feat(wallet): ReceiveModal dialog UI tweaks

Closes #13386
This commit is contained in:
Ivan Belyakov 2024-02-27 13:12:01 +01:00 committed by IvanBelyakoff
parent 10c44b8038
commit 09c0f1b0c8
6 changed files with 254 additions and 38 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
import shared.controls 1.0
Item {
RowLayout {
anchors.centerIn: parent
CopyButton {
textToCopy: "Some text"
CopyButtonWithCircle {
textToCopy: "Some text"
successCircleVisible: true
// category: Controls

View File

@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
import Storybook 1.0
import Models 1.0
import AppLayouts.Wallet.popups 1.0
SplitView {
orientation: Qt.Horizontal
PopupBackground {
id: popupBg
property var popupIntance: null
SplitView.fillWidth: true
SplitView.fillHeight: true
Button {
id: reopenButton
anchors.centerIn: parent
text: "Reopen"
enabled: !dialog.visible
onClicked: dialog.open()
ReceiveModal {
id: dialog
visible: true
accounts: ListModel {
ListElement {
position: 0
name: "My account"
selectedAccount: {
"name": "My account",
"emoji": "",
"address": "0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890",
"preferredSharingChainIds": "opt:eth:"
switchingAccounsEnabled: true
changingPreferredChainsEnabled: true
hasFloatingButtons: true
qrImageSource: "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/41/QR_Code_Example.svg"
getNetworkShortNames: function (chainIDsString) {
return networksNames
property string networksNames: "opt:arb:eth:"
store: NetworksModel
Pane {
SplitView.minimumWidth: 300
SplitView.preferredWidth: 300
Column {
spacing: 12
Label {
text: "Test extended footer"
font.bold: true
Column {
RadioButton {
text: "Medium length address"
onCheckedChanged: {
dialog.networksNames = "opt:arb:eth:arb:solana:status:other:"
RadioButton {
text: "Super long address"
onCheckedChanged: {
dialog.networksNames = "opt:arb:eth:arb:solana:status:other:something:hey:whatsapp:tele:viber:do:it:now:blackjack:some:black:number:check:it:out:heyeey:dosay:what:are:you:going:to:do:with:me:forever:young:michael:jackson:super:long:string:crasy:daisy:this:is:amazing:whatever:you:do:whenever:you:go:"
RadioButton {
checked: true
text: "Short address"
onCheckedChanged: {
dialog.networksNames = "opt:arb:eth:"
// category: Popups
// https://www.figma.com/file/FkFClTCYKf83RJWoifWgoX/Wallet-v2?type=design&node-id=20734-337595&mode=design&t=2O68lxNGG9g1b1tx-4

View File

@ -11,3 +11,4 @@ ManageTokensCommunityTag 1.0 ManageTokensCommunityTag.qml
ManageTokensDelegate 1.0 ManageTokensDelegate.qml
ManageTokensGroupDelegate 1.0 ManageTokensGroupDelegate.qml
InformationTileAssetDetails 1.0 InformationTileAssetDetails.qml
StatusNetworkListItemTag 1.0 StatusNetworkListItemTag.qml

View File

@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ import shared.popups 1.0
import shared.popups.send.controls 1.0
import AppLayouts.stores 1.0
import AppLayouts.Wallet.controls 1.0
import ".."
import "../stores"
@ -30,6 +32,13 @@ StatusModal {
property bool switchingAccounsEnabled: true
property bool changingPreferredChainsEnabled: true
property string qrImageSource: RootStore.getQrCode(d.visibleAddress)
property var getNetworkShortNames: function(chainIDsString) {
return RootStore.getNetworkShortNames(chainIDsString)
property var store: RootStore
signal selectedAccountIndexChanged(int selectedIndex)
signal updatePreferredChains(string address, string preferredChains)
@ -53,7 +62,7 @@ StatusModal {
selectedAccount: root.selectedAccount
getNetworkShortNames: RootStore.getNetworkShortNames
getNetworkShortNames: root.getNetworkShortNames
onSelectedIndexChanged: {
@ -63,10 +72,11 @@ StatusModal {
showAdvancedFooter: true
advancedFooterComponent: Rectangle {
width: parent.width
height: d.advanceFooterHeight
height: rowLayout.height + 56 // Makes it totally 88 for one liner text as per design
color: Theme.palette.baseColor4
radius: 16
radius: 8
// Hide round corners of the upper part
Rectangle {
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.top: parent.top
@ -75,6 +85,7 @@ StatusModal {
color: parent.color
// Divider
Rectangle {
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.top: parent.top
@ -83,24 +94,39 @@ StatusModal {
color: Theme.palette.baseColor2
StatusBaseText {
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.leftMargin: Style.current.bigPadding
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
text: WalletUtils.colorizedChainPrefix(d.preferredChainShortNames) + root.selectedAccount.address
font.pixelSize: 15
color: Theme.palette.directColor1
Item { // Needed to avoid binding loop warnings
anchors.centerIn: parent
height: childrenRect.height
width: parent.width
StatusRoundButton {
width: 32
height: 32
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.rightMargin: Style.current.bigPadding
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
icon.name: "copy"
type: StatusRoundButton.Type.Tertiary
onClicked: RootStore.copyToClipboard(d.visibleAddress)
RowLayout {
id: rowLayout
width: parent.width
StatusBaseText {
Layout.leftMargin: Style.current.bigPadding
Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width - copyButton.width
Layout.fillWidth: true
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
textFormat: TextEdit.RichText
wrapMode: Text.WrapAnywhere
text: WalletUtils.colorizedChainPrefix(d.preferredChainShortNames) + root.selectedAccount.address
font.pixelSize: 15
color: Theme.palette.directColor1
CopyButtonWithCircle {
id: copyButton
Layout.rightMargin: Style.current.bigPadding
Layout.preferredWidth: 32
Layout.preferredHeight: 32
Layout.fillWidth: true
textToCopy: d.visibleAddress
successCircleVisible: true
@ -117,12 +143,10 @@ StatusModal {
property var preferredChainIdsArray: root.selectedAccount.preferredSharingChainIds.split(":").filter(Boolean)
property var preferredChainIds: d.preferredChainIdsArray.join(":")
readonly property string preferredChainShortNames: d.multiChainView? RootStore.getNetworkShortNames(d.preferredChainIds) : ""
readonly property string preferredChainShortNames: d.multiChainView? root.getNetworkShortNames(d.preferredChainIds) : ""
readonly property string visibleAddress: "%1%2".arg(d.preferredChainShortNames).arg(root.selectedAccount.address)
readonly property var networkProxies: [layer1NetworksClone, layer2NetworksClone]
Column {
@ -191,23 +215,21 @@ StatusModal {
fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
mipmap: true
smooth: false
source: RootStore.getQrCode(d.visibleAddress)
source: root.qrImageSource
Rectangle {
anchors.centerIn: qrCodeImage
width: 78
height: 78
width: 88
height: 88
color: "white"
radius: width / 2
StatusSmartIdenticon {
anchors.centerIn: parent
anchors.margins: 2
width: 78
height: 78
name: root.selectedAccount.name
asset {
width: 78
height: 78
width: 72
height: 72
name: !root.selectedAccount.name && !root.selectedAccount.emoji? "status-logo-icon" : ""
color: !root.selectedAccount.name && !root.selectedAccount.emoji? "transparent" : Utils.getColorForId(root.selectedAccount.colorId)
emoji: root.selectedAccount.emoji
@ -241,11 +263,11 @@ StatusModal {
model: d.networkProxies.length
delegate: Repeater {
model: d.networkProxies[index]
delegate: InformationTag {
tagPrimaryLabel.text: model.shortName
tagPrimaryLabel.color: model.chainColor
delegate: StatusNetworkListItemTag {
enabled: false
button.visible: false
title: model.shortName
asset.name: Style.svg("tiny/" + model.iconUrl)
asset.isImage: true
visible: d.preferredChainIdsArray.includes(model.chainId.toString())
@ -269,7 +291,9 @@ StatusModal {
id: selectPopup
x: editButton.width - width
y: editButton.height + 8
y: editButton.height + 2
margins: -1 // to allow positioning outside the bounds of the dialog
layer1Networks: layer1NetworksClone
layer2Networks: layer2NetworksClone
@ -291,7 +315,7 @@ StatusModal {
CloneModel {
id: layer1NetworksClone
sourceModel: RootStore.layer1Networks
sourceModel: root.store.layer1Networks
roles: ["layer", "chainId", "chainColor", "chainName","shortName", "iconUrl", "isEnabled"]
// rowData used to clone returns string. Convert it to bool for bool arithmetics
rolesOverride: [{
@ -303,7 +327,7 @@ StatusModal {
CloneModel {
id: layer2NetworksClone
sourceModel: RootStore.layer2Networks
sourceModel: root.store.layer2Networks
roles: layer1NetworksClone.roles
rolesOverride: layer1NetworksClone.rolesOverride

View File

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQml 2.15
import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
import StatusQ.Controls 0.1
import utils 1.0
import shared.stores 1.0
StatusRoundButton {
id: root
required property string textToCopy
icon.name: d.copied ? "tiny/checkmark" : "copy"
icon.width: 20
icon.height: 20
type: StatusRoundButton.Type.Tertiary
property bool successCircleVisible: false
implicitWidth: 32
implicitHeight: 32
Binding on icon.color {
when: successCircleVisible && d.copied
value: Theme.palette.successColor1
restoreMode: Binding.RestoreBindingOrValue
Binding on icon.hoverColor {
when: successCircleVisible && d.copied
value: Theme.palette.successColor1
restoreMode: Binding.RestoreBindingOrValue
Binding on color {
when: successCircleVisible && d.copied
value: Theme.palette.successColor2
restoreMode: Binding.RestoreBindingOrValue
Rectangle {
id: greenCircleAroundIcon
anchors.centerIn: parent
width: icon.width
height: width
radius: width / 2
border.width: 1
border.color: d.copied ? Theme.palette.successColor1 : "transparent"
color: "transparent"
visible: root.successCircleVisible
QtObject {
id: d
property bool copied: false
onClicked: {
d.copied = true
Backpressure.debounce(root, 1500, function () {
d.copied = false

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ AssetsDetailsHeader 1.0 AssetsDetailsHeader.qml
ContactSelector 1.0 ContactSelector.qml
ContactsListAndSearch 1.0 ContactsListAndSearch.qml
CopyButton 1.0 CopyButton.qml
CopyButtonWithCircle 1.0 CopyButtonWithCircle.qml
CopyToClipBoardButton 1.0 CopyToClipBoardButton.qml
CurrencyAmountInput 1.0 CurrencyAmountInput.qml
DisabledTooltipButton 1.0 DisabledTooltipButton.qml