feat: update balances when receiving a transaction

This commit is contained in:
Richard Ramos 2020-09-03 16:00:05 -04:00 committed by Iuri Matias
parent d4e0ef6619
commit 057cdc08da
8 changed files with 47 additions and 16 deletions

View File

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ proc delete*(self: NodeController) =
proc init*(self: NodeController) =
self.status.events.on(SignalType.Wallet.event) do(e:Args):
self.status.events.on(SignalType.DiscoverySummary.event) do(e:Args):

View File

@ -47,4 +47,9 @@ proc init*(self: WalletController) =
self.status.events.on(SignalType.Wallet.event) do(e:Args):
var data = WalletSignal(e)
debug "New signal received"
if data.eventType == "newblock":
for acc in data.accounts:
# TODO: show notification
# TODO: data.eventType == history, reorg, recent-history-fetching, recent-history-ready:
# see status-react/src/status_im/ethereum/subscriptions.cljs

View File

@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
import json, options, httpclient, json, json_serialization, strformat, stint, strutils, sequtils, chronicles, parseutils, tables
import core, types, utils
import json, json, options, json_serialization, stint, chronicles
import core, types, utils, strutils, strformat
from nim_status import validateMnemonic, startWallet
import ../wallet/account
import ./contracts as contractMethods
import eth/common/eth_types
import ./types
import ../signals/types as signal_types
proc getWalletAccounts*(): seq[WalletAccount] =

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import NimQml, eventemitter, tables, json, chronicles, strutils, json_serialization
import ../libstatus/types as status_types
import types, messages, discovery, whisperFilter, envelopes, expired
import types, messages, discovery, whisperFilter, envelopes, expired, wallet
import ../status
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ QtObject:
of SignalType.WhisperFilterAdded:
signal = whisperFilter.fromEvent(jsonSignal)
of SignalType.Wallet:
signal = WalletSignal(content: $jsonSignal)
signal = wallet.fromEvent(jsonSignal)
of SignalType.NodeLogin:
signal = Json.decode($jsonSignal, NodeSignal)
of SignalType.DiscoverySummary:

View File

@ -15,6 +15,11 @@ type NodeSignal* = ref object of Signal
type WalletSignal* = ref object of Signal
content*: string
eventType*: string
blockNumber*: int
accounts*: seq[string]
# newTransactions*: ???
erc20*: bool
type EnvelopeSentSignal* = ref object of Signal
messageIds*: seq[string]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
import json
import types
proc fromEvent*(jsonSignal: JsonNode): Signal =
var signal:WalletSignal = WalletSignal()
if jsonSignal["event"].kind != JNull:
signal.eventType = jsonSignal["event"]["type"].getStr
signal.blockNumber = jsonSignal["event"]["blockNumber"].getInt
signal.erc20 = jsonSignal["event"]["erc20"].getBool
signal.accounts = @[]
for account in jsonSignal["event"]["accounts"]:
result = signal

View File

@ -107,12 +107,12 @@ proc generateAccountConfiguredAssets*(self: WalletModel, accountAddress: string)
proc populateAccount*(self: WalletModel, walletAccount: var WalletAccount, balance: string) =
proc populateAccount*(self: WalletModel, walletAccount: var WalletAccount, balance: string, refreshCache: bool = false) =
var assets: seq[Asset] = self.generateAccountConfiguredAssets(walletAccount.address)
walletAccount.balance = fmt"{balance} {self.defaultCurrency}"
walletAccount.assetList = assets
walletAccount.realFiatBalance = 0.0
updateBalance(walletAccount, self.getDefaultCurrency())
updateBalance(walletAccount, self.getDefaultCurrency(), refreshCache)
proc newAccount*(self: WalletModel, name: string, address: string, iconColor: string, balance: string, publicKey: string): WalletAccount =
var assets: seq[Asset] = self.generateAccountConfiguredAssets(address)
@ -125,9 +125,16 @@ proc initAccounts*(self: WalletModel) =
let accounts = status_wallet.getWalletAccounts()
for account in accounts:
var acc = WalletAccount(account)
self.populateAccount(acc, "")
proc updateAccount*(self: WalletModel, address: string) =
for acc in self.accounts.mitems:
if acc.address == address:
self.populateAccount(acc, "", true)
self.events.emit("accountsUpdated", Args())
proc getTotalFiatBalance*(self: WalletModel): string =
var newBalance = 0.0
fmt"{self.totalBalance:.2f} {self.defaultCurrency}"

View File

@ -36,14 +36,13 @@ proc getEthBalance(address: string): string =
var balance = status_wallet.getBalance(address)
result = status_wallet.hex2token(balance, 18)
proc getBalance*(symbol: string, accountAddress: string, tokenAddress: string): string =
proc getBalance*(symbol: string, accountAddress: string, tokenAddress: string, refreshCache: bool): string =
let cacheKey = fmt"{symbol}-{accountAddress}-{tokenAddress}"
if balanceManager.tokenBalances.isCached(cacheKey):
if not refreshCache and balanceManager.tokenBalances.isCached(cacheKey):
return balanceManager.tokenBalances.get(cacheKey)
if symbol == "ETH":
let ethBalance = getEthBalance(accountAddress)
balanceManager.tokenBalances.cacheValue(cacheKey, ethBalance)
return ethBalance
result = $status_tokens.getTokenBalance(tokenAddress, accountAddress)
@ -59,21 +58,21 @@ proc convertValue*(balance: string, fromCurrency: string, toCurrency: string): f
balanceManager.pricePairs.cacheValue(cacheKey, fiat_crypto_price)
parseFloat(balance) * parseFloat(fiat_crypto_price)
proc updateBalance*(asset: Asset, currency: string) =
var token_balance = getBalance(asset.symbol, asset.accountAddress, asset.address)
proc updateBalance*(asset: Asset, currency: string, refreshCache: bool) =
var token_balance = getBalance(asset.symbol, asset.accountAddress, asset.address, refreshCache)
let fiat_balance = convertValue(token_balance, asset.symbol, currency)
asset.value = token_balance
asset.fiatBalanceDisplay = fmt"{fiat_balance:.2f} {currency}"
asset.fiatBalance = fmt"{fiat_balance:.2f}"
proc updateBalance*(account: WalletAccount, currency: string) =
proc updateBalance*(account: WalletAccount, currency: string, refreshCache: bool = false) =
let eth_balance = getBalance("ETH", account.address, "")
let eth_balance = getBalance("ETH", account.address, "", refreshCache)
let usd_balance = convertValue(eth_balance, "ETH", currency)
var totalAccountBalance = usd_balance
account.realFiatBalance = totalAccountBalance
account.balance = fmt"{totalAccountBalance:.2f} {currency}"
for asset in account.assetList:
updateBalance(asset, currency)
updateBalance(asset, currency, refreshCache)
except RpcException:
error "Error in updateBalance", message = getCurrentExceptionMsg()