tests(chat): adapt gif test and add image unfurling test
The gif test was manually activating the unfurling, which is no longer necessary. Now check that enabling gifs will enable tenor unfurling Also add a test for image unfurling and validate the unfurling image links components and preview settings.
This commit is contained in:
@ -165,6 +165,13 @@ def scroll_obj_by_name(objName: str):
obj = squish.waitForObject(getattr(names, objName))
squish.mouseWheel(obj, 206, 35, 0, -1, squish.Qt.ControlModifier)
def scroll_item_until_item_is_visible(itemToScrollObjName: str, itemToBeVisibleObjName: str, timeoutMs: int=_MAX_WAIT_OBJ_TIMEOUT * 2):
# get current time
start_time = time.time()
while(not is_loaded_visible_and_enabled(itemToBeVisibleObjName, 10)[0]):
if ((time.time() - start_time) * 1000) > timeoutMs:
raise Exception(f'Timeout scrolling and waiting for item "{itemToBeVisibleObjName}" to be visible')
def check_obj_by_name(objName: str):
obj = squish.waitForObject(getattr(names, objName))
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ from enum import Enum
import random
import time
import string
from wsgiref import validate
from drivers.SquishDriver import *
from drivers.SquishDriverVerification import *
from .StatusMainScreen import MainScreenComponents
@ -48,8 +49,9 @@ class ENSScreen(Enum):
class MessagingOptionScreen(Enum):
ACTIVATE_OR_DEACTIVATE_LINK_PREVIEW: str = "displayMessageLinkPreviewItem"
TENOR_GIFS_PREVIEW_SWITCH_ITEM: str = "tenorGifsPreviewSwitchItem"
SCROLLVIEW: str = "settingsContentBase_ScrollView"
class WalletSettingsScreen(Enum):
GENERATED_ACCOUNTS: str = "settings_Wallet_MainView_GeneratedAccounts"
@ -144,18 +146,26 @@ class SettingsScreen:
accounts = get_obj(WalletSettingsScreen.GENERATED_ACCOUNTS.value)
verify_text_matching_insensitive(accounts.itemAtIndex(0).statusListItemSubTitle, address)
# Post condition: Messaging Settings is visible (@see StatusMainScreen.open_settings)
def open_messaging_settings(self):
def activate_link_preview(self):
scroll_item_until_item_is_visible(MessagingOptionScreen.SCROLLVIEW.value, MessagingOptionScreen.ACTIVATE_OR_DEACTIVATE_LINK_PREVIEW.value)
# Post condition: Messaging Settings and Link Preview are visible (@see open_messaging_settings and activate_link_preview)
def activate_image_unfurling(self):
scroll_item_until_item_is_visible(MessagingOptionScreen.SCROLLVIEW.value, MessagingOptionScreen.ACTIVATE_OR_DECTIVATE_IMAGE_UNFURLING.value)
# Post condition: Messaging Settings and Link Preview are visible (@see open_messaging_settings and activate_link_preview)
def check_tenor_gif_preview_is_enabled(self):
scroll_item_until_item_is_visible(MessagingOptionScreen.SCROLLVIEW.value, MessagingOptionScreen.TENOR_GIFS_PREVIEW_SWITCH_ITEM.value)
tenorSwitch = wait_and_get_obj(MessagingOptionScreen.TENOR_GIFS_PREVIEW_SWITCH_ITEM.value)
verify(tenorSwitch.enabled, "Tenor GIFs preview is enabled")
def toggle_test_networks(self):
@ -67,7 +67,11 @@ class ChatComponents(Enum):
ENABLE_GIF_BUTTON = "gifPopup_enableGifButton"
GIF_MOUSEAREA = "gifPopup_gifMouseArea"
CHAT_INPUT_STICKER_BUTTON = "chat_Input_Stickers_Button"
LINK_PREVIEW_UNFURLED_IMAGE = "chatView_unfurledImageComponent_linkImage"
LINK_PREVIEW_UNFURLED_LINK_IMAGE = "chatView_unfurledLinkComponent_linkImage"
LINK_PREVIEW_OPEN_SETTINGS = "chatView_LinksMessageView_enableBtn"
class ChatStickerPopup(Enum):
STICKERS_POPUP_GET_STICKERS_BUTTON = "chat_StickersPopup_GetStickers_Button"
STICKERS_POPUP_MARKET_GRID_VIEW = "chat_StickersPopup_StickerMarket_GridView"
@ -402,3 +406,20 @@ class StatusChatScreen:
verify(False, "Chat switched")
def _verify_image_unfurled_status_for_component(self, objectName: str, image_link: str, unfurled: bool):
if not unfurled:
verify_false(is_loaded_visible_and_enabled(objectName, 10)[0], "Image link preview component is not loaded")
chat_image_loader = wait_and_get_obj(objectName)
# Didn't find a way to convert squish QUrls to string
verify(str(chat_image_loader.source.path) in image_link, "The url is most probably the one expected")
def verify_image_unfurled_status(self, image_link: str, unfurled: bool):
self._verify_image_unfurled_status_for_component(ChatComponents.LINK_PREVIEW_UNFURLED_IMAGE.value, image_link, unfurled)
def verify_link_image_unfurled_status(self, image_link: str, unfurled: bool):
self._verify_image_unfurled_status_for_component(ChatComponents.LINK_PREVIEW_UNFURLED_LINK_IMAGE.value, image_link, unfurled)
def open_settings_from_message(self):
@ -26,6 +26,9 @@ chatInput_Emoji_Button = {"container": statusDesktop_mainWindow, "objectName": "
chatView_ChatToolbarMoreOptionsButton = {"container": statusDesktop_mainWindow, "objectName": "chatToolbarMoreOptionsButton", "type": "StatusFlatRoundButton", "visible": True}
chatInput_Root = {"container": statusDesktop_mainWindow, "objectName": "statusChatInput", "type": "Rectangle", "visible": True}
chatView_gifPopupButton = {"container": statusDesktop_mainWindow, "objectName": "gifPopupButton", "type": "StatusFlatRoundButton", "visible": True}
chatView_unfurledImageComponent_linkImage = {"container": chatView_log, "objectName": "LinksMessageView_unfurledImageComponent_linkImage", "type": "StatusChatImageLoader", "visible": True}
chatView_unfurledLinkComponent_linkImage = {"container": chatView_log, "objectName": "LinksMessageView_unfurledLinkComponent_linkImage", "type": "StatusChatImageLoader", "visible": True}
chatView_LinksMessageView_enableBtn = {"container": chatView_log, "objectName": "LinksMessageView_enableBtn", "type": "StatusFlatButton", "visible": True}
# More options menu
clearHistoryMenuItem = {"container": statusDesktop_mainWindow_overlay, "objectName": "clearHistoryMenuItem", "type": "StatusMenuItemDelegate", "visible": True}
@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ generatedAccounts_ListView = {"container": statusDesktop_mainWindow, "objectName
settingsContentBase_ScrollView = {"container": statusDesktop_mainWindow, "objectName": "settingsContentBaseScrollView", "type": "StatusScrollView", "visible": True}
displayMessageLinkPreviewItem = {"container": statusDesktop_mainWindow, "objectName": "displayMessageLinkPreviewsItem", "type": "StatusListItem"}
imageUnfurlingItem = {"container": statusDesktop_mainWindow, "objectName": "imageUnfurlingItem", "type": "StatusListItem"}
tenorGifsPreviewSwitchItem = {"container": statusDesktop_mainWindow, "objectName": "MessagingView_sitesListView_StatusListItem_tenor_gifs_subdomain", "type": "StatusListItem"}
# Communities Settings:
settings_Communities_MainView_LeaveCommunityButtons = {"container": statusDesktop_mainWindow, "objectName":"CommunitiesListPanel_leaveCommunityPopupButton", "type": "StatusBaseButton", "visible": True}
@ -76,7 +76,19 @@ def step(context):
def step(context):
@When("the user opens app settings screen from chat")
def step(context):
@Then("the image |any| is unfurled in the chat")
def step(context: any, image_link: str):
_statusChat.verify_image_unfurled_status(image_link, True)
@Then("the image |any| is not unfurled in the chat")
def step(context: any, image_link: str):
_statusChat.verify_image_unfurled_status(image_link, False)
@Then("the user selects emoji in the suggestion list")
def step(contenxt):
@ -19,11 +19,19 @@ def step(context: any):
@When("the user opens the messaging settings")
def step(context: any):
@When("the user activates link preview")
def step(context: any):
@When("the user activates image unfurling")
def step(context: any):
@Then("tenor GIFs preview is enabled")
def step(context: any):
@When("the user activates wallet and opens the wallet settings")
def step(context: any):
@ -68,12 +68,28 @@ Feature: Status Desktop Chat
Then the chat is cleared
Scenario: User can send a gif
When the user opens app settings screen
And the user opens the messaging settings
And the user activates link preview
And the user opens the chat section
And user joins chat room automation-test
Then The user is able to send a gif message
When the user opens the chat section
And user joins chat room automation-test
Then The user is able to send a gif message
When the user opens app settings screen
And the user opens the messaging settings
Then tenor GIFs preview is enabled
Scenario Outline: User can activate image unfurling
When the user opens the chat section
And user joins chat room automation-test
And the user sends the chat message <image_url>
Then the image <image_url> is not unfurled in the chat
When the user opens app settings screen from chat
And the user opens the messaging settings
And the user activates link preview
And the user activates image unfurling
And the user opens the chat section
Then the image <image_url> is unfurled in the chat
| image_url |
| https://github.com/status-im/status-desktop/raw/master/test/ui-test/fixtures/images/doggo.jpeg |
Scenario: The user is able to use emoji suggestions
When user joins chat room automation-test
@ -346,6 +346,7 @@ SettingsContentBase {
delegate: Component {
StatusListItem {
objectName: "MessagingView_sitesListView_StatusListItem_" + model.title.replace(/ /g, "_").toLowerCase()
property alias whitelistSwitch: siteSwitch
width: parent.width
implicitHeight: 64
@ -223,6 +223,7 @@ Column {
isCurrentUser: root.isCurrentUser
StatusChatImageLoader {
id: linkImage
objectName: "LinksMessageView_unfurledImageComponent_linkImage"
anchors.centerIn: parent
container: root.container
source: linkData.thumbnailUrl
@ -258,6 +259,7 @@ Column {
StatusChatImageLoader {
id: linkImage
objectName: "LinksMessageView_unfurledLinkComponent_linkImage"
container: root.container
source: linkData.thumbnailUrl
visible: linkData.thumbnailUrl.length
@ -381,6 +383,7 @@ Column {
StatusFlatButton {
id: enableBtn
objectName: "LinksMessageView_enableBtn"
text: qsTr("Enable in Settings")
onClicked: {
Global.changeAppSectionBySectionType(Constants.appSection.profile, Constants.settingsSubsection.messaging);
Reference in New Issue