPanel: Item {
id: leftPanel
StatusChatInfoToolBar {
id: statusChatInfoToolBar
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
chatInfoButton.title: "CryptoKitties"
chatInfoButton.subTitle: "128 Members"
chatInfoButton.image.source: ""
chatInfoButton.icon.color: Theme.palette.miscColor6
popupMenu: StatusPopupMenu {
StatusMenuItem {
text: "Create channel" "channel"
StatusMenuItem {
text: "Create category" "channel-category"
StatusMenuSeparator {}
StatusMenuItem {
text: "Invite people" "share-ios"
ScrollView {
id: scrollView statusChatInfoToolBar.bottom
anchors.topMargin: 8
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
width: leftPanel.width
contentHeight: communityCategories.height
clip: true
StatusChatListAndCategories {
id: communityCategories
width: leftPanel.width
height: implicitHeight > (leftPanel.height - 64) ? implicitHeight + 8 : leftPanel.height - 64
draggableItems: true
draggableCategories: false
model: models.demoCommunityChatListItems
showCategoryActionButtons: true
categoryPopupMenu: StatusPopupMenu {
property string categoryId
openHandler: function (id) {
categoryId = id
StatusMenuItem {
text: "Mute Category" "notification"
StatusMenuItem {
text: "Mark as Read" "checkmark-circle"
StatusMenuItem {
text: "Edit Category" "edit"
StatusMenuSeparator {}
StatusMenuItem {
text: "Delete Category" "delete"
type: StatusMenuItem.Type.Danger
chatListPopupMenu: StatusPopupMenu {
property string chatId
StatusMenuItem {
text: "Mute chat" "notification"
StatusMenuItem {
text: "Mark as Read" "checkmark-circle"
StatusMenuItem {
text: "Clear history" "close-circle"
StatusMenuSeparator {}
StatusMenuItem {
text: "Delete chat" "delete"
type: StatusMenuItem.Type.Danger
popupMenu: StatusPopupMenu {
StatusMenuItem {
text: "Create channel" "channel"
StatusMenuItem {
text: "Create category" "channel-category"
StatusMenuSeparator {}
StatusMenuItem {
text: "Invite people" "share-ios"
centerPanel: Item {
StatusChatToolBar {
id: statusChatToolBar
width: parent.width
chatInfoButton.title: "general"
chatInfoButton.subTitle: "Community Chat"
chatInfoButton.icon.color: Theme.palette.miscColor6
chatInfoButton.type: StatusChatInfoButton.Type.CommunityChat
onSearchButtonClicked: {
searchButton.highlighted = !searchButton.highlighted;
membersButton.onClicked: membersButton.highlighted = !membersButton.highlighted
onMembersButtonClicked: {
root.showRightPanel = !root.showRightPanel;
StatusSearchPopup {
id: searchPopup
searchOptionsPopupMenu: searchPopupMenu
onAboutToHide: {
if (searchPopupMenu.visible) {
//clear menu
for (var i = 2; i < searchPopupMenu.count; i++) {
onClosed: {
statusChatToolBar.searchButton.highlighted = false
onSearchTextChanged: {
if (searchPopup.searchText !== "") {
searchPopup.loading = true;
} else {
searchPopup.searchResults = [];
Timer {
id: searchModelSimTimer
interval: 500
onTriggered: {
if (searchPopup.searchText.startsWith("c")) {
searchPopup.searchResults = models.searchResultsA;
} else {
searchPopup.searchResults = models.searchResultsB;
searchPopup.loading = false;
StatusSearchLocationMenu {
id: searchPopupMenu
searchPopup: searchPopup
locationModel: models.optionsModel
rightPanel: Item {
id: rightPanel
StatusBaseText {
id: titleText
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.leftMargin: 16
opacity: (rightPanel.width > 50) ? 1.0 : 0.0
visible: (opacity > 0.1)
font.pixelSize: 15
text: qsTr("Members")
ListView { titleText.bottom
anchors.topMargin: 16
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.leftMargin: 8
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.rightMargin: 8
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
anchors.bottomMargin: 16
boundsBehavior: Flickable.StopAtBounds
model: ["John", "Nick", "Maria", "Mike"]
delegate: Row {
width: parent.width
height: 30
spacing: 8
Rectangle {
width: 24
height: 24
radius: width/2
color: Qt.rgba(Math.random(), Math.random(), Math.random(), 255)
StatusBaseText {
height: parent.height
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
opacity: (rightPanel.width > 50) ? 1.0 : 0.0
visible: (opacity > 0.1)
font.pixelSize: 15
color: Theme.palette.directColor1
text: modelData

View File

@ -6,119 +6,188 @@ QtObject {
property var demoChatListItems: ListModel {
id: demoChatListItems
ListElement {
chatId: "0"
itemId: "x012340000"
name: "#status"
chatType: StatusChatListItem.Type.PublicChat
muted: false
unreadMessagesCount: 0
mentionsCount: 0
icon: ""
isIdenticon: false
color: "blue"
description: ""
type: StatusChatListItem.Type.PublicChat
hasUnreadMessages: true
notificationsCount: 0
muted: false
active: false
position: 0
subItems: []
ListElement {
chatId: "1"
itemId: "x012340001"
name: "status-desktop"
chatType: StatusChatListItem.Type.PublicChat
muted: false
icon: ""
isIdenticon: false
color: "red"
unreadMessagesCount: 1
mentionsCount: 1
description: ""
type: StatusChatListItem.Type.PublicChat
hasUnreadMessages: true
notificationsCount: 1
muted: false
active: false
position: 1
subItems: []
ListElement {
chatId: "2"
itemId: "x012340002"
name: "Amazing Funny Squirrel"
chatType: StatusChatListItem.Type.OneToOneChat
muted: false
color: "green"
identicon: "
icon: "
unreadMessagesCount: 0
position: 2
ListElement {
chatId: "3"
name: "Black Ops"
chatType: StatusChatListItem.Type.GroupChat
muted: false
color: "purple"
unreadMessagesCount: 0
position: 3
ListElement {
chatId: "4"
name: "Spectacular Growing Otter"
chatType: StatusChatListItem.Type.OneToOneChat
muted: true
color: "Orange"
unreadMessagesCount: 0
position: 4
ListElement {
chatId: "5"
name: "channel-with-a-super-duper-long-name"
chatType: StatusChatListItem.Type.PublicChat
muted: false
isIdenticon: true
color: "green"
unreadMessagesCount: 0
description: ""
type: StatusChatListItem.Type.OneToOneChat
hasUnreadMessages: false
notificationsCount: 0
muted: false
active: true
position: 2
subItems: []
ListElement {
itemId: "x012340003"
name: "Black Ops"
icon: ""
isIdenticon: false
color: "purple"
description: ""
type: StatusChatListItem.Type.OneToOneChat
hasUnreadMessages: false
notificationsCount: 0
muted: false
active: false
position: 3
subItems: []
ListElement {
itemId: "x012340004"
name: "Spectacular Growing Otter"
icon: ""
isIdenticon: false
color: "orange"
description: ""
type: StatusChatListItem.Type.OneToOneChat
hasUnreadMessages: false
notificationsCount: 0
muted: false
active: false
position: 4
subItems: []
ListElement {
itemId: "x012340005"
name: "channel-with-a-super-duper-long-name"
icon: ""
isIdenticon: false
color: "green"
description: ""
type: StatusChatListItem.Type.PublicChat
hasUnreadMessages: false
notificationsCount: 0
muted: false
active: false
position: 5
subItems: []
property var demoCommunityChatListItems: ListModel {
id: demoCommunityChatListItems
ListElement {
chatId: "0"
itemId: "x012340000"
name: "general"
chatType: StatusChatListItem.Type.CommunityChat
muted: false
unreadMessagesCount: 0
icon: ""
isIdenticon: false
color: "orange"
description: ""
type: StatusChatListItem.Type.CommunityChat
hasUnreadMessages: true
notificationsCount: 0
muted: false
active: false
position: 0
subItems: []
ListElement {
chatId: "1"
name: "random"
chatType: StatusChatListItem.Type.CommunityChat
muted: false
unreadMessagesCount: 0
color: "orange"
categoryId: "public"
position: 0
ListElement {
chatId: "2"
name: "watercooler"
chatType: StatusChatListItem.Type.CommunityChat
muted: false
unreadMessagesCount: 0
color: "orange"
categoryId: "public"
position: 1
ListElement {
chatId: "3"
name: "language-design"
chatType: StatusChatListItem.Type.CommunityChat
muted: false
unreadMessagesCount: 0
color: "orange"
categoryId: "dev"
position: 0
property var demoCommunityCategoryItems: ListModel {
id: demoCommunityCategoryItems
ListElement {
categoryId: "public"
itemId: "x012340001"
name: "Public"
position: 0
icon: ""
isIdenticon: false
color: "orange"
description: ""
type: StatusChatListItem.Type.Unknown0
hasUnreadMessages: false
notificationsCount: 0
muted: false
active: true
position: 1
subItems: [
ListElement {
itemId: "x012340002"
parentItemId: "x012340001"
name: "random"
icon: ""
isIdenticon: false
color: "orange"
description: ""
hasUnreadMessages: true
notificationsCount: 4
muted: false
active: false
position: 0
ListElement {
itemId: "x012340003"
parentItemId: "x012340001"
name: "watercooler"
icon: ""
isIdenticon: false
color: "orange"
description: ""
hasUnreadMessages: false
notificationsCount: 0
muted: false
active: true
position: 1
ListElement {
categoryId: "dev"
itemId: "x012340004"
name: "Development"
position: 1
icon: ""
isIdenticon: false
color: "orange"
description: ""
type: StatusChatListItem.Type.Unknown0
hasUnreadMessages: false
notificationsCount: 0
muted: false
active: false
position: 2
subItems: [
ListElement {
itemId: "x012340005"
parentItemId: "x012340004"
name: "language-design"
icon: ""
isIdenticon: false
color: "orange"
description: ""
hasUnreadMessages: false
notificationsCount: 0
muted: true
active: false
position: 0

View File

@ -85,7 +85,8 @@ GridLayout {
StatusChatListItem {
name: "has-mentions"
type: StatusChatListItem.Type.PublicChat
badge.value: 1
hasUnreadMessages: true
notificationsCount: 1
StatusChatListItem {
@ -100,7 +101,7 @@ GridLayout {
type: StatusChatListItem.Type.PublicChat
muted: true
hasUnreadMessages: true
badge.value: 1
notificationsCount: 1
StatusChatListItem {
@ -130,7 +131,7 @@ GridLayout {
selected: true
muted: true
hasUnreadMessages: true
badge.value: 1
notificationsCount: 1

View File

@ -15,8 +15,7 @@ Column {
width: 288
property string categoryId: ""
property string selectedChatId: ""
property alias chatListItems: delegateModel
property var model: []
property bool draggableItems: false
property alias statusChatListItems: statusChatListItems
@ -24,8 +23,6 @@ Column {
property Component popupMenu
property var filterFn
property var profileImageFn
property var chatNameFn
signal chatItemSelected(string id)
signal chatItemUnmuted(string id)
@ -39,17 +36,16 @@ Column {
DelegateModel {
id: delegateModel
model: statusChatList.model
delegate: Item {
id: draggable
width: statusChatListItem.width
height: statusChatListItem.height
property alias chatListItem: statusChatListItem
visible: {
if (!!statusChatList.filterFn) {
return statusChatList.filterFn(model, statusChatList.categoryId)
return statusChatList.filterFn(model)
return true
@ -96,31 +92,19 @@ Column {
StatusChatListItem {
id: statusChatListItem
property string profileImage: ""
opacity: ? 0.0 : 1.0
Component.onCompleted: {
if (typeof statusChatList.profileImageFn === "function") {
profileImage = statusChatList.profileImageFn(model.chatId || || ""
originalOrder: model.position
chatId: model.chatId ||
categoryId: model.categoryId || ""
name: !!statusChatList.chatNameFn ? statusChatList.chatNameFn(model) :
type: model.chatType
muted: !!model.muted
hasUnreadMessages: !!model.hasUnreadMessages || model.unviewedMessagesCount > 0
hasMention: model.mentionsCount > 0
badge.value: model.chatType === StatusChatListItem.Type.OneToOneChat ?
model.unviewedMessagesCount || 0 :
model.mentionsCount || 0
selected: (model.chatId || === statusChatList.selectedChatId
icon.color: model.color || ""
image.isIdenticon: !!!profileImage && !!!model.identityImage && !!model.identicon
image.source: profileImage || model.identityImage || model.identicon || ""
chatId: model.itemId
categoryId: model.parentItemId
type: !!model.type ? model.type : StatusChatListItem.Type.CommunityChat
muted: model.muted
hasUnreadMessages: model.hasUnreadMessages
notificationsCount: model.notificationsCount
icon.color: model.color
image.isIdenticon: model.isIdenticon
image.source: model.icon
sensor.cursorShape: dragSensor.cursorShape
onClicked: {
@ -132,7 +116,7 @@ Column {
popupMenuSlot.item.openHandler = function () {
if (!!originalOpenHandler) {
originalOpenHandler((model.chatId ||
@ -152,10 +136,10 @@ Column {
if (!statusChatListItem.selected) {
statusChatList.chatItemSelected(model.chatId ||
onUnmute: statusChatList.chatItemUnmuted(model.chatId ||
onUnmute: statusChatList.chatItemUnmuted(model.itemId)
@ -204,9 +188,8 @@ Column {
type: draggable.chatListItem.type
muted: draggable.chatListItem.muted
dragged: true
hasUnreadMessages: draggable.chatListItem.hasUnreadMessages
hasMention: draggable.chatListItem.hasMention
badge.value: draggable.chatListItem.badge.value
hasUnreadMessages: model.hasUnreadMessages
notificationsCount: model.notificationsCount
selected: draggable.chatListItem.selected
icon.color: draggable.chatListItem.icon.color

View File

@ -20,11 +20,9 @@ Item {
text: "More"
property string selectedChatId: ""
property var model: []
property bool showCategoryActionButtons: false
property bool showPopupMenu: true
property alias chatList: statusChatList.chatListItems
property alias categoryList: delegateModel
property alias sensor: sensor
property bool draggableItems: false
property bool draggableCategories: false
@ -71,26 +69,25 @@ Item {
StatusChatList {
id: statusChatList
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
visible: chatListItems.count > 0
selectedChatId: statusChatListAndCategories.selectedChatId
visible: statusChatList.model.count > 0
onChatItemSelected: statusChatListAndCategories.chatItemSelected(id)
onChatItemUnmuted: statusChatListAndCategories.chatItemUnmuted(id)
onChatItemReordered: statusChatListAndCategories.chatItemReordered(categoryId, id, from, to)
draggableItems: statusChatListAndCategories.draggableItems
model: statusChatListAndCategories.model
filterFn: function (model) {
return !!!model.categoryId
return (model.subItems.count === 0)
popupMenu: statusChatListAndCategories.chatListPopupMenu
DelegateModel {
id: delegateModel
model: statusChatListAndCategories.model
delegate: Item {
id: draggable
width: statusChatListCategory.width
height: statusChatListCategory.height
property alias chatListCategory: statusChatListCategory
StatusChatListCategory {
@ -99,7 +96,7 @@ Item {
property bool dragActive: false
property real startY: 0
property real startX: 0
opacity: dragActive ? 0.0 : 1.0 draggedListCategoryLoader.item
@ -136,16 +133,15 @@ Item {
menuButton.tooltip: statusChatListAndCategories.categoryMenuButtonToolTip
originalOrder: model.position
categoryId: model.categoryId
categoryId: model.itemId
showActionButtons: statusChatListAndCategories.showCategoryActionButtons
addButton.onClicked: statusChatListAndCategories.categoryAddButtonClicked(model.categoryId)
addButton.onClicked: statusChatListAndCategories.categoryAddButtonClicked(model.itemId)
chatList.chatListItems.model: statusChatListAndCategories.chatList.model
chatList.selectedChatId: statusChatListAndCategories.selectedChatId
chatList.model: model.subItems
chatList.onChatItemSelected: statusChatListAndCategories.chatItemSelected(id)
chatList.onChatItemUnmuted: statusChatListAndCategories.chatItemUnmuted(id)
chatList.onChatItemReordered: statusChatListAndCategories.chatItemReordered(model.categoryId, id, from, to)
chatList.onChatItemReordered: statusChatListAndCategories.chatItemReordered(model.itemId, id, from, to)
chatList.draggableItems: statusChatListAndCategories.draggableItems
popupMenu: statusChatListAndCategories.categoryPopupMenu
@ -154,7 +150,7 @@ Item {
// Used to set the initial value of "opened" when the
// model is bound/changed.
opened: {
let openedState = statusChatListAndCategories.openedCategoryState[model.categoryId]
let openedState = statusChatListAndCategories.openedCategoryState[model.itemId]
return openedState !== undefined ? openedState : true // defaults to open
@ -163,7 +159,7 @@ Item {
// as the state would be lost each time the model is
// changed.
onOpenedChanged: {
statusChatListAndCategories.openedCategoryState[model.categoryId] = statusChatListCategory.opened
statusChatListAndCategories.openedCategoryState[model.itemId] = statusChatListCategory.opened
@ -212,8 +208,7 @@ Item {
showActionButtons: draggable.chatListCategory.showActionButtons
chatList.chatListItems.model: draggable.chatListCategory.chatList.chatListItems.model
chatList.selectedChatId: draggable.chatListCategory.chatList.selectedChatId
chatList.model: draggable.chatListCategory.chatList.model

View File

@ -35,11 +35,11 @@ Column {
StatusChatListCategoryItem {
id: statusChatListCategoryItem
visible: (model.subItems.count > 0)
opened: statusChatListCategory.opened
sensor.pressAndHoldInterval: 150
showMenuButton: showActionButtons && !!statusChatListCategory.popupMenu
highlighted: statusChatListCategory.dragged
sensor.onClicked: {
if (sensor.enabled) {
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ Column {
visible: statusChatListCategory.opened
categoryId: statusChatListCategory.categoryId
filterFn: function (model) {
return !!model.categoryId && model.categoryId == statusChatList.categoryId
return !!model.parentItemId && model.parentItemId === statusChatList.categoryId
popupMenu: statusChatListCategory.chatListPopupMenu

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Rectangle {
property string name: ""
property alias badge: statusBadge
property bool hasUnreadMessages: false
property bool hasMention: false
property int notificationsCount: 0
property bool muted: false
property StatusImageSettings image: StatusImageSettings {
width: 24
@ -98,8 +98,8 @@ Rectangle {
if (statusChatListItem.muted && !hoverHander.hovered && !statusChatListItem.highlighted) {
return 0.4
return statusChatListItem.hasMention ||
statusChatListItem.hasUnreadMessages ||
return statusChatListItem.hasUnreadMessages ||
statusChatListItem.notificationsCount > 0 ||
statusChatListItem.selected ||
statusChatListItem.highlighted ||
statusBadge.visible ||
@ -141,16 +141,16 @@ Rectangle {
if (statusChatListItem.muted && !hoverHander.hovered && !statusChatListItem.highlighted) {
return Theme.palette.directColor5
return statusChatListItem.hasMention ||
statusChatListItem.hasUnreadMessages ||
return statusChatListItem.hasUnreadMessages ||
statusChatListItem.notificationsCount > 0 ||
statusChatListItem.selected ||
statusChatListItem.highlighted ||
hoverHander.hovered ||
statusBadge.visible ? Theme.palette.directColor1 : Theme.palette.directColor4
font.weight: !statusChatListItem.muted &&
(statusChatListItem.hasMention ||
statusChatListItem.hasUnreadMessages ||
(statusChatListItem.hasUnreadMessages ||
statusChatListItem.notificationsCount > 0 ||
statusBadge.visible) ? Font.Bold : Font.Medium
font.pixelSize: 15
@ -189,7 +189,8 @@ Rectangle {
color: statusChatListItem.muted ? Theme.palette.primaryColor2 : Theme.palette.primaryColor1
border.width: 4
border.color: color
visible: statusBadge.value > 0
value: statusChatListItem.notificationsCount
visible: statusChatListItem.notificationsCount > 0