diff --git a/ui/i18n/qml_ar.ts b/ui/i18n/qml_ar.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..dd1078be46 --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/i18n/qml_ar.ts @@ -0,0 +1,19100 @@ + + + + + about-app + حول + + + about-key-storage-content + لن تصل الحالة مطلقًا إلى مفتاحك الخاص. تأكد من النسخ الاحتياطي عبارة البذور الخاصة بك. إذا فقدت هاتفك ، فهذه هي الطريقة الوحيدة للوصول إلى مفاتيحك. + + + about-key-storage-title + حول التخزين الرئيسي + + + about-names-content + هويتك آمنة وخاصة من خلال التصميم. تحصل على مفتاح تشفير تم إنشاؤه محليًا. الاسم والصورة هي نسخة قابلة للقراءة من هذا. إنها فريدة من نوعها. لا أحد يستطيع أن يدعي أنه أنت. لا أحد يرى اسمك الحقيقي إلا إذا قدمته أنت. + + + about-names-title + لا يمكن تغيير الأسماء + + + access-key + مفتاح الوصول + + + access-existing-keys + الوصول إلى المفاتيح الحالية + + + accept-and-share-address + قبول العنوان ومشاركته + + + account-added + تمت أضافه الحساب + + + account-color + لون الحساب + + + anyone + اي شخص + + + messages-from-contacts-only-subtitle + يمكن فقط للأشخاص الذين أضفتهم كجهات اتصال بدء محادثة جديدة معك أو دعوتك إلى مجموعة + + + accept-new-chats-from + قبول الدردشات الجديدة من + + + account-name + اسم الحساب + + + account-settings + إعدادات الحساب + + + accounts + حسابات + + + active-online + متصل + + + active-unknown + غير معروف + + + add + إضافة + + + add-a-watch-account + أضافه عنوان للمشاهدة فقط + + + add-account + إضافة حساب + + + add-account-description + يمكنك استيراد أي نوع من حسابات Ethereum لإضافته إلى محفظة Status الخاصة بك + + + add-account-incorrect-password + يبدو أن كلمة المرور غير صحيحة. أدخل كلمة المرور التي تستخدمها لإلغاء قفل التطبيق. + + + add-an-account + حساب جديد + + + add-bootnode + إضافة bootnode + + + add-contact + إضافة جهة اتصال + + + add-custom-token + إضافة عملة رمزية مخصص + + + add-mailserver + إضافة عقدة Status + + + add-members + إضافة أعضاء + + + add-network + اضافة شبكة + + + add-node + أضف العقدة + + + add-to-contacts + أضف إلى جهات الاتصال + + + add-to-contacts-text + بإضافة مستخدم إلى قائمة جهات الاتصال الخاصة بك ، يمكنك مشاركة عنوان محفظتك + + + address + عنوان + + + address-received + العنوان المستلم + + + address-requested + العنوان المطلوب + + + address-request-accepted + قبول طلب العنوان + + + advanced + المتقدمة + + + advanced-settings + إعدادات متقدمة + + + agree-by-continuing + بالمتابعة أنت توافق + الينا + + + all + الكل + + + allow + السماح + + + allowing-authorizes-this-dapp + يسمح لـ DApp باسترداد عنوان محفظتك وتمكين Web3 + + + already-have-asset + لديك بالفعل هذا الأصل + + + amount + المبلغ + + + are-you-sure-description + لن تكون قادرًا على رؤية جملة البذور الكاملة مرة أخرى + + + are-you-sure? + هل أنت متأكد؟ + + + ask-in-status + طرح سؤال أو الإبلاغ عن خطأ + + + at + في + + + authorize + يأذن + + + available + متاح + + + available-participants + + مشارك + مشارك + مشارك + مشاركين + مشاركين + مشاركين + + + + back + الى الخلف + + + back-up-seed-phrase + النسخ الاحتياطي لعبارة "Seed " + + + back-up-your-seed-phrase + النسخ الاحتياطي للعبارة الأولية الخاصة بك + + + backup-recovery-phrase + النسخ الاحتياطي للعبارة الأولية + + + balance + توازن + + + begin-set-up + ابدأ الإعداد + + + biometric-auth-android-sensor-desc + استشعار تعمل باللمس + + + biometric-auth-android-sensor-error-desc + فشل + + + biometric-auth-android-title + مطلوب مصادقه + + + biometric-auth-confirm-logout + إعادة تسجيل الدخول + + + biometric-auth-confirm-message + مطلوب المصادقة البيومترية للمتابعة ، إن لم يكن ذلك ممكنا يرجى إعادة تسجيل الدخول باستخدام كلمة مرور حساب متعددة + + + biometric-auth-confirm-title + يجب عليك المصادقة! + + + biometric-auth-confirm-try-again + حاول مرة أخري + + + biometric-auth-error + غير قادر على إجراء المصادقة البيومترية ( {{code}} ) + + + biometric-auth-login-error-title + خطا في المصادقة البيومتريه + + + biometric-auth-login-ios-fallback-label + أدخل كلمة المرور + + + biometric-auth-reason-login + تسجيل الدخول في الحالة + + + biometric-auth-reason-verify + تحقق من المصادقة + + + biometric-secure-with + آمن باستخدام {{bio-type-label}} + + + biometric-enable-keycard + إذا كنت لا تريد استخدام بطاقة مفتاح في كل مرة للوصول إلى التطبيق ، فقم بتمكين {{bio-type-label}} تسجيل الدخول + + + biometric-enable + إذا كنت لا ترغب في إدخال كلمة مرورك في كل مرة للوصول إلى التطبيق، فقم بتمكين {{bio-type-label}} تسجيل الدخول + + + biometric-disable-bioauth + تمكين {{bio-type-label}} + + + biometric-disable-password-title + تعطيل حفظ كلمه المرور + + + biometric-disable-password-description + إذا قمت بتعطيل هذا ، أنت سوف أيضا + + + biometric-enable-button + تمكين {{bio-type-label}} + + + biometric-fingerprint + بصمة الاصبع + + + biometric-faceid + استشعار بالوجه + + + biometric-touchid + استشعار باللمس + + + blank-keycard-text + يمكنك المتابعة باستخدام بطاقة مفتاح الخاصة بك بمجرد إنشاء المفاتيح واسمك + + + blank-keycard-title + يبدو انك قمت باستغلال +بطاقة مفتاح فارغه + + + block + حظر + + + unblock + رفع الحظر + + + block-contact + حظر هذا المستخدم + + + block-contact-details + سيؤدي الحظر إلى حذف الرسائل السابقة لهذا المستخدم ومنع الرسائل الجديدة من الوصول إليك + + + blocked-users + المستخدمون المحظورون + + + bootnode-address + عنوان Bootnode + + + bootnode-details + تفاصيل bootnode + + + bootnode-format + enode: // {enode-id} @ {ip-address} : {port} + + + bootnodes + Bootnodes + + + bootnodes-enabled + تمكين bootnodes + + + bootnodes-settings + إعدادات Bootnodes + + + browsed-websites + سوف يظهر سجل المتصفح هنا + + + browser + المتصفح + + + browser-not-secure + الاتصال غير آمن! لا توقع المعاملات ولا ترسل بيانات شخصية على هذا الموقع. + + + browser-secure + اتصال آمن. تأكد من أنك تثق بهذا الموقع بالفعل قبل توقيع المعاملات أو إدخال البيانات الشخصية. + + + browsers + المتصفحات + + + browsing-cancel + إلغاء + + + browsing-open-in-android-web-browser + افتح في Android + + + browsing-open-in-ios-web-browser + الفتح في iOS + + + browsing-open-in-status + فتح في Status + + + browsing-site-blocked-description1 + لقد اكتشفنا نشاطًا ضارًا محتملاً من هذا العنوان. لحمايتك ومحفظتك ، نمنع المزيد من التنقل. + + إذا كنت تعتقد أن هذا خطأ ، فأخبرنا بذلك + + + browsing-site-blocked-description2 + دردشة عامة. + + + browsing-site-blocked-go-back + الرجوع للخلف + + + browsing-site-blocked-title + هذا الموقع محظور + + + browsing-title + تصفح + + + bug-report + الإبلاغ عن خطأ + + + bug-report-description + * وصف + + + bug-report-description-placeholder + مطلوب ، لا يمكن أن يكون فارغًا + + + bug-report-steps + خطوات لإعادة الإنتاج + + + bug-report-steps-placeholder + - افتح التطبيق + - قم بعمل ما + - وبعد ذلك شيء آخر ... + + + bug-report-submit-email + إرسال عن طريق البريد الإلكتروني مع سجلات الأرشيف + + + bug-report-submit-gh-issue + إرسال مشكلة GitHub بدون سجلات + + + bug-report-too-short-description + الوصف قصير جدًا + + + camera-access-error + لمنح إذن الكاميرا المطلوب ، يرجى الانتقال إلى إعدادات النظام والتأكد من تحديد Status > الكاميرا. + + + can-not-add-yourself + هذا أنت ، لبدء دردشة اختر شخصًا آخر + + + cancel + إلغاء + + + cancel-keycard-setup + إلغاء اعداد بطاقة المفتاح + + + cannot-read-card + لا يمكن قراءة البطاقة. + يرجى الاحتفاظ بها في الجزء الخلفي من هاتفك + + + cannot-use-default-pin + رمز المرور 000000 غير مسموح به. + يرجى استخدام رقم آخر + + + card-is-blank + هذه البطاقة فارغة + + + card-reseted + تم إعادة تعيين البطاقة + + + card-unpaired + تم إلغاء البطاقة من الجهاز الحاليPaired + + + change-fleet + تغيير الأسطول إلى {{fleet}} + + + change-log-level + قم بتأكيد التطبيق وإعادة تشغيله لتغيير مستوى السجل إلى {{log-level}} + + + change-logging-enabled + هل أنت متأكد من رغبتك في {{enable}} التسجيل؟ + + + change-passcode + تغيير رمز المرور + + + change-password + تغيير كلمة المرور + + + change-pin + تغيير رمز المرور المكون من ٦ أرقام + + + change-puk + تغيير رمز PUK المكون من 12 رقمًا + + + change-pairing + تغيير رمز الاقتران + + + change-pairing-title + قم بإنشاء رمز إقران جديد + + + change-pairing-description + لا يؤثر تغيير رمز الاقتران على عمليات الاقتران الحالية. ومع ذلك ، فإن أي اقتران جديد سيتطلب رمزًا جديدًا. + + + changed-amount-warning + تم تغيير المبلغ من {{old}} إلى {{new}} + + + changed-asset-warning + تم تغيير الأصول من {{old}} إلى {{new}} + + + chaos-mode + وضع فوضوي + + + chaos-unicorn-day + الفوضى يونيكورن اليوم + + + chaos-unicorn-day-details + 🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🚀! + + + chat + دردشة + + + chat-and-transact + الدردشة والمعاملة بشكل خاص مع أصدقائك. + + + chat-key + مفتاح المحادثة + + + chat-name + + + + chat-settings + إعدادات الدردشة + + + chats + دردشات + + + check-your-recovery-phrase + تحقق من العبارة الأولية الخاصة بك + + + choose-authentication-method + اختر طريقة المصادقة + + + clear + واضح + + + clear-all + مسح الكل + + + clear-history + تاريخ واضح + + + clear-history-action + واضح + + + clear-history-confirmation + تصفية السجل + + + clear-history-confirmation-content + هل تريد بالتأكيد محو سجل الدردشة هذا؟ + + + clear-history-title + تصفية السجل + + + close + اغلاق + + + close-app-button + تاكيد + + + close-app-content + سيتوقف التطبيق ويغلق. عند إعادة فتحها ، سيتم استخدام الشبكة المحددة + + + close-app-title + تحذير! + + + command-button-send + إرسال + + + communities + مجتمعات + + + community-members + + عضو + عضو + أعضاء + أعضاء + أعضاء + أعضاء + + + + members-label + الأعضاء + + + open-membership + العضوية المفتوحة + + + member-kick + طرد عضو + + + member-ban + حظر عضو + + + membership-requests + طلبات العضوية + + + community-members-title + الأعضاء + + + community-requests-to-join-title + طلبات العضوية + + + name-your-channel + قم بتسمية قناتك + + + name-your-channel-placeholder + اسم القناة + + + give-a-short-description + قدم وصفًا موجزًا + + + describe-channel + وصف القناة + + + communities-alpha + المجتمعات (ألفا) + + + communities-verified + ✓ تم التحقق من مجتمع Status + + + communities-enabled + المجتمعات التي تم تمكينها + + + request-access + طلب الدخول + + + membership-request-pending + طلب العضوية في الإنتظار + + + create-community + أنشئ مجتمعًا + + + create-category + إنشاء فئة + + + rearrange-categories + إعادة ترتيب الفئات + + + edited + تم التعديل + + + edit-community + تعديل المجتمع + + + editing-message + تعديل الرسالة + + + community-edit-title + تعديل المجتمع + + + community-invite-title + دعوه + + + community-share-title + مشاركه + + + invite + + + + create-channel + قم بإنشاء قناة + + + import-community + استيراد مجتمع + + + import-community-title + استيراد مجتمع + + + name-your-community + اسم مجتمعك + + + name-your-community-placeholder + اسم جذاب + + + give-a-short-description-community + أعطها وصفا موجزا + + + new-community-title + مجتمع جديد + + + new-category + فئة جديدة + + + category-title + عنوان الفئة + + + membership-title + شروط العضوية + + + create-channel-title + قناة جديدة + + + edit-channel-title + تحرير القناة + + + community-thumbnail-image + صورة مصغرة + + + community-emoji-thumbnail-title + المجتمع-الرموز التعبيرية-الصورة المصغرة-العنوان + + + community-thumbnail-upload + تحميل + + + community-image-take + التقط صورة + + + community-image-pick + اختر صورة + + + community-image-remove + ازاله + + + community-color + لون المجتمع + + + community-link + رابط المجتمع + + + community-color-placeholder + اختر لونًا + + + membership-button + شروط العضوية + + + membership-none + لا شيء + + + membership-none-placeholder + يمكنك أن تطلب من الأعضاء الجدد تلبية معايير معينة قبل أن يتمكنوا من الانضمام. يمكن تغيير هذا في أي وقت + + + membership-approval + تتطلب الموافقة + + + membership-approval-description + مجتمعك مجاني للانضمام ، ولكن يجب أن تتم الموافقة على الأعضاء الجدد من قبل منشئ المجتمع أولاً + + + membership-invite + تتطلب دعوة من عضو آخر + + + membership-invite-description + لا يمكن الانضمام إلى مجتمعك إلا من خلال دعوة من أعضاء المجتمع الحاليين + + + membership-ens + طلب اسم مستخدم ENS + + + membership-ens-description + يتطلب مجتمعك اسم مستخدم ENS ليتمكن من الانضمام + + + membership-free + لا يوجد شرط + + + membership-free-description + مجتمعك مجاني لأي شخص للانضمام + + + community-roles + الأدوار + + + community-key + المفتاح الخاص بالمجتمع + + + community-key-placeholder + اكتب المفتاح الخاص بالمجتمع + + + leave-community + اترك المجتمع + + + enter-user-pk + أدخل المفتاح العام للمستخدم + + + import + استيراد + + + complete-hardwallet-setup + هذه البطاقة مرتبطة الآن. أنت بحاجة إليها لتوقيع المعاملات وفتح مفاتيحك + + + chat-notification-preferences + إعدادات الإشعار + + + completed + اكمال + + + confirm + تاكيد + + + confirmation-request + طلب تأكيد + + + confirmations + تأكيدات + + + confirmations-helper-text + عندما تحتوي المعاملة على 12 تأكيدًا ، يمكنك اعتبارها قد تمت تسويتها. + + + connect + الاتصال + + + connect-mailserver-content + الاتصال على {{name}} ؟ + + + connected + متصل + + + connected-to + متصل بـ + + + connecting + الاتصال... + + + connecting-requires-login + الاتصال بشبكة أخرى يتطلب تسجيل الدخول + + + connection-with-the-card-lost + الاتصال مع البطاقة تم فقدانه + + + connection-with-the-card-lost-setup-text + لاستئناف الإعداد ، امسك البطاقة + الجزء الخلفي من هاتفك والحفاظ عليها + بطاقة للاتصال عبر الهاتف + + + connection-with-the-card-lost-text + للمتابعة ، امسك البطاقة في الجزء الخلفي من هاتفك + + + contact-code + مفتاح المحادثة + + + contact-s + + متصل + متصل + متصلان + متصلين + متصلين + متصلين + + + + contacts + جهات الاتصال + + + continue + استمر + + + contract-address + عنوان العقد + + + contract-interaction + عقد التفاعل + + + copy-info + نسخ المعلومات + + + copy-qr + نسخ الكود + + + copy-to-clipboard + نسخ + + + copy-transaction-hash + نسخ معرف المعاملة + + + cost-fee + التكلفة / رسوم + + + counter-9-plus + 9+ + + + counter-99-plus + 99 + + + + create + انشاء + + + create-a-pin + قم بإنشاء رمز مرور مكون من ٦ أرقام + + + create-a-puk + أنشئ رمز مرور المكون من 12 رقمًا + + + create-group-chat + إنشاء دردشة جماعية + + + create-multiaccount + إنشاء مفاتيح + + + create-new-key + الحصول على مفاتيح جديدة + + + create-pin + قم بإنشاء رمز مرور مكون من 6 أرقام + + + create-pin-description + ستحتاج إلى بطاقتك + رمز المرور المكون من 6 أرقام لإلغاء تأمين Status وتأكيد المعاملات + + + created-group-chat-description + لقد أنشأت المجموعة {{group-name}} + + + members-count + {{count}} أعضاء + + + cryptokitty-name + CryptoKitty # {{id}} + + + currency + العمله + + + currency-display-name-aed + الدرهم الإماراتي + + + currency-display-name-afn + أفغانستان الافغانيه + + + currency-display-name-ars + بيزو أرجنتيني + + + currency-display-name-aud + الدولار الأسترالي + + + currency-display-name-bbd + دولار بربادوس + + + currency-display-name-bdt + تاكا بنغلاديشي + + + currency-display-name-bgn + ليف بلغاري + + + currency-display-name-bhd + الدينار البحريني + + + currency-display-name-bnd + دولار بروني دار السلام + + + currency-display-name-bob + البوليفيانو بوليفي + + + currency-display-name-brl + ريال برازيلي + + + currency-display-name-btn + نغولترم البوتاني + + + currency-display-name-cad + دولار كندي + + + currency-display-name-chf + فرنك سويسري + + + currency-display-name-clp + بيزو شيلي + + + currency-display-name-cny + الصين يوان رينمنبي + + + currency-display-name-cop + بيزو كولومبي + + + currency-display-name-crc + كولون كوستاريكا + + + currency-display-name-czk + كورونا تشيكية + + + currency-display-name-dkk + كرونا دنماركي + + + currency-display-name-dop + بيزو جمهوريه الدومينيكان + + + currency-display-name-egp + جنيه مصري + + + currency-display-name-etb + Birr الاثيوبي + + + currency-display-name-eur + اليورو + + + currency-display-name-gbp + الجنيه الإسترليني + + + currency-display-name-gel + لاري الجورجي + + + currency-display-name-ghs + غانا سيدي + + + currency-display-name-hkd + دولار هونج كونج + + + currency-display-name-hrk + Kuna كرواتيا + + + currency-display-name-huf + فورنت هنغاري + + + currency-display-name-idr + اندونيسيا روبية + + + currency-display-name-ils + إسرائيل شيكل + + + currency-display-name-inr + روبيه هندية + + + currency-display-name-isk + أيسلندا كرونا + + + currency-display-name-jmd + دولار جامايكا + + + currency-display-name-jpy + الين الياباني + + + currency-display-name-kes + الشلن الكيني + + + currency-display-name-krw + كوريا (جنوب) وون + + + currency-display-name-kwd + الدينار الكويتي + + + currency-display-name-kzt + تينغ كازاخستان + + + currency-display-name-lkr + روبيه سيريلانكية + + + currency-display-name-mad + درهم مغربى + + + currency-display-name-mdl + Moldovan Leu + + + + currency-display-name-mur + روبيه موريشيوس + + + currency-display-name-mwk + كواشا مالاوي + + + currency-display-name-mxn + بيزو مكسيكي + + + currency-display-name-myr + رينغيت ماليزيا + + + currency-display-name-mzn + موزامبيق Metical + + + currency-display-name-nad + دولار ناميبي + + + currency-display-name-ngn + نيره نيجيرية + + + currency-display-name-nok + كرونة نرويجية + + + currency-display-name-npr + روبيه نيبالية + + + currency-display-name-nzd + الدولار النيوزيلندي + + + currency-display-name-omr + ريال عماني + + + currency-display-name-pen + بيرو سول + + + currency-display-name-pgk + كينا بابوا غينيا الجديدة + + + currency-display-name-php + بيزو الفلبين + + + currency-display-name-pkr + روبيه باكستانية + + + currency-display-name-pln + زلوتي البولندية + + + currency-display-name-pyg + باراجواي جواراني + + + currency-display-name-qar + ريال قطري + + + currency-display-name-ron + ليو رومانيا + + + currency-display-name-rsd + دينار صربيا + + + currency-display-name-rub + الروبل الروسي ، + + + currency-display-name-sar + الريال السعودي + + + currency-display-name-sek + كرونة سويدية + + + currency-display-name-sgd + دولار سينغافوري + + + currency-display-name-thb + بات تايلندي + + + currency-display-name-try + الليرة التركية + + + currency-display-name-ttd + دولار ترينيداد وتوباغو + + + currency-display-name-twd + تايوان الدولار الجديد + + + currency-display-name-tzs + الشلن التنزاني + + + currency-display-name-uah + أوكرانيا هريفنيا + + + currency-display-name-ugx + الشلن الأوغندي + + + currency-display-name-usd + دولار الولايات المتحدة + + + currency-display-name-uyu + أوروغواي بيزو + + + currency-display-name-vef + فنزويلا بوليفار + + + currency-display-name-vnd + فيتنام دونغ + + + currency-display-name-zar + راند جنوب افريقيا + + + current-network + الشبكة الحالية + + + current-pin + أدخل رمز المرور المكون من ٦ أرقام + + + current-pin-description + أدخل رمز المرور المكون من ٦ أرقام للمتابعة + + + custom + مجال مخصص + + + custom-networks + شبكات مخصصة + + + dapp + ÐApp + + + dapp-would-like-to-connect-wallet + ترغب في الاتصال + + + dapps + ÐApps + + + dapps-permissions + أذونات DApp + + + data + البيانات + + + datetime-ago + منذ + + + datetime-ago-format + {{number}} {{time-intervals}} {{ago}} + + + datetime-ago-format-short + {{number}}{{time-intervals}} + + + datetime-day + + يوم + يوم + يومان + أيام + أيام + أيام + + + + datetime-hour + + ساعة + ساعة + ساعتان + ساعات + ساعات + ساعات + + + + datetime-minute + + دقيقة + دقيقة + دقائق + دقائق + دقائق + دقائق + + + + datetime-second + + ثانية + ثانية + ثواني + ثواني + ثواني + ثواني + + + + datetime-day-short + + 0 + 1 + 2 + قليل + كثير + آخر + + + + datetime-hour-short + + صفر + واحد + اثنان + قليل + كثير + آخر + + + + datetime-minute-short + + صفر + واحد + اثنان + قليل + كثير + آخر + + + + datetime-second-short + + 0 + 1 + 2 + + + + + + + datetime-today + اليوم + + + datetime-yesterday + أمس + + + decimals + الكسور العشرية + + + decline + رفض الدعوة + + + decryption-failed-content + حدث خطأ في فك تشفير بياناتك. قد تحتاج إلى مسح بياناتك القديمة وإنشاء حساب جديد. انقر على "تطبيق" لمحو أو "إلغاء" للمحاولة مرة أخرى + + + default + افتراضي + + + delete + حذف + + + delete-and-leave-group + حذف وترك المجموعة + + + delete-bootnode + حذف عقدة البوت + + + delete-bootnode-are-you-sure + هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد حذف bootnode؟ + + + delete-bootnode-title + حذف عقدة البوت + + + delete-chat + حذف الدردشة + + + delete-chat-confirmation + هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد حذف هذه الدردشة؟ + + + delete-category-confirmation + هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد حذف هذه الفئة؟ + + + delete-confirmation + حذف؟ + + + delete-mailserver + حذف عقدة Status + + + delete-mailserver-are-you-sure + هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد حذف عقدة Status هذه؟ + + + delete-mailserver-title + حذف عقدة Status + + + delete-message + حذف الرسالة + + + delete-my-account + حذف حسابي + + + delete-network-confirmation + هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد حذف هذه الشبكة؟ + + + delete-network-error + يرجى الاتصال بشبكة مختلفة قبل حذف هذه الشبكة + + + delete-network-title + حذف الشبكة؟ + + + delete-node + حذف العقدة + + + delete-node-are-you-sure + هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد حذف هذه العقدة؟ + + + delete-node-title + حذف العقدة + + + delete-profile + حذف الملف الشخصي + + + delete-my-profile + حذف ملفي الشخصي + + + delete-profile-warning + تحذير: إذا لم تكن لديك العبارة الأولية مكتوبة ، فستفقد الوصول إلى أموالك بعد حذف ملفك الشخصي + + + profile-deleted-title + تم حذف الملف الشخصي + + + profile-deleted-content + تم حذف ملف التعريف الخاص بك بنجاح + + + profile-deleted-keycard + يمكنك الآن استعادة زوج مفاتيح آخر على بطاقة المفاتيح الخاص بك + + + deny + رفض + + + description + وصف + + + dev-mode + وضع التنمية + + + dev-mode-settings + وضع التنمية + + + device-syncing + مزامنة الجهاز + + + devices + الأجهزة + + + disable + تعطيل + + + disabled + معطل + + + disconnected + الدردشة غير متصلة بالأنترنت + + + + discover + اكتشاف + + + dismiss + استبعاد + + + done + فعله + + + edit + تصحيح + + + edit-group + تعديل المجموعة + + + edit-profile + تعديل الملف الشخصي + + + empty-chat-description + لا توجد رسائل +في هذه الدردشة حتى الآن + + + empty-chat-description-one-to-one + يتم تشفير أي رسائل ترسلها هنا ولا يمكن قراءتها إلا من قبل أنت و + + + empty-chat-description-public + لقد كانت هادئة هنا لآخر {{quiet-hours}} . ابدأ المحادثة أو + + + cleared-chat-description-public + كان الوضع هادئًا هنا. ابدأ المحادثة أو + + + empty-chat-description-community + لقد كان الوضع هادئًا هنا في آخر{{quiet-hours}} . + + + empty-chat-description-public-share-this + مشاركه هذه المحادثة. + + + enable + تمكين + + + encrypt-with-password + تشفير مع كلمة المرور + + + ens-10-SNT + 10 SNT + + + ens-add-username + أضافه اسم مستخدم + + + ens-agree-to + توافق على + + + ens-chat-settings + إعدادات الدردشة + + + ens-custom-domain + مجال مخصص + + + ens-custom-username-hints + اكتب اسم المستخدم بالكامل بما في ذلك المجال المخصص مثل username.domain.eth + + + ens-custom-username-taken + اسم المستخدم لا ينتمي إليك :( + + + ens-deposit + ايداع + + + ens-displayed-with + يتم عرض الرسائل الخاصة بك للآخرين مع + + + ens-get-name + الحصول علي اسم مستخدم عالمي + + + ens-got-it + حسنا، تابع + + + ens-locked + اسم المستخدم مقفل. لن تتمكن من إصداره حتى {{date}} + + + ens-network-restriction + متوفر فقط على Mainnet + + + ens-no-usernames + ليس لديك اي اسم مستخدم متصل + + + ens-powered-by + مدعوم من Ethereum اسم الخدمات + + + ens-primary-username + اسم المستخدم الأساسي + + + ens-register + تسجيل + + + ens-registration-in-progress + جاري التسجيل... + + + ens-registration-failure + فشل التسجيل + + + ens-dismiss-message + انقر هنا للرفض + + + ens-registration-failed + لتسجيل اسم المستخدم ، يرجى المحاولة مرة أخرى. + + + ens-registration-failed-title + فشلت المعاملة + + + ens-release-username + الإفراج عن اسم المستخدم + + + ens-remove-hints + سيؤدي الاستمرار إلى ربط اسم المستخدم هذا بمفتاحك. + + + ens-remove-username + إزالة اسم المستخدم + + + ens-saved + متصل الآن بالمفتاح الخاص ويمكن استخدامه في Status. + + + ens-saved-title + اسم المستخدم المضاف + + + ens-show-username + عرض اسم مستخدم ENS الخاص بي في الدردشات + + + ens-terms-header + شروط تسجيل الاسم + + + ens-terms-point-1 + تودع الأموال لمدة 1 سنة. سيتم قفل SNT الخاص بك ، ولكن لا تنفق. + + + ens-terms-point-10 + 0x00000000000C2E074eC69A0dFb2997BA6C7d2e1e (ENS Registry). + + + ens-terms-point-2 + بعد عام واحد ، يمكنك تحرير الاسم واسترداد مقدمك ، أو عدم اتخاذ أي إجراء للحفاظ على الاسم. + + + ens-terms-point-3 + إذا تغيرت شروط العقد-علي سبيل المثال الحالة التي تجعل ترقيات العقد-يحق للمستخدم الإفراج عن اسم المستخدم بغض الزمن عن الوقت المحتفظ به. + + + ens-terms-point-4 + لا يمكن لوحده تحكم العقد الوصول إلى أموالك المودعة. يمكن نقلها فقط إلى العنوان الذي أرسلها. + + + ens-terms-point-5 + سيتم ربط عنوانك (عناوينك) علنا باسم ENS الخاص بك. + + + ens-terms-point-6 + يتم إنشاء أسماء المستخدمين على هيئة نطاقات فرعية لـ stateofus.eth وتخضع لشروط العقد الذكية لـ ENS. + + + ens-terms-point-7 + يمكنك تخويل العقد لنقل SNT نيابة عنك. يمكن ان يحدث هذا فقط عند الموافقة علي معامله لتخويل النقل. + + + ens-terms-point-8 + هذه الشروط مضمونة في منطق العقد الذكية في العناوين: + + + ens-terms-point-9 + {{address}} (اسم مستخدم Status ) + + + ens-terms-registration + شروط تسجيل الاسم. + + + ens-test-message + مرحبا + + + ens-transaction-pending + المعاملة جارية ... + + + ens-understand + أدرك أن عنوان محفظتي سيكون مرتبطًا بشكل عام باسم المستخدم الخاص بي. + + + ens-username + اسم المستخدم ENS + + + ens-username-available + ✓ اسم المستخدم متاح! + + + ens-username-connected + اسم المستخدم هذا مملوك لك ومتصل بمفتاح الدردشة الخاص بك. + + + ens-username-connection-confirmation + سيتم ربط {{username}} بمجرد اكتمال المعاملة. + + + ens-username-hints + ما لا يقل عن ٤ أحرف. الحروف اللاتينية والأرقام والأحرف الصغيرة فقط. + + + ens-username-invalid + الحروف والأرقام فقط. + + + ens-username-owned + ✓ اسم المستخدم هو مملوك لك. + + + ens-username-registration-confirmation + لطيف! أنت تملك {{username}} بمجرد اكتمال المعاملة. + + + ens-username-you-can-follow-progress + يمكنك متابعة التقدم المحرز في قسم سجل المعاملات في محفظتك. + + + ens-usernames + أسماء المستخدمين ENS + + + ens-usernames-details + تسجيل اسم مستخدم عالمي ليتم التعرف عليه بسهولة من قبل المستخدمين الآخرين + + + wallet-address + عنوان المحفظة + + + ens-want-custom-domain + أنا أملك اسمًا في مجال آخر + + + ens-want-domain + أريد مجال Stateofus.eth + + + ens-welcome-hints + تقوم أسماء ENS بتحويل هذه العناوين المجنونة إلى أسماء مستخدمين فريدة. + + + ens-welcome-point-customize + يمكن أن يحل اسم ENS محل اسمك العشوائي المكون من 3 كلمات في الدردشة. اسمك بدلاً من {{name}} . + + + ens-welcome-point-customize-title + تخصيص اسم الدردشة الخاصة بك + + + ens-welcome-point-simplify + يمكنك تلقي الأموال إلى اسم ENS سهل المشاركة بدلاً من التجزئة السداسية العشرية (0x ...). + + + ens-welcome-point-simplify-title + تبسيط عنوان ETH الخاص بك + + + ens-welcome-point-receive + يمكن للآخرين إرسال الأموال إليك عبر الدردشة في خطوة واحدة بسيطة. + + + ens-welcome-point-receive-title + استلام المعاملات في الدردشة + + + ens-welcome-point-register + سجل مرة واحدة للحفاظ على الاسم للأبد. بعد عام واحد ، يمكنك إطلاق الاسم واستعادة SNT. + + + ens-welcome-point-register-title + 10 SNT للتسجيل + + + ens-welcome-point-verify + يمكنك التحقق من وإضافة أي أسماء مستخدمين تمتلكها في الخطوات التالية. + + + ens-welcome-point-verify-title + هل تملك اسم مستخدم بالفعل ؟ + + + ens-your-username + اسم المستخدم الخاص بك + + + ens-your-usernames + أسماء المستخدمين الخاصة بك + + + ens-your-your-name + اسم ENS الخاص بك + + + ens-username-already-added + اسم المستخدم مرتبط بالفعل بالمفتاح الخاص بك ويمكن استخدامه في الحالة. + + + ens-username-connected-continue + استمر في ضبط `إظهار اسم مستخدم ENS الخاص بي في المحادثات '. + + + ens-username-connected-with-different-key + ستتطلب المتابعة معاملة لتوصيل اسم المستخدم بالمفتاح الحالي + + + ens-username-owned-continue + سيؤدي الاستمرار إلى ربط اسم المستخدم هذا بمفتاحك الخاص. + + + ens-username-taken + الاسم مستخدم من قبل :( + + + ens-name-not-found + لا يمكن تحليل اسم ENS + + + ens-username-registration-invalid + تحذير! انتهت عملية التسجيل في حالة غير صالحة. لا تستخدم اسم معاملات المحفظة وتواصل مع دعمنا على support@status.im + + + ens-username-invalid-name-warning + انتهت عملية تسجيل أحد أسماء ens الخاصة بك في حالة غير صالحة. لا تستخدم اسم معاملات المحفظة وتواصل مع دعمنا على support@status.im + + + enter-12-words + أدخل 12 كلمة من العبارة الأولية ، مفصولة بمسافات واحدة + + + enter-a-private-key + إدخال مفتاح خاص + + + enter-a-seed-phrase + أدخل العبارة الأولية + + + enter-address + أدخل العنوان + + + enter-contact-code + ENS (dynamicik94) أو مفتاح الدردشة (0x04…) + + + enter-pair-code + أدخل رمز الاقتران الخاص بك + + + pair-code-placeholder + رمز الاقتران ... + + + enter-pair-code-description + يمكن تعيين رمز الاقتران من عميل Status المقترن مسبقا + + + enter-password + أدخل كلمة المرور + + + enter-password-migration-prompt + أدخل كلمة المرور الخاصة بك لنقل جهات الاتصال والمحادثات والإعدادات جنبًا إلى جنب مع المفاتيح الخاصة بك + + + migration-successful + تم الترحيل بنجاح + + + migration-successful-text + تم ترحيل الحساب بنجاح إلى بطاقة Keycard + + + skip + تخطي + + + password-placeholder + كلمه المرور... + + + confirm-password-placeholder + أكد رقمك السري... + + + enter-pin + أدخل رمز المرور المكون من ٦ أرقام + + + enter-puk-code + أدخل رمز PUK + + + enter-puk-code-description + تم حظر رمز المرور المكون من ٦ أرقام. الرجاء إدخال رمز PUK لإلغاء قفل رمز المرور. + + + enter-recipient-address-or-username + أدخل عنوان أو اسم مستخدم المستلم + + + enter-seed-phrase + أدخل العبارة الأولية + + + enter-url + أدخل عنوان URL + + + enter-watch-account-address + امسح رمز الاستجابة السريعة ضوئيًا + أو + أدخل العنوان لمشاهدته + + + enter-word + أدخل كلمة + + + enter-your-code + أدخل رمز المرور المكون من 6 أرقام + + + enter-your-password + ادخل رقمك السري + + + error + خطأ + + + error-unable-to-get-balance + غير قادر على الحصول على التوازن + + + error-unable-to-get-prices + خطأ في تحويل العملة. قم بتجديد الشاشة للمحاولة مرة أخرى. + + + error-unable-to-get-token-balance + غير قادر علي الحصول علي رصيد الرمز المميز + + + errors + أخطاء + + + eth + ETH + + + ethereum-node-started-incorrectly-description + تم بدء عقدة إيثيريوم بتكوين غير صحيح ، وسيتم إيقاف التطبيق للتعافي من هذا الشرط. معرف {{network-id}} = network id ، الفعلي = {{fetched-network-id}} + + + ethereum-node-started-incorrectly-title + بدأت عقدة Ethereum بشكل غير صحيح + + + etherscan-lookup + إبحث في Etherscan + + + export-account + حساب التصدير + + + export-key + استخراج المفتاح الخاص + + + community-private-key + المفتاح الخاص بالمجتمع + + + failed + فشل + + + faq + الاسئله المتداولة + + + fetch-messages + ↓ جلب الرسائل + + + fetch-timeline + ↓ جلب + + + find + العثور + + + finish + إنهاء + + + finishing-card-setup + الانتهاء من إعداد البطاقة + + + fleet + اسطول + + + fleet-settings + إعدادات الأسطول + + + follow-your-interests + اتبع اهتماماتك في واحده من العديد من المحادثات العامة + + + follow + اتبع + + + free + ↓ مجاني + + + from + من عند + + + gas-limit + حد الغاز + + + gas-price + سعر الغاز + + + gas-used + الغاز المستخدم + + + generate-a-key + إنشاء مفاتيح + + + generate-a-new-account + إنشاء حساب + + + generate-a-new-key + إنشاء مفتاح جديد + + + generate-account + إنشاء مفتاح خاص + + + generate-new-key + إنشاء مفتاح + + + your-keys + مفاتيحك + + + generating-codes-for-pairing + > تنزيل برنامج المنتج على البطاقة + > توليد رموز القفل والاقتران + + + generating-keys + يتم الآن إنشاء مفاتيح... + + + you-will-need-this-code + ستحتاج هذا الرمز لفتح الحالة وتوقيع المعاملات + + + generating-mnemonic + توليد عبارة ذاكرة + + + get-started + البدء + + + get-status-at + الحصول على Status في http://status.im + + + get-stickers + الحصول على ملصقات + + + go-to-settings + انتقل إلى الإعدادات... + + + got-it + فهمت ذلك + + + group-chat + دردشة جماعيه + + + group-chat-admin + المشرف + + + group-chat-admin-added + * {{member}} * أصبح مشرفًا مسؤولا + + + group-chat-created + * {{member}} * أنشأ هذا الشخص المجموعة * {{name}} * + + + group-chat-decline-invitation + رفض الدعوة + + + group-chat-member-added + * {{member}} * تمت دعوة هذا الشخص + + + group-chat-member-joined + * {{member}} * انضم هذا الشخص إلى المجموعة + + + group-chat-member-removed + * {{member}} * غادر المجموعة + + + group-chat-members-count + {{selected}} / {{max}} أعضاء + + + group-chat-name-changed + ** {{member}} ** غير هذا الشخص اسم المجموعة إلى ** {{name}} ** + + + group-chat-no-contacts + ليس لديك أي جهات اتصال حتى الآن. + قم بدعوة أصدقائك لبدء الدردشة + + + leave-chat + مغادرة الدردشة + + + leave-confirmation + مغادرة{{chat-name}} + + + leave-chat-confirmation + ستتم إزالة سجل الدردشة من جهازك. بعد الانضمام مرة أخرى ، لن تتمكن من استرداد أي من سجلك. + + + group-chat-all-contacts-invited + جميع جهات الاتصال الخاصة بك موجودة بالفعل في المجموعة + + + group-info + معلومات المجموعة + + + gwei + غواي + + + hash + رموز التجزئة + + + + help + مساعدة + + + help-capitalized + مساعدة + + + help-center + مركز المساعدة + + + hide-content-when-switching-apps + إخفاء معاينات الحالة عند تبديل التطبيق + + + hide-content-when-switching-apps-ios + إخفاء المعاينة + + + history + التاريخ + + + history-nodes + عقد Status + + + hold-card + امسك البطاقة في الخلف + من هاتفك + + + home + الصفحة الرئيسية + + + hooks + السنانير + + + identifier + معرف + + + image-remove-current + ازل الصوره الحاليه + + + image-source-gallery + اختر من المعرض + + + image-source-make-photo + التقاط + + + image-source-title + تحرير الصورة + + + profile-pic-take + التقط صورة + + + profile-pic-pick + اختر من المعرض + + + profile-pic-remove + إزالة الصورة + + + in-contacts + في الاتصالات + + + incoming + الوارده + + + incoming-transaction + المعاملات الواردة + + + incorrect-code::0 + str + + + incorrect-code::1 + آسف الرمز غير صحيح ، يرجى إدخاله مرة أخرى + + + initialization + التهيئة + + + install + ↓ تثبيت + + + intro-message1 + مرحبًا بك في Status! + انقر فوق هذه الرسالة لتعيين كلمة المرور الخاصة بك والبدء. + + + intro-privacy-policy-note1 + الحالة لا تجمع أو تشارك أو تبيع أي بيانات شخصية. من خلال الاستمرار أنت توافق على ذلك + + + intro-privacy-policy-note2 + سياسة الخصوصية + + + intro-text + Status هي بوابتك إلى الويب اللامركزي + + + intro-text1 + منصة مفتوحة للدردشة بشكل آمن والتعامل مع Ethereum blockchain + + + intro-text2 + تم إعداد الحساب المتعدد الخاص بك. من فضلك لا تنسى أن نسجل نسخة احتياطية من العبارة الأولية في ملف التعريف الخاص + + + intro-text3 + تم إعداد الحساب المتعدد الخاص بك. من فضلك لا تنسى أن نسجل نسخة احتياطية من العبارة الأولية في ملف التعريف الخاص + + + intro-title1 + الاتصالات الخاصة حقا + + + intro-title2 + محفظة آمنة + + + intro-title3 + التطبيقات اللامركزية + + + intro-wizard-text1 + هويتك آمنة حسب التصميم. تحصل على مفتاح تشفير تم إنشاؤه + + + intro-wizard-text2 + هذا الاسم هو هويتك في الحالة. لا يمكن تغييره بمجرد اختياره. + + + intro-wizard-text3 + يتم تخزين المفتاح الخاص بك محليا. لا يوجد نسخة، فقط لديك حق الوصول. + + + intro-wizard-text4 + تأمين وتشفير المفتاح الخاص + + + intro-wizard-text6 + ستعلمك الحالة بالرسائل الجديدة. يمكنك تعديل تفضيلات الإشعارات الخاصة بك لاحقًا في الإعدادات + + + intro-wizard-title-alt4 + إنشاء كلمه مرور + + + intro-wizard-title-alt5 + تاكيد كلمه المرور + + + intro-wizard-title1 + احصل علي مفتاح + + + intro-wizard-title2 + اختيار اسم دردشة + + + intro-wizard-title3 + اختيار تخزين المفاتيح + + + intro-wizard-title4 + إنشاء رمز مرور مكون من 6 أرقام + + + intro-wizard-title5 + تأكيد رمز المرور + + + intro-wizard-title6 + تمكين الإشعارات + + + are-you-sure-to-cancel + هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد إلغاء؟ + + + you-will-start-from-scratch + ستبدأ من نقطة الصفر بمجموعة جديدة من المفاتيح + + + invalid-address-qr-code + لا يحتوي رمز QR الممسوح ضوئيًا على عنوان صالح + + + invalid-format + تنسيق غير صالح + يجب أن يكون {{format}} + + + invalid-key-confirm + تطبيق + + + invalid-key-content + لا يمكن تشفير قاعدة البيانات لأن الملف تالف. أموالك ومفتاح الدردشة آمنان. لا يمكن استعادة البيانات الأخرى ، مثل الدردشات وجهات الاتصال الخاصة بك."{{erase-multiaccounts-data-button-text}} " الزر ، سيزيل جميع البيانات الأخرى ويسمح لك بالوصول إلى أموالك وإرسال الرسائل + + + invalid-number + رقم غير صالح + + + invalid-pairing-password + كلمة مرور الاقتران غير صالحة + + + invalid-range + التنسيق غير صالح ، يجب أن يكون بين {{min}} و {{max}} + + + invalid-username-or-key + اسم المستخدم أو مفتاح الدردشة غير صالح + + + join-me + مرحبًا ، انضم إلي في Status: {{url}} + + + join-a-community + أو الانضمام إلى المجتمع + + + http-gateway-error + عفوًا ، فشل الطلب! + + + sign-request-failed + تعذر توقيع الرسالة + + + invite-friends + دعوه الأصدقاء + + + invite-people + دعوة الأشخاص + + + invite-reward + اربح عملة مشفرة عن كل صديق تقوم بدعوته! + + + invite-select-account + اختار حسابًا لتلقي مكافأة الإحالة الخاصة بك + + + invited + دعا + + + invite-button + دعوه + + + invite-receive-account + حساب لتلقي مكافأة الإحالة الخاصة بك + + + how-it-works + كيف يعمل + + + invite-warning + هذا العرض الترويجي صالح فقط لمستخدمي جهاز اندرويد غير المقيمين في الولايات المتحدة. يحتاج الصديق إلى تأكيد الإحالة في غضون 7 أيام + + + invite-instruction-first + يمكنك إرسال رابط دعوة فريد إلى صديقك لتنزيل Status والانضمام إلينا + + + invite-instruction-second + قاما صديقك بتنزيل الحالة وإنشاء حساب (على اندرويد) + + + invite-instruction-third + يتم بدء محادثة مع صديقك، حيث يؤكدون الإحالة الخاصة بك + + + invite-instruction-fourth + تتلقى مكافأة الإحالة الخاصة بك وصديقك حزمة المبتدئين + + + invite-instruction-fifth + يمكنك اختيار استرداد مكافأة الإحالة الخاصة بك في أي وقت. + + + invite-reward-you + أنت: + + + invite-reward-you-name + مكافأة الإحالة + + + invite-reward-you-description + ادعُ صديقًا واحصل على {{reward}} كمكافأة إحالة. استخدمه للحصول على ملصقات واسم ENS وجرب التطبيقات اللامركزية + + + invite-reward-friend + صديق: + + + invite-reward-friend-name + حزمة المبتدئين + + + invite-reward-friend-description + سيتلقى صديقك حزمة مبتدئة تتكون من بعض {{reward}} للبدء + + + invite-privacy-policy1 + بقبولك فإنك توافق على برنامج الإحالة + + + invite-privacy-policy2 + الشروط والأحكام. + + + invite-privacy-policy-public + قمت بتثبيت Status من خلال رابط إحالة. من خلال الانضمام إلى هذه الدردشة ، فإنك تنسب الإحالة وتوافق على + + + invite-chat-name + إحالة صديق + + + invite-chat-starter-pack + حزمة المبتدئين + + + invite-chat-intro + تمت إحالتك من قبل صديق للانضمام إلى Status. إليك بعض من العملة الرقمية لتبدأ! استخدمه لتسجيل اسم ENS أو شراء حزمة ملصقات + + + invite-public-chat-home + دعوة الإحالة + + + invite-public-chat-intro + إليك بعض العملات المشفرة لتبدأ! استخدمه لتسجيل اسم ENS أو شراء حزمة ملصقات + + + invite-chat-accept + قبول + + + invite-chat-pending + المعلقه + + + invite-chat-accept-join + قبول والانضمام + + + invite-chat-rule + سيؤدي القبول أيضًا إلى مكافأة صديقك بمكافأة إحالة بالعملة الرقمية + + + redeem-now + استرد الآن + + + redeem-amount + {{quantity}}المكافآت المتاحة + + + redeem-success + تم استرداد المكافأة بنجاح! + + + attribution-received + {{attrib}} من المكافآت {{max}} المتلقاة + + + advertiser-starter-pack-title + حزمة المبتدئين + + + advertiser-starter-pack-description + إليك بعض من العملة الرقمية لتبدأ! استخدمه للحصول على ملصقات ، واسم ENS و تجربت dapps + + + advertiser-title + الخصوصية بشكل افتراضي + + + advertiser-description + لقد اكتشفت Status بفضل شريك. هل تمانع إذا كانت الحالة تتحقق من عنوان IP الخاص بك مرة واحدة حتى يتم مكافأتها؟ لن يتم استخدام هذه المعلومات لأي شيء آخر وستتم إزالتها تمامًا بعد 7 أيام. + + + advertiser-starter-pack-accept + قبول + + + advertiser-starter-pack-decline + رفض الدعوة + + + dapp-starter-pack-title + حزمة المبتدئين + + + dapp-starter-pack-description + إليك بعض من العملة الرقمية لتبدأ! استخدمها للحصول على ملصقات ، واسم ENS و تجربت dapps + + + dapp-starter-pack-accept + قبول وفتح + + + starter-pack-coming + حزمة المبتدئين قادمة في طريقك + + + starter-pack-coming-description + يمكن أن يستغرق بضع دقائق إلى ساعات + + + starter-pack-received + تلقى حزمة المبتدئين + + + starter-pack-received-description + إليك بعض من العملة الرقمية لتبدأ! استخدمها للحصول على ملصقات ، واسم ENS و تجربت dapps + + + join-group-chat + الانضمام إلى المجموعة + + + join-group-chat-description + {{username}} دعوتك للانضمام إلى المجموعة {{group-name}} + + + joined-group-chat-description + لقد انضممت إلى {{group-name}} من دعوة {{username}} + + + key + مفتاح + + + keycard + بطاقة المفتاح + + + keycard-access-reset + تتم إعادة تعيين الوصول إلى بطاقة المفتاح + + + keycard-can-use-with-new-passcode + يمكنك استخدام هذه البطاقة مع رمز المرور الجديد الخاص بك + + + keycard-applet-install-instructions + لتثبيت التطبيق الصغير ، يرجى اتباع التعليمات على https://github.com/status-im/keycard-cli#keycard-applet-installation + + + keycard-blocked + تم حظر بطاقة مفتاح. + تحتاج إلى إعادة تعيين البطاقة لمتابعة استخدامها. + + + keycard-cancel-setup-text + سيؤدي هذا إلى إلغاء إعداد لوحة المفاتيح. يوصى بشدة بإنهاء الإعداد من أجل استخدام لوحة المفاتيح. هل تريد حقًا الإلغاء؟ + + + keycard-cancel-setup-title + عملية خطيرة + + + keycard-desc + سوف تحتاج إلى الحصول على بطاقة المفاتيح اندرويد فقط. + + + keycard-dont-ask-card + لا تسأل عن بطاقة لتسجيل الدخول + + + keycard-reset-passcode + إعادة تعيين رمز المرور + + + keycard-factory-reset + إرجاع البطاقة إلى إعدادات المصنع + + + keycard-factory-reset-title + هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد إجراء إعادة ضبط المصنع؟ + + + keycard-factory-reset-text + سيؤدي القيام بذلك إلى حذف أي عبارة ذاكرة مخزنة على البطاقة. تأكد من أن لديك نسخة احتياطية من عبارة ذاكري التي كنت تستخدمها مع Keycard هذه. + + + keycard-enter-new-passcode + أدخل رمز المرور الجديد {{step}}/ 2 + + + keycard-has-multiaccount-on-it + هذه البطاقة ممتلئة. يمكن لكل بطاقة عقد زوج مفاتيح رئيسي واحد + + + keycard-onboarding-finishing-header + الانتهاء من + + + keycard-onboarding-intro-header + تخزين المفتاح الخاص علي بطاقة المفاتيح + + + keycard-onboarding-intro-text + استعد ، قد يستغرق هذا بضع دقائق ، ولكن من المهم تأمين حسابك + + + keycard-onboarding-pairing-header + يتم الآن اقران البطاقة... + + + keycard-onboarding-preparing-header + يتم الآن اعداد البطاقة... + + + keycard-onboarding-puk-code-header + اكتب الرموز لأسفل + وتخزينها بشكل آمن + + + keycard-onboarding-recovery-phrase-description + مع هذه العبارة الأولية، يمكنك دائمًا استعادة مفتاحك. اكتب عبارة بذور أسفل. احتفظ به آمنًا، في وضع عدم الاتصال، وفصله عن هذا الجهاز. + + + keycard-onboarding-recovery-phrase-header + النسخ الاحتياطي للعبارة الأولية + + + keycard-onboarding-recovery-phrase-text + فقط لاجل عينيك. هذه هي العبارة السحرية المستخدمة لإنشاء مفتاحك. + + + keycard-onboarding-start-header + امسك البطاقة في الخلف + من هاتفك للبدء + + + keycard-onboarding-pin-text + ستحتاج إلى إنشاء رمز مرور مكون من 6 أرقام والذي سيتم استخدامه لحماية الوصول إلى بطاقة Keycard الخاصة بك. + + + keycard-onboarding-mnemonic-text + ستحتاج أيضا إلى قطعة من الورق وقلم رصاص لكتابة عبارة البذور الخاصة بك. + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step1 + إنشاء رمز المرور + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step1-text + حوالي ١ دقيقة. قم بإنشاء رمز مرور مكون من ٦ أرقام لتشفير المفاتيح + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step2 + اكتب في الاسفل PUK ورمز الاقتران + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step2-text + حوالي دقيقه واحده. ستحتاج إلى قطعه من الورق وقلم رصاص لذلك + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step3 + نسخ احتياطي لعبارة البذور + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step3-text + حوالي ١ دقيقة. أيضا قطعة من الورق وقلم رصاص ضرورية + + + keycard-onboarding-start-text + والحفاظ على بطاقة للاتصال عبر الهاتف أثناء الإعداد. سيستغرق الإعداد حوالي 4 دقائق + + + keycard-recovery-intro-button-text + بدء الاسترداد + + + keycard-recovery-intro-header + استعادة مفتاح مخزن على بطاقة مفتاح + + + keycard-recovery-intro-text + إذا قمت بإنشاء مفتاح باستخدام بطاقة مفتاح من قبل وتريد الآن استخدام هذا المفتاح الخاص + + + keycard-recovery-no-key-header + لا يوجد شيىء لاسترجاعه هنا + + + keycard-recovery-no-key-text + لا تحتوي بطاقة مفتاح على أي مفتاح مخزّن. من أجل استخدامه، قم بإنشاء مفتاح جديد واختر بطاقة مفتاح لتخزين المفتاح + + + keycard-recovery-phrase-confirm-header + تأكيد العبارة الأولية + + + keycard-recovery-phrase-confirmation-text + لن تحصل على فرصة ثانية! إذا فقدت إمكانية الوصول ، على سبيل المثال عن طريق فقدان بطاقة المفاتيح الخاصة بك ، يمكنك الوصول إلى مفاتيحك فقط باستخدام العبارة الأولية. لا أحد ، ولكن لديك العبارة الأولية. اكتبه. ابقها آمنة. + + + keycard-recovery-phrase-confirmation-title + هل كتبت عبارة seed ؟ + + + keycard-recovery-success-header + المفتاح الخاص تم استرجاعه بنجاح + + + keycard-redeem-title + استرداد إلى + + + keycard-redeem-tx + استرداد الأصول + + + keycard-redeem-tx-desc + اضغط على بطاقة لتوقيع والحصول على الأصول + + + keycard-unauthorized-operation + أنت غير مصرح له بإجراء هذه العملية. + يرجى الضغط على بطاقة صالحة والمحاولة مرة أخرى. + + + keycard-is-frozen-title + تم تجميد بطاقة المفتاح + + + keycard-is-frozen-details + لحماية أصولك، يتم تجميد بطاقتك. أعد ضبط بطاقتك لإلغاء تجميدها وتمكن من إرسال المعاملات. يمكنك القيام بذلك مع PUK الخاص بك أو الذاكرة الخاصة بك. + + + keycard-is-frozen-reset + إعادة الضبط مع PUK + + + keycard-is-frozen-factory-reset + إعادة تعيين مع الذاكرة + + + your-card-is-frozen + تم تجميد بطاقة المفتاح الخاص بك. إعادة تعيين الوصول إلى البطاقة + + + keycard-is-blocked-title + تم حظر بطاقة المفتاح + + + keycard-is-blocked-details + لم يعد بإمكانك استخدام هذه البطاقة للوصول إلى هذا الحساب أو تسجيل الدخول إليه. هناك عدد كبير جدًا من محاولات رمز المرور ومحاولة PUK الفاشلة. + + + keycard-is-blocked-instructions + للوصول إلى حسابك سوف تحتاج إلى مصنع إعادة تعيين بطاقتك. اضغط على الزر أدناه لبدء الإجراء، وسوف تحتاج الذاكرة الخاصة بك. + + + language + لغة + + + learn-more + أعرف أكثر + + + learn-more-about-keycard + تعرف علي المزيد حول بطاقة المفاتيح + + + leave + غادر + + + joined + انضم + + + leave-group + غادر المجموعة + + + left + اليسار + + + lets-go + لنذهب + + + les-ulc + LES / ULC + + + linked-on + مرتبط في {{date}} + + + load-messages-before + قبل {{date}} + + + load-more-messages + ↓ جلب المزيد من الرسائل + + + load-more-timeline + ↓ جلب المزيد + + + loading + جار التحميل... + + + log-level + تسجيل مستوى + + + log-level-settings + إعدادات مستوى السجل + + + logging + تسجيل + + + logging-enabled + تمكين التسجيل؟ + + + login-pin-description + ادخل رمز المرور المكون من ٦ أرقام لفتح حسابك المتعدد + + + logout + تسجيل الخروج + + + logout-app-content + سيتم تسجيل الحساب عند إلغاء قفلها مرة أخرى ، سيتم استخدام الشبكة المحددة + + + logout-are-you-sure + هل انت متأكد أنك تريد + لتسجيل الخروج؟ + + + logout-title + تسجيل الخروج ؟ + + + logout-key-management + تحتاج إلى تسجيل الخروج للوصول إلى إدارة المفاتيح. + + + looking-for-cards + جارٍ البحث عن بطاقات ... + + + lost-connection + فقدان الاتصال + + + mailserver-address + عنوان عقدة Status + + + mailserver-automatic + الاختيار التلقائي + + + mailserver-automatic-switch-explanation + اختر أسرع عقدة Status متاحة + + + mailserver-connection-error + تعذر الاتصال بعقدة Status + + + mailserver-details + تفاصيل عقدة Status + + + mailserver-error-content + تعذر الوصول إلى عقدة Status التي حددتها. + + + mailserver-error-title + خطأ في الاتصال بعقدة Status + + + mailserver-format + enode: // {enode-id} : {password} @ {ip-address} : {port} + + + mailserver-pick-another + اختر عقدة Status أخرى + + + mailserver-reconnect + تعذر الاتصال بعقدة Status. انقر لإعادة الاتصال + + + mailserver-request-error-content + تم إرجاع الخطأ التالي بواسطة عقدة Status: {{error}} + + + mailserver-request-error-status + حدث خطأ أثناء جلب السجل ، تحقق من السجلات للحصول على التفاصيل + + + mailserver-request-error-title + خطأ في طلب عقدة Status + + + mailserver-request-retry + إعادة محاولة الطلب + + + mailserver-retry + إعادة المحاولة + + + main-currency + العملة الرئيسية + + + main-networks + الشبكات الرئيسية + + + main-wallet + المحفظة الرئيسية + + + mainnet-network + الشبكة الرئيسية + + + make-admin + جعل المشرف + + + manage-keys-and-storage + إدارة المفاتيح والتخزين + + + mark-all-read + ضع علامة بأنه تم القراءة + + + members + + عضو + عضو + عضوان + أعضاء + أعضاء + أعضاء + + + + members-active + + عضو + عضو + عضوان + أعضاء + أعضاء + أعضاء + + + + members-active-none + لا يوجد أعضاء + + + members-title + الأعضاء + + + message + رسالة + + + message-not-sent + لم يتم إرسال الرسالة + + + message-options-cancel + إلغاء + + + message-reply + الرد + + + replying-to + الرد على{{author}} + + + data-syncing + مزامنة البيانات + + + messages + رسائل + + + chat-is-a-contact + صديق + + + chat-is-not-a-contact + غير صديق + + + might-break + قد كسر بعض ÐApps + + + migrations-failed-content + {{message}} + إصدار المخطط: الأولي {{initial-version}} ، الحالي {{current-version}}الاخير ، {{last-version}} + +حدث خطأ في قاعدة البيانات. أموالك ومفتاح الدردشة آمنان. لا يمكن استعادة البيانات الأخرى ، مثل الدردشات وجهات الاتصال الخاصة بك. " {{erase-multiaccounts-data-button-text}} " سيزيل جميع البيانات الأخرى ويسمح لك بالوصول إلى أموالك وإرسال الرسائل. + + + mobile-network-ask-me + اسالني متى علي شبكه الجوال + + + mobile-network-continue-syncing + متابعة المزامنة + + + mobile-network-continue-syncing-details + يمكنك تغيير هذا لاحقًا في الإعدادات + + + mobile-network-go-to-settings + اذهب للاعدادات + + + mobile-network-settings + بيانات الجوال + + + mobile-network-sheet-configure + يمكنك تكوين المزامنة في أكثر + التفاصيل في + + + mobile-network-sheet-offline + لا توجد شبكة Wi-Fi ، تم تعطيل مزامنة الرسائل. + + + mobile-network-sheet-offline-details + المزامنة باستخدام شبكة الجوال متوقفة + + + mobile-network-sheet-remember-choice + تذكر خياري + + + mobile-network-sheet-settings + الإعدادات + + + mobile-network-start-syncing + ابدأ المزامنة + + + mobile-network-stop-syncing + إيقاف المزامنة + + + mobile-network-stop-syncing-details + حتى الاتصال بشبكه Wi-fi ؟ + + + mobile-network-use-mobile + استخدام بيانات المحمول + + + mobile-network-use-mobile-data + تستخدم Status الكثير من البيانات عند مزامنة الدردشات. + + + mobile-network-use-wifi + واي فاي فقط + + + mobile-syncing-sheet-details + تستخدم الحالة الكثير من البيانات عند مزامنة الدردشات. + + + mobile-syncing-sheet-title + هل تريد المزامنة باستخدام بيانات الجوال؟ + + + more + المزيد + + + multiaccount-exists-title + الحساب المتعدد موجود بالفعل + + + multiaccount-exists-content + مفاتيح هذا الحساب موجودة بالفعل ولا يمكن إضافتها مرة أخرى. إذا فقدت كلمة المرور أو رمز المرور أو بطاقة المفتاح ، فقم بإلغاء تثبيت التطبيق وإعادة التثبيت والوصول إلى مفاتيحك عن طريق إدخال العبارة الأولية + + + multiaccounts-recover-enter-phrase-text + أدخل 12 أو 15 أو 18 أو 21 أو 24 كلمة. + افصل الكلمات بمسافة واحدة. + + + multiaccounts-recover-enter-phrase-title + أدخل العبارة الأولية + + + name + اسم + + + name-of-token + اسم token الخاص بك + + + need-help + تحتاج إلى مساعدة ؟ + + + glossary + المعجم + + + account-title + الحساب + + + account-content + يمكنك مقارنة الحسابات في الحالة إلى الحسابات المصرفية. مثل الحساب المصرفي ، عادة ما يكون للحساب عنوان ورصيد ؛ يمكنك استخدام هذا الحساب لإجراء المعاملات على الإيتييوم. يمكن أن يكون لديك حسابات متعددة في محفظتك. يمكن الوصول إليها جميعًا عن طريق فتح الحالة. + + + chat-key-title + مفتاح المحادثة + + + chat-key-content + يتم إرسال واستقبال الرسائل على بروتوكول دردشة الحالة باستخدام مفاتيح التشفير. مفتاح الدردشة العامة هو سلسلة من الأحرف التي تشاركها مع الآخرين حتى يتمكنوا من إرسال رسائل إليك في الحالة. + + + chat-name-title + اسم الدردشة + + + chat-name-content + ثلاث كلمات عشوائية، مشتقة من مفتاح الدردشة الخاص بك واستخدامها كاسم مستعار افتراضي في الدردشة. أسماء الدردشة هي فريدة من نوعها تماما. لا يمكن أن يكون أي مستخدم آخر له نفس الكلمات الثلاث. + + + ens-name-title + اسم ENS + + + ens-name-content + اسم مستعار مخصص لمفتاح الدردشة الذي يمكنك تسجيله باستخدام خدمة Ethereum Name Service. أسماء ENS هي أسماء مستخدمين لا مركزية. + + + mailserver-title + عقدة Status + + + mailserver-content + عقدة في شبكة Status تقوم بتوجيه الرسائل وتخزينها لمدة تصل إلى 30 يومًا. + + + peer-title + الند + + + peer-content + جهاز متصل بشبكة دردشة Status. يمكن لكل مستخدم تمثيل واحد أو أكثر من أقرانه، اعتمادًا على عدد أجهزتهم. + + + seed-phrase-title + العبارة الأولية + + + seed-phrase-content + مجموعة من الكلمات سهلة القراءة، تم اختيارها عشوائيًا من قائمة BIP39 القياسية وتستخدم لاسترداد أو الوصول إلى حساب الايثريوم الخاص بك في محافظ وأجهزة أخرى. يشار إليها أيضًا باسم "عبارة ذاكرة" أو "عبارة الاسترداد" أو "المحفظة الاحتياطية" عبر نظام التشفير البيئي. تستخدم معظم تطبيقات التشفير نفس المعيار لإنشاء حسابات. + + + wallet-key-title + عنوان الحساب + + + wallet-key-content + عنوان ست عشري مكون من ٦٤ حرفًا يعتمد على معيار الإيتييوم" ويبدأ بـ 0x. أمام الجميع ، تتم مشاركة عنوان حسابك مع الآخرين عندما تريد تلقي الأموال. يُشار إليه أيضًا باسم "عنوان الإيتييوم" أو "عنوان المحفظة". + + + buy-crypto-title + يبدو أن محفظتك فارغة + + + buy-crypto-description + ابحث عن تطبيق لامركزي لشراء العملات المشفرة الآن + + + buy-crypto + شراء العملات المشفرة + + + buy-crypto-choose-a-service + اختر الخدمة التي ترغب في استخدامها لشراء العملات المشفرة + + + buy-crypto-leaving + أنت تغادر Status وتدخل إلى موقع ويب تابع لجهة خارجية لإكمال عملية الشراء + + + opening-buy-crypto + جارٍ فتح {{site}} ... + + + network + شبكة الاتصال + + + network-chain + سلسلة الشبكة + + + network-details + تفاصيل الشبكة + + + network-info + معلومات الشبكة + + + network-fee + رسوم الشبكة + + + network-id + عنوان الشبكة + + + network-invalid-network-id + معرف الشبكة المحدد لا يتوافق مع معرف الشبكة بواسطة عنوان RPC + + + network-invalid-status-code + رمز status غير صالح: {{code}} + + + network-invalid-url + عنوان URL للشبكة غير صالح + + + network-settings + اعدادات الشبكة + + + new + الجديد + + + new-chat + دردشة جديدة + + + new-contact + جهة اتصال جديدة + + + new-contract + عقد جديد + + + new-group + مجموعة جديدة + + + new-group-chat + دردشة جماعيه جديده + + + new-network + شبكة جديدة + + + new-pin-description + أدخل رمز مرور جديد مكون من ٦ أرقام + + + new-puk-description + أدخل رمز المرور الجديد المكون من 12 رقمًا + + + new-public-group-chat + انضم إلى الدردشة العامة + + + next + التالى + + + no + لا + + + no-collectibles + لا تتوفر المقتنيات + + + no-contacts + لا اتصالات حتى الآن + + + no-keycard-applet-on-card + لا يوجد برنامج Keycard على البطاقة + + + no-messages + لا توجد رسائل + + + no-pairing-slots-available + هذه البطاقة مقترنة بالفعل بـ 5 أجهزة ولا يمكن إقرانها بهذا الجهاز. يرجى استخدام أحد الأجهزة المقترنة وتسجيل الدخول باستخدام هذه البطاقة وتحرير فتحات الاقتران على البطاقة + + + no-result + لا توجد نتائج + + + no-tokens-found + لم يتم العثور على عملة رمزية + + + node-info + معلومات العقدة + + + node-address + عنوان العقدة + + + node-details + تفاصيل العقدة + + + node-version + نسخة العقدة + + + nonce + اعتباطي + + + none + لا شيء + + + not-applicable + لا ينطبق على المعاملات غير الموقعة + + + not-keycard-text + البطاقة التي استخدمتها ليست بطاقة مفتاحيه. تحتاج إلى شراء بطاقة المفاتيح لاستخدامها + + + not-keycard-title + لا بطاقة المفاتيح + + + notifications + الاخطارات + + + local-notifications + الإخطارات المحلية + + + local-notifications-subtitle + تمكين خدمة الخلفية + + + remote-notifications + الإخطارات عن بعد + + + remote-notifications-subtitle + تمكين إشعارات جوجل + + + show-notifications + إظهار الإشعارات + + + notification-settings + إعدادات الإشعار + + + notifications-servers + خوادم الإشعار + + + notifications-preferences + تفضيلات الإشعار + + + notifications-switch + إظهار الإشعارات + + + notifications-non-contacts + إخطارات من غير جهات الاتصال + + + notifications-transactions + معاملات المحفظة + + + send-push-notifications + إرسال إشعارات + + + send-push-notifications-description + عند تعطيلها، ، لن يتم إخطار الشخص الذي يتلقى رسائلك بوصوله + + + push-notifications-server-enabled + تمكين الخادم + + + push-notifications-servers + إشعارات خوادم + + + push-inbound-transaction + لقد تلقيت {{value}} {{currency}} + + + push-outbound-transaction + لقد أرسلت {{value}} {{currency}} + + + push-failed-transaction + فشلت معاملتك + + + push-inbound-transaction-body + من {{from}} الى{{to}} + + + push-outbound-transaction-body + من {{from}} إلى {{to}} + + + push-failed-transaction-body + {{value}}{{currency}}إلى{{to}} + + + allow-mention-notifications + إظهار @ الإشارات + + + server + الخادم + + + specify-server-public-key + أدخل المفتاح العام للخادم + + + notify + اعلام + + + off + إيقاف + + + offline + غير متصل على الانترنت + + + offline-messaging-use-history-nodes + استخدم عقد Status + + + offline-messaging-use-history-explanation + قم بتمكين عُقد Status لجلب الرسائل التي تم إرسالها أثناء إغلاق التطبيق. عند التمكين ، تحصل عقدة Status على عنوان IP الخاص بك. عند التعطيل ، لن تتلقى رسائل عند إغلاق التطبيق ولن تراها عند فتح التطبيق لاحقًا. + + + ok + حسنا + + + ok-continue + حسنا ، تابع + + + ok-got-it + حسنا، حصلت عليه + + + okay + حسنا + + + on + على + + + open + فتح + + + open-home + فتح... + + + open-dapp + افتح ÐApp + + + open-dapp-store + اكتشاف ÐApps + + + open-nfc-settings + فتح إعدادات NFC + + + open-on-block-explorer + فتح في مستكشف الكتل + + + optional + اختياري + + + or + او + + + outgoing + المنتهية + + + outgoing-transaction + المعاملات الصادرة + + + pair + إقران الأجهزة + + + pair-card + إقران إلى هذا الجهاز + + + pair-code + رمز الاقتران + + + pair-code-explanation + أزواج بطاقة إلى جهاز مختلف (حتى 5) لفتح المفاتيح وتوقيع المعاملات باستخدام نفس بطاقة المفاتيح + + + pair-this-card + إقران هذه البطاقة + + + pair-this-device + الإعلان عن الجهاز + + + pair-this-device-description + قم بإقران أجهزتك لمزامنة جهات الاتصال والدردشة بينهما + + + paired-devices + الأجهزة المقترنة + + + pairing + الاقران + + + pairing-card + بطاقة الاقتران + + + pairing-code-placeholder + رمز الاقتران ... + + + pairing-code_error1 + رموز الاقتران غير متطابقة. + + + confirm-pairing-code-placeholder + قم بتأكيد رمز الإقران ... + + + pairing-go-to-installation + انتقل إلى إعدادات الاقتران + + + pairing-maximum-number-reached-content + يرجى تعطيل أحد أجهزتك قبل تمكين جهاز جديد. + + + pairing-maximum-number-reached-title + تم الوصول إلى أقصى عدد من الأجهزة + + + pairing-new-installation-detected-content + تم الكشف عن جهاز جديد. +من أجل استخدام أجهزتك بشكل صحيح ، من المهم اقرانها وتمكينها قبل استخدامها. +الرجاء الانتقال إلى قسم الجهاز ضمن الإعدادات لاقران أجهزتك. + + + pairing-new-installation-detected-title + تم الكشف عن جهاز جديد + + + pairing-no-info + لا توجد معلومات + + + pairing-please-set-a-name + الرجاء تعيين اسم لجهازك. + + + passphrase + عبارة المرور + + + password + كلمه المرور + + + password-description + على الأقل 6 خانات. ستحتاج إلى كلمة المرور هذه لفتح الحالة وتأكيد المعاملات + + + password-placeholder2 + تأكيد كلمة المرور الخاصة بك + + + password_error1 + كلمات المرور غير متطابقة. + + + paste + لصق + + + paste-json + لصق JSON + + + pay-to-chat + الدفع للدردشة + + + peers + الأقران + + + pending + المعلقه + + + pending-confirmation + في انتظار التأكيد... + + + permissions + أذونات + + + phone-e164 + الدولية 1 + + + photos-access-error + لمنح اذن الصور المطلوبة ، يرجى الانتقال إلى إعدادات النظام والتاكد من تحديد Status > الصور المختارة + + + pin-changed + أدخل رمز المرور المكون من 6 أرقام للمتابعة + + + puk-changed + تم تغيير رمز مرور المكون من 12 رقمًا + + + pairing-changed + تم تغيير رمز الاقتران + + + pin-code + رمز المرور المكون من ٦ أرقام + + + pin-mismatch + رمز مرور خاطئ + + + pin-retries-left + {{number}} محاولات متبقية + + + pin-one-attempt-blocked-before + كن حذرا، لديك فقط + + + pin-one-attempt-frozen-before + كن حذرا، لديك فقط + + + pin-one-attempt + محاولة واحدة + + + pin-one-attempt-blocked-after + قبل حجب بطاقة المفتاح الخاصة بك + + + pin-one-attempt-frozen-after + قبل أن يتم تجميد بطاقة المفتاح الخاصة بك + + + preview-privacy + معاينة وضع الخصوصية + + + privacy + الخصوصيه + + + privacy-photos + خصوصية صورة الملف الشخصي + + + privacy-and-security + الخصوصية والأمان + + + privacy-policy + سياسة خاصة + + + privacy-show-to-warning + سيستمر الأشخاص الذين شاهدوا صورة ملفك الشخصي بالفعل في القيام بذلك + + + processing + لحظة واحدة + + + product-information + معلومات المنتج + + + profile + الملف الشخصي + + + profile-details + تفاصيل الملف الشخصي + + + public-chat + دردشة عامة + + + public-chats + الدردشات العامة + + + public-group-status + عامة + + + public-group-topic + الموضوع + + + join-new-public-chat + انضم إلى محادثة عامة + + + join-new-private-chat + ابدأ محادثة خاصة جديدة + + + search-no-chat-found + لا توجد نتائج بحث. هل تعني + + + public-key + المفتاح العمومي + + + puk-and-pairing-codes-displayed + PUK ورموز الاقتران المعروضة + + + puk-code + رمز PUK + + + puk-code-explanation + إذا نسيت رمز المرور المكون من 6 أرقام أو أدخلته بشكل غير صحيح 3 مرات ، فستحتاج إلى هذا الرمز لإلغاء قفل بطاقتك. + + + puk-mismatch + رمز PUK خاطئ + + + quiet-days + {{quiet-days}} أيام + + + quiet-hours + {{quiet-hours}} ساعات + + + re-encrypt-key + إعادة تشفير المفتاح الخاص + + + receive + تلقي + + + receive-transaction + تلقي المعاملة + + + recent + الأخيرة + + + recent-recipients + جهات الاتصال + + + recently-used-stickers + ستظهر الملصقات المستخدمة مؤخرًا هنا + + + recipient + المستلم + + + recipient-code + أدخل عنوان المستلم + + + recipient-code-placeholder + 0x ... أو username.domain.eth + + + recover + استعادة + + + recover-key + الوصول إلى المفاتيح الحالية + + + recover-keycard-multiaccount-not-supported + مفاتيح هذا الحساب موجودة بالفعل ولا يمكن إضافتها مرة أخرى. إذا فقدت كلمة المرور أو رمز المرور أو بطاقة المفتاح ، فقم بإلغاء تثبيت التطبيق وإعادة التثبيت والوصول إلى مفاتيحك عن طريق إدخال العبارة الأولية + + + recover-with-keycard + استرداد مع بطاقة المفتاح + + + recovering-key + يتم الآن محاولة الوصول إلى المفتاح... + + + recovery-confirm-phrase + تأكيد العبارة الأولية + + + recovery-phrase + العبارة الأولية + + + recovery-success-text + سيكون عليك إنشاء رمز أو كلمة مرور جديدة لإعادة تشفير المفتاح الخاص بك + + + recovery-typo-dialog-description + يرجى ملاحظة ، يجب أن تستخدم العبارة الأولية نفس الكلمات وترتيبها كما تلقيتها + + + recovery-typo-dialog-title + هل عبارة البذور صحيحة؟ + + + remember-me + تذكرني + + + remind-me-later + أرني هذا مرة أخرى + + + remove + ازاله + + + remove-from-chat + إزالة من الدردشة + + + remove-from-contacts + إزالة من الاتصالات + + + remove-from-contacts-text + عن طريق إزالة مستخدم من قائمة جهات الاتصال الخاصة بك ، فإنك لا تخفي عنوان محفظتك عنهم + + + remove-network + أزاله شبكه الاتصال + + + remove-token + إزالة عملة رمزية + + + removed + إزالة + + + repeat-pin + أدخل رمز المرور المكون من 6 أرقام + + + repeat-puk + كرر رمز مرور الجديد المكون من 12 رقمًا + + + report-bug-email-template + 1. وصف المشكلة + {{description}} + + + 2. خطوات التكاثر + {{steps}} + + + 3. أرفق لقطات الشاشة التي يمكن أن تعرض المشكلة، من فضلك + + + + request-transaction + طلب المعاملة + + + required-field + الحقل المطلوب + + + resend-message + إعادة إرسال + + + reset-card + إعادة تعيين البطاقة + + + reset-card-description + ستقوم هذه العملية باعاده تعيين البطاقة إلى الحالة الاوليه. وسوف يمحو جميع بيانات البطاقة بما في ذلك المفاتيح الخاصة. العملية ليست قابله للعكس. + + + retry + إعادة المحاولة + + + revoke-access + إلغاء الوصول + + + rinkeby-network + Rinkeby اختبار الشبكة + + + ropsten-network + اختبار شبكة Ropsten + + + rpc-url + RPC URL + + + save + حفظ + + + save-password + حفظ كلمة المرور + + + save-password-unavailable + اضبط رمز مرور الجهاز لحفظ كلمة المرور + + + save-password-unavailable-android + حفظ كلمه المرور غير متوفر: قد يكون جهازك متجذرا أو يفتقر إلى ميزات الأمان الضرورية. + + + scan-qr + مسح رمز الاستجابة السريعة + + + scan-qr-code + مسح رمز الاستجابة السريعة مع عنوان المحفظة + + + search + البحث + + + secret-keys-confirmation-text + ستحتاجهم إلى الاستمرار في استخدام Keycard في حالة فقدان هاتفك. + + + secret-keys-confirmation-title + كتب الرموز أسفل؟ + + + security + الأمان + + + see-details + انظر التفاصيل + + + see-it-again + شاهدها مره أخرى + + + select-account-first + تحديد حساب أولاً + + + select-chat + اختر الدردشة لبدء المراسلة + + + selected + مختارة + + + select + حدد + + + select-account + حدد حساب + + + send-logs + الإبلاغ عن خطأ + + + send-logs-to + الإبلاغ عن خطأ إلى {{email}} + + + send-message + إرسال رسالة + + + send-request + ارسل طلب + + + send-request-amount + المبلغ + + + send-request-amount-max-decimals + الحد الأقصى لعدد الكسور العشرية هو {{asset-decimals}} + + + send-request-unknown-token + token غير معروف - {{asset}} + + + send-sending-to + إلى {{recipient-name}} + + + send-transaction + إرسال المعاملة + + + sending + إرسال + + + sent-at + أرسلت في + + + set-a-topic + إنشاء موضوع + + + set-currency + ضبط العملة الافتراضية + + + set-dapp-access-permissions + تعيين أذونات الوصول إلى DApp + + + settings + الإعدادات + + + share + مشاركه + + + shared + المشتركة + + + share-address + مشاركة العنوان + + + share-chat + مشاركة الدردشة + + + share-contact-code + مشاركة مفتاح الدردشة الخاص بي + + + share-dapp-text + تحقق من هذا التطبيق الذي أستخدمه في Status: {{link}} + + + share-link + مشاركة الرابط + + + share-my-profile + تعديل الملف الشخصي + + + share-profile + مشاركة الملف الشخصي + + + share-profile-link + مشاركة رابط الملف الشخصي + + + share-public-chat-text + تحقق من هذه الدردشة العامة على تطبيق Status: {{link}} + + + sharing-copied-to-clipboard + نسخ + + + sharing-copy-to-clipboard + نسخ + + + share-logs + مشاركة السجلات + + + sharing-share + مشاركه + + + show-less + عرض أقل + + + show-more + عرض المزيد + + + show-qr + عرض رمز الاستجابة السريعة + + + show-transaction-data + إظهار بيانات المعاملات + + + sign-and-send + التوقيع والإرسال + + + sign-in + تسجيل الدخول + + + sign-message + توقيع الرسالة + + + sign-out + تسجيل الخروج + + + sign-with + تسجيل مع + + + sign-with-password + تسجيل الدخول بكلمة مرور + + + sign-you-in + تسجيل دخولك في... + + + signing + التوقيع + + + signing-a-message + توقيع رسالة + + + signing-phrase + عبارة التوقيع + + + something-went-wrong + هناك خطأ ما + + + soon + قريبا + + + specify-address + حدد العنوان + + + specify-name + حدد اسم + + + specify-symbol + حدد رمزًا + + + specify-network-id + تحديد معرف شبكه الاتصال + + + specify-rpc-url + حدد عنوان URL لـ RPC + + + start-chat + بدء الدردشة + + + start-conversation + بدء المحادثة + + + start-group-chat + بدء الدردشة الجماعية + + + start-new-chat + بدء دردشة جديده + + + status + Status + + + status-confirmed + تم تأكيد + + + status-hardwallet + Status المحفظة الصلبة + + + status-keycard + بطاقة مفتاح Status + + + status-pending + قيد الانتظار + + + status-tx-not-found + TX غير موجود + + + status-sent + أرسلت + + + status-not-sent-tap + غير مؤكد. اضغط للحصول على خيارات + + + status-not-sent-click + غير مؤكد. انقر للحصول على خيارات + + + step-i-of-n + الخطوة {{step}} من {{number}} + + + sticker-market + سوق الملصقات + + + sticker + ملصق + + + submit + إرسال + + + submit-bug + إرسال خطأ + + + success + النجاح + + + symbol + رمز + + + sync-all-devices + مزامنة جميع الأجهزة + + + sync-in-progress + المزامنة ... + + + sync-settings + إعدادات المزامنة + + + sync-synced + متزامنة + + + syncing-devices + المزامنة ... + + + tag-was-lost + فقدت العلامة + + + tap-card-again + انقر على البطاقة في الجزء الخلفي من هاتفك مرة أخرى + + + test-networks + اختبار الشبكات + + + text-input-disabled + رجاءً انتظر لحظة... + + + this-device + هذا الجهاز + + + this-device-desc + سيتم تشفير المفتاح الخاص بك وتخزينه بشكل آمن + + + this-is-you-signing + هذه هي عبارة توقيعك + + + this-will-take-few-seconds + هذا سيستغرق بضع ثوان + + + three-words-description + يجب أن تشاهد هذه الكلمات 3 قبل توقيع المعاملة + + + three-words-description-2 + إذا رأيت مجموعة تحرير وإدراج مختلفة، فقم بإلغاء المعاملة وتسجيل الخروج. + + + to + إلى + + + to-block + حظر + + + to-encrypt-enter-password + لتشفير الحساب الرجاء إدخال كلمه المرور + + + to-see-this-message + لرؤية هذه الرسالة ، + + + token-auto-validate-decimals-error + اسم خاطئ {{symbol}} على العنوان {{address}} - اضبط على {{expected}} ولكن تم اكتشافه على أنه {{actual}} + + + token-auto-validate-name-error + اسم خاطئ {{symbol}} على العنوان {{address}} - اضبط على {{expected}} ولكن تم اكتشافه على أنه {{actual}} + + + token-auto-validate-symbol-error + اسم خاطئ {{symbol}} على العنوان {{address}} - اضبط على {{expected}} ولكن تم اكتشافه على أنه {{actual}} + + + token-details + تفاصيل token + + + topic-name-error + استخدم الأحرف الصغيرة فقط (من أ إلى ي) والأرقام والشرطات (-). لا تستخدم مفاتيح الدردشة + + + transaction + المعاملات + + + transaction-data + بيانات المعاملات + + + transaction-declined + تم رفض الصفقة + + + transactions-management-enabled + إدارة المعاملات (ألفا) + + + transaction-description + اعتبرها مكتملة بعد 12 تاكيد علي الشبكة. + + + transaction-details + تفاصيل المعاملات + + + transaction-failed + فشلت المعاملة + + + transaction-history + سجل المعاملات + + + transaction-request + طلب معاملة + + + transaction-sent + تم إرسال المعاملة + + + transaction-signed + تم توقيع المعاملة بنجاح + + + transactions + المعاملات + + + transactions-filter-select-all + تحديد الكل + + + transactions-filter-title + سجل التصفية + + + type + نوع + + + transactions-history + سجل المعاملات + + + transactions-history-empty + لا توجد معاملات في تاريخك حتى الآن + + + transactions-history-loading + تحميل سجل المعاملات. وهذا قد يستغرق بعض الوقت. + + + transactions-sign + تسجيل + + + tribute-required-by-multiaccount + {{multiaccount-name}} يتطلب SNT لبدء الدردشة. + + + tribute-state-paid + تحية مدفوعة + + + tribute-state-pending + تحية جارية + + + tribute-state-required + يتطلب {{snt-amount}} تحية SNT + + + tribute-to-talk + تحية للحديث + + + tribute-to-talk-add-friends + أضف الأصدقاء كجهة اتصال للسماح بالدردشات دون دفع الجزية. + + + tribute-to-talk-are-you-friends + هل انتم اصدقاء؟ + + + tribute-to-talk-ask-to-be-added + اطلب إضافتك كجهة اتصال + + + tribute-to-talk-contact-received-your-tribute + تلقي التحية الخاصة بك. يمكنك الآن الدردشة بشكل أمن مع بعضها البعض. + + + tribute-to-talk-desc + أنت بحاجة إلى SNT للأشخاص الجدد لبدء الدردشة. + + + tribute-to-talk-disabled + تحية للحديث + + + tribute-to-talk-disabled-note + من الآن فصاعدًا ، يمكن للأشخاص الجدد بدء الدردشة معك دون إرسال SNT. + + + tribute-to-talk-enabled + لديك تحيه للحديث ممكنة. + + + tribute-to-talk-finish-desc + من الآن فصاعدا ، سوف تتلقي فقط دردشات من جهات الاتصال ، والناس الذين قامو بالدفع + + + tribute-to-talk-learn-more-1 + وقتك والاهتمام هي أصولك الأكثر قيمة. يتيح لك برنامج تحية للحديث تعيين مبلغ SNT المطلوب للأشخاص الجدد لبدء محادثة معك. + + + tribute-to-talk-learn-more-2 + سيطلب من اي شخص ليس في قائمه الاتصال الخاصة بك الدفع ، ويمكنك الرد بمجرد ان يكون لديهم. + + + tribute-to-talk-learn-more-3 + يمكنك دائمًا إعادة الأموال ، ولكن للتأكد من أن الأصدقاء يمكنهم الوصول إليك بحرية ، يمكنك إضافتهم كجهة اتصال أولاً. + + + tribute-to-talk-paywall-learn-more-1 + وقتنا واهتمامنا هما أهم أصولنا. يتيح لك برنامج Tribute to Talk الاتصال بأشخاص جدد في مقابل الحصول على دفعة SNT. + + + tribute-to-talk-paywall-learn-more-2 + لبدء محادثة مع شخص لديه مجموعة تحية ، ما عليك سوى دفع SNT المطلوب وسيتم إضافتك كجهة اتصال. + + + tribute-to-talk-paywall-learn-more-3 + إذا كنت تعرفهم ، فيمكنك مشاركة ملفك الشخصي خارج Status لتتم إضافته مجانًا. + + + tribute-to-talk-pending + تحية في انتظار التأكيد + + + tribute-to-talk-pending-note + معاملة التحية في انتظار التأكيد على الشبكة. يمكنك التحقق من حالتها في سجل المعاملات + + + tribute-to-talk-removing-note + ستتيح إزالة تحية للحديث للأشخاص الجدد بدء محادثة دون إرسال SNT. يتطلب إجراء الصفقة. + + + tribute-to-talk-set-snt-amount + قم بتعيين مقدار SNT المطلوب للأشخاص الجدد لبدء الدردشة + + + tribute-to-talk-signing + في انتظار توقيع المعاملة + + + tribute-to-talk-transaction-failed-note + لقد فشلت المعاملة وتحية الحديث ولم يتم تتغير الاعدادات + + + tribute-to-talk-tribute-received1 + تلقى تحية. انت و + + + tribute-to-talk-tribute-received2 + هي الآن اتصالات ويمكن الدردشة بشكل أمن مع بعضها البعض. + + + tribute-to-talk-you-require-snt + أنت بحاجة إلى SNT للأشخاص الجدد لبدء الدردشة. + + + try-again + حاول مرة أخري + + + try-keeping-the-card-still + حاول إبقاء البطاقة ثابتة + + + turn-nfc-on + قم بتشغيل NFC للمتابعة + + + turn-nfc-description + تم تعطيل NFC على جهازك. يمكنك تمكينه في الإعدادات + + + keycard-init-title + جارٍ البحث عن بطاقات ... + + + keycard-init-description + ضع البطاقة في الجزء الخلفي من هاتفك للمتابعة + + + keycard-awaiting-title + البحث جاري + + + keycard-awaiting-description + حاول تحريك البطاقة للعثور على قارئ NFC على جهازك + + + keycard-processing-title + معالجة... + + + keycard-processing-description + حاول إبقاء البطاقة ثابتة + + + keycard-connected-title + متصل + + + keycard-connected-description + حاول إبقاء البطاقة ثابتة + + + keycard-error-title + انقطع الاتصال + + + keycard-error-description + قم بتوصيل البطاقة مرة أخرى للمتابعة + + + keycard-success-title + النجاح + + + keycard-success-description + يمكنك إزالة البطاقة الآن + + + keycard-recover + بطاقة مفقودة أو مجمدة؟ + + + keycard-recover-title + إنشاء بطاقة جديدة لهذا الحساب؟ + + + keycard-recover-text + إذا كانت لديك عبارة ذاكري ، يمكنك إنشاء Keycard جديدة مرتبطة بهذا الحساب. يمكنك استخدام Keycard جديدة أو إعادة ضبط المصنع على بطاقة مجمدة. + + + keycard-backup + قم بإنشاء بطاقة مفاتيح احتياطية + + + keycard-backup-success-title + تم النسخ الاحتياطي بنجاح + + + keycard-backup-success-body + تم إنشاء بطاقة النسخ الاحتياطي بنجاح. يمكنك الآن استخدامه مع حسابك تمامًا مثل البطاقة الأساسية. + + + type-a-message + رسالة + + + ulc-enabled + تمكين ULC + + + backup-enabled + تمكين + + + backup-disabled + معطل + + + backup-settings + إعدادات النسخ الاحتياطي + + + backup-through-waku + النسخ الاحتياطي من خلال واكو + + + perform-backup + إجراء النسخ الاحتياطي + + + backing-up + النسخة الإحتياطية... + + + last-backup-performed + آخر عملية نسخ احتياطي تم إجراؤها: + + + unable-to-read-this-code + غير قادر على قراءة هذا الرمز + + + unblock-contact + إلغاء حظر هذا المستخدم + + + unknown-status-go-error + خطأ في Status الانتقال غير معروف + + + unlock + فتح + + + unpair-card + إلغاء اقران بطاقة + + + unpair-card-confirmation + ستقوم هذه العملية بإلغاء اقران البطاقة من الجهاز الحالي. يتطلب تخويل رمز مرور مكون من 6 أرقام. هل تريد المتابعة ؟ + + + unpaired-keycard-text + إن Keycard التي قمت باستغلالها غير مرتبطة بهذا الهاتف + + + unpaired-keycard-title + الاتصال مع البطاقة تم فقدانه + + + unpair-keycard + قم بإلغاء إقران بطاقة المفاتيح من هذا الهاتف + + + unpair-keycard-warning + رمز الإقران الخاص بك/ PUK و PIN لم يتغير + + + update + تحديث + + + url + URL + + + usd-currency + دولار أمريكي + + + use-valid-contact-code + الرجاء إدخال مفتاح دردشة صالح أو مسحه ضوئيًا + + + validation-amount-invalid-number + المبلغ ليس رقمًا صالحًا + + + validation-amount-is-too-precise + المبلغ دقيق جدا. الحد الأقصى لعدد الكسور العشرية هو {{decimals}} . + + + version + نسخة التطبيق + + + app-commit + فرض التطبيق + + + view + عرض + + + view-cryptokitties + عرض في CryptoKitties + + + view-cryptostrikers + عرض في CryptoStrikers + + + view-etheremon + عرض في Etheremon + + + view-gitcoin + عرض في Gitcoin + + + view-profile + عرض الصفحة الشخصية + + + view-details + عرض التفاصيل + + + view-signing + عرض عبارة التوقيع + + + view-superrare + عرض في SuperRare + + + waiting-for-wifi + لا توجد شبكة Wi-Fi ، تم تعطيل مزامنة الرسائل. + + + waiting-for-wifi-change + الإعدادات + + + waiting-to-sign + في انتظار توقيع المعاملة ... + + + wallet + المحفظه + + + wallet-asset + الأصول + + + wallet-assets + الأصول + + + wallet-backup-recovery-title + النسخ الاحتياطي للعبارة الاولية الخاصة + + + wallet-choose-recipient + اختيار المستلم + + + wallet-collectibles + قابلة للجمع + + + wallet-insufficient-funds + رصيد غير كاف + + + wallet-insufficient-gas + لا يكفي ETH للغاز + + + wallet-invalid-address + عنوان خاطئ: + {{data}} + + + wallet-invalid-address-checksum + خطأ في العنوان: + {{data}} + + + wallet-invalid-chain-id + الشبكة غير متطابقة: + {{data}} لكن السلسلة الحالية هي {{chain}} + + + wallet-manage-assets + إدارة الأصول + + + wallet-manage-accounts + إدارة الحسابات + + + wallet-request + طلب + + + wallet-send + إرسال + + + wallet-send-min-units + 21000 وحدة على الأقل + + + wallet-send-min-wei + الحد الأدنى wei 1 + + + wallet-settings + إعدادات المحفظة + + + wallet-total-value + القيمة الإجمالية + + + wallet-transaction-total-fee + مجموع الرسوم + + + wants-to-access-profile + يريد الوصول إلى ملفك الشخصي + + + warning + تحذير + + + warning-message + عذرًا ، نحن نحد من إرسال عدة رسائل في تتابع سريع لمنع البريد العشوائي. يرجى المحاولة مرة أخرى في لحظة + + + web-view-error + غير قادر على تحميل الصفحة + + + welcome-screen-text + انشاء محفظتك ، دعوة الأصدقاء للدردشة +و استعرض شعبية dapps! + + + welcome-to-status + مرحبًا بك في Status! + + + welcome-to-status-description + قم بإعداد محفظة التشفير الخاصة بك ، ودعوة الأصدقاء للدردشة وتصفح التطبيقات اللامركزية + + + welcome-blank-message + ستظهر دردشاتك هنا. لبدء دردشات جديده اضغط علي زر ⊕ + + + welcome-community-blank-message + ستظهر قنواتك هنا. لإنشاء قناة جديدة، انقر فوق الزر ⊕ وحدد "إنشاء قناة" + + + welcome-community-blank-message-edit-chats + ستظهر قنواتك هنا. لإنشاء قناة جديدة، ارجع إلى شاشة المجتمع، وانقر على الزر ⊕ وحدد "إنشاء قناة" + + + welcome-blank-community-message + ستظهر مجتمعاتك هنا. + + + fetch-community + جلب المجتمع + + + fetching-community + إحضار المجتمع ... + + + seed-phrase-placeholder + عبارة أصل... + + + word-count + عدد الكلمات + + + word-n + كلمة # {{number}} + + + word-n-description + للتحقق مما إذا كنت قد قمت بنسخ نسخة احتياطية من العبارة الأولية بشكل صحيح ، أدخل الكلمة # {{number}} أعلاه. + + + words-n + + + كلمة + + + + كلمات + + + + write-down-and-store-securely + اكتب الرموز لأسفل + وتخزينها بشكل آمن + + + wrong-address + عنوان خاطئ + + + wrong-card + بطاقة خاطئة + + + wrong-card-text + البطاقة التي تم النقر عليها لا تتوافق مع المفاتيح التي حددتها + + + wrong-contract + عقد خاطئ + + + contract-isnt-supported + العقد غير مدعوم + + + wrong-keycard-text + بطاقة المفاتيح التي قمت باستغلالها غير مرتبطة بهذا الهاتف + + + wrong-keycard-title + يبدو انك قمت باستغلال +بطاقة مفتاح خاطئه + + + wrong-password + كلمة مرور خاطئة + + + wrong-word + كلمة خاطئة + + + yes + نعم + + + You + أنت + + + you + أنت + + + you-already-have-an-asset + لديك بالفعل أصل {{value}} + + + you-are-all-set + أنتم جميعا مجموعه! + + + you-are-all-set-description + إذا فقدت هاتفك ، يمكنك الآن الوصول إلى أموالك ومفتاح الدردشة باستخدام العبارة الأولية + + + you-can-change-account + يمكنك تغيير اسم الحساب واللون إلى ما يحلو لك + + + you-dont-have-stickers + ليس لديك أي ملصقات بعد + + + you-dont-have-contacts-invite-friends + ليس لديك أي جهات اتصال حتى الآن. + ادعُ أصدقائك لبدء الدردشة. + + + your-contact-code + يسمح لـ DApp إمكانية استرداد مفتاح الدردشة الخاص بك + + + your-data-belongs-to-you + إذا فقدت العبارة الأولية الخاصة بك ، فستفقد بياناتك وأموالك + + + your-data-belongs-to-you-description + إذا فقدت إمكانية الوصول ، على سبيل المثال عن طريق فقد هاتفك ، فلا يمكنك الوصول إلى مفاتيحك إلا باستخدام العبارة الأولية. لا أحد ، ولكن لديك العبارة الأولية. اكتبه. ابقها آمنة + + + your-recovery-phrase + العبارة الأولية الخاصة بك + + + your-recovery-phrase-description + هذه هي العبارة الأولية الخاصة بك. يمكنك استخدامها لإثبات أن هذه هي محفظتك. يمكنك فقط أن ترى ذلك مرة واحدة! اكتبها على الورق واحتفظ بها في مكان آمن. ستحتاج إليها إذا فقدت أو أعدت تثبيت محفظتك. + + + custom-seed-phrase + العبارة غير صالحة + + + custom-seed-phrase-text-1 + هذه العبارة الأولية لا تتوافق مع قاموسنا المدعوم. تحقق من وجود أخطاء إملائية. + + + to-enable-biometric + لتمكين {{bio-type-label}} ، يجب حفظ كلمة مرورك على شاشة إلغاء القفل + + + ok-save-pass + حسنا ، احفظ كلمة المرور + + + lock-app-with + قفل التطبيق مع + + + grant-face-id-permissions + لمنح إذن Face ID المطلوب ، يرجى الانتقال إلى إعدادات النظام والتأكد من تحديد الحالة > Face ID + + + request-feature + طلب ميزة + + + select-account-dapp + حدد الحساب الذي ترغب في استخدامه مع Dapps + + + apply + سجل + + + on-status-tree + على شجرة Status + + + off-status-tree + خارج شجرة الحالة + + + derivation-path + مسار الاشتقاق + + + storage + التخزين + + + keycard-free-pairing-slots + يحتوي Keycard على {{n}} فتحات إقران مجانية + + + public-chat-description + المحادثة هي المكان الذي يمكنك فيه الخروج مع الآخرين وتكوين صداقات والتحدث عن مواضيع تهمك. + + + delete-account + حذف حسابي + + + delete-keys-keycard + حذف المفاتيح من بطاقة المفتاح + + + watch-only + المشاهدة فقط + + + cant-report-bug + لا يمكن الإبلاغ عن خطأ + + + mail-should-be-configured + يجب تغيير البريد + + + check-on-block-explorer + تحقق من مستكشف الكتل + + + check-on-opensea + تحقق في opensea + + + transactions-load-more + التعرف على المزيد + + + private-key + مفتاح سري + + + generate-an-account + إنشاء حساب + + + add-watch-account + أضف حسابًا للمراقبة فقط + + + add-seed-account + أضف حسابًا بعبارة أولية + + + account-exists-title + الحساب موجود بالفعل + + + add-private-key-account + إضافة حساب من مفتاح خاص + + + profile-not-found + لم يتم العثور على ملف التعريف + + + waku-bloom-filter-mode + وضع تصفية واكو بلوم + + + wakuv2-settings + إعدادات Waku v2 + + + wakuv2-node-format + / ip4 / {node-ip} / tcp / {port} / p2p / {id} + + + wakuv2-change-nodes + هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد تغيير عقد Wakuv2؟ + + + appearance + مظهر خارجي + + + preference + التفضيل + + + light + خلفية بيضاء + + + dark + داكن + + + system + نظام + + + give-permissions-camera + إعطاء الإذن +للوصول إلى الكاميرا + + + photos + الصور + + + image + صورة + + + sign-anyway + تسجيل على أي حال + + + tx-fail-description1 + هذه المعاملة من المحتمل أن تفشل. قم بالتسجيل على مسؤوليتك الخاصة باستخدام رسوم الشبكة المخصصة. + + + tx-fail-description2 + هذه المعاملة من المحتمل أن تفشل. تعيين رسوم شبكة مخصصة للتوقيع على مسؤوليتك الخاصة. + + + set-custom-fee + تعيين رسوم مخصصة + + + not-enough-snt + غير كافي SNT + + + add-new-contact + إضافة جهة اتصال جديدة + + + you-dont-have-contacts + ليس لديك أي اتصالات بعد. + + + set-max + تعيين الحد الأقصى + + + continue-anyway + استمر على أي حال + + + private-notifications + الإخطارات الخاصة + + + private-notifications-descr + ستعلمك Status بالرسائل الجديدة. يمكنك تعديل تفضيلات الإشعارات الخاصة بك لاحقًا في الإعدادات + + + maybe-later + ربما في وقت لاحق + + + join + انضم + + + registered + مسجل + + + not-registered + غير مسجل + + + audio-recorder-error + خطأ مسجل + + + audio-recorder + مسجل + + + audio-recorder-max-ms-reached + تم بلوغ أقصى وقت تسجيل + + + audio-recorder-permissions-error + يجب عليك إعطاء الإذن لإرسال رسائل صوتية + + + audio + صوت + + + update-to-see-image + قم بالتحديث إلى أحدث إصدار لرؤية صورة جميلة هنا! + + + update-to-listen-audio + قم بالتحديث إلى أحدث إصدار للاستماع إلى رسالة صوتية هنا! + + + update-to-see-sticker + قم بالتحديث إلى أحدث إصدار لرؤية ملصق لطيف هنا! + + + webview-camera-permission-requests + طلبات إذن كاميرا Webview + + + webview-camera-permission-requests-subtitle + عند التمكين ، يمكن أن تطلب مواقع الويب و التطبيقات الامركزية استخدام الكاميرا + + + page-would-like-to-use-camera + ترغب في استخدام الكاميرا الخاصة بك + + + page-camera-request-blocked + تم حظر طلبات الكاميرا. لتمكين طلبات الكاميرا ، انتقل إلى الإعدادات + + + nickname + الاسم المستعار + + + add-nickname + إضافة لقب (اختياري) + + + nickname-description + تساعدك الألقاب في التعرف على الآخرين في Status. + أنت فقط من يمكنه رؤية الألقاب التي أضفتها + + + accept + قبول + + + group-invite + دعوة المجموعة + + + group-invite-link + رابط دعوة المجموعة + + + pending-invitations + طلبات العضوية المعلقة + + + empty-pending-invitations-descr + الأشخاص الذين يرغبون في الانضمام إلى المجموعة + عبر رابط دعوة سيظهر هنا + + + introduce-yourself + قدم نفسك برسالة مختصرة + + + request-pending + الطلب في الإنتظار... + + + membership-declined + تم رفض طلب العضوية + + + remove-group + إزالة المجموعة + + + request-membership + طلب عضوية + + + membership-description + تتطلب عضوية المجموعة أن يتم قبولك من قبل مسؤول المجموعة + + + group-membership-request + طلب عضوية المجموعة + + + members-limit-reached + تم الوصول إلى أقصى عدد من الأعضاء + + + favourite + المفضله + + + favourites + المفضلة + + + new-favourite + المفضلة الجديدة + + + edit-favourite + تعديل المفضلة + + + remove-favourite + إزالة المفضلة + + + add-favourite + إضافة المفضلة + + + add-to-favourites + إضافة إلى المفضلة + + + favourites-empty + ستظهر العناوين التي تمت إضافتها إلى المفضلة هنا + + + contacts-empty + ستظهر هنا جهات الاتصال التي تحمل أسماء ENS + + + my-accounts + حساباتي + + + my-accounts-empty + ستظهر حساباتك المتوفرة هنا + + + recent-empty + ستظهر العناوين المستخدمة مؤخرًا هنا + + + address-or-ens-name + العنوان أو اسم ENS + + + name-optional + الاسم (اختياري) + + + mute + كتم الصوت + + + unmute + إلغاء كتم الصوت + + + scan-tokens + مسح العملات الرمزية + + + my-status + حالتي + + + contacts-descr + ستظهر جهات الاتصال الخاصة بك هنا. ستتلقى تحديثات status من أي شخص تضيفه كجهة اتصال + + + status-updates-descr + ستظهر تحديثات Status هنا. أضف ملف التعريف كجهة اتصال لتلقي التحديثات على الجدول الزمني الخاص بك. + + + whats-on-your-mind + ما الذي يدور في ذهنك... + + + cant-open-public-chat + لا يمكن فتح دردشة عامة + + + invalid-public-chat-topic + موضوع دردشة عامة غير صالح + + + now + الآن + + + statuses-my-status-descr + شارك ما يدور في ذهنك. سيتمكن أي شخص يزور ملفك الشخصي من رؤية حالتك. سيتلقى الأشخاص الذين يضيفونك كجهة اتصال خاصة بهم تحديثاتك على مخططهم الزمني + + + statuses-descr + شارك ما يدور في ذهنك وابق على اطلاع دائم بجهات الاتصال الخاصة بك + + + new-status + status جديد + + + chat-link-previews + معاينات ارتباط الدردشة + + + you-can-choose-preview-websites + يمكنك اختيار أي من مواقع الويب التالية يمكنه معاينة ارتباط الأوصاف والصور في الدردشات + + + previewing-may-share-metadata + قد تقوم معاينة الروابط من مواقع الويب هذه بمشاركة بيانات التعريف الخاصة بك مع أصحابها + + + websites + مواقع الويب + + + enable-all + تمكين الكل + + + disable-all + تعطيل الكل + + + warning-sending-to-contract-descr + العنوان الذي أدخلته هو عقد ذكي ، وقد يؤدي إرسال الأموال إلى هذا العنوان إلى فقدان الأموال. للتفاعل مع التطبيق اللامركزي ، افتح DApp في متصفح Status DApp. + + + dont-ask + لا تسألني مرة أخرى + + + enable-link-previews + تمكين معاينات الارتباط في الدردشة؟ + + + once-enabled-share-metadata + بمجرد التمكين ، قد تشارك الروابط المنشورة في الدردشة بياناتك الوصفية مع الموقع + + + external-storage-denied + تم رفض الوصول إلى وحدة التخزين الخارجية + + + timeline + الجدول الزمني + + + main-account + + + + ethereum-address + عنوان الإيثريوم + + + default-assets + الافتراضي ERC20 و ERC721 + + + increase-gas + زيادة الغاز + + + cancelling + الإلغاء + + + refresh + تحديث + + + close-all + إغلاق الكل + + + tabs + علامات التبويب + + + new-tab + علامة تبويب جديدة + + + empty-tab + علامة تبويب فارغة + + + open-in-new-tab + فتح في علامة تبويب جديدة + + + has-permissions + لديه إذن بالوصول + + + connect-wallet + الاتصال بالمحفظة + + + open-chat + فتح الدردشة + + + favourite-description + ستظهر مواقع الويب المفضلة لديك هنا + + + transfers-fetching-failure + تعذر تحديث محفوظات عمليات النقل. تحقق من الاتصال واسحب لأسفل للمحاولة مرة أخرى + + + move-and-reset + نقل وإعادة تعيين + + + move-keystore-file-to-keycard + نقل ملف مخزن المفاتيح إلى بطاقة المفتاح؟ + + + database-reset-title + إعادة تعيين قاعدة البيانات + + + database-reset-content + تم حذف الدردشات وجهات الاتصال والإعدادات. يمكنك استخدام حسابك مع بطاقة المفاتيح الخاص بك + + + database-reset-warning + ستتم إعادة تعيين قاعدة البيانات. سيتم حذف الدردشات وجهات الاتصال والإعدادات + + + empty-keycard-required + يتطلب بطاقة مفتاح فارغة + + + current + حاليه + + + choose-storage + اختيار التخزين + + + choose-new-location-for-keystore + اختيار موقع جديد لحفظ ملف متجر المفاتيح + + + get-a-keycard + احصل على بطاقة المفتاح + + + keycard-upsell-subtitle + تعزيز الأمن والراحة + + + actions + أجراءات + + + move-keystore-file + نقل ملف مخزن المفاتيح + + + select-new-location-for-keys + حدد موقعًا جديدًا لحفظ (المفاتيح) الخاص بك + + + reset-database + إعادة تعيين قاعدة البيانات + + + reset-database-warning + حذف الدردشات وجهات الاتصال والإعدادات. مطلوب عندما تفقد كلمة مرورك + + + reset-database-warning-keycard + حذف الدردشات وجهات الاتصال والإعدادات. + + + key-managment + إدارة المفاتيح + + + choose-actions + اختر الإجراءات + + + master-account + الحساب الرئيسي + + + back-up + دعم + + + key-on-device + تم حفظ المفتاح الخاص على هذا الجهاز + + + seed-key-uid-mismatch + العبارة الأولية لا تتطابق + + + seed-key-uid-mismatch-desc-1 + العبارة الأولية التي أدخلتها لا تتطابق مع {{multiaccount-name}} + + + seed-key-uid-mismatch-desc-2 + لإدارة المفاتيح لهذا الحساب ، تحقق من العبارة الأولية وحاول مرة أخرى. + + + recover-with-seed-phrase + استرداد مع كلمات العبارة الأولية + + + transfer-ma-unknown-error-desc-1 + يبدو أنه لم يتم حذف حساباتك المتعددة. ربما تمت إعادة تعيين قاعدة البيانات + + + transfer-ma-unknown-error-desc-2 + يرجى التحقق من قائمة حسابك وحاول مرة أخرى. إذا لم يكن الحساب مدرجًا ، فانتقل إلى الوصول إلى المفاتيح الموجودة للاسترداد باستخدام العبارة الأولية + + + everyone + الجميع + + + show-profile-pictures + الاطلاع على صور الملف الشخصي من + + + show-profile-pictures-to + إظهار صورة ملف التعريف الخاص بك إلى + + + non-archival-node + لا تدعم نقطة نهاية RPC طلبات الأرشفة. قد يكون سجل التحويلات المحلية الخاص بك غير مكتمل. + + + custom-node + أنت تستخدم نقطة نهاية RPC مخصصة. قد يكون سجل التحويلات المحلية الخاص بك غير مكتمل. + + + connection-status + حالة الاتصال + + + peer-to-peer + واحد الى واحد + + + not-connected-to-peers + غير متصل بأي أقران + + + unable-to-send-messages + تعذر إرسال الرسائل واستلامها + + + can-send-messages + يمكنك إرسال واستقبال الرسائل الجديدة + + + not-connected-nodes + غير متصل بعقدة Status + + + unable-to-fetch + تعذر جلب سجل الدردشة + + + nodes-disabled + عُقد Status معطلة + + + waiting-wi-fi + في انتظار شبكة واي فاي ... + + + you-can-fetch + يمكنك إحضار تاريخ الدردشة + + + youre-on-mobile-network + أنت متصل بشبكة الجوال + + + status-mobile-descr + Status تميل إلى استخدام الكثير من البيانات عند مزامنة الدردشات. يمكنك اختيار عدم المزامنة عند شبكة المحمول + + + restore-defaults + استعادة الضبط الافتراضي + + + rpc-usage-info + إحصائيات استخدام RPC + + + rpc-usage-get-stats + تحديث + + + rpc-usage-reset + إعادة ضبط + + + rpc-usage-filter + أساليب التصفية + + + rpc-usage-filter-methods + أساليب التصفية + + + rpc-usage-copy + نسخ + + + rpc-usage-total + + + + rpc-usage-filtered-total + + + + community-message-preview + دعوة للانضمام إلى {{community-name}} + + + non-contacts + لا جهات اتصالات + + + community + مجتمع + + + verified-community + ✓ مجتمع تم التحقق منه + + + community-info-not-found + لم يتم العثور على معلومات المجتمع + + + community-info + معلومات المجتمع + + + not-found + لم يتم العثور على + + + activity + نشاط + + + reject-and-delete + رفض وحذف + + + accept-and-add + قبول وإضافة + + + one-day + يوم واحد + + + three-days + ثلاثة ايام + + + one-week + أسبوع واحد + + + one-month + شهر واحد + + + my-profile + ملفي الشخصي + + + bip39-password-placeholder + كلمة مرور BIP39 + + + public-channel + قناة عامة + + + default-sync-period + سجل المزامنة لـ + + + what-is-shared + ما هو مشترك + + + view-data + عرض البيانات + + + data-collected + البيانات التي تم جمعها + + + data-collected-subtitle + يوضح الجدول أدناه البيانات الدقيقة المخزنة وسيتم إرسالها. يتم التحقق من صحة البيانات وفقا للقواعد العامة لضمان عدم إرسال أي بيانات حساسة. لا تثق، تحقق. + + + view-rules + عرض القواعد + + + expand-all + توسيع الكل + + + about-sharing-data + حول مشاركة البيانات + + + sharing-data-desc-1 + يتم التحقق من صحة البيانات وفقا للقواعد العامة لضمان عدم إرسال أي بيانات حساسة. لا تثق، تحقق. + + + sharing-data-desc-2 + يتم إرسال بيانات الاستخدام مشفرة من طرف إلى طرف عبر شبكة نظير إلى نظير الخاصة بStatus + + + sharing-data-desc-3 + بدلا من مفتاح الدردشة العادي، يتم استخدام مفتاح استخدام واحد + + + sharing-data-desc-4 + لا يمكن إقران بيانات الاستخدام بعنوان IP الخاص بك + + + sharing-data-desc-5 + البيانات التراكمية لجميع المستخدمين متاحة للجمهور + + + view-public-dashboard + عرض لوحة المعلومات العامة + + + sharing-data-desc-6 + تتم إزالة البيانات من هاتفك بعد إرسالها + + + allow-and-send + السماح والإرسال + + + no-thanks + لا شكراً + + + help-improve-status + المساعدة في تحسين Status + + + thank-you + شكرا لك + + + current-password + كلمة السر الحالية + + + reset-password + إعادة تعيين كلمة المرور + + + password-reset-success + تم تغيير كلمة المرور + + + password-reset-success-message + ستحتاج إلى تسجيل الدخول مرة أخرى + + + password-reset-in-progress + تغيير كلمة المرور... + + + new-password + كلمة مرور جديدة + + + confirm-new-password + تأكيد كلمة المرور الجديدة + + + password-mismatch + كلمة المرور الجديدة والتأكيد غير متطابقين + + + terms-of-service + شروط الاستخدام + + + accept-status-tos-prefix + أنا أقبل Status + + + updates-to-tos + تحديثات لشروط الاستخدام + + + updates-to-tos-desc + قبل المتابعة، يرجى مراجعة شروط الاستخدام والتأكد من تحملك المسؤولية الكاملة عن كيفية استخدام التطبيق. + + + what-changed + ما الذي تغير + + + wc-new-tos-based-on-principles-prefix + تم تصميم شروط الاستخدام الجديدة بناءً على + + + principles + المبادئ + + + wc-how-to-use-status-app + كيفية استخدام تطبيق Status بما في ذلك الخصوصية والأمان + + + wc-brand-guide + إرشادات حول استخدام العلامات التجارية مثل العلامات التجارية والشعارات + + + wc-disclaimer + إخلاء المسؤولية (بما في ذلك مزودي الطرف الثالث) والضمانات والإصدارات القانونية + + + wc-dispute + أحكام تسوية المنازعات + + + status-is-open-source + Status مفتوحة المصدر + + + build-yourself + لاستخدام التطبيق بدون شروط الاستخدام هذه ، يمكنك إنشاء الإصدار الخاص بك + + + accept-and-continue + قبول ومتابعة + + + empty-activity-center + إشعارات الدردشة الخاصة بك + سيظهر هنا + + + pinned-messages + الرسائل المثبتة + + + pin + تثبيت + + + unpin + فك + + + no-pinned-messages + لا توجد رسائل مثبتة + + + pinned-messages-count + + + 1 الرسائل المثبتة + + + + {{count}} الرسائل المثبتة + + + + pinned-messages-empty + ستظهر الرسائل المثبتة هنا. لتثبيت رسالة، اضغط مع الاستمرار مع الاستمرار واضغط على "تثبيت" + + + pinned-by + تم التثبيت بواسطة + + + pin-limit-reached + تم الوصول إلى حد رقم التعريف الشخصي. قم بإلغاء تثبيت رسالة سابقة أولاً. + + + max-fee + الحد الأقصى للرسوم + + + max-priority-fee + الحد الأقصى لرسوم الأولوية + + + miners-higher-fee + من المحتمل أن يقوم عمال المناجم بتضمين معاملتك في وقت سابق إذا دفعت رسومًا أعلى. + + + gas-amount-limit + حد كمية الغاز + + + per-gas-tip-limit + حد الغاز + + + per-gas-price-limit + حد سعر الغاز + + + current-base-fee + الرسوم الأساسية الحالية + + + fee-explanation + الحد الأقصى للسعر الإجمالي للمعاملة. إذا تجاوزت رسوم الكتلة الأساسية هذا ، فسيتم تضمينها في الكتلة التالية برسوم أساسية أقل. + + + slow + بطيء + + + optimal + الامثل + + + fast + سريع + + + see-suggestions + الاطلاع على الاقتراحات + + + maximum-fee + الحد الأقصى للرسوم + + + low-tip + الإكرامية منخفضة للغاية + + + lower-than-average-tip + أقل من متوسط الإكرامية + + + below-base-fee + الحد الأقصى للرسوم أقل من الرسوم الأساسية + + + reduced-tip + سيتم تخفيض إكرامية الأولوية + + + are-you-sure + هل أنت متأكد؟ + + + bad-fees-description + رسوم الأولوية الخاصة بك أقل من المعايير المقترحة لدينا. + + + change-tip + تغيير إكرامية + + + current-minimum-tip + الحد الأدنى للإكرامية الحالية + + + current-average-tip + متوسط للإكرامية الحالية + + + your-tip-limit + حد الإكرامية الخاص بك + + + your-price-limit + حد سعرك + + + suggested-min-tip + اقترح الحد الأدنى .للإكرامية + + + suggested-price-limit + حد السعر المقترح + + + include + يشمل + + + category + فئة + + + edit-chats + تصحيح الدردشات + + + edit-categories + تحرير الفئات + + + hide + إخفاء + + + account-is-used + يتم استخدام الحساب مع التطبيقات اللامركزية في المتصفح. + + + normal + طبيعي + + + never + أبدا + + + fee-options + خيارات الرسوم المقترحة + + + fee-cap + سقف الرسوم + + + tip-cap + أعلى الرسوم + + + collectibles-leak-metadata + يمكنك عرض NFTs الخاص بك هنا. إذا قمت بذلك ، فسوف تشارك محفظتك وعنوان IP الخاصين بك + + + display-collectibles + عرض المقتنيات + + + disable-later-in-settings + يمكنك تعطيل هذا لاحقًا في الإعدادات + + + use-as-profile-picture + استخدم كصورة للملف الشخصي + + + view-on-opensea + عرض على OpenSea + + + profile-picture-updated + تم تحديث صورة الملف الشخصي + + + status-automatic + تلقائي + + + status-automatic-subtitle + تعيين الحالة تلقائيا + + + status-dnd + عدم الإزعاج + + + status-dnd-subtitle + كتم صوت كل الإشعارات + + + status-always-online + دائما متصل + + + status-inactive + غير نشط + + + status-inactive-subtitle + يخفي حالتك على الإنترنت + + + two-minutes + دقيقتان + + + swap + مبادله + + + select-token-to-swap + حدد العملة الرمزية للتبديل + + + select-token-to-receive + حدد العملة الرمزية للاستلام + + + minimum-received + تلقى الحد الأدنى + + + powered-by-paraswap + مدعوم من Paraswap + + + priority + أولوية + + + switch-to-simple-interface + التبديل إلى واجهة بسيطة + + + transaction-fee + رسوم المعاملات + + + swap-details + تفاصيل المبادلة + + + slippage + انزلاق + + + price-impact + تأثير السعر + + + total-gas + إجمالي الغاز + + + token + عملة رمزية + + + approve-limit + حد الموافقة + + + approve-token + الموافقة على عملة رمزية + + + approve-token-contract-desc + تسمح الموافقة على عملة رمزية مع عقد بإنفاق رصيدك المميز. إذا كنت تشعر أن المشروع غير جدير بالثقة، فلا توافق على عملة رمزية معهم، أو توافق فقط على المبلغ الذي ستستخدمه معهم. + + + unlimited + غير محدود + + + approve + موافقة + + + limit + حد + + + last-transaction + آخر معاملة + + + price-impact-desc + التأثير السعري المقدر لهذه الصفقة. إذا تجاوزت الرسوم الأساسية الحالية لهذه الكتلة، سيتم تضمين المعاملة الخاصة بك في كتلة التالية مع رسوم أساسية أقل. + + + safe-estimate + تقدير آمن + + + current-average + المتوسط الحالي + + + current-base + الأساس الحالي + + + maximum-fee-desc + الحد الأقصى للسعر الإجمالي للمعاملة. إذا تجاوزت رسوم الكتلة الأساسية الحالية هذا، فسيتم تضمين معاملتك في الكتلة التالية برسوم أساسية أقل. + + + insufficient-balance-to-cover-fee + لا يوجد رصيد كافٍ لتغطية رسوم المعاملة + + + wallet-connect-proposal-title + هل ترغب في الاتصال بمحفظتك + + + wallet-connect-proposal-description + من خلال الاتصال ، فإنك تسمح {{name}} باسترداد عنوان حسابك وتمكين Web3 + + + wallet-connect-app-connected + متصل + + + wallet-connect-go-back + ارجع إلى متصفحك أو تطبيق لامركزي + + + wallet-connect-2.0 + Wallet Connect 2.0 + + + wallet-connect + الاتصال بالمحفظة + + + reject + رفض + + + manage-connections + إدارة الاتصالات من داخل اتصالات التطبيق + + + wallet-manage-app-connections + إدارة اتصالات التطبيق + + + connection-request + طلب اتصال + + + disconnect + قطع الاتصال + + + new-ui + + + + send-contact-request-message + + + + contact-request + + + + say-hi + + + + accepted + + + + declined + + + + contact-request-header + + + + contact-request-declined + + + + contact-request-accepted + + + + contact-request-pending + + + + removed-from-contacts + + + + mutual-contact-requests + + + + negative + + + + positive + + + + Please enter a URL + + + + This fields needs to be a valid URL + + + + Please enter a Name + + + + Favorite added + + + + Edit + + + + Add favorite + + + + URL + + + + Paste URL + + + + Name + + + + Name the website + + + + Remove + + + + Done + + + + Add + + + + '%1' would like to connect to + + + + Allowing authorizes this DApp to retrieve your wallet address and enable Web3 + + + + Granting access authorizes this DApp to retrieve your chat key + + + + Deny + + + + Allow + + + + Enter URL + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Error signing message + + + + Transaction pending... + + + + Wrong password + + + + Start Page + + + + New Tab + + + + Downloads Page + + + + Server's certificate not trusted + + + + Do you wish to continue? + + + + If you wish so, you may continue with an unverified certificate. Accepting an unverified certificate means you may not be connected with the host you tried to connect to. +Do you wish to override the security check and continue? + + + + Exit Incognito mode + + + + Go Incognito + + + + Zoom In + + + + Zoom Out + + + + Find + + + + Compatibility mode + + + + Developer Tools + + + + Settings + + + + Mainnet + + + + Ropsten + + + + Unknown + + + + Disconnect + + + + Assets + + + + History + + + + Show All + + + + Cancelled + + + + Paused + + + + Open + + + + Show in folder + + + + Pause + + + + Resume + + + + Cancel + + + + Downloaded files will appear here. + + + + Open in new Tab + + + + Ok + + + + Signature request + + + + From + + + + Data + + + + Message + + + + Reject + + + + Sign + + + + Sign with password + + + + Contact request pending + + + + Connected + + + + Disconnected + + + + This user has been blocked. + + + + Type a message. + + + + Send + + + + Request Address + + + + Request + + + + Transaction pending + + + + Continue + + + + Receive on account + + + + From account + + + + Address request required + + + + To + + + + Preview + + + + Transaction preview + + + + Next + + + + Invalid transaction parameters + + + + Authorize %1 %2 + + + + Choose account + + + + Network fee + + + + Error estimating gas: %1 + + + + Send %1 %2 + + + + Image + + + + Sticker + + + + You have a new message + + + + You have been accepted into the ‘%1’ community + + + + Your request to join the ‘%1’ community was declined + + + + New membership request + + + + %1 asks to join ‘%2’ + + + + Failed to send message. + + + + Share your chat key + + + + friends to start messaging in Status + + + + ↓ Fetch more messages + + + + before %1 + + + + Welcome to the beginning of the <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> group! + + + + Any messages you send here are encrypted and can only be read by you and <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> + + + + Join chat + + + + Decline invitation + + + + Add reaction + + + + Reply + + + + More + + + + Today + + + + Yesterday + + + + January + + + + February + + + + March + + + + April + + + + May + + + + June + + + + July + + + + August + + + + September + + + + October + + + + November + + + + December + + + + and + + + + %1 more + + + + reacted with + + + + Error loading the image + + + + Loading image... + + + + This feature is experimental and is meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It's not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data. Use at your own risk. + + + + Membership requires an ENS username + + + + You need to be invited + + + + Request Access + + + + Verified community invitation + + + + Community invitation + + + + You invited %1 to join a community + + + + %1 invited you to join a community + + + + You shared a community + + + + A community has been shared + + + + Unsupported state + + + + %1 members + + + + Joined + + + + Join + + + + Enable automatic image unfurling + + + + Enable link previews in chat? + + + + Once enabled, links posted in the chat may share your metadata with their owners + + + + Enable in Settings + + + + Don't ask me again + + + + Resend + + + + Transaction request + + + + ↑ Outgoing transaction + + + + ↓ Incoming transaction + + + + Something has gone wrong + + + + Accept and share address + + + + Accept and send + + + + Decline + + + + Select account + + + + Choose accountSelect account to share and receive assets + + + + Confirm and share address + + + + Sign and send + + + + Pending + + + + Confirmed + + + + Unknown token + + + + Address requested + + + + Waiting to accept + + + + Address shared + + + + Address received + + + + Transaction declined + + + + failure + + + + Unknown state + + + + Group Information + + + + Clear history + + + + Leave group + + + + Are you sure you want to leave this chat? + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + Communities + + + + Search for communities or topics + + + + 1 member + + + + Import a community + + + + Create a community + + + + Public community + + + + Invitation only community + + + + On request community + + + + Unknown community + + + + - ENS only + + + + Chats + + + + Join ‘%1’ + + + + Request to join ‘%1’ + + + + Error joining the community + + + + No search results in Communities + + + + Members + + + + Create category + + + + Invite People + + + + Membership requests + + + + Edit category + + + + Delete category + + + + Delete %1 category + + + + Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. + + + + Error deleting the category + + + + View Profile + + + + Roles + + + + Kick + + + + Ban + + + + Transfer ownership + + + + Invite successfully sent + + + + Share community + + + + Notifications + + + + Edit community + + + + Export community + + + + Create channel + + + + Leave community + + + + Delete + + + + Welcome to your community! + + + + Add members + + + + Manage community + + + + You need to enter a name + + + + Please restrict your name to letters, numbers, dashes and spaces + + + + Your name needs to be 100 characters or shorter + + + + New channel + + + + Edit #%1 + + + + channel name + + + + channel decription + + + + Channel name + + + + Describe the channel + + + + Pinned messages + + + + A cool name + + + + channel description + + + + What your channel is about + + + + The description cannot exceed %1 characters + + + + Private channel + + + + By making a channel private, only members with selected permission will be able to access it + + + + category name + + + + New category + + + + Category title + + + + Channels + + + + Create + + + + Error editing the category + + + + Error creating the category + + + + Error creating the community + + + + You need to select an image + + + + You need to enter a color + + + + This field needs to be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + New community + + + + Name your community + + + + A catchy name + + + + Give it a short description + + + + What your community is about + + + + The description cannot exceed 140 characters + + + + community name + + + + community decription + + + + Thumbnail image + + + + Please choose an image + + + + Image files (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png) + + + + Upload + + + + Community colour + + + + Pick a color + + + + Please choose a color + + + + Membership requirement + + + + Require invite from another member + + + + Require approval + + + + No requirement + + + + You can require new members to meet certain criteria before they can join. This can be changed at any time + + + + Save + + + + Private community + + + + Only members with an invite link will be able to join your community. Private communities are not listed inside Status + + + + Your community will be public for anyone to join. Public communities are listed inside Status for easy discovery + + + + You need to enter a key + + + + Access existing community + + + + Community private key + + + + Entering a community key will grant you the ownership of that community. Please be responsible with it and don’t share the key with people you don’t trust. + + + + 0x... + + + + Import + + + + Error importing the community + + + + Invite friends + + + + Invite + + + + Contacts + + + + Chat + + + + Community imported + + + + Importing community is in progress + + + + Community %1 imported + + + + Importing community %1 is in progress + + + + Start new chat + + + + Start group chat + + + + Join public chat + + + + No messages + + + + No search results + + + + Your chats will appear here. To start new chats press the  button at the top + + + + Chat and transact privately with your friends + + + + Follow your interests in one of the many Public Chats. + + + + View Group + + + + Share Chat + + + + Test WakuV2 - requestAllHistoricMessages + + + + Unmute chat + + + + Mute chat + + + + Edit Channel + + + + Mark as Read + + + + Delete chat + + + + Leave chat + + + + Choose browser + + + + Open in Status + + + + Open in my default browser + + + + Remember my choice. To override it, go to settings. + + + + Admin + + + + Last 24 hours + + + + Last 2 days + + + + Last 3 days + + + + Last 7 days + + + + (You) + + + + You need to enter a channel name + + + + The channel name can only contain lowercase letters, numbers and dashes + + + + New group chat + + + + %1 / 10 members + + + + Group name + + + + Create Group Chat + + + + All your contacts are already in the group + + + + Make Admin + + + + Remove From Group + + + + Add selected + + + + Get Status at https://status.im + + + + Download Status link + + + + Unpin + + + + Pin + + + + Copy link + + + + Edit message + + + + Send message + + + + Reply to + + + + Jump to + + + + Delete message + + + + Confirm deleting this message + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well. + + + + Nickname + + + + Nicknames help you identify others in Status. Only you can see the nicknames you’ve added + + + + Your nickname is too long + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet. Invite your friends to start chatting. + + + + Enter a valid chat key or ENS usernameEnter a valid chat key or ENS username + + + + Can't chat with yourself + + + + New chat + + + + My Profile + + + + Enter ENS username or chat key + + + + Non contacts + + + + No profile found + + + + ENS username + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Chat settings + + + + None + + + + Unblock User + + + + Block User + + + + Add to contacts + + + + A public chat is where you get to hang out with others, make friends and talk about subjects of your interest. + + + + Start chat + + + + Pinned by %1 + + + + Type json-rpc message... e.g {"method": "eth_accounts"} + + + + Profile + + + + App version + + + + Version: %1 + + + + Node version + + + + Privacy Policy + + + + Network + + + + Fleet + + + + Minimize on close + + + + Experimental features + + + + Wallet + + + + Dapp Browser + + + + Activity Center + + + + Online users + + + + Broadcast user status + + + + Bloom filter level + + + + The account will be logged out. When you login again, the selected mode will be enabled + + + + Light Node + + + + Full Node + + + + GIF Widget + + + + Waku Bloom Mode + + + + Node Management + + + + Blockchains will drop search costs, causing a kind of decomposition that allows you to have markets of entities that are horizontally segregated and vertically segregated. + + + + Size + + + + Change font size + + + + XS + + + + S + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "S" because the title above is "Seed Phrase" + + + + M + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "M" because the title above is "Mailserver" + + + + L + + + + XL + + + + XXL + + + + Light + + + + Chat mode + + + + Normal + + + + Compact + + + + Appearance + + + + Dark + + + + System + + + + Back up seed phrase + + + + Step %1 of 3 + + + + If you lose your seed phrase you lose your data and funds + + + + If you lose access, for example by losing your phone, you can only access your keys with your seed phrase. No one, but you has your seed phrase. Write it down. Keep it safe + + + + Check your seed phrase + + + + Word #%1 + + + + Enter word + + + + In order to check if you have backed up your seed phrase correctly, enter the word #%1 above + + + + Are you sure? + + + + You will not be able to see the whole seed phrase again + + + + With this 12 words you can always get your key back. Write it down. Keep it safe, offline, and separate from this device. + + + + Okay, continue + + + + Wrong word + + + + General + + + + Default + + + + Show favorites bar + + + + Search engine used in the address bar + + + + Ethereum explorer used in the address bar + + + + Open an ethereum explorer after a transaction hash or an address is entered + + + + Privacy + + + + Set DApp access permissions + + + + Profile picture + + + + Crop your image (optional) + + + + Finish + + + + Chat link previews + + + + Websites + + + + Enable all + + + + Previewing links from these websites may share your metadata with their owners. + + + + Add new contact + + + + Blocked contacts + + + + Add contact + + + + You can't add yourself + + + + User not found + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet + + + + Devices + + + + Please set a name for your device. + + + + Specify a name + + + + Advertise device + + + + Pair your devices to sync contacts and chats between them + + + + Learn more + + + + Paired devices + + + + Syncing... + + + + Sync all devices + + + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + %1 is now connected with your chat key and can be used in Status. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + %1 will be connected once the transaction is complete. + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Wallet address + + + + Key + + + + Back + + + + Primary username + + + + Your messages are displayed to others with this username: + + + + Once you select a username, you won’t be able to disable it afterwards. You will only be able choose a different username to display. + + + + Nice! You own %1.stateofus.eth once the transaction is complete. + + + + Hey + + + + (pending) + + + + Add username + + + + Your usernames + + + + Primary Username + + + + None selected + + + + You’re displaying your ENS username in chats + + + + At least 4 characters. Latin letters, numbers, and lowercase only. + + + + Letters and numbers only. + + + + Type the entire username including the custom domain like username.domain.eth + + + + Your username + + + + ✓ Username available! + + + + Continuing will connect this username with your chat key. + + + + Username doesn’t belong to you :( + + + + Username already taken :( + + + + (edited) + + + + Username is already connected with your chat key and can be used inside Status. + + + + This user name is owned by you and connected with your chat key. Continue to set `Show my ENS username in chats`. + + + + Continuing will require a transaction to connect the username with your current chat key. + + + + Custom domain + + + + I want a stateofus.eth domain + + + + I own a name on another domain + + + + Connect username with your pubkey + + + + Terms of name registration + + + + Funds are deposited for 1 year. Your SNT will be locked, but not spent. + + + + After 1 year, you can release the name and get your deposit back, or take no action to keep the name. + + + + If terms of the contract change — e.g. Status makes contract upgrades — user has the right to release the username regardless of time held. + + + + The contract controller cannot access your deposited funds. They can only be moved back to the address that sent them. + + + + Your address(es) will be publicly associated with your ENS name. + + + + Usernames are created as subdomain nodes of stateofus.eth and are subject to the ENS smart contract terms. + + + + You authorize the contract to transfer SNT on your behalf. This can only occur when you approve a transaction to authorize the transfer. + + + + These terms are guaranteed by the smart contract logic at addresses: + + + + %1 (Status UsernameRegistrar). + + + + <a href='%1%2'>Look up on Etherscan</a> + + + + %1 (ENS Registry). + + + + Agree to <a href="#">Terms of name registration.</a> I understand that my wallet address will be publicly connected to my username. + + + + 10 SNT + + + + Deposit + + + + Not enough SNT + + + + Register + + + + Get a universal username + + + + ENS names transform those crazy-long addresses into unique usernames. + + + + Customize your chat name + + + + An ENS name can replace your random 3-word name in chat. Be @yourname instead of %1. + + + + Simplify your ETH address + + + + You can receive funds to your easy-to-share ENS name rather than your hexadecimal hash (0x...). + + + + Receive transactions in chat + + + + Others can send you funds via chat in one simple step. + + + + 10 SNT to register + + + + Register once to keep the name forever. After 1 year you can release the name and get your SNT back. + + + + Already own a username? + + + + You can verify and add any usernames you own in the next steps. + + + + Powered by Ethereum Name Services + + + + Start + + + + Only available on Mainnet + + + + ENS Registration failed + + + + ENS Registration completed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey failed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey completed + + + + Warning! + + + + Change fleet to %1 + + + + Glossary + + + + Account + + + + A + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "A" because the title above is "Account" + + + + Your Status account, accessed by the seed phrase that you create or import during onboarding. A Status account can hold more than one Ethereum address, in addition to the one created during onboarding. We refer to these as additional accounts within the wallet + + + + Chat Key + + + + C + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "C" because the title above is "Chat Key" + + + + Messages on the Status chat protocol are sent and received using encryption keys. The public chat key is a string of characters you share with others so they can send you messages in Status. + + + + Chat Name + + + + Three random words, derived algorithmically from your chat key and used as your default alias in chat. Chat names are completely unique; no other user can have the same three words. + + + + ENS Name + + + + E + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "E" because the title above is "ENS Name" + + + + Custom alias for your chat key that you can register using the Ethereum Name Service. ENS names are decentralized usernames. + + + + Mailserver + + + + A node in the Status network that routes and stores messages, for up to 30 days. + + + + Peer + + + + P + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "P" because the title above is "Peer" + + + + A device connected to the Status chat network. Each user can represent one or more peers, depending on their number of devices + + + + Seed Phrase + + + + A 64 character hex address based on the Ethereum standard and beginning with 0x. Public-facing, your wallet key is shared with others when you want to receive funds. Also referred to as an “Ethereum address” or “wallet address. + + + + Frequently asked questions + + + + Submit a bug + + + + Request a feature + + + + Language settings + + + + Language + + + + Muted chats + + + + Unmute + + + + The account will be logged out. When you unlock it again, the selected network will be used + + + + Add network + + + + You need to enter the RPC endpoint URL + + + + Invalid URL + + + + You need to enter the network id + + + + Should be a number + + + + Invalid network id + + + + RPC URL + + + + Specify a RPC URL + + + + Network chain + + + + Ropsten test network + + + + Rinkeby test network + + + + Custom + + + + Network Id + + + + Specify the network id + + + + Main networks + + + + Test networks + + + + Custom Networks + + + + Under development +NOTE: You will be logged out and all installed +sticker packs will be removed and will +need to be reinstalled. Purchased sticker +packs will not need to be re-purchased. + + + + Notification preferences + + + + All messages + + + + Just @mentions + + + + Nothing + + + + Play a sound when receiving a notification + + + + Use your operating system's notifications + + + + Setting this to false will instead use Status' notification style as seen below + + + + Message preview + + + + Anonymous + + + + Name only + + + + Name & Message + + + + Hi there! Yes, no problem, let me know if I can help. + + + + No preview or Advanced? Go to Notification Center + + + + Contacts & Users + + + + Notify on new requests + + + + Receive notifications from non-contacts + + + + Muted users + + + + Muted contacts + + + + Muted contacts will appear here + + + + Muted chats will appear here + + + + You can limit what gets shown in notifications + + + + Reset notification settings + + + + Restore default notification settings and unmute all chats and users + + + + Open links with... + + + + My default browser + + + + Security + + + + Backup Seed Phrase + + + + Display all profile pictures (not only contacts) + + + + Display images in chat automatically + + + + All images (links that contain an image extension) will be downloaded and displayed, regardless of the whitelist settings below + + + + Allow new contact requests + + + + Sign out controls + + + + LogoutExit + + + + Sounds settings + + + + Sound volume + + + + Sync settings + + + + Add mailserver + + + + You need to enter the enode address + + + + History node address + + + + enode://{enode-id}:{password}@{ip-address}:{port-number} + + + + Automatic mailserver selection + + + + ... + + + + Share what's on your mind and stay updated with your contacts + + + + Status account settings + + + + You need to enter an account name + + + + Enter an account name... + + + + Account name + + + + Type + + + + Watch-only + + + + Off Status tree + + + + On Status tree + + + + Derivation path + + + + Storage + + + + This device + + + + Delete account + + + + A deleted account cannot be retrieved later. Only press yes if you backed up your key/seed or don't care about this account anymore + + + + Save changes + + + + Add custom token + + + + This needs to be a valid address + + + + Invalid ERC20 address + + + + Enter contract address... + + + + Contract address + + + + The name of your token... + + + + ABC + + + + Symbol + + + + Decimals + + + + Collectibles will appear here + + + + To + + + + From + + + + At + + + + Status Desktop is connected to a non-archival node. Transaction history may be incomplete. + + + + No transactions found + + + + Load More + + + + Total value + + + + Receive + + + + Back up your seed phrase + + + + Recipient + + + + Transaction completed + + + + Transaction failed + + + + Set Currency + + + + Signing phrase + + + + This is your signing phrase + + + + You should see these 3 words before signing each transaction + + + + If you see a different combination, cancel the transaction and sign out + + + + Remind me later + + + + Manage Assets + + + + Account Settings + + + + Collectibles + + + + Generate an account + + + + Add a watch-only address + + + + Enter a seed phrase + + + + Enter a private key + + + + Add account from private key + + + + You need to enter a password + + + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + You need to enter a private key + + + + Enter a valid private key (64 characters hexadecimal string) + + + + Enter your password… + + + + Password + + + + Paste the contents of your private key + + + + Private key + + + + Loading... + + + + Add account + + + + You need to enter a seed phrase + + + + Enter a valid mnemonic + + + + Add account with a seed phrase + + + + Enter your seed phrase, separate words with commas or spaces... + + + + Seed phrase + + + + Add a watch-only account + + + + You need to enter an address + + + + This needs to be a valid address (starting with 0x) + + + + Enter address... + + + + Account address + + + + Token details + + + + Remove token + + + + Transaction Details + + + + 9999 Confirmations + + + + When the transaction has 12 confirmations you can consider it settled. + + + + Block + + + + Hash + + + + Gas limit + + + + Gas price + + + + Gas used + + + + Nonce + + + + Something went wrong + + + + Reload + + + + Maximum number of collectibles to display reached + + + + View + + + + Unnamed + + + + ID + + + + Description + + + + US Dollars + + + + Euros + + + + United Arab Emirates dirham + + + + Afghan afghani + + + + Argentine peso + + + + Australian dollar + + + + Barbadian dollar + + + + Bangladeshi taka + + + + Bulgarian lev + + + + Bahraini dinar + + + + Brunei dollar + + + + Bolivian boliviano + + + + Brazillian real + + + + Bhutanese ngultrum + + + + Canadian dollar + + + + Swiss franc + + + + Chilean peso + + + + Chinese yuan + + + + Colombian peso + + + + Costa Rican colón + + + + Czech koruna + + + + Danish krone + + + + Dominican peso + + + + Egyptian pound + + + + Ethiopian birr + + + + British Pound + + + + Georgian lari + + + + Ghanaian cedi + + + + Hong Kong dollar + + + + Croatian kuna + + + + Hungarian forint + + + + Indonesian rupiah + + + + Israeli new shekel + + + + Indian rupee + + + + Icelandic króna + + + + Jamaican dollar + + + + Japanese yen + + + + Kenyan shilling + + + + South Korean won + + + + Kuwaiti dinar + + + + Kazakhstani tenge + + + + Sri Lankan rupee + + + + Moroccan dirham + + + + Moldovan leu + + + + Mauritian rupee + + + + Malawian kwacha + + + + Mexican peso + + + + Malaysian ringgit + + + + Mozambican metical + + + + Namibian dollar + + + + Nigerian naira + + + + Norwegian krone + + + + Nepalese rupee + + + + New Zealand dollar + + + + Omani rial + + + + Peruvian sol + + + + Papua New Guinean kina + + + + Philippine peso + + + + Pakistani rupee + + + + Polish złoty + + + + Paraguayan guaraní + + + + Qatari riyal + + + + Romanian leu + + + + Serbian dinar + + + + Russian ruble + + + + Saudi riyal + + + + Swedish krona + + + + Singapore dollar + + + + Thai baht + + + + Trinidad and Tobago dollar + + + + New Taiwan dollar + + + + Tanzanian shilling + + + + Turkish lira + + + + Ukrainian hryvnia + + + + Ugandan shilling + + + + Uruguayan peso + + + + Venezuelan bolívar + + + + Vietnamese đồng + + + + South African rand + + + + View Community + + + + Browser + + + + Timeline + + + + Contact request accepted + + + + New contact request + + + + You can now chat with %1 + + + + %1 requests to become contacts + + + + Where do you want to go? + + + + Status Desktop + + + + Open Status + + + + Quit + + + + Create a password + + + + New password... + + + + Confirm password… + + + + At least 6 characters. You will use this password to unlock status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + Create password + + + + Error importing account + + + + An error occurred while importing your account: + + + + Login failed + + + + Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. + + + + Enter seed phrase + + + + This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. + + + + Start with the first word + + + + Enter 12, 15, 18, 21 or 24 words. +Seperate words by a single space. + + + + Invalid seed phrase + + + + Choose a chat name + + + + Truly private communication + + + + Chat over a peer-to-peer, encrypted network + where messages can't be censored or hacked + + + + Secure crypto wallet + + + + Send and receive digital assets anywhere in the +world--no bank account required + + + + Decentralized apps + + + + Explore games, exchanges and social networks +where you alone own your data + + + + Thanks for trying Status Desktop! Please note that this is an alpha release and we advise you that using this app should be done for testing purposes only and you assume the full responsibility for all risks concerning your data and funds. Status makes no claims of security or integrity of funds in these builds. + + + + I understand + + + + Status does not collect, share or sell any personal data. By continuing you agree with the privacy policy. + + + + I'm new, generate keys + + + + Access existing key + + + + Enter password + + + + Connecting... + + + + Login failed: %1 + + + + Generate new keys + + + + Your keys + + + + Add another existing key + + + + Your keys have been successfully recovered + + + + You will have to create a new code or password to re-encrypt your keys + + + + Re-encrypt your keys + + + + Cannot find asset '%1'. Ensure this asset has been added to the token list. + + + + ENS Username not found + + + + eg. 0x1234 or ENS + + + + Paste + + + + You need to request the recipient’s address first. +Assets won’t be sent yet. + + + + Invalid source + + + + Insufficient balance + + + + Must be greater than 0 + + + + Priority + + + + Use suggestions + + + + Use custom + + + + Low + + + + High + + + + Gas amount limit + + + + Per-gas overall limit + + + + Maximum overall price for the transaction. If the block base fee exceeds this, it will be included in a following block with a lower base fee. + + + + Must be greater than or equal to 0 + + + + This needs to be a number + + + + Please enter an amount + + + + The amount is 0. Proceed only if this is desired. + + + + Balance: + + + + Asset & Amount + + + + Blocking will remove any messages you received from %1 and stop new messages from reaching you. + + + + Account color + + + + Confirm your action + + + + Confirm + + + + Are you sure you want to this? + + + + Do not show this again + + + + Please select a contact + + + + Select a contact + + + + Contact does not have an ENS address. Please send a transaction in chat. + + + + No contact selected + + + + Copied! + + + + Slow + + + + Optimal + + + + Fast + + + + Reset + + + + Advanced + + + + Custom Network Fee + + + + Gwei + + + + Apply + + + + Not enough ETH for gas + + + + Copied + + + + Pasted + + + + Copy + + + + Invalid ethereum address + + + + Address + + + + My account + + + + Contact + + + + Search + + + + In: + + + + Messages + + + + Tokens will be sent directly to a contract address, which may result in a loss of funds. To transfer ERC-20 tokens, ensure the recipient address is the address of the destination wallet. + + + + View on Etherscan + + + + <a href='%1' style='color:%2;text-decoration:none;'>%3</a> + + + + Asset + + + + Amount + + + + Data field + + + + Signing phrase is a 3 word combination that displayed when you entered the wallet on this device for the first time. + + + + Enter the password you use to unlock this device + + + + Unblocking will allow new messages you received from %1 to reach you. + + + + Send transaction + + + + Request transaction + + + + Public chat + + + + Not a contact + + + + Image files (%1) + + + + Your message is too long. + + + + Please make your message shorter. We have set the limit to 2000 characters to be courteous of others. + + + + Type a message + + + + Bold + + + + Italic + + + + Strikethrough + + + + Code + + + + No recent emojis + + + + Buy for %1 SNT + + + + Uninstall + + + + Install + + + + Free + + + + Pending... + + + + Update + + + + Could not buy Stickerpack + + + + Stickerpack bought successfully + + + + You don't have any stickers yet + + + + Recently used stickers will appear here + + + + Get Stickers + + + + Ethereum explorer + + + + Custom... + + + + Search engine + + + + Dapp permissions + + + + Revoke access + + + + Revoke all access + + + + Show more + + + + %1 invited you to join the group + + + + All + + + + Mentions + + + + Replies + + + + Contact requests + + + + Mark all as Read + + + + Show read notifications + + + + Hide read notifications + + + + Notification settings + + + + You need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messages + + + + Waiting for %1 to accept your request + + + + Just click this button to add them as contact. They will receive a notification. Once they accept the request, you'll be able to chat + + + + Back up community key + + + + Back up + + + + Member name + + + + Community members will appear here + + + + No contacts found + + + + Your community is free to join, but new members are required to be approved by the community creator first + + + + Your community can only be joined by an invitation from existing community members + + + + Your community is free for anyone to join + + + + You should keep it safe and only share it with people you trust to take ownership of your community + + + + You can also use this key to import your community on another device + + + + Decline and block + + + + Decline all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to decline all these contact requests + + + + Accept all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to accept all these contact requests + + + + Decline all + + + + Accept all + + + + Pin limit reached + + + + Unpin a previous message first + + + + %1 messages + + + + %1 message + + + + Pinned messages will appear here. + + + + I accept + + + + Format not supported. + + + + Upload %1 only + + + + You can only upload %1 images at a time + + + + Max image size is %1 MB + + + + TODO + + + + NOW + + + + %1M + + + + %1H + + + + %1D + + + + Sun + + + + Mon + + + + Tue + + + + Wed + + + + Thu + + + + Fri + + + + Sat + + + + Jan + + + + Feb + + + + Mar + + + + Apr + + + + Jun + + + + Jul + + + + Aug + + + + Sep + + + + Oct + + + + Nov + + + + Dec + + + + Sunday + + + + Monday + + + + Tuesday + + + + Wednesday + + + + Thursday + + + + Friday + + + + Saturday + + + + Start a 1-on-1 chat with %1 + + + + Join the %1 community + + + + Join the %1 group chat + + + + Join the %1 public channel + + + + words + + + + Mainnet with upstream RPC + + + + POA Network + + + + xDai Chain + + + + Goerli with upstream RPC + + + + Rinkeby with upstream RPC + + + + Ropsten with upstream RPC + + + + You need to repeat your password + + + + Passwords don't match + + + + You need to enter a %1 + + + + The %1 cannot exceed %2 characters + + + + Must be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + Use only lowercase letters (a to z), numbers & dashes (-). Do not use chat keys. + + + + community-image-delete + + + + public + عامة + + + + AboutView + + Status Desktop + + + + Privacy Policy + + + + Check for updates + + + + Current Version + + + + Release Notes + + + + Our Principles + + + + Status desktop’s GitHub Repositories + + + + Status Go + + + + StatusQ + + + + go-waku + + + + Legal & Privacy Documents + + + + Terms of Use + + + + Software License + + + + + AcceptRejectOptionsButtonsPanel + + View Profile + + + + Decline and block + + + + + AccessExistingCommunityPopup + + You need to enter a key + + + + Import + + + + Error importing the community + + + + + AccountView + + Type + + + + Storage + + + + Watch-Only Account + + + + Generated by your Status seed phrase profile + + + + Imported Account + + + + On Device + + + + Derivation Path + + + + Remove from your profile + + + + Confirm %1 Removal + + + + You will not be able to restore viewing access to this account in the future unless you enter this account’s address again. + + + + Remove Account + + + + + ActivityCenterMessageComponentView + + Mark as Read + + + + Mark as Unread + + + + + AddAccountModal + + Advanced + + + + Generate an account + + + + Wrong password + + + + You need to enter a password + + + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + Enter your password… + + + + Password + + + + Enter an account name... + + + + Account name + + + + You need to enter an account name + + + + color + + + + Loading... + + + + Add account + + + + + AddEditSavedAddressPopup + + Name + + + + Address + + + + Save + + + + Edit saved address + + + + Add saved address + + + + Enter a name + + + + Name must not be blank + + + + This is not a valid account name + + + + Enter ENS Name or Ethereum Address + + + + Please enter a valid ENS name OR Ethereum Address + + + + Add address + + + + + AddFavoriteModal + + URL + + + + Paste URL + + + + Paste + + + + Pasted + + + + Name + + + + Favorite added + + + + Edit + + + + Add favorite + + + + Please enter a valid URL + + + + Name of the website + + + + Please enter a name + + + + Remove + + + + Done + + + + Add + + + + Add Favorite + + + + + AdvancedContainer + + Online users + + + + + AdvancedView + + disable + تعطيل + + + enable + تمكين + + + Fleet + + + + Minimize on close + + + + Application Logs + + + + Experimental features + + + + Wallet + + + + WalletSettingsLineButton + + + + Dapp Browser + + + + Community History Archive Protocol + + + + Node Management + + + + Keycard + + + + Bloom filter level + + + + Warning! + + + + The account will be logged out. When you login again, the selected mode will be enabled + + + + Light Node + + + + Normal + + + + Full Node + + + + WakuV2 mode + + + + Developer features + + + + Full developer mode + + + + Download messages + + + + Telemetry + + + + Debug + + + + Auto message + + + + Are you sure you want to enable all the develoer features? The app will be restarted. + + + + Are you sure you want to enable telemetry? This will reduce your privacy level while using Status. You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. + + + + Are you sure you want to enable auto message? You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. + + + + Are you sure you want to %1 debug mode? You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. + + + + This feature is experimental and is meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It's not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data. Use at your own risk. + + + + I understand + + + + + AllowNotificationsView + + Ok, got it + + + + Allow notifications + + + + Status will notify you about new messages. You can +edit your notification preferences later in settings. + + + + + AppMain + + Where do you want to go? + + + + Profile Picture + + + + Make this my Profile Pic + + + + Invite People + + + + View Community + + + + Leave Community + + + + A new version of Status (%1) is available + + + + Download + + + + Your version is up to date + + + + Close + + + + Can not connect to mailserver + + + + The mailserver you're connecting to is unavailable. + + + + Pick another + + + + Retry + + + + + AppearanceView + + XS + + + + S + + + + M + + + + L + + + + XL + + + + XXL + + + + Preview + + + + Blockchains will drop search costs, causing a kind of decomposition that allows you to have markets of entities that are horizontally segregated and vertically segregated. + + + + Size + + + + Change font size + + + + Change Zoom (requires restart) + + + + 50% + + + + 100% + + + + 150% + + + + 200% + + + + Appearance + + + + Light + + + + Dark + + + + System + + + + + BackupSeedModal + + Back up your seed phrase + + + + Continue + + + + Not Now + + + + Confirm Seed Phrase + + + + Complete & Delete My Seed Phrase + + + + Confirm word #%1 of your seed phrase + + + + + BackupSeedStepBase + + Enter word + + + + Wrong word + + + + Word #%1 + + + + + BeforeGetStartedModal + + Privacy Policy + + + + Before you get started + + + + I acknowledge that status desktop is in beta and by using it I take the full responsibility for all risks concerning my data and funds + + + + Before you get started... + + + + Get Started + + + + I acknowledge that Status Desktop is in Beta and by using it I take the full responsibility for all risks concerning my data and funds. + + + + I accept Status + + + + Terms of Use + + + + Terms of service + + + + Get started + + + + + BrowserLayout + + Transaction pending... + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Error signing message + + + + View on etherscan + + + + Server's certificate not trusted + + + + Do you wish to continue? + + + + If you wish so, you may continue with an unverified certificate. Accepting an unverified certificate means you may not be connected with the host you tried to connect to. +Do you wish to override the security check and continue? + + + + + ChatContextMenuView + + Leave group + + + + Save + + + + Delete + + + + Are you sure you want to leave this chat? + + + + View Members + + + + Add / remove from group + + + + Test WakuV2 - requestAllHistoricMessages + + + + Edit name + + + + Mark as Read + + + + Clear history + + + + Edit Channel + + + + Download + + + + Delete Channel + + + + Delete chat + + + + Leave chat + + + + Download messages + + + + Delete #%1 + + + + Are you sure you want to delete #%1 channel? + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this chat? + + + + + ChatView + + Members + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + + CollectibleDetailsHeader + + Send + + + + + CollectibleModal + + description + وصف + + + unnamed + + + + id + + + + View in Opensea + + + + + CollectiblesStore + + Collectibles + + + + + CollectiblesView + + Collectibles will appear here + + + + + CommunitiesListPanel + + Cancel + + + + Leave community + + + + Leave %1 + + + + Are you sure you want to leave? Once you leave, you will have to request to rejoin if you change your mind. + + + + + CommunitiesPopup + + Communities + + + + 1 member + + + + %1 members + + + + Create a community + + + + Search for communities or topics + + + + Access existing community + + + + + CommunitiesPortalLayout + + Search + + + + Find community + + + + Import Community + + + + Create New Community + + + + Featured + + + + Popular + + + + + CommunityColorPicker + + Community colour + + + + + CommunityColumnView + + Create channel + + + + Create category + + + + 1 Member + + + + %1 Members + + + + Start chat + + + + Membership requests + + + + Invite people + + + + Unmute category + + + + Mute category + + + + Edit Category + + + + Delete Category + + + + Delete %1 category + + + + Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. + + + + Create channel or category + + + + Error deleting the category + + + + + CommunityDescriptionInput + + Description + + + + What your community is about + + + + community description + + + + + CommunityDetailPopup + + Join ‘%1’ + + + + Pending + + + + Unknown community + + + + Public community + + + + Invitation only community + + + + On request community + + + + - ENS only + + + + %1 members + + + + Channels + + + + You need to be invited + + + + Request to join ‘%1’ + + + + Error joining the community + + + + + CommunityEditSettingsPanel + + A catchy name + + + + community name + + + + Description + + + + What your community is about + + + + Pick a color + + + + + CommunityHeaderButton + + 1 member + + + + %1 members + + + + + CommunityMembersSettingsPanel + + Members + + + + Member name + + + + Ban + + + + Kick + + + + Membership requests + + + + Community members will appear here + + + + No contacts found + + + + You + + + + + CommunityNameInput + + A catchy name + + + + community name + + + + Community name + + + + + CommunityProfilePopup + + Members + + + + Transfer ownership + + + + Public community + + + + Invitation only community + + + + On request community + + + + Unknown community + + + + Invite friends + + + + Invite + + + + + CommunityProfilePopupInviteFriendsPanel + + Copied! + + + + Contacts + + + + Share community + + + + + CommunityProfilePopupMembersListPanel + + Member name + + + + + CommunityProfilePopupOverviewPanel + + Copied! + + + + Share community + + + + Transfer ownership + + + + Leave community + + + + + CommunitySettingsView + + Members + + + + Notifications + + + + Settings + + + + Overview + + + + Open legacy popup (to be removed) + + + + Back to community + + + + Error editing the community + + + + + CommunityUserList + + Members + + + + + ConfirmPasswordView + + Passwords don't match + + + + Have you written down your password? + + + + You will never be able to recover your password if you lose it. + + + + If you need to, write it using pen and paper and keep in a safe place. + + + + If you lose your password you will lose access to your Status profile. + + + + Confirm your password (again) + + + + Confirm you password (again) + + + + Finalise Status Password Creation + + + + Keys for this account already exist + + + + Keys for this account already exist and can't be added again. If you've lost your password, passcode or Keycard, uninstall the app, reinstall and access your keys by entering your seed phrase + + + + Login failed + + + + Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. + + + + + ConfirmationDialog + + Confirm + + + + Reject + + + + Cancel + + + + Confirm your action + + + + Do not show this again + + + + Are you sure you want to do this? + + + + + ContactPanel + + View Profile + + + + Send message + + + + Respond to ID Request + + + + See ID Request + + + + Rename + + + + + ContactsColumnView + + Start chat + + + + Chat + + + + Search + + + + Join public chats + + + + Contact requests + + + + Community imported + + + + Importing community is in progress + + + + + ContactsView + + Contacts + + + + Send contact request to chat key + + + + Search by a display name or chat key + + + + Pending Requests + + + + Blocked + + + + Identity Verified Contacts + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet + + + + Received + + + + Sent + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + + Controls + + XS + + + + S + + + + M + + + + L + + + + XL + + + + XXL + + + + 50% + + + + 100% + + + + 150% + + + + 200% + + + + + CreateCategoryPopup + + Category title + + + + category name + + + + Edit category + + + + New category + + + + Name the category + + + + Channels + + + + Delete category + + + + Delete %1 category + + + + Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. + + + + Save + + + + Create + + + + Error editing the category + + + + Error creating the category + + + + + CreateChannelPopup + + Channel name + + + + channel name + + + + Description + + + + Describe the channel + + + + channel description + + + + New channel + + + + Edit #%1 + + + + Name the channel + + + + Channel colour + + + + Pick a color + + + + Save + + + + Create + + + + Error creating the community + + + + + CreateChatView + + Contacts + + + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. + +Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be able to chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. + + + + You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. + + +Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be + able to +chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. + + + + You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. + + +Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be able to +chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. + + + + Confirm + + + + + CreateCommunityPopup + + You need to enter a color + + + + This field needs to be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + Community color + + + + Pick a color + + + + Please choose a color + + + + Next + + + + Error creating the community + + + + Name your community + + + + A catchy name + + + + Give it a short description + + + + What your community is about + + + + Community colour + + + + Create New Community + + + + Create Community + + + + + CreatePasswordView + + Create password + + + + + DemoApp + + Invite People + + + + View Community + + + + Edit Community + + + + Leave Community + + + + + DerivationPathsPanel + + Reset + + + + Derivation Path + + + + + DerivedAddressesPanel + + Pending + + + + Account + + + + No activity + + + + Invalid path + + + + Has Activity + + + + No Activity + + + + + DisplayNamePopup + + Edit + + + + Ok + + + + Display Name + + + + OK + + + + + EnsDetailsView + + Wallet address + + + + Key + + + + Connect username with your pubkey + + + + Copied to clipboard! + + + + Release username + + + + Username locked. You won't be able to release it until %1 + + + + Back + + + + + EnsSearchView + + Connect username with your pubkey + + + + At least 4 characters. Latin letters, numbers, and lowercase only. + + + + Letters and numbers only. + + + + Type the entire username including the custom domain like username.domain.eth + + + + Custom domain + + + + I want a stateofus.eth domain + + + + I own a name on another domain + + + + + EnsView + + Transaction pending... + + + + View on etherscan + + + + ENS Registration failed + + + + ENS Registration completed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey failed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey completed + + + + + ExemptionNotificationsModal + + Done + + + + %1 exemption + + + + Mute all messages + + + + Personal @ Mentions + + + + Global @ Mentions + + + + Other Messages + + + + Clear Exemptions + + + + + GasSelector + + Priority + + + + Low + + + + High + + + + Must be greater than 0 + + + + This needs to be a number + + + + Please enter an amount + + + + Min 21000 units + + + + Not enough gas + + + + Miners will currently not process transactions with a tip below %1 Gwei, the average is %2 Gwei + + + + The average miner tip is %1 Gwei + + + + Gas Price + + + + Current base fee: %1 %2 + + + + Use suggestions + + + + Use custom + + + + Optimal + + + + Gas amount limit + + + + Per-gas tip limit + + + + Gwei + + + + Per-gas overall limit + + + + Maximum priority fee: %1 ETH + + + + Maximum overall price for the transaction. If the block base fee exceeds this, it will be included in a following block with a lower base fee. + + + + + GroupInfoPopup + + %1/%2 members + + + + Add members + + + + %1 members + + + + 1 member + + + + Search + + + + All your contacts are already in the group + + + + Pinned messages + + + + Admin + + + + Make Admin + + + + Remove From Group + + + + Add selected + + + + + ImageCropperModal + + Crop your image (optional) + + + + Finish + + + + + ImportPrivateKeyPanel + + Pending + + + + You need to enter a private key + + + + Enter a valid private key (64 characters hexadecimal string) + + + + Private key + + + + Paste the contents of your private key + + + + Public address + + + + Account already added + + + + Has Activity + + + + No Activity + + + + + InsertCard + + Cancel + + + + Please insert your Keycard to proceed or press the cancel button to cancel the operation + + + + + InsertDetailsView + + Next + + + + Profile picture + + + + Your profile + + + + Longer and unusual names are better as they are less likely to be used by someone else. + + + + Display name + + + + Chatkey: + + + + Choose an image for profile picture + + + + Make this my profile picture + + + + Your emojihash and identicon ring + + + + This set of emojis and coloured ring around your avatar are unique and represent your chat key, so your friends can easily distinguish you from potential impersonators. + + + + + InvitationBubbleView + + Unsupported state + + + + Membership requires an ENS username + + + + You need to be invited + + + + Pending + + + + View + + + + Request Access + + + + Join + + + + Verified community invitation + + + + Community invitation + + + + %1 members + + + + Error joining the community + + + + + KeysMainView + + Enter a seed phrase + + + + Generate new keys + + + + intro-wizard-title1 + + + + a-set-of-keys-controls-your-account.-your-keys-live-on-your-device,-so-only-you-can-use-them. + + + + Connect your keys + + + + Use your existing Status keys to login to this device. + + + + Get your keys + + + + A set of keys controls your account. Your keys live on your +device, so only you can use them. + + + + Import a seed phrase + + + + Seed phrases are used to back up and restore your keys. Only use this option if you already have a seed phrase. + + + + + LanguageView + + Language + + + + Set Display Currency + + + + Search Currencies + + + + Search Languages + + + + Date Format + + + + DD/MM/YY + + + + MM/DD/YY + + + + Time Format + + + + 24-Hour Time + + + + 12-Hour Time + + + + Change language + + + + Display language has been changed. You must restart the application for changes to take effect. + + + + Close the app now + + + + + Layout + + Invite People + + + + View Community + + + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + Edit Community + + + + Leave Community + + + + + LeftTabView + + Settings + + + + Sign out + + + + Make sure you have your account password and seed phrase stored. Without them you can lock yourself out of your account and lose funds. + + + + Sign out & Quit + + + + Wallet + + + + Total value + + + + Add account + + + + Saved addresses + + + + + LoginView + + Ok + + + + Welcome back + + + + Add new user + + + + Add existing Status user + + + + Connecting... + + + + Password + + + + Enter password + + + + Login failed: %1 + + + + Password incorrect + + + + + MenuPanel + + Settings + + + + Apps + + + + About & Help + + + + + MessageContextMenuView + + Jump to + + + + Copy image + + + + Download image + + + + Block User + + + + Unblock User + + + + Rename + + + + Reply to + + + + Edit message + + + + Copy Message Id + + + + Unpin + + + + Pin + + + + Delete message + + + + Please choose a directory + + + + Confirm deleting this message + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well. + + + + + MessagingView + + Contacts + + + + Allow new contact requests + + + + Show My Profile Picture To + + + + Everyone + + + + No One + + + + See Profile Pictures From + + + + Open Message Links With + + + + Status Browser + + + + System Default Browser + + + + Contacts, Requests, and Blocked Users + + + + Display Message Link Previews + + + + Fine tune which sites to allow link previews + + + + Image unfurling + + + + All images (links that contain an image extension) will be downloaded and displayed + + + + Message syncing + + + + Waku nodes + + + + For security reasons, private chat history won't be synced. + + + + + MyProfileView + + ENS username + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Change Password + + + + Edit + + + + Preview + + + + + NicknamePopup + + Nickname + + + + Nicknames help you identify others in Status. Only you can see the nicknames you’ve added + + + + Done + + + + + NoImageUploadedPanel + + Upload + + + + Wide aspect ratio is optimal + + + + + NotificationsView + + Messages + + + + You have a new message + + + + Anonymous + + + + Community + + + + 1:1 Chat + + + + Group Chat + + + + Muted + + + + Off + + + + Quiet + + + + Personal @ Mentions %1 + + + + Global @ Mentions %1 + + + + Alerts + + + + Other Messages %1 + + + + Multiple Exemptions + + + + Enable Notifications in macOS Settings + + + + To receive Status notifications, make sure you've enabled them in your computer's settings under <b>System Preferences > Notifications</b> + + + + Sync your devices to share notifications preferences + + + + Syncing > + + + + Allow Notifications + + + + 1:1 Chats + + + + Group Chats + + + + Personal @ Mentions + + + + Messages containing @%1 + + + + Global @ Mentions + + + + Messages containing @here and @channel + + + + All Messages + + + + Others + + + + Contact Requests + + + + Identity Verification Requests + + + + Notification Content + + + + Show Name and Message + + + + Hi there! So EIP-1559 will defini... + + + + Name Only + + + + Play a Sound When Receiving a Notification + + + + Volume + + + + Send a Test Notification + + + + Exemptions + + + + Search Communities, Group Chats and 1:1 Chats + + + + Most recent + + + + + PasswordView + + Create a password + + + + Passwords don't match + + + + Create a password to unlock Status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + You will not be able to recover this password if it is lost. + + + + Minimum %1 characters. To strengthen your password consider including: + + + + This password has been pwned and shouldn't be used + + + + This password is a common word and shouldn't be used + + + + Password must be at least %1 characters long + + + + Current password + + + + New password + + + + Very weak + + + + Weak + + + + So-so + + + + Good + + + + Great + + + + Lower case + + + + Upper case + + + + Numbers + + + + Symbols + + + + Confirm password + + + + + PermissionsListView + + Disconnect + + + + Disconnect All + + + + + PinnedMessagesPopup + + Unpin + + + + Pin limit reached + + + + Pinned messages + + + + Unpin a previous message first + + + + %1 messages + + + + %1 message + + + + Pinned messages will appear here. + + + + + ProfileLayout + + Contacts + + + + Testnet mode is enabled. All balances, transactions and dApp interactions will be on testnets. + + + + Secure your seed phrase + + + + Back up now + + + + + ProfilePopup + + ENS username + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Chat settings + + + + Nickname + + + + None + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + Unblock User + + + + Block User + + + + Add to contacts + + + + 's Profile + + + + Send Contact Request to + + + + Verify %1's Identity + + + + My Profile + + + + %1's Profile + + + + Send Contact Request to %1 + + + + Cancel verification + + + + Remove Contact + + + + Send Contact Request + + + + Mark Untrustworthy + + + + Remove 'Identity Verified' status + + + + No + + + + Yes + + + + Remove Untrustworthy Mark + + + + Verify Identity + + + + Verify Identity pending... + + + + Send verification request + + + + Verification request sent + + + + Confirm Identity + + + + Rename + + + + Close + + + + + ProfileSectionStore + + Profile + + + + ENS usernames + + + + Wallet + + + + Browser + + + + Communities + + + + Appearance + + + + Back up seed phrase + + + + Advanced + + + + Messaging + + + + Notifications & Sounds + + + + Language & Currency + + + + Devices settings + + + + About + + + + Sign out & Quit + + + + + RateView + + Upload + + + + Bandwidth + + + + Kb/s + + + + Download + + + + + ReceiveModal + + Copy + + + + Receive + + + + Legacy + + + + Multichain + + + + Your Address + + + + + RootStore + + You + + + + Start a 1-on-1 chat with %1 + + + + Join the %1 community + + + + Join the %1 group chat + + + + + SavedAddressesView + + Cancel + + + + Delete + + + + Saved addresses + + + + Add new address + + + + Edit + + + + Are you sure you want to remove '%1' from your saved addresses? + + + + Are you sure? + + + + No saved addresses + + + + + SeedPhraseInputView + + Enter seed phrase + + + + Next + + + + Import + + + + Keys for this account already exist + + + + Keys for this account already exist and can't be added again. If you've lost your password, passcode or Keycard, uninstall the app, reinstall and access your keys by entering your seed phrase + + + + Error importing seed + + + + %1 words + + + + %1SeedButton + + + + Invalid seed + + + + Restore Status Profile + + + + + SendContactRequestModal + + Paste + + + + Send Contact Request to chat key + + + + Enter chat key here + + + + Say who you are / why you want to become a contact... + + + + who are you + + + + Send Contact Request + + + + + SendModal + + Transaction pending... + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Send + + + + Max: + + + + No balances active + + + + Please enter a valid amount + + + + To + + + + Enter an ENS name or address + + + + Error estimating gas: %1 + + + + Wrong password + + + + View on etherscan + + + + + SendModalFooter + + Unknown + + + + Estimated Time: + + + + Max Fees: + + + + Send + + + + + SendModalHeader + + To + + + + + SettingsPageLayout + + Cancel + + + + Save changes + + + + + SignTransactionModal + + Send + + + + Continue + + + + Error estimating gas: %1 + + + + Transaction pending... + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Choose account + + + + Network fee + + + + Transaction preview + + + + Sign with password + + + + Send %1 %2 + + + + Next + + + + Wrong password + + + + View on etherscan + + + + + StatusAppCommunityView + + Members + + + + + StatusChatInput + + Send + + + + Message + + + + Please choose an image + + + + Image files (%1) + + + + Your message is too long. + + + + Please make your message shorter. We have set the limit to 2000 characters to be courteous of others. + + + + Bold + + + + Italic + + + + Strikethrough + + + + Code + + + + Unblock + + + + + StatusChatListAndCategories + + More + + + + Add channel inside category + + + + + StatusChatListCategoryItem + + More + + + + Add channel inside category + + + + + StatusChatListItem + + Unmute + + + + + StatusChatToolBar + + Search + + + + Members + + + + More + + + + + StatusColorDialog + + Preview + + + + This is not a valid color + + + + Standart colours + + + + Select Colour + + + + + StatusExpandableSettingsItemPage + + Back up seed phrase + + + + Not Implemented + + + + + StatusListPicker + + Search + + + + + StatusMacNotification + + Open + + + + My latest message + with a return + + + + + StatusStickerMarket + + This feature is experimental and is meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It's not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data. Use at your own risk. + + + + I understand + + + + + StatusTokenInlineSelector + + or + + + + Hold + + + + to post + + + + + StatusWalletColorSelect + + Account color + + + + + TabNetworkAndFees + + Advanced + + + + Custom + + + + Slow + + + + + TransactionSettingsConfirmationPopup + + Are you sure? + + + + Your priority fee is below our suggested parameters. + + + + Current base fee + + + + %1 Gwei + + + + Current minimum tip + + + + Current average tip + + + + Your tip limit + + + + Suggested minimum tip + + + + Your price limit + + + + Suggested minimum price limit + + + + Change Limit + + + + Continue anyway + + + + + TransferOwnershipPopup + + Transfer ownership + + + + Community private key + + + + Copy + + + + Copied + + + + You should keep it safe and only share it with people you trust to take ownership of your community + + + + You can also use this key to import your community on another device + + + + + UploadProfilePicModal + + Profile picture + + + + Remove + + + + Upload + + + + Done + + + + Upload profile picture + + + + Choose an image for profile picture + + + + Make this my profile picture + + + + + UserList + + Members + + + + + UsernameLabel + + You + + + + + Utils + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + You need to enter a %1 + + + + now + الآن + + + Sun + + + + Mon + + + + Tue + + + + Wed + + + + Thu + + + + Fri + + + + Sat + + + + Jan + + + + Feb + + + + Mar + + + + Apr + + + + May + + + + Jun + + + + Jul + + + + Aug + + + + Sep + + + + Oct + + + + Nov + + + + Dec + + + + Yesterday + + + + Sunday + + + + Monday + + + + Tuesday + + + + Wednesday + + + + Thursday + + + + Friday + + + + Saturday + + + + NOW + + + + %1M + + + + %1H + + + + %1D + + + + words + + + + You need to enter a password + + + + You need to repeat your password + + + + Passwords don't match + + + + You need to enter a PIN + + + + The PIN must contain only digits + + + + The PIN must be exactly 6 digits + + + + You need to repeat your PIN + + + + PIN don't match + + + + The %1 cannot exceed %2 characters + + + + Must be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + Use only lowercase letters (a to z), numbers & dashes (-). Do not use chat keys. + + + + Value has to be at least %1 characters long + + + + Unknown + + + + < 1 min + + + + < 3 mins + + + + < 5 mins + + + + > 5 mins + + + + years ago + + + + year ago + + + + months ago + + + + month ago + + + + weeks ago + + + + week ago + + + + days ago + + + + day ago + + + + hours ago + + + + hour ago + + + + mins ago + + + + min ago + + + + secs ago + + + + sec ago + + + + + WalletView + + Wallet + + + + Networks + + + + DApp Permissions + + + + Testnet Mode + + + + + AcceptTransactionView + + Accept and share address + + + + Accept and send + + + + Decline + + + + + Acknowledgements + + Secure Your Assets and Funds + + + + Your seed phrase is a 12-word passcode to your funds. + + + + Your seed phrase cannot be recovered if lost. Therefore, you <b>must</b> back it up. The simplest way is to <b>write it down offline and store it somewhere secure.</b> + + + + I have a pen and paper + + + + I am ready to write down my seed phrase + + + + I know where I’ll store it + + + + You can only complete this process once. Status will not store your seed phrase and can never help you recover it. + + + + + ActivityCenterPopup + + Show more + + + + + ActivityCenterPopupTopBarPanel + + All + + + + Mentions + + + + Replies + + + + Mark all as Read + + + + Show read notifications + + + + Hide read notifications + + + + Notification settings + + + + + AddShowTokenModal + + Add custom token + + + + This needs to be a valid address + + + + Invalid ERC20 address + + + + Enter contract address... + + + + Contract address + + + + The name of your token... + + + + Name + + + + ABC + + + + Symbol + + + + Decimals + + + + Changing settings failed + + + + Add + + + + + AddWakuNodeModal + + Waku nodes + + + + Name + + + + Specify a name + + + + You need to enter a name + + + + History node address + + + + You need to enter the enode address + + + + The format must be: enode://{enode-id}:{password}@{ip-address}:{port} + + + + Save + + + + + AddressInput + + ENS Username not found + + + + + AddressRequiredValidator + + You need to request the recipient’s address first. +Assets won’t be sent yet. + + + + + AddressSourceSelector + + Invalid source + + + + + AdvancedAddAccountView + + Enter address... + + + + Account address + + + + This needs to be a valid address (starting with 0x) + + + + You need to enter an address + + + + + AppSearch + + No results + + + + Anywhere + + + + + AssetAndAmountInput + + Insufficient balance + + + + Must be greater than or equal to 0 + + + + This needs to be a number + + + + Please enter an amount + + + + Balance: + + + + Asset & Amount + + + + The amount is 0. Proceed only if this is desired. + + + + + BackUpCommuntyBannerPanel + + Back up community key + + + + Back up + + + + + BalanceExceeded + + Balance exceeded + + + + No networks available + + + + + BalanceValidator + + Insufficient balance + + + + + BlockContactConfirmationDialog + + Block User + + + + Blocking will stop new messages from reaching you from %1. + + + + + BloomSelectorButton + + TODO + + + + + BrowserConnectionModal + + '%1' would like to connect to + + + + Allowing authorizes this DApp to retrieve your wallet address and enable Web3 + + + + Granting access authorizes this DApp to retrieve your chat key + + + + Deny + + + + Allow + + + + + BrowserHeader + + Enter URL + + + + + BrowserSettingsMenu + + New Tab + + + + Exit Incognito mode + + + + Go Incognito + + + + Zoom In + + + + Zoom Out + + + + Find + + + + Compatibility mode + + + + Developer Tools + + + + Settings + + + + + BrowserTabStyle + + Start Page + + + + + BrowserTabView + + Start Page + + + + New Tab + + + + Downloads Page + + + + + BrowserView + + Search engine used in the address bar + + + + None + + + + Show Favorites Bar + + + + Connected DApps + + + + No connected dApps + + + + Connecting a dApp grants it permission to view your address and balances, and to send you transaction requests + + + + + BrowserWalletMenu + + Mainnet + + + + Ropsten + + + + Unknown + + + + Disconnect + + + + Assets + + + + History + + + + + BrowserWebEngineView + + Add Favorite + + + + + ChangePasswordModal + + Change password + + + + Change password used to unlock Status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + Change Password + + + + + ChangePasswordSuccessModal + + <b>Password changed</b> + + + + You need to sign in again using the new password. + + + + Sign out & Quit + + + + + ChangeProfilePicModal + + Profile picture + + + + Remove + + + + Upload + + + + Please choose an image + + + + Image files (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png) + + + + + ChannelIdentifierView + + Welcome to the beginning of the <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> group! + + + + Any messages you send here are encrypted and can only be read by you and <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> + + + + + ChatButtonsPanel + + Add reaction + + + + Reply + + + + Edit + + + + Unpin + + + + Pin + + + + Delete + + + + Confirm deleting this message + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well. + + + + + ChatColumnView + + Send + + + + Request Address + + + + Request + + + + + ChatCommandModal + + Continue + + + + Receive on account + + + + From account + + + + Address request required + + + + From + + + + To + + + + Preview + + + + Transaction preview + + + + Next + + + + + ChatCommandsPopup + + Send transaction + + + + Request transaction + + + + + ChatContentView + + Contact + + + + Not a contact + + + + Public chat + + + + %1 members + + + + 1 member + + + + Connected + + + + Disconnected + + + + Blocked + + + + This user has been blocked. + + + + + ChatMessagesView + + Loading... + + + + Failed to send message. + + + + + ChatRequestMessagePanel + + You need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messages + + + + Just click this button to add them as contact. They will receive a notification. Once they accept the request, you'll be able to chat + + + + Add to contacts + + + + + ChooseBrowserPopup + + Choose browser + + + + Open in Status + + + + Open in my default browser + + + + Remember my choice. To override it, go to settings. + + + + + ClosedEmptyPanel + + Your chats will appear here. To start new chats press the  button at the top + + + + + CollectibleCollectionView + + No collectibles available + + + + + CollectibleDetailView + + Properties + + + + Levels + + + + Stats + + + + + CollectiblesContent + + Something went wrong + + + + Reload + + + + + CollectiblesHeader + + Maximum number of collectibles to display reached + + + + + CollectiblesModal + + View + + + + Unnamed + + + + + CollectiblesModalContent + + ID + + + + Description + + + + + CommunitiesView + + Import community + + + + Communities you've joined + + + + + CommunityBannerPicker + + Community banner + + + + Choose an image for banner + + + + Make this my Community banner + + + + + CommunityChannelsAndCategoriesBannerPanel + + Expand your community by adding more channels and categories + + + + Add channels + + + + Add categories + + + + + CommunityColorPanel + + Community Colour + + + + Select Community Colour + + + + This is not a valid colour + + + + White text should be legable on top of this colour + + + + Standard colours + + + + + CommunityDelegate + + Admin + + + + Member + + + + + CommunityIntroDialog + + Welcome to %1 + + + + Join %1 + + + + Community <b>%1</b> has no intro message... + + + + I agree with the above + + + + + CommunityIntroMessageInput + + Community introduction and rules + + + + What new members will read before joining (eg. community rules, welcome message, etc.). Members will need to tick a check box agreeing to these rules before they are allowed to join your community. + + + + community intro message + + + + + CommunityLogoPicker + + Community logo + + + + Choose an image as logo + + + + Make this my Community logo + + + + + CommunityOptions + + Community history service + + + + Request to join required + + + + Any member can pin a message + + + + + CommunityOutroMessageInput + + Leaving community message + + + + The message a member will see when they leave your community + + + + community intro message + + + + + CommunityOverviewSettingsPanel + + Overview + + + + Edit Community + + + + This node is the Community Owner Node. For your Community to function correctly try to keep this computer with Status running and onlinie as much as possible. + + + + Welcome to your community! + + + + Invite new people + + + + Try an airdrop to reward your community for engagement! + + + + Airdrop Tokens + + + + Back up community key + + + + Back up + + + + + CommunityTagsPanel + + Community Tags + + + + Confirm Community Tags + + + + Select tags that will fit your Community + + + + Search tags + + + + Selected tags + + + + + CommunityTagsPicker + + Tags + + + + + CommunityWelcomeBannerPanel + + Welcome to your community! + + + + Add members + + + + Manage community + + + + + CompactMessageView + + Pinned by %1 + + + + Cancel + + + + Save + + + + + ConfirmAddExistingKeyModal + + Enter seed phrase + + + + Do you want to add another existing key? + + + + Add another existing key + + + + + ConfirmAppRestartModal + + Application Restart + + + + Please restart the application to apply the changes. + + + + Restart + + + + + ConfirmSeedPhrasePanel + + Write down your 12-word seed phrase to keep offline + + + + Reveal seed phrase + + + + The next screen contains your seed phrase. +<b>Anyone</b> who sees it can use it to access to your funds. + + + + + ConfirmStoringSeedPhrasePanel + + Complete back up + + + + Store Your Phrase Offline and Complete Your Back Up + + + + By completing this process, you will remove your seed phrase from this application’s storage. This makes your funds more secure. + + + + You will remain logged in, and your seed phrase will be entirely in your hands. + + + + I acknowledge that Status will not be able to show me my seed phrase again. + + + + I aknowledge that Status will not be able to show me my seed phrase again. + + + + + Constants + + Username must be at least 5 characters + + + + Only letters, numbers, underscores and hyphens allowed + + + + 24 character username limit + + + + Usernames ending with '-eth' are not allowed + + + + Usernames ending with '_eth' are not allowed + + + + Usernames ending with '.eth' are not allowed + + + + Sorry, the name you have chosen is not allowed, try picking another username + + + + (edited) + + + + Username already taken :( + + + + Username doesn’t belong to you :( + + + + Continuing will connect this username with your chat key. + + + + ✓ Username available! + + + + Username is already connected with your chat key and can be used inside Status. + + + + This user name is owned by you and connected with your chat key. Continue to set `Show my ENS username in chats`. + + + + Continuing will require a transaction to connect the username with your current chat key. + + + + + Contact + + Admin + + + + + ContactRequestsPopup + + Contact requests + + + + Decline all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to decline all these contact requests + + + + Accept all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to accept all these contact requests + + + + Decline all + + + + Accept all + + + + + ContactSelector + + Please select a contact + + + + Select a contact + + + + Contact does not have an ENS address. Please send a transaction in chat. + + + + No contact selected + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet + + + + + ContactVerificationRequestPopup + + %1 is asking you to verify your identity + + + + %1 would like to verify your identity. Answer the question to prove your identity to %2 + + + + Provide answer to verification request from this contact. + + + + Your answer has been sent to %1. + + + + Refuse Verification + + + + Send Answer + + + + Change answer + + + + Close + + + + + ContactsListAndSearch + + Enter a valid chat key or ENS username + + + + Can't chat with yourself + + + + Enter ENS username or chat key + + + + + ContactsListPanel + + Contact Request Sent + + + + Contact Request Rejected + + + + + CopyToClipBoardButton + + Copied! + + + + + CreatePasswordModal + + Store password + + + + Create a password + + + + Current password... + + + + New password... + + + + Confirm password… + + + + At least 6 characters. You will use this password to unlock status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + Create password + + + + Error importing account + + + + An error occurred while importing your account: + + + + Login failed + + + + Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. + + + + Incorrect password + + + + + CryptoServicesModal + + Buy / Sell crypto + + + + Choose a service you'd like to use to buy crypto + + + + + CurrenciesStore + + US Dollars + + + + British Pound + + + + Euros + + + + Russian ruble + + + + South Korean won + + + + Ethereum + + + + Tokens + + + + Bitcoin + + + + Status Network Token + + + + Dai + + + + United Arab Emirates dirham + + + + Other Fiat + + + + Afghan afghani + + + + Argentine peso + + + + Australian dollar + + + + Barbadian dollar + + + + Bangladeshi taka + + + + Bulgarian lev + + + + Bahraini dinar + + + + Brunei dollar + + + + Bolivian boliviano + + + + Brazillian real + + + + Bhutanese ngultrum + + + + Canadian dollar + + + + Swiss franc + + + + Chilean peso + + + + Chinese yuan + + + + Colombian peso + + + + Costa Rican colón + + + + Czech koruna + + + + Danish krone + + + + Dominican peso + + + + Egyptian pound + + + + Ethiopian birr + + + + Georgian lari + + + + Ghanaian cedi + + + + Hong Kong dollar + + + + Croatian kuna + + + + Hungarian forint + + + + Indonesian rupiah + + + + Israeli new shekel + + + + Indian rupee + + + + Icelandic króna + + + + Jamaican dollar + + + + Japanese yen + + + + Kenyan shilling + + + + Kuwaiti dinar + + + + Kazakhstani tenge + + + + Sri Lankan rupee + + + + Moroccan dirham + + + + Moldovan leu + + + + Mauritian rupee + + + + Malawian kwacha + + + + Mexican peso + + + + Malaysian ringgit + + + + Mozambican metical + + + + Namibian dollar + + + + Nigerian naira + + + + Norwegian krone + + + + Nepalese rupee + + + + New Zealand dollar + + + + Omani rial + + + + Peruvian sol + + + + Papua New Guinean kina + + + + Philippine peso + + + + Pakistani rupee + + + + Polish złoty + + + + Paraguayan guaraní + + + + Qatari riyal + + + + Romanian leu + + + + Serbian dinar + + + + Saudi riyal + + + + Swedish krona + + + + Singapore dollar + + + + Thai baht + + + + Trinidad and Tobago dollar + + + + New Taiwan dollar + + + + Tanzanian shilling + + + + Turkish lira + + + + Ukrainian hryvnia + + + + Ugandan shilling + + + + Uruguayan peso + + + + Venezuelan bolívar + + + + Vietnamese đồng + + + + South African rand + + + + + DateGroup + + Today + + + + Yesterday + + + + January + + + + February + + + + March + + + + April + + + + May + + + + June + + + + July + + + + August + + + + September + + + + October + + + + November + + + + December + + + + + DefaultDAppExplorerView + + Default DApp explorer + + + + none + + + + + DevicesView + + Please set a name for your device. + + + + Specify a name + + + + Continue + + + + Advertise device + + + + Pair your devices to sync contacts and chats between them + + + + Learn more + + + + Paired devices + + + + Syncing... + + + + Sync all devices + + + + + DownloadBar + + Cancelled + + + + Paused + + + + Show All + + + + + DownloadMenu + + Open + + + + Show in folder + + + + Pause + + + + Resume + + + + Cancel + + + + + DownloadPage + + Thanks for using Status + + + + You're curently using version %1 of Status. + + + + There's new version available to download. + + + + Get Status %1 + + + + + DownloadView + + Cancelled + + + + Paused + + + + Downloaded files will appear here. + + + + + ENSPopup + + Primary username + + + + Your messages are displayed to others with this username: + + + + Once you select a username, you won’t be able to disable it afterwards. You will only be able choose a different username to display. + + + + + EmojiReactionsPanel + + Add reaction + + + + + EmptyChatPanel + + Share your chat key + + + + or + + + + invite + + + + friends to start messaging in Status + + + + + EnsAddedView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + %1 is now connected with your chat key and can be used in Status. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsConnectedView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + %1 will be connected once the transaction is complete. + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsListView + + Hey + + + + (pending) + + + + ENS usernames + + + + Add username + + + + Your usernames + + + + Chat settings + + + + Primary Username + + + + None selected + + + + You’re displaying your ENS username in chats + + + + + EnsRegisteredView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + Nice! You own %1.stateofus.eth once the transaction is complete. + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsReleasedView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username removed + + + + The username %1 will be removed and your deposit will be returned once the transaction is mined + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsTermsAndConditionsView + + ENS usernames + + + + Terms of name registration + + + + Funds are deposited for 1 year. Your SNT will be locked, but not spent. + + + + After 1 year, you can release the name and get your deposit back, or take no action to keep the name. + + + + If terms of the contract change — e.g. Status makes contract upgrades — user has the right to release the username regardless of time held. + + + + The contract controller cannot access your deposited funds. They can only be moved back to the address that sent them. + + + + Your address(es) will be publicly associated with your ENS name. + + + + Usernames are created as subdomain nodes of stateofus.eth and are subject to the ENS smart contract terms. + + + + You authorize the contract to transfer SNT on your behalf. This can only occur when you approve a transaction to authorize the transfer. + + + + These terms are guaranteed by the smart contract logic at addresses: + + + + %1 (Status UsernameRegistrar). + + + + <a href='%1%2'>Look up on Etherscan</a> + + + + %1 (ENS Registry). + + + + Wallet address + + + + Copied to clipboard! + + + + Key + + + + Agree to <a href="#">Terms of name registration.</a> I understand that my wallet address will be publicly connected to my username. + + + + Back + + + + 10 SNT + + + + Deposit + + + + Not enough SNT + + + + Register + + + + + EnsWelcomeView + + Get a universal username + + + + ENS names transform those crazy-long addresses into unique usernames. + + + + Customize your chat name + + + + An ENS name can replace your random 3-word name in chat. Be @yourname instead of %1. + + + + Simplify your ETH address + + + + You can receive funds to your easy-to-share ENS name rather than your hexadecimal hash (0x...). + + + + Receive transactions in chat + + + + Others can send you funds via chat in one simple step. + + + + 10 SNT to register + + + + Register once to keep the name forever. After 1 year you can release the name and get your SNT back. + + + + Already own a username? + + + + You can verify and add any usernames you own in the next steps. + + + + Powered by Ethereum Name Services + + + + Start + + + + Only available on Mainnet + + + + + FavoriteMenu + + Open in new Tab + + + + Edit + + + + Remove + + + + + FetchMoreMessagesButton + + ↓ Fetch more messages + + + + Before %1 + + + + before--%1 + + + + + FleetRadioSelector + + Warning! + + + + Change fleet to %1 + + + + + FleetsModal + + Fleet + + + + + GapComponent + + fetch-messages + + + + between--1-and--2 + + + + Fetch messages + + + + Between %1 and %2 + + + + + GasSelectorButton + + Low + + + + + GasValidator + + Not enough ETH for gas + + + + + GroupChatPanel + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + Confirm + + + + + HistoryView + + Status Desktop is connected to a non-archival node. Transaction history may be incomplete. + + + + No transactions found + + + + Load More + + + + + HomePageView + + homepage + + + + System default + + + + Other + + + + Example: duckduckgo.com + + + + + ImageCropWorkflow + + Supported image formats (%1) + + + + + ImportCommunityPopup + + Import Community + + + + Entering a community key will grant you the ownership of that community. Please be responsible with it and don’t share the key with people you don’t trust. + + + + Community private key + + + + Import + + + + + ImportSeedPhrasePanel + + Invalid seed phrase + + + + This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. + + + + %1 words + + + + + Input + + Copied + + + + Pasted + + + + Copy + + + + Paste + + + + + InviteFriendsPopup + + Get Status at https://status.im + + + + Download Status link + + + + Copy to clipboard + + + + + InviteFriendsToCommunityPopup + + Invite friends + + + + Invite successfully sent + + + + Invite + + + + + JSDialogWindow + + Ok + + + + Cancel + + + + + KeycardCreatePINModal + + Create PIN + + + + New PIN + + + + Confirm PIN + + + + Create a 6 digit long PIN + + + + + LanguageStore + + Beta Languages + + + + + LinksMessageView + + Enable automatic image unfurling + + + + Enable link previews in chat? + + + + Once enabled, links posted in the chat may share your metadata with their owners + + + + Enable in Settings + + + + Don't ask me again + + + + + MailserverConnectionDialog + + Can not connect to mailserver + + + + The mailserver you're connecting to is unavailable. + + + + Pick another + + + + Retry + + + + + MainView + + DApp Permissions + + + + Networks + + + + Accounts + + + + Generated from Your Seed Phrase + + + + Imported + + + + Watch-Only + + + + + MembershipRequestsPopup + + Membership requests + + + + + MessageStore + + and + + + + %1 more + + + + reacted with + + + + You + + + + + MuteChatMenuItem + + Mute chat + + + + Unmute chat + + + + + MutedChatsModal + + Muted chats + + + + Unmute + + + + + MyProfileSettingsView + + Display name + + + + Display Name + + + + Biometric login and transaction authentication + + + + Communities + + + + Accounts + + + + You haven't joined any communities yet + + + + You don't have any wallet accounts yet + + + + + NetworkCardsComponent + + Your Balances + + + + No Balance + + + + No Gas + + + + BALANCE: + + + + Disabled + + + + + NetworkFilter + + All networks + + + + %n network(s) + + + + + + + + + + + + NetworkSelectPopup + + Layer 2 + + + + + NetworkSelector + + Networks + + + + Choose a network to use for the transaction + + + + No networks available + + + + Simple + + + + Advanced + + + + Custom + + + + + NetworksAdvancedCustomRoutingView + + Networks + + + + Show Unpreferred Networks + + + + The networks where the receipient will receive tokens. Amounts calculated automatically for the lowest cost. + + + + + NetworksSimpleRoutingView + + Networks + + + + Choose a network to use for the transaction + + + + + NetworksView + + Layer 2 + + + + Add Custom Network + + + + + NoFriendsRectangle + + You don’t have any contacts yet. Invite your friends to start chatting. + + + + Invite friends + + + + + NodeLayout + + Bloom Filter Usage + + + + Type json-rpc message... e.g {"method": "eth_accounts"} + + + + + NotificationSelect + + Send Alerts + + + + Deliver Quietly + + + + Turn Off + + + + + NotificationWindow + + Everything is connected + + + + + PINModal + + Authenticate PIN + + + + PIN + + + + Insert your 6-digit PIN + + + + Authenticate + + + + + PairingModal + + Insert pairing code + + + + Pairing code + + + + Insert the Keycard pairing code + + + + Pair + + + + + PrivateChatPopup + + New chat + + + + My Profile + + + + + ProfileHeader + + Chatkey:%1... + + + + + ProfileView + + Blocked + + + + Send Request + + + + Receive Response + + + + Confirm Identity + + + + You have confirmed %1's identity. From now on this verification emblem will always be displayed alongside %1's nickname. + + + + You have marked %1 as Untrustworthy. From now on this Untrustworthy emblem will always be displayed alongside %1's nickname. + + + + ENS username + + + + Username + + + + Ask a question that only the real %1 will be able to answer e.g. a question about a shared experience, or ask Mark to enter a code or phrase you have sent to them via a different communication channel (phone, post, etc...). + + + + Waiting for %1's response... + + + + Copied to clipboard + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Chat settings + + + + Nickname + + + + None + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + + PublicChatPopup + + You need to enter a channel name + + + + The channel name can only contain lowercase letters, numbers and dashes + + + + Join public chat + + + + A public chat is where you get to hang out with others, make friends and talk about subjects of your interest. + + + + chat-name + + + + Start chat + + + + + RecipientSelector + + Invalid ethereum address + + + + Address + + + + My account + + + + Contact + + + + Recipient + + + + + RenameAccontModal + + Rename %1 + + + + Enter an account name... + + + + You need to enter an account name + + + + This is not a valid account name + + + + color + + + + Change Name + + + + Changing settings failed + + + + + RenameGroupPopup + + Group name + + + + Save + + + + + Retry + + Resend + + + + + RightTabView + + Assets + + + + Collectibles + + + + Activity + + + + History + + + + + SearchBox + + Search + + + + + SearchEngineModal + + Search engine + + + + None + + + + + SearchResults + + Non contacts + + + + No profile found + + + + + SeedPhraseBackupWarning + + Back up your seed phrase + + + + Back up + + + + + SeedPhraseTextArea + + Invalid seed phrase + + + + This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. + + + + Start with the first word + + + + + SelectAccountModal + + Select account + + + + Select account to share and receive assets + + + + Confirm and share address + + + + + SelectAnotherAccountModal + + Your keys + + + + Add another existing key + + + + + SelectGeneratedAccount + + Import new Seed Phrase + + + + Generate from Private key + + + + Add a watch-only address + + + + Imported + + + + Add new + + + + Origin + + + + + SendContactRequestMenuItem + + Send Contact Request + + + + + SendMessageMenuItem + + Send message + + + + + SendToContractWarning + + Tokens will be sent directly to a contract address, which may result in a loss of funds. To transfer ERC-20 tokens, ensure the recipient address is the address of the destination wallet. + + + + + SendTransactionButton + + Sign and send + + + + + SettingsDirtyToastMessage + + Changes detected + + + + Cancel + + + + Save changes + + + + + SignMessageModal + + Signature request + + + + From + + + + Data + + + + Message + + + + Reject + + + + Sign + + + + Sign with password + + + + + SignPhraseModal + + Signing phrase + + + + This is your signing phrase + + + + You should see these 3 words before signing each transaction + + + + If you see a different combination, cancel the transaction and sign out + + + + Ok, got it + + + + Remind me later + + + + + StateBubble + + Pending + + + + Confirmed + + + + Unknown token + + + + Address requested + + + + Waiting to accept + + + + Address shared + + + + Address received + + + + Transaction declined + + + + failure + + + + Unknown state + + + + + StatusActivityCenterButton + + Activity + + + + + StatusAddressOrEnsValidator + + Please enter a valid address or ENS name. + + + + + StatusAddressValidator + + Please enter a valid address. + + + + + StatusAppChatView + + Join public chats + + + + Start chat + + + + + StatusAppCommunitiesPortalView + + Find community + + + + Featured + + + + Popular + + + + + StatusAsyncEnsValidator + + ENS name could not be resolved in to an address + + + + + StatusAsyncValidator + + invalid input + + + + + StatusBadge + + 99+ + + + + + StatusChatImageExtensionValidator + + Format not supported. + + + + Upload %1 only + + + + + StatusChatImageLoader + + Error loading the image + + + + Loading image... + + + + + StatusChatImageQtyValidator + + You can only upload %1 images at a time + + + + + StatusChatImageSizeValidator + + Max image size is %1 MB + + + + + StatusColorSpacePage + + Thickness + + + + Min saturate: + + + + Max saturate: + + + + Min value: + + + + Max value: + + + + Color + + + + + StatusCommunityTagsPage + + Select tags that will fit your Community + + + + Search tags + + + + Selected tags + + + + + StatusDialog + + Close + + + + Abort + + + + Cancel + + + + No to all + + + + No + + + + Open + + + + Save + + + + Save all + + + + Retry + + + + Ignore + + + + Ok + + + + Yes to all + + + + Yes + + + + Apply + + + + + StatusETHTransactionModal + + Contract interaction + + + + Wrong password + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Continue + + + + Choose account + + + + Sign with password + + + + Next + + + + + StatusEmojiSection + + No recent emojis + + + + + StatusFloatValidator + + Please enter a valid numeric value. + + + + + StatusGifColumn + + Remove from favorites + + + + Add to favorites + + + + + StatusGifPopup + + Search Tenor + + + + TRENDING + + + + FAVORITES + + + + RECENT + + + + Enable Tenor GIFs? + + + + Once enabled, GIFs posted in the chat may share your metadata with Tenor. + + + + Enable + + + + Favorite GIFs will appear here + + + + Recent GIFs will appear here + + + + Error while contacting Tenor API, please retry. + + + + Retry + + + + + StatusIntValidator + + Please enter a valid numeric value. + + + + + StatusItemSelector + + and + + + + or + + + + + StatusListPickerPage + + Search Languages + + + + Search Currencies + + + + + StatusNotification + + Open + + + + + StatusPasswordStrengthIndicator + + Very weak + + + + Weak + + + + So-so + + + + Good + + + + Great + + + + + StatusSNTTransactionModal + + Authorize %1 %2 + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Wrong password + + + + Continue + + + + Choose account + + + + Sign with password + + + + Send %1 %2 + + + + Next + + + + + StatusSearchListPopup + + Search... + + + + + StatusSearchLocationMenu + + Anywhere + + + + + StatusSearchPopup + + No results + + + + Anywhere + + + + Search + + + + In: + + + + In + + + + + StatusSpellcheckingMenuItems + + Add to dictionary + + + + Disable Spellchecking + + + + + StatusStackModal + + StackModal + + + + Next + + + + Finish + + + + + StatusStickerButton + + Buy for %1 SNT + + + + Uninstall + + + + Install + + + + Free + + + + Pending... + + + + Cancel + + + + Update + + + + + StatusStickersPopup + + You don't have any stickers yet + + + + Recently used stickers will appear here + + + + Get Stickers + + + + + StatusTagSelectorPage + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + + StatusUrlValidator + + Please enter a valid URL + + + + + StatusValidator + + invalid input + + + + + StatusWindowsTitleBar + + Status + + + + + SubheaderTabBar + + Step %1 of %2 + + + + + TabAddressSelectorView + + Saved + + + + My Accounts + + + + Recent + + + + Search for saved address + + + + No Saved Address + + + + No Recents + + + + + ToastMessage + + View on Etherscan + + + + Transaction pending... + + + + + TokenSettingsModal + + Manage Assets + + + + Add custom token + + + + + TokenSettingsModalContent + + Token details + + + + Remove token + + + + Custom + + + + Default + + + + + TouchIDAuthView + + Biometrics + + + + Would you like to use Touch ID +to login to Status? + + + + Yes, use Touch ID + + + + I prefer to use my password + + + + + TransactionBubbleView + + Transaction request + + + + ↑ Outgoing transaction + + + + ↓ Incoming transaction + + + + Token not found on your current network + + + + + TransactionDelegate + + From + + + + To + + + + At + + + + + TransactionModal + + Transaction Details + + + + confirmation(s) + + + + When the transaction has 12 confirmations you can consider it settled. + + + + Block + + + + Hash + + + + From + + + + To + + + + Gas limit + + + + Gas price + + + + Gas used + + + + Nonce + + + + + TransactionPreview + + From + + + + Recipient + + + + Unknown + + + + Asset + + + + Amount + + + + Network fee + + + + Data + + + + Data field + + + + + TransactionSigner + + You need to enter a password + + + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + Signing phrase + + + + Signing phrase is a 3 word combination that displayed when you entered the wallet on this device for the first time. + + + + Enter the password you use to unlock this device + + + + Password + + + + Enter password + + + + + UnblockContactConfirmationDialog + + Unblock User + + + + Unblocking will allow new messages you received from %1 to reach you. + + + + + UserListPanel + + Offline + + + + Online + + + + Inactive + + + + Do not disturb + + + + Idle + + + + + UserStatusContextMenu + + View My Profile + + + + Always online + + + + Inactive + + + + Set status automatically + + + + Online + + + + Offline + + + + + ViewProfileMenuItem + + View Profile + + + + + WakuNodesModal + + Waku nodes + + + + Use Waku nodes + + + + Select node automatically + + + + Waku Nodes + + + + Node %1 + + + + Add a new node + + + + + WalletFooter + + Send + + + + Receive + + + + Buy / Sell + + + + + WelcomeView + + Welcome to Status + + + + Your fully decentralized gateway to Ethereum and Web3. Crypto wallet, privacy first group chat, and dApp browser. + + + + I am new to Status + + + + I already use Status + + + + + main + + StatusQ Documentation App + + + + Status Desktop + + + + Open Status + + + + Quit + + + + diff --git a/ui/i18n/qml_bn.ts b/ui/i18n/qml_bn.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..552f36a49d --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/i18n/qml_bn.ts @@ -0,0 +1,19030 @@ + + + + + about-app + সম্বন্ধে + + + about-key-storage-content + Status কখনই আপনার Private key অ্যাক্সেস করবে না। আপনার বীজ বাক্যাংশ ব্যাকআপ করতে নিশ্চিত হোন। আপনি যদি আপনার ফোন হারিয়ে ফেলেন তাহলে এটি আপনার চাবি অ্যাক্সেস করার একমাত্র উপায়। + + + about-key-storage-title + কী স্টোরেজ সম্পর্কে + + + about-names-content + কেউ তোমার ভান করতে পারবে না! আপনি ডিফল্টভাবে বেনামী এবং কখনোই আপনার আসল নাম প্রকাশ করতে হবে না। আপনি একটি ছোট ফি জন্য একটি কাস্টম নাম নিবন্ধন করতে পারেন। + + + about-names-title + নাম পরিবর্তন করা যাবে না + + + access-key + অ্যাক্সেস কী + + + access-existing-keys + বিদ্যমান কীসমূহ অ্যাক্সেস করুন + + + accept-and-share-address + ঠিকানা গ্রহণ এবং শেয়ার করুন + + + account-added + অ্যাকাউন্ট যুক্ত হয়েছে + + + account-color + অ্যাকাউন্টের রং + + + anyone + যে কেউ + + + messages-from-contacts-only-subtitle + আপনার পরিচিতি হিসেবে যোগ করা লোকজনই আপনার সাথে নতুন চ্যাট শুরু করতে পারে অথবা আপনাকে একটি গ্রুপে আমন্ত্রণ জানাতে পারেন + + + accept-new-chats-from + গ্রহণ করুন নতুন চ্যাট থেকে + + + account-name + অ্যাকাউন্টের নাম + + + account-settings + অ্যাকাউন্ট সেটিংস + + + accounts + হিসাব + + + active-online + অনলাইন + + + active-unknown + অজানা + + + add + যুক্ত + + + add-a-watch-account + কেবলমাত্র দেখার জন্য ঠিকানা যুক্ত করুন + + + add-account + একটি অ্যাকাউন্ট যুক্ত করুন + + + add-account-description + আপনি আপনার স্ট্যাটাস ওয়ালেটে এটি যোগ করতে যেকোনো ধরনের ইথেরিয়াম অ্যাকাউন্ট আমদানি করতে পারেন + + + add-account-incorrect-password + পাসওয়ার্ডটি ভুল বলে মনে হচ্ছে। অ্যাপ্লিকেশনটি আনলক করতে আপনি যে পাসওয়ার্ডটি ব্যবহার করেন তা প্রবেশ করুন। + + + add-an-account + একটি অ্যাকাউন্ট যুক্ত করুন + + + add-bootnode + বুটনোড যুক্ত করুন + + + add-contact + পরিচিতি যুক্ত করুন + + + add-custom-token + কাস্টম টোকেন যুক্ত করুন + + + add-mailserver + স্ট্যাটাস নোড যুক্ত করুন + + + add-members + সদস্য যুক্ত করুন + + + add-network + নেটওয়ার্ক যুক্ত করুন + + + add-node + নোড যোগ করুন + + + add-to-contacts + পরিচিতিগুলিতে যুক্ত করুন + + + add-to-contacts-text + আপনার যোগাযোগ তালিকায় একজন ব্যবহারকারী যুক্ত করে, আপনি আপনার মানিব্যাগ ঠিকানা শেয়ার করুন + + + address + ঠিকানা + + + address-received + ঠিকানা গৃহীত হয়েছে + + + address-requested + ঠিকানা অনুরোধ করা হয়েছে + + + address-request-accepted + ঠিকানা অনুরোধ গৃহীত + + + advanced + উন্নত + + + advanced-settings + উন্নত সেটিংস + + + agree-by-continuing + আপনি কি একমত আমাদের সাথে? + + + all + সব + + + allow + অনুমতি দিন + + + allowing-authorizes-this-dapp + আপনার ওয়ালেট ঠিকানা পুনরুদ্ধার এবং Web3 সক্রিয় করতে এই DApp অনুমোদন দেন + + + already-have-asset + আপনার এই সম্পদ ইতিমধ্যেই আছে + + + amount + পরিমান + + + are-you-sure-description + আপনি পুরো বীজ বাক্যাংশটি আবার দেখতে পাবেন না + + + are-you-sure? + আপনি কি নিশ্চিত? + + + ask-in-status + একটি প্রশ্ন জিজ্ঞাসা করুন অথবা একটি বাগ প্রতিবেদন করুন + + + at + at + + + authorize + অনুমোদন করুন + + + available + উপলভ্য + + + available-participants + + আপনি আরও একটি অংশগ্রহণকারী নির্বাচন করতে পারেন + আপনি আরও অংশগ্রহণকারী {{count}}নির্বাচন করতে পারেন + + + + back + পেছনে + + + back-up-seed-phrase + বীজ বাক্যাংশ ব্যাক আপ করুন + + + back-up-your-seed-phrase + আপনার বীজ বাক্যাংশ ব্যাক আপ করুন + + + backup-recovery-phrase + বীজ বাক্যাংশ ব্যাক আপ করুন + + + balance + ভারসাম্য + + + begin-set-up + উপস্থাপনা শুরু করুন + + + biometric-auth-android-sensor-desc + স্পর্শ সেন্সর + + + biometric-auth-android-sensor-error-desc + ব্যর্থ + + + biometric-auth-android-title + প্রমাণীকরণ প্রয়োজন + + + biometric-auth-confirm-logout + পুনরায় লগ-ইন করুন + + + biometric-auth-confirm-message + বায়োমেট্রিক প্রমাণীকরণ অব্যাহত রাখা আবশ্যক, যদি সম্ভব না হয় অনুগ্রহ করে আপনার পাসওয়ার্ড বা পাসকোড দিয়ে আপনার কী আনলক করুন + + + biometric-auth-confirm-title + আপনাকে অবশ্যই প্রমাণীকরণ করতে হবে! + + + biometric-auth-confirm-try-again + আবার চেষ্টা করুন + + + biometric-auth-error + বায়োমেট্রিক প্রমাণীকরণ সম্পাদন করতে অক্ষম ({{code}}) + + + biometric-auth-login-error-title + বায়োমেট্রিক প্রমাণীকরণ ত্রুটি + + + biometric-auth-login-ios-fallback-label + পাসওয়ার্ড লিখুন + + + biometric-auth-reason-login + Status খুলুন + + + biometric-auth-reason-verify + প্রমাণীকরণ যাচাই করুন + + + biometric-secure-with + {{bio-type-label}} দিয়ে নিরাপদ + + + biometric-enable-keycard + আপনি যদি অ্যাপটি অ্যাক্সেস করতে প্রতিবার আপনার কীকার্ড ব্যবহার করতে না চান, {{bio-type-label}} সাইন ইন সক্রিয় করুন + + + biometric-enable + আপনি যদি অ্যাপটি অ্যাক্সেস করতে প্রতিবার আপনার পাসওয়ার্ড প্রবেশ করাতে না চান, {{bio-type-label}} সাইন ইন সক্রিয় করুন + + + biometric-disable-bioauth + {{bio-type-label}} নিষ্ক্রিয় করুন + + + biometric-disable-password-title + পাসওয়ার্ড সংরক্ষণ নিষ্ক্রিয় করুন + + + biometric-disable-password-description + আপনি যদি এটি অক্ষম করেন তবে আপনি এটিও করবেন + + + biometric-enable-button + {{bio-type-label}} সক্রিয় করুন + + + biometric-fingerprint + আঙ্গুলের ছাপ + + + biometric-faceid + ফেস আইডি + + + biometric-touchid + টাচ আইডি + + + blank-keycard-text + আপনি আপনার কী এবং নাম তৈরি করার পর আপনি আপনার কীকার্ড দিয়ে অগ্রসর হতে পারেন + + + blank-keycard-title + দেখে মনে হচ্ছে আপনি টেপ করেছেন + একটি ফাঁকা কিকার্ড + + + block + ব্লক + + + unblock + অবরোধ মুক্ত করুন + + + block-contact + এই ব্যবহারকারীকে অবরুদ্ধ করুন + + + block-contact-details + অবরোধ এই ব্যবহারকারীর পূর্ববর্তী বার্তাগুলি মুছে ফেলবে এবং নতুন বার্তাগুলি আপনার কাছে পৌঁছানো থেকে বিরত রাখবে + + + blocked-users + অবরুদ্ধ ব্যবহারকারী + + + bootnode-address + বুটনোড ঠিকানা + + + bootnode-details + বুটনোড বিস্তারিত + + + bootnode-format + এনোড: // {enode-id} @ {ip-address} : {port} + + + bootnodes + বুটনোডস + + + bootnodes-enabled + bootnodes সক্রিয় করা হয়েছে + + + bootnodes-settings + bootnodes সেটিংস + + + browsed-websites + ব্রাউজারের ইতিহাস এখানে প্রদর্শিত হবে + + + browser + ব্রাউজার + + + browser-not-secure + সংযোগ নিরাপদ নয়! লেনদেনে স্বাক্ষর করবেন না বা এই সাইটে ব্যক্তিগত ডেটা প্রেরণ করবেন না। + + + browser-secure + সংযোগটি সুরক্ষিত। লেনদেনগুলি স্বাক্ষর করার আগে বা ব্যক্তিগত ডেটা প্রবেশের আগে নিশ্চিত হয়ে নিন যে আপনি এই সাইটে সত্যই বিশ্বাস করছেন। + + + browsers + ব্রাউজারগুলি + + + browsing-cancel + বাতিল + + + browsing-open-in-android-web-browser + অ্যান্ড্রয়েডে খুলুন + + + browsing-open-in-ios-web-browser + iOS-এ খুলুন + + + browsing-open-in-status + Status খুলুন + + + browsing-site-blocked-description1 + আমরা এই ঠিকানা থেকে সম্ভাব্য বিদ্বেষপূর্ণ কার্যকলাপ সনাক্ত করেছি। আপনাকে এবং আপনার মানিব্যাগ রক্ষা করতে, আমরা আরো নেভিগেশন প্রতিরোধ করছি। আপনি যদি মনে করেন এটি একটি ত্রুটি, তাহলে আমাদের জানান। + + + browsing-site-blocked-description2 + পাবলিক চ্যাট। + + + browsing-site-blocked-go-back + ফিরে যাও + + + browsing-site-blocked-title + এই সাইটটি অবরুদ্ধ করা হয়েছে + + + browsing-title + ব্রাউজ করুন + + + bug-report + একটি বাগ রিপোর্ট করুন + + + bug-report-description + * বর্ণনা + + + bug-report-description-placeholder + আবশ্যক, খালি হতে পারে না + + + bug-report-steps + ধাপ পুনর্গঠন কর + + + bug-report-steps-placeholder + - অ্যাপ খুলুন +- কিছু একটা করুন +- এবং তারপর অন্য কিছু... + + + bug-report-submit-email + লগ আর্কাইভ সহ ইমেলের মাধ্যমে জমা দিন + + + bug-report-submit-gh-issue + লগ ছাড়া একটি GitHub সমস্যা জমা দিন + + + bug-report-too-short-description + বর্ণনা খুবই ছোট + + + camera-access-error + প্রয়োজনীয় ক্যামেরা অনুমতি দিতে, অনুগ্রহ করে আপনার সিস্টেম সেটিংসে যান এবং নিশ্চিত করুন যে Status > ক্যামেরা নির্বাচন করা হয়েছে। + + + can-not-add-yourself + এটি আপনি, চ্যাট শুরু করতে অন্য কাউকে বেছে নিন + + + cancel + বাতিল + + + cancel-keycard-setup + কী-কার্ড উপস্থাপনা বাতিল করুন + + + cannot-read-card + কার্ড পড়তে পারছি না। +অনুগ্রহ করে এটি আপনার ফোনের পিছনে ধরে রাখুন + + + cannot-use-default-pin + পাসকোড 000000 অনুমোদিত নয়। + দয়া করে অন্য নম্বরটি ব্যবহার করুন + + + card-is-blank + এই কার্ডটি ফাঁকা + + + card-reseted + কার্ড পুনরায় সেট করা হয়েছে + + + card-unpaired + বর্তমান ডিভাইস থেকে কার্ড আনপেয়ার করা হয়েছে + + + change-fleet + {{fleet}} এ fleet পরিবর্তন করুন + + + change-log-level + লগ স্তরটি {{log-level}} to এ পরিবর্তন করতে অ্যাপটিকে নিশ্চিত করুন এবং পুনরায় চালু করুন + + + change-logging-enabled + আপনি কি নিশ্চিত যে আপনি {{enable}} লগিং করতে চান? + + + change-passcode + পাসকোড পরিবর্তন করুন + + + change-password + পাসওয়ার্ড পরিবর্তন করুন + + + change-pin + ৬-সংখ্যার পাসকোড পরিবর্তন করুন + + + change-puk + 12-সংখ্যার PUK পরিবর্তন করুন + + + change-pairing + পেয়ারিং কোড পরিবর্তন করুন + + + change-pairing-title + একটি নতুন পেয়ারিং কোড তৈরি করুন + + + change-pairing-description + পেয়ারিং কোড পরিবর্তন করা বর্তমান পেয়ারিংগুলিকে প্রভাবিত করে না। যাইহোক, যে কোন নতুন পেয়ারিং এর জন্য নতুন কোডের প্রয়োজন হবে। + + + changed-amount-warning + {{old}} থেকে {{new}} পর্যন্ত পরিমাণ পরিবর্তন করা হয়েছে + + + changed-asset-warning + সম্পদ {{old}} থেকে {{new}} পরিবর্তন করা হয়েছে + + + chaos-mode + বিশৃঙ্খলা মোড + + + chaos-unicorn-day + বিশৃঙ্খলা ইউনিকর্ন দিবস + + + chaos-unicorn-day-details + 🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🚀! + + + chat + আলাপ + + + chat-and-transact + বন্ধুদের সাথে গোপনে চ্যাট করুন এবং লেনদেন করুন + + + chat-key + চ্যাট কী + + + chat-name + + + + chat-settings + চ্যাট সেটিংস + + + chats + আড্ডা + + + check-your-recovery-phrase + আপনার seed phrase পরীক্ষা করুন + + + choose-authentication-method + একটি প্রমাণীকরণ পদ্ধতি চয়ন করুন + + + clear + পরিষ্কার + + + clear-all + সব পরিষ্কার করে দাও + + + clear-history + ইতিহাস পরিষ্কার করুন + + + clear-history-action + পরিষ্কার + + + clear-history-confirmation + ইতিহাস সাফ করবেন? + + + clear-history-confirmation-content + আপনি কি নিশ্চিত যে আপনি এই চ্যাটের ইতিহাস মুছে ফেলতে চান? + + + clear-history-title + ইতিহাস সাফ করবেন? + + + close + বন্ধ + + + close-app-button + নিশ্চিত + + + close-app-content + অ্যাপটি বন্ধ হয়ে যাবে এবং বন্ধ হবে। আপনি যখন এটি পুনরায় খুলবেন, নির্বাচিত নেটওয়ার্কটি ব্যবহৃত হবে + + + close-app-title + সতর্কীকরণ! + + + command-button-send + প্রেরণ + + + communities + কমিউনিটি + + + community-members + + সদস্য + সদস্যরা + + + + members-label + সদস্যরা + + + open-membership + উন্মুক্ত সদস্যপদ + + + member-kick + কিক সদস্য + + + member-ban + নিষিদ্ধ সদস্য + + + membership-requests + সদস্যপদের অনুরোধ + + + community-members-title + সদস্যরা + + + community-requests-to-join-title + সদস্যপদের অনুরোধ + + + name-your-channel + আপনার চ্যানেলের নাম দিন + + + name-your-channel-placeholder + চ্যানেলের নাম + + + give-a-short-description + একটি সংক্ষিপ্ত বিবরণ দিন + + + describe-channel + চ্যানেলটি বর্ণনা করুন + + + communities-alpha + সম্প্রদায় (আলফা) + + + communities-verified + ✓ যাচাইকৃত স্থিতি সম্প্রদায় + + + communities-enabled + সম্প্রদায় সক্ষম + + + request-access + অ্যাক্সেসের অনুরোধ করুন + + + membership-request-pending + সদস্যপদের আবেদন মুলতুবি + + + create-community + একটি সম্প্রদায় তৈরি করুন + + + create-category + বিভাগ তৈরি করুন + + + rearrange-categories + শ্রেণীবিন্যাস পুনর্বিন্যাস করুন + + + edited + সম্পাদিত + + + edit-community + সম্প্রদায় সম্পাদনা করুন + + + editing-message + বার্তা সম্পাদনা করা হচ্ছে + + + community-edit-title + সম্প্রদায় সম্পাদনা করুন + + + community-invite-title + আমন্ত্রণ + + + community-share-title + ভাগ করুন + + + invite + + + + create-channel + একটি চ্যানেল তৈরি করুন + + + import-community + একটি সম্প্রদায় আমদানি করুন + + + import-community-title + একটি সম্প্রদায় আমদানি করুন + + + name-your-community + আপনার সম্প্রদায়ের নাম দিন + + + name-your-community-placeholder + একটি আকর্ষণীয় নাম + + + give-a-short-description-community + একটি সংক্ষিপ্ত বিবরণ দিন + + + new-community-title + নতুন সম্প্রদায় + + + new-category + নতুন বিভাগ + + + category-title + বিভাগের শিরোনাম + + + membership-title + সদস্যপদের প্রয়োজনীয়তা + + + create-channel-title + নতুন চ্যানেল + + + edit-channel-title + চ্যানেল সম্পাদনা করুন + + + community-thumbnail-image + থাম্বনেইল ছবি + + + community-emoji-thumbnail-title + থাম্বনেইল + + + community-thumbnail-upload + আপলোড + + + community-image-take + একটি ছবি তুলুন + + + community-image-pick + একটি চিত্র বাছাই করুন + + + community-image-remove + অপসারণ + + + community-color + কমিউনিটির রঙ + + + community-link + কমিউনিটি লিঙ্ক + + + community-color-placeholder + একটি রঙ বেছে নিন + + + membership-button + সদস্যপদের প্রয়োজনীয়তা + + + membership-none + কিছুই না + + + membership-none-placeholder + আপনি নতুন সদস্যদের যোগদানের আগে নির্দিষ্ট মানদণ্ড পূরণ করতে পারেন। এটি যে কোন সময় পরিবর্তন করা যেতে পারে + + + membership-approval + অনুমোদন প্রয়োজন + + + membership-approval-description + আপনার কমিউনিটি যোগদানের জন্য স্বাধীন, কিন্তু নতুন সদস্যদের প্রথমে কমিউনিটি নির্মাতার অনুমোদন প্রয়োজন + + + membership-invite + অন্য সদস্যের আমন্ত্রণ প্রয়োজন + + + membership-invite-description + আপনার সম্প্রদায় শুধুমাত্র বিদ্যমান সম্প্রদায়ের সদস্যদের একটি আমন্ত্রণ দ্বারা যোগদান করা যেতে পারে + + + membership-ens + ইএনএস ব্যবহারকারীর নাম প্রয়োজন + + + membership-ens-description + আপনার সম্প্রদায়ের যোগদান করতে সক্ষম হওয়ার জন্য একটি ইএনএস ব্যবহারকারীর নাম প্রয়োজন + + + membership-free + কোন প্রয়োজনীয়তা নেই + + + membership-free-description + আপনার কমিউনিটি যে কেউ যোগদানের জন্য বিনামূল্যে + + + community-roles + ভূমিকা + + + community-key + কমিউনিটি প্রাইভেট কী + + + community-key-placeholder + আপনার সম্প্রদায়ের ব্যক্তিগত কী লিখুন + + + leave-community + সম্প্রদায় ত্যাগ করুন + + + enter-user-pk + ব্যবহারকারী পাবলিক কী লিখুন + + + import + আমদানি + + + complete-hardwallet-setup + এই কার্ডটি এখন সংযুক্ত। আপনার লেনদেনগুলি স্বাক্ষর করতে এবং আপনার কীগুলি আনলক করার জন্য এটি দরকার + + + chat-notification-preferences + বিজ্ঞপ্তি সেটিংস + + + completed + সম্পূর্ণ + + + confirm + নিশ্চিত + + + confirmation-request + নিশ্চিতকরণ অনুরোধ + + + confirmations + নিশ্চিতকরণ + + + confirmations-helper-text + যখন লেনদেনের 12 টি নিশ্চয়তা থাকে আপনি এটিকে নিষ্পত্তি হিসাবে বিবেচনা করতে পারেন। + + + connect + সংযোগ করুন + + + connect-mailserver-content + {{name}}-এ সংযোগ করুন? + + + connected + সংযুক্ত + + + connected-to + সংযুক্ত + + + connecting + সংযুক্ত হচ্ছে ... + + + connecting-requires-login + অন্য নেটওয়ার্কের সাথে সংযোগ স্থাপনের জন্য লগইন প্রয়োজন + + + connection-with-the-card-lost + কার্ডের সাথে সংযোগ + বিচ্ছিন্ন হয়েছে + + + connection-with-the-card-lost-setup-text + উপস্থাপনা পুনরায় শুরু করতে কার্ডটি ধরে রাখুন + আপনার ফোনের পিছনে এবং রক্ষণাবেক্ষণ + ফোন যোগাযোগে কার্ড + + + connection-with-the-card-lost-text + আপনার ফোনের পিছনে কার্ডটি ধরে রাখুন + + + contact-code + চ্যাট কী + + + contact-s + + যোগাযোগ + যোগাযোগ + + + + contacts + যোগাযোগ + + + continue + চালিয়ে যান + + + contract-address + চুক্তির ঠিকানা + + + contract-interaction + চুক্তি মিথস্ক্রিয়া + + + copy-info + তথ্য অনুলিপি করুন + + + copy-qr + কোড অনুলিপি করুন + + + copy-to-clipboard + অনুলিপি + + + copy-transaction-hash + লেনদেন আইডি অনুলিপি করুন + + + cost-fee + খরচ / ফি + + + counter-9-plus + ৯+ + + + counter-99-plus + ৯৯+ + + + create + তৈরি + + + create-a-pin + একটি 6-সংখ্যার পাসকোড তৈরি করুন + + + create-a-puk + একটি 12 সংখ্যার পিইউকে তৈরি করুন + + + create-group-chat + গ্রুপ চ্যাট তৈরি করুন + + + create-multiaccount + কী তৈরি করুন + + + create-new-key + নতুন চাবি পান + + + create-pin + 6-সংখ্যার পাসকোড তৈরি করুন + + + create-pin-description + Status আনলক করতে এবং লেনদেন নিশ্চিত করতে আপনার কার্ড + এই ৬ ডিজিটের পাসকোড প্রয়োজন হবে + + + created-group-chat-description + আপনি গ্রুপটি তৈরি করেছেন + + + members-count + {{count}} সদস্য + + + cryptokitty-name + ক্রিপ্টোকিটি #{id}} + + + currency + মুদ্রা + + + currency-display-name-aed + আমিরাতি দিরহাম + + + currency-display-name-afn + আফগানিস্তান আফগানি + + + currency-display-name-ars + আর্জেন্টিনা পেসো + + + currency-display-name-aud + অস্ট্রেলিয়ান ডলার + + + currency-display-name-bbd + বার্বাডোস ডলার + + + currency-display-name-bdt + বাংলাদেশী টাকা + + + currency-display-name-bgn + বুলগেরিয়ান লেভ + + + currency-display-name-bhd + বাহরাইনি দিনার + + + currency-display-name-bnd + ব্রুনাই দারুসসালাম ডলার + + + currency-display-name-bob + বলিভিয়া বলিভিয়ানো + + + currency-display-name-brl + ব্রাজিল রিয়াল + + + currency-display-name-btn + ভুটানি এনগল্ট্রাম + + + currency-display-name-cad + কানাডা ডলার + + + currency-display-name-chf + সুইজারল্যান্ড ফ্রাঙ্ক + + + currency-display-name-clp + চিলি পেসো + + + currency-display-name-cny + চীন ইউয়ান রেনমিনবি + + + currency-display-name-cop + কলম্বিয়া পেসো + + + currency-display-name-crc + কোস্টা রিকা কোলন + + + currency-display-name-czk + চেক কুরুনা + + + currency-display-name-dkk + ডেনমার্ক ক্রোন + + + currency-display-name-dop + ডোমিনিকান রিপাবলিক পেসো + + + currency-display-name-egp + মিশর পাউন্ড + + + currency-display-name-etb + ইথিওপিয়ান বির + + + currency-display-name-eur + ইউরো + + + currency-display-name-gbp + ব্রিটিশ পাউন্ড + + + currency-display-name-gel + জর্জিয়ান লারি + + + currency-display-name-ghs + ঘানা সেদি + + + currency-display-name-hkd + হংকং ডলার + + + currency-display-name-hrk + ক্রোয়েশিয়া কুনা + + + currency-display-name-huf + হাঙ্গেরি ফরিন্ট + + + currency-display-name-idr + ইন্দোনেশিয়া রুপিয়া + + + currency-display-name-ils + ইজরায়েল শেকেল + + + currency-display-name-inr + ভারত রুপি + + + currency-display-name-isk + আইসল্যান্ড ক্রোনা + + + currency-display-name-jmd + জ্যামাইকা ডলার + + + currency-display-name-jpy + জাপানি ইয়েন + + + currency-display-name-kes + কেনিয়ান শিলিং + + + currency-display-name-krw + কোরিয়া (দক্ষিণ) ওন + + + currency-display-name-kwd + কুয়েতি দিনার + + + currency-display-name-kzt + কাজাখস্তান টেঙ্গে + + + currency-display-name-lkr + শ্রীলংকা রুপি + + + currency-display-name-mad + মরোক্কোর দিরহাম + + + currency-display-name-mdl + মোল্দোভান লেউ + + + currency-display-name-mur + মরিশাস রুপি + + + currency-display-name-mwk + মালাউয়ান কোয়াছা + + + currency-display-name-mxn + মেক্সিকো পেসো + + + currency-display-name-myr + মালয়েশিয়া রিংগিত + + + currency-display-name-mzn + মোজাম্বিক মেটিক্যাল + + + currency-display-name-nad + নামিবিয়া ডলার + + + currency-display-name-ngn + নাইজেরিয়া নাইরা + + + currency-display-name-nok + নরওয়ে ক্রোন + + + currency-display-name-npr + নেপাল রুপি + + + currency-display-name-nzd + নিউজিল্যান্ড ডলার + + + currency-display-name-omr + ওমান রিয়াল + + + currency-display-name-pen + পেরু সোল + + + currency-display-name-pgk + পাপুয়া নিউ গিনি কিনা + + + currency-display-name-php + ফিলিপাইন পেসো + + + currency-display-name-pkr + পাকিস্তান রুপি + + + currency-display-name-pln + পোল্যান্ড জলোটি + + + currency-display-name-pyg + প্যারাগুয়ে গুয়ারানি + + + currency-display-name-qar + কাতার রিয়াল + + + currency-display-name-ron + রুমানিয়া লিউ + + + currency-display-name-rsd + সার্বিয়া দিনার + + + currency-display-name-rub + রাশিয়া রুবেল + + + currency-display-name-sar + সৌদি আরব রিয়াল + + + currency-display-name-sek + সুইডেন ক্রোনা + + + currency-display-name-sgd + সিঙ্গাপুর ডলার + + + currency-display-name-thb + থাইল্যান্ড বাহত + + + currency-display-name-try + তুর্কি লিরা + + + currency-display-name-ttd + ত্রিনিদাদ ও টোবাগো ডলার + + + currency-display-name-twd + তাইওয়ান নিউ ডলার + + + currency-display-name-tzs + তানজানিয়ান শিলিং + + + currency-display-name-uah + ইউক্রেন রিভনিয়া + + + currency-display-name-ugx + উগান্ডার শিলিং + + + currency-display-name-usd + মার্কিন যুক্তরাষ্ট্র ডলার + + + currency-display-name-uyu + উরুগুয়ে পেসো + + + currency-display-name-vef + ভেনেজুয়েলা বলিভার + + + currency-display-name-vnd + ভিয়েতনাম ডং + + + currency-display-name-zar + দক্ষিণ আফ্রিকা র্যান্ড + + + current-network + বর্তমান নেটওয়ার্ক + + + current-pin + 6-ডিজিটের পাসকোড প্রবেশ করান + + + current-pin-description + অগ্রসর হতে আপনার ৬-ডিজিটের পাসকোড প্রবেশ করান + + + custom + কাস্টম + + + custom-networks + পছন্দসই নেটওয়ার্ক + + + dapp + DApp + + + dapp-would-like-to-connect-wallet + সংযোগ করতে চান + + + dapps + DApps + + + dapps-permissions + DApp অনুমতি + + + data + ডাটা + + + datetime-ago + আগে + + + datetime-ago-format + {{number}} {{time-intervals}} {{ago}} + + + datetime-ago-format-short + {{number}} {{time-intervals}} + + + datetime-day + + দিন + দিন + + + + datetime-hour + + ঘন্টা + ঘন্টা + + + + datetime-minute + + সময় + সময় + + + + datetime-second + + + সেগেন্ড + + + + datetime-day-short + + D + D + + + + datetime-hour-short + + H + H + + + + datetime-minute-short + + M + M + + + + datetime-second-short + + S + S + + + + datetime-today + আজ + + + datetime-yesterday + গতকাল + + + decimals + দশমিক + + + decline + প্রত্যাখ্যান করুন + + + decryption-failed-content + আপনার উপাত্ত ডিক্রিপ্ট করতে একটি ত্রুটি সংঘটিত হয়েছে। আপনার হয়ত আপনার পুরনো ডেটা মুছে ফেলতে হবে এবং একটি নতুন অ্যাকাউন্ট তৈরি করতে হবে। আবার চেষ্টা করতে মুছে ফেলতে "প্রয়োগ করুন" ট্যাপ করুন অথবা "বাতিল করুন" ট্যাপ করুন + + + default + ডিফল্ট + + + delete + মুছে ফেলা + + + delete-and-leave-group + মুছে ফেলুন এবং দল ছেড়ে দিন + + + delete-bootnode + bootnode মুছে ফেলুন + + + delete-bootnode-are-you-sure + আপনি কি নিশ্চিত যে আপনি এই bootnode টি মুছে ফেলতে চান? + + + delete-bootnode-title + bootnode মুছুন + + + delete-chat + চ্যাট মুছুন + + + delete-chat-confirmation + আপনি কি নিশ্চিত যে আপনি এই চ্যাটটি মুছে ফেলতে চান? + + + delete-category-confirmation + আপনি কি এই বিভাগটি মুছে ফেলার বিষয়ে নিশ্চিত? + + + + delete-confirmation + মুছে ফেলা? + + + delete-mailserver + ইতিহাস নোড মুছে ফেলুন + + + delete-mailserver-are-you-sure + আপনি কি নিশ্চিত যে আপনি এই ইতিহাস নোডটি মুছে ফেলতে চান? + + + delete-mailserver-title + ইতিহাস নোড মুছে ফেলুন + + + delete-message + বার্তা মুছে ফেলুন + + + delete-my-account + আমার অ্যাকাউন্ট মুছে ফেলুন + + + delete-network-confirmation + আপনি কি নিশ্চিত যে আপনি এই নেটওয়ার্কটি মুছে ফেলতে চান? + + + delete-network-error + এটি মুছে ফেলার আগে অনুগ্রহ করে একটি ভিন্ন নেটওয়ার্কে সংযোগ করুন + + + delete-network-title + নেটওয়ার্ক মুছে ফেলা হবে? + + + delete-node + নোড মুছুন + + + delete-node-are-you-sure + আপনি কি নিশ্চিত যে আপনি এই নোডটি মুছতে চান? + + + delete-node-title + নোড মুছে দিন + + + delete-profile + প্রোফাইল মুছে ফেলুন + + + delete-my-profile + আমার প্রোফাইল মুছে ফেলুন + + + delete-profile-warning + সতর্কীকরণ: আপনার যদি আপনার বীজ বাক্যাংশ লেখা না থাকে, আপনি আপনার প্রোফাইল মুছে ফেলার পর আপনার তহবিলে প্রবেশাধিকার হারাবেন + + + profile-deleted-title + প্রোফাইল মুছে ফেলা হয়েছে + + + profile-deleted-content + আপনার প্রোফাইল সফলভাবে মুছে ফেলা হয়েছে + + + profile-deleted-keycard + আপনি এখন আপনার কীকার্ডে অন্য কীপেয়ার পুনরুদ্ধার করতে পারেন + + + deny + অস্বীকার করুন + + + description + বর্ণনা + + + dev-mode + ডেভলপমেন্ট মোড + + + dev-mode-settings + উন্নয়ন মোড সেটিংস + + + device-syncing + ডিভাইস এককালবর্তীকরণ + + + devices + ডিভাইসগুলি + + + disable + অক্ষম + + + disabled + অক্ষম + + + disconnected + অফলাইনে চ্যাট করুন + + + discover + আবিষ্কার করুন + + + dismiss + বরখাস্ত করুন + + + done + সম্পন্ন হয়েছে + + + edit + সম্পাদনা + + + edit-group + গোষ্ঠী সম্পাদনা করুন + + + edit-profile + প্রোফাইল সম্পাদনা করুন + + + empty-chat-description + কোন বার্তা নেই +এই আড্ডায় এখনো + + + empty-chat-description-one-to-one + আপনি এখানে যে কোনও বার্তা প্রেরণ করেন তা এনক্রিপ্ট করা হয় এবং কেবল আপনি এবং এর মাধ্যমে পড়তে পারেন + + + empty-chat-description-public + এটি এখানে শেষ {{quiet-hours}} এর জন্য কথোপকথন শুরু করুন + বা + + + cleared-chat-description-public + এটা এখানে শান্ত হয়েছে. কথোপকথন শুরু করুন বা + + + empty-chat-description-community + এখানে শেষবারের মতো শান্ত ছিল{{quiet-hours}} + + + empty-chat-description-public-share-this + এই চ্যাটটি শেয়ার করুন + + + enable + সক্ষম করুন + + + encrypt-with-password + পাসওয়ার্ড সহ এনক্রিপ্ট করুন + + + ens-10-SNT + ১০ SNT + + + ens-add-username + ব্যবহারকারীর নাম যুক্ত করুন + + + ens-agree-to + সম্মত হন + + + ens-chat-settings + চ্যাট সেটিংস + + + ens-custom-domain + কাস্টম ডোমেইন + + + ens-custom-username-hints + username.domain.eth-এর মতো কাস্টম ডোমেইন সহ সম্পূর্ণ ব্যবহারকারীর নাম টাইপ করুন + + + ens-custom-username-taken + ব্যবহারকারীর নাম আপনার সাথে সম্পর্কিত নয় :( + + + ens-deposit + আমানত + + + ens-displayed-with + আপনার বার্তাগুলি অন্যদের সাথে প্রদর্শিত হয় + + + ens-get-name + একটি সার্বজনীন ব্যবহারকারীর নাম পান + + + ens-got-it + ঠিক আছে, বুঝতে পেরেছি + + + ens-locked + ব্যবহারকারীর নাম লক করা হয়েছে। {{date}} পর্যন্ত আপনি এটি প্রকাশ করতে পারবেন না + + + ens-network-restriction + শুধুমাত্র mainnet উপলভ্য + + + ens-no-usernames + আপনার সাথে কোনও ব্যবহারকারীর নাম সংযুক্ত নেই + + + ens-powered-by + ইথেরিয়াম নাম সেবা দ্বারা চালিত + + + ens-primary-username + প্রাথমিক ব্যবহারকারীর নাম + + + ens-register + নিবন্ধন + + + ens-registration-in-progress + নিবন্ধন চলছে... + + + ens-registration-failure + নিবন্ধন ব্যর্থ হয়েছে + + + ens-dismiss-message + বরখাস্ত করতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন + + + ens-registration-failed + ব্যবহারকারীর নাম নিবন্ধন করতে, অনুগ্রহ করে আবার চেষ্টা করুন। + + + ens-registration-failed-title + লেনদেন ব্যর্থ হয়েছে + + + ens-release-username + ব্যবহারকারীর নাম প্রকাশ করুন + + + ens-remove-hints + অপসারণ আপনার কী থেকে ব্যবহারকারীর নামটি পৃথক করবে। + + + ens-remove-username + ব্যবহারকারীর নাম অপসারণ করুন + + + ens-saved + এখন আপনার চ্যাট কী-এর সাথে সংযুক্ত এবং Status ব্যবহার করা যাবে। + + + ens-saved-title + ব্যবহারকারীর নাম যুক্ত করা হয়েছে + + + ens-show-username + চ্যাটগুলিতে আমার ENS ব্যবহারকারীর নামটি দেখান + + + ens-terms-header + নাম নিবন্ধনের শর্তাবলী + + + ens-terms-point-1 + তহবিল 1 বছরের জন্য জমা হয়। আপনার SNT লক হয়ে যাবে, তবে ব্যয় হবে না। + + + ens-terms-point-10 + 0x0000000000C2E074eC69A0dFb2997BA6C7d2e1e (ENS রেজিস্ট্রি)। + + + ens-terms-point-2 + 1 বছর পরে, আপনি নামটি প্রকাশ করতে পারেন এবং আপনার আমানত ফিরে পেতে পারেন, বা নাম রাখার জন্য কোনও পদক্ষেপ নিতে পারবেন না। + + + ens-terms-point-3 + যদি চুক্তির শর্তাবলী পরিবর্তিত হয় - উদাহরণস্বরূপ Status চুক্তি আপগ্রেড করে - ব্যবহারকারীর সময় নির্বিশেষে ব্যবহারকারীর নাম প্রকাশ করার অধিকার আছে। + + + ens-terms-point-4 + চুক্তি নিয়ন্ত্রক আপনার জমা দেওয়া তহবিল অ্যাক্সেস করতে পারে না। এগুলি কেবল তাদের পাঠানো ঠিকানায় ফিরে যেতে পারে। + + + ens-terms-point-5 + আপনার ঠিকানা(es) আপনার ENS নামের সাথে জনসম্মুখে সংযুক্ত করা হবে। + + + ens-terms-point-6 + ব্যবহারকারীর নামগুলি stateofus.eth এর সাবডোমেন নোড হিসাবে তৈরি করা হয় এবং ENS স্মার্ট চুক্তির শর্ত সাপেক্ষে। + + + ens-terms-point-7 + আপনি আপনার পক্ষ থেকে SNT স্থানান্তরের চুক্তির অনুমোদন দেন। আপনি যখন স্থানান্তরের অনুমোদন দেওয়ার জন্য একটি লেনদেন অনুমোদন করেন তখনই এটি ঘটতে পারে। + + + ens-terms-point-8 + এই শর্তাবলী ঠিকানায় স্মার্ট কন্ট্রাক্ট লজিক দ্বারা গ্যারান্টি দেওয়া হয়। + + + ens-terms-point-9 + {{address}} (Status ইউজারনেম রেজিস্ট্রার) + + + ens-terms-registration + নাম নিবন্ধনের শর্তাবলী। + + + ens-test-message + আরে + + + ens-transaction-pending + লেনদেন স্থগিত... + + + ens-understand + আমি বুঝতে পারছি যে আমার মানিব্যাগের ঠিকানা আমার ব্যবহারকারীর নামের সাথে প্রকাশ্যে সংযুক্ত করা হবে। + + + ens-username + ENS ব্যবহারকারীর নাম + + + ens-username-available + ✓ ব্যবহারকারীর নাম উপলব্ধ! + + + ens-username-connected + এই ব্যবহারকারীর নামটি আপনার মালিকানাধীন এবং আপনার চ্যাট কী-এর সাথে সংযুক্ত। + + + ens-username-connection-confirmation + লেনদেন সম্পন্ন হলে {{username}} সংযুক্ত হবে। + + + ens-username-hints + কমপক্ষে ৪ টি অক্ষর। লাতিন বর্ণ, সংখ্যা এবং কেবল ছোট হাতের অক্ষর। + + + ens-username-invalid + শুধু অক্ষর এবং সংখ্যা. + + + ens-username-owned + ® ব্যবহারকারীর নাম আপনার মালিকানাধীন। + + + ens-username-registration-confirmation + চমৎকার! লেনদেন সম্পূর্ণ হলে আপনি {{username}} এর মালিক। + + + ens-username-you-can-follow-progress + আপনি আপনার মানিব্যাগের লেনদেন ইতিহাস বিভাগের অগ্রগতি অনুসরণ করতে পারেন। + + + ens-usernames + ENS ব্যবহারকারীর নাম + + + ens-usernames-details + অন্যান্য ব্যবহারকারীদের দ্বারা সহজে স্বীকৃত হতে একটি সার্বজনীন ব্যবহারকারীর নাম নিবন্ধন করুন + + + wallet-address + মানিব্যাগের ঠিকানা + + + ens-want-custom-domain + আমি অন্য ডোমেইনে একটি নামের মালিক + + + ens-want-domain + আমি একটি stateofus.eth ডোমেইন চাই + + + ens-welcome-hints + ইএনএস নামগুলি সেই উন্মাদ-দীর্ঘ ঠিকানাগুলিকে অনন্য ব্যবহারকারীর নামে রূপান্তরিত করে। + + + ens-welcome-point-customize + একটি ENS নাম চ্যাটে আপনার এলোমেলো 3-শব্দের নাম প্রতিস্থাপন করতে পারে. {{name}} এর পরিবর্তে @yourname হবে। + + + ens-welcome-point-customize-title + আপনার চ্যাট নামটি কাস্টমাইজ করুন + + + ens-welcome-point-simplify + আপনি আপনার হেক্সাডেসিমাল হ্যাশ (0x ...) এর পরিবর্তে আপনার সহজেই ভাগ করে নেওয়ার জন্য ENS নামে তহবিলগুলি পেতে পারেন। + + + ens-welcome-point-simplify-title + আপনার ETH ঠিকানা সরল করুন + + + ens-welcome-point-receive + অন্যরা আপনাকে একটি সহজ ধাপে চ্যাটের মাধ্যমে ফান্ড পাঠাতে পারেন। + + + ens-welcome-point-receive-title + চ্যাটে লেনদেন গ্রহণ করুন + + + ens-welcome-point-register + নাম চিরকাল রাখার জন্য একবার নিবন্ধন করুন। ১ বছর পর আপনি নাম প্রকাশ করতে পারেন এবং আপনার SNT ফেরত পেতে পারেন। + + + ens-welcome-point-register-title + নিবন্ধন করতে ১০ টি SNT + + + ens-welcome-point-verify + আপনি পরবর্তী পদক্ষেপগুলিতে নিজের মালিকানাধীন যে কোনও ব্যবহারকারীর নামটি যাচাই করতে এবং যুক্ত করতে পারেন। + + + ens-welcome-point-verify-title + ইতোমধ্যে একটি ব্যবহারকারীর নামের মালিক? + + + ens-your-username + আপনার ব্যবহারকারীর নাম + + + ens-your-usernames + আপনার ব্যবহারকারীর নাম + + + ens-your-your-name + আপনার ENS নাম + + + ens-username-already-added + ব্যবহারকারীর নামটি ইতিমধ্যে আপনার চ্যাট কীটির সাথে সংযুক্ত এবং Status অভ্যন্তরে ব্যবহার করা যেতে পারে। + + + ens-username-connected-continue + চ্যাটে আমার ENS ব্যবহারকারীর নাম দেখান' সেট অব্যাহত রাখুন। + + + ens-username-connected-with-different-key + অব্যাহত রাখার জন্য আপনার বর্তমান চ্যাট কী-এর সাথে ব্যবহারকারীর নাম সংযুক্ত করতে একটি লেনদেনের প্রয়োজন হবে। + + + ens-username-owned-continue + অব্যাহত রাখা এই ব্যবহারকারীর নামকে আপনার চ্যাট কী-এর সাথে সংযুক্ত করবে। + + + ens-username-taken + ব্যবহারকারীর নাম ইতিমধ্যেই নেওয়া :( + + + ens-name-not-found + ENS নামটি সমাধান করতে পারে না + + + ens-username-registration-invalid + সতর্কতা ! রেজিস্ট্রেশন প্রক্রিয়া অবৈধ অবস্থায় শেষ হয়েছে। ওয়ালেট লেনদেনের জন্য নামটি ব্যবহার করবেন না এবং support@status.im-এ আমাদের সহায়তার সাথে যোগাযোগ করুন + + + ens-username-invalid-name-warning + আপনার নামগুলির একটির নিবন্ধন প্রক্রিয়া অবৈধ অবস্থায় শেষ হয়েছে৷ ওয়ালেট লেনদেনের জন্য নামটি ব্যবহার করবেন না এবং support@status.im-এ আমাদের সহায়তার সাথে যোগাযোগ করুন + + + enter-12-words + আপনার seed phrase এর 12 টি শব্দ লিখুন, একক স্পেস দ্বারা পৃথক করে + + + enter-a-private-key + একটি ব্যক্তিগত কী লিখুন + + + enter-a-seed-phrase + Seed phrase প্রবেশ করান + + + enter-address + ঠিকানা লিখুন + + + enter-contact-code + ই এন এস (vitalik94) অথবা চ্যাট কী (0x04…) + + + enter-pair-code + আপনার জোড়া কোড প্রবেশ করান + + + pair-code-placeholder + জোড়া কোড... + + + enter-pair-code-description + কী-কার্ড উপস্থাপনার সময় আপনার কাছে জোড়া কোড প্রদর্শিত হয়েছিল + + + enter-password + পাসওয়ার্ড প্রবেশ করান + + + enter-password-migration-prompt + আপনার কীগুলির সাথে পরিচিতি, চ্যাট এবং সেটিংস সরাতে আপনার পাসওয়ার্ড লিখুন + + + migration-successful + মাইগ্রেশন সফল + + + migration-successful-text + অ্যাকাউন্ট সফলভাবে কীকার্ডে স্থানান্তরিত হয়েছে + + + skip + এড়িয়ে যান + + + password-placeholder + পাসওয়ার্ড।।। + + + confirm-password-placeholder + আপনার পাসওয়ার্ড নিশ্চিত করুন... + + + enter-pin + 6-ডিজিটের পাসকোড প্রবেশ করান + + + enter-puk-code + PUK কোড প্রবেশ করান + + + enter-puk-code-description + 6-সংখ্যার পাসকোড ব্লক করা হয়েছে। + পাসকোড অবরোধ মুক্ত করতে দয়া করে PUK কোড প্রবেশ করুন। + + + enter-recipient-address-or-username + প্রাপকের ঠিকানা বা ব্যবহারকারীর নাম লিখুন + + + enter-seed-phrase + বীজ বাক্যাংশ লিখুন + + + enter-url + ইউআরএল লিখুন + + + enter-watch-account-address + একটি QR কোড স্ক্যান করুন +বা +দেখার জন্য ঠিকানা প্রবেশ করান + + + enter-word + শব্দ লিখুন + + + enter-your-code + আপনার 6-সংখ্যার পাসকোড প্রবেশ করান + + + enter-your-password + আপনার পাসওয়ার্ড লিখুন + + + error + ত্রুটি + + + error-unable-to-get-balance + ভারসাম্য পেতে অক্ষম + + + error-unable-to-get-prices + মুদ্রা রূপান্তর ত্রুটি। আবার চেষ্টা করতে আপনার স্ক্রীন সতেজ করুন। + + + error-unable-to-get-token-balance + টোকেন ব্যালেন্স পেতে অক্ষম + + + errors + ত্রুটি + + + eth + ETH + + + ethereum-node-started-incorrectly-description + ভুল কনফিগারেশন দিয়ে Ethereum নোড শুরু করা হয়েছে, সেই অবস্থা থেকে পুনরুদ্ধার করতে প্রয়োগণ বন্ধ করা হবে। কনফিগার করা নেটওয়ার্ক id = {{network-id}} actual = {{fetched-network-id}} + + + ethereum-node-started-incorrectly-title + Ethereum নোডটি ভুলভাবে শুরু হয়েছে + + + etherscan-lookup + Etherscan এর দিকে তাকান + + + export-account + একাউন্ট রপ্তানি করুন + + + export-key + ব্যক্তিগত কী রপ্তানি করুন + + + community-private-key + কমিউনিটি প্রাইভেট কী + + + failed + ব্যর্থ + + + faq + ঘন ঘন জিজ্ঞাসিত প্রশ্ন + + + fetch-messages + বার্তা আনুন + + + fetch-timeline + আনুন + + + find + অনুসন্ধান + + + finish + সমাপ্ত + + + finishing-card-setup + কার্ড উপস্থাপনা সমাপ্ত হচ্ছে + + + fleet + বহর + + + fleet-settings + ফ্লিট সেটিংস + + + follow-your-interests + একটি সর্বজনীন চ্যাটে যান এবং নতুন লোকের সাথে দেখা করুন + + + follow + অনুসরণ করুন + + + free + ↓ বিনামূল্যে + + + from + থেকে + + + gas-limit + গ্যাসের সীমা + + + gas-price + Gas সীমা + + + gas-used + Gas ব্যাবহার + + + generate-a-key + কী তৈরি করুন + + + generate-a-new-account + একটি অ্যাকাউন্ট তৈরি করুন + + + generate-a-new-key + একটি নতুন কী তৈরি করুন + + + generate-account + কী তৈরি করুন + + + generate-new-key + কী তৈরি করুন + + + your-keys + আপনার চাবি + + + generating-codes-for-pairing + > কার্ডে পণ্য সফটওয়্যার ডাউনলোড করা হচ্ছে + > আনলক এবং জোড়া কোড তৈরি করা হচ্ছে + + + generating-keys + কী তৈরি করা হচ্ছে... + + + you-will-need-this-code + Status খুলতে এবং লেনদেন সাইন করতে আপনার এই কোডটির প্রয়োজন হবে + + + generating-mnemonic + Seed phrase তৈরি করা হচ্ছে + + + get-started + শুরু করুন + + + get-status-at + Status পান http://status.im + + + get-stickers + স্টিকার পান + + + go-to-settings + সেটিংসে যান... + + + got-it + পেয়েছি + + + group-chat + গ্রুপ চ্যাট + + + group-chat-admin + প্রশাসক + + + group-chat-admin-added + ** {{member}} ** প্রশাসক করা হয়েছে + + + group-chat-created + ** {{member}} ** গ্রুপ তৈরি করেছে ** {{name}} ** + + + group-chat-decline-invitation + আমন্ত্রণ প্রত্যাখ্যান করুন + + + group-chat-member-added + ** {{member}} ** আমন্ত্রিত হয়েছে + + + group-chat-member-joined + ** {{member}} ** গ্রুপে যোগ দিয়েছে + + + group-chat-member-removed + ** {{member}} ** গোষ্ঠীটি ছেড়ে গেছে + + + group-chat-members-count + {{নির্বাচিত}}/{সর্বোচ্চ}} সদস্য + + + group-chat-name-changed + ** {{member}} ** গোষ্ঠীর নাম পরিবর্তন করে ** {{name}} ** করা হয়েছে + + + group-chat-no-contacts + আপনার এখনও কোনও যোগাযোগ নেই। + চ্যাট শুরু করতে আপনার বন্ধুদের আমন্ত্রণ জানান + + + leave-chat + চ্যাট ছেড়ে দিন + + + leave-confirmation + চ্যাট ছেড়ে দিন + + + leave-chat-confirmation + আপনি কি নিশ্চিত যে আপনি চ্যাট ছেড়ে যেতে চান? + + + group-chat-all-contacts-invited + আপনার সমস্ত পরিচিতি ইতিমধ্যে গ্রুপে রয়েছে + + + group-info + গ্রুপ তথ্য + + + gwei + Gwei + + + hash + হ্যাশ + + + help + সাহায্য + + + help-capitalized + সহায়তা + + + help-center + সহায়তা কেন্দ্র + + + hide-content-when-switching-apps + স্ক্রীনশটগুলি ব্লক করুন + + + hide-content-when-switching-apps-ios + প্রাকদর্শন লুকান + + + history + ইতিহাস + + + history-nodes + ইতিহাস নোড + + + hold-card + পিছনে কার্ড ধরে রাখুন + আপনার ফোনের + + + home + বাড়ি + + + hooks + হুকস + + + identifier + শনাক্তকারী + + + image-remove-current + বর্তমান ছবি অপসারণ করুন + + + image-source-gallery + গ্যালারী থেকে নির্বাচন করুন + + + image-source-make-photo + ক্যাপচার + + + image-source-title + ছবি সম্পাদনা করুন + + + profile-pic-take + ছবি তুলুন + + + profile-pic-pick + গ্যালারী থেকে নির্বাচন করুন + + + profile-pic-remove + ছবি সরান + + + in-contacts + যোগাযোগে + + + incoming + আগত + + + incoming-transaction + আগত লেনদেন + + + incorrect-code::0 + str + + + incorrect-code::1 + দুঃখিত কোডটি ভুল ছিল, দয়া করে এটি আবার লিখুন + + + initialization + আরম্ভ + + + install + ↓ ইনস্টল করুন + + + intro-message1 + Status স্বাগতম! আপনার পাসওয়ার্ড সেট করতে এবং শুরু করতে এই বার্তাটি আলতো চাপুন। + + + intro-privacy-policy-note1 + স্ট্যাটাস আপনার ব্যক্তিগত ডেটা থেকে সংগ্রহ বা লাভ করে না। অব্যাহত রেখে, আপনি এর সাথে একমত + + + intro-privacy-policy-note2 + গোপনীয়তা নীতি + + + intro-text + Status বিকেন্দ্রীভূত ওয়েবে আপনার গেটওয়ে + + + intro-text1 + একটি পিয়ার-টু-পিয়ার, এনক্রিপ্ট করা নেটওয়ার্কে চ্যাট করুন যেখানে বার্তাসেন্সর বা হ্যাক করা যাবে না + + + intro-text2 + বিশ্বের যে কোন জায়গায় ডিজিটাল সম্পদ প্রেরণ এবং গ্রহণ করুন- কোন ব্যাংক একাউন্টের প্রয়োজন নেই + + + intro-text3 + গেম, এক্সচেঞ্জ এবং সামাজিক নেটওয়ার্ক অনুসন্ধান করুন যেখানে আপনি একা আপনার ডেটার মালিক + + + intro-title1 + সত্যিকারের ব্যক্তিগত যোগাযোগ + + + intro-title2 + নিরাপদ ক্রিপ্টো ওয়ালেট + + + intro-title3 + বিকেন্দ্রীভূত অ্যাপস + + + intro-wizard-text1 + কীগুলির একটি সেট আপনার অ্যাকাউন্ট নিয়ন্ত্রণ করে. আপনার কী আপনার ফোনে সরাসরি, যাতে আপনি সেগুলি ব্যবহার করতে পারেন + + + intro-wizard-text2 + একটা চাবি হল আড্ডার জন্য। এটি একটি পাঠযোগ্য নাম নিয়ে আসে যা পরিবর্তন করা যাবে না। + + + intro-wizard-text3 + আপনি যদি একটি কীকার্ডের মালিক হন, বর্ধিত নিরাপত্তার জন্য সেখানে আপনার চাবি সঞ্চয় করুন। + + + intro-wizard-text4 + আপনার কীসমূহ নিরাপদ এবং এনক্রিপ্ট করুন + + + intro-wizard-text6 + স্ট্যটাস আপনাকে নতুন বার্তাগুলি সম্পর্কে অবহিত করবে। আপনি পরে সেটিংসে আপনার বিজ্ঞপ্তি পছন্দগুলি সম্পাদনা করতে পারেন + + + intro-wizard-title-alt4 + একটি পাসওয়ার্ড তৈরি করুন + + + intro-wizard-title-alt5 + আপনার পাসওয়ার্ড নিশ্চিত করুন + + + intro-wizard-title1 + আপনার চাবি পান + + + intro-wizard-title2 + একটি চ্যাট নাম পছন্দ করুন + + + intro-wizard-title3 + কী স্টোরেজ পছন্দ করুন + + + intro-wizard-title4 + একটি ৬-সংখ্যার পাসকোড তৈরি করুন + + + intro-wizard-title5 + পাসকোডটি নিশ্চিত করুন + + + intro-wizard-title6 + বিজ্ঞপ্তিগুলি সক্ষম করুন + + + are-you-sure-to-cancel + আপনি কি নিশ্চিত যে আপনি বাতিল করতে চান? + + + you-will-start-from-scratch + আপনি একটি নতুন সেট কী দিয়ে শুরু করবেন + + + invalid-address-qr-code + স্ক্যান করা QR কোড একটি বৈধ ঠিকানা ধারণ করে না + + + invalid-format + অকার্যকর বিন্যাস +অবশ্যই {{format}} হতে হবে + + + invalid-key-confirm + প্রয়োগ করুন + + + invalid-key-content + ডেটাবেস এনক্রিপ্ট করা যায় না কারণ একটি ফাইল দূষিত। আপনার তহবিল এবং চ্যাট কী নিরাপদ। অন্যান্য ডেটা, যেমন আপনার চ্যাট এবং পরিচিতিগুলি পুনরুদ্ধার করা যায় না। " {{erase-multiaccounts-data-button-text}} " বোতামটি, অন্যান্য সমস্ত ডেটা সরিয়ে দেবে এবং আপনাকে আপনার তহবিলগুলিতে অ্যাক্সেস করতে এবং বার্তাগুলি প্রেরণ করতে দেয় + + + invalid-number + অকার্যকর সংখ্যা + + + invalid-pairing-password + অকার্যকর জোড়া পাসওয়ার্ড + + + invalid-range + অকার্যকর বিন্যাস, অবশ্যই {{min}} এবং {{max}} এর মধ্যে থাকতে হবে + + + invalid-username-or-key + অবৈধ ব্যবহারকারীর নাম বা চ্যাট কী + + + join-me + স্ট্যাটাসে আমার সাথে যোগ দিন + + + join-a-community + অথবা একটি সম্প্রদায়ে যোগ দিন + + + http-gateway-error + উফ, অনুরোধ ব্যর্থ হয়েছে! + + + sign-request-failed + বার্তায় স্বাক্ষর করা যায়নি + + + invite-friends + বন্ধুদের আমন্ত্রণ করুন + + + invite-people + বন্ধুদের আমন্ত্রণ করুন + + + invite-reward + আপনার আমন্ত্রিত প্রতিটি বন্ধুর জন্য ক্রিপ্টো আয় করুন! + + + invite-select-account + আপনার রেফারেল বোনাস পেতে একটি অ্যাকাউন্ট নির্বাচন করুন + + + invited + আমন্ত্রিত + + + invite-button + আমন্ত্রণ + + + invite-receive-account + আপনার রেফারেল বোনাস গ্রহণের জন্য অ্যাকাউন্ট + + + how-it-works + এটা কিভাবে কাজ করে + + + invite-warning + এই প্রমোশন শুধুমাত্র একটি অ্যান্ড্রয়েড ডিভাইস ব্যবহারকারীদের জন্য বৈধ, যারা মার্কিন যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের বাসিন্দা নয়। বন্ধুকে ৭ দিনের মধ্যে রেফারেল নিশ্চিত করতে হবে + + + invite-instruction-first + স্ট্যাটাস ডাউনলোড এবং যোগদান করতে আপনি আপনার বন্ধুকে একটি অনন্য আমন্ত্রণ লিংক পাঠান + + + invite-instruction-second + আপনার বন্ধু স্ট্যাটাস ডাউনলোড করে এবং একটি অ্যাকাউন্ট তৈরি করে (অ্যান্ড্রয়েডে) + + + invite-instruction-third + আপনার বন্ধুর সাথে একটি চ্যাট শুরু হয়েছে, যেখানে তারা আপনার রেফারেল নিশ্চিত করে + + + invite-instruction-fourth + আপনি আপনার রেফারেল বোনাস এবং আপনার বন্ধু স্টার্টার প্যাক পাবেন + + + invite-instruction-fifth + আপনি যে কোন সময় আপনার রেফারেল বোনাস পরিশোধ করতে পারেন। + + + invite-reward-you + আপনি: + + + invite-reward-you-name + রেফারেল বোনাস + + + invite-reward-you-description + একজন বন্ধুকে আমন্ত্রণ জানান এবং রেফারেল বোনাস হিসেবে {{reward}} গ্রহণ করুন। স্টিকার, একটি ই এন এস নাম পেতে এটি ব্যবহার করুন এবং ড্যাপ চেষ্টা করুন + + + invite-reward-friend + বন্ধু: + + + invite-reward-friend-name + স্টার্টার প্যাক + + + invite-reward-friend-description + আপনার বন্ধু শুরু করার জন্য কিছু {{reward}} নিয়ে গঠিত একটি স্টার্টার প্যাক পাবেন + + + invite-privacy-policy1 + গ্রহণ করে আপনি রেফারেল প্রোগ্রামটিতে সম্মত হন + + + invite-privacy-policy2 + শর্তাবলী। + + + invite-privacy-policy-public + আপনি একটি রেফারেল লিঙ্কের মাধ্যমে স্ট্যাটাস ইনস্টল করেছেন। এই চ্যাটে যোগদান করে আপনি আপনার রেফারারকে অ্যাট্রিবিউট করেন এবং এতে সম্মত হন + + + invite-chat-name + বন্ধু রেফারেল + + + invite-chat-starter-pack + স্টার্টার প্যাক + + + invite-chat-intro + Status যোগ দিতে একজন বন্ধু আপনাকে রেফার করেছে। এখানে আপনাকে শুরু করার জন্য কিছু ক্রিপ্টো আছে! একটি ENS নাম নিবন্ধন করতে বা একটি স্টিকার প্যাক কিনতে এটি ব্যবহার করুন। + + + invite-public-chat-home + রেফারেল আমন্ত্রণ + + + invite-public-chat-intro + আপনাকে শুরু করার জন্য এখানে কিছু ক্রিপ্টো আছে! একটি ENS নাম নিবন্ধন করতে বা স্টিকার প্যাক কিনতে এটি ব্যবহার করুন + + + invite-chat-accept + গ্রহণ করুন + + + invite-chat-pending + বিচারাধীন + + + invite-chat-accept-join + গ্রহণ করুন এবং যোগদান করুন + + + invite-chat-rule + গ্রহণ করলে আপনার বন্ধুকে ক্রিপ্টো রেফারেল বোনাস প্রদান করা হবে। + + + redeem-now + এখনি তুলুন + + + redeem-amount + {{পরিমাণ}} বোনাস উপলব্ধ + + + redeem-success + বোনাস সাফল্য উদ্ধার করুন! + + + attribution-received + {{সর্বোচ্চ}} বোনাস প্রাপ্ত বোনাসগুলির মধ্যে {{আট্রিব}} + + + advertiser-starter-pack-title + স্টার্টার প্যাক + + + advertiser-starter-pack-description + এখানে আপনাকে শুরু করার জন্য কিছু ক্রিপ্টো আছে! স্টিকার, একটি ENS নাম পেতে এটি ব্যবহার করুন এবং DApps চেষ্টা করুন। + + + advertiser-title + ডিফল্টভাবে গোপনীয়তা + + + advertiser-description + আপনি স্ট্যাটাস আবিষ্কার করেছেন একজন সঙ্গীকে ধন্যবাদ।স্ট্যাটাস যদি আপনার আইপি ঠিকানা একবার পরীক্ষা করে তবে তারা পুরস্কৃত হয় তাতে আপনার কি আপত্তি আছে? এই তথ্য অন্য কোন কিছুর জন্য ব্যবহার করা হবে না এবং ৭ দিন পর এটি সম্পূর্ণরূপে মুছে ফেলা হবে। + + + advertiser-starter-pack-accept + গ্রহণ করুন + + + advertiser-starter-pack-decline + প্রত্যাখ্যান করুন + + + dapp-starter-pack-title + স্টার্টার প্যাক + + + dapp-starter-pack-description + এখানে আপনাকে শুরু করার জন্য কিছু ক্রিপ্টো আছে! স্টিকার, একটি ENS নাম পেতে এটি ব্যবহার করুন এবং DApps চেষ্টা করুন। + + + dapp-starter-pack-accept + গ্রহণ করুন এবং খুলুন + + + starter-pack-coming + স্টার্টার প্যাক আপনার পথে আসছে + + + starter-pack-coming-description + কয়েক মিনিট থেকে কয়েক ঘন্টা সময় লাগতে পারে + + + starter-pack-received + স্টার্টার প্যাক গৃহীত হয়েছে + + + starter-pack-received-description + এখানে আপনাকে শুরু করার জন্য কিছু ক্রিপ্টো আছে! স্টিকার, একটি ENS নাম পেতে এটি ব্যবহার করুন এবং DApps চেষ্টা করুন। + + + join-group-chat + গ্রুপে যোগ দিন + + + join-group-chat-description + {{username}} আপনাকে দলে যোগ দিতে আমন্ত্রণ জানিয়েছে {{group-name}} + + + joined-group-chat-description + আপনি {{group-name}} আমন্ত্রণ থেকে {{username}} যোগদান করেছেন + + + key + কী + + + keycard + কী-কার্ড + + + keycard-access-reset + কী-কার্ড অ্যাক্সেস রিসেট করা হয়েছে + + + keycard-can-use-with-new-passcode + আপনি আপনার নতুন পাসকোড দিয়ে এই কার্ডটি ব্যবহার করতে পারেন + + + keycard-applet-install-instructions + অ্যাপলেট ইনস্টল করতে অনুগ্রহ করে https://github.com/status-im/keycard-cli#keycard-applet-installation উপর নির্দেশাবলী অনুসরণ করুন + + + keycard-blocked + কীকার্ড অবরুদ্ধ করা হয়েছে। + এটি ব্যবহার চালিয়ে যেতে আপনার পুনরায় সেট করতে হবে। + + + keycard-cancel-setup-text + এটি কী-কার্ড উপস্থাপনা বাতিল করবে। কী-কার্ড ব্যবহার করার জন্য উপস্থাপনা টি শেষ করা অত্যন্ত বাঞ্ছনীয়। আপনি কি সত্যিই বাতিল করতে চান? + + + keycard-cancel-setup-title + বিপজ্জনক অপারেশন + + + keycard-desc + আপনি একটি কী কার্ডের মালিক? এতে আপনার চাবি সংরক্ষণ করুন; লেনদেনের জন্য আপনার এটি প্রয়োজন হবে + + + keycard-dont-ask-card + সাইন ইন করার জন্য কার্ড চাইবেন না + + + keycard-reset-passcode + পাসকোড রিসেট করুন + + + keycard-factory-reset + কারখানার সেটিংসে কার্ড ফেরত দিন + + + keycard-factory-reset-title + আপনি কি নিশ্চিত যে আপনি একটি ফ্যাক্টরি রিসেট করতে চান? + + + keycard-factory-reset-text + এটি সম্পাদন করলে কার্ডে সংরক্ষিত যেকোন স্মৃতিচিহ্ন মুছে যাবে। এই কীকার্ডের সাহায্যে আপনি যে স্মরণীয় বাক্যাংশটি ব্যবহার করছেন তার একটি ব্যাকআপ নিশ্চিত করুন। + + + keycard-enter-new-passcode + নতুন পাসকোড প্রবেশ করান {{step}}/2 + + + keycard-has-multiaccount-on-it + এই কার্ডটি পূর্ণ। প্রতিটি কার্ড একটি প্রধান কী-পেয়ার ধারণ করতে পারে + + + keycard-onboarding-finishing-header + সমাপ্ত হচ্ছে + + + keycard-onboarding-intro-header + কীকার্ডে আপনার কী সঞ্চয় করুন + + + keycard-onboarding-intro-text + প্রস্তুত হন, এটি কয়েক মিনিট সময় নিতে পারে, তবে আপনার অ্যাকাউন্ট সুরক্ষিত করা গুরুত্বপূর্ণ + + + keycard-onboarding-pairing-header + কার্ডটি যুক্ত করা হচ্ছে ... + + + keycard-onboarding-preparing-header + কার্ড প্রস্তুত করা হচ্ছে... + + + keycard-onboarding-puk-code-header + কোড লিখুন + এবং এগুলি নিরাপদে সংরক্ষণ করুন + + + keycard-onboarding-recovery-phrase-description + আপনার চাবি ফেরত পেতে আপনার এই বীজ বাক্যাংশ প্রয়োজন. এটা লিখে রাখুন। এটি নিরাপদ, অফলাইন রাখুন, এবং এই ডিভাইস থেকে পৃথক করুন. + + + keycard-onboarding-recovery-phrase-header + বীজ বাক্যাংশ ব্যাক আপ করুন + + + keycard-onboarding-recovery-phrase-text + শুধু আপনার চোখের জন্য। এটি আপনার চাবি তৈরি করতে ব্যবহৃত যাদুকরী বীজ। + + + keycard-onboarding-start-header + পিছনে কার্ড ধরে + আপনার ফোন শুরু করতে + + + keycard-onboarding-pin-text + আপনাকে একটি 6-সংখ্যার পাসকোড তৈরি করতে হবে যা আপনার কীকার্ডের অ্যাক্সেস সুরক্ষিত করতে ব্যবহৃত হবে। + + + keycard-onboarding-mnemonic-text + আপনার বীজ বাক্যাংশটি লিখতে আপনার একটি কাগজ এবং একটি পেন্সিলেরও প্রয়োজন হবে। + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step1 + একটি পাসকোড তৈরি করুন + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step1-text + প্রায় ১ মিনিট। আপনার কী এনক্রিপ্ট করতে একটি ৬-ডিজিটের পাসকোড তৈরি করুন + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step2 + পিইউকে এবং পেয়ারিং কোড লিখুন + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step2-text + প্রায় ১ মিনিট। তার জন্য আপনার প্রয়োজন এক টুকরো কাগজ এবং একটি পেন্সিল + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step3 + বীজ বাক্যাংশ ব্যাক আপ করুন + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step3-text + প্রায় ১ মিনিট। এছাড়াও একটি কাগজ এবং একটি পেন্সিল প্রয়োজন + + + keycard-onboarding-start-text + এবং ফোন যোগাযোগে কার্ড বজায় রাখুন + উপস্থাপনার সময়। সেটআপ প্রায় ৪ মিনিট সময় লাগবে + + + keycard-recovery-intro-button-text + পুনরুদ্ধার শুরু করুন + + + keycard-recovery-intro-header + কীকার্ডে সংরক্ষিত কীগুলি পুনরুদ্ধার করুন + + + keycard-recovery-intro-text + আপনি যদি আগে একটি কীকার্ড ব্যবহার করে কী তৈরি করেন এবং এখন এই ডিভাইসে এই কীগুলি ব্যবহার করতে চান + + + keycard-recovery-no-key-header + কিছুই নেই + এখানে পুনরুদ্ধার করার + + + keycard-recovery-no-key-text + আপনার কীকার্ডে কোন কী মজুদ নেই। এটি ব্যবহার করতে, একটি নতুন কী তৈরি করুন এবং কী সঞ্চয় করতে আপনার কীকার্ড চয়ন করুন + + + keycard-recovery-phrase-confirm-header + বীজ বাক্যাংশ নিশ্চিত করুন + + + keycard-recovery-phrase-confirmation-text + তুমি দ্বিতীয় বার সুযোগ পেতে পারবে না! আপনি যদি অ্যাক্সেস হারান, উদাহরণস্বরূপ আপনার কী-কার্ড হারিয়ে, আপনি শুধুমাত্র আপনার বীজ বাক্যাংশ দিয়ে আপনার কী অ্যাক্সেস করতে পারেন. কেউ না, কিন্তু তোমার বীজের বাক্যাংশ আছে। এটা লিখে দাও। এটা নিরাপদ রাখো। + + + keycard-recovery-phrase-confirmation-title + বীজ বাক্যটি নিচে লিখেছেন? + + + keycard-recovery-success-header + আপনার চাবি হয়েছে + সফলভাবে পুনরুদ্ধার + + + keycard-redeem-title + ছাড়িয়ে দিন + + + keycard-redeem-tx + সম্পদ উদ্ধার করুন + + + keycard-redeem-tx-desc + স্বাক্ষর করতে এবং সম্পদ গ্রহণ করতে কার্ডটি ট্যাপ করুন + + + keycard-unauthorized-operation + আপনি এই অপারেশন করতে অননুমোদিত। + বৈধ কার্ডটি আলতো চাপুন এবং আবার চেষ্টা করুন। + + + keycard-is-frozen-title + কী-কার্ড জমে গেছে + + + keycard-is-frozen-details + আপনার সম্পদ রক্ষা করতে, আপনার কার্ড হিমায়িত করা হয়েছে। কী আনলক করতে এবং লেনদেন প্রেরণ করতে কার্ড অ্যাক্সেস রিসেট করুন. একটি নতুন পাসকোড তৈরি করুন এবং এই কার্ডে আপনার অ্যাকাউন্ট(গুলি) অ্যাক্সেস করতে আপনার PUK প্রবেশ করান + + + keycard-is-frozen-reset + কার্ড অ্যাক্সেস পুনরায় সেট করুন + + + keycard-is-frozen-factory-reset + মেমোনিক দিয়ে রিসেট করুন + + + your-card-is-frozen + আপনার কী-কার্ড জমে গেছে। কার্ড অ্যাক্সেস রিসেট করুন + + + keycard-is-blocked-title + কী-কার্ড অবরুদ্ধ + + + keycard-is-blocked-details + এই অ্যাকাউন্টের জন্য অ্যাক্সেস বা সাইন করতে আপনি আর এই কার্ডটি ব্যবহার করতে পারবেন না। অনেক ব্যর্থ পাসকোড এবং পিইউকে প্রচেষ্টা হয়েছে। + + + keycard-is-blocked-instructions + আপনার অ্যাকাউন্টটি পুনরায় ইনস্টল করার পর স্ট্যটাস অ্যাক্সেস করতে এবং একটি নতুন কীকার্ড ব্যবহার করতে, আলাদা ওয়ালেট ব্যবহার করুন বা ম্যানুয়ালি কীকার্ড পুনরায় সেট করুন। + + + language + ভাষা + + + learn-more + আরও জানুন + + + learn-more-about-keycard + কীকার্ড সম্পর্কে আরও জানুন + + + leave + ছেড়ে দিন + + + joined + যোগদান করা হয়েছে + + + leave-group + দল পরিত্যাগ করুন + + + left + বাঁদিকে + + + lets-go + চলো যাই + + + les-ulc + LES/ULC + + + linked-on + {{date}} এ সংযুক্ত + + + load-messages-before + {{date}} এর আগে + + + load-more-messages + আরও বার্তা আনুন + + + load-more-timeline + আরও আনুন + + + loading + লোড হচ্ছে ... + + + log-level + লগ স্তর + + + log-level-settings + লগ স্তরের সেটিংস + + + logging + লগিং + + + logging-enabled + লগিং সক্রিয় করা হয়েছে? + + + login-pin-description + আপনার কী আনলক করতে আপনার 6-ডিজিটের পাসকোড প্রবেশ করান + + + logout + লগ আউট করুন + + + logout-app-content + একাউন্টটি লগ আউট করা হবে। যখন আপনি এটি আবার আনলক করবেন, নির্বাচিত নেটওয়ার্ক ব্যবহার করা হবে + + + logout-are-you-sure + আপনি কি নিশ্চিত আপনি চান +লগ আউট করতে? + + + logout-title + লগ আউট? + + + logout-key-management + কী ম্যানেজমেন্ট অ্যাক্সেস করতে আপনাকে লগ আউট করতে হবে + + + looking-for-cards + কার্ড খুঁজছেন ... + + + lost-connection + সংযোগ হারিয়ে গেছে + + + mailserver-address + স্ট্যাটাস নোডের ঠিকানা + + + mailserver-automatic + স্বয়ংক্রিয় নির্বাচন + + + mailserver-automatic-switch-explanation + উপলভ্য দ্রুততম ইতিহাস নোড চয়ন করুন + + + mailserver-connection-error + ইতিহাস নোডের সাথে সংযোগ করা যায়নি + + + mailserver-details + ইতিহাস নোডের বিস্তারিত + + + mailserver-error-content + আপনার নির্বাচিত ইতিহাস নোডে পৌঁছানো যায়নি। + + + mailserver-error-title + ইতিহাস নোডের সাথে সংযুক্ত হতে ত্রুটি + + + mailserver-format + এনোড: // {enode-id} : {password} @ {ip-address} : {port} + + + mailserver-pick-another + আরেকটি ইতিহাস নোড বেছে নিন + + + mailserver-reconnect + ইতিহাস নোডের সাথে সংযোগ করা যায়নি। পুনরায় সংযোগ করতে ট্যাপ করুন + + + mailserver-request-error-content + নিম্নলিখিত ত্রুটিটি ইতিহাস নোড দ্বারা ফেরত দেওয়া হয়েছে: {{error}} + + + mailserver-request-error-status + ইতিহাস আনার সময় একটি ত্রুটি সংঘটিত হয়েছে, বিস্তারিত জানার জন্য লগপরীক্ষা করুন + + + mailserver-request-error-title + ইতিহাস নোড অনুরোধ ত্রুটি + + + mailserver-request-retry + অনুরোধ পুনরায় চেষ্টা করুন + + + mailserver-retry + পুনরায় চেষ্টা করা + + + main-currency + প্রধান মুদ্রা + + + main-networks + প্রধান নেটওয়ার্কসমূহ + + + main-wallet + প্রধান মানিব্যাগ + + + mainnet-network + প্রধান নেটওয়ার্ক + + + make-admin + প্রশাসক তৈরি করুন + + + manage-keys-and-storage + কী এবং স্টোরেজ পরিচালনা করুন + + + mark-all-read + সমস্ত পড়া চিহ্নিত করুন + + + members + + 1 সদস্য + {{count}} সদস্য + + + + members-active + + সদস্য + {{count}} সদস্য + + + + members-active-none + কোন সদস্য নেই + + + members-title + সদস্যরা + + + message + বার্তা + + + message-not-sent + বার্তা প্রেরণ করা হয়নি + + + message-options-cancel + বাতিল + + + message-reply + উত্তর + + + replying-to + {{author}} কে উত্তর দেওয়া হচ্ছে + + + data-syncing + ডাটা সিংক্রোনাইজিং + + + messages + বার্তাগুলি + + + chat-is-a-contact + যোগাযোগ + + + chat-is-not-a-contact + যোগাযোগ নয় + + + might-break + কিছু অ্যাপ ভাঙ্গতে পারে + + + migrations-failed-content + {{message}} + স্কিমা সংস্করণ: প্রাথমিক {{initial-version}} , বর্তমান {{current-version}} , শেষ {{last-version}} + + একটি ডাটাবেস ত্রুটি ঘটেছে। আপনার তহবিল এবং চ্যাট কী নিরাপদ। অন্যান্য ডেটা, যেমন আপনার চ্যাট এবং পরিচিতিগুলি পুনরুদ্ধার করা যায় না। " {{erase-multiaccounts-data-button-text}} " বোতামটি, অন্যান্য সমস্ত ডেটা সরিয়ে ফেলবে এবং আপনাকে আপনার তহবিলগুলিতে অ্যাক্সেস করতে এবং বার্তাগুলি প্রেরণের অনুমতি দেয়। + + + mobile-network-ask-me + মোবাইল নেটওয়ার্কে আমাকে জিজ্ঞেস করুন + + + mobile-network-continue-syncing + এককালবর্তীকরণ অব্যাহত রাখুন + + + mobile-network-continue-syncing-details + আপনি এটি পরে সেটিংসে পরিবর্তন করতে পারেন + + + mobile-network-go-to-settings + সেটিংসে যান + + + mobile-network-settings + মোবাইল ডাটা + + + mobile-network-sheet-configure + আপনি আরো সিংক্রোনাইজিং কনফিগার করতে পারেন +বিস্তারিত + + + mobile-network-sheet-offline + কোনও ওয়াই-ফাই নেই, বার্তা সিঙ্ক করা অক্ষম হয়েছে। + + + mobile-network-sheet-offline-details + মোবাইল নেটওয়ার্ক ব্যবহার করে এককালবর্তীকরণ বন্ধ + + + mobile-network-sheet-remember-choice + আমার পছন্দ মনে রেখো + + + mobile-network-sheet-settings + সেটিংস + + + mobile-network-start-syncing + এককালবর্তীকরণ শুরু করুন + + + mobile-network-stop-syncing + এককালবর্তীকরণ বন্ধ করুন + + + mobile-network-stop-syncing-details + ওয়াই-ফাই-এর সাথে সংযুক্ত না হওয়া পর্যন্ত? + + + mobile-network-use-mobile + মোবাইল ডাটা ব্যবহার করুন + + + mobile-network-use-mobile-data + চ্যাট এবং ওয়ালেট সিঙ্ক করার সময় স্ট্যাটাস প্রচুর ডেটা ব্যবহার করে। + + + mobile-network-use-wifi + শুধুমাত্র ওয়াই-ফাই + + + mobile-syncing-sheet-details + চ্যাট এবং ওয়ালেট সিঙ্ক করার সময় Status প্রচুর ডেটা ব্যবহার করে। + + + mobile-syncing-sheet-title + মোবাইল ডেটা ব্যবহার করে সিঙ্ক করবেন? + + + more + আরও + + + multiaccount-exists-title + এই অ্যাকাউন্টের কীগুলি ইতিমধ্যে বিদ্যমান + + + multiaccount-exists-content + এই একাউন্টের জন্য কী ইতোমধ্যে বিদ্যমান এবং পুনরায় যুক্ত করা যাবে না। আপনি যদি আপনার পাসওয়ার্ড, পাসকোড বা কীকার্ড হারিয়ে ফেলেন, অ্যাপটি আনইনস্টল করুন, আপনার বীজ বাক্যাংশ প্রবেশ করিয়ে আপনার কী পুনরায় ইনস্টল করুন এবং অ্যাক্সেস করুন + + + multiaccounts-recover-enter-phrase-text + ১২,১৫,১৮,২১ বা ২৪ শব্দ প্রবেশ করান। +একটি একক স্থান দ্বারা শব্দ পৃথক করুন। + + + multiaccounts-recover-enter-phrase-title + আপনার বীজ বাক্যাংশ লিখুন + + + name + নাম + + + name-of-token + আপনার টোকেনের নাম + + + need-help + সাহায্য লাগবে? + + + glossary + শব্দকোষ + + + account-title + একাউন্ট + + + account-content + আপনি Status একাউন্টকে ব্যাংক একাউন্টের সাথে তুলনা করতে পারেন। ব্যাংক একাউন্টের মত, একটি অ্যাকাউন্টে সাধারণত একটি ঠিকানা এবং ব্যালেন্স থাকে আপনি এই একাউন্ট ব্যবহার করে Ethereum লেনদেন করেন। আপনার মানিব্যাগে একাধিক অ্যাকাউন্ট থাকতে পারে। Status আনলক করে সব অ্যাক্সেস করা হয়েছে। + + + chat-key-title + চ্যাট কী + + + chat-key-content + Status চ্যাট প্রোটোকলের বার্তাগুলি এনক্রিপশন কী ব্যবহার করে প্রেরণ এবং প্রাপ্ত করা হয়। সর্বজনীন চ্যাট কী এমন অক্ষরের একটি স্ট্রিং যা আপনি অন্যদের সাথে ভাগ করেন যাতে তারা আপনাকে Status বার্তা প্রেরণ করতে পারে। + + + chat-name-title + চ্যাট নাম + + + chat-name-content + তিনটি এলোমেলো শব্দ, আপনার চ্যাট কী থেকে অ্যালগরিদমে প্রাপ্ত এবং চ্যাটে আপনার ডিফল্ট ছদ্মনাম হিসেবে ব্যবহৃত হয়। চ্যাটের নাম সম্পূর্ণ অনন্য; অন্য কোন ব্যবহারকারীর একই তিনটি শব্দ থাকতে পারে না। + + + ens-name-title + ENS নাম + + + ens-name-content + আপনার চ্যাট কী-এর জন্য কাস্টম ছদ্মনাম যা আপনি Ethereum নাম সেবা ব্যবহার করে নিবন্ধন করতে পারেন। ENS নামবিকেন্দ্রীভূত ব্যবহারকারীর নাম। + + + mailserver-title + ইতিহাস নোড + + + mailserver-content + Status নেটওয়ার্কের একটি নোড যা ৩০ দিন পর্যন্ত বার্তারুট এবং সঞ্চয় করে। + + + peer-title + সমকক্ষ + + + peer-content + Status চ্যাট নেটওয়ার্কের সাথে সংযুক্ত একটি ডিভাইস। প্রত্যেক ব্যবহারকারী তাদের ডিভাইসের সংখ্যার উপর নির্ভর করে এক বা একাধিক সমবয়সীদের প্রতিনিধিত্ব করতে পারে। + + + seed-phrase-title + বীজ বাক্যাংশ + + + seed-phrase-content + তালিকা থেকে এলোমেলোভাবে নির্বাচিত এবং অন্যান্য মানিব্যাগ এবং ডিভাইসে আপনার Ethereum অ্যাকাউন্ট পুনরুদ্ধার বা অ্যাক্সেস করতে ব্যবহৃত. এছাড়াও ক্রিপ্টো বাস্তুতন্ত্র জুড়ে একটি "স্মৃতিচারণমূলক বাক্যাংশ", "পুনরুদ্ধার বাক্যাংশ" বা "ওয়ালেট ব্যাকআপ" হিসেবে উল্লেখ করা হয়। অধিকাংশ ক্রিপ্টো অ্যাপ অ্যাকাউন্ট তৈরি করতে এই একই মান ব্যবহার করে। + + + wallet-key-title + অ্যাকাউন্টের ঠিকানা + + + wallet-key-content + Ethereum স্ট্যান্ডার্ডের ভিত্তিতে এবং 0x দিয়ে শুরু করে একটি 64 টি অক্ষরের হেক্স ঠিকানা। জনসমক্ষে, যখন আপনি তহবিল পেতে চান তখন আপনার অ্যাকাউন্টের ঠিকানা অন্যের সাথে ভাগ করা হয়। একটি "Ethereum ঠিকানা" বা "মানিব্যাগের ঠিকানা" হিসাবেও উল্লেখ করা হয়। + + + buy-crypto-title + মনে হচ্ছে আপনার খালি + + + buy-crypto-description + ক্রিপ্টো কিনতে এখনই একটি ড্যাপ খুঁজুন + + + buy-crypto + ক্রিপ্টো কিনুন + + + buy-crypto-choose-a-service + ক্রিপ্টো কেনার জন্য আপনি যে পরিষেবাটি ব্যবহার করতে চান তা চয়ন করুন + + + buy-crypto-leaving + আপনি স্ট্যাটাস ছেড়ে চলে যাচ্ছেন এবং আপনার ক্রয় সম্পন্ন করতে একটি তৃতীয় পক্ষের ওয়েবসাইটে প্রবেশ করছেন + + + opening-buy-crypto + {{site}} খোলা হচ্ছে ... + + + network + নেটওয়ার্ক + + + network-chain + নেটওয়ার্ক চেইন + + + network-details + নেটওয়ার্কের বিস্তারিত + + + network-info + নেটওয়ার্ক তথ্য + + + network-fee + নেটওয়ার্ক ফি + + + network-id + নেটওয়ার্ক আইডি + + + network-invalid-network-id + নির্দিষ্ট নেটওয়ার্ক আইডি RPC url দ্বারা নেটওয়ার্ক আইডির সাথে সামঞ্জস্যপূর্ণ নয় + + + network-invalid-status-code + অকার্যকর স্তিতি কোড: {{code}} + + + network-invalid-url + নেটওয়ার্ক ইউআরএল অবৈধ + + + network-settings + নেটওয়ার্ক সেটিংস + + + new + নতুন + + + new-chat + নতুন চ্যাট + + + new-contact + নতুন পরিচিতি + + + new-contract + নতুন চুক্তি + + + new-group + নতুন দল + + + new-group-chat + নতুন গ্রুপ চ্যাট + + + new-network + নতুন নেটওয়ার্ক + + + new-pin-description + নতুন 6-ডিজিটের পাসকোড প্রবেশ করান + + + new-puk-description + নতুন 12-সংখ্যার PUK লিখুন + + + new-public-group-chat + পাবলিক চ্যাটে যোগ দিন + + + next + পরবর্তী + + + no + না + + + no-collectibles + কোনো সংগ্রহ সুপ্রাপ্য নয় + + + no-contacts + এখনো কোন পরিচিতি নেই + + + no-keycard-applet-on-card + কার্ডে কোন কীকার্ড অ্যাপলেট নেই + + + no-messages + কোনো বার্তা নেই + + + no-pairing-slots-available + এই কার্ডটি ইতোমধ্যে ৫টি ডিভাইসে জোড়া হয়েছে এবং এটির সাথে জোড়া হতে পারে না। অনুগ্রহ করে জোড়া ডিভাইসগুলির একটি ব্যবহার করুন, এই কার্ড দিয়ে লগ ইন করুন এবং কার্ডে জোড়া স্লট খালি করুন + + + no-result + কোন ফলাফল নেই + + + no-tokens-found + কোনো টোকেন খুঁজে পাওয়া যায়নি + + + node-info + নোড তথ্য + + + node-address + নোডের ঠিকানা + + + node-details + নোডের বিবরণ + + + node-version + নোড সংস্করণ + + + nonce + nonce + + + none + কিছুই না + + + not-applicable + অস্বাক্ষরিত লেনদেনের জন্য প্রযোজ্য নয় + + + not-keycard-text + আপনি যে কার্ডটি ব্যবহার করেছেন তা কীকার্ড নয়। এটি ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে একটি কীকার্ড কিনতে হবে + + + not-keycard-title + কীকার্ড নয় + + + notifications + বিজ্ঞপ্তি + + + local-notifications + স্থানীয় বিজ্ঞপ্তিসমূহ + + + local-notifications-subtitle + ব্যাকগ্রাউন্ড পরিষেবা সক্রিয় করুন + + + remote-notifications + দূরবর্তী বিজ্ঞপ্তিগুলি + + + remote-notifications-subtitle + Google পুশ বিজ্ঞপ্তিগুলি সক্ষম করুন + + + show-notifications + বিজ্ঞপ্তিগুলি দেখান + + + notification-settings + বিজ্ঞপ্তি + + + notifications-servers + বিজ্ঞপ্তি সার্ভার + + + notifications-preferences + বিজ্ঞপ্তি পছন্দসমূহ + + + notifications-switch + বিজ্ঞপ্তিগুলি দেখান + + + notifications-non-contacts + যোগাযোগবিহীন থেকে বিজ্ঞপ্তি + + + notifications-transactions + মানিব্যাগ লেনদেন + + + send-push-notifications + পুশ বিজ্ঞপ্তিগুলি পাঠান + + + send-push-notifications-description + যখন নিষ্ক্রিয় করা হবে, যে ব্যক্তি আপনার বার্তা গ্রহণ করছে তাকে তাদের আগমন সম্পর্কে অবহিত করা হবে না + + + push-notifications-server-enabled + সার্ভার সক্রিয় করা হয়েছে + + + push-notifications-servers + বিজ্ঞপ্তি সার্ভারগুলি পুশ করুন + + + push-inbound-transaction + আপনি {{মান}} {{মুদ্রা}} পেয়েছেন + + + push-outbound-transaction + আপনি {{value}} {{currency}} প্রেরণ করেছেন + + + push-failed-transaction + আপনার লেনদেন ব্যর্থ হয়েছে + + + push-inbound-transaction-body + {{old}} থেকে {{new}} পর্যন্ত পরিমাণ পরিবর্তন করা হয়েছে + + + push-outbound-transaction-body + {{old}} থেকে {{new}} পর্যন্ত পরিমাণ পরিবর্তন করা হয়েছে + + + push-failed-transaction-body + {{মান}} {{মুদ্রা}} থেকে {{থেকে}} + + + allow-mention-notifications + উল্লেখ@ দেখান + + + server + সার্ভার + + + specify-server-public-key + সার্ভার সর্বজনীন কী প্রবেশ করান + + + notify + অবহিত + + + off + বন্ধ + + + offline + অফলাইন + + + offline-messaging-use-history-nodes + ইতিহাস নোড ব্যবহার করুন + + + offline-messaging-use-history-explanation + অ্যাপটি বন্ধ করার সময় প্রেরিত বার্তা আনতে ইতিহাস নোড সক্রিয় করুন। যখন সক্রিয় করা হয়, একটি ইতিহাস নোড আপনার IP ঠিকানা পায়। যখন নিষ্ক্রিয় করা হবে তখন আপনি বার্তা পাবেন না যখন অ্যাপটি বন্ধ করা হবে এবং পরে অ্যাপটি খুললে আপনি সেগুলি দেখতে পাবেন না। + + + ok + ঠিক আছে + + + ok-continue + ঠিক আছে, চালিয়ে যান + + + ok-got-it + আচ্ছা আমি বুঝে গেছি + + + okay + ঠিক আছে + + + on + চালু করুন + + + open + খুলুন + + + open-home + খুলুন।।। + + + open-dapp + DApp খুলুন + + + open-dapp-store + DApps আবিষ্কার করুন + + + open-nfc-settings + এনএফসি সেটিংস খুলুন + + + open-on-block-explorer + ব্লক এক্সপ্লোরারে খুলুন + + + optional + ঐচ্ছিক + + + or + বা + + + outgoing + বহির্গামী + + + outgoing-transaction + বহির্গামী লেনদেন + + + pair + ডিভাইসগুলি যুক্ত করুন + + + pair-card + এই ডিভাইসে যুক্ত করুন + + + pair-code + জোড়া কোড + + + pair-code-explanation + কী আনলক করতে এবং একই কীকার্ডের সাথে লেনদেনে স্বাক্ষর করতে একটি ভিন্ন ডিভাইসে (৫ পর্যন্ত) কার্ড জোড়া + + + pair-this-card + এই কার্ডটি যুক্ত করুন + + + pair-this-device + ডিভাইসের বিজ্ঞাপন দিন + + + pair-this-device-description + তাদের মধ্যে যোগাযোগ এবং চ্যাট এককালবর্তী করতে আপনার ডিভাইসগুলি জোড়া করুন + + + paired-devices + জোড়া ডিভাইস + + + pairing + জোড়া + + + pairing-card + জোড়া কার্ড + + + pairing-code-placeholder + কোড জোড়া হচ্ছে ... + + + pairing-code_error1 + পেয়ারিং কোড মেলে না + + + confirm-pairing-code-placeholder + আপনার জোড়া কোড নিশ্চিত করুন ... + + + pairing-go-to-installation + জোড়া সেটিংসে যান + + + pairing-maximum-number-reached-content + নতুন কোনও সক্ষম করার আগে দয়া করে আপনার একটি ডিভাইস অক্ষম করুন। + + + pairing-maximum-number-reached-title + ডিভাইসের সর্বোচ্চ সংখ্যা পৌঁছেছে + + + pairing-new-installation-detected-content + একটি নতুন ডিভাইস সনাক্ত করা হয়েছে। + আপনার ডিভাইসগুলি সঠিকভাবে ব্যবহার করতে, তাদের ব্যবহারের আগে তাদের জোড়া এবং সক্ষম করা জরুরী। + আপনার ডিভাইসগুলি যুক্ত করতে দয়া করে সেটিংসের অধীনে ডিভাইস বিভাগে যান। + + + pairing-new-installation-detected-title + নতুন ডিভাইস শনাক্ত করা হয়েছে + + + pairing-no-info + কোন তথ্য নেই + + + pairing-please-set-a-name + অনুগ্রহ করে আপনার ডিভাইসের জন্য একটি নাম নির্ধারণ করুন। + + + passphrase + পাসফ্রেজ + + + password + পাসওয়ার্ড + + + password-description + কমপক্ষে ৬ অক্ষর. আপনার পাসওয়ার্ড আপনার চাবিকে রক্ষা করে। স্ট্যাটাস আনলক করতে এবং লেনদেনের জন্য আপনার এটি প্রয়োজন। + + + password-placeholder2 + আপনার পাসওয়ার্ড নিশ্চিত করুন + + + password_error1 + পাসওয়ার্ড মেলে না। + + + paste + আটকান + + + paste-json + JSON প্রতিলেপন করুন + + + pay-to-chat + চ্যাট করতে টাকা দিন + + + peers + সহকর্মীরা + + + pending + বিচারাধীন + + + pending-confirmation + অমীমাংসিত নিশ্চিতকরণ... + + + permissions + অনুমতি + + + phone-e164 + আন্তর্জাতিক ১ + + + photos-access-error + প্রয়োজনীয় ফটো অনুমতি দিতে, অনুগ্রহ করে আপনার সিস্টেম সেটিংসে যান এবং নিশ্চিত করুন যে Status > ফটো নির্বাচন করা হয়েছে। + + + pin-changed + ৬-ডিজিটের পাসকোড পরিবর্তন করা হয়েছে + + + puk-changed + 12-সংখ্যার PUK পরিবর্তন করা হয়েছে + + + pairing-changed + পেয়ারিং কোড পরিবর্তন করা হয়েছে + + + pin-code + ৬-ডিজিটের পাসকোড + + + pin-mismatch + ভুল পাসকোড + + + pin-retries-left + {{number}} বাকি আছে + + + pin-one-attempt-blocked-before + সাবধানে থাকুন, আপনার একটি মাত্র সুযোগ আছে + + + pin-one-attempt-frozen-before + সাবধানে থাকুন, আপনার একটি মাত্র সুযোগ আছে + + + pin-one-attempt + এক চেষ্টা + + + pin-one-attempt-blocked-after + আপনার কিকার্ড ব্লক হওয়ার আগে + + + pin-one-attempt-frozen-after + আপনার কিকার্ড হিমশীতল হওয়ার আগে + + + preview-privacy + প্রাইভেসি মোডের পূর্বরূপ দেখুন + + + privacy + গোপনীয়তা + + + privacy-photos + প্রোফাইল ছবির গোপনীয়তা + + + privacy-and-security + গোপনীয়তা এবং নিরাপত্তা + + + privacy-policy + গোপনীয়তা নীতি + + + privacy-show-to-warning + যারা ইতিমধ্যে আপনার প্রোফাইল ছবি দেখেছেন তারা তা করতে থাকবে + + + processing + শুধু একটি মুহূর্ত + + + product-information + পণ্যের তথ্য + + + profile + প্রোফাইল + + + profile-details + প্রোফাইল বিশদ + + + public-chat + পাবলিক চ্যাট + + + public-chats + পাবলিক চ্যাট + + + public-group-status + পাবলিক + + + public-group-topic + বিষয় + + + join-new-public-chat + একটি সর্বজনীন আড্ডায় যোগ দিন + + + join-new-private-chat + একটি নতুন ব্যক্তিগত চ্যাট শুরু করুন + + + search-no-chat-found + কোন সন্ধান ফলাফল নেই. তুমি কি বলতে চাচ্ছো + + + public-key + পাবলিক কী + + + puk-and-pairing-codes-displayed + PUK এবং জোড়া কোড প্রদর্শিত হয়েছে + + + puk-code + PUK কোড + + + puk-code-explanation + আপনি যদি আপনার ৬ ডিজিটের পাসকোড ভুলে যান অথবা ভুলভাবে ৩ বার প্রবেশ করান, তাহলে আপনার কার্ড আনলক করার জন্য এই কোডের প্রয়োজন হবে। + + + puk-mismatch + ভুল PUK কোড + + + quiet-days + {{quiet-days}} দিন + + + quiet-hours + {{quiet-hours}} ঘন্টা + + + re-encrypt-key + আপনার কীগুলি পুনরায় এনক্রিপ্ট করুন + + + receive + প্রাপ্তি + + + receive-transaction + লেনদেন গ্রহণ করুন + + + recent + সাম্প্রতিক + + + recent-recipients + যোগাযোগ + + + recently-used-stickers + সম্প্রতি ব্যবহৃত স্টিকার গুলো এখানে প্রদর্শিত হবে + + + recipient + প্রাপক + + + recipient-code + প্রাপকের ঠিকানা লিখুন + + + recipient-code-placeholder + 0x... অথবা username.domain.eth + + + recover + পুনরুদ্ধার + + + recover-key + বিদ্যমান কীসমূহ অ্যাক্সেস করুন + + + recover-keycard-multiaccount-not-supported + এই একাউন্টের জন্য কী ইতোমধ্যে বিদ্যমান এবং পুনরায় যুক্ত করা যাবে না। আপনি যদি আপনার পাসওয়ার্ড, পাসকোড বা কীকার্ড হারিয়ে ফেলেন, অ্যাপটি আনইনস্টল করুন, আপনার বীজ বাক্যাংশ প্রবেশ করিয়ে আপনার কী পুনরায় ইনস্টল করুন এবং অ্যাক্সেস করুন + + + recover-with-keycard + কীকার্ড দিয়ে পুনরুদ্ধার করুন + + + recovering-key + কীগুলি অ্যাক্সেস করা হচ্ছে ... + + + recovery-confirm-phrase + বীজ বাক্যাংশ নিশ্চিত করুন + + + recovery-phrase + বীজ বাক্যাংশ + + + recovery-success-text + আপনার কীপুনরায় এনক্রিপ্ট করতে আপনাকে একটি নতুন কোড বা পাসওয়ার্ড তৈরি করতে হবে + + + recovery-typo-dialog-description + অনুগ্রহ করে লক্ষ্য করুন, আপনার বীজ বাক্যাংশ টি পাওয়ার সাথে সাথে ঠিক একই শব্দ ব্যবহার করতে হবে এবং অর্ডার করতে হবে + + + recovery-typo-dialog-title + বীজের বাক্যাংশটি কি সঠিক? + + + remember-me + আমাকে মনে রেখো + + + remind-me-later + আমাকে এটা আবার দেখাও + + + remove + অপসারণ + + + remove-from-chat + চ্যাট থেকে অপসারণ করুন + + + remove-from-contacts + পরিচিতি থেকে অপসারণ করুন + + + remove-from-contacts-text + আপনার পরিচিতি তালিকা থেকে কোনও ব্যবহারকারীকে সরিয়ে আপনি তাদের থেকে আপনার ওয়ালেট ঠিকানাটি গোপন করবেন না + + + remove-network + নেটওয়ার্ক অপসারণ করুন + + + remove-token + টোকেন অপসারণ করুন + + + removed + অপসারণ + + + repeat-pin + নতুন ৬-সংখ্যার পাসকোড পুনরাবৃত্তি করুন + + + repeat-puk + নতুন 12-সংখ্যা PUK পুনরাবৃত্তি করুন৷ + + + report-bug-email-template + 1. ইস্যু বিবরণ (আপনি যে বৈশিষ্ট্যটি চান তা বর্ণনা করুন, অথবা সংক্ষেপে বাগ এবং আপনি কি করেছেন, আপনি কি আশা করেছিলেন, এবং আসলে কি ঘটবে তা বর্ণনা করুন। নিচের বিভাগসমূহ) 2. প্রজননের পদক্ষেপ (বর্ণনা করুন কিভাবে আমরা ধাপে ধাপে বাগ প্রতিলিপি করতে পারি। - Status খুলুন -... - ধাপ ৩, ইত্যাদি। 3. প্রত্যাশিত আচরণ (আপনি যা আশা করেছেন তা বর্ণনা করুন। 4. প্রকৃত আচরণ (আসলে কি ঘটেছে তা বর্ণনা করুন। 5. সমস্যা ডেমো করতে পারে দয়া করে এমন স্ক্রিনশট সংযুক্ত করুন। + + + request-transaction + অনুরোধ লেনদেন + + + required-field + প্রয়োজনীয় ক্ষেত্র + + + resend-message + পুনরায় পাঠান + + + reset-card + কার্ড রিসেট করুন + + + reset-card-description + এই অপারেশন কার্ডটিকে প্রাথমিক অবস্থায় রিসেট করবে। এটি ব্যক্তিগত কী সহ সমস্ত কার্ড ডেটা মুছে ফেলবে। অপারেশন বিপরীত হবে না। + + + retry + পুনরায় চেষ্টা করা + + + revoke-access + প্রবেশ বাতিল করুন + + + rinkeby-network + Rinkeby পরীক্ষা নেটওয়ার্ক + + + ropsten-network + Ropsten পরীক্ষা নেটওয়ার্ক + + + rpc-url + আরপিসি ইউআরএল + + + save + সংরক্ষণ + + + save-password + পাসওয়ার্ড সংরক্ষণ করুন + + + save-password-unavailable + পাসওয়ার্ড সংরক্ষণ করতে ডিভাইস পাসকোড নির্ধারণ করুন + + + save-password-unavailable-android + গুপ্ত-সংকেত সংরক্ষণ অনুপলভ্য: আপনার ডিভাইসটি মূল হতে পারে অথবা প্রয়োজনীয় নিরাপত্তা বৈশিষ্ট্যের অভাব হতে পারে. + + + scan-qr + কিউআর কোড স্ক্যান করুন + + + scan-qr-code + একটি ওয়ালেট ঠিকানা সহ একটি QR কোড স্ক্যান করুন + + + search + অনুসন্ধান করুন + + + secret-keys-confirmation-text + আপনি যদি কখনো আপনার ফোন হারিয়ে ফেলেন তাহলে আপনার কীকার্ড ব্যবহার চালিয়ে যেতে হবে। + + + secret-keys-confirmation-title + কোড গুলো লিখেছেন? + + + security + নিরাপত্তা + + + see-details + বিস্তারিত দেখুন + + + see-it-again + এটি আবার দেখুন + + + select-account-first + প্রথমে একটি অ্যাকাউন্ট নির্বাচন করুন + + + select-chat + বার্তা শুরু করতে চ্যাট নির্বাচন করুন + + + selected + নির্বাচিত + + + select + নির্বাচন করুন + + + select-account + অ্যাকাউন্ট নির্বাচন করুন + + + send-logs + একটি বাগ রিপোর্ট করুন + + + send-logs-to + {{email}} এ একটি বাগ প্রতিবেদন করুন + + + send-message + বার্তা পাঠান + + + send-request + অনুরোধ প্রেরণ করুন + + + send-request-amount + পরিমান + + + send-request-amount-max-decimals + দশমিক সংখ্যা সর্বোচ্চ {{asset-decimals}} + + + send-request-unknown-token + অজানা টোকেন - {{asset}} + + + send-sending-to + +{{recipient-name}} to + + + send-transaction + লেনদেন প্রেরণ করুন + + + sending + প্রেরণ + + + sent-at + পাঠানো হয়েছে + + + set-a-topic + একটি বিষয় তৈরি করুন + + + set-currency + মুদ্রা নির্ধারণ করুন + + + set-dapp-access-permissions + DApp অ্যাক্সেস অনুমতি নির্ধারণ করুন + + + settings + সেটিংস + + + share + ভাগ করুন + + + shared + অংশীদারি + + + share-address + ঠিকানা শেয়ার করুন + + + share-chat + চ্যাট শেয়ার করুন + + + share-contact-code + আমার চ্যাট কী শেয়ার করুন + + + share-dapp-text + Status আমি যে DApp ব্যবহার করছি তা দেখুন: {{link}} + + + share-link + শেয়ার লিংক + + + share-my-profile + আমার প্রোফাইল শেয়ার করুন + + + share-profile + প্রোফাইল শেয়ার করুন + + + share-profile-link + প্রোফাইল লিংক শেয়ার করুন + + + share-public-chat-text + Status অ্যাপে এই সর্বজনীন চ্যাটটি দেখুন: {{link}} + + + sharing-copied-to-clipboard + অনুলিপি + + + sharing-copy-to-clipboard + অনুলিপি + + + share-logs + লগগুলি শেয়ার করুন + + + sharing-share + ভাগ করুন + + + show-less + কম দেখাও + + + show-more + আরও দেখান + + + show-qr + QR কোড দেখান + + + show-transaction-data + লেনদেনের তথ্য দেখান + + + sign-and-send + স্বাক্ষর করুন এবং প্রেরণ করুন + + + sign-in + আনলক করুন + + + sign-message + বার্তা স্বাক্ষর করুন + + + sign-out + সাইন আউট করুন + + + sign-with + সাথে সাইন ইন করুন + + + sign-with-password + পাসওয়ার্ড দিয়ে সাইন ইন করুন + + + sign-you-in + আপনাকে স্বাক্ষর করা হচ্ছে... + + + signing + স্বাক্ষর + + + signing-a-message + একটি বার্তায় স্বাক্ষর করা হচ্ছে + + + signing-phrase + স্বাক্ষর বাক্যাংশ + + + something-went-wrong + কিছু ভুল হয়েছে + + + soon + শীঘ্রই + + + specify-address + ঠিকানা উল্লেখ করুন + + + specify-name + একটি নাম উল্লেখ করুন + + + specify-symbol + একটি প্রতীক উল্লেখ করুন + + + specify-network-id + নেটওয়ার্ক আইডি নির্দিষ্ট ভাবে উল্লেখ করুন + + + specify-rpc-url + একটি RPC URL উল্লেখ করুন + + + start-chat + চ্যাট শুরু করুন + + + start-conversation + কথোপকথন শুরু করুন + + + start-group-chat + গ্রুপ চ্যাট শুরু করুন + + + start-new-chat + নতুন চ্যাট শুরু করুন + + + status + Status + + + status-confirmed + নিশ্চিত করা হয়েছে + + + status-hardwallet + Status hardwallet + + + status-keycard + Status কীকার্ড + + + status-pending + বিচারাধীন + + + status-tx-not-found + TX খুঁজে পাওয়া যায়নি + + + status-sent + প্রেরিত + + + status-not-sent-tap + নিশ্চিত করা হয়নি। পছন্দসমূহের জন্য ট্যাপ করুন + + + status-not-sent-click + নিশ্চিত করা হয়নি। পছন্দসমূহের জন্য ক্লিক করুন + + + step-i-of-n + {{number}} এর পদক্ষেপ {{step}} {{number}} + + + sticker-market + স্টিকার বাজার + + + sticker + স্টিকার + + + submit + জমা দিন + + + submit-bug + একটি বাগ জমা দিন + + + success + সাফল্য + + + symbol + প্রতীক + + + sync-all-devices + সকল ডিভাইস এককালবর্তী করুন + + + sync-in-progress + এককালবর্তী করা হচ্ছে... + + + sync-settings + এককালবর্তীকরণ সেটিংস + + + sync-synced + সিংক্রোনাইজে + + + syncing-devices + এককালবর্তী করা হচ্ছে... + + + tag-was-lost + ট্যাগ হারিয়ে গেছে + + + tap-card-again + কার্ডটি আবার আপনার ফোনের পিছনে ট্যাপ করুন + + + test-networks + নেটওয়ার্ক পরীক্ষা করুন + + + text-input-disabled + দয়া করে একমিনিট অপেক্ষা করো।।। + + + this-device + এই যন্ত্রটি + + + this-device-desc + আপনার কীগুলি সঙ্কেতায়িত এবং নিরাপদে আপনার ডিভাইসে সংরক্ষণ করা হবে + + + this-is-you-signing + এটা আপনার স্বাক্ষর বাক্যাংশ + + + this-will-take-few-seconds + এটি কয়েক সেকেন্ড সময় লাগবে + + + three-words-description + প্রতিটি লেনদেনে স্বাক্ষর করার আগে আপনার এই ৩টি শব্দ দেখা উচিত + + + three-words-description-2 + আপনি যদি একটি ভিন্ন সমন্বয় দেখেন, লেনদেন বাতিল করুন এবং সাইন আউট করুন + + + to + করতে + + + to-block + ব্লক + + + to-encrypt-enter-password + অ্যাকাউন্ট এনক্রিপ্ট করতে আপনার পাসওয়ার্ড দিন + + + to-see-this-message + এই বার্তাটি দেখতে, + + + token-auto-validate-decimals-error + ঠিকানা {{address}} ঠিকানায় টোকেন {{symbol}} এর জন্য ভুল দশমিক - {{expected}} সেট করা হয়েছে কিন্তু {{actual}} হিসাবে শনাক্ত করা হয়েছে + + + token-auto-validate-name-error + ঠিকানায় {{symbol}} ঠিকানায় টোকেনের জন্য ভুল নাম {{address}} - {{expected}} সেট করা হয়েছে কিন্তু {{actual}} হিসাবে শনাক্ত করা হয়েছে + + + token-auto-validate-symbol-error + ঠিকানায় {{symbol}} ঠিকানায় টোকেনের জন্য ভুল নাম {{address}} - {{expected}} সেট করা হয়েছে কিন্তু {{actual}} হিসাবে শনাক্ত করা হয়েছে + + + token-details + টোকেন বিস্তারিত + + + topic-name-error + কেবল ছোট হাতের অক্ষর (a to z), সংখ্যা এবং ড্যাশ (-) ব্যবহার করুন। চ্যাট কীগুলি ব্যবহার করবেন না + + + transaction + লেনদেন + + + transaction-data + লেনদেনের তথ্য + + + transaction-declined + লেনদেন প্রত্যাখ্যান + + + transactions-management-enabled + লেনদেন ব্যবস্থাপনা (আলফা) + + + transaction-description + নেটওয়ার্কে 12 টি নিশ্চিতকরণের পরে এটি সম্পূর্ণ বিবেচনা করুন। + + + transaction-details + লেনদেনের বিস্তারিত + + + transaction-failed + লেনদেন ব্যর্থ হয়েছে + + + transaction-history + লেনদেনের ইতিহাস + + + transaction-request + লেনদেনের অনুরোধ + + + transaction-sent + লেনদেন পাঠানো হয়েছে + + + transaction-signed + লেনদেন সফলভাবে স্বাক্ষরিত হয়েছে + + + transactions + লেনদেন + + + transactions-filter-select-all + সব নির্বাচন করুন + + + transactions-filter-title + ইতিহাস ফিল্টার করুন + + + type + প্রকার + + + transactions-history + লেনদেনের ইতিহাস + + + transactions-history-empty + আপনার ইতিহাসে এখনো কোন লেনদেন হয়নি + + + transactions-history-loading + লেনদেনের ইতিহাস লোড করা হচ্ছে। এতে কিছু সময় লাগতে পারে। + + + transactions-sign + চিহ্ন + + + tribute-required-by-multiaccount + {{multiaccount-name}} জন্য একটি চ্যাট শুরু করার জন্য SNT প্রয়োজন। + + + tribute-state-paid + শ্রদ্ধা নিবেদন + + + tribute-state-pending + শ্রদ্ধা নিবেদন মুলতুবি + + + tribute-state-required + {{snt-ammount}} SNT শ্রদ্ধাঞ্জলি প্রয়োজন + + + tribute-to-talk + কথা বলার প্রতি শ্রদ্ধা + + + tribute-to-talk-add-friends + শ্রদ্ধা নিবেদন ছাড়াই চ্যাটগুলিকে অনুমতি দেওয়ার জন্য বন্ধুদের যোগাযোগ হিসাবে যুক্ত করুন। + + + tribute-to-talk-are-you-friends + তুমরা কী বন্ধু? + + + tribute-to-talk-ask-to-be-added + একটি যোগাযোগ হিসাবে যুক্ত করতে বলুন + + + tribute-to-talk-contact-received-your-tribute + তোমার শ্রদ্ধা ঞ্জলি পেয়েছি। আপনি এখন নিরাপদে একে অপরের সাথে চ্যাট করতে পারেন। + + + tribute-to-talk-desc + নতুন দের জন্য SNT প্রয়োজন দ্বারা আপনার মনোযোগ আকর্ষণ করুন একটি চ্যাট শুরু করার জন্য + + + tribute-to-talk-disabled + প্রতিবন্ধী কথা বলার প্রতি শ্রদ্ধা + + + tribute-to-talk-disabled-note + এখন থেকে, নতুন রা SNT না পাঠিয়ে আপনার সাথে চ্যাট শুরু করতে পারবেন। + + + tribute-to-talk-enabled + আপনার কথা বলার প্রতি শ্রদ্ধা নিবেদন সক্রিয় আছে। + + + tribute-to-talk-finish-desc + এখন থেকে, আপনি শুধুমাত্র যোগাযোগ থেকে চ্যাট পাবেন, এবং যারা অর্থ প্রদান করেছেন + + + tribute-to-talk-learn-more-1 + আপনার সময় এবং মনোযোগ আপনার সবচেয়ে মূল্যবান সম্পদ। টকের প্রতি শ্রদ্ধা নিবেদন আপনাকে নতুন দের সাথে চ্যাট শুরু করার জন্য প্রয়োজনীয় একটি পরিমাণ SNT সেট করতে দেয়। + + + tribute-to-talk-learn-more-2 + যে কেউ আপনার কন্ট্যাক্ট লিস্টে নেই তাকে টাকা দিতে বলা হবে, এবং একবার তাদের কাছে গেলে আপনি সাড়া দিতে পারেন। + + + tribute-to-talk-learn-more-3 + আপনি সবসময় টাকা ফেরত পাঠাতে পারেন, কিন্তু বন্ধুরা যাতে স্বাধীনভাবে আপনার কাছে পৌঁছাতে পারে তা নিশ্চিত করতে, প্রথমে তাদের যোগাযোগ হিসেবে যোগ করুন। + + + tribute-to-talk-paywall-learn-more-1 + আমাদের সময় এবং মনোযোগ আমাদের সবচেয়ে মূল্যবান সম্পদ। টকের প্রতি শ্রদ্ধা নিবেদন আপনাকে একটি SNT পেমেন্টের বিনিময়ে নতুন দের সাথে যোগাযোগ করতে দেয়। + + + tribute-to-talk-paywall-learn-more-2 + যার একটি শ্রদ্ধাঞ্জলি সেট আছে তার সাথে চ্যাট শুরু করতে, শুধুমাত্র প্রয়োজনীয় SNT পরিশোধ করুন এবং আপনাকে একটি যোগাযোগ হিসেবে যুক্ত করা হবে। + + + tribute-to-talk-paywall-learn-more-3 + আপনি যদি তাদের চেনেন, আপনি Status বাইরে আপনার প্রোফাইল শেয়ার করতে পারেন বিনামূল্যে যুক্ত করতে। + + + tribute-to-talk-pending + শ্রদ্ধা নিবেদন নিশ্চিতকরণের মুলতুবি + + + tribute-to-talk-pending-note + শ্রদ্ধাঞ্জলি লেনদেন নেটওয়ার্কে নিশ্চিতকরণ মুলতুবি আছে। আপনি লেনদেনের ইতিহাসে এর Status পরীক্ষা করতে পারেন + + + tribute-to-talk-removing-note + টক-এর প্রতি শ্রদ্ধা নিবেদন অপসারণ করলে নতুন রা SNT পাঠানো ছাড়াই চ্যাট শুরু করতে পারবে। একটি লেনদেন করা প্রয়োজন। + + + tribute-to-talk-set-snt-amount + নতুন দের জন্য প্রয়োজনীয় SNT-এর পরিমাণ নির্ধারণ করুন একটি চ্যাট শুরু করার জন্য + + + tribute-to-talk-signing + লেনদেনে স্বাক্ষর করার জন্য অপেক্ষা করা হচ্ছে + + + tribute-to-talk-transaction-failed-note + লেনদেন ব্যর্থ হয়েছে এবং আপনার বক্তৃতা সেটিংসের প্রতি শ্রদ্ধা নিবেদন পরিবর্তন করা হয়নি + + + tribute-to-talk-tribute-received1 + শ্রদ্ধা নিবেদন। আপনি এবং + + + tribute-to-talk-tribute-received2 + এখন পরিচিতি এবং একে অপরের সাথে নিরাপদে চ্যাট করতে পারেন। + + + tribute-to-talk-you-require-snt + নতুন দের জন্য আপনার SNT প্রয়োজন একটি চ্যাট শুরু করার জন্য। + + + try-again + আবার চেষ্টা করুন + + + try-keeping-the-card-still + কার্ডটি স্থির রাখার চেষ্টা করুন + + + turn-nfc-on + অব্যাহত রাখতে এনএফসি চালু করুন + + + turn-nfc-description + এনএফসি ইয়র ডিভাইসে নিষ্ক্রিয়। আপনি সেটিংসে এটি সক্রিয় করতে পারেন + + + keycard-init-title + কার্ড খুঁজছেন ... + + + keycard-init-description + অব্যাহত রাখতে আপনার ফোনের পিছনে কার্ডটি রাখুন + + + keycard-awaiting-title + এখনো খুঁজছি... + + + keycard-awaiting-description + আপনার ডিভাইসে NFC রিডার খুঁজতে কার্ডটি সরানোর চেষ্টা করুন + + + keycard-processing-title + প্রক্রিয়াকরণ।।। + + + keycard-processing-description + কার্ডটি স্থির রাখার চেষ্টা করুন + + + keycard-connected-title + সংযুক্ত + + + keycard-connected-description + কার্ডটি স্থির রাখার চেষ্টা করুন + + + keycard-error-title + সংযোগ হারিয়ে গেছে + + + keycard-error-description + চালিয়ে যাওয়ার জন্য কার্ডটি আবার সংযুক্ত করুন + + + keycard-success-title + সাফল্য + + + keycard-success-description + আপনি এখন কার্ডটি অপসারণ করতে পারেন + + + keycard-recover + হারানো বা হিমায়িত কার্ড? + + + keycard-recover-title + এই অ্যাকাউন্টের জন্য একটি নতুন কার্ড তৈরি করবেন? + + + keycard-recover-text + যদি আপনার স্মারক বাক্যাংশ থাকে তবে আপনি এই অ্যাকাউন্টের সাথে যুক্ত একটি নতুন কীকার্ড তৈরি করতে পারেন। আপনি একটি নতুন কীকার্ড ব্যবহার করতে পারেন অথবা হিমায়িত একটিতে ফ্যাক্টরি রিসেট করতে পারেন। + + + keycard-backup + একটি ব্যাকআপ কীকার্ড তৈরি করুন + + + keycard-backup-success-title + ব্যাকআপ সফল + + + keycard-backup-success-body + ব্যাকআপ কার্ড সফলভাবে তৈরি হয়েছে। আপনি এখন এটি আপনার অ্যাকাউন্টের সাথে প্রাথমিক কার্ডের মতো ব্যবহার করতে পারেন। + + + type-a-message + বার্তা + + + ulc-enabled + ইউএলসি সক্ষম হয়েছে + + + backup-enabled + সক্রিয় + + + backup-disabled + অক্ষম + + + backup-settings + ব্যাকআপ সেটিংস + + + backup-through-waku + Waku এর মাধ্যমে ব্যাকআপ + + + perform-backup + ব্যাকআপ সঞ্চালন + + + backing-up + ব্যাক আপ করা হচ্ছে... + + + last-backup-performed + শেষ ব্যাকআপ সম্পাদিত: + + + unable-to-read-this-code + এই কোডটি পড়তে অক্ষম + + + unblock-contact + এই ব্যবহারকারীকে অবরোধ মুক্ত করুন + + + unknown-status-go-error + অজানা status-go ত্রুটি + + + unlock + আনলক করুন + + + unpair-card + কার্ড জোড় করা + + + unpair-card-confirmation + এই অপারেশনটি বর্তমান ডিভাইস থেকে কার্ডটি জোড় করে দেবে। ৬-সংখ্যার পাসকোড অনুমোদন প্রয়োজন। আপনি কি এগিয়ে যেতে চান? + + + unpaired-keycard-text + আপনি যে কীকার্ডটি ট্যাপ করেছেন তা এই ফোনের সাথে সংযুক্ত নয় + + + unpaired-keycard-title + মনে হচ্ছে আপনার কার্ড আনপেয়ার করা হয়েছে + + + unpair-keycard + এই ফোন থেকে কীকার্ড খুলে ফেলুন + + + unpair-keycard-warning + আপনার পেয়ারিং কোড/পিইউকে এবং পিন অপরিবর্তিত থাকবে + + + update + হালনাগাদ + + + url + ইউআরএল + + + usd-currency + Usd + + + use-valid-contact-code + অনুগ্রহ করে একটি বৈধ চ্যাট কী বা ব্যবহারকারীর নাম প্রবেশ করান বা স্ক্যান করুন + + + validation-amount-invalid-number + পরিমাণ একটি বৈধ সংখ্যা নয় + + + validation-amount-is-too-precise + পরিমাণ খুব নিখুঁত। দশমিকের সর্বোচ্চ সংখ্যা হল {{decimals}}। + + + version + অ্যাপ সংস্করণ + + + app-commit + অ্যাপ কমিট + + + view + দেখুন + + + view-cryptokitties + ক্রিপ্টোকিটিতে দেখুন + + + view-cryptostrikers + ক্রিপ্টোস্ট্রাইকারে দেখুন + + + view-etheremon + ইথেরেমনে দেখুন + + + view-gitcoin + গিটকয়েনে দেখুন + + + view-profile + প্রোফাইল দেখুন + + + view-details + বিস্তারিত দেখুন + + + view-signing + স্বাক্ষর বাক্যাংশ প্রদর্শন করুন + + + view-superrare + SuperRare দেখুন + + + waiting-for-wifi + কোনও ওয়াই-ফাই নেই, বার্তা সিঙ্ক করা অক্ষম হয়েছে। + + + waiting-for-wifi-change + সেটিংস + + + waiting-to-sign + লেনদেনে স্বাক্ষর করার জন্য অপেক্ষা করছে... + + + wallet + মানিব্যাগ + + + wallet-asset + সম্পদ + + + wallet-assets + সম্পদ + + + wallet-backup-recovery-title + আপনার বীজ বাক্যাংশ ব্যাক আপ করুন + + + wallet-choose-recipient + প্রাপক চয়ন করুন + + + wallet-collectibles + সংগ্রহ + + + wallet-insufficient-funds + অপর্যাপ্ত তহবিল + + + wallet-insufficient-gas + গ্যাসের জন্য পর্যাপ্ত ইটিএইচ নেই + + + wallet-invalid-address + ভুল ঠিকানা: + {{data}} + + + wallet-invalid-address-checksum + ঠিকানায় ত্রুটি: + {{data}} + + + wallet-invalid-chain-id + নেটওয়ার্ক মেলে না: + {{data}} কিন্তু বর্তমান চেইন হচ্ছে {{chain}} + + + wallet-manage-assets + সম্পদ পরিচালনা করুন + + + wallet-manage-accounts + অ্যাকাউন্টগুলি পরিচালনা করুন + + + wallet-request + অনুরোধ + + + wallet-send + প্রেরণ + + + wallet-send-min-units + সর্বনিম্ন 21000 ইউনিট + + + wallet-send-min-wei + ন্যূনতম 1 ওয়ে + + + wallet-settings + মানিব্যাগ সেটিংস + + + wallet-total-value + মোট মূল্য + + + wallet-transaction-total-fee + মোট ফি + + + wants-to-access-profile + আপনার প্রোফাইলে অ্যাক্সেস করতে চায় + + + warning + সতর্কীকরণ + + + warning-message + দুঃখিত, আমরা স্প্যাম প্রতিরোধ করতে দ্রুত বেশ কিছু বার্তা পাঠাতে সীমাবদ্ধ. অনুগ্রহ করে এক মুহূর্তের মধ্যে আবার চেষ্টা করুন + + + web-view-error + পৃষ্ঠা লোড করতে অক্ষম + + + welcome-screen-text + আপনার মানিব্যাগ সেট আপ করুন, চ্যাটে বন্ধুদের আমন্ত্রণ করুন + এবং জনপ্রিয় ড্যাপ ব্রাউজ করুন! + + + welcome-to-status + Status স্বাগতম + + + welcome-to-status-description + আপনার ক্রিপ্টো ওয়ালেট সেট আপ করুন, বন্ধুদের চ্যাট এবং বিকেন্দ্রীভূত অ্যাপস ব্রাউজ করতে আমন্ত্রণ জানান + + + welcome-blank-message + আপনার চ্যাট এখানে প্রদর্শিত হবে। নতুন চ্যাট শুরু করতে ⊕ বোতামটি চাপুন + + + welcome-community-blank-message + আপনার চ্যানেলগুলি এখানে উপস্থিত হবে। একটি নতুন চ্যানেল তৈরি করতে, ⊕ বোতামে ক্লিক করুন এবং "একটি চ্যানেল তৈরি করুন" নির্বাচন করুন + + + welcome-community-blank-message-edit-chats + আপনার চ্যানেল এখানে প্রদর্শিত হবে. একটি নতুন চ্যানেল তৈরি করতে, কমিউনিটি স্ক্রিনে ফিরে যান, ⊕ বোতামে ক্লিক করুন এবং "একটি চ্যানেল তৈরি করুন" নির্বাচন করুন। + + + welcome-blank-community-message + আপনার সম্প্রদায়গুলি এখানে উপস্থিত হবে। + + + fetch-community + সম্প্রদায় আনয়ন করুন + + + fetching-community + সম্প্রদায় আনা হচ্ছে... + + + seed-phrase-placeholder + বীজ বাক্যাংশ ... + + + word-count + শব্দ গণনা + + + word-n + শব্দ # {{number}} + + + word-n-description + আপনি আপনার বীজ বাক্যটি সঠিকভাবে ব্যাকআপ করেছেন কিনা তা পরীক্ষা করার জন্য, উপরে #{{number}} শব্দটি প্রবেশ করান। + + + words-n + + ১ শব্দ + {{count}}শব্দ + + + + write-down-and-store-securely + কোড লিখুন + এবং তাদের নিরাপদে সংরক্ষণ করুন + + + wrong-address + ভুল ঠিকানা + + + wrong-card + ভুল কার্ড + + + wrong-card-text + ট্যাপ করা কার্ড আপনার নির্বাচিত কীর সাথে সামঞ্জস্যপূর্ণ নয় + + + wrong-contract + ভুল চুক্তি + + + contract-isnt-supported + চুক্তি সমর্থিত নয় + + + wrong-keycard-text + আপনি যে কীকার্ডটি ট্যাপ করেছেন তা এই ফোনের সাথে সংযুক্ত নয় + + + wrong-keycard-title + দেখে মনে হচ্ছে আপনি টেপ করেছেন + একটি ভুল কিকার্ড + + + wrong-password + ভুল পাসওয়ার্ড + + + wrong-word + ভুল শব্দ + + + yes + হ্যাঁ + + + You + আপনি + + + you + আপনি + + + you-already-have-an-asset + আপনার ইতোমধ্যে একটি সম্পদ আছে {{value}} + + + you-are-all-set + তোমরা সবাই প্রস্তুত! + + + you-are-all-set-description + আপনি যদি আপনার ফোন হারান, আপনি এখন আপনার বীজ বাক্যাংশ ব্যবহার করে আপনার তহবিল এবং চ্যাট কী অ্যাক্সেস করতে পারেন + + + you-can-change-account + আপনি যা চান তা হিসাবের নাম এবং রং পরিবর্তন করতে পারেন + + + you-dont-have-stickers + তোমার কাছে এখনো কোন স্টিকার নেই + + + you-dont-have-contacts-invite-friends + আপনার এখনও কোনও পরিচিতি নেই। +চ্যাট করা শুরু করতে আপনার বন্ধুদের আমন্ত্রণ জানান। + + + your-contact-code + অ্যাক্সেস মঞ্জুর করা এই DApp আপনার চ্যাট কী পুনরুদ্ধার করতে অনুমোদন দেয় + + + your-data-belongs-to-you + আপনি যদি আপনার বীজ বাক্যাংশ হারান তাহলে আপনি আপনার ডেটা এবং তহবিল হারান + + + your-data-belongs-to-you-description + আপনি যদি অ্যাক্সেস হারান, উদাহরণস্বরূপ, আপনার ফোন হারিয়ে, আপনি শুধুমাত্র আপনার বীজ বাক্যাংশ দিয়ে আপনার চাবি অ্যাক্সেস করতে পারেন. কেউ না, কিন্তু তোমার বীজের বাক্যাংশ আছে। এটা লিখে দাও। এটা নিরাপদ রাখুন + + + your-recovery-phrase + আপনার বীজ বাক্যাংশ + + + your-recovery-phrase-description + এটা তোমার বীজের বাক্যাংশ। আপনি এটা ব্যবহার করে প্রমাণ করতে যে এটা আপনার মানিব্যাগ। তুমি শুধু একবারই এটা দেখতে পাবে! এটা কাগজে লিখে নিরাপদ জায়গায় রাখুন। আপনি যদি আপনার মানিব্যাগ হারান বা পুনরায় ইনস্টল করেন তাহলে আপনার এটি প্রয়োজন হবে। + + + custom-seed-phrase + অবৈধ seed phrase + + + custom-seed-phrase-text-1 + এই seed phrase আমাদের সমর্থিত অভিধানের সাথে মেলে না। ভুল বানান শব্দের জন্য পরীক্ষা করুন। + + + to-enable-biometric + {{bio-type-label}} সক্রিয় করতে, আপনাকে অবশ্যই আনলক স্ক্রীনে আপনার পাসওয়ার্ড সংরক্ষণ করতে হবে + + + ok-save-pass + ঠিক আছে, পাসওয়ার্ড সংরক্ষণ করুন + + + lock-app-with + সঙ্গে অ্যাপ লক করুন + + + grant-face-id-permissions + প্রয়োজনীয় ফেস আইডি অনুমতি দিতে, অনুগ্রহ করে আপনার সিস্টেম সেটিংসে যান এবং নিশ্চিত করুন যে Status> ফেস আইডি নির্বাচন করা হয়েছে। + + + request-feature + একটি বৈশিষ্ট্য অনুরোধ + + + select-account-dapp + Dapps-এর সাথে আপনি যে অ্যাকাউন্টটি ব্যবহার করতে চান তা নির্বাচন করুন + + + apply + প্রয়োগ করুন + + + on-status-tree + অন Status ট্রি + + + off-status-tree + অফ Status ট্রি + + + derivation-path + বিবর্তনের পথ + + + storage + সঞ্চয় + + + keycard-free-pairing-slots + কীকার্ডে {{n}} বিনামূল্যে জোড়া স্লট আছে + + + public-chat-description + আপনার স্বার্থের জন্য পাবলিক চ্যাটে যোগ দিন! যে কেউ নতুন শুরু করতে পারে। + + + delete-account + অ্যাকাউন্ট মুছে ফেলুন + + + delete-keys-keycard + কীকার্ড থেকে কীগুলি মুছুন + + + watch-only + কেবলমাত্র দেখার জন্য + + + cant-report-bug + একটি বাগ প্রতিবেদন করা যাবে না + + + mail-should-be-configured + মেইল ক্লায়েন্ট কনফিগার করা উচিত + + + check-on-block-explorer + ব্লক এক্সপ্লোরার চেক করুন + + + check-on-opensea + ওপেনসিয়া পরীক্ষা করুন + + + transactions-load-more + আরও লোড করুন + + + private-key + ব্যক্তিগত কী + + + generate-an-account + একটি অ্যাকাউন্ট তৈরি করুন + + + add-watch-account + কেবলমাত্র দেখার জন্য অ্যাকাউন্ট যুক্ত করুন + + + add-seed-account + একটি Seed phrase সহ অ্যাকাউন্ট যুক্ত করুন + + + account-exists-title + একাউন্ট ইতোমধ্যে বিদ্যমান + + + add-private-key-account + ব্যক্তিগত কী থেকে অ্যাকাউন্ট যুক্ত করুন + + + profile-not-found + প্রোফাইল পাওয়া যায়নি + + + waku-bloom-filter-mode + ওয়াকু ব্লুম ফিল্টার মোড + + + wakuv2-settings + Waku v2 সেটিংস + + + wakuv2-node-format + /ip4/ {node-ip} /tcp/ {port} /p2p/ {id} + + + wakuv2-change-nodes + আপনি কি নিশ্চিত যে আপনি ওয়াকুভ২ নোডপরিবর্তন করতে চান? + + + appearance + উপস্থিতি + + + preference + অগ্রাধিকার + + + light + হালকা + + + dark + অদৃশ্য + + + system + পদ্ধতি + + + give-permissions-camera + অনুমতি দিন +ক্যামেরা অ্যাক্সেস করতে + + + photos + ছবি + + + image + চিত্র + + + sign-anyway + যাই হোক স্বাক্ষর করুন + + + tx-fail-description1 + এই লেনদেন ব্যর্থ হওয়ার সম্ভাবনা আছে। কাস্টম নেটওয়ার্ক ফি ব্যবহার করে আপনার নিজের ঝুঁকিতে স্বাক্ষর করুন। + + + tx-fail-description2 + এই লেনদেন ব্যর্থ হওয়ার সম্ভাবনা আছে। আপনার নিজের ঝুঁকিতে স্বাক্ষর করার জন্য একটি কাস্টম নেটওয়ার্ক ফি নির্ধারণ করুন। + + + set-custom-fee + কাস্টম ফি নির্ধারণ করুন + + + not-enough-snt + পর্যাপ্ত SNT নেই + + + add-new-contact + নতুন পরিচিতি যুক্ত করুন + + + you-dont-have-contacts + তোমার এখনো কোন যোগাযোগ নেই। + + + set-max + সর্বোচ্চ নির্ধারণ করুন + + + continue-anyway + যাই হোক চালিয়ে যান + + + private-notifications + ব্যক্তিগত বিজ্ঞপ্তি + + + private-notifications-descr + স্ট্যটাস আপনাকে নতুন বার্তাগুলি সম্পর্কে অবহিত করবে। আপনি পরে সেটিংসে আপনার বিজ্ঞপ্তি পছন্দগুলি সম্পাদনা করতে পারেন + + + maybe-later + হয়তো পরে + + + join + যোগদান + + + registered + নিবন্ধিত + + + not-registered + অনিবন্ধিত + + + audio-recorder-error + রেকর্ডার ত্রুটি + + + audio-recorder + রেকর্ডার + + + audio-recorder-max-ms-reached + সর্বোচ্চ রেকর্ডিং সময় পৌঁছেছে + + + audio-recorder-permissions-error + অডিও বার্তা প্রেরণের জন্য আপনাকে অনুমতি দিতে হবে + + + audio + অডিও + + + update-to-see-image + এখানে একটি চমৎকার ছবি দেখতে সর্বশেষ সংস্করণে আপডেট করুন! + + + update-to-listen-audio + এখানে একটি অডিও বার্তা শুনতে সর্বশেষ সংস্করণে হালনাগাদ করুন! + + + update-to-see-sticker + এখানে একটি চমৎকার স্টিকার দেখতে সর্বশেষ সংস্করণে আপডেট করুন! + + + webview-camera-permission-requests + ওয়েবভিউ ক্যামেরার অনুমতি অনুরোধ + + + webview-camera-permission-requests-subtitle + যখন সক্রিয় করা হয়, ওয়েবসাইট এবং ড্যাপস আপনার ক্যামেরা ব্যবহার করতে বলতে পারে + + + page-would-like-to-use-camera + আপনার ক্যামেরা ব্যবহার করতে চান + + + page-camera-request-blocked + ক্যামেরার অনুরোধ অবরুদ্ধ। ক্যামেরার অনুরোধ সক্রিয় করতে সেটিংসে যান + + + nickname + ডাকনাম + + + add-nickname + একটি ডাকনাম যুক্ত করুন (ঐচ্ছিক) + + + nickname-description + ডাকনামগুলি আপনাকে স্ট্যাটাসে অন্যদের সনাক্ত করতে সহায়তা করে। +আপনি যে ডাকনামগুলি যোগ করেছেন তা কেবল আপনি দেখতে পারেন + + + accept + গ্রহণ করুন + + + group-invite + গ্রুপ আমন্ত্রণ + + + group-invite-link + গ্রুপ আমন্ত্রণ লিংক + + + pending-invitations + সদস্যপদের অনুরোধ স্থগিত + + + empty-pending-invitations-descr + যারা এই গ্রুপে যোগ দিতে চান +একটি আমন্ত্রণ লিংকের মাধ্যমে এখানে প্রদর্শিত হবে + + + introduce-yourself + একটি সংক্ষিপ্ত বার্তা দিয়ে নিজেকে পরিচয় করিয়ে দিন + + + request-pending + মুলতুবি অনুরোধ… + + + membership-declined + সদস্যপদের অনুরোধ প্রত্যাখ্যান করা হয়েছে + + + remove-group + গ্রুপ অপসারণ করুন + + + request-membership + সদস্যতার জন্য অনুরোধ + + + membership-description + গ্রুপ মেম্বারশিপ আপনাকে গ্রুপ অ্যাডমিন দ্বারা গ্রহণ করতে হবে + + + group-membership-request + গ্রুপ সদস্যতার অনুরোধ + + + members-limit-reached + সদস্যদের সীমা পৌঁছেছে + + + favourite + প্রিয় + + + favourites + পছন্দনীয় + + + new-favourite + নতুন প্রিয় + + + edit-favourite + প্রিয় সম্পাদনা করুন + + + remove-favourite + প্রিয়টি সরান + + + add-favourite + প্রিয় বিষয় যোগ করুন + + + add-to-favourites + পছন্দনীয়তে যুক্ত করুন + + + favourites-empty + পছন্দনীয়তে যুক্ত ঠিকানা এখানে প্রদর্শিত হবে + + + contacts-empty + ই এন এস নামের পরিচিতিগুলি এখানে উপস্থিত হবে + + + my-accounts + আমার অ্যাকাউন্ট + + + my-accounts-empty + আপনার উপলভ্য একাউন্টসমূহ এখানে প্রদর্শিত হবে + + + recent-empty + সম্প্রতি ব্যবহৃত ঠিকানাএখানে প্রদর্শিত হবে + + + address-or-ens-name + ঠিকানা বা ইএনএস নাম + + + name-optional + নাম (ঐচ্ছিক) + + + mute + নিঃশব্দ করুন + + + unmute + নীরব করো না + + + scan-tokens + টোকেন স্ক্যান করুন + + + my-status + আমার স্ট্যাটাস + + + contacts-descr + আপনার পরিচিতিগুলি এখানে উপস্থিত হবে। আপনি পরিচিতি হিসাবে যাকে যুক্ত করেন তার কাছ থেকে স্ট্যাটাস আপডেট পাবেন + + + status-updates-descr + Status হালনাগাদসমূহ এখানে প্রদর্শিত হবে। আপনার সময়রেখায় হালনাগাদসমূহ পেতে পরিচিতি হিসেবে প্রোফাইলটি যুক্ত করুন। + + + whats-on-your-mind + আপনি কি ভাবছেন... + + + cant-open-public-chat + পাবলিক চ্যাট খোলা যাবে না + + + invalid-public-chat-topic + অকার্যকর পাবলিক চ্যাট প্রসঙ্গ + + + now + এখন + + + statuses-my-status-descr + +আপনার মনে যা আছে তা ভাগ করুন। আপনার প্রোফাইল দেখার জন্য যে কেউ আপনার Status দেখতে সক্ষম হবে। আপনাকে যোগাযোগ হিসাবে যুক্ত করা লোকেরা তাদের টাইমলাইনে আপনার আপডেটগুলি গ্রহণ করবে + + + statuses-descr + আপনার মনে যা আছে তা ভাগ করুন এবং আপনার পরিচিতিগুলির সাথে আপডেট থাকুন + + + new-status + নতুন স্ট্যাটাস + + + chat-link-previews + চ্যাট লিঙ্ক পূর্বরূপ + + + you-can-choose-preview-websites + আপনি নিম্নলিখিত ওয়েবসাইটগুলির মধ্যে কোনটি চ্যাটে বর্ণনা এবং ছবির লিঙ্ক প্রাকদর্শন করতে পারেন তা চয়ন করতে পারেন + + + previewing-may-share-metadata + এই ওয়েবসাইটথেকে লিংক প্রাকদর্শন তাদের মালিকদের সাথে আপনার মেটাডাটা শেয়ার করতে পারে + + + websites + ওয়েবসাইট + + + enable-all + সব সক্রিয় করুন + + + disable-all + সব নিষ্ক্রিয় করুন + + + warning-sending-to-contract-descr + আপনি যে ঠিকানায় প্রবেশ করেছেন তা একটি স্মার্ট চুক্তি, এই ঠিকানায় তহবিল পাঠানোর ফলে তহবিল ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত হতে পারে। একটি DApp-এর সাথে মিথস্ক্রিয়া করতে, Status DApp ব্রাউজারে DApp খুলুন। + + + dont-ask + আমাকে আবার জিজ্ঞাসা করবেন না + + + enable-link-previews + চ্যাটে লিঙ্কের পূর্বরূপগুলি সক্ষম করবেন? + + + once-enabled-share-metadata + একবার সক্রিয় হয়ে গেলে, চ্যাটে পোস্ট করা লিংকগুলো সাইটের সাথে আপনার মেটাডাটা শেয়ার করতে পারে + + + external-storage-denied + বাহ্যিক স্টোরেজ অ্যাক্সেস অস্বীকার করা হয় + + + timeline + টাইমলাইন + + + main-account + + + + ethereum-address + ইথেরিয়াম ঠকানা + + + default-assets + ডিফল্ট ERC20 এবং ERC721 + + + increase-gas + গ্যাস বাড়ান + + + cancelling + বাতিল করা হচ্ছে + + + refresh + সতেজ + + + close-all + সব বন্ধ করুন + + + tabs + ট্যাব + + + new-tab + নতুন ট্যাব + + + empty-tab + খালি ট্যাব + + + open-in-new-tab + নতুন ট্যাবে খুলুন + + + has-permissions + অ্যাক্সেস করার অনুমতি আছে + + + connect-wallet + ওয়ালেট সংযোগ করুন + + + open-chat + চ্যাট খুলুন + + + favourite-description + আপনার প্রিয় ওয়েবসাইটগুলি এখানে উপস্থিত হবে + + + transfers-fetching-failure + স্থানান্তরের ইতিহাস আপডেট করা যায়নি। আপনার সংযোগ পরীক্ষা করুন এবং আবার চেষ্টা করতে নীচে টানুন + + + move-and-reset + সরান এবং পুনরায় সেট করুন + + + move-keystore-file-to-keycard + কীস্টোর ফাইলকে কীকার্ডে সরাতে চান? + + + database-reset-title + ডাটাবেস রিসেট + + + database-reset-content + চ্যাট, পরিচিতি এবং সেটিংস মুছে ফেলা হয়েছে। আপনি আপনার কী -কার্ড দিয়ে আপনার অ্যাকাউন্ট ব্যবহার করতে পারেন + + + database-reset-warning + ডাটাবেস রিসেট করা হবে। চ্যাট, পরিচিতি এবং সেটিংস মুছে ফেলা হবে + + + empty-keycard-required + একটি খালি কীকার্ড প্রয়োজন + + + current + বর্তমান + + + choose-storage + স্টোরেজ বেছে নিন + + + choose-new-location-for-keystore + আপনার কীস্টোর ফাইল সংরক্ষণ করতে একটি নতুন অবস্থান চয়ন করুন + + + get-a-keycard + একটি কীকার্ড পান + + + keycard-upsell-subtitle + উন্নত নিরাপত্তা এবং সুবিধা + + + actions + ক্রিয়া + + + move-keystore-file + কীস্টোর ফাইল সরান + + + select-new-location-for-keys + আপনার ব্যক্তিগত কী (গুলি) সংরক্ষণ করতে একটি নতুন অবস্থান নির্বাচন করুন + + + reset-database + ডাটাবেস রিসেট করুন + + + reset-database-warning + চ্যাট, পরিচিতি এবং সেটিংস মুছুন। যখন আপনি আপনার পাসওয়ার্ড হারিয়ে ফেলবেন তখন এটি প্রয়োজনীয় + + + reset-database-warning-keycard + চ্যাট, পরিচিতি এবং সেটিংস মুছুন। + + + key-managment + কী ব্যবস্থাপনা + + + choose-actions + ক্রিয়াগুলি চয়ন করুন + + + master-account + মাস্টার অ্যাকাউন্ট + + + back-up + ব্যাক আপ + + + key-on-device + এই ডিভাইসে ব্যক্তিগত কী সংরক্ষিত আছে + + + seed-key-uid-mismatch + বীজ মিলছে না + + + seed-key-uid-mismatch-desc-1 + আপনার লেখা বীজ বাক্যাংশ এর সাথে মেলে না + + + seed-key-uid-mismatch-desc-2 + এই অ্যাকাউন্টের কীগুলি পরিচালনা করতে আপনার বীজ বাক্যাংশ যাচাই করুন এবং আবার চেষ্টা করুন। + + + recover-with-seed-phrase + বীজ বাক্যাংশ দিয়ে পুনরুদ্ধার করুন + + + transfer-ma-unknown-error-desc-1 + মনে হচ্ছে আপনার মাল্টি অ্যাকাউন্ট মুছে ফেলা হয়নি। ডেটাবেস রিসেট করা হতে পারে + + + transfer-ma-unknown-error-desc-2 + অনুগ্রহ করে আপনার অ্যাকাউন্টের তালিকা টি পরীক্ষা করুন এবং আবার চেষ্টা করুন। যদি অ্যাকাউন্টটি তালিকাভুক্ত না হয় তবে বীজ বাক্যাংশের সাথে পুনরুদ্ধার করতে বিদ্যমান কীগুলিতে অ্যাক্সেস করুন + + + everyone + প্রত্যেকে + + + show-profile-pictures + এখান থেকে প্রোফাইল ছবি দেখুন + + + show-profile-pictures-to + প্রোফাইল শেয়ার করুন + + + non-archival-node + আরপিসি এন্ডপয়েন্ট আর্কাইভের অনুরোধ সমর্থন করে না। আপনার স্থানীয় স্থানান্তরের ইতিহাস অসম্পূর্ণ হতে পারে। + + + custom-node + আপনি কাস্টম RPC এন্ডপয়েন্ট ব্যবহার করছেন। আপনার স্থানীয় স্থানান্তরের ইতিহাস অসম্পূর্ণ হতে পারে। + + + connection-status + সংযোগ অবস্থা + + + peer-to-peer + পিয়ার টু পিয়ার + + + not-connected-to-peers + কোন সমবয়সীদের সাথে সংযুক্ত নয় + + + unable-to-send-messages + বার্তাগুলি পাঠাতে এবং গ্রহণ করতে অক্ষম + + + can-send-messages + আপনি নতুন বার্তা পাঠাতে এবং গ্রহণ করতে পারেন + + + not-connected-nodes + স্ট্যাটাস নোডের সাথে সংযুক্ত নয় + + + unable-to-fetch + চ্যাটের ইতিহাস আনতে অক্ষম + + + nodes-disabled + স্ট্যাটাস নোড নিষ্ক্রিয় + + + waiting-wi-fi + Wi-Fi এর জন্য অপেক্ষা করা হচ্ছে... + + + you-can-fetch + আপনি চ্যাটের ইতিহাস আনতে পারেন + + + youre-on-mobile-network + আপনি মোবাইল নেটওয়ার্কে আছেন + + + status-mobile-descr + চ্যাট সিঙ্ক করার সময় স্ট্যাটাস অনেক ডেটা ব্যবহার করে। মোবাইল নেটওয়ার্কে থাকাকালীন আপনি সিঙ্ক না করা বেছে নিতে পারেন৷ + + + restore-defaults + ডিফল্টগুলি পুনর্বহাল করুন + + + rpc-usage-info + RPC ব্যবহারের পরিসংখ্যান + + + rpc-usage-get-stats + সতেজ + + + rpc-usage-reset + রিসেট + + + rpc-usage-filter + ফিল্টার পদ্ধতি + + + rpc-usage-filter-methods + ফিল্টার পদ্ধতি + + + rpc-usage-copy + অনুলিপি + + + rpc-usage-total + + + + rpc-usage-filtered-total + + + + community-message-preview + {{community-name}} যোগ দেওয়ার আমন্ত্রণ + + + non-contacts + পরিচিতি নেই + + + community + সম্প্রদায় + + + verified-community + ✓ যাচাইকৃত সম্প্রদায় + + + community-info-not-found + সম্প্রদায়ের তথ্য পাওয়া যায়নি + + + community-info + কমিউনিটি তথ্য + + + not-found + পাওয়া যায়নি + + + activity + কার্যকলাপ + + + reject-and-delete + প্রত্যাখ্যান করুন এবং মুছুন + + + accept-and-add + গ্রহণ করুন এবং যোগ করুন + + + one-day + এক দিন + + + three-days + তিন দিন + + + one-week + এক সপ্তাহ + + + one-month + এক মাস + + + my-profile + আমার প্রোফাইল + + + bip39-password-placeholder + BIP39 পাসওয়ার্ড + + + public-channel + পাবলিক চ্যানেল + + + default-sync-period + ইতিহাস ফিল্টার করুন + + + what-is-shared + কি শেয়ার করা হয় + + + view-data + ডেটা দেখুন + + + data-collected + তথ্য সংগ্রহ + + + data-collected-subtitle + নীচের টেবিলটি সঠিক ডেটা দেখায় যা সংরক্ষণ করা হয় এবং পাঠানো হবে। কোনও সংবেদনশীল ডেটা প্রেরণ করা হয় না তা নিশ্চিত করার জন্য ডেটা সর্বজনীন নিয়মের বিরুদ্ধে যাচাই করা হয়। বিশ্বাস করবেন না, যাচাই করুন। + + + view-rules + নিয়ম দেখুন + + + expand-all + সব প্রসারিত করুন + + + about-sharing-data + ডেটা শেয়ার করার বিষয়ে + + + sharing-data-desc-1 + কোনও সংবেদনশীল তথ্য পাঠানো হয় না তা নিশ্চিত করার জন্য জনসাধারণের নিয়মের বিরুদ্ধে ডেটা বৈধ করা হয়। বিশ্বাস করবেন না, যাচাই করুন। + + + sharing-data-desc-2 + ব্যবহারের তথ্য স্ট্যাটাসের পিয়ার-টু-পিয়ার নেটওয়ার্কের উপর এনক্রিপ্ট করা এন্ড-টু-এন্ড পাঠানো হয় + + + sharing-data-desc-3 + আপনার নিয়মিত চ্যাট কী এর পরিবর্তে, একটি একক ব্যবহার কী ব্যবহার করা হয় + + + sharing-data-desc-4 + ব্যবহারের তথ্য আপনার আইপি ঠিকানার সাথে যুক্ত করা যাবে না + + + sharing-data-desc-5 + সকল ব্যবহারকারীর সমষ্টিগত তথ্য সর্বজনীনভাবে উপলব্ধ + + + view-public-dashboard + সর্বজনীন ড্যাশবোর্ড দেখুন + + + sharing-data-desc-6 + ডেটা পাঠানোর পরে আপনার ফোন থেকে সরানো হয় + + + allow-and-send + অনুমতি দিন এবং পাঠান + + + no-thanks + না ধন্যবাদ + + + help-improve-status + স্ট্যাটাস উন্নত করতে সাহায্য করুন + + + thank-you + ধন্যবাদ + + + current-password + বর্তমান পাসওয়ার্ড + + + reset-password + পাসওয়ার্ড রিসেট করুন + + + password-reset-success + পাসওয়ার্ড পরিবর্তিত হয়েছে + + + password-reset-success-message + আপনাকে আবার সাইন ইন করতে হবে + + + password-reset-in-progress + পাসওয়ার্ড পরিবর্তন করা হচ্ছে ... + + + new-password + নতুন পাসওয়ার্ড + + + confirm-new-password + নতুন পাসওয়ার্ড নিশ্চিত করুন + + + password-mismatch + নতুন পাসওয়ার্ড এবং নিশ্চিতকরণ মেলে না + + + terms-of-service + ব্যবহারের শর্তাবলী + + + accept-status-tos-prefix + আমি স্ট্যাটাস গ্রহণ করি + + + updates-to-tos + ব্যবহারের শর্তাবলীতে আপডেট + + + updates-to-tos-desc + আপনি চালিয়ে যাওয়ার আগে, অনুগ্রহ করে ব্যবহারের শর্তাবলী পর্যালোচনা করুন এবং নিশ্চিত করুন যে আপনি কীভাবে অ্যাপটি ব্যবহার করেন তার জন্য আপনি সম্পূর্ণ দায়িত্ব নেবেন। + + + what-changed + কি পরিবর্তন হয়েছে + + + wc-new-tos-based-on-principles-prefix + আমাদের উপর ভিত্তি করে ডিজাইন করা নতুন ব্যবহারের শর্তাবলী + + + principles + নীতি + + + wc-how-to-use-status-app + গোপনীয়তা এবং নিরাপত্তা সহ স্থিতি অ্যাপ্লিকেশনটি কীভাবে ব্যবহার করবেন + + + wc-brand-guide + ব্র্যান্ডিং যেমন ট্রেডমার্ক এবং লোগো ব্যবহার করার বিষয়ে নির্দেশিকা + + + wc-disclaimer + Disclaimers (তৃতীয় পক্ষের প্রদানকারী সহ), ওয়ারেন্টি, এবং আইনি রিলিজ + + + wc-dispute + বিরোধ নিষ্পত্তির বিধান + + + status-is-open-source + স্ট্যাটাস ওপেন সোর্স + + + build-yourself + এই ব্যবহারের শর্তাবলী ছাড়া অ্যাপটি ব্যবহার করতে, আপনি আপনার নিজস্ব সংস্করণ তৈরি করতে পারেন + + + accept-and-continue + গ্রহণ করুন এবং চালিয়ে যান + + + empty-activity-center + আপনার চ্যাটের বিজ্ঞপ্তি + এখানে প্রদর্শিত হবে + + + pinned-messages + পিন করা বার্তাগুলি + + + pin + পিন + + + unpin + আনপিন করুন + + + no-pinned-messages + কোন পিন করা বার্তা নেই + + + pinned-messages-count + + ১টি পিনড বার্তা + পিন করা বার্তাগুলি + + + + pinned-messages-empty + পিন করা বার্তাগুলি এখানে প্রদর্শিত হবে। একটি বার্তা পিন করতে, এটি টিপুন এবং ধরে রাখুন এবং `পিন` আলতো চাপুন + + + pinned-by + যার দ্বারা পিন করা হয়েছে + + + pin-limit-reached + পিনের সীমায় পৌঁছেছে। প্রথমে একটি পূর্ববর্তী বার্তা আনপিন করুন। + + + max-fee + সর্বোচ্চ ফি + + + max-priority-fee + সর্বোচ্চ অগ্রাধিকার ফি + + + miners-higher-fee + আপনি যদি উচ্চতর ফি প্রদান করেন তবে খনির লোকেরা সম্ভবত আপনার লেনদেনকে অন্তর্ভুক্ত করবে। + + + gas-amount-limit + গ্যাসের সীমা + + + per-gas-tip-limit + প্রতি গ্যাস টিপ সীমা + + + per-gas-price-limit + প্রতি গ্যাস মূল্য সীমা + + + current-base-fee + বর্তমান বেস ফি + + + fee-explanation + লেনদেনের জন্য সর্বাধিক সামগ্রিক মূল্য। যদি ব্লক বেস ফি এর চেয়ে বেশি হয়, তাহলে এটি নিম্ন ভিত্তি ফি সহ নিম্নলিখিত ব্লকে অন্তর্ভুক্ত করা হবে। + + + slow + ধীর + + + optimal + সর্বোত্তম + + + fast + দ্রুত + + + see-suggestions + পরামর্শ দেখুন + + + maximum-fee + সর্বোচ্চ ফি + + + low-tip + টিপ খুব কম + + + lower-than-average-tip + গড় টিপের চেয়ে কম + + + below-base-fee + বেস ফি এর নিচে সর্বোচ্চ ফি + + + reduced-tip + অগ্রাধিকার টিপ হ্রাস করা হবে + + + are-you-sure + আপনি কি নিশ্চিত? + + + bad-fees-description + আপনার অগ্রাধিকার ফি আমাদের প্রস্তাবিত প্যারামিটারের নিচে। + + + change-tip + টিপ পরিবর্তন করুন + + + current-minimum-tip + বর্তমান ন্যূনতম টিপ + + + current-average-tip + বর্তমান গড় টিপ + + + your-tip-limit + আপনার টিপ সীমা + + + your-price-limit + আপনার মূল্য সীমা + + + suggested-min-tip + প্রস্তাবিত min. tip + + + suggested-price-limit + প্রস্তাবিত মূল্য সীমা + + + include + অন্তর্ভুক্ত করুন + + + category + বিভাগ + + + edit-chats + চ্যাট সম্পাদনা করুন + + + edit-categories + বিভাগ সম্পাদনা করুন + + + hide + লুকান + + + account-is-used + ব্রাউজারে ড্যাপের সাথে অ্যাকাউন্টটি ব্যবহার করা হচ্ছে। + + + normal + স্বাভাবিক + + + never + কখনই না + + + fee-options + প্রস্তাবিত ফি অপশন + + + fee-cap + ফি ক্যাপ + + + tip-cap + টিপ ক্যাপ + + + collectibles-leak-metadata + আপনি এখানে আপনার NFT প্রদর্শন করতে পারেন। যদি আপনি তা করেন, আপনি আপনার ওয়ালেট এবং আইপি ঠিকানা শেয়ার করবেন + + + display-collectibles + সংগ্রহযোগ্য প্রদর্শন + + + + disable-later-in-settings + আপনি সেটিংসে পরে এটি অক্ষম করতে পারেন৷ + + + use-as-profile-picture + প্রোফাইল ছবি হিসেবে ব্যবহার করুন + + + view-on-opensea + OpenSea এ দেখুন + + + profile-picture-updated + প্রোফাইল ছবি আপডেট করা হয়েছে + + + status-automatic + স্বয়ংক্রিয় + + + status-automatic-subtitle + স্বয়ংক্রিয়ভাবে স্থিতি সেট করুন + + + status-dnd + বিরক্ত করবেন না + + + status-dnd-subtitle + সমস্ত বিজ্ঞপ্তি নিঃশব্দ করে + + + status-always-online + সবসময় অনলাইন + + + status-inactive + নিষ্ক্রিয় + + + status-inactive-subtitle + আপনার অনলাইন স্ট্যাটাস লুকিয়ে রাখে + + + two-minutes + দুই মিনিট + + + swap + অদলবদল + + + select-token-to-swap + সোয়াপ করতে টোকেন নির্বাচন করুন + + + select-token-to-receive + গ্রহণ করতে টোকেন নির্বাচন করুন + + + minimum-received + ন্যূনতম প্রাপ্তি + + + powered-by-paraswap + Parswap দ্বারা চালিত + + + priority + অগ্রাধিকার + + + switch-to-simple-interface + সাধারণ ইন্টারফেসে স্যুইচ করুন + + + transaction-fee + লেনদেন ফি + + + swap-details + অদলবদল বিবরণ + + + slippage + স্লিপেজ + + + price-impact + দামের প্রভাব + + + total-gas + মোট গ্যাস + + + token + টোকেন + + + approve-limit + সীমা অনুমোদন করুন + + + approve-token + টোকেন অনুমোদন করুন + + + approve-token-contract-desc + একটি চুক্তির সাথে একটি টোকেন অনুমোদন করা এটি আপনার টোকেন ব্যালেন্স ব্যয় করতে দেয়। আপনি যদি মনে করেন যে কোনও প্রকল্প অবিশ্বস্ত, তবে তাদের সাথে টোকেনটি অনুমোদন করবেন না, বা কেবলমাত্র আপনি তাদের সাথে যে পরিমাণ অর্থ ব্যবহার করবেন তা অনুমোদন করবেন না। + + + unlimited + সীমাহীন + + + approve + অনুমোদন করুন + + + limit + সীমা + + + last-transaction + সর্বশেষ লেনদেন + + + price-impact-desc + এই লেনদেনের জন্য আনুমানিক মূল্য প্রভাব. যদি বর্তমান ব্লকের বেস ফি এর বেশি হয়, তাহলে আপনার লেনদেন নিম্ন ভিত্তি ফি সহ নিম্নলিখিত ব্লকে অন্তর্ভুক্ত করা হবে। + + + safe-estimate + নিরাপদ অনুমান + + + current-average + বর্তমান গড় + + + current-base + বর্তমান ভিত্তি + + + maximum-fee-desc + লেনদেনের জন্য সর্বাধিক সামগ্রিক মূল্য। যদি বর্তমান ব্লক বেস ফি এটি অতিক্রম করে তবে আপনার লেনদেনটি কম বেস ফি সহ একটি নিম্নলিখিত ব্লকে অন্তর্ভুক্ত করা হবে। + + + insufficient-balance-to-cover-fee + লেনদেন ফি কভার করার জন্য যথেষ্ট ব্যালেন্স নেই + + + wallet-connect-proposal-title + আপনার ওয়ালেটের সাথে সংযোগ করতে চাই৷ + + + wallet-connect-proposal-description + সংযোগ করে আপনি আপনার অ্যাকাউন্ট ঠিকানা পুনরুদ্ধার করতে এবং Web3 সক্ষম করার অনুমতি দেন + + + wallet-connect-app-connected + সংযুক্ত + + + wallet-connect-go-back + আপনার ব্রাউজারে বা ড্যাপে ফিরে যান + + + wallet-connect-2.0 + Wallet Connect 2.0 + + + wallet-connect + ওয়ালেট সংযোগ + + + reject + প্রত্যাখ্যান করুন + + + manage-connections + অ্যাপ্লিকেশন সংযোগগুলির মধ্যে থেকে সংযোগগুলি পরিচালনা করুন৷ + + + wallet-manage-app-connections + অ্যাপ সংযোগ পরিচালনা করুন + + + connection-request + সংযোগের অনুরোধ + + + disconnect + সংযোগ বিচ্ছিন্ন করুন + + + new-ui + + + + send-contact-request-message + + + + contact-request + + + + say-hi + + + + accepted + + + + declined + + + + contact-request-header + + + + contact-request-declined + + + + contact-request-accepted + + + + contact-request-pending + + + + removed-from-contacts + + + + mutual-contact-requests + + + + negative + + + + positive + + + + Please enter a URL + + + + This fields needs to be a valid URL + + + + Please enter a Name + + + + Favorite added + + + + Edit + + + + Add favorite + + + + URL + + + + Paste URL + + + + Name + + + + Name the website + + + + Remove + + + + Done + + + + Add + + + + '%1' would like to connect to + + + + Allowing authorizes this DApp to retrieve your wallet address and enable Web3 + + + + Granting access authorizes this DApp to retrieve your chat key + + + + Deny + + + + Allow + + + + Enter URL + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Error signing message + + + + Transaction pending... + + + + Wrong password + + + + Start Page + + + + New Tab + + + + Downloads Page + + + + Server's certificate not trusted + + + + Do you wish to continue? + + + + If you wish so, you may continue with an unverified certificate. Accepting an unverified certificate means you may not be connected with the host you tried to connect to. +Do you wish to override the security check and continue? + + + + Exit Incognito mode + + + + Go Incognito + + + + Zoom In + + + + Zoom Out + + + + Find + + + + Compatibility mode + + + + Developer Tools + + + + Settings + + + + Mainnet + + + + Ropsten + + + + Unknown + + + + Disconnect + + + + Assets + + + + History + + + + Show All + + + + Cancelled + + + + Paused + + + + Open + + + + Show in folder + + + + Pause + + + + Resume + + + + Cancel + + + + Downloaded files will appear here. + + + + Open in new Tab + + + + Ok + + + + Signature request + + + + From + + + + Data + + + + Message + + + + Reject + + + + Sign + + + + Sign with password + + + + Contact request pending + + + + Connected + + + + Disconnected + + + + This user has been blocked. + + + + Type a message. + + + + Send + + + + Request Address + + + + Request + + + + Transaction pending + + + + Continue + + + + Receive on account + + + + From account + + + + Address request required + + + + To + + + + Preview + + + + Transaction preview + + + + Next + + + + Invalid transaction parameters + + + + Authorize %1 %2 + + + + Choose account + + + + Network fee + + + + Error estimating gas: %1 + + + + Send %1 %2 + + + + Image + + + + Sticker + + + + You have a new message + + + + You have been accepted into the ‘%1’ community + + + + Your request to join the ‘%1’ community was declined + + + + New membership request + + + + %1 asks to join ‘%2’ + + + + Failed to send message. + + + + Share your chat key + + + + friends to start messaging in Status + + + + ↓ Fetch more messages + + + + before %1 + + + + Welcome to the beginning of the <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> group! + + + + Any messages you send here are encrypted and can only be read by you and <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> + + + + Join chat + + + + Decline invitation + + + + Add reaction + + + + Reply + + + + More + + + + Today + + + + Yesterday + + + + January + + + + February + + + + March + + + + April + + + + May + + + + June + + + + July + + + + August + + + + September + + + + October + + + + November + + + + December + + + + and + + + + %1 more + + + + reacted with + + + + Error loading the image + + + + Loading image... + + + + This feature is experimental and is meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It's not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data. Use at your own risk. + + + + Membership requires an ENS username + + + + You need to be invited + + + + Request Access + + + + Verified community invitation + + + + Community invitation + + + + You invited %1 to join a community + + + + %1 invited you to join a community + + + + You shared a community + + + + A community has been shared + + + + Unsupported state + + + + %1 members + + + + Joined + + + + Join + + + + Enable automatic image unfurling + + + + Enable link previews in chat? + + + + Once enabled, links posted in the chat may share your metadata with their owners + + + + Enable in Settings + + + + Don't ask me again + + + + Resend + + + + Transaction request + + + + ↑ Outgoing transaction + + + + ↓ Incoming transaction + + + + Something has gone wrong + + + + Accept and share address + + + + Accept and send + + + + Decline + + + + Select account + + + + Choose accountSelect account to share and receive assets + + + + Confirm and share address + + + + Sign and send + + + + Pending + + + + Confirmed + + + + Unknown token + + + + Address requested + + + + Waiting to accept + + + + Address shared + + + + Address received + + + + Transaction declined + + + + failure + + + + Unknown state + + + + Group Information + + + + Clear history + + + + Leave group + + + + Are you sure you want to leave this chat? + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + Communities + + + + Search for communities or topics + + + + 1 member + + + + Import a community + + + + Create a community + + + + Public community + + + + Invitation only community + + + + On request community + + + + Unknown community + + + + - ENS only + + + + Chats + + + + Join ‘%1’ + + + + Request to join ‘%1’ + + + + Error joining the community + + + + No search results in Communities + + + + Members + + + + Create category + + + + Invite People + + + + Membership requests + + + + Edit category + + + + Delete category + + + + Delete %1 category + + + + Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. + + + + Error deleting the category + + + + View Profile + + + + Roles + + + + Kick + + + + Ban + + + + Transfer ownership + + + + Invite successfully sent + + + + Share community + + + + Notifications + + + + Edit community + + + + Export community + + + + Create channel + + + + Leave community + + + + Delete + + + + Welcome to your community! + + + + Add members + + + + Manage community + + + + You need to enter a name + + + + Please restrict your name to letters, numbers, dashes and spaces + + + + Your name needs to be 100 characters or shorter + + + + New channel + + + + Edit #%1 + + + + channel name + + + + channel decription + + + + Channel name + + + + Describe the channel + + + + Pinned messages + + + + A cool name + + + + channel description + + + + What your channel is about + + + + The description cannot exceed %1 characters + + + + Private channel + + + + By making a channel private, only members with selected permission will be able to access it + + + + category name + + + + New category + + + + Category title + + + + Channels + + + + Create + + + + Error editing the category + + + + Error creating the category + + + + Error creating the community + + + + You need to select an image + + + + You need to enter a color + + + + This field needs to be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + New community + + + + Name your community + + + + A catchy name + + + + Give it a short description + + + + What your community is about + + + + The description cannot exceed 140 characters + + + + community name + + + + community decription + + + + Thumbnail image + + + + Please choose an image + + + + Image files (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png) + + + + Upload + + + + Community colour + + + + Pick a color + + + + Please choose a color + + + + Membership requirement + + + + Require invite from another member + + + + Require approval + + + + No requirement + + + + You can require new members to meet certain criteria before they can join. This can be changed at any time + + + + Save + + + + Private community + + + + Only members with an invite link will be able to join your community. Private communities are not listed inside Status + + + + Your community will be public for anyone to join. Public communities are listed inside Status for easy discovery + + + + You need to enter a key + + + + Access existing community + + + + Community private key + + + + Entering a community key will grant you the ownership of that community. Please be responsible with it and don’t share the key with people you don’t trust. + + + + 0x... + + + + Import + + + + Error importing the community + + + + Invite friends + + + + Invite + + + + Contacts + + + + Chat + + + + Community imported + + + + Importing community is in progress + + + + Community %1 imported + + + + Importing community %1 is in progress + + + + Start new chat + + + + Start group chat + + + + Join public chat + + + + No messages + + + + No search results + + + + Your chats will appear here. To start new chats press the  button at the top + + + + Chat and transact privately with your friends + + + + Follow your interests in one of the many Public Chats. + + + + View Group + + + + Share Chat + + + + Test WakuV2 - requestAllHistoricMessages + + + + Unmute chat + + + + Mute chat + + + + Edit Channel + + + + Mark as Read + + + + Delete chat + + + + Leave chat + + + + Choose browser + + + + Open in Status + + + + Open in my default browser + + + + Remember my choice. To override it, go to settings. + + + + Admin + + + + Last 24 hours + + + + Last 2 days + + + + Last 3 days + + + + Last 7 days + + + + (You) + + + + You need to enter a channel name + + + + The channel name can only contain lowercase letters, numbers and dashes + + + + New group chat + + + + %1 / 10 members + + + + Group name + + + + Create Group Chat + + + + All your contacts are already in the group + + + + Make Admin + + + + Remove From Group + + + + Add selected + + + + Get Status at https://status.im + + + + Download Status link + + + + Unpin + + + + Pin + + + + Copy link + + + + Edit message + + + + Send message + + + + Reply to + + + + Jump to + + + + Delete message + + + + Confirm deleting this message + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well. + + + + Nickname + + + + Nicknames help you identify others in Status. Only you can see the nicknames you’ve added + + + + Your nickname is too long + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet. Invite your friends to start chatting. + + + + Enter a valid chat key or ENS usernameEnter a valid chat key or ENS username + + + + Can't chat with yourself + + + + New chat + + + + My Profile + + + + Enter ENS username or chat key + + + + Non contacts + + + + No profile found + + + + ENS username + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Chat settings + + + + None + + + + Unblock User + + + + Block User + + + + Add to contacts + + + + A public chat is where you get to hang out with others, make friends and talk about subjects of your interest. + + + + Start chat + + + + Pinned by %1 + + + + Type json-rpc message... e.g {"method": "eth_accounts"} + + + + Profile + + + + App version + + + + Version: %1 + + + + Node version + + + + Privacy Policy + + + + Network + + + + Fleet + + + + Minimize on close + + + + Experimental features + + + + Wallet + + + + Dapp Browser + + + + Activity Center + + + + Online users + + + + Broadcast user status + + + + Bloom filter level + + + + The account will be logged out. When you login again, the selected mode will be enabled + + + + Light Node + + + + Full Node + + + + GIF Widget + + + + Waku Bloom Mode + + + + Node Management + + + + Blockchains will drop search costs, causing a kind of decomposition that allows you to have markets of entities that are horizontally segregated and vertically segregated. + + + + Size + + + + Change font size + + + + XS + + + + S + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "S" because the title above is "Seed Phrase" + + + + M + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "M" because the title above is "Mailserver" + + + + L + + + + XL + + + + XXL + + + + Light + + + + Chat mode + + + + Normal + + + + Compact + + + + Appearance + + + + Dark + + + + System + + + + Back up seed phrase + + + + Step %1 of 3 + + + + If you lose your seed phrase you lose your data and funds + + + + If you lose access, for example by losing your phone, you can only access your keys with your seed phrase. No one, but you has your seed phrase. Write it down. Keep it safe + + + + Check your seed phrase + + + + Word #%1 + + + + Enter word + + + + In order to check if you have backed up your seed phrase correctly, enter the word #%1 above + + + + Are you sure? + + + + You will not be able to see the whole seed phrase again + + + + With this 12 words you can always get your key back. Write it down. Keep it safe, offline, and separate from this device. + + + + Okay, continue + + + + Wrong word + + + + General + + + + Default + + + + Show favorites bar + + + + Search engine used in the address bar + + + + Ethereum explorer used in the address bar + + + + Open an ethereum explorer after a transaction hash or an address is entered + + + + Privacy + + + + Set DApp access permissions + + + + Profile picture + + + + Crop your image (optional) + + + + Finish + + + + Chat link previews + + + + Websites + + + + Enable all + + + + Previewing links from these websites may share your metadata with their owners. + + + + Add new contact + + + + Blocked contacts + + + + Add contact + + + + You can't add yourself + + + + User not found + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet + + + + Devices + + + + Please set a name for your device. + + + + Specify a name + + + + Advertise device + + + + Pair your devices to sync contacts and chats between them + + + + Learn more + + + + Paired devices + + + + Syncing... + + + + Sync all devices + + + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + %1 is now connected with your chat key and can be used in Status. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + %1 will be connected once the transaction is complete. + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Wallet address + + + + Key + + + + Back + + + + Primary username + + + + Your messages are displayed to others with this username: + + + + Once you select a username, you won’t be able to disable it afterwards. You will only be able choose a different username to display. + + + + Nice! You own %1.stateofus.eth once the transaction is complete. + + + + Hey + + + + (pending) + + + + Add username + + + + Your usernames + + + + Primary Username + + + + None selected + + + + You’re displaying your ENS username in chats + + + + At least 4 characters. Latin letters, numbers, and lowercase only. + + + + Letters and numbers only. + + + + Type the entire username including the custom domain like username.domain.eth + + + + Your username + + + + ✓ Username available! + + + + Continuing will connect this username with your chat key. + + + + Username doesn’t belong to you :( + + + + Username already taken :( + + + + (edited) + + + + Username is already connected with your chat key and can be used inside Status. + + + + This user name is owned by you and connected with your chat key. Continue to set `Show my ENS username in chats`. + + + + Continuing will require a transaction to connect the username with your current chat key. + + + + Custom domain + + + + I want a stateofus.eth domain + + + + I own a name on another domain + + + + Connect username with your pubkey + + + + Terms of name registration + + + + Funds are deposited for 1 year. Your SNT will be locked, but not spent. + + + + After 1 year, you can release the name and get your deposit back, or take no action to keep the name. + + + + If terms of the contract change — e.g. Status makes contract upgrades — user has the right to release the username regardless of time held. + + + + The contract controller cannot access your deposited funds. They can only be moved back to the address that sent them. + + + + Your address(es) will be publicly associated with your ENS name. + + + + Usernames are created as subdomain nodes of stateofus.eth and are subject to the ENS smart contract terms. + + + + You authorize the contract to transfer SNT on your behalf. This can only occur when you approve a transaction to authorize the transfer. + + + + These terms are guaranteed by the smart contract logic at addresses: + + + + %1 (Status UsernameRegistrar). + + + + <a href='%1%2'>Look up on Etherscan</a> + + + + %1 (ENS Registry). + + + + Agree to <a href="#">Terms of name registration.</a> I understand that my wallet address will be publicly connected to my username. + + + + 10 SNT + + + + Deposit + + + + Not enough SNT + + + + Register + + + + Get a universal username + + + + ENS names transform those crazy-long addresses into unique usernames. + + + + Customize your chat name + + + + An ENS name can replace your random 3-word name in chat. Be @yourname instead of %1. + + + + Simplify your ETH address + + + + You can receive funds to your easy-to-share ENS name rather than your hexadecimal hash (0x...). + + + + Receive transactions in chat + + + + Others can send you funds via chat in one simple step. + + + + 10 SNT to register + + + + Register once to keep the name forever. After 1 year you can release the name and get your SNT back. + + + + Already own a username? + + + + You can verify and add any usernames you own in the next steps. + + + + Powered by Ethereum Name Services + + + + Start + + + + Only available on Mainnet + + + + ENS Registration failed + + + + ENS Registration completed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey failed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey completed + + + + Warning! + + + + Change fleet to %1 + + + + Glossary + + + + Account + + + + A + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "A" because the title above is "Account" + + + + Your Status account, accessed by the seed phrase that you create or import during onboarding. A Status account can hold more than one Ethereum address, in addition to the one created during onboarding. We refer to these as additional accounts within the wallet + + + + Chat Key + + + + C + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "C" because the title above is "Chat Key" + + + + Messages on the Status chat protocol are sent and received using encryption keys. The public chat key is a string of characters you share with others so they can send you messages in Status. + + + + Chat Name + + + + Three random words, derived algorithmically from your chat key and used as your default alias in chat. Chat names are completely unique; no other user can have the same three words. + + + + ENS Name + + + + E + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "E" because the title above is "ENS Name" + + + + Custom alias for your chat key that you can register using the Ethereum Name Service. ENS names are decentralized usernames. + + + + Mailserver + + + + A node in the Status network that routes and stores messages, for up to 30 days. + + + + Peer + + + + P + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "P" because the title above is "Peer" + + + + A device connected to the Status chat network. Each user can represent one or more peers, depending on their number of devices + + + + Seed Phrase + + + + A 64 character hex address based on the Ethereum standard and beginning with 0x. Public-facing, your wallet key is shared with others when you want to receive funds. Also referred to as an “Ethereum address” or “wallet address. + + + + Frequently asked questions + + + + Submit a bug + + + + Request a feature + + + + Language settings + + + + Language + + + + Muted chats + + + + Unmute + + + + The account will be logged out. When you unlock it again, the selected network will be used + + + + Add network + + + + You need to enter the RPC endpoint URL + + + + Invalid URL + + + + You need to enter the network id + + + + Should be a number + + + + Invalid network id + + + + RPC URL + + + + Specify a RPC URL + + + + Network chain + + + + Ropsten test network + + + + Rinkeby test network + + + + Custom + + + + Network Id + + + + Specify the network id + + + + Main networks + + + + Test networks + + + + Custom Networks + + + + Under development +NOTE: You will be logged out and all installed +sticker packs will be removed and will +need to be reinstalled. Purchased sticker +packs will not need to be re-purchased. + + + + Notification preferences + + + + All messages + + + + Just @mentions + + + + Nothing + + + + Play a sound when receiving a notification + + + + Use your operating system's notifications + + + + Setting this to false will instead use Status' notification style as seen below + + + + Message preview + + + + Anonymous + + + + Name only + + + + Name & Message + + + + Hi there! Yes, no problem, let me know if I can help. + + + + No preview or Advanced? Go to Notification Center + + + + Contacts & Users + + + + Notify on new requests + + + + Receive notifications from non-contacts + + + + Muted users + + + + Muted contacts + + + + Muted contacts will appear here + + + + Muted chats will appear here + + + + You can limit what gets shown in notifications + + + + Reset notification settings + + + + Restore default notification settings and unmute all chats and users + + + + Open links with... + + + + My default browser + + + + Security + + + + Backup Seed Phrase + + + + Display all profile pictures (not only contacts) + + + + Display images in chat automatically + + + + All images (links that contain an image extension) will be downloaded and displayed, regardless of the whitelist settings below + + + + Allow new contact requests + + + + Sign out controls + + + + LogoutExit + + + + Sounds settings + + + + Sound volume + + + + Sync settings + + + + Add mailserver + + + + You need to enter the enode address + + + + History node address + + + + enode://{enode-id}:{password}@{ip-address}:{port-number} + + + + Automatic mailserver selection + + + + ... + + + + Share what's on your mind and stay updated with your contacts + + + + Status account settings + + + + You need to enter an account name + + + + Enter an account name... + + + + Account name + + + + Type + + + + Watch-only + + + + Off Status tree + + + + On Status tree + + + + Derivation path + + + + Storage + + + + This device + + + + Delete account + + + + A deleted account cannot be retrieved later. Only press yes if you backed up your key/seed or don't care about this account anymore + + + + Save changes + + + + Add custom token + + + + This needs to be a valid address + + + + Invalid ERC20 address + + + + Enter contract address... + + + + Contract address + + + + The name of your token... + + + + ABC + + + + Symbol + + + + Decimals + + + + Collectibles will appear here + + + + To + + + + From + + + + At + + + + Status Desktop is connected to a non-archival node. Transaction history may be incomplete. + + + + No transactions found + + + + Load More + + + + Total value + + + + Receive + + + + Back up your seed phrase + + + + Recipient + + + + Transaction completed + + + + Transaction failed + + + + Set Currency + + + + Signing phrase + + + + This is your signing phrase + + + + You should see these 3 words before signing each transaction + + + + If you see a different combination, cancel the transaction and sign out + + + + Remind me later + + + + Manage Assets + + + + Account Settings + + + + Collectibles + + + + Generate an account + + + + Add a watch-only address + + + + Enter a seed phrase + + + + Enter a private key + + + + Add account from private key + + + + You need to enter a password + + + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + You need to enter a private key + + + + Enter a valid private key (64 characters hexadecimal string) + + + + Enter your password… + + + + Password + + + + Paste the contents of your private key + + + + Private key + + + + Loading... + + + + Add account + + + + You need to enter a seed phrase + + + + Enter a valid mnemonic + + + + Add account with a seed phrase + + + + Enter your seed phrase, separate words with commas or spaces... + + + + Seed phrase + + + + Add a watch-only account + + + + You need to enter an address + + + + This needs to be a valid address (starting with 0x) + + + + Enter address... + + + + Account address + + + + Token details + + + + Remove token + + + + Transaction Details + + + + 9999 Confirmations + + + + When the transaction has 12 confirmations you can consider it settled. + + + + Block + + + + Hash + + + + Gas limit + + + + Gas price + + + + Gas used + + + + Nonce + + + + Something went wrong + + + + Reload + + + + Maximum number of collectibles to display reached + + + + View + + + + Unnamed + + + + ID + + + + Description + + + + US Dollars + + + + Euros + + + + United Arab Emirates dirham + + + + Afghan afghani + + + + Argentine peso + + + + Australian dollar + + + + Barbadian dollar + + + + Bangladeshi taka + + + + Bulgarian lev + + + + Bahraini dinar + + + + Brunei dollar + + + + Bolivian boliviano + + + + Brazillian real + + + + Bhutanese ngultrum + + + + Canadian dollar + + + + Swiss franc + + + + Chilean peso + + + + Chinese yuan + + + + Colombian peso + + + + Costa Rican colón + + + + Czech koruna + + + + Danish krone + + + + Dominican peso + + + + Egyptian pound + + + + Ethiopian birr + + + + British Pound + + + + Georgian lari + + + + Ghanaian cedi + + + + Hong Kong dollar + + + + Croatian kuna + + + + Hungarian forint + + + + Indonesian rupiah + + + + Israeli new shekel + + + + Indian rupee + + + + Icelandic króna + + + + Jamaican dollar + + + + Japanese yen + + + + Kenyan shilling + + + + South Korean won + + + + Kuwaiti dinar + + + + Kazakhstani tenge + + + + Sri Lankan rupee + + + + Moroccan dirham + + + + Moldovan leu + + + + Mauritian rupee + + + + Malawian kwacha + + + + Mexican peso + + + + Malaysian ringgit + + + + Mozambican metical + + + + Namibian dollar + + + + Nigerian naira + + + + Norwegian krone + + + + Nepalese rupee + + + + New Zealand dollar + + + + Omani rial + + + + Peruvian sol + + + + Papua New Guinean kina + + + + Philippine peso + + + + Pakistani rupee + + + + Polish złoty + + + + Paraguayan guaraní + + + + Qatari riyal + + + + Romanian leu + + + + Serbian dinar + + + + Russian ruble + + + + Saudi riyal + + + + Swedish krona + + + + Singapore dollar + + + + Thai baht + + + + Trinidad and Tobago dollar + + + + New Taiwan dollar + + + + Tanzanian shilling + + + + Turkish lira + + + + Ukrainian hryvnia + + + + Ugandan shilling + + + + Uruguayan peso + + + + Venezuelan bolívar + + + + Vietnamese đồng + + + + South African rand + + + + View Community + + + + Browser + + + + Timeline + + + + Contact request accepted + + + + New contact request + + + + You can now chat with %1 + + + + %1 requests to become contacts + + + + Where do you want to go? + + + + Status Desktop + + + + Open Status + + + + Quit + + + + Create a password + + + + New password... + + + + Confirm password… + + + + At least 6 characters. You will use this password to unlock status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + Create password + + + + Error importing account + + + + An error occurred while importing your account: + + + + Login failed + + + + Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. + + + + Enter seed phrase + + + + This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. + + + + Start with the first word + + + + Enter 12, 15, 18, 21 or 24 words. +Seperate words by a single space. + + + + Invalid seed phrase + + + + Choose a chat name + + + + Truly private communication + + + + Chat over a peer-to-peer, encrypted network + where messages can't be censored or hacked + + + + Secure crypto wallet + + + + Send and receive digital assets anywhere in the +world--no bank account required + + + + Decentralized apps + + + + Explore games, exchanges and social networks +where you alone own your data + + + + Thanks for trying Status Desktop! Please note that this is an alpha release and we advise you that using this app should be done for testing purposes only and you assume the full responsibility for all risks concerning your data and funds. Status makes no claims of security or integrity of funds in these builds. + + + + I understand + + + + Status does not collect, share or sell any personal data. By continuing you agree with the privacy policy. + + + + I'm new, generate keys + + + + Access existing key + + + + Enter password + + + + Connecting... + + + + Login failed: %1 + + + + Generate new keys + + + + Your keys + + + + Add another existing key + + + + Your keys have been successfully recovered + + + + You will have to create a new code or password to re-encrypt your keys + + + + Re-encrypt your keys + + + + Cannot find asset '%1'. Ensure this asset has been added to the token list. + + + + ENS Username not found + + + + eg. 0x1234 or ENS + + + + Paste + + + + You need to request the recipient’s address first. +Assets won’t be sent yet. + + + + Invalid source + + + + Insufficient balance + + + + Must be greater than 0 + + + + Priority + + + + Use suggestions + + + + Use custom + + + + Low + + + + High + + + + Gas amount limit + + + + Per-gas overall limit + + + + Maximum overall price for the transaction. If the block base fee exceeds this, it will be included in a following block with a lower base fee. + + + + Must be greater than or equal to 0 + + + + This needs to be a number + + + + Please enter an amount + + + + The amount is 0. Proceed only if this is desired. + + + + Balance: + + + + Asset & Amount + + + + Blocking will remove any messages you received from %1 and stop new messages from reaching you. + + + + Account color + + + + Confirm your action + + + + Confirm + + + + Are you sure you want to this? + + + + Do not show this again + + + + Please select a contact + + + + Select a contact + + + + Contact does not have an ENS address. Please send a transaction in chat. + + + + No contact selected + + + + Copied! + + + + Slow + + + + Optimal + + + + Fast + + + + Reset + + + + Advanced + + + + Custom Network Fee + + + + Gwei + + + + Apply + + + + Not enough ETH for gas + + + + Copied + + + + Pasted + + + + Copy + + + + Invalid ethereum address + + + + Address + + + + My account + + + + Contact + + + + Search + + + + In: + + + + Messages + + + + Tokens will be sent directly to a contract address, which may result in a loss of funds. To transfer ERC-20 tokens, ensure the recipient address is the address of the destination wallet. + + + + View on Etherscan + + + + <a href='%1' style='color:%2;text-decoration:none;'>%3</a> + + + + Asset + + + + Amount + + + + Data field + + + + Signing phrase is a 3 word combination that displayed when you entered the wallet on this device for the first time. + + + + Enter the password you use to unlock this device + + + + Unblocking will allow new messages you received from %1 to reach you. + + + + Send transaction + + + + Request transaction + + + + Public chat + + + + Not a contact + + + + Image files (%1) + + + + Your message is too long. + + + + Please make your message shorter. We have set the limit to 2000 characters to be courteous of others. + + + + Type a message + + + + Bold + + + + Italic + + + + Strikethrough + + + + Code + + + + No recent emojis + + + + Buy for %1 SNT + + + + Uninstall + + + + Install + + + + Free + + + + Pending... + + + + Update + + + + Could not buy Stickerpack + + + + Stickerpack bought successfully + + + + You don't have any stickers yet + + + + Recently used stickers will appear here + + + + Get Stickers + + + + Ethereum explorer + + + + Custom... + + + + Search engine + + + + Dapp permissions + + + + Revoke access + + + + Revoke all access + + + + Show more + + + + %1 invited you to join the group + + + + All + + + + Mentions + + + + Replies + + + + Contact requests + + + + Mark all as Read + + + + Show read notifications + + + + Hide read notifications + + + + Notification settings + + + + You need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messages + + + + Waiting for %1 to accept your request + + + + Just click this button to add them as contact. They will receive a notification. Once they accept the request, you'll be able to chat + + + + Back up community key + + + + Back up + + + + Member name + + + + Community members will appear here + + + + No contacts found + + + + Your community is free to join, but new members are required to be approved by the community creator first + + + + Your community can only be joined by an invitation from existing community members + + + + Your community is free for anyone to join + + + + You should keep it safe and only share it with people you trust to take ownership of your community + + + + You can also use this key to import your community on another device + + + + Decline and block + + + + Decline all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to decline all these contact requests + + + + Accept all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to accept all these contact requests + + + + Decline all + + + + Accept all + + + + Pin limit reached + + + + Unpin a previous message first + + + + %1 messages + + + + %1 message + + + + Pinned messages will appear here. + + + + I accept + + + + Format not supported. + + + + Upload %1 only + + + + You can only upload %1 images at a time + + + + Max image size is %1 MB + + + + TODO + + + + NOW + + + + %1M + + + + %1H + + + + %1D + + + + Sun + + + + Mon + + + + Tue + + + + Wed + + + + Thu + + + + Fri + + + + Sat + + + + Jan + + + + Feb + + + + Mar + + + + Apr + + + + Jun + + + + Jul + + + + Aug + + + + Sep + + + + Oct + + + + Nov + + + + Dec + + + + Sunday + + + + Monday + + + + Tuesday + + + + Wednesday + + + + Thursday + + + + Friday + + + + Saturday + + + + Start a 1-on-1 chat with %1 + + + + Join the %1 community + + + + Join the %1 group chat + + + + Join the %1 public channel + + + + words + + + + Mainnet with upstream RPC + + + + POA Network + + + + xDai Chain + + + + Goerli with upstream RPC + + + + Rinkeby with upstream RPC + + + + Ropsten with upstream RPC + + + + You need to repeat your password + + + + Passwords don't match + + + + You need to enter a %1 + + + + The %1 cannot exceed %2 characters + + + + Must be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + Use only lowercase letters (a to z), numbers & dashes (-). Do not use chat keys. + + + + community-image-delete + + + + public + পাবলিক + + + + AboutView + + Status Desktop + + + + Privacy Policy + + + + Check for updates + + + + Current Version + + + + Release Notes + + + + Our Principles + + + + Status desktop’s GitHub Repositories + + + + Status Go + + + + StatusQ + + + + go-waku + + + + Legal & Privacy Documents + + + + Terms of Use + + + + Software License + + + + + AcceptRejectOptionsButtonsPanel + + View Profile + + + + Decline and block + + + + + AccessExistingCommunityPopup + + You need to enter a key + + + + Import + + + + Error importing the community + + + + + AccountView + + Type + + + + Storage + + + + Watch-Only Account + + + + Generated by your Status seed phrase profile + + + + Imported Account + + + + On Device + + + + Derivation Path + + + + Remove from your profile + + + + Confirm %1 Removal + + + + You will not be able to restore viewing access to this account in the future unless you enter this account’s address again. + + + + Remove Account + + + + + ActivityCenterMessageComponentView + + Mark as Read + + + + Mark as Unread + + + + + AddAccountModal + + Advanced + + + + Generate an account + + + + Wrong password + + + + You need to enter a password + + + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + Enter your password… + + + + Password + + + + Enter an account name... + + + + Account name + + + + You need to enter an account name + + + + color + + + + Loading... + + + + Add account + + + + + AddEditSavedAddressPopup + + Name + + + + Address + + + + Save + + + + Edit saved address + + + + Add saved address + + + + Enter a name + + + + Name must not be blank + + + + This is not a valid account name + + + + Enter ENS Name or Ethereum Address + + + + Please enter a valid ENS name OR Ethereum Address + + + + Add address + + + + + AddFavoriteModal + + URL + + + + Paste URL + + + + Paste + + + + Pasted + + + + Name + + + + Favorite added + + + + Edit + + + + Add favorite + + + + Please enter a valid URL + + + + Name of the website + + + + Please enter a name + + + + Remove + + + + Done + + + + Add + + + + Add Favorite + + + + + AdvancedContainer + + Online users + + + + + AdvancedView + + disable + অক্ষম + + + enable + সক্ষম করুন + + + Fleet + + + + Minimize on close + + + + Application Logs + + + + Experimental features + + + + Wallet + + + + WalletSettingsLineButton + + + + Dapp Browser + + + + Community History Archive Protocol + + + + Node Management + + + + Keycard + + + + Bloom filter level + + + + Warning! + + + + The account will be logged out. When you login again, the selected mode will be enabled + + + + Light Node + + + + Normal + + + + Full Node + + + + WakuV2 mode + + + + Developer features + + + + Full developer mode + + + + Download messages + + + + Telemetry + + + + Debug + + + + Auto message + + + + Are you sure you want to enable all the develoer features? The app will be restarted. + + + + Are you sure you want to enable telemetry? This will reduce your privacy level while using Status. You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. + + + + Are you sure you want to enable auto message? You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. + + + + Are you sure you want to %1 debug mode? You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. + + + + This feature is experimental and is meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It's not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data. Use at your own risk. + + + + I understand + + + + + AllowNotificationsView + + Ok, got it + + + + Allow notifications + + + + Status will notify you about new messages. You can +edit your notification preferences later in settings. + + + + + AppMain + + Where do you want to go? + + + + Profile Picture + + + + Make this my Profile Pic + + + + Invite People + + + + View Community + + + + Leave Community + + + + A new version of Status (%1) is available + + + + Download + + + + Your version is up to date + + + + Close + + + + Can not connect to mailserver + + + + The mailserver you're connecting to is unavailable. + + + + Pick another + + + + Retry + + + + + AppearanceView + + XS + + + + S + + + + M + + + + L + + + + XL + + + + XXL + + + + Preview + + + + Blockchains will drop search costs, causing a kind of decomposition that allows you to have markets of entities that are horizontally segregated and vertically segregated. + + + + Size + + + + Change font size + + + + Change Zoom (requires restart) + + + + 50% + + + + 100% + + + + 150% + + + + 200% + + + + Appearance + + + + Light + + + + Dark + + + + System + + + + + BackupSeedModal + + Back up your seed phrase + + + + Continue + + + + Not Now + + + + Confirm Seed Phrase + + + + Complete & Delete My Seed Phrase + + + + Confirm word #%1 of your seed phrase + + + + + BackupSeedStepBase + + Enter word + + + + Wrong word + + + + Word #%1 + + + + + BeforeGetStartedModal + + Privacy Policy + + + + Before you get started + + + + I acknowledge that status desktop is in beta and by using it I take the full responsibility for all risks concerning my data and funds + + + + Before you get started... + + + + Get Started + + + + I acknowledge that Status Desktop is in Beta and by using it I take the full responsibility for all risks concerning my data and funds. + + + + I accept Status + + + + Terms of Use + + + + Terms of service + + + + Get started + + + + + BrowserLayout + + Transaction pending... + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Error signing message + + + + View on etherscan + + + + Server's certificate not trusted + + + + Do you wish to continue? + + + + If you wish so, you may continue with an unverified certificate. Accepting an unverified certificate means you may not be connected with the host you tried to connect to. +Do you wish to override the security check and continue? + + + + + ChatContextMenuView + + Leave group + + + + Save + + + + Delete + + + + Are you sure you want to leave this chat? + + + + View Members + + + + Add / remove from group + + + + Test WakuV2 - requestAllHistoricMessages + + + + Edit name + + + + Mark as Read + + + + Clear history + + + + Edit Channel + + + + Download + + + + Delete Channel + + + + Delete chat + + + + Leave chat + + + + Download messages + + + + Delete #%1 + + + + Are you sure you want to delete #%1 channel? + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this chat? + + + + + ChatView + + Members + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + + CollectibleDetailsHeader + + Send + + + + + CollectibleModal + + description + বর্ণনা + + + unnamed + + + + id + + + + View in Opensea + + + + + CollectiblesStore + + Collectibles + + + + + CollectiblesView + + Collectibles will appear here + + + + + CommunitiesListPanel + + Cancel + + + + Leave community + + + + Leave %1 + + + + Are you sure you want to leave? Once you leave, you will have to request to rejoin if you change your mind. + + + + + CommunitiesPopup + + Communities + + + + 1 member + + + + %1 members + + + + Create a community + + + + Search for communities or topics + + + + Access existing community + + + + + CommunitiesPortalLayout + + Search + + + + Find community + + + + Import Community + + + + Create New Community + + + + Featured + + + + Popular + + + + + CommunityColorPicker + + Community colour + + + + + CommunityColumnView + + Create channel + + + + Create category + + + + 1 Member + + + + %1 Members + + + + Start chat + + + + Membership requests + + + + Invite people + + + + Unmute category + + + + Mute category + + + + Edit Category + + + + Delete Category + + + + Delete %1 category + + + + Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. + + + + Create channel or category + + + + Error deleting the category + + + + + CommunityDescriptionInput + + Description + + + + What your community is about + + + + community description + + + + + CommunityDetailPopup + + Join ‘%1’ + + + + Pending + + + + Unknown community + + + + Public community + + + + Invitation only community + + + + On request community + + + + - ENS only + + + + %1 members + + + + Channels + + + + You need to be invited + + + + Request to join ‘%1’ + + + + Error joining the community + + + + + CommunityEditSettingsPanel + + A catchy name + + + + community name + + + + Description + + + + What your community is about + + + + Pick a color + + + + + CommunityHeaderButton + + 1 member + + + + %1 members + + + + + CommunityMembersSettingsPanel + + Members + + + + Member name + + + + Ban + + + + Kick + + + + Membership requests + + + + Community members will appear here + + + + No contacts found + + + + You + + + + + CommunityNameInput + + A catchy name + + + + community name + + + + Community name + + + + + CommunityProfilePopup + + Members + + + + Transfer ownership + + + + Public community + + + + Invitation only community + + + + On request community + + + + Unknown community + + + + Invite friends + + + + Invite + + + + + CommunityProfilePopupInviteFriendsPanel + + Copied! + + + + Contacts + + + + Share community + + + + + CommunityProfilePopupMembersListPanel + + Member name + + + + + CommunityProfilePopupOverviewPanel + + Copied! + + + + Share community + + + + Transfer ownership + + + + Leave community + + + + + CommunitySettingsView + + Members + + + + Notifications + + + + Settings + + + + Overview + + + + Open legacy popup (to be removed) + + + + Back to community + + + + Error editing the community + + + + + CommunityUserList + + Members + + + + + ConfirmPasswordView + + Passwords don't match + + + + Have you written down your password? + + + + You will never be able to recover your password if you lose it. + + + + If you need to, write it using pen and paper and keep in a safe place. + + + + If you lose your password you will lose access to your Status profile. + + + + Confirm your password (again) + + + + Confirm you password (again) + + + + Finalise Status Password Creation + + + + Keys for this account already exist + + + + Keys for this account already exist and can't be added again. If you've lost your password, passcode or Keycard, uninstall the app, reinstall and access your keys by entering your seed phrase + + + + Login failed + + + + Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. + + + + + ConfirmationDialog + + Confirm + + + + Reject + + + + Cancel + + + + Confirm your action + + + + Do not show this again + + + + Are you sure you want to do this? + + + + + ContactPanel + + View Profile + + + + Send message + + + + Respond to ID Request + + + + See ID Request + + + + Rename + + + + + ContactsColumnView + + Start chat + + + + Chat + + + + Search + + + + Join public chats + + + + Contact requests + + + + Community imported + + + + Importing community is in progress + + + + + ContactsView + + Contacts + + + + Send contact request to chat key + + + + Search by a display name or chat key + + + + Pending Requests + + + + Blocked + + + + Identity Verified Contacts + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet + + + + Received + + + + Sent + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + + Controls + + XS + + + + S + + + + M + + + + L + + + + XL + + + + XXL + + + + 50% + + + + 100% + + + + 150% + + + + 200% + + + + + CreateCategoryPopup + + Category title + + + + category name + + + + Edit category + + + + New category + + + + Name the category + + + + Channels + + + + Delete category + + + + Delete %1 category + + + + Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. + + + + Save + + + + Create + + + + Error editing the category + + + + Error creating the category + + + + + CreateChannelPopup + + Channel name + + + + channel name + + + + Description + + + + Describe the channel + + + + channel description + + + + New channel + + + + Edit #%1 + + + + Name the channel + + + + Channel colour + + + + Pick a color + + + + Save + + + + Create + + + + Error creating the community + + + + + CreateChatView + + Contacts + + + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. + +Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be able to chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. + + + + You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. + + +Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be + able to +chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. + + + + You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. + + +Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be able to +chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. + + + + Confirm + + + + + CreateCommunityPopup + + You need to enter a color + + + + This field needs to be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + Community color + + + + Pick a color + + + + Please choose a color + + + + Next + + + + Error creating the community + + + + Name your community + + + + A catchy name + + + + Give it a short description + + + + What your community is about + + + + Community colour + + + + Create New Community + + + + Create Community + + + + + CreatePasswordView + + Create password + + + + + DemoApp + + Invite People + + + + View Community + + + + Edit Community + + + + Leave Community + + + + + DerivationPathsPanel + + Reset + + + + Derivation Path + + + + + DerivedAddressesPanel + + Pending + + + + Account + + + + No activity + + + + Invalid path + + + + Has Activity + + + + No Activity + + + + + DisplayNamePopup + + Edit + + + + Ok + + + + Display Name + + + + OK + + + + + EnsDetailsView + + Wallet address + + + + Key + + + + Connect username with your pubkey + + + + Copied to clipboard! + + + + Release username + + + + Username locked. You won't be able to release it until %1 + + + + Back + + + + + EnsSearchView + + Connect username with your pubkey + + + + At least 4 characters. Latin letters, numbers, and lowercase only. + + + + Letters and numbers only. + + + + Type the entire username including the custom domain like username.domain.eth + + + + Custom domain + + + + I want a stateofus.eth domain + + + + I own a name on another domain + + + + + EnsView + + Transaction pending... + + + + View on etherscan + + + + ENS Registration failed + + + + ENS Registration completed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey failed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey completed + + + + + ExemptionNotificationsModal + + Done + + + + %1 exemption + + + + Mute all messages + + + + Personal @ Mentions + + + + Global @ Mentions + + + + Other Messages + + + + Clear Exemptions + + + + + GasSelector + + Priority + + + + Low + + + + High + + + + Must be greater than 0 + + + + This needs to be a number + + + + Please enter an amount + + + + Min 21000 units + + + + Not enough gas + + + + Miners will currently not process transactions with a tip below %1 Gwei, the average is %2 Gwei + + + + The average miner tip is %1 Gwei + + + + Gas Price + + + + Current base fee: %1 %2 + + + + Use suggestions + + + + Use custom + + + + Optimal + + + + Gas amount limit + + + + Per-gas tip limit + + + + Gwei + + + + Per-gas overall limit + + + + Maximum priority fee: %1 ETH + + + + Maximum overall price for the transaction. If the block base fee exceeds this, it will be included in a following block with a lower base fee. + + + + + GroupInfoPopup + + %1/%2 members + + + + Add members + + + + %1 members + + + + 1 member + + + + Search + + + + All your contacts are already in the group + + + + Pinned messages + + + + Admin + + + + Make Admin + + + + Remove From Group + + + + Add selected + + + + + ImageCropperModal + + Crop your image (optional) + + + + Finish + + + + + ImportPrivateKeyPanel + + Pending + + + + You need to enter a private key + + + + Enter a valid private key (64 characters hexadecimal string) + + + + Private key + + + + Paste the contents of your private key + + + + Public address + + + + Account already added + + + + Has Activity + + + + No Activity + + + + + InsertCard + + Cancel + + + + Please insert your Keycard to proceed or press the cancel button to cancel the operation + + + + + InsertDetailsView + + Next + + + + Profile picture + + + + Your profile + + + + Longer and unusual names are better as they are less likely to be used by someone else. + + + + Display name + + + + Chatkey: + + + + Choose an image for profile picture + + + + Make this my profile picture + + + + Your emojihash and identicon ring + + + + This set of emojis and coloured ring around your avatar are unique and represent your chat key, so your friends can easily distinguish you from potential impersonators. + + + + + InvitationBubbleView + + Unsupported state + + + + Membership requires an ENS username + + + + You need to be invited + + + + Pending + + + + View + + + + Request Access + + + + Join + + + + Verified community invitation + + + + Community invitation + + + + %1 members + + + + Error joining the community + + + + + KeysMainView + + Enter a seed phrase + + + + Generate new keys + + + + intro-wizard-title1 + + + + a-set-of-keys-controls-your-account.-your-keys-live-on-your-device,-so-only-you-can-use-them. + + + + Connect your keys + + + + Use your existing Status keys to login to this device. + + + + Get your keys + + + + A set of keys controls your account. Your keys live on your +device, so only you can use them. + + + + Import a seed phrase + + + + Seed phrases are used to back up and restore your keys. Only use this option if you already have a seed phrase. + + + + + LanguageView + + Language + + + + Set Display Currency + + + + Search Currencies + + + + Search Languages + + + + Date Format + + + + DD/MM/YY + + + + MM/DD/YY + + + + Time Format + + + + 24-Hour Time + + + + 12-Hour Time + + + + Change language + + + + Display language has been changed. You must restart the application for changes to take effect. + + + + Close the app now + + + + + Layout + + Invite People + + + + View Community + + + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + Edit Community + + + + Leave Community + + + + + LeftTabView + + Settings + + + + Sign out + + + + Make sure you have your account password and seed phrase stored. Without them you can lock yourself out of your account and lose funds. + + + + Sign out & Quit + + + + Wallet + + + + Total value + + + + Add account + + + + Saved addresses + + + + + LoginView + + Ok + + + + Welcome back + + + + Add new user + + + + Add existing Status user + + + + Connecting... + + + + Password + + + + Enter password + + + + Login failed: %1 + + + + Password incorrect + + + + + MenuPanel + + Settings + + + + Apps + + + + About & Help + + + + + MessageContextMenuView + + Jump to + + + + Copy image + + + + Download image + + + + Block User + + + + Unblock User + + + + Rename + + + + Reply to + + + + Edit message + + + + Copy Message Id + + + + Unpin + + + + Pin + + + + Delete message + + + + Please choose a directory + + + + Confirm deleting this message + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well. + + + + + MessagingView + + Contacts + + + + Allow new contact requests + + + + Show My Profile Picture To + + + + Everyone + + + + No One + + + + See Profile Pictures From + + + + Open Message Links With + + + + Status Browser + + + + System Default Browser + + + + Contacts, Requests, and Blocked Users + + + + Display Message Link Previews + + + + Fine tune which sites to allow link previews + + + + Image unfurling + + + + All images (links that contain an image extension) will be downloaded and displayed + + + + Message syncing + + + + Waku nodes + + + + For security reasons, private chat history won't be synced. + + + + + MyProfileView + + ENS username + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Change Password + + + + Edit + + + + Preview + + + + + NicknamePopup + + Nickname + + + + Nicknames help you identify others in Status. Only you can see the nicknames you’ve added + + + + Done + + + + + NoImageUploadedPanel + + Upload + + + + Wide aspect ratio is optimal + + + + + NotificationsView + + Messages + + + + You have a new message + + + + Anonymous + + + + Community + + + + 1:1 Chat + + + + Group Chat + + + + Muted + + + + Off + + + + Quiet + + + + Personal @ Mentions %1 + + + + Global @ Mentions %1 + + + + Alerts + + + + Other Messages %1 + + + + Multiple Exemptions + + + + Enable Notifications in macOS Settings + + + + To receive Status notifications, make sure you've enabled them in your computer's settings under <b>System Preferences > Notifications</b> + + + + Sync your devices to share notifications preferences + + + + Syncing > + + + + Allow Notifications + + + + 1:1 Chats + + + + Group Chats + + + + Personal @ Mentions + + + + Messages containing @%1 + + + + Global @ Mentions + + + + Messages containing @here and @channel + + + + All Messages + + + + Others + + + + Contact Requests + + + + Identity Verification Requests + + + + Notification Content + + + + Show Name and Message + + + + Hi there! So EIP-1559 will defini... + + + + Name Only + + + + Play a Sound When Receiving a Notification + + + + Volume + + + + Send a Test Notification + + + + Exemptions + + + + Search Communities, Group Chats and 1:1 Chats + + + + Most recent + + + + + PasswordView + + Create a password + + + + Passwords don't match + + + + Create a password to unlock Status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + You will not be able to recover this password if it is lost. + + + + Minimum %1 characters. To strengthen your password consider including: + + + + This password has been pwned and shouldn't be used + + + + This password is a common word and shouldn't be used + + + + Password must be at least %1 characters long + + + + Current password + + + + New password + + + + Very weak + + + + Weak + + + + So-so + + + + Good + + + + Great + + + + Lower case + + + + Upper case + + + + Numbers + + + + Symbols + + + + Confirm password + + + + + PermissionsListView + + Disconnect + + + + Disconnect All + + + + + PinnedMessagesPopup + + Unpin + + + + Pin limit reached + + + + Pinned messages + + + + Unpin a previous message first + + + + %1 messages + + + + %1 message + + + + Pinned messages will appear here. + + + + + ProfileLayout + + Contacts + + + + Testnet mode is enabled. All balances, transactions and dApp interactions will be on testnets. + + + + Secure your seed phrase + + + + Back up now + + + + + ProfilePopup + + ENS username + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Chat settings + + + + Nickname + + + + None + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + Unblock User + + + + Block User + + + + Add to contacts + + + + 's Profile + + + + Send Contact Request to + + + + Verify %1's Identity + + + + My Profile + + + + %1's Profile + + + + Send Contact Request to %1 + + + + Cancel verification + + + + Remove Contact + + + + Send Contact Request + + + + Mark Untrustworthy + + + + Remove 'Identity Verified' status + + + + No + + + + Yes + + + + Remove Untrustworthy Mark + + + + Verify Identity + + + + Verify Identity pending... + + + + Send verification request + + + + Verification request sent + + + + Confirm Identity + + + + Rename + + + + Close + + + + + ProfileSectionStore + + Profile + + + + ENS usernames + + + + Wallet + + + + Browser + + + + Communities + + + + Appearance + + + + Back up seed phrase + + + + Advanced + + + + Messaging + + + + Notifications & Sounds + + + + Language & Currency + + + + Devices settings + + + + About + + + + Sign out & Quit + + + + + RateView + + Upload + + + + Bandwidth + + + + Kb/s + + + + Download + + + + + ReceiveModal + + Copy + + + + Receive + + + + Legacy + + + + Multichain + + + + Your Address + + + + + RootStore + + You + + + + Start a 1-on-1 chat with %1 + + + + Join the %1 community + + + + Join the %1 group chat + + + + + SavedAddressesView + + Cancel + + + + Delete + + + + Saved addresses + + + + Add new address + + + + Edit + + + + Are you sure you want to remove '%1' from your saved addresses? + + + + Are you sure? + + + + No saved addresses + + + + + SeedPhraseInputView + + Enter seed phrase + + + + Next + + + + Import + + + + Keys for this account already exist + + + + Keys for this account already exist and can't be added again. If you've lost your password, passcode or Keycard, uninstall the app, reinstall and access your keys by entering your seed phrase + + + + Error importing seed + + + + %1 words + + + + %1SeedButton + + + + Invalid seed + + + + Restore Status Profile + + + + + SendContactRequestModal + + Paste + + + + Send Contact Request to chat key + + + + Enter chat key here + + + + Say who you are / why you want to become a contact... + + + + who are you + + + + Send Contact Request + + + + + SendModal + + Transaction pending... + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Send + + + + Max: + + + + No balances active + + + + Please enter a valid amount + + + + To + + + + Enter an ENS name or address + + + + Error estimating gas: %1 + + + + Wrong password + + + + View on etherscan + + + + + SendModalFooter + + Unknown + + + + Estimated Time: + + + + Max Fees: + + + + Send + + + + + SendModalHeader + + To + + + + + SettingsPageLayout + + Cancel + + + + Save changes + + + + + SignTransactionModal + + Send + + + + Continue + + + + Error estimating gas: %1 + + + + Transaction pending... + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Choose account + + + + Network fee + + + + Transaction preview + + + + Sign with password + + + + Send %1 %2 + + + + Next + + + + Wrong password + + + + View on etherscan + + + + + StatusAppCommunityView + + Members + + + + + StatusChatInput + + Send + + + + Message + + + + Please choose an image + + + + Image files (%1) + + + + Your message is too long. + + + + Please make your message shorter. We have set the limit to 2000 characters to be courteous of others. + + + + Bold + + + + Italic + + + + Strikethrough + + + + Code + + + + Unblock + + + + + StatusChatListAndCategories + + More + + + + Add channel inside category + + + + + StatusChatListCategoryItem + + More + + + + Add channel inside category + + + + + StatusChatListItem + + Unmute + + + + + StatusChatToolBar + + Search + + + + Members + + + + More + + + + + StatusColorDialog + + Preview + + + + This is not a valid color + + + + Standart colours + + + + Select Colour + + + + + StatusExpandableSettingsItemPage + + Back up seed phrase + + + + Not Implemented + + + + + StatusListPicker + + Search + + + + + StatusMacNotification + + Open + + + + My latest message + with a return + + + + + StatusStickerMarket + + This feature is experimental and is meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It's not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data. Use at your own risk. + + + + I understand + + + + + StatusTokenInlineSelector + + or + + + + Hold + + + + to post + + + + + StatusWalletColorSelect + + Account color + + + + + TabNetworkAndFees + + Advanced + + + + Custom + + + + Slow + + + + + TransactionSettingsConfirmationPopup + + Are you sure? + + + + Your priority fee is below our suggested parameters. + + + + Current base fee + + + + %1 Gwei + + + + Current minimum tip + + + + Current average tip + + + + Your tip limit + + + + Suggested minimum tip + + + + Your price limit + + + + Suggested minimum price limit + + + + Change Limit + + + + Continue anyway + + + + + TransferOwnershipPopup + + Transfer ownership + + + + Community private key + + + + Copy + + + + Copied + + + + You should keep it safe and only share it with people you trust to take ownership of your community + + + + You can also use this key to import your community on another device + + + + + UploadProfilePicModal + + Profile picture + + + + Remove + + + + Upload + + + + Done + + + + Upload profile picture + + + + Choose an image for profile picture + + + + Make this my profile picture + + + + + UserList + + Members + + + + + UsernameLabel + + You + + + + + Utils + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + You need to enter a %1 + + + + now + এখন + + + Sun + + + + Mon + + + + Tue + + + + Wed + + + + Thu + + + + Fri + + + + Sat + + + + Jan + + + + Feb + + + + Mar + + + + Apr + + + + May + + + + Jun + + + + Jul + + + + Aug + + + + Sep + + + + Oct + + + + Nov + + + + Dec + + + + Yesterday + + + + Sunday + + + + Monday + + + + Tuesday + + + + Wednesday + + + + Thursday + + + + Friday + + + + Saturday + + + + NOW + + + + %1M + + + + %1H + + + + %1D + + + + words + + + + You need to enter a password + + + + You need to repeat your password + + + + Passwords don't match + + + + You need to enter a PIN + + + + The PIN must contain only digits + + + + The PIN must be exactly 6 digits + + + + You need to repeat your PIN + + + + PIN don't match + + + + The %1 cannot exceed %2 characters + + + + Must be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + Use only lowercase letters (a to z), numbers & dashes (-). Do not use chat keys. + + + + Value has to be at least %1 characters long + + + + Unknown + + + + < 1 min + + + + < 3 mins + + + + < 5 mins + + + + > 5 mins + + + + years ago + + + + year ago + + + + months ago + + + + month ago + + + + weeks ago + + + + week ago + + + + days ago + + + + day ago + + + + hours ago + + + + hour ago + + + + mins ago + + + + min ago + + + + secs ago + + + + sec ago + + + + + WalletView + + Wallet + + + + Networks + + + + DApp Permissions + + + + Testnet Mode + + + + + AcceptTransactionView + + Accept and share address + + + + Accept and send + + + + Decline + + + + + Acknowledgements + + Secure Your Assets and Funds + + + + Your seed phrase is a 12-word passcode to your funds. + + + + Your seed phrase cannot be recovered if lost. Therefore, you <b>must</b> back it up. The simplest way is to <b>write it down offline and store it somewhere secure.</b> + + + + I have a pen and paper + + + + I am ready to write down my seed phrase + + + + I know where I’ll store it + + + + You can only complete this process once. Status will not store your seed phrase and can never help you recover it. + + + + + ActivityCenterPopup + + Show more + + + + + ActivityCenterPopupTopBarPanel + + All + + + + Mentions + + + + Replies + + + + Mark all as Read + + + + Show read notifications + + + + Hide read notifications + + + + Notification settings + + + + + AddShowTokenModal + + Add custom token + + + + This needs to be a valid address + + + + Invalid ERC20 address + + + + Enter contract address... + + + + Contract address + + + + The name of your token... + + + + Name + + + + ABC + + + + Symbol + + + + Decimals + + + + Changing settings failed + + + + Add + + + + + AddWakuNodeModal + + Waku nodes + + + + Name + + + + Specify a name + + + + You need to enter a name + + + + History node address + + + + You need to enter the enode address + + + + The format must be: enode://{enode-id}:{password}@{ip-address}:{port} + + + + Save + + + + + AddressInput + + ENS Username not found + + + + + AddressRequiredValidator + + You need to request the recipient’s address first. +Assets won’t be sent yet. + + + + + AddressSourceSelector + + Invalid source + + + + + AdvancedAddAccountView + + Enter address... + + + + Account address + + + + This needs to be a valid address (starting with 0x) + + + + You need to enter an address + + + + + AppSearch + + No results + + + + Anywhere + + + + + AssetAndAmountInput + + Insufficient balance + + + + Must be greater than or equal to 0 + + + + This needs to be a number + + + + Please enter an amount + + + + Balance: + + + + Asset & Amount + + + + The amount is 0. Proceed only if this is desired. + + + + + BackUpCommuntyBannerPanel + + Back up community key + + + + Back up + + + + + BalanceExceeded + + Balance exceeded + + + + No networks available + + + + + BalanceValidator + + Insufficient balance + + + + + BlockContactConfirmationDialog + + Block User + + + + Blocking will stop new messages from reaching you from %1. + + + + + BloomSelectorButton + + TODO + + + + + BrowserConnectionModal + + '%1' would like to connect to + + + + Allowing authorizes this DApp to retrieve your wallet address and enable Web3 + + + + Granting access authorizes this DApp to retrieve your chat key + + + + Deny + + + + Allow + + + + + BrowserHeader + + Enter URL + + + + + BrowserSettingsMenu + + New Tab + + + + Exit Incognito mode + + + + Go Incognito + + + + Zoom In + + + + Zoom Out + + + + Find + + + + Compatibility mode + + + + Developer Tools + + + + Settings + + + + + BrowserTabStyle + + Start Page + + + + + BrowserTabView + + Start Page + + + + New Tab + + + + Downloads Page + + + + + BrowserView + + Search engine used in the address bar + + + + None + + + + Show Favorites Bar + + + + Connected DApps + + + + No connected dApps + + + + Connecting a dApp grants it permission to view your address and balances, and to send you transaction requests + + + + + BrowserWalletMenu + + Mainnet + + + + Ropsten + + + + Unknown + + + + Disconnect + + + + Assets + + + + History + + + + + BrowserWebEngineView + + Add Favorite + + + + + ChangePasswordModal + + Change password + + + + Change password used to unlock Status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + Change Password + + + + + ChangePasswordSuccessModal + + <b>Password changed</b> + + + + You need to sign in again using the new password. + + + + Sign out & Quit + + + + + ChangeProfilePicModal + + Profile picture + + + + Remove + + + + Upload + + + + Please choose an image + + + + Image files (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png) + + + + + ChannelIdentifierView + + Welcome to the beginning of the <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> group! + + + + Any messages you send here are encrypted and can only be read by you and <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> + + + + + ChatButtonsPanel + + Add reaction + + + + Reply + + + + Edit + + + + Unpin + + + + Pin + + + + Delete + + + + Confirm deleting this message + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well. + + + + + ChatColumnView + + Send + + + + Request Address + + + + Request + + + + + ChatCommandModal + + Continue + + + + Receive on account + + + + From account + + + + Address request required + + + + From + + + + To + + + + Preview + + + + Transaction preview + + + + Next + + + + + ChatCommandsPopup + + Send transaction + + + + Request transaction + + + + + ChatContentView + + Contact + + + + Not a contact + + + + Public chat + + + + %1 members + + + + 1 member + + + + Connected + + + + Disconnected + + + + Blocked + + + + This user has been blocked. + + + + + ChatMessagesView + + Loading... + + + + Failed to send message. + + + + + ChatRequestMessagePanel + + You need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messages + + + + Just click this button to add them as contact. They will receive a notification. Once they accept the request, you'll be able to chat + + + + Add to contacts + + + + + ChooseBrowserPopup + + Choose browser + + + + Open in Status + + + + Open in my default browser + + + + Remember my choice. To override it, go to settings. + + + + + ClosedEmptyPanel + + Your chats will appear here. To start new chats press the  button at the top + + + + + CollectibleCollectionView + + No collectibles available + + + + + CollectibleDetailView + + Properties + + + + Levels + + + + Stats + + + + + CollectiblesContent + + Something went wrong + + + + Reload + + + + + CollectiblesHeader + + Maximum number of collectibles to display reached + + + + + CollectiblesModal + + View + + + + Unnamed + + + + + CollectiblesModalContent + + ID + + + + Description + + + + + CommunitiesView + + Import community + + + + Communities you've joined + + + + + CommunityBannerPicker + + Community banner + + + + Choose an image for banner + + + + Make this my Community banner + + + + + CommunityChannelsAndCategoriesBannerPanel + + Expand your community by adding more channels and categories + + + + Add channels + + + + Add categories + + + + + CommunityColorPanel + + Community Colour + + + + Select Community Colour + + + + This is not a valid colour + + + + White text should be legable on top of this colour + + + + Standard colours + + + + + CommunityDelegate + + Admin + + + + Member + + + + + CommunityIntroDialog + + Welcome to %1 + + + + Join %1 + + + + Community <b>%1</b> has no intro message... + + + + I agree with the above + + + + + CommunityIntroMessageInput + + Community introduction and rules + + + + What new members will read before joining (eg. community rules, welcome message, etc.). Members will need to tick a check box agreeing to these rules before they are allowed to join your community. + + + + community intro message + + + + + CommunityLogoPicker + + Community logo + + + + Choose an image as logo + + + + Make this my Community logo + + + + + CommunityOptions + + Community history service + + + + Request to join required + + + + Any member can pin a message + + + + + CommunityOutroMessageInput + + Leaving community message + + + + The message a member will see when they leave your community + + + + community intro message + + + + + CommunityOverviewSettingsPanel + + Overview + + + + Edit Community + + + + This node is the Community Owner Node. For your Community to function correctly try to keep this computer with Status running and onlinie as much as possible. + + + + Welcome to your community! + + + + Invite new people + + + + Try an airdrop to reward your community for engagement! + + + + Airdrop Tokens + + + + Back up community key + + + + Back up + + + + + CommunityTagsPanel + + Community Tags + + + + Confirm Community Tags + + + + Select tags that will fit your Community + + + + Search tags + + + + Selected tags + + + + + CommunityTagsPicker + + Tags + + + + + CommunityWelcomeBannerPanel + + Welcome to your community! + + + + Add members + + + + Manage community + + + + + CompactMessageView + + Pinned by %1 + + + + Cancel + + + + Save + + + + + ConfirmAddExistingKeyModal + + Enter seed phrase + + + + Do you want to add another existing key? + + + + Add another existing key + + + + + ConfirmAppRestartModal + + Application Restart + + + + Please restart the application to apply the changes. + + + + Restart + + + + + ConfirmSeedPhrasePanel + + Write down your 12-word seed phrase to keep offline + + + + Reveal seed phrase + + + + The next screen contains your seed phrase. +<b>Anyone</b> who sees it can use it to access to your funds. + + + + + ConfirmStoringSeedPhrasePanel + + Complete back up + + + + Store Your Phrase Offline and Complete Your Back Up + + + + By completing this process, you will remove your seed phrase from this application’s storage. This makes your funds more secure. + + + + You will remain logged in, and your seed phrase will be entirely in your hands. + + + + I acknowledge that Status will not be able to show me my seed phrase again. + + + + I aknowledge that Status will not be able to show me my seed phrase again. + + + + + Constants + + Username must be at least 5 characters + + + + Only letters, numbers, underscores and hyphens allowed + + + + 24 character username limit + + + + Usernames ending with '-eth' are not allowed + + + + Usernames ending with '_eth' are not allowed + + + + Usernames ending with '.eth' are not allowed + + + + Sorry, the name you have chosen is not allowed, try picking another username + + + + (edited) + + + + Username already taken :( + + + + Username doesn’t belong to you :( + + + + Continuing will connect this username with your chat key. + + + + ✓ Username available! + + + + Username is already connected with your chat key and can be used inside Status. + + + + This user name is owned by you and connected with your chat key. Continue to set `Show my ENS username in chats`. + + + + Continuing will require a transaction to connect the username with your current chat key. + + + + + Contact + + Admin + + + + + ContactRequestsPopup + + Contact requests + + + + Decline all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to decline all these contact requests + + + + Accept all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to accept all these contact requests + + + + Decline all + + + + Accept all + + + + + ContactSelector + + Please select a contact + + + + Select a contact + + + + Contact does not have an ENS address. Please send a transaction in chat. + + + + No contact selected + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet + + + + + ContactVerificationRequestPopup + + %1 is asking you to verify your identity + + + + %1 would like to verify your identity. Answer the question to prove your identity to %2 + + + + Provide answer to verification request from this contact. + + + + Your answer has been sent to %1. + + + + Refuse Verification + + + + Send Answer + + + + Change answer + + + + Close + + + + + ContactsListAndSearch + + Enter a valid chat key or ENS username + + + + Can't chat with yourself + + + + Enter ENS username or chat key + + + + + ContactsListPanel + + Contact Request Sent + + + + Contact Request Rejected + + + + + CopyToClipBoardButton + + Copied! + + + + + CreatePasswordModal + + Store password + + + + Create a password + + + + Current password... + + + + New password... + + + + Confirm password… + + + + At least 6 characters. You will use this password to unlock status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + Create password + + + + Error importing account + + + + An error occurred while importing your account: + + + + Login failed + + + + Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. + + + + Incorrect password + + + + + CryptoServicesModal + + Buy / Sell crypto + + + + Choose a service you'd like to use to buy crypto + + + + + CurrenciesStore + + US Dollars + + + + British Pound + + + + Euros + + + + Russian ruble + + + + South Korean won + + + + Ethereum + + + + Tokens + + + + Bitcoin + + + + Status Network Token + + + + Dai + + + + United Arab Emirates dirham + + + + Other Fiat + + + + Afghan afghani + + + + Argentine peso + + + + Australian dollar + + + + Barbadian dollar + + + + Bangladeshi taka + + + + Bulgarian lev + + + + Bahraini dinar + + + + Brunei dollar + + + + Bolivian boliviano + + + + Brazillian real + + + + Bhutanese ngultrum + + + + Canadian dollar + + + + Swiss franc + + + + Chilean peso + + + + Chinese yuan + + + + Colombian peso + + + + Costa Rican colón + + + + Czech koruna + + + + Danish krone + + + + Dominican peso + + + + Egyptian pound + + + + Ethiopian birr + + + + Georgian lari + + + + Ghanaian cedi + + + + Hong Kong dollar + + + + Croatian kuna + + + + Hungarian forint + + + + Indonesian rupiah + + + + Israeli new shekel + + + + Indian rupee + + + + Icelandic króna + + + + Jamaican dollar + + + + Japanese yen + + + + Kenyan shilling + + + + Kuwaiti dinar + + + + Kazakhstani tenge + + + + Sri Lankan rupee + + + + Moroccan dirham + + + + Moldovan leu + + + + Mauritian rupee + + + + Malawian kwacha + + + + Mexican peso + + + + Malaysian ringgit + + + + Mozambican metical + + + + Namibian dollar + + + + Nigerian naira + + + + Norwegian krone + + + + Nepalese rupee + + + + New Zealand dollar + + + + Omani rial + + + + Peruvian sol + + + + Papua New Guinean kina + + + + Philippine peso + + + + Pakistani rupee + + + + Polish złoty + + + + Paraguayan guaraní + + + + Qatari riyal + + + + Romanian leu + + + + Serbian dinar + + + + Saudi riyal + + + + Swedish krona + + + + Singapore dollar + + + + Thai baht + + + + Trinidad and Tobago dollar + + + + New Taiwan dollar + + + + Tanzanian shilling + + + + Turkish lira + + + + Ukrainian hryvnia + + + + Ugandan shilling + + + + Uruguayan peso + + + + Venezuelan bolívar + + + + Vietnamese đồng + + + + South African rand + + + + + DateGroup + + Today + + + + Yesterday + + + + January + + + + February + + + + March + + + + April + + + + May + + + + June + + + + July + + + + August + + + + September + + + + October + + + + November + + + + December + + + + + DefaultDAppExplorerView + + Default DApp explorer + + + + none + + + + + DevicesView + + Please set a name for your device. + + + + Specify a name + + + + Continue + + + + Advertise device + + + + Pair your devices to sync contacts and chats between them + + + + Learn more + + + + Paired devices + + + + Syncing... + + + + Sync all devices + + + + + DownloadBar + + Cancelled + + + + Paused + + + + Show All + + + + + DownloadMenu + + Open + + + + Show in folder + + + + Pause + + + + Resume + + + + Cancel + + + + + DownloadPage + + Thanks for using Status + + + + You're curently using version %1 of Status. + + + + There's new version available to download. + + + + Get Status %1 + + + + + DownloadView + + Cancelled + + + + Paused + + + + Downloaded files will appear here. + + + + + ENSPopup + + Primary username + + + + Your messages are displayed to others with this username: + + + + Once you select a username, you won’t be able to disable it afterwards. You will only be able choose a different username to display. + + + + + EmojiReactionsPanel + + Add reaction + + + + + EmptyChatPanel + + Share your chat key + + + + or + + + + invite + + + + friends to start messaging in Status + + + + + EnsAddedView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + %1 is now connected with your chat key and can be used in Status. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsConnectedView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + %1 will be connected once the transaction is complete. + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsListView + + Hey + + + + (pending) + + + + ENS usernames + + + + Add username + + + + Your usernames + + + + Chat settings + + + + Primary Username + + + + None selected + + + + You’re displaying your ENS username in chats + + + + + EnsRegisteredView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + Nice! You own %1.stateofus.eth once the transaction is complete. + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsReleasedView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username removed + + + + The username %1 will be removed and your deposit will be returned once the transaction is mined + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsTermsAndConditionsView + + ENS usernames + + + + Terms of name registration + + + + Funds are deposited for 1 year. Your SNT will be locked, but not spent. + + + + After 1 year, you can release the name and get your deposit back, or take no action to keep the name. + + + + If terms of the contract change — e.g. Status makes contract upgrades — user has the right to release the username regardless of time held. + + + + The contract controller cannot access your deposited funds. They can only be moved back to the address that sent them. + + + + Your address(es) will be publicly associated with your ENS name. + + + + Usernames are created as subdomain nodes of stateofus.eth and are subject to the ENS smart contract terms. + + + + You authorize the contract to transfer SNT on your behalf. This can only occur when you approve a transaction to authorize the transfer. + + + + These terms are guaranteed by the smart contract logic at addresses: + + + + %1 (Status UsernameRegistrar). + + + + <a href='%1%2'>Look up on Etherscan</a> + + + + %1 (ENS Registry). + + + + Wallet address + + + + Copied to clipboard! + + + + Key + + + + Agree to <a href="#">Terms of name registration.</a> I understand that my wallet address will be publicly connected to my username. + + + + Back + + + + 10 SNT + + + + Deposit + + + + Not enough SNT + + + + Register + + + + + EnsWelcomeView + + Get a universal username + + + + ENS names transform those crazy-long addresses into unique usernames. + + + + Customize your chat name + + + + An ENS name can replace your random 3-word name in chat. Be @yourname instead of %1. + + + + Simplify your ETH address + + + + You can receive funds to your easy-to-share ENS name rather than your hexadecimal hash (0x...). + + + + Receive transactions in chat + + + + Others can send you funds via chat in one simple step. + + + + 10 SNT to register + + + + Register once to keep the name forever. After 1 year you can release the name and get your SNT back. + + + + Already own a username? + + + + You can verify and add any usernames you own in the next steps. + + + + Powered by Ethereum Name Services + + + + Start + + + + Only available on Mainnet + + + + + FavoriteMenu + + Open in new Tab + + + + Edit + + + + Remove + + + + + FetchMoreMessagesButton + + ↓ Fetch more messages + + + + Before %1 + + + + before--%1 + + + + + FleetRadioSelector + + Warning! + + + + Change fleet to %1 + + + + + FleetsModal + + Fleet + + + + + GapComponent + + fetch-messages + + + + between--1-and--2 + + + + Fetch messages + + + + Between %1 and %2 + + + + + GasSelectorButton + + Low + + + + + GasValidator + + Not enough ETH for gas + + + + + GroupChatPanel + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + Confirm + + + + + HistoryView + + Status Desktop is connected to a non-archival node. Transaction history may be incomplete. + + + + No transactions found + + + + Load More + + + + + HomePageView + + homepage + + + + System default + + + + Other + + + + Example: duckduckgo.com + + + + + ImageCropWorkflow + + Supported image formats (%1) + + + + + ImportCommunityPopup + + Import Community + + + + Entering a community key will grant you the ownership of that community. Please be responsible with it and don’t share the key with people you don’t trust. + + + + Community private key + + + + Import + + + + + ImportSeedPhrasePanel + + Invalid seed phrase + + + + This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. + + + + %1 words + + + + + Input + + Copied + + + + Pasted + + + + Copy + + + + Paste + + + + + InviteFriendsPopup + + Get Status at https://status.im + + + + Download Status link + + + + Copy to clipboard + + + + + InviteFriendsToCommunityPopup + + Invite friends + + + + Invite successfully sent + + + + Invite + + + + + JSDialogWindow + + Ok + + + + Cancel + + + + + KeycardCreatePINModal + + Create PIN + + + + New PIN + + + + Confirm PIN + + + + Create a 6 digit long PIN + + + + + LanguageStore + + Beta Languages + + + + + LinksMessageView + + Enable automatic image unfurling + + + + Enable link previews in chat? + + + + Once enabled, links posted in the chat may share your metadata with their owners + + + + Enable in Settings + + + + Don't ask me again + + + + + MailserverConnectionDialog + + Can not connect to mailserver + + + + The mailserver you're connecting to is unavailable. + + + + Pick another + + + + Retry + + + + + MainView + + DApp Permissions + + + + Networks + + + + Accounts + + + + Generated from Your Seed Phrase + + + + Imported + + + + Watch-Only + + + + + MembershipRequestsPopup + + Membership requests + + + + + MessageStore + + and + + + + %1 more + + + + reacted with + + + + You + + + + + MuteChatMenuItem + + Mute chat + + + + Unmute chat + + + + + MutedChatsModal + + Muted chats + + + + Unmute + + + + + MyProfileSettingsView + + Display name + + + + Display Name + + + + Biometric login and transaction authentication + + + + Communities + + + + Accounts + + + + You haven't joined any communities yet + + + + You don't have any wallet accounts yet + + + + + NetworkCardsComponent + + Your Balances + + + + No Balance + + + + No Gas + + + + BALANCE: + + + + Disabled + + + + + NetworkFilter + + All networks + + + + %n network(s) + + + + + + + + NetworkSelectPopup + + Layer 2 + + + + + NetworkSelector + + Networks + + + + Choose a network to use for the transaction + + + + No networks available + + + + Simple + + + + Advanced + + + + Custom + + + + + NetworksAdvancedCustomRoutingView + + Networks + + + + Show Unpreferred Networks + + + + The networks where the receipient will receive tokens. Amounts calculated automatically for the lowest cost. + + + + + NetworksSimpleRoutingView + + Networks + + + + Choose a network to use for the transaction + + + + + NetworksView + + Layer 2 + + + + Add Custom Network + + + + + NoFriendsRectangle + + You don’t have any contacts yet. Invite your friends to start chatting. + + + + Invite friends + + + + + NodeLayout + + Bloom Filter Usage + + + + Type json-rpc message... e.g {"method": "eth_accounts"} + + + + + NotificationSelect + + Send Alerts + + + + Deliver Quietly + + + + Turn Off + + + + + NotificationWindow + + Everything is connected + + + + + PINModal + + Authenticate PIN + + + + PIN + + + + Insert your 6-digit PIN + + + + Authenticate + + + + + PairingModal + + Insert pairing code + + + + Pairing code + + + + Insert the Keycard pairing code + + + + Pair + + + + + PrivateChatPopup + + New chat + + + + My Profile + + + + + ProfileHeader + + Chatkey:%1... + + + + + ProfileView + + Blocked + + + + Send Request + + + + Receive Response + + + + Confirm Identity + + + + You have confirmed %1's identity. From now on this verification emblem will always be displayed alongside %1's nickname. + + + + You have marked %1 as Untrustworthy. From now on this Untrustworthy emblem will always be displayed alongside %1's nickname. + + + + ENS username + + + + Username + + + + Ask a question that only the real %1 will be able to answer e.g. a question about a shared experience, or ask Mark to enter a code or phrase you have sent to them via a different communication channel (phone, post, etc...). + + + + Waiting for %1's response... + + + + Copied to clipboard + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Chat settings + + + + Nickname + + + + None + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + + PublicChatPopup + + You need to enter a channel name + + + + The channel name can only contain lowercase letters, numbers and dashes + + + + Join public chat + + + + A public chat is where you get to hang out with others, make friends and talk about subjects of your interest. + + + + chat-name + + + + Start chat + + + + + RecipientSelector + + Invalid ethereum address + + + + Address + + + + My account + + + + Contact + + + + Recipient + + + + + RenameAccontModal + + Rename %1 + + + + Enter an account name... + + + + You need to enter an account name + + + + This is not a valid account name + + + + color + + + + Change Name + + + + Changing settings failed + + + + + RenameGroupPopup + + Group name + + + + Save + + + + + Retry + + Resend + + + + + RightTabView + + Assets + + + + Collectibles + + + + Activity + + + + History + + + + + SearchBox + + Search + + + + + SearchEngineModal + + Search engine + + + + None + + + + + SearchResults + + Non contacts + + + + No profile found + + + + + SeedPhraseBackupWarning + + Back up your seed phrase + + + + Back up + + + + + SeedPhraseTextArea + + Invalid seed phrase + + + + This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. + + + + Start with the first word + + + + + SelectAccountModal + + Select account + + + + Select account to share and receive assets + + + + Confirm and share address + + + + + SelectAnotherAccountModal + + Your keys + + + + Add another existing key + + + + + SelectGeneratedAccount + + Import new Seed Phrase + + + + Generate from Private key + + + + Add a watch-only address + + + + Imported + + + + Add new + + + + Origin + + + + + SendContactRequestMenuItem + + Send Contact Request + + + + + SendMessageMenuItem + + Send message + + + + + SendToContractWarning + + Tokens will be sent directly to a contract address, which may result in a loss of funds. To transfer ERC-20 tokens, ensure the recipient address is the address of the destination wallet. + + + + + SendTransactionButton + + Sign and send + + + + + SettingsDirtyToastMessage + + Changes detected + + + + Cancel + + + + Save changes + + + + + SignMessageModal + + Signature request + + + + From + + + + Data + + + + Message + + + + Reject + + + + Sign + + + + Sign with password + + + + + SignPhraseModal + + Signing phrase + + + + This is your signing phrase + + + + You should see these 3 words before signing each transaction + + + + If you see a different combination, cancel the transaction and sign out + + + + Ok, got it + + + + Remind me later + + + + + StateBubble + + Pending + + + + Confirmed + + + + Unknown token + + + + Address requested + + + + Waiting to accept + + + + Address shared + + + + Address received + + + + Transaction declined + + + + failure + + + + Unknown state + + + + + StatusActivityCenterButton + + Activity + + + + + StatusAddressOrEnsValidator + + Please enter a valid address or ENS name. + + + + + StatusAddressValidator + + Please enter a valid address. + + + + + StatusAppChatView + + Join public chats + + + + Start chat + + + + + StatusAppCommunitiesPortalView + + Find community + + + + Featured + + + + Popular + + + + + StatusAsyncEnsValidator + + ENS name could not be resolved in to an address + + + + + StatusAsyncValidator + + invalid input + + + + + StatusBadge + + 99+ + + + + + StatusChatImageExtensionValidator + + Format not supported. + + + + Upload %1 only + + + + + StatusChatImageLoader + + Error loading the image + + + + Loading image... + + + + + StatusChatImageQtyValidator + + You can only upload %1 images at a time + + + + + StatusChatImageSizeValidator + + Max image size is %1 MB + + + + + StatusColorSpacePage + + Thickness + + + + Min saturate: + + + + Max saturate: + + + + Min value: + + + + Max value: + + + + Color + + + + + StatusCommunityTagsPage + + Select tags that will fit your Community + + + + Search tags + + + + Selected tags + + + + + StatusDialog + + Close + + + + Abort + + + + Cancel + + + + No to all + + + + No + + + + Open + + + + Save + + + + Save all + + + + Retry + + + + Ignore + + + + Ok + + + + Yes to all + + + + Yes + + + + Apply + + + + + StatusETHTransactionModal + + Contract interaction + + + + Wrong password + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Continue + + + + Choose account + + + + Sign with password + + + + Next + + + + + StatusEmojiSection + + No recent emojis + + + + + StatusFloatValidator + + Please enter a valid numeric value. + + + + + StatusGifColumn + + Remove from favorites + + + + Add to favorites + + + + + StatusGifPopup + + Search Tenor + + + + TRENDING + + + + FAVORITES + + + + RECENT + + + + Enable Tenor GIFs? + + + + Once enabled, GIFs posted in the chat may share your metadata with Tenor. + + + + Enable + + + + Favorite GIFs will appear here + + + + Recent GIFs will appear here + + + + Error while contacting Tenor API, please retry. + + + + Retry + + + + + StatusIntValidator + + Please enter a valid numeric value. + + + + + StatusItemSelector + + and + + + + or + + + + + StatusListPickerPage + + Search Languages + + + + Search Currencies + + + + + StatusNotification + + Open + + + + + StatusPasswordStrengthIndicator + + Very weak + + + + Weak + + + + So-so + + + + Good + + + + Great + + + + + StatusSNTTransactionModal + + Authorize %1 %2 + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Wrong password + + + + Continue + + + + Choose account + + + + Sign with password + + + + Send %1 %2 + + + + Next + + + + + StatusSearchListPopup + + Search... + + + + + StatusSearchLocationMenu + + Anywhere + + + + + StatusSearchPopup + + No results + + + + Anywhere + + + + Search + + + + In: + + + + In + + + + + StatusSpellcheckingMenuItems + + Add to dictionary + + + + Disable Spellchecking + + + + + StatusStackModal + + StackModal + + + + Next + + + + Finish + + + + + StatusStickerButton + + Buy for %1 SNT + + + + Uninstall + + + + Install + + + + Free + + + + Pending... + + + + Cancel + + + + Update + + + + + StatusStickersPopup + + You don't have any stickers yet + + + + Recently used stickers will appear here + + + + Get Stickers + + + + + StatusTagSelectorPage + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + + StatusUrlValidator + + Please enter a valid URL + + + + + StatusValidator + + invalid input + + + + + StatusWindowsTitleBar + + Status + + + + + SubheaderTabBar + + Step %1 of %2 + + + + + TabAddressSelectorView + + Saved + + + + My Accounts + + + + Recent + + + + Search for saved address + + + + No Saved Address + + + + No Recents + + + + + ToastMessage + + View on Etherscan + + + + Transaction pending... + + + + + TokenSettingsModal + + Manage Assets + + + + Add custom token + + + + + TokenSettingsModalContent + + Token details + + + + Remove token + + + + Custom + + + + Default + + + + + TouchIDAuthView + + Biometrics + + + + Would you like to use Touch ID +to login to Status? + + + + Yes, use Touch ID + + + + I prefer to use my password + + + + + TransactionBubbleView + + Transaction request + + + + ↑ Outgoing transaction + + + + ↓ Incoming transaction + + + + Token not found on your current network + + + + + TransactionDelegate + + From + + + + To + + + + At + + + + + TransactionModal + + Transaction Details + + + + confirmation(s) + + + + When the transaction has 12 confirmations you can consider it settled. + + + + Block + + + + Hash + + + + From + + + + To + + + + Gas limit + + + + Gas price + + + + Gas used + + + + Nonce + + + + + TransactionPreview + + From + + + + Recipient + + + + Unknown + + + + Asset + + + + Amount + + + + Network fee + + + + Data + + + + Data field + + + + + TransactionSigner + + You need to enter a password + + + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + Signing phrase + + + + Signing phrase is a 3 word combination that displayed when you entered the wallet on this device for the first time. + + + + Enter the password you use to unlock this device + + + + Password + + + + Enter password + + + + + UnblockContactConfirmationDialog + + Unblock User + + + + Unblocking will allow new messages you received from %1 to reach you. + + + + + UserListPanel + + Offline + + + + Online + + + + Inactive + + + + Do not disturb + + + + Idle + + + + + UserStatusContextMenu + + View My Profile + + + + Always online + + + + Inactive + + + + Set status automatically + + + + Online + + + + Offline + + + + + ViewProfileMenuItem + + View Profile + + + + + WakuNodesModal + + Waku nodes + + + + Use Waku nodes + + + + Select node automatically + + + + Waku Nodes + + + + Node %1 + + + + Add a new node + + + + + WalletFooter + + Send + + + + Receive + + + + Buy / Sell + + + + + WelcomeView + + Welcome to Status + + + + Your fully decentralized gateway to Ethereum and Web3. Crypto wallet, privacy first group chat, and dApp browser. + + + + I am new to Status + + + + I already use Status + + + + + main + + StatusQ Documentation App + + + + Status Desktop + + + + Open Status + + + + Quit + + + + diff --git a/ui/i18n/qml_de.ts b/ui/i18n/qml_de.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..40239ab396 --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/i18n/qml_de.ts @@ -0,0 +1,19031 @@ + + + + + about-app + Über diese App + + + about-key-storage-content + Status wird nie auf Ihren privaten Schlüssel zugreifen. Sichern Sie unbedingt Ihre Seed-Phrase. Wenn Sie Ihr Smartphone verlieren, ist dies die einzige Möglichkeit, auf Ihre Schlüssel zuzugreifen. + + + about-key-storage-title + Informationen zur Schlüsselspeicherung + + + about-names-content + Niemand kann vorgeben, Sie zu sein! Sie sind standardmäßig anonym und müssen niemals Ihren richtigen Namen preisgeben. Sie können einen benutzerdefinierten Namen gegen eine geringe Gebühr registrieren. + + + about-names-title + Namen können nicht geändert werden + + + access-key + Zugangsschlüssel + + + access-existing-keys + Greife auf vorhandene Schlüssel zu + + + accept-and-share-address + Adresse akzeptieren und teilen + + + account-added + Konto hinzugefügt + + + account-color + Farbe des Kontos + + + anyone + Jeder + + + messages-from-contacts-only-subtitle + Nur Personen, die Sie als Kontakte hinzugefügt haben, können einen neuen Chat mit Ihnen beginnen oder Sie zu einer Gruppe einladen + + + accept-new-chats-from + Neue Chats annehmen von + + + account-name + Name des Kontos + + + account-settings + Konto-Einstellungen + + + accounts + Konten + + + active-online + Online + + + active-unknown + Unbekannt + + + add + hinzufügen + + + add-a-watch-account + Fügen Sie ein Beobachtungskonto hinzu + + + add-account + Konto hinzufügen + + + add-account-description + Sie können jede Art von Ethereum-Konten importieren, um sie Ihrer Status-Wallet hinzuzufügen + + + add-account-incorrect-password + Das Passwort scheint falsch zu sein. Geben Sie das Passwort ein, mit dem Sie die App üblicherweise entsperren. + + + add-an-account + Füge ein Konto hinzu + + + add-bootnode + Bootnode hinzufügen + + + add-contact + Kontakt hinzufügen + + + add-custom-token + Benutzerdefiniertes Token hinzufügen + + + add-mailserver + Mailserver hinzufügen + + + add-members + Mitglieder hinzufügen + + + add-network + Netzwerk hinzufügen + + + add-node + Knoten hinzufügen + + + add-to-contacts + Zu Kontakten hinzufügen + + + add-to-contacts-text + Durch Hinzufügen eines Benutzers zu Ihrer Kontaktliste teilen Sie Ihre Wallet-Adresse + + + address + Adresse + + + address-received + Adresse erhalten + + + address-requested + Adresse angefordert + + + address-request-accepted + Adressanfrage akzeptiert + + + advanced + Erweitert + + + advanced-settings + Erweiterte Einstellungen + + + agree-by-continuing + Indem Sie fortfahren, stimmen Sie zu + zu unserer + + + all + Alle + + + allow + Erlauben + + + allowing-authorizes-this-dapp + Durch das Zulassen wird diese DApp berechtigt, Ihre Wallet Adresse abzurufen und Web3 zu aktivieren + + + already-have-asset + Sie haben dieses Asset bereits + + + amount + Betrag + + + are-you-sure-description + Die gesamte Seed-Phrase wird nicht mehr angezeigt + + + are-you-sure? + Sind Sie sicher? + + + ask-in-status + Stellen Sie eine Frage oder melden Sie einen Fehler + + + at + bei + + + authorize + Autorisieren Sie + + + available + Verfügbar + + + available-participants + + Sie können noch ein Mitglied auswählen + Sie können noch {{count}} Mitglieder auswählen + + + + back + Zurück + + + back-up-seed-phrase + Sichern der Seed-Phrase + + + back-up-your-seed-phrase + Sichern sie ihre Seed-Phrase + + + backup-recovery-phrase + Seed-Phrase sichern + + + balance + Kontostand + + + begin-set-up + Beginnen Sie mit der Einrichtung + + + biometric-auth-android-sensor-desc + Fingerabdruck + + + biometric-auth-android-sensor-error-desc + Fehlgeschlagen + + + biometric-auth-android-title + Authentifizierung erforderlich + + + biometric-auth-confirm-logout + Erneut anmelden + + + biometric-auth-confirm-message + Die biometrische Authentifizierung ist erforderlich, um fortzufahren. Wenn dies nicht möglich ist, entsperren Sie bitte Ihre Schlüssel mit Ihrem Passwort oder Passcode + + + biometric-auth-confirm-title + Sie müssen sich authentifizieren! + + + biometric-auth-confirm-try-again + Erneut versuchen + + + biometric-auth-error + Biometrische Authentifizierung nicht möglich ({{code}}) + + + biometric-auth-login-error-title + Fehler bei der biometrischen Authentifizierung + + + biometric-auth-login-ios-fallback-label + Passwort eingeben + + + biometric-auth-reason-login + In Status einloggen + + + biometric-auth-reason-verify + Überprüfen Sie die Authentifizierung + + + biometric-secure-with + Mit {{bio-type-label}} sichern + + + biometric-enable-keycard + Wenn Sie Ihre Keycard nicht jedes Mal verwenden möchten, um auf die App zuzugreifen, aktivieren Sie die {{bio-type-label}}-Anmeldung + + + biometric-enable + Wenn Sie nicht jedes Mal Ihr Passwort eingeben möchten, um auf die App zuzugreifen, aktivieren Sie die {{bio-type-label}}-Anmeldung + + + biometric-disable-bioauth + {{bio-type-label}} deaktivieren + + + biometric-disable-password-title + Speichern des Passworts deaktivieren + + + biometric-disable-password-description + Wenn Sie dies deaktivieren, werden Sie auch + + + biometric-enable-button + Aktivieren Sie {{bio-type-label}} + + + biometric-fingerprint + Fingerabdruck + + + biometric-faceid + Face ID + + + biometric-touchid + Touch ID + + + blank-keycard-text + Sie können mit Ihrer Keycard fortfahren, sobald Sie Ihre Schlüssel und Ihren Namen generiert haben + + + blank-keycard-title + Wahrscheinlich haben Sie eine +leere Keycard verwendet + + + block + Block + + + unblock + Entsperren + + + block-contact + Diesen Benutzer blockieren + + + block-contact-details + Durch das Blockieren werden die vorherigen Nachrichten dieses Benutzers gelöscht. Neue Nachrichten werden nicht mehr empfangen. + + + blocked-users + Blockierte Benutzer + + + bootnode-address + Bootknotenadresse + + + bootnode-details + Bootknoten-Details + + + bootnode-format + enode://{enode-id}@{ip-address}:{port} + + + bootnodes + Bootknoten + + + bootnodes-enabled + Bootknoten aktiviert + + + bootnodes-settings + Bootnodes Einstellungen + + + browsed-websites + Der Browserverlauf wird hier angezeigt + + + browser + Browser + + + browser-not-secure + Verbindung ist nicht sicher! Unterzeichnen Sie auf dieser Website keine Transaktionen und senden Sie keine persönlichen Daten. + + + browser-secure + Die Verbindung ist sicher. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie dieser Website wirklich vertrauen, bevor Sie Transaktionen unterzeichnen oder persönliche Daten eingeben. + + + browsers + Browser + + + browsing-cancel + Abbrechen + + + browsing-open-in-android-web-browser + In Android öffnen + + + browsing-open-in-ios-web-browser + In iOS öffnen + + + browsing-open-in-status + In Status öffnen + + + browsing-site-blocked-description1 + Wir haben potenzielle böswillige Aktivitäten von dieser Adresse aus entdeckt. Um Sie und Ihre Wallet zu schützen, verhindern wir die weitere Navigation. + +Wenn Sie der Meinung sind, dass es sich um einen Fehler handelt, teilen Sie uns dies mit in der + + + browsing-site-blocked-description2 + öffentlicher Chat. + + + browsing-site-blocked-go-back + Zurück + + + browsing-site-blocked-title + Diese Seite ist blockiert + + + browsing-title + Durchsuchen + + + bug-report + Melden Sie einen technischen Fehler + + + bug-report-description + * Beschreibung + + + bug-report-description-placeholder + Erforderlich, kann nicht leer sein + + + bug-report-steps + Schritte zur Reproduktion + + + bug-report-steps-placeholder + - App öffnen +- etwas tun +- und dann etwas anderes... + + + bug-report-submit-email + Einreichung per E-Mail mit Archiv der Protokolle + + + bug-report-submit-gh-issue + Einreichen eines GitHub-Problems ohne Protokolle + + + bug-report-too-short-description + Beschreibung ist zu kurz + + + camera-access-error + Um den benötigten Kamera-Zugriff zu erlauben, gehen Sie bitte in Ihre Systemeinstellungen und stelle sicher, dass Status > Kamera ausgewählt ist. + + + can-not-add-yourself + Das sind Sie; um einen Chat zu starten, wählen Sie jemand anderes + + + cancel + Abbrechen + + + cancel-keycard-setup + Keycard-Einrichtung abbrechen + + + cannot-read-card + Karte kann nicht gelesen werden. +Bitte halten Sie es an die Rückseite Ihres Handys! + + + cannot-use-default-pin + Passcode 000000 ist nicht erlaubt. +Bitte verwenden Sie eine andere Nummer + + + card-is-blank + Diese Karte ist leer + + + card-reseted + Karte wurde zurückgesetzt + + + card-unpaired + Karte wurde vom aktuellen Gerät getrennt + + + change-fleet + Fleet in {{fleet}} ändern + + + change-log-level + Bestätige und starte die App neu um das Log-Level auf {{log-level}} zu setzen. + + + change-logging-enabled + Möchten Sie die Protokollierung {{enable}}? + + + change-passcode + Passcode ändern + + + change-password + Passwort ändern + + + change-pin + Ändern Sie den 6-stelligen Passcode + + + change-puk + 12-stelligen PUK ändern + + + change-pairing + Pairing-Code ändern + + + change-pairing-title + Erstellen eines neuen Pairing-Code + + + change-pairing-description + Das Ändern des Pairing-Codes hat keine Auswirkungen auf die aktuellen Pairings. Für jede neue Paarung ist jedoch der neue Code erforderlich. + + + changed-amount-warning + Der Betrag wurde von {{old}} zu {{new}} geändert + + + changed-asset-warning + Asset wurde von {{old}} in {{new}} geändert + + + chaos-mode + Chaos-Modus + + + chaos-unicorn-day + Chaos Unicorn Day + + + chaos-unicorn-day-details + 🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🚀! + + + chat + Chat + + + chat-and-transact + Chatten Sie und tauschen Sie Kryptowährung privat mit Freunden aus + + + chat-key + Chat-Key + + + chat-name + + + + chat-settings + Chat-Einstellungen + + + chats + Chats + + + check-your-recovery-phrase + Überprüfen Sie Ihre Seed-Phrase + + + choose-authentication-method + Wählen Sie eine Authentifizierungsmethode + + + clear + Leeren + + + clear-all + Alles löschen + + + clear-history + Verlauf löschen + + + clear-history-action + Leeren + + + clear-history-confirmation + Verlauf leeren? + + + clear-history-confirmation-content + Möchten Sie diesen Chat-Verlauf wirklich löschen? + + + clear-history-title + Verlauf löschen? + + + close + Schließen + + + close-app-button + Bestätigen + + + close-app-content + Die App wird angehalten und geschlossen. Wenn Sie sie erneut öffnen, wird das ausgewählte Netzwerk verwendet + + + close-app-title + Warnung! + + + command-button-send + Senden + + + communities + Communities + + + community-members + + {{count}} Mitglied + {{count}} Mitglieder + + + + members-label + Mitglieder + + + open-membership + Offene Mitgliedschaft + + + member-kick + Mitglied rauswerfen + + + member-ban + Mitglied sperren + + + membership-requests + Anfragen zur Mitgliedschaft + + + community-members-title + Mitglieder + + + community-requests-to-join-title + Anfragen zur Mitgliedschaft + + + name-your-channel + Benennen Sie Ihren Kanal + + + name-your-channel-placeholder + Kanalname + + + give-a-short-description + Geben Sie eine kurze Beschreibung + + + describe-channel + Beschreiben Sie den Kanal + + + communities-alpha + Communities (Alpha) + + + communities-verified + ✓ Verifizierte Status Community + + + communities-enabled + Communities aktiviert + + + request-access + Zugang anfordern + + + membership-request-pending + Antrag auf Mitgliedschaft steht noch aus + + + create-community + Eine Community erstellen + + + create-category + Kategorie erstellen + + + rearrange-categories + Kategorien neu anordnen + + + edited + Bearbeitet + + + edit-community + Community bearbeiten + + + editing-message + Nachricht bearbeiten + + + community-edit-title + Community bearbeiten + + + community-invite-title + Einladen + + + community-share-title + Teilen + + + invite + + + + create-channel + Einen Kanal erstellen + + + import-community + Importieren Sie eine Community + + + import-community-title + Importieren Sie eine Community + + + name-your-community + Benennen Sie Ihre Community + + + name-your-community-placeholder + Ein einprägsamer Name + + + give-a-short-description-community + Beschreiben Sie es kurz + + + new-community-title + Neue Community + + + new-category + Neue Kategorie + + + category-title + Titel der Kategorie + + + membership-title + Voraussetzung für die Mitgliedschaft + + + create-channel-title + Neuer Kanal + + + edit-channel-title + Kanal bearbeiten + + + community-thumbnail-image + Vorschaubild + + + community-emoji-thumbnail-title + Miniaturansicht + + + community-thumbnail-upload + Hochladen + + + community-image-take + Foto machen + + + community-image-pick + Bild wählen + + + community-image-remove + Entfernen + + + community-color + Community Farbe + + + community-link + Community-Link + + + community-color-placeholder + Wählen Sie eine Farbe + + + membership-button + Voraussetzung für die Mitgliedschaft + + + membership-none + Keine + + + membership-none-placeholder + Sie können von neuen Mitgliedern verlangen, dass sie bestimmte Kriterien erfüllen, bevor sie beitreten können. Dies kann jederzeit geändert werden + + + membership-approval + Genehmigung erforderlich + + + membership-approval-description + Der Beitritt zu Ihrer Community ist frei, aber neue Mitglieder müssen zunächst vom Ersteller der Community genehmigt werden + + + membership-invite + Einladung von einem anderen Mitglied anfordern + + + membership-invite-description + Ihrer Community kann man nur durch eine Einladung von bestehenden Communitymitgliedern beitreten + + + membership-ens + ENS-Benutzername erforderlich + + + membership-ens-description + Ihre Community benötigt einen ENS-Benutzernamen, um beitreten zu können + + + membership-free + Keine Bedingung + + + membership-free-description + Deiner Community kann jeder beitreten + + + community-roles + Rollen + + + community-key + Privater Community-Schlüssel + + + community-key-placeholder + Geben Sie Ihren privaten Community-Schlüssel ein + + + leave-community + Gemeinschaft verlassen + + + enter-user-pk + Öffentlichen Schlüssel eingeben + + + import + Importieren + + + complete-hardwallet-setup + Diese Karte ist jetzt verlinkt. Sie benötigen sie, um Transaktionen zu unterzeichnen und Ihre Schlüssel freizuschalten. + + + chat-notification-preferences + Benachrichtigungseinstellungen + + + completed + Abgeschlossen + + + confirm + Bestätigen + + + confirmation-request + Bestätigungsanfrage + + + confirmations + Bestätigungen + + + confirmations-helper-text + Wenn die Transaktion 12 Bestätigungen hat, können Sie sie als abgeschlossen betrachten. + + + connect + Verbinden + + + connect-mailserver-content + Mit {{name}} verbinden? + + + connected + Verbunden + + + connected-to + Verbunden mit + + + connecting + Verbinden... + + + connecting-requires-login + Für die Verbindung mit einem anderen Netzwerk ist eine Anmeldung erforderlich + + + connection-with-the-card-lost + Verbindung zur Karte +verloren + + + connection-with-the-card-lost-setup-text + Um die Einrichtung fortzusetzen, +halten Sie die Karte direkt an die +Rückseite Ihres Smartphones + + + connection-with-the-card-lost-text + Um fortzufahren, halten Sie die Karte an die Rückseite Ihres Smartphones + + + contact-code + Chat-Key + + + contact-s + + Kontakt + Kontakte + + + + contacts + Kontakte + + + continue + Fortsetzen + + + contract-address + Vertragsadresse + + + contract-interaction + Vertragliche Interaktion + + + copy-info + Informationen kopieren + + + copy-qr + Code kopieren + + + copy-to-clipboard + Kopieren + + + copy-transaction-hash + Transaktions-ID kopieren + + + cost-fee + Kosten/Gebühr + + + counter-9-plus + 9+ + + + counter-99-plus + 99+ + + + create + Erstellen + + + create-a-pin + Erstellen Sie einen 6-stelligen Passcode + + + create-a-puk + Erstellen eines 12-stelligen PUKs + + + create-group-chat + Gruppenchat erstellen + + + create-multiaccount + Schlüssel generieren + + + create-new-key + Holen Sie sich neue Schlüssel + + + create-pin + Erstellen Sie ein 6-stelliges Passwort + + + create-pin-description + Sie benötigen Ihre Karte + diesen 6-stelligen Passcode, um Status freizuschalten und Transaktionen zu bestätigen + + + created-group-chat-description + Sie haben die Gruppe {{group-name}} erstellt + + + members-count + {{count}} Mitglieder + + + cryptokitty-name + CryptoKitty # {{id}} + + + currency + Währung + + + currency-display-name-aed + VAE-Dirham + + + currency-display-name-afn + Afghani + + + currency-display-name-ars + Argentinischer Peso + + + currency-display-name-aud + Australischer Dollar + + + currency-display-name-bbd + Barbados-Dollar + + + currency-display-name-bdt + Bangladescher Taka + + + currency-display-name-bgn + Lew + + + currency-display-name-bhd + Bahrain-Dinar + + + currency-display-name-bnd + Brunei-Dollar + + + currency-display-name-bob + Boliviano + + + currency-display-name-brl + Brasilianischer Real + + + currency-display-name-btn + Ngultrum + + + currency-display-name-cad + Kanadischer Dollar + + + currency-display-name-chf + Schweizer Franken + + + currency-display-name-clp + Chilenischer Peso + + + currency-display-name-cny + China Yuan Renminbi + + + currency-display-name-cop + Kolumbianischer Peso + + + currency-display-name-crc + Costa-Rica-Colón + + + currency-display-name-czk + Tschechische Krone + + + currency-display-name-dkk + Dänische Krone + + + currency-display-name-dop + Dominikanischer Peso + + + currency-display-name-egp + Ägyptisches Pfund + + + currency-display-name-etb + Äthiopischer Birr + + + currency-display-name-eur + Euro + + + currency-display-name-gbp + Pfund Sterling + + + currency-display-name-gel + Georgischer Lari + + + currency-display-name-ghs + Cedi + + + currency-display-name-hkd + Hongkong-Dollar + + + currency-display-name-hrk + Kroatische Kuna + + + currency-display-name-huf + Forint + + + currency-display-name-idr + Indonesien Rupiah + + + currency-display-name-ils + Schekel + + + currency-display-name-inr + Indische Rupie + + + currency-display-name-isk + Isländische Krone + + + currency-display-name-jmd + Jamaika-Dollar + + + currency-display-name-jpy + Japanische YEN + + + currency-display-name-kes + Kenianischer Schilling + + + currency-display-name-krw + Südkoreanischer Won + + + currency-display-name-kwd + Kuwait-Dinar + + + currency-display-name-kzt + Kasachstan Tenge + + + currency-display-name-lkr + Sri-Lanka-Rupie + + + currency-display-name-mad + Marokkanischer Dirham + + + currency-display-name-mdl + Moldauischer Leu + + + currency-display-name-mur + Mauritius-Rupie + + + currency-display-name-mwk + Malawi-Kwacha + + + currency-display-name-mxn + Mexikanischer Peso + + + currency-display-name-myr + Malaysia Ringgit + + + currency-display-name-mzn + Mosambik Metical + + + currency-display-name-nad + Namibischer Dollar + + + currency-display-name-ngn + Nigerianischer Naira + + + currency-display-name-nok + Norwegische Krone + + + currency-display-name-npr + Nepalesische Rupie + + + currency-display-name-nzd + Neuseeland-Dollar + + + currency-display-name-omr + Omanischer Rial + + + currency-display-name-pen + Peruanischer Sol + + + currency-display-name-pgk + Kina + + + currency-display-name-php + Philippinischer Peso + + + currency-display-name-pkr + Pakistanische Rupie + + + currency-display-name-pln + Złoty + + + currency-display-name-pyg + Paraguayischer Guaraní + + + currency-display-name-qar + Katar Riyal + + + currency-display-name-ron + Rumänischer Leu + + + currency-display-name-rsd + Serbischer Dinar + + + currency-display-name-rub + Russischer Rubel + + + currency-display-name-sar + Saudi-Riyal + + + currency-display-name-sek + Schwedische Krone + + + currency-display-name-sgd + Singapur-Dollar + + + currency-display-name-thb + Baht + + + currency-display-name-try + Türkische Lira + + + currency-display-name-ttd + Trinidad-und-Tobago-Dollar + + + currency-display-name-twd + Neuer Taiwan-Dollar + + + currency-display-name-tzs + Tansania-Schilling + + + currency-display-name-uah + Ukrainische Hrywnja + + + currency-display-name-ugx + Uganda-Schilling + + + currency-display-name-usd + US-Dollar + + + currency-display-name-uyu + Uruguayischer Peso + + + currency-display-name-vef + Venezolanischer Bolívar + + + currency-display-name-vnd + Vietnamesischer Đồng + + + currency-display-name-zar + Südafrikanischer Rand + + + current-network + Aktuelles Netzwerk + + + current-pin + Geben Sie einen 6-stelligen Passcode ein + + + current-pin-description + Geben Sie Ihren 6-stelligen Passcode ein, um fortzufahren + + + custom + Benutzerdefiniert + + + custom-networks + Benutzerdefinierte Netzwerke + + + dapp + ÐApp + + + dapp-would-like-to-connect-wallet + möchte eine Verbindung zu herstellen + + + dapps + ÐApps + + + dapps-permissions + DApp-Berechtigungen + + + data + Daten + + + datetime-ago + vor + + + datetime-ago-format + {{ago}} {{number}} {{time-intervals}} + + + datetime-ago-format-short + {{number}}{{time-intervals}} + + + datetime-day + + Tag + Tage + + + + datetime-hour + + Stunde + Stunden + + + + datetime-minute + + Minute + Minuten + + + + datetime-second + + Sekunde + Sekunden + + + + datetime-day-short + + D + D + + + + datetime-hour-short + + H + H + + + + datetime-minute-short + + M + M + + + + datetime-second-short + + S + S + + + + datetime-today + heute + + + datetime-yesterday + gestern + + + decimals + Dezimalstellen + + + decline + Ablehnen + + + decryption-failed-content + Beim Entschlüsseln Ihrer Daten ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Möglicherweise müssen Sie Ihre alten Daten löschen und ein neues Konto erstellen. Tippen Sie zum Löschen auf „Übernehmen“ oder zum erneuten Versuch auf „Abbrechen“ + + + default + Standard + + + delete + Löschen + + + delete-and-leave-group + Gruppe löschen und verlassen + + + delete-bootnode + Bootknoten löschen + + + delete-bootnode-are-you-sure + Möchten Sie diesen Bootknoten wirklich löschen? + + + delete-bootnode-title + Bootknoten löschen + + + delete-chat + Chat löschen + + + delete-chat-confirmation + Möchten Sie diesen Chat wirklich löschen? + + + delete-category-confirmation + Möchten Sie diese Kategorie wirklich löschen? + + + delete-confirmation + Löschen? + + + delete-mailserver + Mailserver löschen + + + delete-mailserver-are-you-sure + Möchten Sie diesen Mailserver wirklich löschen? + + + delete-mailserver-title + Mailserver löschen + + + delete-message + Nachricht löschen + + + delete-my-account + Mein Konto löschen + + + delete-network-confirmation + Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie dieses Netzwerk löschen wollen? + + + delete-network-error + Bitte verbinden Sie sich mit einem anderen Netzwerk, bevor Sie dieses löschen + + + delete-network-title + Netzwerk löschen? + + + delete-node + Knoten löschen + + + delete-node-are-you-sure + Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie diesen Knoten löschen wollen? + + + delete-node-title + Knoten löschen + + + delete-profile + Profil löschen + + + delete-my-profile + Mein Profil löschen + + + delete-profile-warning + Warnung: Wenn Sie Ihre Seed-Phrase nicht notiert haben, verliersen Sie nach dem Löschen Ihres Profils den Zugang zu Ihrer Wallet. + + + profile-deleted-title + Profil gelöscht + + + profile-deleted-content + Ihr Profil wurde erfolgreich gelöscht + + + profile-deleted-keycard + Sie können nun ein anderes Schlüsselpaar auf Ihrer Keycard wiederherstellen + + + deny + Verweigern + + + description + Beschreibung + + + dev-mode + Entwicklungsmodus + + + dev-mode-settings + Einstellungen des Entwicklungsmodus + + + device-syncing + Gerätesynchronisierung + + + devices + Geräte + + + disable + deaktivieren + + + disabled + Deaktiviert + + + disconnected + Chat offline + + + discover + Entdecken + + + dismiss + Verwerfen + + + done + Erledigt + + + edit + Bearbeiten + + + edit-group + Gruppe bearbeiten + + + edit-profile + Profil bearbeiten + + + empty-chat-description + Es gibt noch keine Nachrichten in diesem Chat + + + empty-chat-description-one-to-one + Alle Nachrichten, die Sie hier senden, sind verschlüsselt und nur lesbar von Ihnen und + + + empty-chat-description-public + Hier gab es die letzten {{quiet-hours}} keine Aktivitäten. Starten Sie das Gespräch oder + + + cleared-chat-description-public + + + + empty-chat-description-community + Es war ruhig hier in den letzten {{quiet-hours}}. + + + empty-chat-description-public-share-this + Diesen Chat teilen + + + enable + Aktivieren + + + encrypt-with-password + Mit Passwort verschlüsseln + + + ens-10-SNT + 10 SNT + + + ens-add-username + Benutzernamen hinzufügen + + + ens-agree-to + Ich akzeptiere die + + + ens-chat-settings + Chat-Einstellungen + + + ens-custom-domain + Benutzerdefinierte Domain + + + ens-custom-username-hints + Geben Sie den gesamten Benutzernamen einschließlich der benutzerdefinierten Domain wie username.domain.eth ein + + + ens-custom-username-taken + Benutzername gehört Ihnen nicht :( + + + ens-deposit + Einzahlen + + + ens-displayed-with + Ihre Nachrichten werden anderen angezeigt mit + + + ens-get-name + Holen Sie sich einen universellen Benutzernamen + + + ens-got-it + Ok, verstanden + + + ens-locked + Benutzername gesperrt. Sie können es erst ab dem {{date}} freigeben + + + ens-network-restriction + Nur im Hauptnetzwerk verfügbar + + + ens-no-usernames + Sie haben keinen Benutzernamen verknüpft + + + ens-powered-by + Unterstützt von Ethereum Name Services + + + ens-primary-username + Primärer Benutzername + + + ens-register + Registrieren + + + ens-registration-in-progress + Registrierung läuft ... + + + ens-registration-failure + Registrierung fehlgeschlagen + + + ens-dismiss-message + Hier klicken um zu schließen + + + ens-registration-failed + Versuchen Sie es erneut, um den Benutzernamen zu registrieren. + + + ens-registration-failed-title + Transaktion fehlgeschlagen + + + ens-release-username + Geben Sie den Benutzernamen frei + + + ens-remove-hints + Durch Entfernen wird der Benutzername von Ihrem Schlüssel entkoppelt. + + + ens-remove-username + Benutzernamen entfernen + + + ens-saved + ist jetzt mit Ihrem Chat-Schlüssel verbunden und kann in Status verwendet werden. + + + ens-saved-title + Benutzername hinzugefügt + + + ens-show-username + Meinen ENS-Benutzernamen in Chats anzeigen + + + ens-terms-header + Bedingungen für die Namensregistrierung + + + ens-terms-point-1 + Das Geld wird für ein Jahr hinterlegt. Ihr SNT wird gesperrt, aber nicht ausgegeben. + + + ens-terms-point-10 + 0x00000000000C2E074eC69A0dFb2997BA6C7d2e1e (ENS-Eintragung). + + + ens-terms-point-2 + Nach einem Jahr können Sie den Namen freigeben und Ihre Einzahlung zurückerhalten oder keine Maßnahmen ergreifen und damit den Namen beibehalten. + + + ens-terms-point-3 + Wenn sich die Contract-Bedingungen ändern – z. B. Status führt Contract-Aktualisierungen durch – hat der Benutzer das Recht, den Benutzernamen freizugeben, und zwar unabhängig von der Haltezeit. + + + ens-terms-point-4 + Der Contract Controller kann nicht auf Ihre eingezahlten Beträge zugreifen. Sie können nur an die Adresse zurücknewegt werden, an die sie gesendet wurden. + + + ens-terms-point-5 + Ihre Adresse(n) werden öffentlich mit Ihrem ENS-Namen verknüpft. + + + ens-terms-point-6 + Benutzernamen werden als Subdomain-Knoten von stateofus.eth erstellt und unterliegen den ENS-Smart-Contract-Bedingungen. + + + ens-terms-point-7 + Sie ermächtigen den Contract, SNT in Ihrem Namen zu übertragen. Dies kann nur passieren, wenn Sie eine Transaktion zur Autorisierung der Übertragung genehmigen. + + + ens-terms-point-8 + Diese Bedingungen werden durch die intelligente Smart-Contract-Logik an folgenden Adressen garantiert: + + + ens-terms-point-9 + {{address}} (Status UsernameRegistrar) + + + ens-terms-registration + Bedingungen für die Namensregistrierung. + + + ens-test-message + Hallo + + + ens-transaction-pending + Transaktion ausstehend... + + + ens-understand + Ich verstehe, dass meine Wallet-Adresse mit meinem Benutzernamen öffentlich verknüpft wird. + + + ens-username + ENS-Benutzername + + + ens-username-available + ✓ Benutzername verfügbar! + + + ens-username-connected + Dieser Benutzername gehört Ihnen und ist mit Ihrem Chat-Schlüssel verbunden. + + + ens-username-connection-confirmation + {{username}} wird verbunden, sobald die Transaktion abgeschlossen ist. + + + ens-username-hints + Mindestens 4 Zeichen. Nur lateinische Buchstaben, Zahlen und alles in Kleinbuchstaben. + + + ens-username-invalid + Nur Buchstaben und Zahlen. + + + ens-username-owned + ✓ Der Benutzername gehört Ihnen. + + + ens-username-registration-confirmation + Super! Sie besitzen {{username}}, sobald die Transaktion abgeschlossen ist. + + + ens-username-you-can-follow-progress + Sie können den Fortschritt im Abschnitt "Transaktionsverlauf" Ihrer Wallet verfolgen. + + + ens-usernames + ENS-Benutzernamen + + + ens-usernames-details + Registrieren Sie einen universellen Benutzernamen, der von anderen Benutzern leicht erkannt werden kann + + + wallet-address + Wallet-Adresse + + + ens-want-custom-domain + Ich besitze einen Namen auf einer anderen Domain + + + ens-want-domain + Ich möchte eine stateofus.eth-Domain + + + ens-welcome-hints + ENS-Namen verwandeln diese verrückten langen Adressen in eindeutige Benutzernamen. + + + ens-welcome-point-customize + Ein ENS Name kann ihren zufälligen 3-Wort-Namen im Chat ersetzen. Seien sie @yourname anstelle von {{name}}. + + + ens-welcome-point-customize-title + Wählen Sie einen Chat-Namen + + + ens-welcome-point-simplify + Sie können Geld auf Ihren einfach zu teilenden ENS-Namen anstatt auf Ihren hexadezimalen Hash (0x ...) erhalten. + + + ens-welcome-point-simplify-title + Vereinfachen Sie Ihre ETH-Adresse + + + ens-welcome-point-receive + Andere können ihnen in einem Schritt Geld per Chat senden. + + + ens-welcome-point-receive-title + Erhalten Sie Transaktionen im Chat + + + ens-welcome-point-register + Registrieren Sie sich ein Mal, um den Namen für immer zu behalten. Nach einem Jahr können Sie den Namen freigeben und Ihre SNT zurückerhalten. + + + ens-welcome-point-register-title + 10 SNT für die Registrierung + + + ens-welcome-point-verify + In den nächsten Schritten können Sie alle Benutzernamen überprüfen und hinzufügen, die Sie besitzen. + + + ens-welcome-point-verify-title + Haben Sie bereits einen Benutzernamen? + + + ens-your-username + Ihr Benutzername + + + ens-your-usernames + Ihre Benutzernamen + + + ens-your-your-name + Ihr ENS-Name + + + ens-username-already-added + Der Benutzername ist bereits mit Ihrem Chat-Schlüssel verbunden und kann in Status verwendet werden. + + + ens-username-connected-continue + Fortsetzen, um die Anzeige des ENS-Benutzernamen in Chats einzustellen + + + ens-username-connected-with-different-key + Für die Fortsetzung ist eine Transaktion erforderlich, um den Benutzernamen mit Ihrem aktuellen Chat-Schlüssel zu verbinden. + + + ens-username-owned-continue + Wenn Sie fortfahren, wird dieser Benutzername mit Ihrem Chat-Schlüssel verbunden. + + + ens-username-taken + Benutzername bereits vergeben :( + + + ens-name-not-found + ENS-Name kann nicht aufgelöst werden + + + ens-username-registration-invalid + + + + ens-username-invalid-name-warning + + + + enter-12-words + Geben Sie die 12 Wörter Ihrer Seed-Phrase ein, die durch einzelne Leerzeichen getrennt sind + + + enter-a-private-key + Geben Sie einen Schlüssel ein + + + enter-a-seed-phrase + Geben Sie ein eine Seed-Phrase ein + + + enter-address + Adresse eingeben + + + enter-contact-code + ENS-Name (vitalik94) oder Chat-Key (0x04…) eingeben + + + enter-pair-code + Geben Sie Ihren Kopplungscode ein + + + pair-code-placeholder + Kopplungscode + + + enter-pair-code-description + Der Kopplungscode wurde Ihnen während des Keycard-Setups angezeigt + + + enter-password + Passwort eingeben + + + enter-password-migration-prompt + Geben Sie Ihr Passwort ein, um Kontakte, Chats und Einstellungen zusammen mit Ihren Schlüsseln zu verschieben + + + migration-successful + Migration erfolgreich + + + migration-successful-text + Konto erfolgreich auf Schlüsselkarte migriert + + + skip + Überspringen + + + password-placeholder + Passwort... + + + confirm-password-placeholder + Bestätigen Sie Ihr Passwort... + + + enter-pin + Geben Sie einen 6-stelligen Passcode ein + + + enter-puk-code + Geben Sie den PUK-Code ein + + + enter-puk-code-description + Der 6-stellige Passcode wurde gesperrt. + Bitte geben Sie den PUK-Code ein, um den Passcode zu entsperren. + + + enter-recipient-address-or-username + Geben Sie die Adresse oder den Benutzernamen des Empfängers ein + + + enter-seed-phrase + Seed-Phrase eingeben + + + enter-url + URL eingeben + + + enter-watch-account-address + Scannen Sie einen QR-Code +oder +geben Sie die Adresse ein, die Sie sehen möchten + + + enter-word + Wort eingeben + + + enter-your-code + Geben Sie Ihren 6-stelligen Code ein + + + enter-your-password + Geben Sie Ihr Passwort ein + + + error + Fehler + + + error-unable-to-get-balance + Abrufen des Kontostands fehlgeschlagen + + + error-unable-to-get-prices + Währungsumrechnungsfehler. Aktualisieren Sie Ihren Bildschirm, um es erneut zu versuchen. + + + error-unable-to-get-token-balance + Token-Guthaben kann nicht abgerufen werden + + + errors + Fehler + + + eth + ETH + + + ethereum-node-started-incorrectly-description + Der Ethereum-Knoten wurde mit einer falschen Konfiguration gestartet. Die Anwendung wird gestoppt, um diesen Zustand zu beheben. Konfigurierte Netzwerk-ID = {{network-id}} , jetzt = {{fetched-network-id}} + + + ethereum-node-started-incorrectly-title + Der Ethereum-Knoten wurde falsch gestartet + + + etherscan-lookup + Schauen Sie bei Etherscan nach + + + export-account + Konto exportieren + + + export-key + Privaten Schlüssel exportieren + + + community-private-key + Privater Community-Schlüssel + + + failed + Fehlgeschlagen + + + faq + Häufig gestellte Fragen + + + fetch-messages + ↓ Nachrichten abrufen + + + fetch-timeline + ↓ Abrufen + + + find + Finden + + + finish + Fertig + + + finishing-card-setup + Karteneinrichtung wird beendet + + + fleet + Fleet + + + fleet-settings + Fleet-Einstellungen + + + follow-your-interests + Gehen Sie in einen öffentlichen Chat und lernen Sie neue Leute kennen + + + follow + Folgen + + + free + ↓ Kostenlos + + + from + Von + + + gas-limit + Gaslimit + + + gas-price + Gaspreis + + + gas-used + Gas verbraucht + + + generate-a-key + Schlüssel generieren + + + generate-a-new-account + Konto erstellen + + + generate-a-new-key + Neuen Schlüssel generieren + + + generate-account + Schlüssel generieren + + + generate-new-key + Schlüssel generieren + + + your-keys + Ihre Schlüssel + + + generating-codes-for-pairing + > Herunterladen der Produktsoftware auf die Karte + > Generieren von Entsperr- und Kopplungscodes + + + generating-keys + Schlüssel werden generiert ... + + + you-will-need-this-code + Sie benötigen diesen Code, um Status zu öffnen und Transaktionen zu signieren + + + generating-mnemonic + Seed-Phrase generieren + + + get-started + Loslegen + + + get-status-at + Laden Sie Status unter http://status.im herunter + + + get-stickers + Sticker hinzufügen + + + go-to-settings + Gehen Sie zu Einstellungen... + + + got-it + Verstanden + + + group-chat + Gruppenchat + + + group-chat-admin + Admin + + + group-chat-admin-added + **{{member}}** wurde zum Administrator ernannt + + + group-chat-created + **{{member}}** hat die Gruppe **{{name}}** erstellt + + + group-chat-decline-invitation + Einladung ablehnen + + + group-chat-member-added + **{{member}}** wurde eingeladen + + + group-chat-member-joined + **{{member}}** ist der Gruppe beigetreten + + + group-chat-member-removed + ** {{member}} ** hat die Gruppe verlassen + + + group-chat-members-count + {{selected}}/{{max}} Mitglieder + + + group-chat-name-changed + **{{member}}** hat den Namen der Gruppe in **{{name}}** geändert + + + group-chat-no-contacts + Sie haben noch keine Kontakte. +Laden Sie Ihre Freunde zum Chatten ein + + + leave-chat + Chat verlassen + + + leave-confirmation + Verlasse {{chat-name}} + + + leave-chat-confirmation + Der Chatverlauf wird von Ihrem Gerät entfernt. Nach dem erneuten Beitritt können Sie Ihren Verlauf nicht mehr wiederherstellen. + + + group-chat-all-contacts-invited + Alle Ihre Kontakte sind bereits in der Gruppe + + + group-info + Gruppeninfo + + + gwei + Gwei + + + hash + Hash + + + help + Hilfe + + + help-capitalized + Hilfe + + + help-center + Hilfezentrum + + + hide-content-when-switching-apps + Screenshots blockieren + + + hide-content-when-switching-apps-ios + Vorschau ausblenden + + + history + Transaktionsverlauf + + + history-nodes + Verlaufsknoten + + + hold-card + Halten Sie die Karte an der Rückseite + Ihres Smartphones + + + home + Startseite + + + hooks + Hooks + + + identifier + Kennung + + + image-remove-current + Aktuelles Foto löschen + + + image-source-gallery + Aus Galerie auswählen + + + image-source-make-photo + mit Kamera aufnehmen + + + image-source-title + Bild bearbeiten + + + profile-pic-take + Foto aufnehmen + + + profile-pic-pick + Aus Galerie auswählen + + + profile-pic-remove + Foto entfernen + + + in-contacts + In Kontakten + + + incoming + Eingehend + + + incoming-transaction + Eingehende Transaktion + + + incorrect-code::0 + str + + + incorrect-code::1 + Entschuldigung, der Code war falsch, bitte geben Sie ihn erneut ein + + + initialization + Initialisierung + + + install + ↓ Installieren + + + intro-message1 + Willkommen bei Status! +Klicke auf diese Nachricht, um dein Passwort festzulegen und loszulegen. + + + intro-privacy-policy-note1 + Status sammelt, teilt oder verkauft keine persönlichen Daten. Wenn Sie fortfahren, akzeptieren Sie die + + + intro-privacy-policy-note2 + Datenschutzerklärung + + + intro-text + Status ist Ihr Tor zum dezentralisierten Web + + + intro-text1 + Chatten Sie über ein Peer-to-Peer-Netzwerk, in dem Nachrichten nicht zensiert oder gehackt werden können + + + intro-text2 + Senden und empfangen Sie digitale Assets überall auf der Welt - kein Bankkonto erforderlich + + + intro-text3 + Entdecken Sie Spiele, Börsen und soziale Netzwerke, in denen nur Sie Ihre Daten besitzen + + + intro-title1 + Wirklich private Kommunikation + + + intro-title2 + Sichere Krypto-Wallet + + + intro-title3 + Dezentrale Apps + + + intro-wizard-text1 + Ein Schlüsselsatz steuert Ihr Konto. Ihre Schlüssel befinden sich auf Ihrem Handy, damit nur Sie sie verwenden können + + + intro-wizard-text2 + Ein Schlüssel ist für den Chat. Es kommt mit einem lesbaren Namen, der nicht geändert werden kann. + + + intro-wizard-text3 + Wenn Sie eine Keycard besitzen, bewahren Sie Ihre Schlüssel dort auf, um die Sicherheit zu erhöhen. + + + intro-wizard-text4 + Sichern und verschlüsseln Sie Ihre Schlüssel + + + intro-wizard-text6 + Status benachrichtigt Sie über neue Nachrichten. Sie können Ihre Benachrichtigungseinstellungen später in den Einstellungen bearbeiten + + + intro-wizard-title-alt4 + Erstellen Sie ein Passwort + + + intro-wizard-title-alt5 + Bestätigen Sie Ihr Passwort + + + intro-wizard-title1 + Holen Sie sich Ihre Schlüssel + + + intro-wizard-title2 + Wählen Sie einen Chat-Namen + + + intro-wizard-title3 + Schlüsselspeicher auswählen + + + intro-wizard-title4 + Erstellen Sie einen 6-stelligen Code + + + intro-wizard-title5 + Bestätigen Sie den Code + + + intro-wizard-title6 + Benachrichtigungen aktivieren + + + are-you-sure-to-cancel + Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie abbrechen möchten? + + + you-will-start-from-scratch + Sie beginnen mit einem neuen Schlüsselsatz von vorne + + + invalid-address-qr-code + Der gescannte QR-Code enthält keine gültige Adresse + + + invalid-format + Ungültiges Format +Es muss wie folgt aussehen: {{format}} + + + invalid-key-confirm + Anwenden + + + invalid-key-content + Die Datenbank kann nicht verschlüsselt werden, weil eine Datei beschädigt ist. Ihr Guthaben und Ihr Chat-Schlüssel sind sicher. Andere Daten, wie Ihre Chats und Kontakte, können nicht wiederhergestellt werden. Die Schaltfläche "{{erase-multiaccounts-data-button-text}}" entfernt alle anderen Daten und ermöglicht Ihnen den Zugriff auf Ihre Gelder und das Senden von Nachrichten. + + + invalid-number + Ungültige Nummer + + + invalid-pairing-password + Ungültiges Kopplungspasswort + + + invalid-range + Ungültiges Format, es muss zwischen {{min}} und {{max}} betragen + + + invalid-username-or-key + Ungültiger Benutzername oder Chat-Schlüssel + + + join-me + Hey, lass uns auf Status schreiben: {{url}} + + + join-a-community + oder einer Community beitreten + + + http-gateway-error + Oh nein, Anfrage ist fehlgeschlagen + + + sign-request-failed + Nachricht konnte nicht signiert werden + + + invite-friends + Freunde einladen + + + invite-people + Leute einladen + + + invite-reward + Verdienen Sie Kryptowährung für jeden Freund, den Sie einladen! + + + invite-select-account + Wählen Sie ein Konto aus, um den Empfehlungsbonus zu erhalten + + + invited + eingeladen + + + invite-button + Einladen + + + invite-receive-account + Konto, um Ihren Empfehlungsbonus zu erhalten + + + how-it-works + Wie es funktioniert + + + invite-warning + Der Bonus ist nur für Android Benutzer gültig, welche nicht in den USA leben. Ihr Freund muss den Werbe-Link innerhalb von 7 Tagen bestätigen. + + + invite-instruction-first + Sie senden einem Freund einen eindeutigen Einladungslink zum Herunterladen und Nutzen von Status + + + invite-instruction-second + Ihr Freund lädt Status herunter und erstellt ein Konto (auf Android) + + + invite-instruction-third + Ein Chat mit Ihrem Freund wird gestartet, in dem er Ihre Überweisung bestätigt + + + invite-instruction-fourth + Sie erhalten einen Empfehlungsbonus und Ihr Freund das Starter Pack + + + invite-instruction-fifth + Du kannst deinen Empfehlungsbonus jederzeit einlösen. + + + invite-reward-you + Sie: + + + invite-reward-you-name + Empfehlungs-Bonus + + + invite-reward-you-description + Laden Sie einen Freund ein und erhalten {{reward}} als Empfehlungsbonus. Verwenden Sie diesen, um Sticker, einen ENS-Namen zu erhalten oder DApps auszuprobieren + + + invite-reward-friend + Freund: + + + invite-reward-friend-name + Starter Pack + + + invite-reward-friend-description + Ihr/e Freund/in erhält ein Starter-Paket, bestehend aus einigen {{reward}}, um anzufangen + + + invite-privacy-policy1 + Mit der Annahme akzeptieren Sie die Empfehlungsprogramm + + + invite-privacy-policy2 + Geschäftsbedingungen. + + + invite-privacy-policy-public + Sie haben Status über einen Empfehlungslink installiert. Indem Sie diesem Chat beitreten, geben Sie Ihren Referrer an und erklären sich einverstanden mit den + + + invite-chat-name + Freunde Empfehlung + + + invite-chat-starter-pack + Starter Pack + + + invite-chat-intro + Sie wurden von einem Freund zur Teilnahme an Status eingeladen. Hier ist etwas Kryptowährung, um den Einstieg zu erleichtern! Verwenden Sie diese, um einen ENS-Namen zu registrieren oder ein Sticker-Paket zu kaufen. + + + invite-public-chat-home + Einladung zur Empfehlung + + + invite-public-chat-intro + Hier ist etwas Kryptowährung für den Anfang! Verwenden Sie es, um einen ENS-Namen zu registrieren oder ein Stickerpaket zu kaufen + + + invite-chat-accept + Akzeptieren + + + invite-chat-pending + Ausstehend + + + invite-chat-accept-join + Akzeptieren und Beitreten + + + invite-chat-rule + Die Annahme belohnt auch Ihren Freund mit einem Krypto-Empfehlungsbonus + + + redeem-now + Jetzt einlösen + + + redeem-amount + Menge der verfügbaren Boni: {{quantity}} + + + redeem-success + Bonus erfolgreich eingelöst! + + + attribution-received + {{attrib}} von {{max}} Boni erhalten + + + advertiser-starter-pack-title + Starter Pack + + + advertiser-starter-pack-description + Hier ist etwas Kryptowährung für den Anfang! Benutzen Sie diese, um Sticker zu bekommen, einen ENS-Namen zu erstellen und DApps zu testen. + + + advertiser-title + Datenschutz standardmäßig + + + advertiser-description + Sie haben Status dank eines Partners entdeckt. Erlauben Sie, dass Status Ihre IP-Adresse einmal überprüft, damit sie belohnt werden? Diese Informationen werden für nichts anderes verwendet und nach 7 Tagen vollständig gelöscht. + + + advertiser-starter-pack-accept + Akzeptieren + + + advertiser-starter-pack-decline + Ablehnen + + + dapp-starter-pack-title + Starter Pack + + + dapp-starter-pack-description + Hier ist etwas Kryptowährung für den Anfang! Benutze diesen, um Sticker zu bekommen, einen ENS-Namen zu erstellen und DApps auszuprobieren. + + + dapp-starter-pack-accept + Akzeptieren und Öffnen + + + starter-pack-coming + Starter Pack ist auf dem Weg zu Ihnen + + + starter-pack-coming-description + Kann ein paar Minuten bis Stunden dauern + + + starter-pack-received + Starter Pack erhalten + + + starter-pack-received-description + Hier ist etwas Kryptowährung für den Anfang! Benutzen Sie diese, um Sticker zu bekommen, einen ENS-Namen zu erstellen und DApps zu testen. + + + join-group-chat + Gruppe beitreten + + + join-group-chat-description + {{username}} hat Sie eingeladen, der Gruppe {{group-name}} beizutreten + + + joined-group-chat-description + Sie sind {{group-name}} durch die Einladung von {{username}} beigetreten + + + key + Schlüssel + + + keycard + Keycard + + + keycard-access-reset + Keycard-Zugriff ist zurückgesetzt + + + keycard-can-use-with-new-passcode + Sie können diese Karte mit Ihrem neuen Zugangscode verwenden + + + keycard-applet-install-instructions + Befolgen Sie zum Installieren des Applets die Anweisungen unter https://github.com/status-im/keycard-cli#keycard-applet-installation + + + keycard-blocked + Keycard wurde gesperrt. +Sie müssen die Karte zurücksetzen, um sie weiter verwenden zu können. + + + keycard-cancel-setup-text + Dadurch wird die Einrichtung der Keycard abgebrochen. Es wird dringend empfohlen, die Einrichtung abzuschließen, um die Keycard zu verwenden. Möchten Sie wirklich abbrechen? + + + keycard-cancel-setup-title + Gefährliche Aktion + + + keycard-desc + Besitzen Sie eine Keycard? Bewahren Sie Ihre Schlüssel darauf auf. Sie benötigen sie für Transaktionen + + + keycard-dont-ask-card + Für die Anmeldung nicht nach einer Karte fragen + + + keycard-reset-passcode + Zugangscode zurücksetzen + + + keycard-factory-reset + Karte auf Werkseinstellungen zurücksetzen + + + keycard-factory-reset-title + Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie einen Werksreset durchführen wollen? + + + keycard-factory-reset-text + Dadurch werden alle auf der Karte gespeicherten Seed-Phrasen gelöscht. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie eine Sicherungskopie der Seed-Phrase haben, die Sie mit dieser Keycard verwendet haben. + + + keycard-enter-new-passcode + Neuen Zugangscode eingeben {{step}}/2 + + + keycard-has-multiaccount-on-it + Diese Karte ist voll. Jede Karte kann ein Hauptschlüsselpaar enthalten + + + keycard-onboarding-finishing-header + Der letzte Feinschliff... + + + keycard-onboarding-intro-header + Speichern Sie Ihre Schlüssel auf der Keycard + + + keycard-onboarding-intro-text + Machen Sie sich bereit, dies kann einige Minuten dauern, aber es ist wichtig, um Ihr Konto zu sichern + + + keycard-onboarding-pairing-header + Karte koppeln... + + + keycard-onboarding-preparing-header + Karte vorbereiten... + + + keycard-onboarding-puk-code-header + Schreiben Sie die Codes auf +und bewahren Sie sie sicher auf + + + keycard-onboarding-recovery-phrase-description + Sie benötigen diese Seed-Phrase, um Ihren Schlüssel zurückzubekommen. Schreiben Sie sie auf. Bewahren Sie sie sicher, offline und getrennt von diesem Gerät auf. + + + keycard-onboarding-recovery-phrase-header + Sichern der Seed-Phrase + + + keycard-onboarding-recovery-phrase-text + Nur für Ihre Augen! Dies ist die magische Seed-Phrase, mit der Sie Ihren Schlüssel generieren. + + + keycard-onboarding-start-header + Halten Sie die Karte an die +Rückseite des Smartphones, +um zu beginnen + + + keycard-onboarding-pin-text + Sie müssen einen 6-stelligen Passcode erstellen, der verwendet wird, um den Zugriff auf Ihre Keycard zu schützen. + + + keycard-onboarding-mnemonic-text + Sie benötigen auch ein Blatt Papier und einen Bleistift, um Ihre Seed-Phrase aufzuschreiben. + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step1 + Erstellen Sie einen Passcode + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step1-text + Dauert nur eine Minute. Erstellen Sie einen 6-stelligen Passcode, um Ihre Schlüssel zu verschlüsseln + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step2 + Schreiben Sie die PUK und den Kopplungscode + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step2-text + Das dauert etwa eine Minute. Sie werden dafür ein Stück Papier und einen Stift brauchen + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step3 + Seed-Phrase sichern + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step3-text + Das dauert etwa eine Minute. Sie brauchen noch ein Stück Papier und einen Stift + + + keycard-onboarding-start-text + Halten Sie die Karte die ganze Zeit am Smartphone + während der Initialisierung. Das wird etwa vier Minuten dauern + + + keycard-recovery-intro-button-text + Wiederherstellung beginnen + + + keycard-recovery-intro-header + Auf Keycard gespeicherte Schlüssel wiederherstellen + + + keycard-recovery-intro-text + Wenn Sie zuvor Schlüssel auf einer Keycard generiert haben und diese Schlüssel jetzt auf diesem Gerät verwenden möchten + + + keycard-recovery-no-key-header + Es gibt nichts zum +Wiederherstellen + + + keycard-recovery-no-key-text + Auf Ihrer Keycard ist kein Schlüssel gespeichert. Um sie zu verwenden, generieren Sie einen neuen Schlüssel und wählen Sie Ihre Keycard aus, um den Schlüssel zu speichern + + + keycard-recovery-phrase-confirm-header + Bestätigen Sie die Seed-Phrase + + + keycard-recovery-phrase-confirmation-text + Sie werden keine zweite Chance haben! Wenn Sie den Zugang verlieren, z.B. durch den Verlust Ihrer Schlüsselkarte, können Sie nur noch mit Ihrer Seed-Phrase auf Ihre Schlüssel zugreifen. Niemand außer Ihnen hat Ihre Seed-Phrase. Schreiben Sie sie auf und bewahren Sie sie sicher auf. + + + keycard-recovery-phrase-confirmation-title + Haben Sie die Seed-Phrase aufgeschrieben? + + + keycard-recovery-success-header + Ihre Schlüssel wurden +erfolgreich wiederhergestellt + + + keycard-redeem-title + Einlösen auf + + + keycard-redeem-tx + Assets einlösen + + + keycard-redeem-tx-desc + Halten Sie die Karte ans mobile Endgerät, um zu signieren und Assets zu erhalten + + + keycard-unauthorized-operation + Sie sind nicht berechtigt, diesen Vorgang auszuführen. + Bitte benutzen Sie eine gültige Karte und versuchen Sie es erneut. + + + keycard-is-frozen-title + Keycard ist eingefroren + + + keycard-is-frozen-details + Um Ihr Vermögen zu schützen, wurde Ihre Karte eingefroren. Setzen Sie den Kartenzugriff zurück, um die Schlüssel wieder freizuschalten und Transaktionen zu senden. Das können Sie mit Ihrem PUK oder Ihrer Seed-Phrase. + + + keycard-is-frozen-reset + Zurücksetzen mit PUK + + + keycard-is-frozen-factory-reset + Zurücksetzen mit Mnemonik + + + your-card-is-frozen + Ihre Keycard ist eingefroren. Kartenzugang zurücksetzen + + + keycard-is-blocked-title + Keycard ist gesperrt + + + keycard-is-blocked-details + Sie können diese Karte nicht mehr verwenden, um auf dieses Konto zuzugreifen oder es zu unterzeichnen. Es gab zu viele fehlgeschlagene Zugangscode- und PUK-Versuche. + + + keycard-is-blocked-instructions + Um auf Ihr Konto zugreifen zu können, müssen Sie Ihre Karte auf die Werkseinstellungen zurücksetzen. Tippen Sie auf die Schaltfläche unten, um den Vorgang zu starten. Sie benötigen Ihre Seed-Phrase. + + + language + Sprache + + + learn-more + Mehr erfahren + + + learn-more-about-keycard + Erfahren Sie mehr über Keycards + + + leave + Verlassen + + + joined + Beigetreten + + + leave-group + Gruppe verlassen + + + left + verlassen + + + lets-go + Los geht's + + + les-ulc + LES/ULC + + + linked-on + Verknüpft am {{date}} + + + load-messages-before + Vor dem {{date}} + + + load-more-messages + ↓ Weitere Nachrichten abrufen + + + load-more-timeline + ↓ Mehr laden + + + loading + Laden… + + + log-level + Log Einstellungen + + + log-level-settings + Einstellungen der Protokollebene + + + logging + Protokollierung + + + logging-enabled + Protokollierung aktiviert? + + + login-pin-description + Geben Sie Ihren 6-stelligen Passcode ein, um Ihre Schlüssel zu entsperren + + + logout + Ausloggen + + + logout-app-content + Das Konto wird abgemeldet. Wenn Sie es erneut entsperren, wird das ausgewählte Netzwerk verwendet. + + + logout-are-you-sure + Möchten sie sich wirklich ausloggen? + + + logout-title + Ausloggen? + + + logout-key-management + Um auf die Schlüsselverwaltung zugreifen zu können, müssen Sie sich abmelden. + + + looking-for-cards + Such Karten... + + + lost-connection + Verbindung verloren + + + mailserver-address + Mailserver-Adresse + + + mailserver-automatic + Automatische Auswahl + + + mailserver-automatic-switch-explanation + Wählen Sie den schnellsten verfügbaren Verlaufsknoten + + + mailserver-connection-error + Verbindung zum Mailserver konnte nicht hergestellt werden + + + mailserver-details + Mailserver-Details + + + mailserver-error-content + Der von Ihnen ausgewählte Mailserver konnte nicht erreicht werden. + + + mailserver-error-title + Fehler beim Herstellen einer Verbindung zum Mailserver + + + mailserver-format + enode://{enode-id}:{password}@{ip-address}:{port} + + + mailserver-pick-another + Wählen Sie einen anderen Mailserver + + + mailserver-reconnect + Verbindung zum Mailserver konnte nicht hergestellt werden. Tippen Sie, um die Verbindung wiederherzustellen + + + mailserver-request-error-content + Der folgende Fehler wurde vom Mailserver zurückgegeben: {{error}} + + + mailserver-request-error-status + Beim Abrufen des Verlaufs ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Überprüfen Sie die Protokolle auf Details. + + + mailserver-request-error-title + Fehler bei Mailserver-Anfrage + + + mailserver-request-retry + Anfrage wiederholen + + + mailserver-retry + Wiederholen + + + main-currency + Standardwährung + + + main-networks + Hauptnetzwerke + + + main-wallet + Haupt-Wallet + + + mainnet-network + Hauptnetzwerk + + + make-admin + Zum Admin ernennen + + + manage-keys-and-storage + Verwalten von Schlüsseln und Speichern + + + mark-all-read + Alles als gelesen markieren + + + members + + 1 Mitglied + {{count}} Mitglieder + + + + members-active + + 1 Mitglied + {{count}} Mitglieder + + + + members-active-none + keine Mitglieder + + + members-title + Mitglieder + + + message + Nachricht + + + message-not-sent + Nachricht nicht gesendet + + + message-options-cancel + Abbrechen + + + message-reply + Antworten + + + replying-to + Antwort an {{author}} + + + data-syncing + Synchronisiere Daten + + + messages + Nachrichten + + + chat-is-a-contact + Kontakt + + + chat-is-not-a-contact + Kein Kontakt + + + might-break + Könnte einige ÐApps zum Absturz bringen + + + migrations-failed-content + {{message}} +Schemaversion: Anfängliche {{initial-version}}, Aktuelle {{current-version}}, Letzte {{last-version}} + +Ein Datenbankfehler ist aufgetreten. Ihr Guthaben und Ihr Chat-Schlüssel sind sicher. Andere Daten, wie Ihre Chats und Kontakte, können nicht wiederhergestellt werden. Die Schaltfläche "{{erase-multiaccounts-data-button-text}}" entfernt alle anderen Daten und ermöglicht Ihnen den Zugriff auf Ihr Guthaben und das Senden von Nachrichten. + + + mobile-network-ask-me + Mich fragen, wenn Mobilfunknetz aktiviert ist + + + mobile-network-continue-syncing + Synchronisierung fortsetzen + + + mobile-network-continue-syncing-details + Sie können das später in den Einstellungen ändern + + + mobile-network-go-to-settings + Zu den Einstellungen + + + mobile-network-settings + Mobile Daten + + + mobile-network-sheet-configure + Sie können die Synchronisierung in den Einstellungen detaillierter konfigurieren + + + mobile-network-sheet-offline + Kein WLAN, Nachrichtensynchronisierung deaktiviert. + + + mobile-network-sheet-offline-details + Synchronisierung über Mobilfunk ist deaktiviert + + + mobile-network-sheet-remember-choice + Auswahl speichern + + + mobile-network-sheet-settings + Einstellungen + + + mobile-network-start-syncing + Synchronisierung starten + + + mobile-network-stop-syncing + Synchronisierung anhalten + + + mobile-network-stop-syncing-details + Bis eine WLAN-Verbindung besteht? + + + mobile-network-use-mobile + Mobile Daten nutzen + + + mobile-network-use-mobile-data + Status hat einen hohen Datenverbrauch beim Synchronisieren von Chats. + + + mobile-network-use-wifi + Nur Wi-Fi/WLAN + + + mobile-syncing-sheet-details + Status verwendet beim Synchronisieren von Chats und Wallet viel Datenvolumen + + + mobile-syncing-sheet-title + Mobile Datenverbindung zum Synchronisieren nutzen? + + + more + mehr + + + multiaccount-exists-title + Schlüssel für dieses Konto sind bereits vorhanden + + + multiaccount-exists-content + Schlüssel für dieses Konto sind bereits vorhanden und können nicht erneut hinzugefügt werden. Wenn Sie Ihr Passwort, Ihren Passcode oder Ihre Schlüsselkarte verloren haben, deinstallieren Sie die App, installieren Sie sie neu und greifen Sie auf Ihre Schlüssel zu, indem Sie Ihre Seed-Phrase eingeben + + + multiaccounts-recover-enter-phrase-text + Geben Sie 12, 15, 18, 21 oder 24 Wörter ein. +Trennen Sie die Wörter durch ein Leerzeichen. + + + multiaccounts-recover-enter-phrase-title + Geben Sie Ihre Seed-Phrase ein + + + name + Name + + + name-of-token + Der Name Ihres Tokens + + + need-help + Benötigen Sie Hilfe? + + + glossary + Glossar + + + account-title + Konto + + + account-content + Sie können Konten in Status mit Bankkonten vergleichen. Wie ein Bankkonto hat ein Konto normalerweise eine Adresse und einen Kontostand. Sie verwenden dieses Konto, um Transaktionen auf Ethereum durchzuführen. Sie können mehrere Konten in Ihrer Wallet haben, welche nach dem Entsperren von Status direkt zur Verfügung stehen. + + + chat-key-title + Chat-Schlüssel + + + chat-key-content + Nachrichten im Status-Chat-Protokoll werden mit Verschlüsselungsschlüsseln gesendet und empfangen. Der öffentliche Chat-Schlüssel ist eine Zeichenfolge, die Sie mit anderen teilen, damit diese Ihnen Nachrichten im Status senden können. + + + chat-name-title + Chat-Name + + + chat-name-content + Drei zufällige Wörter, die algorithmisch von Ihrem Chat-Schlüssel abgeleitet und als Standardalias im Chat verwendet werden. Chat-Namen sind völlig eindeutig. Kein anderer Benutzer kann dieselben drei Wörter haben. + + + ens-name-title + ENS-Name + + + ens-name-content + Benutzerdefinierter Alias für Ihren Chat-Schlüssel, den Sie über den Ethereum Name Service registrieren können. ENS-Namen sind dezentrale Benutzernamen. + + + mailserver-title + Mail-Server + + + mailserver-content + Ein Knoten im Statusnetzwerk, der Nachrichten für bis zu 30 Tage weiterleitet und speichert. + + + peer-title + Peer + + + peer-content + Ein Gerät, das mit dem Status-Chat-Netzwerk verbunden ist. Jeder Benutzer kann je nach Anzahl der Geräte einen oder mehrere Peers darstellen. + + + seed-phrase-title + Seed-Phrase + + + seed-phrase-content + Eine Reihe von benutzerfreundlichen Wörtern, die zufällig aus der BIP39-Standardliste ausgewählt und zum Wiederherstellen oder Zugreifen auf Ihr Ethereum-Konto auf anderen Wallets und Geräten verwendet werden. Wird im gesamten Krypto-Ökosystem auch als "Mnemonische Phrase", "Wiederherstellungsphrase" oder "Wallet Backup" bezeichnet. Die meisten Krypto-Apps verwenden denselben Standard zum Generieren von Konten. + + + wallet-key-title + Kontoadresse + + + wallet-key-content + Eine 64-stellige Hex-Adresse, die auf dem Ethereum-Standard basiert und mit 0x beginnt. In der Öffentlichkeit wird Ihre Kontoadresse mit anderen geteilt, wenn Sie Geld erhalten möchten. Wird auch als "Ethereum-Adresse" oder "Wallet-Adresse" bezeichnet. + + + buy-crypto-title + Sieht aus, als wäre Ihre Wallet leer + + + buy-crypto-description + Finden Sie eine DApp, um jetzt Kryptowährung zu kaufen + + + buy-crypto + Krypto kaufen + + + buy-crypto-choose-a-service + Wählen Sie einen Dienst, den Sie zum Kauf von Krypto verwenden möchten + + + buy-crypto-leaving + Sie verlassen Status und rufen eine Website eines Drittanbieters auf, um Ihren Kauf abzuschließen + + + opening-buy-crypto + {{site}} wird geöffnet... + + + network + Netzwerk + + + network-chain + Netzwerkkette + + + network-details + Netzwerkdetails + + + network-info + Netzwerk-Information + + + network-fee + Netzwerkgebühr + + + network-id + Netzwerk-ID + + + network-invalid-network-id + Die angegebene Netzwerk-ID entspricht nicht der Netzwerk-ID der RPC-URL + + + network-invalid-status-code + Ungültiger Statuscode: {{code}} + + + network-invalid-url + Netzwerk-URL ist ungültig + + + network-settings + Netzwerkeinstellungen + + + new + Neu + + + new-chat + Neuer Chat + + + new-contact + Neuer Kontakt + + + new-contract + Neuer Contract + + + new-group + Neue Gruppe + + + new-group-chat + Neuer Gruppenchat + + + new-network + Neues Netzwerk + + + new-pin-description + Geben Sie einen neuen 6-stelligen Passcode ein + + + new-puk-description + Neuen 12-stelligen PUK eingeben + + + new-public-group-chat + Öffentlichem Chat beitreten + + + next + Weiter + + + no + Nein + + + no-collectibles + Keine Sammlerstücke verfügbar + + + no-contacts + Noch keine Kontakte + + + no-keycard-applet-on-card + Kein Keycard-Applet auf der Karte + + + no-messages + Keine Nachrichten + + + no-pairing-slots-available + Diese Karte ist bereits mit fünf Geräten gekoppelt und kann nicht mit diesem verknüpft werden. Bitte verwenden Sie eines der gekoppelten Geräte, melden Sie sich mit dieser Karte an und geben Sie eine Kopplung auf der Karte frei + + + no-result + Keine Ergebnisse + + + no-tokens-found + Keine Token gefunden + + + node-info + Knoteninformation + + + node-address + Adresse des Knotens + + + node-details + Details zum Knotenpunkt + + + node-version + Node-Version + + + nonce + Nonce + + + none + Keine + + + not-applicable + Nicht anwendbar für unsignierte Transaktionen + + + not-keycard-text + Die von Ihnen verwendete Karte ist keine Keycard. Sie müssen eine Keycard kaufen, um sie verwenden zu können + + + not-keycard-title + Keine Keycard + + + notifications + Benachrichtigungen + + + local-notifications + Lokale Benachrichtigungen + + + local-notifications-subtitle + + + + remote-notifications + + + + remote-notifications-subtitle + + + + show-notifications + Benachrichtigungen anzeigen + + + notification-settings + Benachrichtigungen + + + notifications-servers + Benachrichtigungsserver + + + notifications-preferences + Benachrichtigungseinstellungen + + + notifications-switch + Benachrichtungen anzeigen + + + notifications-non-contacts + Benachrichtigungen von Nicht-Kontakten + + + notifications-transactions + Wallet-Transaktionen + + + send-push-notifications + Push-Benachrichtigungen senden + + + send-push-notifications-description + Wenn diese Option deaktiviert ist, wird die Person, die Ihre Nachrichten empfängt, nicht über ihre Ankunft informiert + + + push-notifications-server-enabled + Server aktiviert + + + push-notifications-servers + Push-Benachrichtigungsserver + + + push-inbound-transaction + Sie haben {{value}} {{currency}} erhalten + + + push-outbound-transaction + Sie haben {{value}} {{currency}} gesendet + + + push-failed-transaction + Ihre Transaktion ist fehlgeschlagen + + + push-inbound-transaction-body + Von {{from}} zu {{to}} + + + push-outbound-transaction-body + Von {{from}} zu {{to}} + + + push-failed-transaction-body + {{value}} {{currency}} an {{to}} + + + allow-mention-notifications + Zeige @ Erwähnungen an + + + server + Server + + + specify-server-public-key + Öffentlichen Schlüssel des Servers eingeben + + + notify + Benachrichtigen + + + off + Aus + + + offline + Offline + + + offline-messaging-use-history-nodes + Verlaufsknoten verwenden + + + offline-messaging-use-history-explanation + Aktivieren Sie Verlaufsknoten, um Nachrichten abzurufen, die gesendet wurden, während die Anwendung geschlossen war. Wenn aktiviert, erhält ein Verlaufsknoten Ihre IP-Adresse. Wenn deaktiviert, erhalten Sie keine Nachrichten, wenn die Anwendung geschlossen wird, und sehen sie auch nicht, wenn Sie die Anwendung später öffnen. + + + ok + OK + + + ok-continue + Okay, weiter + + + ok-got-it + Okay, verstanden + + + okay + Okay + + + on + Ein + + + open + Öffnen + + + open-home + Öffnen… + + + open-dapp + ÐApp öffnen + + + open-dapp-store + ÐApps erkunden + + + open-nfc-settings + NFC-Einstellungen öffnen + + + open-on-block-explorer + + + + optional + optional + + + or + ODER + + + outgoing + Ausgehend + + + outgoing-transaction + Ausgehende Transaktion + + + pair + Geräte koppeln + + + pair-card + Mit diesem Gerät koppeln + + + pair-code + Kopplungscode + + + pair-code-explanation + Paart die Karte mit einem anderen Gerät (bis zu 5), um Schlüssel freizuschalten und Transaktionen mit derselben Schlüsselkarte zu signieren + + + pair-this-card + Diese Karte koppeln + + + pair-this-device + Gerät synchronisieren + + + pair-this-device-description + Koppeln Sie Ihre Geräte, um Kontakte und Chats zwischen ihnen zu synchronisieren + + + paired-devices + Gekoppelte Geräte + + + pairing + Kopplung + + + pairing-card + Karte verknüpfen + + + pairing-code-placeholder + Pairing-Code ... + + + pairing-code_error1 + Pairing-Codes stimmen nicht überein. + + + confirm-pairing-code-placeholder + Bestätigen Sie Ihren Pairing-Code ... + + + pairing-go-to-installation + Gehen Sie zu den Kopplungseinstellungen + + + pairing-maximum-number-reached-content + Bitte deaktivieren Sie eines Ihrer Geräte, bevor Sie ein neues aktivieren. + + + pairing-maximum-number-reached-title + Maximale Anzahl der Geräte erreicht + + + pairing-new-installation-detected-content + Ein neues Gerät wurde erkannt. +Um Ihre Geräte richtig zu verwenden, ist es wichtig, sie vor der Verwendung zu koppeln und zu aktivieren. +Bitte gehen Sie zu Einstellungen > Geräte, um Ihre Geräte zu koppeln. + + + pairing-new-installation-detected-title + Neues Gerät erkannt + + + pairing-no-info + Keine Informationen + + + pairing-please-set-a-name + Bitte geben Sie einen Namen für Ihr Gerät ein. + + + passphrase + Passphrase + + + password + Passwort + + + password-description + Mindestens sechs Zeichen. Ihr Passwort schützt Ihre Schlüssel. Sie benötigen es, um Status zu entsperren und Transaktionen durchzuführen. + + + password-placeholder2 + Bestätigen Sie Ihr Passwort + + + password_error1 + Passwörter stimmen nicht überein. + + + paste + Einfügen + + + paste-json + JSON einfügen + + + pay-to-chat + Zahlen Sie, um zu chatten + + + peers + Peers + + + pending + Ausstehend + + + pending-confirmation + Ausstehende Bestätigung... + + + permissions + Berechtigungen + + + phone-e164 + International 1 + + + photos-access-error + Um den benötigten Zugriff auf Fotos zu erlauben, gehen Sie bitte in die Systemeinstellungen und stellen Sie sicher, dass Status > Fotos ausgewählt ist + + + pin-changed + 6-stelliges Passwort wurde aktualisiert + + + puk-changed + 12-stelliger PUK wurde geändert + + + pairing-changed + Der Pairing-Code wurde geändert + + + pin-code + 6-stelliger Passcode + + + pin-mismatch + Falscher Passcode + + + pin-retries-left + {{number}} Versuche übrig + + + pin-one-attempt-blocked-before + Achtung, Sie haben nur + + + pin-one-attempt-frozen-before + Achtung, Sie haben nur + + + pin-one-attempt + einen Versuch + + + pin-one-attempt-blocked-after + bevor Ihre Keycard gesperrt wird + + + pin-one-attempt-frozen-after + bevor Ihre Keycard eingefroren wird + + + preview-privacy + Vorschau des Datenschutzmodus + + + privacy + Datenschutz + + + privacy-photos + Profilfoto Datenschutz + + + privacy-and-security + Datenschutz und Sicherheit + + + privacy-policy + Datenschutzbestimmungen + + + privacy-show-to-warning + Personen, die Ihr Profilbild bereits gesehen haben, werden dies auch weiterhin tun + + + processing + Einen Augenblick + + + product-information + Produktinformation + + + profile + Profil + + + profile-details + Profildetails + + + public-chat + Öffentlicher Chat + + + public-chats + Öffentliche Chats + + + public-group-status + Öffentlich + + + public-group-topic + Thema + + + join-new-public-chat + Einem öffentlichen Chat beitreten + + + join-new-private-chat + Einen neuen privaten Chat starten + + + search-no-chat-found + Keine Suchergebnisse. Meinen Sie vielleicht + + + public-key + Öffentlicher Schlüssel + + + puk-and-pairing-codes-displayed + PUK- und Kopplungscodes werden angezeigt + + + puk-code + PUK-Code + + + puk-code-explanation + Wenn Sie Ihr 6-stelliges Passwort vergessen oder dreimal falsch eingegeben haben, benötigen Sie diesen Code, um Ihre Karte zu entsperren. + + + puk-mismatch + Falscher PUK-Code + + + quiet-days + {{quiet-days}} Tage + + + quiet-hours + {{quiet-hours}} Stunden + + + re-encrypt-key + Verschlüsseln Sie Ihre Schlüssel erneut + + + receive + Empfangen + + + receive-transaction + Transaktion empfangen + + + recent + Kürzlich + + + recent-recipients + Kontakte + + + recently-used-stickers + Kürzlich verwendete Sticker werden hier angezeigt + + + recipient + Empfänger + + + recipient-code + Empfängeradresse eingeben + + + recipient-code-placeholder + 0x ... oder username.domain.eth + + + recover + Wiederherstellen + + + recover-key + Greifen Sie auf vorhandene Schlüssel zu + + + recover-keycard-multiaccount-not-supported + Schlüssel für dieses Konto sind bereits vorhanden und können nicht erneut hinzugefügt werden. Wenn Sie Ihr Passwort, Ihren Passcode oder Ihre Schlüsselkarte verloren haben, deinstallieren Sie die App, installieren Sie sie neu und greifen Sie auf Ihre Schlüssel zu, indem Sie Ihre Seed-Phrase eingeben + + + recover-with-keycard + Mit Keycard wiederherstellen + + + recovering-key + Zugriff auf Schlüssel... + + + recovery-confirm-phrase + Bestätigen Sie die Seed-Phrase + + + recovery-phrase + Seed-Phrase + + + recovery-success-text + Sie müssen einen neuen Code oder ein neues Passwort erstellen, um Ihren Schlüssel erneut zu verschlüsseln. + + + recovery-typo-dialog-description + Bitte beachten Sie, dass Ihre Seed-Phrase genau dieselben Wörter und dieselbe Reihenfolge verwenden muss, wie Sie sie erhalten haben. + + + recovery-typo-dialog-title + Ist die Seed-Phrase korrekt? + + + remember-me + Eingeloggt bleiben + + + remind-me-later + Nochmal anzeigen + + + remove + Entfernen + + + remove-from-chat + Aus dem Chat entfernen + + + remove-from-contacts + Aus Kontakten entfernen + + + remove-from-contacts-text + Wenn Sie einen Benutzer aus Ihrer Kontaktliste entfernen, verbergen Sie Ihre Wallet-Adresse nicht vor ihm + + + remove-network + Netzwerk entfernen + + + remove-token + Token entfernen + + + removed + entfernt + + + repeat-pin + Wiederholen Sie den neuen 6-stelligen Passcode + + + repeat-puk + Wiederholen Sie den neuen 12-stelligen PUK + + + report-bug-email-template + 1. Problembeschreibung +{{description}} + + 2. Schritte zum Reproduzieren des Problems + {{steps}} + + 3. Fügen Sie bitte Screenshots bei, die das Problem darstellen + + + request-transaction + Transaktion anfordern + + + required-field + Pflichtfeld + + + resend-message + Erneut senden + + + reset-card + Karte zurücksetzen + + + reset-card-description + Diese Operation setzt die Karte in den Ausgangszustand zurück. Dabei werden alle Kartendaten einschließlich der privaten Schlüssel gelöscht. Die Operation ist nicht umkehrbar. + + + retry + Wiederholen + + + revoke-access + Zugangsberechtigung widerrufen + + + rinkeby-network + Rinkeby-Testnetzwerk + + + ropsten-network + Ropsten-Testnetzwerk + + + rpc-url + RPC-URL + + + save + Speichern + + + save-password + Passwort speichern + + + save-password-unavailable + Legen Sie den Gerätepasscode fest, um das Passwort zu speichern + + + save-password-unavailable-android + Speichern des Passworts nicht verfügbar: Ihr Gerät ist möglicherweise gerootet oder verfügt nicht über die erforderlichen Sicherheitsfunktionen. + + + scan-qr + QR-Code scannen + + + scan-qr-code + Scannen Sie einen QR-Code mit einer Wallet Adresse + + + search + Suche + + + secret-keys-confirmation-text + Sie benötigen sie, um Ihre Keycard weiterhin verwenden zu können, falls Sie Ihr Smartphone verlieren sollten. + + + secret-keys-confirmation-title + Codes aufgeschrieben? + + + security + Sicherheit + + + see-details + Siehe Details + + + see-it-again + SEHEN SIE ES SICH WIEDER AN + + + select-account-first + Wählen Sie zuerst ein Konto aus + + + select-chat + Wählen Sie einen Chat aus, um mit dem Messaging zu beginnen + + + selected + Ausgewählt + + + select + Auswählen + + + select-account + Konto auswählen + + + send-logs + Melden Sie einen technischen Fehler + + + send-logs-to + Einen Fehler an {{email}} melden + + + send-message + Nachricht senden + + + send-request + Anfrage senden + + + send-request-amount + Betrag + + + send-request-amount-max-decimals + Die maximale Anzahl von Dezimalstellen beträgt {{asset-decimals}} + + + send-request-unknown-token + Unbekanntes Token – {{asset}} + + + send-sending-to + an {{recipient-name}} + + + send-transaction + Transaktion senden + + + sending + Sende + + + sent-at + Gesendet an + + + set-a-topic + Erstellen Sie ein Thema + + + set-currency + Standardwährung festlegen + + + set-dapp-access-permissions + Festlegen von DApp-Zugriffsberechtigungen + + + settings + Einstellungen + + + share + Teilen + + + shared + Geteilt + + + share-address + Adresse teilen + + + share-chat + Chat teilen + + + share-contact-code + Meinen Chat-Schlüssel teilen + + + share-dapp-text + Schauen Sie sich diese DApp an, die ich in Status verwende: {{link}} + + + share-link + Link teilen + + + share-my-profile + Mein Profil teilen + + + share-profile + Profil teilen + + + share-profile-link + Profillink teilen + + + share-public-chat-text + Sehen Sie sich diesen öffentlichen Chat in der Status-App an: {{link}} + + + sharing-copied-to-clipboard + Kopiert + + + sharing-copy-to-clipboard + Kopieren + + + share-logs + Protokolle teilen + + + sharing-share + Teilen + + + show-less + Weniger anzeigen + + + show-more + Mehr anzeigen + + + show-qr + QR-Code anzeigen + + + show-transaction-data + Transaktionsdaten anzeigen + + + sign-and-send + Signieren und senden + + + sign-in + Anmelden + + + sign-message + Nachricht signieren + + + sign-out + Ausloggen + + + sign-with + Signieren mit + + + sign-with-password + Mit Passwort signieren + + + sign-you-in + Sie werden angemeldet... + + + signing + Signieren + + + signing-a-message + Eine Nachricht signieren + + + signing-phrase + Signierphrase + + + something-went-wrong + Etwas ist schiefgelaufen + + + soon + Demnächst + + + specify-address + Adresse teilen + + + specify-name + Geben Sie einen Namen an + + + specify-symbol + Geben Sie ein Symbol an + + + specify-network-id + Geben Sie die Netzwerk-ID an + + + specify-rpc-url + Spezifizieren Sie eine RPC-URL + + + start-chat + Chat beginnen + + + start-conversation + Gespräch beginnen + + + start-group-chat + Gruppenchat starten + + + start-new-chat + Neuen Chat starten + + + status + Status + + + status-confirmed + Bestätigt + + + status-hardwallet + Status-Hardwallet + + + status-keycard + Status Keycard + + + status-pending + Ausstehend + + + status-tx-not-found + Transaktion nicht gefunden + + + status-sent + Gesendet + + + status-not-sent-tap + Unbestätigt. Tippen Sie hier, um weitere Optionen anzuzeigen + + + status-not-sent-click + Unbestätigt. Klicken Sie für weitere Optionen + + + step-i-of-n + Schritt {{step}} von {{number}} + + + sticker-market + Sticker-Markt + + + sticker + Sticker + + + submit + Senden + + + submit-bug + Einen Fehler einreichen + + + success + Erfolg + + + symbol + Symbol + + + sync-all-devices + Alle Geräte synchronisieren + + + sync-in-progress + Synchronisiere... + + + sync-settings + Synchronisierung + + + sync-synced + Synchronisiert + + + syncing-devices + Synchronisiere... + + + tag-was-lost + Tag wurde verloren + + + tap-card-again + Um fortzufahren, halten Sie die Karte noch einmal an die Rückseite Ihres Smartphones + + + test-networks + Testnetzwerke + + + text-input-disabled + Einen Augenblick bitte... + + + this-device + Dieses Gerät + + + this-device-desc + Ihre Schlüssel werden verschlüsselt und sicher auf Ihrem Gerät gespeichert + + + this-is-you-signing + Dies ist Ihre Signaturphrase + + + this-will-take-few-seconds + Dies dauert einen Augenblick + + + three-words-description + Sie sollten diese 3 Wörter sehen, bevor Sie eine Transaktion signieren + + + three-words-description-2 + Wenn Sie eine andere Kombination sehen, brechen Sie die Transaktion ab und melden Sie sich ab + + + to + An + + + to-block + Blockieren + + + to-encrypt-enter-password + Um das Konto zu verschlüsseln, geben Sie bitte Ihr Passwort ein + + + to-see-this-message + Um diese Nachricht zu sehen, + + + token-auto-validate-decimals-error + Falsche Dezimalstellen für Token {{symbol}} auf der Adresse {{address}} – gesetzt auf {{expected}} aber als {{actual}} erkannt + + + token-auto-validate-name-error + Falscher Name für Token {{symbol}} auf der Adresse {{address}} – gesetzt auf {{expected}} aber als {{actual}} erkannt + + + token-auto-validate-symbol-error + Falsches Symbol für Token {{symbol}} auf der Adresse {{address}} – gesetzt auf {{expected}} aber als {{actual}} erkannt + + + token-details + Token-Details + + + topic-name-error + Verwenden Sie nur Kleinbuchstaben (a bis z), Zahlen und Striche (-). Verwenden Sie keine Chat-Schlüssel + + + transaction + Transaktion + + + transaction-data + Transaktionsdetails + + + transaction-declined + Transaktion abgelehnt + + + transactions-management-enabled + Transaktionsmanagement (Alpha) + + + transaction-description + Betrachten Sie es nach 12 Bestätigungen im Netzwerk als abgeschlossen. + + + transaction-details + Transaktionsdetails + + + transaction-failed + Transaktion fehlgeschlagen + + + transaction-history + Transaktionsverlauf + + + transaction-request + Transaktionsanfrage + + + transaction-sent + Transaktion gesendet + + + transaction-signed + Die Transaktion wurde erfolgreich signiert + + + transactions + Transaktionen + + + transactions-filter-select-all + Alle auswählen + + + transactions-filter-title + Filterverlauf + + + type + Typ + + + transactions-history + Transaktionsverlauf + + + transactions-history-empty + Noch keine Transaktionen in Ihrem Verlauf + + + transactions-history-loading + Laden der Transaktionshistorie. Dies kann eine Weile dauern. + + + transactions-sign + Signieren + + + tribute-required-by-multiaccount + {{multiaccount-name}} benötigt SNT, um einen Chat zu starten. + + + tribute-state-paid + Tribut bezahlt + + + tribute-state-pending + Tribut steht aus + + + tribute-state-required + Benötigt ein SNT-Tribut i.H.v. {{snt-amount}} + + + tribute-to-talk + Tribute to Talk + + + tribute-to-talk-add-friends + Fügen Sie Freunde als Kontakte hinzu, um Chats ohne Tributzahlung zuzulassen. + + + tribute-to-talk-are-you-friends + Sind Sie Freunde? + + + tribute-to-talk-ask-to-be-added + Bitten Sie darum, als Kontakt hinzugefügt zu werden + + + tribute-to-talk-contact-received-your-tribute + erhielt Ihren Tribut. Sie können jetzt sicher miteinander chatten. + + + tribute-to-talk-desc + Monetarisieren Sie Ihre Aufmerksamkeit, indem Sie SNT verlangen, damit neue Personen mit Ihnen einen Chat starten können + + + tribute-to-talk-disabled + Tribute to Talk deaktiviert + + + tribute-to-talk-disabled-note + Von nun an können neue Personen einen Chat mit Ihnen beginnen, ohne SNT zu senden. + + + tribute-to-talk-enabled + Sie haben Tribute to Talk aktiviert. + + + tribute-to-talk-finish-desc + Von nun an erhalten Sie nur noch Chats von Kontakten und Personen, die bezahlt haben + + + tribute-to-talk-learn-more-1 + Ihre Zeit und Aufmerksamkeit sind Ihr wertvollstes Kapital. Mit Tribute to Talk können Sie einen SNT-Betrag festlegen, der erforderlich ist, damit neue Personen einen Chat mit Ihnen beginnen können. + + + tribute-to-talk-learn-more-2 + Jeder, der nicht in Ihrer Kontaktliste steht, wird zur Zahlung aufgefordert, und Sie können antworten, sobald er dies getan hat. + + + tribute-to-talk-learn-more-3 + Sie können das Geld jederzeit zurückschicken. Um sicherzustellen, dass Freunde Sie frei erreichen können, fügen Sie diese zuerst als Kontakte hinzu. + + + tribute-to-talk-paywall-learn-more-1 + Unsere Zeit und Aufmerksamkeit sind unser wertvollstes Kapital. Mit Tribute to Talk können Sie eine SNT-Zahlung erhalten, um neue Leute kontaktieren. + + + tribute-to-talk-paywall-learn-more-2 + Um einen Chat mit jemandem zu starten, der eine Gebühr festgelegt hat, zahlen Sie einfach die erforderliche Menge an SNT und Sie werden als Kontakt hinzugefügt. + + + tribute-to-talk-paywall-learn-more-3 + Wenn Sie sie kennen, können Sie Ihr Profil außerhalb von Status freigeben, um es kostenlos hinzuzufügen. + + + tribute-to-talk-pending + Tribut wartet auf Bestätigung + + + tribute-to-talk-pending-note + Die Bestätigung der Tributstransaktion im Netzwerk steht noch aus. Sie können den aktuellen Status im Transaktionsverlauf überprüfen + + + tribute-to-talk-removing-note + Durch Entfernen von Tribute to Talk können neue Personen einen Chat starten, ohne SNT zu senden. Dies erfordert eine Transaktion. + + + tribute-to-talk-set-snt-amount + Legen Sie den SNT-Betrag fest, der erforderlich ist, damit neue Personen einen Chat mit Ihnen starten können + + + tribute-to-talk-signing + Warten auf die Signierung der Transaktion + + + tribute-to-talk-transaction-failed-note + Die Transaktion ist fehlgeschlagen und Ihre Einstellungen für Tribute to Talk wurden nicht geändert + + + tribute-to-talk-tribute-received1 + Tribut erhalten. Sie und + + + tribute-to-talk-tribute-received2 + sind jetzt Kontakte und können sicher miteinander chatten. + + + tribute-to-talk-you-require-snt + Sie fragen SNT an, damit neue Personen einen Chat starten können. + + + try-again + Versuchen Sie es erneut + + + try-keeping-the-card-still + Versuchen Sie, die Karte ruhig zu halten + + + turn-nfc-on + Schalten Sie NFC ein, um fortzufahren + + + turn-nfc-description + NFC ist auf Ihrem Gerät deaktiviert. Sie können es in den Einstellungen aktivieren + + + keycard-init-title + Suche Karten... + + + keycard-init-description + Legen Sie die Karte an die Rückseite Ihres Smartphones, um fortzufahren + + + keycard-awaiting-title + Immer noch auf der Suche... + + + keycard-awaiting-description + Bewegen Sie die Karte, um den NFC-Leser auf Deinem Gerät zu finden + + + keycard-processing-title + Verarbeitung... + + + keycard-processing-description + Versuchen Sie, die Karte ruhig zu halten + + + keycard-connected-title + Verbunden + + + keycard-connected-description + Versuchen Sie, die Karte ruhig zu halten + + + keycard-error-title + Verbindung unterbrochen + + + keycard-error-description + Schließe die Karte erneut an, um fortzufahren + + + keycard-success-title + Erfolg + + + keycard-success-description + Du kannst die Karte jetzt entfernen + + + keycard-recover + Karte verloren oder gesperrt? + + + keycard-recover-title + Eine neue Karte für dieses Konto erstellen? + + + keycard-recover-text + Wenn Sie Ihre Seed-Phrase haben, können Sie eine neue Keycard erstellen, die mit diesem Konto verbunden ist. Sie können entweder eine neue Keycard verwenden oder eine eingefrorene Keycard auf die Werkseinstellungen zurücksetzen. + + + keycard-backup + Sicherungskarte erstellen + + + keycard-backup-success-title + Sicherung erfolgreich + + + keycard-backup-success-body + Sicherungskarte erfolgreich erstellt. Sie kann genau wie die Hauptkarte mit deinem Konto benutzt werden. + + + type-a-message + Nachricht + + + ulc-enabled + ULC aktiviert + + + backup-enabled + Aktiviert + + + backup-disabled + Deaktiviert + + + backup-settings + Backup-Einstellungen + + + backup-through-waku + Backup über Waku + + + perform-backup + Backup durchführen + + + backing-up + Sichern… + + + last-backup-performed + Letzte durchgeführte Sicherung: + + + unable-to-read-this-code + Dieser Code kann nicht gelesen werden + + + unblock-contact + Diesen Benutzer entsperren + + + unknown-status-go-error + Unbekannter status-go Fehler + + + unlock + Freischalten + + + unpair-card + Karte entkoppeln + + + unpair-card-confirmation + Durch diesen Vorgang wird die Karte vom aktuellen Gerät getrennt. Das erfordert eine 6-stellige Passcode-Autorisierung. Möchten Sie fortfahren? + + + unpaired-keycard-text + Die gewählte Keycard ist nicht mit diesem Smartphone verbunden + + + unpaired-keycard-title + Anscheinend wurde Ihre Karte entkoppelt + + + unpair-keycard + Schlüsselkarte von diesem Gerät entkoppeln + + + unpair-keycard-warning + Dein Pairing Code/PUK und PIN bleiben unverändert + + + update + Aktualisieren + + + url + URL + + + usd-currency + USD + + + use-valid-contact-code + Bitte geben Sie einen gültigen Chat-Schlüssel oder Benutzernamen ein oder scannen Sie ihn ein + + + validation-amount-invalid-number + Der Betrag ist keine gültige Zahl + + + validation-amount-is-too-precise + Betrag ist zu genau. Die maximale Anzahl von Dezimalstellen beträgt {{decimals}}. + + + version + App-Version + + + app-commit + + + + view + Ansehen + + + view-cryptokitties + In CryptoKitties anzeigen + + + view-cryptostrikers + In CryptoStrikers anzeigen + + + view-etheremon + In Etheremon anzeigen + + + view-gitcoin + In Gitcoin anzeigen + + + view-profile + Profil anzeigen + + + view-details + Details ansehen + + + view-signing + Signaturphrase anzeigen + + + view-superrare + In SuperRare anzeigen + + + waiting-for-wifi + Kein WLAN, Nachrichtensynchronisierung deaktiviert. + + + waiting-for-wifi-change + Einstellungen + + + waiting-to-sign + Warten auf die Signierung der Transaktion... + + + wallet + Wallet + + + wallet-asset + Asset + + + wallet-assets + Assets + + + wallet-backup-recovery-title + Sichern Sie Ihre Seed-Phrase + + + wallet-choose-recipient + Empfänger auswählen + + + wallet-collectibles + Sammlerstücke + + + wallet-insufficient-funds + Unzureichende Mittel + + + wallet-insufficient-gas + Nicht genug ETH für Gas + + + wallet-invalid-address + Ungültige Adresse: + {{data}} + + + wallet-invalid-address-checksum + Fehler in der Adresse: + {{data}} + + + wallet-invalid-chain-id + Netzwerk stimmt nicht überein: + {{data}} aber das aktuelle ist {{chain}} + + + wallet-manage-assets + Assets verwalten + + + wallet-manage-accounts + Konten verwalten + + + wallet-request + Anfrage + + + wallet-send + Senden + + + wallet-send-min-units + Mindestens 21000 Einheiten + + + wallet-send-min-wei + Mindestens 1 wei + + + wallet-settings + Wallet-Einstellungen + + + wallet-total-value + Gesamtwert + + + wallet-transaction-total-fee + Gesamtgebühr + + + wants-to-access-profile + möchte auf Ihr Profil zugreifen + + + warning + Warnung + + + warning-message + Leider begrenzen wir mehrere Nachrichten hintereinander, um Spam zu vermeiden. Bitte versuchen Sie es gleich noch einmal + + + web-view-error + Seite kann nicht geladen werden + + + welcome-screen-text + Richten Sie Ihre Wallet ein, laden Sie Freunde +zum Chatten ein und stöbern Sie in beliebten DApps! + + + welcome-to-status + Willkommen bei Status! + + + welcome-to-status-description + Richten Sie Ihre Krypto-Wallet ein, laden Sie Freunde zum Chatten ein und durchsuchen Sie dezentrale Apps + + + welcome-blank-message + Ihre Chats werden hier angezeigt. Um neue Chats zu starten, drücken Sie die ⊕-Taste + + + welcome-community-blank-message + Deine Chats werden hier angezeigt. Klicke oben auf die drei Punkte und wähle "Kanal erstellen", um einen neuen Chat zu starten + + + welcome-community-blank-message-edit-chats + Ihre Kanäle werden hier angezeigt. Um einen neuen Kanal zu erstellen, gehen Sie zurück zum Community-Bildschirm, klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche ⊕ und wählen Sie "Einen Kanal erstellen". + + + welcome-blank-community-message + Ihre Communities werden hier angezeigt. + + + fetch-community + Community abrufen + + + fetching-community + Community wird abgerufen... + + + seed-phrase-placeholder + Seed-Phrase + + + word-count + Wortzahl + + + word-n + Wort #{{number}} + + + word-n-description + Geben Sie das Wort #{{number}} oben ein, um zu überprüfen, ob Sie Ihre Seed-Phrase korrekt gesichert haben. + + + words-n + + 1 Wort + {{count}} Worte + + + + write-down-and-store-securely + Schreiben Sie die Codes auf + und bewahren Sie sie sicher auf + + + wrong-address + Falsche Adresse + + + wrong-card + Falsche Karte + + + wrong-card-text + Die benutzte Karte entspricht nicht den von Ihnen gewählten Schlüsseln + + + wrong-contract + Falscher Vertrag + + + contract-isnt-supported + Vertrag wird nicht unterstützt + + + wrong-keycard-text + Die gewählte Keycard ist nicht mit diesem Smartphone verbunden + + + wrong-keycard-title + Wahrscheinlich haben Sie eine +falsche Keycard verwendet + + + wrong-password + Falsches Passwort + + + wrong-word + Falsches Wort + + + yes + Ja + + + You + Sie + + + you + Sie + + + you-already-have-an-asset + Sie haben bereits ein Asset {{value}} + + + you-are-all-set + Es ist alles bereit! + + + you-are-all-set-description + Wenn Sie Ihr Smartphone verlieren, können Sie jetzt mit Ihrer Seed-Phrase auf Ihre Gelder und Ihren Chat-Schlüssel zugreifen + + + you-can-change-account + Sie können den Kontonamen und die Farbe nach Ihren Wünschen ändern + + + you-dont-have-stickers + Sie haben noch keine Sticker + + + you-dont-have-contacts-invite-friends + Sie haben noch keine Kontakte. +Laden Sie Ihre Freunde zum Chatten ein. + + + your-contact-code + Durch das Gewähren des Zugriffs wird diese DApp berechtigt, Ihren Chat-Schlüssel abzurufen + + + your-data-belongs-to-you + Wenn Sie Ihre Seed-Phrase verlieren, verlieren Sie Ihre Daten und Ihr Geld + + + your-data-belongs-to-you-description + Wenn Sie den Zugang verlieren, z.B. durch den Verlust Ihres Smartphones, können Sie auf Ihre Schlüssel nur noch mit Ihrer Seed-Phrase zugreifen. Niemand außer Sie hat Ihre Seed-Phrase. Schreiben Sie diese auf und bewahren Sie sie sicher auf. + + + your-recovery-phrase + Ihre Seed-Phrase + + + your-recovery-phrase-description + Dies ist Ihre Seed-Phrase. Sie verwenden sie, um zu beweisen, dass dies Ihre Wallet ist. Sie bekommen sie nur einmal zu sehen! Schreiben Sie sie auf Papier und bewahren Sie es an einem sicheren Ort auf. Sie benötigen sie, wenn Sie Ihre Wallet verlieren oder neu installieren. + + + custom-seed-phrase + Falsche Seed-Phrase + + + custom-seed-phrase-text-1 + Diese Seed-Phrase passt nicht zu unserem unterstützten Wörterbuch. Suchen Sie nach falsch geschriebenen Wörtern. + + + to-enable-biometric + Um {{bio-type-label}} zu aktivieren, müssen Sie Ihr Passwort auf dem Entsperrbildschirm speichern + + + ok-save-pass + OK, Passwort speichern + + + lock-app-with + App sperren mit + + + grant-face-id-permissions + Um die erforderliche Berechtigung für Face ID zu erteilen, gehen Sie zu Ihren Systemeinstellungen und stellen Sie sicher, dass Status > Face ID ausgewählt ist + + + request-feature + Eine Funktion anfordern + + + select-account-dapp + Wählen Sie das Konto aus, das Sie mit DApps verwenden möchten + + + apply + Anwenden + + + on-status-tree + Mit Status verbunden + + + off-status-tree + Nicht mit Status verbunden + + + derivation-path + Ableitungspfad + + + storage + Aufbewahrung + + + keycard-free-pairing-slots + Die Keycard verfügt über {{n}} freie Kopplungsslots + + + public-chat-description + Nehmen Sie an öffentlichen Chats für Ihre Interessen teil! Jeder kann einen neuen Chat starten. + + + delete-account + Konto löschen + + + delete-keys-keycard + Schlüssel von der Schlüsselkarte löschen + + + watch-only + Nur zur Beobachtung + + + cant-report-bug + Ich kann keinen Fehler melden + + + mail-should-be-configured + Mail-Client sollte konfiguriert werden + + + check-on-block-explorer + Überprüfen auf dem Block-Explorer + + + check-on-opensea + auf Opensea überprüfen + + + transactions-load-more + Mehr laden + + + private-key + Privater Schlüssel + + + generate-an-account + Konto erstellen + + + add-watch-account + Füge ein Beobachtungskonto hinzu + + + add-seed-account + Konto mit einer Seed-Phrase hinzufügen + + + account-exists-title + Konto existiert bereits + + + add-private-key-account + Konto mit privatem Schlüssel hinzufügen + + + profile-not-found + Profil nicht gefunden + + + waku-bloom-filter-mode + Waku Bloom Filtermodus + + + wakuv2-settings + 'Waku v2' Einstellungen + + + wakuv2-node-format + /ip4/{node-ip}/tcp/{port}/p2p/{id} + + + wakuv2-change-nodes + Möchten Sie die 'Waku v2'-Knoten wirklich ändern? + + + appearance + Erscheinungsbild + + + preference + Präferenz + + + light + Hell + + + dark + Dunkel + + + system + System + + + give-permissions-camera + Erlaubnis erteilen, +um auf die Kamera zuzugreifen + + + photos + Fotos + + + image + Bild + + + sign-anyway + Trotzdem unterschreiben + + + tx-fail-description1 + Diese Transaktion wird wahrscheinlich scheitern. Die Unterzeichnung erfolgt auf eigenes Risiko unter Verwendung einer benutzerdefinierten Netzwerkgebühr. + + + tx-fail-description2 + Diese Transaktion wird wahrscheinlich scheitern. Legen Sie eine benutzerdefinierte Netzwerkgebühr fest, um auf eigenes Risiko zu signieren. + + + set-custom-fee + Benutzerdefinierte Gebühr festlegen + + + not-enough-snt + Nicht genug SNT + + + add-new-contact + Neuen Kontakt hinzufügen + + + you-dont-have-contacts + Sie haben noch keine Kontakte. + + + set-max + Maximalwert einstellen + + + continue-anyway + Trotzdem fortfahren + + + private-notifications + Private Benachrichtigungen + + + private-notifications-descr + Status informiert Sie über neue Nachrichten. Sie können Ihre Benachrichtigungseinstellungen später in den Einstellungen bearbeiten. + + + maybe-later + Vielleicht später + + + join + Beitreten + + + registered + registriert + + + not-registered + nicht registriert + + + audio-recorder-error + Rekorderfehler + + + audio-recorder + Rekorder + + + audio-recorder-max-ms-reached + Maximale Aufnahmezeit erreicht + + + audio-recorder-permissions-error + Sie müssen die Erlaubnis zum Senden von Audionachrichten erteilen + + + audio + Audio + + + update-to-see-image + Aktualisiere auf die neueste Version, um hier ein schönes Bild zu sehen! + + + update-to-listen-audio + Aktualisiere auf die neueste Version, um hier eine Audiobotschaft zu hören! + + + update-to-see-sticker + Aktualisiere auf die neueste Version, um hier einen schönen Sticker zu sehen! + + + webview-camera-permission-requests + Berechtigungsanforderungen für Webview-Kameras + + + webview-camera-permission-requests-subtitle + Wenn diese Option aktiviert ist, können Websites und DApps Sie bitten, Ihre Kamera zu benutzen. + + + page-would-like-to-use-camera + möchte Ihre Kamera benutzen + + + page-camera-request-blocked + Kameraanfragen sind blockiert. Um Kameraanfragen zu aktivieren, gehen Sie zu den Einstellungen + + + nickname + Alias + + + add-nickname + Alias hinzufügen + + + nickname-description + Aliasse helfen dir, andere einfach zu identifizieren. Nur du kannst von dir erstellte Aliasse sehen. + + + accept + Akzeptieren + + + group-invite + Gruppeneinladung + + + group-invite-link + Gruppeneinladungs-Link + + + pending-invitations + Ausstehende Gruppenanfragen + + + empty-pending-invitations-descr + Gruppenanfragen über einen Einladungslink werden hier dargestellt + + + introduce-yourself + Stelle dich mit einer kurzen Nachricht vor + + + request-pending + Gruppenanfrage wird bearbeitet... + + + membership-declined + Die Gruppenanfrage wurde abgelehnt + + + remove-group + Gruppe entfernen + + + request-membership + Mitgliedschaft beantragen + + + membership-description + Die Einstellungen der Gruppe erfordern, dass ein Admin dich freischaltet + + + group-membership-request + Antrag auf Gruppenmitgliedschaft + + + members-limit-reached + Maximale Anzahl an Teilnehmern erreicht + + + favourite + Favorit + + + favourites + Favoriten + + + new-favourite + Neuer Favorit + + + edit-favourite + Favorit bearbeiten + + + remove-favourite + Favorit entfernen + + + add-favourite + Favorit hinzufügen + + + add-to-favourites + Zu Favoriten hinzufügen + + + favourites-empty + Favorisierte Adressen werden hier angezeigt + + + contacts-empty + Kontakte mit ENS-Namen werden hier angezeigt + + + my-accounts + Meine Konten + + + my-accounts-empty + Ihre verfügbaren Konten werden hier angezeigt + + + recent-empty + Kürzlich verwendete Adressen werden hier angezeigt + + + address-or-ens-name + Adresse oder ENS-Name + + + name-optional + Name (optional) + + + mute + Stumm + + + unmute + Stummschaltung aufheben + + + scan-tokens + Tokens scannen + + + my-status + Mein Status + + + contacts-descr + Ihre Kontakte werden hier angezeigt. Sie erhalten Statusaktualisierungen von jedem, den Sie als Kontakt hinzufügen + + + status-updates-descr + Hier werden Statusaktualisierungen angezeigt. Fügen Sie das Profil als Kontakt hinzu, um Aktualisierungen auf Ihrer Timeline zu erhalten. + + + whats-on-your-mind + Was haben Sie auf dem Herzen… + + + cant-open-public-chat + Öffentlicher Chat kann nicht geöffnet werden + + + invalid-public-chat-topic + Ungültiges öffentliches Chat-Thema + + + now + Jetzt + + + statuses-my-status-descr + Teilen Sie, was Sie auf dem Herzen haben. Jeder, der Ihr Profil besucht, kann Ihren Status sehen. Personen, die Sie als Kontakt hinzufügen, erhalten Ihre Updates in ihrer Timeline + + + statuses-descr + Teilen Sie, was Sie auf dem Herzen haben und bleiben Sie mit Ihren Kontakten auf dem Laufenden + + + new-status + Neuer Status + + + chat-link-previews + Chat-Link-Vorschauen + + + you-can-choose-preview-websites + Sie können wählen, welche der folgenden Websites eine Vorschau von Beschreibungen und Bildern in Chats anzeigen können + + + previewing-may-share-metadata + Wenn Sie Links von diesen Websites in der Vorschau anzeigen, werden Ihre Metadaten möglicherweise an die Eigentümer dieser Websites weitergegeben + + + websites + Webseiten + + + enable-all + Alle aktivieren + + + disable-all + Alle deaktivieren + + + warning-sending-to-contract-descr + Die eingegebene Adresse ist ein Smart Contract; wenn Sie hierhin Werte senden, können Sie diese verlieren. Um mit einer DApp zu interagieren, öffnen Sie die DApp im Status DApp Browser. + + + dont-ask + Frag mich nicht noch einmal + + + enable-link-previews + Linkvorschau im Chat aktivieren? + + + once-enabled-share-metadata + Sobald diese Funktion aktiviert ist, können im Chat gepostete Links Ihre Metadaten mit der Website teilen + + + external-storage-denied + Der Zugriff auf den externen Speicher wird verweigert + + + timeline + Timeline + + + main-account + + + + ethereum-address + Ethereum-Adresse + + + default-assets + Standard ERC20 und ERC721 + + + increase-gas + Gas erhöhen + + + cancelling + Abbrechen + + + refresh + Aktualisieren + + + close-all + Alle schließen + + + tabs + Registerkarten + + + new-tab + Neue Registerkarte + + + empty-tab + Leere Registerkarte + + + open-in-new-tab + In neuer Registerkarte öffnen + + + has-permissions + hat Zugriffsberechtigung + + + connect-wallet + Wallet verbinden + + + open-chat + Chat öffnen + + + favourite-description + Ihre Lieblingswebsites werden hier angezeigt + + + transfers-fetching-failure + Der Übertragungsverlauf konnte nicht aktualisiert werden. Überprüfen Sie Ihre Verbindung und wischen Sie nach unten, um es erneut zu versuchen + + + move-and-reset + Verschieben und Zurücksetzen + + + move-keystore-file-to-keycard + Keystore-Datei auf die Keycard verschieben? + + + database-reset-title + Datenbank zurücksetzen + + + database-reset-content + Chats, Kontakte und Einstellungen wurden gelöscht. Du kannst dein Konto mit deiner Schlüsselkarte benutzen. + + + database-reset-warning + Die Datenbank wird zurückgesetzt. Chats, Kontakte und Einstellungen werden gelöscht + + + empty-keycard-required + Erfordert eine leere Keycard + + + current + Aktuell + + + choose-storage + Speicherort wählen + + + choose-new-location-for-keystore + Wählen Sie einen neuen Speicherort für Ihre Keystore-Datei + + + get-a-keycard + Holen Sie sich eine Keycard + + + keycard-upsell-subtitle + Ihre tragbare, einfach zu bedienende Hardware-Geldbörse + + + actions + Aktionen + + + move-keystore-file + Keystore-Datei verschieben + + + select-new-location-for-keys + Wählen Sie einen neuen Speicherort für Ihre(n) privaten Schlüssel + + + reset-database + Datenbank zurücksetzen + + + reset-database-warning + Chats, Kontakte und Einstellungen löschen. Erforderlich, wenn Sie Ihr Passwort verloren haben + + + reset-database-warning-keycard + Chats, Kontakte und Einstellungen löschen. + + + key-managment + Schlüsselverwaltung + + + choose-actions + Aktionen auswählen + + + master-account + Master-Konto + + + back-up + Sichern + + + key-on-device + Privater Schlüssel ist auf diesem Gerät gespeichert + + + seed-key-uid-mismatch + Seed-Phrase stimmt nicht überein + + + seed-key-uid-mismatch-desc-1 + Die eingegebene Seed-Phrase stimmt nicht mit {{multiaccount-name}} überein + + + seed-key-uid-mismatch-desc-2 + Um Schlüssel für dieses Konto zu verwalten, überprüfen Sie Ihre Seed-Phrase und versuchen Sie es erneut. + + + recover-with-seed-phrase + Wiederherstellen mit Seed-Phrase + + + transfer-ma-unknown-error-desc-1 + Es sieht so aus, als sei Ihr Multiaccount nicht gelöscht worden. Die Datenbank wurde möglicherweise zurückgesetzt + + + transfer-ma-unknown-error-desc-2 + Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Kontoliste und versuchen Sie es erneut. Wenn das Konto nicht aufgelistet ist, gehen Sie zu 'Auf vorhandene Schlüssel zugreifen', um es mit der Seed-Phrase wiederherzustellen + + + everyone + Jedem + + + show-profile-pictures + Profilbilder anzeigen von + + + show-profile-pictures-to + Zeigen Sie Ihr Profilbild an + + + non-archival-node + Der RPC-Endpunkt unterstützt keine Archivierungsanfragen. Ihre lokale Übertragungshistorie ist möglicherweise unvollständig. + + + custom-node + Sie verwenden einen benutzerdefinierten RPC-Endpunkt. Ihre lokale Übertragungshistorie ist möglicherweise unvollständig. + + + connection-status + Verbindungsstatus + + + peer-to-peer + Peer-to-Peer + + + not-connected-to-peers + Keine Verbindung zu einer Gegenstelle + + + unable-to-send-messages + Senden und Empfangen von Nachrichten nicht möglich + + + can-send-messages + Sie können neue Nachrichten senden und empfangen + + + not-connected-nodes + Mit keinem Knoten von Status verbunden + + + unable-to-fetch + Chatverlauf kann nicht abgerufen werden + + + nodes-disabled + Knoten von Status sind deaktiviert + + + waiting-wi-fi + Warten auf WLAN... + + + you-can-fetch + Sie können den Chatverlauf abrufen + + + youre-on-mobile-network + Sie sind im Mobilfunknetz + + + status-mobile-descr + Status neigt dazu, beim Synchronisieren von Chats eine Menge Daten zu verbrauchen. Sie können wählen, dass Sie nicht synchronisieren, wenn Sie sich im Mobilfunknetz befinden + + + restore-defaults + Standardeinstellungen wiederherstellen + + + rpc-usage-info + RPC-Nutzungsstatistiken + + + rpc-usage-get-stats + Aktualisieren + + + rpc-usage-reset + Zurücksetzen + + + rpc-usage-filter + Filtermethoden + + + rpc-usage-filter-methods + Filtermethoden + + + rpc-usage-copy + Kopieren + + + rpc-usage-total + + + + rpc-usage-filtered-total + + + + community-message-preview + Einladung zum Beitritt zu {{community-name}} + + + non-contacts + Nicht in meinen Kontakten + + + community + Community + + + verified-community + ✓ Verifizierte Community + + + community-info-not-found + Community-Informationen nicht gefunden + + + community-info + Community-Info + + + not-found + Nicht gefunden + + + activity + Aktivität + + + reject-and-delete + Ablehnen und löschen + + + accept-and-add + Akzeptieren und hinzufügen + + + one-day + Ein Tag + + + three-days + Drei Tage + + + one-week + Eine Woche + + + one-month + Ein Monat + + + my-profile + Mein Profil + + + bip39-password-placeholder + BIP39 Passwort + + + public-channel + Öffentlicher Kanal + + + default-sync-period + Synchronisierungsverlauf für + + + what-is-shared + Was wird geteilt + + + view-data + Daten anzeigen + + + data-collected + Daten gesammelt + + + data-collected-subtitle + Die folgende Tabelle zeigt die genauen Daten, die gespeichert und gesendet werden. Die Daten werden anhand öffentlicher Regeln validiert, um sicherzustellen, dass keine sensiblen Daten gesendet werden. Vertraue nicht, verifiziere. + + + view-rules + Regeln anzeigen + + + expand-all + Alle erweitern + + + about-sharing-data + Über das Teilen von Daten + + + sharing-data-desc-1 + Die Daten werden anhand öffentlicher Regeln validiert, um sicherzustellen, dass keine sensiblen Daten gesendet werden. Vertraue nicht, verifiziere. + + + sharing-data-desc-2 + Nutzungsdaten werden Ende-zu-Ende verschlüsselt über das Peer-to-Peer-Netzwerk von Status gesendet + + + sharing-data-desc-3 + Anstelle Ihres normalen Chat-Schlüssels wird ein Einmalschlüssel verwendet + + + sharing-data-desc-4 + Nutzungsdaten können nicht mit Ihrer IP-Adresse in Verbindung gebracht werden + + + sharing-data-desc-5 + Kumulierte Daten aller Benutzer sind öffentlich verfügbar + + + view-public-dashboard + Öffentliches Dashboard anzeigen + + + sharing-data-desc-6 + Die Daten werden nach dem Senden von Ihrem Telefon entfernt + + + allow-and-send + Erlauben und senden + + + no-thanks + Nein Danke + + + help-improve-status + Helfen Sie mit, Status zu verbessern + + + thank-you + Vielen Dank + + + current-password + Aktuelles Passwort + + + reset-password + Passwort zurücksetzen + + + password-reset-success + Passwort geändert + + + password-reset-success-message + Sie müssen sich erneut anmelden + + + password-reset-in-progress + Ändere Passwort... + + + new-password + Neues Passwort + + + confirm-new-password + Bestätige neues Passwort + + + password-mismatch + Neues Passwort und Bestätigung stimmen nicht überein + + + terms-of-service + Nutzungsbedingungen + + + accept-status-tos-prefix + Ich akzeptiere Status + + + updates-to-tos + Aktualisierungen der Nutzungsbedingungen + + + updates-to-tos-desc + Bevor Sie fortfahren, lesen Sie bitte die Nutzungsbedingungen und bestätigen Sie, dass Sie die volle Verantwortung dafür übernehmen, wie Sie die App verwenden. + + + what-changed + Was sich geändert hat + + + wc-new-tos-based-on-principles-prefix + Neue Nutzungsbedingungen basierend auf unseren + + + principles + Grundsätze + + + wc-how-to-use-status-app + So verwenden Sie die Status-App, einschließlich Datenschutz und Sicherheit + + + wc-brand-guide + Anleitung zur Verwendung von Branding wie Marken und Logos + + + wc-disclaimer + Haftungsausschlüsse (einschließlich Drittanbieter), Garantien und rechtliche Hinweise + + + wc-dispute + Bestimmungen zur Streitbeilegung + + + status-is-open-source + Status ist Open-Source + + + build-yourself + Um die App ohne diese Nutzungsbedingungen zu nutzen, können Sie Ihre eigene Version erstellen + + + accept-and-continue + Akzeptieren und fortfahren + + + empty-activity-center + Ihre Chat-Benachrichtigungen +werden hier erscheinen + + + pinned-messages + Angeheftete Nachrichten + + + pin + Anheften + + + unpin + Lösen + + + no-pinned-messages + Keine angehefteten Nachrichten + + + pinned-messages-count + + 1 angeheftete Nachricht + {{count}} angeheftete Nachrichten + + + + pinned-messages-empty + Angeheftete Nachrichten werden hier angezeigt. Um eine Nachricht anzuheften, halten Sie sie gedrückt und tippen Sie auf „Anheften“. + + + pinned-by + Angeheftet von + + + pin-limit-reached + Limit der angehefteten Nachrichten erreicht. Lösen Sie zuerst eine vorherige Nachricht. + + + max-fee + Maximale Gebühr + + + max-priority-fee + Maximale Prioritätsgebühr + + + miners-higher-fee + Miner werden Ihre Transaktion wahrscheinlich früher bearbeiten, wenn Sie eine höhere Gebühr zahlen. + + + gas-amount-limit + Obergrenze der Gasmenge + + + per-gas-tip-limit + Trinkgeldlimit pro Gas + + + per-gas-price-limit + Preislimit pro Gas + + + current-base-fee + Aktuelle Grundgebühr + + + fee-explanation + Maximaler Gesamtpreis für die Transaktion. Übersteigt die Blockgrundgebühr diese, wird sie in einen Folgeblock mit niedrigerer Grundgebühr eingerechnet. + + + slow + Langsam + + + optimal + Optimal + + + fast + Schnell + + + see-suggestions + Siehe Vorschläge + + + maximum-fee + Maximale Gebühr + + + low-tip + Trinkgeld ist zu niedrig + + + lower-than-average-tip + unterdurchschnittliches Trinkgeld + + + below-base-fee + Maximale Gebühr unter Grundgebühr + + + reduced-tip + Prioritätstrinkgeld wird reduziert + + + are-you-sure + Sind Sie sicher? + + + bad-fees-description + Ihre Prioritätsgebühr liegt unter unseren vorgeschlagenen Parametern. + + + change-tip + Trinkgeld ändern + + + current-minimum-tip + Aktuelles Mindesttrinkgeld + + + current-average-tip + Aktuelles durchschnittliches Trinkgeld + + + your-tip-limit + Ihr Trinkgeldlimit + + + your-price-limit + Ihr Preislimit + + + suggested-min-tip + Empfohlenes Mindesttrinkgeld + + + suggested-price-limit + Vorgeschlagenes Preislimit + + + include + Enthalten + + + category + Kategorie + + + edit-chats + Chats bearbeiten + + + edit-categories + + + + hide + Ausblenden + + + account-is-used + Das Konto wird mit Dapps im Browser verwendet. + + + normal + Normal + + + never + Niemals + + + fee-options + Empfohlene Gebührenoptionen + + + fee-cap + Gebührenobergrenze + + + tip-cap + Trinkgeldobergrenze + + + collectibles-leak-metadata + Hier können Sie Ihre NFTs anzeigen. Wenn Sie dies tun, teilen Sie Ihre Wallet und IP-Adresse + + + display-collectibles + Sammlerstücke anzeigen + + + disable-later-in-settings + Sie können dies später in den Einstellungen deaktivieren + + + use-as-profile-picture + Als Profilbild verwenden + + + view-on-opensea + Auf OpenSea anzeigen + + + profile-picture-updated + Profilbild aktualisiert + + + status-automatic + Automatisch + + + status-automatic-subtitle + Status automatisch setzen + + + status-dnd + Nicht stören + + + status-dnd-subtitle + Schaltet alle Benachrichtigungen stumm + + + status-always-online + Immer online + + + status-inactive + Inaktiv + + + status-inactive-subtitle + Verbirgt Ihren Online-Status + + + two-minutes + zwei Minuten + + + swap + Tausch/Swap + + + select-token-to-swap + Token zum Tauschen auswählen + + + select-token-to-receive + Zu empfangendes Token auswählen + + + minimum-received + Minimum erhalten + + + powered-by-paraswap + Unterstützt von Paraswap + + + priority + Priorität + + + switch-to-simple-interface + Wechsel zur einfachen Benutzeroberfläche + + + transaction-fee + Transaktionsgebühr + + + swap-details + Details zum Tausch/Swap + + + slippage + Slippage + + + price-impact + Auswirkungen auf den Preis + + + total-gas + Gas insgesamt + + + token + Token + + + approve-limit + Limit genehmigen + + + approve-token + Token genehmigen + + + approve-token-contract-desc + Die Genehmigung eines Tokens mit einem Vertrag ermöglicht es ihm, Ihr Token-Guthaben auszugeben. Wenn Sie der Meinung sind, dass ein Projekt nicht vertrauenswürdig ist, genehmigen Sie das Token nicht mit ihnen oder genehmigen Sie nur den Betrag, den Sie mit ihnen verwenden werden. + + + unlimited + Unbegrenzt + + + approve + Genehmigen + + + limit + Limit + + + last-transaction + Letzte Transaktion + + + price-impact-desc + Geschätzte Preisauswirkungen für diese Transaktion. Wenn die aktuelle Blockgrundgebühr diese übersteigt, wird Ihre Transaktion in einen nachfolgenden Block mit einer niedrigeren Grundgebühr aufgenommen. + + + safe-estimate + Sichere Schätzung + + + current-average + Aktueller Durchschnitt + + + current-base + Aktuelle Basis + + + maximum-fee-desc + Maximaler Gesamtpreis für die Transaktion. Wenn die aktuelle Blockgrundgebühr diese übersteigt, wird Ihre Transaktion in einen nachfolgenden Block mit einer niedrigeren Grundgebühr aufgenommen. + + + insufficient-balance-to-cover-fee + + + + wallet-connect-proposal-title + + + + wallet-connect-proposal-description + + + + wallet-connect-app-connected + + + + wallet-connect-go-back + + + + wallet-connect-2.0 + + + + wallet-connect + + + + reject + + + + manage-connections + + + + wallet-manage-app-connections + + + + connection-request + + + + disconnect + + + + new-ui + + + + send-contact-request-message + + + + contact-request + + + + say-hi + + + + accepted + + + + declined + + + + contact-request-header + + + + contact-request-declined + + + + contact-request-accepted + + + + contact-request-pending + + + + removed-from-contacts + + + + mutual-contact-requests + + + + negative + + + + positive + + + + Please enter a URL + + + + This fields needs to be a valid URL + + + + Please enter a Name + + + + Favorite added + + + + Edit + + + + Add favorite + + + + URL + + + + Paste URL + + + + Name + + + + Name the website + + + + Remove + + + + Done + + + + Add + + + + '%1' would like to connect to + + + + Allowing authorizes this DApp to retrieve your wallet address and enable Web3 + + + + Granting access authorizes this DApp to retrieve your chat key + + + + Deny + + + + Allow + + + + Enter URL + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Error signing message + + + + Transaction pending... + + + + Wrong password + + + + Start Page + + + + New Tab + + + + Downloads Page + + + + Server's certificate not trusted + + + + Do you wish to continue? + + + + If you wish so, you may continue with an unverified certificate. Accepting an unverified certificate means you may not be connected with the host you tried to connect to. +Do you wish to override the security check and continue? + + + + Exit Incognito mode + + + + Go Incognito + + + + Zoom In + + + + Zoom Out + + + + Find + + + + Compatibility mode + + + + Developer Tools + + + + Settings + + + + Mainnet + + + + Ropsten + + + + Unknown + + + + Disconnect + + + + Assets + + + + History + + + + Show All + + + + Cancelled + + + + Paused + + + + Open + + + + Show in folder + + + + Pause + + + + Resume + + + + Cancel + + + + Downloaded files will appear here. + + + + Open in new Tab + + + + Ok + + + + Signature request + + + + From + + + + Data + + + + Message + + + + Reject + + + + Sign + + + + Sign with password + + + + Contact request pending + + + + Connected + + + + Disconnected + + + + This user has been blocked. + + + + Type a message. + + + + Send + + + + Request Address + + + + Request + + + + Transaction pending + + + + Continue + + + + Receive on account + + + + From account + + + + Address request required + + + + To + + + + Preview + + + + Transaction preview + + + + Next + + + + Invalid transaction parameters + + + + Authorize %1 %2 + + + + Choose account + + + + Network fee + + + + Error estimating gas: %1 + + + + Send %1 %2 + + + + Image + + + + Sticker + + + + You have a new message + + + + You have been accepted into the ‘%1’ community + + + + Your request to join the ‘%1’ community was declined + + + + New membership request + + + + %1 asks to join ‘%2’ + + + + Failed to send message. + + + + Share your chat key + + + + friends to start messaging in Status + + + + ↓ Fetch more messages + + + + before %1 + + + + Welcome to the beginning of the <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> group! + + + + Any messages you send here are encrypted and can only be read by you and <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> + + + + Join chat + + + + Decline invitation + + + + Add reaction + + + + Reply + + + + More + + + + Today + + + + Yesterday + + + + January + + + + February + + + + March + + + + April + + + + May + + + + June + + + + July + + + + August + + + + September + + + + October + + + + November + + + + December + + + + and + + + + %1 more + + + + reacted with + + + + Error loading the image + + + + Loading image... + + + + This feature is experimental and is meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It's not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data. Use at your own risk. + + + + Membership requires an ENS username + + + + You need to be invited + + + + Request Access + + + + Verified community invitation + + + + Community invitation + + + + You invited %1 to join a community + + + + %1 invited you to join a community + + + + You shared a community + + + + A community has been shared + + + + Unsupported state + + + + %1 members + + + + Joined + + + + Join + + + + Enable automatic image unfurling + + + + Enable link previews in chat? + + + + Once enabled, links posted in the chat may share your metadata with their owners + + + + Enable in Settings + + + + Don't ask me again + + + + Resend + + + + Transaction request + + + + ↑ Outgoing transaction + + + + ↓ Incoming transaction + + + + Something has gone wrong + + + + Accept and share address + + + + Accept and send + + + + Decline + + + + Select account + + + + Choose accountSelect account to share and receive assets + + + + Confirm and share address + + + + Sign and send + + + + Pending + + + + Confirmed + + + + Unknown token + + + + Address requested + + + + Waiting to accept + + + + Address shared + + + + Address received + + + + Transaction declined + + + + failure + + + + Unknown state + + + + Group Information + + + + Clear history + + + + Leave group + + + + Are you sure you want to leave this chat? + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + Communities + + + + Search for communities or topics + + + + 1 member + + + + Import a community + + + + Create a community + + + + Public community + + + + Invitation only community + + + + On request community + + + + Unknown community + + + + - ENS only + + + + Chats + + + + Join ‘%1’ + + + + Request to join ‘%1’ + + + + Error joining the community + + + + No search results in Communities + + + + Members + + + + Create category + + + + Invite People + + + + Membership requests + + + + Edit category + + + + Delete category + + + + Delete %1 category + + + + Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. + + + + Error deleting the category + + + + View Profile + + + + Roles + + + + Kick + + + + Ban + + + + Transfer ownership + + + + Invite successfully sent + + + + Share community + + + + Notifications + + + + Edit community + + + + Export community + + + + Create channel + + + + Leave community + + + + Delete + + + + Welcome to your community! + + + + Add members + + + + Manage community + + + + You need to enter a name + + + + Please restrict your name to letters, numbers, dashes and spaces + + + + Your name needs to be 100 characters or shorter + + + + New channel + + + + Edit #%1 + + + + channel name + + + + channel decription + + + + Channel name + + + + Describe the channel + + + + Pinned messages + + + + A cool name + + + + channel description + + + + What your channel is about + + + + The description cannot exceed %1 characters + + + + Private channel + + + + By making a channel private, only members with selected permission will be able to access it + + + + category name + + + + New category + + + + Category title + + + + Channels + + + + Create + + + + Error editing the category + + + + Error creating the category + + + + Error creating the community + + + + You need to select an image + + + + You need to enter a color + + + + This field needs to be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + New community + + + + Name your community + + + + A catchy name + + + + Give it a short description + + + + What your community is about + + + + The description cannot exceed 140 characters + + + + community name + + + + community decription + + + + Thumbnail image + + + + Please choose an image + + + + Image files (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png) + + + + Upload + + + + Community colour + + + + Pick a color + + + + Please choose a color + + + + Membership requirement + + + + Require invite from another member + + + + Require approval + + + + No requirement + + + + You can require new members to meet certain criteria before they can join. This can be changed at any time + + + + Save + + + + Private community + + + + Only members with an invite link will be able to join your community. Private communities are not listed inside Status + + + + Your community will be public for anyone to join. Public communities are listed inside Status for easy discovery + + + + You need to enter a key + + + + Access existing community + + + + Community private key + + + + Entering a community key will grant you the ownership of that community. Please be responsible with it and don’t share the key with people you don’t trust. + + + + 0x... + + + + Import + + + + Error importing the community + + + + Invite friends + + + + Invite + + + + Contacts + + + + Chat + + + + Community imported + + + + Importing community is in progress + + + + Community %1 imported + + + + Importing community %1 is in progress + + + + Start new chat + + + + Start group chat + + + + Join public chat + + + + No messages + + + + No search results + + + + Your chats will appear here. To start new chats press the  button at the top + + + + Chat and transact privately with your friends + + + + Follow your interests in one of the many Public Chats. + + + + View Group + + + + Share Chat + + + + Test WakuV2 - requestAllHistoricMessages + + + + Unmute chat + + + + Mute chat + + + + Edit Channel + + + + Mark as Read + + + + Delete chat + + + + Leave chat + + + + Choose browser + + + + Open in Status + + + + Open in my default browser + + + + Remember my choice. To override it, go to settings. + + + + Admin + + + + Last 24 hours + + + + Last 2 days + + + + Last 3 days + + + + Last 7 days + + + + (You) + + + + You need to enter a channel name + + + + The channel name can only contain lowercase letters, numbers and dashes + + + + New group chat + + + + %1 / 10 members + + + + Group name + + + + Create Group Chat + + + + All your contacts are already in the group + + + + Make Admin + + + + Remove From Group + + + + Add selected + + + + Get Status at https://status.im + + + + Download Status link + + + + Unpin + + + + Pin + + + + Copy link + + + + Edit message + + + + Send message + + + + Reply to + + + + Jump to + + + + Delete message + + + + Confirm deleting this message + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well. + + + + Nickname + + + + Nicknames help you identify others in Status. Only you can see the nicknames you’ve added + + + + Your nickname is too long + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet. Invite your friends to start chatting. + + + + Enter a valid chat key or ENS usernameEnter a valid chat key or ENS username + + + + Can't chat with yourself + + + + New chat + + + + My Profile + + + + Enter ENS username or chat key + + + + Non contacts + + + + No profile found + + + + ENS username + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Chat settings + + + + None + + + + Unblock User + + + + Block User + + + + Add to contacts + + + + A public chat is where you get to hang out with others, make friends and talk about subjects of your interest. + + + + Start chat + + + + Pinned by %1 + + + + Type json-rpc message... e.g {"method": "eth_accounts"} + + + + Profile + + + + App version + + + + Version: %1 + + + + Node version + + + + Privacy Policy + + + + Network + + + + Fleet + + + + Minimize on close + + + + Experimental features + + + + Wallet + + + + Dapp Browser + + + + Activity Center + + + + Online users + + + + Broadcast user status + + + + Bloom filter level + + + + The account will be logged out. When you login again, the selected mode will be enabled + + + + Light Node + + + + Full Node + + + + GIF Widget + + + + Waku Bloom Mode + + + + Node Management + + + + Blockchains will drop search costs, causing a kind of decomposition that allows you to have markets of entities that are horizontally segregated and vertically segregated. + + + + Size + + + + Change font size + + + + XS + + + + S + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "S" because the title above is "Seed Phrase" + + + + M + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "M" because the title above is "Mailserver" + + + + L + + + + XL + + + + XXL + + + + Light + + + + Chat mode + + + + Normal + + + + Compact + + + + Appearance + + + + Dark + + + + System + + + + Back up seed phrase + + + + Step %1 of 3 + + + + If you lose your seed phrase you lose your data and funds + + + + If you lose access, for example by losing your phone, you can only access your keys with your seed phrase. No one, but you has your seed phrase. Write it down. Keep it safe + + + + Check your seed phrase + + + + Word #%1 + + + + Enter word + + + + In order to check if you have backed up your seed phrase correctly, enter the word #%1 above + + + + Are you sure? + + + + You will not be able to see the whole seed phrase again + + + + With this 12 words you can always get your key back. Write it down. Keep it safe, offline, and separate from this device. + + + + Okay, continue + + + + Wrong word + + + + General + + + + Default + + + + Show favorites bar + + + + Search engine used in the address bar + + + + Ethereum explorer used in the address bar + + + + Open an ethereum explorer after a transaction hash or an address is entered + + + + Privacy + + + + Set DApp access permissions + + + + Profile picture + + + + Crop your image (optional) + + + + Finish + + + + Chat link previews + + + + Websites + + + + Enable all + + + + Previewing links from these websites may share your metadata with their owners. + + + + Add new contact + + + + Blocked contacts + + + + Add contact + + + + You can't add yourself + + + + User not found + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet + + + + Devices + + + + Please set a name for your device. + + + + Specify a name + + + + Advertise device + + + + Pair your devices to sync contacts and chats between them + + + + Learn more + + + + Paired devices + + + + Syncing... + + + + Sync all devices + + + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + %1 is now connected with your chat key and can be used in Status. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + %1 will be connected once the transaction is complete. + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Wallet address + + + + Key + + + + Back + + + + Primary username + + + + Your messages are displayed to others with this username: + + + + Once you select a username, you won’t be able to disable it afterwards. You will only be able choose a different username to display. + + + + Nice! You own %1.stateofus.eth once the transaction is complete. + + + + Hey + + + + (pending) + + + + Add username + + + + Your usernames + + + + Primary Username + + + + None selected + + + + You’re displaying your ENS username in chats + + + + At least 4 characters. Latin letters, numbers, and lowercase only. + + + + Letters and numbers only. + + + + Type the entire username including the custom domain like username.domain.eth + + + + Your username + + + + ✓ Username available! + + + + Continuing will connect this username with your chat key. + + + + Username doesn’t belong to you :( + + + + Username already taken :( + + + + (edited) + + + + Username is already connected with your chat key and can be used inside Status. + + + + This user name is owned by you and connected with your chat key. Continue to set `Show my ENS username in chats`. + + + + Continuing will require a transaction to connect the username with your current chat key. + + + + Custom domain + + + + I want a stateofus.eth domain + + + + I own a name on another domain + + + + Connect username with your pubkey + + + + Terms of name registration + + + + Funds are deposited for 1 year. Your SNT will be locked, but not spent. + + + + After 1 year, you can release the name and get your deposit back, or take no action to keep the name. + + + + If terms of the contract change — e.g. Status makes contract upgrades — user has the right to release the username regardless of time held. + + + + The contract controller cannot access your deposited funds. They can only be moved back to the address that sent them. + + + + Your address(es) will be publicly associated with your ENS name. + + + + Usernames are created as subdomain nodes of stateofus.eth and are subject to the ENS smart contract terms. + + + + You authorize the contract to transfer SNT on your behalf. This can only occur when you approve a transaction to authorize the transfer. + + + + These terms are guaranteed by the smart contract logic at addresses: + + + + %1 (Status UsernameRegistrar). + + + + <a href='%1%2'>Look up on Etherscan</a> + + + + %1 (ENS Registry). + + + + Agree to <a href="#">Terms of name registration.</a> I understand that my wallet address will be publicly connected to my username. + + + + 10 SNT + + + + Deposit + + + + Not enough SNT + + + + Register + + + + Get a universal username + + + + ENS names transform those crazy-long addresses into unique usernames. + + + + Customize your chat name + + + + An ENS name can replace your random 3-word name in chat. Be @yourname instead of %1. + + + + Simplify your ETH address + + + + You can receive funds to your easy-to-share ENS name rather than your hexadecimal hash (0x...). + + + + Receive transactions in chat + + + + Others can send you funds via chat in one simple step. + + + + 10 SNT to register + + + + Register once to keep the name forever. After 1 year you can release the name and get your SNT back. + + + + Already own a username? + + + + You can verify and add any usernames you own in the next steps. + + + + Powered by Ethereum Name Services + + + + Start + + + + Only available on Mainnet + + + + ENS Registration failed + + + + ENS Registration completed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey failed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey completed + + + + Warning! + + + + Change fleet to %1 + + + + Glossary + + + + Account + + + + A + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "A" because the title above is "Account" + + + + Your Status account, accessed by the seed phrase that you create or import during onboarding. A Status account can hold more than one Ethereum address, in addition to the one created during onboarding. We refer to these as additional accounts within the wallet + + + + Chat Key + + + + C + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "C" because the title above is "Chat Key" + + + + Messages on the Status chat protocol are sent and received using encryption keys. The public chat key is a string of characters you share with others so they can send you messages in Status. + + + + Chat Name + + + + Three random words, derived algorithmically from your chat key and used as your default alias in chat. Chat names are completely unique; no other user can have the same three words. + + + + ENS Name + + + + E + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "E" because the title above is "ENS Name" + + + + Custom alias for your chat key that you can register using the Ethereum Name Service. ENS names are decentralized usernames. + + + + Mailserver + + + + A node in the Status network that routes and stores messages, for up to 30 days. + + + + Peer + + + + P + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "P" because the title above is "Peer" + + + + A device connected to the Status chat network. Each user can represent one or more peers, depending on their number of devices + + + + Seed Phrase + + + + A 64 character hex address based on the Ethereum standard and beginning with 0x. Public-facing, your wallet key is shared with others when you want to receive funds. Also referred to as an “Ethereum address” or “wallet address. + + + + Frequently asked questions + + + + Submit a bug + + + + Request a feature + + + + Language settings + + + + Language + + + + Muted chats + + + + Unmute + + + + The account will be logged out. When you unlock it again, the selected network will be used + + + + Add network + + + + You need to enter the RPC endpoint URL + + + + Invalid URL + + + + You need to enter the network id + + + + Should be a number + + + + Invalid network id + + + + RPC URL + + + + Specify a RPC URL + + + + Network chain + + + + Ropsten test network + + + + Rinkeby test network + + + + Custom + + + + Network Id + + + + Specify the network id + + + + Main networks + + + + Test networks + + + + Custom Networks + + + + Under development +NOTE: You will be logged out and all installed +sticker packs will be removed and will +need to be reinstalled. Purchased sticker +packs will not need to be re-purchased. + + + + Notification preferences + + + + All messages + + + + Just @mentions + + + + Nothing + + + + Play a sound when receiving a notification + + + + Use your operating system's notifications + + + + Setting this to false will instead use Status' notification style as seen below + + + + Message preview + + + + Anonymous + + + + Name only + + + + Name & Message + + + + Hi there! Yes, no problem, let me know if I can help. + + + + No preview or Advanced? Go to Notification Center + + + + Contacts & Users + + + + Notify on new requests + + + + Receive notifications from non-contacts + + + + Muted users + + + + Muted contacts + + + + Muted contacts will appear here + + + + Muted chats will appear here + + + + You can limit what gets shown in notifications + + + + Reset notification settings + + + + Restore default notification settings and unmute all chats and users + + + + Open links with... + + + + My default browser + + + + Security + + + + Backup Seed Phrase + + + + Display all profile pictures (not only contacts) + + + + Display images in chat automatically + + + + All images (links that contain an image extension) will be downloaded and displayed, regardless of the whitelist settings below + + + + Allow new contact requests + + + + Sign out controls + + + + LogoutExit + + + + Sounds settings + + + + Sound volume + + + + Sync settings + + + + Add mailserver + + + + You need to enter the enode address + + + + History node address + + + + enode://{enode-id}:{password}@{ip-address}:{port-number} + + + + Automatic mailserver selection + + + + ... + + + + Share what's on your mind and stay updated with your contacts + + + + Status account settings + + + + You need to enter an account name + + + + Enter an account name... + + + + Account name + + + + Type + + + + Watch-only + + + + Off Status tree + + + + On Status tree + + + + Derivation path + + + + Storage + + + + This device + + + + Delete account + + + + A deleted account cannot be retrieved later. Only press yes if you backed up your key/seed or don't care about this account anymore + + + + Save changes + + + + Add custom token + + + + This needs to be a valid address + + + + Invalid ERC20 address + + + + Enter contract address... + + + + Contract address + + + + The name of your token... + + + + ABC + + + + Symbol + + + + Decimals + + + + Collectibles will appear here + + + + To + + + + From + + + + At + + + + Status Desktop is connected to a non-archival node. Transaction history may be incomplete. + + + + No transactions found + + + + Load More + + + + Total value + + + + Receive + + + + Back up your seed phrase + + + + Recipient + + + + Transaction completed + + + + Transaction failed + + + + Set Currency + + + + Signing phrase + + + + This is your signing phrase + + + + You should see these 3 words before signing each transaction + + + + If you see a different combination, cancel the transaction and sign out + + + + Remind me later + + + + Manage Assets + + + + Account Settings + + + + Collectibles + + + + Generate an account + + + + Add a watch-only address + + + + Enter a seed phrase + + + + Enter a private key + + + + Add account from private key + + + + You need to enter a password + + + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + You need to enter a private key + + + + Enter a valid private key (64 characters hexadecimal string) + + + + Enter your password… + + + + Password + + + + Paste the contents of your private key + + + + Private key + + + + Loading... + + + + Add account + + + + You need to enter a seed phrase + + + + Enter a valid mnemonic + + + + Add account with a seed phrase + + + + Enter your seed phrase, separate words with commas or spaces... + + + + Seed phrase + + + + Add a watch-only account + + + + You need to enter an address + + + + This needs to be a valid address (starting with 0x) + + + + Enter address... + + + + Account address + + + + Token details + + + + Remove token + + + + Transaction Details + + + + 9999 Confirmations + + + + When the transaction has 12 confirmations you can consider it settled. + + + + Block + + + + Hash + + + + Gas limit + + + + Gas price + + + + Gas used + + + + Nonce + + + + Something went wrong + + + + Reload + + + + Maximum number of collectibles to display reached + + + + View + + + + Unnamed + + + + ID + + + + Description + + + + US Dollars + + + + Euros + + + + United Arab Emirates dirham + + + + Afghan afghani + + + + Argentine peso + + + + Australian dollar + + + + Barbadian dollar + + + + Bangladeshi taka + + + + Bulgarian lev + + + + Bahraini dinar + + + + Brunei dollar + + + + Bolivian boliviano + + + + Brazillian real + + + + Bhutanese ngultrum + + + + Canadian dollar + + + + Swiss franc + + + + Chilean peso + + + + Chinese yuan + + + + Colombian peso + + + + Costa Rican colón + + + + Czech koruna + + + + Danish krone + + + + Dominican peso + + + + Egyptian pound + + + + Ethiopian birr + + + + British Pound + + + + Georgian lari + + + + Ghanaian cedi + + + + Hong Kong dollar + + + + Croatian kuna + + + + Hungarian forint + + + + Indonesian rupiah + + + + Israeli new shekel + + + + Indian rupee + + + + Icelandic króna + + + + Jamaican dollar + + + + Japanese yen + + + + Kenyan shilling + + + + South Korean won + + + + Kuwaiti dinar + + + + Kazakhstani tenge + + + + Sri Lankan rupee + + + + Moroccan dirham + + + + Moldovan leu + + + + Mauritian rupee + + + + Malawian kwacha + + + + Mexican peso + + + + Malaysian ringgit + + + + Mozambican metical + + + + Namibian dollar + + + + Nigerian naira + + + + Norwegian krone + + + + Nepalese rupee + + + + New Zealand dollar + + + + Omani rial + + + + Peruvian sol + + + + Papua New Guinean kina + + + + Philippine peso + + + + Pakistani rupee + + + + Polish złoty + + + + Paraguayan guaraní + + + + Qatari riyal + + + + Romanian leu + + + + Serbian dinar + + + + Russian ruble + + + + Saudi riyal + + + + Swedish krona + + + + Singapore dollar + + + + Thai baht + + + + Trinidad and Tobago dollar + + + + New Taiwan dollar + + + + Tanzanian shilling + + + + Turkish lira + + + + Ukrainian hryvnia + + + + Ugandan shilling + + + + Uruguayan peso + + + + Venezuelan bolívar + + + + Vietnamese đồng + + + + South African rand + + + + View Community + + + + Browser + + + + Timeline + + + + Contact request accepted + + + + New contact request + + + + You can now chat with %1 + + + + %1 requests to become contacts + + + + Where do you want to go? + + + + Status Desktop + + + + Open Status + + + + Quit + + + + Create a password + + + + New password... + + + + Confirm password… + + + + At least 6 characters. You will use this password to unlock status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + Create password + + + + Error importing account + + + + An error occurred while importing your account: + + + + Login failed + + + + Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. + + + + Enter seed phrase + + + + This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. + + + + Start with the first word + + + + Enter 12, 15, 18, 21 or 24 words. +Seperate words by a single space. + + + + Invalid seed phrase + + + + Choose a chat name + + + + Truly private communication + + + + Chat over a peer-to-peer, encrypted network + where messages can't be censored or hacked + + + + Secure crypto wallet + + + + Send and receive digital assets anywhere in the +world--no bank account required + + + + Decentralized apps + + + + Explore games, exchanges and social networks +where you alone own your data + + + + Thanks for trying Status Desktop! Please note that this is an alpha release and we advise you that using this app should be done for testing purposes only and you assume the full responsibility for all risks concerning your data and funds. Status makes no claims of security or integrity of funds in these builds. + + + + I understand + + + + Status does not collect, share or sell any personal data. By continuing you agree with the privacy policy. + + + + I'm new, generate keys + + + + Access existing key + + + + Enter password + + + + Connecting... + + + + Login failed: %1 + + + + Generate new keys + + + + Your keys + + + + Add another existing key + + + + Your keys have been successfully recovered + + + + You will have to create a new code or password to re-encrypt your keys + + + + Re-encrypt your keys + + + + Cannot find asset '%1'. Ensure this asset has been added to the token list. + + + + ENS Username not found + + + + eg. 0x1234 or ENS + + + + Paste + + + + You need to request the recipient’s address first. +Assets won’t be sent yet. + + + + Invalid source + + + + Insufficient balance + + + + Must be greater than 0 + + + + Priority + + + + Use suggestions + + + + Use custom + + + + Low + + + + High + + + + Gas amount limit + + + + Per-gas overall limit + + + + Maximum overall price for the transaction. If the block base fee exceeds this, it will be included in a following block with a lower base fee. + + + + Must be greater than or equal to 0 + + + + This needs to be a number + + + + Please enter an amount + + + + The amount is 0. Proceed only if this is desired. + + + + Balance: + + + + Asset & Amount + + + + Blocking will remove any messages you received from %1 and stop new messages from reaching you. + + + + Account color + + + + Confirm your action + + + + Confirm + + + + Are you sure you want to this? + + + + Do not show this again + + + + Please select a contact + + + + Select a contact + + + + Contact does not have an ENS address. Please send a transaction in chat. + + + + No contact selected + + + + Copied! + + + + Slow + + + + Optimal + + + + Fast + + + + Reset + + + + Advanced + + + + Custom Network Fee + + + + Gwei + + + + Apply + + + + Not enough ETH for gas + + + + Copied + + + + Pasted + + + + Copy + + + + Invalid ethereum address + + + + Address + + + + My account + + + + Contact + + + + Search + + + + In: + + + + Messages + + + + Tokens will be sent directly to a contract address, which may result in a loss of funds. To transfer ERC-20 tokens, ensure the recipient address is the address of the destination wallet. + + + + View on Etherscan + + + + <a href='%1' style='color:%2;text-decoration:none;'>%3</a> + + + + Asset + + + + Amount + + + + Data field + + + + Signing phrase is a 3 word combination that displayed when you entered the wallet on this device for the first time. + + + + Enter the password you use to unlock this device + + + + Unblocking will allow new messages you received from %1 to reach you. + + + + Send transaction + + + + Request transaction + + + + Public chat + + + + Not a contact + + + + Image files (%1) + + + + Your message is too long. + + + + Please make your message shorter. We have set the limit to 2000 characters to be courteous of others. + + + + Type a message + + + + Bold + + + + Italic + + + + Strikethrough + + + + Code + + + + No recent emojis + + + + Buy for %1 SNT + + + + Uninstall + + + + Install + + + + Free + + + + Pending... + + + + Update + + + + Could not buy Stickerpack + + + + Stickerpack bought successfully + + + + You don't have any stickers yet + + + + Recently used stickers will appear here + + + + Get Stickers + + + + Ethereum explorer + + + + Custom... + + + + Search engine + + + + Dapp permissions + + + + Revoke access + + + + Revoke all access + + + + Show more + + + + %1 invited you to join the group + + + + All + + + + Mentions + + + + Replies + + + + Contact requests + + + + Mark all as Read + + + + Show read notifications + + + + Hide read notifications + + + + Notification settings + + + + You need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messages + + + + Waiting for %1 to accept your request + + + + Just click this button to add them as contact. They will receive a notification. Once they accept the request, you'll be able to chat + + + + Back up community key + + + + Back up + + + + Member name + + + + Community members will appear here + + + + No contacts found + + + + Your community is free to join, but new members are required to be approved by the community creator first + + + + Your community can only be joined by an invitation from existing community members + + + + Your community is free for anyone to join + + + + You should keep it safe and only share it with people you trust to take ownership of your community + + + + You can also use this key to import your community on another device + + + + Decline and block + + + + Decline all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to decline all these contact requests + + + + Accept all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to accept all these contact requests + + + + Decline all + + + + Accept all + + + + Pin limit reached + + + + Unpin a previous message first + + + + %1 messages + + + + %1 message + + + + Pinned messages will appear here. + + + + I accept + + + + Format not supported. + + + + Upload %1 only + + + + You can only upload %1 images at a time + + + + Max image size is %1 MB + + + + TODO + + + + NOW + + + + %1M + + + + %1H + + + + %1D + + + + Sun + + + + Mon + + + + Tue + + + + Wed + + + + Thu + + + + Fri + + + + Sat + + + + Jan + + + + Feb + + + + Mar + + + + Apr + + + + Jun + + + + Jul + + + + Aug + + + + Sep + + + + Oct + + + + Nov + + + + Dec + + + + Sunday + + + + Monday + + + + Tuesday + + + + Wednesday + + + + Thursday + + + + Friday + + + + Saturday + + + + Start a 1-on-1 chat with %1 + + + + Join the %1 community + + + + Join the %1 group chat + + + + Join the %1 public channel + + + + words + + + + Mainnet with upstream RPC + + + + POA Network + + + + xDai Chain + + + + Goerli with upstream RPC + + + + Rinkeby with upstream RPC + + + + Ropsten with upstream RPC + + + + You need to repeat your password + + + + Passwords don't match + + + + You need to enter a %1 + + + + The %1 cannot exceed %2 characters + + + + Must be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + Use only lowercase letters (a to z), numbers & dashes (-). Do not use chat keys. + + + + community-image-delete + + + + public + Öffentlich + + + + AboutView + + Status Desktop + + + + Privacy Policy + + + + Check for updates + + + + Current Version + + + + Release Notes + + + + Our Principles + + + + Status desktop’s GitHub Repositories + + + + Status Go + + + + StatusQ + + + + go-waku + + + + Legal & Privacy Documents + + + + Terms of Use + + + + Software License + + + + + AcceptRejectOptionsButtonsPanel + + View Profile + + + + Decline and block + + + + + AccessExistingCommunityPopup + + You need to enter a key + + + + Import + + + + Error importing the community + + + + + AccountView + + Type + + + + Storage + + + + Watch-Only Account + + + + Generated by your Status seed phrase profile + + + + Imported Account + + + + On Device + + + + Derivation Path + + + + Remove from your profile + + + + Confirm %1 Removal + + + + You will not be able to restore viewing access to this account in the future unless you enter this account’s address again. + + + + Remove Account + + + + + ActivityCenterMessageComponentView + + Mark as Read + + + + Mark as Unread + + + + + AddAccountModal + + Advanced + + + + Generate an account + + + + Wrong password + + + + You need to enter a password + + + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + Enter your password… + + + + Password + + + + Enter an account name... + + + + Account name + + + + You need to enter an account name + + + + color + + + + Loading... + + + + Add account + + + + + AddEditSavedAddressPopup + + Name + + + + Address + + + + Save + + + + Edit saved address + + + + Add saved address + + + + Enter a name + + + + Name must not be blank + + + + This is not a valid account name + + + + Enter ENS Name or Ethereum Address + + + + Please enter a valid ENS name OR Ethereum Address + + + + Add address + + + + + AddFavoriteModal + + URL + + + + Paste URL + + + + Paste + + + + Pasted + + + + Name + + + + Favorite added + + + + Edit + + + + Add favorite + + + + Please enter a valid URL + + + + Name of the website + + + + Please enter a name + + + + Remove + + + + Done + + + + Add + + + + Add Favorite + + + + + AdvancedContainer + + Online users + + + + + AdvancedView + + disable + deaktivieren + + + enable + Aktivieren + + + Fleet + + + + Minimize on close + + + + Application Logs + + + + Experimental features + + + + Wallet + + + + WalletSettingsLineButton + + + + Dapp Browser + + + + Community History Archive Protocol + + + + Node Management + + + + Keycard + + + + Bloom filter level + + + + Warning! + + + + The account will be logged out. When you login again, the selected mode will be enabled + + + + Light Node + + + + Normal + + + + Full Node + + + + WakuV2 mode + + + + Developer features + + + + Full developer mode + + + + Download messages + + + + Telemetry + + + + Debug + + + + Auto message + + + + Are you sure you want to enable all the develoer features? The app will be restarted. + + + + Are you sure you want to enable telemetry? This will reduce your privacy level while using Status. You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. + + + + Are you sure you want to enable auto message? You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. + + + + Are you sure you want to %1 debug mode? You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. + + + + This feature is experimental and is meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It's not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data. Use at your own risk. + + + + I understand + + + + + AllowNotificationsView + + Ok, got it + + + + Allow notifications + + + + Status will notify you about new messages. You can +edit your notification preferences later in settings. + + + + + AppMain + + Where do you want to go? + + + + Profile Picture + + + + Make this my Profile Pic + + + + Invite People + + + + View Community + + + + Leave Community + + + + A new version of Status (%1) is available + + + + Download + + + + Your version is up to date + + + + Close + + + + Can not connect to mailserver + + + + The mailserver you're connecting to is unavailable. + + + + Pick another + + + + Retry + + + + + AppearanceView + + XS + + + + S + + + + M + + + + L + + + + XL + + + + XXL + + + + Preview + + + + Blockchains will drop search costs, causing a kind of decomposition that allows you to have markets of entities that are horizontally segregated and vertically segregated. + + + + Size + + + + Change font size + + + + Change Zoom (requires restart) + + + + 50% + + + + 100% + + + + 150% + + + + 200% + + + + Appearance + + + + Light + + + + Dark + + + + System + + + + + BackupSeedModal + + Back up your seed phrase + + + + Continue + + + + Not Now + + + + Confirm Seed Phrase + + + + Complete & Delete My Seed Phrase + + + + Confirm word #%1 of your seed phrase + + + + + BackupSeedStepBase + + Enter word + + + + Wrong word + + + + Word #%1 + + + + + BeforeGetStartedModal + + Privacy Policy + + + + Before you get started + + + + I acknowledge that status desktop is in beta and by using it I take the full responsibility for all risks concerning my data and funds + + + + Before you get started... + + + + Get Started + + + + I acknowledge that Status Desktop is in Beta and by using it I take the full responsibility for all risks concerning my data and funds. + + + + I accept Status + + + + Terms of Use + + + + Terms of service + + + + Get started + + + + + BrowserLayout + + Transaction pending... + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Error signing message + + + + View on etherscan + + + + Server's certificate not trusted + + + + Do you wish to continue? + + + + If you wish so, you may continue with an unverified certificate. Accepting an unverified certificate means you may not be connected with the host you tried to connect to. +Do you wish to override the security check and continue? + + + + + ChatContextMenuView + + Leave group + + + + Save + + + + Delete + + + + Are you sure you want to leave this chat? + + + + View Members + + + + Add / remove from group + + + + Test WakuV2 - requestAllHistoricMessages + + + + Edit name + + + + Mark as Read + + + + Clear history + + + + Edit Channel + + + + Download + + + + Delete Channel + + + + Delete chat + + + + Leave chat + + + + Download messages + + + + Delete #%1 + + + + Are you sure you want to delete #%1 channel? + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this chat? + + + + + ChatView + + Members + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + + CollectibleDetailsHeader + + Send + + + + + CollectibleModal + + description + Beschreibung + + + unnamed + + + + id + + + + View in Opensea + + + + + CollectiblesStore + + Collectibles + + + + + CollectiblesView + + Collectibles will appear here + + + + + CommunitiesListPanel + + Cancel + + + + Leave community + + + + Leave %1 + + + + Are you sure you want to leave? Once you leave, you will have to request to rejoin if you change your mind. + + + + + CommunitiesPopup + + Communities + + + + 1 member + + + + %1 members + + + + Create a community + + + + Search for communities or topics + + + + Access existing community + + + + + CommunitiesPortalLayout + + Search + + + + Find community + + + + Import Community + + + + Create New Community + + + + Featured + + + + Popular + + + + + CommunityColorPicker + + Community colour + + + + + CommunityColumnView + + Create channel + + + + Create category + + + + 1 Member + + + + %1 Members + + + + Start chat + + + + Membership requests + + + + Invite people + + + + Unmute category + + + + Mute category + + + + Edit Category + + + + Delete Category + + + + Delete %1 category + + + + Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. + + + + Create channel or category + + + + Error deleting the category + + + + + CommunityDescriptionInput + + Description + + + + What your community is about + + + + community description + + + + + CommunityDetailPopup + + Join ‘%1’ + + + + Pending + + + + Unknown community + + + + Public community + + + + Invitation only community + + + + On request community + + + + - ENS only + + + + %1 members + + + + Channels + + + + You need to be invited + + + + Request to join ‘%1’ + + + + Error joining the community + + + + + CommunityEditSettingsPanel + + A catchy name + + + + community name + + + + Description + + + + What your community is about + + + + Pick a color + + + + + CommunityHeaderButton + + 1 member + + + + %1 members + + + + + CommunityMembersSettingsPanel + + Members + + + + Member name + + + + Ban + + + + Kick + + + + Membership requests + + + + Community members will appear here + + + + No contacts found + + + + You + + + + + CommunityNameInput + + A catchy name + + + + community name + + + + Community name + + + + + CommunityProfilePopup + + Members + + + + Transfer ownership + + + + Public community + + + + Invitation only community + + + + On request community + + + + Unknown community + + + + Invite friends + + + + Invite + + + + + CommunityProfilePopupInviteFriendsPanel + + Copied! + + + + Contacts + + + + Share community + + + + + CommunityProfilePopupMembersListPanel + + Member name + + + + + CommunityProfilePopupOverviewPanel + + Copied! + + + + Share community + + + + Transfer ownership + + + + Leave community + + + + + CommunitySettingsView + + Members + + + + Notifications + + + + Settings + + + + Overview + + + + Open legacy popup (to be removed) + + + + Back to community + + + + Error editing the community + + + + + CommunityUserList + + Members + + + + + ConfirmPasswordView + + Passwords don't match + + + + Have you written down your password? + + + + You will never be able to recover your password if you lose it. + + + + If you need to, write it using pen and paper and keep in a safe place. + + + + If you lose your password you will lose access to your Status profile. + + + + Confirm your password (again) + + + + Confirm you password (again) + + + + Finalise Status Password Creation + + + + Keys for this account already exist + + + + Keys for this account already exist and can't be added again. If you've lost your password, passcode or Keycard, uninstall the app, reinstall and access your keys by entering your seed phrase + + + + Login failed + + + + Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. + + + + + ConfirmationDialog + + Confirm + + + + Reject + + + + Cancel + + + + Confirm your action + + + + Do not show this again + + + + Are you sure you want to do this? + + + + + ContactPanel + + View Profile + + + + Send message + + + + Respond to ID Request + + + + See ID Request + + + + Rename + + + + + ContactsColumnView + + Start chat + + + + Chat + + + + Search + + + + Join public chats + + + + Contact requests + + + + Community imported + + + + Importing community is in progress + + + + + ContactsView + + Contacts + + + + Send contact request to chat key + + + + Search by a display name or chat key + + + + Pending Requests + + + + Blocked + + + + Identity Verified Contacts + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet + + + + Received + + + + Sent + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + + Controls + + XS + + + + S + + + + M + + + + L + + + + XL + + + + XXL + + + + 50% + + + + 100% + + + + 150% + + + + 200% + + + + + CreateCategoryPopup + + Category title + + + + category name + + + + Edit category + + + + New category + + + + Name the category + + + + Channels + + + + Delete category + + + + Delete %1 category + + + + Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. + + + + Save + + + + Create + + + + Error editing the category + + + + Error creating the category + + + + + CreateChannelPopup + + Channel name + + + + channel name + + + + Description + + + + Describe the channel + + + + channel description + + + + New channel + + + + Edit #%1 + + + + Name the channel + + + + Channel colour + + + + Pick a color + + + + Save + + + + Create + + + + Error creating the community + + + + + CreateChatView + + Contacts + + + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. + +Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be able to chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. + + + + You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. + + +Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be + able to +chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. + + + + You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. + + +Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be able to +chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. + + + + Confirm + + + + + CreateCommunityPopup + + You need to enter a color + + + + This field needs to be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + Community color + + + + Pick a color + + + + Please choose a color + + + + Next + + + + Error creating the community + + + + Name your community + + + + A catchy name + + + + Give it a short description + + + + What your community is about + + + + Community colour + + + + Create New Community + + + + Create Community + + + + + CreatePasswordView + + Create password + + + + + DemoApp + + Invite People + + + + View Community + + + + Edit Community + + + + Leave Community + + + + + DerivationPathsPanel + + Reset + + + + Derivation Path + + + + + DerivedAddressesPanel + + Pending + + + + Account + + + + No activity + + + + Invalid path + + + + Has Activity + + + + No Activity + + + + + DisplayNamePopup + + Edit + + + + Ok + + + + Display Name + + + + OK + + + + + EnsDetailsView + + Wallet address + + + + Key + + + + Connect username with your pubkey + + + + Copied to clipboard! + + + + Release username + + + + Username locked. You won't be able to release it until %1 + + + + Back + + + + + EnsSearchView + + Connect username with your pubkey + + + + At least 4 characters. Latin letters, numbers, and lowercase only. + + + + Letters and numbers only. + + + + Type the entire username including the custom domain like username.domain.eth + + + + Custom domain + + + + I want a stateofus.eth domain + + + + I own a name on another domain + + + + + EnsView + + Transaction pending... + + + + View on etherscan + + + + ENS Registration failed + + + + ENS Registration completed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey failed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey completed + + + + + ExemptionNotificationsModal + + Done + + + + %1 exemption + + + + Mute all messages + + + + Personal @ Mentions + + + + Global @ Mentions + + + + Other Messages + + + + Clear Exemptions + + + + + GasSelector + + Priority + + + + Low + + + + High + + + + Must be greater than 0 + + + + This needs to be a number + + + + Please enter an amount + + + + Min 21000 units + + + + Not enough gas + + + + Miners will currently not process transactions with a tip below %1 Gwei, the average is %2 Gwei + + + + The average miner tip is %1 Gwei + + + + Gas Price + + + + Current base fee: %1 %2 + + + + Use suggestions + + + + Use custom + + + + Optimal + + + + Gas amount limit + + + + Per-gas tip limit + + + + Gwei + + + + Per-gas overall limit + + + + Maximum priority fee: %1 ETH + + + + Maximum overall price for the transaction. If the block base fee exceeds this, it will be included in a following block with a lower base fee. + + + + + GroupInfoPopup + + %1/%2 members + + + + Add members + + + + %1 members + + + + 1 member + + + + Search + + + + All your contacts are already in the group + + + + Pinned messages + + + + Admin + + + + Make Admin + + + + Remove From Group + + + + Add selected + + + + + ImageCropperModal + + Crop your image (optional) + + + + Finish + + + + + ImportPrivateKeyPanel + + Pending + + + + You need to enter a private key + + + + Enter a valid private key (64 characters hexadecimal string) + + + + Private key + + + + Paste the contents of your private key + + + + Public address + + + + Account already added + + + + Has Activity + + + + No Activity + + + + + InsertCard + + Cancel + + + + Please insert your Keycard to proceed or press the cancel button to cancel the operation + + + + + InsertDetailsView + + Next + + + + Profile picture + + + + Your profile + + + + Longer and unusual names are better as they are less likely to be used by someone else. + + + + Display name + + + + Chatkey: + + + + Choose an image for profile picture + + + + Make this my profile picture + + + + Your emojihash and identicon ring + + + + This set of emojis and coloured ring around your avatar are unique and represent your chat key, so your friends can easily distinguish you from potential impersonators. + + + + + InvitationBubbleView + + Unsupported state + + + + Membership requires an ENS username + + + + You need to be invited + + + + Pending + + + + View + + + + Request Access + + + + Join + + + + Verified community invitation + + + + Community invitation + + + + %1 members + + + + Error joining the community + + + + + KeysMainView + + Enter a seed phrase + + + + Generate new keys + + + + intro-wizard-title1 + + + + a-set-of-keys-controls-your-account.-your-keys-live-on-your-device,-so-only-you-can-use-them. + + + + Connect your keys + + + + Use your existing Status keys to login to this device. + + + + Get your keys + + + + A set of keys controls your account. Your keys live on your +device, so only you can use them. + + + + Import a seed phrase + + + + Seed phrases are used to back up and restore your keys. Only use this option if you already have a seed phrase. + + + + + LanguageView + + Language + + + + Set Display Currency + + + + Search Currencies + + + + Search Languages + + + + Date Format + + + + DD/MM/YY + + + + MM/DD/YY + + + + Time Format + + + + 24-Hour Time + + + + 12-Hour Time + + + + Change language + + + + Display language has been changed. You must restart the application for changes to take effect. + + + + Close the app now + + + + + Layout + + Invite People + + + + View Community + + + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + Edit Community + + + + Leave Community + + + + + LeftTabView + + Settings + + + + Sign out + + + + Make sure you have your account password and seed phrase stored. Without them you can lock yourself out of your account and lose funds. + + + + Sign out & Quit + + + + Wallet + + + + Total value + + + + Add account + + + + Saved addresses + + + + + LoginView + + Ok + + + + Welcome back + + + + Add new user + + + + Add existing Status user + + + + Connecting... + + + + Password + + + + Enter password + + + + Login failed: %1 + + + + Password incorrect + + + + + MenuPanel + + Settings + + + + Apps + + + + About & Help + + + + + MessageContextMenuView + + Jump to + + + + Copy image + + + + Download image + + + + Block User + + + + Unblock User + + + + Rename + + + + Reply to + + + + Edit message + + + + Copy Message Id + + + + Unpin + + + + Pin + + + + Delete message + + + + Please choose a directory + + + + Confirm deleting this message + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well. + + + + + MessagingView + + Contacts + + + + Allow new contact requests + + + + Show My Profile Picture To + + + + Everyone + + + + No One + + + + See Profile Pictures From + + + + Open Message Links With + + + + Status Browser + + + + System Default Browser + + + + Contacts, Requests, and Blocked Users + + + + Display Message Link Previews + + + + Fine tune which sites to allow link previews + + + + Image unfurling + + + + All images (links that contain an image extension) will be downloaded and displayed + + + + Message syncing + + + + Waku nodes + + + + For security reasons, private chat history won't be synced. + + + + + MyProfileView + + ENS username + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Change Password + + + + Edit + + + + Preview + + + + + NicknamePopup + + Nickname + + + + Nicknames help you identify others in Status. Only you can see the nicknames you’ve added + + + + Done + + + + + NoImageUploadedPanel + + Upload + + + + Wide aspect ratio is optimal + + + + + NotificationsView + + Messages + + + + You have a new message + + + + Anonymous + + + + Community + + + + 1:1 Chat + + + + Group Chat + + + + Muted + + + + Off + + + + Quiet + + + + Personal @ Mentions %1 + + + + Global @ Mentions %1 + + + + Alerts + + + + Other Messages %1 + + + + Multiple Exemptions + + + + Enable Notifications in macOS Settings + + + + To receive Status notifications, make sure you've enabled them in your computer's settings under <b>System Preferences > Notifications</b> + + + + Sync your devices to share notifications preferences + + + + Syncing > + + + + Allow Notifications + + + + 1:1 Chats + + + + Group Chats + + + + Personal @ Mentions + + + + Messages containing @%1 + + + + Global @ Mentions + + + + Messages containing @here and @channel + + + + All Messages + + + + Others + + + + Contact Requests + + + + Identity Verification Requests + + + + Notification Content + + + + Show Name and Message + + + + Hi there! So EIP-1559 will defini... + + + + Name Only + + + + Play a Sound When Receiving a Notification + + + + Volume + + + + Send a Test Notification + + + + Exemptions + + + + Search Communities, Group Chats and 1:1 Chats + + + + Most recent + + + + + PasswordView + + Create a password + + + + Passwords don't match + + + + Create a password to unlock Status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + You will not be able to recover this password if it is lost. + + + + Minimum %1 characters. To strengthen your password consider including: + + + + This password has been pwned and shouldn't be used + + + + This password is a common word and shouldn't be used + + + + Password must be at least %1 characters long + + + + Current password + + + + New password + + + + Very weak + + + + Weak + + + + So-so + + + + Good + + + + Great + + + + Lower case + + + + Upper case + + + + Numbers + + + + Symbols + + + + Confirm password + + + + + PermissionsListView + + Disconnect + + + + Disconnect All + + + + + PinnedMessagesPopup + + Unpin + + + + Pin limit reached + + + + Pinned messages + + + + Unpin a previous message first + + + + %1 messages + + + + %1 message + + + + Pinned messages will appear here. + + + + + ProfileLayout + + Contacts + + + + Testnet mode is enabled. All balances, transactions and dApp interactions will be on testnets. + + + + Secure your seed phrase + + + + Back up now + + + + + ProfilePopup + + ENS username + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Chat settings + + + + Nickname + + + + None + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + Unblock User + + + + Block User + + + + Add to contacts + + + + 's Profile + + + + Send Contact Request to + + + + Verify %1's Identity + + + + My Profile + + + + %1's Profile + + + + Send Contact Request to %1 + + + + Cancel verification + + + + Remove Contact + + + + Send Contact Request + + + + Mark Untrustworthy + + + + Remove 'Identity Verified' status + + + + No + + + + Yes + + + + Remove Untrustworthy Mark + + + + Verify Identity + + + + Verify Identity pending... + + + + Send verification request + + + + Verification request sent + + + + Confirm Identity + + + + Rename + + + + Close + + + + + ProfileSectionStore + + Profile + + + + ENS usernames + + + + Wallet + + + + Browser + + + + Communities + + + + Appearance + + + + Back up seed phrase + + + + Advanced + + + + Messaging + + + + Notifications & Sounds + + + + Language & Currency + + + + Devices settings + + + + About + + + + Sign out & Quit + + + + + RateView + + Upload + + + + Bandwidth + + + + Kb/s + + + + Download + + + + + ReceiveModal + + Copy + + + + Receive + + + + Legacy + + + + Multichain + + + + Your Address + + + + + RootStore + + You + + + + Start a 1-on-1 chat with %1 + + + + Join the %1 community + + + + Join the %1 group chat + + + + + SavedAddressesView + + Cancel + + + + Delete + + + + Saved addresses + + + + Add new address + + + + Edit + + + + Are you sure you want to remove '%1' from your saved addresses? + + + + Are you sure? + + + + No saved addresses + + + + + SeedPhraseInputView + + Enter seed phrase + + + + Next + + + + Import + + + + Keys for this account already exist + + + + Keys for this account already exist and can't be added again. If you've lost your password, passcode or Keycard, uninstall the app, reinstall and access your keys by entering your seed phrase + + + + Error importing seed + + + + %1 words + + + + %1SeedButton + + + + Invalid seed + + + + Restore Status Profile + + + + + SendContactRequestModal + + Paste + + + + Send Contact Request to chat key + + + + Enter chat key here + + + + Say who you are / why you want to become a contact... + + + + who are you + + + + Send Contact Request + + + + + SendModal + + Transaction pending... + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Send + + + + Max: + + + + No balances active + + + + Please enter a valid amount + + + + To + + + + Enter an ENS name or address + + + + Error estimating gas: %1 + + + + Wrong password + + + + View on etherscan + + + + + SendModalFooter + + Unknown + + + + Estimated Time: + + + + Max Fees: + + + + Send + + + + + SendModalHeader + + To + + + + + SettingsPageLayout + + Cancel + + + + Save changes + + + + + SignTransactionModal + + Send + + + + Continue + + + + Error estimating gas: %1 + + + + Transaction pending... + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Choose account + + + + Network fee + + + + Transaction preview + + + + Sign with password + + + + Send %1 %2 + + + + Next + + + + Wrong password + + + + View on etherscan + + + + + StatusAppCommunityView + + Members + + + + + StatusChatInput + + Send + + + + Message + + + + Please choose an image + + + + Image files (%1) + + + + Your message is too long. + + + + Please make your message shorter. We have set the limit to 2000 characters to be courteous of others. + + + + Bold + + + + Italic + + + + Strikethrough + + + + Code + + + + Unblock + + + + + StatusChatListAndCategories + + More + + + + Add channel inside category + + + + + StatusChatListCategoryItem + + More + + + + Add channel inside category + + + + + StatusChatListItem + + Unmute + + + + + StatusChatToolBar + + Search + + + + Members + + + + More + + + + + StatusColorDialog + + Preview + + + + This is not a valid color + + + + Standart colours + + + + Select Colour + + + + + StatusExpandableSettingsItemPage + + Back up seed phrase + + + + Not Implemented + + + + + StatusListPicker + + Search + + + + + StatusMacNotification + + Open + + + + My latest message + with a return + + + + + StatusStickerMarket + + This feature is experimental and is meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It's not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data. Use at your own risk. + + + + I understand + + + + + StatusTokenInlineSelector + + or + + + + Hold + + + + to post + + + + + StatusWalletColorSelect + + Account color + + + + + TabNetworkAndFees + + Advanced + + + + Custom + + + + Slow + + + + + TransactionSettingsConfirmationPopup + + Are you sure? + + + + Your priority fee is below our suggested parameters. + + + + Current base fee + + + + %1 Gwei + + + + Current minimum tip + + + + Current average tip + + + + Your tip limit + + + + Suggested minimum tip + + + + Your price limit + + + + Suggested minimum price limit + + + + Change Limit + + + + Continue anyway + + + + + TransferOwnershipPopup + + Transfer ownership + + + + Community private key + + + + Copy + + + + Copied + + + + You should keep it safe and only share it with people you trust to take ownership of your community + + + + You can also use this key to import your community on another device + + + + + UploadProfilePicModal + + Profile picture + + + + Remove + + + + Upload + + + + Done + + + + Upload profile picture + + + + Choose an image for profile picture + + + + Make this my profile picture + + + + + UserList + + Members + + + + + UsernameLabel + + You + + + + + Utils + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + You need to enter a %1 + + + + now + Jetzt + + + Sun + + + + Mon + + + + Tue + + + + Wed + + + + Thu + + + + Fri + + + + Sat + + + + Jan + + + + Feb + + + + Mar + + + + Apr + + + + May + + + + Jun + + + + Jul + + + + Aug + + + + Sep + + + + Oct + + + + Nov + + + + Dec + + + + Yesterday + + + + Sunday + + + + Monday + + + + Tuesday + + + + Wednesday + + + + Thursday + + + + Friday + + + + Saturday + + + + NOW + + + + %1M + + + + %1H + + + + %1D + + + + words + + + + You need to enter a password + + + + You need to repeat your password + + + + Passwords don't match + + + + You need to enter a PIN + + + + The PIN must contain only digits + + + + The PIN must be exactly 6 digits + + + + You need to repeat your PIN + + + + PIN don't match + + + + The %1 cannot exceed %2 characters + + + + Must be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + Use only lowercase letters (a to z), numbers & dashes (-). Do not use chat keys. + + + + Value has to be at least %1 characters long + + + + Unknown + + + + < 1 min + + + + < 3 mins + + + + < 5 mins + + + + > 5 mins + + + + years ago + + + + year ago + + + + months ago + + + + month ago + + + + weeks ago + + + + week ago + + + + days ago + + + + day ago + + + + hours ago + + + + hour ago + + + + mins ago + + + + min ago + + + + secs ago + + + + sec ago + + + + + WalletView + + Wallet + + + + Networks + + + + DApp Permissions + + + + Testnet Mode + + + + + AcceptTransactionView + + Accept and share address + + + + Accept and send + + + + Decline + + + + + Acknowledgements + + Secure Your Assets and Funds + + + + Your seed phrase is a 12-word passcode to your funds. + + + + Your seed phrase cannot be recovered if lost. Therefore, you <b>must</b> back it up. The simplest way is to <b>write it down offline and store it somewhere secure.</b> + + + + I have a pen and paper + + + + I am ready to write down my seed phrase + + + + I know where I’ll store it + + + + You can only complete this process once. Status will not store your seed phrase and can never help you recover it. + + + + + ActivityCenterPopup + + Show more + + + + + ActivityCenterPopupTopBarPanel + + All + + + + Mentions + + + + Replies + + + + Mark all as Read + + + + Show read notifications + + + + Hide read notifications + + + + Notification settings + + + + + AddShowTokenModal + + Add custom token + + + + This needs to be a valid address + + + + Invalid ERC20 address + + + + Enter contract address... + + + + Contract address + + + + The name of your token... + + + + Name + + + + ABC + + + + Symbol + + + + Decimals + + + + Changing settings failed + + + + Add + + + + + AddWakuNodeModal + + Waku nodes + + + + Name + + + + Specify a name + + + + You need to enter a name + + + + History node address + + + + You need to enter the enode address + + + + The format must be: enode://{enode-id}:{password}@{ip-address}:{port} + + + + Save + + + + + AddressInput + + ENS Username not found + + + + + AddressRequiredValidator + + You need to request the recipient’s address first. +Assets won’t be sent yet. + + + + + AddressSourceSelector + + Invalid source + + + + + AdvancedAddAccountView + + Enter address... + + + + Account address + + + + This needs to be a valid address (starting with 0x) + + + + You need to enter an address + + + + + AppSearch + + No results + + + + Anywhere + + + + + AssetAndAmountInput + + Insufficient balance + + + + Must be greater than or equal to 0 + + + + This needs to be a number + + + + Please enter an amount + + + + Balance: + + + + Asset & Amount + + + + The amount is 0. Proceed only if this is desired. + + + + + BackUpCommuntyBannerPanel + + Back up community key + + + + Back up + + + + + BalanceExceeded + + Balance exceeded + + + + No networks available + + + + + BalanceValidator + + Insufficient balance + + + + + BlockContactConfirmationDialog + + Block User + + + + Blocking will stop new messages from reaching you from %1. + + + + + BloomSelectorButton + + TODO + + + + + BrowserConnectionModal + + '%1' would like to connect to + + + + Allowing authorizes this DApp to retrieve your wallet address and enable Web3 + + + + Granting access authorizes this DApp to retrieve your chat key + + + + Deny + + + + Allow + + + + + BrowserHeader + + Enter URL + + + + + BrowserSettingsMenu + + New Tab + + + + Exit Incognito mode + + + + Go Incognito + + + + Zoom In + + + + Zoom Out + + + + Find + + + + Compatibility mode + + + + Developer Tools + + + + Settings + + + + + BrowserTabStyle + + Start Page + + + + + BrowserTabView + + Start Page + + + + New Tab + + + + Downloads Page + + + + + BrowserView + + Search engine used in the address bar + + + + None + + + + Show Favorites Bar + + + + Connected DApps + + + + No connected dApps + + + + Connecting a dApp grants it permission to view your address and balances, and to send you transaction requests + + + + + BrowserWalletMenu + + Mainnet + + + + Ropsten + + + + Unknown + + + + Disconnect + + + + Assets + + + + History + + + + + BrowserWebEngineView + + Add Favorite + + + + + ChangePasswordModal + + Change password + + + + Change password used to unlock Status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + Change Password + + + + + ChangePasswordSuccessModal + + <b>Password changed</b> + + + + You need to sign in again using the new password. + + + + Sign out & Quit + + + + + ChangeProfilePicModal + + Profile picture + + + + Remove + + + + Upload + + + + Please choose an image + + + + Image files (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png) + + + + + ChannelIdentifierView + + Welcome to the beginning of the <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> group! + + + + Any messages you send here are encrypted and can only be read by you and <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> + + + + + ChatButtonsPanel + + Add reaction + + + + Reply + + + + Edit + + + + Unpin + + + + Pin + + + + Delete + + + + Confirm deleting this message + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well. + + + + + ChatColumnView + + Send + + + + Request Address + + + + Request + + + + + ChatCommandModal + + Continue + + + + Receive on account + + + + From account + + + + Address request required + + + + From + + + + To + + + + Preview + + + + Transaction preview + + + + Next + + + + + ChatCommandsPopup + + Send transaction + + + + Request transaction + + + + + ChatContentView + + Contact + + + + Not a contact + + + + Public chat + + + + %1 members + + + + 1 member + + + + Connected + + + + Disconnected + + + + Blocked + + + + This user has been blocked. + + + + + ChatMessagesView + + Loading... + + + + Failed to send message. + + + + + ChatRequestMessagePanel + + You need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messages + + + + Just click this button to add them as contact. They will receive a notification. Once they accept the request, you'll be able to chat + + + + Add to contacts + + + + + ChooseBrowserPopup + + Choose browser + + + + Open in Status + + + + Open in my default browser + + + + Remember my choice. To override it, go to settings. + + + + + ClosedEmptyPanel + + Your chats will appear here. To start new chats press the  button at the top + + + + + CollectibleCollectionView + + No collectibles available + + + + + CollectibleDetailView + + Properties + + + + Levels + + + + Stats + + + + + CollectiblesContent + + Something went wrong + + + + Reload + + + + + CollectiblesHeader + + Maximum number of collectibles to display reached + + + + + CollectiblesModal + + View + + + + Unnamed + + + + + CollectiblesModalContent + + ID + + + + Description + + + + + CommunitiesView + + Import community + + + + Communities you've joined + + + + + CommunityBannerPicker + + Community banner + + + + Choose an image for banner + + + + Make this my Community banner + + + + + CommunityChannelsAndCategoriesBannerPanel + + Expand your community by adding more channels and categories + + + + Add channels + + + + Add categories + + + + + CommunityColorPanel + + Community Colour + + + + Select Community Colour + + + + This is not a valid colour + + + + White text should be legable on top of this colour + + + + Standard colours + + + + + CommunityDelegate + + Admin + + + + Member + + + + + CommunityIntroDialog + + Welcome to %1 + + + + Join %1 + + + + Community <b>%1</b> has no intro message... + + + + I agree with the above + + + + + CommunityIntroMessageInput + + Community introduction and rules + + + + What new members will read before joining (eg. community rules, welcome message, etc.). Members will need to tick a check box agreeing to these rules before they are allowed to join your community. + + + + community intro message + + + + + CommunityLogoPicker + + Community logo + + + + Choose an image as logo + + + + Make this my Community logo + + + + + CommunityOptions + + Community history service + + + + Request to join required + + + + Any member can pin a message + + + + + CommunityOutroMessageInput + + Leaving community message + + + + The message a member will see when they leave your community + + + + community intro message + + + + + CommunityOverviewSettingsPanel + + Overview + + + + Edit Community + + + + This node is the Community Owner Node. For your Community to function correctly try to keep this computer with Status running and onlinie as much as possible. + + + + Welcome to your community! + + + + Invite new people + + + + Try an airdrop to reward your community for engagement! + + + + Airdrop Tokens + + + + Back up community key + + + + Back up + + + + + CommunityTagsPanel + + Community Tags + + + + Confirm Community Tags + + + + Select tags that will fit your Community + + + + Search tags + + + + Selected tags + + + + + CommunityTagsPicker + + Tags + + + + + CommunityWelcomeBannerPanel + + Welcome to your community! + + + + Add members + + + + Manage community + + + + + CompactMessageView + + Pinned by %1 + + + + Cancel + + + + Save + + + + + ConfirmAddExistingKeyModal + + Enter seed phrase + + + + Do you want to add another existing key? + + + + Add another existing key + + + + + ConfirmAppRestartModal + + Application Restart + + + + Please restart the application to apply the changes. + + + + Restart + + + + + ConfirmSeedPhrasePanel + + Write down your 12-word seed phrase to keep offline + + + + Reveal seed phrase + + + + The next screen contains your seed phrase. +<b>Anyone</b> who sees it can use it to access to your funds. + + + + + ConfirmStoringSeedPhrasePanel + + Complete back up + + + + Store Your Phrase Offline and Complete Your Back Up + + + + By completing this process, you will remove your seed phrase from this application’s storage. This makes your funds more secure. + + + + You will remain logged in, and your seed phrase will be entirely in your hands. + + + + I acknowledge that Status will not be able to show me my seed phrase again. + + + + I aknowledge that Status will not be able to show me my seed phrase again. + + + + + Constants + + Username must be at least 5 characters + + + + Only letters, numbers, underscores and hyphens allowed + + + + 24 character username limit + + + + Usernames ending with '-eth' are not allowed + + + + Usernames ending with '_eth' are not allowed + + + + Usernames ending with '.eth' are not allowed + + + + Sorry, the name you have chosen is not allowed, try picking another username + + + + (edited) + + + + Username already taken :( + + + + Username doesn’t belong to you :( + + + + Continuing will connect this username with your chat key. + + + + ✓ Username available! + + + + Username is already connected with your chat key and can be used inside Status. + + + + This user name is owned by you and connected with your chat key. Continue to set `Show my ENS username in chats`. + + + + Continuing will require a transaction to connect the username with your current chat key. + + + + + Contact + + Admin + + + + + ContactRequestsPopup + + Contact requests + + + + Decline all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to decline all these contact requests + + + + Accept all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to accept all these contact requests + + + + Decline all + + + + Accept all + + + + + ContactSelector + + Please select a contact + + + + Select a contact + + + + Contact does not have an ENS address. Please send a transaction in chat. + + + + No contact selected + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet + + + + + ContactVerificationRequestPopup + + %1 is asking you to verify your identity + + + + %1 would like to verify your identity. Answer the question to prove your identity to %2 + + + + Provide answer to verification request from this contact. + + + + Your answer has been sent to %1. + + + + Refuse Verification + + + + Send Answer + + + + Change answer + + + + Close + + + + + ContactsListAndSearch + + Enter a valid chat key or ENS username + + + + Can't chat with yourself + + + + Enter ENS username or chat key + + + + + ContactsListPanel + + Contact Request Sent + + + + Contact Request Rejected + + + + + CopyToClipBoardButton + + Copied! + + + + + CreatePasswordModal + + Store password + + + + Create a password + + + + Current password... + + + + New password... + + + + Confirm password… + + + + At least 6 characters. You will use this password to unlock status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + Create password + + + + Error importing account + + + + An error occurred while importing your account: + + + + Login failed + + + + Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. + + + + Incorrect password + + + + + CryptoServicesModal + + Buy / Sell crypto + + + + Choose a service you'd like to use to buy crypto + + + + + CurrenciesStore + + US Dollars + + + + British Pound + + + + Euros + + + + Russian ruble + + + + South Korean won + + + + Ethereum + + + + Tokens + + + + Bitcoin + + + + Status Network Token + + + + Dai + + + + United Arab Emirates dirham + + + + Other Fiat + + + + Afghan afghani + + + + Argentine peso + + + + Australian dollar + + + + Barbadian dollar + + + + Bangladeshi taka + + + + Bulgarian lev + + + + Bahraini dinar + + + + Brunei dollar + + + + Bolivian boliviano + + + + Brazillian real + + + + Bhutanese ngultrum + + + + Canadian dollar + + + + Swiss franc + + + + Chilean peso + + + + Chinese yuan + + + + Colombian peso + + + + Costa Rican colón + + + + Czech koruna + + + + Danish krone + + + + Dominican peso + + + + Egyptian pound + + + + Ethiopian birr + + + + Georgian lari + + + + Ghanaian cedi + + + + Hong Kong dollar + + + + Croatian kuna + + + + Hungarian forint + + + + Indonesian rupiah + + + + Israeli new shekel + + + + Indian rupee + + + + Icelandic króna + + + + Jamaican dollar + + + + Japanese yen + + + + Kenyan shilling + + + + Kuwaiti dinar + + + + Kazakhstani tenge + + + + Sri Lankan rupee + + + + Moroccan dirham + + + + Moldovan leu + + + + Mauritian rupee + + + + Malawian kwacha + + + + Mexican peso + + + + Malaysian ringgit + + + + Mozambican metical + + + + Namibian dollar + + + + Nigerian naira + + + + Norwegian krone + + + + Nepalese rupee + + + + New Zealand dollar + + + + Omani rial + + + + Peruvian sol + + + + Papua New Guinean kina + + + + Philippine peso + + + + Pakistani rupee + + + + Polish złoty + + + + Paraguayan guaraní + + + + Qatari riyal + + + + Romanian leu + + + + Serbian dinar + + + + Saudi riyal + + + + Swedish krona + + + + Singapore dollar + + + + Thai baht + + + + Trinidad and Tobago dollar + + + + New Taiwan dollar + + + + Tanzanian shilling + + + + Turkish lira + + + + Ukrainian hryvnia + + + + Ugandan shilling + + + + Uruguayan peso + + + + Venezuelan bolívar + + + + Vietnamese đồng + + + + South African rand + + + + + DateGroup + + Today + + + + Yesterday + + + + January + + + + February + + + + March + + + + April + + + + May + + + + June + + + + July + + + + August + + + + September + + + + October + + + + November + + + + December + + + + + DefaultDAppExplorerView + + Default DApp explorer + + + + none + + + + + DevicesView + + Please set a name for your device. + + + + Specify a name + + + + Continue + + + + Advertise device + + + + Pair your devices to sync contacts and chats between them + + + + Learn more + + + + Paired devices + + + + Syncing... + + + + Sync all devices + + + + + DownloadBar + + Cancelled + + + + Paused + + + + Show All + + + + + DownloadMenu + + Open + + + + Show in folder + + + + Pause + + + + Resume + + + + Cancel + + + + + DownloadPage + + Thanks for using Status + + + + You're curently using version %1 of Status. + + + + There's new version available to download. + + + + Get Status %1 + + + + + DownloadView + + Cancelled + + + + Paused + + + + Downloaded files will appear here. + + + + + ENSPopup + + Primary username + + + + Your messages are displayed to others with this username: + + + + Once you select a username, you won’t be able to disable it afterwards. You will only be able choose a different username to display. + + + + + EmojiReactionsPanel + + Add reaction + + + + + EmptyChatPanel + + Share your chat key + + + + or + + + + invite + + + + friends to start messaging in Status + + + + + EnsAddedView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + %1 is now connected with your chat key and can be used in Status. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsConnectedView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + %1 will be connected once the transaction is complete. + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsListView + + Hey + + + + (pending) + + + + ENS usernames + + + + Add username + + + + Your usernames + + + + Chat settings + + + + Primary Username + + + + None selected + + + + You’re displaying your ENS username in chats + + + + + EnsRegisteredView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + Nice! You own %1.stateofus.eth once the transaction is complete. + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsReleasedView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username removed + + + + The username %1 will be removed and your deposit will be returned once the transaction is mined + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsTermsAndConditionsView + + ENS usernames + + + + Terms of name registration + + + + Funds are deposited for 1 year. Your SNT will be locked, but not spent. + + + + After 1 year, you can release the name and get your deposit back, or take no action to keep the name. + + + + If terms of the contract change — e.g. Status makes contract upgrades — user has the right to release the username regardless of time held. + + + + The contract controller cannot access your deposited funds. They can only be moved back to the address that sent them. + + + + Your address(es) will be publicly associated with your ENS name. + + + + Usernames are created as subdomain nodes of stateofus.eth and are subject to the ENS smart contract terms. + + + + You authorize the contract to transfer SNT on your behalf. This can only occur when you approve a transaction to authorize the transfer. + + + + These terms are guaranteed by the smart contract logic at addresses: + + + + %1 (Status UsernameRegistrar). + + + + <a href='%1%2'>Look up on Etherscan</a> + + + + %1 (ENS Registry). + + + + Wallet address + + + + Copied to clipboard! + + + + Key + + + + Agree to <a href="#">Terms of name registration.</a> I understand that my wallet address will be publicly connected to my username. + + + + Back + + + + 10 SNT + + + + Deposit + + + + Not enough SNT + + + + Register + + + + + EnsWelcomeView + + Get a universal username + + + + ENS names transform those crazy-long addresses into unique usernames. + + + + Customize your chat name + + + + An ENS name can replace your random 3-word name in chat. Be @yourname instead of %1. + + + + Simplify your ETH address + + + + You can receive funds to your easy-to-share ENS name rather than your hexadecimal hash (0x...). + + + + Receive transactions in chat + + + + Others can send you funds via chat in one simple step. + + + + 10 SNT to register + + + + Register once to keep the name forever. After 1 year you can release the name and get your SNT back. + + + + Already own a username? + + + + You can verify and add any usernames you own in the next steps. + + + + Powered by Ethereum Name Services + + + + Start + + + + Only available on Mainnet + + + + + FavoriteMenu + + Open in new Tab + + + + Edit + + + + Remove + + + + + FetchMoreMessagesButton + + ↓ Fetch more messages + + + + Before %1 + + + + before--%1 + + + + + FleetRadioSelector + + Warning! + + + + Change fleet to %1 + + + + + FleetsModal + + Fleet + + + + + GapComponent + + fetch-messages + + + + between--1-and--2 + + + + Fetch messages + + + + Between %1 and %2 + + + + + GasSelectorButton + + Low + + + + + GasValidator + + Not enough ETH for gas + + + + + GroupChatPanel + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + Confirm + + + + + HistoryView + + Status Desktop is connected to a non-archival node. Transaction history may be incomplete. + + + + No transactions found + + + + Load More + + + + + HomePageView + + homepage + + + + System default + + + + Other + + + + Example: duckduckgo.com + + + + + ImageCropWorkflow + + Supported image formats (%1) + + + + + ImportCommunityPopup + + Import Community + + + + Entering a community key will grant you the ownership of that community. Please be responsible with it and don’t share the key with people you don’t trust. + + + + Community private key + + + + Import + + + + + ImportSeedPhrasePanel + + Invalid seed phrase + + + + This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. + + + + %1 words + + + + + Input + + Copied + + + + Pasted + + + + Copy + + + + Paste + + + + + InviteFriendsPopup + + Get Status at https://status.im + + + + Download Status link + + + + Copy to clipboard + + + + + InviteFriendsToCommunityPopup + + Invite friends + + + + Invite successfully sent + + + + Invite + + + + + JSDialogWindow + + Ok + + + + Cancel + + + + + KeycardCreatePINModal + + Create PIN + + + + New PIN + + + + Confirm PIN + + + + Create a 6 digit long PIN + + + + + LanguageStore + + Beta Languages + + + + + LinksMessageView + + Enable automatic image unfurling + + + + Enable link previews in chat? + + + + Once enabled, links posted in the chat may share your metadata with their owners + + + + Enable in Settings + + + + Don't ask me again + + + + + MailserverConnectionDialog + + Can not connect to mailserver + + + + The mailserver you're connecting to is unavailable. + + + + Pick another + + + + Retry + + + + + MainView + + DApp Permissions + + + + Networks + + + + Accounts + + + + Generated from Your Seed Phrase + + + + Imported + + + + Watch-Only + + + + + MembershipRequestsPopup + + Membership requests + + + + + MessageStore + + and + + + + %1 more + + + + reacted with + + + + You + + + + + MuteChatMenuItem + + Mute chat + + + + Unmute chat + + + + + MutedChatsModal + + Muted chats + + + + Unmute + + + + + MyProfileSettingsView + + Display name + + + + Display Name + + + + Biometric login and transaction authentication + + + + Communities + + + + Accounts + + + + You haven't joined any communities yet + + + + You don't have any wallet accounts yet + + + + + NetworkCardsComponent + + Your Balances + + + + No Balance + + + + No Gas + + + + BALANCE: + + + + Disabled + + + + + NetworkFilter + + All networks + + + + %n network(s) + + + + + + + + NetworkSelectPopup + + Layer 2 + + + + + NetworkSelector + + Networks + + + + Choose a network to use for the transaction + + + + No networks available + + + + Simple + + + + Advanced + + + + Custom + + + + + NetworksAdvancedCustomRoutingView + + Networks + + + + Show Unpreferred Networks + + + + The networks where the receipient will receive tokens. Amounts calculated automatically for the lowest cost. + + + + + NetworksSimpleRoutingView + + Networks + + + + Choose a network to use for the transaction + + + + + NetworksView + + Layer 2 + + + + Add Custom Network + + + + + NoFriendsRectangle + + You don’t have any contacts yet. Invite your friends to start chatting. + + + + Invite friends + + + + + NodeLayout + + Bloom Filter Usage + + + + Type json-rpc message... e.g {"method": "eth_accounts"} + + + + + NotificationSelect + + Send Alerts + + + + Deliver Quietly + + + + Turn Off + + + + + NotificationWindow + + Everything is connected + + + + + PINModal + + Authenticate PIN + + + + PIN + + + + Insert your 6-digit PIN + + + + Authenticate + + + + + PairingModal + + Insert pairing code + + + + Pairing code + + + + Insert the Keycard pairing code + + + + Pair + + + + + PrivateChatPopup + + New chat + + + + My Profile + + + + + ProfileHeader + + Chatkey:%1... + + + + + ProfileView + + Blocked + + + + Send Request + + + + Receive Response + + + + Confirm Identity + + + + You have confirmed %1's identity. From now on this verification emblem will always be displayed alongside %1's nickname. + + + + You have marked %1 as Untrustworthy. From now on this Untrustworthy emblem will always be displayed alongside %1's nickname. + + + + ENS username + + + + Username + + + + Ask a question that only the real %1 will be able to answer e.g. a question about a shared experience, or ask Mark to enter a code or phrase you have sent to them via a different communication channel (phone, post, etc...). + + + + Waiting for %1's response... + + + + Copied to clipboard + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Chat settings + + + + Nickname + + + + None + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + + PublicChatPopup + + You need to enter a channel name + + + + The channel name can only contain lowercase letters, numbers and dashes + + + + Join public chat + + + + A public chat is where you get to hang out with others, make friends and talk about subjects of your interest. + + + + chat-name + + + + Start chat + + + + + RecipientSelector + + Invalid ethereum address + + + + Address + + + + My account + + + + Contact + + + + Recipient + + + + + RenameAccontModal + + Rename %1 + + + + Enter an account name... + + + + You need to enter an account name + + + + This is not a valid account name + + + + color + + + + Change Name + + + + Changing settings failed + + + + + RenameGroupPopup + + Group name + + + + Save + + + + + Retry + + Resend + + + + + RightTabView + + Assets + + + + Collectibles + + + + Activity + + + + History + + + + + SearchBox + + Search + + + + + SearchEngineModal + + Search engine + + + + None + + + + + SearchResults + + Non contacts + + + + No profile found + + + + + SeedPhraseBackupWarning + + Back up your seed phrase + + + + Back up + + + + + SeedPhraseTextArea + + Invalid seed phrase + + + + This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. + + + + Start with the first word + + + + + SelectAccountModal + + Select account + + + + Select account to share and receive assets + + + + Confirm and share address + + + + + SelectAnotherAccountModal + + Your keys + + + + Add another existing key + + + + + SelectGeneratedAccount + + Import new Seed Phrase + + + + Generate from Private key + + + + Add a watch-only address + + + + Imported + + + + Add new + + + + Origin + + + + + SendContactRequestMenuItem + + Send Contact Request + + + + + SendMessageMenuItem + + Send message + + + + + SendToContractWarning + + Tokens will be sent directly to a contract address, which may result in a loss of funds. To transfer ERC-20 tokens, ensure the recipient address is the address of the destination wallet. + + + + + SendTransactionButton + + Sign and send + + + + + SettingsDirtyToastMessage + + Changes detected + + + + Cancel + + + + Save changes + + + + + SignMessageModal + + Signature request + + + + From + + + + Data + + + + Message + + + + Reject + + + + Sign + + + + Sign with password + + + + + SignPhraseModal + + Signing phrase + + + + This is your signing phrase + + + + You should see these 3 words before signing each transaction + + + + If you see a different combination, cancel the transaction and sign out + + + + Ok, got it + + + + Remind me later + + + + + StateBubble + + Pending + + + + Confirmed + + + + Unknown token + + + + Address requested + + + + Waiting to accept + + + + Address shared + + + + Address received + + + + Transaction declined + + + + failure + + + + Unknown state + + + + + StatusActivityCenterButton + + Activity + + + + + StatusAddressOrEnsValidator + + Please enter a valid address or ENS name. + + + + + StatusAddressValidator + + Please enter a valid address. + + + + + StatusAppChatView + + Join public chats + + + + Start chat + + + + + StatusAppCommunitiesPortalView + + Find community + + + + Featured + + + + Popular + + + + + StatusAsyncEnsValidator + + ENS name could not be resolved in to an address + + + + + StatusAsyncValidator + + invalid input + + + + + StatusBadge + + 99+ + + + + + StatusChatImageExtensionValidator + + Format not supported. + + + + Upload %1 only + + + + + StatusChatImageLoader + + Error loading the image + + + + Loading image... + + + + + StatusChatImageQtyValidator + + You can only upload %1 images at a time + + + + + StatusChatImageSizeValidator + + Max image size is %1 MB + + + + + StatusColorSpacePage + + Thickness + + + + Min saturate: + + + + Max saturate: + + + + Min value: + + + + Max value: + + + + Color + + + + + StatusCommunityTagsPage + + Select tags that will fit your Community + + + + Search tags + + + + Selected tags + + + + + StatusDialog + + Close + + + + Abort + + + + Cancel + + + + No to all + + + + No + + + + Open + + + + Save + + + + Save all + + + + Retry + + + + Ignore + + + + Ok + + + + Yes to all + + + + Yes + + + + Apply + + + + + StatusETHTransactionModal + + Contract interaction + + + + Wrong password + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Continue + + + + Choose account + + + + Sign with password + + + + Next + + + + + StatusEmojiSection + + No recent emojis + + + + + StatusFloatValidator + + Please enter a valid numeric value. + + + + + StatusGifColumn + + Remove from favorites + + + + Add to favorites + + + + + StatusGifPopup + + Search Tenor + + + + TRENDING + + + + FAVORITES + + + + RECENT + + + + Enable Tenor GIFs? + + + + Once enabled, GIFs posted in the chat may share your metadata with Tenor. + + + + Enable + + + + Favorite GIFs will appear here + + + + Recent GIFs will appear here + + + + Error while contacting Tenor API, please retry. + + + + Retry + + + + + StatusIntValidator + + Please enter a valid numeric value. + + + + + StatusItemSelector + + and + + + + or + + + + + StatusListPickerPage + + Search Languages + + + + Search Currencies + + + + + StatusNotification + + Open + + + + + StatusPasswordStrengthIndicator + + Very weak + + + + Weak + + + + So-so + + + + Good + + + + Great + + + + + StatusSNTTransactionModal + + Authorize %1 %2 + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Wrong password + + + + Continue + + + + Choose account + + + + Sign with password + + + + Send %1 %2 + + + + Next + + + + + StatusSearchListPopup + + Search... + + + + + StatusSearchLocationMenu + + Anywhere + + + + + StatusSearchPopup + + No results + + + + Anywhere + + + + Search + + + + In: + + + + In + + + + + StatusSpellcheckingMenuItems + + Add to dictionary + + + + Disable Spellchecking + + + + + StatusStackModal + + StackModal + + + + Next + + + + Finish + + + + + StatusStickerButton + + Buy for %1 SNT + + + + Uninstall + + + + Install + + + + Free + + + + Pending... + + + + Cancel + + + + Update + + + + + StatusStickersPopup + + You don't have any stickers yet + + + + Recently used stickers will appear here + + + + Get Stickers + + + + + StatusTagSelectorPage + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + + StatusUrlValidator + + Please enter a valid URL + + + + + StatusValidator + + invalid input + + + + + StatusWindowsTitleBar + + Status + + + + + SubheaderTabBar + + Step %1 of %2 + + + + + TabAddressSelectorView + + Saved + + + + My Accounts + + + + Recent + + + + Search for saved address + + + + No Saved Address + + + + No Recents + + + + + ToastMessage + + View on Etherscan + + + + Transaction pending... + + + + + TokenSettingsModal + + Manage Assets + + + + Add custom token + + + + + TokenSettingsModalContent + + Token details + + + + Remove token + + + + Custom + + + + Default + + + + + TouchIDAuthView + + Biometrics + + + + Would you like to use Touch ID +to login to Status? + + + + Yes, use Touch ID + + + + I prefer to use my password + + + + + TransactionBubbleView + + Transaction request + + + + ↑ Outgoing transaction + + + + ↓ Incoming transaction + + + + Token not found on your current network + + + + + TransactionDelegate + + From + + + + To + + + + At + + + + + TransactionModal + + Transaction Details + + + + confirmation(s) + + + + When the transaction has 12 confirmations you can consider it settled. + + + + Block + + + + Hash + + + + From + + + + To + + + + Gas limit + + + + Gas price + + + + Gas used + + + + Nonce + + + + + TransactionPreview + + From + + + + Recipient + + + + Unknown + + + + Asset + + + + Amount + + + + Network fee + + + + Data + + + + Data field + + + + + TransactionSigner + + You need to enter a password + + + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + Signing phrase + + + + Signing phrase is a 3 word combination that displayed when you entered the wallet on this device for the first time. + + + + Enter the password you use to unlock this device + + + + Password + + + + Enter password + + + + + UnblockContactConfirmationDialog + + Unblock User + + + + Unblocking will allow new messages you received from %1 to reach you. + + + + + UserListPanel + + Offline + + + + Online + + + + Inactive + + + + Do not disturb + + + + Idle + + + + + UserStatusContextMenu + + View My Profile + + + + Always online + + + + Inactive + + + + Set status automatically + + + + Online + + + + Offline + + + + + ViewProfileMenuItem + + View Profile + + + + + WakuNodesModal + + Waku nodes + + + + Use Waku nodes + + + + Select node automatically + + + + Waku Nodes + + + + Node %1 + + + + Add a new node + + + + + WalletFooter + + Send + + + + Receive + + + + Buy / Sell + + + + + WelcomeView + + Welcome to Status + + + + Your fully decentralized gateway to Ethereum and Web3. Crypto wallet, privacy first group chat, and dApp browser. + + + + I am new to Status + + + + I already use Status + + + + + main + + StatusQ Documentation App + + + + Status Desktop + + + + Open Status + + + + Quit + + + + diff --git a/ui/i18n/qml_es.ts b/ui/i18n/qml_es.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..20b3f83cab --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/i18n/qml_es.ts @@ -0,0 +1,19043 @@ + + + + + about-app + Acerca de + + + about-key-storage-content + Status nunca accederá a tu clave privada. Asegúrate de respaldar tu frase semilla. Si pierdes el teléfono es la única manera de acceder a tus claves. + + + about-key-storage-title + Acerca del almacenamiento de claves + + + about-names-content + ¡Nadie puede fingir ser tú! Eres anónimo por defecto y no tienes que revelar tu nombre real. Puedes registrar un nombre personalizado por una pequeña tarifa. + + + about-names-title + Los nombres no se pueden cambiar + + + access-key + Clave de acceso + + + access-existing-keys + Ingresar claves existentes + + + accept-and-share-address + Aceptar y compartir dirección + + + account-added + Cuenta agregada + + + account-color + Color de la cuenta + + + anyone + + + + messages-from-contacts-only-subtitle + + + + accept-new-chats-from + + + + account-name + Nombre de la cuenta + + + account-settings + Ajustes de la cuenta + + + accounts + Cuentas + + + active-online + En línea + + + active-unknown + Desconocido + + + add + Agregar + + + add-a-watch-account + Agregar una dirección de solo observación + + + add-account + Agregar una cuenta + + + add-account-description + Puedes importar cualquier tipo de cuenta de Ethereum para agregarla a tu billetera de Status + + + add-account-incorrect-password + La contraseña parece ser incorrecta. Ingresa la contraseña que usas para desbloquear la app. + + + add-an-account + Agregar una cuenta + + + add-bootnode + Agregar bootnode + + + add-contact + Agregar contacto + + + add-custom-token + Agregar un token personalizado + + + add-mailserver + Agregar nodo de Status + + + add-members + Agregar miembros + + + add-network + Agregar red + + + add-node + + + + add-to-contacts + Agregar a contactos + + + add-to-contacts-text + Al agregar un usuario a tu lista de contactos, compartes la dirección de tu billetera + + + address + Dirección + + + address-received + Dirección recibida + + + address-requested + Dirección solicitada + + + address-request-accepted + Solicitud de dirección aceptada + + + advanced + Avanzado + + + advanced-settings + Ajustes avanzados + + + agree-by-continuing + Al continuar, aceptas + nuestras + + + all + Todos + + + allow + Permitir + + + allowing-authorizes-this-dapp + Permitir autoriza a esta DApp a recuperar la dirección de tu billetera y habilitar Web3 + + + already-have-asset + Ya tienes este activo + + + amount + Cantidad + + + are-you-sure-description + No podrás volver a ver toda la frase semilla + + + are-you-sure? + ¿Estás seguro/a? + + + ask-in-status + Haz una pregunta o reporta un error + + + at + en + + + authorize + Autorizar + + + available + Disponible + + + available-participants + + Puedes seleccionar un participante más + Puedes seleccionar {{count}} participantes más + + + + back + Atrás + + + back-up-seed-phrase + Respaldar la frase semilla + + + back-up-your-seed-phrase + Respalda tu frase semilla + + + backup-recovery-phrase + Respaldar la frase semilla + + + balance + Saldo + + + begin-set-up + Empezar la configuración + + + biometric-auth-android-sensor-desc + Sensor táctil + + + biometric-auth-android-sensor-error-desc + Fallido + + + biometric-auth-android-title + Autenticación requerida + + + biometric-auth-confirm-logout + Volver a iniciar sesión + + + biometric-auth-confirm-message + La autentificación biométrica es necesaria para continuar, si no es posible, desbloquea tus claves con tu contraseña o código de acceso. + + + biometric-auth-confirm-title + ¡Debes autenticarte! + + + biometric-auth-confirm-try-again + Inténtalo de nuevo + + + biometric-auth-error + No se puede realizar la autenticación biométrica ({{code}}) + + + biometric-auth-login-error-title + Error de autenticación biométrica + + + biometric-auth-login-ios-fallback-label + Ingresa la contraseña + + + biometric-auth-reason-login + Iniciar sesión en Status + + + biometric-auth-reason-verify + Verificar autenticación + + + biometric-secure-with + Asegurar con {{bio-type-label}} + + + biometric-enable-keycard + Si no deseas usar la Keycard cada vez que accedes a la app, habilita el inicio de sesión {{bio-type-label}} + + + biometric-enable + Si no deseas ingresar tu contraseña cada vez que accedes a la app, habilita el inicio de sesión {{bio-type-label}} + + + biometric-disable-bioauth + deshabilitar {{bio-type-label}} + + + biometric-disable-password-title + Deshabilitar guardar contraseña + + + biometric-disable-password-description + Si deshabilitas esto, también + + + biometric-enable-button + Habilitar {{bio-type-label}} + + + biometric-fingerprint + Huella dactilar + + + biometric-faceid + Face ID + + + biometric-touchid + Touch ID + + + blank-keycard-text + Puedes continuar con tu keycard una vez que hayas generado tus claves y tu nombre + + + blank-keycard-title + Parece que has pulsado +una keycard vacía + + + block + Bloquear + + + unblock + Desbloquear + + + block-contact + Bloquear a este usuario + + + block-contact-details + El bloqueo eliminará los mensajes anteriores de este usuario y evitará que recibas otros nuevos + + + blocked-users + Usuarios bloqueados + + + bootnode-address + Dirección de bootnode + + + bootnode-details + Detalles de Bootnode + + + bootnode-format + enode://{enode-id}@{ip-address}:{port} + + + bootnodes + Bootnodes + + + bootnodes-enabled + Bootnodes habilitados + + + bootnodes-settings + Ajustes de bootnode + + + browsed-websites + El historial del navegador aparecerá aquí + + + browser + Navegador + + + browser-not-secure + ¡La conexión no es segura! No firmes transacciones o envíes datos personales en este sitio. + + + browser-secure + La conexión es segura. Asegúrate de que realmente confías en este sitio antes de firmar transacciones o ingresar datos personales. + + + browsers + Navegadores + + + browsing-cancel + Cancelar + + + browsing-open-in-android-web-browser + Abrir en Android + + + browsing-open-in-ios-web-browser + Abrir en iOS + + + browsing-open-in-status + Abrir en Status + + + browsing-site-blocked-description1 + Hemos detectado posibles actividades maliciosas desde esta dirección. Para protegerte a ti y a tu billetera, prevenimos la navegación. + +Si crees que esto es un error, háznoslo saber en el + + + browsing-site-blocked-description2 + chat público + + + browsing-site-blocked-go-back + Regresar + + + browsing-site-blocked-title + Este sitio está bloqueado + + + browsing-title + Navegar + + + bug-report + Reportar un error + + + bug-report-description + + + + bug-report-description-placeholder + + + + bug-report-steps + + + + bug-report-steps-placeholder + + + + bug-report-submit-email + + + + bug-report-submit-gh-issue + + + + bug-report-too-short-description + + + + camera-access-error + Para permitir el acceso a la cámara, por favor, ve a los ajustes del sistema y asegúrate de que esté seleccionada la opción Status > Cámara. + + + can-not-add-yourself + Ese eres tú. Para iniciar un chat, elige a alguien más + + + cancel + Cancelar + + + cancel-keycard-setup + Cancelar la configuración de Keycard + + + cannot-read-card + No se puede leer la tarjeta. +Por favor, mantenla en la parte posterior de tu teléfono + + + cannot-use-default-pin + No está permitido el código de acceso 000000. +Por favor, utiliza otro número + + + card-is-blank + Esta tarjeta está en blanco + + + card-reseted + La tarjeta ha sido restablecida + + + card-unpaired + La tarjeta se ha desvinculado del dispositivo actual + + + change-fleet + Cambiar fleet a {{fleet}} + + + change-log-level + Confirma y reinicia la aplicación para cambiar el nivel de registro a {{log-level}} + + + change-logging-enabled + ¿Está seguro/a de que deseas {{enable}} iniciar sesión? + + + change-passcode + Cambiar código de acceso + + + change-password + Cambiar contraseña + + + change-pin + Cambiar el código de acceso de 6 dígitos + + + change-puk + + + + change-pairing + + + + change-pairing-title + + + + change-pairing-description + + + + changed-amount-warning + La cantidad se cambió de {{old}} a {{new}} + + + changed-asset-warning + El activo se cambió de {{old}} a {{new}}. + + + chaos-mode + Modo caos + + + chaos-unicorn-day + Día del Unicornio del Caos + + + chaos-unicorn-day-details + 🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🚀! + + + chat + Chat + + + chat-and-transact + Chatea y realiza transacciones privadas con amigos + + + chat-key + Clave de chat + + + chat-name + + + + chat-settings + Ajustes de chat + + + chats + Chats + + + check-your-recovery-phrase + Comprueba tu frase semilla + + + choose-authentication-method + Elije un método de autenticación + + + clear + Limpiar + + + clear-all + Borrar todo + + + clear-history + Borrar historial + + + clear-history-action + Limpiar + + + clear-history-confirmation + ¿Borrar historial? + + + clear-history-confirmation-content + ¿Seguro que quieres limpiar este historial de chat? + + + clear-history-title + ¿Borrar historial? + + + close + Cerrar + + + close-app-button + Confirmar + + + close-app-content + La aplicación se detendrá y cerrará. Cuando la vuelvas a abrir, se utilizará la red seleccionada + + + close-app-title + ¡Advertencia! + + + command-button-send + Enviar + + + communities + Comunidades + + + community-members + + miembro + miembros + + + + members-label + Miembros + + + open-membership + Abrir membresía + + + member-kick + Eliminar miembro + + + member-ban + + + + membership-requests + Solicitudes de membresía + + + community-members-title + Miembros + + + community-requests-to-join-title + Solicitudes de membresía + + + name-your-channel + Asigna un nombre a tu canal + + + name-your-channel-placeholder + Nombre del canal + + + give-a-short-description + Haz una breve descripción + + + describe-channel + Describa el canal + + + communities-alpha + Comunidades (alfa) + + + communities-verified + ✓ Comunidad Status verificada + + + communities-enabled + + + + request-access + Solicitar acceso + + + membership-request-pending + Solicitud de membresía pendiente + + + create-community + Crea una comunidad + + + create-category + + + + rearrange-categories + + + + edited + + + + edit-community + Editar comunidad + + + editing-message + + + + community-edit-title + Editar comunidad + + + community-invite-title + Invitar + + + community-share-title + Compartir... + + + invite + + + + create-channel + Crea un canal + + + import-community + Importar una comunidad + + + import-community-title + Importar una comunidad + + + name-your-community + Asigna un nombre a tu comunidad + + + name-your-community-placeholder + Elige un nombre memorable + + + give-a-short-description-community + Descríbelo brevemente + + + new-community-title + Nueva comunidad + + + new-category + + + + category-title + + + + membership-title + Requisito de membresía + + + create-channel-title + Nuevo canal + + + edit-channel-title + Editar el canal + + + community-thumbnail-image + Imagen en miniatura + + + community-emoji-thumbnail-title + + + + community-thumbnail-upload + Subir + + + community-image-take + Tomar una foto + + + community-image-pick + Elige una imagen + + + community-image-remove + Eliminar + + + community-color + Color de la comunidad + + + community-link + + + + community-color-placeholder + Elige un color + + + membership-button + Requisito de membresía + + + membership-none + Ninguno + + + membership-none-placeholder + Puedes exigir que los nuevos miembros cumplan con ciertos criterios antes de poder unirse. Esto se puede cambiar en cualquier momento. + + + membership-approval + Requiere aprobación + + + membership-approval-description + Puedes unirte de manera gratuita, pero el creador de la comunidad deberá aprobar primero a los nuevos miembros + + + membership-invite + Necesitas invitación de otro miembro + + + membership-invite-description + Únicamente puedes unirte a la comunidad mediante invitación de un miembro existente + + + membership-ens + Requiere un nombre de usuario ENS + + + membership-ens-description + Tu comunidad requiere que tengas un nombre usuario ENS para unirte + + + membership-free + Sin requisitos + + + membership-free-description + Cualquier persona puede unirse a tu comunidad + + + community-roles + Rol + + + community-key + Clave privada de la comunidad + + + community-key-placeholder + Escribe la clave privada de la comunidad + + + leave-community + Salir de la comunidad + + + enter-user-pk + Ingresa la clave pública de usuario + + + import + Importar + + + complete-hardwallet-setup + Esta tarjeta ahora está vinculada. La necesitarás para firmar transacciones y desbloquear tus claves + + + chat-notification-preferences + Ajustes de las notificaciones + + + completed + Completado + + + confirm + Confirmar + + + confirmation-request + Solicitud de confirmación + + + confirmations + Confirmaciones + + + confirmations-helper-text + Cuando la transacción tenga 12 confirmaciones, puede considerarla resuelta. + + + connect + Conectar + + + connect-mailserver-content + ¿Conectar con {{name}}? + + + connected + Conectado + + + connected-to + Conectado a + + + connecting + Conectando... + + + connecting-requires-login + Para conectarse a otra red es necesario iniciar sesión + + + connection-with-the-card-lost + La conexión con la tarjeta +se ha perdido + + + connection-with-the-card-lost-setup-text + Para reanudar la configuración, sostén la tarjeta en + la parte trasera del teléfono y mantén la + tarjeta en contacto con el teléfono + + + connection-with-the-card-lost-text + Para proceder, mantén la tarjeta en la parte posterior de tu teléfono + + + contact-code + Clave de chat + + + contact-s + + contacto + contactos + + + + contacts + Contactos + + + continue + Continuar + + + contract-address + Dirección del contrato + + + contract-interaction + Interacción con el contrato + + + copy-info + Copiar información + + + copy-qr + Copiar código + + + copy-to-clipboard + Copiar + + + copy-transaction-hash + Copiar ID de transacción + + + cost-fee + Costo/Tarifa + + + counter-9-plus + 9+ + + + counter-99-plus + 99+ + + + create + Crear + + + create-a-pin + Crear un código de acceso de 6 dígitos + + + create-a-puk + + + + create-group-chat + Crear chat grupal + + + create-multiaccount + Generar claves + + + create-new-key + Obtener nuevas claves + + + create-pin + Crea un código de acceso de 6 dígitos + + + create-pin-description + Necesitarás tu tarjeta y este código de 6 dígitos para desbloquear Status y confirmar las transacciones + + + created-group-chat-description + Creaste el grupo {{group-name}} + + + members-count + {{count}} miembros + + + cryptokitty-name + CryptoKitty #{{id}} + + + currency + Moneda + + + currency-display-name-aed + Dírham de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos + + + currency-display-name-afn + Afgani afgano + + + currency-display-name-ars + Peso argentino + + + currency-display-name-aud + Dólar australiano + + + currency-display-name-bbd + Dólar de Barbados + + + currency-display-name-bdt + Taka bangladeshí + + + currency-display-name-bgn + Lev búlgaro + + + currency-display-name-bhd + Dinar bahreiní + + + currency-display-name-bnd + Dólar de Brunéi + + + currency-display-name-bob + Boliviano de Bolivia + + + currency-display-name-brl + Real brasileño + + + currency-display-name-btn + Ngultrum butanés + + + currency-display-name-cad + Dólar canadiense + + + currency-display-name-chf + Franco suizo + + + currency-display-name-clp + Peso chileno + + + currency-display-name-cny + Yuan chino + + + currency-display-name-cop + Peso colombiano + + + currency-display-name-crc + Colón costarricense + + + currency-display-name-czk + Corona checa + + + currency-display-name-dkk + Corona danesa + + + currency-display-name-dop + Peso dominicano + + + currency-display-name-egp + Libra egipcia + + + currency-display-name-etb + Birr etíope + + + currency-display-name-eur + Euro + + + currency-display-name-gbp + Libra esterlina + + + currency-display-name-gel + Lari georgiano + + + currency-display-name-ghs + Cedi ghanés + + + currency-display-name-hkd + Dólar hongkonés + + + currency-display-name-hrk + Kuna croata + + + currency-display-name-huf + Forinto húngaro + + + currency-display-name-idr + Rupia indonesia + + + currency-display-name-ils + Nuevo séquel israelí + + + currency-display-name-inr + Rupia india + + + currency-display-name-isk + Corona islandesa + + + currency-display-name-jmd + Dólar jamaiquino + + + currency-display-name-jpy + Yen japonés + + + currency-display-name-kes + Chelín keniano + + + currency-display-name-krw + Won surcoreano + + + currency-display-name-kwd + Dinar kuwaití + + + currency-display-name-kzt + Tenge kazajo + + + currency-display-name-lkr + Rupia de Sri Lanka + + + currency-display-name-mad + Dírham marroquí + + + currency-display-name-mdl + Leu moldavo + + + currency-display-name-mur + Rupia mauriciana + + + currency-display-name-mwk + Kwacha malauí + + + currency-display-name-mxn + Peso mexicano + + + currency-display-name-myr + Ringgit malayo + + + currency-display-name-mzn + Metical mozambiqueño + + + currency-display-name-nad + Dólar namibio + + + currency-display-name-ngn + Naira nigeriana + + + currency-display-name-nok + Corona noruega + + + currency-display-name-npr + Rupia nepalí + + + currency-display-name-nzd + Dólar neozelandés + + + currency-display-name-omr + Rial omaní + + + currency-display-name-pen + Sol peruano + + + currency-display-name-pgk + Kina (Papúa Nueva Guinea) + + + currency-display-name-php + Peso filipino + + + currency-display-name-pkr + Rupia pakistaní + + + currency-display-name-pln + Esloti polaco + + + currency-display-name-pyg + Guaraní paraguayo + + + currency-display-name-qar + Riyal qatarí + + + currency-display-name-ron + Leu rumano + + + currency-display-name-rsd + Dinar serbio + + + currency-display-name-rub + Rublo ruso + + + currency-display-name-sar + Riyal saudí + + + currency-display-name-sek + Corona sueca + + + currency-display-name-sgd + Dólar singapurense + + + currency-display-name-thb + Baht tailandés + + + currency-display-name-try + Lira turca + + + currency-display-name-ttd + Dólar de Trinidad y Tobago + + + currency-display-name-twd + Nuevo dólar taiwanés + + + currency-display-name-tzs + Chelín tanzano + + + currency-display-name-uah + Grivna ucraniana + + + currency-display-name-ugx + Chelín ugandés + + + currency-display-name-usd + Dólar estadounidense + + + currency-display-name-uyu + Peso uruguayo + + + currency-display-name-vef + Bolívar venezolano + + + currency-display-name-vnd + Dong vietnamita + + + currency-display-name-zar + Rand sudafricano + + + current-network + Red actual + + + current-pin + Ingresa el código de acceso de 6 dígitos + + + current-pin-description + Ingresa tu código de acceso de 6 dígitos para continuar + + + custom + Personalizado + + + custom-networks + Redes personalizadas + + + dapp + ÐApp + + + dapp-would-like-to-connect-wallet + quisiera conectarse a + + + dapps + ÐApps + + + dapps-permissions + Permisos de DApp + + + data + Datos + + + datetime-ago + hace + + + datetime-ago-format + {{number}} {{time-intervals}} {{ago}} + + + datetime-ago-format-short + {{number}}{{time-intervals}} + + + datetime-day + + día + días + + + + datetime-hour + + hora + horas + + + + datetime-minute + + minuto + minutos + + + + datetime-second + + segundo + segundos + + + + datetime-day-short + + D + D + + + + datetime-hour-short + + H + H + + + + datetime-minute-short + + M + M + + + + datetime-second-short + + S + S + + + + datetime-today + hoy + + + datetime-yesterday + ayer + + + decimals + Decimales + + + decline + Rechazar + + + decryption-failed-content + Ha ocurrido un error al desencriptar tus datos. Es posible que tengas que generar unas nuevas claves y borrar tus datos antiguos. Pulsa "Aplicar" para borrar o "Cancelar" para volver a intentarlo + + + default + Predeterminados + + + delete + Eliminar + + + delete-and-leave-group + Eliminar y salir del grupo + + + delete-bootnode + Eliminar bootnode + + + delete-bootnode-are-you-sure + ¿Seguro que quieres eliminar este bootnode? + + + delete-bootnode-title + Eliminar bootnode + + + delete-chat + Eliminar chat + + + delete-chat-confirmation + ¿Estás seguro de que quieres eliminar este chat? + + + delete-category-confirmation + + + + delete-confirmation + ¿Eliminar? + + + delete-mailserver + Eliminar nodo de Status + + + delete-mailserver-are-you-sure + ¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar este nodo de Status? + + + delete-mailserver-title + Eliminar nodo de Status + + + delete-message + Eliminar mensaje + + + delete-my-account + Borrar mi cuenta + + + delete-network-confirmation + ¿Seguro que quieres eliminar esta red? + + + delete-network-error + Por favor, conéctate a una red diferente antes de eliminar esta + + + delete-network-title + ¿Eliminar red? + + + delete-node + + + + delete-node-are-you-sure + + + + delete-node-title + + + + delete-profile + Eliminar perfil + + + delete-my-profile + Eliminar mi perfil + + + delete-profile-warning + Advertencia: Si no tiene tu frase de semilla escrita, perderá el acceso a sus fondos después de eliminar su perfil + + + profile-deleted-title + Perfil eliminado + + + profile-deleted-content + Tu perfil fue eliminado con éxito + + + profile-deleted-keycard + Ahora puedes restaurar otro par de claves en tu Keypair + + + deny + Negar + + + description + Descripción + + + dev-mode + Modo de desarrollo + + + dev-mode-settings + Ajustes del modo de desarrollo + + + device-syncing + Sincronización de dispositivos + + + devices + Dispositivos + + + disable + deshabilitar + + + disabled + Deshabilitado + + + disconnected + Chat sin conexión + + + discover + Descubrir + + + dismiss + Descartar + + + done + Listo + + + edit + Editar + + + edit-group + Editar grupo + + + edit-profile + Editar perfil + + + empty-chat-description + No hay mensajes +en este chat todavía + + + empty-chat-description-one-to-one + Cualquier mensaje que envíes aquí está encriptado y solo puedes leerlo tú y + + + empty-chat-description-public + Ha estado tranquilo aquí durante las últimas {{quiet-hours}}. Inicia la conversación o + + + cleared-chat-description-public + + + + empty-chat-description-community + Ha estado tranquilo aquí durante {{quiet-hours}} . + + + empty-chat-description-public-share-this + comparte este chat + + + enable + Habilitar + + + encrypt-with-password + Encriptar con contraseña + + + ens-10-SNT + 10 SNT + + + ens-add-username + Agregar nombre de usuario + + + ens-agree-to + Acepto + + + ens-chat-settings + Ajustes de chat + + + ens-custom-domain + Dominio personalizado + + + ens-custom-username-hints + Escribe el nombre de usuario completo, incluido el dominio personalizado como username.domain.eth + + + ens-custom-username-taken + El nombre de usuario no te pertenece :( + + + ens-deposit + Depósito + + + ens-displayed-with + Tus mensajes se muestran a otros con + + + ens-get-name + Obtén un nombre de usuario universal + + + ens-got-it + Entendido + + + ens-locked + Nombre de usuario bloqueado. No lo podrás liberar hasta el {{date}} + + + ens-network-restriction + Solo disponible en Mainnet + + + ens-no-usernames + No tienes ningún nombre de usuario conectado + + + ens-powered-by + Propulsado por Ethereum Name Services + + + ens-primary-username + Nombre de usuario principal + + + ens-register + Registrar + + + ens-registration-in-progress + Registro en curso... + + + ens-registration-failure + Registro fallido + + + ens-dismiss-message + Pulsa aquí para descartar + + + ens-registration-failed + Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo para registrar el nombre de usuario. + + + ens-registration-failed-title + La transacción ha fallado + + + ens-release-username + Liberar nombre de usuario + + + ens-remove-hints + La eliminación separará el nombre de usuario de tu clave. + + + ens-remove-username + Eliminar nombre de usuario + + + ens-saved + ahora está conectado con tu clave de chat y se puede usar en Status. + + + ens-saved-title + Nombre de usuario agregado + + + ens-show-username + Mostrar mi nombre de usuario ENS en los chats + + + ens-terms-header + Términos de registro de nombre + + + ens-terms-point-1 + Los fondos se depositan por 1 año. Tu SNT se bloqueará, pero no se gastará. + + + ens-terms-point-10 + 0x00000000000C2E074eC69A0dFb2997BA6C7d2e1e (Registro ENS). + + + ens-terms-point-2 + Después de 1 año, puedes liberar el nombre y recuperar tu depósito, o no tomar ninguna acción para mantener el nombre. + + + ens-terms-point-3 + Si los términos del contrato cambian —por ejemplo, Status actualiza el contrato— el usuario tiene derecho a liberar el nombre de usuario independientemente del tiempo retenido. + + + ens-terms-point-4 + El controlador del contrato no puede acceder a tus fondos depositados. Sólo pueden ser devueltos a la dirección que los envió. + + + ens-terms-point-5 + Tu(s) dirección(es) se asociará(n) públicamente con tu nombre ENS. + + + ens-terms-point-6 + Los nombres de usuario se crean como nodos de subdominio de stateofus.eth y están sujetos a los términos del contrato inteligente de ENS. + + + ens-terms-point-7 + Autorizas el contrato para transferir SNT en tu nombre. Esto solo puede ocurrir cuando apruebas una transacción para autorizar la transferencia. + + + ens-terms-point-8 + Estos términos están garantizados por la lógica del contrato inteligente en las direcciones: + + + ens-terms-point-9 + {{address}} (Status UsernameRegistrar) + + + ens-terms-registration + Términos de registro de nombre. + + + ens-test-message + Hola + + + ens-transaction-pending + Transacción pendiente... + + + ens-understand + Entiendo que la dirección de mi billetera estará conectada públicamente a mi nombre de usuario. + + + ens-username + Nombre de usuario ENS + + + ens-username-available + ✓ ¡Nombre de usuario disponible! + + + ens-username-connected + Este nombre de usuario es de tu propiedad y está conectado con tu clave de chat. + + + ens-username-connection-confirmation + {{username}} se conectará una vez que se complete la transacción. + + + ens-username-hints + Al menos 4 caracteres. Letras latinas, números y sólo minúsculas. + + + ens-username-invalid + Sólo letras y números. + + + ens-username-owned + ✓ El nombre de usuario es tuyo. + + + ens-username-registration-confirmation + ¡Bien! Eres el propietario de {{username}} una vez completada la transacción. + + + ens-username-you-can-follow-progress + Puedes seguir el progreso en la sección de Historial de transacciones de tu billetera. + + + ens-usernames + Nombres de usuario ENS + + + ens-usernames-details + Registra un nombre de usuario universal para que otros usuarios te reconozcan fácilmente + + + wallet-address + Dirección de la billetera + + + ens-want-custom-domain + Tengo un nombre en otro dominio + + + ens-want-domain + Quiero un dominio stateofus.eth + + + ens-welcome-hints + Los nombres ENS transforman esas direcciones larguísimas en nombres de usuario únicos. + + + ens-welcome-point-customize + Un nombre ENS puede reemplazar tu nombre aleatorio de 3 palabras en el chat. Sé @yourname en lugar de {{name}}. + + + ens-welcome-point-customize-title + Personaliza tu nombre de chat + + + ens-welcome-point-simplify + Puedes recibir fondos a tu ENS fácil de compartir, en vez de tu hash hexadecimal (0x...) + + + ens-welcome-point-simplify-title + Simplifica tu dirección ETH + + + ens-welcome-point-receive + Otros pueden enviarte fondos desde el chat en un simple paso. + + + ens-welcome-point-receive-title + Recibe transacciones en el chat + + + ens-welcome-point-register + Regístrate una vez para mantener el nombre para siempre. Después de 1 año, podrás liberar el nombre y recuperar tus SNT. + + + ens-welcome-point-register-title + 10 SNT para registrar + + + ens-welcome-point-verify + Puedes verificar y agregar cualquier nombre de usuario que poseas en los siguientes pasos. + + + ens-welcome-point-verify-title + ¿Ya tienes un nombre de usuario? + + + ens-your-username + Tu nombre de usuario + + + ens-your-usernames + Tus nombres de usuario + + + ens-your-your-name + Tu nombre ENS + + + ens-username-already-added + El nombre de usuario ya está conectado con tu clave de chat y se puede usar dentro de Status. + + + ens-username-connected-continue + Continuar configurando «Mostrar mi nombre de usuario ENS en los chats». + + + ens-username-connected-with-different-key + Continuar requerirá una transacción para conectar el nombre de usuario con tu clave de chat actual. + + + ens-username-owned-continue + Continuar conectará este nombre de usuario con tu clave de chat. + + + ens-username-taken + Nombre de usuario ya está tomado :( + + + ens-name-not-found + No se puede resolver el nombre ENS + + + ens-username-registration-invalid + + + + ens-username-invalid-name-warning + + + + enter-12-words + Ingresa las 12 palabras de tu frase semilla separadas por espacios + + + enter-a-private-key + Ingresa una clave privada + + + enter-a-seed-phrase + Ingresa una frase semilla + + + enter-address + Ingresar dirección + + + enter-contact-code + ENS (juanca94) o clave de chat (0x04…) + + + enter-pair-code + Ingresa tu código de vinculación + + + pair-code-placeholder + Código de vinculación... + + + enter-pair-code-description + El código de vinculación puede establecerse desde un cliente Status ya vinculado + + + enter-password + Ingresa la contraseña + + + enter-password-migration-prompt + + + + migration-successful + + + + migration-successful-text + + + + skip + + + + password-placeholder + Contraseña... + + + confirm-password-placeholder + Confirma tu contraseña + + + enter-pin + Ingresa el código de acceso de 6 dígitos + + + enter-puk-code + Ingresa el código PUK + + + enter-puk-code-description + El código de acceso de 6 dígitos ha sido bloqueado. + Ingresa el código PUK para desbloquear el código de acceso. + + + enter-recipient-address-or-username + Ingresa la dirección o nombre de usuario del destinatario + + + enter-seed-phrase + Ingresar la frase semilla + + + enter-url + Ingresa una URL + + + enter-watch-account-address + Escanea un código QR + o + ingresa la dirección para observar + + + enter-word + Ingresa la palabra + + + enter-your-code + Ingresa tu código de acceso de 6 dígitos + + + enter-your-password + Ingresa tu contraseña + + + error + Error + + + error-unable-to-get-balance + No se puede obtener el saldo + + + error-unable-to-get-prices + Error de conversión de moneda. Refresca tu pantalla para intentarlo de nuevo. + + + error-unable-to-get-token-balance + No se puede obtener el saldo del token + + + errors + Errores + + + eth + ETH + + + ethereum-node-started-incorrectly-description + El nodo Ethereum se inició con una configuración incorrecta. La aplicación se detendrá para recuperarse de esa condición. ID de red configurada = {{network-id}}, actual = {{fetched-network-id}} + + + ethereum-node-started-incorrectly-title + El nodo Ethereum se inició incorrectamente + + + etherscan-lookup + Ver en Etherscan + + + export-account + Exportar la cuenta + + + export-key + Exportar clave privada + + + community-private-key + Clave privada comunitaria + + + failed + Fallido + + + faq + Preguntas frecuentes + + + fetch-messages + ↓ Recuperar mensajes + + + fetch-timeline + ↓ Obtener + + + find + Encontrar + + + finish + Finalizar + + + finishing-card-setup + Finalizando la configuración de la tarjeta + + + fleet + Fleet + + + fleet-settings + Ajustes de fleet + + + follow-your-interests + Entra en un chat público y conoce gente nueva + + + follow + Seguir + + + free + ↓ Gratis + + + from + De + + + gas-limit + Límite de gas + + + gas-price + Precio del gas + + + gas-used + Gas utilizado + + + generate-a-key + Generar claves + + + generate-a-new-account + Generar una cuenta + + + generate-a-new-key + Generar una nueva clave + + + generate-account + Generar claves + + + generate-new-key + Generar claves + + + your-keys + Tus claves + + + generating-codes-for-pairing + > Descargando el software del producto a la tarjeta + > Generando códigos de desbloqueo y vinculación + + + generating-keys + Generando claves... + + + you-will-need-this-code + Necesitarás este código para abrir Status y firmar transacciones + + + generating-mnemonic + Generando frase semilla + + + get-started + Iniciar + + + get-status-at + Descarga Status en http://status.im/es + + + get-stickers + Obtener pegatinas + + + go-to-settings + Ir a Ajustes + + + got-it + Entendido + + + group-chat + Chat grupal + + + group-chat-admin + Admin + + + group-chat-admin-added + **{{member}}** se ha convertido en admin + + + group-chat-created + **{{member}}** creó el grupo **{{name}}** + + + group-chat-decline-invitation + Rechazar invitación + + + group-chat-member-added + **{{member}}** ha sido invitado + + + group-chat-member-joined + **{{member}}** se ha unido al grupo + + + group-chat-member-removed + **{{member}}** abandonó el grupo + + + group-chat-members-count + {{selected}}/{{max}} miembros + + + group-chat-name-changed + **{{member}}** cambió el nombre del grupo a **{{name}}** + + + group-chat-no-contacts + Aún no tienes contactos. +Invita a tus amigos a comenzar a chatear + + + leave-chat + Abandonar chat + + + leave-confirmation + Abandonar chat + + + leave-chat-confirmation + ¿Estás seguro de que quieres abandonar el chat? + + + group-chat-all-contacts-invited + Todos tus contactos ya están en el grupo + + + group-info + Información del grupo + + + gwei + Gwei + + + hash + Hash + + + help + ayuda + + + help-capitalized + Ayuda + + + help-center + Centro de ayuda + + + hide-content-when-switching-apps + Bloquear capturas de pantalla + + + hide-content-when-switching-apps-ios + Ocultar vista previa + + + history + Historial + + + history-nodes + Nodos de Status + + + hold-card + Sostén la tarjeta en la parte posterior de tu teléfono + + + home + Inicio + + + hooks + Hooks + + + identifier + Identificador + + + image-remove-current + Eliminar la foto actual + + + image-source-gallery + Seleccionar de la galería + + + image-source-make-photo + Tomar foto + + + image-source-title + Editar imagen + + + profile-pic-take + Tomar foto + + + profile-pic-pick + Seleccionar de la galería + + + profile-pic-remove + Eliminar foto + + + in-contacts + En contactos + + + incoming + Entrante + + + incoming-transaction + Transacción entrante + + + incorrect-code::0 + str + + + incorrect-code::1 + Lo sentimos, el código es incorrecto. Por favor, escríbelo de nuevo + + + initialization + Inicialización + + + install + ↓ Instalar + + + intro-message1 + ¡Bienvenid@ a Status! +Toca este mensaje para establecer tu contraseña y empezar. + + + intro-privacy-policy-note1 + Status no recopila ni se beneficia de tus datos personales. Al continuar, aceptas la + + + intro-privacy-policy-note2 + política de privacidad + + + intro-text + Status es tu puerta de enlace a la web descentralizada + + + intro-text1 + Chatea a través de una red encriptada peer-to-peer donde los mensajes no pueden ser censurados o pirateados + + + intro-text2 + Envía y recibe activos digitales en cualquier parte del mundo. No se requiere cuenta bancaria + + + intro-text3 + Explora juegos, plataformas de intercambio y redes sociales en las que solo tú eres propietario de tus datos + + + intro-title1 + Comunicación verdaderamente privada + + + intro-title2 + Criptobilletera segura + + + intro-title3 + Apps descentralizadas + + + intro-wizard-text1 + Un set de claves controla tu cuenta. Las claves se almacenan en tu teléfono, por lo que solo tú puedes usarlas. + + + intro-wizard-text2 + Una clave es para chatear. Viene con un nombre legible que no se puede cambiar. + + + intro-wizard-text3 + ¿Tienes una Keycard? Guarda tus claves en ella; la necesitarás para las transacciones + + + intro-wizard-text4 + Asegura y encripta tus claves + + + intro-wizard-text6 + Status te notificará sobre los nuevos mensajes. Puedes editar tus preferencias de notificación más adelante en los ajustes + + + intro-wizard-title-alt4 + Crea una contraseña + + + intro-wizard-title-alt5 + Confirma tu contraseña + + + intro-wizard-title1 + Obtener las claves + + + intro-wizard-title2 + Elige un nombre de chat + + + intro-wizard-title3 + Elegir almacenamiento de claves + + + intro-wizard-title4 + Crear un código de acceso de 6 dígitos + + + intro-wizard-title5 + Confirma la clave de acceso + + + intro-wizard-title6 + Habilitar notificaciones + + + are-you-sure-to-cancel + ¿Seguro que quieres cancelar? + + + you-will-start-from-scratch + Comenzarás desde cero con un nuevo set de claves + + + invalid-address-qr-code + El código QR escaneado no contiene una dirección válida + + + invalid-format + Formato inválido + Debe ser {{format}} + + + invalid-key-confirm + Aplicar + + + invalid-key-content + La base de datos no se puede encriptar porque un archivo está dañado. Tus fondos y claves de chat están a salvo. Otros datos, como chats y contactos, no se podrán restaurar. Presionar el botón "{{erase-multiaccounts-data-button-text}}" eliminará otros datos y te permitirá acceder a tus fondos y enviar mensajes + + + invalid-number + Número inválido + + + invalid-pairing-password + Contraseña de vinculación inválida + + + invalid-range + Formato inválido, debe estar entre {{min}} y {{max}} + + + invalid-username-or-key + + + + join-me + Hola, unite a Status: {{url}} + + + join-a-community + o únete a una comunidad + + + http-gateway-error + ¡Oops, la solicitud falló! + + + sign-request-failed + No se pudo firmar el mensaje + + + invite-friends + Invitar a amigos + + + invite-people + Invitar a otros + + + invite-reward + ¡Gana criptomonedas por cada amigo que invites! + + + invite-select-account + Seleccioná una cuenta para recibir tu bono de referencia + + + invited + invitado + + + invite-button + Invitá + + + invite-receive-account + Cuenta para recibir tu bono de referencia + + + how-it-works + Cómo funciona + + + invite-warning + Esta promoción solo es válida para usuarios de un dispositivo Android que no sean residentes de EE. UU. Un amigo debe confirmar la referencia en un plazo de 7 días. + + + invite-instruction-first + Envías un enlace de invitación único a tu amigo para descargar y unirse a Status + + + invite-instruction-second + Tu amigo descarga Status y crea una cuenta (en Android) + + + invite-instruction-third + Se inicia un chat con tu amigo, donde confirman tu referencia + + + invite-instruction-fourth + Tú recibes el bono de referencia y tu amigo, el Paquete de Bienvenida + + + invite-instruction-fifth + Puede elegir canjear su bono de referencia en cualquier momento. + + + invite-reward-you + Vos: + + + invite-reward-you-name + Bono de referencia + + + invite-reward-you-description + Invitá a un amigo y recibí {{reward}} como bono de referencia. Usalo para obtener stickers, un nombre ENS y probar dapps + + + invite-reward-friend + Amigo: + + + invite-reward-friend-name + Paquete de Bienvenida + + + invite-reward-friend-description + Tu amigo recibirá un Paquete de Bienvenida que consta de {{reward}} para comenzar + + + invite-privacy-policy1 + Al aceptar, estás de acuerdo con el programa de referidos + + + invite-privacy-policy2 + Términos y Condiciones. + + + invite-privacy-policy-public + Instalaste Status a través de un enlace de referido. Al unirte a este chat, atribuyes su referencia y aceptas las + + + invite-chat-name + Referencia de amigos + + + invite-chat-starter-pack + Paquete de Bienvenida + + + invite-chat-intro + Fuiste referido por un amigo para unirte a Status. Acá tenés algunas criptomonedas para empezar! Usalas para registrar un nombre ENS o comprar un paquete de stickers + + + invite-public-chat-home + Invitación de referencia + + + invite-public-chat-intro + ¡Aquí tienes algunas criptomonedas para comenzar! Úsalas para registrar un nombre ENS o comprar un paquete de pegatinas + + + invite-chat-accept + Aceptar + + + invite-chat-pending + Pendiente + + + invite-chat-accept-join + Aceptar y Unirse + + + invite-chat-rule + Si aceptás también recompensarás a tu amigo con un bono de referencia criptográfica + + + redeem-now + Canjear ahora + + + redeem-amount + {{quantity}} bonos disponibles + + + redeem-success + ¡Canje del bono exitoso! + + + attribution-received + {{attrib}} de {{max}} bonos recibidos + + + advertiser-starter-pack-title + Paquete de Bienvenida + + + advertiser-starter-pack-description + ¡Acá tenés algunas criptomonedas para comenzar! Usalas para obtener pegatinas, un nombre ENS y probar dapps + + + advertiser-title + Privacidad por defecto + + + advertiser-description + Descubriste Status gracias a un socio nuestro. ¿Podemos chequear tu IP para poder recompensarlo? Esta información no será usada para nada más, y será removida completamente después de 7 días + + + advertiser-starter-pack-accept + Aceptar + + + advertiser-starter-pack-decline + Rechazar + + + dapp-starter-pack-title + Paquete de Bienvenida + + + dapp-starter-pack-description + ¡Aquí tienes algunas criptomonedas para comenzar! Úsalas para obtener pegatinas, un nombre ENS y probar dapps + + + dapp-starter-pack-accept + Aceptar y Abrir + + + starter-pack-coming + El Paquete de Bienvenida viene en camino + + + starter-pack-coming-description + Puede tomar de unos minutos a horas + + + starter-pack-received + Paquete de Bienvenida + + + starter-pack-received-description + ¡Acá tenés algunas criptomonedas para comenzar! Usalas para obtener pegatinas, un nombre ENS y probar dapps + + + join-group-chat + Unirse al grupo + + + join-group-chat-description + {{username}} te invitó a unirte al grupo {{group-name}} + + + joined-group-chat-description + Te has unido a {{group-name}} desde la invitación de {{username}} + + + key + Clave + + + keycard + Keycard + + + keycard-access-reset + Acceso a Keycard restablecido + + + keycard-can-use-with-new-passcode + Puedes usar esta tarjeta con tu nuevo código de acceso + + + keycard-applet-install-instructions + Para instalar el applet, sigue las instrucciones en https://github.com/status-im/keycard-cli#keycard-applet-installation + + + keycard-blocked + Keycard ha sido bloqueada. + Necesitas reiniciar la tarjeta para continuar usándola. + + + keycard-cancel-setup-text + Esto cancelará la configuración de keycard. Se recomienda encarecidamente finalizar la configuración para usar keycard. ¿De verdad quieres cancelar? + + + keycard-cancel-setup-title + Operación peligrosa + + + keycard-desc + ¿Tienes una Keycard? Guarda tus claves allí; la necesitarás para las transacciones + + + keycard-dont-ask-card + No pedir tarjeta para iniciar sesión + + + keycard-reset-passcode + Restablecer código de acceso + + + keycard-factory-reset + + + + keycard-factory-reset-title + + + + keycard-factory-reset-text + + + + keycard-enter-new-passcode + Ingresa el nuevo código de acceso {{step}}/2 + + + keycard-has-multiaccount-on-it + Esta tarjeta está llena. Cada tarjeta puede mantener un par de claves principales + + + keycard-onboarding-finishing-header + Terminando + + + keycard-onboarding-intro-header + Guarda tus claves en Keycard + + + keycard-onboarding-intro-text + Prepárate, esto puede tomar unos minutos, pero es importante para asegurar tu cuenta + + + keycard-onboarding-pairing-header + Vinculando la tarjeta... + + + keycard-onboarding-preparing-header + Preparando la tarjeta... + + + keycard-onboarding-puk-code-header + Escribe los códigos + y guárdalos de forma segura + + + keycard-onboarding-recovery-phrase-description + Necesitas esta frase semilla para obtener de nuevo tu clave. Anótala y guárdala de forma segura, en físico y separada de este dispositivo. + + + keycard-onboarding-recovery-phrase-header + Respalda tu frase semilla + + + keycard-onboarding-recovery-phrase-text + Sólo para tus ojos. Esta es la semilla mágica usada para generar tu clave. + + + keycard-onboarding-start-header + Mantén la tarjeta en la parte posterior + de tu teléfono para iniciar + + + keycard-onboarding-pin-text + + + + keycard-onboarding-mnemonic-text + + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step1 + Crea un código de acceso + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step1-text + Alrededor de 1 minuto. Crea un código de acceso de 6 dígitos para encriptar tus claves + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step2 + Anota el código de vinculación y PUK + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step2-text + Alrededor de 1 minuto. Vas a necesitar un papel y un lápiz para eso + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step3 + Respalda la frase semilla + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step3-text + Alrededor de 1 minuto. También vas a necesitar un papel y un lápiz para eso + + + keycard-onboarding-start-text + Y mantén el contacto entre la tarjeta y el teléfono + durante la configuración. La configuración tomará alrededor de 4 minutos + + + keycard-recovery-intro-button-text + Iniciar la recuperación + + + keycard-recovery-intro-header + Recuperar claves almacenadas en Keycard + + + keycard-recovery-intro-text + Si antes generaste claves con keycard y ahora deseas utilizarlas en este dispositivo + + + keycard-recovery-no-key-header + No hay nada que +recuperar aquí + + + keycard-recovery-no-key-text + Tu Keycard no tiene ninguna clave almacenada. Para usarla, genera una nueva clave y elige tu Keycard para almacenar la clave + + + keycard-recovery-phrase-confirm-header + Confirmar frase semilla + + + keycard-recovery-phrase-confirmation-text + ¡No tendrás una segunda oportunidad! Si pierdes acceso, por ejemplo, al extraviar tu Keycard, solo podrás acceder a tus claves con tu frase semilla. Nadie aparte de ti tiene tu frase semilla. Anótala y guárdala de forma segura. + + + keycard-recovery-phrase-confirmation-title + ¿Has anotado la frase semilla? + + + keycard-recovery-success-header + Tus claves han sido + recuperadas con éxito + + + keycard-redeem-title + Canjear a + + + keycard-redeem-tx + Canjea activos + + + keycard-redeem-tx-desc + Toca la tarjeta para firmar y recibir activos + + + keycard-unauthorized-operation + No estás autorizado a realizar esta operación. + Por favor, toca la tarjeta válida e inténtalo de nuevo. + + + keycard-is-frozen-title + La Keycard está congelada + + + keycard-is-frozen-details + Para proteger tus activos, tu tarjeta está congelada. Restablece tu tarjeta para desbloquearla y enviar transacciones. Puedes hacerlo con tu PUK o mnemónico. + + + keycard-is-frozen-reset + Restablecer con PUK + + + keycard-is-frozen-factory-reset + + + + your-card-is-frozen + Tu Keycard está congelada. Restablece el acceso a la tarjeta + + + keycard-is-blocked-title + La Keycard está bloqueada + + + keycard-is-blocked-details + Ya no puedes usar esta tarjeta para acceder o firmar en esta cuenta. Ha habido demasiados intentos fallidos de código de acceso y PUK. + + + keycard-is-blocked-instructions + Para acceder a tu cuenta tendrás que restablecer de fábrica tu tarjeta. Pulsa el botón de abajo para iniciar el procedimiento. Necesitarás tu mnemónico. + + + language + Idioma + + + learn-more + Más información + + + learn-more-about-keycard + Más información sobre Keycard + + + leave + Salir + + + joined + Unido + + + leave-group + Abandonar grupo + + + left + salió + + + lets-go + Vamos + + + les-ulc + LES/ULC + + + linked-on + Vinculado en {{date}} + + + load-messages-before + antes del {{date}} + + + load-more-messages + ↓ Recuperar más mensajes + + + load-more-timeline + ↓ Obtener más + + + loading + Cargando... + + + log-level + Nivel de registro + + + log-level-settings + Ajustes del nivel de registro + + + logging + Registro + + + logging-enabled + ¿Registro habilitado? + + + login-pin-description + Ingresa tu código de acceso de 6 dígitos para desbloquear tus claves + + + logout + Cerrar sesión + + + logout-app-content + Se cerrará la sesión de la cuenta. Cuando la desbloquees de nuevo, se utilizará la red seleccionada + + + logout-are-you-sure + ¿Seguro que quieres cerrar la sesión? + + + logout-title + ¿Cerrar sesión? + + + logout-key-management + + + + looking-for-cards + Buscando tarjetas... + + + lost-connection + Conexión perdida + + + mailserver-address + Dirección del nodo de Status + + + mailserver-automatic + Selección automática + + + mailserver-automatic-switch-explanation + Elija el nodo de Status más rápido disponible + + + mailserver-connection-error + No se pudo conectar al nodo de Status + + + mailserver-details + Detalles del nodo de Status + + + mailserver-error-content + No se pudo acceder al nodo de Status que seleccionó. + + + mailserver-error-title + Error al conectarse al nodo de Status + + + mailserver-format + enode://{enode-id}:{password}@{ip-address}:{port} + + + mailserver-pick-another + Elija otro nodo de Status + + + mailserver-reconnect + No se pudo conectar con el nodo de Status. Pulse para reconectar + + + mailserver-request-error-content + El siguiente error fue devuelto por el nodo de Status: {{error}} + + + mailserver-request-error-status + Se produjo un error al recuperar el historial. Por favor, verifica los registros para obtener más detalles + + + mailserver-request-error-title + Error de solicitud del nodo de Status + + + mailserver-request-retry + Solicitud de reintento + + + mailserver-retry + Reintentar + + + main-currency + Moneda principal + + + main-networks + Redes principales + + + main-wallet + Billetera Principal + + + mainnet-network + Red principal + + + make-admin + Hacer admin + + + manage-keys-and-storage + Administrar las claves y el almacenamiento + + + mark-all-read + Marcar todo como leído + + + members + + 1 miembro + {{count}} miembros + + + + members-active + + 1 miembro + {{count}} miembros + + + + members-active-none + no hay miembros + + + members-title + Miembros + + + message + Mensaje + + + message-not-sent + Mensaje no enviado + + + message-options-cancel + Cancelar + + + message-reply + Responder + + + replying-to + Respondiendo a {{author}} + + + data-syncing + Sincronización de datos + + + messages + Mensajes + + + chat-is-a-contact + Contacto + + + chat-is-not-a-contact + No es contacto + + + might-break + Puede que se rompan algunas ÐApps + + + migrations-failed-content + {{message}} + versión del esquema: inicial {{initial-version}}, actual {{current-version}}, último {{last-version}} + +Ocurrió un problema de base de datos. Tus fondos y la clave de chat están a salvo. Otros datos, como chats y contactos, no se podrán recuperar. Presionar el botón "{{erase-multiaccounts-data-button-text}}" eliminará el resto de datos y te permitirá acceder a tus fondos y enviar mensajes. + + + mobile-network-ask-me + Preguntarme cuando esté en la red móvil + + + mobile-network-continue-syncing + Continuar sincronizando + + + mobile-network-continue-syncing-details + Puedes cambiarlo más adelante en los ajustes + + + mobile-network-go-to-settings + Ir a ajustes + + + mobile-network-settings + Datos móviles + + + mobile-network-sheet-configure + Puedes configurar la sincronización en más +detalle en + + + mobile-network-sheet-offline + Sin wifi, la sincronización de mensajes está deshabilitada. + + + mobile-network-sheet-offline-details + La sincronización mediante la red móvil está desactivada + + + mobile-network-sheet-remember-choice + Recordar mi elección + + + mobile-network-sheet-settings + ajustes + + + mobile-network-start-syncing + Iniciar la sincronización + + + mobile-network-stop-syncing + Detener la sincronización + + + mobile-network-stop-syncing-details + ¿Hasta que te conectes a wifi? + + + mobile-network-use-mobile + Usar datos móviles + + + mobile-network-use-mobile-data + Status utiliza muchos datos al sincronizar los chats y la billetera. + + + mobile-network-use-wifi + Sólo wifi + + + mobile-syncing-sheet-details + Status utiliza muchos datos al sincronizar los chats y la billetera. + + + mobile-syncing-sheet-title + ¿Sincronizar usando los datos móviles? + + + more + más + + + multiaccount-exists-title + Las claves para esta cuenta ya existen + + + multiaccount-exists-content + Las claves para esta cuenta ya existen y no se pueden añadir de nuevo. Si perdiste tu contraseña, código de acceso o Keycard, desinstala la app, reinstálala y accede insertando tu frase semilla + + + multiaccounts-recover-enter-phrase-text + Ingresa 12, 15, 18, 21 o 24 palabras. + Separa las palabras por un solo espacio. + + + multiaccounts-recover-enter-phrase-title + Ingresa tu frase semilla + + + name + Nombre + + + name-of-token + El nombre de tu token + + + need-help + ¿Necesitas ayuda? + + + glossary + Glosario + + + account-title + Cuenta + + + account-content + Puedes comparar las cuentas en Status con las cuentas bancarias. Al igual que una cuenta bancaria, una cuenta suele tener una dirección y un saldo. Eta cuenta se utiliza para realizar transacciones con Ethereum. Puedes tener varias cuentas en tu billetera y acceder a ellas mediante Status. + + + chat-key-title + Clave de chat + + + chat-key-content + Los mensajes en el protocolo de chat de Status se envían y reciben utilizando claves de encriptación. La clave pública de chat es una cadena de caracteres que compartes con otros para que puedan enviarte mensajes en Status. + + + chat-name-title + Nombre del chat + + + chat-name-content + Tres palabras aleatorias, derivadas algorítmicamente de tu clave de chat y utilizadas como tu alias predeterminado en el chat. Los nombres de los chats son completamente únicos; ningún otro usuario puede tener las mismas tres palabras. + + + ens-name-title + Nombre ENS + + + ens-name-content + Alias personalizado para tu clave de chat que puedes registrar utilizando Ethereum Name Service. Los nombres ENS son nombres de usuario descentralizados. + + + mailserver-title + Nodo de Status + + + mailserver-content + Un nodo en la red de Status que envía y almacena mensajes, hasta por 30 días. + + + peer-title + Pares + + + peer-content + Un dispositivo conectado a la red de chat de Status. Cada usuario puede representar uno o más peers, dependiendo de su número de dispositivos. + + + seed-phrase-title + Frase semilla + + + seed-phrase-content + Un set de palabras fáciles de leer, seleccionadas al azar de la lista estándar BIP39 y utilizadas para recuperar o acceder a tu cuenta de Ethereum en otras billeteras y dispositivos. También se conoce como «frase mnemónica»,«frase de recuperación» o «copia de seguridad de billetera» en todo el cripto ecosistema. La mayoría de las cripto apps usan este mismo estándar para generar cuentas. + + + wallet-key-title + Dirección de la cuenta + + + wallet-key-content + Una dirección hexadecimal de 64 caracteres basada en el estándar Ethereum y que comienza con 0x. De cara al público, tu clave de billetera se comparte con otros cuando deseas recibir fondos. También se conoce como «dirección de Ethereum» o «dirección de billetera». + + + buy-crypto-title + Parece que tu billetera está vacía + + + buy-crypto-description + Encuentra una dapp para comprar cripto ahora + + + buy-crypto + Comprar criptomonedas + + + buy-crypto-choose-a-service + Elige un servicio que quieras usar para comprar criptomonedas + + + buy-crypto-leaving + Estás saliendo de Status y entrando en un sitio web de terceros para completar tu compra + + + opening-buy-crypto + Abriendo {{site}} ... + + + network + Red + + + network-chain + Cadena de la red + + + network-details + Detalles de red + + + network-info + Información de la red + + + network-fee + Tarifa de la red + + + network-id + ID de red + + + network-invalid-network-id + El id de red especificado no corresponde al id de red por el URL de RPC + + + network-invalid-status-code + Código de estado inválido: {{code}} + + + network-invalid-url + La URL de la red no es válida + + + network-settings + Ajustes de la red + + + new + Nuevo + + + new-chat + Nuevo chat + + + new-contact + Nuevo contacto + + + new-contract + Nuevo contrato + + + new-group + Nuevo grupo + + + new-group-chat + Nuevo grupo de chat + + + new-network + Nueva red + + + new-pin-description + Ingresa el nuevo código de acceso de 6 dígitos + + + new-puk-description + + + + new-public-group-chat + Unirte a chat público + + + next + Siguiente + + + no + No + + + no-collectibles + No hay coleccionables disponibles + + + no-contacts + Aún no hay contactos + + + no-keycard-applet-on-card + No hay applet de Keycard en la tarjeta + + + no-messages + No hay mensajes + + + no-pairing-slots-available + Esta tarjeta ya está vinculada con 5 dispositivos y no puede ser vinculada con este dispositivo. Por favor, utiliza uno de los dispositivos vinculados, inicia sesión con esta tarjeta y libera los espacios de vinculación en la tarjeta + + + no-result + Sin resultados + + + no-tokens-found + No se encontraron tokens + + + node-info + Información del nodo + + + node-address + + + + node-details + + + + node-version + Versión de nodo + + + nonce + Nonce + + + none + Ninguno + + + not-applicable + No aplicable para transacciones no firmadas + + + not-keycard-text + La tarjeta que usaste no es una Keycard. Necesitas comprar una Keycard para usarla + + + not-keycard-title + No es una Keycard + + + notifications + Notificaciones + + + local-notifications + Notificaciones locales + + + local-notifications-subtitle + + + + remote-notifications + + + + remote-notifications-subtitle + + + + show-notifications + Mostrar notificaciones + + + notification-settings + Notificaciones + + + notifications-servers + Servidores de notificaciones + + + notifications-preferences + Preferencias de notificación + + + notifications-switch + Mostrar notificaciones + + + notifications-non-contacts + Notificaciones de no contactos + + + notifications-transactions + Transacciones de billetera + + + send-push-notifications + + + + send-push-notifications-description + Cuando está deshabilitado, la persona que recibe tus mensajes no será notificada de su llegada. + + + push-notifications-server-enabled + Servidor habilitado + + + push-notifications-servers + Servidores de notificaciones push + + + push-inbound-transaction + Recibiste {{value}} {{currency}} + + + push-outbound-transaction + Enviaste {{value}} {{currency}} + + + push-failed-transaction + Su transacción falló + + + push-inbound-transaction-body + De {{from}} a {{to}} + + + push-outbound-transaction-body + De {{from}} a {{to}} + + + push-failed-transaction-body + {{value}} {{currency}} a {{to}} + + + allow-mention-notifications + Mostrar @ menciones + + + server + Servidor + + + specify-server-public-key + Ingresa la clave pública del servidor + + + notify + Notificar + + + off + Apagado + + + offline + Desconectado + + + offline-messaging-use-history-nodes + Usar nodos de Status + + + offline-messaging-use-history-explanation + Habilite los nodos del historial para recuperar los mensajes que se enviaron mientras la aplicación estaba cerrada. Cuando está habilitado, un nodo de historial obtiene su dirección IP. Cuando está deshabilitado, no recibirá mensajes cuando la aplicación esté cerrada y no los verá cuando abra la aplicación más tarde. + + + ok + OK + + + ok-continue + Vale, continuar + + + ok-got-it + Entendido + + + okay + Vale + + + on + En + + + open + Abrir + + + open-home + Abrir... + + + open-dapp + Abrir ÐApp + + + open-dapp-store + Descubre ÐApps + + + open-nfc-settings + Abrir ajustes de NFC + + + open-on-block-explorer + + + + optional + opcional + + + or + O + + + outgoing + Saliente + + + outgoing-transaction + Transacción saliente + + + pair + Vincular dispositivos + + + pair-card + Vincular a este dispositivo + + + pair-code + Vincular código + + + pair-code-explanation + Vincula la tarjeta a un dispositivo diferente (hasta 5) para desbloquear claves y firmar transacciones con la misma Keycard + + + pair-this-card + Vincula esta tarjeta + + + pair-this-device + Publicar el dispositivo + + + pair-this-device-description + Vincula tus dispositivos para sincronizar los contactos y chats entre ellos + + + paired-devices + Dispositivos vinculados + + + pairing + Vinculando + + + pairing-card + Vinculando la tarjeta + + + pairing-code-placeholder + + + + pairing-code_error1 + + + + confirm-pairing-code-placeholder + + + + pairing-go-to-installation + Ir a los ajustes de vinculación + + + pairing-maximum-number-reached-content + Por favor, deshabilita uno de tus dispositivos antes de habilitar uno nuevo. + + + pairing-maximum-number-reached-title + Número máximo de dispositivos alcanzados + + + pairing-new-installation-detected-content + Se ha detectado un nuevo dispositivo. +Para usar tus dispositivos correctamente, es importante vincularlos y habilitarlos antes de usarlos. +Ve a la sección de dispositivos en los ajustes para vincular tus dispositivos. + + + pairing-new-installation-detected-title + Nuevo dispositivo detectado + + + pairing-no-info + Sin información + + + pairing-please-set-a-name + Por favor, establece un nombre para tu dispositivo. + + + passphrase + Frase de contraseña + + + password + Contraseña + + + password-description + Al menos 6 caracteres. Tu contraseña protege tus claves. La necesitas para desbloquear Status y realizar transacciones. + + + password-placeholder2 + Confirma tu contraseña + + + password_error1 + Las contraseñas no coinciden. + + + paste + Pegar + + + paste-json + Pegar JSON + + + pay-to-chat + Pagar para chatear + + + peers + Pares + + + pending + Pendiente + + + pending-confirmation + Confirmación pendiente... + + + permissions + Permisos + + + phone-e164 + Internacional 1 + + + photos-access-error + Para permitir el acceso a fotos, por favor, ve a los ajustes del sistema y asegúrate de que esté seleccionada la opción Status > Fotos + + + pin-changed + Se ha cambiado el código de acceso de 6 dígitos + + + puk-changed + + + + pairing-changed + + + + pin-code + Código de acceso de 6 dígitos + + + pin-mismatch + Código de acceso incorrecto + + + pin-retries-left + Te quedan {{number}} reintentos + + + pin-one-attempt-blocked-before + Ten cuidado, solo tienes + + + pin-one-attempt-frozen-before + Ten cuidado, solo tienes + + + pin-one-attempt + un intento + + + pin-one-attempt-blocked-after + antes de que tu Keycard se bloquee + + + pin-one-attempt-frozen-after + antes de que tu Keycard se congele + + + preview-privacy + Vista previa del modo de privacidad + + + privacy + Privacidad + + + privacy-photos + + + + privacy-and-security + Privacidad y seguridad + + + privacy-policy + Política de privacidad + + + privacy-show-to-warning + + + + processing + Un momento + + + product-information + Información del producto + + + profile + Perfil + + + profile-details + Detalles del perfil + + + public-chat + Chat público + + + public-chats + Chats públicos + + + public-group-status + Público + + + public-group-topic + Tema + + + join-new-public-chat + Unirse a un chat público + + + join-new-private-chat + Iniciar un nuevo chat privado + + + search-no-chat-found + No hay resultados de búsqueda. ¿Querés decir + + + public-key + Clave pública + + + puk-and-pairing-codes-displayed + PUK y códigos de vinculación mostrados + + + puk-code + Código PUK + + + puk-code-explanation + Si olvidas tu código de acceso de 6 dígitos o lo ingresas incorrectamente 3 veces, necesitarás este código para desbloquear tu tarjeta. + + + puk-mismatch + El código PUK no coincide + + + quiet-days + {{quiet-days}} días + + + quiet-hours + {{quiet-hours}} horas + + + re-encrypt-key + Vuelve a encriptar tus claves + + + receive + Recibir + + + receive-transaction + Recibir transacción + + + recent + Recientes + + + recent-recipients + Contactos + + + recently-used-stickers + Las pegatinas usadas recientemente aparecerán aquí + + + recipient + Receptor + + + recipient-code + Ingresa la dirección del destinatario + + + recipient-code-placeholder + 0x... o username.domain.eth + + + recover + Recuperar + + + recover-key + Ingresar claves existentes + + + recover-keycard-multiaccount-not-supported + Las claves para esta cuenta ya existen y no se pueden añadir de nuevo. Si perdiste tu contraseña, código de acceso o Keycard, desinstala la app, reinstálala y accede insertando tu frase semilla + + + recover-with-keycard + Recuperar con Keycard + + + recovering-key + Ingresando las claves... + + + recovery-confirm-phrase + Confirmar frase semilla + + + recovery-phrase + Frase semilla + + + recovery-success-text + Deberás crear un nuevo código o contraseña para volver a encriptar tus claves + + + recovery-typo-dialog-description + Recuerda, tu frase semilla deben ser exactamente las mismas palabras y el orden en que recibiste + + + recovery-typo-dialog-title + ¿Es correcta la frase semilla? + + + remember-me + Recuérdame + + + remind-me-later + Verlo de nuevo + + + remove + Eliminar + + + remove-from-chat + Eliminar del chat + + + remove-from-contacts + Eliminar de contactos + + + remove-from-contacts-text + Al eliminar a un usuario de tu lista de contactos, no ocultas la dirección de tu billetera de ellos + + + remove-network + Eliminar red + + + remove-token + Eliminar token + + + removed + eliminado + + + repeat-pin + Repite el nuevo código de acceso de 6 dígitos + + + repeat-puk + + + + report-bug-email-template + 1. Descripción del problema + (Describe la función que deseas, o resume brevemente el error y lo que hiciste, lo que esperabas que sucediera y lo que realmente sucede. Secciones a continuación) + + + 2. Pasos para reproducir + (Describe cómo podemos replicar el error paso a paso). + -Abre Status + -... + -Paso 3, etc. + + + 3. Resultado esperado + (Describe lo que esperabas que sucediera). + + + 4. Resultado real + (Describe lo que realmente sucedió). + + + 5. Adjunta capturas de pantalla que puedan demostrar el problema + + + + request-transaction + Solicitar transacción + + + required-field + Campo obligatorio + + + resend-message + Reenviar + + + reset-card + Reiniciar tarjeta + + + reset-card-description + Esta operación restablecerá la tarjeta al estado inicial. Borrará todos los datos de la tarjeta, incluidas las claves privadas. La operación no es reversible. + + + retry + Reintentar + + + revoke-access + Revocar el acceso + + + rinkeby-network + Red de prueba Rinkeby + + + ropsten-network + Red de prueba Ropsten + + + rpc-url + RPC URL + + + save + Guardar + + + save-password + Guardar contraseña + + + save-password-unavailable + Establece el código de acceso del dispositivo para guardar la contraseña + + + save-password-unavailable-android + Guardar la contraseña no está disponible: tu dispositivo puede estar rooteado o carecer de las características de seguridad necesarias. + + + scan-qr + Escanear QR + + + scan-qr-code + Escanea un código QR con una dirección de billetera + + + search + Buscar + + + secret-keys-confirmation-text + Los necesitará para seguir usando su Keycard en caso de que alguna vez pierda su teléfono. + + + secret-keys-confirmation-title + ¿Escribiste los códigos? + + + security + Seguridad + + + see-details + Ver detalles + + + see-it-again + VERLO OTRA VEZ + + + select-account-first + Selecciona una cuenta primero + + + select-chat + Selecciona el chat para comenzar a enviar mensajes + + + selected + Seleccionado + + + select + Seleccionar + + + select-account + Seleccionar cuenta + + + send-logs + Reportar un error + + + send-logs-to + Reportar un error a {{email}} + + + send-message + Enviar mensaje + + + send-request + Enviar solicitud + + + send-request-amount + Cantidad + + + send-request-amount-max-decimals + El número máximo de decimales es {{asset-decimals}} + + + send-request-unknown-token + Token desconocido: {{asset}} + + + send-sending-to + para {{recipient-name}} + + + send-transaction + Enviar transacción + + + sending + Enviando + + + sent-at + Enviado a + + + set-a-topic + Crear un tema + + + set-currency + Establecer moneda + + + set-dapp-access-permissions + Establecer permisos de acceso de DApp + + + settings + Ajustes + + + share + Compartir + + + shared + Compartido + + + share-address + Compartir dirección + + + share-chat + Compartir chat + + + share-contact-code + Compartir mi clave de chat + + + share-dapp-text + Echa un vistazo a esta DApp que utilizo en Status: {{link}} + + + share-link + Compartir enlace + + + share-my-profile + Compartir mi perfil + + + share-profile + Compartir perfil + + + share-profile-link + Compartir enlace del perfil + + + share-public-chat-text + Echa un vistazo a este chat público en la app de Status: {{link}} + + + sharing-copied-to-clipboard + Copiado + + + sharing-copy-to-clipboard + Copiar + + + share-logs + + + + sharing-share + Compartir + + + show-less + Mostrar menos + + + show-more + Mostrar más + + + show-qr + Mostrar código QR + + + show-transaction-data + Mostrar los datos de la transacción + + + sign-and-send + Firmar y enviar + + + sign-in + Registrarse + + + sign-message + Firmar mensaje + + + sign-out + Cerrar sesión + + + sign-with + Firmar con + + + sign-with-password + Firmar con contraseña + + + sign-you-in + Iniciando sesión... + + + signing + Firma + + + signing-a-message + Firmando un mensaje + + + signing-phrase + Frase de firma + + + something-went-wrong + Algo salió mal + + + soon + Pronto + + + specify-address + Especifica la dirección + + + specify-name + Especifica un nombre + + + specify-symbol + + + + specify-network-id + Especifica ID de la red + + + specify-rpc-url + Especifica una URL RPC + + + start-chat + Iniciar chat + + + start-conversation + Empezar conversación + + + start-group-chat + Iniciar chat grupal + + + start-new-chat + Iniciar nuevo chat + + + status + Status + + + status-confirmed + Confirmado + + + status-hardwallet + Status hardwallet + + + status-keycard + Status Keycard + + + status-pending + Pendiente + + + status-tx-not-found + TX no encontrada + + + status-sent + Enviado + + + status-not-sent-tap + No confirmado. Toca para ver las opciones + + + status-not-sent-click + No está confirmado. Haz clic para ver las opciones + + + step-i-of-n + Paso {{step}} de {{number}} + + + sticker-market + Tienda de pegatinas + + + sticker + + + + submit + Enviar + + + submit-bug + Reportar un error + + + success + Éxito + + + symbol + Símbolo + + + sync-all-devices + Sincronizar todos los dispositivos + + + sync-in-progress + Sincronizando... + + + sync-settings + Ajustes de sincronización + + + sync-synced + Sincronizado + + + syncing-devices + Sincronizando... + + + tag-was-lost + La etiqueta se perdió + + + tap-card-again + Vuelve a tocar la tarjeta con la parte trasera de tu teléfono. + + + test-networks + Redes de prueba + + + text-input-disabled + Por favor, espera un momento... + + + this-device + Este dispositivo + + + this-device-desc + Tus claves serán encriptadas y almacenadas de forma segura en tu dispositivo + + + this-is-you-signing + Esta es tu frase de firma + + + this-will-take-few-seconds + Esto tomará unos segundos + + + three-words-description + Deberías ver estas tres palabras antes de firmar cada transacción + + + three-words-description-2 + Si ves una combinación diferente, cancela la transacción y cierra sesión + + + to + Para + + + to-block + Bloquear + + + to-encrypt-enter-password + Para encriptar la cuenta, por favor, ingresa tu contraseña + + + to-see-this-message + Para ver este mensaje, + + + token-auto-validate-decimals-error + Decimales incorrectos para el token {{symbol}} en la dirección {{address}} - establecido en {{expected}} pero detectado como {{actual}} + + + token-auto-validate-name-error + Nombre incorrecto para el token {{symbol}} en la dirección {{address}} - establecido en {{expected}} pero detectado como {{actual}} + + + token-auto-validate-symbol-error + Símbolo incorrecto para el token {{symbol}} en la dirección {{address}} - configurado en {{expected}} pero detectado como {{actual}} + + + token-details + Detalles del token + + + topic-name-error + Utiliza solo letras minúsculas (a-z), números y guiones (-). No uses las claves de chat + + + transaction + Transacción + + + transaction-data + Transaction data + + + transaction-declined + Transacción rechazada + + + transactions-management-enabled + + + + transaction-description + Transacciones con 12 confirmaciones pueden considerarse irreversibles + + + transaction-details + Detalles de la transacción + + + transaction-failed + Transacción fallida + + + transaction-history + Historial de transacciones + + + transaction-request + Solicitud de transacción + + + transaction-sent + Transacción enviada + + + transaction-signed + La transacción se ha firmado con éxito + + + transactions + Transacciones + + + transactions-filter-select-all + Seleccionar todo + + + transactions-filter-title + Filtrar historial + + + type + Tipo + + + transactions-history + Historial de transacciones + + + transactions-history-empty + Aún no hay transacciones en tu historial + + + transactions-history-loading + Cargando historial de transacciones. Esto podrá tomar un tiempo. + + + transactions-sign + Firmar + + + tribute-required-by-multiaccount + {{multiaccount-name}} requiere SNT para iniciar un chat. + + + tribute-state-paid + Tributo pagado + + + tribute-state-pending + Tributo pendiente + + + tribute-state-required + Requiere {{snt-amount}} tributo de SNT + + + tribute-to-talk + Tribute to talk + + + tribute-to-talk-add-friends + Agregar amigos como contacto para permitir chats sin pago de tributo. + + + tribute-to-talk-are-you-friends + ¿Sois amigos? + + + tribute-to-talk-ask-to-be-added + Pide añadirlo como contacto + + + tribute-to-talk-contact-received-your-tribute + recibió tu tributo. Ahora podéis conversar con seguridad. + + + tribute-to-talk-desc + Monetiza tu atención requiriendo SNT para que la gente nueva inicie un chat + + + tribute-to-talk-disabled + Tribute to Talk deshabilitado + + + tribute-to-talk-disabled-note + A partir de ahora, las personas nuevas pueden iniciar un chat contigo sin enviar SNT. + + + tribute-to-talk-enabled + Tienes Tribute to Talk habilitado. + + + tribute-to-talk-finish-desc + A partir de ahora, sólo recibirás chats de los contactos, y de la gente que pagó + + + tribute-to-talk-learn-more-1 + Tu tiempo y atención son tus activos más valiosos. Tribute to Talk te permite configurar la cantidad de SNT requerida para que nuevas personas inicien un chat contigo. + + + tribute-to-talk-learn-more-2 + Cualquier persona que no esté en tu lista de contactos deberá pagar y tú podrás responder una vez que lo hayan hecho. + + + tribute-to-talk-learn-more-3 + Siempre puedes devolver el dinero, pero para asegurarte de que tus amigos puedan contactarte libremente, añádelos primero como contacto. + + + tribute-to-talk-paywall-learn-more-1 + Nuestro tiempo y atención son nuestros activos más valiosos. Tribute to Talk te permite contactar a nuevas personas a cambio de un pago de SNT. + + + tribute-to-talk-paywall-learn-more-2 + Para iniciar un chat con alguien que tiene configurado tributos, simplemente paga el SNT requerido y serás agregado como contacto. + + + tribute-to-talk-paywall-learn-more-3 + Si los conoces, puedes compartir tu perfil fuera de Status para ser agregado de forma gratuita. + + + tribute-to-talk-pending + Tributo pendiente de confirmación + + + tribute-to-talk-pending-note + La transacción de tributo está pendiente de confirmación en la red. Puedes verificar el status en el historial de transacciones + + + tribute-to-talk-removing-note + Eliminar Tribute to Talk permitirá que nuevas personas inicien un chat sin enviar SNT. Requiere que se realice una transacción. + + + tribute-to-talk-set-snt-amount + Establece la cantidad de SNT requerida para que nuevas personas inicien un chat + + + tribute-to-talk-signing + Esperando para firmar la transacción + + + tribute-to-talk-transaction-failed-note + La transacción ha fallado y tu configuración de Tribute to Talk no ha cambiado + + + tribute-to-talk-tribute-received1 + Tributo recibido. Tú y + + + tribute-to-talk-tribute-received2 + ahora sois contactos y podéis chatear de forma segura. + + + tribute-to-talk-you-require-snt + Se necesita SNT para que las personas nuevas inicien un chat. + + + try-again + Inténtalo de nuevo + + + try-keeping-the-card-still + Intenta no mover la tarjeta + + + turn-nfc-on + Activa NFC para continuar + + + turn-nfc-description + NFC está deshabilitado en tu dispositivo. Puedes habilitarlo en los ajustes + + + keycard-init-title + Buscando tarjetas... + + + keycard-init-description + Coloca la tarjeta en la parte posterior del teléfono para continuar + + + keycard-awaiting-title + Todavía buscando... + + + keycard-awaiting-description + Intenta mover la tarjeta para encontrar el lector NFC en el dispositivo + + + keycard-processing-title + Procesando... + + + keycard-processing-description + Intenta no mover la tarjeta + + + keycard-connected-title + Conectado + + + keycard-connected-description + Intenta no mover la tarjeta + + + keycard-error-title + Conexión perdida + + + keycard-error-description + Vuelva a conectar la tarjeta para continuar + + + keycard-success-title + Éxito + + + keycard-success-description + Puedes quitar la tarjeta ahora + + + keycard-recover + + + + keycard-recover-title + + + + keycard-recover-text + + + + keycard-backup + + + + keycard-backup-success-title + + + + keycard-backup-success-body + + + + type-a-message + Mensaje + + + ulc-enabled + ULC habilitado + + + backup-enabled + + + + backup-disabled + Deshabilitado + + + backup-settings + + + + backup-through-waku + + + + perform-backup + + + + backing-up + + + + last-backup-performed + + + + unable-to-read-this-code + No se puede leer este código + + + unblock-contact + Desbloquear a este usuario + + + unknown-status-go-error + Error de status-go desconocido + + + unlock + Desbloquear + + + unpair-card + Desvincular tarjeta + + + unpair-card-confirmation + Esta operación desvinculará la tarjeta del dispositivo actual. Requiere autorización del código de acceso de 6 dígitos. ¿Quieres continuar? + + + unpaired-keycard-text + La Keycard que pulsaste no está asociada con este teléfono + + + unpaired-keycard-title + Parece que tu tarjeta ha sido desvinculada + + + unpair-keycard + Desvincular la tarjeta de acceso de este teléfono + + + unpair-keycard-warning + Tu código de vinculación/ PUK y PIN permanecen sin cambios + + + update + Actualizar + + + url + URL + + + usd-currency + Dólar estadounidense + + + use-valid-contact-code + Por favor, ingresa o escanea una clave de contacto o nombre de usuario válido + + + validation-amount-invalid-number + La cantidad no es un número válido + + + validation-amount-is-too-precise + La cantidad es muy precisa. El número máximo de decimales es {{decimals}}. + + + version + Versión de la app + + + app-commit + + + + view + Ver + + + view-cryptokitties + Ver en CryptoKitties + + + view-cryptostrikers + Ver en CryptoStrikers + + + view-etheremon + Ver en Etheremon + + + view-gitcoin + Ver en Gitcoin + + + view-profile + Ver perfil + + + view-details + Ver detalles + + + view-signing + Ver la frase de firma + + + view-superrare + Ver en SuperRare + + + waiting-for-wifi + Sin wifi, la sincronización de mensajes está deshabilitada. + + + waiting-for-wifi-change + Ajustes + + + waiting-to-sign + Esperando para firmar la transacción... + + + wallet + Billetera + + + wallet-asset + Activo + + + wallet-assets + Activos + + + wallet-backup-recovery-title + Respalda tu frase semilla + + + wallet-choose-recipient + Elegir destinatario + + + wallet-collectibles + Coleccionables + + + wallet-insufficient-funds + Fondos insuficientes + + + wallet-insufficient-gas + No hay suficiente ETH para el gas + + + wallet-invalid-address + Dirección inválida: + {{data}} + + + wallet-invalid-address-checksum + Error en la dirección: + {{data}} + + + wallet-invalid-chain-id + La red no coincide: + {{data}} pero la cadena actual es {{chain}} + + + wallet-manage-assets + Administrar activos + + + wallet-manage-accounts + + + + wallet-request + Solicitud + + + wallet-send + Enviar + + + wallet-send-min-units + Mínimo 21 000 unidades + + + wallet-send-min-wei + Mín. 1 wei + + + wallet-settings + Ajustes de billetera + + + wallet-total-value + Valor total + + + wallet-transaction-total-fee + Costo total + + + wants-to-access-profile + quiere acceder a tu perfil + + + warning + Advertencia + + + warning-message + Lo sentimos, limitamos el envío de varios mensajes en rápida sucesión para evitar el spam. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo en un momento. + + + web-view-error + No se puede cargar la página + + + welcome-screen-text + ¡Configura tu billetera, invita a amigos a chatear + y busca dapps populares! + + + welcome-to-status + ¡Bienvenidos a Status! + + + welcome-to-status-description + Configura tu criptobilletera, invita a tus amigos a chatear y busca apps descentralizadas + + + welcome-blank-message + Tus chats aparecerán aquí. Para iniciar nuevos chats, presiona el botón ⊕ + + + welcome-community-blank-message + Tus chats aparecerán aquí. Para iniciar nuevos chats, pulsa en los 3 puntos de arriba y selecciona «Crear un canal». + + + welcome-community-blank-message-edit-chats + + + + welcome-blank-community-message + Tus comunidades aparecerán aquí. + + + fetch-community + + + + fetching-community + + + + seed-phrase-placeholder + Frase semilla... + + + word-count + Número de palabras + + + word-n + Palabra #{{number}} + + + word-n-description + Para comprobar si has realizado una copia de seguridad de la frase semilla correctamente, escribe arriba la palabra #{{number}}. + + + words-n + + 1 palabra + {{count}} palabras + + + + write-down-and-store-securely + Anota los códigos + y guárdalos de forma segura + + + wrong-address + Dirección incorrecta + + + wrong-card + Tarjeta incorrecta + + + wrong-card-text + Has tocado una tarjeta que no corresponde a las claves seleccionadas + + + wrong-contract + Contrato incorrecto + + + contract-isnt-supported + + + + wrong-keycard-text + La Keycard que pulsaste no está asociada con este teléfono + + + wrong-keycard-title + Parece que has pulsado +una keycard incorrecta + + + wrong-password + Contraseña incorrecta + + + wrong-word + Palabra incorrecta + + + yes + + + + You + + + + you + + + + you-already-have-an-asset + Ya tienes un activo {{value}} + + + you-are-all-set + ¡Está todo listo! + + + you-are-all-set-description + Ahora, si pierdes tu teléfono, puedes acceder a tus fondos y clave de chat usando la frase semilla + + + you-can-change-account + Puedes cambiar el nombre y el color de la cuenta a lo que deseas + + + you-dont-have-stickers + Todavía no tienes pegatinas + + + you-dont-have-contacts-invite-friends + + + + your-contact-code + Conceder acceso autoriza a esta DApp a obtener tu clave de chat + + + your-data-belongs-to-you + Si pierdes la frase semilla, pierdes tus datos y fondos + + + your-data-belongs-to-you-description + Si pierdes acceso, por ejemplo, al perder tu teléfono, solo puedes acceder a tus claves con tu frase semilla. Nadie aparte de ti tiene tu frase semilla. Anótala y guárdala de forma segura. + + + your-recovery-phrase + Tu frase semilla + + + your-recovery-phrase-description + Esta es tu frase semilla. La usas para comprobar que esta es tu billetera. ¡Sólo la verás una vez! Escríbela en un papel y guárdala en un lugar seguro. La necesitarás si pierdes o reinstalas tu billetera. + + + custom-seed-phrase + Frase semilla inválida + + + custom-seed-phrase-text-1 + Esta frase semilla no coincide con nuestro diccionario compatible. Revisa si hay palabras mal escritas. + + + to-enable-biometric + Para habilitar {{bio-type-label}}, debes guardar tu contraseña en la pantalla de desbloqueo + + + ok-save-pass + OK, guardar contraseña + + + lock-app-with + Bloquear app con + + + grant-face-id-permissions + Para conceder el permiso de Face ID requerido, ve a los ajustes de tu sistema y asegúrate de que esté seleccionado Status > Face ID + + + request-feature + Solicitar una funcionalidad + + + select-account-dapp + Selecciona la cuenta que deseas usar con Dapps + + + apply + Aplicar + + + on-status-tree + En el árbol de Status + + + off-status-tree + Derivado fuera de Status + + + derivation-path + Ruta de derivación + + + storage + Almacenamiento + + + keycard-free-pairing-slots + Keycard tiene {{n}} espacios de vinculación libres + + + public-chat-description + ¡Únete a chats públicos de tu interés! Cualquiera puede comenzar uno nuevo. + + + delete-account + Borrar cuenta + + + delete-keys-keycard + Borrar claves de Keycard + + + watch-only + Sólo para ver + + + cant-report-bug + No puedo reportar un error + + + mail-should-be-configured + El cliente de correo debe ser configurado + + + check-on-block-explorer + + + + check-on-opensea + Comprobar en opensea + + + transactions-load-more + Mostrar más + + + private-key + Clave privada + + + generate-an-account + Generar una cuenta + + + add-watch-account + Agregar una cuenta sólo para mirar + + + add-seed-account + Agregar una cuenta con una frase semilla + + + account-exists-title + Esta cuenta ya existe + + + add-private-key-account + Agregar una cuenta desde una clave privada + + + profile-not-found + + + + waku-bloom-filter-mode + Modo de filtro Waku bloom + + + wakuv2-settings + + + + wakuv2-node-format + + + + wakuv2-change-nodes + + + + appearance + Apariencia + + + preference + Preferencia + + + light + Claro + + + dark + Oscuro + + + system + Sistema + + + give-permissions-camera + Dar permiso +para acceder a la cámara + + + photos + Fotos + + + image + Imagen + + + sign-anyway + Firmar de todas maneras + + + tx-fail-description1 + Es probable que esta transacción falle. Firma bajo tu propio riesgo utilizando una tarifa de red personalizada. + + + tx-fail-description2 + Es probable que esta transacción falle. Establece una tarifa de red personalizada para firmar bajo tu propio riesgo. + + + set-custom-fee + Establecer tarifa personalizada + + + not-enough-snt + No hay suficiente SNT + + + add-new-contact + Agregar nuevo contacto + + + you-dont-have-contacts + Todavía no tenés ningún contacto. + + + set-max + Establecer máximo + + + continue-anyway + Continuar de todas maneras + + + private-notifications + Notificaciones privadas + + + private-notifications-descr + Status te notificará sobre los nuevos mensajes. Puedes editar tus preferencias de notificación más adelante en los ajustes. + + + maybe-later + Quizás más tarde + + + join + Unirse + + + registered + registrado + + + not-registered + no registrado + + + audio-recorder-error + Error de la grabadora + + + audio-recorder + Grabadora + + + audio-recorder-max-ms-reached + Tiempo máximo de grabación alcanzado + + + audio-recorder-permissions-error + Tenés que dar permiso para enviar mensajes de audio + + + audio + Audio + + + update-to-see-image + ¡Actualizá a la última versión para ver una buena imagen aquí! + + + update-to-listen-audio + ¡Actualizá a la última versión para escuchar un mensaje de audio aquí! + + + update-to-see-sticker + ¡Actualizá a la última versión para ver una bonita pegatina aquí! + + + webview-camera-permission-requests + Solicitudes de permisos de la cámara Webview + + + webview-camera-permission-requests-subtitle + Cuando está habilitado, los sitios web y las dapps pueden solicitar el uso de la cámara + + + page-would-like-to-use-camera + quisiera usar la cámara + + + page-camera-request-blocked + solicitudes de cámara bloqueadas. Para habilitar las solicitudes de la cámara, ve a Ajustes + + + nickname + Apodo + + + add-nickname + Agregar un apodo (opcional) + + + nickname-description + Los apodos te ayudan a identificar a otras personas en Status. + Solo tú puedes ver los apodos que agregaste + + + accept + Aceptar + + + group-invite + Invitación de grupo + + + group-invite-link + Enlace de invitación de grupo + + + pending-invitations + Solicitudes de membresía pendientes + + + empty-pending-invitations-descr + Las personas que deseen unirse al grupo +a través de un enlace de invitación aparecerán aquí + + + introduce-yourself + Preséntate con un breve mensaje + + + request-pending + Pedido pendiente… + + + membership-declined + Se rechazó la solicitud de membresía + + + remove-group + Eliminar grupo + + + request-membership + Solicitar membresía + + + membership-description + La membresía grupal requiere que seas aceptado por el administrador del grupo + + + group-membership-request + Solicitud de membresía grupal + + + members-limit-reached + Límite de miembros alcanzado + + + favourite + Favorito + + + favourites + Favoritos + + + new-favourite + Nuevo favorito + + + edit-favourite + Editar favorito + + + remove-favourite + Quitar favorito + + + add-favourite + Agregar favorito + + + add-to-favourites + Agregar a favoritos + + + favourites-empty + Las direcciones agregadas a favoritos aparecerán aquí + + + contacts-empty + Contactos con nombres ENS aparecerán aquí + + + my-accounts + Mis cuentas + + + my-accounts-empty + Tus cuentas disponibles aparecerán aquí + + + recent-empty + Las direcciones utilizadas recientemente aparecerán aquí + + + address-or-ens-name + Dirección o nombre ENS + + + name-optional + Nombre (opcional) + + + mute + Silenciar + + + unmute + Activar sonido + + + scan-tokens + Escanear tokens + + + my-status + Mi estado + + + contacts-descr + Tus contactos aparecerán aquí. Recibirá actualizaciones de estado de cualquier persona que agregue como contacto + + + status-updates-descr + Las actualizaciones de estado aparecerán aquí. Agregue el perfil como un contacto para recibir actualizaciones en su línea de tiempo. + + + whats-on-your-mind + Lo que tienes en mente... + + + cant-open-public-chat + No se puede abrir el chat público + + + invalid-public-chat-topic + Tema de chat público no válido + + + now + Ahora + + + statuses-my-status-descr + Comparte lo que tienes en mente. Cualquiera que visite su perfil podrá ver su estado. Las personas que te agreguen como contacto recibirán tus actualizaciones en su línea de tiempo. + + + statuses-descr + Comparte lo que tienes en mente y mantente al día con tus contactos + + + new-status + Nuevo estado + + + chat-link-previews + Vistas previas de enlaces de chat + + + you-can-choose-preview-websites + Puede elegir cuál de los siguientes sitios web puede previsualizar el enlace de las descripciones e imágenes en los chats + + + previewing-may-share-metadata + La vista previa de los enlaces de estos sitios web puede compartir sus metadatos con sus propietarios. + + + websites + Sitios web + + + enable-all + Habilitar todos + + + disable-all + Deshabilitar todo + + + warning-sending-to-contract-descr + La dirección que ingresó es un contrato inteligente, enviar fondos a esta dirección puede resultar en la pérdida de fondos. Para interactuar con una DApp, abra la DApp en el navegador de Status. + + + dont-ask + No me vuelvas a preguntar + + + enable-link-previews + ¿Habilitar vistas previas de enlaces en el chat? + + + once-enabled-share-metadata + Una vez habilitados, los enlaces publicados en el chat pueden compartir sus metadatos con el sitio. + + + external-storage-denied + Se niega el acceso al almacenamiento externo + + + timeline + Línea de tiempo + + + main-account + + + + ethereum-address + Dirección de Ethereum + + + default-assets + Por defecto ERC20 y ERC721 + + + increase-gas + Aumentar el gas + + + cancelling + Cancelando + + + refresh + Actualizar + + + close-all + Cerrar todo + + + tabs + Pestañas + + + new-tab + Nueva pestaña + + + empty-tab + Pestaña vacía + + + open-in-new-tab + Abrir en una pestaña nueva + + + has-permissions + tiene permiso para acceder + + + connect-wallet + Conectar billetera + + + open-chat + Abrir chat + + + favourite-description + Tus sitios web favoritos aparecerán aquí + + + transfers-fetching-failure + No se ha podido actualizar el historial de transferencias. Comprueba la conexión y refresca la página para intentarlo de nuevo + + + move-and-reset + Mover y restablecer + + + move-keystore-file-to-keycard + ¿Mover el archivo keystore a la keycard? + + + database-reset-title + Base de datos reestablecida + + + database-reset-content + Los chats, contactos y ajustes han sido eliminados. Puedes usar tu cuenta con tu Keycard + + + database-reset-warning + La base de datos se restablecerá. Se borrarán los chats, los contactos y los ajustes. + + + empty-keycard-required + Requiere una Keycard vacía + + + current + Actual + + + choose-storage + Elegir almacenamiento + + + choose-new-location-for-keystore + Selecciona una nueva ubicación para guardar el archivo keystore + + + get-a-keycard + Obtén una Keycard + + + keycard-upsell-subtitle + Mayor seguridad y conveniencia + + + actions + Acciones + + + move-keystore-file + Mover el archivo keystore + + + select-new-location-for-keys + Selecciona una nueva ubicación para guardar las claves privadas + + + reset-database + Restablecer base de datos + + + reset-database-warning + Elimina chats, contactos y ajustes. Se requiere cuando has perdido tu contraseña + + + reset-database-warning-keycard + Borrar chats, contactos y ajustes + + + key-managment + Administración de claves + + + choose-actions + Elige acciones + + + master-account + Cuenta principal + + + back-up + Respaldo + + + key-on-device + La clave privada está guardada en este dispositivo + + + seed-key-uid-mismatch + La frase semilla no coincide + + + seed-key-uid-mismatch-desc-1 + La frase semilla que ingresaste no coincide con {{multiaccount-name}} + + + seed-key-uid-mismatch-desc-2 + Para administrar claves para esta cuenta verifica tu frase semilla e inténtalo de nuevo + + + recover-with-seed-phrase + Recuperar con frase semilla + + + transfer-ma-unknown-error-desc-1 + Parece que tu multicuenta no se eliminó. Es posible que la base de datos se haya restablecido + + + transfer-ma-unknown-error-desc-2 + Por favor, comprueba tu lista de cuentas e inténtalo de nuevo. Si la cuenta no aparece en la lista, ve a Acceder a las claves existentes para recuperarlas con la frase semilla + + + everyone + Todos + + + show-profile-pictures + Mostrar fotos de perfil de + + + show-profile-pictures-to + + + + non-archival-node + El punto de conexión de RPC no admite solicitudes de archivado. Es posible que el historial de transferencias locales esté incompleto. + + + custom-node + Estás utilizando un punto de conexión RPC personalizado. Es posible que el historial de transferencias locales esté incompleto. + + + connection-status + Estado de conexión + + + peer-to-peer + Peer to peer + + + not-connected-to-peers + Sin conexión a ningún nodo + + + unable-to-send-messages + No es posible enviar o recibir mensajes + + + can-send-messages + Puedes enviar y recibir mensajes nuevos + + + not-connected-nodes + Sin conexión a un nodo de Status + + + unable-to-fetch + No es posible recuperar el historial de chat + + + nodes-disabled + Nodos de Status deshabilitados + + + waiting-wi-fi + Esperando wifi… + + + you-can-fetch + Puedes recuperar el historial de chat + + + youre-on-mobile-network + Estás en una red móvil + + + status-mobile-descr + Status tiende a usar una gran cantidad de datos al sincronizar chats. Puedes optar por no sincronizar cuando estás en la red móvil + + + restore-defaults + Restaurar los valores predeterminados + + + rpc-usage-info + + + + rpc-usage-get-stats + Actualizar + + + rpc-usage-reset + + + + rpc-usage-filter + + + + rpc-usage-filter-methods + + + + rpc-usage-copy + Copiar + + + rpc-usage-total + + + + rpc-usage-filtered-total + + + + community-message-preview + + + + non-contacts + + + + community + + + + verified-community + + + + community-info-not-found + + + + community-info + + + + not-found + + + + activity + + + + reject-and-delete + + + + accept-and-add + Aceptar y añadir + + + one-day + + + + three-days + + + + one-week + + + + one-month + + + + my-profile + + + + bip39-password-placeholder + + + + public-channel + Canal público + + + default-sync-period + + + + what-is-shared + + + + view-data + + + + data-collected + + + + data-collected-subtitle + + + + view-rules + + + + expand-all + + + + about-sharing-data + + + + sharing-data-desc-1 + + + + sharing-data-desc-2 + + + + sharing-data-desc-3 + + + + sharing-data-desc-4 + + + + sharing-data-desc-5 + + + + view-public-dashboard + + + + sharing-data-desc-6 + La información es removida de tu teléfono después de ser enviada + + + allow-and-send + Permitir y enviar + + + no-thanks + No gracias + + + help-improve-status + Ayuda a mejorar Status + + + thank-you + Gracias + + + current-password + + + + reset-password + + + + password-reset-success + + + + password-reset-success-message + + + + password-reset-in-progress + Cambiando contraseña... + + + new-password + + + + confirm-new-password + + + + password-mismatch + + + + terms-of-service + Condiciones de uso + + + accept-status-tos-prefix + + + + updates-to-tos + + + + updates-to-tos-desc + + + + what-changed + + + + wc-new-tos-based-on-principles-prefix + + + + principles + + + + wc-how-to-use-status-app + + + + wc-brand-guide + + + + wc-disclaimer + + + + wc-dispute + + + + status-is-open-source + + + + build-yourself + Para usar esta aplicación sin estos Términos y Condiciones, puedes construir tu propia versión + + + accept-and-continue + Aceptar y continuar + + + empty-activity-center + Tus notificaciones de chat aparecerán aquí + + + pinned-messages + + + + pin + + + + unpin + + + + no-pinned-messages + + + + pinned-messages-count + + + + + + + pinned-messages-empty + + + + pinned-by + + + + pin-limit-reached + + + + max-fee + + + + max-priority-fee + + + + miners-higher-fee + + + + gas-amount-limit + + + + per-gas-tip-limit + + + + per-gas-price-limit + + + + current-base-fee + + + + fee-explanation + + + + slow + + + + optimal + + + + fast + + + + see-suggestions + + + + maximum-fee + + + + low-tip + + + + lower-than-average-tip + + + + below-base-fee + + + + reduced-tip + + + + are-you-sure + ¿Estás seguro/a? + + + bad-fees-description + + + + change-tip + + + + current-minimum-tip + + + + current-average-tip + + + + your-tip-limit + + + + your-price-limit + + + + suggested-min-tip + + + + suggested-price-limit + + + + include + + + + category + + + + edit-chats + Editar chats + + + edit-categories + + + + hide + + + + account-is-used + + + + normal + + + + never + + + + fee-options + + + + fee-cap + + + + tip-cap + + + + collectibles-leak-metadata + + + + display-collectibles + + + + disable-later-in-settings + + + + use-as-profile-picture + + + + view-on-opensea + + + + profile-picture-updated + + + + status-automatic + + + + status-automatic-subtitle + + + + status-dnd + + + + status-dnd-subtitle + + + + status-always-online + + + + status-inactive + + + + status-inactive-subtitle + + + + two-minutes + + + + swap + + + + select-token-to-swap + + + + select-token-to-receive + + + + minimum-received + + + + powered-by-paraswap + + + + priority + + + + switch-to-simple-interface + + + + transaction-fee + + + + swap-details + + + + slippage + + + + price-impact + + + + total-gas + + + + token + + + + approve-limit + + + + approve-token + + + + approve-token-contract-desc + + + + unlimited + + + + approve + + + + limit + + + + last-transaction + + + + price-impact-desc + + + + safe-estimate + + + + current-average + + + + current-base + + + + maximum-fee-desc + + + + insufficient-balance-to-cover-fee + + + + wallet-connect-proposal-title + + + + wallet-connect-proposal-description + + + + wallet-connect-app-connected + + + + wallet-connect-go-back + + + + wallet-connect-2.0 + + + + wallet-connect + + + + reject + + + + manage-connections + + + + wallet-manage-app-connections + + + + connection-request + + + + disconnect + + + + new-ui + + + + send-contact-request-message + + + + contact-request + + + + say-hi + + + + accepted + + + + declined + + + + contact-request-header + + + + contact-request-declined + + + + contact-request-accepted + + + + contact-request-pending + + + + removed-from-contacts + + + + mutual-contact-requests + + + + negative + + + + positive + + + + Please enter a URL + + + + This fields needs to be a valid URL + + + + Please enter a Name + + + + Favorite added + + + + Edit + + + + Add favorite + + + + URL + + + + Paste URL + + + + Name + + + + Name the website + + + + Remove + + + + Done + + + + Add + + + + '%1' would like to connect to + + + + Allowing authorizes this DApp to retrieve your wallet address and enable Web3 + + + + Granting access authorizes this DApp to retrieve your chat key + + + + Deny + + + + Allow + + + + Enter URL + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Error signing message + + + + Transaction pending... + + + + Wrong password + + + + Start Page + + + + New Tab + + + + Downloads Page + + + + Server's certificate not trusted + + + + Do you wish to continue? + + + + If you wish so, you may continue with an unverified certificate. Accepting an unverified certificate means you may not be connected with the host you tried to connect to. +Do you wish to override the security check and continue? + + + + Exit Incognito mode + + + + Go Incognito + + + + Zoom In + + + + Zoom Out + + + + Find + + + + Compatibility mode + + + + Developer Tools + + + + Settings + + + + Mainnet + + + + Ropsten + + + + Unknown + + + + Disconnect + + + + Assets + + + + History + + + + Show All + + + + Cancelled + + + + Paused + + + + Open + + + + Show in folder + + + + Pause + + + + Resume + + + + Cancel + + + + Downloaded files will appear here. + + + + Open in new Tab + + + + Ok + + + + Signature request + + + + From + + + + Data + + + + Message + + + + Reject + + + + Sign + + + + Sign with password + + + + Contact request pending + + + + Connected + + + + Disconnected + + + + This user has been blocked. + + + + Type a message. + + + + Send + + + + Request Address + + + + Request + + + + Transaction pending + + + + Continue + + + + Receive on account + + + + From account + + + + Address request required + + + + To + + + + Preview + + + + Transaction preview + + + + Next + + + + Invalid transaction parameters + + + + Authorize %1 %2 + + + + Choose account + + + + Network fee + + + + Error estimating gas: %1 + + + + Send %1 %2 + + + + Image + + + + Sticker + + + + You have a new message + + + + You have been accepted into the ‘%1’ community + + + + Your request to join the ‘%1’ community was declined + + + + New membership request + + + + %1 asks to join ‘%2’ + + + + Failed to send message. + + + + Share your chat key + + + + friends to start messaging in Status + + + + ↓ Fetch more messages + + + + before %1 + + + + Welcome to the beginning of the <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> group! + + + + Any messages you send here are encrypted and can only be read by you and <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> + + + + Join chat + + + + Decline invitation + + + + Add reaction + + + + Reply + + + + More + + + + Today + + + + Yesterday + + + + January + + + + February + + + + March + + + + April + + + + May + + + + June + + + + July + + + + August + + + + September + + + + October + + + + November + + + + December + + + + and + + + + %1 more + + + + reacted with + + + + Error loading the image + + + + Loading image... + + + + This feature is experimental and is meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It's not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data. Use at your own risk. + + + + Membership requires an ENS username + + + + You need to be invited + + + + Request Access + + + + Verified community invitation + + + + Community invitation + + + + You invited %1 to join a community + + + + %1 invited you to join a community + + + + You shared a community + + + + A community has been shared + + + + Unsupported state + + + + %1 members + + + + Joined + + + + Join + + + + Enable automatic image unfurling + + + + Enable link previews in chat? + + + + Once enabled, links posted in the chat may share your metadata with their owners + + + + Enable in Settings + + + + Don't ask me again + + + + Resend + + + + Transaction request + + + + ↑ Outgoing transaction + + + + ↓ Incoming transaction + + + + Something has gone wrong + + + + Accept and share address + + + + Accept and send + + + + Decline + + + + Select account + + + + Choose accountSelect account to share and receive assets + + + + Confirm and share address + + + + Sign and send + + + + Pending + + + + Confirmed + + + + Unknown token + + + + Address requested + + + + Waiting to accept + + + + Address shared + + + + Address received + + + + Transaction declined + + + + failure + + + + Unknown state + + + + Group Information + + + + Clear history + + + + Leave group + + + + Are you sure you want to leave this chat? + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + Communities + + + + Search for communities or topics + + + + 1 member + + + + Import a community + + + + Create a community + + + + Public community + + + + Invitation only community + + + + On request community + + + + Unknown community + + + + - ENS only + + + + Chats + + + + Join ‘%1’ + + + + Request to join ‘%1’ + + + + Error joining the community + + + + No search results in Communities + + + + Members + + + + Create category + + + + Invite People + + + + Membership requests + + + + Edit category + + + + Delete category + + + + Delete %1 category + + + + Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. + + + + Error deleting the category + + + + View Profile + + + + Roles + + + + Kick + + + + Ban + + + + Transfer ownership + + + + Invite successfully sent + + + + Share community + + + + Notifications + + + + Edit community + + + + Export community + + + + Create channel + + + + Leave community + + + + Delete + + + + Welcome to your community! + + + + Add members + + + + Manage community + + + + You need to enter a name + + + + Please restrict your name to letters, numbers, dashes and spaces + + + + Your name needs to be 100 characters or shorter + + + + New channel + + + + Edit #%1 + + + + channel name + + + + channel decription + + + + Channel name + + + + Describe the channel + + + + Pinned messages + + + + A cool name + + + + channel description + + + + What your channel is about + + + + The description cannot exceed %1 characters + + + + Private channel + + + + By making a channel private, only members with selected permission will be able to access it + + + + category name + + + + New category + + + + Category title + + + + Channels + + + + Create + + + + Error editing the category + + + + Error creating the category + + + + Error creating the community + + + + You need to select an image + + + + You need to enter a color + + + + This field needs to be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + New community + + + + Name your community + + + + A catchy name + + + + Give it a short description + + + + What your community is about + + + + The description cannot exceed 140 characters + + + + community name + + + + community decription + + + + Thumbnail image + + + + Please choose an image + + + + Image files (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png) + + + + Upload + + + + Community colour + + + + Pick a color + + + + Please choose a color + + + + Membership requirement + + + + Require invite from another member + + + + Require approval + + + + No requirement + + + + You can require new members to meet certain criteria before they can join. This can be changed at any time + + + + Save + + + + Private community + + + + Only members with an invite link will be able to join your community. Private communities are not listed inside Status + + + + Your community will be public for anyone to join. Public communities are listed inside Status for easy discovery + + + + You need to enter a key + + + + Access existing community + + + + Community private key + + + + Entering a community key will grant you the ownership of that community. Please be responsible with it and don’t share the key with people you don’t trust. + + + + 0x... + + + + Import + + + + Error importing the community + + + + Invite friends + + + + Invite + + + + Contacts + + + + Chat + + + + Community imported + + + + Importing community is in progress + + + + Community %1 imported + + + + Importing community %1 is in progress + + + + Start new chat + + + + Start group chat + + + + Join public chat + + + + No messages + + + + No search results + + + + Your chats will appear here. To start new chats press the  button at the top + + + + Chat and transact privately with your friends + + + + Follow your interests in one of the many Public Chats. + + + + View Group + + + + Share Chat + + + + Test WakuV2 - requestAllHistoricMessages + + + + Unmute chat + + + + Mute chat + + + + Edit Channel + + + + Mark as Read + + + + Delete chat + + + + Leave chat + + + + Choose browser + + + + Open in Status + + + + Open in my default browser + + + + Remember my choice. To override it, go to settings. + + + + Admin + + + + Last 24 hours + + + + Last 2 days + + + + Last 3 days + + + + Last 7 days + + + + (You) + + + + You need to enter a channel name + + + + The channel name can only contain lowercase letters, numbers and dashes + + + + New group chat + + + + %1 / 10 members + + + + Group name + + + + Create Group Chat + + + + All your contacts are already in the group + + + + Make Admin + + + + Remove From Group + + + + Add selected + + + + Get Status at https://status.im + + + + Download Status link + + + + Unpin + + + + Pin + + + + Copy link + + + + Edit message + + + + Send message + + + + Reply to + + + + Jump to + + + + Delete message + + + + Confirm deleting this message + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well. + + + + Nickname + + + + Nicknames help you identify others in Status. Only you can see the nicknames you’ve added + + + + Your nickname is too long + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet. Invite your friends to start chatting. + + + + Enter a valid chat key or ENS usernameEnter a valid chat key or ENS username + + + + Can't chat with yourself + + + + New chat + + + + My Profile + + + + Enter ENS username or chat key + + + + Non contacts + + + + No profile found + + + + ENS username + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Chat settings + + + + None + + + + Unblock User + + + + Block User + + + + Add to contacts + + + + A public chat is where you get to hang out with others, make friends and talk about subjects of your interest. + + + + Start chat + + + + Pinned by %1 + + + + Type json-rpc message... e.g {"method": "eth_accounts"} + + + + Profile + + + + App version + + + + Version: %1 + + + + Node version + + + + Privacy Policy + + + + Network + + + + Fleet + + + + Minimize on close + + + + Experimental features + + + + Wallet + + + + Dapp Browser + + + + Activity Center + + + + Online users + + + + Broadcast user status + + + + Bloom filter level + + + + The account will be logged out. When you login again, the selected mode will be enabled + + + + Light Node + + + + Full Node + + + + GIF Widget + + + + Waku Bloom Mode + + + + Node Management + + + + Blockchains will drop search costs, causing a kind of decomposition that allows you to have markets of entities that are horizontally segregated and vertically segregated. + + + + Size + + + + Change font size + + + + XS + + + + S + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "S" because the title above is "Seed Phrase" + + + + M + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "M" because the title above is "Mailserver" + + + + L + + + + XL + + + + XXL + + + + Light + + + + Chat mode + + + + Normal + + + + Compact + + + + Appearance + + + + Dark + + + + System + + + + Back up seed phrase + + + + Step %1 of 3 + + + + If you lose your seed phrase you lose your data and funds + + + + If you lose access, for example by losing your phone, you can only access your keys with your seed phrase. No one, but you has your seed phrase. Write it down. Keep it safe + + + + Check your seed phrase + + + + Word #%1 + + + + Enter word + + + + In order to check if you have backed up your seed phrase correctly, enter the word #%1 above + + + + Are you sure? + + + + You will not be able to see the whole seed phrase again + + + + With this 12 words you can always get your key back. Write it down. Keep it safe, offline, and separate from this device. + + + + Okay, continue + + + + Wrong word + + + + General + + + + Default + + + + Show favorites bar + + + + Search engine used in the address bar + + + + Ethereum explorer used in the address bar + + + + Open an ethereum explorer after a transaction hash or an address is entered + + + + Privacy + + + + Set DApp access permissions + + + + Profile picture + + + + Crop your image (optional) + + + + Finish + + + + Chat link previews + + + + Websites + + + + Enable all + + + + Previewing links from these websites may share your metadata with their owners. + + + + Add new contact + + + + Blocked contacts + + + + Add contact + + + + You can't add yourself + + + + User not found + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet + + + + Devices + + + + Please set a name for your device. + + + + Specify a name + + + + Advertise device + + + + Pair your devices to sync contacts and chats between them + + + + Learn more + + + + Paired devices + + + + Syncing... + + + + Sync all devices + + + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + %1 is now connected with your chat key and can be used in Status. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + %1 will be connected once the transaction is complete. + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Wallet address + + + + Key + + + + Back + + + + Primary username + + + + Your messages are displayed to others with this username: + + + + Once you select a username, you won’t be able to disable it afterwards. You will only be able choose a different username to display. + + + + Nice! You own %1.stateofus.eth once the transaction is complete. + + + + Hey + + + + (pending) + + + + Add username + + + + Your usernames + + + + Primary Username + + + + None selected + + + + You’re displaying your ENS username in chats + + + + At least 4 characters. Latin letters, numbers, and lowercase only. + + + + Letters and numbers only. + + + + Type the entire username including the custom domain like username.domain.eth + + + + Your username + + + + ✓ Username available! + + + + Continuing will connect this username with your chat key. + + + + Username doesn’t belong to you :( + + + + Username already taken :( + + + + (edited) + + + + Username is already connected with your chat key and can be used inside Status. + + + + This user name is owned by you and connected with your chat key. Continue to set `Show my ENS username in chats`. + + + + Continuing will require a transaction to connect the username with your current chat key. + + + + Custom domain + + + + I want a stateofus.eth domain + + + + I own a name on another domain + + + + Connect username with your pubkey + + + + Terms of name registration + + + + Funds are deposited for 1 year. Your SNT will be locked, but not spent. + + + + After 1 year, you can release the name and get your deposit back, or take no action to keep the name. + + + + If terms of the contract change — e.g. Status makes contract upgrades — user has the right to release the username regardless of time held. + + + + The contract controller cannot access your deposited funds. They can only be moved back to the address that sent them. + + + + Your address(es) will be publicly associated with your ENS name. + + + + Usernames are created as subdomain nodes of stateofus.eth and are subject to the ENS smart contract terms. + + + + You authorize the contract to transfer SNT on your behalf. This can only occur when you approve a transaction to authorize the transfer. + + + + These terms are guaranteed by the smart contract logic at addresses: + + + + %1 (Status UsernameRegistrar). + + + + <a href='%1%2'>Look up on Etherscan</a> + + + + %1 (ENS Registry). + + + + Agree to <a href="#">Terms of name registration.</a> I understand that my wallet address will be publicly connected to my username. + + + + 10 SNT + + + + Deposit + + + + Not enough SNT + + + + Register + + + + Get a universal username + + + + ENS names transform those crazy-long addresses into unique usernames. + + + + Customize your chat name + + + + An ENS name can replace your random 3-word name in chat. Be @yourname instead of %1. + + + + Simplify your ETH address + + + + You can receive funds to your easy-to-share ENS name rather than your hexadecimal hash (0x...). + + + + Receive transactions in chat + + + + Others can send you funds via chat in one simple step. + + + + 10 SNT to register + + + + Register once to keep the name forever. After 1 year you can release the name and get your SNT back. + + + + Already own a username? + + + + You can verify and add any usernames you own in the next steps. + + + + Powered by Ethereum Name Services + + + + Start + + + + Only available on Mainnet + + + + ENS Registration failed + + + + ENS Registration completed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey failed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey completed + + + + Warning! + + + + Change fleet to %1 + + + + Glossary + + + + Account + + + + A + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "A" because the title above is "Account" + + + + Your Status account, accessed by the seed phrase that you create or import during onboarding. A Status account can hold more than one Ethereum address, in addition to the one created during onboarding. We refer to these as additional accounts within the wallet + + + + Chat Key + + + + C + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "C" because the title above is "Chat Key" + + + + Messages on the Status chat protocol are sent and received using encryption keys. The public chat key is a string of characters you share with others so they can send you messages in Status. + + + + Chat Name + + + + Three random words, derived algorithmically from your chat key and used as your default alias in chat. Chat names are completely unique; no other user can have the same three words. + + + + ENS Name + + + + E + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "E" because the title above is "ENS Name" + + + + Custom alias for your chat key that you can register using the Ethereum Name Service. ENS names are decentralized usernames. + + + + Mailserver + + + + A node in the Status network that routes and stores messages, for up to 30 days. + + + + Peer + + + + P + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "P" because the title above is "Peer" + + + + A device connected to the Status chat network. Each user can represent one or more peers, depending on their number of devices + + + + Seed Phrase + + + + A 64 character hex address based on the Ethereum standard and beginning with 0x. Public-facing, your wallet key is shared with others when you want to receive funds. Also referred to as an “Ethereum address” or “wallet address. + + + + Frequently asked questions + + + + Submit a bug + + + + Request a feature + + + + Language settings + + + + Language + + + + Muted chats + + + + Unmute + + + + The account will be logged out. When you unlock it again, the selected network will be used + + + + Add network + + + + You need to enter the RPC endpoint URL + + + + Invalid URL + + + + You need to enter the network id + + + + Should be a number + + + + Invalid network id + + + + RPC URL + + + + Specify a RPC URL + + + + Network chain + + + + Ropsten test network + + + + Rinkeby test network + + + + Custom + + + + Network Id + + + + Specify the network id + + + + Main networks + + + + Test networks + + + + Custom Networks + + + + Under development +NOTE: You will be logged out and all installed +sticker packs will be removed and will +need to be reinstalled. Purchased sticker +packs will not need to be re-purchased. + + + + Notification preferences + + + + All messages + + + + Just @mentions + + + + Nothing + + + + Play a sound when receiving a notification + + + + Use your operating system's notifications + + + + Setting this to false will instead use Status' notification style as seen below + + + + Message preview + + + + Anonymous + + + + Name only + + + + Name & Message + + + + Hi there! Yes, no problem, let me know if I can help. + + + + No preview or Advanced? Go to Notification Center + + + + Contacts & Users + + + + Notify on new requests + + + + Receive notifications from non-contacts + + + + Muted users + + + + Muted contacts + + + + Muted contacts will appear here + + + + Muted chats will appear here + + + + You can limit what gets shown in notifications + + + + Reset notification settings + + + + Restore default notification settings and unmute all chats and users + + + + Open links with... + + + + My default browser + + + + Security + + + + Backup Seed Phrase + + + + Display all profile pictures (not only contacts) + + + + Display images in chat automatically + + + + All images (links that contain an image extension) will be downloaded and displayed, regardless of the whitelist settings below + + + + Allow new contact requests + + + + Sign out controls + + + + LogoutExit + + + + Sounds settings + + + + Sound volume + + + + Sync settings + + + + Add mailserver + + + + You need to enter the enode address + + + + History node address + + + + enode://{enode-id}:{password}@{ip-address}:{port-number} + + + + Automatic mailserver selection + + + + ... + + + + Share what's on your mind and stay updated with your contacts + + + + Status account settings + + + + You need to enter an account name + + + + Enter an account name... + + + + Account name + + + + Type + + + + Watch-only + + + + Off Status tree + + + + On Status tree + + + + Derivation path + + + + Storage + + + + This device + + + + Delete account + + + + A deleted account cannot be retrieved later. Only press yes if you backed up your key/seed or don't care about this account anymore + + + + Save changes + + + + Add custom token + + + + This needs to be a valid address + + + + Invalid ERC20 address + + + + Enter contract address... + + + + Contract address + + + + The name of your token... + + + + ABC + + + + Symbol + + + + Decimals + + + + Collectibles will appear here + + + + To + + + + From + + + + At + + + + Status Desktop is connected to a non-archival node. Transaction history may be incomplete. + + + + No transactions found + + + + Load More + + + + Total value + + + + Receive + + + + Back up your seed phrase + + + + Recipient + + + + Transaction completed + + + + Transaction failed + + + + Set Currency + + + + Signing phrase + + + + This is your signing phrase + + + + You should see these 3 words before signing each transaction + + + + If you see a different combination, cancel the transaction and sign out + + + + Remind me later + + + + Manage Assets + + + + Account Settings + + + + Collectibles + + + + Generate an account + + + + Add a watch-only address + + + + Enter a seed phrase + + + + Enter a private key + + + + Add account from private key + + + + You need to enter a password + + + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + You need to enter a private key + + + + Enter a valid private key (64 characters hexadecimal string) + + + + Enter your password… + + + + Password + + + + Paste the contents of your private key + + + + Private key + + + + Loading... + + + + Add account + + + + You need to enter a seed phrase + + + + Enter a valid mnemonic + + + + Add account with a seed phrase + + + + Enter your seed phrase, separate words with commas or spaces... + + + + Seed phrase + + + + Add a watch-only account + + + + You need to enter an address + + + + This needs to be a valid address (starting with 0x) + + + + Enter address... + + + + Account address + + + + Token details + + + + Remove token + + + + Transaction Details + + + + 9999 Confirmations + + + + When the transaction has 12 confirmations you can consider it settled. + + + + Block + + + + Hash + + + + Gas limit + + + + Gas price + + + + Gas used + + + + Nonce + + + + Something went wrong + + + + Reload + + + + Maximum number of collectibles to display reached + + + + View + + + + Unnamed + + + + ID + + + + Description + + + + US Dollars + + + + Euros + + + + United Arab Emirates dirham + + + + Afghan afghani + + + + Argentine peso + + + + Australian dollar + + + + Barbadian dollar + + + + Bangladeshi taka + + + + Bulgarian lev + + + + Bahraini dinar + + + + Brunei dollar + + + + Bolivian boliviano + + + + Brazillian real + + + + Bhutanese ngultrum + + + + Canadian dollar + + + + Swiss franc + + + + Chilean peso + + + + Chinese yuan + + + + Colombian peso + + + + Costa Rican colón + + + + Czech koruna + + + + Danish krone + + + + Dominican peso + + + + Egyptian pound + + + + Ethiopian birr + + + + British Pound + + + + Georgian lari + + + + Ghanaian cedi + + + + Hong Kong dollar + + + + Croatian kuna + + + + Hungarian forint + + + + Indonesian rupiah + + + + Israeli new shekel + + + + Indian rupee + + + + Icelandic króna + + + + Jamaican dollar + + + + Japanese yen + + + + Kenyan shilling + + + + South Korean won + + + + Kuwaiti dinar + + + + Kazakhstani tenge + + + + Sri Lankan rupee + + + + Moroccan dirham + + + + Moldovan leu + + + + Mauritian rupee + + + + Malawian kwacha + + + + Mexican peso + + + + Malaysian ringgit + + + + Mozambican metical + + + + Namibian dollar + + + + Nigerian naira + + + + Norwegian krone + + + + Nepalese rupee + + + + New Zealand dollar + + + + Omani rial + + + + Peruvian sol + + + + Papua New Guinean kina + + + + Philippine peso + + + + Pakistani rupee + + + + Polish złoty + + + + Paraguayan guaraní + + + + Qatari riyal + + + + Romanian leu + + + + Serbian dinar + + + + Russian ruble + + + + Saudi riyal + + + + Swedish krona + + + + Singapore dollar + + + + Thai baht + + + + Trinidad and Tobago dollar + + + + New Taiwan dollar + + + + Tanzanian shilling + + + + Turkish lira + + + + Ukrainian hryvnia + + + + Ugandan shilling + + + + Uruguayan peso + + + + Venezuelan bolívar + + + + Vietnamese đồng + + + + South African rand + + + + View Community + + + + Browser + + + + Timeline + + + + Contact request accepted + + + + New contact request + + + + You can now chat with %1 + + + + %1 requests to become contacts + + + + Where do you want to go? + + + + Status Desktop + + + + Open Status + + + + Quit + + + + Create a password + + + + New password... + + + + Confirm password… + + + + At least 6 characters. You will use this password to unlock status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + Create password + + + + Error importing account + + + + An error occurred while importing your account: + + + + Login failed + + + + Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. + + + + Enter seed phrase + + + + This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. + + + + Start with the first word + + + + Enter 12, 15, 18, 21 or 24 words. +Seperate words by a single space. + + + + Invalid seed phrase + + + + Choose a chat name + + + + Truly private communication + + + + Chat over a peer-to-peer, encrypted network + where messages can't be censored or hacked + + + + Secure crypto wallet + + + + Send and receive digital assets anywhere in the +world--no bank account required + + + + Decentralized apps + + + + Explore games, exchanges and social networks +where you alone own your data + + + + Thanks for trying Status Desktop! Please note that this is an alpha release and we advise you that using this app should be done for testing purposes only and you assume the full responsibility for all risks concerning your data and funds. Status makes no claims of security or integrity of funds in these builds. + + + + I understand + + + + Status does not collect, share or sell any personal data. By continuing you agree with the privacy policy. + + + + I'm new, generate keys + + + + Access existing key + + + + Enter password + + + + Connecting... + + + + Login failed: %1 + + + + Generate new keys + + + + Your keys + + + + Add another existing key + + + + Your keys have been successfully recovered + + + + You will have to create a new code or password to re-encrypt your keys + + + + Re-encrypt your keys + + + + Cannot find asset '%1'. Ensure this asset has been added to the token list. + + + + ENS Username not found + + + + eg. 0x1234 or ENS + + + + Paste + + + + You need to request the recipient’s address first. +Assets won’t be sent yet. + + + + Invalid source + + + + Insufficient balance + + + + Must be greater than 0 + + + + Priority + + + + Use suggestions + + + + Use custom + + + + Low + + + + High + + + + Gas amount limit + + + + Per-gas overall limit + + + + Maximum overall price for the transaction. If the block base fee exceeds this, it will be included in a following block with a lower base fee. + + + + Must be greater than or equal to 0 + + + + This needs to be a number + + + + Please enter an amount + + + + The amount is 0. Proceed only if this is desired. + + + + Balance: + + + + Asset & Amount + + + + Blocking will remove any messages you received from %1 and stop new messages from reaching you. + + + + Account color + + + + Confirm your action + + + + Confirm + + + + Are you sure you want to this? + + + + Do not show this again + + + + Please select a contact + + + + Select a contact + + + + Contact does not have an ENS address. Please send a transaction in chat. + + + + No contact selected + + + + Copied! + + + + Slow + + + + Optimal + + + + Fast + + + + Reset + + + + Advanced + + + + Custom Network Fee + + + + Gwei + + + + Apply + + + + Not enough ETH for gas + + + + Copied + + + + Pasted + + + + Copy + + + + Invalid ethereum address + + + + Address + + + + My account + + + + Contact + + + + Search + + + + In: + + + + Messages + + + + Tokens will be sent directly to a contract address, which may result in a loss of funds. To transfer ERC-20 tokens, ensure the recipient address is the address of the destination wallet. + + + + View on Etherscan + + + + <a href='%1' style='color:%2;text-decoration:none;'>%3</a> + + + + Asset + + + + Amount + + + + Data field + + + + Signing phrase is a 3 word combination that displayed when you entered the wallet on this device for the first time. + + + + Enter the password you use to unlock this device + + + + Unblocking will allow new messages you received from %1 to reach you. + + + + Send transaction + + + + Request transaction + + + + Public chat + + + + Not a contact + + + + Image files (%1) + + + + Your message is too long. + + + + Please make your message shorter. We have set the limit to 2000 characters to be courteous of others. + + + + Type a message + + + + Bold + + + + Italic + + + + Strikethrough + + + + Code + + + + No recent emojis + + + + Buy for %1 SNT + + + + Uninstall + + + + Install + + + + Free + + + + Pending... + + + + Update + + + + Could not buy Stickerpack + + + + Stickerpack bought successfully + + + + You don't have any stickers yet + + + + Recently used stickers will appear here + + + + Get Stickers + + + + Ethereum explorer + + + + Custom... + + + + Search engine + + + + Dapp permissions + + + + Revoke access + + + + Revoke all access + + + + Show more + + + + %1 invited you to join the group + + + + All + + + + Mentions + + + + Replies + + + + Contact requests + + + + Mark all as Read + + + + Show read notifications + + + + Hide read notifications + + + + Notification settings + + + + You need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messages + + + + Waiting for %1 to accept your request + + + + Just click this button to add them as contact. They will receive a notification. Once they accept the request, you'll be able to chat + + + + Back up community key + + + + Back up + + + + Member name + + + + Community members will appear here + + + + No contacts found + + + + Your community is free to join, but new members are required to be approved by the community creator first + + + + Your community can only be joined by an invitation from existing community members + + + + Your community is free for anyone to join + + + + You should keep it safe and only share it with people you trust to take ownership of your community + + + + You can also use this key to import your community on another device + + + + Decline and block + + + + Decline all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to decline all these contact requests + + + + Accept all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to accept all these contact requests + + + + Decline all + + + + Accept all + + + + Pin limit reached + + + + Unpin a previous message first + + + + %1 messages + + + + %1 message + + + + Pinned messages will appear here. + + + + I accept + + + + Format not supported. + + + + Upload %1 only + + + + You can only upload %1 images at a time + + + + Max image size is %1 MB + + + + TODO + + + + NOW + + + + %1M + + + + %1H + + + + %1D + + + + Sun + + + + Mon + + + + Tue + + + + Wed + + + + Thu + + + + Fri + + + + Sat + + + + Jan + + + + Feb + + + + Mar + + + + Apr + + + + Jun + + + + Jul + + + + Aug + + + + Sep + + + + Oct + + + + Nov + + + + Dec + + + + Sunday + + + + Monday + + + + Tuesday + + + + Wednesday + + + + Thursday + + + + Friday + + + + Saturday + + + + Start a 1-on-1 chat with %1 + + + + Join the %1 community + + + + Join the %1 group chat + + + + Join the %1 public channel + + + + words + + + + Mainnet with upstream RPC + + + + POA Network + + + + xDai Chain + + + + Goerli with upstream RPC + + + + Rinkeby with upstream RPC + + + + Ropsten with upstream RPC + + + + You need to repeat your password + + + + Passwords don't match + + + + You need to enter a %1 + + + + The %1 cannot exceed %2 characters + + + + Must be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + Use only lowercase letters (a to z), numbers & dashes (-). Do not use chat keys. + + + + community-image-delete + + + + public + Público + + + + AboutView + + Status Desktop + + + + Privacy Policy + + + + Check for updates + + + + Current Version + + + + Release Notes + + + + Our Principles + + + + Status desktop’s GitHub Repositories + + + + Status Go + + + + StatusQ + + + + go-waku + + + + Legal & Privacy Documents + + + + Terms of Use + + + + Software License + + + + + AcceptRejectOptionsButtonsPanel + + View Profile + + + + Decline and block + + + + + AccessExistingCommunityPopup + + You need to enter a key + + + + Import + + + + Error importing the community + + + + + AccountView + + Type + + + + Storage + + + + Watch-Only Account + + + + Generated by your Status seed phrase profile + + + + Imported Account + + + + On Device + + + + Derivation Path + + + + Remove from your profile + + + + Confirm %1 Removal + + + + You will not be able to restore viewing access to this account in the future unless you enter this account’s address again. + + + + Remove Account + + + + + ActivityCenterMessageComponentView + + Mark as Read + + + + Mark as Unread + + + + + AddAccountModal + + Advanced + + + + Generate an account + + + + Wrong password + + + + You need to enter a password + + + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + Enter your password… + + + + Password + + + + Enter an account name... + + + + Account name + + + + You need to enter an account name + + + + color + + + + Loading... + + + + Add account + + + + + AddEditSavedAddressPopup + + Name + + + + Address + + + + Save + + + + Edit saved address + + + + Add saved address + + + + Enter a name + + + + Name must not be blank + + + + This is not a valid account name + + + + Enter ENS Name or Ethereum Address + + + + Please enter a valid ENS name OR Ethereum Address + + + + Add address + + + + + AddFavoriteModal + + URL + + + + Paste URL + + + + Paste + + + + Pasted + + + + Name + + + + Favorite added + + + + Edit + + + + Add favorite + + + + Please enter a valid URL + + + + Name of the website + + + + Please enter a name + + + + Remove + + + + Done + + + + Add + + + + Add Favorite + + + + + AdvancedContainer + + Online users + + + + + AdvancedView + + disable + deshabilitar + + + enable + Habilitar + + + Fleet + + + + Minimize on close + + + + Application Logs + + + + Experimental features + + + + Wallet + + + + WalletSettingsLineButton + + + + Dapp Browser + + + + Community History Archive Protocol + + + + Node Management + + + + Keycard + + + + Bloom filter level + + + + Warning! + + + + The account will be logged out. When you login again, the selected mode will be enabled + + + + Light Node + + + + Normal + + + + Full Node + + + + WakuV2 mode + + + + Developer features + + + + Full developer mode + + + + Download messages + + + + Telemetry + + + + Debug + + + + Auto message + + + + Are you sure you want to enable all the develoer features? The app will be restarted. + + + + Are you sure you want to enable telemetry? This will reduce your privacy level while using Status. You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. + + + + Are you sure you want to enable auto message? You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. + + + + Are you sure you want to %1 debug mode? You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. + + + + This feature is experimental and is meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It's not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data. Use at your own risk. + + + + I understand + + + + + AllowNotificationsView + + Ok, got it + + + + Allow notifications + + + + Status will notify you about new messages. You can +edit your notification preferences later in settings. + + + + + AppMain + + Where do you want to go? + + + + Profile Picture + + + + Make this my Profile Pic + + + + Invite People + + + + View Community + + + + Leave Community + + + + A new version of Status (%1) is available + + + + Download + + + + Your version is up to date + + + + Close + + + + Can not connect to mailserver + + + + The mailserver you're connecting to is unavailable. + + + + Pick another + + + + Retry + + + + + AppearanceView + + XS + + + + S + + + + M + + + + L + + + + XL + + + + XXL + + + + Preview + + + + Blockchains will drop search costs, causing a kind of decomposition that allows you to have markets of entities that are horizontally segregated and vertically segregated. + + + + Size + + + + Change font size + + + + Change Zoom (requires restart) + + + + 50% + + + + 100% + + + + 150% + + + + 200% + + + + Appearance + + + + Light + + + + Dark + + + + System + + + + + BackupSeedModal + + Back up your seed phrase + + + + Continue + + + + Not Now + + + + Confirm Seed Phrase + + + + Complete & Delete My Seed Phrase + + + + Confirm word #%1 of your seed phrase + + + + + BackupSeedStepBase + + Enter word + + + + Wrong word + + + + Word #%1 + + + + + BeforeGetStartedModal + + Privacy Policy + + + + Before you get started + + + + I acknowledge that status desktop is in beta and by using it I take the full responsibility for all risks concerning my data and funds + + + + Before you get started... + + + + Get Started + + + + I acknowledge that Status Desktop is in Beta and by using it I take the full responsibility for all risks concerning my data and funds. + + + + I accept Status + + + + Terms of Use + + + + Terms of service + + + + Get started + + + + + BrowserLayout + + Transaction pending... + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Error signing message + + + + View on etherscan + + + + Server's certificate not trusted + + + + Do you wish to continue? + + + + If you wish so, you may continue with an unverified certificate. Accepting an unverified certificate means you may not be connected with the host you tried to connect to. +Do you wish to override the security check and continue? + + + + + ChatContextMenuView + + Leave group + + + + Save + + + + Delete + + + + Are you sure you want to leave this chat? + + + + View Members + + + + Add / remove from group + + + + Test WakuV2 - requestAllHistoricMessages + + + + Edit name + + + + Mark as Read + + + + Clear history + + + + Edit Channel + + + + Download + + + + Delete Channel + + + + Delete chat + + + + Leave chat + + + + Download messages + + + + Delete #%1 + + + + Are you sure you want to delete #%1 channel? + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this chat? + + + + + ChatView + + Members + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + + CollectibleDetailsHeader + + Send + + + + + CollectibleModal + + description + Descripción + + + unnamed + + + + id + + + + View in Opensea + + + + + CollectiblesStore + + Collectibles + + + + + CollectiblesView + + Collectibles will appear here + + + + + CommunitiesListPanel + + Cancel + + + + Leave community + + + + Leave %1 + + + + Are you sure you want to leave? Once you leave, you will have to request to rejoin if you change your mind. + + + + + CommunitiesPopup + + Communities + + + + 1 member + + + + %1 members + + + + Create a community + + + + Search for communities or topics + + + + Access existing community + + + + + CommunitiesPortalLayout + + Search + + + + Find community + + + + Import Community + + + + Create New Community + + + + Featured + + + + Popular + + + + + CommunityColorPicker + + Community colour + + + + + CommunityColumnView + + Create channel + + + + Create category + + + + 1 Member + + + + %1 Members + + + + Start chat + + + + Membership requests + + + + Invite people + + + + Unmute category + + + + Mute category + + + + Edit Category + + + + Delete Category + + + + Delete %1 category + + + + Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. + + + + Create channel or category + + + + Error deleting the category + + + + + CommunityDescriptionInput + + Description + + + + What your community is about + + + + community description + + + + + CommunityDetailPopup + + Join ‘%1’ + + + + Pending + + + + Unknown community + + + + Public community + + + + Invitation only community + + + + On request community + + + + - ENS only + + + + %1 members + + + + Channels + + + + You need to be invited + + + + Request to join ‘%1’ + + + + Error joining the community + + + + + CommunityEditSettingsPanel + + A catchy name + + + + community name + + + + Description + + + + What your community is about + + + + Pick a color + + + + + CommunityHeaderButton + + 1 member + + + + %1 members + + + + + CommunityMembersSettingsPanel + + Members + + + + Member name + + + + Ban + + + + Kick + + + + Membership requests + + + + Community members will appear here + + + + No contacts found + + + + You + + + + + CommunityNameInput + + A catchy name + + + + community name + + + + Community name + + + + + CommunityProfilePopup + + Members + + + + Transfer ownership + + + + Public community + + + + Invitation only community + + + + On request community + + + + Unknown community + + + + Invite friends + + + + Invite + + + + + CommunityProfilePopupInviteFriendsPanel + + Copied! + + + + Contacts + + + + Share community + + + + + CommunityProfilePopupMembersListPanel + + Member name + + + + + CommunityProfilePopupOverviewPanel + + Copied! + + + + Share community + + + + Transfer ownership + + + + Leave community + + + + + CommunitySettingsView + + Members + + + + Notifications + + + + Settings + + + + Overview + + + + Open legacy popup (to be removed) + + + + Back to community + + + + Error editing the community + + + + + CommunityUserList + + Members + + + + + ConfirmPasswordView + + Passwords don't match + + + + Have you written down your password? + + + + You will never be able to recover your password if you lose it. + + + + If you need to, write it using pen and paper and keep in a safe place. + + + + If you lose your password you will lose access to your Status profile. + + + + Confirm your password (again) + + + + Confirm you password (again) + + + + Finalise Status Password Creation + + + + Keys for this account already exist + + + + Keys for this account already exist and can't be added again. If you've lost your password, passcode or Keycard, uninstall the app, reinstall and access your keys by entering your seed phrase + + + + Login failed + + + + Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. + + + + + ConfirmationDialog + + Confirm + + + + Reject + + + + Cancel + + + + Confirm your action + + + + Do not show this again + + + + Are you sure you want to do this? + + + + + ContactPanel + + View Profile + + + + Send message + + + + Respond to ID Request + + + + See ID Request + + + + Rename + + + + + ContactsColumnView + + Start chat + + + + Chat + + + + Search + + + + Join public chats + + + + Contact requests + + + + Community imported + + + + Importing community is in progress + + + + + ContactsView + + Contacts + + + + Send contact request to chat key + + + + Search by a display name or chat key + + + + Pending Requests + + + + Blocked + + + + Identity Verified Contacts + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet + + + + Received + + + + Sent + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + + Controls + + XS + + + + S + + + + M + + + + L + + + + XL + + + + XXL + + + + 50% + + + + 100% + + + + 150% + + + + 200% + + + + + CreateCategoryPopup + + Category title + + + + category name + + + + Edit category + + + + New category + + + + Name the category + + + + Channels + + + + Delete category + + + + Delete %1 category + + + + Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. + + + + Save + + + + Create + + + + Error editing the category + + + + Error creating the category + + + + + CreateChannelPopup + + Channel name + + + + channel name + + + + Description + + + + Describe the channel + + + + channel description + + + + New channel + + + + Edit #%1 + + + + Name the channel + + + + Channel colour + + + + Pick a color + + + + Save + + + + Create + + + + Error creating the community + + + + + CreateChatView + + Contacts + + + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. + +Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be able to chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. + + + + You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. + + +Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be + able to +chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. + + + + You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. + + +Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be able to +chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. + + + + Confirm + + + + + CreateCommunityPopup + + You need to enter a color + + + + This field needs to be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + Community color + + + + Pick a color + + + + Please choose a color + + + + Next + + + + Error creating the community + + + + Name your community + + + + A catchy name + + + + Give it a short description + + + + What your community is about + + + + Community colour + + + + Create New Community + + + + Create Community + + + + + CreatePasswordView + + Create password + + + + + DemoApp + + Invite People + + + + View Community + + + + Edit Community + + + + Leave Community + + + + + DerivationPathsPanel + + Reset + + + + Derivation Path + + + + + DerivedAddressesPanel + + Pending + + + + Account + + + + No activity + + + + Invalid path + + + + Has Activity + + + + No Activity + + + + + DisplayNamePopup + + Edit + + + + Ok + + + + Display Name + + + + OK + + + + + EnsDetailsView + + Wallet address + + + + Key + + + + Connect username with your pubkey + + + + Copied to clipboard! + + + + Release username + + + + Username locked. You won't be able to release it until %1 + + + + Back + + + + + EnsSearchView + + Connect username with your pubkey + + + + At least 4 characters. Latin letters, numbers, and lowercase only. + + + + Letters and numbers only. + + + + Type the entire username including the custom domain like username.domain.eth + + + + Custom domain + + + + I want a stateofus.eth domain + + + + I own a name on another domain + + + + + EnsView + + Transaction pending... + + + + View on etherscan + + + + ENS Registration failed + + + + ENS Registration completed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey failed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey completed + + + + + ExemptionNotificationsModal + + Done + + + + %1 exemption + + + + Mute all messages + + + + Personal @ Mentions + + + + Global @ Mentions + + + + Other Messages + + + + Clear Exemptions + + + + + GasSelector + + Priority + + + + Low + + + + High + + + + Must be greater than 0 + + + + This needs to be a number + + + + Please enter an amount + + + + Min 21000 units + + + + Not enough gas + + + + Miners will currently not process transactions with a tip below %1 Gwei, the average is %2 Gwei + + + + The average miner tip is %1 Gwei + + + + Gas Price + + + + Current base fee: %1 %2 + + + + Use suggestions + + + + Use custom + + + + Optimal + + + + Gas amount limit + + + + Per-gas tip limit + + + + Gwei + + + + Per-gas overall limit + + + + Maximum priority fee: %1 ETH + + + + Maximum overall price for the transaction. If the block base fee exceeds this, it will be included in a following block with a lower base fee. + + + + + GroupInfoPopup + + %1/%2 members + + + + Add members + + + + %1 members + + + + 1 member + + + + Search + + + + All your contacts are already in the group + + + + Pinned messages + + + + Admin + + + + Make Admin + + + + Remove From Group + + + + Add selected + + + + + ImageCropperModal + + Crop your image (optional) + + + + Finish + + + + + ImportPrivateKeyPanel + + Pending + + + + You need to enter a private key + + + + Enter a valid private key (64 characters hexadecimal string) + + + + Private key + + + + Paste the contents of your private key + + + + Public address + + + + Account already added + + + + Has Activity + + + + No Activity + + + + + InsertCard + + Cancel + + + + Please insert your Keycard to proceed or press the cancel button to cancel the operation + + + + + InsertDetailsView + + Next + + + + Profile picture + + + + Your profile + + + + Longer and unusual names are better as they are less likely to be used by someone else. + + + + Display name + + + + Chatkey: + + + + Choose an image for profile picture + + + + Make this my profile picture + + + + Your emojihash and identicon ring + + + + This set of emojis and coloured ring around your avatar are unique and represent your chat key, so your friends can easily distinguish you from potential impersonators. + + + + + InvitationBubbleView + + Unsupported state + + + + Membership requires an ENS username + + + + You need to be invited + + + + Pending + + + + View + + + + Request Access + + + + Join + + + + Verified community invitation + + + + Community invitation + + + + %1 members + + + + Error joining the community + + + + + KeysMainView + + Enter a seed phrase + + + + Generate new keys + + + + intro-wizard-title1 + + + + a-set-of-keys-controls-your-account.-your-keys-live-on-your-device,-so-only-you-can-use-them. + + + + Connect your keys + + + + Use your existing Status keys to login to this device. + + + + Get your keys + + + + A set of keys controls your account. Your keys live on your +device, so only you can use them. + + + + Import a seed phrase + + + + Seed phrases are used to back up and restore your keys. Only use this option if you already have a seed phrase. + + + + + LanguageView + + Language + + + + Set Display Currency + + + + Search Currencies + + + + Search Languages + + + + Date Format + + + + DD/MM/YY + + + + MM/DD/YY + + + + Time Format + + + + 24-Hour Time + + + + 12-Hour Time + + + + Change language + + + + Display language has been changed. You must restart the application for changes to take effect. + + + + Close the app now + + + + + Layout + + Invite People + + + + View Community + + + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + Edit Community + + + + Leave Community + + + + + LeftTabView + + Settings + + + + Sign out + + + + Make sure you have your account password and seed phrase stored. Without them you can lock yourself out of your account and lose funds. + + + + Sign out & Quit + + + + Wallet + + + + Total value + + + + Add account + + + + Saved addresses + + + + + LoginView + + Ok + + + + Welcome back + + + + Add new user + + + + Add existing Status user + + + + Connecting... + + + + Password + + + + Enter password + + + + Login failed: %1 + + + + Password incorrect + + + + + MenuPanel + + Settings + + + + Apps + + + + About & Help + + + + + MessageContextMenuView + + Jump to + + + + Copy image + + + + Download image + + + + Block User + + + + Unblock User + + + + Rename + + + + Reply to + + + + Edit message + + + + Copy Message Id + + + + Unpin + + + + Pin + + + + Delete message + + + + Please choose a directory + + + + Confirm deleting this message + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well. + + + + + MessagingView + + Contacts + + + + Allow new contact requests + + + + Show My Profile Picture To + + + + Everyone + + + + No One + + + + See Profile Pictures From + + + + Open Message Links With + + + + Status Browser + + + + System Default Browser + + + + Contacts, Requests, and Blocked Users + + + + Display Message Link Previews + + + + Fine tune which sites to allow link previews + + + + Image unfurling + + + + All images (links that contain an image extension) will be downloaded and displayed + + + + Message syncing + + + + Waku nodes + + + + For security reasons, private chat history won't be synced. + + + + + MyProfileView + + ENS username + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Change Password + + + + Edit + + + + Preview + + + + + NicknamePopup + + Nickname + + + + Nicknames help you identify others in Status. Only you can see the nicknames you’ve added + + + + Done + + + + + NoImageUploadedPanel + + Upload + + + + Wide aspect ratio is optimal + + + + + NotificationsView + + Messages + + + + You have a new message + + + + Anonymous + + + + Community + + + + 1:1 Chat + + + + Group Chat + + + + Muted + + + + Off + + + + Quiet + + + + Personal @ Mentions %1 + + + + Global @ Mentions %1 + + + + Alerts + + + + Other Messages %1 + + + + Multiple Exemptions + + + + Enable Notifications in macOS Settings + + + + To receive Status notifications, make sure you've enabled them in your computer's settings under <b>System Preferences > Notifications</b> + + + + Sync your devices to share notifications preferences + + + + Syncing > + + + + Allow Notifications + + + + 1:1 Chats + + + + Group Chats + + + + Personal @ Mentions + + + + Messages containing @%1 + + + + Global @ Mentions + + + + Messages containing @here and @channel + + + + All Messages + + + + Others + + + + Contact Requests + + + + Identity Verification Requests + + + + Notification Content + + + + Show Name and Message + + + + Hi there! So EIP-1559 will defini... + + + + Name Only + + + + Play a Sound When Receiving a Notification + + + + Volume + + + + Send a Test Notification + + + + Exemptions + + + + Search Communities, Group Chats and 1:1 Chats + + + + Most recent + + + + + PasswordView + + Create a password + + + + Passwords don't match + + + + Create a password to unlock Status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + You will not be able to recover this password if it is lost. + + + + Minimum %1 characters. To strengthen your password consider including: + + + + This password has been pwned and shouldn't be used + + + + This password is a common word and shouldn't be used + + + + Password must be at least %1 characters long + + + + Current password + + + + New password + + + + Very weak + + + + Weak + + + + So-so + + + + Good + + + + Great + + + + Lower case + + + + Upper case + + + + Numbers + + + + Symbols + + + + Confirm password + + + + + PermissionsListView + + Disconnect + + + + Disconnect All + + + + + PinnedMessagesPopup + + Unpin + + + + Pin limit reached + + + + Pinned messages + + + + Unpin a previous message first + + + + %1 messages + + + + %1 message + + + + Pinned messages will appear here. + + + + + ProfileLayout + + Contacts + + + + Testnet mode is enabled. All balances, transactions and dApp interactions will be on testnets. + + + + Secure your seed phrase + + + + Back up now + + + + + ProfilePopup + + ENS username + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Chat settings + + + + Nickname + + + + None + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + Unblock User + + + + Block User + + + + Add to contacts + + + + 's Profile + + + + Send Contact Request to + + + + Verify %1's Identity + + + + My Profile + + + + %1's Profile + + + + Send Contact Request to %1 + + + + Cancel verification + + + + Remove Contact + + + + Send Contact Request + + + + Mark Untrustworthy + + + + Remove 'Identity Verified' status + + + + No + + + + Yes + + + + Remove Untrustworthy Mark + + + + Verify Identity + + + + Verify Identity pending... + + + + Send verification request + + + + Verification request sent + + + + Confirm Identity + + + + Rename + + + + Close + + + + + ProfileSectionStore + + Profile + + + + ENS usernames + + + + Wallet + + + + Browser + + + + Communities + + + + Appearance + + + + Back up seed phrase + + + + Advanced + + + + Messaging + + + + Notifications & Sounds + + + + Language & Currency + + + + Devices settings + + + + About + + + + Sign out & Quit + + + + + RateView + + Upload + + + + Bandwidth + + + + Kb/s + + + + Download + + + + + ReceiveModal + + Copy + + + + Receive + + + + Legacy + + + + Multichain + + + + Your Address + + + + + RootStore + + You + + + + Start a 1-on-1 chat with %1 + + + + Join the %1 community + + + + Join the %1 group chat + + + + + SavedAddressesView + + Cancel + + + + Delete + + + + Saved addresses + + + + Add new address + + + + Edit + + + + Are you sure you want to remove '%1' from your saved addresses? + + + + Are you sure? + + + + No saved addresses + + + + + SeedPhraseInputView + + Enter seed phrase + + + + Next + + + + Import + + + + Keys for this account already exist + + + + Keys for this account already exist and can't be added again. If you've lost your password, passcode or Keycard, uninstall the app, reinstall and access your keys by entering your seed phrase + + + + Error importing seed + + + + %1 words + + + + %1SeedButton + + + + Invalid seed + + + + Restore Status Profile + + + + + SendContactRequestModal + + Paste + + + + Send Contact Request to chat key + + + + Enter chat key here + + + + Say who you are / why you want to become a contact... + + + + who are you + + + + Send Contact Request + + + + + SendModal + + Transaction pending... + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Send + + + + Max: + + + + No balances active + + + + Please enter a valid amount + + + + To + + + + Enter an ENS name or address + + + + Error estimating gas: %1 + + + + Wrong password + + + + View on etherscan + + + + + SendModalFooter + + Unknown + + + + Estimated Time: + + + + Max Fees: + + + + Send + + + + + SendModalHeader + + To + + + + + SettingsPageLayout + + Cancel + + + + Save changes + + + + + SignTransactionModal + + Send + + + + Continue + + + + Error estimating gas: %1 + + + + Transaction pending... + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Choose account + + + + Network fee + + + + Transaction preview + + + + Sign with password + + + + Send %1 %2 + + + + Next + + + + Wrong password + + + + View on etherscan + + + + + StatusAppCommunityView + + Members + + + + + StatusChatInput + + Send + + + + Message + + + + Please choose an image + + + + Image files (%1) + + + + Your message is too long. + + + + Please make your message shorter. We have set the limit to 2000 characters to be courteous of others. + + + + Bold + + + + Italic + + + + Strikethrough + + + + Code + + + + Unblock + + + + + StatusChatListAndCategories + + More + + + + Add channel inside category + + + + + StatusChatListCategoryItem + + More + + + + Add channel inside category + + + + + StatusChatListItem + + Unmute + + + + + StatusChatToolBar + + Search + + + + Members + + + + More + + + + + StatusColorDialog + + Preview + + + + This is not a valid color + + + + Standart colours + + + + Select Colour + + + + + StatusExpandableSettingsItemPage + + Back up seed phrase + + + + Not Implemented + + + + + StatusListPicker + + Search + + + + + StatusMacNotification + + Open + + + + My latest message + with a return + + + + + StatusStickerMarket + + This feature is experimental and is meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It's not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data. Use at your own risk. + + + + I understand + + + + + StatusTokenInlineSelector + + or + + + + Hold + + + + to post + + + + + StatusWalletColorSelect + + Account color + + + + + TabNetworkAndFees + + Advanced + + + + Custom + + + + Slow + + + + + TransactionSettingsConfirmationPopup + + Are you sure? + + + + Your priority fee is below our suggested parameters. + + + + Current base fee + + + + %1 Gwei + + + + Current minimum tip + + + + Current average tip + + + + Your tip limit + + + + Suggested minimum tip + + + + Your price limit + + + + Suggested minimum price limit + + + + Change Limit + + + + Continue anyway + + + + + TransferOwnershipPopup + + Transfer ownership + + + + Community private key + + + + Copy + + + + Copied + + + + You should keep it safe and only share it with people you trust to take ownership of your community + + + + You can also use this key to import your community on another device + + + + + UploadProfilePicModal + + Profile picture + + + + Remove + + + + Upload + + + + Done + + + + Upload profile picture + + + + Choose an image for profile picture + + + + Make this my profile picture + + + + + UserList + + Members + + + + + UsernameLabel + + You + + + + + Utils + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + You need to enter a %1 + + + + now + Ahora + + + Sun + + + + Mon + + + + Tue + + + + Wed + + + + Thu + + + + Fri + + + + Sat + + + + Jan + + + + Feb + + + + Mar + + + + Apr + + + + May + + + + Jun + + + + Jul + + + + Aug + + + + Sep + + + + Oct + + + + Nov + + + + Dec + + + + Yesterday + + + + Sunday + + + + Monday + + + + Tuesday + + + + Wednesday + + + + Thursday + + + + Friday + + + + Saturday + + + + NOW + + + + %1M + + + + %1H + + + + %1D + + + + words + + + + You need to enter a password + + + + You need to repeat your password + + + + Passwords don't match + + + + You need to enter a PIN + + + + The PIN must contain only digits + + + + The PIN must be exactly 6 digits + + + + You need to repeat your PIN + + + + PIN don't match + + + + The %1 cannot exceed %2 characters + + + + Must be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + Use only lowercase letters (a to z), numbers & dashes (-). Do not use chat keys. + + + + Value has to be at least %1 characters long + + + + Unknown + + + + < 1 min + + + + < 3 mins + + + + < 5 mins + + + + > 5 mins + + + + years ago + + + + year ago + + + + months ago + + + + month ago + + + + weeks ago + + + + week ago + + + + days ago + + + + day ago + + + + hours ago + + + + hour ago + + + + mins ago + + + + min ago + + + + secs ago + + + + sec ago + + + + + WalletView + + Wallet + + + + Networks + + + + DApp Permissions + + + + Testnet Mode + + + + + AcceptTransactionView + + Accept and share address + + + + Accept and send + + + + Decline + + + + + Acknowledgements + + Secure Your Assets and Funds + + + + Your seed phrase is a 12-word passcode to your funds. + + + + Your seed phrase cannot be recovered if lost. Therefore, you <b>must</b> back it up. The simplest way is to <b>write it down offline and store it somewhere secure.</b> + + + + I have a pen and paper + + + + I am ready to write down my seed phrase + + + + I know where I’ll store it + + + + You can only complete this process once. Status will not store your seed phrase and can never help you recover it. + + + + + ActivityCenterPopup + + Show more + + + + + ActivityCenterPopupTopBarPanel + + All + + + + Mentions + + + + Replies + + + + Mark all as Read + + + + Show read notifications + + + + Hide read notifications + + + + Notification settings + + + + + AddShowTokenModal + + Add custom token + + + + This needs to be a valid address + + + + Invalid ERC20 address + + + + Enter contract address... + + + + Contract address + + + + The name of your token... + + + + Name + + + + ABC + + + + Symbol + + + + Decimals + + + + Changing settings failed + + + + Add + + + + + AddWakuNodeModal + + Waku nodes + + + + Name + + + + Specify a name + + + + You need to enter a name + + + + History node address + + + + You need to enter the enode address + + + + The format must be: enode://{enode-id}:{password}@{ip-address}:{port} + + + + Save + + + + + AddressInput + + ENS Username not found + + + + + AddressRequiredValidator + + You need to request the recipient’s address first. +Assets won’t be sent yet. + + + + + AddressSourceSelector + + Invalid source + + + + + AdvancedAddAccountView + + Enter address... + + + + Account address + + + + This needs to be a valid address (starting with 0x) + + + + You need to enter an address + + + + + AppSearch + + No results + + + + Anywhere + + + + + AssetAndAmountInput + + Insufficient balance + + + + Must be greater than or equal to 0 + + + + This needs to be a number + + + + Please enter an amount + + + + Balance: + + + + Asset & Amount + + + + The amount is 0. Proceed only if this is desired. + + + + + BackUpCommuntyBannerPanel + + Back up community key + + + + Back up + + + + + BalanceExceeded + + Balance exceeded + + + + No networks available + + + + + BalanceValidator + + Insufficient balance + + + + + BlockContactConfirmationDialog + + Block User + + + + Blocking will stop new messages from reaching you from %1. + + + + + BloomSelectorButton + + TODO + + + + + BrowserConnectionModal + + '%1' would like to connect to + + + + Allowing authorizes this DApp to retrieve your wallet address and enable Web3 + + + + Granting access authorizes this DApp to retrieve your chat key + + + + Deny + + + + Allow + + + + + BrowserHeader + + Enter URL + + + + + BrowserSettingsMenu + + New Tab + + + + Exit Incognito mode + + + + Go Incognito + + + + Zoom In + + + + Zoom Out + + + + Find + + + + Compatibility mode + + + + Developer Tools + + + + Settings + + + + + BrowserTabStyle + + Start Page + + + + + BrowserTabView + + Start Page + + + + New Tab + + + + Downloads Page + + + + + BrowserView + + Search engine used in the address bar + + + + None + + + + Show Favorites Bar + + + + Connected DApps + + + + No connected dApps + + + + Connecting a dApp grants it permission to view your address and balances, and to send you transaction requests + + + + + BrowserWalletMenu + + Mainnet + + + + Ropsten + + + + Unknown + + + + Disconnect + + + + Assets + + + + History + + + + + BrowserWebEngineView + + Add Favorite + + + + + ChangePasswordModal + + Change password + + + + Change password used to unlock Status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + Change Password + + + + + ChangePasswordSuccessModal + + <b>Password changed</b> + + + + You need to sign in again using the new password. + + + + Sign out & Quit + + + + + ChangeProfilePicModal + + Profile picture + + + + Remove + + + + Upload + + + + Please choose an image + + + + Image files (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png) + + + + + ChannelIdentifierView + + Welcome to the beginning of the <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> group! + + + + Any messages you send here are encrypted and can only be read by you and <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> + + + + + ChatButtonsPanel + + Add reaction + + + + Reply + + + + Edit + + + + Unpin + + + + Pin + + + + Delete + + + + Confirm deleting this message + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well. + + + + + ChatColumnView + + Send + + + + Request Address + + + + Request + + + + + ChatCommandModal + + Continue + + + + Receive on account + + + + From account + + + + Address request required + + + + From + + + + To + + + + Preview + + + + Transaction preview + + + + Next + + + + + ChatCommandsPopup + + Send transaction + + + + Request transaction + + + + + ChatContentView + + Contact + + + + Not a contact + + + + Public chat + + + + %1 members + + + + 1 member + + + + Connected + + + + Disconnected + + + + Blocked + + + + This user has been blocked. + + + + + ChatMessagesView + + Loading... + + + + Failed to send message. + + + + + ChatRequestMessagePanel + + You need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messages + + + + Just click this button to add them as contact. They will receive a notification. Once they accept the request, you'll be able to chat + + + + Add to contacts + + + + + ChooseBrowserPopup + + Choose browser + + + + Open in Status + + + + Open in my default browser + + + + Remember my choice. To override it, go to settings. + + + + + ClosedEmptyPanel + + Your chats will appear here. To start new chats press the  button at the top + + + + + CollectibleCollectionView + + No collectibles available + + + + + CollectibleDetailView + + Properties + + + + Levels + + + + Stats + + + + + CollectiblesContent + + Something went wrong + + + + Reload + + + + + CollectiblesHeader + + Maximum number of collectibles to display reached + + + + + CollectiblesModal + + View + + + + Unnamed + + + + + CollectiblesModalContent + + ID + + + + Description + + + + + CommunitiesView + + Import community + + + + Communities you've joined + + + + + CommunityBannerPicker + + Community banner + + + + Choose an image for banner + + + + Make this my Community banner + + + + + CommunityChannelsAndCategoriesBannerPanel + + Expand your community by adding more channels and categories + + + + Add channels + + + + Add categories + + + + + CommunityColorPanel + + Community Colour + + + + Select Community Colour + + + + This is not a valid colour + + + + White text should be legable on top of this colour + + + + Standard colours + + + + + CommunityDelegate + + Admin + + + + Member + + + + + CommunityIntroDialog + + Welcome to %1 + + + + Join %1 + + + + Community <b>%1</b> has no intro message... + + + + I agree with the above + + + + + CommunityIntroMessageInput + + Community introduction and rules + + + + What new members will read before joining (eg. community rules, welcome message, etc.). Members will need to tick a check box agreeing to these rules before they are allowed to join your community. + + + + community intro message + + + + + CommunityLogoPicker + + Community logo + + + + Choose an image as logo + + + + Make this my Community logo + + + + + CommunityOptions + + Community history service + + + + Request to join required + + + + Any member can pin a message + + + + + CommunityOutroMessageInput + + Leaving community message + + + + The message a member will see when they leave your community + + + + community intro message + + + + + CommunityOverviewSettingsPanel + + Overview + + + + Edit Community + + + + This node is the Community Owner Node. For your Community to function correctly try to keep this computer with Status running and onlinie as much as possible. + + + + Welcome to your community! + + + + Invite new people + + + + Try an airdrop to reward your community for engagement! + + + + Airdrop Tokens + + + + Back up community key + + + + Back up + + + + + CommunityTagsPanel + + Community Tags + + + + Confirm Community Tags + + + + Select tags that will fit your Community + + + + Search tags + + + + Selected tags + + + + + CommunityTagsPicker + + Tags + + + + + CommunityWelcomeBannerPanel + + Welcome to your community! + + + + Add members + + + + Manage community + + + + + CompactMessageView + + Pinned by %1 + + + + Cancel + + + + Save + + + + + ConfirmAddExistingKeyModal + + Enter seed phrase + + + + Do you want to add another existing key? + + + + Add another existing key + + + + + ConfirmAppRestartModal + + Application Restart + + + + Please restart the application to apply the changes. + + + + Restart + + + + + ConfirmSeedPhrasePanel + + Write down your 12-word seed phrase to keep offline + + + + Reveal seed phrase + + + + The next screen contains your seed phrase. +<b>Anyone</b> who sees it can use it to access to your funds. + + + + + ConfirmStoringSeedPhrasePanel + + Complete back up + + + + Store Your Phrase Offline and Complete Your Back Up + + + + By completing this process, you will remove your seed phrase from this application’s storage. This makes your funds more secure. + + + + You will remain logged in, and your seed phrase will be entirely in your hands. + + + + I acknowledge that Status will not be able to show me my seed phrase again. + + + + I aknowledge that Status will not be able to show me my seed phrase again. + + + + + Constants + + Username must be at least 5 characters + + + + Only letters, numbers, underscores and hyphens allowed + + + + 24 character username limit + + + + Usernames ending with '-eth' are not allowed + + + + Usernames ending with '_eth' are not allowed + + + + Usernames ending with '.eth' are not allowed + + + + Sorry, the name you have chosen is not allowed, try picking another username + + + + (edited) + + + + Username already taken :( + + + + Username doesn’t belong to you :( + + + + Continuing will connect this username with your chat key. + + + + ✓ Username available! + + + + Username is already connected with your chat key and can be used inside Status. + + + + This user name is owned by you and connected with your chat key. Continue to set `Show my ENS username in chats`. + + + + Continuing will require a transaction to connect the username with your current chat key. + + + + + Contact + + Admin + + + + + ContactRequestsPopup + + Contact requests + + + + Decline all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to decline all these contact requests + + + + Accept all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to accept all these contact requests + + + + Decline all + + + + Accept all + + + + + ContactSelector + + Please select a contact + + + + Select a contact + + + + Contact does not have an ENS address. Please send a transaction in chat. + + + + No contact selected + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet + + + + + ContactVerificationRequestPopup + + %1 is asking you to verify your identity + + + + %1 would like to verify your identity. Answer the question to prove your identity to %2 + + + + Provide answer to verification request from this contact. + + + + Your answer has been sent to %1. + + + + Refuse Verification + + + + Send Answer + + + + Change answer + + + + Close + + + + + ContactsListAndSearch + + Enter a valid chat key or ENS username + + + + Can't chat with yourself + + + + Enter ENS username or chat key + + + + + ContactsListPanel + + Contact Request Sent + + + + Contact Request Rejected + + + + + CopyToClipBoardButton + + Copied! + + + + + CreatePasswordModal + + Store password + + + + Create a password + + + + Current password... + + + + New password... + + + + Confirm password… + + + + At least 6 characters. You will use this password to unlock status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + Create password + + + + Error importing account + + + + An error occurred while importing your account: + + + + Login failed + + + + Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. + + + + Incorrect password + + + + + CryptoServicesModal + + Buy / Sell crypto + + + + Choose a service you'd like to use to buy crypto + + + + + CurrenciesStore + + US Dollars + + + + British Pound + + + + Euros + + + + Russian ruble + + + + South Korean won + + + + Ethereum + + + + Tokens + + + + Bitcoin + + + + Status Network Token + + + + Dai + + + + United Arab Emirates dirham + + + + Other Fiat + + + + Afghan afghani + + + + Argentine peso + + + + Australian dollar + + + + Barbadian dollar + + + + Bangladeshi taka + + + + Bulgarian lev + + + + Bahraini dinar + + + + Brunei dollar + + + + Bolivian boliviano + + + + Brazillian real + + + + Bhutanese ngultrum + + + + Canadian dollar + + + + Swiss franc + + + + Chilean peso + + + + Chinese yuan + + + + Colombian peso + + + + Costa Rican colón + + + + Czech koruna + + + + Danish krone + + + + Dominican peso + + + + Egyptian pound + + + + Ethiopian birr + + + + Georgian lari + + + + Ghanaian cedi + + + + Hong Kong dollar + + + + Croatian kuna + + + + Hungarian forint + + + + Indonesian rupiah + + + + Israeli new shekel + + + + Indian rupee + + + + Icelandic króna + + + + Jamaican dollar + + + + Japanese yen + + + + Kenyan shilling + + + + Kuwaiti dinar + + + + Kazakhstani tenge + + + + Sri Lankan rupee + + + + Moroccan dirham + + + + Moldovan leu + + + + Mauritian rupee + + + + Malawian kwacha + + + + Mexican peso + + + + Malaysian ringgit + + + + Mozambican metical + + + + Namibian dollar + + + + Nigerian naira + + + + Norwegian krone + + + + Nepalese rupee + + + + New Zealand dollar + + + + Omani rial + + + + Peruvian sol + + + + Papua New Guinean kina + + + + Philippine peso + + + + Pakistani rupee + + + + Polish złoty + + + + Paraguayan guaraní + + + + Qatari riyal + + + + Romanian leu + + + + Serbian dinar + + + + Saudi riyal + + + + Swedish krona + + + + Singapore dollar + + + + Thai baht + + + + Trinidad and Tobago dollar + + + + New Taiwan dollar + + + + Tanzanian shilling + + + + Turkish lira + + + + Ukrainian hryvnia + + + + Ugandan shilling + + + + Uruguayan peso + + + + Venezuelan bolívar + + + + Vietnamese đồng + + + + South African rand + + + + + DateGroup + + Today + + + + Yesterday + + + + January + + + + February + + + + March + + + + April + + + + May + + + + June + + + + July + + + + August + + + + September + + + + October + + + + November + + + + December + + + + + DefaultDAppExplorerView + + Default DApp explorer + + + + none + + + + + DevicesView + + Please set a name for your device. + + + + Specify a name + + + + Continue + + + + Advertise device + + + + Pair your devices to sync contacts and chats between them + + + + Learn more + + + + Paired devices + + + + Syncing... + + + + Sync all devices + + + + + DownloadBar + + Cancelled + + + + Paused + + + + Show All + + + + + DownloadMenu + + Open + + + + Show in folder + + + + Pause + + + + Resume + + + + Cancel + + + + + DownloadPage + + Thanks for using Status + + + + You're curently using version %1 of Status. + + + + There's new version available to download. + + + + Get Status %1 + + + + + DownloadView + + Cancelled + + + + Paused + + + + Downloaded files will appear here. + + + + + ENSPopup + + Primary username + + + + Your messages are displayed to others with this username: + + + + Once you select a username, you won’t be able to disable it afterwards. You will only be able choose a different username to display. + + + + + EmojiReactionsPanel + + Add reaction + + + + + EmptyChatPanel + + Share your chat key + + + + or + + + + invite + + + + friends to start messaging in Status + + + + + EnsAddedView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + %1 is now connected with your chat key and can be used in Status. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsConnectedView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + %1 will be connected once the transaction is complete. + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsListView + + Hey + + + + (pending) + + + + ENS usernames + + + + Add username + + + + Your usernames + + + + Chat settings + + + + Primary Username + + + + None selected + + + + You’re displaying your ENS username in chats + + + + + EnsRegisteredView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + Nice! You own %1.stateofus.eth once the transaction is complete. + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsReleasedView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username removed + + + + The username %1 will be removed and your deposit will be returned once the transaction is mined + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsTermsAndConditionsView + + ENS usernames + + + + Terms of name registration + + + + Funds are deposited for 1 year. Your SNT will be locked, but not spent. + + + + After 1 year, you can release the name and get your deposit back, or take no action to keep the name. + + + + If terms of the contract change — e.g. Status makes contract upgrades — user has the right to release the username regardless of time held. + + + + The contract controller cannot access your deposited funds. They can only be moved back to the address that sent them. + + + + Your address(es) will be publicly associated with your ENS name. + + + + Usernames are created as subdomain nodes of stateofus.eth and are subject to the ENS smart contract terms. + + + + You authorize the contract to transfer SNT on your behalf. This can only occur when you approve a transaction to authorize the transfer. + + + + These terms are guaranteed by the smart contract logic at addresses: + + + + %1 (Status UsernameRegistrar). + + + + <a href='%1%2'>Look up on Etherscan</a> + + + + %1 (ENS Registry). + + + + Wallet address + + + + Copied to clipboard! + + + + Key + + + + Agree to <a href="#">Terms of name registration.</a> I understand that my wallet address will be publicly connected to my username. + + + + Back + + + + 10 SNT + + + + Deposit + + + + Not enough SNT + + + + Register + + + + + EnsWelcomeView + + Get a universal username + + + + ENS names transform those crazy-long addresses into unique usernames. + + + + Customize your chat name + + + + An ENS name can replace your random 3-word name in chat. Be @yourname instead of %1. + + + + Simplify your ETH address + + + + You can receive funds to your easy-to-share ENS name rather than your hexadecimal hash (0x...). + + + + Receive transactions in chat + + + + Others can send you funds via chat in one simple step. + + + + 10 SNT to register + + + + Register once to keep the name forever. After 1 year you can release the name and get your SNT back. + + + + Already own a username? + + + + You can verify and add any usernames you own in the next steps. + + + + Powered by Ethereum Name Services + + + + Start + + + + Only available on Mainnet + + + + + FavoriteMenu + + Open in new Tab + + + + Edit + + + + Remove + + + + + FetchMoreMessagesButton + + ↓ Fetch more messages + + + + Before %1 + + + + before--%1 + + + + + FleetRadioSelector + + Warning! + + + + Change fleet to %1 + + + + + FleetsModal + + Fleet + + + + + GapComponent + + fetch-messages + + + + between--1-and--2 + + + + Fetch messages + + + + Between %1 and %2 + + + + + GasSelectorButton + + Low + + + + + GasValidator + + Not enough ETH for gas + + + + + GroupChatPanel + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + Confirm + + + + + HistoryView + + Status Desktop is connected to a non-archival node. Transaction history may be incomplete. + + + + No transactions found + + + + Load More + + + + + HomePageView + + homepage + + + + System default + + + + Other + + + + Example: duckduckgo.com + + + + + ImageCropWorkflow + + Supported image formats (%1) + + + + + ImportCommunityPopup + + Import Community + + + + Entering a community key will grant you the ownership of that community. Please be responsible with it and don’t share the key with people you don’t trust. + + + + Community private key + + + + Import + + + + + ImportSeedPhrasePanel + + Invalid seed phrase + + + + This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. + + + + %1 words + + + + + Input + + Copied + + + + Pasted + + + + Copy + + + + Paste + + + + + InviteFriendsPopup + + Get Status at https://status.im + + + + Download Status link + + + + Copy to clipboard + + + + + InviteFriendsToCommunityPopup + + Invite friends + + + + Invite successfully sent + + + + Invite + + + + + JSDialogWindow + + Ok + + + + Cancel + + + + + KeycardCreatePINModal + + Create PIN + + + + New PIN + + + + Confirm PIN + + + + Create a 6 digit long PIN + + + + + LanguageStore + + Beta Languages + + + + + LinksMessageView + + Enable automatic image unfurling + + + + Enable link previews in chat? + + + + Once enabled, links posted in the chat may share your metadata with their owners + + + + Enable in Settings + + + + Don't ask me again + + + + + MailserverConnectionDialog + + Can not connect to mailserver + + + + The mailserver you're connecting to is unavailable. + + + + Pick another + + + + Retry + + + + + MainView + + DApp Permissions + + + + Networks + + + + Accounts + + + + Generated from Your Seed Phrase + + + + Imported + + + + Watch-Only + + + + + MembershipRequestsPopup + + Membership requests + + + + + MessageStore + + and + + + + %1 more + + + + reacted with + + + + You + + + + + MuteChatMenuItem + + Mute chat + + + + Unmute chat + + + + + MutedChatsModal + + Muted chats + + + + Unmute + + + + + MyProfileSettingsView + + Display name + + + + Display Name + + + + Biometric login and transaction authentication + + + + Communities + + + + Accounts + + + + You haven't joined any communities yet + + + + You don't have any wallet accounts yet + + + + + NetworkCardsComponent + + Your Balances + + + + No Balance + + + + No Gas + + + + BALANCE: + + + + Disabled + + + + + NetworkFilter + + All networks + + + + %n network(s) + + + + + + + + NetworkSelectPopup + + Layer 2 + + + + + NetworkSelector + + Networks + + + + Choose a network to use for the transaction + + + + No networks available + + + + Simple + + + + Advanced + + + + Custom + + + + + NetworksAdvancedCustomRoutingView + + Networks + + + + Show Unpreferred Networks + + + + The networks where the receipient will receive tokens. Amounts calculated automatically for the lowest cost. + + + + + NetworksSimpleRoutingView + + Networks + + + + Choose a network to use for the transaction + + + + + NetworksView + + Layer 2 + + + + Add Custom Network + + + + + NoFriendsRectangle + + You don’t have any contacts yet. Invite your friends to start chatting. + + + + Invite friends + + + + + NodeLayout + + Bloom Filter Usage + + + + Type json-rpc message... e.g {"method": "eth_accounts"} + + + + + NotificationSelect + + Send Alerts + + + + Deliver Quietly + + + + Turn Off + + + + + NotificationWindow + + Everything is connected + + + + + PINModal + + Authenticate PIN + + + + PIN + + + + Insert your 6-digit PIN + + + + Authenticate + + + + + PairingModal + + Insert pairing code + + + + Pairing code + + + + Insert the Keycard pairing code + + + + Pair + + + + + PrivateChatPopup + + New chat + + + + My Profile + + + + + ProfileHeader + + Chatkey:%1... + + + + + ProfileView + + Blocked + + + + Send Request + + + + Receive Response + + + + Confirm Identity + + + + You have confirmed %1's identity. From now on this verification emblem will always be displayed alongside %1's nickname. + + + + You have marked %1 as Untrustworthy. From now on this Untrustworthy emblem will always be displayed alongside %1's nickname. + + + + ENS username + + + + Username + + + + Ask a question that only the real %1 will be able to answer e.g. a question about a shared experience, or ask Mark to enter a code or phrase you have sent to them via a different communication channel (phone, post, etc...). + + + + Waiting for %1's response... + + + + Copied to clipboard + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Chat settings + + + + Nickname + + + + None + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + + PublicChatPopup + + You need to enter a channel name + + + + The channel name can only contain lowercase letters, numbers and dashes + + + + Join public chat + + + + A public chat is where you get to hang out with others, make friends and talk about subjects of your interest. + + + + chat-name + + + + Start chat + + + + + RecipientSelector + + Invalid ethereum address + + + + Address + + + + My account + + + + Contact + + + + Recipient + + + + + RenameAccontModal + + Rename %1 + + + + Enter an account name... + + + + You need to enter an account name + + + + This is not a valid account name + + + + color + + + + Change Name + + + + Changing settings failed + + + + + RenameGroupPopup + + Group name + + + + Save + + + + + Retry + + Resend + + + + + RightTabView + + Assets + + + + Collectibles + + + + Activity + + + + History + + + + + SearchBox + + Search + + + + + SearchEngineModal + + Search engine + + + + None + + + + + SearchResults + + Non contacts + + + + No profile found + + + + + SeedPhraseBackupWarning + + Back up your seed phrase + + + + Back up + + + + + SeedPhraseTextArea + + Invalid seed phrase + + + + This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. + + + + Start with the first word + + + + + SelectAccountModal + + Select account + + + + Select account to share and receive assets + + + + Confirm and share address + + + + + SelectAnotherAccountModal + + Your keys + + + + Add another existing key + + + + + SelectGeneratedAccount + + Import new Seed Phrase + + + + Generate from Private key + + + + Add a watch-only address + + + + Imported + + + + Add new + + + + Origin + + + + + SendContactRequestMenuItem + + Send Contact Request + + + + + SendMessageMenuItem + + Send message + + + + + SendToContractWarning + + Tokens will be sent directly to a contract address, which may result in a loss of funds. To transfer ERC-20 tokens, ensure the recipient address is the address of the destination wallet. + + + + + SendTransactionButton + + Sign and send + + + + + SettingsDirtyToastMessage + + Changes detected + + + + Cancel + + + + Save changes + + + + + SignMessageModal + + Signature request + + + + From + + + + Data + + + + Message + + + + Reject + + + + Sign + + + + Sign with password + + + + + SignPhraseModal + + Signing phrase + + + + This is your signing phrase + + + + You should see these 3 words before signing each transaction + + + + If you see a different combination, cancel the transaction and sign out + + + + Ok, got it + + + + Remind me later + + + + + StateBubble + + Pending + + + + Confirmed + + + + Unknown token + + + + Address requested + + + + Waiting to accept + + + + Address shared + + + + Address received + + + + Transaction declined + + + + failure + + + + Unknown state + + + + + StatusActivityCenterButton + + Activity + + + + + StatusAddressOrEnsValidator + + Please enter a valid address or ENS name. + + + + + StatusAddressValidator + + Please enter a valid address. + + + + + StatusAppChatView + + Join public chats + + + + Start chat + + + + + StatusAppCommunitiesPortalView + + Find community + + + + Featured + + + + Popular + + + + + StatusAsyncEnsValidator + + ENS name could not be resolved in to an address + + + + + StatusAsyncValidator + + invalid input + + + + + StatusBadge + + 99+ + + + + + StatusChatImageExtensionValidator + + Format not supported. + + + + Upload %1 only + + + + + StatusChatImageLoader + + Error loading the image + + + + Loading image... + + + + + StatusChatImageQtyValidator + + You can only upload %1 images at a time + + + + + StatusChatImageSizeValidator + + Max image size is %1 MB + + + + + StatusColorSpacePage + + Thickness + + + + Min saturate: + + + + Max saturate: + + + + Min value: + + + + Max value: + + + + Color + + + + + StatusCommunityTagsPage + + Select tags that will fit your Community + + + + Search tags + + + + Selected tags + + + + + StatusDialog + + Close + + + + Abort + + + + Cancel + + + + No to all + + + + No + + + + Open + + + + Save + + + + Save all + + + + Retry + + + + Ignore + + + + Ok + + + + Yes to all + + + + Yes + + + + Apply + + + + + StatusETHTransactionModal + + Contract interaction + + + + Wrong password + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Continue + + + + Choose account + + + + Sign with password + + + + Next + + + + + StatusEmojiSection + + No recent emojis + + + + + StatusFloatValidator + + Please enter a valid numeric value. + + + + + StatusGifColumn + + Remove from favorites + + + + Add to favorites + + + + + StatusGifPopup + + Search Tenor + + + + TRENDING + + + + FAVORITES + + + + RECENT + + + + Enable Tenor GIFs? + + + + Once enabled, GIFs posted in the chat may share your metadata with Tenor. + + + + Enable + + + + Favorite GIFs will appear here + + + + Recent GIFs will appear here + + + + Error while contacting Tenor API, please retry. + + + + Retry + + + + + StatusIntValidator + + Please enter a valid numeric value. + + + + + StatusItemSelector + + and + + + + or + + + + + StatusListPickerPage + + Search Languages + + + + Search Currencies + + + + + StatusNotification + + Open + + + + + StatusPasswordStrengthIndicator + + Very weak + + + + Weak + + + + So-so + + + + Good + + + + Great + + + + + StatusSNTTransactionModal + + Authorize %1 %2 + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Wrong password + + + + Continue + + + + Choose account + + + + Sign with password + + + + Send %1 %2 + + + + Next + + + + + StatusSearchListPopup + + Search... + + + + + StatusSearchLocationMenu + + Anywhere + + + + + StatusSearchPopup + + No results + + + + Anywhere + + + + Search + + + + In: + + + + In + + + + + StatusSpellcheckingMenuItems + + Add to dictionary + + + + Disable Spellchecking + + + + + StatusStackModal + + StackModal + + + + Next + + + + Finish + + + + + StatusStickerButton + + Buy for %1 SNT + + + + Uninstall + + + + Install + + + + Free + + + + Pending... + + + + Cancel + + + + Update + + + + + StatusStickersPopup + + You don't have any stickers yet + + + + Recently used stickers will appear here + + + + Get Stickers + + + + + StatusTagSelectorPage + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + + StatusUrlValidator + + Please enter a valid URL + + + + + StatusValidator + + invalid input + + + + + StatusWindowsTitleBar + + Status + + + + + SubheaderTabBar + + Step %1 of %2 + + + + + TabAddressSelectorView + + Saved + + + + My Accounts + + + + Recent + + + + Search for saved address + + + + No Saved Address + + + + No Recents + + + + + ToastMessage + + View on Etherscan + + + + Transaction pending... + + + + + TokenSettingsModal + + Manage Assets + + + + Add custom token + + + + + TokenSettingsModalContent + + Token details + + + + Remove token + + + + Custom + + + + Default + + + + + TouchIDAuthView + + Biometrics + + + + Would you like to use Touch ID +to login to Status? + + + + Yes, use Touch ID + + + + I prefer to use my password + + + + + TransactionBubbleView + + Transaction request + + + + ↑ Outgoing transaction + + + + ↓ Incoming transaction + + + + Token not found on your current network + + + + + TransactionDelegate + + From + + + + To + + + + At + + + + + TransactionModal + + Transaction Details + + + + confirmation(s) + + + + When the transaction has 12 confirmations you can consider it settled. + + + + Block + + + + Hash + + + + From + + + + To + + + + Gas limit + + + + Gas price + + + + Gas used + + + + Nonce + + + + + TransactionPreview + + From + + + + Recipient + + + + Unknown + + + + Asset + + + + Amount + + + + Network fee + + + + Data + + + + Data field + + + + + TransactionSigner + + You need to enter a password + + + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + Signing phrase + + + + Signing phrase is a 3 word combination that displayed when you entered the wallet on this device for the first time. + + + + Enter the password you use to unlock this device + + + + Password + + + + Enter password + + + + + UnblockContactConfirmationDialog + + Unblock User + + + + Unblocking will allow new messages you received from %1 to reach you. + + + + + UserListPanel + + Offline + + + + Online + + + + Inactive + + + + Do not disturb + + + + Idle + + + + + UserStatusContextMenu + + View My Profile + + + + Always online + + + + Inactive + + + + Set status automatically + + + + Online + + + + Offline + + + + + ViewProfileMenuItem + + View Profile + + + + + WakuNodesModal + + Waku nodes + + + + Use Waku nodes + + + + Select node automatically + + + + Waku Nodes + + + + Node %1 + + + + Add a new node + + + + + WalletFooter + + Send + + + + Receive + + + + Buy / Sell + + + + + WelcomeView + + Welcome to Status + + + + Your fully decentralized gateway to Ethereum and Web3. Crypto wallet, privacy first group chat, and dApp browser. + + + + I am new to Status + + + + I already use Status + + + + + main + + StatusQ Documentation App + + + + Status Desktop + + + + Open Status + + + + Quit + + + + diff --git a/ui/i18n/qml_es_419.ts b/ui/i18n/qml_es_419.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..51145fed19 --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/i18n/qml_es_419.ts @@ -0,0 +1,19037 @@ + + + + + about-app + Acerca de + + + about-key-storage-content + Status nunca accederá a tu clave privada. Asegúrate de respaldar tu frase semilla. Si pierdes tu teléfono es la única manera de acceder a tus claves. + + + about-key-storage-title + Acerca del almacenamiento de claves + + + about-names-content + ¡Nadie puede pretender ser tú! Eres anónimo por defecto y nunca tienes que revelar tu nombre real. Puedes registrar un nombre personalizado por una pequeña tarifa. + + + about-names-title + Los nombres no se pueden cambiar + + + access-key + Clave de acceso + + + access-existing-keys + Ingresar claves existentes + + + accept-and-share-address + Aceptar y compartir dirección + + + account-added + Cuenta agregada + + + account-color + Color de la cuenta + + + anyone + Cualquiera + + + messages-from-contacts-only-subtitle + Solo las personas que agregaste como contactos pueden iniciar un nuevo chat o invitarte a un grupo + + + accept-new-chats-from + Aceptar nuevos mensajes de + + + account-name + Nombre de la cuenta + + + account-settings + Ajustes de la cuenta + + + accounts + Cuentas + + + active-online + En línea + + + active-unknown + Desconocido + + + add + Agregar + + + add-a-watch-account + Agregar una dirección de solo observación + + + add-account + Agregar una cuenta + + + add-account-description + Puedes importar cualquier tipo de cuenta de Ethereum para agregarla a tu billetera de Status + + + add-account-incorrect-password + La contraseña parece ser incorrecta. Ingresa la contraseña que usas para desbloquear la app. + + + add-an-account + Agregar una cuenta + + + add-bootnode + Agregar bootnode + + + add-contact + Agregar contacto + + + add-custom-token + Agregar un token personalizado + + + add-mailserver + Agregar nodo de Status + + + add-members + Agregar miembros + + + add-network + Agregar red + + + add-node + Agregar nodo + + + add-to-contacts + Agregar a contactos + + + add-to-contacts-text + Al agregar un usuario a tu lista de contactos, compartes la dirección de tu billetera + + + address + Dirección + + + address-received + Dirección recibida + + + address-requested + Dirección solicitada + + + address-request-accepted + Solicitud de dirección aceptada + + + advanced + Avanzado + + + advanced-settings + Ajustes avanzados + + + agree-by-continuing + Al continuar, aceptas + nuestras + + + all + Todos + + + allow + Permitir + + + allowing-authorizes-this-dapp + Permitir autoriza a esta DApp a recuperar la dirección de tu billetera y habilitar Web3 + + + already-have-asset + Ya tienes este activo + + + amount + Cantidad + + + are-you-sure-description + No podrás volver a ver toda la frase semilla de nuevo + + + are-you-sure? + ¿Estás seguro/a? + + + ask-in-status + Haz una pregunta o reporta un error + + + at + en + + + authorize + Autorizar + + + available + Disponible + + + available-participants + + Puedes seleccionar un participante más + Puedes seleccionar {{count}} participantes más + + + + back + Atrás + + + back-up-seed-phrase + Respalda la frase semilla + + + back-up-your-seed-phrase + Respalda tu frase semilla + + + backup-recovery-phrase + Copia de seguridad de frase semilla + + + balance + Saldo + + + begin-set-up + empezar la configuración + + + biometric-auth-android-sensor-desc + Sensor táctil + + + biometric-auth-android-sensor-error-desc + Fallido + + + biometric-auth-android-title + Autenticación requerida + + + biometric-auth-confirm-logout + Volver a iniciar sesión + + + biometric-auth-confirm-message + Para continuar, la autenticación biométrica es necesaria, si no es posible inicia sesión de nuevo usando la contraseña de las llaves. + + + biometric-auth-confirm-title + ¡Debes autenticarte! + + + biometric-auth-confirm-try-again + Inténtalo de nuevo + + + biometric-auth-error + No se puede realizar la autenticación biométrica ({{code}}) + + + biometric-auth-login-error-title + Error de autenticación biométrica + + + biometric-auth-login-ios-fallback-label + Ingresa la contraseña + + + biometric-auth-reason-login + Iniciar sesión en Status + + + biometric-auth-reason-verify + Verificar autenticación + + + biometric-secure-with + Asegurar con {{bio-type-label}} + + + biometric-enable-keycard + Si no deseas usar tu Keycard cada vez para acceder a la app, habilita el inicio de sesión {{bio-type-label}} + + + biometric-enable + Si no deseas ingresar tu contraseña cada vez para acceder a la app, habilita el inicio de sesión {{bio-type-label}} + + + biometric-disable-bioauth + deshabilitar {{bio-type-label}} + + + biometric-disable-password-title + Deshabilitar guardar contraseña + + + biometric-disable-password-description + Si deshabilitas esto, también + + + biometric-enable-button + Habilitar {{bio-type-label}} + + + biometric-fingerprint + Huella dactilar + + + biometric-faceid + Face ID + + + biometric-touchid + Touch ID + + + blank-keycard-text + Puedes continuar con tu keycard una vez que hayas generado tus claves y tu nombre + + + blank-keycard-title + Parece que has hecho tapping +una keycard en blanco + + + block + Bloque + + + unblock + Desbloquear + + + block-contact + Bloquear este usuario + + + block-contact-details + El bloqueo eliminará los mensajes anteriores de este usuario y evitará que otros nuevos lleguen a ti + + + blocked-users + Usuarios bloqueados + + + bootnode-address + Dirección de bootnode + + + bootnode-details + Detalles de Bootnode + + + bootnode-format + enode://{enode-id}@{ip-address}:{port} + + + bootnodes + Bootnodes + + + bootnodes-enabled + Bootnodes habilitados + + + bootnodes-settings + Ajustes de bootnode + + + browsed-websites + El historial del navegador aparecerá aquí + + + browser + Navegador + + + browser-not-secure + ¡La conexión no es segura! No firmes transacciones o envíes datos personales en este sitio. + + + browser-secure + La conexión es segura. Asegúrate de que realmente confías en este sitio antes de firmar transacciones o ingresar datos personales. + + + browsers + Navegadores + + + browsing-cancel + Cancelar + + + browsing-open-in-android-web-browser + Abrir en Android + + + browsing-open-in-ios-web-browser + Abrir en iOS + + + browsing-open-in-status + Abrir en Status + + + browsing-site-blocked-description1 + Hemos detectado posibles actividades maliciosas desde esta dirección. Para protegerte a ti y a tu billetera, prevenimos la navegación. + +Si crees que esto es un error, haznoslo saber en la + + + browsing-site-blocked-description2 + chat público + + + browsing-site-blocked-go-back + Regresar + + + browsing-site-blocked-title + Este sitio está bloqueado + + + browsing-title + Navegar + + + bug-report + Reportar un error + + + bug-report-description + *Descripción + + + bug-report-description-placeholder + Requerido, no puede estar vacío + + + bug-report-steps + Pasos para la reproducir + + + bug-report-steps-placeholder + - abrir la app +- hacer algo +- y luego algo más... + + + bug-report-submit-email + Enviar por correo electrónico con el archivo de registros + + + bug-report-submit-gh-issue + Enviar un problema de GitHub sin registros + + + bug-report-too-short-description + La descripción es muy corta + + + camera-access-error + Para permitir el acceso a la cámara, por favor ve a ajustes de sistema y asegúrate que la opción Status > Cámara está seleccionada. + + + can-not-add-yourself + Ese eres tú, para iniciar un chat elige a alguien más + + + cancel + Cancelar + + + cancel-keycard-setup + Cancelar la configuración de Keycard + + + cannot-read-card + No puede leer la tarjeta. +Por favor, mantenla en la parte posterior de tu teléfono + + + cannot-use-default-pin + No está permitido el código de acceso 000000. +Por favor utiliza otro número + + + card-is-blank + Esta tarjeta esta en blanco + + + card-reseted + La tarjeta ha sido reseteada + + + card-unpaired + La tarjeta se ha desvinculado del dispositivo actual + + + change-fleet + Cambiar fleet a {{fleet}} + + + change-log-level + Confirme y reinicie la aplicación para cambiar el nivel de registro a {{log-level}} + + + change-logging-enabled + ¿Está seguro/a de que deseas {{enable}} iniciar sesión? + + + change-passcode + Cambiar código de acceso + + + change-password + Cambiar contraseña + + + change-pin + Cambiar el código de acceso de 6 dígitos + + + change-puk + Cambiar PUK de 12 dígitos + + + change-pairing + Cambiar el código de emparejamiento + + + change-pairing-title + Crea un nuevo código de emparejamiento + + + change-pairing-description + Cambiar el código de emparejamiento no afecta a los emparejamientos actuales. Sin embargo, cualquier nuevo emparejamiento requerirá el nuevo código. + + + changed-amount-warning + La cantidad se cambió de {{old}} a {{new}} + + + changed-asset-warning + El activo se cambió de {{old}} a {{new}} + + + chaos-mode + Modo caos + + + chaos-unicorn-day + Día del Unicornio del Caos + + + chaos-unicorn-day-details + 🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🚀! + + + chat + Chat + + + chat-and-transact + Chatea y realiza transacciones privadas con amigos + + + chat-key + Clave de chat + + + chat-name + + + + chat-settings + Ajustes de chat + + + chats + Chats + + + check-your-recovery-phrase + Comprueba tu frase semilla + + + choose-authentication-method + Elije un método de autenticación + + + clear + Limpiar + + + clear-all + Borrar todo + + + clear-history + Borrar historial + + + clear-history-action + Limpiar + + + clear-history-confirmation + ¿Borrar historial? + + + clear-history-confirmation-content + ¿Seguro que quieres limpiar este historial de chat? + + + clear-history-title + ¿Borrar historial? + + + close + Cerrar + + + close-app-button + Confirmar + + + close-app-content + La aplicación se detendrá y cerrará. Cuando la vuelvas a abrir, se utilizará la red seleccionada + + + close-app-title + ¡Advertencia! + + + command-button-send + Enviar + + + communities + Comunidades + + + community-members + + miembro + miembros + + + + members-label + Miembros + + + open-membership + Abrir membresía + + + member-kick + Eliminar miembro + + + member-ban + Prohibir miembro + + + membership-requests + Solicitudes de membresía + + + community-members-title + Miembros + + + community-requests-to-join-title + Solicitudes de membresía + + + name-your-channel + Asigna un nombre a tu canal + + + name-your-channel-placeholder + Nombre del canal + + + give-a-short-description + Dale una breve descripción + + + describe-channel + Describir el canal + + + communities-alpha + Comunidades (alfa) + + + communities-verified + Comunidad de Status verificada + + + communities-enabled + Comunidades habilitadas + + + request-access + Solicitar acceso + + + membership-request-pending + Solicitud de membresía pendiente + + + create-community + Crea una comunidad + + + create-category + Crear categoría + + + rearrange-categories + Reorganizar Categorías + + + edited + Editado + + + edit-community + Editar comunidad + + + editing-message + Editando mensaje + + + community-edit-title + Editar comunidad + + + community-invite-title + Invitá + + + community-share-title + Compartir... + + + invite + + + + create-channel + Crea un canal + + + import-community + Importar una comunidad + + + import-community-title + Importar una comunidad + + + name-your-community + Asigna un nombre a tu comunidad + + + name-your-community-placeholder + Elige un nombre memorable + + + give-a-short-description-community + Dale una breve descripción + + + new-community-title + Nueva comunidad + + + new-category + Nueva categoría + + + category-title + Título de la categoría + + + membership-title + Requisito de membresía + + + create-channel-title + Nuevo canal + + + edit-channel-title + Editar canal + + + community-thumbnail-image + Imagen en miniatura + + + community-emoji-thumbnail-title + Miniatura + + + community-thumbnail-upload + Subir + + + community-image-take + Toma una foto + + + community-image-pick + Elige una imagen + + + community-image-remove + Remover + + + community-color + Color de la comunidad + + + community-link + Link de comunidad + + + community-color-placeholder + Elige un color + + + membership-button + Requisito de membresía + + + membership-none + Ninguno + + + membership-none-placeholder + Puede exigir que los nuevos miembros cumplan con ciertos criterios antes de poder unirse. Esto se puede cambiar en cualquier momento. + + + membership-approval + Requiere aprobación + + + membership-approval-description + Puedes unirte de manera gratuita, pero los nuevos miembros necesitan ser aprobados primero por el creador de comunidad primero + + + membership-invite + Necesitas invitación de otro miembro + + + membership-invite-description + Únicamente puedes unirte a la comunidad mediante invitación de un miembro existente + + + membership-ens + Requiere un usuario ENS + + + membership-ens-description + Tu comunidad requiere que tengas un usuario ENS para unirte + + + membership-free + Sin requisitos + + + membership-free-description + Cualquier persona puede unirse a tu comunidad + + + community-roles + Rol + + + community-key + Llave privada de la comunidad + + + community-key-placeholder + Escribe la llave privada de la comunidad + + + leave-community + Salir de la comunidad + + + enter-user-pk + Ingrese la clave pública del usuario + + + import + Importar + + + complete-hardwallet-setup + Esta tarjeta ahora está vinculada. La necesitarás para firmar transacciones y desbloquear tus llaves + + + chat-notification-preferences + Configuración de las notificaciones + + + completed + Completado + + + confirm + Confirmar + + + confirmation-request + Solicitud de confirmación + + + confirmations + Confirmaciones + + + confirmations-helper-text + Cuando la transacción tenga 12 confirmaciones, puede considerarla resuelta. + + + connect + Conectar + + + connect-mailserver-content + ¿Conectar con {{name}}? + + + connected + Conectado + + + connected-to + Conectado a + + + connecting + Conectando... + + + connecting-requires-login + Para conectarse a otra red es necesario iniciar sesión + + + connection-with-the-card-lost + La conexión con la tarjeta +se ha perdido + + + connection-with-the-card-lost-setup-text + Para reanudar la configuración, manten la tarjeta en + la parte trasera de tu teléfono y mantener la + tarjeta en contacto con el teléfono + + + connection-with-the-card-lost-text + Para proceder, manten la tarjeta en la parte posterior de tu teléfono + + + contact-code + Clave de chat + + + contact-s + + contacto + contactos + + + + contacts + Contactos + + + continue + Continuar + + + contract-address + Dirección del contrato + + + contract-interaction + Interacción con el contrato + + + copy-info + Copiar información + + + copy-qr + Copiar código + + + copy-to-clipboard + Copiar + + + copy-transaction-hash + Copiar ID de transacción + + + cost-fee + Costo/Tarifa + + + counter-9-plus + 9+ + + + counter-99-plus + 99+ + + + create + Crear + + + create-a-pin + Crear un código de acceso de 6 dígitos + + + create-a-puk + Crea un PUK de 12 dígitos + + + create-group-chat + Crear chat grupal + + + create-multiaccount + Generar llaves + + + create-new-key + Obtener nuevas claves + + + create-pin + Crea un código de acceso de 6 dígitos + + + create-pin-description + Necesitarás tu tarjeta + este código de 6 dígitos para desbloquear Status y confirmar las transacciones + + + created-group-chat-description + Creaste el grupo {{group-name}} + + + members-count + {{count}} miembros + + + cryptokitty-name + CryptoKitty #{{id}} + + + currency + Moneda + + + currency-display-name-aed + Dirham de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos + + + currency-display-name-afn + Afgani afgano + + + currency-display-name-ars + Peso argentino + + + currency-display-name-aud + Dólar australiano + + + currency-display-name-bbd + Dólar de Barbados + + + currency-display-name-bdt + Taka bangladeshí + + + currency-display-name-bgn + Lev búlgaro + + + currency-display-name-bhd + Dinar bahreiní + + + currency-display-name-bnd + Dólar de Brunéi + + + currency-display-name-bob + Bolivia Bolíviano + + + currency-display-name-brl + Real brasilero + + + currency-display-name-btn + Ngultrum butanés + + + currency-display-name-cad + Dólar canadiense + + + currency-display-name-chf + Franco suizo + + + currency-display-name-clp + Peso chileno + + + currency-display-name-cny + Yuan chino + + + currency-display-name-cop + Peso colombiano + + + currency-display-name-crc + Colón costarricense + + + currency-display-name-czk + Corona checa + + + currency-display-name-dkk + Corona danesa + + + currency-display-name-dop + Peso de la República Dominicana + + + currency-display-name-egp + Libra egipcia + + + currency-display-name-etb + Birr etíope + + + currency-display-name-eur + Euro + + + currency-display-name-gbp + Libra esterlina + + + currency-display-name-gel + Lari georgiano + + + currency-display-name-ghs + Cedi ghanés + + + currency-display-name-hkd + Dólar de Hong Kong + + + currency-display-name-hrk + Croacia Kuna + + + currency-display-name-huf + Forinto húngaro + + + currency-display-name-idr + Rupia Indonesia + + + currency-display-name-ils + Nuevo séquel (Israel) + + + currency-display-name-inr + Rupia india + + + currency-display-name-isk + Corona islandesa + + + currency-display-name-jmd + Dólar jamaiquino + + + currency-display-name-jpy + Yen japonés + + + currency-display-name-kes + Chelín keniano + + + currency-display-name-krw + Won surcoreano + + + currency-display-name-kwd + Dinar kuwaití + + + currency-display-name-kzt + Tenge kazajo + + + currency-display-name-lkr + Rupia de Sri Lanka + + + currency-display-name-mad + Dirham marroquí + + + currency-display-name-mdl + Leu moldavo + + + currency-display-name-mur + Rupia de Mauricio + + + currency-display-name-mwk + Kwacha malauí + + + currency-display-name-mxn + Peso mexicano + + + currency-display-name-myr + Ringgit malayo + + + currency-display-name-mzn + Metical mozambiqueño + + + currency-display-name-nad + Dólar namibio + + + currency-display-name-ngn + Naira nigeriana + + + currency-display-name-nok + Corona noruega + + + currency-display-name-npr + Rupia nepalí + + + currency-display-name-nzd + Dólar neozelandés + + + currency-display-name-omr + Rial omaní + + + currency-display-name-pen + Sol peruano + + + currency-display-name-pgk + Kina de Papúa Nueva Guinea + + + currency-display-name-php + Peso filipino + + + currency-display-name-pkr + Rupia pakistaní + + + currency-display-name-pln + Zloty de Polonia + + + currency-display-name-pyg + Guaraní paraguayo + + + currency-display-name-qar + Riyal qatarí + + + currency-display-name-ron + Leu de Rumanía + + + currency-display-name-rsd + Dinar serbio + + + currency-display-name-rub + Rublo ruso + + + currency-display-name-sar + Arabia Saudita Riyal + + + currency-display-name-sek + Corona sueca + + + currency-display-name-sgd + Dólar de Singapur + + + currency-display-name-thb + Baht tailandés + + + currency-display-name-try + Lira turca + + + currency-display-name-ttd + Dólar de Trinidad y Tobago + + + currency-display-name-twd + Nuevo dólar taiwanés + + + currency-display-name-tzs + Chelín tanzano + + + currency-display-name-uah + Grivna (Ucrania) + + + currency-display-name-ugx + Chelín ugandés + + + currency-display-name-usd + Dólar estadounidense + + + currency-display-name-uyu + Peso uruguayo + + + currency-display-name-vef + Bolívar venezolano + + + currency-display-name-vnd + Dong vietnamita + + + currency-display-name-zar + Rand sudafricano + + + current-network + Red actual + + + current-pin + Ingresa el código de acceso de 6 dígitos + + + current-pin-description + Ingresa tu código de acceso de 6 dígitos para continuar + + + custom + Personalizado + + + custom-networks + Redes personalizadas + + + dapp + ÐApp + + + dapp-would-like-to-connect-wallet + quisiera conectarse a + + + dapps + ÐApps + + + dapps-permissions + Permisos de DApp + + + data + Datos + + + datetime-ago + hace + + + datetime-ago-format + {{number}} {{time-intervals}} {{ago}} + + + datetime-ago-format-short + {{number}}{{time-intervals}} + + + datetime-day + + día + días + + + + datetime-hour + + hora + horas + + + + datetime-minute + + minuto + minutos + + + + datetime-second + + segundo + segundos + + + + datetime-day-short + + D + D + + + + datetime-hour-short + + H + H + + + + datetime-minute-short + + M + M + + + + datetime-second-short + + S + S + + + + datetime-today + hoy + + + datetime-yesterday + ayer + + + decimals + Decimales + + + decline + Rechazar + + + decryption-failed-content + Ocurrió un error desencriptando tus datos. Es posible que tengas que generar unas nuevas llaves y borrar tus datos antiguos pulsando "Aplicar", o haz clic en "Cancelar" para volver a intentarlo + + + default + Predeterminados + + + delete + Eliminar + + + delete-and-leave-group + Eliminar y salir del grupo + + + delete-bootnode + Eliminar bootnode + + + delete-bootnode-are-you-sure + ¿Seguro que quieres eliminar este bootnode? + + + delete-bootnode-title + Eliminar bootnode + + + delete-chat + Eliminar chat + + + delete-chat-confirmation + ¿Estás seguro de que quieres eliminar este chat? + + + delete-category-confirmation + ¿Estás seguro que deseas eliminar esta categoría? + + + delete-confirmation + ¿Eliminar? + + + delete-mailserver + Eliminar nodo de Status + + + delete-mailserver-are-you-sure + ¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar este nodo de Status? + + + delete-mailserver-title + Eliminar nodo de Status + + + delete-message + Eliminar mensaje + + + delete-my-account + Borrar mi cuenta + + + delete-network-confirmation + ¿Seguro que quieres eliminar esta red? + + + delete-network-error + Por favor, conéctate a una red diferente antes de eliminar esta + + + delete-network-title + ¿Eliminar red? + + + delete-node + Eliminar nodo + + + delete-node-are-you-sure + ¿Estás seguro de que quieres eliminar este nodo? + + + delete-node-title + Eliminar nodo + + + delete-profile + Eliminar perfil + + + delete-my-profile + Eliminar mi perfil + + + delete-profile-warning + Advertencia: Si no tiene tu frase de semilla escrita, perderá el acceso a sus fondos después de eliminar su perfil + + + profile-deleted-title + Perfil eliminado + + + profile-deleted-content + Su perfil fue eliminado con éxito + + + profile-deleted-keycard + Ahora puedes restaurar otro par de claves en tu Keycard + + + deny + Negar + + + description + Descripción + + + dev-mode + Modo de desarrollo + + + dev-mode-settings + Ajustes del modo de desarrollo + + + device-syncing + Sincronización de dispositivos + + + devices + Dispositivos + + + disable + deshabilitar + + + disabled + Deshabilitado + + + disconnected + Chat sin conexión + + + discover + Descubrir + + + dismiss + Descartar + + + done + Listo + + + edit + Editar + + + edit-group + Editar grupo + + + edit-profile + Editar perfil + + + empty-chat-description + No hay mensajes +en este chat todavía + + + empty-chat-description-one-to-one + Cualquier mensaje que envíes aquí está encriptado y solo puedes leerlo tú y + + + empty-chat-description-public + Ha estado tranquilo aquí durante las últimas {{quiet-hours}}. Inicia la conversación o + + + cleared-chat-description-public + + + + empty-chat-description-community + Ha estado tranquilo aquí durante {{quiet-hours}} . + + + empty-chat-description-public-share-this + comparte este chat + + + enable + Habilitar + + + encrypt-with-password + Encriptar con contraseña + + + ens-10-SNT + 10 SNT + + + ens-add-username + Agregar nombre de usuario + + + ens-agree-to + De acuerdo con + + + ens-chat-settings + Ajustes de chat + + + ens-custom-domain + Dominio personalizado + + + ens-custom-username-hints + Escribe el nombre de usuario completo, incluido el dominio personalizado como username.domain.eth + + + ens-custom-username-taken + El nombre de usuario no te pertenece :( + + + ens-deposit + Depósito + + + ens-displayed-with + Tus mensajes se muestran a otros con + + + ens-get-name + Obtén un nombre de usuario universal + + + ens-got-it + Ok, lo tengo. + + + ens-locked + Nombre de usuario bloqueado. No lo podrás liberar hasta el {{date}} + + + ens-network-restriction + Solo disponible en Mainnet + + + ens-no-usernames + No tienes ningún nombre de usuario conectado + + + ens-powered-by + Propulsado por Ethereum Name Services + + + ens-primary-username + Nombre de usuario principal + + + ens-register + Registrar + + + ens-registration-in-progress + Registro en curso... + + + ens-registration-failure + Registro fallido + + + ens-dismiss-message + Haga clic para descartar + + + ens-registration-failed + Para registrar el nombre de usuario, por favor, intenta de nuevo. + + + ens-registration-failed-title + La transacción ha fallado + + + ens-release-username + Liberar nombre de usuario + + + ens-remove-hints + La eliminación separará el nombre de usuario de tu clave. + + + ens-remove-username + Eliminar nombre de usuario + + + ens-saved + ahora está conectado con tu clave de chat y se puede usar en Status. + + + ens-saved-title + Nombre de usuario agregado + + + ens-show-username + Mostrar mi nombre de usuario ENS en los chats + + + ens-terms-header + Términos de registro de nombre + + + ens-terms-point-1 + Los fondos se depositan por 1 año. Tu SNT se bloqueará, pero no se gastará. + + + ens-terms-point-10 + 0x00000000000C2E074eC69A0dFb2997BA6C7d2e1e (Registro ENS). + + + ens-terms-point-2 + Después de 1 año, puedes liberar el nombre y recuperar tu depósito, o no tomar ninguna acción para mantener el nombre. + + + ens-terms-point-3 + Si los términos del contrato cambian – por ejemplo, Status realiza actualizaciones del contrato – el usuario tiene derecho a liberar el nombre de usuario independientemente del tiempo retenido. + + + ens-terms-point-4 + El controlador del contrato no puede acceder a tus fondos depositados. Sólo pueden ser devueltos a la dirección que los envió. + + + ens-terms-point-5 + Tu(s) dirección(es) se asociará(n) públicamente con tu nombre ENS. + + + ens-terms-point-6 + Los nombres de usuario se crean como nodos de subdominio de stateofus.eth y están sujetos a los términos del contrato inteligente de ENS. + + + ens-terms-point-7 + Autorizas el contrato para transferir SNT en tu nombre. Esto solo puede ocurrir cuando apruebas una transacción para autorizar la transferencia. + + + ens-terms-point-8 + Estos términos están garantizados por la lógica del contrato inteligente en las direcciones: + + + ens-terms-point-9 + {{address}} (Status UsernameRegistrar) + + + ens-terms-registration + Términos de registro de nombre. + + + ens-test-message + Hey + + + ens-transaction-pending + Transacción pendiente... + + + ens-understand + Entiendo que la dirección de mi billetera estará conectada públicamente a mi nombre de usuario. + + + ens-username + Nombre de usuario ENS + + + ens-username-available + ✓ ¡Nombre de usuario disponible! + + + ens-username-connected + Este nombre de usuario es de tu propiedad y está conectado con tu clave de chat. + + + ens-username-connection-confirmation + {{username}} se conectará una vez que se complete la transacción. + + + ens-username-hints + Al menos 4 caracteres. Letras latinas, números y sólo minúsculas. + + + ens-username-invalid + Sólo letras y números. + + + ens-username-owned + ✓ El nombre de usuario es tuyo. + + + ens-username-registration-confirmation + ¡Bien! Eres el propietario de {{username}} una vez completada la transacción. + + + ens-username-you-can-follow-progress + Puedes seguir el progreso en la sección de Historial de transacciones de tu billetera. + + + ens-usernames + Nombres de usuario ENS + + + ens-usernames-details + Registra un nombre de usuario universal para ser reconocido fácilmente por otros usuarios + + + wallet-address + Dirección de la billetera + + + ens-want-custom-domain + Tengo un nombre en otro dominio + + + ens-want-domain + Quiero un dominio stateofus.eth + + + ens-welcome-hints + Los nombres ENS transforman esas locas direcciones largas en nombres de usuario únicos. + + + ens-welcome-point-customize + Un nombre ENS puede reemplazar tu nombre aleatorio de 3 palabras en el chat. Sea @yourname en lugar de {{name}}. + + + ens-welcome-point-customize-title + Personaliza tu nombre de chat + + + ens-welcome-point-simplify + Puedes recibir fondos a tu ENS fácil de compartir, en vez de tu hash hexadecimal (0x...) + + + ens-welcome-point-simplify-title + Simplifica tu dirección ETH + + + ens-welcome-point-receive + Otros pueden enviarte fondos desde el chat en un simple paso. + + + ens-welcome-point-receive-title + Recibe transacciones en el chat + + + ens-welcome-point-register + Regístrate una vez para mantener el nombre para siempre. Después de 1 año, podrás liberar el nombre y recuperar tus SNT. + + + ens-welcome-point-register-title + 10 SNT a registrar + + + ens-welcome-point-verify + Puedes verificar y agregar cualquier nombre de usuario que poseas en los siguientes pasos. + + + ens-welcome-point-verify-title + ¿Ya tienes un nombre de usuario? + + + ens-your-username + Tu nombre de usuario + + + ens-your-usernames + Tus nombres de usuario + + + ens-your-your-name + Tu nombre ENS + + + ens-username-already-added + El nombre de usuario ya está conectado con tu clave de chat y se puede usar dentro de Status. + + + ens-username-connected-continue + Continuar configurando `Mostrar mi nombre de usuario ENS en los chats`. + + + ens-username-connected-with-different-key + Continuar requerirá una transacción para conectar el nombre de usuario con tu clave de chat actual. + + + ens-username-owned-continue + Continuar conectará este nombre de usuario con tu clave de chat. + + + ens-username-taken + Nombre de usuario ya está tomado :( + + + ens-name-not-found + No se puede resolver el nombre ENS + + + ens-username-registration-invalid + + + + ens-username-invalid-name-warning + + + + enter-12-words + Ingresa las 12 palabras de tu frase semilla, separadas por espacios + + + enter-a-private-key + Ingresa una clave privada + + + enter-a-seed-phrase + Ingresa una frase semilla + + + enter-address + Ingresar dirección + + + enter-contact-code + ENS (vitalik94) o clave de chat (0x04...) + + + enter-pair-code + Ingrese tu código de vinculación + + + pair-code-placeholder + Código de emparejamiento... + + + enter-pair-code-description + Se te mostró el código de vinculación durante la configuración de Keycard + + + enter-password + Ingresa la contraseña + + + enter-password-migration-prompt + Ingresa tu contraseña para mover contactos, chats y ajustes junto con sus claves + + + migration-successful + Migración exitosa + + + migration-successful-text + Cuenta migrada con éxito a la Keycard + + + skip + Omitir + + + password-placeholder + Contraseña... + + + confirm-password-placeholder + Confirmá tu contraseña... + + + enter-pin + Ingresa el código de acceso de 6 dígitos + + + enter-puk-code + Ingresa el código PUK + + + enter-puk-code-description + El código de acceso de 6 dígitos ha sido bloqueado. + Ingresa el código PUK para desbloquear el código de acceso. + + + enter-recipient-address-or-username + Ingresá la dirección o nombre de usuario del destinatario + + + enter-seed-phrase + Ingresa la frase semilla + + + enter-url + Ingresa una URL + + + enter-watch-account-address + Escanea un código QR + o + ingrese la dirección para observar + + + enter-word + Ingresar palabra + + + enter-your-code + Ingresa tu código de acceso de 6 dígitos + + + enter-your-password + Ingresa tu contraseña + + + error + Error + + + error-unable-to-get-balance + No se puede obtener el saldo + + + error-unable-to-get-prices + Error de conversión de moneda. Refresca tu pantalla para intentarlo de nuevo. + + + error-unable-to-get-token-balance + No se puede obtener el saldo del token + + + errors + Errores + + + eth + ETH + + + ethereum-node-started-incorrectly-description + El nodo Ethereum se inició con una configuración incorrecta, la aplicación se detendrá para recuperarse de esa condición. ID de red configurado = {{network-id}}, actual = {{fetched-network-id}} + + + ethereum-node-started-incorrectly-title + El nodo Ethereum se inició incorrectamente + + + etherscan-lookup + Ver en Etherscan + + + export-account + Exportar la cuenta + + + export-key + Exportar llave privada + + + community-private-key + Clave privada comunitaria + + + failed + Fallido + + + faq + Preguntas frecuentes + + + fetch-messages + ↓ Recuperar mensajes + + + fetch-timeline + ↓ Obtener + + + find + Encontrar + + + finish + Finalizar + + + finishing-card-setup + Finalizando la configuración de la tarjeta + + + fleet + Fleet + + + fleet-settings + Ajustes de fleet + + + follow-your-interests + Entra en un chat público y conoce gente nueva + + + follow + Seguir + + + free + ↓ Gratis + + + from + De + + + gas-limit + Límite de gas + + + gas-price + Precio del gas + + + gas-used + Gas utilizado + + + generate-a-key + Generar claves + + + generate-a-new-account + Genera una Cuenta + + + generate-a-new-key + Generar una nueva clave + + + generate-account + Generar claves + + + generate-new-key + Generar claves + + + your-keys + Tus claves + + + generating-codes-for-pairing + > Descargando el software del producto a la tarjeta + > Generando códigos de desbloqueo y vinculación + + + generating-keys + Generando claves... + + + you-will-need-this-code + Necesitarás este código para abrir Status y firmar transacciones + + + generating-mnemonic + Generando frase semilla + + + get-started + Iniciar + + + get-status-at + Obtén Status en http://status.im/es + + + get-stickers + Obtén Stickers + + + go-to-settings + Ir a Configuración + + + got-it + Entendido + + + group-chat + Chat grupal + + + group-chat-admin + Admin + + + group-chat-admin-added + **{{member}}** se ha convertido en admin + + + group-chat-created + **{{member}}** creó el grupo **{{name}}** + + + group-chat-decline-invitation + Rechazar invitación + + + group-chat-member-added + **{{member}}** ha sido invitado + + + group-chat-member-joined + **{{member}}** se ha unido al grupo + + + group-chat-member-removed + **{{member}}** abandonó el grupo + + + group-chat-members-count + {{selected}}/{{max}} miembros + + + group-chat-name-changed + **{{member}}** cambió el nombre del grupo a **{{name}}** + + + group-chat-no-contacts + Aún no tienes contactos. +Invita a tus amigos a comenzar a chatear + + + leave-chat + Abandonar chat + + + leave-confirmation + Salir {{chat-name}} + + + leave-chat-confirmation + El historial de la conversación se eliminará de tu dispositivo. Al reincorporarte no podrás recuperar tu historial. + + + group-chat-all-contacts-invited + Todos tus contactos ya están en el grupo. + + + group-info + Información del grupo + + + gwei + Gwei + + + hash + Hash + + + help + ayuda + + + help-capitalized + Ayuda + + + help-center + Centro de ayuda + + + hide-content-when-switching-apps + Bloquear capturas de pantalla + + + hide-content-when-switching-apps-ios + Ocultar vista previa + + + history + Historial + + + history-nodes + Nodos de Status + + + hold-card + sostén la tarjeta en la parte posterior de tu teléfono + + + home + Inicio + + + hooks + Hooks + + + identifier + Identificador + + + image-remove-current + Eliminar la foto actual + + + image-source-gallery + Seleccionar de la galería + + + image-source-make-photo + Tomar foto + + + image-source-title + Editar imagen + + + profile-pic-take + Tomar foto + + + profile-pic-pick + Seleccionar de la galería + + + profile-pic-remove + Quitar foto + + + in-contacts + En contactos + + + incoming + Entrante + + + incoming-transaction + Transacción entrante + + + incorrect-code::0 + str + + + incorrect-code::1 + Lo sentimos, el código es incorrecto, escríbelo de nuevo + + + initialization + Inicialización + + + install + ↓ Instalar + + + intro-message1 + ¡Bienvenid@ a Status! +Toca este mensaje para configurar tu contraseña y empezar. + + + intro-privacy-policy-note1 + Status no recopila ni se beneficia de tus datos personales. Al continuar, tú estás de acuerdo con la + + + intro-privacy-policy-note2 + política de privacidad + + + intro-text + Status es tu puerta de enlace a la web descentralizada + + + intro-text1 + Chatea a través de una red encriptada peer-to-peer donde los mensajes no pueden ser censurados o hackeados + + + intro-text2 + Envía y recibe activos digitales en cualquier parte del mundo – no se requiere cuenta bancaria + + + intro-text3 + Explora juegos, exchanges y redes sociales en las que solo tú eres propietario de tus datos + + + intro-title1 + Comunicación verdaderamente privada + + + intro-title2 + Cripto-billetera segura + + + intro-title3 + Apps descentralizadas + + + intro-wizard-text1 + Un set de claves controla tu cuenta. Tus claves viven en tu teléfono, por lo que solo tú puede usarlas. + + + intro-wizard-text2 + Una clave es para chatear. Viene con un nombre legible que no se puede cambiar. + + + intro-wizard-text3 + ¿Tienes una Keycard? Guarda tus claves en ella; la necesitarás para las transacciones + + + intro-wizard-text4 + Asegura y encripta tus claves + + + intro-wizard-text6 + Status te notificará sobre los nuevos mensajes. Puedes editar tus preferencias de notificación más adelante en la configuración + + + intro-wizard-title-alt4 + Crea una contraseña + + + intro-wizard-title-alt5 + Confirma tu contraseña + + + intro-wizard-title1 + Obtén tus claves + + + intro-wizard-title2 + Elige un nombre de chat + + + intro-wizard-title3 + Elegir almacenamiento de claves + + + intro-wizard-title4 + Crear un código de acceso de 6 dígitos + + + intro-wizard-title5 + Confirma la clave de acceso + + + intro-wizard-title6 + Habilitar las notificaciones + + + are-you-sure-to-cancel + ¿Estas seguro que quieres cancelar? + + + you-will-start-from-scratch + Comenzarás desde cero con un nuevo set de claves + + + invalid-address-qr-code + El código QR escaneado no contiene una dirección válida + + + invalid-format + Formato inválido + Debe ser {{format}} + + + invalid-key-confirm + Aplicar + + + invalid-key-content + La base de datos no se puede encriptar porque el archivo está dañado. Tus fondos y llaves de chat están a salvo. Otros datos, como chats y contactos, no se podrán restaurar. El botón "{{erase-multiaccounts-data-button-text}}", eliminará otros datos y te permitirá acceder a tus fondos y enviar mensajes + + + invalid-number + Número inválido + + + invalid-pairing-password + Contraseña de vinculación inválida + + + invalid-range + Formato inválido, debe estar entre {{min}} y {{max}} + + + invalid-username-or-key + Nombre de usuario o clave de chat no válidos + + + join-me + Ey, unite a Status: {{url}} + + + join-a-community + o únete a una comunidad + + + http-gateway-error + ¡Oops, la solicitud falló! + + + sign-request-failed + No se pudo firmar el mensaje + + + invite-friends + Invitar a amigos + + + invite-people + Invitar a otros + + + invite-reward + ¡Gana criptomonedas por cada amigo que invites! + + + invite-select-account + Seleccioná una cuenta para recibir tu bono de referencia + + + invited + invitado + + + invite-button + Invitá + + + invite-receive-account + Cuenta para recibir tu bono de referencia + + + how-it-works + Cómo funciona + + + invite-warning + Esta promoción solo es válida para usuarios de un dispositivo Android que no sean residentes de EE. UU. Un amigo debe confirmar la referencia en un plazo de 7 días. + + + invite-instruction-first + Envías un enlace de invitación único a tu amigo para descargar y unirse a Status + + + invite-instruction-second + Tu amigo descarga Status y crea una cuenta (en Android) + + + invite-instruction-third + Se inicia un chat con tu amigo, donde confirman tu referencia + + + invite-instruction-fourth + Vos recibís tu bono de referencia y tu amigo el Paquete de Bienvenida + + + invite-instruction-fifth + Puede elegir canjear su bono de referencia en cualquier momento. + + + invite-reward-you + Vos: + + + invite-reward-you-name + Bono de referencia + + + invite-reward-you-description + Invitá a un amigo y recibí {{reward}} como bono de referencia. Usalo para obtener stickers, un nombre ENS y probar dapps + + + invite-reward-friend + Amigo: + + + invite-reward-friend-name + Paquete de Bienvenida + + + invite-reward-friend-description + Tu amigo recibirá un Paquete de Bienvenida que consta de {{reward}} para comenzar + + + invite-privacy-policy1 + Al aceptar, estás de acuerdo con el programa de referidos + + + invite-privacy-policy2 + Términos y Condiciones. + + + invite-privacy-policy-public + Instalaste Status a través de un enlace de referido. Al unirte a este chat, atribuyes su referencia y acepta las + + + invite-chat-name + Referencia de amigos + + + invite-chat-starter-pack + Paquete de Bienvenida + + + invite-chat-intro + Fuiste referido por un amigo para unirte a Status. Acá tenés algunas criptomonedas para empezar! Usalas para registrar un nombre ENS o comprar un paquete de stickers + + + invite-public-chat-home + Invitación de referencia + + + invite-public-chat-intro + ¡Aquí tienes algunas criptomonedas para que comiences! Úselas para registrar un nombre ENS o comprar un paquete de stickers + + + invite-chat-accept + Aceptar + + + invite-chat-pending + Pendiente + + + invite-chat-accept-join + Aceptar y Unirse + + + invite-chat-rule + Si aceptás también recompensarás a tu amigo con un bono de referencia criptográfica + + + redeem-now + Canjear ahora + + + redeem-amount + {{quantity}} bonos disponibles + + + redeem-success + ¡Canje del bono exitoso! + + + attribution-received + {{attrib}} de {{max}} bonos recibidos + + + advertiser-starter-pack-title + Paquete de Bienvenida + + + advertiser-starter-pack-description + ¡Acá tenés algunas criptomonedas para comenzar! Usalas para obtener pegatinas, un nombre ENS y probar dapps + + + advertiser-title + Privacidad por defecto + + + advertiser-description + Descubriste Status gracias a un socio nuestro. ¿Podemos chequear tu IP para poder recompensarlo? Esta información no será usada para nada más, y será removida completamente después de 7 días + + + advertiser-starter-pack-accept + Aceptar + + + advertiser-starter-pack-decline + Rechazar + + + dapp-starter-pack-title + Paquete de Bienvenida + + + dapp-starter-pack-description + ¡Acá tenés algunas criptomonedas para comenzar! Usalas para obtener pegatinas, un nombre ENS y probar dapps + + + dapp-starter-pack-accept + Aceptar y Abrir + + + starter-pack-coming + El Paquete de Inicio viene en camino + + + starter-pack-coming-description + Puede tomar de unos minutos a horas + + + starter-pack-received + Paquete de Bienvenida + + + starter-pack-received-description + ¡Acá tenés algunas criptomonedas para comenzar! Usalas para obtener pegatinas, un nombre ENS y probar dapps + + + join-group-chat + Unirse al grupo + + + join-group-chat-description + {{username}} te invitó a unirte al grupo {{group-name}} + + + joined-group-chat-description + Te has unido a {{group-name}} desde la invitación de {{username}} + + + key + Clave + + + keycard + Keycard + + + keycard-access-reset + Acceso a la Keycard está restablecido + + + keycard-can-use-with-new-passcode + Puedes usar esta tarjeta con tu nuevo código de accesto + + + keycard-applet-install-instructions + Para instalar el applet, sigue las instrucciones en https://github.com/status-im/keycard-cli#keycard-applet-installation + + + keycard-blocked + Keycard ha sido bloqueada. + Necesitas reiniciar la tarjeta para continuar usándola. + + + keycard-cancel-setup-text + Esto cancelará la configuración de keycard. Se muy recomendable finalizar la configuración para usar keycard. ¿De verdad quieres cancelar? + + + keycard-cancel-setup-title + Operación peligrosa + + + keycard-desc + ¿Tienes una Keycard? Guarda tus claves allí; la necesitarás para las transacciones + + + keycard-dont-ask-card + No pedir tarjeta para iniciar sesión + + + keycard-reset-passcode + Restablece el código de acceso + + + keycard-factory-reset + Restablecer la tarjeta a la configuración de fábrica + + + keycard-factory-reset-title + ¿Estás seguro que quieres restablecer a las condiciones de fábrica? + + + keycard-factory-reset-text + Hacer esto eliminará cualquier mnemónico almacenado en la tarjeta. Asegúrate de tener una copia de seguridad de la frase mnemónica que ha estado usando con esta Keycard. + + + keycard-enter-new-passcode + Ingresa el nuevo código de acceso {{step}}/2 + + + keycard-has-multiaccount-on-it + Esta tarjeta está llena. Cada tarjeta puede mantener un par de llaves principales + + + keycard-onboarding-finishing-header + Terminando + + + keycard-onboarding-intro-header + Guarda tus claves en Keycard + + + keycard-onboarding-intro-text + Prepárate, esto puede tomar unos minutos, pero es importante para asegurar tu cuenta + + + keycard-onboarding-pairing-header + Vinculando la tarjeta... + + + keycard-onboarding-preparing-header + Preparando la tarjeta... + + + keycard-onboarding-puk-code-header + Escribe los códigos + y guárdalos de forma segura + + + keycard-onboarding-recovery-phrase-description + Necesitas esta frase semilla para obtener de nuevo tu clave. Anótala. Manténla segura, fuera de línea y separada de este dispositivo. + + + keycard-onboarding-recovery-phrase-header + Respalda tu frase semilla + + + keycard-onboarding-recovery-phrase-text + Sólo para tus ojos. Esta es la semilla mágica usada para generar tu clave. + + + keycard-onboarding-start-header + Manten la tarjeta en la parte posterior + de tu teléfono para iniciar + + + keycard-onboarding-pin-text + Deberás crear un código de acceso de 6 dígitos que se utilizará para proteger tu Keycard. + + + keycard-onboarding-mnemonic-text + También necesitarás un papel y un lápiz para escribir tu frase semilla. + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step1 + Crea un código de acceso + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step1-text + Alrededor de 1 minuto. Crea un código de acceso de 6 dígitos para encriptar tus claves + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step2 + Escribe el código de vinculación y PUK + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step2-text + Alrededor de 1 minuto. Vas a necesitar un papel y un lápiz para eso + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step3 + Respaldar la frase semilla + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step3-text + Alrededor de 1 minuto. También son necesarios un pedazo de papel y un lápiz. + + + keycard-onboarding-start-text + Y manten el contacto entre la tarjeta y el teléfono + durante la configuración. La configuración tomará alrededor de 4 minutos + + + keycard-recovery-intro-button-text + Iniciar la recuperación + + + keycard-recovery-intro-header + Recuperar claves almacenadas en Keycard + + + keycard-recovery-intro-text + Si antes generaste claves con keycard y ahora deseas utilizarlas en este dispositivo + + + keycard-recovery-no-key-header + No hay nada que +recuperar aquí + + + keycard-recovery-no-key-text + Tu Keycard no tiene ninguna clave almacenada en ella. Para usarla, genera una nueva clave y elige tu Keycard para almacenar la clave + + + keycard-recovery-phrase-confirm-header + Confirmar frase semilla + + + keycard-recovery-phrase-confirmation-text + ¡No tendrás una segunda oportunidad! Si pierdes acceso, por ejemplo al extraviar tu Keycard, solo podrás acceder a tus llaves con tu frase semilla. Nadie a parte de ti tiene tu frase semilla. Anótala. Mantenla guardada. + + + keycard-recovery-phrase-confirmation-title + ¿Escribiste la frase semilla? + + + keycard-recovery-success-header + Tus claves han sido + recuperadas con éxito + + + keycard-redeem-title + Canjear a + + + keycard-redeem-tx + Canjea activos + + + keycard-redeem-tx-desc + Toque con la tarjeta para firmar y recibir activos + + + keycard-unauthorized-operation + No estás autorizado a realizar esta operación. + Por favor, toca la tarjeta válida e inténtalo de nuevo. + + + keycard-is-frozen-title + La Keycard está congelada + + + keycard-is-frozen-details + Para proteger tus activos, tu tarjeta está congelada. Restablece el acceso a la tarjeta para desbloquear llaves y enviar transacciones. Crea un nuevo código de acceso e ingrese su PUK para acceder a su(s) cuenta(s) en esta tarjeta + + + keycard-is-frozen-reset + Restablece el acceso a la tarjeta + + + keycard-is-frozen-factory-reset + Restablecer con mnemónico + + + your-card-is-frozen + Tu Keycard está congelada. Restablece el acceso a la tarjeta + + + keycard-is-blocked-title + La Keycard está bloqueada + + + keycard-is-blocked-details + Ya no puedes usar esta tarjeta para acceder o firmar esta cuenta. Ha habido demasiados intentos fallidos de código de acceso y PUK. + + + keycard-is-blocked-instructions + Para acceder a tu cuenta, re-instala Status y usa una nueva Keycard, usa una billetera diferente o reinicia Keycard manualmente. + + + language + Idioma + + + learn-more + Aprende más + + + learn-more-about-keycard + Más información sobre Keycard + + + leave + Salir + + + joined + Unido + + + leave-group + Salir del grupo + + + left + salió + + + lets-go + Vamos + + + les-ulc + LES/ULC + + + linked-on + Vinculado en {{date}} + + + load-messages-before + antes del {{date}} + + + load-more-messages + ↓ Recuperar más mensajes + + + load-more-timeline + ↓ Obtener más + + + loading + Cargando... + + + log-level + Nivel de registro + + + log-level-settings + Ajustes del nivel de registro + + + logging + Registro + + + logging-enabled + ¿Registro habilitado? + + + login-pin-description + Ingresa tu código de acceso de 6 dígitos para desbloquear tus llaves + + + logout + Cerrar sesión + + + logout-app-content + Se cerrará la sesión de la cuenta. Cuando lo desbloquees de nuevo, se utilizará la red seleccionada + + + logout-are-you-sure + ¿Seguro que quieres cerrar la sesión? + + + logout-title + ¿Cerrar sesión? + + + logout-key-management + Es necesario cerrar la sesión para acceder a la gestión de claves. + + + looking-for-cards + Buscando tarjetas... + + + lost-connection + Conexión perdida + + + mailserver-address + Dirección del nodo de Status + + + mailserver-automatic + Selección automática + + + mailserver-automatic-switch-explanation + Elija el nodo de Status más rápido disponible + + + mailserver-connection-error + No se pudo conectar al nodo de Status + + + mailserver-details + Detalles del nodo de Status + + + mailserver-error-content + No se pudo acceder al nodo de Status que seleccionó. + + + mailserver-error-title + Error al conectarse al nodo de Status + + + mailserver-format + enode://{enode-id}:{password}@{ip-address}:{port} + + + mailserver-pick-another + Elija otro nodo de Status + + + mailserver-reconnect + No se pudo conectar con el nodo de Status. Pulse para reconectar + + + mailserver-request-error-content + El siguiente error fue devuelto por el nodo de Status: {{error}} + + + mailserver-request-error-status + Se produjo un error al recuperar el historial, verifica los registros para obtener más detalles + + + mailserver-request-error-title + Error de solicitud del nodo de Status + + + mailserver-request-retry + Reintentar solicitud + + + mailserver-retry + Reintentar + + + main-currency + Moneda principal + + + main-networks + Redes principales + + + main-wallet + Billetera Principal + + + mainnet-network + Red principal + + + make-admin + Hacer admin + + + manage-keys-and-storage + Administrar las claves y el almacenamiento + + + mark-all-read + Marcar todo como leído + + + members + + 1 miembro + {{count}} miembros + + + + members-active + + 1 miembro + {{count}} miembros + + + + members-active-none + no hay miembros + + + members-title + Miembros + + + message + Mensaje + + + message-not-sent + Mensaje no enviado + + + message-options-cancel + Cancelar + + + message-reply + Responder + + + replying-to + Respondiendo a {{author}} + + + data-syncing + Sincronización de datos + + + messages + Mensajes + + + chat-is-a-contact + Contacto + + + chat-is-not-a-contact + No es contacto + + + might-break + Puede que se rompan algunas ÐApps + + + migrations-failed-content + {{message}} + versión del esquema: inicial {{initial-version}}, actual {{current-version}} , último {{last-version}} + +Ocurrió un problema de base de datos. Tus fondos y la llave de chat están a salvo. Otros datos, como chats y contactos, no se podrán recuperar. Presionar el botón {{erase-multiaccounts-data-button-text}}" eliminará el resto de datos y te permitirá acceder a tus fondos y enviar mensajes. + + + mobile-network-ask-me + Pregúntarme cuando esté en la red móvil + + + mobile-network-continue-syncing + Continuar sincronizando + + + mobile-network-continue-syncing-details + Puedes cambiar esto más adelante en los ajustes + + + mobile-network-go-to-settings + Ir a ajustes + + + mobile-network-settings + Datos móviles + + + mobile-network-sheet-configure + Puedes configurar la sincronización en más +detalle en + + + mobile-network-sheet-offline + Sin Wi-Fi, la sincronización de mensajes está deshabilitada. + + + mobile-network-sheet-offline-details + La sincronización mediante la red móvil está desactivada + + + mobile-network-sheet-remember-choice + Recuerda mi elección + + + mobile-network-sheet-settings + ajustes + + + mobile-network-start-syncing + Iniciar la sincronización + + + mobile-network-stop-syncing + Detener la sincronización + + + mobile-network-stop-syncing-details + ¿Hasta que se conecta a Wi-Fi? + + + mobile-network-use-mobile + Usar datos móviles + + + mobile-network-use-mobile-data + Status utiliza muchos datos al sincronizar los chats y la billetera. + + + mobile-network-use-wifi + Sólo Wi-Fi + + + mobile-syncing-sheet-details + Status utiliza muchos datos al sincronizar los chats y la billetera. + + + mobile-syncing-sheet-title + ¿Sincronizar usando los datos del móvil? + + + more + más + + + multiaccount-exists-title + Las llaves para esta cuenta ya existen + + + multiaccount-exists-content + Las llaves para esta cuenta ya existen y no se pueden añadir de nuevo. Si perdiste tu contraseña, código de acceso o Keycard, desinstala la app, reinstálala y accede insertando tu frase semilla + + + multiaccounts-recover-enter-phrase-text + Ingresa 12, 15, 18, 21 o 24 palabras. + Separa las palabras por un solo espacio. + + + multiaccounts-recover-enter-phrase-title + Ingresa tu frase semilla + + + name + Nombre + + + name-of-token + El nombre de tu token + + + need-help + ¿Necesitas ayuda? + + + glossary + Glosario + + + account-title + Cuenta + + + account-content + Puedes comparar las cuentas en Status con las cuentas bancarias. Al igual que una cuenta bancaria, una cuenta suele tener una dirección y un saldo; se utiliza esta cuenta para realizar transacciones con Ethereum. Puedes tener varias cuentas en tu billetera. Todas accedidas en Status. + + + chat-key-title + Clave de chat + + + chat-key-content + Los mensajes en el protocolo de chat de Status se envían y reciben utilizando claves de encriptación. La clave pública de chat es una cadena de caracteres que compartes con otros para que puedan enviarte mensajes en Status. + + + chat-name-title + Nombre del chat + + + chat-name-content + Tres palabras aleatorias, derivadas algorítmicamente de tu clave de chat y utilizadas como tu alias predeterminado en el chat. Los nombres de los chats son completamente únicos; ningún otro usuario puede tener las mismas tres palabras. + + + ens-name-title + Nombre ENS + + + ens-name-content + Alias personalizado para tu clave de chat que puedes registrar utilizando Ethereum Name Service. Los nombres ENS son nombres de usuario descentralizados. + + + mailserver-title + Nodo de Status + + + mailserver-content + Un nodo en la red de Status que enruta y almacena mensajes, hasta por 30 días. + + + peer-title + Peer + + + peer-content + Un dispositivo conectado a la red de chat de Status. Cada usuario puede representar uno o más peers, dependiendo de su número de dispositivos. + + + seed-phrase-title + Frase Semilla + + + seed-phrase-content + Un set de palabras fáciles de leer, seleccionadas al azar de la lista estándar BIP39 y utilizadas para recuperar o acceder a tu cuenta de Ethereum en otras billeteras y dispositivos. También se conoce como "frase mnemónica", "frase de recuperación" o "copia de seguridad de billetera" en todo el cripto ecosistema. La mayoría de las cripto apps usan este mismo estándar para generar cuentas. + + + wallet-key-title + Dirección de la cuenta + + + wallet-key-content + Una dirección hexadecimal de 64 caracteres basada en el estándar Ethereum y que comienza con 0x. De cara al público, tu clave de billetera se comparte con otros cuando deseas recibir fondos. También se conoce como "dirección de Ethereum" o "dirección de billetera". + + + buy-crypto-title + Parece que tu billetera está vacía + + + buy-crypto-description + Encuentre una dapp para comprar cripto ahora + + + buy-crypto + Comprar criptomonedas + + + buy-crypto-choose-a-service + Elige un servicio que quieras usar para comprar criptomonedas + + + buy-crypto-leaving + Estás saliendo de Status y entrando en un sitio web de terceros para completar tu compra + + + opening-buy-crypto + Abriendo {{site}} ... + + + network + Red + + + network-chain + Cadena de la red + + + network-details + Detalles de red + + + network-info + Información de la red + + + network-fee + Tarifa de la red + + + network-id + Identidad de la red + + + network-invalid-network-id + El id de red especificado no corresponde al id de red por la url de RPC + + + network-invalid-status-code + Código de estado inválido: {{code}} + + + network-invalid-url + La URL de la red no es válida + + + network-settings + Ajustes de la red + + + new + Nuevo + + + new-chat + Nuevo chat + + + new-contact + Nuevo contacto + + + new-contract + Nuevo contrato + + + new-group + Nuevo grupo + + + new-group-chat + Nuevo grupo de chat + + + new-network + Nueva red + + + new-pin-description + Ingresa el nuevo código de acceso de 6 dígitos + + + new-puk-description + Ingrese un nuevo PUK de 12 dígitos + + + new-public-group-chat + Unirte a chat público + + + next + Siguiente + + + no + No + + + no-collectibles + No hay coleccionables disponibles + + + no-contacts + Aún no hay contactos + + + no-keycard-applet-on-card + No hay applet de Keycard en la tarjeta + + + no-messages + No hay mensajes + + + no-pairing-slots-available + Esta tarjeta ya está vinculada con 5 dispositivos y no puede ser vinculada con éste dispositivo. Por favor, utiliza uno de los dispositivos vinculados, inicia sesión con esta tarjeta y libera los espacios de vinculación en la tarjeta + + + no-result + Sin resultados + + + no-tokens-found + No se encontraron tokens + + + node-info + Información del nodo + + + node-address + Dirección del nodo + + + node-details + Detalles de nodo + + + node-version + Versión de nodo + + + nonce + Nonce + + + none + Ninguno + + + not-applicable + No aplicable para transacciones no firmadas + + + not-keycard-text + La tarjeta que usaste no es una Keycard. Necesitas comprar una Keycard para usarla + + + not-keycard-title + No es una Keycard + + + notifications + Notificaciones + + + local-notifications + Notificaciones locales + + + local-notifications-subtitle + + + + remote-notifications + Notificaciones remotas + + + remote-notifications-subtitle + + + + show-notifications + Mostrar notificaciones + + + notification-settings + Notificaciones + + + notifications-servers + Servidores de notificaciones + + + notifications-preferences + Preferencias de notificación + + + notifications-switch + Mostrar notificaciones + + + notifications-non-contacts + Notificaciones de no contactos + + + notifications-transactions + Transacciones de billetera + + + send-push-notifications + + + + send-push-notifications-description + Cuando está deshabilitado, la persona que recibe sus mensajes no será notificada de su llegada. + + + push-notifications-server-enabled + Servidor habilitado + + + push-notifications-servers + Servidores de notificaciones push + + + push-inbound-transaction + Recibiste {{value}} {{currency}} + + + push-outbound-transaction + Enviaste {{value}} {{currency}} + + + push-failed-transaction + Su transacción falló + + + push-inbound-transaction-body + De {{from}} a {{to}} + + + push-outbound-transaction-body + De {{from}} a {{to}} + + + push-failed-transaction-body + {{value}} {{currency}} a {{to}} + + + allow-mention-notifications + Mostrar @ menciones + + + server + Servidor + + + specify-server-public-key + Ingrese la clave pública del servidor + + + notify + Notificar + + + off + Apagado + + + offline + Desconectado + + + offline-messaging-use-history-nodes + Usar nodos de Status + + + offline-messaging-use-history-explanation + Habilite los nodos del historial para recuperar los mensajes que se enviaron mientras la aplicación estaba cerrada. Cuando está habilitado, un nodo de historial obtiene su dirección IP. Cuando está deshabilitado, no recibirá mensajes cuando la aplicación esté cerrada y no los verá cuando abra la aplicación más tarde. + + + ok + OK + + + ok-continue + Ok, continuar + + + ok-got-it + Ok, lo tengo + + + okay + Bien + + + on + En + + + open + Abrir + + + open-home + Abrir... + + + open-dapp + Abrir ÐApp + + + open-dapp-store + Descubre ÐApps + + + open-nfc-settings + Abrir ajustes de NFC + + + open-on-block-explorer + + + + optional + opcional + + + or + O + + + outgoing + Saliente + + + outgoing-transaction + Transacción saliente + + + pair + Vincular dispositivos + + + pair-card + Vincular a este dispositivo + + + pair-code + Código par + + + pair-code-explanation + Vincula la tarjeta a un dispositivo diferente para desbloquear llaves y firmar transacciones con la misma Keycard + + + pair-this-card + Vincula esta tarjeta + + + pair-this-device + Publicar el dispositivo + + + pair-this-device-description + Vincula tus dispositivos para sincronizar los contactos y chats entre ellos + + + paired-devices + Dispositivos vinculados + + + pairing + Vinculando + + + pairing-card + Vinculando la tarjeta + + + pairing-code-placeholder + Código de emparejamiento... + + + pairing-code_error1 + Los códigos de emparejamiento no coinciden. + + + confirm-pairing-code-placeholder + Confirma tu código de emparejamiento ... + + + pairing-go-to-installation + Ir a los ajustes de vinculación + + + pairing-maximum-number-reached-content + Por favor, deshabilita uno de tus dispositivos antes de habilitar uno nuevo. + + + pairing-maximum-number-reached-title + Número máximo de dispositivos alcanzados + + + pairing-new-installation-detected-content + Se ha detectado un nuevo dispositivo. +Para usar tus dispositivos correctamente, es importante vincularlos y habilitarlos antes de usarlos. +Ve a la sección del dispositivo en los ajustes para vincular tus dispositivos. + + + pairing-new-installation-detected-title + Nuevo dispositivo detectado + + + pairing-no-info + Sin información + + + pairing-please-set-a-name + Por favor configura un nombre para tu dispositivo. + + + passphrase + Frase de contraseña + + + password + Contraseña + + + password-description + Al menos 6 caracteres. Tu contraseña protege tus claves. La necesitas para desbloquear Status y realizar transacciones. + + + password-placeholder2 + Confirma tu contraseña + + + password_error1 + Las contraseñas no coinciden. + + + paste + Pegar + + + paste-json + Pegar JSON + + + pay-to-chat + Pagar para chatear + + + peers + Pares + + + pending + En espera + + + pending-confirmation + Confirmación pendiente... + + + permissions + Permisos + + + phone-e164 + Internacional 1 + + + photos-access-error + Para permitir el acceso a fotos, porfavor, ve a ajustes de sistema y asegúrate que este seleccionada la opción Status > Fotos + + + pin-changed + Se ha cambiado el código de acceso de 6 dígitos + + + puk-changed + Se ha cambiado el PUK de 12 dígitos + + + pairing-changed + Se ha cambiado el código de emparejamiento + + + pin-code + Código de acceso de 6 dígitos + + + pin-mismatch + Código de acceso incorrecto + + + pin-retries-left + {{number}} intentos restantes + + + pin-one-attempt-blocked-before + Ten cuidado, solo tienes + + + pin-one-attempt-frozen-before + Ten cuidado, solo tienes + + + pin-one-attempt + un intento + + + pin-one-attempt-blocked-after + antes de que tu Keycard se bloquee + + + pin-one-attempt-frozen-after + antes de que tu Keycard se congele + + + preview-privacy + Vista previa del modo de privacidad + + + privacy + Privacidad + + + privacy-photos + Privacidad de la foto del perfil + + + privacy-and-security + Privacidad y seguridad + + + privacy-policy + Política de privacidad + + + privacy-show-to-warning + Las personas que ya han visto tu foto de perfil seguirán haciéndolo + + + processing + Un momento. + + + product-information + Información del Producto + + + profile + Perfil + + + profile-details + Detalles del perfil + + + public-chat + Chat público + + + public-chats + Chats públicos + + + public-group-status + Público + + + public-group-topic + Tema + + + join-new-public-chat + Unirse a un chat público + + + join-new-private-chat + Iniciar un nuevo chat privado + + + search-no-chat-found + No hay resultados de búsqueda. ¿Querés decir + + + public-key + Clave pública + + + puk-and-pairing-codes-displayed + PUK y códigos de vinculación mostrados + + + puk-code + Código PUK + + + puk-code-explanation + Si olvidas tu código de acceso de 6 dígitos o lo ingresas incorrectamente 3 veces, necesitarás este código para desbloquear tu tarjeta. + + + puk-mismatch + El código PUK no coincide + + + quiet-days + {{quiet-days}} días + + + quiet-hours + {{quiet-hours}} horas + + + re-encrypt-key + Vuelve a encriptar tus claves + + + receive + Recibir + + + receive-transaction + Recibir transacción + + + recent + Estados recientes + + + recent-recipients + Contactos + + + recently-used-stickers + Las stickers usadas recientemente aparecerán aquí + + + recipient + Receptor + + + recipient-code + Ingresa la dirección del destinatario + + + recipient-code-placeholder + 0x... o username.domain.eth + + + recover + Recuperar + + + recover-key + Ingresar claves existentes + + + recover-keycard-multiaccount-not-supported + Las llaves para esta cuenta ya existen y no se pueden añadir de nuevo. Si perdiste tu contraseña, código de acceso o Keycard, desinstala la app, reinstálala y accede insertando tu frase semilla + + + recover-with-keycard + Recuperar con Keycard + + + recovering-key + Ingresando las claves... + + + recovery-confirm-phrase + Confirmar frase semilla + + + recovery-phrase + Frase semilla + + + recovery-success-text + Deberás crear un nuevo código o contraseña para volver a encriptar tus claves + + + recovery-typo-dialog-description + Recuerda, tu frase semilla debe ser exactamente las mismas palabras y el orden que recibiste + + + recovery-typo-dialog-title + ¿Es correcta la frase semilla? + + + remember-me + Recuérdame + + + remind-me-later + Muéstrame esto de nuevo + + + remove + Remover + + + remove-from-chat + Eliminar del chat + + + remove-from-contacts + Eliminar de contactos + + + remove-from-contacts-text + Al eliminar a un usuario de tu lista de contactos, no oculta la dirección de tu billetera de ellos + + + remove-network + Eliminar red + + + remove-token + Eliminar token + + + removed + eliminado + + + repeat-pin + Repite el nuevo código de acceso de 6 dígitos + + + repeat-puk + Repita el nuevo PUK de 12 dígitos + + + report-bug-email-template + 1. Descripción del problema +{{description}} + + +2. Pasos para reproducir +{{steps}} + + +3. Adjunta capturas de pantalla que demuestren el problema por favor + + + + request-transaction + Solicitar transacción + + + required-field + Campo requerido + + + resend-message + Reenviar + + + reset-card + Reiniciar la tarjeta + + + reset-card-description + Esta operación restablecerá la tarjeta al estado inicial. Borrará todos los datos de la tarjeta, incluidas las claves privadas. La operación no es reversible. + + + retry + Reintentar + + + revoke-access + Revocar el acceso + + + rinkeby-network + Red de prueba Rinkeby + + + ropsten-network + Red de prueba Ropsten + + + rpc-url + RPC URL + + + save + Guardar + + + save-password + Guardar contraseña + + + save-password-unavailable + Establece el código de acceso del dispositivo para guardar la contraseña + + + save-password-unavailable-android + Guardar la contraseña no está disponible: tu dispositivo puede estar rooteado o carecer de las características de seguridad necesarias. + + + scan-qr + Escanear QR + + + scan-qr-code + Escanea un código QR con una dirección de billetera + + + search + Buscar + + + secret-keys-confirmation-text + Los necesitará para seguir usando su Keycard en caso de que alguna vez pierda su teléfono. + + + secret-keys-confirmation-title + ¿Escribiste los códigos? + + + security + Seguridad + + + see-details + Ver detalles + + + see-it-again + VERLO OTRA VEZ + + + select-account-first + Selecciona una cuenta primero + + + select-chat + Selecciona el chat para comenzar a enviar mensajes + + + selected + Seleccionado + + + select + Seleccionar + + + select-account + Seleccionar cuenta + + + send-logs + Reportar un error + + + send-logs-to + Reportar un error a {{email}} + + + send-message + Enviar mensaje + + + send-request + Enviar solicitud + + + send-request-amount + Cantidad + + + send-request-amount-max-decimals + El número máximo de decimales es {{asset-decimals}} + + + send-request-unknown-token + Token desconocido - {{asset}} + + + send-sending-to + para {{recipient-name}} + + + send-transaction + Enviar transacción + + + sending + Enviando + + + sent-at + Enviado a + + + set-a-topic + Crear un tema + + + set-currency + Establecer moneda + + + set-dapp-access-permissions + Establecer permisos de acceso DApp + + + settings + Ajustes + + + share + Compartir + + + shared + Compartido + + + share-address + Compartir dirección + + + share-chat + Compartir chat + + + share-contact-code + Compartir mi clave de chat + + + share-dapp-text + Echa un vistazo a esta DApp que estoy usando en Status: {{link}} + + + share-link + Compartir enlace + + + share-my-profile + Compartir mi perfil + + + share-profile + Compartir perfil + + + share-profile-link + Compartir enlace del perfil + + + share-public-chat-text + Echa un vistazo a este chat público en la app de Status: {{link}} + + + sharing-copied-to-clipboard + Copiado + + + sharing-copy-to-clipboard + Copiar + + + share-logs + Compartir registros + + + sharing-share + Compartir + + + show-less + Mostrar menos + + + show-more + Mostrar más + + + show-qr + Mostrar código QR + + + show-transaction-data + Mostrar los datos de la transacción + + + sign-and-send + Firmar y enviar + + + sign-in + Regístrate + + + sign-message + Firmar mensaje + + + sign-out + Cerrar sesión + + + sign-with + Firma con + + + sign-with-password + Firmar con contraseña + + + sign-you-in + Iniciando sesión... + + + signing + Firma + + + signing-a-message + Firmando un mensaje + + + signing-phrase + Frase de firma + + + something-went-wrong + Algo salió mal + + + soon + Pronto + + + specify-address + Especificar dirección + + + specify-name + Especifica un nombre + + + specify-symbol + Especifica un símbolo + + + specify-network-id + Especifica ID de red + + + specify-rpc-url + Especifica una URL RPC + + + start-chat + Iniciar chat + + + start-conversation + Empezar conversación + + + start-group-chat + Iniciar chat grupal + + + start-new-chat + Iniciar nuevo chat + + + status + Status + + + status-confirmed + Confirmado + + + status-hardwallet + Status hardwallet + + + status-keycard + Status Keycard + + + status-pending + Pendiente + + + status-tx-not-found + TX no encontrada + + + status-sent + Enviado + + + status-not-sent-tap + No está confirmado. Pulsa para ver las opciones + + + status-not-sent-click + No está confirmado. Haz clic para ver las opciones + + + step-i-of-n + Paso {{step}} de {{number}} + + + sticker-market + Sticker market + + + sticker + Pegatina + + + submit + Enviar + + + submit-bug + Reportar un error + + + success + Éxito + + + symbol + Símbolo + + + sync-all-devices + Sincronizar todos los dispositivos + + + sync-in-progress + Sincronizando... + + + sync-settings + Ajustes de sincronización + + + sync-synced + Sincronizado + + + syncing-devices + Sincronizando... + + + tag-was-lost + La etiqueta se perdió + + + tap-card-again + Vuelve a tocar la tarjeta con la parte trasera de tu teléfono. + + + test-networks + Redes de prueba + + + text-input-disabled + Por favor espera un momento... + + + this-device + Este dispositivo + + + this-device-desc + Tus claves serán encriptadas y almacenadas de forma segura en tu dispositivo + + + this-is-you-signing + Esta es tu frase de firma + + + this-will-take-few-seconds + Esto tomará unos segundos + + + three-words-description + Deberías ver estas tres palabras antes de firmar cada transacción + + + three-words-description-2 + Si ves una combinación diferente, cancela la transacción y cierra sesión + + + to + Para + + + to-block + Bloquear + + + to-encrypt-enter-password + Para encriptar la cuenta, por favor, ingresa tu contraseña + + + to-see-this-message + Para ver este mensaje, + + + token-auto-validate-decimals-error + Decimales incorrectos para el token {{symbol}} en la dirección {{address}} - establecido en {{expected}} pero detectado como {{actual}} + + + token-auto-validate-name-error + Nombre incorrecto para el token {{symbol}} en la dirección {{address}} - establecido en {{expected}} pero detectado como {{actual}} + + + token-auto-validate-symbol-error + Símbolo incorrecto para el token {{symbol}} en la dirección {{address}} - configurado en {{expected}} pero detectado como {{actual}} + + + token-details + Detalles del token + + + topic-name-error + Utiliza solo letras minúsculas (a - z), números y guiones (-). No uses las claves de chat + + + transaction + Transacción + + + transaction-data + Transaction data + + + transaction-declined + Transacción rechazada + + + transactions-management-enabled + Gestión de transacciones (alfa) + + + transaction-description + Transacciones con 12 confirmaciones pueden considerarse irreversibles + + + transaction-details + Detalles de la transacción + + + transaction-failed + Transacción fallida + + + transaction-history + Historial de transacciones + + + transaction-request + Solicitud de transacción + + + transaction-sent + Transacción enviada + + + transaction-signed + La transacción se ha firmado con éxito + + + transactions + Transacciones + + + transactions-filter-select-all + Seleccionar todo + + + transactions-filter-title + Filtrar historial + + + type + Tipo + + + transactions-history + Historial de transacciones + + + transactions-history-empty + Aún no hay transacciones en tu historial + + + transactions-history-loading + Cargando historial de transacciones. Esto podrá tomar un tiempo. + + + transactions-sign + Firmar + + + tribute-required-by-multiaccount + {{multiaccount-name}} requiere SNT para iniciar un chat. + + + tribute-state-paid + Tributo pagado + + + tribute-state-pending + Tributo pendiente + + + tribute-state-required + Requiere tributo de {{snt-amount}} SNT + + + tribute-to-talk + Tribute to talk + + + tribute-to-talk-add-friends + Agregar amigos como un contacto para permitir chats sin pago de tributo. + + + tribute-to-talk-are-you-friends + ¿Son amigos? + + + tribute-to-talk-ask-to-be-added + Pide que te añadan como contacto + + + tribute-to-talk-contact-received-your-tribute + recibió tu tributo. Ahora pueden conversar con seguridad entre ustedes. + + + tribute-to-talk-desc + Monetiza tu atención requiriendo SNT para que la gente nueva inicie un chat + + + tribute-to-talk-disabled + Tribute to Talk deshabilitado + + + tribute-to-talk-disabled-note + A partir de ahora, las personas nuevas pueden iniciar un chat contigo sin enviar SNT. + + + tribute-to-talk-enabled + Tienes Tribute to Talk habilitado. + + + tribute-to-talk-finish-desc + A partir de ahora, sólo recibirás mensajes de los contactos, y de la gente que pagó + + + tribute-to-talk-learn-more-1 + Tu tiempo y atención son Tus activos más valiosos. Tribute to Talk te permite configurar la cantidad de SNT requerida para que nuevas personas inicien un chat contigo. + + + tribute-to-talk-learn-more-2 + Cualquier persona que no esté en tu lista de contactos deberá pagar, y tu puedes responder una vez que lo hayan hecho. + + + tribute-to-talk-learn-more-3 + Siempre puedes devolver el dinero, pero para asegurarte de que tus amigos puedan contactarte libremente, añádelos primero como contacto. + + + tribute-to-talk-paywall-learn-more-1 + Nuestro tiempo y atención son nuestros activos más valiosos. Tribute to Talk te permite contactar a nuevas personas a cambio de un pago de SNT. + + + tribute-to-talk-paywall-learn-more-2 + Para iniciar un chat con alguien que tiene configurado tributos, simplemente paga el SNT requerido y serás agregado como un contacto. + + + tribute-to-talk-paywall-learn-more-3 + Si los conoces, puedes compartir tu perfil fuera de Status para ser agregado de forma gratuita. + + + tribute-to-talk-pending + Tributo pendiente de confirmación + + + tribute-to-talk-pending-note + La transacción de tributo está pendiente de confirmación en la red. Puedes verificar el status en el historial de transacciones + + + tribute-to-talk-removing-note + Eliminar Tribute to Talk permitirá que nuevas personas inicien un chat sin enviar SNT. Requiere que se realice una transacción. + + + tribute-to-talk-set-snt-amount + Establece la cantidad de SNT requerida para que nuevas personas inicien un chat + + + tribute-to-talk-signing + Esperando para firmar la transacción + + + tribute-to-talk-transaction-failed-note + La transacción ha fallado y tu configuración de Tribute to Talk no ha cambiado + + + tribute-to-talk-tribute-received1 + El tributo fue recibido. Tú y + + + tribute-to-talk-tribute-received2 + ahora son contactos y pueden chatear de forma segura entre sí. + + + tribute-to-talk-you-require-snt + Se necesita SNT para que las personas nuevas inicien un chat. + + + try-again + Inténtalo de nuevo + + + try-keeping-the-card-still + Intenta mantener la tarjeta quieta + + + turn-nfc-on + activar nfc + + + turn-nfc-description + NFC está deshabilitado en su dispositivo. Puedes habilitarlo en la configuración + + + keycard-init-title + Buscando tarjetas... + + + keycard-init-description + Coloque la tarjeta en la parte posterior de su teléfono para continuar + + + keycard-awaiting-title + Todavía buscando... + + + keycard-awaiting-description + Intente mover la tarjeta para encontrar el lector NFC en su dispositivo + + + keycard-processing-title + Procesando... + + + keycard-processing-description + Intenta mantener la tarjeta quieta + + + keycard-connected-title + Conectado + + + keycard-connected-description + Intenta mantener la tarjeta quieta + + + keycard-error-title + Conexión perdida + + + keycard-error-description + Vuelva a conectar la tarjeta para continuar. + + + keycard-success-title + Éxito + + + keycard-success-description + Puedes quitar la tarjeta ahora + + + keycard-recover + tarjeta perdida o congelada? + + + keycard-recover-title + ¿Crear una nueva tarjeta para esta cuenta? + + + keycard-recover-text + Si tienes tu frase mnemotécnica puedes crear una nueva Keycard asociada a esta cuenta. Puedes utilizar ya sea una nueva Keycard o realizar el restablecimiento de una congelada. + + + keycard-backup + Crear una copia de seguridad de tu Keycard + + + keycard-backup-success-title + Copia de seguridad exitosa + + + keycard-backup-success-body + Copia de respaldo creada con éxito. Ahora puedes utilizarla con tu cuenta al igual que la tarjeta principal. + + + type-a-message + Mensaje + + + ulc-enabled + ULC habilitado + + + backup-enabled + Activado + + + backup-disabled + Deshabilitado + + + backup-settings + Ajustes de copia de seguridad + + + backup-through-waku + Copia de seguridad a través de waku + + + perform-backup + Realizar copia de seguridad + + + backing-up + Creando copia de seguridad ... + + + last-backup-performed + Última copia de seguridad realizada: + + + unable-to-read-this-code + No se puede leer este código + + + unblock-contact + Desbloquear este usuario + + + unknown-status-go-error + Error de status-go desconocido + + + unlock + Desbloquear + + + unpair-card + Desvincular tarjeta + + + unpair-card-confirmation + Esta operación desvinculará la tarjeta del dispositivo actual. Requiere autorización del código de acceso de 6 dígitos. ¿Quieres continuar? + + + unpaired-keycard-text + La Keycard que tocaste no está asociada con este teléfono + + + unpaired-keycard-title + Parece que tu tarjeta ha sido desvinculada + + + unpair-keycard + Desemparejar la Keycard de este teléfono + + + unpair-keycard-warning + El código de emparejamiento/PUK y el PIN no cambian + + + update + Actualizar + + + url + URL + + + usd-currency + Dólar estadounidense + + + use-valid-contact-code + Por favor, ingresa o escanea una clave de contacto o nombre de usuario válido + + + validation-amount-invalid-number + La cantidad no es un número válido + + + validation-amount-is-too-precise + La cantidad es muy precisa. La cantidad máxima de decimales es {{decimals}}. + + + version + Versión de la app + + + app-commit + + + + view + Ver + + + view-cryptokitties + Ver en CryptoKitties + + + view-cryptostrikers + Ver en CryptoStrikers + + + view-etheremon + Ver en Etheremon + + + view-gitcoin + Ver en Gitcoin + + + view-profile + Ver perfil + + + view-details + Ver detalles + + + view-signing + Ver la frase de firma + + + view-superrare + Ver en SuperRare + + + waiting-for-wifi + Sin Wi-Fi, la sincronización de mensajes está deshabilitada. + + + waiting-for-wifi-change + Ajustes + + + waiting-to-sign + Esperando para firmar la transacción... + + + wallet + Billetera + + + wallet-asset + Activo + + + wallet-assets + Activos + + + wallet-backup-recovery-title + Respalda tu frase semilla + + + wallet-choose-recipient + Elegir destinatario + + + wallet-collectibles + Coleccionables + + + wallet-insufficient-funds + Fondos insuficientes + + + wallet-insufficient-gas + No hay suficiente ETH para el gas + + + wallet-invalid-address + Dirección inválida: + {{data}} + + + wallet-invalid-address-checksum + Error en la dirección: + {{data}} + + + wallet-invalid-chain-id + La red no coincide: + {{data}} pero la cadena actual es {{chain}} + + + wallet-manage-assets + Administrar activos + + + wallet-manage-accounts + Gestionar cuentas + + + wallet-request + Solicitud + + + wallet-send + Enviar + + + wallet-send-min-units + Mínimo 21000 unidades + + + wallet-send-min-wei + Min 1 wei + + + wallet-settings + Ajustes de billetera + + + wallet-total-value + Valor total + + + wallet-transaction-total-fee + Costo total + + + wants-to-access-profile + quiere acceder a tu perfil + + + warning + Advertencia + + + warning-message + Lo sentimos, limitamos el envío de varios mensajes en rápida sucesión para evitar el spam. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo en un momento. + + + web-view-error + No se puede cargar la página + + + welcome-screen-text + ¡Configura tu billetera, invita a amigos a chatear + y busca dapps populares! + + + welcome-to-status + ¡Bienvenidx a Status! + + + welcome-to-status-description + Configura tu cripto billetera, invita a tus amigos a chatear y navegar apps descentralizadas + + + welcome-blank-message + Tus chats aparecerán aquí. Para iniciar nuevos chats, presiona el botón ⊕ + + + welcome-community-blank-message + Sus canales aparecerán aquí. Para crear un nuevo canal, haz clic en el botón ⊕ y selecciona "Crear un canal" + + + welcome-community-blank-message-edit-chats + Tus canales aparecerán aquí. Para crear un nuevo canal, vuelve a la pantalla de la comunidad, haz clic en el botón ⊕ y selecciona "Crear un canal" + + + welcome-blank-community-message + Tus comunidades aparecerán aquí. + + + fetch-community + Buscar la comunidad + + + fetching-community + Buscando comunidad... + + + seed-phrase-placeholder + Frase semilla... + + + word-count + Número de palabras + + + word-n + Palabra #{{number}} + + + word-n-description + Para comprobar si has realizado una copia de seguridad de la frase semilla correctamente, escribe arriba la palabra #{{number}}. + + + words-n + + 1 palabra + {{count}} palabras + + + + write-down-and-store-securely + Escribe los códigos + y guárdalos de forma segura + + + wrong-address + Dirección incorrecta + + + wrong-card + Tarjeta equivocada + + + wrong-card-text + Haz tocado una tarjeta que no corresponde a las llaves seleccionadas + + + wrong-contract + Contrato incorrecto + + + contract-isnt-supported + El contrato no es compatible + + + wrong-keycard-text + La Keycard que tocaste no está asociada con este teléfono + + + wrong-keycard-title + Parece que has hecho tapping +una keycard incorrecta + + + wrong-password + Contraseña incorrecta + + + wrong-word + Palabra incorrecta + + + yes + + + + You + + + + you + + + + you-already-have-an-asset + Ya tienes un activo {{value}} + + + you-are-all-set + ¡Estás listo! + + + you-are-all-set-description + Ahora, si pierdes tu teléfono, puedes acceder a tus fondos y llave de chat usando la frase semilla + + + you-can-change-account + Puedes cambiar el nombre y el color de la cuenta a lo que deseas + + + you-dont-have-stickers + Todavía no tienes stickers + + + you-dont-have-contacts-invite-friends + Aún no tienes contactos. +Invita a tus amigos a empezar a chatear. + + + your-contact-code + Conceder acceso autoriza a esta DApp a obtener tu clave de chat + + + your-data-belongs-to-you + Si pierdes tu frase semilla, pierdes tus datos y fondos + + + your-data-belongs-to-you-description + Si pierdes acceso, por ejemplo al perder tu teléfono, solo puedes acceder a tus llaves con tu frase semilla. Nadie aparte de ti tiene tu frase semilla. Anótala. Mantenla segura. + + + your-recovery-phrase + Tu frase semilla + + + your-recovery-phrase-description + Esta es tu frase semilla. La usas para comprobar que esta es tu billetera. ¡Sólo la verás una vez! Escríbela en un papel y guárdala en un lugar seguro. La necesitarás si pierdes o reinstalas tu billetera. + + + custom-seed-phrase + Frase semilla inválida + + + custom-seed-phrase-text-1 + Esta frase semilla no coincide con nuestro diccionario compatible. Revisa si hay palabras mal escritas. + + + to-enable-biometric + Para habilitar {{bio-type-label}}, debes guardar tu contraseña en la pantalla de desbloqueo + + + ok-save-pass + OK, guardar contraseña + + + lock-app-with + Bloquear app con + + + grant-face-id-permissions + Para conceder el permiso de Face ID requerido, ve a los ajustes de tu sistema y asegúrate de que esté seleccionado Status > Face ID + + + request-feature + Solicitar una funcionalidad + + + select-account-dapp + Selecciona la cuenta que deseas usar con Dapps + + + apply + Aplicar + + + on-status-tree + En el árbol de Status + + + off-status-tree + Derivado fuera de Status + + + derivation-path + Ruta de derivación + + + storage + Almacenamiento + + + keycard-free-pairing-slots + Keycard tiene {{n}} espacios de vinculación libres + + + public-chat-description + ¡Únete a chats públicos para tus intereses! Cualquiera puede comenzar uno nuevo. + + + delete-account + Borrar cuenta + + + delete-keys-keycard + Eliminar llaves de Keycard + + + watch-only + Sólo para ver + + + cant-report-bug + No puedo reportar un error + + + mail-should-be-configured + El cliente de correo debe ser configurado + + + check-on-block-explorer + + + + check-on-opensea + Comprobar en opensea + + + transactions-load-more + Mostrar más + + + private-key + Llave privada + + + generate-an-account + Genera una Cuenta + + + add-watch-account + Agrega una cuenta sólo para mirar + + + add-seed-account + Agrega una cuenta con una frase semilla + + + account-exists-title + Cuenta ya existe + + + add-private-key-account + Ingresa una cuenta de una llave privada + + + profile-not-found + Perfil no encontrado + + + waku-bloom-filter-mode + Modo de filtro Waku bloom + + + wakuv2-settings + Ajustes de Waku v2 + + + wakuv2-node-format + /ip4/{nodo-ip}/tcp/{puerto}/p2p/{id} + + + wakuv2-change-nodes + ¿Estás seguro de que quieres cambiar los nodos de Wakuv2? + + + appearance + Apariencia + + + preference + Preferencia + + + light + Luz + + + dark + Oscuro + + + system + Sistema + + + give-permissions-camera + Da permiso +para acceder a la cámara + + + photos + Fotos + + + image + Imagen + + + sign-anyway + Continuar de todas maneras + + + tx-fail-description1 + Es probable que esta transacción falle. Firme bajo su propio riesgo utilizando una tarifa de red personalizada. + + + tx-fail-description2 + Es probable que esta transacción falle. Establezca una tarifa de red personalizada para firmar bajo su propio riesgo. + + + set-custom-fee + Establecer tarifa personalizada + + + not-enough-snt + No hay suficiente SNT + + + add-new-contact + Agregar nuevo contacto + + + you-dont-have-contacts + Todavía no tenés ningún contacto. + + + set-max + Establecer máximo + + + continue-anyway + Continuar de todas maneras + + + private-notifications + Notificaciones privadas + + + private-notifications-descr + Status te notificará sobre los nuevos mensajes. Podés editar tus preferencias de notificación más adelante en la configuración. + + + maybe-later + Quizas mas tarde + + + join + Unite + + + registered + registrado + + + not-registered + no registrado + + + audio-recorder-error + Error de la grabadora + + + audio-recorder + Grabadora + + + audio-recorder-max-ms-reached + Tiempo máximo de grabación alcanzado + + + audio-recorder-permissions-error + Tenés que dar permiso para enviar mensajes de audio + + + audio + Audio + + + update-to-see-image + ¡Actualizá a la última versión para ver una buena imagen acá! + + + update-to-listen-audio + ¡Actualizá a la última versión para escuchar un mensaje de audio acá! + + + update-to-see-sticker + ¡Actualizá a la última versión para ver un lindo sticker acá! + + + webview-camera-permission-requests + Solicitudes de permisos de la cámara Webview + + + webview-camera-permission-requests-subtitle + Cuando está habilitado, los sitios web y las dapps pueden solicitar el uso de su cámara + + + page-would-like-to-use-camera + quisiera usar su cámara + + + page-camera-request-blocked + solicitudes de cámara bloqueadas. Para habilitar las solicitudes de la cámara, vaya a Configuración + + + nickname + Apodo + + + add-nickname + Agregar un apodo (opcional) + + + nickname-description + Los apodos te ayudan a identificar a otras personas en Status. + Solo tú puedes ver los apodos que agregaste + + + accept + Aceptar + + + group-invite + Invitación de grupo + + + group-invite-link + Enlace de invitación de grupo + + + pending-invitations + Solicitudes de membresía pendientes + + + empty-pending-invitations-descr + Las personas que deseen unirse al grupo +a través de un enlace de invitación aparecerá aquí + + + introduce-yourself + Preséntate con un breve mensaje + + + request-pending + Pedido pendiente… + + + membership-declined + Se rechazó la solicitud de membresía + + + remove-group + Eliminar grupo + + + request-membership + Solicitar membresía + + + membership-description + La membresía grupal requiere que seas aceptado por el administrador del grupo + + + group-membership-request + Solicitud de membresía grupal + + + members-limit-reached + Límite de miembros alcanzado + + + favourite + Favorito + + + favourites + Favoritos + + + new-favourite + Nuevo favorito + + + edit-favourite + Editar favorito + + + remove-favourite + Quitar favorito + + + add-favourite + Agregar favorito + + + add-to-favourites + Agregar a favoritos + + + favourites-empty + Las direcciones agregadas a favoritos aparecerán aquí + + + contacts-empty + Contactos con nombres ENS aparecerán aquí + + + my-accounts + Mis cuentas + + + my-accounts-empty + Tus cuentas disponibles aparecerán aquí + + + recent-empty + Las direcciones utilizadas recientemente aparecerán aquí + + + address-or-ens-name + Dirección o nombre ENS + + + name-optional + Nombre (opcional) + + + mute + Silenciar + + + unmute + Activar sonido + + + scan-tokens + Escanear tokens + + + my-status + Mi estado + + + contacts-descr + Tus contactos aparecerán aquí. Recibirá actualizaciones de estado de cualquier persona que agregue como contacto + + + status-updates-descr + Las actualizaciones de estado aparecerán aquí. Agregue el perfil como un contacto para recibir actualizaciones en su línea de tiempo. + + + whats-on-your-mind + Lo que tienes en mente... + + + cant-open-public-chat + No se puede abrir el chat público + + + invalid-public-chat-topic + Tema de chat público no válido + + + now + Ahora + + + statuses-my-status-descr + Comparte lo que tienes en mente. Cualquiera que visite su perfil podrá ver su estado. Las personas que te agreguen como contacto recibirán tus actualizaciones en su línea de tiempo. + + + statuses-descr + Comparte lo que tienes en mente y mantente al día con tus contactos + + + new-status + Nuevo estado + + + chat-link-previews + Vistas previas de enlaces de chat + + + you-can-choose-preview-websites + Puede elegir cuál de los siguientes sitios web puede previsualizar el enlace de las descripciones e imágenes en los chats + + + previewing-may-share-metadata + La vista previa de los enlaces de estos sitios web puede compartir sus metadatos con sus propietarios. + + + websites + Sitios web + + + enable-all + Habilitar todos + + + disable-all + Desactivar todo + + + warning-sending-to-contract-descr + La dirección que ingresó es un contrato inteligente, enviar fondos a esta dirección puede resultar en la pérdida de fondos. Para interactuar con una DApp, abra la DApp en el navegador de Status. + + + dont-ask + No me vuelvas a preguntar + + + enable-link-previews + ¿Habilitar vistas previas de enlaces en el chat? + + + once-enabled-share-metadata + Una vez habilitados, los enlaces publicados en el chat pueden compartir sus metadatos con el sitio. + + + external-storage-denied + Se niega el acceso al almacenamiento externo + + + timeline + Línea de tiempo + + + main-account + + + + ethereum-address + Dirección de Ethereum + + + default-assets + Por defecto ERC20 y ERC721 + + + increase-gas + Aumentar el gas + + + cancelling + Cancelando + + + refresh + Actualizar + + + close-all + Cerrar todo + + + tabs + Pestañas + + + new-tab + Nueva pestaña + + + empty-tab + Pestaña vacía + + + open-in-new-tab + Abrir en una pestaña nueva + + + has-permissions + tiene permiso para acceder + + + connect-wallet + Conectar billetera + + + open-chat + Abrir chat + + + favourite-description + Tus sitios web favoritos aparecerán aquí + + + transfers-fetching-failure + El historial de transferencias no pudo ser actualizado. Compruebe su conexión y refresque para intentarlo de nuevo + + + move-and-reset + Mover y restablecer + + + move-keystore-file-to-keycard + ¿Mover el archivo keystore a la keycard? + + + database-reset-title + Reiniciar la base de datos + + + database-reset-content + Se han eliminado los chats, los contactos y la configuración. Ahora puedes usar tu cuenta con tu Keycard + + + database-reset-warning + La base de datos se restablecerá. Se borrarán los chats, los contactos y la configuración. + + + empty-keycard-required + Requiere una Keycard vacía + + + current + Actual + + + choose-storage + Elegir almacenamiento + + + choose-new-location-for-keystore + Seleccione una nueva ubicación para guardar su archivo keystore + + + get-a-keycard + Obtenga una Keycard + + + keycard-upsell-subtitle + Mayor seguridad y conveniencia + + + actions + Acciones + + + move-keystore-file + Mover el archivo keystore + + + select-new-location-for-keys + Seleccione una nueva ubicación para guardar sus claves privadas + + + reset-database + Restablecer base de datos + + + reset-database-warning + Elimina chats, contactos y configuraciones. Se requiere cuando has perdido tu contraseña + + + reset-database-warning-keycard + Borrar chats, contactos y ajustes. + + + key-managment + Administración de claves + + + choose-actions + Elige acciones + + + master-account + Cuenta principal + + + back-up + Respaldo + + + key-on-device + La clave privada está guardada en este dispositivo + + + seed-key-uid-mismatch + La frase semilla no coincide + + + seed-key-uid-mismatch-desc-1 + La frase semilla que ingresó no coincide con {{multiaccount-name}} + + + seed-key-uid-mismatch-desc-2 + Para administrar claves para esta cuenta verifique su frase semilla e inténtelo de nuevo + + + recover-with-seed-phrase + Recuperar con frase semilla + + + transfer-ma-unknown-error-desc-1 + Parece que su multicuenta no se eliminó. Es posible que la base de datos se haya restablecido + + + transfer-ma-unknown-error-desc-2 + Por favor verifique su lista de cuentas e intente de nuevo. Si la cuenta no está listada vaya a Acceder llaves existentes para recuperar con frase semilla + + + everyone + Todos + + + show-profile-pictures + Mostrar las fotos de perfil de + + + show-profile-pictures-to + Muestra tu foto de perfil a + + + non-archival-node + El punto de conexión de RPC no admite solicitudes de archivado. Es posible que el historial de transferencias locales esté incompleto. + + + custom-node + Está utilizando un punto de conexión RPC personalizado. Es posible que el historial de transferencias locales esté incompleto. + + + connection-status + Estado de conexión + + + peer-to-peer + Peer to peer + + + not-connected-to-peers + Sin conexión a ningún nodo + + + unable-to-send-messages + No es posible enviar o recibir mensajes + + + can-send-messages + Puedes enviar y recibir mensajes nuevos + + + not-connected-nodes + Sin conexión a un nodo de Status + + + unable-to-fetch + No es posible recuperar el historial de chat + + + nodes-disabled + Nodos de Status deshabilitados + + + waiting-wi-fi + Esperando Wi-Fi… + + + you-can-fetch + Puedes recuperar el historial de chat + + + youre-on-mobile-network + Estás en una red móvil + + + status-mobile-descr + Status tiende a usar una gran cantidad de datos al sincronizar chats. Puedes optar por no sincronizar cuando estás en la red móvil + + + restore-defaults + Restaurar los valores predeterminados + + + rpc-usage-info + Estadísticas de uso de RPC + + + rpc-usage-get-stats + Actualizar + + + rpc-usage-reset + Restablecer + + + rpc-usage-filter + Métodos de filtro + + + rpc-usage-filter-methods + Métodos de filtro + + + rpc-usage-copy + Copiar + + + rpc-usage-total + + + + rpc-usage-filtered-total + + + + community-message-preview + Invitación para unirse a {{community-name}} + + + non-contacts + Ningún contacto + + + community + Comunidad + + + verified-community + ✓ Comunidad verificada + + + community-info-not-found + No se encontró la información de la comunidad + + + community-info + Información sobre la Comunidad + + + not-found + No encontrado + + + activity + Actividad + + + reject-and-delete + Rechazar y eliminar + + + accept-and-add + Aceptar y agregar + + + one-day + Un día + + + three-days + Tres días + + + one-week + Una semana + + + one-month + Un mes + + + my-profile + Mi perfil + + + bip39-password-placeholder + Contraseña BIP39 + + + public-channel + Canal público + + + default-sync-period + Sincronizar historial para + + + what-is-shared + Qué es compartido + + + view-data + Ver datos + + + data-collected + Datos recogidos + + + data-collected-subtitle + La siguiente tabla muestra los datos exactos que se almacenan y se enviarán. Los datos se validan contra las normas públicas para garantizar que ningún dato sensible sea enviado. No confíes, verifica. + + + view-rules + Ver reglas + + + expand-all + Ver todo + + + about-sharing-data + Sobre compartir datos + + + sharing-data-desc-1 + Los datos se validan con las reglas públicas para asegurar que no se envíen datos confidenciales. No confíes, verifica. + + + sharing-data-desc-2 + Los datos de uso se envían cifrados de extremo a extremo a través de la red peer-to-peer de Status + + + sharing-data-desc-3 + En lugar de la clave de chat habitual, se utiliza una clave de uso único + + + sharing-data-desc-4 + Los datos de uso no pueden asociarse con su dirección IP + + + sharing-data-desc-5 + Los datos acumulativos de todos los usuarios están disponibles públicamente + + + view-public-dashboard + Ver panel público + + + sharing-data-desc-6 + Los datos se eliminan de su teléfono después de que se envían + + + allow-and-send + Permitir y enviar + + + no-thanks + No, gracias + + + help-improve-status + Ayuda a mejorar Status + + + thank-you + Gracias + + + current-password + Contraseña actual + + + reset-password + Cambiar contraseña + + + password-reset-success + Contraseña cambiada + + + password-reset-success-message + Tendrá que iniciar sesión de nuevo + + + password-reset-in-progress + Cambiando contraseña... + + + new-password + Nueva contraseña + + + confirm-new-password + Confirmar nueva contraseña + + + password-mismatch + Nueva contraseña y confirmación no coinciden + + + terms-of-service + Términos de uso + + + accept-status-tos-prefix + Acepto Status + + + updates-to-tos + Actualizaciones de las Condiciones de Uso + + + updates-to-tos-desc + Antes de continuar, por favor, revise las Condiciones de Uso y confirme que asume toda la responsabilidad por el uso de la aplicación. + + + what-changed + Lo que cambió + + + wc-new-tos-based-on-principles-prefix + Nuevas Condiciones de Uso diseñadas sobre la base de nuestro + + + principles + Fundamentos + + + wc-how-to-use-status-app + Cómo utilizar la app Status, incluyendo privacidad y seguridad + + + wc-brand-guide + Orientación sobre el uso de identidad de marca como marcas registradas y logotipos + + + wc-disclaimer + Aclaraciones (incluyendo proveedores externos), garantías y liberaciones legales + + + wc-dispute + Disposiciones sobre solución de controversias + + + status-is-open-source + Status es código abierto + + + build-yourself + Para utilizar la aplicación sin estas Condiciones de Uso, puede crear su propia versión + + + accept-and-continue + Aceptar y continuar + + + empty-activity-center + Sus notificaciones de chat +aparecerán acá + + + pinned-messages + Mensajes fijados + + + pin + Fijar + + + unpin + Desanclar + + + no-pinned-messages + Sin mensajes fijados + + + pinned-messages-count + + 1 mensaje fijado + {{count}} mensajes fijados + + + + pinned-messages-empty + Los mensajes fijados aparecerán aquí. Para fijar un mensaje, mantenga pulsado y seleccione 'Pin' + + + pinned-by + Fijado por + + + pin-limit-reached + Límite de pines alcanzado. Desancla primero un mensaje anterior. + + + max-fee + Tarifa máx. + + + max-priority-fee + Tarifa máxima de prioridad + + + miners-higher-fee + Es probable que los mineros incluyan tu transacción antes si pagas una tarifa más alta. + + + gas-amount-limit + Límite de cantidad de gas + + + per-gas-tip-limit + Límite de propina por gas + + + per-gas-price-limit + Límite del precio por gas + + + current-base-fee + Tarifa básica actual + + + fee-explanation + Precio total máximo por la transacción. Si la tarifa base del bloque supera este, se incluirá en un bloque siguiente con una tarifa base más baja. + + + slow + Lenta + + + optimal + Óptima + + + fast + Rápida + + + see-suggestions + Ver sugerencias + + + maximum-fee + Tarifa máxima + + + low-tip + la propina es demasiado baja + + + lower-than-average-tip + inferior a la propina promedio + + + below-base-fee + tarifa máxima por debajo de la tarifa base + + + reduced-tip + la propina de prioridad se reducirá + + + are-you-sure + ¿Estás seguro/a? + + + bad-fees-description + Tu tarifa de prioridad está por debajo de nuestros parámetros sugeridos. + + + change-tip + Cambiar propina + + + current-minimum-tip + Propina mínima actual + + + current-average-tip + Promedio de propina actual + + + your-tip-limit + Tu límite de propina + + + your-price-limit + Tu límite de precio + + + suggested-min-tip + Propina mín. sugerida + + + suggested-price-limit + Límite de precio sugerido + + + include + Incluir + + + category + Categoría + + + edit-chats + Editar conversaciones + + + edit-categories + + + + hide + Ocultar + + + account-is-used + La cuenta se está usando con Dapps en el navegador. + + + normal + Normal + + + never + Nunca + + + fee-options + Opciones de tarifas sugeridas + + + fee-cap + Tope de tarifa + + + tip-cap + Tope de propina + + + collectibles-leak-metadata + Puedes mostrar tus NFTs aquí. Si lo haces, compartirás tu billetera y tu dirección IP + + + display-collectibles + Mostrar coleccionables + + + disable-later-in-settings + Puedes desactivar esto luego en los Ajustes + + + use-as-profile-picture + Usar como foto de perfil + + + view-on-opensea + Ver en OpenSea + + + profile-picture-updated + Foto de perfil actualizada + + + status-automatic + Automático + + + status-automatic-subtitle + Establecer estado automáticamente + + + status-dnd + No interrumpir + + + status-dnd-subtitle + Silencia todas las notificaciones + + + status-always-online + Siempre en línea + + + status-inactive + Inactivo + + + status-inactive-subtitle + Oculta tu estado en línea + + + two-minutes + dos minutos + + + swap + Intercambiar + + + select-token-to-swap + Selecciona el token a intercambiar + + + select-token-to-receive + Selecciona el token a recibir + + + minimum-received + Mínimo recibido + + + powered-by-paraswap + Desarrollado por Paraswap + + + priority + Prioridad + + + switch-to-simple-interface + Cambiar a interfaz sencilla + + + transaction-fee + Tarifa de transacción + + + swap-details + Detalles del intercambio + + + slippage + Desviación + + + price-impact + Impacto del precio + + + total-gas + Total del gas + + + token + Ficha + + + approve-limit + Aprobar el límite + + + approve-token + Aprobar el token + + + approve-token-contract-desc + Aprobar un token con un contrato te permite gastar tu saldo de tokens. Si sientes que un proyecto no es confiable, no apruebes el token con ellos, o aprueba sólo la cantidad que vas a utilizar con ellos. + + + + unlimited + Ilimitado + + + approve + Aprobar + + + limit + Límite + + + last-transaction + Última transacción + + + price-impact-desc + Impacto del precio estimado para esta transacción. Si la tarifa base del bloque actual excede esto, tu transacción será incluida en un bloque siguiente con una tarifa base más baja. + + + safe-estimate + Seguridad estimada + + + current-average + Promedio actual + + + current-base + Base actual + + + maximum-fee-desc + Precio global máximo de la operación. Si la tarifa base del bloque actual excede este precio, su transacción será incluida en un bloque siguiente con una tarifa base más baja. + + + insufficient-balance-to-cover-fee + Balance insuficiente para cubrir el gas de transacción + + + wallet-connect-proposal-title + + + + wallet-connect-proposal-description + + + + wallet-connect-app-connected + + + + wallet-connect-go-back + + + + wallet-connect-2.0 + + + + wallet-connect + + + + reject + + + + manage-connections + + + + wallet-manage-app-connections + + + + connection-request + + + + disconnect + + + + new-ui + + + + send-contact-request-message + + + + contact-request + + + + say-hi + + + + accepted + + + + declined + + + + contact-request-header + + + + contact-request-declined + + + + contact-request-accepted + + + + contact-request-pending + + + + removed-from-contacts + + + + mutual-contact-requests + + + + negative + + + + positive + + + + Please enter a URL + + + + This fields needs to be a valid URL + + + + Please enter a Name + + + + Favorite added + + + + Edit + + + + Add favorite + + + + URL + + + + Paste URL + + + + Name + + + + Name the website + + + + Remove + + + + Done + + + + Add + + + + '%1' would like to connect to + + + + Allowing authorizes this DApp to retrieve your wallet address and enable Web3 + + + + Granting access authorizes this DApp to retrieve your chat key + + + + Deny + + + + Allow + + + + Enter URL + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Error signing message + + + + Transaction pending... + + + + Wrong password + + + + Start Page + + + + New Tab + + + + Downloads Page + + + + Server's certificate not trusted + + + + Do you wish to continue? + + + + If you wish so, you may continue with an unverified certificate. Accepting an unverified certificate means you may not be connected with the host you tried to connect to. +Do you wish to override the security check and continue? + + + + Exit Incognito mode + + + + Go Incognito + + + + Zoom In + + + + Zoom Out + + + + Find + + + + Compatibility mode + + + + Developer Tools + + + + Settings + + + + Mainnet + + + + Ropsten + + + + Unknown + + + + Disconnect + + + + Assets + + + + History + + + + Show All + + + + Cancelled + + + + Paused + + + + Open + + + + Show in folder + + + + Pause + + + + Resume + + + + Cancel + + + + Downloaded files will appear here. + + + + Open in new Tab + + + + Ok + + + + Signature request + + + + From + + + + Data + + + + Message + + + + Reject + + + + Sign + + + + Sign with password + + + + Contact request pending + + + + Connected + + + + Disconnected + + + + This user has been blocked. + + + + Type a message. + + + + Send + + + + Request Address + + + + Request + + + + Transaction pending + + + + Continue + + + + Receive on account + + + + From account + + + + Address request required + + + + To + + + + Preview + + + + Transaction preview + + + + Next + + + + Invalid transaction parameters + + + + Authorize %1 %2 + + + + Choose account + + + + Network fee + + + + Error estimating gas: %1 + + + + Send %1 %2 + + + + Image + + + + Sticker + + + + You have a new message + + + + You have been accepted into the ‘%1’ community + + + + Your request to join the ‘%1’ community was declined + + + + New membership request + + + + %1 asks to join ‘%2’ + + + + Failed to send message. + + + + Share your chat key + + + + friends to start messaging in Status + + + + ↓ Fetch more messages + + + + before %1 + + + + Welcome to the beginning of the <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> group! + + + + Any messages you send here are encrypted and can only be read by you and <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> + + + + Join chat + + + + Decline invitation + + + + Add reaction + + + + Reply + + + + More + + + + Today + + + + Yesterday + + + + January + + + + February + + + + March + + + + April + + + + May + + + + June + + + + July + + + + August + + + + September + + + + October + + + + November + + + + December + + + + and + + + + %1 more + + + + reacted with + + + + Error loading the image + + + + Loading image... + + + + This feature is experimental and is meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It's not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data. Use at your own risk. + + + + Membership requires an ENS username + + + + You need to be invited + + + + Request Access + + + + Verified community invitation + + + + Community invitation + + + + You invited %1 to join a community + + + + %1 invited you to join a community + + + + You shared a community + + + + A community has been shared + + + + Unsupported state + + + + %1 members + + + + Joined + + + + Join + + + + Enable automatic image unfurling + + + + Enable link previews in chat? + + + + Once enabled, links posted in the chat may share your metadata with their owners + + + + Enable in Settings + + + + Don't ask me again + + + + Resend + + + + Transaction request + + + + ↑ Outgoing transaction + + + + ↓ Incoming transaction + + + + Something has gone wrong + + + + Accept and share address + + + + Accept and send + + + + Decline + + + + Select account + + + + Choose accountSelect account to share and receive assets + + + + Confirm and share address + + + + Sign and send + + + + Pending + + + + Confirmed + + + + Unknown token + + + + Address requested + + + + Waiting to accept + + + + Address shared + + + + Address received + + + + Transaction declined + + + + failure + + + + Unknown state + + + + Group Information + + + + Clear history + + + + Leave group + + + + Are you sure you want to leave this chat? + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + Communities + + + + Search for communities or topics + + + + 1 member + + + + Import a community + + + + Create a community + + + + Public community + + + + Invitation only community + + + + On request community + + + + Unknown community + + + + - ENS only + + + + Chats + + + + Join ‘%1’ + + + + Request to join ‘%1’ + + + + Error joining the community + + + + No search results in Communities + + + + Members + + + + Create category + + + + Invite People + + + + Membership requests + + + + Edit category + + + + Delete category + + + + Delete %1 category + + + + Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. + + + + Error deleting the category + + + + View Profile + + + + Roles + + + + Kick + + + + Ban + + + + Transfer ownership + + + + Invite successfully sent + + + + Share community + + + + Notifications + + + + Edit community + + + + Export community + + + + Create channel + + + + Leave community + + + + Delete + + + + Welcome to your community! + + + + Add members + + + + Manage community + + + + You need to enter a name + + + + Please restrict your name to letters, numbers, dashes and spaces + + + + Your name needs to be 100 characters or shorter + + + + New channel + + + + Edit #%1 + + + + channel name + + + + channel decription + + + + Channel name + + + + Describe the channel + + + + Pinned messages + + + + A cool name + + + + channel description + + + + What your channel is about + + + + The description cannot exceed %1 characters + + + + Private channel + + + + By making a channel private, only members with selected permission will be able to access it + + + + category name + + + + New category + + + + Category title + + + + Channels + + + + Create + + + + Error editing the category + + + + Error creating the category + + + + Error creating the community + + + + You need to select an image + + + + You need to enter a color + + + + This field needs to be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + New community + + + + Name your community + + + + A catchy name + + + + Give it a short description + + + + What your community is about + + + + The description cannot exceed 140 characters + + + + community name + + + + community decription + + + + Thumbnail image + + + + Please choose an image + + + + Image files (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png) + + + + Upload + + + + Community colour + + + + Pick a color + + + + Please choose a color + + + + Membership requirement + + + + Require invite from another member + + + + Require approval + + + + No requirement + + + + You can require new members to meet certain criteria before they can join. This can be changed at any time + + + + Save + + + + Private community + + + + Only members with an invite link will be able to join your community. Private communities are not listed inside Status + + + + Your community will be public for anyone to join. Public communities are listed inside Status for easy discovery + + + + You need to enter a key + + + + Access existing community + + + + Community private key + + + + Entering a community key will grant you the ownership of that community. Please be responsible with it and don’t share the key with people you don’t trust. + + + + 0x... + + + + Import + + + + Error importing the community + + + + Invite friends + + + + Invite + + + + Contacts + + + + Chat + + + + Community imported + + + + Importing community is in progress + + + + Community %1 imported + + + + Importing community %1 is in progress + + + + Start new chat + + + + Start group chat + + + + Join public chat + + + + No messages + + + + No search results + + + + Your chats will appear here. To start new chats press the  button at the top + + + + Chat and transact privately with your friends + + + + Follow your interests in one of the many Public Chats. + + + + View Group + + + + Share Chat + + + + Test WakuV2 - requestAllHistoricMessages + + + + Unmute chat + + + + Mute chat + + + + Edit Channel + + + + Mark as Read + + + + Delete chat + + + + Leave chat + + + + Choose browser + + + + Open in Status + + + + Open in my default browser + + + + Remember my choice. To override it, go to settings. + + + + Admin + + + + Last 24 hours + + + + Last 2 days + + + + Last 3 days + + + + Last 7 days + + + + (You) + + + + You need to enter a channel name + + + + The channel name can only contain lowercase letters, numbers and dashes + + + + New group chat + + + + %1 / 10 members + + + + Group name + + + + Create Group Chat + + + + All your contacts are already in the group + + + + Make Admin + + + + Remove From Group + + + + Add selected + + + + Get Status at https://status.im + + + + Download Status link + + + + Unpin + + + + Pin + + + + Copy link + + + + Edit message + + + + Send message + + + + Reply to + + + + Jump to + + + + Delete message + + + + Confirm deleting this message + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well. + + + + Nickname + + + + Nicknames help you identify others in Status. Only you can see the nicknames you’ve added + + + + Your nickname is too long + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet. Invite your friends to start chatting. + + + + Enter a valid chat key or ENS usernameEnter a valid chat key or ENS username + + + + Can't chat with yourself + + + + New chat + + + + My Profile + + + + Enter ENS username or chat key + + + + Non contacts + + + + No profile found + + + + ENS username + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Chat settings + + + + None + + + + Unblock User + + + + Block User + + + + Add to contacts + + + + A public chat is where you get to hang out with others, make friends and talk about subjects of your interest. + + + + Start chat + + + + Pinned by %1 + + + + Type json-rpc message... e.g {"method": "eth_accounts"} + + + + Profile + + + + App version + + + + Version: %1 + + + + Node version + + + + Privacy Policy + + + + Network + + + + Fleet + + + + Minimize on close + + + + Experimental features + + + + Wallet + + + + Dapp Browser + + + + Activity Center + + + + Online users + + + + Broadcast user status + + + + Bloom filter level + + + + The account will be logged out. When you login again, the selected mode will be enabled + + + + Light Node + + + + Full Node + + + + GIF Widget + + + + Waku Bloom Mode + + + + Node Management + + + + Blockchains will drop search costs, causing a kind of decomposition that allows you to have markets of entities that are horizontally segregated and vertically segregated. + + + + Size + + + + Change font size + + + + XS + + + + S + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "S" because the title above is "Seed Phrase" + + + + M + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "M" because the title above is "Mailserver" + + + + L + + + + XL + + + + XXL + + + + Light + + + + Chat mode + + + + Normal + + + + Compact + + + + Appearance + + + + Dark + + + + System + + + + Back up seed phrase + + + + Step %1 of 3 + + + + If you lose your seed phrase you lose your data and funds + + + + If you lose access, for example by losing your phone, you can only access your keys with your seed phrase. No one, but you has your seed phrase. Write it down. Keep it safe + + + + Check your seed phrase + + + + Word #%1 + + + + Enter word + + + + In order to check if you have backed up your seed phrase correctly, enter the word #%1 above + + + + Are you sure? + + + + You will not be able to see the whole seed phrase again + + + + With this 12 words you can always get your key back. Write it down. Keep it safe, offline, and separate from this device. + + + + Okay, continue + + + + Wrong word + + + + General + + + + Default + + + + Show favorites bar + + + + Search engine used in the address bar + + + + Ethereum explorer used in the address bar + + + + Open an ethereum explorer after a transaction hash or an address is entered + + + + Privacy + + + + Set DApp access permissions + + + + Profile picture + + + + Crop your image (optional) + + + + Finish + + + + Chat link previews + + + + Websites + + + + Enable all + + + + Previewing links from these websites may share your metadata with their owners. + + + + Add new contact + + + + Blocked contacts + + + + Add contact + + + + You can't add yourself + + + + User not found + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet + + + + Devices + + + + Please set a name for your device. + + + + Specify a name + + + + Advertise device + + + + Pair your devices to sync contacts and chats between them + + + + Learn more + + + + Paired devices + + + + Syncing... + + + + Sync all devices + + + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + %1 is now connected with your chat key and can be used in Status. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + %1 will be connected once the transaction is complete. + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Wallet address + + + + Key + + + + Back + + + + Primary username + + + + Your messages are displayed to others with this username: + + + + Once you select a username, you won’t be able to disable it afterwards. You will only be able choose a different username to display. + + + + Nice! You own %1.stateofus.eth once the transaction is complete. + + + + Hey + + + + (pending) + + + + Add username + + + + Your usernames + + + + Primary Username + + + + None selected + + + + You’re displaying your ENS username in chats + + + + At least 4 characters. Latin letters, numbers, and lowercase only. + + + + Letters and numbers only. + + + + Type the entire username including the custom domain like username.domain.eth + + + + Your username + + + + ✓ Username available! + + + + Continuing will connect this username with your chat key. + + + + Username doesn’t belong to you :( + + + + Username already taken :( + + + + (edited) + + + + Username is already connected with your chat key and can be used inside Status. + + + + This user name is owned by you and connected with your chat key. Continue to set `Show my ENS username in chats`. + + + + Continuing will require a transaction to connect the username with your current chat key. + + + + Custom domain + + + + I want a stateofus.eth domain + + + + I own a name on another domain + + + + Connect username with your pubkey + + + + Terms of name registration + + + + Funds are deposited for 1 year. Your SNT will be locked, but not spent. + + + + After 1 year, you can release the name and get your deposit back, or take no action to keep the name. + + + + If terms of the contract change — e.g. Status makes contract upgrades — user has the right to release the username regardless of time held. + + + + The contract controller cannot access your deposited funds. They can only be moved back to the address that sent them. + + + + Your address(es) will be publicly associated with your ENS name. + + + + Usernames are created as subdomain nodes of stateofus.eth and are subject to the ENS smart contract terms. + + + + You authorize the contract to transfer SNT on your behalf. This can only occur when you approve a transaction to authorize the transfer. + + + + These terms are guaranteed by the smart contract logic at addresses: + + + + %1 (Status UsernameRegistrar). + + + + <a href='%1%2'>Look up on Etherscan</a> + + + + %1 (ENS Registry). + + + + Agree to <a href="#">Terms of name registration.</a> I understand that my wallet address will be publicly connected to my username. + + + + 10 SNT + + + + Deposit + + + + Not enough SNT + + + + Register + + + + Get a universal username + + + + ENS names transform those crazy-long addresses into unique usernames. + + + + Customize your chat name + + + + An ENS name can replace your random 3-word name in chat. Be @yourname instead of %1. + + + + Simplify your ETH address + + + + You can receive funds to your easy-to-share ENS name rather than your hexadecimal hash (0x...). + + + + Receive transactions in chat + + + + Others can send you funds via chat in one simple step. + + + + 10 SNT to register + + + + Register once to keep the name forever. After 1 year you can release the name and get your SNT back. + + + + Already own a username? + + + + You can verify and add any usernames you own in the next steps. + + + + Powered by Ethereum Name Services + + + + Start + + + + Only available on Mainnet + + + + ENS Registration failed + + + + ENS Registration completed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey failed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey completed + + + + Warning! + + + + Change fleet to %1 + + + + Glossary + + + + Account + + + + A + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "A" because the title above is "Account" + + + + Your Status account, accessed by the seed phrase that you create or import during onboarding. A Status account can hold more than one Ethereum address, in addition to the one created during onboarding. We refer to these as additional accounts within the wallet + + + + Chat Key + + + + C + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "C" because the title above is "Chat Key" + + + + Messages on the Status chat protocol are sent and received using encryption keys. The public chat key is a string of characters you share with others so they can send you messages in Status. + + + + Chat Name + + + + Three random words, derived algorithmically from your chat key and used as your default alias in chat. Chat names are completely unique; no other user can have the same three words. + + + + ENS Name + + + + E + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "E" because the title above is "ENS Name" + + + + Custom alias for your chat key that you can register using the Ethereum Name Service. ENS names are decentralized usernames. + + + + Mailserver + + + + A node in the Status network that routes and stores messages, for up to 30 days. + + + + Peer + + + + P + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "P" because the title above is "Peer" + + + + A device connected to the Status chat network. Each user can represent one or more peers, depending on their number of devices + + + + Seed Phrase + + + + A 64 character hex address based on the Ethereum standard and beginning with 0x. Public-facing, your wallet key is shared with others when you want to receive funds. Also referred to as an “Ethereum address” or “wallet address. + + + + Frequently asked questions + + + + Submit a bug + + + + Request a feature + + + + Language settings + + + + Language + + + + Muted chats + + + + Unmute + + + + The account will be logged out. When you unlock it again, the selected network will be used + + + + Add network + + + + You need to enter the RPC endpoint URL + + + + Invalid URL + + + + You need to enter the network id + + + + Should be a number + + + + Invalid network id + + + + RPC URL + + + + Specify a RPC URL + + + + Network chain + + + + Ropsten test network + + + + Rinkeby test network + + + + Custom + + + + Network Id + + + + Specify the network id + + + + Main networks + + + + Test networks + + + + Custom Networks + + + + Under development +NOTE: You will be logged out and all installed +sticker packs will be removed and will +need to be reinstalled. Purchased sticker +packs will not need to be re-purchased. + + + + Notification preferences + + + + All messages + + + + Just @mentions + + + + Nothing + + + + Play a sound when receiving a notification + + + + Use your operating system's notifications + + + + Setting this to false will instead use Status' notification style as seen below + + + + Message preview + + + + Anonymous + + + + Name only + + + + Name & Message + + + + Hi there! Yes, no problem, let me know if I can help. + + + + No preview or Advanced? Go to Notification Center + + + + Contacts & Users + + + + Notify on new requests + + + + Receive notifications from non-contacts + + + + Muted users + + + + Muted contacts + + + + Muted contacts will appear here + + + + Muted chats will appear here + + + + You can limit what gets shown in notifications + + + + Reset notification settings + + + + Restore default notification settings and unmute all chats and users + + + + Open links with... + + + + My default browser + + + + Security + + + + Backup Seed Phrase + + + + Display all profile pictures (not only contacts) + + + + Display images in chat automatically + + + + All images (links that contain an image extension) will be downloaded and displayed, regardless of the whitelist settings below + + + + Allow new contact requests + + + + Sign out controls + + + + LogoutExit + + + + Sounds settings + + + + Sound volume + + + + Sync settings + + + + Add mailserver + + + + You need to enter the enode address + + + + History node address + + + + enode://{enode-id}:{password}@{ip-address}:{port-number} + + + + Automatic mailserver selection + + + + ... + + + + Share what's on your mind and stay updated with your contacts + + + + Status account settings + + + + You need to enter an account name + + + + Enter an account name... + + + + Account name + + + + Type + + + + Watch-only + + + + Off Status tree + + + + On Status tree + + + + Derivation path + + + + Storage + + + + This device + + + + Delete account + + + + A deleted account cannot be retrieved later. Only press yes if you backed up your key/seed or don't care about this account anymore + + + + Save changes + + + + Add custom token + + + + This needs to be a valid address + + + + Invalid ERC20 address + + + + Enter contract address... + + + + Contract address + + + + The name of your token... + + + + ABC + + + + Symbol + + + + Decimals + + + + Collectibles will appear here + + + + To + + + + From + + + + At + + + + Status Desktop is connected to a non-archival node. Transaction history may be incomplete. + + + + No transactions found + + + + Load More + + + + Total value + + + + Receive + + + + Back up your seed phrase + + + + Recipient + + + + Transaction completed + + + + Transaction failed + + + + Set Currency + + + + Signing phrase + + + + This is your signing phrase + + + + You should see these 3 words before signing each transaction + + + + If you see a different combination, cancel the transaction and sign out + + + + Remind me later + + + + Manage Assets + + + + Account Settings + + + + Collectibles + + + + Generate an account + + + + Add a watch-only address + + + + Enter a seed phrase + + + + Enter a private key + + + + Add account from private key + + + + You need to enter a password + + + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + You need to enter a private key + + + + Enter a valid private key (64 characters hexadecimal string) + + + + Enter your password… + + + + Password + + + + Paste the contents of your private key + + + + Private key + + + + Loading... + + + + Add account + + + + You need to enter a seed phrase + + + + Enter a valid mnemonic + + + + Add account with a seed phrase + + + + Enter your seed phrase, separate words with commas or spaces... + + + + Seed phrase + + + + Add a watch-only account + + + + You need to enter an address + + + + This needs to be a valid address (starting with 0x) + + + + Enter address... + + + + Account address + + + + Token details + + + + Remove token + + + + Transaction Details + + + + 9999 Confirmations + + + + When the transaction has 12 confirmations you can consider it settled. + + + + Block + + + + Hash + + + + Gas limit + + + + Gas price + + + + Gas used + + + + Nonce + + + + Something went wrong + + + + Reload + + + + Maximum number of collectibles to display reached + + + + View + + + + Unnamed + + + + ID + + + + Description + + + + US Dollars + + + + Euros + + + + United Arab Emirates dirham + + + + Afghan afghani + + + + Argentine peso + + + + Australian dollar + + + + Barbadian dollar + + + + Bangladeshi taka + + + + Bulgarian lev + + + + Bahraini dinar + + + + Brunei dollar + + + + Bolivian boliviano + + + + Brazillian real + + + + Bhutanese ngultrum + + + + Canadian dollar + + + + Swiss franc + + + + Chilean peso + + + + Chinese yuan + + + + Colombian peso + + + + Costa Rican colón + + + + Czech koruna + + + + Danish krone + + + + Dominican peso + + + + Egyptian pound + + + + Ethiopian birr + + + + British Pound + + + + Georgian lari + + + + Ghanaian cedi + + + + Hong Kong dollar + + + + Croatian kuna + + + + Hungarian forint + + + + Indonesian rupiah + + + + Israeli new shekel + + + + Indian rupee + + + + Icelandic króna + + + + Jamaican dollar + + + + Japanese yen + + + + Kenyan shilling + + + + South Korean won + + + + Kuwaiti dinar + + + + Kazakhstani tenge + + + + Sri Lankan rupee + + + + Moroccan dirham + + + + Moldovan leu + + + + Mauritian rupee + + + + Malawian kwacha + + + + Mexican peso + + + + Malaysian ringgit + + + + Mozambican metical + + + + Namibian dollar + + + + Nigerian naira + + + + Norwegian krone + + + + Nepalese rupee + + + + New Zealand dollar + + + + Omani rial + + + + Peruvian sol + + + + Papua New Guinean kina + + + + Philippine peso + + + + Pakistani rupee + + + + Polish złoty + + + + Paraguayan guaraní + + + + Qatari riyal + + + + Romanian leu + + + + Serbian dinar + + + + Russian ruble + + + + Saudi riyal + + + + Swedish krona + + + + Singapore dollar + + + + Thai baht + + + + Trinidad and Tobago dollar + + + + New Taiwan dollar + + + + Tanzanian shilling + + + + Turkish lira + + + + Ukrainian hryvnia + + + + Ugandan shilling + + + + Uruguayan peso + + + + Venezuelan bolívar + + + + Vietnamese đồng + + + + South African rand + + + + View Community + + + + Browser + + + + Timeline + + + + Contact request accepted + + + + New contact request + + + + You can now chat with %1 + + + + %1 requests to become contacts + + + + Where do you want to go? + + + + Status Desktop + + + + Open Status + + + + Quit + + + + Create a password + + + + New password... + + + + Confirm password… + + + + At least 6 characters. You will use this password to unlock status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + Create password + + + + Error importing account + + + + An error occurred while importing your account: + + + + Login failed + + + + Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. + + + + Enter seed phrase + + + + This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. + + + + Start with the first word + + + + Enter 12, 15, 18, 21 or 24 words. +Seperate words by a single space. + + + + Invalid seed phrase + + + + Choose a chat name + + + + Truly private communication + + + + Chat over a peer-to-peer, encrypted network + where messages can't be censored or hacked + + + + Secure crypto wallet + + + + Send and receive digital assets anywhere in the +world--no bank account required + + + + Decentralized apps + + + + Explore games, exchanges and social networks +where you alone own your data + + + + Thanks for trying Status Desktop! Please note that this is an alpha release and we advise you that using this app should be done for testing purposes only and you assume the full responsibility for all risks concerning your data and funds. Status makes no claims of security or integrity of funds in these builds. + + + + I understand + + + + Status does not collect, share or sell any personal data. By continuing you agree with the privacy policy. + + + + I'm new, generate keys + + + + Access existing key + + + + Enter password + + + + Connecting... + + + + Login failed: %1 + + + + Generate new keys + + + + Your keys + + + + Add another existing key + + + + Your keys have been successfully recovered + + + + You will have to create a new code or password to re-encrypt your keys + + + + Re-encrypt your keys + + + + Cannot find asset '%1'. Ensure this asset has been added to the token list. + + + + ENS Username not found + + + + eg. 0x1234 or ENS + + + + Paste + + + + You need to request the recipient’s address first. +Assets won’t be sent yet. + + + + Invalid source + + + + Insufficient balance + + + + Must be greater than 0 + + + + Priority + + + + Use suggestions + + + + Use custom + + + + Low + + + + High + + + + Gas amount limit + + + + Per-gas overall limit + + + + Maximum overall price for the transaction. If the block base fee exceeds this, it will be included in a following block with a lower base fee. + + + + Must be greater than or equal to 0 + + + + This needs to be a number + + + + Please enter an amount + + + + The amount is 0. Proceed only if this is desired. + + + + Balance: + + + + Asset & Amount + + + + Blocking will remove any messages you received from %1 and stop new messages from reaching you. + + + + Account color + + + + Confirm your action + + + + Confirm + + + + Are you sure you want to this? + + + + Do not show this again + + + + Please select a contact + + + + Select a contact + + + + Contact does not have an ENS address. Please send a transaction in chat. + + + + No contact selected + + + + Copied! + + + + Slow + + + + Optimal + + + + Fast + + + + Reset + + + + Advanced + + + + Custom Network Fee + + + + Gwei + + + + Apply + + + + Not enough ETH for gas + + + + Copied + + + + Pasted + + + + Copy + + + + Invalid ethereum address + + + + Address + + + + My account + + + + Contact + + + + Search + + + + In: + + + + Messages + + + + Tokens will be sent directly to a contract address, which may result in a loss of funds. To transfer ERC-20 tokens, ensure the recipient address is the address of the destination wallet. + + + + View on Etherscan + + + + <a href='%1' style='color:%2;text-decoration:none;'>%3</a> + + + + Asset + + + + Amount + + + + Data field + + + + Signing phrase is a 3 word combination that displayed when you entered the wallet on this device for the first time. + + + + Enter the password you use to unlock this device + + + + Unblocking will allow new messages you received from %1 to reach you. + + + + Send transaction + + + + Request transaction + + + + Public chat + + + + Not a contact + + + + Image files (%1) + + + + Your message is too long. + + + + Please make your message shorter. We have set the limit to 2000 characters to be courteous of others. + + + + Type a message + + + + Bold + + + + Italic + + + + Strikethrough + + + + Code + + + + No recent emojis + + + + Buy for %1 SNT + + + + Uninstall + + + + Install + + + + Free + + + + Pending... + + + + Update + + + + Could not buy Stickerpack + + + + Stickerpack bought successfully + + + + You don't have any stickers yet + + + + Recently used stickers will appear here + + + + Get Stickers + + + + Ethereum explorer + + + + Custom... + + + + Search engine + + + + Dapp permissions + + + + Revoke access + + + + Revoke all access + + + + Show more + + + + %1 invited you to join the group + + + + All + + + + Mentions + + + + Replies + + + + Contact requests + + + + Mark all as Read + + + + Show read notifications + + + + Hide read notifications + + + + Notification settings + + + + You need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messages + + + + Waiting for %1 to accept your request + + + + Just click this button to add them as contact. They will receive a notification. Once they accept the request, you'll be able to chat + + + + Back up community key + + + + Back up + + + + Member name + + + + Community members will appear here + + + + No contacts found + + + + Your community is free to join, but new members are required to be approved by the community creator first + + + + Your community can only be joined by an invitation from existing community members + + + + Your community is free for anyone to join + + + + You should keep it safe and only share it with people you trust to take ownership of your community + + + + You can also use this key to import your community on another device + + + + Decline and block + + + + Decline all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to decline all these contact requests + + + + Accept all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to accept all these contact requests + + + + Decline all + + + + Accept all + + + + Pin limit reached + + + + Unpin a previous message first + + + + %1 messages + + + + %1 message + + + + Pinned messages will appear here. + + + + I accept + + + + Format not supported. + + + + Upload %1 only + + + + You can only upload %1 images at a time + + + + Max image size is %1 MB + + + + TODO + + + + NOW + + + + %1M + + + + %1H + + + + %1D + + + + Sun + + + + Mon + + + + Tue + + + + Wed + + + + Thu + + + + Fri + + + + Sat + + + + Jan + + + + Feb + + + + Mar + + + + Apr + + + + Jun + + + + Jul + + + + Aug + + + + Sep + + + + Oct + + + + Nov + + + + Dec + + + + Sunday + + + + Monday + + + + Tuesday + + + + Wednesday + + + + Thursday + + + + Friday + + + + Saturday + + + + Start a 1-on-1 chat with %1 + + + + Join the %1 community + + + + Join the %1 group chat + + + + Join the %1 public channel + + + + words + + + + Mainnet with upstream RPC + + + + POA Network + + + + xDai Chain + + + + Goerli with upstream RPC + + + + Rinkeby with upstream RPC + + + + Ropsten with upstream RPC + + + + You need to repeat your password + + + + Passwords don't match + + + + You need to enter a %1 + + + + The %1 cannot exceed %2 characters + + + + Must be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + Use only lowercase letters (a to z), numbers & dashes (-). Do not use chat keys. + + + + community-image-delete + + + + public + Público + + + + AboutView + + Status Desktop + + + + Privacy Policy + + + + Check for updates + + + + Current Version + + + + Release Notes + + + + Our Principles + + + + Status desktop’s GitHub Repositories + + + + Status Go + + + + StatusQ + + + + go-waku + + + + Legal & Privacy Documents + + + + Terms of Use + + + + Software License + + + + + AcceptRejectOptionsButtonsPanel + + View Profile + + + + Decline and block + + + + + AccessExistingCommunityPopup + + You need to enter a key + + + + Import + + + + Error importing the community + + + + + AccountView + + Type + + + + Storage + + + + Watch-Only Account + + + + Generated by your Status seed phrase profile + + + + Imported Account + + + + On Device + + + + Derivation Path + + + + Remove from your profile + + + + Confirm %1 Removal + + + + You will not be able to restore viewing access to this account in the future unless you enter this account’s address again. + + + + Remove Account + + + + + ActivityCenterMessageComponentView + + Mark as Read + + + + Mark as Unread + + + + + AddAccountModal + + Advanced + + + + Generate an account + + + + Wrong password + + + + You need to enter a password + + + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + Enter your password… + + + + Password + + + + Enter an account name... + + + + Account name + + + + You need to enter an account name + + + + color + + + + Loading... + + + + Add account + + + + + AddEditSavedAddressPopup + + Name + + + + Address + + + + Save + + + + Edit saved address + + + + Add saved address + + + + Enter a name + + + + Name must not be blank + + + + This is not a valid account name + + + + Enter ENS Name or Ethereum Address + + + + Please enter a valid ENS name OR Ethereum Address + + + + Add address + + + + + AddFavoriteModal + + URL + + + + Paste URL + + + + Paste + + + + Pasted + + + + Name + + + + Favorite added + + + + Edit + + + + Add favorite + + + + Please enter a valid URL + + + + Name of the website + + + + Please enter a name + + + + Remove + + + + Done + + + + Add + + + + Add Favorite + + + + + AdvancedContainer + + Online users + + + + + AdvancedView + + disable + deshabilitar + + + enable + Habilitar + + + Fleet + + + + Minimize on close + + + + Application Logs + + + + Experimental features + + + + Wallet + + + + WalletSettingsLineButton + + + + Dapp Browser + + + + Community History Archive Protocol + + + + Node Management + + + + Keycard + + + + Bloom filter level + + + + Warning! + + + + The account will be logged out. When you login again, the selected mode will be enabled + + + + Light Node + + + + Normal + + + + Full Node + + + + WakuV2 mode + + + + Developer features + + + + Full developer mode + + + + Download messages + + + + Telemetry + + + + Debug + + + + Auto message + + + + Are you sure you want to enable all the develoer features? The app will be restarted. + + + + Are you sure you want to enable telemetry? This will reduce your privacy level while using Status. You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. + + + + Are you sure you want to enable auto message? You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. + + + + Are you sure you want to %1 debug mode? You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. + + + + This feature is experimental and is meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It's not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data. Use at your own risk. + + + + I understand + + + + + AllowNotificationsView + + Ok, got it + + + + Allow notifications + + + + Status will notify you about new messages. You can +edit your notification preferences later in settings. + + + + + AppMain + + Where do you want to go? + + + + Profile Picture + + + + Make this my Profile Pic + + + + Invite People + + + + View Community + + + + Leave Community + + + + A new version of Status (%1) is available + + + + Download + + + + Your version is up to date + + + + Close + + + + Can not connect to mailserver + + + + The mailserver you're connecting to is unavailable. + + + + Pick another + + + + Retry + + + + + AppearanceView + + XS + + + + S + + + + M + + + + L + + + + XL + + + + XXL + + + + Preview + + + + Blockchains will drop search costs, causing a kind of decomposition that allows you to have markets of entities that are horizontally segregated and vertically segregated. + + + + Size + + + + Change font size + + + + Change Zoom (requires restart) + + + + 50% + + + + 100% + + + + 150% + + + + 200% + + + + Appearance + + + + Light + + + + Dark + + + + System + + + + + BackupSeedModal + + Back up your seed phrase + + + + Continue + + + + Not Now + + + + Confirm Seed Phrase + + + + Complete & Delete My Seed Phrase + + + + Confirm word #%1 of your seed phrase + + + + + BackupSeedStepBase + + Enter word + + + + Wrong word + + + + Word #%1 + + + + + BeforeGetStartedModal + + Privacy Policy + + + + Before you get started + + + + I acknowledge that status desktop is in beta and by using it I take the full responsibility for all risks concerning my data and funds + + + + Before you get started... + + + + Get Started + + + + I acknowledge that Status Desktop is in Beta and by using it I take the full responsibility for all risks concerning my data and funds. + + + + I accept Status + + + + Terms of Use + + + + Terms of service + + + + Get started + + + + + BrowserLayout + + Transaction pending... + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Error signing message + + + + View on etherscan + + + + Server's certificate not trusted + + + + Do you wish to continue? + + + + If you wish so, you may continue with an unverified certificate. Accepting an unverified certificate means you may not be connected with the host you tried to connect to. +Do you wish to override the security check and continue? + + + + + ChatContextMenuView + + Leave group + + + + Save + + + + Delete + + + + Are you sure you want to leave this chat? + + + + View Members + + + + Add / remove from group + + + + Test WakuV2 - requestAllHistoricMessages + + + + Edit name + + + + Mark as Read + + + + Clear history + + + + Edit Channel + + + + Download + + + + Delete Channel + + + + Delete chat + + + + Leave chat + + + + Download messages + + + + Delete #%1 + + + + Are you sure you want to delete #%1 channel? + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this chat? + + + + + ChatView + + Members + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + + CollectibleDetailsHeader + + Send + + + + + CollectibleModal + + description + Descripción + + + unnamed + + + + id + + + + View in Opensea + + + + + CollectiblesStore + + Collectibles + + + + + CollectiblesView + + Collectibles will appear here + + + + + CommunitiesListPanel + + Cancel + + + + Leave community + + + + Leave %1 + + + + Are you sure you want to leave? Once you leave, you will have to request to rejoin if you change your mind. + + + + + CommunitiesPopup + + Communities + + + + 1 member + + + + %1 members + + + + Create a community + + + + Search for communities or topics + + + + Access existing community + + + + + CommunitiesPortalLayout + + Search + + + + Find community + + + + Import Community + + + + Create New Community + + + + Featured + + + + Popular + + + + + CommunityColorPicker + + Community colour + + + + + CommunityColumnView + + Create channel + + + + Create category + + + + 1 Member + + + + %1 Members + + + + Start chat + + + + Membership requests + + + + Invite people + + + + Unmute category + + + + Mute category + + + + Edit Category + + + + Delete Category + + + + Delete %1 category + + + + Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. + + + + Create channel or category + + + + Error deleting the category + + + + + CommunityDescriptionInput + + Description + + + + What your community is about + + + + community description + + + + + CommunityDetailPopup + + Join ‘%1’ + + + + Pending + + + + Unknown community + + + + Public community + + + + Invitation only community + + + + On request community + + + + - ENS only + + + + %1 members + + + + Channels + + + + You need to be invited + + + + Request to join ‘%1’ + + + + Error joining the community + + + + + CommunityEditSettingsPanel + + A catchy name + + + + community name + + + + Description + + + + What your community is about + + + + Pick a color + + + + + CommunityHeaderButton + + 1 member + + + + %1 members + + + + + CommunityMembersSettingsPanel + + Members + + + + Member name + + + + Ban + + + + Kick + + + + Membership requests + + + + Community members will appear here + + + + No contacts found + + + + You + + + + + CommunityNameInput + + A catchy name + + + + community name + + + + Community name + + + + + CommunityProfilePopup + + Members + + + + Transfer ownership + + + + Public community + + + + Invitation only community + + + + On request community + + + + Unknown community + + + + Invite friends + + + + Invite + + + + + CommunityProfilePopupInviteFriendsPanel + + Copied! + + + + Contacts + + + + Share community + + + + + CommunityProfilePopupMembersListPanel + + Member name + + + + + CommunityProfilePopupOverviewPanel + + Copied! + + + + Share community + + + + Transfer ownership + + + + Leave community + + + + + CommunitySettingsView + + Members + + + + Notifications + + + + Settings + + + + Overview + + + + Open legacy popup (to be removed) + + + + Back to community + + + + Error editing the community + + + + + CommunityUserList + + Members + + + + + ConfirmPasswordView + + Passwords don't match + + + + Have you written down your password? + + + + You will never be able to recover your password if you lose it. + + + + If you need to, write it using pen and paper and keep in a safe place. + + + + If you lose your password you will lose access to your Status profile. + + + + Confirm your password (again) + + + + Confirm you password (again) + + + + Finalise Status Password Creation + + + + Keys for this account already exist + + + + Keys for this account already exist and can't be added again. If you've lost your password, passcode or Keycard, uninstall the app, reinstall and access your keys by entering your seed phrase + + + + Login failed + + + + Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. + + + + + ConfirmationDialog + + Confirm + + + + Reject + + + + Cancel + + + + Confirm your action + + + + Do not show this again + + + + Are you sure you want to do this? + + + + + ContactPanel + + View Profile + + + + Send message + + + + Respond to ID Request + + + + See ID Request + + + + Rename + + + + + ContactsColumnView + + Start chat + + + + Chat + + + + Search + + + + Join public chats + + + + Contact requests + + + + Community imported + + + + Importing community is in progress + + + + + ContactsView + + Contacts + + + + Send contact request to chat key + + + + Search by a display name or chat key + + + + Pending Requests + + + + Blocked + + + + Identity Verified Contacts + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet + + + + Received + + + + Sent + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + + Controls + + XS + + + + S + + + + M + + + + L + + + + XL + + + + XXL + + + + 50% + + + + 100% + + + + 150% + + + + 200% + + + + + CreateCategoryPopup + + Category title + + + + category name + + + + Edit category + + + + New category + + + + Name the category + + + + Channels + + + + Delete category + + + + Delete %1 category + + + + Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. + + + + Save + + + + Create + + + + Error editing the category + + + + Error creating the category + + + + + CreateChannelPopup + + Channel name + + + + channel name + + + + Description + + + + Describe the channel + + + + channel description + + + + New channel + + + + Edit #%1 + + + + Name the channel + + + + Channel colour + + + + Pick a color + + + + Save + + + + Create + + + + Error creating the community + + + + + CreateChatView + + Contacts + + + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. + +Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be able to chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. + + + + You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. + + +Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be + able to +chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. + + + + You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. + + +Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be able to +chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. + + + + Confirm + + + + + CreateCommunityPopup + + You need to enter a color + + + + This field needs to be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + Community color + + + + Pick a color + + + + Please choose a color + + + + Next + + + + Error creating the community + + + + Name your community + + + + A catchy name + + + + Give it a short description + + + + What your community is about + + + + Community colour + + + + Create New Community + + + + Create Community + + + + + CreatePasswordView + + Create password + + + + + DemoApp + + Invite People + + + + View Community + + + + Edit Community + + + + Leave Community + + + + + DerivationPathsPanel + + Reset + + + + Derivation Path + + + + + DerivedAddressesPanel + + Pending + + + + Account + + + + No activity + + + + Invalid path + + + + Has Activity + + + + No Activity + + + + + DisplayNamePopup + + Edit + + + + Ok + + + + Display Name + + + + OK + + + + + EnsDetailsView + + Wallet address + + + + Key + + + + Connect username with your pubkey + + + + Copied to clipboard! + + + + Release username + + + + Username locked. You won't be able to release it until %1 + + + + Back + + + + + EnsSearchView + + Connect username with your pubkey + + + + At least 4 characters. Latin letters, numbers, and lowercase only. + + + + Letters and numbers only. + + + + Type the entire username including the custom domain like username.domain.eth + + + + Custom domain + + + + I want a stateofus.eth domain + + + + I own a name on another domain + + + + + EnsView + + Transaction pending... + + + + View on etherscan + + + + ENS Registration failed + + + + ENS Registration completed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey failed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey completed + + + + + ExemptionNotificationsModal + + Done + + + + %1 exemption + + + + Mute all messages + + + + Personal @ Mentions + + + + Global @ Mentions + + + + Other Messages + + + + Clear Exemptions + + + + + GasSelector + + Priority + + + + Low + + + + High + + + + Must be greater than 0 + + + + This needs to be a number + + + + Please enter an amount + + + + Min 21000 units + + + + Not enough gas + + + + Miners will currently not process transactions with a tip below %1 Gwei, the average is %2 Gwei + + + + The average miner tip is %1 Gwei + + + + Gas Price + + + + Current base fee: %1 %2 + + + + Use suggestions + + + + Use custom + + + + Optimal + + + + Gas amount limit + + + + Per-gas tip limit + + + + Gwei + + + + Per-gas overall limit + + + + Maximum priority fee: %1 ETH + + + + Maximum overall price for the transaction. If the block base fee exceeds this, it will be included in a following block with a lower base fee. + + + + + GroupInfoPopup + + %1/%2 members + + + + Add members + + + + %1 members + + + + 1 member + + + + Search + + + + All your contacts are already in the group + + + + Pinned messages + + + + Admin + + + + Make Admin + + + + Remove From Group + + + + Add selected + + + + + ImageCropperModal + + Crop your image (optional) + + + + Finish + + + + + ImportPrivateKeyPanel + + Pending + + + + You need to enter a private key + + + + Enter a valid private key (64 characters hexadecimal string) + + + + Private key + + + + Paste the contents of your private key + + + + Public address + + + + Account already added + + + + Has Activity + + + + No Activity + + + + + InsertCard + + Cancel + + + + Please insert your Keycard to proceed or press the cancel button to cancel the operation + + + + + InsertDetailsView + + Next + + + + Profile picture + + + + Your profile + + + + Longer and unusual names are better as they are less likely to be used by someone else. + + + + Display name + + + + Chatkey: + + + + Choose an image for profile picture + + + + Make this my profile picture + + + + Your emojihash and identicon ring + + + + This set of emojis and coloured ring around your avatar are unique and represent your chat key, so your friends can easily distinguish you from potential impersonators. + + + + + InvitationBubbleView + + Unsupported state + + + + Membership requires an ENS username + + + + You need to be invited + + + + Pending + + + + View + + + + Request Access + + + + Join + + + + Verified community invitation + + + + Community invitation + + + + %1 members + + + + Error joining the community + + + + + KeysMainView + + Enter a seed phrase + + + + Generate new keys + + + + intro-wizard-title1 + + + + a-set-of-keys-controls-your-account.-your-keys-live-on-your-device,-so-only-you-can-use-them. + + + + Connect your keys + + + + Use your existing Status keys to login to this device. + + + + Get your keys + + + + A set of keys controls your account. Your keys live on your +device, so only you can use them. + + + + Import a seed phrase + + + + Seed phrases are used to back up and restore your keys. Only use this option if you already have a seed phrase. + + + + + LanguageView + + Language + + + + Set Display Currency + + + + Search Currencies + + + + Search Languages + + + + Date Format + + + + DD/MM/YY + + + + MM/DD/YY + + + + Time Format + + + + 24-Hour Time + + + + 12-Hour Time + + + + Change language + + + + Display language has been changed. You must restart the application for changes to take effect. + + + + Close the app now + + + + + Layout + + Invite People + + + + View Community + + + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + Edit Community + + + + Leave Community + + + + + LeftTabView + + Settings + + + + Sign out + + + + Make sure you have your account password and seed phrase stored. Without them you can lock yourself out of your account and lose funds. + + + + Sign out & Quit + + + + Wallet + + + + Total value + + + + Add account + + + + Saved addresses + + + + + LoginView + + Ok + + + + Welcome back + + + + Add new user + + + + Add existing Status user + + + + Connecting... + + + + Password + + + + Enter password + + + + Login failed: %1 + + + + Password incorrect + + + + + MenuPanel + + Settings + + + + Apps + + + + About & Help + + + + + MessageContextMenuView + + Jump to + + + + Copy image + + + + Download image + + + + Block User + + + + Unblock User + + + + Rename + + + + Reply to + + + + Edit message + + + + Copy Message Id + + + + Unpin + + + + Pin + + + + Delete message + + + + Please choose a directory + + + + Confirm deleting this message + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well. + + + + + MessagingView + + Contacts + + + + Allow new contact requests + + + + Show My Profile Picture To + + + + Everyone + + + + No One + + + + See Profile Pictures From + + + + Open Message Links With + + + + Status Browser + + + + System Default Browser + + + + Contacts, Requests, and Blocked Users + + + + Display Message Link Previews + + + + Fine tune which sites to allow link previews + + + + Image unfurling + + + + All images (links that contain an image extension) will be downloaded and displayed + + + + Message syncing + + + + Waku nodes + + + + For security reasons, private chat history won't be synced. + + + + + MyProfileView + + ENS username + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Change Password + + + + Edit + + + + Preview + + + + + NicknamePopup + + Nickname + + + + Nicknames help you identify others in Status. Only you can see the nicknames you’ve added + + + + Done + + + + + NoImageUploadedPanel + + Upload + + + + Wide aspect ratio is optimal + + + + + NotificationsView + + Messages + + + + You have a new message + + + + Anonymous + + + + Community + + + + 1:1 Chat + + + + Group Chat + + + + Muted + + + + Off + + + + Quiet + + + + Personal @ Mentions %1 + + + + Global @ Mentions %1 + + + + Alerts + + + + Other Messages %1 + + + + Multiple Exemptions + + + + Enable Notifications in macOS Settings + + + + To receive Status notifications, make sure you've enabled them in your computer's settings under <b>System Preferences > Notifications</b> + + + + Sync your devices to share notifications preferences + + + + Syncing > + + + + Allow Notifications + + + + 1:1 Chats + + + + Group Chats + + + + Personal @ Mentions + + + + Messages containing @%1 + + + + Global @ Mentions + + + + Messages containing @here and @channel + + + + All Messages + + + + Others + + + + Contact Requests + + + + Identity Verification Requests + + + + Notification Content + + + + Show Name and Message + + + + Hi there! So EIP-1559 will defini... + + + + Name Only + + + + Play a Sound When Receiving a Notification + + + + Volume + + + + Send a Test Notification + + + + Exemptions + + + + Search Communities, Group Chats and 1:1 Chats + + + + Most recent + + + + + PasswordView + + Create a password + + + + Passwords don't match + + + + Create a password to unlock Status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + You will not be able to recover this password if it is lost. + + + + Minimum %1 characters. To strengthen your password consider including: + + + + This password has been pwned and shouldn't be used + + + + This password is a common word and shouldn't be used + + + + Password must be at least %1 characters long + + + + Current password + + + + New password + + + + Very weak + + + + Weak + + + + So-so + + + + Good + + + + Great + + + + Lower case + + + + Upper case + + + + Numbers + + + + Symbols + + + + Confirm password + + + + + PermissionsListView + + Disconnect + + + + Disconnect All + + + + + PinnedMessagesPopup + + Unpin + + + + Pin limit reached + + + + Pinned messages + + + + Unpin a previous message first + + + + %1 messages + + + + %1 message + + + + Pinned messages will appear here. + + + + + ProfileLayout + + Contacts + + + + Testnet mode is enabled. All balances, transactions and dApp interactions will be on testnets. + + + + Secure your seed phrase + + + + Back up now + + + + + ProfilePopup + + ENS username + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Chat settings + + + + Nickname + + + + None + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + Unblock User + + + + Block User + + + + Add to contacts + + + + 's Profile + + + + Send Contact Request to + + + + Verify %1's Identity + + + + My Profile + + + + %1's Profile + + + + Send Contact Request to %1 + + + + Cancel verification + + + + Remove Contact + + + + Send Contact Request + + + + Mark Untrustworthy + + + + Remove 'Identity Verified' status + + + + No + + + + Yes + + + + Remove Untrustworthy Mark + + + + Verify Identity + + + + Verify Identity pending... + + + + Send verification request + + + + Verification request sent + + + + Confirm Identity + + + + Rename + + + + Close + + + + + ProfileSectionStore + + Profile + + + + ENS usernames + + + + Wallet + + + + Browser + + + + Communities + + + + Appearance + + + + Back up seed phrase + + + + Advanced + + + + Messaging + + + + Notifications & Sounds + + + + Language & Currency + + + + Devices settings + + + + About + + + + Sign out & Quit + + + + + RateView + + Upload + + + + Bandwidth + + + + Kb/s + + + + Download + + + + + ReceiveModal + + Copy + + + + Receive + + + + Legacy + + + + Multichain + + + + Your Address + + + + + RootStore + + You + + + + Start a 1-on-1 chat with %1 + + + + Join the %1 community + + + + Join the %1 group chat + + + + + SavedAddressesView + + Cancel + + + + Delete + + + + Saved addresses + + + + Add new address + + + + Edit + + + + Are you sure you want to remove '%1' from your saved addresses? + + + + Are you sure? + + + + No saved addresses + + + + + SeedPhraseInputView + + Enter seed phrase + + + + Next + + + + Import + + + + Keys for this account already exist + + + + Keys for this account already exist and can't be added again. If you've lost your password, passcode or Keycard, uninstall the app, reinstall and access your keys by entering your seed phrase + + + + Error importing seed + + + + %1 words + + + + %1SeedButton + + + + Invalid seed + + + + Restore Status Profile + + + + + SendContactRequestModal + + Paste + + + + Send Contact Request to chat key + + + + Enter chat key here + + + + Say who you are / why you want to become a contact... + + + + who are you + + + + Send Contact Request + + + + + SendModal + + Transaction pending... + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Send + + + + Max: + + + + No balances active + + + + Please enter a valid amount + + + + To + + + + Enter an ENS name or address + + + + Error estimating gas: %1 + + + + Wrong password + + + + View on etherscan + + + + + SendModalFooter + + Unknown + + + + Estimated Time: + + + + Max Fees: + + + + Send + + + + + SendModalHeader + + To + + + + + SettingsPageLayout + + Cancel + + + + Save changes + + + + + SignTransactionModal + + Send + + + + Continue + + + + Error estimating gas: %1 + + + + Transaction pending... + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Choose account + + + + Network fee + + + + Transaction preview + + + + Sign with password + + + + Send %1 %2 + + + + Next + + + + Wrong password + + + + View on etherscan + + + + + StatusAppCommunityView + + Members + + + + + StatusChatInput + + Send + + + + Message + + + + Please choose an image + + + + Image files (%1) + + + + Your message is too long. + + + + Please make your message shorter. We have set the limit to 2000 characters to be courteous of others. + + + + Bold + + + + Italic + + + + Strikethrough + + + + Code + + + + Unblock + + + + + StatusChatListAndCategories + + More + + + + Add channel inside category + + + + + StatusChatListCategoryItem + + More + + + + Add channel inside category + + + + + StatusChatListItem + + Unmute + + + + + StatusChatToolBar + + Search + + + + Members + + + + More + + + + + StatusColorDialog + + Preview + + + + This is not a valid color + + + + Standart colours + + + + Select Colour + + + + + StatusExpandableSettingsItemPage + + Back up seed phrase + + + + Not Implemented + + + + + StatusListPicker + + Search + + + + + StatusMacNotification + + Open + + + + My latest message + with a return + + + + + StatusStickerMarket + + This feature is experimental and is meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It's not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data. Use at your own risk. + + + + I understand + + + + + StatusTokenInlineSelector + + or + + + + Hold + + + + to post + + + + + StatusWalletColorSelect + + Account color + + + + + TabNetworkAndFees + + Advanced + + + + Custom + + + + Slow + + + + + TransactionSettingsConfirmationPopup + + Are you sure? + + + + Your priority fee is below our suggested parameters. + + + + Current base fee + + + + %1 Gwei + + + + Current minimum tip + + + + Current average tip + + + + Your tip limit + + + + Suggested minimum tip + + + + Your price limit + + + + Suggested minimum price limit + + + + Change Limit + + + + Continue anyway + + + + + TransferOwnershipPopup + + Transfer ownership + + + + Community private key + + + + Copy + + + + Copied + + + + You should keep it safe and only share it with people you trust to take ownership of your community + + + + You can also use this key to import your community on another device + + + + + UploadProfilePicModal + + Profile picture + + + + Remove + + + + Upload + + + + Done + + + + Upload profile picture + + + + Choose an image for profile picture + + + + Make this my profile picture + + + + + UserList + + Members + + + + + UsernameLabel + + You + + + + + Utils + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + You need to enter a %1 + + + + now + Ahora + + + Sun + + + + Mon + + + + Tue + + + + Wed + + + + Thu + + + + Fri + + + + Sat + + + + Jan + + + + Feb + + + + Mar + + + + Apr + + + + May + + + + Jun + + + + Jul + + + + Aug + + + + Sep + + + + Oct + + + + Nov + + + + Dec + + + + Yesterday + + + + Sunday + + + + Monday + + + + Tuesday + + + + Wednesday + + + + Thursday + + + + Friday + + + + Saturday + + + + NOW + + + + %1M + + + + %1H + + + + %1D + + + + words + + + + You need to enter a password + + + + You need to repeat your password + + + + Passwords don't match + + + + You need to enter a PIN + + + + The PIN must contain only digits + + + + The PIN must be exactly 6 digits + + + + You need to repeat your PIN + + + + PIN don't match + + + + The %1 cannot exceed %2 characters + + + + Must be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + Use only lowercase letters (a to z), numbers & dashes (-). Do not use chat keys. + + + + Value has to be at least %1 characters long + + + + Unknown + + + + < 1 min + + + + < 3 mins + + + + < 5 mins + + + + > 5 mins + + + + years ago + + + + year ago + + + + months ago + + + + month ago + + + + weeks ago + + + + week ago + + + + days ago + + + + day ago + + + + hours ago + + + + hour ago + + + + mins ago + + + + min ago + + + + secs ago + + + + sec ago + + + + + WalletView + + Wallet + + + + Networks + + + + DApp Permissions + + + + Testnet Mode + + + + + AcceptTransactionView + + Accept and share address + + + + Accept and send + + + + Decline + + + + + Acknowledgements + + Secure Your Assets and Funds + + + + Your seed phrase is a 12-word passcode to your funds. + + + + Your seed phrase cannot be recovered if lost. Therefore, you <b>must</b> back it up. The simplest way is to <b>write it down offline and store it somewhere secure.</b> + + + + I have a pen and paper + + + + I am ready to write down my seed phrase + + + + I know where I’ll store it + + + + You can only complete this process once. Status will not store your seed phrase and can never help you recover it. + + + + + ActivityCenterPopup + + Show more + + + + + ActivityCenterPopupTopBarPanel + + All + + + + Mentions + + + + Replies + + + + Mark all as Read + + + + Show read notifications + + + + Hide read notifications + + + + Notification settings + + + + + AddShowTokenModal + + Add custom token + + + + This needs to be a valid address + + + + Invalid ERC20 address + + + + Enter contract address... + + + + Contract address + + + + The name of your token... + + + + Name + + + + ABC + + + + Symbol + + + + Decimals + + + + Changing settings failed + + + + Add + + + + + AddWakuNodeModal + + Waku nodes + + + + Name + + + + Specify a name + + + + You need to enter a name + + + + History node address + + + + You need to enter the enode address + + + + The format must be: enode://{enode-id}:{password}@{ip-address}:{port} + + + + Save + + + + + AddressInput + + ENS Username not found + + + + + AddressRequiredValidator + + You need to request the recipient’s address first. +Assets won’t be sent yet. + + + + + AddressSourceSelector + + Invalid source + + + + + AdvancedAddAccountView + + Enter address... + + + + Account address + + + + This needs to be a valid address (starting with 0x) + + + + You need to enter an address + + + + + AppSearch + + No results + + + + Anywhere + + + + + AssetAndAmountInput + + Insufficient balance + + + + Must be greater than or equal to 0 + + + + This needs to be a number + + + + Please enter an amount + + + + Balance: + + + + Asset & Amount + + + + The amount is 0. Proceed only if this is desired. + + + + + BackUpCommuntyBannerPanel + + Back up community key + + + + Back up + + + + + BalanceExceeded + + Balance exceeded + + + + No networks available + + + + + BalanceValidator + + Insufficient balance + + + + + BlockContactConfirmationDialog + + Block User + + + + Blocking will stop new messages from reaching you from %1. + + + + + BloomSelectorButton + + TODO + + + + + BrowserConnectionModal + + '%1' would like to connect to + + + + Allowing authorizes this DApp to retrieve your wallet address and enable Web3 + + + + Granting access authorizes this DApp to retrieve your chat key + + + + Deny + + + + Allow + + + + + BrowserHeader + + Enter URL + + + + + BrowserSettingsMenu + + New Tab + + + + Exit Incognito mode + + + + Go Incognito + + + + Zoom In + + + + Zoom Out + + + + Find + + + + Compatibility mode + + + + Developer Tools + + + + Settings + + + + + BrowserTabStyle + + Start Page + + + + + BrowserTabView + + Start Page + + + + New Tab + + + + Downloads Page + + + + + BrowserView + + Search engine used in the address bar + + + + None + + + + Show Favorites Bar + + + + Connected DApps + + + + No connected dApps + + + + Connecting a dApp grants it permission to view your address and balances, and to send you transaction requests + + + + + BrowserWalletMenu + + Mainnet + + + + Ropsten + + + + Unknown + + + + Disconnect + + + + Assets + + + + History + + + + + BrowserWebEngineView + + Add Favorite + + + + + ChangePasswordModal + + Change password + + + + Change password used to unlock Status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + Change Password + + + + + ChangePasswordSuccessModal + + <b>Password changed</b> + + + + You need to sign in again using the new password. + + + + Sign out & Quit + + + + + ChangeProfilePicModal + + Profile picture + + + + Remove + + + + Upload + + + + Please choose an image + + + + Image files (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png) + + + + + ChannelIdentifierView + + Welcome to the beginning of the <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> group! + + + + Any messages you send here are encrypted and can only be read by you and <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> + + + + + ChatButtonsPanel + + Add reaction + + + + Reply + + + + Edit + + + + Unpin + + + + Pin + + + + Delete + + + + Confirm deleting this message + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well. + + + + + ChatColumnView + + Send + + + + Request Address + + + + Request + + + + + ChatCommandModal + + Continue + + + + Receive on account + + + + From account + + + + Address request required + + + + From + + + + To + + + + Preview + + + + Transaction preview + + + + Next + + + + + ChatCommandsPopup + + Send transaction + + + + Request transaction + + + + + ChatContentView + + Contact + + + + Not a contact + + + + Public chat + + + + %1 members + + + + 1 member + + + + Connected + + + + Disconnected + + + + Blocked + + + + This user has been blocked. + + + + + ChatMessagesView + + Loading... + + + + Failed to send message. + + + + + ChatRequestMessagePanel + + You need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messages + + + + Just click this button to add them as contact. They will receive a notification. Once they accept the request, you'll be able to chat + + + + Add to contacts + + + + + ChooseBrowserPopup + + Choose browser + + + + Open in Status + + + + Open in my default browser + + + + Remember my choice. To override it, go to settings. + + + + + ClosedEmptyPanel + + Your chats will appear here. To start new chats press the  button at the top + + + + + CollectibleCollectionView + + No collectibles available + + + + + CollectibleDetailView + + Properties + + + + Levels + + + + Stats + + + + + CollectiblesContent + + Something went wrong + + + + Reload + + + + + CollectiblesHeader + + Maximum number of collectibles to display reached + + + + + CollectiblesModal + + View + + + + Unnamed + + + + + CollectiblesModalContent + + ID + + + + Description + + + + + CommunitiesView + + Import community + + + + Communities you've joined + + + + + CommunityBannerPicker + + Community banner + + + + Choose an image for banner + + + + Make this my Community banner + + + + + CommunityChannelsAndCategoriesBannerPanel + + Expand your community by adding more channels and categories + + + + Add channels + + + + Add categories + + + + + CommunityColorPanel + + Community Colour + + + + Select Community Colour + + + + This is not a valid colour + + + + White text should be legable on top of this colour + + + + Standard colours + + + + + CommunityDelegate + + Admin + + + + Member + + + + + CommunityIntroDialog + + Welcome to %1 + + + + Join %1 + + + + Community <b>%1</b> has no intro message... + + + + I agree with the above + + + + + CommunityIntroMessageInput + + Community introduction and rules + + + + What new members will read before joining (eg. community rules, welcome message, etc.). Members will need to tick a check box agreeing to these rules before they are allowed to join your community. + + + + community intro message + + + + + CommunityLogoPicker + + Community logo + + + + Choose an image as logo + + + + Make this my Community logo + + + + + CommunityOptions + + Community history service + + + + Request to join required + + + + Any member can pin a message + + + + + CommunityOutroMessageInput + + Leaving community message + + + + The message a member will see when they leave your community + + + + community intro message + + + + + CommunityOverviewSettingsPanel + + Overview + + + + Edit Community + + + + This node is the Community Owner Node. For your Community to function correctly try to keep this computer with Status running and onlinie as much as possible. + + + + Welcome to your community! + + + + Invite new people + + + + Try an airdrop to reward your community for engagement! + + + + Airdrop Tokens + + + + Back up community key + + + + Back up + + + + + CommunityTagsPanel + + Community Tags + + + + Confirm Community Tags + + + + Select tags that will fit your Community + + + + Search tags + + + + Selected tags + + + + + CommunityTagsPicker + + Tags + + + + + CommunityWelcomeBannerPanel + + Welcome to your community! + + + + Add members + + + + Manage community + + + + + CompactMessageView + + Pinned by %1 + + + + Cancel + + + + Save + + + + + ConfirmAddExistingKeyModal + + Enter seed phrase + + + + Do you want to add another existing key? + + + + Add another existing key + + + + + ConfirmAppRestartModal + + Application Restart + + + + Please restart the application to apply the changes. + + + + Restart + + + + + ConfirmSeedPhrasePanel + + Write down your 12-word seed phrase to keep offline + + + + Reveal seed phrase + + + + The next screen contains your seed phrase. +<b>Anyone</b> who sees it can use it to access to your funds. + + + + + ConfirmStoringSeedPhrasePanel + + Complete back up + + + + Store Your Phrase Offline and Complete Your Back Up + + + + By completing this process, you will remove your seed phrase from this application’s storage. This makes your funds more secure. + + + + You will remain logged in, and your seed phrase will be entirely in your hands. + + + + I acknowledge that Status will not be able to show me my seed phrase again. + + + + I aknowledge that Status will not be able to show me my seed phrase again. + + + + + Constants + + Username must be at least 5 characters + + + + Only letters, numbers, underscores and hyphens allowed + + + + 24 character username limit + + + + Usernames ending with '-eth' are not allowed + + + + Usernames ending with '_eth' are not allowed + + + + Usernames ending with '.eth' are not allowed + + + + Sorry, the name you have chosen is not allowed, try picking another username + + + + (edited) + + + + Username already taken :( + + + + Username doesn’t belong to you :( + + + + Continuing will connect this username with your chat key. + + + + ✓ Username available! + + + + Username is already connected with your chat key and can be used inside Status. + + + + This user name is owned by you and connected with your chat key. Continue to set `Show my ENS username in chats`. + + + + Continuing will require a transaction to connect the username with your current chat key. + + + + + Contact + + Admin + + + + + ContactRequestsPopup + + Contact requests + + + + Decline all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to decline all these contact requests + + + + Accept all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to accept all these contact requests + + + + Decline all + + + + Accept all + + + + + ContactSelector + + Please select a contact + + + + Select a contact + + + + Contact does not have an ENS address. Please send a transaction in chat. + + + + No contact selected + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet + + + + + ContactVerificationRequestPopup + + %1 is asking you to verify your identity + + + + %1 would like to verify your identity. Answer the question to prove your identity to %2 + + + + Provide answer to verification request from this contact. + + + + Your answer has been sent to %1. + + + + Refuse Verification + + + + Send Answer + + + + Change answer + + + + Close + + + + + ContactsListAndSearch + + Enter a valid chat key or ENS username + + + + Can't chat with yourself + + + + Enter ENS username or chat key + + + + + ContactsListPanel + + Contact Request Sent + + + + Contact Request Rejected + + + + + CopyToClipBoardButton + + Copied! + + + + + CreatePasswordModal + + Store password + + + + Create a password + + + + Current password... + + + + New password... + + + + Confirm password… + + + + At least 6 characters. You will use this password to unlock status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + Create password + + + + Error importing account + + + + An error occurred while importing your account: + + + + Login failed + + + + Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. + + + + Incorrect password + + + + + CryptoServicesModal + + Buy / Sell crypto + + + + Choose a service you'd like to use to buy crypto + + + + + CurrenciesStore + + US Dollars + + + + British Pound + + + + Euros + + + + Russian ruble + + + + South Korean won + + + + Ethereum + + + + Tokens + + + + Bitcoin + + + + Status Network Token + + + + Dai + + + + United Arab Emirates dirham + + + + Other Fiat + + + + Afghan afghani + + + + Argentine peso + + + + Australian dollar + + + + Barbadian dollar + + + + Bangladeshi taka + + + + Bulgarian lev + + + + Bahraini dinar + + + + Brunei dollar + + + + Bolivian boliviano + + + + Brazillian real + + + + Bhutanese ngultrum + + + + Canadian dollar + + + + Swiss franc + + + + Chilean peso + + + + Chinese yuan + + + + Colombian peso + + + + Costa Rican colón + + + + Czech koruna + + + + Danish krone + + + + Dominican peso + + + + Egyptian pound + + + + Ethiopian birr + + + + Georgian lari + + + + Ghanaian cedi + + + + Hong Kong dollar + + + + Croatian kuna + + + + Hungarian forint + + + + Indonesian rupiah + + + + Israeli new shekel + + + + Indian rupee + + + + Icelandic króna + + + + Jamaican dollar + + + + Japanese yen + + + + Kenyan shilling + + + + Kuwaiti dinar + + + + Kazakhstani tenge + + + + Sri Lankan rupee + + + + Moroccan dirham + + + + Moldovan leu + + + + Mauritian rupee + + + + Malawian kwacha + + + + Mexican peso + + + + Malaysian ringgit + + + + Mozambican metical + + + + Namibian dollar + + + + Nigerian naira + + + + Norwegian krone + + + + Nepalese rupee + + + + New Zealand dollar + + + + Omani rial + + + + Peruvian sol + + + + Papua New Guinean kina + + + + Philippine peso + + + + Pakistani rupee + + + + Polish złoty + + + + Paraguayan guaraní + + + + Qatari riyal + + + + Romanian leu + + + + Serbian dinar + + + + Saudi riyal + + + + Swedish krona + + + + Singapore dollar + + + + Thai baht + + + + Trinidad and Tobago dollar + + + + New Taiwan dollar + + + + Tanzanian shilling + + + + Turkish lira + + + + Ukrainian hryvnia + + + + Ugandan shilling + + + + Uruguayan peso + + + + Venezuelan bolívar + + + + Vietnamese đồng + + + + South African rand + + + + + DateGroup + + Today + + + + Yesterday + + + + January + + + + February + + + + March + + + + April + + + + May + + + + June + + + + July + + + + August + + + + September + + + + October + + + + November + + + + December + + + + + DefaultDAppExplorerView + + Default DApp explorer + + + + none + + + + + DevicesView + + Please set a name for your device. + + + + Specify a name + + + + Continue + + + + Advertise device + + + + Pair your devices to sync contacts and chats between them + + + + Learn more + + + + Paired devices + + + + Syncing... + + + + Sync all devices + + + + + DownloadBar + + Cancelled + + + + Paused + + + + Show All + + + + + DownloadMenu + + Open + + + + Show in folder + + + + Pause + + + + Resume + + + + Cancel + + + + + DownloadPage + + Thanks for using Status + + + + You're curently using version %1 of Status. + + + + There's new version available to download. + + + + Get Status %1 + + + + + DownloadView + + Cancelled + + + + Paused + + + + Downloaded files will appear here. + + + + + ENSPopup + + Primary username + + + + Your messages are displayed to others with this username: + + + + Once you select a username, you won’t be able to disable it afterwards. You will only be able choose a different username to display. + + + + + EmojiReactionsPanel + + Add reaction + + + + + EmptyChatPanel + + Share your chat key + + + + or + + + + invite + + + + friends to start messaging in Status + + + + + EnsAddedView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + %1 is now connected with your chat key and can be used in Status. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsConnectedView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + %1 will be connected once the transaction is complete. + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsListView + + Hey + + + + (pending) + + + + ENS usernames + + + + Add username + + + + Your usernames + + + + Chat settings + + + + Primary Username + + + + None selected + + + + You’re displaying your ENS username in chats + + + + + EnsRegisteredView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + Nice! You own %1.stateofus.eth once the transaction is complete. + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsReleasedView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username removed + + + + The username %1 will be removed and your deposit will be returned once the transaction is mined + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsTermsAndConditionsView + + ENS usernames + + + + Terms of name registration + + + + Funds are deposited for 1 year. Your SNT will be locked, but not spent. + + + + After 1 year, you can release the name and get your deposit back, or take no action to keep the name. + + + + If terms of the contract change — e.g. Status makes contract upgrades — user has the right to release the username regardless of time held. + + + + The contract controller cannot access your deposited funds. They can only be moved back to the address that sent them. + + + + Your address(es) will be publicly associated with your ENS name. + + + + Usernames are created as subdomain nodes of stateofus.eth and are subject to the ENS smart contract terms. + + + + You authorize the contract to transfer SNT on your behalf. This can only occur when you approve a transaction to authorize the transfer. + + + + These terms are guaranteed by the smart contract logic at addresses: + + + + %1 (Status UsernameRegistrar). + + + + <a href='%1%2'>Look up on Etherscan</a> + + + + %1 (ENS Registry). + + + + Wallet address + + + + Copied to clipboard! + + + + Key + + + + Agree to <a href="#">Terms of name registration.</a> I understand that my wallet address will be publicly connected to my username. + + + + Back + + + + 10 SNT + + + + Deposit + + + + Not enough SNT + + + + Register + + + + + EnsWelcomeView + + Get a universal username + + + + ENS names transform those crazy-long addresses into unique usernames. + + + + Customize your chat name + + + + An ENS name can replace your random 3-word name in chat. Be @yourname instead of %1. + + + + Simplify your ETH address + + + + You can receive funds to your easy-to-share ENS name rather than your hexadecimal hash (0x...). + + + + Receive transactions in chat + + + + Others can send you funds via chat in one simple step. + + + + 10 SNT to register + + + + Register once to keep the name forever. After 1 year you can release the name and get your SNT back. + + + + Already own a username? + + + + You can verify and add any usernames you own in the next steps. + + + + Powered by Ethereum Name Services + + + + Start + + + + Only available on Mainnet + + + + + FavoriteMenu + + Open in new Tab + + + + Edit + + + + Remove + + + + + FetchMoreMessagesButton + + ↓ Fetch more messages + + + + Before %1 + + + + before--%1 + + + + + FleetRadioSelector + + Warning! + + + + Change fleet to %1 + + + + + FleetsModal + + Fleet + + + + + GapComponent + + fetch-messages + + + + between--1-and--2 + + + + Fetch messages + + + + Between %1 and %2 + + + + + GasSelectorButton + + Low + + + + + GasValidator + + Not enough ETH for gas + + + + + GroupChatPanel + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + Confirm + + + + + HistoryView + + Status Desktop is connected to a non-archival node. Transaction history may be incomplete. + + + + No transactions found + + + + Load More + + + + + HomePageView + + homepage + + + + System default + + + + Other + + + + Example: duckduckgo.com + + + + + ImageCropWorkflow + + Supported image formats (%1) + + + + + ImportCommunityPopup + + Import Community + + + + Entering a community key will grant you the ownership of that community. Please be responsible with it and don’t share the key with people you don’t trust. + + + + Community private key + + + + Import + + + + + ImportSeedPhrasePanel + + Invalid seed phrase + + + + This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. + + + + %1 words + + + + + Input + + Copied + + + + Pasted + + + + Copy + + + + Paste + + + + + InviteFriendsPopup + + Get Status at https://status.im + + + + Download Status link + + + + Copy to clipboard + + + + + InviteFriendsToCommunityPopup + + Invite friends + + + + Invite successfully sent + + + + Invite + + + + + JSDialogWindow + + Ok + + + + Cancel + + + + + KeycardCreatePINModal + + Create PIN + + + + New PIN + + + + Confirm PIN + + + + Create a 6 digit long PIN + + + + + LanguageStore + + Beta Languages + + + + + LinksMessageView + + Enable automatic image unfurling + + + + Enable link previews in chat? + + + + Once enabled, links posted in the chat may share your metadata with their owners + + + + Enable in Settings + + + + Don't ask me again + + + + + MailserverConnectionDialog + + Can not connect to mailserver + + + + The mailserver you're connecting to is unavailable. + + + + Pick another + + + + Retry + + + + + MainView + + DApp Permissions + + + + Networks + + + + Accounts + + + + Generated from Your Seed Phrase + + + + Imported + + + + Watch-Only + + + + + MembershipRequestsPopup + + Membership requests + + + + + MessageStore + + and + + + + %1 more + + + + reacted with + + + + You + + + + + MuteChatMenuItem + + Mute chat + + + + Unmute chat + + + + + MutedChatsModal + + Muted chats + + + + Unmute + + + + + MyProfileSettingsView + + Display name + + + + Display Name + + + + Biometric login and transaction authentication + + + + Communities + + + + Accounts + + + + You haven't joined any communities yet + + + + You don't have any wallet accounts yet + + + + + NetworkCardsComponent + + Your Balances + + + + No Balance + + + + No Gas + + + + BALANCE: + + + + Disabled + + + + + NetworkFilter + + All networks + + + + %n network(s) + + + + + + + + NetworkSelectPopup + + Layer 2 + + + + + NetworkSelector + + Networks + + + + Choose a network to use for the transaction + + + + No networks available + + + + Simple + + + + Advanced + + + + Custom + + + + + NetworksAdvancedCustomRoutingView + + Networks + + + + Show Unpreferred Networks + + + + The networks where the receipient will receive tokens. Amounts calculated automatically for the lowest cost. + + + + + NetworksSimpleRoutingView + + Networks + + + + Choose a network to use for the transaction + + + + + NetworksView + + Layer 2 + + + + Add Custom Network + + + + + NoFriendsRectangle + + You don’t have any contacts yet. Invite your friends to start chatting. + + + + Invite friends + + + + + NodeLayout + + Bloom Filter Usage + + + + Type json-rpc message... e.g {"method": "eth_accounts"} + + + + + NotificationSelect + + Send Alerts + + + + Deliver Quietly + + + + Turn Off + + + + + NotificationWindow + + Everything is connected + + + + + PINModal + + Authenticate PIN + + + + PIN + + + + Insert your 6-digit PIN + + + + Authenticate + + + + + PairingModal + + Insert pairing code + + + + Pairing code + + + + Insert the Keycard pairing code + + + + Pair + + + + + PrivateChatPopup + + New chat + + + + My Profile + + + + + ProfileHeader + + Chatkey:%1... + + + + + ProfileView + + Blocked + + + + Send Request + + + + Receive Response + + + + Confirm Identity + + + + You have confirmed %1's identity. From now on this verification emblem will always be displayed alongside %1's nickname. + + + + You have marked %1 as Untrustworthy. From now on this Untrustworthy emblem will always be displayed alongside %1's nickname. + + + + ENS username + + + + Username + + + + Ask a question that only the real %1 will be able to answer e.g. a question about a shared experience, or ask Mark to enter a code or phrase you have sent to them via a different communication channel (phone, post, etc...). + + + + Waiting for %1's response... + + + + Copied to clipboard + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Chat settings + + + + Nickname + + + + None + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + + PublicChatPopup + + You need to enter a channel name + + + + The channel name can only contain lowercase letters, numbers and dashes + + + + Join public chat + + + + A public chat is where you get to hang out with others, make friends and talk about subjects of your interest. + + + + chat-name + + + + Start chat + + + + + RecipientSelector + + Invalid ethereum address + + + + Address + + + + My account + + + + Contact + + + + Recipient + + + + + RenameAccontModal + + Rename %1 + + + + Enter an account name... + + + + You need to enter an account name + + + + This is not a valid account name + + + + color + + + + Change Name + + + + Changing settings failed + + + + + RenameGroupPopup + + Group name + + + + Save + + + + + Retry + + Resend + + + + + RightTabView + + Assets + + + + Collectibles + + + + Activity + + + + History + + + + + SearchBox + + Search + + + + + SearchEngineModal + + Search engine + + + + None + + + + + SearchResults + + Non contacts + + + + No profile found + + + + + SeedPhraseBackupWarning + + Back up your seed phrase + + + + Back up + + + + + SeedPhraseTextArea + + Invalid seed phrase + + + + This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. + + + + Start with the first word + + + + + SelectAccountModal + + Select account + + + + Select account to share and receive assets + + + + Confirm and share address + + + + + SelectAnotherAccountModal + + Your keys + + + + Add another existing key + + + + + SelectGeneratedAccount + + Import new Seed Phrase + + + + Generate from Private key + + + + Add a watch-only address + + + + Imported + + + + Add new + + + + Origin + + + + + SendContactRequestMenuItem + + Send Contact Request + + + + + SendMessageMenuItem + + Send message + + + + + SendToContractWarning + + Tokens will be sent directly to a contract address, which may result in a loss of funds. To transfer ERC-20 tokens, ensure the recipient address is the address of the destination wallet. + + + + + SendTransactionButton + + Sign and send + + + + + SettingsDirtyToastMessage + + Changes detected + + + + Cancel + + + + Save changes + + + + + SignMessageModal + + Signature request + + + + From + + + + Data + + + + Message + + + + Reject + + + + Sign + + + + Sign with password + + + + + SignPhraseModal + + Signing phrase + + + + This is your signing phrase + + + + You should see these 3 words before signing each transaction + + + + If you see a different combination, cancel the transaction and sign out + + + + Ok, got it + + + + Remind me later + + + + + StateBubble + + Pending + + + + Confirmed + + + + Unknown token + + + + Address requested + + + + Waiting to accept + + + + Address shared + + + + Address received + + + + Transaction declined + + + + failure + + + + Unknown state + + + + + StatusActivityCenterButton + + Activity + + + + + StatusAddressOrEnsValidator + + Please enter a valid address or ENS name. + + + + + StatusAddressValidator + + Please enter a valid address. + + + + + StatusAppChatView + + Join public chats + + + + Start chat + + + + + StatusAppCommunitiesPortalView + + Find community + + + + Featured + + + + Popular + + + + + StatusAsyncEnsValidator + + ENS name could not be resolved in to an address + + + + + StatusAsyncValidator + + invalid input + + + + + StatusBadge + + 99+ + + + + + StatusChatImageExtensionValidator + + Format not supported. + + + + Upload %1 only + + + + + StatusChatImageLoader + + Error loading the image + + + + Loading image... + + + + + StatusChatImageQtyValidator + + You can only upload %1 images at a time + + + + + StatusChatImageSizeValidator + + Max image size is %1 MB + + + + + StatusColorSpacePage + + Thickness + + + + Min saturate: + + + + Max saturate: + + + + Min value: + + + + Max value: + + + + Color + + + + + StatusCommunityTagsPage + + Select tags that will fit your Community + + + + Search tags + + + + Selected tags + + + + + StatusDialog + + Close + + + + Abort + + + + Cancel + + + + No to all + + + + No + + + + Open + + + + Save + + + + Save all + + + + Retry + + + + Ignore + + + + Ok + + + + Yes to all + + + + Yes + + + + Apply + + + + + StatusETHTransactionModal + + Contract interaction + + + + Wrong password + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Continue + + + + Choose account + + + + Sign with password + + + + Next + + + + + StatusEmojiSection + + No recent emojis + + + + + StatusFloatValidator + + Please enter a valid numeric value. + + + + + StatusGifColumn + + Remove from favorites + + + + Add to favorites + + + + + StatusGifPopup + + Search Tenor + + + + TRENDING + + + + FAVORITES + + + + RECENT + + + + Enable Tenor GIFs? + + + + Once enabled, GIFs posted in the chat may share your metadata with Tenor. + + + + Enable + + + + Favorite GIFs will appear here + + + + Recent GIFs will appear here + + + + Error while contacting Tenor API, please retry. + + + + Retry + + + + + StatusIntValidator + + Please enter a valid numeric value. + + + + + StatusItemSelector + + and + + + + or + + + + + StatusListPickerPage + + Search Languages + + + + Search Currencies + + + + + StatusNotification + + Open + + + + + StatusPasswordStrengthIndicator + + Very weak + + + + Weak + + + + So-so + + + + Good + + + + Great + + + + + StatusSNTTransactionModal + + Authorize %1 %2 + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Wrong password + + + + Continue + + + + Choose account + + + + Sign with password + + + + Send %1 %2 + + + + Next + + + + + StatusSearchListPopup + + Search... + + + + + StatusSearchLocationMenu + + Anywhere + + + + + StatusSearchPopup + + No results + + + + Anywhere + + + + Search + + + + In: + + + + In + + + + + StatusSpellcheckingMenuItems + + Add to dictionary + + + + Disable Spellchecking + + + + + StatusStackModal + + StackModal + + + + Next + + + + Finish + + + + + StatusStickerButton + + Buy for %1 SNT + + + + Uninstall + + + + Install + + + + Free + + + + Pending... + + + + Cancel + + + + Update + + + + + StatusStickersPopup + + You don't have any stickers yet + + + + Recently used stickers will appear here + + + + Get Stickers + + + + + StatusTagSelectorPage + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + + StatusUrlValidator + + Please enter a valid URL + + + + + StatusValidator + + invalid input + + + + + StatusWindowsTitleBar + + Status + + + + + SubheaderTabBar + + Step %1 of %2 + + + + + TabAddressSelectorView + + Saved + + + + My Accounts + + + + Recent + + + + Search for saved address + + + + No Saved Address + + + + No Recents + + + + + ToastMessage + + View on Etherscan + + + + Transaction pending... + + + + + TokenSettingsModal + + Manage Assets + + + + Add custom token + + + + + TokenSettingsModalContent + + Token details + + + + Remove token + + + + Custom + + + + Default + + + + + TouchIDAuthView + + Biometrics + + + + Would you like to use Touch ID +to login to Status? + + + + Yes, use Touch ID + + + + I prefer to use my password + + + + + TransactionBubbleView + + Transaction request + + + + ↑ Outgoing transaction + + + + ↓ Incoming transaction + + + + Token not found on your current network + + + + + TransactionDelegate + + From + + + + To + + + + At + + + + + TransactionModal + + Transaction Details + + + + confirmation(s) + + + + When the transaction has 12 confirmations you can consider it settled. + + + + Block + + + + Hash + + + + From + + + + To + + + + Gas limit + + + + Gas price + + + + Gas used + + + + Nonce + + + + + TransactionPreview + + From + + + + Recipient + + + + Unknown + + + + Asset + + + + Amount + + + + Network fee + + + + Data + + + + Data field + + + + + TransactionSigner + + You need to enter a password + + + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + Signing phrase + + + + Signing phrase is a 3 word combination that displayed when you entered the wallet on this device for the first time. + + + + Enter the password you use to unlock this device + + + + Password + + + + Enter password + + + + + UnblockContactConfirmationDialog + + Unblock User + + + + Unblocking will allow new messages you received from %1 to reach you. + + + + + UserListPanel + + Offline + + + + Online + + + + Inactive + + + + Do not disturb + + + + Idle + + + + + UserStatusContextMenu + + View My Profile + + + + Always online + + + + Inactive + + + + Set status automatically + + + + Online + + + + Offline + + + + + ViewProfileMenuItem + + View Profile + + + + + WakuNodesModal + + Waku nodes + + + + Use Waku nodes + + + + Select node automatically + + + + Waku Nodes + + + + Node %1 + + + + Add a new node + + + + + WalletFooter + + Send + + + + Receive + + + + Buy / Sell + + + + + WelcomeView + + Welcome to Status + + + + Your fully decentralized gateway to Ethereum and Web3. Crypto wallet, privacy first group chat, and dApp browser. + + + + I am new to Status + + + + I already use Status + + + + + main + + StatusQ Documentation App + + + + Status Desktop + + + + Open Status + + + + Quit + + + + diff --git a/ui/i18n/qml_es_AR.ts b/ui/i18n/qml_es_AR.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6ae83a8137 --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/i18n/qml_es_AR.ts @@ -0,0 +1,19043 @@ + + + + + about-app + Acerca de + + + about-key-storage-content + Status nunca accederá a tu clave privada. Asegúrate de respaldar tu frase semilla. Si pierdes tu teléfono es la única manera de acceder a tus claves. + + + about-key-storage-title + Acerca del almacenamiento de claves + + + about-names-content + ¡Nadie puede pretender ser tú! Eres anónimo por defecto y nunca tienes que revelar tu nombre real. Puedes registrar un nombre personalizado por una pequeña tarifa. + + + about-names-title + Los nombres no se pueden cambiar + + + access-key + Clave de acceso + + + access-existing-keys + Ingresar claves existentes + + + accept-and-share-address + Aceptar y compartir dirección + + + account-added + Cuenta agregada + + + account-color + Color de la cuenta + + + anyone + + + + messages-from-contacts-only-subtitle + + + + accept-new-chats-from + + + + account-name + Nombre de la cuenta + + + account-settings + Ajustes de la cuenta + + + accounts + Cuentas + + + active-online + En línea + + + active-unknown + Desconocido + + + add + Agregar + + + add-a-watch-account + Agregar una dirección de solo observación + + + add-account + Agregar una cuenta + + + add-account-description + Puedes importar cualquier tipo de cuenta de Ethereum para agregarla a tu billetera de Status + + + add-account-incorrect-password + La contraseña parece ser incorrecta. Ingresa la contraseña que usas para desbloquear la app. + + + add-an-account + Agregar una cuenta + + + add-bootnode + Agregar bootnode + + + add-contact + Agregar contacto + + + add-custom-token + Agregar un token personalizado + + + add-mailserver + Agregar nodo de Status + + + add-members + Agregar miembros + + + add-network + Agregar red + + + add-node + + + + add-to-contacts + Agregar a contactos + + + add-to-contacts-text + Al agregar un usuario a tu lista de contactos, compartes la dirección de tu billetera + + + address + Dirección + + + address-received + Dirección recibida + + + address-requested + Dirección solicitada + + + address-request-accepted + Solicitud de dirección aceptada + + + advanced + Avanzado + + + advanced-settings + Ajustes avanzados + + + agree-by-continuing + Al continuar, aceptas + nuestras + + + all + Todos + + + allow + Permitir + + + allowing-authorizes-this-dapp + Permitir autoriza a esta DApp a recuperar la dirección de tu billetera y habilitar Web3 + + + already-have-asset + Ya tienes este activo + + + amount + Cantidad + + + are-you-sure-description + No podrás volver a ver toda la frase semilla de nuevo + + + are-you-sure? + ¿Estás seguro/a? + + + ask-in-status + Haz una pregunta o reporta un error + + + at + en + + + authorize + Autorizar + + + available + Disponible + + + available-participants + + Puedes seleccionar un participante más + Puedes seleccionar {{count}} participantes más + + + + back + Atrás + + + back-up-seed-phrase + Respalda la frase semilla + + + back-up-your-seed-phrase + Respalda tu frase semilla + + + backup-recovery-phrase + Respalda la frase semilla + + + balance + Saldo + + + begin-set-up + empezar la configuración + + + biometric-auth-android-sensor-desc + Sensor táctil + + + biometric-auth-android-sensor-error-desc + Fallido + + + biometric-auth-android-title + Autenticación requerida + + + biometric-auth-confirm-logout + Volver a iniciar sesión + + + biometric-auth-confirm-message + Para continuar, la autenticación biométrica es necesaria, si no es posible inicia sesión de nuevo usando la contraseña de las llaves. + + + biometric-auth-confirm-title + ¡Debes autenticarte! + + + biometric-auth-confirm-try-again + Inténtalo de nuevo + + + biometric-auth-error + No se puede realizar la autenticación biométrica ({{code}}) + + + biometric-auth-login-error-title + Error de autenticación biométrica + + + biometric-auth-login-ios-fallback-label + Ingresa la contraseña + + + biometric-auth-reason-login + Iniciar sesión en Status + + + biometric-auth-reason-verify + Verificar autenticación + + + biometric-secure-with + Asegurar con {{bio-type-label}} + + + biometric-enable-keycard + Si no deseas usar tu Keycard cada vez para acceder a la app, habilita el inicio de sesión {{bio-type-label}} + + + biometric-enable + Si no deseas ingresar tu contraseña cada vez para acceder a la app, habilita el inicio de sesión {{bio-type-label}} + + + biometric-disable-bioauth + deshabilitar {{bio-type-label}} + + + biometric-disable-password-title + Deshabilitar guardar contraseña + + + biometric-disable-password-description + Si deshabilitas esto, también + + + biometric-enable-button + Habilitar {{bio-type-label}} + + + biometric-fingerprint + Huella dactilar + + + biometric-faceid + Face ID + + + biometric-touchid + Touch ID + + + blank-keycard-text + Puedes continuar con tu keycard una vez que hayas generado tus claves y tu nombre + + + blank-keycard-title + Parece que has hecho tapping +una keycard en blanco + + + block + Bloque + + + unblock + Desbloquear + + + block-contact + Bloquear este usuario + + + block-contact-details + El bloqueo eliminará los mensajes anteriores de este usuario y evitará que otros nuevos lleguen a ti + + + blocked-users + Usuarios bloqueados + + + bootnode-address + Dirección de bootnode + + + bootnode-details + Detalles de Bootnode + + + bootnode-format + enode://{enode-id}@{ip-address}:{port} + + + bootnodes + Bootnodes + + + bootnodes-enabled + Bootnodes habilitados + + + bootnodes-settings + Ajustes de bootnode + + + browsed-websites + El historial del navegador aparecerá aquí + + + browser + Navegador + + + browser-not-secure + ¡La conexión no es segura! No firmes transacciones o envíes datos personales en este sitio. + + + browser-secure + La conexión es segura. Asegúrate de que realmente confías en este sitio antes de firmar transacciones o ingresar datos personales. + + + browsers + Navegadores + + + browsing-cancel + Cancelar + + + browsing-open-in-android-web-browser + Abrir en Android + + + browsing-open-in-ios-web-browser + Abrir en iOS + + + browsing-open-in-status + Abrir en Status + + + browsing-site-blocked-description1 + Hemos detectado posibles actividades maliciosas desde esta dirección. Para protegerte a ti y a tu billetera, prevenimos la navegación. + +Si crees que esto es un error, haznoslo saber en la + + + browsing-site-blocked-description2 + chat público + + + browsing-site-blocked-go-back + Regresa + + + browsing-site-blocked-title + Este sitio está bloqueado + + + browsing-title + Navegar + + + bug-report + Reportar un error + + + bug-report-description + + + + bug-report-description-placeholder + + + + bug-report-steps + + + + bug-report-steps-placeholder + + + + bug-report-submit-email + + + + bug-report-submit-gh-issue + + + + bug-report-too-short-description + + + + camera-access-error + Para permitir el acceso a la cámara, porfavor, ve a ajustes de sistema y asegúrate que este seleccionada la opción Status > Cámara + + + can-not-add-yourself + Ese eres tú, para iniciar un chat elige a alguien más + + + cancel + Cancelar + + + cancel-keycard-setup + Cancelar la configuración de Keycard + + + cannot-read-card + No puede leer la tarjeta. +Por favor, mantenla en la parte posterior de tu teléfono + + + cannot-use-default-pin + No está permitido el código de acceso 000000. +Por favor utiliza otro número + + + card-is-blank + Esta tarjeta esta en blanco + + + card-reseted + La tarjeta ha sido reseteada + + + card-unpaired + La tarjeta se ha desvinculado del dispositivo actual + + + change-fleet + Cambiar fleet a {{fleet}} + + + change-log-level + Confirme y reinicie la aplicación para cambiar el nivel de registro a {{log-level}} + + + change-logging-enabled + ¿Está seguro/a de que deseas {{enable}} iniciar sesión? + + + change-passcode + Cambiar código de acceso + + + change-password + Cambiar contraseña + + + change-pin + Cambiar el código de acceso de 6 dígitos + + + change-puk + + + + change-pairing + + + + change-pairing-title + + + + change-pairing-description + + + + changed-amount-warning + La cantidad se cambió de {{old}} a {{new}} + + + changed-asset-warning + El activo se cambió de {{old}} a {{new}}. + + + chaos-mode + Modo caos + + + chaos-unicorn-day + Día del Unicornio del Caos + + + chaos-unicorn-day-details + 🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🚀! + + + chat + Chat + + + chat-and-transact + Chatea y realiza transacciones privadas con amigos + + + chat-key + Clave de chat + + + chat-name + + + + chat-settings + Ajustes de chat + + + chats + Chats + + + check-your-recovery-phrase + Comprueba tu frase semilla + + + choose-authentication-method + Elije un método de autenticación + + + clear + Limpiar + + + clear-all + Borrar todo + + + clear-history + Borrar historial + + + clear-history-action + Limpiar + + + clear-history-confirmation + ¿Borrar historial? + + + clear-history-confirmation-content + ¿Seguro que quieres limpiar este historial de chat? + + + clear-history-title + ¿Borrar historial? + + + close + Cerrar + + + close-app-button + Confirmar + + + close-app-content + La aplicación se detendrá y cerrará. Cuando la vuelvas a abrir, se utilizará la red seleccionada + + + close-app-title + ¡Advertencia! + + + command-button-send + Enviar + + + communities + Comunidades + + + community-members + + miembro + miembros + + + + members-label + Miembros + + + open-membership + Abrir membresía + + + member-kick + Eliminar miembro + + + member-ban + Prohibir miembro + + + membership-requests + Solicitudes de membresía + + + community-members-title + Miembros + + + community-requests-to-join-title + Solicitudes de membresía + + + name-your-channel + Nombra tu canal + + + name-your-channel-placeholder + Nombre del canal + + + give-a-short-description + Dar una breve descripción + + + describe-channel + + + + communities-alpha + Comunidades (alfa) + + + communities-verified + ✓ Comunidad de Status Verificada + + + communities-enabled + + + + request-access + Solicitar acceso + + + membership-request-pending + Solicitud de membresía pendiente + + + create-community + Crear una comunidad + + + create-category + + + + rearrange-categories + + + + edited + + + + edit-community + Editar comunidad + + + editing-message + + + + community-edit-title + Editar comunidad + + + community-invite-title + Invitá + + + community-share-title + Compartir + + + invite + + + + create-channel + Crear un canal + + + import-community + Importar una comunidad + + + import-community-title + Importar una comunidad + + + name-your-community + Nombra tu comunidad + + + name-your-community-placeholder + Un nombre pegadizo + + + give-a-short-description-community + Dale una breve descripción + + + new-community-title + Nueva comunidad + + + new-category + + + + category-title + + + + membership-title + Requisito de membresía + + + create-channel-title + Nuevo canal + + + edit-channel-title + + + + community-thumbnail-image + Imagen en miniatura + + + community-emoji-thumbnail-title + + + + community-thumbnail-upload + Subir + + + community-image-take + Toma una foto + + + community-image-pick + Elige una imagen + + + community-image-remove + Remover + + + community-color + Color de la comunidad + + + community-link + + + + community-color-placeholder + Elige un color + + + membership-button + Requisito de membresía + + + membership-none + Ninguno + + + membership-none-placeholder + Podes exigir que los nuevos miembros cumplan con ciertos criterios antes de poder unirse. Esto se puede cambiar en cualquier momento + + + membership-approval + Requiere aprobación + + + membership-approval-description + Puedes unirte de manera gratuita, pero los nuevos miembros necesitan ser aprobados primero por el creador de la comunidad + + + membership-invite + Necesitas invitación de otro miembro + + + membership-invite-description + Únicamente puedes unirte a la comunidad mediante invitación de un miembro existente + + + membership-ens + Requiere un usuario ENS + + + membership-ens-description + Tu comunidad requiere que tengas un usuario ENS para unirte + + + membership-free + Sin requisitos + + + membership-free-description + Cualquier persona puede unirse a tu comunidad + + + community-roles + Roles + + + community-key + Clave privada de la comunidad + + + community-key-placeholder + Escriba su clave privada de la comunidad + + + leave-community + Salir de la comunidad + + + enter-user-pk + Ingrese la clave pública del usuario + + + import + Importar + + + complete-hardwallet-setup + Esta tarjeta ahora está vinculada. La necesitarás para firmar transacciones y desbloquear tus llaves + + + chat-notification-preferences + Configuración de las notificaciones + + + completed + Completado + + + confirm + Confirmar + + + confirmation-request + Solicitud de confirmación + + + confirmations + Confirmaciones + + + confirmations-helper-text + Cuando la transacción tenga 12 confirmaciones, puede considerarla resuelta. + + + connect + Conectar + + + connect-mailserver-content + ¿Conectar con {{name}}? + + + connected + Conectado + + + connected-to + Conectado a + + + connecting + Conectando... + + + connecting-requires-login + Para conectarse a otra red es necesario iniciar sesión + + + connection-with-the-card-lost + La conexión con la tarjeta +se ha perdido + + + connection-with-the-card-lost-setup-text + Para reanudar la configuración, manten la tarjeta en + la parte trasera de tu teléfono y mantener la + tarjeta en contacto con el teléfono + + + connection-with-the-card-lost-text + Para proceder, manten la tarjeta en la parte posterior de tu teléfono + + + contact-code + Clave de chat + + + contact-s + + contacto + contactos + + + + contacts + Contactos + + + continue + Continuar + + + contract-address + Dirección del contrato + + + contract-interaction + Interacción con el contrato + + + copy-info + Copiar información + + + copy-qr + Copiar código + + + copy-to-clipboard + Copiar + + + copy-transaction-hash + Copiar ID de transacción + + + cost-fee + Costo/Tarifa + + + counter-9-plus + 9+ + + + counter-99-plus + 99+ + + + create + Crear + + + create-a-pin + Crear un código de acceso de 6 dígitos + + + create-a-puk + + + + create-group-chat + Crear chat grupal + + + create-multiaccount + Generar llaves + + + create-new-key + Obtener nuevas claves + + + create-pin + Crea un código de acceso de 6 dígitos + + + create-pin-description + Necesitarás tu tarjeta + este código de 6 dígitos para desbloquear Status y confirmar las transacciones + + + created-group-chat-description + Creaste el grupo {{group-name}} + + + members-count + {{count}} miembros + + + cryptokitty-name + CryptoKitty #{{id}} + + + currency + Moneda + + + currency-display-name-aed + Dirham de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos + + + currency-display-name-afn + Afgani afgano + + + currency-display-name-ars + Peso argentino + + + currency-display-name-aud + Dólar australiano + + + currency-display-name-bbd + Dólar de Barbados + + + currency-display-name-bdt + Taka bangladeshí + + + currency-display-name-bgn + Lev búlgaro + + + currency-display-name-bhd + Dinar bahreiní + + + currency-display-name-bnd + Dólar de Brunéi + + + currency-display-name-bob + Bolivia Bolíviano + + + currency-display-name-brl + Real brasileño + + + currency-display-name-btn + Ngultrum butanés + + + currency-display-name-cad + Dólar canadiense + + + currency-display-name-chf + Franco suizo + + + currency-display-name-clp + Peso chileno + + + currency-display-name-cny + Yuan chino + + + currency-display-name-cop + Peso colombiano + + + currency-display-name-crc + Colón costarricense + + + currency-display-name-czk + Corona checa + + + currency-display-name-dkk + Corona danesa + + + currency-display-name-dop + Peso de la República Dominicana + + + currency-display-name-egp + Libra egipcia + + + currency-display-name-etb + Birr etíope + + + currency-display-name-eur + Euro + + + currency-display-name-gbp + Libra esterlina + + + currency-display-name-gel + Lari georgiano + + + currency-display-name-ghs + Cedi (Ghana) + + + currency-display-name-hkd + Dólar de Hong Kong + + + currency-display-name-hrk + Croacia Kuna + + + currency-display-name-huf + Forinto húngaro + + + currency-display-name-idr + Rupia Indonesia + + + currency-display-name-ils + Nuevo séquel (Israel) + + + currency-display-name-inr + Rupia india + + + currency-display-name-isk + Corona islandesa + + + currency-display-name-jmd + Dólar jamaiquino + + + currency-display-name-jpy + Yen japonés + + + currency-display-name-kes + Chelín keniano + + + currency-display-name-krw + Won surcoreano + + + currency-display-name-kwd + Dinar kuwaití + + + currency-display-name-kzt + Tenge kazajo + + + currency-display-name-lkr + Rupia de Sri Lanka + + + currency-display-name-mad + Dirham marroquí + + + currency-display-name-mdl + Leu moldavo + + + currency-display-name-mur + Rupia de Mauricio + + + currency-display-name-mwk + Kwacha malauí + + + currency-display-name-mxn + Peso mexicano + + + currency-display-name-myr + Ringgit malayo + + + currency-display-name-mzn + Metical mozambiqueño + + + currency-display-name-nad + Dólar namibio + + + currency-display-name-ngn + Naira (Nigeria) + + + currency-display-name-nok + Corona noruega + + + currency-display-name-npr + Rupia nepalí + + + currency-display-name-nzd + Dólar neozelandés + + + currency-display-name-omr + Rial omaní + + + currency-display-name-pen + Sol peruano + + + currency-display-name-pgk + Kina (Papúa Nueva Guinea) + + + currency-display-name-php + Peso filipino + + + currency-display-name-pkr + Rupia pakistaní + + + currency-display-name-pln + Zloty de Polonia + + + currency-display-name-pyg + Guaraní paraguayo + + + currency-display-name-qar + Riyal qatarí + + + currency-display-name-ron + Leu de Rumanía + + + currency-display-name-rsd + Dinar serbio + + + currency-display-name-rub + Rublo ruso + + + currency-display-name-sar + Arabia Saudita Riyal + + + currency-display-name-sek + Corona sueca + + + currency-display-name-sgd + Dólar de Singapur + + + currency-display-name-thb + Baht tailandés + + + currency-display-name-try + Lira turca + + + currency-display-name-ttd + Dólar de Trinidad y Tobago + + + currency-display-name-twd + Nuevo dólar taiwanés + + + currency-display-name-tzs + Chelín tanzano + + + currency-display-name-uah + Grivna (Ucrania) + + + currency-display-name-ugx + Chelín ugandés + + + currency-display-name-usd + Dólar estadounidense + + + currency-display-name-uyu + Peso uruguayo + + + currency-display-name-vef + Bolívar venezolano + + + currency-display-name-vnd + Dong vietnamita + + + currency-display-name-zar + Rand sudafricano + + + current-network + Red actual + + + current-pin + Ingresa el código de acceso de 6 dígitos + + + current-pin-description + Ingresa tu código de acceso de 6 dígitos para continuar + + + custom + Personalizado + + + custom-networks + Redes personalizadas + + + dapp + ÐApp + + + dapp-would-like-to-connect-wallet + quisiera conectarse a + + + dapps + ÐApps + + + dapps-permissions + Permisos de DApp + + + data + Datos + + + datetime-ago + hace + + + datetime-ago-format + {{number}} {{time-intervals}} {{ago}} + + + datetime-ago-format-short + {{number}}{{time-intervals}} + + + datetime-day + + día + días + + + + datetime-hour + + hora + horas + + + + datetime-minute + + minuto + minutos + + + + datetime-second + + segundo + segundos + + + + datetime-day-short + + D + D + + + + datetime-hour-short + + H + H + + + + datetime-minute-short + + M + M + + + + datetime-second-short + + S + S + + + + datetime-today + hoy + + + datetime-yesterday + ayer + + + decimals + Decimales + + + decline + Rechazar + + + decryption-failed-content + Ocurrió un error desencriptando tus datos. Es posible que tengas que generar unas nuevas llaves y borrar tus datos antiguos pulsando "Aplicar", o haz clic en "Cancelar" para volver a intentarlo + + + default + Predeterminados + + + delete + Eliminar + + + delete-and-leave-group + Eliminar y salir del grupo + + + delete-bootnode + Eliminar bootnode + + + delete-bootnode-are-you-sure + ¿Seguro que quieres eliminar este bootnode? + + + delete-bootnode-title + Eliminar bootnode + + + delete-chat + Eliminar chat + + + delete-chat-confirmation + ¿Estás seguro de que quieres eliminar este chat? + + + delete-category-confirmation + + + + delete-confirmation + ¿Eliminar? + + + delete-mailserver + Eliminar nodo de Status + + + delete-mailserver-are-you-sure + ¿Estás seguro de que deseas eliminar este nodo de Status? + + + delete-mailserver-title + Eliminar nodo de Status + + + delete-message + Eliminar mensaje + + + delete-my-account + Borrar mi cuenta + + + delete-network-confirmation + ¿Seguro que quieres eliminar esta red? + + + delete-network-error + Por favor, conéctate a una red diferente antes de eliminar esta + + + delete-network-title + ¿Eliminar red? + + + delete-node + + + + delete-node-are-you-sure + + + + delete-node-title + + + + delete-profile + Eliminar perfil + + + delete-my-profile + Eliminar mi perfil + + + delete-profile-warning + Advertencia: Si no tiene tu frase de semilla escrita, perderá el acceso a sus fondos después de eliminar su perfil + + + profile-deleted-title + Perfil eliminado + + + profile-deleted-content + Su perfil fue eliminado con éxito + + + profile-deleted-keycard + Ahora puede restaurar otro par de llaves en tu Keycard + + + deny + Negar + + + description + Descripción + + + dev-mode + Modo de desarrollo + + + dev-mode-settings + Ajustes del modo de desarrollo + + + device-syncing + Sincronización de dispositivos + + + devices + Dispositivos + + + disable + deshabilitar + + + disabled + Deshabilitado + + + disconnected + Chat sin conexión + + + discover + Descubrir + + + dismiss + Descartar + + + done + Listo + + + edit + Editar + + + edit-group + Editar grupo + + + edit-profile + Editar perfil + + + empty-chat-description + No hay mensajes +en este chat todavía + + + empty-chat-description-one-to-one + Cualquier mensaje que envíes aquí está encriptado y solo puedes leerlo tú y + + + empty-chat-description-public + Ha estado tranquilo aquí durante las últimas {{quiet-hours}}. Inicia la conversación o + + + cleared-chat-description-public + + + + empty-chat-description-community + Ha estado tranquilo aquí durante las últimas {{quiet-hours}}. + + + empty-chat-description-public-share-this + comparte este chat + + + enable + Habilitar + + + encrypt-with-password + Encriptar con contraseña + + + ens-10-SNT + 10 SNT + + + ens-add-username + Agregar nombre de usuario + + + ens-agree-to + De acuerdo con + + + ens-chat-settings + Ajustes de chat + + + ens-custom-domain + Dominio personalizado + + + ens-custom-username-hints + Escribe el nombre de usuario completo, incluido el dominio personalizado como username.domain.eth + + + ens-custom-username-taken + El nombre de usuario no te pertenece :( + + + ens-deposit + Depósito + + + ens-displayed-with + Tus mensajes se muestran a otros con + + + ens-get-name + Obtén un nombre de usuario universal + + + ens-got-it + Ok, lo tengo. + + + ens-locked + Nombre de usuario bloqueado. No lo podrás liberar hasta el {{date}} + + + ens-network-restriction + Solo disponible en Mainnet + + + ens-no-usernames + No tienes ningún nombre de usuario conectado + + + ens-powered-by + Propulsado por Ethereum Name Services + + + ens-primary-username + Nombre de usuario principal + + + ens-register + Registrar + + + ens-registration-in-progress + Registro en curso... + + + ens-registration-failure + Registro fallido + + + ens-dismiss-message + Haga clic para descartar + + + ens-registration-failed + Para registrar el nombre de usuario, por favor, intenta de nuevo. + + + ens-registration-failed-title + La transacción ha fallado + + + ens-release-username + Liberar nombre de usuario + + + ens-remove-hints + La eliminación separará el nombre de usuario de tu clave. + + + ens-remove-username + Eliminar nombre de usuario + + + ens-saved + ahora está conectado con tu clave de chat y se puede usar en Status. + + + ens-saved-title + Nombre de usuario agregado + + + ens-show-username + Mostrar mi nombre de usuario ENS en los chats + + + ens-terms-header + Términos de registro de nombre + + + ens-terms-point-1 + Los fondos se depositan por 1 año. Tu SNT se bloqueará, pero no se gastará. + + + ens-terms-point-10 + 0x00000000000C2E074eC69A0dFb2997BA6C7d2e1e (Registro ENS). + + + ens-terms-point-2 + Después de 1 año, puedes liberar el nombre y recuperar tu depósito, o no tomar ninguna acción para mantener el nombre. + + + ens-terms-point-3 + Si los términos del contrato cambian – por ejemplo, Status realiza actualizaciones del contrato – el usuario tiene derecho a liberar el nombre de usuario independientemente del tiempo retenido. + + + ens-terms-point-4 + El controlador del contrato no puede acceder a tus fondos depositados. Sólo pueden ser devueltos a la dirección que los envió. + + + ens-terms-point-5 + Tu(s) dirección(es) se asociará(n) públicamente con tu nombre ENS. + + + ens-terms-point-6 + Los nombres de usuario se crean como nodos de subdominio de stateofus.eth y están sujetos a los términos del contrato inteligente de ENS. + + + ens-terms-point-7 + Autorizas el contrato para transferir SNT en tu nombre. Esto solo puede ocurrir cuando apruebas una transacción para autorizar la transferencia. + + + ens-terms-point-8 + Estos términos están garantizados por la lógica del contrato inteligente en las direcciones: + + + ens-terms-point-9 + {{address}} (Status UsernameRegistrar) + + + ens-terms-registration + Términos de registro de nombre. + + + ens-test-message + Hey + + + ens-transaction-pending + Transacción pendiente... + + + ens-understand + Entiendo que la dirección de mi billetera estará conectada públicamente a mi nombre de usuario. + + + ens-username + Nombre de usuario ENS + + + ens-username-available + ✓ ¡Nombre de usuario disponible! + + + ens-username-connected + Este nombre de usuario es de tu propiedad y está conectado con tu clave de chat. + + + ens-username-connection-confirmation + {{username}} se conectará una vez que se complete la transacción. + + + ens-username-hints + Al menos 4 caracteres. Letras latinas, números y sólo minúsculas. + + + ens-username-invalid + Sólo letras y números. + + + ens-username-owned + ✓ El nombre de usuario es tuyo. + + + ens-username-registration-confirmation + ¡Bien! Eres el propietario de {{username}} una vez completada la transacción. + + + ens-username-you-can-follow-progress + Puedes seguir el progreso en la sección de Historial de transacciones de tu billetera. + + + ens-usernames + Nombres de usuario ENS + + + ens-usernames-details + Registra un nombre de usuario universal para ser reconocido fácilmente por otros usuarios + + + wallet-address + Dirección de la billetera + + + ens-want-custom-domain + Tengo un nombre en otro dominio + + + ens-want-domain + Quiero un dominio stateofus.eth + + + ens-welcome-hints + Los nombres ENS transforman esas locas direcciones largas en nombres de usuario únicos. + + + ens-welcome-point-customize + Un nombre ENS puede reemplazar tu nombre aleatorio de 3 palabras en el chat. Sea @yourname en lugar de {{name}}. + + + ens-welcome-point-customize-title + Personaliza tu nombre de chat + + + ens-welcome-point-simplify + Puedes recibir fondos a tu ENS fácil de compartir, en vez de tu hash hexadecimal (0x...) + + + ens-welcome-point-simplify-title + Simplifica tu dirección ETH + + + ens-welcome-point-receive + Otros pueden enviarte fondos desde el chat en un simple paso. + + + ens-welcome-point-receive-title + Recibe transacciones en el chat + + + ens-welcome-point-register + Regístrate una vez para mantener el nombre para siempre. Después de 1 año, podrás liberar el nombre y recuperar tus SNT. + + + ens-welcome-point-register-title + 10 SNT a registrar + + + ens-welcome-point-verify + Puedes verificar y agregar cualquier nombre de usuario que poseas en los siguientes pasos. + + + ens-welcome-point-verify-title + ¿Ya tienes un nombre de usuario? + + + ens-your-username + Tu nombre de usuario + + + ens-your-usernames + Tus nombres de usuario + + + ens-your-your-name + Tu nombre ENS + + + ens-username-already-added + El nombre de usuario ya está conectado con tu clave de chat y se puede usar dentro de Status. + + + ens-username-connected-continue + Continuar configurando `Mostrar mi nombre de usuario ENS en los chats`. + + + ens-username-connected-with-different-key + Continuar requerirá una transacción para conectar el nombre de usuario con tu clave de chat actual. + + + ens-username-owned-continue + Continuar conectará este nombre de usuario con tu clave de chat. + + + ens-username-taken + Nombre de usuario ya está tomado :( + + + ens-name-not-found + No se puede resolver el nombre ENS + + + ens-username-registration-invalid + + + + ens-username-invalid-name-warning + + + + enter-12-words + Ingresa las 12 palabras de tu frase semilla, separadas por espacios + + + enter-a-private-key + Ingresa una clave privada + + + enter-a-seed-phrase + Ingresa una frase semilla + + + enter-address + Ingresar dirección + + + enter-contact-code + Ingresa el nombre de usuario ENS o la clave de chat + + + enter-pair-code + Ingrese tu código de vinculación + + + pair-code-placeholder + Código de emparejamiento... + + + enter-pair-code-description + Se te mostró el código de vinculación durante la configuración de Keycard + + + enter-password + Ingresa la contraseña + + + enter-password-migration-prompt + + + + migration-successful + + + + migration-successful-text + + + + skip + + + + password-placeholder + Contraseña... + + + confirm-password-placeholder + Confirmá tu contraseña... + + + enter-pin + Ingresa el código de acceso de 6 dígitos + + + enter-puk-code + Ingresa el código PUK + + + enter-puk-code-description + El código de acceso de 6 dígitos ha sido bloqueado. + Ingresa el código PUK para desbloquear el código de acceso. + + + enter-recipient-address-or-username + Ingresá la dirección o nombre de usuario del destinatario + + + enter-seed-phrase + Ingresa la frase semilla + + + enter-url + Ingresa una URL + + + enter-watch-account-address + Escanea un código QR + o + ingrese la dirección para observar + + + enter-word + Ingresar palabra + + + enter-your-code + Ingresa tu código de acceso de 6 dígitos + + + enter-your-password + Ingresa tu contraseña + + + error + Error + + + error-unable-to-get-balance + No se puede obtener el saldo + + + error-unable-to-get-prices + Error de conversión de moneda. Refresca tu pantalla para intentarlo de nuevo. + + + error-unable-to-get-token-balance + No se puede obtener el saldo del token + + + errors + Errores + + + eth + ETH + + + ethereum-node-started-incorrectly-description + El nodo Ethereum se inició con una configuración incorrecta, la aplicación se detendrá para recuperarse de esa condición. ID de red configurado = {{network-id}}, actual = {{fetched-network-id}} + + + ethereum-node-started-incorrectly-title + El nodo Ethereum se inició incorrectamente + + + etherscan-lookup + Ver en Etherscan + + + export-account + Exportar la cuenta + + + export-key + Exportar llave privada + + + community-private-key + Clave privada de la comunidad + + + failed + Fallido + + + faq + Preguntas frecuentes + + + fetch-messages + ↓ Recuperar mensajes + + + fetch-timeline + ↓ Obtener + + + find + Encontrar + + + finish + Finalizar + + + finishing-card-setup + Finalizando la configuración de la tarjeta + + + fleet + Fleet + + + fleet-settings + Ajustes de fleet + + + follow-your-interests + Entra en un chat público y conoce gente nueva + + + follow + Seguir + + + free + ↓ Gratis + + + from + De + + + gas-limit + Límite de gas + + + gas-price + Precio del gas + + + gas-used + Gas utilizado + + + generate-a-key + Generar claves + + + generate-a-new-account + Genera una Cuenta + + + generate-a-new-key + Generar una nueva clave + + + generate-account + Generar claves + + + generate-new-key + Generar claves + + + your-keys + Tus claves + + + generating-codes-for-pairing + > Descargando el software del producto a la tarjeta + > Generando códigos de desbloqueo y vinculación + + + generating-keys + Generando claves... + + + you-will-need-this-code + Necesitarás este código para abrir Status y firmar transacciones + + + generating-mnemonic + Generando frase semilla + + + get-started + Iniciar + + + get-status-at + Obtén Status en http://status.im/es + + + get-stickers + Obtén Stickers + + + go-to-settings + Ir a Configuración + + + got-it + Entendido + + + group-chat + Chat grupal + + + group-chat-admin + Admin + + + group-chat-admin-added + **{{member}}** se ha convertido en admin + + + group-chat-created + **{{member}}** creó el grupo **{{name}}** + + + group-chat-decline-invitation + Rechazar invitación + + + group-chat-member-added + **{{member}}** ha sido invitado + + + group-chat-member-joined + **{{member}}** se ha unido al grupo + + + group-chat-member-removed + **{{member}}** abandonó el grupo + + + group-chat-members-count + {{selected}}/{{max}} miembros + + + group-chat-name-changed + **{{member}}** cambió el nombre del grupo a **{{name}}** + + + group-chat-no-contacts + Aún no tienes contactos. +Invita a tus amigos a comenzar a chatear + + + leave-chat + Abandonar chat + + + leave-confirmation + Abandonar chat + + + leave-chat-confirmation + ¿Estás seguro de que quieres abandonar el chat? + + + group-chat-all-contacts-invited + Todos tus contactos ya están en el grupo. + + + group-info + Información del grupo + + + gwei + Gwei + + + hash + Hash + + + help + ayuda + + + help-capitalized + Ayuda + + + help-center + Centro de ayuda + + + hide-content-when-switching-apps + Bloquear capturas de pantalla + + + hide-content-when-switching-apps-ios + Ocultar vista previa + + + history + Historial + + + history-nodes + Nodos de Status + + + hold-card + sostén la tarjeta en la parte posterior de tu teléfono + + + home + Inicio + + + hooks + Hooks + + + identifier + Identificador + + + image-remove-current + Eliminar la foto actual + + + image-source-gallery + Seleccionar de la galería + + + image-source-make-photo + Tomar foto + + + image-source-title + Editar imagen + + + profile-pic-take + Tomar foto + + + profile-pic-pick + Seleccionar de la galería + + + profile-pic-remove + Quitar foto + + + in-contacts + En contactos + + + incoming + Entrante + + + incoming-transaction + Transacción entrante + + + incorrect-code::0 + str + + + incorrect-code::1 + Lo sentimos, el código es incorrecto, escríbelo de nuevo + + + initialization + Inicialización + + + install + ↓ Instalar + + + intro-message1 + ¡Bienvenid@ a Status! +Toca este mensaje para configurar tu contraseña y empezar. + + + intro-privacy-policy-note1 + Status no recopila ni se beneficia de tus datos personales. Al continuar, tú estás de acuerdo con la + + + intro-privacy-policy-note2 + política de privacidad + + + intro-text + Status es tu puerta de enlace a la web descentralizada + + + intro-text1 + Chatea a través de una red encriptada peer-to-peer donde los mensajes no pueden ser censurados o hackeados + + + intro-text2 + Envía y recibe activos digitales en cualquier parte del mundo – no se requiere cuenta bancaria + + + intro-text3 + Explora juegos, exchanges y redes sociales en las que solo tú eres propietario de tus datos + + + intro-title1 + Comunicación verdaderamente privada + + + intro-title2 + Cripto-billetera segura + + + intro-title3 + Apps descentralizadas + + + intro-wizard-text1 + Un set de claves controla tu cuenta. Tus claves viven en tu teléfono, por lo que solo tú puede usarlas. + + + intro-wizard-text2 + Una clave es para chatear. Viene con un nombre legible que no se puede cambiar. + + + intro-wizard-text3 + ¿Tienes una Keycard? Guarda tus claves en ella; la necesitarás para las transacciones + + + intro-wizard-text4 + Asegura y encripta tus claves + + + intro-wizard-text6 + Status te notificará sobre los nuevos mensajes. Puedes editar tus preferencias de notificación más adelante en la configuración + + + intro-wizard-title-alt4 + Crea una contraseña + + + intro-wizard-title-alt5 + Confirma tu contraseña + + + intro-wizard-title1 + Obtén tus claves + + + intro-wizard-title2 + Elige un nombre de chat + + + intro-wizard-title3 + Elegir almacenamiento de claves + + + intro-wizard-title4 + Crear un código de acceso de 6 dígitos + + + intro-wizard-title5 + Confirma la clave de acceso + + + intro-wizard-title6 + Habilitar las notificaciones + + + are-you-sure-to-cancel + ¿Estas seguro que quieres cancelar? + + + you-will-start-from-scratch + Comenzarás desde cero con un nuevo set de claves + + + invalid-address-qr-code + El código QR escaneado no contiene una dirección válida + + + invalid-format + Formato inválido + Debe ser {{format}} + + + invalid-key-confirm + Aplicar + + + invalid-key-content + La base de datos no se puede encriptar porque el archivo está dañado. Tus fondos y llaves de chat están a salvo. Otros datos, como chats y contactos, no se podrán restaurar. Presionar el botón {{erase-multiaccounts-data-button-text}}" eliminará otros datos y te permitirá acceder a tus fondos y enviar mensajes + + + invalid-number + Número inválido + + + invalid-pairing-password + Contraseña de vinculación inválida + + + invalid-range + Formato inválido, debe estar entre {{min}} y {{max}} + + + invalid-username-or-key + + + + join-me + Ey, unite a Status: {{url}} + + + join-a-community + o únete a una comunidad + + + http-gateway-error + ¡Oops, la solicitud falló! + + + sign-request-failed + No se pudo firmar el mensaje + + + invite-friends + Invitar a amigos + + + invite-people + Invitar a personas + + + invite-reward + ¡Gana criptomonedas por cada amigo que invites! + + + invite-select-account + Seleccioná una cuenta para recibir tu bono de referencia + + + invited + invitado + + + invite-button + Invitá + + + invite-receive-account + Cuenta para recibir tu bono de referencia + + + how-it-works + Cómo funciona + + + invite-warning + Esta promoción solo es válida para usuarios de un dispositivo Android que no sean residentes de EE. UU. Un amigo debe confirmar la referencia en un plazo de 7 días. + + + invite-instruction-first + Envías un enlace de invitación único a tu amigo para descargar y unirse a Status + + + invite-instruction-second + Tu amigo descarga Status y crea una cuenta (en Android) + + + invite-instruction-third + Se inicia un chat con tu amigo, donde confirman tu referencia + + + invite-instruction-fourth + Vos recibís tu bono de referencia y tu amigo el Paquete de Bienvenida + + + invite-instruction-fifth + Puede elegir canjear su bono de referencia en cualquier momento. + + + invite-reward-you + Vos: + + + invite-reward-you-name + Bono de referencia + + + invite-reward-you-description + Invitá a un amigo y recibí {{reward}} como bono de referencia. Usalo para obtener stickers, un nombre ENS y probar dapps + + + invite-reward-friend + Amigo: + + + invite-reward-friend-name + Paquete de Bienvenida + + + invite-reward-friend-description + Tu amigo recibirá un Paquete de Bienvenida que consta de {{reward}} para comenzar + + + invite-privacy-policy1 + Al aceptar, estás de acuerdo con el programa de referidos + + + invite-privacy-policy2 + Términos y Condiciones. + + + invite-privacy-policy-public + Instaló Status a través de un enlace de referencia. Al unirte a este chat atribuyes a tu referente y aceptas el + + + invite-chat-name + Referencia de amigos + + + invite-chat-starter-pack + Paquete de Bienvenida + + + invite-chat-intro + Fuiste referido por un amigo para unirte a Status. Acá tenés algunas criptomonedas para empezar! Usalas para registrar un nombre ENS o comprar un paquete de stickers + + + invite-public-chat-home + Invitación de referencia + + + invite-public-chat-intro + ¡Aquí tienes algunas criptomonedas para que comiences! Úsalo para registrar un nombre ENS o comprar un paquete de stickers + + + invite-chat-accept + Aceptar + + + invite-chat-pending + Pendiente + + + invite-chat-accept-join + Aceptar y Unirse + + + invite-chat-rule + Si aceptás también recompensarás a tu amigo con un bono de referencia criptográfica + + + redeem-now + Canjear ahora + + + redeem-amount + {{quantity}} bonos disponibles + + + redeem-success + ¡Canje del bono exitoso! + + + attribution-received + {{attrib}} de {{max}} bonos recibidos + + + advertiser-starter-pack-title + Paquete de Bienvenida + + + advertiser-starter-pack-description + ¡Acá tenés algunas criptomonedas para comenzar! Usalas para obtener pegatinas, un nombre ENS y probar dapps + + + advertiser-title + Privacidad por defecto + + + advertiser-description + Descubriste Status gracias a un socio nuestro. ¿Podemos chequear tu IP para poder recompensarlo? Esta información no será usada para nada más, y será removida completamente después de 7 días + + + advertiser-starter-pack-accept + Aceptar + + + advertiser-starter-pack-decline + Rechazar + + + dapp-starter-pack-title + Paquete de Bienvenida + + + dapp-starter-pack-description + ¡Acá tenés algunas criptomonedas para comenzar! Usalas para obtener pegatinas, un nombre ENS y probar dapps + + + dapp-starter-pack-accept + Aceptar y Abrir + + + starter-pack-coming + El Paquete de Inicio va hacia ti + + + starter-pack-coming-description + Puede tomar de unos minutos a horas + + + starter-pack-received + Paquete de Bienvenida + + + starter-pack-received-description + ¡Acá tenés algunas criptomonedas para comenzar! Usalas para obtener pegatinas, un nombre ENS y probar dapps + + + join-group-chat + Unirse al grupo + + + join-group-chat-description + {{username}} te invitó a unirte al grupo {{group-name}} + + + joined-group-chat-description + Te has unido a {{group-name}} desde la invitación de {{username}} + + + key + Clave + + + keycard + Keycard + + + keycard-access-reset + Acceso a la Keycard está restablecido + + + keycard-can-use-with-new-passcode + Puedes usar esta tarjeta con tu nuevo código de accesto + + + keycard-applet-install-instructions + Para instalar el applet, sigue las instrucciones en https://github.com/status-im/keycard-cli#keycard-applet-installation + + + keycard-blocked + Keycard ha sido bloqueada. + Necesitas reiniciar la tarjeta para continuar usándola. + + + keycard-cancel-setup-text + Esto cancelará la configuración de keycard. Se muy recomendable finalizar la configuración para usar keycard. ¿De verdad quieres cancelar? + + + keycard-cancel-setup-title + Operación peligrosa + + + keycard-desc + ¿Tienes una Keycard? Guarda tus claves allí; la necesitarás para las transacciones + + + keycard-dont-ask-card + No pedir tarjeta para iniciar sesión + + + keycard-reset-passcode + Restablece el código de acceso + + + keycard-factory-reset + + + + keycard-factory-reset-title + + + + keycard-factory-reset-text + + + + keycard-enter-new-passcode + Ingresa el nuevo código de acceso {{step}}/2 + + + keycard-has-multiaccount-on-it + Esta tarjeta está llena. Cada tarjeta puede mantener un par de llaves principales + + + keycard-onboarding-finishing-header + Terminando + + + keycard-onboarding-intro-header + Guarda tus claves en Keycard + + + keycard-onboarding-intro-text + Prepárate, esto puede tomar unos minutos, pero es importante para asegurar tu cuenta + + + keycard-onboarding-pairing-header + Vinculando la tarjeta... + + + keycard-onboarding-preparing-header + Preparando la tarjeta... + + + keycard-onboarding-puk-code-header + Escribe los códigos + y guárdalos de forma segura + + + keycard-onboarding-recovery-phrase-description + Necesitas esta frase semilla para obtener de nuevo tu clave. Anótala. Manténla segura, fuera de línea y separada de este dispositivo. + + + keycard-onboarding-recovery-phrase-header + Respalda tu frase semilla + + + keycard-onboarding-recovery-phrase-text + Sólo para tus ojos. Esta es la semilla mágica usada para generar tu clave. + + + keycard-onboarding-start-header + Manten la tarjeta en la parte posterior + de tu teléfono para iniciar + + + keycard-onboarding-pin-text + + + + keycard-onboarding-mnemonic-text + + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step1 + Crea un código de acceso + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step1-text + Alrededor de 1 minuto. Crea un código de acceso de 6 dígitos para encriptar tus claves + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step2 + Escribe el código de vinculación y PUK + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step2-text + Alrededor de 1 minuto. Vas a necesitar un papel y un lápiz para eso + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step3 + Respaldar la frase semilla + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step3-text + Alrededor de 1 minuto. También son necesarios un pedazo de papel y un lápiz. + + + keycard-onboarding-start-text + Y manten el contacto entre la tarjeta y el teléfono + durante la configuración. La configuración tomará alrededor de 4 minutos + + + keycard-recovery-intro-button-text + Iniciar la recuperación + + + keycard-recovery-intro-header + Recuperar claves almacenadas en Keycard + + + keycard-recovery-intro-text + Si antes generaste claves con keycard y ahora deseas utilizarlas en este dispositivo + + + keycard-recovery-no-key-header + No hay nada que +recuperar aquí + + + keycard-recovery-no-key-text + Tu Keycard no tiene ninguna clave almacenada en ella. Para usarla, genera una nueva clave y elige tu Keycard para almacenar la clave + + + keycard-recovery-phrase-confirm-header + Confirmar frase semilla + + + keycard-recovery-phrase-confirmation-text + ¡No tendrás una segunda oportunidad! Si pierdes acceso, por ejemplo al extraviar tu Keycard, solo podrás acceder a tus llaves con tu frase semilla. Nadie a parte de ti tiene tu frase semilla. Anótala. Mantenla guardada. + + + keycard-recovery-phrase-confirmation-title + ¿Escribiste la frase semilla? + + + keycard-recovery-success-header + Tus claves han sido + recuperadas con éxito + + + keycard-redeem-title + Canjear a + + + keycard-redeem-tx + Canjea activos + + + keycard-redeem-tx-desc + Toque con la tarjeta para firmar y recibir activos + + + keycard-unauthorized-operation + No estás autorizado a realizar esta operación. + Por favor, toca la tarjeta válida e inténtalo de nuevo. + + + keycard-is-frozen-title + La Keycard está congelada + + + keycard-is-frozen-details + Para proteger tus activos, tu tarjeta está congelada. Restablece el acceso a la tarjeta para desbloquear llaves y enviar transacciones. Crea un nuevo código de acceso e ingrese su PUK para acceder a su(s) cuenta(s) en esta tarjeta + + + keycard-is-frozen-reset + Restablece el acceso a la tarjeta + + + keycard-is-frozen-factory-reset + + + + your-card-is-frozen + Tu Keycard está congelada. Restablece el acceso a la tarjeta + + + keycard-is-blocked-title + La Keycard está bloqueada + + + keycard-is-blocked-details + Ya no puedes usar esta tarjeta para acceder o firmar esta cuenta. Ha habido demasiados intentos fallidos de código de acceso y PUK. + + + keycard-is-blocked-instructions + Para acceder a tu cuenta, re-instala Status y usa una nueva Keycard, usa una billetera diferente o reinicia Keycard manualmente. + + + language + Idioma + + + learn-more + Aprende más + + + learn-more-about-keycard + Más información sobre Keycard + + + leave + Salir + + + joined + Unido + + + leave-group + Abandonar grupo + + + left + salió + + + lets-go + Vamos + + + les-ulc + LES/ULC + + + linked-on + Vinculado en {{date}} + + + load-messages-before + antes del {{date}} + + + load-more-messages + ↓ Recuperar más mensajes + + + load-more-timeline + ↓ Obtener más + + + loading + Cargando... + + + log-level + Nivel de registro + + + log-level-settings + Ajustes del nivel de registro + + + logging + Registro + + + logging-enabled + ¿Registro habilitado? + + + login-pin-description + Ingresa tu código de acceso de 6 dígitos para desbloquear tus llaves + + + logout + Cerrar sesión + + + logout-app-content + Se cerrará la sesión de la cuenta. Cuando lo desbloquees de nuevo, se utilizará la red seleccionada + + + logout-are-you-sure + ¿Seguro que quieres cerrar la sesión? + + + logout-title + ¿Cerrar sesión? + + + logout-key-management + Debe cerrar la sesión para acceder a la administración de claves. + + + looking-for-cards + Buscando tarjetas... + + + lost-connection + Conexión perdida + + + mailserver-address + Dirección del nodo de Status + + + mailserver-automatic + Selección automática + + + mailserver-automatic-switch-explanation + Elija el nodo de Status más rápido disponible + + + mailserver-connection-error + No se pudo conectar al nodo de Status + + + mailserver-details + Detalles del nodo de Status + + + mailserver-error-content + No se pudo acceder al nodo de Status que seleccionó. + + + mailserver-error-title + Error al conectarse al nodo de Status + + + mailserver-format + enode://{enode-id}:{password}@{ip-address}:{port} + + + mailserver-pick-another + Elija otro nodo de Status + + + mailserver-reconnect + No se pudo conectar con el nodo de Status. Pulsá para reconectar + + + mailserver-request-error-content + El siguiente error fue devuelto por el nodo de Status: {{error}} + + + mailserver-request-error-status + Se produjo un error al recuperar el historial, verifica los registros para obtener más detalles + + + mailserver-request-error-title + Error de solicitud del nodo de Status + + + mailserver-request-retry + Reintentar solicitud + + + mailserver-retry + Reintentar + + + main-currency + Moneda principal + + + main-networks + Redes principales + + + main-wallet + Billetera Principal + + + mainnet-network + Red principal + + + make-admin + Hacer admin + + + manage-keys-and-storage + Administrar las llaves y el almacenamiento + + + mark-all-read + Marcar todo como leído + + + members + + 1 miembro + {{count}} miembros + + + + members-active + + 1 miembro + {{count}} miembros + + + + members-active-none + no hay miembros + + + members-title + Miembros + + + message + Mensaje + + + message-not-sent + Mensaje no enviado + + + message-options-cancel + Cancelar + + + message-reply + Responder + + + replying-to + + + + data-syncing + Sincronización de datos + + + messages + Mensajes + + + chat-is-a-contact + Contacto + + + chat-is-not-a-contact + No es contacto + + + might-break + Puede que se rompan algunas ÐApps + + + migrations-failed-content + {{message}} + versión del esquema: inicial {{initial-version}}, actual {{current-version}} , último {{last-version}} + +Ocurrió un problema de base de datos. Tus fondos y la llave de chat están a salvo. Otros datos, como chats y contactos, no se podrán recuperar. Presionar el botón {{erase-multiaccounts-data-button-text}}" eliminará el resto de datos y te permitirá acceder a tus fondos y enviar mensajes. + + + mobile-network-ask-me + Pregúntarme cuando esté en la red móvil + + + mobile-network-continue-syncing + Continuar sincronizando + + + mobile-network-continue-syncing-details + Puedes cambiar esto más adelante en los ajustes + + + mobile-network-go-to-settings + Ir a ajustes + + + mobile-network-settings + Datos móviles + + + mobile-network-sheet-configure + Puedes configurar la sincronización en más +detalle en + + + mobile-network-sheet-offline + Sin Wi-Fi, la sincronización de mensajes está deshabilitada. + + + mobile-network-sheet-offline-details + La sincronización mediante la red móvil está desactivada + + + mobile-network-sheet-remember-choice + Recuerda mi elección + + + mobile-network-sheet-settings + ajustes + + + mobile-network-start-syncing + Iniciar la sincronización + + + mobile-network-stop-syncing + Detener la sincronización + + + mobile-network-stop-syncing-details + ¿Hasta que se conecta a Wi-Fi? + + + mobile-network-use-mobile + Usar datos móviles + + + mobile-network-use-mobile-data + Status utiliza muchos datos al sincronizar los chats y la billetera. + + + mobile-network-use-wifi + Sólo Wi-Fi + + + mobile-syncing-sheet-details + Status utiliza muchos datos al sincronizar los chats y la billetera. + + + mobile-syncing-sheet-title + ¿Sincronizar usando los datos del móvil? + + + more + más + + + multiaccount-exists-title + Las llaves para esta cuenta ya existen + + + multiaccount-exists-content + Las llaves para esta cuenta ya existen y no se pueden añadir de nuevo. Si perdiste tu contraseña, código de acceso o Keycard, desinstala la app, reinstálala y accede insertando tu frase semilla + + + multiaccounts-recover-enter-phrase-text + Ingresa 12, 15, 18, 21 o 24 palabras. + Separa las palabras por un solo espacio. + + + multiaccounts-recover-enter-phrase-title + Ingresa tu frase semilla + + + name + Nombre + + + name-of-token + El nombre de tu token + + + need-help + ¿Necesitas ayuda? + + + glossary + Glosario + + + account-title + Cuenta + + + account-content + Puedes comparar las cuentas en Status con las cuentas bancarias. Al igual que una cuenta bancaria, una cuenta suele tener una dirección y un saldo; se utiliza esta cuenta para realizar transacciones con Ethereum. Puedes tener varias cuentas en tu billetera. Todas accedidas en Status. + + + chat-key-title + Clave de chat + + + chat-key-content + Los mensajes en el protocolo de chat de Status se envían y reciben utilizando claves de encriptación. La clave pública de chat es una cadena de caracteres que compartes con otros para que puedan enviarte mensajes en Status. + + + chat-name-title + Nombre del chat + + + chat-name-content + Tres palabras aleatorias, derivadas algorítmicamente de tu clave de chat y utilizadas como tu alias predeterminado en el chat. Los nombres de los chats son completamente únicos; ningún otro usuario puede tener las mismas tres palabras. + + + ens-name-title + Nombre ENS + + + ens-name-content + Alias personalizado para tu clave de chat que puedes registrar utilizando Ethereum Name Service. Los nombres ENS son nombres de usuario descentralizados. + + + mailserver-title + Nodo de Status + + + mailserver-content + Un nodo en la red de Status que enruta y almacena mensajes, hasta por 30 días. + + + peer-title + Peer + + + peer-content + Un dispositivo conectado a la red de chat de Status. Cada usuario puede representar uno o más peers, dependiendo de su número de dispositivos. + + + seed-phrase-title + Frase Semilla + + + seed-phrase-content + Un set de palabras fáciles de leer, seleccionadas al azar de la lista estándar BIP39 y utilizadas para recuperar o acceder a tu cuenta de Ethereum en otras billeteras y dispositivos. También se conoce como "frase mnemónica", "frase de recuperación" o "copia de seguridad de billetera" en todo el cripto ecosistema. La mayoría de las cripto apps usan este mismo estándar para generar cuentas. + + + wallet-key-title + Dirección de la cuenta + + + wallet-key-content + Una dirección hexadecimal de 64 caracteres basada en el estándar Ethereum y que comienza con 0x. De cara al público, tu clave de billetera se comparte con otros cuando deseas recibir fondos. También se conoce como "dirección de Ethereum" o "dirección de billetera". + + + buy-crypto-title + Parece que tu billetera está vacía + + + buy-crypto-description + Encuentre una dapp para comprar cripto ahora + + + buy-crypto + Comprar criptomonedas + + + buy-crypto-choose-a-service + Elige un servicio que quieras usar para comprar criptomonedas + + + buy-crypto-leaving + Estás saliendo de Status y entrando en un sitio web de terceros para completar tu compra + + + opening-buy-crypto + Abriendo {{site}}... + + + network + Red + + + network-chain + Cadena de la red + + + network-details + Detalles de red + + + network-info + Información de la red + + + network-fee + Tarifa de la red + + + network-id + ID de red + + + network-invalid-network-id + El id de red especificado no corresponde al id de red por la url de RPC + + + network-invalid-status-code + Código de estado inválido: {{code}} + + + network-invalid-url + La URL de la red no es válida + + + network-settings + Ajustes de la red + + + new + Nuevo + + + new-chat + Nuevo chat + + + new-contact + Nuevo contacto + + + new-contract + Nuevo contrato + + + new-group + Nuevo grupo + + + new-group-chat + Nuevo grupo de chat + + + new-network + Nueva red + + + new-pin-description + Ingresa el nuevo código de acceso de 6 dígitos + + + new-puk-description + + + + new-public-group-chat + Unirte a chat público + + + next + Siguiente + + + no + No + + + no-collectibles + No hay coleccionables disponibles + + + no-contacts + Aún no hay contactos + + + no-keycard-applet-on-card + No hay applet de Keycard en la tarjeta + + + no-messages + No hay mensajes + + + no-pairing-slots-available + Esta tarjeta ya está vinculada con 5 dispositivos y no puede ser vinculada con éste dispositivo. Por favor, utiliza uno de los dispositivos vinculados, inicia sesión con esta tarjeta y libera los espacios de vinculación en la tarjeta + + + no-result + Sin resultados + + + no-tokens-found + No se encontraron tokens + + + node-info + Información del nodo + + + node-address + + + + node-details + + + + node-version + Versión de nodo + + + nonce + Nonce + + + none + Ninguno + + + not-applicable + No aplicable para transacciones no firmadas + + + not-keycard-text + La tarjeta que usaste no es una Keycard. Necesitas comprar una Keycard para usarla + + + not-keycard-title + No es una Keycard + + + notifications + Notificaciones + + + local-notifications + Notificaciones locales + + + local-notifications-subtitle + + + + remote-notifications + + + + remote-notifications-subtitle + + + + show-notifications + Mostrar notificaciones + + + notification-settings + Notificaciones + + + notifications-servers + Servidores de notificaciones + + + notifications-preferences + Preferencias de notificación + + + notifications-switch + Mostrar notificaciones + + + notifications-non-contacts + Notificaciones de no contactos + + + notifications-transactions + Transacciones de billetera + + + send-push-notifications + + + + send-push-notifications-description + Cuando está deshabilitado, la persona que recibe sus mensajes no será notificada de su llegada. + + + push-notifications-server-enabled + Servidor habilitado + + + push-notifications-servers + Servidores de notificaciones push + + + push-inbound-transaction + Recibiste {{value}} {{currency}} + + + push-outbound-transaction + Enviaste {{value}} {{currency}} + + + push-failed-transaction + Su transacción falló + + + push-inbound-transaction-body + De {{from}} a {{to}} + + + push-outbound-transaction-body + De {{from}} a {{to}} + + + push-failed-transaction-body + {{value}} {{currency}} a {{to}} + + + allow-mention-notifications + Mostrar @ menciones + + + server + Servidor + + + specify-server-public-key + Ingrese la clave pública del servidor + + + notify + Notificar + + + off + Apagado + + + offline + Desconectado + + + offline-messaging-use-history-nodes + Usar nodos de Status + + + offline-messaging-use-history-explanation + Habilite los nodos de Status para recuperar los mensajes que se enviaron mientras la aplicación estaba cerrada. Cuando está habilitado, un nodo de Status obtiene su dirección IP. Cuando está deshabilitado, no recibirá mensajes cuando la aplicación esté cerrada y no los verá cuando abra la aplicación más tarde. + + + ok + OK + + + ok-continue + Ok, continuar + + + ok-got-it + Ok, lo tengo + + + okay + Bien + + + on + En + + + open + Abrir + + + open-home + Abrir... + + + open-dapp + Abrir ÐApp + + + open-dapp-store + Descubre ÐApps + + + open-nfc-settings + Abrir ajustes de NFC + + + open-on-block-explorer + + + + optional + opcional + + + or + O + + + outgoing + Saliente + + + outgoing-transaction + Transacción saliente + + + pair + Vincular dispositivos + + + pair-card + Vincular a este dispositivo + + + pair-code + Código par + + + pair-code-explanation + Vincula la tarjeta a un dispositivo diferente para desbloquear llaves y firmar transacciones con la misma Keycard + + + pair-this-card + Vincula esta tarjeta + + + pair-this-device + Publicar el dispositivo + + + pair-this-device-description + Vincula tus dispositivos para sincronizar los contactos y chats entre ellos + + + paired-devices + Dispositivos vinculados + + + pairing + Vinculando + + + pairing-card + Vinculando la tarjeta + + + pairing-code-placeholder + + + + pairing-code_error1 + + + + confirm-pairing-code-placeholder + + + + pairing-go-to-installation + Ir a los ajustes de vinculación + + + pairing-maximum-number-reached-content + Por favor, deshabilita uno de tus dispositivos antes de habilitar uno nuevo. + + + pairing-maximum-number-reached-title + Número máximo de dispositivos alcanzados + + + pairing-new-installation-detected-content + Se ha detectado un nuevo dispositivo. +Para usar tus dispositivos correctamente, es importante vincularlos y habilitarlos antes de usarlos. +Ve a la sección del dispositivo en los ajustes para vincular tus dispositivos. + + + pairing-new-installation-detected-title + Nuevo dispositivo detectado + + + pairing-no-info + Sin información + + + pairing-please-set-a-name + Por favor configura un nombre para tu dispositivo. + + + passphrase + Frase de contraseña + + + password + Contraseña + + + password-description + Al menos 6 caracteres. Tu contraseña protege tus claves. La necesitas para desbloquear Status y realizar transacciones. + + + password-placeholder2 + Confirma tu contraseña + + + password_error1 + Las contraseñas no coinciden. + + + paste + Pegar + + + paste-json + Pegar JSON + + + pay-to-chat + Pagar para chatear + + + peers + Pares + + + pending + Pendiente + + + pending-confirmation + Confirmación pendiente... + + + permissions + Permisos + + + phone-e164 + Internacional 1 + + + photos-access-error + Para permitir el acceso a fotos, porfavor, ve a ajustes de sistema y asegúrate que este seleccionada la opción Status > Fotos + + + pin-changed + Se ha cambiado el código de acceso de 6 dígitos + + + puk-changed + + + + pairing-changed + + + + pin-code + Código de acceso de 6 dígitos + + + pin-mismatch + Código de acceso incorrecto + + + pin-retries-left + Te quedan {{number}} reintentos + + + pin-one-attempt-blocked-before + Ten cuidado, solo tienes + + + pin-one-attempt-frozen-before + Ten cuidado, solo tienes + + + pin-one-attempt + un intento + + + pin-one-attempt-blocked-after + antes de que tu Keycard se bloquee + + + pin-one-attempt-frozen-after + antes de que tu Keycard se congele + + + preview-privacy + Vista previa del modo de privacidad + + + privacy + Privacidad + + + privacy-photos + + + + privacy-and-security + Privacidad y seguridad + + + privacy-policy + Política de privacidad + + + privacy-show-to-warning + + + + processing + Un momento. + + + product-information + Información del Producto + + + profile + Perfil + + + profile-details + Detalles del perfil + + + public-chat + Chat público + + + public-chats + Chats públicos + + + public-group-status + Público + + + public-group-topic + Tema + + + join-new-public-chat + Unirse a un chat público + + + join-new-private-chat + Iniciar un nuevo chat privado + + + search-no-chat-found + No hay resultados de búsqueda. ¿Querés decir + + + public-key + Clave pública + + + puk-and-pairing-codes-displayed + PUK y códigos de vinculación mostrados + + + puk-code + Código PUK + + + puk-code-explanation + Si olvidas tu código de acceso de 6 dígitos o lo ingresas incorrectamente 3 veces, necesitarás este código para desbloquear tu tarjeta. + + + puk-mismatch + El código PUK no coincide + + + quiet-days + {{quiet-days}} días + + + quiet-hours + {{quiet-hours}} horas + + + re-encrypt-key + Vuelve a encriptar tus claves + + + receive + Recibir + + + receive-transaction + Recibir transacción + + + recent + Estados recientes + + + recent-recipients + Contactos + + + recently-used-stickers + Las stickers usadas recientemente aparecerán aquí + + + recipient + Receptor + + + recipient-code + Ingresa la dirección del destinatario + + + recipient-code-placeholder + 0x... o username.domain.eth + + + recover + Recuperar + + + recover-key + Ingresar claves existentes + + + recover-keycard-multiaccount-not-supported + Las llaves para esta cuenta ya existen y no se pueden añadir de nuevo. Si perdiste tu contraseña, código de acceso o Keycard, desinstala la app, reinstálala y accede insertando tu frase semilla + + + recover-with-keycard + Recuperar con Keycard + + + recovering-key + Ingresando las claves... + + + recovery-confirm-phrase + Confirmar frase semilla + + + recovery-phrase + Frase semilla + + + recovery-success-text + Deberás crear un nuevo código o contraseña para volver a encriptar tus claves + + + recovery-typo-dialog-description + Recuerda, tu frase semilla deben ser exactamente las mismas palabras y el orden que recibiste + + + recovery-typo-dialog-title + ¿Es correcta la frase semilla? + + + remember-me + Recuérdame + + + remind-me-later + Muéstrame esto de nuevo + + + remove + Remover + + + remove-from-chat + Eliminar del chat + + + remove-from-contacts + Eliminar de contactos + + + remove-from-contacts-text + Al eliminar a un usuario de tu lista de contactos, no oculta la dirección de tu billetera de ellos + + + remove-network + Eliminar red + + + remove-token + Eliminar token + + + removed + eliminado + + + repeat-pin + Repite el nuevo código de acceso de 6 dígitos + + + repeat-puk + + + + report-bug-email-template + 1. Descripción del problema + (Describe la función que deseas, o resume brevemente el error y lo que hiciste, lo que esperabas que sucediera y lo que realmente sucede. Secciones a continuación) + + + 2. Pasos para reproducir + (Describe cómo podemos replicar el error paso a paso). + -Abre Status + -... + -Paso 3, etc. + + + 3. Comportamiento esperado + (Describe lo que esperabas que sucediera). + + + 4. Comportamiento real + (Describe lo que realmente sucedió). + + + 5. Adjunta capturas de pantalla que puedan demostrar el problema, por favor + + + + request-transaction + Solicitar transacción + + + required-field + Campo requerido + + + resend-message + Reenviar + + + reset-card + Reiniciar la tarjeta + + + reset-card-description + Esta operación restablecerá la tarjeta al estado inicial. Borrará todos los datos de la tarjeta, incluidas las claves privadas. La operación no es reversible. + + + retry + Reintentar + + + revoke-access + Revocar el acceso + + + rinkeby-network + Red de prueba Rinkeby + + + ropsten-network + Red de prueba Ropsten + + + rpc-url + RPC URL + + + save + Guardar + + + save-password + Guardar contraseña + + + save-password-unavailable + Establece el código de acceso del dispositivo para guardar la contraseña + + + save-password-unavailable-android + Guardar la contraseña no está disponible: tu dispositivo puede estar rooteado o carecer de las características de seguridad necesarias. + + + scan-qr + Escanear QR + + + scan-qr-code + Escanea un código QR con una dirección de billetera + + + search + Buscar + + + secret-keys-confirmation-text + Los necesitará para seguir usando su Keycard en caso de que alguna vez pierda su teléfono. + + + secret-keys-confirmation-title + ¿Escribiste los códigos? + + + security + Seguridad + + + see-details + Ver detalles + + + see-it-again + VERLO OTRA VEZ + + + select-account-first + Selecciona una cuenta primero + + + select-chat + Selecciona el chat para comenzar a enviar mensajes + + + selected + Seleccionado + + + select + Seleccionar + + + select-account + Seleccionar cuenta + + + send-logs + Reportar un error + + + send-logs-to + Reportar un error a {{email}} + + + send-message + Enviar mensaje + + + send-request + Enviar solicitud + + + send-request-amount + Cantidad + + + send-request-amount-max-decimals + El número máximo de decimales es {{asset-decimals}} + + + send-request-unknown-token + Token desconocido - {{asset}} + + + send-sending-to + para {{recipient-name}} + + + send-transaction + Enviar transacción + + + sending + Enviando + + + sent-at + Enviado a + + + set-a-topic + Crear un tema + + + set-currency + Establecer moneda + + + set-dapp-access-permissions + Establecer permisos de acceso DApp + + + settings + Ajustes + + + share + Compartir + + + shared + Compartido + + + share-address + Compartir dirección + + + share-chat + Compartir chat + + + share-contact-code + Compartir mi clave de chat + + + share-dapp-text + Echa un vistazo a esta DApp que estoy usando en Status: {{link}} + + + share-link + Compartir enlace + + + share-my-profile + Compartir mi perfil + + + share-profile + Compartir perfil + + + share-profile-link + Compartir enlace del perfil + + + share-public-chat-text + Echa un vistazo a este chat público en la app de Status: {{link}} + + + sharing-copied-to-clipboard + Copiado + + + sharing-copy-to-clipboard + Copiar + + + share-logs + + + + sharing-share + Compartir + + + show-less + Mostrar menos + + + show-more + Mostrar más + + + show-qr + Mostrar código QR + + + show-transaction-data + Mostrar los datos de la transacción + + + sign-and-send + Firmar y enviar + + + sign-in + Inicia sesión + + + sign-message + Firmar mensaje + + + sign-out + Cerrar sesión + + + sign-with + Firma con + + + sign-with-password + Firmar con contraseña + + + sign-you-in + Iniciando sesión... + + + signing + Firma + + + signing-a-message + Firmando un mensaje + + + signing-phrase + Frase de firma + + + something-went-wrong + Algo salió mal + + + soon + Pronto + + + specify-address + Especificar dirección + + + specify-name + Especifica un nombre + + + specify-symbol + + + + specify-network-id + Especifica ID de red + + + specify-rpc-url + Especifica una URL RPC + + + start-chat + Iniciar chat + + + start-conversation + Empezar conversación + + + start-group-chat + Iniciar chat grupal + + + start-new-chat + Iniciar nuevo chat + + + status + Status + + + status-confirmed + Confirmado + + + status-hardwallet + Status hardwallet + + + status-keycard + Status Keycard + + + status-pending + Pendiente + + + status-tx-not-found + TX no encontrada + + + status-sent + Enviado + + + status-not-sent-tap + No enviado. Toca para ver las opciones + + + status-not-sent-click + No está confirmado. Haz clic para ver las opciones + + + step-i-of-n + Paso {{step}} de {{number}} + + + sticker-market + Sticker market + + + sticker + + + + submit + Enviar + + + submit-bug + Reportar un error + + + success + Éxito + + + symbol + Símbolo + + + sync-all-devices + Sincronizar todos los dispositivos + + + sync-in-progress + Sincronizando... + + + sync-settings + Ajustes de sincronización + + + sync-synced + Sincronizado + + + syncing-devices + Sincronizando... + + + tag-was-lost + La etiqueta se perdió + + + tap-card-again + Vuelve a tocar la tarjeta con la parte trasera de tu teléfono. + + + test-networks + Redes de prueba + + + text-input-disabled + Por favor espera un momento... + + + this-device + Este dispositivo + + + this-device-desc + Tus claves serán encriptadas y almacenadas de forma segura en tu dispositivo + + + this-is-you-signing + Esta es tu frase de firma + + + this-will-take-few-seconds + Esto tomará unos segundos + + + three-words-description + Deberías ver estas tres palabras antes de firmar cada transacción + + + three-words-description-2 + Si ves una combinación diferente, cancela la transacción y cierra sesión + + + to + Para + + + to-block + Bloquear + + + to-encrypt-enter-password + Para encriptar la cuenta, por favor, ingresa tu contraseña + + + to-see-this-message + Para ver este mensaje, + + + token-auto-validate-decimals-error + Decimales incorrectos para el token {{symbol}} en la dirección {{address}} - establecido en {{expected}} pero detectado como {{actual}} + + + token-auto-validate-name-error + Nombre incorrecto para el token {{symbol}} en la dirección {{address}} - establecido en {{expected}} pero detectado como {{actual}} + + + token-auto-validate-symbol-error + Símbolo incorrecto para el token {{symbol}} en la dirección {{address}} - configurado en {{expected}} pero detectado como {{actual}} + + + token-details + Detalles del token + + + topic-name-error + Utiliza solo letras minúsculas (a - z), números y guiones (-). No uses las claves de chat + + + transaction + Transacción + + + transaction-data + Transaction data + + + transaction-declined + Transacción rechazada + + + transactions-management-enabled + + + + transaction-description + Transacciones con 12 confirmaciones pueden considerarse irreversibles + + + transaction-details + Detalles de la transacción + + + transaction-failed + Transacción fallida + + + transaction-history + Historial de transacciones + + + transaction-request + Solicitud de transacción + + + transaction-sent + Transacción enviada + + + transaction-signed + La transacción se ha firmado con éxito + + + transactions + Transacciones + + + transactions-filter-select-all + Seleccionar todo + + + transactions-filter-title + Filtrar historial + + + type + Tipo + + + transactions-history + Historial de transacciones + + + transactions-history-empty + Aún no hay transacciones en tu historial + + + transactions-history-loading + Cargando historial de transacciones. Esto podrá tomar un tiempo. + + + transactions-sign + Firmar + + + tribute-required-by-multiaccount + {{multiaccount-name}} requiere SNT para iniciar un chat. + + + tribute-state-paid + Tributo pagado + + + tribute-state-pending + Tributo pendiente + + + tribute-state-required + Requiere tributo de {{snt-amount}} SNT + + + tribute-to-talk + Tribute to talk + + + tribute-to-talk-add-friends + Agregar amigos como un contacto para permitir chats sin pago de tributo. + + + tribute-to-talk-are-you-friends + ¿Son amigos? + + + tribute-to-talk-ask-to-be-added + Pide que te añadan como contacto + + + tribute-to-talk-contact-received-your-tribute + recibió tu tributo. Ahora pueden conversar con seguridad entre ustedes. + + + tribute-to-talk-desc + Monetiza tu atención requiriendo SNT para que la gente nueva inicie un chat + + + tribute-to-talk-disabled + Tribute to Talk deshabilitado + + + tribute-to-talk-disabled-note + A partir de ahora, las personas nuevas pueden iniciar un chat contigo sin enviar SNT. + + + tribute-to-talk-enabled + Tienes Tribute to Talk habilitado. + + + tribute-to-talk-finish-desc + A partir de ahora, sólo recibirás chats de los contactos, y de la gente que pagó + + + tribute-to-talk-learn-more-1 + Tu tiempo y atención son Tus activos más valiosos. Tribute to Talk te permite configurar la cantidad de SNT requerida para que nuevas personas inicien un chat contigo. + + + tribute-to-talk-learn-more-2 + Cualquier persona que no esté en tu lista de contactos deberá pagar, y tu puedes responder una vez que lo hayan hecho. + + + tribute-to-talk-learn-more-3 + Siempre puedes devolver el dinero, pero para asegurarte de que tus amigos puedan contactarte libremente, añádelos primero como contacto. + + + tribute-to-talk-paywall-learn-more-1 + Nuestro tiempo y atención son nuestros activos más valiosos. Tribute to Talk te permite contactar a nuevas personas a cambio de un pago de SNT. + + + tribute-to-talk-paywall-learn-more-2 + Para iniciar un chat con alguien que tiene configurado tributos, simplemente paga el SNT requerido y serás agregado como un contacto. + + + tribute-to-talk-paywall-learn-more-3 + Si los conoces, puedes compartir tu perfil fuera de Status para ser agregado de forma gratuita. + + + tribute-to-talk-pending + Tributo pendiente de confirmación + + + tribute-to-talk-pending-note + La transacción de tributo está pendiente de confirmación en la red. Puedes verificar el status en el historial de transacciones + + + tribute-to-talk-removing-note + Eliminar Tribute to Talk permitirá que nuevas personas inicien un chat sin enviar SNT. Requiere que se realice una transacción. + + + tribute-to-talk-set-snt-amount + Establece la cantidad de SNT requerida para que nuevas personas inicien un chat + + + tribute-to-talk-signing + Esperando para firmar la transacción + + + tribute-to-talk-transaction-failed-note + La transacción ha fallado y tu configuración de Tribute to Talk no ha cambiado + + + tribute-to-talk-tribute-received1 + El tributo fue recibido. Tú y + + + tribute-to-talk-tribute-received2 + ahora son contactos y pueden chatear de forma segura entre sí. + + + tribute-to-talk-you-require-snt + Se necesita SNT para que las personas nuevas inicien un chat. + + + try-again + Inténtalo de nuevo + + + try-keeping-the-card-still + Intenta mantener la tarjeta quieta + + + turn-nfc-on + activar nfc + + + turn-nfc-description + NFC está deshabilitado en su dispositivo. Puedes habilitarlo en la configuración + + + keycard-init-title + Buscando tarjetas... + + + keycard-init-description + Coloque la tarjeta en la parte posterior de su teléfono para continuar + + + keycard-awaiting-title + Todavía buscando... + + + keycard-awaiting-description + Intente mover la tarjeta para encontrar el lector NFC en su dispositivo + + + keycard-processing-title + Procesando... + + + keycard-processing-description + Intenta mantener la tarjeta quieta + + + keycard-connected-title + Conectado + + + keycard-connected-description + Intenta mantener la tarjeta quieta + + + keycard-error-title + Conexión perdida + + + keycard-error-description + Vuelva a conectar la tarjeta para continuar. + + + keycard-success-title + Éxito + + + keycard-success-description + Puedes quitar la tarjeta ahora + + + keycard-recover + + + + keycard-recover-title + + + + keycard-recover-text + + + + keycard-backup + Crear una copia de seguridad de la Keycard + + + keycard-backup-success-title + Copia de seguridad exitosa + + + keycard-backup-success-body + Tarjeta de respaldo creada con éxito. Ahora podes usarla con tu cuenta al igual que la tarjeta principal. + + + type-a-message + Mensaje + + + ulc-enabled + ULC habilitado + + + backup-enabled + + + + backup-disabled + Deshabilitado + + + backup-settings + + + + backup-through-waku + + + + perform-backup + + + + backing-up + + + + last-backup-performed + + + + unable-to-read-this-code + No se puede leer este código + + + unblock-contact + Desbloquear este usuario + + + unknown-status-go-error + Error de status-go desconocido + + + unlock + Desbloquear + + + unpair-card + Desvincular tarjeta + + + unpair-card-confirmation + Esta operación desvinculará la tarjeta del dispositivo actual. Requiere autorización del código de acceso de 6 dígitos. ¿Quieres continuar? + + + unpaired-keycard-text + La Keycard que tocaste no está asociada con este teléfono + + + unpaired-keycard-title + Parece que tu tarjeta ha sido desvinculada + + + unpair-keycard + Desemparejar la Keycard de este teléfono + + + unpair-keycard-warning + Tu código de emparejamiento/PUK y PIN permanecen sin cambios + + + update + Actualizar + + + url + URL + + + usd-currency + Dólar estadounidense + + + use-valid-contact-code + Por favor, ingresa o escanea una clave de contacto o nombre de usuario válido + + + validation-amount-invalid-number + La cantidad no es un número válido + + + validation-amount-is-too-precise + La cantidad es muy precisa. La cantidad máxima de decimales es {{decimals}} . + + + version + Versión de la app + + + app-commit + + + + view + Ver + + + view-cryptokitties + Ver en CryptoKitties + + + view-cryptostrikers + Ver en CryptoStrikers + + + view-etheremon + Ver en Etheremon + + + view-gitcoin + Ver en Gitcoin + + + view-profile + Ver perfil + + + view-details + Ver detalles + + + view-signing + Ver la frase de firma + + + view-superrare + Ver en SuperRare + + + waiting-for-wifi + Sin Wi-Fi, la sincronización de mensajes está deshabilitada. + + + waiting-for-wifi-change + Ajustes + + + waiting-to-sign + Esperando para firmar la transacción... + + + wallet + Billetera + + + wallet-asset + Activo + + + wallet-assets + Activos + + + wallet-backup-recovery-title + Respalda tu frase semilla + + + wallet-choose-recipient + Elegir destinatario + + + wallet-collectibles + Coleccionables + + + wallet-insufficient-funds + Fondos insuficientes + + + wallet-insufficient-gas + No hay suficiente ETH para el gas + + + wallet-invalid-address + Dirección inválida: + {{data}} + + + wallet-invalid-address-checksum + Error en la dirección: + {{data}} + + + wallet-invalid-chain-id + La red no coincide: + {{data}} pero la cadena actual es {{chain}} + + + wallet-manage-assets + Administrar activos + + + wallet-manage-accounts + Administrar cuentas + + + wallet-request + Solicitud + + + wallet-send + Enviar + + + wallet-send-min-units + Mínimo 21000 unidades + + + wallet-send-min-wei + Min 1 wei + + + wallet-settings + Ajustes de billetera + + + wallet-total-value + Valor total + + + wallet-transaction-total-fee + Costo total + + + wants-to-access-profile + quiere acceder a tu perfil + + + warning + Advertencia + + + warning-message + Lo sentimos, limitamos el envío de varios mensajes en rápida sucesión para evitar el spam. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo en un momento. + + + web-view-error + No se puede cargar la página + + + welcome-screen-text + ¡Configura tu billetera, invita a amigos a chatear + y busca dapps populares! + + + welcome-to-status + ¡Bienvenidos a Status! + + + welcome-to-status-description + Configura tu cripto billetera, invita a tus amigos a chatear y navegar apps descentralizadas + + + welcome-blank-message + Tus chats aparecerán aquí. Para iniciar nuevos chats, presiona el botón ⊕ + + + welcome-community-blank-message + Tus chats aparecerán aquí. Para iniciar nuevos chats, haga clic en los 3 puntos de arriba y seleccione "Crear un canal" + + + welcome-community-blank-message-edit-chats + + + + welcome-blank-community-message + Tus comunidades aparecerán aquí. + + + fetch-community + + + + fetching-community + + + + seed-phrase-placeholder + Frase semilla... + + + word-count + Número de palabras + + + word-n + Palabra #{{number}} + + + word-n-description + Para comprobar si has realizado una copia de seguridad de la frase semilla correctamente, escribe arriba la palabra #{{number}}. + + + words-n + + 1 palabra + {{count}} palabras + + + + write-down-and-store-securely + Escribe los códigos + y guárdalos de forma segura + + + wrong-address + Dirección incorrecta + + + wrong-card + Tarjeta equivocada + + + wrong-card-text + Haz tocado una tarjeta que no corresponde a las llaves seleccionadas + + + wrong-contract + Contrato incorrecto + + + contract-isnt-supported + + + + wrong-keycard-text + La Keycard que tocaste no está asociada con este teléfono + + + wrong-keycard-title + Parece que has hecho tapping +una keycard incorrecta + + + wrong-password + Contraseña incorrecta + + + wrong-word + Palabra incorrecta + + + yes + + + + You + + + + you + + + + you-already-have-an-asset + Ya tienes un activo {{value}} + + + you-are-all-set + ¡Estás listo! + + + you-are-all-set-description + Ahora, si pierdes tu teléfono, puedes acceder a tus fondos y llave de chat usando la frase semilla + + + you-can-change-account + Puedes cambiar el nombre y el color de la cuenta a lo que deseas + + + you-dont-have-stickers + Todavía no tienes stickers + + + you-dont-have-contacts-invite-friends + + + + your-contact-code + Conceder acceso autoriza a esta DApp a obtener tu clave de chat + + + your-data-belongs-to-you + Si pierdes tu frase semilla, pierdes tus datos y fondos + + + your-data-belongs-to-you-description + Si pierdes acceso, por ejemplo al perder tu teléfono, solo puedes acceder a tus llaves con tu frase semilla. Nadie aparte de ti tiene tu frase semilla. Anótala. Mantenla segura. + + + your-recovery-phrase + Tu frase semilla + + + your-recovery-phrase-description + Esta es tu frase semilla. La usas para comprobar que esta es tu billetera. ¡Sólo la verás una vez! Escríbela en un papel y guárdala en un lugar seguro. La necesitarás si pierdes o reinstalas tu billetera. + + + custom-seed-phrase + Frase semilla inválida + + + custom-seed-phrase-text-1 + Esta frase semilla no coincide con nuestro diccionario compatible. Revisa si hay palabras mal escritas. + + + to-enable-biometric + Para habilitar {{bio-type-label}}, debes guardar tu contraseña en la pantalla de desbloqueo + + + ok-save-pass + OK, guardar contraseña + + + lock-app-with + Bloquear app con + + + grant-face-id-permissions + Para conceder el permiso de Face ID requerido, ve a los ajustes de tu sistema y asegúrate de que esté seleccionado Status > Face ID + + + request-feature + Solicitar una funcionalidad + + + select-account-dapp + Selecciona la cuenta que deseas usar con Dapps + + + apply + Aplicar + + + on-status-tree + En el árbol de Status + + + off-status-tree + Derivado fuera de Status + + + derivation-path + Ruta de derivación + + + storage + Almacenamiento + + + keycard-free-pairing-slots + Keycard tiene {{n}} espacios de vinculación libres + + + public-chat-description + ¡Únete a chats públicos para tus intereses! Cualquiera puede comenzar uno nuevo. + + + delete-account + Borrar cuenta + + + delete-keys-keycard + Borrar llaves de la Keycard + + + watch-only + Sólo para ver + + + cant-report-bug + No puedo reportar un error + + + mail-should-be-configured + El cliente de correo debe ser configurado + + + check-on-block-explorer + + + + check-on-opensea + Comprobar en opensea + + + transactions-load-more + Mostrar más + + + private-key + Llave privada + + + generate-an-account + Genera una Cuenta + + + add-watch-account + Agrega una cuenta sólo para mirar + + + add-seed-account + Agrega una cuenta con una frase semilla + + + account-exists-title + Cuenta ya existe + + + add-private-key-account + Ingresa una cuenta de una llave privada + + + profile-not-found + + + + waku-bloom-filter-mode + Modo de filtro Waku bloom + + + wakuv2-settings + + + + wakuv2-node-format + + + + wakuv2-change-nodes + + + + appearance + Apariencia + + + preference + Preferencia + + + light + Luz + + + dark + Oscuro + + + system + Sistema + + + give-permissions-camera + Da permiso +para acceder a la cámara + + + photos + Fotos + + + image + Imagen + + + sign-anyway + Continuar de todas maneras + + + tx-fail-description1 + Es probable que esta transacción falle. Firme bajo su propio riesgo utilizando una tarifa de red personalizada. + + + tx-fail-description2 + Es probable que esta transacción falle. Establezca una tarifa de red personalizada para firmar bajo su propio riesgo. + + + set-custom-fee + Establecer tarifa personalizada + + + not-enough-snt + No hay suficiente SNT + + + add-new-contact + Agregar nuevo contacto + + + you-dont-have-contacts + Todavía no tenés ningún contacto. + + + set-max + Establecer máximo + + + continue-anyway + Continuar de todas maneras + + + private-notifications + Notificaciones privadas + + + private-notifications-descr + Status te notificará sobre los nuevos mensajes. Podés editar tus preferencias de notificación más adelante en la configuración. + + + maybe-later + Quizas mas tarde + + + join + Unite + + + registered + registrado + + + not-registered + no registrado + + + audio-recorder-error + Error de la grabadora + + + audio-recorder + Grabadora + + + audio-recorder-max-ms-reached + Tiempo máximo de grabación alcanzado + + + audio-recorder-permissions-error + Tenés que dar permiso para enviar mensajes de audio + + + audio + Audio + + + update-to-see-image + ¡Actualizá a la última versión para ver una buena imagen acá! + + + update-to-listen-audio + ¡Actualizá a la última versión para escuchar un mensaje de audio acá! + + + update-to-see-sticker + ¡Actualizá a la última versión para ver un lindo sticker acá! + + + webview-camera-permission-requests + Solicitudes de permisos de la cámara Webview + + + webview-camera-permission-requests-subtitle + Cuando está habilitado, los sitios web y las dapps pueden solicitar el uso de su cámara + + + page-would-like-to-use-camera + quisiera usar su cámara + + + page-camera-request-blocked + solicitudes de cámara bloqueadas. Para habilitar las solicitudes de la cámara, vaya a Configuración + + + nickname + Apodo + + + add-nickname + Agregar un apodo (opcional) + + + nickname-description + Los apodos te ayudan a identificar a otras personas en Status. + Solo tú puedes ver los apodos que agregaste + + + accept + Aceptar + + + group-invite + Invitación de grupo + + + group-invite-link + Enlace de invitación de grupo + + + pending-invitations + Solicitudes de membresía pendientes + + + empty-pending-invitations-descr + Las personas que deseen unirse al grupo +a través de un enlace de invitación aparecerá aquí + + + introduce-yourself + Preséntate con un breve mensaje + + + request-pending + Pedido pendiente… + + + membership-declined + Se rechazó la solicitud de membresía + + + remove-group + Eliminar grupo + + + request-membership + Solicitar membresía + + + membership-description + La membresía grupal requiere que seas aceptado por el administrador del grupo + + + group-membership-request + Solicitud de membresía grupal + + + members-limit-reached + Límite de miembros alcanzado + + + favourite + Favorito + + + favourites + Favoritos + + + new-favourite + Nuevo favorito + + + edit-favourite + Editar favorito + + + remove-favourite + Quitar favorito + + + add-favourite + Agregar favorito + + + add-to-favourites + Agregar a favoritos + + + favourites-empty + Las direcciones agregadas a favoritos aparecerán aquí + + + contacts-empty + Contactos con nombres ENS aparecerán aquí + + + my-accounts + Mis cuentas + + + my-accounts-empty + Tus cuentas disponibles aparecerán aquí + + + recent-empty + Las direcciones utilizadas recientemente aparecerán aquí + + + address-or-ens-name + Dirección o nombre ENS + + + name-optional + Nombre (opcional) + + + mute + Silenciar + + + unmute + Activar sonido + + + scan-tokens + Escanear tokens + + + my-status + Mi estado + + + contacts-descr + Tus contactos aparecerán aquí. Recibirá actualizaciones de estado de cualquier persona que agregue como contacto + + + status-updates-descr + Las actualizaciones de estado aparecerán aquí. Agregue el perfil como un contacto para recibir actualizaciones en su línea de tiempo. + + + whats-on-your-mind + Lo que tienes en mente... + + + cant-open-public-chat + No se puede abrir el chat público + + + invalid-public-chat-topic + Tema de chat público no válido + + + now + Ahora + + + statuses-my-status-descr + Comparte lo que tienes en mente. Cualquiera que visite su perfil podrá ver su estado. Las personas que te agreguen como contacto recibirán tus actualizaciones en su línea de tiempo. + + + statuses-descr + Comparte lo que tienes en mente y mantente al día con tus contactos + + + new-status + Nuevo estado + + + chat-link-previews + Vistas previas de enlaces de chat + + + you-can-choose-preview-websites + Puede elegir cuál de los siguientes sitios web puede previsualizar el enlace de las descripciones e imágenes en los chats + + + previewing-may-share-metadata + La vista previa de los enlaces de estos sitios web puede compartir sus metadatos con sus propietarios. + + + websites + Sitios web + + + enable-all + Habilitar todos + + + disable-all + Deshabilitar todo + + + warning-sending-to-contract-descr + La dirección que ingresó es un contrato inteligente, enviar fondos a esta dirección puede resultar en la pérdida de fondos. Para interactuar con una DApp, abra la DApp en el navegador de Status. + + + dont-ask + No me vuelvas a preguntar + + + enable-link-previews + ¿Habilitar vistas previas de enlaces en el chat? + + + once-enabled-share-metadata + Una vez habilitados, los enlaces publicados en el chat pueden compartir sus metadatos con el sitio. + + + external-storage-denied + Se niega el acceso al almacenamiento externo + + + timeline + Línea de tiempo + + + main-account + + + + ethereum-address + Dirección de Ethereum + + + default-assets + Por defecto ERC20 y ERC721 + + + increase-gas + Aumentar el gas + + + cancelling + Cancelando + + + refresh + Actualizar + + + close-all + Cerrar todo + + + tabs + Pestañas + + + new-tab + Nueva pestaña + + + empty-tab + Pestaña vacía + + + open-in-new-tab + Abrir en una pestaña nueva + + + has-permissions + tiene permiso para acceder + + + connect-wallet + Conectar billetera + + + open-chat + Abrir chat + + + favourite-description + Tus sitios web favoritos aparecerán aquí + + + transfers-fetching-failure + El historial de transferencias no pudo ser actualizado. Verificá tu conexión y refresca para intentarlo de nuevo + + + move-and-reset + Mover y Restablecer + + + move-keystore-file-to-keycard + ¿Mover el archivo keystore a la keycard? + + + database-reset-title + Restablecer de la base de datos + + + database-reset-content + Se han eliminado los chats, los contactos y la configuración. Podés usar tu cuenta con tu Keycard + + + database-reset-warning + La base de datos se restablecerá. Se borrarán los chats, los contactos y la configuración + + + empty-keycard-required + Requiere una Keycard vacía + + + current + Actual + + + choose-storage + Elegir almacenamiento + + + choose-new-location-for-keystore + Seleccione una nueva ubicación para guardar su archivo keystore + + + get-a-keycard + Obtenga una Keycard + + + keycard-upsell-subtitle + Mayor seguridad y conveniencia + + + actions + Acciones + + + move-keystore-file + Mover el archivo keystore + + + select-new-location-for-keys + Seleccione una nueva ubicación para guardar sus claves privadas + + + reset-database + Restablecer base de datos + + + reset-database-warning + Elimina chats, contactos y configuraciones. Se requiere cuando has perdido tu contraseña + + + reset-database-warning-keycard + Borrar chats, contactos y configuraciones. + + + key-managment + Administración de claves + + + choose-actions + Elige acciones + + + master-account + Cuenta maestra + + + back-up + Respaldo + + + key-on-device + La clave privada está guardada en este dispositivo + + + seed-key-uid-mismatch + La frase semilla no coincide + + + seed-key-uid-mismatch-desc-1 + La frase semilla que ingresó no coincide con {{multiaccount-name}} + + + seed-key-uid-mismatch-desc-2 + Para administrar claves para esta cuenta verifique su frase semilla e inténtelo de nuevo. + + + recover-with-seed-phrase + Recuperar con frase semilla + + + transfer-ma-unknown-error-desc-1 + Parece que su multicuenta no se eliminó. Es posible que la base de datos se haya restablecido + + + transfer-ma-unknown-error-desc-2 + Por favor verificá tu lista de cuentas e intentá de nuevo. Si la cuenta no está listada andá a Acceder llaves existentes para recuperar con frase semilla + + + everyone + Todos + + + show-profile-pictures + Mostrar fotos de perfil de + + + show-profile-pictures-to + + + + non-archival-node + El punto de conexión de RPC no admite solicitudes de archivado. Es posible que el historial de transferencias locales esté incompleto. + + + custom-node + Estás utilizando un punto de conexión RPC personalizado. Es posible que el historial de transferencias locales esté incompleto. + + + connection-status + Estado de conexión + + + peer-to-peer + Peer to peer + + + not-connected-to-peers + Sin conexión a ningún nodo + + + unable-to-send-messages + No es posible enviar o recibir mensajes + + + can-send-messages + Puedes enviar y recibir mensajes nuevos + + + not-connected-nodes + Sin conexión a un nodo de Status + + + unable-to-fetch + No es posible recuperar el historial de chat + + + nodes-disabled + Nodos de Status deshabilitados + + + waiting-wi-fi + Esperando Wi-Fi… + + + you-can-fetch + Puedes recuperar el historial de chat + + + youre-on-mobile-network + Estás en una red móvil + + + status-mobile-descr + Status tiende a usar una gran cantidad de datos al sincronizar chats. Podes optar por no sincronizar cuando estás en la red móvil + + + restore-defaults + Restaurar los Valores Predeterminados + + + rpc-usage-info + Estadísticas de uso de RPC + + + rpc-usage-get-stats + Actualizar + + + rpc-usage-reset + Restablecer + + + rpc-usage-filter + Métodos de filtrado + + + rpc-usage-filter-methods + Métodos de filtrado + + + rpc-usage-copy + Copiar + + + rpc-usage-total + + + + rpc-usage-filtered-total + + + + community-message-preview + Invitación para unirse a {{community-name}} + + + non-contacts + + + + community + + + + verified-community + + + + community-info-not-found + + + + community-info + + + + not-found + + + + activity + + + + reject-and-delete + + + + accept-and-add + + + + one-day + + + + three-days + + + + one-week + + + + one-month + + + + my-profile + + + + bip39-password-placeholder + + + + public-channel + + + + default-sync-period + + + + what-is-shared + + + + view-data + + + + data-collected + + + + data-collected-subtitle + + + + view-rules + + + + expand-all + + + + about-sharing-data + + + + sharing-data-desc-1 + + + + sharing-data-desc-2 + + + + sharing-data-desc-3 + + + + sharing-data-desc-4 + + + + sharing-data-desc-5 + + + + view-public-dashboard + + + + sharing-data-desc-6 + + + + allow-and-send + + + + no-thanks + + + + help-improve-status + + + + thank-you + + + + current-password + + + + reset-password + + + + password-reset-success + + + + password-reset-success-message + + + + password-reset-in-progress + + + + new-password + + + + confirm-new-password + + + + password-mismatch + + + + terms-of-service + + + + accept-status-tos-prefix + + + + updates-to-tos + + + + updates-to-tos-desc + + + + what-changed + + + + wc-new-tos-based-on-principles-prefix + + + + principles + + + + wc-how-to-use-status-app + + + + wc-brand-guide + + + + wc-disclaimer + + + + wc-dispute + + + + status-is-open-source + + + + build-yourself + + + + accept-and-continue + + + + empty-activity-center + + + + pinned-messages + + + + pin + + + + unpin + + + + no-pinned-messages + + + + pinned-messages-count + + + + + + + pinned-messages-empty + + + + pinned-by + + + + pin-limit-reached + + + + max-fee + + + + max-priority-fee + + + + miners-higher-fee + + + + gas-amount-limit + + + + per-gas-tip-limit + + + + per-gas-price-limit + + + + current-base-fee + + + + fee-explanation + + + + slow + Lento + + + optimal + Óptimo + + + fast + Rápido + + + see-suggestions + Ver sugerencias + + + maximum-fee + Tarifa máxima + + + low-tip + la propina es demasiado baja + + + lower-than-average-tip + + + + below-base-fee + + + + reduced-tip + + + + are-you-sure + ¿Estás seguro/a? + + + bad-fees-description + + + + change-tip + Cambiar propina + + + current-minimum-tip + Propina mínima actual + + + current-average-tip + Propina promedio actual + + + your-tip-limit + Tu límite de propina + + + your-price-limit + Tu límite de precio + + + suggested-min-tip + + + + suggested-price-limit + + + + include + + + + category + Categoría + + + edit-chats + Editar chats + + + edit-categories + + + + hide + + + + account-is-used + + + + normal + + + + never + + + + fee-options + + + + fee-cap + + + + tip-cap + + + + collectibles-leak-metadata + + + + display-collectibles + + + + disable-later-in-settings + + + + use-as-profile-picture + + + + view-on-opensea + + + + profile-picture-updated + + + + status-automatic + + + + status-automatic-subtitle + + + + status-dnd + + + + status-dnd-subtitle + + + + status-always-online + + + + status-inactive + + + + status-inactive-subtitle + + + + two-minutes + + + + swap + + + + select-token-to-swap + + + + select-token-to-receive + + + + minimum-received + + + + powered-by-paraswap + + + + priority + + + + switch-to-simple-interface + + + + transaction-fee + + + + swap-details + + + + slippage + + + + price-impact + + + + total-gas + + + + token + + + + approve-limit + + + + approve-token + + + + approve-token-contract-desc + + + + unlimited + + + + approve + + + + limit + + + + last-transaction + + + + price-impact-desc + + + + safe-estimate + + + + current-average + + + + current-base + + + + maximum-fee-desc + + + + insufficient-balance-to-cover-fee + + + + wallet-connect-proposal-title + + + + wallet-connect-proposal-description + + + + wallet-connect-app-connected + + + + wallet-connect-go-back + + + + wallet-connect-2.0 + + + + wallet-connect + + + + reject + + + + manage-connections + + + + wallet-manage-app-connections + + + + connection-request + + + + disconnect + + + + new-ui + + + + send-contact-request-message + + + + contact-request + + + + say-hi + + + + accepted + + + + declined + + + + contact-request-header + + + + contact-request-declined + + + + contact-request-accepted + + + + contact-request-pending + + + + removed-from-contacts + + + + mutual-contact-requests + + + + negative + + + + positive + + + + Please enter a URL + + + + This fields needs to be a valid URL + + + + Please enter a Name + + + + Favorite added + + + + Edit + + + + Add favorite + + + + URL + + + + Paste URL + + + + Name + + + + Name the website + + + + Remove + + + + Done + + + + Add + + + + '%1' would like to connect to + + + + Allowing authorizes this DApp to retrieve your wallet address and enable Web3 + + + + Granting access authorizes this DApp to retrieve your chat key + + + + Deny + + + + Allow + + + + Enter URL + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Error signing message + + + + Transaction pending... + + + + Wrong password + + + + Start Page + + + + New Tab + + + + Downloads Page + + + + Server's certificate not trusted + + + + Do you wish to continue? + + + + If you wish so, you may continue with an unverified certificate. Accepting an unverified certificate means you may not be connected with the host you tried to connect to. +Do you wish to override the security check and continue? + + + + Exit Incognito mode + + + + Go Incognito + + + + Zoom In + + + + Zoom Out + + + + Find + + + + Compatibility mode + + + + Developer Tools + + + + Settings + + + + Mainnet + + + + Ropsten + + + + Unknown + + + + Disconnect + + + + Assets + + + + History + + + + Show All + + + + Cancelled + + + + Paused + + + + Open + + + + Show in folder + + + + Pause + + + + Resume + + + + Cancel + + + + Downloaded files will appear here. + + + + Open in new Tab + + + + Ok + + + + Signature request + + + + From + + + + Data + + + + Message + + + + Reject + + + + Sign + + + + Sign with password + + + + Contact request pending + + + + Connected + + + + Disconnected + + + + This user has been blocked. + + + + Type a message. + + + + Send + + + + Request Address + + + + Request + + + + Transaction pending + + + + Continue + + + + Receive on account + + + + From account + + + + Address request required + + + + To + + + + Preview + + + + Transaction preview + + + + Next + + + + Invalid transaction parameters + + + + Authorize %1 %2 + + + + Choose account + + + + Network fee + + + + Error estimating gas: %1 + + + + Send %1 %2 + + + + Image + + + + Sticker + + + + You have a new message + + + + You have been accepted into the ‘%1’ community + + + + Your request to join the ‘%1’ community was declined + + + + New membership request + + + + %1 asks to join ‘%2’ + + + + Failed to send message. + + + + Share your chat key + + + + friends to start messaging in Status + + + + ↓ Fetch more messages + + + + before %1 + + + + Welcome to the beginning of the <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> group! + + + + Any messages you send here are encrypted and can only be read by you and <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> + + + + Join chat + + + + Decline invitation + + + + Add reaction + + + + Reply + + + + More + + + + Today + + + + Yesterday + + + + January + + + + February + + + + March + + + + April + + + + May + + + + June + + + + July + + + + August + + + + September + + + + October + + + + November + + + + December + + + + and + + + + %1 more + + + + reacted with + + + + Error loading the image + + + + Loading image... + + + + This feature is experimental and is meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It's not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data. Use at your own risk. + + + + Membership requires an ENS username + + + + You need to be invited + + + + Request Access + + + + Verified community invitation + + + + Community invitation + + + + You invited %1 to join a community + + + + %1 invited you to join a community + + + + You shared a community + + + + A community has been shared + + + + Unsupported state + + + + %1 members + + + + Joined + + + + Join + + + + Enable automatic image unfurling + + + + Enable link previews in chat? + + + + Once enabled, links posted in the chat may share your metadata with their owners + + + + Enable in Settings + + + + Don't ask me again + + + + Resend + + + + Transaction request + + + + ↑ Outgoing transaction + + + + ↓ Incoming transaction + + + + Something has gone wrong + + + + Accept and share address + + + + Accept and send + + + + Decline + + + + Select account + + + + Choose accountSelect account to share and receive assets + + + + Confirm and share address + + + + Sign and send + + + + Pending + + + + Confirmed + + + + Unknown token + + + + Address requested + + + + Waiting to accept + + + + Address shared + + + + Address received + + + + Transaction declined + + + + failure + + + + Unknown state + + + + Group Information + + + + Clear history + + + + Leave group + + + + Are you sure you want to leave this chat? + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + Communities + + + + Search for communities or topics + + + + 1 member + + + + Import a community + + + + Create a community + + + + Public community + + + + Invitation only community + + + + On request community + + + + Unknown community + + + + - ENS only + + + + Chats + + + + Join ‘%1’ + + + + Request to join ‘%1’ + + + + Error joining the community + + + + No search results in Communities + + + + Members + + + + Create category + + + + Invite People + + + + Membership requests + + + + Edit category + + + + Delete category + + + + Delete %1 category + + + + Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. + + + + Error deleting the category + + + + View Profile + + + + Roles + + + + Kick + + + + Ban + + + + Transfer ownership + + + + Invite successfully sent + + + + Share community + + + + Notifications + + + + Edit community + + + + Export community + + + + Create channel + + + + Leave community + + + + Delete + + + + Welcome to your community! + + + + Add members + + + + Manage community + + + + You need to enter a name + + + + Please restrict your name to letters, numbers, dashes and spaces + + + + Your name needs to be 100 characters or shorter + + + + New channel + + + + Edit #%1 + + + + channel name + + + + channel decription + + + + Channel name + + + + Describe the channel + + + + Pinned messages + + + + A cool name + + + + channel description + + + + What your channel is about + + + + The description cannot exceed %1 characters + + + + Private channel + + + + By making a channel private, only members with selected permission will be able to access it + + + + category name + + + + New category + + + + Category title + + + + Channels + + + + Create + + + + Error editing the category + + + + Error creating the category + + + + Error creating the community + + + + You need to select an image + + + + You need to enter a color + + + + This field needs to be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + New community + + + + Name your community + + + + A catchy name + + + + Give it a short description + + + + What your community is about + + + + The description cannot exceed 140 characters + + + + community name + + + + community decription + + + + Thumbnail image + + + + Please choose an image + + + + Image files (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png) + + + + Upload + + + + Community colour + + + + Pick a color + + + + Please choose a color + + + + Membership requirement + + + + Require invite from another member + + + + Require approval + + + + No requirement + + + + You can require new members to meet certain criteria before they can join. This can be changed at any time + + + + Save + + + + Private community + + + + Only members with an invite link will be able to join your community. Private communities are not listed inside Status + + + + Your community will be public for anyone to join. Public communities are listed inside Status for easy discovery + + + + You need to enter a key + + + + Access existing community + + + + Community private key + + + + Entering a community key will grant you the ownership of that community. Please be responsible with it and don’t share the key with people you don’t trust. + + + + 0x... + + + + Import + + + + Error importing the community + + + + Invite friends + + + + Invite + + + + Contacts + + + + Chat + + + + Community imported + + + + Importing community is in progress + + + + Community %1 imported + + + + Importing community %1 is in progress + + + + Start new chat + + + + Start group chat + + + + Join public chat + + + + No messages + + + + No search results + + + + Your chats will appear here. To start new chats press the  button at the top + + + + Chat and transact privately with your friends + + + + Follow your interests in one of the many Public Chats. + + + + View Group + + + + Share Chat + + + + Test WakuV2 - requestAllHistoricMessages + + + + Unmute chat + + + + Mute chat + + + + Edit Channel + + + + Mark as Read + + + + Delete chat + + + + Leave chat + + + + Choose browser + + + + Open in Status + + + + Open in my default browser + + + + Remember my choice. To override it, go to settings. + + + + Admin + + + + Last 24 hours + + + + Last 2 days + + + + Last 3 days + + + + Last 7 days + + + + (You) + + + + You need to enter a channel name + + + + The channel name can only contain lowercase letters, numbers and dashes + + + + New group chat + + + + %1 / 10 members + + + + Group name + + + + Create Group Chat + + + + All your contacts are already in the group + + + + Make Admin + + + + Remove From Group + + + + Add selected + + + + Get Status at https://status.im + + + + Download Status link + + + + Unpin + + + + Pin + + + + Copy link + + + + Edit message + + + + Send message + + + + Reply to + + + + Jump to + + + + Delete message + + + + Confirm deleting this message + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well. + + + + Nickname + + + + Nicknames help you identify others in Status. Only you can see the nicknames you’ve added + + + + Your nickname is too long + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet. Invite your friends to start chatting. + + + + Enter a valid chat key or ENS usernameEnter a valid chat key or ENS username + + + + Can't chat with yourself + + + + New chat + + + + My Profile + + + + Enter ENS username or chat key + + + + Non contacts + + + + No profile found + + + + ENS username + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Chat settings + + + + None + + + + Unblock User + + + + Block User + + + + Add to contacts + + + + A public chat is where you get to hang out with others, make friends and talk about subjects of your interest. + + + + Start chat + + + + Pinned by %1 + + + + Type json-rpc message... e.g {"method": "eth_accounts"} + + + + Profile + + + + App version + + + + Version: %1 + + + + Node version + + + + Privacy Policy + + + + Network + + + + Fleet + + + + Minimize on close + + + + Experimental features + + + + Wallet + + + + Dapp Browser + + + + Activity Center + + + + Online users + + + + Broadcast user status + + + + Bloom filter level + + + + The account will be logged out. When you login again, the selected mode will be enabled + + + + Light Node + + + + Full Node + + + + GIF Widget + + + + Waku Bloom Mode + + + + Node Management + + + + Blockchains will drop search costs, causing a kind of decomposition that allows you to have markets of entities that are horizontally segregated and vertically segregated. + + + + Size + + + + Change font size + + + + XS + + + + S + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "S" because the title above is "Seed Phrase" + + + + M + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "M" because the title above is "Mailserver" + + + + L + + + + XL + + + + XXL + + + + Light + + + + Chat mode + + + + Normal + + + + Compact + + + + Appearance + + + + Dark + + + + System + + + + Back up seed phrase + + + + Step %1 of 3 + + + + If you lose your seed phrase you lose your data and funds + + + + If you lose access, for example by losing your phone, you can only access your keys with your seed phrase. No one, but you has your seed phrase. Write it down. Keep it safe + + + + Check your seed phrase + + + + Word #%1 + + + + Enter word + + + + In order to check if you have backed up your seed phrase correctly, enter the word #%1 above + + + + Are you sure? + + + + You will not be able to see the whole seed phrase again + + + + With this 12 words you can always get your key back. Write it down. Keep it safe, offline, and separate from this device. + + + + Okay, continue + + + + Wrong word + + + + General + + + + Default + + + + Show favorites bar + + + + Search engine used in the address bar + + + + Ethereum explorer used in the address bar + + + + Open an ethereum explorer after a transaction hash or an address is entered + + + + Privacy + + + + Set DApp access permissions + + + + Profile picture + + + + Crop your image (optional) + + + + Finish + + + + Chat link previews + + + + Websites + + + + Enable all + + + + Previewing links from these websites may share your metadata with their owners. + + + + Add new contact + + + + Blocked contacts + + + + Add contact + + + + You can't add yourself + + + + User not found + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet + + + + Devices + + + + Please set a name for your device. + + + + Specify a name + + + + Advertise device + + + + Pair your devices to sync contacts and chats between them + + + + Learn more + + + + Paired devices + + + + Syncing... + + + + Sync all devices + + + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + %1 is now connected with your chat key and can be used in Status. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + %1 will be connected once the transaction is complete. + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Wallet address + + + + Key + + + + Back + + + + Primary username + + + + Your messages are displayed to others with this username: + + + + Once you select a username, you won’t be able to disable it afterwards. You will only be able choose a different username to display. + + + + Nice! You own %1.stateofus.eth once the transaction is complete. + + + + Hey + + + + (pending) + + + + Add username + + + + Your usernames + + + + Primary Username + + + + None selected + + + + You’re displaying your ENS username in chats + + + + At least 4 characters. Latin letters, numbers, and lowercase only. + + + + Letters and numbers only. + + + + Type the entire username including the custom domain like username.domain.eth + + + + Your username + + + + ✓ Username available! + + + + Continuing will connect this username with your chat key. + + + + Username doesn’t belong to you :( + + + + Username already taken :( + + + + (edited) + + + + Username is already connected with your chat key and can be used inside Status. + + + + This user name is owned by you and connected with your chat key. Continue to set `Show my ENS username in chats`. + + + + Continuing will require a transaction to connect the username with your current chat key. + + + + Custom domain + + + + I want a stateofus.eth domain + + + + I own a name on another domain + + + + Connect username with your pubkey + + + + Terms of name registration + + + + Funds are deposited for 1 year. Your SNT will be locked, but not spent. + + + + After 1 year, you can release the name and get your deposit back, or take no action to keep the name. + + + + If terms of the contract change — e.g. Status makes contract upgrades — user has the right to release the username regardless of time held. + + + + The contract controller cannot access your deposited funds. They can only be moved back to the address that sent them. + + + + Your address(es) will be publicly associated with your ENS name. + + + + Usernames are created as subdomain nodes of stateofus.eth and are subject to the ENS smart contract terms. + + + + You authorize the contract to transfer SNT on your behalf. This can only occur when you approve a transaction to authorize the transfer. + + + + These terms are guaranteed by the smart contract logic at addresses: + + + + %1 (Status UsernameRegistrar). + + + + <a href='%1%2'>Look up on Etherscan</a> + + + + %1 (ENS Registry). + + + + Agree to <a href="#">Terms of name registration.</a> I understand that my wallet address will be publicly connected to my username. + + + + 10 SNT + + + + Deposit + + + + Not enough SNT + + + + Register + + + + Get a universal username + + + + ENS names transform those crazy-long addresses into unique usernames. + + + + Customize your chat name + + + + An ENS name can replace your random 3-word name in chat. Be @yourname instead of %1. + + + + Simplify your ETH address + + + + You can receive funds to your easy-to-share ENS name rather than your hexadecimal hash (0x...). + + + + Receive transactions in chat + + + + Others can send you funds via chat in one simple step. + + + + 10 SNT to register + + + + Register once to keep the name forever. After 1 year you can release the name and get your SNT back. + + + + Already own a username? + + + + You can verify and add any usernames you own in the next steps. + + + + Powered by Ethereum Name Services + + + + Start + + + + Only available on Mainnet + + + + ENS Registration failed + + + + ENS Registration completed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey failed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey completed + + + + Warning! + + + + Change fleet to %1 + + + + Glossary + + + + Account + + + + A + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "A" because the title above is "Account" + + + + Your Status account, accessed by the seed phrase that you create or import during onboarding. A Status account can hold more than one Ethereum address, in addition to the one created during onboarding. We refer to these as additional accounts within the wallet + + + + Chat Key + + + + C + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "C" because the title above is "Chat Key" + + + + Messages on the Status chat protocol are sent and received using encryption keys. The public chat key is a string of characters you share with others so they can send you messages in Status. + + + + Chat Name + + + + Three random words, derived algorithmically from your chat key and used as your default alias in chat. Chat names are completely unique; no other user can have the same three words. + + + + ENS Name + + + + E + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "E" because the title above is "ENS Name" + + + + Custom alias for your chat key that you can register using the Ethereum Name Service. ENS names are decentralized usernames. + + + + Mailserver + + + + A node in the Status network that routes and stores messages, for up to 30 days. + + + + Peer + + + + P + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "P" because the title above is "Peer" + + + + A device connected to the Status chat network. Each user can represent one or more peers, depending on their number of devices + + + + Seed Phrase + + + + A 64 character hex address based on the Ethereum standard and beginning with 0x. Public-facing, your wallet key is shared with others when you want to receive funds. Also referred to as an “Ethereum address” or “wallet address. + + + + Frequently asked questions + + + + Submit a bug + + + + Request a feature + + + + Language settings + + + + Language + + + + Muted chats + + + + Unmute + + + + The account will be logged out. When you unlock it again, the selected network will be used + + + + Add network + + + + You need to enter the RPC endpoint URL + + + + Invalid URL + + + + You need to enter the network id + + + + Should be a number + + + + Invalid network id + + + + RPC URL + + + + Specify a RPC URL + + + + Network chain + + + + Ropsten test network + + + + Rinkeby test network + + + + Custom + + + + Network Id + + + + Specify the network id + + + + Main networks + + + + Test networks + + + + Custom Networks + + + + Under development +NOTE: You will be logged out and all installed +sticker packs will be removed and will +need to be reinstalled. Purchased sticker +packs will not need to be re-purchased. + + + + Notification preferences + + + + All messages + + + + Just @mentions + + + + Nothing + + + + Play a sound when receiving a notification + + + + Use your operating system's notifications + + + + Setting this to false will instead use Status' notification style as seen below + + + + Message preview + + + + Anonymous + + + + Name only + + + + Name & Message + + + + Hi there! Yes, no problem, let me know if I can help. + + + + No preview or Advanced? Go to Notification Center + + + + Contacts & Users + + + + Notify on new requests + + + + Receive notifications from non-contacts + + + + Muted users + + + + Muted contacts + + + + Muted contacts will appear here + + + + Muted chats will appear here + + + + You can limit what gets shown in notifications + + + + Reset notification settings + + + + Restore default notification settings and unmute all chats and users + + + + Open links with... + + + + My default browser + + + + Security + + + + Backup Seed Phrase + + + + Display all profile pictures (not only contacts) + + + + Display images in chat automatically + + + + All images (links that contain an image extension) will be downloaded and displayed, regardless of the whitelist settings below + + + + Allow new contact requests + + + + Sign out controls + + + + LogoutExit + + + + Sounds settings + + + + Sound volume + + + + Sync settings + + + + Add mailserver + + + + You need to enter the enode address + + + + History node address + + + + enode://{enode-id}:{password}@{ip-address}:{port-number} + + + + Automatic mailserver selection + + + + ... + + + + Share what's on your mind and stay updated with your contacts + + + + Status account settings + + + + You need to enter an account name + + + + Enter an account name... + + + + Account name + + + + Type + + + + Watch-only + + + + Off Status tree + + + + On Status tree + + + + Derivation path + + + + Storage + + + + This device + + + + Delete account + + + + A deleted account cannot be retrieved later. Only press yes if you backed up your key/seed or don't care about this account anymore + + + + Save changes + + + + Add custom token + + + + This needs to be a valid address + + + + Invalid ERC20 address + + + + Enter contract address... + + + + Contract address + + + + The name of your token... + + + + ABC + + + + Symbol + + + + Decimals + + + + Collectibles will appear here + + + + To + + + + From + + + + At + + + + Status Desktop is connected to a non-archival node. Transaction history may be incomplete. + + + + No transactions found + + + + Load More + + + + Total value + + + + Receive + + + + Back up your seed phrase + + + + Recipient + + + + Transaction completed + + + + Transaction failed + + + + Set Currency + + + + Signing phrase + + + + This is your signing phrase + + + + You should see these 3 words before signing each transaction + + + + If you see a different combination, cancel the transaction and sign out + + + + Remind me later + + + + Manage Assets + + + + Account Settings + + + + Collectibles + + + + Generate an account + + + + Add a watch-only address + + + + Enter a seed phrase + + + + Enter a private key + + + + Add account from private key + + + + You need to enter a password + + + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + You need to enter a private key + + + + Enter a valid private key (64 characters hexadecimal string) + + + + Enter your password… + + + + Password + + + + Paste the contents of your private key + + + + Private key + + + + Loading... + + + + Add account + + + + You need to enter a seed phrase + + + + Enter a valid mnemonic + + + + Add account with a seed phrase + + + + Enter your seed phrase, separate words with commas or spaces... + + + + Seed phrase + + + + Add a watch-only account + + + + You need to enter an address + + + + This needs to be a valid address (starting with 0x) + + + + Enter address... + + + + Account address + + + + Token details + + + + Remove token + + + + Transaction Details + + + + 9999 Confirmations + + + + When the transaction has 12 confirmations you can consider it settled. + + + + Block + + + + Hash + + + + Gas limit + + + + Gas price + + + + Gas used + + + + Nonce + + + + Something went wrong + + + + Reload + + + + Maximum number of collectibles to display reached + + + + View + + + + Unnamed + + + + ID + + + + Description + + + + US Dollars + + + + Euros + + + + United Arab Emirates dirham + + + + Afghan afghani + + + + Argentine peso + + + + Australian dollar + + + + Barbadian dollar + + + + Bangladeshi taka + + + + Bulgarian lev + + + + Bahraini dinar + + + + Brunei dollar + + + + Bolivian boliviano + + + + Brazillian real + + + + Bhutanese ngultrum + + + + Canadian dollar + + + + Swiss franc + + + + Chilean peso + + + + Chinese yuan + + + + Colombian peso + + + + Costa Rican colón + + + + Czech koruna + + + + Danish krone + + + + Dominican peso + + + + Egyptian pound + + + + Ethiopian birr + + + + British Pound + + + + Georgian lari + + + + Ghanaian cedi + + + + Hong Kong dollar + + + + Croatian kuna + + + + Hungarian forint + + + + Indonesian rupiah + + + + Israeli new shekel + + + + Indian rupee + + + + Icelandic króna + + + + Jamaican dollar + + + + Japanese yen + + + + Kenyan shilling + + + + South Korean won + + + + Kuwaiti dinar + + + + Kazakhstani tenge + + + + Sri Lankan rupee + + + + Moroccan dirham + + + + Moldovan leu + + + + Mauritian rupee + + + + Malawian kwacha + + + + Mexican peso + + + + Malaysian ringgit + + + + Mozambican metical + + + + Namibian dollar + + + + Nigerian naira + + + + Norwegian krone + + + + Nepalese rupee + + + + New Zealand dollar + + + + Omani rial + + + + Peruvian sol + + + + Papua New Guinean kina + + + + Philippine peso + + + + Pakistani rupee + + + + Polish złoty + + + + Paraguayan guaraní + + + + Qatari riyal + + + + Romanian leu + + + + Serbian dinar + + + + Russian ruble + + + + Saudi riyal + + + + Swedish krona + + + + Singapore dollar + + + + Thai baht + + + + Trinidad and Tobago dollar + + + + New Taiwan dollar + + + + Tanzanian shilling + + + + Turkish lira + + + + Ukrainian hryvnia + + + + Ugandan shilling + + + + Uruguayan peso + + + + Venezuelan bolívar + + + + Vietnamese đồng + + + + South African rand + + + + View Community + + + + Browser + + + + Timeline + + + + Contact request accepted + + + + New contact request + + + + You can now chat with %1 + + + + %1 requests to become contacts + + + + Where do you want to go? + + + + Status Desktop + + + + Open Status + + + + Quit + + + + Create a password + + + + New password... + + + + Confirm password… + + + + At least 6 characters. You will use this password to unlock status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + Create password + + + + Error importing account + + + + An error occurred while importing your account: + + + + Login failed + + + + Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. + + + + Enter seed phrase + + + + This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. + + + + Start with the first word + + + + Enter 12, 15, 18, 21 or 24 words. +Seperate words by a single space. + + + + Invalid seed phrase + + + + Choose a chat name + + + + Truly private communication + + + + Chat over a peer-to-peer, encrypted network + where messages can't be censored or hacked + + + + Secure crypto wallet + + + + Send and receive digital assets anywhere in the +world--no bank account required + + + + Decentralized apps + + + + Explore games, exchanges and social networks +where you alone own your data + + + + Thanks for trying Status Desktop! Please note that this is an alpha release and we advise you that using this app should be done for testing purposes only and you assume the full responsibility for all risks concerning your data and funds. Status makes no claims of security or integrity of funds in these builds. + + + + I understand + + + + Status does not collect, share or sell any personal data. By continuing you agree with the privacy policy. + + + + I'm new, generate keys + + + + Access existing key + + + + Enter password + + + + Connecting... + + + + Login failed: %1 + + + + Generate new keys + + + + Your keys + + + + Add another existing key + + + + Your keys have been successfully recovered + + + + You will have to create a new code or password to re-encrypt your keys + + + + Re-encrypt your keys + + + + Cannot find asset '%1'. Ensure this asset has been added to the token list. + + + + ENS Username not found + + + + eg. 0x1234 or ENS + + + + Paste + + + + You need to request the recipient’s address first. +Assets won’t be sent yet. + + + + Invalid source + + + + Insufficient balance + + + + Must be greater than 0 + + + + Priority + + + + Use suggestions + + + + Use custom + + + + Low + + + + High + + + + Gas amount limit + + + + Per-gas overall limit + + + + Maximum overall price for the transaction. If the block base fee exceeds this, it will be included in a following block with a lower base fee. + + + + Must be greater than or equal to 0 + + + + This needs to be a number + + + + Please enter an amount + + + + The amount is 0. Proceed only if this is desired. + + + + Balance: + + + + Asset & Amount + + + + Blocking will remove any messages you received from %1 and stop new messages from reaching you. + + + + Account color + + + + Confirm your action + + + + Confirm + + + + Are you sure you want to this? + + + + Do not show this again + + + + Please select a contact + + + + Select a contact + + + + Contact does not have an ENS address. Please send a transaction in chat. + + + + No contact selected + + + + Copied! + + + + Slow + + + + Optimal + + + + Fast + + + + Reset + + + + Advanced + + + + Custom Network Fee + + + + Gwei + + + + Apply + + + + Not enough ETH for gas + + + + Copied + + + + Pasted + + + + Copy + + + + Invalid ethereum address + + + + Address + + + + My account + + + + Contact + + + + Search + + + + In: + + + + Messages + + + + Tokens will be sent directly to a contract address, which may result in a loss of funds. To transfer ERC-20 tokens, ensure the recipient address is the address of the destination wallet. + + + + View on Etherscan + + + + <a href='%1' style='color:%2;text-decoration:none;'>%3</a> + + + + Asset + + + + Amount + + + + Data field + + + + Signing phrase is a 3 word combination that displayed when you entered the wallet on this device for the first time. + + + + Enter the password you use to unlock this device + + + + Unblocking will allow new messages you received from %1 to reach you. + + + + Send transaction + + + + Request transaction + + + + Public chat + + + + Not a contact + + + + Image files (%1) + + + + Your message is too long. + + + + Please make your message shorter. We have set the limit to 2000 characters to be courteous of others. + + + + Type a message + + + + Bold + + + + Italic + + + + Strikethrough + + + + Code + + + + No recent emojis + + + + Buy for %1 SNT + + + + Uninstall + + + + Install + + + + Free + + + + Pending... + + + + Update + + + + Could not buy Stickerpack + + + + Stickerpack bought successfully + + + + You don't have any stickers yet + + + + Recently used stickers will appear here + + + + Get Stickers + + + + Ethereum explorer + + + + Custom... + + + + Search engine + + + + Dapp permissions + + + + Revoke access + + + + Revoke all access + + + + Show more + + + + %1 invited you to join the group + + + + All + + + + Mentions + + + + Replies + + + + Contact requests + + + + Mark all as Read + + + + Show read notifications + + + + Hide read notifications + + + + Notification settings + + + + You need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messages + + + + Waiting for %1 to accept your request + + + + Just click this button to add them as contact. They will receive a notification. Once they accept the request, you'll be able to chat + + + + Back up community key + + + + Back up + + + + Member name + + + + Community members will appear here + + + + No contacts found + + + + Your community is free to join, but new members are required to be approved by the community creator first + + + + Your community can only be joined by an invitation from existing community members + + + + Your community is free for anyone to join + + + + You should keep it safe and only share it with people you trust to take ownership of your community + + + + You can also use this key to import your community on another device + + + + Decline and block + + + + Decline all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to decline all these contact requests + + + + Accept all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to accept all these contact requests + + + + Decline all + + + + Accept all + + + + Pin limit reached + + + + Unpin a previous message first + + + + %1 messages + + + + %1 message + + + + Pinned messages will appear here. + + + + I accept + + + + Format not supported. + + + + Upload %1 only + + + + You can only upload %1 images at a time + + + + Max image size is %1 MB + + + + TODO + + + + NOW + + + + %1M + + + + %1H + + + + %1D + + + + Sun + + + + Mon + + + + Tue + + + + Wed + + + + Thu + + + + Fri + + + + Sat + + + + Jan + + + + Feb + + + + Mar + + + + Apr + + + + Jun + + + + Jul + + + + Aug + + + + Sep + + + + Oct + + + + Nov + + + + Dec + + + + Sunday + + + + Monday + + + + Tuesday + + + + Wednesday + + + + Thursday + + + + Friday + + + + Saturday + + + + Start a 1-on-1 chat with %1 + + + + Join the %1 community + + + + Join the %1 group chat + + + + Join the %1 public channel + + + + words + + + + Mainnet with upstream RPC + + + + POA Network + + + + xDai Chain + + + + Goerli with upstream RPC + + + + Rinkeby with upstream RPC + + + + Ropsten with upstream RPC + + + + You need to repeat your password + + + + Passwords don't match + + + + You need to enter a %1 + + + + The %1 cannot exceed %2 characters + + + + Must be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + Use only lowercase letters (a to z), numbers & dashes (-). Do not use chat keys. + + + + community-image-delete + + + + public + Público + + + + AboutView + + Status Desktop + + + + Privacy Policy + + + + Check for updates + + + + Current Version + + + + Release Notes + + + + Our Principles + + + + Status desktop’s GitHub Repositories + + + + Status Go + + + + StatusQ + + + + go-waku + + + + Legal & Privacy Documents + + + + Terms of Use + + + + Software License + + + + + AcceptRejectOptionsButtonsPanel + + View Profile + + + + Decline and block + + + + + AccessExistingCommunityPopup + + You need to enter a key + + + + Import + + + + Error importing the community + + + + + AccountView + + Type + + + + Storage + + + + Watch-Only Account + + + + Generated by your Status seed phrase profile + + + + Imported Account + + + + On Device + + + + Derivation Path + + + + Remove from your profile + + + + Confirm %1 Removal + + + + You will not be able to restore viewing access to this account in the future unless you enter this account’s address again. + + + + Remove Account + + + + + ActivityCenterMessageComponentView + + Mark as Read + + + + Mark as Unread + + + + + AddAccountModal + + Advanced + + + + Generate an account + + + + Wrong password + + + + You need to enter a password + + + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + Enter your password… + + + + Password + + + + Enter an account name... + + + + Account name + + + + You need to enter an account name + + + + color + + + + Loading... + + + + Add account + + + + + AddEditSavedAddressPopup + + Name + + + + Address + + + + Save + + + + Edit saved address + + + + Add saved address + + + + Enter a name + + + + Name must not be blank + + + + This is not a valid account name + + + + Enter ENS Name or Ethereum Address + + + + Please enter a valid ENS name OR Ethereum Address + + + + Add address + + + + + AddFavoriteModal + + URL + + + + Paste URL + + + + Paste + + + + Pasted + + + + Name + + + + Favorite added + + + + Edit + + + + Add favorite + + + + Please enter a valid URL + + + + Name of the website + + + + Please enter a name + + + + Remove + + + + Done + + + + Add + + + + Add Favorite + + + + + AdvancedContainer + + Online users + + + + + AdvancedView + + disable + deshabilitar + + + enable + Habilitar + + + Fleet + + + + Minimize on close + + + + Application Logs + + + + Experimental features + + + + Wallet + + + + WalletSettingsLineButton + + + + Dapp Browser + + + + Community History Archive Protocol + + + + Node Management + + + + Keycard + + + + Bloom filter level + + + + Warning! + + + + The account will be logged out. When you login again, the selected mode will be enabled + + + + Light Node + + + + Normal + + + + Full Node + + + + WakuV2 mode + + + + Developer features + + + + Full developer mode + + + + Download messages + + + + Telemetry + + + + Debug + + + + Auto message + + + + Are you sure you want to enable all the develoer features? The app will be restarted. + + + + Are you sure you want to enable telemetry? This will reduce your privacy level while using Status. You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. + + + + Are you sure you want to enable auto message? You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. + + + + Are you sure you want to %1 debug mode? You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. + + + + This feature is experimental and is meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It's not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data. Use at your own risk. + + + + I understand + + + + + AllowNotificationsView + + Ok, got it + + + + Allow notifications + + + + Status will notify you about new messages. You can +edit your notification preferences later in settings. + + + + + AppMain + + Where do you want to go? + + + + Profile Picture + + + + Make this my Profile Pic + + + + Invite People + + + + View Community + + + + Leave Community + + + + A new version of Status (%1) is available + + + + Download + + + + Your version is up to date + + + + Close + + + + Can not connect to mailserver + + + + The mailserver you're connecting to is unavailable. + + + + Pick another + + + + Retry + + + + + AppearanceView + + XS + + + + S + + + + M + + + + L + + + + XL + + + + XXL + + + + Preview + + + + Blockchains will drop search costs, causing a kind of decomposition that allows you to have markets of entities that are horizontally segregated and vertically segregated. + + + + Size + + + + Change font size + + + + Change Zoom (requires restart) + + + + 50% + + + + 100% + + + + 150% + + + + 200% + + + + Appearance + + + + Light + + + + Dark + + + + System + + + + + BackupSeedModal + + Back up your seed phrase + + + + Continue + + + + Not Now + + + + Confirm Seed Phrase + + + + Complete & Delete My Seed Phrase + + + + Confirm word #%1 of your seed phrase + + + + + BackupSeedStepBase + + Enter word + + + + Wrong word + + + + Word #%1 + + + + + BeforeGetStartedModal + + Privacy Policy + + + + Before you get started + + + + I acknowledge that status desktop is in beta and by using it I take the full responsibility for all risks concerning my data and funds + + + + Before you get started... + + + + Get Started + + + + I acknowledge that Status Desktop is in Beta and by using it I take the full responsibility for all risks concerning my data and funds. + + + + I accept Status + + + + Terms of Use + + + + Terms of service + + + + Get started + + + + + BrowserLayout + + Transaction pending... + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Error signing message + + + + View on etherscan + + + + Server's certificate not trusted + + + + Do you wish to continue? + + + + If you wish so, you may continue with an unverified certificate. Accepting an unverified certificate means you may not be connected with the host you tried to connect to. +Do you wish to override the security check and continue? + + + + + ChatContextMenuView + + Leave group + + + + Save + + + + Delete + + + + Are you sure you want to leave this chat? + + + + View Members + + + + Add / remove from group + + + + Test WakuV2 - requestAllHistoricMessages + + + + Edit name + + + + Mark as Read + + + + Clear history + + + + Edit Channel + + + + Download + + + + Delete Channel + + + + Delete chat + + + + Leave chat + + + + Download messages + + + + Delete #%1 + + + + Are you sure you want to delete #%1 channel? + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this chat? + + + + + ChatView + + Members + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + + CollectibleDetailsHeader + + Send + + + + + CollectibleModal + + description + Descripción + + + unnamed + + + + id + + + + View in Opensea + + + + + CollectiblesStore + + Collectibles + + + + + CollectiblesView + + Collectibles will appear here + + + + + CommunitiesListPanel + + Cancel + + + + Leave community + + + + Leave %1 + + + + Are you sure you want to leave? Once you leave, you will have to request to rejoin if you change your mind. + + + + + CommunitiesPopup + + Communities + + + + 1 member + + + + %1 members + + + + Create a community + + + + Search for communities or topics + + + + Access existing community + + + + + CommunitiesPortalLayout + + Search + + + + Find community + + + + Import Community + + + + Create New Community + + + + Featured + + + + Popular + + + + + CommunityColorPicker + + Community colour + + + + + CommunityColumnView + + Create channel + + + + Create category + + + + 1 Member + + + + %1 Members + + + + Start chat + + + + Membership requests + + + + Invite people + + + + Unmute category + + + + Mute category + + + + Edit Category + + + + Delete Category + + + + Delete %1 category + + + + Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. + + + + Create channel or category + + + + Error deleting the category + + + + + CommunityDescriptionInput + + Description + + + + What your community is about + + + + community description + + + + + CommunityDetailPopup + + Join ‘%1’ + + + + Pending + + + + Unknown community + + + + Public community + + + + Invitation only community + + + + On request community + + + + - ENS only + + + + %1 members + + + + Channels + + + + You need to be invited + + + + Request to join ‘%1’ + + + + Error joining the community + + + + + CommunityEditSettingsPanel + + A catchy name + + + + community name + + + + Description + + + + What your community is about + + + + Pick a color + + + + + CommunityHeaderButton + + 1 member + + + + %1 members + + + + + CommunityMembersSettingsPanel + + Members + + + + Member name + + + + Ban + + + + Kick + + + + Membership requests + + + + Community members will appear here + + + + No contacts found + + + + You + + + + + CommunityNameInput + + A catchy name + + + + community name + + + + Community name + + + + + CommunityProfilePopup + + Members + + + + Transfer ownership + + + + Public community + + + + Invitation only community + + + + On request community + + + + Unknown community + + + + Invite friends + + + + Invite + + + + + CommunityProfilePopupInviteFriendsPanel + + Copied! + + + + Contacts + + + + Share community + + + + + CommunityProfilePopupMembersListPanel + + Member name + + + + + CommunityProfilePopupOverviewPanel + + Copied! + + + + Share community + + + + Transfer ownership + + + + Leave community + + + + + CommunitySettingsView + + Members + + + + Notifications + + + + Settings + + + + Overview + + + + Open legacy popup (to be removed) + + + + Back to community + + + + Error editing the community + + + + + CommunityUserList + + Members + + + + + ConfirmPasswordView + + Passwords don't match + + + + Have you written down your password? + + + + You will never be able to recover your password if you lose it. + + + + If you need to, write it using pen and paper and keep in a safe place. + + + + If you lose your password you will lose access to your Status profile. + + + + Confirm your password (again) + + + + Confirm you password (again) + + + + Finalise Status Password Creation + + + + Keys for this account already exist + + + + Keys for this account already exist and can't be added again. If you've lost your password, passcode or Keycard, uninstall the app, reinstall and access your keys by entering your seed phrase + + + + Login failed + + + + Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. + + + + + ConfirmationDialog + + Confirm + + + + Reject + + + + Cancel + + + + Confirm your action + + + + Do not show this again + + + + Are you sure you want to do this? + + + + + ContactPanel + + View Profile + + + + Send message + + + + Respond to ID Request + + + + See ID Request + + + + Rename + + + + + ContactsColumnView + + Start chat + + + + Chat + + + + Search + + + + Join public chats + + + + Contact requests + + + + Community imported + + + + Importing community is in progress + + + + + ContactsView + + Contacts + + + + Send contact request to chat key + + + + Search by a display name or chat key + + + + Pending Requests + + + + Blocked + + + + Identity Verified Contacts + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet + + + + Received + + + + Sent + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + + Controls + + XS + + + + S + + + + M + + + + L + + + + XL + + + + XXL + + + + 50% + + + + 100% + + + + 150% + + + + 200% + + + + + CreateCategoryPopup + + Category title + + + + category name + + + + Edit category + + + + New category + + + + Name the category + + + + Channels + + + + Delete category + + + + Delete %1 category + + + + Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. + + + + Save + + + + Create + + + + Error editing the category + + + + Error creating the category + + + + + CreateChannelPopup + + Channel name + + + + channel name + + + + Description + + + + Describe the channel + + + + channel description + + + + New channel + + + + Edit #%1 + + + + Name the channel + + + + Channel colour + + + + Pick a color + + + + Save + + + + Create + + + + Error creating the community + + + + + CreateChatView + + Contacts + + + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. + +Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be able to chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. + + + + You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. + + +Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be + able to +chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. + + + + You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. + + +Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be able to +chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. + + + + Confirm + + + + + CreateCommunityPopup + + You need to enter a color + + + + This field needs to be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + Community color + + + + Pick a color + + + + Please choose a color + + + + Next + + + + Error creating the community + + + + Name your community + + + + A catchy name + + + + Give it a short description + + + + What your community is about + + + + Community colour + + + + Create New Community + + + + Create Community + + + + + CreatePasswordView + + Create password + + + + + DemoApp + + Invite People + + + + View Community + + + + Edit Community + + + + Leave Community + + + + + DerivationPathsPanel + + Reset + + + + Derivation Path + + + + + DerivedAddressesPanel + + Pending + + + + Account + + + + No activity + + + + Invalid path + + + + Has Activity + + + + No Activity + + + + + DisplayNamePopup + + Edit + + + + Ok + + + + Display Name + + + + OK + + + + + EnsDetailsView + + Wallet address + + + + Key + + + + Connect username with your pubkey + + + + Copied to clipboard! + + + + Release username + + + + Username locked. You won't be able to release it until %1 + + + + Back + + + + + EnsSearchView + + Connect username with your pubkey + + + + At least 4 characters. Latin letters, numbers, and lowercase only. + + + + Letters and numbers only. + + + + Type the entire username including the custom domain like username.domain.eth + + + + Custom domain + + + + I want a stateofus.eth domain + + + + I own a name on another domain + + + + + EnsView + + Transaction pending... + + + + View on etherscan + + + + ENS Registration failed + + + + ENS Registration completed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey failed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey completed + + + + + ExemptionNotificationsModal + + Done + + + + %1 exemption + + + + Mute all messages + + + + Personal @ Mentions + + + + Global @ Mentions + + + + Other Messages + + + + Clear Exemptions + + + + + GasSelector + + Priority + + + + Low + + + + High + + + + Must be greater than 0 + + + + This needs to be a number + + + + Please enter an amount + + + + Min 21000 units + + + + Not enough gas + + + + Miners will currently not process transactions with a tip below %1 Gwei, the average is %2 Gwei + + + + The average miner tip is %1 Gwei + + + + Gas Price + + + + Current base fee: %1 %2 + + + + Use suggestions + + + + Use custom + + + + Optimal + + + + Gas amount limit + + + + Per-gas tip limit + + + + Gwei + + + + Per-gas overall limit + + + + Maximum priority fee: %1 ETH + + + + Maximum overall price for the transaction. If the block base fee exceeds this, it will be included in a following block with a lower base fee. + + + + + GroupInfoPopup + + %1/%2 members + + + + Add members + + + + %1 members + + + + 1 member + + + + Search + + + + All your contacts are already in the group + + + + Pinned messages + + + + Admin + + + + Make Admin + + + + Remove From Group + + + + Add selected + + + + + ImageCropperModal + + Crop your image (optional) + + + + Finish + + + + + ImportPrivateKeyPanel + + Pending + + + + You need to enter a private key + + + + Enter a valid private key (64 characters hexadecimal string) + + + + Private key + + + + Paste the contents of your private key + + + + Public address + + + + Account already added + + + + Has Activity + + + + No Activity + + + + + InsertCard + + Cancel + + + + Please insert your Keycard to proceed or press the cancel button to cancel the operation + + + + + InsertDetailsView + + Next + + + + Profile picture + + + + Your profile + + + + Longer and unusual names are better as they are less likely to be used by someone else. + + + + Display name + + + + Chatkey: + + + + Choose an image for profile picture + + + + Make this my profile picture + + + + Your emojihash and identicon ring + + + + This set of emojis and coloured ring around your avatar are unique and represent your chat key, so your friends can easily distinguish you from potential impersonators. + + + + + InvitationBubbleView + + Unsupported state + + + + Membership requires an ENS username + + + + You need to be invited + + + + Pending + + + + View + + + + Request Access + + + + Join + + + + Verified community invitation + + + + Community invitation + + + + %1 members + + + + Error joining the community + + + + + KeysMainView + + Enter a seed phrase + + + + Generate new keys + + + + intro-wizard-title1 + + + + a-set-of-keys-controls-your-account.-your-keys-live-on-your-device,-so-only-you-can-use-them. + + + + Connect your keys + + + + Use your existing Status keys to login to this device. + + + + Get your keys + + + + A set of keys controls your account. Your keys live on your +device, so only you can use them. + + + + Import a seed phrase + + + + Seed phrases are used to back up and restore your keys. Only use this option if you already have a seed phrase. + + + + + LanguageView + + Language + + + + Set Display Currency + + + + Search Currencies + + + + Search Languages + + + + Date Format + + + + DD/MM/YY + + + + MM/DD/YY + + + + Time Format + + + + 24-Hour Time + + + + 12-Hour Time + + + + Change language + + + + Display language has been changed. You must restart the application for changes to take effect. + + + + Close the app now + + + + + Layout + + Invite People + + + + View Community + + + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + Edit Community + + + + Leave Community + + + + + LeftTabView + + Settings + + + + Sign out + + + + Make sure you have your account password and seed phrase stored. Without them you can lock yourself out of your account and lose funds. + + + + Sign out & Quit + + + + Wallet + + + + Total value + + + + Add account + + + + Saved addresses + + + + + LoginView + + Ok + + + + Welcome back + + + + Add new user + + + + Add existing Status user + + + + Connecting... + + + + Password + + + + Enter password + + + + Login failed: %1 + + + + Password incorrect + + + + + MenuPanel + + Settings + + + + Apps + + + + About & Help + + + + + MessageContextMenuView + + Jump to + + + + Copy image + + + + Download image + + + + Block User + + + + Unblock User + + + + Rename + + + + Reply to + + + + Edit message + + + + Copy Message Id + + + + Unpin + + + + Pin + + + + Delete message + + + + Please choose a directory + + + + Confirm deleting this message + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well. + + + + + MessagingView + + Contacts + + + + Allow new contact requests + + + + Show My Profile Picture To + + + + Everyone + + + + No One + + + + See Profile Pictures From + + + + Open Message Links With + + + + Status Browser + + + + System Default Browser + + + + Contacts, Requests, and Blocked Users + + + + Display Message Link Previews + + + + Fine tune which sites to allow link previews + + + + Image unfurling + + + + All images (links that contain an image extension) will be downloaded and displayed + + + + Message syncing + + + + Waku nodes + + + + For security reasons, private chat history won't be synced. + + + + + MyProfileView + + ENS username + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Change Password + + + + Edit + + + + Preview + + + + + NicknamePopup + + Nickname + + + + Nicknames help you identify others in Status. Only you can see the nicknames you’ve added + + + + Done + + + + + NoImageUploadedPanel + + Upload + + + + Wide aspect ratio is optimal + + + + + NotificationsView + + Messages + + + + You have a new message + + + + Anonymous + + + + Community + + + + 1:1 Chat + + + + Group Chat + + + + Muted + + + + Off + + + + Quiet + + + + Personal @ Mentions %1 + + + + Global @ Mentions %1 + + + + Alerts + + + + Other Messages %1 + + + + Multiple Exemptions + + + + Enable Notifications in macOS Settings + + + + To receive Status notifications, make sure you've enabled them in your computer's settings under <b>System Preferences > Notifications</b> + + + + Sync your devices to share notifications preferences + + + + Syncing > + + + + Allow Notifications + + + + 1:1 Chats + + + + Group Chats + + + + Personal @ Mentions + + + + Messages containing @%1 + + + + Global @ Mentions + + + + Messages containing @here and @channel + + + + All Messages + + + + Others + + + + Contact Requests + + + + Identity Verification Requests + + + + Notification Content + + + + Show Name and Message + + + + Hi there! So EIP-1559 will defini... + + + + Name Only + + + + Play a Sound When Receiving a Notification + + + + Volume + + + + Send a Test Notification + + + + Exemptions + + + + Search Communities, Group Chats and 1:1 Chats + + + + Most recent + + + + + PasswordView + + Create a password + + + + Passwords don't match + + + + Create a password to unlock Status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + You will not be able to recover this password if it is lost. + + + + Minimum %1 characters. To strengthen your password consider including: + + + + This password has been pwned and shouldn't be used + + + + This password is a common word and shouldn't be used + + + + Password must be at least %1 characters long + + + + Current password + + + + New password + + + + Very weak + + + + Weak + + + + So-so + + + + Good + + + + Great + + + + Lower case + + + + Upper case + + + + Numbers + + + + Symbols + + + + Confirm password + + + + + PermissionsListView + + Disconnect + + + + Disconnect All + + + + + PinnedMessagesPopup + + Unpin + + + + Pin limit reached + + + + Pinned messages + + + + Unpin a previous message first + + + + %1 messages + + + + %1 message + + + + Pinned messages will appear here. + + + + + ProfileLayout + + Contacts + + + + Testnet mode is enabled. All balances, transactions and dApp interactions will be on testnets. + + + + Secure your seed phrase + + + + Back up now + + + + + ProfilePopup + + ENS username + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Chat settings + + + + Nickname + + + + None + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + Unblock User + + + + Block User + + + + Add to contacts + + + + 's Profile + + + + Send Contact Request to + + + + Verify %1's Identity + + + + My Profile + + + + %1's Profile + + + + Send Contact Request to %1 + + + + Cancel verification + + + + Remove Contact + + + + Send Contact Request + + + + Mark Untrustworthy + + + + Remove 'Identity Verified' status + + + + No + + + + Yes + + + + Remove Untrustworthy Mark + + + + Verify Identity + + + + Verify Identity pending... + + + + Send verification request + + + + Verification request sent + + + + Confirm Identity + + + + Rename + + + + Close + + + + + ProfileSectionStore + + Profile + + + + ENS usernames + + + + Wallet + + + + Browser + + + + Communities + + + + Appearance + + + + Back up seed phrase + + + + Advanced + + + + Messaging + + + + Notifications & Sounds + + + + Language & Currency + + + + Devices settings + + + + About + + + + Sign out & Quit + + + + + RateView + + Upload + + + + Bandwidth + + + + Kb/s + + + + Download + + + + + ReceiveModal + + Copy + + + + Receive + + + + Legacy + + + + Multichain + + + + Your Address + + + + + RootStore + + You + + + + Start a 1-on-1 chat with %1 + + + + Join the %1 community + + + + Join the %1 group chat + + + + + SavedAddressesView + + Cancel + + + + Delete + + + + Saved addresses + + + + Add new address + + + + Edit + + + + Are you sure you want to remove '%1' from your saved addresses? + + + + Are you sure? + + + + No saved addresses + + + + + SeedPhraseInputView + + Enter seed phrase + + + + Next + + + + Import + + + + Keys for this account already exist + + + + Keys for this account already exist and can't be added again. If you've lost your password, passcode or Keycard, uninstall the app, reinstall and access your keys by entering your seed phrase + + + + Error importing seed + + + + %1 words + + + + %1SeedButton + + + + Invalid seed + + + + Restore Status Profile + + + + + SendContactRequestModal + + Paste + + + + Send Contact Request to chat key + + + + Enter chat key here + + + + Say who you are / why you want to become a contact... + + + + who are you + + + + Send Contact Request + + + + + SendModal + + Transaction pending... + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Send + + + + Max: + + + + No balances active + + + + Please enter a valid amount + + + + To + + + + Enter an ENS name or address + + + + Error estimating gas: %1 + + + + Wrong password + + + + View on etherscan + + + + + SendModalFooter + + Unknown + + + + Estimated Time: + + + + Max Fees: + + + + Send + + + + + SendModalHeader + + To + + + + + SettingsPageLayout + + Cancel + + + + Save changes + + + + + SignTransactionModal + + Send + + + + Continue + + + + Error estimating gas: %1 + + + + Transaction pending... + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Choose account + + + + Network fee + + + + Transaction preview + + + + Sign with password + + + + Send %1 %2 + + + + Next + + + + Wrong password + + + + View on etherscan + + + + + StatusAppCommunityView + + Members + + + + + StatusChatInput + + Send + + + + Message + + + + Please choose an image + + + + Image files (%1) + + + + Your message is too long. + + + + Please make your message shorter. We have set the limit to 2000 characters to be courteous of others. + + + + Bold + + + + Italic + + + + Strikethrough + + + + Code + + + + Unblock + + + + + StatusChatListAndCategories + + More + + + + Add channel inside category + + + + + StatusChatListCategoryItem + + More + + + + Add channel inside category + + + + + StatusChatListItem + + Unmute + + + + + StatusChatToolBar + + Search + + + + Members + + + + More + + + + + StatusColorDialog + + Preview + + + + This is not a valid color + + + + Standart colours + + + + Select Colour + + + + + StatusExpandableSettingsItemPage + + Back up seed phrase + + + + Not Implemented + + + + + StatusListPicker + + Search + + + + + StatusMacNotification + + Open + + + + My latest message + with a return + + + + + StatusStickerMarket + + This feature is experimental and is meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It's not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data. Use at your own risk. + + + + I understand + + + + + StatusTokenInlineSelector + + or + + + + Hold + + + + to post + + + + + StatusWalletColorSelect + + Account color + + + + + TabNetworkAndFees + + Advanced + + + + Custom + + + + Slow + + + + + TransactionSettingsConfirmationPopup + + Are you sure? + + + + Your priority fee is below our suggested parameters. + + + + Current base fee + + + + %1 Gwei + + + + Current minimum tip + + + + Current average tip + + + + Your tip limit + + + + Suggested minimum tip + + + + Your price limit + + + + Suggested minimum price limit + + + + Change Limit + + + + Continue anyway + + + + + TransferOwnershipPopup + + Transfer ownership + + + + Community private key + + + + Copy + + + + Copied + + + + You should keep it safe and only share it with people you trust to take ownership of your community + + + + You can also use this key to import your community on another device + + + + + UploadProfilePicModal + + Profile picture + + + + Remove + + + + Upload + + + + Done + + + + Upload profile picture + + + + Choose an image for profile picture + + + + Make this my profile picture + + + + + UserList + + Members + + + + + UsernameLabel + + You + + + + + Utils + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + You need to enter a %1 + + + + now + Ahora + + + Sun + + + + Mon + + + + Tue + + + + Wed + + + + Thu + + + + Fri + + + + Sat + + + + Jan + + + + Feb + + + + Mar + + + + Apr + + + + May + + + + Jun + + + + Jul + + + + Aug + + + + Sep + + + + Oct + + + + Nov + + + + Dec + + + + Yesterday + + + + Sunday + + + + Monday + + + + Tuesday + + + + Wednesday + + + + Thursday + + + + Friday + + + + Saturday + + + + NOW + + + + %1M + + + + %1H + + + + %1D + + + + words + + + + You need to enter a password + + + + You need to repeat your password + + + + Passwords don't match + + + + You need to enter a PIN + + + + The PIN must contain only digits + + + + The PIN must be exactly 6 digits + + + + You need to repeat your PIN + + + + PIN don't match + + + + The %1 cannot exceed %2 characters + + + + Must be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + Use only lowercase letters (a to z), numbers & dashes (-). Do not use chat keys. + + + + Value has to be at least %1 characters long + + + + Unknown + + + + < 1 min + + + + < 3 mins + + + + < 5 mins + + + + > 5 mins + + + + years ago + + + + year ago + + + + months ago + + + + month ago + + + + weeks ago + + + + week ago + + + + days ago + + + + day ago + + + + hours ago + + + + hour ago + + + + mins ago + + + + min ago + + + + secs ago + + + + sec ago + + + + + WalletView + + Wallet + + + + Networks + + + + DApp Permissions + + + + Testnet Mode + + + + + AcceptTransactionView + + Accept and share address + + + + Accept and send + + + + Decline + + + + + Acknowledgements + + Secure Your Assets and Funds + + + + Your seed phrase is a 12-word passcode to your funds. + + + + Your seed phrase cannot be recovered if lost. Therefore, you <b>must</b> back it up. The simplest way is to <b>write it down offline and store it somewhere secure.</b> + + + + I have a pen and paper + + + + I am ready to write down my seed phrase + + + + I know where I’ll store it + + + + You can only complete this process once. Status will not store your seed phrase and can never help you recover it. + + + + + ActivityCenterPopup + + Show more + + + + + ActivityCenterPopupTopBarPanel + + All + + + + Mentions + + + + Replies + + + + Mark all as Read + + + + Show read notifications + + + + Hide read notifications + + + + Notification settings + + + + + AddShowTokenModal + + Add custom token + + + + This needs to be a valid address + + + + Invalid ERC20 address + + + + Enter contract address... + + + + Contract address + + + + The name of your token... + + + + Name + + + + ABC + + + + Symbol + + + + Decimals + + + + Changing settings failed + + + + Add + + + + + AddWakuNodeModal + + Waku nodes + + + + Name + + + + Specify a name + + + + You need to enter a name + + + + History node address + + + + You need to enter the enode address + + + + The format must be: enode://{enode-id}:{password}@{ip-address}:{port} + + + + Save + + + + + AddressInput + + ENS Username not found + + + + + AddressRequiredValidator + + You need to request the recipient’s address first. +Assets won’t be sent yet. + + + + + AddressSourceSelector + + Invalid source + + + + + AdvancedAddAccountView + + Enter address... + + + + Account address + + + + This needs to be a valid address (starting with 0x) + + + + You need to enter an address + + + + + AppSearch + + No results + + + + Anywhere + + + + + AssetAndAmountInput + + Insufficient balance + + + + Must be greater than or equal to 0 + + + + This needs to be a number + + + + Please enter an amount + + + + Balance: + + + + Asset & Amount + + + + The amount is 0. Proceed only if this is desired. + + + + + BackUpCommuntyBannerPanel + + Back up community key + + + + Back up + + + + + BalanceExceeded + + Balance exceeded + + + + No networks available + + + + + BalanceValidator + + Insufficient balance + + + + + BlockContactConfirmationDialog + + Block User + + + + Blocking will stop new messages from reaching you from %1. + + + + + BloomSelectorButton + + TODO + + + + + BrowserConnectionModal + + '%1' would like to connect to + + + + Allowing authorizes this DApp to retrieve your wallet address and enable Web3 + + + + Granting access authorizes this DApp to retrieve your chat key + + + + Deny + + + + Allow + + + + + BrowserHeader + + Enter URL + + + + + BrowserSettingsMenu + + New Tab + + + + Exit Incognito mode + + + + Go Incognito + + + + Zoom In + + + + Zoom Out + + + + Find + + + + Compatibility mode + + + + Developer Tools + + + + Settings + + + + + BrowserTabStyle + + Start Page + + + + + BrowserTabView + + Start Page + + + + New Tab + + + + Downloads Page + + + + + BrowserView + + Search engine used in the address bar + + + + None + + + + Show Favorites Bar + + + + Connected DApps + + + + No connected dApps + + + + Connecting a dApp grants it permission to view your address and balances, and to send you transaction requests + + + + + BrowserWalletMenu + + Mainnet + + + + Ropsten + + + + Unknown + + + + Disconnect + + + + Assets + + + + History + + + + + BrowserWebEngineView + + Add Favorite + + + + + ChangePasswordModal + + Change password + + + + Change password used to unlock Status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + Change Password + + + + + ChangePasswordSuccessModal + + <b>Password changed</b> + + + + You need to sign in again using the new password. + + + + Sign out & Quit + + + + + ChangeProfilePicModal + + Profile picture + + + + Remove + + + + Upload + + + + Please choose an image + + + + Image files (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png) + + + + + ChannelIdentifierView + + Welcome to the beginning of the <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> group! + + + + Any messages you send here are encrypted and can only be read by you and <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> + + + + + ChatButtonsPanel + + Add reaction + + + + Reply + + + + Edit + + + + Unpin + + + + Pin + + + + Delete + + + + Confirm deleting this message + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well. + + + + + ChatColumnView + + Send + + + + Request Address + + + + Request + + + + + ChatCommandModal + + Continue + + + + Receive on account + + + + From account + + + + Address request required + + + + From + + + + To + + + + Preview + + + + Transaction preview + + + + Next + + + + + ChatCommandsPopup + + Send transaction + + + + Request transaction + + + + + ChatContentView + + Contact + + + + Not a contact + + + + Public chat + + + + %1 members + + + + 1 member + + + + Connected + + + + Disconnected + + + + Blocked + + + + This user has been blocked. + + + + + ChatMessagesView + + Loading... + + + + Failed to send message. + + + + + ChatRequestMessagePanel + + You need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messages + + + + Just click this button to add them as contact. They will receive a notification. Once they accept the request, you'll be able to chat + + + + Add to contacts + + + + + ChooseBrowserPopup + + Choose browser + + + + Open in Status + + + + Open in my default browser + + + + Remember my choice. To override it, go to settings. + + + + + ClosedEmptyPanel + + Your chats will appear here. To start new chats press the  button at the top + + + + + CollectibleCollectionView + + No collectibles available + + + + + CollectibleDetailView + + Properties + + + + Levels + + + + Stats + + + + + CollectiblesContent + + Something went wrong + + + + Reload + + + + + CollectiblesHeader + + Maximum number of collectibles to display reached + + + + + CollectiblesModal + + View + + + + Unnamed + + + + + CollectiblesModalContent + + ID + + + + Description + + + + + CommunitiesView + + Import community + + + + Communities you've joined + + + + + CommunityBannerPicker + + Community banner + + + + Choose an image for banner + + + + Make this my Community banner + + + + + CommunityChannelsAndCategoriesBannerPanel + + Expand your community by adding more channels and categories + + + + Add channels + + + + Add categories + + + + + CommunityColorPanel + + Community Colour + + + + Select Community Colour + + + + This is not a valid colour + + + + White text should be legable on top of this colour + + + + Standard colours + + + + + CommunityDelegate + + Admin + + + + Member + + + + + CommunityIntroDialog + + Welcome to %1 + + + + Join %1 + + + + Community <b>%1</b> has no intro message... + + + + I agree with the above + + + + + CommunityIntroMessageInput + + Community introduction and rules + + + + What new members will read before joining (eg. community rules, welcome message, etc.). Members will need to tick a check box agreeing to these rules before they are allowed to join your community. + + + + community intro message + + + + + CommunityLogoPicker + + Community logo + + + + Choose an image as logo + + + + Make this my Community logo + + + + + CommunityOptions + + Community history service + + + + Request to join required + + + + Any member can pin a message + + + + + CommunityOutroMessageInput + + Leaving community message + + + + The message a member will see when they leave your community + + + + community intro message + + + + + CommunityOverviewSettingsPanel + + Overview + + + + Edit Community + + + + This node is the Community Owner Node. For your Community to function correctly try to keep this computer with Status running and onlinie as much as possible. + + + + Welcome to your community! + + + + Invite new people + + + + Try an airdrop to reward your community for engagement! + + + + Airdrop Tokens + + + + Back up community key + + + + Back up + + + + + CommunityTagsPanel + + Community Tags + + + + Confirm Community Tags + + + + Select tags that will fit your Community + + + + Search tags + + + + Selected tags + + + + + CommunityTagsPicker + + Tags + + + + + CommunityWelcomeBannerPanel + + Welcome to your community! + + + + Add members + + + + Manage community + + + + + CompactMessageView + + Pinned by %1 + + + + Cancel + + + + Save + + + + + ConfirmAddExistingKeyModal + + Enter seed phrase + + + + Do you want to add another existing key? + + + + Add another existing key + + + + + ConfirmAppRestartModal + + Application Restart + + + + Please restart the application to apply the changes. + + + + Restart + + + + + ConfirmSeedPhrasePanel + + Write down your 12-word seed phrase to keep offline + + + + Reveal seed phrase + + + + The next screen contains your seed phrase. +<b>Anyone</b> who sees it can use it to access to your funds. + + + + + ConfirmStoringSeedPhrasePanel + + Complete back up + + + + Store Your Phrase Offline and Complete Your Back Up + + + + By completing this process, you will remove your seed phrase from this application’s storage. This makes your funds more secure. + + + + You will remain logged in, and your seed phrase will be entirely in your hands. + + + + I acknowledge that Status will not be able to show me my seed phrase again. + + + + I aknowledge that Status will not be able to show me my seed phrase again. + + + + + Constants + + Username must be at least 5 characters + + + + Only letters, numbers, underscores and hyphens allowed + + + + 24 character username limit + + + + Usernames ending with '-eth' are not allowed + + + + Usernames ending with '_eth' are not allowed + + + + Usernames ending with '.eth' are not allowed + + + + Sorry, the name you have chosen is not allowed, try picking another username + + + + (edited) + + + + Username already taken :( + + + + Username doesn’t belong to you :( + + + + Continuing will connect this username with your chat key. + + + + ✓ Username available! + + + + Username is already connected with your chat key and can be used inside Status. + + + + This user name is owned by you and connected with your chat key. Continue to set `Show my ENS username in chats`. + + + + Continuing will require a transaction to connect the username with your current chat key. + + + + + Contact + + Admin + + + + + ContactRequestsPopup + + Contact requests + + + + Decline all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to decline all these contact requests + + + + Accept all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to accept all these contact requests + + + + Decline all + + + + Accept all + + + + + ContactSelector + + Please select a contact + + + + Select a contact + + + + Contact does not have an ENS address. Please send a transaction in chat. + + + + No contact selected + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet + + + + + ContactVerificationRequestPopup + + %1 is asking you to verify your identity + + + + %1 would like to verify your identity. Answer the question to prove your identity to %2 + + + + Provide answer to verification request from this contact. + + + + Your answer has been sent to %1. + + + + Refuse Verification + + + + Send Answer + + + + Change answer + + + + Close + + + + + ContactsListAndSearch + + Enter a valid chat key or ENS username + + + + Can't chat with yourself + + + + Enter ENS username or chat key + + + + + ContactsListPanel + + Contact Request Sent + + + + Contact Request Rejected + + + + + CopyToClipBoardButton + + Copied! + + + + + CreatePasswordModal + + Store password + + + + Create a password + + + + Current password... + + + + New password... + + + + Confirm password… + + + + At least 6 characters. You will use this password to unlock status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + Create password + + + + Error importing account + + + + An error occurred while importing your account: + + + + Login failed + + + + Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. + + + + Incorrect password + + + + + CryptoServicesModal + + Buy / Sell crypto + + + + Choose a service you'd like to use to buy crypto + + + + + CurrenciesStore + + US Dollars + + + + British Pound + + + + Euros + + + + Russian ruble + + + + South Korean won + + + + Ethereum + + + + Tokens + + + + Bitcoin + + + + Status Network Token + + + + Dai + + + + United Arab Emirates dirham + + + + Other Fiat + + + + Afghan afghani + + + + Argentine peso + + + + Australian dollar + + + + Barbadian dollar + + + + Bangladeshi taka + + + + Bulgarian lev + + + + Bahraini dinar + + + + Brunei dollar + + + + Bolivian boliviano + + + + Brazillian real + + + + Bhutanese ngultrum + + + + Canadian dollar + + + + Swiss franc + + + + Chilean peso + + + + Chinese yuan + + + + Colombian peso + + + + Costa Rican colón + + + + Czech koruna + + + + Danish krone + + + + Dominican peso + + + + Egyptian pound + + + + Ethiopian birr + + + + Georgian lari + + + + Ghanaian cedi + + + + Hong Kong dollar + + + + Croatian kuna + + + + Hungarian forint + + + + Indonesian rupiah + + + + Israeli new shekel + + + + Indian rupee + + + + Icelandic króna + + + + Jamaican dollar + + + + Japanese yen + + + + Kenyan shilling + + + + Kuwaiti dinar + + + + Kazakhstani tenge + + + + Sri Lankan rupee + + + + Moroccan dirham + + + + Moldovan leu + + + + Mauritian rupee + + + + Malawian kwacha + + + + Mexican peso + + + + Malaysian ringgit + + + + Mozambican metical + + + + Namibian dollar + + + + Nigerian naira + + + + Norwegian krone + + + + Nepalese rupee + + + + New Zealand dollar + + + + Omani rial + + + + Peruvian sol + + + + Papua New Guinean kina + + + + Philippine peso + + + + Pakistani rupee + + + + Polish złoty + + + + Paraguayan guaraní + + + + Qatari riyal + + + + Romanian leu + + + + Serbian dinar + + + + Saudi riyal + + + + Swedish krona + + + + Singapore dollar + + + + Thai baht + + + + Trinidad and Tobago dollar + + + + New Taiwan dollar + + + + Tanzanian shilling + + + + Turkish lira + + + + Ukrainian hryvnia + + + + Ugandan shilling + + + + Uruguayan peso + + + + Venezuelan bolívar + + + + Vietnamese đồng + + + + South African rand + + + + + DateGroup + + Today + + + + Yesterday + + + + January + + + + February + + + + March + + + + April + + + + May + + + + June + + + + July + + + + August + + + + September + + + + October + + + + November + + + + December + + + + + DefaultDAppExplorerView + + Default DApp explorer + + + + none + + + + + DevicesView + + Please set a name for your device. + + + + Specify a name + + + + Continue + + + + Advertise device + + + + Pair your devices to sync contacts and chats between them + + + + Learn more + + + + Paired devices + + + + Syncing... + + + + Sync all devices + + + + + DownloadBar + + Cancelled + + + + Paused + + + + Show All + + + + + DownloadMenu + + Open + + + + Show in folder + + + + Pause + + + + Resume + + + + Cancel + + + + + DownloadPage + + Thanks for using Status + + + + You're curently using version %1 of Status. + + + + There's new version available to download. + + + + Get Status %1 + + + + + DownloadView + + Cancelled + + + + Paused + + + + Downloaded files will appear here. + + + + + ENSPopup + + Primary username + + + + Your messages are displayed to others with this username: + + + + Once you select a username, you won’t be able to disable it afterwards. You will only be able choose a different username to display. + + + + + EmojiReactionsPanel + + Add reaction + + + + + EmptyChatPanel + + Share your chat key + + + + or + + + + invite + + + + friends to start messaging in Status + + + + + EnsAddedView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + %1 is now connected with your chat key and can be used in Status. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsConnectedView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + %1 will be connected once the transaction is complete. + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsListView + + Hey + + + + (pending) + + + + ENS usernames + + + + Add username + + + + Your usernames + + + + Chat settings + + + + Primary Username + + + + None selected + + + + You’re displaying your ENS username in chats + + + + + EnsRegisteredView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + Nice! You own %1.stateofus.eth once the transaction is complete. + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsReleasedView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username removed + + + + The username %1 will be removed and your deposit will be returned once the transaction is mined + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsTermsAndConditionsView + + ENS usernames + + + + Terms of name registration + + + + Funds are deposited for 1 year. Your SNT will be locked, but not spent. + + + + After 1 year, you can release the name and get your deposit back, or take no action to keep the name. + + + + If terms of the contract change — e.g. Status makes contract upgrades — user has the right to release the username regardless of time held. + + + + The contract controller cannot access your deposited funds. They can only be moved back to the address that sent them. + + + + Your address(es) will be publicly associated with your ENS name. + + + + Usernames are created as subdomain nodes of stateofus.eth and are subject to the ENS smart contract terms. + + + + You authorize the contract to transfer SNT on your behalf. This can only occur when you approve a transaction to authorize the transfer. + + + + These terms are guaranteed by the smart contract logic at addresses: + + + + %1 (Status UsernameRegistrar). + + + + <a href='%1%2'>Look up on Etherscan</a> + + + + %1 (ENS Registry). + + + + Wallet address + + + + Copied to clipboard! + + + + Key + + + + Agree to <a href="#">Terms of name registration.</a> I understand that my wallet address will be publicly connected to my username. + + + + Back + + + + 10 SNT + + + + Deposit + + + + Not enough SNT + + + + Register + + + + + EnsWelcomeView + + Get a universal username + + + + ENS names transform those crazy-long addresses into unique usernames. + + + + Customize your chat name + + + + An ENS name can replace your random 3-word name in chat. Be @yourname instead of %1. + + + + Simplify your ETH address + + + + You can receive funds to your easy-to-share ENS name rather than your hexadecimal hash (0x...). + + + + Receive transactions in chat + + + + Others can send you funds via chat in one simple step. + + + + 10 SNT to register + + + + Register once to keep the name forever. After 1 year you can release the name and get your SNT back. + + + + Already own a username? + + + + You can verify and add any usernames you own in the next steps. + + + + Powered by Ethereum Name Services + + + + Start + + + + Only available on Mainnet + + + + + FavoriteMenu + + Open in new Tab + + + + Edit + + + + Remove + + + + + FetchMoreMessagesButton + + ↓ Fetch more messages + + + + Before %1 + + + + before--%1 + + + + + FleetRadioSelector + + Warning! + + + + Change fleet to %1 + + + + + FleetsModal + + Fleet + + + + + GapComponent + + fetch-messages + + + + between--1-and--2 + + + + Fetch messages + + + + Between %1 and %2 + + + + + GasSelectorButton + + Low + + + + + GasValidator + + Not enough ETH for gas + + + + + GroupChatPanel + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + Confirm + + + + + HistoryView + + Status Desktop is connected to a non-archival node. Transaction history may be incomplete. + + + + No transactions found + + + + Load More + + + + + HomePageView + + homepage + + + + System default + + + + Other + + + + Example: duckduckgo.com + + + + + ImageCropWorkflow + + Supported image formats (%1) + + + + + ImportCommunityPopup + + Import Community + + + + Entering a community key will grant you the ownership of that community. Please be responsible with it and don’t share the key with people you don’t trust. + + + + Community private key + + + + Import + + + + + ImportSeedPhrasePanel + + Invalid seed phrase + + + + This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. + + + + %1 words + + + + + Input + + Copied + + + + Pasted + + + + Copy + + + + Paste + + + + + InviteFriendsPopup + + Get Status at https://status.im + + + + Download Status link + + + + Copy to clipboard + + + + + InviteFriendsToCommunityPopup + + Invite friends + + + + Invite successfully sent + + + + Invite + + + + + JSDialogWindow + + Ok + + + + Cancel + + + + + KeycardCreatePINModal + + Create PIN + + + + New PIN + + + + Confirm PIN + + + + Create a 6 digit long PIN + + + + + LanguageStore + + Beta Languages + + + + + LinksMessageView + + Enable automatic image unfurling + + + + Enable link previews in chat? + + + + Once enabled, links posted in the chat may share your metadata with their owners + + + + Enable in Settings + + + + Don't ask me again + + + + + MailserverConnectionDialog + + Can not connect to mailserver + + + + The mailserver you're connecting to is unavailable. + + + + Pick another + + + + Retry + + + + + MainView + + DApp Permissions + + + + Networks + + + + Accounts + + + + Generated from Your Seed Phrase + + + + Imported + + + + Watch-Only + + + + + MembershipRequestsPopup + + Membership requests + + + + + MessageStore + + and + + + + %1 more + + + + reacted with + + + + You + + + + + MuteChatMenuItem + + Mute chat + + + + Unmute chat + + + + + MutedChatsModal + + Muted chats + + + + Unmute + + + + + MyProfileSettingsView + + Display name + + + + Display Name + + + + Biometric login and transaction authentication + + + + Communities + + + + Accounts + + + + You haven't joined any communities yet + + + + You don't have any wallet accounts yet + + + + + NetworkCardsComponent + + Your Balances + + + + No Balance + + + + No Gas + + + + BALANCE: + + + + Disabled + + + + + NetworkFilter + + All networks + + + + %n network(s) + + + + + + + + NetworkSelectPopup + + Layer 2 + + + + + NetworkSelector + + Networks + + + + Choose a network to use for the transaction + + + + No networks available + + + + Simple + + + + Advanced + + + + Custom + + + + + NetworksAdvancedCustomRoutingView + + Networks + + + + Show Unpreferred Networks + + + + The networks where the receipient will receive tokens. Amounts calculated automatically for the lowest cost. + + + + + NetworksSimpleRoutingView + + Networks + + + + Choose a network to use for the transaction + + + + + NetworksView + + Layer 2 + + + + Add Custom Network + + + + + NoFriendsRectangle + + You don’t have any contacts yet. Invite your friends to start chatting. + + + + Invite friends + + + + + NodeLayout + + Bloom Filter Usage + + + + Type json-rpc message... e.g {"method": "eth_accounts"} + + + + + NotificationSelect + + Send Alerts + + + + Deliver Quietly + + + + Turn Off + + + + + NotificationWindow + + Everything is connected + + + + + PINModal + + Authenticate PIN + + + + PIN + + + + Insert your 6-digit PIN + + + + Authenticate + + + + + PairingModal + + Insert pairing code + + + + Pairing code + + + + Insert the Keycard pairing code + + + + Pair + + + + + PrivateChatPopup + + New chat + + + + My Profile + + + + + ProfileHeader + + Chatkey:%1... + + + + + ProfileView + + Blocked + + + + Send Request + + + + Receive Response + + + + Confirm Identity + + + + You have confirmed %1's identity. From now on this verification emblem will always be displayed alongside %1's nickname. + + + + You have marked %1 as Untrustworthy. From now on this Untrustworthy emblem will always be displayed alongside %1's nickname. + + + + ENS username + + + + Username + + + + Ask a question that only the real %1 will be able to answer e.g. a question about a shared experience, or ask Mark to enter a code or phrase you have sent to them via a different communication channel (phone, post, etc...). + + + + Waiting for %1's response... + + + + Copied to clipboard + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Chat settings + + + + Nickname + + + + None + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + + PublicChatPopup + + You need to enter a channel name + + + + The channel name can only contain lowercase letters, numbers and dashes + + + + Join public chat + + + + A public chat is where you get to hang out with others, make friends and talk about subjects of your interest. + + + + chat-name + + + + Start chat + + + + + RecipientSelector + + Invalid ethereum address + + + + Address + + + + My account + + + + Contact + + + + Recipient + + + + + RenameAccontModal + + Rename %1 + + + + Enter an account name... + + + + You need to enter an account name + + + + This is not a valid account name + + + + color + + + + Change Name + + + + Changing settings failed + + + + + RenameGroupPopup + + Group name + + + + Save + + + + + Retry + + Resend + + + + + RightTabView + + Assets + + + + Collectibles + + + + Activity + + + + History + + + + + SearchBox + + Search + + + + + SearchEngineModal + + Search engine + + + + None + + + + + SearchResults + + Non contacts + + + + No profile found + + + + + SeedPhraseBackupWarning + + Back up your seed phrase + + + + Back up + + + + + SeedPhraseTextArea + + Invalid seed phrase + + + + This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. + + + + Start with the first word + + + + + SelectAccountModal + + Select account + + + + Select account to share and receive assets + + + + Confirm and share address + + + + + SelectAnotherAccountModal + + Your keys + + + + Add another existing key + + + + + SelectGeneratedAccount + + Import new Seed Phrase + + + + Generate from Private key + + + + Add a watch-only address + + + + Imported + + + + Add new + + + + Origin + + + + + SendContactRequestMenuItem + + Send Contact Request + + + + + SendMessageMenuItem + + Send message + + + + + SendToContractWarning + + Tokens will be sent directly to a contract address, which may result in a loss of funds. To transfer ERC-20 tokens, ensure the recipient address is the address of the destination wallet. + + + + + SendTransactionButton + + Sign and send + + + + + SettingsDirtyToastMessage + + Changes detected + + + + Cancel + + + + Save changes + + + + + SignMessageModal + + Signature request + + + + From + + + + Data + + + + Message + + + + Reject + + + + Sign + + + + Sign with password + + + + + SignPhraseModal + + Signing phrase + + + + This is your signing phrase + + + + You should see these 3 words before signing each transaction + + + + If you see a different combination, cancel the transaction and sign out + + + + Ok, got it + + + + Remind me later + + + + + StateBubble + + Pending + + + + Confirmed + + + + Unknown token + + + + Address requested + + + + Waiting to accept + + + + Address shared + + + + Address received + + + + Transaction declined + + + + failure + + + + Unknown state + + + + + StatusActivityCenterButton + + Activity + + + + + StatusAddressOrEnsValidator + + Please enter a valid address or ENS name. + + + + + StatusAddressValidator + + Please enter a valid address. + + + + + StatusAppChatView + + Join public chats + + + + Start chat + + + + + StatusAppCommunitiesPortalView + + Find community + + + + Featured + + + + Popular + + + + + StatusAsyncEnsValidator + + ENS name could not be resolved in to an address + + + + + StatusAsyncValidator + + invalid input + + + + + StatusBadge + + 99+ + + + + + StatusChatImageExtensionValidator + + Format not supported. + + + + Upload %1 only + + + + + StatusChatImageLoader + + Error loading the image + + + + Loading image... + + + + + StatusChatImageQtyValidator + + You can only upload %1 images at a time + + + + + StatusChatImageSizeValidator + + Max image size is %1 MB + + + + + StatusColorSpacePage + + Thickness + + + + Min saturate: + + + + Max saturate: + + + + Min value: + + + + Max value: + + + + Color + + + + + StatusCommunityTagsPage + + Select tags that will fit your Community + + + + Search tags + + + + Selected tags + + + + + StatusDialog + + Close + + + + Abort + + + + Cancel + + + + No to all + + + + No + + + + Open + + + + Save + + + + Save all + + + + Retry + + + + Ignore + + + + Ok + + + + Yes to all + + + + Yes + + + + Apply + + + + + StatusETHTransactionModal + + Contract interaction + + + + Wrong password + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Continue + + + + Choose account + + + + Sign with password + + + + Next + + + + + StatusEmojiSection + + No recent emojis + + + + + StatusFloatValidator + + Please enter a valid numeric value. + + + + + StatusGifColumn + + Remove from favorites + + + + Add to favorites + + + + + StatusGifPopup + + Search Tenor + + + + TRENDING + + + + FAVORITES + + + + RECENT + + + + Enable Tenor GIFs? + + + + Once enabled, GIFs posted in the chat may share your metadata with Tenor. + + + + Enable + + + + Favorite GIFs will appear here + + + + Recent GIFs will appear here + + + + Error while contacting Tenor API, please retry. + + + + Retry + + + + + StatusIntValidator + + Please enter a valid numeric value. + + + + + StatusItemSelector + + and + + + + or + + + + + StatusListPickerPage + + Search Languages + + + + Search Currencies + + + + + StatusNotification + + Open + + + + + StatusPasswordStrengthIndicator + + Very weak + + + + Weak + + + + So-so + + + + Good + + + + Great + + + + + StatusSNTTransactionModal + + Authorize %1 %2 + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Wrong password + + + + Continue + + + + Choose account + + + + Sign with password + + + + Send %1 %2 + + + + Next + + + + + StatusSearchListPopup + + Search... + + + + + StatusSearchLocationMenu + + Anywhere + + + + + StatusSearchPopup + + No results + + + + Anywhere + + + + Search + + + + In: + + + + In + + + + + StatusSpellcheckingMenuItems + + Add to dictionary + + + + Disable Spellchecking + + + + + StatusStackModal + + StackModal + + + + Next + + + + Finish + + + + + StatusStickerButton + + Buy for %1 SNT + + + + Uninstall + + + + Install + + + + Free + + + + Pending... + + + + Cancel + + + + Update + + + + + StatusStickersPopup + + You don't have any stickers yet + + + + Recently used stickers will appear here + + + + Get Stickers + + + + + StatusTagSelectorPage + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + + StatusUrlValidator + + Please enter a valid URL + + + + + StatusValidator + + invalid input + + + + + StatusWindowsTitleBar + + Status + + + + + SubheaderTabBar + + Step %1 of %2 + + + + + TabAddressSelectorView + + Saved + + + + My Accounts + + + + Recent + + + + Search for saved address + + + + No Saved Address + + + + No Recents + + + + + ToastMessage + + View on Etherscan + + + + Transaction pending... + + + + + TokenSettingsModal + + Manage Assets + + + + Add custom token + + + + + TokenSettingsModalContent + + Token details + + + + Remove token + + + + Custom + + + + Default + + + + + TouchIDAuthView + + Biometrics + + + + Would you like to use Touch ID +to login to Status? + + + + Yes, use Touch ID + + + + I prefer to use my password + + + + + TransactionBubbleView + + Transaction request + + + + ↑ Outgoing transaction + + + + ↓ Incoming transaction + + + + Token not found on your current network + + + + + TransactionDelegate + + From + + + + To + + + + At + + + + + TransactionModal + + Transaction Details + + + + confirmation(s) + + + + When the transaction has 12 confirmations you can consider it settled. + + + + Block + + + + Hash + + + + From + + + + To + + + + Gas limit + + + + Gas price + + + + Gas used + + + + Nonce + + + + + TransactionPreview + + From + + + + Recipient + + + + Unknown + + + + Asset + + + + Amount + + + + Network fee + + + + Data + + + + Data field + + + + + TransactionSigner + + You need to enter a password + + + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + Signing phrase + + + + Signing phrase is a 3 word combination that displayed when you entered the wallet on this device for the first time. + + + + Enter the password you use to unlock this device + + + + Password + + + + Enter password + + + + + UnblockContactConfirmationDialog + + Unblock User + + + + Unblocking will allow new messages you received from %1 to reach you. + + + + + UserListPanel + + Offline + + + + Online + + + + Inactive + + + + Do not disturb + + + + Idle + + + + + UserStatusContextMenu + + View My Profile + + + + Always online + + + + Inactive + + + + Set status automatically + + + + Online + + + + Offline + + + + + ViewProfileMenuItem + + View Profile + + + + + WakuNodesModal + + Waku nodes + + + + Use Waku nodes + + + + Select node automatically + + + + Waku Nodes + + + + Node %1 + + + + Add a new node + + + + + WalletFooter + + Send + + + + Receive + + + + Buy / Sell + + + + + WelcomeView + + Welcome to Status + + + + Your fully decentralized gateway to Ethereum and Web3. Crypto wallet, privacy first group chat, and dApp browser. + + + + I am new to Status + + + + I already use Status + + + + + main + + StatusQ Documentation App + + + + Status Desktop + + + + Open Status + + + + Quit + + + + diff --git a/ui/i18n/qml_fr.ts b/ui/i18n/qml_fr.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..24e0120b1c --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/i18n/qml_fr.ts @@ -0,0 +1,19041 @@ + + + + + about-app + À propos + + + about-key-storage-content + Status n'aura jamais accès à votre clé privée. Assurez-vous de sauvegarder votre phrase de récupération. Si vous perdez votre téléphone, c’est le seul moyen d’accéder à vos clés. + + + about-key-storage-title + A propos du stockage des clés + + + about-names-content + Personne ne peut prendre votre identité! Vous êtes anonyme par défaut et n'avez jamais à révéler votre vrai nom. Vous pouvez enregistrer un nom personnalisé à peu de frais. + + + about-names-title + Les noms ne peuvent pas être modifiés + + + access-key + Clé d'accès + + + access-existing-keys + Récupérer des clés existantes + + + accept-and-share-address + Accepter et partager l'adresse + + + account-added + Compte ajouté + + + account-color + Couleur du compte + + + anyone + Tout le monde + + + messages-from-contacts-only-subtitle + Seulement vos contacts peuvent commencer une conversation avec vous ou vous inviter dans un groupe + + + accept-new-chats-from + Accepter les conversations de + + + account-name + Nom du compte + + + account-settings + Paramètres du compte + + + accounts + Comptes + + + active-online + En ligne + + + active-unknown + Inconnu + + + add + Ajouter + + + add-a-watch-account + Ajouter un compte de veille uniquement + + + add-account + Ajouter un compte + + + add-account-description + Vous pouvez importer tout type de compte Ethereum pour l'ajouter à votre portefeuille Status. + + + add-account-incorrect-password + Le mot de passe semble être incorrect. Entrez le mot de passe que vous utilisez pour déverrouiller l'application. + + + add-an-account + Ajouter un compte + + + add-bootnode + Ajouter bootnode + + + add-contact + Ajouter un contact + + + add-custom-token + Ajouter un jeton personnalisé + + + add-mailserver + Ajouter un nœud de Status + + + add-members + Ajouter des membres + + + add-network + Ajouter réseau + + + add-node + Ajouter un nœud + + + add-to-contacts + Ajouter aux contacts + + + add-to-contacts-text + En ajoutant un utilisateur à votre liste de contacts, vous partagez l'adresse de votre portefeuille. + + + address + Adresse + + + address-received + Adresse reçue + + + address-requested + Adresse demandée + + + address-request-accepted + Demande d'adresse acceptée + + + advanced + Avancé + + + advanced-settings + Réglages avancés + + + agree-by-continuing + En continuant, vous acceptez + notre + + + all + Tout + + + allow + Autoriser + + + allowing-authorizes-this-dapp + Autoriser cette DApp à récupérer votre adresse portefeuille et à activer Web3 + + + already-have-asset + Vous avez déjà cet actif + + + amount + Montant + + + are-you-sure-description + Vous ne pourrez jamais plus voir toute la phrase de récupération + + + are-you-sure? + Êtes-vous sûr? + + + ask-in-status + Poser une question ou signaler un bug + + + at + à + + + authorize + Autoriser + + + available + Disponible + + + available-participants + + Vous pouvez choisir un participant de plus + Vous pouvez choisir {{count}} participants en plus + + + + back + Retour + + + back-up-seed-phrase + Sauvegardez votre phrase de récupération + + + back-up-your-seed-phrase + Sauvegardez votre phrase de récupération + + + backup-recovery-phrase + Phrase de récupération de sauvegarde + + + balance + Solde + + + begin-set-up + Commencer l'installation + + + biometric-auth-android-sensor-desc + Capteur tactile + + + biometric-auth-android-sensor-error-desc + Échec + + + biometric-auth-android-title + Authentification requise + + + biometric-auth-confirm-logout + Reconnecter + + + biometric-auth-confirm-message + L'authentification biométrique est nécessaire pour continuer, si ce n'est pas possible, veuillez vous reconnecter avec ton mot de passe de votre multicompte. + + + biometric-auth-confirm-title + Vous devez vous authentifier! + + + biometric-auth-confirm-try-again + Essayez à nouveau + + + biometric-auth-error + Impossible d'effectuer l'authentification biométrique ( {{code}} ) + + + biometric-auth-login-error-title + Erreur d'authentification biométrique + + + biometric-auth-login-ios-fallback-label + Entrer le mot de passe + + + biometric-auth-reason-login + Se connecter à Status + + + biometric-auth-reason-verify + Vérifier l'authentification + + + biometric-secure-with + Sécurisé avec {{bio-type-label}} + + + biometric-enable-keycard + Si vous ne souhaitez pas utiliser votre Keycard à chaque fois pour accéder à l'application, activez {{bio-type-label}} + + + biometric-enable + Si vous ne souhaitez pas utiliser votre Keycard à chaque fois pour accéder à l'application, activez {{bio-type-label}} + + + biometric-disable-bioauth + désactiver {{bio-type-label}} + + + biometric-disable-password-title + Désactiver l'enregistrement du mot de passe + + + biometric-disable-password-description + Si vous désactivez cette option, vous allez également + + + biometric-enable-button + Activer {{bio-type-label}} + + + biometric-fingerprint + Empreinte digitale + + + biometric-faceid + Face ID + + + biometric-touchid + Touch ID + + + blank-keycard-text + Vous pouvez continuer avec votre Keycard une fois que vous avez généré vos clés et votre nom. + + + blank-keycard-title + On dirait que vous avez utilisé +une Keycard vierge + + + block + Bloc + + + unblock + Débloquer + + + block-contact + Bloquer le contact + + + block-contact-details + Le blocage supprimera les messages précédents de cet utilisateur et empêchera les nouveaux de vous atteindre. + + + blocked-users + Utilisateurs bloqués + + + bootnode-address + Adresse Bootnode + + + bootnode-details + Détails du bootnode + + + bootnode-format + enode://{enode-id}@{ip-address}:{port} + + + bootnodes + Bootnodes + + + bootnodes-enabled + Bootnodes activés + + + bootnodes-settings + Paramètres Bootnodes + + + browsed-websites + Les sites Web parcourus apparaîtront ici. + + + browser + Navigateur + + + browser-not-secure + La connexion n'est pas sécurisée ! Ne signez pas de transactions et n'envoyez pas de données personnelles sur ce site. + + + browser-secure + La connexion est sécurisée. Assurez-vous de faire vraiment confiance à ce site avant de signer des transactions ou d'entrer des données personnelles. + + + browsers + Navigateurs + + + browsing-cancel + Annuler + + + browsing-open-in-android-web-browser + Ouvrir dans Android + + + browsing-open-in-ios-web-browser + Ouvrir dans iOS + + + browsing-open-in-status + Ouvert dans Status + + + browsing-site-blocked-description1 + Nous avons détecté une activité malveillante potentielle à partir de cette adresse. Pour vous protéger et protéger votre portefeuille, nous empêchons toute navigation ultérieure. + + Si vous pensez que c'est une erreur, faites-le nous savoir dans le + + + browsing-site-blocked-description2 + chat public. + + + browsing-site-blocked-go-back + Revenir en arrière + + + browsing-site-blocked-title + Ce site est bloqué + + + browsing-title + Parcourir + + + bug-report + Signaler un bug + + + bug-report-description + + + + bug-report-description-placeholder + + + + bug-report-steps + + + + bug-report-steps-placeholder + + + + bug-report-submit-email + + + + bug-report-submit-gh-issue + + + + bug-report-too-short-description + + + + camera-access-error + Pour accorder l'autorisation requise pour la caméra, accédez aux paramètres de votre système et assurez-vous que Status > Caméra est sélectionné. + + + can-not-add-yourself + C'est vous, pour commencer un chat, choisissez quelqu'un d'autre + + + cancel + Annuler + + + cancel-keycard-setup + Annuler la configuration de la Carte d'accès + + + cannot-read-card + Je ne peux pas lire la carte. +Tenez-la à l'arrière de votre téléphone. + + + cannot-use-default-pin + Le code PIN 000000 n'est pas autorisé. +Veuillez utiliser un autre numéro + + + card-is-blank + Cette carte est vierge + + + card-reseted + La carte a été réinitialisée + + + card-unpaired + La carte a été dissociée du périphérique actuel + + + change-fleet + Changer la flotte en {{fleet}} + + + change-log-level + Confirmez et redémarrez l'application pour changer le niveau de journal en {{log-level}} + + + change-logging-enabled + Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir {{enable}} vous connecter? + + + change-passcode + Changer le code d'accès + + + change-password + Changer le mot de passe + + + change-pin + Changer le code PIN + + + change-puk + Changer le PUK à 12 chiffres + + + change-pairing + Changer le code de couplage + + + change-pairing-title + Choisir un nouveau code de couplage + + + change-pairing-description + Changer le code de couplage n'affecte pas les appariements déjà effectués. Cependant, tout les nouveaux appariements nécessiteront le nouveau code. + + + changed-amount-warning + Le montant a été changé de {{old}} à {{new}} + + + changed-asset-warning + L'actif a été changé de {{old}} à {{new}} + + + chaos-mode + Mode Chaos + + + chaos-unicorn-day + Journée de la Licorne du Chaos + + + chaos-unicorn-day-details + 🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🚀! + + + chat + Chat + + + chat-and-transact + Discuter et effectuer des transactions en privé avec vos amis. + + + chat-key + Code de contact + + + chat-name + + + + chat-settings + Paramètres de Chat + + + chats + Chats + + + check-your-recovery-phrase + Vérifiez votre phrase de récupération + + + choose-authentication-method + Choisissez une méthode d'authentification pour protéger votre multicompte + + + clear + Effacer + + + clear-all + Tout effacer + + + clear-history + Effacer l'historique + + + clear-history-action + Effacer + + + clear-history-confirmation + Effacer l'historique? + + + clear-history-confirmation-content + Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir effacer l'historique de ce chat ? + + + clear-history-title + Effacer l'historique? + + + close + Fermer + + + close-app-button + Confirmer + + + close-app-content + L'application va s'arrêter et se fermer. Lorsque vous le rouvrirez, le réseau sélectionné sera utilisé + + + close-app-title + Avertissement! + + + command-button-send + Envoyer + + + communities + Communautés + + + community-members + + {{count}} membre + {{count}} membres + + + + members-label + Membres + + + open-membership + Participation ouverte + + + member-kick + Bannir le membre + + + member-ban + Bannir le membre + + + membership-requests + Demandes d'adhésion + + + community-members-title + Membres + + + community-requests-to-join-title + Demandes d'adhésion + + + name-your-channel + Nommez votre chaîne + + + name-your-channel-placeholder + Nom du réseau + + + give-a-short-description + Donnez une brève description + + + describe-channel + Description du canal + + + communities-alpha + Communautés (alpha) + + + communities-verified + ✓ Communauté Status vérifiée + + + communities-enabled + Communautés activées + + + request-access + Demander l’accès + + + membership-request-pending + Demande d'adhésion en cours + + + create-community + Créer une communauté + + + create-category + Créer une catégorie + + + rearrange-categories + + + + edited + Modifié + + + edit-community + Modifier la communauté + + + editing-message + Modification du message + + + community-edit-title + Modifier la communauté + + + community-invite-title + Inviter + + + community-share-title + Partager + + + invite + + + + create-channel + Créer une chaîne + + + import-community + Importer une communauté + + + import-community-title + Importer une communauté + + + name-your-community + Nommez votre communauté + + + name-your-community-placeholder + Un nom accrocheur + + + give-a-short-description-community + Donnez une brève description + + + new-community-title + Nouvelle communauté + + + new-category + Nouvelle catégorie + + + category-title + Titre de la catégorie + + + membership-title + Conditions d'adhésion + + + create-channel-title + Nouvelle chaîne + + + edit-channel-title + Modifier le canal + + + community-thumbnail-image + Vignette + + + community-emoji-thumbnail-title + Miniature + + + community-thumbnail-upload + Télécharger + + + community-image-take + Prenez une photo + + + community-image-pick + Choisissez une image + + + community-image-remove + Enlever + + + community-color + Couleur de la communauté + + + community-link + Lien de la communauté + + + community-color-placeholder + Choisissez une couleur + + + membership-button + Conditions d'adhésion + + + membership-none + Aucun + + + membership-none-placeholder + Vous pouvez exiger que les nouveaux membres répondent à certains critères avant de pouvoir adhérer. Ces critères peuvent être modifiés à tout moment. + + + membership-approval + Exiger une approbation + + + membership-approval-description + L'adhésion à votre communauté est gratuite mais les nouveaux membres doivent d'abord être approuvés par le créateur de la communauté. + + + membership-invite + Exige l'invitation d'un autre membre + + + membership-invite-description + Votre communauté ne peut être rejointe que sur invitation des membres de la communauté + + + membership-ens + Nécessite un nom d'utilisateur ENS + + + membership-ens-description + Votre communauté nécessite un nom d'utilisateur ENS pour pouvoir y accéder + + + membership-free + Sans conditions + + + membership-free-description + Votre communauté est accessible à tous + + + community-roles + Rôles + + + community-key + Clé privée de la communauté + + + community-key-placeholder + Entrez la clé privée de votre communauté + + + leave-community + Quitter la communauté + + + enter-user-pk + Entrez la clé publique de l'utilisateur + + + import + Importer + + + complete-hardwallet-setup + Cette carte est maintenant une partie essentielle de votre sécurité multi-compte. Les transactions ne peuvent pas être envoyées sans elle. + + + chat-notification-preferences + Paramètres de notification + + + completed + Terminé + + + confirm + Confirmer + + + confirmation-request + Demande de confirmation + + + confirmations + Confirmations + + + confirmations-helper-text + Lorsque la transaction a 12 confirmations, vous pouvez la considérer comme réglée. + + + connect + Connecter + + + connect-mailserver-content + Se connecter à {{name}} ? + + + connected + Connecté + + + connected-to + Connecté à + + + connecting + Connexion... + + + connecting-requires-login + La connexion à un autre réseau nécessite une connexion + + + connection-with-the-card-lost + Connexion avec la carte + a été perdu + + + connection-with-the-card-lost-setup-text + Pour reprendre l'installation, maintenez la carte à l'arrière de votre téléphone et maintenez-la près du téléphone + + + connection-with-the-card-lost-text + Pour continuer, maintenir la carte au dos de votre téléphone + + + contact-code + Code de contact + + + contact-s + + contact + contacts + + + + contacts + Contacts + + + continue + Continuer + + + contract-address + Adresse du contrat + + + contract-interaction + Interaction contractuelle + + + copy-info + Copier l'information + + + copy-qr + Copier le code + + + copy-to-clipboard + Copie + + + copy-transaction-hash + Copier l'ID de transaction + + + cost-fee + Coût/Frais + + + counter-9-plus + 9+ + + + counter-99-plus + 99+ + + + create + Créer + + + create-a-pin + Créer un code PIN à 6 chiffres + + + create-a-puk + Créer le PUK à 12 chiffres + + + create-group-chat + Créer un chat de groupe + + + create-multiaccount + Créer multicompte + + + create-new-key + Générer une nouvelle clé + + + create-pin + Créer un code PIN à chiffres + + + create-pin-description + Vous aurez besoin de votre carte et de ce code PIN à 6 chiffres pour vous connecter et confirmer les transactions. + + + created-group-chat-description + Vous avez créé le groupe {{group-name}} + + + members-count + {{count}} membres + + + cryptokitty-name + CryptoKitty # {{id}} + + + currency + Devise + + + currency-display-name-aed + Dirham émirati + + + currency-display-name-afn + Afghanistan Afghani + + + currency-display-name-ars + Peso argentin + + + currency-display-name-aud + Dollar australien + + + currency-display-name-bbd + Dollar de la Barbade + + + currency-display-name-bdt + Taka bangladais + + + currency-display-name-bgn + Lev bulgare + + + currency-display-name-bhd + Dinar bahreïni + + + currency-display-name-bnd + Dollar de Brunéi Darussalam + + + currency-display-name-bob + Bolíviano Bolivien + + + currency-display-name-brl + Brésil Real + + + currency-display-name-btn + Ngultrum bhoutanais + + + currency-display-name-cad + Dollar canadien + + + currency-display-name-chf + Franc Suisse + + + currency-display-name-clp + peso chilien + + + currency-display-name-cny + Yuan Renminbi Chinois + + + currency-display-name-cop + Peso colombien + + + currency-display-name-crc + Costa Rica Colon + + + currency-display-name-czk + Couronne tchèque + + + currency-display-name-dkk + Couronne danoise + + + currency-display-name-dop + République Dominicaine Peso + + + currency-display-name-egp + Livre égyptienne + + + currency-display-name-etb + Birr éthiopien + + + currency-display-name-eur + Euro + + + currency-display-name-gbp + Livre sterling + + + currency-display-name-gel + Lari Géorgien + + + currency-display-name-ghs + Cedi du Ghana + + + currency-display-name-hkd + Dollar de Hong Kong + + + currency-display-name-hrk + Kuna Croate + + + currency-display-name-huf + Hongrie Forint + + + currency-display-name-idr + Roupie indonésienne + + + currency-display-name-ils + Israël Shekel + + + currency-display-name-inr + Roupie indienne + + + currency-display-name-isk + Couronne islandaise + + + currency-display-name-jmd + Dollar jamaïcain + + + currency-display-name-jpy + Yen japonais + + + currency-display-name-kes + Shilling Kenyan + + + currency-display-name-krw + Corée (Sud) Won + + + currency-display-name-kwd + Dinar Koweïtien + + + currency-display-name-kzt + Kazakhstan Tenge + + + currency-display-name-lkr + Roupie du Sri Lanka + + + currency-display-name-mad + Dirham Marocain + + + currency-display-name-mdl + Leu moldave + + + currency-display-name-mur + Roupie mauricienne + + + currency-display-name-mwk + Kwacha malawien + + + currency-display-name-mxn + Peso mexicain + + + currency-display-name-myr + Ringgit De Malaisie + + + currency-display-name-mzn + Mozambique Metical + + + currency-display-name-nad + Dollar Namibien + + + currency-display-name-ngn + Nigéria Naira + + + currency-display-name-nok + Couronne norvégienne + + + currency-display-name-npr + Roupie Du Népal + + + currency-display-name-nzd + Dollar néo-zélandais + + + currency-display-name-omr + Rial d'Oman + + + currency-display-name-pen + Pérou Sol + + + currency-display-name-pgk + Kina de Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée + + + currency-display-name-php + Peso Philippines + + + currency-display-name-pkr + Roupie pakistanaise + + + currency-display-name-pln + Zloty polonais + + + currency-display-name-pyg + Guarani Paraguayen + + + currency-display-name-qar + Riyal Du Qatar + + + currency-display-name-ron + Leu Roumain + + + currency-display-name-rsd + Dinar Serbe + + + currency-display-name-rub + Rouble russe + + + currency-display-name-sar + Arabie Saoudite Riyal + + + currency-display-name-sek + Couronne suédoise + + + currency-display-name-sgd + Dollar de Singapour + + + currency-display-name-thb + Baht thaïlandais + + + currency-display-name-try + Lire turque + + + currency-display-name-ttd + Dollar de Trinité-et-Tobago + + + currency-display-name-twd + Taiwan Nouveau Dollar + + + currency-display-name-tzs + Shilling tanzanien + + + currency-display-name-uah + Hryvnia ukrainien + + + currency-display-name-ugx + Shilling Ougandais + + + currency-display-name-usd + Dollar des États-Unis + + + currency-display-name-uyu + Peso uruguayen + + + currency-display-name-vef + Bolívar Du Venezuela + + + currency-display-name-vnd + Dong vietnamien + + + currency-display-name-zar + Afrique du Sud Rand + + + current-network + Réseau actuel + + + current-pin + Entrez le code PIN à 6 chiffres + + + current-pin-description + Entrez votre code PIN pour continuer + + + custom + Personnalisé + + + custom-networks + Réseaux personnalisés + + + dapp + ÐApp + + + dapp-would-like-to-connect-wallet + souhaite se connecter à votre portefeuille + + + dapps + ÐApps + + + dapps-permissions + Autorisations DApp + + + data + Données + + + datetime-ago + il y a + + + datetime-ago-format + {{number}} {{time-intervals}} {{ago}} + + + datetime-ago-format-short + {{number}} {{time-intervals}} + + + datetime-day + + jour + jours + + + + datetime-hour + + heure + heures + + + + datetime-minute + + minute + minutes + + + + datetime-second + + seconde + secondes + + + + datetime-day-short + + j + j + + + + datetime-hour-short + + h + h + + + + datetime-minute-short + + m + m + + + + datetime-second-short + + S + S + + + + datetime-today + aujourd'hui + + + datetime-yesterday + hier + + + decimals + Décimales + + + decline + Décliner + + + decryption-failed-content + Une erreur s'est produite lors du décryptage de vos données. Vous devrez peut-être effacer vos anciennes données et générer un nouveau compte. Appuyez sur "Appliquer" pour effacer ou "Annuler" pour réessayer + + + default + Défaut + + + delete + Supprimer + + + delete-and-leave-group + Supprimer et quitter le groupe + + + delete-bootnode + Supprimer bootnode + + + delete-bootnode-are-you-sure + Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer ce bootnode ? + + + delete-bootnode-title + Supprimer bootnode + + + delete-chat + Supprimer le chat + + + delete-chat-confirmation + Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer ce chat? + + + delete-category-confirmation + + + + delete-confirmation + Supprimer? + + + delete-mailserver + Supprimer le nœud de Status + + + delete-mailserver-are-you-sure + Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer ce nœud de Status ? + + + delete-mailserver-title + Supprimer le nœud de Status + + + delete-message + Supprimer le message + + + delete-my-account + Supprimer mon compte + + + delete-network-confirmation + Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer ce réseau ? + + + delete-network-error + Veuillez vous connecter à un autre réseau avant de supprimer celui-ci. + + + delete-network-title + Supprimer le réseau? + + + delete-node + Supprimer le nœud + + + delete-node-are-you-sure + Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer ce nœud ? + + + delete-node-title + Supprimer le nœud + + + delete-profile + Supprimer le profil + + + delete-my-profile + Supprimer mon profil + + + delete-profile-warning + Avertissement : Si vous n’avez pas écrit votre phrase seed, vous perdrez l’accès à vos fonds après avoir supprimé votre profil + + + profile-deleted-title + Profil supprimé + + + profile-deleted-content + Votre profil a été supprimé avec succès + + + profile-deleted-keycard + Vous pouvez maintenant restaurer une autre biclé sur votre Keycard + + + deny + Refuser + + + description + Description + + + dev-mode + Mode de développement + + + dev-mode-settings + Paramètres du mode de développement + + + device-syncing + Synchronisation des appareils + + + devices + Appareils + + + disable + désactiver + + + disabled + Désactivé + + + disconnected + Chat hors ligne + + + discover + Découvrir + + + dismiss + Rejeter + + + done + Fait + + + edit + Modifier + + + edit-group + Modifier le groupe + + + edit-profile + Modifier le profil + + + empty-chat-description + Il n'y a pas de messages +dans ce chat pour le moment + + + empty-chat-description-one-to-one + Tous les messages que vous envoyez ici sont cryptés et ne peuvent être lus que par vous. + + + empty-chat-description-public + Les dernières {{quiet-hours}} ont été calmes. Commencer la conversation ou + + + cleared-chat-description-public + + + + empty-chat-description-community + C'est calme ici depuis {{quiet-hours}} . + + + empty-chat-description-public-share-this + partager ce chat. + + + enable + activer + + + encrypt-with-password + Crypter avec mot de passe + + + ens-10-SNT + 10 SNT + + + ens-add-username + Ajouter un nom d'utilisateur + + + ens-agree-to + Accepter de + + + ens-chat-settings + Paramètres de Chat + + + ens-custom-domain + Domaine personnalisé + + + ens-custom-username-hints + Tapez le nom d'utilisateur complet, y compris le domaine personnalisé comme nom d'utilisateur.domaine.eth.eth + + + ens-custom-username-taken + Le nom d'utilisateur ne vous appartient pas :( + + + ens-deposit + Dépôt + + + ens-displayed-with + Vos messages sont affichés aux autres avec + + + ens-get-name + Obtenir un nom d'utilisateur universel + + + ens-got-it + Ok, j'ai compris + + + ens-locked + Nom d'utilisateur verrouillé. Vous ne pourrez pas le déverrouiller avant le {{date}} + + + ens-network-restriction + Disponible uniquement sur Mainnet + + + ens-no-usernames + Vous n'avez aucun nom d'utilisateur connecté + + + ens-powered-by + Propulsé par Ethereum Name Services + + + ens-primary-username + Nom d'utilisateur principal + + + ens-register + S'inscrire + + + ens-registration-in-progress + Enregistrement en cours... + + + ens-registration-failure + L'enregistrement a échoué + + + ens-dismiss-message + Cliquez ici pour ignorer + + + ens-registration-failed + Pour enregistrer le nom d'utilisateur, veuillez réessayer. + + + ens-registration-failed-title + La transaction a échoué + + + ens-release-username + Nom d'utilisateur libre + + + ens-remove-hints + La suppression séparera le nom d'utilisateur de votre clé. + + + ens-remove-username + Supprimer le nom d'utilisateur + + + ens-saved + est maintenant connecté avec votre code de contact et peut être utilisé sur Status. + + + ens-saved-title + Nom d'utilisateur ajouté + + + ens-show-username + Afficher mon nom d'utilisateur ENS dans les chats + + + ens-terms-header + Conditions d'enregistrement des noms + + + ens-terms-point-1 + Les fonds sont déposés pendant 1 an. Votre SNT sera verrouillé, mais pas dépensé. + + + ens-terms-point-10 + 0x00000000000C2E074eC69A0dFb2997BA6C7d2e1e (registre ENS). + + + ens-terms-point-2 + Après 1 an, vous pouvez libérer le nom et récupérer votre dépôt, ou ne prendre aucune mesure pour garder le nom. + + + ens-terms-point-3 + Si les conditions du contrat changent - par exemple, si Status fait des mises à jour du contrat - l'utilisateur a le droit de libérer le nom d'utilisateur quelle que soit la durée du contrat. + + + ens-terms-point-4 + Le contrôleur des contrats ne peut pas accéder à vos fonds déposés. Ils ne peuvent être déplacés qu'à l'adresse qui les a envoyés. + + + ens-terms-point-5 + Votre (vos) adresse(s) sera (seront) publiquement associée(s) à votre nom ENS. + + + ens-terms-point-6 + Les noms d'utilisateurs sont créés en tant que nœuds de sous domaines de stateofus.eth et sont soumis aux conditions du contrat intelligent ENS. + + + ens-terms-point-7 + Vous autorisez le contrat à transférer SNT en votre nom. Cela ne peut se produire que lorsque vous approuvez une transaction pour autoriser le transfert. + + + ens-terms-point-8 + Ces conditions sont garanties par la logique contractuelle intelligente des adresses : + + + ens-terms-point-9 + {{address}} (Status UsernameRegistrar) + + + ens-terms-registration + Conditions d'enregistrement des noms. + + + ens-test-message + Salut + + + ens-transaction-pending + Transaction en cours..... + + + ens-understand + Je comprends que l'adresse de mon portefeuille sera publiquement connectée à mon nom d'utilisateur. + + + ens-username + Nom d'utilisateur ENS + + + ens-username-available + ✓ Nom d'utilisateur disponible ! + + + ens-username-connected + Ce nom d'utilisateur vous appartient et est connecté à votre code de contact + + + ens-username-connection-confirmation + {{username}} sera connecté quand la transaction sera terminée. + + + ens-username-hints + Au moins 4 caractères. Lettres latines, chiffres et minuscules seulement. + + + ens-username-invalid + Lettres et chiffres uniquement + + + ens-username-owned + ✓ Le nom d'utilisateur vous appartient. + + + ens-username-registration-confirmation + Joli! {{username}} vous appartient quand la transaction est terminée. + + + ens-username-you-can-follow-progress + Vous pouvez suivre l'évolution dans la section Historique des transactions de votre portefeuille. + + + ens-usernames + Noms d'utilisateurs ENS + + + ens-usernames-details + Enregistrer un nom d'utilisateur universel pour être facilement reconnu par les autres utilisateurs + + + wallet-address + Adresse portefeuille + + + ens-want-custom-domain + Je possède un nom sur un autre domaine + + + ens-want-domain + Je veux un domaine stateofus.eth + + + ens-welcome-hints + Les noms ENS transforment ces adresses d'une longueur insensée en noms d'utilisateur uniques. + + + ens-welcome-point-customize + Un nom ENS peut remplacer votre nom composé de trois mots aléatoires dans les conversations. Vous serez @votrenom plutôt que {{name}}. + + + ens-welcome-point-customize-title + Choisissez votre pseudonyme + + + ens-welcome-point-simplify + Vous pouvez recevoir des fonds grâce à votre nom ENS facile à partager plutôt qu'à votre hash hexadécimal (0x...). + + + ens-welcome-point-simplify-title + Simplifiez votre adresse ETH + + + ens-welcome-point-receive + D'autres utilisateurs peuvent vous envoyer des fonds en une étape simple. + + + ens-welcome-point-receive-title + Recevez des transactions dans la discussion + + + ens-welcome-point-register + Inscrivez-vous une fois pour garder le nom pour toujours. Après 1 an, vous pouvez libérer le nom et récupérer votre SNT. + + + ens-welcome-point-register-title + 10 SNT pour s'enregistrer + + + ens-welcome-point-verify + Vous pouvez vérifier et ajouter tous les noms d'utilisateur que vous possédez au cours des prochaines étapes. + + + ens-welcome-point-verify-title + Possédez-vous déjà un nom d'utilisateur ? + + + ens-your-username + Votre nom d'utilisateur + + + ens-your-usernames + Vos noms d'utilisateurs + + + ens-your-your-name + Votre nom ENS + + + ens-username-already-added + Le nom d'utilisateur est maintenant connecté avec votre clé et peut être utilisé dans Status. + + + ens-username-connected-continue + Continuer à établir 'afficher mon nom d'utilisateur ENS dans les discussions'. + + + ens-username-connected-with-different-key + Pour continuer, vous devrez effectuer une transaction pour connecter votre nom d'utilisateur à votre clé. + + + ens-username-owned-continue + En continuant, vous connecterez ce nom d'utilisateur avec votre clé. + + + ens-username-taken + Nom d'utilisateur déjà pris :( + + + ens-name-not-found + Impossible de résoudre le nom d'utilisateur ENS + + + ens-username-registration-invalid + + + + ens-username-invalid-name-warning + + + + enter-12-words + Entrez les 12 mots de votre phrase de récupération, séparés par un espace + + + enter-a-private-key + Entrer une clé privée + + + enter-a-seed-phrase + Entrer une phrase de récupération + + + enter-address + Entrer l'adresse + + + enter-contact-code + ENS (vitalik94) ou clé de chat (0x04…) + + + enter-pair-code + Entrez votre code d'authentification + + + pair-code-placeholder + Code de paire ... + + + enter-pair-code-description + Le code de jumelage peut être défini à partir d'un client Status déjà jumelé. + + + enter-password + Entrer le mot de passe + + + enter-password-migration-prompt + Renseignez votre mot de passe pour transférer vos contacts, discussions et paramètres liés à vos clés + + + migration-successful + Migration réussie + + + migration-successful-text + Compte migré avec succès vers Keycard + + + skip + Passer + + + password-placeholder + Mot de passe + + + confirm-password-placeholder + Confirmer votre mot de passe + + + enter-pin + Entrez le code PIN à 6 chiffres + + + enter-puk-code + Entrez le code PUK + + + enter-puk-code-description + Le code PIN a été bloqué. +Veuillez entrer le code PUK pour débloquer le code PIN. + + + enter-recipient-address-or-username + Entrer l'adresse ou le nom d'utilisateur du destinataire + + + enter-seed-phrase + Entrez la phrase de récupération + + + enter-url + Entrer l'URL + + + enter-watch-account-address + Scannez un QR code + ou + entrez l'adresse à regarder + + + enter-word + Entrer le mot + + + enter-your-code + Entrez votre code à 6 chiffres + + + enter-your-password + Entrez votre mot de passe... + + + error + Erreur + + + error-unable-to-get-balance + Impossible d'obtenir le solde + + + error-unable-to-get-prices + Erreur de conversion de devise. Actualisez votre écran pour réessayer. + + + error-unable-to-get-token-balance + Impossible d'obtenir le solde du token + + + errors + Erreurs + + + eth + ETH + + + ethereum-node-started-incorrectly-description + Le nœud Ethereum a été démarré avec une configuration incorrecte, l'application sera arrêtée pour récupérer de cette condition. Identifiant réseau configuré = {{network-id}} , actuel = {{fetched-network-id}} + + + ethereum-node-started-incorrectly-title + Le noeud Ethereum a mal démarré + + + etherscan-lookup + Regarder sur Etherscan + + + export-account + Exporter le compte + + + export-key + Exporter la clé privée + + + community-private-key + Clé privée de la communauté + + + failed + Échoué + + + faq + Foire aux questions + + + fetch-messages + ↓ Récupérer les messages + + + fetch-timeline + Afficher + + + find + Trouver + + + finish + Finir + + + finishing-card-setup + Finition de la configuration de la carte + + + fleet + Flotte + + + fleet-settings + Paramètres de la flotte + + + follow-your-interests + Se lancer dans une conversation publique et rencontrez de nouvelles personnes + + + follow + Suivre + + + free + ↓ Gratuit + + + from + De + + + gas-limit + Limite de gaz + + + gas-price + Prix du gaz + + + gas-used + Gaz utilisé + + + generate-a-key + Générer une clé + + + generate-a-new-account + Créez une nouvelle clé + + + generate-a-new-key + Générer une nouvelle clé + + + generate-account + Créez une clé + + + generate-new-key + Générer une nouvelle clé + + + your-keys + Vos clés + + + generating-codes-for-pairing + > Téléchargement du logiciel produit sur carte + > Génération de codes de déverrouillage et de couplage + + + generating-keys + Génération de clés ... + + + you-will-need-this-code + Vous aurez besoin de ce code pour ouvrir Status et signer des transactions. + + + generating-mnemonic + Génération d'une phrase de récupération + + + get-started + Commencer + + + get-status-at + Obtenir Status à http://status.im + + + get-stickers + Obtenir des autocollants + + + go-to-settings + Aller aux paramètres... + + + got-it + J'ai compris + + + group-chat + Chat de groupe + + + group-chat-admin + Admin + + + group-chat-admin-added + **{{member}}** a été nommé administrateur + + + group-chat-created + **{{member}}** a créé le groupe **{{name}}** + + + group-chat-decline-invitation + Décliner l'invitation + + + group-chat-member-added + **{{member}}** a été invité + + + group-chat-member-joined + **{{member}}** a rejoint le groupe + + + group-chat-member-removed + **{{member}}** a quitté le groupe + + + group-chat-members-count + {{selected}} / {{max}} membres + + + group-chat-name-changed + ** {{member}} ** a changé le nom du groupe en ** {{name}} ** + + + group-chat-no-contacts + Vous n'avez pas encore de contacts. +Invitez vos amis à commencer à chatter + + + leave-chat + Quitter le chat + + + leave-confirmation + Quitter {{chat-name}} + + + leave-chat-confirmation + L'historique de vos conversations sera définitivement effacée de votre appareil. Vous ne pourrez plus les retrouver même si vous décidiez de vous réinscrire dans le futur. + + + group-chat-all-contacts-invited + Tous vos contacts sont déjà dans le groupe + + + group-info + Informations sur le groupe + + + gwei + Gwei + + + hash + Hash + + + help + aide + + + help-capitalized + Aide + + + help-center + Centre d'aide + + + hide-content-when-switching-apps + Bloquer les captures d'écran + + + hide-content-when-switching-apps-ios + Masquer l'aperçu + + + history + Histoire + + + history-nodes + Nœuds de Status + + + hold-card + Tenir la carte à l'arrière + de votre téléphone + + + home + Accueil + + + hooks + Crochets + + + identifier + Identifiant + + + image-remove-current + Supprimer la photo actuelle + + + image-source-gallery + Sélectionnez à partir de la galerie + + + image-source-make-photo + Capturer + + + image-source-title + Modifier l'image + + + profile-pic-take + Prendre une photo + + + profile-pic-pick + Sélectionnez à partir de la galerie + + + profile-pic-remove + Supprimer la photo + + + in-contacts + Dans les contacts + + + incoming + Entrant + + + incoming-transaction + Transaction entrante + + + incorrect-code::0 + str + + + incorrect-code::1 + Désolé, le code était incorrect, veuillez le saisir à nouveau + + + initialization + Initialisation + + + install + Installer + + + intro-message1 + Bienvenue sur Status! + Appuyez sur ce message pour définir votre mot de passe et commencer. + + + intro-privacy-policy-note1 + Status ne collecte, ne partage et ne vend aucune donnée personnelle. En continuant, vous acceptez la + + + intro-privacy-policy-note2 + politique de respect de la vie privée + + + intro-text + Status est votre porte d'entrée vers le web décentralisé + + + intro-text1 + Discutez sur un réseau peer-to-peer crypté, où vos messages ne peuvent être ni censurés ni piratés + + + intro-text2 + Envoyez et recevez des bien numériques partout dans le monde — sans compte bancaire requis + + + intro-text3 + Découvrez des jeux, des plateformes d'échanges et des réseaux sociaux où vous êtes seul propriétaire de vos données + + + intro-title1 + Communication privée et sécurisée + + + intro-title2 + Portefeuille crypto sécurisé + + + intro-title3 + Applications décentralisées + + + intro-wizard-text1 + Votre compte est contrôlé par une clé. Cette clé est stockée dans votre téléphone, vous seul y avez accès + + + intro-wizard-text2 + Une clé est utilisée pour discuter. Elle est liée à nom qui ne peut pas être modifié. + + + intro-wizard-text3 + Si vous possédez une Keycard, stockez-y vos clés pour une sécurité renforcée. + + + intro-wizard-text4 + Sécurisez et cryptez vos clés + + + intro-wizard-text6 + Facilitez la signature et l'envoi de transactions en activant la signature par empreinte digitale. + + + intro-wizard-title-alt4 + Créer un mot de passe + + + intro-wizard-title-alt5 + Confirmer votre mot de passe + + + intro-wizard-title1 + Obtenez votre clé + + + intro-wizard-title2 + Choisissez un pseudo + + + intro-wizard-title3 + Sélectionnez où stocker les clés + + + intro-wizard-title4 + Créer un code à 6 chiffres + + + intro-wizard-title5 + Confirmer le code + + + intro-wizard-title6 + Activer les notifications + + + are-you-sure-to-cancel + Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir annuler ? + + + you-will-start-from-scratch + Vous recommencerez depuis le début avec un nouvel ensemble de clés + + + invalid-address-qr-code + Le QR code scanné ne contient pas d'adresse valide + + + invalid-format + Format invalide +Doit être {{format}} + + + invalid-key-confirm + Appliquer + + + invalid-key-content + La base de données multi-comptes ne peut pas être cryptée car le fichier est corrompu. Il n'y a aucun moyen de le restaurer. Si vous appuyez sur le bouton "Annuler", rien ne se passera. Si vous appuyez sur le bouton " {{erase-multiaccounts-data-button-text}} ", la base de données multi-comptes sera supprimée et vous pourrez déverrouiller plusieurs comptes. Toutes les données multi-comptes seront perdues. + + + invalid-number + Numéro invalide + + + invalid-pairing-password + Mot de passe d'appariement invalide + + + invalid-range + Format non valide, doit être compris entre {{min}} et {{max}}. + + + invalid-username-or-key + Nom d'utilisateur ou discussion invalide + + + join-me + Hey rejoignez-moi sur Status: {{url}} + + + join-a-community + ou rejoindre une communauté + + + http-gateway-error + Oups, la demande a échoué! + + + sign-request-failed + Impossible de signer le message + + + invite-friends + Inviter des amis + + + invite-people + Inviter des personnes + + + invite-reward + Gagnez du crypto pour chaque ami invité ! + + + invite-select-account + Sélectionnez un compte pour recevoir votre bonus de référence + + + invited + invité + + + invite-button + Inviter + + + invite-receive-account + Compte pour recevoir votre bonus de référence + + + how-it-works + Comment ça marche + + + invite-warning + Cette promotion est valide uniquement pour les utilisateurs d'un appareil Android ne résidant pas aux États-Unis. L'ami doit confirmer sa référence dans les 7 jours + + + invite-instruction-first + Vous envoyez un lien d'invitation unique à votre ami pour télécharger et rejoindre Status + + + invite-instruction-second + Votre ami télécharge Status et crée un compte (sur Android) + + + invite-instruction-third + Un chat avec votre ami est lancé, où il confirme votre recommandation + + + invite-instruction-fourth + Vous recevez votre bonus de référence et votre ami le Pack Starter + + + invite-instruction-fifth + Vous pouvez utiliser votre bonus de parrainage quand vous le souhaité + + + invite-reward-you + Toi + + + invite-reward-you-name + Bonus de référence + + + invite-reward-you-description + Invitez un ami et recevez {{reward}} un bonus de référence en gage de notre gratitude. Utilisez-le pour obtenir des autocollants, un nom d'utilisateur ENS et essayer les Dapps + + + invite-reward-friend + Ami: + + + invite-reward-friend-name + Kit de départ + + + invite-reward-friend-description + Votre ami recevra un kit de départ composé de{{reward}} pour commencer + + + invite-privacy-policy1 + En acceptant que vous acceptiez le programme de référence + + + invite-privacy-policy2 + Conditions générales. + + + invite-privacy-policy-public + Vous avez installé Status avec un lien de parrainage. En rejoignant cette discussion, vous attribuez votre parrain et acceptez + + + invite-chat-name + Référence d'ami + + + invite-chat-starter-pack + Kit de départ + + + invite-chat-intro + Un ami vous a invité à rejoindre Status. Voici quelques crypto pour démarrer ! Utilisez-les pour enregistrer un nom ENS ou acheter un pack d'autocollants + + + invite-public-chat-home + Invitation par parrainage + + + invite-public-chat-intro + Voici quelques crypto pour démarrer ! Utilisez-les pour obtenir des autocollants, un nom ENS et essayer des dapps + + + invite-chat-accept + Accepter + + + invite-chat-pending + En attente + + + invite-chat-accept-join + Accepter et rejoindre + + + invite-chat-rule + Accepter récompensera également votre ami avec un bonus de parrainage crypto + + + redeem-now + Échangez maintenant + + + redeem-amount + {{quantity}} bonus disponibles + + + redeem-success + L'échange du bonus a fonctionné ! + + + attribution-received + {{attrib}} sur {{max}} bonus reçus + + + advertiser-starter-pack-title + Pack de démarrage + + + advertiser-starter-pack-description + Voici quelques crypto pour démarrer ! Utilisez-les pour obtenir des autocollants, un nom ENS et essayer des dapps + + + advertiser-title + Paramètres de confidentialité par défaut + + + advertiser-description + Vous avez découvert Status grâce à un partenaire. Acceptez-vous que Status vérifie votre adresse IP une seule fois afin d'être récompensé ? Ces informations ne seront utilisées pour rien d'autre et seront entièrement supprimées après 7 jours. + + + advertiser-starter-pack-accept + Accepter + + + advertiser-starter-pack-decline + Décliner + + + dapp-starter-pack-title + Kit de départ + + + dapp-starter-pack-description + Voici quelques crypto pour démarrer ! Utilisez-les pour obtenir des autocollants, un nom ENS et essayer des dapps + + + dapp-starter-pack-accept + Accepter et Ouvrir + + + starter-pack-coming + Le kit de départ arrive + + + starter-pack-coming-description + Peut prendre de quelques minutes à quelques heures + + + starter-pack-received + Pack de démarrage reçu + + + starter-pack-received-description + Voici quelques crypto pour démarrer ! Utilisez-les pour obtenir des autocollants, un nom ENS et essayer des dapps + + + join-group-chat + Rejoindre le groupe + + + join-group-chat-description + {{username}} vous a invité à rejoindre le groupe {{group-name}} + + + joined-group-chat-description + Vous avez rejoint {{group-name}} à l'invitation de {{username}} + + + key + Clé + + + keycard + Keycard + + + keycard-access-reset + L'accès par Keycard est réinitialisé + + + keycard-can-use-with-new-passcode + Vous pouvez utiliser cette carte avec votre nouveau code d’accès + + + keycard-applet-install-instructions + Pour installer l'applet, suivez les instructions sur https://github.com/status-im/keycard-cli#keycard-applet-installation. + + + keycard-blocked + La Keycard a été bloquée. +Vous devez réinitialiser la carte pour continuer à l'utiliser. + + + keycard-cancel-setup-text + Ceci annulera la configuration de la carte d'accès. Il est fortement recommandé de terminer l'installation afin d'utiliser la carte d'accès. Voulez-vous vraiment annuler ? + + + keycard-cancel-setup-title + Opération dangereuse + + + keycard-desc + Vous possédez une Keycard ? Stockez vos clés dessus; vous en aurez besoin pour vos transactions + + + keycard-dont-ask-card + Ne pas demander de carte pour se connecter + + + keycard-reset-passcode + Réinitialiser le code d’accès + + + keycard-factory-reset + Rétablir les paramètres usine de la carte + + + keycard-factory-reset-title + Voulez-vous vraiment effectuer une réinitialisation d’usine ? + + + keycard-factory-reset-text + Cette opération supprimera toutes les phrases mnémonique sur la carte. Vérifiez d'avoir une sauvegarde de la phrase mnémonique de cette carte + + + keycard-enter-new-passcode + Entrez nouveau code d'accès {{step}}/2 + + + keycard-has-multiaccount-on-it + Cette carte a déjà un multi-compte dessus. Si vous souhaitez la changer, connectez-vous d'abord et réinitialisez votre carte. Si vous souhaitez importer un multi-compte par carte d'accès, veuillez utiliser "Ajouter un multi-compte existant". + + + keycard-onboarding-finishing-header + Presque terminé + + + keycard-onboarding-intro-header + Stockez vos clés sur votre Keycard + + + keycard-onboarding-intro-text + Soyez-prêt, cela va prendre quelques minutes, mais ceci est important pour sécuriser votre compte. + + + keycard-onboarding-pairing-header + Jumelage de la carte... + + + keycard-onboarding-preparing-header + Préparation de la carte... + + + keycard-onboarding-puk-code-header + Écrivez les codes + et les stocker en toute sécurité + + + keycard-onboarding-recovery-phrase-description + Avec cette phrase de récupération, vous pouvez toujours récupérer votre clé. Notez la phrase de récupération. Gardez-la en sécurité, hors ligne et séparé de cet appareil. + + + keycard-onboarding-recovery-phrase-header + Sauvegardez la phrase de récupération + + + keycard-onboarding-recovery-phrase-text + Rien que pour vos yeux. C'est la phrase de récupération magique utilisée pour générer votre clé. + + + keycard-onboarding-start-header + Tenez la carte au dos + de votre téléphone pour commencer + + + keycard-onboarding-pin-text + Vous devrez créer un code à 6 chiffres qui sera utilisé pour protéger l'accès à votre Keycard. + + + keycard-onboarding-mnemonic-text + Vous aurez également besoin d'un morceau de papier et d'un crayon pour écrire votre phrase mnémonique. + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step1 + Créer un code d'accès + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step1-text + Environ 1 minute. Créez un code à 6 chiffres pour crypter vos clés + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step2 + Notez le code PUK et le code de couplage + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step2-text + Environ 1 minute. Vous allez avoir besoin d'un bout de papier et d'un crayon pour ça + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step3 + Sauvegardez la phrase de récupération + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step3-text + Environ 1 minute. Aussi un morceau de papier et un crayon sont nécessaires + + + keycard-onboarding-start-text + Et maintenez la carte au contact téléphonique + pendant la configuration. L'installation prendra environ 4 minutes + + + keycard-recovery-intro-button-text + Commencer la récupération + + + keycard-recovery-intro-header + Récupérer une clé stockée sur une Keycard + + + keycard-recovery-intro-text + Si vous avez précédemment généré une clé à l'aide d'une Keycard et que vous souhaitez à présent utiliser cette clé sur cet appareil + + + keycard-recovery-no-key-header + Il n'y a rien à + récupérer ici + + + keycard-recovery-no-key-text + Votre Keycard n'a pas de clé stockée dessus. Pour l'utiliser, générez une nouvelle clé et choisissez votre Keycard pour stocker la clé. + + + keycard-recovery-phrase-confirm-header + Confirmer la phrase de récupération + + + keycard-recovery-phrase-confirmation-text + Attention, dernière chance ! Sans la phrase de récupération, vous ne pourrez accéder ni à votre clé, ni aux actifs qui lui sont associés si vous perdez votre appareil. + + + keycard-recovery-phrase-confirmation-title + Vous avez écrit la phrase de récupération ? + + + keycard-recovery-success-header + Votre clé a été récupérée avec succès + + + keycard-redeem-title + Échangez contre + + + keycard-redeem-tx + Remboursement des actifs + + + keycard-redeem-tx-desc + Appuyez sur la carte pour signer et recevoir des actifs + + + keycard-unauthorized-operation + Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à effectuer cette opération. +S'il vous plaît rentrez une carte valide et essayer à nouveau. + + + keycard-is-frozen-title + Keycard est gelée + + + keycard-is-frozen-details + Afin de protéger vos avoirs, votre carte est bloquée. Réinitialisez votre carte pour la débloquer et pour effectuer des transactions. Vous pouvez utiliser votre PUK ou votre phrase mnémonique. + + + keycard-is-frozen-reset + Réinitialiser l'accès à la carte avec le PUK + + + keycard-is-frozen-factory-reset + Réinitialiser avec mnémonique + + + your-card-is-frozen + Votre Keycard est gelée. Réinitialiser l'accès à la carte + + + keycard-is-blocked-title + Keycard est bloqué + + + keycard-is-blocked-details + Vous ne pouvez plus utiliser cette carte pour accéder à ce compte ou le signer. Il y a eu trop de tentatives infructueuses de code d'accès et de PUK. + + + keycard-is-blocked-instructions + Pour accéder à votre compte, réinstallez Status et utilisez une nouvelle Keycard, utilisez un autre portefeuille ou réinitialisez-la Keycard manuellement. + + + language + Langue + + + learn-more + En savoir plus + + + learn-more-about-keycard + En savoir plus sur la Keycard + + + leave + Partir + + + joined + Rejoint + + + leave-group + Quitter le groupe + + + left + gauche + + + lets-go + Allons-y + + + les-ulc + LES / ULC + + + linked-on + Lié le {{date}} + + + load-messages-before + avant le {{date}} + + + load-more-messages + ↓ Récupérer plus de messages + + + load-more-timeline + Afficher plus + + + loading + Chargement... + + + log-level + Niveau de journal + + + log-level-settings + Paramètres de niveau de journal + + + logging + Connexion + + + logging-enabled + Connexion activée? + + + login-pin-description + Entrez votre code PIN à 6 chiffres pour vous connecter à votre multi-compte + + + logout + Déconnecter + + + logout-app-content + Le multi-compte sera déconnecté. Si vous vous reconnectez, le réseau sélectionné sera utilisé + + + logout-are-you-sure + Êtes-vous sûr que vous voulez +pour vous déconnecter? + + + logout-title + Se déconnecter ? + + + logout-key-management + Vous devez vous déconnecter pour accéder à la gestion des clés. + + + looking-for-cards + A la recherche de cartes... + + + lost-connection + Connexion perdue + + + mailserver-address + Adresse du nœud de Status + + + mailserver-automatic + Sélection automatique + + + mailserver-automatic-switch-explanation + Choisissez le nœud d'historique le plus rapide disponible + + + mailserver-connection-error + Impossible de se connecter au nœud de Status + + + mailserver-details + Détails du nœud de Status + + + mailserver-error-content + Le nœud de Status sélectionné n'a pas pu être joint. + + + mailserver-error-title + Erreur de connexion au nœud de Status + + + mailserver-format + enode://{enode-id}:{password}@{ip-address} : {port} + + + mailserver-pick-another + Choisir un autre nœud de Status + + + mailserver-reconnect + Impossible de se connecter au nœud de Status. Appuyez pour vous reconnecter + + + mailserver-request-error-content + L'erreur suivante a été renvoyée par le nœud de Status: {{error}} + + + mailserver-request-error-status + Une erreur s'est produite lors de l'extraction de l'historique, vérifiez les journaux pour plus de détails. + + + mailserver-request-error-title + Erreur de requête de serveur du nœud de Status + + + mailserver-request-retry + Réessayer la demande + + + mailserver-retry + Réessayer + + + main-currency + Devise principale + + + main-networks + Principaux réseaux + + + main-wallet + Portefeuille principal + + + mainnet-network + Réseau principal + + + make-admin + Faire admin + + + manage-keys-and-storage + Gérer les clés et le stockage + + + mark-all-read + Marquer tout comme lu + + + members + + 1 membre + {{count}} membres + + + + members-active + + 1 membre + {{count}} membres + + + + members-active-none + pas de membres + + + members-title + Membres + + + message + Message + + + message-not-sent + Message non envoyé + + + message-options-cancel + Annuler + + + message-reply + Répondre + + + replying-to + Répondre à {{author}} + + + data-syncing + Synchronisation des données + + + messages + Messages + + + chat-is-a-contact + Contact + + + chat-is-not-a-contact + Pas un contact + + + might-break + Peut casser quelques ÐApps + + + migrations-failed-content + {{message}} +version du schéma : initiale {{initial-version}}, actuelle {{current-version}}, dernière {{last-version}} + +Une erreur de base de données s’est produite. Vos fonds et votre clé de chat sont en sécurité. D’autres données, comme vos conversations et vos contacts, ne peuvent pas être restaurées. Le bouton « {{erase-multiaccounts-data-button-text}} » supprime toutes les autres données et vous permet d’accéder à vos fonds et d’envoyer des messages. + + + mobile-network-ask-me + Me demander quand sur le réseau mobile + + + mobile-network-continue-syncing + Continuer de synchroniser + + + mobile-network-continue-syncing-details + Vous pouvez aussi modifier cela dans les paramètres + + + mobile-network-go-to-settings + Aller aux paramètres + + + mobile-network-settings + Données mobiles + + + mobile-network-sheet-configure + Vous pouvez configurer la synchronisation +plus précisément dans + + + mobile-network-sheet-offline + Pas de Wi-fi, la synchronisation des messages est désactivée. + + + mobile-network-sheet-offline-details + La synchronisation via le réseau mobile est désactivée + + + mobile-network-sheet-remember-choice + Mémoriser mon choix + + + mobile-network-sheet-settings + réglages + + + mobile-network-start-syncing + Lancer la synchronisation + + + mobile-network-stop-syncing + Arrêter la synchronisation + + + mobile-network-stop-syncing-details + Jusqu'à ce que vous soyez en Wi-Fi ? + + + mobile-network-use-mobile + Utiliser les données mobiles + + + mobile-network-use-mobile-data + Status utilise beaucoup de données lors de la synchronisation des discussions et du portefeuille. + + + mobile-network-use-wifi + Wi-Fi uniquement + + + mobile-syncing-sheet-details + Status utilise beaucoup de données lors de la synchronisation des discussions et du portefeuille + + + mobile-syncing-sheet-title + Synchroniser en utilisant les données mobiles ? + + + more + plus + + + multiaccount-exists-title + Le multi-compte existe déjà + + + multiaccount-exists-content + Ce multi-compte existe déjà. Si vous avez perdu votre mot de passe, votre code ou votre Keycard vous devez juste le déverrouiller. + + + multiaccounts-recover-enter-phrase-text + Entrez 12, 15, 18, 21 ou 24 mots. +Séparez les mots par un seul espace. + + + multiaccounts-recover-enter-phrase-title + Entrez votre phrase de récupération + + + name + Nom + + + name-of-token + Le nom de votre jeton + + + need-help + Besoin d'aide ? + + + glossary + Glossaire + + + account-title + Compte + + + account-content + Vous pouvez comparer les comptes de Status à des comptes bancaires. Comme un compte bancaire, un compte a généralement une adresse et un solde; Vous utilisez ce compte pour effectuer des transactions avec Ethereum. Vous pouvez avoir plusieurs comptes dans votre portefeuille. Tous accessibles en déverrouillant le Status + + + chat-key-title + Code de contact + + + chat-key-content + Les messages sur le protocole de conversation de Status sont envoyés et reçus à l'aide de clés de chiffrement. Le code de contact public est une chaîne de caractères que vous partagez avec les autres afin qu'ils puissent vous envoyer des messages dans Status. + + + chat-name-title + Nom de discussion + + + chat-name-content + Trois mots aléatoires, dérivés algorithmiquement de votre code de contact et utilisés comme pseudonyme par défaut dans les discussions. Les noms de discussions sont complètement uniques; aucun autre utilisateur ne peut avoir les mêmes trois mots. + + + ens-name-title + Nom ENS + + + ens-name-content + Pseudonyme personnalisé pour votre code de contact que vous pouvez enregistrer à l'aide du service du service de nom Ethereum ENS. Les noms ENS sont des noms d'utilisateur décentralisés. + + + mailserver-title + Nœud de Status + + + mailserver-content + Un nœud dans le réseau Status qui dirige et stocke les messages pour une durée maximale de 30 jours. + + + peer-title + Pair + + + peer-content + Un appareil connecté au réseau de discussion Status. Chaque utilisateur peut représenter un ou plusieurs pairs, selon leur nombre d'appareils. + + + seed-phrase-title + Phrase de récupération + + + seed-phrase-content + Un ensemble de mots faciles à lire, sélectionnés au hasard dans la liste standard BIP39 et utilisés pour récupérer votre compte ou accéder à votre compte Ethereum sur d'autres portefeuilles et appareils. Également appelé « phrase mnémonique », « expression de récupération » ou « sauvegarde de portefeuille » dans l'écosystème cryptographique. La plupart des applications cryptographique utilisent ce même standard pour générer des comptes. + + + wallet-key-title + Adresse du compte + + + wallet-key-content + Une adresse hexadécimale de 64 caractères basée sur la norme Ethereum et commençant par 0x. Face au public, votre clé de portefeuille est partagée avec les autres quand vous souhaitez recevoir des fonds. Également appelée «adresse Ethereum» ou «adresse de portefeuille». + + + buy-crypto-title + On dirait que votre portefeuille est vide + + + buy-crypto-description + Trouver une DApp pour acheter de la crypto + + + buy-crypto + Acheter de la crypto + + + buy-crypto-choose-a-service + Utilisez le service de votre choix pour acheter de la crypto + + + buy-crypto-leaving + Vous quittez Status et accédez maintenant à un site tiers afin de finaliser votre achat + + + opening-buy-crypto + Ouverture de {{site}} ... + + + network + Réseau + + + network-chain + Chaîne de réseau + + + network-details + Détails du réseau + + + network-info + Informations sur le réseau + + + network-fee + Frais de réseau + + + network-id + ID réseau + + + network-invalid-network-id + L'identifiant réseau spécifié ne correspond pas à l'identifiant réseau par l'url RPC + + + network-invalid-status-code + Code status non valide: {{code}} + + + network-invalid-url + L'URL du réseau est invalide + + + network-settings + Paramètres réseau + + + new + Nouveau + + + new-chat + Nouveau chat + + + new-contact + Nouveau contact + + + new-contract + Nouveau contrat + + + new-group + Nouveau groupe + + + new-group-chat + Nouveau chat de groupe + + + new-network + Nouveau réseau + + + new-pin-description + Entrez le nouveau code PIN à 6 chiffres + + + new-puk-description + Entrez le nouveau PUK à 12 chiffres + + + new-public-group-chat + Rejoindre le chat public + + + next + Suivant + + + no + Non + + + no-collectibles + Aucun objet de collection disponible + + + no-contacts + Pas encore de contacts + + + no-keycard-applet-on-card + Pas d'applet Keycard sur la carte + + + no-messages + Pas de messages + + + no-pairing-slots-available + Cette carte est déjà couplée à 5 appareils et ne peut pas être couplée à celui-ci. Veuillez utiliser l'un des appareils jumelés, vous connecter avec cette carte et libérer des fentes de couplage sur la carte. + + + no-result + Aucun résultat + + + no-tokens-found + Aucun jeton trouvé + + + node-info + Informations sur les nœuds + + + node-address + Adresse du nœud + + + node-details + Détails du nœud + + + node-version + Version nœud + + + nonce + Nonce + + + none + Aucun + + + not-applicable + Non applicable pour les transactions non signées + + + not-keycard-text + La carte que vous avez utilisée n'est pas une Keycard. Vous devez acheter une Keycard pour l'utiliser + + + not-keycard-title + Pas une Keycard + + + notifications + Notifications + + + local-notifications + Notifications locales + + + local-notifications-subtitle + + + + remote-notifications + + + + remote-notifications-subtitle + + + + show-notifications + Afficher les notifications + + + notification-settings + Notifications + + + notifications-servers + Serveurs de notification + + + notifications-preferences + Préférences de notification + + + notifications-switch + Afficher les notifications + + + notifications-non-contacts + Notifications hors contacts + + + notifications-transactions + Transactions dans le portefeuille + + + send-push-notifications + + + + send-push-notifications-description + En cas de désactivation, la personne qui reçoit vos messages ne sera pas avertie de leur réception + + + push-notifications-server-enabled + Serveur activé + + + push-notifications-servers + serveurs de notifications push + + + push-inbound-transaction + Vous avez reçu {{value}} {{currency}} + + + push-outbound-transaction + Vous avez envoyé {{value}} {{currency}} + + + push-failed-transaction + Votre transaction a échoué + + + push-inbound-transaction-body + De {{from}} au {{to}} + + + push-outbound-transaction-body + De {{from}} au {{to}} + + + push-failed-transaction-body + {{value}} {{currency}} à {{to}} + + + allow-mention-notifications + Afficher les mentions @ + + + server + Serveur + + + specify-server-public-key + Entrez la clé publique du serveur + + + notify + Notifier + + + off + Désactivé + + + offline + Hors ligne + + + offline-messaging-use-history-nodes + Utiliser les nœuds d'historique + + + offline-messaging-use-history-explanation + Activez les nœuds d'historique pour récupérer les messages envoyés quand l'application était fermée. Lorsqu'il est activé, un nœud d'historique obtient votre adresse IP. Lorsqu'il est désactivé, vous ne recevrez pas de messages si l'application est fermée et vous ne les verrez pas lors de l'ouverture ultérieure de l'application. + + + ok + OK + + + ok-continue + D'accord, continuez + + + ok-got-it + OK, j'ai compris + + + okay + D'accord + + + on + Sur + + + open + Ouvrir + + + open-home + Ouvrir... + + + open-dapp + Ouvrir ÐApp + + + open-dapp-store + Découvrir les ÐApps + + + open-nfc-settings + Ouvrir les paramètres NFC + + + open-on-block-explorer + + + + optional + optionnel + + + or + OU + + + outgoing + Sortant + + + outgoing-transaction + Transaction sortante + + + pair + Coupler les appareils + + + pair-card + Coupler à cet appareil + + + pair-code + Code de couplage + + + pair-code-explanation + Couplez la Keycard avez différents appareils (jusqu'à 5) afin de déverrouiller et signer des transactions avec la même Keycard + + + pair-this-card + Associez cette carte + + + pair-this-device + Publicité de l'appareil + + + pair-this-device-description + Jumelez vos appareils pour synchroniser les contacts et les conversations entre eux. + + + paired-devices + Appareils jumelés + + + pairing + Jumelage + + + pairing-card + Carte de couplage + + + pairing-code-placeholder + Code de couplage... + + + pairing-code_error1 + Les codes de couplage ne correspondent pas. + + + confirm-pairing-code-placeholder + Confirmez votre code de couplage... + + + pairing-go-to-installation + Aller aux paramètres de couplage + + + pairing-maximum-number-reached-content + Veuillez désactiver l'un de vos appareils avant d'en activer un nouveau. + + + pairing-maximum-number-reached-title + Nombre maximum d'appareils atteints + + + pairing-new-installation-detected-content + Un nouveau périphérique a été détecté. +Pour utiliser vos appareils correctement, il est important de les coupler et de les activer avant de les utiliser. +Veuillez vous rendre dans la section des appareils sous Paramètres pour coupler vos appareils. + + + pairing-new-installation-detected-title + Nouvel appareil détecté + + + pairing-no-info + Pas d'infos + + + pairing-please-set-a-name + Veuillez définir un nom pour votre appareil. + + + passphrase + Passphrase + + + password + Mot de passe + + + password-description + Au moins 6 caractères. Vous aurez besoin de ce mot de passe pour ouvrir Status et confirmer les transactions. + + + password-placeholder2 + Confirmer votre mot de passe + + + password_error1 + Les mots de passe ne correspondent pas. + + + paste + Coller + + + paste-json + Coller JSON + + + pay-to-chat + Payer pour chatter + + + peers + Pairs + + + pending + En attente + + + pending-confirmation + Dans l'attente d'une confirmation.... + + + permissions + Permissions + + + phone-e164 + International 1 + + + photos-access-error + Pour accorder l'autorisation d'utiliser les photos requises, veuillez vous rendre dans les paramètres de votre système et vous assurer que l'option Status > Photos est sélectionnée. + + + pin-changed + Le code PIN a été changé + + + puk-changed + Le PUK à 12 chiffres a été modifié + + + pairing-changed + Le code de couplage a été modifié + + + pin-code + Code PIN à 6 chiffres + + + pin-mismatch + Code PIN incorrect + + + pin-retries-left + Il vous reste {{number}} tentatives + + + pin-one-attempt-blocked-before + Attention, vous n'avez que + + + pin-one-attempt-frozen-before + Attention, vous n'avez que + + + pin-one-attempt + une tentative + + + pin-one-attempt-blocked-after + avant que votre Keycard ne soit bloquée + + + pin-one-attempt-frozen-after + avant que votre Keycard ne soit gelée + + + preview-privacy + Aperçu du mode de confidentialité + + + privacy + Confidentialité + + + privacy-photos + Confidentialité de la photo de profil + + + privacy-and-security + Confidentialité et sécurité + + + privacy-policy + Politique de confidentialité + + + privacy-show-to-warning + Votre photo de profil continuera à s'afficher pour les personnes qui l'ont déjà vue + + + processing + Veuillez patienter un instant... + + + product-information + Informations sur le produit + + + profile + Profil + + + profile-details + Détails du profil + + + public-chat + Chat public + + + public-chats + Chats publics + + + public-group-status + Public + + + public-group-topic + Sujet + + + join-new-public-chat + Rejoignez un chat public + + + join-new-private-chat + Démarrer un nouveau chat privé + + + search-no-chat-found + Aucun résultat trouvé. Voulez-vous dire + + + public-key + Clé publique + + + puk-and-pairing-codes-displayed + Affichage des codes PUK et des codes de couplages + + + puk-code + Code PUK + + + puk-code-explanation + Si vous oubliez votre code PIN à 6 chiffres ou si vous le saisissez 3 fois de manière incorrecte, vous aurez besoin de ce code pour déverrouiller votre carte. + + + puk-mismatch + Le code PUK ne correspond pas + + + quiet-days + {{quiet-days}} jours + + + quiet-hours + {{quiet-hours}} heures + + + re-encrypt-key + Crypter à nouveau votre clé + + + receive + Recevoir + + + receive-transaction + Recevoir la transaction + + + recent + Récent + + + recent-recipients + Contacts + + + recently-used-stickers + Les autocollants récemment utilisés apparaîtront ici + + + recipient + Bénéficiaire + + + recipient-code + Entrez l'adresse du destinataire + + + recipient-code-placeholder + 0x... ou username.domain.eth + + + recover + Récupérer + + + recover-key + Récupérer des clés existantes + + + recover-keycard-multiaccount-not-supported + Les clés de ce compte existent déjà et ne peuvent pas être ajoutées. Si vous avez perdu votre mot de passe, code d'accès ou Keycard, désinstallez l'application, réinstallez la et vous pourrez accéder à vos clés en utilisant votre phrase mnémonique + + + recover-with-keycard + Récupérer avec la Keycard + + + recovering-key + Récupération de la clé ... + + + recovery-confirm-phrase + Confirmer la phrase de récupération + + + recovery-phrase + Phrase de récupération + + + recovery-success-text + Vous devrez créer un nouveau code ou mot de passe pour recrypter votre clé + + + recovery-typo-dialog-description + Veuillez noter que votre phrase de départ doit utiliser exactement les mêmes mots et l'ordre que vous l'avez reçu + + + recovery-typo-dialog-title + La phrase de récupérations est-elle correcte? + + + remember-me + Se souvenir de moi + + + remind-me-later + Me le rappeler plus tard + + + remove + Enlever + + + remove-from-chat + Supprimer du chat + + + remove-from-contacts + Retirer des contacts + + + remove-from-contacts-text + En supprimant un utilisateur de votre liste de contacts, vous ne leur cachez pas l'adresse de votre portefeuille + + + remove-network + Supprimer le réseau + + + remove-token + Supprimer le jeton + + + removed + supprimé + + + repeat-pin + Répéter le nouveau code PIN + + + repeat-puk + Répéter le nouveau code PUK + + + report-bug-email-template + 1. Description du problème + (Décrivez la fonctionnalité que vous souhaitez ou résumez brièvement le bogue et ce que vous avez fait, ce à quoi vous vous attendiez et ce qui se passe réellement. Sections ci-dessous) + + + 2. Étapes à suivre pour reproduire + (Décrivez comment nous pouvons répliquer le bogue étape par étape.) + - Ouvrir Status + -... + - Étape 3, etc. + + + 3. Comportement attendu + (Décrivez ce que vous attendiez.) + + + 4. Comportement réel + (Décrivez ce qui s'est réellement passé.) + + + 5. Joignez des captures d’écran permettant de faire la démonstration du problème. + + + + request-transaction + Demande de transaction + + + required-field + Champ requis + + + resend-message + Renvoyer + + + reset-card + Réinitialiser la carte + + + reset-card-description + Cette opération réinitialisera la carte à son état initial. Toutes les données de la carte, y compris les clés privées, seront effacées. L'opération n'est pas réversible. + + + retry + Réessayer + + + revoke-access + Révoquer l'accès + + + rinkeby-network + Réseau de test Rinkeby + + + ropsten-network + Réseau de test Ropsten + + + rpc-url + URL RPC + + + save + Sauvegarder + + + save-password + Enregistrer le mot de passe + + + save-password-unavailable + Définir le mot de passe de l'appareil pour enregistrer le mot de passe + + + save-password-unavailable-android + Enregistrer le mot de passe n'est pas disponible : il se peut que votre appareil soit enraciné ou ne dispose pas des fonctions de sécurité nécessaires. + + + scan-qr + Scannez le QR code + + + scan-qr-code + Scannez un QR code avec une adresse de portefeuille + + + search + Rechercher + + + secret-keys-confirmation-text + Vous en aurez besoin pour continuer à utiliser votre Keycard au cas où vous perdriez votre téléphone. + + + secret-keys-confirmation-title + Avez-vous écrit les codes? + + + security + Sécurité + + + see-details + Voir les détails + + + see-it-again + VOIR DE NOUVEAU + + + select-account-first + Sélectionner d'abord un compte + + + select-chat + Sélectionnez le chat pour commencer la messagerie + + + selected + Sélectionné + + + select + Sélectionner + + + select-account + Sélectionner le compte + + + send-logs + Signaler un bug + + + send-logs-to + Signaler un bogue à {{email}} + + + send-message + Envoyer un message + + + send-request + Envoyer une requête + + + send-request-amount + Montant + + + send-request-amount-max-decimals + Le nombre maximum de décimales est {{asset-decimals}} + + + send-request-unknown-token + Jeton inconnu - {{asset}} + + + send-sending-to + à {{recipient-name}} + + + send-transaction + Envoyer la transaction + + + sending + Envoi + + + sent-at + Envoyé à + + + set-a-topic + Créer un sujet + + + set-currency + Choisir votre devise + + + set-dapp-access-permissions + Définir les autorisations d'accès DApp + + + settings + Réglages + + + share + Partager + + + shared + Partagé + + + share-address + Partager l'adresse + + + share-chat + Partager un chat + + + share-contact-code + Partager mon code de contact + + + share-dapp-text + Découvrez ce DApp que j'utilise sur Status: {{link}} + + + share-link + Partager le lien + + + share-my-profile + Partager mon profil + + + share-profile + Partager le profil + + + share-profile-link + Partager le lien du profil + + + share-public-chat-text + Découvrez ce chat public sur l'application Status: {{link}} + + + sharing-copied-to-clipboard + Copié + + + sharing-copy-to-clipboard + Copier + + + share-logs + + + + sharing-share + Partager... + + + show-less + Afficher moins + + + show-more + Afficher plus + + + show-qr + Afficher le QR code + + + show-transaction-data + Afficher les données de transaction + + + sign-and-send + Signer et envoyer + + + sign-in + Se connecter + + + sign-message + Signer un message + + + sign-out + Se déconnecter + + + sign-with + Se connecter avec + + + sign-with-password + Signer avec mot de passe + + + sign-you-in + Vous connecter... + + + signing + Signer + + + signing-a-message + Signature d'un message + + + signing-phrase + Phrase de signature + + + something-went-wrong + Quelque chose a mal tourné + + + soon + Bientôt + + + specify-address + Spécifiez l'adresse + + + specify-name + Spécifiez un nom + + + specify-symbol + + + + specify-network-id + Spécifier l'id réseau + + + specify-rpc-url + Spécifier une URL RPC + + + start-chat + Démarrer le chat + + + start-conversation + Démarrer la conversation + + + start-group-chat + Démarrer le chat de groupe + + + start-new-chat + Démarrer un nouveau chat + + + status + Status + + + status-confirmed + Confirmé + + + status-hardwallet + Porte-monnaie électronique Status + + + status-keycard + Status Keycard + + + status-pending + En attente + + + status-tx-not-found + TX non trouvé + + + status-sent + Envoyé + + + status-not-sent-tap + Pas confirmé. Appuyez sur options pour + + + status-not-sent-click + Non confirmé. Cliquez pour les options + + + step-i-of-n + Étape {{step}} de {{number}} + + + sticker-market + Marché des autocollants + + + sticker + Autocollant + + + submit + Soumettre + + + submit-bug + Soumettre un bogue + + + success + Succès + + + symbol + Symbole + + + sync-all-devices + Synchroniser tous les appareils + + + sync-in-progress + Synchronisation... + + + sync-settings + Paramètres de synchronisation + + + sync-synced + En sync + + + syncing-devices + Synchronisation... + + + tag-was-lost + L'étiquette a été perdue + + + tap-card-again + Poser à nouveau la carte à l'arrière de votre téléphone + + + test-networks + Réseaux de test + + + text-input-disabled + Veuillez patienter un instant... + + + this-device + Cet appareil + + + this-device-desc + Votre clé sera cryptée et stockée en toute sécurité + + + this-is-you-signing + Voici votre phrase de signature + + + this-will-take-few-seconds + Cela prendra quelques secondes + + + three-words-description + Vous devriez voir ces trois mots avant de signer chaque transaction + + + three-words-description-2 + Si vous voyez une combinaison différente, annulez la transaction et déconnectez-vous. + + + to + À + + + to-block + Bloc + + + to-encrypt-enter-password + Pour crypter le compte, veuillez entrer votre mot de passe + + + to-see-this-message + Pour voir ce message, + + + token-auto-validate-decimals-error + Décimales erronées pour le jeton {{symbol}} à l'adresse {{address}} - défini sur {{expected}} mais détecté comme étant {{actual}} + + + token-auto-validate-name-error + Nom incorrect pour le jeton {{symbol}} à l'adresse {{address}} - défini sur {{expected}} mais détecté comme {{actual}} + + + token-auto-validate-symbol-error + Mauvais symbole pour le jeton {{symbol}} à l'adresse {{address}} - défini sur {{expected}} mais détecté comme {{actual}} + + + token-details + Détails du jeton + + + topic-name-error + Utilisez uniquement des lettres minuscules (a à z), des chiffres et des tirets (-). Ne pas utiliser les codes de contact + + + transaction + Transaction + + + transaction-data + Données de transaction + + + transaction-declined + Transaction refusée + + + transactions-management-enabled + Gestion des transactions (alpha) + + + transaction-description + Considérez-le comme terminé après 12 confirmations sur le réseau. + + + transaction-details + Détails de la transaction + + + transaction-failed + La transaction a échoué + + + transaction-history + Historique des transactions + + + transaction-request + Demande de transaction + + + transaction-sent + Transaction envoyée + + + transaction-signed + La transaction a été signée avec succès + + + transactions + Transactions + + + transactions-filter-select-all + Tout sélectionner + + + transactions-filter-title + Filtrer l'historique + + + type + Type + + + transactions-history + Historique des transactions + + + transactions-history-empty + Aucune transaction dans votre historique pour le moment + + + transactions-history-loading + Chargement de l'historique des transactions. Cela peut prendre un certain temps. + + + transactions-sign + Connecter + + + tribute-required-by-multiaccount + {{multiaccount-name}} requiert des SNT pour commencer un chat. + + + tribute-state-paid + Hommage rendu + + + tribute-state-pending + Hommage en attente + + + tribute-state-required + Requiert un {{snt-amount}} hommage SNT + + + tribute-to-talk + Tribute to talk + + + tribute-to-talk-add-friends + Ajoutez des amis en tant que contact pour autoriser les discussions sans paiement tribute. + + + tribute-to-talk-are-you-friends + Êtes-vous amis? + + + tribute-to-talk-ask-to-be-added + Demander à être ajouté en tant que contact + + + tribute-to-talk-contact-received-your-tribute + a reçu votre hommage. Vous pouvez maintenant discuter entre vous en toute sécurité. + + + tribute-to-talk-desc + Monétisez votre attention en exigeant des SNT pour de nouvelles personnes de commencer un chat + + + tribute-to-talk-disabled + Tribute to Talk désactivé + + + tribute-to-talk-disabled-note + A partir de maintenant, de nouvelles personnes peuvent commencer un chat avec vous sans envoyer des SNT. + + + tribute-to-talk-enabled + Vous avez activé Tribute to Talk. + + + tribute-to-talk-finish-desc + À partir de maintenant, vous ne recevrez plus que des chats de vos contacts, et des personnes qui ont payé + + + tribute-to-talk-learn-more-1 + Votre temps et votre attention sont vos atouts les plus précieux. Tribute to Talk vous permet de définir la quantité de SNT requise pour permettre à de nouvelles personnes de commencer une conversation avec vous. + + + tribute-to-talk-learn-more-2 + Toute personne ne figurant pas dans votre liste de contacts sera priée de payer et vous pourrez répondre une fois qu'ils l'auront été. + + + tribute-to-talk-learn-more-3 + Vous pouvez toujours renvoyer l'argent, mais pour que vos amis puissent vous joindre librement, ajoutez-les d'abord en tant que contact. + + + tribute-to-talk-paywall-learn-more-1 + Notre temps et notre attention sont nos atouts les plus précieux. Tribute to Talk vous permet de contacter de nouvelles personnes en échange d'un paiement SNT. + + + tribute-to-talk-paywall-learn-more-2 + Pour commencer une conversation avec quelqu'un qui a un ensemble d'hommage, il suffit de payer le SNT requis et vous serez ajouté comme un contact. + + + tribute-to-talk-paywall-learn-more-3 + Si vous les connaissez, vous pouvez partager votre profil en dehors de Status pour être ajouté gratuitement. + + + tribute-to-talk-pending + Tribute en attente de confirmation + + + tribute-to-talk-pending-note + La transaction Tribute est en attente de confirmation sur le réseau. Vous pouvez vérifier son statut dans l'historique des transactions + + + tribute-to-talk-removing-note + La suppression de Tribute to Talk permettra aux nouvelles personnes de démarrer une discussion sans envoyer des SNT. Nécessite une transaction à effectuer. + + + tribute-to-talk-set-snt-amount + Définir la quantité de SNT requise pour que les nouvelles personnes commencent un chat + + + tribute-to-talk-signing + En attente de la signature de la transaction + + + tribute-to-talk-transaction-failed-note + La transaction a échoué et vos paramètres Tribute to Talk n'ont pas été modifiés. + + + tribute-to-talk-tribute-received1 + Hommage reçu. Vous et + + + tribute-to-talk-tribute-received2 + sont maintenant des contacts et peuvent discuter entre eux en toute sécurité. + + + tribute-to-talk-you-require-snt + Vous avez besoin de SNT pour que de nouvelles personnes commencent un chat. + + + try-again + Essayez à nouveau + + + try-keeping-the-card-still + Essayez de ne pas bouger la carte + + + turn-nfc-on + Allumez le NFC pour continuer + + + turn-nfc-description + NFC est désactivé sur votre appareil. Vous pouvez l'activer dans les paramètres + + + keycard-init-title + A la recherche de cartes... + + + keycard-init-description + Mettez la carte à l'arrière de votre téléphone pour continuer + + + keycard-awaiting-title + Encore en train de rechercher + + + keycard-awaiting-description + Essayez de bouger la carte pour trouver le lecteur NFC sur votre appareil + + + keycard-processing-title + Traitement en cours... + + + keycard-processing-description + Essayez de ne pas bouger la carte + + + keycard-connected-title + Connecté + + + keycard-connected-description + Essayez de ne pas bouger la carte + + + keycard-error-title + Connexion perdue + + + keycard-error-description + Connectez à nouveau la carte pour continuer + + + keycard-success-title + Succès + + + keycard-success-description + Vous pouvez maintenant retirer la carte + + + keycard-recover + Carte perdu ou gelée ? + + + keycard-recover-title + Créer une nouvelle carte pour ce compte ? + + + keycard-recover-text + Si vous avez votre phrase mnémonique, vous pouvez créer une nouvelle Keycard associée à ce compte. Vous pouvez soit utiliser une nouvelle Keycard, ou réinitialiser une carte gelée. + + + keycard-backup + Créer une Keycard de sauvegarde + + + keycard-backup-success-title + Sauvegarde réussie + + + keycard-backup-success-body + Carte de sauvegarde créée avec succès. Vous pouvez maintenant l'utiliser avec votre compte, tout comme la carte principale. + + + type-a-message + Message + + + ulc-enabled + ULC activé + + + backup-enabled + + + + backup-disabled + Désactivé + + + backup-settings + + + + backup-through-waku + + + + perform-backup + + + + backing-up + + + + last-backup-performed + + + + unable-to-read-this-code + Impossible de lire ce code + + + unblock-contact + Débloquer le contact + + + unknown-status-go-error + Erreur inconnue status-go + + + unlock + Déverrouiller + + + unpair-card + Dissocier la carte + + + unpair-card-confirmation + Cette opération va dissocier la carte du périphérique actuel. Nécessite une autorisation par code PIN. Voulez-vous poursuivre? + + + unpaired-keycard-text + La Keycard que vous avez utilisée n'est pas associée à ce téléphone + + + unpaired-keycard-title + On dirait que votre carte n'est plus jumelée + + + unpair-keycard + Dissocier la Keycard de ce téléphone + + + unpair-keycard-warning + Votre code de jumelage PUK (clé personnelle de déblocage) et PIN restent inchangés + + + update + Mettre à jour + + + url + URL + + + usd-currency + USD + + + use-valid-contact-code + Veuillez entrer ou scanner un code de contact ou un nom d'utilisateur valide. + + + validation-amount-invalid-number + Le montant n'est pas un nombre valide + + + validation-amount-is-too-precise + Le montant est trop précis. Le nombre maximum de décimales est {{decimals}} . + + + version + Version de l'application + + + app-commit + + + + view + Vue + + + view-cryptokitties + Voir dans CryptoKitties + + + view-cryptostrikers + Afficher dans CryptoStrikers + + + view-etheremon + Voir dans Etheremon + + + view-gitcoin + Voir sur Gitcoin + + + view-profile + Voir le profil + + + view-details + Voir les détails + + + view-signing + Voir la phrase de signature + + + view-superrare + Vue en SuperRare + + + waiting-for-wifi + Historique synchronisé hors ligne, en attente de Wi-Fi. + + + waiting-for-wifi-change + Paramètres + + + waiting-to-sign + En attente de la signature de la transaction.... + + + wallet + Portefeuille + + + wallet-asset + Actif + + + wallet-assets + Actifs + + + wallet-backup-recovery-title + Sauvegardez votre phrase de récupération + + + wallet-choose-recipient + Choisissez le destinataire + + + wallet-collectibles + Objets de collection + + + wallet-insufficient-funds + Fonds insuffisants + + + wallet-insufficient-gas + Pas assez d'ETH pour le gaz + + + wallet-invalid-address + Adresse invalide: + {{data}} + + + wallet-invalid-address-checksum + Erreur d'adresse: + {{data}} + + + wallet-invalid-chain-id + Le réseau ne correspond pas: + {{data}} mais la chaîne actuelle est {{chain}} + + + wallet-manage-assets + Gérer les actifs + + + wallet-manage-accounts + Gérer les comptes + + + wallet-request + Requête + + + wallet-send + Envoyer + + + wallet-send-min-units + Min 21000 unités + + + wallet-send-min-wei + Min 1 wei + + + wallet-settings + Paramètres du portefeuille + + + wallet-total-value + Valeur totale + + + wallet-transaction-total-fee + Total des frais + + + wants-to-access-profile + veut accéder à votre profil + + + warning + Avertissement + + + warning-message + Désolé, nous limitons l'envoi de plusieurs messages en succession rapide pour éviter le spam. Veuillez réessayer dans un instant. + + + web-view-error + Impossible de charger la page + + + welcome-screen-text + Configurez votre portefeuille, invitez vos amis à chatter + et parcourez les dapps populaires ! + + + welcome-to-status + Bienvenue sur Status + + + welcome-to-status-description + Configurez votre portefeuille crypto, invitez vos amis à discuter et parcourez les applications décentralisées + + + welcome-blank-message + Vos discussions apparaîtront ici. Pour démarrer une nouvelle discussion, appuyez sur la touche ⊕ + + + welcome-community-blank-message + Vos discussions apparaîtront ici. Pour démarrer de nouvelles discussions, cliquez sur les trois points ci-dessus et sélectionnez "Créer une chaîne" + + + welcome-community-blank-message-edit-chats + + + + welcome-blank-community-message + Vos communautés apparaîtront ici. + + + fetch-community + Rechercher la communauté + + + fetching-community + À la recherche de la communauté... + + + seed-phrase-placeholder + Phrase de récupération + + + word-count + Nombre de mots + + + word-n + Mot # {{number}} + + + word-n-description + Afin de vérifier si vous avez correctement sauvegardé votre phrase de récupération, entrez le mot #{{number}} ci-dessus. + + + words-n + + 1 mot + {{count}} mots + + + + write-down-and-store-securely + Écrire des codes + & stockez-les en toute sécurité + + + wrong-address + Mauvaise adresse + + + wrong-card + Mauvaise carte + + + wrong-card-text + Vous avez tapé sur une carte qui ne correspond pas au multi-compte sélectionné. + + + wrong-contract + Mauvais contrat + + + contract-isnt-supported + + + + wrong-keycard-text + La Keycard que vous avez utilisée n'est pas associée à ce téléphone + + + wrong-keycard-title + On dirait que vous avez utilisée +une mauvaise Keycard + + + wrong-password + Mauvais mot de passe + + + wrong-word + Mauvais mot + + + yes + Oui + + + You + Vous + + + you + vous + + + you-already-have-an-asset + Vous avez déjà un atout {{value}} + + + you-are-all-set + Vous êtes prêts ! + + + you-are-all-set-description + Si vous perdez votre téléphone, vous pouvez maintenant accéder à vos fonds et à votre clé de chat en utilisant votre expression de semences + + + you-can-change-account + Vous pouvez changer le nom du compte et la couleur à votre guise + + + you-dont-have-stickers + Vous n'avez pas encore de stickers + + + you-dont-have-contacts-invite-friends + Vous n'avez pas encore de contacts. +Invitez vos amis à discuter. + + + your-contact-code + Accorder un accès autorise ce DApp à récupérer votre code de contact + + + your-data-belongs-to-you + Si vous perdez votre phrase de récupération, vous perdez vos données et vos fonds + + + your-data-belongs-to-you-description + Status ne peut pas vous aider à récupérer votre multi-compte si vous perdez votre phrase de récupération. Vous êtes responsable de la sécurité de vos données. Ecrire votre phrase de récupération quelque part sur constitue la meilleure protection. + + + your-recovery-phrase + Votre phrase de récupération + + + your-recovery-phrase-description + Ceci est votre phrase de récupération. Vous l'utilisez pour prouver qu'il s'agit de votre portefeuille. Vous ne le voyez qu'une fois! Ecrivez-le sur du papier et conservez-le dans un endroit sûr. Vous en aurez besoin si vous perdez ou réinstallez votre portefeuille. + + + custom-seed-phrase + Phrase de récupération non valide + + + custom-seed-phrase-text-1 + Cette phrase de récupération ne correspond pas à notre dictionnaire. Vérifiez les mots mal orthographiés. + + + to-enable-biometric + Pour activer {{bio-type-label}}, vous devez enregistrer votre mot de passe. + + + ok-save-pass + OK, enregistrer le mot de passe + + + lock-app-with + Verrouiller l'application avec + + + grant-face-id-permissions + Pour accorder l'autorisation Face ID requise, accédez aux paramètres de votre système et assurez-vous que l'option Status > Face ID est sélectionnée. + + + request-feature + Demander une fonctionnalité + + + select-account-dapp + Sélectionnez le compte que vous souhaitez utiliser avec Dapps + + + apply + Appliquer + + + on-status-tree + Sur l'arbre Status + + + off-status-tree + Arbre Status désactivé + + + derivation-path + Chemin de dérivation + + + storage + Stockage + + + keycard-free-pairing-slots + Keycard dispose {{n}} de ports de couplage gratuits + + + public-chat-description + Une discussion publique est l'endroit pour communiquer avec les autres, se faire des amis et parler des sujets qui vous intéressent. + + + delete-account + Supprimer mon compte + + + delete-keys-keycard + Supprimer les clés de la Keycard + + + watch-only + Compte de veille uniquement + + + cant-report-bug + Impossible de signaler un bogue + + + mail-should-be-configured + Le client e-mail doit être configuré + + + check-on-block-explorer + + + + check-on-opensea + Vérifier sur OpenSea + + + transactions-load-more + Afficher plus + + + private-key + Clé privée + + + generate-an-account + Générez un compte + + + add-watch-account + Ajouter un compte de veille uniquement + + + add-seed-account + Ajouter un compte avec une phrase de récupération + + + account-exists-title + Le compte existe déjà + + + add-private-key-account + Ajouter un compte à partir d'une clé privée + + + profile-not-found + Profil non trouvé + + + waku-bloom-filter-mode + Mode filtre de Bloom de Waku + + + wakuv2-settings + Réglages Waku v2 + + + wakuv2-node-format + /ip4/{node-ip}/tcp/{port}/p2p/{id} + + + wakuv2-change-nodes + Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir changer les nœuds Wakuv2 ? + + + appearance + Apparence + + + preference + Préférence + + + light + Clair + + + dark + Foncé + + + system + Système + + + give-permissions-camera + Donner la permission + pour accéder à la caméra + + + photos + Photos + + + image + Image + + + sign-anyway + Signez quand même + + + tx-fail-description1 + Cette transaction est susceptible d'échouer. Signez à vos propres risques en utilisant les frais de réseau personnalisés. + + + tx-fail-description2 + Cette transaction est susceptible d'échouer. Fixez des frais de réseau personnalisés pour signer à vos propres risques. + + + set-custom-fee + établir frais personnalisés + + + not-enough-snt + Pas assez SNT + + + add-new-contact + Ajouter un nouveau contact + + + you-dont-have-contacts + Pas encore de contacts + + + set-max + Choisir le maximum + + + continue-anyway + Continuer quand même + + + private-notifications + Notifications + + + private-notifications-descr + Status vous informera des nouveaux messages. Vous pouvez modifier vos préférences de notification ultérieurement dans les paramètres. + + + maybe-later + Peut-être plus tard + + + join + Joindre + + + registered + inscrit + + + not-registered + pas inscrit + + + audio-recorder-error + Erreur d'enregistrement + + + audio-recorder + Enregistreur + + + audio-recorder-max-ms-reached + Temps d’enregistrement maximal atteint + + + audio-recorder-permissions-error + Vous devez donner l'autorisation d'envoyer des messages audio + + + audio + Audio + + + update-to-see-image + Mettez à jour la dernière version pour voir une belle image ici ! + + + update-to-listen-audio + Mettez à jour la dernière version pour écouter un message audio ici ! + + + update-to-see-sticker + Mettez à jour la dernière version pour voir un joli autocollant ici ! + + + webview-camera-permission-requests + Demandes d'autorisation de la caméra en Webview + + + webview-camera-permission-requests-subtitle + Lorsqu'ils sont activés, les sites Web et les Dapps peuvent faire une demande d'utilisation de votre caméra + + + page-would-like-to-use-camera + souhaite utiliser votre caméra + + + page-camera-request-blocked + Demandes d'utilisation de la caméra bloquées. Pour activer les demandes, allez aux Paramètres + + + nickname + Pseudo + + + add-nickname + Ajouter un pseudo (facultatif) + + + nickname-description + Les pseudos aident à identifier les autres membres dans Status. Vous êtes le seul à seul voir vos pseudos + + + accept + Accepter + + + group-invite + Invitation au groupe + + + group-invite-link + Lien d'invitation au groupe + + + pending-invitations + Demandes d'inscription en cours + + + empty-pending-invitations-descr + Les personnes souhaitant rejoindre le groupe avec un lien d'invitation apparaîtront ici + + + introduce-yourself + Présentez-vous avec un message court + + + request-pending + Demande en cours... + + + membership-declined + La demande d'inscription a été refusée + + + remove-group + Supprimer le groupe + + + request-membership + Demande d'inscription + + + membership-description + L'inscription au groupe doit être approuvée par l'administrateur du groupe + + + group-membership-request + Demande d'inscription au groupe + + + members-limit-reached + Nombre maximum de membres atteint + + + favourite + Favoris + + + favourites + Favoris + + + new-favourite + Nouveau favori + + + edit-favourite + Modifier le favori + + + remove-favourite + Supprimer le favori + + + add-favourite + Ajouter un favori + + + add-to-favourites + Ajouter aux favoris + + + favourites-empty + Les adresses ajoutées aux favoris apparaîtront ici + + + contacts-empty + Les contacts avec des noms d'utilisateur ENS apparaîtront ici + + + my-accounts + Mes comptes + + + my-accounts-empty + Vos comptes disponibles apparaîtront ici + + + recent-empty + Les adresses récemment utilisées apparaîtront ici + + + address-or-ens-name + Adresse ou nom d'utilisateur ENS + + + name-optional + Nom (optionnel) + + + mute + mode silencieux + + + unmute + Réactiver + + + scan-tokens + Scanner les jetons + + + my-status + Mon statut + + + contacts-descr + Vos contacts s'afficheront ici. Vous recevrez des mises à jour de statut de la part de tous vos contacts + + + status-updates-descr + Les mises à jour de statut s’affichent ici. Ajoutez le profil à vos contacts pour recevoir les mises à jour sur votre journal. + + + whats-on-your-mind + À quoi pensez-vous ? + + + cant-open-public-chat + Impossible d'ouvrir le chat public + + + invalid-public-chat-topic + Sujet de chat public non valide + + + now + Maintenant + + + statuses-my-status-descr + Partagez vos idées. Toute personne visitant votre profil pourra voir votre statut. Les personnes qui vous ajoutent comme contact recevront vos mises à jour sur leur chronologie + + + statuses-descr + Partagez vos idées et restez à jour avec vos contacts + + + new-status + Nouveau statut + + + chat-link-previews + Aperçu des liens de chat + + + you-can-choose-preview-websites + Vous pouvez choisir lequel des sites internet suivants peut prévisualiser le lien des descriptions et des images dans les chats + + + previewing-may-share-metadata + Prévisualiser les liens de ces sites internet peut partager vos métadonnées avec leurs propriétaires + + + websites + Sites internet + + + enable-all + Tout activer + + + disable-all + Tout désactiver + + + warning-sending-to-contract-descr + L'adresse que vous avez saisie est un contrat intelligent, l'envoi de fonds à cette adresse peut entraîner une perte de fonds. Pour interagir avec un DApp, ouvrez le DApp dans le navigateur Status DApp. + + + dont-ask + Ne plus demander + + + enable-link-previews + Activer l'aperçu des liens dans le chat ? + + + once-enabled-share-metadata + Une fois activés, les liens publiés dans le chat peuvent partager vos métadonnées avec le site + + + external-storage-denied + Accès non-autorisé au stockage externe + + + timeline + Chronologie + + + main-account + + + + ethereum-address + Adresse Ethereum + + + default-assets + ERC20 et ERC721 par défaut + + + increase-gas + Rajouter du gaz + + + cancelling + Annulation + + + refresh + Rafraîchir + + + close-all + Tout fermer + + + tabs + Onglets + + + new-tab + Nouvel onglet + + + empty-tab + Onglet vide + + + open-in-new-tab + Ouvrir dans un nouvel onglet + + + has-permissions + a la permission d'accéder + + + connect-wallet + Connecter le portefeuille + + + open-chat + Ouvrir le chat + + + favourite-description + Vos sites Web préférés apparaîtront ici + + + transfers-fetching-failure + L'historique des transferts n'a pas pu être mis à jour. Vérifiez votre connexion et tirez vers le bas pour réessayer + + + move-and-reset + Déplacer et réinitialiser + + + move-keystore-file-to-keycard + Déplacer le fichier de clés vers la Keycard ? + + + database-reset-title + Réinitialiser la base de données + + + database-reset-content + Discussions, contacts et paramètres ont été supprimés. Vous pouvez utiliser votre compte avec votre Keycard + + + database-reset-warning + La base de données sera réinitialisée. Les discussions, les contacts et les paramètres seront supprimés + + + empty-keycard-required + Nécessite une Keycard vide + + + current + Actuel + + + choose-storage + Choisissez le stockage + + + choose-new-location-for-keystore + Choisissez un nouvel emplacement pour enregistrer votre fichier de clés + + + get-a-keycard + Obtenez une Keycard + + + keycard-upsell-subtitle + Sécurité et fonctionnalité renforcées + + + actions + Actions + + + move-keystore-file + Déplacer le fichier de clés + + + select-new-location-for-keys + Sélectionnez un nouvel emplacement pour enregistrer votre/vos clé(s) privée(s) + + + reset-database + Réinitialiser la base de données + + + reset-database-warning + Supprimez les discussions, les contacts et les paramètres. Requis lorsque vous avez perdu votre mot de passe + + + reset-database-warning-keycard + Supprimez les discussions, les contacts et les paramètres. + + + key-managment + Gestion des clés + + + choose-actions + Choisir des actions + + + master-account + Compte principal + + + back-up + Sauvegarder + + + key-on-device + La clé privée est enregistrée sur cet appareil + + + seed-key-uid-mismatch + Phrase mnémonique ne correspond pas + + + seed-key-uid-mismatch-desc-1 + La phrase de récupération saisie ne correspond pas à {{multiaccount-name}} + + + seed-key-uid-mismatch-desc-2 + Pour gérer les clés de ce compte, vérifiez votre phrase de récupération et réessayez. + + + recover-with-seed-phrase + Récupérer avec une phrase de récupération + + + transfer-ma-unknown-error-desc-1 + Il semble que votre multi-compte n'a pas été supprimé. La base de données a peut-être été réinitialisée + + + transfer-ma-unknown-error-desc-2 + Veuillez vérifier votre liste de comptes et réessayer. Si le compte n'est pas répertorié, allez sur le lien Accéder aux clés existantes pour récupérer avec votre phrase récupération + + + everyone + Tous + + + show-profile-pictures + Afficher les photos de profil de + + + show-profile-pictures-to + Révélez votre photo de profil à + + + non-archival-node + Le paramètre RPC ne prend pas en charge les demandes d'archivage. L'historique de vos transferts locaux est peut-être incomplet. + + + custom-node + Vous utilisez un paramètre RPC personnalisé. L'historique de vos transferts locaux est peut-être incomplet. + + + connection-status + Statut de la connexion + + + peer-to-peer + Pair-à-pair + + + not-connected-to-peers + Pas de connexion à des pairs + + + unable-to-send-messages + Impossible d'envoyer et de recevoir des messages + + + can-send-messages + Vous pouvez envoyer et recevoir de nouveaux messages + + + not-connected-nodes + Le nœud de Status n'est pas connecté + + + unable-to-fetch + Impossible de récupérer l'historique des discussions + + + nodes-disabled + Nœuds de Status désactivés + + + waiting-wi-fi + En attente de Wi-Fi… + + + you-can-fetch + Vous pouvez récupérer l'historique des discussions + + + youre-on-mobile-network + Vous êtes sur un réseau mobile + + + status-mobile-descr + Status a tendance à utiliser beaucoup de données lors de la synchronisation des discussions. Vous pouvez choisir de ne pas synchroniser lorsque vous êtes sur le réseau mobile + + + restore-defaults + Restaurer les valeurs par défaut + + + rpc-usage-info + Statistiques d'utilisation du RPC + + + rpc-usage-get-stats + Actualiser + + + rpc-usage-reset + Réinitialiser + + + rpc-usage-filter + Méthodes de filtre + + + rpc-usage-filter-methods + Méthodes de filtre + + + rpc-usage-copy + Copier + + + rpc-usage-total + + + + rpc-usage-filtered-total + + + + community-message-preview + Invitation à rejoindre {{community-name}} + + + non-contacts + Non contacts + + + community + Communauté + + + verified-community + ✓ Communauté vérifiée + + + community-info-not-found + Informations de la communauté introuvable + + + community-info + Informations de la communauté + + + not-found + Introuvable + + + activity + Activité + + + reject-and-delete + Refuser et supprimer + + + accept-and-add + Accepter et ajouter + + + one-day + Un jour + + + three-days + Trois jours + + + one-week + Une semaine + + + one-month + Un mois + + + my-profile + Mon profil + + + bip39-password-placeholder + Mot de passe BIP39 + + + public-channel + Canal public + + + default-sync-period + Synchroniser l'historique de + + + what-is-shared + Ce qui est partagé + + + view-data + Voir les données + + + data-collected + Données collectées + + + data-collected-subtitle + Le tableau ci-dessous montre les données exactes qui sont stockées et envoyées. Les données sont validées contre les règles publiques pour s'assurer qu'aucune donnée sensible ne soit envoyée. Ne faites pas confiance, vérifiez. + + + view-rules + Voir les règles + + + expand-all + Développer tout + + + about-sharing-data + À propos du partage de données + + + sharing-data-desc-1 + Les données sont validées par rapport aux règles publiques afin de garantir qu'aucune donnée sensible n'est envoyée. Ne faites pas confiance, vérifiez. + + + sharing-data-desc-2 + Les données d'utilisation sont envoyées cryptées de bout en bout sur le réseau peer-to-peer de Status. + + + sharing-data-desc-3 + Au lieu de votre clé de chat habituelle, une clé à usage unique est utilisée + + + sharing-data-desc-4 + Les données d'utilisation ne peuvent pas être associées à votre adresse IP + + + sharing-data-desc-5 + Les données cumulées de tous les utilisateurs sont disponibles publiquement. + + + view-public-dashboard + Voir le tableau de bord public + + + sharing-data-desc-6 + Les données sont supprimées de votre téléphone après leur envoi. + + + allow-and-send + Autoriser et envoyer + + + no-thanks + Non merci + + + help-improve-status + Aider à améliorer Status + + + thank-you + Merci + + + current-password + Mot de passe actuel + + + reset-password + Réinitialiser le mot de passe + + + password-reset-success + Mot de passe réinitialisé + + + password-reset-success-message + Vous devrez vous reconnecter + + + password-reset-in-progress + Modification du mot de passe... + + + new-password + Nouveau mot de passe + + + confirm-new-password + Confirmer le nouveau mot de passe + + + password-mismatch + Le nouveau mot de passe et la confirmation ne correspondent pas + + + terms-of-service + Conditions d'utilisation + + + accept-status-tos-prefix + J'accepte Statut + + + updates-to-tos + Mises à jour des conditions d’utilisation + + + updates-to-tos-desc + Avant de continuer, veuillez consulter les Conditions d’utilisation et confirmer que vous assumez l’entière responsabilité de la façon dont vous utilisez l’application. + + + what-changed + Ce qui a changé + + + wc-new-tos-based-on-principles-prefix + De nouvelles conditions d'utilisation conçues sur la base de nos + + + principles + Principes + + + wc-how-to-use-status-app + Comment utiliser l'application Status pour la confidentialité et la sécurité + + + wc-brand-guide + Conseils sur l'utilisation des marques telles que les marques et les logos + + + wc-disclaimer + Avis de non-responsabilité (y compris des fournisseurs tiers), garanties et décharges légales + + + wc-dispute + Dispositions relatives au règlement des litiges + + + status-is-open-source + Status est à code ouvert + + + build-yourself + Pour utiliser cette application sans accepter ces conditions d'utilisation, vous pouvez en développer votre propre version + + + accept-and-continue + Accepter et continuer + + + empty-activity-center + Les notifications de vos discussions apparaîtront ici + + + pinned-messages + Messages épinglés + + + pin + Épingler + + + unpin + Retirer l'épingle + + + no-pinned-messages + Aucun message épinglé + + + pinned-messages-count + + 1 message épinglé + {{count}} messages épinglés + + + + pinned-messages-empty + Les messages épinglés apparaîtront ici. Pour épingler un message, maintenez-le enfoncé et appuyez sur « Épingler » + + + pinned-by + Épinglé par + + + pin-limit-reached + Limite d'épinglage atteinte. Retirez d'abord un message précédent. + + + max-fee + Frais maxima + + + max-priority-fee + Frais de priorité maxima + + + miners-higher-fee + Il est plus probable que les mineurs fassent passer votre transaction en priorité si vous payez plus de frais. + + + gas-amount-limit + Plafond de "gas" + + + per-gas-tip-limit + Plafond du pourboire "/gas" + + + per-gas-price-limit + Plafond du prix "/gas" + + + current-base-fee + Tarif de base actuel + + + fee-explanation + Prix global maximal pour la transaction. Si le tarif de base du bloc actuel sont supérieurs, la transaction sera incluse dans le bloc suivant avec un tarif de base inférieur. + + + slow + Lent + + + optimal + Optimal + + + fast + Rapide + + + see-suggestions + Voir les suggestions + + + maximum-fee + Frais maxima + + + low-tip + le pourboire est trop bas + + + lower-than-average-tip + pourboire inférieur à la moyenne + + + below-base-fee + plafond des frais inférieur au prix de base + + + reduced-tip + le pourboire de priorité sera réduit + + + are-you-sure + Êtes-vous sûr? + + + bad-fees-description + Vos frais de priorité sont inférieurs à ceux que nous conseillons. + + + change-tip + Changer la valeur du pourboire + + + current-minimum-tip + Pourboire minimum actuel + + + current-average-tip + Moyenne actuelle des pourboires + + + your-tip-limit + Votre plafond des pourboires + + + your-price-limit + Votre plafond des frais + + + suggested-min-tip + Pourboire minimum conseillé + + + suggested-price-limit + Prix maximum conseillé + + + include + Inclure + + + category + Catégorie + + + edit-chats + Modifier les discussions + + + edit-categories + + + + hide + Masquer + + + account-is-used + Ce compte est actuellement utilisé avec des applications décentralisées dans le navigateur. + + + normal + Normal + + + never + + + + fee-options + Options de frais suggérées + + + fee-cap + Plafond des frais + + + tip-cap + Plafond des pourboires + + + collectibles-leak-metadata + Vous pouvez exposer vos NFT ici. Si vous les faites, l'adresse de votre portefeuille et votre adresse IP seront également affichées. + + + display-collectibles + Exposer les objets de collection + + + disable-later-in-settings + Vous pouvez désactiver cette fonction plus tard dans les paramètres + + + use-as-profile-picture + Utiliser une photo de profil + + + view-on-opensea + Voir sur OpenSea + + + profile-picture-updated + Votre photo de profil a été mise à jour + + + status-automatic + + + + status-automatic-subtitle + + + + status-dnd + + + + status-dnd-subtitle + + + + status-always-online + + + + status-inactive + + + + status-inactive-subtitle + + + + two-minutes + deux minutes + + + swap + + + + select-token-to-swap + + + + select-token-to-receive + + + + minimum-received + + + + powered-by-paraswap + + + + priority + + + + switch-to-simple-interface + + + + transaction-fee + + + + swap-details + + + + slippage + + + + price-impact + + + + total-gas + + + + token + + + + approve-limit + + + + approve-token + + + + approve-token-contract-desc + + + + unlimited + + + + approve + Approuver + + + limit + + + + last-transaction + + + + price-impact-desc + + + + safe-estimate + + + + current-average + + + + current-base + + + + maximum-fee-desc + + + + insufficient-balance-to-cover-fee + + + + wallet-connect-proposal-title + + + + wallet-connect-proposal-description + + + + wallet-connect-app-connected + + + + wallet-connect-go-back + + + + wallet-connect-2.0 + + + + wallet-connect + + + + reject + + + + manage-connections + + + + wallet-manage-app-connections + + + + connection-request + + + + disconnect + + + + new-ui + + + + send-contact-request-message + + + + contact-request + + + + say-hi + + + + accepted + + + + declined + + + + contact-request-header + + + + contact-request-declined + + + + contact-request-accepted + + + + contact-request-pending + + + + removed-from-contacts + + + + mutual-contact-requests + + + + negative + + + + positive + + + + Please enter a URL + + + + This fields needs to be a valid URL + + + + Please enter a Name + + + + Favorite added + + + + Edit + + + + Add favorite + + + + URL + + + + Paste URL + + + + Name + + + + Name the website + + + + Remove + + + + Done + + + + Add + + + + '%1' would like to connect to + + + + Allowing authorizes this DApp to retrieve your wallet address and enable Web3 + + + + Granting access authorizes this DApp to retrieve your chat key + + + + Deny + + + + Allow + + + + Enter URL + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Error signing message + + + + Transaction pending... + + + + Wrong password + + + + Start Page + + + + New Tab + + + + Downloads Page + + + + Server's certificate not trusted + + + + Do you wish to continue? + + + + If you wish so, you may continue with an unverified certificate. Accepting an unverified certificate means you may not be connected with the host you tried to connect to. +Do you wish to override the security check and continue? + + + + Exit Incognito mode + + + + Go Incognito + + + + Zoom In + + + + Zoom Out + + + + Find + + + + Compatibility mode + + + + Developer Tools + + + + Settings + + + + Mainnet + + + + Ropsten + + + + Unknown + + + + Disconnect + + + + Assets + + + + History + + + + Show All + + + + Cancelled + + + + Paused + + + + Open + + + + Show in folder + + + + Pause + + + + Resume + + + + Cancel + + + + Downloaded files will appear here. + + + + Open in new Tab + + + + Ok + + + + Signature request + + + + From + + + + Data + + + + Message + + + + Reject + + + + Sign + + + + Sign with password + + + + Contact request pending + + + + Connected + + + + Disconnected + + + + This user has been blocked. + + + + Type a message. + + + + Send + + + + Request Address + + + + Request + + + + Transaction pending + + + + Continue + + + + Receive on account + + + + From account + + + + Address request required + + + + To + + + + Preview + + + + Transaction preview + + + + Next + + + + Invalid transaction parameters + + + + Authorize %1 %2 + + + + Choose account + + + + Network fee + + + + Error estimating gas: %1 + + + + Send %1 %2 + + + + Image + + + + Sticker + + + + You have a new message + + + + You have been accepted into the ‘%1’ community + + + + Your request to join the ‘%1’ community was declined + + + + New membership request + + + + %1 asks to join ‘%2’ + + + + Failed to send message. + + + + Share your chat key + + + + friends to start messaging in Status + + + + ↓ Fetch more messages + + + + before %1 + + + + Welcome to the beginning of the <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> group! + + + + Any messages you send here are encrypted and can only be read by you and <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> + + + + Join chat + + + + Decline invitation + + + + Add reaction + + + + Reply + + + + More + + + + Today + + + + Yesterday + + + + January + + + + February + + + + March + + + + April + + + + May + + + + June + + + + July + + + + August + + + + September + + + + October + + + + November + + + + December + + + + and + + + + %1 more + + + + reacted with + + + + Error loading the image + + + + Loading image... + + + + This feature is experimental and is meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It's not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data. Use at your own risk. + + + + Membership requires an ENS username + + + + You need to be invited + + + + Request Access + + + + Verified community invitation + + + + Community invitation + + + + You invited %1 to join a community + + + + %1 invited you to join a community + + + + You shared a community + + + + A community has been shared + + + + Unsupported state + + + + %1 members + + + + Joined + + + + Join + + + + Enable automatic image unfurling + + + + Enable link previews in chat? + + + + Once enabled, links posted in the chat may share your metadata with their owners + + + + Enable in Settings + + + + Don't ask me again + + + + Resend + + + + Transaction request + + + + ↑ Outgoing transaction + + + + ↓ Incoming transaction + + + + Something has gone wrong + + + + Accept and share address + + + + Accept and send + + + + Decline + + + + Select account + + + + Choose accountSelect account to share and receive assets + + + + Confirm and share address + + + + Sign and send + + + + Pending + + + + Confirmed + + + + Unknown token + + + + Address requested + + + + Waiting to accept + + + + Address shared + + + + Address received + + + + Transaction declined + + + + failure + + + + Unknown state + + + + Group Information + + + + Clear history + + + + Leave group + + + + Are you sure you want to leave this chat? + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + Communities + + + + Search for communities or topics + + + + 1 member + + + + Import a community + + + + Create a community + + + + Public community + + + + Invitation only community + + + + On request community + + + + Unknown community + + + + - ENS only + + + + Chats + + + + Join ‘%1’ + + + + Request to join ‘%1’ + + + + Error joining the community + + + + No search results in Communities + + + + Members + + + + Create category + + + + Invite People + + + + Membership requests + + + + Edit category + + + + Delete category + + + + Delete %1 category + + + + Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. + + + + Error deleting the category + + + + View Profile + + + + Roles + + + + Kick + + + + Ban + + + + Transfer ownership + + + + Invite successfully sent + + + + Share community + + + + Notifications + + + + Edit community + + + + Export community + + + + Create channel + + + + Leave community + + + + Delete + + + + Welcome to your community! + + + + Add members + + + + Manage community + + + + You need to enter a name + + + + Please restrict your name to letters, numbers, dashes and spaces + + + + Your name needs to be 100 characters or shorter + + + + New channel + + + + Edit #%1 + + + + channel name + + + + channel decription + + + + Channel name + + + + Describe the channel + + + + Pinned messages + + + + A cool name + + + + channel description + + + + What your channel is about + + + + The description cannot exceed %1 characters + + + + Private channel + + + + By making a channel private, only members with selected permission will be able to access it + + + + category name + + + + New category + + + + Category title + + + + Channels + + + + Create + + + + Error editing the category + + + + Error creating the category + + + + Error creating the community + + + + You need to select an image + + + + You need to enter a color + + + + This field needs to be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + New community + + + + Name your community + + + + A catchy name + + + + Give it a short description + + + + What your community is about + + + + The description cannot exceed 140 characters + + + + community name + + + + community decription + + + + Thumbnail image + + + + Please choose an image + + + + Image files (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png) + + + + Upload + + + + Community colour + + + + Pick a color + + + + Please choose a color + + + + Membership requirement + + + + Require invite from another member + + + + Require approval + + + + No requirement + + + + You can require new members to meet certain criteria before they can join. This can be changed at any time + + + + Save + + + + Private community + + + + Only members with an invite link will be able to join your community. Private communities are not listed inside Status + + + + Your community will be public for anyone to join. Public communities are listed inside Status for easy discovery + + + + You need to enter a key + + + + Access existing community + + + + Community private key + + + + Entering a community key will grant you the ownership of that community. Please be responsible with it and don’t share the key with people you don’t trust. + + + + 0x... + + + + Import + + + + Error importing the community + + + + Invite friends + + + + Invite + + + + Contacts + + + + Chat + + + + Community imported + + + + Importing community is in progress + + + + Community %1 imported + + + + Importing community %1 is in progress + + + + Start new chat + + + + Start group chat + + + + Join public chat + + + + No messages + + + + No search results + + + + Your chats will appear here. To start new chats press the  button at the top + + + + Chat and transact privately with your friends + + + + Follow your interests in one of the many Public Chats. + + + + View Group + + + + Share Chat + + + + Test WakuV2 - requestAllHistoricMessages + + + + Unmute chat + + + + Mute chat + + + + Edit Channel + + + + Mark as Read + + + + Delete chat + + + + Leave chat + + + + Choose browser + + + + Open in Status + + + + Open in my default browser + + + + Remember my choice. To override it, go to settings. + + + + Admin + + + + Last 24 hours + + + + Last 2 days + + + + Last 3 days + + + + Last 7 days + + + + (You) + + + + You need to enter a channel name + + + + The channel name can only contain lowercase letters, numbers and dashes + + + + New group chat + + + + %1 / 10 members + + + + Group name + + + + Create Group Chat + + + + All your contacts are already in the group + + + + Make Admin + + + + Remove From Group + + + + Add selected + + + + Get Status at https://status.im + + + + Download Status link + + + + Unpin + + + + Pin + + + + Copy link + + + + Edit message + + + + Send message + + + + Reply to + + + + Jump to + + + + Delete message + + + + Confirm deleting this message + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well. + + + + Nickname + + + + Nicknames help you identify others in Status. Only you can see the nicknames you’ve added + + + + Your nickname is too long + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet. Invite your friends to start chatting. + + + + Enter a valid chat key or ENS usernameEnter a valid chat key or ENS username + + + + Can't chat with yourself + + + + New chat + + + + My Profile + + + + Enter ENS username or chat key + + + + Non contacts + + + + No profile found + + + + ENS username + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Chat settings + + + + None + + + + Unblock User + + + + Block User + + + + Add to contacts + + + + A public chat is where you get to hang out with others, make friends and talk about subjects of your interest. + + + + Start chat + + + + Pinned by %1 + + + + Type json-rpc message... e.g {"method": "eth_accounts"} + + + + Profile + + + + App version + + + + Version: %1 + + + + Node version + + + + Privacy Policy + + + + Network + + + + Fleet + + + + Minimize on close + + + + Experimental features + + + + Wallet + + + + Dapp Browser + + + + Activity Center + + + + Online users + + + + Broadcast user status + + + + Bloom filter level + + + + The account will be logged out. When you login again, the selected mode will be enabled + + + + Light Node + + + + Full Node + + + + GIF Widget + + + + Waku Bloom Mode + + + + Node Management + + + + Blockchains will drop search costs, causing a kind of decomposition that allows you to have markets of entities that are horizontally segregated and vertically segregated. + + + + Size + + + + Change font size + + + + XS + + + + S + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "S" because the title above is "Seed Phrase" + + + + M + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "M" because the title above is "Mailserver" + + + + L + + + + XL + + + + XXL + + + + Light + + + + Chat mode + + + + Normal + + + + Compact + + + + Appearance + + + + Dark + + + + System + + + + Back up seed phrase + + + + Step %1 of 3 + + + + If you lose your seed phrase you lose your data and funds + + + + If you lose access, for example by losing your phone, you can only access your keys with your seed phrase. No one, but you has your seed phrase. Write it down. Keep it safe + + + + Check your seed phrase + + + + Word #%1 + + + + Enter word + + + + In order to check if you have backed up your seed phrase correctly, enter the word #%1 above + + + + Are you sure? + + + + You will not be able to see the whole seed phrase again + + + + With this 12 words you can always get your key back. Write it down. Keep it safe, offline, and separate from this device. + + + + Okay, continue + + + + Wrong word + + + + General + + + + Default + + + + Show favorites bar + + + + Search engine used in the address bar + + + + Ethereum explorer used in the address bar + + + + Open an ethereum explorer after a transaction hash or an address is entered + + + + Privacy + + + + Set DApp access permissions + + + + Profile picture + + + + Crop your image (optional) + + + + Finish + + + + Chat link previews + + + + Websites + + + + Enable all + + + + Previewing links from these websites may share your metadata with their owners. + + + + Add new contact + + + + Blocked contacts + + + + Add contact + + + + You can't add yourself + + + + User not found + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet + + + + Devices + + + + Please set a name for your device. + + + + Specify a name + + + + Advertise device + + + + Pair your devices to sync contacts and chats between them + + + + Learn more + + + + Paired devices + + + + Syncing... + + + + Sync all devices + + + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + %1 is now connected with your chat key and can be used in Status. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + %1 will be connected once the transaction is complete. + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Wallet address + + + + Key + + + + Back + + + + Primary username + + + + Your messages are displayed to others with this username: + + + + Once you select a username, you won’t be able to disable it afterwards. You will only be able choose a different username to display. + + + + Nice! You own %1.stateofus.eth once the transaction is complete. + + + + Hey + + + + (pending) + + + + Add username + + + + Your usernames + + + + Primary Username + + + + None selected + + + + You’re displaying your ENS username in chats + + + + At least 4 characters. Latin letters, numbers, and lowercase only. + + + + Letters and numbers only. + + + + Type the entire username including the custom domain like username.domain.eth + + + + Your username + + + + ✓ Username available! + + + + Continuing will connect this username with your chat key. + + + + Username doesn’t belong to you :( + + + + Username already taken :( + + + + (edited) + + + + Username is already connected with your chat key and can be used inside Status. + + + + This user name is owned by you and connected with your chat key. Continue to set `Show my ENS username in chats`. + + + + Continuing will require a transaction to connect the username with your current chat key. + + + + Custom domain + + + + I want a stateofus.eth domain + + + + I own a name on another domain + + + + Connect username with your pubkey + + + + Terms of name registration + + + + Funds are deposited for 1 year. Your SNT will be locked, but not spent. + + + + After 1 year, you can release the name and get your deposit back, or take no action to keep the name. + + + + If terms of the contract change — e.g. Status makes contract upgrades — user has the right to release the username regardless of time held. + + + + The contract controller cannot access your deposited funds. They can only be moved back to the address that sent them. + + + + Your address(es) will be publicly associated with your ENS name. + + + + Usernames are created as subdomain nodes of stateofus.eth and are subject to the ENS smart contract terms. + + + + You authorize the contract to transfer SNT on your behalf. This can only occur when you approve a transaction to authorize the transfer. + + + + These terms are guaranteed by the smart contract logic at addresses: + + + + %1 (Status UsernameRegistrar). + + + + <a href='%1%2'>Look up on Etherscan</a> + + + + %1 (ENS Registry). + + + + Agree to <a href="#">Terms of name registration.</a> I understand that my wallet address will be publicly connected to my username. + + + + 10 SNT + + + + Deposit + + + + Not enough SNT + + + + Register + + + + Get a universal username + + + + ENS names transform those crazy-long addresses into unique usernames. + + + + Customize your chat name + + + + An ENS name can replace your random 3-word name in chat. Be @yourname instead of %1. + + + + Simplify your ETH address + + + + You can receive funds to your easy-to-share ENS name rather than your hexadecimal hash (0x...). + + + + Receive transactions in chat + + + + Others can send you funds via chat in one simple step. + + + + 10 SNT to register + + + + Register once to keep the name forever. After 1 year you can release the name and get your SNT back. + + + + Already own a username? + + + + You can verify and add any usernames you own in the next steps. + + + + Powered by Ethereum Name Services + + + + Start + + + + Only available on Mainnet + + + + ENS Registration failed + + + + ENS Registration completed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey failed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey completed + + + + Warning! + + + + Change fleet to %1 + + + + Glossary + + + + Account + + + + A + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "A" because the title above is "Account" + + + + Your Status account, accessed by the seed phrase that you create or import during onboarding. A Status account can hold more than one Ethereum address, in addition to the one created during onboarding. We refer to these as additional accounts within the wallet + + + + Chat Key + + + + C + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "C" because the title above is "Chat Key" + + + + Messages on the Status chat protocol are sent and received using encryption keys. The public chat key is a string of characters you share with others so they can send you messages in Status. + + + + Chat Name + + + + Three random words, derived algorithmically from your chat key and used as your default alias in chat. Chat names are completely unique; no other user can have the same three words. + + + + ENS Name + + + + E + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "E" because the title above is "ENS Name" + + + + Custom alias for your chat key that you can register using the Ethereum Name Service. ENS names are decentralized usernames. + + + + Mailserver + + + + A node in the Status network that routes and stores messages, for up to 30 days. + + + + Peer + + + + P + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "P" because the title above is "Peer" + + + + A device connected to the Status chat network. Each user can represent one or more peers, depending on their number of devices + + + + Seed Phrase + + + + A 64 character hex address based on the Ethereum standard and beginning with 0x. Public-facing, your wallet key is shared with others when you want to receive funds. Also referred to as an “Ethereum address” or “wallet address. + + + + Frequently asked questions + + + + Submit a bug + + + + Request a feature + + + + Language settings + + + + Language + + + + Muted chats + + + + Unmute + + + + The account will be logged out. When you unlock it again, the selected network will be used + + + + Add network + + + + You need to enter the RPC endpoint URL + + + + Invalid URL + + + + You need to enter the network id + + + + Should be a number + + + + Invalid network id + + + + RPC URL + + + + Specify a RPC URL + + + + Network chain + + + + Ropsten test network + + + + Rinkeby test network + + + + Custom + + + + Network Id + + + + Specify the network id + + + + Main networks + + + + Test networks + + + + Custom Networks + + + + Under development +NOTE: You will be logged out and all installed +sticker packs will be removed and will +need to be reinstalled. Purchased sticker +packs will not need to be re-purchased. + + + + Notification preferences + + + + All messages + + + + Just @mentions + + + + Nothing + + + + Play a sound when receiving a notification + + + + Use your operating system's notifications + + + + Setting this to false will instead use Status' notification style as seen below + + + + Message preview + + + + Anonymous + + + + Name only + + + + Name & Message + + + + Hi there! Yes, no problem, let me know if I can help. + + + + No preview or Advanced? Go to Notification Center + + + + Contacts & Users + + + + Notify on new requests + + + + Receive notifications from non-contacts + + + + Muted users + + + + Muted contacts + + + + Muted contacts will appear here + + + + Muted chats will appear here + + + + You can limit what gets shown in notifications + + + + Reset notification settings + + + + Restore default notification settings and unmute all chats and users + + + + Open links with... + + + + My default browser + + + + Security + + + + Backup Seed Phrase + + + + Display all profile pictures (not only contacts) + + + + Display images in chat automatically + + + + All images (links that contain an image extension) will be downloaded and displayed, regardless of the whitelist settings below + + + + Allow new contact requests + + + + Sign out controls + + + + LogoutExit + + + + Sounds settings + + + + Sound volume + + + + Sync settings + + + + Add mailserver + + + + You need to enter the enode address + + + + History node address + + + + enode://{enode-id}:{password}@{ip-address}:{port-number} + + + + Automatic mailserver selection + + + + ... + + + + Share what's on your mind and stay updated with your contacts + + + + Status account settings + + + + You need to enter an account name + + + + Enter an account name... + + + + Account name + + + + Type + + + + Watch-only + + + + Off Status tree + + + + On Status tree + + + + Derivation path + + + + Storage + + + + This device + + + + Delete account + + + + A deleted account cannot be retrieved later. Only press yes if you backed up your key/seed or don't care about this account anymore + + + + Save changes + + + + Add custom token + + + + This needs to be a valid address + + + + Invalid ERC20 address + + + + Enter contract address... + + + + Contract address + + + + The name of your token... + + + + ABC + + + + Symbol + + + + Decimals + + + + Collectibles will appear here + + + + To + + + + From + + + + At + + + + Status Desktop is connected to a non-archival node. Transaction history may be incomplete. + + + + No transactions found + + + + Load More + + + + Total value + + + + Receive + + + + Back up your seed phrase + + + + Recipient + + + + Transaction completed + + + + Transaction failed + + + + Set Currency + + + + Signing phrase + + + + This is your signing phrase + + + + You should see these 3 words before signing each transaction + + + + If you see a different combination, cancel the transaction and sign out + + + + Remind me later + + + + Manage Assets + + + + Account Settings + + + + Collectibles + + + + Generate an account + + + + Add a watch-only address + + + + Enter a seed phrase + + + + Enter a private key + + + + Add account from private key + + + + You need to enter a password + + + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + You need to enter a private key + + + + Enter a valid private key (64 characters hexadecimal string) + + + + Enter your password… + + + + Password + + + + Paste the contents of your private key + + + + Private key + + + + Loading... + + + + Add account + + + + You need to enter a seed phrase + + + + Enter a valid mnemonic + + + + Add account with a seed phrase + + + + Enter your seed phrase, separate words with commas or spaces... + + + + Seed phrase + + + + Add a watch-only account + + + + You need to enter an address + + + + This needs to be a valid address (starting with 0x) + + + + Enter address... + + + + Account address + + + + Token details + + + + Remove token + + + + Transaction Details + + + + 9999 Confirmations + + + + When the transaction has 12 confirmations you can consider it settled. + + + + Block + + + + Hash + + + + Gas limit + + + + Gas price + + + + Gas used + + + + Nonce + + + + Something went wrong + + + + Reload + + + + Maximum number of collectibles to display reached + + + + View + + + + Unnamed + + + + ID + + + + Description + + + + US Dollars + + + + Euros + + + + United Arab Emirates dirham + + + + Afghan afghani + + + + Argentine peso + + + + Australian dollar + + + + Barbadian dollar + + + + Bangladeshi taka + + + + Bulgarian lev + + + + Bahraini dinar + + + + Brunei dollar + + + + Bolivian boliviano + + + + Brazillian real + + + + Bhutanese ngultrum + + + + Canadian dollar + + + + Swiss franc + + + + Chilean peso + + + + Chinese yuan + + + + Colombian peso + + + + Costa Rican colón + + + + Czech koruna + + + + Danish krone + + + + Dominican peso + + + + Egyptian pound + + + + Ethiopian birr + + + + British Pound + + + + Georgian lari + + + + Ghanaian cedi + + + + Hong Kong dollar + + + + Croatian kuna + + + + Hungarian forint + + + + Indonesian rupiah + + + + Israeli new shekel + + + + Indian rupee + + + + Icelandic króna + + + + Jamaican dollar + + + + Japanese yen + + + + Kenyan shilling + + + + South Korean won + + + + Kuwaiti dinar + + + + Kazakhstani tenge + + + + Sri Lankan rupee + + + + Moroccan dirham + + + + Moldovan leu + + + + Mauritian rupee + + + + Malawian kwacha + + + + Mexican peso + + + + Malaysian ringgit + + + + Mozambican metical + + + + Namibian dollar + + + + Nigerian naira + + + + Norwegian krone + + + + Nepalese rupee + + + + New Zealand dollar + + + + Omani rial + + + + Peruvian sol + + + + Papua New Guinean kina + + + + Philippine peso + + + + Pakistani rupee + + + + Polish złoty + + + + Paraguayan guaraní + + + + Qatari riyal + + + + Romanian leu + + + + Serbian dinar + + + + Russian ruble + + + + Saudi riyal + + + + Swedish krona + + + + Singapore dollar + + + + Thai baht + + + + Trinidad and Tobago dollar + + + + New Taiwan dollar + + + + Tanzanian shilling + + + + Turkish lira + + + + Ukrainian hryvnia + + + + Ugandan shilling + + + + Uruguayan peso + + + + Venezuelan bolívar + + + + Vietnamese đồng + + + + South African rand + + + + View Community + + + + Browser + + + + Timeline + + + + Contact request accepted + + + + New contact request + + + + You can now chat with %1 + + + + %1 requests to become contacts + + + + Where do you want to go? + + + + Status Desktop + + + + Open Status + + + + Quit + + + + Create a password + + + + New password... + + + + Confirm password… + + + + At least 6 characters. You will use this password to unlock status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + Create password + + + + Error importing account + + + + An error occurred while importing your account: + + + + Login failed + + + + Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. + + + + Enter seed phrase + + + + This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. + + + + Start with the first word + + + + Enter 12, 15, 18, 21 or 24 words. +Seperate words by a single space. + + + + Invalid seed phrase + + + + Choose a chat name + + + + Truly private communication + + + + Chat over a peer-to-peer, encrypted network + where messages can't be censored or hacked + + + + Secure crypto wallet + + + + Send and receive digital assets anywhere in the +world--no bank account required + + + + Decentralized apps + + + + Explore games, exchanges and social networks +where you alone own your data + + + + Thanks for trying Status Desktop! Please note that this is an alpha release and we advise you that using this app should be done for testing purposes only and you assume the full responsibility for all risks concerning your data and funds. Status makes no claims of security or integrity of funds in these builds. + + + + I understand + + + + Status does not collect, share or sell any personal data. By continuing you agree with the privacy policy. + + + + I'm new, generate keys + + + + Access existing key + + + + Enter password + + + + Connecting... + + + + Login failed: %1 + + + + Generate new keys + + + + Your keys + + + + Add another existing key + + + + Your keys have been successfully recovered + + + + You will have to create a new code or password to re-encrypt your keys + + + + Re-encrypt your keys + + + + Cannot find asset '%1'. Ensure this asset has been added to the token list. + + + + ENS Username not found + + + + eg. 0x1234 or ENS + + + + Paste + + + + You need to request the recipient’s address first. +Assets won’t be sent yet. + + + + Invalid source + + + + Insufficient balance + + + + Must be greater than 0 + + + + Priority + + + + Use suggestions + + + + Use custom + + + + Low + + + + High + + + + Gas amount limit + + + + Per-gas overall limit + + + + Maximum overall price for the transaction. If the block base fee exceeds this, it will be included in a following block with a lower base fee. + + + + Must be greater than or equal to 0 + + + + This needs to be a number + + + + Please enter an amount + + + + The amount is 0. Proceed only if this is desired. + + + + Balance: + + + + Asset & Amount + + + + Blocking will remove any messages you received from %1 and stop new messages from reaching you. + + + + Account color + + + + Confirm your action + + + + Confirm + + + + Are you sure you want to this? + + + + Do not show this again + + + + Please select a contact + + + + Select a contact + + + + Contact does not have an ENS address. Please send a transaction in chat. + + + + No contact selected + + + + Copied! + + + + Slow + + + + Optimal + + + + Fast + + + + Reset + + + + Advanced + + + + Custom Network Fee + + + + Gwei + + + + Apply + + + + Not enough ETH for gas + + + + Copied + + + + Pasted + + + + Copy + + + + Invalid ethereum address + + + + Address + + + + My account + + + + Contact + + + + Search + + + + In: + + + + Messages + + + + Tokens will be sent directly to a contract address, which may result in a loss of funds. To transfer ERC-20 tokens, ensure the recipient address is the address of the destination wallet. + + + + View on Etherscan + + + + <a href='%1' style='color:%2;text-decoration:none;'>%3</a> + + + + Asset + + + + Amount + + + + Data field + + + + Signing phrase is a 3 word combination that displayed when you entered the wallet on this device for the first time. + + + + Enter the password you use to unlock this device + + + + Unblocking will allow new messages you received from %1 to reach you. + + + + Send transaction + + + + Request transaction + + + + Public chat + + + + Not a contact + + + + Image files (%1) + + + + Your message is too long. + + + + Please make your message shorter. We have set the limit to 2000 characters to be courteous of others. + + + + Type a message + + + + Bold + + + + Italic + + + + Strikethrough + + + + Code + + + + No recent emojis + + + + Buy for %1 SNT + + + + Uninstall + + + + Install + + + + Free + + + + Pending... + + + + Update + + + + Could not buy Stickerpack + + + + Stickerpack bought successfully + + + + You don't have any stickers yet + + + + Recently used stickers will appear here + + + + Get Stickers + + + + Ethereum explorer + + + + Custom... + + + + Search engine + + + + Dapp permissions + + + + Revoke access + + + + Revoke all access + + + + Show more + + + + %1 invited you to join the group + + + + All + + + + Mentions + + + + Replies + + + + Contact requests + + + + Mark all as Read + + + + Show read notifications + + + + Hide read notifications + + + + Notification settings + + + + You need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messages + + + + Waiting for %1 to accept your request + + + + Just click this button to add them as contact. They will receive a notification. Once they accept the request, you'll be able to chat + + + + Back up community key + + + + Back up + + + + Member name + + + + Community members will appear here + + + + No contacts found + + + + Your community is free to join, but new members are required to be approved by the community creator first + + + + Your community can only be joined by an invitation from existing community members + + + + Your community is free for anyone to join + + + + You should keep it safe and only share it with people you trust to take ownership of your community + + + + You can also use this key to import your community on another device + + + + Decline and block + + + + Decline all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to decline all these contact requests + + + + Accept all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to accept all these contact requests + + + + Decline all + + + + Accept all + + + + Pin limit reached + + + + Unpin a previous message first + + + + %1 messages + + + + %1 message + + + + Pinned messages will appear here. + + + + I accept + + + + Format not supported. + + + + Upload %1 only + + + + You can only upload %1 images at a time + + + + Max image size is %1 MB + + + + TODO + + + + NOW + + + + %1M + + + + %1H + + + + %1D + + + + Sun + + + + Mon + + + + Tue + + + + Wed + + + + Thu + + + + Fri + + + + Sat + + + + Jan + + + + Feb + + + + Mar + + + + Apr + + + + Jun + + + + Jul + + + + Aug + + + + Sep + + + + Oct + + + + Nov + + + + Dec + + + + Sunday + + + + Monday + + + + Tuesday + + + + Wednesday + + + + Thursday + + + + Friday + + + + Saturday + + + + Start a 1-on-1 chat with %1 + + + + Join the %1 community + + + + Join the %1 group chat + + + + Join the %1 public channel + + + + words + + + + Mainnet with upstream RPC + + + + POA Network + + + + xDai Chain + + + + Goerli with upstream RPC + + + + Rinkeby with upstream RPC + + + + Ropsten with upstream RPC + + + + You need to repeat your password + + + + Passwords don't match + + + + You need to enter a %1 + + + + The %1 cannot exceed %2 characters + + + + Must be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + Use only lowercase letters (a to z), numbers & dashes (-). Do not use chat keys. + + + + community-image-delete + + + + public + Public + + + + AboutView + + Status Desktop + + + + Privacy Policy + + + + Check for updates + + + + Current Version + + + + Release Notes + + + + Our Principles + + + + Status desktop’s GitHub Repositories + + + + Status Go + + + + StatusQ + + + + go-waku + + + + Legal & Privacy Documents + + + + Terms of Use + + + + Software License + + + + + AcceptRejectOptionsButtonsPanel + + View Profile + + + + Decline and block + + + + + AccessExistingCommunityPopup + + You need to enter a key + + + + Import + + + + Error importing the community + + + + + AccountView + + Type + + + + Storage + + + + Watch-Only Account + + + + Generated by your Status seed phrase profile + + + + Imported Account + + + + On Device + + + + Derivation Path + + + + Remove from your profile + + + + Confirm %1 Removal + + + + You will not be able to restore viewing access to this account in the future unless you enter this account’s address again. + + + + Remove Account + + + + + ActivityCenterMessageComponentView + + Mark as Read + + + + Mark as Unread + + + + + AddAccountModal + + Advanced + + + + Generate an account + + + + Wrong password + + + + You need to enter a password + + + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + Enter your password… + + + + Password + + + + Enter an account name... + + + + Account name + + + + You need to enter an account name + + + + color + + + + Loading... + + + + Add account + + + + + AddEditSavedAddressPopup + + Name + + + + Address + + + + Save + + + + Edit saved address + + + + Add saved address + + + + Enter a name + + + + Name must not be blank + + + + This is not a valid account name + + + + Enter ENS Name or Ethereum Address + + + + Please enter a valid ENS name OR Ethereum Address + + + + Add address + + + + + AddFavoriteModal + + URL + + + + Paste URL + + + + Paste + + + + Pasted + + + + Name + + + + Favorite added + + + + Edit + + + + Add favorite + + + + Please enter a valid URL + + + + Name of the website + + + + Please enter a name + + + + Remove + + + + Done + + + + Add + + + + Add Favorite + + + + + AdvancedContainer + + Online users + + + + + AdvancedView + + disable + désactiver + + + enable + activer + + + Fleet + + + + Minimize on close + + + + Application Logs + + + + Experimental features + + + + Wallet + + + + WalletSettingsLineButton + + + + Dapp Browser + + + + Community History Archive Protocol + + + + Node Management + + + + Keycard + + + + Bloom filter level + + + + Warning! + + + + The account will be logged out. When you login again, the selected mode will be enabled + + + + Light Node + + + + Normal + + + + Full Node + + + + WakuV2 mode + + + + Developer features + + + + Full developer mode + + + + Download messages + + + + Telemetry + + + + Debug + + + + Auto message + + + + Are you sure you want to enable all the develoer features? The app will be restarted. + + + + Are you sure you want to enable telemetry? This will reduce your privacy level while using Status. You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. + + + + Are you sure you want to enable auto message? You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. + + + + Are you sure you want to %1 debug mode? You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. + + + + This feature is experimental and is meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It's not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data. Use at your own risk. + + + + I understand + + + + + AllowNotificationsView + + Ok, got it + + + + Allow notifications + + + + Status will notify you about new messages. You can +edit your notification preferences later in settings. + + + + + AppMain + + Where do you want to go? + + + + Profile Picture + + + + Make this my Profile Pic + + + + Invite People + + + + View Community + + + + Leave Community + + + + A new version of Status (%1) is available + + + + Download + + + + Your version is up to date + + + + Close + + + + Can not connect to mailserver + + + + The mailserver you're connecting to is unavailable. + + + + Pick another + + + + Retry + + + + + AppearanceView + + XS + + + + S + + + + M + + + + L + + + + XL + + + + XXL + + + + Preview + + + + Blockchains will drop search costs, causing a kind of decomposition that allows you to have markets of entities that are horizontally segregated and vertically segregated. + + + + Size + + + + Change font size + + + + Change Zoom (requires restart) + + + + 50% + + + + 100% + + + + 150% + + + + 200% + + + + Appearance + + + + Light + + + + Dark + + + + System + + + + + BackupSeedModal + + Back up your seed phrase + + + + Continue + + + + Not Now + + + + Confirm Seed Phrase + + + + Complete & Delete My Seed Phrase + + + + Confirm word #%1 of your seed phrase + + + + + BackupSeedStepBase + + Enter word + + + + Wrong word + + + + Word #%1 + + + + + BeforeGetStartedModal + + Privacy Policy + + + + Before you get started + + + + I acknowledge that status desktop is in beta and by using it I take the full responsibility for all risks concerning my data and funds + + + + Before you get started... + + + + Get Started + + + + I acknowledge that Status Desktop is in Beta and by using it I take the full responsibility for all risks concerning my data and funds. + + + + I accept Status + + + + Terms of Use + + + + Terms of service + + + + Get started + + + + + BrowserLayout + + Transaction pending... + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Error signing message + + + + View on etherscan + + + + Server's certificate not trusted + + + + Do you wish to continue? + + + + If you wish so, you may continue with an unverified certificate. Accepting an unverified certificate means you may not be connected with the host you tried to connect to. +Do you wish to override the security check and continue? + + + + + ChatContextMenuView + + Leave group + + + + Save + + + + Delete + + + + Are you sure you want to leave this chat? + + + + View Members + + + + Add / remove from group + + + + Test WakuV2 - requestAllHistoricMessages + + + + Edit name + + + + Mark as Read + + + + Clear history + + + + Edit Channel + + + + Download + + + + Delete Channel + + + + Delete chat + + + + Leave chat + + + + Download messages + + + + Delete #%1 + + + + Are you sure you want to delete #%1 channel? + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this chat? + + + + + ChatView + + Members + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + + CollectibleDetailsHeader + + Send + + + + + CollectibleModal + + description + Description + + + unnamed + + + + id + + + + View in Opensea + + + + + CollectiblesStore + + Collectibles + + + + + CollectiblesView + + Collectibles will appear here + + + + + CommunitiesListPanel + + Cancel + + + + Leave community + + + + Leave %1 + + + + Are you sure you want to leave? Once you leave, you will have to request to rejoin if you change your mind. + + + + + CommunitiesPopup + + Communities + + + + 1 member + + + + %1 members + + + + Create a community + + + + Search for communities or topics + + + + Access existing community + + + + + CommunitiesPortalLayout + + Search + + + + Find community + + + + Import Community + + + + Create New Community + + + + Featured + + + + Popular + + + + + CommunityColorPicker + + Community colour + + + + + CommunityColumnView + + Create channel + + + + Create category + + + + 1 Member + + + + %1 Members + + + + Start chat + + + + Membership requests + + + + Invite people + + + + Unmute category + + + + Mute category + + + + Edit Category + + + + Delete Category + + + + Delete %1 category + + + + Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. + + + + Create channel or category + + + + Error deleting the category + + + + + CommunityDescriptionInput + + Description + + + + What your community is about + + + + community description + + + + + CommunityDetailPopup + + Join ‘%1’ + + + + Pending + + + + Unknown community + + + + Public community + + + + Invitation only community + + + + On request community + + + + - ENS only + + + + %1 members + + + + Channels + + + + You need to be invited + + + + Request to join ‘%1’ + + + + Error joining the community + + + + + CommunityEditSettingsPanel + + A catchy name + + + + community name + + + + Description + + + + What your community is about + + + + Pick a color + + + + + CommunityHeaderButton + + 1 member + + + + %1 members + + + + + CommunityMembersSettingsPanel + + Members + + + + Member name + + + + Ban + + + + Kick + + + + Membership requests + + + + Community members will appear here + + + + No contacts found + + + + You + + + + + CommunityNameInput + + A catchy name + + + + community name + + + + Community name + + + + + CommunityProfilePopup + + Members + + + + Transfer ownership + + + + Public community + + + + Invitation only community + + + + On request community + + + + Unknown community + + + + Invite friends + + + + Invite + + + + + CommunityProfilePopupInviteFriendsPanel + + Copied! + + + + Contacts + + + + Share community + + + + + CommunityProfilePopupMembersListPanel + + Member name + + + + + CommunityProfilePopupOverviewPanel + + Copied! + + + + Share community + + + + Transfer ownership + + + + Leave community + + + + + CommunitySettingsView + + Members + + + + Notifications + + + + Settings + + + + Overview + + + + Open legacy popup (to be removed) + + + + Back to community + + + + Error editing the community + + + + + CommunityUserList + + Members + + + + + ConfirmPasswordView + + Passwords don't match + + + + Have you written down your password? + + + + You will never be able to recover your password if you lose it. + + + + If you need to, write it using pen and paper and keep in a safe place. + + + + If you lose your password you will lose access to your Status profile. + + + + Confirm your password (again) + + + + Confirm you password (again) + + + + Finalise Status Password Creation + + + + Keys for this account already exist + + + + Keys for this account already exist and can't be added again. If you've lost your password, passcode or Keycard, uninstall the app, reinstall and access your keys by entering your seed phrase + + + + Login failed + + + + Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. + + + + + ConfirmationDialog + + Confirm + + + + Reject + + + + Cancel + + + + Confirm your action + + + + Do not show this again + + + + Are you sure you want to do this? + + + + + ContactPanel + + View Profile + + + + Send message + + + + Respond to ID Request + + + + See ID Request + + + + Rename + + + + + ContactsColumnView + + Start chat + + + + Chat + + + + Search + + + + Join public chats + + + + Contact requests + + + + Community imported + + + + Importing community is in progress + + + + + ContactsView + + Contacts + + + + Send contact request to chat key + + + + Search by a display name or chat key + + + + Pending Requests + + + + Blocked + + + + Identity Verified Contacts + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet + + + + Received + + + + Sent + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + + Controls + + XS + + + + S + + + + M + + + + L + + + + XL + + + + XXL + + + + 50% + + + + 100% + + + + 150% + + + + 200% + + + + + CreateCategoryPopup + + Category title + + + + category name + + + + Edit category + + + + New category + + + + Name the category + + + + Channels + + + + Delete category + + + + Delete %1 category + + + + Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. + + + + Save + + + + Create + + + + Error editing the category + + + + Error creating the category + + + + + CreateChannelPopup + + Channel name + + + + channel name + + + + Description + + + + Describe the channel + + + + channel description + + + + New channel + + + + Edit #%1 + + + + Name the channel + + + + Channel colour + + + + Pick a color + + + + Save + + + + Create + + + + Error creating the community + + + + + CreateChatView + + Contacts + + + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. + +Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be able to chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. + + + + You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. + + +Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be + able to +chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. + + + + You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. + + +Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be able to +chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. + + + + Confirm + + + + + CreateCommunityPopup + + You need to enter a color + + + + This field needs to be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + Community color + + + + Pick a color + + + + Please choose a color + + + + Next + + + + Error creating the community + + + + Name your community + + + + A catchy name + + + + Give it a short description + + + + What your community is about + + + + Community colour + + + + Create New Community + + + + Create Community + + + + + CreatePasswordView + + Create password + + + + + DemoApp + + Invite People + + + + View Community + + + + Edit Community + + + + Leave Community + + + + + DerivationPathsPanel + + Reset + + + + Derivation Path + + + + + DerivedAddressesPanel + + Pending + + + + Account + + + + No activity + + + + Invalid path + + + + Has Activity + + + + No Activity + + + + + DisplayNamePopup + + Edit + + + + Ok + + + + Display Name + + + + OK + + + + + EnsDetailsView + + Wallet address + + + + Key + + + + Connect username with your pubkey + + + + Copied to clipboard! + + + + Release username + + + + Username locked. You won't be able to release it until %1 + + + + Back + + + + + EnsSearchView + + Connect username with your pubkey + + + + At least 4 characters. Latin letters, numbers, and lowercase only. + + + + Letters and numbers only. + + + + Type the entire username including the custom domain like username.domain.eth + + + + Custom domain + + + + I want a stateofus.eth domain + + + + I own a name on another domain + + + + + EnsView + + Transaction pending... + + + + View on etherscan + + + + ENS Registration failed + + + + ENS Registration completed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey failed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey completed + + + + + ExemptionNotificationsModal + + Done + + + + %1 exemption + + + + Mute all messages + + + + Personal @ Mentions + + + + Global @ Mentions + + + + Other Messages + + + + Clear Exemptions + + + + + GasSelector + + Priority + + + + Low + + + + High + + + + Must be greater than 0 + + + + This needs to be a number + + + + Please enter an amount + + + + Min 21000 units + + + + Not enough gas + + + + Miners will currently not process transactions with a tip below %1 Gwei, the average is %2 Gwei + + + + The average miner tip is %1 Gwei + + + + Gas Price + + + + Current base fee: %1 %2 + + + + Use suggestions + + + + Use custom + + + + Optimal + + + + Gas amount limit + + + + Per-gas tip limit + + + + Gwei + + + + Per-gas overall limit + + + + Maximum priority fee: %1 ETH + + + + Maximum overall price for the transaction. If the block base fee exceeds this, it will be included in a following block with a lower base fee. + + + + + GroupInfoPopup + + %1/%2 members + + + + Add members + + + + %1 members + + + + 1 member + + + + Search + + + + All your contacts are already in the group + + + + Pinned messages + + + + Admin + + + + Make Admin + + + + Remove From Group + + + + Add selected + + + + + ImageCropperModal + + Crop your image (optional) + + + + Finish + + + + + ImportPrivateKeyPanel + + Pending + + + + You need to enter a private key + + + + Enter a valid private key (64 characters hexadecimal string) + + + + Private key + + + + Paste the contents of your private key + + + + Public address + + + + Account already added + + + + Has Activity + + + + No Activity + + + + + InsertCard + + Cancel + + + + Please insert your Keycard to proceed or press the cancel button to cancel the operation + + + + + InsertDetailsView + + Next + + + + Profile picture + + + + Your profile + + + + Longer and unusual names are better as they are less likely to be used by someone else. + + + + Display name + + + + Chatkey: + + + + Choose an image for profile picture + + + + Make this my profile picture + + + + Your emojihash and identicon ring + + + + This set of emojis and coloured ring around your avatar are unique and represent your chat key, so your friends can easily distinguish you from potential impersonators. + + + + + InvitationBubbleView + + Unsupported state + + + + Membership requires an ENS username + + + + You need to be invited + + + + Pending + + + + View + + + + Request Access + + + + Join + + + + Verified community invitation + + + + Community invitation + + + + %1 members + + + + Error joining the community + + + + + KeysMainView + + Enter a seed phrase + + + + Generate new keys + + + + intro-wizard-title1 + + + + a-set-of-keys-controls-your-account.-your-keys-live-on-your-device,-so-only-you-can-use-them. + + + + Connect your keys + + + + Use your existing Status keys to login to this device. + + + + Get your keys + + + + A set of keys controls your account. Your keys live on your +device, so only you can use them. + + + + Import a seed phrase + + + + Seed phrases are used to back up and restore your keys. Only use this option if you already have a seed phrase. + + + + + LanguageView + + Language + + + + Set Display Currency + + + + Search Currencies + + + + Search Languages + + + + Date Format + + + + DD/MM/YY + + + + MM/DD/YY + + + + Time Format + + + + 24-Hour Time + + + + 12-Hour Time + + + + Change language + + + + Display language has been changed. You must restart the application for changes to take effect. + + + + Close the app now + + + + + Layout + + Invite People + + + + View Community + + + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + Edit Community + + + + Leave Community + + + + + LeftTabView + + Settings + + + + Sign out + + + + Make sure you have your account password and seed phrase stored. Without them you can lock yourself out of your account and lose funds. + + + + Sign out & Quit + + + + Wallet + + + + Total value + + + + Add account + + + + Saved addresses + + + + + LoginView + + Ok + + + + Welcome back + + + + Add new user + + + + Add existing Status user + + + + Connecting... + + + + Password + + + + Enter password + + + + Login failed: %1 + + + + Password incorrect + + + + + MenuPanel + + Settings + + + + Apps + + + + About & Help + + + + + MessageContextMenuView + + Jump to + + + + Copy image + + + + Download image + + + + Block User + + + + Unblock User + + + + Rename + + + + Reply to + + + + Edit message + + + + Copy Message Id + + + + Unpin + + + + Pin + + + + Delete message + + + + Please choose a directory + + + + Confirm deleting this message + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well. + + + + + MessagingView + + Contacts + + + + Allow new contact requests + + + + Show My Profile Picture To + + + + Everyone + + + + No One + + + + See Profile Pictures From + + + + Open Message Links With + + + + Status Browser + + + + System Default Browser + + + + Contacts, Requests, and Blocked Users + + + + Display Message Link Previews + + + + Fine tune which sites to allow link previews + + + + Image unfurling + + + + All images (links that contain an image extension) will be downloaded and displayed + + + + Message syncing + + + + Waku nodes + + + + For security reasons, private chat history won't be synced. + + + + + MyProfileView + + ENS username + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Change Password + + + + Edit + + + + Preview + + + + + NicknamePopup + + Nickname + + + + Nicknames help you identify others in Status. Only you can see the nicknames you’ve added + + + + Done + + + + + NoImageUploadedPanel + + Upload + + + + Wide aspect ratio is optimal + + + + + NotificationsView + + Messages + + + + You have a new message + + + + Anonymous + + + + Community + + + + 1:1 Chat + + + + Group Chat + + + + Muted + + + + Off + + + + Quiet + + + + Personal @ Mentions %1 + + + + Global @ Mentions %1 + + + + Alerts + + + + Other Messages %1 + + + + Multiple Exemptions + + + + Enable Notifications in macOS Settings + + + + To receive Status notifications, make sure you've enabled them in your computer's settings under <b>System Preferences > Notifications</b> + + + + Sync your devices to share notifications preferences + + + + Syncing > + + + + Allow Notifications + + + + 1:1 Chats + + + + Group Chats + + + + Personal @ Mentions + + + + Messages containing @%1 + + + + Global @ Mentions + + + + Messages containing @here and @channel + + + + All Messages + + + + Others + + + + Contact Requests + + + + Identity Verification Requests + + + + Notification Content + + + + Show Name and Message + + + + Hi there! So EIP-1559 will defini... + + + + Name Only + + + + Play a Sound When Receiving a Notification + + + + Volume + + + + Send a Test Notification + + + + Exemptions + + + + Search Communities, Group Chats and 1:1 Chats + + + + Most recent + + + + + PasswordView + + Create a password + + + + Passwords don't match + + + + Create a password to unlock Status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + You will not be able to recover this password if it is lost. + + + + Minimum %1 characters. To strengthen your password consider including: + + + + This password has been pwned and shouldn't be used + + + + This password is a common word and shouldn't be used + + + + Password must be at least %1 characters long + + + + Current password + + + + New password + + + + Very weak + + + + Weak + + + + So-so + + + + Good + + + + Great + + + + Lower case + + + + Upper case + + + + Numbers + + + + Symbols + + + + Confirm password + + + + + PermissionsListView + + Disconnect + + + + Disconnect All + + + + + PinnedMessagesPopup + + Unpin + + + + Pin limit reached + + + + Pinned messages + + + + Unpin a previous message first + + + + %1 messages + + + + %1 message + + + + Pinned messages will appear here. + + + + + ProfileLayout + + Contacts + + + + Testnet mode is enabled. All balances, transactions and dApp interactions will be on testnets. + + + + Secure your seed phrase + + + + Back up now + + + + + ProfilePopup + + ENS username + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Chat settings + + + + Nickname + + + + None + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + Unblock User + + + + Block User + + + + Add to contacts + + + + 's Profile + + + + Send Contact Request to + + + + Verify %1's Identity + + + + My Profile + + + + %1's Profile + + + + Send Contact Request to %1 + + + + Cancel verification + + + + Remove Contact + + + + Send Contact Request + + + + Mark Untrustworthy + + + + Remove 'Identity Verified' status + + + + No + + + + Yes + + + + Remove Untrustworthy Mark + + + + Verify Identity + + + + Verify Identity pending... + + + + Send verification request + + + + Verification request sent + + + + Confirm Identity + + + + Rename + + + + Close + + + + + ProfileSectionStore + + Profile + + + + ENS usernames + + + + Wallet + + + + Browser + + + + Communities + + + + Appearance + + + + Back up seed phrase + + + + Advanced + + + + Messaging + + + + Notifications & Sounds + + + + Language & Currency + + + + Devices settings + + + + About + + + + Sign out & Quit + + + + + RateView + + Upload + + + + Bandwidth + + + + Kb/s + + + + Download + + + + + ReceiveModal + + Copy + + + + Receive + + + + Legacy + + + + Multichain + + + + Your Address + + + + + RootStore + + You + + + + Start a 1-on-1 chat with %1 + + + + Join the %1 community + + + + Join the %1 group chat + + + + + SavedAddressesView + + Cancel + + + + Delete + + + + Saved addresses + + + + Add new address + + + + Edit + + + + Are you sure you want to remove '%1' from your saved addresses? + + + + Are you sure? + + + + No saved addresses + + + + + SeedPhraseInputView + + Enter seed phrase + + + + Next + + + + Import + + + + Keys for this account already exist + + + + Keys for this account already exist and can't be added again. If you've lost your password, passcode or Keycard, uninstall the app, reinstall and access your keys by entering your seed phrase + + + + Error importing seed + + + + %1 words + + + + %1SeedButton + + + + Invalid seed + + + + Restore Status Profile + + + + + SendContactRequestModal + + Paste + + + + Send Contact Request to chat key + + + + Enter chat key here + + + + Say who you are / why you want to become a contact... + + + + who are you + + + + Send Contact Request + + + + + SendModal + + Transaction pending... + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Send + + + + Max: + + + + No balances active + + + + Please enter a valid amount + + + + To + + + + Enter an ENS name or address + + + + Error estimating gas: %1 + + + + Wrong password + + + + View on etherscan + + + + + SendModalFooter + + Unknown + + + + Estimated Time: + + + + Max Fees: + + + + Send + + + + + SendModalHeader + + To + + + + + SettingsPageLayout + + Cancel + + + + Save changes + + + + + SignTransactionModal + + Send + + + + Continue + + + + Error estimating gas: %1 + + + + Transaction pending... + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Choose account + + + + Network fee + + + + Transaction preview + + + + Sign with password + + + + Send %1 %2 + + + + Next + + + + Wrong password + + + + View on etherscan + + + + + StatusAppCommunityView + + Members + + + + + StatusChatInput + + Send + + + + Message + + + + Please choose an image + + + + Image files (%1) + + + + Your message is too long. + + + + Please make your message shorter. We have set the limit to 2000 characters to be courteous of others. + + + + Bold + + + + Italic + + + + Strikethrough + + + + Code + + + + Unblock + + + + + StatusChatListAndCategories + + More + + + + Add channel inside category + + + + + StatusChatListCategoryItem + + More + + + + Add channel inside category + + + + + StatusChatListItem + + Unmute + + + + + StatusChatToolBar + + Search + + + + Members + + + + More + + + + + StatusColorDialog + + Preview + + + + This is not a valid color + + + + Standart colours + + + + Select Colour + + + + + StatusExpandableSettingsItemPage + + Back up seed phrase + + + + Not Implemented + + + + + StatusListPicker + + Search + + + + + StatusMacNotification + + Open + + + + My latest message + with a return + + + + + StatusStickerMarket + + This feature is experimental and is meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It's not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data. Use at your own risk. + + + + I understand + + + + + StatusTokenInlineSelector + + or + + + + Hold + + + + to post + + + + + StatusWalletColorSelect + + Account color + + + + + TabNetworkAndFees + + Advanced + + + + Custom + + + + Slow + + + + + TransactionSettingsConfirmationPopup + + Are you sure? + + + + Your priority fee is below our suggested parameters. + + + + Current base fee + + + + %1 Gwei + + + + Current minimum tip + + + + Current average tip + + + + Your tip limit + + + + Suggested minimum tip + + + + Your price limit + + + + Suggested minimum price limit + + + + Change Limit + + + + Continue anyway + + + + + TransferOwnershipPopup + + Transfer ownership + + + + Community private key + + + + Copy + + + + Copied + + + + You should keep it safe and only share it with people you trust to take ownership of your community + + + + You can also use this key to import your community on another device + + + + + UploadProfilePicModal + + Profile picture + + + + Remove + + + + Upload + + + + Done + + + + Upload profile picture + + + + Choose an image for profile picture + + + + Make this my profile picture + + + + + UserList + + Members + + + + + UsernameLabel + + You + + + + + Utils + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + You need to enter a %1 + + + + now + Maintenant + + + Sun + + + + Mon + + + + Tue + + + + Wed + + + + Thu + + + + Fri + + + + Sat + + + + Jan + + + + Feb + + + + Mar + + + + Apr + + + + May + + + + Jun + + + + Jul + + + + Aug + + + + Sep + + + + Oct + + + + Nov + + + + Dec + + + + Yesterday + + + + Sunday + + + + Monday + + + + Tuesday + + + + Wednesday + + + + Thursday + + + + Friday + + + + Saturday + + + + NOW + + + + %1M + + + + %1H + + + + %1D + + + + words + + + + You need to enter a password + + + + You need to repeat your password + + + + Passwords don't match + + + + You need to enter a PIN + + + + The PIN must contain only digits + + + + The PIN must be exactly 6 digits + + + + You need to repeat your PIN + + + + PIN don't match + + + + The %1 cannot exceed %2 characters + + + + Must be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + Use only lowercase letters (a to z), numbers & dashes (-). Do not use chat keys. + + + + Value has to be at least %1 characters long + + + + Unknown + + + + < 1 min + + + + < 3 mins + + + + < 5 mins + + + + > 5 mins + + + + years ago + + + + year ago + + + + months ago + + + + month ago + + + + weeks ago + + + + week ago + + + + days ago + + + + day ago + + + + hours ago + + + + hour ago + + + + mins ago + + + + min ago + + + + secs ago + + + + sec ago + + + + + WalletView + + Wallet + + + + Networks + + + + DApp Permissions + + + + Testnet Mode + + + + + AcceptTransactionView + + Accept and share address + + + + Accept and send + + + + Decline + + + + + Acknowledgements + + Secure Your Assets and Funds + + + + Your seed phrase is a 12-word passcode to your funds. + + + + Your seed phrase cannot be recovered if lost. Therefore, you <b>must</b> back it up. The simplest way is to <b>write it down offline and store it somewhere secure.</b> + + + + I have a pen and paper + + + + I am ready to write down my seed phrase + + + + I know where I’ll store it + + + + You can only complete this process once. Status will not store your seed phrase and can never help you recover it. + + + + + ActivityCenterPopup + + Show more + + + + + ActivityCenterPopupTopBarPanel + + All + + + + Mentions + + + + Replies + + + + Mark all as Read + + + + Show read notifications + + + + Hide read notifications + + + + Notification settings + + + + + AddShowTokenModal + + Add custom token + + + + This needs to be a valid address + + + + Invalid ERC20 address + + + + Enter contract address... + + + + Contract address + + + + The name of your token... + + + + Name + + + + ABC + + + + Symbol + + + + Decimals + + + + Changing settings failed + + + + Add + + + + + AddWakuNodeModal + + Waku nodes + + + + Name + + + + Specify a name + + + + You need to enter a name + + + + History node address + + + + You need to enter the enode address + + + + The format must be: enode://{enode-id}:{password}@{ip-address}:{port} + + + + Save + + + + + AddressInput + + ENS Username not found + + + + + AddressRequiredValidator + + You need to request the recipient’s address first. +Assets won’t be sent yet. + + + + + AddressSourceSelector + + Invalid source + + + + + AdvancedAddAccountView + + Enter address... + + + + Account address + + + + This needs to be a valid address (starting with 0x) + + + + You need to enter an address + + + + + AppSearch + + No results + + + + Anywhere + + + + + AssetAndAmountInput + + Insufficient balance + + + + Must be greater than or equal to 0 + + + + This needs to be a number + + + + Please enter an amount + + + + Balance: + + + + Asset & Amount + + + + The amount is 0. Proceed only if this is desired. + + + + + BackUpCommuntyBannerPanel + + Back up community key + + + + Back up + + + + + BalanceExceeded + + Balance exceeded + + + + No networks available + + + + + BalanceValidator + + Insufficient balance + + + + + BlockContactConfirmationDialog + + Block User + + + + Blocking will stop new messages from reaching you from %1. + + + + + BloomSelectorButton + + TODO + + + + + BrowserConnectionModal + + '%1' would like to connect to + + + + Allowing authorizes this DApp to retrieve your wallet address and enable Web3 + + + + Granting access authorizes this DApp to retrieve your chat key + + + + Deny + + + + Allow + + + + + BrowserHeader + + Enter URL + + + + + BrowserSettingsMenu + + New Tab + + + + Exit Incognito mode + + + + Go Incognito + + + + Zoom In + + + + Zoom Out + + + + Find + + + + Compatibility mode + + + + Developer Tools + + + + Settings + + + + + BrowserTabStyle + + Start Page + + + + + BrowserTabView + + Start Page + + + + New Tab + + + + Downloads Page + + + + + BrowserView + + Search engine used in the address bar + + + + None + + + + Show Favorites Bar + + + + Connected DApps + + + + No connected dApps + + + + Connecting a dApp grants it permission to view your address and balances, and to send you transaction requests + + + + + BrowserWalletMenu + + Mainnet + + + + Ropsten + + + + Unknown + + + + Disconnect + + + + Assets + + + + History + + + + + BrowserWebEngineView + + Add Favorite + + + + + ChangePasswordModal + + Change password + + + + Change password used to unlock Status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + Change Password + + + + + ChangePasswordSuccessModal + + <b>Password changed</b> + + + + You need to sign in again using the new password. + + + + Sign out & Quit + + + + + ChangeProfilePicModal + + Profile picture + + + + Remove + + + + Upload + + + + Please choose an image + + + + Image files (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png) + + + + + ChannelIdentifierView + + Welcome to the beginning of the <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> group! + + + + Any messages you send here are encrypted and can only be read by you and <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> + + + + + ChatButtonsPanel + + Add reaction + + + + Reply + + + + Edit + + + + Unpin + + + + Pin + + + + Delete + + + + Confirm deleting this message + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well. + + + + + ChatColumnView + + Send + + + + Request Address + + + + Request + + + + + ChatCommandModal + + Continue + + + + Receive on account + + + + From account + + + + Address request required + + + + From + + + + To + + + + Preview + + + + Transaction preview + + + + Next + + + + + ChatCommandsPopup + + Send transaction + + + + Request transaction + + + + + ChatContentView + + Contact + + + + Not a contact + + + + Public chat + + + + %1 members + + + + 1 member + + + + Connected + + + + Disconnected + + + + Blocked + + + + This user has been blocked. + + + + + ChatMessagesView + + Loading... + + + + Failed to send message. + + + + + ChatRequestMessagePanel + + You need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messages + + + + Just click this button to add them as contact. They will receive a notification. Once they accept the request, you'll be able to chat + + + + Add to contacts + + + + + ChooseBrowserPopup + + Choose browser + + + + Open in Status + + + + Open in my default browser + + + + Remember my choice. To override it, go to settings. + + + + + ClosedEmptyPanel + + Your chats will appear here. To start new chats press the  button at the top + + + + + CollectibleCollectionView + + No collectibles available + + + + + CollectibleDetailView + + Properties + + + + Levels + + + + Stats + + + + + CollectiblesContent + + Something went wrong + + + + Reload + + + + + CollectiblesHeader + + Maximum number of collectibles to display reached + + + + + CollectiblesModal + + View + + + + Unnamed + + + + + CollectiblesModalContent + + ID + + + + Description + + + + + CommunitiesView + + Import community + + + + Communities you've joined + + + + + CommunityBannerPicker + + Community banner + + + + Choose an image for banner + + + + Make this my Community banner + + + + + CommunityChannelsAndCategoriesBannerPanel + + Expand your community by adding more channels and categories + + + + Add channels + + + + Add categories + + + + + CommunityColorPanel + + Community Colour + + + + Select Community Colour + + + + This is not a valid colour + + + + White text should be legable on top of this colour + + + + Standard colours + + + + + CommunityDelegate + + Admin + + + + Member + + + + + CommunityIntroDialog + + Welcome to %1 + + + + Join %1 + + + + Community <b>%1</b> has no intro message... + + + + I agree with the above + + + + + CommunityIntroMessageInput + + Community introduction and rules + + + + What new members will read before joining (eg. community rules, welcome message, etc.). Members will need to tick a check box agreeing to these rules before they are allowed to join your community. + + + + community intro message + + + + + CommunityLogoPicker + + Community logo + + + + Choose an image as logo + + + + Make this my Community logo + + + + + CommunityOptions + + Community history service + + + + Request to join required + + + + Any member can pin a message + + + + + CommunityOutroMessageInput + + Leaving community message + + + + The message a member will see when they leave your community + + + + community intro message + + + + + CommunityOverviewSettingsPanel + + Overview + + + + Edit Community + + + + This node is the Community Owner Node. For your Community to function correctly try to keep this computer with Status running and onlinie as much as possible. + + + + Welcome to your community! + + + + Invite new people + + + + Try an airdrop to reward your community for engagement! + + + + Airdrop Tokens + + + + Back up community key + + + + Back up + + + + + CommunityTagsPanel + + Community Tags + + + + Confirm Community Tags + + + + Select tags that will fit your Community + + + + Search tags + + + + Selected tags + + + + + CommunityTagsPicker + + Tags + + + + + CommunityWelcomeBannerPanel + + Welcome to your community! + + + + Add members + + + + Manage community + + + + + CompactMessageView + + Pinned by %1 + + + + Cancel + + + + Save + + + + + ConfirmAddExistingKeyModal + + Enter seed phrase + + + + Do you want to add another existing key? + + + + Add another existing key + + + + + ConfirmAppRestartModal + + Application Restart + + + + Please restart the application to apply the changes. + + + + Restart + + + + + ConfirmSeedPhrasePanel + + Write down your 12-word seed phrase to keep offline + + + + Reveal seed phrase + + + + The next screen contains your seed phrase. +<b>Anyone</b> who sees it can use it to access to your funds. + + + + + ConfirmStoringSeedPhrasePanel + + Complete back up + + + + Store Your Phrase Offline and Complete Your Back Up + + + + By completing this process, you will remove your seed phrase from this application’s storage. This makes your funds more secure. + + + + You will remain logged in, and your seed phrase will be entirely in your hands. + + + + I acknowledge that Status will not be able to show me my seed phrase again. + + + + I aknowledge that Status will not be able to show me my seed phrase again. + + + + + Constants + + Username must be at least 5 characters + + + + Only letters, numbers, underscores and hyphens allowed + + + + 24 character username limit + + + + Usernames ending with '-eth' are not allowed + + + + Usernames ending with '_eth' are not allowed + + + + Usernames ending with '.eth' are not allowed + + + + Sorry, the name you have chosen is not allowed, try picking another username + + + + (edited) + + + + Username already taken :( + + + + Username doesn’t belong to you :( + + + + Continuing will connect this username with your chat key. + + + + ✓ Username available! + + + + Username is already connected with your chat key and can be used inside Status. + + + + This user name is owned by you and connected with your chat key. Continue to set `Show my ENS username in chats`. + + + + Continuing will require a transaction to connect the username with your current chat key. + + + + + Contact + + Admin + + + + + ContactRequestsPopup + + Contact requests + + + + Decline all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to decline all these contact requests + + + + Accept all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to accept all these contact requests + + + + Decline all + + + + Accept all + + + + + ContactSelector + + Please select a contact + + + + Select a contact + + + + Contact does not have an ENS address. Please send a transaction in chat. + + + + No contact selected + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet + + + + + ContactVerificationRequestPopup + + %1 is asking you to verify your identity + + + + %1 would like to verify your identity. Answer the question to prove your identity to %2 + + + + Provide answer to verification request from this contact. + + + + Your answer has been sent to %1. + + + + Refuse Verification + + + + Send Answer + + + + Change answer + + + + Close + + + + + ContactsListAndSearch + + Enter a valid chat key or ENS username + + + + Can't chat with yourself + + + + Enter ENS username or chat key + + + + + ContactsListPanel + + Contact Request Sent + + + + Contact Request Rejected + + + + + CopyToClipBoardButton + + Copied! + + + + + CreatePasswordModal + + Store password + + + + Create a password + + + + Current password... + + + + New password... + + + + Confirm password… + + + + At least 6 characters. You will use this password to unlock status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + Create password + + + + Error importing account + + + + An error occurred while importing your account: + + + + Login failed + + + + Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. + + + + Incorrect password + + + + + CryptoServicesModal + + Buy / Sell crypto + + + + Choose a service you'd like to use to buy crypto + + + + + CurrenciesStore + + US Dollars + + + + British Pound + + + + Euros + + + + Russian ruble + + + + South Korean won + + + + Ethereum + + + + Tokens + + + + Bitcoin + + + + Status Network Token + + + + Dai + + + + United Arab Emirates dirham + + + + Other Fiat + + + + Afghan afghani + + + + Argentine peso + + + + Australian dollar + + + + Barbadian dollar + + + + Bangladeshi taka + + + + Bulgarian lev + + + + Bahraini dinar + + + + Brunei dollar + + + + Bolivian boliviano + + + + Brazillian real + + + + Bhutanese ngultrum + + + + Canadian dollar + + + + Swiss franc + + + + Chilean peso + + + + Chinese yuan + + + + Colombian peso + + + + Costa Rican colón + + + + Czech koruna + + + + Danish krone + + + + Dominican peso + + + + Egyptian pound + + + + Ethiopian birr + + + + Georgian lari + + + + Ghanaian cedi + + + + Hong Kong dollar + + + + Croatian kuna + + + + Hungarian forint + + + + Indonesian rupiah + + + + Israeli new shekel + + + + Indian rupee + + + + Icelandic króna + + + + Jamaican dollar + + + + Japanese yen + + + + Kenyan shilling + + + + Kuwaiti dinar + + + + Kazakhstani tenge + + + + Sri Lankan rupee + + + + Moroccan dirham + + + + Moldovan leu + + + + Mauritian rupee + + + + Malawian kwacha + + + + Mexican peso + + + + Malaysian ringgit + + + + Mozambican metical + + + + Namibian dollar + + + + Nigerian naira + + + + Norwegian krone + + + + Nepalese rupee + + + + New Zealand dollar + + + + Omani rial + + + + Peruvian sol + + + + Papua New Guinean kina + + + + Philippine peso + + + + Pakistani rupee + + + + Polish złoty + + + + Paraguayan guaraní + + + + Qatari riyal + + + + Romanian leu + + + + Serbian dinar + + + + Saudi riyal + + + + Swedish krona + + + + Singapore dollar + + + + Thai baht + + + + Trinidad and Tobago dollar + + + + New Taiwan dollar + + + + Tanzanian shilling + + + + Turkish lira + + + + Ukrainian hryvnia + + + + Ugandan shilling + + + + Uruguayan peso + + + + Venezuelan bolívar + + + + Vietnamese đồng + + + + South African rand + + + + + DateGroup + + Today + + + + Yesterday + + + + January + + + + February + + + + March + + + + April + + + + May + + + + June + + + + July + + + + August + + + + September + + + + October + + + + November + + + + December + + + + + DefaultDAppExplorerView + + Default DApp explorer + + + + none + + + + + DevicesView + + Please set a name for your device. + + + + Specify a name + + + + Continue + + + + Advertise device + + + + Pair your devices to sync contacts and chats between them + + + + Learn more + + + + Paired devices + + + + Syncing... + + + + Sync all devices + + + + + DownloadBar + + Cancelled + + + + Paused + + + + Show All + + + + + DownloadMenu + + Open + + + + Show in folder + + + + Pause + + + + Resume + + + + Cancel + + + + + DownloadPage + + Thanks for using Status + + + + You're curently using version %1 of Status. + + + + There's new version available to download. + + + + Get Status %1 + + + + + DownloadView + + Cancelled + + + + Paused + + + + Downloaded files will appear here. + + + + + ENSPopup + + Primary username + + + + Your messages are displayed to others with this username: + + + + Once you select a username, you won’t be able to disable it afterwards. You will only be able choose a different username to display. + + + + + EmojiReactionsPanel + + Add reaction + + + + + EmptyChatPanel + + Share your chat key + + + + or + + + + invite + + + + friends to start messaging in Status + + + + + EnsAddedView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + %1 is now connected with your chat key and can be used in Status. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsConnectedView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + %1 will be connected once the transaction is complete. + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsListView + + Hey + + + + (pending) + + + + ENS usernames + + + + Add username + + + + Your usernames + + + + Chat settings + + + + Primary Username + + + + None selected + + + + You’re displaying your ENS username in chats + + + + + EnsRegisteredView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + Nice! You own %1.stateofus.eth once the transaction is complete. + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsReleasedView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username removed + + + + The username %1 will be removed and your deposit will be returned once the transaction is mined + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsTermsAndConditionsView + + ENS usernames + + + + Terms of name registration + + + + Funds are deposited for 1 year. Your SNT will be locked, but not spent. + + + + After 1 year, you can release the name and get your deposit back, or take no action to keep the name. + + + + If terms of the contract change — e.g. Status makes contract upgrades — user has the right to release the username regardless of time held. + + + + The contract controller cannot access your deposited funds. They can only be moved back to the address that sent them. + + + + Your address(es) will be publicly associated with your ENS name. + + + + Usernames are created as subdomain nodes of stateofus.eth and are subject to the ENS smart contract terms. + + + + You authorize the contract to transfer SNT on your behalf. This can only occur when you approve a transaction to authorize the transfer. + + + + These terms are guaranteed by the smart contract logic at addresses: + + + + %1 (Status UsernameRegistrar). + + + + <a href='%1%2'>Look up on Etherscan</a> + + + + %1 (ENS Registry). + + + + Wallet address + + + + Copied to clipboard! + + + + Key + + + + Agree to <a href="#">Terms of name registration.</a> I understand that my wallet address will be publicly connected to my username. + + + + Back + + + + 10 SNT + + + + Deposit + + + + Not enough SNT + + + + Register + + + + + EnsWelcomeView + + Get a universal username + + + + ENS names transform those crazy-long addresses into unique usernames. + + + + Customize your chat name + + + + An ENS name can replace your random 3-word name in chat. Be @yourname instead of %1. + + + + Simplify your ETH address + + + + You can receive funds to your easy-to-share ENS name rather than your hexadecimal hash (0x...). + + + + Receive transactions in chat + + + + Others can send you funds via chat in one simple step. + + + + 10 SNT to register + + + + Register once to keep the name forever. After 1 year you can release the name and get your SNT back. + + + + Already own a username? + + + + You can verify and add any usernames you own in the next steps. + + + + Powered by Ethereum Name Services + + + + Start + + + + Only available on Mainnet + + + + + FavoriteMenu + + Open in new Tab + + + + Edit + + + + Remove + + + + + FetchMoreMessagesButton + + ↓ Fetch more messages + + + + Before %1 + + + + before--%1 + + + + + FleetRadioSelector + + Warning! + + + + Change fleet to %1 + + + + + FleetsModal + + Fleet + + + + + GapComponent + + fetch-messages + + + + between--1-and--2 + + + + Fetch messages + + + + Between %1 and %2 + + + + + GasSelectorButton + + Low + + + + + GasValidator + + Not enough ETH for gas + + + + + GroupChatPanel + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + Confirm + + + + + HistoryView + + Status Desktop is connected to a non-archival node. Transaction history may be incomplete. + + + + No transactions found + + + + Load More + + + + + HomePageView + + homepage + + + + System default + + + + Other + + + + Example: duckduckgo.com + + + + + ImageCropWorkflow + + Supported image formats (%1) + + + + + ImportCommunityPopup + + Import Community + + + + Entering a community key will grant you the ownership of that community. Please be responsible with it and don’t share the key with people you don’t trust. + + + + Community private key + + + + Import + + + + + ImportSeedPhrasePanel + + Invalid seed phrase + + + + This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. + + + + %1 words + + + + + Input + + Copied + + + + Pasted + + + + Copy + + + + Paste + + + + + InviteFriendsPopup + + Get Status at https://status.im + + + + Download Status link + + + + Copy to clipboard + + + + + InviteFriendsToCommunityPopup + + Invite friends + + + + Invite successfully sent + + + + Invite + + + + + JSDialogWindow + + Ok + + + + Cancel + + + + + KeycardCreatePINModal + + Create PIN + + + + New PIN + + + + Confirm PIN + + + + Create a 6 digit long PIN + + + + + LanguageStore + + Beta Languages + + + + + LinksMessageView + + Enable automatic image unfurling + + + + Enable link previews in chat? + + + + Once enabled, links posted in the chat may share your metadata with their owners + + + + Enable in Settings + + + + Don't ask me again + + + + + MailserverConnectionDialog + + Can not connect to mailserver + + + + The mailserver you're connecting to is unavailable. + + + + Pick another + + + + Retry + + + + + MainView + + DApp Permissions + + + + Networks + + + + Accounts + + + + Generated from Your Seed Phrase + + + + Imported + + + + Watch-Only + + + + + MembershipRequestsPopup + + Membership requests + + + + + MessageStore + + and + + + + %1 more + + + + reacted with + + + + You + + + + + MuteChatMenuItem + + Mute chat + + + + Unmute chat + + + + + MutedChatsModal + + Muted chats + + + + Unmute + + + + + MyProfileSettingsView + + Display name + + + + Display Name + + + + Biometric login and transaction authentication + + + + Communities + + + + Accounts + + + + You haven't joined any communities yet + + + + You don't have any wallet accounts yet + + + + + NetworkCardsComponent + + Your Balances + + + + No Balance + + + + No Gas + + + + BALANCE: + + + + Disabled + + + + + NetworkFilter + + All networks + + + + %n network(s) + + + + + + + + NetworkSelectPopup + + Layer 2 + + + + + NetworkSelector + + Networks + + + + Choose a network to use for the transaction + + + + No networks available + + + + Simple + + + + Advanced + + + + Custom + + + + + NetworksAdvancedCustomRoutingView + + Networks + + + + Show Unpreferred Networks + + + + The networks where the receipient will receive tokens. Amounts calculated automatically for the lowest cost. + + + + + NetworksSimpleRoutingView + + Networks + + + + Choose a network to use for the transaction + + + + + NetworksView + + Layer 2 + + + + Add Custom Network + + + + + NoFriendsRectangle + + You don’t have any contacts yet. Invite your friends to start chatting. + + + + Invite friends + + + + + NodeLayout + + Bloom Filter Usage + + + + Type json-rpc message... e.g {"method": "eth_accounts"} + + + + + NotificationSelect + + Send Alerts + + + + Deliver Quietly + + + + Turn Off + + + + + NotificationWindow + + Everything is connected + + + + + PINModal + + Authenticate PIN + + + + PIN + + + + Insert your 6-digit PIN + + + + Authenticate + + + + + PairingModal + + Insert pairing code + + + + Pairing code + + + + Insert the Keycard pairing code + + + + Pair + + + + + PrivateChatPopup + + New chat + + + + My Profile + + + + + ProfileHeader + + Chatkey:%1... + + + + + ProfileView + + Blocked + + + + Send Request + + + + Receive Response + + + + Confirm Identity + + + + You have confirmed %1's identity. From now on this verification emblem will always be displayed alongside %1's nickname. + + + + You have marked %1 as Untrustworthy. From now on this Untrustworthy emblem will always be displayed alongside %1's nickname. + + + + ENS username + + + + Username + + + + Ask a question that only the real %1 will be able to answer e.g. a question about a shared experience, or ask Mark to enter a code or phrase you have sent to them via a different communication channel (phone, post, etc...). + + + + Waiting for %1's response... + + + + Copied to clipboard + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Chat settings + + + + Nickname + + + + None + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + + PublicChatPopup + + You need to enter a channel name + + + + The channel name can only contain lowercase letters, numbers and dashes + + + + Join public chat + + + + A public chat is where you get to hang out with others, make friends and talk about subjects of your interest. + + + + chat-name + + + + Start chat + + + + + RecipientSelector + + Invalid ethereum address + + + + Address + + + + My account + + + + Contact + + + + Recipient + + + + + RenameAccontModal + + Rename %1 + + + + Enter an account name... + + + + You need to enter an account name + + + + This is not a valid account name + + + + color + + + + Change Name + + + + Changing settings failed + + + + + RenameGroupPopup + + Group name + + + + Save + + + + + Retry + + Resend + + + + + RightTabView + + Assets + + + + Collectibles + + + + Activity + + + + History + + + + + SearchBox + + Search + + + + + SearchEngineModal + + Search engine + + + + None + + + + + SearchResults + + Non contacts + + + + No profile found + + + + + SeedPhraseBackupWarning + + Back up your seed phrase + + + + Back up + + + + + SeedPhraseTextArea + + Invalid seed phrase + + + + This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. + + + + Start with the first word + + + + + SelectAccountModal + + Select account + + + + Select account to share and receive assets + + + + Confirm and share address + + + + + SelectAnotherAccountModal + + Your keys + + + + Add another existing key + + + + + SelectGeneratedAccount + + Import new Seed Phrase + + + + Generate from Private key + + + + Add a watch-only address + + + + Imported + + + + Add new + + + + Origin + + + + + SendContactRequestMenuItem + + Send Contact Request + + + + + SendMessageMenuItem + + Send message + + + + + SendToContractWarning + + Tokens will be sent directly to a contract address, which may result in a loss of funds. To transfer ERC-20 tokens, ensure the recipient address is the address of the destination wallet. + + + + + SendTransactionButton + + Sign and send + + + + + SettingsDirtyToastMessage + + Changes detected + + + + Cancel + + + + Save changes + + + + + SignMessageModal + + Signature request + + + + From + + + + Data + + + + Message + + + + Reject + + + + Sign + + + + Sign with password + + + + + SignPhraseModal + + Signing phrase + + + + This is your signing phrase + + + + You should see these 3 words before signing each transaction + + + + If you see a different combination, cancel the transaction and sign out + + + + Ok, got it + + + + Remind me later + + + + + StateBubble + + Pending + + + + Confirmed + + + + Unknown token + + + + Address requested + + + + Waiting to accept + + + + Address shared + + + + Address received + + + + Transaction declined + + + + failure + + + + Unknown state + + + + + StatusActivityCenterButton + + Activity + + + + + StatusAddressOrEnsValidator + + Please enter a valid address or ENS name. + + + + + StatusAddressValidator + + Please enter a valid address. + + + + + StatusAppChatView + + Join public chats + + + + Start chat + + + + + StatusAppCommunitiesPortalView + + Find community + + + + Featured + + + + Popular + + + + + StatusAsyncEnsValidator + + ENS name could not be resolved in to an address + + + + + StatusAsyncValidator + + invalid input + + + + + StatusBadge + + 99+ + + + + + StatusChatImageExtensionValidator + + Format not supported. + + + + Upload %1 only + + + + + StatusChatImageLoader + + Error loading the image + + + + Loading image... + + + + + StatusChatImageQtyValidator + + You can only upload %1 images at a time + + + + + StatusChatImageSizeValidator + + Max image size is %1 MB + + + + + StatusColorSpacePage + + Thickness + + + + Min saturate: + + + + Max saturate: + + + + Min value: + + + + Max value: + + + + Color + + + + + StatusCommunityTagsPage + + Select tags that will fit your Community + + + + Search tags + + + + Selected tags + + + + + StatusDialog + + Close + + + + Abort + + + + Cancel + + + + No to all + + + + No + + + + Open + + + + Save + + + + Save all + + + + Retry + + + + Ignore + + + + Ok + + + + Yes to all + + + + Yes + + + + Apply + + + + + StatusETHTransactionModal + + Contract interaction + + + + Wrong password + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Continue + + + + Choose account + + + + Sign with password + + + + Next + + + + + StatusEmojiSection + + No recent emojis + + + + + StatusFloatValidator + + Please enter a valid numeric value. + + + + + StatusGifColumn + + Remove from favorites + + + + Add to favorites + + + + + StatusGifPopup + + Search Tenor + + + + TRENDING + + + + FAVORITES + + + + RECENT + + + + Enable Tenor GIFs? + + + + Once enabled, GIFs posted in the chat may share your metadata with Tenor. + + + + Enable + + + + Favorite GIFs will appear here + + + + Recent GIFs will appear here + + + + Error while contacting Tenor API, please retry. + + + + Retry + + + + + StatusIntValidator + + Please enter a valid numeric value. + + + + + StatusItemSelector + + and + + + + or + + + + + StatusListPickerPage + + Search Languages + + + + Search Currencies + + + + + StatusNotification + + Open + + + + + StatusPasswordStrengthIndicator + + Very weak + + + + Weak + + + + So-so + + + + Good + + + + Great + + + + + StatusSNTTransactionModal + + Authorize %1 %2 + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Wrong password + + + + Continue + + + + Choose account + + + + Sign with password + + + + Send %1 %2 + + + + Next + + + + + StatusSearchListPopup + + Search... + + + + + StatusSearchLocationMenu + + Anywhere + + + + + StatusSearchPopup + + No results + + + + Anywhere + + + + Search + + + + In: + + + + In + + + + + StatusSpellcheckingMenuItems + + Add to dictionary + + + + Disable Spellchecking + + + + + StatusStackModal + + StackModal + + + + Next + + + + Finish + + + + + StatusStickerButton + + Buy for %1 SNT + + + + Uninstall + + + + Install + + + + Free + + + + Pending... + + + + Cancel + + + + Update + + + + + StatusStickersPopup + + You don't have any stickers yet + + + + Recently used stickers will appear here + + + + Get Stickers + + + + + StatusTagSelectorPage + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + + StatusUrlValidator + + Please enter a valid URL + + + + + StatusValidator + + invalid input + + + + + StatusWindowsTitleBar + + Status + + + + + SubheaderTabBar + + Step %1 of %2 + + + + + TabAddressSelectorView + + Saved + + + + My Accounts + + + + Recent + + + + Search for saved address + + + + No Saved Address + + + + No Recents + + + + + ToastMessage + + View on Etherscan + + + + Transaction pending... + + + + + TokenSettingsModal + + Manage Assets + + + + Add custom token + + + + + TokenSettingsModalContent + + Token details + + + + Remove token + + + + Custom + + + + Default + + + + + TouchIDAuthView + + Biometrics + + + + Would you like to use Touch ID +to login to Status? + + + + Yes, use Touch ID + + + + I prefer to use my password + + + + + TransactionBubbleView + + Transaction request + + + + ↑ Outgoing transaction + + + + ↓ Incoming transaction + + + + Token not found on your current network + + + + + TransactionDelegate + + From + + + + To + + + + At + + + + + TransactionModal + + Transaction Details + + + + confirmation(s) + + + + When the transaction has 12 confirmations you can consider it settled. + + + + Block + + + + Hash + + + + From + + + + To + + + + Gas limit + + + + Gas price + + + + Gas used + + + + Nonce + + + + + TransactionPreview + + From + + + + Recipient + + + + Unknown + + + + Asset + + + + Amount + + + + Network fee + + + + Data + + + + Data field + + + + + TransactionSigner + + You need to enter a password + + + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + Signing phrase + + + + Signing phrase is a 3 word combination that displayed when you entered the wallet on this device for the first time. + + + + Enter the password you use to unlock this device + + + + Password + + + + Enter password + + + + + UnblockContactConfirmationDialog + + Unblock User + + + + Unblocking will allow new messages you received from %1 to reach you. + + + + + UserListPanel + + Offline + + + + Online + + + + Inactive + + + + Do not disturb + + + + Idle + + + + + UserStatusContextMenu + + View My Profile + + + + Always online + + + + Inactive + + + + Set status automatically + + + + Online + + + + Offline + + + + + ViewProfileMenuItem + + View Profile + + + + + WakuNodesModal + + Waku nodes + + + + Use Waku nodes + + + + Select node automatically + + + + Waku Nodes + + + + Node %1 + + + + Add a new node + + + + + WalletFooter + + Send + + + + Receive + + + + Buy / Sell + + + + + WelcomeView + + Welcome to Status + + + + Your fully decentralized gateway to Ethereum and Web3. Crypto wallet, privacy first group chat, and dApp browser. + + + + I am new to Status + + + + I already use Status + + + + + main + + StatusQ Documentation App + + + + Status Desktop + + + + Open Status + + + + Quit + + + + diff --git a/ui/i18n/qml_hi.ts b/ui/i18n/qml_hi.ts index b24ec16516..afa6c3a1b1 100644 --- a/ui/i18n/qml_hi.ts +++ b/ui/i18n/qml_hi.ts @@ -10894,6 +10894,50 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Privacy Policy गोपनीयता नीति + + Check for updates + + + + Current Version + + + + Release Notes + + + + Our Principles + + + + Status desktop’s GitHub Repositories + + + + Status Go + + + + StatusQ + + + + go-waku + + + + Legal & Privacy Documents + + + + Terms of Use + + + + Software License + + AcceptRejectOptionsButtonsPanel @@ -10931,6 +10975,42 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Storage भंडारण + + Watch-Only Account + + + + Generated by your Status seed phrase profile + + + + Imported Account + + + + On Device + + + + Derivation Path + + + + Remove from your profile + + + + Confirm %1 Removal + + + + You will not be able to restore viewing access to this account in the future unless you enter this account’s address again. + + + + Remove Account + + ActivityCenterMessageComponentView @@ -10938,6 +11018,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Mark as Read पढ़े हुए का चिह्न + + Mark as Unread + + AddAccountModal @@ -10945,6 +11029,54 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Advanced एडवांस + + Generate an account + + + + Wrong password + + + + You need to enter a password + + + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + Enter your password… + + + + Password + + + + Enter an account name... + + + + Account name + + + + You need to enter an account name + + + + color + + + + Loading... + + + + Add account + + AddEditSavedAddressPopup @@ -10960,6 +11092,38 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Save बचाना + + Edit saved address + + + + Add saved address + + + + Enter a name + + + + Name must not be blank + + + + This is not a valid account name + + + + Enter ENS Name or Ethereum Address + + + + Please enter a valid ENS name OR Ethereum Address + + + + Add address + + AddFavoriteModal @@ -10983,6 +11147,46 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Name नाम + + Favorite added + + + + Edit + + + + Add favorite + + + + Please enter a valid URL + + + + Name of the website + + + + Please enter a name + + + + Remove + + + + Done + + + + Add + + + + Add Favorite + + AdvancedContainer @@ -11001,6 +11205,122 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. enable सक्षम + + Fleet + + + + Minimize on close + + + + Application Logs + + + + Experimental features + + + + Wallet + + + + WalletSettingsLineButton + + + + Dapp Browser + + + + Community History Archive Protocol + + + + Node Management + + + + Keycard + + + + Bloom filter level + + + + Warning! + + + + The account will be logged out. When you login again, the selected mode will be enabled + + + + Light Node + + + + Normal + + + + Full Node + + + + WakuV2 mode + + + + Developer features + + + + Full developer mode + + + + Download messages + + + + Telemetry + + + + Debug + + + + Auto message + + + + Are you sure you want to enable all the develoer features? The app will be restarted. + + + + Are you sure you want to enable telemetry? This will reduce your privacy level while using Status. You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. + + + + Are you sure you want to enable auto message? You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. + + + + Are you sure you want to %1 debug mode? You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. + + + + This feature is experimental and is meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It's not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data. Use at your own risk. + + + + I understand + + AllowNotificationsView @@ -11008,6 +11328,15 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Ok, got it ठीक है समझ आ गया + + Allow notifications + + + + Status will notify you about new messages. You can +edit your notification preferences later in settings. + + AppMain @@ -11015,6 +11344,58 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Where do you want to go? आप कहाँ जाना चाहते हैं? + + Profile Picture + + + + Make this my Profile Pic + + + + Invite People + + + + View Community + + + + Leave Community + + + + A new version of Status (%1) is available + + + + Download + + + + Your version is up to date + + + + Close + + + + Can not connect to mailserver + + + + The mailserver you're connecting to is unavailable. + + + + Pick another + + + + Retry + + AppearanceView @@ -11042,6 +11423,58 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. XXL एक्सएक्सएल + + Preview + + + + Blockchains will drop search costs, causing a kind of decomposition that allows you to have markets of entities that are horizontally segregated and vertically segregated. + + + + Size + + + + Change font size + + + + Change Zoom (requires restart) + + + + 50% + + + + 100% + + + + 150% + + + + 200% + + + + Appearance + + + + Light + + + + Dark + + + + System + + BackupSeedModal @@ -11053,6 +11486,22 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Continue जारी रखें + + Not Now + + + + Confirm Seed Phrase + + + + Complete & Delete My Seed Phrase + + + + Confirm word #%1 of your seed phrase + + BackupSeedStepBase @@ -11064,6 +11513,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Wrong word गलत शब्द + + Word #%1 + + BeforeGetStartedModal @@ -11071,6 +11524,42 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Privacy Policy गोपनीयता नीति + + Before you get started + + + + I acknowledge that status desktop is in beta and by using it I take the full responsibility for all risks concerning my data and funds + + + + Before you get started... + + + + Get Started + + + + I acknowledge that Status Desktop is in Beta and by using it I take the full responsibility for all risks concerning my data and funds. + + + + I accept Status + + + + Terms of Use + + + + Terms of service + + + + Get started + + BrowserLayout @@ -11078,6 +11567,31 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Transaction pending... लेन-देन लंबित... + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Error signing message + + + + View on etherscan + + + + Server's certificate not trusted + + + + Do you wish to continue? + + + + If you wish so, you may continue with an unverified certificate. Accepting an unverified certificate means you may not be connected with the host you tried to connect to. +Do you wish to override the security check and continue? + + ChatContextMenuView @@ -11097,6 +11611,66 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Are you sure you want to leave this chat? क्या आप वाकई इस चैट को छोड़ना चाहते हैं? + + View Members + + + + Add / remove from group + + + + Test WakuV2 - requestAllHistoricMessages + + + + Edit name + + + + Mark as Read + + + + Clear history + + + + Edit Channel + + + + Download + + + + Delete Channel + + + + Delete chat + + + + Leave chat + + + + Download messages + + + + Delete #%1 + + + + Are you sure you want to delete #%1 channel? + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this chat? + + ChatView @@ -11104,6 +11678,14 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Members सदस्यों + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + CollectibleDetailsHeader @@ -11118,6 +11700,18 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. description विवरण + + unnamed + + + + id + + + + View in Opensea + + CollectiblesStore @@ -11143,6 +11737,14 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Leave community समुदाय छोड़ो + + Leave %1 + + + + Are you sure you want to leave? Once you leave, you will have to request to rejoin if you change your mind. + + CommunitiesPopup @@ -11166,6 +11768,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Search for communities or topics समुदायों या विषयों के लिए खोजें + + Access existing community + + CommunitiesPortalLayout @@ -11173,6 +11779,26 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Search खोज + + Find community + + + + Import Community + + + + Create New Community + + + + Featured + + + + Popular + + CommunityColorPicker @@ -11191,6 +11817,58 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Create category श्रेणी बनाएं + + 1 Member + + + + %1 Members + + + + Start chat + + + + Membership requests + + + + Invite people + + + + Unmute category + + + + Mute category + + + + Edit Category + + + + Delete Category + + + + Delete %1 category + + + + Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. + + + + Create channel or category + + + + Error deleting the category + + CommunityDescriptionInput @@ -11202,6 +11880,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. What your community is about आपका समुदाय किस बारे में है + + community description + + CommunityDetailPopup @@ -11217,6 +11899,42 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Unknown community अज्ञात समुदाय + + Public community + + + + Invitation only community + + + + On request community + + + + - ENS only + + + + %1 members + + + + Channels + + + + You need to be invited + + + + Request to join ‘%1’ + + + + Error joining the community + + CommunityEditSettingsPanel @@ -11270,6 +11988,22 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Kick किक सदस्य + + Membership requests + + + + Community members will appear here + + + + No contacts found + + + + You + + CommunityNameInput @@ -11281,6 +12015,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. community name समुदाय का नाम + + Community name + + CommunityProfilePopup @@ -11292,6 +12030,30 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Transfer ownership स्थानांतरण स्वामित्व + + Public community + + + + Invitation only community + + + + On request community + + + + Unknown community + + + + Invite friends + + + + Invite + + CommunityProfilePopupInviteFriendsPanel @@ -11303,6 +12065,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Contacts संपर्क + + Share community + + CommunityProfilePopupMembersListPanel @@ -11317,6 +12083,18 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Copied! कॉपी किया गया! + + Share community + + + + Transfer ownership + + + + Leave community + + CommunitySettingsView @@ -11332,6 +12110,22 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Settings सेटिंग्स + + Overview + + + + Open legacy popup (to be removed) + + + + Back to community + + + + Error editing the community + + CommunityUserList @@ -11346,6 +12140,50 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Passwords don't match पासवर्ड मेल नहीं खाते। + + Have you written down your password? + + + + You will never be able to recover your password if you lose it. + + + + If you need to, write it using pen and paper and keep in a safe place. + + + + If you lose your password you will lose access to your Status profile. + + + + Confirm your password (again) + + + + Confirm you password (again) + + + + Finalise Status Password Creation + + + + Keys for this account already exist + + + + Keys for this account already exist and can't be added again. If you've lost your password, passcode or Keycard, uninstall the app, reinstall and access your keys by entering your seed phrase + + + + Login failed + + + + Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. + + ConfirmationDialog @@ -11369,6 +12207,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Do not show this again इसे दोबारा मत दिखाइए + + Are you sure you want to do this? + + ContactPanel @@ -11380,6 +12222,18 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Send message मेसेज भेजें + + Respond to ID Request + + + + See ID Request + + + + Rename + + ContactsColumnView @@ -11387,6 +12241,30 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Start chat बातचीत शुरू कीजिए + + Chat + + + + Search + + + + Join public chats + + + + Contact requests + + + + Community imported + + + + Importing community is in progress + + ContactsView @@ -11394,6 +12272,46 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Contacts संपर्क + + Send contact request to chat key + + + + Search by a display name or chat key + + + + Pending Requests + + + + Blocked + + + + Identity Verified Contacts + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet + + + + Received + + + + Sent + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + Controls @@ -11421,6 +12339,22 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. XXL एक्सएक्सएल + + 50% + + + + 100% + + + + 150% + + + + 200% + + CreateCategoryPopup @@ -11432,6 +12366,50 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. category name श्रेणी नाम + + Edit category + + + + New category + + + + Name the category + + + + Channels + + + + Delete category + + + + Delete %1 category + + + + Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. + + + + Save + + + + Create + + + + Error editing the category + + + + Error creating the category + + CreateChannelPopup @@ -11455,6 +12433,38 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. channel description चैनल विवरण + + New channel + + + + Edit #%1 + + + + Name the channel + + + + Channel colour + + + + Pick a color + + + + Save + + + + Create + + + + Error creating the community + + CreateChatView @@ -11462,6 +12472,41 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Contacts संपर्क + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. + +Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be able to chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. + + + + You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. + + +Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be + able to +chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. + + + + You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. + + +Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be able to +chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. + + + + Confirm + + CreateCommunityPopup @@ -11513,6 +12558,14 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Community colour सामुदायिक रंग + + Create New Community + + + + Create Community + + CreatePasswordView @@ -11531,6 +12584,14 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. View Community समुदाय देखें + + Edit Community + + + + Leave Community + + DerivationPathsPanel @@ -11538,6 +12599,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Reset रीसेट + + Derivation Path + + DerivedAddressesPanel @@ -11549,6 +12614,22 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Account खाता + + No activity + + + + Invalid path + + + + Has Activity + + + + No Activity + + DisplayNamePopup @@ -11560,6 +12641,14 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Ok ठीक है + + Display Name + + + + OK + + EnsDetailsView @@ -11575,6 +12664,22 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Connect username with your pubkey उपयोगकर्ता नाम को अपने पब की से कनेक्ट करें + + Copied to clipboard! + + + + Release username + + + + Username locked. You won't be able to release it until %1 + + + + Back + + EnsSearchView @@ -11582,6 +12687,30 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Connect username with your pubkey उपयोगकर्ता नाम को अपने पब की से कनेक्ट करें + + At least 4 characters. Latin letters, numbers, and lowercase only. + + + + Letters and numbers only. + + + + Type the entire username including the custom domain like username.domain.eth + + + + Custom domain + + + + I want a stateofus.eth domain + + + + I own a name on another domain + + EnsView @@ -11589,6 +12718,26 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Transaction pending... लेन-देन लंबित... + + View on etherscan + + + + ENS Registration failed + + + + ENS Registration completed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey failed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey completed + + ExemptionNotificationsModal @@ -11596,6 +12745,30 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Done पूर्ण + + %1 exemption + + + + Mute all messages + + + + Personal @ Mentions + + + + Global @ Mentions + + + + Other Messages + + + + Clear Exemptions + + GasSelector @@ -11611,6 +12784,78 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. High उच्च + + Must be greater than 0 + + + + This needs to be a number + + + + Please enter an amount + + + + Min 21000 units + + + + Not enough gas + + + + Miners will currently not process transactions with a tip below %1 Gwei, the average is %2 Gwei + + + + The average miner tip is %1 Gwei + + + + Gas Price + + + + Current base fee: %1 %2 + + + + Use suggestions + + + + Use custom + + + + Optimal + + + + Gas amount limit + + + + Per-gas tip limit + + + + Gwei + + + + Per-gas overall limit + + + + Maximum priority fee: %1 ETH + + + + Maximum overall price for the transaction. If the block base fee exceeds this, it will be included in a following block with a lower base fee. + + GroupInfoPopup @@ -11618,6 +12863,46 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. %1/%2 members % 1 सदस्य {1/% 2 ?} + + Add members + + + + %1 members + + + + 1 member + + + + Search + + + + All your contacts are already in the group + + + + Pinned messages + + + + Admin + + + + Make Admin + + + + Remove From Group + + + + Add selected + + ImageCropperModal @@ -11636,6 +12921,38 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Pending लंबित + + You need to enter a private key + + + + Enter a valid private key (64 characters hexadecimal string) + + + + Private key + + + + Paste the contents of your private key + + + + Public address + + + + Account already added + + + + Has Activity + + + + No Activity + + InsertCard @@ -11643,6 +12960,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Cancel रद्द करना + + Please insert your Keycard to proceed or press the cancel button to cancel the operation + + InsertDetailsView @@ -11654,6 +12975,38 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Profile picture प्रोफ़ाइल फोटो + + Your profile + + + + Longer and unusual names are better as they are less likely to be used by someone else. + + + + Display name + + + + Chatkey: + + + + Choose an image for profile picture + + + + Make this my profile picture + + + + Your emojihash and identicon ring + + + + This set of emojis and coloured ring around your avatar are unique and represent your chat key, so your friends can easily distinguish you from potential impersonators. + + InvitationBubbleView @@ -11661,6 +13014,46 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Unsupported state असमर्थित स्थिति + + Membership requires an ENS username + + + + You need to be invited + + + + Pending + + + + View + + + + Request Access + + + + Join + + + + Verified community invitation + + + + Community invitation + + + + %1 members + + + + Error joining the community + + KeysMainView @@ -11672,6 +13065,39 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Generate new keys नई कुंजियाँ उत्पन्न करें + + intro-wizard-title1 + + + + a-set-of-keys-controls-your-account.-your-keys-live-on-your-device,-so-only-you-can-use-them. + + + + Connect your keys + + + + Use your existing Status keys to login to this device. + + + + Get your keys + + + + A set of keys controls your account. Your keys live on your +device, so only you can use them. + + + + Import a seed phrase + + + + Seed phrases are used to back up and restore your keys. Only use this option if you already have a seed phrase. + + LanguageView @@ -11679,6 +13105,54 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Language भाषा + + Set Display Currency + + + + Search Currencies + + + + Search Languages + + + + Date Format + + + + DD/MM/YY + + + + MM/DD/YY + + + + Time Format + + + + 24-Hour Time + + + + 12-Hour Time + + + + Change language + + + + Display language has been changed. You must restart the application for changes to take effect. + + + + Close the app now + + Layout @@ -11690,6 +13164,22 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. View Community समुदाय देखें + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + Edit Community + + + + Leave Community + + LeftTabView @@ -11697,6 +13187,34 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Settings सेटिंग्स + + Sign out + + + + Make sure you have your account password and seed phrase stored. Without them you can lock yourself out of your account and lose funds. + + + + Sign out & Quit + + + + Wallet + + + + Total value + + + + Add account + + + + Saved addresses + + LoginView @@ -11704,6 +13222,38 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Ok ठीक है + + Welcome back + + + + Add new user + + + + Add existing Status user + + + + Connecting... + + + + Password + + + + Enter password + + + + Login failed: %1 + + + + Password incorrect + + MenuPanel @@ -11711,6 +13261,14 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Settings सेटिंग्स + + Apps + + + + About & Help + + MessageContextMenuView @@ -11718,6 +13276,62 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Jump to पर कूदना + + Copy image + + + + Download image + + + + Block User + + + + Unblock User + + + + Rename + + + + Reply to + + + + Edit message + + + + Copy Message Id + + + + Unpin + + + + Pin + + + + Delete message + + + + Please choose a directory + + + + Confirm deleting this message + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well. + + MessagingView @@ -11725,6 +13339,70 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Contacts संपर्क + + Allow new contact requests + + + + Show My Profile Picture To + + + + Everyone + + + + No One + + + + See Profile Pictures From + + + + Open Message Links With + + + + Status Browser + + + + System Default Browser + + + + Contacts, Requests, and Blocked Users + + + + Display Message Link Previews + + + + Fine tune which sites to allow link previews + + + + Image unfurling + + + + All images (links that contain an image extension) will be downloaded and displayed + + + + Message syncing + + + + Waku nodes + + + + For security reasons, private chat history won't be synced. + + MyProfileView @@ -11740,6 +13418,18 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Share Profile URL प्रोफ़ाइल URL साझा करें + + Change Password + + + + Edit + + + + Preview + + NicknamePopup @@ -11747,6 +13437,14 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Nickname उपनाम + + Nicknames help you identify others in Status. Only you can see the nicknames you’ve added + + + + Done + + NoImageUploadedPanel @@ -11754,6 +13452,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Upload अपलोड + + Wide aspect ratio is optimal + + NotificationsView @@ -11769,6 +13471,150 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Anonymous अनाम/ अज्ञात + + Community + + + + 1:1 Chat + + + + Group Chat + + + + Muted + + + + Off + + + + Quiet + + + + Personal @ Mentions %1 + + + + Global @ Mentions %1 + + + + Alerts + + + + Other Messages %1 + + + + Multiple Exemptions + + + + Enable Notifications in macOS Settings + + + + To receive Status notifications, make sure you've enabled them in your computer's settings under <b>System Preferences > Notifications</b> + + + + Sync your devices to share notifications preferences + + + + Syncing > + + + + Allow Notifications + + + + 1:1 Chats + + + + Group Chats + + + + Personal @ Mentions + + + + Messages containing @%1 + + + + Global @ Mentions + + + + Messages containing @here and @channel + + + + All Messages + + + + Others + + + + Contact Requests + + + + Identity Verification Requests + + + + Notification Content + + + + Show Name and Message + + + + Hi there! So EIP-1559 will defini... + + + + Name Only + + + + Play a Sound When Receiving a Notification + + + + Volume + + + + Send a Test Notification + + + + Exemptions + + + + Search Communities, Group Chats and 1:1 Chats + + + + Most recent + + PasswordView @@ -11780,6 +13626,78 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Passwords don't match पासवर्ड मेल नहीं खाते। + + Create a password to unlock Status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + You will not be able to recover this password if it is lost. + + + + Minimum %1 characters. To strengthen your password consider including: + + + + This password has been pwned and shouldn't be used + + + + This password is a common word and shouldn't be used + + + + Password must be at least %1 characters long + + + + Current password + + + + New password + + + + Very weak + + + + Weak + + + + So-so + + + + Good + + + + Great + + + + Lower case + + + + Upper case + + + + Numbers + + + + Symbols + + + + Confirm password + + PermissionsListView @@ -11787,6 +13705,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Disconnect डिस्कनेक्ट + + Disconnect All + + PinnedMessagesPopup @@ -11794,6 +13716,30 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Unpin अनपिन + + Pin limit reached + + + + Pinned messages + + + + Unpin a previous message first + + + + %1 messages + + + + %1 message + + + + Pinned messages will appear here. + + ProfileLayout @@ -11801,6 +13747,18 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Contacts संपर्क + + Testnet mode is enabled. All balances, transactions and dApp interactions will be on testnets. + + + + Secure your seed phrase + + + + Back up now + + ProfilePopup @@ -11848,6 +13806,90 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Add to contacts संपर्क के खाते में जोड़ दे + + 's Profile + + + + Send Contact Request to + + + + Verify %1's Identity + + + + My Profile + + + + %1's Profile + + + + Send Contact Request to %1 + + + + Cancel verification + + + + Remove Contact + + + + Send Contact Request + + + + Mark Untrustworthy + + + + Remove 'Identity Verified' status + + + + No + + + + Yes + + + + Remove Untrustworthy Mark + + + + Verify Identity + + + + Verify Identity pending... + + + + Send verification request + + + + Verification request sent + + + + Confirm Identity + + + + Rename + + + + Close + + ProfileSectionStore @@ -11883,6 +13925,30 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Advanced एडवांस + + Messaging + + + + Notifications & Sounds + + + + Language & Currency + + + + Devices settings + + + + About + + + + Sign out & Quit + + RateView @@ -11890,6 +13956,18 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Upload अपलोड + + Bandwidth + + + + Kb/s + + + + Download + + ReceiveModal @@ -11897,6 +13975,22 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Copy क्लिपबोर्ड पर कॉपी करें + + Receive + + + + Legacy + + + + Multichain + + + + Your Address + + RootStore @@ -11904,6 +13998,18 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. You आप + + Start a 1-on-1 chat with %1 + + + + Join the %1 community + + + + Join the %1 group chat + + SavedAddressesView @@ -11915,6 +14021,30 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Delete मिटाना + + Saved addresses + + + + Add new address + + + + Edit + + + + Are you sure you want to remove '%1' from your saved addresses? + + + + Are you sure? + + + + No saved addresses + + SeedPhraseInputView @@ -11930,6 +14060,34 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Import आयात + + Keys for this account already exist + + + + Keys for this account already exist and can't be added again. If you've lost your password, passcode or Keycard, uninstall the app, reinstall and access your keys by entering your seed phrase + + + + Error importing seed + + + + %1 words + + + + %1SeedButton + + + + Invalid seed + + + + Restore Status Profile + + SendContactRequestModal @@ -11937,6 +14095,26 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Paste पेस्ट करें + + Send Contact Request to chat key + + + + Enter chat key here + + + + Say who you are / why you want to become a contact... + + + + who are you + + + + Send Contact Request + + SendModal @@ -11944,6 +14122,46 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Transaction pending... लेन-देन लंबित... + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Send + + + + Max: + + + + No balances active + + + + Please enter a valid amount + + + + To + + + + Enter an ENS name or address + + + + Error estimating gas: %1 + + + + Wrong password + + + + View on etherscan + + SendModalFooter @@ -11951,6 +14169,18 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Unknown अज्ञात + + Estimated Time: + + + + Max Fees: + + + + Send + + SendModalHeader @@ -11988,6 +14218,42 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Transaction pending... लेन-देन लंबित... + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Choose account + + + + Network fee + + + + Transaction preview + + + + Sign with password + + + + Send %1 %2 + + + + Next + + + + Wrong password + + + + View on etherscan + + StatusAppCommunityView @@ -12002,6 +14268,46 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Send भेजना + + Message + + + + Please choose an image + + + + Image files (%1) + + + + Your message is too long. + + + + Please make your message shorter. We have set the limit to 2000 characters to be courteous of others. + + + + Bold + + + + Italic + + + + Strikethrough + + + + Code + + + + Unblock + + StatusChatListAndCategories @@ -12009,6 +14315,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. More अधिक + + Add channel inside category + + StatusChatListCategoryItem @@ -12016,6 +14326,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. More अधिक + + Add channel inside category + + StatusChatListItem @@ -12045,6 +14359,18 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Preview पूर्वावलोकन + + This is not a valid color + + + + Standart colours + + + + Select Colour + + StatusExpandableSettingsItemPage @@ -12052,6 +14378,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Back up seed phrase बैक अप बीज वाक्यांश + + Not Implemented + + StatusListPicker @@ -12066,6 +14396,11 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Open खुला... + + My latest message + with a return + + StatusStickerMarket @@ -12084,6 +14419,14 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. or या + + Hold + + + + to post + + StatusWalletColorSelect @@ -12113,6 +14456,50 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Are you sure? क्या आपको यकीन है? + + Your priority fee is below our suggested parameters. + + + + Current base fee + + + + %1 Gwei + + + + Current minimum tip + + + + Current average tip + + + + Your tip limit + + + + Suggested minimum tip + + + + Your price limit + + + + Suggested minimum price limit + + + + Change Limit + + + + Continue anyway + + TransferOwnershipPopup @@ -12132,6 +14519,14 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Copied कॉपी किया गया + + You should keep it safe and only share it with people you trust to take ownership of your community + + + + You can also use this key to import your community on another device + + UploadProfilePicModal @@ -12151,6 +14546,18 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Done पूर्ण + + Upload profile picture + + + + Choose an image for profile picture + + + + Make this my profile picture + + UserList @@ -12180,6 +14587,258 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. now अभी + + Sun + + + + Mon + + + + Tue + + + + Wed + + + + Thu + + + + Fri + + + + Sat + + + + Jan + + + + Feb + + + + Mar + + + + Apr + + + + May + + + + Jun + + + + Jul + + + + Aug + + + + Sep + + + + Oct + + + + Nov + + + + Dec + + + + Yesterday + + + + Sunday + + + + Monday + + + + Tuesday + + + + Wednesday + + + + Thursday + + + + Friday + + + + Saturday + + + + NOW + + + + %1M + + + + %1H + + + + %1D + + + + words + + + + You need to enter a password + + + + You need to repeat your password + + + + Passwords don't match + + + + You need to enter a PIN + + + + The PIN must contain only digits + + + + The PIN must be exactly 6 digits + + + + You need to repeat your PIN + + + + PIN don't match + + + + The %1 cannot exceed %2 characters + + + + Must be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + Use only lowercase letters (a to z), numbers & dashes (-). Do not use chat keys. + + + + Value has to be at least %1 characters long + + + + Unknown + + + + < 1 min + + + + < 3 mins + + + + < 5 mins + + + + > 5 mins + + + + years ago + + + + year ago + + + + months ago + + + + month ago + + + + weeks ago + + + + week ago + + + + days ago + + + + day ago + + + + hours ago + + + + hour ago + + + + mins ago + + + + min ago + + + + secs ago + + + + sec ago + + WalletView @@ -12187,5 +14846,4203 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Wallet वॉलेट + + Networks + + + + DApp Permissions + + + + Testnet Mode + + + + + AcceptTransactionView + + Accept and share address + + + + Accept and send + + + + Decline + + + + + Acknowledgements + + Secure Your Assets and Funds + + + + Your seed phrase is a 12-word passcode to your funds. + + + + Your seed phrase cannot be recovered if lost. Therefore, you <b>must</b> back it up. The simplest way is to <b>write it down offline and store it somewhere secure.</b> + + + + I have a pen and paper + + + + I am ready to write down my seed phrase + + + + I know where I’ll store it + + + + You can only complete this process once. Status will not store your seed phrase and can never help you recover it. + + + + + ActivityCenterPopup + + Show more + + + + + ActivityCenterPopupTopBarPanel + + All + + + + Mentions + + + + Replies + + + + Mark all as Read + + + + Show read notifications + + + + Hide read notifications + + + + Notification settings + + + + + AddShowTokenModal + + Add custom token + + + + This needs to be a valid address + + + + Invalid ERC20 address + + + + Enter contract address... + + + + Contract address + + + + The name of your token... + + + + Name + + + + ABC + + + + Symbol + + + + Decimals + + + + Changing settings failed + + + + Add + + + + + AddWakuNodeModal + + Waku nodes + + + + Name + + + + Specify a name + + + + You need to enter a name + + + + History node address + + + + You need to enter the enode address + + + + The format must be: enode://{enode-id}:{password}@{ip-address}:{port} + + + + Save + + + + + AddressInput + + ENS Username not found + + + + + AddressRequiredValidator + + You need to request the recipient’s address first. +Assets won’t be sent yet. + + + + + AddressSourceSelector + + Invalid source + + + + + AdvancedAddAccountView + + Enter address... + + + + Account address + + + + This needs to be a valid address (starting with 0x) + + + + You need to enter an address + + + + + AppSearch + + No results + + + + Anywhere + + + + + AssetAndAmountInput + + Insufficient balance + + + + Must be greater than or equal to 0 + + + + This needs to be a number + + + + Please enter an amount + + + + Balance: + + + + Asset & Amount + + + + The amount is 0. Proceed only if this is desired. + + + + + BackUpCommuntyBannerPanel + + Back up community key + + + + Back up + + + + + BalanceExceeded + + Balance exceeded + + + + No networks available + + + + + BalanceValidator + + Insufficient balance + + + + + BlockContactConfirmationDialog + + Block User + + + + Blocking will stop new messages from reaching you from %1. + + + + + BloomSelectorButton + + TODO + + + + + BrowserConnectionModal + + '%1' would like to connect to + + + + Allowing authorizes this DApp to retrieve your wallet address and enable Web3 + + + + Granting access authorizes this DApp to retrieve your chat key + + + + Deny + + + + Allow + + + + + BrowserHeader + + Enter URL + + + + + BrowserSettingsMenu + + New Tab + + + + Exit Incognito mode + + + + Go Incognito + + + + Zoom In + + + + Zoom Out + + + + Find + + + + Compatibility mode + + + + Developer Tools + + + + Settings + + + + + BrowserTabStyle + + Start Page + + + + + BrowserTabView + + Start Page + + + + New Tab + + + + Downloads Page + + + + + BrowserView + + Search engine used in the address bar + + + + None + + + + Show Favorites Bar + + + + Connected DApps + + + + No connected dApps + + + + Connecting a dApp grants it permission to view your address and balances, and to send you transaction requests + + + + + BrowserWalletMenu + + Mainnet + + + + Ropsten + + + + Unknown + + + + Disconnect + + + + Assets + + + + History + + + + + BrowserWebEngineView + + Add Favorite + + + + + ChangePasswordModal + + Change password + + + + Change password used to unlock Status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + Change Password + + + + + ChangePasswordSuccessModal + + <b>Password changed</b> + + + + You need to sign in again using the new password. + + + + Sign out & Quit + + + + + ChangeProfilePicModal + + Profile picture + + + + Remove + + + + Upload + + + + Please choose an image + + + + Image files (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png) + + + + + ChannelIdentifierView + + Welcome to the beginning of the <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> group! + + + + Any messages you send here are encrypted and can only be read by you and <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> + + + + + ChatButtonsPanel + + Add reaction + + + + Reply + + + + Edit + + + + Unpin + + + + Pin + + + + Delete + + + + Confirm deleting this message + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well. + + + + + ChatColumnView + + Send + + + + Request Address + + + + Request + + + + + ChatCommandModal + + Continue + + + + Receive on account + + + + From account + + + + Address request required + + + + From + + + + To + + + + Preview + + + + Transaction preview + + + + Next + + + + + ChatCommandsPopup + + Send transaction + + + + Request transaction + + + + + ChatContentView + + Contact + + + + Not a contact + + + + Public chat + + + + %1 members + + + + 1 member + + + + Connected + + + + Disconnected + + + + Blocked + + + + This user has been blocked. + + + + + ChatMessagesView + + Loading... + + + + Failed to send message. + + + + + ChatRequestMessagePanel + + You need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messages + + + + Just click this button to add them as contact. They will receive a notification. Once they accept the request, you'll be able to chat + + + + Add to contacts + + + + + ChooseBrowserPopup + + Choose browser + + + + Open in Status + + + + Open in my default browser + + + + Remember my choice. To override it, go to settings. + + + + + ClosedEmptyPanel + + Your chats will appear here. To start new chats press the  button at the top + + + + + CollectibleCollectionView + + No collectibles available + + + + + CollectibleDetailView + + Properties + + + + Levels + + + + Stats + + + + + CollectiblesContent + + Something went wrong + + + + Reload + + + + + CollectiblesHeader + + Maximum number of collectibles to display reached + + + + + CollectiblesModal + + View + + + + Unnamed + + + + + CollectiblesModalContent + + ID + + + + Description + + + + + CommunitiesView + + Import community + + + + Communities you've joined + + + + + CommunityBannerPicker + + Community banner + + + + Choose an image for banner + + + + Make this my Community banner + + + + + CommunityChannelsAndCategoriesBannerPanel + + Expand your community by adding more channels and categories + + + + Add channels + + + + Add categories + + + + + CommunityColorPanel + + Community Colour + + + + Select Community Colour + + + + This is not a valid colour + + + + White text should be legable on top of this colour + + + + Standard colours + + + + + CommunityDelegate + + Admin + + + + Member + + + + + CommunityIntroDialog + + Welcome to %1 + + + + Join %1 + + + + Community <b>%1</b> has no intro message... + + + + I agree with the above + + + + + CommunityIntroMessageInput + + Community introduction and rules + + + + What new members will read before joining (eg. community rules, welcome message, etc.). Members will need to tick a check box agreeing to these rules before they are allowed to join your community. + + + + community intro message + + + + + CommunityLogoPicker + + Community logo + + + + Choose an image as logo + + + + Make this my Community logo + + + + + CommunityOptions + + Community history service + + + + Request to join required + + + + Any member can pin a message + + + + + CommunityOutroMessageInput + + Leaving community message + + + + The message a member will see when they leave your community + + + + community intro message + + + + + CommunityOverviewSettingsPanel + + Overview + + + + Edit Community + + + + This node is the Community Owner Node. For your Community to function correctly try to keep this computer with Status running and onlinie as much as possible. + + + + Welcome to your community! + + + + Invite new people + + + + Try an airdrop to reward your community for engagement! + + + + Airdrop Tokens + + + + Back up community key + + + + Back up + + + + + CommunityTagsPanel + + Community Tags + + + + Confirm Community Tags + + + + Select tags that will fit your Community + + + + Search tags + + + + Selected tags + + + + + CommunityTagsPicker + + Tags + + + + + CommunityWelcomeBannerPanel + + Welcome to your community! + + + + Add members + + + + Manage community + + + + + CompactMessageView + + Pinned by %1 + + + + Cancel + + + + Save + + + + + ConfirmAddExistingKeyModal + + Enter seed phrase + + + + Do you want to add another existing key? + + + + Add another existing key + + + + + ConfirmAppRestartModal + + Application Restart + + + + Please restart the application to apply the changes. + + + + Restart + + + + + ConfirmSeedPhrasePanel + + Write down your 12-word seed phrase to keep offline + + + + Reveal seed phrase + + + + The next screen contains your seed phrase. +<b>Anyone</b> who sees it can use it to access to your funds. + + + + + ConfirmStoringSeedPhrasePanel + + Complete back up + + + + Store Your Phrase Offline and Complete Your Back Up + + + + By completing this process, you will remove your seed phrase from this application’s storage. This makes your funds more secure. + + + + You will remain logged in, and your seed phrase will be entirely in your hands. + + + + I acknowledge that Status will not be able to show me my seed phrase again. + + + + I aknowledge that Status will not be able to show me my seed phrase again. + + + + + Constants + + Username must be at least 5 characters + + + + Only letters, numbers, underscores and hyphens allowed + + + + 24 character username limit + + + + Usernames ending with '-eth' are not allowed + + + + Usernames ending with '_eth' are not allowed + + + + Usernames ending with '.eth' are not allowed + + + + Sorry, the name you have chosen is not allowed, try picking another username + + + + (edited) + + + + Username already taken :( + + + + Username doesn’t belong to you :( + + + + Continuing will connect this username with your chat key. + + + + ✓ Username available! + + + + Username is already connected with your chat key and can be used inside Status. + + + + This user name is owned by you and connected with your chat key. Continue to set `Show my ENS username in chats`. + + + + Continuing will require a transaction to connect the username with your current chat key. + + + + + Contact + + Admin + + + + + ContactRequestsPopup + + Contact requests + + + + Decline all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to decline all these contact requests + + + + Accept all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to accept all these contact requests + + + + Decline all + + + + Accept all + + + + + ContactSelector + + Please select a contact + + + + Select a contact + + + + Contact does not have an ENS address. Please send a transaction in chat. + + + + No contact selected + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet + + + + + ContactVerificationRequestPopup + + %1 is asking you to verify your identity + + + + %1 would like to verify your identity. Answer the question to prove your identity to %2 + + + + Provide answer to verification request from this contact. + + + + Your answer has been sent to %1. + + + + Refuse Verification + + + + Send Answer + + + + Change answer + + + + Close + + + + + ContactsListAndSearch + + Enter a valid chat key or ENS username + + + + Can't chat with yourself + + + + Enter ENS username or chat key + + + + + ContactsListPanel + + Contact Request Sent + + + + Contact Request Rejected + + + + + CopyToClipBoardButton + + Copied! + + + + + CreatePasswordModal + + Store password + + + + Create a password + + + + Current password... + + + + New password... + + + + Confirm password… + + + + At least 6 characters. You will use this password to unlock status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + Create password + + + + Error importing account + + + + An error occurred while importing your account: + + + + Login failed + + + + Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. + + + + Incorrect password + + + + + CryptoServicesModal + + Buy / Sell crypto + + + + Choose a service you'd like to use to buy crypto + + + + + CurrenciesStore + + US Dollars + + + + British Pound + + + + Euros + + + + Russian ruble + + + + South Korean won + + + + Ethereum + + + + Tokens + + + + Bitcoin + + + + Status Network Token + + + + Dai + + + + United Arab Emirates dirham + + + + Other Fiat + + + + Afghan afghani + + + + Argentine peso + + + + Australian dollar + + + + Barbadian dollar + + + + Bangladeshi taka + + + + Bulgarian lev + + + + Bahraini dinar + + + + Brunei dollar + + + + Bolivian boliviano + + + + Brazillian real + + + + Bhutanese ngultrum + + + + Canadian dollar + + + + Swiss franc + + + + Chilean peso + + + + Chinese yuan + + + + Colombian peso + + + + Costa Rican colón + + + + Czech koruna + + + + Danish krone + + + + Dominican peso + + + + Egyptian pound + + + + Ethiopian birr + + + + Georgian lari + + + + Ghanaian cedi + + + + Hong Kong dollar + + + + Croatian kuna + + + + Hungarian forint + + + + Indonesian rupiah + + + + Israeli new shekel + + + + Indian rupee + + + + Icelandic króna + + + + Jamaican dollar + + + + Japanese yen + + + + Kenyan shilling + + + + Kuwaiti dinar + + + + Kazakhstani tenge + + + + Sri Lankan rupee + + + + Moroccan dirham + + + + Moldovan leu + + + + Mauritian rupee + + + + Malawian kwacha + + + + Mexican peso + + + + Malaysian ringgit + + + + Mozambican metical + + + + Namibian dollar + + + + Nigerian naira + + + + Norwegian krone + + + + Nepalese rupee + + + + New Zealand dollar + + + + Omani rial + + + + Peruvian sol + + + + Papua New Guinean kina + + + + Philippine peso + + + + Pakistani rupee + + + + Polish złoty + + + + Paraguayan guaraní + + + + Qatari riyal + + + + Romanian leu + + + + Serbian dinar + + + + Saudi riyal + + + + Swedish krona + + + + Singapore dollar + + + + Thai baht + + + + Trinidad and Tobago dollar + + + + New Taiwan dollar + + + + Tanzanian shilling + + + + Turkish lira + + + + Ukrainian hryvnia + + + + Ugandan shilling + + + + Uruguayan peso + + + + Venezuelan bolívar + + + + Vietnamese đồng + + + + South African rand + + + + + DateGroup + + Today + + + + Yesterday + + + + January + + + + February + + + + March + + + + April + + + + May + + + + June + + + + July + + + + August + + + + September + + + + October + + + + November + + + + December + + + + + DefaultDAppExplorerView + + Default DApp explorer + + + + none + + + + + DevicesView + + Please set a name for your device. + + + + Specify a name + + + + Continue + + + + Advertise device + + + + Pair your devices to sync contacts and chats between them + + + + Learn more + + + + Paired devices + + + + Syncing... + + + + Sync all devices + + + + + DownloadBar + + Cancelled + + + + Paused + + + + Show All + + + + + DownloadMenu + + Open + + + + Show in folder + + + + Pause + + + + Resume + + + + Cancel + + + + + DownloadPage + + Thanks for using Status + + + + You're curently using version %1 of Status. + + + + There's new version available to download. + + + + Get Status %1 + + + + + DownloadView + + Cancelled + + + + Paused + + + + Downloaded files will appear here. + + + + + ENSPopup + + Primary username + + + + Your messages are displayed to others with this username: + + + + Once you select a username, you won’t be able to disable it afterwards. You will only be able choose a different username to display. + + + + + EmojiReactionsPanel + + Add reaction + + + + + EmptyChatPanel + + Share your chat key + + + + or + + + + invite + + + + friends to start messaging in Status + + + + + EnsAddedView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + %1 is now connected with your chat key and can be used in Status. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsConnectedView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + %1 will be connected once the transaction is complete. + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsListView + + Hey + + + + (pending) + + + + ENS usernames + + + + Add username + + + + Your usernames + + + + Chat settings + + + + Primary Username + + + + None selected + + + + You’re displaying your ENS username in chats + + + + + EnsRegisteredView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + Nice! You own %1.stateofus.eth once the transaction is complete. + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsReleasedView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username removed + + + + The username %1 will be removed and your deposit will be returned once the transaction is mined + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsTermsAndConditionsView + + ENS usernames + + + + Terms of name registration + + + + Funds are deposited for 1 year. Your SNT will be locked, but not spent. + + + + After 1 year, you can release the name and get your deposit back, or take no action to keep the name. + + + + If terms of the contract change — e.g. Status makes contract upgrades — user has the right to release the username regardless of time held. + + + + The contract controller cannot access your deposited funds. They can only be moved back to the address that sent them. + + + + Your address(es) will be publicly associated with your ENS name. + + + + Usernames are created as subdomain nodes of stateofus.eth and are subject to the ENS smart contract terms. + + + + You authorize the contract to transfer SNT on your behalf. This can only occur when you approve a transaction to authorize the transfer. + + + + These terms are guaranteed by the smart contract logic at addresses: + + + + %1 (Status UsernameRegistrar). + + + + <a href='%1%2'>Look up on Etherscan</a> + + + + %1 (ENS Registry). + + + + Wallet address + + + + Copied to clipboard! + + + + Key + + + + Agree to <a href="#">Terms of name registration.</a> I understand that my wallet address will be publicly connected to my username. + + + + Back + + + + 10 SNT + + + + Deposit + + + + Not enough SNT + + + + Register + + + + + EnsWelcomeView + + Get a universal username + + + + ENS names transform those crazy-long addresses into unique usernames. + + + + Customize your chat name + + + + An ENS name can replace your random 3-word name in chat. Be @yourname instead of %1. + + + + Simplify your ETH address + + + + You can receive funds to your easy-to-share ENS name rather than your hexadecimal hash (0x...). + + + + Receive transactions in chat + + + + Others can send you funds via chat in one simple step. + + + + 10 SNT to register + + + + Register once to keep the name forever. After 1 year you can release the name and get your SNT back. + + + + Already own a username? + + + + You can verify and add any usernames you own in the next steps. + + + + Powered by Ethereum Name Services + + + + Start + + + + Only available on Mainnet + + + + + FavoriteMenu + + Open in new Tab + + + + Edit + + + + Remove + + + + + FetchMoreMessagesButton + + ↓ Fetch more messages + + + + Before %1 + + + + before--%1 + + + + + FleetRadioSelector + + Warning! + + + + Change fleet to %1 + + + + + FleetsModal + + Fleet + + + + + GapComponent + + fetch-messages + + + + between--1-and--2 + + + + Fetch messages + + + + Between %1 and %2 + + + + + GasSelectorButton + + Low + + + + + GasValidator + + Not enough ETH for gas + + + + + GroupChatPanel + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + Confirm + + + + + HistoryView + + Status Desktop is connected to a non-archival node. Transaction history may be incomplete. + + + + No transactions found + + + + Load More + + + + + HomePageView + + homepage + + + + System default + + + + Other + + + + Example: duckduckgo.com + + + + + ImageCropWorkflow + + Supported image formats (%1) + + + + + ImportCommunityPopup + + Import Community + + + + Entering a community key will grant you the ownership of that community. Please be responsible with it and don’t share the key with people you don’t trust. + + + + Community private key + + + + Import + + + + + ImportSeedPhrasePanel + + Invalid seed phrase + + + + This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. + + + + %1 words + + + + + Input + + Copied + + + + Pasted + + + + Copy + + + + Paste + + + + + InviteFriendsPopup + + Get Status at https://status.im + + + + Download Status link + + + + Copy to clipboard + + + + + InviteFriendsToCommunityPopup + + Invite friends + + + + Invite successfully sent + + + + Invite + + + + + JSDialogWindow + + Ok + + + + Cancel + + + + + KeycardCreatePINModal + + Create PIN + + + + New PIN + + + + Confirm PIN + + + + Create a 6 digit long PIN + + + + + LanguageStore + + Beta Languages + + + + + LinksMessageView + + Enable automatic image unfurling + + + + Enable link previews in chat? + + + + Once enabled, links posted in the chat may share your metadata with their owners + + + + Enable in Settings + + + + Don't ask me again + + + + + MailserverConnectionDialog + + Can not connect to mailserver + + + + The mailserver you're connecting to is unavailable. + + + + Pick another + + + + Retry + + + + + MainView + + DApp Permissions + + + + Networks + + + + Accounts + + + + Generated from Your Seed Phrase + + + + Imported + + + + Watch-Only + + + + + MembershipRequestsPopup + + Membership requests + + + + + MessageStore + + and + + + + %1 more + + + + reacted with + + + + You + + + + + MuteChatMenuItem + + Mute chat + + + + Unmute chat + + + + + MutedChatsModal + + Muted chats + + + + Unmute + + + + + MyProfileSettingsView + + Display name + + + + Display Name + + + + Biometric login and transaction authentication + + + + Communities + + + + Accounts + + + + You haven't joined any communities yet + + + + You don't have any wallet accounts yet + + + + + NetworkCardsComponent + + Your Balances + + + + No Balance + + + + No Gas + + + + BALANCE: + + + + Disabled + + + + + NetworkFilter + + All networks + + + + %n network(s) + + + + + + + + NetworkSelectPopup + + Layer 2 + + + + + NetworkSelector + + Networks + + + + Choose a network to use for the transaction + + + + No networks available + + + + Simple + + + + Advanced + + + + Custom + + + + + NetworksAdvancedCustomRoutingView + + Networks + + + + Show Unpreferred Networks + + + + The networks where the receipient will receive tokens. Amounts calculated automatically for the lowest cost. + + + + + NetworksSimpleRoutingView + + Networks + + + + Choose a network to use for the transaction + + + + + NetworksView + + Layer 2 + + + + Add Custom Network + + + + + NoFriendsRectangle + + You don’t have any contacts yet. Invite your friends to start chatting. + + + + Invite friends + + + + + NodeLayout + + Bloom Filter Usage + + + + Type json-rpc message... e.g {"method": "eth_accounts"} + + + + + NotificationSelect + + Send Alerts + + + + Deliver Quietly + + + + Turn Off + + + + + NotificationWindow + + Everything is connected + + + + + PINModal + + Authenticate PIN + + + + PIN + + + + Insert your 6-digit PIN + + + + Authenticate + + + + + PairingModal + + Insert pairing code + + + + Pairing code + + + + Insert the Keycard pairing code + + + + Pair + + + + + PrivateChatPopup + + New chat + + + + My Profile + + + + + ProfileHeader + + Chatkey:%1... + + + + + ProfileView + + Blocked + + + + Send Request + + + + Receive Response + + + + Confirm Identity + + + + You have confirmed %1's identity. From now on this verification emblem will always be displayed alongside %1's nickname. + + + + You have marked %1 as Untrustworthy. From now on this Untrustworthy emblem will always be displayed alongside %1's nickname. + + + + ENS username + + + + Username + + + + Ask a question that only the real %1 will be able to answer e.g. a question about a shared experience, or ask Mark to enter a code or phrase you have sent to them via a different communication channel (phone, post, etc...). + + + + Waiting for %1's response... + + + + Copied to clipboard + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Chat settings + + + + Nickname + + + + None + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + + PublicChatPopup + + You need to enter a channel name + + + + The channel name can only contain lowercase letters, numbers and dashes + + + + Join public chat + + + + A public chat is where you get to hang out with others, make friends and talk about subjects of your interest. + + + + chat-name + + + + Start chat + + + + + RecipientSelector + + Invalid ethereum address + + + + Address + + + + My account + + + + Contact + + + + Recipient + + + + + RenameAccontModal + + Rename %1 + + + + Enter an account name... + + + + You need to enter an account name + + + + This is not a valid account name + + + + color + + + + Change Name + + + + Changing settings failed + + + + + RenameGroupPopup + + Group name + + + + Save + + + + + Retry + + Resend + + + + + RightTabView + + Assets + + + + Collectibles + + + + Activity + + + + History + + + + + SearchBox + + Search + + + + + SearchEngineModal + + Search engine + + + + None + + + + + SearchResults + + Non contacts + + + + No profile found + + + + + SeedPhraseBackupWarning + + Back up your seed phrase + + + + Back up + + + + + SeedPhraseTextArea + + Invalid seed phrase + + + + This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. + + + + Start with the first word + + + + + SelectAccountModal + + Select account + + + + Select account to share and receive assets + + + + Confirm and share address + + + + + SelectAnotherAccountModal + + Your keys + + + + Add another existing key + + + + + SelectGeneratedAccount + + Import new Seed Phrase + + + + Generate from Private key + + + + Add a watch-only address + + + + Imported + + + + Add new + + + + Origin + + + + + SendContactRequestMenuItem + + Send Contact Request + + + + + SendMessageMenuItem + + Send message + + + + + SendToContractWarning + + Tokens will be sent directly to a contract address, which may result in a loss of funds. To transfer ERC-20 tokens, ensure the recipient address is the address of the destination wallet. + + + + + SendTransactionButton + + Sign and send + + + + + SettingsDirtyToastMessage + + Changes detected + + + + Cancel + + + + Save changes + + + + + SignMessageModal + + Signature request + + + + From + + + + Data + + + + Message + + + + Reject + + + + Sign + + + + Sign with password + + + + + SignPhraseModal + + Signing phrase + + + + This is your signing phrase + + + + You should see these 3 words before signing each transaction + + + + If you see a different combination, cancel the transaction and sign out + + + + Ok, got it + + + + Remind me later + + + + + StateBubble + + Pending + + + + Confirmed + + + + Unknown token + + + + Address requested + + + + Waiting to accept + + + + Address shared + + + + Address received + + + + Transaction declined + + + + failure + + + + Unknown state + + + + + StatusActivityCenterButton + + Activity + + + + + StatusAddressOrEnsValidator + + Please enter a valid address or ENS name. + + + + + StatusAddressValidator + + Please enter a valid address. + + + + + StatusAppChatView + + Join public chats + + + + Start chat + + + + + StatusAppCommunitiesPortalView + + Find community + + + + Featured + + + + Popular + + + + + StatusAsyncEnsValidator + + ENS name could not be resolved in to an address + + + + + StatusAsyncValidator + + invalid input + + + + + StatusBadge + + 99+ + + + + + StatusChatImageExtensionValidator + + Format not supported. + + + + Upload %1 only + + + + + StatusChatImageLoader + + Error loading the image + + + + Loading image... + + + + + StatusChatImageQtyValidator + + You can only upload %1 images at a time + + + + + StatusChatImageSizeValidator + + Max image size is %1 MB + + + + + StatusColorSpacePage + + Thickness + + + + Min saturate: + + + + Max saturate: + + + + Min value: + + + + Max value: + + + + Color + + + + + StatusCommunityTagsPage + + Select tags that will fit your Community + + + + Search tags + + + + Selected tags + + + + + StatusDialog + + Close + + + + Abort + + + + Cancel + + + + No to all + + + + No + + + + Open + + + + Save + + + + Save all + + + + Retry + + + + Ignore + + + + Ok + + + + Yes to all + + + + Yes + + + + Apply + + + + + StatusETHTransactionModal + + Contract interaction + + + + Wrong password + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Continue + + + + Choose account + + + + Sign with password + + + + Next + + + + + StatusEmojiSection + + No recent emojis + + + + + StatusFloatValidator + + Please enter a valid numeric value. + + + + + StatusGifColumn + + Remove from favorites + + + + Add to favorites + + + + + StatusGifPopup + + Search Tenor + + + + TRENDING + + + + FAVORITES + + + + RECENT + + + + Enable Tenor GIFs? + + + + Once enabled, GIFs posted in the chat may share your metadata with Tenor. + + + + Enable + + + + Favorite GIFs will appear here + + + + Recent GIFs will appear here + + + + Error while contacting Tenor API, please retry. + + + + Retry + + + + + StatusIntValidator + + Please enter a valid numeric value. + + + + + StatusItemSelector + + and + + + + or + + + + + StatusListPickerPage + + Search Languages + + + + Search Currencies + + + + + StatusNotification + + Open + + + + + StatusPasswordStrengthIndicator + + Very weak + + + + Weak + + + + So-so + + + + Good + + + + Great + + + + + StatusSNTTransactionModal + + Authorize %1 %2 + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Wrong password + + + + Continue + + + + Choose account + + + + Sign with password + + + + Send %1 %2 + + + + Next + + + + + StatusSearchListPopup + + Search... + + + + + StatusSearchLocationMenu + + Anywhere + + + + + StatusSearchPopup + + No results + + + + Anywhere + + + + Search + + + + In: + + + + In + + + + + StatusSpellcheckingMenuItems + + Add to dictionary + + + + Disable Spellchecking + + + + + StatusStackModal + + StackModal + + + + Next + + + + Finish + + + + + StatusStickerButton + + Buy for %1 SNT + + + + Uninstall + + + + Install + + + + Free + + + + Pending... + + + + Cancel + + + + Update + + + + + StatusStickersPopup + + You don't have any stickers yet + + + + Recently used stickers will appear here + + + + Get Stickers + + + + + StatusTagSelectorPage + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + + StatusUrlValidator + + Please enter a valid URL + + + + + StatusValidator + + invalid input + + + + + StatusWindowsTitleBar + + Status + + + + + SubheaderTabBar + + Step %1 of %2 + + + + + TabAddressSelectorView + + Saved + + + + My Accounts + + + + Recent + + + + Search for saved address + + + + No Saved Address + + + + No Recents + + + + + ToastMessage + + View on Etherscan + + + + Transaction pending... + + + + + TokenSettingsModal + + Manage Assets + + + + Add custom token + + + + + TokenSettingsModalContent + + Token details + + + + Remove token + + + + Custom + + + + Default + + + + + TouchIDAuthView + + Biometrics + + + + Would you like to use Touch ID +to login to Status? + + + + Yes, use Touch ID + + + + I prefer to use my password + + + + + TransactionBubbleView + + Transaction request + + + + ↑ Outgoing transaction + + + + ↓ Incoming transaction + + + + Token not found on your current network + + + + + TransactionDelegate + + From + + + + To + + + + At + + + + + TransactionModal + + Transaction Details + + + + confirmation(s) + + + + When the transaction has 12 confirmations you can consider it settled. + + + + Block + + + + Hash + + + + From + + + + To + + + + Gas limit + + + + Gas price + + + + Gas used + + + + Nonce + + + + + TransactionPreview + + From + + + + Recipient + + + + Unknown + + + + Asset + + + + Amount + + + + Network fee + + + + Data + + + + Data field + + + + + TransactionSigner + + You need to enter a password + + + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + Signing phrase + + + + Signing phrase is a 3 word combination that displayed when you entered the wallet on this device for the first time. + + + + Enter the password you use to unlock this device + + + + Password + + + + Enter password + + + + + UnblockContactConfirmationDialog + + Unblock User + + + + Unblocking will allow new messages you received from %1 to reach you. + + + + + UserListPanel + + Offline + + + + Online + + + + Inactive + + + + Do not disturb + + + + Idle + + + + + UserStatusContextMenu + + View My Profile + + + + Always online + + + + Inactive + + + + Set status automatically + + + + Online + + + + Offline + + + + + ViewProfileMenuItem + + View Profile + + + + + WakuNodesModal + + Waku nodes + + + + Use Waku nodes + + + + Select node automatically + + + + Waku Nodes + + + + Node %1 + + + + Add a new node + + + + + WalletFooter + + Send + + + + Receive + + + + Buy / Sell + + + + + WelcomeView + + Welcome to Status + + + + Your fully decentralized gateway to Ethereum and Web3. Crypto wallet, privacy first group chat, and dApp browser. + + + + I am new to Status + + + + I already use Status + + + + + main + + StatusQ Documentation App + + + + Status Desktop + + + + Open Status + + + + Quit + + diff --git a/ui/i18n/qml_id.ts b/ui/i18n/qml_id.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1111098edc --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/i18n/qml_id.ts @@ -0,0 +1,19030 @@ + + + + + about-app + Tentang + + + about-key-storage-content + Status tidak akan pernah mengakses kunci pribadi Anda. Pastikan untuk mencadangkan frase seed Anda. Jika Anda kehilangan ponsel, itu adalah satu-satunya cara untuk mengakses kunci Anda. + + + about-key-storage-title + Tentang penyimpanan kunci + + + about-names-content + Tidak ada yang bisa berpura-pura menjadi Anda! Anda anonim secara default dan tidak perlu mengungkapkan nama asli Anda. Anda dapat mendaftarkan nama khusus dengan sedikit biaya. + + + about-names-title + Nama tidak dapat diubah + + + access-key + Kunci akses + + + access-existing-keys + Akses kunci yang ada + + + accept-and-share-address + Terima dan bagikan alamat + + + account-added + Akun ditambahkan + + + account-color + Warna akun + + + anyone + Siapa saja + + + messages-from-contacts-only-subtitle + Hanya orang yang Anda tambahkan sebagai kontak yang bisa memulai obrolan baru dengan Anda atau mengundang Anda ke grup + + + accept-new-chats-from + Terima obrolan baru dari + + + account-name + Nama akun + + + account-settings + Pengaturan akun + + + accounts + Akun + + + active-online + Online + + + active-unknown + Tidak dikenal + + + add + Menambahkan + + + add-a-watch-account + Tambahkan alamat khusus arloji + + + add-account + Tambahkan akun + + + add-account-description + Anda dapat mengimpor segala jenis akun Ethereum untuk menambahkannya ke dompet Status Anda + + + add-account-incorrect-password + Kata sandi sepertinya salah. Masukkan kata sandi yang Anda gunakan untuk membuka kunci aplikasi. + + + add-an-account + Tambahkan akun + + + add-bootnode + Tambahkan bootnode + + + add-contact + Tambah kontak + + + add-custom-token + Tambahkan token khusus + + + add-mailserver + Tambahkan simpul sejarah + + + add-members + Tambahkan anggota + + + add-network + Tambahkan jaringan + + + add-node + + + + add-to-contacts + Tambahkan ke Kontak + + + add-to-contacts-text + Dengan menambahkan pengguna ke daftar kontak Anda, Anda membagikan alamat dompet Anda + + + address + Alamat + + + address-received + Alamat diterima + + + address-requested + Alamat yang diminta + + + address-request-accepted + Permintaan alamat diterima + + + advanced + Maju + + + advanced-settings + Pengaturan lanjutan + + + agree-by-continuing + Dengan melanjutkan, Anda setuju +untuk kita + + + all + Semua + + + allow + Mengizinkan + + + allowing-authorizes-this-dapp + Mengizinkan otorisasi DApp ini untuk mengambil alamat dompet Anda dan mengaktifkan Web3 + + + already-have-asset + Anda sudah memiliki aset ini + + + amount + Jumlah + + + are-you-sure-description + Anda tidak akan dapat melihat seluruh frase seed lagi + + + are-you-sure? + Apakah kamu yakin? + + + ask-in-status + Ajukan pertanyaan atau laporkan bug + + + at + at + + + authorize + Mengizinkan + + + available + Tersedia + + + available-participants + + Anda dapat memilih {{count}} lebih banyak peserta + + + + back + Kembali + + + back-up-seed-phrase + Cadangkan phrase seed + + + back-up-your-seed-phrase + Cadangkan frase seed Anda + + + backup-recovery-phrase + Cadangkan phrase seed + + + balance + Keseimbangan + + + begin-set-up + Mulai pengaturan + + + biometric-auth-android-sensor-desc + Sensor sentuh + + + biometric-auth-android-sensor-error-desc + Gagal + + + biometric-auth-android-title + Diperlukan Otentikasi + + + biometric-auth-confirm-logout + Masuk kembali + + + biometric-auth-confirm-message + Otentikasi biometrik diperlukan untuk melanjutkan, jika tidak memungkinkan silakan buka kunci Anda dengan kata sandi atau kode sandi Anda + + + biometric-auth-confirm-title + Anda harus mengautentikasi! + + + biometric-auth-confirm-try-again + Coba lagi + + + biometric-auth-error + Tidak dapat melakukan otentikasi biometrik ( {{code}} ) + + + biometric-auth-login-error-title + Kesalahan otentikasi biometrik + + + biometric-auth-login-ios-fallback-label + Masukkan kata kunci + + + biometric-auth-reason-login + Masuk dalam Status + + + biometric-auth-reason-verify + Verifikasi otentikasi + + + biometric-secure-with + Amankan dengan {{bio-type-label}} + + + biometric-enable-keycard + Jika Anda tidak ingin menggunakan Kartu Kunci setiap kali mengakses aplikasi, aktifkan {{bio-type-label}} masuk + + + biometric-enable + Jika Anda tidak ingin memasukkan kata sandi setiap kali mengakses aplikasi, aktifkan {{bio-type-label}} masuk + + + biometric-disable-bioauth + nonaktifkan {{bio-type-label}} + + + biometric-disable-password-title + Nonaktifkan penyimpanan kata sandi + + + biometric-disable-password-description + Jika Anda menonaktifkan ini, Anda juga akan + + + biometric-enable-button + Aktifkan {{bio-type-label}} + + + biometric-fingerprint + Sidik jari + + + biometric-faceid + ID Wajah + + + biometric-touchid + ID Sentuhan + + + blank-keycard-text + Anda dapat melanjutkan dengan kartu kunci setelah membuat kunci dan nama + + + blank-keycard-title + Sepertinya Anda sudah mengetuk +kartu kunci kosong + + + block + Blok + + + unblock + Bebaskan + + + block-contact + Blokir pengguna ini + + + block-contact-details + Pemblokiran akan menghapus pesan pengguna sebelumnya dan menghentikan pesan baru untuk menghubungi Anda + + + blocked-users + Pengguna diblokir + + + bootnode-address + Alamat bootnode + + + bootnode-details + Detail bootnode + + + bootnode-format + enode: // {enode-id} @ {ip-address} : {port} + + + bootnodes + Bootnodes + + + bootnodes-enabled + Bootnodes diaktifkan + + + bootnodes-settings + Pengaturan bootnodes + + + browsed-websites + Riwayat browser akan muncul di sini + + + browser + Browser + + + browser-not-secure + Koneksi tidak aman! Jangan menandatangani transaksi atau mengirim data pribadi di situs ini. + + + browser-secure + Koneksi aman. Pastikan Anda benar-benar mempercayai situs ini sebelum menandatangani transaksi atau memasukkan data pribadi. + + + browsers + Browser + + + browsing-cancel + Membatalkan + + + browsing-open-in-android-web-browser + Buka di Android + + + browsing-open-in-ios-web-browser + Buka di iOS + + + browsing-open-in-status + Buka di Status + + + browsing-site-blocked-description1 + Kami mendeteksi kemungkinan aktivitas jahat dari alamat ini. Untuk melindungi Anda dan dompet Anda, kami mencegah navigasi lebih lanjut. + +Jika menurut Anda ini adalah kesalahan, beri tau kami di + + + browsing-site-blocked-description2 + obrolan publik. + + + browsing-site-blocked-go-back + Kembali + + + browsing-site-blocked-title + Situs ini diblokir + + + browsing-title + Telusuri + + + bug-report + Laporkan bug + + + bug-report-description + + + + bug-report-description-placeholder + + + + bug-report-steps + + + + bug-report-steps-placeholder + + + + bug-report-submit-email + + + + bug-report-submit-gh-issue + + + + bug-report-too-short-description + + + + camera-access-error + Untuk memberikan izin kamera yang diperlukan, buka pengaturan sistem Anda dan pastikan Status > Kamera dipilih. + + + can-not-add-yourself + Itu Anda, untuk memulai obrolan pilih orang lain + + + cancel + Membatalkan + + + cancel-keycard-setup + Batalkan pengaturan kartu kunci + + + cannot-read-card + Tidak dapat membaca kartu. +Harap pegang di bagian belakang ponsel Anda + + + cannot-use-default-pin + Kode akses 000000 tidak diizinkan. + Silakan gunakan nomor lain + + + card-is-blank + Kartu ini kosong + + + card-reseted + Kartu telah diatur ulang + + + card-unpaired + Kartu tidak berpasangan dari perangkat saat ini + + + change-fleet + Ubah armada ke {{fleet}} + + + change-log-level + Konfirmasi dan mulai ulang aplikasi untuk mengubah level log ke {{log-level}} + + + change-logging-enabled + Anda yakin ingin {{enable}} masuk? + + + change-passcode + Ubah Kode Sandi + + + change-password + Ganti kata sandi + + + change-pin + Ubah kode sandi 6 digit + + + change-puk + Ubah PUK 12 digit + + + change-pairing + Ubah kode pasangan + + + change-pairing-title + Buat kode pasangan baru + + + change-pairing-description + Mengubah kode pemasangan tidak memengaruhi pemasangan saat ini. Namun, setiap pasangan baru akan membutuhkan kode baru. + + + changed-amount-warning + Jumlah diubah dari {{old}} menjadi {{new}} + + + changed-asset-warning + Aset diubah dari {{old}} menjadi {{new}} + + + chaos-mode + Mode kekacauan + + + chaos-unicorn-day + Chaos Unicorn Day + + + chaos-unicorn-day-details + 🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🚀! + + + chat + Obrolan + + + chat-and-transact + Mengobrol dan bertransaksi secara pribadi dengan teman + + + chat-key + Kunci obrolan + + + chat-name + + + + chat-settings + Pengaturan Chat + + + chats + Obrolan + + + check-your-recovery-phrase + Periksa frasa benih Anda + + + choose-authentication-method + Pilih metode otentikasi + + + clear + Bersihkan + + + clear-all + Bersihkan semua + + + clear-history + Bersihkan riwayat + + + clear-history-action + Bersihkan + + + clear-history-confirmation + Hapus riwayat? + + + clear-history-confirmation-content + Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus riwayat obrolan ini? + + + clear-history-title + Hapus riwayat? + + + close + Menutup + + + close-app-button + Konfirmasi + + + close-app-content + Aplikasi akan berhenti dan ditutup. Ketika Anda membukanya kembali, jaringan yang dipilih akan digunakan + + + close-app-title + Peringatan! + + + command-button-send + Kirim + + + communities + + + + community-members + + + + + + members-label + Anggota + + + open-membership + + + + member-kick + + + + member-ban + Larangan anggota + + + membership-requests + + + + community-members-title + Anggota + + + community-requests-to-join-title + + + + name-your-channel + + + + name-your-channel-placeholder + + + + give-a-short-description + + + + describe-channel + Menjelaskan salurannya + + + communities-alpha + + + + communities-verified + + + + communities-enabled + Komunitas diaktifkan + + + request-access + + + + membership-request-pending + + + + create-community + + + + create-category + + + + rearrange-categories + + + + edited + + + + edit-community + + + + editing-message + + + + community-edit-title + + + + community-invite-title + Undang + + + community-share-title + Bagikan + + + invite + + + + create-channel + + + + import-community + + + + import-community-title + + + + name-your-community + + + + name-your-community-placeholder + + + + give-a-short-description-community + + + + new-community-title + + + + new-category + + + + category-title + + + + membership-title + + + + create-channel-title + + + + edit-channel-title + Edit saluran + + + community-thumbnail-image + + + + community-emoji-thumbnail-title + + + + community-thumbnail-upload + + + + community-image-take + + + + community-image-pick + + + + community-image-remove + Menghapus + + + community-color + + + + community-link + Tautan komunitas + + + community-color-placeholder + + + + membership-button + + + + membership-none + Tidak ada + + + membership-none-placeholder + + + + membership-approval + + + + membership-approval-description + + + + membership-invite + + + + membership-invite-description + + + + membership-ens + + + + membership-ens-description + + + + membership-free + + + + membership-free-description + + + + community-roles + + + + community-key + + + + community-key-placeholder + + + + leave-community + + + + enter-user-pk + + + + import + + + + complete-hardwallet-setup + Kartu ini sekarang ditautkan. Anda membutuhkannya untuk menandatangani transaksi dan membuka kunci kunci Anda + + + chat-notification-preferences + + + + completed + Lengkap + + + confirm + Konfirmasi + + + confirmation-request + Permintaan konfirmasi + + + confirmations + Konfirmasi + + + confirmations-helper-text + Ketika transaksi memiliki 12 konfirmasi, Anda dapat menganggapnya telah selesai. + + + connect + Menghubung + + + connect-mailserver-content + Hubungkan ke {{name}} ? + + + connected + Terhubung + + + connected-to + Terhubung dengan + + + connecting + Menghubungkan ... + + + connecting-requires-login + Menghubungkan ke jaringan lain membutuhkan login + + + connection-with-the-card-lost + Koneksi dengan kartu +telah hilang + + + connection-with-the-card-lost-setup-text + Untuk melanjutkan pengaturan, tahan kartu + bagian belakang ponsel Anda dan rawat + kartu ke kontak telepon + + + connection-with-the-card-lost-text + Untuk melanjutkan memegang kartu ke bagian belakang ponsel Anda + + + contact-code + Kunci obrolan + + + contact-s + + kontak + + + + contacts + Kontak + + + continue + Lanjutkan + + + contract-address + Alamat kontrak + + + contract-interaction + Interaksi kontrak + + + copy-info + Salin info + + + copy-qr + Salin kode + + + copy-to-clipboard + Salinan + + + copy-transaction-hash + Salin ID transaksi + + + cost-fee + Biaya/Biaya + + + counter-9-plus + 9+ + + + counter-99-plus + 99+ + + + create + Membuat + + + create-a-pin + Buat kode sandi 6 digit + + + create-a-puk + Membuat PUK 12 digit + + + create-group-chat + Buat obrolan grup + + + create-multiaccount + Hasilkan kunci + + + create-new-key + Dapatkan kunci baru + + + create-pin + Buat kode sandi 6 digit + + + create-pin-description + Anda akan memerlukan kartu Anda + kode sandi 6 digit ini untuk membuka Status dan mengonfirmasi transaksi + + + created-group-chat-description + Anda membuat grup {{group-name}} + + + members-count + {{count}} anggota + + + cryptokitty-name + CryptoKitty # {{id}} + + + currency + Mata uang + + + currency-display-name-aed + Emirati Dirham + + + currency-display-name-afn + Afghanistan Afghan + + + currency-display-name-ars + Peso Argentina + + + currency-display-name-aud + Dollar Australia + + + currency-display-name-bbd + Dolar Barbados + + + currency-display-name-bdt + Taka Bangladesh + + + currency-display-name-bgn + Lev Bulgaria + + + currency-display-name-bhd + Dinar Bahrain + + + currency-display-name-bnd + Dollar Brunei Darussalam + + + currency-display-name-bob + Bolivia Bolíviano + + + currency-display-name-brl + Brazil Real + + + currency-display-name-btn + Ngultrum Bhutan + + + currency-display-name-cad + Dollar Canada + + + currency-display-name-chf + Franc Swiss + + + currency-display-name-clp + Peso Chili + + + currency-display-name-cny + Renminbi China Yuan + + + currency-display-name-cop + Peso Kolombia + + + currency-display-name-crc + Colon Kosta Rika + + + currency-display-name-czk + Koruna Ceko + + + currency-display-name-dkk + Denmark Krone + + + currency-display-name-dop + Peso Republik Dominika + + + currency-display-name-egp + Pound Mesir + + + currency-display-name-etb + Birr Etiopia + + + currency-display-name-eur + Euro + + + currency-display-name-gbp + Pound Inggris + + + currency-display-name-gel + Lari Georgia + + + currency-display-name-ghs + Ghana Cedi + + + currency-display-name-hkd + Dollar Hongkong + + + currency-display-name-hrk + Kroasia Kuna + + + currency-display-name-huf + Forint Hongaria + + + currency-display-name-idr + Rupiah Indonesia + + + currency-display-name-ils + Israel Shekel + + + currency-display-name-inr + Rupee India + + + currency-display-name-isk + Krona Islandia + + + currency-display-name-jmd + Dollar Jamaika + + + currency-display-name-jpy + Yen jepang + + + currency-display-name-kes + Shilling Kenya + + + currency-display-name-krw + Korea (Selatan) Won + + + currency-display-name-kwd + Kuwait Dinar + + + currency-display-name-kzt + Tenge Kazakhstan + + + currency-display-name-lkr + Rupee Sri Lanka + + + currency-display-name-mad + Dirham Maroko + + + currency-display-name-mdl + Moldovan Leu + + + currency-display-name-mur + Mauritius Rupee + + + currency-display-name-mwk + Kwacha Malawi + + + currency-display-name-mxn + Peso Meksiko + + + currency-display-name-myr + Ringgit Malaysia + + + currency-display-name-mzn + Mozambik Metis + + + currency-display-name-nad + Dolar Namibia + + + currency-display-name-ngn + Nigeria Naira + + + currency-display-name-nok + Krone Norwegia + + + currency-display-name-npr + Rupee Nepal + + + currency-display-name-nzd + Dolar Selandia Baru + + + currency-display-name-omr + Rial Oman + + + currency-display-name-pen + Peru Sol + + + currency-display-name-pgk + Papua New Guinea Kina + + + currency-display-name-php + Peso Filipina + + + currency-display-name-pkr + Rupee Pakistan + + + currency-display-name-pln + Polandia Zloty + + + currency-display-name-pyg + Paraguay Guarani + + + currency-display-name-qar + Qatar Riyal + + + currency-display-name-ron + Romania Leu + + + currency-display-name-rsd + Dinar Serbia + + + currency-display-name-rub + Ruble Rusia + + + currency-display-name-sar + Riyal Arab Saudi + + + currency-display-name-sek + Krona Swedia + + + currency-display-name-sgd + Dollar Singapur + + + currency-display-name-thb + Baht Thailand + + + currency-display-name-try + Lira Turki + + + currency-display-name-ttd + Trinidad dan Dollar Tobago + + + currency-display-name-twd + Dolar Baru Taiwan + + + currency-display-name-tzs + Shilling Tanzania + + + currency-display-name-uah + Ukraina Hryvnia + + + currency-display-name-ugx + Shilling Uganda + + + currency-display-name-usd + Dolar Amerika Serikat + + + currency-display-name-uyu + Peso Uruguay + + + currency-display-name-vef + Venezuela Bolivar + + + currency-display-name-vnd + Viet Nam Dong + + + currency-display-name-zar + Rand Afrika Selatan + + + current-network + Jaringan saat ini + + + current-pin + Masukkan kode sandi 6 digit + + + current-pin-description + Masukkan kode sandi 6 digit Anda untuk melanjutkan + + + custom + Kustom + + + custom-networks + Jaringan khusus + + + dapp + ÐApp + + + dapp-would-like-to-connect-wallet + ingin terhubung ke + + + dapps + ÐApps + + + dapps-permissions + Izin DApp + + + data + Data + + + datetime-ago + lalu + + + datetime-ago-format + {{number}} {{time-intervals}} {{ago}} + + + datetime-ago-format-short + {{number}} {{time-intervals}} + + + datetime-day + + hari + + + + datetime-hour + + jam + + + + datetime-minute + + menit + + + + datetime-second + + detik + + + + datetime-day-short + + D + + + + datetime-hour-short + + H + + + + datetime-minute-short + + M + + + + datetime-second-short + + S + + + + datetime-today + hari ini + + + datetime-yesterday + kemarin + + + decimals + Desimal + + + decline + Menurun + + + decryption-failed-content + Terjadi kesalahan saat mendekripsi data Anda. Anda mungkin perlu menghapus data lama Anda dan membuat akun baru. Ketuk "Terapkan" untuk menghapus atau "Batal" untuk mencoba lagi + + + default + Default + + + delete + Menghapus? + + + delete-and-leave-group + Hapus dan tinggalkan grup + + + delete-bootnode + Hapus bootnode + + + delete-bootnode-are-you-sure + Anda yakin ingin menghapus bootnode ini? + + + delete-bootnode-title + Hapus bootnode + + + delete-chat + Hapus obrolan + + + delete-chat-confirmation + Anda yakin ingin menghapus obrolan ini? + + + delete-category-confirmation + + + + delete-confirmation + Menghapus? + + + delete-mailserver + Hapus node riwayat + + + delete-mailserver-are-you-sure + Anda yakin ingin menghapus node riwayat ini? + + + delete-mailserver-title + Hapus node riwayat + + + delete-message + Hapus pesan + + + delete-my-account + Hapus akun Saya + + + delete-network-confirmation + Anda yakin ingin menghapus jaringan ini? + + + delete-network-error + Harap sambungkan ke jaringan lain sebelum menghapus yang ini + + + delete-network-title + Hapus jaringan? + + + delete-node + + + + delete-node-are-you-sure + + + + delete-node-title + + + + delete-profile + Hapus profil + + + delete-my-profile + Hapus profil saya + + + delete-profile-warning + Peringatan: Jika Anda tidak menuliskan frase awal Anda, Anda akan kehilangan akses ke dana Anda setelah Anda menghapus profil Anda + + + profile-deleted-title + Profil dihapus + + + profile-deleted-content + Profil Anda berhasil dihapus + + + profile-deleted-keycard + + + + deny + Menyangkal + + + description + Deskripsi + + + dev-mode + Mode pengembangan + + + dev-mode-settings + Pengaturan mode pengembangan + + + device-syncing + Sinkronisasi perangkat + + + devices + Perangkat + + + disable + nonaktifkan + + + disabled + Dengan disabilitas + + + disconnected + Obrolan offline + + + discover + Menemukan + + + dismiss + Memberhentikan + + + done + Selesai + + + edit + Edit + + + edit-group + Edit grup + + + edit-profile + Sunting profil + + + empty-chat-description + Tidak ada pesan +dalam obrolan ini + + + empty-chat-description-one-to-one + Pesan apa pun yang Anda kirim di sini dienkripsi dan hanya dapat dibaca oleh Anda dan + + + empty-chat-description-public + Sudah sepi di sini selama {{quiet-hours}} . Mulai percakapan atau + + + cleared-chat-description-public + + + + empty-chat-description-community + + + + empty-chat-description-public-share-this + bagikan obrolan ini. + + + enable + Memungkinkan + + + encrypt-with-password + Enkripsi dengan kata sandi + + + ens-10-SNT + 10 SNT + + + ens-add-username + Tambahkan nama pengguna + + + ens-agree-to + Setuju untuk + + + ens-chat-settings + Pengaturan Chat + + + ens-custom-domain + Domain khusus + + + ens-custom-username-hints + Ketik seluruh nama pengguna termasuk domain khusus seperti namapengguna.domain.eth + + + ens-custom-username-taken + Nama pengguna bukan milik Anda :( + + + ens-deposit + Menyetorkan + + + ens-displayed-with + Pesan Anda ditampilkan kepada orang lain dengan + + + ens-get-name + Dapatkan nama pengguna universal + + + ens-got-it + OK mengerti + + + ens-locked + Nama pengguna terkunci. Anda tidak akan bisa merilisnya sampai {{date}} + + + ens-network-restriction + Hanya tersedia di Mainnet + + + ens-no-usernames + Anda tidak memiliki nama pengguna yang terhubung + + + ens-powered-by + Didukung oleh Ethereum Layanan Nama + + + ens-primary-username + Nama pengguna utama + + + ens-register + Daftar + + + ens-registration-in-progress + Pendaftaran sedang berlangsung ... + + + ens-registration-failure + Registrasi gagal + + + ens-dismiss-message + Klik di sini untuk menolak + + + ens-registration-failed + Untuk mendaftarkan nama pengguna, silakan coba lagi. + + + ens-registration-failed-title + transaksi gagal + + + ens-release-username + Lepaskan nama pengguna + + + ens-remove-hints + Menghapus akan melepaskan nama pengguna dari kunci Anda. + + + ens-remove-username + Hapus nama pengguna + + + ens-saved + sekarang terhubung dengan kunci obrolan Anda dan dapat digunakan dalam Status. + + + ens-saved-title + Nama pengguna ditambahkan + + + ens-show-username + Tampilkan nama pengguna ENS saya dalam obrolan + + + ens-terms-header + Ketentuan registrasi nama + + + ens-terms-point-1 + Dana disetor selama 1 tahun. SNT Anda akan dikunci, tetapi tidak digunakan. + + + ens-terms-point-10 + 0x00000000000C2E074eC69A0dFb2997BA6C7d2e1e (Daftar ENS). + + + ens-terms-point-2 + Setelah 1 tahun, Anda dapat merilis nama dan mendapatkan kembali setoran Anda, atau tidak mengambil tindakan apa pun untuk mempertahankan nama tersebut. + + + ens-terms-point-3 + Jika ketentuan kontrak berubah - misalnya Status membuat peningkatan kontrak - pengguna memiliki hak untuk melepaskan nama pengguna terlepas dari waktu yang dipegang. + + + ens-terms-point-4 + Pengontrol kontrak tidak dapat mengakses dana yang Anda setorkan. Mereka hanya dapat dipindahkan kembali ke alamat yang mengirim mereka. + + + ens-terms-point-5 + Alamat Anda akan dikaitkan secara publik dengan nama ENS Anda. + + + ens-terms-point-6 + Nama pengguna dibuat sebagai simpul subdomain stateofus.eth dan tunduk pada persyaratan kontrak pintar ENS. + + + ens-terms-point-7 + Anda mengesahkan kontrak untuk mentransfer SNT atas nama Anda. Ini hanya dapat terjadi ketika Anda menyetujui transaksi untuk mengotorisasi transfer. + + + ens-terms-point-8 + Ketentuan-ketentuan ini dijamin oleh logika kontrak pintar di alamat: + + + ens-terms-point-9 + {{address}}(DaftarkanNamapengguna Status) + + + ens-terms-registration + Ketentuan pendaftaran nama. + + + ens-test-message + Hai + + + ens-transaction-pending + Menunggu transaksi... + + + ens-understand + Saya mengerti bahwa alamat dompet saya akan terhubung secara publik ke nama pengguna saya. + + + ens-username + Nama pengguna ENS + + + ens-username-available + ✓ Nama pengguna tersedia! + + + ens-username-connected + Nama pengguna ini milik Anda dan terhubung dengan kunci obrolan Anda. + + + ens-username-connection-confirmation + {{username}} akan terhubung setelah transaksi selesai. + + + ens-username-hints + Setidaknya 4 karakter. Hanya huruf latin, angka, dan huruf kecil. + + + ens-username-invalid + Huruf dan angka saja. + + + ens-username-owned + ✓ Nama pengguna dimiliki oleh Anda. + + + ens-username-registration-confirmation + Bagus! Anda memiliki {{username}} setelah transaksi selesai. + + + ens-username-you-can-follow-progress + Anda dapat mengikuti kemajuan di bagian Riwayat Transaksi dompet Anda. + + + ens-usernames + ENS nama pengguna + + + ens-usernames-details + Daftarkan nama pengguna universal agar mudah dikenali oleh pengguna lain + + + wallet-address + Alamat Dompet + + + ens-want-custom-domain + Saya memiliki nama di domain lain + + + ens-want-domain + Saya ingin domain stateofus.eth + + + ens-welcome-hints + Nama ENS mengubah alamat panjang gila itu menjadi nama pengguna unik. + + + ens-welcome-point-customize + Nama ENS dapat menggantikan nama 3-kata acak Anda dalam obrolan. Jadilah @jurnas alih-alih {{name}} . + + + ens-welcome-point-customize-title + Kustomisasi nama obrolan Anda + + + ens-welcome-point-simplify + Anda dapat menerima dana dengan nama ENS yang mudah dibagikan daripada hash heksadesimal Anda (0x ...). + + + ens-welcome-point-simplify-title + Sederhanakan alamat ETH anda + + + ens-welcome-point-receive + Orang lain dapat mengirimi Anda dana melalui obrolan dalam satu langkah sederhana. + + + ens-welcome-point-receive-title + Terima transaksi dalam obrolan + + + ens-welcome-point-register + Daftarkan sekali untuk menjaga nama selamanya. Setelah 1 tahun Anda dapat merilis nama dan mendapatkan SNT Anda kembali. + + + ens-welcome-point-register-title + 10 SNT untuk mendaftar + + + ens-welcome-point-verify + Anda dapat memverifikasi dan menambahkan nama pengguna apa pun yang Anda miliki di langkah selanjutnya. + + + ens-welcome-point-verify-title + Sudah memiliki nama pengguna? + + + ens-your-username + Nama pengguna Anda + + + ens-your-usernames + Nama pengguna Anda + + + ens-your-your-name + Nama ENS Anda + + + ens-username-already-added + Nama pengguna sudah terhubung dengan kunci obrolan Anda dan dapat digunakan di dalam Status. + + + ens-username-connected-continue + Lanjutkan untuk mengatur `Tampilkan nama pengguna ENS saya di obrolan`. + + + ens-username-connected-with-different-key + Melanjutkan akan membutuhkan transaksi untuk menghubungkan nama pengguna dengan kunci obrolan Anda saat ini. + + + ens-username-owned-continue + Melanjutkan akan menghubungkan nama pengguna ini dengan kunci obrolan Anda. + + + ens-username-taken + Nama pengguna sudah diambil :( + + + ens-name-not-found + Tidak dapat menentukan nama ENS + + + ens-username-registration-invalid + + + + ens-username-invalid-name-warning + + + + enter-12-words + Masukkan 12 kata dari frase seed Anda, dipisahkan dengan spasi tunggal + + + enter-a-private-key + Masukkan kunci pribadi + + + enter-a-seed-phrase + Masukkan seed phrase + + + enter-address + Masukkan alamat + + + enter-contact-code + Masukkan nama pengguna ENS atau kunci obrolan + + + enter-pair-code + Masukkan kode pemasangan Anda + + + pair-code-placeholder + Kode pasangan... + + + enter-pair-code-description + Kode pemasangan ditampilkan kepada Anda selama pengaturan Kartu Kunci + + + enter-password + Masukkan kata kunci + + + enter-password-migration-prompt + + + + migration-successful + + + + migration-successful-text + + + + skip + + + + password-placeholder + Kata sandi... + + + confirm-password-placeholder + Konfirmasi password Anda... + + + enter-pin + Masukkan kode sandi 6 digit + + + enter-puk-code + Masukkan kode PUK + + + enter-puk-code-description + Kode akses 6 digit telah diblokir. + Silakan masukkan kode PUK untuk membuka blokir kode sandi. + + + enter-recipient-address-or-username + Masukkan alamat dompet atau nama pengguna penerima + + + enter-seed-phrase + Masukkan frase seed + + + enter-url + Masukkan URL + + + enter-watch-account-address + Memindai kode QR +atau +masukkan alamat untuk menonton + + + enter-word + Masukkan kata + + + enter-your-code + Masukkan kode sandi 6 digit Anda + + + enter-your-password + Masukkan kata sandi Anda + + + error + Kesalahan + + + error-unable-to-get-balance + Tidak bisa mendapatkan keseimbangan + + + error-unable-to-get-prices + Kesalahan konversi mata uang. Refresh layar Anda untuk mencoba lagi. + + + error-unable-to-get-token-balance + Tidak dapat memperoleh saldo token + + + errors + Kesalahan + + + eth + ETH + + + ethereum-node-started-incorrectly-description + Node Ethereum dimulai dengan konfigurasi yang salah, aplikasi akan dihentikan untuk memulihkan dari kondisi itu. Id jaringan yang dikonfigurasikan = {{network-id}} , aktual = {{fetched-network-id}} + + + ethereum-node-started-incorrectly-title + Node Ethereum mulai salah + + + etherscan-lookup + Lihatlah Etherscan + + + export-account + Akun ekspor + + + export-key + + + + community-private-key + + + + failed + Gagal + + + faq + Pertanyaan yang sering diajukan + + + fetch-messages + ↓ Mengambil pesan + + + fetch-timeline + + + + find + Temukan + + + finish + Selesai + + + finishing-card-setup + Penyiapan kartu selesai + + + fleet + Armada kapal + + + fleet-settings + Pengaturan armada + + + follow-your-interests + Langsung ke obrolan publik dan bertemu orang baru + + + follow + + + + free + ↓ Gratis + + + from + Dari + + + gas-limit + Batas gas + + + gas-price + Harga Gas + + + gas-used + Gas yang digunakan + + + generate-a-key + Buat kunci + + + generate-a-new-account + Buat akun + + + generate-a-new-key + Hasilkan kunci baru + + + generate-account + Buat kunci + + + generate-new-key + Buat kunci + + + your-keys + Kunci Anda + + + generating-codes-for-pairing + > Mengunduh perangkat lunak produk ke kartu + > Menghasilkan kode unlocking & pairing + + + generating-keys + Membuat kunci... + + + you-will-need-this-code + Anda memerlukan kode ini untuk membuka Status dan menandatangani transaksi + + + generating-mnemonic + Menghasilkan frase seed + + + get-started + Memulai + + + get-status-at + Dapatkan Status di http://status.im + + + get-stickers + Dapatkan Stiker + + + go-to-settings + Pergi ke pengaturan... + + + got-it + Mengerti + + + group-chat + Obrolan grup + + + group-chat-admin + Admin + + + group-chat-admin-added + ** {{member}} ** telah menjadi admin + + + group-chat-created + ** {{member}} ** membuat grup ** {{name}} ** + + + group-chat-decline-invitation + Tolak undangan + + + group-chat-member-added + ** {{member}} ** telah diundang + + + group-chat-member-joined + ** {{member}} ** telah bergabung dengan grup + + + group-chat-member-removed + ** {{member}} ** meninggalkan grup + + + group-chat-members-count + {{selected}} / {{max}} anggota + + + group-chat-name-changed + ** {{member}} ** mengubah nama grup menjadi ** {{name}} ** + + + group-chat-no-contacts + Anda belum memiliki kontak. + Undang teman Anda untuk mulai mengobrol + + + leave-chat + Tinggalkan obrolan + + + leave-confirmation + Tinggalkan obrolan + + + leave-chat-confirmation + Anda yakin ingin keluar dari obrolan? + + + group-chat-all-contacts-invited + Semua kontak Anda sudah ada di grup + + + group-info + Info grup + + + gwei + Gwei + + + hash + Hash + + + help + Tolong + + + help-capitalized + Tolong + + + help-center + Pusat Bantuan + + + hide-content-when-switching-apps + Blokir tangkapan layar + + + hide-content-when-switching-apps-ios + Sembunyikan pratinjau + + + history + Sejarah + + + history-nodes + Node riwayat + + + hold-card + Pegang kartu di bagian belakang + telepon Anda + + + home + Rumah + + + hooks + Kait + + + identifier + Identifier + + + image-remove-current + Hapus foto saat ini + + + image-source-gallery + Pilih dari galeri + + + image-source-make-photo + Menangkap + + + image-source-title + Edit gambar + + + profile-pic-take + + + + profile-pic-pick + Pilih dari galeri + + + profile-pic-remove + + + + in-contacts + Dalam kontak + + + incoming + Masuk + + + incoming-transaction + Transaksi masuk + + + incorrect-code::0 + str + + + incorrect-code::1 + Maaf kodenya salah, silakan masukkan lagi + + + initialization + Inisialisasi + + + install + ↓ Instal + + + intro-message1 + Selamat datang di Status! +Ketuk pesan ini untuk mengatur kata sandi Anda dan memulai. + + + intro-privacy-policy-note1 + Status tidak mengumpulkan atau mengambil keuntungan dari data pribadi Anda. Dengan melanjutkan, Anda setuju dengan + + + intro-privacy-policy-note2 + Kebijakan pribadi + + + intro-text + Status adalah gerbang Anda ke web yang didesentralisasi + + + intro-text1 + Mengobrol melalui jaringan terenkripsi peer-to-peer, tempat pesan tidak dapat disensor atau diretas + + + intro-text2 + Kirim dan terima aset digital di mana saja di dunia — tidak perlu rekening bank + + + intro-text3 + Jelajahi game, pertukaran, dan jejaring sosial tempat Anda memiliki data sendiriData + + + intro-title1 + Komunikasi yang benar-benar pribadi + + + intro-title2 + Amankan dompet crypto + + + intro-title3 + Aplikasi terdesentralisasi + + + intro-wizard-text1 + Satu set kunci mengontrol akun Anda. Kunci Anda hidup di ponsel Anda, jadi hanya Anda yang dapat menggunakannya + + + intro-wizard-text2 + Salah satu kuncinya adalah untuk chatting. Itu datang dengan nama yang dapat dibaca yang tidak dapat diubah. + + + intro-wizard-text3 + Jika Anda memiliki Kartu Kunci, simpan kunci Anda di sana untuk meningkatkan keamanan. + + + intro-wizard-text4 + Amankan dan enkripsi kunci Anda + + + intro-wizard-text6 + Status akan memberi tahu Anda tentang pesan baru. Anda dapat mengedit preferensi pemberitahuan nanti di pengaturan + + + intro-wizard-title-alt4 + Membuat kata sandi + + + intro-wizard-title-alt5 + Konfirmasi password Anda + + + intro-wizard-title1 + Dapatkan kunci Anda + + + intro-wizard-title2 + Pilih nama obrolan + + + intro-wizard-title3 + Pilih penyimpanan kunci + + + intro-wizard-title4 + Buat kode sandi 6 digit + + + intro-wizard-title5 + Konfirmasikan kode sandi + + + intro-wizard-title6 + Aktifkan notifikasi + + + are-you-sure-to-cancel + Anda yakin ingin membatalkan? + + + you-will-start-from-scratch + Anda akan mulai dari awal dengan satu set kunci baru + + + invalid-address-qr-code + Kode QR yang dipindai tidak mengandung alamat yang valid + + + invalid-format + Format yang tidak valid + Harus {{format}} + + + invalid-key-confirm + Menerapkan + + + invalid-key-content + Database Multiaccount tidak dapat dienkripsi karena file rusak. Tidak ada cara untuk mengembalikannya. Jika Anda menekan tombol "Batal", tidak ada yang terjadi. Jika Anda menekan tombol " {{erase-multiaccounts-data-button-text}} ", db multiaccount akan dihapus dan Anda akan bisa membuka kunci multiaccount. Semua data multi akun akan hilang. + + + invalid-number + Nomor tidak valid + + + invalid-pairing-password + Kata sandi penyandingan tidak valid + + + invalid-range + Format tidak valid, harus antara {{min}} dan {{max}} + + + invalid-username-or-key + Nama pengguna atau kunci obrolan tidak valid + + + join-me + Hai bergabunglah dengan saya di Status: {{url}} + + + join-a-community + + + + http-gateway-error + Ups, permintaan gagal! + + + sign-request-failed + Tidak dapat menandatangani pesan + + + invite-friends + Mengundang teman-teman + + + invite-people + + + + invite-reward + Hasilkan crypto untuk setiap teman yang Anda undang! + + + invite-select-account + Pilih akun untuk menerima bonus referensi Anda + + + invited + diundang + + + invite-button + Undang + + + invite-receive-account + Anda dapat memilih untuk menebus bonus referensi Anda kapan saja. + + + how-it-works + Bagaimana itu bekerja + + + invite-warning + Promosi ini hanya berlaku untuk pengguna perangkat Android, yang bukan penduduk AS. Teman perlu mengkonfirmasi rujukan dalam 7 hari + + + invite-instruction-first + Anda mengirim tautan undangan unik ke teman Anda untuk mengunduh dan bergabung dengan Status + + + invite-instruction-second + Teman Anda mengunduh Status dan membuat akun (di Android) + + + invite-instruction-third + Obrolan dengan teman Anda dimulai, di mana mereka mengkonfirmasi rujukan Anda + + + invite-instruction-fourth + Anda menerima bonus referensi dan teman Anda Paket Pemula + + + invite-instruction-fifth + Anda dapat memilih untuk menebus bonus referensi Anda kapan saja. + + + invite-reward-you + Kamu: + + + invite-reward-you-name + Bonus referensi + + + invite-reward-you-description + Undang teman dan terima {{reward}} sebagai bonus rujukan. Gunakan untuk mendapatkan stiker, nama ENS, dan coba dapps + + + invite-reward-friend + Teman: + + + invite-reward-friend-name + Paket awal + + + invite-reward-friend-description + Teman Anda akan menerima Paket Pemula yang terdiri dari beberapa {{reward}} untuk memulai + + + invite-privacy-policy1 + Dengan menerima Anda setuju dengan program rujukan + + + invite-privacy-policy2 + Syarat dan ketentuan. + + + invite-privacy-policy-public + + + + invite-chat-name + Referensi teman + + + invite-chat-starter-pack + Paket awal + + + invite-chat-intro + Anda dirujuk oleh seorang teman untuk bergabung dengan Status. Inilah beberapa crypto untuk Anda mulai! Gunakan untuk mendaftarkan nama ENS atau membeli paket stiker + + + invite-public-chat-home + + + + invite-public-chat-intro + + + + invite-chat-accept + Menerima + + + invite-chat-pending + Tertunda + + + invite-chat-accept-join + + + + invite-chat-rule + Menerima juga akan memberi teman Anda bonus rujukan crypto + + + redeem-now + Tukarkan sekarang + + + redeem-amount + {{quantity}} bonus tersedia + + + redeem-success + Penukaran bonus sukses! + + + attribution-received + {{attrib}} dari {{max}} bonus diterima + + + advertiser-starter-pack-title + Paket awal + + + advertiser-starter-pack-description + Inilah beberapa crypto untuk Anda mulai! Gunakan untuk mendapatkan stiker, nama ENS, dan coba dapps + + + advertiser-title + Privasi secara default + + + advertiser-description + Anda telah menemukan Status berkat mitra. Apakah Anda keberatan jika Status memeriksa alamat IP Anda sekali sehingga mendapat imbalan? Informasi ini tidak akan digunakan untuk hal lain dan akan dihapus sepenuhnya setelah 7 hari. + + + advertiser-starter-pack-accept + Menerima + + + advertiser-starter-pack-decline + Menurun + + + dapp-starter-pack-title + Paket awal + + + dapp-starter-pack-description + Inilah beberapa crypto untuk Anda mulai! Gunakan untuk mendapatkan stiker, nama ENS, dan coba dapps + + + dapp-starter-pack-accept + Terima dan Buka + + + starter-pack-coming + + + + starter-pack-coming-description + + + + starter-pack-received + Paket Perdana diterima + + + starter-pack-received-description + Inilah beberapa crypto untuk Anda mulai! Gunakan untuk mendapatkan stiker, nama ENS, dan coba dapps + + + join-group-chat + Bergabung dengan grup + + + join-group-chat-description + {{username}} mengundang Anda untuk bergabung dengan grup {{group-name}} + + + joined-group-chat-description + Anda telah bergabung dengan {{group-name}} dari undangan oleh {{username}} + + + key + Kunci + + + keycard + Kartu kunci + + + keycard-access-reset + Akses kartu kunci diatur ulang + + + keycard-can-use-with-new-passcode + Anda dapat menggunakan kartu ini dengan kode sandi baru Anda + + + keycard-applet-install-instructions + Untuk menginstal applet silakan ikuti instruksi di https://github.com/status-im/keycard-cli#keycard-applet-installation + + + keycard-blocked + Kartu kunci telah diblokir. + Anda perlu mengatur ulang kartu untuk terus menggunakannya. + + + keycard-cancel-setup-text + Ini akan membatalkan pengaturan kartu kunci. Sangat disarankan untuk menyelesaikan pengaturan untuk menggunakan kartu kunci. Apakah Anda benar-benar ingin membatalkan? + + + keycard-cancel-setup-title + Operasi berbahaya + + + keycard-desc + Memiliki Kartu kunci? Simpan kunci Anda di atasnya; Anda akan membutuhkannya untuk transaksi + + + keycard-dont-ask-card + Jangan minta kartu untuk masuk + + + keycard-reset-passcode + Setel ulang kode sandi + + + keycard-factory-reset + Kembalikan kartu ke pengaturan pabrik + + + keycard-factory-reset-title + Apakah Anda yakin ingin melakukan reset pabrik? + + + keycard-factory-reset-text + Melakukan ini akan menghapus semua frase mnemonic yang tersimpan di kartu. Pastikan Anda memiliki cadangan frasa mnemonic yang telah Anda gunakan dengan Kartu Kunci ini. + + + keycard-enter-new-passcode + Masukkan kode sandi baru{{step}}/2 + + + keycard-has-multiaccount-on-it + Kartu ini sudah penuh. Setiap kartu dapat menampung satu pasangan kunci utama + + + keycard-onboarding-finishing-header + Menyelesaikan + + + keycard-onboarding-intro-header + Simpan kunci Anda di Kartu Kunci + + + keycard-onboarding-intro-text + Bersiaplah, ini mungkin memerlukan beberapa menit, tetapi penting untuk mengamankan akun Anda + + + keycard-onboarding-pairing-header + Memasangkan kartu... + + + keycard-onboarding-preparing-header + Mempersiapkan kartu... + + + keycard-onboarding-puk-code-header + Tulis kode +dan simpan dengan aman + + + keycard-onboarding-recovery-phrase-description + Anda perlu frase awal ini untuk mendapatkan kembali kunci Anda. Tuliskan. Tetap aman, offline, dan terpisah dari perangkat ini. + + + keycard-onboarding-recovery-phrase-header + Cadangkan phrase seed + + + keycard-onboarding-recovery-phrase-text + Hanya untuk mata kamu. Ini adalah benih ajaib yang digunakan untuk menghasilkan kunci Anda. + + + keycard-onboarding-start-header + Pegang kartu di bagian belakang +telepon Anda untuk memulai + + + keycard-onboarding-pin-text + Anda harus membuat kode sandi 6 digit yang akan digunakan untuk melindungi akses ke Kartu Kunci Anda. + + + keycard-onboarding-mnemonic-text + Anda juga akan membutuhkan selembar kertas dan pensil untuk menuliskan frase awal Anda. + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step1 + Buat kode sandi + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step1-text + Sekitar 1 menit. Buat kode sandi 6 digit untuk mengenkripsi kunci Anda + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step2 + Tuliskan PUK dan kode pasangan + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step2-text + Sekitar 1 menit. Anda akan membutuhkan selembar kertas dan pensil untuk itu + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step3 + Cadangkan frase seed + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step3-text + Sekitar 1 menit. Juga selembar kertas dan pensil diperlukan + + + keycard-onboarding-start-text + Dan pertahankan kontak kartu ke telepon +selama pengaturan. Pengaturan akan memakan waktu sekitar 4 menit + + + keycard-recovery-intro-button-text + Mulai pemulihan + + + keycard-recovery-intro-header + Pulihkan kunci yang disimpan pada kartu kunci + + + keycard-recovery-intro-text + Jika Anda membuat kunci menggunakan kartu kunci sebelumnya dan sekarang ingin menggunakan kunci ini pada perangkat ini + + + keycard-recovery-no-key-header + Tidak ada yang bisa dilakukan +pulihkan di sini + + + keycard-recovery-no-key-text + Kartu Kunci Anda tidak memiliki kunci yang tersimpan di dalamnya. Untuk menggunakannya, buat kunci baru dan pilih Kartu Kunci Anda untuk menyimpan kunci + + + keycard-recovery-phrase-confirm-header + Konfirmasikan frase seed + + + keycard-recovery-phrase-confirmation-text + Anda tidak akan memiliki kesempatan kedua! Jika Anda kehilangan akses, misalnya dengan kehilangan kartu kunci Anda, Anda hanya dapat mengakses kunci Anda dengan frase benih Anda. Tidak seorang pun, tetapi Anda memiliki frase benih Anda. Tuliskan. Amankan. + + + keycard-recovery-phrase-confirmation-title + Dituliskan frase seed turun? + + + keycard-recovery-success-header + Kunci Anda telah +berhasil dipulihkan + + + keycard-redeem-title + Tukarkan ke + + + keycard-redeem-tx + Tebus aset + + + keycard-redeem-tx-desc + Ketuk kartu untuk menandatangani dan menerima aset + + + keycard-unauthorized-operation + Anda tidak sah untuk melakukan operasi ini. + Silakan ketuk kartu yang valid dan coba lagi. + + + keycard-is-frozen-title + Kartu kunci dibekukan + + + keycard-is-frozen-details + Untuk melindungi aset Anda, kartu Anda dibekukan. Atur ulang akses kartu untuk membuka kunci dan mengirim transaksi. Buat kode sandi baru dan masukkan PUK Anda untuk mengakses akun Anda di kartu ini + + + keycard-is-frozen-reset + Setel ulang akses kartu + + + keycard-is-frozen-factory-reset + Setel ulang dengan mnemonik + + + your-card-is-frozen + Kartu Kunci Anda dibekukan. Setel ulang akses kartu + + + keycard-is-blocked-title + Kartu kunci diblokir + + + keycard-is-blocked-details + Anda tidak dapat lagi menggunakan kartu ini untuk mengakses atau menandatangani akun ini. Terlalu banyak kode sandi dan upaya PUK yang gagal. + + + keycard-is-blocked-instructions + Untuk mengakses akun Anda, instal ulang Status dan gunakan Kartu Kunci baru, gunakan dompet lain atau setel ulang Kartu Kunci secara manual. + + + language + Bahasa + + + learn-more + Belajarlah lagi + + + learn-more-about-keycard + Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang Kartu Kunci + + + leave + Meninggalkan + + + joined + + + + leave-group + Meninggalkan grup + + + left + kiri + + + lets-go + Ayo pergi + + + les-ulc + LES / ULC + + + linked-on + Tertaut pada {{date}} + + + load-messages-before + sebelum {{date}} + + + load-more-messages + ↓ Ambil lebih banyak pesan + + + load-more-timeline + + + + loading + Memuat... + + + log-level + Tingkat log + + + log-level-settings + Pengaturan level log + + + logging + Penebangan + + + logging-enabled + Logging diaktifkan? + + + login-pin-description + Masukkan kode sandi 6 digit Anda untuk membuka kunci Anda + + + logout + Keluar + + + logout-app-content + Akun akan keluar. Ketika Anda membuka kunci lagi, jaringan yang dipilih akan digunakan + + + logout-are-you-sure + Apakah kamu yakin kamu mau +untuk keluar? + + + logout-title + Keluar? + + + logout-key-management + + + + looking-for-cards + Mencari kartu ... + + + lost-connection + Kehilangan koneksi + + + mailserver-address + Alamat node sejarah + + + mailserver-automatic + Seleksi otomatis + + + mailserver-automatic-switch-explanation + Pilih node riwayat tercepat yang tersedia + + + mailserver-connection-error + Tidak dapat terhubung ke simpul riwayat + + + mailserver-details + Rincian node sejarah + + + mailserver-error-content + Node riwayat yang Anda pilih tidak dapat dijangkau. + + + mailserver-error-title + Terjadi kesalahan saat menyambungkan ke simpul riwayat + + + mailserver-format + enode: // {enode-id} : {password} @ {ip-address} : {port} + + + mailserver-pick-another + Pilih simpul riwayat lain + + + mailserver-reconnect + Tidak dapat terhubung ke simpul riwayat. Ketuk untuk menyambungkan kembali + + + mailserver-request-error-content + Kesalahan berikut dikembalikan oleh simpul riwayat: {{error}} + + + mailserver-request-error-status + Terjadi kesalahan saat mengambil riwayat, periksa detail log + + + mailserver-request-error-title + Kesalahan permintaan node riwayat + + + mailserver-request-retry + Coba lagi permintaan + + + mailserver-retry + Mencoba kembali + + + main-currency + Mata uang utama + + + main-networks + Jaringan utama + + + main-wallet + Dompet Utama + + + mainnet-network + Jaringan utama + + + make-admin + Membuat admin + + + manage-keys-and-storage + + + + mark-all-read + Tandai semua sudah dibaca + + + members + + {{count}} anggota + + + + members-active + + anggota + + + + members-active-none + tidak ada anggota + + + members-title + Anggota + + + message + Pesan + + + message-not-sent + Pesan tidak terkirim + + + message-options-cancel + Membatalkan + + + message-reply + Balasan + + + replying-to + + + + data-syncing + Sinkronisasi data + + + messages + Pesan + + + chat-is-a-contact + Kontak + + + chat-is-not-a-contact + Bukan kontak + + + might-break + Mungkin merusak beberapa ÐApps + + + migrations-failed-content + {{message}} + versi skema: awal {{initial-version}} , saat ini {{current-version}} , terakhir {{last-version}} + +Terjadi kesalahan basis data. Dana dan kunci obrolan Anda aman. Data lain, seperti obrolan dan kontak Anda, tidak dapat dipulihkan. "{{erase-multiaccounts-data-button-text}}", akan menghapus semua data lainnya dan memungkinkan Anda mengakses dana dan mengirim pesan. + + + mobile-network-ask-me + Tanya saya kapan di jaringan seluler + + + mobile-network-continue-syncing + Lanjutkan sinkronisasi + + + mobile-network-continue-syncing-details + Anda dapat mengubahnya nanti dalam pengaturan + + + mobile-network-go-to-settings + Pergi ke pengaturan + + + mobile-network-settings + Data seluler + + + mobile-network-sheet-configure + Anda dapat mengonfigurasi sinkronisasi lebih lanjut + detail dalam + + + mobile-network-sheet-offline + Tidak ada Wi-Fi, sinkronisasi pesan dinonaktifkan. + + + mobile-network-sheet-offline-details + Sinkronisasi menggunakan jaringan seluler tidak aktif + + + mobile-network-sheet-remember-choice + Ingat pilihan saya + + + mobile-network-sheet-settings + pengaturan + + + mobile-network-start-syncing + Mulai sinkronisasi + + + mobile-network-stop-syncing + Hentikan sinkronisasi + + + mobile-network-stop-syncing-details + Sampai terhubung ke Wi-Fi? + + + mobile-network-use-mobile + Gunakan data seluler + + + mobile-network-use-mobile-data + Status menggunakan banyak data saat menyinkronkan obrolan dan dompet. + + + mobile-network-use-wifi + Hanya wifi + + + mobile-syncing-sheet-details + Status menggunakan banyak data saat menyinkronkan obrolan dan dompet. + + + mobile-syncing-sheet-title + Sinkronkan menggunakan data seluler? + + + more + lagi + + + multiaccount-exists-title + Kunci untuk akun ini sudah ada + + + multiaccount-exists-content + Kunci untuk akun ini sudah ada dan tidak dapat ditambahkan lagi. Jika Anda kehilangan kata sandi, kode sandi, atau Kartu Kunci, hapus instalan aplikasi, instal ulang, dan akses kunci Anda dengan memasukkan frase benih Anda + + + multiaccounts-recover-enter-phrase-text + Masukkan 12, 15, 18, 21 atau 24 kata. + Pisahkan kata dengan satu spasi. + + + multiaccounts-recover-enter-phrase-title + Masukkan frasa seed Anda + + + name + Nama + + + name-of-token + Nama token Anda + + + need-help + Butuh bantuan? + + + glossary + Glosarium + + + account-title + Akun + + + account-content + Anda dapat membandingkan akun dalam Status dengan rekening bank. Seperti halnya rekening bank, akun biasanya memiliki alamat dan saldo; Anda menggunakan akun ini untuk bertransaksi di Ethereum. Anda dapat memiliki beberapa akun di dompet Anda. Semua diakses dengan membuka Status. + + + chat-key-title + Kunci Obrolan + + + chat-key-content + Pesan pada protokol obrolan Status dikirim dan diterima menggunakan kunci enkripsi. Kunci obrolan publik adalah serangkaian karakter yang Anda bagikan dengan orang lain sehingga mereka dapat mengirimi Anda pesan dalam Status. + + + chat-name-title + Nama Obrolan + + + chat-name-content + Tiga kata acak, diturunkan secara algoritmik dari kunci obrolan Anda dan digunakan sebagai alias default Anda dalam obrolan. Nama obrolan sepenuhnya unik; tidak ada pengguna lain yang memiliki tiga kata yang sama. + + + ens-name-title + Nama ENS + + + ens-name-content + Alias khusus untuk kunci obrolan yang dapat Anda daftarkan menggunakan Layanan Nama Ethereum. Nama ENS adalah nama pengguna yang didesentralisasi. + + + mailserver-title + Node sejarah + + + mailserver-content + Node di jaringan Status yang merutekan dan menyimpan pesan, hingga 30 hari. + + + peer-title + Peer + + + peer-content + Perangkat yang terhubung ke jaringan obrolan Status. Setiap pengguna dapat mewakili satu atau beberapa rekan, tergantung pada jumlah perangkat mereka. + + + seed-phrase-title + Seed Phrase + + + seed-phrase-content + Seperangkat kata yang mudah dibaca, dipilih secara acak dari daftar standar BIP39 dan digunakan untuk memulihkan atau mengakses akun Ethereum Anda di dompet dan perangkat lain. Juga disebut sebagai "frasa mnemonik," "frasa pemulihan" atau "dompet cadangan" di seluruh ekosistem crypto. Sebagian besar aplikasi crypto menggunakan standar yang sama ini untuk menghasilkan akun. + + + wallet-key-title + Alamat akun + + + wallet-key-content + Alamat hex 64 karakter berdasarkan standar Ethereum dan dimulai dengan 0x. Menghadap publik, alamat akun Anda dibagikan kepada orang lain saat Anda ingin menerima dana. Juga disebut sebagai "alamat Ethereum" atau "alamat dompet." + + + buy-crypto-title + + + + buy-crypto-description + + + + buy-crypto + Beli crypto + + + buy-crypto-choose-a-service + Pilih layanan yang ingin Anda gunakan untuk membeli crypto + + + buy-crypto-leaving + Anda meninggalkan Status dan memasuki situs web pihak ketiga untuk menyelesaikan pembelian Anda + + + opening-buy-crypto + Pembukaan + + + network + Jaringan + + + network-chain + Rantai jaringan + + + network-details + Rincian jaringan + + + network-info + Info jaringan + + + network-fee + Biaya jaringan + + + network-id + ID jaringan + + + network-invalid-network-id + Id jaringan yang ditentukan tidak sesuai dengan id jaringan oleh url RPC + + + network-invalid-status-code + Kode status tidak valid: {{code}} + + + network-invalid-url + Jaringan URL tidak valid + + + network-settings + Pengaturan jaringan + + + new + Baru + + + new-chat + Obrolan baru + + + new-contact + Kontak baru + + + new-contract + Kontrak baru + + + new-group + Grup baru + + + new-group-chat + Obrolan grup baru + + + new-network + Jaringan baru + + + new-pin-description + Masukkan kode sandi 6 digit yang baru + + + new-puk-description + Masukkan PUK 12 digit baru + + + new-public-group-chat + Bergabunglah dengan obrolan publik + + + next + Lanjut + + + no + Tidak + + + no-collectibles + Tidak ada koleksi yang tersedia + + + no-contacts + Belum ada kontak + + + no-keycard-applet-on-card + Tidak ada applet kartu kunci pada kartu + + + no-messages + Tidak ada pesan + + + no-pairing-slots-available + Kartu ini sudah dipasangkan ke 5 perangkat dan tidak dapat dipasangkan dengan yang ini. Silakan gunakan salah satu perangkat yang dipasangkan, masuk dengan kartu ini dan membebaskan slot pasangan pada kartu + + + no-result + Tidak ada hasil + + + no-tokens-found + Token tidak ditemukan + + + node-info + Info simpul + + + node-address + + + + node-details + + + + node-version + Versi simpul + + + nonce + Nonce + + + none + Tidak ada + + + not-applicable + Tidak berlaku untuk transaksi yang tidak ditandatangani + + + not-keycard-text + Kartu yang Anda gunakan bukan Kartu Kunci. Anda perlu membeli Kartu Kunci untuk menggunakannya + + + not-keycard-title + Bukan kartu kunci + + + notifications + Notifikasi + + + local-notifications + Pemberitahuan lokal + + + local-notifications-subtitle + + + + remote-notifications + + + + remote-notifications-subtitle + + + + show-notifications + Tampilkan pemberitahuan + + + notification-settings + Notifikasi + + + notifications-servers + Server pemberitahuan + + + notifications-preferences + Preferensi pemberitahuan + + + notifications-switch + Tampilkan pemberitahuan + + + notifications-non-contacts + Pemberitahuan dari non-kontak + + + notifications-transactions + Transaksi dompet + + + send-push-notifications + + + + send-push-notifications-description + Jika dinonaktifkan, orang yang menerima pesan Anda tidak akan diberi tahu tentang kedatangannya + + + push-notifications-server-enabled + Server diaktifkan + + + push-notifications-servers + Server pemberitahuan push + + + push-inbound-transaction + Anda menerima {{value}} {{currency}} + + + push-outbound-transaction + Anda mengirim {{value}} {{currency}} + + + push-failed-transaction + Transaksi Anda gagal + + + push-inbound-transaction-body + Dari {{from}} sampai {{to}} + + + push-outbound-transaction-body + Dari {{from}} sampai {{to}} + + + push-failed-transaction-body + Transaksi gagal + + + allow-mention-notifications + Tampilkan @ sebutan + + + server + Server + + + specify-server-public-key + Masukkan kunci publik server + + + notify + Memberitahu + + + off + Off + + + offline + Offline + + + offline-messaging-use-history-nodes + Gunakan node riwayat + + + offline-messaging-use-history-explanation + Aktifkan node riwayat untuk mengambil pesan yang dikirim saat aplikasi ditutup. Saat diaktifkan, simpul riwayat mendapatkan alamat IP Anda. Saat dinonaktifkan, Anda tidak akan menerima pesan saat aplikasi ditutup dan tidak akan melihatnya saat Anda membuka aplikasi nanti. + + + ok + baik + + + ok-continue + Oke, lanjutkan + + + ok-got-it + OK saya mengerti + + + okay + baik + + + on + On + + + open + Buka + + + open-home + Buka... + + + open-dapp + Buka ÐApp + + + open-dapp-store + Temukan ÐApps + + + open-nfc-settings + Buka pengaturan NFC + + + open-on-block-explorer + + + + optional + pilihan + + + or + ATAU + + + outgoing + Keluar + + + outgoing-transaction + Transaksi keluar + + + pair + Pasangkan perangkat + + + pair-card + Pasangkan ke perangkat ini + + + pair-code + Kode pasangan + + + pair-code-explanation + Pasangkan kartu ke perangkat yang berbeda (hingga 5) untuk membuka kunci kunci dan menandatangani transaksi dengan Kartu Kunci yang sama + + + pair-this-card + Pasangkan kartu ini + + + pair-this-device + Iklankan perangkat + + + pair-this-device-description + Pasangkan perangkat Anda untuk menyinkronkan kontak dan mengobrol di antara mereka + + + paired-devices + Perangkat yang dipasangkan + + + pairing + Pemasangan + + + pairing-card + Kartu pemasangan + + + pairing-code-placeholder + Kode pemasangan... + + + pairing-code_error1 + Kode pemasangan tidak cocok. + + + confirm-pairing-code-placeholder + Konfirmasikan kode pemasanganmu... + + + pairing-go-to-installation + Pergi ke pengaturan pemasangan + + + pairing-maximum-number-reached-content + Harap nonaktifkan salah satu perangkat Anda sebelum mengaktifkan yang baru. + + + pairing-maximum-number-reached-title + Jumlah perangkat maksimum tercapai + + + pairing-new-installation-detected-content + Perangkat baru telah terdeteksi. +Untuk menggunakan perangkat Anda dengan benar, penting untuk memasangkan dan mengaktifkannya sebelum menggunakannya. +Silakan buka bagian perangkat di bawah pengaturan untuk memasangkan perangkat Anda. + + + pairing-new-installation-detected-title + Perangkat baru terdeteksi + + + pairing-no-info + Tidak ada informasi + + + pairing-please-set-a-name + Silakan tentukan nama untuk perangkat Anda. + + + passphrase + Frasa sandi + + + password + Kata sandi + + + password-description + Setidaknya 6 karakter. Kata sandi Anda melindungi kunci Anda. Anda memerlukannya untuk membuka Status dan bertransaksi. + + + password-placeholder2 + Konfirmasi password Anda + + + password_error1 + Kata sandi tidak cocok. + + + paste + Tempel + + + paste-json + Tempel JSON + + + pay-to-chat + Bayar untuk mengobrol + + + peers + Rekan + + + pending + Tertunda + + + pending-confirmation + Konfirmasi tertunda ... + + + permissions + Izin + + + phone-e164 + Internasional 1 + + + photos-access-error + Untuk memberikan izin kepada foto yang diperlukan, buka pengaturan sistem Anda dan pastikan Status > Foto dipilih. + + + pin-changed + Kode sandi 6 digit telah diubah + + + puk-changed + PUK 12 digit telah diubah + + + pairing-changed + Kode pemasangan telah diubah + + + pin-code + Kode sandi 6 digit + + + pin-mismatch + Kode sandi salah + + + pin-retries-left + {{number}} percobaan tersisa + + + pin-one-attempt-blocked-before + Hati-hati, Anda hanya punya + + + pin-one-attempt-frozen-before + Hati-hati, Anda hanya punya + + + pin-one-attempt + satu upaya + + + pin-one-attempt-blocked-after + sebelum Kartu Kunci Anda diblokir + + + pin-one-attempt-frozen-after + sebelum Kartu Kunci Anda dibekukan + + + preview-privacy + Pratinjau mode privasi + + + privacy + Pribadi + + + privacy-photos + + + + privacy-and-security + Privasi dan keamanan + + + privacy-policy + Kebijakan pribadi + + + privacy-show-to-warning + + + + processing + Tungu sebentar + + + product-information + informasi produk + + + profile + Profil + + + profile-details + Profil lengkap + + + public-chat + Obrolan publik + + + public-chats + Obrolan publik + + + public-group-status + Publik + + + public-group-topic + Topik + + + join-new-public-chat + Bergabunglah dengan obrolan publik + + + join-new-private-chat + Mulai obrolan pribadi baru + + + search-no-chat-found + Tidak ada hasil pencarian. Maksud kamu + + + public-key + Kunci publik + + + puk-and-pairing-codes-displayed + PUK dan kode pasangan ditampilkan + + + puk-code + Kode PUK + + + puk-code-explanation + Jika Anda lupa kode sandi 6 digit atau salah memasukkan kode 3 kali, Anda perlu kode ini untuk membuka kunci kartu Anda. + + + puk-mismatch + Kode PUK salah + + + quiet-days + {{quiet-days}} hari + + + quiet-hours + {{quiet-hours}} jam + + + re-encrypt-key + Enkripsi ulang kunci Anda + + + receive + Menerima + + + receive-transaction + Terima transaksi + + + recent + Baru + + + recent-recipients + Kontak + + + recently-used-stickers + Stiker yang baru saja digunakan akan muncul di sini + + + recipient + Penerima + + + recipient-code + Masukkan alamat penerima + + + recipient-code-placeholder + 0x ... atau username.domain.eth + + + recover + Memulihkan + + + recover-key + Akses kunci yang ada + + + recover-keycard-multiaccount-not-supported + Kunci untuk akun ini sudah ada dan tidak dapat ditambahkan lagi. Jika Anda kehilangan kata sandi, kode sandi, atau Kartu Kunci, hapus instalan aplikasi, instal ulang, dan akses kunci Anda dengan memasukkan frase benih Anda + + + recover-with-keycard + Pulihkan dengan Keycard + + + recovering-key + Mengakses kunci... + + + recovery-confirm-phrase + Konfirmasikan frase seed + + + recovery-phrase + Frase benih + + + recovery-success-text + Anda harus membuat kode atau kata sandi baru untuk mengenkripsi ulang kunci Anda + + + recovery-typo-dialog-description + Harap dicatat, frase awal Anda harus menggunakan kata-kata dan urutan yang sama persis seperti saat Anda menerimanya + + + recovery-typo-dialog-title + Apakah frase seed benar? + + + remember-me + Ingat saya + + + remind-me-later + Tunjukkan ini lagi + + + remove + Menghapus + + + remove-from-chat + Hapus dari obrolan + + + remove-from-contacts + Hapus dari kontak + + + remove-from-contacts-text + Dengan menghapus pengguna dari daftar kontak Anda, Anda tidak menyembunyikan alamat dompet Anda dari mereka + + + remove-network + Hapus jaringan + + + remove-token + Hapus token + + + removed + dihapus + + + repeat-pin + Ulangi kode sandi 6 digit yang baru + + + repeat-puk + Masukkan kode sandi 6 digit yang baru + + + report-bug-email-template + 1. Deskripsi Masalah + (Jelaskan fitur yang Anda inginkan, atau singkatkan bug dan apa yang Anda lakukan, apa yang Anda harapkan terjadi, dan apa yang sebenarnya terjadi. Bagian di bawah) + + + 2. Langkah-langkah mereproduksi + (Jelaskan bagaimana kita dapat mereplikasi bug langkah demi langkah.) + Status -Buka + -... + -Langkah 3, dll. + + + 3. Perilaku yang diharapkan + (Jelaskan apa yang Anda harapkan terjadi.) + + + 4. Perilaku aktual + (Jelaskan apa yang sebenarnya terjadi.) + + + 5. Tolong pasang screenshot yang bisa menunjukkan masalah + + + + request-transaction + Minta transaksi + + + required-field + kolom yang harus diisi + + + resend-message + Kirim ulang + + + reset-card + Setel ulang kartu + + + reset-card-description + Operasi ini akan mengatur ulang kartu ke keadaan awal. Ini akan menghapus semua data kartu termasuk kunci pribadi. Pengoperasian tidak dapat dibalik. + + + retry + Mencoba kembali + + + revoke-access + Mencabut akses + + + rinkeby-network + Jaringan pengujian Rinkeby + + + ropsten-network + Jaringan uji Ropsten + + + rpc-url + URL RPC + + + save + Menyimpan + + + save-password + Simpan kata sandi + + + save-password-unavailable + Setel kode sandi perangkat untuk menyimpan kata sandi + + + save-password-unavailable-android + Simpan kata sandi tidak tersedia: perangkat Anda mungkin di-rooting atau tidak memiliki fitur keamanan yang diperlukan. + + + scan-qr + Pindai kode QR + + + scan-qr-code + Memindai kode QR dengan alamat dompet + + + search + Cari + + + secret-keys-confirmation-text + Anda akan membutuhkan mereka untuk terus menggunakan Kartu Kunci Anda jika Anda kehilangan telepon Anda. + + + secret-keys-confirmation-title + Menulis kode ke bawah? + + + security + Keamanan + + + see-details + Lihat detail + + + see-it-again + MELIHATNYA LAGI + + + select-account-first + Pilih akun terlebih dahulu + + + select-chat + Pilih obrolan untuk memulai olahpesan + + + selected + Terpilih + + + select + Pilih + + + select-account + Pilih akun + + + send-logs + Laporkan bug + + + send-logs-to + Laporkan bug ke {{email}} + + + send-message + Mengirim pesan + + + send-request + Kirim permintaan + + + send-request-amount + Jumlah + + + send-request-amount-max-decimals + Jumlah desimal maksimum adalah {{asset-decimals}} + + + send-request-unknown-token + Token tidak dikenal - {{asset}} + + + send-sending-to + ke {{recipient-name}} + + + send-transaction + Kirim transaksi + + + sending + Mengirim + + + sent-at + Dikirim pada + + + set-a-topic + Buat topik + + + set-currency + Tetapkan mata uang + + + set-dapp-access-permissions + Tetapkan izin akses DApp + + + settings + Pengaturan + + + share + Bagikan + + + shared + Bersama + + + share-address + Bagikan alamat + + + share-chat + Bagikan obrolan + + + share-contact-code + Bagikan kunci obrolan saya + + + share-dapp-text + Lihat DApp ini yang saya gunakan di Status: {{link}} + + + share-link + Membagikan tautan + + + share-my-profile + Bagikan profil saya + + + share-profile + Bagikan profil + + + share-profile-link + Bagikan tautan profil + + + share-public-chat-text + Lihat obrolan publik ini di aplikasi Status: {{link}} + + + sharing-copied-to-clipboard + Disalin + + + sharing-copy-to-clipboard + Salinan + + + share-logs + + + + sharing-share + Bagikan + + + show-less + Tampilkan lebih sedikit + + + show-more + Menampilkan lebih banyak + + + show-qr + Tampilkan kode QR + + + show-transaction-data + Tampilkan data transaksi + + + sign-and-send + Tanda tangani dan kirim + + + sign-in + Membuka kunci + + + sign-message + Tanda Pesan + + + sign-out + Keluar + + + sign-with + Masuk dengan + + + sign-with-password + Masuk dengan kata sandi + + + sign-you-in + Masuk Anda ... + + + signing + Menandatangani + + + signing-a-message + Menandatangani pesan + + + signing-phrase + Menandatangani frasa + + + something-went-wrong + Ada yang salah + + + soon + Segera + + + specify-address + Tentukan alamat + + + specify-name + Tentukan nama + + + specify-symbol + + + + specify-network-id + Tentukan id jaringan + + + specify-rpc-url + Tentukan URL RPC + + + start-chat + Memulai obrolan + + + start-conversation + Mulai percakapan + + + start-group-chat + Mulai obrolan grup + + + start-new-chat + Mulai obrolan baru + + + status + Status + + + status-confirmed + Dikonfirmasi + + + status-hardwallet + Status hardwallet + + + status-keycard + Kartu Kunci Status + + + status-pending + Tertunda + + + status-tx-not-found + TX tidak ditemukan + + + status-sent + Terkirim + + + status-not-sent-tap + Tidak dikonfirmasi Ketuk untuk opsi + + + status-not-sent-click + Tidak dikonfirmasi Klik untuk opsi + + + step-i-of-n + Langkah {{step}} dari {{number}} + + + sticker-market + Pasar stiker + + + sticker + + + + submit + Kirimkan + + + submit-bug + Kirimkan bug + + + success + Sukses + + + symbol + Simbol + + + sync-all-devices + Sinkronkan semua perangkat + + + sync-in-progress + Menyinkronkan... + + + sync-settings + Pengaturan sinkronisasi + + + sync-synced + Dalam sinkronisasi + + + syncing-devices + Menyinkronkan... + + + tag-was-lost + Tag hilang + + + tap-card-again + Ketuk kartu ke bagian belakang ponsel Anda lagi + + + test-networks + Uji jaringan + + + text-input-disabled + Silakan tunggu beberapa saat... + + + this-device + Alat ini + + + this-device-desc + Kunci Anda akan dienkripsi dan disimpan dengan aman di perangkat Anda + + + this-is-you-signing + Ini adalah frasa penandatanganan Anda + + + this-will-take-few-seconds + Ini akan memakan waktu beberapa detik + + + three-words-description + Anda harus melihat 3 kata ini sebelum menandatangani setiap transaksi + + + three-words-description-2 + Jika Anda melihat kombinasi yang berbeda, batalkan transaksi dan keluar + + + to + Untuk + + + to-block + Blok + + + to-encrypt-enter-password + Untuk mengenkripsi akun, harap masukkan kata sandi Anda + + + to-see-this-message + Untuk melihat pesan ini, + + + token-auto-validate-decimals-error + Desimal salah untuk token {{symbol}} di alamat {{address}} - setel ke {{expected}} tetapi terdeteksi sebagai {{actual}} + + + token-auto-validate-name-error + Nama salah untuk token {{symbol}} di alamat {{address}} - atur ke {{expected}} tetapi dideteksi sebagai {{actual}} + + + token-auto-validate-symbol-error + Simbol salah untuk token {{symbol}} di alamat {{address}} - setel ke {{expected}} tetapi terdeteksi sebagai {{actual}} + + + token-details + Detail token + + + topic-name-error + Gunakan hanya huruf kecil (a hingga z), angka & tanda hubung (-). Jangan gunakan tombol obrolan + + + transaction + Transaksi + + + transaction-data + Data transaksi + + + transaction-declined + Transaksi ditolak + + + transactions-management-enabled + + + + transaction-description + Anggap itu selesai setelah 12 konfirmasi pada jaringan. + + + transaction-details + Detil transaksi + + + transaction-failed + transaksi gagal + + + transaction-history + Sejarah transaksi + + + transaction-request + Permintaan Transaksi + + + transaction-sent + Transaksi terkirim + + + transaction-signed + Transaksi telah berhasil ditandatangani + + + transactions + Transaksi + + + transactions-filter-select-all + Pilih Semua + + + transactions-filter-title + Filter riwayat + + + type + Tipe + + + transactions-history + Sejarah transaksi + + + transactions-history-empty + Belum ada transaksi dalam riwayat Anda + + + transactions-history-loading + Memuat riwayat transaksi. Ini mungkin perlu waktu. + + + transactions-sign + Tanda + + + tribute-required-by-multiaccount + {{multiaccount-name}} membutuhkan SNT untuk memulai obrolan. + + + tribute-state-paid + Upeti dibayar + + + tribute-state-pending + Upeti tertunda + + + tribute-state-required + Membutuhkan {{snt-amount}} upeti SNT + + + tribute-to-talk + Upeti untuk berbicara + + + tribute-to-talk-add-friends + Tambahkan teman sebagai kontak untuk memungkinkan obrolan tanpa pembayaran upeti. + + + tribute-to-talk-are-you-friends + Apakah kalian berteman? + + + tribute-to-talk-ask-to-be-added + Minta ditambahkan sebagai kontak + + + tribute-to-talk-contact-received-your-tribute + menerima upeti Anda. Sekarang Anda dapat saling mengobrol dengan aman. + + + tribute-to-talk-desc + Dapatkan uang dari perhatian Anda dengan meminta SNT agar orang baru memulai obrolan + + + tribute-to-talk-disabled + Tribute to Talk dinonaktifkan + + + tribute-to-talk-disabled-note + Mulai sekarang, orang baru dapat memulai obrolan dengan Anda tanpa mengirim SNT. + + + tribute-to-talk-enabled + Anda mengaktifkan Tribute to Talk. + + + tribute-to-talk-finish-desc + Mulai sekarang, Anda hanya akan menerima obrolan dari kontak, dan orang-orang yang membayar + + + tribute-to-talk-learn-more-1 + Waktu dan perhatian Anda adalah aset Anda yang paling berharga. Tribute to Talk memungkinkan Anda mengatur jumlah SNT yang diperlukan bagi orang baru untuk memulai obrolan dengan Anda. + + + tribute-to-talk-learn-more-2 + Siapa pun yang tidak ada dalam daftar kontak Anda akan diminta untuk membayar, dan Anda dapat merespons begitu mereka memilikinya. + + + tribute-to-talk-learn-more-3 + Anda selalu dapat mengirim uang kembali, tetapi untuk memastikan bahwa teman-teman dapat menghubungi Anda dengan bebas, tambahkan mereka sebagai kontak terlebih dahulu. + + + tribute-to-talk-paywall-learn-more-1 + Waktu dan perhatian kita adalah aset kita yang paling berharga. Tribute to Talk memungkinkan Anda menghubungi orang baru dengan imbalan pembayaran SNT. + + + tribute-to-talk-paywall-learn-more-2 + Untuk memulai obrolan dengan seseorang yang memiliki set upeti, cukup bayar SNT yang diperlukan dan Anda akan ditambahkan sebagai kontak. + + + tribute-to-talk-paywall-learn-more-3 + Jika Anda mengenal mereka, Anda dapat membagikan profil Anda di luar Status untuk ditambahkan secara gratis. + + + tribute-to-talk-pending + Upeti konfirmasi tertunda + + + tribute-to-talk-pending-note + Transaksi penghormatan sedang menunggu konfirmasi di jaringan. Anda dapat memeriksa statusnya dalam riwayat transaksi + + + tribute-to-talk-removing-note + Menghapus Tribute to Talk akan memungkinkan orang baru memulai obrolan tanpa mengirim SNT. Membutuhkan transaksi yang harus dilakukan. + + + tribute-to-talk-set-snt-amount + Tetapkan jumlah SNT yang diperlukan untuk orang baru untuk memulai obrolan + + + tribute-to-talk-signing + Menunggu untuk tanda transaksi + + + tribute-to-talk-transaction-failed-note + Transaksi gagal dan pengaturan Tribute to Talk Anda belum diubah + + + tribute-to-talk-tribute-received1 + Penghargaan diterima. Anda dan + + + tribute-to-talk-tribute-received2 + sekarang menjadi kontak dan dapat saling mengobrol dengan aman. + + + tribute-to-talk-you-require-snt + Anda memerlukan SNT untuk orang baru untuk memulai obrolan. + + + try-again + Coba lagi + + + try-keeping-the-card-still + Cobalah menjaga kartu tetap + + + turn-nfc-on + Aktifkan NFC untuk melanjutkan + + + turn-nfc-description + NFC dinonaktifkan pada perangkat Anda. Anda dapat mengaktifkannya di pengaturan + + + keycard-init-title + Mencari kartu ... + + + keycard-init-description + Letakkan kartu di bagian belakang ponsel Anda untuk melanjutkan + + + keycard-awaiting-title + Masih mencari... + + + keycard-awaiting-description + Coba gerakkan kartu untuk menemukan pembaca NFC di perangkat Anda + + + keycard-processing-title + Pengolahan... + + + keycard-processing-description + Cobalah menjaga kartu tetap + + + keycard-connected-title + Terhubung + + + keycard-connected-description + Cobalah menjaga kartu tetap + + + keycard-error-title + Koneksi terputus + + + keycard-error-description + Hubungkan kartu lagi untuk melanjutkan + + + keycard-success-title + Sukses + + + keycard-success-description + Anda dapat mengeluarkan kartu sekarang + + + keycard-recover + kartu hilang atau beku? + + + keycard-recover-title + Buat kartu baru untuk akun ini? + + + keycard-recover-text + Jika Anda memiliki frase mnemonik, Anda dapat membuat Kartu Kunci baru yang terkait dengan akun ini. Anda dapat menggunakan Kartu Kunci baru atau melakukan reset pabrik pada Kartu Kunci yang dibekukan. + + + keycard-backup + Buat Kartu Kunci cadangan + + + keycard-backup-success-title + Pencadangan berhasil + + + keycard-backup-success-body + Kartu cadangan berhasil dibuat. Anda sekarang dapat menggunakannya dengan akun Anda seperti kartu utama. + + + type-a-message + Pesan + + + ulc-enabled + ULC diaktifkan + + + backup-enabled + + + + backup-disabled + Dengan disabilitas + + + backup-settings + + + + backup-through-waku + + + + perform-backup + + + + backing-up + + + + last-backup-performed + + + + unable-to-read-this-code + Tidak dapat membaca kode ini + + + unblock-contact + Buka blokir pengguna ini + + + unknown-status-go-error + Status-go error tidak dikenal + + + unlock + Membuka kunci + + + unpair-card + Putuskan pasangan kartu + + + unpair-card-confirmation + Operasi ini akan memutuskan pemasangan kartu dari perangkat saat ini. Membutuhkan otorisasi kode sandi 6 digit. Apakah Anda ingin melanjutkan? + + + unpaired-keycard-text + Kartu kunci yang Anda ketuk tidak terkait dengan ponsel ini + + + unpaired-keycard-title + Sepertinya kartu Anda tidak berpasangan + + + unpair-keycard + + + + unpair-keycard-warning + + + + update + Memperbarui + + + url + URL + + + usd-currency + USD + + + use-valid-contact-code + Silakan masukkan atau pindai kunci obrolan atau nama pengguna yang valid + + + validation-amount-invalid-number + Jumlahnya bukan angka yang valid + + + validation-amount-is-too-precise + Jumlahnya terlalu tepat. Jumlah desimal maksimum adalah {{decimals}} . + + + version + Versi aplikasi + + + app-commit + + + + view + + + + view-cryptokitties + Lihat di CryptoKitties + + + view-cryptostrikers + Lihat di CryptoStrikers + + + view-etheremon + Lihat di Etheremon + + + view-gitcoin + Lihat di Gitcoin + + + view-profile + Tampilkan profil + + + view-details + Melihat rincian + + + view-signing + Lihat frasa penandatanganan + + + view-superrare + Lihat di SuperRare + + + waiting-for-wifi + Tidak ada Wi-Fi, sinkronisasi pesan dinonaktifkan. + + + waiting-for-wifi-change + Pengaturan + + + waiting-to-sign + Menunggu untuk tanda transaksi ... + + + wallet + Dompet + + + wallet-asset + Aset + + + wallet-assets + Aset + + + wallet-backup-recovery-title + Cadangkan frase seed Anda + + + wallet-choose-recipient + Pilih Penerima + + + wallet-collectibles + Koleksi + + + wallet-insufficient-funds + Dana tidak mencukupi + + + wallet-insufficient-gas + ETH untuk gas tidak cukup + + + wallet-invalid-address + Alamat tidak valid: + {{data}} + + + wallet-invalid-address-checksum + Kesalahan dalam alamat: + {{data}} + + + wallet-invalid-chain-id + Jaringan tidak cocok: + {{data}} tetapi rantai saat ini adalah {{chain}} + + + wallet-manage-assets + Kelola aset + + + wallet-manage-accounts + + + + wallet-request + Permintaan + + + wallet-send + Kirim + + + wallet-send-min-units + Min 21000 unit + + + wallet-send-min-wei + Min 1 wei + + + wallet-settings + Pengaturan dompet + + + wallet-total-value + Nilai total + + + wallet-transaction-total-fee + Total Biaya + + + wants-to-access-profile + ingin mengakses profil Anda + + + warning + Peringatan + + + warning-message + Maaf, kami membatasi pengiriman beberapa pesan secara berurutan untuk mencegah spam. Silakan coba lagi sebentar lagi + + + web-view-error + Tidak dapat memuat halaman + + + welcome-screen-text + Siapkan dompet Anda, undang teman untuk mengobrol +dan jelajahi dapps populer! + + + welcome-to-status + Selamat datang di Status! + + + welcome-to-status-description + Siapkan dompet crypto Anda, undang teman untuk mengobrol dan jelajahi aplikasi yang didesentralisasi + + + welcome-blank-message + Obrolan Anda akan muncul di sini. Untuk memulai obrolan baru tekan tombol ⊕ + + + welcome-community-blank-message + + + + welcome-community-blank-message-edit-chats + + + + welcome-blank-community-message + + + + fetch-community + + + + fetching-community + + + + seed-phrase-placeholder + Frase benih... + + + word-count + Jumlah kata + + + word-n + Word # {{number}} + + + word-n-description + Untuk memeriksa apakah Anda telah membuat cadangan frase seed Anda dengan benar, masukkan kata # {{number}} atas. + + + words-n + + kata-kata + + + + write-down-and-store-securely + Tulis kode + & simpan dengan aman + + + wrong-address + Salah alamat + + + wrong-card + Kartu yang salah + + + wrong-card-text + Kartu yang disadap tidak sesuai dengan kunci yang Anda pilih + + + wrong-contract + Kontrak salah + + + contract-isnt-supported + + + + wrong-keycard-text + Kartu kunci yang Anda ketuk tidak terkait dengan ponsel ini + + + wrong-keycard-title + Sepertinya Anda sudah mengetuk + kartu kunci yang salah + + + wrong-password + Kata sandi salah + + + wrong-word + Kata yang salah + + + yes + Iya + + + You + Kamu + + + you + kamu + + + you-already-have-an-asset + Anda sudah memiliki aset {{value}} + + + you-are-all-set + Anda sudah siap! + + + you-are-all-set-description + Jika Anda kehilangan telepon, Anda sekarang dapat mengakses dana dan kunci obrolan menggunakan frase benih Anda + + + you-can-change-account + Anda dapat mengubah nama akun dan warna sesuai keinginan Anda + + + you-dont-have-stickers + Anda belum memiliki stiker + + + you-dont-have-contacts-invite-friends + Anda belum memiliki kontak. +Undang teman Anda untuk mulai mengobrol. + + + your-contact-code + Memberi akses memberi otorisasi DApp ini untuk mengambil kunci obrolan Anda + + + your-data-belongs-to-you + Jika Anda kehilangan frase seed Anda, Anda kehilangan data dan dana Anda + + + your-data-belongs-to-you-description + Jika Anda kehilangan akses, misalnya dengan kehilangan telepon Anda, Anda hanya dapat mengakses kunci Anda dengan frase seed Anda. Tidak seorang pun, tetapi Anda memiliki frase benih Anda. Tuliskan. Amankan + + + your-recovery-phrase + Frase seed Anda + + + your-recovery-phrase-description + Ini adalah frase awal Anda. Anda menggunakannya untuk membuktikan bahwa ini adalah dompet Anda. Anda hanya bisa melihatnya sekali! Tulis di atas kertas dan simpan di tempat yang aman. Anda akan membutuhkannya jika Anda kehilangan atau menginstal ulang dompet Anda. + + + custom-seed-phrase + Seed phrase tidak valid + + + custom-seed-phrase-text-1 + Frasa seed ini tidak cocok dengan kamus kami yang didukung. Periksa kata-kata yang salah eja. + + + to-enable-biometric + Untuk mengaktifkan {{bio-type-label}} , Anda harus menyimpan kata sandi di layar buka kunci + + + ok-save-pass + OKE, simpan kata sandi + + + lock-app-with + Kunci aplikasi dengan + + + grant-face-id-permissions + Untuk memberikan izin ID Wajah yang diperlukan, buka pengaturan sistem Anda dan pastikan Status > ID Wajah dipilih + + + request-feature + Minta fitur + + + select-account-dapp + Pilih akun yang ingin Anda gunakan dengan Dapps + + + apply + Menerapkan + + + on-status-tree + Di pohon Status + + + off-status-tree + Tidak Aktif Pohon Status + + + derivation-path + Jalur derivasi + + + storage + Penyimpanan + + + keycard-free-pairing-slots + Keycard memiliki {{n}} slot pasangan gratis + + + public-chat-description + Bergabunglah dengan obrolan publik untuk minat Anda! Siapa pun dapat memulai yang baru. + + + delete-account + Hapus akun + + + delete-keys-keycard + + + + watch-only + Hanya menonton + + + cant-report-bug + Tidak dapat melaporkan bug + + + mail-should-be-configured + Klien e-mail harus dikonfigurasi + + + check-on-block-explorer + + + + check-on-opensea + Periksa opensea + + + transactions-load-more + Muat lebih banyak + + + private-key + Kunci pribadi + + + generate-an-account + Buat akun + + + add-watch-account + Tambahkan akun khusus arloji + + + add-seed-account + Tambahkan akun dengan frase awal + + + account-exists-title + Akun sudah ada + + + add-private-key-account + Tambahkan akun dari kunci pribadi + + + profile-not-found + + + + waku-bloom-filter-mode + Mode filter mekar Waku + + + wakuv2-settings + + + + wakuv2-node-format + + + + wakuv2-change-nodes + + + + appearance + Penampilan + + + preference + Pilihan + + + light + Cahaya + + + dark + Gelap + + + system + Sistem + + + give-permissions-camera + Berikan izin +untuk mengakses kamera + + + photos + Foto + + + image + Gambar + + + sign-anyway + Tandatangani saja + + + tx-fail-description1 + Transaksi ini kemungkinan besar gagal. Tandatangani dengan risiko Anda sendiri menggunakan biaya jaringan khusus. + + + tx-fail-description2 + Transaksi ini kemungkinan besar gagal. Tetapkan biaya jaringan khusus untuk menandatangani dengan risiko Anda sendiri. + + + set-custom-fee + Tetapkan biaya khusus + + + not-enough-snt + SNT tidak cukup + + + add-new-contact + Tambahkan kontak baru + + + you-dont-have-contacts + Anda belum memiliki kontak apa pun. + + + set-max + Tetapkan maks + + + continue-anyway + Tetap lanjutkan + + + private-notifications + Pemberitahuan pribadi + + + private-notifications-descr + Status akan memberi tahu Anda tentang pesan baru. Anda dapat mengedit preferensi pemberitahuan Anda nanti di pengaturan. + + + maybe-later + Mungkin nanti + + + join + Bergabung + + + registered + terdaftar + + + not-registered + tidak terdaftar + + + audio-recorder-error + Kesalahan perekam + + + audio-recorder + Perekam + + + audio-recorder-max-ms-reached + Waktu perekaman maksimum tercapai + + + audio-recorder-permissions-error + Anda harus memberikan izin untuk mengirim pesan audio + + + audio + Audio + + + update-to-see-image + Perbarui ke versi terbaru untuk melihat gambar yang bagus di sini! + + + update-to-listen-audio + Perbarui ke versi terbaru untuk mendengarkan pesan audio di sini! + + + update-to-see-sticker + Perbarui ke versi terbaru untuk melihat stiker yang bagus di sini! + + + webview-camera-permission-requests + Permintaan izin kamera webview + + + webview-camera-permission-requests-subtitle + Saat diaktifkan, situs web dan aplikasi dapat meminta untuk menggunakan kamera Anda + + + page-would-like-to-use-camera + ingin menggunakan kamera Anda + + + page-camera-request-blocked + permintaan kamera diblokir. Untuk mengaktifkan permintaan kamera, buka Pengaturan + + + nickname + Nama panggilan + + + add-nickname + Tambahkan nama panggilan (opsional) + + + nickname-description + Nama panggilan membantu Anda mengidentifikasi orang lain di Status. +Hanya Anda yang dapat melihat nama panggilan yang Anda tambahkan + + + accept + Menerima + + + group-invite + Undangan grup + + + group-invite-link + Tautan undangan grup + + + pending-invitations + Permintaan keanggotaan menunggu keputusan + + + empty-pending-invitations-descr + Orang yang ingin bergabung dengan grup + melalui link undangan akan muncul di sini + + + introduce-yourself + Perkenalkan diri Anda dengan pesan singkat + + + request-pending + Permintaan tertunda… + + + membership-declined + Permintaan keanggotaan ditolak + + + remove-group + Hapus grup + + + request-membership + Minta keanggotaan + + + membership-description + Keanggotaan grup mengharuskan Anda untuk diterima oleh admin grup + + + group-membership-request + Permintaan keanggotaan grup + + + members-limit-reached + Batas anggota tercapai + + + favourite + + + + favourites + Favorit + + + new-favourite + Favorit baru + + + edit-favourite + + + + remove-favourite + + + + add-favourite + + + + add-to-favourites + Tambahkan ke favorit + + + favourites-empty + Alamat yang ditambahkan ke favorit akan muncul di sini + + + contacts-empty + Kontak dengan nama ENS akan muncul di sini + + + my-accounts + Akun saya + + + my-accounts-empty + Akun Anda yang tersedia akan muncul di sini + + + recent-empty + Alamat yang baru-baru ini digunakan akan muncul di sini + + + address-or-ens-name + Alamat atau nama ENS + + + name-optional + Nama (opsional) + + + mute + Bisu + + + unmute + Suarakan + + + scan-tokens + Pindai token + + + my-status + Status saya + + + contacts-descr + Kontak Anda akan muncul di sini. Anda akan menerima pembaruan status dari siapa pun yang Anda tambahkan sebagai kontak + + + status-updates-descr + Pembaruan status akan muncul di sini. Tambahkan profil sebagai kontak untuk menerima pembaruan tentang timeline Anda. + + + whats-on-your-mind + Apa yang sedang kamu pikirkan… + + + cant-open-public-chat + Tidak dapat membuka obrolan publik + + + invalid-public-chat-topic + Topik obrolan publik tidak valid + + + now + Sekarang + + + statuses-my-status-descr + Bagikan apa yang Anda pikirkan. Siapa pun yang mengunjungi profil Anda akan dapat melihat status Anda. Orang yang menambahkan Anda sebagai kontaknya akan menerima pembaruan Anda di timeline mereka + + + statuses-descr + Bagikan apa yang ada di pikiran Anda dan dapatkan info terbaru dengan kontak Anda + + + new-status + Status baru + + + chat-link-previews + Pratinjau tautan obrolan + + + you-can-choose-preview-websites + Anda dapat memilih dari situs web berikut ini yang dapat melihat pratinjau tautan deskripsi dan gambar dalam obrolan + + + previewing-may-share-metadata + Pratinjau tautan dari situs web ini dapat membagikan metadata Anda dengan pemiliknya + + + websites + Situs web + + + enable-all + Aktifkan semua + + + disable-all + + + + warning-sending-to-contract-descr + Alamat yang Anda masukkan adalah kontrak pintar, mengirim dana ke alamat ini dapat mengakibatkan hilangnya dana. Untuk berinteraksi dengan DApp, buka DApp di Status DApp Browser. + + + dont-ask + Jangan tanya saya lagi + + + enable-link-previews + Aktifkan pratinjau tautan dalam obrolan? + + + once-enabled-share-metadata + Setelah diaktifkan, tautan yang diposting dalam obrolan dapat membagikan metadata Anda dengan situs + + + external-storage-denied + Akses ke penyimpanan eksternal ditolak + + + timeline + Linimasa + + + main-account + + + + ethereum-address + Alamat Ethereum + + + default-assets + ERC20 dan ERC721 default + + + increase-gas + Tingkatkan Gas + + + cancelling + Membatalkan + + + refresh + Menyegarkan + + + close-all + + + + tabs + + + + new-tab + + + + empty-tab + + + + open-in-new-tab + + + + has-permissions + + + + connect-wallet + + + + open-chat + + + + favourite-description + + + + transfers-fetching-failure + + + + move-and-reset + + + + move-keystore-file-to-keycard + + + + database-reset-title + + + + database-reset-content + + + + database-reset-warning + + + + empty-keycard-required + + + + current + + + + choose-storage + + + + choose-new-location-for-keystore + + + + get-a-keycard + Dapatkan Kartu Kunci + + + keycard-upsell-subtitle + + + + actions + + + + move-keystore-file + + + + select-new-location-for-keys + + + + reset-database + + + + reset-database-warning + + + + reset-database-warning-keycard + + + + key-managment + + + + choose-actions + + + + master-account + + + + back-up + + + + key-on-device + + + + seed-key-uid-mismatch + + + + seed-key-uid-mismatch-desc-1 + + + + seed-key-uid-mismatch-desc-2 + + + + recover-with-seed-phrase + + + + transfer-ma-unknown-error-desc-1 + + + + transfer-ma-unknown-error-desc-2 + + + + everyone + + + + show-profile-pictures + Tunjukkan foto profil + + + show-profile-pictures-to + + + + non-archival-node + Titik akhir RPC tidak mendukung permintaan pengarsipan. Riwayat transfer lokal Anda mungkin tidak lengkap. + + + custom-node + Anda menggunakan titik akhir RPC kustom. Riwayat transfer lokal Anda mungkin tidak lengkap. + + + connection-status + Koneksi Status + + + peer-to-peer + Peer to peer + + + not-connected-to-peers + Tidak terhubung kepada sesama + + + unable-to-send-messages + Tidak dapat mengirim dan menerima pesan + + + can-send-messages + Anda dapat mengirim dan menerima pesan baru + + + not-connected-nodes + Tidak terhubung ke simpul status + + + unable-to-fetch + Tidak dapat mengambil riwayat obrolan + + + nodes-disabled + Node status dinonaktifkan + + + waiting-wi-fi + Menunggu Wi-Fi… + + + you-can-fetch + Anda dapat mengambil riwayat obrolan + + + youre-on-mobile-network + Anda berada di jaringan seluler + + + status-mobile-descr + Status cenderung menggunakan banyak data saat menyinkronkan obrolan. Anda dapat memilih untuk tidak menyinkronkan saat menggunakan jaringan seluler + + + restore-defaults + Pulihkan Default + + + rpc-usage-info + + + + rpc-usage-get-stats + Menyegarkan + + + rpc-usage-reset + + + + rpc-usage-filter + + + + rpc-usage-filter-methods + + + + rpc-usage-copy + Salinan + + + rpc-usage-total + + + + rpc-usage-filtered-total + + + + community-message-preview + + + + non-contacts + + + + community + + + + verified-community + + + + community-info-not-found + + + + community-info + Info komunitas + + + not-found + + + + activity + + + + reject-and-delete + + + + accept-and-add + Terima dan tambahkan + + + one-day + Satu hari + + + three-days + Tiga hari + + + one-week + Satu minggu + + + one-month + Satu bulan + + + my-profile + Profil saya + + + bip39-password-placeholder + Kata sandi BIP39 + + + public-channel + Saluran publik + + + default-sync-period + Sinkronkan riwayat untuk + + + what-is-shared + Apa yang dibagikan? + + + view-data + Menampilkan data + + + data-collected + Data yang dikumpulkan + + + data-collected-subtitle + Tabel di bawah ini menunjukkan data persis yang disimpan dan akan dikirim. Data divalidasi terhadap aturan publik untuk memastikan tidak ada data sensitif yang dikirim. Jangan percaya, verifikasi. + + + view-rules + Lihat aturan + + + expand-all + Perluas semua + + + about-sharing-data + Tentang berbagi data + + + sharing-data-desc-1 + Data divalidasi berdasarkan aturan publik untuk memastikan tidak ada data sensitif yang dikirim. Jangan percaya, verifikasi. + + + sharing-data-desc-2 + Data penggunaan dikirim dari ujung ke ujung yang dienkripsi melalui jaringan peer-to-peer Status + + + sharing-data-desc-3 + Alih-alih kunci obrolan reguler Anda, kunci sekali pakai digunakan + + + sharing-data-desc-4 + Data pengguna tidak dapat di kaitkan dengan alamat IP anda + + + sharing-data-desc-5 + Data kumulatif semua pengguna tersedia untuk umum + + + view-public-dashboard + Menampilkan dasbor publik + + + sharing-data-desc-6 + Data dihapus dari ponsel Anda setelah dikirim + + + allow-and-send + Perbolehkan dan kirim + + + no-thanks + Tidak terima kasih + + + help-improve-status + Membantu meningkatkan Status + + + thank-you + Terima kasih + + + current-password + Kata sandi saat ini + + + reset-password + Setel ulang kata sandi + + + password-reset-success + Reset kata sandi + + + password-reset-success-message + + + + password-reset-in-progress + + + + new-password + Kata sandi baru + + + confirm-new-password + Konfirmasi kata sandi baru + + + password-mismatch + Kata sandi dan konfirmasi baru tidak cocok + + + terms-of-service + + + + accept-status-tos-prefix + + + + updates-to-tos + + + + updates-to-tos-desc + + + + what-changed + + + + wc-new-tos-based-on-principles-prefix + + + + principles + + + + wc-how-to-use-status-app + + + + wc-brand-guide + + + + wc-disclaimer + + + + wc-dispute + + + + status-is-open-source + + + + build-yourself + + + + accept-and-continue + + + + empty-activity-center + + + + pinned-messages + + + + pin + + + + unpin + + + + no-pinned-messages + + + + pinned-messages-count + + + + + + pinned-messages-empty + + + + pinned-by + + + + pin-limit-reached + + + + max-fee + + + + max-priority-fee + + + + miners-higher-fee + + + + gas-amount-limit + + + + per-gas-tip-limit + + + + per-gas-price-limit + + + + current-base-fee + + + + fee-explanation + + + + slow + + + + optimal + + + + fast + + + + see-suggestions + + + + maximum-fee + + + + low-tip + + + + lower-than-average-tip + + + + below-base-fee + + + + reduced-tip + + + + are-you-sure + Apakah kamu yakin? + + + bad-fees-description + + + + change-tip + + + + current-minimum-tip + + + + current-average-tip + + + + your-tip-limit + + + + your-price-limit + + + + suggested-min-tip + + + + suggested-price-limit + + + + include + + + + category + + + + edit-chats + + + + edit-categories + + + + hide + + + + account-is-used + + + + normal + + + + never + + + + fee-options + + + + fee-cap + + + + tip-cap + + + + collectibles-leak-metadata + + + + display-collectibles + + + + disable-later-in-settings + + + + use-as-profile-picture + + + + view-on-opensea + + + + profile-picture-updated + + + + status-automatic + + + + status-automatic-subtitle + + + + status-dnd + + + + status-dnd-subtitle + + + + status-always-online + + + + status-inactive + + + + status-inactive-subtitle + + + + two-minutes + + + + swap + + + + select-token-to-swap + + + + select-token-to-receive + + + + minimum-received + + + + powered-by-paraswap + + + + priority + + + + switch-to-simple-interface + + + + transaction-fee + + + + swap-details + + + + slippage + + + + price-impact + + + + total-gas + + + + token + + + + approve-limit + + + + approve-token + + + + approve-token-contract-desc + + + + unlimited + + + + approve + + + + limit + + + + last-transaction + + + + price-impact-desc + + + + safe-estimate + + + + current-average + + + + current-base + + + + maximum-fee-desc + + + + insufficient-balance-to-cover-fee + + + + wallet-connect-proposal-title + + + + wallet-connect-proposal-description + + + + wallet-connect-app-connected + + + + wallet-connect-go-back + + + + wallet-connect-2.0 + + + + wallet-connect + + + + reject + + + + manage-connections + + + + wallet-manage-app-connections + + + + connection-request + + + + disconnect + + + + new-ui + + + + send-contact-request-message + + + + contact-request + + + + say-hi + + + + accepted + + + + declined + + + + contact-request-header + + + + contact-request-declined + + + + contact-request-accepted + + + + contact-request-pending + + + + removed-from-contacts + + + + mutual-contact-requests + + + + negative + + + + positive + + + + Please enter a URL + + + + This fields needs to be a valid URL + + + + Please enter a Name + + + + Favorite added + + + + Edit + + + + Add favorite + + + + URL + + + + Paste URL + + + + Name + + + + Name the website + + + + Remove + + + + Done + + + + Add + + + + '%1' would like to connect to + + + + Allowing authorizes this DApp to retrieve your wallet address and enable Web3 + + + + Granting access authorizes this DApp to retrieve your chat key + + + + Deny + + + + Allow + + + + Enter URL + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Error signing message + + + + Transaction pending... + + + + Wrong password + + + + Start Page + + + + New Tab + + + + Downloads Page + + + + Server's certificate not trusted + + + + Do you wish to continue? + + + + If you wish so, you may continue with an unverified certificate. Accepting an unverified certificate means you may not be connected with the host you tried to connect to. +Do you wish to override the security check and continue? + + + + Exit Incognito mode + + + + Go Incognito + + + + Zoom In + + + + Zoom Out + + + + Find + + + + Compatibility mode + + + + Developer Tools + + + + Settings + + + + Mainnet + + + + Ropsten + + + + Unknown + + + + Disconnect + + + + Assets + + + + History + + + + Show All + + + + Cancelled + + + + Paused + + + + Open + + + + Show in folder + + + + Pause + + + + Resume + + + + Cancel + + + + Downloaded files will appear here. + + + + Open in new Tab + + + + Ok + + + + Signature request + + + + From + + + + Data + + + + Message + + + + Reject + + + + Sign + + + + Sign with password + + + + Contact request pending + + + + Connected + + + + Disconnected + + + + This user has been blocked. + + + + Type a message. + + + + Send + + + + Request Address + + + + Request + + + + Transaction pending + + + + Continue + + + + Receive on account + + + + From account + + + + Address request required + + + + To + + + + Preview + + + + Transaction preview + + + + Next + + + + Invalid transaction parameters + + + + Authorize %1 %2 + + + + Choose account + + + + Network fee + + + + Error estimating gas: %1 + + + + Send %1 %2 + + + + Image + + + + Sticker + + + + You have a new message + + + + You have been accepted into the ‘%1’ community + + + + Your request to join the ‘%1’ community was declined + + + + New membership request + + + + %1 asks to join ‘%2’ + + + + Failed to send message. + + + + Share your chat key + + + + friends to start messaging in Status + + + + ↓ Fetch more messages + + + + before %1 + + + + Welcome to the beginning of the <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> group! + + + + Any messages you send here are encrypted and can only be read by you and <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> + + + + Join chat + + + + Decline invitation + + + + Add reaction + + + + Reply + + + + More + + + + Today + + + + Yesterday + + + + January + + + + February + + + + March + + + + April + + + + May + + + + June + + + + July + + + + August + + + + September + + + + October + + + + November + + + + December + + + + and + + + + %1 more + + + + reacted with + + + + Error loading the image + + + + Loading image... + + + + This feature is experimental and is meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It's not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data. Use at your own risk. + + + + Membership requires an ENS username + + + + You need to be invited + + + + Request Access + + + + Verified community invitation + + + + Community invitation + + + + You invited %1 to join a community + + + + %1 invited you to join a community + + + + You shared a community + + + + A community has been shared + + + + Unsupported state + + + + %1 members + + + + Joined + + + + Join + + + + Enable automatic image unfurling + + + + Enable link previews in chat? + + + + Once enabled, links posted in the chat may share your metadata with their owners + + + + Enable in Settings + + + + Don't ask me again + + + + Resend + + + + Transaction request + + + + ↑ Outgoing transaction + + + + ↓ Incoming transaction + + + + Something has gone wrong + + + + Accept and share address + + + + Accept and send + + + + Decline + + + + Select account + + + + Choose accountSelect account to share and receive assets + + + + Confirm and share address + + + + Sign and send + + + + Pending + + + + Confirmed + + + + Unknown token + + + + Address requested + + + + Waiting to accept + + + + Address shared + + + + Address received + + + + Transaction declined + + + + failure + + + + Unknown state + + + + Group Information + + + + Clear history + + + + Leave group + + + + Are you sure you want to leave this chat? + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + Communities + + + + Search for communities or topics + + + + 1 member + + + + Import a community + + + + Create a community + + + + Public community + + + + Invitation only community + + + + On request community + + + + Unknown community + + + + - ENS only + + + + Chats + + + + Join ‘%1’ + + + + Request to join ‘%1’ + + + + Error joining the community + + + + No search results in Communities + + + + Members + + + + Create category + + + + Invite People + + + + Membership requests + + + + Edit category + + + + Delete category + + + + Delete %1 category + + + + Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. + + + + Error deleting the category + + + + View Profile + + + + Roles + + + + Kick + + + + Ban + + + + Transfer ownership + + + + Invite successfully sent + + + + Share community + + + + Notifications + + + + Edit community + + + + Export community + + + + Create channel + + + + Leave community + + + + Delete + + + + Welcome to your community! + + + + Add members + + + + Manage community + + + + You need to enter a name + + + + Please restrict your name to letters, numbers, dashes and spaces + + + + Your name needs to be 100 characters or shorter + + + + New channel + + + + Edit #%1 + + + + channel name + + + + channel decription + + + + Channel name + + + + Describe the channel + + + + Pinned messages + + + + A cool name + + + + channel description + + + + What your channel is about + + + + The description cannot exceed %1 characters + + + + Private channel + + + + By making a channel private, only members with selected permission will be able to access it + + + + category name + + + + New category + + + + Category title + + + + Channels + + + + Create + + + + Error editing the category + + + + Error creating the category + + + + Error creating the community + + + + You need to select an image + + + + You need to enter a color + + + + This field needs to be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + New community + + + + Name your community + + + + A catchy name + + + + Give it a short description + + + + What your community is about + + + + The description cannot exceed 140 characters + + + + community name + + + + community decription + + + + Thumbnail image + + + + Please choose an image + + + + Image files (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png) + + + + Upload + + + + Community colour + + + + Pick a color + + + + Please choose a color + + + + Membership requirement + + + + Require invite from another member + + + + Require approval + + + + No requirement + + + + You can require new members to meet certain criteria before they can join. This can be changed at any time + + + + Save + + + + Private community + + + + Only members with an invite link will be able to join your community. Private communities are not listed inside Status + + + + Your community will be public for anyone to join. Public communities are listed inside Status for easy discovery + + + + You need to enter a key + + + + Access existing community + + + + Community private key + + + + Entering a community key will grant you the ownership of that community. Please be responsible with it and don’t share the key with people you don’t trust. + + + + 0x... + + + + Import + + + + Error importing the community + + + + Invite friends + + + + Invite + + + + Contacts + + + + Chat + + + + Community imported + + + + Importing community is in progress + + + + Community %1 imported + + + + Importing community %1 is in progress + + + + Start new chat + + + + Start group chat + + + + Join public chat + + + + No messages + + + + No search results + + + + Your chats will appear here. To start new chats press the  button at the top + + + + Chat and transact privately with your friends + + + + Follow your interests in one of the many Public Chats. + + + + View Group + + + + Share Chat + + + + Test WakuV2 - requestAllHistoricMessages + + + + Unmute chat + + + + Mute chat + + + + Edit Channel + + + + Mark as Read + + + + Delete chat + + + + Leave chat + + + + Choose browser + + + + Open in Status + + + + Open in my default browser + + + + Remember my choice. To override it, go to settings. + + + + Admin + + + + Last 24 hours + + + + Last 2 days + + + + Last 3 days + + + + Last 7 days + + + + (You) + + + + You need to enter a channel name + + + + The channel name can only contain lowercase letters, numbers and dashes + + + + New group chat + + + + %1 / 10 members + + + + Group name + + + + Create Group Chat + + + + All your contacts are already in the group + + + + Make Admin + + + + Remove From Group + + + + Add selected + + + + Get Status at https://status.im + + + + Download Status link + + + + Unpin + + + + Pin + + + + Copy link + + + + Edit message + + + + Send message + + + + Reply to + + + + Jump to + + + + Delete message + + + + Confirm deleting this message + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well. + + + + Nickname + + + + Nicknames help you identify others in Status. Only you can see the nicknames you’ve added + + + + Your nickname is too long + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet. Invite your friends to start chatting. + + + + Enter a valid chat key or ENS usernameEnter a valid chat key or ENS username + + + + Can't chat with yourself + + + + New chat + + + + My Profile + + + + Enter ENS username or chat key + + + + Non contacts + + + + No profile found + + + + ENS username + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Chat settings + + + + None + + + + Unblock User + + + + Block User + + + + Add to contacts + + + + A public chat is where you get to hang out with others, make friends and talk about subjects of your interest. + + + + Start chat + + + + Pinned by %1 + + + + Type json-rpc message... e.g {"method": "eth_accounts"} + + + + Profile + + + + App version + + + + Version: %1 + + + + Node version + + + + Privacy Policy + + + + Network + + + + Fleet + + + + Minimize on close + + + + Experimental features + + + + Wallet + + + + Dapp Browser + + + + Activity Center + + + + Online users + + + + Broadcast user status + + + + Bloom filter level + + + + The account will be logged out. When you login again, the selected mode will be enabled + + + + Light Node + + + + Full Node + + + + GIF Widget + + + + Waku Bloom Mode + + + + Node Management + + + + Blockchains will drop search costs, causing a kind of decomposition that allows you to have markets of entities that are horizontally segregated and vertically segregated. + + + + Size + + + + Change font size + + + + XS + + + + S + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "S" because the title above is "Seed Phrase" + + + + M + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "M" because the title above is "Mailserver" + + + + L + + + + XL + + + + XXL + + + + Light + + + + Chat mode + + + + Normal + + + + Compact + + + + Appearance + + + + Dark + + + + System + + + + Back up seed phrase + + + + Step %1 of 3 + + + + If you lose your seed phrase you lose your data and funds + + + + If you lose access, for example by losing your phone, you can only access your keys with your seed phrase. No one, but you has your seed phrase. Write it down. Keep it safe + + + + Check your seed phrase + + + + Word #%1 + + + + Enter word + + + + In order to check if you have backed up your seed phrase correctly, enter the word #%1 above + + + + Are you sure? + + + + You will not be able to see the whole seed phrase again + + + + With this 12 words you can always get your key back. Write it down. Keep it safe, offline, and separate from this device. + + + + Okay, continue + + + + Wrong word + + + + General + + + + Default + + + + Show favorites bar + + + + Search engine used in the address bar + + + + Ethereum explorer used in the address bar + + + + Open an ethereum explorer after a transaction hash or an address is entered + + + + Privacy + + + + Set DApp access permissions + + + + Profile picture + + + + Crop your image (optional) + + + + Finish + + + + Chat link previews + + + + Websites + + + + Enable all + + + + Previewing links from these websites may share your metadata with their owners. + + + + Add new contact + + + + Blocked contacts + + + + Add contact + + + + You can't add yourself + + + + User not found + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet + + + + Devices + + + + Please set a name for your device. + + + + Specify a name + + + + Advertise device + + + + Pair your devices to sync contacts and chats between them + + + + Learn more + + + + Paired devices + + + + Syncing... + + + + Sync all devices + + + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + %1 is now connected with your chat key and can be used in Status. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + %1 will be connected once the transaction is complete. + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Wallet address + + + + Key + + + + Back + + + + Primary username + + + + Your messages are displayed to others with this username: + + + + Once you select a username, you won’t be able to disable it afterwards. You will only be able choose a different username to display. + + + + Nice! You own %1.stateofus.eth once the transaction is complete. + + + + Hey + + + + (pending) + + + + Add username + + + + Your usernames + + + + Primary Username + + + + None selected + + + + You’re displaying your ENS username in chats + + + + At least 4 characters. Latin letters, numbers, and lowercase only. + + + + Letters and numbers only. + + + + Type the entire username including the custom domain like username.domain.eth + + + + Your username + + + + ✓ Username available! + + + + Continuing will connect this username with your chat key. + + + + Username doesn’t belong to you :( + + + + Username already taken :( + + + + (edited) + + + + Username is already connected with your chat key and can be used inside Status. + + + + This user name is owned by you and connected with your chat key. Continue to set `Show my ENS username in chats`. + + + + Continuing will require a transaction to connect the username with your current chat key. + + + + Custom domain + + + + I want a stateofus.eth domain + + + + I own a name on another domain + + + + Connect username with your pubkey + + + + Terms of name registration + + + + Funds are deposited for 1 year. Your SNT will be locked, but not spent. + + + + After 1 year, you can release the name and get your deposit back, or take no action to keep the name. + + + + If terms of the contract change — e.g. Status makes contract upgrades — user has the right to release the username regardless of time held. + + + + The contract controller cannot access your deposited funds. They can only be moved back to the address that sent them. + + + + Your address(es) will be publicly associated with your ENS name. + + + + Usernames are created as subdomain nodes of stateofus.eth and are subject to the ENS smart contract terms. + + + + You authorize the contract to transfer SNT on your behalf. This can only occur when you approve a transaction to authorize the transfer. + + + + These terms are guaranteed by the smart contract logic at addresses: + + + + %1 (Status UsernameRegistrar). + + + + <a href='%1%2'>Look up on Etherscan</a> + + + + %1 (ENS Registry). + + + + Agree to <a href="#">Terms of name registration.</a> I understand that my wallet address will be publicly connected to my username. + + + + 10 SNT + + + + Deposit + + + + Not enough SNT + + + + Register + + + + Get a universal username + + + + ENS names transform those crazy-long addresses into unique usernames. + + + + Customize your chat name + + + + An ENS name can replace your random 3-word name in chat. Be @yourname instead of %1. + + + + Simplify your ETH address + + + + You can receive funds to your easy-to-share ENS name rather than your hexadecimal hash (0x...). + + + + Receive transactions in chat + + + + Others can send you funds via chat in one simple step. + + + + 10 SNT to register + + + + Register once to keep the name forever. After 1 year you can release the name and get your SNT back. + + + + Already own a username? + + + + You can verify and add any usernames you own in the next steps. + + + + Powered by Ethereum Name Services + + + + Start + + + + Only available on Mainnet + + + + ENS Registration failed + + + + ENS Registration completed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey failed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey completed + + + + Warning! + + + + Change fleet to %1 + + + + Glossary + + + + Account + + + + A + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "A" because the title above is "Account" + + + + Your Status account, accessed by the seed phrase that you create or import during onboarding. A Status account can hold more than one Ethereum address, in addition to the one created during onboarding. We refer to these as additional accounts within the wallet + + + + Chat Key + + + + C + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "C" because the title above is "Chat Key" + + + + Messages on the Status chat protocol are sent and received using encryption keys. The public chat key is a string of characters you share with others so they can send you messages in Status. + + + + Chat Name + + + + Three random words, derived algorithmically from your chat key and used as your default alias in chat. Chat names are completely unique; no other user can have the same three words. + + + + ENS Name + + + + E + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "E" because the title above is "ENS Name" + + + + Custom alias for your chat key that you can register using the Ethereum Name Service. ENS names are decentralized usernames. + + + + Mailserver + + + + A node in the Status network that routes and stores messages, for up to 30 days. + + + + Peer + + + + P + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "P" because the title above is "Peer" + + + + A device connected to the Status chat network. Each user can represent one or more peers, depending on their number of devices + + + + Seed Phrase + + + + A 64 character hex address based on the Ethereum standard and beginning with 0x. Public-facing, your wallet key is shared with others when you want to receive funds. Also referred to as an “Ethereum address” or “wallet address. + + + + Frequently asked questions + + + + Submit a bug + + + + Request a feature + + + + Language settings + + + + Language + + + + Muted chats + + + + Unmute + + + + The account will be logged out. When you unlock it again, the selected network will be used + + + + Add network + + + + You need to enter the RPC endpoint URL + + + + Invalid URL + + + + You need to enter the network id + + + + Should be a number + + + + Invalid network id + + + + RPC URL + + + + Specify a RPC URL + + + + Network chain + + + + Ropsten test network + + + + Rinkeby test network + + + + Custom + + + + Network Id + + + + Specify the network id + + + + Main networks + + + + Test networks + + + + Custom Networks + + + + Under development +NOTE: You will be logged out and all installed +sticker packs will be removed and will +need to be reinstalled. Purchased sticker +packs will not need to be re-purchased. + + + + Notification preferences + + + + All messages + + + + Just @mentions + + + + Nothing + + + + Play a sound when receiving a notification + + + + Use your operating system's notifications + + + + Setting this to false will instead use Status' notification style as seen below + + + + Message preview + + + + Anonymous + + + + Name only + + + + Name & Message + + + + Hi there! Yes, no problem, let me know if I can help. + + + + No preview or Advanced? Go to Notification Center + + + + Contacts & Users + + + + Notify on new requests + + + + Receive notifications from non-contacts + + + + Muted users + + + + Muted contacts + + + + Muted contacts will appear here + + + + Muted chats will appear here + + + + You can limit what gets shown in notifications + + + + Reset notification settings + + + + Restore default notification settings and unmute all chats and users + + + + Open links with... + + + + My default browser + + + + Security + + + + Backup Seed Phrase + + + + Display all profile pictures (not only contacts) + + + + Display images in chat automatically + + + + All images (links that contain an image extension) will be downloaded and displayed, regardless of the whitelist settings below + + + + Allow new contact requests + + + + Sign out controls + + + + LogoutExit + + + + Sounds settings + + + + Sound volume + + + + Sync settings + + + + Add mailserver + + + + You need to enter the enode address + + + + History node address + + + + enode://{enode-id}:{password}@{ip-address}:{port-number} + + + + Automatic mailserver selection + + + + ... + + + + Share what's on your mind and stay updated with your contacts + + + + Status account settings + + + + You need to enter an account name + + + + Enter an account name... + + + + Account name + + + + Type + + + + Watch-only + + + + Off Status tree + + + + On Status tree + + + + Derivation path + + + + Storage + + + + This device + + + + Delete account + + + + A deleted account cannot be retrieved later. Only press yes if you backed up your key/seed or don't care about this account anymore + + + + Save changes + + + + Add custom token + + + + This needs to be a valid address + + + + Invalid ERC20 address + + + + Enter contract address... + + + + Contract address + + + + The name of your token... + + + + ABC + + + + Symbol + + + + Decimals + + + + Collectibles will appear here + + + + To + + + + From + + + + At + + + + Status Desktop is connected to a non-archival node. Transaction history may be incomplete. + + + + No transactions found + + + + Load More + + + + Total value + + + + Receive + + + + Back up your seed phrase + + + + Recipient + + + + Transaction completed + + + + Transaction failed + + + + Set Currency + + + + Signing phrase + + + + This is your signing phrase + + + + You should see these 3 words before signing each transaction + + + + If you see a different combination, cancel the transaction and sign out + + + + Remind me later + + + + Manage Assets + + + + Account Settings + + + + Collectibles + + + + Generate an account + + + + Add a watch-only address + + + + Enter a seed phrase + + + + Enter a private key + + + + Add account from private key + + + + You need to enter a password + + + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + You need to enter a private key + + + + Enter a valid private key (64 characters hexadecimal string) + + + + Enter your password… + + + + Password + + + + Paste the contents of your private key + + + + Private key + + + + Loading... + + + + Add account + + + + You need to enter a seed phrase + + + + Enter a valid mnemonic + + + + Add account with a seed phrase + + + + Enter your seed phrase, separate words with commas or spaces... + + + + Seed phrase + + + + Add a watch-only account + + + + You need to enter an address + + + + This needs to be a valid address (starting with 0x) + + + + Enter address... + + + + Account address + + + + Token details + + + + Remove token + + + + Transaction Details + + + + 9999 Confirmations + + + + When the transaction has 12 confirmations you can consider it settled. + + + + Block + + + + Hash + + + + Gas limit + + + + Gas price + + + + Gas used + + + + Nonce + + + + Something went wrong + + + + Reload + + + + Maximum number of collectibles to display reached + + + + View + + + + Unnamed + + + + ID + + + + Description + + + + US Dollars + + + + Euros + + + + United Arab Emirates dirham + + + + Afghan afghani + + + + Argentine peso + + + + Australian dollar + + + + Barbadian dollar + + + + Bangladeshi taka + + + + Bulgarian lev + + + + Bahraini dinar + + + + Brunei dollar + + + + Bolivian boliviano + + + + Brazillian real + + + + Bhutanese ngultrum + + + + Canadian dollar + + + + Swiss franc + + + + Chilean peso + + + + Chinese yuan + + + + Colombian peso + + + + Costa Rican colón + + + + Czech koruna + + + + Danish krone + + + + Dominican peso + + + + Egyptian pound + + + + Ethiopian birr + + + + British Pound + + + + Georgian lari + + + + Ghanaian cedi + + + + Hong Kong dollar + + + + Croatian kuna + + + + Hungarian forint + + + + Indonesian rupiah + + + + Israeli new shekel + + + + Indian rupee + + + + Icelandic króna + + + + Jamaican dollar + + + + Japanese yen + + + + Kenyan shilling + + + + South Korean won + + + + Kuwaiti dinar + + + + Kazakhstani tenge + + + + Sri Lankan rupee + + + + Moroccan dirham + + + + Moldovan leu + + + + Mauritian rupee + + + + Malawian kwacha + + + + Mexican peso + + + + Malaysian ringgit + + + + Mozambican metical + + + + Namibian dollar + + + + Nigerian naira + + + + Norwegian krone + + + + Nepalese rupee + + + + New Zealand dollar + + + + Omani rial + + + + Peruvian sol + + + + Papua New Guinean kina + + + + Philippine peso + + + + Pakistani rupee + + + + Polish złoty + + + + Paraguayan guaraní + + + + Qatari riyal + + + + Romanian leu + + + + Serbian dinar + + + + Russian ruble + + + + Saudi riyal + + + + Swedish krona + + + + Singapore dollar + + + + Thai baht + + + + Trinidad and Tobago dollar + + + + New Taiwan dollar + + + + Tanzanian shilling + + + + Turkish lira + + + + Ukrainian hryvnia + + + + Ugandan shilling + + + + Uruguayan peso + + + + Venezuelan bolívar + + + + Vietnamese đồng + + + + South African rand + + + + View Community + + + + Browser + + + + Timeline + + + + Contact request accepted + + + + New contact request + + + + You can now chat with %1 + + + + %1 requests to become contacts + + + + Where do you want to go? + + + + Status Desktop + + + + Open Status + + + + Quit + + + + Create a password + + + + New password... + + + + Confirm password… + + + + At least 6 characters. You will use this password to unlock status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + Create password + + + + Error importing account + + + + An error occurred while importing your account: + + + + Login failed + + + + Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. + + + + Enter seed phrase + + + + This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. + + + + Start with the first word + + + + Enter 12, 15, 18, 21 or 24 words. +Seperate words by a single space. + + + + Invalid seed phrase + + + + Choose a chat name + + + + Truly private communication + + + + Chat over a peer-to-peer, encrypted network + where messages can't be censored or hacked + + + + Secure crypto wallet + + + + Send and receive digital assets anywhere in the +world--no bank account required + + + + Decentralized apps + + + + Explore games, exchanges and social networks +where you alone own your data + + + + Thanks for trying Status Desktop! Please note that this is an alpha release and we advise you that using this app should be done for testing purposes only and you assume the full responsibility for all risks concerning your data and funds. Status makes no claims of security or integrity of funds in these builds. + + + + I understand + + + + Status does not collect, share or sell any personal data. By continuing you agree with the privacy policy. + + + + I'm new, generate keys + + + + Access existing key + + + + Enter password + + + + Connecting... + + + + Login failed: %1 + + + + Generate new keys + + + + Your keys + + + + Add another existing key + + + + Your keys have been successfully recovered + + + + You will have to create a new code or password to re-encrypt your keys + + + + Re-encrypt your keys + + + + Cannot find asset '%1'. Ensure this asset has been added to the token list. + + + + ENS Username not found + + + + eg. 0x1234 or ENS + + + + Paste + + + + You need to request the recipient’s address first. +Assets won’t be sent yet. + + + + Invalid source + + + + Insufficient balance + + + + Must be greater than 0 + + + + Priority + + + + Use suggestions + + + + Use custom + + + + Low + + + + High + + + + Gas amount limit + + + + Per-gas overall limit + + + + Maximum overall price for the transaction. If the block base fee exceeds this, it will be included in a following block with a lower base fee. + + + + Must be greater than or equal to 0 + + + + This needs to be a number + + + + Please enter an amount + + + + The amount is 0. Proceed only if this is desired. + + + + Balance: + + + + Asset & Amount + + + + Blocking will remove any messages you received from %1 and stop new messages from reaching you. + + + + Account color + + + + Confirm your action + + + + Confirm + + + + Are you sure you want to this? + + + + Do not show this again + + + + Please select a contact + + + + Select a contact + + + + Contact does not have an ENS address. Please send a transaction in chat. + + + + No contact selected + + + + Copied! + + + + Slow + + + + Optimal + + + + Fast + + + + Reset + + + + Advanced + + + + Custom Network Fee + + + + Gwei + + + + Apply + + + + Not enough ETH for gas + + + + Copied + + + + Pasted + + + + Copy + + + + Invalid ethereum address + + + + Address + + + + My account + + + + Contact + + + + Search + + + + In: + + + + Messages + + + + Tokens will be sent directly to a contract address, which may result in a loss of funds. To transfer ERC-20 tokens, ensure the recipient address is the address of the destination wallet. + + + + View on Etherscan + + + + <a href='%1' style='color:%2;text-decoration:none;'>%3</a> + + + + Asset + + + + Amount + + + + Data field + + + + Signing phrase is a 3 word combination that displayed when you entered the wallet on this device for the first time. + + + + Enter the password you use to unlock this device + + + + Unblocking will allow new messages you received from %1 to reach you. + + + + Send transaction + + + + Request transaction + + + + Public chat + + + + Not a contact + + + + Image files (%1) + + + + Your message is too long. + + + + Please make your message shorter. We have set the limit to 2000 characters to be courteous of others. + + + + Type a message + + + + Bold + + + + Italic + + + + Strikethrough + + + + Code + + + + No recent emojis + + + + Buy for %1 SNT + + + + Uninstall + + + + Install + + + + Free + + + + Pending... + + + + Update + + + + Could not buy Stickerpack + + + + Stickerpack bought successfully + + + + You don't have any stickers yet + + + + Recently used stickers will appear here + + + + Get Stickers + + + + Ethereum explorer + + + + Custom... + + + + Search engine + + + + Dapp permissions + + + + Revoke access + + + + Revoke all access + + + + Show more + + + + %1 invited you to join the group + + + + All + + + + Mentions + + + + Replies + + + + Contact requests + + + + Mark all as Read + + + + Show read notifications + + + + Hide read notifications + + + + Notification settings + + + + You need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messages + + + + Waiting for %1 to accept your request + + + + Just click this button to add them as contact. They will receive a notification. Once they accept the request, you'll be able to chat + + + + Back up community key + + + + Back up + + + + Member name + + + + Community members will appear here + + + + No contacts found + + + + Your community is free to join, but new members are required to be approved by the community creator first + + + + Your community can only be joined by an invitation from existing community members + + + + Your community is free for anyone to join + + + + You should keep it safe and only share it with people you trust to take ownership of your community + + + + You can also use this key to import your community on another device + + + + Decline and block + + + + Decline all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to decline all these contact requests + + + + Accept all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to accept all these contact requests + + + + Decline all + + + + Accept all + + + + Pin limit reached + + + + Unpin a previous message first + + + + %1 messages + + + + %1 message + + + + Pinned messages will appear here. + + + + I accept + + + + Format not supported. + + + + Upload %1 only + + + + You can only upload %1 images at a time + + + + Max image size is %1 MB + + + + TODO + + + + NOW + + + + %1M + + + + %1H + + + + %1D + + + + Sun + + + + Mon + + + + Tue + + + + Wed + + + + Thu + + + + Fri + + + + Sat + + + + Jan + + + + Feb + + + + Mar + + + + Apr + + + + Jun + + + + Jul + + + + Aug + + + + Sep + + + + Oct + + + + Nov + + + + Dec + + + + Sunday + + + + Monday + + + + Tuesday + + + + Wednesday + + + + Thursday + + + + Friday + + + + Saturday + + + + Start a 1-on-1 chat with %1 + + + + Join the %1 community + + + + Join the %1 group chat + + + + Join the %1 public channel + + + + words + + + + Mainnet with upstream RPC + + + + POA Network + + + + xDai Chain + + + + Goerli with upstream RPC + + + + Rinkeby with upstream RPC + + + + Ropsten with upstream RPC + + + + You need to repeat your password + + + + Passwords don't match + + + + You need to enter a %1 + + + + The %1 cannot exceed %2 characters + + + + Must be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + Use only lowercase letters (a to z), numbers & dashes (-). Do not use chat keys. + + + + community-image-delete + + + + public + Publik + + + + AboutView + + Status Desktop + + + + Privacy Policy + + + + Check for updates + + + + Current Version + + + + Release Notes + + + + Our Principles + + + + Status desktop’s GitHub Repositories + + + + Status Go + + + + StatusQ + + + + go-waku + + + + Legal & Privacy Documents + + + + Terms of Use + + + + Software License + + + + + AcceptRejectOptionsButtonsPanel + + View Profile + + + + Decline and block + + + + + AccessExistingCommunityPopup + + You need to enter a key + + + + Import + + + + Error importing the community + + + + + AccountView + + Type + + + + Storage + + + + Watch-Only Account + + + + Generated by your Status seed phrase profile + + + + Imported Account + + + + On Device + + + + Derivation Path + + + + Remove from your profile + + + + Confirm %1 Removal + + + + You will not be able to restore viewing access to this account in the future unless you enter this account’s address again. + + + + Remove Account + + + + + ActivityCenterMessageComponentView + + Mark as Read + + + + Mark as Unread + + + + + AddAccountModal + + Advanced + + + + Generate an account + + + + Wrong password + + + + You need to enter a password + + + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + Enter your password… + + + + Password + + + + Enter an account name... + + + + Account name + + + + You need to enter an account name + + + + color + + + + Loading... + + + + Add account + + + + + AddEditSavedAddressPopup + + Name + + + + Address + + + + Save + + + + Edit saved address + + + + Add saved address + + + + Enter a name + + + + Name must not be blank + + + + This is not a valid account name + + + + Enter ENS Name or Ethereum Address + + + + Please enter a valid ENS name OR Ethereum Address + + + + Add address + + + + + AddFavoriteModal + + URL + + + + Paste URL + + + + Paste + + + + Pasted + + + + Name + + + + Favorite added + + + + Edit + + + + Add favorite + + + + Please enter a valid URL + + + + Name of the website + + + + Please enter a name + + + + Remove + + + + Done + + + + Add + + + + Add Favorite + + + + + AdvancedContainer + + Online users + + + + + AdvancedView + + disable + nonaktifkan + + + enable + Memungkinkan + + + Fleet + + + + Minimize on close + + + + Application Logs + + + + Experimental features + + + + Wallet + + + + WalletSettingsLineButton + + + + Dapp Browser + + + + Community History Archive Protocol + + + + Node Management + + + + Keycard + + + + Bloom filter level + + + + Warning! + + + + The account will be logged out. When you login again, the selected mode will be enabled + + + + Light Node + + + + Normal + + + + Full Node + + + + WakuV2 mode + + + + Developer features + + + + Full developer mode + + + + Download messages + + + + Telemetry + + + + Debug + + + + Auto message + + + + Are you sure you want to enable all the develoer features? The app will be restarted. + + + + Are you sure you want to enable telemetry? This will reduce your privacy level while using Status. You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. + + + + Are you sure you want to enable auto message? You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. + + + + Are you sure you want to %1 debug mode? You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. + + + + This feature is experimental and is meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It's not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data. Use at your own risk. + + + + I understand + + + + + AllowNotificationsView + + Ok, got it + + + + Allow notifications + + + + Status will notify you about new messages. You can +edit your notification preferences later in settings. + + + + + AppMain + + Where do you want to go? + + + + Profile Picture + + + + Make this my Profile Pic + + + + Invite People + + + + View Community + + + + Leave Community + + + + A new version of Status (%1) is available + + + + Download + + + + Your version is up to date + + + + Close + + + + Can not connect to mailserver + + + + The mailserver you're connecting to is unavailable. + + + + Pick another + + + + Retry + + + + + AppearanceView + + XS + + + + S + + + + M + + + + L + + + + XL + + + + XXL + + + + Preview + + + + Blockchains will drop search costs, causing a kind of decomposition that allows you to have markets of entities that are horizontally segregated and vertically segregated. + + + + Size + + + + Change font size + + + + Change Zoom (requires restart) + + + + 50% + + + + 100% + + + + 150% + + + + 200% + + + + Appearance + + + + Light + + + + Dark + + + + System + + + + + BackupSeedModal + + Back up your seed phrase + + + + Continue + + + + Not Now + + + + Confirm Seed Phrase + + + + Complete & Delete My Seed Phrase + + + + Confirm word #%1 of your seed phrase + + + + + BackupSeedStepBase + + Enter word + + + + Wrong word + + + + Word #%1 + + + + + BeforeGetStartedModal + + Privacy Policy + + + + Before you get started + + + + I acknowledge that status desktop is in beta and by using it I take the full responsibility for all risks concerning my data and funds + + + + Before you get started... + + + + Get Started + + + + I acknowledge that Status Desktop is in Beta and by using it I take the full responsibility for all risks concerning my data and funds. + + + + I accept Status + + + + Terms of Use + + + + Terms of service + + + + Get started + + + + + BrowserLayout + + Transaction pending... + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Error signing message + + + + View on etherscan + + + + Server's certificate not trusted + + + + Do you wish to continue? + + + + If you wish so, you may continue with an unverified certificate. Accepting an unverified certificate means you may not be connected with the host you tried to connect to. +Do you wish to override the security check and continue? + + + + + ChatContextMenuView + + Leave group + + + + Save + + + + Delete + + + + Are you sure you want to leave this chat? + + + + View Members + + + + Add / remove from group + + + + Test WakuV2 - requestAllHistoricMessages + + + + Edit name + + + + Mark as Read + + + + Clear history + + + + Edit Channel + + + + Download + + + + Delete Channel + + + + Delete chat + + + + Leave chat + + + + Download messages + + + + Delete #%1 + + + + Are you sure you want to delete #%1 channel? + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this chat? + + + + + ChatView + + Members + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + + CollectibleDetailsHeader + + Send + + + + + CollectibleModal + + description + Deskripsi + + + unnamed + + + + id + + + + View in Opensea + + + + + CollectiblesStore + + Collectibles + + + + + CollectiblesView + + Collectibles will appear here + + + + + CommunitiesListPanel + + Cancel + + + + Leave community + + + + Leave %1 + + + + Are you sure you want to leave? Once you leave, you will have to request to rejoin if you change your mind. + + + + + CommunitiesPopup + + Communities + + + + 1 member + + + + %1 members + + + + Create a community + + + + Search for communities or topics + + + + Access existing community + + + + + CommunitiesPortalLayout + + Search + + + + Find community + + + + Import Community + + + + Create New Community + + + + Featured + + + + Popular + + + + + CommunityColorPicker + + Community colour + + + + + CommunityColumnView + + Create channel + + + + Create category + + + + 1 Member + + + + %1 Members + + + + Start chat + + + + Membership requests + + + + Invite people + + + + Unmute category + + + + Mute category + + + + Edit Category + + + + Delete Category + + + + Delete %1 category + + + + Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. + + + + Create channel or category + + + + Error deleting the category + + + + + CommunityDescriptionInput + + Description + + + + What your community is about + + + + community description + + + + + CommunityDetailPopup + + Join ‘%1’ + + + + Pending + + + + Unknown community + + + + Public community + + + + Invitation only community + + + + On request community + + + + - ENS only + + + + %1 members + + + + Channels + + + + You need to be invited + + + + Request to join ‘%1’ + + + + Error joining the community + + + + + CommunityEditSettingsPanel + + A catchy name + + + + community name + + + + Description + + + + What your community is about + + + + Pick a color + + + + + CommunityHeaderButton + + 1 member + + + + %1 members + + + + + CommunityMembersSettingsPanel + + Members + + + + Member name + + + + Ban + + + + Kick + + + + Membership requests + + + + Community members will appear here + + + + No contacts found + + + + You + + + + + CommunityNameInput + + A catchy name + + + + community name + + + + Community name + + + + + CommunityProfilePopup + + Members + + + + Transfer ownership + + + + Public community + + + + Invitation only community + + + + On request community + + + + Unknown community + + + + Invite friends + + + + Invite + + + + + CommunityProfilePopupInviteFriendsPanel + + Copied! + + + + Contacts + + + + Share community + + + + + CommunityProfilePopupMembersListPanel + + Member name + + + + + CommunityProfilePopupOverviewPanel + + Copied! + + + + Share community + + + + Transfer ownership + + + + Leave community + + + + + CommunitySettingsView + + Members + + + + Notifications + + + + Settings + + + + Overview + + + + Open legacy popup (to be removed) + + + + Back to community + + + + Error editing the community + + + + + CommunityUserList + + Members + + + + + ConfirmPasswordView + + Passwords don't match + + + + Have you written down your password? + + + + You will never be able to recover your password if you lose it. + + + + If you need to, write it using pen and paper and keep in a safe place. + + + + If you lose your password you will lose access to your Status profile. + + + + Confirm your password (again) + + + + Confirm you password (again) + + + + Finalise Status Password Creation + + + + Keys for this account already exist + + + + Keys for this account already exist and can't be added again. If you've lost your password, passcode or Keycard, uninstall the app, reinstall and access your keys by entering your seed phrase + + + + Login failed + + + + Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. + + + + + ConfirmationDialog + + Confirm + + + + Reject + + + + Cancel + + + + Confirm your action + + + + Do not show this again + + + + Are you sure you want to do this? + + + + + ContactPanel + + View Profile + + + + Send message + + + + Respond to ID Request + + + + See ID Request + + + + Rename + + + + + ContactsColumnView + + Start chat + + + + Chat + + + + Search + + + + Join public chats + + + + Contact requests + + + + Community imported + + + + Importing community is in progress + + + + + ContactsView + + Contacts + + + + Send contact request to chat key + + + + Search by a display name or chat key + + + + Pending Requests + + + + Blocked + + + + Identity Verified Contacts + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet + + + + Received + + + + Sent + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + + Controls + + XS + + + + S + + + + M + + + + L + + + + XL + + + + XXL + + + + 50% + + + + 100% + + + + 150% + + + + 200% + + + + + CreateCategoryPopup + + Category title + + + + category name + + + + Edit category + + + + New category + + + + Name the category + + + + Channels + + + + Delete category + + + + Delete %1 category + + + + Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. + + + + Save + + + + Create + + + + Error editing the category + + + + Error creating the category + + + + + CreateChannelPopup + + Channel name + + + + channel name + + + + Description + + + + Describe the channel + + + + channel description + + + + New channel + + + + Edit #%1 + + + + Name the channel + + + + Channel colour + + + + Pick a color + + + + Save + + + + Create + + + + Error creating the community + + + + + CreateChatView + + Contacts + + + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. + +Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be able to chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. + + + + You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. + + +Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be + able to +chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. + + + + You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. + + +Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be able to +chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. + + + + Confirm + + + + + CreateCommunityPopup + + You need to enter a color + + + + This field needs to be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + Community color + + + + Pick a color + + + + Please choose a color + + + + Next + + + + Error creating the community + + + + Name your community + + + + A catchy name + + + + Give it a short description + + + + What your community is about + + + + Community colour + + + + Create New Community + + + + Create Community + + + + + CreatePasswordView + + Create password + + + + + DemoApp + + Invite People + + + + View Community + + + + Edit Community + + + + Leave Community + + + + + DerivationPathsPanel + + Reset + + + + Derivation Path + + + + + DerivedAddressesPanel + + Pending + + + + Account + + + + No activity + + + + Invalid path + + + + Has Activity + + + + No Activity + + + + + DisplayNamePopup + + Edit + + + + Ok + + + + Display Name + + + + OK + + + + + EnsDetailsView + + Wallet address + + + + Key + + + + Connect username with your pubkey + + + + Copied to clipboard! + + + + Release username + + + + Username locked. You won't be able to release it until %1 + + + + Back + + + + + EnsSearchView + + Connect username with your pubkey + + + + At least 4 characters. Latin letters, numbers, and lowercase only. + + + + Letters and numbers only. + + + + Type the entire username including the custom domain like username.domain.eth + + + + Custom domain + + + + I want a stateofus.eth domain + + + + I own a name on another domain + + + + + EnsView + + Transaction pending... + + + + View on etherscan + + + + ENS Registration failed + + + + ENS Registration completed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey failed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey completed + + + + + ExemptionNotificationsModal + + Done + + + + %1 exemption + + + + Mute all messages + + + + Personal @ Mentions + + + + Global @ Mentions + + + + Other Messages + + + + Clear Exemptions + + + + + GasSelector + + Priority + + + + Low + + + + High + + + + Must be greater than 0 + + + + This needs to be a number + + + + Please enter an amount + + + + Min 21000 units + + + + Not enough gas + + + + Miners will currently not process transactions with a tip below %1 Gwei, the average is %2 Gwei + + + + The average miner tip is %1 Gwei + + + + Gas Price + + + + Current base fee: %1 %2 + + + + Use suggestions + + + + Use custom + + + + Optimal + + + + Gas amount limit + + + + Per-gas tip limit + + + + Gwei + + + + Per-gas overall limit + + + + Maximum priority fee: %1 ETH + + + + Maximum overall price for the transaction. If the block base fee exceeds this, it will be included in a following block with a lower base fee. + + + + + GroupInfoPopup + + %1/%2 members + + + + Add members + + + + %1 members + + + + 1 member + + + + Search + + + + All your contacts are already in the group + + + + Pinned messages + + + + Admin + + + + Make Admin + + + + Remove From Group + + + + Add selected + + + + + ImageCropperModal + + Crop your image (optional) + + + + Finish + + + + + ImportPrivateKeyPanel + + Pending + + + + You need to enter a private key + + + + Enter a valid private key (64 characters hexadecimal string) + + + + Private key + + + + Paste the contents of your private key + + + + Public address + + + + Account already added + + + + Has Activity + + + + No Activity + + + + + InsertCard + + Cancel + + + + Please insert your Keycard to proceed or press the cancel button to cancel the operation + + + + + InsertDetailsView + + Next + + + + Profile picture + + + + Your profile + + + + Longer and unusual names are better as they are less likely to be used by someone else. + + + + Display name + + + + Chatkey: + + + + Choose an image for profile picture + + + + Make this my profile picture + + + + Your emojihash and identicon ring + + + + This set of emojis and coloured ring around your avatar are unique and represent your chat key, so your friends can easily distinguish you from potential impersonators. + + + + + InvitationBubbleView + + Unsupported state + + + + Membership requires an ENS username + + + + You need to be invited + + + + Pending + + + + View + + + + Request Access + + + + Join + + + + Verified community invitation + + + + Community invitation + + + + %1 members + + + + Error joining the community + + + + + KeysMainView + + Enter a seed phrase + + + + Generate new keys + + + + intro-wizard-title1 + + + + a-set-of-keys-controls-your-account.-your-keys-live-on-your-device,-so-only-you-can-use-them. + + + + Connect your keys + + + + Use your existing Status keys to login to this device. + + + + Get your keys + + + + A set of keys controls your account. Your keys live on your +device, so only you can use them. + + + + Import a seed phrase + + + + Seed phrases are used to back up and restore your keys. Only use this option if you already have a seed phrase. + + + + + LanguageView + + Language + + + + Set Display Currency + + + + Search Currencies + + + + Search Languages + + + + Date Format + + + + DD/MM/YY + + + + MM/DD/YY + + + + Time Format + + + + 24-Hour Time + + + + 12-Hour Time + + + + Change language + + + + Display language has been changed. You must restart the application for changes to take effect. + + + + Close the app now + + + + + Layout + + Invite People + + + + View Community + + + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + Edit Community + + + + Leave Community + + + + + LeftTabView + + Settings + + + + Sign out + + + + Make sure you have your account password and seed phrase stored. Without them you can lock yourself out of your account and lose funds. + + + + Sign out & Quit + + + + Wallet + + + + Total value + + + + Add account + + + + Saved addresses + + + + + LoginView + + Ok + + + + Welcome back + + + + Add new user + + + + Add existing Status user + + + + Connecting... + + + + Password + + + + Enter password + + + + Login failed: %1 + + + + Password incorrect + + + + + MenuPanel + + Settings + + + + Apps + + + + About & Help + + + + + MessageContextMenuView + + Jump to + + + + Copy image + + + + Download image + + + + Block User + + + + Unblock User + + + + Rename + + + + Reply to + + + + Edit message + + + + Copy Message Id + + + + Unpin + + + + Pin + + + + Delete message + + + + Please choose a directory + + + + Confirm deleting this message + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well. + + + + + MessagingView + + Contacts + + + + Allow new contact requests + + + + Show My Profile Picture To + + + + Everyone + + + + No One + + + + See Profile Pictures From + + + + Open Message Links With + + + + Status Browser + + + + System Default Browser + + + + Contacts, Requests, and Blocked Users + + + + Display Message Link Previews + + + + Fine tune which sites to allow link previews + + + + Image unfurling + + + + All images (links that contain an image extension) will be downloaded and displayed + + + + Message syncing + + + + Waku nodes + + + + For security reasons, private chat history won't be synced. + + + + + MyProfileView + + ENS username + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Change Password + + + + Edit + + + + Preview + + + + + NicknamePopup + + Nickname + + + + Nicknames help you identify others in Status. Only you can see the nicknames you’ve added + + + + Done + + + + + NoImageUploadedPanel + + Upload + + + + Wide aspect ratio is optimal + + + + + NotificationsView + + Messages + + + + You have a new message + + + + Anonymous + + + + Community + + + + 1:1 Chat + + + + Group Chat + + + + Muted + + + + Off + + + + Quiet + + + + Personal @ Mentions %1 + + + + Global @ Mentions %1 + + + + Alerts + + + + Other Messages %1 + + + + Multiple Exemptions + + + + Enable Notifications in macOS Settings + + + + To receive Status notifications, make sure you've enabled them in your computer's settings under <b>System Preferences > Notifications</b> + + + + Sync your devices to share notifications preferences + + + + Syncing > + + + + Allow Notifications + + + + 1:1 Chats + + + + Group Chats + + + + Personal @ Mentions + + + + Messages containing @%1 + + + + Global @ Mentions + + + + Messages containing @here and @channel + + + + All Messages + + + + Others + + + + Contact Requests + + + + Identity Verification Requests + + + + Notification Content + + + + Show Name and Message + + + + Hi there! So EIP-1559 will defini... + + + + Name Only + + + + Play a Sound When Receiving a Notification + + + + Volume + + + + Send a Test Notification + + + + Exemptions + + + + Search Communities, Group Chats and 1:1 Chats + + + + Most recent + + + + + PasswordView + + Create a password + + + + Passwords don't match + + + + Create a password to unlock Status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + You will not be able to recover this password if it is lost. + + + + Minimum %1 characters. To strengthen your password consider including: + + + + This password has been pwned and shouldn't be used + + + + This password is a common word and shouldn't be used + + + + Password must be at least %1 characters long + + + + Current password + + + + New password + + + + Very weak + + + + Weak + + + + So-so + + + + Good + + + + Great + + + + Lower case + + + + Upper case + + + + Numbers + + + + Symbols + + + + Confirm password + + + + + PermissionsListView + + Disconnect + + + + Disconnect All + + + + + PinnedMessagesPopup + + Unpin + + + + Pin limit reached + + + + Pinned messages + + + + Unpin a previous message first + + + + %1 messages + + + + %1 message + + + + Pinned messages will appear here. + + + + + ProfileLayout + + Contacts + + + + Testnet mode is enabled. All balances, transactions and dApp interactions will be on testnets. + + + + Secure your seed phrase + + + + Back up now + + + + + ProfilePopup + + ENS username + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Chat settings + + + + Nickname + + + + None + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + Unblock User + + + + Block User + + + + Add to contacts + + + + 's Profile + + + + Send Contact Request to + + + + Verify %1's Identity + + + + My Profile + + + + %1's Profile + + + + Send Contact Request to %1 + + + + Cancel verification + + + + Remove Contact + + + + Send Contact Request + + + + Mark Untrustworthy + + + + Remove 'Identity Verified' status + + + + No + + + + Yes + + + + Remove Untrustworthy Mark + + + + Verify Identity + + + + Verify Identity pending... + + + + Send verification request + + + + Verification request sent + + + + Confirm Identity + + + + Rename + + + + Close + + + + + ProfileSectionStore + + Profile + + + + ENS usernames + + + + Wallet + + + + Browser + + + + Communities + + + + Appearance + + + + Back up seed phrase + + + + Advanced + + + + Messaging + + + + Notifications & Sounds + + + + Language & Currency + + + + Devices settings + + + + About + + + + Sign out & Quit + + + + + RateView + + Upload + + + + Bandwidth + + + + Kb/s + + + + Download + + + + + ReceiveModal + + Copy + + + + Receive + + + + Legacy + + + + Multichain + + + + Your Address + + + + + RootStore + + You + + + + Start a 1-on-1 chat with %1 + + + + Join the %1 community + + + + Join the %1 group chat + + + + + SavedAddressesView + + Cancel + + + + Delete + + + + Saved addresses + + + + Add new address + + + + Edit + + + + Are you sure you want to remove '%1' from your saved addresses? + + + + Are you sure? + + + + No saved addresses + + + + + SeedPhraseInputView + + Enter seed phrase + + + + Next + + + + Import + + + + Keys for this account already exist + + + + Keys for this account already exist and can't be added again. If you've lost your password, passcode or Keycard, uninstall the app, reinstall and access your keys by entering your seed phrase + + + + Error importing seed + + + + %1 words + + + + %1SeedButton + + + + Invalid seed + + + + Restore Status Profile + + + + + SendContactRequestModal + + Paste + + + + Send Contact Request to chat key + + + + Enter chat key here + + + + Say who you are / why you want to become a contact... + + + + who are you + + + + Send Contact Request + + + + + SendModal + + Transaction pending... + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Send + + + + Max: + + + + No balances active + + + + Please enter a valid amount + + + + To + + + + Enter an ENS name or address + + + + Error estimating gas: %1 + + + + Wrong password + + + + View on etherscan + + + + + SendModalFooter + + Unknown + + + + Estimated Time: + + + + Max Fees: + + + + Send + + + + + SendModalHeader + + To + + + + + SettingsPageLayout + + Cancel + + + + Save changes + + + + + SignTransactionModal + + Send + + + + Continue + + + + Error estimating gas: %1 + + + + Transaction pending... + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Choose account + + + + Network fee + + + + Transaction preview + + + + Sign with password + + + + Send %1 %2 + + + + Next + + + + Wrong password + + + + View on etherscan + + + + + StatusAppCommunityView + + Members + + + + + StatusChatInput + + Send + + + + Message + + + + Please choose an image + + + + Image files (%1) + + + + Your message is too long. + + + + Please make your message shorter. We have set the limit to 2000 characters to be courteous of others. + + + + Bold + + + + Italic + + + + Strikethrough + + + + Code + + + + Unblock + + + + + StatusChatListAndCategories + + More + + + + Add channel inside category + + + + + StatusChatListCategoryItem + + More + + + + Add channel inside category + + + + + StatusChatListItem + + Unmute + + + + + StatusChatToolBar + + Search + + + + Members + + + + More + + + + + StatusColorDialog + + Preview + + + + This is not a valid color + + + + Standart colours + + + + Select Colour + + + + + StatusExpandableSettingsItemPage + + Back up seed phrase + + + + Not Implemented + + + + + StatusListPicker + + Search + + + + + StatusMacNotification + + Open + + + + My latest message + with a return + + + + + StatusStickerMarket + + This feature is experimental and is meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It's not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data. Use at your own risk. + + + + I understand + + + + + StatusTokenInlineSelector + + or + + + + Hold + + + + to post + + + + + StatusWalletColorSelect + + Account color + + + + + TabNetworkAndFees + + Advanced + + + + Custom + + + + Slow + + + + + TransactionSettingsConfirmationPopup + + Are you sure? + + + + Your priority fee is below our suggested parameters. + + + + Current base fee + + + + %1 Gwei + + + + Current minimum tip + + + + Current average tip + + + + Your tip limit + + + + Suggested minimum tip + + + + Your price limit + + + + Suggested minimum price limit + + + + Change Limit + + + + Continue anyway + + + + + TransferOwnershipPopup + + Transfer ownership + + + + Community private key + + + + Copy + + + + Copied + + + + You should keep it safe and only share it with people you trust to take ownership of your community + + + + You can also use this key to import your community on another device + + + + + UploadProfilePicModal + + Profile picture + + + + Remove + + + + Upload + + + + Done + + + + Upload profile picture + + + + Choose an image for profile picture + + + + Make this my profile picture + + + + + UserList + + Members + + + + + UsernameLabel + + You + + + + + Utils + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + You need to enter a %1 + + + + now + Sekarang + + + Sun + + + + Mon + + + + Tue + + + + Wed + + + + Thu + + + + Fri + + + + Sat + + + + Jan + + + + Feb + + + + Mar + + + + Apr + + + + May + + + + Jun + + + + Jul + + + + Aug + + + + Sep + + + + Oct + + + + Nov + + + + Dec + + + + Yesterday + + + + Sunday + + + + Monday + + + + Tuesday + + + + Wednesday + + + + Thursday + + + + Friday + + + + Saturday + + + + NOW + + + + %1M + + + + %1H + + + + %1D + + + + words + + + + You need to enter a password + + + + You need to repeat your password + + + + Passwords don't match + + + + You need to enter a PIN + + + + The PIN must contain only digits + + + + The PIN must be exactly 6 digits + + + + You need to repeat your PIN + + + + PIN don't match + + + + The %1 cannot exceed %2 characters + + + + Must be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + Use only lowercase letters (a to z), numbers & dashes (-). Do not use chat keys. + + + + Value has to be at least %1 characters long + + + + Unknown + + + + < 1 min + + + + < 3 mins + + + + < 5 mins + + + + > 5 mins + + + + years ago + + + + year ago + + + + months ago + + + + month ago + + + + weeks ago + + + + week ago + + + + days ago + + + + day ago + + + + hours ago + + + + hour ago + + + + mins ago + + + + min ago + + + + secs ago + + + + sec ago + + + + + WalletView + + Wallet + + + + Networks + + + + DApp Permissions + + + + Testnet Mode + + + + + AcceptTransactionView + + Accept and share address + + + + Accept and send + + + + Decline + + + + + Acknowledgements + + Secure Your Assets and Funds + + + + Your seed phrase is a 12-word passcode to your funds. + + + + Your seed phrase cannot be recovered if lost. Therefore, you <b>must</b> back it up. The simplest way is to <b>write it down offline and store it somewhere secure.</b> + + + + I have a pen and paper + + + + I am ready to write down my seed phrase + + + + I know where I’ll store it + + + + You can only complete this process once. Status will not store your seed phrase and can never help you recover it. + + + + + ActivityCenterPopup + + Show more + + + + + ActivityCenterPopupTopBarPanel + + All + + + + Mentions + + + + Replies + + + + Mark all as Read + + + + Show read notifications + + + + Hide read notifications + + + + Notification settings + + + + + AddShowTokenModal + + Add custom token + + + + This needs to be a valid address + + + + Invalid ERC20 address + + + + Enter contract address... + + + + Contract address + + + + The name of your token... + + + + Name + + + + ABC + + + + Symbol + + + + Decimals + + + + Changing settings failed + + + + Add + + + + + AddWakuNodeModal + + Waku nodes + + + + Name + + + + Specify a name + + + + You need to enter a name + + + + History node address + + + + You need to enter the enode address + + + + The format must be: enode://{enode-id}:{password}@{ip-address}:{port} + + + + Save + + + + + AddressInput + + ENS Username not found + + + + + AddressRequiredValidator + + You need to request the recipient’s address first. +Assets won’t be sent yet. + + + + + AddressSourceSelector + + Invalid source + + + + + AdvancedAddAccountView + + Enter address... + + + + Account address + + + + This needs to be a valid address (starting with 0x) + + + + You need to enter an address + + + + + AppSearch + + No results + + + + Anywhere + + + + + AssetAndAmountInput + + Insufficient balance + + + + Must be greater than or equal to 0 + + + + This needs to be a number + + + + Please enter an amount + + + + Balance: + + + + Asset & Amount + + + + The amount is 0. Proceed only if this is desired. + + + + + BackUpCommuntyBannerPanel + + Back up community key + + + + Back up + + + + + BalanceExceeded + + Balance exceeded + + + + No networks available + + + + + BalanceValidator + + Insufficient balance + + + + + BlockContactConfirmationDialog + + Block User + + + + Blocking will stop new messages from reaching you from %1. + + + + + BloomSelectorButton + + TODO + + + + + BrowserConnectionModal + + '%1' would like to connect to + + + + Allowing authorizes this DApp to retrieve your wallet address and enable Web3 + + + + Granting access authorizes this DApp to retrieve your chat key + + + + Deny + + + + Allow + + + + + BrowserHeader + + Enter URL + + + + + BrowserSettingsMenu + + New Tab + + + + Exit Incognito mode + + + + Go Incognito + + + + Zoom In + + + + Zoom Out + + + + Find + + + + Compatibility mode + + + + Developer Tools + + + + Settings + + + + + BrowserTabStyle + + Start Page + + + + + BrowserTabView + + Start Page + + + + New Tab + + + + Downloads Page + + + + + BrowserView + + Search engine used in the address bar + + + + None + + + + Show Favorites Bar + + + + Connected DApps + + + + No connected dApps + + + + Connecting a dApp grants it permission to view your address and balances, and to send you transaction requests + + + + + BrowserWalletMenu + + Mainnet + + + + Ropsten + + + + Unknown + + + + Disconnect + + + + Assets + + + + History + + + + + BrowserWebEngineView + + Add Favorite + + + + + ChangePasswordModal + + Change password + + + + Change password used to unlock Status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + Change Password + + + + + ChangePasswordSuccessModal + + <b>Password changed</b> + + + + You need to sign in again using the new password. + + + + Sign out & Quit + + + + + ChangeProfilePicModal + + Profile picture + + + + Remove + + + + Upload + + + + Please choose an image + + + + Image files (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png) + + + + + ChannelIdentifierView + + Welcome to the beginning of the <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> group! + + + + Any messages you send here are encrypted and can only be read by you and <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> + + + + + ChatButtonsPanel + + Add reaction + + + + Reply + + + + Edit + + + + Unpin + + + + Pin + + + + Delete + + + + Confirm deleting this message + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well. + + + + + ChatColumnView + + Send + + + + Request Address + + + + Request + + + + + ChatCommandModal + + Continue + + + + Receive on account + + + + From account + + + + Address request required + + + + From + + + + To + + + + Preview + + + + Transaction preview + + + + Next + + + + + ChatCommandsPopup + + Send transaction + + + + Request transaction + + + + + ChatContentView + + Contact + + + + Not a contact + + + + Public chat + + + + %1 members + + + + 1 member + + + + Connected + + + + Disconnected + + + + Blocked + + + + This user has been blocked. + + + + + ChatMessagesView + + Loading... + + + + Failed to send message. + + + + + ChatRequestMessagePanel + + You need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messages + + + + Just click this button to add them as contact. They will receive a notification. Once they accept the request, you'll be able to chat + + + + Add to contacts + + + + + ChooseBrowserPopup + + Choose browser + + + + Open in Status + + + + Open in my default browser + + + + Remember my choice. To override it, go to settings. + + + + + ClosedEmptyPanel + + Your chats will appear here. To start new chats press the  button at the top + + + + + CollectibleCollectionView + + No collectibles available + + + + + CollectibleDetailView + + Properties + + + + Levels + + + + Stats + + + + + CollectiblesContent + + Something went wrong + + + + Reload + + + + + CollectiblesHeader + + Maximum number of collectibles to display reached + + + + + CollectiblesModal + + View + + + + Unnamed + + + + + CollectiblesModalContent + + ID + + + + Description + + + + + CommunitiesView + + Import community + + + + Communities you've joined + + + + + CommunityBannerPicker + + Community banner + + + + Choose an image for banner + + + + Make this my Community banner + + + + + CommunityChannelsAndCategoriesBannerPanel + + Expand your community by adding more channels and categories + + + + Add channels + + + + Add categories + + + + + CommunityColorPanel + + Community Colour + + + + Select Community Colour + + + + This is not a valid colour + + + + White text should be legable on top of this colour + + + + Standard colours + + + + + CommunityDelegate + + Admin + + + + Member + + + + + CommunityIntroDialog + + Welcome to %1 + + + + Join %1 + + + + Community <b>%1</b> has no intro message... + + + + I agree with the above + + + + + CommunityIntroMessageInput + + Community introduction and rules + + + + What new members will read before joining (eg. community rules, welcome message, etc.). Members will need to tick a check box agreeing to these rules before they are allowed to join your community. + + + + community intro message + + + + + CommunityLogoPicker + + Community logo + + + + Choose an image as logo + + + + Make this my Community logo + + + + + CommunityOptions + + Community history service + + + + Request to join required + + + + Any member can pin a message + + + + + CommunityOutroMessageInput + + Leaving community message + + + + The message a member will see when they leave your community + + + + community intro message + + + + + CommunityOverviewSettingsPanel + + Overview + + + + Edit Community + + + + This node is the Community Owner Node. For your Community to function correctly try to keep this computer with Status running and onlinie as much as possible. + + + + Welcome to your community! + + + + Invite new people + + + + Try an airdrop to reward your community for engagement! + + + + Airdrop Tokens + + + + Back up community key + + + + Back up + + + + + CommunityTagsPanel + + Community Tags + + + + Confirm Community Tags + + + + Select tags that will fit your Community + + + + Search tags + + + + Selected tags + + + + + CommunityTagsPicker + + Tags + + + + + CommunityWelcomeBannerPanel + + Welcome to your community! + + + + Add members + + + + Manage community + + + + + CompactMessageView + + Pinned by %1 + + + + Cancel + + + + Save + + + + + ConfirmAddExistingKeyModal + + Enter seed phrase + + + + Do you want to add another existing key? + + + + Add another existing key + + + + + ConfirmAppRestartModal + + Application Restart + + + + Please restart the application to apply the changes. + + + + Restart + + + + + ConfirmSeedPhrasePanel + + Write down your 12-word seed phrase to keep offline + + + + Reveal seed phrase + + + + The next screen contains your seed phrase. +<b>Anyone</b> who sees it can use it to access to your funds. + + + + + ConfirmStoringSeedPhrasePanel + + Complete back up + + + + Store Your Phrase Offline and Complete Your Back Up + + + + By completing this process, you will remove your seed phrase from this application’s storage. This makes your funds more secure. + + + + You will remain logged in, and your seed phrase will be entirely in your hands. + + + + I acknowledge that Status will not be able to show me my seed phrase again. + + + + I aknowledge that Status will not be able to show me my seed phrase again. + + + + + Constants + + Username must be at least 5 characters + + + + Only letters, numbers, underscores and hyphens allowed + + + + 24 character username limit + + + + Usernames ending with '-eth' are not allowed + + + + Usernames ending with '_eth' are not allowed + + + + Usernames ending with '.eth' are not allowed + + + + Sorry, the name you have chosen is not allowed, try picking another username + + + + (edited) + + + + Username already taken :( + + + + Username doesn’t belong to you :( + + + + Continuing will connect this username with your chat key. + + + + ✓ Username available! + + + + Username is already connected with your chat key and can be used inside Status. + + + + This user name is owned by you and connected with your chat key. Continue to set `Show my ENS username in chats`. + + + + Continuing will require a transaction to connect the username with your current chat key. + + + + + Contact + + Admin + + + + + ContactRequestsPopup + + Contact requests + + + + Decline all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to decline all these contact requests + + + + Accept all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to accept all these contact requests + + + + Decline all + + + + Accept all + + + + + ContactSelector + + Please select a contact + + + + Select a contact + + + + Contact does not have an ENS address. Please send a transaction in chat. + + + + No contact selected + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet + + + + + ContactVerificationRequestPopup + + %1 is asking you to verify your identity + + + + %1 would like to verify your identity. Answer the question to prove your identity to %2 + + + + Provide answer to verification request from this contact. + + + + Your answer has been sent to %1. + + + + Refuse Verification + + + + Send Answer + + + + Change answer + + + + Close + + + + + ContactsListAndSearch + + Enter a valid chat key or ENS username + + + + Can't chat with yourself + + + + Enter ENS username or chat key + + + + + ContactsListPanel + + Contact Request Sent + + + + Contact Request Rejected + + + + + CopyToClipBoardButton + + Copied! + + + + + CreatePasswordModal + + Store password + + + + Create a password + + + + Current password... + + + + New password... + + + + Confirm password… + + + + At least 6 characters. You will use this password to unlock status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + Create password + + + + Error importing account + + + + An error occurred while importing your account: + + + + Login failed + + + + Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. + + + + Incorrect password + + + + + CryptoServicesModal + + Buy / Sell crypto + + + + Choose a service you'd like to use to buy crypto + + + + + CurrenciesStore + + US Dollars + + + + British Pound + + + + Euros + + + + Russian ruble + + + + South Korean won + + + + Ethereum + + + + Tokens + + + + Bitcoin + + + + Status Network Token + + + + Dai + + + + United Arab Emirates dirham + + + + Other Fiat + + + + Afghan afghani + + + + Argentine peso + + + + Australian dollar + + + + Barbadian dollar + + + + Bangladeshi taka + + + + Bulgarian lev + + + + Bahraini dinar + + + + Brunei dollar + + + + Bolivian boliviano + + + + Brazillian real + + + + Bhutanese ngultrum + + + + Canadian dollar + + + + Swiss franc + + + + Chilean peso + + + + Chinese yuan + + + + Colombian peso + + + + Costa Rican colón + + + + Czech koruna + + + + Danish krone + + + + Dominican peso + + + + Egyptian pound + + + + Ethiopian birr + + + + Georgian lari + + + + Ghanaian cedi + + + + Hong Kong dollar + + + + Croatian kuna + + + + Hungarian forint + + + + Indonesian rupiah + + + + Israeli new shekel + + + + Indian rupee + + + + Icelandic króna + + + + Jamaican dollar + + + + Japanese yen + + + + Kenyan shilling + + + + Kuwaiti dinar + + + + Kazakhstani tenge + + + + Sri Lankan rupee + + + + Moroccan dirham + + + + Moldovan leu + + + + Mauritian rupee + + + + Malawian kwacha + + + + Mexican peso + + + + Malaysian ringgit + + + + Mozambican metical + + + + Namibian dollar + + + + Nigerian naira + + + + Norwegian krone + + + + Nepalese rupee + + + + New Zealand dollar + + + + Omani rial + + + + Peruvian sol + + + + Papua New Guinean kina + + + + Philippine peso + + + + Pakistani rupee + + + + Polish złoty + + + + Paraguayan guaraní + + + + Qatari riyal + + + + Romanian leu + + + + Serbian dinar + + + + Saudi riyal + + + + Swedish krona + + + + Singapore dollar + + + + Thai baht + + + + Trinidad and Tobago dollar + + + + New Taiwan dollar + + + + Tanzanian shilling + + + + Turkish lira + + + + Ukrainian hryvnia + + + + Ugandan shilling + + + + Uruguayan peso + + + + Venezuelan bolívar + + + + Vietnamese đồng + + + + South African rand + + + + + DateGroup + + Today + + + + Yesterday + + + + January + + + + February + + + + March + + + + April + + + + May + + + + June + + + + July + + + + August + + + + September + + + + October + + + + November + + + + December + + + + + DefaultDAppExplorerView + + Default DApp explorer + + + + none + + + + + DevicesView + + Please set a name for your device. + + + + Specify a name + + + + Continue + + + + Advertise device + + + + Pair your devices to sync contacts and chats between them + + + + Learn more + + + + Paired devices + + + + Syncing... + + + + Sync all devices + + + + + DownloadBar + + Cancelled + + + + Paused + + + + Show All + + + + + DownloadMenu + + Open + + + + Show in folder + + + + Pause + + + + Resume + + + + Cancel + + + + + DownloadPage + + Thanks for using Status + + + + You're curently using version %1 of Status. + + + + There's new version available to download. + + + + Get Status %1 + + + + + DownloadView + + Cancelled + + + + Paused + + + + Downloaded files will appear here. + + + + + ENSPopup + + Primary username + + + + Your messages are displayed to others with this username: + + + + Once you select a username, you won’t be able to disable it afterwards. You will only be able choose a different username to display. + + + + + EmojiReactionsPanel + + Add reaction + + + + + EmptyChatPanel + + Share your chat key + + + + or + + + + invite + + + + friends to start messaging in Status + + + + + EnsAddedView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + %1 is now connected with your chat key and can be used in Status. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsConnectedView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + %1 will be connected once the transaction is complete. + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsListView + + Hey + + + + (pending) + + + + ENS usernames + + + + Add username + + + + Your usernames + + + + Chat settings + + + + Primary Username + + + + None selected + + + + You’re displaying your ENS username in chats + + + + + EnsRegisteredView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + Nice! You own %1.stateofus.eth once the transaction is complete. + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsReleasedView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username removed + + + + The username %1 will be removed and your deposit will be returned once the transaction is mined + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsTermsAndConditionsView + + ENS usernames + + + + Terms of name registration + + + + Funds are deposited for 1 year. Your SNT will be locked, but not spent. + + + + After 1 year, you can release the name and get your deposit back, or take no action to keep the name. + + + + If terms of the contract change — e.g. Status makes contract upgrades — user has the right to release the username regardless of time held. + + + + The contract controller cannot access your deposited funds. They can only be moved back to the address that sent them. + + + + Your address(es) will be publicly associated with your ENS name. + + + + Usernames are created as subdomain nodes of stateofus.eth and are subject to the ENS smart contract terms. + + + + You authorize the contract to transfer SNT on your behalf. This can only occur when you approve a transaction to authorize the transfer. + + + + These terms are guaranteed by the smart contract logic at addresses: + + + + %1 (Status UsernameRegistrar). + + + + <a href='%1%2'>Look up on Etherscan</a> + + + + %1 (ENS Registry). + + + + Wallet address + + + + Copied to clipboard! + + + + Key + + + + Agree to <a href="#">Terms of name registration.</a> I understand that my wallet address will be publicly connected to my username. + + + + Back + + + + 10 SNT + + + + Deposit + + + + Not enough SNT + + + + Register + + + + + EnsWelcomeView + + Get a universal username + + + + ENS names transform those crazy-long addresses into unique usernames. + + + + Customize your chat name + + + + An ENS name can replace your random 3-word name in chat. Be @yourname instead of %1. + + + + Simplify your ETH address + + + + You can receive funds to your easy-to-share ENS name rather than your hexadecimal hash (0x...). + + + + Receive transactions in chat + + + + Others can send you funds via chat in one simple step. + + + + 10 SNT to register + + + + Register once to keep the name forever. After 1 year you can release the name and get your SNT back. + + + + Already own a username? + + + + You can verify and add any usernames you own in the next steps. + + + + Powered by Ethereum Name Services + + + + Start + + + + Only available on Mainnet + + + + + FavoriteMenu + + Open in new Tab + + + + Edit + + + + Remove + + + + + FetchMoreMessagesButton + + ↓ Fetch more messages + + + + Before %1 + + + + before--%1 + + + + + FleetRadioSelector + + Warning! + + + + Change fleet to %1 + + + + + FleetsModal + + Fleet + + + + + GapComponent + + fetch-messages + + + + between--1-and--2 + + + + Fetch messages + + + + Between %1 and %2 + + + + + GasSelectorButton + + Low + + + + + GasValidator + + Not enough ETH for gas + + + + + GroupChatPanel + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + Confirm + + + + + HistoryView + + Status Desktop is connected to a non-archival node. Transaction history may be incomplete. + + + + No transactions found + + + + Load More + + + + + HomePageView + + homepage + + + + System default + + + + Other + + + + Example: duckduckgo.com + + + + + ImageCropWorkflow + + Supported image formats (%1) + + + + + ImportCommunityPopup + + Import Community + + + + Entering a community key will grant you the ownership of that community. Please be responsible with it and don’t share the key with people you don’t trust. + + + + Community private key + + + + Import + + + + + ImportSeedPhrasePanel + + Invalid seed phrase + + + + This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. + + + + %1 words + + + + + Input + + Copied + + + + Pasted + + + + Copy + + + + Paste + + + + + InviteFriendsPopup + + Get Status at https://status.im + + + + Download Status link + + + + Copy to clipboard + + + + + InviteFriendsToCommunityPopup + + Invite friends + + + + Invite successfully sent + + + + Invite + + + + + JSDialogWindow + + Ok + + + + Cancel + + + + + KeycardCreatePINModal + + Create PIN + + + + New PIN + + + + Confirm PIN + + + + Create a 6 digit long PIN + + + + + LanguageStore + + Beta Languages + + + + + LinksMessageView + + Enable automatic image unfurling + + + + Enable link previews in chat? + + + + Once enabled, links posted in the chat may share your metadata with their owners + + + + Enable in Settings + + + + Don't ask me again + + + + + MailserverConnectionDialog + + Can not connect to mailserver + + + + The mailserver you're connecting to is unavailable. + + + + Pick another + + + + Retry + + + + + MainView + + DApp Permissions + + + + Networks + + + + Accounts + + + + Generated from Your Seed Phrase + + + + Imported + + + + Watch-Only + + + + + MembershipRequestsPopup + + Membership requests + + + + + MessageStore + + and + + + + %1 more + + + + reacted with + + + + You + + + + + MuteChatMenuItem + + Mute chat + + + + Unmute chat + + + + + MutedChatsModal + + Muted chats + + + + Unmute + + + + + MyProfileSettingsView + + Display name + + + + Display Name + + + + Biometric login and transaction authentication + + + + Communities + + + + Accounts + + + + You haven't joined any communities yet + + + + You don't have any wallet accounts yet + + + + + NetworkCardsComponent + + Your Balances + + + + No Balance + + + + No Gas + + + + BALANCE: + + + + Disabled + + + + + NetworkFilter + + All networks + + + + %n network(s) + + + + + + + NetworkSelectPopup + + Layer 2 + + + + + NetworkSelector + + Networks + + + + Choose a network to use for the transaction + + + + No networks available + + + + Simple + + + + Advanced + + + + Custom + + + + + NetworksAdvancedCustomRoutingView + + Networks + + + + Show Unpreferred Networks + + + + The networks where the receipient will receive tokens. Amounts calculated automatically for the lowest cost. + + + + + NetworksSimpleRoutingView + + Networks + + + + Choose a network to use for the transaction + + + + + NetworksView + + Layer 2 + + + + Add Custom Network + + + + + NoFriendsRectangle + + You don’t have any contacts yet. Invite your friends to start chatting. + + + + Invite friends + + + + + NodeLayout + + Bloom Filter Usage + + + + Type json-rpc message... e.g {"method": "eth_accounts"} + + + + + NotificationSelect + + Send Alerts + + + + Deliver Quietly + + + + Turn Off + + + + + NotificationWindow + + Everything is connected + + + + + PINModal + + Authenticate PIN + + + + PIN + + + + Insert your 6-digit PIN + + + + Authenticate + + + + + PairingModal + + Insert pairing code + + + + Pairing code + + + + Insert the Keycard pairing code + + + + Pair + + + + + PrivateChatPopup + + New chat + + + + My Profile + + + + + ProfileHeader + + Chatkey:%1... + + + + + ProfileView + + Blocked + + + + Send Request + + + + Receive Response + + + + Confirm Identity + + + + You have confirmed %1's identity. From now on this verification emblem will always be displayed alongside %1's nickname. + + + + You have marked %1 as Untrustworthy. From now on this Untrustworthy emblem will always be displayed alongside %1's nickname. + + + + ENS username + + + + Username + + + + Ask a question that only the real %1 will be able to answer e.g. a question about a shared experience, or ask Mark to enter a code or phrase you have sent to them via a different communication channel (phone, post, etc...). + + + + Waiting for %1's response... + + + + Copied to clipboard + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Chat settings + + + + Nickname + + + + None + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + + PublicChatPopup + + You need to enter a channel name + + + + The channel name can only contain lowercase letters, numbers and dashes + + + + Join public chat + + + + A public chat is where you get to hang out with others, make friends and talk about subjects of your interest. + + + + chat-name + + + + Start chat + + + + + RecipientSelector + + Invalid ethereum address + + + + Address + + + + My account + + + + Contact + + + + Recipient + + + + + RenameAccontModal + + Rename %1 + + + + Enter an account name... + + + + You need to enter an account name + + + + This is not a valid account name + + + + color + + + + Change Name + + + + Changing settings failed + + + + + RenameGroupPopup + + Group name + + + + Save + + + + + Retry + + Resend + + + + + RightTabView + + Assets + + + + Collectibles + + + + Activity + + + + History + + + + + SearchBox + + Search + + + + + SearchEngineModal + + Search engine + + + + None + + + + + SearchResults + + Non contacts + + + + No profile found + + + + + SeedPhraseBackupWarning + + Back up your seed phrase + + + + Back up + + + + + SeedPhraseTextArea + + Invalid seed phrase + + + + This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. + + + + Start with the first word + + + + + SelectAccountModal + + Select account + + + + Select account to share and receive assets + + + + Confirm and share address + + + + + SelectAnotherAccountModal + + Your keys + + + + Add another existing key + + + + + SelectGeneratedAccount + + Import new Seed Phrase + + + + Generate from Private key + + + + Add a watch-only address + + + + Imported + + + + Add new + + + + Origin + + + + + SendContactRequestMenuItem + + Send Contact Request + + + + + SendMessageMenuItem + + Send message + + + + + SendToContractWarning + + Tokens will be sent directly to a contract address, which may result in a loss of funds. To transfer ERC-20 tokens, ensure the recipient address is the address of the destination wallet. + + + + + SendTransactionButton + + Sign and send + + + + + SettingsDirtyToastMessage + + Changes detected + + + + Cancel + + + + Save changes + + + + + SignMessageModal + + Signature request + + + + From + + + + Data + + + + Message + + + + Reject + + + + Sign + + + + Sign with password + + + + + SignPhraseModal + + Signing phrase + + + + This is your signing phrase + + + + You should see these 3 words before signing each transaction + + + + If you see a different combination, cancel the transaction and sign out + + + + Ok, got it + + + + Remind me later + + + + + StateBubble + + Pending + + + + Confirmed + + + + Unknown token + + + + Address requested + + + + Waiting to accept + + + + Address shared + + + + Address received + + + + Transaction declined + + + + failure + + + + Unknown state + + + + + StatusActivityCenterButton + + Activity + + + + + StatusAddressOrEnsValidator + + Please enter a valid address or ENS name. + + + + + StatusAddressValidator + + Please enter a valid address. + + + + + StatusAppChatView + + Join public chats + + + + Start chat + + + + + StatusAppCommunitiesPortalView + + Find community + + + + Featured + + + + Popular + + + + + StatusAsyncEnsValidator + + ENS name could not be resolved in to an address + + + + + StatusAsyncValidator + + invalid input + + + + + StatusBadge + + 99+ + + + + + StatusChatImageExtensionValidator + + Format not supported. + + + + Upload %1 only + + + + + StatusChatImageLoader + + Error loading the image + + + + Loading image... + + + + + StatusChatImageQtyValidator + + You can only upload %1 images at a time + + + + + StatusChatImageSizeValidator + + Max image size is %1 MB + + + + + StatusColorSpacePage + + Thickness + + + + Min saturate: + + + + Max saturate: + + + + Min value: + + + + Max value: + + + + Color + + + + + StatusCommunityTagsPage + + Select tags that will fit your Community + + + + Search tags + + + + Selected tags + + + + + StatusDialog + + Close + + + + Abort + + + + Cancel + + + + No to all + + + + No + + + + Open + + + + Save + + + + Save all + + + + Retry + + + + Ignore + + + + Ok + + + + Yes to all + + + + Yes + + + + Apply + + + + + StatusETHTransactionModal + + Contract interaction + + + + Wrong password + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Continue + + + + Choose account + + + + Sign with password + + + + Next + + + + + StatusEmojiSection + + No recent emojis + + + + + StatusFloatValidator + + Please enter a valid numeric value. + + + + + StatusGifColumn + + Remove from favorites + + + + Add to favorites + + + + + StatusGifPopup + + Search Tenor + + + + TRENDING + + + + FAVORITES + + + + RECENT + + + + Enable Tenor GIFs? + + + + Once enabled, GIFs posted in the chat may share your metadata with Tenor. + + + + Enable + + + + Favorite GIFs will appear here + + + + Recent GIFs will appear here + + + + Error while contacting Tenor API, please retry. + + + + Retry + + + + + StatusIntValidator + + Please enter a valid numeric value. + + + + + StatusItemSelector + + and + + + + or + + + + + StatusListPickerPage + + Search Languages + + + + Search Currencies + + + + + StatusNotification + + Open + + + + + StatusPasswordStrengthIndicator + + Very weak + + + + Weak + + + + So-so + + + + Good + + + + Great + + + + + StatusSNTTransactionModal + + Authorize %1 %2 + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Wrong password + + + + Continue + + + + Choose account + + + + Sign with password + + + + Send %1 %2 + + + + Next + + + + + StatusSearchListPopup + + Search... + + + + + StatusSearchLocationMenu + + Anywhere + + + + + StatusSearchPopup + + No results + + + + Anywhere + + + + Search + + + + In: + + + + In + + + + + StatusSpellcheckingMenuItems + + Add to dictionary + + + + Disable Spellchecking + + + + + StatusStackModal + + StackModal + + + + Next + + + + Finish + + + + + StatusStickerButton + + Buy for %1 SNT + + + + Uninstall + + + + Install + + + + Free + + + + Pending... + + + + Cancel + + + + Update + + + + + StatusStickersPopup + + You don't have any stickers yet + + + + Recently used stickers will appear here + + + + Get Stickers + + + + + StatusTagSelectorPage + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + + StatusUrlValidator + + Please enter a valid URL + + + + + StatusValidator + + invalid input + + + + + StatusWindowsTitleBar + + Status + + + + + SubheaderTabBar + + Step %1 of %2 + + + + + TabAddressSelectorView + + Saved + + + + My Accounts + + + + Recent + + + + Search for saved address + + + + No Saved Address + + + + No Recents + + + + + ToastMessage + + View on Etherscan + + + + Transaction pending... + + + + + TokenSettingsModal + + Manage Assets + + + + Add custom token + + + + + TokenSettingsModalContent + + Token details + + + + Remove token + + + + Custom + + + + Default + + + + + TouchIDAuthView + + Biometrics + + + + Would you like to use Touch ID +to login to Status? + + + + Yes, use Touch ID + + + + I prefer to use my password + + + + + TransactionBubbleView + + Transaction request + + + + ↑ Outgoing transaction + + + + ↓ Incoming transaction + + + + Token not found on your current network + + + + + TransactionDelegate + + From + + + + To + + + + At + + + + + TransactionModal + + Transaction Details + + + + confirmation(s) + + + + When the transaction has 12 confirmations you can consider it settled. + + + + Block + + + + Hash + + + + From + + + + To + + + + Gas limit + + + + Gas price + + + + Gas used + + + + Nonce + + + + + TransactionPreview + + From + + + + Recipient + + + + Unknown + + + + Asset + + + + Amount + + + + Network fee + + + + Data + + + + Data field + + + + + TransactionSigner + + You need to enter a password + + + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + Signing phrase + + + + Signing phrase is a 3 word combination that displayed when you entered the wallet on this device for the first time. + + + + Enter the password you use to unlock this device + + + + Password + + + + Enter password + + + + + UnblockContactConfirmationDialog + + Unblock User + + + + Unblocking will allow new messages you received from %1 to reach you. + + + + + UserListPanel + + Offline + + + + Online + + + + Inactive + + + + Do not disturb + + + + Idle + + + + + UserStatusContextMenu + + View My Profile + + + + Always online + + + + Inactive + + + + Set status automatically + + + + Online + + + + Offline + + + + + ViewProfileMenuItem + + View Profile + + + + + WakuNodesModal + + Waku nodes + + + + Use Waku nodes + + + + Select node automatically + + + + Waku Nodes + + + + Node %1 + + + + Add a new node + + + + + WalletFooter + + Send + + + + Receive + + + + Buy / Sell + + + + + WelcomeView + + Welcome to Status + + + + Your fully decentralized gateway to Ethereum and Web3. Crypto wallet, privacy first group chat, and dApp browser. + + + + I am new to Status + + + + I already use Status + + + + + main + + StatusQ Documentation App + + + + Status Desktop + + + + Open Status + + + + Quit + + + + diff --git a/ui/i18n/qml_it.ts b/ui/i18n/qml_it.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f60b76aaaa --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/i18n/qml_it.ts @@ -0,0 +1,19038 @@ + + + + + about-app + A proposito di + + + about-key-storage-content + Status non accederà mai alla tua chiave privata. Assicurati di eseguire il backup della tua frase di recupero. Se si perde il telefono è l'unico modo per accedere alle tue chiavi . + + + about-key-storage-title + Informazioni sulla memorizzazione delle chiavi + + + about-names-content + Nessuno può fingere di essere te! Sei anonimo di default e non dovrai mai rivelare il tuo vero nome. È possibile registrare un nome personalizzato per una piccola quota. + + + about-names-title + I nomi non possono essere cambiati + + + access-key + Accedi a chiavi esistenti + + + access-existing-keys + Accedi a chiavi esistenti + + + accept-and-share-address + Accetta e condividi indirizzo + + + account-added + Account aggiunto + + + account-color + Colore dell'account + + + anyone + Chiunque + + + messages-from-contacts-only-subtitle + Solo le persone che hai aggiunto come contatti possono avviare una nuova chat con te o invitarti a un gruppo + + + accept-new-chats-from + Accetta nuove chat da + + + account-name + Nome utente + + + account-settings + Impostazioni account + + + accounts + Accounts + + + active-online + In linea + + + active-unknown + Sconosciuto + + + add + Aggiungi + + + add-a-watch-account + Aggiungi un indirizzo di sola lettura + + + add-account + Aggiungi un account + + + add-account-description + Puoi importare qualsiasi tipo di account Ethereum per aggiungerlo al tuo portafoglio Status. + + + add-account-incorrect-password + La password sembra essere errata. Inserisci la password che usi per sbloccare l'app. + + + add-an-account + Aggiungi un account + + + add-bootnode + Aggiungi bootnode + + + add-contact + Aggiungi ai contatti + + + add-custom-token + Aggiungi token personalizzato + + + add-mailserver + Aggiungi nodo Status + + + add-members + Aggiungi partecipanti + + + add-network + Aggiungi rete + + + add-node + Aggiungi Nodo + + + add-to-contacts + Aggiungi ai contatti + + + add-to-contacts-text + Aggiungendo un utente all'elenco dei contatti, condividi l'indirizzo del tuo portafoglio + + + address + Indirizzo + + + address-received + Indirizzo ricevuto + + + address-requested + Indirizzo richiesto + + + address-request-accepted + Richiesta di indirizzo accettata + + + advanced + Avanzate + + + advanced-settings + Impostazioni avanzate + + + agree-by-continuing + Continuando accetti + i nostri + + + all + Tutti + + + allow + Consenti + + + allowing-authorizes-this-dapp + Autorizzare questo DApp a recuperare l'indirizzo del tuo portafoglio e abilitare Web3 + + + already-have-asset + Hai già questo cryptoasset + + + amount + Importo + + + are-you-sure-description + Non sarai più in grado di vedere l'intera frase di recupero + + + are-you-sure? + Sei sicuro? + + + ask-in-status + Fai una domanda o segnala un bug + + + at + a + + + authorize + Autorizza + + + available + Disponibile + + + available-participants + + Puoi selezione solo un'altro partecipante + Puoi selezionare ancora {{count}} participanti + + + + back + Indietro + + + back-up-seed-phrase + Backup frase di recupero + + + back-up-your-seed-phrase + Backup frase di recupero + + + backup-recovery-phrase + Backup della frase di recupero + + + balance + Saldo + + + begin-set-up + Inizia la configurazione + + + biometric-auth-android-sensor-desc + Sensore tattile + + + biometric-auth-android-sensor-error-desc + Fallita + + + biometric-auth-android-title + Autenticazione richiesta + + + biometric-auth-confirm-logout + Ripetere il login + + + biometric-auth-confirm-message + L'autenticazione biometrica è necessaria per continuare, se non è possibile si prega di sbloccare le chiavi usando la password o la codice di accesso. + + + biometric-auth-confirm-title + Devi autenticarti! + + + biometric-auth-confirm-try-again + Riprova + + + biometric-auth-error + Impossibile eseguire l'autenticazione biometrica ({{code}}) + + + biometric-auth-login-error-title + Errore di autenticazione biometrica + + + biometric-auth-login-ios-fallback-label + Inserisci la password + + + biometric-auth-reason-login + Accedi in Status + + + biometric-auth-reason-verify + Verifica autenticazione + + + biometric-secure-with + Proteggi con {{bio-type-label}} + + + biometric-enable-keycard + Se non vuoi utilizzare ogni volta la Keycard per accedere all'app, abilita l'accesso via {{bio-type-label}} + + + biometric-enable + Se non vuoi digitare ogni volta la password per accedere all'app, abilita l'accesso via {{bio-type-label}} + + + biometric-disable-bioauth + disabilita {{bio-type-label}} + + + biometric-disable-password-title + Disabilita il salvataggio della password + + + biometric-disable-password-description + Disabilitando questa opzione, si + + + biometric-enable-button + Abilita {{bio-type-label}} + + + biometric-fingerprint + impronta digitale + + + biometric-faceid + Face ID + + + biometric-touchid + Touch ID + + + blank-keycard-text + È possibile procedere con la tua keycard una volta che hai generato le tue chiavi ed il tuo nome + + + blank-keycard-title + Sembra che tu abbia usato +una keycard vuota + + + block + Blocco + + + unblock + Sblocca + + + block-contact + Blocca questo utente + + + block-contact-details + Il blocco eliminerà i messaggi già ricevuti da questo utente e impedirà di riceverne altri + + + blocked-users + Utenti bloccati + + + bootnode-address + Indirizzo bootnode + + + bootnode-details + Dettagli bootnode + + + bootnode-format + enode://{enode-id}@{ip-address}:{port} + + + bootnodes + Bootnodes + + + bootnodes-enabled + Bootnodes abilitati + + + bootnodes-settings + Impostazioni dei bootnode + + + browsed-websites + La cronologia del browser verrà visualizzata qui + + + browser + Browser + + + browser-not-secure + La connessione non è sicura! Non firmare transazioni o inviare dati personali su questo sito. + + + browser-secure + La connessione è sicura. Assicurati di fidarti davvero a questo sito prima di firmare transazioni o di inserire dati personali. + + + browsers + Browsers + + + browsing-cancel + Annulla + + + browsing-open-in-android-web-browser + Apri in Android + + + browsing-open-in-ios-web-browser + Apri in iOS + + + browsing-open-in-status + Apri in Status + + + browsing-site-blocked-description1 + Abbiamo rilevato potenziali attività malevole da questo indirizzo. Per proteggere te e il tuo portafoglio, stiamobloccando la navigazione. + + Se ritieni che si tratti di un errore, faccelo sapere in + + + browsing-site-blocked-description2 + chat pubblica. + + + browsing-site-blocked-go-back + Torna indietro + + + browsing-site-blocked-title + Questo sito è bloccato + + + browsing-title + Sfoglia + + + bug-report + Segnala un bug + + + bug-report-description + * Descrizione + + + bug-report-description-placeholder + Obbligatorio, non può essere vuoto + + + bug-report-steps + Passi per riprodurre + + + bug-report-steps-placeholder + - apri l'app + - fai qualcosa + - e poi qualcos'altro... + + + bug-report-submit-email + Invia via e-mail con l'archivio dei log + + + bug-report-submit-gh-issue + Invia un problema GitHub senza log + + + bug-report-too-short-description + La descrizione è troppo breve + + + camera-access-error + Per concedere l'autorizzazione richiesta per la videocamera, andare alle impostazioni del sistema e assicurarsi che Status > Videocamera sia selezionato. + + + can-not-add-yourself + Questo sei tu, per iniziare una chat scegli qualcun altro + + + cancel + Annulla + + + cancel-keycard-setup + Annullare la configurazione della Keycard + + + cannot-read-card + Non riesco a leggere la carta. +Per favore, tienilo sul retro del telefono. + + + cannot-use-default-pin + Il codice di accesso 000000 non è consentito. +Si prega di utilizzare un altro numero + + + card-is-blank + Questa carta è vuota + + + card-reseted + La carta è stata resettata + + + card-unpaired + La carta è stata disaccoppiata dal dispositivo corrente + + + change-fleet + Cambia fleet in {{fleet}} + + + change-log-level + Conferma e riavvia l'applicazione per cambiare il livello di log a {{log-level}} + + + change-logging-enabled + Sei sicuro di voler {{enable}} il logging? + + + change-passcode + Cambia codice di accesso + + + change-password + Cambia la password + + + change-pin + Cambia codice di accesso a 6 cifre + + + change-puk + Modifica il PUK a 12 cifre + + + change-pairing + Modifica il codice di accoppiamento + + + change-pairing-title + Creare un nuovo codice di accoppiamento + + + change-pairing-description + La modifica del codice di abbinamento non influisce sugli abbinamenti correnti. Tuttavia, qualsiasi nuovo abbinamento richiederà il nuovo codice. + + + changed-amount-warning + L'importo è stato modificato da {{old}} a {{new}} + + + changed-asset-warning + La risorsa è stata modificata da {{old}} a {{new}} + + + chaos-mode + Modalità caos + + + chaos-unicorn-day + Chaos Unicorn Day + + + chaos-unicorn-day-details + 🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🚀! + + + chat + Chat + + + chat-and-transact + Chatta ed effettua transazioni in privato con gli amici + + + chat-key + Chiave chat + + + chat-name + + + + chat-settings + Impostazioni chat + + + chats + Chat + + + check-your-recovery-phrase + Controlla la tua frase di recupero + + + choose-authentication-method + Scegli un metodo di autenticazione. + + + clear + Cancella tutto + + + clear-all + Cancella tutto + + + clear-history + Cancellare la cronologia + + + clear-history-action + Cancella tutto + + + clear-history-confirmation + Cancellare la cronologia? + + + clear-history-confirmation-content + Sei sicuro di voler cancellare la cronologia di questa chat? + + + clear-history-title + Cancellare la cronologia? + + + close + Chiudi + + + close-app-button + Conferma + + + close-app-content + L'app si fermerà e si chiuderà. Quando la riapri, verrà utilizzata la rete selezionata + + + close-app-title + Attenzione! + + + command-button-send + Invia + + + communities + Comunità + + + community-members + + membro + membri + + + + members-label + Partecipanti + + + open-membership + Iscrizione aperta + + + member-kick + Espelli utente + + + member-ban + Espelli membro + + + membership-requests + Richieste di adesione + + + community-members-title + Partecipanti + + + community-requests-to-join-title + Richieste di adesione + + + name-your-channel + Dai un nome al tuo canale + + + name-your-channel-placeholder + Nome canale + + + give-a-short-description + Fornisci una breve descrizione + + + describe-channel + Descrivi il canale + + + communities-alpha + Comunità (alfa) + + + communities-verified + ✓ Comunità di Status verificata + + + communities-enabled + Comunità abilitate + + + request-access + Richiedi accesso + + + membership-request-pending + Richiesta di iscrizione in sospeso + + + create-community + Crea una comunità + + + create-category + Crea Categoria + + + rearrange-categories + Riorganizza le categorie + + + edited + Modificato + + + edit-community + Modifica comunità + + + editing-message + Modifica del messaggio + + + community-edit-title + Modifica comunità + + + community-invite-title + Invita + + + community-share-title + Condividi + + + invite + + + + create-channel + Crea un canale + + + import-community + Importa una comunità + + + import-community-title + Importa una comunità + + + name-your-community + Dai un nome alla tua comunità + + + name-your-community-placeholder + Un nome accattivante + + + give-a-short-description-community + Fornisci una breve descrizione + + + new-community-title + Nuova comunità + + + new-category + Nuova Categoria + + + category-title + Titolo della categoria + + + membership-title + Requisito di iscrizione + + + create-channel-title + Nuovo canale + + + edit-channel-title + Modifica canale + + + community-thumbnail-image + Immagine di anteprima + + + community-emoji-thumbnail-title + Miniatura + + + community-thumbnail-upload + Carica + + + community-image-take + Scatta una foto + + + community-image-pick + Scegli un'immagine + + + community-image-remove + Rimuovi + + + community-color + Colore della comunità + + + community-link + Link alla comunità + + + community-color-placeholder + Scegli un colore + + + membership-button + Requisito di iscrizione + + + membership-none + Nessuno + + + membership-none-placeholder + È possibile richiedere ai nuovi membri di soddisfare determinati criteri prima che possano aderire. Questo può essere cambiato in qualsiasi momento + + + membership-approval + Richiedi approvazione + + + membership-approval-description + La tua comunità è libera , ma i nuovi membri devono prima essere approvati dal creatore della comunità + + + membership-invite + Richiedi invito da un altro membro + + + membership-invite-description + Ci si può unire alla tua comunità solo su invito di membri già iscritti + + + membership-ens + Richiedi un nome utente ENS + + + membership-ens-description + La tua comunità richiede un nome utente ENS per poter partecipare + + + membership-free + Nessun requisito + + + membership-free-description + La tua community permette a chiunque di unirsi + + + community-roles + Ruoli + + + community-key + Chiave privata della comunità + + + community-key-placeholder + Digita la chiave privata della community + + + leave-community + Abbandona la comunità + + + enter-user-pk + Inserisci la chiave pubblica dell'utente + + + import + Importa + + + complete-hardwallet-setup + La carta è ora collegata. Sarà richiesta per firmare le tue transazioni e sbloccare le tue chiavi. + + + chat-notification-preferences + Impostazioni sulle notifiche + + + completed + Completato + + + confirm + Conferma + + + confirmation-request + Richiesta di conferma + + + confirmations + Conferme + + + confirmations-helper-text + Quando la transazione ha 12 conferme si può considerare conclusa. + + + connect + Collega + + + connect-mailserver-content + Connettersi a {{name}} ? + + + connected + Connesso + + + connected-to + Connesso a + + + connecting + Connessione in corso... + + + connecting-requires-login + La connessione ad un'altra rete richiede il login + + + connection-with-the-card-lost + La connessione con la carta + è stata persa + + + connection-with-the-card-lost-setup-text + Per riprendere l'installazione, tenere +la carta appoggiata alla parte posteriore +del telefono e mantenere contatto. + + + connection-with-the-card-lost-text + Per procedere, tieni la carta sul retro del telefono + + + contact-code + Chiave chat + + + contact-s + + contatto + contatti + + + + contacts + Contatti + + + continue + Continua + + + contract-address + Indirizzo del Contract + + + contract-interaction + Interazione con Smart Contract + + + copy-info + Copia info + + + copy-qr + Copia codice + + + copy-to-clipboard + Copia + + + copy-transaction-hash + Copia ID transazione + + + cost-fee + Costo/Tassa + + + counter-9-plus + 9+ + + + counter-99-plus + 99+ + + + create + Crea + + + create-a-pin + Crea un codice di accesso a 6 cifre + + + create-a-puk + Crea il nuovo PUK di 12 caratteri + + + create-group-chat + Crea chat di gruppo + + + create-multiaccount + Genera le chiavi + + + create-new-key + Ottieni nuove chiavi + + + create-pin + Crea un codice di accesso a 6 cifre + + + create-pin-description + Per sbloccare Status e confermare le transazioni avrai bisogno della tua carta + questo codice di accesso a 6 cifre + + + created-group-chat-description + Hai creato il gruppo {{group-name}} + + + members-count + {{count}} membri + + + cryptokitty-name + CryptoKitty # {{id}} + + + currency + Valuta + + + currency-display-name-aed + Dirham degli Emirati + + + currency-display-name-afn + Afghani + + + currency-display-name-ars + Peso argentino + + + currency-display-name-aud + Dollaro Australiano + + + currency-display-name-bbd + Dollaro delle Barbados + + + currency-display-name-bdt + Taka bengalese + + + currency-display-name-bgn + Lev bulgaro + + + currency-display-name-bhd + Dinaro del Bahrein + + + currency-display-name-bnd + Dollaro del Brunei + + + currency-display-name-bob + Boliviano + + + currency-display-name-brl + Real brasiliano + + + + currency-display-name-btn + Ngultrum del Bhutan + + + currency-display-name-cad + Dollaro canadese + + + currency-display-name-chf + Franco Svizzero + + + currency-display-name-clp + Peso Cileno + + + currency-display-name-cny + Renminbi cinese + + + currency-display-name-cop + Peso colombiano + + + currency-display-name-crc + Colón Costaricano + + + currency-display-name-czk + Corona Ceca + + + currency-display-name-dkk + Corona Danese + + + currency-display-name-dop + Peso della Repubblica Dominicana + + + currency-display-name-egp + Sterlina egiziana + + + currency-display-name-etb + Birr etiope + + + currency-display-name-eur + Euro + + + currency-display-name-gbp + Sterlina Inglese + + + currency-display-name-gel + Lari georgiano + + + currency-display-name-ghs + Cedi ghanese + + + currency-display-name-hkd + Dollaro di Hong Kong + + + currency-display-name-hrk + Kuna croata + + + currency-display-name-huf + Fiorino Ungherese + + + currency-display-name-idr + Rupia indonesiana + + + currency-display-name-ils + Shekel Israeliano + + + currency-display-name-inr + Rupia Indiana + + + currency-display-name-isk + Corona Islandese + + + currency-display-name-jmd + Dollaro giamaicano + + + currency-display-name-jpy + Yen Giapponese + + + currency-display-name-kes + Scellino keniota + + + currency-display-name-krw + Won sudcoreano + + + currency-display-name-kwd + Dinaro kuwaitiano + + + currency-display-name-kzt + Kazakistan Tenge + + + currency-display-name-lkr + Rupia dello Sri Lanka + + + currency-display-name-mad + Dirham Marocchino + + + currency-display-name-mdl + Leu moldavo + + + currency-display-name-mur + Rupia delle Mauritius + + + currency-display-name-mwk + Kwacha malawiano + + + currency-display-name-mxn + Peso messicano + + + currency-display-name-myr + Ringgit Malesiano + + + currency-display-name-mzn + Metical del Mozambico + + + currency-display-name-nad + Dollaro della Namibia + + + currency-display-name-ngn + Naira nigeriano + + + currency-display-name-nok + Corona norvegese + + + currency-display-name-npr + Rupia del Nepal + + + currency-display-name-nzd + Dollaro Neozelandese + + + currency-display-name-omr + Oman Rial + + + currency-display-name-pen + Nuevo sol peruviano + + + currency-display-name-pgk + Kina papuana + + + currency-display-name-php + Peso delle Filippine + + + currency-display-name-pkr + Rupia del Pakistan + + + currency-display-name-pln + Zloty Polacco + + + currency-display-name-pyg + Guarani paraguaiano + + + currency-display-name-qar + Riyal del Qatar + + + currency-display-name-ron + Leu rumeno + + + currency-display-name-rsd + Dinaro serbo + + + currency-display-name-rub + Rublo russo + + + currency-display-name-sar + Arabia Saudita Riyal + + + currency-display-name-sek + Corona Svedese + + + currency-display-name-sgd + Dollaro di Singapore + + + currency-display-name-thb + Baht thailandese + + + currency-display-name-try + Lira turca + + + currency-display-name-ttd + Dollaro di Trinidad e Tobago + + + currency-display-name-twd + Dollaro taiwanese + + + currency-display-name-tzs + Scellino tanzaniano + + + currency-display-name-uah + Grivnia Ucraina + + + currency-display-name-ugx + Scellino ugandese + + + currency-display-name-usd + Dollaro Americano + + + currency-display-name-uyu + Peso dell'Uruguay + + + currency-display-name-vef + Bolívar venezuelano + + + currency-display-name-vnd + Dong Vietnamita + + + currency-display-name-zar + Rand sudafricano + + + current-network + Rete corrente + + + current-pin + Inserisci il codice di accesso a 6 cifre + + + current-pin-description + Inserisci il tuo codice di accesso a 6 cifre per procedere + + + custom + Personalizzato + + + custom-networks + Reti personalizzate + + + dapp + ÐApp + + + dapp-would-like-to-connect-wallet + vorrebbe connettersi a + + + dapps + ÐApps + + + dapps-permissions + Autorizzazioni DApp + + + data + Dati + + + datetime-ago + fa + + + datetime-ago-format + {{number}}{{time-intervals}}{{ago}} + + + datetime-ago-format-short + {{number}} {{time-intervals}} + + + datetime-day + + giorno + giorni + + + + datetime-hour + + ora + ore + + + + datetime-minute + + minuto + minuti + + + + datetime-second + + secondo + secondi + + + + datetime-day-short + + G + GG + + + + datetime-hour-short + + O + O + + + + datetime-minute-short + + M + M + + + + datetime-second-short + + S + S + + + + datetime-today + oggi + + + datetime-yesterday + Ieri + + + decimals + Decimali + + + decline + Rifiuta + + + decryption-failed-content + Non siamo stati in grado di decrittografare i tuoi dati. Potresti dover cancellare i tuoi vecchi dati e creare un nuovo account. Tocca su “Applica” per cancellare e ricreare, "Annulla" per riprovare. + + + default + Predefinito + + + delete + Elimina + + + delete-and-leave-group + Elimina e lascia il gruppo + + + delete-bootnode + Elimina bootnode + + + delete-bootnode-are-you-sure + Sei sicuro di voler eliminare questo bootnode? + + + delete-bootnode-title + Elimina bootnode + + + delete-chat + Elimina chat + + + delete-chat-confirmation + Sei sicuro di voler eliminare questa chat? + + + delete-category-confirmation + Sei sicuro di voler eliminare questa categoria? + + + delete-confirmation + Eliminare? + + + delete-mailserver + Elimina nodo Status + + + delete-mailserver-are-you-sure + Sei sicuro di voler eliminare questo nodo Status? + + + delete-mailserver-title + Elimina il nodo Status + + + delete-message + Cancella il messaggio + + + delete-my-account + Cancella il mio account + + + delete-network-confirmation + Sei sicuro di voler eliminare questa rete? + + + delete-network-error + Si prega di connettersi ad un'altra rete prima di cancellare questa + + + delete-network-title + Cancellare la rete? + + + delete-node + Nodo cancellato + + + delete-node-are-you-sure + Sei sicuro di voler cancellare questo Nodo? + + + delete-node-title + Cancella Nodo + + + delete-profile + Elimina profilo + + + delete-my-profile + Elimina il mio profilo + + + delete-profile-warning + Attenzione: se non hai scritto la tua frase di sicurezza, perderai l'accesso ai tuoi fondi dopo aver eliminato il tuo profilo + + + profile-deleted-title + Profilo cancellato + + + profile-deleted-content + Il tuo profilo è stato cancellato con successo + + + profile-deleted-keycard + Ora puoi ripristinare un'altra coppia di chiavi sulla tua Keycard + + + deny + Nega + + + description + Descrizione + + + dev-mode + Modalità di sviluppo + + + dev-mode-settings + Impostazioni modalità di sviluppo + + + device-syncing + Sincronizzazione del dispositivo + + + devices + Dispositivi + + + disable + disabilitare + + + disabled + Disabilitato + + + disconnected + Chat offline + + + discover + Scopri + + + dismiss + Chiudi + + + done + Fatto + + + edit + Modifica + + + edit-group + Modifica gruppo + + + edit-profile + Modifica Profilo + + + empty-chat-description + Non ci sono ancora + messaggi in questa chat + + + empty-chat-description-one-to-one + Tutti i messaggi che invii qui sono crittografati e possono essere letti solo da te e + + + empty-chat-description-public + Nelle ultime {{quiet-hours}} non si è chattato. Inizia la conversazione o + + + cleared-chat-description-public + + + + empty-chat-description-community + È stato tranquillo qui nelle ultime {{quiet-hours}} . + + + empty-chat-description-public-share-this + condividi questa chat. + + + enable + Abilitare + + + encrypt-with-password + Codifica con la tua password + + + ens-10-SNT + 10 SNT + + + ens-add-username + Aggiungi nome utente + + + ens-agree-to + Accetto + + + ens-chat-settings + Impostazioni chat + + + ens-custom-domain + Dominio personalizzato + + + ens-custom-username-hints + Digita l'intero nome utente incluso il dominio personalizzato come nomeutente.dominio.eth + + + ens-custom-username-taken + Il nome utente non ti appartiene :( + + + ens-deposit + Deposita + + + ens-displayed-with + I tuoi messaggi vengono visualizzati agli altri con + + + ens-get-name + Ottieni un nome utente universale + + + ens-got-it + Ok capito + + + ens-locked + Nome utente bloccato. Non sarà possibile rilasciarlo fino al {{date}} + + + ens-network-restriction + Disponibile solo su Mainnet + + + ens-no-usernames + Non hai nessun nome utente collegato + + + ens-powered-by + Offerto da Ethereum Name Services + + + ens-primary-username + Nome utente principale + + + ens-register + Registrati + + + ens-registration-in-progress + Registrazione in corso... + + + ens-registration-failure + Registrazione fallita + + + ens-dismiss-message + Clicca qui per chiudere + + + ens-registration-failed + Per registrare il nome utente, per favore prova di nuovo. + + + ens-registration-failed-title + Transazione fallita + + + ens-release-username + Rilascia nome utente + + + ens-remove-hints + La rimozione scollegherà il nome utente dalla chiave. + + + ens-remove-username + Rimuovi nome utente + + + ens-saved + è ora collegato con la chiave di chat e può essere utilizzato in Status. + + + ens-saved-title + Nome utente aggiunto + + + ens-show-username + Mostra il mio nome utente ENS nelle chat + + + ens-terms-header + Termini di registrazione del nome + + + ens-terms-point-1 + I fondi vengono depositati per 1 anno. Il tuo SNT sarà bloccato, ma non speso. + + + ens-terms-point-10 + 0x314159265dd8dbb310642f98f50c066173c1259b (Registro ENS). + + + ens-terms-point-2 + Dopo 1 anno, puoi rilasciare il nome e riavere il tuo deposito oppure non agire per mantenerlo. + + + ens-terms-point-3 + Se i termini del contratto cambiano - ad es. Status effettua aggiornamenti del contratto - l'utente ha il diritto di rilasciare il nome utente indipendentemente dal tempo trascorso. + + + ens-terms-point-4 + Il controllore del contract non può accedere ai fondi depositati. Possono solo essere spostati indietro all'indirizzo che li ha inviati. + + + ens-terms-point-5 + I tuoi indirizzi saranno associati pubblicamente al tuo nome ENS. + + + ens-terms-point-6 + I nomi utente vengono creati come nodi sottodominio di stateofus.eth e sono soggetti ai termini dello Smart Contract ENS. + + + ens-terms-point-7 + Autorizzi il contract a trasferire SNT per tuo conto. Ciò può verificarsi solo quando si approva una transazione per autorizzare il trasferimento. + + + ens-terms-point-8 + Questi termini sono garantiti dalla logica dello Smart Contract agli indirizzi: + + + ens-terms-point-9 + {{address}} (Status UsernameRegistrar) + + + ens-terms-registration + Condizioni di registrazione del nome. + + + ens-test-message + Hey + + + ens-transaction-pending + Transazione in attesa... + + + ens-understand + Comprendo che il mio indirizzo di portafoglio sarà collegato pubblicamente al mio nome utente. + + + ens-username + Nome ENS + + + ens-username-available + ✓ Nome utente disponibile! + + + ens-username-connected + Questo nome utente è di tua proprietà ed è associato alla tua chiave di chat. + + + ens-username-connection-confirmation + {{username}} verrà collegato una volta completata la transazione. + + + ens-username-hints + Almeno 4 caratteri. Solo lettere latine, numeri e lettere minuscole. + + + ens-username-invalid + Solo lettere e numeri. + + + ens-username-owned + ✓ Il nome utente è di tua proprietà. + + + ens-username-registration-confirmation + Bello! Una volta completata la transazione possiederai {{username}}. + + + ens-username-you-can-follow-progress + Puoi seguire i progressi nella sezione Cronologia transazioni del tuo portafoglio. + + + ens-usernames + Nomi utente ENS + + + ens-usernames-details + Registrare un nome utente universale per essere facilmente riconoscibile dagli altri utenti + + + wallet-address + Indirizzo del portafoglio + + + ens-want-custom-domain + Possiedo un nome su un altro dominio + + + ens-want-domain + Voglio un dominio stateofus.eth + + + ens-welcome-hints + I nomi ENS trasformano quei lunghi e folli indirizzi in nomi utente unici. + + + ens-welcome-point-customize + Un nome ENS può sostituire il tuo nome casuale di 3 parole nella chat. Diventa @nomeutente anziché {{name}} . + + + ens-welcome-point-customize-title + Personalizza il tuo nome in chat + + + ens-welcome-point-simplify + Puoi ricevere fondi tramite il tuo nome ENS invece di dover condividere il tuo indirizzo esadecimale (0x...). + + + ens-welcome-point-simplify-title + Semplifica il tuo indirizzo ETH + + + ens-welcome-point-receive + In un semplice passaggio, altri utenti possono inviarti dei fondi via chat. + + + ens-welcome-point-receive-title + Ricevi transazioni in chat + + + ens-welcome-point-register + Registra il nome una sola volta per tenerlo per sempre. Dopo un anno puoi rilasciarlo e riavere indietro i tuoi SNT. + + + ens-welcome-point-register-title + 10 SNT per la registrazione + + + ens-welcome-point-verify + Puoi verificare e aggiungere qualsiasi nome utente che già possiedi. + + + ens-welcome-point-verify-title + Possiedi già un nome utente? + + + ens-your-username + Il tuo nome utente + + + ens-your-usernames + I tuoi nomi utente + + + ens-your-your-name + Il tuo nome ENS + + + ens-username-already-added + Il nome utente è già collegato alla tua chiave di chat e può essere utilizzato all'interno di Status. + + + ens-username-connected-continue + Continua a impostare `Mostra il mio nome utente ENS nelle chat`. + + + ens-username-connected-with-different-key + Per continuare sarà necessaria una transazione per collegare il nome utente con la tua chiave di chat. + + + ens-username-owned-continue + Continuando assocerai questo nome utente alla tua chiave di chat. + + + ens-username-taken + Nome utente già preso :( + + + ens-name-not-found + Impossibile risolvere il nome ENS + + + ens-username-registration-invalid + + + + ens-username-invalid-name-warning + + + + enter-12-words + Inserisci le 12 parole della frase di recupero, separate da spazi singoli + + + enter-a-private-key + Inserisci una chiave privata + + + enter-a-seed-phrase + Inserisci la tua frase di recupero + + + enter-address + Inserisci indirizzo + + + enter-contact-code + Chiave ENS (vitalik94) o chat (0x04…) + + + enter-pair-code + Inserisci il tuo codice di accoppiamento + + + pair-code-placeholder + Codice di associazione... + + + enter-pair-code-description + Il codice di accoppiamento può essere impostato da un client di Status già associato + + + enter-password + Inserire la password + + + enter-password-migration-prompt + Inserisci la tua password per spostare contatti, chat e impostazioni insieme alle tue chiavi + + + migration-successful + Migrazione riuscita + + + migration-successful-text + Conto migrato con successo a Keycard + + + skip + Salta + + + password-placeholder + Password... + + + confirm-password-placeholder + Conferma la tua password... + + + enter-pin + Inserisci il codice di accesso a 6 cifre + + + enter-puk-code + Inserisci il codice PUK + + + enter-puk-code-description + Il codice di accesso a 6 cifre è stato bloccato. + Inserisci il codice PUK per sbloccare il codice di accesso. + + + enter-recipient-address-or-username + Immettere l'indirizzo o il nome utente del destinatario + + + enter-seed-phrase + Inserisci la tua frase di recupero + + + enter-url + Inserisci l'URL + + + enter-watch-account-address + Scansiona un QR code +o +inserisci l'indirizzo da tenere d'occhio + + + enter-word + Inserisci parola + + + enter-your-code + Inserisci il tuo codice di accesso a 6 cifre + + + enter-your-password + Inserisci la tua password... + + + error + Errore + + + error-unable-to-get-balance + Impossibile ottenere il saldo + + + error-unable-to-get-prices + Errore di conversione valuta. Aggiorna lo schermo per riprovare. + + + error-unable-to-get-token-balance + Impossibile ottenere il saldo token + + + errors + Errori + + + eth + ETH + + + ethereum-node-started-incorrectly-description + Il nodo Ethereum è stato avviato con una configurazione errata, l'applicazione verrà arrestata per ripristinare tale condizione. ID di rete configurato = {{network-id}} , effettivo = {{fetched-network-id}} + + + ethereum-node-started-incorrectly-title + Il nodo Ethereum è stato avviato in modo errato + + + etherscan-lookup + Guarda su Etherscan + + + export-account + Esporta account + + + export-key + Esporta chiave privata + + + community-private-key + Chiave privata della comunità + + + failed + Fallita + + + faq + Domande frequenti + + + fetch-messages + ↓ Recupera messaggi + + + fetch-timeline + Carica + + + find + Trova + + + finish + Finito + + + finishing-card-setup + Completamento della configurazione della carta + + + fleet + Fleet + + + fleet-settings + Impostazioni Fleet + + + follow-your-interests + Entra in una chat pubblica e incontra nuove persone + + + follow + Segui + + + free + Gratis + + + from + Da + + + gas-limit + Limite di gas + + + gas-price + Prezzo del gas + + + gas-used + Gas utilizzato + + + generate-a-key + Genera le chiavi + + + generate-a-new-account + Genera un nuovo account + + + generate-a-new-key + Genera nuove chiavi + + + generate-account + Genera le chiavi + + + generate-new-key + Genera le chiavi + + + your-keys + Le tue chiavi + + + generating-codes-for-pairing + > Download del software di prodotto sulla scheda + > Generazione di codici di sblocco e associazione + + + generating-keys + Generazione delle chiavi in corso... + + + you-will-need-this-code + Avrai bisogno di questo codice per aprire Status e firmare le transazioni + + + generating-mnemonic + Generazione della frase di recupero + + + get-started + Iniziare + + + get-status-at + Scarica Status su http://status.im + + + get-stickers + Scarica adesivi + + + go-to-settings + Vai alle impostazioni... + + + got-it + Ho capito + + + group-chat + Chat di gruppo + + + group-chat-admin + Amministratore + + + group-chat-admin-added + ** {{member}} ** è stato reso amministratore + + + group-chat-created + ** {{member}} ** ha creato il gruppo ** {{name}} ** + + + group-chat-decline-invitation + Rifiuta l'invito + + + group-chat-member-added + ** {{member}} ** è stato invitato + + + group-chat-member-joined + ** {{member}} ** si è unito al gruppo + + + group-chat-member-removed + ** {{member}} ** ha lasciato il gruppo + + + group-chat-members-count + {{selected}}/{{max}} partecipanti + + + group-chat-name-changed + ** {{member}} ** ha cambiato il nome del gruppo in ** {{name}} ** + + + group-chat-no-contacts + Non hai ancora alcun contatto. + Invita i tuoi amici a iniziare a chattare + + + leave-chat + Lascia la chat + + + leave-confirmation + Abbandona {{chat-name}} + + + leave-chat-confirmation + La cronologia chat verrà rimossa dal tuo dispositivo. Dopo essere rientrato, non sarai in grado di recuperare nulla della tua cronologia. + + + group-chat-all-contacts-invited + Tutti i tuoi contatti sono già nel gruppo + + + group-info + Informazioni sul gruppo + + + gwei + Gwei + + + hash + Hash + + + help + aiuto + + + help-capitalized + Aiuto + + + help-center + Centro Assistenza + + + hide-content-when-switching-apps + Blocco degli screenshot + + + hide-content-when-switching-apps-ios + Nascondi anteprima + + + history + Cronologia + + + history-nodes + Nodi Status + + + hold-card + Tieni la carta sul retro + del tuo telefono + + + home + Home + + + hooks + Hooks + + + identifier + Identificativo + + + image-remove-current + Rimuovi la foto corrente + + + image-source-gallery + Seleziona dalla galleria + + + image-source-make-photo + Scatta foto + + + image-source-title + Modifica foto + + + profile-pic-take + Scatta foto + + + profile-pic-pick + Seleziona dalla galleria + + + profile-pic-remove + Rimuovi foto + + + in-contacts + Nei contatti + + + incoming + In arrivo + + + incoming-transaction + Transazione in entrata + + + incorrect-code::0 + str + + + incorrect-code::1 + Spiacenti, il codice non è corretto, ti preghiamo di inserirlo di nuovo + + + initialization + Inizializzazione + + + install + Installa + + + intro-message1 + Benvenuto in Status! + Tocca questo messaggio per impostare la password e iniziare. + + + intro-privacy-policy-note1 + Status non raccoglie, non condivide e non vende dati personali. Continuando siete d'accordo con l' + + + intro-privacy-policy-note2 + Informativa sulla privacy + + + intro-text + Status è la tua porta di accesso al web decentralizzato + + + intro-text1 + Chat su una rete peer-to-peer, criptata, dove i messaggi non possono essere censurati o hackerati + + + intro-text2 + Invia e ricevi cryptoasset in qualsiasi parte del mondo, non è necessario un conto bancario + + + intro-text3 + Esplora giochi, exchange e social network dove solo tu possiedi i tuoi dati + + + intro-title1 + Comunicazione veramente privata + + + intro-title2 + Proteggi il tuo portafoglio crypto + + + intro-title3 + App decentralizzate + + + intro-wizard-text1 + Una serie di chiavi controlla il tuo account. Le tue chiavi vivono sul tuo telefono, quindi solo tu puoi usarle + + + intro-wizard-text2 + Una chiave è per la chat. Ha un nome leggibile che non può essere modificato. + + + intro-wizard-text3 + Se possiedi una Keycard, memorizzaci tue chiavi per una maggiore sicurezza + + + intro-wizard-text4 + Proteggi e cripta le tue chiavi + + + intro-wizard-text6 + Status ti avviserà di nuovi messaggi. Puoi modificare le tue preferenze di notifica in un secondo momento nelle impostazioni + + + intro-wizard-title-alt4 + Crea una password + + + intro-wizard-title-alt5 + Conferma la tua password + + + intro-wizard-title1 + Ottieni le tue chiavi + + + intro-wizard-title2 + Scegli un nome per la chat + + + intro-wizard-title3 + Selezionare l'archivio delle chiavi + + + intro-wizard-title4 + Crea un codice di accesso a 6 cifre + + + intro-wizard-title5 + Conferma il codice di accesso + + + intro-wizard-title6 + Abilita le notifiche + + + are-you-sure-to-cancel + Sei sicuro di voler cancellare ? + + + you-will-start-from-scratch + Inizierai da zero con un nuovo set di chiavi + + + invalid-address-qr-code + Il QR code scansionato non contiene un indirizzo valido + + + invalid-format + Formato non valido + Deve essere {{format}} + + + invalid-key-confirm + Applica + + + invalid-key-content + Il database non può essere crittografato perché il file è danneggiato. I tuoi fondi e le chiavi sono al sicuro. Altri dati, come le tue chat la tua lista di contatti, non possono essere recuperati. Premendo "{{erase-multiaccounts-data-button-text}}" tutti i tuoi dati saranno cancellati ma potrai nuovamente accedere ai tuoi fondi e ricominciare a chattare. + + + invalid-number + Numero non valido + + + invalid-pairing-password + Password di associazione non valida + + + invalid-range + Formato non valido, deve essere compreso tra {{min}} e {{max}} + + + invalid-username-or-key + Nome utente o chiave chat non validi + + + join-me + Ciao, unisciti a me su Status: {{url}} + + + join-a-community + o unisciti ad una comunità + + + http-gateway-error + Attenzione, richiesta non riuscita! + + + sign-request-failed + Impossibile firmare il messaggio + + + invite-friends + Invita amici + + + invite-people + Invita + + + invite-reward + Guadagna token per ogni amico che inviti! + + + invite-select-account + Seleziona il Conto per ricevere il vostro bonus di affiliazione + + + invited + invitato + + + invite-button + Invita + + + invite-receive-account + Conto per ricevere il vostro bonus di affiliazione + + + how-it-works + Come funziona + + + invite-warning + Questa promozione è valida solo per gli utenti di un dispositivo Android, che non sono residenti negli Stati Uniti. L'amico/a deve confermare il codice promozionale entro 7 giorni + + + invite-instruction-first + Invia un link univoco di invito al tuo amico per scaricare e iscriverti a Status + + + invite-instruction-second + Il tuo amico scarica Status e crea un account (su Android) + + + invite-instruction-third + E' stata avviata una chat con il tuo amico, dove confermare la tua segnalazione + + + invite-instruction-fourth + Ricevi il tuo bonus di segnalazione e il tuo amico lo Starter Pack + + + invite-instruction-fifth + Puoi scegliere di riscattare il tuo bonus per la segnalazione in qualsiasi momento. + + + invite-reward-you + Tu: + + + invite-reward-you-name + Bonus per segnalazione + + + invite-reward-you-description + Invita un amico e ricevi una {{{{reward}}}} in segno di gratitudine. Usala per comprare adesivi, un nome ENS e per provare le Dapps. + + + invite-reward-friend + Amico: + + + invite-reward-friend-name + Starter Pack + + + invite-reward-friend-description + Il tuo amico riceverà uno Starter Pack composto da una {{{ricompensa}} per iniziare + + + invite-privacy-policy1 + Accettando confermi di le condizioni del programma di affiliazione + + + invite-privacy-policy2 + Termini e condizioni. + + + invite-privacy-policy-public + Hai installato Status tramite un link di riferimento. Unendoti a questa chat attribuisci il tuo referrer e accetti il + + + invite-chat-name + Segnala amici + + + invite-chat-starter-pack + Starter Pack + + + invite-chat-intro + Sei stato invitato da un amico a usare Status. Ecco alcuni token per iniziare! Usalo per registrare un nome ENS o acquistare un pacchetto di adesivi + + + invite-public-chat-home + Invito referral + + + invite-public-chat-intro + Ecco alcuni token per iniziare! Usali per ottenere adesivi, un nome ENS e per provare dapps + + + invite-chat-accept + Accetta + + + invite-chat-pending + In attesa + + + invite-chat-accept-join + Accetta e unisciti + + + invite-chat-rule + L'accettazione ricompenserà anche il tuo amico con un bonus in token + + + redeem-now + Riscatta ora + + + redeem-amount + {{quantity}} bonus disponibili + + + redeem-success + Il riscatto del tuo bonus è andato a buon fine! + + + attribution-received + {{attrib}} dei {{max}} bonus ricevuti + + + advertiser-starter-pack-title + Starter Pack + + + advertiser-starter-pack-description + Ecco alcuni token per iniziare! Usali per ottenere adesivi, un nome ENS e per provare dapps + + + advertiser-title + Privacy attiva come impostazione predefinita + + + advertiser-description + Hai scoperto Status grazie a un tuo contatto. Permetti a Status di controllare il tuo indirizzo IP solo questa volta in modo che il tuo referente venga premiato? Queste informazioni verranno utilizzate solo a questo scopo e verranno rimosse completamente dopo 7 giorni. + + + advertiser-starter-pack-accept + Accetta + + + advertiser-starter-pack-decline + Rifiuta + + + dapp-starter-pack-title + Pacchetto di benvenuto + + + dapp-starter-pack-description + Ecco alcuni token per iniziare! Usali per ottenere adesivi, un nome ENS e per provare dapps + + + dapp-starter-pack-accept + Accetta e apri + + + starter-pack-coming + Starter Pack in arrivo + + + starter-pack-coming-description + Può richiedere da pochi minuti a ore + + + starter-pack-received + Starter Pack ricevuto + + + starter-pack-received-description + Ecco alcuni token per iniziare! Usali per ottenere adesivi, un nome ENS e per provare dapps + + + join-group-chat + Unisciti al gruppo + + + join-group-chat-description + {{username}} ti ha invitato a far parte del gruppo {{group-name}} + + + joined-group-chat-description + Ti sei iscritto a {{group-name}} dall'invito da {{username}} + + + key + Chiave + + + keycard + Keycard + + + keycard-access-reset + L'accesso alla keycard è stato reimpostato + + + keycard-can-use-with-new-passcode + Puoi usare questa carta con il tuo nuovo codice di accesso + + + keycard-applet-install-instructions + Per installare l'applet si prega di seguire le istruzioni su https://github.com/status-im/keycard-cli#keycard-applet-installation + + + keycard-blocked + Keycard è stata bloccata. + È necessario ripristinare la carta per continuare a utilizzarla. + + + keycard-cancel-setup-text + Questa operazione annullerà la configurazione della keycard. Si consiglia vivamente di completare la configurazione per utilizzare la chiave. Vuoi davvero annullare? + + + keycard-cancel-setup-title + Operazione pericolosa + + + keycard-desc + Possiedi una Keycard? Memorizzaci tue chiavi; ne avrai bisogno per le transazioni + + + keycard-dont-ask-card + Non chiedere la Keycard per accedere + + + keycard-reset-passcode + Reimposta il codice di accesso + + + keycard-factory-reset + Ripristina la carta alle impostazioni di fabbrica + + + keycard-factory-reset-title + Sei sicuro di voler eseguire un ripristino dei dati di fabbrica? + + + keycard-factory-reset-text + L'esecuzione di questa operazione cancellerà qualsiasi frase mnemonica memorizzata sulla carta. Assicurati di avere un backup della frase mnemonica che hai utilizzato con questa Keycard. + + + keycard-enter-new-passcode + Inserisci il nuovo codice di accesso {{step}} / 2 + + + keycard-has-multiaccount-on-it + Questa carta è piena. Ogni carta può contenere una sola coppia di chiavi principali. + + + keycard-onboarding-finishing-header + Finendo + + + keycard-onboarding-intro-header + Conservare le tue chiavi su Keycard + + + keycard-onboarding-intro-text + Preparati, potrebbero essere necessari alcuni minuti, ma è importante proteggere il tuo account + + + keycard-onboarding-pairing-header + Accoppiamento della carta in corso... + + + keycard-onboarding-preparing-header + Preparazione della carta in corso... + + + keycard-onboarding-puk-code-header + Scrivi i codici + e conservarli in modo sicuro + + + keycard-onboarding-recovery-phrase-description + Per riaccedere alle tue chiavi serve questa frase di recupero. Scrivila. Tienila al sicuro, offline e separata da questo dispositivo. + + + keycard-onboarding-recovery-phrase-header + Backup della frase di recupero + + + keycard-onboarding-recovery-phrase-text + Solo per i tuoi occhi. Questa è la magica frase di recupero usata per generare le tue chiavi. + + + keycard-onboarding-start-header + Tieni la carta sul retro + del tuo telefono per iniziare + + + keycard-onboarding-pin-text + Dovrai creare un passcode di 6 cifre che verrà utilizzato per proteggere l'accesso alla tua Keycard. + + + keycard-onboarding-mnemonic-text + Avrai anche bisogno di un pezzo di carta e una penna per scrivere la tua frase seed. + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step1 + Crea un codice di accesso + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step1-text + Circa 1 minuto. Creare un codice di accesso a 6 cifre per cifrare le tue chiavi + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step2 + Scrivi PUK e il codice di accoppiamento + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step2-text + Circa 1 minuto. Avrai bisogno di un pezzo di carta e una matita per questo + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step3 + Eseguire il backup della frase di recupero + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step3-text + Circa 1 minuto. Sono necessari anche un pezzo di carta e una matita. + + + keycard-onboarding-start-text + E mantieni il contatto da carta a telefono + durante l'installazione. L'installazione richiederà circa 4 minuti + + + keycard-recovery-intro-button-text + Inizia il recupero + + + keycard-recovery-intro-header + Recupera le chiavi memorizzata sulla keycard + + + keycard-recovery-intro-text + Se in precedenza hai generato le chiavi utilizzando una Keycard e ora desideri utilizzare le stesse chiave su questo dispositivo + + + keycard-recovery-no-key-header + Non c'è niente da +recuperare qui + + + keycard-recovery-no-key-text + La tua Keycard non contiene alcuna chiave. Per utilizzarla, genera una nuova chiave e scegli la tua Keycard come supporto di memorizzazione + + + keycard-recovery-phrase-confirm-header + Conferma la frase di recupero + + + keycard-recovery-phrase-confirmation-text + Non avrai una seconda possibilità! Se perdi o cambi telefono, o se perdi la tua keycard, potrai accedere alle tue chiavi soltanto usando la tua frase di recupero. Soltanto tu la possiedi. Scrivila e tienila in un posto sicuro. + + + keycard-recovery-phrase-confirmation-title + Hai scritto la frase di recupero ? + + + keycard-recovery-success-header + Le tue chiavi sono state + recuperate con successo + + + keycard-redeem-title + Riscatta su + + + keycard-redeem-tx + Riscatta cryptoasset + + + keycard-redeem-tx-desc + Tocca con la carta per firmare e ricevere cryptoasset + + + keycard-unauthorized-operation + Non sei autorizzato ad eseguire questa operazione. + Usa una carta valida e riprovare. + + + keycard-is-frozen-title + La keycard è congelata + + + keycard-is-frozen-details + Per proteggere i tuoi beni, la tua carta è congelata. Ripristina la tua carta per sbloccarla ed essere in grado di inviare transazioni. Puoi farlo con il tuo PUK o il tuo mnemonico. + + + keycard-is-frozen-reset + Ripristina con PUK + + + keycard-is-frozen-factory-reset + Ripristina con mnemonico + + + your-card-is-frozen + La tua Keycard è bloccata. Ripristina l'accesso alla carta + + + keycard-is-blocked-title + La keycard è bloccata + + + keycard-is-blocked-details + Non è più possibile utilizzare questa carta per accedere o firmare per questo account. Ci sono stati troppi tentativi falliti di codice di accesso e PUK. + + + keycard-is-blocked-instructions + Per accedere al tuo account dovrai ripristinare le impostazioni di fabbrica della tua carta. Tocca il pulsante in basso per avviare la procedura, ti servirà il tuo mnemonico. + + + language + Lingua + + + learn-more + Per saperne di più + + + learn-more-about-keycard + Per saperne di più sulla Keycard + + + leave + Lascia + + + joined + Unito + + + leave-group + Abbandona gruppo + + + left + ha lasciato + + + lets-go + Andiamo + + + les-ulc + LES/ULC + + + linked-on + Collegato il {{date}} + + + load-messages-before + prima di {{date}} + + + load-more-messages + ↓ Recuperare altri messaggi + + + load-more-timeline + Carica altro + + + loading + Caricamento in corso... + + + log-level + Livello log + + + log-level-settings + Impostazioni livello log + + + logging + Logging + + + logging-enabled + Registrazione abilitata? + + + login-pin-description + Inserisci il tuo codice di accesso a 6 cifre per sbloccare le tue chiavi. + + + logout + Esci + + + logout-app-content + L'account verrà disconnesso. Quando lo sblocchi di nuovo, verrà utilizzata la rete selezionata + + + logout-are-you-sure + Sei sicuro di voler uscire? + + + logout-title + Uscire? + + + logout-key-management + È necessario disconnettersi per accedere alla gestione delle chiavi. + + + looking-for-cards + Cerco le carte... + + + lost-connection + Connessione persa + + + mailserver-address + Indirizzo del nodo Status + + + mailserver-automatic + Selezione automatica + + + mailserver-automatic-switch-explanation + Scegli il nodo Status più veloce che è disponibile + + + mailserver-connection-error + Impossibile connettersi al nodo Status + + + mailserver-details + Dettagli del nodo Status + + + mailserver-error-content + Impossibile raggiungere il nodo Status selezionato. + + + mailserver-error-title + Errore durante la connessione al nodo Status + + + mailserver-format + enode://{enode-id}:{password}@{ip-address}:{port} + + + mailserver-pick-another + Scegli un altro nodo Status + + + mailserver-reconnect + Impossibile connettersi al nodo Status. Tocca per riconnetterti + + + mailserver-request-error-content + Il seguente errore è stato restituito dal nodo Status: {{error}} + + + mailserver-request-error-status + Si è verificato un errore durante il recupero della cronologia, controllare i log per i dettagli + + + mailserver-request-error-title + Errore di richiesta al nodo Status + + + mailserver-request-retry + Riprova richiesta + + + mailserver-retry + Riprova + + + main-currency + Valuta principale + + + main-networks + Reti principali + + + main-wallet + Portafoglio principale + + + mainnet-network + Rete principale + + + make-admin + Rendi amministratore + + + manage-keys-and-storage + Gestisci chiavi e spazio di archiviazione + + + mark-all-read + Segna tutti come letti + + + members + + 1 partecipante + {{count}} partecipanti + + + + members-active + + 1 partecipante + {{count}} partecipanti + + + + members-active-none + nessun partecipante + + + members-title + Partecipanti + + + message + Messaggio + + + message-not-sent + Messaggio non inviato + + + message-options-cancel + Annulla + + + message-reply + Rispondi + + + replying-to + Rispondendo a {{author}} + + + data-syncing + Sincronizzazione in corso + + + messages + Messaggi + + + chat-is-a-contact + È nella lista contatti + + + chat-is-not-a-contact + Non è nella lista contatti + + + might-break + Potrebbe rompere alcune ÐApps + + + migrations-failed-content + {{message}} + versione dello schema: iniziale {{initial-version}} , attuale {{current-version}} , ultima {{last-version}} + +C'è stato un errore sul database. I tuoi fondi e le chiavi sono al sicuro. Altri dati, come le tue chat la tua lista di contatti, non possono essere recuperati. Premendo "{{erase-multiaccounts-data-button-text}} " tutti i tuoi dati saranno cancellati ma potrai nuovamente accedere ai tuoi fondi e ricominciare a chattare. + + + mobile-network-ask-me + Chiedimi quando sono su rete mobile + + + mobile-network-continue-syncing + Continua la sincronizzazione + + + mobile-network-continue-syncing-details + Puoi modificarlo in seguito nelle impostazioni + + + mobile-network-go-to-settings + Vai alle impostazioni + + + mobile-network-settings + Dati mobili + + + mobile-network-sheet-configure + Puoi configurare la sincronizzazione in dettagliatamente in + + + mobile-network-sheet-offline + Niente Wi-Fi, sincronizzazione messaggi disabilitata. + + + mobile-network-sheet-offline-details + La sincronizzazione tramite rete mobile è disattivata + + + mobile-network-sheet-remember-choice + Ricorda la mia scelta + + + mobile-network-sheet-settings + Impostazioni + + + mobile-network-start-syncing + Inizia la sincronizzazione + + + mobile-network-stop-syncing + Interrompere la sincronizzazione + + + mobile-network-stop-syncing-details + Fino a quando non si è connessi al Wi-Fi? + + + mobile-network-use-mobile + Usa i dati mobili + + + mobile-network-use-mobile-data + Status utilizza molti dati durante la sincronizzazione delle chat e del portafoglio. + + + mobile-network-use-wifi + Solo Wi-Fi + + + mobile-syncing-sheet-details + Status utilizza molti dati durante la sincronizzazione delle chat e del portafoglio. + + + mobile-syncing-sheet-title + Sincronizza utilizzando i dati della rete mobile? + + + more + di più + + + multiaccount-exists-title + Le chiavi di questo account esistono già + + + multiaccount-exists-content + Le chiavi per questo account esistono già e non possono essere aggiunte di nuovo. Se hai perso la password, il codice di accesso o la Keycard, disinstalla l'app, reinstalla e accedi alle tue chiavi inserendo la tua frase di recupero + + + multiaccounts-recover-enter-phrase-text + Inserisci 12, 15, 18, 21 o 24 parole. +Separale con un singolo spazio. + + + multiaccounts-recover-enter-phrase-title + Inserisci la tua frase di recupero + + + name + Nome + + + name-of-token + Il nome del tuo token + + + need-help + Hai bisogno di aiuto? + + + glossary + Glossario + + + account-title + Account + + + account-content + Puoi considerare tuoi account in Status come dei conti in banca. Come tali hanno un numero di conto (indirizzo ethereum) e un saldo; puoi usare questi account per effettuare transazioni su Ethereum. Puoi avere più di un account nel tuo portafoglio, tutti accessibili appena fai login in Status. + + + chat-key-title + Chiave di chat + + + chat-key-content + I messaggi sul protocollo Status vengono inviati e ricevuti tramite chiavi di cifratura. La chiave di chat pubblica è una stringa di caratteri che condividete con gli altri in modo che possano inviarvi messaggi. + + + chat-name-title + Nome della chat + + + chat-name-content + Tre parole casuali, derivate algoritmicamente dalla chiave della chat e utilizzate come alias predefinito nella chat. I nomi delle chat sono unici; nessun altro utente può avere le stesse tre parole. + + + ens-name-title + Nome ENS + + + ens-name-content + Alias personalizzato per la tua chiave di chat che puoi registrare usando Ethereum Name Service. I nomi ENS sono nomi utente decentralizzati. + + + mailserver-title + Nodo Status + + + mailserver-content + Un nodo nella rete Status che instrada e archivia i messaggi, per un massimo di 30 giorni. + + + peer-title + Peer + + + peer-content + Un dispositivo collegato alla rete di chat di Status. Ogni utente può rappresentare uno o più peer, a seconda del numero di dispositivi. + + + seed-phrase-title + Frase di recupero + + + seed-phrase-content + Un insieme di parole facili da leggere, selezionate casualmente dall'elenco standard BIP39 e utilizzate per recuperare o accedere al tuo account Ethereum su altri portafogli e dispositivi. Definita anche "frase mnemonica", "frase di recupero" o "backup del portafoglio" in tutto l'ecosistema crittografico. La maggior parte delle app di crittografia utilizza questo stesso standard per generare account. + + + wallet-key-title + Indirizzo dell'account + + + wallet-key-content + Un indirizzo esadecimale di 64 caratteri basato sullo standard Ethereum e che inizia con 0x. Viene condiviso con gli altri quando si desidera ricevere dei fondi. Chiamato anche "indirizzo di Ethereum" o "indirizzo del portafoglio". + + + buy-crypto-title + Sembra che il tuo portafoglio sia vuoto + + + buy-crypto-description + Trova una dapp per acquistare cripto + + + buy-crypto + Acquista criptovaluta + + + buy-crypto-choose-a-service + Scegli un servizio che desideri utilizzare per acquistare criptovalute + + + buy-crypto-leaving + Stai lasciando Status ed entrando in un sito web di terzi per completare il tuo acquisto + + + opening-buy-crypto + Apertura in corso di {{site}} ... + + + network + Rete + + + network-chain + Reti + + + network-details + Dettagli della rete + + + network-info + Informazioni sulla rete + + + network-fee + Commissione di rete + + + network-id + ID di rete + + + network-invalid-network-id + L'ID di rete specificato non corrisponde all'ID della rete accessibile all'url RCP + + + network-invalid-status-code + Codice Status non valido: {{code}} + + + network-invalid-url + L'URL di rete non è valido + + + network-settings + Impostazioni di rete + + + new + Nuovo + + + new-chat + Nuova chat + + + new-contact + Nuovo contatto + + + new-contract + Nuovo Contract + + + new-group + Nuovo gruppo + + + new-group-chat + Nuova chat di gruppo + + + new-network + Nuova rete + + + new-pin-description + Inserisci un nuovo codice di accesso a 6 cifre + + + new-puk-description + Inserisci il nuovo PUK di 12 caratteri + + + new-public-group-chat + Entra in una chat pubblica + + + next + Prossimo + + + no + No + + + no-collectibles + Nessun collezionabile disponibile + + + no-contacts + Nessun contatto ancora + + + no-keycard-applet-on-card + Nessuna applet Keycard sulla carta + + + no-messages + Nessun messaggio + + + no-pairing-slots-available + Questa carta è già accoppiata a 5 dispositivi e non può essere accoppiata a questo. Si prega di utilizzare uno dei dispositivi accoppiati, effettuare il login con questa carta e liberare gli slot di accoppiamento sulla carta. + + + no-result + Nessun risultato + + + no-tokens-found + Nessun token trovato + + + node-info + Informazioni sul nodo + + + node-address + Indirizzo Nodo + + + node-details + Dettagli del nodo + + + node-version + Versione del nodo + + + nonce + Nonce + + + none + Nessuno + + + not-applicable + Non applicabile per transazioni non firmate + + + not-keycard-text + La carta che hai usato non è una Keycard. È necessario acquistare una Keycard per usarla + + + not-keycard-title + Non una Keycard + + + notifications + Notifiche + + + local-notifications + Notifiche locali + + + local-notifications-subtitle + + + + remote-notifications + + + + remote-notifications-subtitle + + + + show-notifications + Mostra notifiche + + + notification-settings + Impostazioni sulle notifiche + + + notifications-servers + Server di notifica + + + notifications-preferences + Preferenze sulle notifiche + + + notifications-switch + Mostra notifiche + + + notifications-non-contacts + Notifiche da parte di persone sconosciute + + + notifications-transactions + Transazioni del portafoglio + + + send-push-notifications + + + + send-push-notifications-description + Quando è disabilitato, la persona che riceve i tuoi messaggi non verrà informata del loro arrivo + + + push-notifications-server-enabled + Server abilitato + + + push-notifications-servers + Invia notifiche push + + + push-inbound-transaction + Hai ricevuto {{value}} {{currency}} + + + push-outbound-transaction + Hai inviato {{value}} {{currency}} + + + push-failed-transaction + La tua transazione non è andata a buon fine + + + push-inbound-transaction-body + Da {{from}} a {{to}} + + + push-outbound-transaction-body + Da {{from}} a {{to}} + + + push-failed-transaction-body + {{value}} {{currency}} a {{to}} + + + allow-mention-notifications + Mostra @ menzioni + + + server + Server + + + specify-server-public-key + Inserisci la chiave pubblica del server + + + notify + Notifica + + + off + Spento + + + offline + Offline + + + offline-messaging-use-history-nodes + Usa i nodi di Status + + + offline-messaging-use-history-explanation + Abilita i nodi della cronologia per recuperare i messaggi inviati mentre l'app era chiusa. Quando abilitato, un nodo della cronologia ottiene il tuo indirizzo IP. Quando disabilitato non riceverai messaggi quando l'app è chiusa e non li vedrai quando apri l'app in seguito. + + + ok + OK + + + ok-continue + Ok, continua + + + ok-got-it + Ok, capito + + + okay + Va bene + + + on + Su + + + open + Apri + + + open-home + Apri... + + + open-dapp + Apri ÐApp + + + open-dapp-store + Scopri ÐApps + + + open-nfc-settings + Apri le impostazioni NFC + + + open-on-block-explorer + + + + optional + opzionale + + + or + O + + + outgoing + In uscita + + + outgoing-transaction + Transazione in uscita + + + pair + Associare dispositivi + + + pair-card + Associa a questo dispositivo + + + pair-code + Codice di accoppiamento + + + pair-code-explanation + Associa la carta a un dispositivo diverso (fino a 5) per sbloccare chiavi e firmare transazioni con la stessa Keycard. + + + pair-this-card + Abbina questa carta + + + pair-this-device + Associa questo dispositivo + + + pair-this-device-description + Associa i tuoi dispositivi per sincronizzare contatti e chat tra di loro + + + paired-devices + Dispositivi associati + + + pairing + Accoppiamento + + + pairing-card + Accoppiamento carta + + + pairing-code-placeholder + Codice di accoppiamento... + + + pairing-code_error1 + I codici di accoppiamento non corrispondono + + + confirm-pairing-code-placeholder + Conferma il codice di accoppiamento + + + pairing-go-to-installation + Vai alle impostazioni di accoppiamento + + + pairing-maximum-number-reached-content + Disabilita uno dei tuoi dispositivi prima di abilitarne uno nuovo. + + + pairing-maximum-number-reached-title + Numero massimo di dispositivi raggiunto + + + pairing-new-installation-detected-content + È stato rilevato un nuovo dispositivo. + Per utilizzare correttamente i tuoi dispositivi, è importante associarli e abilitarli prima di utilizzarli. + Vai in Profilo->Impostazioni di sincronizzazione->Dispositivi per associare i tuoi dispositivi. + + + pairing-new-installation-detected-title + Nuovo dispositivo rilevato + + + pairing-no-info + Nessuna informazione + + + pairing-please-set-a-name + Si prega di impostare un nome per il dispositivo. + + + passphrase + Frase d'accesso + + + password + Password + + + password-description + Almeno 6 caratteri. La tua password protegge le tue chiavi. Ne hai bisogno per sbloccare Status e per effettuare transazioni. + + + password-placeholder2 + Conferma la tua password + + + password_error1 + Le password non corrispondono. + + + paste + Incolla + + + paste-json + Incolla JSON + + + pay-to-chat + Paga per chattare + + + peers + Peers + + + pending + In attesa + + + pending-confirmation + In attesa di conferma... + + + permissions + Autorizzazioni + + + phone-e164 + Internazionale 1 + + + photos-access-error + Per concedere le autorizzazioni necessarie per le foto, vai alle impostazioni del tuo sistema e assicurati che Status > Foto sia selezionato. + + + pin-changed + Il codice di accesso a 6 cifre è stato modificato + + + puk-changed + Il nuovo PUK di 12 caratteri è cambiato + + + pairing-changed + Il codice di accoppiamento è stato modificato + + + pin-code + Codice di accesso a 6 cifre + + + pin-mismatch + Codice di accesso errato + + + pin-retries-left + {{number}} tentativi rimasti + + + pin-one-attempt-blocked-before + Fai attenzione, hai solo + + + pin-one-attempt-frozen-before + Fai attenzione, hai solo + + + pin-one-attempt + un tentativo + + + pin-one-attempt-blocked-after + prima che la tua Keycard venga bloccata + + + pin-one-attempt-frozen-after + prima che la tua Keycard venga congelata + + + preview-privacy + Anteprima modalità privacy + + + privacy + Privacy + + + privacy-photos + Privacy dell'immagine del profilo + + + privacy-and-security + Privacy e sicurezza + + + privacy-policy + Informativa sulla privacy + + + privacy-show-to-warning + Le persone che hanno già visto la tua immagine del profilo continueranno a farlo + + + processing + Solo un momento + + + product-information + Informazioni sul prodotto + + + profile + Profilo + + + profile-details + Dettagli del profilo + + + public-chat + Chat pubblica + + + public-chats + Chat pubbliche + + + public-group-status + Pubblico + + + public-group-topic + Argomento + + + join-new-public-chat + Partecipa a una chat pubblica + + + join-new-private-chat + Avvia una nuova chat privata + + + search-no-chat-found + Nessun risultato trovato. Volevi dire + + + public-key + Chiave pubblica + + + puk-and-pairing-codes-displayed + PUK e codici di associazione visualizzati + + + puk-code + Codice PUK + + + puk-code-explanation + Se dimentichi il tuo codice di accesso a 6 cifre o lo inserisci in modo errato per 3 volte, avrai bisogno di questo codice per sbloccare la tua carta. + + + puk-mismatch + Codice PUK errato + + + quiet-days + {{quiet-days}} giorni + + + quiet-hours + {{quiet-hours}} ore + + + re-encrypt-key + Cripta nuovamente la tue chiavi + + + receive + Ricevi + + + receive-transaction + Ricevi transazione + + + recent + Recente + + + recent-recipients + Contatti + + + recently-used-stickers + Gli adesivi utilizzati di recente appariranno qui + + + recipient + Destinatario + + + recipient-code + Inserisci l'indirizzo del destinatario + + + recipient-code-placeholder + 0x ... o username.domain.eth + + + recover + Recupera + + + recover-key + Accedi a chiavi esistenti + + + recover-keycard-multiaccount-not-supported + Le chiavi di questo account esistono già e non possono essere riaggiunte. Se hai perso la password, il codice di accesso o la Keycard, disinstalla l'app, reinstallala e accedi alle tue chiavi inserendo la frase di recupero + + + recover-with-keycard + Ripristina con Keycard + + + recovering-key + Recupero delle chiavi in corso... + + + recovery-confirm-phrase + Conferma frase di recupero + + + recovery-phrase + Frase di recupero + + + recovery-success-text + Dovrai creare un nuovo codice o password per criptare nuovamente le tue chiavi + + + recovery-typo-dialog-description + Nota bene: le parole della tua frase di recupero devono essere inserite identiche e nello stesso ordine in cui le hai ricevute + + + recovery-typo-dialog-title + La frase di recupero è corretta? + + + remember-me + Ricordati di me + + + remind-me-later + Ricordamelo più tardi + + + remove + Rimuovi + + + remove-from-chat + Rimuovi dalla chat + + + remove-from-contacts + Rimuovi dai contatti + + + remove-from-contacts-text + Rimuovendo un utente dalla tua lista dei contatti non nascondi il tuo indirizzo portafoglio da loro + + + remove-network + Rimuovi rete + + + remove-token + Rimuovi token + + + removed + rimosso + + + repeat-pin + Ripeti il codice a 6 cifre + + + repeat-puk + Ripeti il nuovo PUK di 12 caratteri + + + report-bug-email-template + 1. Descrizione del problema + {{description}} + + + 2. Passi per riprodurre + {{steps}} + + + 3. Allega cortesemente gli screenshot che possono dimostrare il problema + + + + request-transaction + Richiedi transazione + + + required-field + Campo obbligatorio + + + resend-message + Invia di nuovo + + + reset-card + Reimposta carta + + + reset-card-description + Questa operazione reimposterà lo stato iniziale della carta. Cancellerà tutti i dati della carta, incluse le chiavi private. L'operazione non è reversibile. + + + retry + Riprova + + + revoke-access + Revoca l'accesso + + + rinkeby-network + Rete di test Rinkeby + + + ropsten-network + Rete di test Ropsten + + + rpc-url + URL RPC + + + save + Salva + + + save-password + Salva la password + + + save-password-unavailable + Impostare il codice di accesso del dispositivo per salvare la password + + + save-password-unavailable-android + Salva password non è disponibile: il dispositivo potrebbe essere rootato o privo delle funzionalità di sicurezza necessarie. + + + scan-qr + Scansiona il codice QR + + + scan-qr-code + Scansione di un codice QR con indirizzo del portafoglio + + + search + Ricerca + + + secret-keys-confirmation-text + Ti serviranno per continuare a utilizzare la tua Keycard nel caso in cui perdessi il telefono. + + + secret-keys-confirmation-title + Hai scritto i codici? + + + security + Sicurezza + + + see-details + Vedi dettagli + + + see-it-again + VEDI DI NUOVO + + + select-account-first + Seleziona prima un account + + + select-chat + Seleziona chat per avviare la messaggistica + + + selected + Selezionato + + + select + Seleziona + + + select-account + Seleziona un account + + + send-logs + Segnala un bug + + + send-logs-to + Segnala un bug a {{email}} + + + send-message + Invia messaggio + + + send-request + Invia richiesta + + + send-request-amount + Importo + + + send-request-amount-max-decimals + Il numero massimo di decimali è {{asset-decimals}} + + + send-request-unknown-token + Token sconosciuto - {{asset}} + + + send-sending-to + a {{recipient-name}} + + + send-transaction + Invia transazione + + + sending + Inviando + + + sent-at + Inviato alle + + + set-a-topic + Crea un argomento + + + set-currency + Imposta la valuta predefinita + + + set-dapp-access-permissions + Impostare le autorizzazioni di accesso alle DApp + + + settings + Impostazioni + + + share + Condividi + + + shared + Condiviso + + + share-address + Condividi l'indirizzo + + + share-chat + Condividi chat + + + share-contact-code + Condividi la mia chiave di chat + + + share-dapp-text + Dai un'occhiata a questa DApp che sto usando su Status: {{link}} + + + share-link + Condividi link + + + share-my-profile + Condividi il mio profilo + + + share-profile + Condividi profilo + + + share-profile-link + Condividi il link del profilo + + + share-public-chat-text + Dai un'occhiata a questa chat pubblica sull'app Status: {{link}} + + + sharing-copied-to-clipboard + Copiato + + + sharing-copy-to-clipboard + Copia + + + share-logs + Condividi i log + + + sharing-share + Condividi + + + show-less + Mostra meno + + + show-more + Mostra di più + + + show-qr + Mostra codice QR + + + show-transaction-data + Mostra i dettagli della transazione + + + sign-and-send + Firma e invia + + + sign-in + Accedi + + + sign-message + Firma il messaggio + + + sign-out + Esci + + + sign-with + Iscriviti con + + + sign-with-password + Firma con password + + + sign-you-in + Accesso in corso ... + + + signing + Firmando + + + signing-a-message + Firma un messaggio + + + signing-phrase + Frase di firma + + + something-went-wrong + Qualcosa è andato storto + + + soon + Presto + + + specify-address + Specifica l'indirizzo + + + specify-name + Specifica un nome + + + specify-symbol + Specifica un simbolo + + + specify-network-id + Specificare l'id di rete + + + specify-rpc-url + Specificare un URL RPC + + + start-chat + inizia chat + + + start-conversation + Avvia conversazione + + + start-group-chat + Inizia chat di gruppo + + + start-new-chat + Inizia una nuova chat + + + status + Status + + + status-confirmed + Confermata + + + status-hardwallet + Status hardwallet + + + status-keycard + Status Keycard + + + status-pending + In attesa + + + status-tx-not-found + TX non trovata + + + status-sent + Inviato + + + status-not-sent-tap + Non confermata. Tocca per le opzioni + + + status-not-sent-click + Non confermata. Clicca per le opzioni + + + step-i-of-n + Passo {{step}} di {{number}}. + + + sticker-market + Mercato degli sticker + + + sticker + Adesivo + + + submit + Invia + + + submit-bug + Segnala un bug + + + success + Successo + + + symbol + Simbolo + + + sync-all-devices + Sincronizza tutti i dispositivi + + + sync-in-progress + Sincronizzazione... + + + sync-settings + Impostazioni di sincronizzazione + + + sync-synced + In sincronizzazione + + + syncing-devices + Sincronizzazione... + + + tag-was-lost + Il tag è andato perso + + + tap-card-again + Posiziona nuovamente la carta sul retro del telefono + + + test-networks + Reti di test + + + text-input-disabled + Per favore aspetta un momento... + + + this-device + Questo dispositivo + + + this-device-desc + Le tue chiavi saranno criptate e conservate in modo sicuro nel tuo dispositivo + + + this-is-you-signing + Questa è la tua frase di firma + + + this-will-take-few-seconds + Richiederà alcuni secondi + + + three-words-description + Dovresti vedere queste 3 parole prima di firmare ogni transazione + + + three-words-description-2 + Se vedi una combinazione diversa, annulla la transazione ed esci + + + to + A + + + to-block + Blocco + + + to-encrypt-enter-password + Per crittografare l'account, inserisci la tua password + + + to-see-this-message + Per vedere questo messaggio, + + + token-auto-validate-decimals-error + Decimali errati per il token {{symbol}} all'indirizzo {{address}} - impostato su {{expected}} ma rilevato come {{actual}} + + + token-auto-validate-name-error + Nome errato per il token {{symbol}} all'indirizzo {{address}} - impostato su {{expected}} ma rilevato come {{actual}} + + + token-auto-validate-symbol-error + Simbolo errato per il token {{symbol}} all'indirizzo {{address}} - impostato su {{expected}} ma rilevato come {{actual}} + + + token-details + Dettagli token + + + topic-name-error + Usa solo lettere minuscole (dalla a alla z), numeri e trattini (-). Non utilizzare le chiavi chat + + + transaction + Transazione + + + transaction-data + Dettagli della transazione + + + transaction-declined + Transazione rifiutata + + + transactions-management-enabled + Gestione delle transazioni (alfa) + + + transaction-description + Consideralo completo dopo 12 conferme sulla rete. + + + transaction-details + Dettagli della transazione + + + transaction-failed + Transazione fallita + + + transaction-history + Cronologia delle transazioni + + + transaction-request + Richiesta Transazione + + + transaction-sent + Transazione inviata + + + transaction-signed + La transazione è stata firmata correttamente + + + transactions + Transazioni + + + transactions-filter-select-all + Seleziona tutto + + + transactions-filter-title + Filtra cronologia + + + type + Tipo + + + transactions-history + Cronologia delle transazioni + + + transactions-history-empty + Nessuna transazione nella tua cronologia + + + transactions-history-loading + Caricamento dello storico delle transazioni. Potrebbe volerci un po' di tempo. + + + transactions-sign + Firma + + + tribute-required-by-multiaccount + {{multiaccount-name}} richiede degli SNT per avviare una chat. + + + tribute-state-paid + Omaggio pagato + + + tribute-state-pending + Omaggio in sospeso + + + tribute-state-required + Richiede {{snt-amount}} SNT omaggio + + + tribute-to-talk + Tribute to Talk + + + tribute-to-talk-add-friends + Aggiungi amici come contatto per consentire le chat senza pagamento omaggio. + + + tribute-to-talk-are-you-friends + Siete amici? + + + tribute-to-talk-ask-to-be-added + Chiedi di essere aggiunto come contatto + + + tribute-to-talk-contact-received-your-tribute + ha ricevuto il tuo tributo. Ora potete chattare tra di voi in tutta sicurezza. + + + tribute-to-talk-desc + Monetizza la tua attenzione richiedendo SNT alle nuove persone che avviano una chat + + + tribute-to-talk-disabled + Tribute to Talk disabilitato + + + tribute-to-talk-disabled-note + Da ora in poi, nuove persone potranno iniziare una chat con te senza inviare SNT. + + + tribute-to-talk-enabled + Tribute to Talk è abilitato. + + + tribute-to-talk-finish-desc + Da ora in poi, riceverai solo chat da contatti e persone che hanno pagato. + + + tribute-to-talk-learn-more-1 + Il tuo tempo e la tua attenzione sono i tuoi beni più preziosi. Tribute to Talk ti consente di impostare una quantità di SNT richiesta per le nuove persone per iniziare una chat con te. + + + tribute-to-talk-learn-more-2 + Chiunque non sia nella tua lista di contatti sarà invitato a pagare, e potrai rispondere una volta che l'avranno fatto. + + + tribute-to-talk-learn-more-3 + Puoi sempre restituire i soldi, ma per assicurarti che gli amici possano contattarti liberamente, aggiungili prima come contatto. + + + tribute-to-talk-paywall-learn-more-1 + Il nostro tempo e la nostra attenzione sono i nostri beni più preziosi. Tribute to Talk ti permette di contattare nuove persone in cambio di un pagamento SNT. + + + tribute-to-talk-paywall-learn-more-2 + Per iniziare una chat con qualcuno che ha un tributo impostato, paga semplicemente il SNT richiesto e verrai aggiunto come contatto. + + + tribute-to-talk-paywall-learn-more-3 + Se li conosci, puoi condividere il tuo profilo al di fuori di Status per essere aggiunto gratuitamente. + + + tribute-to-talk-pending + Omaggio in attesa di conferma + + + tribute-to-talk-pending-note + La transazione Tribute è in attesa di conferma sulla rete. Puoi verificarne lo stato nella cronologia delle transazioni + + + tribute-to-talk-removing-note + La rimozione di Tribute to Talk consentirà a nuove persone di avviare una chat senza inviare SNT. Richiede una transazione da effettuare. + + + tribute-to-talk-set-snt-amount + Imposta la quantità di SNT necessaria alle nuove persone per iniziare una chat. + + + tribute-to-talk-signing + In attesa di firmare la transazione + + + tribute-to-talk-transaction-failed-note + Transazione non riuscita e le impostazioni di Tribute to Talk non sono state modificate + + + tribute-to-talk-tribute-received1 + Tributo ricevuto. Tu e + + + tribute-to-talk-tribute-received2 + sono ora contatti e possono chattare in sicurezza tra loro. + + + tribute-to-talk-you-require-snt + È necessario SNT per le nuove persone per avviare una chat. + + + try-again + Riprova + + + try-keeping-the-card-still + Prova a tenere ferma la carta + + + turn-nfc-on + Attiva NFC per continuare + + + turn-nfc-description + NFC è disabilitato sul tuo dispositivo. Puoi abilitarlo nelle impostazioni + + + keycard-init-title + Cerco le carte... + + + keycard-init-description + Posiziona la carta sul retro del telefono per continuare + + + keycard-awaiting-title + Sto ancora cercando... + + + keycard-awaiting-description + Provate a spostare la carta per trovare il lettore NFC sul vostro dispositivo + + + keycard-processing-title + Elaborazione... + + + keycard-processing-description + Prova a tenere ferma la carta + + + keycard-connected-title + Connesso + + + keycard-connected-description + Prova a tenere ferma la carta + + + keycard-error-title + Connessione persa + + + keycard-error-description + Collegare nuovamente la carta per continuare + + + keycard-success-title + Successo + + + keycard-success-description + Ora è possibile rimuovere la carta + + + keycard-recover + carta smarrita o bloccata? + + + keycard-recover-title + Creare una nuova carta per questo account? + + + keycard-recover-text + Se hai la tua frase mnemonica puoi creare una nuova Keycard associata a questo account. Puoi utilizzare una nuova Keycard o eseguire il ripristino delle impostazioni di fabbrica su una congelata. + + + keycard-backup + Crea una Keycard di backup + + + keycard-backup-success-title + Backup riuscito + + + keycard-backup-success-body + Carta di backup creata correttamente. Ora puoi usarla con il tuo account proprio come la carta principale. + + + type-a-message + Scrivi un messaggio... + + + ulc-enabled + ULC abilitato + + + backup-enabled + Abilitato + + + backup-disabled + Disabilitato + + + backup-settings + Impostazioni di backup + + + backup-through-waku + Backup tramite waku + + + perform-backup + Procedi al backup + + + backing-up + Backup in corso... + + + last-backup-performed + Ultimo backup eseguito: + + + unable-to-read-this-code + Impossibile leggere questo codice + + + unblock-contact + Sblocca questo utente + + + unknown-status-go-error + Errore di status-go sconosciuto + + + unlock + Sblocca + + + unpair-card + Dissocia carta + + + unpair-card-confirmation + Questa operazione disaccoppierà la carta dal dispositivo corrente. Richiede l'autorizzazione tramite il codice di accesso a 6 cifre. Vuoi procedere? + + + unpaired-keycard-text + La Keycard che hai usato non è associata a questo telefono + + + unpaired-keycard-title + Sembra che la tua carta sia stata disaccoppiata + + + unpair-keycard + Disaccoppia la Keycard da questo telefono + + + unpair-keycard-warning + Il codice di associazione/PUK & PIN rimane invariato + + + update + Aggiorna + + + url + URL + + + usd-currency + USD + + + use-valid-contact-code + Inserisci o scansiona una chiave chat o un nome utente valido + + + validation-amount-invalid-number + L'importo non è valido + + + validation-amount-is-too-precise + L'importo è troppo preciso. Il numero massimo di decimali è {{decimals}} . + + + version + Versione App + + + app-commit + + + + view + Visualizza + + + view-cryptokitties + Visualizza in CryptoKitties + + + view-cryptostrikers + Visualizza in CryptoStrikers + + + view-etheremon + Visualizza in Etheremon + + + view-gitcoin + Visualizza in Gitcoin + + + view-profile + Visualizza profilo + + + view-details + Dettagli + + + view-signing + Visualizza la frase di firma + + + view-superrare + Visualizza in SuperRare + + + waiting-for-wifi + Niente Wi-Fi, sincronizzazione messaggi disabilitata. + + + waiting-for-wifi-change + Impostazioni + + + waiting-to-sign + In attesa di firmare la transazione... + + + wallet + Portafoglio + + + wallet-asset + Asset + + + wallet-assets + Monete + + + wallet-backup-recovery-title + Esegui il backup della frase di recupero + + + wallet-choose-recipient + Scegli il destinatario + + + wallet-collectibles + Collezionabili + + + wallet-insufficient-funds + Fondi non sufficienti + + + wallet-insufficient-gas + ETH non sufficiente per il gas + + + wallet-invalid-address + Indirizzo non valido: + {{data}} + + + wallet-invalid-address-checksum + Errore nell'indirizzo: + {{data}} + + + wallet-invalid-chain-id + La rete non corrisponde: + {{data}} ma la rete attuale è {{chain}} + + + wallet-manage-assets + Gestisci cryptoasset + + + wallet-manage-accounts + Gestisci account + + + wallet-request + Richiedi + + + wallet-send + Invia + + + wallet-send-min-units + Minimo 21000 unità + + + wallet-send-min-wei + Minimo 1 wei + + + wallet-settings + Impostazioni portafoglio + + + wallet-total-value + Valore complessivo + + + wallet-transaction-total-fee + Commissione totale + + + wants-to-access-profile + vuole accedere al tuo profilo + + + warning + Attenzione + + + warning-message + Spiacenti, limitiamo l'invio di più messaggi in rapida successione per prevenire lo spam. Riprova tra un momento + + + web-view-error + Impossibile caricare la pagina + + + welcome-screen-text + Configura il tuo portafoglio, invita gli amici a chattare + ed a sfogliare app popolari! + + + welcome-to-status + Benvenuto in Status! + + + welcome-to-status-description + Configura il tuo portafoglio, invita gli amici a chattare + ed a sfogliare app decentralizzate! + + + welcome-blank-message + Le tue chat appariranno qui. Per iniziare nuove chat, premi il tasto ⊕ + + + welcome-community-blank-message + I tuoi canali verranno visualizzati qui. Per creare un nuovo canale, fai clic sul pulsante ⊕ e seleziona "Crea un canale" + + + welcome-community-blank-message-edit-chats + I tuoi canali verranno visualizzati qui. Per creare un nuovo canale, torna alla schermata della community, fai clic sul pulsante ⊕ e seleziona "Crea un canale" + + + welcome-blank-community-message + Le tue comunità appariranno qui. + + + fetch-community + Recupera la comunità + + + fetching-community + Recupero della comunità in corso... + + + seed-phrase-placeholder + Frase di recupero... + + + word-count + Conteggio parole + + + word-n + Parola # {{number}} + + + word-n-description + Per verificare se è stato eseguito correttamente il backup della frase di recupero, immettere la parola # {{number}} sopra. + + + words-n + + una parola + {{count}} parole + + + + write-down-and-store-securely + Scrivi i codici + e conservali in modo sicuro + + + wrong-address + Indirizzo errato + + + wrong-card + Carta sbagliata + + + wrong-card-text + Hai usato una carta che non corrisponde alle chiavi che hai selezionato. + + + wrong-contract + Contract errato + + + contract-isnt-supported + Il contratto non è supportato + + + wrong-keycard-text + La Keycard che hai usato non è associata a questo telefono + + + wrong-keycard-title + Sembra che tu abbia usato +una chiave sbagliata + + + wrong-password + Password errata + + + wrong-word + Parola sbagliata + + + yes + Si + + + You + Tu + + + you + tu + + + you-already-have-an-asset + Hai già un cryptoasset {{value}} + + + you-are-all-set + È tutto pronto! + + + you-are-all-set-description + Se perdi il telefono, usando la frase di recupero puoi ripristinare le chiavi e riavere accesso ai tuoi fondi e alle tue chat + + + you-can-change-account + È possibile modificare il nome e il colore dell'account in base alle proprie esigenze + + + you-dont-have-stickers + Non hai ancora nessun adesivo. + + + you-dont-have-contacts-invite-friends + Non hai ancora nessun contatto. + Invita i tuoi amici a iniziare a chattare. + + + your-contact-code + Concedendo l'accesso autorizzi questa DApp a recuperare la tua chiave chat + + + your-data-belongs-to-you + Se perdi la frase di recupero perderai dati e fondi + + + your-data-belongs-to-you-description + Status non può aiutarti a recuperare le tue chiavi se perdi la frase di recupero. Soltanto tu la possiedi. Scrivila e tienila in un posto sicuro. + + + your-recovery-phrase + La tua frase di recupero + + + your-recovery-phrase-description + Questa è la tua frase di recupero. La usi per dimostrare che questo è il tuo portafoglio. Puoi vederlo solo una volta! Scrivilo su carta e conservalo in un luogo sicuro. Ne avrai bisogno se perdi o reinstalli il tuo portafoglio. + + + custom-seed-phrase + Frase di recupero errata + + + custom-seed-phrase-text-1 + Questa frase di recupero contiene parole non presenti nel nostro dizionario. Controlla se ci sono errori. + + + to-enable-biometric + Per abilitare {{bio-type-label}}, devi salvare la password nella schermata di sblocco + + + ok-save-pass + OK, salva la password + + + lock-app-with + Blocca l'app con + + + grant-face-id-permissions + Per concedere l'autorizzazione Face ID richiesta, andare alle impostazioni del sistema e assicurarsi che Status > Face ID sia selezionato + + + request-feature + Richiedi una funzionalità + + + select-account-dapp + Seleziona l'account che desideri utilizzare con le Dapps + + + apply + Applica + + + on-status-tree + In Status + + + off-status-tree + Fuori Status + + + derivation-path + Percorso di derivazione + + + storage + Archivio + + + keycard-free-pairing-slots + La carta Keycard ha {{n}} slot di accoppiamento liberi + + + public-chat-description + Partecipa a chat pubbliche sui tuoi interessi! Chiunque può iniziare una nuova. + + + delete-account + Elimina account + + + delete-keys-keycard + Elimina chiavi da Keycard + + + watch-only + sola lettura + + + cant-report-bug + Impossibile segnalare un bug + + + mail-should-be-configured + Il client di posta deve essere configurato + + + check-on-block-explorer + + + + check-on-opensea + Controlla su opensea + + + transactions-load-more + Caricane ancora + + + private-key + Chiave privata + + + generate-an-account + Genera un account + + + add-watch-account + Aggiungi un account di sola lettura + + + add-seed-account + Aggiungi account usando la tua frase mnemonica + + + account-exists-title + Questo account esiste già! + + + add-private-key-account + Aggiungi un account usando la tua chiave privata + + + profile-not-found + Profilo non trovato + + + waku-bloom-filter-mode + Modalità Waku bloom filter + + + wakuv2-settings + Impostazioni Waku v2 + + + wakuv2-node-format + /ip4/ {node-ip} /tcp/ {port} /p2p/ {id} + + + wakuv2-change-nodes + Sei sicuro di voler cambiare i nodi Wakuv2 ? + + + appearance + Aspetto + + + preference + Impostazione + + + light + Chiaro + + + dark + Scuro + + + system + Sistema + + + give-permissions-camera + Dare il permesso + per accedere alla telecamera + + + photos + Fotografie + + + image + Immagine + + + sign-anyway + Accedi comunque + + + tx-fail-description1 + Questa transazione rischia di fallire. Accedi a tuo rischio usando una commissione personalizzata di rete. + + + tx-fail-description2 + Questa transazione rischia di fallire. Imposta una commissione di rete per accedere a tuo rischio. + + + set-custom-fee + Imposta una commissione personalizzata + + + not-enough-snt + Non hai abbastanza Token SNT + + + add-new-contact + Aggiungi nuovo contatto + + + you-dont-have-contacts + Non hai ancora alcun contatto. + + + set-max + Imposta valore massimo + + + continue-anyway + Continua comunque + + + private-notifications + Notifiche private + + + private-notifications-descr + Status ti notificherà nuovi messaggi. Puoi modificare le tue preferenze anche in un secondo tempo in Impostazioni. + + + maybe-later + Ricordamelo più tardi + + + join + Iscriviti + + + registered + registrato + + + not-registered + non registrato + + + audio-recorder-error + Errore di registrazione + + + audio-recorder + Registratore + + + audio-recorder-max-ms-reached + Tempo massimo di registrazione raggiunto + + + audio-recorder-permissions-error + Devi dare l'autorizzazione per inviare messaggi audio + + + audio + Audio + + + update-to-see-image + Aggiorna all'ultima versione per vedere una bella immagine qui! + + + update-to-listen-audio + Aggiorna all'ultima versione per ascoltare un messaggio audio qui! + + + update-to-see-sticker + Aggiorna all'ultima versione per vedere un bel adesivo qui! + + + webview-camera-permission-requests + Richieste di autorizzazione della fotocamera in WebView + + + webview-camera-permission-requests-subtitle + Quando è abilitata, i siti web e le dapps possono chiedere di utilizzare la tua fotocamera + + + page-would-like-to-use-camera + desidera utilizzare la vostra fotocamera + + + page-camera-request-blocked + Le richieste di accesso alla telecamera sono bloccate. Per abilitare l'accesso alla telecamera vai su Impostazioni + + + nickname + Soprannome + + + add-nickname + Aggiungi un soprannome (facoltativo) + + + nickname-description + I soprannomi ti aiutano a identificare gli altri in Status. +Solo tu puoi vedere i soprannomi che hai usato + + + accept + Accetta + + + group-invite + Invito di gruppo + + + group-invite-link + Link di invito al gruppo + + + pending-invitations + Richieste di adesione in sospeso + + + empty-pending-invitations-descr + Le persone che desiderano unirsi al gruppo +tramite un link di invito appariranno qui + + + introduce-yourself + Presentati con un breve messaggio + + + request-pending + Richiesta in attesa di approvazione ... + + + membership-declined + La tua richiesta di adesione è stata rifiutata + + + remove-group + Rimuovi il gruppo + + + request-membership + Richiedi adesione + + + membership-description + L'adesione al gruppo richiede l'accettazione della tua richiesta da parte dell'amministratore + + + group-membership-request + Richiesta di adesione al gruppo + + + members-limit-reached + Raggiunto limite di membri + + + favourite + Preferiti + + + favourites + Preferiti + + + new-favourite + Nuovo preferito + + + edit-favourite + Modifica preferito + + + remove-favourite + Rimuovi preferito + + + add-favourite + Aggiungi preferito + + + add-to-favourites + Aggiungi ai preferiti + + + favourites-empty + Gli indirizzi aggiunti ai preferiti verranno visualizzati qui + + + contacts-empty + I contatti con nomi ENS verranno visualizzati qui + + + my-accounts + I miei account + + + my-accounts-empty + I tuoi account disponibili verranno visualizzati qui + + + recent-empty + Gli indirizzi utilizzati di recente verranno visualizzati qui + + + address-or-ens-name + Indirizzo o nome ENS + + + name-optional + Nome (facoltativo) + + + mute + Silenzia notifiche + + + unmute + Riattiva + + + scan-tokens + Scansiona Tokens + + + my-status + Il mio stato + + + contacts-descr + I tuoi contatti appariranno qui. Riceverai aggiornamenti di stato da chiunque aggiungerai come contatto + + + status-updates-descr + Gli aggiornamenti di Status verranno visualizzati qui. Aggiungi il profilo come contatto per ricevere aggiornamenti sulla tua cronologia. + + + whats-on-your-mind + Cos'hai in mente… + + + cant-open-public-chat + Impossibile aprire la chat pubblica + + + invalid-public-chat-topic + Argomento della chat pubblica non valido + + + now + Ora + + + statuses-my-status-descr + Condividi quello che stai pensando. Chiunque visiti il tuo profilo potrà vedere il tuo stato. Le persone che ti aggiungono come loro contatto riceveranno i tuoi aggiornamenti sulla loro timeline + + + statuses-descr + Condividi quello che stai pensando e rimani aggiornato con i tuoi contatti + + + new-status + Nuovo stato + + + chat-link-previews + Anteprime dei link della chat + + + you-can-choose-preview-websites + Puoi scegliere quale dei seguenti siti web può visualizzare in anteprima i link delle descrizioni e delle immagini nelle chat + + + previewing-may-share-metadata + La visualizzazione in anteprima dei collegamenti da questi siti Web potrebbe condividere i metadati con i loro proprietari + + + websites + Siti web + + + enable-all + Abilita tutto + + + disable-all + Disabilita tutto + + + warning-sending-to-contract-descr + L'indirizzo che hai inserito è quello di un contratto intelligente, l'invio di fondi a questo indirizzo potrebbe comportare la perdita di fondi. Per interagire con una DApp, apri la DApp nella DApp Browser di Status. + + + dont-ask + Non chiedermelo più + + + enable-link-previews + Abilitare le anteprime dei collegamenti nella chat? + + + once-enabled-share-metadata + Una volta abilitati, i link pubblicati nella chat possono condividere i tuoi metadati con il sito + + + external-storage-denied + L'accesso alla memoria esterna è negato + + + timeline + Timeline + + + main-account + + + + ethereum-address + Indirizzo di Ethereum + + + default-assets + ERC20 e ERC721 predefiniti + + + increase-gas + Aumenta il Gas + + + cancelling + Cancellazione in corso + + + refresh + Aggiorna + + + close-all + Chiudi tutto + + + tabs + Schede + + + new-tab + Nuova scheda + + + empty-tab + Scheda Vuota + + + open-in-new-tab + Apri in una nuova scheda + + + has-permissions + ha il permesso di accedere + + + connect-wallet + Collega portafoglio + + + open-chat + Apri chat + + + favourite-description + I tuoi siti web preferiti verranno visualizzati qui + + + transfers-fetching-failure + Impossibile aggiornare la cronologia dei trasferimenti. Controlla la connessione e scorri verso il basso per riprovare + + + move-and-reset + Sposta e resetta + + + move-keystore-file-to-keycard + Spostare il file del keystore nella keycard? + + + database-reset-title + Resetta il database + + + database-reset-content + Le chat, i contatti e le impostazioni sono stati cancellati. Puoi usare il tuo account con la tua Keycard + + + database-reset-warning + Il database verrà ripristinato. Chat, contatti e impostazioni verranno eliminati + + + empty-keycard-required + Richiede una Keycard vuota + + + current + Attuale + + + choose-storage + Scegli l'archiviazione + + + choose-new-location-for-keystore + Scegli una nuova posizione per salvare il file del keystore + + + get-a-keycard + Acquista una Keycard + + + keycard-upsell-subtitle + Maggiore sicurezza e facilità d'uso + + + actions + Azioni + + + move-keystore-file + Sposta il file keystore + + + select-new-location-for-keys + Seleziona una nuova posizione per salvare le tue chiavi private + + + reset-database + Reimposta database + + + reset-database-warning + Elimina chat, contatti e impostazioni. Obbligatorio quando hai perso la password + + + reset-database-warning-keycard + Elimina chat, contatti e impostazioni. + + + key-managment + Gestione delle chiavi + + + choose-actions + Scegli azioni + + + master-account + Conto principale + + + back-up + Backup + + + key-on-device + La chiave privata è salvata su questo dispositivo + + + seed-key-uid-mismatch + Il seme non combacia + + + seed-key-uid-mismatch-desc-1 + La frase seme inserita non corrisponde a {{multiaccount-name}} + + + seed-key-uid-mismatch-desc-2 + Per gestire le chiavi per questo account, verifica la tua frase seme e riprova. + + + recover-with-seed-phrase + Recupera con la frase seme + + + transfer-ma-unknown-error-desc-1 + Sembra che il tuo multiaccount non sia stato cancellato. Il database potrebbe essere stato resettato + + + transfer-ma-unknown-error-desc-2 + Ti invitiamo a controllare l'elenco dei tuoi account e riprovare. Se l'account non è elencato, vai su Accedi alle chiavi esistenti per ripristinarlo con frase seme + + + everyone + Tutti + + + show-profile-pictures + Mostra le foto del profilo da + + + show-profile-pictures-to + Mostra la tua immagine del profilo a + + + non-archival-node + L'endpoint RPC non supporta le richieste di archiviazione. La cronologia dei trasferimenti locali potrebbe essere incompleta. + + + custom-node + Stai utilizzando un endpoint RPC personalizzato. La cronologia dei trasferimenti locali potrebbe essere incompleta. + + + connection-status + Stato della connessione + + + peer-to-peer + Peer to peer + + + not-connected-to-peers + Non connesso ad alcun contatto + + + unable-to-send-messages + Impossibile inviare e ricevere messaggi + + + can-send-messages + Puoi inviare e ricevere nuovi messaggi + + + not-connected-nodes + Non connesso ad un nodo di Status + + + unable-to-fetch + Impossibile recuperare la cronologia chat + + + nodes-disabled + Nodi di Status disabilitati + + + waiting-wi-fi + In attesa di rete Wi-Fi ... + + + you-can-fetch + Puoi recuperare la cronologia chat + + + youre-on-mobile-network + Stai usando una rete mobile + + + status-mobile-descr + Status tende a utilizzare molti dati durante la sincronizzazione delle chat. Puoi scegliere di non sincronizzare quando sei su rete mobile + + + restore-defaults + Ripristina i valori predefiniti + + + rpc-usage-info + Statistiche di utilizzo RPC + + + rpc-usage-get-stats + Aggiorna + + + rpc-usage-reset + Resetta + + + rpc-usage-filter + Metodi di filtro + + + rpc-usage-filter-methods + Metodi di filtro + + + rpc-usage-copy + Copia + + + rpc-usage-total + + + + rpc-usage-filtered-total + + + + community-message-preview + Invito a unirsi a {{nome della comunità}} + + + non-contacts + Non nei contatti + + + community + Comunità + + + verified-community + ✓ Comunità verificata + + + community-info-not-found + Informazioni sulla comunità non trovate + + + community-info + Informazioni sulla comunità + + + not-found + Non trovato + + + activity + Attività + + + reject-and-delete + Rifiuta ed elimina + + + accept-and-add + Accetta e aggiungi + + + one-day + Un giorno + + + three-days + Tre giorni + + + one-week + Una settimana + + + one-month + Un mese + + + my-profile + Il mio profilo + + + bip39-password-placeholder + Password BIP39 + + + public-channel + Canale pubblico + + + default-sync-period + Sincronizza cronologia per + + + what-is-shared + Cosa è condiviso + + + view-data + Vedi dati + + + data-collected + Dati raccolti + + + data-collected-subtitle + La tabella seguente mostra i dati esatti che vengono memorizzati e verranno inviati. I dati vengono convalidati rispetto alle regole pubbliche per garantire che non vengano inviati dati sensibili. Non fidarti, verifica. + + + view-rules + Visualizza regole + + + expand-all + Espandi + + + about-sharing-data + Informazioni sulla condivisione dei dati + + + sharing-data-desc-1 + I dati vengono convalidati rispetto alle regole pubbliche per garantire che non vengano inviati dati sensibili. Non fidarti, verifica. + + + sharing-data-desc-2 + I dati di utilizzo vengono inviati crittografati end-to-end sulla rete peer-to-peer di Status + + + sharing-data-desc-3 + Invece della normale chiave di chat, viene usata una chiave di uso singolo + + + sharing-data-desc-4 + I dati di utilizzo non possono essere associati al tuo indirizzo IP + + + sharing-data-desc-5 + I dati cumulativi di tutti gli utenti sono disponibili pubblicamente + + + view-public-dashboard + Visualizza la dashboard pubblica + + + sharing-data-desc-6 + I dati vengono rimossi dal telefono dopo l'invio + + + allow-and-send + Consenti e invia + + + no-thanks + No grazie + + + help-improve-status + Aiutaci a migliorare Status + + + thank-you + Grazie + + + current-password + Password attuale + + + reset-password + Reimposta password + + + password-reset-success + Reimposta la password + + + password-reset-success-message + Dovrai accedere di nuovo + + + password-reset-in-progress + Modifica password in corso... + + + new-password + Nuova password + + + confirm-new-password + Conferma la nuova password + + + password-mismatch + Le password non corrispondono. + + + terms-of-service + Termini di utilizzo + + + accept-status-tos-prefix + Accetto Status + + + updates-to-tos + Aggiornamenti ai Termini di servizio + + + updates-to-tos-desc + Prima di continuare, consulta i Termini di servizio e conferma di assumerti la piena responsabilità di come utilizzi l'applicazione. + + + what-changed + Cosa è cambiato + + + wc-new-tos-based-on-principles-prefix + Nuovi Termini di servizio progettati in base ai nostri + + + principles + Principi + + + wc-how-to-use-status-app + Come usare l'app Status, compresa la privacy e la sicurezza + + + wc-brand-guide + Guida all'uso di marchi come marchi e loghi + + + wc-disclaimer + Dichiarazioni di non responsabilità (inclusi fornitori di terze parti), garanzie e rilasci legali + + + wc-dispute + Disposizioni per la risoluzione delle controversie + + + status-is-open-source + Status è open-source + + + build-yourself + Per utilizzare l'applicazione senza queste Condizioni di servizio, è possibile creare la propria versione + + + accept-and-continue + Accetta e continua + + + empty-activity-center + Le tue notifiche della chat +appariranno qui + + + pinned-messages + Messaggi appuntati + + + pin + Appunta + + + unpin + Deseleziona + + + no-pinned-messages + Nessun messaggio appuntato + + + pinned-messages-count + + 1 messaggio appuntato + {{count}} messaggi appuntati + + + + pinned-messages-empty + I messaggi appuntati verranno visualizzati qui. Per appuntare un messaggio, tieni premuto e tocca `Appunta` + + + pinned-by + Appuntato da + + + pin-limit-reached + Limite pin raggiunto. Deseleziona un messaggio precedente. + + + max-fee + Tariffa massima + + + max-priority-fee + Tariffa prioritaria massima + + + miners-higher-fee + È più facile che i miners includano la tua transazione prima se paghi una commissione più alta. + + + gas-amount-limit + Limite valore Gas + + + per-gas-tip-limit + Limite mancia per gas + + + per-gas-price-limit + Limite di prezzo per gas + + + current-base-fee + Tariffa base attuale + + + fee-explanation + Prezzo complessivo massimo per la transazione. Se la tariffa di base del blocco supera questa cifra, verrà inclusa in un blocco successivo con una tariffa di base inferiore. + + + slow + Lenta + + + optimal + Ottimale + + + fast + Veloce + + + see-suggestions + Vedi suggerimenti + + + maximum-fee + Tariffa massima + + + low-tip + la mancia è troppo bassa + + + lower-than-average-tip + mancia inferiore alla media + + + below-base-fee + tariffa massima inferiore alla tariffa base + + + reduced-tip + la mancia prioritaria sarà ridotta + + + are-you-sure + Sei sicuro? + + + bad-fees-description + La tua tariffa prioritaria è inferiore ai nostri parametri suggeriti. + + + change-tip + Modifica mancia + + + current-minimum-tip + Attuale mancia minima + + + current-average-tip + Attuale mancia media + + + your-tip-limit + Il tuo limite di mancia + + + your-price-limit + Il tuo limite di prezzo + + + suggested-min-tip + Mancia minima suggerita + + + suggested-price-limit + Limite di prezzo suggerito + + + include + Include + + + category + Categoria + + + edit-chats + Modifica le chat + + + edit-categories + + + + hide + Nascondi + + + account-is-used + L'account è stato usato con Dapps nel browser. + + + normal + Normale + + + never + Mai + + + fee-options + Opzioni suggerite per la tariffa + + + fee-cap + Limite tariffa + + + tip-cap + Limite mancia + + + collectibles-leak-metadata + Puoi visualizzare i tuoi NFT qui. Se lo fai, condividerai il tuo portafoglio e l'indirizzo IP + + + display-collectibles + Mostra oggetti da collezione + + + disable-later-in-settings + Puoi disabilitarlo in seguito in Impostazioni + + + use-as-profile-picture + Usa come immagine del profilo + + + view-on-opensea + Visualizza su OpenSea + + + profile-picture-updated + Foto profilo aggiornata + + + status-automatic + Automatico + + + status-automatic-subtitle + Imposta automaticamente lo stato + + + status-dnd + Non disturbare + + + status-dnd-subtitle + Silenzia tutte le notifiche + + + status-always-online + Sempre online + + + status-inactive + Non attivo + + + status-inactive-subtitle + Nascondi il tuo stato online + + + two-minutes + due minuti + + + swap + Converti + + + select-token-to-swap + Seleziona il token da scambiare + + + select-token-to-receive + Seleziona il token da ricevere + + + minimum-received + Minimo ricevuto + + + powered-by-paraswap + Fornito da Paraswap + + + priority + Priorità + + + switch-to-simple-interface + Passa all'interfaccia semplificata + + + transaction-fee + Costo transazione + + + swap-details + Dettagli dello scambio + + + slippage + Slittamento + + + price-impact + Impatto sul prezzo + + + total-gas + Fee di transazione totale + + + token + Token + + + approve-limit + Approva il limite + + + approve-token + Approva token + + + approve-token-contract-desc + L'approvazione di un token con un contratto gli consente di spendere il saldo dei token. Se ritieni che un progetto non sia affidabile, non approvare il token con loro o approvare solo l'importo che utilizzerai con loro. + + + unlimited + Illimitato + + + approve + Approva + + + limit + Limite + + + last-transaction + Ultima transazione + + + price-impact-desc + Impatto sul prezzo stimato per questa transazione. Se l'attuale commissione di base del blocco supera questa cifra, la tua transazione verrà inclusa in un blocco successivo con una commissione di base inferiore. + + + safe-estimate + Stima sicura + + + current-average + Fee media attuale + + + current-base + Fee Base attuale + + + maximum-fee-desc + Prezzo complessivo massimo per la transazione. Se l'attuale commissione di base del blocco supera questa cifra, la tua transazione verrà inclusa in un blocco successivo con una commissione di base inferiore. + + + insufficient-balance-to-cover-fee + + + + wallet-connect-proposal-title + + + + wallet-connect-proposal-description + + + + wallet-connect-app-connected + + + + wallet-connect-go-back + + + + wallet-connect-2.0 + + + + wallet-connect + + + + reject + + + + manage-connections + + + + wallet-manage-app-connections + + + + connection-request + + + + disconnect + + + + new-ui + + + + send-contact-request-message + + + + contact-request + + + + say-hi + + + + accepted + + + + declined + + + + contact-request-header + + + + contact-request-declined + + + + contact-request-accepted + + + + contact-request-pending + + + + removed-from-contacts + + + + mutual-contact-requests + + + + negative + + + + positive + + + + Please enter a URL + + + + This fields needs to be a valid URL + + + + Please enter a Name + + + + Favorite added + + + + Edit + + + + Add favorite + + + + URL + + + + Paste URL + + + + Name + + + + Name the website + + + + Remove + + + + Done + + + + Add + + + + '%1' would like to connect to + + + + Allowing authorizes this DApp to retrieve your wallet address and enable Web3 + + + + Granting access authorizes this DApp to retrieve your chat key + + + + Deny + + + + Allow + + + + Enter URL + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Error signing message + + + + Transaction pending... + + + + Wrong password + + + + Start Page + + + + New Tab + + + + Downloads Page + + + + Server's certificate not trusted + + + + Do you wish to continue? + + + + If you wish so, you may continue with an unverified certificate. Accepting an unverified certificate means you may not be connected with the host you tried to connect to. +Do you wish to override the security check and continue? + + + + Exit Incognito mode + + + + Go Incognito + + + + Zoom In + + + + Zoom Out + + + + Find + + + + Compatibility mode + + + + Developer Tools + + + + Settings + + + + Mainnet + + + + Ropsten + + + + Unknown + + + + Disconnect + + + + Assets + + + + History + + + + Show All + + + + Cancelled + + + + Paused + + + + Open + + + + Show in folder + + + + Pause + + + + Resume + + + + Cancel + + + + Downloaded files will appear here. + + + + Open in new Tab + + + + Ok + + + + Signature request + + + + From + + + + Data + + + + Message + + + + Reject + + + + Sign + + + + Sign with password + + + + Contact request pending + + + + Connected + + + + Disconnected + + + + This user has been blocked. + + + + Type a message. + + + + Send + + + + Request Address + + + + Request + + + + Transaction pending + + + + Continue + + + + Receive on account + + + + From account + + + + Address request required + + + + To + + + + Preview + + + + Transaction preview + + + + Next + + + + Invalid transaction parameters + + + + Authorize %1 %2 + + + + Choose account + + + + Network fee + + + + Error estimating gas: %1 + + + + Send %1 %2 + + + + Image + + + + Sticker + + + + You have a new message + + + + You have been accepted into the ‘%1’ community + + + + Your request to join the ‘%1’ community was declined + + + + New membership request + + + + %1 asks to join ‘%2’ + + + + Failed to send message. + + + + Share your chat key + + + + friends to start messaging in Status + + + + ↓ Fetch more messages + + + + before %1 + + + + Welcome to the beginning of the <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> group! + + + + Any messages you send here are encrypted and can only be read by you and <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> + + + + Join chat + + + + Decline invitation + + + + Add reaction + + + + Reply + + + + More + + + + Today + + + + Yesterday + + + + January + + + + February + + + + March + + + + April + + + + May + + + + June + + + + July + + + + August + + + + September + + + + October + + + + November + + + + December + + + + and + + + + %1 more + + + + reacted with + + + + Error loading the image + + + + Loading image... + + + + This feature is experimental and is meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It's not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data. Use at your own risk. + + + + Membership requires an ENS username + + + + You need to be invited + + + + Request Access + + + + Verified community invitation + + + + Community invitation + + + + You invited %1 to join a community + + + + %1 invited you to join a community + + + + You shared a community + + + + A community has been shared + + + + Unsupported state + + + + %1 members + + + + Joined + + + + Join + + + + Enable automatic image unfurling + + + + Enable link previews in chat? + + + + Once enabled, links posted in the chat may share your metadata with their owners + + + + Enable in Settings + + + + Don't ask me again + + + + Resend + + + + Transaction request + + + + ↑ Outgoing transaction + + + + ↓ Incoming transaction + + + + Something has gone wrong + + + + Accept and share address + + + + Accept and send + + + + Decline + + + + Select account + + + + Choose accountSelect account to share and receive assets + + + + Confirm and share address + + + + Sign and send + + + + Pending + + + + Confirmed + + + + Unknown token + + + + Address requested + + + + Waiting to accept + + + + Address shared + + + + Address received + + + + Transaction declined + + + + failure + + + + Unknown state + + + + Group Information + + + + Clear history + + + + Leave group + + + + Are you sure you want to leave this chat? + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + Communities + + + + Search for communities or topics + + + + 1 member + + + + Import a community + + + + Create a community + + + + Public community + + + + Invitation only community + + + + On request community + + + + Unknown community + + + + - ENS only + + + + Chats + + + + Join ‘%1’ + + + + Request to join ‘%1’ + + + + Error joining the community + + + + No search results in Communities + + + + Members + + + + Create category + + + + Invite People + + + + Membership requests + + + + Edit category + + + + Delete category + + + + Delete %1 category + + + + Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. + + + + Error deleting the category + + + + View Profile + + + + Roles + + + + Kick + + + + Ban + + + + Transfer ownership + + + + Invite successfully sent + + + + Share community + + + + Notifications + + + + Edit community + + + + Export community + + + + Create channel + + + + Leave community + + + + Delete + + + + Welcome to your community! + + + + Add members + + + + Manage community + + + + You need to enter a name + + + + Please restrict your name to letters, numbers, dashes and spaces + + + + Your name needs to be 100 characters or shorter + + + + New channel + + + + Edit #%1 + + + + channel name + + + + channel decription + + + + Channel name + + + + Describe the channel + + + + Pinned messages + + + + A cool name + + + + channel description + + + + What your channel is about + + + + The description cannot exceed %1 characters + + + + Private channel + + + + By making a channel private, only members with selected permission will be able to access it + + + + category name + + + + New category + + + + Category title + + + + Channels + + + + Create + + + + Error editing the category + + + + Error creating the category + + + + Error creating the community + + + + You need to select an image + + + + You need to enter a color + + + + This field needs to be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + New community + + + + Name your community + + + + A catchy name + + + + Give it a short description + + + + What your community is about + + + + The description cannot exceed 140 characters + + + + community name + + + + community decription + + + + Thumbnail image + + + + Please choose an image + + + + Image files (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png) + + + + Upload + + + + Community colour + + + + Pick a color + + + + Please choose a color + + + + Membership requirement + + + + Require invite from another member + + + + Require approval + + + + No requirement + + + + You can require new members to meet certain criteria before they can join. This can be changed at any time + + + + Save + + + + Private community + + + + Only members with an invite link will be able to join your community. Private communities are not listed inside Status + + + + Your community will be public for anyone to join. Public communities are listed inside Status for easy discovery + + + + You need to enter a key + + + + Access existing community + + + + Community private key + + + + Entering a community key will grant you the ownership of that community. Please be responsible with it and don’t share the key with people you don’t trust. + + + + 0x... + + + + Import + + + + Error importing the community + + + + Invite friends + + + + Invite + + + + Contacts + + + + Chat + + + + Community imported + + + + Importing community is in progress + + + + Community %1 imported + + + + Importing community %1 is in progress + + + + Start new chat + + + + Start group chat + + + + Join public chat + + + + No messages + + + + No search results + + + + Your chats will appear here. To start new chats press the  button at the top + + + + Chat and transact privately with your friends + + + + Follow your interests in one of the many Public Chats. + + + + View Group + + + + Share Chat + + + + Test WakuV2 - requestAllHistoricMessages + + + + Unmute chat + + + + Mute chat + + + + Edit Channel + + + + Mark as Read + + + + Delete chat + + + + Leave chat + + + + Choose browser + + + + Open in Status + + + + Open in my default browser + + + + Remember my choice. To override it, go to settings. + + + + Admin + + + + Last 24 hours + + + + Last 2 days + + + + Last 3 days + + + + Last 7 days + + + + (You) + + + + You need to enter a channel name + + + + The channel name can only contain lowercase letters, numbers and dashes + + + + New group chat + + + + %1 / 10 members + + + + Group name + + + + Create Group Chat + + + + All your contacts are already in the group + + + + Make Admin + + + + Remove From Group + + + + Add selected + + + + Get Status at https://status.im + + + + Download Status link + + + + Unpin + + + + Pin + + + + Copy link + + + + Edit message + + + + Send message + + + + Reply to + + + + Jump to + + + + Delete message + + + + Confirm deleting this message + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well. + + + + Nickname + + + + Nicknames help you identify others in Status. Only you can see the nicknames you’ve added + + + + Your nickname is too long + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet. Invite your friends to start chatting. + + + + Enter a valid chat key or ENS usernameEnter a valid chat key or ENS username + + + + Can't chat with yourself + + + + New chat + + + + My Profile + + + + Enter ENS username or chat key + + + + Non contacts + + + + No profile found + + + + ENS username + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Chat settings + + + + None + + + + Unblock User + + + + Block User + + + + Add to contacts + + + + A public chat is where you get to hang out with others, make friends and talk about subjects of your interest. + + + + Start chat + + + + Pinned by %1 + + + + Type json-rpc message... e.g {"method": "eth_accounts"} + + + + Profile + + + + App version + + + + Version: %1 + + + + Node version + + + + Privacy Policy + + + + Network + + + + Fleet + + + + Minimize on close + + + + Experimental features + + + + Wallet + + + + Dapp Browser + + + + Activity Center + + + + Online users + + + + Broadcast user status + + + + Bloom filter level + + + + The account will be logged out. When you login again, the selected mode will be enabled + + + + Light Node + + + + Full Node + + + + GIF Widget + + + + Waku Bloom Mode + + + + Node Management + + + + Blockchains will drop search costs, causing a kind of decomposition that allows you to have markets of entities that are horizontally segregated and vertically segregated. + + + + Size + + + + Change font size + + + + XS + + + + S + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "S" because the title above is "Seed Phrase" + + + + M + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "M" because the title above is "Mailserver" + + + + L + + + + XL + + + + XXL + + + + Light + + + + Chat mode + + + + Normal + + + + Compact + + + + Appearance + + + + Dark + + + + System + + + + Back up seed phrase + + + + Step %1 of 3 + + + + If you lose your seed phrase you lose your data and funds + + + + If you lose access, for example by losing your phone, you can only access your keys with your seed phrase. No one, but you has your seed phrase. Write it down. Keep it safe + + + + Check your seed phrase + + + + Word #%1 + + + + Enter word + + + + In order to check if you have backed up your seed phrase correctly, enter the word #%1 above + + + + Are you sure? + + + + You will not be able to see the whole seed phrase again + + + + With this 12 words you can always get your key back. Write it down. Keep it safe, offline, and separate from this device. + + + + Okay, continue + + + + Wrong word + + + + General + + + + Default + + + + Show favorites bar + + + + Search engine used in the address bar + + + + Ethereum explorer used in the address bar + + + + Open an ethereum explorer after a transaction hash or an address is entered + + + + Privacy + + + + Set DApp access permissions + + + + Profile picture + + + + Crop your image (optional) + + + + Finish + + + + Chat link previews + + + + Websites + + + + Enable all + + + + Previewing links from these websites may share your metadata with their owners. + + + + Add new contact + + + + Blocked contacts + + + + Add contact + + + + You can't add yourself + + + + User not found + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet + + + + Devices + + + + Please set a name for your device. + + + + Specify a name + + + + Advertise device + + + + Pair your devices to sync contacts and chats between them + + + + Learn more + + + + Paired devices + + + + Syncing... + + + + Sync all devices + + + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + %1 is now connected with your chat key and can be used in Status. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + %1 will be connected once the transaction is complete. + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Wallet address + + + + Key + + + + Back + + + + Primary username + + + + Your messages are displayed to others with this username: + + + + Once you select a username, you won’t be able to disable it afterwards. You will only be able choose a different username to display. + + + + Nice! You own %1.stateofus.eth once the transaction is complete. + + + + Hey + + + + (pending) + + + + Add username + + + + Your usernames + + + + Primary Username + + + + None selected + + + + You’re displaying your ENS username in chats + + + + At least 4 characters. Latin letters, numbers, and lowercase only. + + + + Letters and numbers only. + + + + Type the entire username including the custom domain like username.domain.eth + + + + Your username + + + + ✓ Username available! + + + + Continuing will connect this username with your chat key. + + + + Username doesn’t belong to you :( + + + + Username already taken :( + + + + (edited) + + + + Username is already connected with your chat key and can be used inside Status. + + + + This user name is owned by you and connected with your chat key. Continue to set `Show my ENS username in chats`. + + + + Continuing will require a transaction to connect the username with your current chat key. + + + + Custom domain + + + + I want a stateofus.eth domain + + + + I own a name on another domain + + + + Connect username with your pubkey + + + + Terms of name registration + + + + Funds are deposited for 1 year. Your SNT will be locked, but not spent. + + + + After 1 year, you can release the name and get your deposit back, or take no action to keep the name. + + + + If terms of the contract change — e.g. Status makes contract upgrades — user has the right to release the username regardless of time held. + + + + The contract controller cannot access your deposited funds. They can only be moved back to the address that sent them. + + + + Your address(es) will be publicly associated with your ENS name. + + + + Usernames are created as subdomain nodes of stateofus.eth and are subject to the ENS smart contract terms. + + + + You authorize the contract to transfer SNT on your behalf. This can only occur when you approve a transaction to authorize the transfer. + + + + These terms are guaranteed by the smart contract logic at addresses: + + + + %1 (Status UsernameRegistrar). + + + + <a href='%1%2'>Look up on Etherscan</a> + + + + %1 (ENS Registry). + + + + Agree to <a href="#">Terms of name registration.</a> I understand that my wallet address will be publicly connected to my username. + + + + 10 SNT + + + + Deposit + + + + Not enough SNT + + + + Register + + + + Get a universal username + + + + ENS names transform those crazy-long addresses into unique usernames. + + + + Customize your chat name + + + + An ENS name can replace your random 3-word name in chat. Be @yourname instead of %1. + + + + Simplify your ETH address + + + + You can receive funds to your easy-to-share ENS name rather than your hexadecimal hash (0x...). + + + + Receive transactions in chat + + + + Others can send you funds via chat in one simple step. + + + + 10 SNT to register + + + + Register once to keep the name forever. After 1 year you can release the name and get your SNT back. + + + + Already own a username? + + + + You can verify and add any usernames you own in the next steps. + + + + Powered by Ethereum Name Services + + + + Start + + + + Only available on Mainnet + + + + ENS Registration failed + + + + ENS Registration completed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey failed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey completed + + + + Warning! + + + + Change fleet to %1 + + + + Glossary + + + + Account + + + + A + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "A" because the title above is "Account" + + + + Your Status account, accessed by the seed phrase that you create or import during onboarding. A Status account can hold more than one Ethereum address, in addition to the one created during onboarding. We refer to these as additional accounts within the wallet + + + + Chat Key + + + + C + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "C" because the title above is "Chat Key" + + + + Messages on the Status chat protocol are sent and received using encryption keys. The public chat key is a string of characters you share with others so they can send you messages in Status. + + + + Chat Name + + + + Three random words, derived algorithmically from your chat key and used as your default alias in chat. Chat names are completely unique; no other user can have the same three words. + + + + ENS Name + + + + E + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "E" because the title above is "ENS Name" + + + + Custom alias for your chat key that you can register using the Ethereum Name Service. ENS names are decentralized usernames. + + + + Mailserver + + + + A node in the Status network that routes and stores messages, for up to 30 days. + + + + Peer + + + + P + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "P" because the title above is "Peer" + + + + A device connected to the Status chat network. Each user can represent one or more peers, depending on their number of devices + + + + Seed Phrase + + + + A 64 character hex address based on the Ethereum standard and beginning with 0x. Public-facing, your wallet key is shared with others when you want to receive funds. Also referred to as an “Ethereum address” or “wallet address. + + + + Frequently asked questions + + + + Submit a bug + + + + Request a feature + + + + Language settings + + + + Language + + + + Muted chats + + + + Unmute + + + + The account will be logged out. When you unlock it again, the selected network will be used + + + + Add network + + + + You need to enter the RPC endpoint URL + + + + Invalid URL + + + + You need to enter the network id + + + + Should be a number + + + + Invalid network id + + + + RPC URL + + + + Specify a RPC URL + + + + Network chain + + + + Ropsten test network + + + + Rinkeby test network + + + + Custom + + + + Network Id + + + + Specify the network id + + + + Main networks + + + + Test networks + + + + Custom Networks + + + + Under development +NOTE: You will be logged out and all installed +sticker packs will be removed and will +need to be reinstalled. Purchased sticker +packs will not need to be re-purchased. + + + + Notification preferences + + + + All messages + + + + Just @mentions + + + + Nothing + + + + Play a sound when receiving a notification + + + + Use your operating system's notifications + + + + Setting this to false will instead use Status' notification style as seen below + + + + Message preview + + + + Anonymous + + + + Name only + + + + Name & Message + + + + Hi there! Yes, no problem, let me know if I can help. + + + + No preview or Advanced? Go to Notification Center + + + + Contacts & Users + + + + Notify on new requests + + + + Receive notifications from non-contacts + + + + Muted users + + + + Muted contacts + + + + Muted contacts will appear here + + + + Muted chats will appear here + + + + You can limit what gets shown in notifications + + + + Reset notification settings + + + + Restore default notification settings and unmute all chats and users + + + + Open links with... + + + + My default browser + + + + Security + + + + Backup Seed Phrase + + + + Display all profile pictures (not only contacts) + + + + Display images in chat automatically + + + + All images (links that contain an image extension) will be downloaded and displayed, regardless of the whitelist settings below + + + + Allow new contact requests + + + + Sign out controls + + + + LogoutExit + + + + Sounds settings + + + + Sound volume + + + + Sync settings + + + + Add mailserver + + + + You need to enter the enode address + + + + History node address + + + + enode://{enode-id}:{password}@{ip-address}:{port-number} + + + + Automatic mailserver selection + + + + ... + + + + Share what's on your mind and stay updated with your contacts + + + + Status account settings + + + + You need to enter an account name + + + + Enter an account name... + + + + Account name + + + + Type + + + + Watch-only + + + + Off Status tree + + + + On Status tree + + + + Derivation path + + + + Storage + + + + This device + + + + Delete account + + + + A deleted account cannot be retrieved later. Only press yes if you backed up your key/seed or don't care about this account anymore + + + + Save changes + + + + Add custom token + + + + This needs to be a valid address + + + + Invalid ERC20 address + + + + Enter contract address... + + + + Contract address + + + + The name of your token... + + + + ABC + + + + Symbol + + + + Decimals + + + + Collectibles will appear here + + + + To + + + + From + + + + At + + + + Status Desktop is connected to a non-archival node. Transaction history may be incomplete. + + + + No transactions found + + + + Load More + + + + Total value + + + + Receive + + + + Back up your seed phrase + + + + Recipient + + + + Transaction completed + + + + Transaction failed + + + + Set Currency + + + + Signing phrase + + + + This is your signing phrase + + + + You should see these 3 words before signing each transaction + + + + If you see a different combination, cancel the transaction and sign out + + + + Remind me later + + + + Manage Assets + + + + Account Settings + + + + Collectibles + + + + Generate an account + + + + Add a watch-only address + + + + Enter a seed phrase + + + + Enter a private key + + + + Add account from private key + + + + You need to enter a password + + + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + You need to enter a private key + + + + Enter a valid private key (64 characters hexadecimal string) + + + + Enter your password… + + + + Password + + + + Paste the contents of your private key + + + + Private key + + + + Loading... + + + + Add account + + + + You need to enter a seed phrase + + + + Enter a valid mnemonic + + + + Add account with a seed phrase + + + + Enter your seed phrase, separate words with commas or spaces... + + + + Seed phrase + + + + Add a watch-only account + + + + You need to enter an address + + + + This needs to be a valid address (starting with 0x) + + + + Enter address... + + + + Account address + + + + Token details + + + + Remove token + + + + Transaction Details + + + + 9999 Confirmations + + + + When the transaction has 12 confirmations you can consider it settled. + + + + Block + + + + Hash + + + + Gas limit + + + + Gas price + + + + Gas used + + + + Nonce + + + + Something went wrong + + + + Reload + + + + Maximum number of collectibles to display reached + + + + View + + + + Unnamed + + + + ID + + + + Description + + + + US Dollars + + + + Euros + + + + United Arab Emirates dirham + + + + Afghan afghani + + + + Argentine peso + + + + Australian dollar + + + + Barbadian dollar + + + + Bangladeshi taka + + + + Bulgarian lev + + + + Bahraini dinar + + + + Brunei dollar + + + + Bolivian boliviano + + + + Brazillian real + + + + Bhutanese ngultrum + + + + Canadian dollar + + + + Swiss franc + + + + Chilean peso + + + + Chinese yuan + + + + Colombian peso + + + + Costa Rican colón + + + + Czech koruna + + + + Danish krone + + + + Dominican peso + + + + Egyptian pound + + + + Ethiopian birr + + + + British Pound + + + + Georgian lari + + + + Ghanaian cedi + + + + Hong Kong dollar + + + + Croatian kuna + + + + Hungarian forint + + + + Indonesian rupiah + + + + Israeli new shekel + + + + Indian rupee + + + + Icelandic króna + + + + Jamaican dollar + + + + Japanese yen + + + + Kenyan shilling + + + + South Korean won + + + + Kuwaiti dinar + + + + Kazakhstani tenge + + + + Sri Lankan rupee + + + + Moroccan dirham + + + + Moldovan leu + + + + Mauritian rupee + + + + Malawian kwacha + + + + Mexican peso + + + + Malaysian ringgit + + + + Mozambican metical + + + + Namibian dollar + + + + Nigerian naira + + + + Norwegian krone + + + + Nepalese rupee + + + + New Zealand dollar + + + + Omani rial + + + + Peruvian sol + + + + Papua New Guinean kina + + + + Philippine peso + + + + Pakistani rupee + + + + Polish złoty + + + + Paraguayan guaraní + + + + Qatari riyal + + + + Romanian leu + + + + Serbian dinar + + + + Russian ruble + + + + Saudi riyal + + + + Swedish krona + + + + Singapore dollar + + + + Thai baht + + + + Trinidad and Tobago dollar + + + + New Taiwan dollar + + + + Tanzanian shilling + + + + Turkish lira + + + + Ukrainian hryvnia + + + + Ugandan shilling + + + + Uruguayan peso + + + + Venezuelan bolívar + + + + Vietnamese đồng + + + + South African rand + + + + View Community + + + + Browser + + + + Timeline + + + + Contact request accepted + + + + New contact request + + + + You can now chat with %1 + + + + %1 requests to become contacts + + + + Where do you want to go? + + + + Status Desktop + + + + Open Status + + + + Quit + + + + Create a password + + + + New password... + + + + Confirm password… + + + + At least 6 characters. You will use this password to unlock status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + Create password + + + + Error importing account + + + + An error occurred while importing your account: + + + + Login failed + + + + Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. + + + + Enter seed phrase + + + + This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. + + + + Start with the first word + + + + Enter 12, 15, 18, 21 or 24 words. +Seperate words by a single space. + + + + Invalid seed phrase + + + + Choose a chat name + + + + Truly private communication + + + + Chat over a peer-to-peer, encrypted network + where messages can't be censored or hacked + + + + Secure crypto wallet + + + + Send and receive digital assets anywhere in the +world--no bank account required + + + + Decentralized apps + + + + Explore games, exchanges and social networks +where you alone own your data + + + + Thanks for trying Status Desktop! Please note that this is an alpha release and we advise you that using this app should be done for testing purposes only and you assume the full responsibility for all risks concerning your data and funds. Status makes no claims of security or integrity of funds in these builds. + + + + I understand + + + + Status does not collect, share or sell any personal data. By continuing you agree with the privacy policy. + + + + I'm new, generate keys + + + + Access existing key + + + + Enter password + + + + Connecting... + + + + Login failed: %1 + + + + Generate new keys + + + + Your keys + + + + Add another existing key + + + + Your keys have been successfully recovered + + + + You will have to create a new code or password to re-encrypt your keys + + + + Re-encrypt your keys + + + + Cannot find asset '%1'. Ensure this asset has been added to the token list. + + + + ENS Username not found + + + + eg. 0x1234 or ENS + + + + Paste + + + + You need to request the recipient’s address first. +Assets won’t be sent yet. + + + + Invalid source + + + + Insufficient balance + + + + Must be greater than 0 + + + + Priority + + + + Use suggestions + + + + Use custom + + + + Low + + + + High + + + + Gas amount limit + + + + Per-gas overall limit + + + + Maximum overall price for the transaction. If the block base fee exceeds this, it will be included in a following block with a lower base fee. + + + + Must be greater than or equal to 0 + + + + This needs to be a number + + + + Please enter an amount + + + + The amount is 0. Proceed only if this is desired. + + + + Balance: + + + + Asset & Amount + + + + Blocking will remove any messages you received from %1 and stop new messages from reaching you. + + + + Account color + + + + Confirm your action + + + + Confirm + + + + Are you sure you want to this? + + + + Do not show this again + + + + Please select a contact + + + + Select a contact + + + + Contact does not have an ENS address. Please send a transaction in chat. + + + + No contact selected + + + + Copied! + + + + Slow + + + + Optimal + + + + Fast + + + + Reset + + + + Advanced + + + + Custom Network Fee + + + + Gwei + + + + Apply + + + + Not enough ETH for gas + + + + Copied + + + + Pasted + + + + Copy + + + + Invalid ethereum address + + + + Address + + + + My account + + + + Contact + + + + Search + + + + In: + + + + Messages + + + + Tokens will be sent directly to a contract address, which may result in a loss of funds. To transfer ERC-20 tokens, ensure the recipient address is the address of the destination wallet. + + + + View on Etherscan + + + + <a href='%1' style='color:%2;text-decoration:none;'>%3</a> + + + + Asset + + + + Amount + + + + Data field + + + + Signing phrase is a 3 word combination that displayed when you entered the wallet on this device for the first time. + + + + Enter the password you use to unlock this device + + + + Unblocking will allow new messages you received from %1 to reach you. + + + + Send transaction + + + + Request transaction + + + + Public chat + + + + Not a contact + + + + Image files (%1) + + + + Your message is too long. + + + + Please make your message shorter. We have set the limit to 2000 characters to be courteous of others. + + + + Type a message + + + + Bold + + + + Italic + + + + Strikethrough + + + + Code + + + + No recent emojis + + + + Buy for %1 SNT + + + + Uninstall + + + + Install + + + + Free + + + + Pending... + + + + Update + + + + Could not buy Stickerpack + + + + Stickerpack bought successfully + + + + You don't have any stickers yet + + + + Recently used stickers will appear here + + + + Get Stickers + + + + Ethereum explorer + + + + Custom... + + + + Search engine + + + + Dapp permissions + + + + Revoke access + + + + Revoke all access + + + + Show more + + + + %1 invited you to join the group + + + + All + + + + Mentions + + + + Replies + + + + Contact requests + + + + Mark all as Read + + + + Show read notifications + + + + Hide read notifications + + + + Notification settings + + + + You need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messages + + + + Waiting for %1 to accept your request + + + + Just click this button to add them as contact. They will receive a notification. Once they accept the request, you'll be able to chat + + + + Back up community key + + + + Back up + + + + Member name + + + + Community members will appear here + + + + No contacts found + + + + Your community is free to join, but new members are required to be approved by the community creator first + + + + Your community can only be joined by an invitation from existing community members + + + + Your community is free for anyone to join + + + + You should keep it safe and only share it with people you trust to take ownership of your community + + + + You can also use this key to import your community on another device + + + + Decline and block + + + + Decline all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to decline all these contact requests + + + + Accept all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to accept all these contact requests + + + + Decline all + + + + Accept all + + + + Pin limit reached + + + + Unpin a previous message first + + + + %1 messages + + + + %1 message + + + + Pinned messages will appear here. + + + + I accept + + + + Format not supported. + + + + Upload %1 only + + + + You can only upload %1 images at a time + + + + Max image size is %1 MB + + + + TODO + + + + NOW + + + + %1M + + + + %1H + + + + %1D + + + + Sun + + + + Mon + + + + Tue + + + + Wed + + + + Thu + + + + Fri + + + + Sat + + + + Jan + + + + Feb + + + + Mar + + + + Apr + + + + Jun + + + + Jul + + + + Aug + + + + Sep + + + + Oct + + + + Nov + + + + Dec + + + + Sunday + + + + Monday + + + + Tuesday + + + + Wednesday + + + + Thursday + + + + Friday + + + + Saturday + + + + Start a 1-on-1 chat with %1 + + + + Join the %1 community + + + + Join the %1 group chat + + + + Join the %1 public channel + + + + words + + + + Mainnet with upstream RPC + + + + POA Network + + + + xDai Chain + + + + Goerli with upstream RPC + + + + Rinkeby with upstream RPC + + + + Ropsten with upstream RPC + + + + You need to repeat your password + + + + Passwords don't match + + + + You need to enter a %1 + + + + The %1 cannot exceed %2 characters + + + + Must be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + Use only lowercase letters (a to z), numbers & dashes (-). Do not use chat keys. + + + + community-image-delete + + + + public + Pubblico + + + + AboutView + + Status Desktop + + + + Privacy Policy + + + + Check for updates + + + + Current Version + + + + Release Notes + + + + Our Principles + + + + Status desktop’s GitHub Repositories + + + + Status Go + + + + StatusQ + + + + go-waku + + + + Legal & Privacy Documents + + + + Terms of Use + + + + Software License + + + + + AcceptRejectOptionsButtonsPanel + + View Profile + + + + Decline and block + + + + + AccessExistingCommunityPopup + + You need to enter a key + + + + Import + + + + Error importing the community + + + + + AccountView + + Type + + + + Storage + + + + Watch-Only Account + + + + Generated by your Status seed phrase profile + + + + Imported Account + + + + On Device + + + + Derivation Path + + + + Remove from your profile + + + + Confirm %1 Removal + + + + You will not be able to restore viewing access to this account in the future unless you enter this account’s address again. + + + + Remove Account + + + + + ActivityCenterMessageComponentView + + Mark as Read + + + + Mark as Unread + + + + + AddAccountModal + + Advanced + + + + Generate an account + + + + Wrong password + + + + You need to enter a password + + + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + Enter your password… + + + + Password + + + + Enter an account name... + + + + Account name + + + + You need to enter an account name + + + + color + + + + Loading... + + + + Add account + + + + + AddEditSavedAddressPopup + + Name + + + + Address + + + + Save + + + + Edit saved address + + + + Add saved address + + + + Enter a name + + + + Name must not be blank + + + + This is not a valid account name + + + + Enter ENS Name or Ethereum Address + + + + Please enter a valid ENS name OR Ethereum Address + + + + Add address + + + + + AddFavoriteModal + + URL + + + + Paste URL + + + + Paste + + + + Pasted + + + + Name + + + + Favorite added + + + + Edit + + + + Add favorite + + + + Please enter a valid URL + + + + Name of the website + + + + Please enter a name + + + + Remove + + + + Done + + + + Add + + + + Add Favorite + + + + + AdvancedContainer + + Online users + + + + + AdvancedView + + disable + disabilitare + + + enable + Abilitare + + + Fleet + + + + Minimize on close + + + + Application Logs + + + + Experimental features + + + + Wallet + + + + WalletSettingsLineButton + + + + Dapp Browser + + + + Community History Archive Protocol + + + + Node Management + + + + Keycard + + + + Bloom filter level + + + + Warning! + + + + The account will be logged out. When you login again, the selected mode will be enabled + + + + Light Node + + + + Normal + + + + Full Node + + + + WakuV2 mode + + + + Developer features + + + + Full developer mode + + + + Download messages + + + + Telemetry + + + + Debug + + + + Auto message + + + + Are you sure you want to enable all the develoer features? The app will be restarted. + + + + Are you sure you want to enable telemetry? This will reduce your privacy level while using Status. You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. + + + + Are you sure you want to enable auto message? You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. + + + + Are you sure you want to %1 debug mode? You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. + + + + This feature is experimental and is meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It's not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data. Use at your own risk. + + + + I understand + + + + + AllowNotificationsView + + Ok, got it + + + + Allow notifications + + + + Status will notify you about new messages. You can +edit your notification preferences later in settings. + + + + + AppMain + + Where do you want to go? + + + + Profile Picture + + + + Make this my Profile Pic + + + + Invite People + + + + View Community + + + + Leave Community + + + + A new version of Status (%1) is available + + + + Download + + + + Your version is up to date + + + + Close + + + + Can not connect to mailserver + + + + The mailserver you're connecting to is unavailable. + + + + Pick another + + + + Retry + + + + + AppearanceView + + XS + + + + S + + + + M + + + + L + + + + XL + + + + XXL + + + + Preview + + + + Blockchains will drop search costs, causing a kind of decomposition that allows you to have markets of entities that are horizontally segregated and vertically segregated. + + + + Size + + + + Change font size + + + + Change Zoom (requires restart) + + + + 50% + + + + 100% + + + + 150% + + + + 200% + + + + Appearance + + + + Light + + + + Dark + + + + System + + + + + BackupSeedModal + + Back up your seed phrase + + + + Continue + + + + Not Now + + + + Confirm Seed Phrase + + + + Complete & Delete My Seed Phrase + + + + Confirm word #%1 of your seed phrase + + + + + BackupSeedStepBase + + Enter word + + + + Wrong word + + + + Word #%1 + + + + + BeforeGetStartedModal + + Privacy Policy + + + + Before you get started + + + + I acknowledge that status desktop is in beta and by using it I take the full responsibility for all risks concerning my data and funds + + + + Before you get started... + + + + Get Started + + + + I acknowledge that Status Desktop is in Beta and by using it I take the full responsibility for all risks concerning my data and funds. + + + + I accept Status + + + + Terms of Use + + + + Terms of service + + + + Get started + + + + + BrowserLayout + + Transaction pending... + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Error signing message + + + + View on etherscan + + + + Server's certificate not trusted + + + + Do you wish to continue? + + + + If you wish so, you may continue with an unverified certificate. Accepting an unverified certificate means you may not be connected with the host you tried to connect to. +Do you wish to override the security check and continue? + + + + + ChatContextMenuView + + Leave group + + + + Save + + + + Delete + + + + Are you sure you want to leave this chat? + + + + View Members + + + + Add / remove from group + + + + Test WakuV2 - requestAllHistoricMessages + + + + Edit name + + + + Mark as Read + + + + Clear history + + + + Edit Channel + + + + Download + + + + Delete Channel + + + + Delete chat + + + + Leave chat + + + + Download messages + + + + Delete #%1 + + + + Are you sure you want to delete #%1 channel? + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this chat? + + + + + ChatView + + Members + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + + CollectibleDetailsHeader + + Send + + + + + CollectibleModal + + description + Descrizione + + + unnamed + + + + id + + + + View in Opensea + + + + + CollectiblesStore + + Collectibles + + + + + CollectiblesView + + Collectibles will appear here + + + + + CommunitiesListPanel + + Cancel + + + + Leave community + + + + Leave %1 + + + + Are you sure you want to leave? Once you leave, you will have to request to rejoin if you change your mind. + + + + + CommunitiesPopup + + Communities + + + + 1 member + + + + %1 members + + + + Create a community + + + + Search for communities or topics + + + + Access existing community + + + + + CommunitiesPortalLayout + + Search + + + + Find community + + + + Import Community + + + + Create New Community + + + + Featured + + + + Popular + + + + + CommunityColorPicker + + Community colour + + + + + CommunityColumnView + + Create channel + + + + Create category + + + + 1 Member + + + + %1 Members + + + + Start chat + + + + Membership requests + + + + Invite people + + + + Unmute category + + + + Mute category + + + + Edit Category + + + + Delete Category + + + + Delete %1 category + + + + Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. + + + + Create channel or category + + + + Error deleting the category + + + + + CommunityDescriptionInput + + Description + + + + What your community is about + + + + community description + + + + + CommunityDetailPopup + + Join ‘%1’ + + + + Pending + + + + Unknown community + + + + Public community + + + + Invitation only community + + + + On request community + + + + - ENS only + + + + %1 members + + + + Channels + + + + You need to be invited + + + + Request to join ‘%1’ + + + + Error joining the community + + + + + CommunityEditSettingsPanel + + A catchy name + + + + community name + + + + Description + + + + What your community is about + + + + Pick a color + + + + + CommunityHeaderButton + + 1 member + + + + %1 members + + + + + CommunityMembersSettingsPanel + + Members + + + + Member name + + + + Ban + + + + Kick + + + + Membership requests + + + + Community members will appear here + + + + No contacts found + + + + You + + + + + CommunityNameInput + + A catchy name + + + + community name + + + + Community name + + + + + CommunityProfilePopup + + Members + + + + Transfer ownership + + + + Public community + + + + Invitation only community + + + + On request community + + + + Unknown community + + + + Invite friends + + + + Invite + + + + + CommunityProfilePopupInviteFriendsPanel + + Copied! + + + + Contacts + + + + Share community + + + + + CommunityProfilePopupMembersListPanel + + Member name + + + + + CommunityProfilePopupOverviewPanel + + Copied! + + + + Share community + + + + Transfer ownership + + + + Leave community + + + + + CommunitySettingsView + + Members + + + + Notifications + + + + Settings + + + + Overview + + + + Open legacy popup (to be removed) + + + + Back to community + + + + Error editing the community + + + + + CommunityUserList + + Members + + + + + ConfirmPasswordView + + Passwords don't match + + + + Have you written down your password? + + + + You will never be able to recover your password if you lose it. + + + + If you need to, write it using pen and paper and keep in a safe place. + + + + If you lose your password you will lose access to your Status profile. + + + + Confirm your password (again) + + + + Confirm you password (again) + + + + Finalise Status Password Creation + + + + Keys for this account already exist + + + + Keys for this account already exist and can't be added again. If you've lost your password, passcode or Keycard, uninstall the app, reinstall and access your keys by entering your seed phrase + + + + Login failed + + + + Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. + + + + + ConfirmationDialog + + Confirm + + + + Reject + + + + Cancel + + + + Confirm your action + + + + Do not show this again + + + + Are you sure you want to do this? + + + + + ContactPanel + + View Profile + + + + Send message + + + + Respond to ID Request + + + + See ID Request + + + + Rename + + + + + ContactsColumnView + + Start chat + + + + Chat + + + + Search + + + + Join public chats + + + + Contact requests + + + + Community imported + + + + Importing community is in progress + + + + + ContactsView + + Contacts + + + + Send contact request to chat key + + + + Search by a display name or chat key + + + + Pending Requests + + + + Blocked + + + + Identity Verified Contacts + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet + + + + Received + + + + Sent + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + + Controls + + XS + + + + S + + + + M + + + + L + + + + XL + + + + XXL + + + + 50% + + + + 100% + + + + 150% + + + + 200% + + + + + CreateCategoryPopup + + Category title + + + + category name + + + + Edit category + + + + New category + + + + Name the category + + + + Channels + + + + Delete category + + + + Delete %1 category + + + + Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. + + + + Save + + + + Create + + + + Error editing the category + + + + Error creating the category + + + + + CreateChannelPopup + + Channel name + + + + channel name + + + + Description + + + + Describe the channel + + + + channel description + + + + New channel + + + + Edit #%1 + + + + Name the channel + + + + Channel colour + + + + Pick a color + + + + Save + + + + Create + + + + Error creating the community + + + + + CreateChatView + + Contacts + + + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. + +Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be able to chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. + + + + You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. + + +Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be + able to +chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. + + + + You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. + + +Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be able to +chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. + + + + Confirm + + + + + CreateCommunityPopup + + You need to enter a color + + + + This field needs to be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + Community color + + + + Pick a color + + + + Please choose a color + + + + Next + + + + Error creating the community + + + + Name your community + + + + A catchy name + + + + Give it a short description + + + + What your community is about + + + + Community colour + + + + Create New Community + + + + Create Community + + + + + CreatePasswordView + + Create password + + + + + DemoApp + + Invite People + + + + View Community + + + + Edit Community + + + + Leave Community + + + + + DerivationPathsPanel + + Reset + + + + Derivation Path + + + + + DerivedAddressesPanel + + Pending + + + + Account + + + + No activity + + + + Invalid path + + + + Has Activity + + + + No Activity + + + + + DisplayNamePopup + + Edit + + + + Ok + + + + Display Name + + + + OK + + + + + EnsDetailsView + + Wallet address + + + + Key + + + + Connect username with your pubkey + + + + Copied to clipboard! + + + + Release username + + + + Username locked. You won't be able to release it until %1 + + + + Back + + + + + EnsSearchView + + Connect username with your pubkey + + + + At least 4 characters. Latin letters, numbers, and lowercase only. + + + + Letters and numbers only. + + + + Type the entire username including the custom domain like username.domain.eth + + + + Custom domain + + + + I want a stateofus.eth domain + + + + I own a name on another domain + + + + + EnsView + + Transaction pending... + + + + View on etherscan + + + + ENS Registration failed + + + + ENS Registration completed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey failed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey completed + + + + + ExemptionNotificationsModal + + Done + + + + %1 exemption + + + + Mute all messages + + + + Personal @ Mentions + + + + Global @ Mentions + + + + Other Messages + + + + Clear Exemptions + + + + + GasSelector + + Priority + + + + Low + + + + High + + + + Must be greater than 0 + + + + This needs to be a number + + + + Please enter an amount + + + + Min 21000 units + + + + Not enough gas + + + + Miners will currently not process transactions with a tip below %1 Gwei, the average is %2 Gwei + + + + The average miner tip is %1 Gwei + + + + Gas Price + + + + Current base fee: %1 %2 + + + + Use suggestions + + + + Use custom + + + + Optimal + + + + Gas amount limit + + + + Per-gas tip limit + + + + Gwei + + + + Per-gas overall limit + + + + Maximum priority fee: %1 ETH + + + + Maximum overall price for the transaction. If the block base fee exceeds this, it will be included in a following block with a lower base fee. + + + + + GroupInfoPopup + + %1/%2 members + + + + Add members + + + + %1 members + + + + 1 member + + + + Search + + + + All your contacts are already in the group + + + + Pinned messages + + + + Admin + + + + Make Admin + + + + Remove From Group + + + + Add selected + + + + + ImageCropperModal + + Crop your image (optional) + + + + Finish + + + + + ImportPrivateKeyPanel + + Pending + + + + You need to enter a private key + + + + Enter a valid private key (64 characters hexadecimal string) + + + + Private key + + + + Paste the contents of your private key + + + + Public address + + + + Account already added + + + + Has Activity + + + + No Activity + + + + + InsertCard + + Cancel + + + + Please insert your Keycard to proceed or press the cancel button to cancel the operation + + + + + InsertDetailsView + + Next + + + + Profile picture + + + + Your profile + + + + Longer and unusual names are better as they are less likely to be used by someone else. + + + + Display name + + + + Chatkey: + + + + Choose an image for profile picture + + + + Make this my profile picture + + + + Your emojihash and identicon ring + + + + This set of emojis and coloured ring around your avatar are unique and represent your chat key, so your friends can easily distinguish you from potential impersonators. + + + + + InvitationBubbleView + + Unsupported state + + + + Membership requires an ENS username + + + + You need to be invited + + + + Pending + + + + View + + + + Request Access + + + + Join + + + + Verified community invitation + + + + Community invitation + + + + %1 members + + + + Error joining the community + + + + + KeysMainView + + Enter a seed phrase + + + + Generate new keys + + + + intro-wizard-title1 + + + + a-set-of-keys-controls-your-account.-your-keys-live-on-your-device,-so-only-you-can-use-them. + + + + Connect your keys + + + + Use your existing Status keys to login to this device. + + + + Get your keys + + + + A set of keys controls your account. Your keys live on your +device, so only you can use them. + + + + Import a seed phrase + + + + Seed phrases are used to back up and restore your keys. Only use this option if you already have a seed phrase. + + + + + LanguageView + + Language + + + + Set Display Currency + + + + Search Currencies + + + + Search Languages + + + + Date Format + + + + DD/MM/YY + + + + MM/DD/YY + + + + Time Format + + + + 24-Hour Time + + + + 12-Hour Time + + + + Change language + + + + Display language has been changed. You must restart the application for changes to take effect. + + + + Close the app now + + + + + Layout + + Invite People + + + + View Community + + + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + Edit Community + + + + Leave Community + + + + + LeftTabView + + Settings + + + + Sign out + + + + Make sure you have your account password and seed phrase stored. Without them you can lock yourself out of your account and lose funds. + + + + Sign out & Quit + + + + Wallet + + + + Total value + + + + Add account + + + + Saved addresses + + + + + LoginView + + Ok + + + + Welcome back + + + + Add new user + + + + Add existing Status user + + + + Connecting... + + + + Password + + + + Enter password + + + + Login failed: %1 + + + + Password incorrect + + + + + MenuPanel + + Settings + + + + Apps + + + + About & Help + + + + + MessageContextMenuView + + Jump to + + + + Copy image + + + + Download image + + + + Block User + + + + Unblock User + + + + Rename + + + + Reply to + + + + Edit message + + + + Copy Message Id + + + + Unpin + + + + Pin + + + + Delete message + + + + Please choose a directory + + + + Confirm deleting this message + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well. + + + + + MessagingView + + Contacts + + + + Allow new contact requests + + + + Show My Profile Picture To + + + + Everyone + + + + No One + + + + See Profile Pictures From + + + + Open Message Links With + + + + Status Browser + + + + System Default Browser + + + + Contacts, Requests, and Blocked Users + + + + Display Message Link Previews + + + + Fine tune which sites to allow link previews + + + + Image unfurling + + + + All images (links that contain an image extension) will be downloaded and displayed + + + + Message syncing + + + + Waku nodes + + + + For security reasons, private chat history won't be synced. + + + + + MyProfileView + + ENS username + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Change Password + + + + Edit + + + + Preview + + + + + NicknamePopup + + Nickname + + + + Nicknames help you identify others in Status. Only you can see the nicknames you’ve added + + + + Done + + + + + NoImageUploadedPanel + + Upload + + + + Wide aspect ratio is optimal + + + + + NotificationsView + + Messages + + + + You have a new message + + + + Anonymous + + + + Community + + + + 1:1 Chat + + + + Group Chat + + + + Muted + + + + Off + + + + Quiet + + + + Personal @ Mentions %1 + + + + Global @ Mentions %1 + + + + Alerts + + + + Other Messages %1 + + + + Multiple Exemptions + + + + Enable Notifications in macOS Settings + + + + To receive Status notifications, make sure you've enabled them in your computer's settings under <b>System Preferences > Notifications</b> + + + + Sync your devices to share notifications preferences + + + + Syncing > + + + + Allow Notifications + + + + 1:1 Chats + + + + Group Chats + + + + Personal @ Mentions + + + + Messages containing @%1 + + + + Global @ Mentions + + + + Messages containing @here and @channel + + + + All Messages + + + + Others + + + + Contact Requests + + + + Identity Verification Requests + + + + Notification Content + + + + Show Name and Message + + + + Hi there! So EIP-1559 will defini... + + + + Name Only + + + + Play a Sound When Receiving a Notification + + + + Volume + + + + Send a Test Notification + + + + Exemptions + + + + Search Communities, Group Chats and 1:1 Chats + + + + Most recent + + + + + PasswordView + + Create a password + + + + Passwords don't match + + + + Create a password to unlock Status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + You will not be able to recover this password if it is lost. + + + + Minimum %1 characters. To strengthen your password consider including: + + + + This password has been pwned and shouldn't be used + + + + This password is a common word and shouldn't be used + + + + Password must be at least %1 characters long + + + + Current password + + + + New password + + + + Very weak + + + + Weak + + + + So-so + + + + Good + + + + Great + + + + Lower case + + + + Upper case + + + + Numbers + + + + Symbols + + + + Confirm password + + + + + PermissionsListView + + Disconnect + + + + Disconnect All + + + + + PinnedMessagesPopup + + Unpin + + + + Pin limit reached + + + + Pinned messages + + + + Unpin a previous message first + + + + %1 messages + + + + %1 message + + + + Pinned messages will appear here. + + + + + ProfileLayout + + Contacts + + + + Testnet mode is enabled. All balances, transactions and dApp interactions will be on testnets. + + + + Secure your seed phrase + + + + Back up now + + + + + ProfilePopup + + ENS username + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Chat settings + + + + Nickname + + + + None + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + Unblock User + + + + Block User + + + + Add to contacts + + + + 's Profile + + + + Send Contact Request to + + + + Verify %1's Identity + + + + My Profile + + + + %1's Profile + + + + Send Contact Request to %1 + + + + Cancel verification + + + + Remove Contact + + + + Send Contact Request + + + + Mark Untrustworthy + + + + Remove 'Identity Verified' status + + + + No + + + + Yes + + + + Remove Untrustworthy Mark + + + + Verify Identity + + + + Verify Identity pending... + + + + Send verification request + + + + Verification request sent + + + + Confirm Identity + + + + Rename + + + + Close + + + + + ProfileSectionStore + + Profile + + + + ENS usernames + + + + Wallet + + + + Browser + + + + Communities + + + + Appearance + + + + Back up seed phrase + + + + Advanced + + + + Messaging + + + + Notifications & Sounds + + + + Language & Currency + + + + Devices settings + + + + About + + + + Sign out & Quit + + + + + RateView + + Upload + + + + Bandwidth + + + + Kb/s + + + + Download + + + + + ReceiveModal + + Copy + + + + Receive + + + + Legacy + + + + Multichain + + + + Your Address + + + + + RootStore + + You + + + + Start a 1-on-1 chat with %1 + + + + Join the %1 community + + + + Join the %1 group chat + + + + + SavedAddressesView + + Cancel + + + + Delete + + + + Saved addresses + + + + Add new address + + + + Edit + + + + Are you sure you want to remove '%1' from your saved addresses? + + + + Are you sure? + + + + No saved addresses + + + + + SeedPhraseInputView + + Enter seed phrase + + + + Next + + + + Import + + + + Keys for this account already exist + + + + Keys for this account already exist and can't be added again. If you've lost your password, passcode or Keycard, uninstall the app, reinstall and access your keys by entering your seed phrase + + + + Error importing seed + + + + %1 words + + + + %1SeedButton + + + + Invalid seed + + + + Restore Status Profile + + + + + SendContactRequestModal + + Paste + + + + Send Contact Request to chat key + + + + Enter chat key here + + + + Say who you are / why you want to become a contact... + + + + who are you + + + + Send Contact Request + + + + + SendModal + + Transaction pending... + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Send + + + + Max: + + + + No balances active + + + + Please enter a valid amount + + + + To + + + + Enter an ENS name or address + + + + Error estimating gas: %1 + + + + Wrong password + + + + View on etherscan + + + + + SendModalFooter + + Unknown + + + + Estimated Time: + + + + Max Fees: + + + + Send + + + + + SendModalHeader + + To + + + + + SettingsPageLayout + + Cancel + + + + Save changes + + + + + SignTransactionModal + + Send + + + + Continue + + + + Error estimating gas: %1 + + + + Transaction pending... + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Choose account + + + + Network fee + + + + Transaction preview + + + + Sign with password + + + + Send %1 %2 + + + + Next + + + + Wrong password + + + + View on etherscan + + + + + StatusAppCommunityView + + Members + + + + + StatusChatInput + + Send + + + + Message + + + + Please choose an image + + + + Image files (%1) + + + + Your message is too long. + + + + Please make your message shorter. We have set the limit to 2000 characters to be courteous of others. + + + + Bold + + + + Italic + + + + Strikethrough + + + + Code + + + + Unblock + + + + + StatusChatListAndCategories + + More + + + + Add channel inside category + + + + + StatusChatListCategoryItem + + More + + + + Add channel inside category + + + + + StatusChatListItem + + Unmute + + + + + StatusChatToolBar + + Search + + + + Members + + + + More + + + + + StatusColorDialog + + Preview + + + + This is not a valid color + + + + Standart colours + + + + Select Colour + + + + + StatusExpandableSettingsItemPage + + Back up seed phrase + + + + Not Implemented + + + + + StatusListPicker + + Search + + + + + StatusMacNotification + + Open + + + + My latest message + with a return + + + + + StatusStickerMarket + + This feature is experimental and is meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It's not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data. Use at your own risk. + + + + I understand + + + + + StatusTokenInlineSelector + + or + + + + Hold + + + + to post + + + + + StatusWalletColorSelect + + Account color + + + + + TabNetworkAndFees + + Advanced + + + + Custom + + + + Slow + + + + + TransactionSettingsConfirmationPopup + + Are you sure? + + + + Your priority fee is below our suggested parameters. + + + + Current base fee + + + + %1 Gwei + + + + Current minimum tip + + + + Current average tip + + + + Your tip limit + + + + Suggested minimum tip + + + + Your price limit + + + + Suggested minimum price limit + + + + Change Limit + + + + Continue anyway + + + + + TransferOwnershipPopup + + Transfer ownership + + + + Community private key + + + + Copy + + + + Copied + + + + You should keep it safe and only share it with people you trust to take ownership of your community + + + + You can also use this key to import your community on another device + + + + + UploadProfilePicModal + + Profile picture + + + + Remove + + + + Upload + + + + Done + + + + Upload profile picture + + + + Choose an image for profile picture + + + + Make this my profile picture + + + + + UserList + + Members + + + + + UsernameLabel + + You + + + + + Utils + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + You need to enter a %1 + + + + now + Ora + + + Sun + + + + Mon + + + + Tue + + + + Wed + + + + Thu + + + + Fri + + + + Sat + + + + Jan + + + + Feb + + + + Mar + + + + Apr + + + + May + + + + Jun + + + + Jul + + + + Aug + + + + Sep + + + + Oct + + + + Nov + + + + Dec + + + + Yesterday + + + + Sunday + + + + Monday + + + + Tuesday + + + + Wednesday + + + + Thursday + + + + Friday + + + + Saturday + + + + NOW + + + + %1M + + + + %1H + + + + %1D + + + + words + + + + You need to enter a password + + + + You need to repeat your password + + + + Passwords don't match + + + + You need to enter a PIN + + + + The PIN must contain only digits + + + + The PIN must be exactly 6 digits + + + + You need to repeat your PIN + + + + PIN don't match + + + + The %1 cannot exceed %2 characters + + + + Must be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + Use only lowercase letters (a to z), numbers & dashes (-). Do not use chat keys. + + + + Value has to be at least %1 characters long + + + + Unknown + + + + < 1 min + + + + < 3 mins + + + + < 5 mins + + + + > 5 mins + + + + years ago + + + + year ago + + + + months ago + + + + month ago + + + + weeks ago + + + + week ago + + + + days ago + + + + day ago + + + + hours ago + + + + hour ago + + + + mins ago + + + + min ago + + + + secs ago + + + + sec ago + + + + + WalletView + + Wallet + + + + Networks + + + + DApp Permissions + + + + Testnet Mode + + + + + AcceptTransactionView + + Accept and share address + + + + Accept and send + + + + Decline + + + + + Acknowledgements + + Secure Your Assets and Funds + + + + Your seed phrase is a 12-word passcode to your funds. + + + + Your seed phrase cannot be recovered if lost. Therefore, you <b>must</b> back it up. The simplest way is to <b>write it down offline and store it somewhere secure.</b> + + + + I have a pen and paper + + + + I am ready to write down my seed phrase + + + + I know where I’ll store it + + + + You can only complete this process once. Status will not store your seed phrase and can never help you recover it. + + + + + ActivityCenterPopup + + Show more + + + + + ActivityCenterPopupTopBarPanel + + All + + + + Mentions + + + + Replies + + + + Mark all as Read + + + + Show read notifications + + + + Hide read notifications + + + + Notification settings + + + + + AddShowTokenModal + + Add custom token + + + + This needs to be a valid address + + + + Invalid ERC20 address + + + + Enter contract address... + + + + Contract address + + + + The name of your token... + + + + Name + + + + ABC + + + + Symbol + + + + Decimals + + + + Changing settings failed + + + + Add + + + + + AddWakuNodeModal + + Waku nodes + + + + Name + + + + Specify a name + + + + You need to enter a name + + + + History node address + + + + You need to enter the enode address + + + + The format must be: enode://{enode-id}:{password}@{ip-address}:{port} + + + + Save + + + + + AddressInput + + ENS Username not found + + + + + AddressRequiredValidator + + You need to request the recipient’s address first. +Assets won’t be sent yet. + + + + + AddressSourceSelector + + Invalid source + + + + + AdvancedAddAccountView + + Enter address... + + + + Account address + + + + This needs to be a valid address (starting with 0x) + + + + You need to enter an address + + + + + AppSearch + + No results + + + + Anywhere + + + + + AssetAndAmountInput + + Insufficient balance + + + + Must be greater than or equal to 0 + + + + This needs to be a number + + + + Please enter an amount + + + + Balance: + + + + Asset & Amount + + + + The amount is 0. Proceed only if this is desired. + + + + + BackUpCommuntyBannerPanel + + Back up community key + + + + Back up + + + + + BalanceExceeded + + Balance exceeded + + + + No networks available + + + + + BalanceValidator + + Insufficient balance + + + + + BlockContactConfirmationDialog + + Block User + + + + Blocking will stop new messages from reaching you from %1. + + + + + BloomSelectorButton + + TODO + + + + + BrowserConnectionModal + + '%1' would like to connect to + + + + Allowing authorizes this DApp to retrieve your wallet address and enable Web3 + + + + Granting access authorizes this DApp to retrieve your chat key + + + + Deny + + + + Allow + + + + + BrowserHeader + + Enter URL + + + + + BrowserSettingsMenu + + New Tab + + + + Exit Incognito mode + + + + Go Incognito + + + + Zoom In + + + + Zoom Out + + + + Find + + + + Compatibility mode + + + + Developer Tools + + + + Settings + + + + + BrowserTabStyle + + Start Page + + + + + BrowserTabView + + Start Page + + + + New Tab + + + + Downloads Page + + + + + BrowserView + + Search engine used in the address bar + + + + None + + + + Show Favorites Bar + + + + Connected DApps + + + + No connected dApps + + + + Connecting a dApp grants it permission to view your address and balances, and to send you transaction requests + + + + + BrowserWalletMenu + + Mainnet + + + + Ropsten + + + + Unknown + + + + Disconnect + + + + Assets + + + + History + + + + + BrowserWebEngineView + + Add Favorite + + + + + ChangePasswordModal + + Change password + + + + Change password used to unlock Status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + Change Password + + + + + ChangePasswordSuccessModal + + <b>Password changed</b> + + + + You need to sign in again using the new password. + + + + Sign out & Quit + + + + + ChangeProfilePicModal + + Profile picture + + + + Remove + + + + Upload + + + + Please choose an image + + + + Image files (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png) + + + + + ChannelIdentifierView + + Welcome to the beginning of the <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> group! + + + + Any messages you send here are encrypted and can only be read by you and <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> + + + + + ChatButtonsPanel + + Add reaction + + + + Reply + + + + Edit + + + + Unpin + + + + Pin + + + + Delete + + + + Confirm deleting this message + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well. + + + + + ChatColumnView + + Send + + + + Request Address + + + + Request + + + + + ChatCommandModal + + Continue + + + + Receive on account + + + + From account + + + + Address request required + + + + From + + + + To + + + + Preview + + + + Transaction preview + + + + Next + + + + + ChatCommandsPopup + + Send transaction + + + + Request transaction + + + + + ChatContentView + + Contact + + + + Not a contact + + + + Public chat + + + + %1 members + + + + 1 member + + + + Connected + + + + Disconnected + + + + Blocked + + + + This user has been blocked. + + + + + ChatMessagesView + + Loading... + + + + Failed to send message. + + + + + ChatRequestMessagePanel + + You need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messages + + + + Just click this button to add them as contact. They will receive a notification. Once they accept the request, you'll be able to chat + + + + Add to contacts + + + + + ChooseBrowserPopup + + Choose browser + + + + Open in Status + + + + Open in my default browser + + + + Remember my choice. To override it, go to settings. + + + + + ClosedEmptyPanel + + Your chats will appear here. To start new chats press the  button at the top + + + + + CollectibleCollectionView + + No collectibles available + + + + + CollectibleDetailView + + Properties + + + + Levels + + + + Stats + + + + + CollectiblesContent + + Something went wrong + + + + Reload + + + + + CollectiblesHeader + + Maximum number of collectibles to display reached + + + + + CollectiblesModal + + View + + + + Unnamed + + + + + CollectiblesModalContent + + ID + + + + Description + + + + + CommunitiesView + + Import community + + + + Communities you've joined + + + + + CommunityBannerPicker + + Community banner + + + + Choose an image for banner + + + + Make this my Community banner + + + + + CommunityChannelsAndCategoriesBannerPanel + + Expand your community by adding more channels and categories + + + + Add channels + + + + Add categories + + + + + CommunityColorPanel + + Community Colour + + + + Select Community Colour + + + + This is not a valid colour + + + + White text should be legable on top of this colour + + + + Standard colours + + + + + CommunityDelegate + + Admin + + + + Member + + + + + CommunityIntroDialog + + Welcome to %1 + + + + Join %1 + + + + Community <b>%1</b> has no intro message... + + + + I agree with the above + + + + + CommunityIntroMessageInput + + Community introduction and rules + + + + What new members will read before joining (eg. community rules, welcome message, etc.). Members will need to tick a check box agreeing to these rules before they are allowed to join your community. + + + + community intro message + + + + + CommunityLogoPicker + + Community logo + + + + Choose an image as logo + + + + Make this my Community logo + + + + + CommunityOptions + + Community history service + + + + Request to join required + + + + Any member can pin a message + + + + + CommunityOutroMessageInput + + Leaving community message + + + + The message a member will see when they leave your community + + + + community intro message + + + + + CommunityOverviewSettingsPanel + + Overview + + + + Edit Community + + + + This node is the Community Owner Node. For your Community to function correctly try to keep this computer with Status running and onlinie as much as possible. + + + + Welcome to your community! + + + + Invite new people + + + + Try an airdrop to reward your community for engagement! + + + + Airdrop Tokens + + + + Back up community key + + + + Back up + + + + + CommunityTagsPanel + + Community Tags + + + + Confirm Community Tags + + + + Select tags that will fit your Community + + + + Search tags + + + + Selected tags + + + + + CommunityTagsPicker + + Tags + + + + + CommunityWelcomeBannerPanel + + Welcome to your community! + + + + Add members + + + + Manage community + + + + + CompactMessageView + + Pinned by %1 + + + + Cancel + + + + Save + + + + + ConfirmAddExistingKeyModal + + Enter seed phrase + + + + Do you want to add another existing key? + + + + Add another existing key + + + + + ConfirmAppRestartModal + + Application Restart + + + + Please restart the application to apply the changes. + + + + Restart + + + + + ConfirmSeedPhrasePanel + + Write down your 12-word seed phrase to keep offline + + + + Reveal seed phrase + + + + The next screen contains your seed phrase. +<b>Anyone</b> who sees it can use it to access to your funds. + + + + + ConfirmStoringSeedPhrasePanel + + Complete back up + + + + Store Your Phrase Offline and Complete Your Back Up + + + + By completing this process, you will remove your seed phrase from this application’s storage. This makes your funds more secure. + + + + You will remain logged in, and your seed phrase will be entirely in your hands. + + + + I acknowledge that Status will not be able to show me my seed phrase again. + + + + I aknowledge that Status will not be able to show me my seed phrase again. + + + + + Constants + + Username must be at least 5 characters + + + + Only letters, numbers, underscores and hyphens allowed + + + + 24 character username limit + + + + Usernames ending with '-eth' are not allowed + + + + Usernames ending with '_eth' are not allowed + + + + Usernames ending with '.eth' are not allowed + + + + Sorry, the name you have chosen is not allowed, try picking another username + + + + (edited) + + + + Username already taken :( + + + + Username doesn’t belong to you :( + + + + Continuing will connect this username with your chat key. + + + + ✓ Username available! + + + + Username is already connected with your chat key and can be used inside Status. + + + + This user name is owned by you and connected with your chat key. Continue to set `Show my ENS username in chats`. + + + + Continuing will require a transaction to connect the username with your current chat key. + + + + + Contact + + Admin + + + + + ContactRequestsPopup + + Contact requests + + + + Decline all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to decline all these contact requests + + + + Accept all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to accept all these contact requests + + + + Decline all + + + + Accept all + + + + + ContactSelector + + Please select a contact + + + + Select a contact + + + + Contact does not have an ENS address. Please send a transaction in chat. + + + + No contact selected + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet + + + + + ContactVerificationRequestPopup + + %1 is asking you to verify your identity + + + + %1 would like to verify your identity. Answer the question to prove your identity to %2 + + + + Provide answer to verification request from this contact. + + + + Your answer has been sent to %1. + + + + Refuse Verification + + + + Send Answer + + + + Change answer + + + + Close + + + + + ContactsListAndSearch + + Enter a valid chat key or ENS username + + + + Can't chat with yourself + + + + Enter ENS username or chat key + + + + + ContactsListPanel + + Contact Request Sent + + + + Contact Request Rejected + + + + + CopyToClipBoardButton + + Copied! + + + + + CreatePasswordModal + + Store password + + + + Create a password + + + + Current password... + + + + New password... + + + + Confirm password… + + + + At least 6 characters. You will use this password to unlock status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + Create password + + + + Error importing account + + + + An error occurred while importing your account: + + + + Login failed + + + + Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. + + + + Incorrect password + + + + + CryptoServicesModal + + Buy / Sell crypto + + + + Choose a service you'd like to use to buy crypto + + + + + CurrenciesStore + + US Dollars + + + + British Pound + + + + Euros + + + + Russian ruble + + + + South Korean won + + + + Ethereum + + + + Tokens + + + + Bitcoin + + + + Status Network Token + + + + Dai + + + + United Arab Emirates dirham + + + + Other Fiat + + + + Afghan afghani + + + + Argentine peso + + + + Australian dollar + + + + Barbadian dollar + + + + Bangladeshi taka + + + + Bulgarian lev + + + + Bahraini dinar + + + + Brunei dollar + + + + Bolivian boliviano + + + + Brazillian real + + + + Bhutanese ngultrum + + + + Canadian dollar + + + + Swiss franc + + + + Chilean peso + + + + Chinese yuan + + + + Colombian peso + + + + Costa Rican colón + + + + Czech koruna + + + + Danish krone + + + + Dominican peso + + + + Egyptian pound + + + + Ethiopian birr + + + + Georgian lari + + + + Ghanaian cedi + + + + Hong Kong dollar + + + + Croatian kuna + + + + Hungarian forint + + + + Indonesian rupiah + + + + Israeli new shekel + + + + Indian rupee + + + + Icelandic króna + + + + Jamaican dollar + + + + Japanese yen + + + + Kenyan shilling + + + + Kuwaiti dinar + + + + Kazakhstani tenge + + + + Sri Lankan rupee + + + + Moroccan dirham + + + + Moldovan leu + + + + Mauritian rupee + + + + Malawian kwacha + + + + Mexican peso + + + + Malaysian ringgit + + + + Mozambican metical + + + + Namibian dollar + + + + Nigerian naira + + + + Norwegian krone + + + + Nepalese rupee + + + + New Zealand dollar + + + + Omani rial + + + + Peruvian sol + + + + Papua New Guinean kina + + + + Philippine peso + + + + Pakistani rupee + + + + Polish złoty + + + + Paraguayan guaraní + + + + Qatari riyal + + + + Romanian leu + + + + Serbian dinar + + + + Saudi riyal + + + + Swedish krona + + + + Singapore dollar + + + + Thai baht + + + + Trinidad and Tobago dollar + + + + New Taiwan dollar + + + + Tanzanian shilling + + + + Turkish lira + + + + Ukrainian hryvnia + + + + Ugandan shilling + + + + Uruguayan peso + + + + Venezuelan bolívar + + + + Vietnamese đồng + + + + South African rand + + + + + DateGroup + + Today + + + + Yesterday + + + + January + + + + February + + + + March + + + + April + + + + May + + + + June + + + + July + + + + August + + + + September + + + + October + + + + November + + + + December + + + + + DefaultDAppExplorerView + + Default DApp explorer + + + + none + + + + + DevicesView + + Please set a name for your device. + + + + Specify a name + + + + Continue + + + + Advertise device + + + + Pair your devices to sync contacts and chats between them + + + + Learn more + + + + Paired devices + + + + Syncing... + + + + Sync all devices + + + + + DownloadBar + + Cancelled + + + + Paused + + + + Show All + + + + + DownloadMenu + + Open + + + + Show in folder + + + + Pause + + + + Resume + + + + Cancel + + + + + DownloadPage + + Thanks for using Status + + + + You're curently using version %1 of Status. + + + + There's new version available to download. + + + + Get Status %1 + + + + + DownloadView + + Cancelled + + + + Paused + + + + Downloaded files will appear here. + + + + + ENSPopup + + Primary username + + + + Your messages are displayed to others with this username: + + + + Once you select a username, you won’t be able to disable it afterwards. You will only be able choose a different username to display. + + + + + EmojiReactionsPanel + + Add reaction + + + + + EmptyChatPanel + + Share your chat key + + + + or + + + + invite + + + + friends to start messaging in Status + + + + + EnsAddedView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + %1 is now connected with your chat key and can be used in Status. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsConnectedView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + %1 will be connected once the transaction is complete. + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsListView + + Hey + + + + (pending) + + + + ENS usernames + + + + Add username + + + + Your usernames + + + + Chat settings + + + + Primary Username + + + + None selected + + + + You’re displaying your ENS username in chats + + + + + EnsRegisteredView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + Nice! You own %1.stateofus.eth once the transaction is complete. + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsReleasedView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username removed + + + + The username %1 will be removed and your deposit will be returned once the transaction is mined + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsTermsAndConditionsView + + ENS usernames + + + + Terms of name registration + + + + Funds are deposited for 1 year. Your SNT will be locked, but not spent. + + + + After 1 year, you can release the name and get your deposit back, or take no action to keep the name. + + + + If terms of the contract change — e.g. Status makes contract upgrades — user has the right to release the username regardless of time held. + + + + The contract controller cannot access your deposited funds. They can only be moved back to the address that sent them. + + + + Your address(es) will be publicly associated with your ENS name. + + + + Usernames are created as subdomain nodes of stateofus.eth and are subject to the ENS smart contract terms. + + + + You authorize the contract to transfer SNT on your behalf. This can only occur when you approve a transaction to authorize the transfer. + + + + These terms are guaranteed by the smart contract logic at addresses: + + + + %1 (Status UsernameRegistrar). + + + + <a href='%1%2'>Look up on Etherscan</a> + + + + %1 (ENS Registry). + + + + Wallet address + + + + Copied to clipboard! + + + + Key + + + + Agree to <a href="#">Terms of name registration.</a> I understand that my wallet address will be publicly connected to my username. + + + + Back + + + + 10 SNT + + + + Deposit + + + + Not enough SNT + + + + Register + + + + + EnsWelcomeView + + Get a universal username + + + + ENS names transform those crazy-long addresses into unique usernames. + + + + Customize your chat name + + + + An ENS name can replace your random 3-word name in chat. Be @yourname instead of %1. + + + + Simplify your ETH address + + + + You can receive funds to your easy-to-share ENS name rather than your hexadecimal hash (0x...). + + + + Receive transactions in chat + + + + Others can send you funds via chat in one simple step. + + + + 10 SNT to register + + + + Register once to keep the name forever. After 1 year you can release the name and get your SNT back. + + + + Already own a username? + + + + You can verify and add any usernames you own in the next steps. + + + + Powered by Ethereum Name Services + + + + Start + + + + Only available on Mainnet + + + + + FavoriteMenu + + Open in new Tab + + + + Edit + + + + Remove + + + + + FetchMoreMessagesButton + + ↓ Fetch more messages + + + + Before %1 + + + + before--%1 + + + + + FleetRadioSelector + + Warning! + + + + Change fleet to %1 + + + + + FleetsModal + + Fleet + + + + + GapComponent + + fetch-messages + + + + between--1-and--2 + + + + Fetch messages + + + + Between %1 and %2 + + + + + GasSelectorButton + + Low + + + + + GasValidator + + Not enough ETH for gas + + + + + GroupChatPanel + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + Confirm + + + + + HistoryView + + Status Desktop is connected to a non-archival node. Transaction history may be incomplete. + + + + No transactions found + + + + Load More + + + + + HomePageView + + homepage + + + + System default + + + + Other + + + + Example: duckduckgo.com + + + + + ImageCropWorkflow + + Supported image formats (%1) + + + + + ImportCommunityPopup + + Import Community + + + + Entering a community key will grant you the ownership of that community. Please be responsible with it and don’t share the key with people you don’t trust. + + + + Community private key + + + + Import + + + + + ImportSeedPhrasePanel + + Invalid seed phrase + + + + This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. + + + + %1 words + + + + + Input + + Copied + + + + Pasted + + + + Copy + + + + Paste + + + + + InviteFriendsPopup + + Get Status at https://status.im + + + + Download Status link + + + + Copy to clipboard + + + + + InviteFriendsToCommunityPopup + + Invite friends + + + + Invite successfully sent + + + + Invite + + + + + JSDialogWindow + + Ok + + + + Cancel + + + + + KeycardCreatePINModal + + Create PIN + + + + New PIN + + + + Confirm PIN + + + + Create a 6 digit long PIN + + + + + LanguageStore + + Beta Languages + + + + + LinksMessageView + + Enable automatic image unfurling + + + + Enable link previews in chat? + + + + Once enabled, links posted in the chat may share your metadata with their owners + + + + Enable in Settings + + + + Don't ask me again + + + + + MailserverConnectionDialog + + Can not connect to mailserver + + + + The mailserver you're connecting to is unavailable. + + + + Pick another + + + + Retry + + + + + MainView + + DApp Permissions + + + + Networks + + + + Accounts + + + + Generated from Your Seed Phrase + + + + Imported + + + + Watch-Only + + + + + MembershipRequestsPopup + + Membership requests + + + + + MessageStore + + and + + + + %1 more + + + + reacted with + + + + You + + + + + MuteChatMenuItem + + Mute chat + + + + Unmute chat + + + + + MutedChatsModal + + Muted chats + + + + Unmute + + + + + MyProfileSettingsView + + Display name + + + + Display Name + + + + Biometric login and transaction authentication + + + + Communities + + + + Accounts + + + + You haven't joined any communities yet + + + + You don't have any wallet accounts yet + + + + + NetworkCardsComponent + + Your Balances + + + + No Balance + + + + No Gas + + + + BALANCE: + + + + Disabled + + + + + NetworkFilter + + All networks + + + + %n network(s) + + + + + + + + NetworkSelectPopup + + Layer 2 + + + + + NetworkSelector + + Networks + + + + Choose a network to use for the transaction + + + + No networks available + + + + Simple + + + + Advanced + + + + Custom + + + + + NetworksAdvancedCustomRoutingView + + Networks + + + + Show Unpreferred Networks + + + + The networks where the receipient will receive tokens. Amounts calculated automatically for the lowest cost. + + + + + NetworksSimpleRoutingView + + Networks + + + + Choose a network to use for the transaction + + + + + NetworksView + + Layer 2 + + + + Add Custom Network + + + + + NoFriendsRectangle + + You don’t have any contacts yet. Invite your friends to start chatting. + + + + Invite friends + + + + + NodeLayout + + Bloom Filter Usage + + + + Type json-rpc message... e.g {"method": "eth_accounts"} + + + + + NotificationSelect + + Send Alerts + + + + Deliver Quietly + + + + Turn Off + + + + + NotificationWindow + + Everything is connected + + + + + PINModal + + Authenticate PIN + + + + PIN + + + + Insert your 6-digit PIN + + + + Authenticate + + + + + PairingModal + + Insert pairing code + + + + Pairing code + + + + Insert the Keycard pairing code + + + + Pair + + + + + PrivateChatPopup + + New chat + + + + My Profile + + + + + ProfileHeader + + Chatkey:%1... + + + + + ProfileView + + Blocked + + + + Send Request + + + + Receive Response + + + + Confirm Identity + + + + You have confirmed %1's identity. From now on this verification emblem will always be displayed alongside %1's nickname. + + + + You have marked %1 as Untrustworthy. From now on this Untrustworthy emblem will always be displayed alongside %1's nickname. + + + + ENS username + + + + Username + + + + Ask a question that only the real %1 will be able to answer e.g. a question about a shared experience, or ask Mark to enter a code or phrase you have sent to them via a different communication channel (phone, post, etc...). + + + + Waiting for %1's response... + + + + Copied to clipboard + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Chat settings + + + + Nickname + + + + None + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + + PublicChatPopup + + You need to enter a channel name + + + + The channel name can only contain lowercase letters, numbers and dashes + + + + Join public chat + + + + A public chat is where you get to hang out with others, make friends and talk about subjects of your interest. + + + + chat-name + + + + Start chat + + + + + RecipientSelector + + Invalid ethereum address + + + + Address + + + + My account + + + + Contact + + + + Recipient + + + + + RenameAccontModal + + Rename %1 + + + + Enter an account name... + + + + You need to enter an account name + + + + This is not a valid account name + + + + color + + + + Change Name + + + + Changing settings failed + + + + + RenameGroupPopup + + Group name + + + + Save + + + + + Retry + + Resend + + + + + RightTabView + + Assets + + + + Collectibles + + + + Activity + + + + History + + + + + SearchBox + + Search + + + + + SearchEngineModal + + Search engine + + + + None + + + + + SearchResults + + Non contacts + + + + No profile found + + + + + SeedPhraseBackupWarning + + Back up your seed phrase + + + + Back up + + + + + SeedPhraseTextArea + + Invalid seed phrase + + + + This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. + + + + Start with the first word + + + + + SelectAccountModal + + Select account + + + + Select account to share and receive assets + + + + Confirm and share address + + + + + SelectAnotherAccountModal + + Your keys + + + + Add another existing key + + + + + SelectGeneratedAccount + + Import new Seed Phrase + + + + Generate from Private key + + + + Add a watch-only address + + + + Imported + + + + Add new + + + + Origin + + + + + SendContactRequestMenuItem + + Send Contact Request + + + + + SendMessageMenuItem + + Send message + + + + + SendToContractWarning + + Tokens will be sent directly to a contract address, which may result in a loss of funds. To transfer ERC-20 tokens, ensure the recipient address is the address of the destination wallet. + + + + + SendTransactionButton + + Sign and send + + + + + SettingsDirtyToastMessage + + Changes detected + + + + Cancel + + + + Save changes + + + + + SignMessageModal + + Signature request + + + + From + + + + Data + + + + Message + + + + Reject + + + + Sign + + + + Sign with password + + + + + SignPhraseModal + + Signing phrase + + + + This is your signing phrase + + + + You should see these 3 words before signing each transaction + + + + If you see a different combination, cancel the transaction and sign out + + + + Ok, got it + + + + Remind me later + + + + + StateBubble + + Pending + + + + Confirmed + + + + Unknown token + + + + Address requested + + + + Waiting to accept + + + + Address shared + + + + Address received + + + + Transaction declined + + + + failure + + + + Unknown state + + + + + StatusActivityCenterButton + + Activity + + + + + StatusAddressOrEnsValidator + + Please enter a valid address or ENS name. + + + + + StatusAddressValidator + + Please enter a valid address. + + + + + StatusAppChatView + + Join public chats + + + + Start chat + + + + + StatusAppCommunitiesPortalView + + Find community + + + + Featured + + + + Popular + + + + + StatusAsyncEnsValidator + + ENS name could not be resolved in to an address + + + + + StatusAsyncValidator + + invalid input + + + + + StatusBadge + + 99+ + + + + + StatusChatImageExtensionValidator + + Format not supported. + + + + Upload %1 only + + + + + StatusChatImageLoader + + Error loading the image + + + + Loading image... + + + + + StatusChatImageQtyValidator + + You can only upload %1 images at a time + + + + + StatusChatImageSizeValidator + + Max image size is %1 MB + + + + + StatusColorSpacePage + + Thickness + + + + Min saturate: + + + + Max saturate: + + + + Min value: + + + + Max value: + + + + Color + + + + + StatusCommunityTagsPage + + Select tags that will fit your Community + + + + Search tags + + + + Selected tags + + + + + StatusDialog + + Close + + + + Abort + + + + Cancel + + + + No to all + + + + No + + + + Open + + + + Save + + + + Save all + + + + Retry + + + + Ignore + + + + Ok + + + + Yes to all + + + + Yes + + + + Apply + + + + + StatusETHTransactionModal + + Contract interaction + + + + Wrong password + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Continue + + + + Choose account + + + + Sign with password + + + + Next + + + + + StatusEmojiSection + + No recent emojis + + + + + StatusFloatValidator + + Please enter a valid numeric value. + + + + + StatusGifColumn + + Remove from favorites + + + + Add to favorites + + + + + StatusGifPopup + + Search Tenor + + + + TRENDING + + + + FAVORITES + + + + RECENT + + + + Enable Tenor GIFs? + + + + Once enabled, GIFs posted in the chat may share your metadata with Tenor. + + + + Enable + + + + Favorite GIFs will appear here + + + + Recent GIFs will appear here + + + + Error while contacting Tenor API, please retry. + + + + Retry + + + + + StatusIntValidator + + Please enter a valid numeric value. + + + + + StatusItemSelector + + and + + + + or + + + + + StatusListPickerPage + + Search Languages + + + + Search Currencies + + + + + StatusNotification + + Open + + + + + StatusPasswordStrengthIndicator + + Very weak + + + + Weak + + + + So-so + + + + Good + + + + Great + + + + + StatusSNTTransactionModal + + Authorize %1 %2 + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Wrong password + + + + Continue + + + + Choose account + + + + Sign with password + + + + Send %1 %2 + + + + Next + + + + + StatusSearchListPopup + + Search... + + + + + StatusSearchLocationMenu + + Anywhere + + + + + StatusSearchPopup + + No results + + + + Anywhere + + + + Search + + + + In: + + + + In + + + + + StatusSpellcheckingMenuItems + + Add to dictionary + + + + Disable Spellchecking + + + + + StatusStackModal + + StackModal + + + + Next + + + + Finish + + + + + StatusStickerButton + + Buy for %1 SNT + + + + Uninstall + + + + Install + + + + Free + + + + Pending... + + + + Cancel + + + + Update + + + + + StatusStickersPopup + + You don't have any stickers yet + + + + Recently used stickers will appear here + + + + Get Stickers + + + + + StatusTagSelectorPage + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + + StatusUrlValidator + + Please enter a valid URL + + + + + StatusValidator + + invalid input + + + + + StatusWindowsTitleBar + + Status + + + + + SubheaderTabBar + + Step %1 of %2 + + + + + TabAddressSelectorView + + Saved + + + + My Accounts + + + + Recent + + + + Search for saved address + + + + No Saved Address + + + + No Recents + + + + + ToastMessage + + View on Etherscan + + + + Transaction pending... + + + + + TokenSettingsModal + + Manage Assets + + + + Add custom token + + + + + TokenSettingsModalContent + + Token details + + + + Remove token + + + + Custom + + + + Default + + + + + TouchIDAuthView + + Biometrics + + + + Would you like to use Touch ID +to login to Status? + + + + Yes, use Touch ID + + + + I prefer to use my password + + + + + TransactionBubbleView + + Transaction request + + + + ↑ Outgoing transaction + + + + ↓ Incoming transaction + + + + Token not found on your current network + + + + + TransactionDelegate + + From + + + + To + + + + At + + + + + TransactionModal + + Transaction Details + + + + confirmation(s) + + + + When the transaction has 12 confirmations you can consider it settled. + + + + Block + + + + Hash + + + + From + + + + To + + + + Gas limit + + + + Gas price + + + + Gas used + + + + Nonce + + + + + TransactionPreview + + From + + + + Recipient + + + + Unknown + + + + Asset + + + + Amount + + + + Network fee + + + + Data + + + + Data field + + + + + TransactionSigner + + You need to enter a password + + + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + Signing phrase + + + + Signing phrase is a 3 word combination that displayed when you entered the wallet on this device for the first time. + + + + Enter the password you use to unlock this device + + + + Password + + + + Enter password + + + + + UnblockContactConfirmationDialog + + Unblock User + + + + Unblocking will allow new messages you received from %1 to reach you. + + + + + UserListPanel + + Offline + + + + Online + + + + Inactive + + + + Do not disturb + + + + Idle + + + + + UserStatusContextMenu + + View My Profile + + + + Always online + + + + Inactive + + + + Set status automatically + + + + Online + + + + Offline + + + + + ViewProfileMenuItem + + View Profile + + + + + WakuNodesModal + + Waku nodes + + + + Use Waku nodes + + + + Select node automatically + + + + Waku Nodes + + + + Node %1 + + + + Add a new node + + + + + WalletFooter + + Send + + + + Receive + + + + Buy / Sell + + + + + WelcomeView + + Welcome to Status + + + + Your fully decentralized gateway to Ethereum and Web3. Crypto wallet, privacy first group chat, and dApp browser. + + + + I am new to Status + + + + I already use Status + + + + + main + + StatusQ Documentation App + + + + Status Desktop + + + + Open Status + + + + Quit + + + + diff --git a/ui/i18n/qml_ja.ts b/ui/i18n/qml_ja.ts index 9d17443a1c..6f5771b6f4 100644 --- a/ui/i18n/qml_ja.ts +++ b/ui/i18n/qml_ja.ts @@ -10852,6 +10852,50 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Privacy Policy プライバシーポリシー + + Check for updates + + + + Current Version + + + + Release Notes + + + + Our Principles + + + + Status desktop’s GitHub Repositories + + + + Status Go + + + + StatusQ + + + + go-waku + + + + Legal & Privacy Documents + + + + Terms of Use + + + + Software License + + AcceptRejectOptionsButtonsPanel @@ -10889,6 +10933,42 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Storage ストレージ + + Watch-Only Account + + + + Generated by your Status seed phrase profile + + + + Imported Account + + + + On Device + + + + Derivation Path + + + + Remove from your profile + + + + Confirm %1 Removal + + + + You will not be able to restore viewing access to this account in the future unless you enter this account’s address again. + + + + Remove Account + + ActivityCenterMessageComponentView @@ -10896,6 +10976,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Mark as Read 既読にする + + Mark as Unread + + AddAccountModal @@ -10903,6 +10987,54 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Advanced 高度な設定 + + Generate an account + + + + Wrong password + + + + You need to enter a password + + + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + Enter your password… + + + + Password + + + + Enter an account name... + + + + Account name + + + + You need to enter an account name + + + + color + + + + Loading... + + + + Add account + + AddEditSavedAddressPopup @@ -10918,6 +11050,38 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Save 保存 + + Edit saved address + + + + Add saved address + + + + Enter a name + + + + Name must not be blank + + + + This is not a valid account name + + + + Enter ENS Name or Ethereum Address + + + + Please enter a valid ENS name OR Ethereum Address + + + + Add address + + AddFavoriteModal @@ -10941,6 +11105,46 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Name 名前 + + Favorite added + + + + Edit + + + + Add favorite + + + + Please enter a valid URL + + + + Name of the website + + + + Please enter a name + + + + Remove + + + + Done + + + + Add + + + + Add Favorite + + AdvancedContainer @@ -10959,6 +11163,122 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. enable 有効 + + Fleet + + + + Minimize on close + + + + Application Logs + + + + Experimental features + + + + Wallet + + + + WalletSettingsLineButton + + + + Dapp Browser + + + + Community History Archive Protocol + + + + Node Management + + + + Keycard + + + + Bloom filter level + + + + Warning! + + + + The account will be logged out. When you login again, the selected mode will be enabled + + + + Light Node + + + + Normal + + + + Full Node + + + + WakuV2 mode + + + + Developer features + + + + Full developer mode + + + + Download messages + + + + Telemetry + + + + Debug + + + + Auto message + + + + Are you sure you want to enable all the develoer features? The app will be restarted. + + + + Are you sure you want to enable telemetry? This will reduce your privacy level while using Status. You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. + + + + Are you sure you want to enable auto message? You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. + + + + Are you sure you want to %1 debug mode? You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. + + + + This feature is experimental and is meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It's not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data. Use at your own risk. + + + + I understand + + AllowNotificationsView @@ -10966,6 +11286,15 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Ok, got it わかりました + + Allow notifications + + + + Status will notify you about new messages. You can +edit your notification preferences later in settings. + + AppMain @@ -10973,6 +11302,58 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Where do you want to go? どこに行きますか? + + Profile Picture + + + + Make this my Profile Pic + + + + Invite People + + + + View Community + + + + Leave Community + + + + A new version of Status (%1) is available + + + + Download + + + + Your version is up to date + + + + Close + + + + Can not connect to mailserver + + + + The mailserver you're connecting to is unavailable. + + + + Pick another + + + + Retry + + AppearanceView @@ -11000,6 +11381,58 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. XXL XXL + + Preview + + + + Blockchains will drop search costs, causing a kind of decomposition that allows you to have markets of entities that are horizontally segregated and vertically segregated. + + + + Size + + + + Change font size + + + + Change Zoom (requires restart) + + + + 50% + + + + 100% + + + + 150% + + + + 200% + + + + Appearance + + + + Light + + + + Dark + + + + System + + BackupSeedModal @@ -11011,6 +11444,22 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Continue 続行する + + Not Now + + + + Confirm Seed Phrase + + + + Complete & Delete My Seed Phrase + + + + Confirm word #%1 of your seed phrase + + BackupSeedStepBase @@ -11022,6 +11471,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Wrong word 単語が間違っています + + Word #%1 + + BeforeGetStartedModal @@ -11029,6 +11482,42 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Privacy Policy プライバシーポリシー + + Before you get started + + + + I acknowledge that status desktop is in beta and by using it I take the full responsibility for all risks concerning my data and funds + + + + Before you get started... + + + + Get Started + + + + I acknowledge that Status Desktop is in Beta and by using it I take the full responsibility for all risks concerning my data and funds. + + + + I accept Status + + + + Terms of Use + + + + Terms of service + + + + Get started + + BrowserLayout @@ -11036,6 +11525,31 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Transaction pending... トランザクション処理中 + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Error signing message + + + + View on etherscan + + + + Server's certificate not trusted + + + + Do you wish to continue? + + + + If you wish so, you may continue with an unverified certificate. Accepting an unverified certificate means you may not be connected with the host you tried to connect to. +Do you wish to override the security check and continue? + + ChatContextMenuView @@ -11055,6 +11569,66 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Are you sure you want to leave this chat? 本当にこのチャットから退出しますか? + + View Members + + + + Add / remove from group + + + + Test WakuV2 - requestAllHistoricMessages + + + + Edit name + + + + Mark as Read + + + + Clear history + + + + Edit Channel + + + + Download + + + + Delete Channel + + + + Delete chat + + + + Leave chat + + + + Download messages + + + + Delete #%1 + + + + Are you sure you want to delete #%1 channel? + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this chat? + + ChatView @@ -11062,6 +11636,14 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Members メンバー + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + CollectibleDetailsHeader @@ -11076,6 +11658,18 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. description 説明 + + unnamed + + + + id + + + + View in Opensea + + CollectiblesStore @@ -11101,6 +11695,14 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Leave community コミュニティを退会する + + Leave %1 + + + + Are you sure you want to leave? Once you leave, you will have to request to rejoin if you change your mind. + + CommunitiesPopup @@ -11124,6 +11726,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Search for communities or topics コミュニティやトピックを検索する + + Access existing community + + CommunitiesPortalLayout @@ -11131,6 +11737,26 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Search 検索 + + Find community + + + + Import Community + + + + Create New Community + + + + Featured + + + + Popular + + CommunityColorPicker @@ -11149,6 +11775,58 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Create category カテゴリーを作成 + + 1 Member + + + + %1 Members + + + + Start chat + + + + Membership requests + + + + Invite people + + + + Unmute category + + + + Mute category + + + + Edit Category + + + + Delete Category + + + + Delete %1 category + + + + Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. + + + + Create channel or category + + + + Error deleting the category + + CommunityDescriptionInput @@ -11160,6 +11838,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. What your community is about どのようなコミュニティですか + + community description + + CommunityDetailPopup @@ -11175,6 +11857,42 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Unknown community 不明なコミュニティ + + Public community + + + + Invitation only community + + + + On request community + + + + - ENS only + + + + %1 members + + + + Channels + + + + You need to be invited + + + + Request to join ‘%1’ + + + + Error joining the community + + CommunityEditSettingsPanel @@ -11228,6 +11946,22 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Kick キック + + Membership requests + + + + Community members will appear here + + + + No contacts found + + + + You + + CommunityNameInput @@ -11239,6 +11973,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. community name コミュニティ名 + + Community name + + CommunityProfilePopup @@ -11250,6 +11988,30 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Transfer ownership 所有権を譲渡する + + Public community + + + + Invitation only community + + + + On request community + + + + Unknown community + + + + Invite friends + + + + Invite + + CommunityProfilePopupInviteFriendsPanel @@ -11261,6 +12023,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Contacts 連絡先 + + Share community + + CommunityProfilePopupMembersListPanel @@ -11275,6 +12041,18 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Copied! コピーしました + + Share community + + + + Transfer ownership + + + + Leave community + + CommunitySettingsView @@ -11290,6 +12068,22 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Settings 設定 + + Overview + + + + Open legacy popup (to be removed) + + + + Back to community + + + + Error editing the community + + CommunityUserList @@ -11304,6 +12098,50 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Passwords don't match パスワードが一致しません + + Have you written down your password? + + + + You will never be able to recover your password if you lose it. + + + + If you need to, write it using pen and paper and keep in a safe place. + + + + If you lose your password you will lose access to your Status profile. + + + + Confirm your password (again) + + + + Confirm you password (again) + + + + Finalise Status Password Creation + + + + Keys for this account already exist + + + + Keys for this account already exist and can't be added again. If you've lost your password, passcode or Keycard, uninstall the app, reinstall and access your keys by entering your seed phrase + + + + Login failed + + + + Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. + + ConfirmationDialog @@ -11327,6 +12165,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Do not show this again 二度と表示しない + + Are you sure you want to do this? + + ContactPanel @@ -11338,6 +12180,18 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Send message メッセージを送信 + + Respond to ID Request + + + + See ID Request + + + + Rename + + ContactsColumnView @@ -11345,6 +12199,30 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Start chat チャットを始める + + Chat + + + + Search + + + + Join public chats + + + + Contact requests + + + + Community imported + + + + Importing community is in progress + + ContactsView @@ -11352,6 +12230,46 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Contacts 連絡先 + + Send contact request to chat key + + + + Search by a display name or chat key + + + + Pending Requests + + + + Blocked + + + + Identity Verified Contacts + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet + + + + Received + + + + Sent + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + Controls @@ -11379,6 +12297,22 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. XXL XXL + + 50% + + + + 100% + + + + 150% + + + + 200% + + CreateCategoryPopup @@ -11390,6 +12324,50 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. category name カテゴリー名 + + Edit category + + + + New category + + + + Name the category + + + + Channels + + + + Delete category + + + + Delete %1 category + + + + Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. + + + + Save + + + + Create + + + + Error editing the category + + + + Error creating the category + + CreateChannelPopup @@ -11413,6 +12391,38 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. channel description チャネルの説明 + + New channel + + + + Edit #%1 + + + + Name the channel + + + + Channel colour + + + + Pick a color + + + + Save + + + + Create + + + + Error creating the community + + CreateChatView @@ -11420,6 +12430,41 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Contacts 連絡先 + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. + +Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be able to chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. + + + + You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. + + +Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be + able to +chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. + + + + You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. + + +Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be able to +chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. + + + + Confirm + + CreateCommunityPopup @@ -11471,6 +12516,14 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Community colour コミュニティカラー + + Create New Community + + + + Create Community + + CreatePasswordView @@ -11489,6 +12542,14 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. View Community コミュニティを表示 + + Edit Community + + + + Leave Community + + DerivationPathsPanel @@ -11496,6 +12557,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Reset リセット + + Derivation Path + + DerivedAddressesPanel @@ -11507,6 +12572,22 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Account アカウント + + No activity + + + + Invalid path + + + + Has Activity + + + + No Activity + + DisplayNamePopup @@ -11518,6 +12599,14 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Ok OK + + Display Name + + + + OK + + EnsDetailsView @@ -11533,6 +12622,22 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Connect username with your pubkey ユーザ名をパブリックキーと連携する + + Copied to clipboard! + + + + Release username + + + + Username locked. You won't be able to release it until %1 + + + + Back + + EnsSearchView @@ -11540,6 +12645,30 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Connect username with your pubkey ユーザ名をパブリックキーと連携する + + At least 4 characters. Latin letters, numbers, and lowercase only. + + + + Letters and numbers only. + + + + Type the entire username including the custom domain like username.domain.eth + + + + Custom domain + + + + I want a stateofus.eth domain + + + + I own a name on another domain + + EnsView @@ -11547,6 +12676,26 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Transaction pending... トランザクション処理中 + + View on etherscan + + + + ENS Registration failed + + + + ENS Registration completed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey failed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey completed + + ExemptionNotificationsModal @@ -11554,6 +12703,30 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Done 完了 + + %1 exemption + + + + Mute all messages + + + + Personal @ Mentions + + + + Global @ Mentions + + + + Other Messages + + + + Clear Exemptions + + GasSelector @@ -11569,6 +12742,78 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. High + + Must be greater than 0 + + + + This needs to be a number + + + + Please enter an amount + + + + Min 21000 units + + + + Not enough gas + + + + Miners will currently not process transactions with a tip below %1 Gwei, the average is %2 Gwei + + + + The average miner tip is %1 Gwei + + + + Gas Price + + + + Current base fee: %1 %2 + + + + Use suggestions + + + + Use custom + + + + Optimal + + + + Gas amount limit + + + + Per-gas tip limit + + + + Gwei + + + + Per-gas overall limit + + + + Maximum priority fee: %1 ETH + + + + Maximum overall price for the transaction. If the block base fee exceeds this, it will be included in a following block with a lower base fee. + + GroupInfoPopup @@ -11576,6 +12821,46 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. %1/%2 members %1 メンバー {1/%2 ?} + + Add members + + + + %1 members + + + + 1 member + + + + Search + + + + All your contacts are already in the group + + + + Pinned messages + + + + Admin + + + + Make Admin + + + + Remove From Group + + + + Add selected + + ImageCropperModal @@ -11594,6 +12879,38 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Pending ペンディング + + You need to enter a private key + + + + Enter a valid private key (64 characters hexadecimal string) + + + + Private key + + + + Paste the contents of your private key + + + + Public address + + + + Account already added + + + + Has Activity + + + + No Activity + + InsertCard @@ -11601,6 +12918,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Cancel キャンセル + + Please insert your Keycard to proceed or press the cancel button to cancel the operation + + InsertDetailsView @@ -11612,6 +12933,38 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Profile picture プロフィール画像 + + Your profile + + + + Longer and unusual names are better as they are less likely to be used by someone else. + + + + Display name + + + + Chatkey: + + + + Choose an image for profile picture + + + + Make this my profile picture + + + + Your emojihash and identicon ring + + + + This set of emojis and coloured ring around your avatar are unique and represent your chat key, so your friends can easily distinguish you from potential impersonators. + + InvitationBubbleView @@ -11619,6 +12972,46 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Unsupported state サポートされていない状態 + + Membership requires an ENS username + + + + You need to be invited + + + + Pending + + + + View + + + + Request Access + + + + Join + + + + Verified community invitation + + + + Community invitation + + + + %1 members + + + + Error joining the community + + KeysMainView @@ -11630,6 +13023,39 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Generate new keys 新しい鍵を生成 + + intro-wizard-title1 + + + + a-set-of-keys-controls-your-account.-your-keys-live-on-your-device,-so-only-you-can-use-them. + + + + Connect your keys + + + + Use your existing Status keys to login to this device. + + + + Get your keys + + + + A set of keys controls your account. Your keys live on your +device, so only you can use them. + + + + Import a seed phrase + + + + Seed phrases are used to back up and restore your keys. Only use this option if you already have a seed phrase. + + LanguageView @@ -11637,6 +13063,54 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Language 言語 + + Set Display Currency + + + + Search Currencies + + + + Search Languages + + + + Date Format + + + + DD/MM/YY + + + + MM/DD/YY + + + + Time Format + + + + 24-Hour Time + + + + 12-Hour Time + + + + Change language + + + + Display language has been changed. You must restart the application for changes to take effect. + + + + Close the app now + + Layout @@ -11648,6 +13122,22 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. View Community コミュニティを表示 + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + Edit Community + + + + Leave Community + + LeftTabView @@ -11655,6 +13145,34 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Settings 設定 + + Sign out + + + + Make sure you have your account password and seed phrase stored. Without them you can lock yourself out of your account and lose funds. + + + + Sign out & Quit + + + + Wallet + + + + Total value + + + + Add account + + + + Saved addresses + + LoginView @@ -11662,6 +13180,38 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Ok OK + + Welcome back + + + + Add new user + + + + Add existing Status user + + + + Connecting... + + + + Password + + + + Enter password + + + + Login failed: %1 + + + + Password incorrect + + MenuPanel @@ -11669,6 +13219,14 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Settings 設定 + + Apps + + + + About & Help + + MessageContextMenuView @@ -11676,6 +13234,62 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Jump to Jump to + + Copy image + + + + Download image + + + + Block User + + + + Unblock User + + + + Rename + + + + Reply to + + + + Edit message + + + + Copy Message Id + + + + Unpin + + + + Pin + + + + Delete message + + + + Please choose a directory + + + + Confirm deleting this message + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well. + + MessagingView @@ -11683,6 +13297,70 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Contacts 連絡先 + + Allow new contact requests + + + + Show My Profile Picture To + + + + Everyone + + + + No One + + + + See Profile Pictures From + + + + Open Message Links With + + + + Status Browser + + + + System Default Browser + + + + Contacts, Requests, and Blocked Users + + + + Display Message Link Previews + + + + Fine tune which sites to allow link previews + + + + Image unfurling + + + + All images (links that contain an image extension) will be downloaded and displayed + + + + Message syncing + + + + Waku nodes + + + + For security reasons, private chat history won't be synced. + + MyProfileView @@ -11698,6 +13376,18 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Share Profile URL プロファイルURLを共有 + + Change Password + + + + Edit + + + + Preview + + NicknamePopup @@ -11705,6 +13395,14 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Nickname ニックネーム + + Nicknames help you identify others in Status. Only you can see the nicknames you’ve added + + + + Done + + NoImageUploadedPanel @@ -11712,6 +13410,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Upload アップロード + + Wide aspect ratio is optimal + + NotificationsView @@ -11727,6 +13429,150 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Anonymous 匿名 + + Community + + + + 1:1 Chat + + + + Group Chat + + + + Muted + + + + Off + + + + Quiet + + + + Personal @ Mentions %1 + + + + Global @ Mentions %1 + + + + Alerts + + + + Other Messages %1 + + + + Multiple Exemptions + + + + Enable Notifications in macOS Settings + + + + To receive Status notifications, make sure you've enabled them in your computer's settings under <b>System Preferences > Notifications</b> + + + + Sync your devices to share notifications preferences + + + + Syncing > + + + + Allow Notifications + + + + 1:1 Chats + + + + Group Chats + + + + Personal @ Mentions + + + + Messages containing @%1 + + + + Global @ Mentions + + + + Messages containing @here and @channel + + + + All Messages + + + + Others + + + + Contact Requests + + + + Identity Verification Requests + + + + Notification Content + + + + Show Name and Message + + + + Hi there! So EIP-1559 will defini... + + + + Name Only + + + + Play a Sound When Receiving a Notification + + + + Volume + + + + Send a Test Notification + + + + Exemptions + + + + Search Communities, Group Chats and 1:1 Chats + + + + Most recent + + PasswordView @@ -11738,6 +13584,78 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Passwords don't match パスワードが一致しません + + Create a password to unlock Status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + You will not be able to recover this password if it is lost. + + + + Minimum %1 characters. To strengthen your password consider including: + + + + This password has been pwned and shouldn't be used + + + + This password is a common word and shouldn't be used + + + + Password must be at least %1 characters long + + + + Current password + + + + New password + + + + Very weak + + + + Weak + + + + So-so + + + + Good + + + + Great + + + + Lower case + + + + Upper case + + + + Numbers + + + + Symbols + + + + Confirm password + + PermissionsListView @@ -11745,6 +13663,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Disconnect 接続解除 + + Disconnect All + + PinnedMessagesPopup @@ -11752,6 +13674,30 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Unpin ピン留めを解除 + + Pin limit reached + + + + Pinned messages + + + + Unpin a previous message first + + + + %1 messages + + + + %1 message + + + + Pinned messages will appear here. + + ProfileLayout @@ -11759,6 +13705,18 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Contacts 連絡先 + + Testnet mode is enabled. All balances, transactions and dApp interactions will be on testnets. + + + + Secure your seed phrase + + + + Back up now + + ProfilePopup @@ -11806,6 +13764,90 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Add to contacts 連絡先に追加 + + 's Profile + + + + Send Contact Request to + + + + Verify %1's Identity + + + + My Profile + + + + %1's Profile + + + + Send Contact Request to %1 + + + + Cancel verification + + + + Remove Contact + + + + Send Contact Request + + + + Mark Untrustworthy + + + + Remove 'Identity Verified' status + + + + No + + + + Yes + + + + Remove Untrustworthy Mark + + + + Verify Identity + + + + Verify Identity pending... + + + + Send verification request + + + + Verification request sent + + + + Confirm Identity + + + + Rename + + + + Close + + ProfileSectionStore @@ -11841,6 +13883,30 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Advanced 高度な設定 + + Messaging + + + + Notifications & Sounds + + + + Language & Currency + + + + Devices settings + + + + About + + + + Sign out & Quit + + RateView @@ -11848,6 +13914,18 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Upload アップロード + + Bandwidth + + + + Kb/s + + + + Download + + ReceiveModal @@ -11855,6 +13933,22 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Copy クリップボードにコピー + + Receive + + + + Legacy + + + + Multichain + + + + Your Address + + RootStore @@ -11862,6 +13956,18 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. You あなた + + Start a 1-on-1 chat with %1 + + + + Join the %1 community + + + + Join the %1 group chat + + SavedAddressesView @@ -11873,6 +13979,30 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Delete 削除 + + Saved addresses + + + + Add new address + + + + Edit + + + + Are you sure you want to remove '%1' from your saved addresses? + + + + Are you sure? + + + + No saved addresses + + SeedPhraseInputView @@ -11888,6 +14018,34 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Import インポートする + + Keys for this account already exist + + + + Keys for this account already exist and can't be added again. If you've lost your password, passcode or Keycard, uninstall the app, reinstall and access your keys by entering your seed phrase + + + + Error importing seed + + + + %1 words + + + + %1SeedButton + + + + Invalid seed + + + + Restore Status Profile + + SendContactRequestModal @@ -11895,6 +14053,26 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Paste 貼り付け + + Send Contact Request to chat key + + + + Enter chat key here + + + + Say who you are / why you want to become a contact... + + + + who are you + + + + Send Contact Request + + SendModal @@ -11902,6 +14080,46 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Transaction pending... トランザクション処理中 + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Send + + + + Max: + + + + No balances active + + + + Please enter a valid amount + + + + To + + + + Enter an ENS name or address + + + + Error estimating gas: %1 + + + + Wrong password + + + + View on etherscan + + SendModalFooter @@ -11909,6 +14127,18 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Unknown 不明 + + Estimated Time: + + + + Max Fees: + + + + Send + + SendModalHeader @@ -11946,6 +14176,42 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Transaction pending... トランザクション処理中 + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Choose account + + + + Network fee + + + + Transaction preview + + + + Sign with password + + + + Send %1 %2 + + + + Next + + + + Wrong password + + + + View on etherscan + + StatusAppCommunityView @@ -11960,6 +14226,46 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Send 送信 + + Message + + + + Please choose an image + + + + Image files (%1) + + + + Your message is too long. + + + + Please make your message shorter. We have set the limit to 2000 characters to be courteous of others. + + + + Bold + + + + Italic + + + + Strikethrough + + + + Code + + + + Unblock + + StatusChatListAndCategories @@ -11967,6 +14273,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. More もっと見る + + Add channel inside category + + StatusChatListCategoryItem @@ -11974,6 +14284,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. More もっと見る + + Add channel inside category + + StatusChatListItem @@ -12003,6 +14317,18 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Preview プレビュー + + This is not a valid color + + + + Standart colours + + + + Select Colour + + StatusExpandableSettingsItemPage @@ -12010,6 +14336,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Back up seed phrase シードフレーズをバックアップ + + Not Implemented + + StatusListPicker @@ -12024,6 +14354,11 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Open 開く + + My latest message + with a return + + StatusStickerMarket @@ -12042,6 +14377,14 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. or または + + Hold + + + + to post + + StatusWalletColorSelect @@ -12071,6 +14414,50 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Are you sure? 間違いありませんか? + + Your priority fee is below our suggested parameters. + + + + Current base fee + + + + %1 Gwei + + + + Current minimum tip + + + + Current average tip + + + + Your tip limit + + + + Suggested minimum tip + + + + Your price limit + + + + Suggested minimum price limit + + + + Change Limit + + + + Continue anyway + + TransferOwnershipPopup @@ -12090,6 +14477,14 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Copied コピーしました + + You should keep it safe and only share it with people you trust to take ownership of your community + + + + You can also use this key to import your community on another device + + UploadProfilePicModal @@ -12109,6 +14504,18 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Done 完了 + + Upload profile picture + + + + Choose an image for profile picture + + + + Make this my profile picture + + UserList @@ -12138,6 +14545,258 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. now + + Sun + + + + Mon + + + + Tue + + + + Wed + + + + Thu + + + + Fri + + + + Sat + + + + Jan + + + + Feb + + + + Mar + + + + Apr + + + + May + + + + Jun + + + + Jul + + + + Aug + + + + Sep + + + + Oct + + + + Nov + + + + Dec + + + + Yesterday + + + + Sunday + + + + Monday + + + + Tuesday + + + + Wednesday + + + + Thursday + + + + Friday + + + + Saturday + + + + NOW + + + + %1M + + + + %1H + + + + %1D + + + + words + + + + You need to enter a password + + + + You need to repeat your password + + + + Passwords don't match + + + + You need to enter a PIN + + + + The PIN must contain only digits + + + + The PIN must be exactly 6 digits + + + + You need to repeat your PIN + + + + PIN don't match + + + + The %1 cannot exceed %2 characters + + + + Must be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + Use only lowercase letters (a to z), numbers & dashes (-). Do not use chat keys. + + + + Value has to be at least %1 characters long + + + + Unknown + + + + < 1 min + + + + < 3 mins + + + + < 5 mins + + + + > 5 mins + + + + years ago + + + + year ago + + + + months ago + + + + month ago + + + + weeks ago + + + + week ago + + + + days ago + + + + day ago + + + + hours ago + + + + hour ago + + + + mins ago + + + + min ago + + + + secs ago + + + + sec ago + + WalletView @@ -12145,5 +14804,4202 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Wallet ウォレット + + Networks + + + + DApp Permissions + + + + Testnet Mode + + + + + AcceptTransactionView + + Accept and share address + + + + Accept and send + + + + Decline + + + + + Acknowledgements + + Secure Your Assets and Funds + + + + Your seed phrase is a 12-word passcode to your funds. + + + + Your seed phrase cannot be recovered if lost. Therefore, you <b>must</b> back it up. The simplest way is to <b>write it down offline and store it somewhere secure.</b> + + + + I have a pen and paper + + + + I am ready to write down my seed phrase + + + + I know where I’ll store it + + + + You can only complete this process once. Status will not store your seed phrase and can never help you recover it. + + + + + ActivityCenterPopup + + Show more + + + + + ActivityCenterPopupTopBarPanel + + All + + + + Mentions + + + + Replies + + + + Mark all as Read + + + + Show read notifications + + + + Hide read notifications + + + + Notification settings + + + + + AddShowTokenModal + + Add custom token + + + + This needs to be a valid address + + + + Invalid ERC20 address + + + + Enter contract address... + + + + Contract address + + + + The name of your token... + + + + Name + + + + ABC + + + + Symbol + + + + Decimals + + + + Changing settings failed + + + + Add + + + + + AddWakuNodeModal + + Waku nodes + + + + Name + + + + Specify a name + + + + You need to enter a name + + + + History node address + + + + You need to enter the enode address + + + + The format must be: enode://{enode-id}:{password}@{ip-address}:{port} + + + + Save + + + + + AddressInput + + ENS Username not found + + + + + AddressRequiredValidator + + You need to request the recipient’s address first. +Assets won’t be sent yet. + + + + + AddressSourceSelector + + Invalid source + + + + + AdvancedAddAccountView + + Enter address... + + + + Account address + + + + This needs to be a valid address (starting with 0x) + + + + You need to enter an address + + + + + AppSearch + + No results + + + + Anywhere + + + + + AssetAndAmountInput + + Insufficient balance + + + + Must be greater than or equal to 0 + + + + This needs to be a number + + + + Please enter an amount + + + + Balance: + + + + Asset & Amount + + + + The amount is 0. Proceed only if this is desired. + + + + + BackUpCommuntyBannerPanel + + Back up community key + + + + Back up + + + + + BalanceExceeded + + Balance exceeded + + + + No networks available + + + + + BalanceValidator + + Insufficient balance + + + + + BlockContactConfirmationDialog + + Block User + + + + Blocking will stop new messages from reaching you from %1. + + + + + BloomSelectorButton + + TODO + + + + + BrowserConnectionModal + + '%1' would like to connect to + + + + Allowing authorizes this DApp to retrieve your wallet address and enable Web3 + + + + Granting access authorizes this DApp to retrieve your chat key + + + + Deny + + + + Allow + + + + + BrowserHeader + + Enter URL + + + + + BrowserSettingsMenu + + New Tab + + + + Exit Incognito mode + + + + Go Incognito + + + + Zoom In + + + + Zoom Out + + + + Find + + + + Compatibility mode + + + + Developer Tools + + + + Settings + + + + + BrowserTabStyle + + Start Page + + + + + BrowserTabView + + Start Page + + + + New Tab + + + + Downloads Page + + + + + BrowserView + + Search engine used in the address bar + + + + None + + + + Show Favorites Bar + + + + Connected DApps + + + + No connected dApps + + + + Connecting a dApp grants it permission to view your address and balances, and to send you transaction requests + + + + + BrowserWalletMenu + + Mainnet + + + + Ropsten + + + + Unknown + + + + Disconnect + + + + Assets + + + + History + + + + + BrowserWebEngineView + + Add Favorite + + + + + ChangePasswordModal + + Change password + + + + Change password used to unlock Status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + Change Password + + + + + ChangePasswordSuccessModal + + <b>Password changed</b> + + + + You need to sign in again using the new password. + + + + Sign out & Quit + + + + + ChangeProfilePicModal + + Profile picture + + + + Remove + + + + Upload + + + + Please choose an image + + + + Image files (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png) + + + + + ChannelIdentifierView + + Welcome to the beginning of the <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> group! + + + + Any messages you send here are encrypted and can only be read by you and <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> + + + + + ChatButtonsPanel + + Add reaction + + + + Reply + + + + Edit + + + + Unpin + + + + Pin + + + + Delete + + + + Confirm deleting this message + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well. + + + + + ChatColumnView + + Send + + + + Request Address + + + + Request + + + + + ChatCommandModal + + Continue + + + + Receive on account + + + + From account + + + + Address request required + + + + From + + + + To + + + + Preview + + + + Transaction preview + + + + Next + + + + + ChatCommandsPopup + + Send transaction + + + + Request transaction + + + + + ChatContentView + + Contact + + + + Not a contact + + + + Public chat + + + + %1 members + + + + 1 member + + + + Connected + + + + Disconnected + + + + Blocked + + + + This user has been blocked. + + + + + ChatMessagesView + + Loading... + + + + Failed to send message. + + + + + ChatRequestMessagePanel + + You need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messages + + + + Just click this button to add them as contact. They will receive a notification. Once they accept the request, you'll be able to chat + + + + Add to contacts + + + + + ChooseBrowserPopup + + Choose browser + + + + Open in Status + + + + Open in my default browser + + + + Remember my choice. To override it, go to settings. + + + + + ClosedEmptyPanel + + Your chats will appear here. To start new chats press the  button at the top + + + + + CollectibleCollectionView + + No collectibles available + + + + + CollectibleDetailView + + Properties + + + + Levels + + + + Stats + + + + + CollectiblesContent + + Something went wrong + + + + Reload + + + + + CollectiblesHeader + + Maximum number of collectibles to display reached + + + + + CollectiblesModal + + View + + + + Unnamed + + + + + CollectiblesModalContent + + ID + + + + Description + + + + + CommunitiesView + + Import community + + + + Communities you've joined + + + + + CommunityBannerPicker + + Community banner + + + + Choose an image for banner + + + + Make this my Community banner + + + + + CommunityChannelsAndCategoriesBannerPanel + + Expand your community by adding more channels and categories + + + + Add channels + + + + Add categories + + + + + CommunityColorPanel + + Community Colour + + + + Select Community Colour + + + + This is not a valid colour + + + + White text should be legable on top of this colour + + + + Standard colours + + + + + CommunityDelegate + + Admin + + + + Member + + + + + CommunityIntroDialog + + Welcome to %1 + + + + Join %1 + + + + Community <b>%1</b> has no intro message... + + + + I agree with the above + + + + + CommunityIntroMessageInput + + Community introduction and rules + + + + What new members will read before joining (eg. community rules, welcome message, etc.). Members will need to tick a check box agreeing to these rules before they are allowed to join your community. + + + + community intro message + + + + + CommunityLogoPicker + + Community logo + + + + Choose an image as logo + + + + Make this my Community logo + + + + + CommunityOptions + + Community history service + + + + Request to join required + + + + Any member can pin a message + + + + + CommunityOutroMessageInput + + Leaving community message + + + + The message a member will see when they leave your community + + + + community intro message + + + + + CommunityOverviewSettingsPanel + + Overview + + + + Edit Community + + + + This node is the Community Owner Node. For your Community to function correctly try to keep this computer with Status running and onlinie as much as possible. + + + + Welcome to your community! + + + + Invite new people + + + + Try an airdrop to reward your community for engagement! + + + + Airdrop Tokens + + + + Back up community key + + + + Back up + + + + + CommunityTagsPanel + + Community Tags + + + + Confirm Community Tags + + + + Select tags that will fit your Community + + + + Search tags + + + + Selected tags + + + + + CommunityTagsPicker + + Tags + + + + + CommunityWelcomeBannerPanel + + Welcome to your community! + + + + Add members + + + + Manage community + + + + + CompactMessageView + + Pinned by %1 + + + + Cancel + + + + Save + + + + + ConfirmAddExistingKeyModal + + Enter seed phrase + + + + Do you want to add another existing key? + + + + Add another existing key + + + + + ConfirmAppRestartModal + + Application Restart + + + + Please restart the application to apply the changes. + + + + Restart + + + + + ConfirmSeedPhrasePanel + + Write down your 12-word seed phrase to keep offline + + + + Reveal seed phrase + + + + The next screen contains your seed phrase. +<b>Anyone</b> who sees it can use it to access to your funds. + + + + + ConfirmStoringSeedPhrasePanel + + Complete back up + + + + Store Your Phrase Offline and Complete Your Back Up + + + + By completing this process, you will remove your seed phrase from this application’s storage. This makes your funds more secure. + + + + You will remain logged in, and your seed phrase will be entirely in your hands. + + + + I acknowledge that Status will not be able to show me my seed phrase again. + + + + I aknowledge that Status will not be able to show me my seed phrase again. + + + + + Constants + + Username must be at least 5 characters + + + + Only letters, numbers, underscores and hyphens allowed + + + + 24 character username limit + + + + Usernames ending with '-eth' are not allowed + + + + Usernames ending with '_eth' are not allowed + + + + Usernames ending with '.eth' are not allowed + + + + Sorry, the name you have chosen is not allowed, try picking another username + + + + (edited) + + + + Username already taken :( + + + + Username doesn’t belong to you :( + + + + Continuing will connect this username with your chat key. + + + + ✓ Username available! + + + + Username is already connected with your chat key and can be used inside Status. + + + + This user name is owned by you and connected with your chat key. Continue to set `Show my ENS username in chats`. + + + + Continuing will require a transaction to connect the username with your current chat key. + + + + + Contact + + Admin + + + + + ContactRequestsPopup + + Contact requests + + + + Decline all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to decline all these contact requests + + + + Accept all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to accept all these contact requests + + + + Decline all + + + + Accept all + + + + + ContactSelector + + Please select a contact + + + + Select a contact + + + + Contact does not have an ENS address. Please send a transaction in chat. + + + + No contact selected + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet + + + + + ContactVerificationRequestPopup + + %1 is asking you to verify your identity + + + + %1 would like to verify your identity. Answer the question to prove your identity to %2 + + + + Provide answer to verification request from this contact. + + + + Your answer has been sent to %1. + + + + Refuse Verification + + + + Send Answer + + + + Change answer + + + + Close + + + + + ContactsListAndSearch + + Enter a valid chat key or ENS username + + + + Can't chat with yourself + + + + Enter ENS username or chat key + + + + + ContactsListPanel + + Contact Request Sent + + + + Contact Request Rejected + + + + + CopyToClipBoardButton + + Copied! + + + + + CreatePasswordModal + + Store password + + + + Create a password + + + + Current password... + + + + New password... + + + + Confirm password… + + + + At least 6 characters. You will use this password to unlock status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + Create password + + + + Error importing account + + + + An error occurred while importing your account: + + + + Login failed + + + + Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. + + + + Incorrect password + + + + + CryptoServicesModal + + Buy / Sell crypto + + + + Choose a service you'd like to use to buy crypto + + + + + CurrenciesStore + + US Dollars + + + + British Pound + + + + Euros + + + + Russian ruble + + + + South Korean won + + + + Ethereum + + + + Tokens + + + + Bitcoin + + + + Status Network Token + + + + Dai + + + + United Arab Emirates dirham + + + + Other Fiat + + + + Afghan afghani + + + + Argentine peso + + + + Australian dollar + + + + Barbadian dollar + + + + Bangladeshi taka + + + + Bulgarian lev + + + + Bahraini dinar + + + + Brunei dollar + + + + Bolivian boliviano + + + + Brazillian real + + + + Bhutanese ngultrum + + + + Canadian dollar + + + + Swiss franc + + + + Chilean peso + + + + Chinese yuan + + + + Colombian peso + + + + Costa Rican colón + + + + Czech koruna + + + + Danish krone + + + + Dominican peso + + + + Egyptian pound + + + + Ethiopian birr + + + + Georgian lari + + + + Ghanaian cedi + + + + Hong Kong dollar + + + + Croatian kuna + + + + Hungarian forint + + + + Indonesian rupiah + + + + Israeli new shekel + + + + Indian rupee + + + + Icelandic króna + + + + Jamaican dollar + + + + Japanese yen + + + + Kenyan shilling + + + + Kuwaiti dinar + + + + Kazakhstani tenge + + + + Sri Lankan rupee + + + + Moroccan dirham + + + + Moldovan leu + + + + Mauritian rupee + + + + Malawian kwacha + + + + Mexican peso + + + + Malaysian ringgit + + + + Mozambican metical + + + + Namibian dollar + + + + Nigerian naira + + + + Norwegian krone + + + + Nepalese rupee + + + + New Zealand dollar + + + + Omani rial + + + + Peruvian sol + + + + Papua New Guinean kina + + + + Philippine peso + + + + Pakistani rupee + + + + Polish złoty + + + + Paraguayan guaraní + + + + Qatari riyal + + + + Romanian leu + + + + Serbian dinar + + + + Saudi riyal + + + + Swedish krona + + + + Singapore dollar + + + + Thai baht + + + + Trinidad and Tobago dollar + + + + New Taiwan dollar + + + + Tanzanian shilling + + + + Turkish lira + + + + Ukrainian hryvnia + + + + Ugandan shilling + + + + Uruguayan peso + + + + Venezuelan bolívar + + + + Vietnamese đồng + + + + South African rand + + + + + DateGroup + + Today + + + + Yesterday + + + + January + + + + February + + + + March + + + + April + + + + May + + + + June + + + + July + + + + August + + + + September + + + + October + + + + November + + + + December + + + + + DefaultDAppExplorerView + + Default DApp explorer + + + + none + + + + + DevicesView + + Please set a name for your device. + + + + Specify a name + + + + Continue + + + + Advertise device + + + + Pair your devices to sync contacts and chats between them + + + + Learn more + + + + Paired devices + + + + Syncing... + + + + Sync all devices + + + + + DownloadBar + + Cancelled + + + + Paused + + + + Show All + + + + + DownloadMenu + + Open + + + + Show in folder + + + + Pause + + + + Resume + + + + Cancel + + + + + DownloadPage + + Thanks for using Status + + + + You're curently using version %1 of Status. + + + + There's new version available to download. + + + + Get Status %1 + + + + + DownloadView + + Cancelled + + + + Paused + + + + Downloaded files will appear here. + + + + + ENSPopup + + Primary username + + + + Your messages are displayed to others with this username: + + + + Once you select a username, you won’t be able to disable it afterwards. You will only be able choose a different username to display. + + + + + EmojiReactionsPanel + + Add reaction + + + + + EmptyChatPanel + + Share your chat key + + + + or + + + + invite + + + + friends to start messaging in Status + + + + + EnsAddedView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + %1 is now connected with your chat key and can be used in Status. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsConnectedView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + %1 will be connected once the transaction is complete. + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsListView + + Hey + + + + (pending) + + + + ENS usernames + + + + Add username + + + + Your usernames + + + + Chat settings + + + + Primary Username + + + + None selected + + + + You’re displaying your ENS username in chats + + + + + EnsRegisteredView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + Nice! You own %1.stateofus.eth once the transaction is complete. + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsReleasedView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username removed + + + + The username %1 will be removed and your deposit will be returned once the transaction is mined + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsTermsAndConditionsView + + ENS usernames + + + + Terms of name registration + + + + Funds are deposited for 1 year. Your SNT will be locked, but not spent. + + + + After 1 year, you can release the name and get your deposit back, or take no action to keep the name. + + + + If terms of the contract change — e.g. Status makes contract upgrades — user has the right to release the username regardless of time held. + + + + The contract controller cannot access your deposited funds. They can only be moved back to the address that sent them. + + + + Your address(es) will be publicly associated with your ENS name. + + + + Usernames are created as subdomain nodes of stateofus.eth and are subject to the ENS smart contract terms. + + + + You authorize the contract to transfer SNT on your behalf. This can only occur when you approve a transaction to authorize the transfer. + + + + These terms are guaranteed by the smart contract logic at addresses: + + + + %1 (Status UsernameRegistrar). + + + + <a href='%1%2'>Look up on Etherscan</a> + + + + %1 (ENS Registry). + + + + Wallet address + + + + Copied to clipboard! + + + + Key + + + + Agree to <a href="#">Terms of name registration.</a> I understand that my wallet address will be publicly connected to my username. + + + + Back + + + + 10 SNT + + + + Deposit + + + + Not enough SNT + + + + Register + + + + + EnsWelcomeView + + Get a universal username + + + + ENS names transform those crazy-long addresses into unique usernames. + + + + Customize your chat name + + + + An ENS name can replace your random 3-word name in chat. Be @yourname instead of %1. + + + + Simplify your ETH address + + + + You can receive funds to your easy-to-share ENS name rather than your hexadecimal hash (0x...). + + + + Receive transactions in chat + + + + Others can send you funds via chat in one simple step. + + + + 10 SNT to register + + + + Register once to keep the name forever. After 1 year you can release the name and get your SNT back. + + + + Already own a username? + + + + You can verify and add any usernames you own in the next steps. + + + + Powered by Ethereum Name Services + + + + Start + + + + Only available on Mainnet + + + + + FavoriteMenu + + Open in new Tab + + + + Edit + + + + Remove + + + + + FetchMoreMessagesButton + + ↓ Fetch more messages + + + + Before %1 + + + + before--%1 + + + + + FleetRadioSelector + + Warning! + + + + Change fleet to %1 + + + + + FleetsModal + + Fleet + + + + + GapComponent + + fetch-messages + + + + between--1-and--2 + + + + Fetch messages + + + + Between %1 and %2 + + + + + GasSelectorButton + + Low + + + + + GasValidator + + Not enough ETH for gas + + + + + GroupChatPanel + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + Confirm + + + + + HistoryView + + Status Desktop is connected to a non-archival node. Transaction history may be incomplete. + + + + No transactions found + + + + Load More + + + + + HomePageView + + homepage + + + + System default + + + + Other + + + + Example: duckduckgo.com + + + + + ImageCropWorkflow + + Supported image formats (%1) + + + + + ImportCommunityPopup + + Import Community + + + + Entering a community key will grant you the ownership of that community. Please be responsible with it and don’t share the key with people you don’t trust. + + + + Community private key + + + + Import + + + + + ImportSeedPhrasePanel + + Invalid seed phrase + + + + This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. + + + + %1 words + + + + + Input + + Copied + + + + Pasted + + + + Copy + + + + Paste + + + + + InviteFriendsPopup + + Get Status at https://status.im + + + + Download Status link + + + + Copy to clipboard + + + + + InviteFriendsToCommunityPopup + + Invite friends + + + + Invite successfully sent + + + + Invite + + + + + JSDialogWindow + + Ok + + + + Cancel + + + + + KeycardCreatePINModal + + Create PIN + + + + New PIN + + + + Confirm PIN + + + + Create a 6 digit long PIN + + + + + LanguageStore + + Beta Languages + + + + + LinksMessageView + + Enable automatic image unfurling + + + + Enable link previews in chat? + + + + Once enabled, links posted in the chat may share your metadata with their owners + + + + Enable in Settings + + + + Don't ask me again + + + + + MailserverConnectionDialog + + Can not connect to mailserver + + + + The mailserver you're connecting to is unavailable. + + + + Pick another + + + + Retry + + + + + MainView + + DApp Permissions + + + + Networks + + + + Accounts + + + + Generated from Your Seed Phrase + + + + Imported + + + + Watch-Only + + + + + MembershipRequestsPopup + + Membership requests + + + + + MessageStore + + and + + + + %1 more + + + + reacted with + + + + You + + + + + MuteChatMenuItem + + Mute chat + + + + Unmute chat + + + + + MutedChatsModal + + Muted chats + + + + Unmute + + + + + MyProfileSettingsView + + Display name + + + + Display Name + + + + Biometric login and transaction authentication + + + + Communities + + + + Accounts + + + + You haven't joined any communities yet + + + + You don't have any wallet accounts yet + + + + + NetworkCardsComponent + + Your Balances + + + + No Balance + + + + No Gas + + + + BALANCE: + + + + Disabled + + + + + NetworkFilter + + All networks + + + + %n network(s) + + + + + + + NetworkSelectPopup + + Layer 2 + + + + + NetworkSelector + + Networks + + + + Choose a network to use for the transaction + + + + No networks available + + + + Simple + + + + Advanced + + + + Custom + + + + + NetworksAdvancedCustomRoutingView + + Networks + + + + Show Unpreferred Networks + + + + The networks where the receipient will receive tokens. Amounts calculated automatically for the lowest cost. + + + + + NetworksSimpleRoutingView + + Networks + + + + Choose a network to use for the transaction + + + + + NetworksView + + Layer 2 + + + + Add Custom Network + + + + + NoFriendsRectangle + + You don’t have any contacts yet. Invite your friends to start chatting. + + + + Invite friends + + + + + NodeLayout + + Bloom Filter Usage + + + + Type json-rpc message... e.g {"method": "eth_accounts"} + + + + + NotificationSelect + + Send Alerts + + + + Deliver Quietly + + + + Turn Off + + + + + NotificationWindow + + Everything is connected + + + + + PINModal + + Authenticate PIN + + + + PIN + + + + Insert your 6-digit PIN + + + + Authenticate + + + + + PairingModal + + Insert pairing code + + + + Pairing code + + + + Insert the Keycard pairing code + + + + Pair + + + + + PrivateChatPopup + + New chat + + + + My Profile + + + + + ProfileHeader + + Chatkey:%1... + + + + + ProfileView + + Blocked + + + + Send Request + + + + Receive Response + + + + Confirm Identity + + + + You have confirmed %1's identity. From now on this verification emblem will always be displayed alongside %1's nickname. + + + + You have marked %1 as Untrustworthy. From now on this Untrustworthy emblem will always be displayed alongside %1's nickname. + + + + ENS username + + + + Username + + + + Ask a question that only the real %1 will be able to answer e.g. a question about a shared experience, or ask Mark to enter a code or phrase you have sent to them via a different communication channel (phone, post, etc...). + + + + Waiting for %1's response... + + + + Copied to clipboard + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Chat settings + + + + Nickname + + + + None + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + + PublicChatPopup + + You need to enter a channel name + + + + The channel name can only contain lowercase letters, numbers and dashes + + + + Join public chat + + + + A public chat is where you get to hang out with others, make friends and talk about subjects of your interest. + + + + chat-name + + + + Start chat + + + + + RecipientSelector + + Invalid ethereum address + + + + Address + + + + My account + + + + Contact + + + + Recipient + + + + + RenameAccontModal + + Rename %1 + + + + Enter an account name... + + + + You need to enter an account name + + + + This is not a valid account name + + + + color + + + + Change Name + + + + Changing settings failed + + + + + RenameGroupPopup + + Group name + + + + Save + + + + + Retry + + Resend + + + + + RightTabView + + Assets + + + + Collectibles + + + + Activity + + + + History + + + + + SearchBox + + Search + + + + + SearchEngineModal + + Search engine + + + + None + + + + + SearchResults + + Non contacts + + + + No profile found + + + + + SeedPhraseBackupWarning + + Back up your seed phrase + + + + Back up + + + + + SeedPhraseTextArea + + Invalid seed phrase + + + + This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. + + + + Start with the first word + + + + + SelectAccountModal + + Select account + + + + Select account to share and receive assets + + + + Confirm and share address + + + + + SelectAnotherAccountModal + + Your keys + + + + Add another existing key + + + + + SelectGeneratedAccount + + Import new Seed Phrase + + + + Generate from Private key + + + + Add a watch-only address + + + + Imported + + + + Add new + + + + Origin + + + + + SendContactRequestMenuItem + + Send Contact Request + + + + + SendMessageMenuItem + + Send message + + + + + SendToContractWarning + + Tokens will be sent directly to a contract address, which may result in a loss of funds. To transfer ERC-20 tokens, ensure the recipient address is the address of the destination wallet. + + + + + SendTransactionButton + + Sign and send + + + + + SettingsDirtyToastMessage + + Changes detected + + + + Cancel + + + + Save changes + + + + + SignMessageModal + + Signature request + + + + From + + + + Data + + + + Message + + + + Reject + + + + Sign + + + + Sign with password + + + + + SignPhraseModal + + Signing phrase + + + + This is your signing phrase + + + + You should see these 3 words before signing each transaction + + + + If you see a different combination, cancel the transaction and sign out + + + + Ok, got it + + + + Remind me later + + + + + StateBubble + + Pending + + + + Confirmed + + + + Unknown token + + + + Address requested + + + + Waiting to accept + + + + Address shared + + + + Address received + + + + Transaction declined + + + + failure + + + + Unknown state + + + + + StatusActivityCenterButton + + Activity + + + + + StatusAddressOrEnsValidator + + Please enter a valid address or ENS name. + + + + + StatusAddressValidator + + Please enter a valid address. + + + + + StatusAppChatView + + Join public chats + + + + Start chat + + + + + StatusAppCommunitiesPortalView + + Find community + + + + Featured + + + + Popular + + + + + StatusAsyncEnsValidator + + ENS name could not be resolved in to an address + + + + + StatusAsyncValidator + + invalid input + + + + + StatusBadge + + 99+ + + + + + StatusChatImageExtensionValidator + + Format not supported. + + + + Upload %1 only + + + + + StatusChatImageLoader + + Error loading the image + + + + Loading image... + + + + + StatusChatImageQtyValidator + + You can only upload %1 images at a time + + + + + StatusChatImageSizeValidator + + Max image size is %1 MB + + + + + StatusColorSpacePage + + Thickness + + + + Min saturate: + + + + Max saturate: + + + + Min value: + + + + Max value: + + + + Color + + + + + StatusCommunityTagsPage + + Select tags that will fit your Community + + + + Search tags + + + + Selected tags + + + + + StatusDialog + + Close + + + + Abort + + + + Cancel + + + + No to all + + + + No + + + + Open + + + + Save + + + + Save all + + + + Retry + + + + Ignore + + + + Ok + + + + Yes to all + + + + Yes + + + + Apply + + + + + StatusETHTransactionModal + + Contract interaction + + + + Wrong password + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Continue + + + + Choose account + + + + Sign with password + + + + Next + + + + + StatusEmojiSection + + No recent emojis + + + + + StatusFloatValidator + + Please enter a valid numeric value. + + + + + StatusGifColumn + + Remove from favorites + + + + Add to favorites + + + + + StatusGifPopup + + Search Tenor + + + + TRENDING + + + + FAVORITES + + + + RECENT + + + + Enable Tenor GIFs? + + + + Once enabled, GIFs posted in the chat may share your metadata with Tenor. + + + + Enable + + + + Favorite GIFs will appear here + + + + Recent GIFs will appear here + + + + Error while contacting Tenor API, please retry. + + + + Retry + + + + + StatusIntValidator + + Please enter a valid numeric value. + + + + + StatusItemSelector + + and + + + + or + + + + + StatusListPickerPage + + Search Languages + + + + Search Currencies + + + + + StatusNotification + + Open + + + + + StatusPasswordStrengthIndicator + + Very weak + + + + Weak + + + + So-so + + + + Good + + + + Great + + + + + StatusSNTTransactionModal + + Authorize %1 %2 + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Wrong password + + + + Continue + + + + Choose account + + + + Sign with password + + + + Send %1 %2 + + + + Next + + + + + StatusSearchListPopup + + Search... + + + + + StatusSearchLocationMenu + + Anywhere + + + + + StatusSearchPopup + + No results + + + + Anywhere + + + + Search + + + + In: + + + + In + + + + + StatusSpellcheckingMenuItems + + Add to dictionary + + + + Disable Spellchecking + + + + + StatusStackModal + + StackModal + + + + Next + + + + Finish + + + + + StatusStickerButton + + Buy for %1 SNT + + + + Uninstall + + + + Install + + + + Free + + + + Pending... + + + + Cancel + + + + Update + + + + + StatusStickersPopup + + You don't have any stickers yet + + + + Recently used stickers will appear here + + + + Get Stickers + + + + + StatusTagSelectorPage + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + + StatusUrlValidator + + Please enter a valid URL + + + + + StatusValidator + + invalid input + + + + + StatusWindowsTitleBar + + Status + + + + + SubheaderTabBar + + Step %1 of %2 + + + + + TabAddressSelectorView + + Saved + + + + My Accounts + + + + Recent + + + + Search for saved address + + + + No Saved Address + + + + No Recents + + + + + ToastMessage + + View on Etherscan + + + + Transaction pending... + + + + + TokenSettingsModal + + Manage Assets + + + + Add custom token + + + + + TokenSettingsModalContent + + Token details + + + + Remove token + + + + Custom + + + + Default + + + + + TouchIDAuthView + + Biometrics + + + + Would you like to use Touch ID +to login to Status? + + + + Yes, use Touch ID + + + + I prefer to use my password + + + + + TransactionBubbleView + + Transaction request + + + + ↑ Outgoing transaction + + + + ↓ Incoming transaction + + + + Token not found on your current network + + + + + TransactionDelegate + + From + + + + To + + + + At + + + + + TransactionModal + + Transaction Details + + + + confirmation(s) + + + + When the transaction has 12 confirmations you can consider it settled. + + + + Block + + + + Hash + + + + From + + + + To + + + + Gas limit + + + + Gas price + + + + Gas used + + + + Nonce + + + + + TransactionPreview + + From + + + + Recipient + + + + Unknown + + + + Asset + + + + Amount + + + + Network fee + + + + Data + + + + Data field + + + + + TransactionSigner + + You need to enter a password + + + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + Signing phrase + + + + Signing phrase is a 3 word combination that displayed when you entered the wallet on this device for the first time. + + + + Enter the password you use to unlock this device + + + + Password + + + + Enter password + + + + + UnblockContactConfirmationDialog + + Unblock User + + + + Unblocking will allow new messages you received from %1 to reach you. + + + + + UserListPanel + + Offline + + + + Online + + + + Inactive + + + + Do not disturb + + + + Idle + + + + + UserStatusContextMenu + + View My Profile + + + + Always online + + + + Inactive + + + + Set status automatically + + + + Online + + + + Offline + + + + + ViewProfileMenuItem + + View Profile + + + + + WakuNodesModal + + Waku nodes + + + + Use Waku nodes + + + + Select node automatically + + + + Waku Nodes + + + + Node %1 + + + + Add a new node + + + + + WalletFooter + + Send + + + + Receive + + + + Buy / Sell + + + + + WelcomeView + + Welcome to Status + + + + Your fully decentralized gateway to Ethereum and Web3. Crypto wallet, privacy first group chat, and dApp browser. + + + + I am new to Status + + + + I already use Status + + + + + main + + StatusQ Documentation App + + + + Status Desktop + + + + Open Status + + + + Quit + + diff --git a/ui/i18n/qml_ko.ts b/ui/i18n/qml_ko.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6c5372dd95 --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/i18n/qml_ko.ts @@ -0,0 +1,19017 @@ + + + + + about-app + 앱 정보 + + + about-key-storage-content + 스테이터스는 절대로 사용자의 개인 키에 접근할 수 없습니다. 시드 구문을 안전하게 백업해주세요. 스마트폰을 잃어버려도 시드 구문을 통해 계정을 불러올 수 있습니다. + + + about-key-storage-title + 키 저장소 정보 + + + about-names-content + 그 누구도 사용자를 사칭할 수 없습니다. 사용자 계정은 기본적으로 익명이며, 사용자는 실제 이름을 밝힐 필요가 없습니다. 약간의 비용을 지불하면 원하는 이름을 등록할 수 있습니다. + + + about-names-title + 이름은 변경할 수 없습니다 + + + access-key + 키 불러오기 + + + access-existing-keys + 기존 키 액세스 + + + accept-and-share-address + 주소 수락 및 공유 + + + account-added + 계정 추가됨 + + + account-color + 계정 색상 + + + anyone + 누구든지 + + + messages-from-contacts-only-subtitle + 연락처에 추가한 친구만이 그룹으로 사용자를 초대하거나 새 채팅을 시작할 수 있습니다 + + + accept-new-chats-from + 다음의 새 채팅 수락 + + + account-name + 계정 이름 + + + account-settings + 계정 설정 + + + accounts + 계정 + + + active-online + 온라인 + + + active-unknown + 알 수 없음 + + + add + 추가 + + + add-a-watch-account + 열람 전용 계정 추가 + + + add-account + 계정 추가 + + + add-account-description + 모든 유형의 이더리움 계정을 스테이터스 지갑에 불러올 수 있습니다 + + + add-account-incorrect-password + 비밀번호가 올바르지 않습니다. 앱 잠금을 해제하는데 사용하는 비밀번호를 입력해주세요. + + + add-an-account + 계정 추가 + + + add-bootnode + 부트노드 추가 + + + add-contact + 연락처 추가 + + + add-custom-token + 커스텀 토큰 추가 + + + add-mailserver + 스테이터스 노드 추가 + + + add-members + 멤버 추가 + + + add-network + 네트워크 추가 + + + add-node + 노드 추가 + + + add-to-contacts + 연락처에 추가 + + + add-to-contacts-text + 특정 사용자를 연락처에 추가하면, 사용자의 지갑 주소를 공유하게 됩니다 + + + address + 주소 + + + address-received + 주소 받음 + + + address-requested + 주소 요청됨 + + + address-request-accepted + 주소 요청 수락됨 + + + advanced + 고급 설정 + + + advanced-settings + 고급 설정 + + + agree-by-continuing + 계속하면 아래 약관에 동의하는 것으로 간주됩니다. + 스테이터스 + + + all + 전체 + + + allow + 허용 + + + allowing-authorizes-this-dapp + 웹3를 활용하기 위해, 디앱이 사용자의 지갑 주소를 검색하는 것을 허용합니다 + + + already-have-asset + 이미 해당 자산을 가지고 있습니다 + + + amount + 수량 + + + are-you-sure-description + 지금부터 전체 시드 구문을 다시 확인할 수 없습니다 + + + are-you-sure? + 정말 삭제하시겠어요? + + + ask-in-status + 질문 및 버그 신고 + + + at + + + + authorize + 거래 승인 + + + available + 이용 가능 + + + available-participants + + {{count}}명 더 선택할 수 있습니다 + + + + back + 뒤로 + + + back-up-seed-phrase + 시드 구문 백업 + + + back-up-your-seed-phrase + 시드 구문 백업 + + + backup-recovery-phrase + 시드 구문 백업 + + + balance + 잔액 + + + begin-set-up + 설정 시작 + + + biometric-auth-android-sensor-desc + 터치 센서 + + + biometric-auth-android-sensor-error-desc + 실패 + + + biometric-auth-android-title + 인증 필요 + + + biometric-auth-confirm-logout + 재 로그인 + + + biometric-auth-confirm-message + 계속하려면 생체 인증이 필요합니다. 문제가 있을 경우 계정 비밀번호 또는 패스코드를 사용하여 해제해주세요 + + + biometric-auth-confirm-title + 반드시 인증해주시기 바랍니다! + + + biometric-auth-confirm-try-again + 다시 시도 + + + biometric-auth-error + 생체 인식 인증 진행 불가 ( {{code}} ) + + + biometric-auth-login-error-title + 생체 인식 인증 오류 + + + biometric-auth-login-ios-fallback-label + 비밀번호 입력 + + + biometric-auth-reason-login + 스테이터스 로그인 + + + biometric-auth-reason-verify + 인증 확인 + + + biometric-secure-with + {{bio-type-label}}(으)로 보호 + + + biometric-enable-keycard + 매번 키카드를 사용하지 않으려면, {{bio-type-label}} 로그인을 사용하세요 + + + biometric-enable + 비밀번호를 매번 입력하지 않으려면, {{bio-type-label}} 로그인을 사용하세요 + + + biometric-disable-bioauth + {{bio-type-label}} 사용 안 함 + + + biometric-disable-password-title + 비밀번호 저장 안함 + + + biometric-disable-password-description + 이 기능을 사용하지 않으면, + + + biometric-enable-button + {{bio-type-label}} 사용 + + + biometric-fingerprint + 지문 + + + biometric-faceid + 페이스 ID + + + biometric-touchid + 터치 ID + + + blank-keycard-text + 키와 이름을 생성하면 키카드로 계속 진행할 수 있습니다 + + + blank-keycard-title + 비어있는 키카드를 +사용하셨습니다 + + + block + 차단 + + + unblock + 차단 해제 + + + block-contact + 사용자 차단 + + + block-contact-details + 차단 기능을 사용하면 해당 사용자의 이전 메시지를 모두 삭제하고, 새 메시지가 귀하에게 전송되지 않습니다 + + + blocked-users + 차단된 사용자 + + + bootnode-address + 부트노드 주소 + + + bootnode-details + 부트노드 상세정보 + + + bootnode-format + enode://{enode-id}@{ip-address}:{port} + + + bootnodes + 부트노드 (Bootnode) + + + bootnodes-enabled + 부트노드 사용 + + + bootnodes-settings + 부트노드 설정 + + + browsed-websites + 브라우저 기록이 여기에 표시됩니다 + + + browser + 브라우저 + + + browser-not-secure + 연결이 안전하지 않습니다! 이 사이트에서 트랜잭션에 서명하거나 개인정보를 보내지 마십시오. + + + browser-secure + 연결이 안전합니다. 사이트를 정말 신뢰하는지 확인한 후 트랜잭션에 서명하거나 개인 정보를 입력하세요. + + + browsers + 브라우저 + + + browsing-cancel + 취소 + + + browsing-open-in-android-web-browser + 웹 브라우저로 열기 + + + browsing-open-in-ios-web-browser + 웹 브라우저로 열기 + + + browsing-open-in-status + 스테이터스로 열기 + + + browsing-site-blocked-description1 + 이 주소에서 잠재적인 악성 활동을 발견했습니다.사용자의 지갑을 보호하기 위해 추가적인 탐색을 금지했습니다. + +문제가 없다고 생각하시면, 저희에게 알려주시기 바랍니다 + + + browsing-site-blocked-description2 + 오픈채팅. + + + browsing-site-blocked-go-back + 돌아가기 + + + browsing-site-blocked-title + 이 사이트는 차단되었습니다 + + + browsing-title + 브라우저 + + + bug-report + 버그 신고 + + + bug-report-description + * 설명 + + + bug-report-description-placeholder + 필수, 비워둘 수 없음 + + + bug-report-steps + 재현 단계 + + + bug-report-steps-placeholder + - 앱 열기 +- 무언가 하기 +- 그리고 나서 다른... + + + bug-report-submit-email + 로그 아카이브와 함께 이메일로 제출 + + + bug-report-submit-gh-issue + 로그 없이 GitHub 이슈 제출 + + + bug-report-too-short-description + 설명이 너무 짧습니다 + + + camera-access-error + 카메라 권한을 승인하려면 시스템 설정에서 스테이터스 > 카메라가 선택되어 있는지 확인해 주세요. + + + can-not-add-yourself + 이건 본인입니다. 다른 사용자를 선택해주세요 + + + cancel + 취소 + + + cancel-keycard-setup + 키카드 설정 취소 + + + cannot-read-card + 카드를 읽을 수 없습니다. +휴대 전화 뒷면에 위치해주세요 + + + cannot-use-default-pin + 패스코드 000000은 허용되지 않습니다. +다른 번호를 사용해주세요 + + + card-is-blank + 카드가 비어 있습니다 + + + card-reseted + 카드가 재설정되었습니다 + + + card-unpaired + 이 기기에서 카드 페어링이 해제되었습니다 + + + change-fleet + 플릿을 {{fleet}}(으)로 변경 + + + change-log-level + 확인 후 로그 수준을 {{log-level}}(으)로 재시작 + + + change-logging-enabled + {{enable}} 로깅하시겠습니까? + + + change-passcode + 패스코드 변경 + + + change-password + 비밀번호 변경 + + + change-pin + 6자리 패스코드 변경 + + + change-puk + 12자리 PUK 변경 + + + change-pairing + 페어링 코드 변경 + + + change-pairing-title + 새 페어링 코드 만들기 + + + change-pairing-description + 페어링 코드를 변경해도 현재 페어링에는 영향을 주지 않습니다. 그러나 새 페어링에는 새 코드가 필요합니다. + + + changed-amount-warning + 수량이 {{old}}에서 {{new}}(으)로 변경되었습니다 + + + changed-asset-warning + 자산이 {{old}}에서 {{new}}(으)로 변경되었습니다 + + + chaos-mode + 카오스 모드 + + + chaos-unicorn-day + 카오스 유니콘 데이 + + + chaos-unicorn-day-details + 🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🚀! + + + chat + 채팅 + + + chat-and-transact + 검열과 감시 없는 안전한 채팅과 거래를 시작해보세요 + + + chat-key + 채팅 키 + + + chat-name + + + + chat-settings + 채팅 설정 + + + chats + 채팅 + + + check-your-recovery-phrase + 시드 구문 확인 + + + choose-authentication-method + 계정 인증 방법을 선택하세요 + + + clear + 지우기 + + + clear-all + 모두 지우기 + + + clear-history + 기록 삭제 + + + clear-history-action + 지우기 + + + clear-history-confirmation + 기록을 삭제하시겠습니까? + + + clear-history-confirmation-content + 채팅 기록을 지우시겠습니까? + + + clear-history-title + 기록을 삭제하시겠습니까? + + + close + 닫기 + + + close-app-button + 확인 + + + close-app-content + 앱이 종료됩니다. 앱을 다시 실행하면 설정한 네트워크가 사용됩니다 + + + close-app-title + 주의! + + + command-button-send + 보내기 + + + communities + 커뮤니티 + + + community-members + + 멤버 + + + + members-label + 멤버 + + + open-membership + 멤버십 오픈 + + + member-kick + 멤버 내보내기 + + + member-ban + 멤버 내보내기 + + + membership-requests + 멤버십 요청 + + + community-members-title + 멤버 + + + community-requests-to-join-title + 멤버십 요청 + + + name-your-channel + 채널 이름 지정 + + + name-your-channel-placeholder + 채널명 + + + give-a-short-description + 짧은 설명을 더하세요 + + + describe-channel + 채널 설명 + + + communities-alpha + 커뮤니티 (알파) + + + communities-verified + ✓ 검증된 스테이터스 커뮤니티 + + + communities-enabled + 커뮤니티 사용 + + + request-access + 접근 권한 요청 + + + membership-request-pending + 멤버십 요청 대기 중 + + + create-community + 커뮤니티 만들기 + + + create-category + 카테고리 생성 + + + rearrange-categories + 카테고리 재정렬 + + + edited + 수정 됨 + + + edit-community + 커뮤니티 편집 + + + editing-message + 메시지 편집 + + + community-edit-title + 커뮤니티 편집 + + + community-invite-title + 초대 + + + community-share-title + 공유 + + + invite + + + + create-channel + 채널 만들기 + + + import-community + 커뮤니티 가져오기 + + + import-community-title + 커뮤니티 가져오기 + + + name-your-community + 커뮤니티 이름 지정 + + + name-your-community-placeholder + 기억하기 쉬운 이름 + + + give-a-short-description-community + 짧은 설명을 더하세요 + + + new-community-title + 새 커뮤니티 + + + new-category + 새 카테고리 + + + category-title + 카테고리 제목 + + + membership-title + 멤버십 요건 + + + create-channel-title + 새 채널 + + + edit-channel-title + 채널 편집 + + + community-thumbnail-image + 미리보기 이미지 + + + community-emoji-thumbnail-title + 썸네일 + + + community-thumbnail-upload + 업로드 + + + community-image-take + 사진 촬영 + + + community-image-pick + 이미지 선택 + + + community-image-remove + 제거 + + + community-color + 커뮤니티 색상 + + + community-link + 커뮤니티 링크 + + + community-color-placeholder + 색상 선택 + + + membership-button + 멤버십 요건 + + + membership-none + 없음 + + + membership-none-placeholder + 신규 회원이 가입하기 전에 특정 기준을 충족하도록 요구할 수 있습니다. 기준은 언제든지 변경할 수 있습니다. + + + membership-approval + 승인 필요 + + + membership-approval-description + 커뮤니티는 무료로 가입할 수 있지만 신규 회원은 먼저 커뮤니티 생성인의 승인을 받아야 합니다. + + + membership-invite + 다른 멤버의 초대 필요 + + + membership-invite-description + 사용자의 커뮤니티는 오직 기존 멤버의 초대를 통해서만 참여할 수 있습니다 + + + membership-ens + ENS 사용자 이름 필요 + + + membership-ens-description + 사용자의 커뮤니티에 가입하려면 ENS 사용자 이름이 필요합니다 + + + membership-free + 요구 사항 없음 + + + membership-free-description + 사용자의 커뮤니티는 누구나 자유롭게 가입할 수 있습니다 + + + community-roles + 역할 + + + community-key + 커뮤니티 개인키 + + + community-key-placeholder + 커뮤니티 개인키 입력 + + + leave-community + 커뮤니티 나가기 + + + enter-user-pk + 사용자 공개키 입력 + + + import + 불러오기 + + + complete-hardwallet-setup + 카드가 연결되었습니다. 이 카드로 거래에 서명하거나 계정을 열람할 수 있습니다 + + + chat-notification-preferences + 알림 설정 + + + completed + 완료 + + + confirm + 비밀번호 확인 + + + confirmation-request + 확인 요청 + + + confirmations + 확인 + + + confirmations-helper-text + 12번 이상 확인된 트랜잭션은 확정된 것으로 간주됩니다. + + + connect + 접속 + + + connect-mailserver-content + {{name}}에 연결하시겠습니까? + + + connected + 연결됨 + + + connected-to + 다음으로 연결: + + + connecting + 연결 중... + + + connecting-requires-login + 다른 네트워크에 연결하려면 로그인하세요 + + + connection-with-the-card-lost + 카드와 연결이 + 끊어졌습니다 + + + connection-with-the-card-lost-setup-text + 설치를 다시 시작하려면 +스마트폰 뒷면에 카드를 대고 +접촉을 유지해주시기 바랍니다 + + + connection-with-the-card-lost-text + 계속하려면, 카드를 스마트폰의 뒷면에 대주세요 + + + contact-code + 채팅 키 + + + contact-s + + 연락처 + + + + contacts + 연락처 + + + continue + 계속 + + + contract-address + 컨트랙트 주소 + + + contract-interaction + 컨트랙트 상호 작용 + + + copy-info + 정보 복사 + + + copy-qr + 코드 복사 + + + copy-to-clipboard + 클립보드에 복사 + + + copy-transaction-hash + 트랜잭션 ID 복사 + + + cost-fee + 비용 + + + counter-9-plus + 9+ + + + counter-99-plus + 99+ + + + create + 만들기 + + + create-a-pin + 6자리 패스코드 만들기 + + + create-a-puk + 12자리 PUK 만들기 + + + create-group-chat + 그룹 채팅 생성 + + + create-multiaccount + 키 생성 + + + create-new-key + 새로운 키 획득 + + + create-pin + 6자리 패스코드만들기 + + + create-pin-description + 스테이터스를 해제하고 트랜잭션을 확인하려면 카드와 6자리 패스코드가 필요합니다 + + + created-group-chat-description + {{group-name}} 그룹을 생성했습니다 + + + members-count + {{count}} 명 + + + cryptokitty-name + CryptoKitty # {{id}} + + + currency + 통화 + + + currency-display-name-aed + 아랍에미레이트 디르함 + + + currency-display-name-afn + 아프가니스탄 아프가니 + + + currency-display-name-ars + 아르헨티나 페소 + + + currency-display-name-aud + 호주 달러 + + + currency-display-name-bbd + 바베이도스 달러 + + + currency-display-name-bdt + 방글라데시 타카 + + + currency-display-name-bgn + 불가리아 레프 + + + currency-display-name-bhd + 바레인 디나르 + + + currency-display-name-bnd + 브루나이 달러 + + + currency-display-name-bob + 볼리비아 볼리비아노 + + + currency-display-name-brl + 브라질 헤알 + + + currency-display-name-btn + 부탄 눌트럼 + + + currency-display-name-cad + 캐나다 달러 + + + currency-display-name-chf + 스위스 프랑 + + + currency-display-name-clp + 칠레 페소 + + + currency-display-name-cny + 중국 위안화 + + + currency-display-name-cop + 콜롬비아 페소 + + + currency-display-name-crc + 코스타리카 콜론 + + + currency-display-name-czk + 체코 코루나 + + + currency-display-name-dkk + 덴마크 크로네 + + + currency-display-name-dop + 도미니카 공화국 페소 + + + currency-display-name-egp + 이집트 파운드 + + + currency-display-name-etb + 에티오피아 비르 + + + currency-display-name-eur + 유로 + + + currency-display-name-gbp + 영국 파운드 + + + currency-display-name-gel + 조지아 라리 + + + currency-display-name-ghs + 가나 세디 + + + currency-display-name-hkd + 홍콩 달러 + + + currency-display-name-hrk + 크로아티아 쿠나 + + + currency-display-name-huf + 헝가리 포린트 + + + currency-display-name-idr + 인도네시아 루피아 + + + currency-display-name-ils + 이스라엘 셰켈 + + + currency-display-name-inr + 인도 루피 + + + currency-display-name-isk + 아이슬란드 크로나 + + + currency-display-name-jmd + 자메이카 달러 + + + currency-display-name-jpy + 일본 엔 + + + currency-display-name-kes + 케냐 실링 + + + currency-display-name-krw + 대한민국 원 + + + currency-display-name-kwd + 쿠웨이트 디나르 + + + currency-display-name-kzt + 카자흐스탄 텡게 + + + currency-display-name-lkr + 스리랑카 루피 + + + currency-display-name-mad + 모로코 디람 + + + currency-display-name-mdl + 몰도바 레우 + + + currency-display-name-mur + 모리셔스 루피 + + + currency-display-name-mwk + 말라위 콰차 + + + currency-display-name-mxn + 멕시코 페소 + + + currency-display-name-myr + 말레이시아 링깃 + + + currency-display-name-mzn + 모잠비크 메티칼 + + + currency-display-name-nad + 나미비아 달러 + + + currency-display-name-ngn + 나이지리아 나이라 + + + currency-display-name-nok + 노르웨이 크로네 + + + currency-display-name-npr + 네팔 루피 + + + currency-display-name-nzd + 뉴질랜드 달러 + + + currency-display-name-omr + 오만 리알 + + + currency-display-name-pen + 페루 솔 + + + currency-display-name-pgk + 파푸아 뉴기니 키나 + + + currency-display-name-php + 필리핀 페소 + + + currency-display-name-pkr + 파키스탄 루피 + + + currency-display-name-pln + 폴란드 즈워티 + + + currency-display-name-pyg + 파라과이 과라니 + + + currency-display-name-qar + 카타르 리얄 + + + currency-display-name-ron + 루마니아 레우 + + + currency-display-name-rsd + 세르비아 디나르 + + + currency-display-name-rub + 러시아 루블 + + + currency-display-name-sar + 사우디 아라비아 리얄 + + + currency-display-name-sek + 스웨덴 크로나 + + + currency-display-name-sgd + 싱가포르 달러 + + + currency-display-name-thb + 태국 바트 + + + currency-display-name-try + 터키 리라 + + + currency-display-name-ttd + 트리니다드 토바고 달러 + + + currency-display-name-twd + 대만 달러 + + + currency-display-name-tzs + 탄자니아 실링 + + + currency-display-name-uah + 우크라이나 흐리브냐 + + + currency-display-name-ugx + 우간다 실링 + + + currency-display-name-usd + 미국 달러 + + + currency-display-name-uyu + 우루과이 페소 + + + currency-display-name-vef + 베네수엘라 볼리바르 + + + currency-display-name-vnd + 베트남 동 + + + currency-display-name-zar + 남아프리카 공화국 랜드 + + + current-network + 현재 네트워크 + + + current-pin + 6자리 패스코드 입력 + + + current-pin-description + 6자리 패스코드를 입력해 계속 진행하세요 + + + custom + 커스텀 토큰 + + + custom-networks + 사용자 정의 네트워크 + + + dapp + 디앱 + + + dapp-would-like-to-connect-wallet + 를 아래 지갑에 연결합니다 + + + dapps + 디앱 + + + dapps-permissions + 디앱 권한 + + + data + 데이터 + + + datetime-ago + + + + datetime-ago-format + {{number}}{{time-intervals}} {{ago}} + + + datetime-ago-format-short + {{number}}{{time-intervals}} + + + datetime-day + + + + + + datetime-hour + + 시간 + + + + datetime-minute + + + + + + datetime-second + + + + + + datetime-day-short + + + + + + datetime-hour-short + + 시간 + + + + datetime-minute-short + + + + + + datetime-second-short + + + + + + datetime-today + 오늘 + + + datetime-yesterday + 어제 + + + decimals + 소수점 (Decimals) + + + decline + 거절 + + + decryption-failed-content + 데이터를 복호화하는 중에 오류가 발생했습니다. 오래된 데이터를 삭제하고 새로운 계정을 생성해야 합니다. "적용"으로 기존 데이터를 지우거나 "취소"로 다시 시도해주세요 + + + default + 기본 설정 + + + delete + 삭제 + + + delete-and-leave-group + 그룹 삭제 및 탈퇴 + + + delete-bootnode + 부트노드 삭제 + + + delete-bootnode-are-you-sure + 이 부트노드를 삭제하시겠습니까? + + + delete-bootnode-title + 부트노드 삭제 + + + delete-chat + 채팅방 삭제 + + + delete-chat-confirmation + 이 채팅을 삭제하시겠습니까? + + + delete-category-confirmation + 이 카테고리를 삭제하시겠습니까? + + + delete-confirmation + 삭제하시겠습니까? + + + delete-mailserver + 스테이터스 노드 삭제 + + + delete-mailserver-are-you-sure + 이 스테이터스 노드를 삭제하시겠습니까? + + + delete-mailserver-title + 스테이터스 노드 삭제 + + + delete-message + 메시지 삭제 + + + delete-my-account + 계정 삭제 + + + delete-network-confirmation + 이 네트워크를 삭제하시겠습니까? + + + delete-network-error + 이 네트워크를 삭제하기 전에 다른 네트워크에 연결하세요 + + + delete-network-title + 네트워크를 삭제하시겠습니까? + + + delete-node + 노드 삭제 + + + delete-node-are-you-sure + 이 노드를 삭제하시겠습니까? + + + delete-node-title + 노드 삭제 + + + delete-profile + 프로필 삭제 + + + delete-my-profile + 내 프로필 삭제 + + + delete-profile-warning + 경고: 시드 구문을 별도로 백업하지 않은 경우, 프로필을 삭제하면 내 자산에 접근할 수 없게 됩니다 + + + profile-deleted-title + 프로필 삭제 완료 + + + profile-deleted-content + 프로필이 성공적으로 삭제되었습니다 + + + profile-deleted-keycard + 이제 키카드에서 다른 키 쌍을 복구하세요 + + + deny + 거절 + + + description + 설명 + + + dev-mode + 개발 모드 + + + dev-mode-settings + 개발 모드 설정 + + + device-syncing + 기기 동기화 + + + devices + 기기 + + + disable + 비활성화 + + + disabled + 비활성화 + + + disconnected + 연결 중... + + + discover + 찾아보기 + + + dismiss + 무시 + + + done + 완료 + + + edit + 편집 + + + edit-group + 그룹 편집 + + + edit-profile + 프로필 편집 + + + empty-chat-description + 이 채팅에 아직 +메시지가 없습니다 + + + empty-chat-description-one-to-one + 채팅방의 모든 메시지는 암호화되며, 귀하와 상대방만 열람할 수 있습니다. 채팅 상대: + + + empty-chat-description-public + 이 채팅방은 지난 {{quiet-hours}} 동안 대화가 없었습니다. 대화를 시작하거나 + + + cleared-chat-description-public + 최근 대화 내용이 없습니다. 대화를 시작하거나 + + + empty-chat-description-community + 지난 {{quiet-hours}} 동안 이곳은 활동이 없었습니다. + + + empty-chat-description-public-share-this + 이 채팅을 공유하세요. + + + enable + 사용 + + + encrypt-with-password + 비밀번호로 암호화 + + + ens-10-SNT + 10 SNT + + + ens-add-username + 사용자 이름 추가 + + + ens-agree-to + 다음에 동의합니다 + + + ens-chat-settings + 채팅 설정 + + + ens-custom-domain + 커스텀 도메인 + + + ens-custom-username-hints + username.domain.eth와 같은 커스텀 도메인 형식의 사용자 이름을 입력해주세요 + + + ens-custom-username-taken + 소유한 사용자 이름이 아닙니다 :( + + + ens-deposit + 입금 + + + ens-displayed-with + 귀하의 메시지가 다른 사용자에게 다음과 같이 표시됩니다 + + + ens-get-name + 범용 사용자 이름 등록 + + + ens-got-it + 알겠습니다 + + + ens-locked + 사용자 이름이 등록되었습니다. {{date}}까지 이름을 해지할 수 없습니다 + + + ens-network-restriction + Mainnet에서만 사용 가능 + + + ens-no-usernames + 연결된 사용자 이름이 없습니다 + + + ens-powered-by + Powered by Ethereum Name Services + + + ens-primary-username + 주 사용자 이름 + + + ens-register + 등록하기 + + + ens-registration-in-progress + 등록 중... + + + ens-registration-failure + 등록 실패 + + + ens-dismiss-message + 닫으려면 여기를 클릭하세요 + + + ens-registration-failed + 사용자 이름을 등록하려면 다시 시도해주세요 + + + ens-registration-failed-title + 트랜잭션 실패 + + + ens-release-username + 사용자 이름 계약 해지 + + + ens-remove-hints + 제거하면 키와 사용자 이름이 분리됩니다. + + + ens-remove-username + 사용자 이름 삭제 + + + ens-saved + 은 채팅 키와 연결되어 스테이터스에서 사용 가능합니다. + + + ens-saved-title + 사용자 이름 추가됨 + + + ens-show-username + 채팅창에 내 ENS 이름 표시 + + + ens-terms-header + 이름 등록 약관 + + + ens-terms-point-1 + 자산은 1년 동안 예치됩니다. 여러분의 SNT는 잠기게 되며, 별도로 지출되지 않습니다. + + + ens-terms-point-10 + 0x00000000000C2E074eC69A0dFb2997BA6C7d2e1e (ENS 레지스트리). + + + ens-terms-point-2 + 1년 후, 등록한 이름의 계약을 해지하고 예치금을 돌려받을 수 있습니다. 이름을 유지하고 싶을 경우에는 별도의 조치를 할 필요가 없습니다. + + + ens-terms-point-3 + 스테이터스가 컨트랙트를 업그레이드 하는 등으로 이용 약관을 변경하는 경우, 사용자는 남은 기간에 상관 없이 사용자 이름을 해지할 수 있습니다. + + + ens-terms-point-4 + 컨트랙트 관리자는 사용자의 예치금에 접근할 수 없습니다. 이는 등록된 주소로만 반환됩니다. + + + ens-terms-point-5 + 사용자의 주소는 ENS 이름과 공개적으로 연동됩니다. + + + ens-terms-point-6 + 사용자 이름은 stateofus.eth 의 서브 도메인 노드로 생성되며, ENS 스마트 컨트랙트 이용 약관을 따릅니다. + + + ens-terms-point-7 + 사용자를 대신하여 SNT를 양도하는 계약을 승인합니다. 이는 트랜잭션에 전송 권한을 부여할 때부터 유효합니다. + + + ens-terms-point-8 + 이러한 조항은 다음 주소의 스마트 컨트랙트 로직으로 보장됩니다: + + + ens-terms-point-9 + {{address}} (Status UsernameRegistrar) + + + ens-terms-registration + 이름 등록 약관. + + + ens-test-message + 안녕하세요 + + + ens-transaction-pending + 트랜잭션 대기 중... + + + ens-understand + 지갑 주소와 사용자 이름이 공개적으로 연결됨을 이해합니다. + + + ens-username + ENS 사용자 이름 + + + ens-username-available + ✓ 사용자 이름을 사용할 수 있습니다! + + + ens-username-connected + 이 사용자 이름은 사용자가 소유하며, 채팅 키와 연결됩니다. + + + ens-username-connection-confirmation + 트랜잭션이 완료되면 {{username}}와 연결됩니다 + + + ens-username-hints + 최소 4자 이상이어야 하며, 알파벳 소문자 및 숫자만 가능합니다. + + + ens-username-invalid + 문자와 숫자만 가능. + + + ens-username-owned + ✓ 이미 소유한 이름입니다. + + + ens-username-registration-confirmation + 좋습니다! 트랜잭션이 완료되면 {{username}}(을)를 소유하게 됩니다 + + + ens-username-you-can-follow-progress + 지갑의 트랜잭션 기록 섹션에서 진행 상황을 확인할 수 있습니다. + + + ens-usernames + ENS 이름 + + + ens-usernames-details + 다른 사용자가 쉽게 인지할 수 있도록 범용 사용자 이름을 등록하세요 + + + wallet-address + 지갑 주소 + + + ens-want-custom-domain + 다른 도메인의 이름 가져오기 + + + ens-want-domain + stateofus.eth 도메인 획득하기 + + + ens-welcome-hints + ENS 이름은 굉장히 긴 주소를 직관적인 사용자 이름으로 변환합니다. + + + ens-welcome-point-customize + ENS 이름은 채팅에서 보이는 무작위 영단어 3개짜리 이름을 대체하는 닉네임입니다. {{name}} 대신 @닉네임 을 사용하세요. + + + ens-welcome-point-customize-title + 채팅 이름을 원하는 대로 만들어보세요 + + + ens-welcome-point-simplify + (0x...)로 시작하는 16진수 해시값 대신, 읽고 쓰기 쉬운 ENS 이름으로 거래를 시작하세요. + + + ens-welcome-point-simplify-title + ETH 주소를 단순화하세요 + + + ens-welcome-point-receive + 다른 사람들과 더욱 간편하게 거래하세요. + + + ens-welcome-point-receive-title + 채팅으로 트랜잭션을 진행하세요 + + + ens-welcome-point-register + 한 번 이름을 등록하면, 해당 이름을 영원히 보유할 수 있습니다. 등록한 지 1년 후, 이름을 공개하고 SNT를 돌려받을 수 있습니다. + + + ens-welcome-point-register-title + 10 SNT만으로 등록할 수 있습니다 + + + ens-welcome-point-verify + 다음 단계에서 소유한 사용자 이름을 인증하고 추가하세요. + + + ens-welcome-point-verify-title + 이미 사용자 이름이 있으신가요? + + + ens-your-username + 사용자 이름 + + + ens-your-usernames + 사용자 이름 + + + ens-your-your-name + ENS 이름 + + + ens-username-already-added + 사용자 이름은 사용자의 채팅 키와 연결되며, 스테이터스에서 사용 가능합니다. + + + ens-username-connected-continue + '채팅에서 ENS 사용자 이름 표시'를 설정합니다. + + + ens-username-connected-with-different-key + 사용자 이름과 현재 키를 연결하는 트랜잭션이 필요합니다. + + + ens-username-owned-continue + 계속하면 이 사용자 이름이 채팅 키와 연결됩니다. + + + ens-username-taken + 이미 사용 중인 이름입니다 :( + + + ens-name-not-found + ENS 이름을 확인할 수 없습니다 + + + ens-username-registration-invalid + 경고! 등록 프로세스에 문제가 발생했습니다. 지갑 트랜잭션에 해당 ENS 이름을 사용하지 마시고, support@status으로 문의해주세요 + + + ens-username-invalid-name-warning + ENS 이름 중 하나의 등록 프로세스에 문제가 발생했습니다. 지갑 트랜잭션에 해당 ENS 이름을 사용하지 마시고, support@status.im으로 지원팀에 문의해주세요 + + + enter-12-words + 12단어의 시드 구문을 입력하되 띄어쓰기로 구분해주세요 + + + enter-a-private-key + 개인 키 입력 + + + enter-a-seed-phrase + 시드 구문 입력 + + + enter-address + 주소 입력 + + + enter-contact-code + ENS (vitalik94) 또는 채팅 키 (0x04…) + + + enter-pair-code + 페어링 코드 입력 + + + pair-code-placeholder + 페어링 코드... + + + enter-pair-code-description + 이미 페어링 된 스테이터스 클라이언트에서 페어링 코드를 설정할 수 있습니다 + + + enter-password + 비밀번호 입력 + + + enter-password-migration-prompt + 암호를 입력하고 키와 함께 연락처, 채팅 및 설정을 이전합니다 + + + migration-successful + 마이그레이션 성공 + + + migration-successful-text + 계정이 키카드로 성공적으로 마이그레이션되었습니다 + + + skip + 건너 뛰기 + + + password-placeholder + 비밀번호... + + + confirm-password-placeholder + 비밀번호 확인... + + + enter-pin + 6자리 패스코드 입력 + + + enter-puk-code + PUK 코드 입력 + + + enter-puk-code-description + 6자리 패스코드가 차단되었습니다. + PUK 코드를 입력해 차단을 해제하세요. + + + enter-recipient-address-or-username + 수신인의 지갑 주소 또는 사용자 이름을 입력하세요 + + + enter-seed-phrase + 시드 구문 입력 + + + enter-url + URL 입력 + + + enter-watch-account-address + QR 코드 스캔 +또는 +열람할 주소를 입력하세요 + + + enter-word + 단어 입력 + + + enter-your-code + 6자리 패스코드 입력 + + + enter-your-password + 비밀번호 입력 + + + error + 오류 + + + error-unable-to-get-balance + 잔액을 가져올 수 없습니다 + + + error-unable-to-get-prices + 통화 변환 오류가 발생했습니다. 다시 시도하려면 화면을 새로고침하세요. + + + error-unable-to-get-token-balance + 토큰 잔액을 가져올 수 없습니다 + + + errors + 오류 + + + eth + ETH + + + ethereum-node-started-incorrectly-description + 이더리움 노드가 잘못된 구성으로 시작되어, 어플리케이션이 중지되고 해당 상태에서 복구됩니다. 구성된 네트워크 ID = {{network-id}} , 실제 ID = {{fetched-network-id}} + + + ethereum-node-started-incorrectly-title + 이더리움 노드가 잘못 시작되었습니다 + + + etherscan-lookup + Etherscan에서 보기 + + + export-account + 계정 정보 내보내기 + + + export-key + 개인키 내보내기 + + + community-private-key + 커뮤니티 개인키 + + + failed + 실패 + + + faq + 자주 묻는 질문 + + + fetch-messages + ↓ 메시지 가져오기 + + + fetch-timeline + ↓ 가져오기 + + + find + 찾기 + + + finish + 완료 + + + finishing-card-setup + 카드 설정 마무리 + + + fleet + 플릿(Fleet) + + + fleet-settings + 플릿(Fleet) 설정 + + + follow-your-interests + 오픈채팅에서 새로운 사람들을 만나보세요 + + + follow + 팔로우 + + + free + ↓ 무료 + + + from + 보내는 주소 + + + gas-limit + 가스 한도 + + + gas-price + 가스 가격 + + + gas-used + 사용된 가스 + + + generate-a-key + 키 생성 + + + generate-a-new-account + 계정 생성 + + + generate-a-new-key + 새로운 키 생성 + + + generate-account + 키 생성 + + + generate-new-key + 키 생성 + + + your-keys + 키 목록 + + + generating-codes-for-pairing + > 제품 소프트웨어를 카드에 다운로드 + > 잠금 해제 및 페어링 코드 생성 + + + generating-keys + 키 생성 중... + + + you-will-need-this-code + 이 코드는 스테이터스 및 트랜잭션 서명에 필요합니다 + + + generating-mnemonic + 시드 구문 생성 + + + get-started + 시작 + + + get-status-at + http://status.im 에서 스테이터스를 만나보세요 + + + get-stickers + 이모티콘 가져오기 + + + go-to-settings + 설정으로 이동... + + + got-it + 확인했습니다 + + + group-chat + 그룹 채팅 + + + group-chat-admin + 관리자 + + + group-chat-admin-added + ** {{member}} ** 님이 관리자로 지정됨 + + + group-chat-created + ** {{member}} ** 님이 ** {{name}} ** 그룹 생성 + + + group-chat-decline-invitation + 초대 거절 + + + group-chat-member-added + ** {{member}} ** 님이 초대됨 + + + group-chat-member-joined + ** {{member}} ** 님이 그룹에 참여 + + + group-chat-member-removed + ** {{member}} ** 님이 그룹을 떠남 + + + group-chat-members-count + {{selected}}/{{max}} 멤버 + + + group-chat-name-changed + ** {{member}} ** 님이 그룹명을 ** {{name}} ** (으)로 변경 + + + group-chat-no-contacts + 아직 연락처가 없습니다. +친구들을 초대하고 채팅을 시작해보세요 + + + leave-chat + 채팅방 나가기 + + + leave-confirmation + {{chat-name}} 나가기 + + + leave-chat-confirmation + 채팅 기록이 기기에서 삭제됩니다. 다시 채팅 기록을 검색할 수 없습니다. + + + group-chat-all-contacts-invited + 이미 모든 연락처가 그룹에 있습니다. + + + group-info + 그룹 정보 + + + gwei + Gwei + + + hash + 해시값 + + + help + 도움말 + + + help-capitalized + 도움말 + + + help-center + 도움말 센터 + + + hide-content-when-switching-apps + 화면 캡처 차단 + + + hide-content-when-switching-apps-ios + 미리보기 숨기기 + + + history + 기록 + + + history-nodes + 스테이터스 노드 + + + hold-card + 카드를 휴대전화 뒷면에 위치해주세요 + + + home + + + + hooks + 후크 (Hooks) + + + identifier + 식별자 + + + image-remove-current + 현재 사진 삭제 + + + image-source-gallery + 갤러리에서 선택하기 + + + image-source-make-photo + 촬영 + + + image-source-title + 사진 편집 + + + profile-pic-take + 사진 촬영 + + + profile-pic-pick + 갤러리에서 선택 + + + profile-pic-remove + 사진 삭제 + + + in-contacts + 연락처에 등록되어 있습니다 + + + incoming + 입금 + + + incoming-transaction + 입금 트랜잭션 + + + incorrect-code::0 + str + + + incorrect-code::1 + 잘못된 코드입니다. 다시 입력해 주세요 + + + initialization + 초기화 + + + install + ↓ 설치 + + + intro-message1 + 스테이터스에 오신 것을 환영합니다! +이 메시지를 탭하여 비밀번호를 설정하고 시작하세요. + + + intro-privacy-policy-note1 + 스테이터스는 절대로 개인 정보를 수집, 공유 및 판매하지 않습니다. 계속하면 다음에 동의하는 것으로 간주됩니다: + + + intro-privacy-policy-note2 + 개인 정보 정책 + + + intro-text + 스테이터스는 탈중앙 웹으로 향하는 첫걸음입니다 + + + intro-text1 + 검열과 해킹으로부터 자유로운 P2P 네트워크로 자유롭게 채팅하세요 + + + intro-text2 + 전세계 어디서든 디지털 자산을 주고 받을 수 있습니다. 은행 계좌가 필요하지 않습니다 + + + intro-text3 + 여러분의 데이터를 안전하게 지키는 게임, 거래소, SNS를 체험해보세요 + + + intro-title1 + 검열 없는 안전한 커뮤니케이션 + + + intro-title2 + 안전한 암호화폐 지갑 + + + intro-title3 + 탈중앙 앱 + + + intro-wizard-text1 + 키는 사용자의 스마트폰에 저장됩니다. 저장된 키가 스테이터스 계정을 관리합니다. + + + intro-wizard-text2 + 키 하나는 채팅 이름으로 사용합니다. 읽을 수 있는 이름이며, 앞으로 변경할 수 없습니다. + + + intro-wizard-text3 + 키카드를 보유하고 있다면, 더욱 안전한 보안을 위해 키카드에 키를 저장하세요. + + + intro-wizard-text4 + 키 보안 및 암호화 + + + intro-wizard-text6 + 스테이터스는 새로운 메시지를 수신하면 사용자에게 알림을 전달합니다. 사용자는 추후에 설정에서 알림 옵션을 변경할 수 있습니다. + + + intro-wizard-title-alt4 + 비밀번호 만들기 + + + intro-wizard-title-alt5 + 비밀번호 확인 + + + intro-wizard-title1 + 키 생성하기 + + + intro-wizard-title2 + 채팅 이름 선택 + + + intro-wizard-title3 + 키 저장소 선택 + + + intro-wizard-title4 + 6자리 패스코드 만들기 + + + intro-wizard-title5 + 패스코드 확인 + + + intro-wizard-title6 + 알림 사용 + + + are-you-sure-to-cancel + 취소하시겠습니까? + + + you-will-start-from-scratch + 처음부터 새로운 키로 다시 시작합니다 + + + invalid-address-qr-code + 스캔한 QR 코드에 유효한 주소가 포함되어 있지 않습니다 + + + invalid-format + 잘못된 형식 +{{format}} 이어야 합니다 + + + invalid-key-confirm + 적용 + + + invalid-key-content + 파일이 손상되어 데이터베이스를 암호화할 수 없습니다. 자산과 채팅 키는 안전하지만, 채팅과 연락처 같은 데이터는 복구될 수 없습니다. "{{erase-multiaccounts-data-button-text}}" 버튼으로 다른 모든 데이터를 삭제하고, 기존 자산 접근과 메시지 전송을 그대로 이용하세요 + + + invalid-number + 잘못된 숫자 + + + invalid-pairing-password + 잘못된 페어링 비밀번호 + + + invalid-range + 잘못된 형식, {{min}} ~ {{max}} 사이 여야합니다 + + + invalid-username-or-key + 잘못된 사용자 이름 또는 채팅 키 + + + join-me + 스테이터스에서 만나요: {{url}} + + + join-a-community + 또는 커뮤니티에 참여 + + + http-gateway-error + 죄송합니다. 요청이 실패했습니다! + + + sign-request-failed + 메시지에 서명할 수 없습니다 + + + invite-friends + 친구 초대 + + + invite-people + 친구 초대 + + + invite-reward + 친구를 초대하고 암호화폐를 받아보세요! + + + invite-select-account + 초대 보너스를 받을 계정 선택 + + + invited + 초대됨 + + + invite-button + 초대 + + + invite-receive-account + 초대 보너스를 받을 계정 + + + how-it-works + 어떻게 시작하나요? + + + invite-warning + 이 프로모션은 미국 거주자가 아니며 안드로이드 기기를 사용하는 유저에게만 유효합니다. 초대받은 친구는 7일 이내로 초대를 확인해야 합니다 + + + invite-instruction-first + 친구가 스테이터스를 다운로드하고 사용할 수 있도록 특별 초대 링크를 보내세요 + + + invite-instruction-second + 친구는 스테이터스를 다운로드하고 계정을 만듭니다 (안드로이드만 가능) + + + invite-instruction-third + 초대가 확인되면 친구와의 채팅이 시작됩니다. + + + invite-instruction-fourth + 사용자는 초대 보너스를, 친구는 스타터 팩을 받게 됩니다 + + + invite-instruction-fifth + 초대 보너스는 언제든지 환급 가능합니다. + + + invite-reward-you + 사용자: + + + invite-reward-you-name + 초대 보너스 + + + invite-reward-you-description + 친구를 초대하고 {{reward}} 초대 보너스를 받아보세요! 받은 보너스로 스테이터스에서 이모티콘을 구입하거나, ENS 이름 등록 및 디앱에 활용할 수 있습니다 + + + invite-reward-friend + 친구: + + + invite-reward-friend-name + 스타터 팩 + + + invite-reward-friend-description + 친구는 {{reward}}로 구성된 스테이터스 스타터 팩을 받고, 스테이터스를 시작합니다 + + + invite-privacy-policy1 + 수락을 누르면 초대 프로그램 약관에 동의하는 것으로 간주됩니다. + + + invite-privacy-policy2 + 이용 약관. + + + invite-privacy-policy-public + 초대 링크를 통해 스테이터스를 설치했습니다. 이 채팅에 참여하면 추천인에게 보상을 제공하고 다음에 동의하는 것으로 간주됩니다 + + + invite-chat-name + 친구 초대 + + + invite-chat-starter-pack + 스타터 팩 + + + invite-chat-intro + 친구가 스테이터스로 초대했습니다. 여러분의 시작을 도울 암호화폐가 준비되어 있습니다! SNT를 통해 ENS 이름을 등록하거나 이모티콘을 구매해보세요 + + + invite-public-chat-home + 추천 초대 + + + invite-public-chat-intro + 스테이터스 사용에 도움이 될 암호화폐입니다! ENS 이름을 등록하거나 이모티콘 패키지를 구입해보세요 + + + invite-chat-accept + 수락 + + + invite-chat-pending + 대기 중 + + + invite-chat-accept-join + 수락 및 참여 + + + invite-chat-rule + 수락하면 사용자의 친구는 암호화폐로 초대 보너스를 받게 됩니다 + + + redeem-now + 보너스 받기 + + + redeem-amount + {{quantity}} 보너스 수령 가능 + + + redeem-success + 성공적으로 보너스를 받았습니다! + + + attribution-received + 총 {{max}}개 중 {{attrib}}개 보너스 받음 + + + advertiser-starter-pack-title + 스타터 팩 + + + advertiser-starter-pack-description + 스테이터스를 시작하는 데 도움이 될 암호화폐입니다! SNT를 활용하여 이모티콘을 구입하고, ENS 이름을 등록하거나 디앱을 사용해보세요 + + + advertiser-title + 개인 정보 보호 + + + advertiser-description + 친구의 초대로 스테이터스에 입문하셨습니다. 스테이터스가 귀하의 IP를 한 번만 확인하여 보상을 진행해도 괜찮을까요? 이 정보는 다른 용도로 절대 사용되지 않으며, 7일 후에 완전히 삭제됩니다. + + + advertiser-starter-pack-accept + 수락 + + + advertiser-starter-pack-decline + 거절 + + + dapp-starter-pack-title + 스타터 팩 + + + dapp-starter-pack-description + 스테이터스를 시작하는 데 도움이 될 암호화폐입니다! SNT를 활용하여 이모티콘을 구입하고, ENS 이름을 등록하거나 디앱을 브라우징해보세요 + + + dapp-starter-pack-accept + 동의하고 열기 + + + starter-pack-coming + 곧 스타터 팩이 지급됩니다 + + + starter-pack-coming-description + 몇 분에서 몇 시간이 걸릴 수 있습니다 + + + starter-pack-received + 스타터 팩을 받았습니다 + + + starter-pack-received-description + 스테이터스를 시작하는 데 도움이 될 암호화폐입니다! SNT를 활용하여 이모티콘을 구입하고, ENS 이름을 등록하거나 디앱을 사용해보세요 + + + join-group-chat + 그룹 참여 + + + join-group-chat-description + {{username}} 님이 {{group-name}} 그룹에 초대 + + + joined-group-chat-description + {{username}} 님의 초대로 {{group-name}} 에 입장했습니다 + + + key + + + + keycard + 키카드 + + + keycard-access-reset + 키카드 접근 권한이 초기화되었습니다 + + + keycard-can-use-with-new-passcode + 새 패스코드로 이 카드를 사용할 수 있습니다. + + + keycard-applet-install-instructions + 애플릿을 설치하려면 https://github.com/status-im/keycard-cli#keycard-applet-installation 를 확인해주세요 + + + keycard-blocked + 키카드가 차단되었습니다. +계속 사용하려면 카드를 재설정해야 합니다. + + + keycard-cancel-setup-text + 키카드 설치가 취소됩니다. 키카드를 사용하려면 설치를 완료해야 합니다. 설치를 취소하시겠습니까? + + + keycard-cancel-setup-title + 위험한 작업 + + + keycard-desc + 키카드를 보유하고 계신가요? 트랜잭션에 사용할 키를 키카드에 저장하세요 + + + keycard-dont-ask-card + 로그인 시 카드 요청 안함 + + + keycard-reset-passcode + 패스코드 재설정 + + + keycard-factory-reset + 공장 설정으로 카드 초기화 + + + keycard-factory-reset-title + 공장 초기화를 진행하시겠습니까? + + + keycard-factory-reset-text + 카드에 저장된 모든 니모닉 구문이 삭제됩니다. 이 키카드와 함께 사용했던 니모닉 구문의 백업이 있는지 확인해주세요. + + + keycard-enter-new-passcode + 새 패스코드 입력 {{step}} / 2 + + + keycard-has-multiaccount-on-it + 카드가 이미 가득 찼습니다. 카드는 하나의 키 쌍을 보유할 수 있습니다. + + + keycard-onboarding-finishing-header + 마무리 작업 진행 중 + + + keycard-onboarding-intro-header + 키카드에 키를 저장하세요 + + + keycard-onboarding-intro-text + 이 작업은 몇 분 정도 소요되며, 여러분의 계정을 안전하게 보호하기 위해 중요한 작업입니다. + + + keycard-onboarding-pairing-header + 카드 페어링 중... + + + keycard-onboarding-preparing-header + 카드 준비 중... + + + keycard-onboarding-puk-code-header + 메모하신 후 + 안전한 장소에 보관해주세요 + + + keycard-onboarding-recovery-phrase-description + 이 시드 구문 단어들을 통해 계정을 복구할 수 있습니다. 이 단어들을 오프라인상에 안전하게 보관하시길 바랍니다. + + + keycard-onboarding-recovery-phrase-header + 시드 구문을 백업하세요 + + + keycard-onboarding-recovery-phrase-text + 이 시드 단어들은 사용자 키를 생성하는 데 사용됩니다. 이 단어들을 타인에게 공유하면 안됩니다. + + + keycard-onboarding-start-header + 스마트폰 뒷면에 + 카드를 대주세요 + + + keycard-onboarding-pin-text + 키카드에 대한 액세스를 보호하기 위한 6자리 패스코드를 생성해야 합니다. + + + keycard-onboarding-mnemonic-text + 또한 시드 구문을 적을 종이와 연필이 필요합니다. + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step1 + 패스코드 생성 + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step1-text + 키를 암호화하기 위한 6자리 패스코드 생성. 코드 생성에는 약 1분 정도 소요됩니다. + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step2 + PUK 와 페어링 코드를 메모해주세요 + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step2-text + 메모를 위해 필기도구가 필요할 수 있습니다. 메모에는 1분 정도 시간이 소요됩니다 + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step3 + 시드 구문을 백업하세요 + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step3-text + 메모를 위한 필기도구를 준비해 주세요. 메모는 1분 정도 시간이 소요됩니다 + + + keycard-onboarding-start-text + 설치하는 동안 카드를 스마트폰과 접촉된 상태로 유지해주세요. 설치 과정은 약 4분 정도 소요됩니다 + + + keycard-recovery-intro-button-text + 복구 시작 + + + keycard-recovery-intro-header + 키카드에 저장된 키 복구하기 + + + keycard-recovery-intro-text + 이전에 키카드로 키를 생성했고, 지금 이 기기에서 해당 키를 사용하려는 경우 + + + keycard-recovery-no-key-header + 복구할 대상이 +없습니다 + + + keycard-recovery-no-key-text + 이 키카드에는 키가 저장되어 있지 않습니다. 새로운 키를 생성하고 키카드에 키를 저장해주세요 + + + keycard-recovery-phrase-confirm-header + 시드 구문 확인 + + + keycard-recovery-phrase-confirmation-text + 두 번째 기회는 없습니다! 키카드를 분실하여 접근 권한을 손실하면, 시드 구문으로만 계정에 접근할 수 있습니다. 오로지 여러분만이 이 시드 구문을 관리할 수 있습니다. 반드시 안전하게 백업하시기 바랍니다. + + + keycard-recovery-phrase-confirmation-title + 시드 구문을 모두 메모하셨나요? + + + keycard-recovery-success-header + 키가 성공적으로 + 복구되었습니다 + + + keycard-redeem-title + 수령 위치 + + + keycard-redeem-tx + 자산 입금 + + + keycard-redeem-tx-desc + 카드를 탭하여 서명하고, 자산을 수령하세요 + + + keycard-unauthorized-operation + 이 작업을 수행할 권한이 없습니다. + 올바른 카드를 탭해 다시 시도하세요. + + + keycard-is-frozen-title + 키카드가 잠겼습니다 + + + keycard-is-frozen-details + 자산을 지키기 위해 카드가 동결되었습니다. 계정에 접근하기 위한 카드 접근 권한을 재설정하고, 트랜잭션을 진행하시기 바랍니다. PUK 또는 니모닉으로 진행할 수 있습니다. + + + keycard-is-frozen-reset + PUK 재설정 + + + keycard-is-frozen-factory-reset + 니모닉으로 재설정 + + + your-card-is-frozen + 키카드가 잠겼습니다. 카드 접근 권한을 초기화하세요 + + + keycard-is-blocked-title + 키카드가 차단되었습니다 + + + keycard-is-blocked-details + 이제 이 카드를 사용해 서명하거나 계정에 접근할 수 없습니다. 패스코드 및 PUK 접근 시도 실패 횟수가 너무 많습니다. + + + keycard-is-blocked-instructions + 계정에 액세스하려면 카드를 공장 초기화해야 합니다. 아래 버튼을 탭해 진행하세요. 니모닉이 필요합니다. + + + language + 언어 + + + learn-more + 더 알아보기 + + + learn-more-about-keycard + 키카드에 대해 자세히 알아보기 + + + leave + 나가기 + + + joined + 참여 + + + leave-group + 그룹 나가기 + + + left + 나감 + + + lets-go + 시작하기 + + + les-ulc + LES/ULC + + + linked-on + {{date}} 에 연결 + + + load-messages-before + {{date}} 전 + + + load-more-messages + ↓ 메시지 더 가져오기 + + + load-more-timeline + ↓ 더 가져오기 + + + loading + 로딩 중... + + + log-level + 로그 수준 + + + log-level-settings + 로그 수준 설정 + + + logging + 로깅 + + + logging-enabled + 로깅을 활성화하시겠습니까? + + + login-pin-description + 6자리 패스코드를 입력해 키를 해제하세요 + + + logout + 로그아웃 + + + logout-app-content + 계정에서 로그아웃힙니다. 다시 로그인하면 선택한 네트워크를 사용합니다 + + + logout-are-you-sure + 로그아웃하시겠습니까? + + + logout-title + 로그아웃하시겠습니까? + + + logout-key-management + 키 관리에 액세스하려면 로그아웃해야 합니다. + + + looking-for-cards + 카드 검색 중... + + + lost-connection + 연결 끊김 + + + mailserver-address + 스테이터스 노드 주소 + + + mailserver-automatic + 자동 선택 + + + mailserver-automatic-switch-explanation + 가장 빠른 스테이터스 노드 선택 + + + mailserver-connection-error + Status 노드에 연결할 수 없습니다 + + + mailserver-details + 스테이터스 노드 세부 정보 + + + mailserver-error-content + 선택한 스테이터스 노드에 연결할 수 없습니다. + + + mailserver-error-title + 스테이터스 노드에 연결하던 중 오류가 발생했습니다 + + + mailserver-format + enode://{enode-id}:{password}@{ip-address}:{port} + + + mailserver-pick-another + 다른 Status 노드 선택 + + + mailserver-reconnect + 스테이터스 노드에 연결할 수 없습니다. 화면을 터치하여 다시 연결하세요 + + + mailserver-request-error-content + 스테이터스 노드가 다음 오류를 반환했습니다: {{error}} + + + mailserver-request-error-status + 기록을 가져 오던 중 오류가 발생했습니다. 자세한 내용은 로그를 확인해주세요 + + + mailserver-request-error-title + 스테이터스 노드 요청 오류 + + + mailserver-request-retry + 다시 요청 + + + mailserver-retry + 다시 시도 + + + main-currency + 주요 통화 + + + main-networks + 메인 네트워크 + + + main-wallet + 내 지갑 + + + mainnet-network + 메인 네트워크 + + + make-admin + 관리자로 지정 + + + manage-keys-and-storage + 키 및 저장소 관리 + + + mark-all-read + 모두 읽음 처리 + + + members + + {{count}} 명 + + + + members-active + + {{count}} 명 + + + + members-active-none + 멤버 없음 + + + members-title + 멤버 + + + message + 메시지 + + + message-not-sent + 메시지가 전송되지 않았습니다 + + + message-options-cancel + 취소 + + + message-reply + 답장 + + + replying-to + 에 회신{{author}} + + + data-syncing + 데이터 동기화 + + + messages + 메시지 + + + chat-is-a-contact + 연락처에 등록되어 있음 + + + chat-is-not-a-contact + 연락처에 없음 + + + might-break + 일부 디앱에 오류를 일으킬 수 있습니다 + + + migrations-failed-content + {{message}} +스키마 버전: 초기 {{initial-version}} , 현재 {{current-version}} , 마지막 {{last-version}} + +데이터베이스 오류가 발생했습니다. 자산과 채팅 키는 안전하지만 채팅과 연락처 같은 데이터는 복구될 수 없습니다. "{{erase-multiaccounts-data-button-text}}" 버튼으로 다른 모든 데이터를 삭제하고, 기존 자산 접근과 메시지 전송을 그대로 이용하세요. + + + mobile-network-ask-me + 데이터를 사용할 때 다시 묻기 + + + mobile-network-continue-syncing + 동기화 계속 + + + mobile-network-continue-syncing-details + 나중에 설정을 변경할 수 있습니다. + + + mobile-network-go-to-settings + 설정으로 이동 + + + mobile-network-settings + 모바일 데이터 + + + mobile-network-sheet-configure + 여기에서 동기화를 더 상세히 +설정하세요: + + + mobile-network-sheet-offline + Wi-Fi 없음, 메시지 동기화 비활성화. + + + mobile-network-sheet-offline-details + 모바일 데이터를 활용한 동기화가 중지되어 있습니다 + + + mobile-network-sheet-remember-choice + 내 선택 기억하기 + + + mobile-network-sheet-settings + 설정 + + + mobile-network-start-syncing + 동기화 시작 + + + mobile-network-stop-syncing + 동기화 중지 + + + mobile-network-stop-syncing-details + Wi-Fi에 연결될 때까지 동기화를 중지할까요? + + + mobile-network-use-mobile + 모바일 데이터 사용 + + + mobile-network-use-mobile-data + 스테이터스는 채팅 및 지갑 동기화 시, 많은 데이터를 소모합니다. + + + mobile-network-use-wifi + Wi-Fi만 사용 + + + mobile-syncing-sheet-details + 스테이터스는 채팅 및 지갑 동기화 시, 많은 데이터를 소모합니다. + + + mobile-syncing-sheet-title + 모바일 데이터로 동기화하시겠습니까? + + + more + 더 보기 + + + multiaccount-exists-title + 이 계정을 위한 키가 이미 존재합니다 + + + multiaccount-exists-content + 이 계정을 위한 키가 이미 존재하여 다시 추가할 수 없습니다. 만약 비밀번호, 패스코드, 또는 키카드를 잊어버렸다면, 스테이터스 앱을 재설치하고 시드 구문을 입력해 키에 액세스해주시기 바랍니다 + + + multiaccounts-recover-enter-phrase-text + 12, 15, 18, 21 또는 24 단어로 구성된 시드 구문을 입력해주세요. 단어는 한 칸씩 띄어서 구분하세요. + + + multiaccounts-recover-enter-phrase-title + 내 시드 구문 입력 + + + name + 이름 + + + name-of-token + 토큰 이름 + + + need-help + 도움이 필요하신가요? + + + glossary + 용어 사전 + + + account-title + 계정 + + + account-content + 스테이터스 계정을 은행 계좌처럼 생각하셔도 좋습니다. 스테이터스 계정은 은행 계좌처럼 주소와 잔액을 가지고 있습니다. 여러분은 이 계정으로 이더리움 상에서 트랜잭션(Transaction, 거래)를 수행할 수 있습니다. 또한 하나의 지갑에 다수의 계정을 둘 수 있는데, 하나의 스테이터스 계정에 접속해 연계된 지갑에 모두에 접근할 수 있습니다. + + + chat-key-title + 채팅 키 + + + chat-key-content + 스테이터스 채팅 프로토콜의 메시지는 암호화 키를 활용하여 메시지를 주고 받습니다. 공개 채팅 키는 다른 사람들과 메시지를 주고 받기 위해 공유되는 문자열을 의미합니다. + + + chat-name-title + 채팅 이름 + + + chat-name-content + 무작위로 선택된 세 단어로, 채팅 키를 특수한 알고리즘에 대입하여 산출하며 채팅의 기본 닉네임으로 표시됩니다. 채팅 이름은 완전히 고유의 값으로, 다른 유저들과 채팅 이름이 중복될 수 없습니다. + + + ens-name-title + ENS 이름 + + + ens-name-content + 이더리움 네임 서비스(Ethereum Name Service)로 채팅키와 연결되는 커스텀 닉네임. ENS 이름은 탈중앙화된 사용자 이름입니다. + + + mailserver-title + 스테이터스 노드 + + + mailserver-content + 메시지를 전달하거나 최대 30일까지 메시지를 저장하는 스테이터스 네트워크 노드. + + + peer-title + 피어 + + + peer-content + 스테이터스 채팅 네트워크에 연결되는 디바이스. 각 유저는 연결된 기기 수에 따라 하나 또는 하나 이상의 피어로 나타나게 됩니다. + + + seed-phrase-title + 시드 구문 + + + seed-phrase-content + BIP39 표준 리스트에서 무작위로 선별된 읽기 쉬운 단어들로서, 다른 지갑 및 디바이스에서 여러분의 이더리움 지갑을 복구하거나 불러올때 사용합니다. 시드 구문은 크립토 생태계에서 "니모닉 구문", "복구 구문", 또는 "지갑 백업"라고도 칭합니다. 대부분의 크립토 앱들은 계정을 생성하기 위해 동일한 표준을 채택하고 있습니다. + + + wallet-key-title + 계정 주소 + + + wallet-key-content + 0x로 시작하는 64글자 16진수 주소로 이더리움 표준을 기반으로 합니다. 계정 주소를 다른 사람들에게 공유하여 암호화폐 자산을 받을 수 있습니다. 지갑 키는 "이더리움 주소" 또는 "지갑 주소"라고도 합니다. + + + buy-crypto-title + 지갑이 비어 있습니다 + + + buy-crypto-description + 암호화폐를 구입하기 위한 디앱을 찾아보세요 + + + buy-crypto + 암호화폐 구매 + + + buy-crypto-choose-a-service + 암호화폐 구매를 위해 사용할 서비스를 선택하세요 + + + buy-crypto-leaving + 구매를 완료하기 위해 스테이터스를 떠나 써드 파티 웹 사이트에 접속합니다 + + + opening-buy-crypto + {{site}} 여는 중... + + + network + 네트워크 + + + network-chain + 네트워크 체인 + + + network-details + 네트워크 세부정보 + + + network-info + 네트워크 정보 + + + network-fee + 네트워크 수수료 + + + network-id + 네트워크 ID + + + network-invalid-network-id + 지정된 네트워크 ID가 RPC url의 네트워크 ID와 대응되지 않습니다 + + + network-invalid-status-code + 잘못된 상태 코드 : {{code}} + + + network-invalid-url + 네트워크 URL이 잘못되었습니다 + + + network-settings + 네트워크 설정 + + + new + 신규 + + + new-chat + 새 채팅 + + + new-contact + 새 연락처 + + + new-contract + 새 컨트랙트 + + + new-group + 새 그룹 + + + new-group-chat + 새 그룹 채팅 + + + new-network + 새 네트워크 + + + new-pin-description + 6자리 새 패스코드 입력 + + + new-puk-description + 새로운 12자리 PUK 입력 + + + new-public-group-chat + 오픈채팅 참여 + + + next + 다음 + + + no + 아니오 + + + no-collectibles + 수집품 없음 + + + no-contacts + 아직 연락처가 없습니다 + + + no-keycard-applet-on-card + 카드에 키카드 애플릿이 없습니다 + + + no-messages + 메시지 없음 + + + no-pairing-slots-available + 이 카드는 이미 5개의 기기에 페어링 되어 있어 이 기기와는 페어링 할 수 없습니다. 페어링 된 기기 중 하나를 사용해 이 카드로 로그인하고 카드의 페어링 슬롯을 확보하세요 + + + no-result + 결과 없음 + + + no-tokens-found + 토큰 없음 + + + node-info + 노드 정보 + + + node-address + 노드 주소 + + + node-details + 노드 세부정보 + + + node-version + 노드 버전 + + + nonce + Nonce + + + none + 해당 없음 + + + not-applicable + 서명되지 않은 트랜잭션에 사용할 수 없음 + + + not-keycard-text + 사용한 카드는 키카드가 아닙니다. 이 기능은 키카드를 구입해야 사용할 수 있습니다. + + + not-keycard-title + 키카드 아님 + + + notifications + 알림 + + + local-notifications + 알림 + + + local-notifications-subtitle + 백그라운드 서비스 활성화 + + + remote-notifications + 원격 알림 + + + remote-notifications-subtitle + 구글 푸시 알림 활성화 + + + show-notifications + 알림 표시 + + + notification-settings + 알림 + + + notifications-servers + 알림 서버 + + + notifications-preferences + 알림 설정 + + + notifications-switch + 알림 표시 + + + notifications-non-contacts + 연락처 미등록자에게 오는 알림 + + + notifications-transactions + 지갑 트랜잭션 + + + send-push-notifications + 푸시 알림 보내기 + + + send-push-notifications-description + 비활성화되면, 메시지를 받는 사람에게 알림이 표시되지 않습니다 + + + push-notifications-server-enabled + 서버 활성화 + + + push-notifications-servers + 푸시 알림 서버 + + + push-inbound-transaction + {{value}} {{currency}}를 받았습니다 + + + push-outbound-transaction + {{value}} {{currency}}를 보냈습니다 + + + push-failed-transaction + 트랜잭션이 실패했습니다 + + + push-inbound-transaction-body + {{from}} 에서 {{to}} + + + push-outbound-transaction-body + {{from}} 에서 {{to}} + + + push-failed-transaction-body + {{value}} {{currency}} - {{to}} + + + allow-mention-notifications + @ 멘션 표시 + + + server + 서버 + + + specify-server-public-key + 서버 공개키 입력 + + + notify + 알림 + + + off + 끄기 + + + offline + 오프라인 + + + offline-messaging-use-history-nodes + 스테이터스 노드 사용 + + + offline-messaging-use-history-explanation + 앱이 종료된 동안 전송된 메시지를 확인하기 위해 스테이터스 노드를 활성화 합니다. 스테이터스 노드를 활성화하면, 스테이터스 노드는 여러분의 IP 주소를 사용하게 됩니다. 스테이터스 노드를 비활성화하면, 앱이 종료된 동안 수신된 메시지를 확인할 수 없습니다. + + + ok + 확인 + + + ok-continue + 네, 알겠습니다 + + + ok-got-it + 확인 + + + okay + + + + on + 켜기 + + + open + 열기 + + + open-home + 열기... + + + open-dapp + 디앱 브라우저 + + + open-dapp-store + 디앱 찾아보기 + + + open-nfc-settings + NFC 설정 열기 + + + open-on-block-explorer + 블록 익스플로러에서 열기 + + + optional + 선택 + + + or + 또는 + + + outgoing + 송금 + + + outgoing-transaction + 출금 트랜잭션 + + + pair + 기기 페어링 + + + pair-card + 페어 카드 + + + pair-code + 페어 코드 + + + pair-code-explanation + 이 카드를 다른 기기(최대 5개)와 연동하여 계정을 열람하고 트랜잭션에 서명할 수 있습니다 + + + pair-this-card + 이 카드 페어링 + + + pair-this-device + 기기 페어링 + + + pair-this-device-description + 기기를 페어링하여 연락처와 채팅을 동기화합니다 + + + paired-devices + 페어링 된 기기 + + + pairing + 페어링 + + + pairing-card + 카드 페어링 + + + pairing-code-placeholder + 페어링 코드... + + + pairing-code_error1 + 페어링 코드가 일치하지 않습니다. + + + confirm-pairing-code-placeholder + 페어링 코드 확인... + + + pairing-go-to-installation + 페어링 설정으로 이동 + + + pairing-maximum-number-reached-content + 새 기기를 활성화하려면 이전 기기 중 하나를 비활성화해주세요 + + + pairing-maximum-number-reached-title + 최대 기기 수에 도달했습니다 + + + pairing-new-installation-detected-content + 다른 기기가 감지되었습니다. +기기를 올바르게 사용하려면, 새 기기를 사용하기 전에 페어링을 사용하도록 설정해야 합니다. +아래 설정의 기기 섹션으로 이동하여 기기를 페어링 해주세요. + + + pairing-new-installation-detected-title + 새 기기 감지 + + + pairing-no-info + 정보 없음 + + + pairing-please-set-a-name + 기기의 이름을 설정해주세요 + + + passphrase + 패스 구문 + + + password + 비밀번호 + + + password-description + 최소 6자리의 비밀번호를 생성해주세요. 비밀번호는 스테이터스 앱을 사용하고 거래를 진행하는 데 사용됩니다. + + + password-placeholder2 + 비밀번호 확인 + + + password_error1 + 비밀번호가 일치하지 않습니다. + + + paste + 붙여넣기 + + + paste-json + JSON 붙여넣기 + + + pay-to-chat + 지불하고 채팅 시작 + + + peers + 피어 + + + pending + 대기 중 + + + pending-confirmation + 확인 대기 중... + + + permissions + 권한 + + + phone-e164 + 국제전화 1 + + + photos-access-error + 사진 접근 권한을 승인하려면 시스템 설정에서 스테이터스 > 사진이 선택되어 있는지 확인해 주세요. + + + pin-changed + 6자리 패스코드가 변경되었습니다 + + + puk-changed + 12자리 PUK가 변경되었습니다 + + + pairing-changed + 페어링 코드가 변경되었습니다 + + + pin-code + 6자리 패스코드 + + + pin-mismatch + 잘못된 비밀번호 + + + pin-retries-left + 남은 재시도 가능 횟수: {{number}}번 + + + pin-one-attempt-blocked-before + 조심하세요. 마지막 + + + pin-one-attempt-frozen-before + 조심하세요. 마지막 + + + pin-one-attempt + 한 번의 시도가 실패하면 + + + pin-one-attempt-blocked-after + 키카드가 차단됩니다 + + + pin-one-attempt-frozen-after + 키카드가 동결됩니다 + + + preview-privacy + 미리보기 방지 모드 + + + privacy + 개인 정보 + + + privacy-photos + 프로필 사진 개인 정보 보호 + + + privacy-and-security + 개인 정보 및 보안 + + + privacy-policy + 개인 정보 보호 정책 + + + privacy-show-to-warning + 이미 프로필 사진을 본 사람들은 프로필을 계속 볼 수 있습니다 + + + processing + 잠시만 기다려주세요 + + + product-information + 제품 정보 + + + profile + 프로필 + + + profile-details + 프로필 세부 사항 + + + public-chat + 오픈채팅 + + + public-chats + 오픈채팅 + + + public-group-status + 오픈채팅 + + + public-group-topic + 주제 + + + join-new-public-chat + 오픈채팅 참여 + + + join-new-private-chat + 1:1 채팅 시작 + + + search-no-chat-found + 검색 결과가 없습니다. 이것을 찾으셨나요? + + + public-key + 공개 키 + + + puk-and-pairing-codes-displayed + PUK 및 코드 표시 + + + puk-code + PUK 코드 + + + puk-code-explanation + 6자리 패스코드를 잊어버리거나 코드를 3회 잘못 입력할 경우, 이 코드를 통해 카드 계정 잠금을 해제할 수 있습니다. + + + puk-mismatch + PUK 코드가 일치하지 않습니다 + + + quiet-days + {{quiet-days}} 일 + + + quiet-hours + {{quiet-hours}} 시간 + + + re-encrypt-key + 키 재암호화 + + + receive + 받기 + + + receive-transaction + 트랜잭션 받기 + + + recent + 최근 + + + recent-recipients + 연락처 + + + recently-used-stickers + 최근 사용한 이모티콘이 여기에 나타납니다 + + + recipient + 수신인 + + + recipient-code + 수신인 주소 입력 + + + recipient-code-placeholder + 0x... 또는 username.domain.eth + + + recover + 복구 + + + recover-key + 기존 키 액세스 + + + recover-keycard-multiaccount-not-supported + 이 계정을 위한 키가 이미 존재하여 다시 추가할 수 없습니다. 만약 비밀번호, 패스코드, 또는 키카드를 잊어버렸다면, 스테이터스 앱을 재설치하고 시드 구문을 입력해 키에 액세스해주시기 바랍니다 + + + recover-with-keycard + 키카드로 복구하기 + + + recovering-key + 키 액세스 중... + + + recovery-confirm-phrase + 시드 구문 확인 + + + recovery-phrase + 시드 구문 + + + recovery-success-text + 새로운 코드 혹은 비밀번호를 생성해 키를 재암호화해야 합니다. + + + recovery-typo-dialog-description + 시드 구문은 처음 받은 것과 정확히 동일한 철자와 순서로 사용해야 합니다 + + + recovery-typo-dialog-title + 시드 구문이 정확한가요? + + + remember-me + 기억하기 + + + remind-me-later + 나중에 다시 확인 + + + remove + 삭제 + + + remove-from-chat + 채팅에서 내보내기 + + + remove-from-contacts + 연락처 삭제 + + + remove-from-contacts-text + 연락처에서 특정 사용자를 삭제해도, 사용자의 지갑 주소는 숨길 수 없습니다 + + + remove-network + 네트워크 삭제 + + + remove-token + 토큰 제거 + + + removed + 퇴장됨 + + + repeat-pin + 6자리 패스코드 다시 입력 + + + repeat-puk + 새로운 12자리 PUK 반복 + + + report-bug-email-template + 1. 문제 설명 + {{description}} + + + 2. 재현 단계 + {{steps}} + + + 3. 문제를 시연할 수 있는 스크린샷을 첨부하세요. + + + + request-transaction + 트랜잭션 요청 + + + required-field + 필수 입력란 + + + resend-message + 재전송 + + + reset-card + 카드 재설정 + + + reset-card-description + 이 작업은 카드를 초기 상태로 재설정합니다. 개인 키를 포함한 모든 카드 데이터가 지워집니다. 이 작업은 되돌릴 수 없습니다. + + + retry + 다시 시도 + + + revoke-access + 접근 권한 취소 + + + rinkeby-network + Rinkeby 테스트 네트워크 + + + ropsten-network + Ropsten 테스트 네트워크 + + + rpc-url + RPC URL + + + save + 저장 + + + save-password + 비밀번호 저장 + + + save-password-unavailable + 비밀번호를 저장하기 위해 기기 패스코드를 설정해주세요 + + + save-password-unavailable-android + 비밀번호 저장을 사용할 수 없습니다. 사용자의 기기가 루팅되었거나, 필요한 보안 기능이 없을 수 있습니다. + + + scan-qr + QR코드 스캔 + + + scan-qr-code + 지갑 주소 QR 코드 스캔 + + + search + 검색 + + + secret-keys-confirmation-text + 이는 스마트폰을 잃어버릴 경우에도 키카드를 사용하기 위해 필요합니다. + + + secret-keys-confirmation-title + 코드를 적어두셨나요? + + + security + 보안 + + + see-details + 세부 정보 확인 + + + see-it-again + 다시 보기 + + + select-account-first + 먼저 계정을 선택하세요 + + + select-chat + 메시지를 주고받기 시작할 채팅을 선택해주세요 + + + selected + 인기 채팅방 + + + select + 선택 + + + select-account + 계정 선택 + + + send-logs + 버그 신고 + + + send-logs-to + {{email}}에 버그 신고 + + + send-message + 메시지 보내기 + + + send-request + 요청 전송 + + + send-request-amount + 수량 + + + send-request-amount-max-decimals + 최대 소수점 자릿수는 {{asset-decimals}}입니다. + + + send-request-unknown-token + 알 수 없는 토큰 - {{asset}} + + + send-sending-to + 수신인: {{recipient-name}} + + + send-transaction + 트랜잭션 보내기 + + + sending + 송금액: + + + sent-at + 보낸 시각: + + + set-a-topic + 채팅 주제 생성 + + + set-currency + 통화 설정 + + + set-dapp-access-permissions + 디앱 접근 권한 설정 + + + settings + 설정 + + + share + 공유 + + + shared + 공유된 + + + share-address + 주소 공유 + + + share-chat + 채팅 공유 + + + share-contact-code + 채팅 키 공유하기 + + + share-dapp-text + 스테이터스에서 사용하는 디앱 확인: {{link}} + + + share-link + 링크 공유 + + + share-my-profile + 내 프로필 공유 + + + share-profile + 프로필 공유 + + + share-profile-link + 프로필 링크 공유 + + + share-public-chat-text + 스테이터스 앱에서 오픈채팅에 참여하세요: {{link}} + + + sharing-copied-to-clipboard + 클립보드에 복사됨 + + + sharing-copy-to-clipboard + 클립보드로 복사 + + + share-logs + 로그 공유 + + + sharing-share + 공유하기 + + + show-less + 숨기기 + + + show-more + 더 보기 + + + show-qr + QR코드 표시 + + + show-transaction-data + 트랜잭션 데이터 표시 + + + sign-and-send + 서명 및 송금 + + + sign-in + 로그인 + + + sign-message + 메시지 서명 + + + sign-out + 로그아웃 + + + sign-with + 다음으로 서명 + + + sign-with-password + 비밀번호로 서명 + + + sign-you-in + 로그인 하는 중... + + + signing + 서명 + + + signing-a-message + 메시지 서명 + + + signing-phrase + 서명 구문 + + + something-went-wrong + 문제가 발생했습니다 + + + soon + + + + specify-address + 주소 지정 + + + specify-name + 이름 지정 + + + specify-symbol + 기호 지정 + + + specify-network-id + 네트워크 ID 지정 + + + specify-rpc-url + RPC URL 지정 + + + start-chat + 채팅 시작 + + + start-conversation + 대화 시작 + + + start-group-chat + 그룹 채팅 시작 + + + start-new-chat + 새 채팅 시작 + + + status + 스테이터스 + + + status-confirmed + 확인됨 + + + status-hardwallet + 스테이터스 하드월렛 + + + status-keycard + 스테이터스 키카드 + + + status-pending + 대기 중 + + + status-tx-not-found + TX를 찾을 수 없습니다 + + + status-sent + 전송됨 + + + status-not-sent-tap + 전송 실패. 옵션을 선택하세요 + + + status-not-sent-click + 전송되지 않았습니다. 옵션을 클릭하세요 + + + step-i-of-n + {{number}}단계 중 {{step}}단계 + + + sticker-market + 이모티콘 마켓 + + + sticker + 이모티콘 + + + submit + 로그인 + + + submit-bug + 버그 제출 + + + success + 성공 + + + symbol + 기호 (Symbol) + + + sync-all-devices + 모든 기기 동기화 + + + sync-in-progress + 동기화 중... + + + sync-settings + 동기화 설정 + + + sync-synced + 동기화 됨 + + + syncing-devices + 동기화 중... + + + tag-was-lost + 태그가 손실되었습니다 + + + tap-card-again + 스마트폰 뒷면에 카드를 다시 터치해주세요 + + + test-networks + 테스트 네트워크 + + + text-input-disabled + 잠시만 기다려주세요... + + + this-device + 스마트폰에 저장 + + + this-device-desc + 키는 암호화되어 사용자의 기기에 안전하게 저장됩니다 + + + this-is-you-signing + 사용자의 서명 구문입니다 + + + this-will-take-few-seconds + 이 작업은 몇 초가 소요됩니다 + + + three-words-description + 트랜잭션 서명 전 이 3단어가 표시됩니다 + + + three-words-description-2 + 다른 단어가 표시되면, 트랜잭션을 취소하고 로그아웃하세요 + + + to + 받는 주소 + + + to-block + 차단 + + + to-encrypt-enter-password + 계정을 암호화하려면 비밀번호를 입력해주세요 + + + to-see-this-message + 이 메시지를 보려면, + + + token-auto-validate-decimals-error + {{symbol}} 토큰 주소 {{address}} 의 자릿수가 잘못 되었습니다. {{expected}} (으)로 세팅되었으나 {{actual}} 로 감지되었습니다. + + + token-auto-validate-name-error + {{symbol}} 토큰 주소 {{address}} 의 이름이 잘못되었습니다. {{expected}} (으)로 세팅 되었으나 {{actual}} 로 감지되었습니다. + + + token-auto-validate-symbol-error + {{symbol}} 토큰 주소 {{address}} 의 심볼이 잘못 되었습니다. {{expected}} (으)로 세팅되었으나 {{actual}} 로 감지되었습니다. + + + token-details + 토큰 세부 정보 + + + topic-name-error + 소문자(a 에서 z), 숫자 및 하이픈(-)만 사용할 수 있습니다. 채팅 키는 사용할 수 없습니다. + + + transaction + 트랜잭션 + + + transaction-data + 트랜잭션 데이터 + + + transaction-declined + 트랜잭션 거절됨 + + + transactions-management-enabled + 트랜잭션 관리 (알파) + + + transaction-description + 네트워크에서 12번 이상 확인된 거래는 완료된 것으로 간주됩니다. + + + transaction-details + 트랜잭션 세부정보 + + + transaction-failed + 트랜잭션 실패 + + + transaction-history + 트랜잭션 기록 + + + transaction-request + 트랜잭션 요청 + + + transaction-sent + 트랜잭션 전송됨 + + + transaction-signed + 트랜잭션이 성공적으로 서명되었습니다 + + + transactions + 트랜잭션 + + + transactions-filter-select-all + 모두 선택 + + + transactions-filter-title + 기록 필터 + + + type + 종류 + + + transactions-history + 트랜잭션 기록 + + + transactions-history-empty + 아직 트랜잭션 기록이 없습니다 + + + transactions-history-loading + 트랜잭션 기록을 로드 중입니다. 시간이 걸릴 수 있습니다. + + + transactions-sign + 서명 + + + tribute-required-by-multiaccount + {{multiaccount-name}}님과 채팅을 시작하려면 SNT가 필요합니다. + + + tribute-state-paid + 트리뷰트 지불 + + + tribute-state-pending + 트리뷰트 대기 중 + + + tribute-state-required + {{snt-amount}} SNT 트리뷰트 필요 + + + tribute-to-talk + 트리뷰트 투 토크 + + + tribute-to-talk-add-friends + 연락처에 등록된 지인은 트리뷰트 계약금 지불 없이 귀하에게 메시지를 보낼 수 있습니다. + + + tribute-to-talk-are-you-friends + 친구신가요? + + + tribute-to-talk-ask-to-be-added + 연락처 추가를 요청하세요 + + + tribute-to-talk-contact-received-your-tribute + 님이 귀하의 트리뷰트를 받았습니다. 귀하는 이제 연락처로 추가되어 자유롭게 채팅을 시작할 수 있습니다. + + + tribute-to-talk-desc + 새로운 사용자가 채팅을 신청하면 SNT를 요구해, 귀하의 시간에 금전적 가치를 부여하세요. + + + tribute-to-talk-disabled + 트리뷰트 투 토크 비활성화 + + + tribute-to-talk-disabled-note + 지금부터 신규 사용자가 귀하에게 SNT를 보내지 않고도 채팅을 시작할 수 있습니다. + + + tribute-to-talk-enabled + 트리뷰트 투 토크를 활성화하셨습니다. + + + tribute-to-talk-finish-desc + 지금부터는 연락처에 등록된 사용자 및 트리뷰트를 지불한 사용자들로부터만 메시지를 받을 수 있습니다 + + + tribute-to-talk-learn-more-1 + 여러분의 시간은 가장 소중한 자산입니다. 트리뷰트 투 토크는 새로운 사용자가 귀하와 채팅을 시작하기 위해 필요한 SNT 계약금을 설정하여, 불필요한 메시지를 방지합니다. + + + tribute-to-talk-learn-more-2 + 연락처에 없는 사용자는 귀하와 채팅을 시작하기 위해 트리뷰트를 지불해야 하며, 지불이 완료되면 귀하가 이에 응할 수 있습니다. + + + tribute-to-talk-learn-more-3 + 받은 트리뷰트를 언제든지 되돌려 줄 수 있으나, 해당 사용자가 귀하에게 자유롭게 연락할 수 있도록 하려면 사용자를 연락처에 추가해주세요. + + + tribute-to-talk-paywall-learn-more-1 + 시간이야말로 가장 소중한 자산입니다. 트리뷰트 투 토크는 새로운 사용자가 귀하와 채팅을 시작하기 위해 필요한 SNT 계약금을 설정하여, 불필요한 메시지를 방지합니다. + + + tribute-to-talk-paywall-learn-more-2 + 트리뷰트를 설정한 사용자와 채팅을 시작하려 할 경우, 필요한 만큼 SNT를 지불하면 상대방의 연락처에 추가될 수 있습니다. + + + tribute-to-talk-paywall-learn-more-3 + 만약 귀하가 이 사용자를 알고 있을 경우, 귀하의 프로필을 스테이터스 외부에 공유하면 무료로 추가하게 할 수 있습니다. + + + tribute-to-talk-pending + 트리뷰트 확인 대기중 + + + tribute-to-talk-pending-note + 트리뷰트 트랜잭션이 네트워크에서 확인 대기 중입니다. 트랜잭션 기록에서 상태를 확인하실 수 있습니다 + + + tribute-to-talk-removing-note + 트리뷰트 투 토크를 비활성화하면 새로운 사용자가 귀하에게 SNT 계약금 없이 메시지를 보낼 수 있습니다. 이 경우 트랜잭션 서명이 필요합니다. + + + tribute-to-talk-set-snt-amount + 새로운 사용자가 귀하와 채팅을 시작할 때 필요한 SNT 계약금을 설정합니다 + + + tribute-to-talk-signing + 트랜잭션 서명 대기 중 + + + tribute-to-talk-transaction-failed-note + 트랜잭션이 실패했습니다. 귀하의 트리뷰트 설정이 변경되지 않았습니다 + + + tribute-to-talk-tribute-received1 + 트리뷰트를 받았습니다. 당신과 + + + tribute-to-talk-tribute-received2 + 이제 상대방과 안전하게 채팅할 수 있습니다. + + + tribute-to-talk-you-require-snt + 귀하와 채팅을 시작하려는 새로운 사용자에게 SNT를 요구하세요. + + + try-again + 다시 시도 + + + try-keeping-the-card-still + 카드와 기기의 접촉을 유지하세요 + + + turn-nfc-on + NFC를 켜 계속하기 + + + turn-nfc-description + 해당 기기에 NFC 기능이 비활성화되어있습니다. NFC 기능을 활성화해주세요 + + + keycard-init-title + 카드 검색 중... + + + keycard-init-description + 카드를 기기 뒷면에 대고 그 상태를 유지해주세요 + + + keycard-awaiting-title + 탐색 중... + + + keycard-awaiting-description + 카드를 기기 NFC 접촉면에 놓아주시기 바랍니다 + + + keycard-processing-title + 처리 중 + + + keycard-processing-description + 카드와 기기의 접촉을 유지하세요 + + + keycard-connected-title + 연결됨 + + + keycard-connected-description + 카드와 기기의 접촉을 유지하세요 + + + keycard-error-title + 연결이 끊어졌습니다 + + + keycard-error-description + 다음 단계를 진행하기 위하여 카드를 다시 연결해주시기 바랍니다 + + + keycard-success-title + 성공 + + + keycard-success-description + 이제 카드를 제거해도 좋습니다 + + + keycard-recover + 분실 또는 동결된 카드인가요? + + + keycard-recover-title + 이 계정에 대한 새 카드를 만드시겠어요? + + + keycard-recover-text + 니모닉 구문이 있는 경우, 이 계정과 연결된 새 키카드를 만들 수 있습니다. 새 키카드를 사용하거나 동결된 키카드에서 공장 초기화를 진행할 수 있습니다. + + + keycard-backup + 백업 키카드 만들기 + + + keycard-backup-success-title + 백업 성공 + + + keycard-backup-success-body + 백업 카드가 성공적으로 생성되었습니다. 이제 기본 카드처럼 계정에서 사용할 수 있습니다. + + + type-a-message + 메시지 + + + ulc-enabled + ULC 사용 + + + backup-enabled + 활성화 됨 + + + backup-disabled + 비활성화 + + + backup-settings + 백업 설정 + + + backup-through-waku + 와쿠를 통한 백업 + + + perform-backup + 백업 수행 + + + backing-up + 백업 중... + + + last-backup-performed + 마지막 백업 수행: + + + unable-to-read-this-code + 코드를 읽을 수 없습니다 + + + unblock-contact + 사용자 차단 해제 + + + unknown-status-go-error + 알 수 없는 status-go 오류 + + + unlock + 잠금 해제 + + + unpair-card + 카드 페어링 해제 + + + unpair-card-confirmation + 이 작업은 현재 기기와 페어링을 해제합니다. 인증을 위해 6자리 패스코드가 필요합니다. 계속하시겠습니까? + + + unpaired-keycard-text + 사용한 키카드가 이 스마트폰과 연동되어 있지 않습니다 + + + unpaired-keycard-title + 카드가 페어링 되어 있지 않습니다 + + + unpair-keycard + 스마트폰에서 키카드 페어링 해제 + + + unpair-keycard-warning + 페어링 코드 / PUK 및 PIN은 변경되지 않습니다 + + + update + 업데이트 + + + url + URL + + + usd-currency + USD + + + use-valid-contact-code + 유효한 채팅 키 또는 사용자 이름을 입력하거나 스캔하세요 + + + validation-amount-invalid-number + 수량이 잘못되었습니다 + + + validation-amount-is-too-precise + 액수가 너무 정확합니다. 최대 소수점 자리수는 {{decimals}}입니다. + + + version + 앱 버전 + + + app-commit + 앱 커밋 + + + view + 보기 + + + view-cryptokitties + CryptoKitties에서 보기 + + + view-cryptostrikers + CryptoStrikers에서 보기 + + + view-etheremon + Etheremon에서보기 + + + view-gitcoin + Gitcoin에서 보기 + + + view-profile + 프로필 보기 + + + view-details + 세부 정보 보기 + + + view-signing + 서명 구문 보기 + + + view-superrare + SuperRare에서 보기 + + + waiting-for-wifi + Wi-Fi 없음, 메시지 동기화 비활성화. + + + waiting-for-wifi-change + 설정 + + + waiting-to-sign + 트랜잭션 서명 대기 중... + + + wallet + 지갑 + + + wallet-asset + 자산 + + + wallet-assets + 자산 + + + wallet-backup-recovery-title + 시드 구문 백업 + + + wallet-choose-recipient + 수신인 선택 + + + wallet-collectibles + 수집품 + + + wallet-insufficient-funds + 자산 부족 + + + wallet-insufficient-gas + 가스로 사용할 ETH가 부족합니다 + + + wallet-invalid-address + 잘못된 주소: + {{data}} + + + wallet-invalid-address-checksum + 잘못된 주소: + {{data}} + + + wallet-invalid-chain-id + 네트워크가 일치하지 않습니다: + {{data}}, 하지만 현재 체인은 {{chain}}입니다. + + + wallet-manage-assets + 자산 관리 + + + wallet-manage-accounts + 계정 관리 + + + wallet-request + 요청 + + + wallet-send + 보내기 + + + wallet-send-min-units + 최소 21000 유닛 + + + wallet-send-min-wei + 최소 1 wei + + + wallet-settings + 지갑 설정 + + + wallet-total-value + 총 자산 + + + wallet-transaction-total-fee + 총 비용 + + + wants-to-access-profile + 이 프로필 접근을 요청합니다 + + + warning + 경고 + + + warning-message + 죄송합니다. 스팸을 방지하기 위해 여러 메시지를 빠르게 연속적으로 보내는 것을 제한하고 있습니다. 잠시 후 다시 시도하세요. + + + web-view-error + 페이지를 로드할 수 없습니다 + + + welcome-screen-text + 지갑을 설정하고, 친구를 초대해 채팅하고 +디앱을 브라우징하세요! + + + welcome-to-status + 환영합니다! + + + welcome-to-status-description + 암호화폐 지갑을 설정하고, 친구들을 초대해서 채팅하거나 디앱을 둘러보세요 + + + welcome-blank-message + 사용자의 채팅 목록이 여기에 표시됩니다. ⊕ 버튼을 눌러 새로운 채팅을 시작해보세요 + + + welcome-community-blank-message + 채널이 여기에 표시됩니다. 새 채널을 만들려면 ⊕ 버튼을 클릭하고 "채널 만들기"를 선택하세요. + + + welcome-community-blank-message-edit-chats + 채널이 여기에 표시됩니다. 새 채널을 만들려면 커뮤니티 화면으로 돌아가서 ⊕ 버튼을 클릭하고 "채널 만들기"를 선택하세요 + + + welcome-blank-community-message + 사용자의 커뮤니티가 여기에 표시됩니다. + + + fetch-community + 커뮤니티 가져오기 + + + fetching-community + 커뮤니티 가져오는 중... + + + seed-phrase-placeholder + 시드 구문... + + + word-count + 단어 수 + + + word-n + {{number}}번째 단어 + + + word-n-description + 시드 구문을 정확히 백업했는지 확인하기 위해, {{number}}번째 단어를 입력해주세요. + + + words-n + + 단어 + + + + write-down-and-store-securely + 코드를 메모해 두고 +안전하게 보관하세요 + + + wrong-address + 잘못된 주소 + + + wrong-card + 잘못된 카드 + + + wrong-card-text + 사용한 카드와 키가 호환되지 않습니다. + + + wrong-contract + 잘못된 컨트랙트 + + + contract-isnt-supported + 컨트랙트가 지원되지 않습니다 + + + wrong-keycard-text + 사용한 키카드가 이 스마트폰과 연동되어 있지 않습니다 + + + wrong-keycard-title + 잘못된 키카드를 +사용하셨습니다 + + + wrong-password + 잘못된 비밀번호 + + + wrong-word + 잘못된 단어 + + + yes + + + + You + 귀하 + + + you + 사용자 + + + you-already-have-an-asset + 이미 {{value}} 자산을 가지고 있습니다 + + + you-are-all-set + 설정이 완료되었습니다! + + + you-are-all-set-description + 스마트폰을 분실한 경우, 시드 구문을 사용하여 계정과 자산에 액세스할 수 있습니다 + + + you-can-change-account + 계정 이름과 색상을 원하는대로 변경할 수 있습니다 + + + you-dont-have-stickers + 아직 이모티콘이 없습니다 + + + you-dont-have-contacts-invite-friends + 아직 연락처가 없습니다. +친구들을 초대하고 채팅을 시작하세요. + + + your-contact-code + 디앱에 접근 권한을 부여하여 채팅 키를 검색합니다 + + + your-data-belongs-to-you + 시드 구문을 잃어버리면 데이터와 자산을 분실하게 됩니다 + + + your-data-belongs-to-you-description + 스마트폰을 분실하거나 접근 권한을 상실한 경우, 이 시드 구문을 통해 계정에 접근할 수 있습니다. 오로지 본인만이 이 시드 구문을 관리할 수 있습니다. 메모해두고 안전하게 관리하시기 바랍니다. + + + your-recovery-phrase + 내 시드 구문 + + + your-recovery-phrase-description + 위 12단어가 사용자의 시드 구문입니다. 이 구문은 사용자의 지갑을 증명하기 위해 반드시 필요하며, 이번 한 번만 확인할 수 있습니다. 지갑을 분실하거나 재설치하는 경우 반드시 필요하므로, 종이에 적어두고 안전한 장소에 보관하세요. + + + custom-seed-phrase + 잘못된 시드 구문 + + + custom-seed-phrase-text-1 + 시드 구문 단어들이 스테이터스 딕셔너리와 일치하지 않습니다. 철자를 확인해주세요. + + + to-enable-biometric + {{bio-type-label}}를 활성화 하려면, 사용자의 잠금 해제 화면에 비밀번호를 저장해야 합니다 + + + ok-save-pass + 예, 비밀번호를 저장합니다 + + + lock-app-with + 앱 잠금 수단: + + + grant-face-id-permissions + Face ID 사용을 승인하려면, 시스템 설정에서 스테이터스의 Face ID를 활성화해주세요 + + + request-feature + 기능 요청 + + + select-account-dapp + 디앱에 사용할 계정을 선택해주세요 + + + apply + 적용 + + + on-status-tree + 스테이터스 트리 켜기 + + + off-status-tree + 스테이터스 트리 끄기 + + + derivation-path + 파생 경로 + + + storage + 저장소 + + + keycard-free-pairing-slots + 키카드에는 {{n}}개의 무료 페어링 슬롯이 있습니다 + + + public-chat-description + 관심사에 따라 오픈채팅에 참여해보세요! 누구든지 새로운 채팅을 시작할 수 있습니다. + + + delete-account + 계정 삭제 + + + delete-keys-keycard + 키카드에서 키 삭제 + + + watch-only + 열람 전용 + + + cant-report-bug + 버그를 신고할 수 없습니다 + + + mail-should-be-configured + 메일 클라이언트를 구성해야 합니다 + + + check-on-block-explorer + 블록 익스플로러에서 확인 + + + check-on-opensea + Opensea에서 확인 + + + transactions-load-more + 더 불러오기 + + + private-key + 개인 키 + + + generate-an-account + 계정 생성 + + + add-watch-account + 열람 전용 계정 추가 + + + add-seed-account + 시드 구문으로 계정 추가 + + + account-exists-title + 계정이 이미 존재합니다 + + + add-private-key-account + 개인 키로 계정 추가 + + + profile-not-found + 프로필을 찾을 수 없습니다 + + + waku-bloom-filter-mode + 와쿠 블룸 필터 모드 + + + wakuv2-settings + 와쿠 v2 설정 + + + wakuv2-node-format + /ip4/{node-ip}/tcp/{port}/p2p/{id} + + + wakuv2-change-nodes + Wakuv2 노드를 변경하시겠습니까? + + + appearance + 테마 + + + preference + 설정 + + + light + 라이트 + + + dark + 다크 + + + system + 시스템 + + + give-permissions-camera + 카메라 접근 +권한 허용 + + + photos + 사진 + + + image + 이미지 + + + sign-anyway + 서명 진행하기 + + + tx-fail-description1 + 이 트랜잭션은 실패할 수 있습니다. 사용자 지정 네트워크 수수료로 트랜잭션 실패 위험을 조절하세요. + + + tx-fail-description2 + 이 트랜잭션은 실패할 수 있습니다. 직접 네트워크 수수료를 설정하여 실패 위험을 조절하세요. + + + set-custom-fee + 사용자 지정 수수료 설정 + + + not-enough-snt + SNT가 부족합니다 + + + add-new-contact + 새 연락처 추가 + + + you-dont-have-contacts + 아직 연락처가 없습니다. + + + set-max + 최대값 설정 + + + continue-anyway + 계속 진행 + + + private-notifications + 프라이빗 알림 + + + private-notifications-descr + 스테이터스가 새로운 메시지를 수신하면 사용자에게 알림을 전달합니다. 사용자는 설정에서 옵션을 변경할 수 있습니다. + + + maybe-later + 나중에 + + + join + 참여 + + + registered + 등록됨 + + + not-registered + 등록되지 않음 + + + audio-recorder-error + 리코더 오류 + + + audio-recorder + 리코더 + + + audio-recorder-max-ms-reached + 최대 녹음 제한 시간에 도달했습니다 + + + audio-recorder-permissions-error + 오디오 메시지를 보내려면 권한을 허용해야 합니다 + + + audio + 오디오 + + + update-to-see-image + 멋진 이미지를 확인하려면 최신 버전으로 업데이트 해주세요! + + + update-to-listen-audio + 오디오 메시지를 들으려면 최신 버전으로 업데이트해주세요! + + + update-to-see-sticker + 멋진 이모티콘을 확인하려면 최신 버전으로 업데이트해주세요! + + + webview-camera-permission-requests + 웹뷰 카메라 권한 요청 + + + webview-camera-permission-requests-subtitle + 활성화되면 웹사이트와 디앱에서 카메라 사용을 요청할 수 있습니다 + + + page-would-like-to-use-camera + 에서 카메라 사용을 요청합니다 + + + page-camera-request-blocked + 카메라 요청이 차단되었습니다. 카메라 요청을 활성화하려면 설정으로 이동해주세요 + + + nickname + 닉네임 + + + add-nickname + 닉네임 추가 (선택) + + + nickname-description + 닉네임은 스테이터스에서 다른 사용자를 식별하는데 사용됩니다. 설정한 닉네임은 사용자만 볼 수 있습니다 + + + accept + 수락 + + + group-invite + 그룹 초대 + + + group-invite-link + 그룹 초대 링크 + + + pending-invitations + 대기 중인 멤버십 요청 + + + empty-pending-invitations-descr + 초대 링크를 통해 그룹에 가입하고 싶은 사용자들이 +여기에 표시됩니다 + + + introduce-yourself + 간단한 메시지로 자신을 소개해주세요 + + + request-pending + 요청 대기 중… + + + membership-declined + 멤버쉽 요청이 거절되었습니다 + + + remove-group + 그룹 삭제 + + + request-membership + 멤버쉽 요청 + + + membership-description + 그룹 멤버십은 그룹 관리자의 승인이 필요합니다 + + + group-membership-request + 그룹 멤버십 요청 + + + members-limit-reached + 멤버 한도에 도달했습니다 + + + favourite + 즐겨찾기 + + + favourites + 즐겨찾기 + + + new-favourite + 새 즐겨찾기 + + + edit-favourite + 즐겨찾기 편집 + + + remove-favourite + 즐겨찾기 제거 + + + add-favourite + 즐겨찾기 추가 + + + add-to-favourites + 즐겨찾기에 추가 + + + favourites-empty + 즐겨찾기에 추가된 주소는 여기에 표시됩니다. + + + contacts-empty + ENS 이름을 보유한 연락처는 여기에 표시됩니다 + + + my-accounts + 내 계정 + + + my-accounts-empty + 사용 가능한 계정이 여기에 표시됩니다 + + + recent-empty + 최근에 사용한 주소가 여기에 표시됩니다 + + + address-or-ens-name + 주소 또는 ENS 이름 + + + name-optional + 이름 (선택) + + + mute + 알림 끄기 + + + unmute + 메시지 및 알림 수신 + + + scan-tokens + 토큰 스캔 + + + my-status + 내 상태 + + + contacts-descr + 연락처는 여기에 표시됩니다. 연락처에 추가한 모든 이들의 상태 업데이트를 받게 됩니다. + + + status-updates-descr + 상태 업데이트가 여기에 표시됩니다. 타임라인 업데이트를 받으려면 프로필을 연락처로 추가하세요. + + + whats-on-your-mind + 무엇을 공유하고 싶으신가요? + + + cant-open-public-chat + 오픈채팅을 열 수 없습니다 + + + invalid-public-chat-topic + 잘못된 오픈채팅 주제 + + + now + 방금 막 + + + statuses-my-status-descr + 무슨 생각을 하고 계신가요? 여러분의 프로필에 방문하는 모든 사람들은 여러분의 상태 메시지를 확인할 수 있습니다. 여러분을 연락처에 등록한 사람은 여러분의 타임라인 업데이트를 확인할 수 있습니다 + + + statuses-descr + 생각을 공유하고 연락처에 등록된 이들의 소식을 받아보세요 + + + new-status + 새 상태 + + + chat-link-previews + 채팅 링크 미리보기 + + + you-can-choose-preview-websites + 다음 목록에서 채팅 내 링크의 설명 및 이미지 미리보기 기능을 선택적으로 활성화할 수 있습니다 + + + previewing-may-share-metadata + 링크 미리보기를 사용하면 메타 데이터가 해당 웹사이트와 공유될 수 있습니다 + + + websites + 웹사이트 + + + enable-all + 모두 활성화 + + + disable-all + 모두 비활성화 + + + warning-sending-to-contract-descr + 입력하신 주소는 스마트 컨트랙트 주소로, 이 주소로 자산을 보내게 되면 사용자의 자산을 잃을 수 있습니다. 디앱과 소통하려면, 스테이터스 디앱 브라우저에서 디앱을 열어주세요. + + + dont-ask + 다시 묻지 않기 + + + enable-link-previews + 링크 미리보기를 활성화할까요? + + + once-enabled-share-metadata + 미리보기를 활성화하면, 채팅방에 올라간 링크를 통해 메타 데이터가 웹사이트와 공유될 수 있습니다 + + + external-storage-denied + 외부 저장소에 대한 액세스가 거부되었습니다 + + + timeline + 타임라인 + + + main-account + + + + ethereum-address + 이더리움 주소 + + + default-assets + 기본 ERC20 및 ERC721 + + + increase-gas + 가스 증가 + + + cancelling + 취소 + + + refresh + 새로고침 + + + close-all + 모두 닫기 + + + tabs + + + + new-tab + 새 탭 + + + empty-tab + 빈 탭 + + + open-in-new-tab + 새 탭에서 열기 + + + has-permissions + 에게 다음 지갑 접근 권한을 허용합니다 + + + connect-wallet + 지갑 연결 + + + open-chat + 채팅 열기 + + + favourite-description + 즐겨 찾는 웹사이트가 여기에 표시됩니다 + + + transfers-fetching-failure + 전송 기록을 업데이트할 수 없습니다. 연결 상태를 확인하고 아래로 당겨 다시 시도하세요 + + + move-and-reset + 이동 및 초기화 + + + move-keystore-file-to-keycard + 키스토어 파일을 키카드로 이동하시겠어요? + + + database-reset-title + 데이터베이스 초기화 + + + database-reset-content + 채팅, 연락처, 설정이 모두 삭제되었습니다. 키카드와 계정을 사용하실 수 있습니다 + + + database-reset-warning + 데이터베이스가 초기화됩니다. 채팅, 연락처 및 설정이 삭제됩니다 + + + empty-keycard-required + 빈 키카드가 필요합니다 + + + current + 현재 + + + choose-storage + 저장소 선택 + + + choose-new-location-for-keystore + 키스토어 파일을 저장할 새 위치를 선택하세요 + + + get-a-keycard + 키카드를 획득하세요 + + + keycard-upsell-subtitle + 향상된 보안과 편리성 + + + actions + 작업 + + + move-keystore-file + 키스토어 파일 이동 + + + select-new-location-for-keys + 개인 키를 저장할 새 위치를 선택하세요 + + + reset-database + 데이터베이스 초기화 + + + reset-database-warning + 채팅, 연락처 및 설정을 삭제합니다. 비밀번호를 분실한 경우 필요합니다 + + + reset-database-warning-keycard + 채팅, 연락처, 설정을 삭제합니다. + + + key-managment + 키 관리 + + + choose-actions + 작업 선택 + + + master-account + 마스터 계정 + + + back-up + 백업 + + + key-on-device + 개인 키가 이 기기에 저장됩니다 + + + seed-key-uid-mismatch + 시드가 일치하지 않습니다 + + + seed-key-uid-mismatch-desc-1 + 입력한 시드 구문이 {{multiaccount-name}} 와 일치하지 않습니다 + + + seed-key-uid-mismatch-desc-2 + 본 계정의 키를 관리하려면, 시드 구문을 인증하고 다시 시도하세요. + + + recover-with-seed-phrase + 시드 구문으로 복구 + + + transfer-ma-unknown-error-desc-1 + 다중 계정이 삭제되지 않은 것 같습니다. 데이터베이스가 초기화되었을 수도 있습니다 + + + transfer-ma-unknown-error-desc-2 + 계정 목록을 확인하고 다시 시도해주세요. 계정이 뜨지 않으면 기존 키 액세스로 이동하여 시드 구문으로 복구해주세요 + + + everyone + 모두 + + + show-profile-pictures + 프로필 사진 보기 + + + show-profile-pictures-to + 프로필 사진 보여주기 + + + non-archival-node + RPC 엔드포인트는 보관 요청을 지원하지 않습니다. 로컬 전송 기록이 불완전할 수 있습니다. + + + custom-node + 사용자 지정 RPC 엔드포인트를 사용하고 있습니다. 로컬 전송 기록이 불완전 할 수 있습니다. + + + connection-status + 연결 상태 + + + peer-to-peer + P2P + + + not-connected-to-peers + 어떤 피어에도 연결되지 않았습니다 + + + unable-to-send-messages + 메시지를 주고 받을 수 없습니다 + + + can-send-messages + 새 메시지를 주고 받을 수 있습니다 + + + not-connected-nodes + 스테이터스 노드에 연결되지 않았습니다 + + + unable-to-fetch + 채팅 기록을 가져올 수 없습니다 + + + nodes-disabled + 스테이터스 노드 비활성화 + + + waiting-wi-fi + 와이파이 대기 중… + + + you-can-fetch + 채팅 기록을 가져올 수 있습니다 + + + youre-on-mobile-network + 모바일 네트워크를 사용 중입니다 + + + status-mobile-descr + 모바일 데이터로 채팅을 동기화하면 데이터를 많이 소모하게 될 수 있습니다. 설정을 통해 모바일 데이터를 사용한 동기화를 비활성화 할 수 있습니다. + + + restore-defaults + 기본값 복원 + + + rpc-usage-info + RPC 사용 통계 + + + rpc-usage-get-stats + 새로고침 + + + rpc-usage-reset + 초기화 + + + rpc-usage-filter + 필터 방법 + + + rpc-usage-filter-methods + 필터 방법 + + + rpc-usage-copy + 클립보드에 복사 + + + rpc-usage-total + + + + rpc-usage-filtered-total + + + + community-message-preview + {{community-name}} 가입 초대 + + + non-contacts + 연락처 아님 + + + community + 커뮤니티 + + + verified-community + ✓ 검증된 커뮤니티 + + + community-info-not-found + 커뮤니티 정보를 찾을 수 없습니다 + + + community-info + 커뮤니티 정보 + + + not-found + 찾을 수 없습니다 + + + activity + 활동 + + + reject-and-delete + 거절 및 삭제 + + + accept-and-add + 수락 및 추가 + + + one-day + 1일 + + + three-days + 3일 + + + one-week + 1주 + + + one-month + 1달 + + + my-profile + 내 프로필 + + + bip39-password-placeholder + BIP39 비밀번호 + + + public-channel + 공공 채널 + + + default-sync-period + 동기화 기록: + + + what-is-shared + 공유 내용 + + + view-data + 데이터 보기 + + + data-collected + 데이터 수집 완료 + + + data-collected-subtitle + 아래 표에서 저장 및 전송될 정확한 데이터를 확인하세요. 데이터의 경우, 중요한 데이터가 전송되지 않도록 공공 규칙에 따라 검증됩니다. 글만 보고 믿지 말고 직접 확인하세요. + + + view-rules + 규칙 보기 + + + expand-all + 모두 확장 + + + about-sharing-data + 데이터 공유 정보 + + + sharing-data-desc-1 + 데이터의 경우, 중요한 데이터가 전송되지 않도록 공공 규칙에 따라 검증됩니다. 글만 보고 믿지 말고 직접 확인하세요. + + + sharing-data-desc-2 + 사용 데이터는 스테이터스의 P2P 네트워크를 통해 종단간 암호화되어 전송됩니다 + + + sharing-data-desc-3 + 일반 채팅 키 대신 일회용 키가 사용됩니다. + + + sharing-data-desc-4 + 사용 데이터는 IP 주소와 연동될 수 없습니다 + + + sharing-data-desc-5 + 모든 사용자의 누적 데이터는 공개적으로 사용될 수 있습니다 + + + view-public-dashboard + 공공 대시보드 보기 + + + sharing-data-desc-6 + 데이터가 전송된 후 휴대폰에서 제거됩니다 + + + allow-and-send + 허용 및 보내기 + + + no-thanks + 괜찮습니다 + + + help-improve-status + 스테이터스가 발전할 수 있게 도와주세요 + + + thank-you + 감사합니다 + + + current-password + 현재 비밀번호 + + + reset-password + 비밀번호 초기화 + + + password-reset-success + 비밀번호 변경됨 + + + password-reset-success-message + 다시 로그인해야 합니다 + + + password-reset-in-progress + 비밀번호 변경 중... + + + new-password + 새 비밀번호 + + + confirm-new-password + 새 비밀번호 확인 + + + password-mismatch + 비밀번호가 일치하지 않습니다 + + + terms-of-service + 이용 약관 + + + accept-status-tos-prefix + 스테이터스에 동의합니다 + + + updates-to-tos + 서비스 약관 업데이트 + + + updates-to-tos-desc + 계속하기 전에 서비스 약관을 검토하고 앱 사용에 대한 책임이 사용자에게 있음을 확인해주세요 + + + what-changed + 변경된 사항 + + + wc-new-tos-based-on-principles-prefix + 새로운 서비스 약관은 다음에 기반에 설계되었습니다 + + + principles + 원칙 + + + wc-how-to-use-status-app + 개인 정보 보호 및 보안을 포함한 스테이터스 앱 사용 방법 + + + wc-brand-guide + 상표, 로고 등 브랜딩 사용 안내 + + + wc-disclaimer + 면책 조항 (타사 제공 업체 포함), 보증 및 법적 릴리스 + + + wc-dispute + 분쟁 해결 조항 + + + status-is-open-source + 스테이터스는 오픈 소스입니다 + + + build-yourself + 서비스 약관없이 앱을 사용하려면, 독자적인 버전을 빌드하면 됩니다 + + + accept-and-continue + 동의하고 계속 + + + empty-activity-center + 채팅 알림이 +여기에 나타납니다 + + + pinned-messages + 고정된 메시지 + + + pin + 고정 + + + unpin + 고정 해제 + + + no-pinned-messages + 고정된 메시지 없음 + + + pinned-messages-count + + 고정된 메시지 {{count}} 개 + + + + pinned-messages-empty + 고정된 메시지가 여기에 표시됩니다. 메시지를 고정하려면, 메시지를 길게 누르고 '고정'을 탭하세요. + + + pinned-by + 고정한 사람 + + + pin-limit-reached + 핀 한도에 도달했습니다. 먼저 이전 메시지를 고정 해제해주세요 + + + max-fee + 최대 수수료 + + + max-priority-fee + 최대 우선 수수료 + + + miners-higher-fee + 더 높은 수수료를 지불하면 채굴자들이 거래를 더 일찍 처리할 가능성이 높아집니다. + + + gas-amount-limit + 가스량 한도 + + + per-gas-tip-limit + 가스당 팁 제한 + + + per-gas-price-limit + 가스당 가격 제한 + + + current-base-fee + 현재 기본 수수료 + + + fee-explanation + 트랜잭션의 최대 가격입니다. 블록 기본 수수료가 이를 초과하는 경우, 기본 요금이 낮은 다음 블록에 포함됩니다. + + + slow + 느림 + + + optimal + 최적 + + + fast + 빠름 + + + see-suggestions + 제안 보기 + + + maximum-fee + 최대 수수료 + + + low-tip + 팁이 너무 낮습니다 + + + lower-than-average-tip + 평균보다 낮은 팁 + + + below-base-fee + 기본 수수료 이하의 최대 수수료 + + + reduced-tip + 우선순위 팁이 줄어듭니다 + + + are-you-sure + 확실히 확인하셨습니까? + + + bad-fees-description + 우선 수수료가 제안된 매개변수보다 낮습니다. + + + change-tip + 팁 변경 + + + current-minimum-tip + 현재 최소 팁 + + + current-average-tip + 현재 평균 팁 + + + your-tip-limit + 팁 한도 + + + your-price-limit + 가격 한도 + + + suggested-min-tip + 최소 팁 추천 + + + suggested-price-limit + 권장 가격 제한 + + + include + 포함 + + + category + 카테고리 + + + edit-chats + 채팅방 편집 + + + edit-categories + 카테고리 편집 + + + hide + 숨기기 + + + account-is-used + 계정은 브라우저에서 디앱과 함께 사용됩니다. + + + normal + 일반 + + + never + 절대 + + + fee-options + 권장 수수료 옵션 + + + fee-cap + 수수료 한도 + + + tip-cap + 팁 한도 + + + collectibles-leak-metadata + 여기에 NFT를 표시할 수 있습니다. 이 경우 지갑과 IP 주소를 공유하게 됩니다 + + + display-collectibles + 수집품 표시 + + + disable-later-in-settings + 나중에 설정에서 비활성화할 수 있습니다 + + + use-as-profile-picture + 프로필 사진으로 사용 + + + view-on-opensea + OpenSea에서 보기 + + + profile-picture-updated + 프로필 사진 업데이트 됨 + + + status-automatic + 자동 + + + status-automatic-subtitle + 자동으로 상태 설정 + + + status-dnd + 방해 금지 + + + status-dnd-subtitle + 모든 알림 음소거 + + + status-always-online + 항상 온라인 + + + status-inactive + 비활성 + + + status-inactive-subtitle + 온라인 상태 숨기기 + + + two-minutes + 2분 + + + swap + 스왑 + + + select-token-to-swap + 스왑할 토큰 선택 + + + select-token-to-receive + 받을 토큰 선택 + + + minimum-received + 최소 수신 + + + powered-by-paraswap + Powered by Paraswap + + + priority + 우선 순위 + + + switch-to-simple-interface + 간단한 인터페이스로 전환 + + + transaction-fee + 거래 수수료 + + + swap-details + 스왑 세부정보 + + + slippage + 슬리피지 + + + price-impact + 가격 영향 + + + total-gas + 총 가스 + + + token + 토큰 + + + approve-limit + 한도 승인 + + + approve-token + 토큰 승인 + + + approve-token-contract-desc + 컨트랙트로 토큰을 승인하면 토큰 잔액을 사용할 수 있게 됩니다. 프로젝트를 신뢰할 수 없다고 생각하면 토큰을 승인하지 않거나, 사용할 금액만 승인해주세요. + + + unlimited + 무제한 + + + approve + 승인 + + + limit + 한계 + + + last-transaction + 마지막 트랜잭션 + + + price-impact-desc + 이 트랜잭션에 대한 예상 가격 영향입니다. 현재 블록 기본 수수료가 이를 초과하는 경우 기본 수수료가 낮은 다음 블록에 거래가 포함됩니다. + + + safe-estimate + 안전한 추정치 + + + current-average + 현재 평균 + + + current-base + 현재 베이스 + + + maximum-fee-desc + 트랜잭션 전반의 최대 가격입니다. 현재 블록 기본 수수료가 이를 초과하는 경우 기본 수수료가 낮은 다음 블록에 거래가 포함됩니다. + + + insufficient-balance-to-cover-fee + 거래 수수료를 위한 잔액이 충분하지 않습니다 + + + wallet-connect-proposal-title + 지갑과 연결합니다 + + + wallet-connect-proposal-description + 연결하면 {{name}} 이(가) 귀하의 계정 주소를 검색하고 Web3를 활성화할 수 있습니다 + + + wallet-connect-app-connected + 연결됨 + + + wallet-connect-go-back + 브라우저 또는 디앱으로 돌아가기 + + + wallet-connect-2.0 + 월렛 커넥트 2.0 + + + wallet-connect + 월렛 커넥트 + + + reject + 거절 + + + manage-connections + 애플리케이션 연결에서 연결 관리 + + + wallet-manage-app-connections + 앱 연결 관리 + + + connection-request + 연결 요청 + + + disconnect + 연결 해제 + + + new-ui + 새 UI + + + send-contact-request-message + 채팅을 시작하려면 연락처 등록이 되어야 합니다 + + + contact-request + 연락처 요청 + + + say-hi + 인사하기 + + + accepted + 수락됨 + + + declined + 거부됨 + + + contact-request-header + 👋 연락처 요청 + + + contact-request-declined + 거부됨 ⓧ + + + contact-request-accepted + 수락됨 ✓ + + + contact-request-pending + 대기 중... + + + removed-from-contacts + 연락처에서 제거 + + + mutual-contact-requests + 상호 연락처 등록 요청 + + + negative + + + + positive + + + + Please enter a URL + + + + This fields needs to be a valid URL + + + + Please enter a Name + + + + Favorite added + + + + Edit + + + + Add favorite + + + + URL + + + + Paste URL + + + + Name + + + + Name the website + + + + Remove + + + + Done + + + + Add + + + + '%1' would like to connect to + + + + Allowing authorizes this DApp to retrieve your wallet address and enable Web3 + + + + Granting access authorizes this DApp to retrieve your chat key + + + + Deny + + + + Allow + + + + Enter URL + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Error signing message + + + + Transaction pending... + + + + Wrong password + + + + Start Page + + + + New Tab + + + + Downloads Page + + + + Server's certificate not trusted + + + + Do you wish to continue? + + + + If you wish so, you may continue with an unverified certificate. Accepting an unverified certificate means you may not be connected with the host you tried to connect to. +Do you wish to override the security check and continue? + + + + Exit Incognito mode + + + + Go Incognito + + + + Zoom In + + + + Zoom Out + + + + Find + + + + Compatibility mode + + + + Developer Tools + + + + Settings + + + + Mainnet + + + + Ropsten + + + + Unknown + + + + Disconnect + + + + Assets + + + + History + + + + Show All + + + + Cancelled + + + + Paused + + + + Open + + + + Show in folder + + + + Pause + + + + Resume + + + + Cancel + + + + Downloaded files will appear here. + + + + Open in new Tab + + + + Ok + + + + Signature request + + + + From + + + + Data + + + + Message + + + + Reject + + + + Sign + + + + Sign with password + + + + Contact request pending + + + + Connected + + + + Disconnected + + + + This user has been blocked. + + + + Type a message. + + + + Send + + + + Request Address + + + + Request + + + + Transaction pending + + + + Continue + + + + Receive on account + + + + From account + + + + Address request required + + + + To + + + + Preview + + + + Transaction preview + + + + Next + + + + Invalid transaction parameters + + + + Authorize %1 %2 + + + + Choose account + + + + Network fee + + + + Error estimating gas: %1 + + + + Send %1 %2 + + + + Image + + + + Sticker + + + + You have a new message + + + + You have been accepted into the ‘%1’ community + + + + Your request to join the ‘%1’ community was declined + + + + New membership request + + + + %1 asks to join ‘%2’ + + + + Failed to send message. + + + + Share your chat key + + + + friends to start messaging in Status + + + + ↓ Fetch more messages + + + + before %1 + + + + Welcome to the beginning of the <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> group! + + + + Any messages you send here are encrypted and can only be read by you and <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> + + + + Join chat + + + + Decline invitation + + + + Add reaction + + + + Reply + + + + More + + + + Today + + + + Yesterday + + + + January + + + + February + + + + March + + + + April + + + + May + + + + June + + + + July + + + + August + + + + September + + + + October + + + + November + + + + December + + + + and + + + + %1 more + + + + reacted with + + + + Error loading the image + + + + Loading image... + + + + This feature is experimental and is meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It's not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data. Use at your own risk. + + + + Membership requires an ENS username + + + + You need to be invited + + + + Request Access + + + + Verified community invitation + + + + Community invitation + + + + You invited %1 to join a community + + + + %1 invited you to join a community + + + + You shared a community + + + + A community has been shared + + + + Unsupported state + + + + %1 members + + + + Joined + + + + Join + + + + Enable automatic image unfurling + + + + Enable link previews in chat? + + + + Once enabled, links posted in the chat may share your metadata with their owners + + + + Enable in Settings + + + + Don't ask me again + + + + Resend + + + + Transaction request + + + + ↑ Outgoing transaction + + + + ↓ Incoming transaction + + + + Something has gone wrong + + + + Accept and share address + + + + Accept and send + + + + Decline + + + + Select account + + + + Choose accountSelect account to share and receive assets + + + + Confirm and share address + + + + Sign and send + + + + Pending + + + + Confirmed + + + + Unknown token + + + + Address requested + + + + Waiting to accept + + + + Address shared + + + + Address received + + + + Transaction declined + + + + failure + + + + Unknown state + + + + Group Information + + + + Clear history + + + + Leave group + + + + Are you sure you want to leave this chat? + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + Communities + + + + Search for communities or topics + + + + 1 member + + + + Import a community + + + + Create a community + + + + Public community + + + + Invitation only community + + + + On request community + + + + Unknown community + + + + - ENS only + + + + Chats + + + + Join ‘%1’ + + + + Request to join ‘%1’ + + + + Error joining the community + + + + No search results in Communities + + + + Members + + + + Create category + + + + Invite People + + + + Membership requests + + + + Edit category + + + + Delete category + + + + Delete %1 category + + + + Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. + + + + Error deleting the category + + + + View Profile + + + + Roles + + + + Kick + + + + Ban + + + + Transfer ownership + + + + Invite successfully sent + + + + Share community + + + + Notifications + + + + Edit community + + + + Export community + + + + Create channel + + + + Leave community + + + + Delete + + + + Welcome to your community! + + + + Add members + + + + Manage community + + + + You need to enter a name + + + + Please restrict your name to letters, numbers, dashes and spaces + + + + Your name needs to be 100 characters or shorter + + + + New channel + + + + Edit #%1 + + + + channel name + + + + channel decription + + + + Channel name + + + + Describe the channel + + + + Pinned messages + + + + A cool name + + + + channel description + + + + What your channel is about + + + + The description cannot exceed %1 characters + + + + Private channel + + + + By making a channel private, only members with selected permission will be able to access it + + + + category name + + + + New category + + + + Category title + + + + Channels + + + + Create + + + + Error editing the category + + + + Error creating the category + + + + Error creating the community + + + + You need to select an image + + + + You need to enter a color + + + + This field needs to be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + New community + + + + Name your community + + + + A catchy name + + + + Give it a short description + + + + What your community is about + + + + The description cannot exceed 140 characters + + + + community name + + + + community decription + + + + Thumbnail image + + + + Please choose an image + + + + Image files (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png) + + + + Upload + + + + Community colour + + + + Pick a color + + + + Please choose a color + + + + Membership requirement + + + + Require invite from another member + + + + Require approval + + + + No requirement + + + + You can require new members to meet certain criteria before they can join. This can be changed at any time + + + + Save + + + + Private community + + + + Only members with an invite link will be able to join your community. Private communities are not listed inside Status + + + + Your community will be public for anyone to join. Public communities are listed inside Status for easy discovery + + + + You need to enter a key + + + + Access existing community + + + + Community private key + + + + Entering a community key will grant you the ownership of that community. Please be responsible with it and don’t share the key with people you don’t trust. + + + + 0x... + + + + Import + + + + Error importing the community + + + + Invite friends + + + + Invite + + + + Contacts + + + + Chat + + + + Community imported + + + + Importing community is in progress + + + + Community %1 imported + + + + Importing community %1 is in progress + + + + Start new chat + + + + Start group chat + + + + Join public chat + + + + No messages + + + + No search results + + + + Your chats will appear here. To start new chats press the  button at the top + + + + Chat and transact privately with your friends + + + + Follow your interests in one of the many Public Chats. + + + + View Group + + + + Share Chat + + + + Test WakuV2 - requestAllHistoricMessages + + + + Unmute chat + + + + Mute chat + + + + Edit Channel + + + + Mark as Read + + + + Delete chat + + + + Leave chat + + + + Choose browser + + + + Open in Status + + + + Open in my default browser + + + + Remember my choice. To override it, go to settings. + + + + Admin + + + + Last 24 hours + + + + Last 2 days + + + + Last 3 days + + + + Last 7 days + + + + (You) + + + + You need to enter a channel name + + + + The channel name can only contain lowercase letters, numbers and dashes + + + + New group chat + + + + %1 / 10 members + + + + Group name + + + + Create Group Chat + + + + All your contacts are already in the group + + + + Make Admin + + + + Remove From Group + + + + Add selected + + + + Get Status at https://status.im + + + + Download Status link + + + + Unpin + + + + Pin + + + + Copy link + + + + Edit message + + + + Send message + + + + Reply to + + + + Jump to + + + + Delete message + + + + Confirm deleting this message + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well. + + + + Nickname + + + + Nicknames help you identify others in Status. Only you can see the nicknames you’ve added + + + + Your nickname is too long + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet. Invite your friends to start chatting. + + + + Enter a valid chat key or ENS usernameEnter a valid chat key or ENS username + + + + Can't chat with yourself + + + + New chat + + + + My Profile + + + + Enter ENS username or chat key + + + + Non contacts + + + + No profile found + + + + ENS username + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Chat settings + + + + None + + + + Unblock User + + + + Block User + + + + Add to contacts + + + + A public chat is where you get to hang out with others, make friends and talk about subjects of your interest. + + + + Start chat + + + + Pinned by %1 + + + + Type json-rpc message... e.g {"method": "eth_accounts"} + + + + Profile + + + + App version + + + + Version: %1 + + + + Node version + + + + Privacy Policy + + + + Network + + + + Fleet + + + + Minimize on close + + + + Experimental features + + + + Wallet + + + + Dapp Browser + + + + Activity Center + + + + Online users + + + + Broadcast user status + + + + Bloom filter level + + + + The account will be logged out. When you login again, the selected mode will be enabled + + + + Light Node + + + + Full Node + + + + GIF Widget + + + + Waku Bloom Mode + + + + Node Management + + + + Blockchains will drop search costs, causing a kind of decomposition that allows you to have markets of entities that are horizontally segregated and vertically segregated. + + + + Size + + + + Change font size + + + + XS + + + + S + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "S" because the title above is "Seed Phrase" + + + + M + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "M" because the title above is "Mailserver" + + + + L + + + + XL + + + + XXL + + + + Light + + + + Chat mode + + + + Normal + + + + Compact + + + + Appearance + + + + Dark + + + + System + + + + Back up seed phrase + + + + Step %1 of 3 + + + + If you lose your seed phrase you lose your data and funds + + + + If you lose access, for example by losing your phone, you can only access your keys with your seed phrase. No one, but you has your seed phrase. Write it down. Keep it safe + + + + Check your seed phrase + + + + Word #%1 + + + + Enter word + + + + In order to check if you have backed up your seed phrase correctly, enter the word #%1 above + + + + Are you sure? + + + + You will not be able to see the whole seed phrase again + + + + With this 12 words you can always get your key back. Write it down. Keep it safe, offline, and separate from this device. + + + + Okay, continue + + + + Wrong word + + + + General + + + + Default + + + + Show favorites bar + + + + Search engine used in the address bar + + + + Ethereum explorer used in the address bar + + + + Open an ethereum explorer after a transaction hash or an address is entered + + + + Privacy + + + + Set DApp access permissions + + + + Profile picture + + + + Crop your image (optional) + + + + Finish + + + + Chat link previews + + + + Websites + + + + Enable all + + + + Previewing links from these websites may share your metadata with their owners. + + + + Add new contact + + + + Blocked contacts + + + + Add contact + + + + You can't add yourself + + + + User not found + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet + + + + Devices + + + + Please set a name for your device. + + + + Specify a name + + + + Advertise device + + + + Pair your devices to sync contacts and chats between them + + + + Learn more + + + + Paired devices + + + + Syncing... + + + + Sync all devices + + + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + %1 is now connected with your chat key and can be used in Status. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + %1 will be connected once the transaction is complete. + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Wallet address + + + + Key + + + + Back + + + + Primary username + + + + Your messages are displayed to others with this username: + + + + Once you select a username, you won’t be able to disable it afterwards. You will only be able choose a different username to display. + + + + Nice! You own %1.stateofus.eth once the transaction is complete. + + + + Hey + + + + (pending) + + + + Add username + + + + Your usernames + + + + Primary Username + + + + None selected + + + + You’re displaying your ENS username in chats + + + + At least 4 characters. Latin letters, numbers, and lowercase only. + + + + Letters and numbers only. + + + + Type the entire username including the custom domain like username.domain.eth + + + + Your username + + + + ✓ Username available! + + + + Continuing will connect this username with your chat key. + + + + Username doesn’t belong to you :( + + + + Username already taken :( + + + + (edited) + + + + Username is already connected with your chat key and can be used inside Status. + + + + This user name is owned by you and connected with your chat key. Continue to set `Show my ENS username in chats`. + + + + Continuing will require a transaction to connect the username with your current chat key. + + + + Custom domain + + + + I want a stateofus.eth domain + + + + I own a name on another domain + + + + Connect username with your pubkey + + + + Terms of name registration + + + + Funds are deposited for 1 year. Your SNT will be locked, but not spent. + + + + After 1 year, you can release the name and get your deposit back, or take no action to keep the name. + + + + If terms of the contract change — e.g. Status makes contract upgrades — user has the right to release the username regardless of time held. + + + + The contract controller cannot access your deposited funds. They can only be moved back to the address that sent them. + + + + Your address(es) will be publicly associated with your ENS name. + + + + Usernames are created as subdomain nodes of stateofus.eth and are subject to the ENS smart contract terms. + + + + You authorize the contract to transfer SNT on your behalf. This can only occur when you approve a transaction to authorize the transfer. + + + + These terms are guaranteed by the smart contract logic at addresses: + + + + %1 (Status UsernameRegistrar). + + + + <a href='%1%2'>Look up on Etherscan</a> + + + + %1 (ENS Registry). + + + + Agree to <a href="#">Terms of name registration.</a> I understand that my wallet address will be publicly connected to my username. + + + + 10 SNT + + + + Deposit + + + + Not enough SNT + + + + Register + + + + Get a universal username + + + + ENS names transform those crazy-long addresses into unique usernames. + + + + Customize your chat name + + + + An ENS name can replace your random 3-word name in chat. Be @yourname instead of %1. + + + + Simplify your ETH address + + + + You can receive funds to your easy-to-share ENS name rather than your hexadecimal hash (0x...). + + + + Receive transactions in chat + + + + Others can send you funds via chat in one simple step. + + + + 10 SNT to register + + + + Register once to keep the name forever. After 1 year you can release the name and get your SNT back. + + + + Already own a username? + + + + You can verify and add any usernames you own in the next steps. + + + + Powered by Ethereum Name Services + + + + Start + + + + Only available on Mainnet + + + + ENS Registration failed + + + + ENS Registration completed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey failed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey completed + + + + Warning! + + + + Change fleet to %1 + + + + Glossary + + + + Account + + + + A + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "A" because the title above is "Account" + + + + Your Status account, accessed by the seed phrase that you create or import during onboarding. A Status account can hold more than one Ethereum address, in addition to the one created during onboarding. We refer to these as additional accounts within the wallet + + + + Chat Key + + + + C + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "C" because the title above is "Chat Key" + + + + Messages on the Status chat protocol are sent and received using encryption keys. The public chat key is a string of characters you share with others so they can send you messages in Status. + + + + Chat Name + + + + Three random words, derived algorithmically from your chat key and used as your default alias in chat. Chat names are completely unique; no other user can have the same three words. + + + + ENS Name + + + + E + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "E" because the title above is "ENS Name" + + + + Custom alias for your chat key that you can register using the Ethereum Name Service. ENS names are decentralized usernames. + + + + Mailserver + + + + A node in the Status network that routes and stores messages, for up to 30 days. + + + + Peer + + + + P + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "P" because the title above is "Peer" + + + + A device connected to the Status chat network. Each user can represent one or more peers, depending on their number of devices + + + + Seed Phrase + + + + A 64 character hex address based on the Ethereum standard and beginning with 0x. Public-facing, your wallet key is shared with others when you want to receive funds. Also referred to as an “Ethereum address” or “wallet address. + + + + Frequently asked questions + + + + Submit a bug + + + + Request a feature + + + + Language settings + + + + Language + + + + Muted chats + + + + Unmute + + + + The account will be logged out. When you unlock it again, the selected network will be used + + + + Add network + + + + You need to enter the RPC endpoint URL + + + + Invalid URL + + + + You need to enter the network id + + + + Should be a number + + + + Invalid network id + + + + RPC URL + + + + Specify a RPC URL + + + + Network chain + + + + Ropsten test network + + + + Rinkeby test network + + + + Custom + + + + Network Id + + + + Specify the network id + + + + Main networks + + + + Test networks + + + + Custom Networks + + + + Under development +NOTE: You will be logged out and all installed +sticker packs will be removed and will +need to be reinstalled. Purchased sticker +packs will not need to be re-purchased. + + + + Notification preferences + + + + All messages + + + + Just @mentions + + + + Nothing + + + + Play a sound when receiving a notification + + + + Use your operating system's notifications + + + + Setting this to false will instead use Status' notification style as seen below + + + + Message preview + + + + Anonymous + + + + Name only + + + + Name & Message + + + + Hi there! Yes, no problem, let me know if I can help. + + + + No preview or Advanced? Go to Notification Center + + + + Contacts & Users + + + + Notify on new requests + + + + Receive notifications from non-contacts + + + + Muted users + + + + Muted contacts + + + + Muted contacts will appear here + + + + Muted chats will appear here + + + + You can limit what gets shown in notifications + + + + Reset notification settings + + + + Restore default notification settings and unmute all chats and users + + + + Open links with... + + + + My default browser + + + + Security + + + + Backup Seed Phrase + + + + Display all profile pictures (not only contacts) + + + + Display images in chat automatically + + + + All images (links that contain an image extension) will be downloaded and displayed, regardless of the whitelist settings below + + + + Allow new contact requests + + + + Sign out controls + + + + LogoutExit + + + + Sounds settings + + + + Sound volume + + + + Sync settings + + + + Add mailserver + + + + You need to enter the enode address + + + + History node address + + + + enode://{enode-id}:{password}@{ip-address}:{port-number} + + + + Automatic mailserver selection + + + + ... + + + + Share what's on your mind and stay updated with your contacts + + + + Status account settings + + + + You need to enter an account name + + + + Enter an account name... + + + + Account name + + + + Type + + + + Watch-only + + + + Off Status tree + + + + On Status tree + + + + Derivation path + + + + Storage + + + + This device + + + + Delete account + + + + A deleted account cannot be retrieved later. Only press yes if you backed up your key/seed or don't care about this account anymore + + + + Save changes + + + + Add custom token + + + + This needs to be a valid address + + + + Invalid ERC20 address + + + + Enter contract address... + + + + Contract address + + + + The name of your token... + + + + ABC + + + + Symbol + + + + Decimals + + + + Collectibles will appear here + + + + To + + + + From + + + + At + + + + Status Desktop is connected to a non-archival node. Transaction history may be incomplete. + + + + No transactions found + + + + Load More + + + + Total value + + + + Receive + + + + Back up your seed phrase + + + + Recipient + + + + Transaction completed + + + + Transaction failed + + + + Set Currency + + + + Signing phrase + + + + This is your signing phrase + + + + You should see these 3 words before signing each transaction + + + + If you see a different combination, cancel the transaction and sign out + + + + Remind me later + + + + Manage Assets + + + + Account Settings + + + + Collectibles + + + + Generate an account + + + + Add a watch-only address + + + + Enter a seed phrase + + + + Enter a private key + + + + Add account from private key + + + + You need to enter a password + + + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + You need to enter a private key + + + + Enter a valid private key (64 characters hexadecimal string) + + + + Enter your password… + + + + Password + + + + Paste the contents of your private key + + + + Private key + + + + Loading... + + + + Add account + + + + You need to enter a seed phrase + + + + Enter a valid mnemonic + + + + Add account with a seed phrase + + + + Enter your seed phrase, separate words with commas or spaces... + + + + Seed phrase + + + + Add a watch-only account + + + + You need to enter an address + + + + This needs to be a valid address (starting with 0x) + + + + Enter address... + + + + Account address + + + + Token details + + + + Remove token + + + + Transaction Details + + + + 9999 Confirmations + + + + When the transaction has 12 confirmations you can consider it settled. + + + + Block + + + + Hash + + + + Gas limit + + + + Gas price + + + + Gas used + + + + Nonce + + + + Something went wrong + + + + Reload + + + + Maximum number of collectibles to display reached + + + + View + + + + Unnamed + + + + ID + + + + Description + + + + US Dollars + + + + Euros + + + + United Arab Emirates dirham + + + + Afghan afghani + + + + Argentine peso + + + + Australian dollar + + + + Barbadian dollar + + + + Bangladeshi taka + + + + Bulgarian lev + + + + Bahraini dinar + + + + Brunei dollar + + + + Bolivian boliviano + + + + Brazillian real + + + + Bhutanese ngultrum + + + + Canadian dollar + + + + Swiss franc + + + + Chilean peso + + + + Chinese yuan + + + + Colombian peso + + + + Costa Rican colón + + + + Czech koruna + + + + Danish krone + + + + Dominican peso + + + + Egyptian pound + + + + Ethiopian birr + + + + British Pound + + + + Georgian lari + + + + Ghanaian cedi + + + + Hong Kong dollar + + + + Croatian kuna + + + + Hungarian forint + + + + Indonesian rupiah + + + + Israeli new shekel + + + + Indian rupee + + + + Icelandic króna + + + + Jamaican dollar + + + + Japanese yen + + + + Kenyan shilling + + + + South Korean won + + + + Kuwaiti dinar + + + + Kazakhstani tenge + + + + Sri Lankan rupee + + + + Moroccan dirham + + + + Moldovan leu + + + + Mauritian rupee + + + + Malawian kwacha + + + + Mexican peso + + + + Malaysian ringgit + + + + Mozambican metical + + + + Namibian dollar + + + + Nigerian naira + + + + Norwegian krone + + + + Nepalese rupee + + + + New Zealand dollar + + + + Omani rial + + + + Peruvian sol + + + + Papua New Guinean kina + + + + Philippine peso + + + + Pakistani rupee + + + + Polish złoty + + + + Paraguayan guaraní + + + + Qatari riyal + + + + Romanian leu + + + + Serbian dinar + + + + Russian ruble + + + + Saudi riyal + + + + Swedish krona + + + + Singapore dollar + + + + Thai baht + + + + Trinidad and Tobago dollar + + + + New Taiwan dollar + + + + Tanzanian shilling + + + + Turkish lira + + + + Ukrainian hryvnia + + + + Ugandan shilling + + + + Uruguayan peso + + + + Venezuelan bolívar + + + + Vietnamese đồng + + + + South African rand + + + + View Community + + + + Browser + + + + Timeline + + + + Contact request accepted + + + + New contact request + + + + You can now chat with %1 + + + + %1 requests to become contacts + + + + Where do you want to go? + + + + Status Desktop + + + + Open Status + + + + Quit + + + + Create a password + + + + New password... + + + + Confirm password… + + + + At least 6 characters. You will use this password to unlock status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + Create password + + + + Error importing account + + + + An error occurred while importing your account: + + + + Login failed + + + + Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. + + + + Enter seed phrase + + + + This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. + + + + Start with the first word + + + + Enter 12, 15, 18, 21 or 24 words. +Seperate words by a single space. + + + + Invalid seed phrase + + + + Choose a chat name + + + + Truly private communication + + + + Chat over a peer-to-peer, encrypted network + where messages can't be censored or hacked + + + + Secure crypto wallet + + + + Send and receive digital assets anywhere in the +world--no bank account required + + + + Decentralized apps + + + + Explore games, exchanges and social networks +where you alone own your data + + + + Thanks for trying Status Desktop! Please note that this is an alpha release and we advise you that using this app should be done for testing purposes only and you assume the full responsibility for all risks concerning your data and funds. Status makes no claims of security or integrity of funds in these builds. + + + + I understand + + + + Status does not collect, share or sell any personal data. By continuing you agree with the privacy policy. + + + + I'm new, generate keys + + + + Access existing key + + + + Enter password + + + + Connecting... + + + + Login failed: %1 + + + + Generate new keys + + + + Your keys + + + + Add another existing key + + + + Your keys have been successfully recovered + + + + You will have to create a new code or password to re-encrypt your keys + + + + Re-encrypt your keys + + + + Cannot find asset '%1'. Ensure this asset has been added to the token list. + + + + ENS Username not found + + + + eg. 0x1234 or ENS + + + + Paste + + + + You need to request the recipient’s address first. +Assets won’t be sent yet. + + + + Invalid source + + + + Insufficient balance + + + + Must be greater than 0 + + + + Priority + + + + Use suggestions + + + + Use custom + + + + Low + + + + High + + + + Gas amount limit + + + + Per-gas overall limit + + + + Maximum overall price for the transaction. If the block base fee exceeds this, it will be included in a following block with a lower base fee. + + + + Must be greater than or equal to 0 + + + + This needs to be a number + + + + Please enter an amount + + + + The amount is 0. Proceed only if this is desired. + + + + Balance: + + + + Asset & Amount + + + + Blocking will remove any messages you received from %1 and stop new messages from reaching you. + + + + Account color + + + + Confirm your action + + + + Confirm + + + + Are you sure you want to this? + + + + Do not show this again + + + + Please select a contact + + + + Select a contact + + + + Contact does not have an ENS address. Please send a transaction in chat. + + + + No contact selected + + + + Copied! + + + + Slow + + + + Optimal + + + + Fast + + + + Reset + + + + Advanced + + + + Custom Network Fee + + + + Gwei + + + + Apply + + + + Not enough ETH for gas + + + + Copied + + + + Pasted + + + + Copy + + + + Invalid ethereum address + + + + Address + + + + My account + + + + Contact + + + + Search + + + + In: + + + + Messages + + + + Tokens will be sent directly to a contract address, which may result in a loss of funds. To transfer ERC-20 tokens, ensure the recipient address is the address of the destination wallet. + + + + View on Etherscan + + + + <a href='%1' style='color:%2;text-decoration:none;'>%3</a> + + + + Asset + + + + Amount + + + + Data field + + + + Signing phrase is a 3 word combination that displayed when you entered the wallet on this device for the first time. + + + + Enter the password you use to unlock this device + + + + Unblocking will allow new messages you received from %1 to reach you. + + + + Send transaction + + + + Request transaction + + + + Public chat + + + + Not a contact + + + + Image files (%1) + + + + Your message is too long. + + + + Please make your message shorter. We have set the limit to 2000 characters to be courteous of others. + + + + Type a message + + + + Bold + + + + Italic + + + + Strikethrough + + + + Code + + + + No recent emojis + + + + Buy for %1 SNT + + + + Uninstall + + + + Install + + + + Free + + + + Pending... + + + + Update + + + + Could not buy Stickerpack + + + + Stickerpack bought successfully + + + + You don't have any stickers yet + + + + Recently used stickers will appear here + + + + Get Stickers + + + + Ethereum explorer + + + + Custom... + + + + Search engine + + + + Dapp permissions + + + + Revoke access + + + + Revoke all access + + + + Show more + + + + %1 invited you to join the group + + + + All + + + + Mentions + + + + Replies + + + + Contact requests + + + + Mark all as Read + + + + Show read notifications + + + + Hide read notifications + + + + Notification settings + + + + You need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messages + + + + Waiting for %1 to accept your request + + + + Just click this button to add them as contact. They will receive a notification. Once they accept the request, you'll be able to chat + + + + Back up community key + + + + Back up + + + + Member name + + + + Community members will appear here + + + + No contacts found + + + + Your community is free to join, but new members are required to be approved by the community creator first + + + + Your community can only be joined by an invitation from existing community members + + + + Your community is free for anyone to join + + + + You should keep it safe and only share it with people you trust to take ownership of your community + + + + You can also use this key to import your community on another device + + + + Decline and block + + + + Decline all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to decline all these contact requests + + + + Accept all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to accept all these contact requests + + + + Decline all + + + + Accept all + + + + Pin limit reached + + + + Unpin a previous message first + + + + %1 messages + + + + %1 message + + + + Pinned messages will appear here. + + + + I accept + + + + Format not supported. + + + + Upload %1 only + + + + You can only upload %1 images at a time + + + + Max image size is %1 MB + + + + TODO + + + + NOW + + + + %1M + + + + %1H + + + + %1D + + + + Sun + + + + Mon + + + + Tue + + + + Wed + + + + Thu + + + + Fri + + + + Sat + + + + Jan + + + + Feb + + + + Mar + + + + Apr + + + + Jun + + + + Jul + + + + Aug + + + + Sep + + + + Oct + + + + Nov + + + + Dec + + + + Sunday + + + + Monday + + + + Tuesday + + + + Wednesday + + + + Thursday + + + + Friday + + + + Saturday + + + + Start a 1-on-1 chat with %1 + + + + Join the %1 community + + + + Join the %1 group chat + + + + Join the %1 public channel + + + + words + + + + Mainnet with upstream RPC + + + + POA Network + + + + xDai Chain + + + + Goerli with upstream RPC + + + + Rinkeby with upstream RPC + + + + Ropsten with upstream RPC + + + + You need to repeat your password + + + + Passwords don't match + + + + You need to enter a %1 + + + + The %1 cannot exceed %2 characters + + + + Must be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + Use only lowercase letters (a to z), numbers & dashes (-). Do not use chat keys. + + + + community-image-delete + + + + public + 오픈채팅 + + + + AboutView + + Status Desktop + + + + Privacy Policy + + + + Check for updates + + + + Current Version + + + + Release Notes + + + + Our Principles + + + + Status desktop’s GitHub Repositories + + + + Status Go + + + + StatusQ + + + + go-waku + + + + Legal & Privacy Documents + + + + Terms of Use + + + + Software License + + + + + AcceptRejectOptionsButtonsPanel + + View Profile + + + + Decline and block + + + + + AccessExistingCommunityPopup + + You need to enter a key + + + + Import + + + + Error importing the community + + + + + AccountView + + Type + + + + Storage + + + + Watch-Only Account + + + + Generated by your Status seed phrase profile + + + + Imported Account + + + + On Device + + + + Derivation Path + + + + Remove from your profile + + + + Confirm %1 Removal + + + + You will not be able to restore viewing access to this account in the future unless you enter this account’s address again. + + + + Remove Account + + + + + ActivityCenterMessageComponentView + + Mark as Read + + + + Mark as Unread + + + + + AddAccountModal + + Advanced + + + + Generate an account + + + + Wrong password + + + + You need to enter a password + + + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + Enter your password… + + + + Password + + + + Enter an account name... + + + + Account name + + + + You need to enter an account name + + + + color + + + + Loading... + + + + Add account + + + + + AddEditSavedAddressPopup + + Name + + + + Address + + + + Save + + + + Edit saved address + + + + Add saved address + + + + Enter a name + + + + Name must not be blank + + + + This is not a valid account name + + + + Enter ENS Name or Ethereum Address + + + + Please enter a valid ENS name OR Ethereum Address + + + + Add address + + + + + AddFavoriteModal + + URL + + + + Paste URL + + + + Paste + + + + Pasted + + + + Name + + + + Favorite added + + + + Edit + + + + Add favorite + + + + Please enter a valid URL + + + + Name of the website + + + + Please enter a name + + + + Remove + + + + Done + + + + Add + + + + Add Favorite + + + + + AdvancedContainer + + Online users + + + + + AdvancedView + + disable + 비활성화 + + + enable + 사용 + + + Fleet + + + + Minimize on close + + + + Application Logs + + + + Experimental features + + + + Wallet + + + + WalletSettingsLineButton + + + + Dapp Browser + + + + Community History Archive Protocol + + + + Node Management + + + + Keycard + + + + Bloom filter level + + + + Warning! + + + + The account will be logged out. When you login again, the selected mode will be enabled + + + + Light Node + + + + Normal + + + + Full Node + + + + WakuV2 mode + + + + Developer features + + + + Full developer mode + + + + Download messages + + + + Telemetry + + + + Debug + + + + Auto message + + + + Are you sure you want to enable all the develoer features? The app will be restarted. + + + + Are you sure you want to enable telemetry? This will reduce your privacy level while using Status. You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. + + + + Are you sure you want to enable auto message? You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. + + + + Are you sure you want to %1 debug mode? You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. + + + + This feature is experimental and is meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It's not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data. Use at your own risk. + + + + I understand + + + + + AllowNotificationsView + + Ok, got it + + + + Allow notifications + + + + Status will notify you about new messages. You can +edit your notification preferences later in settings. + + + + + AppMain + + Where do you want to go? + + + + Profile Picture + + + + Make this my Profile Pic + + + + Invite People + + + + View Community + + + + Leave Community + + + + A new version of Status (%1) is available + + + + Download + + + + Your version is up to date + + + + Close + + + + Can not connect to mailserver + + + + The mailserver you're connecting to is unavailable. + + + + Pick another + + + + Retry + + + + + AppearanceView + + XS + + + + S + + + + M + + + + L + + + + XL + + + + XXL + + + + Preview + + + + Blockchains will drop search costs, causing a kind of decomposition that allows you to have markets of entities that are horizontally segregated and vertically segregated. + + + + Size + + + + Change font size + + + + Change Zoom (requires restart) + + + + 50% + + + + 100% + + + + 150% + + + + 200% + + + + Appearance + + + + Light + + + + Dark + + + + System + + + + + BackupSeedModal + + Back up your seed phrase + + + + Continue + + + + Not Now + + + + Confirm Seed Phrase + + + + Complete & Delete My Seed Phrase + + + + Confirm word #%1 of your seed phrase + + + + + BackupSeedStepBase + + Enter word + + + + Wrong word + + + + Word #%1 + + + + + BeforeGetStartedModal + + Privacy Policy + + + + Before you get started + + + + I acknowledge that status desktop is in beta and by using it I take the full responsibility for all risks concerning my data and funds + + + + Before you get started... + + + + Get Started + + + + I acknowledge that Status Desktop is in Beta and by using it I take the full responsibility for all risks concerning my data and funds. + + + + I accept Status + + + + Terms of Use + + + + Terms of service + + + + Get started + + + + + BrowserLayout + + Transaction pending... + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Error signing message + + + + View on etherscan + + + + Server's certificate not trusted + + + + Do you wish to continue? + + + + If you wish so, you may continue with an unverified certificate. Accepting an unverified certificate means you may not be connected with the host you tried to connect to. +Do you wish to override the security check and continue? + + + + + ChatContextMenuView + + Leave group + + + + Save + + + + Delete + + + + Are you sure you want to leave this chat? + + + + View Members + + + + Add / remove from group + + + + Test WakuV2 - requestAllHistoricMessages + + + + Edit name + + + + Mark as Read + + + + Clear history + + + + Edit Channel + + + + Download + + + + Delete Channel + + + + Delete chat + + + + Leave chat + + + + Download messages + + + + Delete #%1 + + + + Are you sure you want to delete #%1 channel? + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this chat? + + + + + ChatView + + Members + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + + CollectibleDetailsHeader + + Send + + + + + CollectibleModal + + description + 설명 + + + unnamed + + + + id + + + + View in Opensea + + + + + CollectiblesStore + + Collectibles + + + + + CollectiblesView + + Collectibles will appear here + + + + + CommunitiesListPanel + + Cancel + + + + Leave community + + + + Leave %1 + + + + Are you sure you want to leave? Once you leave, you will have to request to rejoin if you change your mind. + + + + + CommunitiesPopup + + Communities + + + + 1 member + + + + %1 members + + + + Create a community + + + + Search for communities or topics + + + + Access existing community + + + + + CommunitiesPortalLayout + + Search + + + + Find community + + + + Import Community + + + + Create New Community + + + + Featured + + + + Popular + + + + + CommunityColorPicker + + Community colour + + + + + CommunityColumnView + + Create channel + + + + Create category + + + + 1 Member + + + + %1 Members + + + + Start chat + + + + Membership requests + + + + Invite people + + + + Unmute category + + + + Mute category + + + + Edit Category + + + + Delete Category + + + + Delete %1 category + + + + Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. + + + + Create channel or category + + + + Error deleting the category + + + + + CommunityDescriptionInput + + Description + + + + What your community is about + + + + community description + + + + + CommunityDetailPopup + + Join ‘%1’ + + + + Pending + + + + Unknown community + + + + Public community + + + + Invitation only community + + + + On request community + + + + - ENS only + + + + %1 members + + + + Channels + + + + You need to be invited + + + + Request to join ‘%1’ + + + + Error joining the community + + + + + CommunityEditSettingsPanel + + A catchy name + + + + community name + + + + Description + + + + What your community is about + + + + Pick a color + + + + + CommunityHeaderButton + + 1 member + + + + %1 members + + + + + CommunityMembersSettingsPanel + + Members + + + + Member name + + + + Ban + + + + Kick + + + + Membership requests + + + + Community members will appear here + + + + No contacts found + + + + You + + + + + CommunityNameInput + + A catchy name + + + + community name + + + + Community name + + + + + CommunityProfilePopup + + Members + + + + Transfer ownership + + + + Public community + + + + Invitation only community + + + + On request community + + + + Unknown community + + + + Invite friends + + + + Invite + + + + + CommunityProfilePopupInviteFriendsPanel + + Copied! + + + + Contacts + + + + Share community + + + + + CommunityProfilePopupMembersListPanel + + Member name + + + + + CommunityProfilePopupOverviewPanel + + Copied! + + + + Share community + + + + Transfer ownership + + + + Leave community + + + + + CommunitySettingsView + + Members + + + + Notifications + + + + Settings + + + + Overview + + + + Open legacy popup (to be removed) + + + + Back to community + + + + Error editing the community + + + + + CommunityUserList + + Members + + + + + ConfirmPasswordView + + Passwords don't match + + + + Have you written down your password? + + + + You will never be able to recover your password if you lose it. + + + + If you need to, write it using pen and paper and keep in a safe place. + + + + If you lose your password you will lose access to your Status profile. + + + + Confirm your password (again) + + + + Confirm you password (again) + + + + Finalise Status Password Creation + + + + Keys for this account already exist + + + + Keys for this account already exist and can't be added again. If you've lost your password, passcode or Keycard, uninstall the app, reinstall and access your keys by entering your seed phrase + + + + Login failed + + + + Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. + + + + + ConfirmationDialog + + Confirm + + + + Reject + + + + Cancel + + + + Confirm your action + + + + Do not show this again + + + + Are you sure you want to do this? + + + + + ContactPanel + + View Profile + + + + Send message + + + + Respond to ID Request + + + + See ID Request + + + + Rename + + + + + ContactsColumnView + + Start chat + + + + Chat + + + + Search + + + + Join public chats + + + + Contact requests + + + + Community imported + + + + Importing community is in progress + + + + + ContactsView + + Contacts + + + + Send contact request to chat key + + + + Search by a display name or chat key + + + + Pending Requests + + + + Blocked + + + + Identity Verified Contacts + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet + + + + Received + + + + Sent + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + + Controls + + XS + + + + S + + + + M + + + + L + + + + XL + + + + XXL + + + + 50% + + + + 100% + + + + 150% + + + + 200% + + + + + CreateCategoryPopup + + Category title + + + + category name + + + + Edit category + + + + New category + + + + Name the category + + + + Channels + + + + Delete category + + + + Delete %1 category + + + + Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. + + + + Save + + + + Create + + + + Error editing the category + + + + Error creating the category + + + + + CreateChannelPopup + + Channel name + + + + channel name + + + + Description + + + + Describe the channel + + + + channel description + + + + New channel + + + + Edit #%1 + + + + Name the channel + + + + Channel colour + + + + Pick a color + + + + Save + + + + Create + + + + Error creating the community + + + + + CreateChatView + + Contacts + + + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. + +Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be able to chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. + + + + You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. + + +Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be + able to +chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. + + + + You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. + + +Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be able to +chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. + + + + Confirm + + + + + CreateCommunityPopup + + You need to enter a color + + + + This field needs to be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + Community color + + + + Pick a color + + + + Please choose a color + + + + Next + + + + Error creating the community + + + + Name your community + + + + A catchy name + + + + Give it a short description + + + + What your community is about + + + + Community colour + + + + Create New Community + + + + Create Community + + + + + CreatePasswordView + + Create password + + + + + DemoApp + + Invite People + + + + View Community + + + + Edit Community + + + + Leave Community + + + + + DerivationPathsPanel + + Reset + + + + Derivation Path + + + + + DerivedAddressesPanel + + Pending + + + + Account + + + + No activity + + + + Invalid path + + + + Has Activity + + + + No Activity + + + + + DisplayNamePopup + + Edit + + + + Ok + + + + Display Name + + + + OK + + + + + EnsDetailsView + + Wallet address + + + + Key + + + + Connect username with your pubkey + + + + Copied to clipboard! + + + + Release username + + + + Username locked. You won't be able to release it until %1 + + + + Back + + + + + EnsSearchView + + Connect username with your pubkey + + + + At least 4 characters. Latin letters, numbers, and lowercase only. + + + + Letters and numbers only. + + + + Type the entire username including the custom domain like username.domain.eth + + + + Custom domain + + + + I want a stateofus.eth domain + + + + I own a name on another domain + + + + + EnsView + + Transaction pending... + + + + View on etherscan + + + + ENS Registration failed + + + + ENS Registration completed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey failed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey completed + + + + + ExemptionNotificationsModal + + Done + + + + %1 exemption + + + + Mute all messages + + + + Personal @ Mentions + + + + Global @ Mentions + + + + Other Messages + + + + Clear Exemptions + + + + + GasSelector + + Priority + + + + Low + + + + High + + + + Must be greater than 0 + + + + This needs to be a number + + + + Please enter an amount + + + + Min 21000 units + + + + Not enough gas + + + + Miners will currently not process transactions with a tip below %1 Gwei, the average is %2 Gwei + + + + The average miner tip is %1 Gwei + + + + Gas Price + + + + Current base fee: %1 %2 + + + + Use suggestions + + + + Use custom + + + + Optimal + + + + Gas amount limit + + + + Per-gas tip limit + + + + Gwei + + + + Per-gas overall limit + + + + Maximum priority fee: %1 ETH + + + + Maximum overall price for the transaction. If the block base fee exceeds this, it will be included in a following block with a lower base fee. + + + + + GroupInfoPopup + + %1/%2 members + + + + Add members + + + + %1 members + + + + 1 member + + + + Search + + + + All your contacts are already in the group + + + + Pinned messages + + + + Admin + + + + Make Admin + + + + Remove From Group + + + + Add selected + + + + + ImageCropperModal + + Crop your image (optional) + + + + Finish + + + + + ImportPrivateKeyPanel + + Pending + + + + You need to enter a private key + + + + Enter a valid private key (64 characters hexadecimal string) + + + + Private key + + + + Paste the contents of your private key + + + + Public address + + + + Account already added + + + + Has Activity + + + + No Activity + + + + + InsertCard + + Cancel + + + + Please insert your Keycard to proceed or press the cancel button to cancel the operation + + + + + InsertDetailsView + + Next + + + + Profile picture + + + + Your profile + + + + Longer and unusual names are better as they are less likely to be used by someone else. + + + + Display name + + + + Chatkey: + + + + Choose an image for profile picture + + + + Make this my profile picture + + + + Your emojihash and identicon ring + + + + This set of emojis and coloured ring around your avatar are unique and represent your chat key, so your friends can easily distinguish you from potential impersonators. + + + + + InvitationBubbleView + + Unsupported state + + + + Membership requires an ENS username + + + + You need to be invited + + + + Pending + + + + View + + + + Request Access + + + + Join + + + + Verified community invitation + + + + Community invitation + + + + %1 members + + + + Error joining the community + + + + + KeysMainView + + Enter a seed phrase + + + + Generate new keys + + + + intro-wizard-title1 + + + + a-set-of-keys-controls-your-account.-your-keys-live-on-your-device,-so-only-you-can-use-them. + + + + Connect your keys + + + + Use your existing Status keys to login to this device. + + + + Get your keys + + + + A set of keys controls your account. Your keys live on your +device, so only you can use them. + + + + Import a seed phrase + + + + Seed phrases are used to back up and restore your keys. Only use this option if you already have a seed phrase. + + + + + LanguageView + + Language + + + + Set Display Currency + + + + Search Currencies + + + + Search Languages + + + + Date Format + + + + DD/MM/YY + + + + MM/DD/YY + + + + Time Format + + + + 24-Hour Time + + + + 12-Hour Time + + + + Change language + + + + Display language has been changed. You must restart the application for changes to take effect. + + + + Close the app now + + + + + Layout + + Invite People + + + + View Community + + + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + Edit Community + + + + Leave Community + + + + + LeftTabView + + Settings + + + + Sign out + + + + Make sure you have your account password and seed phrase stored. Without them you can lock yourself out of your account and lose funds. + + + + Sign out & Quit + + + + Wallet + + + + Total value + + + + Add account + + + + Saved addresses + + + + + LoginView + + Ok + + + + Welcome back + + + + Add new user + + + + Add existing Status user + + + + Connecting... + + + + Password + + + + Enter password + + + + Login failed: %1 + + + + Password incorrect + + + + + MenuPanel + + Settings + + + + Apps + + + + About & Help + + + + + MessageContextMenuView + + Jump to + + + + Copy image + + + + Download image + + + + Block User + + + + Unblock User + + + + Rename + + + + Reply to + + + + Edit message + + + + Copy Message Id + + + + Unpin + + + + Pin + + + + Delete message + + + + Please choose a directory + + + + Confirm deleting this message + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well. + + + + + MessagingView + + Contacts + + + + Allow new contact requests + + + + Show My Profile Picture To + + + + Everyone + + + + No One + + + + See Profile Pictures From + + + + Open Message Links With + + + + Status Browser + + + + System Default Browser + + + + Contacts, Requests, and Blocked Users + + + + Display Message Link Previews + + + + Fine tune which sites to allow link previews + + + + Image unfurling + + + + All images (links that contain an image extension) will be downloaded and displayed + + + + Message syncing + + + + Waku nodes + + + + For security reasons, private chat history won't be synced. + + + + + MyProfileView + + ENS username + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Change Password + + + + Edit + + + + Preview + + + + + NicknamePopup + + Nickname + + + + Nicknames help you identify others in Status. Only you can see the nicknames you’ve added + + + + Done + + + + + NoImageUploadedPanel + + Upload + + + + Wide aspect ratio is optimal + + + + + NotificationsView + + Messages + + + + You have a new message + + + + Anonymous + + + + Community + + + + 1:1 Chat + + + + Group Chat + + + + Muted + + + + Off + + + + Quiet + + + + Personal @ Mentions %1 + + + + Global @ Mentions %1 + + + + Alerts + + + + Other Messages %1 + + + + Multiple Exemptions + + + + Enable Notifications in macOS Settings + + + + To receive Status notifications, make sure you've enabled them in your computer's settings under <b>System Preferences > Notifications</b> + + + + Sync your devices to share notifications preferences + + + + Syncing > + + + + Allow Notifications + + + + 1:1 Chats + + + + Group Chats + + + + Personal @ Mentions + + + + Messages containing @%1 + + + + Global @ Mentions + + + + Messages containing @here and @channel + + + + All Messages + + + + Others + + + + Contact Requests + + + + Identity Verification Requests + + + + Notification Content + + + + Show Name and Message + + + + Hi there! So EIP-1559 will defini... + + + + Name Only + + + + Play a Sound When Receiving a Notification + + + + Volume + + + + Send a Test Notification + + + + Exemptions + + + + Search Communities, Group Chats and 1:1 Chats + + + + Most recent + + + + + PasswordView + + Create a password + + + + Passwords don't match + + + + Create a password to unlock Status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + You will not be able to recover this password if it is lost. + + + + Minimum %1 characters. To strengthen your password consider including: + + + + This password has been pwned and shouldn't be used + + + + This password is a common word and shouldn't be used + + + + Password must be at least %1 characters long + + + + Current password + + + + New password + + + + Very weak + + + + Weak + + + + So-so + + + + Good + + + + Great + + + + Lower case + + + + Upper case + + + + Numbers + + + + Symbols + + + + Confirm password + + + + + PermissionsListView + + Disconnect + + + + Disconnect All + + + + + PinnedMessagesPopup + + Unpin + + + + Pin limit reached + + + + Pinned messages + + + + Unpin a previous message first + + + + %1 messages + + + + %1 message + + + + Pinned messages will appear here. + + + + + ProfileLayout + + Contacts + + + + Testnet mode is enabled. All balances, transactions and dApp interactions will be on testnets. + + + + Secure your seed phrase + + + + Back up now + + + + + ProfilePopup + + ENS username + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Chat settings + + + + Nickname + + + + None + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + Unblock User + + + + Block User + + + + Add to contacts + + + + 's Profile + + + + Send Contact Request to + + + + Verify %1's Identity + + + + My Profile + + + + %1's Profile + + + + Send Contact Request to %1 + + + + Cancel verification + + + + Remove Contact + + + + Send Contact Request + + + + Mark Untrustworthy + + + + Remove 'Identity Verified' status + + + + No + + + + Yes + + + + Remove Untrustworthy Mark + + + + Verify Identity + + + + Verify Identity pending... + + + + Send verification request + + + + Verification request sent + + + + Confirm Identity + + + + Rename + + + + Close + + + + + ProfileSectionStore + + Profile + + + + ENS usernames + + + + Wallet + + + + Browser + + + + Communities + + + + Appearance + + + + Back up seed phrase + + + + Advanced + + + + Messaging + + + + Notifications & Sounds + + + + Language & Currency + + + + Devices settings + + + + About + + + + Sign out & Quit + + + + + RateView + + Upload + + + + Bandwidth + + + + Kb/s + + + + Download + + + + + ReceiveModal + + Copy + + + + Receive + + + + Legacy + + + + Multichain + + + + Your Address + + + + + RootStore + + You + + + + Start a 1-on-1 chat with %1 + + + + Join the %1 community + + + + Join the %1 group chat + + + + + SavedAddressesView + + Cancel + + + + Delete + + + + Saved addresses + + + + Add new address + + + + Edit + + + + Are you sure you want to remove '%1' from your saved addresses? + + + + Are you sure? + + + + No saved addresses + + + + + SeedPhraseInputView + + Enter seed phrase + + + + Next + + + + Import + + + + Keys for this account already exist + + + + Keys for this account already exist and can't be added again. If you've lost your password, passcode or Keycard, uninstall the app, reinstall and access your keys by entering your seed phrase + + + + Error importing seed + + + + %1 words + + + + %1SeedButton + + + + Invalid seed + + + + Restore Status Profile + + + + + SendContactRequestModal + + Paste + + + + Send Contact Request to chat key + + + + Enter chat key here + + + + Say who you are / why you want to become a contact... + + + + who are you + + + + Send Contact Request + + + + + SendModal + + Transaction pending... + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Send + + + + Max: + + + + No balances active + + + + Please enter a valid amount + + + + To + + + + Enter an ENS name or address + + + + Error estimating gas: %1 + + + + Wrong password + + + + View on etherscan + + + + + SendModalFooter + + Unknown + + + + Estimated Time: + + + + Max Fees: + + + + Send + + + + + SendModalHeader + + To + + + + + SettingsPageLayout + + Cancel + + + + Save changes + + + + + SignTransactionModal + + Send + + + + Continue + + + + Error estimating gas: %1 + + + + Transaction pending... + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Choose account + + + + Network fee + + + + Transaction preview + + + + Sign with password + + + + Send %1 %2 + + + + Next + + + + Wrong password + + + + View on etherscan + + + + + StatusAppCommunityView + + Members + + + + + StatusChatInput + + Send + + + + Message + + + + Please choose an image + + + + Image files (%1) + + + + Your message is too long. + + + + Please make your message shorter. We have set the limit to 2000 characters to be courteous of others. + + + + Bold + + + + Italic + + + + Strikethrough + + + + Code + + + + Unblock + + + + + StatusChatListAndCategories + + More + + + + Add channel inside category + + + + + StatusChatListCategoryItem + + More + + + + Add channel inside category + + + + + StatusChatListItem + + Unmute + + + + + StatusChatToolBar + + Search + + + + Members + + + + More + + + + + StatusColorDialog + + Preview + + + + This is not a valid color + + + + Standart colours + + + + Select Colour + + + + + StatusExpandableSettingsItemPage + + Back up seed phrase + + + + Not Implemented + + + + + StatusListPicker + + Search + + + + + StatusMacNotification + + Open + + + + My latest message + with a return + + + + + StatusStickerMarket + + This feature is experimental and is meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It's not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data. Use at your own risk. + + + + I understand + 다음을 이해합니다 + + + + StatusTokenInlineSelector + + or + 또는 + + + Hold + + + + to post + + + + + StatusWalletColorSelect + + Account color + 계정 컬러 + + + + TabNetworkAndFees + + Advanced + 고급 + + + Custom + 커스텀 + + + Slow + 느림 + + + + TransactionSettingsConfirmationPopup + + Are you sure? + 확실하신가요? + + + Your priority fee is below our suggested parameters. + + + + Current base fee + + + + %1 Gwei + + + + Current minimum tip + + + + Current average tip + + + + Your tip limit + + + + Suggested minimum tip + + + + Your price limit + + + + Suggested minimum price limit + + + + Change Limit + + + + Continue anyway + + + + + TransferOwnershipPopup + + Transfer ownership + 소유권 이전 + + + Community private key + 커뮤니티 개인키 + + + Copy + 클립보드에 복사 + + + Copied + 복사됨 + + + You should keep it safe and only share it with people you trust to take ownership of your community + + + + You can also use this key to import your community on another device + + + + + UploadProfilePicModal + + Profile picture + 프로필 사진 + + + Remove + 제거 + + + Upload + 업로드 + + + Done + 완료 + + + Upload profile picture + + + + Choose an image for profile picture + + + + Make this my profile picture + + + + + UserList + + Members + 멤버들 + + + + UsernameLabel + + You + 사용자 + + + + Utils + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + 비밀번호는 6자 이상이어야 합니다 + + + You need to enter a %1 + %1을 입력해야 합니다 + + + now + 방금 막 + + + Sun + + + + Mon + + + + Tue + + + + Wed + + + + Thu + + + + Fri + + + + Sat + + + + Jan + + + + Feb + + + + Mar + + + + Apr + + + + May + + + + Jun + + + + Jul + + + + Aug + + + + Sep + + + + Oct + + + + Nov + + + + Dec + + + + Yesterday + + + + Sunday + + + + Monday + + + + Tuesday + + + + Wednesday + + + + Thursday + + + + Friday + + + + Saturday + + + + NOW + + + + %1M + + + + %1H + + + + %1D + + + + words + + + + You need to enter a password + + + + You need to repeat your password + + + + Passwords don't match + + + + You need to enter a PIN + + + + The PIN must contain only digits + + + + The PIN must be exactly 6 digits + + + + You need to repeat your PIN + + + + PIN don't match + + + + The %1 cannot exceed %2 characters + + + + Must be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + Use only lowercase letters (a to z), numbers & dashes (-). Do not use chat keys. + + + + Value has to be at least %1 characters long + + + + Unknown + + + + < 1 min + + + + < 3 mins + + + + < 5 mins + + + + > 5 mins + + + + years ago + + + + year ago + + + + months ago + + + + month ago + + + + weeks ago + + + + week ago + + + + days ago + + + + day ago + + + + hours ago + + + + hour ago + + + + mins ago + + + + min ago + + + + secs ago + + + + sec ago + + + + + WalletView + + Wallet + 지갑 + + + Networks + + + + DApp Permissions + + + + Testnet Mode + + + + + AcceptTransactionView + + Accept and share address + + + + Accept and send + + + + Decline + + + + + Acknowledgements + + Secure Your Assets and Funds + + + + Your seed phrase is a 12-word passcode to your funds. + + + + Your seed phrase cannot be recovered if lost. Therefore, you <b>must</b> back it up. The simplest way is to <b>write it down offline and store it somewhere secure.</b> + + + + I have a pen and paper + + + + I am ready to write down my seed phrase + + + + I know where I’ll store it + + + + You can only complete this process once. Status will not store your seed phrase and can never help you recover it. + + + + + ActivityCenterPopup + + Show more + + + + + ActivityCenterPopupTopBarPanel + + All + + + + Mentions + + + + Replies + + + + Mark all as Read + + + + Show read notifications + + + + Hide read notifications + + + + Notification settings + + + + + AddShowTokenModal + + Add custom token + + + + This needs to be a valid address + + + + Invalid ERC20 address + + + + Enter contract address... + + + + Contract address + + + + The name of your token... + + + + Name + + + + ABC + + + + Symbol + + + + Decimals + + + + Changing settings failed + + + + Add + + + + + AddWakuNodeModal + + Waku nodes + + + + Name + + + + Specify a name + + + + You need to enter a name + + + + History node address + + + + You need to enter the enode address + + + + The format must be: enode://{enode-id}:{password}@{ip-address}:{port} + + + + Save + + + + + AddressInput + + ENS Username not found + + + + + AddressRequiredValidator + + You need to request the recipient’s address first. +Assets won’t be sent yet. + + + + + AddressSourceSelector + + Invalid source + + + + + AdvancedAddAccountView + + Enter address... + + + + Account address + + + + This needs to be a valid address (starting with 0x) + + + + You need to enter an address + + + + + AppSearch + + No results + + + + Anywhere + + + + + AssetAndAmountInput + + Insufficient balance + + + + Must be greater than or equal to 0 + + + + This needs to be a number + + + + Please enter an amount + + + + Balance: + + + + Asset & Amount + + + + The amount is 0. Proceed only if this is desired. + + + + + BackUpCommuntyBannerPanel + + Back up community key + + + + Back up + + + + + BalanceExceeded + + Balance exceeded + + + + No networks available + + + + + BalanceValidator + + Insufficient balance + + + + + BlockContactConfirmationDialog + + Block User + + + + Blocking will stop new messages from reaching you from %1. + + + + + BloomSelectorButton + + TODO + + + + + BrowserConnectionModal + + '%1' would like to connect to + + + + Allowing authorizes this DApp to retrieve your wallet address and enable Web3 + + + + Granting access authorizes this DApp to retrieve your chat key + + + + Deny + + + + Allow + + + + + BrowserHeader + + Enter URL + + + + + BrowserSettingsMenu + + New Tab + + + + Exit Incognito mode + + + + Go Incognito + + + + Zoom In + + + + Zoom Out + + + + Find + + + + Compatibility mode + + + + Developer Tools + + + + Settings + + + + + BrowserTabStyle + + Start Page + + + + + BrowserTabView + + Start Page + + + + New Tab + + + + Downloads Page + + + + + BrowserView + + Search engine used in the address bar + + + + None + + + + Show Favorites Bar + + + + Connected DApps + + + + No connected dApps + + + + Connecting a dApp grants it permission to view your address and balances, and to send you transaction requests + + + + + BrowserWalletMenu + + Mainnet + + + + Ropsten + + + + Unknown + + + + Disconnect + + + + Assets + + + + History + + + + + BrowserWebEngineView + + Add Favorite + + + + + ChangePasswordModal + + Change password + + + + Change password used to unlock Status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + Change Password + + + + + ChangePasswordSuccessModal + + <b>Password changed</b> + + + + You need to sign in again using the new password. + + + + Sign out & Quit + + + + + ChangeProfilePicModal + + Profile picture + + + + Remove + + + + Upload + + + + Please choose an image + + + + Image files (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png) + + + + + ChannelIdentifierView + + Welcome to the beginning of the <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> group! + + + + Any messages you send here are encrypted and can only be read by you and <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> + + + + + ChatButtonsPanel + + Add reaction + + + + Reply + + + + Edit + + + + Unpin + + + + Pin + + + + Delete + + + + Confirm deleting this message + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well. + + + + + ChatColumnView + + Send + + + + Request Address + + + + Request + + + + + ChatCommandModal + + Continue + + + + Receive on account + + + + From account + + + + Address request required + + + + From + + + + To + + + + Preview + + + + Transaction preview + + + + Next + + + + + ChatCommandsPopup + + Send transaction + + + + Request transaction + + + + + ChatContentView + + Contact + + + + Not a contact + + + + Public chat + + + + %1 members + + + + 1 member + + + + Connected + + + + Disconnected + + + + Blocked + + + + This user has been blocked. + + + + + ChatMessagesView + + Loading... + + + + Failed to send message. + + + + + ChatRequestMessagePanel + + You need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messages + + + + Just click this button to add them as contact. They will receive a notification. Once they accept the request, you'll be able to chat + + + + Add to contacts + + + + + ChooseBrowserPopup + + Choose browser + + + + Open in Status + + + + Open in my default browser + + + + Remember my choice. To override it, go to settings. + + + + + ClosedEmptyPanel + + Your chats will appear here. To start new chats press the  button at the top + + + + + CollectibleCollectionView + + No collectibles available + + + + + CollectibleDetailView + + Properties + + + + Levels + + + + Stats + + + + + CollectiblesContent + + Something went wrong + + + + Reload + + + + + CollectiblesHeader + + Maximum number of collectibles to display reached + + + + + CollectiblesModal + + View + + + + Unnamed + + + + + CollectiblesModalContent + + ID + + + + Description + + + + + CommunitiesView + + Import community + + + + Communities you've joined + + + + + CommunityBannerPicker + + Community banner + + + + Choose an image for banner + + + + Make this my Community banner + + + + + CommunityChannelsAndCategoriesBannerPanel + + Expand your community by adding more channels and categories + + + + Add channels + + + + Add categories + + + + + CommunityColorPanel + + Community Colour + + + + Select Community Colour + + + + This is not a valid colour + + + + White text should be legable on top of this colour + + + + Standard colours + + + + + CommunityDelegate + + Admin + + + + Member + + + + + CommunityIntroDialog + + Welcome to %1 + + + + Join %1 + + + + Community <b>%1</b> has no intro message... + + + + I agree with the above + + + + + CommunityIntroMessageInput + + Community introduction and rules + + + + What new members will read before joining (eg. community rules, welcome message, etc.). Members will need to tick a check box agreeing to these rules before they are allowed to join your community. + + + + community intro message + + + + + CommunityLogoPicker + + Community logo + + + + Choose an image as logo + + + + Make this my Community logo + + + + + CommunityOptions + + Community history service + + + + Request to join required + + + + Any member can pin a message + + + + + CommunityOutroMessageInput + + Leaving community message + + + + The message a member will see when they leave your community + + + + community intro message + + + + + CommunityOverviewSettingsPanel + + Overview + + + + Edit Community + + + + This node is the Community Owner Node. For your Community to function correctly try to keep this computer with Status running and onlinie as much as possible. + + + + Welcome to your community! + + + + Invite new people + + + + Try an airdrop to reward your community for engagement! + + + + Airdrop Tokens + + + + Back up community key + + + + Back up + + + + + CommunityTagsPanel + + Community Tags + + + + Confirm Community Tags + + + + Select tags that will fit your Community + + + + Search tags + + + + Selected tags + + + + + CommunityTagsPicker + + Tags + + + + + CommunityWelcomeBannerPanel + + Welcome to your community! + + + + Add members + + + + Manage community + + + + + CompactMessageView + + Pinned by %1 + + + + Cancel + + + + Save + + + + + ConfirmAddExistingKeyModal + + Enter seed phrase + + + + Do you want to add another existing key? + + + + Add another existing key + + + + + ConfirmAppRestartModal + + Application Restart + + + + Please restart the application to apply the changes. + + + + Restart + + + + + ConfirmSeedPhrasePanel + + Write down your 12-word seed phrase to keep offline + + + + Reveal seed phrase + + + + The next screen contains your seed phrase. +<b>Anyone</b> who sees it can use it to access to your funds. + + + + + ConfirmStoringSeedPhrasePanel + + Complete back up + + + + Store Your Phrase Offline and Complete Your Back Up + + + + By completing this process, you will remove your seed phrase from this application’s storage. This makes your funds more secure. + + + + You will remain logged in, and your seed phrase will be entirely in your hands. + + + + I acknowledge that Status will not be able to show me my seed phrase again. + + + + I aknowledge that Status will not be able to show me my seed phrase again. + + + + + Constants + + Username must be at least 5 characters + + + + Only letters, numbers, underscores and hyphens allowed + + + + 24 character username limit + + + + Usernames ending with '-eth' are not allowed + + + + Usernames ending with '_eth' are not allowed + + + + Usernames ending with '.eth' are not allowed + + + + Sorry, the name you have chosen is not allowed, try picking another username + + + + (edited) + + + + Username already taken :( + + + + Username doesn’t belong to you :( + + + + Continuing will connect this username with your chat key. + + + + ✓ Username available! + + + + Username is already connected with your chat key and can be used inside Status. + + + + This user name is owned by you and connected with your chat key. Continue to set `Show my ENS username in chats`. + + + + Continuing will require a transaction to connect the username with your current chat key. + + + + + Contact + + Admin + + + + + ContactRequestsPopup + + Contact requests + + + + Decline all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to decline all these contact requests + + + + Accept all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to accept all these contact requests + + + + Decline all + + + + Accept all + + + + + ContactSelector + + Please select a contact + + + + Select a contact + + + + Contact does not have an ENS address. Please send a transaction in chat. + + + + No contact selected + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet + + + + + ContactVerificationRequestPopup + + %1 is asking you to verify your identity + + + + %1 would like to verify your identity. Answer the question to prove your identity to %2 + + + + Provide answer to verification request from this contact. + + + + Your answer has been sent to %1. + + + + Refuse Verification + + + + Send Answer + + + + Change answer + + + + Close + + + + + ContactsListAndSearch + + Enter a valid chat key or ENS username + + + + Can't chat with yourself + + + + Enter ENS username or chat key + + + + + ContactsListPanel + + Contact Request Sent + + + + Contact Request Rejected + + + + + CopyToClipBoardButton + + Copied! + + + + + CreatePasswordModal + + Store password + + + + Create a password + + + + Current password... + + + + New password... + + + + Confirm password… + + + + At least 6 characters. You will use this password to unlock status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + Create password + + + + Error importing account + + + + An error occurred while importing your account: + + + + Login failed + + + + Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. + + + + Incorrect password + + + + + CryptoServicesModal + + Buy / Sell crypto + + + + Choose a service you'd like to use to buy crypto + + + + + CurrenciesStore + + US Dollars + + + + British Pound + + + + Euros + + + + Russian ruble + + + + South Korean won + + + + Ethereum + + + + Tokens + + + + Bitcoin + + + + Status Network Token + + + + Dai + + + + United Arab Emirates dirham + + + + Other Fiat + + + + Afghan afghani + + + + Argentine peso + + + + Australian dollar + + + + Barbadian dollar + + + + Bangladeshi taka + + + + Bulgarian lev + + + + Bahraini dinar + + + + Brunei dollar + + + + Bolivian boliviano + + + + Brazillian real + + + + Bhutanese ngultrum + + + + Canadian dollar + + + + Swiss franc + + + + Chilean peso + + + + Chinese yuan + + + + Colombian peso + + + + Costa Rican colón + + + + Czech koruna + + + + Danish krone + + + + Dominican peso + + + + Egyptian pound + + + + Ethiopian birr + + + + Georgian lari + + + + Ghanaian cedi + + + + Hong Kong dollar + + + + Croatian kuna + + + + Hungarian forint + + + + Indonesian rupiah + + + + Israeli new shekel + + + + Indian rupee + + + + Icelandic króna + + + + Jamaican dollar + + + + Japanese yen + + + + Kenyan shilling + + + + Kuwaiti dinar + + + + Kazakhstani tenge + + + + Sri Lankan rupee + + + + Moroccan dirham + + + + Moldovan leu + + + + Mauritian rupee + + + + Malawian kwacha + + + + Mexican peso + + + + Malaysian ringgit + + + + Mozambican metical + + + + Namibian dollar + + + + Nigerian naira + + + + Norwegian krone + + + + Nepalese rupee + + + + New Zealand dollar + + + + Omani rial + + + + Peruvian sol + + + + Papua New Guinean kina + + + + Philippine peso + + + + Pakistani rupee + + + + Polish złoty + + + + Paraguayan guaraní + + + + Qatari riyal + + + + Romanian leu + + + + Serbian dinar + + + + Saudi riyal + + + + Swedish krona + + + + Singapore dollar + + + + Thai baht + + + + Trinidad and Tobago dollar + + + + New Taiwan dollar + + + + Tanzanian shilling + + + + Turkish lira + + + + Ukrainian hryvnia + + + + Ugandan shilling + + + + Uruguayan peso + + + + Venezuelan bolívar + + + + Vietnamese đồng + + + + South African rand + + + + + DateGroup + + Today + + + + Yesterday + + + + January + + + + February + + + + March + + + + April + + + + May + + + + June + + + + July + + + + August + + + + September + + + + October + + + + November + + + + December + + + + + DefaultDAppExplorerView + + Default DApp explorer + + + + none + + + + + DevicesView + + Please set a name for your device. + + + + Specify a name + + + + Continue + + + + Advertise device + + + + Pair your devices to sync contacts and chats between them + + + + Learn more + + + + Paired devices + + + + Syncing... + + + + Sync all devices + + + + + DownloadBar + + Cancelled + + + + Paused + + + + Show All + + + + + DownloadMenu + + Open + + + + Show in folder + + + + Pause + + + + Resume + + + + Cancel + + + + + DownloadPage + + Thanks for using Status + + + + You're curently using version %1 of Status. + + + + There's new version available to download. + + + + Get Status %1 + + + + + DownloadView + + Cancelled + + + + Paused + + + + Downloaded files will appear here. + + + + + ENSPopup + + Primary username + + + + Your messages are displayed to others with this username: + + + + Once you select a username, you won’t be able to disable it afterwards. You will only be able choose a different username to display. + + + + + EmojiReactionsPanel + + Add reaction + + + + + EmptyChatPanel + + Share your chat key + + + + or + + + + invite + + + + friends to start messaging in Status + + + + + EnsAddedView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + %1 is now connected with your chat key and can be used in Status. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsConnectedView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + %1 will be connected once the transaction is complete. + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsListView + + Hey + + + + (pending) + + + + ENS usernames + + + + Add username + + + + Your usernames + + + + Chat settings + + + + Primary Username + + + + None selected + + + + You’re displaying your ENS username in chats + + + + + EnsRegisteredView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + Nice! You own %1.stateofus.eth once the transaction is complete. + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsReleasedView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username removed + + + + The username %1 will be removed and your deposit will be returned once the transaction is mined + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsTermsAndConditionsView + + ENS usernames + + + + Terms of name registration + + + + Funds are deposited for 1 year. Your SNT will be locked, but not spent. + + + + After 1 year, you can release the name and get your deposit back, or take no action to keep the name. + + + + If terms of the contract change — e.g. Status makes contract upgrades — user has the right to release the username regardless of time held. + + + + The contract controller cannot access your deposited funds. They can only be moved back to the address that sent them. + + + + Your address(es) will be publicly associated with your ENS name. + + + + Usernames are created as subdomain nodes of stateofus.eth and are subject to the ENS smart contract terms. + + + + You authorize the contract to transfer SNT on your behalf. This can only occur when you approve a transaction to authorize the transfer. + + + + These terms are guaranteed by the smart contract logic at addresses: + + + + %1 (Status UsernameRegistrar). + + + + <a href='%1%2'>Look up on Etherscan</a> + + + + %1 (ENS Registry). + + + + Wallet address + + + + Copied to clipboard! + + + + Key + + + + Agree to <a href="#">Terms of name registration.</a> I understand that my wallet address will be publicly connected to my username. + + + + Back + + + + 10 SNT + + + + Deposit + + + + Not enough SNT + + + + Register + + + + + EnsWelcomeView + + Get a universal username + + + + ENS names transform those crazy-long addresses into unique usernames. + + + + Customize your chat name + + + + An ENS name can replace your random 3-word name in chat. Be @yourname instead of %1. + + + + Simplify your ETH address + + + + You can receive funds to your easy-to-share ENS name rather than your hexadecimal hash (0x...). + + + + Receive transactions in chat + + + + Others can send you funds via chat in one simple step. + + + + 10 SNT to register + + + + Register once to keep the name forever. After 1 year you can release the name and get your SNT back. + + + + Already own a username? + + + + You can verify and add any usernames you own in the next steps. + + + + Powered by Ethereum Name Services + + + + Start + + + + Only available on Mainnet + + + + + FavoriteMenu + + Open in new Tab + + + + Edit + + + + Remove + + + + + FetchMoreMessagesButton + + ↓ Fetch more messages + + + + Before %1 + + + + before--%1 + + + + + FleetRadioSelector + + Warning! + + + + Change fleet to %1 + + + + + FleetsModal + + Fleet + + + + + GapComponent + + fetch-messages + + + + between--1-and--2 + + + + Fetch messages + + + + Between %1 and %2 + + + + + GasSelectorButton + + Low + + + + + GasValidator + + Not enough ETH for gas + + + + + GroupChatPanel + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + Confirm + + + + + HistoryView + + Status Desktop is connected to a non-archival node. Transaction history may be incomplete. + + + + No transactions found + + + + Load More + + + + + HomePageView + + homepage + + + + System default + + + + Other + + + + Example: duckduckgo.com + + + + + ImageCropWorkflow + + Supported image formats (%1) + + + + + ImportCommunityPopup + + Import Community + + + + Entering a community key will grant you the ownership of that community. Please be responsible with it and don’t share the key with people you don’t trust. + + + + Community private key + + + + Import + + + + + ImportSeedPhrasePanel + + Invalid seed phrase + + + + This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. + + + + %1 words + + + + + Input + + Copied + + + + Pasted + + + + Copy + + + + Paste + + + + + InviteFriendsPopup + + Get Status at https://status.im + + + + Download Status link + + + + Copy to clipboard + + + + + InviteFriendsToCommunityPopup + + Invite friends + + + + Invite successfully sent + + + + Invite + + + + + JSDialogWindow + + Ok + + + + Cancel + + + + + KeycardCreatePINModal + + Create PIN + + + + New PIN + + + + Confirm PIN + + + + Create a 6 digit long PIN + + + + + LanguageStore + + Beta Languages + + + + + LinksMessageView + + Enable automatic image unfurling + + + + Enable link previews in chat? + + + + Once enabled, links posted in the chat may share your metadata with their owners + + + + Enable in Settings + + + + Don't ask me again + + + + + MailserverConnectionDialog + + Can not connect to mailserver + + + + The mailserver you're connecting to is unavailable. + + + + Pick another + + + + Retry + + + + + MainView + + DApp Permissions + + + + Networks + + + + Accounts + + + + Generated from Your Seed Phrase + + + + Imported + + + + Watch-Only + + + + + MembershipRequestsPopup + + Membership requests + + + + + MessageStore + + and + + + + %1 more + + + + reacted with + + + + You + + + + + MuteChatMenuItem + + Mute chat + + + + Unmute chat + + + + + MutedChatsModal + + Muted chats + + + + Unmute + + + + + MyProfileSettingsView + + Display name + + + + Display Name + + + + Biometric login and transaction authentication + + + + Communities + + + + Accounts + + + + You haven't joined any communities yet + + + + You don't have any wallet accounts yet + + + + + NetworkCardsComponent + + Your Balances + + + + No Balance + + + + No Gas + + + + BALANCE: + + + + Disabled + + + + + NetworkFilter + + All networks + + + + %n network(s) + + + + + + + NetworkSelectPopup + + Layer 2 + + + + + NetworkSelector + + Networks + + + + Choose a network to use for the transaction + + + + No networks available + + + + Simple + + + + Advanced + + + + Custom + + + + + NetworksAdvancedCustomRoutingView + + Networks + + + + Show Unpreferred Networks + + + + The networks where the receipient will receive tokens. Amounts calculated automatically for the lowest cost. + + + + + NetworksSimpleRoutingView + + Networks + + + + Choose a network to use for the transaction + + + + + NetworksView + + Layer 2 + + + + Add Custom Network + + + + + NoFriendsRectangle + + You don’t have any contacts yet. Invite your friends to start chatting. + + + + Invite friends + + + + + NodeLayout + + Bloom Filter Usage + + + + Type json-rpc message... e.g {"method": "eth_accounts"} + + + + + NotificationSelect + + Send Alerts + + + + Deliver Quietly + + + + Turn Off + + + + + NotificationWindow + + Everything is connected + + + + + PINModal + + Authenticate PIN + + + + PIN + + + + Insert your 6-digit PIN + + + + Authenticate + + + + + PairingModal + + Insert pairing code + + + + Pairing code + + + + Insert the Keycard pairing code + + + + Pair + + + + + PrivateChatPopup + + New chat + + + + My Profile + + + + + ProfileHeader + + Chatkey:%1... + + + + + ProfileView + + Blocked + + + + Send Request + + + + Receive Response + + + + Confirm Identity + + + + You have confirmed %1's identity. From now on this verification emblem will always be displayed alongside %1's nickname. + + + + You have marked %1 as Untrustworthy. From now on this Untrustworthy emblem will always be displayed alongside %1's nickname. + + + + ENS username + + + + Username + + + + Ask a question that only the real %1 will be able to answer e.g. a question about a shared experience, or ask Mark to enter a code or phrase you have sent to them via a different communication channel (phone, post, etc...). + + + + Waiting for %1's response... + + + + Copied to clipboard + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Chat settings + + + + Nickname + + + + None + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + + PublicChatPopup + + You need to enter a channel name + + + + The channel name can only contain lowercase letters, numbers and dashes + + + + Join public chat + + + + A public chat is where you get to hang out with others, make friends and talk about subjects of your interest. + + + + chat-name + + + + Start chat + + + + + RecipientSelector + + Invalid ethereum address + + + + Address + + + + My account + + + + Contact + + + + Recipient + + + + + RenameAccontModal + + Rename %1 + + + + Enter an account name... + + + + You need to enter an account name + + + + This is not a valid account name + + + + color + + + + Change Name + + + + Changing settings failed + + + + + RenameGroupPopup + + Group name + + + + Save + + + + + Retry + + Resend + + + + + RightTabView + + Assets + + + + Collectibles + + + + Activity + + + + History + + + + + SearchBox + + Search + + + + + SearchEngineModal + + Search engine + + + + None + + + + + SearchResults + + Non contacts + + + + No profile found + + + + + SeedPhraseBackupWarning + + Back up your seed phrase + + + + Back up + + + + + SeedPhraseTextArea + + Invalid seed phrase + + + + This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. + + + + Start with the first word + + + + + SelectAccountModal + + Select account + + + + Select account to share and receive assets + + + + Confirm and share address + + + + + SelectAnotherAccountModal + + Your keys + + + + Add another existing key + + + + + SelectGeneratedAccount + + Import new Seed Phrase + + + + Generate from Private key + + + + Add a watch-only address + + + + Imported + + + + Add new + + + + Origin + + + + + SendContactRequestMenuItem + + Send Contact Request + + + + + SendMessageMenuItem + + Send message + + + + + SendToContractWarning + + Tokens will be sent directly to a contract address, which may result in a loss of funds. To transfer ERC-20 tokens, ensure the recipient address is the address of the destination wallet. + + + + + SendTransactionButton + + Sign and send + + + + + SettingsDirtyToastMessage + + Changes detected + + + + Cancel + + + + Save changes + + + + + SignMessageModal + + Signature request + + + + From + + + + Data + + + + Message + + + + Reject + + + + Sign + + + + Sign with password + + + + + SignPhraseModal + + Signing phrase + + + + This is your signing phrase + + + + You should see these 3 words before signing each transaction + + + + If you see a different combination, cancel the transaction and sign out + + + + Ok, got it + + + + Remind me later + + + + + StateBubble + + Pending + + + + Confirmed + + + + Unknown token + + + + Address requested + + + + Waiting to accept + + + + Address shared + + + + Address received + + + + Transaction declined + + + + failure + + + + Unknown state + + + + + StatusActivityCenterButton + + Activity + + + + + StatusAddressOrEnsValidator + + Please enter a valid address or ENS name. + + + + + StatusAddressValidator + + Please enter a valid address. + + + + + StatusAppChatView + + Join public chats + + + + Start chat + + + + + StatusAppCommunitiesPortalView + + Find community + + + + Featured + + + + Popular + + + + + StatusAsyncEnsValidator + + ENS name could not be resolved in to an address + + + + + StatusAsyncValidator + + invalid input + + + + + StatusBadge + + 99+ + + + + + StatusChatImageExtensionValidator + + Format not supported. + + + + Upload %1 only + + + + + StatusChatImageLoader + + Error loading the image + + + + Loading image... + + + + + StatusChatImageQtyValidator + + You can only upload %1 images at a time + + + + + StatusChatImageSizeValidator + + Max image size is %1 MB + + + + + StatusColorSpacePage + + Thickness + + + + Min saturate: + + + + Max saturate: + + + + Min value: + + + + Max value: + + + + Color + + + + + StatusCommunityTagsPage + + Select tags that will fit your Community + + + + Search tags + + + + Selected tags + + + + + StatusDialog + + Close + + + + Abort + + + + Cancel + + + + No to all + + + + No + + + + Open + + + + Save + + + + Save all + + + + Retry + + + + Ignore + + + + Ok + + + + Yes to all + + + + Yes + + + + Apply + + + + + StatusETHTransactionModal + + Contract interaction + + + + Wrong password + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Continue + + + + Choose account + + + + Sign with password + + + + Next + + + + + StatusEmojiSection + + No recent emojis + + + + + StatusFloatValidator + + Please enter a valid numeric value. + + + + + StatusGifColumn + + Remove from favorites + + + + Add to favorites + + + + + StatusGifPopup + + Search Tenor + + + + TRENDING + + + + FAVORITES + + + + RECENT + + + + Enable Tenor GIFs? + + + + Once enabled, GIFs posted in the chat may share your metadata with Tenor. + + + + Enable + + + + Favorite GIFs will appear here + + + + Recent GIFs will appear here + + + + Error while contacting Tenor API, please retry. + + + + Retry + + + + + StatusIntValidator + + Please enter a valid numeric value. + + + + + StatusItemSelector + + and + + + + or + + + + + StatusListPickerPage + + Search Languages + + + + Search Currencies + + + + + StatusNotification + + Open + + + + + StatusPasswordStrengthIndicator + + Very weak + + + + Weak + + + + So-so + + + + Good + + + + Great + + + + + StatusSNTTransactionModal + + Authorize %1 %2 + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Wrong password + + + + Continue + + + + Choose account + + + + Sign with password + + + + Send %1 %2 + + + + Next + + + + + StatusSearchListPopup + + Search... + + + + + StatusSearchLocationMenu + + Anywhere + + + + + StatusSearchPopup + + No results + + + + Anywhere + + + + Search + + + + In: + + + + In + + + + + StatusSpellcheckingMenuItems + + Add to dictionary + + + + Disable Spellchecking + + + + + StatusStackModal + + StackModal + + + + Next + + + + Finish + + + + + StatusStickerButton + + Buy for %1 SNT + + + + Uninstall + + + + Install + + + + Free + + + + Pending... + + + + Cancel + + + + Update + + + + + StatusStickersPopup + + You don't have any stickers yet + + + + Recently used stickers will appear here + + + + Get Stickers + + + + + StatusTagSelectorPage + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + + StatusUrlValidator + + Please enter a valid URL + + + + + StatusValidator + + invalid input + + + + + StatusWindowsTitleBar + + Status + + + + + SubheaderTabBar + + Step %1 of %2 + + + + + TabAddressSelectorView + + Saved + + + + My Accounts + + + + Recent + + + + Search for saved address + + + + No Saved Address + + + + No Recents + + + + + ToastMessage + + View on Etherscan + + + + Transaction pending... + + + + + TokenSettingsModal + + Manage Assets + + + + Add custom token + + + + + TokenSettingsModalContent + + Token details + + + + Remove token + + + + Custom + + + + Default + + + + + TouchIDAuthView + + Biometrics + + + + Would you like to use Touch ID +to login to Status? + + + + Yes, use Touch ID + + + + I prefer to use my password + + + + + TransactionBubbleView + + Transaction request + + + + ↑ Outgoing transaction + + + + ↓ Incoming transaction + + + + Token not found on your current network + + + + + TransactionDelegate + + From + + + + To + + + + At + + + + + TransactionModal + + Transaction Details + + + + confirmation(s) + + + + When the transaction has 12 confirmations you can consider it settled. + + + + Block + + + + Hash + + + + From + + + + To + + + + Gas limit + + + + Gas price + + + + Gas used + + + + Nonce + + + + + TransactionPreview + + From + + + + Recipient + + + + Unknown + + + + Asset + + + + Amount + + + + Network fee + + + + Data + + + + Data field + + + + + TransactionSigner + + You need to enter a password + + + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + Signing phrase + + + + Signing phrase is a 3 word combination that displayed when you entered the wallet on this device for the first time. + + + + Enter the password you use to unlock this device + + + + Password + + + + Enter password + + + + + UnblockContactConfirmationDialog + + Unblock User + + + + Unblocking will allow new messages you received from %1 to reach you. + + + + + UserListPanel + + Offline + + + + Online + + + + Inactive + + + + Do not disturb + + + + Idle + + + + + UserStatusContextMenu + + View My Profile + + + + Always online + + + + Inactive + + + + Set status automatically + + + + Online + + + + Offline + + + + + ViewProfileMenuItem + + View Profile + + + + + WakuNodesModal + + Waku nodes + + + + Use Waku nodes + + + + Select node automatically + + + + Waku Nodes + + + + Node %1 + + + + Add a new node + + + + + WalletFooter + + Send + + + + Receive + + + + Buy / Sell + + + + + WelcomeView + + Welcome to Status + + + + Your fully decentralized gateway to Ethereum and Web3. Crypto wallet, privacy first group chat, and dApp browser. + + + + I am new to Status + + + + I already use Status + + + + + main + + StatusQ Documentation App + + + + Status Desktop + + + + Open Status + + + + Quit + + + + diff --git a/ui/i18n/qml_ms.ts b/ui/i18n/qml_ms.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a0a9dbcdf7 --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/i18n/qml_ms.ts @@ -0,0 +1,19031 @@ + + + + + about-app + Mengenai + + + about-key-storage-content + Status tidak akan mengakses kunci peribadi anda. Pastikan anda membuat cadangan frasa benih anda. Sekiranya anda kehilangan telefon, itu satu-satunya cara untuk mengakses kunci anda. + + + about-key-storage-title + Mengenai penyimpanan kunci + + + about-names-content + Tidak ada yang boleh berpura-pura menjadi anda! Anda tidak dikenali secara lalai dan tidak perlu mendedahkan nama sebenar anda. Anda boleh mendaftarkan nama khas dengan sedikit bayaran. + + + about-names-title + Nama tidak boleh diubah + + + access-key + Kunci akses + + + access-existing-keys + Akses kunci yang ada + + + accept-and-share-address + Terima dan kongsi alamat + + + account-added + Akaun ditambahkan + + + account-color + Warna akaun + + + anyone + Sesiapa + + + messages-from-contacts-only-subtitle + Hanya orang yang anda tambahkan sebagai kenalan yang boleh memulakan sembang baru dengan anda atau menjemput anda ke kumpulan + + + accept-new-chats-from + Terima sembang baru daripada + + + account-name + Nama akaun + + + account-settings + Tetapan akaun + + + accounts + Akaun + + + active-online + Dalam talian + + + active-unknown + Tidak diketahui + + + add + Tambah + + + add-a-watch-account + Tambahkan alamat jam tangan sahaja + + + add-account + Tambahkan akaun + + + add-account-description + Anda boleh mengimport sebarang jenis akaun Ethereum untuk menambahkannya ke dompet Status anda + + + add-account-incorrect-password + Kata laluan nampaknya tidak betul. Masukkan kata laluan yang anda gunakan untuk membuka kunci aplikasi. + + + add-an-account + Tambahkan akaun + + + add-bootnode + Tambah bootnode + + + add-contact + Tambahkan kenalan + + + add-custom-token + Tambahkan token tersuai + + + add-mailserver + Tambahkan nod sejarah + + + add-members + Tambah ahli + + + add-network + Tambah rangkaian + + + add-node + Tambah nod + + + add-to-contacts + Tambahkan ke kenalan + + + add-to-contacts-text + Dengan menambahkan pengguna ke senarai kenalan anda, anda berkongsi alamat dompet anda + + + address + Alamat + + + address-received + Alamat diterima + + + address-requested + Alamat diminta + + + address-request-accepted + Permintaan alamat diterima + + + advanced + Mahir + + + advanced-settings + Tetapan lanjutan + + + agree-by-continuing + Dengan meneruskan anda bersetuju + kepada kita + + + all + Semua + + + allow + Benarkan + + + allowing-authorizes-this-dapp + Membolehkan membenarkan DApp ini untuk mengambil alamat dompet anda dan mengaktifkan Web3 + + + already-have-asset + Anda sudah mempunyai aset ini + + + amount + Jumlah + + + are-you-sure-description + Anda tidak akan dapat melihat frasa benih lagi + + + are-you-sure? + Adakah anda pasti? + + + ask-in-status + Kemukakan soalan atau laporkan pepijat + + + at + di + + + authorize + Memberi kebenaran + + + available + Ada + + + available-participants + + Anda boleh memilih {{count}} lagi peserta + + + + back + Belakang + + + back-up-seed-phrase + Cadangan frasa biji + + + back-up-your-seed-phrase + Sandarkan frasa benih anda + + + backup-recovery-phrase + Sandar frasa pemulihan + + + balance + Seimbang + + + begin-set-up + Mulakan persediaan + + + biometric-auth-android-sensor-desc + Sensor sentuh + + + biometric-auth-android-sensor-error-desc + Gagal + + + biometric-auth-android-title + Pengesahan diperlukan + + + biometric-auth-confirm-logout + Relogin + + + biometric-auth-confirm-message + Pengesahan biometrik diperlukan untuk meneruskan, jika tidak mungkin, buka kunci kunci anda dengan kata laluan atau kod laluan anda + + + biometric-auth-confirm-title + Anda mesti mengesahkan! + + + biometric-auth-confirm-try-again + Cuba lagi + + + biometric-auth-error + Tidak dapat melakukan pengesahan biometrik ( {{code}} ) + + + biometric-auth-login-error-title + Kesalahan pengesahan biometrik + + + biometric-auth-login-ios-fallback-label + Masukkan kata laluan + + + biometric-auth-reason-login + Log masuk dalam Status + + + biometric-auth-reason-verify + Sahkan pengesahan + + + biometric-secure-with + Selamat dengan {{bio-type-label}} + + + biometric-enable-keycard + Sekiranya anda tidak mahu menggunakan Kad Kunci anda setiap kali untuk mengakses aplikasi, aktifkan log masuk {{bio-type-label}} + + + biometric-enable + Jika anda tidak mahu memasukkan kata laluan anda setiap kali untuk mencapai aplikasi, dayakan {{bio-type-label}} daftar masuk + + + biometric-disable-bioauth + nyahdayakan {{bio-type-label}} + + + biometric-disable-password-title + Lumpuhkan simpanan kata laluan + + + biometric-disable-password-description + Sekiranya anda melumpuhkan ini, anda juga akan + + + biometric-enable-button + Dayakan {{bio-type-label}} + + + biometric-fingerprint + Cap Jari + + + biometric-faceid + ID Muka + + + biometric-touchid + ID Sentuh + + + blank-keycard-text + Anda boleh meneruskan kad kekunci anda setelah membuat kunci dan nama + + + blank-keycard-title + Nampaknya anda sudah mengetuk + kad kekunci kosong + + + block + Sekat + + + unblock + Buka sekatan + + + block-contact + Sekat pengguna ini + + + block-contact-details + Penyekatan akan menghapuskan mesej terdahulu pengguna ini dan menghentikan yang baru daripada menghubungi anda + + + blocked-users + Pengguna yang disekat + + + bootnode-address + Alamat bootnode + + + bootnode-details + Butiran but but + + + bootnode-format + enode: // {enode-id} @ {ip-address} : {port} + + + bootnodes + Kod but + + + bootnodes-enabled + Bootnode didayakan + + + bootnodes-settings + Tetapan kod but + + + browsed-websites + Sejarah penyemak imbas akan muncul di sini + + + browser + Browser + + + browser-not-secure + Sambungan tidak selamat! Jangan menandatangani transaksi atau menghantar data peribadi di laman web ini. + + + browser-secure + Sambungan selamat. Pastikan anda benar-benar mempercayai laman web ini sebelum menandatangani transaksi atau memasukkan data peribadi. + + + browsers + Browser + + + browsing-cancel + Membatalkan + + + browsing-open-in-android-web-browser + Buka di Android + + + browsing-open-in-ios-web-browser + Buka di iOS + + + browsing-open-in-status + Buka dalam Status + + + browsing-site-blocked-description1 + Kami mengesan kemungkinan terdapatnya aktiviti berbahaya dari alamat ini. Untuk melindungi anda dan dompet anda, kami menghalang navigasi lebih jauh. + + Sekiranya anda rasa ini adalah kesalahan, beri tahu kami di + + + browsing-site-blocked-description2 + sembang awam. + + + browsing-site-blocked-go-back + Pergi balik + + + browsing-site-blocked-title + Laman web ini disekat + + + browsing-title + Layari + + + bug-report + Laporkan pepijat + + + bug-report-description + + + + bug-report-description-placeholder + + + + bug-report-steps + + + + bug-report-steps-placeholder + + + + bug-report-submit-email + + + + bug-report-submit-gh-issue + + + + bug-report-too-short-description + + + + camera-access-error + Untuk memberikan izin kamera yang diperlukan, pergi ke tetapan sistem anda dan pastikan Status > Kamera dipilih. + + + can-not-add-yourself + Itu ialah anda, pilih orang lain untuk memulakan perbualan + + + cancel + Membatalkan + + + cancel-keycard-setup + Batalkan penyediaan Kad Kekunci + + + cannot-read-card + Tidak dapat membaca kad. + Tahan di bahagian belakang telefon anda + + + cannot-use-default-pin + Kod laluan 000000 tidak dibenarkan. +Sila gunakan nombor lain + + + card-is-blank + Kad ini kosong + + + card-reseted + Kad telah ditetapkan semula + + + card-unpaired + Kad telah dinyahpasang daripada peranti semasa + + + change-fleet + Tukar armada menjadi {{fleet}} + + + change-log-level + Sahkan dan mulakan semula aplikasi untuk menukar tahap log menjadi {{log-level}} + + + change-logging-enabled + Adakah anda pasti mahu {{enable}} log? + + + change-passcode + Tukar Kod Laluan + + + change-password + Tukar Kata Laluan + + + change-pin + Tukar kod laluan 6-digit + + + change-puk + Tukar PUK 12 digit + + + change-pairing + Tukar kod berpasangan + + + change-pairing-title + Buat kod pasangan baru + + + change-pairing-description + Mengubah kod pasangan tidak menjejaskan pasangan semasa. Walau bagaimanapun, sebarang pasangan baru akan memerlukan kod baru. + + + changed-amount-warning + Jumlah diubah dari {{old}} menjadi {{new}} + + + changed-asset-warning + Aset ditukar dari {{old}} menjadi {{new}} + + + chaos-mode + Mod kekacauan + + + chaos-unicorn-day + Hari Kekacauan Unicorn + + + chaos-unicorn-day-details + 🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🚀! + + + chat + Berbual + + + chat-and-transact + Berbual dan bertransaksi secara peribadi dengan rakan + + + chat-key + Kekunci sembang + + + chat-name + + + + chat-settings + Tetapan sembang + + + chats + Sembang + + + check-your-recovery-phrase + Semak frasa pemulihan anda + + + choose-authentication-method + Pilih kaedah pengesahan + + + clear + Jelas + + + clear-all + Kosongkan semua + + + clear-history + Sejarah yang jelas + + + clear-history-action + Jelas + + + clear-history-confirmation + Hapus sejarah? + + + clear-history-confirmation-content + Adakah anda pasti mahu membersihkan sejarah sembang ini? + + + clear-history-title + Hapus sejarah? + + + close + Tutup + + + close-app-button + Sahkan + + + close-app-content + Aplikasi akan berhenti dan ditutup. Apabila anda membukanya semula, rangkaian yang dipilih akan digunakan + + + close-app-title + Amaran! + + + command-button-send + Hantar + + + communities + Komuniti + + + community-members + + + + + + members-label + Ahli + + + open-membership + Buka keahlian + + + member-kick + Tendang ahli + + + member-ban + Melarang ahli + + + membership-requests + Permintaan keahlian + + + community-members-title + Ahli + + + community-requests-to-join-title + Permintaan keahlian + + + name-your-channel + Namakan saluran anda + + + name-your-channel-placeholder + Nama saluran + + + give-a-short-description + Beri penerangan ringkas + + + describe-channel + Terangkan saluran + + + communities-alpha + Komuniti (alpha) + + + communities-verified + ✓ Komuniti Status Yang Disahkan + + + communities-enabled + Komuniti didayakan + + + request-access + Minta akses + + + membership-request-pending + Permintaan keahlian belum selesai + + + create-community + Buat komuniti + + + create-category + Cipta kategori + + + rearrange-categories + + + + edited + Disunting + + + edit-community + Edit komuniti + + + editing-message + Menyunting mesej + + + community-edit-title + Edit komuniti + + + community-invite-title + Jemput + + + community-share-title + Berkongsi + + + invite + + + + create-channel + Buat saluran + + + import-community + Import komuniti + + + import-community-title + Import komuniti + + + name-your-community + Namakan komuniti anda + + + name-your-community-placeholder + Nama yang menarik + + + give-a-short-description-community + Berikan penerangan ringkas + + + new-community-title + Komuniti baru + + + new-category + Kategori baru + + + category-title + Tajuk kategori + + + membership-title + Syarat keahlian + + + create-channel-title + Saluran baru + + + edit-channel-title + Edit saluran + + + community-thumbnail-image + Imej lakaran kenit + + + community-emoji-thumbnail-title + Thumbnail + + + community-thumbnail-upload + Muat naik + + + community-image-take + Ambil gambar + + + community-image-pick + Pilih gambar + + + community-image-remove + Buang + + + community-color + Warna komuniti + + + community-link + Pautan komuniti + + + community-color-placeholder + Pilih warna + + + membership-button + Syarat keahlian + + + membership-none + Tiada + + + membership-none-placeholder + Anda boleh meminta ahli baru untuk memenuhi kriteria tertentu sebelum mereka dapat bergabung. Ini boleh diubah pada bila-bila masa + + + membership-approval + Memerlukan kelulusan + + + membership-approval-description + Komuniti anda bebas untuk menyertai, tetapi ahli baru perlu diluluskan oleh pencipta komuniti terlebih dahulu + + + membership-invite + Memerlukan jemputan daripada ahli lain + + + membership-invite-description + Komuniti anda hanya boleh disertai dengan jemputan daripada ahli komuniti sedia ada + + + membership-ens + Perlu nama pengguna ENS + + + membership-ens-description + Komuniti anda memerlukan nama pengguna ENS untuk dapat menyertai + + + membership-free + Tiada syarat + + + membership-free-description + Komuniti anda bebas untuk disertai oleh sesiapa sahaja + + + community-roles + Peranan + + + community-key + Kunci peribadi komuniti + + + community-key-placeholder + Taipkan kunci peribadi komuniti anda + + + leave-community + Tinggalkan komuniti + + + enter-user-pk + Masukkan kekunci awam pengguna + + + import + Import + + + complete-hardwallet-setup + Kad ini kini dipaut. Anda memerlukannya untuk menandatangani transaksi dan membuka kunci anda + + + chat-notification-preferences + Tetapan pemberitahuan + + + completed + Selesai + + + confirm + Sahkan + + + confirmation-request + Permintaan pengesahan + + + confirmations + Pengesahan + + + confirmations-helper-text + Apabila transaksi mempunyai 12 pengesahan, anda boleh mempertimbangkannya untuk menyelesaikannya. + + + connect + Sambung + + + connect-mailserver-content + Sambung ke {{name}} ? + + + connected + Bersambung + + + connected-to + Bersambung dengan + + + connecting + Menyambung ... + + + connecting-requires-login + Untuk menyambung ke rangkaian lain memerlukan log masuk + + + connection-with-the-card-lost + Sambungan dengan kad + telah hilang + + + connection-with-the-card-lost-setup-text + Untuk menyambung semula, simpan kad ke + bahagian belakang telefon anda dan jaga + kad ke kenalan telefon + + + connection-with-the-card-lost-text + Untuk meneruskan, pegang kad ke bahagian belakang telefon anda + + + contact-code + Kod pengenalan + + + contact-s + + kenalan + + + + contacts + Kenalan + + + continue + Teruskan + + + contract-address + Alamat kontrak + + + contract-interaction + Interaksi kontrak + + + copy-info + Salin maklumat + + + copy-qr + Salin kod + + + copy-to-clipboard + Salinan + + + copy-transaction-hash + Salin ID transaksi + + + cost-fee + Kos / Bayaran + + + counter-9-plus + 9+ + + + counter-99-plus + 99+ + + + create + Buat + + + create-a-pin + Cipta kod laluan 6-digit + + + create-a-puk + Buat PUK 12-digit + + + create-group-chat + Cipta perbualan kumpulan + + + create-multiaccount + Menjana kunci + + + create-new-key + Dapatkan kunci baru + + + create-pin + Buat kod laluan 6 digit + + + create-pin-description + Anda memerlukan kad anda + kod laluan 6 digit ini untuk membuka Status dan mengesahkan transaksi + + + created-group-chat-description + Anda telah mencipta kumpulan {{group-name}} + + + members-count + {{count}} ahli + + + cryptokitty-name + CryptoKitty # {{id}} + + + currency + Mata Wang + + + currency-display-name-aed + Dirham Emirat + + + currency-display-name-afn + Afghanistan Afghanistan + + + currency-display-name-ars + Peso Argentina + + + currency-display-name-aud + Dolar Australia + + + currency-display-name-bbd + Dolar Barbados + + + currency-display-name-bdt + Taka Bangladesh + + + currency-display-name-bgn + Lev Bulgaria + + + currency-display-name-bhd + Dinar Bahrain + + + currency-display-name-bnd + Dolar Brunei Darussalam + + + currency-display-name-bob + Bolíviano Bolivia + + + currency-display-name-brl + Brazil Sebenar + + + currency-display-name-btn + Ngultrum Bhutan + + + currency-display-name-cad + Dolar Kanada + + + currency-display-name-chf + Franc Switzerland + + + currency-display-name-clp + Peso Cili + + + currency-display-name-cny + China Yuan Renminbi + + + currency-display-name-cop + Peso Colombia + + + currency-display-name-crc + Kolon Costa Rica + + + currency-display-name-czk + Koruna Czech + + + currency-display-name-dkk + Krone Denmark + + + currency-display-name-dop + Peso Republik Dominika + + + currency-display-name-egp + Pound Mesir + + + currency-display-name-etb + Birr Ethiopia + + + currency-display-name-eur + Euro + + + currency-display-name-gbp + Pound Britain + + + currency-display-name-gel + Lari Georgia + + + currency-display-name-ghs + Ghana Cedi + + + currency-display-name-hkd + Dolar Hong Kong + + + currency-display-name-hrk + Kuna Croatia + + + currency-display-name-huf + Forint Hungary + + + currency-display-name-idr + Rupiah Indonesia + + + currency-display-name-ils + Israel Shekel + + + currency-display-name-inr + Rupee India + + + currency-display-name-isk + Iceland Krona + + + currency-display-name-jmd + Dolar Jamaica + + + currency-display-name-jpy + Yen Jepun + + + currency-display-name-kes + Shilling Kenya + + + currency-display-name-krw + Korea (Selatan) Menang + + + currency-display-name-kwd + Dinar Kuwait + + + currency-display-name-kzt + Kazakhstan Tenge + + + currency-display-name-lkr + Rupee Sri Lanka + + + currency-display-name-mad + Dirham Maghribi + + + currency-display-name-mdl + Moldovan Leu + + + currency-display-name-mur + Rupee Mauritius + + + currency-display-name-mwk + Malawian Kwacha + + + currency-display-name-mxn + Peso Mexico + + + currency-display-name-myr + Ringgit Malaysia + + + currency-display-name-mzn + Metzikal Mozambik + + + currency-display-name-nad + Dolar Namibia + + + currency-display-name-ngn + Nigeria Naira + + + currency-display-name-nok + Krone Norway + + + currency-display-name-npr + Rupee Nepal + + + currency-display-name-nzd + Dolar New Zealand + + + currency-display-name-omr + Oman Rial + + + currency-display-name-pen + Peru Sol + + + currency-display-name-pgk + Papua New Guinean Kina + + + currency-display-name-php + Peso Filipina + + + currency-display-name-pkr + Rupee Pakistan + + + currency-display-name-pln + Poland Zloty + + + currency-display-name-pyg + Paraguay Guarani + + + currency-display-name-qar + Qatar Riyal + + + currency-display-name-ron + Romania Leu + + + currency-display-name-rsd + Dinar Serbia + + + currency-display-name-rub + Rubel Rusia + + + currency-display-name-sar + Riyal Arab Saudi + + + currency-display-name-sek + Krona Sweden + + + currency-display-name-sgd + Dolar Singapura + + + currency-display-name-thb + Baht Thailand + + + currency-display-name-try + Lira Turki + + + currency-display-name-ttd + Dolar Trinidad dan Tobago + + + currency-display-name-twd + Dolar Baru Taiwan + + + currency-display-name-tzs + Shilling Tanzania + + + currency-display-name-uah + Ukraine Hryvnia + + + currency-display-name-ugx + Shilling Uganda + + + currency-display-name-usd + Dolar Amerika Syarikat + + + currency-display-name-uyu + Peso Uruguay + + + currency-display-name-vef + Venezuela Bolívar + + + currency-display-name-vnd + Dong Vietnam + + + currency-display-name-zar + Rand Afrika Selatan + + + current-network + Rangkaian semasa + + + current-pin + Masukkan kod laluan 6-digit + + + current-pin-description + Masukkan kod laluan 6-digit anda untuk teruskan + + + custom + Adat + + + custom-networks + Rangkaian khas + + + dapp + ÐApp + + + dapp-would-like-to-connect-wallet + ingin sambungkan ke + + + dapps + ÐApps + + + dapps-permissions + Kebenaran DApp + + + data + Data + + + datetime-ago + yang lalu + + + datetime-ago-format + {{number}} {{time-intervals}} {{ago}} + + + datetime-ago-format-short + {{number}} {{time-intervals}} + + + datetime-day + + hari + + + + datetime-hour + + jam + + + + datetime-minute + + minit + + + + datetime-second + + saat + + + + datetime-day-short + + D + + + + datetime-hour-short + + H + + + + datetime-minute-short + + M + + + + datetime-second-short + + S + + + + datetime-today + Hari ini + + + datetime-yesterday + semalam + + + decimals + Perpuluhan + + + decline + Tolak + + + decryption-failed-content + Ralat berlaku semasa menyahsulitkan data anda. Anda mungkin perlu menghapus data lama anda dan menghasilkan akaun baru. Ketuk "Terapkan" untuk menghapus atau "Batal" untuk mencuba lagi + + + default + Lalai + + + delete + Padam + + + delete-and-leave-group + Padam dan tinggalkan kumpulan + + + delete-bootnode + Padamkan bootnode + + + delete-bootnode-are-you-sure + Adakah anda pasti mahu memadam bootnode ini? + + + delete-bootnode-title + Padamkan bootnode + + + delete-chat + Padamkan sembang + + + delete-chat-confirmation + Adakah anda pasti mahu memadamkan sembang ini? + + + delete-category-confirmation + + + + delete-confirmation + Padamkan? + + + delete-mailserver + Padamkan nod sejarah + + + delete-mailserver-are-you-sure + Adakah anda pasti mahu memadamkan nod sejarah ini? + + + delete-mailserver-title + Padamkan nod sejarah + + + delete-message + Padamkan mesej + + + delete-my-account + Padamkan akaun saya + + + delete-network-confirmation + Adakah anda pasti mahu memadamkan rangkaian ini? + + + delete-network-error + Sila sambungkan ke rangkaian lain sebelum memadamkannya + + + delete-network-title + Padamkan rangkaian? + + + delete-node + Padamkan nod + + + delete-node-are-you-sure + Adakah anda pasti mahu memadamkan nod ini? + + + delete-node-title + Padamkan nod + + + delete-profile + Padamkan profil + + + delete-my-profile + Padamkan profil saya + + + delete-profile-warning + Amaran: Sekiranya anda tidak menuliskan frasa benih anda, anda akan kehilangan akses ke dana anda setelah anda menghapus profil anda + + + profile-deleted-title + Profil dipadamkan + + + profile-deleted-content + Profil anda berjaya dipadamkan + + + profile-deleted-keycard + Anda kini boleh memulihkan pad kekunci lain pada Kad Kunci anda + + + deny + Tolak + + + description + Penerangan + + + dev-mode + Mod pembangunan + + + dev-mode-settings + Tetapan mod pembangunan + + + device-syncing + Penyegerakan peranti + + + devices + Peranti + + + disable + nyahdayakan + + + disabled + Dinyahaktifkan + + + disconnected + Berbual di luar talian + + + discover + Cari + + + dismiss + Ketepikan + + + done + Dilakukan + + + edit + Edit + + + edit-group + Edit kumpulan + + + edit-profile + Sunting profil + + + empty-chat-description + Tidak ada mesej + dalam sembang ini + + + empty-chat-description-one-to-one + Sebarang mesej yang anda hantar di sini disulitkan dan hanya dapat dibaca oleh anda dan + + + empty-chat-description-public + Tenang di sini sejak {{quiet-hours}} . Mulakan perbualan atau + + + cleared-chat-description-public + + + + empty-chat-description-community + Tenang di sini selama {{quiet-hours}} . + + + empty-chat-description-public-share-this + kongsi sembang ini. + + + enable + Aktifkan + + + encrypt-with-password + Enkripsi dengan kata laluan + + + ens-10-SNT + 10 SNT + + + ens-add-username + Tambahkan nama pengguna + + + ens-agree-to + Bersetuju untuk + + + ens-chat-settings + Tetapan sembang + + + ens-custom-domain + Domain tersuai + + + ens-custom-username-hints + Taip keseluruhan nama pengguna termasuk domain tersuai seperti nama pengguna.domain.eth + + + ens-custom-username-taken + Nama pengguna bukan milik anda :( + + + ens-deposit + Deposit + + + ens-displayed-with + Mesej anda ditunjukkan kepada orang lain dengan + + + ens-get-name + Dapatkan nama pengguna sejagat + + + ens-got-it + Ok, faham + + + ens-locked + Nama pengguna dikunci. Anda tidak akan dapat melepaskannya sehingga {{date}} + + + ens-network-restriction + Hanya terdapat di Mainnet + + + ens-no-usernames + Anda tidak mempunyai nama pengguna yang disambungkan + + + ens-powered-by + Dikuasakan oleh Ethereum Name Services + + + ens-primary-username + Nama pengguna utama + + + ens-register + Daftar + + + ens-registration-in-progress + Pendaftaran sedang dijalankan ... + + + ens-registration-failure + Pendaftaran gagal + + + ens-dismiss-message + Klik di sini untuk menolak + + + ens-registration-failed + Untuk mendaftarkan nama pengguna, sila cuba lagi. + + + ens-registration-failed-title + transaksi gagal + + + ens-release-username + Lepaskan nama pengguna + + + ens-remove-hints + Mengeluarkan akan melepaskan nama pengguna dari kunci anda. + + + ens-remove-username + Alih keluar nama pengguna + + + ens-saved + kini dihubungkan dengan kekunci sembang anda dan boleh digunakan dalam Status. + + + ens-saved-title + Nama pengguna ditambah + + + ens-show-username + Tunjukkan nama pengguna ENS saya dalam sembang + + + ens-terms-header + Syarat pendaftaran nama + + + ens-terms-point-1 + Dana disimpan selama 1 tahun. SNT anda akan dikunci, tetapi tidak dibelanjakan. + + + ens-terms-point-10 + 0x00000000000C2E074eC69A0dFb2997BA6C7d2e1e (Pendaftaran ENS). + + + ens-terms-point-2 + Selepas 1 tahun, anda boleh melepaskan nama dan mendapatkan deposit anda kembali, atau tidak mengambil tindakan untuk menyimpan nama tersebut. + + + ens-terms-point-3 + Sekiranya syarat-syarat kontrak berubah - misalnya Status membuat peningkatan kontrak - pengguna berhak melepaskan nama pengguna tanpa mengira waktu yang ditahan. + + + ens-terms-point-4 + Pengawal kontrak tidak dapat mengakses dana simpanan anda. Mereka hanya boleh dipindahkan ke alamat yang menghantarnya. + + + ens-terms-point-5 + Alamat anda akan dikaitkan secara terbuka dengan nama ENS anda. + + + ens-terms-point-6 + Nama pengguna dibuat sebagai node subdomain stateofus.eth dan tertakluk kepada terma kontrak pintar ENS. + + + ens-terms-point-7 + Anda membenarkan kontrak untuk memindahkan SNT bagi pihak anda. Ini hanya boleh berlaku apabila anda menyetujui transaksi untuk membenarkan pemindahan. + + + ens-terms-point-8 + Syarat-syarat ini dijamin oleh logik kontrak pintar di alamat: + + + ens-terms-point-9 + {{address}} (Nama Pengguna StatusPendaftar) + + + ens-terms-registration + Syarat pendaftaran nama. + + + ens-test-message + Hey + + + ens-transaction-pending + Transaksi belum selesai ... + + + ens-understand + Saya faham bahawa alamat dompet saya akan dihubungkan secara terbuka ke nama pengguna saya. + + + ens-username + Nama pengguna ENS + + + ens-username-available + ✓ Nama pengguna ada! + + + ens-username-connected + Nama pengguna ini dimiliki oleh anda dan dihubungkan dengan kunci sembang anda. + + + ens-username-connection-confirmation + {{username}} akan disambungkan setelah transaksi selesai. + + + ens-username-hints + Sekurang-kurangnya 4 watak. Huruf Latin, angka, dan huruf kecil sahaja. + + + ens-username-invalid + Huruf dan nombor sahaja. + + + ens-username-owned + ✓ Nama pengguna dimiliki oleh anda. + + + ens-username-registration-confirmation + Bagus! Anda memiliki {{username}} setelah transaksi selesai. + + + ens-username-you-can-follow-progress + Anda boleh mengikuti perkembangan di bahagian Sejarah Transaksi dompet anda. + + + ens-usernames + Nama pengguna ENS + + + ens-usernames-details + Daftarkan nama pengguna sejagat agar mudah dikenali oleh pengguna lain + + + wallet-address + Alamat dompet + + + ens-want-custom-domain + Saya mempunyai nama di domain lain + + + ens-want-domain + Saya mahukan domain stateofus.eth + + + ens-welcome-hints + Nama ENS mengubah alamat lama menjadi nama pengguna yang unik. + + + ens-welcome-point-customize + Nama ENS boleh menggantikan nama 3 perkataan rawak anda dalam sembang. Jadilah @ namaanda dan bukannya {{name}} . + + + ens-welcome-point-customize-title + Sesuaikan nama sembang anda + + + ens-welcome-point-simplify + Anda boleh menerima dana untuk nama ENS yang senang anda kongsi dan bukannya hash heksadesimal (0x ...). + + + ens-welcome-point-simplify-title + Permudahkan alamat ETH anda + + + ens-welcome-point-receive + Orang lain boleh menghantar dana melalui chat dalam satu langkah mudah. + + + ens-welcome-point-receive-title + Terima urus niaga dalam sembang + + + ens-welcome-point-register + Daftar sekali untuk mengekalkan nama itu selama-lamanya. Selepas 1 tahun, anda boleh mengeluarkan nama dan mendapatkan kembali SNT anda. + + + ens-welcome-point-register-title + 10 SNT untuk mendaftar + + + ens-welcome-point-verify + Anda boleh mengesahkan dan menambahkan nama pengguna yang anda miliki dalam langkah seterusnya. + + + ens-welcome-point-verify-title + Sudah memiliki nama pengguna? + + + ens-your-username + Nama pengguna anda + + + ens-your-usernames + Nama pengguna anda + + + ens-your-your-name + Nama ENS anda + + + ens-username-already-added + Nama pengguna sudah dihubungkan dengan kunci sembang anda dan boleh digunakan di dalam Status. + + + ens-username-connected-continue + Terus menetapkan `Tunjukkan nama pengguna ENS saya dalam sembang '. + + + ens-username-connected-with-different-key + Melanjutkan akan memerlukan transaksi untuk menghubungkan nama pengguna dengan kunci sembang semasa anda. + + + ens-username-owned-continue + Meneruskan akan menghubungkan nama pengguna ini dengan kekunci sembang anda. + + + ens-username-taken + Nama pengguna sudah diambil :( + + + ens-name-not-found + Tidak dapat menyelesaikan nama ENS + + + ens-username-registration-invalid + + + + ens-username-invalid-name-warning + + + + enter-12-words + Masukkan 12 perkataan frasa pemulihan anda, dipisahkan oleh ruang tunggal + + + enter-a-private-key + Masukkan kunci peribadi + + + enter-a-seed-phrase + Masukkan frasa biji + + + enter-address + Masukkan alamat + + + enter-contact-code + ENS (vitalik94) atau kekunci sembang (0x04…) + + + enter-pair-code + Masukkan kod pasangan anda + + + pair-code-placeholder + Pasangkan kod ... + + + enter-pair-code-description + Kod berpasangan boleh ditetapkan dari klien Status yang sudah dipasangkan + + + enter-password + Masukkan kata laluan + + + enter-password-migration-prompt + Masukkan kata laluan anda untuk memindahkan kenalan, pembualan dan tetapan bersama kunci anda + + + migration-successful + Pemindahan berjaya + + + migration-successful-text + Akaun berjaya dipindahkan ke Kad Kunci + + + skip + Langkau + + + password-placeholder + Kata Laluan ... + + + confirm-password-placeholder + Mengesahkan kata laluan anda... + + + enter-pin + Masukkan kod laluan 6-digit + + + enter-puk-code + Masukkan kod PUK + + + enter-puk-code-description + Kod laluan 6-digit telah disekat. + Sila masukkan kod PUK untuk menyahsekat kod laluan. + + + enter-recipient-address-or-username + Masukkan alamat atau nama pengguna penerima + + + enter-seed-phrase + Masukkan frasa biji + + + enter-url + Masukkan URL + + + enter-watch-account-address + Imbas kod QR + atau + masukkan alamat untuk ditonton + + + enter-word + Masukkan perkataan + + + enter-your-code + Masukkan kod laluan 6 digit anda + + + enter-your-password + Masukkan kata laluan anda + + + error + Ralat + + + error-unable-to-get-balance + Tidak dapat memperoleh baki + + + error-unable-to-get-prices + Kesalahan penukaran mata wang. Muat semula skrin anda untuk mencuba lagi. + + + error-unable-to-get-token-balance + Tidak dapat memperoleh baki token + + + errors + Kesalahan + + + eth + ETH + + + ethereum-node-started-incorrectly-description + Ethereum node dimulakan dengan konfigurasi yang salah, aplikasi akan dihentikan untuk pulih dari keadaan itu. Id rangkaian yang dikonfigurasi = {{network-id}} , sebenar = {{fetched-network-id}} + + + ethereum-node-started-incorrectly-title + Node Ethereum bermula dengan tidak betul + + + etherscan-lookup + Cari Etherscan + + + export-account + Eksport akaun + + + export-key + Eksport kunci peribadi + + + community-private-key + Kunci peribadi komuniti + + + failed + Gagal + + + faq + Soalan lazim + + + fetch-messages + ↓ Ambil mesej + + + fetch-timeline + ↓ Ambil + + + find + Mencari + + + finish + Selesai + + + finishing-card-setup + Menyelesaikan penyediaan kad + + + fleet + Fleet + + + fleet-settings + Tetapan armada + + + follow-your-interests + Lompat ke sembang awam dan temui orang baru + + + follow + Ikut + + + free + ↓ Percuma + + + from + Dari + + + gas-limit + Had gas + + + gas-price + Harga gas + + + gas-used + Gas digunakan + + + generate-a-key + Menjana kunci + + + generate-a-new-account + Jana akaun + + + generate-a-new-key + Jana kunci baru + + + generate-account + Menjana kunci + + + generate-new-key + Menjana kunci + + + your-keys + Kunci anda + + + generating-codes-for-pairing + > Memuat turun perisian produk ke kad + > Menjana kod buka kunci & berpasangan + + + generating-keys + Menjana kunci ... + + + you-will-need-this-code + Anda memerlukan kod ini untuk membuka Status dan menandatangani transaksi + + + generating-mnemonic + Menjanakan frasa pemulihan + + + get-started + Mulakan + + + get-status-at + Dapatkan Status di http://status.im + + + get-stickers + Dapatkan Pelekat + + + go-to-settings + Pergi ke Tetapan ... + + + got-it + Faham + + + group-chat + Sembang berkumpulan + + + group-chat-admin + Pentadbir + + + group-chat-admin-added + **{{member}}** telah dijadikan pentadbir + + + group-chat-created + **{{member}}** mencipta kumpulan **{{name}}** + + + group-chat-decline-invitation + Tolak jemputan + + + group-chat-member-added + **{{member}}** telah dijemput + + + group-chat-member-joined + **{{member}}** telah menyertai kumpulan + + + group-chat-member-removed + **{{member}}** telah meninggalkan kumpulan + + + group-chat-members-count + {{selected}}/{{max}} ahli + + + group-chat-name-changed + **{{member}}** mengubah nama kumpalan ke **{{name}}** + + + group-chat-no-contacts + Anda belum mempunyai kenalan. + Jemput rakan anda untuk mula berbual + + + leave-chat + Tinggalkan sembang + + + leave-confirmation + Tinggalkan {{chat-name}} + + + leave-chat-confirmation + Sejarah sembang akan dialih keluar daripada peranti anda. Selepas menyertai semula, anda tidak akan dapat memperoleh semula mana-mana sejarah anda. + + + group-chat-all-contacts-invited + Semua kenalan anda sudah ada dalam kumpulan + + + group-info + Maklumat kumpulan + + + gwei + Gwei + + + hash + Hash + + + help + menolong + + + help-capitalized + Tolonglah + + + help-center + Pusat Bantuan + + + hide-content-when-switching-apps + Sekat tangkapan skrin + + + hide-content-when-switching-apps-ios + Sembunyikan pratonton + + + history + Sejarah + + + history-nodes + Nod sejarah + + + hold-card + Pegang kad ke belakang + telefon anda + + + home + Rumah + + + hooks + Cangkuk + + + identifier + Pengenal + + + image-remove-current + Keluarkan foto semasa + + + image-source-gallery + Pilih dari galeri + + + image-source-make-photo + Menangkap + + + image-source-title + Edit gambar + + + profile-pic-take + Ambil gambar + + + profile-pic-pick + Pilih dari galeri + + + profile-pic-remove + Buang foto + + + in-contacts + Dalam kenalan + + + incoming + Masuk + + + incoming-transaction + Urus niaga masuk + + + incorrect-code::0 + str + + + incorrect-code::1 + Maaf kodnya tidak betul, masukkan sekali lagi + + + initialization + Permulaan + + + install + Pasang + + + intro-message1 + Selamat Datang ke Status! + Ketik mesej ini untuk menetapkan kata laluan dan memulakannya. + + + intro-privacy-policy-note1 + Status tidak mengumpulkan atau mendapat keuntungan dari data peribadi anda. Dengan meneruskan, anda bersetuju dengan + + + intro-privacy-policy-note2 + dasar privasi + + + intro-text + Status adalah pintu masuk anda ke web yang terdesentralisasi + + + intro-text1 + Berbual melalui rangkaian peer-to-peer, disulitkan di mana mesej tidak dapat disensor atau diretas + + + intro-text2 + Hantar dan terima aset digital di mana sahaja di dunia — tidak memerlukan akaun bank + + + intro-text3 + Terokai permainan, pertukaran dan rangkaian sosial di mana anda sendiri memiliki data anda + + + intro-title1 + Komunikasi yang benar-benar peribadi + + + intro-title2 + Dompet crypto selamat + + + intro-title3 + Aplikasi terpusat + + + intro-wizard-text1 + Satu set kunci mengawal akaun anda. Kekunci anda tinggal di telefon anda, jadi hanya anda yang dapat menggunakannya + + + intro-wizard-text2 + Satu kunci adalah untuk berbual. Ia dilengkapi dengan nama yang dapat dibaca yang tidak dapat diubah. + + + intro-wizard-text3 + Sekiranya anda memiliki Kad Kunci, simpan kunci anda di sana untuk keselamatan yang lebih baik. + + + intro-wizard-text4 + Selamat dan menyulitkan kunci anda + + + intro-wizard-text6 + Status akan memberitahu anda mengenai mesej baru. Anda boleh mengedit pilihan pemberitahuan anda kemudian dalam tetapan + + + intro-wizard-title-alt4 + Buat kata laluan + + + intro-wizard-title-alt5 + Mengesahkan kata laluan anda + + + intro-wizard-title1 + Dapatkan kunci anda + + + intro-wizard-title2 + Pilih nama sembang + + + intro-wizard-title3 + Pilih simpanan kunci + + + intro-wizard-title4 + Buat kod laluan 6 digit + + + intro-wizard-title5 + Sahkan kod laluan + + + intro-wizard-title6 + Dayakan pemberitahuan + + + are-you-sure-to-cancel + Adakah anda pasti mahu membatalkan? + + + you-will-start-from-scratch + Anda akan bermula dari awal dengan satu set kunci baru + + + invalid-address-qr-code + Kod QR yang diimbas tidak mengandungi alamat yang sah + + + invalid-format + Format tidak sah + Mesti {{format}} + + + invalid-key-confirm + Memohon + + + invalid-key-content + Pangkalan data tidak dapat dienkripsi kerana fail rosak. Dana dan kod pengenalan anda selamat. Data lain, seperti perbualan dan kenalan anda, tidak dapat dipulihkan. Butang "{{erase-multiaccounts-data-button-text}}" akan membuang semua data lain dan membenarkan anda untuk mengakses dana anda dan menghantar mesej + + + invalid-number + Nombor tidak sah + + + invalid-pairing-password + Kata laluan berpasangan tidak sah + + + invalid-range + Format tidak sah, mestilah antara {{min}} dan {{max}} + + + invalid-username-or-key + Nama pengguna atau kekunci sembang tidak sah + + + join-me + Hai, sertai saya di Status: {{url}} + + + join-a-community + atau sertai komuniti + + + http-gateway-error + Alamak, permintaan gagal! + + + sign-request-failed + Tidak dapat menandatangani mesej + + + invite-friends + Menjemput kawan-kawan + + + invite-people + Jemput orang + + + invite-reward + Dapatkan crypto untuk setiap rakan yang anda jemput! + + + invite-select-account + Pilih akaun untuk menerima bonus rujukan anda + + + invited + dijemput + + + invite-button + Jemput + + + invite-receive-account + Akaun untuk menerima bonus rujukan anda + + + how-it-works + Bagaimana ia berfungsi + + + invite-warning + Promosi ini hanya sah untuk pengguna peranti Android yang bukan residen Amerika Syarikat. Rakan perlu mengesahkan rujukan dalam tempoh 7 hari + + + invite-instruction-first + Anda menghantar pautan jemputan unik kepada rakan anda untuk memuat turun dan menyertai Status + + + invite-instruction-second + Rakan anda memuat turun Status dan membuat akaun (di Android) + + + invite-instruction-third + Sembang dengan rakan anda dimulakan, di mana mereka mengesahkan rujukan anda + + + invite-instruction-fourth + Anda menerima bonus rujukan dan rakan anda Starter Pack + + + invite-instruction-fifth + Anda boleh memilih untuk menebus rujukan bonus anda pada bila-bila masa. + + + invite-reward-you + Anda: + + + invite-reward-you-name + Bonus rujukan + + + invite-reward-you-description + Jemput rakan dan terima {{reward}} sebagai bonus rujukan. Gunakan untuk mendapatkan pelekat, nama ENS dan cuba dapps + + + invite-reward-friend + Kawan: + + + invite-reward-friend-name + Pek permulaan + + + invite-reward-friend-description + Rakan anda akan menerima Starter Pack yang terdiri daripada beberapa {{reward}} untuk memulakan + + + invite-privacy-policy1 + Dengan menerima anda bersetuju dengan program rujukan + + + invite-privacy-policy2 + Terma dan syarat. + + + invite-privacy-policy-public + Anda memasang Status melalui pautan rujukan. Dengan menyertai sembang ini, anda mengaitkan perujuk anda dan bersetuju dengan + + + invite-chat-name + Rujukan rakan + + + invite-chat-starter-pack + Pek permulaan + + + invite-chat-intro + Anda dirujuk oleh rakan untuk menyertai Status. Inilah beberapa crypto untuk memulakan anda! Gunakan untuk mendaftarkan nama ENS atau membeli pek pelekat + + + invite-public-chat-home + Jemputan rujukan + + + invite-public-chat-intro + Berikut adalah beberapa kripto untuk memulakan anda! Gunakannya untuk mendaftarkan nama ENS atau membeli pek pelekat + + + invite-chat-accept + Terima + + + invite-chat-pending + Belum selesai + + + invite-chat-accept-join + Terima dan Sertai + + + invite-chat-rule + Penerimaan juga akan menawarkan ganjaran rujukan bonus kripto kepada rakan anda + + + redeem-now + Tebus sekarang + + + redeem-amount + {{quantity}} bonus yang dipunyai + + + redeem-success + Penebusan bonus berjaya! + + + attribution-received + {{attrib}} daripada {{max}} bonus telah diterima + + + advertiser-starter-pack-title + Pek Permulaan + + + advertiser-starter-pack-description + Berikut adalah beberapa kripto sebagai permulaan! Gunakannya untuk mendapatkan pelekat, nama ENS dan mencuba dapps + + + advertiser-title + Dasar privasi + + + advertiser-description + Anda telah menemui Status menerusi rakan kongsi. Adakah anda keberatan jika Status memeriksa alamat IP anda apabila rakan kongsi anda menerima ganjaran? Maklumat ini tidak akan digunakan untuk perkara lain dan akan dibuang sepenuhnya selepas 7 hari. + + + advertiser-starter-pack-accept + Terima + + + advertiser-starter-pack-decline + Tolak + + + dapp-starter-pack-title + Pek Permulaan + + + dapp-starter-pack-description + Berikut adalah beberapa kripto sebagai permulaan! Gunakannya untuk mendapatkan pelekat, nama ENS dan mencuba dapps + + + dapp-starter-pack-accept + Terima dan Buka + + + starter-pack-coming + Starter Pack akan datang + + + starter-pack-coming-description + Boleh mengambil masa beberapa minit hingga berjam-jam + + + starter-pack-received + Pek Permulaan + + + starter-pack-received-description + Berikut adalah beberapa kripto sebagai permulaan! Gunakannya untuk mendapatkan pelekat, nama ENS dan mencuba dapps + + + join-group-chat + Sertai kumpulan + + + join-group-chat-description + {{username}} menjemput anda untuk menyertai kumpulan {{group-name}} + + + joined-group-chat-description + Anda telah menyertai {{group-name}} daripada jemputan oleh {{username}} + + + key + Kunci + + + keycard + Kad kunci + + + keycard-access-reset + Akses kad kekunci ditetapkan semula + + + keycard-can-use-with-new-passcode + Anda boleh menggunakan kad ini dengan kod laluan baru anda + + + keycard-applet-install-instructions + Untuk memasang applet sila ikuti arahan di https://github.com/status-im/keycard-cli#keycard-applet-installation + + + keycard-blocked + Kad kunci telah disekat. +Anda perlu menetapkan semula kad untuk terus menggunakannya. + + + keycard-cancel-setup-text + Ini akan membatalkan penyediaan kad kunci. Sangat disarankan untuk menyelesaikan persediaan untuk menggunakan kad kunci. Adakah anda benar-benar mahu membatalkan? + + + keycard-cancel-setup-title + Operasi berbahaya + + + keycard-desc + Memiliki Kad Kunci? Simpan kunci anda di atasnya; anda memerlukannya untuk transaksi + + + keycard-dont-ask-card + Jangan meminta kad untuk log masuk + + + keycard-reset-passcode + Tetapkan semula kod laluan + + + keycard-factory-reset + Kembalikan kad ke tetapan kilang + + + keycard-factory-reset-title + Adakah anda pasti mahu melakukan tetapan semula kilang? + + + keycard-factory-reset-text + Melakukan ini akan menghapus sebarang frasa mnemonik yang tersimpan di kad. Pastikan anda mempunyai sandaran frasa mnemonik yang telah anda gunakan dengan Kad Kunci ini. + + + keycard-enter-new-passcode + Masukkan kod laluan baru {{step}} / 2 + + + keycard-has-multiaccount-on-it + Kad ini penuh. Setiap kad boleh menyimpan satu pad kekunci utama + + + keycard-onboarding-finishing-header + Selesai + + + keycard-onboarding-intro-header + Simpan kunci anda di Keycard + + + keycard-onboarding-intro-text + Bersedia, ini mungkin mengambil masa beberapa minit, tetapi penting untuk melindungi akaun anda + + + keycard-onboarding-pairing-header + Memasangkan kad ... + + + keycard-onboarding-preparing-header + Menyiapkan kad ... + + + keycard-onboarding-puk-code-header + Tuliskan kod + dan simpan dengan selamat + + + keycard-onboarding-recovery-phrase-description + Anda memerlukan frasa biji ini untuk mendapatkan kembali kunci anda. Tuliskan. Simpan dengan selamat, di luar talian, dan terpisah dari peranti ini. + + + keycard-onboarding-recovery-phrase-header + Cadangan frasa biji + + + keycard-onboarding-recovery-phrase-text + Untuk mata anda sahaja. Ini adalah biji ajaib yang digunakan untuk menghasilkan kunci anda. + + + keycard-onboarding-start-header + Pegang kad ke belakang + telefon anda untuk bermula + + + keycard-onboarding-pin-text + Anda perlu membuat kod laluan 6 digit yang akan digunakan untuk melindungi akses ke Kad Kunci anda. + + + keycard-onboarding-mnemonic-text + Anda juga memerlukan sekeping kertas dan pensil untuk menulis frasa benih anda. + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step1 + Buat kod laluan + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step1-text + Lebih kurang 1 minit. Buat kod laluan 6 digit untuk menyulitkan kunci anda + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step2 + Tuliskan PUK dan kod pasangan + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step2-text + Lebih kurang 1 minit. Anda akan memerlukan sehelai kertas dan pensil untuk itu + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step3 + Sandarkan frasa biji + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step3-text + Lebih kurang 1 minit. Sekeping kertas dan pensil juga diperlukan + + + keycard-onboarding-start-text + Dan simpan kad ke kenalan telefon + semasa persediaan. Penyediaan akan memakan masa sekitar 4 minit + + + keycard-recovery-intro-button-text + Mulakan pemulihan + + + keycard-recovery-intro-header + Pulihkan kunci yang disimpan pada kad kekunci + + + keycard-recovery-intro-text + Sekiranya anda menghasilkan kunci menggunakan kad kekunci sebelum dan sekarang mahu menggunakan kunci ini pada peranti ini + + + keycard-recovery-no-key-header + Tidak ada apa-apa + pulih di sini + + + keycard-recovery-no-key-text + Kad Kunci anda tidak mempunyai kunci yang tersimpan di dalamnya. Untuk menggunakannya, buat kunci baru dan pilih Kad Kunci anda untuk menyimpan kunci + + + keycard-recovery-phrase-confirm-header + Sahkan frasa biji + + + keycard-recovery-phrase-confirmation-text + Anda tidak akan mempunyai peluang kedua! Sekiranya anda kehilangan akses, misalnya dengan kehilangan kad kunci, anda hanya dapat mengakses kunci anda dengan frasa pilihan anda. Tiada siapa, tetapi anda mempunyai ungkapan benih anda. Tuliskan. Pastikan ia selamat. + + + keycard-recovery-phrase-confirmation-title + Menulis frasa benih ke bawah? + + + keycard-recovery-success-header + Kunci anda telah + berjaya pulih + + + keycard-redeem-title + Tebus ke + + + keycard-redeem-tx + Tebus aset + + + keycard-redeem-tx-desc + Ketik kad untuk menandatangani dan menerima aset + + + keycard-unauthorized-operation + Anda tidak dibenarkan melakukan operasi ini. + Sila ketik kad yang sah dan cuba lagi. + + + keycard-is-frozen-title + Kad Kunci dibekukan + + + keycard-is-frozen-details + Untuk melindungi aset anda, kad anda dibekukan. Tetapkan semula kad anda untuk membekukan kad tersebut dan dapat menghantar transaksi. Anda boleh melakukan ini dengan PUK atau mnemonic anda. + + + keycard-is-frozen-reset + Set semula dengan PUK + + + keycard-is-frozen-factory-reset + Set semula dengan mnemonic + + + your-card-is-frozen + Kad Kunci anda dibekukan. Tetapkan semula akses kad + + + keycard-is-blocked-title + Kad Kekunci disekat + + + keycard-is-blocked-details + Anda tidak lagi dapat menggunakan kad ini untuk mengakses atau menandatangani akaun ini. Terlalu banyak percubaan kod laluan dan PUK yang gagal. + + + keycard-is-blocked-instructions + Untuk mengakses akaun anda, anda perlu menetapkan semula kad anda. Ketik butang di bawah untuk memulakan prosedur, anda memerlukan mnemonic anda. + + + language + Bahasa + + + learn-more + Ketahui lebih lanjut + + + learn-more-about-keycard + Ketahui lebih lanjut mengenai Kad Kunci + + + leave + Tinggalkan + + + joined + Menyertai + + + leave-group + Tinggalkan kumpulan + + + left + dibiarkan + + + lets-go + Mari pergi + + + les-ulc + LES / ULC + + + linked-on + Dipaut pada {{date}} + + + load-messages-before + sebelum {{date}} + + + load-more-messages + ↓ Ambil lebih banyak mesej + + + load-more-timeline + ↓ Ambil lebih banyak lagi + + + loading + Memuat ... + + + log-level + Tahap log + + + log-level-settings + Tetapan tahap log + + + logging + Pembalakan + + + logging-enabled + Pembalakan diaktifkan? + + + login-pin-description + Masukkan kod laluan 6-digit anda untuk membuka kunci anda + + + logout + Log keluar + + + logout-app-content + Akaun akan dilog keluar. Apabila anda membukanya lagi, rangkaian yang dipilih akan digunakan + + + logout-are-you-sure + Adakah anda pasti mahu + untuk log keluar? + + + logout-title + Log keluar? + + + logout-key-management + Anda perlu log keluar untuk mencapai pengurusan kekunci. + + + looking-for-cards + Mencari kad ... + + + lost-connection + Putus hubungan + + + mailserver-address + Alamat nod sejarah + + + mailserver-automatic + Pilihan automatik + + + mailserver-automatic-switch-explanation + Pilih nod sejarah terpantas yang ada + + + mailserver-connection-error + Tidak dapat menyambung ke nod sejarah + + + mailserver-details + Perincian nod sejarah + + + mailserver-error-content + Nod Status yang anda pilih tidak dapat dicapai. + + + mailserver-error-title + Ralat semasa menyambung ke nod Status + + + mailserver-format + enode: // {enode-id} : {password} @ {ip-address} : {port} + + + mailserver-pick-another + Pilih nod sejarah yang lain + + + mailserver-reconnect + Tidak dapat menyambung ke nod sejarah. Ketik untuk menyambung semula + + + mailserver-request-error-content + Ralat berikut telah dikembalikan oleh nod Status: {{error}} + + + mailserver-request-error-status + Berlaku ralat semasa mengambil sejarah, periksa log untuk mendapatkan perincian + + + mailserver-request-error-title + Ralat permintaan nod status + + + mailserver-request-retry + Cuba semula permintaan + + + mailserver-retry + Cuba lagi + + + main-currency + Mata wang utama + + + main-networks + Rangkaian utama + + + main-wallet + Dompet Utama + + + mainnet-network + Rangkaian utama + + + make-admin + Buat pentadbir + + + manage-keys-and-storage + Urus kekunci dan storan + + + mark-all-read + Tandakan semua telah dibaca + + + members + + {{count}} ahli + + + + members-active + + {{count}} ahli + + + + members-active-none + tiada ahli + + + members-title + Ahli + + + message + Mesej + + + message-not-sent + Mesej tidak dihantar + + + message-options-cancel + Batal + + + message-reply + Balas + + + replying-to + Membalas kepada {{author}} + + + data-syncing + Penyelarasan data + + + messages + Mesej + + + chat-is-a-contact + Hubungi + + + chat-is-not-a-contact + Bukan kenalan + + + might-break + Mungkin memecahkan beberapa ÐApps + + + migrations-failed-content + {{message}} +versi skema: asal {{initial-version}}, semasa {{current-version}}, terakhir {{last-version}} + +Ralat pangkalan data berlaku. Dana dan kod pengenalan anda selamat. Data lain, seperti perbualan dan kenalan anda, tidak dapat dipulihkan. Butang "{{erase-multiaccounts-data-button-text}}", akan membuang semua data lain dan membenarkan anda untuk mengakses dana dan menghantar mesej. + + + mobile-network-ask-me + Tanya saya semasa berada di rangkaian mudah alih + + + mobile-network-continue-syncing + Teruskan penyegerakan + + + mobile-network-continue-syncing-details + Anda boleh mengubahnya kemudian dalam tetapan + + + mobile-network-go-to-settings + Pergi ke tetapan + + + mobile-network-settings + Data mudah alih + + + mobile-network-sheet-configure + Anda boleh mengkonfigurasi penyegerakan dengan lebih banyak lagi + terperinci dalam + + + mobile-network-sheet-offline + Tanpa Wi-fi, penyegerakan mesej dilumpuhkan. + + + mobile-network-sheet-offline-details + Penyegerakan menggunakan rangkaian mudah alih dimatikan + + + mobile-network-sheet-remember-choice + Ingat pilihan saya + + + mobile-network-sheet-settings + Seting + + + mobile-network-start-syncing + Mula menyegerakkan + + + mobile-network-stop-syncing + Berhenti menyegerakkan + + + mobile-network-stop-syncing-details + Sehingga disambungkan ke Wi-Fi? + + + mobile-network-use-mobile + Gunakan data mudah alih + + + mobile-network-use-mobile-data + Status menggunakan banyak data semasa menyegerakkan sembang dan dompet. + + + mobile-network-use-wifi + Wi-Fi sahaja + + + mobile-syncing-sheet-details + Status menggunakan banyak data semasa menyegerakkan sembang dan dompet. + + + mobile-syncing-sheet-title + Segerakkan menggunakan data mudah alih? + + + more + lebih banyak lagi + + + multiaccount-exists-title + Kunci untuk akaun ini sudah ada + + + multiaccount-exists-content + Kunci untuk akaun ini sudah ada dan tidak dapat ditambahkan lagi. Sekiranya anda kehilangan kata laluan, kod laluan atau Kad Kunci, nyahpasang aplikasi, pasang semula dan akses kunci anda dengan memasukkan frasa pilihan + + + multiaccounts-recover-enter-phrase-text + Masukkan 12, 15, 18, 21 atau 24 perkataan. + Pisahkan perkataan dengan satu ruang. + + + multiaccounts-recover-enter-phrase-title + Masukkan frasa benih anda + + + name + Nama + + + name-of-token + Nama token anda + + + need-help + Perlukan bantuan? + + + glossary + Glosari + + + account-title + Akaun + + + account-content + Anda boleh membandingkan akaun dalam Status dengan akaun bank. Seperti akaun bank, akaun biasanya mempunyai alamat dan baki; Anda menggunakan akaun ini untuk bertransaksi di Ethereum. Anda boleh mempunyai banyak akaun di dompet anda. Semua diakses dengan membuka kunci Status. + + + chat-key-title + Kunci Sembang + + + chat-key-content + Mesej pada protokol sembang Status dihantar dan diterima menggunakan kunci penyulitan. Kunci sembang awam adalah rentetan watak yang anda kongsi dengan orang lain supaya mereka dapat menghantar mesej kepada anda dalam Status + + + chat-name-title + nama Chat + + + chat-name-content + Tiga perkataan rawak, diambil secara algoritma dari kekunci sembang anda dan digunakan sebagai alias lalai anda dalam sembang. Nama sembang benar-benar unik; tidak ada pengguna lain yang boleh mempunyai tiga perkataan yang sama. + + + ens-name-title + Nama ENS + + + ens-name-content + Alias khusus untuk kunci sembang anda yang boleh anda daftarkan menggunakan Ethereum Name Service Nama ENS adalah nama pengguna yang terdesentralisasi. + + + mailserver-title + Nod sejarah + + + mailserver-content + Node dalam rangkaian Status yang merutekan dan menyimpan mesej, sehingga 30 hari. + + + peer-title + Rakan sebaya + + + peer-content + Peranti yang disambungkan ke rangkaian sembang Status. Setiap pengguna dapat mewakili satu atau lebih rakan sebaya, bergantung pada jumlah peranti mereka. + + + seed-phrase-title + Frasa Benih + + + seed-phrase-content + Satu set perkataan yang mudah dibaca, dipilih secara rawak dari senarai standard BIP39 dan digunakan untuk memulihkan atau mengakses akaun Ethereum anda di dompet dan peranti lain. Juga disebut sebagai "frasa mnemonik", "frasa pemulihan" atau "sandaran dompet" di seluruh ekosistem crypto. Sebilangan besar aplikasi crypto menggunakan standard yang sama untuk menjana akaun. + + + wallet-key-title + Alamat akaun + + + wallet-key-content + Alamat hex 64 aksara berdasarkan standard Ethereum dan bermula dengan 0x. Secara terbuka, alamat akaun anda akan dikongsi dengan orang lain semasa anda ingin menerima dana. Juga disebut sebagai "alamat Ethereum" atau "alamat dompet." + + + buy-crypto-title + Nampaknya dompet anda kosong + + + buy-crypto-description + Cari dapp untuk membeli kripto sekarang + + + buy-crypto + Beli kripto + + + buy-crypto-choose-a-service + Pilih perkhidmatan yang anda ingin gunakan untuk membeli kripto + + + buy-crypto-leaving + Anda akan meninggalkan Status dan memasuki laman web pihak ketiga untuk menyelesaikan pembelian anda + + + opening-buy-crypto + Membuka {{site}}... + + + network + Rangkaian + + + network-chain + Rangkaian rangkaian + + + network-details + Perincian rangkaian + + + network-info + Maklumat rangkaian + + + network-fee + Bayaran rangkaian + + + network-id + ID Rangkaian + + + network-invalid-network-id + ID rangkaian yang ditentukan tidak sepadan dengan ID rangkaian oleh URL RPC + + + network-invalid-status-code + Kod status tidak sah: {{code}} + + + network-invalid-url + URL rangkaian tidak sah + + + network-settings + Tetapan rangkaian + + + new + Baru + + + new-chat + Sembang baru + + + new-contact + Kenalan baru + + + new-contract + Kontrak Baru + + + new-group + Kumpulan baru + + + new-group-chat + Sembang kumpulan baru + + + new-network + Rangkaian baru + + + new-pin-description + Masukkan kod laluan 6-digit baru + + + new-puk-description + Masukkan 12-digit PUK baru + + + new-public-group-chat + Sertai sembang awam + + + next + Seterusnya + + + no + Tidak + + + no-collectibles + Tidak ada koleksi yang tersedia + + + no-contacts + Belum ada kenalan + + + no-keycard-applet-on-card + Tiada Keycard applet pada kad + + + no-messages + Tiada mesej + + + no-pairing-slots-available + Kad ini sudah dipasangkan dengan 5 peranti dan tidak dapat dipasangkan dengan kad ini. Sila gunakan salah satu peranti berpasangan, log masuk dengan kad ini dan lepaskan slot pasangan pada kad + + + no-result + Tiada keputusan + + + no-tokens-found + Token tidak dijumpai + + + node-info + Maklumat nod + + + node-address + Alamat nod + + + node-details + Butiran nod + + + node-version + Versi nod + + + nonce + Bukan + + + none + Tiada + + + not-applicable + Tidak terpakai untuk transaksi yang tidak ditandatangani + + + not-keycard-text + Kad yang anda gunakan bukan Kad Kunci. Anda perlu membeli Kad Kunci untuk menggunakannya + + + not-keycard-title + Bukan Kad Kunci + + + notifications + Pemberitahuan + + + local-notifications + Pemberitahuan tempatan + + + local-notifications-subtitle + + + + remote-notifications + + + + remote-notifications-subtitle + + + + show-notifications + Tunjukkan pemberitahuan + + + notification-settings + Pemberitahuan + + + notifications-servers + Pelayan pemberitahuan + + + notifications-preferences + Pilihan pemberitahuan + + + notifications-switch + Tunjukkan pemberitahuan + + + notifications-non-contacts + Pemberitahuan daripada bukan kenalan + + + notifications-transactions + Urus niaga dompet + + + send-push-notifications + + + + send-push-notifications-description + Apabila dilumpuhkan, orang yang menerima mesej anda tidak akan diberitahu mengenai kedatangan mereka + + + push-notifications-server-enabled + Pelayan didayakan + + + push-notifications-servers + Tolak pelayan pemberitahuan + + + push-inbound-transaction + Anda menerima {{value}} {{currency}} + + + push-outbound-transaction + Anda telah menghantar {{value}} {{currency}} + + + push-failed-transaction + Urus niaga anda gagal + + + push-inbound-transaction-body + Dari {{from}} hingga {{to}} + + + push-outbound-transaction-body + Dari {{from}} hingga {{to}} + + + push-failed-transaction-body + {{value}} {{currency}} hingga {{to}} + + + allow-mention-notifications + Tunjukkan @ sebutan + + + server + Pelayan + + + specify-server-public-key + Masukkan kunci awam pelayan + + + notify + Maklumkan + + + off + Mati + + + offline + Luar talian + + + offline-messaging-use-history-nodes + Gunakan nod Status + + + offline-messaging-use-history-explanation + Benarkan nod Status untuk mengambil mesej yang telah dihantar semasa aplikasi ditutup. Apabila diaktifkan, nod Status mendapat alamat IP anda. Apabila dinyahdayakan, anda tidak akan menerima mesej apabila aplikasi ditutup dan tidak akan melihatnya apabila anda membuka aplikasi kemudian. + + + ok + okey + + + ok-continue + Ok, teruskan + + + ok-got-it + Ok, teruskan + + + okay + baik + + + on + Dihidupkan + + + open + Buka + + + open-home + Buka... + + + open-dapp + Buka Ð Aplikasi + + + open-dapp-store + Cari ÐApps + + + open-nfc-settings + Buka tetapan NFC + + + open-on-block-explorer + + + + optional + pilihan + + + or + Atau + + + outgoing + Keluar + + + outgoing-transaction + Urus niaga keluar + + + pair + Pasangkan peranti + + + pair-card + Pasangkan ke peranti ini + + + pair-code + Kod berpasangan + + + pair-code-explanation + Pasangkan kad ke peranti lain (hingga 5) untuk membuka kunci dan menandatangani urus niaga dengan Kad Kunci yang sama + + + pair-this-card + Pasangkan kad ini + + + pair-this-device + Iklankan peranti + + + pair-this-device-description + Pasangkan peranti anda untuk menyegerakkan kenalan dan sembang di antara mereka + + + paired-devices + Peranti berpasangan + + + pairing + Berpasangan + + + pairing-card + Kad berpasangan + + + pairing-code-placeholder + Meyambungkan kod ... + + + pairing-code_error1 + Kod berpasangan tidak sepadan. + + + confirm-pairing-code-placeholder + Sahkan kod pasangan anda ... + + + pairing-go-to-installation + Pergi ke tetapan memasang + + + pairing-maximum-number-reached-content + Sila nyahdayakan salah satu peranti anda sebelum mengaktifkan yang baru. + + + pairing-maximum-number-reached-title + Bilangan maksimum peranti dicapai + + + pairing-new-installation-detected-content + Peranti baru telah dikesan. +Untuk menggunakan peranti anda dengan betul, ia adalah penting untuk memasang dan mengaktifkannya sebelum menggunakannya. +Sila pergi ke bahagian peranti di bawah tetapan untuk memasangkan peranti anda. + + + pairing-new-installation-detected-title + Peranti baru dikesan + + + pairing-no-info + Tiada maklumat + + + pairing-please-set-a-name + Sila tetapkan nama untuk peranti anda. + + + passphrase + Frasa Laluan + + + password + Kata Laluan + + + password-description + Sekurang-kurangnya 6 karakter. Kata laluan anda memelihara kod anda. Anda akan memerlukan kata laluan ini untuk membuka Status dan bertransaksi. + + + password-placeholder2 + Mengesahkan kata laluan anda + + + password_error1 + Kata laluan tidak sepadan. + + + paste + Tampal + + + paste-json + Tampal JSON + + + pay-to-chat + Bayar untuk berbual + + + peers + Rakan sebaya + + + pending + Yang belum selesai + + + pending-confirmation + Menunggu pengesahan ... + + + permissions + Kebenaran + + + phone-e164 + Antarabangsa 1 + + + photos-access-error + Untuk memberikan izin foto yang diperlukan, pergi ke tetapan sistem anda dan pastikan Status > Foto dipilih. + + + pin-changed + Kod laluan 6-digit telah ditukar + + + puk-changed + PUK 12 digit telah diubah + + + pairing-changed + Kod pasangan telah diubah + + + pin-code + Kod laluan 6-digit + + + pin-mismatch + Kod laluan yang salah + + + pin-retries-left + {{number}} percubaan tinggal + + + pin-one-attempt-blocked-before + Hati-hati, anda hanya ada + + + pin-one-attempt-frozen-before + Hati-hati, anda hanya ada + + + pin-one-attempt + satu percubaan + + + pin-one-attempt-blocked-after + sebelum Kad Kunci anda disekat + + + pin-one-attempt-frozen-after + sebelum Kad Kunci anda dibekukan + + + preview-privacy + Pratonton mod privasi + + + privacy + Privasi + + + privacy-photos + Privasi Foto Profil + + + privacy-and-security + Privasi dan keselamatan + + + privacy-policy + Dasar Privasi + + + privacy-show-to-warning + + + + processing + Sekejap + + + product-information + Maklumat Produk + + + profile + Profil + + + profile-details + Maklumat profil + + + public-chat + Sembang awam + + + public-chats + Sembang awam + + + public-group-status + Awam + + + public-group-topic + Topik + + + join-new-public-chat + Sertai sembang awam + + + join-new-private-chat + Mulakan sembang peribadi baru + + + search-no-chat-found + Tiada hasil carian. Adakah awak bermaksud + + + public-key + Kunci awam + + + puk-and-pairing-codes-displayed + Kod PUK dan kod pasangan dipaparkan + + + puk-code + Kod PUK + + + puk-code-explanation + Sekiranya anda terlupa kod laluan 6 digit anda atau memasukkannya dengan salah 3 kali, anda memerlukan kod ini untuk membuka kunci kad anda. + + + puk-mismatch + Kod PUK salah + + + quiet-days + {{quiet-days}} hari + + + quiet-hours + {{quiet-hours}} jam + + + re-encrypt-key + Masukkan semula kunci anda + + + receive + Menerima + + + receive-transaction + Terima urus niaga + + + recent + Terkini + + + recent-recipients + Kenalan + + + recently-used-stickers + Pelekat yang baru digunakan akan terpapar di sini + + + recipient + Penerima + + + recipient-code + Masukkan alamat penerima + + + recipient-code-placeholder + 0x ... atau nama pengguna.domain.eth + + + recover + Pulihkan + + + recover-key + Akses kunci yang ada + + + recover-keycard-multiaccount-not-supported + Kunci untuk akaun ini sudah ada dan tidak dapat ditambahkan lagi. Sekiranya anda kehilangan kata laluan, kod laluan atau Kad Kunci, nyahpasang aplikasi, pasang semula dan akses kunci anda dengan memasukkan frasa pilihan anda + + + recover-with-keycard + Pulihkan dengan Kad Kunci + + + recovering-key + Mengakses kunci ... + + + recovery-confirm-phrase + Sahkan frasa + + + recovery-phrase + Frasa pemulihan + + + recovery-success-text + Anda perlu membuat kod atau kata laluan baru untuk menyulitkan semula kunci anda + + + recovery-typo-dialog-description + Harap maklum, ungkapan benih anda mesti menggunakan perkataan dan pesanan yang sama persis seperti yang anda terima + + + recovery-typo-dialog-title + Adakah frasa tersebut tepat? + + + remember-me + Ingat saya + + + remind-me-later + Tunjukkan ini lagi + + + remove + Keluarkan + + + remove-from-chat + Alih keluar dari sembang + + + remove-from-contacts + Alih keluar dari kenalan + + + remove-from-contacts-text + Dengan mengeluarkan pengguna dari senarai kenalan anda, anda tidak menyembunyikan alamat dompet anda dari mereka + + + remove-network + Keluarkan rangkaian + + + remove-token + Keluarkan token + + + removed + dikeluarkan + + + repeat-pin + Ulangi kod laluan 6 digit baru + + + repeat-puk + Ulangi PUK 12 digit baru + + + report-bug-email-template + 1. Penerangan Isu + (Jelaskan ciri yang anda mahukan, atau ringkaskan pepijat dan apa yang anda buat, apa yang anda harapkan berlaku, dan apa yang sebenarnya berlaku. Bahagian di bawah) + + + 2. Langkah untuk membiak + (Terangkan bagaimana kita dapat meniru bug langkah demi langkah.) + -Buka Status + -... + -Langkah 3, dll. + + + 3. Tingkah laku yang diharapkan + (Jelaskan apa yang anda jangkakan akan berlaku.) + + + 4. Tingkah laku sebenar + (Huraikan apa yang sebenarnya berlaku.) + + + 5. Lampirkan tangkapan skrin yang dapat menunjukkan masalah + + + + request-transaction + Minta transaksi + + + required-field + Medan wajib + + + resend-message + Hantar semula + + + reset-card + Tetapkan semula kad + + + reset-card-description + Operasi ini akan menetapkan semula kad ke keadaan asal. Ia akan memadamkan semua data kad termasuk kunci peribadi. Operasi ini tidak dapat dipulihkan kembali. + + + retry + Cuba lagi + + + revoke-access + Batalkan akses + + + rinkeby-network + Rangkaian ujian Rinkeby + + + ropsten-network + Rangkaian ujian Ropsten + + + rpc-url + URL RPC + + + save + Jimat + + + save-password + Simpan katalaluan + + + save-password-unavailable + Tetapkan kod laluan peranti untuk menyimpan kata laluan + + + save-password-unavailable-android + Simpan kata laluan tidak tersedia: peranti anda mungkin di-root atau tidak mempunyai ciri keselamatan yang diperlukan. + + + scan-qr + Imbas kod QR + + + scan-qr-code + Imbas kod QR dengan alamat dompet + + + search + Cari + + + secret-keys-confirmation-text + Anda memerlukan mereka untuk terus menggunakan Kad Kunci anda sekiranya anda kehilangan telefon. + + + secret-keys-confirmation-title + Menulis kod? + + + security + Keselamatan + + + see-details + Lihat perincian + + + see-it-again + LIHAT LAGI + + + select-account-first + Pilih akaun terlebih dahulu + + + select-chat + Pilih sembang untuk memulakan pesanan + + + selected + Terpilih + + + select + Pilih + + + select-account + Pilih akaun + + + send-logs + Laporkan pepijat + + + send-logs-to + Laporkan pepijat ke {{email}} + + + send-message + Menghantar mesej + + + send-request + Hantar permintaan + + + send-request-amount + Jumlah + + + send-request-amount-max-decimals + Bilangan perpuluhan maksimum ialah {{asset-decimals}} + + + send-request-unknown-token + Token tidak diketahui - {{asset}} + + + send-sending-to + kepada {{recipient-name}} + + + send-transaction + Hantar transaksi + + + sending + Menghantar + + + sent-at + Dihantar pada + + + set-a-topic + Buat topik + + + set-currency + Tetapkan mata wang + + + set-dapp-access-permissions + Tetapkan kebenaran akses DApp + + + settings + Tetapan + + + share + Berkongsi + + + shared + Dikongsi + + + share-address + Kongsi alamat + + + share-chat + Kongsi sembang + + + share-contact-code + Kongsi kod pengenalan saya + + + share-dapp-text + Lihat DApp ini yang saya gunakan di Status: {{link}} + + + share-link + Kongsi pautan + + + share-my-profile + Kongsi profil saya + + + share-profile + Kongsi profil + + + share-profile-link + Kongsi pautan profil + + + share-public-chat-text + Lihat sembang umum ini di aplikasi Status: {{link}} + + + sharing-copied-to-clipboard + Disalin + + + sharing-copy-to-clipboard + Salinan + + + share-logs + + + + sharing-share + Berkongsi + + + show-less + Tunjukkan kurang + + + show-more + Tunjukkan lagi + + + show-qr + Tunjukkan kod QR + + + show-transaction-data + Tunjukkan data transaksi + + + sign-and-send + Tandatangan dan hantar + + + sign-in + Daftar masuk + + + sign-message + Mesej Tanda + + + sign-out + Keluar + + + sign-with + Masuk dengan + + + sign-with-password + Masuk dengan kata laluan + + + sign-you-in + Log masuk anda… + + + signing + Menandatangani + + + signing-a-message + Menandatangani mesej + + + signing-phrase + Menulis frasa + + + something-went-wrong + Ada yang tidak kena + + + soon + Tidak lama lagi + + + specify-address + Nyatakan alamat + + + specify-name + Nyatakan nama + + + specify-symbol + + + + specify-network-id + Tentukan id rangkaian + + + specify-rpc-url + Tentukan URL RPC + + + start-chat + Mulakan sembang + + + start-conversation + Mulakan perbualan + + + start-group-chat + Mulakan sembang kumpulan + + + start-new-chat + Mulakan sembang baru + + + status + Status + + + status-confirmed + Disahkan + + + status-hardwallet + Hardwallet status + + + status-keycard + Kad Kekunci Status + + + status-pending + Yang belum selesai + + + status-tx-not-found + TX tidak dijumpai + + + status-sent + Dihantar + + + status-not-sent-tap + Tidak disahkan. Ketik untuk pilihan + + + status-not-sent-click + Tidak disahkan. Klik untuk pilihan + + + step-i-of-n + Langkah {{step}} daripada {{number}} + + + sticker-market + Pasaran pelekat + + + sticker + Pelekat + + + submit + Hantar + + + submit-bug + Hantar pepijat + + + success + Kejayaan + + + symbol + Simbol + + + sync-all-devices + Segerakkan semua peranti + + + sync-in-progress + Menyegerakkan ... + + + sync-settings + Tetapan penyegerakan + + + sync-synced + Dalam penyegerakan + + + syncing-devices + Sedang disegerakkan... + + + tag-was-lost + Tag telah hilang + + + tap-card-again + Ketik kad ke bahagian belakang telefon anda sekali lagi + + + test-networks + Rangkaian ujian + + + text-input-disabled + Sila tunggu sebentar... + + + this-device + Peranti ini + + + this-device-desc + Kunci anda akan dienkripsi dan disimpan dengan selamat di peranti anda + + + this-is-you-signing + Ini adalah frasa menandatangani anda + + + this-will-take-few-seconds + Ini akan mengambil masa beberapa saat + + + three-words-description + Anda harus melihat 3 perkataan ini sebelum menandatangani setiap transaksi + + + three-words-description-2 + Sekiranya anda melihat kombinasi yang berbeza, batalkan transaksi dan log keluar + + + to + Untuk + + + to-block + Sekat + + + to-encrypt-enter-password + Untuk menyulitkan akaun sila masukkan kata laluan anda + + + to-see-this-message + Untuk melihat mesej ini, + + + token-auto-validate-decimals-error + Perpuluhan token yang salah {{symbol}} pada alamat {{address}} - ditetapkan ke {{expected}} tetapi dikesan sebagai {{actual}} + + + token-auto-validate-name-error + Nama token yang salah {{symbol}} di alamat {{address}} - ditetapkan ke {{expected}} tetapi dikesan sebagai {{actual}} + + + token-auto-validate-symbol-error + Simbol salah untuk token {{symbol}} di alamat {{address}} - ditetapkan ke {{expected}} tetapi dikesan sebagai {{actual}} + + + token-details + Butiran token + + + topic-name-error + Gunakan hanya huruf kecil (a hingga z), nombor & sengkang (-). Jangan gunakan kod pengenalan + + + transaction + Transaksi + + + transaction-data + Data transaksi + + + transaction-declined + Transaksi ditolak + + + transactions-management-enabled + Pengurusan urus niaga (alpha) + + + transaction-description + Transaksi dengan 12 pengesahan boleh dianggap tidak dapat diubah lagi + + + transaction-details + Butiran transaksi + + + transaction-failed + transaksi gagal + + + transaction-history + Sejarah transaksi + + + transaction-request + Permintaan Transaksi + + + transaction-sent + Transaksi dihantar + + + transaction-signed + Urus niaga berjaya ditandatangani + + + transactions + Urus Niaga + + + transactions-filter-select-all + Pilih semua + + + transactions-filter-title + Tapis sejarah + + + type + Jenis + + + transactions-history + Sejarah transaksi + + + transactions-history-empty + Belum ada transaksi dalam sejarah anda + + + transactions-history-loading + Memuatkan sejarah transaksi. Ini mungkin mengambil masa. + + + transactions-sign + Tanda + + + tribute-required-by-multiaccount + {{multiaccount-name}} memerlukan SNT untuk memulakan sembang. + + + tribute-state-paid + Penghormatan dibayar + + + tribute-state-pending + Penghormatan belum selesai + + + tribute-state-required + Memerlukan penghormatan SNT {{snt-amount}} + + + tribute-to-talk + Penghormatan untuk bercakap + + + tribute-to-talk-add-friends + Tambahkan rakan sebagai kenalan untuk membenarkan sembang tanpa pembayaran penghormatan. + + + tribute-to-talk-are-you-friends + Adakah anda kawan? + + + tribute-to-talk-ask-to-be-added + Minta ditambahkan sebagai kenalan + + + tribute-to-talk-contact-received-your-tribute + menerima penghormatan anda. Anda kini boleh berbual dengan selamat antara satu sama lain. + + + tribute-to-talk-desc + Wangkan perhatian anda dengan meminta SNT untuk orang baru memulakan sembang + + + tribute-to-talk-disabled + Tribute to Talk dilumpuhkan + + + tribute-to-talk-disabled-note + Mulai sekarang, orang baru dapat memulakan sembang dengan anda tanpa menghantar SNT. + + + tribute-to-talk-enabled + Anda telah mengaktifkan Tribute to Talk. + + + tribute-to-talk-finish-desc + Mulai sekarang, anda hanya akan menerima sembang dari kenalan dan orang yang membayar + + + tribute-to-talk-learn-more-1 + Masa dan perhatian anda adalah aset paling berharga anda. Tribute to Talk membolehkan anda menetapkan jumlah SNT yang diperlukan bagi orang baru untuk memulakan sembang dengan anda. + + + tribute-to-talk-learn-more-2 + Sesiapa yang tidak ada dalam senarai kenalan anda akan diminta untuk membayar, dan anda boleh membalasnya setelah mereka memilikinya. + + + tribute-to-talk-learn-more-3 + Anda selalu dapat mengembalikan wang, tetapi untuk memastikan rakan dapat menghubungi anda dengan bebas, tambahkan mereka sebagai kenalan terlebih dahulu. + + + tribute-to-talk-paywall-learn-more-1 + Masa dan perhatian kita adalah aset paling berharga kita. Tribute to Talk membolehkan anda menghubungi orang baru sebagai pertukaran untuk pembayaran SNT. + + + tribute-to-talk-paywall-learn-more-2 + Untuk memulakan sembang dengan seseorang yang mempunyai set penghargaan, cukup bayar SNT yang diperlukan dan anda akan ditambahkan sebagai kenalan. + + + tribute-to-talk-paywall-learn-more-3 + Sekiranya anda mengenali mereka, anda boleh berkongsi profil anda di luar Status untuk ditambahkan secara percuma. + + + tribute-to-talk-pending + Penghormatan menunggu pengesahan + + + tribute-to-talk-pending-note + Transaksi penghormatan menunggu pengesahan di rangkaian. Anda boleh menyemak statusnya dalam sejarah transaksi + + + tribute-to-talk-removing-note + Mengeluarkan Tribute to Talk akan membolehkan orang baru memulakan sembang tanpa menghantar SNT. Memerlukan transaksi yang akan dibuat. + + + tribute-to-talk-set-snt-amount + Tetapkan jumlah SNT yang diperlukan bagi orang baru untuk memulakan sembang + + + tribute-to-talk-signing + Menunggu untuk menandatangani transaksi + + + tribute-to-talk-transaction-failed-note + Transaksi telah gagal dan tetapan Tribute to Talk anda belum diubah + + + tribute-to-talk-tribute-received1 + Penghormatan diterima. Anda dan + + + tribute-to-talk-tribute-received2 + kini menjadi kenalan dan boleh berbual dengan selamat antara satu sama lain + + + tribute-to-talk-you-require-snt + Anda memerlukan SNT untuk orang baru untuk memulakan sembang. + + + try-again + Cuba lagi + + + try-keeping-the-card-still + Cuba simpan kad itu + + + turn-nfc-on + Hidupkan NFC untuk meneruskan + + + turn-nfc-description + NFC dilumpuhkan pada peranti anda. Anda boleh mengaktifkannya dalam tetapan + + + keycard-init-title + Mencari kad ... + + + keycard-init-description + Letakkan kad di bahagian belakang telefon anda untuk meneruskan + + + keycard-awaiting-title + Masih mencari... + + + keycard-awaiting-description + Cuba gerakkan kad untuk mencari pembaca NFC pada peranti anda + + + keycard-processing-title + Memproses ... + + + keycard-processing-description + Cuba simpan kad itu + + + keycard-connected-title + Disambungkan + + + keycard-connected-description + Cuba simpan kad itu + + + keycard-error-title + Sambungan terputus + + + keycard-error-description + Sambungkan kad sekali lagi untuk meneruskan + + + keycard-success-title + Kejayaan + + + keycard-success-description + Anda boleh mengeluarkan kad sekarang + + + keycard-recover + kad hilang atau beku? + + + keycard-recover-title + Buat kad baru untuk akaun ini? + + + keycard-recover-text + Sekiranya anda mempunyai frasa mnemonik anda, anda boleh membuat Kad Kunci baru yang berkaitan dengan akaun ini. Anda boleh menggunakan Kad Kunci baru atau melakukan tetapan semula kilang pada kad yang dibekukan. + + + keycard-backup + Buat Kad Kekunci sandaran + + + keycard-backup-success-title + Sandaran berjaya + + + keycard-backup-success-body + Kad sandaran berjaya dibuat. Anda kini boleh menggunakannya dengan akaun anda seperti kad utama. + + + type-a-message + Mesej + + + ulc-enabled + ULC didayakan + + + backup-enabled + + + + backup-disabled + Dinyahaktifkan + + + backup-settings + + + + backup-through-waku + + + + perform-backup + + + + backing-up + + + + last-backup-performed + + + + unable-to-read-this-code + Tidak dapat membaca kod ini + + + unblock-contact + Nyahsekat pengguna ini + + + unknown-status-go-error + Ralat status-go yang tidak diketahui + + + unlock + Buka kunci + + + unpair-card + Nyahpasang kad + + + unpair-card-confirmation + Operasi ini akan memutuskan kad dari peranti semasa. Memerlukan kebenaran kod laluan 6 digit. Adakah anda mahu meneruskan? + + + unpaired-keycard-text + Kad Kunci yang anda ketik tidak dikaitkan dengan telefon ini + + + unpaired-keycard-title + Nampaknya kad anda tidak berpasangan + + + unpair-keycard + Nyahpasang Kad Kunci dari telefon ini + + + unpair-keycard-warning + Kod pasangan / PUK & PIN anda tidak berubah + + + update + Kemas kini + + + url + URL + + + usd-currency + USD + + + use-valid-contact-code + Sila masukkan atau imbas kod pengenalan atau nama pengguna yang sah + + + validation-amount-invalid-number + Jumlah bukan nombor yang sah + + + validation-amount-is-too-precise + Jumlahnya terlalu tepat. Bilangan perpuluhan maksimum ialah {{decimals}} . + + + version + Versi apl + + + app-commit + + + + view + Lihat + + + view-cryptokitties + Lihat di CryptoKitties + + + view-cryptostrikers + Lihat di CryptoStrikers + + + view-etheremon + Lihat di Etheremon + + + view-gitcoin + Lihat di Gitcoin + + + view-profile + Lihat profil + + + view-details + Lihat butiran + + + view-signing + Lihat frasa menandatangani + + + view-superrare + Lihat di SuperRare + + + waiting-for-wifi + Tanpa Wi-fi, penyegerakan mesej dilumpuhkan. + + + waiting-for-wifi-change + Tetapan + + + waiting-to-sign + Menunggu untuk menandatangani transaksi ... + + + wallet + Dompet + + + wallet-asset + Aset + + + wallet-assets + Aset + + + wallet-backup-recovery-title + Sandarkan frasa pemulihan anda + + + wallet-choose-recipient + Pilih Penerima + + + wallet-collectibles + Barang koleksi + + + wallet-insufficient-funds + Kekurangan dana + + + wallet-insufficient-gas + Tidak cukup ETH untuk gas + + + wallet-invalid-address + Alamat tidak sah: + {{data}} + + + wallet-invalid-address-checksum + Ralat dalam alamat: + {{data}} + + + wallet-invalid-chain-id + Rangkaian tidak sepadan: + {{data}} tetapi rantaian semasa adalah {{chain}} + + + wallet-manage-assets + Urus Aset + + + wallet-manage-accounts + Urus akaun + + + wallet-request + Permintaan + + + wallet-send + Hantar + + + wallet-send-min-units + Min 21000 unit + + + wallet-send-min-wei + Min 1 wei + + + wallet-settings + Tetapan dompet + + + wallet-total-value + Jumlah nilai + + + wallet-transaction-total-fee + Jumlah Bayaran + + + wants-to-access-profile + mahu mengakses ke profil anda + + + warning + Amaran + + + warning-message + Maaf, kami mengehadkan menghantar beberapa mesej berturut-turut untuk mengelakkan spam. Sila cuba sebentar lagi + + + web-view-error + Tidak dapat memuatkan halaman + + + welcome-screen-text + Sediakan dompet anda, jemput rakan untuk berbual + dan layari dapp yang popular! + + + welcome-to-status + Selamat datang ke Status + + + welcome-to-status-description + Sediakan dompet crypto anda, jemput rakan untuk berbual dan melayari aplikasi terdesentralisasi + + + welcome-blank-message + Sembang anda akan muncul di sini. Untuk memulakan sembang baru tekan butang ⊕ + + + welcome-community-blank-message + Sembang anda akan muncul di sini. Untuk memulakan sembang baru, klik pada 3 titik di atas dan pilih "Buat saluran" + + + welcome-community-blank-message-edit-chats + + + + welcome-blank-community-message + Komuniti anda akan muncul di sini. + + + fetch-community + + + + fetching-community + + + + seed-phrase-placeholder + Frasa benih ... + + + word-count + Kiraan perkataan + + + word-n + Perkataan # {{number}} + + + word-n-description + Untuk memeriksa sama ada anda telah menyandarkan frasa pemulihan anda dengan tepat, masukkan perkataan #{{number}} di atas. + + + words-n + + 1 kata + + + + write-down-and-store-securely + Tuliskan kod + & simpan dengan selamat + + + wrong-address + Salah alamat + + + wrong-card + Kad yang salah + + + wrong-card-text + Kad yang diketuk tidak sesuai dengan kunci yang anda pilih + + + wrong-contract + Kontrak yang salah + + + contract-isnt-supported + + + + wrong-keycard-text + Kad Kunci yang anda ketik tidak dikaitkan dengan telefon ini + + + wrong-keycard-title + Nampaknya anda sudah mengetuk + kad kekunci yang salah + + + wrong-password + Salah kata laluan + + + wrong-word + Perkataan yang salah + + + yes + Ya + + + You + Anda + + + you + anda + + + you-already-have-an-asset + Anda sudah mempunyai aset {{value}} + + + you-are-all-set + Anda telah siap sedia! + + + you-are-all-set-description + Jika anda kehilangan telefon anda, anda boleh mengakses dana dan kod pengenalan anda menggunakan frasa pemulihan + + + you-can-change-account + Anda boleh menukar nama dan warna akaun mengikut kehendak anda + + + you-dont-have-stickers + Anda tidak mempunyai sebarang pelekat lagi + + + you-dont-have-contacts-invite-friends + Anda belum mempunyai kenalan. + Jemput rakan anda untuk mula berbual. + + + your-contact-code + Memberi akses membenaran DApp ini untuk mengambil kod pengenalan anda + + + your-data-belongs-to-you + Jika anda kehilangan frasa pemulihan anda, anda kehilangan data dan dana anda + + + your-data-belongs-to-you-description + Sekiranya anda kehilangan akses, misalnya dengan kehilangan telefon anda, anda hanya dapat mengakses kunci anda dengan frasa pilihan anda. Tiada siapa, tetapi anda mempunyai ungkapan benih anda. Tuliskan. Pastikan ia selamat + + + your-recovery-phrase + Frasa pemulihan anda + + + your-recovery-phrase-description + Ini adalah frasa pemulihan anda. Anda menggunakannya untuk membuktikan bahawa ini adalah dompet anda. Anda hanya dapat melihatnya sekali sahaja! Tuliskannya pada kertas dan simpan di tempat yang selamat. Anda akan memerlukannya jika anda kehilangan atau memasang semula dompet anda. + + + custom-seed-phrase + Frasa biji tidak sah + + + custom-seed-phrase-text-1 + Frasa benih ini tidak sepadan dengan kamus kami yang disokong. Semak perkataan yang disalah eja. + + + to-enable-biometric + Untuk mengaktifkan {{bio-type-label}} , anda mesti menyimpan kata laluan anda di skrin buka kunci + + + ok-save-pass + OK, simpan kata laluan + + + lock-app-with + Kunci aplikasi dengan + + + grant-face-id-permissions + Untuk memberikan kebenaran ID Wajah yang diperlukan, buka tetapan sistem anda dan pastikan Status > ID Wajah dipilih + + + request-feature + Mohon ciri + + + select-account-dapp + Pilih akaun yang ingin anda gunakan dengan Dapps + + + apply + Memohon + + + on-status-tree + Pada pokok Status + + + off-status-tree + Pokok Status Mati + + + derivation-path + Jalan terbitan + + + storage + Penyimpanan + + + keycard-free-pairing-slots + Kad kekunci mempunyai slot berpasangan percuma {{n}} + + + public-chat-description + Sertai sembang awam untuk minat anda! Sesiapa sahaja boleh memulakan yang baru. + + + delete-account + Padamkan akaun + + + delete-keys-keycard + Padamkan kunci dari Kad Kunci + + + watch-only + Hanya menonton + + + cant-report-bug + Tidak dapat melaporkan pepijat + + + mail-should-be-configured + Pelanggan mel harus dikonfigurasi + + + check-on-block-explorer + + + + check-on-opensea + Semak opensea + + + transactions-load-more + Tambah lagi + + + private-key + Kunci peribadi + + + generate-an-account + Jana akaun + + + add-watch-account + Tambahkan akaun jam tangan sahaja + + + add-seed-account + Tambahkan akaun dengan frasa biji + + + account-exists-title + akaun telah wujud + + + add-private-key-account + Tambahkan akaun dari kunci peribadi + + + profile-not-found + Profil tidak dijumpai + + + waku-bloom-filter-mode + Mod penapis mekar Waku + + + wakuv2-settings + Tetapan Waku v2 + + + wakuv2-node-format + / ip4 / {node-ip} / tcp / {port} / p2p / {id} + + + wakuv2-change-nodes + Adakah anda pasti mahu menukar nod Wakuv2? + + + appearance + Penampilan + + + preference + Pilihan + + + light + Cahaya + + + dark + Gelap + + + system + Sistem + + + give-permissions-camera + Memberi keizinan + untuk mengakses kamera + + + photos + Gambar + + + image + Imej + + + sign-anyway + Masuk pula + + + tx-fail-description1 + Urus niaga ini kemungkinan akan gagal. Masuk dengan risiko anda sendiri menggunakan bayaran rangkaian khusus. + + + tx-fail-description2 + Urus niaga ini kemungkinan akan gagal. Tetapkan bayaran rangkaian khusus untuk menandatangani dengan risiko anda sendiri. + + + set-custom-fee + Tetapkan bayaran tersuai + + + not-enough-snt + Tidak cukup SNT + + + add-new-contact + Tambah kenalan baru + + + you-dont-have-contacts + Anda belum mempunyai kenalan. + + + set-max + Tetapkan maks + + + continue-anyway + Teruskan pula + + + private-notifications + Pemberitahuan peribadi + + + private-notifications-descr + Status akan memberitahu anda mengenai mesej baru. Anda boleh mengedit pilihan pemberitahuan anda kemudian dalam tetapan. + + + maybe-later + Mungkin kemudian + + + join + Sertailah + + + registered + berdaftar + + + not-registered + tidak berdaftar + + + audio-recorder-error + Kesalahan perakam + + + audio-recorder + Perakam + + + audio-recorder-max-ms-reached + Masa rakaman maksimum dicapai + + + audio-recorder-permissions-error + Anda harus memberi kebenaran untuk menghantar mesej audio + + + audio + Audio + + + update-to-see-image + Kemas kini ke versi terkini untuk melihat gambar yang bagus di sini! + + + update-to-listen-audio + Kemas kini ke versi terkini untuk mendengar mesej audio di sini! + + + update-to-see-sticker + Kemas kini ke versi terkini untuk melihat pelekat yang bagus di sini! + + + webview-camera-permission-requests + Permintaan kebenaran kamera webview + + + webview-camera-permission-requests-subtitle + Apabila diaktifkan, laman web dan dapp dapat meminta untuk menggunakan kamera anda + + + page-would-like-to-use-camera + ingin menggunakan kamera anda + + + page-camera-request-blocked + permintaan kamera disekat. Untuk mengaktifkan permintaan kamera, pergi ke Tetapan + + + nickname + Nama Panggilan + + + add-nickname + Tambahkan nama panggilan (pilihan) + + + nickname-description + Nama panggilan membantu anda mengenal pasti orang lain dalam Status. + Hanya anda yang dapat melihat nama panggilan yang telah anda tambahkan + + + accept + Terima + + + group-invite + Jemputan kumpulan + + + group-invite-link + Pautan jemputan kumpulan + + + pending-invitations + Permintaan keahlian yang belum selesai + + + empty-pending-invitations-descr + Orang yang ingin menyertai kumpulan ini + melalui pautan jemputan akan muncul di sini + + + introduce-yourself + Perkenalkan diri anda dengan pesanan ringkas + + + request-pending + Permintaan tertangguh… + + + membership-declined + Permintaan keahlian ditolak + + + remove-group + Keluarkan kumpulan + + + request-membership + Minta keahlian + + + membership-description + Keahlian kumpulan menghendaki anda diterima oleh pentadbir kumpulan + + + group-membership-request + Permintaan keahlian kumpulan + + + members-limit-reached + Had ahli tercapai + + + favourite + Kegemaran + + + favourites + Kegemaran + + + new-favourite + Kegemaran baru + + + edit-favourite + Edit kegemaran + + + remove-favourite + Buang kegemaran + + + add-favourite + Tambah kegemaran + + + add-to-favourites + Tambah ke kegemaran + + + favourites-empty + Alamat yang ditambah kepada kegemaran akan muncul di sini + + + contacts-empty + Kenalan dengan nama ENS akan muncul di sini + + + my-accounts + Akaun saya + + + my-accounts-empty + Akaun anda yang ada akan muncul di sini + + + recent-empty + Alamat yang baru digunakan akan muncul di sini + + + address-or-ens-name + Alamat atau nama ENS + + + name-optional + Nama (pilihan) + + + mute + Bisu + + + unmute + Tidak bersuara + + + scan-tokens + Imbasan + + + my-status + Status saya + + + contacts-descr + Kenalan anda akan muncul di sini. Anda akan menerima kemas kini status dari sesiapa sahaja yang anda tambahkan sebagai kenalan + + + status-updates-descr + Kemas kini status akan muncul di sini. Tambahkan profil sebagai kenalan untuk menerima kemas kini mengenai garis masa anda. + + + whats-on-your-mind + Apa yang kamu fikirkan… + + + cant-open-public-chat + Tidak dapat membuka sembang awam + + + invalid-public-chat-topic + Topik sembang awam tidak sah + + + now + Sekarang + + + statuses-my-status-descr + Kongsikan apa yang ada di fikiran anda. Sesiapa yang mengunjungi profil anda akan dapat melihat status anda. Orang yang menambahkan anda sebagai kenalan mereka akan menerima kemas kini anda pada garis masa mereka + + + statuses-descr + Kongsi perkara yang ada di fikiran anda dan kekal dikemaskini dengan kenalan anda + + + new-status + Status baru + + + chat-link-previews + Pratonton pautan sembang + + + you-can-choose-preview-websites + Anda boleh memilih mana dari laman web berikut yang dapat melihat pratonton pautan keterangan dan gambar dalam sembang + + + previewing-may-share-metadata + Pratonton pautan dari laman web ini dapat berkongsi metadata anda dengan pemiliknya + + + websites + Laman web + + + enable-all + Aktifkan semua + + + disable-all + Nyahdaya semua + + + warning-sending-to-contract-descr + Alamat yang anda masukkan adalah kontrak pintar, menghantar dana ke alamat ini dapat mengakibatkan kehilangan dana. Untuk berinteraksi dengan DApp, buka DApp di Status DApp Browser. + + + dont-ask + Jangan tanya saya lagi + + + enable-link-previews + Dayakan pratonton pautan dalam sembang? + + + once-enabled-share-metadata + Setelah didayakan, pautan yang disiarkan dalam sembang mungkin berkongsi metadata anda dengan tapak + + + external-storage-denied + Akses ke storan luaran ditolak + + + timeline + Garis Masa + + + main-account + + + + ethereum-address + Alamat Ethereum + + + default-assets + Lalai ERC20 dan ERC721 + + + increase-gas + Menambah Gas + + + cancelling + Membatalkan + + + refresh + Segarkan + + + close-all + Tutup semua + + + tabs + Tab-tab + + + new-tab + Tab baru + + + empty-tab + Tab kosong + + + open-in-new-tab + Buka di tab baru + + + has-permissions + mempunyai kebenaran untuk mengakses + + + connect-wallet + Sambungkan dompet + + + open-chat + Buka sembang + + + favourite-description + Laman web kegemaran anda akan muncul di sini + + + transfers-fetching-failure + Sejarah pemindahan tidak dapat dikemaskini. Semak sambungan anda dan tarik ke bawah untuk mencuba lagi + + + move-and-reset + Alih dan Set Semula + + + move-keystore-file-to-keycard + Pindahkan fail kunci ke kad kekunci? + + + database-reset-title + Set semula pangkalan data + + + database-reset-content + Sembang, kenalan dan tetapan telah dihapuskan. Anda boleh menggunakan akaun anda dengan Kad Kunci anda + + + database-reset-warning + Pangkalan data akan ditetapkan semula. Sembang, kenalan dan tetapan akan dihapuskan + + + empty-keycard-required + Perlu Kad Kunci kosong + + + current + Semasa + + + choose-storage + Pilih simpanan + + + choose-new-location-for-keystore + Pilih lokasi baru untuk menyimpan fail kunci anda + + + get-a-keycard + Dapatkan Kad Kunci + + + keycard-upsell-subtitle + Keselamatan dan kemudahan yang dipertingkatkan + + + actions + Tindakan + + + move-keystore-file + Pindahkan fail keystore + + + select-new-location-for-keys + Pilih lokasi baru untuk menyimpan kunci peribadi anda + + + reset-database + Tetapkan semula pangkalan data + + + reset-database-warning + Padamkan sembang, kenalan dan seting. Diperlukan apabila anda kehilangan kata laluan anda + + + reset-database-warning-keycard + Padamkan sembang, kenalan dan tetapan. + + + key-managment + Pengurusan kekunci + + + choose-actions + Pilih tindakan + + + master-account + Akaun induk + + + back-up + Sandarkan + + + key-on-device + Kunci peribadi disimpan pada peranti ini + + + seed-key-uid-mismatch + Benih tidak sepadan + + + seed-key-uid-mismatch-desc-1 + Frasa benih yang anda masukkan tidak sepadan dengan {{multiaccount-name}} + + + seed-key-uid-mismatch-desc-2 + Untuk menguruskan kekunci untuk akaun ini menentusahkan frasa benih anda dan cuba lagi. + + + recover-with-seed-phrase + Pulih dengan frasa benih + + + transfer-ma-unknown-error-desc-1 + Nampaknya banyak akaun anda tidak dipadamkan. Pangkalan data mungkin telah ditetapkan semula + + + transfer-ma-unknown-error-desc-2 + Sila periksa senarai akaun anda dan cuba lagi. Sekiranya akaun tidak disenaraikan pergi ke Akses kunci yang ada untuk pulih dengan frasa biji + + + everyone + Semua orang + + + show-profile-pictures + Lihat gambar profil daripada + + + show-profile-pictures-to + Tunjukkan gambar profil anda kepada + + + non-archival-node + Titik akhir RPC tidak menyokong permintaan arkib. Sejarah pemindahan tempatan anda mungkin tidak lengkap. + + + custom-node + Anda menggunakan titik akhir RPC tersuai. Sejarah pemindahan tempatan anda mungkin tidak lengkap. + + + connection-status + Status sambungan + + + peer-to-peer + Peer to peer + + + not-connected-to-peers + Tidak berhubung dengan peer + + + unable-to-send-messages + Tidak dapat menghantar dan menerima mesej-mesej + + + can-send-messages + Anda boleh menghantar dan menerima mesej-mesej baru + + + not-connected-nodes + Tidak disambungkan ke nod status + + + unable-to-fetch + Tidak dapat mengambil sejarah sembang + + + nodes-disabled + Nod status dinyahaktifkan + + + waiting-wi-fi + Menunggu Wi-Fi... + + + you-can-fetch + Anda boleh ambil sejarah sembang + + + youre-on-mobile-network + Anda menggunakan rangkaian mudah alih + + + status-mobile-descr + Status cenderung menggunakan banyak data semasa menyegerakkan sembang. Anda boleh memilih untuk tidak menyegerakkan ketika berada di rangkaian mudah alih + + + restore-defaults + Kembali kepada asal + + + rpc-usage-info + Statistik penggunaan RPC + + + rpc-usage-get-stats + Segarkan + + + rpc-usage-reset + Set semula + + + rpc-usage-filter + Kaedah tapisan + + + rpc-usage-filter-methods + Kaedah tapisan + + + rpc-usage-copy + Salinan + + + rpc-usage-total + + + + rpc-usage-filtered-total + + + + community-message-preview + Jemputan untuk menyertai {{community-name}} + + + non-contacts + Bukan kenalan + + + community + Komuniti + + + verified-community + ✓ Komuniti yang disahkan + + + community-info-not-found + Maklumat komuniti tidak dijumpai + + + community-info + Maklumat komuniti + + + not-found + Tidak dijumpai + + + activity + Aktiviti + + + reject-and-delete + Tolak dan padam + + + accept-and-add + Terima dan tambah + + + one-day + Satu hari + + + three-days + Tiga hari + + + one-week + Satu minggu + + + one-month + Satu bulan + + + my-profile + Profil saya + + + bip39-password-placeholder + Kata laluan BIP39 + + + public-channel + Saluran awam + + + default-sync-period + Segerakkan sejarah untuk + + + what-is-shared + Apa yang dikongsi + + + view-data + Lihat data + + + data-collected + Data dikumpul + + + data-collected-subtitle + Jadual di bawah menunjukkan data tepat yang disimpan dan akan dihantar. Data disahkan berdasarkan peraturan awam untuk memastikan tidak ada data sensitif yang dikirim. Jangan percaya, sahkan. + + + view-rules + Lihat peraturan + + + expand-all + Kembang semua + + + about-sharing-data + Mengenai perkongsian data + + + sharing-data-desc-1 + Data disahkan berdasarkan peraturan awam untuk memastikan tidak ada data sensitif yang dikirim. Jangan percaya, sahkan. + + + sharing-data-desc-2 + Data penggunaan dihantar dari hujung ke hujung dienkripsi melalui rangkaian peer-to-peer Status + + + sharing-data-desc-3 + Daripada kekunci sembang biasa anda, kunci penggunaan sekali sahaja digunakan + + + sharing-data-desc-4 + Penggunaan data tidak akan dikaitkan dengan alamat IP anda + + + sharing-data-desc-5 + Data kumulatif semua pengguna boleh didapati secara umum + + + view-public-dashboard + Lihat papan pemuka awam + + + sharing-data-desc-6 + Data dialih keluar daripada telefon anda selepas ia dihantar + + + allow-and-send + Benarkan dan hantar + + + no-thanks + Tidak, Terima kasih + + + help-improve-status + Bantu bertambah baik Status + + + thank-you + Terima kasih + + + current-password + Kata laluan semasa + + + reset-password + Set semula kata laluan + + + password-reset-success + Kata laluan ditukar + + + password-reset-success-message + Anda perlu log masuk lagi + + + password-reset-in-progress + Menukar kata laluan ... + + + new-password + Kata laluan baru + + + confirm-new-password + Sahkan kata laluan baru + + + password-mismatch + Kata laluan dan pengesahan baru tidak sepadan + + + terms-of-service + Syarat Penggunaan + + + accept-status-tos-prefix + Saya terima Status + + + updates-to-tos + Kemas kini kepada Syarat-syarat Penggunaan + + + updates-to-tos-desc + Sebelum anda meneruskan, sila tinjau Syarat Penggunaan dan sahkan bahawa anda bertanggungjawab sepenuhnya mengenai cara anda menggunakan aplikasi ini. + + + what-changed + Apa yang berubah + + + wc-new-tos-based-on-principles-prefix + Terma Penggunaan Baru yang direka berdasarkan kami + + + principles + Prinsip + + + wc-how-to-use-status-app + Cara menggunakan aplikasi Status termasuk privasi dan keselamatan + + + wc-brand-guide + Panduan penggunaan penjenamaan seperti tanda dagangan dan logo + + + wc-disclaimer + Penafian (termasuk penyedia pihak ketiga), jaminan, dan pelepasan undang-undang + + + wc-dispute + Peruntukan penyelesaian pertikaian + + + status-is-open-source + Status adalah sumber terbuka + + + build-yourself + Untuk menggunakan aplikasi tanpa Terma Penggunaan ini, anda boleh membina versi anda sendiri + + + accept-and-continue + Terima dan teruskan + + + empty-activity-center + Pemberitahuan sembang anda + akan muncul di sini + + + pinned-messages + Mesej-mesej yang dipinkan + + + pin + Pin + + + unpin + Lepaskan pin + + + no-pinned-messages + Tiada mesej yang dipinkan + + + pinned-messages-count + + + + + + pinned-messages-empty + Mesej-mesej yang dipinkan akan muncul di sini. Untuk mengepin mesej, tekan dan tahannya dan ketik 'Pin' + + + pinned-by + Dipinkan oleh + + + pin-limit-reached + Had pin tercapai. Lepas pin mesej sebelumnya terlebih dahulu. + + + max-fee + Bayaran maksimum + + + max-priority-fee + Bayaran keutamaan maksimum + + + miners-higher-fee + Pelombong mungkin akan memasukkan transaksi anda lebih awal jika anda bayar lebih tinggi. + + + gas-amount-limit + Had jumlah gas + + + per-gas-tip-limit + Had jumlah gas + + + per-gas-price-limit + Had harga berdasarkan gas + + + current-base-fee + Bayaran asas semasa + + + fee-explanation + Harga keseluruhan maksimum untuk transaksi. Sekiranya bayaran asas blok melebihi ini, ia akan dimasukkan ke dalam blok berikut dengan yuran asas yang lebih rendah. + + + slow + Perlahan + + + optimal + Optimum + + + fast + Cepat + + + see-suggestions + Lihat cadangan + + + maximum-fee + Bayaran maksimum + + + low-tip + tip terlalu rendah + + + lower-than-average-tip + tip rendah daripada purata + + + below-base-fee + bayaran maksimum di bawah bayaran asas + + + reduced-tip + tip keutamaan akan dikurangkan + + + are-you-sure + Adakah anda pasti? + + + bad-fees-description + Bayaran keutamaan anda adalah di bawah parameter yang kami cadangkan. + + + change-tip + Tukar tip + + + current-minimum-tip + Tip minimum semasa + + + current-average-tip + Tip purata semasa + + + your-tip-limit + Had tip anda + + + your-price-limit + Had harga anda + + + suggested-min-tip + Cadangan tip minima + + + suggested-price-limit + Had harga yang dicadangkan + + + include + Termasuk + + + category + Kategori + + + edit-chats + Sunting perbualan + + + edit-categories + + + + hide + Sembunyi + + + account-is-used + Akaun sedang digunakan dengan Dapps dalam pelayar. + + + normal + Biasa + + + never + + + + fee-options + Pilihan yuran yang dicadangkan + + + fee-cap + Had yuran + + + tip-cap + Had petua + + + collectibles-leak-metadata + + + + display-collectibles + + + + disable-later-in-settings + + + + use-as-profile-picture + + + + view-on-opensea + + + + profile-picture-updated + + + + status-automatic + + + + status-automatic-subtitle + + + + status-dnd + + + + status-dnd-subtitle + + + + status-always-online + + + + status-inactive + + + + status-inactive-subtitle + + + + two-minutes + + + + swap + + + + select-token-to-swap + + + + select-token-to-receive + + + + minimum-received + + + + powered-by-paraswap + + + + priority + + + + switch-to-simple-interface + + + + transaction-fee + + + + swap-details + + + + slippage + + + + price-impact + + + + total-gas + + + + token + + + + approve-limit + + + + approve-token + + + + approve-token-contract-desc + + + + unlimited + + + + approve + + + + limit + + + + last-transaction + + + + price-impact-desc + + + + safe-estimate + + + + current-average + + + + current-base + + + + maximum-fee-desc + + + + insufficient-balance-to-cover-fee + + + + wallet-connect-proposal-title + + + + wallet-connect-proposal-description + + + + wallet-connect-app-connected + + + + wallet-connect-go-back + + + + wallet-connect-2.0 + + + + wallet-connect + + + + reject + + + + manage-connections + + + + wallet-manage-app-connections + + + + connection-request + + + + disconnect + + + + new-ui + + + + send-contact-request-message + + + + contact-request + + + + say-hi + + + + accepted + + + + declined + + + + contact-request-header + + + + contact-request-declined + + + + contact-request-accepted + + + + contact-request-pending + + + + removed-from-contacts + + + + mutual-contact-requests + + + + negative + + + + positive + + + + Please enter a URL + + + + This fields needs to be a valid URL + + + + Please enter a Name + + + + Favorite added + + + + Edit + + + + Add favorite + + + + URL + + + + Paste URL + + + + Name + + + + Name the website + + + + Remove + + + + Done + + + + Add + + + + '%1' would like to connect to + + + + Allowing authorizes this DApp to retrieve your wallet address and enable Web3 + + + + Granting access authorizes this DApp to retrieve your chat key + + + + Deny + + + + Allow + + + + Enter URL + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Error signing message + + + + Transaction pending... + + + + Wrong password + + + + Start Page + + + + New Tab + + + + Downloads Page + + + + Server's certificate not trusted + + + + Do you wish to continue? + + + + If you wish so, you may continue with an unverified certificate. Accepting an unverified certificate means you may not be connected with the host you tried to connect to. +Do you wish to override the security check and continue? + + + + Exit Incognito mode + + + + Go Incognito + + + + Zoom In + + + + Zoom Out + + + + Find + + + + Compatibility mode + + + + Developer Tools + + + + Settings + + + + Mainnet + + + + Ropsten + + + + Unknown + + + + Disconnect + + + + Assets + + + + History + + + + Show All + + + + Cancelled + + + + Paused + + + + Open + + + + Show in folder + + + + Pause + + + + Resume + + + + Cancel + + + + Downloaded files will appear here. + + + + Open in new Tab + + + + Ok + + + + Signature request + + + + From + + + + Data + + + + Message + + + + Reject + + + + Sign + + + + Sign with password + + + + Contact request pending + + + + Connected + + + + Disconnected + + + + This user has been blocked. + + + + Type a message. + + + + Send + + + + Request Address + + + + Request + + + + Transaction pending + + + + Continue + + + + Receive on account + + + + From account + + + + Address request required + + + + To + + + + Preview + + + + Transaction preview + + + + Next + + + + Invalid transaction parameters + + + + Authorize %1 %2 + + + + Choose account + + + + Network fee + + + + Error estimating gas: %1 + + + + Send %1 %2 + + + + Image + + + + Sticker + + + + You have a new message + + + + You have been accepted into the ‘%1’ community + + + + Your request to join the ‘%1’ community was declined + + + + New membership request + + + + %1 asks to join ‘%2’ + + + + Failed to send message. + + + + Share your chat key + + + + friends to start messaging in Status + + + + ↓ Fetch more messages + + + + before %1 + + + + Welcome to the beginning of the <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> group! + + + + Any messages you send here are encrypted and can only be read by you and <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> + + + + Join chat + + + + Decline invitation + + + + Add reaction + + + + Reply + + + + More + + + + Today + + + + Yesterday + + + + January + + + + February + + + + March + + + + April + + + + May + + + + June + + + + July + + + + August + + + + September + + + + October + + + + November + + + + December + + + + and + + + + %1 more + + + + reacted with + + + + Error loading the image + + + + Loading image... + + + + This feature is experimental and is meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It's not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data. Use at your own risk. + + + + Membership requires an ENS username + + + + You need to be invited + + + + Request Access + + + + Verified community invitation + + + + Community invitation + + + + You invited %1 to join a community + + + + %1 invited you to join a community + + + + You shared a community + + + + A community has been shared + + + + Unsupported state + + + + %1 members + + + + Joined + + + + Join + + + + Enable automatic image unfurling + + + + Enable link previews in chat? + + + + Once enabled, links posted in the chat may share your metadata with their owners + + + + Enable in Settings + + + + Don't ask me again + + + + Resend + + + + Transaction request + + + + ↑ Outgoing transaction + + + + ↓ Incoming transaction + + + + Something has gone wrong + + + + Accept and share address + + + + Accept and send + + + + Decline + + + + Select account + + + + Choose accountSelect account to share and receive assets + + + + Confirm and share address + + + + Sign and send + + + + Pending + + + + Confirmed + + + + Unknown token + + + + Address requested + + + + Waiting to accept + + + + Address shared + + + + Address received + + + + Transaction declined + + + + failure + + + + Unknown state + + + + Group Information + + + + Clear history + + + + Leave group + + + + Are you sure you want to leave this chat? + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + Communities + + + + Search for communities or topics + + + + 1 member + + + + Import a community + + + + Create a community + + + + Public community + + + + Invitation only community + + + + On request community + + + + Unknown community + + + + - ENS only + + + + Chats + + + + Join ‘%1’ + + + + Request to join ‘%1’ + + + + Error joining the community + + + + No search results in Communities + + + + Members + + + + Create category + + + + Invite People + + + + Membership requests + + + + Edit category + + + + Delete category + + + + Delete %1 category + + + + Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. + + + + Error deleting the category + + + + View Profile + + + + Roles + + + + Kick + + + + Ban + + + + Transfer ownership + + + + Invite successfully sent + + + + Share community + + + + Notifications + + + + Edit community + + + + Export community + + + + Create channel + + + + Leave community + + + + Delete + + + + Welcome to your community! + + + + Add members + + + + Manage community + + + + You need to enter a name + + + + Please restrict your name to letters, numbers, dashes and spaces + + + + Your name needs to be 100 characters or shorter + + + + New channel + + + + Edit #%1 + + + + channel name + + + + channel decription + + + + Channel name + + + + Describe the channel + + + + Pinned messages + + + + A cool name + + + + channel description + + + + What your channel is about + + + + The description cannot exceed %1 characters + + + + Private channel + + + + By making a channel private, only members with selected permission will be able to access it + + + + category name + + + + New category + + + + Category title + + + + Channels + + + + Create + + + + Error editing the category + + + + Error creating the category + + + + Error creating the community + + + + You need to select an image + + + + You need to enter a color + + + + This field needs to be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + New community + + + + Name your community + + + + A catchy name + + + + Give it a short description + + + + What your community is about + + + + The description cannot exceed 140 characters + + + + community name + + + + community decription + + + + Thumbnail image + + + + Please choose an image + + + + Image files (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png) + + + + Upload + + + + Community colour + + + + Pick a color + + + + Please choose a color + + + + Membership requirement + + + + Require invite from another member + + + + Require approval + + + + No requirement + + + + You can require new members to meet certain criteria before they can join. This can be changed at any time + + + + Save + + + + Private community + + + + Only members with an invite link will be able to join your community. Private communities are not listed inside Status + + + + Your community will be public for anyone to join. Public communities are listed inside Status for easy discovery + + + + You need to enter a key + + + + Access existing community + + + + Community private key + + + + Entering a community key will grant you the ownership of that community. Please be responsible with it and don’t share the key with people you don’t trust. + + + + 0x... + + + + Import + + + + Error importing the community + + + + Invite friends + + + + Invite + + + + Contacts + + + + Chat + + + + Community imported + + + + Importing community is in progress + + + + Community %1 imported + + + + Importing community %1 is in progress + + + + Start new chat + + + + Start group chat + + + + Join public chat + + + + No messages + + + + No search results + + + + Your chats will appear here. To start new chats press the  button at the top + + + + Chat and transact privately with your friends + + + + Follow your interests in one of the many Public Chats. + + + + View Group + + + + Share Chat + + + + Test WakuV2 - requestAllHistoricMessages + + + + Unmute chat + + + + Mute chat + + + + Edit Channel + + + + Mark as Read + + + + Delete chat + + + + Leave chat + + + + Choose browser + + + + Open in Status + + + + Open in my default browser + + + + Remember my choice. To override it, go to settings. + + + + Admin + + + + Last 24 hours + + + + Last 2 days + + + + Last 3 days + + + + Last 7 days + + + + (You) + + + + You need to enter a channel name + + + + The channel name can only contain lowercase letters, numbers and dashes + + + + New group chat + + + + %1 / 10 members + + + + Group name + + + + Create Group Chat + + + + All your contacts are already in the group + + + + Make Admin + + + + Remove From Group + + + + Add selected + + + + Get Status at https://status.im + + + + Download Status link + + + + Unpin + + + + Pin + + + + Copy link + + + + Edit message + + + + Send message + + + + Reply to + + + + Jump to + + + + Delete message + + + + Confirm deleting this message + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well. + + + + Nickname + + + + Nicknames help you identify others in Status. Only you can see the nicknames you’ve added + + + + Your nickname is too long + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet. Invite your friends to start chatting. + + + + Enter a valid chat key or ENS usernameEnter a valid chat key or ENS username + + + + Can't chat with yourself + + + + New chat + + + + My Profile + + + + Enter ENS username or chat key + + + + Non contacts + + + + No profile found + + + + ENS username + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Chat settings + + + + None + + + + Unblock User + + + + Block User + + + + Add to contacts + + + + A public chat is where you get to hang out with others, make friends and talk about subjects of your interest. + + + + Start chat + + + + Pinned by %1 + + + + Type json-rpc message... e.g {"method": "eth_accounts"} + + + + Profile + + + + App version + + + + Version: %1 + + + + Node version + + + + Privacy Policy + + + + Network + + + + Fleet + + + + Minimize on close + + + + Experimental features + + + + Wallet + + + + Dapp Browser + + + + Activity Center + + + + Online users + + + + Broadcast user status + + + + Bloom filter level + + + + The account will be logged out. When you login again, the selected mode will be enabled + + + + Light Node + + + + Full Node + + + + GIF Widget + + + + Waku Bloom Mode + + + + Node Management + + + + Blockchains will drop search costs, causing a kind of decomposition that allows you to have markets of entities that are horizontally segregated and vertically segregated. + + + + Size + + + + Change font size + + + + XS + + + + S + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "S" because the title above is "Seed Phrase" + + + + M + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "M" because the title above is "Mailserver" + + + + L + + + + XL + + + + XXL + + + + Light + + + + Chat mode + + + + Normal + + + + Compact + + + + Appearance + + + + Dark + + + + System + + + + Back up seed phrase + + + + Step %1 of 3 + + + + If you lose your seed phrase you lose your data and funds + + + + If you lose access, for example by losing your phone, you can only access your keys with your seed phrase. No one, but you has your seed phrase. Write it down. Keep it safe + + + + Check your seed phrase + + + + Word #%1 + + + + Enter word + + + + In order to check if you have backed up your seed phrase correctly, enter the word #%1 above + + + + Are you sure? + + + + You will not be able to see the whole seed phrase again + + + + With this 12 words you can always get your key back. Write it down. Keep it safe, offline, and separate from this device. + + + + Okay, continue + + + + Wrong word + + + + General + + + + Default + + + + Show favorites bar + + + + Search engine used in the address bar + + + + Ethereum explorer used in the address bar + + + + Open an ethereum explorer after a transaction hash or an address is entered + + + + Privacy + + + + Set DApp access permissions + + + + Profile picture + + + + Crop your image (optional) + + + + Finish + + + + Chat link previews + + + + Websites + + + + Enable all + + + + Previewing links from these websites may share your metadata with their owners. + + + + Add new contact + + + + Blocked contacts + + + + Add contact + + + + You can't add yourself + + + + User not found + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet + + + + Devices + + + + Please set a name for your device. + + + + Specify a name + + + + Advertise device + + + + Pair your devices to sync contacts and chats between them + + + + Learn more + + + + Paired devices + + + + Syncing... + + + + Sync all devices + + + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + %1 is now connected with your chat key and can be used in Status. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + %1 will be connected once the transaction is complete. + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Wallet address + + + + Key + + + + Back + + + + Primary username + + + + Your messages are displayed to others with this username: + + + + Once you select a username, you won’t be able to disable it afterwards. You will only be able choose a different username to display. + + + + Nice! You own %1.stateofus.eth once the transaction is complete. + + + + Hey + + + + (pending) + + + + Add username + + + + Your usernames + + + + Primary Username + + + + None selected + + + + You’re displaying your ENS username in chats + + + + At least 4 characters. Latin letters, numbers, and lowercase only. + + + + Letters and numbers only. + + + + Type the entire username including the custom domain like username.domain.eth + + + + Your username + + + + ✓ Username available! + + + + Continuing will connect this username with your chat key. + + + + Username doesn’t belong to you :( + + + + Username already taken :( + + + + (edited) + + + + Username is already connected with your chat key and can be used inside Status. + + + + This user name is owned by you and connected with your chat key. Continue to set `Show my ENS username in chats`. + + + + Continuing will require a transaction to connect the username with your current chat key. + + + + Custom domain + + + + I want a stateofus.eth domain + + + + I own a name on another domain + + + + Connect username with your pubkey + + + + Terms of name registration + + + + Funds are deposited for 1 year. Your SNT will be locked, but not spent. + + + + After 1 year, you can release the name and get your deposit back, or take no action to keep the name. + + + + If terms of the contract change — e.g. Status makes contract upgrades — user has the right to release the username regardless of time held. + + + + The contract controller cannot access your deposited funds. They can only be moved back to the address that sent them. + + + + Your address(es) will be publicly associated with your ENS name. + + + + Usernames are created as subdomain nodes of stateofus.eth and are subject to the ENS smart contract terms. + + + + You authorize the contract to transfer SNT on your behalf. This can only occur when you approve a transaction to authorize the transfer. + + + + These terms are guaranteed by the smart contract logic at addresses: + + + + %1 (Status UsernameRegistrar). + + + + <a href='%1%2'>Look up on Etherscan</a> + + + + %1 (ENS Registry). + + + + Agree to <a href="#">Terms of name registration.</a> I understand that my wallet address will be publicly connected to my username. + + + + 10 SNT + + + + Deposit + + + + Not enough SNT + + + + Register + + + + Get a universal username + + + + ENS names transform those crazy-long addresses into unique usernames. + + + + Customize your chat name + + + + An ENS name can replace your random 3-word name in chat. Be @yourname instead of %1. + + + + Simplify your ETH address + + + + You can receive funds to your easy-to-share ENS name rather than your hexadecimal hash (0x...). + + + + Receive transactions in chat + + + + Others can send you funds via chat in one simple step. + + + + 10 SNT to register + + + + Register once to keep the name forever. After 1 year you can release the name and get your SNT back. + + + + Already own a username? + + + + You can verify and add any usernames you own in the next steps. + + + + Powered by Ethereum Name Services + + + + Start + + + + Only available on Mainnet + + + + ENS Registration failed + + + + ENS Registration completed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey failed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey completed + + + + Warning! + + + + Change fleet to %1 + + + + Glossary + + + + Account + + + + A + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "A" because the title above is "Account" + + + + Your Status account, accessed by the seed phrase that you create or import during onboarding. A Status account can hold more than one Ethereum address, in addition to the one created during onboarding. We refer to these as additional accounts within the wallet + + + + Chat Key + + + + C + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "C" because the title above is "Chat Key" + + + + Messages on the Status chat protocol are sent and received using encryption keys. The public chat key is a string of characters you share with others so they can send you messages in Status. + + + + Chat Name + + + + Three random words, derived algorithmically from your chat key and used as your default alias in chat. Chat names are completely unique; no other user can have the same three words. + + + + ENS Name + + + + E + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "E" because the title above is "ENS Name" + + + + Custom alias for your chat key that you can register using the Ethereum Name Service. ENS names are decentralized usernames. + + + + Mailserver + + + + A node in the Status network that routes and stores messages, for up to 30 days. + + + + Peer + + + + P + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "P" because the title above is "Peer" + + + + A device connected to the Status chat network. Each user can represent one or more peers, depending on their number of devices + + + + Seed Phrase + + + + A 64 character hex address based on the Ethereum standard and beginning with 0x. Public-facing, your wallet key is shared with others when you want to receive funds. Also referred to as an “Ethereum address” or “wallet address. + + + + Frequently asked questions + + + + Submit a bug + + + + Request a feature + + + + Language settings + + + + Language + + + + Muted chats + + + + Unmute + + + + The account will be logged out. When you unlock it again, the selected network will be used + + + + Add network + + + + You need to enter the RPC endpoint URL + + + + Invalid URL + + + + You need to enter the network id + + + + Should be a number + + + + Invalid network id + + + + RPC URL + + + + Specify a RPC URL + + + + Network chain + + + + Ropsten test network + + + + Rinkeby test network + + + + Custom + + + + Network Id + + + + Specify the network id + + + + Main networks + + + + Test networks + + + + Custom Networks + + + + Under development +NOTE: You will be logged out and all installed +sticker packs will be removed and will +need to be reinstalled. Purchased sticker +packs will not need to be re-purchased. + + + + Notification preferences + + + + All messages + + + + Just @mentions + + + + Nothing + + + + Play a sound when receiving a notification + + + + Use your operating system's notifications + + + + Setting this to false will instead use Status' notification style as seen below + + + + Message preview + + + + Anonymous + + + + Name only + + + + Name & Message + + + + Hi there! Yes, no problem, let me know if I can help. + + + + No preview or Advanced? Go to Notification Center + + + + Contacts & Users + + + + Notify on new requests + + + + Receive notifications from non-contacts + + + + Muted users + + + + Muted contacts + + + + Muted contacts will appear here + + + + Muted chats will appear here + + + + You can limit what gets shown in notifications + + + + Reset notification settings + + + + Restore default notification settings and unmute all chats and users + + + + Open links with... + + + + My default browser + + + + Security + + + + Backup Seed Phrase + + + + Display all profile pictures (not only contacts) + + + + Display images in chat automatically + + + + All images (links that contain an image extension) will be downloaded and displayed, regardless of the whitelist settings below + + + + Allow new contact requests + + + + Sign out controls + + + + LogoutExit + + + + Sounds settings + + + + Sound volume + + + + Sync settings + + + + Add mailserver + + + + You need to enter the enode address + + + + History node address + + + + enode://{enode-id}:{password}@{ip-address}:{port-number} + + + + Automatic mailserver selection + + + + ... + + + + Share what's on your mind and stay updated with your contacts + + + + Status account settings + + + + You need to enter an account name + + + + Enter an account name... + + + + Account name + + + + Type + + + + Watch-only + + + + Off Status tree + + + + On Status tree + + + + Derivation path + + + + Storage + + + + This device + + + + Delete account + + + + A deleted account cannot be retrieved later. Only press yes if you backed up your key/seed or don't care about this account anymore + + + + Save changes + + + + Add custom token + + + + This needs to be a valid address + + + + Invalid ERC20 address + + + + Enter contract address... + + + + Contract address + + + + The name of your token... + + + + ABC + + + + Symbol + + + + Decimals + + + + Collectibles will appear here + + + + To + + + + From + + + + At + + + + Status Desktop is connected to a non-archival node. Transaction history may be incomplete. + + + + No transactions found + + + + Load More + + + + Total value + + + + Receive + + + + Back up your seed phrase + + + + Recipient + + + + Transaction completed + + + + Transaction failed + + + + Set Currency + + + + Signing phrase + + + + This is your signing phrase + + + + You should see these 3 words before signing each transaction + + + + If you see a different combination, cancel the transaction and sign out + + + + Remind me later + + + + Manage Assets + + + + Account Settings + + + + Collectibles + + + + Generate an account + + + + Add a watch-only address + + + + Enter a seed phrase + + + + Enter a private key + + + + Add account from private key + + + + You need to enter a password + + + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + You need to enter a private key + + + + Enter a valid private key (64 characters hexadecimal string) + + + + Enter your password… + + + + Password + + + + Paste the contents of your private key + + + + Private key + + + + Loading... + + + + Add account + + + + You need to enter a seed phrase + + + + Enter a valid mnemonic + + + + Add account with a seed phrase + + + + Enter your seed phrase, separate words with commas or spaces... + + + + Seed phrase + + + + Add a watch-only account + + + + You need to enter an address + + + + This needs to be a valid address (starting with 0x) + + + + Enter address... + + + + Account address + + + + Token details + + + + Remove token + + + + Transaction Details + + + + 9999 Confirmations + + + + When the transaction has 12 confirmations you can consider it settled. + + + + Block + + + + Hash + + + + Gas limit + + + + Gas price + + + + Gas used + + + + Nonce + + + + Something went wrong + + + + Reload + + + + Maximum number of collectibles to display reached + + + + View + + + + Unnamed + + + + ID + + + + Description + + + + US Dollars + + + + Euros + + + + United Arab Emirates dirham + + + + Afghan afghani + + + + Argentine peso + + + + Australian dollar + + + + Barbadian dollar + + + + Bangladeshi taka + + + + Bulgarian lev + + + + Bahraini dinar + + + + Brunei dollar + + + + Bolivian boliviano + + + + Brazillian real + + + + Bhutanese ngultrum + + + + Canadian dollar + + + + Swiss franc + + + + Chilean peso + + + + Chinese yuan + + + + Colombian peso + + + + Costa Rican colón + + + + Czech koruna + + + + Danish krone + + + + Dominican peso + + + + Egyptian pound + + + + Ethiopian birr + + + + British Pound + + + + Georgian lari + + + + Ghanaian cedi + + + + Hong Kong dollar + + + + Croatian kuna + + + + Hungarian forint + + + + Indonesian rupiah + + + + Israeli new shekel + + + + Indian rupee + + + + Icelandic króna + + + + Jamaican dollar + + + + Japanese yen + + + + Kenyan shilling + + + + South Korean won + + + + Kuwaiti dinar + + + + Kazakhstani tenge + + + + Sri Lankan rupee + + + + Moroccan dirham + + + + Moldovan leu + + + + Mauritian rupee + + + + Malawian kwacha + + + + Mexican peso + + + + Malaysian ringgit + + + + Mozambican metical + + + + Namibian dollar + + + + Nigerian naira + + + + Norwegian krone + + + + Nepalese rupee + + + + New Zealand dollar + + + + Omani rial + + + + Peruvian sol + + + + Papua New Guinean kina + + + + Philippine peso + + + + Pakistani rupee + + + + Polish złoty + + + + Paraguayan guaraní + + + + Qatari riyal + + + + Romanian leu + + + + Serbian dinar + + + + Russian ruble + + + + Saudi riyal + + + + Swedish krona + + + + Singapore dollar + + + + Thai baht + + + + Trinidad and Tobago dollar + + + + New Taiwan dollar + + + + Tanzanian shilling + + + + Turkish lira + + + + Ukrainian hryvnia + + + + Ugandan shilling + + + + Uruguayan peso + + + + Venezuelan bolívar + + + + Vietnamese đồng + + + + South African rand + + + + View Community + + + + Browser + + + + Timeline + + + + Contact request accepted + + + + New contact request + + + + You can now chat with %1 + + + + %1 requests to become contacts + + + + Where do you want to go? + + + + Status Desktop + + + + Open Status + + + + Quit + + + + Create a password + + + + New password... + + + + Confirm password… + + + + At least 6 characters. You will use this password to unlock status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + Create password + + + + Error importing account + + + + An error occurred while importing your account: + + + + Login failed + + + + Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. + + + + Enter seed phrase + + + + This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. + + + + Start with the first word + + + + Enter 12, 15, 18, 21 or 24 words. +Seperate words by a single space. + + + + Invalid seed phrase + + + + Choose a chat name + + + + Truly private communication + + + + Chat over a peer-to-peer, encrypted network + where messages can't be censored or hacked + + + + Secure crypto wallet + + + + Send and receive digital assets anywhere in the +world--no bank account required + + + + Decentralized apps + + + + Explore games, exchanges and social networks +where you alone own your data + + + + Thanks for trying Status Desktop! Please note that this is an alpha release and we advise you that using this app should be done for testing purposes only and you assume the full responsibility for all risks concerning your data and funds. Status makes no claims of security or integrity of funds in these builds. + + + + I understand + + + + Status does not collect, share or sell any personal data. By continuing you agree with the privacy policy. + + + + I'm new, generate keys + + + + Access existing key + + + + Enter password + + + + Connecting... + + + + Login failed: %1 + + + + Generate new keys + + + + Your keys + + + + Add another existing key + + + + Your keys have been successfully recovered + + + + You will have to create a new code or password to re-encrypt your keys + + + + Re-encrypt your keys + + + + Cannot find asset '%1'. Ensure this asset has been added to the token list. + + + + ENS Username not found + + + + eg. 0x1234 or ENS + + + + Paste + + + + You need to request the recipient’s address first. +Assets won’t be sent yet. + + + + Invalid source + + + + Insufficient balance + + + + Must be greater than 0 + + + + Priority + + + + Use suggestions + + + + Use custom + + + + Low + + + + High + + + + Gas amount limit + + + + Per-gas overall limit + + + + Maximum overall price for the transaction. If the block base fee exceeds this, it will be included in a following block with a lower base fee. + + + + Must be greater than or equal to 0 + + + + This needs to be a number + + + + Please enter an amount + + + + The amount is 0. Proceed only if this is desired. + + + + Balance: + + + + Asset & Amount + + + + Blocking will remove any messages you received from %1 and stop new messages from reaching you. + + + + Account color + + + + Confirm your action + + + + Confirm + + + + Are you sure you want to this? + + + + Do not show this again + + + + Please select a contact + + + + Select a contact + + + + Contact does not have an ENS address. Please send a transaction in chat. + + + + No contact selected + + + + Copied! + + + + Slow + + + + Optimal + + + + Fast + + + + Reset + + + + Advanced + + + + Custom Network Fee + + + + Gwei + + + + Apply + + + + Not enough ETH for gas + + + + Copied + + + + Pasted + + + + Copy + + + + Invalid ethereum address + + + + Address + + + + My account + + + + Contact + + + + Search + + + + In: + + + + Messages + + + + Tokens will be sent directly to a contract address, which may result in a loss of funds. To transfer ERC-20 tokens, ensure the recipient address is the address of the destination wallet. + + + + View on Etherscan + + + + <a href='%1' style='color:%2;text-decoration:none;'>%3</a> + + + + Asset + + + + Amount + + + + Data field + + + + Signing phrase is a 3 word combination that displayed when you entered the wallet on this device for the first time. + + + + Enter the password you use to unlock this device + + + + Unblocking will allow new messages you received from %1 to reach you. + + + + Send transaction + + + + Request transaction + + + + Public chat + + + + Not a contact + + + + Image files (%1) + + + + Your message is too long. + + + + Please make your message shorter. We have set the limit to 2000 characters to be courteous of others. + + + + Type a message + + + + Bold + + + + Italic + + + + Strikethrough + + + + Code + + + + No recent emojis + + + + Buy for %1 SNT + + + + Uninstall + + + + Install + + + + Free + + + + Pending... + + + + Update + + + + Could not buy Stickerpack + + + + Stickerpack bought successfully + + + + You don't have any stickers yet + + + + Recently used stickers will appear here + + + + Get Stickers + + + + Ethereum explorer + + + + Custom... + + + + Search engine + + + + Dapp permissions + + + + Revoke access + + + + Revoke all access + + + + Show more + + + + %1 invited you to join the group + + + + All + + + + Mentions + + + + Replies + + + + Contact requests + + + + Mark all as Read + + + + Show read notifications + + + + Hide read notifications + + + + Notification settings + + + + You need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messages + + + + Waiting for %1 to accept your request + + + + Just click this button to add them as contact. They will receive a notification. Once they accept the request, you'll be able to chat + + + + Back up community key + + + + Back up + + + + Member name + + + + Community members will appear here + + + + No contacts found + + + + Your community is free to join, but new members are required to be approved by the community creator first + + + + Your community can only be joined by an invitation from existing community members + + + + Your community is free for anyone to join + + + + You should keep it safe and only share it with people you trust to take ownership of your community + + + + You can also use this key to import your community on another device + + + + Decline and block + + + + Decline all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to decline all these contact requests + + + + Accept all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to accept all these contact requests + + + + Decline all + + + + Accept all + + + + Pin limit reached + + + + Unpin a previous message first + + + + %1 messages + + + + %1 message + + + + Pinned messages will appear here. + + + + I accept + + + + Format not supported. + + + + Upload %1 only + + + + You can only upload %1 images at a time + + + + Max image size is %1 MB + + + + TODO + + + + NOW + + + + %1M + + + + %1H + + + + %1D + + + + Sun + + + + Mon + + + + Tue + + + + Wed + + + + Thu + + + + Fri + + + + Sat + + + + Jan + + + + Feb + + + + Mar + + + + Apr + + + + Jun + + + + Jul + + + + Aug + + + + Sep + + + + Oct + + + + Nov + + + + Dec + + + + Sunday + + + + Monday + + + + Tuesday + + + + Wednesday + + + + Thursday + + + + Friday + + + + Saturday + + + + Start a 1-on-1 chat with %1 + + + + Join the %1 community + + + + Join the %1 group chat + + + + Join the %1 public channel + + + + words + + + + Mainnet with upstream RPC + + + + POA Network + + + + xDai Chain + + + + Goerli with upstream RPC + + + + Rinkeby with upstream RPC + + + + Ropsten with upstream RPC + + + + You need to repeat your password + + + + Passwords don't match + + + + You need to enter a %1 + + + + The %1 cannot exceed %2 characters + + + + Must be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + Use only lowercase letters (a to z), numbers & dashes (-). Do not use chat keys. + + + + community-image-delete + + + + public + Awam + + + + AboutView + + Status Desktop + + + + Privacy Policy + + + + Check for updates + + + + Current Version + + + + Release Notes + + + + Our Principles + + + + Status desktop’s GitHub Repositories + + + + Status Go + + + + StatusQ + + + + go-waku + + + + Legal & Privacy Documents + + + + Terms of Use + + + + Software License + + + + + AcceptRejectOptionsButtonsPanel + + View Profile + + + + Decline and block + + + + + AccessExistingCommunityPopup + + You need to enter a key + + + + Import + + + + Error importing the community + + + + + AccountView + + Type + + + + Storage + + + + Watch-Only Account + + + + Generated by your Status seed phrase profile + + + + Imported Account + + + + On Device + + + + Derivation Path + + + + Remove from your profile + + + + Confirm %1 Removal + + + + You will not be able to restore viewing access to this account in the future unless you enter this account’s address again. + + + + Remove Account + + + + + ActivityCenterMessageComponentView + + Mark as Read + + + + Mark as Unread + + + + + AddAccountModal + + Advanced + + + + Generate an account + + + + Wrong password + + + + You need to enter a password + + + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + Enter your password… + + + + Password + + + + Enter an account name... + + + + Account name + + + + You need to enter an account name + + + + color + + + + Loading... + + + + Add account + + + + + AddEditSavedAddressPopup + + Name + + + + Address + + + + Save + + + + Edit saved address + + + + Add saved address + + + + Enter a name + + + + Name must not be blank + + + + This is not a valid account name + + + + Enter ENS Name or Ethereum Address + + + + Please enter a valid ENS name OR Ethereum Address + + + + Add address + + + + + AddFavoriteModal + + URL + + + + Paste URL + + + + Paste + + + + Pasted + + + + Name + + + + Favorite added + + + + Edit + + + + Add favorite + + + + Please enter a valid URL + + + + Name of the website + + + + Please enter a name + + + + Remove + + + + Done + + + + Add + + + + Add Favorite + + + + + AdvancedContainer + + Online users + + + + + AdvancedView + + disable + nyahdayakan + + + enable + Aktifkan + + + Fleet + + + + Minimize on close + + + + Application Logs + + + + Experimental features + + + + Wallet + + + + WalletSettingsLineButton + + + + Dapp Browser + + + + Community History Archive Protocol + + + + Node Management + + + + Keycard + + + + Bloom filter level + + + + Warning! + + + + The account will be logged out. When you login again, the selected mode will be enabled + + + + Light Node + + + + Normal + + + + Full Node + + + + WakuV2 mode + + + + Developer features + + + + Full developer mode + + + + Download messages + + + + Telemetry + + + + Debug + + + + Auto message + + + + Are you sure you want to enable all the develoer features? The app will be restarted. + + + + Are you sure you want to enable telemetry? This will reduce your privacy level while using Status. You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. + + + + Are you sure you want to enable auto message? You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. + + + + Are you sure you want to %1 debug mode? You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. + + + + This feature is experimental and is meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It's not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data. Use at your own risk. + + + + I understand + + + + + AllowNotificationsView + + Ok, got it + + + + Allow notifications + + + + Status will notify you about new messages. You can +edit your notification preferences later in settings. + + + + + AppMain + + Where do you want to go? + + + + Profile Picture + + + + Make this my Profile Pic + + + + Invite People + + + + View Community + + + + Leave Community + + + + A new version of Status (%1) is available + + + + Download + + + + Your version is up to date + + + + Close + + + + Can not connect to mailserver + + + + The mailserver you're connecting to is unavailable. + + + + Pick another + + + + Retry + + + + + AppearanceView + + XS + + + + S + + + + M + + + + L + + + + XL + + + + XXL + + + + Preview + + + + Blockchains will drop search costs, causing a kind of decomposition that allows you to have markets of entities that are horizontally segregated and vertically segregated. + + + + Size + + + + Change font size + + + + Change Zoom (requires restart) + + + + 50% + + + + 100% + + + + 150% + + + + 200% + + + + Appearance + + + + Light + + + + Dark + + + + System + + + + + BackupSeedModal + + Back up your seed phrase + + + + Continue + + + + Not Now + + + + Confirm Seed Phrase + + + + Complete & Delete My Seed Phrase + + + + Confirm word #%1 of your seed phrase + + + + + BackupSeedStepBase + + Enter word + + + + Wrong word + + + + Word #%1 + + + + + BeforeGetStartedModal + + Privacy Policy + + + + Before you get started + + + + I acknowledge that status desktop is in beta and by using it I take the full responsibility for all risks concerning my data and funds + + + + Before you get started... + + + + Get Started + + + + I acknowledge that Status Desktop is in Beta and by using it I take the full responsibility for all risks concerning my data and funds. + + + + I accept Status + + + + Terms of Use + + + + Terms of service + + + + Get started + + + + + BrowserLayout + + Transaction pending... + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Error signing message + + + + View on etherscan + + + + Server's certificate not trusted + + + + Do you wish to continue? + + + + If you wish so, you may continue with an unverified certificate. Accepting an unverified certificate means you may not be connected with the host you tried to connect to. +Do you wish to override the security check and continue? + + + + + ChatContextMenuView + + Leave group + + + + Save + + + + Delete + + + + Are you sure you want to leave this chat? + + + + View Members + + + + Add / remove from group + + + + Test WakuV2 - requestAllHistoricMessages + + + + Edit name + + + + Mark as Read + + + + Clear history + + + + Edit Channel + + + + Download + + + + Delete Channel + + + + Delete chat + + + + Leave chat + + + + Download messages + + + + Delete #%1 + + + + Are you sure you want to delete #%1 channel? + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this chat? + + + + + ChatView + + Members + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + + CollectibleDetailsHeader + + Send + + + + + CollectibleModal + + description + Penerangan + + + unnamed + + + + id + + + + View in Opensea + + + + + CollectiblesStore + + Collectibles + + + + + CollectiblesView + + Collectibles will appear here + + + + + CommunitiesListPanel + + Cancel + + + + Leave community + + + + Leave %1 + + + + Are you sure you want to leave? Once you leave, you will have to request to rejoin if you change your mind. + + + + + CommunitiesPopup + + Communities + + + + 1 member + + + + %1 members + + + + Create a community + + + + Search for communities or topics + + + + Access existing community + + + + + CommunitiesPortalLayout + + Search + + + + Find community + + + + Import Community + + + + Create New Community + + + + Featured + + + + Popular + + + + + CommunityColorPicker + + Community colour + + + + + CommunityColumnView + + Create channel + + + + Create category + + + + 1 Member + + + + %1 Members + + + + Start chat + + + + Membership requests + + + + Invite people + + + + Unmute category + + + + Mute category + + + + Edit Category + + + + Delete Category + + + + Delete %1 category + + + + Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. + + + + Create channel or category + + + + Error deleting the category + + + + + CommunityDescriptionInput + + Description + + + + What your community is about + + + + community description + + + + + CommunityDetailPopup + + Join ‘%1’ + + + + Pending + + + + Unknown community + + + + Public community + + + + Invitation only community + + + + On request community + + + + - ENS only + + + + %1 members + + + + Channels + + + + You need to be invited + + + + Request to join ‘%1’ + + + + Error joining the community + + + + + CommunityEditSettingsPanel + + A catchy name + + + + community name + + + + Description + + + + What your community is about + + + + Pick a color + + + + + CommunityHeaderButton + + 1 member + + + + %1 members + + + + + CommunityMembersSettingsPanel + + Members + + + + Member name + + + + Ban + + + + Kick + + + + Membership requests + + + + Community members will appear here + + + + No contacts found + + + + You + + + + + CommunityNameInput + + A catchy name + + + + community name + + + + Community name + + + + + CommunityProfilePopup + + Members + + + + Transfer ownership + + + + Public community + + + + Invitation only community + + + + On request community + + + + Unknown community + + + + Invite friends + + + + Invite + + + + + CommunityProfilePopupInviteFriendsPanel + + Copied! + + + + Contacts + + + + Share community + + + + + CommunityProfilePopupMembersListPanel + + Member name + + + + + CommunityProfilePopupOverviewPanel + + Copied! + + + + Share community + + + + Transfer ownership + + + + Leave community + + + + + CommunitySettingsView + + Members + + + + Notifications + + + + Settings + + + + Overview + + + + Open legacy popup (to be removed) + + + + Back to community + + + + Error editing the community + + + + + CommunityUserList + + Members + + + + + ConfirmPasswordView + + Passwords don't match + + + + Have you written down your password? + + + + You will never be able to recover your password if you lose it. + + + + If you need to, write it using pen and paper and keep in a safe place. + + + + If you lose your password you will lose access to your Status profile. + + + + Confirm your password (again) + + + + Confirm you password (again) + + + + Finalise Status Password Creation + + + + Keys for this account already exist + + + + Keys for this account already exist and can't be added again. If you've lost your password, passcode or Keycard, uninstall the app, reinstall and access your keys by entering your seed phrase + + + + Login failed + + + + Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. + + + + + ConfirmationDialog + + Confirm + + + + Reject + + + + Cancel + + + + Confirm your action + + + + Do not show this again + + + + Are you sure you want to do this? + + + + + ContactPanel + + View Profile + + + + Send message + + + + Respond to ID Request + + + + See ID Request + + + + Rename + + + + + ContactsColumnView + + Start chat + + + + Chat + + + + Search + + + + Join public chats + + + + Contact requests + + + + Community imported + + + + Importing community is in progress + + + + + ContactsView + + Contacts + + + + Send contact request to chat key + + + + Search by a display name or chat key + + + + Pending Requests + + + + Blocked + + + + Identity Verified Contacts + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet + + + + Received + + + + Sent + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + + Controls + + XS + + + + S + + + + M + + + + L + + + + XL + + + + XXL + + + + 50% + + + + 100% + + + + 150% + + + + 200% + + + + + CreateCategoryPopup + + Category title + + + + category name + + + + Edit category + + + + New category + + + + Name the category + + + + Channels + + + + Delete category + + + + Delete %1 category + + + + Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. + + + + Save + + + + Create + + + + Error editing the category + + + + Error creating the category + + + + + CreateChannelPopup + + Channel name + + + + channel name + + + + Description + + + + Describe the channel + + + + channel description + + + + New channel + + + + Edit #%1 + + + + Name the channel + + + + Channel colour + + + + Pick a color + + + + Save + + + + Create + + + + Error creating the community + + + + + CreateChatView + + Contacts + + + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. + +Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be able to chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. + + + + You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. + + +Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be + able to +chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. + + + + You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. + + +Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be able to +chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. + + + + Confirm + + + + + CreateCommunityPopup + + You need to enter a color + + + + This field needs to be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + Community color + + + + Pick a color + + + + Please choose a color + + + + Next + + + + Error creating the community + + + + Name your community + + + + A catchy name + + + + Give it a short description + + + + What your community is about + + + + Community colour + + + + Create New Community + + + + Create Community + + + + + CreatePasswordView + + Create password + + + + + DemoApp + + Invite People + + + + View Community + + + + Edit Community + + + + Leave Community + + + + + DerivationPathsPanel + + Reset + + + + Derivation Path + + + + + DerivedAddressesPanel + + Pending + + + + Account + + + + No activity + + + + Invalid path + + + + Has Activity + + + + No Activity + + + + + DisplayNamePopup + + Edit + + + + Ok + + + + Display Name + + + + OK + + + + + EnsDetailsView + + Wallet address + + + + Key + + + + Connect username with your pubkey + + + + Copied to clipboard! + + + + Release username + + + + Username locked. You won't be able to release it until %1 + + + + Back + + + + + EnsSearchView + + Connect username with your pubkey + + + + At least 4 characters. Latin letters, numbers, and lowercase only. + + + + Letters and numbers only. + + + + Type the entire username including the custom domain like username.domain.eth + + + + Custom domain + + + + I want a stateofus.eth domain + + + + I own a name on another domain + + + + + EnsView + + Transaction pending... + + + + View on etherscan + + + + ENS Registration failed + + + + ENS Registration completed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey failed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey completed + + + + + ExemptionNotificationsModal + + Done + + + + %1 exemption + + + + Mute all messages + + + + Personal @ Mentions + + + + Global @ Mentions + + + + Other Messages + + + + Clear Exemptions + + + + + GasSelector + + Priority + + + + Low + + + + High + + + + Must be greater than 0 + + + + This needs to be a number + + + + Please enter an amount + + + + Min 21000 units + + + + Not enough gas + + + + Miners will currently not process transactions with a tip below %1 Gwei, the average is %2 Gwei + + + + The average miner tip is %1 Gwei + + + + Gas Price + + + + Current base fee: %1 %2 + + + + Use suggestions + + + + Use custom + + + + Optimal + + + + Gas amount limit + + + + Per-gas tip limit + + + + Gwei + + + + Per-gas overall limit + + + + Maximum priority fee: %1 ETH + + + + Maximum overall price for the transaction. If the block base fee exceeds this, it will be included in a following block with a lower base fee. + + + + + GroupInfoPopup + + %1/%2 members + + + + Add members + + + + %1 members + + + + 1 member + + + + Search + + + + All your contacts are already in the group + + + + Pinned messages + + + + Admin + + + + Make Admin + + + + Remove From Group + + + + Add selected + + + + + ImageCropperModal + + Crop your image (optional) + + + + Finish + + + + + ImportPrivateKeyPanel + + Pending + + + + You need to enter a private key + + + + Enter a valid private key (64 characters hexadecimal string) + + + + Private key + + + + Paste the contents of your private key + + + + Public address + + + + Account already added + + + + Has Activity + + + + No Activity + + + + + InsertCard + + Cancel + + + + Please insert your Keycard to proceed or press the cancel button to cancel the operation + + + + + InsertDetailsView + + Next + + + + Profile picture + + + + Your profile + + + + Longer and unusual names are better as they are less likely to be used by someone else. + + + + Display name + + + + Chatkey: + + + + Choose an image for profile picture + + + + Make this my profile picture + + + + Your emojihash and identicon ring + + + + This set of emojis and coloured ring around your avatar are unique and represent your chat key, so your friends can easily distinguish you from potential impersonators. + + + + + InvitationBubbleView + + Unsupported state + + + + Membership requires an ENS username + + + + You need to be invited + + + + Pending + + + + View + + + + Request Access + + + + Join + + + + Verified community invitation + + + + Community invitation + + + + %1 members + + + + Error joining the community + + + + + KeysMainView + + Enter a seed phrase + + + + Generate new keys + + + + intro-wizard-title1 + + + + a-set-of-keys-controls-your-account.-your-keys-live-on-your-device,-so-only-you-can-use-them. + + + + Connect your keys + + + + Use your existing Status keys to login to this device. + + + + Get your keys + + + + A set of keys controls your account. Your keys live on your +device, so only you can use them. + + + + Import a seed phrase + + + + Seed phrases are used to back up and restore your keys. Only use this option if you already have a seed phrase. + + + + + LanguageView + + Language + + + + Set Display Currency + + + + Search Currencies + + + + Search Languages + + + + Date Format + + + + DD/MM/YY + + + + MM/DD/YY + + + + Time Format + + + + 24-Hour Time + + + + 12-Hour Time + + + + Change language + + + + Display language has been changed. You must restart the application for changes to take effect. + + + + Close the app now + + + + + Layout + + Invite People + + + + View Community + + + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + Edit Community + + + + Leave Community + + + + + LeftTabView + + Settings + + + + Sign out + + + + Make sure you have your account password and seed phrase stored. Without them you can lock yourself out of your account and lose funds. + + + + Sign out & Quit + + + + Wallet + + + + Total value + + + + Add account + + + + Saved addresses + + + + + LoginView + + Ok + + + + Welcome back + + + + Add new user + + + + Add existing Status user + + + + Connecting... + + + + Password + + + + Enter password + + + + Login failed: %1 + + + + Password incorrect + + + + + MenuPanel + + Settings + + + + Apps + + + + About & Help + + + + + MessageContextMenuView + + Jump to + + + + Copy image + + + + Download image + + + + Block User + + + + Unblock User + + + + Rename + + + + Reply to + + + + Edit message + + + + Copy Message Id + + + + Unpin + + + + Pin + + + + Delete message + + + + Please choose a directory + + + + Confirm deleting this message + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well. + + + + + MessagingView + + Contacts + + + + Allow new contact requests + + + + Show My Profile Picture To + + + + Everyone + + + + No One + + + + See Profile Pictures From + + + + Open Message Links With + + + + Status Browser + + + + System Default Browser + + + + Contacts, Requests, and Blocked Users + + + + Display Message Link Previews + + + + Fine tune which sites to allow link previews + + + + Image unfurling + + + + All images (links that contain an image extension) will be downloaded and displayed + + + + Message syncing + + + + Waku nodes + + + + For security reasons, private chat history won't be synced. + + + + + MyProfileView + + ENS username + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Change Password + + + + Edit + + + + Preview + + + + + NicknamePopup + + Nickname + + + + Nicknames help you identify others in Status. Only you can see the nicknames you’ve added + + + + Done + + + + + NoImageUploadedPanel + + Upload + + + + Wide aspect ratio is optimal + + + + + NotificationsView + + Messages + + + + You have a new message + + + + Anonymous + + + + Community + + + + 1:1 Chat + + + + Group Chat + + + + Muted + + + + Off + + + + Quiet + + + + Personal @ Mentions %1 + + + + Global @ Mentions %1 + + + + Alerts + + + + Other Messages %1 + + + + Multiple Exemptions + + + + Enable Notifications in macOS Settings + + + + To receive Status notifications, make sure you've enabled them in your computer's settings under <b>System Preferences > Notifications</b> + + + + Sync your devices to share notifications preferences + + + + Syncing > + + + + Allow Notifications + + + + 1:1 Chats + + + + Group Chats + + + + Personal @ Mentions + + + + Messages containing @%1 + + + + Global @ Mentions + + + + Messages containing @here and @channel + + + + All Messages + + + + Others + + + + Contact Requests + + + + Identity Verification Requests + + + + Notification Content + + + + Show Name and Message + + + + Hi there! So EIP-1559 will defini... + + + + Name Only + + + + Play a Sound When Receiving a Notification + + + + Volume + + + + Send a Test Notification + + + + Exemptions + + + + Search Communities, Group Chats and 1:1 Chats + + + + Most recent + + + + + PasswordView + + Create a password + + + + Passwords don't match + + + + Create a password to unlock Status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + You will not be able to recover this password if it is lost. + + + + Minimum %1 characters. To strengthen your password consider including: + + + + This password has been pwned and shouldn't be used + + + + This password is a common word and shouldn't be used + + + + Password must be at least %1 characters long + + + + Current password + + + + New password + + + + Very weak + + + + Weak + + + + So-so + + + + Good + + + + Great + + + + Lower case + + + + Upper case + + + + Numbers + + + + Symbols + + + + Confirm password + + + + + PermissionsListView + + Disconnect + + + + Disconnect All + + + + + PinnedMessagesPopup + + Unpin + + + + Pin limit reached + + + + Pinned messages + + + + Unpin a previous message first + + + + %1 messages + + + + %1 message + + + + Pinned messages will appear here. + + + + + ProfileLayout + + Contacts + + + + Testnet mode is enabled. All balances, transactions and dApp interactions will be on testnets. + + + + Secure your seed phrase + + + + Back up now + + + + + ProfilePopup + + ENS username + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Chat settings + + + + Nickname + + + + None + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + Unblock User + + + + Block User + + + + Add to contacts + + + + 's Profile + + + + Send Contact Request to + + + + Verify %1's Identity + + + + My Profile + + + + %1's Profile + + + + Send Contact Request to %1 + + + + Cancel verification + + + + Remove Contact + + + + Send Contact Request + + + + Mark Untrustworthy + + + + Remove 'Identity Verified' status + + + + No + + + + Yes + + + + Remove Untrustworthy Mark + + + + Verify Identity + + + + Verify Identity pending... + + + + Send verification request + + + + Verification request sent + + + + Confirm Identity + + + + Rename + + + + Close + + + + + ProfileSectionStore + + Profile + + + + ENS usernames + + + + Wallet + + + + Browser + + + + Communities + + + + Appearance + + + + Back up seed phrase + + + + Advanced + + + + Messaging + + + + Notifications & Sounds + + + + Language & Currency + + + + Devices settings + + + + About + + + + Sign out & Quit + + + + + RateView + + Upload + + + + Bandwidth + + + + Kb/s + + + + Download + + + + + ReceiveModal + + Copy + + + + Receive + + + + Legacy + + + + Multichain + + + + Your Address + + + + + RootStore + + You + + + + Start a 1-on-1 chat with %1 + + + + Join the %1 community + + + + Join the %1 group chat + + + + + SavedAddressesView + + Cancel + + + + Delete + + + + Saved addresses + + + + Add new address + + + + Edit + + + + Are you sure you want to remove '%1' from your saved addresses? + + + + Are you sure? + + + + No saved addresses + + + + + SeedPhraseInputView + + Enter seed phrase + + + + Next + + + + Import + + + + Keys for this account already exist + + + + Keys for this account already exist and can't be added again. If you've lost your password, passcode or Keycard, uninstall the app, reinstall and access your keys by entering your seed phrase + + + + Error importing seed + + + + %1 words + + + + %1SeedButton + + + + Invalid seed + + + + Restore Status Profile + + + + + SendContactRequestModal + + Paste + + + + Send Contact Request to chat key + + + + Enter chat key here + + + + Say who you are / why you want to become a contact... + + + + who are you + + + + Send Contact Request + + + + + SendModal + + Transaction pending... + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Send + + + + Max: + + + + No balances active + + + + Please enter a valid amount + + + + To + + + + Enter an ENS name or address + + + + Error estimating gas: %1 + + + + Wrong password + + + + View on etherscan + + + + + SendModalFooter + + Unknown + + + + Estimated Time: + + + + Max Fees: + + + + Send + + + + + SendModalHeader + + To + + + + + SettingsPageLayout + + Cancel + + + + Save changes + + + + + SignTransactionModal + + Send + + + + Continue + + + + Error estimating gas: %1 + + + + Transaction pending... + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Choose account + + + + Network fee + + + + Transaction preview + + + + Sign with password + + + + Send %1 %2 + + + + Next + + + + Wrong password + + + + View on etherscan + + + + + StatusAppCommunityView + + Members + + + + + StatusChatInput + + Send + + + + Message + + + + Please choose an image + + + + Image files (%1) + + + + Your message is too long. + + + + Please make your message shorter. We have set the limit to 2000 characters to be courteous of others. + + + + Bold + + + + Italic + + + + Strikethrough + + + + Code + + + + Unblock + + + + + StatusChatListAndCategories + + More + + + + Add channel inside category + + + + + StatusChatListCategoryItem + + More + + + + Add channel inside category + + + + + StatusChatListItem + + Unmute + + + + + StatusChatToolBar + + Search + + + + Members + + + + More + + + + + StatusColorDialog + + Preview + + + + This is not a valid color + + + + Standart colours + + + + Select Colour + + + + + StatusExpandableSettingsItemPage + + Back up seed phrase + + + + Not Implemented + + + + + StatusListPicker + + Search + + + + + StatusMacNotification + + Open + + + + My latest message + with a return + + + + + StatusStickerMarket + + This feature is experimental and is meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It's not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data. Use at your own risk. + + + + I understand + + + + + StatusTokenInlineSelector + + or + + + + Hold + + + + to post + + + + + StatusWalletColorSelect + + Account color + + + + + TabNetworkAndFees + + Advanced + + + + Custom + + + + Slow + + + + + TransactionSettingsConfirmationPopup + + Are you sure? + + + + Your priority fee is below our suggested parameters. + + + + Current base fee + + + + %1 Gwei + + + + Current minimum tip + + + + Current average tip + + + + Your tip limit + + + + Suggested minimum tip + + + + Your price limit + + + + Suggested minimum price limit + + + + Change Limit + + + + Continue anyway + + + + + TransferOwnershipPopup + + Transfer ownership + + + + Community private key + + + + Copy + + + + Copied + + + + You should keep it safe and only share it with people you trust to take ownership of your community + + + + You can also use this key to import your community on another device + + + + + UploadProfilePicModal + + Profile picture + + + + Remove + + + + Upload + + + + Done + + + + Upload profile picture + + + + Choose an image for profile picture + + + + Make this my profile picture + + + + + UserList + + Members + + + + + UsernameLabel + + You + + + + + Utils + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + You need to enter a %1 + + + + now + Sekarang + + + Sun + + + + Mon + + + + Tue + + + + Wed + + + + Thu + + + + Fri + + + + Sat + + + + Jan + + + + Feb + + + + Mar + + + + Apr + + + + May + + + + Jun + + + + Jul + + + + Aug + + + + Sep + + + + Oct + + + + Nov + + + + Dec + + + + Yesterday + + + + Sunday + + + + Monday + + + + Tuesday + + + + Wednesday + + + + Thursday + + + + Friday + + + + Saturday + + + + NOW + + + + %1M + + + + %1H + + + + %1D + + + + words + + + + You need to enter a password + + + + You need to repeat your password + + + + Passwords don't match + + + + You need to enter a PIN + + + + The PIN must contain only digits + + + + The PIN must be exactly 6 digits + + + + You need to repeat your PIN + + + + PIN don't match + + + + The %1 cannot exceed %2 characters + + + + Must be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + Use only lowercase letters (a to z), numbers & dashes (-). Do not use chat keys. + + + + Value has to be at least %1 characters long + + + + Unknown + + + + < 1 min + + + + < 3 mins + + + + < 5 mins + + + + > 5 mins + + + + years ago + + + + year ago + + + + months ago + + + + month ago + + + + weeks ago + + + + week ago + + + + days ago + + + + day ago + + + + hours ago + + + + hour ago + + + + mins ago + + + + min ago + + + + secs ago + + + + sec ago + + + + + WalletView + + Wallet + + + + Networks + + + + DApp Permissions + + + + Testnet Mode + + + + + AcceptTransactionView + + Accept and share address + + + + Accept and send + + + + Decline + + + + + Acknowledgements + + Secure Your Assets and Funds + + + + Your seed phrase is a 12-word passcode to your funds. + + + + Your seed phrase cannot be recovered if lost. Therefore, you <b>must</b> back it up. The simplest way is to <b>write it down offline and store it somewhere secure.</b> + + + + I have a pen and paper + + + + I am ready to write down my seed phrase + + + + I know where I’ll store it + + + + You can only complete this process once. Status will not store your seed phrase and can never help you recover it. + + + + + ActivityCenterPopup + + Show more + + + + + ActivityCenterPopupTopBarPanel + + All + + + + Mentions + + + + Replies + + + + Mark all as Read + + + + Show read notifications + + + + Hide read notifications + + + + Notification settings + + + + + AddShowTokenModal + + Add custom token + + + + This needs to be a valid address + + + + Invalid ERC20 address + + + + Enter contract address... + + + + Contract address + + + + The name of your token... + + + + Name + + + + ABC + + + + Symbol + + + + Decimals + + + + Changing settings failed + + + + Add + + + + + AddWakuNodeModal + + Waku nodes + + + + Name + + + + Specify a name + + + + You need to enter a name + + + + History node address + + + + You need to enter the enode address + + + + The format must be: enode://{enode-id}:{password}@{ip-address}:{port} + + + + Save + + + + + AddressInput + + ENS Username not found + + + + + AddressRequiredValidator + + You need to request the recipient’s address first. +Assets won’t be sent yet. + + + + + AddressSourceSelector + + Invalid source + + + + + AdvancedAddAccountView + + Enter address... + + + + Account address + + + + This needs to be a valid address (starting with 0x) + + + + You need to enter an address + + + + + AppSearch + + No results + + + + Anywhere + + + + + AssetAndAmountInput + + Insufficient balance + + + + Must be greater than or equal to 0 + + + + This needs to be a number + + + + Please enter an amount + + + + Balance: + + + + Asset & Amount + + + + The amount is 0. Proceed only if this is desired. + + + + + BackUpCommuntyBannerPanel + + Back up community key + + + + Back up + + + + + BalanceExceeded + + Balance exceeded + + + + No networks available + + + + + BalanceValidator + + Insufficient balance + + + + + BlockContactConfirmationDialog + + Block User + + + + Blocking will stop new messages from reaching you from %1. + + + + + BloomSelectorButton + + TODO + + + + + BrowserConnectionModal + + '%1' would like to connect to + + + + Allowing authorizes this DApp to retrieve your wallet address and enable Web3 + + + + Granting access authorizes this DApp to retrieve your chat key + + + + Deny + + + + Allow + + + + + BrowserHeader + + Enter URL + + + + + BrowserSettingsMenu + + New Tab + + + + Exit Incognito mode + + + + Go Incognito + + + + Zoom In + + + + Zoom Out + + + + Find + + + + Compatibility mode + + + + Developer Tools + + + + Settings + + + + + BrowserTabStyle + + Start Page + + + + + BrowserTabView + + Start Page + + + + New Tab + + + + Downloads Page + + + + + BrowserView + + Search engine used in the address bar + + + + None + + + + Show Favorites Bar + + + + Connected DApps + + + + No connected dApps + + + + Connecting a dApp grants it permission to view your address and balances, and to send you transaction requests + + + + + BrowserWalletMenu + + Mainnet + + + + Ropsten + + + + Unknown + + + + Disconnect + + + + Assets + + + + History + + + + + BrowserWebEngineView + + Add Favorite + + + + + ChangePasswordModal + + Change password + + + + Change password used to unlock Status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + Change Password + + + + + ChangePasswordSuccessModal + + <b>Password changed</b> + + + + You need to sign in again using the new password. + + + + Sign out & Quit + + + + + ChangeProfilePicModal + + Profile picture + + + + Remove + + + + Upload + + + + Please choose an image + + + + Image files (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png) + + + + + ChannelIdentifierView + + Welcome to the beginning of the <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> group! + + + + Any messages you send here are encrypted and can only be read by you and <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> + + + + + ChatButtonsPanel + + Add reaction + + + + Reply + + + + Edit + + + + Unpin + + + + Pin + + + + Delete + + + + Confirm deleting this message + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well. + + + + + ChatColumnView + + Send + + + + Request Address + + + + Request + + + + + ChatCommandModal + + Continue + + + + Receive on account + + + + From account + + + + Address request required + + + + From + + + + To + + + + Preview + + + + Transaction preview + + + + Next + + + + + ChatCommandsPopup + + Send transaction + + + + Request transaction + + + + + ChatContentView + + Contact + + + + Not a contact + + + + Public chat + + + + %1 members + + + + 1 member + + + + Connected + + + + Disconnected + + + + Blocked + + + + This user has been blocked. + + + + + ChatMessagesView + + Loading... + + + + Failed to send message. + + + + + ChatRequestMessagePanel + + You need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messages + + + + Just click this button to add them as contact. They will receive a notification. Once they accept the request, you'll be able to chat + + + + Add to contacts + + + + + ChooseBrowserPopup + + Choose browser + + + + Open in Status + + + + Open in my default browser + + + + Remember my choice. To override it, go to settings. + + + + + ClosedEmptyPanel + + Your chats will appear here. To start new chats press the  button at the top + + + + + CollectibleCollectionView + + No collectibles available + + + + + CollectibleDetailView + + Properties + + + + Levels + + + + Stats + + + + + CollectiblesContent + + Something went wrong + + + + Reload + + + + + CollectiblesHeader + + Maximum number of collectibles to display reached + + + + + CollectiblesModal + + View + + + + Unnamed + + + + + CollectiblesModalContent + + ID + + + + Description + + + + + CommunitiesView + + Import community + + + + Communities you've joined + + + + + CommunityBannerPicker + + Community banner + + + + Choose an image for banner + + + + Make this my Community banner + + + + + CommunityChannelsAndCategoriesBannerPanel + + Expand your community by adding more channels and categories + + + + Add channels + + + + Add categories + + + + + CommunityColorPanel + + Community Colour + + + + Select Community Colour + + + + This is not a valid colour + + + + White text should be legable on top of this colour + + + + Standard colours + + + + + CommunityDelegate + + Admin + + + + Member + + + + + CommunityIntroDialog + + Welcome to %1 + + + + Join %1 + + + + Community <b>%1</b> has no intro message... + + + + I agree with the above + + + + + CommunityIntroMessageInput + + Community introduction and rules + + + + What new members will read before joining (eg. community rules, welcome message, etc.). Members will need to tick a check box agreeing to these rules before they are allowed to join your community. + + + + community intro message + + + + + CommunityLogoPicker + + Community logo + + + + Choose an image as logo + + + + Make this my Community logo + + + + + CommunityOptions + + Community history service + + + + Request to join required + + + + Any member can pin a message + + + + + CommunityOutroMessageInput + + Leaving community message + + + + The message a member will see when they leave your community + + + + community intro message + + + + + CommunityOverviewSettingsPanel + + Overview + + + + Edit Community + + + + This node is the Community Owner Node. For your Community to function correctly try to keep this computer with Status running and onlinie as much as possible. + + + + Welcome to your community! + + + + Invite new people + + + + Try an airdrop to reward your community for engagement! + + + + Airdrop Tokens + + + + Back up community key + + + + Back up + + + + + CommunityTagsPanel + + Community Tags + + + + Confirm Community Tags + + + + Select tags that will fit your Community + + + + Search tags + + + + Selected tags + + + + + CommunityTagsPicker + + Tags + + + + + CommunityWelcomeBannerPanel + + Welcome to your community! + + + + Add members + + + + Manage community + + + + + CompactMessageView + + Pinned by %1 + + + + Cancel + + + + Save + + + + + ConfirmAddExistingKeyModal + + Enter seed phrase + + + + Do you want to add another existing key? + + + + Add another existing key + + + + + ConfirmAppRestartModal + + Application Restart + + + + Please restart the application to apply the changes. + + + + Restart + + + + + ConfirmSeedPhrasePanel + + Write down your 12-word seed phrase to keep offline + + + + Reveal seed phrase + + + + The next screen contains your seed phrase. +<b>Anyone</b> who sees it can use it to access to your funds. + + + + + ConfirmStoringSeedPhrasePanel + + Complete back up + + + + Store Your Phrase Offline and Complete Your Back Up + + + + By completing this process, you will remove your seed phrase from this application’s storage. This makes your funds more secure. + + + + You will remain logged in, and your seed phrase will be entirely in your hands. + + + + I acknowledge that Status will not be able to show me my seed phrase again. + + + + I aknowledge that Status will not be able to show me my seed phrase again. + + + + + Constants + + Username must be at least 5 characters + + + + Only letters, numbers, underscores and hyphens allowed + + + + 24 character username limit + + + + Usernames ending with '-eth' are not allowed + + + + Usernames ending with '_eth' are not allowed + + + + Usernames ending with '.eth' are not allowed + + + + Sorry, the name you have chosen is not allowed, try picking another username + + + + (edited) + + + + Username already taken :( + + + + Username doesn’t belong to you :( + + + + Continuing will connect this username with your chat key. + + + + ✓ Username available! + + + + Username is already connected with your chat key and can be used inside Status. + + + + This user name is owned by you and connected with your chat key. Continue to set `Show my ENS username in chats`. + + + + Continuing will require a transaction to connect the username with your current chat key. + + + + + Contact + + Admin + + + + + ContactRequestsPopup + + Contact requests + + + + Decline all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to decline all these contact requests + + + + Accept all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to accept all these contact requests + + + + Decline all + + + + Accept all + + + + + ContactSelector + + Please select a contact + + + + Select a contact + + + + Contact does not have an ENS address. Please send a transaction in chat. + + + + No contact selected + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet + + + + + ContactVerificationRequestPopup + + %1 is asking you to verify your identity + + + + %1 would like to verify your identity. Answer the question to prove your identity to %2 + + + + Provide answer to verification request from this contact. + + + + Your answer has been sent to %1. + + + + Refuse Verification + + + + Send Answer + + + + Change answer + + + + Close + + + + + ContactsListAndSearch + + Enter a valid chat key or ENS username + + + + Can't chat with yourself + + + + Enter ENS username or chat key + + + + + ContactsListPanel + + Contact Request Sent + + + + Contact Request Rejected + + + + + CopyToClipBoardButton + + Copied! + + + + + CreatePasswordModal + + Store password + + + + Create a password + + + + Current password... + + + + New password... + + + + Confirm password… + + + + At least 6 characters. You will use this password to unlock status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + Create password + + + + Error importing account + + + + An error occurred while importing your account: + + + + Login failed + + + + Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. + + + + Incorrect password + + + + + CryptoServicesModal + + Buy / Sell crypto + + + + Choose a service you'd like to use to buy crypto + + + + + CurrenciesStore + + US Dollars + + + + British Pound + + + + Euros + + + + Russian ruble + + + + South Korean won + + + + Ethereum + + + + Tokens + + + + Bitcoin + + + + Status Network Token + + + + Dai + + + + United Arab Emirates dirham + + + + Other Fiat + + + + Afghan afghani + + + + Argentine peso + + + + Australian dollar + + + + Barbadian dollar + + + + Bangladeshi taka + + + + Bulgarian lev + + + + Bahraini dinar + + + + Brunei dollar + + + + Bolivian boliviano + + + + Brazillian real + + + + Bhutanese ngultrum + + + + Canadian dollar + + + + Swiss franc + + + + Chilean peso + + + + Chinese yuan + + + + Colombian peso + + + + Costa Rican colón + + + + Czech koruna + + + + Danish krone + + + + Dominican peso + + + + Egyptian pound + + + + Ethiopian birr + + + + Georgian lari + + + + Ghanaian cedi + + + + Hong Kong dollar + + + + Croatian kuna + + + + Hungarian forint + + + + Indonesian rupiah + + + + Israeli new shekel + + + + Indian rupee + + + + Icelandic króna + + + + Jamaican dollar + + + + Japanese yen + + + + Kenyan shilling + + + + Kuwaiti dinar + + + + Kazakhstani tenge + + + + Sri Lankan rupee + + + + Moroccan dirham + + + + Moldovan leu + + + + Mauritian rupee + + + + Malawian kwacha + + + + Mexican peso + + + + Malaysian ringgit + + + + Mozambican metical + + + + Namibian dollar + + + + Nigerian naira + + + + Norwegian krone + + + + Nepalese rupee + + + + New Zealand dollar + + + + Omani rial + + + + Peruvian sol + + + + Papua New Guinean kina + + + + Philippine peso + + + + Pakistani rupee + + + + Polish złoty + + + + Paraguayan guaraní + + + + Qatari riyal + + + + Romanian leu + + + + Serbian dinar + + + + Saudi riyal + + + + Swedish krona + + + + Singapore dollar + + + + Thai baht + + + + Trinidad and Tobago dollar + + + + New Taiwan dollar + + + + Tanzanian shilling + + + + Turkish lira + + + + Ukrainian hryvnia + + + + Ugandan shilling + + + + Uruguayan peso + + + + Venezuelan bolívar + + + + Vietnamese đồng + + + + South African rand + + + + + DateGroup + + Today + + + + Yesterday + + + + January + + + + February + + + + March + + + + April + + + + May + + + + June + + + + July + + + + August + + + + September + + + + October + + + + November + + + + December + + + + + DefaultDAppExplorerView + + Default DApp explorer + + + + none + + + + + DevicesView + + Please set a name for your device. + + + + Specify a name + + + + Continue + + + + Advertise device + + + + Pair your devices to sync contacts and chats between them + + + + Learn more + + + + Paired devices + + + + Syncing... + + + + Sync all devices + + + + + DownloadBar + + Cancelled + + + + Paused + + + + Show All + + + + + DownloadMenu + + Open + + + + Show in folder + + + + Pause + + + + Resume + + + + Cancel + + + + + DownloadPage + + Thanks for using Status + + + + You're curently using version %1 of Status. + + + + There's new version available to download. + + + + Get Status %1 + + + + + DownloadView + + Cancelled + + + + Paused + + + + Downloaded files will appear here. + + + + + ENSPopup + + Primary username + + + + Your messages are displayed to others with this username: + + + + Once you select a username, you won’t be able to disable it afterwards. You will only be able choose a different username to display. + + + + + EmojiReactionsPanel + + Add reaction + + + + + EmptyChatPanel + + Share your chat key + + + + or + + + + invite + + + + friends to start messaging in Status + + + + + EnsAddedView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + %1 is now connected with your chat key and can be used in Status. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsConnectedView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + %1 will be connected once the transaction is complete. + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsListView + + Hey + + + + (pending) + + + + ENS usernames + + + + Add username + + + + Your usernames + + + + Chat settings + + + + Primary Username + + + + None selected + + + + You’re displaying your ENS username in chats + + + + + EnsRegisteredView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + Nice! You own %1.stateofus.eth once the transaction is complete. + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsReleasedView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username removed + + + + The username %1 will be removed and your deposit will be returned once the transaction is mined + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsTermsAndConditionsView + + ENS usernames + + + + Terms of name registration + + + + Funds are deposited for 1 year. Your SNT will be locked, but not spent. + + + + After 1 year, you can release the name and get your deposit back, or take no action to keep the name. + + + + If terms of the contract change — e.g. Status makes contract upgrades — user has the right to release the username regardless of time held. + + + + The contract controller cannot access your deposited funds. They can only be moved back to the address that sent them. + + + + Your address(es) will be publicly associated with your ENS name. + + + + Usernames are created as subdomain nodes of stateofus.eth and are subject to the ENS smart contract terms. + + + + You authorize the contract to transfer SNT on your behalf. This can only occur when you approve a transaction to authorize the transfer. + + + + These terms are guaranteed by the smart contract logic at addresses: + + + + %1 (Status UsernameRegistrar). + + + + <a href='%1%2'>Look up on Etherscan</a> + + + + %1 (ENS Registry). + + + + Wallet address + + + + Copied to clipboard! + + + + Key + + + + Agree to <a href="#">Terms of name registration.</a> I understand that my wallet address will be publicly connected to my username. + + + + Back + + + + 10 SNT + + + + Deposit + + + + Not enough SNT + + + + Register + + + + + EnsWelcomeView + + Get a universal username + + + + ENS names transform those crazy-long addresses into unique usernames. + + + + Customize your chat name + + + + An ENS name can replace your random 3-word name in chat. Be @yourname instead of %1. + + + + Simplify your ETH address + + + + You can receive funds to your easy-to-share ENS name rather than your hexadecimal hash (0x...). + + + + Receive transactions in chat + + + + Others can send you funds via chat in one simple step. + + + + 10 SNT to register + + + + Register once to keep the name forever. After 1 year you can release the name and get your SNT back. + + + + Already own a username? + + + + You can verify and add any usernames you own in the next steps. + + + + Powered by Ethereum Name Services + + + + Start + + + + Only available on Mainnet + + + + + FavoriteMenu + + Open in new Tab + + + + Edit + + + + Remove + + + + + FetchMoreMessagesButton + + ↓ Fetch more messages + + + + Before %1 + + + + before--%1 + + + + + FleetRadioSelector + + Warning! + + + + Change fleet to %1 + + + + + FleetsModal + + Fleet + + + + + GapComponent + + fetch-messages + + + + between--1-and--2 + + + + Fetch messages + + + + Between %1 and %2 + + + + + GasSelectorButton + + Low + + + + + GasValidator + + Not enough ETH for gas + + + + + GroupChatPanel + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + Confirm + + + + + HistoryView + + Status Desktop is connected to a non-archival node. Transaction history may be incomplete. + + + + No transactions found + + + + Load More + + + + + HomePageView + + homepage + + + + System default + + + + Other + + + + Example: duckduckgo.com + + + + + ImageCropWorkflow + + Supported image formats (%1) + + + + + ImportCommunityPopup + + Import Community + + + + Entering a community key will grant you the ownership of that community. Please be responsible with it and don’t share the key with people you don’t trust. + + + + Community private key + + + + Import + + + + + ImportSeedPhrasePanel + + Invalid seed phrase + + + + This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. + + + + %1 words + + + + + Input + + Copied + + + + Pasted + + + + Copy + + + + Paste + + + + + InviteFriendsPopup + + Get Status at https://status.im + + + + Download Status link + + + + Copy to clipboard + + + + + InviteFriendsToCommunityPopup + + Invite friends + + + + Invite successfully sent + + + + Invite + + + + + JSDialogWindow + + Ok + + + + Cancel + + + + + KeycardCreatePINModal + + Create PIN + + + + New PIN + + + + Confirm PIN + + + + Create a 6 digit long PIN + + + + + LanguageStore + + Beta Languages + + + + + LinksMessageView + + Enable automatic image unfurling + + + + Enable link previews in chat? + + + + Once enabled, links posted in the chat may share your metadata with their owners + + + + Enable in Settings + + + + Don't ask me again + + + + + MailserverConnectionDialog + + Can not connect to mailserver + + + + The mailserver you're connecting to is unavailable. + + + + Pick another + + + + Retry + + + + + MainView + + DApp Permissions + + + + Networks + + + + Accounts + + + + Generated from Your Seed Phrase + + + + Imported + + + + Watch-Only + + + + + MembershipRequestsPopup + + Membership requests + + + + + MessageStore + + and + + + + %1 more + + + + reacted with + + + + You + + + + + MuteChatMenuItem + + Mute chat + + + + Unmute chat + + + + + MutedChatsModal + + Muted chats + + + + Unmute + + + + + MyProfileSettingsView + + Display name + + + + Display Name + + + + Biometric login and transaction authentication + + + + Communities + + + + Accounts + + + + You haven't joined any communities yet + + + + You don't have any wallet accounts yet + + + + + NetworkCardsComponent + + Your Balances + + + + No Balance + + + + No Gas + + + + BALANCE: + + + + Disabled + + + + + NetworkFilter + + All networks + + + + %n network(s) + + + + + + + NetworkSelectPopup + + Layer 2 + + + + + NetworkSelector + + Networks + + + + Choose a network to use for the transaction + + + + No networks available + + + + Simple + + + + Advanced + + + + Custom + + + + + NetworksAdvancedCustomRoutingView + + Networks + + + + Show Unpreferred Networks + + + + The networks where the receipient will receive tokens. Amounts calculated automatically for the lowest cost. + + + + + NetworksSimpleRoutingView + + Networks + + + + Choose a network to use for the transaction + + + + + NetworksView + + Layer 2 + + + + Add Custom Network + + + + + NoFriendsRectangle + + You don’t have any contacts yet. Invite your friends to start chatting. + + + + Invite friends + + + + + NodeLayout + + Bloom Filter Usage + + + + Type json-rpc message... e.g {"method": "eth_accounts"} + + + + + NotificationSelect + + Send Alerts + + + + Deliver Quietly + + + + Turn Off + + + + + NotificationWindow + + Everything is connected + + + + + PINModal + + Authenticate PIN + + + + PIN + + + + Insert your 6-digit PIN + + + + Authenticate + + + + + PairingModal + + Insert pairing code + + + + Pairing code + + + + Insert the Keycard pairing code + + + + Pair + + + + + PrivateChatPopup + + New chat + + + + My Profile + + + + + ProfileHeader + + Chatkey:%1... + + + + + ProfileView + + Blocked + + + + Send Request + + + + Receive Response + + + + Confirm Identity + + + + You have confirmed %1's identity. From now on this verification emblem will always be displayed alongside %1's nickname. + + + + You have marked %1 as Untrustworthy. From now on this Untrustworthy emblem will always be displayed alongside %1's nickname. + + + + ENS username + + + + Username + + + + Ask a question that only the real %1 will be able to answer e.g. a question about a shared experience, or ask Mark to enter a code or phrase you have sent to them via a different communication channel (phone, post, etc...). + + + + Waiting for %1's response... + + + + Copied to clipboard + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Chat settings + + + + Nickname + + + + None + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + + PublicChatPopup + + You need to enter a channel name + + + + The channel name can only contain lowercase letters, numbers and dashes + + + + Join public chat + + + + A public chat is where you get to hang out with others, make friends and talk about subjects of your interest. + + + + chat-name + + + + Start chat + + + + + RecipientSelector + + Invalid ethereum address + + + + Address + + + + My account + + + + Contact + + + + Recipient + + + + + RenameAccontModal + + Rename %1 + + + + Enter an account name... + + + + You need to enter an account name + + + + This is not a valid account name + + + + color + + + + Change Name + + + + Changing settings failed + + + + + RenameGroupPopup + + Group name + + + + Save + + + + + Retry + + Resend + + + + + RightTabView + + Assets + + + + Collectibles + + + + Activity + + + + History + + + + + SearchBox + + Search + + + + + SearchEngineModal + + Search engine + + + + None + + + + + SearchResults + + Non contacts + + + + No profile found + + + + + SeedPhraseBackupWarning + + Back up your seed phrase + + + + Back up + + + + + SeedPhraseTextArea + + Invalid seed phrase + + + + This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. + + + + Start with the first word + + + + + SelectAccountModal + + Select account + + + + Select account to share and receive assets + + + + Confirm and share address + + + + + SelectAnotherAccountModal + + Your keys + + + + Add another existing key + + + + + SelectGeneratedAccount + + Import new Seed Phrase + + + + Generate from Private key + + + + Add a watch-only address + + + + Imported + + + + Add new + + + + Origin + + + + + SendContactRequestMenuItem + + Send Contact Request + + + + + SendMessageMenuItem + + Send message + + + + + SendToContractWarning + + Tokens will be sent directly to a contract address, which may result in a loss of funds. To transfer ERC-20 tokens, ensure the recipient address is the address of the destination wallet. + + + + + SendTransactionButton + + Sign and send + + + + + SettingsDirtyToastMessage + + Changes detected + + + + Cancel + + + + Save changes + + + + + SignMessageModal + + Signature request + + + + From + + + + Data + + + + Message + + + + Reject + + + + Sign + + + + Sign with password + + + + + SignPhraseModal + + Signing phrase + + + + This is your signing phrase + + + + You should see these 3 words before signing each transaction + + + + If you see a different combination, cancel the transaction and sign out + + + + Ok, got it + + + + Remind me later + + + + + StateBubble + + Pending + + + + Confirmed + + + + Unknown token + + + + Address requested + + + + Waiting to accept + + + + Address shared + + + + Address received + + + + Transaction declined + + + + failure + + + + Unknown state + + + + + StatusActivityCenterButton + + Activity + + + + + StatusAddressOrEnsValidator + + Please enter a valid address or ENS name. + + + + + StatusAddressValidator + + Please enter a valid address. + + + + + StatusAppChatView + + Join public chats + + + + Start chat + + + + + StatusAppCommunitiesPortalView + + Find community + + + + Featured + + + + Popular + + + + + StatusAsyncEnsValidator + + ENS name could not be resolved in to an address + + + + + StatusAsyncValidator + + invalid input + + + + + StatusBadge + + 99+ + + + + + StatusChatImageExtensionValidator + + Format not supported. + + + + Upload %1 only + + + + + StatusChatImageLoader + + Error loading the image + + + + Loading image... + + + + + StatusChatImageQtyValidator + + You can only upload %1 images at a time + + + + + StatusChatImageSizeValidator + + Max image size is %1 MB + + + + + StatusColorSpacePage + + Thickness + + + + Min saturate: + + + + Max saturate: + + + + Min value: + + + + Max value: + + + + Color + + + + + StatusCommunityTagsPage + + Select tags that will fit your Community + + + + Search tags + + + + Selected tags + + + + + StatusDialog + + Close + + + + Abort + + + + Cancel + + + + No to all + + + + No + + + + Open + + + + Save + + + + Save all + + + + Retry + + + + Ignore + + + + Ok + + + + Yes to all + + + + Yes + + + + Apply + + + + + StatusETHTransactionModal + + Contract interaction + + + + Wrong password + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Continue + + + + Choose account + + + + Sign with password + + + + Next + + + + + StatusEmojiSection + + No recent emojis + + + + + StatusFloatValidator + + Please enter a valid numeric value. + + + + + StatusGifColumn + + Remove from favorites + + + + Add to favorites + + + + + StatusGifPopup + + Search Tenor + + + + TRENDING + + + + FAVORITES + + + + RECENT + + + + Enable Tenor GIFs? + + + + Once enabled, GIFs posted in the chat may share your metadata with Tenor. + + + + Enable + + + + Favorite GIFs will appear here + + + + Recent GIFs will appear here + + + + Error while contacting Tenor API, please retry. + + + + Retry + + + + + StatusIntValidator + + Please enter a valid numeric value. + + + + + StatusItemSelector + + and + + + + or + + + + + StatusListPickerPage + + Search Languages + + + + Search Currencies + + + + + StatusNotification + + Open + + + + + StatusPasswordStrengthIndicator + + Very weak + + + + Weak + + + + So-so + + + + Good + + + + Great + + + + + StatusSNTTransactionModal + + Authorize %1 %2 + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Wrong password + + + + Continue + + + + Choose account + + + + Sign with password + + + + Send %1 %2 + + + + Next + + + + + StatusSearchListPopup + + Search... + + + + + StatusSearchLocationMenu + + Anywhere + + + + + StatusSearchPopup + + No results + + + + Anywhere + + + + Search + + + + In: + + + + In + + + + + StatusSpellcheckingMenuItems + + Add to dictionary + + + + Disable Spellchecking + + + + + StatusStackModal + + StackModal + + + + Next + + + + Finish + + + + + StatusStickerButton + + Buy for %1 SNT + + + + Uninstall + + + + Install + + + + Free + + + + Pending... + + + + Cancel + + + + Update + + + + + StatusStickersPopup + + You don't have any stickers yet + + + + Recently used stickers will appear here + + + + Get Stickers + + + + + StatusTagSelectorPage + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + + StatusUrlValidator + + Please enter a valid URL + + + + + StatusValidator + + invalid input + + + + + StatusWindowsTitleBar + + Status + + + + + SubheaderTabBar + + Step %1 of %2 + + + + + TabAddressSelectorView + + Saved + + + + My Accounts + + + + Recent + + + + Search for saved address + + + + No Saved Address + + + + No Recents + + + + + ToastMessage + + View on Etherscan + + + + Transaction pending... + + + + + TokenSettingsModal + + Manage Assets + + + + Add custom token + + + + + TokenSettingsModalContent + + Token details + + + + Remove token + + + + Custom + + + + Default + + + + + TouchIDAuthView + + Biometrics + + + + Would you like to use Touch ID +to login to Status? + + + + Yes, use Touch ID + + + + I prefer to use my password + + + + + TransactionBubbleView + + Transaction request + + + + ↑ Outgoing transaction + + + + ↓ Incoming transaction + + + + Token not found on your current network + + + + + TransactionDelegate + + From + + + + To + + + + At + + + + + TransactionModal + + Transaction Details + + + + confirmation(s) + + + + When the transaction has 12 confirmations you can consider it settled. + + + + Block + + + + Hash + + + + From + + + + To + + + + Gas limit + + + + Gas price + + + + Gas used + + + + Nonce + + + + + TransactionPreview + + From + + + + Recipient + + + + Unknown + + + + Asset + + + + Amount + + + + Network fee + + + + Data + + + + Data field + + + + + TransactionSigner + + You need to enter a password + + + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + Signing phrase + + + + Signing phrase is a 3 word combination that displayed when you entered the wallet on this device for the first time. + + + + Enter the password you use to unlock this device + + + + Password + + + + Enter password + + + + + UnblockContactConfirmationDialog + + Unblock User + + + + Unblocking will allow new messages you received from %1 to reach you. + + + + + UserListPanel + + Offline + + + + Online + + + + Inactive + + + + Do not disturb + + + + Idle + + + + + UserStatusContextMenu + + View My Profile + + + + Always online + + + + Inactive + + + + Set status automatically + + + + Online + + + + Offline + + + + + ViewProfileMenuItem + + View Profile + + + + + WakuNodesModal + + Waku nodes + + + + Use Waku nodes + + + + Select node automatically + + + + Waku Nodes + + + + Node %1 + + + + Add a new node + + + + + WalletFooter + + Send + + + + Receive + + + + Buy / Sell + + + + + WelcomeView + + Welcome to Status + + + + Your fully decentralized gateway to Ethereum and Web3. Crypto wallet, privacy first group chat, and dApp browser. + + + + I am new to Status + + + + I already use Status + + + + + main + + StatusQ Documentation App + + + + Status Desktop + + + + Open Status + + + + Quit + + + + diff --git a/ui/i18n/qml_nl.ts b/ui/i18n/qml_nl.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2d0e7f8a8a --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/i18n/qml_nl.ts @@ -0,0 +1,19039 @@ + + + + + about-app + Over + + + about-key-storage-content + Status heeft nooit toegang tot de private key. Maak een back-up van de seed phrase. Als je de telefoon verliest, is dit de enige manier om toegang te krijgen tot je keys. + + + about-key-storage-title + Over key-opslag + + + about-names-content + Niemand kan zich als jou voordoen! Je bent standaard anoniem en hoeft nooit je echte naam te onthullen. Je kunt tegen een kleine vergoeding een aangepaste naam registreren. + + + about-names-title + Namen kunnen niet veranderd worden. + + + access-key + Toegang tot key + + + access-existing-keys + Toegang tot bestaande keys + + + accept-and-share-address + Accepteer en deel adres + + + account-added + Account toegevoegd + + + account-color + Accountkleur + + + anyone + Iedereen + + + messages-from-contacts-only-subtitle + Alleen mensen die je hebt toegevoegd als contacten, kunnen een nieuwe chat met je beginnen of je uitnodigen voor een groep + + + accept-new-chats-from + Accepteer nieuwe chats van + + + account-name + Accountnaam + + + account-settings + Account instellingen + + + accounts + Accounts + + + active-online + Online + + + active-unknown + Onbekend + + + add + Toevoegen + + + add-a-watch-account + Voeg een watch-only adres toe + + + add-account + Een account toevoegen + + + add-account-description + Je kunt elk type Ethereum-account importeren om het aan je Status-wallet toe te voegen + + + add-account-incorrect-password + Wachtwoord lijkt onjuist te zijn. Voer wachtwoord in dat je gebruikt om app te ontgrendelen. + + + add-an-account + Een account toevoegen + + + add-bootnode + Bootnode toevoegen + + + add-contact + Contact toevoegen + + + add-custom-token + Aangepaste token toevoegen + + + add-mailserver + Toevoegen Status-node + + + add-members + Leden toevoegen + + + add-network + Toevoegen netwerk + + + add-node + + + + add-to-contacts + Toevoegen aan contacten + + + add-to-contacts-text + Door een gebruiker toe te voegen aan uw contactenlijst, deelt je jouw wallet-adres met hen. + + + address + Adres + + + address-received + Adres ontvangen + + + address-requested + Adres verzocht + + + address-request-accepted + Adresverzoek geaccepteerd + + + advanced + Gevorderd + + + advanced-settings + Geavanceerde instellingen + + + agree-by-continuing + Door verder te gaan ga je akkoord + met onze + + + all + Alle + + + allow + Toestaan + + + allowing-authorizes-this-dapp + Toestaan autoriseert deze DApp om je wallet-adres op te halen en Web3 in te schakelen + + + already-have-asset + Je hebt deze asset al + + + amount + Bedrag + + + are-you-sure-description + De seed-phrase kun je hierna niet meer zien + + + are-you-sure? + Weet je het zeker? + + + ask-in-status + Stel een vraag of meld een bug + + + at + op + + + authorize + Machtigen + + + available + Beschikbaar + + + available-participants + + Je kan nog één deelnemer selecteren + Je kan {{count}} deelnemers selecteren + + + + back + Terug + + + back-up-seed-phrase + Seed phrase + + + back-up-your-seed-phrase + Maak een back-up van je seed-phrase + + + backup-recovery-phrase + Back up seed phrase + + + balance + Balans + + + begin-set-up + Start instellen + + + biometric-auth-android-sensor-desc + Aanraaksensor + + + biometric-auth-android-sensor-error-desc + Mislukt + + + biometric-auth-android-title + Verificatie vereist + + + biometric-auth-confirm-logout + Opnieuw inloggen + + + biometric-auth-confirm-message + Biometrische verificatie is vereist om door te gaan, zo niet mogelijk, ontgrendel je keys met wachtwoord of passcode + + + biometric-auth-confirm-title + Je moet authenticeren! + + + biometric-auth-confirm-try-again + Probeer opnieuw + + + biometric-auth-error + Kan geen biometrische verificatie uitvoeren ({{code}}) + + + biometric-auth-login-error-title + Biometrische authenticatiefout + + + biometric-auth-login-ios-fallback-label + Voer wachtwoord in + + + biometric-auth-reason-login + In Status inloggen + + + biometric-auth-reason-verify + Verifieer verificatie + + + biometric-secure-with + Beveilig met {{bio-type-label}} + + + biometric-enable-keycard + Als je niet elke keer je Keycard wilt gebruiken om toegang te krijgen tot de app, schakel dan {{bio-type-label}} inloggen + + + biometric-enable + Als je niet elke keer je wachtwoord wilt invoeren om toegang te krijgen tot de app, schakel je {{bio-type-label}} inloggen in + + + biometric-disable-bioauth + {{bio-type-label}} uitschakelen + + + biometric-disable-password-title + Wachtwoord opslaan uitschakelen + + + biometric-disable-password-description + Als j dit uitschakelt, zult je ook + + + biometric-enable-button + {{bio-type-label}} inschakelen + + + biometric-fingerprint + Vingerafdruk + + + biometric-faceid + Face ID + + + biometric-touchid + Touch ID + + + blank-keycard-text + Je kunt pas doorgaan met je keycard nadat je keys en een naam hebt aangemaakt + + + blank-keycard-title + Het lijkt erop dat je een blanco keycard hebt gebruikt + + + block + Blokkeer + + + unblock + Deblokkeren + + + block-contact + Blokkeer deze gebruiker + + + block-contact-details + Door te blokkeren worden vorige berichten van deze gebruiker verwijderd en kunnen nieuwe berichten je niet meer bereiken + + + blocked-users + Geblokkeerde gebruikers + + + bootnode-address + Bootnode-adres + + + bootnode-details + Bootnode-gegevens + + + bootnode-format + enode://{enode-id}@{ip-adres}:{poort} + + + bootnodes + Bootnodes + + + bootnodes-enabled + Bootnodes ingeschakeld + + + bootnodes-settings + Bootnodes-instellingen + + + browsed-websites + Browsergeschiedenis verschijnt hier + + + browser + Browser + + + browser-not-secure + De verbinding is niet veilig! Teken geen transacties en verstuur geen persoonlijke gegevens via deze site. + + + browser-secure + De verbinding is veilig. Zorg ervoor dat je deze site echt vertrouwt voordat je transacties ondertekent of persoonlijke gegevens invoert. + + + browsers + Browsers + + + browsing-cancel + Annuleren + + + browsing-open-in-android-web-browser + Open in Android + + + browsing-open-in-ios-web-browser + Open in iOS + + + browsing-open-in-status + Open in Status + + + browsing-site-blocked-description1 + We hebben mogelijk schadelijke activiteiten vanaf dit adres waargenomen. Om jou en je wallet te beschermen, voorkomen we verdere navigatie. + +Als je denkt dat dit een fout is, laat het ons weten in de + + + browsing-site-blocked-description2 + publieke chat. + + + browsing-site-blocked-go-back + Ga terug + + + browsing-site-blocked-title + Deze site is geblokkeerd + + + browsing-title + Bladeren + + + bug-report + Meld een bug + + + bug-report-description + + + + bug-report-description-placeholder + + + + bug-report-steps + + + + bug-report-steps-placeholder + + + + bug-report-submit-email + + + + bug-report-submit-gh-issue + + + + bug-report-too-short-description + + + + camera-access-error + Om de vereiste cameratoestemming te verlenen, ga je naar je systeeminstellingen en zorg je ervoor dat Status > Camera is geselecteerd. + + + can-not-add-yourself + Dat ben jij, om een chat te starten, kies iemand anders + + + cancel + Annuleren + + + cancel-keycard-setup + Annuleren Keycard instellen + + + cannot-read-card + Kan card niet lezen. +Houdt het tegen de achterkant van je telefoon + + + cannot-use-default-pin + Passcode 000000 is niet toegestaan. +Gebruik een ander nummer + + + card-is-blank + Deze card is leeg + + + card-reseted + Card is gereset + + + card-unpaired + Card is ontkoppeld van het huidige apparaat + + + change-fleet + Verander fleet in {{fleet}} + + + change-log-level + Bevestig en herstart de app om het logniveau te wijzigen naar {{log-level}} + + + change-logging-enabled + Weet je zeker dat je loggen wilt {{enable}}? + + + change-passcode + Toegangscode wijzigen + + + change-password + Wachtwoord wijzigen + + + change-pin + Wijzig 6-cijferige passcode + + + change-puk + Wijzig 12-cijferige PUK + + + change-pairing + Wijzig koppelcode + + + change-pairing-title + Maak een nieuwe koppelcode + + + change-pairing-description + Het wijzigen van de koppelcode heeft geen invloed op de huidige koppelingen. Voor elke nieuwe koppeling is echter de nieuwe code vereist. + + + changed-amount-warning + Bedrag is gewijzigd van {{old}} in {{new}} + + + changed-asset-warning + Asset is gewijzigd van {{old}} in {{new}} + + + chaos-mode + Chaos-modus + + + chaos-unicorn-day + Chaos Unicorn-dag + + + chaos-unicorn-day-details + 🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🚀! + + + chat + Chat + + + chat-and-transact + Privé chatten en transacties doen met vrienden + + + chat-key + Chat-key + + + chat-name + + + + chat-settings + Chat-instellingen + + + chats + Chats + + + check-your-recovery-phrase + Controleer je seed phrase + + + choose-authentication-method + Kies een verificatiemethode + + + clear + Wissen + + + clear-all + Alles wissen + + + clear-history + Wissen geschiedenis + + + clear-history-action + Wissen + + + clear-history-confirmation + Wissen geschiedenis? + + + clear-history-confirmation-content + Weet je zeker dat je deze chatgeschiedenis wilt wissen? + + + clear-history-title + Wissen geschiedenis? + + + close + Sluiten + + + close-app-button + Bevestig + + + close-app-content + De app zal stoppen en sluiten. Wanneer je de app heropent, wordt het geselecteerde netwerk gebruikt + + + close-app-title + Waarschuwing! + + + command-button-send + Verzenden + + + communities + Communities + + + community-members + + {{count}} deelnemer + {{count}} deelnemers + + + + members-label + Deelnemers + + + open-membership + Open deelname + + + member-kick + Verwijder deelnemer + + + member-ban + Deelnemer verbannen + + + membership-requests + Deelnameverzoeken + + + community-members-title + Deelnemers + + + community-requests-to-join-title + Deelnameverzoeken + + + name-your-channel + Geef je kanaal een naam + + + name-your-channel-placeholder + Kanaalnaam + + + give-a-short-description + Geef een korte beschrijving + + + describe-channel + Kanaal beschrijven + + + communities-alpha + Communities (alfa) + + + communities-verified + ✓ Geverifieerde Status Community + + + communities-enabled + Communities ingeschakeld + + + request-access + Verzoek toegang + + + membership-request-pending + Deelnameverzoek in afwachting + + + create-community + Maak een community + + + create-category + Categorie maken + + + rearrange-categories + + + + edited + Bewerkt + + + edit-community + Bewerk community + + + editing-message + Bericht bewerken + + + community-edit-title + Bewerk community + + + community-invite-title + Uitnodigen + + + community-share-title + Delen + + + invite + + + + create-channel + Maak een kanaal + + + import-community + Importeer een community + + + import-community-title + Importeer een community + + + name-your-community + Geef je community een naam + + + name-your-community-placeholder + Een pakkende naam + + + give-a-short-description-community + Geef het een korte beschrijving + + + new-community-title + Nieuwe community + + + new-category + Nieuwe categorie + + + category-title + Categorie titel + + + membership-title + Criterium deelnemerschap + + + create-channel-title + Nieuw kanaal + + + edit-channel-title + Kanaal bewerken + + + community-thumbnail-image + Miniatuurafbeelding + + + community-emoji-thumbnail-title + + + + community-thumbnail-upload + Uploaden + + + community-image-take + Neem foto + + + community-image-pick + Kies een afbeelding + + + community-image-remove + Verwijderen + + + community-color + Community-kleur + + + community-link + Communitylink + + + community-color-placeholder + Kies een kleur + + + membership-button + Criterium deelnemerschap + + + membership-none + Geen + + + membership-none-placeholder + Je kunt nieuwe leden vragen om aan bepaalde criteria te voldoen voordat ze deel kunnen nemen. Dit kan op elk moment worden gewijzigd + + + membership-approval + Goedkeuring vereisen + + + membership-approval-description + Men kan gratis aan je community deelnemen, alleen moeten nieuwe deelnemers wel eerst door de maker van de community goedgekeurd worden + + + membership-invite + Uitnodiging van een ander lid vereisen + + + membership-invite-description + Je kunt alleen deelnemen aan je community door een uitnodiging van bestaande community-deelnemers + + + membership-ens + ENS-gebruikersnaam vereist + + + membership-ens-description + Je community vereist een ENS-gebruikersnaam om te kunnen deelnemen + + + membership-free + Geen vereiste + + + membership-free-description + Iedereen kan gratis aan je community deelnemen + + + community-roles + Rollen + + + community-key + Community-private-key + + + community-key-placeholder + Typ je community-private-key + + + leave-community + Verlaat community + + + enter-user-pk + Voer public-key gebruiker in + + + import + Importeren + + + complete-hardwallet-setup + Deze card is nu gekoppeld. Je hebt het nodig om transacties te ondertekenen en je keys te ontgrendelen + + + chat-notification-preferences + Meldingsinstellingen + + + completed + Voltooid + + + confirm + Bevestig + + + confirmation-request + Bevestigingsverzoek + + + confirmations + Bevestigingen + + + confirmations-helper-text + Wanneer de transactie 12 bevestigingen heeft kun je het als verrekend beschouwen. + + + connect + Verbinden + + + connect-mailserver-content + Verbinden met {{name}} ? + + + connected + Verbonden + + + connected-to + Verbonden met + + + connecting + Verbinden... + + + connecting-requires-login + Verbinding maken met een ander netwerk vereist inloggen + + + connection-with-the-card-lost + Verbinding met de card + is verloren + + + connection-with-the-card-lost-setup-text + Om met instellen verder te gaan houd je de card tegen de achterkant van de telefoon en zorg je ervoor dat de card in contact blijft met de telefoon. + + + connection-with-the-card-lost-text + Om verder te gaan, houd je de card tegen de achterkant van de telefoon + + + contact-code + Chat-key + + + contact-s + + contact + contacten + + + + contacts + Contacten + + + continue + Doorgaan + + + contract-address + Contract adres + + + contract-interaction + Contract-interactie + + + copy-info + Kopieer informatie + + + copy-qr + Kopieer code + + + copy-to-clipboard + Kopiëren + + + copy-transaction-hash + Kopieer transactie-ID + + + cost-fee + Kosten/Tarief + + + counter-9-plus + 9+ + + + counter-99-plus + 99+ + + + create + Maken + + + create-a-pin + Maak een 6-cijferige passcode + + + create-a-puk + Maak een 12-cijferige PUK-code + + + create-group-chat + Maak groepschat + + + create-multiaccount + Keys aanmaken + + + create-new-key + Nieuwe key aanmaken + + + create-pin + Maak 6-cijferige passcode + + + create-pin-description + Je hebt je card + deze 6-cijferige passcode nodig om Status te ontgrendelen en transacties te bevestigen + + + created-group-chat-description + Je hebt de groep {{group-name}} gemaakt + + + members-count + {{count}} deelnemers + + + cryptokitty-name + CryptoKitty #{{id}} + + + currency + Valuta + + + currency-display-name-aed + Emirati Dirham + + + currency-display-name-afn + Afghaanse Afghani + + + currency-display-name-ars + Argentijnse Peso + + + currency-display-name-aud + Australische Dollar + + + currency-display-name-bbd + Barbados Dollar + + + currency-display-name-bdt + Bengalese Taka + + + currency-display-name-bgn + Bulgaarse Lev + + + currency-display-name-bhd + Bahreinse Dinar + + + currency-display-name-bnd + Brunei Darussalam-Dollar + + + currency-display-name-bob + Boliviaanse Boliviano + + + currency-display-name-brl + Braziliaanse Reaal + + + currency-display-name-btn + Bhutaanse Ngultrum + + + currency-display-name-cad + Canadese Dollar + + + currency-display-name-chf + Zwitserse Frank + + + currency-display-name-clp + Chileense Peso + + + currency-display-name-cny + Chinese Yuan Renminbi + + + currency-display-name-cop + Colombiaanse Peso + + + currency-display-name-crc + Costa Ricaanse Colon + + + currency-display-name-czk + Tsjechische Kroon + + + currency-display-name-dkk + Deense Kroon + + + currency-display-name-dop + Dominicaanse Republiek Peso + + + currency-display-name-egp + Egyptische Pond + + + currency-display-name-etb + Ethiopische Birr + + + currency-display-name-eur + Euro + + + currency-display-name-gbp + Britse Pond + + + currency-display-name-gel + Georgische Lari + + + currency-display-name-ghs + Ghanese Cedi + + + currency-display-name-hkd + Hong Kong Dollar + + + currency-display-name-hrk + Kroatische Kuna + + + currency-display-name-huf + Hongaarse Forint + + + currency-display-name-idr + Indonesische Rupiah + + + currency-display-name-ils + Israël Shekel + + + currency-display-name-inr + Indiase Roepie + + + currency-display-name-isk + IJslandse Kroon + + + currency-display-name-jmd + Jamaicaanse Dollar + + + currency-display-name-jpy + Japanse Yen + + + currency-display-name-kes + Keniaanse Shilling + + + currency-display-name-krw + Zuid-Koreaanse Won + + + currency-display-name-kwd + Koeweitse Dinar + + + currency-display-name-kzt + Kazachstan Tenge + + + currency-display-name-lkr + Sri Lankaanse Roepie + + + currency-display-name-mad + Marokkaanse Dirham + + + currency-display-name-mdl + Moldavische Leu + + + currency-display-name-mur + Mauritiaanse Roepie + + + currency-display-name-mwk + Malawiaanse Kwacha + + + currency-display-name-mxn + Mexicaanse Peso + + + currency-display-name-myr + Maleise Ringgit + + + currency-display-name-mzn + Mozambique Metical + + + currency-display-name-nad + Namibische Dollar + + + currency-display-name-ngn + Nigeriaanse Naira + + + currency-display-name-nok + Noorse Kroon + + + currency-display-name-npr + Nepalese Roepie + + + currency-display-name-nzd + Nieuw Zeelandse Dollar + + + currency-display-name-omr + Omaanse Rial + + + currency-display-name-pen + Peruaanse Sol + + + currency-display-name-pgk + Papoea-Nieuw-Guinea Kina + + + currency-display-name-php + Filipijnse Peso + + + currency-display-name-pkr + Pakistaanse Roepie + + + currency-display-name-pln + Poolse Zloty + + + currency-display-name-pyg + Paraguayaanse Guarani + + + currency-display-name-qar + Qatar Riyal + + + currency-display-name-ron + Roemeense Leu + + + currency-display-name-rsd + Servische Dinar + + + currency-display-name-rub + Russische Roebel + + + currency-display-name-sar + Saoedi-Arabië Riyal + + + currency-display-name-sek + Zweedse Kroon + + + currency-display-name-sgd + Singapore Dollar + + + currency-display-name-thb + Thailand Baht + + + currency-display-name-try + Turkse Lira + + + currency-display-name-ttd + Trinidad en Tobago Dollar + + + currency-display-name-twd + Taiwanese Dollar + + + currency-display-name-tzs + Tanzaniaanse Shilling + + + currency-display-name-uah + Oekraïnse Grivna + + + currency-display-name-ugx + Oegandese Shilling + + + currency-display-name-usd + Amerikaanse Dollar + + + currency-display-name-uyu + Uruguayaanse Peso + + + currency-display-name-vef + Venezolaanse Bolivar + + + currency-display-name-vnd + Vietnamese Dong + + + currency-display-name-zar + Zuid-Afrikaanse Rand + + + current-network + Huidig netwerk + + + current-pin + Voer 6-cijferige passcode in + + + current-pin-description + Voer de 6-cijferige passcode in om door te gaan + + + custom + Aangepast + + + custom-networks + Aangepaste netwerken + + + dapp + ÐApp + + + dapp-would-like-to-connect-wallet + wil graag verbinden met + + + dapps + ÐApps + + + dapps-permissions + DApp-permissies + + + data + Gegevens + + + datetime-ago + geleden + + + datetime-ago-format + {{number}} {{time-intervals}} {{ago}} + + + datetime-ago-format-short + {{number}}{{time-intervals}} + + + datetime-day + + dag + dagen + + + + datetime-hour + + uur + uren + + + + datetime-minute + + minuut + minuten + + + + datetime-second + + seconde + seconden + + + + datetime-day-short + + d + d + + + + datetime-hour-short + + u + u + + + + datetime-minute-short + + m + m + + + + datetime-second-short + + s + s + + + + datetime-today + vandaag + + + datetime-yesterday + gisteren + + + decimals + Decimalen + + + decline + Afwijzen + + + decryption-failed-content + Er is een fout opgetreden bij het decoderen van je gegevens. Mogelijk moet je de oude gegevens wissen en een nieuwe account aanmaken. Tik op "Toepassen" om te wissen of "Annuleren" om opnieuw te proberen + + + default + Standaard + + + delete + Verwijderen + + + delete-and-leave-group + Groep verwijderen en verlaten + + + delete-bootnode + Verwijder bootnode + + + delete-bootnode-are-you-sure + Weet je zeker dat je deze bootnode wilt verwijderen? + + + delete-bootnode-title + Verwijder bootnode + + + delete-chat + Chat verwijderen + + + delete-chat-confirmation + Weet je zeker dat je deze chat wilt verwijderen? + + + delete-category-confirmation + + + + delete-confirmation + Verwijderen? + + + delete-mailserver + Verwijderen Status-node + + + delete-mailserver-are-you-sure + Weet je zeker dat je deze status-node wilt verwijderen? + + + delete-mailserver-title + Status-node verwijderen + + + delete-message + Verwijder bericht + + + delete-my-account + Mijn account verwijderen + + + delete-network-confirmation + Weet je zeker dat je dit netwerk wilt verwijderen? + + + delete-network-error + Maak verbinding met een ander netwerk voordat je deze verwijdert + + + delete-network-title + Netwerk verwijderen? + + + delete-node + + + + delete-node-are-you-sure + + + + delete-node-title + + + + delete-profile + Profiel verwijderen + + + delete-my-profile + Mijn profiel verwijderen + + + delete-profile-warning + Waarschuwing: als je de seed phrase niet hebt opgeschreven, verlies je toegang tot je middelen nadat je het profiel hebt verwijderd + + + profile-deleted-title + Profiel verwijderd + + + profile-deleted-content + Je profiel is succesvol verwijderd + + + profile-deleted-keycard + Je kunt nu een ander keypair op je Keycard herstellen + + + deny + Weigeren + + + description + Beschrijving + + + dev-mode + Ontwikkelmodus + + + dev-mode-settings + Instellingen ontwikkelingsmodus + + + device-syncing + Apparaat synchroniseren + + + devices + Apparaten + + + disable + uitschakelen + + + disabled + Uitgeschakeld + + + disconnected + Chat offline + + + discover + Ontdek + + + dismiss + Afwijzen + + + done + Klaar + + + edit + Bewerken + + + edit-group + Groep bewerken + + + edit-profile + Profiel bewerken + + + empty-chat-description + Er zijn nog geen berichten +in deze chat + + + empty-chat-description-one-to-one + Alle berichten die je hier verzendt, zijn gecodeerd en kunnen alleen worden gelezen door jou en + + + empty-chat-description-public + Het is hier de afgelopen {{quiet-hours}} stil geweest. Start het gesprek of + + + cleared-chat-description-public + + + + empty-chat-description-community + Het is hier de afgelopen {{quiet-hours}} stil geweest. + + + empty-chat-description-public-share-this + deel deze chat. + + + enable + Inschakelen + + + encrypt-with-password + Versleutel met wachtwoord + + + ens-10-SNT + 10 SNT + + + ens-add-username + Gebruikersnaam toevoegen + + + ens-agree-to + Ga akkoord met + + + ens-chat-settings + Chat-instellingen + + + ens-custom-domain + Aangepast domein + + + ens-custom-username-hints + Typ de volledige gebruikersnaam inclusief het aangepaste domein zoals username.domain.eth + + + ens-custom-username-taken + Gebruikersnaam is niet van jou :( + + + ens-deposit + Storting + + + ens-displayed-with + Uw berichten worden aan anderen weergegeven met + + + ens-get-name + Een universele gebruikersnaam aanvragen + + + ens-got-it + Oké, ik snap het + + + ens-locked + Gebruikersnaam vergrendeld. Je kunt het niet vrijgeven tot {{date}} + + + ens-network-restriction + Alleen beschikbaar op Mainnet + + + ens-no-usernames + Je hebt geen gebruikersnaam verbonden + + + ens-powered-by + Mogelijk gemaakt door Ethereum Name Services + + + ens-primary-username + Primaire gebruikersnaam + + + ens-register + Registreren + + + ens-registration-in-progress + Registratie bezig ... + + + ens-registration-failure + Registratie mislukt + + + ens-dismiss-message + Klik hier om te sluiten + + + ens-registration-failed + Probeer opnieuw om de gebruikersnaam te registreren. + + + ens-registration-failed-title + Transactie mislukt + + + ens-release-username + Gebruikersnaam vrijgeven + + + ens-remove-hints + Verwijderen zal gebruikersnaam van de key losmaken. + + + ens-remove-username + Gebruikersnaam verwijderen + + + ens-saved + is nu verbonden met je key en kan worden gebruikt in Status. + + + ens-saved-title + Gebruikersnaam toegevoegd + + + ens-show-username + Mijn ENS-gebruikersnaam weergeven in chats + + + ens-terms-header + Voorwaarden voor naamregistratie + + + ens-terms-point-1 + Middelen worden voor 1 jaar gestort. Je SNT-tokens worden vastgehouden, maar niet uitgegeven. + + + ens-terms-point-10 + 0x00000000000C2E074eC69A0dFb2997BA6C7d2e1e (ENS-register). + + + ens-terms-point-2 + Na 1 jaar kun je de naam vrijgeven en je aanbetaling terugkrijgen, of geen actie ondernemen om de naam te behouden. + + + ens-terms-point-3 + Als de voorwaarden van het contract veranderen - bv. Status maakt contractupgrades - heeft de gebruiker het recht om de gebruikersnaam vrij te geven, ongeacht de vastgehouden tijd. + + + ens-terms-point-4 + De contractbeheerder heeft geen toegang tot jouw gestorte middelen. Ze kunnen alleen terug worden gestuurd naar het adres wat ze heeft verzonden. + + + ens-terms-point-5 + Je adres(sen) zullen publiekelijk worden gekoppeld met je ENS-naam. + + + ens-terms-point-6 + Gebruikersnamen worden gemaakt als subdomein-nodes van stateofus.eth en zijn onderworpen aan de ENS-smart-contract voorwaarden. + + + ens-terms-point-7 + Je machtigt het contract om namens jou SNT over te maken. Dit kan alleen gebeuren als je een transactie goedkeurt om het overmaken te autoriseren. + + + ens-terms-point-8 + Deze voorwaarden worden gegarandeerd door de smart-contract logica van adressen: + + + ens-terms-point-9 + {{address}} (Status GebruikersnaamRegistratie) + + + ens-terms-registration + Voorwaarden voor naamregistratie + + + ens-test-message + Hallo + + + ens-transaction-pending + Transactie in afwachting... + + + ens-understand + Ik begrijp dat mijn wallet-adres openbaar zal worden verbonden met mijn gebruikersnaam. + + + ens-username + ENS gebruikersnaam + + + ens-username-available + ✓ Gebruikersnaam beschikbaar! + + + ens-username-connected + Deze gebruikersnaam is jouw eigendom en is verbonden met de chat-key. + + + ens-username-connection-confirmation + {{username}} wordt verbonden zodra de transactie is voltooid. + + + ens-username-hints + Minimaal 4 tekens. Allen Latijnse letters, cijfers en kleine letters. + + + ens-username-invalid + Alleen letters en cijfers. + + + ens-username-owned + ✓ Gebruikersnaam is jouw eigendom. + + + ens-username-registration-confirmation + Mooi! Je bezit {{username}} zodra de transactie voltooid is. + + + ens-username-you-can-follow-progress + Je kunt de voortgang volgen in het Transactie Geschiedenis gedeelte van je wallet. + + + ens-usernames + ENS gebruikersnamen + + + ens-usernames-details + Registreer een universele gebruikersnaam om makkelijk door andere gebruikers herkend te worden + + + wallet-address + Wallet-adres + + + ens-want-custom-domain + Ik bezit een naam op een ander domein + + + ens-want-domain + Ik wil een stateofus.eth domein + + + ens-welcome-hints + ENS-namen zetten die hele lange adressen om in unieke gebruikersnamen. + + + ens-welcome-point-customize + Een ENS-naam kan je willekeurige drie-woorden-naam in de chat vervangen. Wees @jenaam in plaats van {{name}}. + + + ens-welcome-point-customize-title + Je chatnaam aanpassen + + + ens-welcome-point-simplify + Je kunt middelen ontvangen op je eenvoudig te delen ENS-naam in plaats van op je hexadecimale hash (0x ...). + + + ens-welcome-point-simplify-title + Vereenvoudig je ETH-adres + + + ens-welcome-point-receive + Anderen kunnen je middelen sturen via chat met één simpele stap. + + + ens-welcome-point-receive-title + Ontvang transacties in de chat + + + ens-welcome-point-register + Registreer éénmaal om naam voor altijd te behouden. Na 1 jaar kunt je de naam vrijgeven en je SNT terugkrijgen. + + + ens-welcome-point-register-title + 10 SNT om te registreren + + + ens-welcome-point-verify + Je kunt al je gebruikersnamen verifiëren en toevoegen in de volgende stappen. + + + ens-welcome-point-verify-title + Heeft u al een gebruikersnaam? + + + ens-your-username + Je gebruikersnaam + + + ens-your-usernames + Je gebruikersnamen + + + ens-your-your-name + Je ENS-naam + + + ens-username-already-added + Gebruikersnaam is al verbonden met je chat-key en kan gebruikt worden in Status. + + + ens-username-connected-continue + Ga door om `Mijn ENS-gebruikersnaam weergeven in chats` in te stellen. + + + ens-username-connected-with-different-key + Doorgaan zal een transactie vereisen om gebruikersnaam te verbinden met uw huidige chat-key. + + + ens-username-owned-continue + Doorgaan zal deze gebruikersnaam verbinden met je chat-key. + + + ens-username-taken + Gebruikersnaam is al bezet :( + + + ens-name-not-found + Kan ENS-naam niet vinden + + + ens-username-registration-invalid + + + + ens-username-invalid-name-warning + + + + enter-12-words + Voer de 12 woorden van je seed phrase in, gescheiden door spaties + + + enter-a-private-key + Private-key invoeren + + + enter-a-seed-phrase + Seed phrase invoeren + + + enter-address + Adres invoeren + + + enter-contact-code + ENS (vitalik94) of chat-key (0x04...) + + + enter-pair-code + Voer je koppelcode in + + + pair-code-placeholder + Koppelcode ... + + + enter-pair-code-description + De koppelcode werd aan je weergegeven tijdens instellen van de Keycard + + + enter-password + Voer wachtwoord in + + + enter-password-migration-prompt + Voer wachtwoord in om contacten, chats en instellingen samen met je keys te verplaatsen + + + migration-successful + Migratie geslaagd + + + migration-successful-text + Account succesvol gemigreerd naar Keycard + + + skip + Overslaan + + + password-placeholder + Wachtwoord... + + + confirm-password-placeholder + Bevestig je wachtwoord... + + + enter-pin + Voer 6-cijferige passcode in + + + enter-puk-code + Voer de PUK-code in + + + enter-puk-code-description + 6-cijferige passcode is geblokkeerd. + Voer de PUK-code in om de passcode te deblokkeren. + + + enter-recipient-address-or-username + Voer adres of gebruikersnaam van de ontvanger in + + + enter-seed-phrase + Seed phrase invoeren + + + enter-url + URL invoeren + + + enter-watch-account-address + Scan een QR-code +of +voer adres in om te kijken + + + enter-word + Woord invoeren + + + enter-your-code + Voer je 6-cijferige code in + + + enter-your-password + Voer je wachtwoord in + + + error + Fout + + + error-unable-to-get-balance + Kan geen saldo vinden + + + error-unable-to-get-prices + Fout bij het omrekenen van valuta. Vernieuw je scherm om het opnieuw te proberen. + + + error-unable-to-get-token-balance + Kan tokensaldo niet krijgen + + + errors + Fouten + + + eth + ETH + + + ethereum-node-started-incorrectly-description + Ethereum-node werd gestart met onjuiste configuratie, applicatie zal worden gestopt om daarvan te herstellen. Geconfigureerd netwerk id = {{network-id}}, daadwerkelijk = {{fetched-network-id}} + + + ethereum-node-started-incorrectly-title + Ethereum-node onjuist gestart + + + etherscan-lookup + Kijk op Etherscan + + + export-account + Account exporteren + + + export-key + Exporteren private-key + + + community-private-key + Community private-key + + + failed + Mislukt + + + faq + Vaak gestelde vragen + + + fetch-messages + ↓ Berichten ophalen + + + fetch-timeline + ↓ Ophalen + + + find + Zoeken + + + finish + Voltooien + + + finishing-card-setup + Card-instellen voltooien + + + fleet + Fleet + + + fleet-settings + Fleet-instellingen + + + follow-your-interests + Spring in een publieke chat en ontmoet nieuwe mensen + + + follow + Volgen + + + free + ↓ Gratis + + + from + Van + + + gas-limit + Gas-limiet + + + gas-price + Gas-prijs + + + gas-used + Gas gebruikt + + + generate-a-key + Keys aanmaken + + + generate-a-new-account + Maak een account aan + + + generate-a-new-key + Maak een nieuwe key aan + + + generate-account + Keys aanmaken + + + generate-new-key + Keys aanmaken + + + your-keys + Je keys + + + generating-codes-for-pairing + > Downloaden productsoftware naar card + > Genereren van ontgrendel & koppelcodes + + + generating-keys + Keys genereren.... + + + you-will-need-this-code + Je hebt deze code nodig om Status te openen en transacties te tekenen + + + generating-mnemonic + Seed phrase wordt aangemaakt + + + get-started + Starten + + + get-status-at + Download Status op http://status.im + + + get-stickers + Haal stickers + + + go-to-settings + Ga naar Instellingen... + + + got-it + Begrepen + + + group-chat + Groepschat + + + group-chat-admin + Beheerder + + + group-chat-admin-added + **{{member}}** is beheerder geworden + + + group-chat-created + **{{member}}** heeft de groep **{{name}}** gemaakt + + + group-chat-decline-invitation + Uitnodiging afslaan + + + group-chat-member-added + **{{member}}** is uitgenodigd + + + group-chat-member-joined + **{{member}}** heeft zich bij de groep aangesloten + + + group-chat-member-removed + **{{member}}** heeft de groep verlaten + + + group-chat-members-count + {{selected}}/ {{max}} deelnemers + + + group-chat-name-changed + **{{member}}** heeft groepsnaam gewijzigd in **{{name}}** + + + group-chat-no-contacts + Je hebt nog geen contacten. + Nodig je vrienden uit om te chatten + + + leave-chat + Chat verlaten + + + leave-confirmation + Chat verlaten + + + leave-chat-confirmation + Weet je zeker dat je de chat wilt verlaten? + + + group-chat-all-contacts-invited + Al uw contacten zitten al in de groep + + + group-info + Groepsinfo + + + gwei + Gwei + + + hash + Hash + + + help + hulp + + + help-capitalized + Help + + + help-center + Hulpcentrum + + + hide-content-when-switching-apps + Blokkeer screenshots maken + + + hide-content-when-switching-apps-ios + Verberg preview + + + history + Geschiedenis + + + history-nodes + Status-nodes + + + hold-card + Houd de card tegen de achterkant + van je telefoon + + + home + Home + + + hooks + Hooks + + + identifier + Identifier + + + image-remove-current + Verwijder huidige foto + + + image-source-gallery + Selecteer uit galerij + + + image-source-make-photo + Vastleggen + + + image-source-title + Foto bewerken + + + profile-pic-take + Neem foto + + + profile-pic-pick + Selecteer uit galerij + + + profile-pic-remove + Verwijder foto + + + in-contacts + In contacten + + + incoming + Inkomend + + + incoming-transaction + Inkomende transactie + + + incorrect-code::0 + str + + + incorrect-code::1 + Sorry, de code was onjuist, voer het opnieuw in + + + initialization + Initialisatie + + + install + ↓ Installeer + + + intro-message1 + Welkom bij Status! + Tik op dit bericht om je wachtwoord in te stellen en aan de slag te gaan. + + + intro-privacy-policy-note1 + Status verzamelt geen of profiteert niet van je persoonlijke gegevens. Door verder te gaan, ga je akkoord met het + + + intro-privacy-policy-note2 + privacybeleid + + + intro-text + Status is je toegangspoort tot het gedecentraliseerde web + + + intro-text1 + Chat via een peer-to-peer, versleuteld netwerk waar berichten niet gecensureerd of gehackt kunnen worden + + + intro-text2 + Verstuur en ontvang digitale assets overal ter wereld - geen bankrekening vereist + + + intro-text3 + Ontdek games, exchanges en sociale netwerken waar jij alleen eigenaar bent van je gegevens + + + intro-title1 + Echte privé-communicatie + + + intro-title2 + Veilige crypto-wallet + + + intro-title3 + Gedecentraliseerde apps + + + intro-wizard-text1 + Een set keys beheert je account. De keys staan op je telefoon, dus alleen jij kunt ze gebruiken + + + intro-wizard-text2 + Deze key wordt gebruikt voor chat. Het komt met een leesbare naam die niet kan worden veranderd. + + + intro-wizard-text3 + Als je een Keycard hebt, bewaar dan je keys daar voor extra veiligheid. + + + intro-wizard-text4 + Beveilig en versleutel je keys + + + intro-wizard-text6 + Status zal je melden over nieuwe berichten. Je kunt meldingsvoorkeuren later in de instellingen bewerken + + + intro-wizard-title-alt4 + Maak een wachtwoord + + + intro-wizard-title-alt5 + Bevestig je wachtwoord + + + intro-wizard-title1 + Ontvang je keys + + + intro-wizard-title2 + Kies een chatnaam + + + intro-wizard-title3 + Key-opslag selecteren + + + intro-wizard-title4 + Maak een 6-cijferige passcode + + + intro-wizard-title5 + Bevestig de passcode + + + intro-wizard-title6 + Meldingen inschakelen + + + are-you-sure-to-cancel + Weet je zeker dat je wilt annuleren? + + + you-will-start-from-scratch + Je start helemaal opnieuw met een nieuwe set keys + + + invalid-address-qr-code + Gescande QR-code bevat geen geldig adres + + + invalid-format + Ongeldig formaat +Moet {{format}} zijn + + + invalid-key-confirm + Toepassen + + + invalid-key-content + Database kan niet worden versleuteld omdat een bestand corrupt is. Je middelen en chat-key zijn veilig. Andere gegevens, zoals je chats en contacten, kunnen niet worden hersteld. "{{erase-multiaccounts-data-button-text}}" knop, zal alle andere gegevens verwijderen en geeft je toegang tot je middelen en het verzenden van berichten + + + invalid-number + Ongeldig nummer + + + invalid-pairing-password + Ongeldig koppel-wachtwoord + + + invalid-range + Ongeldig formaat, moet tussen {{min}} en {{max}} liggen + + + invalid-username-or-key + Ongeldige gebruikersnaam of chat key + + + join-me + Hey, doe mee met Status: {{url}} + + + join-a-community + of word lid van een community + + + http-gateway-error + Oeps, verzoek mislukt! + + + sign-request-failed + Kon bericht niet ondertekenen + + + invite-friends + Vrienden uitnodigen + + + invite-people + Mensen uitnodigen + + + invite-reward + Verdien crypto voor elke vriend die je uitnodigt! + + + invite-select-account + Selecteer een account om doorverwijsbonus te ontvangen + + + invited + uitgenodigd + + + invite-button + Uitnodigen + + + invite-receive-account + Account om doorverwijsbonus op te ontvangen + + + how-it-works + Hoe het werkt + + + invite-warning + Deze promotie is alleen geldig voor gebruikers van een Android toestel, die geen inwoner zijn van de VS. Vriend moet doorverwijzing binnen 7 dagen bevestigen + + + invite-instruction-first + Je stuurt een unieke uitnodigingslink naar je vriend om status te downloaden en te installeren + + + invite-instruction-second + Je vriend downloadt Status en maakt een account aan (op Android) + + + invite-instruction-third + Er wordt een chat met je vriend gestart, waarin de doorverwijzing bevestigd wordt + + + invite-instruction-fourth + Je ontvangt je doorverwijsbonus en je vriend het starterspakket + + + invite-instruction-fifth + Je kunt er op ieder moment voor kiezen om je doorverwijsbonus in te wisselen. + + + invite-reward-you + Jij: + + + invite-reward-you-name + Doorverwijsbonus + + + invite-reward-you-description + Nodig een vriend uit en ontvang {{reward}} als doorverwijsbonus. Gebruik het om stickers te krijgen, een ENS naam en probeer dapps + + + invite-reward-friend + Vriend: + + + invite-reward-friend-name + Starterspakket + + + invite-reward-friend-description + Je vriend ontvangt een starterspakket dat bestaat uit enkele {{reward}} om aan de slag te gaan + + + invite-privacy-policy1 + Door te accepteren ga je akkoord met het doorverwijsprogramma + + + invite-privacy-policy2 + Algemene voorwaarden. + + + invite-privacy-policy-public + Je hebt Status geïnstalleerd via een doorverwijs-link. Door deel te nemen aan deze chat, beloon je uw verwijzer toe en gaat u akkoord met de + + + invite-chat-name + Verwijs een vriend door + + + invite-chat-starter-pack + Starterspakket + + + invite-chat-intro + Je werd doorverwezen door een vriend om Status te installeren. Hier is wat crypto om je op weg te helpen! Gebruik het om een ENS-naam te registreren of een stickerpakket te kopen + + + invite-public-chat-home + Doorverwijsuitnodiging + + + invite-public-chat-intro + Hier is wat crypto om je op weg te helpen! Gebruik het voor een ENS naam en stickers + + + invite-chat-accept + Accepteren + + + invite-chat-pending + In afwachting + + + invite-chat-accept-join + Accepteren en toetreden + + + invite-chat-rule + Als je accepteert, wordt je vriend ook beloond met een crypto-doorverwijsbonus + + + redeem-now + Nu inwisselen + + + redeem-amount + {{quantity}} bonussen beschikbaar + + + redeem-success + Inwisselen bonus succes! + + + attribution-received + {{attrib}} van {{max}} ontvangen bonussen + + + advertiser-starter-pack-title + Starterspakket + + + advertiser-starter-pack-description + Hier is wat crypto om je op weg te helpen! Gebruik het voor stickers, een ENS naam en om dapps te proberen + + + advertiser-title + Privacy is standaard + + + advertiser-description + Je hebt Status dankzij een partner ontdekt. Vind je het erg als Status je IP-adres één keer controleert, zodat ze worden beloond? Deze informatie wordt nergens anders voor gebruikt en wordt na 7 dagen volledig verwijderd. + + + advertiser-starter-pack-accept + Accepteren + + + advertiser-starter-pack-decline + Afwijzen + + + dapp-starter-pack-title + Startpakket + + + dapp-starter-pack-description + Hier is wat crypto om je op weg te helpen! Gebruik het om stickers, een ENS naam te krijgen en dapps te proberen + + + dapp-starter-pack-accept + Accepteren en openen + + + starter-pack-coming + Starterspakket komt jouw kant op + + + starter-pack-coming-description + Het kan enkele minuten tot uren duren + + + starter-pack-received + Starter Pack ontvangen + + + starter-pack-received-description + Hier is wat crypto om je op weg te helpen! Gebruik het voor stickers, een ENS naam en om dapps te proberen + + + join-group-chat + Aan groep deelnemen + + + join-group-chat-description + {{username}} heeft je uitgenodigd om deelnemer te worden van groep {{group-name}} + + + joined-group-chat-description + Je bent deelnemer geworden van {{group-name}} via een uitnodiging van {{username}} + + + key + Key + + + keycard + Keycard + + + keycard-access-reset + Keycard-toegang is gereset + + + keycard-can-use-with-new-passcode + Je kunt deze card gebruiken met je nieuwe passcode + + + keycard-applet-install-instructions + Om de applet te installeren volgt je de instructies op https://github.com/status-im/keycard-cli#keycard-applet-installation + + + keycard-blocked + Keycard is geblokkeerd. +Je moet de card resetten om deze te kunnen blijven gebruiken. + + + keycard-cancel-setup-text + Hiermee wordt instellen van de keycard geannuleerd. Het wordt sterk aangeraden instellen af te ronden om de keycard te gebruiken. Wil je echt annuleren? + + + keycard-cancel-setup-title + Gevaarlijke handeling + + + keycard-desc + Heb je een Keycard? Bewaar je keys erop; je hebt ze nodig voor transacties + + + keycard-dont-ask-card + Vraag niet om card om in te loggen + + + keycard-reset-passcode + Reset passcode + + + keycard-factory-reset + Card terugzetten naar fabrieksinstellingen + + + keycard-factory-reset-title + Weet je zeker dat je een fabrieksreset wilt uitvoeren? + + + keycard-factory-reset-text + Als je dit uitvoert, worden alle mnemonic-phrases die op de card zijn opgeslagen, verwijderd. Zorg ervoor dat je een back-up hebt van de mnemonic-phrase die je met deze Keycard hebt gebruikt. + + + keycard-enter-new-passcode + Voer een nieuwe passcode in {{step}} / 2 + + + keycard-has-multiaccount-on-it + Deze card is vol. Elke card kan één key-paar bevatten + + + keycard-onboarding-finishing-header + Afronden + + + keycard-onboarding-intro-header + Bewaar je keys op Keycard + + + keycard-onboarding-intro-text + Maak je klaar, dit kan een paar minuten duren, maar het is belangrijk om je account te beveiligen + + + keycard-onboarding-pairing-header + De card koppelen... + + + keycard-onboarding-preparing-header + Card aan het voorbereiden... + + + keycard-onboarding-puk-code-header + Schrijf de codes op + en bewaar ze veilig + + + keycard-onboarding-recovery-phrase-description + Je hebt deze seed phrase nodig om je key terug te krijgen. Schrijf het op. Bewaar het veilig, offline en apart van dit apparaat. + + + keycard-onboarding-recovery-phrase-header + Maak een back up seed phrase + + + keycard-onboarding-recovery-phrase-text + Alleen voor jouw ogen. Dit is de magische seed phrase die gebruikt wordt om je key aan te maken. + + + keycard-onboarding-start-header + Houdt de card tegen de achterkant van je telefoon om te starten + + + keycard-onboarding-pin-text + Je moet een 6-cijferige toegangscode maken die wordt gebruikt om toegang tot je Keycard te beveiligen. + + + keycard-onboarding-mnemonic-text + Je hebt ook een stuk papier en een potlood nodig om je seed-phrase op te schrijven. + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step1 + Maak een passcode + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step1-text + Ongeveer 1 minuut. Maak een 6-cijferige passcode om je keys te versleutelen + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step2 + Schrijf de PUK en koppelcode op + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step2-text + Ongeveer 1 minuut. Je hebt daar papier en potlood voor nodig + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step3 + Maak een back-up van de seed phrase + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step3-text + Ongeveer 1 minuut. Ook papier en potlood zijn nodig + + + keycard-onboarding-start-text + En houdt de card in contact met de telefoon tijdens het instellen. Instellen duurt ongeveer 4 minuten + + + keycard-recovery-intro-button-text + Start herstel + + + keycard-recovery-intro-header + Herstel keys die op de keycard opgeslagen zijn + + + keycard-recovery-intro-text + Als je eerder met een keycard keys hebt aangemaakt en deze nu op dit apparaat wilt gebruiken + + + keycard-recovery-no-key-header + Er is hier niets om +te herstellen + + + keycard-recovery-no-key-text + Op je Keycard is geen key opgeslagen. Om deze te gebruiken, maak je een nieuwe key aan en kies je de Keycard om de key op te slaan + + + keycard-recovery-phrase-confirm-header + Bevestig seed-phrase + + + keycard-recovery-phrase-confirmation-text + Je krijgt geen tweede kans! Als je de toegang verliest, bijvoorbeeld door de keycard te verliezen, heb je alleen toegang tot je keys met de seed phrase. Alleen jij hebt de seed phrase. Schrijf het op. Hou het veilig. + + + keycard-recovery-phrase-confirmation-title + Heb je de seed phrase opgeschreven? + + + keycard-recovery-success-header + Je keys zijn + met succes hersteld + + + keycard-redeem-title + Inwisselen naar + + + keycard-redeem-tx + Inwisselen assets + + + keycard-redeem-tx-desc + Tik op de card om te tekenen en assets te ontvangen + + + keycard-unauthorized-operation + Je bent niet geautoriseerd om deze handeling uit te voeren. +Gebruik een geldige card en probeer het opnieuw. + + + keycard-is-frozen-title + Keycard is geblokkeerd + + + keycard-is-frozen-details + Om je assets te beschermen, is je card bevroren. Reset de card om deze te deblokkeren en transacties te kunnen verzenden. Je kunt dit doen met jouw PUK of mnemonic-phrase. + + + keycard-is-frozen-reset + Reset met PUK + + + keycard-is-frozen-factory-reset + Reset met mnemonic + + + your-card-is-frozen + Je Keycard is geblokkeerd. Card-toegang resetten + + + keycard-is-blocked-title + Keycard is geblokkeerd + + + keycard-is-blocked-details + Je kunt deze card niet langer gebruiken voor toegang of tekenen voor deze account. Er zijn te veel mislukte passcode- en PUK-pogingen geweest. + + + keycard-is-blocked-instructions + Om toegang tot je account te krijgen moet je een fabrieksreset op de card uitvoeren. Tik op de onderstaande knop om de procedure te starten, je hebt jouw mnemonic-phrase nodig. + + + language + Taal + + + learn-more + Meer leren + + + learn-more-about-keycard + Meer informatie over Keycard + + + leave + Verlaten + + + joined + Toegetreden + + + leave-group + Verlaat groep + + + left + links + + + lets-go + Let's go + + + les-ulc + LES / ULC + + + linked-on + Gekoppeld op {{date}} + + + load-messages-before + voor {{date}} + + + load-more-messages + ↓ Haal meer berichten op + + + load-more-timeline + ↓ Meer ophalen + + + loading + Laden... + + + log-level + Log-niveau + + + log-level-settings + Instellingen logniveau + + + logging + Loggen + + + logging-enabled + Loggen ingeschakeld? + + + login-pin-description + Voer de 6-cijferige passcode in om je keys te ontgrendelen + + + logout + Uitloggen + + + logout-app-content + Het account wordt uitgelogd. Als je het weer ontgrendelt, wordt het geselecteerde netwerk gebruikt + + + logout-are-you-sure + Weet je zeker dat je wilt + uitloggen? + + + logout-title + Uitloggen? + + + logout-key-management + U moet uitloggen om toegang te krijgen tot het key-beheer. + + + looking-for-cards + Op zoek naar cards... + + + lost-connection + Verbinding verbroken + + + mailserver-address + Status-node adres + + + mailserver-automatic + Automatische selectie + + + mailserver-automatic-switch-explanation + Kies de snelst beschikbare Status-node + + + mailserver-connection-error + Kon geen verbinding maken met Status-node + + + mailserver-details + Status-node gegevens + + + mailserver-error-content + De Status-node die je hebt geselecteerd kon niet worden bereikt. + + + mailserver-error-title + Fout bij verbinden met Status-node + + + mailserver-format + enode://{enode-id}:{wachtwoord}@{ip-adres}:{poort} + + + mailserver-pick-another + Kies een andere Status-node + + + mailserver-reconnect + Kan geen verbinding maken met Status-node. Tik om opnieuw te verbinden + + + mailserver-request-error-content + De volgende fout werd door de Status-node teruggestuurd: {{error}} + + + mailserver-request-error-status + Er is een fout opgetreden tijdens het ophalen van de geschiedenis, controleer de logs voor details + + + mailserver-request-error-title + Status-node verzoekfout + + + mailserver-request-retry + Verzoek opnieuw proberen + + + mailserver-retry + Opnieuw proberen + + + main-currency + Hoofdvaluta + + + main-networks + Hoofdnetwerken + + + main-wallet + Hoofd-wallet + + + mainnet-network + Hoofdnetwerk + + + make-admin + Beheerder maken + + + manage-keys-and-storage + Beheer keys en opslag + + + mark-all-read + Markeer alles als gelezen + + + members + + 1 deelnemer + {{count}} deelnemers + + + + members-active + + deelnemer + deelnemers + + + + members-active-none + geen deelnemers + + + members-title + Deelnemers + + + message + Bericht + + + message-not-sent + Bericht niet verzonden + + + message-options-cancel + Annuleren + + + message-reply + Antwoord + + + replying-to + {{author}} beantwoorden + + + data-syncing + Gegevens synchroniseren + + + messages + Berichten + + + chat-is-a-contact + Contact + + + chat-is-not-a-contact + Geen contactpersoon + + + might-break + Kan sommige ÐApps breken + + + migrations-failed-content + {{message}} + schemaversie: eerste {{initial-version}}, huidige {{current-version}}, laatste {{last-version}} + +Er is een databasefout opgetreden. Je geld en chat-key zijn veilig. Andere gegevens, zoals je chats en contacten, kunnen niet worden hersteld. "{{erase-multiaccounts-data-button-text}}" knop, zal alle andere gegevens verwijderen en geeft je toegang tot je middelen en het versturen van berichten. + + + mobile-network-ask-me + Vraag me wanneer mobiele dataverbinding + + + mobile-network-continue-syncing + Ga door met synchroniseren + + + mobile-network-continue-syncing-details + Je kunt dit later wijzigen in de instellingen + + + mobile-network-go-to-settings + Ga naar instellingen + + + mobile-network-settings + Mobiele dataverbinding + + + mobile-network-sheet-configure + Je kunt synchronisatie verder configureren in + + + mobile-network-sheet-offline + Geen wifi, berichten synchroniseren uitgeschakeld. + + + mobile-network-sheet-offline-details + Synchroniseren via mobiel netwerk is uitgeschakeld + + + mobile-network-sheet-remember-choice + Onthoud mijn keuze + + + mobile-network-sheet-settings + instellingen + + + mobile-network-start-syncing + Start synchroniseren + + + mobile-network-stop-syncing + Stop met synchroniseren + + + mobile-network-stop-syncing-details + Totdat er wifi-verbinding is? + + + mobile-network-use-mobile + Gebruik mobiele dataverbinding + + + mobile-network-use-mobile-data + Status gebruikt veel data bij het synchroniseren van chats en wallet. + + + mobile-network-use-wifi + Alleen wifi + + + mobile-syncing-sheet-details + Status gebruikt veel data bij het synchroniseren van chats en wallet. + + + mobile-syncing-sheet-title + Synchroniseren met mobiele dataverbinding? + + + more + meer + + + multiaccount-exists-title + Keys voor dit account bestaan al + + + multiaccount-exists-content + Keys voor dit account bestaan al en kunnen niet opnieuw worden toegevoegd. Als je je wachtwoord, toegangscode of Keycard bent kwijtgeraakt: verwijder de app, herinstalleer de app, en voer je seed phrase in + + + multiaccounts-recover-enter-phrase-text + 12, 15, 18, 21 of 24 woorden invoeren. +Scheid woorden met één spatie. + + + multiaccounts-recover-enter-phrase-title + Voor je seed phrase in + + + name + Naam + + + name-of-token + De naam van jouw token + + + need-help + Hulp nodig? + + + glossary + Woordenlijst + + + account-title + Account + + + account-content + Accounts in Status kun je vergelijken met bankrekeningen. Net als een bankrekening heeft een account een adres en een saldo; Je gebruikt deze account om transacties te doen op Ethereum. Je kunt meerdere accounts in je wallet hebben. Allemaal toegankelijk door Status te ontgrendelen. + + + chat-key-title + Chat-key + + + chat-key-content + Berichten op het Status-chatprotocol worden verzonden en ontvangen met behulp van encryptie-keys. De publieke chat-key is een reeks tekens die je met anderen deelt, zodat ze jou in Status berichten kunnen sturen. + + + chat-name-title + Chatnaam + + + chat-name-content + Drie willekeurige woorden, algoritmisch afgeleid van je chat-key en gebruikt als je standaardalias in de chat. Chatnamen zijn volledig uniek; geen enkele andere gebruiker kan dezelfde drie woorden hebben. + + + ens-name-title + ENS-naam + + + ens-name-content + Eigen alias voor je chats-key die je kunt registreren met de Ethereum Name Service. ENS-namen zijn gedecentraliseerde gebruikersnamen. + + + mailserver-title + Status-node + + + mailserver-content + Een node in het Statusnetwerk dat berichten doorstuurt en opslaat, voor maximaal 30 dagen. + + + peer-title + Peer + + + peer-content + Een apparaat verbonden met het Status-chatnetwerk. Elke gebruiker kan één of meer peers vertegenwoordigen, afhankelijk van hun aantal apparaten. + + + seed-phrase-title + Seed phrase + + + seed-phrase-content + Een set eenvoudig te lezen woorden, willekeurig geselecteerd uit de BIP39-standaardlijst en gebruikt om je Ethereum-account op andere wallets en apparaten te herstellen of te openen. Ook wel een "mnemonic phrase", "recovery phrase" of "wallet backup" genoemd in het crypto-ecosysteem. Meeste crypto-apps gebruiken deze standaard om accounts te genereren. + + + wallet-key-title + Accountadres + + + wallet-key-content + Een hex-adres van 64 tekens op basis van de Ethereum-standaard en beginnent met 0x. Je accountadres wordt openbaar gemaakt en met anderen gedeeld wanneer je middelen wilt ontvangen. Ook wel een "Ethereum-adres" of "wallet-adres" genoemd. + + + buy-crypto-title + Het lijkt erop dat je wallet leeg is + + + buy-crypto-description + Vind een dapp om nu crypto te kopen + + + buy-crypto + Crypto kopen + + + buy-crypto-choose-a-service + Selecteer een service die u wilt gebruiken om crypto te kopen + + + buy-crypto-leaving + U verlaat Status en gaat naar een website van een derde partij om uw aankoop te voltooien + + + opening-buy-crypto + Openen {{site}}... + + + network + Netwerk + + + network-chain + Netwerkketen + + + network-details + Netwerkgegevens + + + network-info + Netwerk info + + + network-fee + Netwerkkosten + + + network-id + Netwerk-ID + + + network-invalid-network-id + Opgegeven netwerk-id komt niet overeen met netwerk-id door RPC-url + + + network-invalid-status-code + Ongeldige statuscode: {{code}} + + + network-invalid-url + Netwerk-URL is ongeldig + + + network-settings + Netwerkinstellingen + + + new + Nieuw + + + new-chat + Nieuwe chat + + + new-contact + Nieuw contact + + + new-contract + Nieuw contract + + + new-group + Nieuwe groep + + + new-group-chat + Nieuwe groepschat + + + new-network + Nieuw netwerk + + + new-pin-description + Voer nieuwe 6-cijferige passcode in + + + new-puk-description + Voer nieuwe 12-cijferige PUK in + + + new-public-group-chat + Neem deel aan publieke chat + + + next + Volgende + + + no + Nee + + + no-collectibles + Geen collectibles beschikbaar + + + no-contacts + Nog geen contacten + + + no-keycard-applet-on-card + Geen Keycard applet op card + + + no-messages + Geen berichten + + + no-pairing-slots-available + Deze card is al aan 5 apparaten gekoppeld en kan hier niet aan worden gekoppeld. Gebruik één van de gekoppelde apparaten, log in met deze card en maak koppelings-slots op de card vrij + + + no-result + Geen resultaten + + + no-tokens-found + Geen tokens gevonden + + + node-info + Node informatie + + + node-address + + + + node-details + + + + node-version + Node-versie + + + nonce + Nonce + + + none + Geen + + + not-applicable + Niet van toepassing op niet-ondertekende transacties + + + not-keycard-text + De card die je hebt gebruikt, is geen Keycard. Je moet een Keycard aanschaffen om deze te kunnen gebruiken. + + + not-keycard-title + Geen Keycard + + + notifications + Meldingen + + + local-notifications + Lokale meldingen + + + local-notifications-subtitle + + + + remote-notifications + + + + remote-notifications-subtitle + + + + show-notifications + Meldingen weergeven + + + notification-settings + Meldingen + + + notifications-servers + Notificatie-servers + + + notifications-preferences + Voorkeuren voor meldingen + + + notifications-switch + Meldingen tonen + + + notifications-non-contacts + Meldingen van niet-contacten + + + notifications-transactions + Wallet-transacties + + + send-push-notifications + + + + send-push-notifications-description + Wanneer uitgeschakeld, wordt de persoon die uw berichten ontvangt, niet op de hoogte gesteld van hun aankomst + + + push-notifications-server-enabled + Server ingeschakeld + + + push-notifications-servers + Push-notificatie servers + + + push-inbound-transaction + Je hebt {{value}} {{currency}} ontvangen + + + push-outbound-transaction + Je hebt {{value}} {{currency}} verzonden + + + push-failed-transaction + Transactie mislukt + + + push-inbound-transaction-body + Van {{from}} naar {{to}} + + + push-outbound-transaction-body + Van {{from}} naar {{to}} + + + push-failed-transaction-body + {{value}} {{currency}} naar {{to}} + + + allow-mention-notifications + Toon @ vermeldingen + + + server + Server + + + specify-server-public-key + Voer public-key van de server in + + + notify + Melden + + + off + Uit + + + offline + Offline + + + offline-messaging-use-history-nodes + Gebruik Status-nodes + + + offline-messaging-use-history-explanation + Schakel Status-nodes in om berichten op te halen die zijn verzonden terwijl de app gesloten was. Wanneer ingeschakeld, krijgt een Status-node je IP-adres. Wanneer uitgeschakeld, ontvang je geen berichten als de app gesloten is en zie je ze niet als je de app later opent. + + + ok + OK + + + ok-continue + Oké, doorgaan + + + ok-got-it + Oké, ik snap het + + + okay + Oké + + + on + Aan + + + open + Open + + + open-home + Open... + + + open-dapp + Open ÐApp + + + open-dapp-store + Ontdek ÐApps + + + open-nfc-settings + Open NFC-instellingen + + + open-on-block-explorer + + + + optional + optioneel + + + or + OF + + + outgoing + Uitgaand + + + outgoing-transaction + Uitgaande transactie + + + pair + Koppel apparaten + + + pair-card + Koppel aan dit apparaat + + + pair-code + Koppelcode + + + pair-code-explanation + Koppelt de card aan een ander apparaat (maximaal 5) om keys te ontgrendelen en transacties te ondertekenen met dezelfde Keycard + + + pair-this-card + Deze kaart koppelen + + + pair-this-device + Adverteer apparaat + + + pair-this-device-description + Koppel de apparaten om contacten en chats tussen hen te synchroniseren + + + paired-devices + Gekoppelde apparaten + + + pairing + Koppelen + + + pairing-card + Koppel card + + + pairing-code-placeholder + Koppelcode... + + + pairing-code_error1 + Koppelcodes komen niet overeen. + + + confirm-pairing-code-placeholder + Bevestig je koppelcode ... + + + pairing-go-to-installation + Ga naar koppelinstellingen + + + pairing-maximum-number-reached-content + Schakel één van de apparaten uit voordat je een nieuwe inschakelt. + + + pairing-maximum-number-reached-title + Maximaal aantal apparaten bereikt + + + pairing-new-installation-detected-content + Er is een nieuw apparaat ontdekt. +Om de apparaten correct te gebruiken, is het belangrijk om ze te koppelen en in te schakelen voordat je ze gebruikt. +Ga naar de apparaatsectie onder instellingen om de apparaten te koppelen. + + + pairing-new-installation-detected-title + Nieuw apparaat ontdekt + + + pairing-no-info + Geen informatie + + + pairing-please-set-a-name + Stel naam in voor je apparaat. + + + passphrase + Passphrase + + + password + Wachtwoord + + + password-description + Tenminste 6 tekens. Je wachtwoord beschermt je keys. Je hebt het nodig om Status te ontgrendelen en transacties te doen. + + + password-placeholder2 + Bevestig je wachtwoord + + + password_error1 + Wachtwoorden komen niet overeen. + + + paste + Plakken + + + paste-json + Plak JSON + + + pay-to-chat + Betaal om te chatten + + + peers + Peers + + + pending + In afwachting + + + pending-confirmation + In afwachting van bevestiging... + + + permissions + Toestemmingen + + + phone-e164 + Internationaal 1 + + + photos-access-error + Om de vereiste toestemming voor foto's te verlenen, ga je naar de systeeminstellingen en zorgt je ervoor dat Status > Foto's is geselecteerd. + + + pin-changed + 6-cijferige passcode is gewijzigd + + + puk-changed + 12-cijferige PUK is gewijzigd + + + pairing-changed + De koppelcode is gewijzigd + + + pin-code + 6-cijferige passcode + + + pin-mismatch + Verkeerde passcode + + + pin-retries-left + {{number}} pogingen over + + + pin-one-attempt-blocked-before + Wees voorzichtig, je hebt maar + + + pin-one-attempt-frozen-before + Wees voorzichtig, je hebt maar + + + pin-one-attempt + één poging + + + pin-one-attempt-blocked-after + voordat je Keycard wordt geblokkeerd + + + pin-one-attempt-frozen-after + voordat je Keycard wordt geblokkeerd + + + preview-privacy + Voorbeeld privacymodus + + + privacy + Privacy + + + privacy-photos + + + + privacy-and-security + Privacy en beveiliging + + + privacy-policy + Privacybeleid + + + privacy-show-to-warning + + + + processing + Een ogenblik + + + product-information + Productinformatie + + + profile + Profiel + + + profile-details + Profielgegevens + + + public-chat + Publieke chat + + + public-chats + Publieke chats + + + public-group-status + Publiek + + + public-group-topic + Onderwerp + + + join-new-public-chat + Deelnemen aan een publieke chat + + + join-new-private-chat + Start een nieuwe privéchat + + + search-no-chat-found + Geen zoekresultaten. Bedoel je + + + public-key + Public-key + + + puk-and-pairing-codes-displayed + PUK- en koppelcodes weergegeven + + + puk-code + PUK-code + + + puk-code-explanation + Als je de 6-cijferige passcode vergeet of deze driemaal verkeerd invoert, heb je deze code nodig om jouw card te ontgrendelen. + + + puk-mismatch + Verkeerde PUK-code + + + quiet-days + {{quiet-days}} dagen + + + quiet-hours + {{quiet-hours}} uur + + + re-encrypt-key + Keys opnieuw versleutelen + + + receive + Onvang + + + receive-transaction + Ontvang transactie + + + recent + Recent + + + recent-recipients + Contacten + + + recently-used-stickers + Recent gebruikte stickers verschijnen hier + + + recipient + Ontvanger + + + recipient-code + Voer adres van ontvanger in + + + recipient-code-placeholder + 0x ... of username.domain.eth + + + recover + Herstellen + + + recover-key + Toegang tot bestaande keys + + + recover-keycard-multiaccount-not-supported + Keys voor dit account bestaan al en kunnen niet opnieuw worden toegevoegd. Als je wachtwoord, toegangscode of Keycard bent kwijtgeraakt: verwijder de app, herinstalleer de app, en voer je seed phrase in + + + recover-with-keycard + Herstellen met Keycard + + + recovering-key + Toegang tot keys... + + + recovery-confirm-phrase + Bevestig seed phrase + + + recovery-phrase + Seed phrase + + + recovery-success-text + Je zult een nieuwe code of wachtwoord moeten aanmaken om uw keys opnieuw te versleutelen + + + recovery-typo-dialog-description + Let op, je seed phrase moet exact dezelfde woorden en volgorde gebruiken als dat je het hebt ontvangen + + + recovery-typo-dialog-title + Klopt de seed phrase? + + + remember-me + Onthoud mij + + + remind-me-later + Later nog eens zien + + + remove + Verwijderen + + + remove-from-chat + Verwijder uit chat + + + remove-from-contacts + Verwijderen uit contacten + + + remove-from-contacts-text + Door een gebruiker uit je contactenlijst te verwijderen, verbergt je jouw wallet-adres niet voor hen. + + + remove-network + Netwerk verwijderen + + + remove-token + Token verwijderen + + + removed + verwijderd + + + repeat-pin + Herhaal nieuw 6-cijferige passcode + + + repeat-puk + Herhaal nieuwe 12-cijferige PUK + + + report-bug-email-template + 1. Probleemomschrijving + (Beschrijf de functie die je wilt, of vat de bug kort samen en wat je deed, wat je had verwacht en wat er daadwerkelijk gebeurde. Secties hieronder) + + + 2. Stappen om te reproduceren + (Beschrijf hoe we de bug stap voor stap kunnen repliceren.) + -Open Status + -... + -Stap 3, etc. + + + 3. Verwacht gedrag + (Beschrijf wat je had verwacht.) + + + 4. Feitelijk gedrag + (Beschrijf wat er echt is gebeurd.) + + + 5. Voeg screenshots toe die het probleem kunnen demonstreren + + + + request-transaction + Verzoek transactie + + + required-field + Verplicht veld + + + resend-message + Opnieuw verzenden + + + reset-card + Reset card + + + reset-card-description + Deze handeling zet de card terug naar oorspronkelijke staat. Alle card-gegevens, inclusief de private-keys, worden gewist. De handeling is niet omkeerbaar. + + + retry + Opnieuw proberen + + + revoke-access + Toegang intrekken + + + rinkeby-network + Rinkeby testnetwerk + + + ropsten-network + Ropsten testnetwerk + + + rpc-url + RPC-URL + + + save + Opslaan + + + save-password + Wachtwoord opslaan + + + save-password-unavailable + Instellen passcode van apparaat om wachtwoord op te slaan + + + save-password-unavailable-android + Wachtwoord opslaan is niet beschikbaar: je toestel is wellicht geroot of mist de nodige beveiligingsfuncties. + + + scan-qr + Scan QR-code + + + scan-qr-code + Scan QR-code met een wallet-adres + + + search + Zoeken + + + secret-keys-confirmation-text + Je hebt ze nodig om jouw Keycard te kunnen blijven gebruiken, mocht je de telefoon ooit verliezen. + + + secret-keys-confirmation-title + Heb je de codes opgeschreven? + + + security + Veiligheid + + + see-details + Zie gegevens + + + see-it-again + ZIE HET OPNIEUW + + + select-account-first + Selecteer eerst een account + + + select-chat + Selecteer chat om berichten te versturen + + + selected + Geselecteerde + + + select + Selecteer + + + select-account + Selecteer account + + + send-logs + Meld een bug + + + send-logs-to + Een bug rapporteren aan {{email}} + + + send-message + Bericht verzenden + + + send-request + Verzend verzoek + + + send-request-amount + Bedrag + + + send-request-amount-max-decimals + Maximaal aantal decimalen is {{asset-decimals}} + + + send-request-unknown-token + Onbekend token - {{asset}} + + + send-sending-to + naar {{recipient-name}} + + + send-transaction + Transactie verzenden + + + sending + Verzenden + + + sent-at + Verzonden om + + + set-a-topic + Maak een onderwerp + + + set-currency + Valuta instellen + + + set-dapp-access-permissions + DApp-toegangsrechten instellen + + + settings + Instellingen + + + share + Delen + + + shared + Gedeeld + + + share-address + Adres delen + + + share-chat + Deel chat + + + share-contact-code + Deel mijn chat-key + + + share-dapp-text + Kijk eens naar deze DApp die ik op Status gebruik: {{link}} + + + share-link + Link delen + + + share-my-profile + Deel mijn profiel + + + share-profile + Profiel delen + + + share-profile-link + Deel profiel-link + + + share-public-chat-text + Bekijk deze publieke chat in de Status-app: {{link}} + + + sharing-copied-to-clipboard + Gekopieerd + + + sharing-copy-to-clipboard + Kopiëren + + + share-logs + + + + sharing-share + Delen + + + show-less + Minder weergeven + + + show-more + Toon meer + + + show-qr + Toon QR-code + + + show-transaction-data + Weergeven transactiegegevens + + + sign-and-send + Tekenen en verzenden + + + sign-in + Inloggen + + + sign-message + Teken bericht + + + sign-out + Uitloggen + + + sign-with + Teken met + + + sign-with-password + Tekenen met wachtwoord + + + sign-you-in + Ontsleutelen + + + signing + Ondertekenen + + + signing-a-message + Handtekening plaatsen + + + signing-phrase + Geheime code + + + something-went-wrong + Er is iets fout gegaan + + + soon + Binnenkort + + + specify-address + Adres opgeven + + + specify-name + Geef een naam op + + + specify-symbol + + + + specify-network-id + Specificeer netwerk-id + + + specify-rpc-url + Geef een RPC-URL op + + + start-chat + Start chat + + + start-conversation + Start gesprek + + + start-group-chat + Start groepschat + + + start-new-chat + Start nieuwe chat + + + status + Status + + + status-confirmed + Bevestigd + + + status-hardwallet + Status hardwallet + + + status-keycard + Status Keycard + + + status-pending + In afwachting + + + status-tx-not-found + TX niet gevonden + + + status-sent + Verzonden + + + status-not-sent-tap + Niet bevestigd. Tik voor opties + + + status-not-sent-click + Niet bevestigd. Klik voor opties + + + step-i-of-n + Stap {{step}} van {{number}} + + + sticker-market + Stickermarkt + + + sticker + Sticker + + + submit + Bevestigen + + + submit-bug + Een bug inzenden + + + success + Succes + + + symbol + Symbool + + + sync-all-devices + Synchroniseer alle apparaten + + + sync-in-progress + Synchroniseren... + + + sync-settings + Synchronisatie-instellingen + + + sync-synced + In sync + + + syncing-devices + Synchroniseren... + + + tag-was-lost + Tag is verloren + + + tap-card-again + Houdt de card nog eens tegen de achterkant van je telefoon. + + + test-networks + Test netwerken + + + text-input-disabled + Een ogenblik alstublieft... + + + this-device + Dit apparaat + + + this-device-desc + Je keys worden versleuteld en veilig op je apparaat opgeslagen + + + this-is-you-signing + Dit is je geheime code + + + this-will-take-few-seconds + Dit duurt een paar seconden + + + three-words-description + Je moet deze 3 woorden zien voordat je elke transactie tekent + + + three-words-description-2 + Als je een andere combinatie ziet, annuleer de transactie en log uit + + + to + Naar + + + to-block + Blokkeren + + + to-encrypt-enter-password + Voer uw wachtwoord in om je account te versleutelen. + + + to-see-this-message + Om dit bericht te zien, + + + token-auto-validate-decimals-error + Verkeerde decimalen voor token {{symbol}} op adres {{address}} - ingesteld op {{expected}} maar gedetecteerd als {{actual}} + + + token-auto-validate-name-error + Verkeerde naam voor token {{symbol}} op adres {{address}} - ingesteld op {{expected}} maar gedetecteerd als {{actual}} + + + token-auto-validate-symbol-error + Verkeerd symbool voor token {{symbol}} op adres {{address}} - ingesteld op {{expected}} maar gedetecteerd als {{actual}} + + + token-details + Token-gegevens + + + topic-name-error + Gebruik alleen kleine letters (a tot z), cijfers & streepjes (-). Gebruik geen chat-keys + + + transaction + Transactie + + + transaction-data + Transactie gegevens + + + transaction-declined + Transactie afgewezen + + + transactions-management-enabled + Transactiebeheer (alfa) + + + transaction-description + Beschouw het als voltooid na 12 bevestigingen op het netwerk. + + + transaction-details + Transactiegegevens + + + transaction-failed + Transactie mislukt + + + transaction-history + Transactie geschiedenis + + + transaction-request + Transactieverzoek + + + transaction-sent + Transactie verzonden + + + transaction-signed + De transactie is ondertekend + + + transactions + Transacties + + + transactions-filter-select-all + Selecteer alles + + + transactions-filter-title + Filter geschiedenis + + + type + Type + + + transactions-history + Transactie geschiedenis + + + transactions-history-empty + Nog geen transacties in je geschiedenis + + + transactions-history-loading + Laden transactie geschiedenis. Dit kan even duren. + + + transactions-sign + Teken + + + tribute-required-by-multiaccount + {{multiaccount-naam}} heeft SNT nodig om een chat te starten. + + + tribute-state-paid + Tribute betaald + + + tribute-state-pending + Tribute in afwachting + + + tribute-state-required + Vereist {{snt-amount}} SNT-tribute + + + tribute-to-talk + Tribute to talk + + + tribute-to-talk-add-friends + Voeg vrienden toe als contact om chats mogelijk te maken zonder tribute-betaling. + + + tribute-to-talk-are-you-friends + Zijn jullie vrienden? + + + tribute-to-talk-ask-to-be-added + Vraag om als contact te worden toegevoegd + + + tribute-to-talk-contact-received-your-tribute + heeft je tribute ontvangen. Jullie kunnen nu veilig met elkaar chatten. + + + tribute-to-talk-desc + Verdien geld voor jouw aandacht door SNT te vragen aan nieuwe mensen om een chat te starten + + + tribute-to-talk-disabled + Tribute to Talk uitgeschakeld + + + tribute-to-talk-disabled-note + Vanaf nu kunnen nieuwe mensen een chat met je starten zonder SNT te sturen. + + + tribute-to-talk-enabled + Je hebt Tribute to Talk ingeschakeld. + + + tribute-to-talk-finish-desc + Vanaf nu zul je alleen chats ontvangen van contacten, en van mensen die betaald hebben + + + tribute-to-talk-learn-more-1 + Je tijd en aandacht zijn je meest waardevolle bezit. Met Tribute to Talk kun je een hoeveelheid SNT instellen die nieuwe mensen nodig hebben om een chat met je te starten. + + + tribute-to-talk-learn-more-2 + Iedereen die niet in je contactlijst staat, zal worden gevraagd te betalen, en je kunt reageren zodra ze dat hebben gedaan. + + + tribute-to-talk-learn-more-3 + Je kunt het geld altijd terugsturen, maar om ervoor te zorgen dat vrienden je vrij kunnen bereiken, voeg je ze eerst toe als contact. + + + tribute-to-talk-paywall-learn-more-1 + Onze tijd en aandacht zijn ons meest waardevolle bezit. Met Tribute to Talk kun je contact leggen met nieuwe mensen in ruil voor een SNT-betaling. + + + tribute-to-talk-paywall-learn-more-2 + Om een chat te starten met iemand die een tribute-set heeft, betaal je gewoon de vereiste SNT en zal je worden toegevoegd als contact. + + + tribute-to-talk-paywall-learn-more-3 + Als je ze kent, kun je buiten Status je profiel delen om gratis te worden toegevoegd. + + + tribute-to-talk-pending + Tribute in afwachting van bevestiging + + + tribute-to-talk-pending-note + Tribute-transactie is in afwachting van bevestiging op het netwerk. Je kunt de status controleren in de transactiegeschiedenis + + + tribute-to-talk-removing-note + Als je Tribute to Talk verwijdert, kunnen nieuwe mensen een chat starten zonder SNT te verzenden. Vereist dat er een transactie wordt uitgevoerd. + + + tribute-to-talk-set-snt-amount + Stel de hoeveelheid SNT in die nodig is voor nieuwe mensen om een chat te starten + + + tribute-to-talk-signing + Wachten om transactie te tekenen + + + tribute-to-talk-transaction-failed-note + De transactie is mislukt en je instellingen voor Tribute to Talk zijn niet gewijzigd + + + tribute-to-talk-tribute-received1 + Tribute ontvangen. Jij en + + + tribute-to-talk-tribute-received2 + zijn nu contacten en kunnen veilig met elkaar chatten. + + + tribute-to-talk-you-require-snt + Je hebt SNT nodig voor nieuwe mensen om een chat te starten. + + + try-again + Probeer het opnieuw + + + try-keeping-the-card-still + Probeer de card stil te houden + + + turn-nfc-on + Schakel NFC in om door te gaan + + + turn-nfc-description + NFC is uitgeschakeld op uw apparaat. U kunt het inschakelen in de instellingen + + + keycard-init-title + Op zoek naar cards... + + + keycard-init-description + Houdt de card nog eens tegen de achterkant van je telefoon om door te gaan + + + keycard-awaiting-title + Nog steeds op zoek... + + + keycard-awaiting-description + Beweeg de card om de NFC-lezer op uw apparaat te vinden + + + keycard-processing-title + Verwerken... + + + keycard-processing-description + probeer de kaar stil te houden + + + keycard-connected-title + Verbonden + + + keycard-connected-description + Probeer de card stil te houden + + + keycard-error-title + Verbinding verbroken + + + keycard-error-description + Verbind de card opnieuw om door te gaan + + + keycard-success-title + Succes + + + keycard-success-description + Je mag de card nu verwijderen + + + keycard-recover + verloren of bevroren card? + + + keycard-recover-title + Een nieuwe card voor dit account maken? + + + keycard-recover-text + Als je de mnemonic-phrase hebt, kun je een nieuwe Keycard maken die aan dit account gekoppeld is. Je kunt een nieuwe Keycard gebruiken of een fabrieksreset uitvoeren op een bevroren Keycard. + + + keycard-backup + Maak een back-up Keycard + + + keycard-backup-success-title + Back-up geslaagd + + + keycard-backup-success-body + Back-upkaart maken is gelukt. Je kunt het nu met je account gebruiken, net als met de primaire kaart. + + + type-a-message + Bericht + + + ulc-enabled + ULC ingeschakeld + + + backup-enabled + + + + backup-disabled + Uitgeschakeld + + + backup-settings + + + + backup-through-waku + + + + perform-backup + + + + backing-up + + + + last-backup-performed + + + + unable-to-read-this-code + Kan deze code niet lezen + + + unblock-contact + Deblokkeer deze gebruiker + + + unknown-status-go-error + Onbekende status-go-fout + + + unlock + Ontgrendelen + + + unpair-card + Card ontkoppelen + + + unpair-card-confirmation + Deze handeling ontkoppelt de card van het huidige apparaat. Hiervoor is een 6-cijferige toegangscode vereist. Wil je doorgaan? + + + unpaired-keycard-text + De gebruikte Keycard is niet aan deze telefoon gekoppeld + + + unpaired-keycard-title + Het lijkt erop dat je kaart niet is gekoppeld + + + unpair-keycard + Keycard loskoppelen van deze telefoon + + + unpair-keycard-warning + Je koppelcode / PUK en PIN blijven ongewijzigd + + + update + Update + + + url + URL + + + usd-currency + USD + + + use-valid-contact-code + Voer een geldige chat-key of gebruikersnaam in of scan deze + + + validation-amount-invalid-number + Bedrag is geen geldig getal + + + validation-amount-is-too-precise + Bedrag is te nauwkeurig. Het maximale aantal decimalen is {{decimals}}. + + + version + App-versie + + + app-commit + + + + view + View + + + view-cryptokitties + Bekijk in CryptoKitties + + + view-cryptostrikers + Bekijk in CryptoStrikers + + + view-etheremon + Bekijk in Etheremon + + + view-gitcoin + Bekijk in Gitcoin + + + view-profile + Profiel weergeven + + + view-details + Bekijken gegevens + + + view-signing + Bekijk de geheime code + + + view-superrare + Bekijk in SuperRare + + + waiting-for-wifi + Geen wifi, berichten synchroniseren uitgeschakeld. + + + waiting-for-wifi-change + Instellingen + + + waiting-to-sign + Wachten om transactie te tekenen... + + + wallet + Wallet + + + wallet-asset + Asset + + + wallet-assets + Assets + + + wallet-backup-recovery-title + Maak een back-up van je seed phrase + + + wallet-choose-recipient + Kies Ontvanger + + + wallet-collectibles + Collectibles + + + wallet-insufficient-funds + Onvoldoende middelen + + + wallet-insufficient-gas + Niet genoeg ETH voor gas + + + wallet-invalid-address + Ongeldig adres: + {{data}} + + + wallet-invalid-address-checksum + Fout in adres: + {{data}} + + + wallet-invalid-chain-id + Netwerk komt niet overeen: + {{data}} maar huidige chain is {{chain}} + + + wallet-manage-assets + Beheer assets + + + wallet-manage-accounts + Accounts beheren + + + wallet-request + Verzoek + + + wallet-send + Verzenden + + + wallet-send-min-units + Min 21000 eenheden + + + wallet-send-min-wei + Min 1 wei + + + wallet-settings + Wallet-instellingen + + + wallet-total-value + Totale waarde + + + wallet-transaction-total-fee + Totale Tarief + + + wants-to-access-profile + wil toegang tot je profiel + + + warning + Waarschuwing + + + warning-message + Sorry, we beperken het snel na elkaar verzenden van meerdere berichten om spam te voorkomen. Probeer het later nog eens + + + web-view-error + Kan pagina niet laden + + + welcome-screen-text + Stel uw wallet in, nodig vrienden uit om te chatten en blader door populaire dapps! + + + welcome-to-status + Welkom bij Status! + + + welcome-to-status-description + Stel je crypto-wallet in, nodig vrienden uit om te chatten en blader door decentralized-apps + + + welcome-blank-message + Je chats verschijnen hier. Druk op de ⊕-knop om nieuwe chats te starten + + + welcome-community-blank-message + Je chats verschijnen hier. Klik op de 3 stippen hierboven en selecteer "Maak een kanaal" om nieuwe chats te starten. + + + welcome-community-blank-message-edit-chats + + + + welcome-blank-community-message + Je community's verschijnen hier. + + + fetch-community + + + + fetching-community + + + + seed-phrase-placeholder + Seed phrase + + + word-count + Aantal woorden + + + word-n + Woord #{{number}} + + + word-n-description + Om te controleren of je de seed phrase correct hebt opgeslagen, voer je hierboven woord #{{number}} in. + + + words-n + + 1 woord + {{count}} woorden + + + + write-down-and-store-securely + Schrijf codes op + & bewaar ze veilig + + + wrong-address + Verkeerde adres + + + wrong-card + Verkeerde card + + + wrong-card-text + Gebruikte card komt niet overeen met de geselecteerde keys + + + wrong-contract + Verkeerde contract + + + contract-isnt-supported + + + + wrong-keycard-text + De gebruikte Keycard is niet aan deze telefoon gekoppeld + + + wrong-keycard-title + Het lijkt erop dat je een verkeerde keycard hebt gebruikt + + + wrong-password + Verkeerd wachtwoord + + + wrong-word + Verkeerd woord + + + yes + Ja + + + You + Jij + + + you + jij + + + you-already-have-an-asset + Je hebt al een asset {{value}} + + + you-are-all-set + Je bent klaar! + + + you-are-all-set-description + Als je de telefoon verliest, heb je nu toegang tot je data, crypto en chat key met behulp van je seed phrase + + + you-can-change-account + Je kunt de accountnaam en -kleur naar wens wijzigen + + + you-dont-have-stickers + Je hebt nog geen stickers + + + you-dont-have-contacts-invite-friends + Je hebt nog geen contacten. +Nodig je vrienden uit om te beginnen met chatten. + + + your-contact-code + Toegang verlenen machtigt deze DApp om je chat-key op te halen + + + your-data-belongs-to-you + Als je de seed phrase verliest, verlies je toegang tot je data, crypto en chat key + + + your-data-belongs-to-you-description + Als je de toegang verliest, bijvoorbeeld doordat je de telefoon verliest, heb je alleen toegang tot je keys met je seed-phrase. Niemand behalve jij heeft de seed phrase. Schrijf het op. Bewaar het veilig + + + your-recovery-phrase + Jouw seed phrase + + + your-recovery-phrase-description + Dit is je seed phrase. Je gebruikt het om te bewijzen dat dit je wallet is. Je krijgt het maar één keer te zien! Schrijf het op papier en bewaar het op een veilige plaats. Je hebt het nodig als je de wallet verliest of opnieuw installeert. + + + custom-seed-phrase + Afwijkende seed phrase + + + custom-seed-phrase-text-1 + De seed phrase komt niet overeen met ons ondersteunende woordenboek. Controleer op verkeerd gespelde woorden. + + + to-enable-biometric + Om {{bio-type-label}} in te schakelen, moet je het wachtwoord opslaan op het ontgrendelscherm + + + ok-save-pass + OK, wachtwoord opslaan + + + lock-app-with + App vergrendelen met + + + grant-face-id-permissions + Om de vereiste toestemming voor Face ID te verlenen, ga je naar systeeminstellingen en zorg je ervoor dat Status > Face ID is geselecteerd + + + request-feature + Verzoek een nieuwe functie + + + select-account-dapp + Selecteer het account dat je met Dapps wilt gebruiken + + + apply + Toepassen + + + on-status-tree + In Status boom + + + off-status-tree + Uit Status-tree + + + derivation-path + Afgeleid pad + + + storage + Opslag + + + keycard-free-pairing-slots + Keycard heeft {{n}} vrije koppelslots + + + public-chat-description + Doe mee aan publieke chats voor jouw interesses! Iedereen kan een nieuwe starten. + + + delete-account + Account verwijderen + + + delete-keys-keycard + Verwijder keys van Keycard + + + watch-only + Alleen kijken + + + cant-report-bug + Kan een bug niet melden + + + mail-should-be-configured + Mail client moet geconfigureerd zijn + + + check-on-block-explorer + + + + check-on-opensea + Controleer op opensea + + + transactions-load-more + Meer laden + + + private-key + Private-key + + + generate-an-account + Maak een account aan + + + add-watch-account + Voeg een watch-only account toe + + + add-seed-account + Account toevoegen met seed phrase + + + account-exists-title + Account bestaat al + + + add-private-key-account + Account toevoegen van private-key + + + profile-not-found + Profiel niet gevonden + + + waku-bloom-filter-mode + Waku bloom filter-modus + + + wakuv2-settings + + + + wakuv2-node-format + + + + wakuv2-change-nodes + + + + appearance + Thema + + + preference + Voorkeur + + + light + Licht + + + dark + Donker + + + system + Systeem + + + give-permissions-camera + Geef toestemming +voor toegang tot de camera + + + photos + Foto's + + + image + Afbeelding + + + sign-anyway + Toch tekenen + + + tx-fail-description1 + Deze transactie zal waarschijnlijk mislukken. Stel aangepast netwerktarief in om op eigen risico te ondertekenen. + + + tx-fail-description2 + Deze transactie zal waarschijnlijk mislukken. Stel aangepast netwerktarief in om op eigen risico te ondertekenen. + + + set-custom-fee + Stel aangepast tarief in + + + not-enough-snt + Niet genoeg SNT + + + add-new-contact + Nieuw contact toevoegen + + + you-dont-have-contacts + Je hebt nog geen contacten. + + + set-max + Zet op max + + + continue-anyway + Toch doorgaan + + + private-notifications + Lokale meldingen + + + private-notifications-descr + Status zal je melden over nieuwe berichten. Je kunt meldingsvoorkeuren later in de instellingen bewerken. + + + maybe-later + Misschien later + + + join + Deelnemen + + + registered + geregistreerd + + + not-registered + niet geregistreerd + + + audio-recorder-error + Recorder fout + + + audio-recorder + Recorder + + + audio-recorder-max-ms-reached + Maximale opnametijd bereikt + + + audio-recorder-permissions-error + Je moet toestemming geven om audioberichten te sturen + + + audio + Audio + + + update-to-see-image + Update naar de nieuwste versie om hier een leuke afbeelding te zien! + + + update-to-listen-audio + Update naar de nieuwste versie om hier naar een audiobericht te luisteren! + + + update-to-see-sticker + Update naar de nieuwste versie om hier een leuke sticker te zien! + + + webview-camera-permission-requests + Webview cameraverzoeken + + + webview-camera-permission-requests-subtitle + Wanneer ingeschakeld, kunnen websites en dapps vragen om je camera te gebruiken + + + page-would-like-to-use-camera + wil je camera gebruiken + + + page-camera-request-blocked + cameraverzoeken geblokkeerd. Ga naar Instellingen om cameraverzoeken in te schakelen + + + nickname + Bijnaam + + + add-nickname + Voeg een bijnaam toe (optioneel) + + + nickname-description + Bijnamen helpen je anderen te identificeren in Status. +Alleen jij kunt de bijnamen zien die je hebt toegevoegd + + + accept + Accepteren + + + group-invite + Groep-uitnodiging + + + group-invite-link + Groep-uitnodigingslink + + + pending-invitations + Onbeantwoorde deelnameverzoeken + + + empty-pending-invitations-descr + Mensen die met groep willen deelnemen via +een uitnodigingslink zullen hier verschijnen + + + introduce-yourself + Stel jezelf voor met een kort bericht + + + request-pending + Verzoek in afwachting... + + + membership-declined + Deelnameverzoek is afgewezen + + + remove-group + Groep verwijderen + + + request-membership + Verzoek deelname + + + membership-description + Voor groepsdeelname moet je worden geaccepteerd door de groepsbeheerder + + + group-membership-request + Groep deelnameverzoek + + + members-limit-reached + Deelnemers-limiet bereikt + + + favourite + Favoriet + + + favourites + Favorieten + + + new-favourite + Nieuwe favoriet + + + edit-favourite + Favoriet bewerken + + + remove-favourite + Verwijder favoriet + + + add-favourite + Favoriet toevoegen + + + add-to-favourites + Toevoegen aan favorieten + + + favourites-empty + Adressen toegevoegd aan favorieten verschijnen hier + + + contacts-empty + Contacten met ENS-namen verschijnen hier + + + my-accounts + Mijn accounts + + + my-accounts-empty + Uw beschikbare accounts verschijnen hier + + + recent-empty + Recent gebruikte adressen verschijnen hier + + + address-or-ens-name + Adres of ENS-naam + + + name-optional + Naam (optioneel) + + + mute + Mute + + + unmute + Unmute + + + scan-tokens + Tokens scannen + + + my-status + Mijn status + + + contacts-descr + Je contacten verschijnen hier. Je ontvangt statusupdates van iedereen die u als contactpersoon toevoegt + + + status-updates-descr + Statusupdates verschijnen hier. Voeg het profiel als contactpersoon toe om updates te ontvangen op je tijdlijn. + + + whats-on-your-mind + Wat houdt je bezig... + + + cant-open-public-chat + Kan geen publieke chat openen + + + invalid-public-chat-topic + Ongeldig publiek chatonderwerp + + + now + Nu + + + statuses-my-status-descr + Deel wat je bezighoudt. Iedereen die uw profiel bezoekt, kan je status zien. Mensen die jou als contactpersoon toevoegen, ontvangen je updates op hun tijdlijn + + + statuses-descr + Deel wat je bezighoudt en blijf op de hoogte van je contacten + + + new-status + Nieuwe status + + + chat-link-previews + Chat-link previews + + + you-can-choose-preview-websites + Je kunt kiezen welke van de volgende websites een link-preview van beschrijvingen en afbeeldingen in chats kunnen tonen + + + previewing-may-share-metadata + Het is mogelijk dat link-previews van deze websites metadata met hun eigenaren delen + + + websites + Websites + + + enable-all + Alles inschakelen + + + disable-all + Alles uitschakelen + + + warning-sending-to-contract-descr + Het adres dat u hebt ingevoerd is een smart contract, het verzenden van middelen naar dit adres kan leiden tot verlies van middelen. Als u met een DApp wilt communiceren, opent u de DApp in de Status DApp-browser. + + + dont-ask + Vraag niet opnieuw + + + enable-link-previews + Inschakelen link-previews in chat? + + + once-enabled-share-metadata + Eenmaal ingeschakeld, kunnen links die in de chat zijn geplaatst, uw metadata met de site delen + + + external-storage-denied + Toegang tot externe opslag is geweigerd + + + timeline + Tijdlijn + + + main-account + + + + ethereum-address + Ethereum-adres + + + default-assets + Standaard ERC20 en ERC721 + + + increase-gas + Verhoog Gas + + + cancelling + Annuleren + + + refresh + Vernieuwen + + + close-all + Sluit alles + + + tabs + Tabbladen + + + new-tab + Nieuw tabblad + + + empty-tab + Leeg tabblad + + + open-in-new-tab + Open in nieuw tabblad + + + has-permissions + heeft toestemming voor toegang + + + connect-wallet + Wallet verbinden + + + open-chat + Chat openen + + + favourite-description + Je favoriete websites verschijnen hier + + + transfers-fetching-failure + De tranfer-geschiedenis kon niet worden bijgewerkt. Controleer uw verbinding en trek naar beneden om opnieuw te proberen + + + move-and-reset + Verplaatsen en resetten + + + move-keystore-file-to-keycard + Verplaats keystore-bestand naar keycard? + + + database-reset-title + Database resetten + + + database-reset-content + Chats, contacten en instellingen zijn verwijderd. Je kunt het account gebruiken met je Keycard + + + database-reset-warning + Database wordt gereset. Chats, contacten en instellingen worden verwijderd + + + empty-keycard-required + Vereist een lege keycard + + + current + Huidig + + + choose-storage + Selecteer opslag + + + choose-new-location-for-keystore + Selecteer een nieuwe locatie om je keystore-bestand op te slaan + + + get-a-keycard + Bestel een Keycard + + + keycard-upsell-subtitle + Verbeterde veiligheid en gemak + + + actions + Acties + + + move-keystore-file + Verplaats keystore-bestand + + + select-new-location-for-keys + Selecteer een nieuwe locatie om uw private-key(s) op te slaan + + + reset-database + Reset de database + + + reset-database-warning + Verwijder chats, contacten en instellingen. Vereist als je het wachtwoord bent vergeten + + + reset-database-warning-keycard + Verwijder chats, contacten en instellingen. + + + key-managment + Key-beheer + + + choose-actions + Selecteer actie + + + master-account + Master-account + + + back-up + Maak back-up + + + key-on-device + De private-key is opgeslagen op dit apparaat + + + seed-key-uid-mismatch + Seed phrase komt niet overeen + + + seed-key-uid-mismatch-desc-1 + De seed phrase die je hebt ingevoerd, komt niet overeen met {{multiaccount-name}} + + + seed-key-uid-mismatch-desc-2 + Controleer je seed phrase en probeer het opnieuw. + + + recover-with-seed-phrase + Instellen met seed phrase + + + transfer-ma-unknown-error-desc-1 + Het lijkt erop dat je multiaccount niet is verwijderd. Database is mogelijk gereset + + + transfer-ma-unknown-error-desc-2 + Controleer je accountlijst en probeer het opnieuw. Als account niet in de lijst staat, ga naar Toegang tot bestaande keys om te herstellen met seed phrase + + + everyone + Iedereen + + + show-profile-pictures + Toon profielfoto's van + + + show-profile-pictures-to + + + + non-archival-node + RPC-eindpunt ondersteunt geen archiveringsverzoeken. Je lokale transfergeschiedenis is mogelijk onvolledig. + + + custom-node + Je gebruikt een aangepast RPC-eindpunt. Uw lokale transfergeschiedenis is mogelijk onvolledig. + + + connection-status + Verbindingsstatus + + + peer-to-peer + Peer to peer + + + not-connected-to-peers + Niet verbonden met peers + + + unable-to-send-messages + Kan geen berichten verzenden en ontvangen + + + can-send-messages + Je kunt nieuwe berichten verzenden en ontvangen + + + not-connected-nodes + Niet verbonden met een Status-node + + + unable-to-fetch + Kan chatgeschiedenis niet ophalen + + + nodes-disabled + Status-nodes uitgeschakeld + + + waiting-wi-fi + Wachten op wifi… + + + you-can-fetch + Je kunt chatgeschiedenis ophalen + + + youre-on-mobile-network + Je hebt een mobiele dataverbinding + + + status-mobile-descr + Status gebruikt veel data bij het synchroniseren van chats. Je kunt ervoor kiezen om niet te synchroniseren als je een mobiele dataverbinding hebt + + + restore-defaults + Standaardwaarden herstellen + + + rpc-usage-info + RPC-gebruiksstatistieken + + + rpc-usage-get-stats + Vernieuwen + + + rpc-usage-reset + Reset + + + rpc-usage-filter + Filtermethoden + + + rpc-usage-filter-methods + Filtermethoden + + + rpc-usage-copy + Kopiëren + + + rpc-usage-total + + + + rpc-usage-filtered-total + + + + community-message-preview + Uitnodiging om deelnemer te worden van {{community-name}} + + + non-contacts + Niet-contacten + + + community + Community + + + verified-community + ✓ Geverifieerde community + + + community-info-not-found + Community-informatie niet gevonden + + + community-info + Community-info + + + not-found + Niet gevonden + + + activity + Activiteit + + + reject-and-delete + Afwijzen en verwijderen + + + accept-and-add + Accepteren en toevoegen + + + one-day + Één dag + + + three-days + Drie dagen + + + one-week + Één week + + + one-month + Één maand + + + my-profile + Mijn profiel + + + bip39-password-placeholder + BIP39-wachtwoord + + + public-channel + Publiek kanaal + + + default-sync-period + Synchronisatie geschiedenis voor + + + what-is-shared + Wat wordt gedeeld + + + view-data + Data weergeven + + + data-collected + Verzamelde data + + + data-collected-subtitle + Onderstaande tabel toont de exacte data die wordt opgeslagen en verzonden. Data wordt gevalideerd volgens openbare regels om ervoor te zorgen dat er geen gevoelige data wordt verzonden. Niet vertrouwen, verifiëren. + + + view-rules + Regels weergeven + + + expand-all + Alles uitvouwen + + + about-sharing-data + Over delen van data + + + sharing-data-desc-1 + Data wordt gevalideerd aan de hand van openbare regels om zeker te zijn dat geen gevoelige data wordt verzonden. Vertrouw niet, verifieer. + + + sharing-data-desc-2 + Gebruiksdata wordt end-to-end versleuteld verzonden via het peer-to-peer-netwerk van Status + + + sharing-data-desc-3 + In plaats van je gewone chat-key wordt een eenmalige-key gebruikt + + + sharing-data-desc-4 + Gebruiksdata kan niet worden gekoppeld aan je IP-adres + + + sharing-data-desc-5 + Cumulatieve data van alle gebruikers zijn openbaar beschikbaar + + + view-public-dashboard + Openbaar dashboard weergeven + + + sharing-data-desc-6 + De data wordt van je telefoon verwijderd nadat het is verzonden + + + allow-and-send + Toestaan en verzenden + + + no-thanks + Nee dank je + + + help-improve-status + Help om Status te verbeteren + + + thank-you + Bedankt + + + current-password + Huidig wachtwoord + + + reset-password + Wachtwoord resetten + + + password-reset-success + Wachtwoord veranderd + + + password-reset-success-message + Je zult opnieuw moeten inloggen + + + password-reset-in-progress + Wachtwoord wijzigen... + + + new-password + Nieuw wachtwoord + + + confirm-new-password + Bevestig nieuw wachtwoord + + + password-mismatch + Nieuw wachtwoord en bevestiging komen niet overeen + + + terms-of-service + Gebruiksvoorwaarden + + + accept-status-tos-prefix + Status accepteren + + + updates-to-tos + Updates van Gebruiksvoorwaarden + + + updates-to-tos-desc + Lees voor doorgaan de Gebruiksvoorwaarden door en bevestig dat je volle verantwoordelijkheid neemt voor hoe je de app gebruikt. + + + what-changed + Wat is er veranderd + + + wc-new-tos-based-on-principles-prefix + Nieuwe gebruiksvoorwaarden ontworpen op basis van onze + + + principles + Principes + + + wc-how-to-use-status-app + Hoe de Status-app te gebruiken, inclusief privacy en beveiliging + + + wc-brand-guide + Richtlijnen voor het gebruik van branding zoals handelsmerken en logo's + + + wc-disclaimer + Disclaimers (inclusief externe leveranciers), garanties en wettelijke verklaringen + + + wc-dispute + Bepalingen voor geschillenbeslechting + + + status-is-open-source + Status is open-source + + + build-yourself + Om de app te gebruiken zonder deze Gebruiksvoorwaarden, kun je jouw eigen versie bouwen + + + accept-and-continue + Accepteren en doorgaan + + + empty-activity-center + Je chat-berichten +verschijnen hier + + + pinned-messages + Gepinde berichten + + + pin + Pinnen + + + unpin + Pin losmaken + + + no-pinned-messages + Geen vastgepinde berichten + + + pinned-messages-count + + 1 vastgepind bericht + {{count}} vastgepinde berichten + + + + pinned-messages-empty + Vastgepinde berichten verschijnen hier. Om een bericht vast te pinnen, houd je het ingedrukt en tikt u op `Pinnen`. + + + pinned-by + Vastgepind door + + + pin-limit-reached + Pin limiet bereikt. Verwijder eerst de pin van een vorig bericht. + + + max-fee + Maximale tarief + + + max-priority-fee + Maximale prioriteitstarief + + + miners-higher-fee + Miners zullen je transactie waarschijnlijk eerder opnemen als je een hoger tarief betaalt. + + + gas-amount-limit + Limiet gas-bedrag + + + per-gas-tip-limit + Fooilimiet per gas + + + per-gas-price-limit + Prijslimiet per gas + + + current-base-fee + Huidige base fee + + + fee-explanation + Maximale totale prijs voor de transactie. Als de base fee van het blok dit overschrijdt, wordt deze opgenomen in een volgend blok met een lagere base fee. + + + slow + Traag + + + optimal + Optimaal + + + fast + Snel + + + see-suggestions + Zie suggesties + + + maximum-fee + Maximale tarief + + + low-tip + fooi is te laag + + + lower-than-average-tip + lager dan gemiddelde fooi + + + below-base-fee + maximale tarief onder base fee + + + reduced-tip + prioriteitsfooi wordt verlaagd + + + are-you-sure + Weet je het zeker? + + + bad-fees-description + Je prioriteitstarief ligt onder onze voorgestelde parameters. + + + change-tip + Aanpassen fooi + + + current-minimum-tip + Huidige minimum fooi + + + current-average-tip + Huidige gemiddelde fooi + + + your-tip-limit + Jouw fooilimiet + + + your-price-limit + Jouw prijslimiet + + + suggested-min-tip + Voorgestelde min. fooi + + + suggested-price-limit + Voorgestelde prijslimiet + + + include + Includeer + + + category + Categorie + + + edit-chats + Chats bewerken + + + edit-categories + + + + hide + Verberg + + + account-is-used + Het account wordt gebruikt met Dapps in de browser. + + + normal + Normaal + + + never + + + + fee-options + Voorgestelde tariefopties + + + fee-cap + Tarieflimiet + + + tip-cap + Fooilimiet + + + collectibles-leak-metadata + + + + display-collectibles + + + + disable-later-in-settings + + + + use-as-profile-picture + + + + view-on-opensea + + + + profile-picture-updated + + + + status-automatic + + + + status-automatic-subtitle + + + + status-dnd + + + + status-dnd-subtitle + + + + status-always-online + + + + status-inactive + + + + status-inactive-subtitle + + + + two-minutes + + + + swap + + + + select-token-to-swap + + + + select-token-to-receive + + + + minimum-received + + + + powered-by-paraswap + + + + priority + + + + switch-to-simple-interface + + + + transaction-fee + + + + swap-details + + + + slippage + + + + price-impact + + + + total-gas + + + + token + + + + approve-limit + + + + approve-token + + + + approve-token-contract-desc + + + + unlimited + + + + approve + + + + limit + + + + last-transaction + + + + price-impact-desc + + + + safe-estimate + + + + current-average + + + + current-base + + + + maximum-fee-desc + + + + insufficient-balance-to-cover-fee + + + + wallet-connect-proposal-title + + + + wallet-connect-proposal-description + + + + wallet-connect-app-connected + + + + wallet-connect-go-back + + + + wallet-connect-2.0 + + + + wallet-connect + + + + reject + + + + manage-connections + + + + wallet-manage-app-connections + + + + connection-request + + + + disconnect + + + + new-ui + + + + send-contact-request-message + + + + contact-request + + + + say-hi + + + + accepted + + + + declined + + + + contact-request-header + + + + contact-request-declined + + + + contact-request-accepted + + + + contact-request-pending + + + + removed-from-contacts + + + + mutual-contact-requests + + + + negative + + + + positive + + + + Please enter a URL + + + + This fields needs to be a valid URL + + + + Please enter a Name + + + + Favorite added + + + + Edit + + + + Add favorite + + + + URL + + + + Paste URL + + + + Name + + + + Name the website + + + + Remove + + + + Done + + + + Add + + + + '%1' would like to connect to + + + + Allowing authorizes this DApp to retrieve your wallet address and enable Web3 + + + + Granting access authorizes this DApp to retrieve your chat key + + + + Deny + + + + Allow + + + + Enter URL + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Error signing message + + + + Transaction pending... + + + + Wrong password + + + + Start Page + + + + New Tab + + + + Downloads Page + + + + Server's certificate not trusted + + + + Do you wish to continue? + + + + If you wish so, you may continue with an unverified certificate. Accepting an unverified certificate means you may not be connected with the host you tried to connect to. +Do you wish to override the security check and continue? + + + + Exit Incognito mode + + + + Go Incognito + + + + Zoom In + + + + Zoom Out + + + + Find + + + + Compatibility mode + + + + Developer Tools + + + + Settings + + + + Mainnet + + + + Ropsten + + + + Unknown + + + + Disconnect + + + + Assets + + + + History + + + + Show All + + + + Cancelled + + + + Paused + + + + Open + + + + Show in folder + + + + Pause + + + + Resume + + + + Cancel + + + + Downloaded files will appear here. + + + + Open in new Tab + + + + Ok + + + + Signature request + + + + From + + + + Data + + + + Message + + + + Reject + + + + Sign + + + + Sign with password + + + + Contact request pending + + + + Connected + + + + Disconnected + + + + This user has been blocked. + + + + Type a message. + + + + Send + + + + Request Address + + + + Request + + + + Transaction pending + + + + Continue + + + + Receive on account + + + + From account + + + + Address request required + + + + To + + + + Preview + + + + Transaction preview + + + + Next + + + + Invalid transaction parameters + + + + Authorize %1 %2 + + + + Choose account + + + + Network fee + + + + Error estimating gas: %1 + + + + Send %1 %2 + + + + Image + + + + Sticker + + + + You have a new message + + + + You have been accepted into the ‘%1’ community + + + + Your request to join the ‘%1’ community was declined + + + + New membership request + + + + %1 asks to join ‘%2’ + + + + Failed to send message. + + + + Share your chat key + + + + friends to start messaging in Status + + + + ↓ Fetch more messages + + + + before %1 + + + + Welcome to the beginning of the <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> group! + + + + Any messages you send here are encrypted and can only be read by you and <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> + + + + Join chat + + + + Decline invitation + + + + Add reaction + + + + Reply + + + + More + + + + Today + + + + Yesterday + + + + January + + + + February + + + + March + + + + April + + + + May + + + + June + + + + July + + + + August + + + + September + + + + October + + + + November + + + + December + + + + and + + + + %1 more + + + + reacted with + + + + Error loading the image + + + + Loading image... + + + + This feature is experimental and is meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It's not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data. Use at your own risk. + + + + Membership requires an ENS username + + + + You need to be invited + + + + Request Access + + + + Verified community invitation + + + + Community invitation + + + + You invited %1 to join a community + + + + %1 invited you to join a community + + + + You shared a community + + + + A community has been shared + + + + Unsupported state + + + + %1 members + + + + Joined + + + + Join + + + + Enable automatic image unfurling + + + + Enable link previews in chat? + + + + Once enabled, links posted in the chat may share your metadata with their owners + + + + Enable in Settings + + + + Don't ask me again + + + + Resend + + + + Transaction request + + + + ↑ Outgoing transaction + + + + ↓ Incoming transaction + + + + Something has gone wrong + + + + Accept and share address + + + + Accept and send + + + + Decline + + + + Select account + + + + Choose accountSelect account to share and receive assets + + + + Confirm and share address + + + + Sign and send + + + + Pending + + + + Confirmed + + + + Unknown token + + + + Address requested + + + + Waiting to accept + + + + Address shared + + + + Address received + + + + Transaction declined + + + + failure + + + + Unknown state + + + + Group Information + + + + Clear history + + + + Leave group + + + + Are you sure you want to leave this chat? + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + Communities + + + + Search for communities or topics + + + + 1 member + + + + Import a community + + + + Create a community + + + + Public community + + + + Invitation only community + + + + On request community + + + + Unknown community + + + + - ENS only + + + + Chats + + + + Join ‘%1’ + + + + Request to join ‘%1’ + + + + Error joining the community + + + + No search results in Communities + + + + Members + + + + Create category + + + + Invite People + + + + Membership requests + + + + Edit category + + + + Delete category + + + + Delete %1 category + + + + Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. + + + + Error deleting the category + + + + View Profile + + + + Roles + + + + Kick + + + + Ban + + + + Transfer ownership + + + + Invite successfully sent + + + + Share community + + + + Notifications + + + + Edit community + + + + Export community + + + + Create channel + + + + Leave community + + + + Delete + + + + Welcome to your community! + + + + Add members + + + + Manage community + + + + You need to enter a name + + + + Please restrict your name to letters, numbers, dashes and spaces + + + + Your name needs to be 100 characters or shorter + + + + New channel + + + + Edit #%1 + + + + channel name + + + + channel decription + + + + Channel name + + + + Describe the channel + + + + Pinned messages + + + + A cool name + + + + channel description + + + + What your channel is about + + + + The description cannot exceed %1 characters + + + + Private channel + + + + By making a channel private, only members with selected permission will be able to access it + + + + category name + + + + New category + + + + Category title + + + + Channels + + + + Create + + + + Error editing the category + + + + Error creating the category + + + + Error creating the community + + + + You need to select an image + + + + You need to enter a color + + + + This field needs to be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + New community + + + + Name your community + + + + A catchy name + + + + Give it a short description + + + + What your community is about + + + + The description cannot exceed 140 characters + + + + community name + + + + community decription + + + + Thumbnail image + + + + Please choose an image + + + + Image files (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png) + + + + Upload + + + + Community colour + + + + Pick a color + + + + Please choose a color + + + + Membership requirement + + + + Require invite from another member + + + + Require approval + + + + No requirement + + + + You can require new members to meet certain criteria before they can join. This can be changed at any time + + + + Save + + + + Private community + + + + Only members with an invite link will be able to join your community. Private communities are not listed inside Status + + + + Your community will be public for anyone to join. Public communities are listed inside Status for easy discovery + + + + You need to enter a key + + + + Access existing community + + + + Community private key + + + + Entering a community key will grant you the ownership of that community. Please be responsible with it and don’t share the key with people you don’t trust. + + + + 0x... + + + + Import + + + + Error importing the community + + + + Invite friends + + + + Invite + + + + Contacts + + + + Chat + + + + Community imported + + + + Importing community is in progress + + + + Community %1 imported + + + + Importing community %1 is in progress + + + + Start new chat + + + + Start group chat + + + + Join public chat + + + + No messages + + + + No search results + + + + Your chats will appear here. To start new chats press the  button at the top + + + + Chat and transact privately with your friends + + + + Follow your interests in one of the many Public Chats. + + + + View Group + + + + Share Chat + + + + Test WakuV2 - requestAllHistoricMessages + + + + Unmute chat + + + + Mute chat + + + + Edit Channel + + + + Mark as Read + + + + Delete chat + + + + Leave chat + + + + Choose browser + + + + Open in Status + + + + Open in my default browser + + + + Remember my choice. To override it, go to settings. + + + + Admin + + + + Last 24 hours + + + + Last 2 days + + + + Last 3 days + + + + Last 7 days + + + + (You) + + + + You need to enter a channel name + + + + The channel name can only contain lowercase letters, numbers and dashes + + + + New group chat + + + + %1 / 10 members + + + + Group name + + + + Create Group Chat + + + + All your contacts are already in the group + + + + Make Admin + + + + Remove From Group + + + + Add selected + + + + Get Status at https://status.im + + + + Download Status link + + + + Unpin + + + + Pin + + + + Copy link + + + + Edit message + + + + Send message + + + + Reply to + + + + Jump to + + + + Delete message + + + + Confirm deleting this message + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well. + + + + Nickname + + + + Nicknames help you identify others in Status. Only you can see the nicknames you’ve added + + + + Your nickname is too long + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet. Invite your friends to start chatting. + + + + Enter a valid chat key or ENS usernameEnter a valid chat key or ENS username + + + + Can't chat with yourself + + + + New chat + + + + My Profile + + + + Enter ENS username or chat key + + + + Non contacts + + + + No profile found + + + + ENS username + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Chat settings + + + + None + + + + Unblock User + + + + Block User + + + + Add to contacts + + + + A public chat is where you get to hang out with others, make friends and talk about subjects of your interest. + + + + Start chat + + + + Pinned by %1 + + + + Type json-rpc message... e.g {"method": "eth_accounts"} + + + + Profile + + + + App version + + + + Version: %1 + + + + Node version + + + + Privacy Policy + + + + Network + + + + Fleet + + + + Minimize on close + + + + Experimental features + + + + Wallet + + + + Dapp Browser + + + + Activity Center + + + + Online users + + + + Broadcast user status + + + + Bloom filter level + + + + The account will be logged out. When you login again, the selected mode will be enabled + + + + Light Node + + + + Full Node + + + + GIF Widget + + + + Waku Bloom Mode + + + + Node Management + + + + Blockchains will drop search costs, causing a kind of decomposition that allows you to have markets of entities that are horizontally segregated and vertically segregated. + + + + Size + + + + Change font size + + + + XS + + + + S + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "S" because the title above is "Seed Phrase" + + + + M + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "M" because the title above is "Mailserver" + + + + L + + + + XL + + + + XXL + + + + Light + + + + Chat mode + + + + Normal + + + + Compact + + + + Appearance + + + + Dark + + + + System + + + + Back up seed phrase + + + + Step %1 of 3 + + + + If you lose your seed phrase you lose your data and funds + + + + If you lose access, for example by losing your phone, you can only access your keys with your seed phrase. No one, but you has your seed phrase. Write it down. Keep it safe + + + + Check your seed phrase + + + + Word #%1 + + + + Enter word + + + + In order to check if you have backed up your seed phrase correctly, enter the word #%1 above + + + + Are you sure? + + + + You will not be able to see the whole seed phrase again + + + + With this 12 words you can always get your key back. Write it down. Keep it safe, offline, and separate from this device. + + + + Okay, continue + + + + Wrong word + + + + General + + + + Default + + + + Show favorites bar + + + + Search engine used in the address bar + + + + Ethereum explorer used in the address bar + + + + Open an ethereum explorer after a transaction hash or an address is entered + + + + Privacy + + + + Set DApp access permissions + + + + Profile picture + + + + Crop your image (optional) + + + + Finish + + + + Chat link previews + + + + Websites + + + + Enable all + + + + Previewing links from these websites may share your metadata with their owners. + + + + Add new contact + + + + Blocked contacts + + + + Add contact + + + + You can't add yourself + + + + User not found + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet + + + + Devices + + + + Please set a name for your device. + + + + Specify a name + + + + Advertise device + + + + Pair your devices to sync contacts and chats between them + + + + Learn more + + + + Paired devices + + + + Syncing... + + + + Sync all devices + + + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + %1 is now connected with your chat key and can be used in Status. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + %1 will be connected once the transaction is complete. + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Wallet address + + + + Key + + + + Back + + + + Primary username + + + + Your messages are displayed to others with this username: + + + + Once you select a username, you won’t be able to disable it afterwards. You will only be able choose a different username to display. + + + + Nice! You own %1.stateofus.eth once the transaction is complete. + + + + Hey + + + + (pending) + + + + Add username + + + + Your usernames + + + + Primary Username + + + + None selected + + + + You’re displaying your ENS username in chats + + + + At least 4 characters. Latin letters, numbers, and lowercase only. + + + + Letters and numbers only. + + + + Type the entire username including the custom domain like username.domain.eth + + + + Your username + + + + ✓ Username available! + + + + Continuing will connect this username with your chat key. + + + + Username doesn’t belong to you :( + + + + Username already taken :( + + + + (edited) + + + + Username is already connected with your chat key and can be used inside Status. + + + + This user name is owned by you and connected with your chat key. Continue to set `Show my ENS username in chats`. + + + + Continuing will require a transaction to connect the username with your current chat key. + + + + Custom domain + + + + I want a stateofus.eth domain + + + + I own a name on another domain + + + + Connect username with your pubkey + + + + Terms of name registration + + + + Funds are deposited for 1 year. Your SNT will be locked, but not spent. + + + + After 1 year, you can release the name and get your deposit back, or take no action to keep the name. + + + + If terms of the contract change — e.g. Status makes contract upgrades — user has the right to release the username regardless of time held. + + + + The contract controller cannot access your deposited funds. They can only be moved back to the address that sent them. + + + + Your address(es) will be publicly associated with your ENS name. + + + + Usernames are created as subdomain nodes of stateofus.eth and are subject to the ENS smart contract terms. + + + + You authorize the contract to transfer SNT on your behalf. This can only occur when you approve a transaction to authorize the transfer. + + + + These terms are guaranteed by the smart contract logic at addresses: + + + + %1 (Status UsernameRegistrar). + + + + <a href='%1%2'>Look up on Etherscan</a> + + + + %1 (ENS Registry). + + + + Agree to <a href="#">Terms of name registration.</a> I understand that my wallet address will be publicly connected to my username. + + + + 10 SNT + + + + Deposit + + + + Not enough SNT + + + + Register + + + + Get a universal username + + + + ENS names transform those crazy-long addresses into unique usernames. + + + + Customize your chat name + + + + An ENS name can replace your random 3-word name in chat. Be @yourname instead of %1. + + + + Simplify your ETH address + + + + You can receive funds to your easy-to-share ENS name rather than your hexadecimal hash (0x...). + + + + Receive transactions in chat + + + + Others can send you funds via chat in one simple step. + + + + 10 SNT to register + + + + Register once to keep the name forever. After 1 year you can release the name and get your SNT back. + + + + Already own a username? + + + + You can verify and add any usernames you own in the next steps. + + + + Powered by Ethereum Name Services + + + + Start + + + + Only available on Mainnet + + + + ENS Registration failed + + + + ENS Registration completed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey failed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey completed + + + + Warning! + + + + Change fleet to %1 + + + + Glossary + + + + Account + + + + A + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "A" because the title above is "Account" + + + + Your Status account, accessed by the seed phrase that you create or import during onboarding. A Status account can hold more than one Ethereum address, in addition to the one created during onboarding. We refer to these as additional accounts within the wallet + + + + Chat Key + + + + C + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "C" because the title above is "Chat Key" + + + + Messages on the Status chat protocol are sent and received using encryption keys. The public chat key is a string of characters you share with others so they can send you messages in Status. + + + + Chat Name + + + + Three random words, derived algorithmically from your chat key and used as your default alias in chat. Chat names are completely unique; no other user can have the same three words. + + + + ENS Name + + + + E + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "E" because the title above is "ENS Name" + + + + Custom alias for your chat key that you can register using the Ethereum Name Service. ENS names are decentralized usernames. + + + + Mailserver + + + + A node in the Status network that routes and stores messages, for up to 30 days. + + + + Peer + + + + P + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "P" because the title above is "Peer" + + + + A device connected to the Status chat network. Each user can represent one or more peers, depending on their number of devices + + + + Seed Phrase + + + + A 64 character hex address based on the Ethereum standard and beginning with 0x. Public-facing, your wallet key is shared with others when you want to receive funds. Also referred to as an “Ethereum address” or “wallet address. + + + + Frequently asked questions + + + + Submit a bug + + + + Request a feature + + + + Language settings + + + + Language + + + + Muted chats + + + + Unmute + + + + The account will be logged out. When you unlock it again, the selected network will be used + + + + Add network + + + + You need to enter the RPC endpoint URL + + + + Invalid URL + + + + You need to enter the network id + + + + Should be a number + + + + Invalid network id + + + + RPC URL + + + + Specify a RPC URL + + + + Network chain + + + + Ropsten test network + + + + Rinkeby test network + + + + Custom + + + + Network Id + + + + Specify the network id + + + + Main networks + + + + Test networks + + + + Custom Networks + + + + Under development +NOTE: You will be logged out and all installed +sticker packs will be removed and will +need to be reinstalled. Purchased sticker +packs will not need to be re-purchased. + + + + Notification preferences + + + + All messages + + + + Just @mentions + + + + Nothing + + + + Play a sound when receiving a notification + + + + Use your operating system's notifications + + + + Setting this to false will instead use Status' notification style as seen below + + + + Message preview + + + + Anonymous + + + + Name only + + + + Name & Message + + + + Hi there! Yes, no problem, let me know if I can help. + + + + No preview or Advanced? Go to Notification Center + + + + Contacts & Users + + + + Notify on new requests + + + + Receive notifications from non-contacts + + + + Muted users + + + + Muted contacts + + + + Muted contacts will appear here + + + + Muted chats will appear here + + + + You can limit what gets shown in notifications + + + + Reset notification settings + + + + Restore default notification settings and unmute all chats and users + + + + Open links with... + + + + My default browser + + + + Security + + + + Backup Seed Phrase + + + + Display all profile pictures (not only contacts) + + + + Display images in chat automatically + + + + All images (links that contain an image extension) will be downloaded and displayed, regardless of the whitelist settings below + + + + Allow new contact requests + + + + Sign out controls + + + + LogoutExit + + + + Sounds settings + + + + Sound volume + + + + Sync settings + + + + Add mailserver + + + + You need to enter the enode address + + + + History node address + + + + enode://{enode-id}:{password}@{ip-address}:{port-number} + + + + Automatic mailserver selection + + + + ... + + + + Share what's on your mind and stay updated with your contacts + + + + Status account settings + + + + You need to enter an account name + + + + Enter an account name... + + + + Account name + + + + Type + + + + Watch-only + + + + Off Status tree + + + + On Status tree + + + + Derivation path + + + + Storage + + + + This device + + + + Delete account + + + + A deleted account cannot be retrieved later. Only press yes if you backed up your key/seed or don't care about this account anymore + + + + Save changes + + + + Add custom token + + + + This needs to be a valid address + + + + Invalid ERC20 address + + + + Enter contract address... + + + + Contract address + + + + The name of your token... + + + + ABC + + + + Symbol + + + + Decimals + + + + Collectibles will appear here + + + + To + + + + From + + + + At + + + + Status Desktop is connected to a non-archival node. Transaction history may be incomplete. + + + + No transactions found + + + + Load More + + + + Total value + + + + Receive + + + + Back up your seed phrase + + + + Recipient + + + + Transaction completed + + + + Transaction failed + + + + Set Currency + + + + Signing phrase + + + + This is your signing phrase + + + + You should see these 3 words before signing each transaction + + + + If you see a different combination, cancel the transaction and sign out + + + + Remind me later + + + + Manage Assets + + + + Account Settings + + + + Collectibles + + + + Generate an account + + + + Add a watch-only address + + + + Enter a seed phrase + + + + Enter a private key + + + + Add account from private key + + + + You need to enter a password + + + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + You need to enter a private key + + + + Enter a valid private key (64 characters hexadecimal string) + + + + Enter your password… + + + + Password + + + + Paste the contents of your private key + + + + Private key + + + + Loading... + + + + Add account + + + + You need to enter a seed phrase + + + + Enter a valid mnemonic + + + + Add account with a seed phrase + + + + Enter your seed phrase, separate words with commas or spaces... + + + + Seed phrase + + + + Add a watch-only account + + + + You need to enter an address + + + + This needs to be a valid address (starting with 0x) + + + + Enter address... + + + + Account address + + + + Token details + + + + Remove token + + + + Transaction Details + + + + 9999 Confirmations + + + + When the transaction has 12 confirmations you can consider it settled. + + + + Block + + + + Hash + + + + Gas limit + + + + Gas price + + + + Gas used + + + + Nonce + + + + Something went wrong + + + + Reload + + + + Maximum number of collectibles to display reached + + + + View + + + + Unnamed + + + + ID + + + + Description + + + + US Dollars + + + + Euros + + + + United Arab Emirates dirham + + + + Afghan afghani + + + + Argentine peso + + + + Australian dollar + + + + Barbadian dollar + + + + Bangladeshi taka + + + + Bulgarian lev + + + + Bahraini dinar + + + + Brunei dollar + + + + Bolivian boliviano + + + + Brazillian real + + + + Bhutanese ngultrum + + + + Canadian dollar + + + + Swiss franc + + + + Chilean peso + + + + Chinese yuan + + + + Colombian peso + + + + Costa Rican colón + + + + Czech koruna + + + + Danish krone + + + + Dominican peso + + + + Egyptian pound + + + + Ethiopian birr + + + + British Pound + + + + Georgian lari + + + + Ghanaian cedi + + + + Hong Kong dollar + + + + Croatian kuna + + + + Hungarian forint + + + + Indonesian rupiah + + + + Israeli new shekel + + + + Indian rupee + + + + Icelandic króna + + + + Jamaican dollar + + + + Japanese yen + + + + Kenyan shilling + + + + South Korean won + + + + Kuwaiti dinar + + + + Kazakhstani tenge + + + + Sri Lankan rupee + + + + Moroccan dirham + + + + Moldovan leu + + + + Mauritian rupee + + + + Malawian kwacha + + + + Mexican peso + + + + Malaysian ringgit + + + + Mozambican metical + + + + Namibian dollar + + + + Nigerian naira + + + + Norwegian krone + + + + Nepalese rupee + + + + New Zealand dollar + + + + Omani rial + + + + Peruvian sol + + + + Papua New Guinean kina + + + + Philippine peso + + + + Pakistani rupee + + + + Polish złoty + + + + Paraguayan guaraní + + + + Qatari riyal + + + + Romanian leu + + + + Serbian dinar + + + + Russian ruble + + + + Saudi riyal + + + + Swedish krona + + + + Singapore dollar + + + + Thai baht + + + + Trinidad and Tobago dollar + + + + New Taiwan dollar + + + + Tanzanian shilling + + + + Turkish lira + + + + Ukrainian hryvnia + + + + Ugandan shilling + + + + Uruguayan peso + + + + Venezuelan bolívar + + + + Vietnamese đồng + + + + South African rand + + + + View Community + + + + Browser + + + + Timeline + + + + Contact request accepted + + + + New contact request + + + + You can now chat with %1 + + + + %1 requests to become contacts + + + + Where do you want to go? + + + + Status Desktop + + + + Open Status + + + + Quit + + + + Create a password + + + + New password... + + + + Confirm password… + + + + At least 6 characters. You will use this password to unlock status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + Create password + + + + Error importing account + + + + An error occurred while importing your account: + + + + Login failed + + + + Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. + + + + Enter seed phrase + + + + This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. + + + + Start with the first word + + + + Enter 12, 15, 18, 21 or 24 words. +Seperate words by a single space. + + + + Invalid seed phrase + + + + Choose a chat name + + + + Truly private communication + + + + Chat over a peer-to-peer, encrypted network + where messages can't be censored or hacked + + + + Secure crypto wallet + + + + Send and receive digital assets anywhere in the +world--no bank account required + + + + Decentralized apps + + + + Explore games, exchanges and social networks +where you alone own your data + + + + Thanks for trying Status Desktop! Please note that this is an alpha release and we advise you that using this app should be done for testing purposes only and you assume the full responsibility for all risks concerning your data and funds. Status makes no claims of security or integrity of funds in these builds. + + + + I understand + + + + Status does not collect, share or sell any personal data. By continuing you agree with the privacy policy. + + + + I'm new, generate keys + + + + Access existing key + + + + Enter password + + + + Connecting... + + + + Login failed: %1 + + + + Generate new keys + + + + Your keys + + + + Add another existing key + + + + Your keys have been successfully recovered + + + + You will have to create a new code or password to re-encrypt your keys + + + + Re-encrypt your keys + + + + Cannot find asset '%1'. Ensure this asset has been added to the token list. + + + + ENS Username not found + + + + eg. 0x1234 or ENS + + + + Paste + + + + You need to request the recipient’s address first. +Assets won’t be sent yet. + + + + Invalid source + + + + Insufficient balance + + + + Must be greater than 0 + + + + Priority + + + + Use suggestions + + + + Use custom + + + + Low + + + + High + + + + Gas amount limit + + + + Per-gas overall limit + + + + Maximum overall price for the transaction. If the block base fee exceeds this, it will be included in a following block with a lower base fee. + + + + Must be greater than or equal to 0 + + + + This needs to be a number + + + + Please enter an amount + + + + The amount is 0. Proceed only if this is desired. + + + + Balance: + + + + Asset & Amount + + + + Blocking will remove any messages you received from %1 and stop new messages from reaching you. + + + + Account color + + + + Confirm your action + + + + Confirm + + + + Are you sure you want to this? + + + + Do not show this again + + + + Please select a contact + + + + Select a contact + + + + Contact does not have an ENS address. Please send a transaction in chat. + + + + No contact selected + + + + Copied! + + + + Slow + + + + Optimal + + + + Fast + + + + Reset + + + + Advanced + + + + Custom Network Fee + + + + Gwei + + + + Apply + + + + Not enough ETH for gas + + + + Copied + + + + Pasted + + + + Copy + + + + Invalid ethereum address + + + + Address + + + + My account + + + + Contact + + + + Search + + + + In: + + + + Messages + + + + Tokens will be sent directly to a contract address, which may result in a loss of funds. To transfer ERC-20 tokens, ensure the recipient address is the address of the destination wallet. + + + + View on Etherscan + + + + <a href='%1' style='color:%2;text-decoration:none;'>%3</a> + + + + Asset + + + + Amount + + + + Data field + + + + Signing phrase is a 3 word combination that displayed when you entered the wallet on this device for the first time. + + + + Enter the password you use to unlock this device + + + + Unblocking will allow new messages you received from %1 to reach you. + + + + Send transaction + + + + Request transaction + + + + Public chat + + + + Not a contact + + + + Image files (%1) + + + + Your message is too long. + + + + Please make your message shorter. We have set the limit to 2000 characters to be courteous of others. + + + + Type a message + + + + Bold + + + + Italic + + + + Strikethrough + + + + Code + + + + No recent emojis + + + + Buy for %1 SNT + + + + Uninstall + + + + Install + + + + Free + + + + Pending... + + + + Update + + + + Could not buy Stickerpack + + + + Stickerpack bought successfully + + + + You don't have any stickers yet + + + + Recently used stickers will appear here + + + + Get Stickers + + + + Ethereum explorer + + + + Custom... + + + + Search engine + + + + Dapp permissions + + + + Revoke access + + + + Revoke all access + + + + Show more + + + + %1 invited you to join the group + + + + All + + + + Mentions + + + + Replies + + + + Contact requests + + + + Mark all as Read + + + + Show read notifications + + + + Hide read notifications + + + + Notification settings + + + + You need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messages + + + + Waiting for %1 to accept your request + + + + Just click this button to add them as contact. They will receive a notification. Once they accept the request, you'll be able to chat + + + + Back up community key + + + + Back up + + + + Member name + + + + Community members will appear here + + + + No contacts found + + + + Your community is free to join, but new members are required to be approved by the community creator first + + + + Your community can only be joined by an invitation from existing community members + + + + Your community is free for anyone to join + + + + You should keep it safe and only share it with people you trust to take ownership of your community + + + + You can also use this key to import your community on another device + + + + Decline and block + + + + Decline all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to decline all these contact requests + + + + Accept all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to accept all these contact requests + + + + Decline all + + + + Accept all + + + + Pin limit reached + + + + Unpin a previous message first + + + + %1 messages + + + + %1 message + + + + Pinned messages will appear here. + + + + I accept + + + + Format not supported. + + + + Upload %1 only + + + + You can only upload %1 images at a time + + + + Max image size is %1 MB + + + + TODO + + + + NOW + + + + %1M + + + + %1H + + + + %1D + + + + Sun + + + + Mon + + + + Tue + + + + Wed + + + + Thu + + + + Fri + + + + Sat + + + + Jan + + + + Feb + + + + Mar + + + + Apr + + + + Jun + + + + Jul + + + + Aug + + + + Sep + + + + Oct + + + + Nov + + + + Dec + + + + Sunday + + + + Monday + + + + Tuesday + + + + Wednesday + + + + Thursday + + + + Friday + + + + Saturday + + + + Start a 1-on-1 chat with %1 + + + + Join the %1 community + + + + Join the %1 group chat + + + + Join the %1 public channel + + + + words + + + + Mainnet with upstream RPC + + + + POA Network + + + + xDai Chain + + + + Goerli with upstream RPC + + + + Rinkeby with upstream RPC + + + + Ropsten with upstream RPC + + + + You need to repeat your password + + + + Passwords don't match + + + + You need to enter a %1 + + + + The %1 cannot exceed %2 characters + + + + Must be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + Use only lowercase letters (a to z), numbers & dashes (-). Do not use chat keys. + + + + community-image-delete + + + + public + Publiek + + + + AboutView + + Status Desktop + + + + Privacy Policy + + + + Check for updates + + + + Current Version + + + + Release Notes + + + + Our Principles + + + + Status desktop’s GitHub Repositories + + + + Status Go + + + + StatusQ + + + + go-waku + + + + Legal & Privacy Documents + + + + Terms of Use + + + + Software License + + + + + AcceptRejectOptionsButtonsPanel + + View Profile + + + + Decline and block + + + + + AccessExistingCommunityPopup + + You need to enter a key + + + + Import + + + + Error importing the community + + + + + AccountView + + Type + + + + Storage + + + + Watch-Only Account + + + + Generated by your Status seed phrase profile + + + + Imported Account + + + + On Device + + + + Derivation Path + + + + Remove from your profile + + + + Confirm %1 Removal + + + + You will not be able to restore viewing access to this account in the future unless you enter this account’s address again. + + + + Remove Account + + + + + ActivityCenterMessageComponentView + + Mark as Read + + + + Mark as Unread + + + + + AddAccountModal + + Advanced + + + + Generate an account + + + + Wrong password + + + + You need to enter a password + + + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + Enter your password… + + + + Password + + + + Enter an account name... + + + + Account name + + + + You need to enter an account name + + + + color + + + + Loading... + + + + Add account + + + + + AddEditSavedAddressPopup + + Name + + + + Address + + + + Save + + + + Edit saved address + + + + Add saved address + + + + Enter a name + + + + Name must not be blank + + + + This is not a valid account name + + + + Enter ENS Name or Ethereum Address + + + + Please enter a valid ENS name OR Ethereum Address + + + + Add address + + + + + AddFavoriteModal + + URL + + + + Paste URL + + + + Paste + + + + Pasted + + + + Name + + + + Favorite added + + + + Edit + + + + Add favorite + + + + Please enter a valid URL + + + + Name of the website + + + + Please enter a name + + + + Remove + + + + Done + + + + Add + + + + Add Favorite + + + + + AdvancedContainer + + Online users + + + + + AdvancedView + + disable + uitschakelen + + + enable + Inschakelen + + + Fleet + + + + Minimize on close + + + + Application Logs + + + + Experimental features + + + + Wallet + + + + WalletSettingsLineButton + + + + Dapp Browser + + + + Community History Archive Protocol + + + + Node Management + + + + Keycard + + + + Bloom filter level + + + + Warning! + + + + The account will be logged out. When you login again, the selected mode will be enabled + + + + Light Node + + + + Normal + + + + Full Node + + + + WakuV2 mode + + + + Developer features + + + + Full developer mode + + + + Download messages + + + + Telemetry + + + + Debug + + + + Auto message + + + + Are you sure you want to enable all the develoer features? The app will be restarted. + + + + Are you sure you want to enable telemetry? This will reduce your privacy level while using Status. You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. + + + + Are you sure you want to enable auto message? You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. + + + + Are you sure you want to %1 debug mode? You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. + + + + This feature is experimental and is meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It's not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data. Use at your own risk. + + + + I understand + + + + + AllowNotificationsView + + Ok, got it + + + + Allow notifications + + + + Status will notify you about new messages. You can +edit your notification preferences later in settings. + + + + + AppMain + + Where do you want to go? + + + + Profile Picture + + + + Make this my Profile Pic + + + + Invite People + + + + View Community + + + + Leave Community + + + + A new version of Status (%1) is available + + + + Download + + + + Your version is up to date + + + + Close + + + + Can not connect to mailserver + + + + The mailserver you're connecting to is unavailable. + + + + Pick another + + + + Retry + + + + + AppearanceView + + XS + + + + S + + + + M + + + + L + + + + XL + + + + XXL + + + + Preview + + + + Blockchains will drop search costs, causing a kind of decomposition that allows you to have markets of entities that are horizontally segregated and vertically segregated. + + + + Size + + + + Change font size + + + + Change Zoom (requires restart) + + + + 50% + + + + 100% + + + + 150% + + + + 200% + + + + Appearance + + + + Light + + + + Dark + + + + System + + + + + BackupSeedModal + + Back up your seed phrase + + + + Continue + + + + Not Now + + + + Confirm Seed Phrase + + + + Complete & Delete My Seed Phrase + + + + Confirm word #%1 of your seed phrase + + + + + BackupSeedStepBase + + Enter word + + + + Wrong word + + + + Word #%1 + + + + + BeforeGetStartedModal + + Privacy Policy + + + + Before you get started + + + + I acknowledge that status desktop is in beta and by using it I take the full responsibility for all risks concerning my data and funds + + + + Before you get started... + + + + Get Started + + + + I acknowledge that Status Desktop is in Beta and by using it I take the full responsibility for all risks concerning my data and funds. + + + + I accept Status + + + + Terms of Use + + + + Terms of service + + + + Get started + + + + + BrowserLayout + + Transaction pending... + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Error signing message + + + + View on etherscan + + + + Server's certificate not trusted + + + + Do you wish to continue? + + + + If you wish so, you may continue with an unverified certificate. Accepting an unverified certificate means you may not be connected with the host you tried to connect to. +Do you wish to override the security check and continue? + + + + + ChatContextMenuView + + Leave group + + + + Save + + + + Delete + + + + Are you sure you want to leave this chat? + + + + View Members + + + + Add / remove from group + + + + Test WakuV2 - requestAllHistoricMessages + + + + Edit name + + + + Mark as Read + + + + Clear history + + + + Edit Channel + + + + Download + + + + Delete Channel + + + + Delete chat + + + + Leave chat + + + + Download messages + + + + Delete #%1 + + + + Are you sure you want to delete #%1 channel? + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this chat? + + + + + ChatView + + Members + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + + CollectibleDetailsHeader + + Send + + + + + CollectibleModal + + description + Beschrijving + + + unnamed + + + + id + + + + View in Opensea + + + + + CollectiblesStore + + Collectibles + + + + + CollectiblesView + + Collectibles will appear here + + + + + CommunitiesListPanel + + Cancel + + + + Leave community + + + + Leave %1 + + + + Are you sure you want to leave? Once you leave, you will have to request to rejoin if you change your mind. + + + + + CommunitiesPopup + + Communities + + + + 1 member + + + + %1 members + + + + Create a community + + + + Search for communities or topics + + + + Access existing community + + + + + CommunitiesPortalLayout + + Search + + + + Find community + + + + Import Community + + + + Create New Community + + + + Featured + + + + Popular + + + + + CommunityColorPicker + + Community colour + + + + + CommunityColumnView + + Create channel + + + + Create category + + + + 1 Member + + + + %1 Members + + + + Start chat + + + + Membership requests + + + + Invite people + + + + Unmute category + + + + Mute category + + + + Edit Category + + + + Delete Category + + + + Delete %1 category + + + + Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. + + + + Create channel or category + + + + Error deleting the category + + + + + CommunityDescriptionInput + + Description + + + + What your community is about + + + + community description + + + + + CommunityDetailPopup + + Join ‘%1’ + + + + Pending + + + + Unknown community + + + + Public community + + + + Invitation only community + + + + On request community + + + + - ENS only + + + + %1 members + + + + Channels + + + + You need to be invited + + + + Request to join ‘%1’ + + + + Error joining the community + + + + + CommunityEditSettingsPanel + + A catchy name + + + + community name + + + + Description + + + + What your community is about + + + + Pick a color + + + + + CommunityHeaderButton + + 1 member + + + + %1 members + + + + + CommunityMembersSettingsPanel + + Members + + + + Member name + + + + Ban + + + + Kick + + + + Membership requests + + + + Community members will appear here + + + + No contacts found + + + + You + + + + + CommunityNameInput + + A catchy name + + + + community name + + + + Community name + + + + + CommunityProfilePopup + + Members + + + + Transfer ownership + + + + Public community + + + + Invitation only community + + + + On request community + + + + Unknown community + + + + Invite friends + + + + Invite + + + + + CommunityProfilePopupInviteFriendsPanel + + Copied! + + + + Contacts + + + + Share community + + + + + CommunityProfilePopupMembersListPanel + + Member name + + + + + CommunityProfilePopupOverviewPanel + + Copied! + + + + Share community + + + + Transfer ownership + + + + Leave community + + + + + CommunitySettingsView + + Members + + + + Notifications + + + + Settings + + + + Overview + + + + Open legacy popup (to be removed) + + + + Back to community + + + + Error editing the community + + + + + CommunityUserList + + Members + + + + + ConfirmPasswordView + + Passwords don't match + + + + Have you written down your password? + + + + You will never be able to recover your password if you lose it. + + + + If you need to, write it using pen and paper and keep in a safe place. + + + + If you lose your password you will lose access to your Status profile. + + + + Confirm your password (again) + + + + Confirm you password (again) + + + + Finalise Status Password Creation + + + + Keys for this account already exist + + + + Keys for this account already exist and can't be added again. If you've lost your password, passcode or Keycard, uninstall the app, reinstall and access your keys by entering your seed phrase + + + + Login failed + + + + Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. + + + + + ConfirmationDialog + + Confirm + + + + Reject + + + + Cancel + + + + Confirm your action + + + + Do not show this again + + + + Are you sure you want to do this? + + + + + ContactPanel + + View Profile + + + + Send message + + + + Respond to ID Request + + + + See ID Request + + + + Rename + + + + + ContactsColumnView + + Start chat + + + + Chat + + + + Search + + + + Join public chats + + + + Contact requests + + + + Community imported + + + + Importing community is in progress + + + + + ContactsView + + Contacts + + + + Send contact request to chat key + + + + Search by a display name or chat key + + + + Pending Requests + + + + Blocked + + + + Identity Verified Contacts + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet + + + + Received + + + + Sent + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + + Controls + + XS + + + + S + + + + M + + + + L + + + + XL + + + + XXL + + + + 50% + + + + 100% + + + + 150% + + + + 200% + + + + + CreateCategoryPopup + + Category title + + + + category name + + + + Edit category + + + + New category + + + + Name the category + + + + Channels + + + + Delete category + + + + Delete %1 category + + + + Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. + + + + Save + + + + Create + + + + Error editing the category + + + + Error creating the category + + + + + CreateChannelPopup + + Channel name + + + + channel name + + + + Description + + + + Describe the channel + + + + channel description + + + + New channel + + + + Edit #%1 + + + + Name the channel + + + + Channel colour + + + + Pick a color + + + + Save + + + + Create + + + + Error creating the community + + + + + CreateChatView + + Contacts + + + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. + +Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be able to chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. + + + + You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. + + +Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be + able to +chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. + + + + You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. + + +Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be able to +chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. + + + + Confirm + + + + + CreateCommunityPopup + + You need to enter a color + + + + This field needs to be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + Community color + + + + Pick a color + + + + Please choose a color + + + + Next + + + + Error creating the community + + + + Name your community + + + + A catchy name + + + + Give it a short description + + + + What your community is about + + + + Community colour + + + + Create New Community + + + + Create Community + + + + + CreatePasswordView + + Create password + + + + + DemoApp + + Invite People + + + + View Community + + + + Edit Community + + + + Leave Community + + + + + DerivationPathsPanel + + Reset + + + + Derivation Path + + + + + DerivedAddressesPanel + + Pending + + + + Account + + + + No activity + + + + Invalid path + + + + Has Activity + + + + No Activity + + + + + DisplayNamePopup + + Edit + + + + Ok + + + + Display Name + + + + OK + + + + + EnsDetailsView + + Wallet address + + + + Key + + + + Connect username with your pubkey + + + + Copied to clipboard! + + + + Release username + + + + Username locked. You won't be able to release it until %1 + + + + Back + + + + + EnsSearchView + + Connect username with your pubkey + + + + At least 4 characters. Latin letters, numbers, and lowercase only. + + + + Letters and numbers only. + + + + Type the entire username including the custom domain like username.domain.eth + + + + Custom domain + + + + I want a stateofus.eth domain + + + + I own a name on another domain + + + + + EnsView + + Transaction pending... + + + + View on etherscan + + + + ENS Registration failed + + + + ENS Registration completed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey failed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey completed + + + + + ExemptionNotificationsModal + + Done + + + + %1 exemption + + + + Mute all messages + + + + Personal @ Mentions + + + + Global @ Mentions + + + + Other Messages + + + + Clear Exemptions + + + + + GasSelector + + Priority + + + + Low + + + + High + + + + Must be greater than 0 + + + + This needs to be a number + + + + Please enter an amount + + + + Min 21000 units + + + + Not enough gas + + + + Miners will currently not process transactions with a tip below %1 Gwei, the average is %2 Gwei + + + + The average miner tip is %1 Gwei + + + + Gas Price + + + + Current base fee: %1 %2 + + + + Use suggestions + + + + Use custom + + + + Optimal + + + + Gas amount limit + + + + Per-gas tip limit + + + + Gwei + + + + Per-gas overall limit + + + + Maximum priority fee: %1 ETH + + + + Maximum overall price for the transaction. If the block base fee exceeds this, it will be included in a following block with a lower base fee. + + + + + GroupInfoPopup + + %1/%2 members + + + + Add members + + + + %1 members + + + + 1 member + + + + Search + + + + All your contacts are already in the group + + + + Pinned messages + + + + Admin + + + + Make Admin + + + + Remove From Group + + + + Add selected + + + + + ImageCropperModal + + Crop your image (optional) + + + + Finish + + + + + ImportPrivateKeyPanel + + Pending + + + + You need to enter a private key + + + + Enter a valid private key (64 characters hexadecimal string) + + + + Private key + + + + Paste the contents of your private key + + + + Public address + + + + Account already added + + + + Has Activity + + + + No Activity + + + + + InsertCard + + Cancel + + + + Please insert your Keycard to proceed or press the cancel button to cancel the operation + + + + + InsertDetailsView + + Next + + + + Profile picture + + + + Your profile + + + + Longer and unusual names are better as they are less likely to be used by someone else. + + + + Display name + + + + Chatkey: + + + + Choose an image for profile picture + + + + Make this my profile picture + + + + Your emojihash and identicon ring + + + + This set of emojis and coloured ring around your avatar are unique and represent your chat key, so your friends can easily distinguish you from potential impersonators. + + + + + InvitationBubbleView + + Unsupported state + + + + Membership requires an ENS username + + + + You need to be invited + + + + Pending + + + + View + + + + Request Access + + + + Join + + + + Verified community invitation + + + + Community invitation + + + + %1 members + + + + Error joining the community + + + + + KeysMainView + + Enter a seed phrase + + + + Generate new keys + + + + intro-wizard-title1 + + + + a-set-of-keys-controls-your-account.-your-keys-live-on-your-device,-so-only-you-can-use-them. + + + + Connect your keys + + + + Use your existing Status keys to login to this device. + + + + Get your keys + + + + A set of keys controls your account. Your keys live on your +device, so only you can use them. + + + + Import a seed phrase + + + + Seed phrases are used to back up and restore your keys. Only use this option if you already have a seed phrase. + + + + + LanguageView + + Language + + + + Set Display Currency + + + + Search Currencies + + + + Search Languages + + + + Date Format + + + + DD/MM/YY + + + + MM/DD/YY + + + + Time Format + + + + 24-Hour Time + + + + 12-Hour Time + + + + Change language + + + + Display language has been changed. You must restart the application for changes to take effect. + + + + Close the app now + + + + + Layout + + Invite People + + + + View Community + + + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + Edit Community + + + + Leave Community + + + + + LeftTabView + + Settings + + + + Sign out + + + + Make sure you have your account password and seed phrase stored. Without them you can lock yourself out of your account and lose funds. + + + + Sign out & Quit + + + + Wallet + + + + Total value + + + + Add account + + + + Saved addresses + + + + + LoginView + + Ok + + + + Welcome back + + + + Add new user + + + + Add existing Status user + + + + Connecting... + + + + Password + + + + Enter password + + + + Login failed: %1 + + + + Password incorrect + + + + + MenuPanel + + Settings + + + + Apps + + + + About & Help + + + + + MessageContextMenuView + + Jump to + + + + Copy image + + + + Download image + + + + Block User + + + + Unblock User + + + + Rename + + + + Reply to + + + + Edit message + + + + Copy Message Id + + + + Unpin + + + + Pin + + + + Delete message + + + + Please choose a directory + + + + Confirm deleting this message + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well. + + + + + MessagingView + + Contacts + + + + Allow new contact requests + + + + Show My Profile Picture To + + + + Everyone + + + + No One + + + + See Profile Pictures From + + + + Open Message Links With + + + + Status Browser + + + + System Default Browser + + + + Contacts, Requests, and Blocked Users + + + + Display Message Link Previews + + + + Fine tune which sites to allow link previews + + + + Image unfurling + + + + All images (links that contain an image extension) will be downloaded and displayed + + + + Message syncing + + + + Waku nodes + + + + For security reasons, private chat history won't be synced. + + + + + MyProfileView + + ENS username + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Change Password + + + + Edit + + + + Preview + + + + + NicknamePopup + + Nickname + + + + Nicknames help you identify others in Status. Only you can see the nicknames you’ve added + + + + Done + + + + + NoImageUploadedPanel + + Upload + + + + Wide aspect ratio is optimal + + + + + NotificationsView + + Messages + + + + You have a new message + + + + Anonymous + + + + Community + + + + 1:1 Chat + + + + Group Chat + + + + Muted + + + + Off + + + + Quiet + + + + Personal @ Mentions %1 + + + + Global @ Mentions %1 + + + + Alerts + + + + Other Messages %1 + + + + Multiple Exemptions + + + + Enable Notifications in macOS Settings + + + + To receive Status notifications, make sure you've enabled them in your computer's settings under <b>System Preferences > Notifications</b> + + + + Sync your devices to share notifications preferences + + + + Syncing > + + + + Allow Notifications + + + + 1:1 Chats + + + + Group Chats + + + + Personal @ Mentions + + + + Messages containing @%1 + + + + Global @ Mentions + + + + Messages containing @here and @channel + + + + All Messages + + + + Others + + + + Contact Requests + + + + Identity Verification Requests + + + + Notification Content + + + + Show Name and Message + + + + Hi there! So EIP-1559 will defini... + + + + Name Only + + + + Play a Sound When Receiving a Notification + + + + Volume + + + + Send a Test Notification + + + + Exemptions + + + + Search Communities, Group Chats and 1:1 Chats + + + + Most recent + + + + + PasswordView + + Create a password + + + + Passwords don't match + + + + Create a password to unlock Status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + You will not be able to recover this password if it is lost. + + + + Minimum %1 characters. To strengthen your password consider including: + + + + This password has been pwned and shouldn't be used + + + + This password is a common word and shouldn't be used + + + + Password must be at least %1 characters long + + + + Current password + + + + New password + + + + Very weak + + + + Weak + + + + So-so + + + + Good + + + + Great + + + + Lower case + + + + Upper case + + + + Numbers + + + + Symbols + + + + Confirm password + + + + + PermissionsListView + + Disconnect + + + + Disconnect All + + + + + PinnedMessagesPopup + + Unpin + + + + Pin limit reached + + + + Pinned messages + + + + Unpin a previous message first + + + + %1 messages + + + + %1 message + + + + Pinned messages will appear here. + + + + + ProfileLayout + + Contacts + + + + Testnet mode is enabled. All balances, transactions and dApp interactions will be on testnets. + + + + Secure your seed phrase + + + + Back up now + + + + + ProfilePopup + + ENS username + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Chat settings + + + + Nickname + + + + None + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + Unblock User + + + + Block User + + + + Add to contacts + + + + 's Profile + + + + Send Contact Request to + + + + Verify %1's Identity + + + + My Profile + + + + %1's Profile + + + + Send Contact Request to %1 + + + + Cancel verification + + + + Remove Contact + + + + Send Contact Request + + + + Mark Untrustworthy + + + + Remove 'Identity Verified' status + + + + No + + + + Yes + + + + Remove Untrustworthy Mark + + + + Verify Identity + + + + Verify Identity pending... + + + + Send verification request + + + + Verification request sent + + + + Confirm Identity + + + + Rename + + + + Close + + + + + ProfileSectionStore + + Profile + + + + ENS usernames + + + + Wallet + + + + Browser + + + + Communities + + + + Appearance + + + + Back up seed phrase + + + + Advanced + + + + Messaging + + + + Notifications & Sounds + + + + Language & Currency + + + + Devices settings + + + + About + + + + Sign out & Quit + + + + + RateView + + Upload + + + + Bandwidth + + + + Kb/s + + + + Download + + + + + ReceiveModal + + Copy + + + + Receive + + + + Legacy + + + + Multichain + + + + Your Address + + + + + RootStore + + You + + + + Start a 1-on-1 chat with %1 + + + + Join the %1 community + + + + Join the %1 group chat + + + + + SavedAddressesView + + Cancel + + + + Delete + + + + Saved addresses + + + + Add new address + + + + Edit + + + + Are you sure you want to remove '%1' from your saved addresses? + + + + Are you sure? + + + + No saved addresses + + + + + SeedPhraseInputView + + Enter seed phrase + + + + Next + + + + Import + + + + Keys for this account already exist + + + + Keys for this account already exist and can't be added again. If you've lost your password, passcode or Keycard, uninstall the app, reinstall and access your keys by entering your seed phrase + + + + Error importing seed + + + + %1 words + + + + %1SeedButton + + + + Invalid seed + + + + Restore Status Profile + + + + + SendContactRequestModal + + Paste + + + + Send Contact Request to chat key + + + + Enter chat key here + + + + Say who you are / why you want to become a contact... + + + + who are you + + + + Send Contact Request + + + + + SendModal + + Transaction pending... + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Send + + + + Max: + + + + No balances active + + + + Please enter a valid amount + + + + To + + + + Enter an ENS name or address + + + + Error estimating gas: %1 + + + + Wrong password + + + + View on etherscan + + + + + SendModalFooter + + Unknown + + + + Estimated Time: + + + + Max Fees: + + + + Send + + + + + SendModalHeader + + To + + + + + SettingsPageLayout + + Cancel + + + + Save changes + + + + + SignTransactionModal + + Send + + + + Continue + + + + Error estimating gas: %1 + + + + Transaction pending... + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Choose account + + + + Network fee + + + + Transaction preview + + + + Sign with password + + + + Send %1 %2 + + + + Next + + + + Wrong password + + + + View on etherscan + + + + + StatusAppCommunityView + + Members + + + + + StatusChatInput + + Send + + + + Message + + + + Please choose an image + + + + Image files (%1) + + + + Your message is too long. + + + + Please make your message shorter. We have set the limit to 2000 characters to be courteous of others. + + + + Bold + + + + Italic + + + + Strikethrough + + + + Code + + + + Unblock + + + + + StatusChatListAndCategories + + More + + + + Add channel inside category + + + + + StatusChatListCategoryItem + + More + + + + Add channel inside category + + + + + StatusChatListItem + + Unmute + + + + + StatusChatToolBar + + Search + + + + Members + + + + More + + + + + StatusColorDialog + + Preview + + + + This is not a valid color + + + + Standart colours + + + + Select Colour + + + + + StatusExpandableSettingsItemPage + + Back up seed phrase + + + + Not Implemented + + + + + StatusListPicker + + Search + + + + + StatusMacNotification + + Open + + + + My latest message + with a return + + + + + StatusStickerMarket + + This feature is experimental and is meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It's not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data. Use at your own risk. + + + + I understand + + + + + StatusTokenInlineSelector + + or + + + + Hold + + + + to post + + + + + StatusWalletColorSelect + + Account color + + + + + TabNetworkAndFees + + Advanced + + + + Custom + + + + Slow + + + + + TransactionSettingsConfirmationPopup + + Are you sure? + + + + Your priority fee is below our suggested parameters. + + + + Current base fee + + + + %1 Gwei + + + + Current minimum tip + + + + Current average tip + + + + Your tip limit + + + + Suggested minimum tip + + + + Your price limit + + + + Suggested minimum price limit + + + + Change Limit + + + + Continue anyway + + + + + TransferOwnershipPopup + + Transfer ownership + + + + Community private key + + + + Copy + + + + Copied + + + + You should keep it safe and only share it with people you trust to take ownership of your community + + + + You can also use this key to import your community on another device + + + + + UploadProfilePicModal + + Profile picture + + + + Remove + + + + Upload + + + + Done + + + + Upload profile picture + + + + Choose an image for profile picture + + + + Make this my profile picture + + + + + UserList + + Members + + + + + UsernameLabel + + You + + + + + Utils + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + You need to enter a %1 + + + + now + Nu + + + Sun + + + + Mon + + + + Tue + + + + Wed + + + + Thu + + + + Fri + + + + Sat + + + + Jan + + + + Feb + + + + Mar + + + + Apr + + + + May + + + + Jun + + + + Jul + + + + Aug + + + + Sep + + + + Oct + + + + Nov + + + + Dec + + + + Yesterday + + + + Sunday + + + + Monday + + + + Tuesday + + + + Wednesday + + + + Thursday + + + + Friday + + + + Saturday + + + + NOW + + + + %1M + + + + %1H + + + + %1D + + + + words + + + + You need to enter a password + + + + You need to repeat your password + + + + Passwords don't match + + + + You need to enter a PIN + + + + The PIN must contain only digits + + + + The PIN must be exactly 6 digits + + + + You need to repeat your PIN + + + + PIN don't match + + + + The %1 cannot exceed %2 characters + + + + Must be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + Use only lowercase letters (a to z), numbers & dashes (-). Do not use chat keys. + + + + Value has to be at least %1 characters long + + + + Unknown + + + + < 1 min + + + + < 3 mins + + + + < 5 mins + + + + > 5 mins + + + + years ago + + + + year ago + + + + months ago + + + + month ago + + + + weeks ago + + + + week ago + + + + days ago + + + + day ago + + + + hours ago + + + + hour ago + + + + mins ago + + + + min ago + + + + secs ago + + + + sec ago + + + + + WalletView + + Wallet + + + + Networks + + + + DApp Permissions + + + + Testnet Mode + + + + + AcceptTransactionView + + Accept and share address + + + + Accept and send + + + + Decline + + + + + Acknowledgements + + Secure Your Assets and Funds + + + + Your seed phrase is a 12-word passcode to your funds. + + + + Your seed phrase cannot be recovered if lost. Therefore, you <b>must</b> back it up. The simplest way is to <b>write it down offline and store it somewhere secure.</b> + + + + I have a pen and paper + + + + I am ready to write down my seed phrase + + + + I know where I’ll store it + + + + You can only complete this process once. Status will not store your seed phrase and can never help you recover it. + + + + + ActivityCenterPopup + + Show more + + + + + ActivityCenterPopupTopBarPanel + + All + + + + Mentions + + + + Replies + + + + Mark all as Read + + + + Show read notifications + + + + Hide read notifications + + + + Notification settings + + + + + AddShowTokenModal + + Add custom token + + + + This needs to be a valid address + + + + Invalid ERC20 address + + + + Enter contract address... + + + + Contract address + + + + The name of your token... + + + + Name + + + + ABC + + + + Symbol + + + + Decimals + + + + Changing settings failed + + + + Add + + + + + AddWakuNodeModal + + Waku nodes + + + + Name + + + + Specify a name + + + + You need to enter a name + + + + History node address + + + + You need to enter the enode address + + + + The format must be: enode://{enode-id}:{password}@{ip-address}:{port} + + + + Save + + + + + AddressInput + + ENS Username not found + + + + + AddressRequiredValidator + + You need to request the recipient’s address first. +Assets won’t be sent yet. + + + + + AddressSourceSelector + + Invalid source + + + + + AdvancedAddAccountView + + Enter address... + + + + Account address + + + + This needs to be a valid address (starting with 0x) + + + + You need to enter an address + + + + + AppSearch + + No results + + + + Anywhere + + + + + AssetAndAmountInput + + Insufficient balance + + + + Must be greater than or equal to 0 + + + + This needs to be a number + + + + Please enter an amount + + + + Balance: + + + + Asset & Amount + + + + The amount is 0. Proceed only if this is desired. + + + + + BackUpCommuntyBannerPanel + + Back up community key + + + + Back up + + + + + BalanceExceeded + + Balance exceeded + + + + No networks available + + + + + BalanceValidator + + Insufficient balance + + + + + BlockContactConfirmationDialog + + Block User + + + + Blocking will stop new messages from reaching you from %1. + + + + + BloomSelectorButton + + TODO + + + + + BrowserConnectionModal + + '%1' would like to connect to + + + + Allowing authorizes this DApp to retrieve your wallet address and enable Web3 + + + + Granting access authorizes this DApp to retrieve your chat key + + + + Deny + + + + Allow + + + + + BrowserHeader + + Enter URL + + + + + BrowserSettingsMenu + + New Tab + + + + Exit Incognito mode + + + + Go Incognito + + + + Zoom In + + + + Zoom Out + + + + Find + + + + Compatibility mode + + + + Developer Tools + + + + Settings + + + + + BrowserTabStyle + + Start Page + + + + + BrowserTabView + + Start Page + + + + New Tab + + + + Downloads Page + + + + + BrowserView + + Search engine used in the address bar + + + + None + + + + Show Favorites Bar + + + + Connected DApps + + + + No connected dApps + + + + Connecting a dApp grants it permission to view your address and balances, and to send you transaction requests + + + + + BrowserWalletMenu + + Mainnet + + + + Ropsten + + + + Unknown + + + + Disconnect + + + + Assets + + + + History + + + + + BrowserWebEngineView + + Add Favorite + + + + + ChangePasswordModal + + Change password + + + + Change password used to unlock Status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + Change Password + + + + + ChangePasswordSuccessModal + + <b>Password changed</b> + + + + You need to sign in again using the new password. + + + + Sign out & Quit + + + + + ChangeProfilePicModal + + Profile picture + + + + Remove + + + + Upload + + + + Please choose an image + + + + Image files (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png) + + + + + ChannelIdentifierView + + Welcome to the beginning of the <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> group! + + + + Any messages you send here are encrypted and can only be read by you and <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> + + + + + ChatButtonsPanel + + Add reaction + + + + Reply + + + + Edit + + + + Unpin + + + + Pin + + + + Delete + + + + Confirm deleting this message + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well. + + + + + ChatColumnView + + Send + + + + Request Address + + + + Request + + + + + ChatCommandModal + + Continue + + + + Receive on account + + + + From account + + + + Address request required + + + + From + + + + To + + + + Preview + + + + Transaction preview + + + + Next + + + + + ChatCommandsPopup + + Send transaction + + + + Request transaction + + + + + ChatContentView + + Contact + + + + Not a contact + + + + Public chat + + + + %1 members + + + + 1 member + + + + Connected + + + + Disconnected + + + + Blocked + + + + This user has been blocked. + + + + + ChatMessagesView + + Loading... + + + + Failed to send message. + + + + + ChatRequestMessagePanel + + You need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messages + + + + Just click this button to add them as contact. They will receive a notification. Once they accept the request, you'll be able to chat + + + + Add to contacts + + + + + ChooseBrowserPopup + + Choose browser + + + + Open in Status + + + + Open in my default browser + + + + Remember my choice. To override it, go to settings. + + + + + ClosedEmptyPanel + + Your chats will appear here. To start new chats press the  button at the top + + + + + CollectibleCollectionView + + No collectibles available + + + + + CollectibleDetailView + + Properties + + + + Levels + + + + Stats + + + + + CollectiblesContent + + Something went wrong + + + + Reload + + + + + CollectiblesHeader + + Maximum number of collectibles to display reached + + + + + CollectiblesModal + + View + + + + Unnamed + + + + + CollectiblesModalContent + + ID + + + + Description + + + + + CommunitiesView + + Import community + + + + Communities you've joined + + + + + CommunityBannerPicker + + Community banner + + + + Choose an image for banner + + + + Make this my Community banner + + + + + CommunityChannelsAndCategoriesBannerPanel + + Expand your community by adding more channels and categories + + + + Add channels + + + + Add categories + + + + + CommunityColorPanel + + Community Colour + + + + Select Community Colour + + + + This is not a valid colour + + + + White text should be legable on top of this colour + + + + Standard colours + + + + + CommunityDelegate + + Admin + + + + Member + + + + + CommunityIntroDialog + + Welcome to %1 + + + + Join %1 + + + + Community <b>%1</b> has no intro message... + + + + I agree with the above + + + + + CommunityIntroMessageInput + + Community introduction and rules + + + + What new members will read before joining (eg. community rules, welcome message, etc.). Members will need to tick a check box agreeing to these rules before they are allowed to join your community. + + + + community intro message + + + + + CommunityLogoPicker + + Community logo + + + + Choose an image as logo + + + + Make this my Community logo + + + + + CommunityOptions + + Community history service + + + + Request to join required + + + + Any member can pin a message + + + + + CommunityOutroMessageInput + + Leaving community message + + + + The message a member will see when they leave your community + + + + community intro message + + + + + CommunityOverviewSettingsPanel + + Overview + + + + Edit Community + + + + This node is the Community Owner Node. For your Community to function correctly try to keep this computer with Status running and onlinie as much as possible. + + + + Welcome to your community! + + + + Invite new people + + + + Try an airdrop to reward your community for engagement! + + + + Airdrop Tokens + + + + Back up community key + + + + Back up + + + + + CommunityTagsPanel + + Community Tags + + + + Confirm Community Tags + + + + Select tags that will fit your Community + + + + Search tags + + + + Selected tags + + + + + CommunityTagsPicker + + Tags + + + + + CommunityWelcomeBannerPanel + + Welcome to your community! + + + + Add members + + + + Manage community + + + + + CompactMessageView + + Pinned by %1 + + + + Cancel + + + + Save + + + + + ConfirmAddExistingKeyModal + + Enter seed phrase + + + + Do you want to add another existing key? + + + + Add another existing key + + + + + ConfirmAppRestartModal + + Application Restart + + + + Please restart the application to apply the changes. + + + + Restart + + + + + ConfirmSeedPhrasePanel + + Write down your 12-word seed phrase to keep offline + + + + Reveal seed phrase + + + + The next screen contains your seed phrase. +<b>Anyone</b> who sees it can use it to access to your funds. + + + + + ConfirmStoringSeedPhrasePanel + + Complete back up + + + + Store Your Phrase Offline and Complete Your Back Up + + + + By completing this process, you will remove your seed phrase from this application’s storage. This makes your funds more secure. + + + + You will remain logged in, and your seed phrase will be entirely in your hands. + + + + I acknowledge that Status will not be able to show me my seed phrase again. + + + + I aknowledge that Status will not be able to show me my seed phrase again. + + + + + Constants + + Username must be at least 5 characters + + + + Only letters, numbers, underscores and hyphens allowed + + + + 24 character username limit + + + + Usernames ending with '-eth' are not allowed + + + + Usernames ending with '_eth' are not allowed + + + + Usernames ending with '.eth' are not allowed + + + + Sorry, the name you have chosen is not allowed, try picking another username + + + + (edited) + + + + Username already taken :( + + + + Username doesn’t belong to you :( + + + + Continuing will connect this username with your chat key. + + + + ✓ Username available! + + + + Username is already connected with your chat key and can be used inside Status. + + + + This user name is owned by you and connected with your chat key. Continue to set `Show my ENS username in chats`. + + + + Continuing will require a transaction to connect the username with your current chat key. + + + + + Contact + + Admin + + + + + ContactRequestsPopup + + Contact requests + + + + Decline all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to decline all these contact requests + + + + Accept all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to accept all these contact requests + + + + Decline all + + + + Accept all + + + + + ContactSelector + + Please select a contact + + + + Select a contact + + + + Contact does not have an ENS address. Please send a transaction in chat. + + + + No contact selected + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet + + + + + ContactVerificationRequestPopup + + %1 is asking you to verify your identity + + + + %1 would like to verify your identity. Answer the question to prove your identity to %2 + + + + Provide answer to verification request from this contact. + + + + Your answer has been sent to %1. + + + + Refuse Verification + + + + Send Answer + + + + Change answer + + + + Close + + + + + ContactsListAndSearch + + Enter a valid chat key or ENS username + + + + Can't chat with yourself + + + + Enter ENS username or chat key + + + + + ContactsListPanel + + Contact Request Sent + + + + Contact Request Rejected + + + + + CopyToClipBoardButton + + Copied! + + + + + CreatePasswordModal + + Store password + + + + Create a password + + + + Current password... + + + + New password... + + + + Confirm password… + + + + At least 6 characters. You will use this password to unlock status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + Create password + + + + Error importing account + + + + An error occurred while importing your account: + + + + Login failed + + + + Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. + + + + Incorrect password + + + + + CryptoServicesModal + + Buy / Sell crypto + + + + Choose a service you'd like to use to buy crypto + + + + + CurrenciesStore + + US Dollars + + + + British Pound + + + + Euros + + + + Russian ruble + + + + South Korean won + + + + Ethereum + + + + Tokens + + + + Bitcoin + + + + Status Network Token + + + + Dai + + + + United Arab Emirates dirham + + + + Other Fiat + + + + Afghan afghani + + + + Argentine peso + + + + Australian dollar + + + + Barbadian dollar + + + + Bangladeshi taka + + + + Bulgarian lev + + + + Bahraini dinar + + + + Brunei dollar + + + + Bolivian boliviano + + + + Brazillian real + + + + Bhutanese ngultrum + + + + Canadian dollar + + + + Swiss franc + + + + Chilean peso + + + + Chinese yuan + + + + Colombian peso + + + + Costa Rican colón + + + + Czech koruna + + + + Danish krone + + + + Dominican peso + + + + Egyptian pound + + + + Ethiopian birr + + + + Georgian lari + + + + Ghanaian cedi + + + + Hong Kong dollar + + + + Croatian kuna + + + + Hungarian forint + + + + Indonesian rupiah + + + + Israeli new shekel + + + + Indian rupee + + + + Icelandic króna + + + + Jamaican dollar + + + + Japanese yen + + + + Kenyan shilling + + + + Kuwaiti dinar + + + + Kazakhstani tenge + + + + Sri Lankan rupee + + + + Moroccan dirham + + + + Moldovan leu + + + + Mauritian rupee + + + + Malawian kwacha + + + + Mexican peso + + + + Malaysian ringgit + + + + Mozambican metical + + + + Namibian dollar + + + + Nigerian naira + + + + Norwegian krone + + + + Nepalese rupee + + + + New Zealand dollar + + + + Omani rial + + + + Peruvian sol + + + + Papua New Guinean kina + + + + Philippine peso + + + + Pakistani rupee + + + + Polish złoty + + + + Paraguayan guaraní + + + + Qatari riyal + + + + Romanian leu + + + + Serbian dinar + + + + Saudi riyal + + + + Swedish krona + + + + Singapore dollar + + + + Thai baht + + + + Trinidad and Tobago dollar + + + + New Taiwan dollar + + + + Tanzanian shilling + + + + Turkish lira + + + + Ukrainian hryvnia + + + + Ugandan shilling + + + + Uruguayan peso + + + + Venezuelan bolívar + + + + Vietnamese đồng + + + + South African rand + + + + + DateGroup + + Today + + + + Yesterday + + + + January + + + + February + + + + March + + + + April + + + + May + + + + June + + + + July + + + + August + + + + September + + + + October + + + + November + + + + December + + + + + DefaultDAppExplorerView + + Default DApp explorer + + + + none + + + + + DevicesView + + Please set a name for your device. + + + + Specify a name + + + + Continue + + + + Advertise device + + + + Pair your devices to sync contacts and chats between them + + + + Learn more + + + + Paired devices + + + + Syncing... + + + + Sync all devices + + + + + DownloadBar + + Cancelled + + + + Paused + + + + Show All + + + + + DownloadMenu + + Open + + + + Show in folder + + + + Pause + + + + Resume + + + + Cancel + + + + + DownloadPage + + Thanks for using Status + + + + You're curently using version %1 of Status. + + + + There's new version available to download. + + + + Get Status %1 + + + + + DownloadView + + Cancelled + + + + Paused + + + + Downloaded files will appear here. + + + + + ENSPopup + + Primary username + + + + Your messages are displayed to others with this username: + + + + Once you select a username, you won’t be able to disable it afterwards. You will only be able choose a different username to display. + + + + + EmojiReactionsPanel + + Add reaction + + + + + EmptyChatPanel + + Share your chat key + + + + or + + + + invite + + + + friends to start messaging in Status + + + + + EnsAddedView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + %1 is now connected with your chat key and can be used in Status. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsConnectedView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + %1 will be connected once the transaction is complete. + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsListView + + Hey + + + + (pending) + + + + ENS usernames + + + + Add username + + + + Your usernames + + + + Chat settings + + + + Primary Username + + + + None selected + + + + You’re displaying your ENS username in chats + + + + + EnsRegisteredView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + Nice! You own %1.stateofus.eth once the transaction is complete. + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsReleasedView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username removed + + + + The username %1 will be removed and your deposit will be returned once the transaction is mined + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsTermsAndConditionsView + + ENS usernames + + + + Terms of name registration + + + + Funds are deposited for 1 year. Your SNT will be locked, but not spent. + + + + After 1 year, you can release the name and get your deposit back, or take no action to keep the name. + + + + If terms of the contract change — e.g. Status makes contract upgrades — user has the right to release the username regardless of time held. + + + + The contract controller cannot access your deposited funds. They can only be moved back to the address that sent them. + + + + Your address(es) will be publicly associated with your ENS name. + + + + Usernames are created as subdomain nodes of stateofus.eth and are subject to the ENS smart contract terms. + + + + You authorize the contract to transfer SNT on your behalf. This can only occur when you approve a transaction to authorize the transfer. + + + + These terms are guaranteed by the smart contract logic at addresses: + + + + %1 (Status UsernameRegistrar). + + + + <a href='%1%2'>Look up on Etherscan</a> + + + + %1 (ENS Registry). + + + + Wallet address + + + + Copied to clipboard! + + + + Key + + + + Agree to <a href="#">Terms of name registration.</a> I understand that my wallet address will be publicly connected to my username. + + + + Back + + + + 10 SNT + + + + Deposit + + + + Not enough SNT + + + + Register + + + + + EnsWelcomeView + + Get a universal username + + + + ENS names transform those crazy-long addresses into unique usernames. + + + + Customize your chat name + + + + An ENS name can replace your random 3-word name in chat. Be @yourname instead of %1. + + + + Simplify your ETH address + + + + You can receive funds to your easy-to-share ENS name rather than your hexadecimal hash (0x...). + + + + Receive transactions in chat + + + + Others can send you funds via chat in one simple step. + + + + 10 SNT to register + + + + Register once to keep the name forever. After 1 year you can release the name and get your SNT back. + + + + Already own a username? + + + + You can verify and add any usernames you own in the next steps. + + + + Powered by Ethereum Name Services + + + + Start + + + + Only available on Mainnet + + + + + FavoriteMenu + + Open in new Tab + + + + Edit + + + + Remove + + + + + FetchMoreMessagesButton + + ↓ Fetch more messages + + + + Before %1 + + + + before--%1 + + + + + FleetRadioSelector + + Warning! + + + + Change fleet to %1 + + + + + FleetsModal + + Fleet + + + + + GapComponent + + fetch-messages + + + + between--1-and--2 + + + + Fetch messages + + + + Between %1 and %2 + + + + + GasSelectorButton + + Low + + + + + GasValidator + + Not enough ETH for gas + + + + + GroupChatPanel + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + Confirm + + + + + HistoryView + + Status Desktop is connected to a non-archival node. Transaction history may be incomplete. + + + + No transactions found + + + + Load More + + + + + HomePageView + + homepage + + + + System default + + + + Other + + + + Example: duckduckgo.com + + + + + ImageCropWorkflow + + Supported image formats (%1) + + + + + ImportCommunityPopup + + Import Community + + + + Entering a community key will grant you the ownership of that community. Please be responsible with it and don’t share the key with people you don’t trust. + + + + Community private key + + + + Import + + + + + ImportSeedPhrasePanel + + Invalid seed phrase + + + + This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. + + + + %1 words + + + + + Input + + Copied + + + + Pasted + + + + Copy + + + + Paste + + + + + InviteFriendsPopup + + Get Status at https://status.im + + + + Download Status link + + + + Copy to clipboard + + + + + InviteFriendsToCommunityPopup + + Invite friends + + + + Invite successfully sent + + + + Invite + + + + + JSDialogWindow + + Ok + + + + Cancel + + + + + KeycardCreatePINModal + + Create PIN + + + + New PIN + + + + Confirm PIN + + + + Create a 6 digit long PIN + + + + + LanguageStore + + Beta Languages + + + + + LinksMessageView + + Enable automatic image unfurling + + + + Enable link previews in chat? + + + + Once enabled, links posted in the chat may share your metadata with their owners + + + + Enable in Settings + + + + Don't ask me again + + + + + MailserverConnectionDialog + + Can not connect to mailserver + + + + The mailserver you're connecting to is unavailable. + + + + Pick another + + + + Retry + + + + + MainView + + DApp Permissions + + + + Networks + + + + Accounts + + + + Generated from Your Seed Phrase + + + + Imported + + + + Watch-Only + + + + + MembershipRequestsPopup + + Membership requests + + + + + MessageStore + + and + + + + %1 more + + + + reacted with + + + + You + + + + + MuteChatMenuItem + + Mute chat + + + + Unmute chat + + + + + MutedChatsModal + + Muted chats + + + + Unmute + + + + + MyProfileSettingsView + + Display name + + + + Display Name + + + + Biometric login and transaction authentication + + + + Communities + + + + Accounts + + + + You haven't joined any communities yet + + + + You don't have any wallet accounts yet + + + + + NetworkCardsComponent + + Your Balances + + + + No Balance + + + + No Gas + + + + BALANCE: + + + + Disabled + + + + + NetworkFilter + + All networks + + + + %n network(s) + + + + + + + + NetworkSelectPopup + + Layer 2 + + + + + NetworkSelector + + Networks + + + + Choose a network to use for the transaction + + + + No networks available + + + + Simple + + + + Advanced + + + + Custom + + + + + NetworksAdvancedCustomRoutingView + + Networks + + + + Show Unpreferred Networks + + + + The networks where the receipient will receive tokens. Amounts calculated automatically for the lowest cost. + + + + + NetworksSimpleRoutingView + + Networks + + + + Choose a network to use for the transaction + + + + + NetworksView + + Layer 2 + + + + Add Custom Network + + + + + NoFriendsRectangle + + You don’t have any contacts yet. Invite your friends to start chatting. + + + + Invite friends + + + + + NodeLayout + + Bloom Filter Usage + + + + Type json-rpc message... e.g {"method": "eth_accounts"} + + + + + NotificationSelect + + Send Alerts + + + + Deliver Quietly + + + + Turn Off + + + + + NotificationWindow + + Everything is connected + + + + + PINModal + + Authenticate PIN + + + + PIN + + + + Insert your 6-digit PIN + + + + Authenticate + + + + + PairingModal + + Insert pairing code + + + + Pairing code + + + + Insert the Keycard pairing code + + + + Pair + + + + + PrivateChatPopup + + New chat + + + + My Profile + + + + + ProfileHeader + + Chatkey:%1... + + + + + ProfileView + + Blocked + + + + Send Request + + + + Receive Response + + + + Confirm Identity + + + + You have confirmed %1's identity. From now on this verification emblem will always be displayed alongside %1's nickname. + + + + You have marked %1 as Untrustworthy. From now on this Untrustworthy emblem will always be displayed alongside %1's nickname. + + + + ENS username + + + + Username + + + + Ask a question that only the real %1 will be able to answer e.g. a question about a shared experience, or ask Mark to enter a code or phrase you have sent to them via a different communication channel (phone, post, etc...). + + + + Waiting for %1's response... + + + + Copied to clipboard + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Chat settings + + + + Nickname + + + + None + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + + PublicChatPopup + + You need to enter a channel name + + + + The channel name can only contain lowercase letters, numbers and dashes + + + + Join public chat + + + + A public chat is where you get to hang out with others, make friends and talk about subjects of your interest. + + + + chat-name + + + + Start chat + + + + + RecipientSelector + + Invalid ethereum address + + + + Address + + + + My account + + + + Contact + + + + Recipient + + + + + RenameAccontModal + + Rename %1 + + + + Enter an account name... + + + + You need to enter an account name + + + + This is not a valid account name + + + + color + + + + Change Name + + + + Changing settings failed + + + + + RenameGroupPopup + + Group name + + + + Save + + + + + Retry + + Resend + + + + + RightTabView + + Assets + + + + Collectibles + + + + Activity + + + + History + + + + + SearchBox + + Search + + + + + SearchEngineModal + + Search engine + + + + None + + + + + SearchResults + + Non contacts + + + + No profile found + + + + + SeedPhraseBackupWarning + + Back up your seed phrase + + + + Back up + + + + + SeedPhraseTextArea + + Invalid seed phrase + + + + This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. + + + + Start with the first word + + + + + SelectAccountModal + + Select account + + + + Select account to share and receive assets + + + + Confirm and share address + + + + + SelectAnotherAccountModal + + Your keys + + + + Add another existing key + + + + + SelectGeneratedAccount + + Import new Seed Phrase + + + + Generate from Private key + + + + Add a watch-only address + + + + Imported + + + + Add new + + + + Origin + + + + + SendContactRequestMenuItem + + Send Contact Request + + + + + SendMessageMenuItem + + Send message + + + + + SendToContractWarning + + Tokens will be sent directly to a contract address, which may result in a loss of funds. To transfer ERC-20 tokens, ensure the recipient address is the address of the destination wallet. + + + + + SendTransactionButton + + Sign and send + + + + + SettingsDirtyToastMessage + + Changes detected + + + + Cancel + + + + Save changes + + + + + SignMessageModal + + Signature request + + + + From + + + + Data + + + + Message + + + + Reject + + + + Sign + + + + Sign with password + + + + + SignPhraseModal + + Signing phrase + + + + This is your signing phrase + + + + You should see these 3 words before signing each transaction + + + + If you see a different combination, cancel the transaction and sign out + + + + Ok, got it + + + + Remind me later + + + + + StateBubble + + Pending + + + + Confirmed + + + + Unknown token + + + + Address requested + + + + Waiting to accept + + + + Address shared + + + + Address received + + + + Transaction declined + + + + failure + + + + Unknown state + + + + + StatusActivityCenterButton + + Activity + + + + + StatusAddressOrEnsValidator + + Please enter a valid address or ENS name. + + + + + StatusAddressValidator + + Please enter a valid address. + + + + + StatusAppChatView + + Join public chats + + + + Start chat + + + + + StatusAppCommunitiesPortalView + + Find community + + + + Featured + + + + Popular + + + + + StatusAsyncEnsValidator + + ENS name could not be resolved in to an address + + + + + StatusAsyncValidator + + invalid input + + + + + StatusBadge + + 99+ + + + + + StatusChatImageExtensionValidator + + Format not supported. + + + + Upload %1 only + + + + + StatusChatImageLoader + + Error loading the image + + + + Loading image... + + + + + StatusChatImageQtyValidator + + You can only upload %1 images at a time + + + + + StatusChatImageSizeValidator + + Max image size is %1 MB + + + + + StatusColorSpacePage + + Thickness + + + + Min saturate: + + + + Max saturate: + + + + Min value: + + + + Max value: + + + + Color + + + + + StatusCommunityTagsPage + + Select tags that will fit your Community + + + + Search tags + + + + Selected tags + + + + + StatusDialog + + Close + + + + Abort + + + + Cancel + + + + No to all + + + + No + + + + Open + + + + Save + + + + Save all + + + + Retry + + + + Ignore + + + + Ok + + + + Yes to all + + + + Yes + + + + Apply + + + + + StatusETHTransactionModal + + Contract interaction + + + + Wrong password + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Continue + + + + Choose account + + + + Sign with password + + + + Next + + + + + StatusEmojiSection + + No recent emojis + + + + + StatusFloatValidator + + Please enter a valid numeric value. + + + + + StatusGifColumn + + Remove from favorites + + + + Add to favorites + + + + + StatusGifPopup + + Search Tenor + + + + TRENDING + + + + FAVORITES + + + + RECENT + + + + Enable Tenor GIFs? + + + + Once enabled, GIFs posted in the chat may share your metadata with Tenor. + + + + Enable + + + + Favorite GIFs will appear here + + + + Recent GIFs will appear here + + + + Error while contacting Tenor API, please retry. + + + + Retry + + + + + StatusIntValidator + + Please enter a valid numeric value. + + + + + StatusItemSelector + + and + + + + or + + + + + StatusListPickerPage + + Search Languages + + + + Search Currencies + + + + + StatusNotification + + Open + + + + + StatusPasswordStrengthIndicator + + Very weak + + + + Weak + + + + So-so + + + + Good + + + + Great + + + + + StatusSNTTransactionModal + + Authorize %1 %2 + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Wrong password + + + + Continue + + + + Choose account + + + + Sign with password + + + + Send %1 %2 + + + + Next + + + + + StatusSearchListPopup + + Search... + + + + + StatusSearchLocationMenu + + Anywhere + + + + + StatusSearchPopup + + No results + + + + Anywhere + + + + Search + + + + In: + + + + In + + + + + StatusSpellcheckingMenuItems + + Add to dictionary + + + + Disable Spellchecking + + + + + StatusStackModal + + StackModal + + + + Next + + + + Finish + + + + + StatusStickerButton + + Buy for %1 SNT + + + + Uninstall + + + + Install + + + + Free + + + + Pending... + + + + Cancel + + + + Update + + + + + StatusStickersPopup + + You don't have any stickers yet + + + + Recently used stickers will appear here + + + + Get Stickers + + + + + StatusTagSelectorPage + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + + StatusUrlValidator + + Please enter a valid URL + + + + + StatusValidator + + invalid input + + + + + StatusWindowsTitleBar + + Status + + + + + SubheaderTabBar + + Step %1 of %2 + + + + + TabAddressSelectorView + + Saved + + + + My Accounts + + + + Recent + + + + Search for saved address + + + + No Saved Address + + + + No Recents + + + + + ToastMessage + + View on Etherscan + + + + Transaction pending... + + + + + TokenSettingsModal + + Manage Assets + + + + Add custom token + + + + + TokenSettingsModalContent + + Token details + + + + Remove token + + + + Custom + + + + Default + + + + + TouchIDAuthView + + Biometrics + + + + Would you like to use Touch ID +to login to Status? + + + + Yes, use Touch ID + + + + I prefer to use my password + + + + + TransactionBubbleView + + Transaction request + + + + ↑ Outgoing transaction + + + + ↓ Incoming transaction + + + + Token not found on your current network + + + + + TransactionDelegate + + From + + + + To + + + + At + + + + + TransactionModal + + Transaction Details + + + + confirmation(s) + + + + When the transaction has 12 confirmations you can consider it settled. + + + + Block + + + + Hash + + + + From + + + + To + + + + Gas limit + + + + Gas price + + + + Gas used + + + + Nonce + + + + + TransactionPreview + + From + + + + Recipient + + + + Unknown + + + + Asset + + + + Amount + + + + Network fee + + + + Data + + + + Data field + + + + + TransactionSigner + + You need to enter a password + + + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + Signing phrase + + + + Signing phrase is a 3 word combination that displayed when you entered the wallet on this device for the first time. + + + + Enter the password you use to unlock this device + + + + Password + + + + Enter password + + + + + UnblockContactConfirmationDialog + + Unblock User + + + + Unblocking will allow new messages you received from %1 to reach you. + + + + + UserListPanel + + Offline + + + + Online + + + + Inactive + + + + Do not disturb + + + + Idle + + + + + UserStatusContextMenu + + View My Profile + + + + Always online + + + + Inactive + + + + Set status automatically + + + + Online + + + + Offline + + + + + ViewProfileMenuItem + + View Profile + + + + + WakuNodesModal + + Waku nodes + + + + Use Waku nodes + + + + Select node automatically + + + + Waku Nodes + + + + Node %1 + + + + Add a new node + + + + + WalletFooter + + Send + + + + Receive + + + + Buy / Sell + + + + + WelcomeView + + Welcome to Status + + + + Your fully decentralized gateway to Ethereum and Web3. Crypto wallet, privacy first group chat, and dApp browser. + + + + I am new to Status + + + + I already use Status + + + + + main + + StatusQ Documentation App + + + + Status Desktop + + + + Open Status + + + + Quit + + + + diff --git a/ui/i18n/qml_pl.ts b/ui/i18n/qml_pl.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..79a603b192 --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/i18n/qml_pl.ts @@ -0,0 +1,19068 @@ + + + + + about-app + O aplikacji + + + about-key-storage-content + Status nigdy nie uzyska dostępu do Twojego klucza prywatnego. Pamiętaj, aby wykonać kopię zapasową frazy odzyskiwania (Seed). Jeśli zgubisz telefon, jest to jedyny sposób, aby uzyskać dostęp do kluczy. + + + about-key-storage-title + Informacje o przechowywaniu kluczy + + + about-names-content + Nikt nie może udawać, że jest Tobą! Domyślnie jesteś anonimowy i nigdy nie musisz ujawniać swojego prawdziwego imienia. Możesz zarejestrować własną, niestandardową nazwę za niewielką opłatą. + + + about-names-title + Nazwy nie mogą być zmieniane + + + access-key + Uzyskaj dostęp do kluczy + + + access-existing-keys + Uzyskaj dostęp do istniejących kluczy + + + accept-and-share-address + Zaakceptuj i udostępnij adres + + + account-added + Konto dodane + + + account-color + Kolor konta + + + anyone + Ktoś + + + messages-from-contacts-only-subtitle + Tylko osoby dodane jako kontakty mogą rozpocząć nowy czat z Tobą lub zaprosić Cię do grupy + + + accept-new-chats-from + Akceptuj nowe czaty od + + + account-name + Nazwa konta + + + account-settings + Ustawienia konta + + + accounts + Konta + + + active-online + Online + + + active-unknown + Nieznany + + + add + Dodaj + + + add-a-watch-account + Dodaj adresy tylko do obserwacji + + + add-account + Dodaj konto + + + add-account-description + Możesz zaimportować dowolny typ konta Ethereum, aby dodać je do swojego portfela Status + + + add-account-incorrect-password + Hasło wygląda na nieprawidłowe. Wprowadź hasło, którego używasz do odblokowania aplikacji. + + + add-an-account + Dodaj konto + + + add-bootnode + Dodaj bootnode + + + add-contact + Dodaj kontakt + + + add-custom-token + Dodaj niestandardowy token + + + add-mailserver + Dodaj węzeł Status + + + add-members + Dodaj użytkowników + + + add-network + Dodaj sieć + + + add-node + Dodaj węzeł + + + add-to-contacts + Dodaj do kontaktów + + + add-to-contacts-text + Dodając użytkownika do swojej listy kontaktów, udostępniasz mu swój adres portfela + + + address + Adres + + + address-received + Adres otrzymany + + + address-requested + Żądany adres + + + address-request-accepted + Żądanie adresu zostało zaakceptowane + + + advanced + Zaawansowane + + + advanced-settings + Zaawansowane ustawienia + + + agree-by-continuing + Kontynuując, zgadzasz się +na naszą + + + all + Wszystko + + + allow + Zezwól + + + allowing-authorizes-this-dapp + Zgadzając się, umożliwisz tej zdecentralizowanej aplikacji na pobranie adresu Twojego portfela i uruchomieniu Web3 + + + already-have-asset + Masz już to aktywo + + + amount + Ilość + + + are-you-sure-description + Nie będziesz w stanie ponownie zobaczyć całej frazy odzyskiwania (Seed) + + + are-you-sure? + Jesteś pewny? + + + ask-in-status + Zadaj pytanie lub zgłoś błąd + + + at + w + + + authorize + Autoryzuj + + + available + Dostępny + + + available-participants + + jednego + kilku + wielu + innych + + + + back + Powrót + + + back-up-seed-phrase + Utwórz kopię zapasową frazy odzyskiwania (Seed) + + + back-up-your-seed-phrase + Utwórz kopię zapasową frazy odzyskiwania (Seed) + + + backup-recovery-phrase + Utwórz kopię zapasową frazy odzyskiwania (Seed) + + + balance + Saldo + + + begin-set-up + Rozpocznij konfigurację + + + biometric-auth-android-sensor-desc + Sensor Touch ID + + + biometric-auth-android-sensor-error-desc + Niepowodzenie + + + biometric-auth-android-title + Wymagane uwierzytelnienie + + + biometric-auth-confirm-logout + Zaloguj się ponownie + + + biometric-auth-confirm-message + Aby kontynuować, wymagane jest uwierzytelnianie biometryczne, a jeśli nie jest to możliwe, odblokuj klucze za pomocą hasła lub kodu dostępu + + + biometric-auth-confirm-title + Musisz się uwierzytelnić! + + + biometric-auth-confirm-try-again + Spróbuj ponownie + + + biometric-auth-error + Nie można przeprowadzić uwierzytelnienia biometrycznego ({{code}}) + + + biometric-auth-login-error-title + Błąd uwierzytelniania biometrycznego + + + biometric-auth-login-ios-fallback-label + Wprowadź hasło + + + biometric-auth-reason-login + Zaloguj się do Status + + + biometric-auth-reason-verify + Zweryfikuj uwierzytelnianie + + + biometric-secure-with + Zabezpiecz za pomocą {{bio-type-label}} + + + biometric-enable-keycard + Jeśli nie chcesz używać karty Keycard za każdym razem, aby uzyskać dostęp do aplikacji, włącz opcję logowanie {{bio-type-label}} + + + biometric-enable + Jeśli nie chcesz wpisywać swojego hasła za każdym razem, aby uzyskać dostęp do aplikacji, włącz logowanie {{bio-type-label}}. + + + biometric-disable-bioauth + wyłącz {{bio-type-label}} + + + biometric-disable-password-title + Wyłącz zapisywanie hasła + + + biometric-disable-password-description + Jeśli to wyłączysz, również + + + biometric-enable-button + Włącz {{bio-type-label}} + + + biometric-fingerprint + Odcisk palca + + + biometric-faceid + Face ID + + + biometric-touchid + Touch ID + + + blank-keycard-text + Możesz kontynuować korzystanie z karty dostępu, kiedy wygenerujesz swoje klucze oraz imię + + + blank-keycard-title + Wygląda na to, że kliknąłeś +złą kartę. + + + block + Blok + + + unblock + Odblokuj + + + block-contact + Zablokuj tego użytkownika + + + block-contact-details + Zablokowanie usunie poprzednie wiadomości tego użytkownika i uniemożliwi otrzymywanie nowych od Ciebie. + + + blocked-users + Zablokowani użytkownicy + + + bootnode-address + Adres bootnode + + + bootnode-details + Szczegóły bootnode + + + bootnode-format + enode://{enode-id}@{ip-address}:{port} + + + bootnodes + Bootnodes + + + bootnodes-enabled + Bootnodes włączone + + + bootnodes-settings + Opcje bootnodes + + + browsed-websites + Historia przeglądarki pojawi się tutaj + + + browser + Przeglądarka + + + browser-not-secure + Połączenie nie jest bezpieczne! Nie podpisuj transakcji ani nie przesyłaj danych osobowych na tej stronie. + + + browser-secure + Połączenie jest bezpieczne. Upewnij się, że naprawdę ufasz tej stronie przed podpisaniem transakcji lub wprowadzeniem danych osobowych. + + + browsers + Przeglądarki + + + browsing-cancel + Anuluj + + + browsing-open-in-android-web-browser + Otwórz w Android + + + browsing-open-in-ios-web-browser + Otwórz w iOS + + + browsing-open-in-status + Otwórz w Status + + + browsing-site-blocked-description1 + Wykryliśmy potencjalną szkodliwą aktywność z tego adresu. Aby Cię chronić oraz Twój portfel, uniemożliwiamy dalszą nawigację. + +Jeśli uważasz, że to błąd, daj nam znać w + + + browsing-site-blocked-description2 + czat publiczny. + + + browsing-site-blocked-go-back + Wróć + + + browsing-site-blocked-title + Ta strona jest zablokowana + + + browsing-title + Przeglądaj + + + bug-report + Zgłoś błąd + + + bug-report-description + * Opis + + + bug-report-description-placeholder + Wymagane, nie może być puste + + + bug-report-steps + Kroki do odtworzenia + + + bug-report-steps-placeholder + - otwórz aplikację +- zrób coś +- a potem jeszcze coś... + + + bug-report-submit-email + Prześlij e-mailem z archiwum logów + + + bug-report-submit-gh-issue + Zgłoś problem na GitHubie bez logów + + + bug-report-too-short-description + Opis jest za krótki + + + camera-access-error + Aby nadać wymagane uprawnienia dla aparatu, przejdź do ustawień systemowych i upewnij się, że zaznaczono opcję Status > Aparat. + + + can-not-add-yourself + To ty, aby rozpocząć rozmowę, wybierz kogoś innego + + + cancel + Anuluj + + + cancel-keycard-setup + Anuluj konfigurację karty Keycard + + + cannot-read-card + Nie można odczytać karty. + Przyłóż ją do tylnej części telefonu + + + cannot-use-default-pin + Kod dostępu 000000 jest niedozwolony. + Użyj innego numeru + + + card-is-blank + Ta karta jest pusta + + + card-reseted + Karta została zresetowana + + + card-unpaired + Karta została odłączona od bieżącego urządzenia + + + change-fleet + Zmień fleet na {{fleet}} + + + change-log-level + Potwierdź i uruchom ponownie aplikację, aby zmienić poziom log na {{log-level}} + + + change-logging-enabled + Czy na pewno chcesz {{enable}} logowanie? + + + change-passcode + Zmiana kodu dostępu + + + change-password + Zmień hasło + + + change-pin + Zmień 6-cyfrowy kod dostępu + + + change-puk + Zmień 12-cyfrowy PUK + + + change-pairing + Zmień kod parowania + + + change-pairing-title + Utwórz nowy kod parowania + + + change-pairing-description + Zmiana kodu parowania nie wpływa na bieżące sparowania. Jednak każde nowe parowanie będzie wymagać nowego kodu. + + + changed-amount-warning + Kwota została zmieniona z {{old}} na {{new}} + + + changed-asset-warning + Aktywo zostało zmienione z {{old}} na {{new}} + + + chaos-mode + Tryb Chaos + + + chaos-unicorn-day + Chaos Dzień Jednorożca + + + chaos-unicorn-day-details + 🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🚀! + + + chat + Czat + + + chat-and-transact + Czatuj i przeprowadzaj prywatne transakcje z przyjaciółmi + + + chat-key + Klucz czatu + + + chat-name + + + + chat-settings + Ustawienia czatu + + + chats + Czaty + + + check-your-recovery-phrase + Sprawdź swoją frazę odzyskiwania (Seed) + + + choose-authentication-method + Wybierz metodę uwierzytelniania + + + clear + Wyczyść + + + clear-all + Wyczyść wszystko + + + clear-history + Wyczyść historię + + + clear-history-action + Wyczyść + + + clear-history-confirmation + Wyczyścić historię? + + + clear-history-confirmation-content + Czy na pewno chcesz wyczyścić historię czatu? + + + clear-history-title + Wyczyścić historię? + + + close + Zamknij + + + close-app-button + Potwierdź + + + close-app-content + Aplikacja zatrzyma się i zamknie. Po ponownym otwarciu wybrana sieć zostanie użyta. + + + close-app-title + Ostrzeżenie! + + + command-button-send + Wyślij + + + communities + Społeczności + + + community-members + + jeden + kilku + wielu + inni + + + + members-label + Użytkownicy + + + open-membership + Otwarte członkostwo + + + member-kick + Wyrzuć członka + + + member-ban + Zablokuj członka + + + membership-requests + Prośby o członkostwo + + + community-members-title + Użytkownicy + + + community-requests-to-join-title + Prośby o członkostwo + + + name-your-channel + Nazwij swój kanał + + + name-your-channel-placeholder + Nazwa kanału + + + give-a-short-description + Podaj krótki opis + + + describe-channel + Opisz kanał + + + communities-alpha + Społeczności (alpha) + + + communities-verified + ✓ Zweryfikowana Społeczność Statusu + + + communities-enabled + Społeczności włączone + + + request-access + Żądanie dostępu + + + membership-request-pending + Wniosek o członkostwo w trakcie rozpatrywania + + + create-community + Utwórz społeczność + + + create-category + Utwórz kategorię + + + rearrange-categories + Zmień kolejność kategorii + + + edited + Edytowane + + + edit-community + Edytuj społeczność + + + editing-message + Edycja wiadomości + + + community-edit-title + Edytuj społeczność + + + community-invite-title + Zaproś + + + community-share-title + Udostępnij + + + invite + + + + create-channel + Utwórz kanał + + + import-community + Importuj społeczność + + + import-community-title + Importuj społeczność + + + name-your-community + Nazwij swoją społeczność + + + name-your-community-placeholder + Chwytliwe imię + + + give-a-short-description-community + Podaj krótki opis + + + new-community-title + Nowa społeczność + + + new-category + Nowa kategoria + + + category-title + Tytuł kategorii + + + membership-title + Wymagane członkostwo + + + create-channel-title + Nowy kanał + + + edit-channel-title + Edytuj kanał + + + community-thumbnail-image + Miniatura + + + community-emoji-thumbnail-title + Miniaturka + + + community-thumbnail-upload + Prześlij + + + community-image-take + Zrób zdjęcie + + + community-image-pick + Wybierz obraz + + + community-image-remove + Usuń + + + community-color + Kolor społeczności + + + community-link + Link do społeczności + + + community-color-placeholder + Wybierz kolor + + + membership-button + Wymagane członkostwo + + + membership-none + Brak + + + membership-none-placeholder + Możesz wymagać, aby nowi członkowie spełniali pewne kryteria, zanim będą mogli dołączyć. To może być zmienione w każdej chwili + + + membership-approval + Wymagaj zatwierdzenia + + + membership-approval-description + Twoja społeczność może bezpłatnie dołączyć, ale nowi członkowie muszą najpierw zostać zatwierdzeni przez twórcę społeczności + + + membership-invite + Wymagaj zaproszenia od innego członka + + + membership-invite-description + Do Twojej społeczności można dołączyć tylko poprzez zaproszenie od istniejących członków społeczności + + + membership-ens + Wymagaj nazwy użytkownika ENS + + + membership-ens-description + Twoja społeczność wymaga nazwy użytkownika ENS, aby móc się do niej przyłączyć. + + + membership-free + Brak wymagań + + + membership-free-description + Twoja społeczność jest darmowa i każdy może do niej dołączyć + + + community-roles + Role + + + community-key + Klucz prywatny społeczności + + + community-key-placeholder + Wpisz klucz prywatny swojej społeczności + + + leave-community + Opuść społeczność + + + enter-user-pk + Wprowadź klucz publiczny użytkownika + + + import + Importuj + + + complete-hardwallet-setup + Ta karta jest teraz połączona. Potrzebujesz jej do podpisywania transakcji i odblokowywania kluczy + + + chat-notification-preferences + Ustawienia powiadomień + + + completed + Zakończono + + + confirm + Potwierdź + + + confirmation-request + Prośba o potwierdzenie + + + confirmations + Potwierdzenia + + + confirmations-helper-text + Kiedy transakcja ma 12 potwierdzeń, możesz uznać ją za uregulowaną. + + + connect + Połącz + + + connect-mailserver-content + Połącz z {{name}}? + + + connected + Połączono + + + connected-to + Podłączony do + + + connecting + Trwa łączenie... + + + connecting-requires-login + Połączenie z inną siecią wymaga logowania + + + connection-with-the-card-lost + Połączenie z kartą + zostało utracone + + + connection-with-the-card-lost-setup-text + Aby wznowić konfigurację, przyłóż kartę +z tyłu telefonu i utrzymuj fizyczny kontakt +między kartą a telefonem + + + connection-with-the-card-lost-text + Aby kontynuować, przyłóż kartę do tylnej części telefonu + + + contact-code + Klucz czatu + + + contact-s + + kontakt + kontaktów + kontaktów + kontakty + + + + contacts + Kontakty + + + continue + Kontynuuj + + + contract-address + Adres kontraktu + + + contract-interaction + Interakcja kontraktu + + + copy-info + Kopiuj informacje + + + copy-qr + Skopiuj kod + + + copy-to-clipboard + Kopiuj + + + copy-transaction-hash + Skopiuj ID transakcji + + + cost-fee + Koszt/Opłata + + + counter-9-plus + 9+ + + + counter-99-plus + 99+ + + + create + Utwórz + + + create-a-pin + Utwórz 6-cyfrowy kod dostępu + + + create-a-puk + Utwórz 12-cyfrowy PUK + + + create-group-chat + Utwórz czat grupowy + + + create-multiaccount + Wygeneruj klucze + + + create-new-key + Uzyskaj nowe klucze + + + create-pin + Utwórz 6-cyfrowy kod dostępu + + + create-pin-description + Będziesz potrzebować swojej karty i 6-cyfrowego kodu, aby odblokować aplikację Status oraz potwierdzać transakcje. + + + created-group-chat-description + Grupa {{group-name}}została utworzona + + + members-count + {{count}} członków + + + cryptokitty-name + CryptoKitty #{{id}} + + + currency + Waluta + + + currency-display-name-aed + Dirham Zjednoczonych Emiratów Arabskich + + + currency-display-name-afn + Afgani afganistańskie + + + currency-display-name-ars + Argentyńskie Peso + + + currency-display-name-aud + Dolar australijski + + + currency-display-name-bbd + Dolar Barbadosu + + + currency-display-name-bdt + Taka + + + currency-display-name-bgn + Bułgarski Lew + + + currency-display-name-bhd + Bahrański dinar + + + currency-display-name-bnd + Dolar Brunei + + + currency-display-name-bob + Boliwijski boliwar + + + currency-display-name-brl + Brazylijski Real + + + currency-display-name-btn + Ngultrum + + + currency-display-name-cad + Dolar Kanadyjski + + + currency-display-name-chf + Frank szwajcarski + + + currency-display-name-clp + Peso chilijskie + + + currency-display-name-cny + Juan chiński Renminbi + + + currency-display-name-cop + Peso kolumbijskie + + + currency-display-name-crc + Colon kostarykański + + + currency-display-name-czk + Korona czeska + + + currency-display-name-dkk + Korona Duńska + + + currency-display-name-dop + Peso dominikańskie + + + currency-display-name-egp + Funt Egipski + + + currency-display-name-etb + Birr etiopski + + + currency-display-name-eur + Euro + + + currency-display-name-gbp + Funt brytyjski + + + currency-display-name-gel + Gruzińskie Lari + + + currency-display-name-ghs + Cedi ghańskie + + + currency-display-name-hkd + Dolar Hongkoński + + + currency-display-name-hrk + Kuna chorwacka + + + currency-display-name-huf + Forint węgierski + + + currency-display-name-idr + Rupia indonezyjska + + + currency-display-name-ils + Szekel izraelski + + + currency-display-name-inr + Indyjska Rupia + + + currency-display-name-isk + Korona islandzka + + + currency-display-name-jmd + Dolar Jamajski + + + currency-display-name-jpy + Jen japoński + + + currency-display-name-kes + Kenijski Szyling + + + currency-display-name-krw + Południowokoreański Won + + + currency-display-name-kwd + Dinar kuwejcki + + + currency-display-name-kzt + Kazachstański Tenge + + + currency-display-name-lkr + Rupia lankijska + + + currency-display-name-mad + Dirham marokański + + + currency-display-name-mdl + Mołdawski Lej + + + currency-display-name-mur + Rupia maurytyjska + + + currency-display-name-mwk + Kwacha malawijska + + + currency-display-name-mxn + Meksykańskie Peso + + + currency-display-name-myr + Malezyjski Ringgit + + + currency-display-name-mzn + Mozambijski Metikal + + + currency-display-name-nad + Dolar Namibijski + + + currency-display-name-ngn + Nigeryjska Naira + + + currency-display-name-nok + Korona Norweska + + + currency-display-name-npr + Nepalska Rupia + + + currency-display-name-nzd + Dolar nowozelandzki + + + currency-display-name-omr + Rial Omański + + + currency-display-name-pen + Sol peruwiański + + + currency-display-name-pgk + Kina Papui-Nowej Gwinei + + + currency-display-name-php + Peso filipińskie + + + currency-display-name-pkr + Pakistańska Rupia + + + currency-display-name-pln + Polski złoty + + + currency-display-name-pyg + Paragwajskie Guarani + + + currency-display-name-qar + Rial Katarski + + + currency-display-name-ron + Rumuński Lej + + + currency-display-name-rsd + Serbski dinar + + + currency-display-name-rub + Rosyjski Rubel + + + currency-display-name-sar + Rial Saudyjski + + + currency-display-name-sek + Korona szwedzka + + + currency-display-name-sgd + Dolar singapurski + + + currency-display-name-thb + Baht tajlandzki + + + currency-display-name-try + Lira Turecka + + + currency-display-name-ttd + Dolar Trynidadu i Tobago + + + currency-display-name-twd + Dolar Tajwański + + + currency-display-name-tzs + Tanzański Szyling + + + currency-display-name-uah + Hrywna ukraińska + + + currency-display-name-ugx + Ugandyjski Szyling + + + currency-display-name-usd + Dolar amerykański + + + currency-display-name-uyu + Urugwajskie Peso + + + currency-display-name-vef + Boliwar Wenezuelski + + + currency-display-name-vnd + Wietnam Dong + + + currency-display-name-zar + Południowoafrykański Rand + + + current-network + Obecna sieć + + + current-pin + Wprowadź 6-cyfrowy kod dostępu + + + current-pin-description + Wprowadź swój 6-cyfrowy kod dostępu, aby kontynuować. + + + custom + Niestandardowe + + + custom-networks + Niestandardowe ustawienia sieci + + + dapp + dApp + + + dapp-would-like-to-connect-wallet + chciałby połączyć się z + + + dapps + dAppsy + + + dapps-permissions + Uprawnienia zdecentralizowanych aplikacji (dApps) + + + data + Dane + + + datetime-ago + temu + + + datetime-ago-format + {{number}} {{time-intervals}} {{ago}} + + + datetime-ago-format-short + {{number}}{{time-intervals}} + + + datetime-day + + dzień + dni + dni + dni + + + + datetime-hour + + godzina + godzin + godzin + godzin(y) + + + + datetime-minute + + minuta + minut + minut + minut(y) + + + + datetime-second + + sekunda + sekund + sekund + sekund(y) + + + + datetime-day-short + + D + D + D + D + + + + datetime-hour-short + + G + G + G + G + + + + datetime-minute-short + + M + M + M + M + + + + datetime-second-short + + S + S + S + S + + + + datetime-today + dzisiaj + + + datetime-yesterday + wczoraj + + + decimals + Liczby po przecinku + + + decline + Odrzuć + + + decryption-failed-content + Nie udało się odszyfrować Twoich danych. Może być konieczne usunięcie starych danych i utworzenie nowego konta. Naciśnij 'Zastosuj', aby wymazać dane lub wybierz 'Anuluj' aby spróbować ponownie + + + default + Domyślne + + + delete + Usuń + + + delete-and-leave-group + Usuń i opuść grupę + + + delete-bootnode + Usuń bootnode + + + delete-bootnode-are-you-sure + Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć ten bootnode? + + + delete-bootnode-title + Usuń bootnode + + + delete-chat + Usuń czat + + + delete-chat-confirmation + Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć ten czat? + + + delete-category-confirmation + Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć tę kategorię? + + + delete-confirmation + Usunąć? + + + delete-mailserver + Usuń węzeł Status + + + delete-mailserver-are-you-sure + Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć ten węzeł Status? + + + delete-mailserver-title + Usuń węzeł Status + + + delete-message + Usuń wiadomość + + + delete-my-account + Usuń moje konto + + + delete-network-confirmation + Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć tę sieć? + + + delete-network-error + Przed usunięciem tej sieci proszę połączyć się z inną siecią + + + delete-network-title + Usunąć sieć? + + + delete-node + Usuń węzeł + + + delete-node-are-you-sure + Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć ten węzeł? + + + delete-node-title + Usuń węzeł + + + delete-profile + Usuń profil + + + delete-my-profile + Usuń mój profil + + + delete-profile-warning + Ostrzeżenie: jeśli nie zapisałeś swojej frazy Seed, utracisz dostęp do swoich funduszy po usunięciu swojego profilu + + + profile-deleted-title + Profil usunięty + + + profile-deleted-content + Twój profil został pomyślnie usunięty + + + profile-deleted-keycard + Możesz teraz przywrócić kolejną parę kluczy na swojej karcie Keycard + + + deny + Odmów + + + description + Opis + + + dev-mode + Tryb deweloperski + + + dev-mode-settings + Ustawienia trybu deweloperskiego + + + device-syncing + Synchronizacja urządzeń + + + devices + Urządzenia + + + disable + wyłącz + + + disabled + Wyłączone + + + disconnected + Łączenie z peerami… + + + discover + Odkryj + + + dismiss + Odrzuć + + + done + Zrobione + + + edit + Edytuj + + + edit-group + Edytuj grupę + + + edit-profile + Edytuj profil + + + empty-chat-description + W tym czacie nie ma +jeszcze wiadomości + + + empty-chat-description-one-to-one + Wszystkie wysyłane tutaj wiadomości są szyfrowane i mogą być odczytane tylko przez Ciebie i + + + empty-chat-description-public + Przez ostatnie {{quiet-hours}} było tu cicho. Rozpocznij rozmowę lub + + + cleared-chat-description-public + + + + empty-chat-description-community + Było tu cicho przez ostatnie {{quiet-hours}}. + + + empty-chat-description-public-share-this + udostępnij ten czat. + + + enable + Włącz + + + encrypt-with-password + Szyfruj za pomocą hasła + + + ens-10-SNT + 10 SNT + + + ens-add-username + Dodaj nazwę użytkownika + + + ens-agree-to + Zgadzam się na + + + ens-chat-settings + Ustawienia czatu + + + ens-custom-domain + Domena niestandardowa + + + ens-custom-username-hints + Wpisz całą nazwę użytkownika, w tym domenę niestandardową, taką jak nazwaużytkownika.domena.eth + + + ens-custom-username-taken + Nazwa użytkownika nie należy do Ciebie :( + + + ens-deposit + Depozyt + + + ens-displayed-with + Twoje wiadomości są wyświetlane innym osobom za pomocą + + + ens-get-name + Uzyskaj uniwersalną nazwę użytkownika + + + ens-got-it + Ok, rozumiem + + + ens-locked + Nazwa użytkownika zablokowana. Nie będzie można jej uwolnić do {{date}} + + + ens-network-restriction + Dostępne tylko na Mainnet + + + ens-no-usernames + Nie masz podłączonej żadnej nazwy użytkownika + + + ens-powered-by + Napędzane przez Ethereum Name Services + + + ens-primary-username + Podstawowa nazwa użytkownika + + + ens-register + Zarejestruj + + + ens-registration-in-progress + Rejestracja w toku ... + + + ens-registration-failure + Rejestracja nie powiodła się + + + ens-dismiss-message + Kliknij tutaj, aby odrzucić + + + ens-registration-failed + Aby zarejestrować nazwę użytkownika, proszę spróbować ponownie. + + + ens-registration-failed-title + Transakcja nie powiodła się + + + ens-release-username + Zwolnij nazwę użytkownika + + + ens-remove-hints + Usunięcie spowoduje odłączenie nazwy użytkownika od twojego klucza. + + + ens-remove-username + Usuń nazwę użytkownika + + + ens-saved + jest teraz połączony z twoim kluczem czatu i może być używany w aplikacji Status. + + + ens-saved-title + Nazwa użytkownika została dodana + + + ens-show-username + Pokaż moją nazwę użytkownika ENS w czatach + + + ens-terms-header + Warunki rejestracji nazwy. + + + ens-terms-point-1 + Fundusze są zdeponowane na 1 rok. Twoje SNT zostaną zablokowane, ale nie zostaną wydane. + + + ens-terms-point-10 + 0x00000000000C2E074eC69A0dFb2997BA6C7d2e1e (Rejestr ENS). + + + ens-terms-point-2 + Po upływie 1 roku możesz zwolnić nazwę i odzyskać depozyt lub nie podejmować żadnych działań, aby ją zachować. + + + ens-terms-point-3 + Jeśli warunki umowy ulegną zmianie — np. Status dokona aktualizacji umowy — użytkownik ma prawo do zwolnienia nazwy użytkownika bez względu na czas posiadania. + + + ens-terms-point-4 + Kontroler kontraktu nie ma dostępu do Twoich zdeponowanych środków. Mogą być one jedynie przeniesione z powrotem na adres, który je wysłał. + + + ens-terms-point-5 + Twój adres lub adresy będą publicznie powiązane z twoją nazwą ENS. + + + ens-terms-point-6 + Nazwy użytkowników są tworzone jako węzły subdomeny stateofus.eth i podlegają warunkom inteligentnego kontraktu (smart contract) ENS. + + + ens-terms-point-7 + Upoważniasz kontrakt do przeniesienia SNT w Twoim imieniu. Może to nastąpić tylko wtedy, gdy zatwierdzisz transakcję, aby autoryzować przelew. + + + ens-terms-point-8 + Warunki te są gwarantowane przez logikę inteligentnego kontraktu w adresach: + + + ens-terms-point-9 + {{address}} (Status UsernameRegistrar) + + + ens-terms-registration + Warunki rejestracji nazwy. + + + ens-test-message + Hej + + + ens-transaction-pending + Transakcja w toku... + + + ens-understand + Rozumiem, że mój adres portfela będzie publicznie połączony z moją nazwą użytkownika. + + + ens-username + Nazwa użytkownika ENS + + + ens-username-available + ✓ Nazwa użytkownika jest dostępna! + + + ens-username-connected + Ta nazwa użytkownika należy do Ciebie i jest połączona z Twoim kluczem czatu. + + + ens-username-connection-confirmation + {{username}} zostanie połączony po zakończeniu transakcji. + + + ens-username-hints + Co najmniej 4 znaki. Tylko litery łacińskie, cyfry i małe litery. + + + ens-username-invalid + Tylko cyfry i litery. + + + ens-username-owned + ✓ Nazwa użytkownika jest twoją własnością. + + + ens-username-registration-confirmation + Świetnie! Zostaniesz właścicielem {{username}} po zakończeniu transakcji. + + + ens-username-you-can-follow-progress + Możesz śledzić postęp w sekcji „Historia Transakcji” w swoim portfelu. + + + ens-usernames + Nazwy użytkowników ENS + + + ens-usernames-details + Zarejestruj uniwersalną nazwę użytkownika, aby być łatwo rozpoznawalnym przez innych użytkowników + + + wallet-address + Adres portfela + + + ens-want-custom-domain + Jestem właścicielem nazwy w innej domenie + + + ens-want-domain + Chcę mieć domenę stateofus.eth + + + ens-welcome-hints + Nazwy ENS przekształcają szalenie długie adresy w unikalne nazwy użytkowników. + + + ens-welcome-point-customize + Nazwa ENS może zastąpić twoje losowe 3-słowne imię na czacie. Bądź @własnanazwa zamiast {{name}}. + + + ens-welcome-point-customize-title + Dostosuj nazwę swojego czatu + + + ens-welcome-point-simplify + Możesz otrzymać środki na swoją łatwą do udostępnienia nazwę ENS zamiast na swój szesnastkowy hash (0x ...). + + + ens-welcome-point-simplify-title + Uprość swój adres ETH + + + ens-welcome-point-receive + Inni mogą wysłać Ci fundusze za pośrednictwem czatu w jednym prostym kroku. + + + ens-welcome-point-receive-title + Odbieraj transakcje na czacie + + + ens-welcome-point-register + Zarejestruj się raz, aby zachować nazwę na zawsze. Po 1 roku możesz zwolnić nazwę i odzyskać SNT. + + + ens-welcome-point-register-title + 10 SNT do rejestracji + + + ens-welcome-point-verify + W kolejnych krokach możesz zweryfikować i dodać dowolne posiadane przez Ciebie nazwy użytkowników. + + + ens-welcome-point-verify-title + Posiadasz już nazwę użytkownika? + + + ens-your-username + Twoja nazwa użytkownika + + + ens-your-usernames + Twoje nazwy użytkownika + + + ens-your-your-name + Twoja nazwa ENS + + + ens-username-already-added + Nazwa użytkownika jest już połączona z twoim kluczem czatu i może być używana wewnątrz aplikacji Status. + + + ens-username-connected-continue + Kontynuuj ustawianie opcji `Pokazuj moją nazwę użytkownika ENS w czatach`. + + + ens-username-connected-with-different-key + Kontynuacja będzie wymagać transakcji w celu połączenia nazwy użytkownika z aktualnym kluczem czatu. + + + ens-username-owned-continue + Kontynuacja spowoduje połączenie tej nazwy użytkownika z twoim kluczem czatu. + + + ens-username-taken + Nazwa użytkownika jest już zajęta :( + + + ens-name-not-found + Nie można rozpoznać nazwy ENS + + + ens-username-registration-invalid + + + + ens-username-invalid-name-warning + + + + enter-12-words + Wpisz 12 słów swojej frazy odzyskiwania (Seed), oddzielonych pojedynczymi spacjami. + + + enter-a-private-key + Wprowadź klucz prywatny + + + enter-a-seed-phrase + Wpisz frazę odzyskiwania (Seed) + + + enter-address + Wprowadź adres + + + enter-contact-code + ENS (vitalik94) lub klucz czatu (0x04...) + + + enter-pair-code + Wprowadź swój kod parowania + + + pair-code-placeholder + Kod parowania + + + enter-pair-code-description + Kod parowania może być ustawiony z już sparowanego klienta Status. + + + enter-password + Wprowadź hasło + + + enter-password-migration-prompt + Wprowadź swoje hasło, aby przenieść kontakty, czaty i ustawienia wraz z Twoimi kluczami + + + migration-successful + Migracja powiodła się + + + migration-successful-text + Konto pomyślnie zmigrowane do Keycard + + + skip + Pomiń + + + password-placeholder + Hasło... + + + confirm-password-placeholder + Potwierdź swoje hasło + + + enter-pin + Wprowadź 6-cyfrowy kod dostępu + + + enter-puk-code + Wprowadź kod PUK. + + + enter-puk-code-description + 6-cyfrowy kod dostępu został zablokowany. + Wprowadź kod PUK, aby odblokować kod dostępu. + + + enter-recipient-address-or-username + Wprowadź adres lub nazwę użytkownika odbiorcy + + + enter-seed-phrase + Wpisz frazę odzyskiwania (Seed) + + + enter-url + Wprowadź adres URL + + + enter-watch-account-address + Zeskanuj kod QR +lub +wprowadź adres do obejrzenia + + + enter-word + Wprowadź słowo + + + enter-your-code + Wprowadź swój 6-cyfrowy kod dostępu. + + + enter-your-password + Wprowadź swoje hasło. + + + error + Błąd + + + error-unable-to-get-balance + Nie można uzyskać historii transakcji + + + error-unable-to-get-prices + Błąd konwersji waluty. Odśwież ekran, aby spróbować ponownie. + + + error-unable-to-get-token-balance + Nie można uzyskać historii transakcji + + + errors + Błędy + + + eth + ETH + + + ethereum-node-started-incorrectly-description + Węzeł Ethereum został uruchomiony z nieprawidłową konfiguracją, aplikacja zostanie zatrzymana w celu przywrócenia stanu pierwotnego. Skonfigurowany identyfikator sieci = {{network-id}}, rzeczywisty = {{fetched-network-id}} + + + ethereum-node-started-incorrectly-title + Węzeł Ethereum został uruchomiony nieprawidłowo + + + etherscan-lookup + Wyszukaj na Etherscan + + + export-account + Eksportuj konto + + + export-key + Eksportuj klucz prywatny + + + community-private-key + Klucz prywatny społeczności + + + failed + Niepowodzenie + + + faq + Często zadawane pytania + + + fetch-messages + ↓ Pobierz wiadomości + + + fetch-timeline + ↓ Pobierz + + + find + Znajdź + + + finish + Zakończ + + + finishing-card-setup + Kończę konfigurację karty + + + fleet + Fleet + + + fleet-settings + Ustawienia fleet + + + follow-your-interests + Dołącz do publicznego czatu i poznaj nowych ludzi + + + follow + Śledź + + + free + ↓ Darmowy + + + from + Od + + + gas-limit + Limit Gasu + + + gas-price + Cena gasu + + + gas-used + Użyty gas + + + generate-a-key + Generuj klucze + + + generate-a-new-account + Wygeneruj konto + + + generate-a-new-key + Wygeneruj nowy klucz + + + generate-account + Generuj klucze + + + generate-new-key + Generuj klucze + + + your-keys + Twoje klucze + + + generating-codes-for-pairing + > Pobieranie oprogramowania produktu na kartę + > Generowanie kodów odblokowujących i parujących + + + generating-keys + Generowanie kluczy ... + + + you-will-need-this-code + Będziesz potrzebować tego kodu, aby otworzyć aplikację Status i podpisywać transakcje + + + generating-mnemonic + Generowanie frazy odzyskiwania (Seed) + + + get-started + Rozpocznij + + + get-status-at + Pobierz Status na http://status.im + + + get-stickers + Pobierz naklejki + + + go-to-settings + Przejdź do Ustawień + + + got-it + Rozumiem + + + group-chat + Czat grupowy + + + group-chat-admin + Administrator + + + group-chat-admin-added + **{{member}}** został administratorem + + + group-chat-created + **{{member}}** utworzył grupę **{{name}}**. + + + group-chat-decline-invitation + Odrzuć zaproszenie + + + group-chat-member-added + **{{member}}** został zaproszony + + + group-chat-member-joined + **{{member}}** dołączył do grupy + + + group-chat-member-removed + ** {{member}} ** opuścił grupę + + + group-chat-members-count + {{selected}} / {{max}} członków + + + group-chat-name-changed + {{member}} zmienił nazwę grupy na {{name}} + + + group-chat-no-contacts + Nie masz jeszcze żadnych kontaktów. +Zaproś swoich znajomych do rozpoczęcia czatu + + + leave-chat + Opuść czat + + + leave-confirmation + Opuść {{chat-name}} + + + leave-chat-confirmation + Historia czatu zostanie usunięta z Twojego urządzenia. Po ponownym dołączeniu nie będziesz w stanie odzyskać żadnej swojej historii. + + + group-chat-all-contacts-invited + Wszystkie Twoje kontakty są już w grupie + + + group-info + Informacje o grupie + + + gwei + Gwei + + + hash + Hash + + + help + pomoc + + + help-capitalized + Pomoc + + + help-center + Centrum pomocy + + + hide-content-when-switching-apps + Zablokuj zrzuty ekranu + + + hide-content-when-switching-apps-ios + Ukryj podgląd + + + history + Historia + + + history-nodes + Węzły Status + + + hold-card + przytrzymaj kartę z tyłu telefonu + + + home + Start + + + hooks + Hooks + + + identifier + Identyfikator + + + image-remove-current + Usuń obecne zdjęcie + + + image-source-gallery + Wybierz z galerii + + + image-source-make-photo + Przechwyć + + + image-source-title + Edytuj zdjęcie + + + profile-pic-take + Zrób zdjęcie + + + profile-pic-pick + Wybierz z galerii + + + profile-pic-remove + Usuń zdjęcie + + + in-contacts + W kontaktach + + + incoming + Przychodzące + + + incoming-transaction + Transakcja przychodząca + + + incorrect-code::0 + str + + + incorrect-code::1 + Przepraszamy, kod jest nieprawidłowy. Prosimy wprowadzić kod ponownie + + + initialization + Rozpoczynanie + + + install + ↓ Zainstaluj + + + intro-message1 + Witamy w Status! +Kliknij tę wiadomość, aby ustawić hasło i rozpocząć! + + + intro-privacy-policy-note1 + Status nie zbiera ani nie czerpie korzyści z twoich danych osobowych. Kontynuując, zgadzasz się z + + + intro-privacy-policy-note2 + Polityka prywatności + + + intro-text + Status jest twoją bramą do zdecentralizowanej sieci. + + + intro-text1 + Rozmawiaj za pośrednictwem sieci typu peer-to-peer, w której wiadomości nie mogą być cenzurowane ani hakowane + + + intro-text2 + Wysyłaj i odbieraj cyfrowe aktywa w dowolnym miejscu na świecie — bez konieczności posiadania konta bankowego + + + intro-text3 + Odkrywaj gry, giełdy i sieci społecznościowe, w których tylko Ty jesteś właścicielem swoich danych + + + intro-title1 + Prawdziwie prywatna komunikacja + + + intro-title2 + Bezpieczny portfel kryptowalutowy + + + intro-title3 + Zdecentralizowane aplikacje + + + intro-wizard-text1 + Zestaw kluczy kontroluje Twoje konto. Twoje klucze są przechowywane w telefonie, więc tylko ty możesz ich używać + + + intro-wizard-text2 + Jeden klucz jest przeznaczony do czatu. Dostarczany jest z czytelną nazwą, której nie można zmienić. + + + intro-wizard-text3 + Jeśli posiadasz kartę Keycard, przechowuj w niej klucze dla większego bezpieczeństwa. + + + intro-wizard-text4 + Zabezpiecz i zaszyfruj swoje klucze + + + intro-wizard-text6 + Status będzie Cię powiadamiał o nowych wiadomościach. Możesz później edytować swoje preferencje dotyczące powiadomień w ustawieniach. + + + intro-wizard-title-alt4 + Utwórz hasło + + + intro-wizard-title-alt5 + Potwierdź swoje hasło + + + intro-wizard-title1 + Zdobądź swoje klucze + + + intro-wizard-title2 + Wybierz nazwę czatu + + + intro-wizard-title3 + Wybierz miejsce przechowywania klucza + + + intro-wizard-title4 + Utwórz 6-cyfrowy kod dostępu + + + intro-wizard-title5 + Potwierdź kod dostępu + + + intro-wizard-title6 + Włącz powiadomienia + + + are-you-sure-to-cancel + Czy na pewno chcesz anulować? + + + you-will-start-from-scratch + Zaczniesz od początku z nowym zestawem kluczy + + + invalid-address-qr-code + Zeskanowany kod QR nie zawiera prawidłowego adresu + + + invalid-format + Niepoprawny format +Musi być {{format}} + + + invalid-key-confirm + Zastosuj + + + invalid-key-content + Baza danych nie może zostać zaszyfrowana, ponieważ plik jest uszkodzony. Twoje środki i klucz czatu są bezpieczne. Inne dane, takie jak czaty i kontakty, nie mogą zostać przywrócone. Przycisk '{{erase-multiaccounts-data-button-text}}' usunie wszystkie inne dane i pozwoli Ci na dostęp do Twoich środków i wysyłanie wiadomości. + + + invalid-number + Nieprawidłowy numer + + + invalid-pairing-password + Nieprawidłowe hasło parowania + + + invalid-range + Nieprawidłowy format musi zawierać się między {{min}} a {{max}} + + + invalid-username-or-key + Nieprawidłowa nazwa użytkownika lub klucz czatu + + + join-me + Hej, dołącz do mnie na Status: {{url}} + + + join-a-community + lub dołącz do społeczności + + + http-gateway-error + Ups, żądanie się nie powiodło! + + + sign-request-failed + Nie można podpisać wiadomości + + + invite-friends + Zaproś znajomych + + + invite-people + Zaproś ludzi + + + invite-reward + Zarabiaj kryptowaluty za każdego znajomego, którego zaprosisz! + + + invite-select-account + Wybierz konto, aby otrzymać premię za polecenie + + + invited + zaproszeni + + + invite-button + Zaproś + + + invite-receive-account + Konto, aby otrzymać premię za polecenie + + + how-it-works + Jak to działa? + + + invite-warning + Ta promocja jest ważna tylko dla użytkowników urządzeń z systemem Android, którzy nie są mieszkańcami USA. Znajomy musi potwierdzić polecenie w ciągu 7 dni. + + + invite-instruction-first + Wysyłasz znajomemu unikalny link z zaproszeniem do pobrania i dołączenia do platformy Status + + + invite-instruction-second + Twój znajomy pobiera Status i tworzy konto (na Androidzie) + + + invite-instruction-third + Czat z Twoim znajomym rozpoczął się, w którym to potwierdzi on Twoje polecenie + + + invite-instruction-fourth + Otrzymasz premię za polecenie, a twój znajomy pakiet startowy + + + invite-instruction-fifth + Bonus za polecenie możesz zrealizować w dowolnym momencie. + + + invite-reward-you + Ty: + + + invite-reward-you-name + Premia za polecenie + + + invite-reward-you-description + Zaproś znajomego i otrzymaj {{reward}} jako bonus za polecenie. Użyj go, aby uzyskać naklejki, nazwę ENS i korzystać ze zdecentralizowanych aplikacji + + + invite-reward-friend + Znajomy: + + + invite-reward-friend-name + Pakiet startowy + + + invite-reward-friend-description + Twój znajomy otrzyma Pakiet Startowy składający się z {{reward}} na początek + + + invite-privacy-policy1 + Akceptując wyrażasz zgodę na program poleceń + + + invite-privacy-policy2 + Warunki i zasady. + + + invite-privacy-policy-public + Zainstalowałeś Status poprzez link polecający. Dołączając do tego czatu, przypisujesz się do osoby polecającej i zgadzasz się na + + + invite-chat-name + Polecenie Znajomego + + + invite-chat-starter-pack + Pakiet startowy + + + invite-chat-intro + Zostałeś polecony przez znajomego, aby dołączyć do Status. Oto trochę kryptowalut na dobry początek! Użyj Ich, aby zarejestrować nazwę ENS lub kupić pakiet naklejek. + + + invite-public-chat-home + Zaproszenie polecające + + + invite-public-chat-intro + Oto trochę kryptowalut na dobry początek! Użyj ich, aby zarejestrować nazwę ENS lub kupić pakiet naklejek + + + invite-chat-accept + Przyjmij + + + invite-chat-pending + Oczekujące + + + invite-chat-accept-join + Zaakceptuj i dołącz + + + invite-chat-rule + Akceptacja wynagrodzi również znajomego premią w postaci bonusu kryptowalutowego + + + redeem-now + Zrealizuj teraz + + + redeem-amount + Dostępne bonusy: {{quantity}} + + + redeem-success + Skutecznie zrealizowany bonus! + + + attribution-received + {{attrib}} z {{max}} otrzymanych premii + + + advertiser-starter-pack-title + Pakiet startowy + + + advertiser-starter-pack-description + Oto trochę kryptowalut na dobry początek! Użyj ich, aby zarejestrować nazwę ENS lub kupić pakiet naklejek + + + advertiser-title + Prywatność domyślnie + + + advertiser-description + Odkryłeś Status dzięki partnerowi. Czy masz coś przeciwko, jeśli Status sprawdzi tylko raz Twój adres IP, aby go wynagrodzić? Informacje te nie zostaną wykorzystane do niczego innego i zostaną całkowicie usunięte po 7 dniach. + + + advertiser-starter-pack-accept + Akceptuj + + + advertiser-starter-pack-decline + Odrzuć + + + dapp-starter-pack-title + Pakiet startowy + + + dapp-starter-pack-description + Oto trochę kryptowalut na dobry początek! Użyj ich, aby kupić naklejki, zmienić nazwę ENS lub korzystać ze zdecentralizowanych aplikacji + + + dapp-starter-pack-accept + Zaakceptuj i otwórz + + + starter-pack-coming + Pakiet startowy już w drodze + + + starter-pack-coming-description + Może to zająć od kilku minut do kilku godzin + + + starter-pack-received + Otrzymano pakiet startowy + + + starter-pack-received-description + Oto trochę kryptowalut na dobry początek! Użyj ich, aby kupić naklejki, zmienić nazwę ENS lub korzystać ze zdecentralizowanych aplikacji + + + join-group-chat + Dołącz do grupy + + + join-group-chat-description + {{username}}zaprosił Cię abyś dołączył do grupy {{group-name}} + + + joined-group-chat-description + Dołączyłeś do {{group-name}} z zaproszenia od {{username}}. + + + key + Klucz + + + keycard + Karta Keycard + + + keycard-access-reset + Dostęp do karty jest zresetowany + + + keycard-can-use-with-new-passcode + Możesz używać tej karty z nowym kodem dostępu + + + keycard-applet-install-instructions + Aby zainstalować aplet, postępuj zgodnie z instrukcjami na https://github.com/status-im/keycard-cli#keycard-applet-installation + + + keycard-blocked + Karta kluczy została zablokowana. +Aby kontynuować korzystanie z karty, musisz zresetować kartę. + + + keycard-cancel-setup-text + Spowoduje to anulowanie konfiguracji karty kluczy. Zdecydowanie zaleca się zakończenie konfiguracji w celu użycia karty Keycard. Czy naprawdę chcesz anulować? + + + keycard-cancel-setup-title + Niebezpieczna operacja + + + keycard-desc + Posiadasz kartę Keycard? Przechowuj na niej swoje klucze; będzie Ci ona potrzebna do transakcji + + + keycard-dont-ask-card + Nie pytaj o kartę, aby się zalogować + + + keycard-reset-passcode + Resetuj kod dostępu. + + + keycard-factory-reset + Przywróć kartę do ustawień fabrycznych + + + keycard-factory-reset-title + Czy na pewno chcesz przywrócić ustawienia fabryczne? + + + keycard-factory-reset-text + Wykonanie tej czynności spowoduje usunięcie wszystkich fraz mnemotechnicznych zapisanych na karcie. Upewnij się, że masz kopię zapasową wyrażenia mnemotechnicznego, którego używałeś z tą kartą. + + + keycard-enter-new-passcode + Wprowadź nowy kod dostępu {{step}}/2 + + + keycard-has-multiaccount-on-it + Ta karta jest pełna. Każda karta może pomieścić jedną główną parę kluczy + + + keycard-onboarding-finishing-header + Kończę + + + keycard-onboarding-intro-header + Przechowuj swoje klucze na karcie Keycard + + + keycard-onboarding-intro-text + Przygotuj się, może to zająć kilka minut, ale ważne jest to, abyś zabezpieczył swoje konto + + + keycard-onboarding-pairing-header + Parowanie karty ... + + + keycard-onboarding-preparing-header + Przygotowanie karty ... + + + keycard-onboarding-puk-code-header + Zapisz kody + i przechowuj je bezpiecznie + + + keycard-onboarding-recovery-phrase-description + Potrzebujesz tej frazy odzyskiwania (Seed), aby odzyskać swój klucz. Zapisz ją. Przechowuj ją w bezpiecznym miejscu, poza siecią i poza tym urządzeniem. + + + keycard-onboarding-recovery-phrase-header + Utwórz kopię zapasową frazy odzyskiwania (Seed) + + + keycard-onboarding-recovery-phrase-text + Tylko dla twoich oczu. To jest magiczny Seed użyty do wygenerowania Twojego klucza. + + + keycard-onboarding-start-header + Przytrzymaj kartę z tyłu + telefonu, aby rozpocząć + + + keycard-onboarding-pin-text + Będziesz musiał utworzyć 6-cyfrowy kod dostępu, który będzie używany do ochrony dostępu do Twojej karty Keycard. + + + keycard-onboarding-mnemonic-text + Będziesz również potrzebował kartki papieru i ołówka, aby zapisać swoje hasło. + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step1 + Utwórz kod dostępu + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step1-text + Około 1 minuty. Utwórz 6-cyfrowy kod dostępu, aby zaszyfrować swoje klucze + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step2 + Zapisz PUK i kod parowania + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step2-text + Około 1 minuty. Będziesz potrzebować do tego kartki papieru i długopisu + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step3 + Utwórz kopię zapasową frazy odzyskiwania (Seed) + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step3-text + Około 1 minuty. Na tym etapie również potrzebna jest kartka papieru i długopis + + + keycard-onboarding-start-text + I utrzymuj kontakt między kartą a telefonem + podczas konfiguracji. Konfiguracja zajmie około 4 minut + + + keycard-recovery-intro-button-text + Rozpocznij odzyskiwanie + + + keycard-recovery-intro-header + Odzyskaj klucze przechowywane na karcie Keycard + + + keycard-recovery-intro-text + Jeśli wcześniej generowałeś klucze za pomocą karty Keycard, a teraz chcesz używać tych kluczy na tym urządzeniu + + + keycard-recovery-no-key-header + Nie ma tu nic do odzyskiwania + + + keycard-recovery-no-key-text + Twoja karta Keycard nie zawiera żadnego klucza. Aby z niej skorzystać, wygeneruj nowy klucz i wybierz swoją kartę Keycard przechowywać klucz + + + keycard-recovery-phrase-confirm-header + Potwierdź frazę odzyskiwania (Seed) + + + keycard-recovery-phrase-confirmation-text + Nie będziesz mieć drugiej szansy! Jeżeli utracisz dostęp, na przykład poprzez utratę karty Keycard, możesz uzyskać dostęp do twoich kluczy jedynie dzięki twojej frazie Seed. Nikt, oprócz Ciebie nie posiada Twojej frazy Seed. Zapisz ją i przechowuj w bezpiecznym miejscu. + + + keycard-recovery-phrase-confirmation-title + Czy fraza odzyskiwania (Seed) została zapisana? + + + keycard-recovery-success-header + Twoje klucze zostały + pomyślnie odzyskane + + + keycard-redeem-title + Odbierz na + + + keycard-redeem-tx + Odbierz aktywa + + + keycard-redeem-tx-desc + Stuknij w kartę, aby podpisać i odebrać aktywa + + + keycard-unauthorized-operation + Nie masz uprawnień do wykonania tej operacji. + Wybierz ważną kartę i spróbuj ponownie. + + + keycard-is-frozen-title + Karta Keycard jest zamrożona + + + keycard-is-frozen-details + Aby chronić swoje zasoby, karta została zawieszona. Zresetuj kartę, aby ją odblokować i móc wysyłać transakcje. Możesz to zrobić za pomocą PUK lub wyrażenia mnemomicznego. + + + keycard-is-frozen-reset + Zresetuj za pomocą PUK + + + keycard-is-frozen-factory-reset + Zresetuj regułą mnemotechniczną, + + + your-card-is-frozen + Twoja karta Keycard jest zamrożona. Zresetuj dostęp do karty + + + keycard-is-blocked-title + Karta Keycard jest zablokowana + + + keycard-is-blocked-details + Nie możesz już używać tej karty do uzyskiwania dostępu lub zalogowania się na to konto. Było zbyt wiele nieudanych prób wprowadzenia kodu dostępu i kodu PUK. + + + keycard-is-blocked-instructions + Aby uzyskać dostęp do swojego konta, musisz zresetować kartę do ustawień fabrycznych. Naciśnij poniższy przycisk, aby rozpocząć procedurę, będziesz potrzebować swojego wyrażenia mnemomicznego. + + + language + Język + + + learn-more + Dowiedz się więcej + + + learn-more-about-keycard + Dowiedz się więcej o Keycard + + + leave + Opuść + + + joined + Dołączono + + + leave-group + Opuść grupę + + + left + pozostało + + + lets-go + Zaczynamy + + + les-ulc + LES/ULC + + + linked-on + Połączono w dniu {{date}} + + + load-messages-before + przed {{date}} + + + load-more-messages + ↓ Pobierz więcej wiadomości + + + load-more-timeline + ↓ Pobierz więcej + + + loading + Ładowanie... + + + log-level + Poziom Log + + + log-level-settings + Ustawienia poziomu logów + + + logging + Logowanie + + + logging-enabled + Logowanie włączone? + + + login-pin-description + Wprowadź swój 6-cyfrowy kod dostępu, aby odblokować swoje klucze + + + logout + Wyloguj + + + logout-app-content + Konto zostanie wylogowane. Po ponownym odblokowaniu będzie używana wybrana sieć. + + + logout-are-you-sure + Czy na pewno chcesz +się wylogować? + + + logout-title + Wylogować? + + + logout-key-management + Musisz się wylogować, aby uzyskać dostęp do zarządzania kluczami. + + + looking-for-cards + Szukam kart... + + + lost-connection + Utracono połączenie + + + mailserver-address + Adres węzła Status + + + mailserver-automatic + Automatyczna selekcja + + + mailserver-automatic-switch-explanation + Wybierz najszybszy dostępny węzeł dla Status + + + mailserver-connection-error + Nie udało się połączyć z węzłem Status + + + mailserver-details + Szczegóły węzła Status + + + mailserver-error-content + Wybrany węzeł Status nie może zostać osiągnięty. + + + mailserver-error-title + Błąd podczas łączenia się z węzłem Status + + + mailserver-format + enode://{enode-id}:{password}@{ip-address}:{port} + + + mailserver-pick-another + Wybierz inny węzeł Status + + + mailserver-reconnect + Nie udało się połączyć z węzłem Status. Kliknij, aby ponowić połączenie + + + mailserver-request-error-content + Następujący błąd został zwrócony przez węzeł Status: {{error}} + + + mailserver-request-error-status + Wystąpił błąd podczas pobierania historii, sprawdź logi, aby uzyskać szczegóły + + + mailserver-request-error-title + Błąd podczas prośby otrzymania węzła Status + + + mailserver-request-retry + Ponów prośbę + + + mailserver-retry + Ponów + + + main-currency + Główna waluta + + + main-networks + Główne sieci + + + main-wallet + Portfel główny + + + mainnet-network + Sieć główna + + + make-admin + Uczyń administratorem + + + manage-keys-and-storage + Zarządzanie kluczami i przechowywaniem + + + mark-all-read + Oznacz wszystkie jako przeczytane + + + members + + 1 użytkownik + użytkowników + użytkowników + Użytkownicy: {{count}} + + + + members-active + + 1 członek + członków + członków + {{count}} członkowie + + + + members-active-none + brak członków + + + members-title + Użytkownicy + + + message + Wiadomość + + + message-not-sent + Wiadomość nie wysłana + + + message-options-cancel + Anuluj + + + message-reply + Odpowiedz + + + replying-to + Odpowiedź do {{author}} + + + data-syncing + Synchronizacja danych + + + messages + Wiadomości + + + chat-is-a-contact + Kontakt + + + chat-is-not-a-contact + To nie kontakt + + + might-break + Może zepsuć niektóre zdecentralizowane aplikacje + + + migrations-failed-content + {{message}} + wersja schematu: początkowa {{initial-version}}, aktualna {{current-version}}, ostatnia {{last-version}} + +Wystąpił błąd bazy danych. Twoje fundusze i klucz czatu są bezpieczne. Inne dane, takie jak czaty i kontakty, nie mogą zostać przywrócone. Przycisk '{{erase-multiaccounts-data-button-text}}' usunie wszystkie inne dane i umożliwi Ci dostęp do twoich środków oraz wysyłania wiadomości. + + + mobile-network-ask-me + Zapytaj mnie, gdy używam sieci komórkowej + + + mobile-network-continue-syncing + Kontynuuj synchronizację + + + mobile-network-continue-syncing-details + Możesz to później zmienić w ustawieniach + + + mobile-network-go-to-settings + Przejdź do ustawień + + + mobile-network-settings + Dane komórkowe + + + mobile-network-sheet-configure + Możesz skonfigurować synchronizację bardziej +szczegółowo w + + + mobile-network-sheet-offline + Brak dostępu do sieci Wi-Fi, synchronizacja wiadomości jest wyłączona. + + + mobile-network-sheet-offline-details + Synchronizacja przy użyciu danych komórkowych jest wyłączona + + + mobile-network-sheet-remember-choice + Zapamiętaj mój wybór + + + mobile-network-sheet-settings + ustawienia + + + mobile-network-start-syncing + Rozpocznij synchronizację + + + mobile-network-stop-syncing + Zatrzymaj synchronizację + + + mobile-network-stop-syncing-details + Do czasu połączenia z Wi-Fi? + + + mobile-network-use-mobile + Użyj danych komórkowych + + + mobile-network-use-mobile-data + Status zużywa dużo danych podczas synchronizacji czatów i portfela. + + + mobile-network-use-wifi + Tylko Wi-Fi + + + mobile-syncing-sheet-details + Status zużywa dużo danych podczas synchronizacji czatów i portfela. + + + mobile-syncing-sheet-title + Synchronizować przy użyciu danych komórkowych? + + + more + więcej + + + multiaccount-exists-title + Klucze do tego konta już istnieją + + + multiaccount-exists-content + Klucze do tego konta już istnieją i nie mogą być dodane ponownie. Jeśli zgubiłeś hasło, kod dostępu lub kartę Keycard, odinstaluj aplikację, zainstaluj ją ponownie i uzyskaj dostęp do kluczy, wprowadzając swoją frazę Seed + + + multiaccounts-recover-enter-phrase-text + Wprowadź 12, 15, 18, 21 lub 24 słowa. +Oddziel słowa pojedynczą spacją. + + + multiaccounts-recover-enter-phrase-title + Wpisz swoją frazę odzyskiwania (Seed) + + + name + Nazwa + + + name-of-token + Nazwa twojego tokena + + + need-help + Potrzebujesz pomocy? + + + glossary + Słowniczek + + + account-title + Konto + + + account-content + Możesz porównać konta w Statusie do kont bankowych. Podobnie jak konto bankowe, konto zazwyczaj ma adres i saldo; Używasz tego konta do transakcji na Ethereum. Możesz mieć wiele kont w swoim portfelu. Wszystkie dostępne po odblokowaniu Statusu. + + + chat-key-title + Klucz czatu + + + chat-key-content + Wiadomości w protokole czatu Status są wysyłane i odbierane przy użyciu kluczy szyfrujących. Klucz czatu publicznego to ciąg znaków, które udostępniasz innym, aby mogli wysyłać Ci wiadomości w statusie. + + + chat-name-title + Nazwa czatu + + + chat-name-content + Trzy losowe słowa, uzyskane algorytmicznie z twojego klucza czatu i używane jako twoja domyślna nazwa na czacie. Nazwy czatów są całkowicie unikalne; żaden inny użytkownik nie może mieć takich samych trzech słów, nazwy. + + + ens-name-title + Nazwa ENS + + + ens-name-content + Niestandardowa nazwa dla twojego klucza czatu, którą możesz zarejestrować za pomocą usługi Ethereum Name Service, w skrócie ENS. Nazwy ENS to zdecentralizowane nazwy użytkowników. + + + mailserver-title + Węzeł Status + + + mailserver-content + Węzeł w sieci Status, który kieruje i przechowuje wiadomości przez maksymalnie 30 dni. + + + peer-title + Peer + + + peer-content + Urządzenie podłączone do sieci czatu aplikacji Status. Każdy użytkownik może reprezentować jedno lub więcej połączeń, w zależności od liczby posiadanych urządzeń. + + + seed-phrase-title + Fraza odzyskiwania (Seed) + + + seed-phrase-content + Zestaw łatwych do czytania słów, losowo wybranych ze standardowej listy BIP39 i używanych do odzyskiwania lub uzyskiwania dostępu do konta Ethereum na innych portfelach i urządzeniach. Określany również jako „fraza mnemoniczna”, „fraza odzyskiwania” lub „kopia zapasowa portfela” w całym ekosystemie kryptowalut. Większość aplikacji kryptowalutowych używa tego samego standardu do generowania kont. + + + wallet-key-title + Adres konta + + + wallet-key-content + 64-znakowy adres szesnastkowy oparty na standardzie Ethereum i rozpoczynający się od 0x. Publiczny adres Twojego konta jest udostępniany innym osobom, gdy chcesz otrzymać środki. Nazywany jest również „adresem Ethereum” lub „adresem portfela”. + + + buy-crypto-title + Wygląda na to, że Twój portfel jest pusty + + + buy-crypto-description + Znajdź zdecentralizowaną aplikację, aby kupić kryptowaluty + + + buy-crypto + Kup kryptowaluty + + + buy-crypto-choose-a-service + Wybierz usługę, której chcesz użyć do zakupu kryptowalut + + + buy-crypto-leaving + Opuszczasz aplikację Status i wchodzisz na zewnętrzną stronę internetową w celu sfinalizowania zakupu. + + + opening-buy-crypto + Otwieram {{site}} ... + + + network + Sieć + + + network-chain + Łańcuch sieci + + + network-details + Szczegóły sieci + + + network-info + Informacje o sieci + + + network-fee + Opłata sieciowa + + + network-id + Identyfikator sieci + + + network-invalid-network-id + Podany identyfikator sieci nie jest zgodny z identyfikatorem sieci podanym w adresie URL RPC + + + network-invalid-status-code + Nieprawidłowy kod statusu: {{code}} + + + network-invalid-url + Adres URL sieci jest nieprawidłowy + + + network-settings + Ustawienia sieci + + + new + Nowy + + + new-chat + Nowy czat + + + new-contact + Nowy kontakt + + + new-contract + Nowy kontrakt + + + new-group + Nowa grupa + + + new-group-chat + Nowy czat grupowy + + + new-network + Nowa sieć + + + new-pin-description + Powtórz nowy 6-cyfrowy kod dostępu. + + + new-puk-description + Wprowadź nowy 12-cyfrowy PUK + + + new-public-group-chat + Dołącz do publicznego czatu + + + next + Dalej + + + no + Nie + + + no-collectibles + Brak dostępnych przedmiotów kolekcjonerskich + + + no-contacts + W tej chwili brak kontaktów + + + no-keycard-applet-on-card + Brak apletu Keycard na karcie + + + no-messages + Brak wiadomości + + + no-pairing-slots-available + Ta karta jest już sparowana z 5 urządzeniami i nie można jej sparować z tym urządzeniem. Użyj jednego ze sparowanych urządzeń, zaloguj się za pomocą tej karty i zwolnij gniazda parowania na karcie + + + no-result + Brak wyników + + + no-tokens-found + Nie znaleziono tokenów + + + node-info + Informacje o węźle + + + node-address + Adres węzła + + + node-details + Szczegóły węzła + + + node-version + Wersja węzła + + + nonce + Nonce + + + none + Brak + + + not-applicable + Nie dotyczy niepodpisanych transakcji + + + not-keycard-text + Karta, której użyłeś, nie jest kartą Keycard. Aby z niej korzystać, należy zakupić kartę Keycard. + + + not-keycard-title + To nie jest karta Keycard + + + notifications + Powiadomienia + + + local-notifications + Powiadomienia lokalne + + + local-notifications-subtitle + + + + remote-notifications + + + + remote-notifications-subtitle + + + + show-notifications + Pokaż powiadomienia + + + notification-settings + Powiadomienia + + + notifications-servers + Serwery powiadomień + + + notifications-preferences + Preferencje powiadomień + + + notifications-switch + Pokaż powiadomienia + + + notifications-non-contacts + Powiadomienia od osób niebędących kontaktami + + + notifications-transactions + Transakcje portfelowe + + + send-push-notifications + + + + send-push-notifications-description + W przypadku wyłączenia osoba odbierająca twoje wiadomości nie zostanie powiadomiona o ich przybyciu + + + push-notifications-server-enabled + Serwer włączony + + + push-notifications-servers + Serwery powiadomień Push + + + push-inbound-transaction + Otrzymałeś {{value}} {{currency}} + + + push-outbound-transaction + Wysłałeś {{value}} {{currency}} + + + push-failed-transaction + Twoja transakcja się nie powiodła + + + push-inbound-transaction-body + Od {{from}} do {{to}} + + + push-outbound-transaction-body + Od {{from}} do {{to}} + + + push-failed-transaction-body + {{value}} {{currency}} do {{to}} + + + allow-mention-notifications + Pokaż @ wzmianki + + + server + Serwer + + + specify-server-public-key + Wprowadź klucz publiczny serwera + + + notify + Powiadamiaj + + + off + Wył. + + + offline + Offline + + + offline-messaging-use-history-nodes + Użyj nodów Status + + + offline-messaging-use-history-explanation + Włącz węzły aplikacji Status, aby pobrać wiadomości, które zostały wysłane, gdy aplikacja była zamknięta. Po włączeniu węzeł Status pobiera Twój adres IP. Po wyłączeniu nie będziesz otrzymywać wiadomości, gdy aplikacja jest zamknięta, i nie zobaczysz ich po późniejszym otwarciu aplikacji. + + + ok + OK + + + ok-continue + OK, kontynuuj + + + ok-got-it + OK, rozumiem + + + okay + W porządku + + + on + Wł. + + + open + Otwórz + + + open-home + Otwórz... + + + open-dapp + Otwórz dAppkę + + + open-dapp-store + Odkryj dAppsy + + + open-nfc-settings + Otwórz ustawienia NFC + + + open-on-block-explorer + + + + optional + opcjonalne + + + or + LUB + + + outgoing + Wychodzące + + + outgoing-transaction + Transakcja wychodząca + + + pair + Sparuj urządzenia + + + pair-card + Sparuj z tym urządzeniem + + + pair-code + Kod parowania + + + pair-code-explanation + Paruje kartę z innym urządzeniem (maksymalnie z 5), aby odblokować klucze i podpisywać transakcje za pomocą tej samej karty Keycard + + + pair-this-card + Sparuj tę kartę + + + pair-this-device + Reklamuj urządzenie + + + pair-this-device-description + Sparuj swoje urządzenia, aby synchronizować między nimi kontakty i czaty + + + paired-devices + Sparowane urządzenia + + + pairing + Parowanie + + + pairing-card + Karta parowania + + + pairing-code-placeholder + Kod parowania... + + + pairing-code_error1 + Kody parowania nie są zgodne. + + + confirm-pairing-code-placeholder + Potwierdź swój kod parowania... + + + pairing-go-to-installation + Przejdź do ustawień parowania + + + pairing-maximum-number-reached-content + Proszę wyłączyć jedno z urządzeń przed włączeniem nowego. + + + pairing-maximum-number-reached-title + Osiągnięto maksymalną liczbę urządzeń + + + pairing-new-installation-detected-content + Zostało wykryte nowe urządzenie. +Aby prawidłowo korzystać z urządzeń, ważne jest, aby je sparować i włączyć przed ich użyciem. +Przejdź do sekcji 'Urządzenia' w ustawieniach, aby sparować urządzenia. + + + pairing-new-installation-detected-title + Wykryto nowe urządzenie + + + pairing-no-info + Brak informacji + + + pairing-please-set-a-name + Nadaj nazwę swojemu urządzeniu. + + + passphrase + Passphrase + + + password + Hasło + + + password-description + Przynajmniej 6 znaków. Twoje hasło chroni Twoje klucze. Potrzebujesz go, aby odblokować aplikację Status i dokonywać transakcji. + + + password-placeholder2 + Potwierdź hasło + + + password_error1 + Hasła nie pasują do siebie. + + + paste + Wklej + + + paste-json + Wklej JSON + + + pay-to-chat + Zapłać, by rozmawiać + + + peers + Peery + + + pending + W oczekiwaniu + + + pending-confirmation + Oczekujące potwierdzenie... + + + permissions + Uprawnienia + + + phone-e164 + Międzynarodowy 1 + + + photos-access-error + Aby nadać wymagane uprawnienia do zdjęć, przejdź do ustawień systemowych i upewnij się, że zaznaczono opcję Status > Zdjęcia. + + + pin-changed + 6-cyfrowy kod dostępu został zmieniony + + + puk-changed + Zmieniono 12-cyfrowy PUK + + + pairing-changed + Kod parowania został zmieniony + + + pin-code + 6-cyfrowy kod dostępu. + + + pin-mismatch + Nieprawidłowy kod dostępu + + + pin-retries-left + Pozostało {{number}} + + + pin-one-attempt-blocked-before + Uważaj, masz tylko + + + pin-one-attempt-frozen-before + Uważaj, masz tylko + + + pin-one-attempt + jedną próbę + + + pin-one-attempt-blocked-after + zanim Twoja karta Keycard zostanie zablokowana + + + pin-one-attempt-frozen-after + zanim Twoja karta Keycard zostanie zamrożona + + + preview-privacy + Podgląd trybu prywatności + + + privacy + Prywatność + + + privacy-photos + Prywatność zdjęcia profilowego + + + privacy-and-security + Prywatność i bezpieczeństwo + + + privacy-policy + Polityka prywatności + + + privacy-show-to-warning + Osoby, które widziały już Twoje zdjęcie profilowe, będą nadal to robić + + + processing + Momencik + + + product-information + Informacje o produkcie + + + profile + Profil + + + profile-details + Szczegóły profilu + + + public-chat + Czat publiczny + + + public-chats + Czaty publiczne + + + public-group-status + Publiczny + + + public-group-topic + Temat + + + join-new-public-chat + Dołącz do publicznego czatu + + + join-new-private-chat + Rozpocznij nowy prywatny czat + + + search-no-chat-found + Brak wyników wyszukiwania. Czy masz na myśli + + + public-key + Klucz publiczny + + + puk-and-pairing-codes-displayed + Wyświetlany kod PUK i kody parowania + + + puk-code + Kod PUK + + + puk-code-explanation + Jeśli zapomnisz swojego 6-cyfrowego kodu dostępu lub wprowadzisz go niepoprawnie 3 razy, będziesz potrzebować tego kodu do odblokowania karty. + + + puk-mismatch + Błędny kod PUK + + + quiet-days + {{quiet-days}} dni + + + quiet-hours + {{quiet-hours}} godzin + + + re-encrypt-key + Zaszyfruj ponownie swoje klucze + + + receive + Otrzymaj + + + receive-transaction + Otrzymaj transakcję + + + recent + Najnowsze + + + recent-recipients + Kontakty + + + recently-used-stickers + Tutaj pojawią się ostatnio używane naklejki + + + recipient + Odbiorca + + + recipient-code + Wprowadź adres odbiorcy + + + recipient-code-placeholder + 0x ... lub nazwa_użytkownika.domena.eth + + + recover + Odzyskaj + + + recover-key + Uzyskaj dostęp do istniejących kluczy + + + recover-keycard-multiaccount-not-supported + Klucze do tego konta już istnieją i nie mogą być dodane ponownie. Jeśli zgubiłeś hasło, kod dostępu lub kartę Keycard, odinstaluj aplikację, zainstaluj ją ponownie i uzyskaj dostęp do kluczy, wprowadzając swoją frazę Seed + + + recover-with-keycard + Odzyskaj za pomocą karty Keycard + + + recovering-key + Uzyskiwanie dostępu do kluczy... + + + recovery-confirm-phrase + Potwierdź frazę odzyskiwania (Seed) + + + recovery-phrase + Fraza odzyskiwania (Seed) + + + recovery-success-text + Będziesz musiał stworzyć nowy kod lub hasło, aby ponownie zaszyfrować swoje klucze + + + recovery-typo-dialog-description + Zwróć uwagę, że twoja fraza Seed musi posiadać te same słowa i kolejność, w jakiej je otrzymałeś + + + recovery-typo-dialog-title + Czy fraza odzyskiwania (Seed) jest poprawna? + + + remember-me + Zapamiętaj mnie + + + remind-me-later + Pokaż mi to jeszcze raz + + + remove + Usuń + + + remove-from-chat + Usuń z czatu + + + remove-from-contacts + Usuń z kontaktów + + + remove-from-contacts-text + Usuwając użytkownika z listy kontaktów, nie ukrywasz przed nim adresu swojego portfela. + + + remove-network + Usuń sieć + + + remove-token + Usuń token + + + removed + usunięci + + + repeat-pin + Powtórz nowy 6-cyfrowy kod dostępu. + + + repeat-puk + Powtórz nowy 12-cyfrowy PUK + + + report-bug-email-template + 1. Opis problemu + {{description}} + + + 2. Kroki do reprodukcji + {{steps}} + + + 3. Proszę, dołącz zrzuty ekranu, które mogą pokazać problem + + + + request-transaction + Poproś o transakcję + + + required-field + Pole wymagane + + + resend-message + Wyślij ponownie + + + reset-card + Zresetuj kartę + + + reset-card-description + Ta operacja zresetuje kartę do stanu początkowego. Spowoduje to usunięcie wszystkich danych karty, w tym kluczy prywatnych. Operacja jest nieodwracalna. + + + retry + Ponów próbę + + + revoke-access + Odwołaj dostęp + + + rinkeby-network + Sieć testowa Rinkeby + + + ropsten-network + Sieć testowa Ropsten + + + rpc-url + URL RPC + + + save + Zapisz + + + save-password + Zapisz hasło aż do wylogowania + + + save-password-unavailable + Ustaw hasło urządzenia, aby zapisać hasło + + + save-password-unavailable-android + Zapisanie hasła jest niedostępne: Twoje urządzenie może być zrootowane lub nie ma niezbędnych funkcji zabezpieczeń. + + + scan-qr + Skanuj QR + + + scan-qr-code + Zeskanuj kod QR z adresem portfela + + + search + Szukaj + + + secret-keys-confirmation-text + Będziesz ich potrzebować, aby nadal korzystać z karty Keycard na wypadek, w przypadku kiedy utracisz swój telefon. + + + secret-keys-confirmation-title + Kody zapisane? + + + security + Bezpieczeństwo + + + see-details + Zobacz szczegóły + + + see-it-again + ZOBACZ PONOWNIE + + + select-account-first + Najpierw wybierz konto + + + select-chat + Wybierz czat, aby rozpocząć wysyłanie wiadomości + + + selected + Wybrany + + + select + Wybierz + + + select-account + Wybierz konto + + + send-logs + Zgłoś błąd + + + send-logs-to + Zgłoś błąd do {{email}} + + + send-message + Wyślij wiadomość + + + send-request + Wyślij prośbę transakcji + + + send-request-amount + Ilość + + + send-request-amount-max-decimals + Maks. liczba miejsc po przecinku to {{asset-decimals}} + + + send-request-unknown-token + Nieznany token - {{asset}} + + + send-sending-to + do {{recipient-name}} + + + send-transaction + Wyślij transakcję + + + sending + Wysyłanie + + + sent-at + Wysłano w + + + set-a-topic + Utwórz temat + + + set-currency + Ustaw walutę + + + set-dapp-access-permissions + Ustaw uprawnienia dostępu zdecentralizowanym aplikacjom + + + settings + Ustawienia + + + share + Udostępnij + + + shared + Udostępnione + + + share-address + Udostępnij adres + + + share-chat + Udostępnij czat + + + share-contact-code + Udostępnij mój klucz czatu + + + share-dapp-text + Sprawdź tą zdecentralizowaną aplikację, której używam na platformie Status: {{link}} + + + share-link + Udostępnij link + + + share-my-profile + Udostępnij mój profil + + + share-profile + Udostępnij profil + + + share-profile-link + Udostępnij link do profilu + + + share-public-chat-text + Sprawdź ten czat publiczny w aplikacji Status: {{link}} + + + sharing-copied-to-clipboard + Skopiowane do schowka + + + sharing-copy-to-clipboard + Skopiuj do schowka + + + share-logs + Udostępniaj dzienniki + + + sharing-share + Udostępnij + + + show-less + Pokaż mniej + + + show-more + Pokaż więcej + + + show-qr + Pokaż kod QR + + + show-transaction-data + Pokaż dane transakcji + + + sign-and-send + Podpisz i wyślij + + + sign-in + Zaloguj się + + + sign-message + Podpisz wiadomość + + + sign-out + Wyloguj się + + + sign-with + Podpisz się za pomocą + + + sign-with-password + Podpisz się hasłem + + + sign-you-in + Logujemy Cię… + + + signing + Podpisywanie + + + signing-a-message + Podpisywanie wiadomości + + + signing-phrase + Fraza podpisująca + + + something-went-wrong + Coś poszło nie tak + + + soon + Wkrótce + + + specify-address + Określ adres + + + specify-name + Podaj nazwę + + + specify-symbol + Określ symbol + + + specify-network-id + Podaj id sieci + + + specify-rpc-url + Podaj URL RPC + + + start-chat + Rozpocznij czat + + + start-conversation + Rozpocznij rozmowę + + + start-group-chat + Rozpocznij czat grupowy + + + start-new-chat + Rozpocznij nowy czat + + + status + Status + + + status-confirmed + Potwierdzone + + + status-hardwallet + Portfel sprzętowy Status + + + status-keycard + Karta Keycard aplikacji Status + + + status-pending + W oczekiwaniu + + + status-tx-not-found + Nie znaleziono TX + + + status-sent + Wysłano + + + status-not-sent-tap + Nie potwierdzona. Dotknij, aby zobaczyć opcje + + + status-not-sent-click + Nie wysłano. Dotknij, aby zobaczyć opcje + + + step-i-of-n + Krok {{step}} z {{number}} + + + sticker-market + Rynek naklejek + + + sticker + Naklejka + + + submit + Prześlij + + + submit-bug + Zgłoś błąd + + + success + Sukces + + + symbol + Symbol + + + sync-all-devices + Synchronizuj wszystkie urządzenia + + + sync-in-progress + Synchronizacja... + + + sync-settings + Ustawienia synchronizacji + + + sync-synced + W synchronizacji + + + syncing-devices + Synchronizuję ... + + + tag-was-lost + Znacznik został zgubiony + + + tap-card-again + Przyłóż ponownie kartę do tylnej części telefonu + + + test-networks + Sieci testowe + + + text-input-disabled + Proszę poczekać chwilę… + + + this-device + To urządzenie + + + this-device-desc + Twoje klucze będą zaszyfrowane i bezpiecznie przechowywane na Twoim urządzeniu + + + this-is-you-signing + To jest Twoja fraza podpisująca + + + this-will-take-few-seconds + Zajmie to kilka sekund. + + + three-words-description + Powinieneś zobaczyć te 3 słowa przed podpisaniem każdej transakcji + + + three-words-description-2 + Jeśli zobaczysz inną kombinację, anuluj transakcję i wyloguj się + + + to + Do + + + to-block + Zablokuj + + + to-encrypt-enter-password + Aby zaszyfrować konto, wprowadź swoje hasło + + + to-see-this-message + Aby zobaczyć tę wiadomość, + + + token-auto-validate-decimals-error + Błędne oznaczenia dziesiętne dla tokena {{symbol}} pod adresem {{address}} - ustawione na {{expected}} ale wykryte jako {{actual}} + + + token-auto-validate-name-error + Nieprawidłowa nazwa tokena {{symbol}} pod adresem {{address}} - ustawiona na {{expected}}, ale wykryta jako {{actual}} + + + token-auto-validate-symbol-error + Nieprawidłowa nazwa tokena {{symbol}} pod adresem {{address}} - ustawiona na {{expected}}, ale wykryta jako {{actual}} + + + token-details + Szczegóły tokena + + + topic-name-error + Używaj tylko małych liter (od a do z), cyfr i myślników (-). Nie używaj kluczy czatu + + + transaction + Transakcja + + + transaction-data + Dane transakcyjne + + + transaction-declined + Transakcja odrzucona + + + transactions-management-enabled + Zarządzanie transakcjami (alfa) + + + transaction-description + Uznaj ją za kompletną po 12 potwierdzeniach w sieci. + + + transaction-details + Szczegóły transakcji + + + transaction-failed + Transakcja nieudana + + + transaction-history + Historia transakcji + + + transaction-request + Żądanie transakcji + + + transaction-sent + Transakcja wysłana + + + transaction-signed + Transakcja została pomyślnie podpisana + + + transactions + Transakcje + + + transactions-filter-select-all + Zaznacz wszystko + + + transactions-filter-title + Filtruj historię + + + type + Rodzaj + + + transactions-history + Historia transakcji + + + transactions-history-empty + Brak transakcji w Twojej historii + + + transactions-history-loading + Ładowanie historii transakcji. Może to chwilę potrwać. + + + transactions-sign + Podpisz + + + tribute-required-by-multiaccount + {{multiaccount-name}} wymaga SNT do rozpoczęcia czatu. + + + tribute-state-paid + Danina zapłacona + + + tribute-state-pending + Danina w toku + + + tribute-state-required + Wymagana danina w postaci {{snt-amount}} SNT + + + tribute-to-talk + Danina dla Rozmowy + + + tribute-to-talk-add-friends + Dodaj znajomych jako kontakt, aby umożliwić czaty bez płacenia daniny. + + + tribute-to-talk-are-you-friends + Jesteście przyjaciółmi? + + + tribute-to-talk-ask-to-be-added + Poproś o dodanie jako kontakt + + + tribute-to-talk-contact-received-your-tribute + otrzymał twoją daninę. Możecie teraz bezpiecznie ze sobą rozmawiać. + + + tribute-to-talk-desc + Zarabiaj na swojej uwadze, wymagając SNT od nowych osób do rozpoczęcia czatu + + + tribute-to-talk-disabled + Danina dla Rozmowy wyłączona + + + tribute-to-talk-disabled-note + Od teraz nowe osoby mogą rozpocząć z Tobą czat bez wysyłania SNT. + + + tribute-to-talk-enabled + Masz włączoną funkcję Danina dla Rozmowy. + + + tribute-to-talk-finish-desc + Od tej pory będziesz otrzymywać wiadomości tylko od kontaktów i osób, które zapłaciły + + + tribute-to-talk-learn-more-1 + Twój czas i uwaga są Twoimi najcenniejszymi aktywami. Funkcja 'Danina dla Rozmowy' pozwala Ci ustawić ilość SNT wymaganą dla nowych osób, aby rozpocząć z Tobą czat. + + + tribute-to-talk-learn-more-2 + Każdy, kto nie znajduje się na twojej liście kontaktów, zostanie poproszony o zapłatę, a Ty możesz odpowiedzieć, gdy już to zrobi. + + + tribute-to-talk-learn-more-3 + Zawsze możesz odesłać pieniądze z powrotem, ale aby mieć pewność, że przyjaciele mogą swobodnie do Ciebie dotrzeć, dodaj ich najpierw jako kontakt. + + + tribute-to-talk-paywall-learn-more-1 + Nasz czas i uwaga są naszymi najcenniejszymi aktywami. Danina dla Rozmowy pozwala Ci nawiązać kontakt z innymi ludźmi w zamian za płatność w SNT + + + tribute-to-talk-paywall-learn-more-2 + Aby rozpocząć rozmowę z kimś, kto ma ustawioną daninę, po prostu zapłać wymaganą ilość SNT, a zostaniesz dodany jako kontakt. + + + tribute-to-talk-paywall-learn-more-3 + Jeśli ich znasz, możesz udostępnić swój profil poza aplikacją Status, aby zostać dodanym za darmo. + + + tribute-to-talk-pending + Danina oczekująca na potwierdzenie + + + tribute-to-talk-pending-note + Danina oczekuje na potwierdzenie w sieci. Możesz sprawdzić jej stan w historii transakcji + + + tribute-to-talk-removing-note + Usunięcie opcji Danina dla Rozmowy pozwoli nowym osobom na rozpoczęcie czatu bez wysyłania SNT. Wymaga dokonania transakcji. + + + tribute-to-talk-set-snt-amount + Ustaw ilość SNT wymaganą dla nowych osób do rozpoczęcia czatu + + + tribute-to-talk-signing + Oczekiwanie na podpisanie transakcji... + + + tribute-to-talk-transaction-failed-note + Transakcja nie powiodła się, a Twoje ustawienia Daniny dla Rozmowy nie zostały zmienione + + + tribute-to-talk-tribute-received1 + Danina otrzymana. Ty i + + + tribute-to-talk-tribute-received2 + są teraz kontaktami i mogą bezpiecznie rozmawiać ze sobą. + + + tribute-to-talk-you-require-snt + Wymagasz SNT dla nowych osób, aby rozpocząć czat. + + + try-again + Spróbuj ponownie + + + try-keeping-the-card-still + Spróbuj trzymać kartę nieruchomo + + + turn-nfc-on + Włącz NFC aby kontynuować + + + turn-nfc-description + NFC jest wyłączone na Twoim urządzeniu. Możesz je włączyć w ustawieniach + + + keycard-init-title + Szukam kart ... + + + keycard-init-description + Przyłóż kartę do tylnej części telefonu, aby kontynuować + + + keycard-awaiting-title + Nadal szukam... + + + keycard-awaiting-description + Spróbuj przesunąć kartę, aby znaleźć czytnik NFC w swoim urządzeniu + + + keycard-processing-title + Przetwarzanie... + + + keycard-processing-description + Spróbuj trzymać kartę nieruchomo + + + keycard-connected-title + Połączono + + + keycard-connected-description + Spróbuj trzymać kartę nieruchomo + + + keycard-error-title + Utracono połączenie + + + keycard-error-description + Podłącz ponownie kartę, aby kontynuować + + + keycard-success-title + Sukces + + + keycard-success-description + Możesz teraz wyjąć kartę + + + keycard-recover + karta zgubiona bądź zawieszona? + + + keycard-recover-title + Czy utworzyć nową kartę dla tego konta? + + + keycard-recover-text + Jeśli masz swoje wyrażenie mnemoniczne, możesz utworzyć nową kartę Keycard powiązaną z tym kontem. Możesz użyć nowej karty Keycard lub przywrócić ustawienia fabryczne zawieszonej karty. + + + keycard-backup + Utwórz kopię zapasową karty Keycard + + + keycard-backup-success-title + Wykonanie kopii zapasowej zakończone sukcesem + + + keycard-backup-success-body + Karta zapasowa została utworzona pomyślnie. Możesz jej teraz używać na swoim koncie tak samo, jak karty głównej. + + + type-a-message + Napisz wiadomość + + + ulc-enabled + ULC włączone + + + backup-enabled + Włączony + + + backup-disabled + Wyłączone + + + backup-settings + Ustawienia kopii zapasowej + + + backup-through-waku + Backup przez waku + + + perform-backup + Wykonaj kopię zapasową + + + backing-up + Tworzenie kopii zapasowej... + + + last-backup-performed + Ostatnia wykonana kopia zapasowa: + + + unable-to-read-this-code + Nie można odczytać tego kodu + + + unblock-contact + Odblokuj tego użytkownika + + + unknown-status-go-error + Nieznany błąd status-go + + + unlock + Odblokuj + + + unpair-card + Odłącz kartę + + + unpair-card-confirmation + Ta operacja spowoduje odłączenie karty od bieżącego urządzenia. Wymagana autoryzacja 6-cyfrowym kodem dostępu. Czy chcesz kontynuować? + + + unpaired-keycard-text + Wybrana karta Keycard nie jest powiązana z tym telefonem + + + unpaired-keycard-title + Wygląda na to, że Twoja karta została odparowana + + + unpair-keycard + Odepnij kartę Keycard od tego telefonu + + + unpair-keycard-warning + Twój kod parowania/PUK i PIN pozostają bez zmian + + + update + Aktualizacja + + + url + URL + + + usd-currency + USD + + + use-valid-contact-code + Wprowadź lub zeskanuj prawidłowy klucz czatu, lub nazwę użytkownika + + + validation-amount-invalid-number + Kwota nie jest prawidłową liczbą + + + validation-amount-is-too-precise + Kwota jest zbyt dokładna. Maksymalna liczba miejsc po przecinku wynosi {{decimals}}. + + + version + Wersja aplikacji + + + app-commit + + + + view + Zobacz + + + view-cryptokitties + Zobacz w CryptoKitties + + + view-cryptostrikers + Zobacz w CryptoStrikers + + + view-etheremon + Zobacz w Etheremon + + + view-gitcoin + Zobacz w Gitcoin + + + view-profile + Zobacz profil + + + view-details + Wyświetl szczegóły + + + view-signing + Wyświetl frazę podpisującą + + + view-superrare + Zobacz w SuperRare + + + waiting-for-wifi + Brak dostępu do sieci Wi-Fi, synchronizacja wiadomości jest wyłączona. + + + waiting-for-wifi-change + Ustawienia + + + waiting-to-sign + Oczekiwanie na podpisanie transakcji... + + + wallet + Portfel + + + wallet-asset + Aktywo + + + wallet-assets + Aktywa + + + wallet-backup-recovery-title + Utwórz kopię zapasową frazy odzyskiwania (Seed) + + + wallet-choose-recipient + Wybierz Odbiorcę + + + wallet-collectibles + Artykuły kolekcjonerskie + + + wallet-insufficient-funds + Niewystarczające środki + + + wallet-insufficient-gas + Za mało ETH żeby zapłacić za gas + + + wallet-invalid-address + Błędny adres: +{{data}} + + + wallet-invalid-address-checksum + Błąd w adresie: + {{data}} + + + wallet-invalid-chain-id + Typ sieci nie pasuje do: + {{data}}. Aktualny łańcuch to: {{chain}}. + + + wallet-manage-assets + Zarządzaj aktywami + + + wallet-manage-accounts + Zarządzaj kontami + + + wallet-request + Prośba + + + wallet-send + Wyślij + + + wallet-send-min-units + Minimum 21000 jednostek + + + wallet-send-min-wei + Min 1 Gwei + + + wallet-settings + Ustawienia portfela + + + wallet-total-value + Całkowita wartość + + + wallet-transaction-total-fee + Całkowita opłata + + + wants-to-access-profile + chce uzyskać dostęp do Twojego profilu + + + warning + Ostrzeżenie + + + warning-message + Niestety, ograniczamy wysyłanie kilku wiadomości w krótkich odstępach czasu, aby zapobiec spamowi. Spróbuj ponownie za chwilę + + + web-view-error + Nie można załadować strony + + + welcome-screen-text + Skonfiguruj swój portfel, zaproś znajomych na czat + i przeglądaj popularne zdecentralizowane aplikacje! + + + welcome-to-status + Witamy w Status! + + + welcome-to-status-description + Skonfiguruj swój portfel kryptowalutowy, zaproś znajomych do czatu i przeglądaj zdecentralizowane aplikacje + + + welcome-blank-message + Twoje czaty pojawią się tutaj. Aby rozpocząć nowe czaty, naciśnij przycisk ⊕ + + + welcome-community-blank-message + Tutaj pojawią się Twoje kanały. Aby utworzyć nowy kanał, kliknij przycisk ⊕ i wybierz "Utwórz kanał" + + + welcome-community-blank-message-edit-chats + Tutaj pojawią się Twoje kanały. Aby utworzyć nowy kanał, wróć do ekranu społeczności, kliknij przycisk ⊕ i wybierz "Utwórz kanał" + + + welcome-blank-community-message + Twoje społeczności pojawią się tutaj. + + + fetch-community + Społeczność pobierania + + + fetching-community + Pobieranie społeczności... + + + seed-phrase-placeholder + Fraza odzyskiwania (Seed) + + + word-count + Liczba słów + + + word-n + Słowo #{{number}} + + + word-n-description + Aby sprawdzić, czy poprawnie zapisałeś kopię zapasową swojej frazy odzyskiwania (Seed), wprowadź słowo #{{number}} powyżej. + + + words-n + + jedno + kilka + wiele + inne + + + + write-down-and-store-securely + Zapisz kody + i przechowuj je bezpiecznie + + + wrong-address + Nieprawidłowy adres + + + wrong-card + Zła karta + + + wrong-card-text + Wybrana karta nie odpowiada wybranym kluczom + + + wrong-contract + Niewłaściwa kontrakt + + + contract-isnt-supported + Kontrakt nie jest obsługiwany + + + wrong-keycard-text + Wybrana karta Keycard nie jest powiązana z tym telefonem + + + wrong-keycard-title + Wygląda na to, że kliknąłeś +złą kartę. + + + wrong-password + Nieprawidłowe hasło + + + wrong-word + Złe słowo + + + yes + Tak + + + You + Ty + + + you + ty + + + you-already-have-an-asset + Masz już aktywo {{value}} + + + you-are-all-set + Wszystko gotowe! + + + you-are-all-set-description + Jeśli zgubisz swój telefon, możesz teraz uzyskać dostęp do swoich funduszy i klucza czatu, używając frazy Seed + + + you-can-change-account + Możesz zmienić nazwę konta i kolor na taki, jaki chcesz. + + + you-dont-have-stickers + Nie masz jeszcze żadnych naklejek + + + you-dont-have-contacts-invite-friends + Nie masz jeszcze żadnych kontaktów. +Zaproś swoich znajomych do rozpoczęcia czatu + + + your-contact-code + Przyznanie dostępu upoważnia tą dAppkę do odzyskania klucza czatu + + + your-data-belongs-to-you + Jeżeli zgubisz swoją frazę Seed, stracisz swoje dane i środki + + + your-data-belongs-to-you-description + Jeśli utracisz dostęp, na przykład poprzez zgubienie swojego telefonu, możesz uzyskać dostęp do swoich kluczy tylko za pomocą frazy Seed. Nikt oprócz Ciebie nie ma Twojej frazy Seed. Zapisz ją. Przechowuj ją bezpiecznie + + + your-recovery-phrase + Twoja fraza Seed + + + your-recovery-phrase-description + To jest Twoja fraza odzyskiwania (Seed). Używasz jej, aby udowodnić, że to Twój portfel. Możesz ją zobaczyć tylko raz! Zapisz ją na papierze i przechowuj w bezpiecznym miejscu. Będzie ona potrzebna, jeśli stracisz lub ponownie zainstalujesz Twój portfel. + + + custom-seed-phrase + Nieprawidłowa fraza odzyskiwania (Seed) + + + custom-seed-phrase-text-1 + Ta fraza odzyskiwania (Seed) nie pasuje do naszego obsługiwanego słownika. Sprawdź, czy nie ma błędnie wpisanych słów. + + + to-enable-biometric + Aby włączyć {{bio-type-label}}, musisz zapisać swoje hasło na ekranie odblokowania. + + + ok-save-pass + OK, zapisz hasło + + + lock-app-with + Zablokuj aplikację za pomocą + + + grant-face-id-permissions + Aby nadać wymagane uprawnienia Face ID, należy przejść do ustawień systemowych i upewnić się, że opcja Status > Face ID jest zaznaczona + + + request-feature + Poproś o funkcję + + + select-account-dapp + Wybierz konto, którego chcesz używać ze zdecentralizowanymi aplikacjami + + + apply + Zastosuj + + + on-status-tree + On Status tree + + + off-status-tree + Off Status tree + + + derivation-path + Ścieżka wyprowadzenia + + + storage + Przechowywanie + + + keycard-free-pairing-slots + Keycard ma {{n}} wolne miejsca na parowanie + + + public-chat-description + Dołącz do publicznych czatów dotyczących twoich zainteresowań! Każdy może założyć nowy. + + + delete-account + Usuń konto + + + delete-keys-keycard + Usuń klucze z karty Keycard + + + watch-only + Tylko do oglądania + + + cant-report-bug + Nie można zgłosić błędu + + + mail-should-be-configured + Aplikacja mailowa powinna być skonfigurowana + + + check-on-block-explorer + + + + check-on-opensea + Sprawdź na Opensea + + + transactions-load-more + Załaduj więcej + + + private-key + Klucz prywatny + + + generate-an-account + Wygeneruj konto + + + add-watch-account + Dodaj konto tylko do oglądania + + + add-seed-account + Dodaj konto z frazą odzyskiwania (Seed) + + + account-exists-title + Konto już istnieje + + + add-private-key-account + Dodaj konto z klucza prywatnego + + + profile-not-found + Nie znaleziono użytkownika + + + waku-bloom-filter-mode + Tryb filtra Waku Bloom + + + wakuv2-settings + Ustawienia Waku v2 + + + wakuv2-node-format + /ip4/{node-ip}/tcp/{port}/p2p/{id} + + + wakuv2-change-nodes + Czy na pewno chcesz zmienić węzły Waku v2? + + + appearance + Wygląd + + + preference + Preferencje + + + light + Jasny + + + dark + Ciemny + + + system + System + + + give-permissions-camera + Daj pozwolenie +na dostęp do kamery + + + photos + Zdjęcia + + + image + Obraz + + + sign-anyway + Podpisz mimo to + + + tx-fail-description1 + Ta transakcja prawdopodobnie się nie powiedzie. Podpisuj na własne ryzyko, korzystając z niestandardowej opłaty sieciowej. + + + tx-fail-description2 + Ta transakcja prawdopodobnie się nie powiedzie. Ustaw niestandardową opłatę sieciową, aby podpisać transakcję na własne ryzyko. + + + set-custom-fee + Ustaw opłatę niestandardową + + + not-enough-snt + Niewystarczająca ilość SNT + + + add-new-contact + Dodaj nowy kontakt + + + you-dont-have-contacts + Nie masz jeszcze żadnych kontaktów. + + + set-max + Ustaw maksymalnie + + + continue-anyway + Mimo to kontynuuj + + + private-notifications + Prywatne powiadomienia + + + private-notifications-descr + Status będzie Cię powiadamiał o nowych wiadomościach. Możesz edytować swoje preferencje dotyczące powiadomień później w ustawieniach. + + + maybe-later + Może później + + + join + Dołącz + + + registered + zarejestrowany + + + not-registered + niezarejestrowany + + + audio-recorder-error + Błąd Dyktafonu + + + audio-recorder + Dyktafon + + + audio-recorder-max-ms-reached + Osiągnięto maksymalny czas nagrywania + + + audio-recorder-permissions-error + Musisz wyrazić zgodę na wysyłanie wiadomości audio + + + audio + Audio + + + update-to-see-image + Zaktualizuj do najnowszej wersji, aby zobaczyć tutaj ładny obraz! + + + update-to-listen-audio + Zaktualizuj do najnowszej wersji, aby odsłuchać wiadomość audio tutaj! + + + update-to-see-sticker + Zaktualizuj do najnowszej wersji, aby zobaczyć tutaj ładną naklejkę! + + + webview-camera-permission-requests + Prośby o pozwolenie na dostęp do kamery internetowej + + + webview-camera-permission-requests-subtitle + Po włączeniu tej funkcji strony internetowe i zdecentralizowane aplikacje mogą poprosić o użycie kamery. + + + page-would-like-to-use-camera + chciałby użyć twojego aparatu + + + page-camera-request-blocked + dostęp do aparatu zablokowany. Aby odblokować dostęp do kamery, przejdź do Ustawień + + + nickname + Pseudonim + + + add-nickname + Dodaj pseudonim (opcjonalnie) + + + nickname-description + Pseudonimy pomagają Ci identyfikować innych w Statusie. +Tylko Ty możesz zobaczyć dodane przez siebie pseudonimy. + + + accept + Akceptuj + + + group-invite + Zaproszenie do grupy + + + group-invite-link + Link z zaproszeniem do grupy + + + pending-invitations + Oczekujące wnioski o członkostwo + + + empty-pending-invitations-descr + Osoby, które chcą dołączyć do grupy +poprzez link zapraszający pojawią się tutaj + + + introduce-yourself + Przedstaw się za pomocą krótkiego opisu + + + request-pending + Prośba w toku... + + + membership-declined + Wniosek o członkostwo został odrzucony + + + remove-group + Usuń grupę + + + request-membership + Wnioskuj o członkostwo + + + membership-description + Członkostwo w grupie wymaga akceptacji przez administratora grupy + + + group-membership-request + Prośba o członkostwo w grupie + + + members-limit-reached + Osiągnięto limit członków + + + favourite + Ulubione + + + favourites + Ulubione + + + new-favourite + Nowe ulubione + + + edit-favourite + Edytuj ulubione + + + remove-favourite + Usuń ulubione + + + add-favourite + Dodaj ulubione + + + add-to-favourites + Dodaj do ulubionych + + + favourites-empty + Adresy dodane do ulubionych pojawią się tutaj + + + contacts-empty + Kontakty z nazwami ENS będą wyświetlane tutaj + + + my-accounts + Moje konta + + + my-accounts-empty + Twoje dostępne konta pojawią się tutaj + + + recent-empty + Ostatnio używane adresy pojawią się tutaj + + + address-or-ens-name + Adres lub nazwa ENS + + + name-optional + Nazwa (opcjonalnie) + + + mute + Wycisz + + + unmute + Wyłącz wyciszenie + + + scan-tokens + Skanuj tokeny + + + my-status + Mój status + + + contacts-descr + W tym miejscu pojawią się Twoje kontakty. Będziesz otrzymywać aktualizacje statusu od każdej osoby, którą dodasz jako kontakt. + + + status-updates-descr + Tutaj będą pojawiać się aktualizacje statusów. Dodaj profil jako kontakt, aby otrzymywać aktualizacje na swojej osi czasu. + + + whats-on-your-mind + Co ci chodzi po głowie... + + + cant-open-public-chat + Nie można utworzyć czatu publicznego + + + invalid-public-chat-topic + Nieprawidłowy temat czatu publicznego + + + now + Teraz + + + statuses-my-status-descr + Podziel się tym, czym chcesz. Każdy, kto odwiedzi twój profil, będzie w stanie zobaczyć twój status. Osoby, które dodadzą Cię do swoich kontaktów, będą otrzymywać aktualizacje dotyczące Ciebie na swojej osi czasu. + + + statuses-descr + Dziel się tym, co myślisz, i bądź na bieżąco ze swoimi kontaktami + + + new-status + Nowy status + + + chat-link-previews + Podgląd linków czatu + + + you-can-choose-preview-websites + Możesz wybrać, które z poniższych serwisów mogą wyświetlać podgląd linków do opisów i zdjęć w czatach + + + previewing-may-share-metadata + Podgląd linków z tych witryn internetowych może spowodować udostępnienie twoich metadanych ich właścicielom + + + websites + Strony internetowe + + + enable-all + Włącz wszystkie + + + disable-all + Wyłącz wszystkie + + + warning-sending-to-contract-descr + Podany adres to smart contract, wysyłanie środków na ten adres może skutkować ich utratą. Aby wejść w interakcję ze zdecentralizowaną aplikacją, otwórz ją w przeglądarce Status dApp. + + + dont-ask + Nie pytaj mnie ponownie + + + enable-link-previews + Włączyć podgląd linków na czacie? + + + once-enabled-share-metadata + Po włączeniu tej funkcji łącza publikowane na czacie mogą udostępniać witrynie metadane użytkownika. + + + external-storage-denied + Odmowa dostępu do zewnętrznej pamięci masowej + + + timeline + Oś czasu + + + main-account + + + + ethereum-address + Adres Ethereum + + + default-assets + Domyślne ERC20 i ERC721 + + + increase-gas + Zwiększ Gas + + + cancelling + Anulowanie + + + refresh + Odśwież + + + close-all + Zamknij wszystkie + + + tabs + Karty + + + new-tab + Nowa karta + + + empty-tab + Pusta karta + + + open-in-new-tab + Otwórz w nowej karcie + + + has-permissions + ma pozwolenie na dostęp + + + connect-wallet + Podłącz portfel + + + open-chat + Utwórz czat publiczny + + + favourite-description + Twoje ulubione strony pojawią się tutaj + + + transfers-fetching-failure + Historia przelewów nie może zostać zaktualizowana. Sprawdź swoje połączenie i pociągnij w dół, aby spróbować ponownie + + + move-and-reset + Przenieś i zresetuj + + + move-keystore-file-to-keycard + Przenieść plik keystore na kartę Keycard? + + + database-reset-title + Reset bazy danych + + + database-reset-content + Czaty, kontakty i ustawienia zostały usunięte. Możesz używać swojego konta za pomocą karty Keycard + + + database-reset-warning + Baza danych zostanie zresetowana. Czaty, kontakty i ustawienia zostaną usunięte + + + empty-keycard-required + Wymaga pustej karty Keycard + + + current + Obecne + + + choose-storage + Wybierz miejsce na dane + + + choose-new-location-for-keystore + Wybierz nową lokalizację, aby zapisać plik keystore + + + get-a-keycard + Zdobądź kartę Keycard + + + keycard-upsell-subtitle + Zwiększone bezpieczeństwo i wygoda + + + actions + Działania + + + move-keystore-file + Przenieś plik keystore + + + select-new-location-for-keys + Wybierz nową lokalizację do zapisania klucza prywatnego lub kluczy prywatnych + + + reset-database + Zresetuj bazę danych + + + reset-database-warning + Usuń czaty, kontakty i ustawienia. Wymagane w przypadku utraty hasła + + + reset-database-warning-keycard + Usuń czaty, kontakty i ustawienia. + + + key-managment + Zarządzanie kluczami + + + choose-actions + Wybierz działania + + + master-account + Konto główne + + + back-up + Utwórz kopię zapasową + + + key-on-device + Klucz prywatny jest zapisany na tym urządzeniu + + + seed-key-uid-mismatch + Podana fraza Seed nie pasuje + + + seed-key-uid-mismatch-desc-1 + Wprowadzona fraza Seed nie pasuje do {{multiaccount-name}}. + + + seed-key-uid-mismatch-desc-2 + Aby zarządzać kluczami dla tego konta, zweryfikuj swoją frazę odzyskiwania (Seed) i spróbuj ponownie. + + + recover-with-seed-phrase + Odzyskaj za pomocą frazy Seed + + + transfer-ma-unknown-error-desc-1 + Wygląda na to, że Twoje multikonto nie zostało usunięte. Baza danych mogła zostać zresetowana + + + transfer-ma-unknown-error-desc-2 + Sprawdź listę swoich kont i spróbuj ponownie. Jeśli konto nie jest wymienione, przejdź do sekcji 'Dostań się do istniejących kluczy', aby odzyskać je za pomocą frazy odzyskiwania (Seed) + + + everyone + Wszystkich + + + show-profile-pictures + Zobacz zdjęcia profilowe z + + + show-profile-pictures-to + Pokaż swoje zdjęcie profilowe dla + + + non-archival-node + Punkt końcowy RPC nie obsługuje żądań archiwalnych. Twoja historia lokalnych przelewów może być niekompletna. + + + custom-node + Używasz niestandardowego punktu końcowego RPC. Twoja historia lokalnych przelewów może być niekompletna. + + + connection-status + Stan połączenia + + + peer-to-peer + Peer to peer (Od osoby do osoby) + + + not-connected-to-peers + Nie jest połączony z żadnym peerem + + + unable-to-send-messages + Nie można wysyłać i odbierać wiadomości + + + can-send-messages + Możesz wysyłać i odbierać nowe wiadomości + + + not-connected-nodes + Nie podłączony do węzła Statusu + + + unable-to-fetch + Nie można pobrać historii czatu + + + nodes-disabled + Węzły Status wyłączone + + + waiting-wi-fi + Czekam na Wi-Fi… + + + you-can-fetch + Możesz pobrać historię czatu + + + youre-on-mobile-network + Korzystasz z sieci komórkowej + + + status-mobile-descr + Status ma tendencję do zużywania dużej ilości danych podczas synchronizowania czatów. Możesz zrezygnować z synchronizacji, gdy korzystasz z sieci komórkowej. + + + restore-defaults + Przywróć domyślne + + + rpc-usage-info + Statystyki użycia RPC + + + rpc-usage-get-stats + Odśwież + + + rpc-usage-reset + Resetuj + + + rpc-usage-filter + Metody filtrowania + + + rpc-usage-filter-methods + Metody filtrowania + + + rpc-usage-copy + Skopiuj do schowka + + + rpc-usage-total + + + + rpc-usage-filtered-total + + + + community-message-preview + Zaproszenie do dołączenia do {{community-name}} + + + non-contacts + Spoza listy kontaktów + + + community + Społeczność + + + verified-community + ✓ Zweryfikowana społeczność + + + community-info-not-found + Nie znaleziono informacji o społeczności + + + community-info + Informacje o społeczności + + + not-found + Nie znaleziono + + + activity + Aktywność + + + reject-and-delete + Odrzuć i usuń + + + accept-and-add + Zaakceptuj i dodaj + + + one-day + Jeden dzień + + + three-days + Trzy dni + + + one-week + Jeden tydzień + + + one-month + Jeden miesiąc + + + my-profile + Mój profil + + + bip39-password-placeholder + hasło BIP39 + + + public-channel + Kanał publiczny + + + default-sync-period + Synchronizuj historię dla + + + what-is-shared + Co jest udostępnione + + + view-data + Wyświetl dane + + + data-collected + Zebrane dane + + + data-collected-subtitle + Poniższa tabela pokazuje dokładne dane, które są przechowywane i zostaną wysłane. Dane są sprawdzane zgodnie z zasadami publicznymi, aby zapewnić, że nie są wysyłane żadne dane wrażliwe. Nie ufaj, zweryfikuj. + + + view-rules + Wyświetl zasady + + + expand-all + Rozwiń wszystko + + + about-sharing-data + O udostępnianiu danych + + + sharing-data-desc-1 + Dane są sprawdzane zgodnie z zasadami publicznymi, aby zapewnić, że nie są wysyłane żadne dane wrażliwe. Nie ufaj, zweryfikuj. + + + sharing-data-desc-2 + Dane użytkowania kompleksowo zaszyfrowane są przesyłane przez sieć peer-to-peer Status + + + sharing-data-desc-3 + Zamiast zwykłego klucza czatu używany jest klucz jednorazowy + + + sharing-data-desc-4 + Dane użytkowania nie mogą być powiązane z Twoim adresem IP + + + sharing-data-desc-5 + Zbiorcze dane wszystkich użytkowników są publicznie dostępne + + + view-public-dashboard + Wyświetl publiczny pulpit nawigacyjny + + + sharing-data-desc-6 + Dane są usuwane z telefonu po ich wysłaniu + + + allow-and-send + Zezwól i wyślij + + + no-thanks + Nie, dziękuję + + + help-improve-status + Pomóż ulepszyć Status + + + thank-you + Dziękuję + + + current-password + Aktualne hasło + + + reset-password + Zresetuj hasło + + + password-reset-success + Hasło zostało zmienione + + + password-reset-success-message + Musisz się ponownie zalogować + + + password-reset-in-progress + Zmiana hasła... + + + new-password + Nowe hasło + + + confirm-new-password + Potwierdź nowe hasło + + + password-mismatch + Nowe hasło i potwierdzenie nie pasują do siebie + + + terms-of-service + Warunki Użytkowania + + + accept-status-tos-prefix + Akceptuję Status + + + updates-to-tos + Aktualizacje Warunków Użytkowania + + + updates-to-tos-desc + Zanim przejdziesz dalej, zapoznaj się z Warunkami Użytkowania i potwierdź, że bierzesz pełną odpowiedzialność za sposób korzystania z aplikacji. + + + what-changed + Co się zmieniło + + + wc-new-tos-based-on-principles-prefix + Nowe Warunki Użytkowania zaprojektowane w oparciu o nasze + + + principles + Zasady + + + wc-how-to-use-status-app + Jak korzystać z aplikacji Status, w tym zachowanie prywatności i bezpieczeństwa + + + wc-brand-guide + Wskazówki dotyczące używania brandingu, takiego jak znaki towarowe i logo + + + wc-disclaimer + Zastrzeżenia (w tym dostawcy zewnętrzni), gwarancje i oświadczenia prawne + + + wc-dispute + Postanowienia dotyczące rozstrzygania sporów + + + status-is-open-source + Status jest otwartoźródłowy + + + build-yourself + Aby korzystać z aplikacji bez niniejszych Warunków Użytkowania, możesz zbudować własną wersję + + + accept-and-continue + Zaakceptuj i kontynuuj + + + empty-activity-center + Twoje powiadomienia z czatu +pojawią się tutaj + + + pinned-messages + Przypięte wiadomości + + + pin + Przypnij + + + unpin + Odepnij + + + no-pinned-messages + Brak przypiętych wiadomości + + + pinned-messages-count + + Jeden + Kilka + Wiele + Inne + + + + pinned-messages-empty + Tutaj pojawią się przypięte wiadomości. Aby przypiąć wiadomość, naciśnij i przytrzymaj ją, a następnie dotknij "Przypnij" + + + pinned-by + Przypięte przez + + + pin-limit-reached + Osiągnięto limit przypięć. Najpierw odepnij poprzednią wiadomość. + + + max-fee + Maksymalna opłata + + + max-priority-fee + Maksymalna opłata priorytetowa + + + miners-higher-fee + Górnicy prawdopodobnie uwzględnią Twoją transakcję wcześniej, jeśli zapłacisz wyższą opłatę. + + + gas-amount-limit + Limit ilości gazu + + + per-gas-tip-limit + Limit na końcówkę gazu + + + per-gas-price-limit + Limit ceny za gaz + + + current-base-fee + Aktualna opłata podstawowa + + + fee-explanation + Maksymalna łączna cena za transakcję. Jeżeli opłata bazowa bloku przekroczy tę kwotę, zostanie ona uwzględniona w kolejnym bloku z niższą opłatą bazową. + + + slow + Powolny + + + optimal + Optymalny + + + fast + Szybki + + + see-suggestions + Zobacz propozycje + + + maximum-fee + Maksymalna opłata + + + low-tip + napiwek jest za niski + + + lower-than-average-tip + niższy niż przeciętny napiwek + + + below-base-fee + opłata maksymalna poniżej opłaty podstawowej + + + reduced-tip + napiwek priorytetowy zostanie zmniejszony + + + are-you-sure + Jesteś pewny? + + + bad-fees-description + Twoja opłata priorytetowa jest poniżej naszych sugerowanych parametrów. + + + change-tip + Zmień napiwek + + + current-minimum-tip + Aktualna minimalny napiwek + + + current-average-tip + Aktualny średni napiwek + + + your-tip-limit + Twój limit napiwków + + + your-price-limit + Twój limit ceny + + + suggested-min-tip + Sugerowany min. napiwek + + + suggested-price-limit + Sugerowany limit ceny + + + include + Dołącz + + + category + Kategoria + + + edit-chats + Edytuj czaty + + + edit-categories + + + + hide + Ukryj + + + account-is-used + Konto jest używane z Dapps w przeglądarce. + + + normal + Normalny + + + never + Nigdy + + + fee-options + Proponowane opcje opłat + + + fee-cap + Pułap opłat + + + tip-cap + Pułap napiwku + + + collectibles-leak-metadata + Tutaj możesz wyświetlić swoje NFT. Jeśli to zrobisz, udostępnisz swój portfel i adres IP + + + display-collectibles + Eksponuj kolekcje + + + disable-later-in-settings + Możesz wyłączyć to później w Ustawieniach + + + use-as-profile-picture + Użyj jako zdjęcie profilowe + + + view-on-opensea + Wyświetl na OpenSea + + + profile-picture-updated + Zaktualizowano zdjęcie profilowe + + + status-automatic + Automatycznie + + + status-automatic-subtitle + Ustaw status automatycznie + + + status-dnd + Nie przeszkadzać + + + status-dnd-subtitle + Wycisz wszystkie powiadomienia + + + status-always-online + Zawsze online + + + status-inactive + Nieaktywny + + + status-inactive-subtitle + Ukrywa Twój status online + + + two-minutes + dwie minuty + + + swap + Zamień + + + select-token-to-swap + Wybierz token do zamiany + + + select-token-to-receive + Wybierz token do otrzymania + + + minimum-received + Otrzymane minimum + + + powered-by-paraswap + Obsługiwane przez Paraswap + + + priority + Priorytet + + + switch-to-simple-interface + Przełącz na prosty interfejs + + + transaction-fee + Opłata transakcyjna + + + swap-details + Szczegóły zamiany + + + slippage + Wahanie + + + price-impact + Wpływ ceny + + + total-gas + Całkowity gas + + + token + Token + + + approve-limit + Zatwierdź limit + + + approve-token + Zatwierdź token + + + approve-token-contract-desc + Zatwierdzenie tokena z kontraktem pozwala mu na wydanie Twojego salda tokenów. Jeśli uważasz, że dany projekt jest niegodny zaufania, nie zatwierdzaj z nim tokena, lub zatwierdzaj z nim tylko kwotę, którą wykorzystasz. + + + unlimited + Bez ograniczeń + + + approve + Zatwierdź + + + limit + Limit + + + last-transaction + Ostatnia transakcja + + + price-impact-desc + Szacowany wpływ ceny dla tej transakcji. Jeśli aktualna opłata bazowa za blok przekracza tę wartość, Twoja transakcja zostanie uwzględniona w kolejnym bloku z niższą opłatą bazową. + + + safe-estimate + Bezpieczne oszacowanie + + + current-average + Aktualna średnia + + + current-base + Aktualna baza + + + maximum-fee-desc + Maksymalna łączna cena za transakcję. Jeśli aktualna opłata bazowa za blok przekracza tę wartość, Twoja transakcja zostanie uwzględniona w kolejnym bloku z niższą opłatą bazową. + + + insufficient-balance-to-cover-fee + + + + wallet-connect-proposal-title + + + + wallet-connect-proposal-description + + + + wallet-connect-app-connected + + + + wallet-connect-go-back + + + + wallet-connect-2.0 + + + + wallet-connect + + + + reject + + + + manage-connections + + + + wallet-manage-app-connections + + + + connection-request + + + + disconnect + + + + new-ui + + + + send-contact-request-message + + + + contact-request + + + + say-hi + + + + accepted + + + + declined + + + + contact-request-header + + + + contact-request-declined + + + + contact-request-accepted + + + + contact-request-pending + + + + removed-from-contacts + + + + mutual-contact-requests + + + + negative + + + + positive + + + + Please enter a URL + + + + This fields needs to be a valid URL + + + + Please enter a Name + + + + Favorite added + + + + Edit + + + + Add favorite + + + + URL + + + + Paste URL + + + + Name + + + + Name the website + + + + Remove + + + + Done + + + + Add + + + + '%1' would like to connect to + + + + Allowing authorizes this DApp to retrieve your wallet address and enable Web3 + + + + Granting access authorizes this DApp to retrieve your chat key + + + + Deny + + + + Allow + + + + Enter URL + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Error signing message + + + + Transaction pending... + + + + Wrong password + + + + Start Page + + + + New Tab + + + + Downloads Page + + + + Server's certificate not trusted + + + + Do you wish to continue? + + + + If you wish so, you may continue with an unverified certificate. Accepting an unverified certificate means you may not be connected with the host you tried to connect to. +Do you wish to override the security check and continue? + + + + Exit Incognito mode + + + + Go Incognito + + + + Zoom In + + + + Zoom Out + + + + Find + + + + Compatibility mode + + + + Developer Tools + + + + Settings + Ustawienia + + + Mainnet + + + + Ropsten + + + + Unknown + + + + Disconnect + + + + Assets + + + + History + + + + Show All + + + + Cancelled + + + + Paused + + + + Open + + + + Show in folder + + + + Pause + + + + Resume + + + + Cancel + + + + Downloaded files will appear here. + + + + Open in new Tab + + + + Ok + + + + Signature request + + + + From + + + + Data + + + + Message + + + + Reject + + + + Sign + + + + Sign with password + + + + Contact request pending + + + + Connected + + + + Disconnected + + + + This user has been blocked. + + + + Type a message. + + + + Send + + + + Request Address + + + + Request + + + + Transaction pending + + + + Continue + + + + Receive on account + + + + From account + + + + Address request required + + + + To + + + + Preview + + + + Transaction preview + + + + Next + + + + Invalid transaction parameters + + + + Authorize %1 %2 + + + + Choose account + + + + Network fee + + + + Error estimating gas: %1 + + + + Send %1 %2 + + + + Image + + + + Sticker + + + + You have a new message + + + + You have been accepted into the ‘%1’ community + + + + Your request to join the ‘%1’ community was declined + + + + New membership request + + + + %1 asks to join ‘%2’ + + + + Failed to send message. + + + + Share your chat key + + + + friends to start messaging in Status + + + + ↓ Fetch more messages + + + + before %1 + + + + Welcome to the beginning of the <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> group! + + + + Any messages you send here are encrypted and can only be read by you and <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> + + + + Join chat + + + + Decline invitation + + + + Add reaction + + + + Reply + + + + More + + + + Today + + + + Yesterday + + + + January + + + + February + + + + March + + + + April + + + + May + + + + June + + + + July + + + + August + + + + September + + + + October + + + + November + + + + December + + + + and + + + + %1 more + + + + reacted with + + + + Error loading the image + + + + Loading image... + + + + This feature is experimental and is meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It's not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data. Use at your own risk. + + + + Membership requires an ENS username + + + + You need to be invited + + + + Request Access + + + + Verified community invitation + + + + Community invitation + + + + You invited %1 to join a community + + + + %1 invited you to join a community + + + + You shared a community + + + + A community has been shared + + + + Unsupported state + + + + %1 members + + + + Joined + + + + Join + + + + Enable automatic image unfurling + + + + Enable link previews in chat? + + + + Once enabled, links posted in the chat may share your metadata with their owners + + + + Enable in Settings + + + + Don't ask me again + + + + Resend + + + + Transaction request + + + + ↑ Outgoing transaction + + + + ↓ Incoming transaction + + + + Something has gone wrong + + + + Accept and share address + + + + Accept and send + + + + Decline + + + + Select account + + + + Choose accountSelect account to share and receive assets + + + + Confirm and share address + + + + Sign and send + + + + Pending + + + + Confirmed + + + + Unknown token + + + + Address requested + + + + Waiting to accept + + + + Address shared + + + + Address received + + + + Transaction declined + + + + failure + + + + Unknown state + + + + Group Information + + + + Clear history + + + + Leave group + + + + Are you sure you want to leave this chat? + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + Communities + Społeczności + + + Search for communities or topics + + + + 1 member + + + + Import a community + + + + Create a community + + + + Public community + + + + Invitation only community + + + + On request community + + + + Unknown community + + + + - ENS only + + + + Chats + + + + Join ‘%1’ + + + + Request to join ‘%1’ + + + + Error joining the community + + + + No search results in Communities + + + + Members + + + + Create category + + + + Invite People + + + + Membership requests + + + + Edit category + + + + Delete category + + + + Delete %1 category + + + + Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. + + + + Error deleting the category + + + + View Profile + Zobacz profil + + + Roles + + + + Kick + + + + Ban + + + + Transfer ownership + + + + Invite successfully sent + + + + Share community + + + + Notifications + + + + Edit community + + + + Export community + + + + Create channel + + + + Leave community + + + + Delete + + + + Welcome to your community! + + + + Add members + + + + Manage community + + + + You need to enter a name + + + + Please restrict your name to letters, numbers, dashes and spaces + + + + Your name needs to be 100 characters or shorter + + + + New channel + + + + Edit #%1 + + + + channel name + + + + channel decription + + + + Channel name + + + + Describe the channel + + + + Pinned messages + + + + A cool name + + + + channel description + + + + What your channel is about + + + + The description cannot exceed %1 characters + + + + Private channel + + + + By making a channel private, only members with selected permission will be able to access it + + + + category name + + + + New category + + + + Category title + + + + Channels + + + + Create + + + + Error editing the category + + + + Error creating the category + + + + Error creating the community + + + + You need to select an image + + + + You need to enter a color + + + + This field needs to be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + New community + + + + Name your community + + + + A catchy name + + + + Give it a short description + + + + What your community is about + + + + The description cannot exceed 140 characters + + + + community name + + + + community decription + + + + Thumbnail image + + + + Please choose an image + + + + Image files (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png) + + + + Upload + + + + Community colour + + + + Pick a color + + + + Please choose a color + + + + Membership requirement + + + + Require invite from another member + + + + Require approval + + + + No requirement + + + + You can require new members to meet certain criteria before they can join. This can be changed at any time + + + + Save + + + + Private community + + + + Only members with an invite link will be able to join your community. Private communities are not listed inside Status + + + + Your community will be public for anyone to join. Public communities are listed inside Status for easy discovery + + + + You need to enter a key + + + + Access existing community + + + + Community private key + + + + Entering a community key will grant you the ownership of that community. Please be responsible with it and don’t share the key with people you don’t trust. + + + + 0x... + + + + Import + + + + Error importing the community + + + + Invite friends + + + + Invite + + + + Contacts + + + + Chat + + + + Community imported + + + + Importing community is in progress + + + + Community %1 imported + + + + Importing community %1 is in progress + + + + Start new chat + + + + Start group chat + + + + Join public chat + + + + No messages + + + + No search results + + + + Your chats will appear here. To start new chats press the  button at the top + + + + Chat and transact privately with your friends + + + + Follow your interests in one of the many Public Chats. + + + + View Group + + + + Share Chat + + + + Test WakuV2 - requestAllHistoricMessages + + + + Unmute chat + + + + Mute chat + + + + Edit Channel + + + + Mark as Read + + + + Delete chat + + + + Leave chat + + + + Choose browser + + + + Open in Status + + + + Open in my default browser + + + + Remember my choice. To override it, go to settings. + + + + Admin + + + + Last 24 hours + + + + Last 2 days + + + + Last 3 days + + + + Last 7 days + + + + (You) + + + + You need to enter a channel name + + + + The channel name can only contain lowercase letters, numbers and dashes + + + + New group chat + + + + %1 / 10 members + + + + Group name + + + + Create Group Chat + + + + All your contacts are already in the group + + + + Make Admin + + + + Remove From Group + + + + Add selected + + + + Get Status at https://status.im + + + + Download Status link + + + + Unpin + + + + Pin + + + + Copy link + + + + Edit message + + + + Send message + + + + Reply to + + + + Jump to + + + + Delete message + + + + Confirm deleting this message + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well. + + + + Nickname + + + + Nicknames help you identify others in Status. Only you can see the nicknames you’ve added + + + + Your nickname is too long + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet. Invite your friends to start chatting. + + + + Enter a valid chat key or ENS usernameEnter a valid chat key or ENS username + + + + Can't chat with yourself + + + + New chat + + + + My Profile + Mój profil + + + Enter ENS username or chat key + + + + Non contacts + + + + No profile found + Nie znaleziono profilu + + + ENS username + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Chat settings + + + + None + + + + Unblock User + + + + Block User + + + + Add to contacts + + + + A public chat is where you get to hang out with others, make friends and talk about subjects of your interest. + + + + Start chat + + + + Pinned by %1 + + + + Type json-rpc message... e.g {"method": "eth_accounts"} + + + + Profile + Profil + + + App version + + + + Version: %1 + + + + Node version + + + + Privacy Policy + + + + Network + + + + Fleet + + + + Minimize on close + + + + Experimental features + + + + Wallet + + + + Dapp Browser + + + + Activity Center + + + + Online users + + + + Broadcast user status + + + + Bloom filter level + + + + The account will be logged out. When you login again, the selected mode will be enabled + + + + Light Node + + + + Full Node + + + + GIF Widget + + + + Waku Bloom Mode + + + + Node Management + + + + Blockchains will drop search costs, causing a kind of decomposition that allows you to have markets of entities that are horizontally segregated and vertically segregated. + + + + Size + + + + Change font size + + + + XS + + + + S + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "S" because the title above is "Seed Phrase" + + + + M + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "M" because the title above is "Mailserver" + + + + L + + + + XL + + + + XXL + + + + Light + + + + Chat mode + + + + Normal + + + + Compact + + + + Appearance + Wygląd + + + Dark + + + + System + + + + Back up seed phrase + Kopia zapasowa frazy źródłowej + + + Step %1 of 3 + + + + If you lose your seed phrase you lose your data and funds + + + + If you lose access, for example by losing your phone, you can only access your keys with your seed phrase. No one, but you has your seed phrase. Write it down. Keep it safe + + + + Check your seed phrase + + + + Word #%1 + + + + Enter word + + + + In order to check if you have backed up your seed phrase correctly, enter the word #%1 above + + + + Are you sure? + Jesteś pewien? + + + You will not be able to see the whole seed phrase again + + + + With this 12 words you can always get your key back. Write it down. Keep it safe, offline, and separate from this device. + + + + Okay, continue + + + + Wrong word + + + + General + + + + Default + + + + Show favorites bar + + + + Search engine used in the address bar + + + + Ethereum explorer used in the address bar + + + + Open an ethereum explorer after a transaction hash or an address is entered + + + + Privacy + + + + Set DApp access permissions + + + + Profile picture + Zdjęcie profilowe + + + Crop your image (optional) + + + + Finish + + + + Chat link previews + + + + Websites + + + + Enable all + + + + Previewing links from these websites may share your metadata with their owners. + + + + Add new contact + + + + Blocked contacts + + + + Add contact + + + + You can't add yourself + + + + User not found + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet + + + + Devices + + + + Please set a name for your device. + + + + Specify a name + + + + Advertise device + + + + Pair your devices to sync contacts and chats between them + + + + Learn more + + + + Paired devices + + + + Syncing... + + + + Sync all devices + + + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + %1 is now connected with your chat key and can be used in Status. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + %1 will be connected once the transaction is complete. + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Wallet address + + + + Key + + + + Back + + + + Primary username + + + + Your messages are displayed to others with this username: + + + + Once you select a username, you won’t be able to disable it afterwards. You will only be able choose a different username to display. + + + + Nice! You own %1.stateofus.eth once the transaction is complete. + + + + Hey + Hej + + + (pending) + + + + Add username + + + + Your usernames + + + + Primary Username + + + + None selected + + + + You’re displaying your ENS username in chats + + + + At least 4 characters. Latin letters, numbers, and lowercase only. + + + + Letters and numbers only. + + + + Type the entire username including the custom domain like username.domain.eth + + + + Your username + + + + ✓ Username available! + + + + Continuing will connect this username with your chat key. + + + + Username doesn’t belong to you :( + + + + Username already taken :( + + + + (edited) + + + + Username is already connected with your chat key and can be used inside Status. + + + + This user name is owned by you and connected with your chat key. Continue to set `Show my ENS username in chats`. + + + + Continuing will require a transaction to connect the username with your current chat key. + + + + Custom domain + + + + I want a stateofus.eth domain + + + + I own a name on another domain + + + + Connect username with your pubkey + + + + Terms of name registration + + + + Funds are deposited for 1 year. Your SNT will be locked, but not spent. + + + + After 1 year, you can release the name and get your deposit back, or take no action to keep the name. + + + + If terms of the contract change — e.g. Status makes contract upgrades — user has the right to release the username regardless of time held. + + + + The contract controller cannot access your deposited funds. They can only be moved back to the address that sent them. + + + + Your address(es) will be publicly associated with your ENS name. + + + + Usernames are created as subdomain nodes of stateofus.eth and are subject to the ENS smart contract terms. + + + + You authorize the contract to transfer SNT on your behalf. This can only occur when you approve a transaction to authorize the transfer. + + + + These terms are guaranteed by the smart contract logic at addresses: + + + + %1 (Status UsernameRegistrar). + + + + <a href='%1%2'>Look up on Etherscan</a> + + + + %1 (ENS Registry). + + + + Agree to <a href="#">Terms of name registration.</a> I understand that my wallet address will be publicly connected to my username. + + + + 10 SNT + + + + Deposit + + + + Not enough SNT + + + + Register + + + + Get a universal username + + + + ENS names transform those crazy-long addresses into unique usernames. + + + + Customize your chat name + + + + An ENS name can replace your random 3-word name in chat. Be @yourname instead of %1. + + + + Simplify your ETH address + + + + You can receive funds to your easy-to-share ENS name rather than your hexadecimal hash (0x...). + + + + Receive transactions in chat + + + + Others can send you funds via chat in one simple step. + + + + 10 SNT to register + + + + Register once to keep the name forever. After 1 year you can release the name and get your SNT back. + + + + Already own a username? + + + + You can verify and add any usernames you own in the next steps. + + + + Powered by Ethereum Name Services + + + + Start + + + + Only available on Mainnet + + + + ENS Registration failed + + + + ENS Registration completed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey failed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey completed + + + + Warning! + + + + Change fleet to %1 + + + + Glossary + + + + Account + + + + A + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "A" because the title above is "Account" + + + + Your Status account, accessed by the seed phrase that you create or import during onboarding. A Status account can hold more than one Ethereum address, in addition to the one created during onboarding. We refer to these as additional accounts within the wallet + + + + Chat Key + + + + C + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "C" because the title above is "Chat Key" + + + + Messages on the Status chat protocol are sent and received using encryption keys. The public chat key is a string of characters you share with others so they can send you messages in Status. + + + + Chat Name + + + + Three random words, derived algorithmically from your chat key and used as your default alias in chat. Chat names are completely unique; no other user can have the same three words. + + + + ENS Name + + + + E + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "E" because the title above is "ENS Name" + + + + Custom alias for your chat key that you can register using the Ethereum Name Service. ENS names are decentralized usernames. + + + + Mailserver + + + + A node in the Status network that routes and stores messages, for up to 30 days. + + + + Peer + + + + P + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "P" because the title above is "Peer" + + + + A device connected to the Status chat network. Each user can represent one or more peers, depending on their number of devices + + + + Seed Phrase + + + + A 64 character hex address based on the Ethereum standard and beginning with 0x. Public-facing, your wallet key is shared with others when you want to receive funds. Also referred to as an “Ethereum address” or “wallet address. + + + + Frequently asked questions + + + + Submit a bug + + + + Request a feature + + + + Language settings + + + + Language + + + + Muted chats + + + + Unmute + + + + The account will be logged out. When you unlock it again, the selected network will be used + + + + Add network + + + + You need to enter the RPC endpoint URL + + + + Invalid URL + + + + You need to enter the network id + + + + Should be a number + + + + Invalid network id + Niepoprawny klucz sieci + + + RPC URL + + + + Specify a RPC URL + + + + Network chain + + + + Ropsten test network + + + + Rinkeby test network + + + + Custom + + + + Network Id + + + + Specify the network id + + + + Main networks + + + + Test networks + + + + Custom Networks + + + + Under development +NOTE: You will be logged out and all installed +sticker packs will be removed and will +need to be reinstalled. Purchased sticker +packs will not need to be re-purchased. + + + + Notification preferences + + + + All messages + + + + Just @mentions + + + + Nothing + + + + Play a sound when receiving a notification + + + + Use your operating system's notifications + + + + Setting this to false will instead use Status' notification style as seen below + + + + Message preview + + + + Anonymous + + + + Name only + + + + Name & Message + + + + Hi there! Yes, no problem, let me know if I can help. + + + + No preview or Advanced? Go to Notification Center + + + + Contacts & Users + + + + Notify on new requests + + + + Receive notifications from non-contacts + + + + Muted users + + + + Muted contacts + + + + Muted contacts will appear here + + + + Muted chats will appear here + + + + You can limit what gets shown in notifications + + + + Reset notification settings + + + + Restore default notification settings and unmute all chats and users + + + + Open links with... + + + + My default browser + + + + Security + + + + Backup Seed Phrase + Kopia zapasowa frazy źródłowej + + + Display all profile pictures (not only contacts) + + + + Display images in chat automatically + + + + All images (links that contain an image extension) will be downloaded and displayed, regardless of the whitelist settings below + + + + Allow new contact requests + + + + Sign out controls + + + + LogoutExit + + + + Sounds settings + + + + Sound volume + + + + Sync settings + + + + Add mailserver + + + + You need to enter the enode address + + + + History node address + + + + enode://{enode-id}:{password}@{ip-address}:{port-number} + + + + Automatic mailserver selection + + + + ... + + + + Share what's on your mind and stay updated with your contacts + + + + Status account settings + + + + You need to enter an account name + + + + Enter an account name... + + + + Account name + + + + Type + + + + Watch-only + + + + Off Status tree + + + + On Status tree + + + + Derivation path + + + + Storage + + + + This device + + + + Delete account + + + + A deleted account cannot be retrieved later. Only press yes if you backed up your key/seed or don't care about this account anymore + + + + Save changes + + + + Add custom token + + + + This needs to be a valid address + + + + Invalid ERC20 address + + + + Enter contract address... + + + + Contract address + + + + The name of your token... + + + + ABC + + + + Symbol + + + + Decimals + + + + Collectibles will appear here + + + + To + + + + From + + + + At + + + + Status Desktop is connected to a non-archival node. Transaction history may be incomplete. + + + + No transactions found + + + + Load More + + + + Total value + + + + Receive + + + + Back up your seed phrase + Zrób kopię zapasową frazy źródłowej + + + Recipient + + + + Transaction completed + + + + Transaction failed + + + + Set Currency + + + + Signing phrase + + + + This is your signing phrase + + + + You should see these 3 words before signing each transaction + + + + If you see a different combination, cancel the transaction and sign out + + + + Remind me later + + + + Manage Assets + + + + Account Settings + + + + Collectibles + + + + Generate an account + + + + Add a watch-only address + + + + Enter a seed phrase + + + + Enter a private key + + + + Add account from private key + + + + You need to enter a password + + + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + You need to enter a private key + + + + Enter a valid private key (64 characters hexadecimal string) + + + + Enter your password… + + + + Password + + + + Paste the contents of your private key + + + + Private key + + + + Loading... + + + + Add account + + + + You need to enter a seed phrase + + + + Enter a valid mnemonic + + + + Add account with a seed phrase + + + + Enter your seed phrase, separate words with commas or spaces... + + + + Seed phrase + + + + Add a watch-only account + + + + You need to enter an address + + + + This needs to be a valid address (starting with 0x) + + + + Enter address... + + + + Account address + + + + Token details + + + + Remove token + + + + Transaction Details + + + + 9999 Confirmations + + + + When the transaction has 12 confirmations you can consider it settled. + + + + Block + + + + Hash + + + + Gas limit + + + + Gas price + + + + Gas used + + + + Nonce + + + + Something went wrong + + + + Reload + + + + Maximum number of collectibles to display reached + + + + View + + + + Unnamed + + + + ID + + + + Description + + + + US Dollars + + + + Euros + + + + United Arab Emirates dirham + + + + Afghan afghani + + + + Argentine peso + + + + Australian dollar + + + + Barbadian dollar + + + + Bangladeshi taka + + + + Bulgarian lev + + + + Bahraini dinar + + + + Brunei dollar + + + + Bolivian boliviano + + + + Brazillian real + + + + Bhutanese ngultrum + + + + Canadian dollar + + + + Swiss franc + + + + Chilean peso + + + + Chinese yuan + + + + Colombian peso + + + + Costa Rican colón + + + + Czech koruna + + + + Danish krone + + + + Dominican peso + + + + Egyptian pound + + + + Ethiopian birr + + + + British Pound + + + + Georgian lari + + + + Ghanaian cedi + + + + Hong Kong dollar + + + + Croatian kuna + + + + Hungarian forint + + + + Indonesian rupiah + + + + Israeli new shekel + + + + Indian rupee + + + + Icelandic króna + + + + Jamaican dollar + + + + Japanese yen + + + + Kenyan shilling + + + + South Korean won + + + + Kuwaiti dinar + + + + Kazakhstani tenge + + + + Sri Lankan rupee + + + + Moroccan dirham + + + + Moldovan leu + + + + Mauritian rupee + + + + Malawian kwacha + + + + Mexican peso + + + + Malaysian ringgit + + + + Mozambican metical + + + + Namibian dollar + + + + Nigerian naira + + + + Norwegian krone + + + + Nepalese rupee + + + + New Zealand dollar + + + + Omani rial + + + + Peruvian sol + + + + Papua New Guinean kina + + + + Philippine peso + + + + Pakistani rupee + + + + Polish złoty + + + + Paraguayan guaraní + + + + Qatari riyal + + + + Romanian leu + + + + Serbian dinar + + + + Russian ruble + + + + Saudi riyal + + + + Swedish krona + + + + Singapore dollar + + + + Thai baht + + + + Trinidad and Tobago dollar + + + + New Taiwan dollar + + + + Tanzanian shilling + + + + Turkish lira + + + + Ukrainian hryvnia + + + + Ugandan shilling + + + + Uruguayan peso + + + + Venezuelan bolívar + + + + Vietnamese đồng + + + + South African rand + + + + View Community + + + + Browser + + + + Timeline + + + + Contact request accepted + + + + New contact request + + + + You can now chat with %1 + + + + %1 requests to become contacts + + + + Where do you want to go? + + + + Status Desktop + + + + Open Status + + + + Quit + + + + Create a password + + + + New password... + + + + Confirm password… + + + + At least 6 characters. You will use this password to unlock status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + Create password + + + + Error importing account + + + + An error occurred while importing your account: + + + + Login failed + + + + Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. + + + + Enter seed phrase + + + + This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. + + + + Start with the first word + + + + Enter 12, 15, 18, 21 or 24 words. +Seperate words by a single space. + + + + Invalid seed phrase + + + + Choose a chat name + + + + Truly private communication + + + + Chat over a peer-to-peer, encrypted network + where messages can't be censored or hacked + + + + Secure crypto wallet + + + + Send and receive digital assets anywhere in the +world--no bank account required + + + + Decentralized apps + + + + Explore games, exchanges and social networks +where you alone own your data + + + + Thanks for trying Status Desktop! Please note that this is an alpha release and we advise you that using this app should be done for testing purposes only and you assume the full responsibility for all risks concerning your data and funds. Status makes no claims of security or integrity of funds in these builds. + + + + I understand + + + + Status does not collect, share or sell any personal data. By continuing you agree with the privacy policy. + + + + I'm new, generate keys + + + + Access existing key + + + + Enter password + + + + Connecting... + + + + Login failed: %1 + + + + Generate new keys + + + + Your keys + + + + Add another existing key + + + + Your keys have been successfully recovered + + + + You will have to create a new code or password to re-encrypt your keys + + + + Re-encrypt your keys + + + + Cannot find asset '%1'. Ensure this asset has been added to the token list. + + + + ENS Username not found + + + + eg. 0x1234 or ENS + + + + Paste + + + + You need to request the recipient’s address first. +Assets won’t be sent yet. + + + + Invalid source + + + + Insufficient balance + + + + Must be greater than 0 + + + + Priority + + + + Use suggestions + + + + Use custom + + + + Low + + + + High + + + + Gas amount limit + + + + Per-gas overall limit + + + + Maximum overall price for the transaction. If the block base fee exceeds this, it will be included in a following block with a lower base fee. + + + + Must be greater than or equal to 0 + + + + This needs to be a number + + + + Please enter an amount + + + + The amount is 0. Proceed only if this is desired. + + + + Balance: + + + + Asset & Amount + + + + Blocking will remove any messages you received from %1 and stop new messages from reaching you. + + + + Account color + + + + Confirm your action + + + + Confirm + + + + Are you sure you want to this? + + + + Do not show this again + + + + Please select a contact + + + + Select a contact + + + + Contact does not have an ENS address. Please send a transaction in chat. + + + + No contact selected + + + + Copied! + + + + Slow + + + + Optimal + + + + Fast + + + + Reset + + + + Advanced + Zaawansowane + + + Custom Network Fee + + + + Gwei + + + + Apply + + + + Not enough ETH for gas + + + + Copied + + + + Pasted + + + + Copy + + + + Invalid ethereum address + + + + Address + + + + My account + + + + Contact + + + + Search + + + + In: + + + + Messages + + + + Tokens will be sent directly to a contract address, which may result in a loss of funds. To transfer ERC-20 tokens, ensure the recipient address is the address of the destination wallet. + + + + View on Etherscan + + + + <a href='%1' style='color:%2;text-decoration:none;'>%3</a> + + + + Asset + + + + Amount + + + + Data field + + + + Signing phrase is a 3 word combination that displayed when you entered the wallet on this device for the first time. + + + + Enter the password you use to unlock this device + + + + Unblocking will allow new messages you received from %1 to reach you. + + + + Send transaction + + + + Request transaction + + + + Public chat + + + + Not a contact + + + + Image files (%1) + + + + Your message is too long. + + + + Please make your message shorter. We have set the limit to 2000 characters to be courteous of others. + + + + Type a message + + + + Bold + + + + Italic + + + + Strikethrough + + + + Code + + + + No recent emojis + + + + Buy for %1 SNT + + + + Uninstall + + + + Install + + + + Free + + + + Pending... + + + + Update + + + + Could not buy Stickerpack + + + + Stickerpack bought successfully + + + + You don't have any stickers yet + + + + Recently used stickers will appear here + + + + Get Stickers + + + + Ethereum explorer + + + + Custom... + + + + Search engine + + + + Dapp permissions + + + + Revoke access + + + + Revoke all access + + + + Show more + + + + %1 invited you to join the group + + + + All + + + + Mentions + + + + Replies + + + + Contact requests + + + + Mark all as Read + + + + Show read notifications + + + + Hide read notifications + + + + Notification settings + + + + You need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messages + + + + Waiting for %1 to accept your request + + + + Just click this button to add them as contact. They will receive a notification. Once they accept the request, you'll be able to chat + + + + Back up community key + + + + Back up + + + + Member name + + + + Community members will appear here + + + + No contacts found + + + + Your community is free to join, but new members are required to be approved by the community creator first + + + + Your community can only be joined by an invitation from existing community members + + + + Your community is free for anyone to join + + + + You should keep it safe and only share it with people you trust to take ownership of your community + + + + You can also use this key to import your community on another device + + + + Decline and block + + + + Decline all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to decline all these contact requests + + + + Accept all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to accept all these contact requests + + + + Decline all + + + + Accept all + + + + Pin limit reached + + + + Unpin a previous message first + + + + %1 messages + + + + %1 message + + + + Pinned messages will appear here. + + + + I accept + + + + Format not supported. + + + + Upload %1 only + + + + You can only upload %1 images at a time + + + + Max image size is %1 MB + + + + TODO + + + + NOW + + + + %1M + + + + %1H + + + + %1D + + + + Sun + + + + Mon + + + + Tue + + + + Wed + + + + Thu + + + + Fri + + + + Sat + + + + Jan + + + + Feb + + + + Mar + + + + Apr + + + + Jun + + + + Jul + + + + Aug + + + + Sep + + + + Oct + + + + Nov + + + + Dec + + + + Sunday + + + + Monday + + + + Tuesday + + + + Wednesday + + + + Thursday + + + + Friday + + + + Saturday + + + + Start a 1-on-1 chat with %1 + + + + Join the %1 community + + + + Join the %1 group chat + + + + Join the %1 public channel + + + + words + + + + Mainnet with upstream RPC + + + + POA Network + + + + xDai Chain + + + + Goerli with upstream RPC + + + + Rinkeby with upstream RPC + + + + Ropsten with upstream RPC + + + + You need to repeat your password + + + + Passwords don't match + + + + You need to enter a %1 + + + + The %1 cannot exceed %2 characters + + + + Must be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + Use only lowercase letters (a to z), numbers & dashes (-). Do not use chat keys. + + + + community-image-delete + + + + public + Publiczny + + + + AboutView + + Status Desktop + + + + Privacy Policy + + + + Check for updates + + + + Current Version + + + + Release Notes + + + + Our Principles + + + + Status desktop’s GitHub Repositories + + + + Status Go + + + + StatusQ + + + + go-waku + + + + Legal & Privacy Documents + + + + Terms of Use + + + + Software License + + + + + AcceptRejectOptionsButtonsPanel + + View Profile + Zobacz profil + + + Decline and block + + + + + AccessExistingCommunityPopup + + You need to enter a key + + + + Import + + + + Error importing the community + + + + + AccountView + + Type + + + + Storage + + + + Watch-Only Account + + + + Generated by your Status seed phrase profile + + + + Imported Account + + + + On Device + + + + Derivation Path + + + + Remove from your profile + + + + Confirm %1 Removal + + + + You will not be able to restore viewing access to this account in the future unless you enter this account’s address again. + + + + Remove Account + + + + + ActivityCenterMessageComponentView + + Mark as Read + + + + Mark as Unread + + + + + AddAccountModal + + Advanced + Zaawansowane + + + Generate an account + + + + Wrong password + + + + You need to enter a password + + + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + Enter your password… + + + + Password + + + + Enter an account name... + + + + Account name + + + + You need to enter an account name + + + + color + + + + Loading... + + + + Add account + + + + + AddEditSavedAddressPopup + + Name + + + + Address + + + + Save + + + + Edit saved address + + + + Add saved address + + + + Enter a name + + + + Name must not be blank + + + + This is not a valid account name + + + + Enter ENS Name or Ethereum Address + + + + Please enter a valid ENS name OR Ethereum Address + + + + Add address + + + + + AddFavoriteModal + + URL + + + + Paste URL + + + + Paste + + + + Pasted + + + + Name + + + + Favorite added + + + + Edit + + + + Add favorite + + + + Please enter a valid URL + + + + Name of the website + + + + Please enter a name + + + + Remove + + + + Done + + + + Add + + + + Add Favorite + + + + + AdvancedContainer + + Online users + + + + + AdvancedView + + disable + wyłącz + + + enable + Włącz + + + Fleet + + + + Minimize on close + + + + Application Logs + + + + Experimental features + + + + Wallet + + + + WalletSettingsLineButton + + + + Dapp Browser + + + + Community History Archive Protocol + + + + Node Management + + + + Keycard + + + + Bloom filter level + + + + Warning! + + + + The account will be logged out. When you login again, the selected mode will be enabled + + + + Light Node + + + + Normal + + + + Full Node + + + + WakuV2 mode + + + + Developer features + + + + Full developer mode + + + + Download messages + + + + Telemetry + + + + Debug + + + + Auto message + + + + Are you sure you want to enable all the develoer features? The app will be restarted. + + + + Are you sure you want to enable telemetry? This will reduce your privacy level while using Status. You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. + + + + Are you sure you want to enable auto message? You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. + + + + Are you sure you want to %1 debug mode? You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. + + + + This feature is experimental and is meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It's not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data. Use at your own risk. + + + + I understand + + + + + AllowNotificationsView + + Ok, got it + + + + Allow notifications + + + + Status will notify you about new messages. You can +edit your notification preferences later in settings. + + + + + AppMain + + Where do you want to go? + + + + Profile Picture + Zdjęcie profilowe + + + Make this my Profile Pic + + + + Invite People + + + + View Community + + + + Leave Community + + + + A new version of Status (%1) is available + + + + Download + + + + Your version is up to date + + + + Close + + + + Can not connect to mailserver + + + + The mailserver you're connecting to is unavailable. + + + + Pick another + + + + Retry + + + + + AppearanceView + + XS + + + + S + + + + M + + + + L + + + + XL + + + + XXL + + + + Preview + + + + Blockchains will drop search costs, causing a kind of decomposition that allows you to have markets of entities that are horizontally segregated and vertically segregated. + + + + Size + + + + Change font size + + + + Change Zoom (requires restart) + + + + 50% + + + + 100% + + + + 150% + + + + 200% + + + + Appearance + Wygląd + + + Light + + + + Dark + + + + System + + + + + BackupSeedModal + + Back up your seed phrase + Zrób kopię zapasową frazy źródłowej + + + Continue + + + + Not Now + + + + Confirm Seed Phrase + + + + Complete & Delete My Seed Phrase + + + + Confirm word #%1 of your seed phrase + + + + + BackupSeedStepBase + + Enter word + + + + Wrong word + + + + Word #%1 + + + + + BeforeGetStartedModal + + Privacy Policy + + + + Before you get started + + + + I acknowledge that status desktop is in beta and by using it I take the full responsibility for all risks concerning my data and funds + + + + Before you get started... + + + + Get Started + + + + I acknowledge that Status Desktop is in Beta and by using it I take the full responsibility for all risks concerning my data and funds. + + + + I accept Status + + + + Terms of Use + + + + Terms of service + + + + Get started + + + + + BrowserLayout + + Transaction pending... + Transakcja w toku... + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Error signing message + + + + View on etherscan + + + + Server's certificate not trusted + + + + Do you wish to continue? + + + + If you wish so, you may continue with an unverified certificate. Accepting an unverified certificate means you may not be connected with the host you tried to connect to. +Do you wish to override the security check and continue? + + + + + ChatContextMenuView + + Leave group + + + + Save + + + + Delete + + + + Are you sure you want to leave this chat? + + + + View Members + + + + Add / remove from group + + + + Test WakuV2 - requestAllHistoricMessages + + + + Edit name + + + + Mark as Read + + + + Clear history + + + + Edit Channel + + + + Download + + + + Delete Channel + + + + Delete chat + + + + Leave chat + + + + Download messages + + + + Delete #%1 + + + + Are you sure you want to delete #%1 channel? + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this chat? + + + + + ChatView + + Members + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + + CollectibleDetailsHeader + + Send + + + + + CollectibleModal + + description + Opis + + + unnamed + + + + id + + + + View in Opensea + + + + + CollectiblesStore + + Collectibles + + + + + CollectiblesView + + Collectibles will appear here + + + + + CommunitiesListPanel + + Cancel + + + + Leave community + + + + Leave %1 + + + + Are you sure you want to leave? Once you leave, you will have to request to rejoin if you change your mind. + + + + + CommunitiesPopup + + Communities + Społeczności + + + 1 member + + + + %1 members + + + + Create a community + + + + Search for communities or topics + + + + Access existing community + + + + + CommunitiesPortalLayout + + Search + + + + Find community + + + + Import Community + + + + Create New Community + + + + Featured + + + + Popular + + + + + CommunityColorPicker + + Community colour + + + + + CommunityColumnView + + Create channel + + + + Create category + + + + 1 Member + + + + %1 Members + + + + Start chat + + + + Membership requests + + + + Invite people + + + + Unmute category + + + + Mute category + + + + Edit Category + + + + Delete Category + + + + Delete %1 category + + + + Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. + + + + Create channel or category + + + + Error deleting the category + + + + + CommunityDescriptionInput + + Description + + + + What your community is about + + + + community description + + + + + CommunityDetailPopup + + Join ‘%1’ + + + + Pending + + + + Unknown community + + + + Public community + + + + Invitation only community + + + + On request community + + + + - ENS only + + + + %1 members + + + + Channels + + + + You need to be invited + + + + Request to join ‘%1’ + + + + Error joining the community + + + + + CommunityEditSettingsPanel + + A catchy name + + + + community name + + + + Description + + + + What your community is about + + + + Pick a color + + + + + CommunityHeaderButton + + 1 member + + + + %1 members + + + + + CommunityMembersSettingsPanel + + Members + + + + Member name + + + + Ban + + + + Kick + + + + Membership requests + + + + Community members will appear here + + + + No contacts found + + + + You + + + + + CommunityNameInput + + A catchy name + + + + community name + + + + Community name + + + + + CommunityProfilePopup + + Members + + + + Transfer ownership + + + + Public community + + + + Invitation only community + + + + On request community + + + + Unknown community + + + + Invite friends + + + + Invite + + + + + CommunityProfilePopupInviteFriendsPanel + + Copied! + + + + Contacts + + + + Share community + + + + + CommunityProfilePopupMembersListPanel + + Member name + + + + + CommunityProfilePopupOverviewPanel + + Copied! + + + + Share community + + + + Transfer ownership + + + + Leave community + + + + + CommunitySettingsView + + Members + + + + Notifications + + + + Settings + Ustawienia + + + Overview + + + + Open legacy popup (to be removed) + + + + Back to community + + + + Error editing the community + + + + + CommunityUserList + + Members + + + + + ConfirmPasswordView + + Passwords don't match + + + + Have you written down your password? + + + + You will never be able to recover your password if you lose it. + + + + If you need to, write it using pen and paper and keep in a safe place. + + + + If you lose your password you will lose access to your Status profile. + + + + Confirm your password (again) + + + + Confirm you password (again) + + + + Finalise Status Password Creation + + + + Keys for this account already exist + + + + Keys for this account already exist and can't be added again. If you've lost your password, passcode or Keycard, uninstall the app, reinstall and access your keys by entering your seed phrase + + + + Login failed + + + + Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. + + + + + ConfirmationDialog + + Confirm + + + + Reject + + + + Cancel + + + + Confirm your action + + + + Do not show this again + + + + Are you sure you want to do this? + + + + + ContactPanel + + View Profile + Zobacz profil + + + Send message + + + + Respond to ID Request + + + + See ID Request + + + + Rename + + + + + ContactsColumnView + + Start chat + + + + Chat + + + + Search + + + + Join public chats + + + + Contact requests + + + + Community imported + + + + Importing community is in progress + + + + + ContactsView + + Contacts + + + + Send contact request to chat key + + + + Search by a display name or chat key + + + + Pending Requests + + + + Blocked + + + + Identity Verified Contacts + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet + + + + Received + + + + Sent + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + + Controls + + XS + + + + S + + + + M + + + + L + + + + XL + + + + XXL + + + + 50% + + + + 100% + + + + 150% + + + + 200% + + + + + CreateCategoryPopup + + Category title + + + + category name + + + + Edit category + + + + New category + + + + Name the category + + + + Channels + + + + Delete category + + + + Delete %1 category + + + + Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. + + + + Save + + + + Create + + + + Error editing the category + + + + Error creating the category + + + + + CreateChannelPopup + + Channel name + + + + channel name + + + + Description + + + + Describe the channel + + + + channel description + + + + New channel + + + + Edit #%1 + + + + Name the channel + + + + Channel colour + + + + Pick a color + + + + Save + + + + Create + + + + Error creating the community + + + + + CreateChatView + + Contacts + + + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. + +Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be able to chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. + + + + You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. + + +Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be + able to +chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. + + + + You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. + + +Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be able to +chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. + + + + Confirm + + + + + CreateCommunityPopup + + You need to enter a color + + + + This field needs to be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + Community color + + + + Pick a color + + + + Please choose a color + + + + Next + + + + Error creating the community + + + + Name your community + + + + A catchy name + + + + Give it a short description + + + + What your community is about + + + + Community colour + + + + Create New Community + + + + Create Community + + + + + CreatePasswordView + + Create password + + + + + DemoApp + + Invite People + + + + View Community + + + + Edit Community + + + + Leave Community + + + + + DerivationPathsPanel + + Reset + + + + Derivation Path + + + + + DerivedAddressesPanel + + Pending + + + + Account + + + + No activity + + + + Invalid path + + + + Has Activity + + + + No Activity + + + + + DisplayNamePopup + + Edit + + + + Ok + + + + Display Name + + + + OK + + + + + EnsDetailsView + + Wallet address + + + + Key + + + + Connect username with your pubkey + + + + Copied to clipboard! + + + + Release username + + + + Username locked. You won't be able to release it until %1 + + + + Back + + + + + EnsSearchView + + Connect username with your pubkey + + + + At least 4 characters. Latin letters, numbers, and lowercase only. + + + + Letters and numbers only. + + + + Type the entire username including the custom domain like username.domain.eth + + + + Custom domain + + + + I want a stateofus.eth domain + + + + I own a name on another domain + + + + + EnsView + + Transaction pending... + Transakcja w toku... + + + View on etherscan + + + + ENS Registration failed + + + + ENS Registration completed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey failed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey completed + + + + + ExemptionNotificationsModal + + Done + + + + %1 exemption + + + + Mute all messages + + + + Personal @ Mentions + + + + Global @ Mentions + + + + Other Messages + + + + Clear Exemptions + + + + + GasSelector + + Priority + + + + Low + + + + High + + + + Must be greater than 0 + + + + This needs to be a number + + + + Please enter an amount + + + + Min 21000 units + + + + Not enough gas + + + + Miners will currently not process transactions with a tip below %1 Gwei, the average is %2 Gwei + + + + The average miner tip is %1 Gwei + + + + Gas Price + + + + Current base fee: %1 %2 + + + + Use suggestions + + + + Use custom + + + + Optimal + + + + Gas amount limit + + + + Per-gas tip limit + + + + Gwei + + + + Per-gas overall limit + + + + Maximum priority fee: %1 ETH + + + + Maximum overall price for the transaction. If the block base fee exceeds this, it will be included in a following block with a lower base fee. + + + + + GroupInfoPopup + + %1/%2 members + + + + Add members + + + + %1 members + + + + 1 member + + + + Search + + + + All your contacts are already in the group + + + + Pinned messages + + + + Admin + + + + Make Admin + + + + Remove From Group + + + + Add selected + + + + + ImageCropperModal + + Crop your image (optional) + + + + Finish + + + + + ImportPrivateKeyPanel + + Pending + + + + You need to enter a private key + + + + Enter a valid private key (64 characters hexadecimal string) + + + + Private key + + + + Paste the contents of your private key + + + + Public address + + + + Account already added + + + + Has Activity + + + + No Activity + + + + + InsertCard + + Cancel + + + + Please insert your Keycard to proceed or press the cancel button to cancel the operation + + + + + InsertDetailsView + + Next + + + + Profile picture + Zdjęcie profilowe + + + Your profile + + + + Longer and unusual names are better as they are less likely to be used by someone else. + + + + Display name + + + + Chatkey: + + + + Choose an image for profile picture + + + + Make this my profile picture + + + + Your emojihash and identicon ring + + + + This set of emojis and coloured ring around your avatar are unique and represent your chat key, so your friends can easily distinguish you from potential impersonators. + + + + + InvitationBubbleView + + Unsupported state + + + + Membership requires an ENS username + + + + You need to be invited + + + + Pending + + + + View + + + + Request Access + + + + Join + + + + Verified community invitation + + + + Community invitation + + + + %1 members + + + + Error joining the community + + + + + KeysMainView + + Enter a seed phrase + + + + Generate new keys + + + + intro-wizard-title1 + + + + a-set-of-keys-controls-your-account.-your-keys-live-on-your-device,-so-only-you-can-use-them. + + + + Connect your keys + + + + Use your existing Status keys to login to this device. + + + + Get your keys + + + + A set of keys controls your account. Your keys live on your +device, so only you can use them. + + + + Import a seed phrase + + + + Seed phrases are used to back up and restore your keys. Only use this option if you already have a seed phrase. + + + + + LanguageView + + Language + + + + Set Display Currency + + + + Search Currencies + + + + Search Languages + + + + Date Format + + + + DD/MM/YY + + + + MM/DD/YY + + + + Time Format + + + + 24-Hour Time + + + + 12-Hour Time + + + + Change language + + + + Display language has been changed. You must restart the application for changes to take effect. + + + + Close the app now + + + + + Layout + + Invite People + + + + View Community + + + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + Edit Community + + + + Leave Community + + + + + LeftTabView + + Settings + Ustawienia + + + Sign out + + + + Make sure you have your account password and seed phrase stored. Without them you can lock yourself out of your account and lose funds. + + + + Sign out & Quit + Wyloguj się i wyjdź + + + Wallet + + + + Total value + + + + Add account + + + + Saved addresses + + + + + LoginView + + Ok + + + + Welcome back + + + + Add new user + + + + Add existing Status user + + + + Connecting... + + + + Password + + + + Enter password + + + + Login failed: %1 + + + + Password incorrect + + + + + MenuPanel + + Settings + Ustawienia + + + Apps + Aplikacje + + + About & Help + O programie i pomoc + + + + MessageContextMenuView + + Jump to + + + + Copy image + + + + Download image + + + + Block User + + + + Unblock User + + + + Rename + + + + Reply to + + + + Edit message + + + + Copy Message Id + + + + Unpin + + + + Pin + + + + Delete message + + + + Please choose a directory + + + + Confirm deleting this message + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well. + + + + + MessagingView + + Contacts + + + + Allow new contact requests + + + + Show My Profile Picture To + + + + Everyone + + + + No One + + + + See Profile Pictures From + + + + Open Message Links With + + + + Status Browser + + + + System Default Browser + + + + Contacts, Requests, and Blocked Users + + + + Display Message Link Previews + + + + Fine tune which sites to allow link previews + + + + Image unfurling + + + + All images (links that contain an image extension) will be downloaded and displayed + + + + Message syncing + + + + Waku nodes + + + + For security reasons, private chat history won't be synced. + + + + + MyProfileView + + ENS username + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Change Password + + + + Edit + + + + Preview + + + + + NicknamePopup + + Nickname + + + + Nicknames help you identify others in Status. Only you can see the nicknames you’ve added + + + + Done + + + + + NoImageUploadedPanel + + Upload + + + + Wide aspect ratio is optimal + + + + + NotificationsView + + Messages + + + + You have a new message + + + + Anonymous + + + + Community + + + + 1:1 Chat + + + + Group Chat + + + + Muted + + + + Off + + + + Quiet + + + + Personal @ Mentions %1 + + + + Global @ Mentions %1 + + + + Alerts + + + + Other Messages %1 + + + + Multiple Exemptions + + + + Enable Notifications in macOS Settings + + + + To receive Status notifications, make sure you've enabled them in your computer's settings under <b>System Preferences > Notifications</b> + + + + Sync your devices to share notifications preferences + + + + Syncing > + + + + Allow Notifications + + + + 1:1 Chats + + + + Group Chats + + + + Personal @ Mentions + + + + Messages containing @%1 + + + + Global @ Mentions + + + + Messages containing @here and @channel + + + + All Messages + + + + Others + + + + Contact Requests + + + + Identity Verification Requests + + + + Notification Content + + + + Show Name and Message + + + + Hi there! So EIP-1559 will defini... + + + + Name Only + + + + Play a Sound When Receiving a Notification + + + + Volume + + + + Send a Test Notification + + + + Exemptions + + + + Search Communities, Group Chats and 1:1 Chats + + + + Most recent + + + + + PasswordView + + Create a password + + + + Passwords don't match + + + + Create a password to unlock Status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + You will not be able to recover this password if it is lost. + + + + Minimum %1 characters. To strengthen your password consider including: + + + + This password has been pwned and shouldn't be used + + + + This password is a common word and shouldn't be used + + + + Password must be at least %1 characters long + + + + Current password + + + + New password + + + + Very weak + + + + Weak + + + + So-so + + + + Good + + + + Great + + + + Lower case + + + + Upper case + + + + Numbers + + + + Symbols + + + + Confirm password + + + + + PermissionsListView + + Disconnect + + + + Disconnect All + + + + + PinnedMessagesPopup + + Unpin + + + + Pin limit reached + + + + Pinned messages + + + + Unpin a previous message first + + + + %1 messages + + + + %1 message + + + + Pinned messages will appear here. + + + + + ProfileLayout + + Contacts + + + + Testnet mode is enabled. All balances, transactions and dApp interactions will be on testnets. + + + + Secure your seed phrase + + + + Back up now + + + + + ProfilePopup + + ENS username + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Chat settings + + + + Nickname + + + + None + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + Unblock User + + + + Block User + + + + Add to contacts + + + + 's Profile + + + + Send Contact Request to + + + + Verify %1's Identity + + + + My Profile + Mój profil + + + %1's Profile + + + + Send Contact Request to %1 + + + + Cancel verification + + + + Remove Contact + + + + Send Contact Request + + + + Mark Untrustworthy + + + + Remove 'Identity Verified' status + + + + No + + + + Yes + + + + Remove Untrustworthy Mark + + + + Verify Identity + + + + Verify Identity pending... + + + + Send verification request + + + + Verification request sent + + + + Confirm Identity + + + + Rename + + + + Close + + + + + ProfileSectionStore + + Profile + Profil + + + ENS usernames + + + + Wallet + + + + Browser + + + + Communities + Społeczności + + + Appearance + Wygląd + + + Back up seed phrase + Kopia zapasowa frazy źródłowej + + + Advanced + Zaawansowane + + + Messaging + Wiadomości + + + Notifications & Sounds + Powiadomienia i dźwięki + + + Language & Currency + Język i waluta + + + Devices settings + Ustawienia urządzeń + + + About + O programie + + + Sign out & Quit + Wyloguj się i wyjdź + + + + RateView + + Upload + + + + Bandwidth + + + + Kb/s + + + + Download + + + + + ReceiveModal + + Copy + + + + Receive + + + + Legacy + + + + Multichain + + + + Your Address + + + + + RootStore + + You + + + + Start a 1-on-1 chat with %1 + + + + Join the %1 community + + + + Join the %1 group chat + + + + + SavedAddressesView + + Cancel + + + + Delete + + + + Saved addresses + + + + Add new address + + + + Edit + + + + Are you sure you want to remove '%1' from your saved addresses? + + + + Are you sure? + + + + No saved addresses + + + + + SeedPhraseInputView + + Enter seed phrase + + + + Next + + + + Import + + + + Keys for this account already exist + + + + Keys for this account already exist and can't be added again. If you've lost your password, passcode or Keycard, uninstall the app, reinstall and access your keys by entering your seed phrase + + + + Error importing seed + + + + %1 words + + + + %1SeedButton + + + + Invalid seed + + + + Restore Status Profile + + + + + SendContactRequestModal + + Paste + + + + Send Contact Request to chat key + + + + Enter chat key here + + + + Say who you are / why you want to become a contact... + + + + who are you + + + + Send Contact Request + + + + + SendModal + + Transaction pending... + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Send + + + + Max: + + + + No balances active + + + + Please enter a valid amount + + + + To + + + + Enter an ENS name or address + + + + Error estimating gas: %1 + + + + Wrong password + + + + View on etherscan + + + + + SendModalFooter + + Unknown + + + + Estimated Time: + + + + Max Fees: + + + + Send + + + + + SendModalHeader + + To + + + + + SettingsPageLayout + + Cancel + + + + Save changes + + + + + SignTransactionModal + + Send + + + + Continue + + + + Error estimating gas: %1 + + + + Transaction pending... + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Choose account + + + + Network fee + + + + Transaction preview + + + + Sign with password + + + + Send %1 %2 + + + + Next + + + + Wrong password + + + + View on etherscan + + + + + StatusAppCommunityView + + Members + + + + + StatusChatInput + + Send + + + + Message + + + + Please choose an image + + + + Image files (%1) + + + + Your message is too long. + + + + Please make your message shorter. We have set the limit to 2000 characters to be courteous of others. + + + + Bold + + + + Italic + + + + Strikethrough + + + + Code + + + + Unblock + + + + + StatusChatListAndCategories + + More + + + + Add channel inside category + + + + + StatusChatListCategoryItem + + More + + + + Add channel inside category + + + + + StatusChatListItem + + Unmute + + + + + StatusChatToolBar + + Search + + + + Members + + + + More + + + + + StatusColorDialog + + Preview + + + + This is not a valid color + + + + Standart colours + + + + Select Colour + + + + + StatusExpandableSettingsItemPage + + Back up seed phrase + Kopia zapasowa frazy źródłowej + + + Not Implemented + + + + + StatusListPicker + + Search + + + + + StatusMacNotification + + Open + + + + My latest message + with a return + + + + + StatusStickerMarket + + This feature is experimental and is meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It's not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data. Use at your own risk. + + + + I understand + + + + + StatusTokenInlineSelector + + or + + + + Hold + + + + to post + + + + + StatusWalletColorSelect + + Account color + + + + + TabNetworkAndFees + + Advanced + Zaawansowane + + + Custom + + + + Slow + + + + + TransactionSettingsConfirmationPopup + + Are you sure? + + + + Your priority fee is below our suggested parameters. + + + + Current base fee + + + + %1 Gwei + + + + Current minimum tip + + + + Current average tip + + + + Your tip limit + + + + Suggested minimum tip + + + + Your price limit + + + + Suggested minimum price limit + + + + Change Limit + + + + Continue anyway + + + + + TransferOwnershipPopup + + Transfer ownership + + + + Community private key + + + + Copy + + + + Copied + + + + You should keep it safe and only share it with people you trust to take ownership of your community + + + + You can also use this key to import your community on another device + + + + + UploadProfilePicModal + + Profile picture + Zdjęcie profilowe + + + Remove + + + + Upload + + + + Done + + + + Upload profile picture + + + + Choose an image for profile picture + + + + Make this my profile picture + + + + + UserList + + Members + + + + + UsernameLabel + + You + + + + + Utils + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + You need to enter a %1 + + + + now + Teraz + + + Sun + + + + Mon + + + + Tue + + + + Wed + + + + Thu + + + + Fri + + + + Sat + + + + Jan + + + + Feb + + + + Mar + + + + Apr + + + + May + + + + Jun + + + + Jul + + + + Aug + + + + Sep + + + + Oct + + + + Nov + + + + Dec + + + + Yesterday + + + + Sunday + + + + Monday + + + + Tuesday + + + + Wednesday + + + + Thursday + + + + Friday + + + + Saturday + + + + NOW + + + + %1M + + + + %1H + + + + %1D + + + + words + + + + You need to enter a password + + + + You need to repeat your password + + + + Passwords don't match + + + + You need to enter a PIN + + + + The PIN must contain only digits + + + + The PIN must be exactly 6 digits + + + + You need to repeat your PIN + + + + PIN don't match + + + + The %1 cannot exceed %2 characters + + + + Must be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + Use only lowercase letters (a to z), numbers & dashes (-). Do not use chat keys. + + + + Value has to be at least %1 characters long + + + + Unknown + + + + < 1 min + + + + < 3 mins + + + + < 5 mins + + + + > 5 mins + + + + years ago + + + + year ago + + + + months ago + + + + month ago + + + + weeks ago + + + + week ago + + + + days ago + + + + day ago + + + + hours ago + + + + hour ago + + + + mins ago + + + + min ago + + + + secs ago + + + + sec ago + + + + + WalletView + + Wallet + + + + Networks + + + + DApp Permissions + + + + Testnet Mode + + + + + AcceptTransactionView + + Accept and share address + + + + Accept and send + + + + Decline + + + + + Acknowledgements + + Secure Your Assets and Funds + + + + Your seed phrase is a 12-word passcode to your funds. + + + + Your seed phrase cannot be recovered if lost. Therefore, you <b>must</b> back it up. The simplest way is to <b>write it down offline and store it somewhere secure.</b> + + + + I have a pen and paper + + + + I am ready to write down my seed phrase + + + + I know where I’ll store it + + + + You can only complete this process once. Status will not store your seed phrase and can never help you recover it. + + + + + ActivityCenterPopup + + Show more + + + + + ActivityCenterPopupTopBarPanel + + All + + + + Mentions + + + + Replies + + + + Mark all as Read + + + + Show read notifications + + + + Hide read notifications + + + + Notification settings + + + + + AddShowTokenModal + + Add custom token + + + + This needs to be a valid address + + + + Invalid ERC20 address + + + + Enter contract address... + + + + Contract address + + + + The name of your token... + + + + Name + + + + ABC + + + + Symbol + + + + Decimals + + + + Changing settings failed + + + + Add + + + + + AddWakuNodeModal + + Waku nodes + + + + Name + + + + Specify a name + + + + You need to enter a name + + + + History node address + + + + You need to enter the enode address + + + + The format must be: enode://{enode-id}:{password}@{ip-address}:{port} + + + + Save + + + + + AddressInput + + ENS Username not found + + + + + AddressRequiredValidator + + You need to request the recipient’s address first. +Assets won’t be sent yet. + + + + + AddressSourceSelector + + Invalid source + + + + + AdvancedAddAccountView + + Enter address... + + + + Account address + + + + This needs to be a valid address (starting with 0x) + + + + You need to enter an address + + + + + AppSearch + + No results + + + + Anywhere + + + + + AssetAndAmountInput + + Insufficient balance + + + + Must be greater than or equal to 0 + + + + This needs to be a number + + + + Please enter an amount + + + + Balance: + + + + Asset & Amount + + + + The amount is 0. Proceed only if this is desired. + + + + + BackUpCommuntyBannerPanel + + Back up community key + + + + Back up + + + + + BalanceExceeded + + Balance exceeded + + + + No networks available + + + + + BalanceValidator + + Insufficient balance + + + + + BlockContactConfirmationDialog + + Block User + + + + Blocking will stop new messages from reaching you from %1. + + + + + BloomSelectorButton + + TODO + + + + + BrowserConnectionModal + + '%1' would like to connect to + + + + Allowing authorizes this DApp to retrieve your wallet address and enable Web3 + + + + Granting access authorizes this DApp to retrieve your chat key + + + + Deny + + + + Allow + + + + + BrowserHeader + + Enter URL + + + + + BrowserSettingsMenu + + New Tab + + + + Exit Incognito mode + + + + Go Incognito + + + + Zoom In + + + + Zoom Out + + + + Find + + + + Compatibility mode + + + + Developer Tools + + + + Settings + Ustawienia + + + + BrowserTabStyle + + Start Page + + + + + BrowserTabView + + Start Page + + + + New Tab + + + + Downloads Page + + + + + BrowserView + + Search engine used in the address bar + + + + None + + + + Show Favorites Bar + + + + Connected DApps + + + + No connected dApps + + + + Connecting a dApp grants it permission to view your address and balances, and to send you transaction requests + + + + + BrowserWalletMenu + + Mainnet + + + + Ropsten + + + + Unknown + + + + Disconnect + + + + Assets + + + + History + + + + + BrowserWebEngineView + + Add Favorite + + + + + ChangePasswordModal + + Change password + + + + Change password used to unlock Status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + Change Password + + + + + ChangePasswordSuccessModal + + <b>Password changed</b> + + + + You need to sign in again using the new password. + + + + Sign out & Quit + Wyloguj się i wyjdź + + + + ChangeProfilePicModal + + Profile picture + Zdjęcie profilowe + + + Remove + + + + Upload + + + + Please choose an image + + + + Image files (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png) + + + + + ChannelIdentifierView + + Welcome to the beginning of the <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> group! + + + + Any messages you send here are encrypted and can only be read by you and <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> + + + + + ChatButtonsPanel + + Add reaction + + + + Reply + + + + Edit + + + + Unpin + + + + Pin + + + + Delete + + + + Confirm deleting this message + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well. + + + + + ChatColumnView + + Send + + + + Request Address + + + + Request + + + + + ChatCommandModal + + Continue + + + + Receive on account + + + + From account + + + + Address request required + + + + From + + + + To + + + + Preview + + + + Transaction preview + + + + Next + + + + + ChatCommandsPopup + + Send transaction + + + + Request transaction + + + + + ChatContentView + + Contact + + + + Not a contact + + + + Public chat + + + + %1 members + + + + 1 member + + + + Connected + + + + Disconnected + + + + Blocked + + + + This user has been blocked. + + + + + ChatMessagesView + + Loading... + + + + Failed to send message. + + + + + ChatRequestMessagePanel + + You need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messages + + + + Just click this button to add them as contact. They will receive a notification. Once they accept the request, you'll be able to chat + + + + Add to contacts + + + + + ChooseBrowserPopup + + Choose browser + + + + Open in Status + + + + Open in my default browser + + + + Remember my choice. To override it, go to settings. + + + + + ClosedEmptyPanel + + Your chats will appear here. To start new chats press the  button at the top + + + + + CollectibleCollectionView + + No collectibles available + + + + + CollectibleDetailView + + Properties + + + + Levels + + + + Stats + + + + + CollectiblesContent + + Something went wrong + + + + Reload + + + + + CollectiblesHeader + + Maximum number of collectibles to display reached + + + + + CollectiblesModal + + View + + + + Unnamed + + + + + CollectiblesModalContent + + ID + + + + Description + + + + + CommunitiesView + + Import community + + + + Communities you've joined + + + + + CommunityBannerPicker + + Community banner + + + + Choose an image for banner + + + + Make this my Community banner + + + + + CommunityChannelsAndCategoriesBannerPanel + + Expand your community by adding more channels and categories + + + + Add channels + + + + Add categories + + + + + CommunityColorPanel + + Community Colour + + + + Select Community Colour + + + + This is not a valid colour + + + + White text should be legable on top of this colour + + + + Standard colours + + + + + CommunityDelegate + + Admin + + + + Member + + + + + CommunityIntroDialog + + Welcome to %1 + + + + Join %1 + + + + Community <b>%1</b> has no intro message... + + + + I agree with the above + + + + + CommunityIntroMessageInput + + Community introduction and rules + + + + What new members will read before joining (eg. community rules, welcome message, etc.). Members will need to tick a check box agreeing to these rules before they are allowed to join your community. + + + + community intro message + + + + + CommunityLogoPicker + + Community logo + + + + Choose an image as logo + + + + Make this my Community logo + + + + + CommunityOptions + + Community history service + + + + Request to join required + + + + Any member can pin a message + + + + + CommunityOutroMessageInput + + Leaving community message + + + + The message a member will see when they leave your community + + + + community intro message + + + + + CommunityOverviewSettingsPanel + + Overview + + + + Edit Community + + + + This node is the Community Owner Node. For your Community to function correctly try to keep this computer with Status running and onlinie as much as possible. + + + + Welcome to your community! + + + + Invite new people + + + + Try an airdrop to reward your community for engagement! + + + + Airdrop Tokens + + + + Back up community key + + + + Back up + + + + + CommunityTagsPanel + + Community Tags + + + + Confirm Community Tags + + + + Select tags that will fit your Community + + + + Search tags + + + + Selected tags + + + + + CommunityTagsPicker + + Tags + + + + + CommunityWelcomeBannerPanel + + Welcome to your community! + + + + Add members + + + + Manage community + + + + + CompactMessageView + + Pinned by %1 + + + + Cancel + + + + Save + + + + + ConfirmAddExistingKeyModal + + Enter seed phrase + + + + Do you want to add another existing key? + + + + Add another existing key + + + + + ConfirmAppRestartModal + + Application Restart + + + + Please restart the application to apply the changes. + + + + Restart + + + + + ConfirmSeedPhrasePanel + + Write down your 12-word seed phrase to keep offline + + + + Reveal seed phrase + + + + The next screen contains your seed phrase. +<b>Anyone</b> who sees it can use it to access to your funds. + + + + + ConfirmStoringSeedPhrasePanel + + Complete back up + + + + Store Your Phrase Offline and Complete Your Back Up + + + + By completing this process, you will remove your seed phrase from this application’s storage. This makes your funds more secure. + + + + You will remain logged in, and your seed phrase will be entirely in your hands. + + + + I acknowledge that Status will not be able to show me my seed phrase again. + + + + I aknowledge that Status will not be able to show me my seed phrase again. + + + + + Constants + + Username must be at least 5 characters + + + + Only letters, numbers, underscores and hyphens allowed + + + + 24 character username limit + + + + Usernames ending with '-eth' are not allowed + + + + Usernames ending with '_eth' are not allowed + + + + Usernames ending with '.eth' are not allowed + + + + Sorry, the name you have chosen is not allowed, try picking another username + + + + (edited) + + + + Username already taken :( + + + + Username doesn’t belong to you :( + + + + Continuing will connect this username with your chat key. + + + + ✓ Username available! + + + + Username is already connected with your chat key and can be used inside Status. + + + + This user name is owned by you and connected with your chat key. Continue to set `Show my ENS username in chats`. + + + + Continuing will require a transaction to connect the username with your current chat key. + + + + + Contact + + Admin + + + + + ContactRequestsPopup + + Contact requests + + + + Decline all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to decline all these contact requests + + + + Accept all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to accept all these contact requests + + + + Decline all + + + + Accept all + + + + + ContactSelector + + Please select a contact + + + + Select a contact + + + + Contact does not have an ENS address. Please send a transaction in chat. + + + + No contact selected + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet + + + + + ContactVerificationRequestPopup + + %1 is asking you to verify your identity + + + + %1 would like to verify your identity. Answer the question to prove your identity to %2 + + + + Provide answer to verification request from this contact. + + + + Your answer has been sent to %1. + + + + Refuse Verification + + + + Send Answer + + + + Change answer + + + + Close + + + + + ContactsListAndSearch + + Enter a valid chat key or ENS username + + + + Can't chat with yourself + + + + Enter ENS username or chat key + + + + + ContactsListPanel + + Contact Request Sent + + + + Contact Request Rejected + + + + + CopyToClipBoardButton + + Copied! + + + + + CreatePasswordModal + + Store password + + + + Create a password + + + + Current password... + + + + New password... + + + + Confirm password… + + + + At least 6 characters. You will use this password to unlock status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + Create password + + + + Error importing account + + + + An error occurred while importing your account: + + + + Login failed + + + + Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. + + + + Incorrect password + + + + + CryptoServicesModal + + Buy / Sell crypto + + + + Choose a service you'd like to use to buy crypto + + + + + CurrenciesStore + + US Dollars + + + + British Pound + + + + Euros + + + + Russian ruble + + + + South Korean won + + + + Ethereum + + + + Tokens + + + + Bitcoin + + + + Status Network Token + + + + Dai + + + + United Arab Emirates dirham + + + + Other Fiat + + + + Afghan afghani + + + + Argentine peso + + + + Australian dollar + + + + Barbadian dollar + + + + Bangladeshi taka + + + + Bulgarian lev + + + + Bahraini dinar + + + + Brunei dollar + + + + Bolivian boliviano + + + + Brazillian real + + + + Bhutanese ngultrum + + + + Canadian dollar + + + + Swiss franc + + + + Chilean peso + + + + Chinese yuan + + + + Colombian peso + + + + Costa Rican colón + + + + Czech koruna + + + + Danish krone + + + + Dominican peso + + + + Egyptian pound + + + + Ethiopian birr + + + + Georgian lari + + + + Ghanaian cedi + + + + Hong Kong dollar + + + + Croatian kuna + + + + Hungarian forint + + + + Indonesian rupiah + + + + Israeli new shekel + + + + Indian rupee + + + + Icelandic króna + + + + Jamaican dollar + + + + Japanese yen + + + + Kenyan shilling + + + + Kuwaiti dinar + + + + Kazakhstani tenge + + + + Sri Lankan rupee + + + + Moroccan dirham + + + + Moldovan leu + + + + Mauritian rupee + + + + Malawian kwacha + + + + Mexican peso + + + + Malaysian ringgit + + + + Mozambican metical + + + + Namibian dollar + + + + Nigerian naira + + + + Norwegian krone + + + + Nepalese rupee + + + + New Zealand dollar + + + + Omani rial + + + + Peruvian sol + + + + Papua New Guinean kina + + + + Philippine peso + + + + Pakistani rupee + + + + Polish złoty + + + + Paraguayan guaraní + + + + Qatari riyal + + + + Romanian leu + + + + Serbian dinar + + + + Saudi riyal + + + + Swedish krona + + + + Singapore dollar + + + + Thai baht + + + + Trinidad and Tobago dollar + + + + New Taiwan dollar + + + + Tanzanian shilling + + + + Turkish lira + + + + Ukrainian hryvnia + + + + Ugandan shilling + + + + Uruguayan peso + + + + Venezuelan bolívar + + + + Vietnamese đồng + + + + South African rand + + + + + DateGroup + + Today + + + + Yesterday + + + + January + + + + February + + + + March + + + + April + + + + May + + + + June + + + + July + + + + August + + + + September + + + + October + + + + November + + + + December + + + + + DefaultDAppExplorerView + + Default DApp explorer + + + + none + + + + + DevicesView + + Please set a name for your device. + + + + Specify a name + + + + Continue + + + + Advertise device + + + + Pair your devices to sync contacts and chats between them + + + + Learn more + + + + Paired devices + + + + Syncing... + + + + Sync all devices + + + + + DownloadBar + + Cancelled + + + + Paused + + + + Show All + + + + + DownloadMenu + + Open + + + + Show in folder + + + + Pause + + + + Resume + + + + Cancel + + + + + DownloadPage + + Thanks for using Status + + + + You're curently using version %1 of Status. + + + + There's new version available to download. + + + + Get Status %1 + + + + + DownloadView + + Cancelled + + + + Paused + + + + Downloaded files will appear here. + + + + + ENSPopup + + Primary username + + + + Your messages are displayed to others with this username: + + + + Once you select a username, you won’t be able to disable it afterwards. You will only be able choose a different username to display. + + + + + EmojiReactionsPanel + + Add reaction + + + + + EmptyChatPanel + + Share your chat key + + + + or + + + + invite + + + + friends to start messaging in Status + + + + + EnsAddedView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + %1 is now connected with your chat key and can be used in Status. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsConnectedView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + %1 will be connected once the transaction is complete. + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsListView + + Hey + + + + (pending) + + + + ENS usernames + + + + Add username + + + + Your usernames + + + + Chat settings + + + + Primary Username + + + + None selected + + + + You’re displaying your ENS username in chats + + + + + EnsRegisteredView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + Nice! You own %1.stateofus.eth once the transaction is complete. + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsReleasedView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username removed + + + + The username %1 will be removed and your deposit will be returned once the transaction is mined + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsTermsAndConditionsView + + ENS usernames + + + + Terms of name registration + + + + Funds are deposited for 1 year. Your SNT will be locked, but not spent. + + + + After 1 year, you can release the name and get your deposit back, or take no action to keep the name. + + + + If terms of the contract change — e.g. Status makes contract upgrades — user has the right to release the username regardless of time held. + + + + The contract controller cannot access your deposited funds. They can only be moved back to the address that sent them. + + + + Your address(es) will be publicly associated with your ENS name. + + + + Usernames are created as subdomain nodes of stateofus.eth and are subject to the ENS smart contract terms. + + + + You authorize the contract to transfer SNT on your behalf. This can only occur when you approve a transaction to authorize the transfer. + + + + These terms are guaranteed by the smart contract logic at addresses: + + + + %1 (Status UsernameRegistrar). + + + + <a href='%1%2'>Look up on Etherscan</a> + + + + %1 (ENS Registry). + + + + Wallet address + + + + Copied to clipboard! + + + + Key + + + + Agree to <a href="#">Terms of name registration.</a> I understand that my wallet address will be publicly connected to my username. + + + + Back + + + + 10 SNT + + + + Deposit + + + + Not enough SNT + + + + Register + + + + + EnsWelcomeView + + Get a universal username + + + + ENS names transform those crazy-long addresses into unique usernames. + + + + Customize your chat name + + + + An ENS name can replace your random 3-word name in chat. Be @yourname instead of %1. + + + + Simplify your ETH address + + + + You can receive funds to your easy-to-share ENS name rather than your hexadecimal hash (0x...). + + + + Receive transactions in chat + + + + Others can send you funds via chat in one simple step. + + + + 10 SNT to register + + + + Register once to keep the name forever. After 1 year you can release the name and get your SNT back. + + + + Already own a username? + + + + You can verify and add any usernames you own in the next steps. + + + + Powered by Ethereum Name Services + + + + Start + + + + Only available on Mainnet + + + + + FavoriteMenu + + Open in new Tab + + + + Edit + + + + Remove + + + + + FetchMoreMessagesButton + + ↓ Fetch more messages + + + + Before %1 + + + + before--%1 + + + + + FleetRadioSelector + + Warning! + + + + Change fleet to %1 + + + + + FleetsModal + + Fleet + + + + + GapComponent + + fetch-messages + + + + between--1-and--2 + + + + Fetch messages + + + + Between %1 and %2 + + + + + GasSelectorButton + + Low + + + + + GasValidator + + Not enough ETH for gas + + + + + GroupChatPanel + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + Confirm + + + + + HistoryView + + Status Desktop is connected to a non-archival node. Transaction history may be incomplete. + + + + No transactions found + + + + Load More + + + + + HomePageView + + homepage + + + + System default + + + + Other + + + + Example: duckduckgo.com + + + + + ImageCropWorkflow + + Supported image formats (%1) + + + + + ImportCommunityPopup + + Import Community + + + + Entering a community key will grant you the ownership of that community. Please be responsible with it and don’t share the key with people you don’t trust. + + + + Community private key + + + + Import + + + + + ImportSeedPhrasePanel + + Invalid seed phrase + + + + This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. + + + + %1 words + + + + + Input + + Copied + + + + Pasted + + + + Copy + + + + Paste + + + + + InviteFriendsPopup + + Get Status at https://status.im + + + + Download Status link + + + + Copy to clipboard + + + + + InviteFriendsToCommunityPopup + + Invite friends + + + + Invite successfully sent + + + + Invite + + + + + JSDialogWindow + + Ok + + + + Cancel + + + + + KeycardCreatePINModal + + Create PIN + + + + New PIN + + + + Confirm PIN + + + + Create a 6 digit long PIN + + + + + LanguageStore + + Beta Languages + + + + + LinksMessageView + + Enable automatic image unfurling + + + + Enable link previews in chat? + + + + Once enabled, links posted in the chat may share your metadata with their owners + + + + Enable in Settings + + + + Don't ask me again + + + + + MailserverConnectionDialog + + Can not connect to mailserver + + + + The mailserver you're connecting to is unavailable. + + + + Pick another + + + + Retry + + + + + MainView + + DApp Permissions + + + + Networks + + + + Accounts + + + + Generated from Your Seed Phrase + + + + Imported + + + + Watch-Only + + + + + MembershipRequestsPopup + + Membership requests + + + + + MessageStore + + and + + + + %1 more + + + + reacted with + + + + You + + + + + MuteChatMenuItem + + Mute chat + + + + Unmute chat + + + + + MutedChatsModal + + Muted chats + + + + Unmute + + + + + MyProfileSettingsView + + Display name + + + + Display Name + + + + Biometric login and transaction authentication + + + + Communities + Społeczności + + + Accounts + + + + You haven't joined any communities yet + + + + You don't have any wallet accounts yet + + + + + NetworkCardsComponent + + Your Balances + + + + No Balance + + + + No Gas + + + + BALANCE: + + + + Disabled + + + + + NetworkFilter + + All networks + + + + %n network(s) + + + + + + + + + + NetworkSelectPopup + + Layer 2 + + + + + NetworkSelector + + Networks + + + + Choose a network to use for the transaction + + + + No networks available + + + + Simple + + + + Advanced + Zaawansowane + + + Custom + + + + + NetworksAdvancedCustomRoutingView + + Networks + + + + Show Unpreferred Networks + + + + The networks where the receipient will receive tokens. Amounts calculated automatically for the lowest cost. + + + + + NetworksSimpleRoutingView + + Networks + + + + Choose a network to use for the transaction + + + + + NetworksView + + Layer 2 + + + + Add Custom Network + + + + + NoFriendsRectangle + + You don’t have any contacts yet. Invite your friends to start chatting. + + + + Invite friends + + + + + NodeLayout + + Bloom Filter Usage + + + + Type json-rpc message... e.g {"method": "eth_accounts"} + + + + + NotificationSelect + + Send Alerts + + + + Deliver Quietly + + + + Turn Off + + + + + NotificationWindow + + Everything is connected + + + + + PINModal + + Authenticate PIN + + + + PIN + + + + Insert your 6-digit PIN + + + + Authenticate + + + + + PairingModal + + Insert pairing code + + + + Pairing code + + + + Insert the Keycard pairing code + + + + Pair + + + + + PrivateChatPopup + + New chat + + + + My Profile + Mój profil + + + + ProfileHeader + + Chatkey:%1... + + + + + ProfileView + + Blocked + + + + Send Request + + + + Receive Response + + + + Confirm Identity + + + + You have confirmed %1's identity. From now on this verification emblem will always be displayed alongside %1's nickname. + + + + You have marked %1 as Untrustworthy. From now on this Untrustworthy emblem will always be displayed alongside %1's nickname. + + + + ENS username + + + + Username + + + + Ask a question that only the real %1 will be able to answer e.g. a question about a shared experience, or ask Mark to enter a code or phrase you have sent to them via a different communication channel (phone, post, etc...). + + + + Waiting for %1's response... + + + + Copied to clipboard + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Chat settings + + + + Nickname + + + + None + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + + PublicChatPopup + + You need to enter a channel name + + + + The channel name can only contain lowercase letters, numbers and dashes + + + + Join public chat + + + + A public chat is where you get to hang out with others, make friends and talk about subjects of your interest. + + + + chat-name + + + + Start chat + + + + + RecipientSelector + + Invalid ethereum address + + + + Address + + + + My account + + + + Contact + + + + Recipient + + + + + RenameAccontModal + + Rename %1 + + + + Enter an account name... + + + + You need to enter an account name + + + + This is not a valid account name + + + + color + + + + Change Name + + + + Changing settings failed + + + + + RenameGroupPopup + + Group name + + + + Save + + + + + Retry + + Resend + + + + + RightTabView + + Assets + + + + Collectibles + + + + Activity + + + + History + + + + + SearchBox + + Search + + + + + SearchEngineModal + + Search engine + + + + None + + + + + SearchResults + + Non contacts + + + + No profile found + + + + + SeedPhraseBackupWarning + + Back up your seed phrase + Zrób kopię zapasową frazy źródłowej + + + Back up + + + + + SeedPhraseTextArea + + Invalid seed phrase + + + + This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. + + + + Start with the first word + + + + + SelectAccountModal + + Select account + + + + Select account to share and receive assets + + + + Confirm and share address + + + + + SelectAnotherAccountModal + + Your keys + + + + Add another existing key + + + + + SelectGeneratedAccount + + Import new Seed Phrase + + + + Generate from Private key + + + + Add a watch-only address + + + + Imported + + + + Add new + + + + Origin + + + + + SendContactRequestMenuItem + + Send Contact Request + + + + + SendMessageMenuItem + + Send message + + + + + SendToContractWarning + + Tokens will be sent directly to a contract address, which may result in a loss of funds. To transfer ERC-20 tokens, ensure the recipient address is the address of the destination wallet. + + + + + SendTransactionButton + + Sign and send + + + + + SettingsDirtyToastMessage + + Changes detected + + + + Cancel + + + + Save changes + + + + + SignMessageModal + + Signature request + + + + From + + + + Data + + + + Message + + + + Reject + + + + Sign + + + + Sign with password + + + + + SignPhraseModal + + Signing phrase + + + + This is your signing phrase + + + + You should see these 3 words before signing each transaction + + + + If you see a different combination, cancel the transaction and sign out + + + + Ok, got it + + + + Remind me later + + + + + StateBubble + + Pending + + + + Confirmed + + + + Unknown token + + + + Address requested + + + + Waiting to accept + + + + Address shared + + + + Address received + + + + Transaction declined + + + + failure + + + + Unknown state + + + + + StatusActivityCenterButton + + Activity + + + + + StatusAddressOrEnsValidator + + Please enter a valid address or ENS name. + + + + + StatusAddressValidator + + Please enter a valid address. + + + + + StatusAppChatView + + Join public chats + + + + Start chat + + + + + StatusAppCommunitiesPortalView + + Find community + + + + Featured + + + + Popular + + + + + StatusAsyncEnsValidator + + ENS name could not be resolved in to an address + + + + + StatusAsyncValidator + + invalid input + + + + + StatusBadge + + 99+ + + + + + StatusChatImageExtensionValidator + + Format not supported. + + + + Upload %1 only + + + + + StatusChatImageLoader + + Error loading the image + + + + Loading image... + + + + + StatusChatImageQtyValidator + + You can only upload %1 images at a time + + + + + StatusChatImageSizeValidator + + Max image size is %1 MB + + + + + StatusColorSpacePage + + Thickness + + + + Min saturate: + + + + Max saturate: + + + + Min value: + + + + Max value: + + + + Color + + + + + StatusCommunityTagsPage + + Select tags that will fit your Community + + + + Search tags + + + + Selected tags + + + + + StatusDialog + + Close + + + + Abort + + + + Cancel + + + + No to all + + + + No + + + + Open + + + + Save + + + + Save all + + + + Retry + + + + Ignore + + + + Ok + + + + Yes to all + + + + Yes + + + + Apply + + + + + StatusETHTransactionModal + + Contract interaction + + + + Wrong password + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Continue + + + + Choose account + + + + Sign with password + + + + Next + + + + + StatusEmojiSection + + No recent emojis + + + + + StatusFloatValidator + + Please enter a valid numeric value. + + + + + StatusGifColumn + + Remove from favorites + + + + Add to favorites + + + + + StatusGifPopup + + Search Tenor + + + + TRENDING + + + + FAVORITES + + + + RECENT + + + + Enable Tenor GIFs? + + + + Once enabled, GIFs posted in the chat may share your metadata with Tenor. + + + + Enable + + + + Favorite GIFs will appear here + + + + Recent GIFs will appear here + + + + Error while contacting Tenor API, please retry. + + + + Retry + + + + + StatusIntValidator + + Please enter a valid numeric value. + + + + + StatusItemSelector + + and + + + + or + + + + + StatusListPickerPage + + Search Languages + + + + Search Currencies + + + + + StatusNotification + + Open + + + + + StatusPasswordStrengthIndicator + + Very weak + + + + Weak + + + + So-so + + + + Good + + + + Great + + + + + StatusSNTTransactionModal + + Authorize %1 %2 + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Wrong password + + + + Continue + + + + Choose account + + + + Sign with password + + + + Send %1 %2 + + + + Next + + + + + StatusSearchListPopup + + Search... + + + + + StatusSearchLocationMenu + + Anywhere + + + + + StatusSearchPopup + + No results + + + + Anywhere + + + + Search + + + + In: + + + + In + + + + + StatusSpellcheckingMenuItems + + Add to dictionary + + + + Disable Spellchecking + + + + + StatusStackModal + + StackModal + + + + Next + + + + Finish + + + + + StatusStickerButton + + Buy for %1 SNT + + + + Uninstall + + + + Install + + + + Free + + + + Pending... + + + + Cancel + + + + Update + + + + + StatusStickersPopup + + You don't have any stickers yet + + + + Recently used stickers will appear here + + + + Get Stickers + + + + + StatusTagSelectorPage + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + + StatusUrlValidator + + Please enter a valid URL + + + + + StatusValidator + + invalid input + + + + + StatusWindowsTitleBar + + Status + + + + + SubheaderTabBar + + Step %1 of %2 + + + + + TabAddressSelectorView + + Saved + + + + My Accounts + + + + Recent + + + + Search for saved address + + + + No Saved Address + + + + No Recents + + + + + ToastMessage + + View on Etherscan + + + + Transaction pending... + + + + + TokenSettingsModal + + Manage Assets + + + + Add custom token + + + + + TokenSettingsModalContent + + Token details + + + + Remove token + + + + Custom + + + + Default + + + + + TouchIDAuthView + + Biometrics + + + + Would you like to use Touch ID +to login to Status? + + + + Yes, use Touch ID + + + + I prefer to use my password + + + + + TransactionBubbleView + + Transaction request + + + + ↑ Outgoing transaction + + + + ↓ Incoming transaction + + + + Token not found on your current network + + + + + TransactionDelegate + + From + + + + To + + + + At + + + + + TransactionModal + + Transaction Details + + + + confirmation(s) + + + + When the transaction has 12 confirmations you can consider it settled. + + + + Block + + + + Hash + + + + From + + + + To + + + + Gas limit + + + + Gas price + + + + Gas used + + + + Nonce + + + + + TransactionPreview + + From + + + + Recipient + + + + Unknown + + + + Asset + + + + Amount + + + + Network fee + + + + Data + + + + Data field + + + + + TransactionSigner + + You need to enter a password + + + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + Signing phrase + + + + Signing phrase is a 3 word combination that displayed when you entered the wallet on this device for the first time. + + + + Enter the password you use to unlock this device + + + + Password + + + + Enter password + + + + + UnblockContactConfirmationDialog + + Unblock User + + + + Unblocking will allow new messages you received from %1 to reach you. + + + + + UserListPanel + + Offline + + + + Online + + + + Inactive + + + + Do not disturb + + + + Idle + + + + + UserStatusContextMenu + + View My Profile + + + + Always online + + + + Inactive + + + + Set status automatically + + + + Online + + + + Offline + + + + + ViewProfileMenuItem + + View Profile + Zobacz profil + + + + WakuNodesModal + + Waku nodes + + + + Use Waku nodes + + + + Select node automatically + + + + Waku Nodes + + + + Node %1 + + + + Add a new node + + + + + WalletFooter + + Send + + + + Receive + + + + Buy / Sell + + + + + WelcomeView + + Welcome to Status + + + + Your fully decentralized gateway to Ethereum and Web3. Crypto wallet, privacy first group chat, and dApp browser. + + + + I am new to Status + + + + I already use Status + + + + + main + + StatusQ Documentation App + + + + Status Desktop + + + + Open Status + + + + Quit + + + + diff --git a/ui/i18n/qml_pt.ts b/ui/i18n/qml_pt.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d8d26c0908 --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/i18n/qml_pt.ts @@ -0,0 +1,19042 @@ + + + + + about-app + Sobre + + + about-key-storage-content + A Status nunca irá acessar sua chave privada. Não esqueça de salvar a sua frase. Se você perder seu telefone, essa é a única maneira de acessar suas chaves. + + + about-key-storage-title + Sobre o armazenamento de chaves + + + about-names-content + Ninguém pode fingir ser você! Você é anônimo por padrão e nunca precisa revelar seu nome real. Você pode registrar um nome personalizado por uma pequena taxa. + + + about-names-title + Os nomes não podem ser alterados + + + access-key + Chave de acesso + + + access-existing-keys + Acessar chaves existentes + + + accept-and-share-address + Aceitar e compartilhar endereço + + + account-added + Conta adicionada + + + account-color + Cor da conta + + + anyone + + + + messages-from-contacts-only-subtitle + + + + accept-new-chats-from + + + + account-name + Nome da conta + + + account-settings + Configurações da conta + + + accounts + Contas + + + active-online + Online + + + active-unknown + Desconhecido + + + add + Adicionar + + + add-a-watch-account + Endereço somente leitura + + + add-account + Adicionar conta + + + add-account-description + Você pode importar qualquer tipo de conta Ethereum para adicioná-lo à sua carteira Status + + + add-account-incorrect-password + A senha parece estar incorreta. Digite a senha que você usa para desbloquear o aplicativo. + + + add-an-account + Adicione uma conta + + + add-bootnode + Adicionar nó de inicialização + + + add-contact + Adicionar contato + + + add-custom-token + Adicionar token personalizado + + + add-mailserver + Adicionar nó da Status + + + add-members + Adicionar membros + + + add-network + Adicionar rede + + + add-node + + + + add-to-contacts + Adicionar aos contatos + + + add-to-contacts-text + Ao adicionar um usuário à sua lista de contatos, você compartilha o endereço da sua carteira + + + address + Endereço + + + address-received + Endereço recebido + + + address-requested + Endereço solicitado + + + address-request-accepted + Solicitação de endereço aceita + + + advanced + Avançado + + + advanced-settings + Configurações avançadas + + + agree-by-continuing + Ao continuar, você concorda + com nosso + + + all + Todos + + + allow + Permitir + + + allowing-authorizes-this-dapp + Permitir que este DApp recupere o endereço da sua carteira e ative o Web3 + + + already-have-asset + Você já tem esse recurso + + + amount + Quantia + + + are-you-sure-description + Você não poderá ver a frase-semente inteira novamente + + + are-you-sure? + Você tem certeza? + + + ask-in-status + Faça uma pergunta ou relate um bug + + + at + em + + + authorize + Autorizar + + + available + Disponível + + + available-participants + + Você pode selecionar mais um participante + Você pode selecionar mais {{count}} participantes + + + + back + Voltar + + + back-up-seed-phrase + Fazer backup da frase-semente + + + back-up-your-seed-phrase + Fazer backup da frase-semente + + + backup-recovery-phrase + Cópia de segurança da frase-semente + + + balance + Saldo + + + begin-set-up + Iniciar configuração + + + biometric-auth-android-sensor-desc + Toque no sensor + + + biometric-auth-android-sensor-error-desc + Falhou + + + biometric-auth-android-title + Autenticação Necessária + + + biometric-auth-confirm-logout + Reentrar + + + biometric-auth-confirm-message + A autenticação biométrica é necessária para continuar, se não for possível, desbloqueie suas chaves com sua senha ou código de acesso + + + biometric-auth-confirm-title + Você deve autenticar! + + + biometric-auth-confirm-try-again + Tente novamente + + + biometric-auth-error + Não foi possível executar a autenticação biométrica ( {{code}} ) + + + biometric-auth-login-error-title + Erro de autenticação biométrica + + + biometric-auth-login-ios-fallback-label + Digite a senha + + + biometric-auth-reason-login + Login na Status + + + biometric-auth-reason-verify + Verificar autenticação + + + biometric-secure-with + Proteger com {{bio-type-label}} + + + biometric-enable-keycard + Se você não quiser usar seu Keycard cada vez que acessar o aplicativo, ative {{bio-type-label}} para iniciar a sessão + + + biometric-enable + Se você não quiser inserir sua senha todas às vezes para acessar o aplicativo, ative o início de sessão por {{bio-type-label}} + + + biometric-disable-bioauth + desativar {{bio-type-label}} + + + biometric-disable-password-title + Desativar senha salva + + + biometric-disable-password-description + Se você desativar isso, você também irá + + + biometric-enable-button + Ativar {{bio-type-label}} + + + biometric-fingerprint + Impressão digital + + + biometric-faceid + Face ID + + + biometric-touchid + Touch ID + + + blank-keycard-text + Você pode continuar com o seu depois de gerar as chaves e o nome + + + blank-keycard-title + Parece que você selecionou +um Keycard em branco. + + + block + Bloquear + + + unblock + Desbloquear + + + block-contact + Bloqueie esse usuário + + + block-contact-details + O bloqueio excluirá as mensagens anteriores deste usuário e impedirá que novas cheguem até você + + + blocked-users + Usuários bloqueados + + + bootnode-address + Endereço do nó de inicialização + + + bootnode-details + Detalhes do nó de inicialização + + + bootnode-format + enode://{enode-id}@{ip-address}:{port} + + + bootnodes + Nós de inicialização + + + bootnodes-enabled + Nós de inicialização ativados + + + bootnodes-settings + Configurações de nós de inicialização + + + browsed-websites + O histórico do navegador aparecerá aqui + + + browser + Navegador + + + browser-not-secure + A conexão não é segura! Não assine transações nem envie dados pessoais neste site. + + + browser-secure + A conexão é segura. Confie realmente neste site antes de assinar transações ou inserir dados pessoais. + + + browsers + Navegadores + + + browsing-cancel + Cancelar + + + browsing-open-in-android-web-browser + Abrir no Android + + + browsing-open-in-ios-web-browser + Abrir no iOS + + + browsing-open-in-status + Abrir em Status + + + browsing-site-blocked-description1 + Detectamos atividades maliciosas em potencial neste endereço. Para proteger você e sua carteira, estamos impedindo mais navegação. + +Se você acha que isso é um erro, informe-nos no + + + browsing-site-blocked-description2 + conversa pública. + + + browsing-site-blocked-go-back + Voltar + + + browsing-site-blocked-title + Este site está bloqueado + + + browsing-title + Buscar + + + bug-report + Relatar uma falha + + + bug-report-description + + + + bug-report-description-placeholder + + + + bug-report-steps + + + + bug-report-steps-placeholder + + + + bug-report-submit-email + + + + bug-report-submit-gh-issue + + + + bug-report-too-short-description + + + + camera-access-error + Para conceder a permissão de câmera necessária, vá para as configurações do sistema e verifique se Status > Câmera está selecionado. + + + can-not-add-yourself + É você, para iniciar um bate-papo, escolha outra pessoa + + + cancel + Cancelar + + + cancel-keycard-setup + Cancelar a configuração do Keycard + + + cannot-read-card + Não é possível ler o cartão. Por favor, segure-o na parte de trás do seu telefone + + + cannot-use-default-pin + A senha 000000 não é permitida. +Por favor, use outra senha + + + card-is-blank + Este cartão está em branco + + + card-reseted + O cartão foi redefinido + + + card-unpaired + Cartão foi desemparelhado do dispositivo atual + + + change-fleet + Mude a frota para {{fleet}} + + + change-log-level + Confirmar e reiniciar o aplicativo para alterar o nível de log para {{log-level}} + + + change-logging-enabled + Tem certeza de que deseja {{enable}} logs? + + + change-passcode + Alterar código de acesso + + + change-password + Alterar senha + + + change-pin + Alterar senha de 6 dígitos + + + change-puk + + + + change-pairing + + + + change-pairing-title + + + + change-pairing-description + + + + changed-amount-warning + O valor foi alterado de {{old}} para {{new}} + + + changed-asset-warning + O ativo foi alterado de {{old}} para {{new}} + + + chaos-mode + Modo caos + + + chaos-unicorn-day + Dia do Caos do Unicórnio + + + chaos-unicorn-day-details + 🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🚀! + + + chat + Bate-papo + + + chat-and-transact + Converse e faça transações privadamente com amigos + + + chat-key + Chave de bate-papo + + + chat-name + + + + chat-settings + Configurações do chat + + + chats + Chats + + + check-your-recovery-phrase + Verifique sua palavra semente + + + choose-authentication-method + Escolha um método de autenticação + + + clear + Limpar + + + clear-all + Limpar tudo + + + clear-history + Apagar histórico + + + clear-history-action + Limpar + + + clear-history-confirmation + Apagar o histórico? + + + clear-history-confirmation-content + Tem certeza de que deseja limpar este histórico de bate-papo? + + + clear-history-title + Apagar o histórico? + + + close + Fechar + + + close-app-button + Confirmar + + + close-app-content + O aplicativo irá parar e fechar. Quando você reabri-lo, a rede selecionada será usada + + + close-app-title + Atenção! + + + command-button-send + Enviar + + + communities + Comunidades + + + community-members + + {{count}} membro + {{count}} membros + + + + members-label + Membros + + + open-membership + Participação aberta + + + member-kick + Expulsar membro + + + member-ban + + + + membership-requests + Pedidos de participação + + + community-members-title + Membros + + + community-requests-to-join-title + Pedidos de participação + + + name-your-channel + Dê um nome ao seu canal + + + name-your-channel-placeholder + Nome do canal + + + give-a-short-description + Dê uma breve descrição + + + describe-channel + + + + communities-alpha + Comunidades (alfa) + + + communities-verified + ✓ Comunidade da Status verificada + + + communities-enabled + + + + request-access + Solicitar acesso + + + membership-request-pending + Pedido de participação pendente + + + create-community + Criar uma comunidade + + + create-category + + + + rearrange-categories + + + + edited + + + + edit-community + Editar comunidade + + + editing-message + + + + community-edit-title + Editar comunidade + + + community-invite-title + Convidar + + + community-share-title + Compartilhar + + + invite + + + + create-channel + Criar um canal + + + import-community + Importar uma comunidade + + + import-community-title + Importar uma comunidade + + + name-your-community + Dê um nome para sua comunidade + + + name-your-community-placeholder + Um nome atraente + + + give-a-short-description-community + Dê uma breve descrição + + + new-community-title + Nova comunidade + + + new-category + + + + category-title + + + + membership-title + Requisitos de participação + + + create-channel-title + Novo canal + + + edit-channel-title + + + + community-thumbnail-image + Imagem em miniatura + + + community-emoji-thumbnail-title + + + + community-thumbnail-upload + Upload + + + community-image-take + Tirar foto + + + community-image-pick + Escolha uma imagem + + + community-image-remove + Remover + + + community-color + Cor da comunidade + + + community-link + + + + community-color-placeholder + Escolha uma cor + + + membership-button + Requisitos de participação + + + membership-none + Nenhum + + + membership-none-placeholder + Você pode exigir que novos membros atendam a certos critérios antes que eles possam participar. Essa configuração pode ser alterada a qualquer momento + + + membership-approval + Exigir aprovação + + + membership-approval-description + Sua comunidade é livre para participar, mas novos membros são obrigados a ser aprovados pelo criador da comunidade primeiro + + + membership-invite + Exigir convite de outro membro + + + membership-invite-description + Sua comunidade só pode ser acessada por convite de membros existentes da comunidade + + + membership-ens + Exigir nome de usuário ENS + + + membership-ens-description + Sua comunidade requer um nome de usuário ENS para poder participar + + + membership-free + Nenhuma exigência + + + membership-free-description + Sua comunidade é livre para que qualquer pessoa possa participar + + + community-roles + Funções + + + community-key + Chave privada da comunidade + + + community-key-placeholder + Digite a chave privada da sua comunidade + + + leave-community + Deixar a comunidade + + + enter-user-pk + Insira a chave pública do usuário + + + import + Importar + + + complete-hardwallet-setup + Este cartão agora está vinculado. Você precisa dele para assinar transações e desbloquear suas chaves + + + chat-notification-preferences + Configurações de notificação + + + completed + Concluído + + + confirm + Confirmar + + + confirmation-request + Pedido de confirmação + + + confirmations + Confirmações + + + confirmations-helper-text + Quando a transação tiver 12 confirmações, você poderá considerá-la liquidada. + + + connect + Conectar + + + connect-mailserver-content + Conectar-se a {{name}} ? + + + connected + Conectado + + + connected-to + Conectado a + + + connecting + Conectando... + + + connecting-requires-login + Conectar-se a outra rede requer login + + + connection-with-the-card-lost + Conexão com o cartão + foi perdido + + + connection-with-the-card-lost-setup-text + Para retomar a configuração, segure o cartão na + parte de trás do seu telefone e mantenha + cartão para contato telefônico + + + connection-with-the-card-lost-text + Para continuar, segure o cartão na parte de trás do seu telefone + + + contact-code + Chave de contato + + + contact-s + + contato + contatos + + + + contacts + Contatos + + + continue + Continuar + + + contract-address + Endereço do contrato + + + contract-interaction + Interação contratual + + + copy-info + Copiar informação + + + copy-qr + Copiar código + + + copy-to-clipboard + Copiar + + + copy-transaction-hash + Copiar ID da transação + + + cost-fee + Custo/Taxa + + + counter-9-plus + 9+ + + + counter-99-plus + 99+ + + + create + Criar + + + create-a-pin + Crie uma senha de 6 dígitos + + + create-a-puk + + + + create-group-chat + Criar sala de conversação do grupo + + + create-multiaccount + Gerar chaves + + + create-new-key + Obter novas chaves + + + create-pin + Criar senha de 6 dígitos + + + create-pin-description + Você precisará do seu cartão + esta senha de 6 dígitos para desbloquear a Status e confirmar transações + + + created-group-chat-description + Você criou o grupo {{group-name}} + + + members-count + {{count}} membros + + + cryptokitty-name + CryptoKitty #{{id}} + + + currency + Moeda + + + currency-display-name-aed + Dirham de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos + + + currency-display-name-afn + Afeganistão Afegão + + + currency-display-name-ars + Peso argentino + + + currency-display-name-aud + Dólar australiano + + + currency-display-name-bbd + Dólar de Barbados + + + currency-display-name-bdt + Taka do Bangladesh + + + currency-display-name-bgn + Lev búlgaro + + + currency-display-name-bhd + Dinar do Bahrein + + + currency-display-name-bnd + Dólar de Brunéi + + + currency-display-name-bob + Boliviano + + + currency-display-name-brl + Real do Brasil + + + currency-display-name-btn + Ngultrum butanés + + + currency-display-name-cad + Dólar canadiense + + + currency-display-name-chf + Franco suíço + + + currency-display-name-clp + Peso chileno + + + currency-display-name-cny + China Yuan Renminbi + + + currency-display-name-cop + Peso colombiano + + + currency-display-name-crc + Cólon da Costa Rica + + + currency-display-name-czk + Corona checa + + + currency-display-name-dkk + Coroa da Dinamarca + + + currency-display-name-dop + Peso da República Dominicana + + + currency-display-name-egp + Libra egipcia + + + currency-display-name-etb + Birr etíope + + + currency-display-name-eur + Euro + + + currency-display-name-gbp + Libra esterlina + + + currency-display-name-gel + Lari georgiano + + + currency-display-name-ghs + Ghana Cedi + + + currency-display-name-hkd + Dólar de Hong Kong + + + currency-display-name-hrk + Kuna da Croácia + + + currency-display-name-huf + Forint da Hungria + + + currency-display-name-idr + Rupias indonésias + + + currency-display-name-ils + Shekel de Israel + + + currency-display-name-inr + Rupia india + + + currency-display-name-isk + Coroa da Islândia + + + currency-display-name-jmd + Dólar jamaiquino + + + currency-display-name-jpy + Yen japonês + + + currency-display-name-kes + Chelín keniano + + + currency-display-name-krw + Won sul-coreano + + + currency-display-name-kwd + Dinar do Kuwait + + + currency-display-name-kzt + Tenge kazajo + + + currency-display-name-lkr + Rupia de Sri Lanka + + + currency-display-name-mad + Dirham marroquino + + + currency-display-name-mdl + Leu da Moldávia + + + currency-display-name-mur + Rúpia das Maurícias + + + currency-display-name-mwk + Kwacha do Malawi + + + currency-display-name-mxn + Peso mexicano + + + currency-display-name-myr + Ringgit malayo + + + currency-display-name-mzn + Metical mozambiqueño + + + currency-display-name-nad + Dólar namibio + + + currency-display-name-ngn + Naira (Nigeria) + + + currency-display-name-nok + Corona noruega + + + currency-display-name-npr + Rupia nepalí + + + currency-display-name-nzd + Dólar da Nova Zelândia + + + currency-display-name-omr + Rial de Omã + + + currency-display-name-pen + Sol peruano + + + currency-display-name-pgk + Kina Papua-Nova Guiné + + + currency-display-name-php + Peso das Filipinas + + + currency-display-name-pkr + Rupia pakistaní + + + currency-display-name-pln + Zloty (Polonia) + + + currency-display-name-pyg + Guaraní (Paraguay) + + + currency-display-name-qar + Rial do Qatar + + + currency-display-name-ron + Leu da Roménia + + + currency-display-name-rsd + Dinar da Sérvia + + + currency-display-name-rub + Rublo da Rússia + + + currency-display-name-sar + Riyal da Arábia Saudita + + + currency-display-name-sek + Coroa da Suécia + + + currency-display-name-sgd + Dólar de Singapura + + + currency-display-name-thb + Baht da Tailândia + + + currency-display-name-try + Lira turca + + + currency-display-name-ttd + Dólar de Trinidad e Tobago + + + currency-display-name-twd + Dólar Novo de Taiwan + + + currency-display-name-tzs + Chelín tanzano + + + currency-display-name-uah + Ucrânia Hryvnia + + + currency-display-name-ugx + Xelim ugandês + + + currency-display-name-usd + Dólar dos Estados Unidos + + + currency-display-name-uyu + Peso uruguayo + + + currency-display-name-vef + Bolívar venezolano + + + currency-display-name-vnd + Dong vietnamita + + + currency-display-name-zar + Rand sul-africano + + + current-network + Rede atual + + + current-pin + Digite a senha de 6 dígitos + + + current-pin-description + Digite sua senha de 6 dígitos para continuar + + + custom + Personalizado + + + custom-networks + Redes personalizadas + + + dapp + ÐApp + + + dapp-would-like-to-connect-wallet + gostaria de se conectar a + + + dapps + ÐApps + + + dapps-permissions + Permissões do DApp + + + data + Dados + + + datetime-ago + atrás + + + datetime-ago-format + {{number}} {{time-intervals}} {{ago}} + + + datetime-ago-format-short + {{number}}{{time-intervals}} + + + datetime-day + + dia + dias + + + + datetime-hour + + hora + horas + + + + datetime-minute + + minuto + minutos + + + + datetime-second + + segundo + segundos + + + + datetime-day-short + + D + D + + + + datetime-hour-short + + H + H + + + + datetime-minute-short + + M + M + + + + datetime-second-short + + S + S + + + + datetime-today + hoje + + + datetime-yesterday + ontem + + + decimals + Decimais + + + decline + Recusar + + + decryption-failed-content + Ocorreu um erro ao descriptografar seus dados. Você pode precisar apagar seus dados antigos e gerar uma nova conta. Toque em “Aplicar” para apagar ou “Cancelar” para tentar novamente + + + default + Padrão + + + delete + Excluir + + + delete-and-leave-group + Excluir e sair do grupo + + + delete-bootnode + Excluir nó de inicialização + + + delete-bootnode-are-you-sure + Tem certeza de que deseja excluir este nó de inicialização? + + + delete-bootnode-title + Eliminar bootnode + + + delete-chat + Excluir conversa + + + delete-chat-confirmation + Tem certeza de que deseja excluir este bate-papo? + + + delete-category-confirmation + + + + delete-confirmation + Excluir? + + + delete-mailserver + Excluir nó da Status + + + delete-mailserver-are-you-sure + Tem certeza de que deseja excluir este nó da Status? + + + delete-mailserver-title + Excluir nó da Status + + + delete-message + Apagar mensagem + + + delete-my-account + Deletar minha conta + + + delete-network-confirmation + Tem certeza de que deseja excluir esta rede? + + + delete-network-error + Conecte-se a uma rede diferente antes de exclui-la + + + delete-network-title + Excluir rede? + + + delete-node + + + + delete-node-are-you-sure + + + + delete-node-title + + + + delete-profile + Excluir perfil + + + delete-my-profile + Excluir meu perfil + + + delete-profile-warning + Aviso: Se você não tiver sua frase semente escrita, você perderá o acesso aos seus fundos depois de excluir seu perfil + + + profile-deleted-title + Perfil excluído + + + profile-deleted-content + O seu perfil foi excluído com sucesso + + + profile-deleted-keycard + + + + deny + Negar + + + description + Descrição + + + dev-mode + Modo de desenvolvimento + + + dev-mode-settings + Configurações do modo de desenvolvimento + + + device-syncing + Sincronização de dispositivos + + + devices + Dispositivos + + + disable + desativar + + + disabled + Desativado + + + disconnected + Bate-papo offline + + + discover + Descobrir + + + dismiss + Dispensar + + + done + Concluído + + + edit + Editar + + + edit-group + Editar grupo + + + edit-profile + Editar perfil + + + empty-chat-description + Não há mensagens + neste bate-papo ainda + + + empty-chat-description-one-to-one + Todas as mensagens que você envia aqui são criptografadas e só podem ser lidas por você e + + + empty-chat-description-public + Está quieto aqui nas últimas {{quiet-hours}}. Inicie a conversa ou + + + cleared-chat-description-public + + + + empty-chat-description-community + Tem estado quieto aqui nas últimas {{quiet-hours}}. + + + empty-chat-description-public-share-this + compartilhe a sala. + + + enable + Ativar + + + encrypt-with-password + Criptografar com senha + + + ens-10-SNT + 10 SNT + + + ens-add-username + Adicionar nome do usuário + + + ens-agree-to + Concordar com + + + ens-chat-settings + Configurações de bate-papo + + + ens-custom-domain + Domínio personalizado + + + ens-custom-username-hints + Digite o nome de usuário inteiro, incluindo o domínio personalizado, como nomedeusuario.domínio.eth + + + ens-custom-username-taken + O nome de usuário não pertence a você :( + + + ens-deposit + Depósito + + + ens-displayed-with + Suas mensagens são exibidas para outras pessoas com + + + ens-get-name + Obter nome universal + + + ens-got-it + Ok, entendi. + + + ens-locked + Nome de usuário bloqueado. Você não poderá liberá-lo até {{date}} + + + ens-network-restriction + Disponível apenas na Mainnet + + + ens-no-usernames + Você não tem nenhum nome de usuário conectado + + + ens-powered-by + Desenvolvido com Ethereum Name Services + + + ens-primary-username + Nome de usuário principal + + + ens-register + Registre-se + + + ens-registration-in-progress + Registrando… + + + ens-registration-failure + Erro ao registrar + + + ens-dismiss-message + Clique aqui para fechar + + + ens-registration-failed + Para registrar o nome do usuário, tente novamente. + + + ens-registration-failed-title + Falha na transação + + + ens-release-username + Liberar nome de usuário + + + ens-remove-hints + A remoção desanexará o nome de usuário da sua chave. + + + ens-remove-username + Remover nome do usuário + + + ens-saved + agora está conectado com sua chave de bate-papo e pode ser usado em Status. + + + ens-saved-title + Nome de usuário adicionado + + + ens-show-username + Mostrar meu nome de usuário ENS em chats + + + ens-terms-header + Termos de registro de nome + + + ens-terms-point-1 + Os fundos são depositados por 1 ano. Seu SNT será bloqueado, mas não será gasto. + + + ens-terms-point-10 + 0x00000000000C2E074eC69A0dFb2997BA6C7d2e1e (Registro ENS). + + + ens-terms-point-2 + Após 1 ano, você pode liberar o nome e receber seu depósito de volta ou não tomar nenhuma ação para mantê-lo. + + + ens-terms-point-3 + Se os termos do contrato mudarem — por exemplo, a Status faz atualizações do contrato — o usuário tem o direito de liberar o nome de usuário, independentemente do tempo de espera. + + + ens-terms-point-4 + O controlador do contrato não pode acessar seus fundos depositados. Eles só podem ser movidos de volta para o endereço que os enviou. + + + ens-terms-point-5 + Seus endereços serão publicamente associados ao seu nome no ENS. + + + ens-terms-point-6 + Os nomes de usuários são criados como nós de subdomínio stateofus.eth e estão sujeitos aos termos do contrato inteligente do ENS. + + + ens-terms-point-7 + Você autoriza o contrato a transferir o SNT em seu nome. Isso só pode ocorrer quando você aprovar uma transação para autorizar a transferência. + + + ens-terms-point-8 + Estes termos são garantidos pela lógica do contrato inteligente nos endereços: + + + ens-terms-point-9 + {{address}} (Status UsernameRegistrar) + + + ens-terms-registration + Termos de registo do nome. + + + ens-test-message + Olá + + + ens-transaction-pending + Transação pendente ... + + + ens-understand + Entendo que meu endereço de carteira estará publicamente conectado ao meu usuário. + + + ens-username + Nome de usuário ENS + + + ens-username-available + ✓ Nome de usuário disponível! + + + ens-username-connected + Esse nome de usuário é de sua propriedade e conectado à sua chave de bate-papo. + + + ens-username-connection-confirmation + {{username}} será conectado assim que a transação for concluída. + + + ens-username-hints + Pelo menos 4 caracteres. Usando letras minúsculas e números. + + + ens-username-invalid + Apenas letras e números. + + + ens-username-owned + ✓ O nome do usuário é seu. + + + ens-username-registration-confirmation + Ótimo! Você será o proprietário do {{username}} assim que a transação for concluída. + + + ens-username-you-can-follow-progress + Você pode acompanhar o progresso na seção Histórico de Transações da sua carteira. + + + ens-usernames + Nomes de usuário ENS + + + ens-usernames-details + Registre um nome de usuário universal para ser facilmente reconhecido por outros usuários + + + wallet-address + Endereço da carteira + + + ens-want-custom-domain + Eu possuo um nome em outro domínio + + + ens-want-domain + Eu quero um domínio stateofus.eth + + + ens-welcome-hints + Os nomes do ENS transformam esses endereços malucos em nomes de usuário exclusivos. + + + ens-welcome-point-customize + Um nome ENS pode substituir seu pseudo-nome aleatório de três palavras no chat. Seja @seunome em vez de {{name}} . + + + ens-welcome-point-customize-title + Personalize seu nome de bate-papo + + + ens-welcome-point-simplify + Você pode receber fundos em um nome ENS fácil de compartilhar, em vez do seu endereço hexadecimal (0x ...). + + + ens-welcome-point-simplify-title + Simplifique seu endereço ETH + + + ens-welcome-point-receive + Outros podem enviar fundos via chat em uma única etapa. + + + ens-welcome-point-receive-title + Receba transações no chat + + + ens-welcome-point-register + Registre-se uma vez para manter o nome para sempre. Após 1 ano, você pode liberar o nome e recuperar seu SNT. + + + ens-welcome-point-register-title + 10 SNT para se registar + + + ens-welcome-point-verify + Você pode verificar e adicionar qualquer nome de usuário que você possui nos próximos passos. + + + ens-welcome-point-verify-title + Já possui um nome de usuário? + + + ens-your-username + Seu nome de usuário + + + ens-your-usernames + Seus nomes de usuários + + + ens-your-your-name + Seu nome ENS + + + ens-username-already-added + O nome de usuário já está conectado à sua chave de bate-papo e pode ser usado dentro da Status. + + + ens-username-connected-continue + Continue configurando 'Mostrar meu nome de usuário do ENS nos bate-papos'. + + + ens-username-connected-with-different-key + Continuar exigirá uma transação para conectar o nome de usuário com sua chave de bate-papo atual. + + + ens-username-owned-continue + Continuar conectará esse nome de usuário com sua chave de bate-papo. + + + ens-username-taken + Nome de usuário já utilizado :( + + + ens-name-not-found + Não é possível resolver o nome ENS + + + ens-username-registration-invalid + + + + ens-username-invalid-name-warning + + + + enter-12-words + Digite as 12 palavras da sua frase inicial, separadas por espaços únicos + + + enter-a-private-key + Digite uma chave privada + + + enter-a-seed-phrase + Digite uma frase-semente + + + enter-address + Inserir endereço + + + enter-contact-code + Insira o nome de usuário ENS ou a chave do chat + + + enter-pair-code + Digite seu código de emparelhamento + + + pair-code-placeholder + Emparelhar código… + + + enter-pair-code-description + O código de emparelhamento foi exibido durante a configuração do Keycard + + + enter-password + Digite a senha + + + enter-password-migration-prompt + + + + migration-successful + + + + migration-successful-text + + + + skip + + + + password-placeholder + Senha… + + + confirm-password-placeholder + Confirme sua senha… + + + enter-pin + Digite a senha de 6 dígitos + + + enter-puk-code + Digite o código PUK + + + enter-puk-code-description + A senha de 6 dígitos foi bloqueada. + Digite o código PUK para desbloquear a senha. + + + enter-recipient-address-or-username + Digite o endereço ou nome de usuário do destinatário + + + enter-seed-phrase + Inserir frase-semente + + + enter-url + Inserir URL + + + enter-watch-account-address + Digitalize um código QR +ou +coloque o endereço para monitorar + + + enter-word + Digite a palavra + + + enter-your-code + Digite sua senha de 6 dígitos + + + enter-your-password + Coloque sua senha + + + error + Erro + + + error-unable-to-get-balance + Não foi possível obter o saldo + + + error-unable-to-get-prices + Erro de conversão de moeda. Atualize sua tela para tentar novamente. + + + error-unable-to-get-token-balance + Não foi possível obter o saldo do token + + + errors + Erros + + + eth + ETH + + + ethereum-node-started-incorrectly-description + O nó Ethereum foi iniciado com a configuração incorreta; o aplicativo será parado para se recuperar dessa condição. ID de rede configurado = {{network-id}} , real = {{fetched-network-id}} + + + ethereum-node-started-incorrectly-title + Nó Ethereum iniciado incorretamente + + + etherscan-lookup + Procura no Etherscan + + + export-account + Exportar conta + + + export-key + Exportar chave privada + + + community-private-key + Chave privada da comunidade + + + failed + Falhou + + + faq + Perguntas frequentes + + + fetch-messages + ↓ Buscar mensagens + + + fetch-timeline + ↓ Buscar + + + find + Encontrar + + + finish + Terminar + + + finishing-card-setup + Finalizando configurações do cartão + + + fleet + Frota + + + fleet-settings + Configurações de frota + + + follow-your-interests + Entre em uma conversa pública e conheça novas pessoas + + + follow + Seguir + + + free + ↓ Grátis + + + from + De + + + gas-limit + Limite de gás + + + gas-price + Preço do gás + + + gas-used + Gás usado + + + generate-a-key + Gerar chaves + + + generate-a-new-account + Gerar uma nova conta + + + generate-a-new-key + Gere uma nova chave + + + generate-account + Gerar chaves + + + generate-new-key + Gerar chaves + + + your-keys + Suas chaves + + + generating-codes-for-pairing + > Download do software do produto no cartão +> Gerando códigos de desbloqueio e emparelhamento + + + generating-keys + Gerando chaves... + + + you-will-need-this-code + Você precisará desse código para abrir a Status e assinar transações + + + generating-mnemonic + Gerando frase-semente + + + get-started + Começar + + + get-status-at + Obter status em http://status.im + + + get-stickers + Obter Adesivos + + + go-to-settings + Vá para as configurações... + + + got-it + Entendido + + + group-chat + Conversa em grupo + + + group-chat-admin + Administrador + + + group-chat-admin-added + **{{member}}** foi adicionado como administrador + + + group-chat-created + **{{member}}** criou o grupo **{{name}}** + + + group-chat-decline-invitation + Recusar o convite + + + group-chat-member-added + **{{member}}** foi convidado + + + group-chat-member-joined + **{{member}}** acessou o grupo + + + group-chat-member-removed + **{{member}}** saiu do grupo + + + group-chat-members-count + {{selected}}/{{max}} membros + + + group-chat-name-changed + **{{member}}** mudou o nome do grupo para **{{name}}** + + + group-chat-no-contacts + Você não possui contatos. +Adicione contatos para iniciar a conversa. + + + leave-chat + Sair da conversa + + + leave-confirmation + Sair da conversa + + + leave-chat-confirmation + Tem certeza que quer sair da conversa? + + + group-chat-all-contacts-invited + Todos os seus contatos já estão no grupo + + + group-info + Informações do grupo + + + gwei + Gwei + + + hash + Hash + + + help + ajuda + + + help-capitalized + Ajuda + + + help-center + Centro de ajuda + + + hide-content-when-switching-apps + Bloquear capturas de tela + + + hide-content-when-switching-apps-ios + Ocultar visualização + + + history + Histórico + + + history-nodes + Nós de mensagem da Status + + + hold-card + Segure o cartão na parte de trás + do seu telefone + + + home + Início + + + hooks + Hooks + + + identifier + Identificador + + + image-remove-current + Remover foto atual + + + image-source-gallery + Escolher na galeria + + + image-source-make-photo + Tirar foto + + + image-source-title + Editar imagem + + + profile-pic-take + Tirar foto + + + profile-pic-pick + Escolher na galeria + + + profile-pic-remove + Remover foto + + + in-contacts + Em contatos + + + incoming + Entrada + + + incoming-transaction + Transação recebida + + + incorrect-code::0 + str + + + incorrect-code::1 + Desculpe, o código estava incorreto. Por favor, digite novamente + + + initialization + Inicialização + + + install + Instalar + + + intro-message1 + Bem-vindo à Status +Toque nesta mensagem para definir sua senha e começar! + + + intro-privacy-policy-note1 + A Status não coleta ou lucra com seus dados pessoais. Ao continuar, você concorda com a + + + intro-privacy-policy-note2 + política de privacidade + + + intro-text + Status é a sua porta de entrada para a web descentralizada + + + intro-text1 + Converse em uma rede criptografada ponto a ponto, onde as mensagens não podem ser censuradas ou invadidas + + + intro-text2 + Envie e receba ativos digitais em qualquer lugar do mundo - não é necessária uma conta bancária + + + intro-text3 + Explore jogos, trocas e redes sociais onde você é o proprietário dos seus dados + + + intro-title1 + Comunicação verdadeiramente privada + + + intro-title2 + Carteira criptográfica segura + + + intro-title3 + Aplicativos descentralizados + + + intro-wizard-text1 + Um conjunto de chaves controla sua conta. Suas chaves estão no seu telefone, então somente você pode usá-las + + + intro-wizard-text2 + Uma chave é para conversar. Ele vem com um nome legível que não pode ser alterado. + + + intro-wizard-text3 + Se você possui um Keycard, guarde lá as suas chaves para maior segurança. + + + intro-wizard-text4 + Proteja e criptografe suas chaves + + + intro-wizard-text6 + A Status o notificará sobre novas mensagens. Você pode editar suas preferências de notificação posteriormente nas configurações + + + intro-wizard-title-alt4 + Crie uma senha + + + intro-wizard-title-alt5 + Confirme sua senha + + + intro-wizard-title1 + Pegue suas chaves + + + intro-wizard-title2 + Escolha um nome de bate-papo + + + intro-wizard-title3 + Escolha o armazenamento de chaves + + + intro-wizard-title4 + Crie uma senha de 6 dígitos + + + intro-wizard-title5 + Confirme a senha + + + intro-wizard-title6 + Ativar notificações + + + are-you-sure-to-cancel + Você tem certeza que deseja cancelar? + + + you-will-start-from-scratch + Você começará do zero com um novo conjunto de chaves + + + invalid-address-qr-code + O código QR digitalizado não contém um endereço válido + + + invalid-format + Formato Inválido + Deve ser {{format}} + + + invalid-key-confirm + Aplicar + + + invalid-key-content + O banco de dados não pode ser criptografado porque um arquivo está corrompido. Seus fundos e a chave de bate-papo estão seguros. Outros dados, como seus chats e contatos, não podem ser restaurados. O botão "{{erase-multiaccounts-data-button-text}}" removerá todos os outros dados e permitirá que você acesse seus fundos e envie mensagens + + + invalid-number + Número inválido + + + invalid-pairing-password + Senha de emparelhamento inválida + + + invalid-range + Formato inválido, deve estar entre {{min}} e {{max}} + + + invalid-username-or-key + + + + join-me + Hey, junte-se a mim na Status: {{url}} + + + join-a-community + ou junte-se a uma comunidade + + + http-gateway-error + Ops, a solicitação falhou! + + + sign-request-failed + Não foi possível assinar a mensagem + + + invite-friends + Convide amigos + + + invite-people + Convide pessoas + + + invite-reward + Ganhe criptomoedas para cada amigo que você convidar! + + + invite-select-account + Selecione uma conta para receber o seu bônus de indicação + + + invited + convidou + + + invite-button + Convidar + + + invite-receive-account + Conta para receber o seu bónus de indicação + + + how-it-works + Como funciona + + + invite-warning + Esta promoção é válida apenas para usuários de um dispositivo Android, que não sejam residentes dos EUA. O amigo precisa confirmar a indicação dentro de 7 dias + + + invite-instruction-first + Você envia um link de convite exclusivo para seu amigo fazer o download e entrar na Status + + + invite-instruction-second + Seu amigo baixa a Status e cria uma conta (no Android) + + + invite-instruction-third + É iniciado um bate-papo com seu amigo, onde ele confirma sua indicação + + + invite-instruction-fourth + Você recebe seu bônus de indicação e seu amigo o Pacote inicial + + + invite-instruction-fifth + Você pode optar por resgatar seu bônus de indicação a qualquer momento. + + + invite-reward-you + Você: + + + invite-reward-you-name + Bónus de indicação + + + invite-reward-you-description + Convide um amigo e receba {{reward}} como um símbolo de nossa gratidão. Utilize para comprar figurinhas, um nome ENS e testar alguns DApps. + + + invite-reward-friend + Amigo: + + + invite-reward-friend-name + Pacote Inicial + + + invite-reward-friend-description + Seu amigo receberá um Pacote Inicial que consiste em alguns {{reward}} para começar + + + invite-privacy-policy1 + Ao aceitar você concorda com o programa de indicação + + + invite-privacy-policy2 + Termos e Condições. + + + invite-privacy-policy-public + Você instalou o Status por meio de um link de indicação. Ao entrar neste chat, você atribui ao seu referenciador e concorda com os + + + invite-chat-name + Indicação de amigo + + + invite-chat-starter-pack + Pacote Inicial + + + invite-chat-intro + Você foi indicado por um amigo para juntar-se na Status. Aqui estão algumas criptomoedas para você começar! Use-o para registrar um nome ENS ou comprar um pacote de adesivos + + + invite-public-chat-home + Convite de indicação + + + invite-public-chat-intro + Aqui estão algumas criptomoedas para você começar! Use-as para registrar um nome ENS ou comprar um pacote de adesivos + + + invite-chat-accept + Aceitar + + + invite-chat-pending + Pendente + + + invite-chat-accept-join + Aceitar e Participar + + + invite-chat-rule + Aceitar também recompensará o seu amigo com um bônus de indicação criptografado + + + redeem-now + Resgatar agora + + + redeem-amount + {{quantity}} bônus disponíveis + + + redeem-success + Resgate de bônus com sucesso! + + + attribution-received + {{attrib}} de {{max}} bônus recebidos + + + advertiser-starter-pack-title + Pacote Inicial + + + advertiser-starter-pack-description + Aqui estão algumas criptografias para você começar! Use-o para obter adesivos, um nome ENS e experimente os dapps + + + advertiser-title + Privacidade por padrão + + + advertiser-description + Você descobriu a Status graças a um parceiro. Você se importa se a Status verificar seu endereço IP uma vez para que ele seja recompensado? Esta informação não será usada para mais nada e será removida completamente após 7 dias. + + + advertiser-starter-pack-accept + Aceitar + + + advertiser-starter-pack-decline + Recusar + + + dapp-starter-pack-title + Pacote Inicial + + + dapp-starter-pack-description + Aqui estão algumas criptografias para você começar! Use-o para obter adesivos, um nome ENS e experimente os dapps + + + dapp-starter-pack-accept + Aceitar e Abrir + + + starter-pack-coming + Pacote de iniciante vindo até você + + + starter-pack-coming-description + Pode levar de alguns minutos a horas + + + starter-pack-received + Pacote inicial recebido + + + starter-pack-received-description + Aqui estão algumas criptomoedas para você começar! Use-as para obter stickers, um nome ENS e testar alguns dapps + + + join-group-chat + Acessar grupo + + + join-group-chat-description + {{username}} convidou você para ingressar no grupo {{group-name}} + + + joined-group-chat-description + Você ingressou no {{group-name}} do convite por {{username}} + + + key + Chave + + + keycard + Keycard + + + keycard-access-reset + O acesso ao Keycard foi redefinido + + + keycard-can-use-with-new-passcode + Você pode usar este cartão com sua nova senha de acesso + + + keycard-applet-install-instructions + Para instalar o applet, siga as instruções em https://github.com/status-im/keycard-cli#keycard-applet-installation + + + keycard-blocked + O cartão-chave foi bloqueado. +Você precisa redefinir o cartão para continuar usando-o. + + + keycard-cancel-setup-text + Isso cancelará a configuração do Keycard. É altamente recomendável concluir a configuração para usar o cartão-chave. Deseja mesmo cancelar? + + + keycard-cancel-setup-title + Operação perigosa + + + keycard-desc + Tem um Keycard? Guarde as suas chaves nele; vai precisar dele para as transações + + + keycard-dont-ask-card + Não peça o cartão para entrar + + + keycard-reset-passcode + Redefinir senha + + + keycard-factory-reset + + + + keycard-factory-reset-title + + + + keycard-factory-reset-text + + + + keycard-enter-new-passcode + Digite a nova senha {{step}} / 2 + + + keycard-has-multiaccount-on-it + Este cartão está cheio. Cada cartão pode conter um par de chaves principal + + + keycard-onboarding-finishing-header + Finalizando + + + keycard-onboarding-intro-header + Armazene suas chaves no Keycard + + + keycard-onboarding-intro-text + Prepare-se, isso pode levar alguns minutos, mas é importante proteger sua conta + + + keycard-onboarding-pairing-header + Emparelhando o cartão... + + + keycard-onboarding-preparing-header + Preparando o cartão... + + + keycard-onboarding-puk-code-header + Anote os códigos e + guarde de forma segura + + + keycard-onboarding-recovery-phrase-description + Você precisa dessa frase-smenete para recuperar sua chave. Anote-a. Mantenha-a segura, offline e separado deste dispositivo. + + + keycard-onboarding-recovery-phrase-header + Fazer backup da frase-semente + + + keycard-onboarding-recovery-phrase-text + Somente para você ver. Esta é a frase-semente mágica usada para gerar sua chave. + + + keycard-onboarding-start-header + Segure o cartão na parte de trás + do seu telefone para começar + + + keycard-onboarding-pin-text + + + + keycard-onboarding-mnemonic-text + + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step1 + Crie uma senha + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step1-text + Em torno de 1 minuto. Crie uma senha de 6 dígitos para criptografar suas chaves + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step2 + Anote o código PUK e o código de emparelhamento + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step2-text + Em torno de 1 minuto. Você vai precisar de um pedaço de papel e um lápis para isso + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step3 + Faça backup da frase-semente + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step3-text + Em torno de 1 minuto. Também um pedaço de papel e um lápis são necessários + + + keycard-onboarding-start-text + E manter o cartão em contato com o telefone + durante a configuração. A configuração levará cerca de 4 minutos + + + keycard-recovery-intro-button-text + Iniciar a recuperação + + + keycard-recovery-intro-header + Recuperar chaves armazenadas no Keycard + + + keycard-recovery-intro-text + Se você gerou chaves usando um Keycard antes e agora quer usar estas chaves neste dispositivo + + + keycard-recovery-no-key-header + Não há nada para + recuperar aqui. + + + keycard-recovery-no-key-text + O seu Keycard não tem nenhuma chave armazenada nele. Para o utilizar, gere uma nova chave e escolha o seu Keycard para guardar a chave + + + keycard-recovery-phrase-confirm-header + Confirmar frase-semente + + + keycard-recovery-phrase-confirmation-text + Você não terá uma segunda chance! Se você perder o acesso, por exemplo ao perder seu Keycard, só poderá acessar suas chaves com sua frase-semente. Ninguém, mas você tem sua frase-semente. Anotá-la. Mantenha-o seguro. + + + keycard-recovery-phrase-confirmation-title + Anotou a frase-semente? + + + keycard-recovery-success-header + Suas chaves foram + recuperadas com sucesso + + + keycard-redeem-title + Resgatar para + + + keycard-redeem-tx + Resgatar bens + + + keycard-redeem-tx-desc + Toque no cartão para assinar e receber bens + + + keycard-unauthorized-operation + Você não está autorizado a realizar esta operação. + Por favor, toque no cartão válido e tente novamente. + + + keycard-is-frozen-title + O Keycard está congelado + + + keycard-is-frozen-details + Para proteger os seus bens, o seu cartão está congelado. Reinicie o acesso ao cartão para desbloquear chaves e enviar transacções. Crie uma nova senha e digite seu PUK para acessar sua(s) conta(s) neste cartão. + + + keycard-is-frozen-reset + Redefinir acesso ao cartão + + + keycard-is-frozen-factory-reset + + + + your-card-is-frozen + O seu Keycard está congelado. Redefinir acesso ao cartão + + + keycard-is-blocked-title + O Keycard está bloqueado + + + keycard-is-blocked-details + Você não pode mais usar este cartão para acessar ou assinar esta conta. Houve muitas tentativas de falhadas de senha e PUK. + + + keycard-is-blocked-instructions + Para acessar sua conta, reinstale a Status e use um novo Keycard, use uma carteira diferente ou redefina o Keycard manualmente. + + + language + Idioma + + + learn-more + Aprender mais + + + learn-more-about-keycard + Saiba mais sobre o Keycard + + + leave + Sair + + + joined + Entrou + + + leave-group + Deixar o grupo + + + left + saiu + + + lets-go + Vamos lá + + + les-ulc + LES/ULC + + + linked-on + Vinculado em {{date}} + + + load-messages-before + antes de {{date}} + + + load-more-messages + ↓ Buscar mais mensagens + + + load-more-timeline + ↓ Buscar mais + + + loading + Carregando... + + + log-level + Nível de registro + + + log-level-settings + Configurações de nível de registo + + + logging + Registros + + + logging-enabled + Registros ativados? + + + login-pin-description + Digite sua senha de 6 dígitos para desbloquear suas chaves + + + logout + Sair + + + logout-app-content + A conta será desconectada. Quando você a desbloquear novamente, a rede selecionada será usada + + + logout-are-you-sure + Você tem certeza que quer + sair? + + + logout-title + Sair? + + + logout-key-management + + + + looking-for-cards + Procurando por cartões… + + + lost-connection + Conexão perdida + + + mailserver-address + Endereço do nó da Status + + + mailserver-automatic + Seleção automática + + + mailserver-automatic-switch-explanation + Escolha o nó da Status mais rápido disponível + + + mailserver-connection-error + Não foi possível conectar ao nó da Status + + + mailserver-details + Detalhes do nó da Status + + + mailserver-error-content + O nó da Status selecionado não pôde ser localizado. + + + mailserver-error-title + Erro ao conectar ao nó da Status + + + mailserver-format + enode://{enode-id}:{password}@{ip-address}:{port} + + + mailserver-pick-another + Escolha outro nó da Status + + + mailserver-reconnect + Não foi possível conectar ao nó da Status. Toque para reconectar + + + mailserver-request-error-content + O seguinte erro foi retornado pelo nó da Status: {{error}} + + + mailserver-request-error-status + Um erro ocorreu ao buscar o histórico, verifique os registros para obter detalhes + + + mailserver-request-error-title + Erro de comunicação com o nó da Status + + + mailserver-request-retry + Solicitar nova tentativa + + + mailserver-retry + Tente novamente + + + main-currency + Moeda principal + + + main-networks + Redes principais + + + main-wallet + Carteira principal + + + mainnet-network + Rede principal + + + make-admin + Tornar-se administrador + + + manage-keys-and-storage + Gerenciar chaves e armazenamento + + + mark-all-read + Marcar todas como lidas + + + members + + 1 membro + {{count}} membros + + + + members-active + + 1 membro, 1 ativo + {{count}} membros, {{count}} ativo + + + + members-active-none + sem membros + + + members-title + Membros + + + message + Mensagem + + + message-not-sent + Mensagem não enviada + + + message-options-cancel + Cancelar + + + message-reply + Responder + + + replying-to + + + + data-syncing + Sincronização de dados + + + messages + Mensagens + + + chat-is-a-contact + Contato + + + chat-is-not-a-contact + Não é um contato + + + might-break + Pode quebrar alguns ÐApps + + + migrations-failed-content + {{message}} + versão do esquema: inicial {{initial-version}} , atual {{current-version}} , última {{last-version}} + +Ocorreu um erro no banco de dados. Seus fundos e chave de bate-papo estão seguros. Outros dados, como bate-papos e contatos, não podem ser restaurados. O {{erase-multiaccounts-data-button-text}} " {{erase-multiaccounts-data-button-text}} " irá remover todos os outros dados e permitir que você acesse seus fundos e envie mensagens. + + + mobile-network-ask-me + Pergunte-me quando usar a rede móvel + + + mobile-network-continue-syncing + Continuar a sincronizar + + + mobile-network-continue-syncing-details + Você pode alterá-lo mais tarde nas configurações + + + mobile-network-go-to-settings + Ir para configurações + + + mobile-network-settings + Dados móveis + + + mobile-network-sheet-configure + Você pode configurar a sincronização em mais +detalhe em + + + mobile-network-sheet-offline + Sem Wi-Fi, sincronização de mensagens desativada. + + + mobile-network-sheet-offline-details + A sincronização com a rede móvel está desativada + + + mobile-network-sheet-remember-choice + Lembrar a minha escolha + + + mobile-network-sheet-settings + configurações + + + mobile-network-start-syncing + Iniciar sincronização + + + mobile-network-stop-syncing + Parar de sincronizar + + + mobile-network-stop-syncing-details + Está conectado ao Wi-Fi? + + + mobile-network-use-mobile + Utilizar dados móveis + + + mobile-network-use-mobile-data + A Status utiliza bastante dados ao sincronizar os chats e a carteira. + + + mobile-network-use-wifi + Somente Wi-Fi + + + mobile-syncing-sheet-details + A Status usa bastante dados ao sincronizar os chats e a carteira. + + + mobile-syncing-sheet-title + Sincronizar usando dados móveis? + + + more + mais + + + multiaccount-exists-title + Já existem chaves para esta conta + + + multiaccount-exists-content + Já existem chaves para esta conta e não podem ser adicionadas novamente. Se você perdeu sua senha, código de acesso ou cartão-chave, desinstale o aplicativo, reinstale e acesse suas chaves inserindo sua frase-semente + + + multiaccounts-recover-enter-phrase-text + Digite 12, 15, 18, 21 ou 24 palavras. +Separe as palavras por um único espaço. + + + multiaccounts-recover-enter-phrase-title + Digite sua frase-semente + + + name + Nome + + + name-of-token + O nome do seu símbolo + + + need-help + Precisa de ajuda? + + + glossary + Glossário + + + account-title + Conta + + + account-content + Você pode comparar contas na Status com contas bancárias. Como uma conta bancária, uma conta normalmente possui um endereço e um saldo; Você usa essa conta para realizar transações no Ethereum. Você pode ter várias contas na sua carteira. Todas acessadas desbloqueando a Status. + + + chat-key-title + Chave de bate-papo + + + chat-key-content + As mensagens no protocolo de bate-papo Status são enviadas e recebidas usando chaves de criptografia. A chave de bate-papo público é uma sequência de caracteres que você compartilha com outras pessoas para que elas possam enviar mensagens para você em Status. + + + chat-name-title + Nome no bate-papo + + + chat-name-content + Três palavras aleatórias, derivadas algoritmicamente da sua chave de bate-papo e usadas como apelido padrão no bate-papo. Os nomes de bate-papo são completamente únicos; nenhum outro usuário pode ter as mesmas três palavras. + + + ens-name-title + Nome ENS + + + ens-name-content + Apelido personalizado para sua chave de bate-papo que você pode registrar usando o Ethereum Name Service. Os nomes do ENS são nomes de usuário descentralizados. + + + mailserver-title + Nó de mensagem da Status + + + mailserver-content + Um nó na rede Status que roteia e armazena mensagens por até 30 dias. + + + peer-title + Par + + + peer-content + Um dispositivo conectado à rede de bate-papo Status. Cada usuário pode representar um ou mais pares, dependendo do número de dispositivos. + + + seed-phrase-title + Frase semente + + + seed-phrase-content + Um conjunto de palavras fáceis de ler, selecionadas aleatoriamente na lista padrão BIP39 e usadas para recuperar ou acessar sua conta Ethereum em outras carteiras e dispositivos. Também chamada de "frase mnemônica", "frase de recuperação" ou "backup de carteira" em todo o ecossistema Ethereum. A maioria dos aplicativos de Ethereum usa esse mesmo padrão para gerar contas. + + + wallet-key-title + Endereço da conta + + + wallet-key-content + Um endereço hexadecimal de 64 caracteres baseado no padrão Ethereum e começando com 0x. Para o público, o endereço da sua conta é compartilhado com outras pessoas quando você deseja receber fundos. Também chamado de "endereço Ethereum" ou "endereço da carteira". + + + buy-crypto-title + Parece que sua carteira está vazia + + + buy-crypto-description + Encontre um dapp para comprar criptomoedas agora + + + buy-crypto + Comprar criptomoedas + + + buy-crypto-choose-a-service + Escolha um serviço que você gostaria de utilizar para comprar criptomoedas + + + buy-crypto-leaving + Você está saindo da Status e entrando em um site de terceiros para concluir sua compra + + + opening-buy-crypto + Abrindo + + + network + Rede + + + network-chain + Cadeia de rede + + + network-details + Detalhes da rede + + + network-info + Informações da rede + + + network-fee + Taxa de rede + + + network-id + ID de rede + + + network-invalid-network-id + O ID da rede especificado não corresponde ao ID da rede pelo URL RPC + + + network-invalid-status-code + Código de status inválido: {{code}} + + + network-invalid-url + URL da rede é inválida + + + network-settings + Configurações de rede + + + new + Novo + + + new-chat + Nova conversa + + + new-contact + Novo contato + + + new-contract + Novo Contrato + + + new-group + Novo grupo + + + new-group-chat + Novo grupo de conversa + + + new-network + Nova rede + + + new-pin-description + Digite a nova senha de 6 dígitos + + + new-puk-description + + + + new-public-group-chat + Participar de bate-papo público + + + next + Próximo + + + no + Não + + + no-collectibles + Não há colecionáveis disponíveis + + + no-contacts + Você ainda não tem contatos + + + no-keycard-applet-on-card + Não há applet Keycard no cartão + + + no-messages + Nenhuma mensagem + + + no-pairing-slots-available + Este cartão já está emparelhado com 5 dispositivos e não pode ser emparelhado com este. Use um dos dispositivos emparelhados, faça login com este cartão e libere uma porta de emparelhamento no cartão + + + no-result + Sem resultados + + + no-tokens-found + Nenhum token encontrado + + + node-info + Informação do nó + + + node-address + + + + node-details + + + + node-version + Versão do nó + + + nonce + Nonce + + + none + Nenhum + + + not-applicable + Não aplicável a transações não assinadas + + + not-keycard-text + O cartão que você usou não é um Keycard. Você precisa comprar um Keycard para usá-lo + + + not-keycard-title + Não é um Keycard + + + notifications + Notificações + + + local-notifications + Notificações locais + + + local-notifications-subtitle + + + + remote-notifications + + + + remote-notifications-subtitle + + + + show-notifications + Mostrar notificações + + + notification-settings + Notificações + + + notifications-servers + Servidores de notificação + + + notifications-preferences + Preferências de notificação + + + notifications-switch + Mostrar notificações + + + notifications-non-contacts + Notificações de não contatos + + + notifications-transactions + Transações da carteira + + + send-push-notifications + + + + send-push-notifications-description + Quando desativado, a pessoa que recebe suas mensagens não será notificada de suas novas mensagens + + + push-notifications-server-enabled + Servidor habilitado + + + push-notifications-servers + Servidores de notificação push + + + push-inbound-transaction + Você recebeu {{value}} {{currency}} + + + push-outbound-transaction + Você enviou {{value}} {{currency}} + + + push-failed-transaction + Sua transação falhou + + + push-inbound-transaction-body + De {{from}} para {{to}} + + + push-outbound-transaction-body + De {{from}} para {{to}} + + + push-failed-transaction-body + {{value}} {{currency}} para {{to}} + + + allow-mention-notifications + Mostrar @ menções + + + server + Servidor + + + specify-server-public-key + Digite a chave pública do servidor + + + notify + Notificar + + + off + Desativado + + + offline + Offline + + + offline-messaging-use-history-nodes + Usar nós de mensagem da Status + + + offline-messaging-use-history-explanation + Ative os nós da Status para buscar mensagens enviadas enquanto o aplicativo está fechado. Quando ativado, um nó de histórico obtém seu endereço IP. Quando desativado, você não receberá mensagens quando o aplicativo for fechado e não as verá quando abrir o app mais tarde. + + + ok + OK + + + ok-continue + Ok, continuar + + + ok-got-it + Ok, entendido + + + okay + OK + + + on + Em + + + open + Abrir + + + open-home + Abrir... + + + open-dapp + Abrir ÐApp + + + open-dapp-store + Descubra ÐApps + + + open-nfc-settings + Abrir configurações do NFC + + + open-on-block-explorer + + + + optional + Opcional + + + or + OU + + + outgoing + Saída + + + outgoing-transaction + Transação enviada + + + pair + Sincronizar dispositivos + + + pair-card + Sincronizar para este dispositivo + + + pair-code + Código de par + + + pair-code-explanation + Emparelha o cartão com um dispositivo diferente (até 5) para desbloquear as chaves e assinar transações com o mesmo Keycard + + + pair-this-card + Emparelhar este cartão + + + pair-this-device + Anunciar dispositivo + + + pair-this-device-description + Emparelhe seus dispositivos para sincronizar contatos e bate-papos entre eles + + + paired-devices + Dispositivos sincronizados + + + pairing + Emparelhamento + + + pairing-card + Cartão de emparelhamento + + + pairing-code-placeholder + + + + pairing-code_error1 + + + + confirm-pairing-code-placeholder + + + + pairing-go-to-installation + Ir para as configurações de sincronização + + + pairing-maximum-number-reached-content + Desative um dos seus dispositivos antes de ativar um novo. + + + pairing-maximum-number-reached-title + Número máximo de dispositivos atingidos + + + pairing-new-installation-detected-content + Um novo dispositivo foi detectado. +Para usar seus dispositivos corretamente, é importante emparelhá-los e ativá-los antes de usá-los. +Por favor, vá para a seção de dispositivos em configurações para parear seus dispositivos. + + + pairing-new-installation-detected-title + Novo dispositivo detectado + + + pairing-no-info + Sem informações + + + pairing-please-set-a-name + Por favor, atribua um nome para o seu dispositivo. + + + passphrase + Frase-semente + + + password + Senha + + + password-description + Pelo menos 6 caracteres. Sua senha protege suas chaves. Você precisa desbloquear a Status e fazer transações. + + + password-placeholder2 + Confirme sua senha + + + password_error1 + As senhas não correspondem. + + + paste + Colar + + + paste-json + Colar JSON + + + pay-to-chat + Pagar para conversar + + + peers + Pares + + + pending + Pendente + + + pending-confirmation + Confirmação pendente... + + + permissions + Permissões + + + phone-e164 + Internacional 1 + + + photos-access-error + Para conceder a permissão de fotos necessária, acesse as configurações do sistema e verifique se Status > Fotos está selecionado. + + + pin-changed + A senha de 6 dígitos foi alterada + + + puk-changed + + + + pairing-changed + + + + pin-code + Senha de 6 dígitos + + + pin-mismatch + Senha incorreta + + + pin-retries-left + {{number}} tentativas restantes + + + pin-one-attempt-blocked-before + Cuidado, você só tem + + + pin-one-attempt-frozen-before + Cuidado, você só tem + + + pin-one-attempt + uma tentativa + + + pin-one-attempt-blocked-after + antes que o seu Keycard seja bloqueado + + + pin-one-attempt-frozen-after + antes que o seu Keycard seja congelado + + + preview-privacy + Visualizar modo de privacidade + + + privacy + Privacidade + + + privacy-photos + + + + privacy-and-security + Privacidade e segurança + + + privacy-policy + Política de privacidade + + + privacy-show-to-warning + + + + processing + Apenas um momento + + + product-information + Informações do produto + + + profile + Perfil + + + profile-details + Detalhes do perfil + + + public-chat + Conversa pública + + + public-chats + Conversas públicas + + + public-group-status + Público + + + public-group-topic + Assunto + + + join-new-public-chat + Participar do bate-papo público + + + join-new-private-chat + Iniciar uma nova conversa privada + + + search-no-chat-found + Sem resultados. Você quer dizer + + + public-key + Chave pública + + + puk-and-pairing-codes-displayed + Códigos PUK e de emparelhamento exibidos + + + puk-code + Código PUK + + + puk-code-explanation + Se você esquecer sua senha de 6 dígitos ou inseri-la incorretamente três vezes, precisará desse código para desbloquear seu cartão. + + + puk-mismatch + Código PUK errado + + + quiet-days + {{quiet-days}} dias + + + quiet-hours + {{quiet-hours}} horas + + + re-encrypt-key + Recriptografe suas chaves + + + receive + Receber + + + receive-transaction + Receber transação + + + recent + Recentes + + + recent-recipients + Contatos + + + recently-used-stickers + Os adesivos usados recentemente aparecerão aqui + + + recipient + Destinatário + + + recipient-code + Digite o endereço do destinatário + + + recipient-code-placeholder + 0x… ou nome.dominio.eth + + + recover + Recuperar + + + recover-key + Acessar chaves existentes + + + recover-keycard-multiaccount-not-supported + Já existem chaves para esta conta e não podem ser adicionadas novamente. Se você perdeu sua senha, código de acesso ou cartão-chave, desinstale o aplicativo, reinstale e acesse suas chaves inserindo sua frase-semente + + + recover-with-keycard + Recuperar com Keycard + + + recovering-key + Acessando chaves… + + + recovery-confirm-phrase + Confirmar frase-semente + + + recovery-phrase + Frase-semente + + + recovery-success-text + Você terá que definir um novo código ou senha para recriptografar suas chaves + + + recovery-typo-dialog-description + Observe que sua frase-semente deve usar exatamente as mesmas palavras e ordem em que você a recebeu + + + recovery-typo-dialog-title + A frase-semente está correta? + + + remember-me + Lembrar-me + + + remind-me-later + Mostrar isso novamente + + + remove + Remover + + + remove-from-chat + Remover do chat + + + remove-from-contacts + Remover dos contatos + + + remove-from-contacts-text + Ao remover um usuário da sua lista de contatos, você não esconde o endereço da sua carteira dele + + + remove-network + Remover rede + + + remove-token + Remover token + + + removed + removeu + + + repeat-pin + Repita os 6 novos dígitos da senha + + + repeat-puk + + + + report-bug-email-template + 1. Descrição da Edição + (Descreva o recurso que você deseja ou resuma brevemente o bug e o que você fez, o que esperava que acontecesse e o que realmente acontece. Seções abaixo) + + + 2. Passos para reproduzir + (Descreva como podemos replicar o bug passo a passo.) + - Abrir Status + - ... + - Etapa 3, etc. + + + 3. Comportamento esperado + (Descreva o que você esperava que acontecesse.) + + + 4. Comportamento real + (Descreva o que realmente aconteceu.) + + + 5. Por favor, anexe capturas de tela que possam demonstrar o problema + + + + request-transaction + Solicitar transação + + + required-field + Campo obrigatório + + + resend-message + Reenviar + + + reset-card + Redefinir cartão + + + reset-card-description + Esta operação redefinirá o cartão para o estado inicial. Ele apagará todos os dados do cartão, incluindo chaves privadas. A operação não é reversível. + + + retry + Tentar de novo + + + revoke-access + Recuperar acesso + + + rinkeby-network + Rede de teste Rinkeby + + + ropsten-network + Rede de teste de Ropsten + + + rpc-url + RPC URL + + + save + Salvar + + + save-password + Salvar senha + + + save-password-unavailable + Defina a senha do dispositivo para salvar a senha + + + save-password-unavailable-android + Salvar senha não está disponível: seu dispositivo pode estar "rooteado" ou não possui os recursos de segurança necessários. + + + scan-qr + Escanear QR + + + scan-qr-code + Digitalize um código QR com um endereço de carteira + + + search + Procurar + + + secret-keys-confirmation-text + Você vai precisar deles para continuar a usar o seu Keycard no caso de perder o seu celular. + + + secret-keys-confirmation-title + Já anotou os códigos? + + + security + Segurança + + + see-details + Ver detalhes + + + see-it-again + VEJA NOVAMENTE + + + select-account-first + Selecione uma conta primeiro + + + select-chat + Selecione bate-papo para iniciar o envio de mensagens + + + selected + Selecionado + + + select + Selecione + + + select-account + Selecionar conta + + + send-logs + Relatar uma falha + + + send-logs-to + Relatar um falha para {{email}} + + + send-message + Enviar mensagem + + + send-request + Enviar pedido + + + send-request-amount + Quantidade + + + send-request-amount-max-decimals + O número máximo de decimais é {{asset-decimals}} + + + send-request-unknown-token + Token desconhecido - {{asset}} + + + send-sending-to + para {{recipient-name}} + + + send-transaction + Enviar transação + + + sending + Enviando. + + + sent-at + Enviado a + + + set-a-topic + Criar um tópico + + + set-currency + Definir moeda + + + set-dapp-access-permissions + Definir permissões de acesso do DApp + + + settings + Configurações + + + share + Compartilhar + + + shared + Compartilhado + + + share-address + Compartilhar endereço + + + share-chat + Compartilhar bate-papo + + + share-contact-code + Compartilhar minha chave de conversa + + + share-dapp-text + Confira este DApp que estou usando na Status: {{link}} + + + share-link + Compartilhar link + + + share-my-profile + Compartilhar meu perfil + + + share-profile + Compartilhar perfil + + + share-profile-link + Compartilhar link do perfil + + + share-public-chat-text + Confira este bate-papo público no app Status: {{link}} + + + sharing-copied-to-clipboard + Copiado + + + sharing-copy-to-clipboard + Copiar + + + share-logs + + + + sharing-share + Compartilhar + + + show-less + Mostre menos + + + show-more + Mostrar mais + + + show-qr + Mostrar código QR + + + show-transaction-data + Mostrar dados da transação + + + sign-and-send + Assinar e enviar + + + sign-in + Entrar + + + sign-message + Assinar Mensagem + + + sign-out + Sair da sessão + + + sign-with + Cadastre-se com + + + sign-with-password + Entra com a senha + + + sign-you-in + Iniciando sessão... + + + signing + Assinatura + + + signing-a-message + Assinando uma mensagem + + + signing-phrase + Frase de assinatura + + + something-went-wrong + Algo deu errado + + + soon + Em breve + + + specify-address + Especificar endereço + + + specify-name + Especifique um nome + + + specify-symbol + + + + specify-network-id + Especifique o ID da rede + + + specify-rpc-url + Especifique um URL RPC + + + start-chat + Iniciar bate-papo + + + start-conversation + Iniciar conversa + + + start-group-chat + Novo grupo de conversa + + + start-new-chat + Iniciar conversa particular + + + status + Status + + + status-confirmed + Confirmado + + + status-hardwallet + Status hardwallet + + + status-keycard + Status Keycard + + + status-pending + Pendente + + + status-tx-not-found + TX não encontrado + + + status-sent + Enviado + + + status-not-sent-tap + Não confirmado. Toque para opções + + + status-not-sent-click + Não confirmado. Clique para opções + + + step-i-of-n + Etapa {{step}} de {{number}} + + + sticker-market + Mercado de adesivos + + + sticker + + + + submit + Enviar + + + submit-bug + Relatar uma falha + + + success + Sucesso + + + symbol + Símbolo + + + sync-all-devices + Sincronizar todos dispositivos + + + sync-in-progress + Sincronizando... + + + sync-settings + Configurações de sincronização + + + sync-synced + Sincronizado + + + syncing-devices + Sincronizando... + + + tag-was-lost + A tag foi perdida + + + tap-card-again + Aproxime o cartão na parte de trás do seu telefone novamente + + + test-networks + Redes de teste + + + text-input-disabled + Por favor, espere um momento… + + + this-device + Este dispositivo + + + this-device-desc + Suas chaves serão criptografadas e armazenadas com segurança no seu dispositivo + + + this-is-you-signing + Esta é a sua frase de assinatura + + + this-will-take-few-seconds + Isso levará alguns segundos + + + three-words-description + Você deve ver essas três palavras antes de assinar cada transação + + + three-words-description-2 + Se você ver uma combinação diferente, cancele a transação e saia + + + to + Para + + + to-block + Bloquear + + + to-encrypt-enter-password + Para criptografar a conta, digite sua senha + + + to-see-this-message + Para ver esta mensagem, + + + token-auto-validate-decimals-error + Decimais incorretos para o token {{symbol}} no endereço {{address}} - definido como {{expected}} mas detectado como {{actual}} + + + token-auto-validate-name-error + Nome incorreto para o token {{symbol}} no endereço {{address}} - definido como {{expected}} mas detectado como {{actual}} + + + token-auto-validate-symbol-error + Símbolo incorreto para o token {{symbol}} no endereço {{address}} - definido como {{expected}} mas detectado como {{actual}} + + + token-details + Detalhes do Token + + + topic-name-error + Use apenas letras minúsculas (a a z), números e traços (-). Não use teclas de bate-papo + + + transaction + Transação + + + transaction-data + Dados da transação + + + transaction-declined + Transação recusada + + + transactions-management-enabled + + + + transaction-description + Considere-o completo após 12 confirmações na rede. + + + transaction-details + Detalhes da transação + + + transaction-failed + Falha na transação + + + transaction-history + Histórico de transações + + + transaction-request + Solicitação de transação + + + transaction-sent + Transação enviada + + + transaction-signed + A transação foi assinada com sucesso + + + transactions + Transações + + + transactions-filter-select-all + Selecionar tudo + + + transactions-filter-title + Filtrar histórico + + + type + Tipo + + + transactions-history + Histórico de transações + + + transactions-history-empty + Ainda não há transações no seu histórico + + + transactions-history-loading + Carregando histórico de transações. Isso pode demorar um pouco. + + + transactions-sign + Assinar + + + tribute-required-by-multiaccount + {{multiaccount-name}} precisa de SNT para começar uma conversa. + + + tribute-state-paid + Tributo pago + + + tribute-state-pending + Tributo pendente + + + tribute-state-required + Requer {{snt-amount}} tributos em SNT + + + tribute-to-talk + Tribute to Talk + + + tribute-to-talk-add-friends + Adicione amigos como um contato para permitir bate-papos sem pagamento de tributo. + + + tribute-to-talk-are-you-friends + Vocês são amigos? + + + tribute-to-talk-ask-to-be-added + Peça para ser adicionado como um contato + + + tribute-to-talk-contact-received-your-tribute + recebeu seu tributo. Agora vocês podem conversar com segurança entre si. + + + tribute-to-talk-desc + Monetize sua atenção exigindo pagamento de SNT para novas pessoas iniciem um bate-papo + + + tribute-to-talk-disabled + Tribute to Talk desativado + + + tribute-to-talk-disabled-note + A partir de agora, novas pessoas podem iniciar um bate-papo com você sem enviar o SNT. + + + tribute-to-talk-enabled + Você tem o Tribute to Talk ativado. + + + tribute-to-talk-finish-desc + A partir de agora, você receberá apenas conversas de contatos, e as pessoas que pagaram + + + tribute-to-talk-learn-more-1 + Seu tempo e atenção são seus ativos mais valiosos. O Tribute to Talk permite definir uma quantidade de SNT necessária para novas pessoas iniciarem um bate-papo com você. + + + tribute-to-talk-learn-more-2 + Qualquer pessoa que não esteja na sua lista de contatos será solicitada a pagar e você poderá responder assim que tiverem. + + + tribute-to-talk-learn-more-3 + Você sempre pode enviar o dinheiro de volta, mas para garantir que os amigos possam entrar em contato com você livremente, adicione-os primeiro como contato. + + + tribute-to-talk-paywall-learn-more-1 + Nosso tempo e atenção são nossos ativos mais valiosos. O Tribute to Talk permite que você entre em contato com novas pessoas em troca de um pagamento SNT. + + + tribute-to-talk-paywall-learn-more-2 + Para iniciar um bate-papo com alguém que tenha um conjunto de tributo, basta pagar o SNT necessário e você será adicionado como um contato. + + + tribute-to-talk-paywall-learn-more-3 + Se você os conhece, pode compartilhar seu perfil fora da Status para ser adicionado gratuitamente. + + + tribute-to-talk-pending + Tributo pendente de confirmação + + + tribute-to-talk-pending-note + A transação de tributo está pendente de confirmação na rede. Você pode verificar seu status no histórico de transações + + + tribute-to-talk-removing-note + A remoção do Tribute to Talk permitirá que novas pessoas iniciem um bate-papo sem enviar o SNT. Requer que uma transação seja feita. + + + tribute-to-talk-set-snt-amount + Defina a quantidade de SNT necessária para novas pessoas iniciarem uma conversa + + + tribute-to-talk-signing + Aguardando para assinar a transação + + + tribute-to-talk-transaction-failed-note + A transação falhou e as configurações do Tribute to Talk não foram alteradas + + + tribute-to-talk-tribute-received1 + Tributo recebido. Você e + + + tribute-to-talk-tribute-received2 + agora são contatos e podem conversar com segurança. + + + tribute-to-talk-you-require-snt + Você requer SNT para novas pessoas para iniciar um bate-papo. + + + try-again + Tente novamente + + + try-keeping-the-card-still + Tente manter o cartão parado + + + turn-nfc-on + Ligue o NFC para continuar + + + turn-nfc-description + NFC está desativado no seu dispositivo. Você pode habilitá-lo nas configurações + + + keycard-init-title + Procurando por cartões… + + + keycard-init-description + Coloque o cartão na parte de trás do telefone para continuar + + + keycard-awaiting-title + Ainda procurando… + + + keycard-awaiting-description + Tente mover o cartão para encontrar o leitor NFC em seu dispositivo + + + keycard-processing-title + Processando… + + + keycard-processing-description + Tente manter o cartão parado + + + keycard-connected-title + Conectado + + + keycard-connected-description + Tente manter o cartão parado + + + keycard-error-title + Conexão perdida + + + keycard-error-description + Conecte o cartão novamente para continuar + + + keycard-success-title + Sucesso + + + keycard-success-description + Você pode remover o cartão agora + + + keycard-recover + + + + keycard-recover-title + + + + keycard-recover-text + + + + keycard-backup + + + + keycard-backup-success-title + + + + keycard-backup-success-body + + + + type-a-message + Mensagem + + + ulc-enabled + ULC ativado + + + backup-enabled + + + + backup-disabled + Desativado + + + backup-settings + + + + backup-through-waku + + + + perform-backup + + + + backing-up + + + + last-backup-performed + + + + unable-to-read-this-code + Não foi possível ler este código + + + unblock-contact + Desbloquear este usuário + + + unknown-status-go-error + Erro desconhecido de status-go + + + unlock + Desbloquear + + + unpair-card + Desemparelhar cartão + + + unpair-card-confirmation + Esta operação desemparelhará o cartão do dispositivo atual. Requer autorização de senha de 6 dígitos. Você quer prosseguir? + + + unpaired-keycard-text + O cartão-chave que você selecionou não está associado a este telefone + + + unpaired-keycard-title + Parece que seu cartão não foi pareado. + + + unpair-keycard + + + + unpair-keycard-warning + + + + update + Atualizar + + + url + URL + + + usd-currency + USD + + + use-valid-contact-code + Digite ou verifique uma chave de bate-papo ou nome de usuário válidos + + + validation-amount-invalid-number + Quantidade não é um número válido + + + validation-amount-is-too-precise + O valor é muito preciso. O número máximo de casas decimais é {{decimals}} . + + + version + Versão do aplicativo + + + app-commit + + + + view + Visualizar + + + view-cryptokitties + Ver em CryptoKitties + + + view-cryptostrikers + Ver em CryptoStrikers + + + view-etheremon + Ver no Etheremon + + + view-gitcoin + Ver no Gitcoin + + + view-profile + Ver perfil + + + view-details + Ver Detalhes + + + view-signing + Ver frase de assinatura + + + view-superrare + Ver no SuperRare + + + waiting-for-wifi + Sem Wi-Fi, sincronização de mensagens desativada. + + + waiting-for-wifi-change + Configurações + + + waiting-to-sign + Aguardando para assinar a transação + + + wallet + Carteira + + + wallet-asset + Ativo + + + wallet-assets + Ativos + + + wallet-backup-recovery-title + Faça uma cópia de segurança da sua frase-semente + + + wallet-choose-recipient + Escolher destinatário + + + wallet-collectibles + Colecionáveis + + + wallet-insufficient-funds + Fundos insuficientes + + + wallet-insufficient-gas + Não há ETH suficiente para o gás + + + wallet-invalid-address + Endereço inválido: + {{data}} + + + wallet-invalid-address-checksum + Erro no endereço:{{data}} + + + wallet-invalid-chain-id + A rede não corresponde: + {{data}} mas a cadeia atual é {{chain}} + + + wallet-manage-assets + Gerenciar ativos + + + wallet-manage-accounts + + + + wallet-request + Solicitação + + + wallet-send + Enviar + + + wallet-send-min-units + Mínimo 21000 unidades + + + wallet-send-min-wei + Min 1 wei + + + wallet-settings + Configurações da carteira + + + wallet-total-value + Valor total + + + wallet-transaction-total-fee + Taxa total + + + wants-to-access-profile + quer acessar seu perfil + + + warning + Atenção + + + warning-message + Desculpe, limitamos o envio de várias mensagens em rápida sucessão para evitar spam. Por favor, tente novamente daqui a pouco + + + web-view-error + Ops, erro + + + welcome-screen-text + Configure sua carteira, convide seus amigos para conversar e navegue pelos populares dapps! + + + welcome-to-status + Bem-vindo à Status! + + + welcome-to-status-description + Configure sua carteira criptográfica, convide amigos para conversar e navegar por aplicativos descentralizados + + + welcome-blank-message + Suas conversas serão exibidas aqui. Para iniciar novos bate-papos, pressione o botão ⊕ + + + welcome-community-blank-message + Suas conversas aparecerão aqui. Para iniciar novos bate-papos clique nos 3 pontos acima e selecione "Criar um canal" + + + welcome-community-blank-message-edit-chats + + + + welcome-blank-community-message + Suas comunidades aparecerão aqui. + + + fetch-community + + + + fetching-community + + + + seed-phrase-placeholder + Frase-semente… + + + word-count + Contagem de palavras + + + word-n + Palavra #{{number}} + + + word-n-description + Para verificar se você fez o backup da sua frase-semente corretamente, digite a palavra #{{number}} acima. + + + words-n + + 1 palavra + {{count}} palavras + + + + write-down-and-store-securely + Anote os códigos & + guarde-os de forma segura + + + wrong-address + Endereço errado + + + wrong-card + Cartão errado + + + wrong-card-text + O cartão tocado não corresponde às chaves que você selecionou + + + wrong-contract + Contrato errado + + + contract-isnt-supported + + + + wrong-keycard-text + O Keycard que você selecionou não está associado a este telefone + + + wrong-keycard-title + Parece que você selecionou + um Keycard errado. + + + wrong-password + Senha incorreta + + + wrong-word + Palavra errada + + + yes + Sim + + + You + Você + + + you + você + + + you-already-have-an-asset + Você já tem um ativo {{value}} + + + you-are-all-set + Está tudo pronto! + + + you-are-all-set-description + Se você perder seu telefone, você pode acessar seus fundos e a chave do bate-papo agora usando sua frase-semente + + + you-can-change-account + Você pode mudar o nome da conta e a cor para o que desejar + + + you-dont-have-stickers + Você ainda não tem nenhum adesivo + + + you-dont-have-contacts-invite-friends + + + + your-contact-code + A concessão de acesso autoriza este DApp a recuperar a sua chave de chat + + + your-data-belongs-to-you + Se você perder a sua frase-semente, você perde os seus dados e fundos + + + your-data-belongs-to-you-description + Se perder o acesso, por exemplo, ao perder seu telefone, você só pode acessar suas chaves com sua frase-semente. Somente você tem a sua frase-semente. Escreva-a. Guarde-a em segurança + + + your-recovery-phrase + Sua frase-semente + + + your-recovery-phrase-description + Esta é sua frase-semente. Você o usa para provar que esta é sua carteira. Você só pode vê-lo uma vez! Escreva no papel e mantenha em um lugar seguro. Você vai precisar dele se você perder ou reinstalar sua carteira. + + + custom-seed-phrase + Frase-semente inválida + + + custom-seed-phrase-text-1 + Esta frase inicial não corresponde ao nosso dicionário suportado. Verifique se há palavras com erros ortográficos. + + + to-enable-biometric + Para ativar o {{bio-type-label}}, você deve salvar sua senha na tela de desbloqueio + + + ok-save-pass + OK, salvar senha + + + lock-app-with + Bloquear aplicativo com + + + grant-face-id-permissions + Para conceder a permissão de Face ID necessária, vá para as configurações do seu sistema e certifique-se de que Status > Face ID está selecionado + + + request-feature + Solicitar um recurso + + + select-account-dapp + Selecione a conta que você deseja usar com Dapps + + + apply + Aplicar + + + on-status-tree + Na árvore Status + + + off-status-tree + Fora da árvore da Status + + + derivation-path + Caminho de derivação + + + storage + Armazenamento + + + keycard-free-pairing-slots + O Keycard tem {{n}} portas de emparelhamento livres + + + public-chat-description + Participe de bate-papos públicos sobre seus interesses! Qualquer um pode começar uma nova sala. + + + delete-account + Remover conta + + + delete-keys-keycard + + + + watch-only + Somente exibição + + + cant-report-bug + Não é possível relatar um bug + + + mail-should-be-configured + O cliente de correio deve ser configurado + + + check-on-block-explorer + + + + check-on-opensea + Confira no opensea + + + transactions-load-more + Carregar mais + + + private-key + Chave privada + + + generate-an-account + Gerar uma nova conta + + + add-watch-account + Adicionar uma conta somente para exibição + + + add-seed-account + Adicionar conta com uma frase-semente + + + account-exists-title + A conta já existe + + + add-private-key-account + Adicionar conta a partir de chave privada + + + profile-not-found + + + + waku-bloom-filter-mode + Modo de filtro Waku bloom + + + wakuv2-settings + + + + wakuv2-node-format + + + + wakuv2-change-nodes + + + + appearance + Aparência + + + preference + Preferência + + + light + Claro + + + dark + Escuro + + + system + Sistema + + + give-permissions-camera + Dar permissão +para acessar a câmera + + + photos + Fotos + + + image + Imagem + + + sign-anyway + Assinar mesmo assim + + + tx-fail-description1 + É provável que esta transação falhe. Assine por sua conta em risco usando uma taxa de rede personalizada. + + + tx-fail-description2 + É provável que esta transação falhe. Defina uma taxa de rede maior para assinar por sua conta em risco. + + + set-custom-fee + Alterar taxa + + + not-enough-snt + SNT insuficiente + + + add-new-contact + Adicionar novo contato + + + you-dont-have-contacts + Você ainda não possui contatos. + + + set-max + Definir máximo + + + continue-anyway + Continuar mesmo assim + + + private-notifications + Notificações particulares + + + private-notifications-descr + A Status notificará sobre novas mensagens. Você pode editar suas preferências de notificação nas configurações. + + + maybe-later + Talvez mais tarde + + + join + Junte-se + + + registered + cadastrado + + + not-registered + não cadastrado + + + audio-recorder-error + Erro no gravador + + + audio-recorder + Gravador + + + audio-recorder-max-ms-reached + Tempo máximo de gravação atingido + + + audio-recorder-permissions-error + Você precisa dar permissão para enviar mensagens de áudio + + + audio + Áudio + + + update-to-see-image + Atualize para a versão mais recente para ver uma imagem aqui! + + + update-to-listen-audio + Atualize para a versão mais recente para ouvir uma mensagem de áudio aqui! + + + update-to-see-sticker + Atualize para a versão mais recente para ver um belo adesivo aqui! + + + webview-camera-permission-requests + Solicitações de permissão de câmera do Webview + + + webview-camera-permission-requests-subtitle + Quando habilitado, sites e dapps podem pedir para usar sua câmera + + + page-would-like-to-use-camera + gostaria de usar sua câmera + + + page-camera-request-blocked + Solicitações de câmera bloqueadas. Para habilitar as solicitações de câmera, vá em Configurações + + + nickname + Apelido + + + add-nickname + Adicionar um apelido (opcional) + + + nickname-description + Os apelidos ajudam você a identificar as pessoas na Status. + Só você pode ver os apelidos você criou + + + accept + Aceitar + + + group-invite + Convite para o grupo + + + group-invite-link + Link de convite do grupo + + + pending-invitations + Pedidos de entrada pendentes + + + empty-pending-invitations-descr + Pessoas que desejam entrar no grupo + através de um link de convite aparecerão aqui + + + introduce-yourself + Apresente-se com uma breve mensagem + + + request-pending + Pedido pendente… + + + membership-declined + O pedido de entrada no grupo foi recusado + + + remove-group + Remover grupo + + + request-membership + Solicitar para entrar + + + membership-description + A entrada no grupo exige que você seja aceito pelo administrador do grupo + + + group-membership-request + Pedido para entrar no grupo + + + members-limit-reached + Limite de membros atingido + + + favourite + Favoritos + + + favourites + Favoritos + + + new-favourite + Novo favorito + + + edit-favourite + Editar favorito + + + remove-favourite + Remover favorito + + + add-favourite + Adicionar favorito + + + add-to-favourites + Adicionar aos favoritos + + + favourites-empty + Os endereços adicionados aos favoritos aparecerão aqui + + + contacts-empty + Contatos com nomes ENS aparecerão aqui + + + my-accounts + Minhas contas + + + my-accounts-empty + Suas contas disponíveis aparecerão aqui + + + recent-empty + Os endereços usados recentemente aparecerão aqui + + + address-or-ens-name + Endereço ou nome ENS + + + name-optional + Nome (opcional) + + + mute + Silenciar + + + unmute + Ativar som + + + scan-tokens + Escanear tokens + + + my-status + Meu status + + + contacts-descr + Seus contatos aparecerão aqui. Você receberá atualizações de status de qualquer pessoa que adicionar como contato + + + status-updates-descr + As atualizações de status aparecerão aqui. Adicione este perfil como um contato para receber atualizações em sua linha do tempo. + + + whats-on-your-mind + O que você está pensando... + + + cant-open-public-chat + Não é possível abrir este chat público + + + invalid-public-chat-topic + Tópico de chat público inválido + + + now + Agora + + + statuses-my-status-descr + Compartilhe o que você está pensando. Qualquer pessoa que visitar seu perfil poderá ver seu status. As pessoas que adicionam você como contato receberão suas atualizações na linha do tempo delas + + + statuses-descr + Compartilhe o que você está pensando e fique atualizado com seus contatos + + + new-status + Novo status + + + chat-link-previews + Pré-visualizações de links de chat + + + you-can-choose-preview-websites + Você pode escolher quais dos seguintes sites podem visualizar o link de descrições e imagens nos bate-papos + + + previewing-may-share-metadata + A visualização de links desses sites pode compartilhar seus metadados com seus proprietários + + + websites + Websites + + + enable-all + Habilitar todos + + + disable-all + + + + warning-sending-to-contract-descr + O endereço que você inseriu é um contrato inteligente. O envio de fundos para este endereço pode resultar em perda de fundos. Para interagir com um DApp, abra o DApp no navegador da Status. + + + dont-ask + Não me pergunte novamente + + + enable-link-previews + Ativar visualizações de link no chat? + + + once-enabled-share-metadata + Uma vez habilitados, os links postados no chat podem compartilhar seus metadados com o site + + + external-storage-denied + Acesso ao armazenamento externo negado + + + timeline + Linha do tempo + + + main-account + + + + ethereum-address + Endereço Ethereum + + + default-assets + ERC20 e ERC721 padrão + + + increase-gas + Aumentar o gás + + + cancelling + Cancelando + + + refresh + Atualizar + + + close-all + Fechar tudo + + + tabs + Abas + + + new-tab + Nova aba + + + empty-tab + Aba vazia + + + open-in-new-tab + Abrir em nova aba + + + has-permissions + tem permissão para acessar + + + connect-wallet + Conectar carteira + + + open-chat + Abrir chat + + + favourite-description + Seus sites favoritos aparecerão aqui + + + transfers-fetching-failure + O histórico de transferências não pôde ser atualizado. Verifique sua conexão e puxe para baixo para tentar novamente + + + move-and-reset + Mover e reiniciar + + + move-keystore-file-to-keycard + Mover arquivo de armazenamento de chaves para o keycard? + + + database-reset-title + + + + database-reset-content + + + + database-reset-warning + O banco de dados será redefinido. Chats, contatos e configurações serão excluídos + + + empty-keycard-required + Requer um Keycard vazio + + + current + Atual + + + choose-storage + Escolha o armazenamento + + + choose-new-location-for-keystore + Escolha um novo local para salvar seu arquivo de armazenamento de chaves + + + get-a-keycard + Obtenha um Keycard + + + keycard-upsell-subtitle + Sua carteira hardware portátil e fácil de usar + + + actions + Ações + + + move-keystore-file + Mover arquivo de armazenamento de chaves + + + select-new-location-for-keys + Selecione um novo local para salvar sua (s) chave (s) privada (s) + + + reset-database + Reiniciar base de dados + + + reset-database-warning + Exclua chats, contatos e configurações. Obrigatório quando você perder sua senha + + + reset-database-warning-keycard + + + + key-managment + Gerenciamento de chave + + + choose-actions + Escolha ações + + + master-account + Conta mestre + + + back-up + Cópia de segurança + + + key-on-device + A chave privada está salva neste dispositivo + + + seed-key-uid-mismatch + Semente não combina + + + seed-key-uid-mismatch-desc-1 + A frase-semente que você inseriu não corresponde a {{multiaccount-name}} + + + seed-key-uid-mismatch-desc-2 + Para gerenciar as chaves para esta conta, verifique sua frase-semente e tente novamente. + + + recover-with-seed-phrase + Recupere com a frase semente + + + transfer-ma-unknown-error-desc-1 + Parece que sua conta múltipla não foi excluída. O banco de dados pode ter sido redefinido + + + transfer-ma-unknown-error-desc-2 + Verifique sua lista de contas e tente novamente. Se a conta não estiver listada vá para Acessar as chaves existentes para recuperar com a frase semente + + + everyone + Todos + + + show-profile-pictures + Mostrar fotos de perfil de + + + show-profile-pictures-to + + + + non-archival-node + O endpoint RPC não oferece suporte a solicitações de arquivamento. Seu histórico de transferências locais pode estar incompleto. + + + custom-node + Você está usando um endpoint RPC personalizado. Seu histórico de transferências locais pode estar incompleto. + + + connection-status + Status de conexão + + + peer-to-peer + P2P + + + not-connected-to-peers + Não conectado a nenhum par + + + unable-to-send-messages + Incapaz de enviar e receber mensagens + + + can-send-messages + Você pode enviar e receber novas mensagens + + + not-connected-nodes + Não conectado a um nó da Status + + + unable-to-fetch + Não foi possível obter o histórico do chat + + + nodes-disabled + Nós da Status desativados + + + waiting-wi-fi + Aguardando Wi-Fi + + + you-can-fetch + Você pode buscar o histórico do chat + + + youre-on-mobile-network + Você está em uma rede móvel + + + status-mobile-descr + O Status usa muitos dados ao sincronizar as conversas. Você pode optar por não sincronizar quando na rede móvel + + + restore-defaults + Restaurar padrões + + + rpc-usage-info + + + + rpc-usage-get-stats + Atualizar + + + rpc-usage-reset + + + + rpc-usage-filter + + + + rpc-usage-filter-methods + + + + rpc-usage-copy + Copiar + + + rpc-usage-total + + + + rpc-usage-filtered-total + + + + community-message-preview + + + + non-contacts + + + + community + + + + verified-community + + + + community-info-not-found + + + + community-info + + + + not-found + + + + activity + + + + reject-and-delete + + + + accept-and-add + + + + one-day + + + + three-days + + + + one-week + + + + one-month + + + + my-profile + + + + bip39-password-placeholder + + + + public-channel + + + + default-sync-period + + + + what-is-shared + + + + view-data + + + + data-collected + + + + data-collected-subtitle + + + + view-rules + + + + expand-all + + + + about-sharing-data + + + + sharing-data-desc-1 + + + + sharing-data-desc-2 + + + + sharing-data-desc-3 + + + + sharing-data-desc-4 + + + + sharing-data-desc-5 + + + + view-public-dashboard + + + + sharing-data-desc-6 + + + + allow-and-send + + + + no-thanks + + + + help-improve-status + + + + thank-you + + + + current-password + + + + reset-password + + + + password-reset-success + + + + password-reset-success-message + + + + password-reset-in-progress + + + + new-password + + + + confirm-new-password + + + + password-mismatch + + + + terms-of-service + + + + accept-status-tos-prefix + + + + updates-to-tos + + + + updates-to-tos-desc + + + + what-changed + + + + wc-new-tos-based-on-principles-prefix + + + + principles + + + + wc-how-to-use-status-app + + + + wc-brand-guide + + + + wc-disclaimer + + + + wc-dispute + + + + status-is-open-source + + + + build-yourself + + + + accept-and-continue + + + + empty-activity-center + + + + pinned-messages + + + + pin + + + + unpin + + + + no-pinned-messages + + + + pinned-messages-count + + + + + + + pinned-messages-empty + + + + pinned-by + + + + pin-limit-reached + + + + max-fee + + + + max-priority-fee + + + + miners-higher-fee + + + + gas-amount-limit + + + + per-gas-tip-limit + + + + per-gas-price-limit + + + + current-base-fee + + + + fee-explanation + + + + slow + + + + optimal + + + + fast + + + + see-suggestions + + + + maximum-fee + + + + low-tip + + + + lower-than-average-tip + + + + below-base-fee + + + + reduced-tip + + + + are-you-sure + Você tem certeza? + + + bad-fees-description + + + + change-tip + + + + current-minimum-tip + + + + current-average-tip + + + + your-tip-limit + + + + your-price-limit + + + + suggested-min-tip + + + + suggested-price-limit + + + + include + + + + category + + + + edit-chats + Editar chats + + + edit-categories + + + + hide + + + + account-is-used + + + + normal + + + + never + + + + fee-options + + + + fee-cap + + + + tip-cap + + + + collectibles-leak-metadata + + + + display-collectibles + + + + disable-later-in-settings + + + + use-as-profile-picture + + + + view-on-opensea + + + + profile-picture-updated + + + + status-automatic + + + + status-automatic-subtitle + + + + status-dnd + + + + status-dnd-subtitle + + + + status-always-online + + + + status-inactive + + + + status-inactive-subtitle + + + + two-minutes + + + + swap + + + + select-token-to-swap + + + + select-token-to-receive + + + + minimum-received + + + + powered-by-paraswap + + + + priority + + + + switch-to-simple-interface + + + + transaction-fee + + + + swap-details + + + + slippage + + + + price-impact + + + + total-gas + + + + token + + + + approve-limit + + + + approve-token + + + + approve-token-contract-desc + + + + unlimited + + + + approve + + + + limit + + + + last-transaction + + + + price-impact-desc + + + + safe-estimate + + + + current-average + + + + current-base + + + + maximum-fee-desc + + + + insufficient-balance-to-cover-fee + + + + wallet-connect-proposal-title + + + + wallet-connect-proposal-description + + + + wallet-connect-app-connected + + + + wallet-connect-go-back + + + + wallet-connect-2.0 + + + + wallet-connect + + + + reject + + + + manage-connections + + + + wallet-manage-app-connections + + + + connection-request + + + + disconnect + + + + new-ui + + + + send-contact-request-message + + + + contact-request + + + + say-hi + + + + accepted + + + + declined + + + + contact-request-header + + + + contact-request-declined + + + + contact-request-accepted + + + + contact-request-pending + + + + removed-from-contacts + + + + mutual-contact-requests + + + + negative + + + + positive + + + + Please enter a URL + + + + This fields needs to be a valid URL + + + + Please enter a Name + + + + Favorite added + + + + Edit + + + + Add favorite + + + + URL + + + + Paste URL + + + + Name + + + + Name the website + + + + Remove + + + + Done + + + + Add + + + + '%1' would like to connect to + + + + Allowing authorizes this DApp to retrieve your wallet address and enable Web3 + + + + Granting access authorizes this DApp to retrieve your chat key + + + + Deny + + + + Allow + + + + Enter URL + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Error signing message + + + + Transaction pending... + + + + Wrong password + + + + Start Page + + + + New Tab + + + + Downloads Page + + + + Server's certificate not trusted + + + + Do you wish to continue? + + + + If you wish so, you may continue with an unverified certificate. Accepting an unverified certificate means you may not be connected with the host you tried to connect to. +Do you wish to override the security check and continue? + + + + Exit Incognito mode + + + + Go Incognito + + + + Zoom In + + + + Zoom Out + + + + Find + + + + Compatibility mode + + + + Developer Tools + + + + Settings + + + + Mainnet + + + + Ropsten + + + + Unknown + + + + Disconnect + + + + Assets + + + + History + + + + Show All + + + + Cancelled + + + + Paused + + + + Open + + + + Show in folder + + + + Pause + + + + Resume + + + + Cancel + + + + Downloaded files will appear here. + + + + Open in new Tab + + + + Ok + + + + Signature request + + + + From + + + + Data + + + + Message + + + + Reject + + + + Sign + + + + Sign with password + + + + Contact request pending + + + + Connected + + + + Disconnected + + + + This user has been blocked. + + + + Type a message. + + + + Send + + + + Request Address + + + + Request + + + + Transaction pending + + + + Continue + + + + Receive on account + + + + From account + + + + Address request required + + + + To + + + + Preview + + + + Transaction preview + + + + Next + + + + Invalid transaction parameters + + + + Authorize %1 %2 + + + + Choose account + + + + Network fee + + + + Error estimating gas: %1 + + + + Send %1 %2 + + + + Image + + + + Sticker + + + + You have a new message + + + + You have been accepted into the ‘%1’ community + + + + Your request to join the ‘%1’ community was declined + + + + New membership request + + + + %1 asks to join ‘%2’ + + + + Failed to send message. + + + + Share your chat key + + + + friends to start messaging in Status + + + + ↓ Fetch more messages + + + + before %1 + + + + Welcome to the beginning of the <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> group! + + + + Any messages you send here are encrypted and can only be read by you and <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> + + + + Join chat + + + + Decline invitation + + + + Add reaction + + + + Reply + + + + More + + + + Today + + + + Yesterday + + + + January + + + + February + + + + March + + + + April + + + + May + + + + June + + + + July + + + + August + + + + September + + + + October + + + + November + + + + December + + + + and + + + + %1 more + + + + reacted with + + + + Error loading the image + + + + Loading image... + + + + This feature is experimental and is meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It's not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data. Use at your own risk. + + + + Membership requires an ENS username + + + + You need to be invited + + + + Request Access + + + + Verified community invitation + + + + Community invitation + + + + You invited %1 to join a community + + + + %1 invited you to join a community + + + + You shared a community + + + + A community has been shared + + + + Unsupported state + + + + %1 members + + + + Joined + + + + Join + + + + Enable automatic image unfurling + + + + Enable link previews in chat? + + + + Once enabled, links posted in the chat may share your metadata with their owners + + + + Enable in Settings + + + + Don't ask me again + + + + Resend + + + + Transaction request + + + + ↑ Outgoing transaction + + + + ↓ Incoming transaction + + + + Something has gone wrong + + + + Accept and share address + + + + Accept and send + + + + Decline + + + + Select account + + + + Choose accountSelect account to share and receive assets + + + + Confirm and share address + + + + Sign and send + + + + Pending + + + + Confirmed + + + + Unknown token + + + + Address requested + + + + Waiting to accept + + + + Address shared + + + + Address received + + + + Transaction declined + + + + failure + + + + Unknown state + + + + Group Information + + + + Clear history + + + + Leave group + + + + Are you sure you want to leave this chat? + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + Communities + + + + Search for communities or topics + + + + 1 member + + + + Import a community + + + + Create a community + + + + Public community + + + + Invitation only community + + + + On request community + + + + Unknown community + + + + - ENS only + + + + Chats + + + + Join ‘%1’ + + + + Request to join ‘%1’ + + + + Error joining the community + + + + No search results in Communities + + + + Members + + + + Create category + + + + Invite People + + + + Membership requests + + + + Edit category + + + + Delete category + + + + Delete %1 category + + + + Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. + + + + Error deleting the category + + + + View Profile + + + + Roles + + + + Kick + + + + Ban + + + + Transfer ownership + + + + Invite successfully sent + + + + Share community + + + + Notifications + + + + Edit community + + + + Export community + + + + Create channel + + + + Leave community + + + + Delete + + + + Welcome to your community! + + + + Add members + + + + Manage community + + + + You need to enter a name + + + + Please restrict your name to letters, numbers, dashes and spaces + + + + Your name needs to be 100 characters or shorter + + + + New channel + + + + Edit #%1 + + + + channel name + + + + channel decription + + + + Channel name + + + + Describe the channel + + + + Pinned messages + + + + A cool name + + + + channel description + + + + What your channel is about + + + + The description cannot exceed %1 characters + + + + Private channel + + + + By making a channel private, only members with selected permission will be able to access it + + + + category name + + + + New category + + + + Category title + + + + Channels + + + + Create + + + + Error editing the category + + + + Error creating the category + + + + Error creating the community + + + + You need to select an image + + + + You need to enter a color + + + + This field needs to be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + New community + + + + Name your community + + + + A catchy name + + + + Give it a short description + + + + What your community is about + + + + The description cannot exceed 140 characters + + + + community name + + + + community decription + + + + Thumbnail image + + + + Please choose an image + + + + Image files (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png) + + + + Upload + + + + Community colour + + + + Pick a color + + + + Please choose a color + + + + Membership requirement + + + + Require invite from another member + + + + Require approval + + + + No requirement + + + + You can require new members to meet certain criteria before they can join. This can be changed at any time + + + + Save + + + + Private community + + + + Only members with an invite link will be able to join your community. Private communities are not listed inside Status + + + + Your community will be public for anyone to join. Public communities are listed inside Status for easy discovery + + + + You need to enter a key + + + + Access existing community + + + + Community private key + + + + Entering a community key will grant you the ownership of that community. Please be responsible with it and don’t share the key with people you don’t trust. + + + + 0x... + + + + Import + + + + Error importing the community + + + + Invite friends + + + + Invite + + + + Contacts + + + + Chat + + + + Community imported + + + + Importing community is in progress + + + + Community %1 imported + + + + Importing community %1 is in progress + + + + Start new chat + + + + Start group chat + + + + Join public chat + + + + No messages + + + + No search results + + + + Your chats will appear here. To start new chats press the  button at the top + + + + Chat and transact privately with your friends + + + + Follow your interests in one of the many Public Chats. + + + + View Group + + + + Share Chat + + + + Test WakuV2 - requestAllHistoricMessages + + + + Unmute chat + + + + Mute chat + + + + Edit Channel + + + + Mark as Read + + + + Delete chat + + + + Leave chat + + + + Choose browser + + + + Open in Status + + + + Open in my default browser + + + + Remember my choice. To override it, go to settings. + + + + Admin + + + + Last 24 hours + + + + Last 2 days + + + + Last 3 days + + + + Last 7 days + + + + (You) + + + + You need to enter a channel name + + + + The channel name can only contain lowercase letters, numbers and dashes + + + + New group chat + + + + %1 / 10 members + + + + Group name + + + + Create Group Chat + + + + All your contacts are already in the group + + + + Make Admin + + + + Remove From Group + + + + Add selected + + + + Get Status at https://status.im + + + + Download Status link + + + + Unpin + + + + Pin + + + + Copy link + + + + Edit message + + + + Send message + + + + Reply to + + + + Jump to + + + + Delete message + + + + Confirm deleting this message + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well. + + + + Nickname + + + + Nicknames help you identify others in Status. Only you can see the nicknames you’ve added + + + + Your nickname is too long + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet. Invite your friends to start chatting. + + + + Enter a valid chat key or ENS usernameEnter a valid chat key or ENS username + + + + Can't chat with yourself + + + + New chat + + + + My Profile + + + + Enter ENS username or chat key + + + + Non contacts + + + + No profile found + + + + ENS username + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Chat settings + + + + None + + + + Unblock User + + + + Block User + + + + Add to contacts + + + + A public chat is where you get to hang out with others, make friends and talk about subjects of your interest. + + + + Start chat + + + + Pinned by %1 + + + + Type json-rpc message... e.g {"method": "eth_accounts"} + + + + Profile + + + + App version + + + + Version: %1 + + + + Node version + + + + Privacy Policy + + + + Network + + + + Fleet + + + + Minimize on close + + + + Experimental features + + + + Wallet + + + + Dapp Browser + + + + Activity Center + + + + Online users + + + + Broadcast user status + + + + Bloom filter level + + + + The account will be logged out. When you login again, the selected mode will be enabled + + + + Light Node + + + + Full Node + + + + GIF Widget + + + + Waku Bloom Mode + + + + Node Management + + + + Blockchains will drop search costs, causing a kind of decomposition that allows you to have markets of entities that are horizontally segregated and vertically segregated. + + + + Size + + + + Change font size + + + + XS + + + + S + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "S" because the title above is "Seed Phrase" + + + + M + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "M" because the title above is "Mailserver" + + + + L + + + + XL + + + + XXL + + + + Light + + + + Chat mode + + + + Normal + + + + Compact + + + + Appearance + + + + Dark + + + + System + + + + Back up seed phrase + + + + Step %1 of 3 + + + + If you lose your seed phrase you lose your data and funds + + + + If you lose access, for example by losing your phone, you can only access your keys with your seed phrase. No one, but you has your seed phrase. Write it down. Keep it safe + + + + Check your seed phrase + + + + Word #%1 + + + + Enter word + + + + In order to check if you have backed up your seed phrase correctly, enter the word #%1 above + + + + Are you sure? + + + + You will not be able to see the whole seed phrase again + + + + With this 12 words you can always get your key back. Write it down. Keep it safe, offline, and separate from this device. + + + + Okay, continue + + + + Wrong word + + + + General + + + + Default + + + + Show favorites bar + + + + Search engine used in the address bar + + + + Ethereum explorer used in the address bar + + + + Open an ethereum explorer after a transaction hash or an address is entered + + + + Privacy + + + + Set DApp access permissions + + + + Profile picture + + + + Crop your image (optional) + + + + Finish + + + + Chat link previews + + + + Websites + + + + Enable all + + + + Previewing links from these websites may share your metadata with their owners. + + + + Add new contact + + + + Blocked contacts + + + + Add contact + + + + You can't add yourself + + + + User not found + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet + + + + Devices + + + + Please set a name for your device. + + + + Specify a name + + + + Advertise device + + + + Pair your devices to sync contacts and chats between them + + + + Learn more + + + + Paired devices + + + + Syncing... + + + + Sync all devices + + + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + %1 is now connected with your chat key and can be used in Status. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + %1 will be connected once the transaction is complete. + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Wallet address + + + + Key + + + + Back + + + + Primary username + + + + Your messages are displayed to others with this username: + + + + Once you select a username, you won’t be able to disable it afterwards. You will only be able choose a different username to display. + + + + Nice! You own %1.stateofus.eth once the transaction is complete. + + + + Hey + + + + (pending) + + + + Add username + + + + Your usernames + + + + Primary Username + + + + None selected + + + + You’re displaying your ENS username in chats + + + + At least 4 characters. Latin letters, numbers, and lowercase only. + + + + Letters and numbers only. + + + + Type the entire username including the custom domain like username.domain.eth + + + + Your username + + + + ✓ Username available! + + + + Continuing will connect this username with your chat key. + + + + Username doesn’t belong to you :( + + + + Username already taken :( + + + + (edited) + + + + Username is already connected with your chat key and can be used inside Status. + + + + This user name is owned by you and connected with your chat key. Continue to set `Show my ENS username in chats`. + + + + Continuing will require a transaction to connect the username with your current chat key. + + + + Custom domain + + + + I want a stateofus.eth domain + + + + I own a name on another domain + + + + Connect username with your pubkey + + + + Terms of name registration + + + + Funds are deposited for 1 year. Your SNT will be locked, but not spent. + + + + After 1 year, you can release the name and get your deposit back, or take no action to keep the name. + + + + If terms of the contract change — e.g. Status makes contract upgrades — user has the right to release the username regardless of time held. + + + + The contract controller cannot access your deposited funds. They can only be moved back to the address that sent them. + + + + Your address(es) will be publicly associated with your ENS name. + + + + Usernames are created as subdomain nodes of stateofus.eth and are subject to the ENS smart contract terms. + + + + You authorize the contract to transfer SNT on your behalf. This can only occur when you approve a transaction to authorize the transfer. + + + + These terms are guaranteed by the smart contract logic at addresses: + + + + %1 (Status UsernameRegistrar). + + + + <a href='%1%2'>Look up on Etherscan</a> + + + + %1 (ENS Registry). + + + + Agree to <a href="#">Terms of name registration.</a> I understand that my wallet address will be publicly connected to my username. + + + + 10 SNT + + + + Deposit + + + + Not enough SNT + + + + Register + + + + Get a universal username + + + + ENS names transform those crazy-long addresses into unique usernames. + + + + Customize your chat name + + + + An ENS name can replace your random 3-word name in chat. Be @yourname instead of %1. + + + + Simplify your ETH address + + + + You can receive funds to your easy-to-share ENS name rather than your hexadecimal hash (0x...). + + + + Receive transactions in chat + + + + Others can send you funds via chat in one simple step. + + + + 10 SNT to register + + + + Register once to keep the name forever. After 1 year you can release the name and get your SNT back. + + + + Already own a username? + + + + You can verify and add any usernames you own in the next steps. + + + + Powered by Ethereum Name Services + + + + Start + + + + Only available on Mainnet + + + + ENS Registration failed + + + + ENS Registration completed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey failed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey completed + + + + Warning! + + + + Change fleet to %1 + + + + Glossary + + + + Account + + + + A + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "A" because the title above is "Account" + + + + Your Status account, accessed by the seed phrase that you create or import during onboarding. A Status account can hold more than one Ethereum address, in addition to the one created during onboarding. We refer to these as additional accounts within the wallet + + + + Chat Key + + + + C + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "C" because the title above is "Chat Key" + + + + Messages on the Status chat protocol are sent and received using encryption keys. The public chat key is a string of characters you share with others so they can send you messages in Status. + + + + Chat Name + + + + Three random words, derived algorithmically from your chat key and used as your default alias in chat. Chat names are completely unique; no other user can have the same three words. + + + + ENS Name + + + + E + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "E" because the title above is "ENS Name" + + + + Custom alias for your chat key that you can register using the Ethereum Name Service. ENS names are decentralized usernames. + + + + Mailserver + + + + A node in the Status network that routes and stores messages, for up to 30 days. + + + + Peer + + + + P + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "P" because the title above is "Peer" + + + + A device connected to the Status chat network. Each user can represent one or more peers, depending on their number of devices + + + + Seed Phrase + + + + A 64 character hex address based on the Ethereum standard and beginning with 0x. Public-facing, your wallet key is shared with others when you want to receive funds. Also referred to as an “Ethereum address” or “wallet address. + + + + Frequently asked questions + + + + Submit a bug + + + + Request a feature + + + + Language settings + + + + Language + + + + Muted chats + + + + Unmute + + + + The account will be logged out. When you unlock it again, the selected network will be used + + + + Add network + + + + You need to enter the RPC endpoint URL + + + + Invalid URL + + + + You need to enter the network id + + + + Should be a number + + + + Invalid network id + + + + RPC URL + + + + Specify a RPC URL + + + + Network chain + + + + Ropsten test network + + + + Rinkeby test network + + + + Custom + + + + Network Id + + + + Specify the network id + + + + Main networks + + + + Test networks + + + + Custom Networks + + + + Under development +NOTE: You will be logged out and all installed +sticker packs will be removed and will +need to be reinstalled. Purchased sticker +packs will not need to be re-purchased. + + + + Notification preferences + + + + All messages + + + + Just @mentions + + + + Nothing + + + + Play a sound when receiving a notification + + + + Use your operating system's notifications + + + + Setting this to false will instead use Status' notification style as seen below + + + + Message preview + + + + Anonymous + + + + Name only + + + + Name & Message + + + + Hi there! Yes, no problem, let me know if I can help. + + + + No preview or Advanced? Go to Notification Center + + + + Contacts & Users + + + + Notify on new requests + + + + Receive notifications from non-contacts + + + + Muted users + + + + Muted contacts + + + + Muted contacts will appear here + + + + Muted chats will appear here + + + + You can limit what gets shown in notifications + + + + Reset notification settings + + + + Restore default notification settings and unmute all chats and users + + + + Open links with... + + + + My default browser + + + + Security + + + + Backup Seed Phrase + + + + Display all profile pictures (not only contacts) + + + + Display images in chat automatically + + + + All images (links that contain an image extension) will be downloaded and displayed, regardless of the whitelist settings below + + + + Allow new contact requests + + + + Sign out controls + + + + LogoutExit + + + + Sounds settings + + + + Sound volume + + + + Sync settings + + + + Add mailserver + + + + You need to enter the enode address + + + + History node address + + + + enode://{enode-id}:{password}@{ip-address}:{port-number} + + + + Automatic mailserver selection + + + + ... + + + + Share what's on your mind and stay updated with your contacts + + + + Status account settings + + + + You need to enter an account name + + + + Enter an account name... + + + + Account name + + + + Type + + + + Watch-only + + + + Off Status tree + + + + On Status tree + + + + Derivation path + + + + Storage + + + + This device + + + + Delete account + + + + A deleted account cannot be retrieved later. Only press yes if you backed up your key/seed or don't care about this account anymore + + + + Save changes + + + + Add custom token + + + + This needs to be a valid address + + + + Invalid ERC20 address + + + + Enter contract address... + + + + Contract address + + + + The name of your token... + + + + ABC + + + + Symbol + + + + Decimals + + + + Collectibles will appear here + + + + To + + + + From + + + + At + + + + Status Desktop is connected to a non-archival node. Transaction history may be incomplete. + + + + No transactions found + + + + Load More + + + + Total value + + + + Receive + + + + Back up your seed phrase + + + + Recipient + + + + Transaction completed + + + + Transaction failed + + + + Set Currency + + + + Signing phrase + + + + This is your signing phrase + + + + You should see these 3 words before signing each transaction + + + + If you see a different combination, cancel the transaction and sign out + + + + Remind me later + + + + Manage Assets + + + + Account Settings + + + + Collectibles + + + + Generate an account + + + + Add a watch-only address + + + + Enter a seed phrase + + + + Enter a private key + + + + Add account from private key + + + + You need to enter a password + + + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + You need to enter a private key + + + + Enter a valid private key (64 characters hexadecimal string) + + + + Enter your password… + + + + Password + + + + Paste the contents of your private key + + + + Private key + + + + Loading... + + + + Add account + + + + You need to enter a seed phrase + + + + Enter a valid mnemonic + + + + Add account with a seed phrase + + + + Enter your seed phrase, separate words with commas or spaces... + + + + Seed phrase + + + + Add a watch-only account + + + + You need to enter an address + + + + This needs to be a valid address (starting with 0x) + + + + Enter address... + + + + Account address + + + + Token details + + + + Remove token + + + + Transaction Details + + + + 9999 Confirmations + + + + When the transaction has 12 confirmations you can consider it settled. + + + + Block + + + + Hash + + + + Gas limit + + + + Gas price + + + + Gas used + + + + Nonce + + + + Something went wrong + + + + Reload + + + + Maximum number of collectibles to display reached + + + + View + + + + Unnamed + + + + ID + + + + Description + + + + US Dollars + + + + Euros + + + + United Arab Emirates dirham + + + + Afghan afghani + + + + Argentine peso + + + + Australian dollar + + + + Barbadian dollar + + + + Bangladeshi taka + + + + Bulgarian lev + + + + Bahraini dinar + + + + Brunei dollar + + + + Bolivian boliviano + + + + Brazillian real + + + + Bhutanese ngultrum + + + + Canadian dollar + + + + Swiss franc + + + + Chilean peso + + + + Chinese yuan + + + + Colombian peso + + + + Costa Rican colón + + + + Czech koruna + + + + Danish krone + + + + Dominican peso + + + + Egyptian pound + + + + Ethiopian birr + + + + British Pound + + + + Georgian lari + + + + Ghanaian cedi + + + + Hong Kong dollar + + + + Croatian kuna + + + + Hungarian forint + + + + Indonesian rupiah + + + + Israeli new shekel + + + + Indian rupee + + + + Icelandic króna + + + + Jamaican dollar + + + + Japanese yen + + + + Kenyan shilling + + + + South Korean won + + + + Kuwaiti dinar + + + + Kazakhstani tenge + + + + Sri Lankan rupee + + + + Moroccan dirham + + + + Moldovan leu + + + + Mauritian rupee + + + + Malawian kwacha + + + + Mexican peso + + + + Malaysian ringgit + + + + Mozambican metical + + + + Namibian dollar + + + + Nigerian naira + + + + Norwegian krone + + + + Nepalese rupee + + + + New Zealand dollar + + + + Omani rial + + + + Peruvian sol + + + + Papua New Guinean kina + + + + Philippine peso + + + + Pakistani rupee + + + + Polish złoty + + + + Paraguayan guaraní + + + + Qatari riyal + + + + Romanian leu + + + + Serbian dinar + + + + Russian ruble + + + + Saudi riyal + + + + Swedish krona + + + + Singapore dollar + + + + Thai baht + + + + Trinidad and Tobago dollar + + + + New Taiwan dollar + + + + Tanzanian shilling + + + + Turkish lira + + + + Ukrainian hryvnia + + + + Ugandan shilling + + + + Uruguayan peso + + + + Venezuelan bolívar + + + + Vietnamese đồng + + + + South African rand + + + + View Community + + + + Browser + + + + Timeline + + + + Contact request accepted + + + + New contact request + + + + You can now chat with %1 + + + + %1 requests to become contacts + + + + Where do you want to go? + + + + Status Desktop + + + + Open Status + + + + Quit + + + + Create a password + + + + New password... + + + + Confirm password… + + + + At least 6 characters. You will use this password to unlock status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + Create password + + + + Error importing account + + + + An error occurred while importing your account: + + + + Login failed + + + + Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. + + + + Enter seed phrase + + + + This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. + + + + Start with the first word + + + + Enter 12, 15, 18, 21 or 24 words. +Seperate words by a single space. + + + + Invalid seed phrase + + + + Choose a chat name + + + + Truly private communication + + + + Chat over a peer-to-peer, encrypted network + where messages can't be censored or hacked + + + + Secure crypto wallet + + + + Send and receive digital assets anywhere in the +world--no bank account required + + + + Decentralized apps + + + + Explore games, exchanges and social networks +where you alone own your data + + + + Thanks for trying Status Desktop! Please note that this is an alpha release and we advise you that using this app should be done for testing purposes only and you assume the full responsibility for all risks concerning your data and funds. Status makes no claims of security or integrity of funds in these builds. + + + + I understand + + + + Status does not collect, share or sell any personal data. By continuing you agree with the privacy policy. + + + + I'm new, generate keys + + + + Access existing key + + + + Enter password + + + + Connecting... + + + + Login failed: %1 + + + + Generate new keys + + + + Your keys + + + + Add another existing key + + + + Your keys have been successfully recovered + + + + You will have to create a new code or password to re-encrypt your keys + + + + Re-encrypt your keys + + + + Cannot find asset '%1'. Ensure this asset has been added to the token list. + + + + ENS Username not found + + + + eg. 0x1234 or ENS + + + + Paste + + + + You need to request the recipient’s address first. +Assets won’t be sent yet. + + + + Invalid source + + + + Insufficient balance + + + + Must be greater than 0 + + + + Priority + + + + Use suggestions + + + + Use custom + + + + Low + + + + High + + + + Gas amount limit + + + + Per-gas overall limit + + + + Maximum overall price for the transaction. If the block base fee exceeds this, it will be included in a following block with a lower base fee. + + + + Must be greater than or equal to 0 + + + + This needs to be a number + + + + Please enter an amount + + + + The amount is 0. Proceed only if this is desired. + + + + Balance: + + + + Asset & Amount + + + + Blocking will remove any messages you received from %1 and stop new messages from reaching you. + + + + Account color + + + + Confirm your action + + + + Confirm + + + + Are you sure you want to this? + + + + Do not show this again + + + + Please select a contact + + + + Select a contact + + + + Contact does not have an ENS address. Please send a transaction in chat. + + + + No contact selected + + + + Copied! + + + + Slow + + + + Optimal + + + + Fast + + + + Reset + + + + Advanced + + + + Custom Network Fee + + + + Gwei + + + + Apply + + + + Not enough ETH for gas + + + + Copied + + + + Pasted + + + + Copy + + + + Invalid ethereum address + + + + Address + + + + My account + + + + Contact + + + + Search + + + + In: + + + + Messages + + + + Tokens will be sent directly to a contract address, which may result in a loss of funds. To transfer ERC-20 tokens, ensure the recipient address is the address of the destination wallet. + + + + View on Etherscan + + + + <a href='%1' style='color:%2;text-decoration:none;'>%3</a> + + + + Asset + + + + Amount + + + + Data field + + + + Signing phrase is a 3 word combination that displayed when you entered the wallet on this device for the first time. + + + + Enter the password you use to unlock this device + + + + Unblocking will allow new messages you received from %1 to reach you. + + + + Send transaction + + + + Request transaction + + + + Public chat + + + + Not a contact + + + + Image files (%1) + + + + Your message is too long. + + + + Please make your message shorter. We have set the limit to 2000 characters to be courteous of others. + + + + Type a message + + + + Bold + + + + Italic + + + + Strikethrough + + + + Code + + + + No recent emojis + + + + Buy for %1 SNT + + + + Uninstall + + + + Install + + + + Free + + + + Pending... + + + + Update + + + + Could not buy Stickerpack + + + + Stickerpack bought successfully + + + + You don't have any stickers yet + + + + Recently used stickers will appear here + + + + Get Stickers + + + + Ethereum explorer + + + + Custom... + + + + Search engine + + + + Dapp permissions + + + + Revoke access + + + + Revoke all access + + + + Show more + + + + %1 invited you to join the group + + + + All + + + + Mentions + + + + Replies + + + + Contact requests + + + + Mark all as Read + + + + Show read notifications + + + + Hide read notifications + + + + Notification settings + + + + You need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messages + + + + Waiting for %1 to accept your request + + + + Just click this button to add them as contact. They will receive a notification. Once they accept the request, you'll be able to chat + + + + Back up community key + + + + Back up + + + + Member name + + + + Community members will appear here + + + + No contacts found + + + + Your community is free to join, but new members are required to be approved by the community creator first + + + + Your community can only be joined by an invitation from existing community members + + + + Your community is free for anyone to join + + + + You should keep it safe and only share it with people you trust to take ownership of your community + + + + You can also use this key to import your community on another device + + + + Decline and block + + + + Decline all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to decline all these contact requests + + + + Accept all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to accept all these contact requests + + + + Decline all + + + + Accept all + + + + Pin limit reached + + + + Unpin a previous message first + + + + %1 messages + + + + %1 message + + + + Pinned messages will appear here. + + + + I accept + + + + Format not supported. + + + + Upload %1 only + + + + You can only upload %1 images at a time + + + + Max image size is %1 MB + + + + TODO + + + + NOW + + + + %1M + + + + %1H + + + + %1D + + + + Sun + + + + Mon + + + + Tue + + + + Wed + + + + Thu + + + + Fri + + + + Sat + + + + Jan + + + + Feb + + + + Mar + + + + Apr + + + + Jun + + + + Jul + + + + Aug + + + + Sep + + + + Oct + + + + Nov + + + + Dec + + + + Sunday + + + + Monday + + + + Tuesday + + + + Wednesday + + + + Thursday + + + + Friday + + + + Saturday + + + + Start a 1-on-1 chat with %1 + + + + Join the %1 community + + + + Join the %1 group chat + + + + Join the %1 public channel + + + + words + + + + Mainnet with upstream RPC + + + + POA Network + + + + xDai Chain + + + + Goerli with upstream RPC + + + + Rinkeby with upstream RPC + + + + Ropsten with upstream RPC + + + + You need to repeat your password + + + + Passwords don't match + + + + You need to enter a %1 + + + + The %1 cannot exceed %2 characters + + + + Must be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + Use only lowercase letters (a to z), numbers & dashes (-). Do not use chat keys. + + + + community-image-delete + + + + public + Público + + + + AboutView + + Status Desktop + + + + Privacy Policy + + + + Check for updates + + + + Current Version + + + + Release Notes + + + + Our Principles + + + + Status desktop’s GitHub Repositories + + + + Status Go + + + + StatusQ + + + + go-waku + + + + Legal & Privacy Documents + + + + Terms of Use + + + + Software License + + + + + AcceptRejectOptionsButtonsPanel + + View Profile + + + + Decline and block + + + + + AccessExistingCommunityPopup + + You need to enter a key + + + + Import + + + + Error importing the community + + + + + AccountView + + Type + + + + Storage + + + + Watch-Only Account + + + + Generated by your Status seed phrase profile + + + + Imported Account + + + + On Device + + + + Derivation Path + + + + Remove from your profile + + + + Confirm %1 Removal + + + + You will not be able to restore viewing access to this account in the future unless you enter this account’s address again. + + + + Remove Account + + + + + ActivityCenterMessageComponentView + + Mark as Read + + + + Mark as Unread + + + + + AddAccountModal + + Advanced + + + + Generate an account + + + + Wrong password + + + + You need to enter a password + + + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + Enter your password… + + + + Password + + + + Enter an account name... + + + + Account name + + + + You need to enter an account name + + + + color + + + + Loading... + + + + Add account + + + + + AddEditSavedAddressPopup + + Name + + + + Address + + + + Save + + + + Edit saved address + + + + Add saved address + + + + Enter a name + + + + Name must not be blank + + + + This is not a valid account name + + + + Enter ENS Name or Ethereum Address + + + + Please enter a valid ENS name OR Ethereum Address + + + + Add address + + + + + AddFavoriteModal + + URL + + + + Paste URL + + + + Paste + + + + Pasted + + + + Name + + + + Favorite added + + + + Edit + + + + Add favorite + + + + Please enter a valid URL + + + + Name of the website + + + + Please enter a name + + + + Remove + + + + Done + + + + Add + + + + Add Favorite + + + + + AdvancedContainer + + Online users + + + + + AdvancedView + + disable + desativar + + + enable + Ativar + + + Fleet + + + + Minimize on close + + + + Application Logs + + + + Experimental features + + + + Wallet + + + + WalletSettingsLineButton + + + + Dapp Browser + + + + Community History Archive Protocol + + + + Node Management + + + + Keycard + + + + Bloom filter level + + + + Warning! + + + + The account will be logged out. When you login again, the selected mode will be enabled + + + + Light Node + + + + Normal + + + + Full Node + + + + WakuV2 mode + + + + Developer features + + + + Full developer mode + + + + Download messages + + + + Telemetry + + + + Debug + + + + Auto message + + + + Are you sure you want to enable all the develoer features? The app will be restarted. + + + + Are you sure you want to enable telemetry? This will reduce your privacy level while using Status. You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. + + + + Are you sure you want to enable auto message? You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. + + + + Are you sure you want to %1 debug mode? You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. + + + + This feature is experimental and is meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It's not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data. Use at your own risk. + + + + I understand + + + + + AllowNotificationsView + + Ok, got it + + + + Allow notifications + + + + Status will notify you about new messages. You can +edit your notification preferences later in settings. + + + + + AppMain + + Where do you want to go? + + + + Profile Picture + + + + Make this my Profile Pic + + + + Invite People + + + + View Community + + + + Leave Community + + + + A new version of Status (%1) is available + + + + Download + + + + Your version is up to date + + + + Close + + + + Can not connect to mailserver + + + + The mailserver you're connecting to is unavailable. + + + + Pick another + + + + Retry + + + + + AppearanceView + + XS + + + + S + + + + M + + + + L + + + + XL + + + + XXL + + + + Preview + + + + Blockchains will drop search costs, causing a kind of decomposition that allows you to have markets of entities that are horizontally segregated and vertically segregated. + + + + Size + + + + Change font size + + + + Change Zoom (requires restart) + + + + 50% + + + + 100% + + + + 150% + + + + 200% + + + + Appearance + + + + Light + + + + Dark + + + + System + + + + + BackupSeedModal + + Back up your seed phrase + + + + Continue + + + + Not Now + + + + Confirm Seed Phrase + + + + Complete & Delete My Seed Phrase + + + + Confirm word #%1 of your seed phrase + + + + + BackupSeedStepBase + + Enter word + + + + Wrong word + + + + Word #%1 + + + + + BeforeGetStartedModal + + Privacy Policy + + + + Before you get started + + + + I acknowledge that status desktop is in beta and by using it I take the full responsibility for all risks concerning my data and funds + + + + Before you get started... + + + + Get Started + + + + I acknowledge that Status Desktop is in Beta and by using it I take the full responsibility for all risks concerning my data and funds. + + + + I accept Status + + + + Terms of Use + + + + Terms of service + + + + Get started + + + + + BrowserLayout + + Transaction pending... + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Error signing message + + + + View on etherscan + + + + Server's certificate not trusted + + + + Do you wish to continue? + + + + If you wish so, you may continue with an unverified certificate. Accepting an unverified certificate means you may not be connected with the host you tried to connect to. +Do you wish to override the security check and continue? + + + + + ChatContextMenuView + + Leave group + + + + Save + + + + Delete + + + + Are you sure you want to leave this chat? + + + + View Members + + + + Add / remove from group + + + + Test WakuV2 - requestAllHistoricMessages + + + + Edit name + + + + Mark as Read + + + + Clear history + + + + Edit Channel + + + + Download + + + + Delete Channel + + + + Delete chat + + + + Leave chat + + + + Download messages + + + + Delete #%1 + + + + Are you sure you want to delete #%1 channel? + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this chat? + + + + + ChatView + + Members + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + + CollectibleDetailsHeader + + Send + + + + + CollectibleModal + + description + Descrição + + + unnamed + + + + id + + + + View in Opensea + + + + + CollectiblesStore + + Collectibles + + + + + CollectiblesView + + Collectibles will appear here + + + + + CommunitiesListPanel + + Cancel + + + + Leave community + + + + Leave %1 + + + + Are you sure you want to leave? Once you leave, you will have to request to rejoin if you change your mind. + + + + + CommunitiesPopup + + Communities + + + + 1 member + + + + %1 members + + + + Create a community + + + + Search for communities or topics + + + + Access existing community + + + + + CommunitiesPortalLayout + + Search + + + + Find community + + + + Import Community + + + + Create New Community + + + + Featured + + + + Popular + + + + + CommunityColorPicker + + Community colour + + + + + CommunityColumnView + + Create channel + + + + Create category + + + + 1 Member + + + + %1 Members + + + + Start chat + + + + Membership requests + + + + Invite people + + + + Unmute category + + + + Mute category + + + + Edit Category + + + + Delete Category + + + + Delete %1 category + + + + Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. + + + + Create channel or category + + + + Error deleting the category + + + + + CommunityDescriptionInput + + Description + + + + What your community is about + + + + community description + + + + + CommunityDetailPopup + + Join ‘%1’ + + + + Pending + + + + Unknown community + + + + Public community + + + + Invitation only community + + + + On request community + + + + - ENS only + + + + %1 members + + + + Channels + + + + You need to be invited + + + + Request to join ‘%1’ + + + + Error joining the community + + + + + CommunityEditSettingsPanel + + A catchy name + + + + community name + + + + Description + + + + What your community is about + + + + Pick a color + + + + + CommunityHeaderButton + + 1 member + + + + %1 members + + + + + CommunityMembersSettingsPanel + + Members + + + + Member name + + + + Ban + + + + Kick + + + + Membership requests + + + + Community members will appear here + + + + No contacts found + + + + You + + + + + CommunityNameInput + + A catchy name + + + + community name + + + + Community name + + + + + CommunityProfilePopup + + Members + + + + Transfer ownership + + + + Public community + + + + Invitation only community + + + + On request community + + + + Unknown community + + + + Invite friends + + + + Invite + + + + + CommunityProfilePopupInviteFriendsPanel + + Copied! + + + + Contacts + + + + Share community + + + + + CommunityProfilePopupMembersListPanel + + Member name + + + + + CommunityProfilePopupOverviewPanel + + Copied! + + + + Share community + + + + Transfer ownership + + + + Leave community + + + + + CommunitySettingsView + + Members + + + + Notifications + + + + Settings + + + + Overview + + + + Open legacy popup (to be removed) + + + + Back to community + + + + Error editing the community + + + + + CommunityUserList + + Members + + + + + ConfirmPasswordView + + Passwords don't match + + + + Have you written down your password? + + + + You will never be able to recover your password if you lose it. + + + + If you need to, write it using pen and paper and keep in a safe place. + + + + If you lose your password you will lose access to your Status profile. + + + + Confirm your password (again) + + + + Confirm you password (again) + + + + Finalise Status Password Creation + + + + Keys for this account already exist + + + + Keys for this account already exist and can't be added again. If you've lost your password, passcode or Keycard, uninstall the app, reinstall and access your keys by entering your seed phrase + + + + Login failed + + + + Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. + + + + + ConfirmationDialog + + Confirm + + + + Reject + + + + Cancel + + + + Confirm your action + + + + Do not show this again + + + + Are you sure you want to do this? + + + + + ContactPanel + + View Profile + + + + Send message + + + + Respond to ID Request + + + + See ID Request + + + + Rename + + + + + ContactsColumnView + + Start chat + + + + Chat + + + + Search + + + + Join public chats + + + + Contact requests + + + + Community imported + + + + Importing community is in progress + + + + + ContactsView + + Contacts + + + + Send contact request to chat key + + + + Search by a display name or chat key + + + + Pending Requests + + + + Blocked + + + + Identity Verified Contacts + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet + + + + Received + + + + Sent + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + + Controls + + XS + + + + S + + + + M + + + + L + + + + XL + + + + XXL + + + + 50% + + + + 100% + + + + 150% + + + + 200% + + + + + CreateCategoryPopup + + Category title + + + + category name + + + + Edit category + + + + New category + + + + Name the category + + + + Channels + + + + Delete category + + + + Delete %1 category + + + + Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. + + + + Save + + + + Create + + + + Error editing the category + + + + Error creating the category + + + + + CreateChannelPopup + + Channel name + + + + channel name + + + + Description + + + + Describe the channel + + + + channel description + + + + New channel + + + + Edit #%1 + + + + Name the channel + + + + Channel colour + + + + Pick a color + + + + Save + + + + Create + + + + Error creating the community + + + + + CreateChatView + + Contacts + + + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. + +Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be able to chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. + + + + You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. + + +Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be + able to +chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. + + + + You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. + + +Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be able to +chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. + + + + Confirm + + + + + CreateCommunityPopup + + You need to enter a color + + + + This field needs to be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + Community color + + + + Pick a color + + + + Please choose a color + + + + Next + + + + Error creating the community + + + + Name your community + + + + A catchy name + + + + Give it a short description + + + + What your community is about + + + + Community colour + + + + Create New Community + + + + Create Community + + + + + CreatePasswordView + + Create password + + + + + DemoApp + + Invite People + + + + View Community + + + + Edit Community + + + + Leave Community + + + + + DerivationPathsPanel + + Reset + + + + Derivation Path + + + + + DerivedAddressesPanel + + Pending + + + + Account + + + + No activity + + + + Invalid path + + + + Has Activity + + + + No Activity + + + + + DisplayNamePopup + + Edit + + + + Ok + + + + Display Name + + + + OK + + + + + EnsDetailsView + + Wallet address + + + + Key + + + + Connect username with your pubkey + + + + Copied to clipboard! + + + + Release username + + + + Username locked. You won't be able to release it until %1 + + + + Back + + + + + EnsSearchView + + Connect username with your pubkey + + + + At least 4 characters. Latin letters, numbers, and lowercase only. + + + + Letters and numbers only. + + + + Type the entire username including the custom domain like username.domain.eth + + + + Custom domain + + + + I want a stateofus.eth domain + + + + I own a name on another domain + + + + + EnsView + + Transaction pending... + + + + View on etherscan + + + + ENS Registration failed + + + + ENS Registration completed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey failed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey completed + + + + + ExemptionNotificationsModal + + Done + + + + %1 exemption + + + + Mute all messages + + + + Personal @ Mentions + + + + Global @ Mentions + + + + Other Messages + + + + Clear Exemptions + + + + + GasSelector + + Priority + + + + Low + + + + High + + + + Must be greater than 0 + + + + This needs to be a number + + + + Please enter an amount + + + + Min 21000 units + + + + Not enough gas + + + + Miners will currently not process transactions with a tip below %1 Gwei, the average is %2 Gwei + + + + The average miner tip is %1 Gwei + + + + Gas Price + + + + Current base fee: %1 %2 + + + + Use suggestions + + + + Use custom + + + + Optimal + + + + Gas amount limit + + + + Per-gas tip limit + + + + Gwei + + + + Per-gas overall limit + + + + Maximum priority fee: %1 ETH + + + + Maximum overall price for the transaction. If the block base fee exceeds this, it will be included in a following block with a lower base fee. + + + + + GroupInfoPopup + + %1/%2 members + + + + Add members + + + + %1 members + + + + 1 member + + + + Search + + + + All your contacts are already in the group + + + + Pinned messages + + + + Admin + + + + Make Admin + + + + Remove From Group + + + + Add selected + + + + + ImageCropperModal + + Crop your image (optional) + + + + Finish + + + + + ImportPrivateKeyPanel + + Pending + + + + You need to enter a private key + + + + Enter a valid private key (64 characters hexadecimal string) + + + + Private key + + + + Paste the contents of your private key + + + + Public address + + + + Account already added + + + + Has Activity + + + + No Activity + + + + + InsertCard + + Cancel + + + + Please insert your Keycard to proceed or press the cancel button to cancel the operation + + + + + InsertDetailsView + + Next + + + + Profile picture + + + + Your profile + + + + Longer and unusual names are better as they are less likely to be used by someone else. + + + + Display name + + + + Chatkey: + + + + Choose an image for profile picture + + + + Make this my profile picture + + + + Your emojihash and identicon ring + + + + This set of emojis and coloured ring around your avatar are unique and represent your chat key, so your friends can easily distinguish you from potential impersonators. + + + + + InvitationBubbleView + + Unsupported state + + + + Membership requires an ENS username + + + + You need to be invited + + + + Pending + + + + View + + + + Request Access + + + + Join + + + + Verified community invitation + + + + Community invitation + + + + %1 members + + + + Error joining the community + + + + + KeysMainView + + Enter a seed phrase + + + + Generate new keys + + + + intro-wizard-title1 + + + + a-set-of-keys-controls-your-account.-your-keys-live-on-your-device,-so-only-you-can-use-them. + + + + Connect your keys + + + + Use your existing Status keys to login to this device. + + + + Get your keys + + + + A set of keys controls your account. Your keys live on your +device, so only you can use them. + + + + Import a seed phrase + + + + Seed phrases are used to back up and restore your keys. Only use this option if you already have a seed phrase. + + + + + LanguageView + + Language + + + + Set Display Currency + + + + Search Currencies + + + + Search Languages + + + + Date Format + + + + DD/MM/YY + + + + MM/DD/YY + + + + Time Format + + + + 24-Hour Time + + + + 12-Hour Time + + + + Change language + + + + Display language has been changed. You must restart the application for changes to take effect. + + + + Close the app now + + + + + Layout + + Invite People + + + + View Community + + + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + Edit Community + + + + Leave Community + + + + + LeftTabView + + Settings + + + + Sign out + + + + Make sure you have your account password and seed phrase stored. Without them you can lock yourself out of your account and lose funds. + + + + Sign out & Quit + + + + Wallet + + + + Total value + + + + Add account + + + + Saved addresses + + + + + LoginView + + Ok + + + + Welcome back + + + + Add new user + + + + Add existing Status user + + + + Connecting... + + + + Password + + + + Enter password + + + + Login failed: %1 + + + + Password incorrect + + + + + MenuPanel + + Settings + + + + Apps + + + + About & Help + + + + + MessageContextMenuView + + Jump to + + + + Copy image + + + + Download image + + + + Block User + + + + Unblock User + + + + Rename + + + + Reply to + + + + Edit message + + + + Copy Message Id + + + + Unpin + + + + Pin + + + + Delete message + + + + Please choose a directory + + + + Confirm deleting this message + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well. + + + + + MessagingView + + Contacts + + + + Allow new contact requests + + + + Show My Profile Picture To + + + + Everyone + + + + No One + + + + See Profile Pictures From + + + + Open Message Links With + + + + Status Browser + + + + System Default Browser + + + + Contacts, Requests, and Blocked Users + + + + Display Message Link Previews + + + + Fine tune which sites to allow link previews + + + + Image unfurling + + + + All images (links that contain an image extension) will be downloaded and displayed + + + + Message syncing + + + + Waku nodes + + + + For security reasons, private chat history won't be synced. + + + + + MyProfileView + + ENS username + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Change Password + + + + Edit + + + + Preview + + + + + NicknamePopup + + Nickname + + + + Nicknames help you identify others in Status. Only you can see the nicknames you’ve added + + + + Done + + + + + NoImageUploadedPanel + + Upload + + + + Wide aspect ratio is optimal + + + + + NotificationsView + + Messages + + + + You have a new message + + + + Anonymous + + + + Community + + + + 1:1 Chat + + + + Group Chat + + + + Muted + + + + Off + + + + Quiet + + + + Personal @ Mentions %1 + + + + Global @ Mentions %1 + + + + Alerts + + + + Other Messages %1 + + + + Multiple Exemptions + + + + Enable Notifications in macOS Settings + + + + To receive Status notifications, make sure you've enabled them in your computer's settings under <b>System Preferences > Notifications</b> + + + + Sync your devices to share notifications preferences + + + + Syncing > + + + + Allow Notifications + + + + 1:1 Chats + + + + Group Chats + + + + Personal @ Mentions + + + + Messages containing @%1 + + + + Global @ Mentions + + + + Messages containing @here and @channel + + + + All Messages + + + + Others + + + + Contact Requests + + + + Identity Verification Requests + + + + Notification Content + + + + Show Name and Message + + + + Hi there! So EIP-1559 will defini... + + + + Name Only + + + + Play a Sound When Receiving a Notification + + + + Volume + + + + Send a Test Notification + + + + Exemptions + + + + Search Communities, Group Chats and 1:1 Chats + + + + Most recent + + + + + PasswordView + + Create a password + + + + Passwords don't match + + + + Create a password to unlock Status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + You will not be able to recover this password if it is lost. + + + + Minimum %1 characters. To strengthen your password consider including: + + + + This password has been pwned and shouldn't be used + + + + This password is a common word and shouldn't be used + + + + Password must be at least %1 characters long + + + + Current password + + + + New password + + + + Very weak + + + + Weak + + + + So-so + + + + Good + + + + Great + + + + Lower case + + + + Upper case + + + + Numbers + + + + Symbols + + + + Confirm password + + + + + PermissionsListView + + Disconnect + + + + Disconnect All + + + + + PinnedMessagesPopup + + Unpin + + + + Pin limit reached + + + + Pinned messages + + + + Unpin a previous message first + + + + %1 messages + + + + %1 message + + + + Pinned messages will appear here. + + + + + ProfileLayout + + Contacts + + + + Testnet mode is enabled. All balances, transactions and dApp interactions will be on testnets. + + + + Secure your seed phrase + + + + Back up now + + + + + ProfilePopup + + ENS username + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Chat settings + + + + Nickname + + + + None + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + Unblock User + + + + Block User + + + + Add to contacts + + + + 's Profile + + + + Send Contact Request to + + + + Verify %1's Identity + + + + My Profile + + + + %1's Profile + + + + Send Contact Request to %1 + + + + Cancel verification + + + + Remove Contact + + + + Send Contact Request + + + + Mark Untrustworthy + + + + Remove 'Identity Verified' status + + + + No + + + + Yes + + + + Remove Untrustworthy Mark + + + + Verify Identity + + + + Verify Identity pending... + + + + Send verification request + + + + Verification request sent + + + + Confirm Identity + + + + Rename + + + + Close + + + + + ProfileSectionStore + + Profile + + + + ENS usernames + + + + Wallet + + + + Browser + + + + Communities + + + + Appearance + + + + Back up seed phrase + + + + Advanced + + + + Messaging + + + + Notifications & Sounds + + + + Language & Currency + + + + Devices settings + + + + About + + + + Sign out & Quit + + + + + RateView + + Upload + + + + Bandwidth + + + + Kb/s + + + + Download + + + + + ReceiveModal + + Copy + + + + Receive + + + + Legacy + + + + Multichain + + + + Your Address + + + + + RootStore + + You + + + + Start a 1-on-1 chat with %1 + + + + Join the %1 community + + + + Join the %1 group chat + + + + + SavedAddressesView + + Cancel + + + + Delete + + + + Saved addresses + + + + Add new address + + + + Edit + + + + Are you sure you want to remove '%1' from your saved addresses? + + + + Are you sure? + + + + No saved addresses + + + + + SeedPhraseInputView + + Enter seed phrase + + + + Next + + + + Import + + + + Keys for this account already exist + + + + Keys for this account already exist and can't be added again. If you've lost your password, passcode or Keycard, uninstall the app, reinstall and access your keys by entering your seed phrase + + + + Error importing seed + + + + %1 words + + + + %1SeedButton + + + + Invalid seed + + + + Restore Status Profile + + + + + SendContactRequestModal + + Paste + + + + Send Contact Request to chat key + + + + Enter chat key here + + + + Say who you are / why you want to become a contact... + + + + who are you + + + + Send Contact Request + + + + + SendModal + + Transaction pending... + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Send + + + + Max: + + + + No balances active + + + + Please enter a valid amount + + + + To + + + + Enter an ENS name or address + + + + Error estimating gas: %1 + + + + Wrong password + + + + View on etherscan + + + + + SendModalFooter + + Unknown + + + + Estimated Time: + + + + Max Fees: + + + + Send + + + + + SendModalHeader + + To + + + + + SettingsPageLayout + + Cancel + + + + Save changes + + + + + SignTransactionModal + + Send + + + + Continue + + + + Error estimating gas: %1 + + + + Transaction pending... + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Choose account + + + + Network fee + + + + Transaction preview + + + + Sign with password + + + + Send %1 %2 + + + + Next + + + + Wrong password + + + + View on etherscan + + + + + StatusAppCommunityView + + Members + + + + + StatusChatInput + + Send + + + + Message + + + + Please choose an image + + + + Image files (%1) + + + + Your message is too long. + + + + Please make your message shorter. We have set the limit to 2000 characters to be courteous of others. + + + + Bold + + + + Italic + + + + Strikethrough + + + + Code + + + + Unblock + + + + + StatusChatListAndCategories + + More + + + + Add channel inside category + + + + + StatusChatListCategoryItem + + More + + + + Add channel inside category + + + + + StatusChatListItem + + Unmute + + + + + StatusChatToolBar + + Search + + + + Members + + + + More + + + + + StatusColorDialog + + Preview + + + + This is not a valid color + + + + Standart colours + + + + Select Colour + + + + + StatusExpandableSettingsItemPage + + Back up seed phrase + + + + Not Implemented + + + + + StatusListPicker + + Search + + + + + StatusMacNotification + + Open + + + + My latest message + with a return + + + + + StatusStickerMarket + + This feature is experimental and is meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It's not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data. Use at your own risk. + + + + I understand + + + + + StatusTokenInlineSelector + + or + + + + Hold + + + + to post + + + + + StatusWalletColorSelect + + Account color + + + + + TabNetworkAndFees + + Advanced + + + + Custom + + + + Slow + + + + + TransactionSettingsConfirmationPopup + + Are you sure? + + + + Your priority fee is below our suggested parameters. + + + + Current base fee + + + + %1 Gwei + + + + Current minimum tip + + + + Current average tip + + + + Your tip limit + + + + Suggested minimum tip + + + + Your price limit + + + + Suggested minimum price limit + + + + Change Limit + + + + Continue anyway + + + + + TransferOwnershipPopup + + Transfer ownership + + + + Community private key + + + + Copy + + + + Copied + + + + You should keep it safe and only share it with people you trust to take ownership of your community + + + + You can also use this key to import your community on another device + + + + + UploadProfilePicModal + + Profile picture + + + + Remove + + + + Upload + + + + Done + + + + Upload profile picture + + + + Choose an image for profile picture + + + + Make this my profile picture + + + + + UserList + + Members + + + + + UsernameLabel + + You + + + + + Utils + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + You need to enter a %1 + + + + now + Agora + + + Sun + + + + Mon + + + + Tue + + + + Wed + + + + Thu + + + + Fri + + + + Sat + + + + Jan + + + + Feb + + + + Mar + + + + Apr + + + + May + + + + Jun + + + + Jul + + + + Aug + + + + Sep + + + + Oct + + + + Nov + + + + Dec + + + + Yesterday + + + + Sunday + + + + Monday + + + + Tuesday + + + + Wednesday + + + + Thursday + + + + Friday + + + + Saturday + + + + NOW + + + + %1M + + + + %1H + + + + %1D + + + + words + + + + You need to enter a password + + + + You need to repeat your password + + + + Passwords don't match + + + + You need to enter a PIN + + + + The PIN must contain only digits + + + + The PIN must be exactly 6 digits + + + + You need to repeat your PIN + + + + PIN don't match + + + + The %1 cannot exceed %2 characters + + + + Must be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + Use only lowercase letters (a to z), numbers & dashes (-). Do not use chat keys. + + + + Value has to be at least %1 characters long + + + + Unknown + + + + < 1 min + + + + < 3 mins + + + + < 5 mins + + + + > 5 mins + + + + years ago + + + + year ago + + + + months ago + + + + month ago + + + + weeks ago + + + + week ago + + + + days ago + + + + day ago + + + + hours ago + + + + hour ago + + + + mins ago + + + + min ago + + + + secs ago + + + + sec ago + + + + + WalletView + + Wallet + + + + Networks + + + + DApp Permissions + + + + Testnet Mode + + + + + AcceptTransactionView + + Accept and share address + + + + Accept and send + + + + Decline + + + + + Acknowledgements + + Secure Your Assets and Funds + + + + Your seed phrase is a 12-word passcode to your funds. + + + + Your seed phrase cannot be recovered if lost. Therefore, you <b>must</b> back it up. The simplest way is to <b>write it down offline and store it somewhere secure.</b> + + + + I have a pen and paper + + + + I am ready to write down my seed phrase + + + + I know where I’ll store it + + + + You can only complete this process once. Status will not store your seed phrase and can never help you recover it. + + + + + ActivityCenterPopup + + Show more + + + + + ActivityCenterPopupTopBarPanel + + All + + + + Mentions + + + + Replies + + + + Mark all as Read + + + + Show read notifications + + + + Hide read notifications + + + + Notification settings + + + + + AddShowTokenModal + + Add custom token + + + + This needs to be a valid address + + + + Invalid ERC20 address + + + + Enter contract address... + + + + Contract address + + + + The name of your token... + + + + Name + + + + ABC + + + + Symbol + + + + Decimals + + + + Changing settings failed + + + + Add + + + + + AddWakuNodeModal + + Waku nodes + + + + Name + + + + Specify a name + + + + You need to enter a name + + + + History node address + + + + You need to enter the enode address + + + + The format must be: enode://{enode-id}:{password}@{ip-address}:{port} + + + + Save + + + + + AddressInput + + ENS Username not found + + + + + AddressRequiredValidator + + You need to request the recipient’s address first. +Assets won’t be sent yet. + + + + + AddressSourceSelector + + Invalid source + + + + + AdvancedAddAccountView + + Enter address... + + + + Account address + + + + This needs to be a valid address (starting with 0x) + + + + You need to enter an address + + + + + AppSearch + + No results + + + + Anywhere + + + + + AssetAndAmountInput + + Insufficient balance + + + + Must be greater than or equal to 0 + + + + This needs to be a number + + + + Please enter an amount + + + + Balance: + + + + Asset & Amount + + + + The amount is 0. Proceed only if this is desired. + + + + + BackUpCommuntyBannerPanel + + Back up community key + + + + Back up + + + + + BalanceExceeded + + Balance exceeded + + + + No networks available + + + + + BalanceValidator + + Insufficient balance + + + + + BlockContactConfirmationDialog + + Block User + + + + Blocking will stop new messages from reaching you from %1. + + + + + BloomSelectorButton + + TODO + + + + + BrowserConnectionModal + + '%1' would like to connect to + + + + Allowing authorizes this DApp to retrieve your wallet address and enable Web3 + + + + Granting access authorizes this DApp to retrieve your chat key + + + + Deny + + + + Allow + + + + + BrowserHeader + + Enter URL + + + + + BrowserSettingsMenu + + New Tab + + + + Exit Incognito mode + + + + Go Incognito + + + + Zoom In + + + + Zoom Out + + + + Find + + + + Compatibility mode + + + + Developer Tools + + + + Settings + + + + + BrowserTabStyle + + Start Page + + + + + BrowserTabView + + Start Page + + + + New Tab + + + + Downloads Page + + + + + BrowserView + + Search engine used in the address bar + + + + None + + + + Show Favorites Bar + + + + Connected DApps + + + + No connected dApps + + + + Connecting a dApp grants it permission to view your address and balances, and to send you transaction requests + + + + + BrowserWalletMenu + + Mainnet + + + + Ropsten + + + + Unknown + + + + Disconnect + + + + Assets + + + + History + + + + + BrowserWebEngineView + + Add Favorite + + + + + ChangePasswordModal + + Change password + + + + Change password used to unlock Status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + Change Password + + + + + ChangePasswordSuccessModal + + <b>Password changed</b> + + + + You need to sign in again using the new password. + + + + Sign out & Quit + + + + + ChangeProfilePicModal + + Profile picture + + + + Remove + + + + Upload + + + + Please choose an image + + + + Image files (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png) + + + + + ChannelIdentifierView + + Welcome to the beginning of the <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> group! + + + + Any messages you send here are encrypted and can only be read by you and <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> + + + + + ChatButtonsPanel + + Add reaction + + + + Reply + + + + Edit + + + + Unpin + + + + Pin + + + + Delete + + + + Confirm deleting this message + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well. + + + + + ChatColumnView + + Send + + + + Request Address + + + + Request + + + + + ChatCommandModal + + Continue + + + + Receive on account + + + + From account + + + + Address request required + + + + From + + + + To + + + + Preview + + + + Transaction preview + + + + Next + + + + + ChatCommandsPopup + + Send transaction + + + + Request transaction + + + + + ChatContentView + + Contact + + + + Not a contact + + + + Public chat + + + + %1 members + + + + 1 member + + + + Connected + + + + Disconnected + + + + Blocked + + + + This user has been blocked. + + + + + ChatMessagesView + + Loading... + + + + Failed to send message. + + + + + ChatRequestMessagePanel + + You need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messages + + + + Just click this button to add them as contact. They will receive a notification. Once they accept the request, you'll be able to chat + + + + Add to contacts + + + + + ChooseBrowserPopup + + Choose browser + + + + Open in Status + + + + Open in my default browser + + + + Remember my choice. To override it, go to settings. + + + + + ClosedEmptyPanel + + Your chats will appear here. To start new chats press the  button at the top + + + + + CollectibleCollectionView + + No collectibles available + + + + + CollectibleDetailView + + Properties + + + + Levels + + + + Stats + + + + + CollectiblesContent + + Something went wrong + + + + Reload + + + + + CollectiblesHeader + + Maximum number of collectibles to display reached + + + + + CollectiblesModal + + View + + + + Unnamed + + + + + CollectiblesModalContent + + ID + + + + Description + + + + + CommunitiesView + + Import community + + + + Communities you've joined + + + + + CommunityBannerPicker + + Community banner + + + + Choose an image for banner + + + + Make this my Community banner + + + + + CommunityChannelsAndCategoriesBannerPanel + + Expand your community by adding more channels and categories + + + + Add channels + + + + Add categories + + + + + CommunityColorPanel + + Community Colour + + + + Select Community Colour + + + + This is not a valid colour + + + + White text should be legable on top of this colour + + + + Standard colours + + + + + CommunityDelegate + + Admin + + + + Member + + + + + CommunityIntroDialog + + Welcome to %1 + + + + Join %1 + + + + Community <b>%1</b> has no intro message... + + + + I agree with the above + + + + + CommunityIntroMessageInput + + Community introduction and rules + + + + What new members will read before joining (eg. community rules, welcome message, etc.). Members will need to tick a check box agreeing to these rules before they are allowed to join your community. + + + + community intro message + + + + + CommunityLogoPicker + + Community logo + + + + Choose an image as logo + + + + Make this my Community logo + + + + + CommunityOptions + + Community history service + + + + Request to join required + + + + Any member can pin a message + + + + + CommunityOutroMessageInput + + Leaving community message + + + + The message a member will see when they leave your community + + + + community intro message + + + + + CommunityOverviewSettingsPanel + + Overview + + + + Edit Community + + + + This node is the Community Owner Node. For your Community to function correctly try to keep this computer with Status running and onlinie as much as possible. + + + + Welcome to your community! + + + + Invite new people + + + + Try an airdrop to reward your community for engagement! + + + + Airdrop Tokens + + + + Back up community key + + + + Back up + + + + + CommunityTagsPanel + + Community Tags + + + + Confirm Community Tags + + + + Select tags that will fit your Community + + + + Search tags + + + + Selected tags + + + + + CommunityTagsPicker + + Tags + + + + + CommunityWelcomeBannerPanel + + Welcome to your community! + + + + Add members + + + + Manage community + + + + + CompactMessageView + + Pinned by %1 + + + + Cancel + + + + Save + + + + + ConfirmAddExistingKeyModal + + Enter seed phrase + + + + Do you want to add another existing key? + + + + Add another existing key + + + + + ConfirmAppRestartModal + + Application Restart + + + + Please restart the application to apply the changes. + + + + Restart + + + + + ConfirmSeedPhrasePanel + + Write down your 12-word seed phrase to keep offline + + + + Reveal seed phrase + + + + The next screen contains your seed phrase. +<b>Anyone</b> who sees it can use it to access to your funds. + + + + + ConfirmStoringSeedPhrasePanel + + Complete back up + + + + Store Your Phrase Offline and Complete Your Back Up + + + + By completing this process, you will remove your seed phrase from this application’s storage. This makes your funds more secure. + + + + You will remain logged in, and your seed phrase will be entirely in your hands. + + + + I acknowledge that Status will not be able to show me my seed phrase again. + + + + I aknowledge that Status will not be able to show me my seed phrase again. + + + + + Constants + + Username must be at least 5 characters + + + + Only letters, numbers, underscores and hyphens allowed + + + + 24 character username limit + + + + Usernames ending with '-eth' are not allowed + + + + Usernames ending with '_eth' are not allowed + + + + Usernames ending with '.eth' are not allowed + + + + Sorry, the name you have chosen is not allowed, try picking another username + + + + (edited) + + + + Username already taken :( + + + + Username doesn’t belong to you :( + + + + Continuing will connect this username with your chat key. + + + + ✓ Username available! + + + + Username is already connected with your chat key and can be used inside Status. + + + + This user name is owned by you and connected with your chat key. Continue to set `Show my ENS username in chats`. + + + + Continuing will require a transaction to connect the username with your current chat key. + + + + + Contact + + Admin + + + + + ContactRequestsPopup + + Contact requests + + + + Decline all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to decline all these contact requests + + + + Accept all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to accept all these contact requests + + + + Decline all + + + + Accept all + + + + + ContactSelector + + Please select a contact + + + + Select a contact + + + + Contact does not have an ENS address. Please send a transaction in chat. + + + + No contact selected + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet + + + + + ContactVerificationRequestPopup + + %1 is asking you to verify your identity + + + + %1 would like to verify your identity. Answer the question to prove your identity to %2 + + + + Provide answer to verification request from this contact. + + + + Your answer has been sent to %1. + + + + Refuse Verification + + + + Send Answer + + + + Change answer + + + + Close + + + + + ContactsListAndSearch + + Enter a valid chat key or ENS username + + + + Can't chat with yourself + + + + Enter ENS username or chat key + + + + + ContactsListPanel + + Contact Request Sent + + + + Contact Request Rejected + + + + + CopyToClipBoardButton + + Copied! + + + + + CreatePasswordModal + + Store password + + + + Create a password + + + + Current password... + + + + New password... + + + + Confirm password… + + + + At least 6 characters. You will use this password to unlock status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + Create password + + + + Error importing account + + + + An error occurred while importing your account: + + + + Login failed + + + + Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. + + + + Incorrect password + + + + + CryptoServicesModal + + Buy / Sell crypto + + + + Choose a service you'd like to use to buy crypto + + + + + CurrenciesStore + + US Dollars + + + + British Pound + + + + Euros + + + + Russian ruble + + + + South Korean won + + + + Ethereum + + + + Tokens + + + + Bitcoin + + + + Status Network Token + + + + Dai + + + + United Arab Emirates dirham + + + + Other Fiat + + + + Afghan afghani + + + + Argentine peso + + + + Australian dollar + + + + Barbadian dollar + + + + Bangladeshi taka + + + + Bulgarian lev + + + + Bahraini dinar + + + + Brunei dollar + + + + Bolivian boliviano + + + + Brazillian real + + + + Bhutanese ngultrum + + + + Canadian dollar + + + + Swiss franc + + + + Chilean peso + + + + Chinese yuan + + + + Colombian peso + + + + Costa Rican colón + + + + Czech koruna + + + + Danish krone + + + + Dominican peso + + + + Egyptian pound + + + + Ethiopian birr + + + + Georgian lari + + + + Ghanaian cedi + + + + Hong Kong dollar + + + + Croatian kuna + + + + Hungarian forint + + + + Indonesian rupiah + + + + Israeli new shekel + + + + Indian rupee + + + + Icelandic króna + + + + Jamaican dollar + + + + Japanese yen + + + + Kenyan shilling + + + + Kuwaiti dinar + + + + Kazakhstani tenge + + + + Sri Lankan rupee + + + + Moroccan dirham + + + + Moldovan leu + + + + Mauritian rupee + + + + Malawian kwacha + + + + Mexican peso + + + + Malaysian ringgit + + + + Mozambican metical + + + + Namibian dollar + + + + Nigerian naira + + + + Norwegian krone + + + + Nepalese rupee + + + + New Zealand dollar + + + + Omani rial + + + + Peruvian sol + + + + Papua New Guinean kina + + + + Philippine peso + + + + Pakistani rupee + + + + Polish złoty + + + + Paraguayan guaraní + + + + Qatari riyal + + + + Romanian leu + + + + Serbian dinar + + + + Saudi riyal + + + + Swedish krona + + + + Singapore dollar + + + + Thai baht + + + + Trinidad and Tobago dollar + + + + New Taiwan dollar + + + + Tanzanian shilling + + + + Turkish lira + + + + Ukrainian hryvnia + + + + Ugandan shilling + + + + Uruguayan peso + + + + Venezuelan bolívar + + + + Vietnamese đồng + + + + South African rand + + + + + DateGroup + + Today + + + + Yesterday + + + + January + + + + February + + + + March + + + + April + + + + May + + + + June + + + + July + + + + August + + + + September + + + + October + + + + November + + + + December + + + + + DefaultDAppExplorerView + + Default DApp explorer + + + + none + + + + + DevicesView + + Please set a name for your device. + + + + Specify a name + + + + Continue + + + + Advertise device + + + + Pair your devices to sync contacts and chats between them + + + + Learn more + + + + Paired devices + + + + Syncing... + + + + Sync all devices + + + + + DownloadBar + + Cancelled + + + + Paused + + + + Show All + + + + + DownloadMenu + + Open + + + + Show in folder + + + + Pause + + + + Resume + + + + Cancel + + + + + DownloadPage + + Thanks for using Status + + + + You're curently using version %1 of Status. + + + + There's new version available to download. + + + + Get Status %1 + + + + + DownloadView + + Cancelled + + + + Paused + + + + Downloaded files will appear here. + + + + + ENSPopup + + Primary username + + + + Your messages are displayed to others with this username: + + + + Once you select a username, you won’t be able to disable it afterwards. You will only be able choose a different username to display. + + + + + EmojiReactionsPanel + + Add reaction + + + + + EmptyChatPanel + + Share your chat key + + + + or + + + + invite + + + + friends to start messaging in Status + + + + + EnsAddedView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + %1 is now connected with your chat key and can be used in Status. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsConnectedView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + %1 will be connected once the transaction is complete. + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsListView + + Hey + + + + (pending) + + + + ENS usernames + + + + Add username + + + + Your usernames + + + + Chat settings + + + + Primary Username + + + + None selected + + + + You’re displaying your ENS username in chats + + + + + EnsRegisteredView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + Nice! You own %1.stateofus.eth once the transaction is complete. + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsReleasedView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username removed + + + + The username %1 will be removed and your deposit will be returned once the transaction is mined + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsTermsAndConditionsView + + ENS usernames + + + + Terms of name registration + + + + Funds are deposited for 1 year. Your SNT will be locked, but not spent. + + + + After 1 year, you can release the name and get your deposit back, or take no action to keep the name. + + + + If terms of the contract change — e.g. Status makes contract upgrades — user has the right to release the username regardless of time held. + + + + The contract controller cannot access your deposited funds. They can only be moved back to the address that sent them. + + + + Your address(es) will be publicly associated with your ENS name. + + + + Usernames are created as subdomain nodes of stateofus.eth and are subject to the ENS smart contract terms. + + + + You authorize the contract to transfer SNT on your behalf. This can only occur when you approve a transaction to authorize the transfer. + + + + These terms are guaranteed by the smart contract logic at addresses: + + + + %1 (Status UsernameRegistrar). + + + + <a href='%1%2'>Look up on Etherscan</a> + + + + %1 (ENS Registry). + + + + Wallet address + + + + Copied to clipboard! + + + + Key + + + + Agree to <a href="#">Terms of name registration.</a> I understand that my wallet address will be publicly connected to my username. + + + + Back + + + + 10 SNT + + + + Deposit + + + + Not enough SNT + + + + Register + + + + + EnsWelcomeView + + Get a universal username + + + + ENS names transform those crazy-long addresses into unique usernames. + + + + Customize your chat name + + + + An ENS name can replace your random 3-word name in chat. Be @yourname instead of %1. + + + + Simplify your ETH address + + + + You can receive funds to your easy-to-share ENS name rather than your hexadecimal hash (0x...). + + + + Receive transactions in chat + + + + Others can send you funds via chat in one simple step. + + + + 10 SNT to register + + + + Register once to keep the name forever. After 1 year you can release the name and get your SNT back. + + + + Already own a username? + + + + You can verify and add any usernames you own in the next steps. + + + + Powered by Ethereum Name Services + + + + Start + + + + Only available on Mainnet + + + + + FavoriteMenu + + Open in new Tab + + + + Edit + + + + Remove + + + + + FetchMoreMessagesButton + + ↓ Fetch more messages + + + + Before %1 + + + + before--%1 + + + + + FleetRadioSelector + + Warning! + + + + Change fleet to %1 + + + + + FleetsModal + + Fleet + + + + + GapComponent + + fetch-messages + + + + between--1-and--2 + + + + Fetch messages + + + + Between %1 and %2 + + + + + GasSelectorButton + + Low + + + + + GasValidator + + Not enough ETH for gas + + + + + GroupChatPanel + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + Confirm + + + + + HistoryView + + Status Desktop is connected to a non-archival node. Transaction history may be incomplete. + + + + No transactions found + + + + Load More + + + + + HomePageView + + homepage + + + + System default + + + + Other + + + + Example: duckduckgo.com + + + + + ImageCropWorkflow + + Supported image formats (%1) + + + + + ImportCommunityPopup + + Import Community + + + + Entering a community key will grant you the ownership of that community. Please be responsible with it and don’t share the key with people you don’t trust. + + + + Community private key + + + + Import + + + + + ImportSeedPhrasePanel + + Invalid seed phrase + + + + This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. + + + + %1 words + + + + + Input + + Copied + + + + Pasted + + + + Copy + + + + Paste + + + + + InviteFriendsPopup + + Get Status at https://status.im + + + + Download Status link + + + + Copy to clipboard + + + + + InviteFriendsToCommunityPopup + + Invite friends + + + + Invite successfully sent + + + + Invite + + + + + JSDialogWindow + + Ok + + + + Cancel + + + + + KeycardCreatePINModal + + Create PIN + + + + New PIN + + + + Confirm PIN + + + + Create a 6 digit long PIN + + + + + LanguageStore + + Beta Languages + + + + + LinksMessageView + + Enable automatic image unfurling + + + + Enable link previews in chat? + + + + Once enabled, links posted in the chat may share your metadata with their owners + + + + Enable in Settings + + + + Don't ask me again + + + + + MailserverConnectionDialog + + Can not connect to mailserver + + + + The mailserver you're connecting to is unavailable. + + + + Pick another + + + + Retry + + + + + MainView + + DApp Permissions + + + + Networks + + + + Accounts + + + + Generated from Your Seed Phrase + + + + Imported + + + + Watch-Only + + + + + MembershipRequestsPopup + + Membership requests + + + + + MessageStore + + and + + + + %1 more + + + + reacted with + + + + You + + + + + MuteChatMenuItem + + Mute chat + + + + Unmute chat + + + + + MutedChatsModal + + Muted chats + + + + Unmute + + + + + MyProfileSettingsView + + Display name + + + + Display Name + + + + Biometric login and transaction authentication + + + + Communities + + + + Accounts + + + + You haven't joined any communities yet + + + + You don't have any wallet accounts yet + + + + + NetworkCardsComponent + + Your Balances + + + + No Balance + + + + No Gas + + + + BALANCE: + + + + Disabled + + + + + NetworkFilter + + All networks + + + + %n network(s) + + + + + + + + NetworkSelectPopup + + Layer 2 + + + + + NetworkSelector + + Networks + + + + Choose a network to use for the transaction + + + + No networks available + + + + Simple + + + + Advanced + + + + Custom + + + + + NetworksAdvancedCustomRoutingView + + Networks + + + + Show Unpreferred Networks + + + + The networks where the receipient will receive tokens. Amounts calculated automatically for the lowest cost. + + + + + NetworksSimpleRoutingView + + Networks + + + + Choose a network to use for the transaction + + + + + NetworksView + + Layer 2 + + + + Add Custom Network + + + + + NoFriendsRectangle + + You don’t have any contacts yet. Invite your friends to start chatting. + + + + Invite friends + + + + + NodeLayout + + Bloom Filter Usage + + + + Type json-rpc message... e.g {"method": "eth_accounts"} + + + + + NotificationSelect + + Send Alerts + + + + Deliver Quietly + + + + Turn Off + + + + + NotificationWindow + + Everything is connected + + + + + PINModal + + Authenticate PIN + + + + PIN + + + + Insert your 6-digit PIN + + + + Authenticate + + + + + PairingModal + + Insert pairing code + + + + Pairing code + + + + Insert the Keycard pairing code + + + + Pair + + + + + PrivateChatPopup + + New chat + + + + My Profile + + + + + ProfileHeader + + Chatkey:%1... + + + + + ProfileView + + Blocked + + + + Send Request + + + + Receive Response + + + + Confirm Identity + + + + You have confirmed %1's identity. From now on this verification emblem will always be displayed alongside %1's nickname. + + + + You have marked %1 as Untrustworthy. From now on this Untrustworthy emblem will always be displayed alongside %1's nickname. + + + + ENS username + + + + Username + + + + Ask a question that only the real %1 will be able to answer e.g. a question about a shared experience, or ask Mark to enter a code or phrase you have sent to them via a different communication channel (phone, post, etc...). + + + + Waiting for %1's response... + + + + Copied to clipboard + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Chat settings + + + + Nickname + + + + None + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + + PublicChatPopup + + You need to enter a channel name + + + + The channel name can only contain lowercase letters, numbers and dashes + + + + Join public chat + + + + A public chat is where you get to hang out with others, make friends and talk about subjects of your interest. + + + + chat-name + + + + Start chat + + + + + RecipientSelector + + Invalid ethereum address + + + + Address + + + + My account + + + + Contact + + + + Recipient + + + + + RenameAccontModal + + Rename %1 + + + + Enter an account name... + + + + You need to enter an account name + + + + This is not a valid account name + + + + color + + + + Change Name + + + + Changing settings failed + + + + + RenameGroupPopup + + Group name + + + + Save + + + + + Retry + + Resend + + + + + RightTabView + + Assets + + + + Collectibles + + + + Activity + + + + History + + + + + SearchBox + + Search + + + + + SearchEngineModal + + Search engine + + + + None + + + + + SearchResults + + Non contacts + + + + No profile found + + + + + SeedPhraseBackupWarning + + Back up your seed phrase + + + + Back up + + + + + SeedPhraseTextArea + + Invalid seed phrase + + + + This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. + + + + Start with the first word + + + + + SelectAccountModal + + Select account + + + + Select account to share and receive assets + + + + Confirm and share address + + + + + SelectAnotherAccountModal + + Your keys + + + + Add another existing key + + + + + SelectGeneratedAccount + + Import new Seed Phrase + + + + Generate from Private key + + + + Add a watch-only address + + + + Imported + + + + Add new + + + + Origin + + + + + SendContactRequestMenuItem + + Send Contact Request + + + + + SendMessageMenuItem + + Send message + + + + + SendToContractWarning + + Tokens will be sent directly to a contract address, which may result in a loss of funds. To transfer ERC-20 tokens, ensure the recipient address is the address of the destination wallet. + + + + + SendTransactionButton + + Sign and send + + + + + SettingsDirtyToastMessage + + Changes detected + + + + Cancel + + + + Save changes + + + + + SignMessageModal + + Signature request + + + + From + + + + Data + + + + Message + + + + Reject + + + + Sign + + + + Sign with password + + + + + SignPhraseModal + + Signing phrase + + + + This is your signing phrase + + + + You should see these 3 words before signing each transaction + + + + If you see a different combination, cancel the transaction and sign out + + + + Ok, got it + + + + Remind me later + + + + + StateBubble + + Pending + + + + Confirmed + + + + Unknown token + + + + Address requested + + + + Waiting to accept + + + + Address shared + + + + Address received + + + + Transaction declined + + + + failure + + + + Unknown state + + + + + StatusActivityCenterButton + + Activity + + + + + StatusAddressOrEnsValidator + + Please enter a valid address or ENS name. + + + + + StatusAddressValidator + + Please enter a valid address. + + + + + StatusAppChatView + + Join public chats + + + + Start chat + + + + + StatusAppCommunitiesPortalView + + Find community + + + + Featured + + + + Popular + + + + + StatusAsyncEnsValidator + + ENS name could not be resolved in to an address + + + + + StatusAsyncValidator + + invalid input + + + + + StatusBadge + + 99+ + + + + + StatusChatImageExtensionValidator + + Format not supported. + + + + Upload %1 only + + + + + StatusChatImageLoader + + Error loading the image + + + + Loading image... + + + + + StatusChatImageQtyValidator + + You can only upload %1 images at a time + + + + + StatusChatImageSizeValidator + + Max image size is %1 MB + + + + + StatusColorSpacePage + + Thickness + + + + Min saturate: + + + + Max saturate: + + + + Min value: + + + + Max value: + + + + Color + + + + + StatusCommunityTagsPage + + Select tags that will fit your Community + + + + Search tags + + + + Selected tags + + + + + StatusDialog + + Close + + + + Abort + + + + Cancel + + + + No to all + + + + No + + + + Open + + + + Save + + + + Save all + + + + Retry + + + + Ignore + + + + Ok + + + + Yes to all + + + + Yes + + + + Apply + + + + + StatusETHTransactionModal + + Contract interaction + + + + Wrong password + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Continue + + + + Choose account + + + + Sign with password + + + + Next + + + + + StatusEmojiSection + + No recent emojis + + + + + StatusFloatValidator + + Please enter a valid numeric value. + + + + + StatusGifColumn + + Remove from favorites + + + + Add to favorites + + + + + StatusGifPopup + + Search Tenor + + + + TRENDING + + + + FAVORITES + + + + RECENT + + + + Enable Tenor GIFs? + + + + Once enabled, GIFs posted in the chat may share your metadata with Tenor. + + + + Enable + + + + Favorite GIFs will appear here + + + + Recent GIFs will appear here + + + + Error while contacting Tenor API, please retry. + + + + Retry + + + + + StatusIntValidator + + Please enter a valid numeric value. + + + + + StatusItemSelector + + and + + + + or + + + + + StatusListPickerPage + + Search Languages + + + + Search Currencies + + + + + StatusNotification + + Open + + + + + StatusPasswordStrengthIndicator + + Very weak + + + + Weak + + + + So-so + + + + Good + + + + Great + + + + + StatusSNTTransactionModal + + Authorize %1 %2 + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Wrong password + + + + Continue + + + + Choose account + + + + Sign with password + + + + Send %1 %2 + + + + Next + + + + + StatusSearchListPopup + + Search... + + + + + StatusSearchLocationMenu + + Anywhere + + + + + StatusSearchPopup + + No results + + + + Anywhere + + + + Search + + + + In: + + + + In + + + + + StatusSpellcheckingMenuItems + + Add to dictionary + + + + Disable Spellchecking + + + + + StatusStackModal + + StackModal + + + + Next + + + + Finish + + + + + StatusStickerButton + + Buy for %1 SNT + + + + Uninstall + + + + Install + + + + Free + + + + Pending... + + + + Cancel + + + + Update + + + + + StatusStickersPopup + + You don't have any stickers yet + + + + Recently used stickers will appear here + + + + Get Stickers + + + + + StatusTagSelectorPage + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + + StatusUrlValidator + + Please enter a valid URL + + + + + StatusValidator + + invalid input + + + + + StatusWindowsTitleBar + + Status + + + + + SubheaderTabBar + + Step %1 of %2 + + + + + TabAddressSelectorView + + Saved + + + + My Accounts + + + + Recent + + + + Search for saved address + + + + No Saved Address + + + + No Recents + + + + + ToastMessage + + View on Etherscan + + + + Transaction pending... + + + + + TokenSettingsModal + + Manage Assets + + + + Add custom token + + + + + TokenSettingsModalContent + + Token details + + + + Remove token + + + + Custom + + + + Default + + + + + TouchIDAuthView + + Biometrics + + + + Would you like to use Touch ID +to login to Status? + + + + Yes, use Touch ID + + + + I prefer to use my password + + + + + TransactionBubbleView + + Transaction request + + + + ↑ Outgoing transaction + + + + ↓ Incoming transaction + + + + Token not found on your current network + + + + + TransactionDelegate + + From + + + + To + + + + At + + + + + TransactionModal + + Transaction Details + + + + confirmation(s) + + + + When the transaction has 12 confirmations you can consider it settled. + + + + Block + + + + Hash + + + + From + + + + To + + + + Gas limit + + + + Gas price + + + + Gas used + + + + Nonce + + + + + TransactionPreview + + From + + + + Recipient + + + + Unknown + + + + Asset + + + + Amount + + + + Network fee + + + + Data + + + + Data field + + + + + TransactionSigner + + You need to enter a password + + + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + Signing phrase + + + + Signing phrase is a 3 word combination that displayed when you entered the wallet on this device for the first time. + + + + Enter the password you use to unlock this device + + + + Password + + + + Enter password + + + + + UnblockContactConfirmationDialog + + Unblock User + + + + Unblocking will allow new messages you received from %1 to reach you. + + + + + UserListPanel + + Offline + + + + Online + + + + Inactive + + + + Do not disturb + + + + Idle + + + + + UserStatusContextMenu + + View My Profile + + + + Always online + + + + Inactive + + + + Set status automatically + + + + Online + + + + Offline + + + + + ViewProfileMenuItem + + View Profile + + + + + WakuNodesModal + + Waku nodes + + + + Use Waku nodes + + + + Select node automatically + + + + Waku Nodes + + + + Node %1 + + + + Add a new node + + + + + WalletFooter + + Send + + + + Receive + + + + Buy / Sell + + + + + WelcomeView + + Welcome to Status + + + + Your fully decentralized gateway to Ethereum and Web3. Crypto wallet, privacy first group chat, and dApp browser. + + + + I am new to Status + + + + I already use Status + + + + + main + + StatusQ Documentation App + + + + Status Desktop + + + + Open Status + + + + Quit + + + + diff --git a/ui/i18n/qml_pt_BR.ts b/ui/i18n/qml_pt_BR.ts index 852192b9f6..44769168f1 100644 --- a/ui/i18n/qml_pt_BR.ts +++ b/ui/i18n/qml_pt_BR.ts @@ -9638,79 +9638,79 @@ packs will not need to be re-purchased. Maximum number of collectibles to display reached - + Número máximo de colecionáveis a serem exibidos atingido View - + Visualizar Unnamed - + Sem nome ID - + ID Description - + Descrição US Dollars - + Dólares Americanos Euros - + Euros United Arab Emirates dirham - + Dirham dos Emirados Árabes Unidos Afghan afghani - + Afegane Afegão Argentine peso - + Peso Argentino Australian dollar - + Dólar Australiano Barbadian dollar - + Dólar de Barbados Bangladeshi taka - + Taka de Bangladesh Bulgarian lev - + Lev Búlgaro Bahraini dinar - + Dinar do Bahrein Brunei dollar - + Dólar de Brunei Bolivian boliviano - + Boliviano da Bolívia Brazillian real - + Real Brasileiro Bhutanese ngultrum - + Ngultrum Butanês Canadian dollar @@ -9790,211 +9790,211 @@ packs will not need to be re-purchased. Indian rupee - + Rupia Indiana Icelandic króna - + Coroa Islandesa Jamaican dollar - + Dólar Jamaicano Japanese yen - + Yen Japonês Kenyan shilling - + Xelim queniano South Korean won - + Won Sul-Coreano Kuwaiti dinar - + Dinar do Kuwait Kazakhstani tenge - + Tenge do Cazaquistão Sri Lankan rupee - + Rupia do Sri Lanka Moroccan dirham - + Dirham Marroquino Moldovan leu - + Leu Moldavo Mauritian rupee - + Rupia Mauriciana Malawian kwacha - + Kwacha do Malawi Mexican peso - + Peso Mexicano Malaysian ringgit - + Ringgit Malaio Mozambican metical - + Metical Moçambicano Namibian dollar - + Dólar Namibiano Nigerian naira - + Naira Nigeriana Norwegian krone - + Coroa Norueguesa Nepalese rupee - + Rupia Nepalesa New Zealand dollar - + Dólar da Nova Zelândia Omani rial - + Rial de Omã Peruvian sol - + Sol Peruano Papua New Guinean kina - + Kina da Papua-Nova Guiné Philippine peso - + Peso Filipino Pakistani rupee - + Rupia Paquistanesa Polish złoty - + Złoty Polonês Paraguayan guaraní - + Guarani Paraguaio Qatari riyal - + Rial do Catar Romanian leu - + Leu Romeno Serbian dinar - + Dinar Sérvio Russian ruble - + Rublo Russo Saudi riyal - + Rial Saudita Swedish krona - + Coroa Sueca Singapore dollar - + Dólar de Cingapura Thai baht - + Baht Tailandês Trinidad and Tobago dollar - + Dólar de Trinidad e Tobago New Taiwan dollar - + Novo Dólar Taiwanês Tanzanian shilling - + Xelim da Tanzânia Turkish lira - + Lira Turca Ukrainian hryvnia - + Grívnia Ucraniana Ugandan shilling - + Xelim Ugandês Uruguayan peso - + Peso Uruguaio Venezuelan bolívar - + Bolívar Venezuelano Vietnamese đồng - + Đồng Vietnamita South African rand - + Rand Sul-africano View Community - + Ver Comunidade Browser - + Navegador Timeline - + Timeline Contact request accepted - + Solicitação de contato aceita New contact request - + Nova solicitação de contato You can now chat with %1 - + Agora você pode conversar com %1 %1 requests to become contacts @@ -10112,76 +10112,76 @@ where you alone own your data I understand - + Eu entendo Status does not collect, share or sell any personal data. By continuing you agree with the privacy policy. - + AStatus não coleta, compartilha ou vende quaisquer dados pessoais. Ao continuar você concorda com a política de privacidade. I'm new, generate keys - + Sou novo, gerar chaves Access existing key - + Acessar a chave existente Enter password - + Digite a senha Connecting... - + Conectando... Login failed: %1 - + Falha no login: %1 Generate new keys - + Gerar novas chaves Your keys - + Suas chaves Add another existing key - + Adicionar outra chave existente Your keys have been successfully recovered - + Suas chaves foram recuperadas com sucesso You will have to create a new code or password to re-encrypt your keys - + Você terá que criar um novo código ou senha para criptografar novamente suas chaves Re-encrypt your keys - + Criptografe novamente suas chaves Cannot find asset '%1'. Ensure this asset has been added to the token list. - + Não é possível localizar o ativo '%1'. Certifique-se de que este ativo tenha sido adicionado à lista de tokens. ENS Username not found - + Nome de usuário ENS não encontrado eg. 0x1234 or ENS - + por exemplo, 0x1234 ou ENS Paste - + Colar You need to request the recipient’s address first. Assets won’t be sent yet. - + Você precisa solicitar o endereço do destinatário primeiro. Os ativos ainda não serão enviados. Invalid source @@ -10894,6 +10894,50 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Privacy Policy Política de Privacidade + + Check for updates + + + + Current Version + + + + Release Notes + + + + Our Principles + + + + Status desktop’s GitHub Repositories + + + + Status Go + + + + StatusQ + + + + go-waku + + + + Legal & Privacy Documents + + + + Terms of Use + + + + Software License + + AcceptRejectOptionsButtonsPanel @@ -10931,6 +10975,42 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Storage Armazenar + + Watch-Only Account + + + + Generated by your Status seed phrase profile + + + + Imported Account + + + + On Device + + + + Derivation Path + + + + Remove from your profile + + + + Confirm %1 Removal + + + + You will not be able to restore viewing access to this account in the future unless you enter this account’s address again. + + + + Remove Account + + ActivityCenterMessageComponentView @@ -10938,6 +11018,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Mark as Read Marcar como Lido + + Mark as Unread + + AddAccountModal @@ -10945,6 +11029,54 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Advanced Avançado + + Generate an account + + + + Wrong password + + + + You need to enter a password + + + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + Enter your password… + + + + Password + + + + Enter an account name... + + + + Account name + + + + You need to enter an account name + + + + color + + + + Loading... + + + + Add account + + AddEditSavedAddressPopup @@ -10960,6 +11092,38 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Save Salvar + + Edit saved address + + + + Add saved address + + + + Enter a name + + + + Name must not be blank + + + + This is not a valid account name + + + + Enter ENS Name or Ethereum Address + + + + Please enter a valid ENS name OR Ethereum Address + + + + Add address + + AddFavoriteModal @@ -10983,6 +11147,46 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Name Nome + + Favorite added + + + + Edit + + + + Add favorite + + + + Please enter a valid URL + + + + Name of the website + + + + Please enter a name + + + + Remove + + + + Done + + + + Add + + + + Add Favorite + + AdvancedContainer @@ -11001,6 +11205,122 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. enable Ativar + + Fleet + + + + Minimize on close + + + + Application Logs + + + + Experimental features + + + + Wallet + + + + WalletSettingsLineButton + + + + Dapp Browser + + + + Community History Archive Protocol + + + + Node Management + + + + Keycard + + + + Bloom filter level + + + + Warning! + + + + The account will be logged out. When you login again, the selected mode will be enabled + + + + Light Node + + + + Normal + + + + Full Node + + + + WakuV2 mode + + + + Developer features + + + + Full developer mode + + + + Download messages + + + + Telemetry + + + + Debug + + + + Auto message + + + + Are you sure you want to enable all the develoer features? The app will be restarted. + + + + Are you sure you want to enable telemetry? This will reduce your privacy level while using Status. You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. + + + + Are you sure you want to enable auto message? You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. + + + + Are you sure you want to %1 debug mode? You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. + + + + This feature is experimental and is meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It's not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data. Use at your own risk. + + + + I understand + + AllowNotificationsView @@ -11008,6 +11328,15 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Ok, got it Ok, entendi. + + Allow notifications + + + + Status will notify you about new messages. You can +edit your notification preferences later in settings. + + AppMain @@ -11015,6 +11344,58 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Where do you want to go? Onde você quer ir? + + Profile Picture + + + + Make this my Profile Pic + + + + Invite People + + + + View Community + + + + Leave Community + + + + A new version of Status (%1) is available + + + + Download + + + + Your version is up to date + + + + Close + + + + Can not connect to mailserver + + + + The mailserver you're connecting to is unavailable. + + + + Pick another + + + + Retry + + AppearanceView @@ -11042,6 +11423,58 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. XXL XXL + + Preview + + + + Blockchains will drop search costs, causing a kind of decomposition that allows you to have markets of entities that are horizontally segregated and vertically segregated. + + + + Size + + + + Change font size + + + + Change Zoom (requires restart) + + + + 50% + + + + 100% + + + + 150% + + + + 200% + + + + Appearance + + + + Light + + + + Dark + + + + System + + BackupSeedModal @@ -11053,6 +11486,22 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Continue Continuar + + Not Now + + + + Confirm Seed Phrase + + + + Complete & Delete My Seed Phrase + + + + Confirm word #%1 of your seed phrase + + BackupSeedStepBase @@ -11064,6 +11513,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Wrong word Palavra errada + + Word #%1 + + BeforeGetStartedModal @@ -11071,6 +11524,42 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Privacy Policy Política de Privacidade + + Before you get started + + + + I acknowledge that status desktop is in beta and by using it I take the full responsibility for all risks concerning my data and funds + + + + Before you get started... + + + + Get Started + + + + I acknowledge that Status Desktop is in Beta and by using it I take the full responsibility for all risks concerning my data and funds. + + + + I accept Status + + + + Terms of Use + + + + Terms of service + + + + Get started + + BrowserLayout @@ -11078,6 +11567,31 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Transaction pending... Transação pendente... + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Error signing message + + + + View on etherscan + + + + Server's certificate not trusted + + + + Do you wish to continue? + + + + If you wish so, you may continue with an unverified certificate. Accepting an unverified certificate means you may not be connected with the host you tried to connect to. +Do you wish to override the security check and continue? + + ChatContextMenuView @@ -11097,6 +11611,66 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Are you sure you want to leave this chat? Tem certeza de que deseja sair deste chat? + + View Members + + + + Add / remove from group + + + + Test WakuV2 - requestAllHistoricMessages + + + + Edit name + + + + Mark as Read + + + + Clear history + + + + Edit Channel + + + + Download + + + + Delete Channel + + + + Delete chat + + + + Leave chat + + + + Download messages + + + + Delete #%1 + + + + Are you sure you want to delete #%1 channel? + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this chat? + + ChatView @@ -11104,6 +11678,14 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Members Membros + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + CollectibleDetailsHeader @@ -11118,6 +11700,18 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. description Descrição + + unnamed + + + + id + + + + View in Opensea + + CollectiblesStore @@ -11143,6 +11737,14 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Leave community Deixar comunidade + + Leave %1 + + + + Are you sure you want to leave? Once you leave, you will have to request to rejoin if you change your mind. + + CommunitiesPopup @@ -11166,6 +11768,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Search for communities or topics Pesquisar comunidades ou tópicos + + Access existing community + + CommunitiesPortalLayout @@ -11173,6 +11779,26 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Search Pesquisar + + Find community + + + + Import Community + + + + Create New Community + + + + Featured + + + + Popular + + CommunityColorPicker @@ -11191,6 +11817,58 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Create category Criar categoria + + 1 Member + + + + %1 Members + + + + Start chat + + + + Membership requests + + + + Invite people + + + + Unmute category + + + + Mute category + + + + Edit Category + + + + Delete Category + + + + Delete %1 category + + + + Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. + + + + Create channel or category + + + + Error deleting the category + + CommunityDescriptionInput @@ -11202,6 +11880,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. What your community is about Sobre o que é sua comunidade + + community description + + CommunityDetailPopup @@ -11217,6 +11899,42 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Unknown community Comunidade desconhecida + + Public community + + + + Invitation only community + + + + On request community + + + + - ENS only + + + + %1 members + + + + Channels + + + + You need to be invited + + + + Request to join ‘%1’ + + + + Error joining the community + + CommunityEditSettingsPanel @@ -11270,6 +11988,22 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Kick Expulsar + + Membership requests + + + + Community members will appear here + + + + No contacts found + + + + You + + CommunityNameInput @@ -11281,6 +12015,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. community name nome da comunidade + + Community name + + CommunityProfilePopup @@ -11292,6 +12030,30 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Transfer ownership Transferir propriedade + + Public community + + + + Invitation only community + + + + On request community + + + + Unknown community + + + + Invite friends + + + + Invite + + CommunityProfilePopupInviteFriendsPanel @@ -11303,6 +12065,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Contacts Contatos + + Share community + + CommunityProfilePopupMembersListPanel @@ -11317,6 +12083,18 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Copied! Copiado! + + Share community + + + + Transfer ownership + + + + Leave community + + CommunitySettingsView @@ -11332,6 +12110,22 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Settings Configurações + + Overview + + + + Open legacy popup (to be removed) + + + + Back to community + + + + Error editing the community + + CommunityUserList @@ -11346,6 +12140,50 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Passwords don't match As senhas não correspondem + + Have you written down your password? + + + + You will never be able to recover your password if you lose it. + + + + If you need to, write it using pen and paper and keep in a safe place. + + + + If you lose your password you will lose access to your Status profile. + + + + Confirm your password (again) + + + + Confirm you password (again) + + + + Finalise Status Password Creation + + + + Keys for this account already exist + + + + Keys for this account already exist and can't be added again. If you've lost your password, passcode or Keycard, uninstall the app, reinstall and access your keys by entering your seed phrase + + + + Login failed + + + + Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. + + ConfirmationDialog @@ -11369,6 +12207,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Do not show this again Não mostrar isso novamente + + Are you sure you want to do this? + + ContactPanel @@ -11380,6 +12222,18 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Send message Enviar mensagem + + Respond to ID Request + + + + See ID Request + + + + Rename + + ContactsColumnView @@ -11387,6 +12241,30 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Start chat Iniciar bate-papo + + Chat + + + + Search + + + + Join public chats + + + + Contact requests + + + + Community imported + + + + Importing community is in progress + + ContactsView @@ -11394,6 +12272,46 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Contacts Contatos + + Send contact request to chat key + + + + Search by a display name or chat key + + + + Pending Requests + + + + Blocked + + + + Identity Verified Contacts + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet + + + + Received + + + + Sent + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + Controls @@ -11421,6 +12339,22 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. XXL XXL + + 50% + + + + 100% + + + + 150% + + + + 200% + + CreateCategoryPopup @@ -11432,6 +12366,50 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. category name nome da categoria + + Edit category + + + + New category + + + + Name the category + + + + Channels + + + + Delete category + + + + Delete %1 category + + + + Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. + + + + Save + + + + Create + + + + Error editing the category + + + + Error creating the category + + CreateChannelPopup @@ -11455,6 +12433,38 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. channel description descrição do canal + + New channel + + + + Edit #%1 + + + + Name the channel + + + + Channel colour + + + + Pick a color + + + + Save + + + + Create + + + + Error creating the community + + CreateChatView @@ -11462,6 +12472,41 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Contacts Contatos + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. + +Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be able to chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. + + + + You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. + + +Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be + able to +chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. + + + + You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. + + +Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be able to +chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. + + + + Confirm + + CreateCommunityPopup @@ -11513,6 +12558,14 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Community colour Cor da comunidade + + Create New Community + + + + Create Community + + CreatePasswordView @@ -11531,6 +12584,14 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. View Community Ver Comunidade + + Edit Community + + + + Leave Community + + DerivationPathsPanel @@ -11538,6 +12599,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Reset Redefinir + + Derivation Path + + DerivedAddressesPanel @@ -11549,6 +12614,22 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Account Conta + + No activity + + + + Invalid path + + + + Has Activity + + + + No Activity + + DisplayNamePopup @@ -11560,6 +12641,14 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Ok Ok + + Display Name + + + + OK + + EnsDetailsView @@ -11575,6 +12664,22 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Connect username with your pubkey Conecte o nome de usuário com sua chave pública + + Copied to clipboard! + + + + Release username + + + + Username locked. You won't be able to release it until %1 + + + + Back + + EnsSearchView @@ -11582,6 +12687,30 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Connect username with your pubkey Conecte o nome de usuário com sua chave pública + + At least 4 characters. Latin letters, numbers, and lowercase only. + + + + Letters and numbers only. + + + + Type the entire username including the custom domain like username.domain.eth + + + + Custom domain + + + + I want a stateofus.eth domain + + + + I own a name on another domain + + EnsView @@ -11589,6 +12718,26 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Transaction pending... Transação pendente... + + View on etherscan + + + + ENS Registration failed + + + + ENS Registration completed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey failed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey completed + + ExemptionNotificationsModal @@ -11596,6 +12745,30 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Done Feito + + %1 exemption + + + + Mute all messages + + + + Personal @ Mentions + + + + Global @ Mentions + + + + Other Messages + + + + Clear Exemptions + + GasSelector @@ -11611,6 +12784,78 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. High Alto + + Must be greater than 0 + + + + This needs to be a number + + + + Please enter an amount + + + + Min 21000 units + + + + Not enough gas + + + + Miners will currently not process transactions with a tip below %1 Gwei, the average is %2 Gwei + + + + The average miner tip is %1 Gwei + + + + Gas Price + + + + Current base fee: %1 %2 + + + + Use suggestions + + + + Use custom + + + + Optimal + + + + Gas amount limit + + + + Per-gas tip limit + + + + Gwei + + + + Per-gas overall limit + + + + Maximum priority fee: %1 ETH + + + + Maximum overall price for the transaction. If the block base fee exceeds this, it will be included in a following block with a lower base fee. + + GroupInfoPopup @@ -11618,6 +12863,46 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. %1/%2 members %1 membros {1/%2 ?} + + Add members + + + + %1 members + + + + 1 member + + + + Search + + + + All your contacts are already in the group + + + + Pinned messages + + + + Admin + + + + Make Admin + + + + Remove From Group + + + + Add selected + + ImageCropperModal @@ -11636,6 +12921,38 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Pending Pendente + + You need to enter a private key + + + + Enter a valid private key (64 characters hexadecimal string) + + + + Private key + + + + Paste the contents of your private key + + + + Public address + + + + Account already added + + + + Has Activity + + + + No Activity + + InsertCard @@ -11643,6 +12960,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Cancel Cancelar + + Please insert your Keycard to proceed or press the cancel button to cancel the operation + + InsertDetailsView @@ -11654,6 +12975,38 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Profile picture Foto do perfil + + Your profile + + + + Longer and unusual names are better as they are less likely to be used by someone else. + + + + Display name + + + + Chatkey: + + + + Choose an image for profile picture + + + + Make this my profile picture + + + + Your emojihash and identicon ring + + + + This set of emojis and coloured ring around your avatar are unique and represent your chat key, so your friends can easily distinguish you from potential impersonators. + + InvitationBubbleView @@ -11661,6 +13014,46 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Unsupported state Estado não suportado + + Membership requires an ENS username + + + + You need to be invited + + + + Pending + + + + View + + + + Request Access + + + + Join + + + + Verified community invitation + + + + Community invitation + + + + %1 members + + + + Error joining the community + + KeysMainView @@ -11672,6 +13065,39 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Generate new keys Gerar novas chaves + + intro-wizard-title1 + + + + a-set-of-keys-controls-your-account.-your-keys-live-on-your-device,-so-only-you-can-use-them. + + + + Connect your keys + + + + Use your existing Status keys to login to this device. + + + + Get your keys + + + + A set of keys controls your account. Your keys live on your +device, so only you can use them. + + + + Import a seed phrase + + + + Seed phrases are used to back up and restore your keys. Only use this option if you already have a seed phrase. + + LanguageView @@ -11679,6 +13105,54 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Language Idioma + + Set Display Currency + + + + Search Currencies + + + + Search Languages + + + + Date Format + + + + DD/MM/YY + + + + MM/DD/YY + + + + Time Format + + + + 24-Hour Time + + + + 12-Hour Time + + + + Change language + + + + Display language has been changed. You must restart the application for changes to take effect. + + + + Close the app now + + Layout @@ -11690,6 +13164,22 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. View Community Ver Comunidade + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + Edit Community + + + + Leave Community + + LeftTabView @@ -11697,6 +13187,34 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Settings Configurações + + Sign out + + + + Make sure you have your account password and seed phrase stored. Without them you can lock yourself out of your account and lose funds. + + + + Sign out & Quit + + + + Wallet + + + + Total value + + + + Add account + + + + Saved addresses + + LoginView @@ -11704,6 +13222,38 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Ok Ok + + Welcome back + + + + Add new user + + + + Add existing Status user + + + + Connecting... + + + + Password + + + + Enter password + + + + Login failed: %1 + + + + Password incorrect + + MenuPanel @@ -11711,6 +13261,14 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Settings Configurações + + Apps + + + + About & Help + + MessageContextMenuView @@ -11718,6 +13276,62 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Jump to Pular para + + Copy image + + + + Download image + + + + Block User + + + + Unblock User + + + + Rename + + + + Reply to + + + + Edit message + + + + Copy Message Id + + + + Unpin + + + + Pin + + + + Delete message + + + + Please choose a directory + + + + Confirm deleting this message + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well. + + MessagingView @@ -11725,6 +13339,70 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Contacts Contatos + + Allow new contact requests + + + + Show My Profile Picture To + + + + Everyone + + + + No One + + + + See Profile Pictures From + + + + Open Message Links With + + + + Status Browser + + + + System Default Browser + + + + Contacts, Requests, and Blocked Users + + + + Display Message Link Previews + + + + Fine tune which sites to allow link previews + + + + Image unfurling + + + + All images (links that contain an image extension) will be downloaded and displayed + + + + Message syncing + + + + Waku nodes + + + + For security reasons, private chat history won't be synced. + + MyProfileView @@ -11740,6 +13418,18 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Share Profile URL Compartilhar URL do Perfil + + Change Password + + + + Edit + + + + Preview + + NicknamePopup @@ -11747,6 +13437,14 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Nickname Nickname + + Nicknames help you identify others in Status. Only you can see the nicknames you’ve added + + + + Done + + NoImageUploadedPanel @@ -11754,6 +13452,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Upload Upload + + Wide aspect ratio is optimal + + NotificationsView @@ -11769,6 +13471,150 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Anonymous Anônimo + + Community + + + + 1:1 Chat + + + + Group Chat + + + + Muted + + + + Off + + + + Quiet + + + + Personal @ Mentions %1 + + + + Global @ Mentions %1 + + + + Alerts + + + + Other Messages %1 + + + + Multiple Exemptions + + + + Enable Notifications in macOS Settings + + + + To receive Status notifications, make sure you've enabled them in your computer's settings under <b>System Preferences > Notifications</b> + + + + Sync your devices to share notifications preferences + + + + Syncing > + + + + Allow Notifications + + + + 1:1 Chats + + + + Group Chats + + + + Personal @ Mentions + + + + Messages containing @%1 + + + + Global @ Mentions + + + + Messages containing @here and @channel + + + + All Messages + + + + Others + + + + Contact Requests + + + + Identity Verification Requests + + + + Notification Content + + + + Show Name and Message + + + + Hi there! So EIP-1559 will defini... + + + + Name Only + + + + Play a Sound When Receiving a Notification + + + + Volume + + + + Send a Test Notification + + + + Exemptions + + + + Search Communities, Group Chats and 1:1 Chats + + + + Most recent + + PasswordView @@ -11780,6 +13626,78 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Passwords don't match As senhas não correspondem + + Create a password to unlock Status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + You will not be able to recover this password if it is lost. + + + + Minimum %1 characters. To strengthen your password consider including: + + + + This password has been pwned and shouldn't be used + + + + This password is a common word and shouldn't be used + + + + Password must be at least %1 characters long + + + + Current password + + + + New password + + + + Very weak + + + + Weak + + + + So-so + + + + Good + + + + Great + + + + Lower case + + + + Upper case + + + + Numbers + + + + Symbols + + + + Confirm password + + PermissionsListView @@ -11787,6 +13705,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Disconnect Desconectar + + Disconnect All + + PinnedMessagesPopup @@ -11794,6 +13716,30 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Unpin Desafixar + + Pin limit reached + + + + Pinned messages + + + + Unpin a previous message first + + + + %1 messages + + + + %1 message + + + + Pinned messages will appear here. + + ProfileLayout @@ -11801,6 +13747,18 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Contacts Contatos + + Testnet mode is enabled. All balances, transactions and dApp interactions will be on testnets. + + + + Secure your seed phrase + + + + Back up now + + ProfilePopup @@ -11848,6 +13806,90 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Add to contacts Adicionar aos contatos + + 's Profile + + + + Send Contact Request to + + + + Verify %1's Identity + + + + My Profile + + + + %1's Profile + + + + Send Contact Request to %1 + + + + Cancel verification + + + + Remove Contact + + + + Send Contact Request + + + + Mark Untrustworthy + + + + Remove 'Identity Verified' status + + + + No + + + + Yes + + + + Remove Untrustworthy Mark + + + + Verify Identity + + + + Verify Identity pending... + + + + Send verification request + + + + Verification request sent + + + + Confirm Identity + + + + Rename + + + + Close + + ProfileSectionStore @@ -11883,6 +13925,30 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Advanced Avançado + + Messaging + + + + Notifications & Sounds + + + + Language & Currency + + + + Devices settings + + + + About + + + + Sign out & Quit + + RateView @@ -11890,6 +13956,18 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Upload Upload + + Bandwidth + + + + Kb/s + + + + Download + + ReceiveModal @@ -11897,6 +13975,22 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Copy Copiar para área de transferência + + Receive + + + + Legacy + + + + Multichain + + + + Your Address + + RootStore @@ -11904,6 +13998,18 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. You Você + + Start a 1-on-1 chat with %1 + + + + Join the %1 community + + + + Join the %1 group chat + + SavedAddressesView @@ -11915,6 +14021,30 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Delete Excluir + + Saved addresses + + + + Add new address + + + + Edit + + + + Are you sure you want to remove '%1' from your saved addresses? + + + + Are you sure? + + + + No saved addresses + + SeedPhraseInputView @@ -11930,6 +14060,34 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Import Importar + + Keys for this account already exist + + + + Keys for this account already exist and can't be added again. If you've lost your password, passcode or Keycard, uninstall the app, reinstall and access your keys by entering your seed phrase + + + + Error importing seed + + + + %1 words + + + + %1SeedButton + + + + Invalid seed + + + + Restore Status Profile + + SendContactRequestModal @@ -11937,6 +14095,26 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Paste Colar + + Send Contact Request to chat key + + + + Enter chat key here + + + + Say who you are / why you want to become a contact... + + + + who are you + + + + Send Contact Request + + SendModal @@ -11944,6 +14122,46 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Transaction pending... Transação pendente... + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Send + + + + Max: + + + + No balances active + + + + Please enter a valid amount + + + + To + + + + Enter an ENS name or address + + + + Error estimating gas: %1 + + + + Wrong password + + + + View on etherscan + + SendModalFooter @@ -11951,6 +14169,18 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Unknown Desconhecido + + Estimated Time: + + + + Max Fees: + + + + Send + + SendModalHeader @@ -11988,6 +14218,42 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Transaction pending... Transação pendente... + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Choose account + + + + Network fee + + + + Transaction preview + + + + Sign with password + + + + Send %1 %2 + + + + Next + + + + Wrong password + + + + View on etherscan + + StatusAppCommunityView @@ -12002,6 +14268,46 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Send Enviar + + Message + + + + Please choose an image + + + + Image files (%1) + + + + Your message is too long. + + + + Please make your message shorter. We have set the limit to 2000 characters to be courteous of others. + + + + Bold + + + + Italic + + + + Strikethrough + + + + Code + + + + Unblock + + StatusChatListAndCategories @@ -12009,6 +14315,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. More Mais + + Add channel inside category + + StatusChatListCategoryItem @@ -12016,6 +14326,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. More Mais + + Add channel inside category + + StatusChatListItem @@ -12045,6 +14359,18 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Preview Preview + + This is not a valid color + + + + Standart colours + + + + Select Colour + + StatusExpandableSettingsItemPage @@ -12052,6 +14378,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Back up seed phrase Fazer backup da seed phrase + + Not Implemented + + StatusListPicker @@ -12066,6 +14396,11 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Open Abrir + + My latest message + with a return + + StatusStickerMarket @@ -12084,6 +14419,14 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. or OU + + Hold + + + + to post + + StatusWalletColorSelect @@ -12113,6 +14456,50 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Are you sure? Você tem certeza? + + Your priority fee is below our suggested parameters. + + + + Current base fee + + + + %1 Gwei + + + + Current minimum tip + + + + Current average tip + + + + Your tip limit + + + + Suggested minimum tip + + + + Your price limit + + + + Suggested minimum price limit + + + + Change Limit + + + + Continue anyway + + TransferOwnershipPopup @@ -12132,6 +14519,14 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Copied Copiado + + You should keep it safe and only share it with people you trust to take ownership of your community + + + + You can also use this key to import your community on another device + + UploadProfilePicModal @@ -12151,6 +14546,18 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Done Feito + + Upload profile picture + + + + Choose an image for profile picture + + + + Make this my profile picture + + UserList @@ -12180,6 +14587,258 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. now Agora + + Sun + + + + Mon + + + + Tue + + + + Wed + + + + Thu + + + + Fri + + + + Sat + + + + Jan + + + + Feb + + + + Mar + + + + Apr + + + + May + + + + Jun + + + + Jul + + + + Aug + + + + Sep + + + + Oct + + + + Nov + + + + Dec + + + + Yesterday + + + + Sunday + + + + Monday + + + + Tuesday + + + + Wednesday + + + + Thursday + + + + Friday + + + + Saturday + + + + NOW + + + + %1M + + + + %1H + + + + %1D + + + + words + + + + You need to enter a password + + + + You need to repeat your password + + + + Passwords don't match + + + + You need to enter a PIN + + + + The PIN must contain only digits + + + + The PIN must be exactly 6 digits + + + + You need to repeat your PIN + + + + PIN don't match + + + + The %1 cannot exceed %2 characters + + + + Must be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + Use only lowercase letters (a to z), numbers & dashes (-). Do not use chat keys. + + + + Value has to be at least %1 characters long + + + + Unknown + + + + < 1 min + + + + < 3 mins + + + + < 5 mins + + + + > 5 mins + + + + years ago + + + + year ago + + + + months ago + + + + month ago + + + + weeks ago + + + + week ago + + + + days ago + + + + day ago + + + + hours ago + + + + hour ago + + + + mins ago + + + + min ago + + + + secs ago + + + + sec ago + + WalletView @@ -12187,5 +14846,4203 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Wallet Carteira + + Networks + + + + DApp Permissions + + + + Testnet Mode + + + + + AcceptTransactionView + + Accept and share address + + + + Accept and send + + + + Decline + + + + + Acknowledgements + + Secure Your Assets and Funds + + + + Your seed phrase is a 12-word passcode to your funds. + + + + Your seed phrase cannot be recovered if lost. Therefore, you <b>must</b> back it up. The simplest way is to <b>write it down offline and store it somewhere secure.</b> + + + + I have a pen and paper + + + + I am ready to write down my seed phrase + + + + I know where I’ll store it + + + + You can only complete this process once. Status will not store your seed phrase and can never help you recover it. + + + + + ActivityCenterPopup + + Show more + + + + + ActivityCenterPopupTopBarPanel + + All + + + + Mentions + + + + Replies + + + + Mark all as Read + + + + Show read notifications + + + + Hide read notifications + + + + Notification settings + + + + + AddShowTokenModal + + Add custom token + + + + This needs to be a valid address + + + + Invalid ERC20 address + + + + Enter contract address... + + + + Contract address + + + + The name of your token... + + + + Name + + + + ABC + + + + Symbol + + + + Decimals + + + + Changing settings failed + + + + Add + + + + + AddWakuNodeModal + + Waku nodes + + + + Name + + + + Specify a name + + + + You need to enter a name + + + + History node address + + + + You need to enter the enode address + + + + The format must be: enode://{enode-id}:{password}@{ip-address}:{port} + + + + Save + + + + + AddressInput + + ENS Username not found + + + + + AddressRequiredValidator + + You need to request the recipient’s address first. +Assets won’t be sent yet. + + + + + AddressSourceSelector + + Invalid source + + + + + AdvancedAddAccountView + + Enter address... + + + + Account address + + + + This needs to be a valid address (starting with 0x) + + + + You need to enter an address + + + + + AppSearch + + No results + + + + Anywhere + + + + + AssetAndAmountInput + + Insufficient balance + + + + Must be greater than or equal to 0 + + + + This needs to be a number + + + + Please enter an amount + + + + Balance: + + + + Asset & Amount + + + + The amount is 0. Proceed only if this is desired. + + + + + BackUpCommuntyBannerPanel + + Back up community key + + + + Back up + + + + + BalanceExceeded + + Balance exceeded + + + + No networks available + + + + + BalanceValidator + + Insufficient balance + + + + + BlockContactConfirmationDialog + + Block User + + + + Blocking will stop new messages from reaching you from %1. + + + + + BloomSelectorButton + + TODO + + + + + BrowserConnectionModal + + '%1' would like to connect to + + + + Allowing authorizes this DApp to retrieve your wallet address and enable Web3 + + + + Granting access authorizes this DApp to retrieve your chat key + + + + Deny + + + + Allow + + + + + BrowserHeader + + Enter URL + + + + + BrowserSettingsMenu + + New Tab + + + + Exit Incognito mode + + + + Go Incognito + + + + Zoom In + + + + Zoom Out + + + + Find + + + + Compatibility mode + + + + Developer Tools + + + + Settings + + + + + BrowserTabStyle + + Start Page + + + + + BrowserTabView + + Start Page + + + + New Tab + + + + Downloads Page + + + + + BrowserView + + Search engine used in the address bar + + + + None + + + + Show Favorites Bar + + + + Connected DApps + + + + No connected dApps + + + + Connecting a dApp grants it permission to view your address and balances, and to send you transaction requests + + + + + BrowserWalletMenu + + Mainnet + + + + Ropsten + + + + Unknown + + + + Disconnect + + + + Assets + + + + History + + + + + BrowserWebEngineView + + Add Favorite + + + + + ChangePasswordModal + + Change password + + + + Change password used to unlock Status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + Change Password + + + + + ChangePasswordSuccessModal + + <b>Password changed</b> + + + + You need to sign in again using the new password. + + + + Sign out & Quit + + + + + ChangeProfilePicModal + + Profile picture + + + + Remove + + + + Upload + + + + Please choose an image + + + + Image files (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png) + + + + + ChannelIdentifierView + + Welcome to the beginning of the <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> group! + + + + Any messages you send here are encrypted and can only be read by you and <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> + + + + + ChatButtonsPanel + + Add reaction + + + + Reply + + + + Edit + + + + Unpin + + + + Pin + + + + Delete + + + + Confirm deleting this message + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well. + + + + + ChatColumnView + + Send + + + + Request Address + + + + Request + + + + + ChatCommandModal + + Continue + + + + Receive on account + + + + From account + + + + Address request required + + + + From + + + + To + + + + Preview + + + + Transaction preview + + + + Next + + + + + ChatCommandsPopup + + Send transaction + + + + Request transaction + + + + + ChatContentView + + Contact + + + + Not a contact + + + + Public chat + + + + %1 members + + + + 1 member + + + + Connected + + + + Disconnected + + + + Blocked + + + + This user has been blocked. + + + + + ChatMessagesView + + Loading... + + + + Failed to send message. + + + + + ChatRequestMessagePanel + + You need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messages + + + + Just click this button to add them as contact. They will receive a notification. Once they accept the request, you'll be able to chat + + + + Add to contacts + + + + + ChooseBrowserPopup + + Choose browser + + + + Open in Status + + + + Open in my default browser + + + + Remember my choice. To override it, go to settings. + + + + + ClosedEmptyPanel + + Your chats will appear here. To start new chats press the  button at the top + + + + + CollectibleCollectionView + + No collectibles available + + + + + CollectibleDetailView + + Properties + + + + Levels + + + + Stats + + + + + CollectiblesContent + + Something went wrong + + + + Reload + + + + + CollectiblesHeader + + Maximum number of collectibles to display reached + + + + + CollectiblesModal + + View + + + + Unnamed + + + + + CollectiblesModalContent + + ID + + + + Description + + + + + CommunitiesView + + Import community + + + + Communities you've joined + + + + + CommunityBannerPicker + + Community banner + + + + Choose an image for banner + + + + Make this my Community banner + + + + + CommunityChannelsAndCategoriesBannerPanel + + Expand your community by adding more channels and categories + + + + Add channels + + + + Add categories + + + + + CommunityColorPanel + + Community Colour + + + + Select Community Colour + + + + This is not a valid colour + + + + White text should be legable on top of this colour + + + + Standard colours + + + + + CommunityDelegate + + Admin + + + + Member + + + + + CommunityIntroDialog + + Welcome to %1 + + + + Join %1 + + + + Community <b>%1</b> has no intro message... + + + + I agree with the above + + + + + CommunityIntroMessageInput + + Community introduction and rules + + + + What new members will read before joining (eg. community rules, welcome message, etc.). Members will need to tick a check box agreeing to these rules before they are allowed to join your community. + + + + community intro message + + + + + CommunityLogoPicker + + Community logo + + + + Choose an image as logo + + + + Make this my Community logo + + + + + CommunityOptions + + Community history service + + + + Request to join required + + + + Any member can pin a message + + + + + CommunityOutroMessageInput + + Leaving community message + + + + The message a member will see when they leave your community + + + + community intro message + + + + + CommunityOverviewSettingsPanel + + Overview + + + + Edit Community + + + + This node is the Community Owner Node. For your Community to function correctly try to keep this computer with Status running and onlinie as much as possible. + + + + Welcome to your community! + + + + Invite new people + + + + Try an airdrop to reward your community for engagement! + + + + Airdrop Tokens + + + + Back up community key + + + + Back up + + + + + CommunityTagsPanel + + Community Tags + + + + Confirm Community Tags + + + + Select tags that will fit your Community + + + + Search tags + + + + Selected tags + + + + + CommunityTagsPicker + + Tags + + + + + CommunityWelcomeBannerPanel + + Welcome to your community! + + + + Add members + + + + Manage community + + + + + CompactMessageView + + Pinned by %1 + + + + Cancel + + + + Save + + + + + ConfirmAddExistingKeyModal + + Enter seed phrase + + + + Do you want to add another existing key? + + + + Add another existing key + + + + + ConfirmAppRestartModal + + Application Restart + + + + Please restart the application to apply the changes. + + + + Restart + + + + + ConfirmSeedPhrasePanel + + Write down your 12-word seed phrase to keep offline + + + + Reveal seed phrase + + + + The next screen contains your seed phrase. +<b>Anyone</b> who sees it can use it to access to your funds. + + + + + ConfirmStoringSeedPhrasePanel + + Complete back up + + + + Store Your Phrase Offline and Complete Your Back Up + + + + By completing this process, you will remove your seed phrase from this application’s storage. This makes your funds more secure. + + + + You will remain logged in, and your seed phrase will be entirely in your hands. + + + + I acknowledge that Status will not be able to show me my seed phrase again. + + + + I aknowledge that Status will not be able to show me my seed phrase again. + + + + + Constants + + Username must be at least 5 characters + + + + Only letters, numbers, underscores and hyphens allowed + + + + 24 character username limit + + + + Usernames ending with '-eth' are not allowed + + + + Usernames ending with '_eth' are not allowed + + + + Usernames ending with '.eth' are not allowed + + + + Sorry, the name you have chosen is not allowed, try picking another username + + + + (edited) + + + + Username already taken :( + + + + Username doesn’t belong to you :( + + + + Continuing will connect this username with your chat key. + + + + ✓ Username available! + + + + Username is already connected with your chat key and can be used inside Status. + + + + This user name is owned by you and connected with your chat key. Continue to set `Show my ENS username in chats`. + + + + Continuing will require a transaction to connect the username with your current chat key. + + + + + Contact + + Admin + + + + + ContactRequestsPopup + + Contact requests + + + + Decline all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to decline all these contact requests + + + + Accept all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to accept all these contact requests + + + + Decline all + + + + Accept all + + + + + ContactSelector + + Please select a contact + + + + Select a contact + + + + Contact does not have an ENS address. Please send a transaction in chat. + + + + No contact selected + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet + + + + + ContactVerificationRequestPopup + + %1 is asking you to verify your identity + + + + %1 would like to verify your identity. Answer the question to prove your identity to %2 + + + + Provide answer to verification request from this contact. + + + + Your answer has been sent to %1. + + + + Refuse Verification + + + + Send Answer + + + + Change answer + + + + Close + + + + + ContactsListAndSearch + + Enter a valid chat key or ENS username + + + + Can't chat with yourself + + + + Enter ENS username or chat key + + + + + ContactsListPanel + + Contact Request Sent + + + + Contact Request Rejected + + + + + CopyToClipBoardButton + + Copied! + + + + + CreatePasswordModal + + Store password + + + + Create a password + + + + Current password... + + + + New password... + + + + Confirm password… + + + + At least 6 characters. You will use this password to unlock status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + Create password + + + + Error importing account + + + + An error occurred while importing your account: + + + + Login failed + + + + Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. + + + + Incorrect password + + + + + CryptoServicesModal + + Buy / Sell crypto + + + + Choose a service you'd like to use to buy crypto + + + + + CurrenciesStore + + US Dollars + + + + British Pound + + + + Euros + + + + Russian ruble + + + + South Korean won + + + + Ethereum + + + + Tokens + + + + Bitcoin + + + + Status Network Token + + + + Dai + + + + United Arab Emirates dirham + + + + Other Fiat + + + + Afghan afghani + + + + Argentine peso + + + + Australian dollar + + + + Barbadian dollar + + + + Bangladeshi taka + + + + Bulgarian lev + + + + Bahraini dinar + + + + Brunei dollar + + + + Bolivian boliviano + + + + Brazillian real + + + + Bhutanese ngultrum + + + + Canadian dollar + + + + Swiss franc + + + + Chilean peso + + + + Chinese yuan + + + + Colombian peso + + + + Costa Rican colón + + + + Czech koruna + + + + Danish krone + + + + Dominican peso + + + + Egyptian pound + + + + Ethiopian birr + + + + Georgian lari + + + + Ghanaian cedi + + + + Hong Kong dollar + + + + Croatian kuna + + + + Hungarian forint + + + + Indonesian rupiah + + + + Israeli new shekel + + + + Indian rupee + + + + Icelandic króna + + + + Jamaican dollar + + + + Japanese yen + + + + Kenyan shilling + + + + Kuwaiti dinar + + + + Kazakhstani tenge + + + + Sri Lankan rupee + + + + Moroccan dirham + + + + Moldovan leu + + + + Mauritian rupee + + + + Malawian kwacha + + + + Mexican peso + + + + Malaysian ringgit + + + + Mozambican metical + + + + Namibian dollar + + + + Nigerian naira + + + + Norwegian krone + + + + Nepalese rupee + + + + New Zealand dollar + + + + Omani rial + + + + Peruvian sol + + + + Papua New Guinean kina + + + + Philippine peso + + + + Pakistani rupee + + + + Polish złoty + + + + Paraguayan guaraní + + + + Qatari riyal + + + + Romanian leu + + + + Serbian dinar + + + + Saudi riyal + + + + Swedish krona + + + + Singapore dollar + + + + Thai baht + + + + Trinidad and Tobago dollar + + + + New Taiwan dollar + + + + Tanzanian shilling + + + + Turkish lira + + + + Ukrainian hryvnia + + + + Ugandan shilling + + + + Uruguayan peso + + + + Venezuelan bolívar + + + + Vietnamese đồng + + + + South African rand + + + + + DateGroup + + Today + + + + Yesterday + + + + January + + + + February + + + + March + + + + April + + + + May + + + + June + + + + July + + + + August + + + + September + + + + October + + + + November + + + + December + + + + + DefaultDAppExplorerView + + Default DApp explorer + + + + none + + + + + DevicesView + + Please set a name for your device. + + + + Specify a name + + + + Continue + + + + Advertise device + + + + Pair your devices to sync contacts and chats between them + + + + Learn more + + + + Paired devices + + + + Syncing... + + + + Sync all devices + + + + + DownloadBar + + Cancelled + + + + Paused + + + + Show All + + + + + DownloadMenu + + Open + + + + Show in folder + + + + Pause + + + + Resume + + + + Cancel + + + + + DownloadPage + + Thanks for using Status + + + + You're curently using version %1 of Status. + + + + There's new version available to download. + + + + Get Status %1 + + + + + DownloadView + + Cancelled + + + + Paused + + + + Downloaded files will appear here. + + + + + ENSPopup + + Primary username + + + + Your messages are displayed to others with this username: + + + + Once you select a username, you won’t be able to disable it afterwards. You will only be able choose a different username to display. + + + + + EmojiReactionsPanel + + Add reaction + + + + + EmptyChatPanel + + Share your chat key + + + + or + + + + invite + + + + friends to start messaging in Status + + + + + EnsAddedView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + %1 is now connected with your chat key and can be used in Status. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsConnectedView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + %1 will be connected once the transaction is complete. + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsListView + + Hey + + + + (pending) + + + + ENS usernames + + + + Add username + + + + Your usernames + + + + Chat settings + + + + Primary Username + + + + None selected + + + + You’re displaying your ENS username in chats + + + + + EnsRegisteredView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + Nice! You own %1.stateofus.eth once the transaction is complete. + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsReleasedView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username removed + + + + The username %1 will be removed and your deposit will be returned once the transaction is mined + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsTermsAndConditionsView + + ENS usernames + + + + Terms of name registration + + + + Funds are deposited for 1 year. Your SNT will be locked, but not spent. + + + + After 1 year, you can release the name and get your deposit back, or take no action to keep the name. + + + + If terms of the contract change — e.g. Status makes contract upgrades — user has the right to release the username regardless of time held. + + + + The contract controller cannot access your deposited funds. They can only be moved back to the address that sent them. + + + + Your address(es) will be publicly associated with your ENS name. + + + + Usernames are created as subdomain nodes of stateofus.eth and are subject to the ENS smart contract terms. + + + + You authorize the contract to transfer SNT on your behalf. This can only occur when you approve a transaction to authorize the transfer. + + + + These terms are guaranteed by the smart contract logic at addresses: + + + + %1 (Status UsernameRegistrar). + + + + <a href='%1%2'>Look up on Etherscan</a> + + + + %1 (ENS Registry). + + + + Wallet address + + + + Copied to clipboard! + + + + Key + + + + Agree to <a href="#">Terms of name registration.</a> I understand that my wallet address will be publicly connected to my username. + + + + Back + + + + 10 SNT + + + + Deposit + + + + Not enough SNT + + + + Register + + + + + EnsWelcomeView + + Get a universal username + + + + ENS names transform those crazy-long addresses into unique usernames. + + + + Customize your chat name + + + + An ENS name can replace your random 3-word name in chat. Be @yourname instead of %1. + + + + Simplify your ETH address + + + + You can receive funds to your easy-to-share ENS name rather than your hexadecimal hash (0x...). + + + + Receive transactions in chat + + + + Others can send you funds via chat in one simple step. + + + + 10 SNT to register + + + + Register once to keep the name forever. After 1 year you can release the name and get your SNT back. + + + + Already own a username? + + + + You can verify and add any usernames you own in the next steps. + + + + Powered by Ethereum Name Services + + + + Start + + + + Only available on Mainnet + + + + + FavoriteMenu + + Open in new Tab + + + + Edit + + + + Remove + + + + + FetchMoreMessagesButton + + ↓ Fetch more messages + + + + Before %1 + + + + before--%1 + + + + + FleetRadioSelector + + Warning! + + + + Change fleet to %1 + + + + + FleetsModal + + Fleet + + + + + GapComponent + + fetch-messages + + + + between--1-and--2 + + + + Fetch messages + + + + Between %1 and %2 + + + + + GasSelectorButton + + Low + + + + + GasValidator + + Not enough ETH for gas + + + + + GroupChatPanel + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + Confirm + + + + + HistoryView + + Status Desktop is connected to a non-archival node. Transaction history may be incomplete. + + + + No transactions found + + + + Load More + + + + + HomePageView + + homepage + + + + System default + + + + Other + + + + Example: duckduckgo.com + + + + + ImageCropWorkflow + + Supported image formats (%1) + + + + + ImportCommunityPopup + + Import Community + + + + Entering a community key will grant you the ownership of that community. Please be responsible with it and don’t share the key with people you don’t trust. + + + + Community private key + + + + Import + + + + + ImportSeedPhrasePanel + + Invalid seed phrase + + + + This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. + + + + %1 words + + + + + Input + + Copied + + + + Pasted + + + + Copy + + + + Paste + + + + + InviteFriendsPopup + + Get Status at https://status.im + + + + Download Status link + + + + Copy to clipboard + + + + + InviteFriendsToCommunityPopup + + Invite friends + + + + Invite successfully sent + + + + Invite + + + + + JSDialogWindow + + Ok + + + + Cancel + + + + + KeycardCreatePINModal + + Create PIN + + + + New PIN + + + + Confirm PIN + + + + Create a 6 digit long PIN + + + + + LanguageStore + + Beta Languages + + + + + LinksMessageView + + Enable automatic image unfurling + + + + Enable link previews in chat? + + + + Once enabled, links posted in the chat may share your metadata with their owners + + + + Enable in Settings + + + + Don't ask me again + + + + + MailserverConnectionDialog + + Can not connect to mailserver + + + + The mailserver you're connecting to is unavailable. + + + + Pick another + + + + Retry + + + + + MainView + + DApp Permissions + + + + Networks + + + + Accounts + + + + Generated from Your Seed Phrase + + + + Imported + + + + Watch-Only + + + + + MembershipRequestsPopup + + Membership requests + + + + + MessageStore + + and + + + + %1 more + + + + reacted with + + + + You + + + + + MuteChatMenuItem + + Mute chat + + + + Unmute chat + + + + + MutedChatsModal + + Muted chats + + + + Unmute + + + + + MyProfileSettingsView + + Display name + + + + Display Name + + + + Biometric login and transaction authentication + + + + Communities + + + + Accounts + + + + You haven't joined any communities yet + + + + You don't have any wallet accounts yet + + + + + NetworkCardsComponent + + Your Balances + + + + No Balance + + + + No Gas + + + + BALANCE: + + + + Disabled + + + + + NetworkFilter + + All networks + + + + %n network(s) + + + + + + + + NetworkSelectPopup + + Layer 2 + + + + + NetworkSelector + + Networks + + + + Choose a network to use for the transaction + + + + No networks available + + + + Simple + + + + Advanced + + + + Custom + + + + + NetworksAdvancedCustomRoutingView + + Networks + + + + Show Unpreferred Networks + + + + The networks where the receipient will receive tokens. Amounts calculated automatically for the lowest cost. + + + + + NetworksSimpleRoutingView + + Networks + + + + Choose a network to use for the transaction + + + + + NetworksView + + Layer 2 + + + + Add Custom Network + + + + + NoFriendsRectangle + + You don’t have any contacts yet. Invite your friends to start chatting. + + + + Invite friends + + + + + NodeLayout + + Bloom Filter Usage + + + + Type json-rpc message... e.g {"method": "eth_accounts"} + + + + + NotificationSelect + + Send Alerts + + + + Deliver Quietly + + + + Turn Off + + + + + NotificationWindow + + Everything is connected + + + + + PINModal + + Authenticate PIN + + + + PIN + + + + Insert your 6-digit PIN + + + + Authenticate + + + + + PairingModal + + Insert pairing code + + + + Pairing code + + + + Insert the Keycard pairing code + + + + Pair + + + + + PrivateChatPopup + + New chat + + + + My Profile + + + + + ProfileHeader + + Chatkey:%1... + + + + + ProfileView + + Blocked + + + + Send Request + + + + Receive Response + + + + Confirm Identity + + + + You have confirmed %1's identity. From now on this verification emblem will always be displayed alongside %1's nickname. + + + + You have marked %1 as Untrustworthy. From now on this Untrustworthy emblem will always be displayed alongside %1's nickname. + + + + ENS username + + + + Username + + + + Ask a question that only the real %1 will be able to answer e.g. a question about a shared experience, or ask Mark to enter a code or phrase you have sent to them via a different communication channel (phone, post, etc...). + + + + Waiting for %1's response... + + + + Copied to clipboard + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Chat settings + + + + Nickname + + + + None + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + + PublicChatPopup + + You need to enter a channel name + + + + The channel name can only contain lowercase letters, numbers and dashes + + + + Join public chat + + + + A public chat is where you get to hang out with others, make friends and talk about subjects of your interest. + + + + chat-name + + + + Start chat + + + + + RecipientSelector + + Invalid ethereum address + + + + Address + + + + My account + + + + Contact + + + + Recipient + + + + + RenameAccontModal + + Rename %1 + + + + Enter an account name... + + + + You need to enter an account name + + + + This is not a valid account name + + + + color + + + + Change Name + + + + Changing settings failed + + + + + RenameGroupPopup + + Group name + + + + Save + + + + + Retry + + Resend + + + + + RightTabView + + Assets + + + + Collectibles + + + + Activity + + + + History + + + + + SearchBox + + Search + + + + + SearchEngineModal + + Search engine + + + + None + + + + + SearchResults + + Non contacts + + + + No profile found + + + + + SeedPhraseBackupWarning + + Back up your seed phrase + + + + Back up + + + + + SeedPhraseTextArea + + Invalid seed phrase + + + + This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. + + + + Start with the first word + + + + + SelectAccountModal + + Select account + + + + Select account to share and receive assets + + + + Confirm and share address + + + + + SelectAnotherAccountModal + + Your keys + + + + Add another existing key + + + + + SelectGeneratedAccount + + Import new Seed Phrase + + + + Generate from Private key + + + + Add a watch-only address + + + + Imported + + + + Add new + + + + Origin + + + + + SendContactRequestMenuItem + + Send Contact Request + + + + + SendMessageMenuItem + + Send message + + + + + SendToContractWarning + + Tokens will be sent directly to a contract address, which may result in a loss of funds. To transfer ERC-20 tokens, ensure the recipient address is the address of the destination wallet. + + + + + SendTransactionButton + + Sign and send + + + + + SettingsDirtyToastMessage + + Changes detected + + + + Cancel + + + + Save changes + + + + + SignMessageModal + + Signature request + + + + From + + + + Data + + + + Message + + + + Reject + + + + Sign + + + + Sign with password + + + + + SignPhraseModal + + Signing phrase + + + + This is your signing phrase + + + + You should see these 3 words before signing each transaction + + + + If you see a different combination, cancel the transaction and sign out + + + + Ok, got it + + + + Remind me later + + + + + StateBubble + + Pending + + + + Confirmed + + + + Unknown token + + + + Address requested + + + + Waiting to accept + + + + Address shared + + + + Address received + + + + Transaction declined + + + + failure + + + + Unknown state + + + + + StatusActivityCenterButton + + Activity + + + + + StatusAddressOrEnsValidator + + Please enter a valid address or ENS name. + + + + + StatusAddressValidator + + Please enter a valid address. + + + + + StatusAppChatView + + Join public chats + + + + Start chat + + + + + StatusAppCommunitiesPortalView + + Find community + + + + Featured + + + + Popular + + + + + StatusAsyncEnsValidator + + ENS name could not be resolved in to an address + + + + + StatusAsyncValidator + + invalid input + + + + + StatusBadge + + 99+ + + + + + StatusChatImageExtensionValidator + + Format not supported. + + + + Upload %1 only + + + + + StatusChatImageLoader + + Error loading the image + + + + Loading image... + + + + + StatusChatImageQtyValidator + + You can only upload %1 images at a time + + + + + StatusChatImageSizeValidator + + Max image size is %1 MB + + + + + StatusColorSpacePage + + Thickness + + + + Min saturate: + + + + Max saturate: + + + + Min value: + + + + Max value: + + + + Color + + + + + StatusCommunityTagsPage + + Select tags that will fit your Community + + + + Search tags + + + + Selected tags + + + + + StatusDialog + + Close + + + + Abort + + + + Cancel + + + + No to all + + + + No + + + + Open + + + + Save + + + + Save all + + + + Retry + + + + Ignore + + + + Ok + + + + Yes to all + + + + Yes + + + + Apply + + + + + StatusETHTransactionModal + + Contract interaction + + + + Wrong password + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Continue + + + + Choose account + + + + Sign with password + + + + Next + + + + + StatusEmojiSection + + No recent emojis + + + + + StatusFloatValidator + + Please enter a valid numeric value. + + + + + StatusGifColumn + + Remove from favorites + + + + Add to favorites + + + + + StatusGifPopup + + Search Tenor + + + + TRENDING + + + + FAVORITES + + + + RECENT + + + + Enable Tenor GIFs? + + + + Once enabled, GIFs posted in the chat may share your metadata with Tenor. + + + + Enable + + + + Favorite GIFs will appear here + + + + Recent GIFs will appear here + + + + Error while contacting Tenor API, please retry. + + + + Retry + + + + + StatusIntValidator + + Please enter a valid numeric value. + + + + + StatusItemSelector + + and + + + + or + + + + + StatusListPickerPage + + Search Languages + + + + Search Currencies + + + + + StatusNotification + + Open + + + + + StatusPasswordStrengthIndicator + + Very weak + + + + Weak + + + + So-so + + + + Good + + + + Great + + + + + StatusSNTTransactionModal + + Authorize %1 %2 + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Wrong password + + + + Continue + + + + Choose account + + + + Sign with password + + + + Send %1 %2 + + + + Next + + + + + StatusSearchListPopup + + Search... + + + + + StatusSearchLocationMenu + + Anywhere + + + + + StatusSearchPopup + + No results + + + + Anywhere + + + + Search + + + + In: + + + + In + + + + + StatusSpellcheckingMenuItems + + Add to dictionary + + + + Disable Spellchecking + + + + + StatusStackModal + + StackModal + + + + Next + + + + Finish + + + + + StatusStickerButton + + Buy for %1 SNT + + + + Uninstall + + + + Install + + + + Free + + + + Pending... + + + + Cancel + + + + Update + + + + + StatusStickersPopup + + You don't have any stickers yet + + + + Recently used stickers will appear here + + + + Get Stickers + + + + + StatusTagSelectorPage + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + + StatusUrlValidator + + Please enter a valid URL + + + + + StatusValidator + + invalid input + + + + + StatusWindowsTitleBar + + Status + + + + + SubheaderTabBar + + Step %1 of %2 + + + + + TabAddressSelectorView + + Saved + + + + My Accounts + + + + Recent + + + + Search for saved address + + + + No Saved Address + + + + No Recents + + + + + ToastMessage + + View on Etherscan + + + + Transaction pending... + + + + + TokenSettingsModal + + Manage Assets + + + + Add custom token + + + + + TokenSettingsModalContent + + Token details + + + + Remove token + + + + Custom + + + + Default + + + + + TouchIDAuthView + + Biometrics + + + + Would you like to use Touch ID +to login to Status? + + + + Yes, use Touch ID + + + + I prefer to use my password + + + + + TransactionBubbleView + + Transaction request + + + + ↑ Outgoing transaction + + + + ↓ Incoming transaction + + + + Token not found on your current network + + + + + TransactionDelegate + + From + + + + To + + + + At + + + + + TransactionModal + + Transaction Details + + + + confirmation(s) + + + + When the transaction has 12 confirmations you can consider it settled. + + + + Block + + + + Hash + + + + From + + + + To + + + + Gas limit + + + + Gas price + + + + Gas used + + + + Nonce + + + + + TransactionPreview + + From + + + + Recipient + + + + Unknown + + + + Asset + + + + Amount + + + + Network fee + + + + Data + + + + Data field + + + + + TransactionSigner + + You need to enter a password + + + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + Signing phrase + + + + Signing phrase is a 3 word combination that displayed when you entered the wallet on this device for the first time. + + + + Enter the password you use to unlock this device + + + + Password + + + + Enter password + + + + + UnblockContactConfirmationDialog + + Unblock User + + + + Unblocking will allow new messages you received from %1 to reach you. + + + + + UserListPanel + + Offline + + + + Online + + + + Inactive + + + + Do not disturb + + + + Idle + + + + + UserStatusContextMenu + + View My Profile + + + + Always online + + + + Inactive + + + + Set status automatically + + + + Online + + + + Offline + + + + + ViewProfileMenuItem + + View Profile + + + + + WakuNodesModal + + Waku nodes + + + + Use Waku nodes + + + + Select node automatically + + + + Waku Nodes + + + + Node %1 + + + + Add a new node + + + + + WalletFooter + + Send + + + + Receive + + + + Buy / Sell + + + + + WelcomeView + + Welcome to Status + + + + Your fully decentralized gateway to Ethereum and Web3. Crypto wallet, privacy first group chat, and dApp browser. + + + + I am new to Status + + + + I already use Status + + + + + main + + StatusQ Documentation App + + + + Status Desktop + + + + Open Status + + + + Quit + + diff --git a/ui/i18n/qml_ru.ts b/ui/i18n/qml_ru.ts index e729d25a93..ca5cd0eaa3 100644 --- a/ui/i18n/qml_ru.ts +++ b/ui/i18n/qml_ru.ts @@ -10951,6 +10951,50 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Privacy Policy Политика Конфиденциальности + + Check for updates + + + + Current Version + + + + Release Notes + + + + Our Principles + + + + Status desktop’s GitHub Repositories + + + + Status Go + + + + StatusQ + + + + go-waku + + + + Legal & Privacy Documents + + + + Terms of Use + + + + Software License + + AcceptRejectOptionsButtonsPanel @@ -10988,6 +11032,42 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Storage Хранилище + + Watch-Only Account + + + + Generated by your Status seed phrase profile + + + + Imported Account + + + + On Device + + + + Derivation Path + + + + Remove from your profile + + + + Confirm %1 Removal + + + + You will not be able to restore viewing access to this account in the future unless you enter this account’s address again. + + + + Remove Account + + ActivityCenterMessageComponentView @@ -10995,6 +11075,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Mark as Read Пометить, как прочитанное + + Mark as Unread + + AddAccountModal @@ -11002,6 +11086,54 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Advanced Расширенные настройки + + Generate an account + + + + Wrong password + + + + You need to enter a password + + + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + Enter your password… + + + + Password + + + + Enter an account name... + + + + Account name + + + + You need to enter an account name + + + + color + + + + Loading... + + + + Add account + + AddEditSavedAddressPopup @@ -11017,6 +11149,38 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Save Сохранить + + Edit saved address + + + + Add saved address + + + + Enter a name + + + + Name must not be blank + + + + This is not a valid account name + + + + Enter ENS Name or Ethereum Address + + + + Please enter a valid ENS name OR Ethereum Address + + + + Add address + + AddFavoriteModal @@ -11040,6 +11204,46 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Name Имя + + Favorite added + + + + Edit + + + + Add favorite + + + + Please enter a valid URL + + + + Name of the website + + + + Please enter a name + + + + Remove + + + + Done + + + + Add + + + + Add Favorite + + AdvancedContainer @@ -11058,6 +11262,122 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. enable Разрешить + + Fleet + + + + Minimize on close + + + + Application Logs + + + + Experimental features + + + + Wallet + + + + WalletSettingsLineButton + + + + Dapp Browser + + + + Community History Archive Protocol + + + + Node Management + + + + Keycard + + + + Bloom filter level + + + + Warning! + + + + The account will be logged out. When you login again, the selected mode will be enabled + + + + Light Node + + + + Normal + + + + Full Node + + + + WakuV2 mode + + + + Developer features + + + + Full developer mode + + + + Download messages + + + + Telemetry + + + + Debug + + + + Auto message + + + + Are you sure you want to enable all the develoer features? The app will be restarted. + + + + Are you sure you want to enable telemetry? This will reduce your privacy level while using Status. You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. + + + + Are you sure you want to enable auto message? You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. + + + + Are you sure you want to %1 debug mode? You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. + + + + This feature is experimental and is meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It's not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data. Use at your own risk. + + + + I understand + + AllowNotificationsView @@ -11065,6 +11385,15 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Ok, got it Понятно + + Allow notifications + + + + Status will notify you about new messages. You can +edit your notification preferences later in settings. + + AppMain @@ -11072,6 +11401,58 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Where do you want to go? Куда Вы хотите отправиться? + + Profile Picture + + + + Make this my Profile Pic + + + + Invite People + + + + View Community + + + + Leave Community + + + + A new version of Status (%1) is available + + + + Download + + + + Your version is up to date + + + + Close + + + + Can not connect to mailserver + + + + The mailserver you're connecting to is unavailable. + + + + Pick another + + + + Retry + + AppearanceView @@ -11099,6 +11480,58 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. XXL ХХL + + Preview + + + + Blockchains will drop search costs, causing a kind of decomposition that allows you to have markets of entities that are horizontally segregated and vertically segregated. + + + + Size + + + + Change font size + + + + Change Zoom (requires restart) + + + + 50% + + + + 100% + + + + 150% + + + + 200% + + + + Appearance + + + + Light + + + + Dark + + + + System + + BackupSeedModal @@ -11110,6 +11543,22 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Continue Продолжить + + Not Now + + + + Confirm Seed Phrase + + + + Complete & Delete My Seed Phrase + + + + Confirm word #%1 of your seed phrase + + BackupSeedStepBase @@ -11121,6 +11570,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Wrong word Неправильное слово + + Word #%1 + + BeforeGetStartedModal @@ -11128,6 +11581,42 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Privacy Policy Политика Конфиденциальности + + Before you get started + + + + I acknowledge that status desktop is in beta and by using it I take the full responsibility for all risks concerning my data and funds + + + + Before you get started... + + + + Get Started + + + + I acknowledge that Status Desktop is in Beta and by using it I take the full responsibility for all risks concerning my data and funds. + + + + I accept Status + + + + Terms of Use + + + + Terms of service + + + + Get started + + BrowserLayout @@ -11135,6 +11624,31 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Transaction pending... Транзакция ожидает подтверждения... + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Error signing message + + + + View on etherscan + + + + Server's certificate not trusted + + + + Do you wish to continue? + + + + If you wish so, you may continue with an unverified certificate. Accepting an unverified certificate means you may not be connected with the host you tried to connect to. +Do you wish to override the security check and continue? + + ChatContextMenuView @@ -11154,6 +11668,66 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Are you sure you want to leave this chat? Вы точно хотите выйти из чата? + + View Members + + + + Add / remove from group + + + + Test WakuV2 - requestAllHistoricMessages + + + + Edit name + + + + Mark as Read + + + + Clear history + + + + Edit Channel + + + + Download + + + + Delete Channel + + + + Delete chat + + + + Leave chat + + + + Download messages + + + + Delete #%1 + + + + Are you sure you want to delete #%1 channel? + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this chat? + + ChatView @@ -11161,6 +11735,14 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Members Участники + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + CollectibleDetailsHeader @@ -11175,6 +11757,18 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. description Описание + + unnamed + + + + id + + + + View in Opensea + + CollectiblesStore @@ -11200,6 +11794,14 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Leave community Покинуть сообщество + + Leave %1 + + + + Are you sure you want to leave? Once you leave, you will have to request to rejoin if you change your mind. + + CommunitiesPopup @@ -11223,6 +11825,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Search for communities or topics Поиск по сообществам или темам + + Access existing community + + CommunitiesPortalLayout @@ -11230,6 +11836,26 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Search Поиск + + Find community + + + + Import Community + + + + Create New Community + + + + Featured + + + + Popular + + CommunityColorPicker @@ -11248,6 +11874,58 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Create category Создать категорию + + 1 Member + + + + %1 Members + + + + Start chat + + + + Membership requests + + + + Invite people + + + + Unmute category + + + + Mute category + + + + Edit Category + + + + Delete Category + + + + Delete %1 category + + + + Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. + + + + Create channel or category + + + + Error deleting the category + + CommunityDescriptionInput @@ -11259,6 +11937,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. What your community is about О чем ваше сообщество + + community description + + CommunityDetailPopup @@ -11274,6 +11956,42 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Unknown community Неизвестное сообщество + + Public community + + + + Invitation only community + + + + On request community + + + + - ENS only + + + + %1 members + + + + Channels + + + + You need to be invited + + + + Request to join ‘%1’ + + + + Error joining the community + + CommunityEditSettingsPanel @@ -11327,6 +12045,22 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Kick Удалить + + Membership requests + + + + Community members will appear here + + + + No contacts found + + + + You + + CommunityNameInput @@ -11338,6 +12072,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. community name название сообщества + + Community name + + CommunityProfilePopup @@ -11349,6 +12087,30 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Transfer ownership Передать право собственности + + Public community + + + + Invitation only community + + + + On request community + + + + Unknown community + + + + Invite friends + + + + Invite + + CommunityProfilePopupInviteFriendsPanel @@ -11360,6 +12122,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Contacts Контакты + + Share community + + CommunityProfilePopupMembersListPanel @@ -11374,6 +12140,18 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Copied! Скопировано + + Share community + + + + Transfer ownership + + + + Leave community + + CommunitySettingsView @@ -11389,6 +12167,22 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Settings Настройки + + Overview + + + + Open legacy popup (to be removed) + + + + Back to community + + + + Error editing the community + + CommunityUserList @@ -11403,6 +12197,50 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Passwords don't match Пароли не совпадают + + Have you written down your password? + + + + You will never be able to recover your password if you lose it. + + + + If you need to, write it using pen and paper and keep in a safe place. + + + + If you lose your password you will lose access to your Status profile. + + + + Confirm your password (again) + + + + Confirm you password (again) + + + + Finalise Status Password Creation + + + + Keys for this account already exist + + + + Keys for this account already exist and can't be added again. If you've lost your password, passcode or Keycard, uninstall the app, reinstall and access your keys by entering your seed phrase + + + + Login failed + + + + Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. + + ConfirmationDialog @@ -11426,6 +12264,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Do not show this again Не показывать это снова + + Are you sure you want to do this? + + ContactPanel @@ -11437,6 +12279,18 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Send message Отправить сообщение + + Respond to ID Request + + + + See ID Request + + + + Rename + + ContactsColumnView @@ -11444,6 +12298,30 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Start chat Начать чат + + Chat + + + + Search + + + + Join public chats + + + + Contact requests + + + + Community imported + + + + Importing community is in progress + + ContactsView @@ -11451,6 +12329,46 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Contacts Контакты + + Send contact request to chat key + + + + Search by a display name or chat key + + + + Pending Requests + + + + Blocked + + + + Identity Verified Contacts + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet + + + + Received + + + + Sent + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + Controls @@ -11478,6 +12396,22 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. XXL ХХL + + 50% + + + + 100% + + + + 150% + + + + 200% + + CreateCategoryPopup @@ -11489,6 +12423,50 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. category name название категории + + Edit category + + + + New category + + + + Name the category + + + + Channels + + + + Delete category + + + + Delete %1 category + + + + Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. + + + + Save + + + + Create + + + + Error editing the category + + + + Error creating the category + + CreateChannelPopup @@ -11512,6 +12490,38 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. channel description описание канала + + New channel + + + + Edit #%1 + + + + Name the channel + + + + Channel colour + + + + Pick a color + + + + Save + + + + Create + + + + Error creating the community + + CreateChatView @@ -11519,6 +12529,41 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Contacts Контакты + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. + +Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be able to chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. + + + + You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. + + +Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be + able to +chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. + + + + You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. + + +Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be able to +chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. + + + + Confirm + + CreateCommunityPopup @@ -11570,6 +12615,14 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Community colour Цвет сообщества + + Create New Community + + + + Create Community + + CreatePasswordView @@ -11588,6 +12641,14 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. View Community Просмотреть сообщество + + Edit Community + + + + Leave Community + + DerivationPathsPanel @@ -11595,6 +12656,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Reset Сброс + + Derivation Path + + DerivedAddressesPanel @@ -11606,6 +12671,22 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Account Аккаунт + + No activity + + + + Invalid path + + + + Has Activity + + + + No Activity + + DisplayNamePopup @@ -11617,6 +12698,14 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Ok Ok + + Display Name + + + + OK + + EnsDetailsView @@ -11632,6 +12721,22 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Connect username with your pubkey Связать имя пользователя с вашим публичным ключом + + Copied to clipboard! + + + + Release username + + + + Username locked. You won't be able to release it until %1 + + + + Back + + EnsSearchView @@ -11639,6 +12744,30 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Connect username with your pubkey Связать имя пользователя с вашим публичным ключом + + At least 4 characters. Latin letters, numbers, and lowercase only. + + + + Letters and numbers only. + + + + Type the entire username including the custom domain like username.domain.eth + + + + Custom domain + + + + I want a stateofus.eth domain + + + + I own a name on another domain + + EnsView @@ -11646,6 +12775,26 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Transaction pending... Транзакция ожидает подтверждения... + + View on etherscan + + + + ENS Registration failed + + + + ENS Registration completed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey failed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey completed + + ExemptionNotificationsModal @@ -11653,6 +12802,30 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Done Готово + + %1 exemption + + + + Mute all messages + + + + Personal @ Mentions + + + + Global @ Mentions + + + + Other Messages + + + + Clear Exemptions + + GasSelector @@ -11668,6 +12841,78 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. High Высокий + + Must be greater than 0 + + + + This needs to be a number + + + + Please enter an amount + + + + Min 21000 units + + + + Not enough gas + + + + Miners will currently not process transactions with a tip below %1 Gwei, the average is %2 Gwei + + + + The average miner tip is %1 Gwei + + + + Gas Price + + + + Current base fee: %1 %2 + + + + Use suggestions + + + + Use custom + + + + Optimal + + + + Gas amount limit + + + + Per-gas tip limit + + + + Gwei + + + + Per-gas overall limit + + + + Maximum priority fee: %1 ETH + + + + Maximum overall price for the transaction. If the block base fee exceeds this, it will be included in a following block with a lower base fee. + + GroupInfoPopup @@ -11675,6 +12920,46 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. %1/%2 members %1 участников {1/%2 ?} + + Add members + + + + %1 members + + + + 1 member + + + + Search + + + + All your contacts are already in the group + + + + Pinned messages + + + + Admin + + + + Make Admin + + + + Remove From Group + + + + Add selected + + ImageCropperModal @@ -11693,6 +12978,38 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Pending В ожидании + + You need to enter a private key + + + + Enter a valid private key (64 characters hexadecimal string) + + + + Private key + + + + Paste the contents of your private key + + + + Public address + + + + Account already added + + + + Has Activity + + + + No Activity + + InsertCard @@ -11700,6 +13017,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Cancel Отменить + + Please insert your Keycard to proceed or press the cancel button to cancel the operation + + InsertDetailsView @@ -11711,6 +13032,38 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Profile picture Фото профиля + + Your profile + + + + Longer and unusual names are better as they are less likely to be used by someone else. + + + + Display name + + + + Chatkey: + + + + Choose an image for profile picture + + + + Make this my profile picture + + + + Your emojihash and identicon ring + + + + This set of emojis and coloured ring around your avatar are unique and represent your chat key, so your friends can easily distinguish you from potential impersonators. + + InvitationBubbleView @@ -11718,6 +13071,46 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Unsupported state Неподдерживаемое состояние + + Membership requires an ENS username + + + + You need to be invited + + + + Pending + + + + View + + + + Request Access + + + + Join + + + + Verified community invitation + + + + Community invitation + + + + %1 members + + + + Error joining the community + + KeysMainView @@ -11729,6 +13122,39 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Generate new keys Создать новые ключи + + intro-wizard-title1 + + + + a-set-of-keys-controls-your-account.-your-keys-live-on-your-device,-so-only-you-can-use-them. + + + + Connect your keys + + + + Use your existing Status keys to login to this device. + + + + Get your keys + + + + A set of keys controls your account. Your keys live on your +device, so only you can use them. + + + + Import a seed phrase + + + + Seed phrases are used to back up and restore your keys. Only use this option if you already have a seed phrase. + + LanguageView @@ -11736,6 +13162,54 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Language Язык + + Set Display Currency + + + + Search Currencies + + + + Search Languages + + + + Date Format + + + + DD/MM/YY + + + + MM/DD/YY + + + + Time Format + + + + 24-Hour Time + + + + 12-Hour Time + + + + Change language + + + + Display language has been changed. You must restart the application for changes to take effect. + + + + Close the app now + + Layout @@ -11747,6 +13221,22 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. View Community Просмотреть сообщество + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + Edit Community + + + + Leave Community + + LeftTabView @@ -11754,6 +13244,34 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Settings Настройки + + Sign out + + + + Make sure you have your account password and seed phrase stored. Without them you can lock yourself out of your account and lose funds. + + + + Sign out & Quit + + + + Wallet + + + + Total value + + + + Add account + + + + Saved addresses + + LoginView @@ -11761,6 +13279,38 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Ok Ok + + Welcome back + + + + Add new user + + + + Add existing Status user + + + + Connecting... + + + + Password + + + + Enter password + + + + Login failed: %1 + + + + Password incorrect + + MenuPanel @@ -11768,6 +13318,14 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Settings Настройки + + Apps + + + + About & Help + + MessageContextMenuView @@ -11775,6 +13333,62 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Jump to Перейти к + + Copy image + + + + Download image + + + + Block User + + + + Unblock User + + + + Rename + + + + Reply to + + + + Edit message + + + + Copy Message Id + + + + Unpin + + + + Pin + + + + Delete message + + + + Please choose a directory + + + + Confirm deleting this message + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well. + + MessagingView @@ -11782,6 +13396,70 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Contacts Контакты + + Allow new contact requests + + + + Show My Profile Picture To + + + + Everyone + + + + No One + + + + See Profile Pictures From + + + + Open Message Links With + + + + Status Browser + + + + System Default Browser + + + + Contacts, Requests, and Blocked Users + + + + Display Message Link Previews + + + + Fine tune which sites to allow link previews + + + + Image unfurling + + + + All images (links that contain an image extension) will be downloaded and displayed + + + + Message syncing + + + + Waku nodes + + + + For security reasons, private chat history won't be synced. + + MyProfileView @@ -11797,6 +13475,18 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Share Profile URL Поделиться профилем + + Change Password + + + + Edit + + + + Preview + + NicknamePopup @@ -11804,6 +13494,14 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Nickname Псевдоним + + Nicknames help you identify others in Status. Only you can see the nicknames you’ve added + + + + Done + + NoImageUploadedPanel @@ -11811,6 +13509,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Upload Загрузить + + Wide aspect ratio is optimal + + NotificationsView @@ -11826,6 +13528,150 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Anonymous Анонимный + + Community + + + + 1:1 Chat + + + + Group Chat + + + + Muted + + + + Off + + + + Quiet + + + + Personal @ Mentions %1 + + + + Global @ Mentions %1 + + + + Alerts + + + + Other Messages %1 + + + + Multiple Exemptions + + + + Enable Notifications in macOS Settings + + + + To receive Status notifications, make sure you've enabled them in your computer's settings under <b>System Preferences > Notifications</b> + + + + Sync your devices to share notifications preferences + + + + Syncing > + + + + Allow Notifications + + + + 1:1 Chats + + + + Group Chats + + + + Personal @ Mentions + + + + Messages containing @%1 + + + + Global @ Mentions + + + + Messages containing @here and @channel + + + + All Messages + + + + Others + + + + Contact Requests + + + + Identity Verification Requests + + + + Notification Content + + + + Show Name and Message + + + + Hi there! So EIP-1559 will defini... + + + + Name Only + + + + Play a Sound When Receiving a Notification + + + + Volume + + + + Send a Test Notification + + + + Exemptions + + + + Search Communities, Group Chats and 1:1 Chats + + + + Most recent + + PasswordView @@ -11837,6 +13683,78 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Passwords don't match Пароли не совпадают. + + Create a password to unlock Status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + You will not be able to recover this password if it is lost. + + + + Minimum %1 characters. To strengthen your password consider including: + + + + This password has been pwned and shouldn't be used + + + + This password is a common word and shouldn't be used + + + + Password must be at least %1 characters long + + + + Current password + + + + New password + + + + Very weak + + + + Weak + + + + So-so + + + + Good + + + + Great + + + + Lower case + + + + Upper case + + + + Numbers + + + + Symbols + + + + Confirm password + + PermissionsListView @@ -11844,6 +13762,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Disconnect Отключить + + Disconnect All + + PinnedMessagesPopup @@ -11851,6 +13773,30 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Unpin Открепить + + Pin limit reached + + + + Pinned messages + + + + Unpin a previous message first + + + + %1 messages + + + + %1 message + + + + Pinned messages will appear here. + + ProfileLayout @@ -11858,6 +13804,18 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Contacts Контакты + + Testnet mode is enabled. All balances, transactions and dApp interactions will be on testnets. + + + + Secure your seed phrase + + + + Back up now + + ProfilePopup @@ -11905,6 +13863,90 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Add to contacts Добавить в контакты + + 's Profile + + + + Send Contact Request to + + + + Verify %1's Identity + + + + My Profile + + + + %1's Profile + + + + Send Contact Request to %1 + + + + Cancel verification + + + + Remove Contact + + + + Send Contact Request + + + + Mark Untrustworthy + + + + Remove 'Identity Verified' status + + + + No + + + + Yes + + + + Remove Untrustworthy Mark + + + + Verify Identity + + + + Verify Identity pending... + + + + Send verification request + + + + Verification request sent + + + + Confirm Identity + + + + Rename + + + + Close + + ProfileSectionStore @@ -11940,6 +13982,30 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Advanced Расширенные настройки + + Messaging + + + + Notifications & Sounds + + + + Language & Currency + + + + Devices settings + + + + About + + + + Sign out & Quit + + RateView @@ -11947,6 +14013,18 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Upload Загрузить + + Bandwidth + + + + Kb/s + + + + Download + + ReceiveModal @@ -11954,6 +14032,22 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Copy Скопировать в буфер обмена + + Receive + + + + Legacy + + + + Multichain + + + + Your Address + + RootStore @@ -11961,6 +14055,18 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. You Вы + + Start a 1-on-1 chat with %1 + + + + Join the %1 community + + + + Join the %1 group chat + + SavedAddressesView @@ -11972,6 +14078,30 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Delete Удалить + + Saved addresses + + + + Add new address + + + + Edit + + + + Are you sure you want to remove '%1' from your saved addresses? + + + + Are you sure? + + + + No saved addresses + + SeedPhraseInputView @@ -11987,6 +14117,34 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Import Импортировать + + Keys for this account already exist + + + + Keys for this account already exist and can't be added again. If you've lost your password, passcode or Keycard, uninstall the app, reinstall and access your keys by entering your seed phrase + + + + Error importing seed + + + + %1 words + + + + %1SeedButton + + + + Invalid seed + + + + Restore Status Profile + + SendContactRequestModal @@ -11994,6 +14152,26 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Paste Вставить + + Send Contact Request to chat key + + + + Enter chat key here + + + + Say who you are / why you want to become a contact... + + + + who are you + + + + Send Contact Request + + SendModal @@ -12001,6 +14179,46 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Transaction pending... Транзакция ожидает подтверждения... + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Send + + + + Max: + + + + No balances active + + + + Please enter a valid amount + + + + To + + + + Enter an ENS name or address + + + + Error estimating gas: %1 + + + + Wrong password + + + + View on etherscan + + SendModalFooter @@ -12008,6 +14226,18 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Unknown Неизвестно + + Estimated Time: + + + + Max Fees: + + + + Send + + SendModalHeader @@ -12045,6 +14275,42 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Transaction pending... Транзакция ожидает подтверждения... + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Choose account + + + + Network fee + + + + Transaction preview + + + + Sign with password + + + + Send %1 %2 + + + + Next + + + + Wrong password + + + + View on etherscan + + StatusAppCommunityView @@ -12059,6 +14325,46 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Send Отправить + + Message + + + + Please choose an image + + + + Image files (%1) + + + + Your message is too long. + + + + Please make your message shorter. We have set the limit to 2000 characters to be courteous of others. + + + + Bold + + + + Italic + + + + Strikethrough + + + + Code + + + + Unblock + + StatusChatListAndCategories @@ -12066,6 +14372,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. More Больше + + Add channel inside category + + StatusChatListCategoryItem @@ -12073,6 +14383,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. More Больше + + Add channel inside category + + StatusChatListItem @@ -12102,6 +14416,18 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Preview Предварительный просмотр + + This is not a valid color + + + + Standart colours + + + + Select Colour + + StatusExpandableSettingsItemPage @@ -12109,6 +14435,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Back up seed phrase Резервное копирование сид-фразы + + Not Implemented + + StatusListPicker @@ -12123,6 +14453,11 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Open Открыть + + My latest message + with a return + + StatusStickerMarket @@ -12141,6 +14476,14 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. or ИЛИ + + Hold + + + + to post + + StatusWalletColorSelect @@ -12170,6 +14513,50 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Are you sure? Вы уверены? + + Your priority fee is below our suggested parameters. + + + + Current base fee + + + + %1 Gwei + + + + Current minimum tip + + + + Current average tip + + + + Your tip limit + + + + Suggested minimum tip + + + + Your price limit + + + + Suggested minimum price limit + + + + Change Limit + + + + Continue anyway + + TransferOwnershipPopup @@ -12189,6 +14576,14 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Copied Скопировано + + You should keep it safe and only share it with people you trust to take ownership of your community + + + + You can also use this key to import your community on another device + + UploadProfilePicModal @@ -12208,6 +14603,18 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Done Готово + + Upload profile picture + + + + Choose an image for profile picture + + + + Make this my profile picture + + UserList @@ -12237,6 +14644,258 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. now Сейчас + + Sun + + + + Mon + + + + Tue + + + + Wed + + + + Thu + + + + Fri + + + + Sat + + + + Jan + + + + Feb + + + + Mar + + + + Apr + + + + May + + + + Jun + + + + Jul + + + + Aug + + + + Sep + + + + Oct + + + + Nov + + + + Dec + + + + Yesterday + + + + Sunday + + + + Monday + + + + Tuesday + + + + Wednesday + + + + Thursday + + + + Friday + + + + Saturday + + + + NOW + + + + %1M + + + + %1H + + + + %1D + + + + words + + + + You need to enter a password + + + + You need to repeat your password + + + + Passwords don't match + + + + You need to enter a PIN + + + + The PIN must contain only digits + + + + The PIN must be exactly 6 digits + + + + You need to repeat your PIN + + + + PIN don't match + + + + The %1 cannot exceed %2 characters + + + + Must be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + Use only lowercase letters (a to z), numbers & dashes (-). Do not use chat keys. + + + + Value has to be at least %1 characters long + + + + Unknown + + + + < 1 min + + + + < 3 mins + + + + < 5 mins + + + + > 5 mins + + + + years ago + + + + year ago + + + + months ago + + + + month ago + + + + weeks ago + + + + week ago + + + + days ago + + + + day ago + + + + hours ago + + + + hour ago + + + + mins ago + + + + min ago + + + + secs ago + + + + sec ago + + WalletView @@ -12244,5 +14903,4206 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Wallet Кошелек + + Networks + + + + DApp Permissions + + + + Testnet Mode + + + + + AcceptTransactionView + + Accept and share address + + + + Accept and send + + + + Decline + + + + + Acknowledgements + + Secure Your Assets and Funds + + + + Your seed phrase is a 12-word passcode to your funds. + + + + Your seed phrase cannot be recovered if lost. Therefore, you <b>must</b> back it up. The simplest way is to <b>write it down offline and store it somewhere secure.</b> + + + + I have a pen and paper + + + + I am ready to write down my seed phrase + + + + I know where I’ll store it + + + + You can only complete this process once. Status will not store your seed phrase and can never help you recover it. + + + + + ActivityCenterPopup + + Show more + + + + + ActivityCenterPopupTopBarPanel + + All + + + + Mentions + + + + Replies + + + + Mark all as Read + + + + Show read notifications + + + + Hide read notifications + + + + Notification settings + + + + + AddShowTokenModal + + Add custom token + + + + This needs to be a valid address + + + + Invalid ERC20 address + + + + Enter contract address... + + + + Contract address + + + + The name of your token... + + + + Name + + + + ABC + + + + Symbol + + + + Decimals + + + + Changing settings failed + + + + Add + + + + + AddWakuNodeModal + + Waku nodes + + + + Name + + + + Specify a name + + + + You need to enter a name + + + + History node address + + + + You need to enter the enode address + + + + The format must be: enode://{enode-id}:{password}@{ip-address}:{port} + + + + Save + + + + + AddressInput + + ENS Username not found + + + + + AddressRequiredValidator + + You need to request the recipient’s address first. +Assets won’t be sent yet. + + + + + AddressSourceSelector + + Invalid source + + + + + AdvancedAddAccountView + + Enter address... + + + + Account address + + + + This needs to be a valid address (starting with 0x) + + + + You need to enter an address + + + + + AppSearch + + No results + + + + Anywhere + + + + + AssetAndAmountInput + + Insufficient balance + + + + Must be greater than or equal to 0 + + + + This needs to be a number + + + + Please enter an amount + + + + Balance: + + + + Asset & Amount + + + + The amount is 0. Proceed only if this is desired. + + + + + BackUpCommuntyBannerPanel + + Back up community key + + + + Back up + + + + + BalanceExceeded + + Balance exceeded + + + + No networks available + + + + + BalanceValidator + + Insufficient balance + + + + + BlockContactConfirmationDialog + + Block User + + + + Blocking will stop new messages from reaching you from %1. + + + + + BloomSelectorButton + + TODO + + + + + BrowserConnectionModal + + '%1' would like to connect to + + + + Allowing authorizes this DApp to retrieve your wallet address and enable Web3 + + + + Granting access authorizes this DApp to retrieve your chat key + + + + Deny + + + + Allow + + + + + BrowserHeader + + Enter URL + + + + + BrowserSettingsMenu + + New Tab + + + + Exit Incognito mode + + + + Go Incognito + + + + Zoom In + + + + Zoom Out + + + + Find + + + + Compatibility mode + + + + Developer Tools + + + + Settings + + + + + BrowserTabStyle + + Start Page + + + + + BrowserTabView + + Start Page + + + + New Tab + + + + Downloads Page + + + + + BrowserView + + Search engine used in the address bar + + + + None + + + + Show Favorites Bar + + + + Connected DApps + + + + No connected dApps + + + + Connecting a dApp grants it permission to view your address and balances, and to send you transaction requests + + + + + BrowserWalletMenu + + Mainnet + + + + Ropsten + + + + Unknown + + + + Disconnect + + + + Assets + + + + History + + + + + BrowserWebEngineView + + Add Favorite + + + + + ChangePasswordModal + + Change password + + + + Change password used to unlock Status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + Change Password + + + + + ChangePasswordSuccessModal + + <b>Password changed</b> + + + + You need to sign in again using the new password. + + + + Sign out & Quit + + + + + ChangeProfilePicModal + + Profile picture + + + + Remove + + + + Upload + + + + Please choose an image + + + + Image files (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png) + + + + + ChannelIdentifierView + + Welcome to the beginning of the <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> group! + + + + Any messages you send here are encrypted and can only be read by you and <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> + + + + + ChatButtonsPanel + + Add reaction + + + + Reply + + + + Edit + + + + Unpin + + + + Pin + + + + Delete + + + + Confirm deleting this message + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well. + + + + + ChatColumnView + + Send + + + + Request Address + + + + Request + + + + + ChatCommandModal + + Continue + + + + Receive on account + + + + From account + + + + Address request required + + + + From + + + + To + + + + Preview + + + + Transaction preview + + + + Next + + + + + ChatCommandsPopup + + Send transaction + + + + Request transaction + + + + + ChatContentView + + Contact + + + + Not a contact + + + + Public chat + + + + %1 members + + + + 1 member + + + + Connected + + + + Disconnected + + + + Blocked + + + + This user has been blocked. + + + + + ChatMessagesView + + Loading... + + + + Failed to send message. + + + + + ChatRequestMessagePanel + + You need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messages + + + + Just click this button to add them as contact. They will receive a notification. Once they accept the request, you'll be able to chat + + + + Add to contacts + + + + + ChooseBrowserPopup + + Choose browser + + + + Open in Status + + + + Open in my default browser + + + + Remember my choice. To override it, go to settings. + + + + + ClosedEmptyPanel + + Your chats will appear here. To start new chats press the  button at the top + + + + + CollectibleCollectionView + + No collectibles available + + + + + CollectibleDetailView + + Properties + + + + Levels + + + + Stats + + + + + CollectiblesContent + + Something went wrong + + + + Reload + + + + + CollectiblesHeader + + Maximum number of collectibles to display reached + + + + + CollectiblesModal + + View + + + + Unnamed + + + + + CollectiblesModalContent + + ID + + + + Description + + + + + CommunitiesView + + Import community + + + + Communities you've joined + + + + + CommunityBannerPicker + + Community banner + + + + Choose an image for banner + + + + Make this my Community banner + + + + + CommunityChannelsAndCategoriesBannerPanel + + Expand your community by adding more channels and categories + + + + Add channels + + + + Add categories + + + + + CommunityColorPanel + + Community Colour + + + + Select Community Colour + + + + This is not a valid colour + + + + White text should be legable on top of this colour + + + + Standard colours + + + + + CommunityDelegate + + Admin + + + + Member + + + + + CommunityIntroDialog + + Welcome to %1 + + + + Join %1 + + + + Community <b>%1</b> has no intro message... + + + + I agree with the above + + + + + CommunityIntroMessageInput + + Community introduction and rules + + + + What new members will read before joining (eg. community rules, welcome message, etc.). Members will need to tick a check box agreeing to these rules before they are allowed to join your community. + + + + community intro message + + + + + CommunityLogoPicker + + Community logo + + + + Choose an image as logo + + + + Make this my Community logo + + + + + CommunityOptions + + Community history service + + + + Request to join required + + + + Any member can pin a message + + + + + CommunityOutroMessageInput + + Leaving community message + + + + The message a member will see when they leave your community + + + + community intro message + + + + + CommunityOverviewSettingsPanel + + Overview + + + + Edit Community + + + + This node is the Community Owner Node. For your Community to function correctly try to keep this computer with Status running and onlinie as much as possible. + + + + Welcome to your community! + + + + Invite new people + + + + Try an airdrop to reward your community for engagement! + + + + Airdrop Tokens + + + + Back up community key + + + + Back up + + + + + CommunityTagsPanel + + Community Tags + + + + Confirm Community Tags + + + + Select tags that will fit your Community + + + + Search tags + + + + Selected tags + + + + + CommunityTagsPicker + + Tags + + + + + CommunityWelcomeBannerPanel + + Welcome to your community! + + + + Add members + + + + Manage community + + + + + CompactMessageView + + Pinned by %1 + + + + Cancel + + + + Save + + + + + ConfirmAddExistingKeyModal + + Enter seed phrase + + + + Do you want to add another existing key? + + + + Add another existing key + + + + + ConfirmAppRestartModal + + Application Restart + + + + Please restart the application to apply the changes. + + + + Restart + + + + + ConfirmSeedPhrasePanel + + Write down your 12-word seed phrase to keep offline + + + + Reveal seed phrase + + + + The next screen contains your seed phrase. +<b>Anyone</b> who sees it can use it to access to your funds. + + + + + ConfirmStoringSeedPhrasePanel + + Complete back up + + + + Store Your Phrase Offline and Complete Your Back Up + + + + By completing this process, you will remove your seed phrase from this application’s storage. This makes your funds more secure. + + + + You will remain logged in, and your seed phrase will be entirely in your hands. + + + + I acknowledge that Status will not be able to show me my seed phrase again. + + + + I aknowledge that Status will not be able to show me my seed phrase again. + + + + + Constants + + Username must be at least 5 characters + + + + Only letters, numbers, underscores and hyphens allowed + + + + 24 character username limit + + + + Usernames ending with '-eth' are not allowed + + + + Usernames ending with '_eth' are not allowed + + + + Usernames ending with '.eth' are not allowed + + + + Sorry, the name you have chosen is not allowed, try picking another username + + + + (edited) + + + + Username already taken :( + + + + Username doesn’t belong to you :( + + + + Continuing will connect this username with your chat key. + + + + ✓ Username available! + + + + Username is already connected with your chat key and can be used inside Status. + + + + This user name is owned by you and connected with your chat key. Continue to set `Show my ENS username in chats`. + + + + Continuing will require a transaction to connect the username with your current chat key. + + + + + Contact + + Admin + + + + + ContactRequestsPopup + + Contact requests + + + + Decline all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to decline all these contact requests + + + + Accept all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to accept all these contact requests + + + + Decline all + + + + Accept all + + + + + ContactSelector + + Please select a contact + + + + Select a contact + + + + Contact does not have an ENS address. Please send a transaction in chat. + + + + No contact selected + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet + + + + + ContactVerificationRequestPopup + + %1 is asking you to verify your identity + + + + %1 would like to verify your identity. Answer the question to prove your identity to %2 + + + + Provide answer to verification request from this contact. + + + + Your answer has been sent to %1. + + + + Refuse Verification + + + + Send Answer + + + + Change answer + + + + Close + + + + + ContactsListAndSearch + + Enter a valid chat key or ENS username + + + + Can't chat with yourself + + + + Enter ENS username or chat key + + + + + ContactsListPanel + + Contact Request Sent + + + + Contact Request Rejected + + + + + CopyToClipBoardButton + + Copied! + + + + + CreatePasswordModal + + Store password + + + + Create a password + + + + Current password... + + + + New password... + + + + Confirm password… + + + + At least 6 characters. You will use this password to unlock status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + Create password + + + + Error importing account + + + + An error occurred while importing your account: + + + + Login failed + + + + Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. + + + + Incorrect password + + + + + CryptoServicesModal + + Buy / Sell crypto + + + + Choose a service you'd like to use to buy crypto + + + + + CurrenciesStore + + US Dollars + + + + British Pound + + + + Euros + + + + Russian ruble + + + + South Korean won + + + + Ethereum + + + + Tokens + + + + Bitcoin + + + + Status Network Token + + + + Dai + + + + United Arab Emirates dirham + + + + Other Fiat + + + + Afghan afghani + + + + Argentine peso + + + + Australian dollar + + + + Barbadian dollar + + + + Bangladeshi taka + + + + Bulgarian lev + + + + Bahraini dinar + + + + Brunei dollar + + + + Bolivian boliviano + + + + Brazillian real + + + + Bhutanese ngultrum + + + + Canadian dollar + + + + Swiss franc + + + + Chilean peso + + + + Chinese yuan + + + + Colombian peso + + + + Costa Rican colón + + + + Czech koruna + + + + Danish krone + + + + Dominican peso + + + + Egyptian pound + + + + Ethiopian birr + + + + Georgian lari + + + + Ghanaian cedi + + + + Hong Kong dollar + + + + Croatian kuna + + + + Hungarian forint + + + + Indonesian rupiah + + + + Israeli new shekel + + + + Indian rupee + + + + Icelandic króna + + + + Jamaican dollar + + + + Japanese yen + + + + Kenyan shilling + + + + Kuwaiti dinar + + + + Kazakhstani tenge + + + + Sri Lankan rupee + + + + Moroccan dirham + + + + Moldovan leu + + + + Mauritian rupee + + + + Malawian kwacha + + + + Mexican peso + + + + Malaysian ringgit + + + + Mozambican metical + + + + Namibian dollar + + + + Nigerian naira + + + + Norwegian krone + + + + Nepalese rupee + + + + New Zealand dollar + + + + Omani rial + + + + Peruvian sol + + + + Papua New Guinean kina + + + + Philippine peso + + + + Pakistani rupee + + + + Polish złoty + + + + Paraguayan guaraní + + + + Qatari riyal + + + + Romanian leu + + + + Serbian dinar + + + + Saudi riyal + + + + Swedish krona + + + + Singapore dollar + + + + Thai baht + + + + Trinidad and Tobago dollar + + + + New Taiwan dollar + + + + Tanzanian shilling + + + + Turkish lira + + + + Ukrainian hryvnia + + + + Ugandan shilling + + + + Uruguayan peso + + + + Venezuelan bolívar + + + + Vietnamese đồng + + + + South African rand + + + + + DateGroup + + Today + + + + Yesterday + + + + January + + + + February + + + + March + + + + April + + + + May + + + + June + + + + July + + + + August + + + + September + + + + October + + + + November + + + + December + + + + + DefaultDAppExplorerView + + Default DApp explorer + + + + none + + + + + DevicesView + + Please set a name for your device. + + + + Specify a name + + + + Continue + + + + Advertise device + + + + Pair your devices to sync contacts and chats between them + + + + Learn more + + + + Paired devices + + + + Syncing... + + + + Sync all devices + + + + + DownloadBar + + Cancelled + + + + Paused + + + + Show All + + + + + DownloadMenu + + Open + + + + Show in folder + + + + Pause + + + + Resume + + + + Cancel + + + + + DownloadPage + + Thanks for using Status + + + + You're curently using version %1 of Status. + + + + There's new version available to download. + + + + Get Status %1 + + + + + DownloadView + + Cancelled + + + + Paused + + + + Downloaded files will appear here. + + + + + ENSPopup + + Primary username + + + + Your messages are displayed to others with this username: + + + + Once you select a username, you won’t be able to disable it afterwards. You will only be able choose a different username to display. + + + + + EmojiReactionsPanel + + Add reaction + + + + + EmptyChatPanel + + Share your chat key + + + + or + + + + invite + + + + friends to start messaging in Status + + + + + EnsAddedView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + %1 is now connected with your chat key and can be used in Status. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsConnectedView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + %1 will be connected once the transaction is complete. + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsListView + + Hey + + + + (pending) + + + + ENS usernames + + + + Add username + + + + Your usernames + + + + Chat settings + + + + Primary Username + + + + None selected + + + + You’re displaying your ENS username in chats + + + + + EnsRegisteredView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + Nice! You own %1.stateofus.eth once the transaction is complete. + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsReleasedView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username removed + + + + The username %1 will be removed and your deposit will be returned once the transaction is mined + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsTermsAndConditionsView + + ENS usernames + + + + Terms of name registration + + + + Funds are deposited for 1 year. Your SNT will be locked, but not spent. + + + + After 1 year, you can release the name and get your deposit back, or take no action to keep the name. + + + + If terms of the contract change — e.g. Status makes contract upgrades — user has the right to release the username regardless of time held. + + + + The contract controller cannot access your deposited funds. They can only be moved back to the address that sent them. + + + + Your address(es) will be publicly associated with your ENS name. + + + + Usernames are created as subdomain nodes of stateofus.eth and are subject to the ENS smart contract terms. + + + + You authorize the contract to transfer SNT on your behalf. This can only occur when you approve a transaction to authorize the transfer. + + + + These terms are guaranteed by the smart contract logic at addresses: + + + + %1 (Status UsernameRegistrar). + + + + <a href='%1%2'>Look up on Etherscan</a> + + + + %1 (ENS Registry). + + + + Wallet address + + + + Copied to clipboard! + + + + Key + + + + Agree to <a href="#">Terms of name registration.</a> I understand that my wallet address will be publicly connected to my username. + + + + Back + + + + 10 SNT + + + + Deposit + + + + Not enough SNT + + + + Register + + + + + EnsWelcomeView + + Get a universal username + + + + ENS names transform those crazy-long addresses into unique usernames. + + + + Customize your chat name + + + + An ENS name can replace your random 3-word name in chat. Be @yourname instead of %1. + + + + Simplify your ETH address + + + + You can receive funds to your easy-to-share ENS name rather than your hexadecimal hash (0x...). + + + + Receive transactions in chat + + + + Others can send you funds via chat in one simple step. + + + + 10 SNT to register + + + + Register once to keep the name forever. After 1 year you can release the name and get your SNT back. + + + + Already own a username? + + + + You can verify and add any usernames you own in the next steps. + + + + Powered by Ethereum Name Services + + + + Start + + + + Only available on Mainnet + + + + + FavoriteMenu + + Open in new Tab + + + + Edit + + + + Remove + + + + + FetchMoreMessagesButton + + ↓ Fetch more messages + + + + Before %1 + + + + before--%1 + + + + + FleetRadioSelector + + Warning! + + + + Change fleet to %1 + + + + + FleetsModal + + Fleet + + + + + GapComponent + + fetch-messages + + + + between--1-and--2 + + + + Fetch messages + + + + Between %1 and %2 + + + + + GasSelectorButton + + Low + + + + + GasValidator + + Not enough ETH for gas + + + + + GroupChatPanel + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + Confirm + + + + + HistoryView + + Status Desktop is connected to a non-archival node. Transaction history may be incomplete. + + + + No transactions found + + + + Load More + + + + + HomePageView + + homepage + + + + System default + + + + Other + + + + Example: duckduckgo.com + + + + + ImageCropWorkflow + + Supported image formats (%1) + + + + + ImportCommunityPopup + + Import Community + + + + Entering a community key will grant you the ownership of that community. Please be responsible with it and don’t share the key with people you don’t trust. + + + + Community private key + + + + Import + + + + + ImportSeedPhrasePanel + + Invalid seed phrase + + + + This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. + + + + %1 words + + + + + Input + + Copied + + + + Pasted + + + + Copy + + + + Paste + + + + + InviteFriendsPopup + + Get Status at https://status.im + + + + Download Status link + + + + Copy to clipboard + + + + + InviteFriendsToCommunityPopup + + Invite friends + + + + Invite successfully sent + + + + Invite + + + + + JSDialogWindow + + Ok + + + + Cancel + + + + + KeycardCreatePINModal + + Create PIN + + + + New PIN + + + + Confirm PIN + + + + Create a 6 digit long PIN + + + + + LanguageStore + + Beta Languages + + + + + LinksMessageView + + Enable automatic image unfurling + + + + Enable link previews in chat? + + + + Once enabled, links posted in the chat may share your metadata with their owners + + + + Enable in Settings + + + + Don't ask me again + + + + + MailserverConnectionDialog + + Can not connect to mailserver + + + + The mailserver you're connecting to is unavailable. + + + + Pick another + + + + Retry + + + + + MainView + + DApp Permissions + + + + Networks + + + + Accounts + + + + Generated from Your Seed Phrase + + + + Imported + + + + Watch-Only + + + + + MembershipRequestsPopup + + Membership requests + + + + + MessageStore + + and + + + + %1 more + + + + reacted with + + + + You + + + + + MuteChatMenuItem + + Mute chat + + + + Unmute chat + + + + + MutedChatsModal + + Muted chats + + + + Unmute + + + + + MyProfileSettingsView + + Display name + + + + Display Name + + + + Biometric login and transaction authentication + + + + Communities + + + + Accounts + + + + You haven't joined any communities yet + + + + You don't have any wallet accounts yet + + + + + NetworkCardsComponent + + Your Balances + + + + No Balance + + + + No Gas + + + + BALANCE: + + + + Disabled + + + + + NetworkFilter + + All networks + + + + %n network(s) + + + + + + + + + + + NetworkSelectPopup + + Layer 2 + + + + + NetworkSelector + + Networks + + + + Choose a network to use for the transaction + + + + No networks available + + + + Simple + + + + Advanced + + + + Custom + + + + + NetworksAdvancedCustomRoutingView + + Networks + + + + Show Unpreferred Networks + + + + The networks where the receipient will receive tokens. Amounts calculated automatically for the lowest cost. + + + + + NetworksSimpleRoutingView + + Networks + + + + Choose a network to use for the transaction + + + + + NetworksView + + Layer 2 + + + + Add Custom Network + + + + + NoFriendsRectangle + + You don’t have any contacts yet. Invite your friends to start chatting. + + + + Invite friends + + + + + NodeLayout + + Bloom Filter Usage + + + + Type json-rpc message... e.g {"method": "eth_accounts"} + + + + + NotificationSelect + + Send Alerts + + + + Deliver Quietly + + + + Turn Off + + + + + NotificationWindow + + Everything is connected + + + + + PINModal + + Authenticate PIN + + + + PIN + + + + Insert your 6-digit PIN + + + + Authenticate + + + + + PairingModal + + Insert pairing code + + + + Pairing code + + + + Insert the Keycard pairing code + + + + Pair + + + + + PrivateChatPopup + + New chat + + + + My Profile + + + + + ProfileHeader + + Chatkey:%1... + + + + + ProfileView + + Blocked + + + + Send Request + + + + Receive Response + + + + Confirm Identity + + + + You have confirmed %1's identity. From now on this verification emblem will always be displayed alongside %1's nickname. + + + + You have marked %1 as Untrustworthy. From now on this Untrustworthy emblem will always be displayed alongside %1's nickname. + + + + ENS username + + + + Username + + + + Ask a question that only the real %1 will be able to answer e.g. a question about a shared experience, or ask Mark to enter a code or phrase you have sent to them via a different communication channel (phone, post, etc...). + + + + Waiting for %1's response... + + + + Copied to clipboard + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Chat settings + + + + Nickname + + + + None + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + + PublicChatPopup + + You need to enter a channel name + + + + The channel name can only contain lowercase letters, numbers and dashes + + + + Join public chat + + + + A public chat is where you get to hang out with others, make friends and talk about subjects of your interest. + + + + chat-name + + + + Start chat + + + + + RecipientSelector + + Invalid ethereum address + + + + Address + + + + My account + + + + Contact + + + + Recipient + + + + + RenameAccontModal + + Rename %1 + + + + Enter an account name... + + + + You need to enter an account name + + + + This is not a valid account name + + + + color + + + + Change Name + + + + Changing settings failed + + + + + RenameGroupPopup + + Group name + + + + Save + + + + + Retry + + Resend + + + + + RightTabView + + Assets + + + + Collectibles + + + + Activity + + + + History + + + + + SearchBox + + Search + + + + + SearchEngineModal + + Search engine + + + + None + + + + + SearchResults + + Non contacts + + + + No profile found + + + + + SeedPhraseBackupWarning + + Back up your seed phrase + + + + Back up + + + + + SeedPhraseTextArea + + Invalid seed phrase + + + + This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. + + + + Start with the first word + + + + + SelectAccountModal + + Select account + + + + Select account to share and receive assets + + + + Confirm and share address + + + + + SelectAnotherAccountModal + + Your keys + + + + Add another existing key + + + + + SelectGeneratedAccount + + Import new Seed Phrase + + + + Generate from Private key + + + + Add a watch-only address + + + + Imported + + + + Add new + + + + Origin + + + + + SendContactRequestMenuItem + + Send Contact Request + + + + + SendMessageMenuItem + + Send message + + + + + SendToContractWarning + + Tokens will be sent directly to a contract address, which may result in a loss of funds. To transfer ERC-20 tokens, ensure the recipient address is the address of the destination wallet. + + + + + SendTransactionButton + + Sign and send + + + + + SettingsDirtyToastMessage + + Changes detected + + + + Cancel + + + + Save changes + + + + + SignMessageModal + + Signature request + + + + From + + + + Data + + + + Message + + + + Reject + + + + Sign + + + + Sign with password + + + + + SignPhraseModal + + Signing phrase + + + + This is your signing phrase + + + + You should see these 3 words before signing each transaction + + + + If you see a different combination, cancel the transaction and sign out + + + + Ok, got it + + + + Remind me later + + + + + StateBubble + + Pending + + + + Confirmed + + + + Unknown token + + + + Address requested + + + + Waiting to accept + + + + Address shared + + + + Address received + + + + Transaction declined + + + + failure + + + + Unknown state + + + + + StatusActivityCenterButton + + Activity + + + + + StatusAddressOrEnsValidator + + Please enter a valid address or ENS name. + + + + + StatusAddressValidator + + Please enter a valid address. + + + + + StatusAppChatView + + Join public chats + + + + Start chat + + + + + StatusAppCommunitiesPortalView + + Find community + + + + Featured + + + + Popular + + + + + StatusAsyncEnsValidator + + ENS name could not be resolved in to an address + + + + + StatusAsyncValidator + + invalid input + + + + + StatusBadge + + 99+ + + + + + StatusChatImageExtensionValidator + + Format not supported. + + + + Upload %1 only + + + + + StatusChatImageLoader + + Error loading the image + + + + Loading image... + + + + + StatusChatImageQtyValidator + + You can only upload %1 images at a time + + + + + StatusChatImageSizeValidator + + Max image size is %1 MB + + + + + StatusColorSpacePage + + Thickness + + + + Min saturate: + + + + Max saturate: + + + + Min value: + + + + Max value: + + + + Color + + + + + StatusCommunityTagsPage + + Select tags that will fit your Community + + + + Search tags + + + + Selected tags + + + + + StatusDialog + + Close + + + + Abort + + + + Cancel + + + + No to all + + + + No + + + + Open + + + + Save + + + + Save all + + + + Retry + + + + Ignore + + + + Ok + + + + Yes to all + + + + Yes + + + + Apply + + + + + StatusETHTransactionModal + + Contract interaction + + + + Wrong password + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Continue + + + + Choose account + + + + Sign with password + + + + Next + + + + + StatusEmojiSection + + No recent emojis + + + + + StatusFloatValidator + + Please enter a valid numeric value. + + + + + StatusGifColumn + + Remove from favorites + + + + Add to favorites + + + + + StatusGifPopup + + Search Tenor + + + + TRENDING + + + + FAVORITES + + + + RECENT + + + + Enable Tenor GIFs? + + + + Once enabled, GIFs posted in the chat may share your metadata with Tenor. + + + + Enable + + + + Favorite GIFs will appear here + + + + Recent GIFs will appear here + + + + Error while contacting Tenor API, please retry. + + + + Retry + + + + + StatusIntValidator + + Please enter a valid numeric value. + + + + + StatusItemSelector + + and + + + + or + + + + + StatusListPickerPage + + Search Languages + + + + Search Currencies + + + + + StatusNotification + + Open + + + + + StatusPasswordStrengthIndicator + + Very weak + + + + Weak + + + + So-so + + + + Good + + + + Great + + + + + StatusSNTTransactionModal + + Authorize %1 %2 + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Wrong password + + + + Continue + + + + Choose account + + + + Sign with password + + + + Send %1 %2 + + + + Next + + + + + StatusSearchListPopup + + Search... + + + + + StatusSearchLocationMenu + + Anywhere + + + + + StatusSearchPopup + + No results + + + + Anywhere + + + + Search + + + + In: + + + + In + + + + + StatusSpellcheckingMenuItems + + Add to dictionary + + + + Disable Spellchecking + + + + + StatusStackModal + + StackModal + + + + Next + + + + Finish + + + + + StatusStickerButton + + Buy for %1 SNT + + + + Uninstall + + + + Install + + + + Free + + + + Pending... + + + + Cancel + + + + Update + + + + + StatusStickersPopup + + You don't have any stickers yet + + + + Recently used stickers will appear here + + + + Get Stickers + + + + + StatusTagSelectorPage + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + + StatusUrlValidator + + Please enter a valid URL + + + + + StatusValidator + + invalid input + + + + + StatusWindowsTitleBar + + Status + + + + + SubheaderTabBar + + Step %1 of %2 + + + + + TabAddressSelectorView + + Saved + + + + My Accounts + + + + Recent + + + + Search for saved address + + + + No Saved Address + + + + No Recents + + + + + ToastMessage + + View on Etherscan + + + + Transaction pending... + + + + + TokenSettingsModal + + Manage Assets + + + + Add custom token + + + + + TokenSettingsModalContent + + Token details + + + + Remove token + + + + Custom + + + + Default + + + + + TouchIDAuthView + + Biometrics + + + + Would you like to use Touch ID +to login to Status? + + + + Yes, use Touch ID + + + + I prefer to use my password + + + + + TransactionBubbleView + + Transaction request + + + + ↑ Outgoing transaction + + + + ↓ Incoming transaction + + + + Token not found on your current network + + + + + TransactionDelegate + + From + + + + To + + + + At + + + + + TransactionModal + + Transaction Details + + + + confirmation(s) + + + + When the transaction has 12 confirmations you can consider it settled. + + + + Block + + + + Hash + + + + From + + + + To + + + + Gas limit + + + + Gas price + + + + Gas used + + + + Nonce + + + + + TransactionPreview + + From + + + + Recipient + + + + Unknown + + + + Asset + + + + Amount + + + + Network fee + + + + Data + + + + Data field + + + + + TransactionSigner + + You need to enter a password + + + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + Signing phrase + + + + Signing phrase is a 3 word combination that displayed when you entered the wallet on this device for the first time. + + + + Enter the password you use to unlock this device + + + + Password + + + + Enter password + + + + + UnblockContactConfirmationDialog + + Unblock User + + + + Unblocking will allow new messages you received from %1 to reach you. + + + + + UserListPanel + + Offline + + + + Online + + + + Inactive + + + + Do not disturb + + + + Idle + + + + + UserStatusContextMenu + + View My Profile + + + + Always online + + + + Inactive + + + + Set status automatically + + + + Online + + + + Offline + + + + + ViewProfileMenuItem + + View Profile + + + + + WakuNodesModal + + Waku nodes + + + + Use Waku nodes + + + + Select node automatically + + + + Waku Nodes + + + + Node %1 + + + + Add a new node + + + + + WalletFooter + + Send + + + + Receive + + + + Buy / Sell + + + + + WelcomeView + + Welcome to Status + + + + Your fully decentralized gateway to Ethereum and Web3. Crypto wallet, privacy first group chat, and dApp browser. + + + + I am new to Status + + + + I already use Status + + + + + main + + StatusQ Documentation App + + + + Status Desktop + + + + Open Status + + + + Quit + + diff --git a/ui/i18n/qml_tl.ts b/ui/i18n/qml_tl.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f7d37c0ccb --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/i18n/qml_tl.ts @@ -0,0 +1,19098 @@ + + + + + about-app + Tungkol sa + + + about-key-storage-content + Ang Status ay hindi kailanman mai-access ang iyong pribadong key. Siguraduhing i-backup ang iyong seen phrase. Kung nawala mo ang iyong telepono ito ang tanging paraan upang ma-access ang iyong mga keys. + + + about-key-storage-title + Tungkol sa pangunahing imbakan + + + about-names-content + Walang sinuman ang maaaring magpanggap na ikaw! Hindi ka nagpapakilala sa pamamagitan ng default at hindi mo kailangang ihayag ang iyong tunay na pangalan. Maaari kang magrehistro ng isang pasadyang pangalan para sa isang maliit na bayad. + + + about-names-title + Hindi mababago ang mga pangalan + + + access-key + I-access ang key + + + access-existing-keys + I-access ang umiiral na mga key + + + accept-and-share-address + Tanggapin at ibahagi ang address + + + account-added + Idinagdag ang account + + + account-color + Kulay ng account + + + anyone + Sinuman + + + messages-from-contacts-only-subtitle + Ang mga tao lamang na iyong idinagdag bilang mga contact ay maaaring magsimula ng isang bagong chat sa iyo o mag-anyaya sa iyo sa isang grupo + + + accept-new-chats-from + Tumanggap ng mga bagong chat mula sa + + + account-name + Pangalan ng account + + + account-settings + Mga setting ng account + + + accounts + Accounts + + + active-online + Online + + + active-unknown + Hindi kilala + + + add + Idagdag + + + add-a-watch-account + Magdagdag ng isang address na panonood lamang + + + add-account + Magdagdag ng account + + + add-account-description + Maaari kang mag-import ng anumang uri ng Ethereum account para ma-idagdag ito para sa iyong Status Wallet + + + add-account-incorrect-password + Tila hindi tama ang password. Ilagay ang password na iyong ginagamit para mabuksan ang app. + + + add-an-account + Magdagdag ng isang account + + + add-bootnode + Idagdag ang bootnode + + + add-contact + Magdagdag ng contact + + + add-custom-token + Magdagdag ng custom token + + + add-mailserver + Magdagdag ng Status node + + + add-members + Magdagdag ng mga miyembro + + + add-network + Magdagdag ng network + + + add-node + Magdagdag ng node + + + add-to-contacts + Idagdag sa mga contact + + + add-to-contacts-text + Sa pamamagitan ng pagdaragdag ng isang user sa iyong listahan ng contact, ibinahagi mo ang iyong wallet address + + + address + Address + + + address-received + Natanggap ang address + + + address-requested + Hiniling ang address + + + address-request-accepted + Tinanggap ang kahilingan sa address + + + advanced + Advanced + + + advanced-settings + Mga advanced na setting + + + agree-by-continuing + Sa pamamagitan ng pagpapatuloy sumasang-ayon ka +sa aming + + + all + Lahat + + + allow + Payagan + + + allowing-authorizes-this-dapp + Pinapayagan ang nagpapahintulot sa DApp na ito na makuha ang iyong address ng pitaka at paganahin ang Web3 + + + already-have-asset + Mayroon ka nang asset na ito + + + amount + Halaga + + + are-you-sure-description + Hindi mo na makikitang muli ang seed phrase + + + are-you-sure? + Sigurado ka ba? + + + ask-in-status + Magtanong ng isang katanungan o mag-ulat ng isang bug + + + at + sa + + + authorize + Awtorisado + + + available + Available + + + available-participants + + wala + isa + dalawa + kakaunti + marami + iba pa + + + + back + Balik + + + back-up-seed-phrase + Back up ng seed phrase + + + back-up-your-seed-phrase + I-back up ang iyong seed phrase + + + backup-recovery-phrase + Back up seed phrase + + + balance + Balanse + + + begin-set-up + Simulan ang pag-setup + + + biometric-auth-android-sensor-desc + Pindutin ang sensor + + + biometric-auth-android-sensor-error-desc + Nabigo + + + biometric-auth-android-title + Kinakailangan ang pagpapatunay + + + biometric-auth-confirm-logout + Relogin + + + biometric-auth-confirm-message + Kinakailangan ang Biometric authentication para magpatuloy, kung hindi pwede mangyaring i-unlock ang iyong keys gamit ang iyong password or passcode + + + biometric-auth-confirm-title + Dapat mong patunayan! + + + biometric-auth-confirm-try-again + Subukan muli + + + biometric-auth-error + Hindi ma-perform ang pagpapatunay ng biometric ({{code}}) + + + biometric-auth-login-error-title + Error sa authentication ng biometric + + + biometric-auth-login-ios-fallback-label + Ilagay ang password + + + biometric-auth-reason-login + Mag-login sa Status + + + biometric-auth-reason-verify + Patunayan ang pagpapatunay + + + biometric-secure-with + Secure sa{{bio-type-label}} + + + biometric-enable-keycard + Kung ayaw mong gamitin ang iyong Keycard sa bawat oras na ma-access ang app, paganahin{{bio-type-label}}mag-sign in + + + biometric-enable + Kung hindi mo nais na ipasok ang iyong password sa bawat oras upang ma-access ang app, paganahin{{bio-type-label}} mag sign-in + + + biometric-disable-bioauth + hindi paganahin{{bio-type-label}} + + + biometric-disable-password-title + Huwag paganahin ang pag-save ng password + + + biometric-disable-password-description + Kung hindi mo paganahin ito, magagawa mo rin + + + biometric-enable-button + Paganahin{{bio-type-label}} + + + biometric-fingerprint + Fingerprint + + + biometric-faceid + Face ID + + + biometric-touchid + Touch ID + + + blank-keycard-text + Maaari kang magpatuloy sa iyong keycard kapag nabuo mo ang iyong mga keys at pangalan + + + blank-keycard-title + Mukhang naka-tap ka ng +isang blangkong keycard + + + block + Block + + + unblock + I-unblock + + + block-contact + I-block ang gumagamit na ito + + + block-contact-details + Ang pag-block ay tatanggalin ang mga naunang mensahe ng gumagamit na ito at pipigilan ang mga bago na maabot sa iyo. + + + blocked-users + Na-block ang mga gumagamit + + + bootnode-address + Bootnode address + + + bootnode-details + Mga detalye sa Bootnode + + + bootnode-format + enode://{enode-id}@{ip-address}:{port} + + + bootnodes + Bootnodes + + + bootnodes-enabled + Bootnodes enabled + + + bootnodes-settings + Bootnodes settings + + + browsed-websites + Ang kasaysayan ng browser ay lilitaw dito + + + browser + Browser + + + browser-not-secure + Hindi secure ang koneksyon! Huwag mag-sign ng transaksyon o magpadala ng personal na data sa site na ito. + + + browser-secure + Ang koneksyon ay ligtas. Siguraduhin na talagang pinagkakatiwalaan mo ang site na ito bago mag-sign ng mga transaksyon o pagpasok ng personal na data. + + + browsers + Mga Browser + + + browsing-cancel + Pagkansela + + + browsing-open-in-android-web-browser + Buksan sa Android + + + browsing-open-in-ios-web-browser + Buksan sa iOS + + + browsing-open-in-status + Buksan ang Status + + + browsing-site-blocked-description1 + Nakita namin ang mga potensyal na nakakahamak na aktibidad mula sa address na ito. Upang maprotektahan ka at ang iyong pitaka, pinipigilan namin ang karagdagang pag-navigate. + +Kung sa palagay mo ito ay isang error, ipaalam sa amin sa + + + browsing-site-blocked-description2 + pampublikong chat. + + + browsing-site-blocked-go-back + Bumalik ka + + + browsing-site-blocked-title + Na-block ang site na ito + + + browsing-title + Browse + + + bug-report + I-report ang bug + + + bug-report-description + deskripsyon + + + bug-report-description-placeholder + Kailangan, hindi maaaring walang laman + + + bug-report-steps + Mga hakbang sa pagpaparami + + + bug-report-steps-placeholder + - buksan ang app + - gumawa ng paraan + - at pagkatapos ay iba pa... + + + bug-report-submit-email + Isumite sa pamamagitan ng email na may logs archive + + + bug-report-submit-gh-issue + Magsumite ng isyu sa GitHub nang walang mga log + + + bug-report-too-short-description + Ang paglalarawan ay masyadong maikli + + + camera-access-error + Upang bigyan ang kinakailangang pahintulot ng camera, mangyaring pumunta sa iyong mga setting ng system at tiyakin na ang Status > Napili ang camera. + + + can-not-add-yourself + Ikaw yan, upang magsimula ng isang chat pumili ng ibang tao + + + cancel + kansela + + + cancel-keycard-setup + Ikansela ang pag-setup ng Keycard + + + cannot-read-card + Hindi mabasa ang card. +Mangyaring hawakan ito sa likod ng iyong telepono + + + cannot-use-default-pin + Hindi pinapayagan ang passcode 000000. +Mangyaring gumamit ng iba pang numero + + + card-is-blank + Blangko ang card na ito + + + card-reseted + Natapos na ang card + + + card-unpaired + Ang card ay walang bayad mula sa kasalukuyang aparato + + + change-fleet + Baguhin ang fleet sa{{fleet}} + + + change-log-level + Kumpirmahin at i-restart ang app upang baguhin ang antas ng log sa {{log-level}} + + + change-logging-enabled + Sigurado ka bang gusto mo{{enable}}logging? + + + change-passcode + Baguhin ang Passcode + + + change-password + Palitan ang password + + + change-pin + Baguhin ang 6-digit na Passcode + + + change-puk + Baguhin ang 12-digit na PUK + + + change-pairing + Baguhin ang pairing code + + + change-pairing-title + Gumawa ng panibagong pairing code + + + change-pairing-description + Ang pagbabago ng pairing code ay hindi nakakaapekto sa kasalukuyang mga pares. Gayunpaman, ang anumang bagong pagpapares ay mangangailangan ng bagong code. + + + changed-amount-warning + Ang halaga ay binago mula sa{{old}} hangang sa{{new}} + + + changed-asset-warning + Binago si Asset mula sa{{old}} hangang sa{{new}} + + + chaos-mode + Chaos mode + + + chaos-unicorn-day + Araw ng Chaos Unicorn + + + chaos-unicorn-day-details + 🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🚀! + + + chat + Chat + + + chat-and-transact + Makipag-chat at makipag-transaksyon nang pribado sa mga kaibigan + + + chat-key + Chat key + + + chat-name + + + + chat-settings + Mga setting ng chat + + + chats + Chats + + + check-your-recovery-phrase + Suriin ang iyong seed phrase + + + choose-authentication-method + Pumili ng isang paraan ng pagpapatunay + + + clear + Malinaw + + + clear-all + Alisin lahat + + + clear-history + Alisin ang history + + + clear-history-action + Malinaw + + + clear-history-confirmation + Alisin ang history? + + + clear-history-confirmation-content + Sigurado ka bang nais mong limasin ang kasaysayan ng chat na ito? + + + clear-history-title + Alisin ang history? + + + close + Isara + + + close-app-button + Kumpirma + + + close-app-content + Ang app ay titigil at isara. Kapag binuksan mo ito, gagamitin ang napiling network + + + close-app-title + Babala! + + + command-button-send + Ipadala + + + communities + Mga Komunidad + + + community-members + + sero + isa + dalawa + konti + marami + iba + + + + members-label + Mga kasapi + + + open-membership + Bukas na miyembro + + + member-kick + Kick member + + + member-ban + mag-ban ng miyembro + + + membership-requests + Mga kahilingan sa pagiging miyembro + + + community-members-title + Mga kasapi + + + community-requests-to-join-title + Mga kahilingan sa pagiging miyembro + + + name-your-channel + Pangalanan ang iyong channel + + + name-your-channel-placeholder + Pangalan ng channel + + + give-a-short-description + Magbigay ng maikling deskripsyon + + + describe-channel + Ilarawan ang channel + + + communities-alpha + Mga Komunidad (alpha) + + + communities-verified + ✓ Na-verify na Komunidad ng Status + + + communities-enabled + Pinagana ang mga komunidad + + + request-access + Humiling ng pag-access + + + membership-request-pending + Nakabinbin ang kahilingan sa pagiging miyembro + + + create-community + Lumikha ng isang pamayanan + + + create-category + Lumikha ng kategorya + + + rearrange-categories + Ayusin muli ang Mga Kategorya + + + edited + Na-edit + + + edit-community + I-edit ang pamayanan + + + editing-message + Pag-edit ng mensahe + + + community-edit-title + I-edit ang pamayanan + + + community-invite-title + Mag-anyaya + + + community-share-title + Ibahagi + + + invite + + + + create-channel + Lumikha ng channel + + + import-community + Mag-import ng isang pamayanan + + + import-community-title + Mag-import ng isang pamayanan + + + name-your-community + Pangalanan ang iyong pamayanan + + + name-your-community-placeholder + Isang kapansin pansin na pangalan + + + give-a-short-description-community + Bigyan ito ng isang maikling paglalarawan + + + new-community-title + Bagong komunidad + + + new-category + Bagong kategorya + + + category-title + Pamagat ng kategorya + + + membership-title + Kahilingan sa pagiging kasapi ng pangkat + + + create-channel-title + Bagong channel + + + edit-channel-title + Edit Channel + + + community-thumbnail-image + Thumbnail na imahe + + + community-emoji-thumbnail-title + Thumbnail + + + community-thumbnail-upload + I-upload + + + community-image-take + Kunan ng litrato + + + community-image-pick + Pumili ng imahe + + + community-image-remove + Alisin + + + community-color + Kulay ng pamayanan + + + community-link + Link ng komunidad + + + community-color-placeholder + Pumili ng kulay + + + membership-button + Kahilingan sa pagiging kasapi ng pangkat + + + membership-none + Wala + + + membership-none-placeholder + Maaari kang mangailangan ng mga bagong kasapi upang matugunan ang ilang mga pamantayan bago sila sumali. Maaari itong mabago anumang oras + + + membership-approval + Mangangailangan ng pag-apruba + + + membership-approval-description + Ang iyong komunidad ay malayang sumali, ngunit ang mga bagong kasapi ay kinakailangang maaprubahan muna ng lumikha ng komunidad + + + membership-invite + Humiling ng paanyaya mula sa ibang miyembro + + + membership-invite-description + Ang iyong komunidad ay maaari lamang sumali sa pamamagitan ng isang paanyaya mula sa existing na miyembro ng komunidad + + + membership-ens + Kailangan ng ENS username + + + membership-ens-description + Ang iyong komunidad ay nangangailangan ng isang ENS username upang makasali + + + membership-free + Walang kinakailangan + + + membership-free-description + Bukas ang iyong pamayanan para sumali ang sinuman + + + community-roles + Mga Tungkulin + + + community-key + Pribadong key ng komunidad + + + community-key-placeholder + I-type ang iyong community private key + + + leave-community + Umalis sa pamayanan + + + enter-user-pk + Ilagay ang user public key + + + import + angkat + + + complete-hardwallet-setup + Ang card na ito ay naka-link ngayon. Kailangan mo ito upang mag-sign ng transaksyon at para ma-unlock ang iyong keys + + + chat-notification-preferences + Mga setting ng notification + + + completed + Nakumpleto + + + confirm + Kumpirma + + + confirmation-request + Kahilingan sa Pagkumpirma + + + confirmations + Pagkumpirma + + + confirmations-helper-text + Kapag ang transaksyon ay may 12 kumpirmasyon maaari mong isaalang-alang na naayos ito. + + + connect + Kumonekta + + + connect-mailserver-content + kumonekta sa {{name}}? + + + connected + Nakakonekta + + + connected-to + Nakakonekta sa + + + connecting + Pagkonekta ... + + + connecting-requires-login + Ang pagkonekta sa isa pang network ay nangangailangan ng pag-login + + + connection-with-the-card-lost + Ang iyong koneksyon sa iyong Card ay nawala + + + connection-with-the-card-lost-setup-text + Para ipagpatuloy ang pag-setup hawakan ang card sa +likod ng iyong phone at panatilihin +ang card sa contact sa telepono + + + connection-with-the-card-lost-text + Para magpatuloy hawakan ang card sa likod ng iyong telepono + + + contact-code + Chat key + + + contact-s + + sero + isang + dalawang + kakaunting + maraming + iba pang + + + + contacts + Mga contact + + + continue + Magpatuloy + + + contract-address + Contract address + + + contract-interaction + Pakikipag-ugnayan sa kontrata + + + copy-info + Kopyahin ang impormasyon + + + copy-qr + Kopyahin ang code + + + copy-to-clipboard + Kopya + + + copy-transaction-hash + Kopyahin ang transaksyon ID + + + cost-fee + Gastos / Bayad + + + counter-9-plus + 9+ + + + counter-99-plus + 99+ + + + create + Lumikha + + + create-a-pin + Gumawa ng 6-digit passcode + + + create-a-puk + Gumawa ng 12-digit PUK + + + create-group-chat + Gumawa ng group chat + + + create-multiaccount + Lumikha ng Keys + + + create-new-key + Kumuha ng mga bagong keys + + + create-pin + Lumikha ng 6-digit na passcode + + + create-pin-description + kailangan mo ang iyong card + ang 6-digit na passcode na ito upang mai-unlock ang Status at upang kumpirmahin ang mga transaksyon. + + + created-group-chat-description + Ikaw ay nakagawa ng grupo{{group-name}} + + + members-count + {{count}} miyembro + + + cryptokitty-name + CryptoKitty #{{id}} + + + currency + Pera + + + currency-display-name-aed + Emirati Dirham + + + currency-display-name-afn + Afghanistan Afghani + + + currency-display-name-ars + Argentine Peso + + + currency-display-name-aud + Australian Dollar + + + currency-display-name-bbd + Barbados Dollar + + + currency-display-name-bdt + Bangladeshi Taka + + + currency-display-name-bgn + Bulgarian Lev + + + currency-display-name-bhd + Bahraini Dinar + + + currency-display-name-bnd + Brunei Darussalam Dollar + + + currency-display-name-bob + Bolivia Bolíviano + + + currency-display-name-brl + Brazil Real + + + currency-display-name-btn + Bhutanese Ngultrum + + + currency-display-name-cad + Canada Dollar + + + currency-display-name-chf + Switzerland Franc + + + currency-display-name-clp + Chile Peso + + + currency-display-name-cny + China Yuan Renminbi + + + currency-display-name-cop + Colombia Peso + + + currency-display-name-crc + Costa Rica Colon + + + currency-display-name-czk + Czech Koruna + + + currency-display-name-dkk + Denmark Krone + + + currency-display-name-dop + Dominican Republic Peso + + + currency-display-name-egp + Egypt Pound + + + currency-display-name-etb + Ethiopian Birr + + + currency-display-name-eur + Euro + + + currency-display-name-gbp + British Pound + + + currency-display-name-gel + Georgian Lari + + + currency-display-name-ghs + Ghana Cedi + + + currency-display-name-hkd + Hong Kong Dollar + + + currency-display-name-hrk + Croatia Kuna + + + currency-display-name-huf + Hungary Forint + + + currency-display-name-idr + Indonesia Rupiah + + + currency-display-name-ils + Israel Shekel + + + currency-display-name-inr + India Rupee + + + currency-display-name-isk + Iceland Krona + + + currency-display-name-jmd + Jamaica Dollar + + + currency-display-name-jpy + Japanese Yen + + + currency-display-name-kes + Kenyan Shilling + + + currency-display-name-krw + Korea (South) Won + + + currency-display-name-kwd + Kuwaiti Dinar + + + currency-display-name-kzt + Kazakhstan Tenge + + + currency-display-name-lkr + Sri Lanka Rupee + + + currency-display-name-mad + Moroccan Dirham + + + currency-display-name-mdl + Moldovan Leu + + + currency-display-name-mur + Mauritius Rupee + + + currency-display-name-mwk + Malawian Kwacha + + + currency-display-name-mxn + Mexico Peso + + + currency-display-name-myr + Malaysia Ringgit + + + currency-display-name-mzn + Mozambique Metical + + + currency-display-name-nad + Namibia Dollar + + + currency-display-name-ngn + Nigeria Naira + + + currency-display-name-nok + Norway Krone + + + currency-display-name-npr + Nepal Rupee + + + currency-display-name-nzd + New Zealand Dollar + + + currency-display-name-omr + Oman Rial + + + currency-display-name-pen + Peru Sol + + + currency-display-name-pgk + Papua New Guinean Kina + + + currency-display-name-php + Philippines Peso + + + currency-display-name-pkr + Pakistan Rupee + + + currency-display-name-pln + Polish Zloty + + + currency-display-name-pyg + Paraguay Guarani + + + currency-display-name-qar + Qatar Riyal + + + currency-display-name-ron + Romania Leu + + + currency-display-name-rsd + Serbia Dinar + + + currency-display-name-rub + Russia Ruble + + + currency-display-name-sar + Saudi Arabia Riyal + + + currency-display-name-sek + Sweden Krona + + + currency-display-name-sgd + Singapore Dollar + + + currency-display-name-thb + Thailand Baht + + + currency-display-name-try + Turkish Lira + + + currency-display-name-ttd + Trinidad at Tobago Dollar + + + currency-display-name-twd + Taiwan New Dollar + + + currency-display-name-tzs + Tanzanian Shilling + + + currency-display-name-uah + walang mga kasapi + + + currency-display-name-ugx + Ugandan Shilling + + + currency-display-name-usd + United States Dollar + + + currency-display-name-uyu + Uruguay Peso + + + currency-display-name-vef + Venezuela Bolívar + + + currency-display-name-vnd + Vietnam Dong + + + currency-display-name-zar + South Africa Rand + + + current-network + Kasalukuyang network + + + current-pin + Ilagay ang 6-digit na passcode + + + current-pin-description + Ilagay ang iyong 6-digit na passcode upang magpatuloy + + + custom + Pasadyang + + + custom-networks + Pasadyang mga network + + + dapp + ÐApp + + + dapp-would-like-to-connect-wallet + nais kumonekta sa + + + dapps + ÐApps + + + dapps-permissions + Mga pahintulot ng DApp + + + data + Data + + + datetime-ago + nakaraan + + + datetime-ago-format + {{number}}{{time-intervals}}{{ago}} + + + datetime-ago-format-short + {{number}} {{time-intervals}} + + + datetime-day + + sero + isang + dalawang + kakaunting + maraming + iba pang + + + + datetime-hour + + sero + isang + dalawang + kakaunti + marami + iba pa + + + + datetime-minute + + minuto + isang + dalawa + kakaunti + marami + iba pa + + + + datetime-second + + zero + isa + dalawa + kakaunti + marami + iba pa + + + + datetime-day-short + + walang araw + isang araw + dalawang araw + ilang araw + maraming araw + ibang araw + + + + datetime-hour-short + + walang oras + isang oras + dalawang oras + kaunting oras + maraming oras + ibang oras + + + + datetime-minute-short + + walang minuto + isang minuto + dalawang minuto + ilang minuto + maraming minuto + ibang minuto + + + + datetime-second-short + + walang segundo + isang segundo + dalawang segundo + ilang segundo + maraming segundo + iba pang mga segundo + + + + datetime-today + ngayon + + + datetime-yesterday + kahapon + + + decimals + Decimals + + + decline + Tanggihan + + + decryption-failed-content + Isang error na naganap sa pag-decrypting ng iyong data. Maaaring kailanganin mong burahin ang iyong dating data at makabuo ng isang bagong account. Tapikin ang "Mag-apply" upang burahin o "Ikansela" upang subukang muli + + + default + Default + + + delete + Tanggalin + + + delete-and-leave-group + Tanggalin at iwanan ang pangkat + + + delete-bootnode + Tanggalin ang bootnode + + + delete-bootnode-are-you-sure + Sigurado ka bang gusto mong tanggalin ang bootnode na ito? + + + delete-bootnode-title + Tanggalin ang bootnode + + + delete-chat + Tanggalin ang chat + + + delete-chat-confirmation + Sigurado ka bang gusto mong tanggalin ang chat na ito? + + + delete-category-confirmation + Sigurado ka bang gusto mong tanggalin ang kategoryang ito? + + + delete-confirmation + Tanggalin? + + + delete-mailserver + Tanggalin ang Status node + + + delete-mailserver-are-you-sure + Sigurado ka bang nais mong burahin ang Status node? + + + delete-mailserver-title + Burahin ang Status node + + + delete-message + Tanggalin ang mensahe + + + delete-my-account + Tanggalin ang aking account + + + delete-network-confirmation + Sigurado ka bang gusto mong tanggalin ang network na ito? + + + delete-network-error + Mangyaring kumonekta sa ibang network bago matanggal ang isang ito + + + delete-network-title + Tanggalin ang network? + + + delete-node + Tanggalin ang node + + + delete-node-are-you-sure + Sigurado ka bang nais mong tanggalin ang node na ito? + + + delete-node-title + Tanggalin ang node + + + delete-profile + Tanggalin ang profile + + + delete-my-profile + Tanggalin ang aking profile + + + delete-profile-warning + Babala: Kung hindi mo naisulat ang iyong seed phrase, mawawalan ka ng pag-access sa iyong mga pondo matapos mong tanggalin ang iyong profile + + + profile-deleted-title + Natanggal ang Profile + + + profile-deleted-content + Matagumpay na tinanggal ang iyong profile + + + profile-deleted-keycard + Maaari mo na ngayong ibalik ang isa pang keypair sa iyong Keycard + + + deny + Deny + + + description + Paglalarawan + + + dev-mode + Mode ng pag-unlad + + + dev-mode-settings + Pag-unlad ng mga setting ng mode + + + device-syncing + Pag-sync ng aparato + + + devices + Aparato + + + disable + huwag paganahin + + + disabled + Disabled + + + disconnected + Chat offline + + + discover + tuklasin + + + dismiss + Iwaksi + + + done + Tapos na + + + edit + Edit + + + edit-group + I-edit ang grupo + + + edit-profile + Ibahin ang profile + + + empty-chat-description + Walang mga mensahe +sa chat na ito + + + empty-chat-description-one-to-one + Ang anumang mga mensahe na ipinadala mo dito ay naka-encrypt at maaari mo lamang itong basahin at + + + empty-chat-description-public + Masyadong tahimik dito para sa huling{{quiet-hours}}Simulan ang pag-uusap o + + + cleared-chat-description-public + Ang tahimik dito. Simulan ang usapan o + + + empty-chat-description-community + Tahimik dito sa huling {{quiet-hours}} . + + + empty-chat-description-public-share-this + ibahagi ang chat na ito. + + + enable + Paganahin + + + encrypt-with-password + I-encrypt gamit ang password + + + ens-10-SNT + 10 SNT + + + ens-add-username + Magdagdag ng username + + + ens-agree-to + Sang-ayon sa + + + ens-chat-settings + Mga setting ng chat + + + ens-custom-domain + Custom domain + + + ens-custom-username-hints + I-type ang buong username kabilang ang pasadyang domain tulad ng username.domain.eth + + + ens-custom-username-taken + Hindi kabilang sa iyo ang Username :( + + + ens-deposit + Deposito + + + ens-displayed-with + Ang iyong mga mensahe ay ipinapakita sa iba kasama + + + ens-get-name + Kumuha ng isang unibersal na username + + + ens-got-it + Ok, nakuha ito + + + ens-locked + Naka-lock ang Username. Hindi mo mai-release ito hanggang{{date}} + + + ens-network-restriction + Magagamit lamang sa Mainnet + + + ens-no-usernames + Wala kang koneksyon sa anumang username + + + ens-powered-by + Pinapagana ng Ethereum Name Services + + + ens-primary-username + Pangunahing username + + + ens-register + Magrehistro + + + ens-registration-in-progress + Pino-progreso ang Rehistro + + + ens-registration-failure + Nabigo ang pagrehistro + + + ens-dismiss-message + I-click dito upang idespatsa + + + ens-registration-failed + Para mairehistro ang username, mangyaring subukang muli. + + + ens-registration-failed-title + Nabigo ang transaksyon + + + ens-release-username + Bitawan ang username + + + ens-remove-hints + Ang pagtanggal ay tatanggalin ang username mula sa iyong key. + + + ens-remove-username + Alisin ang username + + + ens-saved + ay konektado ngayon sa iyong chat key at maaaring magamit sa Status. + + + ens-saved-title + Idinagdag ang username + + + ens-show-username + Ipakita ang aking pangalan ng ENS sa mga chat + + + ens-terms-header + Mga tuntunin ng pagpaparehistro ng pangalan + + + ens-terms-point-1 + Ang mga pondo ay idineposito para sa 1 taon. Ang iyong SNT ay mai-lock, ngunit hindi ginugol. + + + ens-terms-point-10 + 0x00000000000C2E074eC69A0dFb2997BA6C7d2e1e (ENS Registry). + + + ens-terms-point-2 + Matapos ang 1 taon, maaari mong palabasin ang pangalan at ibabalik ang iyong deposito, o walang pagkilos upang mapanatili ang pangalan. + + + ens-terms-point-3 + Kung ang mga termino ng pagbabago sa kontrata - e.g Status gumagawa ng mga pag-upgrade ng kontrata - May karapatan ang gumagamit na palabasin ang username anuman ang gaganapin sa oras. + + + ens-terms-point-4 + Hindi ma-access ng Controller ng kontrata ang iyong mga na-deposito na pondo. Maaari lamang silang ilipat sa address na nagpadala sa kanila. + + + ens-terms-point-5 + Ang iyong address (es) ay maiugnay sa publiko sa iyong pangalan ng ENS. + + + ens-terms-point-6 + Ang mga username ay nilikha bilang mga subdomain node ng stateofus.eth at napapailalim sa ENS smart contract sa mga terms. + + + ens-terms-point-7 + Pinapayagan mo ang kontrata para ilipat ang SNT sa iyong ngalan. Magagawa lamang ito kapag inaprubahan mo ang isang transaksyon upang pahintulutan ang paglipat. + + + ens-terms-point-8 + Ang mga salitang ito ay ginagarantiyahan ng smart contract logic sa address: + + + ens-terms-point-9 + {{address}}(Status UsernameRegistrar) + + + ens-terms-registration + Mga tuntunin ng pagpaparehistro ng pangalan. + + + ens-test-message + Hey + + + ens-transaction-pending + Naka-pending ang transaksyon ... + + + ens-understand + Naiintindihan ko na ang aking wallet address ay maiugnay sa publiko sa aking username. + + + ens-username + Username ng ENS + + + ens-username-available + Ang username ay magagamit + + + ens-username-connected + Ang pangalan ng gumagamit na ito ay pagmamay-ari mo at konektado sa iyong chat key. + + + ens-username-connection-confirmation + {{username}} ay konektado sa sandaling kumpleto na ang transaksyon. + + + ens-username-hints + Hindi bababa sa 4 na character. Mga letrang Latin, numero, at maliit na titik lamang. + + + ens-username-invalid + Mga letra at mga numero lang. + + + ens-username-owned + ✓ Ang username ay pagmamay-ari mo. + + + ens-username-registration-confirmation + Magaling! Pag-aari mo ang{{username}}sa sandaling kumpleto na ang transaksyon + + + ens-username-you-can-follow-progress + Maaari mong sundin ang pag-unlad sa seksyon ng Kasaysayan ng Transaksyon ng iyong wallet. + + + ens-usernames + Mga pangalan ng ENS + + + ens-usernames-details + Magrehistro ng isang unibersal na username upang madaling makilala ng ibang mga gumagamit + + + wallet-address + Address ng Wallet + + + ens-want-custom-domain + Nagmamay-ari ako ng isang pangalan sa isa pang domain + + + ens-want-domain + Gusto ko ng isang stateofus.eth domain + + + ens-welcome-hints + Binago ni ENS ang mga pangalan na sobrang habang address sa mga natatanging pangalan. + + + ens-welcome-point-customize + Ang pangalan ng ENS ay maaaring palitan ang iyong 3 random word na pangalan sa chat. Maging @iyongpangalan sa halip na {{name}}. + + + ens-welcome-point-customize-title + I-customize ang iyong pangalan ng chat + + + ens-welcome-point-simplify + Maaari kang makatanggap ng mga pondo sa iyong easy-to-share ENS name kaysa sa iyong hexadecimal hash (0x...). + + + ens-welcome-point-simplify-title + Pasimplehin ang iyong ETH address + + + ens-welcome-point-receive + Ang iba ay maaaring magpadala sa iyo ng mga pondo sa pamamagitan ng chat sa isang simpleng hakbang. + + + ens-welcome-point-receive-title + Tumanggap ng mga transaksyon sa chat + + + ens-welcome-point-register + Magrehistro ng isang beses upang mapanatili ang pangalan magpakailanman. Matapos ang 1 taon maaari mong pakawalan ang pangalan at maibalik ang iyong SNT. + + + ens-welcome-point-register-title + 10 SNT upang magparehistro + + + ens-welcome-point-verify + Maaari mong i-verify at magdagdag ng anumang mga username na pagmamay-ari mo sa susunod na mga hakbang. + + + ens-welcome-point-verify-title + Mayroon ka bang isang username? + + + ens-your-username + Ang iyong username + + + ens-your-usernames + Ang iyong mga username + + + ens-your-your-name + Ang iyong pangalan ng ENS + + + ens-username-already-added + Nakakonekta na ang Username sa iyong chat key at maaaring magamit sa loob ng Status. + + + ens-username-connected-continue + Ipagpapatuloy na itakda ang aking pangalan sa ENS sa chat. + + + ens-username-connected-with-different-key + Ang pagpapatuloy ay mangangailangan ng isang transaksyon upang ikonekta ang username sa iyong chat key. + + + ens-username-owned-continue + Ang pagpapatuloy ay magkakokonekta sa username na ito sa iyong chat key. + + + ens-username-taken + Nakuha na ang username :( + + + ens-name-not-found + Hindi malutas ang pangalan ng ENS + + + ens-username-registration-invalid + Babala! Ang proseso ng pagpaparehistro ay tapos na sa hindi wastong estado. HUWAG GAMITIN ang pangalan para sa mga transaksyon sa wallet at makipag-ugnayan sa aming suport sa support@status.im + + + ens-username-invalid-name-warning + Ang proseso ng pagpaparehistro ng isa sa iyong mga pangalan ng en ay tapos na sa hindi wastong estado. HUWAG GAMITIN ang pangalan para sa mga transaksyon sa wallet at makipag-ugnayan sa aming suport sa support@status.im + + + enter-12-words + Ilagay ang 12 words ng iyong seed phrase, pinaghiwalay ng mga solong puwang + + + enter-a-private-key + Ilagay ang pribadong susi + + + enter-a-seed-phrase + Ilagay ang seed phrase + + + enter-address + Ilagay ang address + + + enter-contact-code + ilagay ang ENS username o chat key + + + enter-pair-code + ilagay ang iyong pares na code + + + pair-code-placeholder + pares ng code + + + enter-pair-code-description + Ang pairing code ay ipinakita sa iyo sa pag-setup ng Keycard + + + enter-password + Ilagay ang password + + + enter-password-migration-prompt + Ipasok ang iyong password upang ilipat ang mga contact, chat at setting kasama ang iyong mga key + + + migration-successful + Matagumpay ang paglipat + + + migration-successful-text + Matagumpay na na-migrate ang account sa Keycard + + + skip + Laktawan + + + password-placeholder + Password... + + + confirm-password-placeholder + Kumpirmahin ang iyong password... + + + enter-pin + Ilagay ang iyong 6-digit na passcode + + + enter-puk-code + Ilagay ang PUK code + + + enter-puk-code-description + Na-block ang 6-digit na passcode. +Mangyaring ilagay ang PUK code upang i-unblock ang passcode. + + + enter-recipient-address-or-username + Ilagay ang address o username ng tatanggap + + + enter-seed-phrase + Ilagay ang seed phrase + + + enter-url + Ilagay ang URL + + + enter-watch-account-address + Scan ang QR code o i-enter ang address para makita + + + enter-word + ilagay ang word + + + enter-your-code + Ilagay ang iyong 6-digit na passcode + + + enter-your-password + Ilagay ang iyong password + + + error + Error + + + error-unable-to-get-balance + Hindi makakakuha ng balanse + + + error-unable-to-get-prices + Error sa conversion ng Pera. I-refresh ang iyong screen upang subukang muli. + + + error-unable-to-get-token-balance + hindi makukuha ang balance ng token + + + errors + Mga Pagkakamali + + + eth + ETH + + + ethereum-node-started-incorrectly-description + Ang Ethereum node ay sinimulan ng maling pagsasaayos, titigil ang aplikasyon upang mabawi mula sa kondisyong iyon. Na-configure ang network id ={{network-id}}, aktwal ={{fetched-network-id}} + + + ethereum-node-started-incorrectly-title + Ang Ethereum node ay nagsimula nang hindi wasto + + + etherscan-lookup + Tumingin sa Etherscan + + + export-account + I-export ang account + + + export-key + I-export ang pribadong key + + + community-private-key + Pribadong key ng komunidad + + + failed + Nabigo + + + faq + Mga madalas na tinatanong + + + fetch-messages + ↓ Kumuha ng mga mensahe + + + fetch-timeline + ↓ Fetch + + + find + Maghanap + + + finish + Tapos na + + + finishing-card-setup + Pag-setup ng card + + + fleet + Fleet + + + fleet-settings + Fleet settings + + + follow-your-interests + Sumali sa isang pampublikong chat at makilala ang mga bagong tao + + + follow + Sundan + + + free + ↓ Libre + + + from + Mula sa + + + gas-limit + Gas limit + + + gas-price + Presyo ng Gas + + + gas-used + Ginamit na gas + + + generate-a-key + Bumuo ng mga keys + + + generate-a-new-account + Lumikha ng account + + + generate-a-new-key + Lumikha ng isang bagong key + + + generate-account + Bumuo ng mga keys + + + generate-new-key + Lumikha ng bagong keys + + + your-keys + Ang iyong susi + + + generating-codes-for-pairing + > Pag-download ng software ng produkto sa card +> Bumubuo ng pag-unlock at mga pagpapares code + + + generating-keys + Lumilikha ng keys + + + you-will-need-this-code + Kakailanganin mo ang code na ito upang buksan ang Status at mga transaksyon sa pag-sign + + + generating-mnemonic + Bumubuo ng seed phrase + + + get-started + Magsimula + + + get-status-at + Kumuha ng Status sa http://status.im + + + get-stickers + Kumuha ng Sticker + + + go-to-settings + Pumunta sa Mga Setting ... + + + got-it + Nakuha ko + + + group-chat + Group chat + + + group-chat-admin + Admin + + + group-chat-admin-added + **{{member}}** ay ginawang admin + + + group-chat-created + **{{member}}**nilikha ang pangkat**{{name}}** + + + group-chat-decline-invitation + Tanggihan ang paanyaya + + + group-chat-member-added + **{{member}}** ay inimbitahan + + + group-chat-member-joined + **{{member}}** ay sumali sa group + + + group-chat-member-removed + **{{member}}** umalis sa group + + + group-chat-members-count + {{selected}}/{{max}}miyembro + + + group-chat-name-changed + **{{member}}** Palitan ang pangalan ng group sa **{{name}}** + + + group-chat-no-contacts + Wala ka pang mga contact. +Anyayahan ang iyong mga kaibigan na simulan ang pakikipag-chat + + + leave-chat + Umalis sa chat + + + leave-confirmation + Umalis{{chat-name}} + + + leave-chat-confirmation + Aalisin ang iyong kasaysayan sa chat sa iyong aparato. Pagkatapos muling pumasok hindi mo magagawang makuha ang anumang kasaysayan mo. + + + group-chat-all-contacts-invited + Ang lahat ng iyong mga contact ay nasa grupo na + + + group-info + Impormasyon sa grupo + + + gwei + Gwei + + + hash + Hash + + + help + tumulong + + + help-capitalized + Tulong + + + help-center + Sentro ng tulong + + + hide-content-when-switching-apps + Block screenshots + + + hide-content-when-switching-apps-ios + Itago ang preview + + + history + Kasaysayan + + + history-nodes + Status nodes + + + hold-card + Hold card sa likod +ng iyong telepono + + + home + Home + + + hooks + Hooks + + + identifier + Identifier + + + image-remove-current + Alisin ang kasalukuyang larawan + + + image-source-gallery + Pumili mula sa gallery + + + image-source-make-photo + Kumuha + + + image-source-title + I-edit ang larawan + + + profile-pic-take + Kunan ng litrato + + + profile-pic-pick + Pumili mula sa gallery + + + profile-pic-remove + Alisin ang larawan + + + in-contacts + Sa mga contact + + + incoming + Paparating + + + incoming-transaction + Papasok na transaksyon + + + incorrect-code::0 + str + + + incorrect-code::1 + Paumanhin hindi tama ang code, mangyaring ilagay muli + + + initialization + Pagsisimula + + + install + ↓ Install + + + intro-message1 + Maligayang pagdating sa Status! +Tapikin ang mensaheng ito upang itakda ang iyong password at magsimula. + + + intro-privacy-policy-note1 + Ang Status ay hindi kinukolekta o kumikita sa iyong personal na data. Sa pamamagitan ng pagpapatuloy, sumasang-ayon ka sa + + + intro-privacy-policy-note2 + patakaran sa privacy + + + intro-text + Status ay ang iyong gateway sa desentralisadong web + + + intro-text1 + Makipag-chat sa isang peer-to-peer, naka-encrypt na network kung saan ang mga mensahe ay hindi mai-censor o mai-hack + + + intro-text2 + Magpadala at tumanggap ng mga digital na assets sa kahit saan sa mundo — walang kinakailangang bank account + + + intro-text3 + Galugarin ang mga laro, palitan at mga social network kung saan nag-iisa kang nagmamay-ari ng iyong data + + + intro-title1 + Tunay na pribadong komunikasyon + + + intro-title2 + Secure ang crypto wallet + + + intro-title3 + Desentralisadong apps + + + intro-wizard-text1 + Kinokontrol ng isang hanay ng mga keys ang iyong account. Nakatira ang iyong mga keys sa iyong telepono, kaya maaari mo lamang itong magamit + + + intro-wizard-text2 + Ang isang key ay para sa chat. Ito ay may nabasang pangalan na hindi mababago. + + + intro-wizard-text3 + Kung nagmamay-ari ka ng isang Keycard, itago ang iyong mga keys doon para sa pinahusay na seguridad. + + + intro-wizard-text4 + I-secure at i-encrypt ang iyong mga keys + + + intro-wizard-text6 + Ang Status ay magbabatid sa iyo tungkol sa mga bagong mensahe. Maaari mong mai-edit ang iyong mga kagustuhan sa abiso mamaya sa mga setting + + + intro-wizard-title-alt4 + Gumawa ng password + + + intro-wizard-title-alt5 + Kumpirmahin ang iyong password + + + intro-wizard-title1 + Kunin ang iyong mga keys + + + intro-wizard-title2 + Pumili ng isang pangalan ng chat + + + intro-wizard-title3 + Piliin ang key storage + + + intro-wizard-title4 + Gumawa ng 6-digit passcode + + + intro-wizard-title5 + Kumpirmahin ang passcode + + + intro-wizard-title6 + Paganahin ang mga notification + + + are-you-sure-to-cancel + Sigurado ka bang gusto mong kanselahin? + + + you-will-start-from-scratch + Magsisimula ka mula sa simula ng isang bagong hanay + + + invalid-address-qr-code + Ang naka-scan na QR code ay hindi naglalaman ng isang wastong address + + + invalid-format + Hindi wastong format +Dapat{{format}} + + + invalid-key-confirm + Apply + + + invalid-key-content + Ang Database ay hindi mai-encrypt dahil ang file ay corrupt. Ang iyong funds at chat key ay ligtas. Ang iba pang data, katulad ng iyong chats at contacts, hindi na maibabalik. "{{erase-multiaccounts-data-button-text}}" button, aalisin ang lahat ng iba pang data at magpapahintulot sa iyo na ma-access ang iyong mga pondo at magpadala ng mga mensahe. + + + invalid-number + Di-wastong numero + + + invalid-pairing-password + Di-wastong pagpapares ng password + + + invalid-range + Hindi wastong format, dapat nasa pagitan{{min}}at{{max}} + + + invalid-username-or-key + invalid ang username o ang chat key + + + join-me + Hali ka, samahan mo ako sa Status: {{url}} + + + join-a-community + o sumali sa isang pamayanan + + + http-gateway-error + Oops, nabigo ang kahilingan! + + + sign-request-failed + Hindi ma-sign na mensahe + + + invite-friends + Mag-imbita ng mga kaibigan + + + invite-people + Mag-imbita ng mga tao + + + invite-reward + Kumita ng crypto sa bawat kaibigan na inaanyayahan mo! + + + invite-select-account + Pumili ng isang account para matanggap ang iyong referral bonus + + + invited + inimbitahan + + + invite-button + Mag-anyaya + + + invite-receive-account + Account upang matanggap ang iyong referral bonus + + + how-it-works + Paano ito gumagana + + + invite-warning + Ang promosyon na ito ay may bisa lamang para sa mga gumagamit ng Android device, na hindi residente ng US. Kailangang kumpirmahin ng kaibigan ang referral sa loob ng 7 araw + + + invite-instruction-first + Nagpadala ka ng isang natatanging link ng imbitasyon sa iyong kaibigan upang i-download at sumali sa Status + + + invite-instruction-second + Ang iyong kaibigan ay nag download ng Status at gumawa ng account (sa Android) + + + invite-instruction-third + Sinimulan ang isang chat sa iyong kaibigan, kung saan kumpirmahin ang iyong referral + + + invite-instruction-fourth + Ikaw ay makakatanggap ng referral bonus at ang iyong kaibigan ng Starter Pack + + + invite-instruction-fifth + Maaari kang pumili para i-redeem ang iyong referral bonus anumang oras. + + + invite-reward-you + Ikaw: + + + invite-reward-you-name + Referral bonus + + + invite-reward-you-description + Mag-imbita ng mga kaibigan at tanggapin ang {{reward}} bilang isang referral bonus. Gamitin ito para sa stickers, pangalan ng ENS at subukan ang iba pang dapps + + + invite-reward-friend + Kaibigan: + + + invite-reward-friend-name + Starter Pack + + + invite-reward-friend-description + Ang iyong kaibigan ay makakatanggap ng Starter Pack na binubuo ng ilang {{reward}} upang makapagsimula + + + invite-privacy-policy1 + Sa pamamagitan ng pagtanggap sumasang-ayon ka sa programa ng referral + + + invite-privacy-policy2 + Mga Tuntunin at Kondisyon. + + + invite-privacy-policy-public + Nag-install ka ng Status sa pamamagitan ng isang referral na link. Sa pamamagitan ng pagsali sa chat na ito naiugnay mo ang iyong referrer at sumasang-ayon sa + + + invite-chat-name + Referral ng kaibigan + + + invite-chat-starter-pack + Starter Pack + + + invite-chat-intro + Ikaw ay ni-refer ng isang kaibigan na sumali sa Status. Narito ang ilang crypto upang makapagsimula ka! Gamitin ito sa pag reghistro ng pangalan ng ENS o bumili ng sticker pack + + + invite-public-chat-home + Imbitasyon ng referral + + + invite-public-chat-intro + Narito ang ilang crypto upang makapagsimula ka! Gamitin ito upang magparehistro ng isang pangalan ng ENS o bumili ng isang sticker pack + + + invite-chat-accept + Tanggapin + + + invite-chat-pending + Naghihintay + + + invite-chat-accept-join + Tanggapin at Sumali + + + invite-chat-rule + Ang pagtanggap ay gagantimpalaan din ang iyong kaibigan ng isang crypto referral bonus + + + redeem-now + Kunin ngayon + + + redeem-amount + {{quantity}} makukuhang mga bonus + + + redeem-success + Kunin ang tagumpay ng bonus! + + + attribution-received + {{attrib}} mula sa {{max}} bonus na natanggap + + + advertiser-starter-pack-title + Starter Pack + + + advertiser-starter-pack-description + Narito ang ilang mga crypto upang makapagsimula ka! Gamitin ito upang makakuha ng mga sticker, isang pangalan ng ENS at subukan ang mga dapps + + + advertiser-title + Default sa privacy + + + advertiser-description + Natuklasan mo ang Status salamat sa isang kasosyo. Naisip mo ba kung susuriin ng Status ang iyong IP address nang isang beses para makakuha sila ng gantimpala? Ang impormasyong ito ay hindi gagamitin para sa anumang bagay at ito ay lubos na aalisin pagkatapos ng 7 araw. + + + advertiser-starter-pack-accept + Tanggapin + + + advertiser-starter-pack-decline + Tanggihan + + + dapp-starter-pack-title + Starter Pack + + + dapp-starter-pack-description + Narito ang ilang mga crypto upang makapagsimula ka! Gamitin ito upang makakuha ng mga sticker, isang pangalan ng ENS at subukan ang mga dapps + + + dapp-starter-pack-accept + Tanggapin at Buksan + + + starter-pack-coming + Darating sa inyo ang starter pack + + + starter-pack-coming-description + Maaaring tumagal ng ilang minuto hanggang oras + + + starter-pack-received + Natanggap ang Starter Pack + + + starter-pack-received-description + Narito ang ilang mga crypto upang makapagsimula ka! Gamitin ito upang makakuha ng mga sticker, isang pangalan ng ENS at subukan ang mga dapps + + + join-group-chat + Sumali sa group + + + join-group-chat-description + {{username}}inanyayahan kang sumali sa grupo{{group-name}} + + + joined-group-chat-description + Sumali ka sa{{group-name}}mula sa paanyaya ni{{username}} + + + key + Key + + + keycard + Keycard + + + keycard-access-reset + Ang pag-access sa Keycard ay naka-reset + + + keycard-can-use-with-new-passcode + Maaari mong gamitin ang card na ito sa iyong bagong passcode + + + keycard-applet-install-instructions + Para mai-install ang applet mangyaring sundin ang mga tagubilin sa https://github.com/status-im/keycard-cli#keycard-applet-installation + + + keycard-blocked + Na-block ang Keycard. +Kailangan mong i-reset ang card upang magpatuloy sa paggamit nito. + + + keycard-cancel-setup-text + Kanselahin nito ang pag-setup ng keycard. Ito'y lubos na inirerekumenda na tapusin ang pag-setup upang magamit ang keycard. Nais mo bang kanselahin? + + + keycard-cancel-setup-title + Mapanganib na operasyon + + + keycard-desc + May-ari ng isang Keycard? Itago ang iyong mga keys dito; kakailanganin mo ito para sa mga transaksyon + + + keycard-dont-ask-card + Huwag humingi ng card upang mag-sign in + + + keycard-reset-passcode + Reset passcode + + + keycard-factory-reset + Ibalik ang card sa factory settings + + + keycard-factory-reset-title + Sigurado ka bang nais mong limasin ang kasaysayan ng chat na ito? + + + keycard-factory-reset-text + Ang pagsagawa nito ay matatanggal ang anumang mnemonic phrase na nakaimbak sa card. Tiyaking mayroon kang backup ng mnemonic phrase na ginagamit mo gamit ang Keycard na ito. + + + keycard-enter-new-passcode + Ilagay ang bagong passcode {{step}}/2 + + + keycard-has-multiaccount-on-it + Ang card na ito ay puno na. Ang bawat card ay maaaring humawak ng isang pangunahing keypair + + + keycard-onboarding-finishing-header + Tinatapos na + + + keycard-onboarding-intro-header + Itago ang iyong mga keys sa Keycard + + + keycard-onboarding-intro-text + Maghanda, maaaring tumagal ito ng ilang minuto, ngunit mahalaga na ma-secure ang iyong account + + + keycard-onboarding-pairing-header + Pagpapares ng card ... + + + keycard-onboarding-preparing-header + Paghahanda ng card.... + + + keycard-onboarding-puk-code-header + Isulat ang mga code + at itago ang mga ito nang ligtas + + + keycard-onboarding-recovery-phrase-description + Kailangan mo ang seed phrase para mabalik ang iyong key. Isulat mo. Panatilihing ligtas, offline, at paghiwalayin sa aparatong ito. + + + keycard-onboarding-recovery-phrase-header + Back up seed phrase + + + keycard-onboarding-recovery-phrase-text + Para sa iyong mga mata lamang. Ito ang magical seed na ginamit upang makabuo ng iyong key. + + + keycard-onboarding-start-header + I-hold ang card sa likod + ng iyong telepono upang magsimula + + + keycard-onboarding-pin-text + Kakailanganin mong lumikha ng 6-digit na passcode na gagamitin upang maprotektahan ang pag-access sa iyong Keycard. + + + keycard-onboarding-mnemonic-text + Kakailanganin mo rin ang isang piraso ng papel at isang lapis upang isulat ang iyong seed phrase + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step1 + Gumawa ng passcode + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step1-text + Halos 1 minuto. Lumikha ng isang 6-digit na passcode upang i-encrypt ang iyong mga key + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step2 + Isulat ang PUK at ang pairing code + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step2-text + Halos 1 minuto. Kakailanganin mo ang isang piraso ng papel at isang lapis para doon + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step3 + I-back up ang seed phrase + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step3-text + Halos 1 minuto. Gayundin ang isang piraso ng papel at isang lapis ay kinakailangan + + + keycard-onboarding-start-text + At panatilihin ang card sa contact sa telepono + sa pag-setup. Ang pag-setup ay aabutin ng halos 4 na minuto + + + keycard-recovery-intro-button-text + Simulan ang pagbawi + + + keycard-recovery-intro-header + Ibalik ang mga key na naka-imbak sa keycard + + + keycard-recovery-intro-text + Kung ikaw ay bumuo ng mga keys gamit ang keycard nuon at ngayon gusto mo gamitin ang mga keys sa mga aparato. + + + keycard-recovery-no-key-header + Wala naman +ma recover dito + + + keycard-recovery-no-key-text + Ang iyong Keycard ay walang nakaimbak na key dito. Upang magamit ito, bumuo ng isang bagong key at piliin ang iyong Keycard upang maiimbak ang key + + + keycard-recovery-phrase-confirm-header + Kumpirmahin ang seed phrase + + + keycard-recovery-phrase-confirmation-text + Hindi ka magkakaroon ng pangalawang pagkakataon! Kung nawalan ka ng access, halimbawa sa pagkawala ng iyong keycard, maaari mo lamang ma access ang iyong keys kasama ang iyong seed phrase. Walang sinuman, kundi ikaw ay mayroon ng iyong seed phrase. Isulat mo ito at panatilihing ligtas. + + + keycard-recovery-phrase-confirmation-title + Isinulat ang seed phrase? + + + keycard-recovery-success-header + Ang iyong mga keys ay +matagumpay na nabawi + + + keycard-redeem-title + I-Redeem sa + + + keycard-redeem-tx + Mag Redeem ng Assets + + + keycard-redeem-tx-desc + Tapikin ang card upang mag-sign at makatanggap ng mga assets + + + keycard-unauthorized-operation + Hindi ka awtorisado upang maisagawa ang operasyong ito. +Mangyaring i-tap ang wastong card at subukang muli. + + + keycard-is-frozen-title + Ang Keycard ay frozen + + + keycard-is-frozen-details + Upang maprotektahan ang iyong mga assets, naka-freeze ang iyong card. I-reset ang iyong card upang ma-freeze ito at makapagpadala ng mga transaksyon. Magagawa mo ito sa iyong PUK o sa iyong mnemonic. + + + keycard-is-frozen-reset + I-reset sa PUK + + + keycard-is-frozen-factory-reset + I-reset sa mnemonic + + + your-card-is-frozen + Ang iyong Keycard ay naka frozen. I-reset ang card access + + + keycard-is-blocked-title + Na-block ang Keycard + + + keycard-is-blocked-details + Hindi mo na magagamit ang card na ito upang ma-access o mag-sign para sa account na ito. Napakaraming nabigo na passcode at mga pagtatangka ng PUK. + + + keycard-is-blocked-instructions + Para ma-access ang iyong account maaring i-reinstall ang Status at gumamit ng bagong Keycard, gumamit ng ibang wallet o i-reset ang keycard ng manu-mano. + + + language + Lengwahe + + + learn-more + Dagdagan ang nalalaman + + + learn-more-about-keycard + Matuto nang higit pa tungkol sa Keycard + + + leave + Umalis + + + joined + Sumali + + + leave-group + Umalis sa grupo + + + left + Umalis + + + lets-go + Tara na + + + les-ulc + LES/ULC + + + linked-on + Naka-link {{date}} + + + load-messages-before + bago ang {{date}} + + + load-more-messages + ↓ Kumuha ng higit pang mga mensahe + + + load-more-timeline + ↓ Dagdagan pa + + + loading + Loading... + + + log-level + Log level + + + log-level-settings + Mga setting ng antas ng log + + + logging + Logging + + + logging-enabled + Paganahin ang logging? + + + login-pin-description + Ilagay ang 6-digit passcode para ma-unlock ang iyong keys + + + logout + Log out + + + logout-app-content + Ang account ay mai-log out. Kapag binuksan mo ulit ito, gagamitin ang napiling network + + + logout-are-you-sure + Sigurado ka bang gusto mo +mag-log out? + + + logout-title + Log out? + + + logout-key-management + Kailangan mong mag log out upang ma access ang key management + + + looking-for-cards + Naghahanap ng mga cards + + + lost-connection + Nawala ang koneksyon + + + mailserver-address + Status node address + + + mailserver-automatic + Awtomatikong pagpili + + + mailserver-automatic-switch-explanation + Piliin ang pinakamabilis na available sa Status node + + + mailserver-connection-error + Hindi makakonekta sa Status node + + + mailserver-details + Mga detalye ng Status node + + + mailserver-error-content + Ang pinili mong Status node ay hindi maabot + + + mailserver-error-title + Error sa pagkonekta sa Status node + + + mailserver-format + enode://{enode-id}:{password}@{ip-address}:{port} + + + mailserver-pick-another + Pumili ng iba pang Status node + + + mailserver-reconnect + Hindi makakonekta sa Status node. I-tap upang muling kumonekta + + + mailserver-request-error-content + Ang sumusunod na error ay naibalik ng Status node: {{error}} + + + mailserver-request-error-status + Isang error na naganap habang kumukuha ng kasaysayan, suriin ang mga tala para sa mga detalye + + + mailserver-request-error-title + Ang paghiling ng Status node ay error + + + mailserver-request-retry + Muling hilingin + + + mailserver-retry + Ulitin + + + main-currency + Pangunahing pera + + + main-networks + pangunahing networks + + + main-wallet + Pangunahing Wallet + + + mainnet-network + Pangunahing network + + + make-admin + Gumawa ng admin + + + manage-keys-and-storage + Pamahalaan ang mga key at imbakan + + + mark-all-read + Markahan ang lahat ng nabasa + + + members + + wala + isang + dalawang + kakaunti + marami + iba pa + + + + members-active + + sero + isang + dalawang + kakaunting + maraming + iba pang + + + + members-active-none + walang mga miyembro + + + members-title + Mga kasapi + + + message + Mensahe + + + message-not-sent + Hindi ipinadala ang mensahe + + + message-options-cancel + Pagkansela + + + message-reply + Sagot + + + replying-to + Tumugon kay {{author}} + + + data-syncing + Pag-sync ng data + + + messages + mensahe + + + chat-is-a-contact + Makipag-ugnay + + + chat-is-not-a-contact + Hindi isang contact + + + might-break + Maaaring masira ang ilang ÐApps + + + migrations-failed-content + {{message}} +schema version: paunang{{initial-version}},kasalukuyang{{current-version}},huli{{last-version}} + +Nagkaroon ng isang error sa database. Ang iyong funds at chat key ay ligtas. Ang iba pang data, kagaya ng iyong chats at mga contacts, ay hindi maibabalik. "{{erase-multiaccounts-data-button-text}}" button, aalisin ang lahat ng iba pang data at magpapahintulot sa iyo na ma-access ang iyong mga pondo at magpadala ng mga mensahe. + + + mobile-network-ask-me + Tanungin mo ako sa mobile network + + + mobile-network-continue-syncing + Magpatuloy sa pag-sync + + + mobile-network-continue-syncing-details + Maaari mong baguhin ito sa ibang pagkakataon sa mga setting + + + mobile-network-go-to-settings + Pumunta sa mga setting + + + mobile-network-settings + Mobile data + + + mobile-network-sheet-configure + Maaari mong i-configure ang pag-sync sa higit pang +detalye sa + + + mobile-network-sheet-offline + Walang Wi-fi, hindi pinagana ang pag-sync ng mensahe. + + + mobile-network-sheet-offline-details + Ang pag-sync gamit ang mobile network ay naka-off + + + mobile-network-sheet-remember-choice + Tandaan ang aking pinili + + + mobile-network-sheet-settings + settings + + + mobile-network-start-syncing + Simulan ang pag-sync + + + mobile-network-stop-syncing + Itigil ang pag-sync + + + mobile-network-stop-syncing-details + Hanggang sa konektado sa Wi-Fi? + + + mobile-network-use-mobile + Gumamit ng mobile data + + + mobile-network-use-mobile-data + Ang Status ay gumagamit ng maraming data kapag nag-sync sa mga chats at wallet. + + + mobile-network-use-wifi + Wi-Fi lang + + + mobile-syncing-sheet-details + Ang Status ay gumagamit ng maraming data kapag nag-syng sa chats at wallet. + + + mobile-syncing-sheet-title + Pag-sync gamit ang mobile data? + + + more + higit pa + + + multiaccount-exists-title + Ang Keys sa account na ito ay mayroon na + + + multiaccount-exists-content + Ang Keys sa account na ito ay mayroon na at hindi maaaring idagdag muli. Kung nawala ang iyong password, passcode o Keycard, i-uninstall ang app, reinstall at i-access ang iyong key sa pamamagitan ng iyong seed phrase + + + multiaccounts-recover-enter-phrase-text + Ilagay ang 12, 15, 18, 21 o 24 na mga salita. +Paghiwalayin ang mga salita sa pamamagitan ng isang puwang. + + + multiaccounts-recover-enter-phrase-title + Ilagay ang seed phrase + + + name + Pangalan + + + name-of-token + Ang pangalan ng iyong token + + + need-help + Kailangan ng tulong? + + + glossary + Glossary + + + account-title + Account + + + account-content + Maaari mong ihambing ang mga account sa Status at sa bank accounts. Tulad ng isang account sa bangko, isang account ay karaniwang mayroong address at isang balanse; Ginagamit mo ang account na ito upang mag-transact sa Ethereum. Maaari kang magkaroon ng maraming mga account sa iyong pitaka o wallet. Lahat ng na-access sa pamamagitan ng pag-unlock ng Status. + + + chat-key-title + Chat Key + + + chat-key-content + Mensahe sa Status Chat Protocol ay ipinapadala at natanggap gamit ang mga encryption keys. Mga public chat key ay isang string ng mga character na ibinabahagi mo sa iba upang maaari silang magpadala sa iyo ng mga mensahe sa Status. + + + chat-name-title + Chat Name + + + chat-name-content + Tatlong random na salita, nagmula algorithmically galing sa iyong chat key at gamitin mo ito para sa iyong default na alyas sa chat. Pangalan ng Chat ay ganap na natatangi o kakaiba, walang ibang user ang maaring magkapareho sa tatlong salita. + + + ens-name-title + Pangalan ng ENS + + + ens-name-content + Pasadyang alyas para sa iyong susi sa chat na maaari iparehistro gamit ang serbisyong pangalan ng Ethereum. Ang mga pangalan ng ENS ay desentralisado na mga username. + + + mailserver-title + Status node + + + mailserver-content + Ang isang node sa Status network na ruta at nag-iimbak ng mga mensahe, hanggang sa 30 araw. + + + peer-title + Peer + + + peer-content + Ang isang aparato na konektado sa Status chat network. Ang bawat gumagamit ay maaaring kumatawan sa isa o higit pang mga kapantay depende sa kanilang bilang ng mga aparato. + + + seed-phrase-title + Seed Phrase + + + seed-phrase-content + Isang hanay ng mga friendly-to-read na salita, at sapalarang napili mula sa BIP39 ay karaniwang listahan at ginagamit para ma access ang iyong Ethereum account sa iba pang wallets at devices. Tinukoy din bilang a “mnemonic phrase,” “recovery phrase” o “wallet backup” sa buong crypto ecosystem. Karamihan sa crypto apps ginagamit ang parehong standard to generate accounts. + + + wallet-key-title + Address ng account + + + wallet-key-content + Ang isang 64 character na hex address batay sa pamantayan ng Ethereum at nagsisimula sa 0x. na Humaharap sa publiko, ang iyong account address ay na maibahagi sa iba kung gusto mo matanggap ang pondo. Tinukoy din bilang isang "Ethereum address" o "wallet address." + + + buy-crypto-title + Mukhang walang laman ang iyong wallet + + + buy-crypto-description + Maghanap ng dapp upang bumili ng crypto ngayon + + + buy-crypto + Bumili ng crypto + + + buy-crypto-choose-a-service + Pumili ng serbisyo na nais mong gamitin upang bumili ng crypto + + + buy-crypto-leaving + Ikaw ay umaalis sa Status at pumapasok sa isang third party na website upang makumpleto ang iyong pagbili + + + opening-buy-crypto + Pagbubukas{{site}} + + + network + Network + + + network-chain + Network chain + + + network-details + Mga detalye ng network + + + network-info + Impormasyon sa network + + + network-fee + Bayad sa network + + + network-id + Network ID + + + network-invalid-network-id + Ang tinukoy na id ng network ay hindi tumutugma sa id ng network ng RPC url + + + network-invalid-status-code + Hindi wastong katayuan ng status:{{code}} + + + network-invalid-url + Hindi wasto ang URL ng Network + + + network-settings + Mga setting ng network + + + new + bago + + + new-chat + Bagong chat + + + new-contact + Bagong kontak + + + new-contract + Bagong Kontrata + + + new-group + Bagong grupo + + + new-group-chat + Panibagong group chat + + + new-network + Bagong network + + + new-pin-description + Ilagay ang baong 6-digit na passcode + + + new-puk-description + ilagay ang bagong 12-digit PUK + + + new-public-group-chat + Sumali sa pampublikong Chat + + + next + Sunod + + + no + Hindi + + + no-collectibles + Walang magagamit na mga koleksyon + + + no-contacts + Wala pang contact + + + no-keycard-applet-on-card + Walang applet Keycard sa card + + + no-messages + Walang mensahe + + + no-pairing-slots-available + Ang kard na ito ay nakapares na sa 5 na aparato at hindi maaaring ipares sa isang ito. Mangyaring gumamit ng isa sa mga ipinares na aparato, mag-log in gamit ang card na ito at libre ang pagpapares ng mga puwang sa card + + + no-result + walang resulta + + + no-tokens-found + Walang nahanap na mga token + + + node-info + Node info + + + node-address + Address ng node + + + node-details + Mga detalye ng node + + + node-version + Bersyon ng nod + + + nonce + Nonce + + + none + Wala + + + not-applicable + Hindi naaangkop para sa mga hindi naka -ignign na transaksyon + + + not-keycard-text + Ang card na iyong ginamit ay hindi isang Keycard. Kailangan mong bumili ng isang Keycard upang magamit ito. + + + not-keycard-title + Hindi isang Keycard + + + notifications + Mga notification + + + local-notifications + Mga lokal na abiso + + + local-notifications-subtitle + Paganahin ang serbisyo sa background + + + remote-notifications + Mga malalayong abiso + + + remote-notifications-subtitle + Paganahin ang google push notifications +Magdagdag ng Termino... + + + show-notifications + Ipakita ang mga notification + + + notification-settings + Mga Abiso + + + notifications-servers + Notification servers + + + notifications-preferences + Mga kagustuhan sa abiso + + + notifications-switch + Ipakita ang mga notification + + + notifications-non-contacts + Mga notification mula sa mga hindi contact + + + notifications-transactions + Mga transaksyon sa wallet + + + send-push-notifications + Magpadala ng Mga Push Notification + + + send-push-notifications-description + Kapag naka disabled, ang taong tumatanggap ng iyong mga mensahe ay hindi aabisuhan tungkol sa pagdating nito. + + + push-notifications-server-enabled + Pinagana ang server + + + push-notifications-servers + Push notification servers + + + push-inbound-transaction + Nakatanggap ka ng {{value}} {{currency}} + + + push-outbound-transaction + Nagpadala ka ng {{value}} {{currency}} + + + push-failed-transaction + Nabigo ang iyong transaksyon + + + push-inbound-transaction-body + Mula sa {{from}} hanggang sa {{to}} + + + push-outbound-transaction-body + Mula sa {{from}} hanggang sa {{to}} + + + push-failed-transaction-body + {{value}} {{currency}} hanggang {{to}} + + + allow-mention-notifications + Ipakita @ banggitin + + + server + Server + + + specify-server-public-key + Ilagay ang server public key + + + notify + Ipaalam + + + off + Off + + + offline + Offline + + + offline-messaging-use-history-nodes + Gumamit ng Status nodes + + + offline-messaging-use-history-explanation + Paganahin ang Status node upang kumuha ng mga mensahe na ipinadala habang ang app ay sarado. Kapag pinagana, ang status node ay kukunin ang iyong IP address. Kapag hindi pinagana hindi ka makakatanggap ng mga mensahe kapag ang app ay sarado at hindi makikita ang mga ito kapag binuksan mo ang app sa paglaon. + + + ok + OK + + + ok-continue + Okay, magpatuloy + + + ok-got-it + Okay, nakuha ko + + + okay + Okay + + + on + On + + + open + bukas + + + open-home + Buksan ... + + + open-dapp + Buksan ang ÐApp + + + open-dapp-store + Tuklasin ang ÐApps + + + open-nfc-settings + Buksan ang settings ng NFC + + + open-on-block-explorer + Buksan ang block explorer + + + optional + opsyonal + + + or + O + + + outgoing + Papalabas + + + outgoing-transaction + Papalabas na transaksyon + + + pair + I-Pares ang aparato + + + pair-card + Ipares sa aparatong ito + + + pair-code + Pair codePares ng code + + + pair-code-explanation + Pagpapares card sa ibang aparato (hanggang sa 5) upang i-unlock ang mga key at mag-sign ng mga transaksyon sa parehong Keycard + + + pair-this-card + Ipares ang card na ito + + + pair-this-device + Mag-advertise ng aparato + + + pair-this-device-description + Ipares ang iyong mga aparato upang i-sync ang mga contact at chat sa pagitan nila + + + paired-devices + Mga aparato na ipinares + + + pairing + Pagpapares + + + pairing-card + Pagpapares card + + + pairing-code-placeholder + Pairing code... + + + pairing-code_error1 + Ang iyong pairing code ay di tumutugma + + + confirm-pairing-code-placeholder + Kumpirmahin ang iyong pairing code... + + + pairing-go-to-installation + Pumunta sa mga setting ng pagpapares + + + pairing-maximum-number-reached-content + Mangyaring huwag paganahin ang isa sa iyong mga aparato bago paganahin ang bago. + + + pairing-maximum-number-reached-title + Naabot ang maximum na bilang ng mga aparato + + + pairing-new-installation-detected-content + Ang isang bagong aparato ay napansin. +Upang magamit nang tama ang iyong mga aparato, mahalaga na ipares at paganahin ang mga ito bago gamitin. +Mangyaring pumunta sa seksyon ng aparato sa ilalim ng mga setting upang ipares ang iyong mga aparato. + + + pairing-new-installation-detected-title + May nakitang bagong device/aparato + + + pairing-no-info + Walang impormasyon + + + pairing-please-set-a-name + Mangyaring magtakda ng isang pangalan para sa iyong aparato. + + + passphrase + Passphrase + + + password + Password + + + password-description + Ng hindi bababa sa 6 na mga character. Pinoprotektahan ng iyong password ang iyong mga susi. Kailangan mo ito upang i-unlock ang Status at lumipat. + + + password-placeholder2 + Kumpirmahin ang iyong password + + + password_error1 + Hindi tumutugma ang mga password. + + + paste + Paste + + + paste-json + Idikit JSON + + + pay-to-chat + Magbayad sa chat + + + peers + Peers + + + pending + Naghihintay + + + pending-confirmation + Pending na kumpirmasyon ... + + + permissions + Pahintulot + + + phone-e164 + International 1 + + + photos-access-error + Upang bigyan ang kinakailangang pahintulot ng mga larawan, mangyaring pumunta sa mga setting ng iyong system at tiyakin na ang Status >Napiling mga larawan. + + + pin-changed + Binago ang 6-digit na passcode + + + puk-changed + Napalitan na ang 12-digit PUK + + + pairing-changed + Ang pairing code ay napalitan na + + + pin-code + 6-digit passcode + + + pin-mismatch + Maling passcode + + + pin-retries-left + {{number}} natitirang mga pagtatangka + + + pin-one-attempt-blocked-before + Mag-ingat, mayroon ka lamang + + + pin-one-attempt-frozen-before + Mag-ingat, mayroon ka lamang + + + pin-one-attempt + isang pagtatangka + + + pin-one-attempt-blocked-after + bago maharang ang iyong Keycard + + + pin-one-attempt-frozen-after + bago mag-frozen ang iyong Keycard + + + preview-privacy + I-preview ang mode ng privacy + + + privacy + Pagkapribado + + + privacy-photos + Pagkapribado ng Larawan sa Profile + + + privacy-and-security + Pagkapribado at seguridad + + + privacy-policy + Patakaran sa pagkapribado + + + privacy-show-to-warning + Ang mga taong nakakita na ng iyong larawan sa profile ay magpapatuloy na gawin ito + + + processing + Sandali lang + + + product-information + Impormasyon sa Produkto + + + profile + Profile + + + profile-details + Mga detalye ng profile + + + public-chat + Pampublikong chat + + + public-chats + Mga pampublikong chat + + + public-group-status + Pampubliko + + + public-group-topic + Paksa + + + join-new-public-chat + Sumali sa pampublikong chat + + + join-new-private-chat + Magsimula ng bagong pribadong chat + + + search-no-chat-found + Walang resulta. Ang ibig mong sabihin ay + + + public-key + Public key + + + puk-and-pairing-codes-displayed + Ipinapakita ang mga PUK at pagpapares ng mga code + + + puk-code + PUK code + + + puk-code-explanation + Kung nakalimutan mo ang iyong 6-digit na passcode o hindi tama nang ipinasok nang 3 beses, kakailanganin mo ang code na ito upang i-unlock ang iyong card. + + + puk-mismatch + Mali ang PUK code + + + quiet-days + {{quiet-days}}araw + + + quiet-hours + {{quiet-hours}}oras + + + re-encrypt-key + I-encrypt muli ang iyong mga keys + + + receive + Tumanggap + + + receive-transaction + Tumanggap ng transaksyon + + + recent + Kamakailan + + + recent-recipients + Contacts + + + recently-used-stickers + Ang mga kamakailang ginamit na sticker ay lilitaw dito + + + recipient + Tagatanggap + + + recipient-code + ilagay ang address ng tatanggap + + + recipient-code-placeholder + 0x.. o username.domain.eth + + + recover + Bawiin + + + recover-key + I-access ang umiiral na mga key + + + recover-keycard-multiaccount-not-supported + Ang keys sa account na ito ay mayroon na at hindi na maaring idagdag muli. Kung nawala ang iyong password, passcode o Keycard, i-uninstall ang app, reinstall at i-access ang iyong key sa pamamagitan ng iyong seed phrase + + + recover-with-keycard + I-recover gamit ang Keycard + + + recovering-key + Pag-access sa mga key ... + + + recovery-confirm-phrase + kumpirmahin ang seed phrase + + + recovery-phrase + Seed phrase + + + recovery-success-text + Kailangan mong lumikha ng isang bagong code o password upang muling i-encrypt ang iyong mga key + + + recovery-typo-dialog-description + Paalala, ang iyong seed phrase dapat eksaktong, parehong mga salita at pagkakasunud-sunod habang natanggap mo ito + + + recovery-typo-dialog-title + ang seed phrase ay tama? + + + remember-me + Tandaan mo ako + + + remind-me-later + Ipakita mo sa akin ito muli + + + remove + Alisin + + + remove-from-chat + Alisin sa chat + + + remove-from-contacts + Tanggalin sa mga kontak + + + remove-from-contacts-text + Sa pamamagitan ng pag-alis ng isang user sa iyong listahan ng kontak hindi mo ma itago ang iyong wallet address sa kanila. + + + remove-network + Alisin ang network + + + remove-token + Alisin ang token + + + removed + alisin + + + repeat-pin + Ulitin ang bagong 6-digit na passcode + + + repeat-puk + Ulitin ang bagong 12-digit PUK + + + report-bug-email-template + 1. Paglalarawan ng Isyu +{{description}} + + +2. Mga hakbang sa pagpaparami +{{steps}} + +3. Maglakip ng mga screenshot na maaaring mag-demo ng problema, mangyaring + + + request-transaction + Humiling ng transaksyon + + + required-field + Required field + + + resend-message + I-resend + + + reset-card + I-reset ang card + + + reset-card-description + Ang operasyon na ito ay i-reset ang card sa paunang estado. Tatanggalin nito ang lahat ng data ng kard kasama ang mga pribadong key. Hindi maibabalik ang operasyon. + + + retry + Ulitin + + + revoke-access + Bawiin ang access + + + rinkeby-network + Rinkeby test network + + + ropsten-network + Ropsten test network + + + rpc-url + RPC URL + + + save + I-save + + + save-password + I-save ang password + + + save-password-unavailable + Itakda ang passcode ng aparato upang i-save ang password + + + save-password-unavailable-android + Hindi magagamit ang pag-save ng password: ang iyong aparato ay maaaring ma-root o walang kinakailangang mga tampok ng seguridad. + + + scan-qr + I-scan ang QR code + + + scan-qr-code + I-scan ang isang QR code na may isang address ng pitaka + + + search + Paghahanap + + + secret-keys-confirmation-text + Kakailanganin mo ang mga ito upang magpatuloy na gamitin ang iyong Keycard kung sakaling mawala mo ang iyong telepono. + + + secret-keys-confirmation-title + Nasulat mo na ang mga codes? + + + security + Seguridad + + + see-details + Tignan ang detalye + + + see-it-again + Tingnan muli + + + select-account-first + Piliin muna ang isang account + + + select-chat + Piliin ang chat upang simulan ang pagmemensahe + + + selected + Napili + + + select + Piliin + + + select-account + Piliin ang account + + + send-logs + I-report ang bug + + + send-logs-to + Mag-ulat ng isang bug sa{{email}} + + + send-message + Magpadala ng Mensahe + + + send-request + Magpadala ng kahilingan + + + send-request-amount + Halaga + + + send-request-amount-max-decimals + Ang Max Number ng desimal ay{{asset-decimals}} + + + send-request-unknown-token + Hindi kilalang token -{{asset}} + + + send-sending-to + para kay{{recipient-name}} + + + send-transaction + Magpadala ng transaksyon + + + sending + Nagpapadala + + + sent-at + Ipinadala sa + + + set-a-topic + gumawa ng topic + + + set-currency + Itakda ang pera + + + set-dapp-access-permissions + Itakda ang mga pahintulot sa pag-access ng DApp + + + settings + Settings + + + share + Ibahagi + + + shared + Ibinahagi + + + share-address + Share address + + + share-chat + Ibahagi ang chat + + + share-contact-code + Ibahagi ang aking susi sa chat + + + share-dapp-text + Tingnan ang DApp na ginagamit ko sa Status:{{link}} + + + share-link + Ibahagi ang Link + + + share-my-profile + Ibahagi ang link sa profile + + + share-profile + Ibahagi ang profile + + + share-profile-link + Ibahagi ang link sa profile + + + share-public-chat-text + Tingnan ang pampublikong chat na ito sa Status app:{{link}} + + + sharing-copied-to-clipboard + Kinopya + + + sharing-copy-to-clipboard + Kopya + + + share-logs + Ibahagi ang mga log + + + sharing-share + Ibahagi + + + show-less + Magpakita ng mas kaunti + + + show-more + Magpakita pa + + + show-qr + Ipakita ang QR code + + + show-transaction-data + Ipakita ang data ng transaksyon + + + sign-and-send + Mag-sign at ipadala + + + sign-in + mag sign-in + + + sign-message + Mag-sign Message + + + sign-out + Mag-sign out + + + sign-with + Mag-sign in + + + sign-with-password + Mag-sign in gamit ang password + + + sign-you-in + Nag-sign in ka ... + + + signing + Pag-sign + + + signing-a-message + Pag-sign ng isang mensahe + + + signing-phrase + Pag sign ng phrase + + + something-went-wrong + May nangyari na mali + + + soon + Sa lalong madaling panahon + + + specify-address + Tukuyin ang address + + + specify-name + Tukuyin ang isang pangalan + + + specify-symbol + Tukuyin ang simbolo + + + specify-network-id + Tukuyin ang id ng network + + + specify-rpc-url + Tukuyin ang isang URL ng RPC + + + start-chat + Simulan ang chat + + + start-conversation + Simulan ang pag-uusap + + + start-group-chat + Simulan ang group chat + + + start-new-chat + Magsimula ng bagong chat + + + status + Status + + + status-confirmed + Nakumpirma + + + status-hardwallet + Status hardwallet + + + status-keycard + Status Keycard + + + status-pending + Naghihintay + + + status-tx-not-found + Hindi nahanap ang TX + + + status-sent + Ipinadala + + + status-not-sent-tap + Hindi kumpirmado. I-tap para sa mga pagpipilian + + + status-not-sent-click + Hindi kumpirmado. Mag-click para sa mga pagpipilian + + + step-i-of-n + gabay{{step}}sa{{number}} + + + sticker-market + Sticker market + + + sticker + Sticker + + + submit + Ipasa + + + submit-bug + Magsumite ng isang bug + + + success + Tagumpay + + + symbol + Simbolo + + + sync-all-devices + Sync lahat ng aparato + + + sync-in-progress + Syncing... + + + sync-settings + Mga setting ng pag-sync + + + sync-synced + Sa pag-sync + + + syncing-devices + Syncing... + + + tag-was-lost + nawala ang tag + + + tap-card-again + Tapikin muli ang card sa likod ng iyong telepono + + + test-networks + Mga network ng pagsubok + + + text-input-disabled + Mangyaring maghintay sandali ... + + + this-device + Ang aparato na ito + + + this-device-desc + Ang iyong mga keys ay naka-encrypt at ligtas na nakaimbak sa iyong aparato + + + this-is-you-signing + Ito ang iyong signing phrase + + + this-will-take-few-seconds + Ito ay tatagal ng ilang segundo + + + three-words-description + Dapat mong makita ang mga 3 salita bago mag-sign sa bawat transaksyon + + + three-words-description-2 + Kung nakakita ka ng ibang kombinasyon, kanselahin ang transaksyon at mag-sign out + + + to + Para kay + + + to-block + Block + + + to-encrypt-enter-password + Para ma encrypt ang account ilagay ang iyong password + + + to-see-this-message + Upang makita ang mensaheng ito, + + + token-auto-validate-decimals-error + Maling mga decimals para sa token {{symbol}} sa address {{address}} - itakda sa {{expected}} ngunit nakita bilang {{actual}} + + + token-auto-validate-name-error + Maling pangalan para sa token {{symbol}} sa address {{address}} - itakda sa {{expected}} ngunit nakita bilang {{actual}} + + + token-auto-validate-symbol-error + Maling simbolo para sa token{{symbol}}sa address{{address}}- itakda sa{{expected}}ngunit nakita bilang{{actual}} + + + token-details + detalye ng token + + + topic-name-error + Gumamit lamang ng mga maliliit na titik (a to z), numbero at dashes (-) Huwag gumamit ng chat keys + + + transaction + Transaksyon + + + transaction-data + Data ng transaksyon + + + transaction-declined + Hindi tinanggap ang transaksyon + + + transactions-management-enabled + Pangangasiwa ng transaksyon + + + transaction-description + Isaalang-alang itong kumpleto pagkatapos ng 12 kumpirmasyon sa network. + + + transaction-details + Mga detalye ng transaksyon + + + transaction-failed + Nabigo ang transaksyon + + + transaction-history + Kasaysayan ng Transaksyon + + + transaction-request + Kahilingan sa Transaksyon + + + transaction-sent + Ipinadala ang transaksyon + + + transaction-signed + Ang transaksyon ay matagumpay na naka-sign + + + transactions + Transaksyon + + + transactions-filter-select-all + Piliin lahat + + + transactions-filter-title + Filter ng kasaysayan + + + type + Uri + + + transactions-history + Kasaysayan ng Transaksyon + + + transactions-history-empty + Wala pang transaksyon sa iyong kasaysayan + + + transactions-history-loading + Naglo-load ng kasaysayan ng transaksyon. Maaaring tumagal ito ng ilang sandali. + + + transactions-sign + Sign + + + tribute-required-by-multiaccount + {{multiaccount-name}}nangangailangan ng SNT para magsimula ng isang chat. + + + tribute-state-paid + Bayad ang nai-ambag + + + tribute-state-pending + Pending na tribute + + + tribute-state-required + Nangangailangan{{snt-amount}}SNT tribute + + + tribute-to-talk + Tribute to talk + + + tribute-to-talk-add-friends + Magdagdag ng mga kaibigan bilang isang contact upang payagan ang mga chat nang walang bayad sa pagkilala. + + + tribute-to-talk-are-you-friends + Magkaibigan ba kayo? + + + tribute-to-talk-ask-to-be-added + Hilingin na maidagdag bilang isang contact + + + tribute-to-talk-contact-received-your-tribute + natanggap ang iyong parangal. Maaari ka nang ligtas na makipag-chat sa bawat isa. + + + tribute-to-talk-desc + I-monetize iyong pansin sa pamamagitan ng pag-uutos sa SNT para sa mga bagong tao upang magsimula ng isang chat + + + tribute-to-talk-disabled + Ang Tribute to Talk ay di pinagana + + + tribute-to-talk-disabled-note + Simula ngayon, ang mga baguhan ay maaaring magsimula ng isang chat sa iyo nang hindi nagpapadala ng SNT. + + + tribute-to-talk-enabled + Pinapagana mo ang Tribute to Talk + + + tribute-to-talk-finish-desc + Mula ngayon, makakatanggap ka lamang ng mga chat mula sa mga contact, at mga taong nagbayad + + + tribute-to-talk-learn-more-1 + Ang iyong oras at atensyon ay ang iyong pinakamahalagang pag-aari. Hinahayaan ka ng Tribute to Talk na magtakda ka ng isang halaga ng SNT na kinakailangan para sa mga bagong tao upang magsimula ng isang chat sa iyo. + + + tribute-to-talk-learn-more-2 + Ang sinumang wala sa iyong listahan ng contact ay hihilingin na bayaran, at maaari kang tumugon sa sandaling mayroon sila. + + + tribute-to-talk-learn-more-3 + Maaari mong palaging maibalik ang pera, ngunit upang matiyak na ang mga kaibigan ay maaaring maabot mo nang malayang, idagdag ang mga ito bilang isang contact muna. + + + tribute-to-talk-paywall-learn-more-1 + Ang aming oras at pansin ay ang aming pinakamahalagang pag-aari. Hinahayaan ka ng Tribute to Talk na makipag-ugnay sa mga bagong tao kapalit ng pagbabayad sa SNT. + + + tribute-to-talk-paywall-learn-more-2 + Para magsimula ng isang chat sa isang taong may set ng pagkilala, bayaran lamang ang kinakailangang SNT at idadagdag ka bilang isang contact. + + + tribute-to-talk-paywall-learn-more-3 + Kung kilala mo ang mga ito, maaari mong ibahagi ang iyong profile sa labas ng Status na idaragdag nang libre. + + + tribute-to-talk-pending + nakabinbing kumpirmasyon ng Tribute + + + tribute-to-talk-pending-note + Tribute transaction ay nakabinbing kumpirmasyon sa network. Maaari mong suriin ito sa Status sa kasaysayan ng transaksyon + + + tribute-to-talk-removing-note + Ang pag-alis ng Tribute to tak ay papayagan ang mga baguhan na magsimula ng isang chat nang hindi nagpapadala ng SNT. Nangangailangan ng isang transaksyon na gagawin. + + + tribute-to-talk-set-snt-amount + Itakda ang halaga ng SNT na kinakailangan para sa mga bagong tao upang magsimula ng isang chat + + + tribute-to-talk-signing + Naghihintay na mag-sign transaksyon + + + tribute-to-talk-transaction-failed-note + Nabigo ang transaksyon at ang iyong mga setting ng Tribute to Talk ay hindi nabago + + + tribute-to-talk-tribute-received1 + Natanggap ang ambag. Ikaw at + + + tribute-to-talk-tribute-received2 + ngayon ay mga contact at maaaring ligtas na makipag-chat sa bawat isa. + + + tribute-to-talk-you-require-snt + Kailangan mo ng SNT para sa mga bagong tao na magsimula ng isang chat. + + + try-again + Subukan muli + + + try-keeping-the-card-still + Subukang panatilihin pa rin ang card + + + turn-nfc-on + I-on ang NFC upang magpatuloy + + + turn-nfc-description + NFC ay hindi pinagana sa iyong aparato. Maaari mo itong paganahin sa mga setting + + + keycard-init-title + Naghahanap ng mga kards + + + keycard-init-description + Ilagay ang card sa likod ng iyong telepono upang magpatuloy + + + keycard-awaiting-title + Naghahanap pa rin... + + + keycard-awaiting-description + subukang galawin ang card paikot para makita ng NFC at mabasa sa iyong aparato. + + + keycard-processing-title + Nagproproseso + + + keycard-processing-description + Subukang panatilihin pa rin ang card + + + keycard-connected-title + Nakakonekta + + + keycard-connected-description + Subukang panatilihin pa rin ang card + + + keycard-error-title + Nawala ang koneksyon + + + keycard-error-description + i-konek ang card para makapag simula ulit + + + keycard-success-title + Tagumpay + + + keycard-success-description + maari mo ng alisin ang card ngayon + + + keycard-recover + nawala o frozen card? + + + keycard-recover-title + gumawa ng bagong card sa account na ito? + + + keycard-recover-text + Kung mayroon kang mnemonic phrase maaari kang lumikha ng isang bagong Keycard na nauugnay sa account na ito. Maaari mong gamitin ang alinman sa bagong Keycard o isagawa ang factory reset sa naka-freeze. + + + keycard-backup + Lumikha ng isang backup na Keycard + + + keycard-backup-success-title + Matagumpay ang backup + + + keycard-backup-success-body + Matagumpay na nilikha ang backup card. Maaari mo na itong gamitin sa iyong account tulad ng pangunahing card. + + + type-a-message + Mensahe + + + ulc-enabled + Pinapagana ang ULC + + + backup-enabled + Paganahin + + + backup-disabled + Disabled + + + backup-settings + Mga setting ng backup + + + backup-through-waku + I-backup sa pamamagitan ng waku + + + perform-backup + Magsagawa ng backup + + + backing-up + Bina-back up... + + + last-backup-performed + Ang huling backup na ginawa: + + + unable-to-read-this-code + Hindi mabasa ang code na ito + + + unblock-contact + I-unblock ang gumagamit na ito + + + unknown-status-go-error + hindi kinikilala status-go error + + + unlock + I-unlock + + + unpair-card + Ang kawalan ng pag-asa card + + + unpair-card-confirmation + Ang operasyon na ito ay mawawalan ng pag-asa ang card mula sa kasalukuyang aparato. Nangangailangan ng pahintulot ng 6-digit na passcode. Gusto mo bang magpatuloy? + + + unpaired-keycard-text + Ang Keycard na iyong tinapik ay hindi nauugnay sa teleponong ito + + + unpaired-keycard-title + Mukhang hindi naipares ang iyong card + + + unpair-keycard + Hindi pagpares ng keycard mula sa iyong telepono. + + + unpair-keycard-warning + Ang iyong pairing code/PUK at PIN ay mananatiling hindi nagbago + + + update + Update + + + url + URL + + + usd-currency + USD + + + use-valid-contact-code + Mangyaring mag-enter o mag-scan ng isang wastong chat key o username + + + validation-amount-invalid-number + Ang halaga ay hindi isang wastong numero + + + validation-amount-is-too-precise + Masyadong tumpak ang halaga. Sobrang bilang ng mga decimals ay{{decimals}} + + + version + Bersyon ng app + + + app-commit + App commit + + + view + Tingnan + + + view-cryptokitties + Tingnan sa CryptoKitties + + + view-cryptostrikers + Tingnan sa CryptoStrikers + + + view-etheremon + Tingnan sa Etheremon + + + view-gitcoin + Tingnan sa Gitcoin + + + view-profile + Tingnan ang Profile + + + view-details + Tingnan ang mga detalye + + + view-signing + Tingnan ang signing phrase + + + view-superrare + Tingnan sa SuperRare + + + waiting-for-wifi + Walang Wi-fi, hindi pinagana ang pag-sync ng mensahe. + + + waiting-for-wifi-change + Mga settings + + + waiting-to-sign + Naghihintay na mag-sign ng transaksyon ... + + + wallet + Pitaka + + + wallet-asset + Asset + + + wallet-assets + Assets + + + wallet-backup-recovery-title + Back up mo ang seed phrase + + + wallet-choose-recipient + Piliin ang Tumatanggap + + + wallet-collectibles + Mga Kolektibo + + + wallet-insufficient-funds + Hindi sapat na pondo + + + wallet-insufficient-gas + hindi sapat ang gas ng ETH mo + + + wallet-invalid-address + Di-wastong address:: +{{data}} + + + wallet-invalid-address-checksum + Error sa address: +{{data}} + + + wallet-invalid-chain-id + Hindi tumutugma ang network: +{{data}}ngunit ang kasalukuyang chain ay{{chain}} + + + wallet-manage-assets + Pamahalaan ang mga assets + + + wallet-manage-accounts + Pamahalaan ang mga account + + + wallet-request + Kahilingan + + + wallet-send + Ipadala + + + wallet-send-min-units + Min 21000 units + + + wallet-send-min-wei + Min 1 wei + + + wallet-settings + Settings ng Pitaka + + + wallet-total-value + Kabuuang halaga + + + wallet-transaction-total-fee + Kabuuang Bayad + + + wants-to-access-profile + nais na ma-access sa iyong profile + + + warning + Warning + + + warning-message + Paumanhin, nililimitahan namin ang pagpapadala ng maraming mga mensahe nang mabilis na magkakasunod upang maiwasan ang spam. Mangyaring subukang muli sa isang sandali + + + web-view-error + Hindi ma-load ang pahina + + + welcome-screen-text + I-set up ang iyong wallet, anyayahan ang mga kaibigan na mag-chat +at mag-browse ng mga sikat na dapps! + + + welcome-to-status + Maligayang pagdating sa Status! + + + welcome-to-status-description + I-set up ang iyong crypto wallet, anyayahan ang mga kaibigan na mag-chat at mag-browse sa mga desentralisadong apps + + + welcome-blank-message + Ang iyong mga chat ay lilitaw dito. Upang simulan ang mga bagong chat pindutin ang button ⊕ + + + welcome-community-blank-message + Lilitaw ang channel mo rito. Upang gumawa ng bagong channel, i-click ang ⊕ button at pillin ang "Gumawa ng Channel" + + + welcome-community-blank-message-edit-chats + Lalabas dito ang iyong mga channel. Upang lumikha ng bagong channel, bumalik sa screen ng komunidad, mag-click sa ⊕ button at piliin ang "Gumawa ng channel" + + + welcome-blank-community-message + Lilitaw ang iyong mga komunidad dito. + + + fetch-community + Kumuha ng pamayanan + + + fetching-community + Kinukuha ang pamayanan ... + + + seed-phrase-placeholder + Seed phrase... + + + word-count + Bilang ng salita + + + word-n + Word #{{number}} + + + word-n-description + Upang masuri kung nai-back up ang iyong seed phrase ng tama, ilagay ang word#{{number}}sa itaas. + + + words-n + + + Isang salita + + + + mga salita + + + + write-down-and-store-securely + Isulat ang mga code +at itago sila ng ligtas + + + wrong-address + Maling address + + + wrong-card + maling card + + + wrong-card-text + Nag-tap ka ng isang kard na hindi tumutugma sa mga keys na iyong napili + + + wrong-contract + Maling contract + + + contract-isnt-supported + Ang kontrata ay hindi suportado + + + wrong-keycard-text + Ang Keycard na iyong tinapik ay hindi nauugnay sa teleponong ito + + + wrong-keycard-title + Mukhang naka-tap ka ng +isang maling keycard + + + wrong-password + Maling password + + + wrong-word + Maling salita + + + yes + Oo + + + You + ikaw + + + you + ikaw + + + you-already-have-an-asset + Mayroon ka nang isang asset na {{value}} + + + you-are-all-set + Handa ka na! + + + you-are-all-set-description + Kung mawala ang iyong telepono, maaari mo na ngayong ma-access ang iyong mga pondo at chat key gamit ang iyong seed phrase + + + you-can-change-account + Maaari mong baguhin ang pangalan at kulay ng account sa nais mo + + + you-dont-have-stickers + Wala ka pang sticker + + + you-dont-have-contacts-invite-friends + Wala ka pang contact. + Imbitahin ang iyong mga kaibigan na magsimulang mag-chat. + + + your-contact-code + Pinapahintulutan ng pagbibigay ng pag-access ang DApp na makuha ang iyong susi sa chat + + + your-data-belongs-to-you + Kung mawala mo ang iyong seed phrase mawawala mo rin, ang iyong data at pondo + + + your-data-belongs-to-you-description + Kung nawalan ka ng pag-access, halimbawa sa pagkawala ng iyong telepono, maaari mo lamang ma-access ang iyong mga key gamit ang iyong seed phrase. Walang sinuman dapat nakaalam ng iyong seed phrase kung hindi ikaw lamang, kung mangyaring Isulat mo at Panatilihing ligtas + + + your-recovery-phrase + Ang iyong seed phrase + + + your-recovery-phrase-description + ito ang iyong seed phrase. Ginagamit mo ito upang patunayan na ito ang iyong pitaka. ikaw lamang makita ito nang isang beses! Isulat ito sa papel at itago ito sa isang ligtas na lugar. Kakailanganin mo ito kung nawala o muling i-install ang iyong pitaka. + + + custom-seed-phrase + Hindi wastong seed phrase + + + custom-seed-phrase-text-1 + Ang seed phrase ay hindi tumutugma sa aming suportadong diksyunaryo. Suriin para sa mga maling salita. + + + to-enable-biometric + Para paganahin{{bio-type-label}} kailangan mong i-save ang iyong password sa unlock screen + + + ok-save-pass + OK, i-save ang password + + + lock-app-with + I-lock ang app na may + + + grant-face-id-permissions + Upang mabigyan ang kinakailangang pahintulot ng ID gamit ng iyong mukha, mangyaring pumunta sa iyong mga setting ng system at tiyaking napili ang Status > Face ID + + + request-feature + Humiling ng isang tampok + + + select-account-dapp + Piliin ang account na nais mong gamitin sa mga Dapp + + + apply + Mag-apply + + + on-status-tree + Sa Puno ng Status + + + off-status-tree + Off Status tree + + + derivation-path + Landas ng dereksyon + + + storage + Imbakan + + + keycard-free-pairing-slots + Ang Keycard ay mayroong {{n}} libreng pagpapares ng mga puwang + + + public-chat-description + Sumali sa mga pampublikong chat para sa iyong mga interest! Kahit sino ay maaaring magsimula ng bago. + + + delete-account + Tanggalin ang account + + + delete-keys-keycard + Tanggalin ang mga key mula sa Keycard + + + watch-only + panoorin lamang + + + cant-report-bug + Hindi maiulat ang isang bug + + + mail-should-be-configured + Ang mail client ay dapat isaayos + + + check-on-block-explorer + Tingnan sa block explorer + + + check-on-opensea + Tingnan sa opensea + + + transactions-load-more + Mag-load pa + + + private-key + Pribadong key + + + generate-an-account + lumikha ng account + + + add-watch-account + Magdagdag ng isang account na panonood lamang + + + add-seed-account + Magdagdag ng account para sa seed phrase + + + account-exists-title + Mayroon nang account + + + add-private-key-account + Magdagdag ng account mula sa pribadong key + + + profile-not-found + Hindi mahanap ang profile + + + waku-bloom-filter-mode + Waku Bloom mode ng filter + + + wakuv2-settings + Settings sa Waku V2 + + + wakuv2-node-format + / ip4 / {node-ip} / tcp / {port} / p2p / {id} + + + wakuv2-change-nodes + Sigurado ka bang nais mong baguhin ang mga node ng Wakuv2? + + + appearance + Hitsura + + + preference + Kagustuhan + + + light + Mailaw + + + dark + Madilim + + + system + System + + + give-permissions-camera + Magbigay ng pahintulot +upang ma-access ang camera + + + photos + Litrato + + + image + Imahe + + + sign-anyway + Mag-sign pa rin + + + tx-fail-description1 + Ang transaksyon na ito ay malamang na mabigo. Mag-sign sa iyong sariling panganib gamit ang pasadyang bayad sa network. + + + tx-fail-description2 + Ang transaksyon na ito ay malamang na mabigo. Magtakda ng isang pasadyang bayad sa network upang mag-sign sa iyong sariling peligro. + + + set-custom-fee + Itakda ang pasadyang bayad + + + not-enough-snt + Hindi sapat ang iyong SNT + + + add-new-contact + Magdagdag ng bagong contact + + + you-dont-have-contacts + Wala ka pang mga contact. + + + set-max + Itakda ang max + + + continue-anyway + Magpatuloy pa rin + + + private-notifications + Pribadong mga abiso + + + private-notifications-descr + Aabisuhan ka ng Status tungkol sa mga bagong mensahe. Maaari mong mai-edit ang iyong mga kagustuhan sa notification mamaya sa mga setting. + + + maybe-later + Baka mamaya + + + join + Sumali + + + registered + rehistrado + + + not-registered + hindi rehistrado + + + audio-recorder-error + Error sa recorder + + + audio-recorder + Recorder + + + audio-recorder-max-ms-reached + Naabot ang maximum na oras ng pag-record + + + audio-recorder-permissions-error + Kailangan mong magbigay ng pahintulot upang magpadala ng mga audio message + + + audio + Audio + + + update-to-see-image + I-update sa pinakabagong bersyon upang makita ang isang magandang imahe dito! + + + update-to-listen-audio + I-update sa pinakabagong bersyon upang makinig sa isang audio message dito! + + + update-to-see-sticker + I-update sa pinakabagong bersyon upang makita ang isang magandang sticker dito! + + + webview-camera-permission-requests + Mga kahilingan sa pahintulot sa Webview camera + + + webview-camera-permission-requests-subtitle + Kapag pinagana, ang mga website at dapps ay maaaring hilingin na gamitin ang iyong camera + + + page-would-like-to-use-camera + nais mo bang gamitin ang iyong camera + + + page-camera-request-blocked + hinarangan ang mga kahilingan sa camera. Upang paganahin ang mga kahilingan sa camera pumunta sa Mga Setting + + + nickname + Palayaw + + + add-nickname + Magdagdag ng palayaw (opsyonal) + + + nickname-description + Ang mga palayaw ay tinutulungan kang makilala ang iba sa Status. + Ikaw lang ang makakakita ng mga palayaw na idinagdag mo + + + accept + Tanggapin + + + group-invite + Paanyaya sa pangkat + + + group-invite-link + Link ng pangkat na anyayahan + + + pending-invitations + Nakabinbin ang mga kahilingan sa pagiging miyembro + + + empty-pending-invitations-descr + Ang mga taong nais sumali sa pangkat + sa pamamagitan ng isang link ng imbitasyon ay lilitaw dito + + + introduce-yourself + Ipakilala ang iyong sarili sa isang maikling mensahe + + + request-pending + Nakabinbin ang kahilingan… + + + membership-declined + Tinanggihan ang kahilingan sa pagiging miyembro + + + remove-group + Alisin ang pangkat + + + request-membership + Humiling ng pagiging miyembro + + + membership-description + Ang pagiging kasapi ng pangkat ay kinakailangan kang tanggapin ng admin + + + group-membership-request + Kahilingan sa pagiging kasapi ng pangkat + + + members-limit-reached + Naabot na ang limitasyon ng mga miyembro + + + favourite + Mga Paborito + + + favourites + Mga paborito + + + new-favourite + Bagong paborito + + + edit-favourite + baguhin ang mga paborito + + + remove-favourite + Mag-alis ng paborito + + + add-favourite + Magdagdag ng paborito + + + add-to-favourites + Idagdag sa mga Paborito + + + favourites-empty + Lilitaw dito ang mga address na idinagdag sa mga paborito + + + contacts-empty + komontak gamit ang pangalan ng ENS na lilitaw dito + + + my-accounts + Ang aking accounts + + + my-accounts-empty + Lilitaw dito ang iyong mga magagamit na account + + + recent-empty + Ang mga nagamit na addresses ay lalabas dito + + + address-or-ens-name + Address o pangalan ng ENS + + + name-optional + Pangalan (opsyonal) + + + mute + Mute + + + unmute + Unmute + + + scan-tokens + I-scan ang tokens + + + my-status + Ang status ko + + + contacts-descr + Lilitaw ang iyong mga contact dito. Makakatanggap ka ng mga pag-update ng Status mula sa sinumang idagdag mo bilang isang contact + + + status-updates-descr + Ang Status updates ay lalabas dito. Idagdag ang profile bilang isang contact upang makatanggap ng mga update sa iyong timeline. + + + whats-on-your-mind + Ano ang nasa isip mo… + + + cant-open-public-chat + Hindi mabuksan ang pampublikong chat + + + invalid-public-chat-topic + Hind wastong pampublikong paksa + + + now + Ngayon + + + statuses-my-status-descr + Ibahagi kung ano ang nasa isip mo. Ang sinumang bumibisita sa iyong profile ay makakakita ng iyong kalagayan. Ang mga taong in-add ka bilang kanilang contact ay makakatanggap ng iyong mga update sa kanilang timeline + + + statuses-descr + Ibahagi kung ano ang nasa isip mo at manatiling nai-update sa iyong mga contact + + + new-status + Bagong Status + + + chat-link-previews + Mga preview ng chat link + + + you-can-choose-preview-websites + Maaari kang pumili kung alin sa mga sumusunod na website ang maaaring mag-preview ng link ng mga paglalarawan at larawan sa mga chat + + + previewing-may-share-metadata + Ang pag-preview ng mga link mula sa mga website na ito ay maaaring ibahagi ang iyong metadata sa kanilang mga may-ari + + + websites + Websites + + + enable-all + Paganahin lahat + + + disable-all + Huwag paganahin ang lahat + + + warning-sending-to-contract-descr + Ang address na iyong pinasok ay isang smart contract, magpadala ng pondo sa address na ito ay pwedeng magresulta ng pagkawala ng mga pondo. Makipag-ugnay sa DApp, bukas ang DApp sa anumang Status DApp Browser. + + + dont-ask + Huwag mo ulit akong tanungin + + + enable-link-previews + Paganahin ang mga link previews sa chat? + + + once-enabled-share-metadata + Kapag pinagana, ang mga link na nai-post sa chat ay maaaring ibahagi ang iyong metadata sa site + + + external-storage-denied + Tinanggihan ang pag-access sa external storage + + + timeline + Timeline + + + main-account + + + + ethereum-address + Address ng Ethereum + + + default-assets + Default na ERC20 at ERC721 + + + increase-gas + Taasan ang Gas + + + cancelling + Pagkansela + + + refresh + Refresh + + + close-all + Isara lahat + + + tabs + tabs + + + new-tab + Bagong tab + + + empty-tab + Walang laman na tab + + + open-in-new-tab + Magbukas ng bagong tab + + + has-permissions + ay may pahintulot sa pag access + + + connect-wallet + Ikonekta ang pitaka + + + open-chat + Buksan ang chat + + + favourite-description + Lahat ng paboritong website ay lalabas dito + + + transfers-fetching-failure + Hindi ma-update ang kasaysayan ng paglilipat. Suriin ang iyong koneksyon at hilahin pababa upang subukang muli + + + move-and-reset + Ilipat at I-reset + + + move-keystore-file-to-keycard + Ilipat ang keystore file sa keycard? + + + database-reset-title + I-reset ang Database + + + database-reset-content + Ang mga chat, contact at setting ay tinanggal. Maaari mong gamitin ang iyong account sa iyong Keycard + + + database-reset-warning + Mare-reset ang database. Ang mga chat, contact at setting ay tatanggalin + + + empty-keycard-required + Nangangailangan ng isang walang laman na Keycard + + + current + Kasalukuyan + + + choose-storage + Pumili ng imbakan + + + choose-new-location-for-keystore + Pumili ng isang bagong lokasyon upang i-save ang iyong keystore file + + + get-a-keycard + Kumuha ng isang Keycard + + + keycard-upsell-subtitle + Pinahusay na seguridad at kaginhawaan + + + actions + Mga kilos + + + move-keystore-file + Ilipat ang keystore file + + + select-new-location-for-keys + Pumili ng isang bagong lokasyon upang i-save ang iyong (mga) pribadong keys + + + reset-database + I-reset ang database + + + reset-database-warning + Tanggalin ang mga chats, contacts at settings. Kinakailangan kapag nawala mo ang iyong password + + + reset-database-warning-keycard + Burahin ang mga chat, contact at settings. + + + key-managment + pangunahing pamamahala + + + choose-actions + Pumili ng mga aksyon + + + master-account + Master account + + + back-up + I-back up + + + key-on-device + Ang pribadong key ay nai-save sa device na ito + + + seed-key-uid-mismatch + Hindi tumutugma ang seed + + + seed-key-uid-mismatch-desc-1 + Ang seed phrase na ipinasok mo ay hindi tumutugma sa {{multiaccount-name}} + + + seed-key-uid-mismatch-desc-2 + Upang maisagawa ang mga keys para sa account na ito, i-verify ang iyong seed phrase at subukang muli. + + + recover-with-seed-phrase + Bawiin gamit ang seed phrase + + + transfer-ma-unknown-error-desc-1 + Mukhang hindi tinanggal ang iyong multiaccount. Maaaring na-reset ang database + + + transfer-ma-unknown-error-desc-2 + Mangyaring suriin ang iyong listahan ng account at subukang muli. Kung ang account ay hindi nakalista pumunta sa Access existing keys upang mabawi gamit ang seed phrase + + + everyone + Lahat + + + show-profile-pictures + Tingnan ang mga larawan sa profile + + + show-profile-pictures-to + Ipakita ang iyong larawan sa profile sa + + + non-archival-node + Ang RPC endpoint ay hindi suportado ng archival request. Ang iyong lokal na kasaysayan ng paglilipat ay maaring hindi makumpleto. + + + custom-node + Ikaw ay gumagamit ng custom RPC endpoint. Ang iyong lokal na kasaysayan ng paglilipat ay maaring hindi kumpleto + + + connection-status + Koneksyon ng Status + + + peer-to-peer + Peer to peer + + + not-connected-to-peers + Hindi konektado sa anumang mga kapantay + + + unable-to-send-messages + Hindi makapadala at makatanggap ng mga mensahe + + + can-send-messages + Maaari kang magpadala at makatanggap ng mga bagong mensahe + + + not-connected-nodes + Hindi nakakonekta sa isang status node + + + unable-to-fetch + Hindi makuha ang kasaysayan ng chat + + + nodes-disabled + Hindi pinapagana ang Status nodes + + + waiting-wi-fi + Naghihintay para sa Wi-Fi… + + + you-can-fetch + Maaari mong makuha ang kasaysayan ng chat + + + youre-on-mobile-network + Ikaw ay nasa mobile network + + + status-mobile-descr + Ang Status ay may kaugaliang gumamit ng maraming data kapag nagsi-sync ng mga chat. Maaari mong piliing hindi mag-sync kapag nasa mobile network + + + restore-defaults + Ibalik sa dating ayos + + + rpc-usage-info + Mga istatistika ng paggamit ng RPC + + + rpc-usage-get-stats + Refresh + + + rpc-usage-reset + I-reset + + + rpc-usage-filter + Mga pamamaraan sa pagsala + + + rpc-usage-filter-methods + Mga pamamaraan sa pagsala + + + rpc-usage-copy + Kopya + + + rpc-usage-total + + + + rpc-usage-filtered-total + + + + community-message-preview + Imbitasyon na sumali sa {{community-name}} + + + non-contacts + Wala pang contact + + + community + Komunidad + + + verified-community + ✓beripikadong komunidad + + + community-info-not-found + Hindi nahanap ang impormasyon sa komunidad + + + community-info + Impormasyon sa komunidad + + + not-found + Hindi mahanap + + + activity + Aktibidad + + + reject-and-delete + Tanggihan at tanggalin + + + accept-and-add + Tanggapin at idagdag + + + one-day + Isang araw + + + three-days + Tatlong araw + + + one-week + Isang linggo + + + one-month + Isang buwan + + + my-profile + Profile + + + bip39-password-placeholder + BIP39 password + + + public-channel + Pampublikong Channel + + + default-sync-period + Pag-sync ng history para sa + + + what-is-shared + Ano ang ibinabahagi + + + view-data + Tingnan ang data + + + data-collected + Nakolektang data + + + data-collected-subtitle + Ipinapakita ng talahanayan sa ibaba ang eksaktong data na nakaimbak at ipapadala. Ang data ay napatunayan laban sa mga pampublikong panuntunan upang matiyak na walang sensitibong data na naipadala. Huwag magtiwala, i-verify. + + + view-rules + Tingnan ang mga patakaran + + + expand-all + Palawakin lahat + + + about-sharing-data + Tungkol sa pagbabahagi ng data + + + sharing-data-desc-1 + Ang data ay napatunayan laban sa mga pampublikong panuntunan upang matiyak na walang sensitibong data na naipadala. Huwag magtiwala, i-verify. + + + sharing-data-desc-2 + Ang usage data ay ipinadala end-to-end na naka-encrypt sa peer-to-peer network ng Status + + + sharing-data-desc-3 + Sa halip na iyong regular na chat key, ginagamit ang isang solong key para magamit + + + sharing-data-desc-4 + Ang usage data ay hindi maaaring maiugnay sa iyong IP address + + + sharing-data-desc-5 + Ang Cumulative data ng lahat ng mga gumagamit ay magagamit pampubliko + + + view-public-dashboard + Tingnan ang pampublikong dashboard + + + sharing-data-desc-6 + Ang data ay tinanggal mula sa iyong telepono pagkatapos maipadala ang mga ito + + + allow-and-send + Payagan at ipadala + + + no-thanks + Salamat nalang + + + help-improve-status + Tulungan mapabuti ang Status + + + thank-you + Salamat + + + current-password + Kasalukuyang password + + + reset-password + I-reset ang password + + + password-reset-success + I-reset ang password + + + password-reset-success-message + Kakailanganin mong mag-sign in muli + + + password-reset-in-progress + Pagbago ng password + + + new-password + Bagong password + + + confirm-new-password + Kumpirmahin ang bagong password + + + password-mismatch + Ang bagong password at kumpirmasyon ay hindi tugma + + + terms-of-service + Mga Tuntunin ng Paggamit + + + accept-status-tos-prefix + Tumatanggap ako ng Status + + + updates-to-tos + Mga Update sa Mga Tuntunin ng Serbisyo + + + updates-to-tos-desc + Bago ka magpatuloy, mangyaring suriin ang Mga Tuntunin ng Serbisyo at kumpirmahing buong responsibilidad mo para sa kung paano mo ginagamit ang app. + + + what-changed + Ano ang nagbago + + + wc-new-tos-based-on-principles-prefix + Mga Bagong Tuntunin ng Serbisyo na dinisenyo batay sa aming + + + principles + Mga Prinsipyo + + + wc-how-to-use-status-app + Paano magagamit ang Status app kasama ang privacy at seguridad + + + wc-brand-guide + Patnubay sa paggamit ng tatak tulad ng mga trademark at logo + + + wc-disclaimer + Mga Disclaimer (kabilang ang mga third party provider), mga warranty, at ligal na paglabas + + + wc-dispute + Mga probisyon sa paglutas ng hindi pagtatalo + + + status-is-open-source + Ang Status ay bukas na mapagkukunan + + + build-yourself + Upang magamit ang app nang wala ang mga Tuntunin ng Serbisyo na ito, maaari kang bumuo ng iyong sariling bersyon + + + accept-and-continue + Tanggapin at ipagpatuloy + + + empty-activity-center + Ang iyong mga abiso sa chat + lilitaw dito + + + pinned-messages + Naka-pin na mga mensahe + + + pin + Pin + + + unpin + I-unpin + + + no-pinned-messages + Walang mga naka-pin na mensahe + + + pinned-messages-count + + sero + isa + dalawa + kaunti + marami + iba pa + + + + pinned-messages-empty + Lilitaw dito ang mga naka-pin na mensahe. Upang mai-pin ang isang mensahe, pindutin nang matagal ito at i-tap ang 'I-pin` + + + pinned-by + Naka-pin ni + + + pin-limit-reached + Naabot ang limitasyon ng pag-pin. I-unpin muna ang isang nakaraang mensahe. + + + max-fee + pinakamataas na bayad + + + max-priority-fee + mataas na priority fee + + + miners-higher-fee + Malamang isasama ng mga minero ang iyong transaksyon mas maaga kung magbabayad ka ng mas mataas na bayad. + + + gas-amount-limit + Hangganan ng halaga ng gas + + + per-gas-tip-limit + Limitasyon sa tip ng bawat gas + + + per-gas-price-limit + Limitasyon sa presyo ng bawat gas + + + current-base-fee + Kasalukuyang batayan sa bayarin + + + fee-explanation + pinakamataas na pangkalahatang presyo para sa transaksyon. Kung lumampas dito ang bayad sa batayan ng block, isasama ito sa isang sumusunod na block na may mas mababang batayan sa bayarin + + + slow + Mabagal + + + optimal + pinakamainam + + + fast + Mabilis + + + see-suggestions + Tingnan ang mga mungkahi + + + maximum-fee + pinakamataas na bayad + + + low-tip + ang tip ay masyadong mababa + + + lower-than-average-tip + mas mababa sa pamantayan na tip + + + below-base-fee + pinakamataas na bayarin mas mababa sa batayang bayarin + + + reduced-tip + ang priyoridad na tip ay babawasan + + + are-you-sure + Sigurado ka ba? + + + bad-fees-description + Ang iyong priyoridad na bayad ay mas mababa sa aming mga iminungkahing parameter. + + + change-tip + Baguhin ang tip + + + current-minimum-tip + kasalukuyang minimum na tip + + + current-average-tip + Kasalukuyang pamantayan na tip + + + your-tip-limit + ang iyong tip limit + + + your-price-limit + Ang iyong limitasyon sa presyo + + + suggested-min-tip + iminungkahing minimum na tip + + + suggested-price-limit + Iminumungkahing limitasyon sa presyo + + + include + Isama + + + category + Kategorya + + + edit-chats + I-edit ang mga chat + + + edit-categories + I-edit ang Mga Kategorya + + + hide + Tago + + + account-is-used + Ginagamit ang account sa mga Dapps sa browser. + + + normal + Normal + + + never + Hindi kailanman + + + fee-options + Iminungkahing mga pagpipilian sa bayad + + + fee-cap + Bayad sa bayarin + + + tip-cap + Tip cap + + + collectibles-leak-metadata + Maaari mong ipakita ang iyong mga NFT dito. Kung gagawin mo ito, ibabahagi mo ang iyong wallet at IP address + + + display-collectibles + Ipakita ang mga koleksyon + + + disable-later-in-settings + Maaari mo itong hindi paganahin sa ibang pagkakataon sa Settings + + + use-as-profile-picture + Gamitin bilang larawan sa profile + + + view-on-opensea + Tingnan sa OpenSea + + + profile-picture-updated + Nai-update ang larawan sa profile + + + status-automatic + Awtomatiko + + + status-automatic-subtitle + Awtomatikong itakda ang status + + + status-dnd + Huwag abalahin + + + status-dnd-subtitle + I-mute ang lahat ng notification + + + status-always-online + Laging Online + + + status-inactive + Hindi aktibo + + + status-inactive-subtitle + Itinatago ang iyong online na status + + + two-minutes + dalawang minuto + + + swap + magpalit + + + select-token-to-swap + Pumili ng token na Ipapalit + + + select-token-to-receive + Pumili ng token na matatanggap + + + minimum-received + Minimum na natanggap + + + powered-by-paraswap + Pinapatakbo ng Paraswap + + + priority + Priyoridad + + + switch-to-simple-interface + Lumipat sa simpleng interface + + + transaction-fee + Bayad sa transaksyon + + + swap-details + Magpalit ng mga detalye + + + slippage + Slippage + + + price-impact + Epekto sa presyo + + + total-gas + Kabuuang gas + + + token + Token + + + approve-limit + Aprubahan ang limitasyon + + + approve-token + Aprubahan ang token + + + approve-token-contract-desc + Ang pag-apruba sa isang token na may kontrata ay nagbibigay-daan dito na gastusin ang iyong balanse sa token. Kung sa tingin mo ay hindi mapagkakatiwalaan ang isang proyekto, huwag aprubahan ang token sa kanila, o aprubahan lang ang halagang gagamitin mo sa kanila. + + + unlimited + Walang limitasyon + + + approve + Aprubahan + + + limit + limitasyon + + + last-transaction + huling transaksyon + + + price-impact-desc + Tinantyang epekto sa presyo para sa transaksyong ito. Kung ang kasalukuyang block base fee ay lumampas dito, ang iyong transaksyon ay isasama sa isang sumusunod na block na may mas mababang base fee. + + + safe-estimate + Ligtas na pagtatantya + + + current-average + Kasalukuyang average + + + current-base + Kasalukuyang base + + + maximum-fee-desc + Pinakamataas na kabuuang presyo para sa transaksyon. Kung ang kasalukuyang block base fee ay lumampas dito, ang iyong transaksyon ay isasama sa isang sumusunod na block o bloke na may mas mababang base fee. + + + insufficient-balance-to-cover-fee + hindi sapat na balanse upang masakop ang bayad sa transaksyon + + + wallet-connect-proposal-title + Gustong kumonekta sa iyong wallet + + + wallet-connect-proposal-description + Sa pamamagitan ng pagkonekta pinapayagan mong si {{name}} makuha ang address ng iyong account at paganahin ang Web3 + + + wallet-connect-app-connected + ay konektado + + + wallet-connect-go-back + Bumalik sa iyong browser o dapp + + + wallet-connect-2.0 + Magconnect sa Wallet 2.0 + + + wallet-connect + Kumonekta sa Wallet + + + reject + Tanggihan + + + manage-connections + Pamahalaan ang mga koneksyon mula sa loob ng aplikasyon Connections + + + wallet-manage-app-connections + Pamahalaan ang mga koneksyon sa app + + + connection-request + Maghiling ng Koneksyon + + + disconnect + Idiskonekta + + + new-ui + Bagong UI + + + send-contact-request-message + Upang magsimula ng isang chat kailangan mong maging mga contact + + + contact-request + Kahilingan sa pakikipag-ugnayan + + + say-hi + Sabihin hi + + + accepted + Tinanggap✓ + + + declined + Tinanggihan + + + contact-request-header + 👋 Mga kahilingan sa pakikipag-ugnayan + + + contact-request-declined + Tinanggihan + + + contact-request-accepted + Tinanggap✓ + + + contact-request-pending + Nakabinbin... + + + removed-from-contacts + Alisin sa mga contact + + + mutual-contact-requests + Mga kahilingan sa pakikipag-ugnayan sa isa't isa + + + negative + + + + positive + + + + Please enter a URL + + + + This fields needs to be a valid URL + + + + Please enter a Name + + + + Favorite added + + + + Edit + + + + Add favorite + + + + URL + + + + Paste URL + + + + Name + + + + Name the website + + + + Remove + + + + Done + + + + Add + + + + '%1' would like to connect to + + + + Allowing authorizes this DApp to retrieve your wallet address and enable Web3 + + + + Granting access authorizes this DApp to retrieve your chat key + + + + Deny + + + + Allow + + + + Enter URL + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Error signing message + + + + Transaction pending... + + + + Wrong password + + + + Start Page + + + + New Tab + + + + Downloads Page + + + + Server's certificate not trusted + + + + Do you wish to continue? + + + + If you wish so, you may continue with an unverified certificate. Accepting an unverified certificate means you may not be connected with the host you tried to connect to. +Do you wish to override the security check and continue? + + + + Exit Incognito mode + + + + Go Incognito + + + + Zoom In + + + + Zoom Out + + + + Find + + + + Compatibility mode + + + + Developer Tools + + + + Settings + + + + Mainnet + + + + Ropsten + + + + Unknown + + + + Disconnect + + + + Assets + + + + History + + + + Show All + + + + Cancelled + + + + Paused + + + + Open + + + + Show in folder + + + + Pause + + + + Resume + + + + Cancel + + + + Downloaded files will appear here. + + + + Open in new Tab + + + + Ok + + + + Signature request + + + + From + + + + Data + + + + Message + + + + Reject + + + + Sign + + + + Sign with password + + + + Contact request pending + + + + Connected + + + + Disconnected + + + + This user has been blocked. + + + + Type a message. + + + + Send + + + + Request Address + + + + Request + + + + Transaction pending + + + + Continue + + + + Receive on account + + + + From account + + + + Address request required + + + + To + + + + Preview + + + + Transaction preview + + + + Next + + + + Invalid transaction parameters + + + + Authorize %1 %2 + + + + Choose account + + + + Network fee + + + + Error estimating gas: %1 + + + + Send %1 %2 + + + + Image + + + + Sticker + + + + You have a new message + + + + You have been accepted into the ‘%1’ community + + + + Your request to join the ‘%1’ community was declined + + + + New membership request + + + + %1 asks to join ‘%2’ + + + + Failed to send message. + + + + Share your chat key + + + + friends to start messaging in Status + + + + ↓ Fetch more messages + + + + before %1 + + + + Welcome to the beginning of the <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> group! + + + + Any messages you send here are encrypted and can only be read by you and <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> + + + + Join chat + + + + Decline invitation + + + + Add reaction + + + + Reply + + + + More + + + + Today + + + + Yesterday + + + + January + + + + February + + + + March + + + + April + + + + May + + + + June + + + + July + + + + August + + + + September + + + + October + + + + November + + + + December + + + + and + + + + %1 more + + + + reacted with + + + + Error loading the image + + + + Loading image... + + + + This feature is experimental and is meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It's not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data. Use at your own risk. + + + + Membership requires an ENS username + + + + You need to be invited + + + + Request Access + + + + Verified community invitation + + + + Community invitation + + + + You invited %1 to join a community + + + + %1 invited you to join a community + + + + You shared a community + + + + A community has been shared + + + + Unsupported state + + + + %1 members + + + + Joined + + + + Join + + + + Enable automatic image unfurling + + + + Enable link previews in chat? + + + + Once enabled, links posted in the chat may share your metadata with their owners + + + + Enable in Settings + + + + Don't ask me again + + + + Resend + + + + Transaction request + + + + ↑ Outgoing transaction + + + + ↓ Incoming transaction + + + + Something has gone wrong + + + + Accept and share address + + + + Accept and send + + + + Decline + + + + Select account + + + + Choose accountSelect account to share and receive assets + + + + Confirm and share address + + + + Sign and send + + + + Pending + + + + Confirmed + + + + Unknown token + + + + Address requested + + + + Waiting to accept + + + + Address shared + + + + Address received + + + + Transaction declined + + + + failure + + + + Unknown state + + + + Group Information + + + + Clear history + + + + Leave group + + + + Are you sure you want to leave this chat? + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + Communities + + + + Search for communities or topics + + + + 1 member + + + + Import a community + + + + Create a community + + + + Public community + + + + Invitation only community + + + + On request community + + + + Unknown community + + + + - ENS only + + + + Chats + + + + Join ‘%1’ + + + + Request to join ‘%1’ + + + + Error joining the community + + + + No search results in Communities + + + + Members + + + + Create category + + + + Invite People + + + + Membership requests + + + + Edit category + + + + Delete category + + + + Delete %1 category + + + + Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. + + + + Error deleting the category + + + + View Profile + + + + Roles + + + + Kick + + + + Ban + + + + Transfer ownership + + + + Invite successfully sent + + + + Share community + + + + Notifications + + + + Edit community + + + + Export community + + + + Create channel + + + + Leave community + + + + Delete + + + + Welcome to your community! + + + + Add members + + + + Manage community + + + + You need to enter a name + + + + Please restrict your name to letters, numbers, dashes and spaces + + + + Your name needs to be 100 characters or shorter + + + + New channel + + + + Edit #%1 + + + + channel name + + + + channel decription + + + + Channel name + + + + Describe the channel + + + + Pinned messages + + + + A cool name + + + + channel description + + + + What your channel is about + + + + The description cannot exceed %1 characters + + + + Private channel + + + + By making a channel private, only members with selected permission will be able to access it + + + + category name + + + + New category + + + + Category title + + + + Channels + + + + Create + + + + Error editing the category + + + + Error creating the category + + + + Error creating the community + + + + You need to select an image + + + + You need to enter a color + + + + This field needs to be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + New community + + + + Name your community + + + + A catchy name + + + + Give it a short description + + + + What your community is about + + + + The description cannot exceed 140 characters + + + + community name + + + + community decription + + + + Thumbnail image + + + + Please choose an image + + + + Image files (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png) + + + + Upload + + + + Community colour + + + + Pick a color + + + + Please choose a color + + + + Membership requirement + + + + Require invite from another member + + + + Require approval + + + + No requirement + + + + You can require new members to meet certain criteria before they can join. This can be changed at any time + + + + Save + + + + Private community + + + + Only members with an invite link will be able to join your community. Private communities are not listed inside Status + + + + Your community will be public for anyone to join. Public communities are listed inside Status for easy discovery + + + + You need to enter a key + + + + Access existing community + + + + Community private key + + + + Entering a community key will grant you the ownership of that community. Please be responsible with it and don’t share the key with people you don’t trust. + + + + 0x... + + + + Import + + + + Error importing the community + + + + Invite friends + + + + Invite + + + + Contacts + + + + Chat + + + + Community imported + + + + Importing community is in progress + + + + Community %1 imported + + + + Importing community %1 is in progress + + + + Start new chat + + + + Start group chat + + + + Join public chat + + + + No messages + + + + No search results + + + + Your chats will appear here. To start new chats press the  button at the top + + + + Chat and transact privately with your friends + + + + Follow your interests in one of the many Public Chats. + + + + View Group + + + + Share Chat + + + + Test WakuV2 - requestAllHistoricMessages + + + + Unmute chat + + + + Mute chat + + + + Edit Channel + + + + Mark as Read + + + + Delete chat + + + + Leave chat + + + + Choose browser + + + + Open in Status + + + + Open in my default browser + + + + Remember my choice. To override it, go to settings. + + + + Admin + + + + Last 24 hours + + + + Last 2 days + + + + Last 3 days + + + + Last 7 days + + + + (You) + + + + You need to enter a channel name + + + + The channel name can only contain lowercase letters, numbers and dashes + + + + New group chat + + + + %1 / 10 members + + + + Group name + + + + Create Group Chat + + + + All your contacts are already in the group + + + + Make Admin + + + + Remove From Group + + + + Add selected + + + + Get Status at https://status.im + + + + Download Status link + + + + Unpin + + + + Pin + + + + Copy link + + + + Edit message + + + + Send message + + + + Reply to + + + + Jump to + + + + Delete message + + + + Confirm deleting this message + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well. + + + + Nickname + + + + Nicknames help you identify others in Status. Only you can see the nicknames you’ve added + + + + Your nickname is too long + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet. Invite your friends to start chatting. + + + + Enter a valid chat key or ENS usernameEnter a valid chat key or ENS username + + + + Can't chat with yourself + + + + New chat + + + + My Profile + + + + Enter ENS username or chat key + + + + Non contacts + + + + No profile found + + + + ENS username + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Chat settings + + + + None + + + + Unblock User + + + + Block User + + + + Add to contacts + + + + A public chat is where you get to hang out with others, make friends and talk about subjects of your interest. + + + + Start chat + + + + Pinned by %1 + + + + Type json-rpc message... e.g {"method": "eth_accounts"} + + + + Profile + + + + App version + + + + Version: %1 + + + + Node version + + + + Privacy Policy + + + + Network + + + + Fleet + + + + Minimize on close + + + + Experimental features + + + + Wallet + + + + Dapp Browser + + + + Activity Center + + + + Online users + + + + Broadcast user status + + + + Bloom filter level + + + + The account will be logged out. When you login again, the selected mode will be enabled + + + + Light Node + + + + Full Node + + + + GIF Widget + + + + Waku Bloom Mode + + + + Node Management + + + + Blockchains will drop search costs, causing a kind of decomposition that allows you to have markets of entities that are horizontally segregated and vertically segregated. + + + + Size + + + + Change font size + + + + XS + + + + S + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "S" because the title above is "Seed Phrase" + + + + M + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "M" because the title above is "Mailserver" + + + + L + + + + XL + + + + XXL + + + + Light + + + + Chat mode + + + + Normal + + + + Compact + + + + Appearance + + + + Dark + + + + System + + + + Back up seed phrase + + + + Step %1 of 3 + + + + If you lose your seed phrase you lose your data and funds + + + + If you lose access, for example by losing your phone, you can only access your keys with your seed phrase. No one, but you has your seed phrase. Write it down. Keep it safe + + + + Check your seed phrase + + + + Word #%1 + + + + Enter word + + + + In order to check if you have backed up your seed phrase correctly, enter the word #%1 above + + + + Are you sure? + + + + You will not be able to see the whole seed phrase again + + + + With this 12 words you can always get your key back. Write it down. Keep it safe, offline, and separate from this device. + + + + Okay, continue + + + + Wrong word + + + + General + + + + Default + + + + Show favorites bar + + + + Search engine used in the address bar + + + + Ethereum explorer used in the address bar + + + + Open an ethereum explorer after a transaction hash or an address is entered + + + + Privacy + + + + Set DApp access permissions + + + + Profile picture + + + + Crop your image (optional) + + + + Finish + + + + Chat link previews + + + + Websites + + + + Enable all + + + + Previewing links from these websites may share your metadata with their owners. + + + + Add new contact + + + + Blocked contacts + + + + Add contact + + + + You can't add yourself + + + + User not found + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet + + + + Devices + + + + Please set a name for your device. + + + + Specify a name + + + + Advertise device + + + + Pair your devices to sync contacts and chats between them + + + + Learn more + + + + Paired devices + + + + Syncing... + + + + Sync all devices + + + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + %1 is now connected with your chat key and can be used in Status. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + %1 will be connected once the transaction is complete. + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Wallet address + + + + Key + + + + Back + + + + Primary username + + + + Your messages are displayed to others with this username: + + + + Once you select a username, you won’t be able to disable it afterwards. You will only be able choose a different username to display. + + + + Nice! You own %1.stateofus.eth once the transaction is complete. + + + + Hey + + + + (pending) + + + + Add username + + + + Your usernames + + + + Primary Username + + + + None selected + + + + You’re displaying your ENS username in chats + + + + At least 4 characters. Latin letters, numbers, and lowercase only. + + + + Letters and numbers only. + + + + Type the entire username including the custom domain like username.domain.eth + + + + Your username + + + + ✓ Username available! + + + + Continuing will connect this username with your chat key. + + + + Username doesn’t belong to you :( + + + + Username already taken :( + + + + (edited) + + + + Username is already connected with your chat key and can be used inside Status. + + + + This user name is owned by you and connected with your chat key. Continue to set `Show my ENS username in chats`. + + + + Continuing will require a transaction to connect the username with your current chat key. + + + + Custom domain + + + + I want a stateofus.eth domain + + + + I own a name on another domain + + + + Connect username with your pubkey + + + + Terms of name registration + + + + Funds are deposited for 1 year. Your SNT will be locked, but not spent. + + + + After 1 year, you can release the name and get your deposit back, or take no action to keep the name. + + + + If terms of the contract change — e.g. Status makes contract upgrades — user has the right to release the username regardless of time held. + + + + The contract controller cannot access your deposited funds. They can only be moved back to the address that sent them. + + + + Your address(es) will be publicly associated with your ENS name. + + + + Usernames are created as subdomain nodes of stateofus.eth and are subject to the ENS smart contract terms. + + + + You authorize the contract to transfer SNT on your behalf. This can only occur when you approve a transaction to authorize the transfer. + + + + These terms are guaranteed by the smart contract logic at addresses: + + + + %1 (Status UsernameRegistrar). + + + + <a href='%1%2'>Look up on Etherscan</a> + + + + %1 (ENS Registry). + + + + Agree to <a href="#">Terms of name registration.</a> I understand that my wallet address will be publicly connected to my username. + + + + 10 SNT + + + + Deposit + + + + Not enough SNT + + + + Register + + + + Get a universal username + + + + ENS names transform those crazy-long addresses into unique usernames. + + + + Customize your chat name + + + + An ENS name can replace your random 3-word name in chat. Be @yourname instead of %1. + + + + Simplify your ETH address + + + + You can receive funds to your easy-to-share ENS name rather than your hexadecimal hash (0x...). + + + + Receive transactions in chat + + + + Others can send you funds via chat in one simple step. + + + + 10 SNT to register + + + + Register once to keep the name forever. After 1 year you can release the name and get your SNT back. + + + + Already own a username? + + + + You can verify and add any usernames you own in the next steps. + + + + Powered by Ethereum Name Services + + + + Start + + + + Only available on Mainnet + + + + ENS Registration failed + + + + ENS Registration completed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey failed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey completed + + + + Warning! + + + + Change fleet to %1 + + + + Glossary + + + + Account + + + + A + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "A" because the title above is "Account" + + + + Your Status account, accessed by the seed phrase that you create or import during onboarding. A Status account can hold more than one Ethereum address, in addition to the one created during onboarding. We refer to these as additional accounts within the wallet + + + + Chat Key + + + + C + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "C" because the title above is "Chat Key" + + + + Messages on the Status chat protocol are sent and received using encryption keys. The public chat key is a string of characters you share with others so they can send you messages in Status. + + + + Chat Name + + + + Three random words, derived algorithmically from your chat key and used as your default alias in chat. Chat names are completely unique; no other user can have the same three words. + + + + ENS Name + + + + E + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "E" because the title above is "ENS Name" + + + + Custom alias for your chat key that you can register using the Ethereum Name Service. ENS names are decentralized usernames. + + + + Mailserver + + + + A node in the Status network that routes and stores messages, for up to 30 days. + + + + Peer + + + + P + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "P" because the title above is "Peer" + + + + A device connected to the Status chat network. Each user can represent one or more peers, depending on their number of devices + + + + Seed Phrase + + + + A 64 character hex address based on the Ethereum standard and beginning with 0x. Public-facing, your wallet key is shared with others when you want to receive funds. Also referred to as an “Ethereum address” or “wallet address. + + + + Frequently asked questions + + + + Submit a bug + + + + Request a feature + + + + Language settings + + + + Language + + + + Muted chats + + + + Unmute + + + + The account will be logged out. When you unlock it again, the selected network will be used + + + + Add network + + + + You need to enter the RPC endpoint URL + + + + Invalid URL + + + + You need to enter the network id + + + + Should be a number + + + + Invalid network id + + + + RPC URL + + + + Specify a RPC URL + + + + Network chain + + + + Ropsten test network + + + + Rinkeby test network + + + + Custom + + + + Network Id + + + + Specify the network id + + + + Main networks + + + + Test networks + + + + Custom Networks + + + + Under development +NOTE: You will be logged out and all installed +sticker packs will be removed and will +need to be reinstalled. Purchased sticker +packs will not need to be re-purchased. + + + + Notification preferences + + + + All messages + + + + Just @mentions + + + + Nothing + + + + Play a sound when receiving a notification + + + + Use your operating system's notifications + + + + Setting this to false will instead use Status' notification style as seen below + + + + Message preview + + + + Anonymous + + + + Name only + + + + Name & Message + + + + Hi there! Yes, no problem, let me know if I can help. + + + + No preview or Advanced? Go to Notification Center + + + + Contacts & Users + + + + Notify on new requests + + + + Receive notifications from non-contacts + + + + Muted users + + + + Muted contacts + + + + Muted contacts will appear here + + + + Muted chats will appear here + + + + You can limit what gets shown in notifications + + + + Reset notification settings + + + + Restore default notification settings and unmute all chats and users + + + + Open links with... + + + + My default browser + + + + Security + + + + Backup Seed Phrase + + + + Display all profile pictures (not only contacts) + + + + Display images in chat automatically + + + + All images (links that contain an image extension) will be downloaded and displayed, regardless of the whitelist settings below + + + + Allow new contact requests + + + + Sign out controls + + + + LogoutExit + + + + Sounds settings + + + + Sound volume + + + + Sync settings + + + + Add mailserver + + + + You need to enter the enode address + + + + History node address + + + + enode://{enode-id}:{password}@{ip-address}:{port-number} + + + + Automatic mailserver selection + + + + ... + + + + Share what's on your mind and stay updated with your contacts + + + + Status account settings + + + + You need to enter an account name + + + + Enter an account name... + + + + Account name + + + + Type + + + + Watch-only + + + + Off Status tree + + + + On Status tree + + + + Derivation path + + + + Storage + + + + This device + + + + Delete account + + + + A deleted account cannot be retrieved later. Only press yes if you backed up your key/seed or don't care about this account anymore + + + + Save changes + + + + Add custom token + + + + This needs to be a valid address + + + + Invalid ERC20 address + + + + Enter contract address... + + + + Contract address + + + + The name of your token... + + + + ABC + + + + Symbol + + + + Decimals + + + + Collectibles will appear here + + + + To + + + + From + + + + At + + + + Status Desktop is connected to a non-archival node. Transaction history may be incomplete. + + + + No transactions found + + + + Load More + + + + Total value + + + + Receive + + + + Back up your seed phrase + + + + Recipient + + + + Transaction completed + + + + Transaction failed + + + + Set Currency + + + + Signing phrase + + + + This is your signing phrase + + + + You should see these 3 words before signing each transaction + + + + If you see a different combination, cancel the transaction and sign out + + + + Remind me later + + + + Manage Assets + + + + Account Settings + + + + Collectibles + + + + Generate an account + + + + Add a watch-only address + + + + Enter a seed phrase + + + + Enter a private key + + + + Add account from private key + + + + You need to enter a password + + + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + You need to enter a private key + + + + Enter a valid private key (64 characters hexadecimal string) + + + + Enter your password… + + + + Password + + + + Paste the contents of your private key + + + + Private key + + + + Loading... + + + + Add account + + + + You need to enter a seed phrase + + + + Enter a valid mnemonic + + + + Add account with a seed phrase + + + + Enter your seed phrase, separate words with commas or spaces... + + + + Seed phrase + + + + Add a watch-only account + + + + You need to enter an address + + + + This needs to be a valid address (starting with 0x) + + + + Enter address... + + + + Account address + + + + Token details + + + + Remove token + + + + Transaction Details + + + + 9999 Confirmations + + + + When the transaction has 12 confirmations you can consider it settled. + + + + Block + + + + Hash + + + + Gas limit + + + + Gas price + + + + Gas used + + + + Nonce + + + + Something went wrong + + + + Reload + + + + Maximum number of collectibles to display reached + + + + View + + + + Unnamed + + + + ID + + + + Description + + + + US Dollars + + + + Euros + + + + United Arab Emirates dirham + + + + Afghan afghani + + + + Argentine peso + + + + Australian dollar + + + + Barbadian dollar + + + + Bangladeshi taka + + + + Bulgarian lev + + + + Bahraini dinar + + + + Brunei dollar + + + + Bolivian boliviano + + + + Brazillian real + + + + Bhutanese ngultrum + + + + Canadian dollar + + + + Swiss franc + + + + Chilean peso + + + + Chinese yuan + + + + Colombian peso + + + + Costa Rican colón + + + + Czech koruna + + + + Danish krone + + + + Dominican peso + + + + Egyptian pound + + + + Ethiopian birr + + + + British Pound + + + + Georgian lari + + + + Ghanaian cedi + + + + Hong Kong dollar + + + + Croatian kuna + + + + Hungarian forint + + + + Indonesian rupiah + + + + Israeli new shekel + + + + Indian rupee + + + + Icelandic króna + + + + Jamaican dollar + + + + Japanese yen + + + + Kenyan shilling + + + + South Korean won + + + + Kuwaiti dinar + + + + Kazakhstani tenge + + + + Sri Lankan rupee + + + + Moroccan dirham + + + + Moldovan leu + + + + Mauritian rupee + + + + Malawian kwacha + + + + Mexican peso + + + + Malaysian ringgit + + + + Mozambican metical + + + + Namibian dollar + + + + Nigerian naira + + + + Norwegian krone + + + + Nepalese rupee + + + + New Zealand dollar + + + + Omani rial + + + + Peruvian sol + + + + Papua New Guinean kina + + + + Philippine peso + + + + Pakistani rupee + + + + Polish złoty + + + + Paraguayan guaraní + + + + Qatari riyal + + + + Romanian leu + + + + Serbian dinar + + + + Russian ruble + + + + Saudi riyal + + + + Swedish krona + + + + Singapore dollar + + + + Thai baht + + + + Trinidad and Tobago dollar + + + + New Taiwan dollar + + + + Tanzanian shilling + + + + Turkish lira + + + + Ukrainian hryvnia + + + + Ugandan shilling + + + + Uruguayan peso + + + + Venezuelan bolívar + + + + Vietnamese đồng + + + + South African rand + + + + View Community + + + + Browser + + + + Timeline + + + + Contact request accepted + + + + New contact request + + + + You can now chat with %1 + + + + %1 requests to become contacts + + + + Where do you want to go? + + + + Status Desktop + + + + Open Status + + + + Quit + + + + Create a password + + + + New password... + + + + Confirm password… + + + + At least 6 characters. You will use this password to unlock status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + Create password + + + + Error importing account + + + + An error occurred while importing your account: + + + + Login failed + + + + Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. + + + + Enter seed phrase + + + + This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. + + + + Start with the first word + + + + Enter 12, 15, 18, 21 or 24 words. +Seperate words by a single space. + + + + Invalid seed phrase + + + + Choose a chat name + + + + Truly private communication + + + + Chat over a peer-to-peer, encrypted network + where messages can't be censored or hacked + + + + Secure crypto wallet + + + + Send and receive digital assets anywhere in the +world--no bank account required + + + + Decentralized apps + + + + Explore games, exchanges and social networks +where you alone own your data + + + + Thanks for trying Status Desktop! Please note that this is an alpha release and we advise you that using this app should be done for testing purposes only and you assume the full responsibility for all risks concerning your data and funds. Status makes no claims of security or integrity of funds in these builds. + + + + I understand + + + + Status does not collect, share or sell any personal data. By continuing you agree with the privacy policy. + + + + I'm new, generate keys + + + + Access existing key + + + + Enter password + + + + Connecting... + + + + Login failed: %1 + + + + Generate new keys + + + + Your keys + + + + Add another existing key + + + + Your keys have been successfully recovered + + + + You will have to create a new code or password to re-encrypt your keys + + + + Re-encrypt your keys + + + + Cannot find asset '%1'. Ensure this asset has been added to the token list. + + + + ENS Username not found + + + + eg. 0x1234 or ENS + + + + Paste + + + + You need to request the recipient’s address first. +Assets won’t be sent yet. + + + + Invalid source + + + + Insufficient balance + + + + Must be greater than 0 + + + + Priority + + + + Use suggestions + + + + Use custom + + + + Low + + + + High + + + + Gas amount limit + + + + Per-gas overall limit + + + + Maximum overall price for the transaction. If the block base fee exceeds this, it will be included in a following block with a lower base fee. + + + + Must be greater than or equal to 0 + + + + This needs to be a number + + + + Please enter an amount + + + + The amount is 0. Proceed only if this is desired. + + + + Balance: + + + + Asset & Amount + + + + Blocking will remove any messages you received from %1 and stop new messages from reaching you. + + + + Account color + + + + Confirm your action + + + + Confirm + + + + Are you sure you want to this? + + + + Do not show this again + + + + Please select a contact + + + + Select a contact + + + + Contact does not have an ENS address. Please send a transaction in chat. + + + + No contact selected + + + + Copied! + + + + Slow + + + + Optimal + + + + Fast + + + + Reset + + + + Advanced + + + + Custom Network Fee + + + + Gwei + + + + Apply + + + + Not enough ETH for gas + + + + Copied + + + + Pasted + + + + Copy + + + + Invalid ethereum address + + + + Address + + + + My account + + + + Contact + + + + Search + + + + In: + + + + Messages + + + + Tokens will be sent directly to a contract address, which may result in a loss of funds. To transfer ERC-20 tokens, ensure the recipient address is the address of the destination wallet. + + + + View on Etherscan + + + + <a href='%1' style='color:%2;text-decoration:none;'>%3</a> + + + + Asset + + + + Amount + + + + Data field + + + + Signing phrase is a 3 word combination that displayed when you entered the wallet on this device for the first time. + + + + Enter the password you use to unlock this device + + + + Unblocking will allow new messages you received from %1 to reach you. + + + + Send transaction + + + + Request transaction + + + + Public chat + + + + Not a contact + + + + Image files (%1) + + + + Your message is too long. + + + + Please make your message shorter. We have set the limit to 2000 characters to be courteous of others. + + + + Type a message + + + + Bold + + + + Italic + + + + Strikethrough + + + + Code + + + + No recent emojis + + + + Buy for %1 SNT + + + + Uninstall + + + + Install + + + + Free + + + + Pending... + + + + Update + + + + Could not buy Stickerpack + + + + Stickerpack bought successfully + + + + You don't have any stickers yet + + + + Recently used stickers will appear here + + + + Get Stickers + + + + Ethereum explorer + + + + Custom... + + + + Search engine + + + + Dapp permissions + + + + Revoke access + + + + Revoke all access + + + + Show more + + + + %1 invited you to join the group + + + + All + + + + Mentions + + + + Replies + + + + Contact requests + + + + Mark all as Read + + + + Show read notifications + + + + Hide read notifications + + + + Notification settings + + + + You need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messages + + + + Waiting for %1 to accept your request + + + + Just click this button to add them as contact. They will receive a notification. Once they accept the request, you'll be able to chat + + + + Back up community key + + + + Back up + + + + Member name + + + + Community members will appear here + + + + No contacts found + + + + Your community is free to join, but new members are required to be approved by the community creator first + + + + Your community can only be joined by an invitation from existing community members + + + + Your community is free for anyone to join + + + + You should keep it safe and only share it with people you trust to take ownership of your community + + + + You can also use this key to import your community on another device + + + + Decline and block + + + + Decline all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to decline all these contact requests + + + + Accept all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to accept all these contact requests + + + + Decline all + + + + Accept all + + + + Pin limit reached + + + + Unpin a previous message first + + + + %1 messages + + + + %1 message + + + + Pinned messages will appear here. + + + + I accept + + + + Format not supported. + + + + Upload %1 only + + + + You can only upload %1 images at a time + + + + Max image size is %1 MB + + + + TODO + + + + NOW + + + + %1M + + + + %1H + + + + %1D + + + + Sun + + + + Mon + + + + Tue + + + + Wed + + + + Thu + + + + Fri + + + + Sat + + + + Jan + + + + Feb + + + + Mar + + + + Apr + + + + Jun + + + + Jul + + + + Aug + + + + Sep + + + + Oct + + + + Nov + + + + Dec + + + + Sunday + + + + Monday + + + + Tuesday + + + + Wednesday + + + + Thursday + + + + Friday + + + + Saturday + + + + Start a 1-on-1 chat with %1 + + + + Join the %1 community + + + + Join the %1 group chat + + + + Join the %1 public channel + + + + words + + + + Mainnet with upstream RPC + + + + POA Network + + + + xDai Chain + + + + Goerli with upstream RPC + + + + Rinkeby with upstream RPC + + + + Ropsten with upstream RPC + + + + You need to repeat your password + + + + Passwords don't match + + + + You need to enter a %1 + + + + The %1 cannot exceed %2 characters + + + + Must be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + Use only lowercase letters (a to z), numbers & dashes (-). Do not use chat keys. + + + + community-image-delete + + + + public + Pampubliko + + + + AboutView + + Status Desktop + + + + Privacy Policy + + + + Check for updates + + + + Current Version + + + + Release Notes + + + + Our Principles + + + + Status desktop’s GitHub Repositories + + + + Status Go + + + + StatusQ + + + + go-waku + + + + Legal & Privacy Documents + + + + Terms of Use + + + + Software License + + + + + AcceptRejectOptionsButtonsPanel + + View Profile + + + + Decline and block + + + + + AccessExistingCommunityPopup + + You need to enter a key + + + + Import + + + + Error importing the community + + + + + AccountView + + Type + + + + Storage + + + + Watch-Only Account + + + + Generated by your Status seed phrase profile + + + + Imported Account + + + + On Device + + + + Derivation Path + + + + Remove from your profile + + + + Confirm %1 Removal + + + + You will not be able to restore viewing access to this account in the future unless you enter this account’s address again. + + + + Remove Account + + + + + ActivityCenterMessageComponentView + + Mark as Read + + + + Mark as Unread + + + + + AddAccountModal + + Advanced + + + + Generate an account + + + + Wrong password + + + + You need to enter a password + + + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + Enter your password… + + + + Password + + + + Enter an account name... + + + + Account name + + + + You need to enter an account name + + + + color + + + + Loading... + + + + Add account + + + + + AddEditSavedAddressPopup + + Name + + + + Address + + + + Save + + + + Edit saved address + + + + Add saved address + + + + Enter a name + + + + Name must not be blank + + + + This is not a valid account name + + + + Enter ENS Name or Ethereum Address + + + + Please enter a valid ENS name OR Ethereum Address + + + + Add address + + + + + AddFavoriteModal + + URL + + + + Paste URL + + + + Paste + + + + Pasted + + + + Name + + + + Favorite added + + + + Edit + + + + Add favorite + + + + Please enter a valid URL + + + + Name of the website + + + + Please enter a name + + + + Remove + + + + Done + + + + Add + + + + Add Favorite + + + + + AdvancedContainer + + Online users + + + + + AdvancedView + + disable + huwag paganahin + + + enable + Paganahin + + + Fleet + + + + Minimize on close + + + + Application Logs + + + + Experimental features + + + + Wallet + + + + WalletSettingsLineButton + + + + Dapp Browser + + + + Community History Archive Protocol + + + + Node Management + + + + Keycard + + + + Bloom filter level + + + + Warning! + + + + The account will be logged out. When you login again, the selected mode will be enabled + + + + Light Node + + + + Normal + + + + Full Node + + + + WakuV2 mode + + + + Developer features + + + + Full developer mode + + + + Download messages + + + + Telemetry + + + + Debug + + + + Auto message + + + + Are you sure you want to enable all the develoer features? The app will be restarted. + + + + Are you sure you want to enable telemetry? This will reduce your privacy level while using Status. You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. + + + + Are you sure you want to enable auto message? You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. + + + + Are you sure you want to %1 debug mode? You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. + + + + This feature is experimental and is meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It's not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data. Use at your own risk. + + + + I understand + + + + + AllowNotificationsView + + Ok, got it + + + + Allow notifications + + + + Status will notify you about new messages. You can +edit your notification preferences later in settings. + + + + + AppMain + + Where do you want to go? + + + + Profile Picture + + + + Make this my Profile Pic + + + + Invite People + + + + View Community + + + + Leave Community + + + + A new version of Status (%1) is available + + + + Download + + + + Your version is up to date + + + + Close + + + + Can not connect to mailserver + + + + The mailserver you're connecting to is unavailable. + + + + Pick another + + + + Retry + + + + + AppearanceView + + XS + + + + S + + + + M + + + + L + + + + XL + + + + XXL + + + + Preview + + + + Blockchains will drop search costs, causing a kind of decomposition that allows you to have markets of entities that are horizontally segregated and vertically segregated. + + + + Size + + + + Change font size + + + + Change Zoom (requires restart) + + + + 50% + + + + 100% + + + + 150% + + + + 200% + + + + Appearance + + + + Light + + + + Dark + + + + System + + + + + BackupSeedModal + + Back up your seed phrase + + + + Continue + + + + Not Now + + + + Confirm Seed Phrase + + + + Complete & Delete My Seed Phrase + + + + Confirm word #%1 of your seed phrase + + + + + BackupSeedStepBase + + Enter word + + + + Wrong word + + + + Word #%1 + + + + + BeforeGetStartedModal + + Privacy Policy + + + + Before you get started + + + + I acknowledge that status desktop is in beta and by using it I take the full responsibility for all risks concerning my data and funds + + + + Before you get started... + + + + Get Started + + + + I acknowledge that Status Desktop is in Beta and by using it I take the full responsibility for all risks concerning my data and funds. + + + + I accept Status + + + + Terms of Use + + + + Terms of service + + + + Get started + + + + + BrowserLayout + + Transaction pending... + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Error signing message + + + + View on etherscan + + + + Server's certificate not trusted + + + + Do you wish to continue? + + + + If you wish so, you may continue with an unverified certificate. Accepting an unverified certificate means you may not be connected with the host you tried to connect to. +Do you wish to override the security check and continue? + + + + + ChatContextMenuView + + Leave group + + + + Save + + + + Delete + + + + Are you sure you want to leave this chat? + + + + View Members + + + + Add / remove from group + + + + Test WakuV2 - requestAllHistoricMessages + + + + Edit name + + + + Mark as Read + + + + Clear history + + + + Edit Channel + + + + Download + + + + Delete Channel + + + + Delete chat + + + + Leave chat + + + + Download messages + + + + Delete #%1 + + + + Are you sure you want to delete #%1 channel? + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this chat? + + + + + ChatView + + Members + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + + CollectibleDetailsHeader + + Send + + + + + CollectibleModal + + description + Paglalarawan + + + unnamed + + + + id + + + + View in Opensea + + + + + CollectiblesStore + + Collectibles + + + + + CollectiblesView + + Collectibles will appear here + + + + + CommunitiesListPanel + + Cancel + + + + Leave community + + + + Leave %1 + + + + Are you sure you want to leave? Once you leave, you will have to request to rejoin if you change your mind. + + + + + CommunitiesPopup + + Communities + + + + 1 member + + + + %1 members + + + + Create a community + + + + Search for communities or topics + + + + Access existing community + + + + + CommunitiesPortalLayout + + Search + + + + Find community + + + + Import Community + + + + Create New Community + + + + Featured + + + + Popular + + + + + CommunityColorPicker + + Community colour + + + + + CommunityColumnView + + Create channel + + + + Create category + + + + 1 Member + + + + %1 Members + + + + Start chat + + + + Membership requests + + + + Invite people + + + + Unmute category + + + + Mute category + + + + Edit Category + + + + Delete Category + + + + Delete %1 category + + + + Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. + + + + Create channel or category + + + + Error deleting the category + + + + + CommunityDescriptionInput + + Description + + + + What your community is about + + + + community description + + + + + CommunityDetailPopup + + Join ‘%1’ + + + + Pending + + + + Unknown community + + + + Public community + + + + Invitation only community + + + + On request community + + + + - ENS only + + + + %1 members + + + + Channels + + + + You need to be invited + + + + Request to join ‘%1’ + + + + Error joining the community + + + + + CommunityEditSettingsPanel + + A catchy name + + + + community name + + + + Description + + + + What your community is about + + + + Pick a color + + + + + CommunityHeaderButton + + 1 member + + + + %1 members + + + + + CommunityMembersSettingsPanel + + Members + + + + Member name + + + + Ban + + + + Kick + + + + Membership requests + + + + Community members will appear here + + + + No contacts found + + + + You + + + + + CommunityNameInput + + A catchy name + + + + community name + + + + Community name + + + + + CommunityProfilePopup + + Members + + + + Transfer ownership + + + + Public community + + + + Invitation only community + + + + On request community + + + + Unknown community + + + + Invite friends + + + + Invite + + + + + CommunityProfilePopupInviteFriendsPanel + + Copied! + + + + Contacts + + + + Share community + + + + + CommunityProfilePopupMembersListPanel + + Member name + + + + + CommunityProfilePopupOverviewPanel + + Copied! + + + + Share community + + + + Transfer ownership + + + + Leave community + + + + + CommunitySettingsView + + Members + + + + Notifications + + + + Settings + + + + Overview + + + + Open legacy popup (to be removed) + + + + Back to community + + + + Error editing the community + + + + + CommunityUserList + + Members + + + + + ConfirmPasswordView + + Passwords don't match + + + + Have you written down your password? + + + + You will never be able to recover your password if you lose it. + + + + If you need to, write it using pen and paper and keep in a safe place. + + + + If you lose your password you will lose access to your Status profile. + + + + Confirm your password (again) + + + + Confirm you password (again) + + + + Finalise Status Password Creation + + + + Keys for this account already exist + + + + Keys for this account already exist and can't be added again. If you've lost your password, passcode or Keycard, uninstall the app, reinstall and access your keys by entering your seed phrase + + + + Login failed + + + + Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. + + + + + ConfirmationDialog + + Confirm + + + + Reject + + + + Cancel + + + + Confirm your action + + + + Do not show this again + + + + Are you sure you want to do this? + + + + + ContactPanel + + View Profile + + + + Send message + + + + Respond to ID Request + + + + See ID Request + + + + Rename + + + + + ContactsColumnView + + Start chat + + + + Chat + + + + Search + + + + Join public chats + + + + Contact requests + + + + Community imported + + + + Importing community is in progress + + + + + ContactsView + + Contacts + + + + Send contact request to chat key + + + + Search by a display name or chat key + + + + Pending Requests + + + + Blocked + + + + Identity Verified Contacts + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet + + + + Received + + + + Sent + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + + Controls + + XS + + + + S + + + + M + + + + L + + + + XL + + + + XXL + + + + 50% + + + + 100% + + + + 150% + + + + 200% + + + + + CreateCategoryPopup + + Category title + + + + category name + + + + Edit category + + + + New category + + + + Name the category + + + + Channels + + + + Delete category + + + + Delete %1 category + + + + Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. + + + + Save + + + + Create + + + + Error editing the category + + + + Error creating the category + + + + + CreateChannelPopup + + Channel name + + + + channel name + + + + Description + + + + Describe the channel + + + + channel description + + + + New channel + + + + Edit #%1 + + + + Name the channel + + + + Channel colour + + + + Pick a color + + + + Save + + + + Create + + + + Error creating the community + + + + + CreateChatView + + Contacts + + + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. + +Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be able to chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. + + + + You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. + + +Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be + able to +chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. + + + + You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. + + +Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be able to +chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. + + + + Confirm + + + + + CreateCommunityPopup + + You need to enter a color + + + + This field needs to be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + Community color + + + + Pick a color + + + + Please choose a color + + + + Next + + + + Error creating the community + + + + Name your community + + + + A catchy name + + + + Give it a short description + + + + What your community is about + + + + Community colour + + + + Create New Community + + + + Create Community + + + + + CreatePasswordView + + Create password + + + + + DemoApp + + Invite People + + + + View Community + + + + Edit Community + + + + Leave Community + + + + + DerivationPathsPanel + + Reset + + + + Derivation Path + + + + + DerivedAddressesPanel + + Pending + + + + Account + + + + No activity + + + + Invalid path + + + + Has Activity + + + + No Activity + + + + + DisplayNamePopup + + Edit + + + + Ok + + + + Display Name + + + + OK + + + + + EnsDetailsView + + Wallet address + + + + Key + + + + Connect username with your pubkey + + + + Copied to clipboard! + + + + Release username + + + + Username locked. You won't be able to release it until %1 + + + + Back + + + + + EnsSearchView + + Connect username with your pubkey + + + + At least 4 characters. Latin letters, numbers, and lowercase only. + + + + Letters and numbers only. + + + + Type the entire username including the custom domain like username.domain.eth + + + + Custom domain + + + + I want a stateofus.eth domain + + + + I own a name on another domain + + + + + EnsView + + Transaction pending... + + + + View on etherscan + + + + ENS Registration failed + + + + ENS Registration completed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey failed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey completed + + + + + ExemptionNotificationsModal + + Done + + + + %1 exemption + + + + Mute all messages + + + + Personal @ Mentions + + + + Global @ Mentions + + + + Other Messages + + + + Clear Exemptions + + + + + GasSelector + + Priority + + + + Low + + + + High + + + + Must be greater than 0 + + + + This needs to be a number + + + + Please enter an amount + + + + Min 21000 units + + + + Not enough gas + + + + Miners will currently not process transactions with a tip below %1 Gwei, the average is %2 Gwei + + + + The average miner tip is %1 Gwei + + + + Gas Price + + + + Current base fee: %1 %2 + + + + Use suggestions + + + + Use custom + + + + Optimal + + + + Gas amount limit + + + + Per-gas tip limit + + + + Gwei + + + + Per-gas overall limit + + + + Maximum priority fee: %1 ETH + + + + Maximum overall price for the transaction. If the block base fee exceeds this, it will be included in a following block with a lower base fee. + + + + + GroupInfoPopup + + %1/%2 members + + + + Add members + + + + %1 members + + + + 1 member + + + + Search + + + + All your contacts are already in the group + + + + Pinned messages + + + + Admin + + + + Make Admin + + + + Remove From Group + + + + Add selected + + + + + ImageCropperModal + + Crop your image (optional) + + + + Finish + + + + + ImportPrivateKeyPanel + + Pending + + + + You need to enter a private key + + + + Enter a valid private key (64 characters hexadecimal string) + + + + Private key + + + + Paste the contents of your private key + + + + Public address + + + + Account already added + + + + Has Activity + + + + No Activity + + + + + InsertCard + + Cancel + + + + Please insert your Keycard to proceed or press the cancel button to cancel the operation + + + + + InsertDetailsView + + Next + + + + Profile picture + + + + Your profile + + + + Longer and unusual names are better as they are less likely to be used by someone else. + + + + Display name + + + + Chatkey: + + + + Choose an image for profile picture + + + + Make this my profile picture + + + + Your emojihash and identicon ring + + + + This set of emojis and coloured ring around your avatar are unique and represent your chat key, so your friends can easily distinguish you from potential impersonators. + + + + + InvitationBubbleView + + Unsupported state + + + + Membership requires an ENS username + + + + You need to be invited + + + + Pending + + + + View + + + + Request Access + + + + Join + + + + Verified community invitation + + + + Community invitation + + + + %1 members + + + + Error joining the community + + + + + KeysMainView + + Enter a seed phrase + + + + Generate new keys + + + + intro-wizard-title1 + + + + a-set-of-keys-controls-your-account.-your-keys-live-on-your-device,-so-only-you-can-use-them. + + + + Connect your keys + + + + Use your existing Status keys to login to this device. + + + + Get your keys + + + + A set of keys controls your account. Your keys live on your +device, so only you can use them. + + + + Import a seed phrase + + + + Seed phrases are used to back up and restore your keys. Only use this option if you already have a seed phrase. + + + + + LanguageView + + Language + + + + Set Display Currency + + + + Search Currencies + + + + Search Languages + + + + Date Format + + + + DD/MM/YY + + + + MM/DD/YY + + + + Time Format + + + + 24-Hour Time + + + + 12-Hour Time + + + + Change language + + + + Display language has been changed. You must restart the application for changes to take effect. + + + + Close the app now + + + + + Layout + + Invite People + + + + View Community + + + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + Edit Community + + + + Leave Community + + + + + LeftTabView + + Settings + + + + Sign out + + + + Make sure you have your account password and seed phrase stored. Without them you can lock yourself out of your account and lose funds. + + + + Sign out & Quit + + + + Wallet + + + + Total value + + + + Add account + + + + Saved addresses + + + + + LoginView + + Ok + + + + Welcome back + + + + Add new user + + + + Add existing Status user + + + + Connecting... + + + + Password + + + + Enter password + + + + Login failed: %1 + + + + Password incorrect + + + + + MenuPanel + + Settings + + + + Apps + + + + About & Help + + + + + MessageContextMenuView + + Jump to + + + + Copy image + + + + Download image + + + + Block User + + + + Unblock User + + + + Rename + + + + Reply to + + + + Edit message + + + + Copy Message Id + + + + Unpin + + + + Pin + + + + Delete message + + + + Please choose a directory + + + + Confirm deleting this message + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well. + + + + + MessagingView + + Contacts + + + + Allow new contact requests + + + + Show My Profile Picture To + + + + Everyone + + + + No One + + + + See Profile Pictures From + + + + Open Message Links With + + + + Status Browser + + + + System Default Browser + + + + Contacts, Requests, and Blocked Users + + + + Display Message Link Previews + + + + Fine tune which sites to allow link previews + + + + Image unfurling + + + + All images (links that contain an image extension) will be downloaded and displayed + + + + Message syncing + + + + Waku nodes + + + + For security reasons, private chat history won't be synced. + + + + + MyProfileView + + ENS username + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Change Password + + + + Edit + + + + Preview + + + + + NicknamePopup + + Nickname + + + + Nicknames help you identify others in Status. Only you can see the nicknames you’ve added + + + + Done + + + + + NoImageUploadedPanel + + Upload + + + + Wide aspect ratio is optimal + + + + + NotificationsView + + Messages + + + + You have a new message + + + + Anonymous + + + + Community + + + + 1:1 Chat + + + + Group Chat + + + + Muted + + + + Off + + + + Quiet + + + + Personal @ Mentions %1 + + + + Global @ Mentions %1 + + + + Alerts + + + + Other Messages %1 + + + + Multiple Exemptions + + + + Enable Notifications in macOS Settings + + + + To receive Status notifications, make sure you've enabled them in your computer's settings under <b>System Preferences > Notifications</b> + + + + Sync your devices to share notifications preferences + + + + Syncing > + + + + Allow Notifications + + + + 1:1 Chats + + + + Group Chats + + + + Personal @ Mentions + + + + Messages containing @%1 + + + + Global @ Mentions + + + + Messages containing @here and @channel + + + + All Messages + + + + Others + + + + Contact Requests + + + + Identity Verification Requests + + + + Notification Content + + + + Show Name and Message + + + + Hi there! So EIP-1559 will defini... + + + + Name Only + + + + Play a Sound When Receiving a Notification + + + + Volume + + + + Send a Test Notification + + + + Exemptions + + + + Search Communities, Group Chats and 1:1 Chats + + + + Most recent + + + + + PasswordView + + Create a password + + + + Passwords don't match + + + + Create a password to unlock Status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + You will not be able to recover this password if it is lost. + + + + Minimum %1 characters. To strengthen your password consider including: + + + + This password has been pwned and shouldn't be used + + + + This password is a common word and shouldn't be used + + + + Password must be at least %1 characters long + + + + Current password + + + + New password + + + + Very weak + + + + Weak + + + + So-so + + + + Good + + + + Great + + + + Lower case + + + + Upper case + + + + Numbers + + + + Symbols + + + + Confirm password + + + + + PermissionsListView + + Disconnect + + + + Disconnect All + + + + + PinnedMessagesPopup + + Unpin + + + + Pin limit reached + + + + Pinned messages + + + + Unpin a previous message first + + + + %1 messages + + + + %1 message + + + + Pinned messages will appear here. + + + + + ProfileLayout + + Contacts + + + + Testnet mode is enabled. All balances, transactions and dApp interactions will be on testnets. + + + + Secure your seed phrase + + + + Back up now + + + + + ProfilePopup + + ENS username + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Chat settings + + + + Nickname + + + + None + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + Unblock User + + + + Block User + + + + Add to contacts + + + + 's Profile + + + + Send Contact Request to + + + + Verify %1's Identity + + + + My Profile + + + + %1's Profile + + + + Send Contact Request to %1 + + + + Cancel verification + + + + Remove Contact + + + + Send Contact Request + + + + Mark Untrustworthy + + + + Remove 'Identity Verified' status + + + + No + + + + Yes + + + + Remove Untrustworthy Mark + + + + Verify Identity + + + + Verify Identity pending... + + + + Send verification request + + + + Verification request sent + + + + Confirm Identity + + + + Rename + + + + Close + + + + + ProfileSectionStore + + Profile + + + + ENS usernames + + + + Wallet + + + + Browser + + + + Communities + + + + Appearance + + + + Back up seed phrase + + + + Advanced + + + + Messaging + + + + Notifications & Sounds + + + + Language & Currency + + + + Devices settings + + + + About + + + + Sign out & Quit + + + + + RateView + + Upload + + + + Bandwidth + + + + Kb/s + + + + Download + + + + + ReceiveModal + + Copy + + + + Receive + + + + Legacy + + + + Multichain + + + + Your Address + + + + + RootStore + + You + + + + Start a 1-on-1 chat with %1 + + + + Join the %1 community + + + + Join the %1 group chat + + + + + SavedAddressesView + + Cancel + + + + Delete + + + + Saved addresses + + + + Add new address + + + + Edit + + + + Are you sure you want to remove '%1' from your saved addresses? + + + + Are you sure? + + + + No saved addresses + + + + + SeedPhraseInputView + + Enter seed phrase + + + + Next + + + + Import + + + + Keys for this account already exist + + + + Keys for this account already exist and can't be added again. If you've lost your password, passcode or Keycard, uninstall the app, reinstall and access your keys by entering your seed phrase + + + + Error importing seed + + + + %1 words + + + + %1SeedButton + + + + Invalid seed + + + + Restore Status Profile + + + + + SendContactRequestModal + + Paste + + + + Send Contact Request to chat key + + + + Enter chat key here + + + + Say who you are / why you want to become a contact... + + + + who are you + + + + Send Contact Request + + + + + SendModal + + Transaction pending... + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Send + + + + Max: + + + + No balances active + + + + Please enter a valid amount + + + + To + + + + Enter an ENS name or address + + + + Error estimating gas: %1 + + + + Wrong password + + + + View on etherscan + + + + + SendModalFooter + + Unknown + + + + Estimated Time: + + + + Max Fees: + + + + Send + + + + + SendModalHeader + + To + + + + + SettingsPageLayout + + Cancel + + + + Save changes + + + + + SignTransactionModal + + Send + + + + Continue + + + + Error estimating gas: %1 + + + + Transaction pending... + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Choose account + + + + Network fee + + + + Transaction preview + + + + Sign with password + + + + Send %1 %2 + + + + Next + + + + Wrong password + + + + View on etherscan + + + + + StatusAppCommunityView + + Members + + + + + StatusChatInput + + Send + + + + Message + + + + Please choose an image + + + + Image files (%1) + + + + Your message is too long. + + + + Please make your message shorter. We have set the limit to 2000 characters to be courteous of others. + + + + Bold + + + + Italic + + + + Strikethrough + + + + Code + + + + Unblock + + + + + StatusChatListAndCategories + + More + + + + Add channel inside category + + + + + StatusChatListCategoryItem + + More + + + + Add channel inside category + + + + + StatusChatListItem + + Unmute + + + + + StatusChatToolBar + + Search + + + + Members + + + + More + + + + + StatusColorDialog + + Preview + + + + This is not a valid color + + + + Standart colours + + + + Select Colour + + + + + StatusExpandableSettingsItemPage + + Back up seed phrase + + + + Not Implemented + + + + + StatusListPicker + + Search + + + + + StatusMacNotification + + Open + + + + My latest message + with a return + + + + + StatusStickerMarket + + This feature is experimental and is meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It's not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data. Use at your own risk. + + + + I understand + + + + + StatusTokenInlineSelector + + or + + + + Hold + + + + to post + + + + + StatusWalletColorSelect + + Account color + + + + + TabNetworkAndFees + + Advanced + + + + Custom + + + + Slow + + + + + TransactionSettingsConfirmationPopup + + Are you sure? + + + + Your priority fee is below our suggested parameters. + + + + Current base fee + + + + %1 Gwei + + + + Current minimum tip + + + + Current average tip + + + + Your tip limit + + + + Suggested minimum tip + + + + Your price limit + + + + Suggested minimum price limit + + + + Change Limit + + + + Continue anyway + + + + + TransferOwnershipPopup + + Transfer ownership + + + + Community private key + + + + Copy + + + + Copied + + + + You should keep it safe and only share it with people you trust to take ownership of your community + + + + You can also use this key to import your community on another device + + + + + UploadProfilePicModal + + Profile picture + + + + Remove + + + + Upload + + + + Done + + + + Upload profile picture + + + + Choose an image for profile picture + + + + Make this my profile picture + + + + + UserList + + Members + + + + + UsernameLabel + + You + + + + + Utils + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + You need to enter a %1 + + + + now + Ngayon + + + Sun + + + + Mon + + + + Tue + + + + Wed + + + + Thu + + + + Fri + + + + Sat + + + + Jan + + + + Feb + + + + Mar + + + + Apr + + + + May + + + + Jun + + + + Jul + + + + Aug + + + + Sep + + + + Oct + + + + Nov + + + + Dec + + + + Yesterday + + + + Sunday + + + + Monday + + + + Tuesday + + + + Wednesday + + + + Thursday + + + + Friday + + + + Saturday + + + + NOW + + + + %1M + + + + %1H + + + + %1D + + + + words + + + + You need to enter a password + + + + You need to repeat your password + + + + Passwords don't match + + + + You need to enter a PIN + + + + The PIN must contain only digits + + + + The PIN must be exactly 6 digits + + + + You need to repeat your PIN + + + + PIN don't match + + + + The %1 cannot exceed %2 characters + + + + Must be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + Use only lowercase letters (a to z), numbers & dashes (-). Do not use chat keys. + + + + Value has to be at least %1 characters long + + + + Unknown + + + + < 1 min + + + + < 3 mins + + + + < 5 mins + + + + > 5 mins + + + + years ago + + + + year ago + + + + months ago + + + + month ago + + + + weeks ago + + + + week ago + + + + days ago + + + + day ago + + + + hours ago + + + + hour ago + + + + mins ago + + + + min ago + + + + secs ago + + + + sec ago + + + + + WalletView + + Wallet + + + + Networks + + + + DApp Permissions + + + + Testnet Mode + + + + + AcceptTransactionView + + Accept and share address + + + + Accept and send + + + + Decline + + + + + Acknowledgements + + Secure Your Assets and Funds + + + + Your seed phrase is a 12-word passcode to your funds. + + + + Your seed phrase cannot be recovered if lost. Therefore, you <b>must</b> back it up. The simplest way is to <b>write it down offline and store it somewhere secure.</b> + + + + I have a pen and paper + + + + I am ready to write down my seed phrase + + + + I know where I’ll store it + + + + You can only complete this process once. Status will not store your seed phrase and can never help you recover it. + + + + + ActivityCenterPopup + + Show more + + + + + ActivityCenterPopupTopBarPanel + + All + + + + Mentions + + + + Replies + + + + Mark all as Read + + + + Show read notifications + + + + Hide read notifications + + + + Notification settings + + + + + AddShowTokenModal + + Add custom token + + + + This needs to be a valid address + + + + Invalid ERC20 address + + + + Enter contract address... + + + + Contract address + + + + The name of your token... + + + + Name + + + + ABC + + + + Symbol + + + + Decimals + + + + Changing settings failed + + + + Add + + + + + AddWakuNodeModal + + Waku nodes + + + + Name + + + + Specify a name + + + + You need to enter a name + + + + History node address + + + + You need to enter the enode address + + + + The format must be: enode://{enode-id}:{password}@{ip-address}:{port} + + + + Save + + + + + AddressInput + + ENS Username not found + + + + + AddressRequiredValidator + + You need to request the recipient’s address first. +Assets won’t be sent yet. + + + + + AddressSourceSelector + + Invalid source + + + + + AdvancedAddAccountView + + Enter address... + + + + Account address + + + + This needs to be a valid address (starting with 0x) + + + + You need to enter an address + + + + + AppSearch + + No results + + + + Anywhere + + + + + AssetAndAmountInput + + Insufficient balance + + + + Must be greater than or equal to 0 + + + + This needs to be a number + + + + Please enter an amount + + + + Balance: + + + + Asset & Amount + + + + The amount is 0. Proceed only if this is desired. + + + + + BackUpCommuntyBannerPanel + + Back up community key + + + + Back up + + + + + BalanceExceeded + + Balance exceeded + + + + No networks available + + + + + BalanceValidator + + Insufficient balance + + + + + BlockContactConfirmationDialog + + Block User + + + + Blocking will stop new messages from reaching you from %1. + + + + + BloomSelectorButton + + TODO + + + + + BrowserConnectionModal + + '%1' would like to connect to + + + + Allowing authorizes this DApp to retrieve your wallet address and enable Web3 + + + + Granting access authorizes this DApp to retrieve your chat key + + + + Deny + + + + Allow + + + + + BrowserHeader + + Enter URL + + + + + BrowserSettingsMenu + + New Tab + + + + Exit Incognito mode + + + + Go Incognito + + + + Zoom In + + + + Zoom Out + + + + Find + + + + Compatibility mode + + + + Developer Tools + + + + Settings + + + + + BrowserTabStyle + + Start Page + + + + + BrowserTabView + + Start Page + + + + New Tab + + + + Downloads Page + + + + + BrowserView + + Search engine used in the address bar + + + + None + + + + Show Favorites Bar + + + + Connected DApps + + + + No connected dApps + + + + Connecting a dApp grants it permission to view your address and balances, and to send you transaction requests + + + + + BrowserWalletMenu + + Mainnet + + + + Ropsten + + + + Unknown + + + + Disconnect + + + + Assets + + + + History + + + + + BrowserWebEngineView + + Add Favorite + + + + + ChangePasswordModal + + Change password + + + + Change password used to unlock Status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + Change Password + + + + + ChangePasswordSuccessModal + + <b>Password changed</b> + + + + You need to sign in again using the new password. + + + + Sign out & Quit + + + + + ChangeProfilePicModal + + Profile picture + + + + Remove + + + + Upload + + + + Please choose an image + + + + Image files (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png) + + + + + ChannelIdentifierView + + Welcome to the beginning of the <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> group! + + + + Any messages you send here are encrypted and can only be read by you and <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> + + + + + ChatButtonsPanel + + Add reaction + + + + Reply + + + + Edit + + + + Unpin + + + + Pin + + + + Delete + + + + Confirm deleting this message + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well. + + + + + ChatColumnView + + Send + + + + Request Address + + + + Request + + + + + ChatCommandModal + + Continue + + + + Receive on account + + + + From account + + + + Address request required + + + + From + + + + To + + + + Preview + + + + Transaction preview + + + + Next + + + + + ChatCommandsPopup + + Send transaction + + + + Request transaction + + + + + ChatContentView + + Contact + + + + Not a contact + + + + Public chat + + + + %1 members + + + + 1 member + + + + Connected + + + + Disconnected + + + + Blocked + + + + This user has been blocked. + + + + + ChatMessagesView + + Loading... + + + + Failed to send message. + + + + + ChatRequestMessagePanel + + You need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messages + + + + Just click this button to add them as contact. They will receive a notification. Once they accept the request, you'll be able to chat + + + + Add to contacts + + + + + ChooseBrowserPopup + + Choose browser + + + + Open in Status + + + + Open in my default browser + + + + Remember my choice. To override it, go to settings. + + + + + ClosedEmptyPanel + + Your chats will appear here. To start new chats press the  button at the top + + + + + CollectibleCollectionView + + No collectibles available + + + + + CollectibleDetailView + + Properties + + + + Levels + + + + Stats + + + + + CollectiblesContent + + Something went wrong + + + + Reload + + + + + CollectiblesHeader + + Maximum number of collectibles to display reached + + + + + CollectiblesModal + + View + + + + Unnamed + + + + + CollectiblesModalContent + + ID + + + + Description + + + + + CommunitiesView + + Import community + + + + Communities you've joined + + + + + CommunityBannerPicker + + Community banner + + + + Choose an image for banner + + + + Make this my Community banner + + + + + CommunityChannelsAndCategoriesBannerPanel + + Expand your community by adding more channels and categories + + + + Add channels + + + + Add categories + + + + + CommunityColorPanel + + Community Colour + + + + Select Community Colour + + + + This is not a valid colour + + + + White text should be legable on top of this colour + + + + Standard colours + + + + + CommunityDelegate + + Admin + + + + Member + + + + + CommunityIntroDialog + + Welcome to %1 + + + + Join %1 + + + + Community <b>%1</b> has no intro message... + + + + I agree with the above + + + + + CommunityIntroMessageInput + + Community introduction and rules + + + + What new members will read before joining (eg. community rules, welcome message, etc.). Members will need to tick a check box agreeing to these rules before they are allowed to join your community. + + + + community intro message + + + + + CommunityLogoPicker + + Community logo + + + + Choose an image as logo + + + + Make this my Community logo + + + + + CommunityOptions + + Community history service + + + + Request to join required + + + + Any member can pin a message + + + + + CommunityOutroMessageInput + + Leaving community message + + + + The message a member will see when they leave your community + + + + community intro message + + + + + CommunityOverviewSettingsPanel + + Overview + + + + Edit Community + + + + This node is the Community Owner Node. For your Community to function correctly try to keep this computer with Status running and onlinie as much as possible. + + + + Welcome to your community! + + + + Invite new people + + + + Try an airdrop to reward your community for engagement! + + + + Airdrop Tokens + + + + Back up community key + + + + Back up + + + + + CommunityTagsPanel + + Community Tags + + + + Confirm Community Tags + + + + Select tags that will fit your Community + + + + Search tags + + + + Selected tags + + + + + CommunityTagsPicker + + Tags + + + + + CommunityWelcomeBannerPanel + + Welcome to your community! + + + + Add members + + + + Manage community + + + + + CompactMessageView + + Pinned by %1 + + + + Cancel + + + + Save + + + + + ConfirmAddExistingKeyModal + + Enter seed phrase + + + + Do you want to add another existing key? + + + + Add another existing key + + + + + ConfirmAppRestartModal + + Application Restart + + + + Please restart the application to apply the changes. + + + + Restart + + + + + ConfirmSeedPhrasePanel + + Write down your 12-word seed phrase to keep offline + + + + Reveal seed phrase + + + + The next screen contains your seed phrase. +<b>Anyone</b> who sees it can use it to access to your funds. + + + + + ConfirmStoringSeedPhrasePanel + + Complete back up + + + + Store Your Phrase Offline and Complete Your Back Up + + + + By completing this process, you will remove your seed phrase from this application’s storage. This makes your funds more secure. + + + + You will remain logged in, and your seed phrase will be entirely in your hands. + + + + I acknowledge that Status will not be able to show me my seed phrase again. + + + + I aknowledge that Status will not be able to show me my seed phrase again. + + + + + Constants + + Username must be at least 5 characters + + + + Only letters, numbers, underscores and hyphens allowed + + + + 24 character username limit + + + + Usernames ending with '-eth' are not allowed + + + + Usernames ending with '_eth' are not allowed + + + + Usernames ending with '.eth' are not allowed + + + + Sorry, the name you have chosen is not allowed, try picking another username + + + + (edited) + + + + Username already taken :( + + + + Username doesn’t belong to you :( + + + + Continuing will connect this username with your chat key. + + + + ✓ Username available! + + + + Username is already connected with your chat key and can be used inside Status. + + + + This user name is owned by you and connected with your chat key. Continue to set `Show my ENS username in chats`. + + + + Continuing will require a transaction to connect the username with your current chat key. + + + + + Contact + + Admin + + + + + ContactRequestsPopup + + Contact requests + + + + Decline all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to decline all these contact requests + + + + Accept all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to accept all these contact requests + + + + Decline all + + + + Accept all + + + + + ContactSelector + + Please select a contact + + + + Select a contact + + + + Contact does not have an ENS address. Please send a transaction in chat. + + + + No contact selected + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet + + + + + ContactVerificationRequestPopup + + %1 is asking you to verify your identity + + + + %1 would like to verify your identity. Answer the question to prove your identity to %2 + + + + Provide answer to verification request from this contact. + + + + Your answer has been sent to %1. + + + + Refuse Verification + + + + Send Answer + + + + Change answer + + + + Close + + + + + ContactsListAndSearch + + Enter a valid chat key or ENS username + + + + Can't chat with yourself + + + + Enter ENS username or chat key + + + + + ContactsListPanel + + Contact Request Sent + + + + Contact Request Rejected + + + + + CopyToClipBoardButton + + Copied! + + + + + CreatePasswordModal + + Store password + + + + Create a password + + + + Current password... + + + + New password... + + + + Confirm password… + + + + At least 6 characters. You will use this password to unlock status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + Create password + + + + Error importing account + + + + An error occurred while importing your account: + + + + Login failed + + + + Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. + + + + Incorrect password + + + + + CryptoServicesModal + + Buy / Sell crypto + + + + Choose a service you'd like to use to buy crypto + + + + + CurrenciesStore + + US Dollars + + + + British Pound + + + + Euros + + + + Russian ruble + + + + South Korean won + + + + Ethereum + + + + Tokens + + + + Bitcoin + + + + Status Network Token + + + + Dai + + + + United Arab Emirates dirham + + + + Other Fiat + + + + Afghan afghani + + + + Argentine peso + + + + Australian dollar + + + + Barbadian dollar + + + + Bangladeshi taka + + + + Bulgarian lev + + + + Bahraini dinar + + + + Brunei dollar + + + + Bolivian boliviano + + + + Brazillian real + + + + Bhutanese ngultrum + + + + Canadian dollar + + + + Swiss franc + + + + Chilean peso + + + + Chinese yuan + + + + Colombian peso + + + + Costa Rican colón + + + + Czech koruna + + + + Danish krone + + + + Dominican peso + + + + Egyptian pound + + + + Ethiopian birr + + + + Georgian lari + + + + Ghanaian cedi + + + + Hong Kong dollar + + + + Croatian kuna + + + + Hungarian forint + + + + Indonesian rupiah + + + + Israeli new shekel + + + + Indian rupee + + + + Icelandic króna + + + + Jamaican dollar + + + + Japanese yen + + + + Kenyan shilling + + + + Kuwaiti dinar + + + + Kazakhstani tenge + + + + Sri Lankan rupee + + + + Moroccan dirham + + + + Moldovan leu + + + + Mauritian rupee + + + + Malawian kwacha + + + + Mexican peso + + + + Malaysian ringgit + + + + Mozambican metical + + + + Namibian dollar + + + + Nigerian naira + + + + Norwegian krone + + + + Nepalese rupee + + + + New Zealand dollar + + + + Omani rial + + + + Peruvian sol + + + + Papua New Guinean kina + + + + Philippine peso + + + + Pakistani rupee + + + + Polish złoty + + + + Paraguayan guaraní + + + + Qatari riyal + + + + Romanian leu + + + + Serbian dinar + + + + Saudi riyal + + + + Swedish krona + + + + Singapore dollar + + + + Thai baht + + + + Trinidad and Tobago dollar + + + + New Taiwan dollar + + + + Tanzanian shilling + + + + Turkish lira + + + + Ukrainian hryvnia + + + + Ugandan shilling + + + + Uruguayan peso + + + + Venezuelan bolívar + + + + Vietnamese đồng + + + + South African rand + + + + + DateGroup + + Today + + + + Yesterday + + + + January + + + + February + + + + March + + + + April + + + + May + + + + June + + + + July + + + + August + + + + September + + + + October + + + + November + + + + December + + + + + DefaultDAppExplorerView + + Default DApp explorer + + + + none + + + + + DevicesView + + Please set a name for your device. + + + + Specify a name + + + + Continue + + + + Advertise device + + + + Pair your devices to sync contacts and chats between them + + + + Learn more + + + + Paired devices + + + + Syncing... + + + + Sync all devices + + + + + DownloadBar + + Cancelled + + + + Paused + + + + Show All + + + + + DownloadMenu + + Open + + + + Show in folder + + + + Pause + + + + Resume + + + + Cancel + + + + + DownloadPage + + Thanks for using Status + + + + You're curently using version %1 of Status. + + + + There's new version available to download. + + + + Get Status %1 + + + + + DownloadView + + Cancelled + + + + Paused + + + + Downloaded files will appear here. + + + + + ENSPopup + + Primary username + + + + Your messages are displayed to others with this username: + + + + Once you select a username, you won’t be able to disable it afterwards. You will only be able choose a different username to display. + + + + + EmojiReactionsPanel + + Add reaction + + + + + EmptyChatPanel + + Share your chat key + + + + or + + + + invite + + + + friends to start messaging in Status + + + + + EnsAddedView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + %1 is now connected with your chat key and can be used in Status. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsConnectedView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + %1 will be connected once the transaction is complete. + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsListView + + Hey + + + + (pending) + + + + ENS usernames + + + + Add username + + + + Your usernames + + + + Chat settings + + + + Primary Username + + + + None selected + + + + You’re displaying your ENS username in chats + + + + + EnsRegisteredView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + Nice! You own %1.stateofus.eth once the transaction is complete. + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsReleasedView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username removed + + + + The username %1 will be removed and your deposit will be returned once the transaction is mined + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsTermsAndConditionsView + + ENS usernames + + + + Terms of name registration + + + + Funds are deposited for 1 year. Your SNT will be locked, but not spent. + + + + After 1 year, you can release the name and get your deposit back, or take no action to keep the name. + + + + If terms of the contract change — e.g. Status makes contract upgrades — user has the right to release the username regardless of time held. + + + + The contract controller cannot access your deposited funds. They can only be moved back to the address that sent them. + + + + Your address(es) will be publicly associated with your ENS name. + + + + Usernames are created as subdomain nodes of stateofus.eth and are subject to the ENS smart contract terms. + + + + You authorize the contract to transfer SNT on your behalf. This can only occur when you approve a transaction to authorize the transfer. + + + + These terms are guaranteed by the smart contract logic at addresses: + + + + %1 (Status UsernameRegistrar). + + + + <a href='%1%2'>Look up on Etherscan</a> + + + + %1 (ENS Registry). + + + + Wallet address + + + + Copied to clipboard! + + + + Key + + + + Agree to <a href="#">Terms of name registration.</a> I understand that my wallet address will be publicly connected to my username. + + + + Back + + + + 10 SNT + + + + Deposit + + + + Not enough SNT + + + + Register + + + + + EnsWelcomeView + + Get a universal username + + + + ENS names transform those crazy-long addresses into unique usernames. + + + + Customize your chat name + + + + An ENS name can replace your random 3-word name in chat. Be @yourname instead of %1. + + + + Simplify your ETH address + + + + You can receive funds to your easy-to-share ENS name rather than your hexadecimal hash (0x...). + + + + Receive transactions in chat + + + + Others can send you funds via chat in one simple step. + + + + 10 SNT to register + + + + Register once to keep the name forever. After 1 year you can release the name and get your SNT back. + + + + Already own a username? + + + + You can verify and add any usernames you own in the next steps. + + + + Powered by Ethereum Name Services + + + + Start + + + + Only available on Mainnet + + + + + FavoriteMenu + + Open in new Tab + + + + Edit + + + + Remove + + + + + FetchMoreMessagesButton + + ↓ Fetch more messages + + + + Before %1 + + + + before--%1 + + + + + FleetRadioSelector + + Warning! + + + + Change fleet to %1 + + + + + FleetsModal + + Fleet + + + + + GapComponent + + fetch-messages + + + + between--1-and--2 + + + + Fetch messages + + + + Between %1 and %2 + + + + + GasSelectorButton + + Low + + + + + GasValidator + + Not enough ETH for gas + + + + + GroupChatPanel + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + Confirm + + + + + HistoryView + + Status Desktop is connected to a non-archival node. Transaction history may be incomplete. + + + + No transactions found + + + + Load More + + + + + HomePageView + + homepage + + + + System default + + + + Other + + + + Example: duckduckgo.com + + + + + ImageCropWorkflow + + Supported image formats (%1) + + + + + ImportCommunityPopup + + Import Community + + + + Entering a community key will grant you the ownership of that community. Please be responsible with it and don’t share the key with people you don’t trust. + + + + Community private key + + + + Import + + + + + ImportSeedPhrasePanel + + Invalid seed phrase + + + + This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. + + + + %1 words + + + + + Input + + Copied + + + + Pasted + + + + Copy + + + + Paste + + + + + InviteFriendsPopup + + Get Status at https://status.im + + + + Download Status link + + + + Copy to clipboard + + + + + InviteFriendsToCommunityPopup + + Invite friends + + + + Invite successfully sent + + + + Invite + + + + + JSDialogWindow + + Ok + + + + Cancel + + + + + KeycardCreatePINModal + + Create PIN + + + + New PIN + + + + Confirm PIN + + + + Create a 6 digit long PIN + + + + + LanguageStore + + Beta Languages + + + + + LinksMessageView + + Enable automatic image unfurling + + + + Enable link previews in chat? + + + + Once enabled, links posted in the chat may share your metadata with their owners + + + + Enable in Settings + + + + Don't ask me again + + + + + MailserverConnectionDialog + + Can not connect to mailserver + + + + The mailserver you're connecting to is unavailable. + + + + Pick another + + + + Retry + + + + + MainView + + DApp Permissions + + + + Networks + + + + Accounts + + + + Generated from Your Seed Phrase + + + + Imported + + + + Watch-Only + + + + + MembershipRequestsPopup + + Membership requests + + + + + MessageStore + + and + + + + %1 more + + + + reacted with + + + + You + + + + + MuteChatMenuItem + + Mute chat + + + + Unmute chat + + + + + MutedChatsModal + + Muted chats + + + + Unmute + + + + + MyProfileSettingsView + + Display name + + + + Display Name + + + + Biometric login and transaction authentication + + + + Communities + + + + Accounts + + + + You haven't joined any communities yet + + + + You don't have any wallet accounts yet + + + + + NetworkCardsComponent + + Your Balances + + + + No Balance + + + + No Gas + + + + BALANCE: + + + + Disabled + + + + + NetworkFilter + + All networks + + + + %n network(s) + + + + + + + + + + + + NetworkSelectPopup + + Layer 2 + + + + + NetworkSelector + + Networks + + + + Choose a network to use for the transaction + + + + No networks available + + + + Simple + + + + Advanced + + + + Custom + + + + + NetworksAdvancedCustomRoutingView + + Networks + + + + Show Unpreferred Networks + + + + The networks where the receipient will receive tokens. Amounts calculated automatically for the lowest cost. + + + + + NetworksSimpleRoutingView + + Networks + + + + Choose a network to use for the transaction + + + + + NetworksView + + Layer 2 + + + + Add Custom Network + + + + + NoFriendsRectangle + + You don’t have any contacts yet. Invite your friends to start chatting. + + + + Invite friends + + + + + NodeLayout + + Bloom Filter Usage + + + + Type json-rpc message... e.g {"method": "eth_accounts"} + + + + + NotificationSelect + + Send Alerts + + + + Deliver Quietly + + + + Turn Off + + + + + NotificationWindow + + Everything is connected + + + + + PINModal + + Authenticate PIN + + + + PIN + + + + Insert your 6-digit PIN + + + + Authenticate + + + + + PairingModal + + Insert pairing code + + + + Pairing code + + + + Insert the Keycard pairing code + + + + Pair + + + + + PrivateChatPopup + + New chat + + + + My Profile + + + + + ProfileHeader + + Chatkey:%1... + + + + + ProfileView + + Blocked + + + + Send Request + + + + Receive Response + + + + Confirm Identity + + + + You have confirmed %1's identity. From now on this verification emblem will always be displayed alongside %1's nickname. + + + + You have marked %1 as Untrustworthy. From now on this Untrustworthy emblem will always be displayed alongside %1's nickname. + + + + ENS username + + + + Username + + + + Ask a question that only the real %1 will be able to answer e.g. a question about a shared experience, or ask Mark to enter a code or phrase you have sent to them via a different communication channel (phone, post, etc...). + + + + Waiting for %1's response... + + + + Copied to clipboard + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Chat settings + + + + Nickname + + + + None + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + + PublicChatPopup + + You need to enter a channel name + + + + The channel name can only contain lowercase letters, numbers and dashes + + + + Join public chat + + + + A public chat is where you get to hang out with others, make friends and talk about subjects of your interest. + + + + chat-name + + + + Start chat + + + + + RecipientSelector + + Invalid ethereum address + + + + Address + + + + My account + + + + Contact + + + + Recipient + + + + + RenameAccontModal + + Rename %1 + + + + Enter an account name... + + + + You need to enter an account name + + + + This is not a valid account name + + + + color + + + + Change Name + + + + Changing settings failed + + + + + RenameGroupPopup + + Group name + + + + Save + + + + + Retry + + Resend + + + + + RightTabView + + Assets + + + + Collectibles + + + + Activity + + + + History + + + + + SearchBox + + Search + + + + + SearchEngineModal + + Search engine + + + + None + + + + + SearchResults + + Non contacts + + + + No profile found + + + + + SeedPhraseBackupWarning + + Back up your seed phrase + + + + Back up + + + + + SeedPhraseTextArea + + Invalid seed phrase + + + + This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. + + + + Start with the first word + + + + + SelectAccountModal + + Select account + + + + Select account to share and receive assets + + + + Confirm and share address + + + + + SelectAnotherAccountModal + + Your keys + + + + Add another existing key + + + + + SelectGeneratedAccount + + Import new Seed Phrase + + + + Generate from Private key + + + + Add a watch-only address + + + + Imported + + + + Add new + + + + Origin + + + + + SendContactRequestMenuItem + + Send Contact Request + + + + + SendMessageMenuItem + + Send message + + + + + SendToContractWarning + + Tokens will be sent directly to a contract address, which may result in a loss of funds. To transfer ERC-20 tokens, ensure the recipient address is the address of the destination wallet. + + + + + SendTransactionButton + + Sign and send + + + + + SettingsDirtyToastMessage + + Changes detected + + + + Cancel + + + + Save changes + + + + + SignMessageModal + + Signature request + + + + From + + + + Data + + + + Message + + + + Reject + + + + Sign + + + + Sign with password + + + + + SignPhraseModal + + Signing phrase + + + + This is your signing phrase + + + + You should see these 3 words before signing each transaction + + + + If you see a different combination, cancel the transaction and sign out + + + + Ok, got it + + + + Remind me later + + + + + StateBubble + + Pending + + + + Confirmed + + + + Unknown token + + + + Address requested + + + + Waiting to accept + + + + Address shared + + + + Address received + + + + Transaction declined + + + + failure + + + + Unknown state + + + + + StatusActivityCenterButton + + Activity + + + + + StatusAddressOrEnsValidator + + Please enter a valid address or ENS name. + + + + + StatusAddressValidator + + Please enter a valid address. + + + + + StatusAppChatView + + Join public chats + + + + Start chat + + + + + StatusAppCommunitiesPortalView + + Find community + + + + Featured + + + + Popular + + + + + StatusAsyncEnsValidator + + ENS name could not be resolved in to an address + + + + + StatusAsyncValidator + + invalid input + + + + + StatusBadge + + 99+ + + + + + StatusChatImageExtensionValidator + + Format not supported. + + + + Upload %1 only + + + + + StatusChatImageLoader + + Error loading the image + + + + Loading image... + + + + + StatusChatImageQtyValidator + + You can only upload %1 images at a time + + + + + StatusChatImageSizeValidator + + Max image size is %1 MB + + + + + StatusColorSpacePage + + Thickness + + + + Min saturate: + + + + Max saturate: + + + + Min value: + + + + Max value: + + + + Color + + + + + StatusCommunityTagsPage + + Select tags that will fit your Community + + + + Search tags + + + + Selected tags + + + + + StatusDialog + + Close + + + + Abort + + + + Cancel + + + + No to all + + + + No + + + + Open + + + + Save + + + + Save all + + + + Retry + + + + Ignore + + + + Ok + + + + Yes to all + + + + Yes + + + + Apply + + + + + StatusETHTransactionModal + + Contract interaction + + + + Wrong password + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Continue + + + + Choose account + + + + Sign with password + + + + Next + + + + + StatusEmojiSection + + No recent emojis + + + + + StatusFloatValidator + + Please enter a valid numeric value. + + + + + StatusGifColumn + + Remove from favorites + + + + Add to favorites + + + + + StatusGifPopup + + Search Tenor + + + + TRENDING + + + + FAVORITES + + + + RECENT + + + + Enable Tenor GIFs? + + + + Once enabled, GIFs posted in the chat may share your metadata with Tenor. + + + + Enable + + + + Favorite GIFs will appear here + + + + Recent GIFs will appear here + + + + Error while contacting Tenor API, please retry. + + + + Retry + + + + + StatusIntValidator + + Please enter a valid numeric value. + + + + + StatusItemSelector + + and + + + + or + + + + + StatusListPickerPage + + Search Languages + + + + Search Currencies + + + + + StatusNotification + + Open + + + + + StatusPasswordStrengthIndicator + + Very weak + + + + Weak + + + + So-so + + + + Good + + + + Great + + + + + StatusSNTTransactionModal + + Authorize %1 %2 + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Wrong password + + + + Continue + + + + Choose account + + + + Sign with password + + + + Send %1 %2 + + + + Next + + + + + StatusSearchListPopup + + Search... + + + + + StatusSearchLocationMenu + + Anywhere + + + + + StatusSearchPopup + + No results + + + + Anywhere + + + + Search + + + + In: + + + + In + + + + + StatusSpellcheckingMenuItems + + Add to dictionary + + + + Disable Spellchecking + + + + + StatusStackModal + + StackModal + + + + Next + + + + Finish + + + + + StatusStickerButton + + Buy for %1 SNT + + + + Uninstall + + + + Install + + + + Free + + + + Pending... + + + + Cancel + + + + Update + + + + + StatusStickersPopup + + You don't have any stickers yet + + + + Recently used stickers will appear here + + + + Get Stickers + + + + + StatusTagSelectorPage + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + + StatusUrlValidator + + Please enter a valid URL + + + + + StatusValidator + + invalid input + + + + + StatusWindowsTitleBar + + Status + + + + + SubheaderTabBar + + Step %1 of %2 + + + + + TabAddressSelectorView + + Saved + + + + My Accounts + + + + Recent + + + + Search for saved address + + + + No Saved Address + + + + No Recents + + + + + ToastMessage + + View on Etherscan + + + + Transaction pending... + + + + + TokenSettingsModal + + Manage Assets + + + + Add custom token + + + + + TokenSettingsModalContent + + Token details + + + + Remove token + + + + Custom + + + + Default + + + + + TouchIDAuthView + + Biometrics + + + + Would you like to use Touch ID +to login to Status? + + + + Yes, use Touch ID + + + + I prefer to use my password + + + + + TransactionBubbleView + + Transaction request + + + + ↑ Outgoing transaction + + + + ↓ Incoming transaction + + + + Token not found on your current network + + + + + TransactionDelegate + + From + + + + To + + + + At + + + + + TransactionModal + + Transaction Details + + + + confirmation(s) + + + + When the transaction has 12 confirmations you can consider it settled. + + + + Block + + + + Hash + + + + From + + + + To + + + + Gas limit + + + + Gas price + + + + Gas used + + + + Nonce + + + + + TransactionPreview + + From + + + + Recipient + + + + Unknown + + + + Asset + + + + Amount + + + + Network fee + + + + Data + + + + Data field + + + + + TransactionSigner + + You need to enter a password + + + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + Signing phrase + + + + Signing phrase is a 3 word combination that displayed when you entered the wallet on this device for the first time. + + + + Enter the password you use to unlock this device + + + + Password + + + + Enter password + + + + + UnblockContactConfirmationDialog + + Unblock User + + + + Unblocking will allow new messages you received from %1 to reach you. + + + + + UserListPanel + + Offline + + + + Online + + + + Inactive + + + + Do not disturb + + + + Idle + + + + + UserStatusContextMenu + + View My Profile + + + + Always online + + + + Inactive + + + + Set status automatically + + + + Online + + + + Offline + + + + + ViewProfileMenuItem + + View Profile + + + + + WakuNodesModal + + Waku nodes + + + + Use Waku nodes + + + + Select node automatically + + + + Waku Nodes + + + + Node %1 + + + + Add a new node + + + + + WalletFooter + + Send + + + + Receive + + + + Buy / Sell + + + + + WelcomeView + + Welcome to Status + + + + Your fully decentralized gateway to Ethereum and Web3. Crypto wallet, privacy first group chat, and dApp browser. + + + + I am new to Status + + + + I already use Status + + + + + main + + StatusQ Documentation App + + + + Status Desktop + + + + Open Status + + + + Quit + + + + diff --git a/ui/i18n/qml_tr.ts b/ui/i18n/qml_tr.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..66c8def790 --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/i18n/qml_tr.ts @@ -0,0 +1,19030 @@ + + + + + about-app + Hakkında + + + about-key-storage-content + Status hiçbir zaman özel anahtarınıza erişmez. Kelime imzanızı yedeklediğinizden emin olun. Telefonunuzu kaybederseniz, anahtarlarınıza erişmenin tek yolu budur. + + + about-key-storage-title + Anahtar saklama hakkında + + + about-names-content + Kimse senmişsin gibi davranamaz! Varsayılan olarak anonimsiniz ve asla gerçek adınızı açıklamanız gerekmez. Küçük bir ücret karşılığında özel bir ad kaydedebilirsiniz. + + + about-names-title + İsimler değiştirilemez + + + access-key + Erişim anahtarı + + + access-existing-keys + Mevcut anahtarlara erişin + + + accept-and-share-address + Adresi kabul et ve paylaş + + + account-added + Hesap eklendi + + + account-color + Hesap rengi + + + anyone + Kimse + + + messages-from-contacts-only-subtitle + Yalnızca kişi olarak eklediğiniz kişiler sizinle yeni bir sohbet başlatabilir veya sizi bir gruba davet edebilir + + + accept-new-chats-from + Yeni sohbetleri kabul et + + + account-name + Hesap adı + + + account-settings + Hesap ayarları + + + accounts + Hesaplar + + + active-online + Aktif + + + active-unknown + Bilinmeyen + + + add + Ekle + + + add-a-watch-account + Yalnızca izleme adresi ekleyin + + + add-account + Bir hesap ekle + + + add-account-description + Status cüzdanınıza eklemek için herhangi bir Ethereum hesabını içe aktarabilirsiniz. + + + add-account-incorrect-password + Şifre yanlış görünüyor. Uygulamanın kilidini açmak için kullandığınız şifreyi girin. + + + add-an-account + Bir hesap ekle + + + add-bootnode + Bootnode ekle + + + add-contact + Kişi ekle + + + add-custom-token + Özel token ekle + + + add-mailserver + Status nodesi ekle + + + add-members + Üye ekle + + + add-network + Ağ ekle + + + add-node + Node ekle + + + add-to-contacts + Rehbere ekle + + + add-to-contacts-text + Kişi listenize bir kullanıcı ekleyerek cüzdan adresinizi paylaşabilirsiniz. + + + address + Adres + + + address-received + Adres alındı + + + address-requested + Adrese talep edildi. + + + address-request-accepted + Adres isteği kabul edildi + + + advanced + Gelişmiş + + + advanced-settings + Gelişmiş Ayarlar + + + agree-by-continuing + Devam ederek kabül etmiş sayılırsınız + + + all + Hepsi + + + allow + İzin ver + + + allowing-authorizes-this-dapp + Bu DApp'e cüzdan adresinizi alma ve Web3'ü etkinleştirme yetkisi verin. + + + already-have-asset + Bu öğeye zaten sahipsiniz + + + amount + Miktar + + + are-you-sure-description + kelime imzanızın tamamını bir daha göremeyeceksiniz + + + are-you-sure? + Emin misiniz? + + + ask-in-status + Soru sorun veya hata bildirin + + + at + üzere + + + authorize + Yetkilendir + + + available + Mevcut + + + available-participants + + Bir katılımcı daha seçebilirsiniz + Daha fazla {{Count}} katılımcı seçebilirsiniz + + + + back + Geri + + + back-up-seed-phrase + Kelime imzanızı yedekleyin + + + back-up-your-seed-phrase + İmza kelimenizi yedekleyin + + + backup-recovery-phrase + Kelime imzalarınızı yedekleyin. + + + balance + Bakiye + + + begin-set-up + Kuruluma başlayın + + + biometric-auth-android-sensor-desc + Dokunmatik sensörü + + + biometric-auth-android-sensor-error-desc + Başarısız + + + biometric-auth-android-title + Kimlik Doğrulaması Gerekiyor + + + biometric-auth-confirm-logout + Tekrar giriş yapın + + + biometric-auth-confirm-message + Devam etmek için biyometrik kimlik doğrulaması gerekiyor, eğer mümkün değilse, lütfen şifrenizi kullanarak anahtarlarınızın kilidini açın + + + biometric-auth-confirm-title + Kimlik doğrulaması yapmalısınız! + + + biometric-auth-confirm-try-again + Tekrar deneyin + + + biometric-auth-error + Biyometrik kimlik doğrulaması gerçekleştirilemiyor ( {{code}} ) + + + biometric-auth-login-error-title + Biyometrik kimlik doğrulama hatası + + + biometric-auth-login-ios-fallback-label + Şifrenizi girin + + + biometric-auth-reason-login + Status'ta Oturum Aç + + + biometric-auth-reason-verify + Kimlik doğrulamasını doğrulayın + + + biometric-secure-with + {{bio-type-label}} ile güvenli + + + biometric-enable-keycard + Uygulamaya erişmek için Keycard'ınızı her seferinde kullanmak istemiyorsanız, {{bio-type-label}} oturum açmayı etkinleştirin. + + + biometric-enable + Uygulamayı her hesap açtığınızda şifre girmek istemiyorsanız, {{bio-type-label}} ile oturum açmayı etkinleştirin + + + biometric-disable-bioauth + devre dışı {{bio-type-label}} + + + biometric-disable-password-title + Şifre kaydetmeyi devre dışı bırak + + + biometric-disable-password-description + Bunu devre dışı bırakırsanız + + + biometric-enable-button + {{bio-type-label}} etkinleştir + + + biometric-fingerprint + Parmak izi + + + biometric-faceid + Yüz Kimliği + + + biometric-touchid + Dokunmatik kimlik + + + blank-keycard-text + Anahtarlarınızı ve adınızı oluşturduktan sonra Keycard ile devam edebilirsiniz + + + blank-keycard-title + Dokunduğunuz anlaşılıyor +Boş bir Keycard + + + block + Engelle + + + unblock + Engeli kaldır + + + block-contact + Bu kullanıcıyı engelle + + + block-contact-details + Engelleme, bu kullanıcının önceki iletilerini siler ve yenilerinin size ulaşmasını engeller + + + blocked-users + Engellenmiş kullanıcılar + + + bootnode-address + Bootnode adresi + + + bootnode-details + Bootnode detayları + + + bootnode-format + enode: // {enode-id} @ {ip-address} : {port} + + + bootnodes + Bootnodes + + + bootnodes-enabled + Bootnodes etkin + + + bootnodes-settings + Bootnodes ayarları + + + browsed-websites + Tarayıcı geçmişiniz burada görüntülenir + + + browser + Tarayıcı + + + browser-not-secure + Bağlantı güvenli değil! Bu sitede işlem imzalamayın veya kişisel veri göndermeyin. + + + browser-secure + Bağlantı güvenli. İşlemleri imzalamadan veya kişisel verilerizi girmeden önce bu siteye gerçekten güvendiğinizden emin olun. + + + browsers + Tarayıcılar + + + browsing-cancel + İptal + + + browsing-open-in-android-web-browser + Android'de aç + + + browsing-open-in-ios-web-browser + İOS'ta aç + + + browsing-open-in-status + Statusda aç + + + browsing-site-blocked-description1 + Bu adresten potansiyel kötü amaçlı etkinlik tespit ettik. Sizi ve cüzdanınızı korumak için daha fazla gezinmenizi engelliyoruz. + + Bunun bir hata olduğunu düşünüyorsanız,Bize bildirin. + + + browsing-site-blocked-description2 + genel sohbet. + + + browsing-site-blocked-go-back + Geri dön + + + browsing-site-blocked-title + Bu site engellendi + + + browsing-title + Gözat + + + bug-report + Hata bildirin + + + bug-report-description + * Açıklama + + + bug-report-description-placeholder + Gerekli, boş olamaz + + + bug-report-steps + Yeniden üretme adımları + + + bug-report-steps-placeholder + - uygulamayı aç + - bir şeyler yap + - ve sonra başka bir şey... + + + bug-report-submit-email + Günlük arşivi e-posta ile gönder + + + bug-report-submit-gh-issue + + + + bug-report-too-short-description + Açıklama çok kısa + + + camera-access-error + Gerekli kamera iznini vermek için lütfen sistem ayarlarınıza gidin ve Status > Kamerasının seçili olduğundan emin olun. + + + can-not-add-yourself + Bu sensin, sohbet başlatmak için başka birini seçin. + + + cancel + İptal + + + cancel-keycard-setup + Keycard kurulumlarını iptal et + + + cannot-read-card + Kart okunamıyor. + Lütfen telefonunuzun arkasına tutun. + + + cannot-use-default-pin + 000000 parolasına izin verilmiyor. + Lütfen başka bir numara kullanın + + + card-is-blank + Bu kart boş + + + card-reseted + Kart sıfırlandı + + + card-unpaired + Kart mevcut cihazla eşleştirilmedi + + + change-fleet + Fleet'i {{fleet}} olarak değiştir. + + + change-log-level + Günlük düzeyini {{log-level}} olarak değiştirmek için onaylayın ve uygulamayı yeniden başlatın. + + + change-logging-enabled + Günlüğü {{enable}} günlüğe kaydetmek istediğinizden emin misiniz? + + + change-passcode + Parolayı Değiştir + + + change-password + Şifreni değiştir + + + change-pin + 6 basamaklı şifrenizi değiştirin. + + + change-puk + 12 haneli PUK'u değiştir + + + change-pairing + Eşleştirme kodunu değiştir + + + change-pairing-title + Yeni bir eşleştirme kodu oluşturun + + + change-pairing-description + Eşleştirme kodunun değiştirilmesi mevcut eşleştirmeleri etkilemez. Ancak, herhangi bir yeni eşleştirme için yeni kod gerektirir. + + + changed-amount-warning + Tutar {{old}} den {{new}} olarak değiştirildi. + + + changed-asset-warning + Varlık{{old}} den {{new}} olarak değiştirildi. + + + chaos-mode + Kaos Modu + + + chaos-unicorn-day + Kaos Unicorn Günü + + + chaos-unicorn-day-details + 🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🚀! + + + chat + Sohbet + + + chat-and-transact + Arkadaşlarınızla özel olarak sohbet edin ve işlem yapın + + + chat-key + Sohbet anahtarı + + + chat-name + + + + chat-settings + Sohbet ayarları + + + chats + Sohbetler + + + check-your-recovery-phrase + Kelime imzalarınızı kontrol edin + + + choose-authentication-method + Bir kimlik doğrulama yöntemi seçin. + + + clear + Temizle + + + clear-all + Hepsini temizle + + + clear-history + Geçmişi temizle + + + clear-history-action + Temizle + + + clear-history-confirmation + Geçmiş temizlensin mi? + + + clear-history-confirmation-content + Bu sohbet geçmişini silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz? + + + clear-history-title + Geçmiş temizlensin mi? + + + close + Kapat + + + close-app-button + Onayla + + + close-app-content + Uygulama durur ve kapanır. Yeniden açtığınızda, seçilen ağ kullanılır + + + close-app-title + Uyarı! + + + command-button-send + Gönder + + + communities + Topluluklar + + + community-members + + Üye + Üyeler + + + + members-label + Üyeler + + + open-membership + Üyelik açık + + + member-kick + Üyeyi at + + + member-ban + Üyeyi yasakla + + + membership-requests + Üyelik talepleri + + + community-members-title + Üyeler + + + community-requests-to-join-title + Üyelik talepleri + + + name-your-channel + Kanalınızı adlandırın + + + name-your-channel-placeholder + Kanal ismi + + + give-a-short-description + Kısa bir açıklama yapın + + + describe-channel + Kanalı açıklayın + + + communities-alpha + Topluluklar (alfa) + + + communities-verified + ✓ Doğrulanmış Status Topluluğu + + + communities-enabled + Topluluklar etkinleştirildi + + + request-access + Erişim talep et + + + membership-request-pending + Üyelik talebi beklemede + + + create-community + Bir topluluk oluşturun + + + create-category + Kategori oluştur + + + rearrange-categories + Kategorileri yeniden düzenle + + + edited + Düzenlendi + + + edit-community + Topluluğu düzenleyin + + + editing-message + Mesajı düzenle + + + community-edit-title + Topluluğu düzenleyin + + + community-invite-title + Davet et + + + community-share-title + Paylaş + + + invite + + + + create-channel + Kanal oluştur + + + import-community + Bir topluluğu içe aktar + + + import-community-title + Bir topluluğu içe aktar + + + name-your-community + Topluluğunuzu adlandırın + + + name-your-community-placeholder + Akılda kalıcı bir isim + + + give-a-short-description-community + Kısa bir açıklama yapın + + + new-community-title + Yeni topluluk + + + new-category + Yeni kategori + + + category-title + Kategori başlığı + + + membership-title + Üyelik şartı + + + create-channel-title + Yeni kanal + + + edit-channel-title + Kanalı düzenle + + + community-thumbnail-image + Küçük resim + + + community-emoji-thumbnail-title + Küçük resim + + + community-thumbnail-upload + Yükle + + + community-image-take + Fotoğraf çek + + + community-image-pick + Bir resim seçin + + + community-image-remove + Kaldır + + + community-color + Topluluk rengi + + + community-link + Topluluk bağlantısı + + + community-color-placeholder + Bir renk seçin + + + membership-button + Üyelik şartı + + + membership-none + Hiçbiri + + + membership-none-placeholder + Yeni üyelerin katılmadan önce belirli kriterleri karşılamasını zorunlu kılabilirsiniz. Bu herhangi bir zamanda değiştirilebilir + + + membership-approval + Onay gerekli + + + membership-approval-description + Topluluğunuza katılmak ücretsizdir, ancak yeni üyelerin önce topluluk oluşturucu tarafından onaylanması gerekir + + + membership-invite + Başka bir üyeden davet iste + + + membership-invite-description + Topluluğunuza yalnızca mevcut topluluk üyelerinden gelen bir davetle katılabilir + + + membership-ens + ENS kullanıcı adı gerekli + + + membership-ens-description + Topluluğunuzun katılabilmesi için bir ENS kullanıcı adı gerekiyor + + + membership-free + Gerek yok + + + membership-free-description + Topluluğunuz herkesin katılması için ücretsizdir + + + community-roles + Roller + + + community-key + Topluluk özel anahtarı + + + community-key-placeholder + Topluluk özel anahtarınızı yazın + + + leave-community + Topluluktan ayrıl + + + enter-user-pk + Kullanıcı genel anahtarını girin + + + import + İçe Aktar + + + complete-hardwallet-setup + Bu kart şimdi bağlandı. İşlemleri imzalamak ve anahtarlarınızın kilidini açmak için buna ihtiyacınız var + + + chat-notification-preferences + Bildirim ayarları + + + completed + Tamamlandı + + + confirm + Onayla + + + confirmation-request + Onay talebi + + + confirmations + Onaylar + + + confirmations-helper-text + İşlemin 12 onayı olduğunda, işlemin tamamlanmış olduğunu düşünebilirsiniz. + + + connect + Bağlan + + + connect-mailserver-content + {{name}}'e bağlan ? + + + connected + Bağlandı + + + connected-to + Bağlı + + + connecting + Bağlanıyor... + + + connecting-requires-login + Başka bir ağa bağlanmak için oturum açmak gerekir + + + connection-with-the-card-lost + Kart ile bağlantı + kayboldu + + + connection-with-the-card-lost-setup-text + Kuruluma devam etmek için kartı + telefonunuzun arkasına tutun.Telefon ile iletişime geçecek. + + + connection-with-the-card-lost-text + Devam etmek için kartı telefonunuzun arkasına tutun + + + contact-code + Sohbet anahtarı + + + contact-s + + Kişi + Kişiler + + + + contacts + Kişiler + + + continue + Devam et + + + contract-address + Sözleşme adresi + + + contract-interaction + Sözleşme etkileşimi + + + copy-info + Kopya bilgisi + + + copy-qr + Kodu kopyala + + + copy-to-clipboard + Kopyala + + + copy-transaction-hash + İşlem kimliğini kopyala + + + cost-fee + Maliyet / Ücret + + + counter-9-plus + 9+ + + + counter-99-plus + 99+ + + + create + Oluştur + + + create-a-pin + 6 haneli bir şifre oluşturun + + + create-a-puk + 12 basamaklı bir PUK oluşturun + + + create-group-chat + Grup sohbeti oluştur + + + create-multiaccount + Anahtar üret + + + create-new-key + Yeni anahtarlar edinin + + + create-pin + 6 basamaklı şifre oluştur + + + create-pin-description + Status kilidini açmak ve işlemleri onaylamak için kartınıza ve bu 6 haneli şifreye ihtiyacınız olacak. + + + created-group-chat-description + {{group-name}} oluşturdunuz + + + members-count + {{count}} üyeler + + + cryptokitty-name + CryptoKitty # {{id}} + + + currency + Para birimi + + + currency-display-name-aed + Emirati Dirhemi + + + currency-display-name-afn + Afganistan Afganisi + + + currency-display-name-ars + Arjantin Pezosu + + + currency-display-name-aud + Avustralya Doları + + + currency-display-name-bbd + Barbados Doları + + + currency-display-name-bdt + Bangladeş Takası + + + currency-display-name-bgn + Bulgar Levası + + + currency-display-name-bhd + Bahreyn Dinarı + + + currency-display-name-bnd + Brunei Sultanlığı Doları + + + currency-display-name-bob + Bolivya Bolivianosu + + + currency-display-name-brl + Brezilya Reali + + + currency-display-name-btn + Bhutan Ngultrumu + + + currency-display-name-cad + Kanada Doları + + + currency-display-name-chf + İsviçre Frangı + + + currency-display-name-clp + Şili Pezosu + + + currency-display-name-cny + Çin Yuanı + + + currency-display-name-cop + Kolombiya Pezosu + + + currency-display-name-crc + Kosta Rika Kolonu + + + currency-display-name-czk + Çek Korunası + + + currency-display-name-dkk + Danimarka Kronu + + + currency-display-name-dop + Dominik Cumhuriyeti Pezosu + + + currency-display-name-egp + Mısır Lirası + + + currency-display-name-etb + Etiyopya Birri + + + currency-display-name-eur + Euro + + + currency-display-name-gbp + İngiliz Sterlini + + + currency-display-name-gel + Gürcü Larisi + + + currency-display-name-ghs + Gana Cedi + + + currency-display-name-hkd + Hong Kong Doları + + + currency-display-name-hrk + Hırvatistan Kunası + + + currency-display-name-huf + Macaristan Forinti + + + currency-display-name-idr + Endonezya Rupiahı + + + currency-display-name-ils + İsrail Şekeli + + + currency-display-name-inr + Hindistan Rupisi + + + currency-display-name-isk + İzlanda Kronu + + + currency-display-name-jmd + Jamaika Doları + + + currency-display-name-jpy + Japon Yeni + + + currency-display-name-kes + Kenya Şilini + + + currency-display-name-krw + Güney Kore Wonu + + + currency-display-name-kwd + Küveyt Dinarı + + + currency-display-name-kzt + Kazakistan Tengesi + + + currency-display-name-lkr + Sri Lanka Rupisi + + + currency-display-name-mad + Fas Dirhemi + + + currency-display-name-mdl + Moldova Leyi + + + currency-display-name-mur + Mauritius Rupisi + + + currency-display-name-mwk + Malavi Kvaçası + + + currency-display-name-mxn + Meksika Pezosu + + + currency-display-name-myr + Malezya Ringiti + + + currency-display-name-mzn + Mozambik Metikali + + + currency-display-name-nad + Namibya Doları + + + currency-display-name-ngn + Nijerya Nairası + + + currency-display-name-nok + Norveç Kronu + + + currency-display-name-npr + Nepal Rupisi + + + currency-display-name-nzd + Yeni Zellanda Doları + + + currency-display-name-omr + Umman Riyali + + + currency-display-name-pen + Peru Solu + + + currency-display-name-pgk + Papua Yeni Gine Kinası + + + currency-display-name-php + Filipinler Pezosu + + + currency-display-name-pkr + Pakistan Rupisi + + + currency-display-name-pln + Polonya Zlotisi + + + currency-display-name-pyg + Paraguay Guarani + + + currency-display-name-qar + Katar Riyali + + + currency-display-name-ron + Rumen Leyi + + + currency-display-name-rsd + Sırbistan Dinarı + + + currency-display-name-rub + Rusya Rublesi + + + currency-display-name-sar + Suudi Arabistan Riyali + + + currency-display-name-sek + İsveç Kronu + + + currency-display-name-sgd + Singapur doları + + + currency-display-name-thb + Tayland Bahtı + + + currency-display-name-try + Türk Lirası + + + currency-display-name-ttd + Trinidad ve Tobago Doları + + + currency-display-name-twd + Tayvan Yeni Doları + + + currency-display-name-tzs + Tanzanya Şilini + + + currency-display-name-uah + Ukrayna Grivnası + + + currency-display-name-ugx + Uganda Şilini + + + currency-display-name-usd + Amerikan Doları + + + currency-display-name-uyu + Uruguay Pezosu + + + currency-display-name-vef + Venezuela Bolívarı + + + currency-display-name-vnd + Vietnam Dongu + + + currency-display-name-zar + Güney Afrika Randı + + + current-network + Mevcut ağ + + + current-pin + 6 haneli şifreyi girin + + + current-pin-description + Devam etmek için 6 haneli şifrenizi girin + + + custom + Özel + + + custom-networks + Özel ağlar + + + dapp + ÐApp + + + dapp-would-like-to-connect-wallet + bağlanmak istiyor + + + dapps + ÐApps + + + dapps-permissions + DApp izinleri + + + data + Veri + + + datetime-ago + Önce + + + datetime-ago-format + {{number}} {{time-intervals}} {{ago}} + + + datetime-ago-format-short + {{number}}{{time-intervals}} + + + datetime-day + + gün + günler + + + + datetime-hour + + saat + saatler + + + + datetime-minute + + dakika + dakikalar + + + + datetime-second + + Saniye + Saniyeler + + + + datetime-day-short + + gün + gün + + + + datetime-hour-short + + saat + saat + + + + datetime-minute-short + + dakika + dakika + + + + datetime-second-short + + saniye + saniye + + + + datetime-today + bugün + + + datetime-yesterday + Dün + + + decimals + Basamaklı + + + decline + Reddet + + + decryption-failed-content + Verileriniz şifresi çözülürken bir hata oluştu. Eski verilerinizi silmeniz ve yeni bir hesap oluşturmanız gerekebilir. Silmek için "Uygula" ya da tekrar denemek için "İptal" e hafifçe dokunun. + + + default + Varsayılan + + + delete + Sil + + + delete-and-leave-group + Grubu sil ve gruptan ayrıl + + + delete-bootnode + Bootnode sil + + + delete-bootnode-are-you-sure + Bu bootnode silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz? + + + delete-bootnode-title + Bootnode silme + + + delete-chat + Sohbeti sil + + + delete-chat-confirmation + Bu sohbeti silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz? + + + delete-category-confirmation + Bu kategoriyi silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz? + + + delete-confirmation + Sil? + + + delete-mailserver + Geçmiş Status nodesini silin. + + + delete-mailserver-are-you-sure + Bu Status nodesini silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz? + + + delete-mailserver-title + Status nodesini silin + + + delete-message + Mesajı sil + + + delete-my-account + Hesabımı sil + + + delete-network-confirmation + Bu ağı silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz? + + + delete-network-error + Lütfen bunu silmeden önce farklı bir ağa bağlanın. + + + delete-network-title + Ağ silinsin mi? + + + delete-node + Node sil + + + delete-node-are-you-sure + Bu nodeyi silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz? + + + delete-node-title + Node sil + + + delete-profile + Profili sil + + + delete-my-profile + Profilimi sil + + + delete-profile-warning + Uyarı: Kelime imzanız yazılmamışsa, profilinizi sildikten sonra parasal varlıklarınıza erişiminizi kaybedersiniz + + + profile-deleted-title + Profil silindi + + + profile-deleted-content + Profiliniz başarıyla silindi + + + profile-deleted-keycard + Artık Keycardınıza başka bir anahtar çiftini geri yükleyebilirsiniz. + + + deny + Reddet + + + description + Açıklama + + + dev-mode + Geliştirici Modu + + + dev-mode-settings + Geliştirme modu ayarları + + + device-syncing + Cihaz senkronizasyonu + + + devices + Cihazlar + + + disable + Devre dışı bırak + + + disabled + Devre dışı + + + disconnected + Sohbet Çevrimdışı + + + discover + Keşfedin + + + dismiss + Reddet + + + done + Bitti + + + edit + Düzenle + + + edit-group + Grubu düzenle + + + edit-profile + Profili Düzenle + + + empty-chat-description + Bu sohbette henüz hiç mesaj yok. + + + empty-chat-description-one-to-one + Buraya gönderdiğiniz tüm iletiler şifrelenir ve yalnızca sizin tarafınızdan okunabilir. + + + empty-chat-description-public + Burada son {{quiet-hours}} konuşmaları. Konuşmayı başlatın veya + + + cleared-chat-description-public + + + + empty-chat-description-community + Burada son kez sessiz kaldı {{quiet-hours}} + + + empty-chat-description-public-share-this + Bu sohbeti paylaş. + + + enable + Etkinleştir + + + encrypt-with-password + Şifrenizi şifreleyin. + + + ens-10-SNT + 10 SNT + + + ens-add-username + Kullanıcı adı ekle + + + ens-agree-to + İçin kabul + + + ens-chat-settings + Sohbet ayarları + + + ens-custom-domain + Özel alan adı + + + ens-custom-username-hints + Username.domain.eth gibi özel alan adı dahil olmak üzere tüm kullanıcı adınızı yazın + + + ens-custom-username-taken + Kullanıcı adı size ait değil :( + + + ens-deposit + Depozito + + + ens-displayed-with + İletileriniz şu kullanıcılara gösterilir. + + + ens-get-name + Evrensel bir kullanıcı adı edinin + + + ens-got-it + Tamam anladım + + + ens-locked + Kullanıcı adınız kilitlendi. {{date}} kadar yayın yapamazsınız. + + + ens-network-restriction + Yalnızca Mainnet'te kullanılabilir + + + ens-no-usernames + Bağlı kullanıcı adınız yok + + + ens-powered-by + Powered by Ethereum İsim Hizmetleri + + + ens-primary-username + Birincil kullanıcı adı + + + ens-register + Kayıt ol + + + ens-registration-in-progress + Kayıt devam ediyor ... + + + ens-registration-failure + Kayıt başarısız oldu + + + ens-dismiss-message + Kapatmak için burayı tıklayın + + + ens-registration-failed + Kullanıcı adını kaydetmek için lütfen tekrar deneyin. + + + ens-registration-failed-title + İşlem başarısız oldu + + + ens-release-username + Kullanıcı adınımı yayınla + + + ens-remove-hints + Kaldırma işlemiyle birlikte, kullanıcı adınınız anahtarınızdan ayıracaktır. + + + ens-remove-username + Kullanıcı adını kaldırma + + + ens-saved + Artık sohbet anahtarınızla bağlantılıdır ve Status'da kullanılabilir. + + + ens-saved-title + Kullanıcı adı eklendi + + + ens-show-username + Sohbetlerde ENS kullanıcı adımı göster + + + ens-terms-header + İsim kaydı şartları + + + ens-terms-point-1 + Fonlar 1 yıl süreyle yatırılır. SNT'niz kilitlenecek, ancak harcanmayacak. + + + ens-terms-point-10 + 0x00000000000C2E074eC69A0dFb2997BA6C7d2e1e (ENS Kaydı). + + + ens-terms-point-2 + 1 yıl sonra adınızdan vazgeçebilirsiniz ve depozitonuzu geri alabilirsiniz.Veya isterseniz adınızın kayıtta olması için herhangi bir işlem yapmanıza gerek yok. + + + ens-terms-point-3 + Sözleşme şartları değiştiğinde (örneğin, Status sözleşmede güncellemeler yapıyorsa )Kullanıcı tutulmuş zaman her ne olursa olsun kullanıcı adını serbest bırakmak için hakka sahiptir. + + + ens-terms-point-4 + Sözleşme denetleyicisi yatırdığınız paraya erişemez. Yalnızca onları gönderen adrese geri taşıyabilir. + + + ens-terms-point-5 + Adresleriniz ENS adınızla herkese açık olarak ilişkilendirilecektir. + + + ens-terms-point-6 + Kullanıcı adları stateofus.eth alt etki alanı düğümleri olarak oluşturulur ve ENS akıllı sözleşme koşullarına tabidir. + + + ens-terms-point-7 + Sizin adınıza SNT'yi transfer etmek için sözleşmeye yetki verirsiniz. Bu yalnızca aktarıma yetkilendirmek üzere bir işlemi onayladığınızda oluşabilir. + + + ens-terms-point-8 + Bu koşullar, adreslerdeki akıllı sözleşme mantığı ile garanti edilir: + + + ens-terms-point-9 + {{address}}Status Kullanıcı Adı Kayıtı + + + ens-terms-registration + İsim kayıt şartları + + + ens-test-message + Hey + + + ens-transaction-pending + İşlem bekleniyor ... + + + ens-understand + Cüzdan adresimin kullanıcı adımla herkese açık olarak bağlanacağını anlıyorum. + + + ens-username + ENS kullanıcı adı + + + ens-username-available + ✓ Kullanıcı adı kullanılabilir! + + + ens-username-connected + Bu kullanıcı adı size aittir ve sohbet anahtarınızla bağlantılıdır. + + + ens-username-connection-confirmation + İşlem tamamlandığında {{username}} bağlanacak. + + + ens-username-hints + En az 4 karakter. Yalnızca Latin harfleri, sayılar ve küçük harfler + + + ens-username-invalid + Sadece harfler ve rakamlar. + + + ens-username-owned + ✓ Bu kullanıcı adı size ait. + + + ens-username-registration-confirmation + {{username}} + + + ens-username-you-can-follow-progress + İlerlemeyi cüzdanınızın '' İşlem Geçmişi '' bölümünden takip edebilirsiniz. + + + ens-usernames + ENS kullanıcı adlarınız + + + ens-usernames-details + Diğer kullanıcılar tarafından kolayca tanınabilmesi için evrensel bir kullanıcı adı kaydedin + + + wallet-address + Cüzdan adresi + + + ens-want-custom-domain + Başka bir alan adında bir isme sahibim + + + ens-want-domain + Stateofus.eth alan adı istiyorum + + + ens-welcome-hints + ENS adları bu çılgın adresleri benzersiz kullanıcı adlarına dönüştürür. + + + ens-welcome-point-customize + Bir ENS adı, sohbet sırasında rastgele 3 kelimelik adınızın yerini alabilir. {{name}} yerine @ adınız olur. + + + ens-welcome-point-customize-title + Sohbet adınızı özelleştirin + + + ens-welcome-point-simplify + Onaltılık karma (0x ...) yerine paylaşması kolay ENS adınıza para alabilirsiniz. + + + ens-welcome-point-simplify-title + ETH adresinizi basitleştirin + + + ens-welcome-point-receive + Diğer herkes size tek bir adımda para gönderebilir. + + + ens-welcome-point-receive-title + Sohbette işlem alın + + + ens-welcome-point-register + Sadece bir kez kayıt olun ve o ad sizin olsun.1 yıl sonra isterseniz adınızdan vazgeçebilir ve Sntlerinizi geri alabilirsiniz. + + + ens-welcome-point-register-title + Kayıt için 10 snt gerekli + + + ens-welcome-point-verify + Sonraki adımlarda sahip olduğunuz kullanıcı adlarınızı doğrulayabilir ve ekleyebilirsiniz. + + + ens-welcome-point-verify-title + Zaten bir kullanıcı adınız var mı? + + + ens-your-username + Kullanıcı adınız + + + ens-your-usernames + Kullanıcı adlarınız + + + ens-your-your-name + ENS adınız + + + ens-username-already-added + Kullanıcı adı sohbet anahtarınıza zaten bağlı ve Status içinde kullanılabilir. + + + ens-username-connected-continue + `ENS kullanıcı adımı sohbette göster 'ayarını yapmaya devam edin. + + + ens-username-connected-with-different-key + Devam etmek için kullanıcı adını mevcut sohbet anahtarınıza bağlamaki çin işlem yapmanız gerekiyor. + + + ens-username-owned-continue + Devam ederseniz, bu kullanıcı adı sohbet anahtarınıza bağlanır. + + + ens-username-taken + Bu kullanıcı adı daha önce zaten alınmış :( + + + ens-name-not-found + ENS adı çözülemiyor + + + ens-username-registration-invalid + + + + ens-username-invalid-name-warning + + + + enter-12-words + Tek boşluk ile ayrılmış kelime imzanızın 12 kelimesini girin + + + enter-a-private-key + Özel bir anahtar girin + + + enter-a-seed-phrase + Kelime imzası girin + + + enter-address + Adresi girin + + + enter-contact-code + ENS (vitalik94) veya sohbet anahtarı (0x04…) + + + enter-pair-code + Eşleme kodunuzu girin + + + pair-code-placeholder + Kodu eşle ... + + + enter-pair-code-description + Eşleştirme kodu, önceden eşleştirilmiş bir Status istemcisinden ayarlanabilir + + + enter-password + Şifre girin + + + enter-password-migration-prompt + Anahtarlarınızla birlikte kişileri, sohbetleri ve ayarları taşımak için şifrenizi girin + + + migration-successful + Taşıma başarılı + + + migration-successful-text + Hesap başarıyla Keycard'a taşındı + + + skip + Atla + + + password-placeholder + Parola... + + + confirm-password-placeholder + Parolanızı onaylayın... + + + enter-pin + 6 haneli şifreyi girin + + + enter-puk-code + PUK kodunu girin + + + enter-puk-code-description + 6 haneli şifreniz engellendi. + Şifre engelinizi kaldırmak için lütfen PUK kodunu girin. + + + enter-recipient-address-or-username + Alıcının adresini veya kullanıcı adını girin + + + enter-seed-phrase + Kelime imzanızı girin + + + enter-url + URL girin + + + enter-watch-account-address + QR kodunu tarayın + veya + izlenecek adresi girin + + + enter-word + Kelime girin + + + enter-your-code + 6 haneli şifrenizi girin + + + enter-your-password + Şifrenizi girin + + + error + Hata + + + error-unable-to-get-balance + Bakiye alınamıyor. + + + error-unable-to-get-prices + Para birimi dönüştürme hatası. Tekrar denemek için ekranınızı yenileyin. + + + error-unable-to-get-token-balance + Token bakiyesi alınamıyor. + + + errors + Hatalar + + + eth + ETH + + + ethereum-node-started-incorrectly-description + Ethereum düğümü yanlış yapılandırmayla başlatıld ve bu durumu düzeltmek için uygulama durdurulur. Yapılandırılmış ağ kimliği = {{network-id}} , gerçek = {{fetched-network-id}} + + + ethereum-node-started-incorrectly-title + Ethereum düğümü yanlış başladı + + + etherscan-lookup + Etherscan'a bak. + + + export-account + Hesabı dışa aktar + + + export-key + Özel anahtarı dışa aktar + + + community-private-key + Topluluk özel anahtarı + + + failed + Başarısız + + + faq + Sıkça Sorulan Sorular + + + fetch-messages + Mesajları getir + + + fetch-timeline + ↓ Getir + + + find + Bul + + + finish + Bitti + + + finishing-card-setup + Kart kurulumu tamamlandı + + + fleet + Fleet + + + fleet-settings + Fleet ayarları + + + follow-your-interests + Herkese açık bir sohbete katılın ve yeni insanlarla tanışın + + + follow + Takip et + + + free + ↓ Ücretsiz + + + from + Kaynak + + + gas-limit + Gas limiti + + + gas-price + Gaz fiyatı + + + gas-used + Gas kullanılıyor + + + generate-a-key + Anahtar üret + + + generate-a-new-account + Bir hesap oluştur + + + generate-a-new-key + Yeni bir anahtar oluşturun + + + generate-account + Anahtar üret + + + generate-new-key + Anahtar üret + + + your-keys + Senin anahtarların + + + generating-codes-for-pairing + > Ürün yazılımını karta indirme + > Kilit açma ve eşleme kodları oluşturma + + + generating-keys + Anahtarlar oluşturuluyor ... + + + you-will-need-this-code + Statusu açmak ve işlemleri imzalamak için bu koda ihtiyacınız olacaktır + + + generating-mnemonic + Kelime imzanız oluşturuluyor + + + get-started + Başlayın + + + get-status-at + Statusu http://status.im adresinden edinin. + + + get-stickers + Çıkartma Al + + + go-to-settings + Ayarlar'a gidin... + + + got-it + Anladım + + + group-chat + Grup sohbeti + + + group-chat-admin + Yönetici + + + group-chat-admin-added + ** {{member}} ** yönetici yapıldı + + + group-chat-created + ** {{member}} ** grup oluşturdu ** {{name}} ** + + + group-chat-decline-invitation + Daveti reddet + + + group-chat-member-added + ** {{member}} ** davet edildi + + + group-chat-member-joined + ** {{member}} ** gruba katıldı + + + group-chat-member-removed + ** {{member}} ** gruptan ayrıldı + + + group-chat-members-count + {{selected}} / {{max}} üye + + + group-chat-name-changed + ** {{member}} ** grubun adını ** {{name}} ** olarak değiştirdi + + + group-chat-no-contacts + Henüz hiç kişiniz yok. + Arkadaşlarınızı sohbete davet edin + + + leave-chat + Sohbetten ayrıl + + + leave-confirmation + Sohbetten ayrıl + + + leave-chat-confirmation + Sohbetten ayrılmak istediğinizden emin misiniz? + + + group-chat-all-contacts-invited + Tüm kişileriniz zaten grupta + + + group-info + Grup bilgisi + + + gwei + Gwei + + + hash + Hash + + + help + Yardım + + + help-capitalized + Yardım + + + help-center + Yardım Merkezi + + + hide-content-when-switching-apps + Ekran görüntüsü alınmasını engelle + + + hide-content-when-switching-apps-ios + Önizlemeyi gizle + + + history + Geçmiş + + + history-nodes + Status nodeleri + + + hold-card + Kartı telefonunuzun arkasında tutun + + + home + Ev + + + hooks + Kancalama + + + identifier + Tanımlayıcı + + + image-remove-current + Mevcut fotoğrafı kaldır + + + image-source-gallery + Galeriden seç + + + image-source-make-photo + Yakala + + + image-source-title + Resmi düzenle + + + profile-pic-take + Fotoğraf çek + + + profile-pic-pick + Galeriden seç + + + profile-pic-remove + Fotoğrafı kaldır + + + in-contacts + Kişilerde + + + incoming + Gelen + + + incoming-transaction + Gelen işlem + + + incorrect-code::0 + str + + + incorrect-code::1 + Maalesef kod yanlış, lütfen tekrar girin + + + initialization + Başlatma + + + install + ◊ Yükle + + + intro-message1 + Status'a Hoş Geldiniz! + Şifrenizi ayarlayabilmeniz için bu mesaja dokunun. + + + intro-privacy-policy-note1 + Status kişisel verilerinizi toplamaz veya bunlardan kar sağlamaz. Devam ederek kabul etmiş sayılırsınız. + + + intro-privacy-policy-note2 + Gizlilik Politikası + + + intro-text + Status, merkezi olmayan web'e giriş kapısıdır + + + intro-text1 + İletilerin sansürlenemeyeceği veya saldırıya uğratılamadığı şifreli bir ağ üzerinden sohbet edin. + + + intro-text2 + Dijital varlıkları dünyanın herhangi bir yerine gönderin veya alın; banka hesabı gerektirmez. + + + intro-text3 + Yalnızca verilerinizin sahibi olduğunuz oyunları, borsaları ve sosyal ağları keşfedin + + + intro-title1 + Gerçekten özel iletişim + + + intro-title2 + Güvenli kripto cüzdanı + + + intro-title3 + Merkezi olmayan uygulamalar + + + intro-wizard-text1 + Bu anahtarlar hesabınızı kontrol eder. Anahtarlarınız sadece telefonunuzda yayınlanır.Böylece yalnızca siz kullanabilirsiniz + + + intro-wizard-text2 + Bu anahtar sohbet içindir. Değiştirilemeyen ve okunabilir bir adla birlikte gelir. + + + intro-wizard-text3 + Bir Keycard Kartınız var ise, gelişmiş güvenlik için anahtarlarınızı orada saklayın. + + + intro-wizard-text4 + Anahtarlarınızı güvenceye alın ve şifreleyin + + + intro-wizard-text6 + Status yeni mesajlar hakkında sizi bilgilendirir. Bildirim tercihlerinizi daha sonra ayarlardan düzenleyebilirsiniz + + + intro-wizard-title-alt4 + Şifre oluştur + + + intro-wizard-title-alt5 + Parolanızı doğrulayın + + + intro-wizard-title1 + Anahtarlarını al + + + intro-wizard-title2 + Bir sohbet adı seçin + + + intro-wizard-title3 + Anahtar depolama alanını seçin + + + intro-wizard-title4 + 6 haneli bir şifre oluşturun + + + intro-wizard-title5 + Parolayı onaylayın + + + intro-wizard-title6 + Bildirimleri etkinleştirin + + + are-you-sure-to-cancel + İptal etmek istediğinden emin misin? + + + you-will-start-from-scratch + Sıfırdan yeni bir anahtar seti ile başlayacaksınız. + + + invalid-address-qr-code + Taranan QR kodu geçerli bir adres içermiyor + + + invalid-format + Geçersiz format + {{format}} olmalı + + + invalid-key-confirm + Uygula + + + invalid-key-content + Bir dosya bozuk olduğundan veritabanı şifrelenemiyor. Paranız ve sohbet anahtarınız güvende. Sohbetleriniz ve kişileriniz gibi diğer veriler geri yüklenemez. “ {{erase-multiaccounts-data-button-text}} ” düğmesi, diğer tüm verileri kaldırır ve paranıza erişmenize ve mesaj göndermenize olanak tanır + + + invalid-number + Geçersiz numara + + + invalid-pairing-password + Geçersiz eşleştirme şifresi + + + invalid-range + Geçersiz biçim, {{min}} ve {{max}} arasında olmalıdır + + + invalid-username-or-key + Geçersiz kullanıcı adı veya sohbet anahtarı + + + join-me + Hey Statusda bana katılın: {{url}} + + + join-a-community + veya bir topluluğa katılın + + + http-gateway-error + Hay aksi, istek başarısız oldu! + + + sign-request-failed + Mesaj imzalanamadı + + + invite-friends + Arkadaşlarınızı davet edin + + + invite-people + İnsanları davet et + + + invite-reward + Davet ettiğiniz her arkadaşınız için kripto kazanın! + + + invite-select-account + Tavsiye bonusunuzu almak için bir hesap seçin + + + invited + davet + + + invite-button + Davet et + + + invite-receive-account + Tavsiye bonusunuzu alacak hesap + + + how-it-works + Nasıl çalışır + + + invite-warning + Bu promosyon yalnızca ABD'de ikamet etmeyen bir Android cihaz kullanıcıları için geçerlidir. Arkadaşın tavsiyeyi 7 gün içinde onaylaması gerekiyor + + + invite-instruction-first + Statusu indirmek ve katılmak için arkadaşınıza benzersiz bir davet bağlantısı gönderirsiniz + + + invite-instruction-second + Arkadaşınız Statusu indirir ve bir hesap oluşturur (Android'de) + + + invite-instruction-third + Arkadaşınızla, tavsiyenizi onayladıkları bir sohbet başlatılır + + + invite-instruction-fourth + Tavsiye bonusu ve arkadaşınıza Başlangıç Paketini alırsınız + + + invite-instruction-fifth + Tavsiye bonusunuzu istediğiniz zaman kullanmayı seçebilirsiniz. + + + invite-reward-you + Sen: + + + invite-reward-you-name + Tavsiye bonusu + + + invite-reward-you-description + Bir arkadaşınızı davet edin ve tavsiye bonusu olarak {{reward}} kazanın. Çıkartmalar, bir ENS adı almak ve dapp'leri denemek için kullanın + + + invite-reward-friend + Arkadaş: + + + invite-reward-friend-name + Başlangıç paketi + + + invite-reward-friend-description + Arkadaşınız, başlamak için bazı {{reward}} içeren bir Başlangıç Paketi alacak + + + invite-privacy-policy1 + Kabul ederek tavsiye programını kabul etmiş olursunuz + + + invite-privacy-policy2 + Şartlar ve koşullar. + + + invite-privacy-policy-public + Statusu bir referans bağlantısı aracılığıyla yüklediniz. Bu sohbete katılarak size referans verene atıfta bulunursunuz ve şunu kabul edersiniz: + + + invite-chat-name + Arkadaş tavsiyesi + + + invite-chat-starter-pack + Başlangıç paketi + + + invite-chat-intro + Bir arkadaşınız tarafından Statusa katılmanız için yönlendirildiniz. İşte başlamanız için bazı kriptolar! Bir ENS adını kaydetmek veya bir çıkartma paketi satın almak için kullanın + + + invite-public-chat-home + Referans daveti + + + invite-public-chat-intro + İşte başlamanız için bazı kriptolar! Bir ENS adını kaydetmek veya bir çıkartma paketi satın almak için kullanın + + + invite-chat-accept + Kabul et + + + invite-chat-pending + Bekliyor + + + invite-chat-accept-join + Kabul Et ve Katıl + + + invite-chat-rule + Kabul ettiğinizde,arkadaşınızı bir kripto tavsiye bonusu ile de ödüllendirilecek + + + redeem-now + Şimdi kullan + + + redeem-amount + {{quantity}}bonusları kullanılabilir + + + redeem-success + Bonusu başarıyla kullandın! + + + attribution-received + {{attrib}}dışında {{max}}bonuslar alındı. + + + advertiser-starter-pack-title + Başlangıç paketi + + + advertiser-starter-pack-description + İşte başlamanız için bazı kriptolar! Çıkartmalar, bir ENS adı almak ve dapp'leri denemek için kullanın + + + advertiser-title + Varsayılan olarak gizlilik + + + advertiser-description + Bir ortak sayesinde Statusu keşfettiniz. Durumun IP adresinizi bir kez kontrol etmesini ve böylece ödüllendirilmelerinin bir sakıncası var mı? Bu bilgiler başka hiçbir amaçla kullanılmayacak ve 7 gün sonra tamamen silinecektir. + + + advertiser-starter-pack-accept + Kabul et + + + advertiser-starter-pack-decline + Reddet + + + dapp-starter-pack-title + Başlangıç paketi + + + dapp-starter-pack-description + İşte başlamanız için bazı kriptolar! Çıkartmalar, bir ENS adı almak ve dapp'leri denemek için kullanın. + + + dapp-starter-pack-accept + Kabul Et ve Aç + + + starter-pack-coming + Başlangıç Paketi yolunuzu geliyor + + + starter-pack-coming-description + Birkaç dakika veya saat sürebilir + + + starter-pack-received + Başlangıç Paketi alındı + + + starter-pack-received-description + İşte başlamanız için bazı kriptolar! Çıkartmalar, bir ENS adı almak ve dapp'leri denemek için kullanın + + + join-group-chat + Gruba katıl + + + join-group-chat-description + {{username}} sizi {{group-name}} katılmaya davet etti + + + joined-group-chat-description + {{username}} tarafından gönderilen davetiye {{group-name}} {{username}} + + + key + Anahtar + + + keycard + Keycard + + + keycard-access-reset + Keycarda erişim sıfırlandı + + + keycard-can-use-with-new-passcode + Bu kartı yeni şifrenizle kullanabilirsiniz + + + keycard-applet-install-instructions + Uygulamayı yüklemek için lütfen https://github.com/status-im/keycard-cli#keycard-applet-installation adresindeki talimatları izleyin. + + + keycard-blocked + Keycard engellendi. + Kullanmaya devam etmek için kartı sıfırlamanız gerekir. + + + keycard-cancel-setup-text + Bu, keycard kurulumunu iptal eder. Keycardı kullanmak için kurulumun tamamlanması önemle tavsiye edilir. Gerçekten iptal etmek istiyor musunuz? + + + keycard-cancel-setup-title + Tehlikeli operasyon + + + keycard-desc + Keycardınız mı var? Anahtarlarınızı üzerinde saklayın; işlemler için buna ihtiyacın olacak + + + keycard-dont-ask-card + Oturum açmak için kart sorma + + + keycard-reset-passcode + Parolayı sıfırla + + + keycard-factory-reset + Kartı fabrika ayarlarına döndür + + + keycard-factory-reset-title + Fabrika ayarlarına sıfırlama yapmak istediğinizden emin misiniz? + + + keycard-factory-reset-text + Bunu yapmak, kartta depolanan tüm anımsatıcı ifadeleri siler. Bu Keycard ile kullandığınız anımsatıcı ifadenin bir yedeğine sahip olduğunuzdan emin olun. + + + keycard-enter-new-passcode + Yeni parola girin {{step}}/2 + + + keycard-has-multiaccount-on-it + Bu kart dolu. Her kart bir ana anahtar çifti tutabilir + + + keycard-onboarding-finishing-header + Bitirin + + + keycard-onboarding-intro-header + Anahtarlarınızı Keycardınızda saklayın. + + + keycard-onboarding-intro-text + Hazırlanın, bu birkaç dakika sürebilir, ancak hesabınızın güvenliğini sağlamak önemlidir. + + + keycard-onboarding-pairing-header + Kart eşleştiriliyor ... + + + keycard-onboarding-preparing-header + Kart hazırlanıyor ... + + + keycard-onboarding-puk-code-header + Kodları yaz + ve güvenli bir şekilde saklayın + + + keycard-onboarding-recovery-phrase-description + Anahtarınızı geri almak için bu kelime imzanıza ihtiyacınız var.Güvenli bir yere yazın ve saklayın. + + + keycard-onboarding-recovery-phrase-header + İmza kelimelerinizi yedekleyin. + + + keycard-onboarding-recovery-phrase-text + Gözlerinle iyi bak. Bu, anahtarınızı oluşturmak için kullanılan büyülü kelime imzalarınız. + + + keycard-onboarding-start-header + Başlamak için kartı telefonunuzun arkasında tutun. + + + keycard-onboarding-pin-text + Keycardınıza erişimi korumak için kullanılacak 6 haneli bir şifre oluşturmanız gerekecektir. + + + keycard-onboarding-mnemonic-text + Ayrıca imza kelimelerinizi yazmak için bir parça kağıda ve bir kaleme ihtiyacınız olacak. + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step1 + Parola oluştur + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step1-text + Yaklaşık 1 dakika. Anahtarlarınızı şifrelemek için 6 haneli bir şifre oluşturun + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step2 + PUK ve eşleme kodunu yazın + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step2-text + Yaklaşık 1 dakika sürecek.Bir parça kağıda ve kaleme ihtiyacınız olacak + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step3 + İmza kelimelerinizi yedekleyin + + + keycard-onboarding-start-step3-text + Yaklaşık 1 dakika sürecek. Ayrıca bir parça kağıt ve kalem gereklidir + + + keycard-onboarding-start-text + Kurulum sırasında kart ile telefon temasını sürdürün.Kurulum yaklaşık 4 dakika sürecek + + + keycard-recovery-intro-button-text + Kurtarmayı başlat + + + keycard-recovery-intro-header + Keycardınızda bulunan anahtarlarınızı kurtarın + + + keycard-recovery-intro-text + Daha önce bir Keycard kullanarak anahtarlar oluşturduysanız ve şimdi bu anahtarları bu cihazda kullanmak mı istiyorsun + + + keycard-recovery-no-key-header + Yapacak bir şey yok. +buradan kurtarın + + + keycard-recovery-no-key-text + Keycardınızda depolanmış bir anahtar yok. Kullanmak için yeni bir anahtar oluşturun ve anahtarı saklamak için Keycardınızı seçin + + + keycard-recovery-phrase-confirm-header + İmza Kelimesini onaylayın + + + keycard-recovery-phrase-confirmation-text + İkinci bir şansın olmayacak! Cihazınızı kaybederseniz veya değiştirirseniz, kelime imzalarınız yoksa Keycardınıza veya onunla ilişkili hiç bir şeye erişemezsiniz.Kelime imzanı bir yere yaz.Ve onu güvende tut. + + + keycard-recovery-phrase-confirmation-title + Kelime imzanızı yazdınız mı? + + + keycard-recovery-success-header + Anahtarlarınız + başarıyla kurtarıldı + + + keycard-redeem-title + Kullan + + + keycard-redeem-tx + Varlıkları kullanın + + + keycard-redeem-tx-desc + Varlıkları imzalamak ve almak için karta hafifçe dokunun + + + keycard-unauthorized-operation + Bu işlemi gerçekleştirme yetkiniz yok. + Lütfen geçerli karta hafifçe vurun ve tekrar deneyin. + + + keycard-is-frozen-title + Keycard donduruldu + + + keycard-is-frozen-details + Varlıklarınızı korumak için kartınız dondurulur. Çözmek ve işlem gönderebilmek için kartınızı sıfırlayın. Bunu PUK'unuz veya anımsatıcınızla yapabilirsiniz. + + + keycard-is-frozen-reset + PUK ile Sıfırla + + + keycard-is-frozen-factory-reset + Anımsatıcı ile sıfırla + + + your-card-is-frozen + Keycardınız dondurulmuş. Kart erişimini sıfırla + + + keycard-is-blocked-title + Keycard Engellendi + + + keycard-is-blocked-details + Artık bu kartı, bu hesaba erişmek veya bu hesapta oturum açmak için kullanamazsınız. Çok fazla başarısız şifre ve PUK denemesi yapıldı. + + + keycard-is-blocked-instructions + Hesabınıza erişmek için kartınızı fabrika ayarlarına sıfırlamanız gerekir. Prosedürü başlatmak için aşağıdaki düğmeye dokunun, anımsatıcınıza ihtiyacınız olacak. + + + language + Dil + + + learn-more + Daha fazla bilgi edinin + + + learn-more-about-keycard + Keycard hakkında daha fazla bilgi edinin + + + leave + Ayrıl + + + joined + Katıldı + + + leave-group + Gruptan ayrıl + + + left + ayrıldı + + + lets-go + Hadi gidelim + + + les-ulc + LES / ULC + + + linked-on + bağlandı {{date}} + + + load-messages-before + {{date}} önce + + + load-more-messages + Daha fazla mesaj getir + + + load-more-timeline + ↓ Daha fazlasını getir + + + loading + Yükleniyor... + + + log-level + Günlük seviyesi + + + log-level-settings + Günlük seviyesi ayarları + + + logging + Günlükler + + + logging-enabled + Günlük kaydı etkin mi? + + + login-pin-description + Anahtarlarınızın kilidini açmak için 6 haneli şifrenizi girin + + + logout + Çıkış Yap + + + logout-app-content + Hesap oturumu kapatılacak. Tekrar kilidini açtığınızda, seçilen ağ kullanılır + + + logout-are-you-sure + Çıkış yapmak istediğinden emin misin ? + + + logout-title + Çıkış Yap? + + + logout-key-management + Anahtar yönetimine erişmek için oturumu kapatmanız gerekir. + + + looking-for-cards + Kart aranıyor ... + + + lost-connection + Bağlantı koptu + + + mailserver-address + Status node adresi + + + mailserver-automatic + Otomatik seçim + + + mailserver-automatic-switch-explanation + Mevcut en hızlı Status nodesini seçin + + + mailserver-connection-error + Status nodesine bağlanılamadı + + + mailserver-details + Status nodesi ayrıntıları + + + mailserver-error-content + Seçtiğiniz Status nodesine ulaşılamadı. + + + mailserver-error-title + Status nodesine bağlanırken hata oluştu + + + mailserver-format + enode: // {enode-id} @ {ip-address} : {port} + + + mailserver-pick-another + Başka bir Status nodesi seçin + + + mailserver-reconnect + Status nodesine bağlanılamadı. Yeniden bağlanmak için dokunun + + + mailserver-request-error-content + Status nodesi tarafından şu hata oluştu: {{error}} + + + mailserver-request-error-status + Geçmiş getirilirken bir hata oluştu, ayrıntılar için günlükleri kontrol edin + + + mailserver-request-error-title + Status node isteği hatası + + + mailserver-request-retry + İsteği yeniden deneyin + + + mailserver-retry + Yeniden Dene + + + main-currency + Ana para birimi + + + main-networks + Ana ağlar + + + main-wallet + Ana Cüzdan + + + mainnet-network + Ana ağ + + + make-admin + Admin yap + + + manage-keys-and-storage + Anahtarları ve depolamayı yönetin + + + mark-all-read + Tümünü okundu olarak işaretle + + + members + + 1 üye + {{count}} üyeler + + + + members-active + + Üye + {{count}}Üyeler + + + + members-active-none + Üye yok + + + members-title + Üyeler + + + message + Mesaj + + + message-not-sent + Mesaj gönderilmedi + + + message-options-cancel + İptal + + + message-reply + Cevap + + + replying-to + {{author}} yanıtlanıyor + + + data-syncing + Veri senkronizasyonu + + + messages + Mesajlar + + + chat-is-a-contact + İletişim + + + chat-is-not-a-contact + Ekli Değil + + + might-break + Biraz ÐApps'ı kırabilir + + + migrations-failed-content + {{message}} + şema sürümü: ilk {{initial-version}} , geçerli {{current-version}} , son {{last-version}} + + Bir veritabanı hatası oluştu. Paranız ve sohbet anahtarınız güvende. Sohbetleriniz ve kişileriniz gibi diğer veriler geri yüklenemez. " {{erase-multiaccounts-data-button-text}} " "düğmesi diğer tüm verileri kaldırır ve paranıza erişmenize ve mesaj göndermenize olanak tanır. + + + mobile-network-ask-me + Mobil ağdayken bana sor + + + mobile-network-continue-syncing + Senkronizasyona devam et + + + mobile-network-continue-syncing-details + Bunu daha sonra ayarlardan değiştirebilirsiniz + + + mobile-network-go-to-settings + Ayarlara git + + + mobile-network-settings + Mobil veri + + + mobile-network-sheet-configure + Senkronizasyonu daha fazla yapılandırabilirsiniz . + Detaylar burada + + + mobile-network-sheet-offline + Wi-fi kapalı, mesaj senkronizasyonu devre dışı. + + + mobile-network-sheet-offline-details + Mobil ağ kullanarak senkronizasyon kapalı + + + mobile-network-sheet-remember-choice + Seçimimi hatırla + + + mobile-network-sheet-settings + Ayarlar + + + mobile-network-start-syncing + Senkronizasyonu başlat + + + mobile-network-stop-syncing + Senkronizasyonu durdur + + + mobile-network-stop-syncing-details + Kablosuz ağa bağlanana kadar? + + + mobile-network-use-mobile + Mobil veri kullan + + + mobile-network-use-mobile-data + Status, sohbetleri ve cüzdanı senkronize ederken çok fazla veri kullanır. + + + mobile-network-use-wifi + Yalnızca kablosuz + + + mobile-syncing-sheet-details + Status, sohbetleri ve cüzdanı senkronize ederken çok fazla veri kullanır. + + + mobile-syncing-sheet-title + Mobil veri kullanarak senkronize edilsin mi? + + + more + Daha + + + multiaccount-exists-title + Bu hesabın anahtarları zaten var + + + multiaccount-exists-content + Bu hesabın anahtarları zaten var ve tekrar eklenemiyor.Parolanızı, şifrenizi veya keycardınızı kaybettiyseniz, uygulamayı kaldırın, kelime imzanızı girerek anahtarlarınızı yeniden yükleyin ve erişin + + + multiaccounts-recover-enter-phrase-text + 12, 15, 18, 21 veya 24 uzunluğunda kelime girin. + Kelimeleri tek bir boşlukla ayırın. + + + multiaccounts-recover-enter-phrase-title + kelime imzanızı girin + + + name + Ad + + + name-of-token + Tokeninizin Adı + + + need-help + Yardıma mı ihtiyacınız var? + + + glossary + Terimler sözlüğü + + + account-title + Hesap + + + account-content + Status'daki hesapları banka hesaplarıyla karşılaştırabilirsiniz.Bir hesabın genellikle bir adresi ve bir bakiyesi vardır; Bu hesabı Ethereum üzerinde işlem yapmak için kullanırsınız. Cüzdanınızda birden fazla hesabınız olabilir. Tümüne Status kilidini açarak erişebilirsiniz. + + + chat-key-title + Sohbet Anahtarı + + + chat-key-content + Status sohbet protokolündeki mesajlar şifreleme anahtarları kullanılarak gönderilir ve alınır. Genel sohbet anahtarları sizin Status ile mesaj gönderilmesi için başkalarıyla paylaştığınız bir karakter dizisidir. + + + chat-name-title + Sohbet Adı + + + chat-name-content + Sohbet anahtarınızdan algoritmik olarak türetilen ve sohbette varsayılan takma adınız olarak kullanılan üç rastgele kelimedir. Sohbet adları tamamen benzersizdir; başka hiçbir kullanıcı aynı üç kelimeye sahip olamaz. + + + ens-name-title + ENS Adı + + + ens-name-content + Ethereum Name Service'i kullanarak kaydedebileceğiniz sohbet anahtarınız için özel takma ad. ENS isimleri merkezi olmayan kullanıcı isimleridir. + + + mailserver-title + Status nodesi + + + mailserver-content + Status ağında iletileri 30 güne kadar yönlendiren ve depolayan bir node. + + + peer-title + + + + peer-content + Status sohbet ağına bağlı bir cihaz. Her kullanıcı, cihaz sayısına bağlı olarak bir veya daha fazla eş temsil edebilir. + + + seed-phrase-title + Kelime imzanız + + + seed-phrase-content + BIP39 standart listesinden rastgele seçilen ve Ethereum hesabınızı diğer cüzdanlarda ve cihazlarda kurtarmak veya erişmek için kullanılan bir dizi okunması kolay kelimeler. Kripto ekosisteminde “anımsatıcı ifade”, “kurtarma ifadesi” veya “cüzdan yedeklemesi” olarak da adlandırılır. Çoğu kripto uygulaması hesap oluşturmak için aynı standardı kullanır. + + + wallet-key-title + Hesap adresi + + + wallet-key-content + Ethereum standardını temel alan ve 0x ile başlayan 64 karakterlik onaltılık adres. Herkese açık olarak, para almak istediğinizde hesap adresiniz başkalarıyla paylaşılır. "Ethereum adresi" veya "cüzdan adresi" olarak da bilinir. + + + buy-crypto-title + Görünüşe göre cüzdanınız boş + + + buy-crypto-description + Şimdi kripto satın almak için bir dapp bulun + + + buy-crypto + Kripto satın alın + + + buy-crypto-choose-a-service + Kripto satın almak için kullanmak istediğiniz bir hizmet seçin + + + buy-crypto-leaving + Status'tan ayrılıyorsunuz ve satın alma işleminizi tamamlamak için üçüncü taraf web sitesine giriyorsunuz + + + opening-buy-crypto + {{site}} açılıyor ... + + + network + + + + network-chain + Ağ zinciri + + + network-details + Ağ ayrıntıları + + + network-info + Ağ bilgisi + + + network-fee + Ağ ücreti + + + network-id + Ağ kimliği + + + network-invalid-network-id + Belirtilen ağ kimliği, RPC URL'sinin ağ kimliğine karşılık gelmiyor + + + network-invalid-status-code + Geçersiz status kodu: {{code}} + + + network-invalid-url + Ağ URL'si geçersiz + + + network-settings + Ağ ayarları + + + new + Yeni + + + new-chat + Yeni sohbet + + + new-contact + Yeni iletişim + + + new-contract + Yeni sözleşme + + + new-group + Yeni Grup + + + new-group-chat + Yeni grup sohbeti + + + new-network + Yeni ağ + + + new-pin-description + Yeni 6 haneli şifre girin + + + new-puk-description + Yeni 12 haneli PUK girin + + + new-public-group-chat + Herkese açık sohbete katılın + + + next + Sonraki + + + no + Hayır + + + no-collectibles + Mevcut koleksiyonunuz yok + + + no-contacts + Henüz kişi yok + + + no-keycard-applet-on-card + Kartta Keycard uygulaması yok + + + no-messages + Mesaj yok + + + no-pairing-slots-available + Bu kart zaten 5 cihazla eşleştirildi ve bu kartla eşleştirilemiyor. Lütfen eşleştirilmiş cihazlardan birini kullanın, bu kartla giriş yapın ve karttaki eşleştirme yuvalarını boşaltın + + + no-result + Sonuç yok + + + no-tokens-found + Token bulunamadı. + + + node-info + Node bilgisi + + + node-address + Node adresi + + + node-details + Node ayrıntıları + + + node-version + Düğüm sürümü + + + nonce + nonce + + + none + Hiçbiri + + + not-applicable + İmzasız işlemler için geçerli değildir + + + not-keycard-text + Kullandığınız kart bir Keycard değil. Kullanmak için bir Keycard satın almanız gerekiyor + + + not-keycard-title + Keycard değil + + + notifications + Bildirimler + + + local-notifications + Yerel bildirimler + + + local-notifications-subtitle + + + + remote-notifications + + + + remote-notifications-subtitle + Google push bildirimlerini etkinleştirin + + + show-notifications + Bildirimleri göster + + + notification-settings + Bildirimler + + + notifications-servers + Bildirim sunucuları + + + notifications-preferences + Bildirim Tercihleri + + + notifications-switch + Bildirimleri göster + + + notifications-non-contacts + Kişi olmayanlardan gelen bildirimler + + + notifications-transactions + Cüzdan işlemleri + + + send-push-notifications + + + + send-push-notifications-description + Devre dışı bırakıldığında, mesajlarınızı alan kişiye mesajın geldiği bildirilmez. + + + push-notifications-server-enabled + Sunucu etkinleştirildi + + + push-notifications-servers + Push bildirim sunucuları + + + push-inbound-transaction + {{value}} {{currency}} aldınız + + + push-outbound-transaction + {{value}} {{currency}} gönderdiniz + + + push-failed-transaction + İşleminiz başarısız oldu + + + push-inbound-transaction-body + {{from}} gönderen {{from}} - {{to}} + + + push-outbound-transaction-body + {{from}} gönderen {{from}} - {{to}} + + + push-failed-transaction-body + {{value}} {{currency}} için {{to}} + + + allow-mention-notifications + @ bahsetmeyi göster + + + server + Sunucu + + + specify-server-public-key + Sunucu genel anahtarını girin + + + notify + Bildirim + + + off + Kapalı + + + offline + Çevrimdışı + + + offline-messaging-use-history-nodes + Status nodelerini kullan + + + offline-messaging-use-history-explanation + Uygulama kapalıyken gönderilen mesajları almak için Status nodelerini etkinleştirin. Etkinleştirildiğinde, bir Status nodesi ip adresinizi alır. Devre dışı bırakıldığında, uygulama kapatıldığında mesaj almayacaksınız ve uygulamayı daha sonra açtığınızda bunları görmeyeceksiniz. + + + ok + tamam + + + ok-continue + Tamam, devam et + + + ok-got-it + Tamam anladım + + + okay + Tamam + + + on + + + + open + Açık + + + open-home + Açık... + + + open-dapp + ÐApp'ı aç + + + open-dapp-store + ÐApps'ı Keşfedin + + + open-nfc-settings + NFC ayarlarını aç + + + open-on-block-explorer + + + + optional + isteğe bağlı + + + or + Veya + + + outgoing + Giden + + + outgoing-transaction + Giden işlem + + + pair + Cihazları eşleştir + + + pair-card + Bu cihazla eşleştir + + + pair-code + Eşleme kodu + + + pair-code-explanation + Anahtarları açmak ve aynı Keycard ile işlemleri imzalamak için kartı farklı bir cihaza (5'e kadar) eşleştirir + + + pair-this-card + Bu kartı eşleştir + + + pair-this-device + Diğer cihazların telefonunuzu bulmasına izin verin + + + pair-this-device-description + Kişileri ve sohbetleri aralarında senkronize etmek için cihazlarınızı eşleyin + + + paired-devices + Eşleşmiş cihazlar + + + pairing + Eşleştirme + + + pairing-card + Eşleşen kart + + + pairing-code-placeholder + Eşleştirme kodu... + + + pairing-code_error1 + Eşleştirme kodları eşleşmiyor. + + + confirm-pairing-code-placeholder + Eşleştirme kodunuzu onaylayın... + + + pairing-go-to-installation + Eşleme ayarlarına gidin + + + pairing-maximum-number-reached-content + Lütfen yeni bir cihazı etkinleştirmeden önce cihazlarınızdan birini devre dışı bırakın. + + + pairing-maximum-number-reached-title + Maksimum cihaz sayısına ulaşıldı + + + pairing-new-installation-detected-content + Yeni bir cihaz algılandı. + Cihazlarınızı doğru bir şekilde kullanmak için kullanmadan önce eşleştirmek ve etkinleştirmek önemlidir. + Cihazlarınızı eşleştirmek için lütfen ayarlar altındaki cihaz bölümüne gidin. + + + pairing-new-installation-detected-title + Yeni cihaz algılandı + + + pairing-no-info + Bilgi yok + + + pairing-please-set-a-name + Lütfen cihazınız için bir ad belirleyin. + + + passphrase + Parola + + + password + Şifre + + + password-description + En az 6 karakter. Parolanız anahtarlarınızı korur. Statusun kilidini açmak ve işlem yapmak için buna ihtiyacınız var. + + + password-placeholder2 + Parolanızı doğrulayın + + + password_error1 + Parolalar uyuşmuyor. + + + paste + Yapıştır + + + paste-json + JSON'u yapıştır + + + pay-to-chat + Sohbete öde + + + peers + Eşler + + + pending + Bekliyor + + + pending-confirmation + Onay bekleniyor... + + + permissions + İzinler + + + phone-e164 + Uluslararası 1 + + + photos-access-error + Gerekli fotoğraflara izin vermek için lütfen sistem ayarlarınıza gidin ve Status > Fotoğraflar'ın seçili olduğundan emin olun. + + + pin-changed + 6 haneli şifre değiştirildi + + + puk-changed + 12 haneli PUK değiştirildi + + + pairing-changed + Eşleştirme kodu değiştirildi + + + pin-code + 6 haneli şifre + + + pin-mismatch + Yanlış şifre + + + pin-retries-left + {{number}} kaldı + + + pin-one-attempt-blocked-before + Sadece, Dikkatli Ol + + + pin-one-attempt-frozen-before + Sadece, Dikkatli Ol + + + pin-one-attempt + bir deneme + + + pin-one-attempt-blocked-after + Keycardınız engellenmeden önce + + + pin-one-attempt-frozen-after + Keycardınız dondurulmadan önce + + + preview-privacy + Gizlilik modunu önizleme + + + privacy + Gizlilik + + + privacy-photos + Profil fotoğrafı gizliliği + + + privacy-and-security + Gizlilik ve güvenlik + + + privacy-policy + Gizlilik Politikası + + + privacy-show-to-warning + Profil resminizi daha önce görmüş olan kişiler bunu yapmaya devam edecek + + + processing + Sadece bir dakika + + + product-information + Ürün Bilgisi + + + profile + Profil + + + profile-details + Profil detayları + + + public-chat + Genel sohbet + + + public-chats + Genel sohbetler + + + public-group-status + Genel + + + public-group-topic + Konu + + + join-new-public-chat + Herkese açık bir sohbete katılın + + + join-new-private-chat + Yeni bir özel sohbet başlat + + + search-no-chat-found + Arama sonucu bulunamadı. Ne aramak istedin ? + + + public-key + Genel anahtar + + + puk-and-pairing-codes-displayed + PUK ve eşleştirme kodlarını görüntüle + + + puk-code + PUK kodu + + + puk-code-explanation + 6 basamaklı şifrenizi unutursanız veya 3 kez yanlış girerseniz, kartınızın kilidini açmak için bu koda ihtiyacınız olacak + + + puk-mismatch + Yanlış PUK kodu + + + quiet-days + {{quiet-days}} gün + + + quiet-hours + {{quiet-hours}} saat + + + re-encrypt-key + Anahtarlarınızı yeniden şifreleyin + + + receive + Al + + + receive-transaction + İşlem al + + + recent + Son + + + recent-recipients + İletişim + + + recently-used-stickers + Son kullanılan etiketler burada görünecek + + + recipient + alıcı + + + recipient-code + Alıcı adresini girin + + + recipient-code-placeholder + 0x ... veya kullanıcıadı.domain.eth + + + recover + Kurtarmak + + + recover-key + Mevcut anahtarlara erişin + + + recover-keycard-multiaccount-not-supported + Bu hesabın anahtarları zaten var ve tekrar eklenemiyor.Parolanızı, şifrenizi veya keycardınızı kaybettiyseniz, uygulamayı kaldırın, kelime imzanızı girerek anahtarlarınızı yeniden yükleyin ve erişin + + + recover-with-keycard + Keycard ile kurtar + + + recovering-key + Anahtarlara erişiliyor ... + + + recovery-confirm-phrase + Kelime imzanızı onaylayın. + + + recovery-phrase + Kelime imzanız + + + recovery-success-text + Anahtarlarınızı yeniden şifrelemek için yeni bir kod veya şifre oluşturmanız gerekecek + + + recovery-typo-dialog-description + Lütfen dikkat, kelime imzanız için seçtiğiniz kelimelerin her sırası aynı kelimelerden oluşmalıdır. + + + recovery-typo-dialog-title + Kelime imzası doğru mu? + + + remember-me + Beni hatırla + + + remind-me-later + Bunu tekrar göster + + + remove + Kaldır + + + remove-from-chat + Sohbetten kaldır + + + remove-from-contacts + Kişilerden kaldır + + + remove-from-contacts-text + Bir kullanıcıyı kişi listenizden kaldırsanız bile cüzdan adresinizi onlardan gizleyemezsiniz. + + + remove-network + Ağı kaldır + + + remove-token + Tokeni Sil + + + removed + kaldırıldı + + + repeat-pin + Yeni 6 haneli şifreyi tekrarlayın + + + repeat-puk + Yeni 12 haneli PUK'u tekrarlayın + + + report-bug-email-template + 1. Sorun Açıklaması +( İstediğiniz özelliği açıklayın veya hatayı ve ne yaptığınızı, ne olmasını beklediğinizi ve gerçekte ne olduğunu kısaca özetleyin. Aşağıdaki bölümler ) +2. Birincil adım +( Hatayı adım adım nasıl kopyalayabileceğimizi açıklayın. ) +Status açın +3. Adım vb. +3. Beklenen davranış +( Ne olmasını beklediğinizi açıklayın. ) +4. Gerçek davranış +( Gerçekte ne olduğunu açıklayın. ) +5. sorunu demo olabilir ekran görüntüleri ekleyin, lütfen + + + request-transaction + İşlem iste + + + required-field + gerekli alan + + + resend-message + Yeniden gönder + + + reset-card + Kartı sıfırla + + + reset-card-description + Bu işlem kartı başlangıç durumuna sıfırlar. Özel anahtarlar dahil tüm kart verilerini silecektir. İşlem geri döndürülemez. + + + retry + Yeniden Dene + + + revoke-access + Erişimi iptal et + + + rinkeby-network + Rinkeby test ağı + + + ropsten-network + Ropsten test ağı + + + rpc-url + RPC URL'si + + + save + Kaydet + + + save-password + Şifreyi kaydet + + + save-password-unavailable + Şifreyi kaydetmek için cihaz şifresini ayarlayın + + + save-password-unavailable-android + Şifreyi kaydet kullanılamıyor: cihazınız rootlanmış olabilir veya gerekli güvenlik izinlerine sahip olmayabilir. + + + scan-qr + QR kodunu tara + + + scan-qr-code + Cüz adresininin QR ile tarayın. + + + search + Arama + + + secret-keys-confirmation-text + Telefonunuzu kaybetmeniz durumunda Keycardınızı kullanmaya devam etmeniz için onlara ihtiyacınız olacaktır. + + + secret-keys-confirmation-title + Kodları yazdınız mı? + + + security + Güvenlik + + + see-details + Ayrıntılara bakınız + + + see-it-again + TEKRAR GÖR + + + select-account-first + Önce bir hesap seçin + + + select-chat + Mesajlaşmaya başlamak için bir sohbet seçin + + + selected + Seçili + + + select + Seçin + + + select-account + Hesabı seçin + + + send-logs + Hata bildirin + + + send-logs-to + Bu hatayı {{email}} adresine bildir + + + send-message + Mesaj gönder + + + send-request + İstek gönder + + + send-request-amount + Miktar + + + send-request-amount-max-decimals + Maksimum ondalık sayı {{asset-decimals}} + + + send-request-unknown-token + Bilinmeyen token {{asset}} + + + send-sending-to + {{recipient-name}}için + + + send-transaction + İşlem gönder + + + sending + Gönderiyorsun + + + sent-at + Gönderme tarihi + + + set-a-topic + Konu oluştur + + + set-currency + Para birimini ayarla + + + set-dapp-access-permissions + DApp erişim izinlerini ayarla + + + settings + Ayarlar + + + share + Paylaş + + + shared + Paylaşıldı + + + share-address + Adresi paylaş + + + share-chat + Sohbeti paylaş + + + share-contact-code + Sohbet anahtarımı paylaş + + + share-dapp-text + Status'da kullandığım şu DApp'e göz atın: {{link}} + + + share-link + Bağlantıyı paylaş + + + share-my-profile + Profilimi paylaş + + + share-profile + Profili paylaş + + + share-profile-link + Profil bağlantısını paylaş + + + share-public-chat-text + Status uygulamasında şu genel sohbete göz atın: {{link}} + + + sharing-copied-to-clipboard + Kopyalandı + + + sharing-copy-to-clipboard + Kopyala + + + share-logs + Günlükleri paylaş + + + sharing-share + Paylaş + + + show-less + Daha az göster + + + show-more + Daha fazla göster + + + show-qr + QR kodunu göster + + + show-transaction-data + İşlem verilerini göster + + + sign-and-send + İmzala ve gönder + + + sign-in + Oturum Aç + + + sign-message + Mesajı İmzala + + + sign-out + Oturumu kapat + + + sign-with + İle imzala + + + sign-with-password + Şifre ile oturum açın + + + sign-you-in + Oturumunuz açılıyor… + + + signing + İmzala + + + signing-a-message + Mesaj imzalama + + + signing-phrase + Kelime imzası + + + something-went-wrong + Bir şeyler yanlış gitti + + + soon + Yakında + + + specify-address + Adresi belirtin + + + specify-name + Bir ad belirtin + + + specify-symbol + Bir sembol belirtin + + + specify-network-id + Ağ kimliğini belirtin + + + specify-rpc-url + Bir RPC URL'si belirtin + + + start-chat + Sohbeti başlat + + + start-conversation + Görüşmeye başla + + + start-group-chat + Grup sohbeti başlat + + + start-new-chat + Yeni sohbet başlat + + + status + Status + + + status-confirmed + Onaylandı + + + status-hardwallet + Status hardwallet + + + status-keycard + Status Keycard + + + status-pending + Bekliyor + + + status-tx-not-found + TX bulunamadı + + + status-sent + Gönderildi + + + status-not-sent-tap + Onaylanamadı. Seçenekler için hafifçe dokunun. + + + status-not-sent-click + Onaylanmadı. Seçenekler için tıklayın + + + step-i-of-n + Adım {{step}}{{number}} + + + sticker-market + Sticker marketi + + + sticker + Etiket + + + submit + Gönder + + + submit-bug + Bir hata gönderin + + + success + Başarılı + + + symbol + Sembol + + + sync-all-devices + Tüm cihazları senkronize et + + + sync-in-progress + Senkronize ediliyor ... + + + sync-settings + Senkronizasyon ayarları + + + sync-synced + Senkronize edildi + + + syncing-devices + Senkronize ediliyor ... + + + tag-was-lost + Etiket kayboldu + + + tap-card-again + Telefonunuzun arkasındaki karta hafifçe dokunun. + + + test-networks + Test ağları + + + text-input-disabled + Lütfen bir dakika bekleyin... + + + this-device + Bu cihaz + + + this-device-desc + Anahtarlarınız şifrelenecek ve cihazınızda güvenli bir şekilde saklanacak + + + this-is-you-signing + Bu sizin kelime imzanız + + + this-will-take-few-seconds + Bu birkaç saniye sürecek + + + three-words-description + Her bir işlemi imzalamadan önce bu 3 kelimeyi görmelisiniz + + + three-words-description-2 + Farklı bir kombinasyon görürseniz işlemi iptal edin ve oturumu kapatın + + + to + için + + + to-block + Engelle + + + to-encrypt-enter-password + Hesabızı şifrelemek için lütfen şifrenizi girin. + + + to-see-this-message + Bu mesajı görmek için, + + + token-auto-validate-decimals-error + {{address}} adresindeki {{symbol}} belirtecinin yanlış ondalıkları, {{expected}} olarak ayarlandı ancak {{actual}} olarak algılandı + + + token-auto-validate-name-error + {{address}} adresindeki {{symbol}} belirtecinin yanlış ondalıkları, {{expected}} olarak ayarlandı ancak {{actual}} olarak algılandı + + + token-auto-validate-symbol-error + {{address}} adresindeki {{symbol}} belirtecinin yanlış ondalıkları, {{expected}} olarak ayarlandı ancak {{actual}} olarak algılandı + + + token-details + Token detayları + + + topic-name-error + Yalnızca küçük harfleri (a'dan z'ye), sayılar ve tireler (-) kullanın. Sohbet tuşlarını kullanmayın + + + transaction + işlem + + + transaction-data + Işlem verileri + + + transaction-declined + İşlem reddedildi + + + transactions-management-enabled + İşlem yönetimi (alfa) + + + transaction-description + Ağdaki 12 onaydan sonra tamamlanmış olarak düşünün. + + + transaction-details + Ödeme detayları + + + transaction-failed + İşlem başarısız oldu. + + + transaction-history + İşlem geçmişi + + + transaction-request + İşlem İsteği + + + transaction-sent + İşlem gönderildi + + + transaction-signed + İşlem başarıyla imzalandı + + + transactions + işlemler + + + transactions-filter-select-all + Hepsini seç + + + transactions-filter-title + Geçmişi filtrele + + + type + Türü + + + transactions-history + İşlem geçmişi + + + transactions-history-empty + Geçmişinizde henüz işlem yok + + + transactions-history-loading + İşlem geçmişi yükleniyor. Bu biraz zaman alabilir. + + + transactions-sign + İmzala + + + tribute-required-by-multiaccount + {{multiaccount-name}} sohbeti başlatmak için SNT gerekiyor + + + tribute-state-paid + Ücret ödendi + + + tribute-state-pending + Ücret bekleniyor + + + tribute-state-required + {{snt-amount}}Snt ödemesi gerektirir. + + + tribute-to-talk + Tribute to Talk + + + tribute-to-talk-add-friends + Ödeme yapmadan sohbetlere izin vermek için arkadaşlarınızı kişi olarak ekleyin. + + + tribute-to-talk-are-you-friends + Siz arkadaş mısınız? + + + tribute-to-talk-ask-to-be-added + Kişi olarak eklenmesini isteyin + + + tribute-to-talk-contact-received-your-tribute + Ücreti aldı. Artık birbirinizle güvenli bir şekilde sohbet edebilirsiniz. + + + tribute-to-talk-desc + Yeni kişilerin sohbet başlatması için SNT talep ederek dikkatinizi paraya çevirin + + + tribute-to-talk-disabled + Tribute to Talk devre dışı + + + tribute-to-talk-disabled-note + Artık yeni kişiler SNT göndermeden sizinle sohbet etmeye başlayabilir. + + + tribute-to-talk-enabled + Tribute to Talk'u etkinleştirdiniz. + + + tribute-to-talk-finish-desc + Şu andan itibaren, yalnızca kişilerden ve ödeme yapan kişilerden sohbetler alacaksınız + + + tribute-to-talk-learn-more-1 + Zamanınız ve dikkatiniz en değerli varlıklarınızdır. Tribute to Talk, yeni kişilerin sizinle sohbet etmeye başlaması için gereken miktarda SNT ayarlamanızı sağlar. + + + tribute-to-talk-learn-more-2 + Kişi listenizde olmayan herkesin ödeme yapması istenir ve ödeme yaptıktan sonra yanıt verebilirsiniz. + + + tribute-to-talk-learn-more-3 + Parayı her zaman geri gönderebilirsin, ancak arkadaşlarınızın size özgürce ulaşabilmesini sağlamak için, önce bir kişi olarak ekleyin. + + + tribute-to-talk-paywall-learn-more-1 + Zamanınız ve dikkatiniz en değerli varlıklarınızdır. Tribute to Talk, yeni kişilerin sizinle sohbet etmeye başlaması için gereken miktarda SNT ayarlamanızı sağlar. + + + tribute-to-talk-paywall-learn-more-2 + Ödemesi olan biriyle sohbet etmek için, gerekli SNT'yi ödemeniz yeterlidir ve bir kişi olarak eklenirsiniz. + + + tribute-to-talk-paywall-learn-more-3 + Bunu biliyor muydunuz ? Ücretsiz olarak eklenecek profilinizi Status dışında paylaşabilirsiniz. + + + tribute-to-talk-pending + Ücret onaylanması bekleniyor + + + tribute-to-talk-pending-note + Ödeme işlemi ağda onay bekliyor. İşlem geçmişinde durumunu kontrol edebilirsiniz + + + tribute-to-talk-removing-note + Tribute to Talk'un kaldırılması, yeni kişilerin SNT göndermeden sohbet başlatmasına izin verir.İşlem gerektirir. + + + tribute-to-talk-set-snt-amount + Yeni kişilerin sohbet başlatabilmesi için gereken SNT miktarını ayarla + + + tribute-to-talk-signing + İşlem imzalanmayı bekliyor ... + + + tribute-to-talk-transaction-failed-note + İşlem başarısız oldu ve Tribute to Talk, ayarlarınız değiştirilmedi + + + tribute-to-talk-tribute-received1 + Ücret alındı. Sen ve + + + tribute-to-talk-tribute-received2 + Şimdi kişiler birbirleriyle güvenli bir şekilde sohbet edebilirler. + + + tribute-to-talk-you-require-snt + Yeni kişiler ile sohbete başlamak için SNT'ye ihtiyacınız var. + + + try-again + Tekrar deneyin + + + try-keeping-the-card-still + Kartı sabit tutmayı deneyin + + + turn-nfc-on + Devam etmek için NFC'yi açın + + + turn-nfc-description + Cihazınızda NFC devre dışı. Ayarlardan etkinleştirebilirsiniz. + + + keycard-init-title + Kart aranıyor ... + + + keycard-init-description + Devam edebilmeniz için kartı telefonunuzun arkasına koyun + + + keycard-awaiting-title + Arıyor... + + + keycard-awaiting-description + Cihazınızdaki nfc okuyucuyu bulmak için kartı hareket ettirmeyi deneyin + + + keycard-processing-title + İşleniyor... + + + keycard-processing-description + Kartı sabit tutmayı deneyin + + + keycard-connected-title + Bağlandı + + + keycard-connected-description + Kartı sabit tutmayı deneyin + + + keycard-error-title + Bağlantı koptu + + + keycard-error-description + Devam etmek için kartı yeniden bağlayın + + + keycard-success-title + Başarılı + + + keycard-success-description + Kartı şimdi kaldırabilirsiniz + + + keycard-recover + kayıp veya dondurulmuş kart? + + + keycard-recover-title + Bu hesap için yeni bir kart oluşturulsun mu? + + + keycard-recover-text + Anımsatıcı ifadeniz varsa, bu hesapla ilişkili yeni bir Keycard oluşturabilirsiniz. Yeni bir Keycardı kullanabilir veya donmuş bir Keycardınızda fabrika ayarlarına sıfırlama yapabilirsiniz. + + + keycard-backup + Yedek Keycardı oluşturun + + + keycard-backup-success-title + Yedekleme başarılı + + + keycard-backup-success-body + Yedek kart başarıyla oluşturuldu. Artık bunu tıpkı birincil kart gibi hesabınızla kullanabilirsiniz. + + + type-a-message + Mesaj + + + ulc-enabled + ULC etkin + + + backup-enabled + Etkinleştirilmiş + + + backup-disabled + Devre dışı + + + backup-settings + Yedekleme ayarları + + + backup-through-waku + waku aracılığıyla yedekle + + + perform-backup + Yedeklemeyi gerçekleştir + + + backing-up + Yedekleme... + + + last-backup-performed + Gerçekleştirilen son yedekleme: + + + unable-to-read-this-code + Bu kod okunamıyor + + + unblock-contact + Bu kullanıcının engelini kaldır + + + unknown-status-go-error + Bilinmeyen status-go hatası + + + unlock + Kilidini aç + + + unpair-card + Eşleştirilmemiş kart + + + unpair-card-confirmation + Bu işlem kartın eşleştirmesini mevcut cihazınızdan kaldıracaktır. 6 basamaklı parola yetkilendirmesi gerektirir. Devam etmek istiyor musunuz? + + + unpaired-keycard-text + Dokunduğunuz Keycard bu telefonla ilişkili değil + + + unpaired-keycard-title + Kartınız eşleştirilmemiş gibi görünüyor + + + unpair-keycard + Keycardını bu telefondan eşlemesini kaldır + + + unpair-keycard-warning + Eşleştirme kodunuz/PUK ve PIN'iniz değişmeden kalır + + + update + Güncelleme + + + url + URL + + + usd-currency + Usd + + + use-valid-contact-code + Lütfen geçerli bir sohbet anahtarı veya kullanıcı adı girin veya tarayın + + + validation-amount-invalid-number + Tutar geçerli bir sayı değil + + + validation-amount-is-too-precise + Tutar çok hassas. Maksimum ondalık sayı {{decimals}} + + + version + Uygulama Versiyonu + + + app-commit + + + + view + Görünüm + + + view-cryptokitties + CryptoKitties'te görüntüle + + + view-cryptostrikers + CryptoStrikers'da görüntüle + + + view-etheremon + Etheremon'da görüntüle + + + view-gitcoin + Gitcoin'de görüntüle + + + view-profile + Profili Görüntüle + + + view-details + Detayları göster + + + view-signing + Kelime imzanızı görüntüle + + + view-superrare + SuperRare'de görüntüle + + + waiting-for-wifi + Wi-fi kapalı, mesaj senkronizasyonu devre dışı. + + + waiting-for-wifi-change + Ayarlar + + + waiting-to-sign + İşlem imzalanmayı bekliyor ... + + + wallet + Cüzdan + + + wallet-asset + Varlık + + + wallet-assets + Varlıklar + + + wallet-backup-recovery-title + İmza kelimelerinizi yedekleyin + + + wallet-choose-recipient + Alıcı'yı Seçin + + + wallet-collectibles + Koleksiyon + + + wallet-insufficient-funds + Yetersiz bakiye + + + wallet-insufficient-gas + Gas için yeterli ETH yok + + + wallet-invalid-address + Geçersiz adres: + {{data}} + + + wallet-invalid-address-checksum + Adres hatası: + {{data}} + + + wallet-invalid-chain-id + Ağ eşleşmiyor: + {{data}} ancak mevcut zincir {{chain}} + + + wallet-manage-assets + Varlıkları yönetin + + + wallet-manage-accounts + Hesapları yönet + + + wallet-request + İstek + + + wallet-send + Gönder + + + wallet-send-min-units + Min. 21000 adet + + + wallet-send-min-wei + En az 1 wei + + + wallet-settings + Cüzdan ayarları + + + wallet-total-value + Toplam değer + + + wallet-transaction-total-fee + Toplam ücret + + + wants-to-access-profile + profilinize erişmek istiyor + + + warning + Uyarı + + + warning-message + Maalesef, spam'ı önlemek için hızlı bir şekilde birkaç mesaj göndermeyi sınırlandırıyoruz. Lütfen bir süre sonra tekrar deneyin + + + web-view-error + Sayfa yüklenemedi + + + welcome-screen-text + Cüzdanınızı ayarlayın, arkadaşlarınızı sohbete davet edin + ve popüler dappslere göz atın! + + + welcome-to-status + Status'a Hoş Geldiniz! + + + welcome-to-status-description + Kripto cüzdanınızı ayarlayın, arkadaşlarınızı sohbet etmeye ve merkezi olmayan uygulamalara göz atmaya davet edin + + + welcome-blank-message + Sohbetleriniz burada görünecek. Yeni sohbetler başlatmak için ⊕ düğmesine basın + + + welcome-community-blank-message + Sohbetleriniz burada görünecek. Yeni sohbetler başlatmak için yukarıdaki 3 noktayı tıklayın ve "Kanal oluştur" u seçin + + + welcome-community-blank-message-edit-chats + Kanallarınız burada görünecek. Yeni bir kanal oluşturmak için topluluk ekranına geri dönün, ⊕ düğmesine tıklayın ve "Bir kanal oluştur"u seçin + + + welcome-blank-community-message + Topluluklarınız burada görünecek. + + + fetch-community + topluluğu getir + + + fetching-community + Topluluk getiriliyor... + + + seed-phrase-placeholder + Kelime imzası... + + + word-count + Sözcük sayısı + + + word-n + Kelime # {{number}} + + + word-n-description + Kelime imzanızı doğru bir şekilde yedekleyip yedeklemediğinizi kontrol etmek için, yukarıdaki # {{number}} kelimesini girin. + + + words-n + + kelime + kelimeler + + + + write-down-and-store-securely + Kodları yazın ve güvenli bir şekilde saklayın. + + + wrong-address + Yanlış adres + + + wrong-card + Yanlış kart + + + wrong-card-text + Yüklenen kart seçtiğiniz tuşlara karşılık gelmiyor + + + wrong-contract + Yanlış sözleşme + + + contract-isnt-supported + Sözleşme desteklenmiyor + + + wrong-keycard-text + Dokunduğunuz Keycard bu telefonla ilişkili değil + + + wrong-keycard-title + Dokunduğunuz anlaşılıyor +Bu yanlış kaycard + + + wrong-password + Yanlış şifre + + + wrong-word + Yanlış kelime + + + yes + Evet + + + You + Sen + + + you + sen + + + you-already-have-an-asset + Zaten bir {{value}} varlığınız var + + + you-are-all-set + Hazırsınız! + + + you-are-all-set-description + Telefonunuzu kaybederseniz, bakiyenize ve sohbet anahtarınıza kelime imzanızı kullanarak erişebilirsiniz + + + you-can-change-account + Hesap adını ve rengini istediğiniz şekilde değiştirebilirsiniz + + + you-dont-have-stickers + Henüz çıkartmanız yok + + + you-dont-have-contacts-invite-friends + Henüz herhangi bir kişiniz yok. + Arkadaşlarınızı sohbet etmeye davet edin. + + + your-contact-code + Erişim izni vermek, DApp'e sohbet anahtarınızı alma yetkisi verir + + + your-data-belongs-to-you + Kelime imzanızı kaybederseniz verilerinizi ve bakiyenizide kaybedersiniz. + + + your-data-belongs-to-you-description + Erişiminizi kaybederseniz, örneğin telefonunuzu kaybederek, anahtarlarınıza yalnızca kelime imzanızla erişebilirsiniz. Ama senin kelime imzan var. Bir yere yaz. Güvende tut. + + + your-recovery-phrase + Kelime imzanız + + + your-recovery-phrase-description + Bu senin kelime imzan. Bunu senin cüzdanın olduğunu kanıtlamak için kullanıyorsun. Sadece bir kez görüyorsunuz! Kağıda yazın ve güvenli bir yerde saklayın. Cüzdanınızı kaybederseniz veya uygulamayı yeniden yüklerseniz ihtiyacınız olacak. + + + custom-seed-phrase + Geçersiz kelime imzası + + + custom-seed-phrase-text-1 + Bu kelime imzası desteklenebilen kelimeler ile eşleşmiyor. Yanlış yazılmış kelimeleri kontrol edin. + + + to-enable-biometric + {{bio-type-label}} özelliğini etkinleştirmek için kilit açma ekranında şifrenizi kaydetmelisiniz + + + ok-save-pass + Tamam, şifreyi kaydet + + + lock-app-with + Uygulamayı şununla kilitle: + + + grant-face-id-permissions + Gerekli Face ID iznini vermek için lütfen sistem ayarlarınıza gidin ve Status > Face ID'nin seçili olduğundan emin olun + + + request-feature + Bir özellik isteyin + + + select-account-dapp + Dapps kullanmak istediğiniz hesabı seçiniz. + + + apply + Uygula + + + on-status-tree + Status ağacında + + + off-status-tree + Staus ağacı kapalı + + + derivation-path + Türetme yolu + + + storage + Depolama + + + keycard-free-pairing-slots + Kaycardında {{n}} boş eşleme yuvası var + + + public-chat-description + İlgi alanlarınız için herkese açık sohbetlere katılın! Herkes yeni bir tane başlatabilir. + + + delete-account + Hesabı sil + + + delete-keys-keycard + Keycardından anahtarları sil + + + watch-only + Yalnızca İzle + + + cant-report-bug + Hata bildirilemiyor + + + mail-should-be-configured + Mail istemcisi yapılandırılmalıdır + + + check-on-block-explorer + + + + check-on-opensea + Opensea'yı kontrol edin + + + transactions-load-more + Daha fazla yükle + + + private-key + Özel anahtar + + + generate-an-account + Bir hesap oluşturun + + + add-watch-account + Yalnızca izlenen bir hesap ekleyin + + + add-seed-account + Kelime imzasıyla hesap ekle + + + account-exists-title + Bu Hesap Zaten Mevcut + + + add-private-key-account + Özel Anahtarı Hesabına Ekle + + + profile-not-found + Profil bulunamadı + + + waku-bloom-filter-mode + Waku Bloom Filtre Modu + + + wakuv2-settings + Waku v2 ayarları + + + wakuv2-node-format + /ip4/ {node-ip} /tcp/ {port} /p2p/ {id} + + + wakuv2-change-nodes + Waku v2 nodelerini değiştirmek istediğinden emin misiniz? + + + appearance + Görünüm + + + preference + Tecihler + + + light + Aydınlık + + + dark + Karanlık + + + system + Sistem + + + give-permissions-camera + Kameraya erişmek için izin verin + + + photos + Fotoğraflar + + + image + Resim + + + sign-anyway + Yine de imzala + + + tx-fail-description1 + Bu işlem büyük olasılıkla başarısız olacaktır. Özel ağ ücreti kullanarak kendi sorumluluğunuzda işlemi imzalayın. + + + tx-fail-description2 + Bu işlem büyük olasılıkla başarısız olacaktır. Kendi sorumluluğunuzdadır.İşlemi imzalamak için özel bir ağ ücreti belirleyin. + + + set-custom-fee + Özel ücret belirle + + + not-enough-snt + Yeterli SNT yok + + + add-new-contact + Yeni kişi ekle + + + you-dont-have-contacts + Henüz hiç kişiniz yok. + + + set-max + Maksimum ayarlayın + + + continue-anyway + Yine de devam edin + + + private-notifications + Özel bildirimler + + + private-notifications-descr + Status yeni mesajlar hakkında sizi bilgilendirir. Bildirim tercihlerinizi daha sonra ayarlardan düzenleyebilirsiniz. + + + maybe-later + Belki sonra + + + join + Katılın + + + registered + kayıtlı + + + not-registered + kayıtlı değil + + + audio-recorder-error + Kaydedici hatası + + + audio-recorder + Kaydedici + + + audio-recorder-max-ms-reached + Maksimum kayıt süresine ulaşıldı + + + audio-recorder-permissions-error + Sesli mesaj gönderme izni vermelisiniz + + + audio + Ses + + + update-to-see-image + Burada güzel bir görüntü görmek için en son sürüme güncelleyin! + + + update-to-listen-audio + Sesli mesajı dinlemek için en son sürüme güncelleyin! + + + update-to-see-sticker + Burada güzel bir etiket görmek için en son sürüme güncelleyin! + + + webview-camera-permission-requests + Web görünümü kamera izin istekleri + + + webview-camera-permission-requests-subtitle + Etkinleştirildiğinde, web siteleri ve dapp'ler kameranızı kullanmak isteyebilir + + + page-would-like-to-use-camera + Kameranı kullanmak ister misin + + + page-camera-request-blocked + Kamera istekleri engellendi. Kamera isteklerini etkinleştirmek için Ayarlar'a gidin + + + nickname + Takma ad + + + add-nickname + Bir takma ad ekleyin (isteğe bağlı) + + + nickname-description + Takma adlar, Status'da başkalarını tanımanıza yardımcı olur. + Eklediğiniz takma adlarını yalnızca siz görebilirsiniz + + + accept + Kabul et + + + group-invite + Grup daveti + + + group-invite-link + Grup davet bağlantısı + + + pending-invitations + Bekleyen üyelik istekleri + + + empty-pending-invitations-descr + Gruba katılmak isteyenler + bir davet bağlantısı aracılığıyla burada görünecek + + + introduce-yourself + Kendinizi kısa bir mesajla tanıtın + + + request-pending + Bekleyen istek… + + + membership-declined + Üyelik talebi reddedildi + + + remove-group + Grubu kaldır + + + request-membership + Üyelik iste + + + membership-description + Grup üyeliği, grup yöneticisi tarafından kabul edilmenizi gerektirir + + + group-membership-request + Grup üyeliği isteği + + + members-limit-reached + Üye sınırına ulaşıldı + + + favourite + Favori + + + favourites + Favoriler + + + new-favourite + Yeni favori + + + edit-favourite + Favoriyi düzenle + + + remove-favourite + Favoriyi kaldır + + + add-favourite + Favori ekle + + + add-to-favourites + Favorilere ekle + + + favourites-empty + Sık kullanılanlara eklenen adresler burada görünecek + + + contacts-empty + ENS adlarına sahip kişiler burada görünecek + + + my-accounts + Hesaplarım + + + my-accounts-empty + Mevcut hesaplarınız burada görünecek + + + recent-empty + Son kullanılan adresler burada görünecek + + + address-or-ens-name + Adres veya ENS adı + + + name-optional + İsim: (İsteğe bağlı) + + + mute + Sessiz + + + unmute + Sessize Al + + + scan-tokens + Tokenleri tara + + + my-status + Durumum + + + contacts-descr + Kişileriniz burada görünecek. Kişi olarak eklediğiniz herkesten status güncellemeleri alacaksınız + + + status-updates-descr + Status güncellemeleri burada görünecektir. Zaman çizelgenizle ilgili güncellemeleri almak için profili kişi olarak ekleyin. + + + whats-on-your-mind + Aklınızdan ne geçiyor… + + + cant-open-public-chat + Herkese açık sohbeti açamıyorum + + + invalid-public-chat-topic + Geçersiz genel sohbet konusu + + + now + Şimdi + + + statuses-my-status-descr + Aklından geçenleri paylaş. Profilinizi ziyaret eden herkes durumunuzu görebilir. Sizi kişi olarak ekleyen kişiler güncelleştirmelerinizi zaman çizelgelerine göre alır + + + statuses-descr + Aklınızdakileri paylaşın ve kişilerinizle güncel kalın + + + new-status + Yeni Status + + + chat-link-previews + Sohbet bağlantısı önizlemeleri + + + you-can-choose-preview-websites + Aşağıdaki web sitelerinden hangilerinin sohbetlerdeki açıklamalarını ve resimlerininin bağlantılarını önizleyebileceğini seçebilirsiniz + + + previewing-may-share-metadata + Bu web sitelerinden gelen bağlantılarını önizleyebilir, meta verilerinizi sahipleriyle paylaşabilir. + + + websites + Web siteleri + + + enable-all + Hepsini etkinleştir + + + disable-all + Hepsini etkisiz hale getir + + + warning-sending-to-contract-descr + Girdiğiniz adres akıllı bir sözleşmedir, bu adrese para göndermek para kaybına neden olabilir. Bir DApp ile etkileşim kurmak için, Status DApp Tarayıcısında DApp'ı açın. + + + dont-ask + Bir daha sorma + + + enable-link-previews + Sohbette bağlantı önizlemeleri etkinleştirilsin mi? + + + once-enabled-share-metadata + Etkinleştirildikten sonra, sohbette yayınlanan bağlantılar ve meta verileriniz siteyle paylaşılır. + + + external-storage-denied + Harici depolamaya erişim reddedildi + + + timeline + Zaman çizelgesi + + + main-account + + + + ethereum-address + Ethereum adresi + + + default-assets + Varsayılan ERC20 ve ERC721 + + + increase-gas + Gazı Artırın + + + cancelling + İptal + + + refresh + Yenile + + + close-all + Hepsini kapat + + + tabs + Sekmeler + + + new-tab + Yeni sekme + + + empty-tab + Boş sekme + + + open-in-new-tab + Yeni sekmede aç + + + has-permissions + erişim izni istiyor + + + connect-wallet + Cüzdanı bağlayın + + + open-chat + Sohbeti aç + + + favourite-description + Favori web siteleriniz burada görünecek + + + transfers-fetching-failure + Transfer geçmişi güncellenemedi. Bağlantınızı kontrol edin ve tekrar denemek için aşağı elinizle kaydırın. + + + move-and-reset + Taşı ve Sıfırla + + + move-keystore-file-to-keycard + Anahtar deposu dosyası keycadınıza taşınsın mı? + + + database-reset-title + Veritabanı sıfırla + + + database-reset-content + Sohbetler, kişiler ve ayarlar silindi. Hesabınızı Keycardınızla kullanabilirsiniz + + + database-reset-warning + Veritabanı sıfırlanacak. Sohbetler, kişiler ve ayarlar silinecek + + + empty-keycard-required + Boş bir Keycard gerektirir + + + current + Şu anki + + + choose-storage + Depolamayı seçin + + + choose-new-location-for-keystore + Anahtar deposu dosyanızı kaydetmek için yeni bir konum seçin + + + get-a-keycard + Keycard alın + + + keycard-upsell-subtitle + Gelişmiş güvenlik ve rahatlık + + + actions + Hareketler + + + move-keystore-file + Anahtar deposu dosyasını taşı + + + select-new-location-for-keys + Özel anahtarlarınızı kaydetmek için yeni bir konum seçin + + + reset-database + Veritabanını sıfırla + + + reset-database-warning + Sohbetleri, kişileri ve ayarları silin. Şifrenizi kaybettiğinizde gereklidir + + + reset-database-warning-keycard + Sohbetleri, kişileri ve ayarları silin. + + + key-managment + Anahtar yönetimi + + + choose-actions + Hareketleri seçin + + + master-account + Ana hesap + + + back-up + Yedekleme + + + key-on-device + Özel anahtar bu cihaza kaydedildi + + + seed-key-uid-mismatch + İmza kelimeniz eşleşmiyor + + + seed-key-uid-mismatch-desc-1 + Girdiğiniz kelime imza öbeği {{multiaccount-name}} eşleşmiyor + + + seed-key-uid-mismatch-desc-2 + Bu hesabın anahtarlarını yönetmek için kelime imzalarınızı doğrulayın ve tekrar deneyin. + + + recover-with-seed-phrase + İmza kelimeniz ile kurtar + + + transfer-ma-unknown-error-desc-1 + Görünüşe göre çoklu hesabınız silinmemiş. Veritabanı sıfırlanmış olabilir + + + transfer-ma-unknown-error-desc-2 + Lütfen hesap listenizi kontrol edin ve tekrar deneyin. Hesap listelenmemişse, imza kelimeniz ile kurtarmak için mevcut anahtarlara erişin bölümüne gidin. + + + everyone + Herkes + + + show-profile-pictures + Profil resimlerine bakın + + + show-profile-pictures-to + Profil resmini göster + + + non-archival-node + RPC uç noktası arşiv isteklerini desteklemez. Yerel transfer geçmişiniz eksik olabilir. + + + custom-node + Özel RPC uç noktası kullanıyorsunuz. Yerel transfer geçmişiniz eksik olabilir. + + + connection-status + Bağlantı durumu + + + peer-to-peer + Eşler arası + + + not-connected-to-peers + Herhangi bir eşe bağlı değil + + + unable-to-send-messages + Mesaj gönderilemiyor ve alınamıyor + + + can-send-messages + Yeni mesaj gönderebilir ve alabilirsiniz + + + not-connected-nodes + Bir status nodesine bağlı değil + + + unable-to-fetch + Sohbet geçmişi getirilemiyor + + + nodes-disabled + Status nodeleri devre dışı bırakıldı + + + waiting-wi-fi + Kablosuz bağlantı bekleniyor… + + + you-can-fetch + Sohbet geçmişini getirebilirsiniz + + + youre-on-mobile-network + Mobil ağ üzerindesiniz + + + status-mobile-descr + Status, sohbetleri senkronize ederken çok fazla veri kullanabilir. Mobil ağdayken senkronize etmemeyi seçebilirsiniz + + + restore-defaults + Varsayılanları Geri Yükle + + + rpc-usage-info + RPC kullanım istatistikleri + + + rpc-usage-get-stats + Yenile + + + rpc-usage-reset + Sıfırla + + + rpc-usage-filter + Filtre yöntemleri + + + rpc-usage-filter-methods + Filtre yöntemleri + + + rpc-usage-copy + Kopyala + + + rpc-usage-total + + + + rpc-usage-filtered-total + + + + community-message-preview + {{community-name}} katılma daveti + + + non-contacts + Kişi olmayanlar + + + community + Topluluk + + + verified-community + ✓ Doğrulanmış topluluk + + + community-info-not-found + Topluluk bilgileri bulunamadı + + + community-info + Topluluk bilgileri + + + not-found + Bulunamadı + + + activity + Aktivite + + + reject-and-delete + Reddet ve sil + + + accept-and-add + Kabul et ve ekle + + + one-day + Bir gün + + + three-days + Üç gün + + + one-week + Bir hafta + + + one-month + Bir ay + + + my-profile + Benim profilim + + + bip39-password-placeholder + BIP39 şifresi + + + public-channel + Herkese açık kanal + + + default-sync-period + Senkronizasyon geçmişi + + + what-is-shared + Paylaşılanlar + + + view-data + Veriyi gör + + + data-collected + Toplanan veri + + + data-collected-subtitle + Aşağıdaki tablo, saklanan ve gönderilecek olan verileri tam olarak göstermektedir. Hassas verilerin gönderilmediğinden emin olmak için veriler genel kurallara göre doğrulanır. Güvenmeyin, onaylayın. + + + view-rules + Kuralları görüntüle + + + expand-all + Tümünü genişlet + + + about-sharing-data + Veri paylaşımı hakkında + + + sharing-data-desc-1 + Hassas verilerin gönderilmediğinden emin olmak için veriler genel kurallara göre doğrulanır. Güvenmeyin, onaylayın. + + + sharing-data-desc-2 + Kullanım verileri, Status eşler arası ağ üzerinden uçtan uca şifreli olarak gönderilir + + + sharing-data-desc-3 + Normal sohbet anahtarınız yerine tek kullanımlık bir anahtar kullanılır + + + sharing-data-desc-4 + Kullanım verileri IP adresinizle ilişkilendirilemez + + + sharing-data-desc-5 + Tüm kullanıcıların toplu verileri herkese açık + + + view-public-dashboard + Herkese açık paneli görüntüle. + + + sharing-data-desc-6 + Veriler gönderildikten sonra telefonunuzdan kaldırılır + + + allow-and-send + İzin ver ve gönder + + + no-thanks + Hayır, Teşekkürler + + + help-improve-status + Statusu geliştirmeye yardımcı olun + + + thank-you + Teşekkür ederim + + + current-password + Şimdiki Şifre + + + reset-password + Şifreyi yenile + + + password-reset-success + Parola değiştirildi + + + password-reset-success-message + Tekrar oturum açmanız gerekecek + + + password-reset-in-progress + Şifre değiştiriliyor... + + + new-password + Yeni Şifre + + + confirm-new-password + Yeni şifreyi onayla + + + password-mismatch + Yeni şifre ve onay eşleşmiyor + + + terms-of-service + Kullanım Şartları + + + accept-status-tos-prefix + Statusu kabul ediyorum + + + updates-to-tos + Hizmet Şartları Güncellemeleri + + + updates-to-tos-desc + Devam etmeden önce lütfen Hizmet Şartlarını gözden geçirin ve uygulamayı nasıl kullandığınızla ilgili tüm sorumluluğu üstlendiğinizi onaylayın. + + + what-changed + Ne değişti + + + wc-new-tos-based-on-principles-prefix + Yeni Hizmet Şartlarımız temel alınarak tasarlanmış + + + principles + Prensipler + + + wc-how-to-use-status-app + Gizlilik ve güvenlik dahil Status uygulaması nasıl kullanılır? + + + wc-brand-guide + Ticari markalar ve logolar gibi markalama kullanımına ilişkin rehberlik + + + wc-disclaimer + Yasal uyarılar (üçüncü taraf sağlayıcılar dahil), garantiler ve yasal yayınlar + + + wc-dispute + Uyuşmazlık çözümü hükümleri + + + status-is-open-source + Status açık kaynaklıdır + + + build-yourself + Uygulamayı bu Hizmet Koşulları olmadan kullanmak için kendi sürümünüzü oluşturabilirsiniz + + + accept-and-continue + Kabul et ve devam et + + + empty-activity-center + Sohbet bildirimleriniz + burada görünecek + + + pinned-messages + Sabitlenmiş mesajlar + + + pin + Sabit + + + unpin + Sabitlemeyi kaldır + + + no-pinned-messages + Sabitlenmiş mesaj yok + + + pinned-messages-count + + 1 sabitlenmiş mesaj + {{count}} sabitlenmiş mesajlar + + + + pinned-messages-empty + Sabitlenmiş mesajlar burada görünecektir. Bir mesajı sabitlemek için, basılı tutun ve "Sabitle"ye dokunun + + + pinned-by + tarafından sabitlendi + + + pin-limit-reached + Pin sınırına ulaşıldı. Önce bir önceki mesajın sabitlemesini kaldırın. + + + max-fee + Maksimum ücret + + + max-priority-fee + Maksimum öncelik ücreti + + + miners-higher-fee + Daha yüksek bir ücret öderseniz, madenciler muhtemelen işleminizi daha erkene dahil edeceklerdir. + + + gas-amount-limit + Gaz miktarı limiti + + + per-gas-tip-limit + Gaz başına uç sınır + + + per-gas-price-limit + Gaz başına fiyat limiti + + + current-base-fee + Mevcut taban ücret + + + fee-explanation + İşlem için maksimum toplam fiyat. Blok taban ücreti bunu aşarsa, daha düşük taban ücretle bir sonraki bloğa dahil edilir. + + + slow + Yavaş + + + optimal + En uygun + + + fast + Hızlı + + + see-suggestions + Önerileri görün + + + maximum-fee + Maksimum ücret + + + low-tip + + + + lower-than-average-tip + + + + below-base-fee + + + + reduced-tip + + + + are-you-sure + Emin misiniz? + + + bad-fees-description + Öncelik ücretiniz önerilen parametrelerimizin altındadır. + + + change-tip + + + + current-minimum-tip + + + + current-average-tip + + + + your-tip-limit + + + + your-price-limit + Fiyat limitiniz + + + suggested-min-tip + Önerilen min. + + + suggested-price-limit + Önerilen fiyat limiti + + + include + Kapsar + + + category + Kategori + + + edit-chats + Sohbetleri düzenle + + + edit-categories + + + + hide + Gizle + + + account-is-used + Hesap, tarayıcıda Dapps ile kullanılıyor. + + + normal + Normal + + + never + Hiçbir zaman + + + fee-options + Önerilen ücret seçenekleri + + + fee-cap + Ücret sınırı + + + tip-cap + + + + collectibles-leak-metadata + NFT'lerinizi burada görüntüleyebilirsiniz. Bunu yaparsanız, cüzdanınızı ve IP adresinizi paylaşacaksınız. + + + display-collectibles + Koleksiyon ürünlerini göster + + + disable-later-in-settings + Bunu daha sonra ayarlardan değiştirebilirsiniz + + + use-as-profile-picture + Profil resmi olarak kullan + + + view-on-opensea + Opensea'de görüntüle + + + profile-picture-updated + Profil resmi güncellendi + + + status-automatic + Otomatik + + + status-automatic-subtitle + Durumu otomatik olarak ayarla + + + status-dnd + Rahatsız etmeyin + + + status-dnd-subtitle + Tüm bildirimleri sessize al + + + status-always-online + Her zaman çevrimiçi + + + status-inactive + etkin değil + + + status-inactive-subtitle + Çevrimiçi durumunuzu gizler + + + two-minutes + + + + swap + + + + select-token-to-swap + + + + select-token-to-receive + + + + minimum-received + + + + powered-by-paraswap + + + + priority + + + + switch-to-simple-interface + + + + transaction-fee + + + + swap-details + + + + slippage + + + + price-impact + + + + total-gas + Toplam gas ucreti + + + token + + + + approve-limit + + + + approve-token + + + + approve-token-contract-desc + + + + unlimited + Limitsiz + + + approve + Kabul et + + + limit + Limit + + + last-transaction + Son islem + + + price-impact-desc + + + + safe-estimate + Güvenli tahmin + + + current-average + + + + current-base + Mevcut taban ücret + + + maximum-fee-desc + Bu işlem için maksimum toplam ucret. Mevcut blok taban ücreti bunu aşars işleminiz daha düşük taban ücretle bir sonraki bloğa dahil edilecektir. + + + insufficient-balance-to-cover-fee + + + + wallet-connect-proposal-title + + + + wallet-connect-proposal-description + + + + wallet-connect-app-connected + + + + wallet-connect-go-back + + + + wallet-connect-2.0 + + + + wallet-connect + Cüzdan Bağla + + + reject + + + + manage-connections + + + + wallet-manage-app-connections + + + + connection-request + Bağlantı İsteği + + + disconnect + + + + new-ui + + + + send-contact-request-message + + + + contact-request + + + + say-hi + + + + accepted + + + + declined + + + + contact-request-header + + + + contact-request-declined + + + + contact-request-accepted + + + + contact-request-pending + + + + removed-from-contacts + + + + mutual-contact-requests + + + + negative + + + + positive + + + + Please enter a URL + + + + This fields needs to be a valid URL + + + + Please enter a Name + + + + Favorite added + + + + Edit + + + + Add favorite + + + + URL + + + + Paste URL + + + + Name + + + + Name the website + + + + Remove + + + + Done + + + + Add + + + + '%1' would like to connect to + + + + Allowing authorizes this DApp to retrieve your wallet address and enable Web3 + + + + Granting access authorizes this DApp to retrieve your chat key + + + + Deny + + + + Allow + + + + Enter URL + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Error signing message + + + + Transaction pending... + + + + Wrong password + + + + Start Page + + + + New Tab + + + + Downloads Page + + + + Server's certificate not trusted + + + + Do you wish to continue? + + + + If you wish so, you may continue with an unverified certificate. Accepting an unverified certificate means you may not be connected with the host you tried to connect to. +Do you wish to override the security check and continue? + + + + Exit Incognito mode + + + + Go Incognito + + + + Zoom In + + + + Zoom Out + + + + Find + + + + Compatibility mode + + + + Developer Tools + + + + Settings + + + + Mainnet + + + + Ropsten + + + + Unknown + + + + Disconnect + + + + Assets + + + + History + + + + Show All + + + + Cancelled + + + + Paused + + + + Open + + + + Show in folder + + + + Pause + + + + Resume + + + + Cancel + + + + Downloaded files will appear here. + + + + Open in new Tab + + + + Ok + + + + Signature request + + + + From + + + + Data + + + + Message + + + + Reject + + + + Sign + + + + Sign with password + + + + Contact request pending + + + + Connected + + + + Disconnected + + + + This user has been blocked. + + + + Type a message. + + + + Send + + + + Request Address + + + + Request + + + + Transaction pending + + + + Continue + + + + Receive on account + + + + From account + + + + Address request required + + + + To + + + + Preview + + + + Transaction preview + + + + Next + + + + Invalid transaction parameters + + + + Authorize %1 %2 + + + + Choose account + + + + Network fee + + + + Error estimating gas: %1 + + + + Send %1 %2 + + + + Image + + + + Sticker + + + + You have a new message + + + + You have been accepted into the ‘%1’ community + + + + Your request to join the ‘%1’ community was declined + + + + New membership request + + + + %1 asks to join ‘%2’ + + + + Failed to send message. + + + + Share your chat key + + + + friends to start messaging in Status + + + + ↓ Fetch more messages + + + + before %1 + + + + Welcome to the beginning of the <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> group! + + + + Any messages you send here are encrypted and can only be read by you and <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> + + + + Join chat + + + + Decline invitation + + + + Add reaction + + + + Reply + + + + More + + + + Today + + + + Yesterday + + + + January + + + + February + + + + March + + + + April + + + + May + + + + June + + + + July + + + + August + + + + September + + + + October + + + + November + + + + December + + + + and + + + + %1 more + + + + reacted with + + + + Error loading the image + + + + Loading image... + + + + This feature is experimental and is meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It's not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data. Use at your own risk. + + + + Membership requires an ENS username + + + + You need to be invited + + + + Request Access + + + + Verified community invitation + + + + Community invitation + + + + You invited %1 to join a community + + + + %1 invited you to join a community + + + + You shared a community + + + + A community has been shared + + + + Unsupported state + + + + %1 members + + + + Joined + + + + Join + + + + Enable automatic image unfurling + + + + Enable link previews in chat? + + + + Once enabled, links posted in the chat may share your metadata with their owners + + + + Enable in Settings + + + + Don't ask me again + + + + Resend + + + + Transaction request + + + + ↑ Outgoing transaction + + + + ↓ Incoming transaction + + + + Something has gone wrong + + + + Accept and share address + + + + Accept and send + + + + Decline + + + + Select account + + + + Choose accountSelect account to share and receive assets + + + + Confirm and share address + + + + Sign and send + + + + Pending + + + + Confirmed + + + + Unknown token + + + + Address requested + + + + Waiting to accept + + + + Address shared + + + + Address received + + + + Transaction declined + + + + failure + + + + Unknown state + + + + Group Information + + + + Clear history + + + + Leave group + + + + Are you sure you want to leave this chat? + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + Communities + + + + Search for communities or topics + + + + 1 member + + + + Import a community + + + + Create a community + + + + Public community + + + + Invitation only community + + + + On request community + + + + Unknown community + + + + - ENS only + + + + Chats + + + + Join ‘%1’ + + + + Request to join ‘%1’ + + + + Error joining the community + + + + No search results in Communities + + + + Members + + + + Create category + + + + Invite People + + + + Membership requests + + + + Edit category + + + + Delete category + + + + Delete %1 category + + + + Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. + + + + Error deleting the category + + + + View Profile + + + + Roles + + + + Kick + + + + Ban + + + + Transfer ownership + + + + Invite successfully sent + + + + Share community + + + + Notifications + + + + Edit community + + + + Export community + + + + Create channel + + + + Leave community + + + + Delete + + + + Welcome to your community! + + + + Add members + + + + Manage community + + + + You need to enter a name + + + + Please restrict your name to letters, numbers, dashes and spaces + + + + Your name needs to be 100 characters or shorter + + + + New channel + + + + Edit #%1 + + + + channel name + + + + channel decription + + + + Channel name + + + + Describe the channel + + + + Pinned messages + + + + A cool name + + + + channel description + + + + What your channel is about + + + + The description cannot exceed %1 characters + + + + Private channel + + + + By making a channel private, only members with selected permission will be able to access it + + + + category name + + + + New category + + + + Category title + + + + Channels + + + + Create + + + + Error editing the category + + + + Error creating the category + + + + Error creating the community + + + + You need to select an image + + + + You need to enter a color + + + + This field needs to be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + New community + + + + Name your community + + + + A catchy name + + + + Give it a short description + + + + What your community is about + + + + The description cannot exceed 140 characters + + + + community name + + + + community decription + + + + Thumbnail image + + + + Please choose an image + + + + Image files (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png) + + + + Upload + + + + Community colour + + + + Pick a color + + + + Please choose a color + + + + Membership requirement + + + + Require invite from another member + + + + Require approval + + + + No requirement + + + + You can require new members to meet certain criteria before they can join. This can be changed at any time + + + + Save + + + + Private community + + + + Only members with an invite link will be able to join your community. Private communities are not listed inside Status + + + + Your community will be public for anyone to join. Public communities are listed inside Status for easy discovery + + + + You need to enter a key + + + + Access existing community + + + + Community private key + + + + Entering a community key will grant you the ownership of that community. Please be responsible with it and don’t share the key with people you don’t trust. + + + + 0x... + + + + Import + + + + Error importing the community + + + + Invite friends + + + + Invite + + + + Contacts + + + + Chat + + + + Community imported + + + + Importing community is in progress + + + + Community %1 imported + + + + Importing community %1 is in progress + + + + Start new chat + + + + Start group chat + + + + Join public chat + + + + No messages + + + + No search results + + + + Your chats will appear here. To start new chats press the  button at the top + + + + Chat and transact privately with your friends + + + + Follow your interests in one of the many Public Chats. + + + + View Group + + + + Share Chat + + + + Test WakuV2 - requestAllHistoricMessages + + + + Unmute chat + + + + Mute chat + + + + Edit Channel + + + + Mark as Read + + + + Delete chat + + + + Leave chat + + + + Choose browser + + + + Open in Status + + + + Open in my default browser + + + + Remember my choice. To override it, go to settings. + + + + Admin + + + + Last 24 hours + + + + Last 2 days + + + + Last 3 days + + + + Last 7 days + + + + (You) + + + + You need to enter a channel name + + + + The channel name can only contain lowercase letters, numbers and dashes + + + + New group chat + + + + %1 / 10 members + + + + Group name + + + + Create Group Chat + + + + All your contacts are already in the group + + + + Make Admin + + + + Remove From Group + + + + Add selected + + + + Get Status at https://status.im + + + + Download Status link + + + + Unpin + + + + Pin + + + + Copy link + + + + Edit message + + + + Send message + + + + Reply to + + + + Jump to + + + + Delete message + + + + Confirm deleting this message + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well. + + + + Nickname + + + + Nicknames help you identify others in Status. Only you can see the nicknames you’ve added + + + + Your nickname is too long + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet. Invite your friends to start chatting. + + + + Enter a valid chat key or ENS usernameEnter a valid chat key or ENS username + + + + Can't chat with yourself + + + + New chat + + + + My Profile + + + + Enter ENS username or chat key + + + + Non contacts + + + + No profile found + + + + ENS username + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Chat settings + + + + None + + + + Unblock User + + + + Block User + + + + Add to contacts + + + + A public chat is where you get to hang out with others, make friends and talk about subjects of your interest. + + + + Start chat + + + + Pinned by %1 + + + + Type json-rpc message... e.g {"method": "eth_accounts"} + + + + Profile + + + + App version + + + + Version: %1 + + + + Node version + + + + Privacy Policy + + + + Network + + + + Fleet + + + + Minimize on close + + + + Experimental features + + + + Wallet + + + + Dapp Browser + + + + Activity Center + + + + Online users + + + + Broadcast user status + + + + Bloom filter level + + + + The account will be logged out. When you login again, the selected mode will be enabled + + + + Light Node + + + + Full Node + + + + GIF Widget + + + + Waku Bloom Mode + + + + Node Management + + + + Blockchains will drop search costs, causing a kind of decomposition that allows you to have markets of entities that are horizontally segregated and vertically segregated. + + + + Size + + + + Change font size + + + + XS + + + + S + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "S" because the title above is "Seed Phrase" + + + + M + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "M" because the title above is "Mailserver" + + + + L + + + + XL + + + + XXL + + + + Light + + + + Chat mode + + + + Normal + + + + Compact + + + + Appearance + + + + Dark + + + + System + + + + Back up seed phrase + + + + Step %1 of 3 + + + + If you lose your seed phrase you lose your data and funds + + + + If you lose access, for example by losing your phone, you can only access your keys with your seed phrase. No one, but you has your seed phrase. Write it down. Keep it safe + + + + Check your seed phrase + + + + Word #%1 + + + + Enter word + + + + In order to check if you have backed up your seed phrase correctly, enter the word #%1 above + + + + Are you sure? + + + + You will not be able to see the whole seed phrase again + + + + With this 12 words you can always get your key back. Write it down. Keep it safe, offline, and separate from this device. + + + + Okay, continue + + + + Wrong word + + + + General + + + + Default + + + + Show favorites bar + + + + Search engine used in the address bar + + + + Ethereum explorer used in the address bar + + + + Open an ethereum explorer after a transaction hash or an address is entered + + + + Privacy + + + + Set DApp access permissions + + + + Profile picture + + + + Crop your image (optional) + + + + Finish + + + + Chat link previews + + + + Websites + + + + Enable all + + + + Previewing links from these websites may share your metadata with their owners. + + + + Add new contact + + + + Blocked contacts + + + + Add contact + + + + You can't add yourself + + + + User not found + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet + + + + Devices + + + + Please set a name for your device. + + + + Specify a name + + + + Advertise device + + + + Pair your devices to sync contacts and chats between them + + + + Learn more + + + + Paired devices + + + + Syncing... + + + + Sync all devices + + + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + %1 is now connected with your chat key and can be used in Status. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + %1 will be connected once the transaction is complete. + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Wallet address + + + + Key + + + + Back + + + + Primary username + + + + Your messages are displayed to others with this username: + + + + Once you select a username, you won’t be able to disable it afterwards. You will only be able choose a different username to display. + + + + Nice! You own %1.stateofus.eth once the transaction is complete. + + + + Hey + + + + (pending) + + + + Add username + + + + Your usernames + + + + Primary Username + + + + None selected + + + + You’re displaying your ENS username in chats + + + + At least 4 characters. Latin letters, numbers, and lowercase only. + + + + Letters and numbers only. + + + + Type the entire username including the custom domain like username.domain.eth + + + + Your username + + + + ✓ Username available! + + + + Continuing will connect this username with your chat key. + + + + Username doesn’t belong to you :( + + + + Username already taken :( + + + + (edited) + + + + Username is already connected with your chat key and can be used inside Status. + + + + This user name is owned by you and connected with your chat key. Continue to set `Show my ENS username in chats`. + + + + Continuing will require a transaction to connect the username with your current chat key. + + + + Custom domain + + + + I want a stateofus.eth domain + + + + I own a name on another domain + + + + Connect username with your pubkey + + + + Terms of name registration + + + + Funds are deposited for 1 year. Your SNT will be locked, but not spent. + + + + After 1 year, you can release the name and get your deposit back, or take no action to keep the name. + + + + If terms of the contract change — e.g. Status makes contract upgrades — user has the right to release the username regardless of time held. + + + + The contract controller cannot access your deposited funds. They can only be moved back to the address that sent them. + + + + Your address(es) will be publicly associated with your ENS name. + + + + Usernames are created as subdomain nodes of stateofus.eth and are subject to the ENS smart contract terms. + + + + You authorize the contract to transfer SNT on your behalf. This can only occur when you approve a transaction to authorize the transfer. + + + + These terms are guaranteed by the smart contract logic at addresses: + + + + %1 (Status UsernameRegistrar). + + + + <a href='%1%2'>Look up on Etherscan</a> + + + + %1 (ENS Registry). + + + + Agree to <a href="#">Terms of name registration.</a> I understand that my wallet address will be publicly connected to my username. + + + + 10 SNT + + + + Deposit + + + + Not enough SNT + + + + Register + + + + Get a universal username + + + + ENS names transform those crazy-long addresses into unique usernames. + + + + Customize your chat name + + + + An ENS name can replace your random 3-word name in chat. Be @yourname instead of %1. + + + + Simplify your ETH address + + + + You can receive funds to your easy-to-share ENS name rather than your hexadecimal hash (0x...). + + + + Receive transactions in chat + + + + Others can send you funds via chat in one simple step. + + + + 10 SNT to register + + + + Register once to keep the name forever. After 1 year you can release the name and get your SNT back. + + + + Already own a username? + + + + You can verify and add any usernames you own in the next steps. + + + + Powered by Ethereum Name Services + + + + Start + + + + Only available on Mainnet + + + + ENS Registration failed + + + + ENS Registration completed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey failed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey completed + + + + Warning! + + + + Change fleet to %1 + + + + Glossary + + + + Account + + + + A + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "A" because the title above is "Account" + + + + Your Status account, accessed by the seed phrase that you create or import during onboarding. A Status account can hold more than one Ethereum address, in addition to the one created during onboarding. We refer to these as additional accounts within the wallet + + + + Chat Key + + + + C + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "C" because the title above is "Chat Key" + + + + Messages on the Status chat protocol are sent and received using encryption keys. The public chat key is a string of characters you share with others so they can send you messages in Status. + + + + Chat Name + + + + Three random words, derived algorithmically from your chat key and used as your default alias in chat. Chat names are completely unique; no other user can have the same three words. + + + + ENS Name + + + + E + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "E" because the title above is "ENS Name" + + + + Custom alias for your chat key that you can register using the Ethereum Name Service. ENS names are decentralized usernames. + + + + Mailserver + + + + A node in the Status network that routes and stores messages, for up to 30 days. + + + + Peer + + + + P + This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "P" because the title above is "Peer" + + + + A device connected to the Status chat network. Each user can represent one or more peers, depending on their number of devices + + + + Seed Phrase + + + + A 64 character hex address based on the Ethereum standard and beginning with 0x. Public-facing, your wallet key is shared with others when you want to receive funds. Also referred to as an “Ethereum address” or “wallet address. + + + + Frequently asked questions + + + + Submit a bug + + + + Request a feature + + + + Language settings + + + + Language + + + + Muted chats + + + + Unmute + + + + The account will be logged out. When you unlock it again, the selected network will be used + + + + Add network + + + + You need to enter the RPC endpoint URL + + + + Invalid URL + + + + You need to enter the network id + + + + Should be a number + + + + Invalid network id + + + + RPC URL + + + + Specify a RPC URL + + + + Network chain + + + + Ropsten test network + + + + Rinkeby test network + + + + Custom + + + + Network Id + + + + Specify the network id + + + + Main networks + + + + Test networks + + + + Custom Networks + + + + Under development +NOTE: You will be logged out and all installed +sticker packs will be removed and will +need to be reinstalled. Purchased sticker +packs will not need to be re-purchased. + + + + Notification preferences + + + + All messages + + + + Just @mentions + + + + Nothing + + + + Play a sound when receiving a notification + + + + Use your operating system's notifications + + + + Setting this to false will instead use Status' notification style as seen below + + + + Message preview + + + + Anonymous + + + + Name only + + + + Name & Message + + + + Hi there! Yes, no problem, let me know if I can help. + + + + No preview or Advanced? Go to Notification Center + + + + Contacts & Users + + + + Notify on new requests + + + + Receive notifications from non-contacts + + + + Muted users + + + + Muted contacts + + + + Muted contacts will appear here + + + + Muted chats will appear here + + + + You can limit what gets shown in notifications + + + + Reset notification settings + + + + Restore default notification settings and unmute all chats and users + + + + Open links with... + + + + My default browser + + + + Security + + + + Backup Seed Phrase + + + + Display all profile pictures (not only contacts) + + + + Display images in chat automatically + + + + All images (links that contain an image extension) will be downloaded and displayed, regardless of the whitelist settings below + + + + Allow new contact requests + + + + Sign out controls + + + + LogoutExit + + + + Sounds settings + + + + Sound volume + + + + Sync settings + + + + Add mailserver + + + + You need to enter the enode address + + + + History node address + + + + enode://{enode-id}:{password}@{ip-address}:{port-number} + + + + Automatic mailserver selection + + + + ... + + + + Share what's on your mind and stay updated with your contacts + + + + Status account settings + + + + You need to enter an account name + + + + Enter an account name... + + + + Account name + + + + Type + + + + Watch-only + + + + Off Status tree + + + + On Status tree + + + + Derivation path + + + + Storage + + + + This device + + + + Delete account + + + + A deleted account cannot be retrieved later. Only press yes if you backed up your key/seed or don't care about this account anymore + + + + Save changes + + + + Add custom token + + + + This needs to be a valid address + + + + Invalid ERC20 address + + + + Enter contract address... + + + + Contract address + + + + The name of your token... + + + + ABC + + + + Symbol + + + + Decimals + + + + Collectibles will appear here + + + + To + + + + From + + + + At + + + + Status Desktop is connected to a non-archival node. Transaction history may be incomplete. + + + + No transactions found + + + + Load More + + + + Total value + + + + Receive + + + + Back up your seed phrase + + + + Recipient + + + + Transaction completed + + + + Transaction failed + + + + Set Currency + + + + Signing phrase + + + + This is your signing phrase + + + + You should see these 3 words before signing each transaction + + + + If you see a different combination, cancel the transaction and sign out + + + + Remind me later + + + + Manage Assets + + + + Account Settings + + + + Collectibles + + + + Generate an account + + + + Add a watch-only address + + + + Enter a seed phrase + + + + Enter a private key + + + + Add account from private key + + + + You need to enter a password + + + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + You need to enter a private key + + + + Enter a valid private key (64 characters hexadecimal string) + + + + Enter your password… + + + + Password + + + + Paste the contents of your private key + + + + Private key + + + + Loading... + + + + Add account + + + + You need to enter a seed phrase + + + + Enter a valid mnemonic + + + + Add account with a seed phrase + + + + Enter your seed phrase, separate words with commas or spaces... + + + + Seed phrase + + + + Add a watch-only account + + + + You need to enter an address + + + + This needs to be a valid address (starting with 0x) + + + + Enter address... + + + + Account address + + + + Token details + + + + Remove token + + + + Transaction Details + + + + 9999 Confirmations + + + + When the transaction has 12 confirmations you can consider it settled. + + + + Block + + + + Hash + + + + Gas limit + + + + Gas price + + + + Gas used + + + + Nonce + + + + Something went wrong + + + + Reload + + + + Maximum number of collectibles to display reached + + + + View + + + + Unnamed + + + + ID + + + + Description + + + + US Dollars + + + + Euros + + + + United Arab Emirates dirham + + + + Afghan afghani + + + + Argentine peso + + + + Australian dollar + + + + Barbadian dollar + + + + Bangladeshi taka + + + + Bulgarian lev + + + + Bahraini dinar + + + + Brunei dollar + + + + Bolivian boliviano + + + + Brazillian real + + + + Bhutanese ngultrum + + + + Canadian dollar + + + + Swiss franc + + + + Chilean peso + + + + Chinese yuan + + + + Colombian peso + + + + Costa Rican colón + + + + Czech koruna + + + + Danish krone + + + + Dominican peso + + + + Egyptian pound + + + + Ethiopian birr + + + + British Pound + + + + Georgian lari + + + + Ghanaian cedi + + + + Hong Kong dollar + + + + Croatian kuna + + + + Hungarian forint + + + + Indonesian rupiah + + + + Israeli new shekel + + + + Indian rupee + + + + Icelandic króna + + + + Jamaican dollar + + + + Japanese yen + + + + Kenyan shilling + + + + South Korean won + + + + Kuwaiti dinar + + + + Kazakhstani tenge + + + + Sri Lankan rupee + + + + Moroccan dirham + + + + Moldovan leu + + + + Mauritian rupee + + + + Malawian kwacha + + + + Mexican peso + + + + Malaysian ringgit + + + + Mozambican metical + + + + Namibian dollar + + + + Nigerian naira + + + + Norwegian krone + + + + Nepalese rupee + + + + New Zealand dollar + + + + Omani rial + + + + Peruvian sol + + + + Papua New Guinean kina + + + + Philippine peso + + + + Pakistani rupee + + + + Polish złoty + + + + Paraguayan guaraní + + + + Qatari riyal + + + + Romanian leu + + + + Serbian dinar + + + + Russian ruble + + + + Saudi riyal + + + + Swedish krona + + + + Singapore dollar + + + + Thai baht + + + + Trinidad and Tobago dollar + + + + New Taiwan dollar + + + + Tanzanian shilling + + + + Turkish lira + + + + Ukrainian hryvnia + + + + Ugandan shilling + + + + Uruguayan peso + + + + Venezuelan bolívar + + + + Vietnamese đồng + + + + South African rand + + + + View Community + + + + Browser + + + + Timeline + + + + Contact request accepted + + + + New contact request + + + + You can now chat with %1 + + + + %1 requests to become contacts + + + + Where do you want to go? + + + + Status Desktop + + + + Open Status + + + + Quit + + + + Create a password + + + + New password... + + + + Confirm password… + + + + At least 6 characters. You will use this password to unlock status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + Create password + + + + Error importing account + + + + An error occurred while importing your account: + + + + Login failed + + + + Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. + + + + Enter seed phrase + + + + This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. + + + + Start with the first word + + + + Enter 12, 15, 18, 21 or 24 words. +Seperate words by a single space. + + + + Invalid seed phrase + + + + Choose a chat name + + + + Truly private communication + + + + Chat over a peer-to-peer, encrypted network + where messages can't be censored or hacked + + + + Secure crypto wallet + + + + Send and receive digital assets anywhere in the +world--no bank account required + + + + Decentralized apps + + + + Explore games, exchanges and social networks +where you alone own your data + + + + Thanks for trying Status Desktop! Please note that this is an alpha release and we advise you that using this app should be done for testing purposes only and you assume the full responsibility for all risks concerning your data and funds. Status makes no claims of security or integrity of funds in these builds. + + + + I understand + + + + Status does not collect, share or sell any personal data. By continuing you agree with the privacy policy. + + + + I'm new, generate keys + + + + Access existing key + + + + Enter password + + + + Connecting... + + + + Login failed: %1 + + + + Generate new keys + + + + Your keys + + + + Add another existing key + + + + Your keys have been successfully recovered + + + + You will have to create a new code or password to re-encrypt your keys + + + + Re-encrypt your keys + + + + Cannot find asset '%1'. Ensure this asset has been added to the token list. + + + + ENS Username not found + + + + eg. 0x1234 or ENS + + + + Paste + + + + You need to request the recipient’s address first. +Assets won’t be sent yet. + + + + Invalid source + + + + Insufficient balance + + + + Must be greater than 0 + + + + Priority + + + + Use suggestions + + + + Use custom + + + + Low + + + + High + + + + Gas amount limit + + + + Per-gas overall limit + + + + Maximum overall price for the transaction. If the block base fee exceeds this, it will be included in a following block with a lower base fee. + + + + Must be greater than or equal to 0 + + + + This needs to be a number + + + + Please enter an amount + + + + The amount is 0. Proceed only if this is desired. + + + + Balance: + + + + Asset & Amount + + + + Blocking will remove any messages you received from %1 and stop new messages from reaching you. + + + + Account color + + + + Confirm your action + + + + Confirm + + + + Are you sure you want to this? + + + + Do not show this again + + + + Please select a contact + + + + Select a contact + + + + Contact does not have an ENS address. Please send a transaction in chat. + + + + No contact selected + + + + Copied! + + + + Slow + + + + Optimal + + + + Fast + + + + Reset + + + + Advanced + + + + Custom Network Fee + + + + Gwei + + + + Apply + + + + Not enough ETH for gas + + + + Copied + + + + Pasted + + + + Copy + + + + Invalid ethereum address + + + + Address + + + + My account + + + + Contact + + + + Search + + + + In: + + + + Messages + + + + Tokens will be sent directly to a contract address, which may result in a loss of funds. To transfer ERC-20 tokens, ensure the recipient address is the address of the destination wallet. + + + + View on Etherscan + + + + <a href='%1' style='color:%2;text-decoration:none;'>%3</a> + + + + Asset + + + + Amount + + + + Data field + + + + Signing phrase is a 3 word combination that displayed when you entered the wallet on this device for the first time. + + + + Enter the password you use to unlock this device + + + + Unblocking will allow new messages you received from %1 to reach you. + + + + Send transaction + + + + Request transaction + + + + Public chat + + + + Not a contact + + + + Image files (%1) + + + + Your message is too long. + + + + Please make your message shorter. We have set the limit to 2000 characters to be courteous of others. + + + + Type a message + + + + Bold + + + + Italic + + + + Strikethrough + + + + Code + + + + No recent emojis + + + + Buy for %1 SNT + + + + Uninstall + + + + Install + + + + Free + + + + Pending... + + + + Update + + + + Could not buy Stickerpack + + + + Stickerpack bought successfully + + + + You don't have any stickers yet + + + + Recently used stickers will appear here + + + + Get Stickers + + + + Ethereum explorer + + + + Custom... + + + + Search engine + + + + Dapp permissions + + + + Revoke access + + + + Revoke all access + + + + Show more + + + + %1 invited you to join the group + + + + All + + + + Mentions + + + + Replies + + + + Contact requests + + + + Mark all as Read + + + + Show read notifications + + + + Hide read notifications + + + + Notification settings + + + + You need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messages + + + + Waiting for %1 to accept your request + + + + Just click this button to add them as contact. They will receive a notification. Once they accept the request, you'll be able to chat + + + + Back up community key + + + + Back up + + + + Member name + + + + Community members will appear here + + + + No contacts found + + + + Your community is free to join, but new members are required to be approved by the community creator first + + + + Your community can only be joined by an invitation from existing community members + + + + Your community is free for anyone to join + + + + You should keep it safe and only share it with people you trust to take ownership of your community + + + + You can also use this key to import your community on another device + + + + Decline and block + + + + Decline all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to decline all these contact requests + + + + Accept all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to accept all these contact requests + + + + Decline all + + + + Accept all + + + + Pin limit reached + + + + Unpin a previous message first + + + + %1 messages + + + + %1 message + + + + Pinned messages will appear here. + + + + I accept + + + + Format not supported. + + + + Upload %1 only + + + + You can only upload %1 images at a time + + + + Max image size is %1 MB + + + + TODO + + + + NOW + + + + %1M + + + + %1H + + + + %1D + + + + Sun + + + + Mon + + + + Tue + + + + Wed + + + + Thu + + + + Fri + + + + Sat + + + + Jan + + + + Feb + + + + Mar + + + + Apr + + + + Jun + + + + Jul + + + + Aug + + + + Sep + + + + Oct + + + + Nov + + + + Dec + + + + Sunday + + + + Monday + + + + Tuesday + + + + Wednesday + + + + Thursday + + + + Friday + + + + Saturday + + + + Start a 1-on-1 chat with %1 + + + + Join the %1 community + + + + Join the %1 group chat + + + + Join the %1 public channel + + + + words + + + + Mainnet with upstream RPC + + + + POA Network + + + + xDai Chain + + + + Goerli with upstream RPC + + + + Rinkeby with upstream RPC + + + + Ropsten with upstream RPC + + + + You need to repeat your password + + + + Passwords don't match + + + + You need to enter a %1 + + + + The %1 cannot exceed %2 characters + + + + Must be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + Use only lowercase letters (a to z), numbers & dashes (-). Do not use chat keys. + + + + community-image-delete + + + + public + Genel + + + + AboutView + + Status Desktop + + + + Privacy Policy + + + + Check for updates + + + + Current Version + + + + Release Notes + + + + Our Principles + + + + Status desktop’s GitHub Repositories + + + + Status Go + + + + StatusQ + + + + go-waku + + + + Legal & Privacy Documents + + + + Terms of Use + + + + Software License + + + + + AcceptRejectOptionsButtonsPanel + + View Profile + + + + Decline and block + + + + + AccessExistingCommunityPopup + + You need to enter a key + + + + Import + + + + Error importing the community + + + + + AccountView + + Type + + + + Storage + + + + Watch-Only Account + + + + Generated by your Status seed phrase profile + + + + Imported Account + + + + On Device + + + + Derivation Path + + + + Remove from your profile + + + + Confirm %1 Removal + + + + You will not be able to restore viewing access to this account in the future unless you enter this account’s address again. + + + + Remove Account + + + + + ActivityCenterMessageComponentView + + Mark as Read + + + + Mark as Unread + + + + + AddAccountModal + + Advanced + + + + Generate an account + + + + Wrong password + + + + You need to enter a password + + + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + Enter your password… + + + + Password + + + + Enter an account name... + + + + Account name + + + + You need to enter an account name + + + + color + + + + Loading... + + + + Add account + + + + + AddEditSavedAddressPopup + + Name + + + + Address + + + + Save + + + + Edit saved address + + + + Add saved address + + + + Enter a name + + + + Name must not be blank + + + + This is not a valid account name + + + + Enter ENS Name or Ethereum Address + + + + Please enter a valid ENS name OR Ethereum Address + + + + Add address + + + + + AddFavoriteModal + + URL + + + + Paste URL + + + + Paste + + + + Pasted + + + + Name + + + + Favorite added + + + + Edit + + + + Add favorite + + + + Please enter a valid URL + + + + Name of the website + + + + Please enter a name + + + + Remove + + + + Done + + + + Add + + + + Add Favorite + + + + + AdvancedContainer + + Online users + + + + + AdvancedView + + disable + Devre dışı bırak + + + enable + Etkinleştir + + + Fleet + + + + Minimize on close + + + + Application Logs + + + + Experimental features + + + + Wallet + + + + WalletSettingsLineButton + + + + Dapp Browser + + + + Community History Archive Protocol + + + + Node Management + + + + Keycard + + + + Bloom filter level + + + + Warning! + + + + The account will be logged out. When you login again, the selected mode will be enabled + + + + Light Node + + + + Normal + + + + Full Node + + + + WakuV2 mode + + + + Developer features + + + + Full developer mode + + + + Download messages + + + + Telemetry + + + + Debug + + + + Auto message + + + + Are you sure you want to enable all the develoer features? The app will be restarted. + + + + Are you sure you want to enable telemetry? This will reduce your privacy level while using Status. You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. + + + + Are you sure you want to enable auto message? You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. + + + + Are you sure you want to %1 debug mode? You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. + + + + This feature is experimental and is meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It's not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data. Use at your own risk. + + + + I understand + + + + + AllowNotificationsView + + Ok, got it + + + + Allow notifications + + + + Status will notify you about new messages. You can +edit your notification preferences later in settings. + + + + + AppMain + + Where do you want to go? + + + + Profile Picture + + + + Make this my Profile Pic + + + + Invite People + + + + View Community + + + + Leave Community + + + + A new version of Status (%1) is available + + + + Download + + + + Your version is up to date + + + + Close + + + + Can not connect to mailserver + + + + The mailserver you're connecting to is unavailable. + + + + Pick another + + + + Retry + + + + + AppearanceView + + XS + + + + S + + + + M + + + + L + + + + XL + + + + XXL + + + + Preview + + + + Blockchains will drop search costs, causing a kind of decomposition that allows you to have markets of entities that are horizontally segregated and vertically segregated. + + + + Size + + + + Change font size + + + + Change Zoom (requires restart) + + + + 50% + + + + 100% + + + + 150% + + + + 200% + + + + Appearance + + + + Light + + + + Dark + + + + System + + + + + BackupSeedModal + + Back up your seed phrase + + + + Continue + + + + Not Now + + + + Confirm Seed Phrase + + + + Complete & Delete My Seed Phrase + + + + Confirm word #%1 of your seed phrase + + + + + BackupSeedStepBase + + Enter word + + + + Wrong word + + + + Word #%1 + + + + + BeforeGetStartedModal + + Privacy Policy + + + + Before you get started + + + + I acknowledge that status desktop is in beta and by using it I take the full responsibility for all risks concerning my data and funds + + + + Before you get started... + + + + Get Started + + + + I acknowledge that Status Desktop is in Beta and by using it I take the full responsibility for all risks concerning my data and funds. + + + + I accept Status + + + + Terms of Use + + + + Terms of service + + + + Get started + + + + + BrowserLayout + + Transaction pending... + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Error signing message + + + + View on etherscan + + + + Server's certificate not trusted + + + + Do you wish to continue? + + + + If you wish so, you may continue with an unverified certificate. Accepting an unverified certificate means you may not be connected with the host you tried to connect to. +Do you wish to override the security check and continue? + + + + + ChatContextMenuView + + Leave group + + + + Save + + + + Delete + + + + Are you sure you want to leave this chat? + + + + View Members + + + + Add / remove from group + + + + Test WakuV2 - requestAllHistoricMessages + + + + Edit name + + + + Mark as Read + + + + Clear history + + + + Edit Channel + + + + Download + + + + Delete Channel + + + + Delete chat + + + + Leave chat + + + + Download messages + + + + Delete #%1 + + + + Are you sure you want to delete #%1 channel? + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this chat? + + + + + ChatView + + Members + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + + CollectibleDetailsHeader + + Send + + + + + CollectibleModal + + description + Açıklama + + + unnamed + + + + id + + + + View in Opensea + + + + + CollectiblesStore + + Collectibles + + + + + CollectiblesView + + Collectibles will appear here + + + + + CommunitiesListPanel + + Cancel + + + + Leave community + + + + Leave %1 + + + + Are you sure you want to leave? Once you leave, you will have to request to rejoin if you change your mind. + + + + + CommunitiesPopup + + Communities + + + + 1 member + + + + %1 members + + + + Create a community + + + + Search for communities or topics + + + + Access existing community + + + + + CommunitiesPortalLayout + + Search + + + + Find community + + + + Import Community + + + + Create New Community + + + + Featured + + + + Popular + + + + + CommunityColorPicker + + Community colour + + + + + CommunityColumnView + + Create channel + + + + Create category + + + + 1 Member + + + + %1 Members + + + + Start chat + + + + Membership requests + + + + Invite people + + + + Unmute category + + + + Mute category + + + + Edit Category + + + + Delete Category + + + + Delete %1 category + + + + Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. + + + + Create channel or category + + + + Error deleting the category + + + + + CommunityDescriptionInput + + Description + + + + What your community is about + + + + community description + + + + + CommunityDetailPopup + + Join ‘%1’ + + + + Pending + + + + Unknown community + + + + Public community + + + + Invitation only community + + + + On request community + + + + - ENS only + + + + %1 members + + + + Channels + + + + You need to be invited + + + + Request to join ‘%1’ + + + + Error joining the community + + + + + CommunityEditSettingsPanel + + A catchy name + + + + community name + + + + Description + + + + What your community is about + + + + Pick a color + + + + + CommunityHeaderButton + + 1 member + + + + %1 members + + + + + CommunityMembersSettingsPanel + + Members + + + + Member name + + + + Ban + + + + Kick + + + + Membership requests + + + + Community members will appear here + + + + No contacts found + + + + You + + + + + CommunityNameInput + + A catchy name + + + + community name + + + + Community name + + + + + CommunityProfilePopup + + Members + + + + Transfer ownership + + + + Public community + + + + Invitation only community + + + + On request community + + + + Unknown community + + + + Invite friends + + + + Invite + + + + + CommunityProfilePopupInviteFriendsPanel + + Copied! + + + + Contacts + + + + Share community + + + + + CommunityProfilePopupMembersListPanel + + Member name + + + + + CommunityProfilePopupOverviewPanel + + Copied! + + + + Share community + + + + Transfer ownership + + + + Leave community + + + + + CommunitySettingsView + + Members + + + + Notifications + + + + Settings + + + + Overview + + + + Open legacy popup (to be removed) + + + + Back to community + + + + Error editing the community + + + + + CommunityUserList + + Members + + + + + ConfirmPasswordView + + Passwords don't match + + + + Have you written down your password? + + + + You will never be able to recover your password if you lose it. + + + + If you need to, write it using pen and paper and keep in a safe place. + + + + If you lose your password you will lose access to your Status profile. + + + + Confirm your password (again) + + + + Confirm you password (again) + + + + Finalise Status Password Creation + + + + Keys for this account already exist + + + + Keys for this account already exist and can't be added again. If you've lost your password, passcode or Keycard, uninstall the app, reinstall and access your keys by entering your seed phrase + + + + Login failed + + + + Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. + + + + + ConfirmationDialog + + Confirm + + + + Reject + + + + Cancel + + + + Confirm your action + + + + Do not show this again + + + + Are you sure you want to do this? + + + + + ContactPanel + + View Profile + + + + Send message + + + + Respond to ID Request + + + + See ID Request + + + + Rename + + + + + ContactsColumnView + + Start chat + + + + Chat + + + + Search + + + + Join public chats + + + + Contact requests + + + + Community imported + + + + Importing community is in progress + + + + + ContactsView + + Contacts + + + + Send contact request to chat key + + + + Search by a display name or chat key + + + + Pending Requests + + + + Blocked + + + + Identity Verified Contacts + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet + + + + Received + + + + Sent + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + + Controls + + XS + + + + S + + + + M + + + + L + + + + XL + + + + XXL + + + + 50% + + + + 100% + + + + 150% + + + + 200% + + + + + CreateCategoryPopup + + Category title + + + + category name + + + + Edit category + + + + New category + + + + Name the category + + + + Channels + + + + Delete category + + + + Delete %1 category + + + + Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. + + + + Save + + + + Create + + + + Error editing the category + + + + Error creating the category + + + + + CreateChannelPopup + + Channel name + + + + channel name + + + + Description + + + + Describe the channel + + + + channel description + + + + New channel + + + + Edit #%1 + + + + Name the channel + + + + Channel colour + + + + Pick a color + + + + Save + + + + Create + + + + Error creating the community + + + + + CreateChatView + + Contacts + + + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. + +Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be able to chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. + + + + You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. + + +Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be + able to +chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. + + + + You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. + + +Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be able to +chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. + + + + Confirm + + + + + CreateCommunityPopup + + You need to enter a color + + + + This field needs to be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + Community color + + + + Pick a color + + + + Please choose a color + + + + Next + + + + Error creating the community + + + + Name your community + + + + A catchy name + + + + Give it a short description + + + + What your community is about + + + + Community colour + + + + Create New Community + + + + Create Community + + + + + CreatePasswordView + + Create password + + + + + DemoApp + + Invite People + + + + View Community + + + + Edit Community + + + + Leave Community + + + + + DerivationPathsPanel + + Reset + + + + Derivation Path + + + + + DerivedAddressesPanel + + Pending + + + + Account + + + + No activity + + + + Invalid path + + + + Has Activity + + + + No Activity + + + + + DisplayNamePopup + + Edit + + + + Ok + + + + Display Name + + + + OK + + + + + EnsDetailsView + + Wallet address + + + + Key + + + + Connect username with your pubkey + + + + Copied to clipboard! + + + + Release username + + + + Username locked. You won't be able to release it until %1 + + + + Back + + + + + EnsSearchView + + Connect username with your pubkey + + + + At least 4 characters. Latin letters, numbers, and lowercase only. + + + + Letters and numbers only. + + + + Type the entire username including the custom domain like username.domain.eth + + + + Custom domain + + + + I want a stateofus.eth domain + + + + I own a name on another domain + + + + + EnsView + + Transaction pending... + + + + View on etherscan + + + + ENS Registration failed + + + + ENS Registration completed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey failed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey completed + + + + + ExemptionNotificationsModal + + Done + + + + %1 exemption + + + + Mute all messages + + + + Personal @ Mentions + + + + Global @ Mentions + + + + Other Messages + + + + Clear Exemptions + + + + + GasSelector + + Priority + + + + Low + + + + High + + + + Must be greater than 0 + + + + This needs to be a number + + + + Please enter an amount + + + + Min 21000 units + + + + Not enough gas + + + + Miners will currently not process transactions with a tip below %1 Gwei, the average is %2 Gwei + + + + The average miner tip is %1 Gwei + + + + Gas Price + + + + Current base fee: %1 %2 + + + + Use suggestions + + + + Use custom + + + + Optimal + + + + Gas amount limit + + + + Per-gas tip limit + + + + Gwei + + + + Per-gas overall limit + + + + Maximum priority fee: %1 ETH + + + + Maximum overall price for the transaction. If the block base fee exceeds this, it will be included in a following block with a lower base fee. + + + + + GroupInfoPopup + + %1/%2 members + + + + Add members + + + + %1 members + + + + 1 member + + + + Search + + + + All your contacts are already in the group + + + + Pinned messages + + + + Admin + + + + Make Admin + + + + Remove From Group + + + + Add selected + + + + + ImageCropperModal + + Crop your image (optional) + + + + Finish + + + + + ImportPrivateKeyPanel + + Pending + + + + You need to enter a private key + + + + Enter a valid private key (64 characters hexadecimal string) + + + + Private key + + + + Paste the contents of your private key + + + + Public address + + + + Account already added + + + + Has Activity + + + + No Activity + + + + + InsertCard + + Cancel + + + + Please insert your Keycard to proceed or press the cancel button to cancel the operation + + + + + InsertDetailsView + + Next + + + + Profile picture + + + + Your profile + + + + Longer and unusual names are better as they are less likely to be used by someone else. + + + + Display name + + + + Chatkey: + + + + Choose an image for profile picture + + + + Make this my profile picture + + + + Your emojihash and identicon ring + + + + This set of emojis and coloured ring around your avatar are unique and represent your chat key, so your friends can easily distinguish you from potential impersonators. + + + + + InvitationBubbleView + + Unsupported state + + + + Membership requires an ENS username + + + + You need to be invited + + + + Pending + + + + View + + + + Request Access + + + + Join + + + + Verified community invitation + + + + Community invitation + + + + %1 members + + + + Error joining the community + + + + + KeysMainView + + Enter a seed phrase + + + + Generate new keys + + + + intro-wizard-title1 + + + + a-set-of-keys-controls-your-account.-your-keys-live-on-your-device,-so-only-you-can-use-them. + + + + Connect your keys + + + + Use your existing Status keys to login to this device. + + + + Get your keys + + + + A set of keys controls your account. Your keys live on your +device, so only you can use them. + + + + Import a seed phrase + + + + Seed phrases are used to back up and restore your keys. Only use this option if you already have a seed phrase. + + + + + LanguageView + + Language + + + + Set Display Currency + + + + Search Currencies + + + + Search Languages + + + + Date Format + + + + DD/MM/YY + + + + MM/DD/YY + + + + Time Format + + + + 24-Hour Time + + + + 12-Hour Time + + + + Change language + + + + Display language has been changed. You must restart the application for changes to take effect. + + + + Close the app now + + + + + Layout + + Invite People + + + + View Community + + + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + Edit Community + + + + Leave Community + + + + + LeftTabView + + Settings + + + + Sign out + + + + Make sure you have your account password and seed phrase stored. Without them you can lock yourself out of your account and lose funds. + + + + Sign out & Quit + + + + Wallet + + + + Total value + + + + Add account + + + + Saved addresses + + + + + LoginView + + Ok + + + + Welcome back + + + + Add new user + + + + Add existing Status user + + + + Connecting... + + + + Password + + + + Enter password + + + + Login failed: %1 + + + + Password incorrect + + + + + MenuPanel + + Settings + + + + Apps + + + + About & Help + + + + + MessageContextMenuView + + Jump to + + + + Copy image + + + + Download image + + + + Block User + + + + Unblock User + + + + Rename + + + + Reply to + + + + Edit message + + + + Copy Message Id + + + + Unpin + + + + Pin + + + + Delete message + + + + Please choose a directory + + + + Confirm deleting this message + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well. + + + + + MessagingView + + Contacts + + + + Allow new contact requests + + + + Show My Profile Picture To + + + + Everyone + + + + No One + + + + See Profile Pictures From + + + + Open Message Links With + + + + Status Browser + + + + System Default Browser + + + + Contacts, Requests, and Blocked Users + + + + Display Message Link Previews + + + + Fine tune which sites to allow link previews + + + + Image unfurling + + + + All images (links that contain an image extension) will be downloaded and displayed + + + + Message syncing + + + + Waku nodes + + + + For security reasons, private chat history won't be synced. + + + + + MyProfileView + + ENS username + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Change Password + + + + Edit + + + + Preview + + + + + NicknamePopup + + Nickname + + + + Nicknames help you identify others in Status. Only you can see the nicknames you’ve added + + + + Done + + + + + NoImageUploadedPanel + + Upload + + + + Wide aspect ratio is optimal + + + + + NotificationsView + + Messages + + + + You have a new message + + + + Anonymous + + + + Community + + + + 1:1 Chat + + + + Group Chat + + + + Muted + + + + Off + + + + Quiet + + + + Personal @ Mentions %1 + + + + Global @ Mentions %1 + + + + Alerts + + + + Other Messages %1 + + + + Multiple Exemptions + + + + Enable Notifications in macOS Settings + + + + To receive Status notifications, make sure you've enabled them in your computer's settings under <b>System Preferences > Notifications</b> + + + + Sync your devices to share notifications preferences + + + + Syncing > + + + + Allow Notifications + + + + 1:1 Chats + + + + Group Chats + + + + Personal @ Mentions + + + + Messages containing @%1 + + + + Global @ Mentions + + + + Messages containing @here and @channel + + + + All Messages + + + + Others + + + + Contact Requests + + + + Identity Verification Requests + + + + Notification Content + + + + Show Name and Message + + + + Hi there! So EIP-1559 will defini... + + + + Name Only + + + + Play a Sound When Receiving a Notification + + + + Volume + + + + Send a Test Notification + + + + Exemptions + + + + Search Communities, Group Chats and 1:1 Chats + + + + Most recent + + + + + PasswordView + + Create a password + + + + Passwords don't match + + + + Create a password to unlock Status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + You will not be able to recover this password if it is lost. + + + + Minimum %1 characters. To strengthen your password consider including: + + + + This password has been pwned and shouldn't be used + + + + This password is a common word and shouldn't be used + + + + Password must be at least %1 characters long + + + + Current password + + + + New password + + + + Very weak + + + + Weak + + + + So-so + + + + Good + + + + Great + + + + Lower case + + + + Upper case + + + + Numbers + + + + Symbols + + + + Confirm password + + + + + PermissionsListView + + Disconnect + + + + Disconnect All + + + + + PinnedMessagesPopup + + Unpin + + + + Pin limit reached + + + + Pinned messages + + + + Unpin a previous message first + + + + %1 messages + + + + %1 message + + + + Pinned messages will appear here. + + + + + ProfileLayout + + Contacts + + + + Testnet mode is enabled. All balances, transactions and dApp interactions will be on testnets. + + + + Secure your seed phrase + + + + Back up now + + + + + ProfilePopup + + ENS username + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Chat settings + + + + Nickname + + + + None + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + Unblock User + + + + Block User + + + + Add to contacts + + + + 's Profile + + + + Send Contact Request to + + + + Verify %1's Identity + + + + My Profile + + + + %1's Profile + + + + Send Contact Request to %1 + + + + Cancel verification + + + + Remove Contact + + + + Send Contact Request + + + + Mark Untrustworthy + + + + Remove 'Identity Verified' status + + + + No + + + + Yes + + + + Remove Untrustworthy Mark + + + + Verify Identity + + + + Verify Identity pending... + + + + Send verification request + + + + Verification request sent + + + + Confirm Identity + + + + Rename + + + + Close + + + + + ProfileSectionStore + + Profile + + + + ENS usernames + + + + Wallet + + + + Browser + + + + Communities + + + + Appearance + + + + Back up seed phrase + + + + Advanced + + + + Messaging + + + + Notifications & Sounds + + + + Language & Currency + + + + Devices settings + + + + About + + + + Sign out & Quit + + + + + RateView + + Upload + + + + Bandwidth + + + + Kb/s + + + + Download + + + + + ReceiveModal + + Copy + + + + Receive + + + + Legacy + + + + Multichain + + + + Your Address + + + + + RootStore + + You + + + + Start a 1-on-1 chat with %1 + + + + Join the %1 community + + + + Join the %1 group chat + + + + + SavedAddressesView + + Cancel + + + + Delete + + + + Saved addresses + + + + Add new address + + + + Edit + + + + Are you sure you want to remove '%1' from your saved addresses? + + + + Are you sure? + + + + No saved addresses + + + + + SeedPhraseInputView + + Enter seed phrase + + + + Next + + + + Import + + + + Keys for this account already exist + + + + Keys for this account already exist and can't be added again. If you've lost your password, passcode or Keycard, uninstall the app, reinstall and access your keys by entering your seed phrase + + + + Error importing seed + + + + %1 words + + + + %1SeedButton + + + + Invalid seed + + + + Restore Status Profile + + + + + SendContactRequestModal + + Paste + + + + Send Contact Request to chat key + + + + Enter chat key here + + + + Say who you are / why you want to become a contact... + + + + who are you + + + + Send Contact Request + + + + + SendModal + + Transaction pending... + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Send + + + + Max: + + + + No balances active + + + + Please enter a valid amount + + + + To + + + + Enter an ENS name or address + + + + Error estimating gas: %1 + + + + Wrong password + + + + View on etherscan + + + + + SendModalFooter + + Unknown + + + + Estimated Time: + + + + Max Fees: + + + + Send + + + + + SendModalHeader + + To + + + + + SettingsPageLayout + + Cancel + + + + Save changes + + + + + SignTransactionModal + + Send + + + + Continue + + + + Error estimating gas: %1 + + + + Transaction pending... + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Choose account + + + + Network fee + + + + Transaction preview + + + + Sign with password + + + + Send %1 %2 + + + + Next + + + + Wrong password + + + + View on etherscan + + + + + StatusAppCommunityView + + Members + + + + + StatusChatInput + + Send + + + + Message + + + + Please choose an image + + + + Image files (%1) + + + + Your message is too long. + + + + Please make your message shorter. We have set the limit to 2000 characters to be courteous of others. + + + + Bold + + + + Italic + + + + Strikethrough + + + + Code + + + + Unblock + + + + + StatusChatListAndCategories + + More + + + + Add channel inside category + + + + + StatusChatListCategoryItem + + More + + + + Add channel inside category + + + + + StatusChatListItem + + Unmute + + + + + StatusChatToolBar + + Search + + + + Members + + + + More + + + + + StatusColorDialog + + Preview + + + + This is not a valid color + + + + Standart colours + + + + Select Colour + + + + + StatusExpandableSettingsItemPage + + Back up seed phrase + + + + Not Implemented + + + + + StatusListPicker + + Search + + + + + StatusMacNotification + + Open + + + + My latest message + with a return + + + + + StatusStickerMarket + + This feature is experimental and is meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It's not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data. Use at your own risk. + + + + I understand + + + + + StatusTokenInlineSelector + + or + + + + Hold + + + + to post + + + + + StatusWalletColorSelect + + Account color + + + + + TabNetworkAndFees + + Advanced + + + + Custom + + + + Slow + + + + + TransactionSettingsConfirmationPopup + + Are you sure? + + + + Your priority fee is below our suggested parameters. + + + + Current base fee + + + + %1 Gwei + + + + Current minimum tip + + + + Current average tip + + + + Your tip limit + + + + Suggested minimum tip + + + + Your price limit + + + + Suggested minimum price limit + + + + Change Limit + + + + Continue anyway + + + + + TransferOwnershipPopup + + Transfer ownership + + + + Community private key + + + + Copy + + + + Copied + + + + You should keep it safe and only share it with people you trust to take ownership of your community + + + + You can also use this key to import your community on another device + + + + + UploadProfilePicModal + + Profile picture + + + + Remove + + + + Upload + + + + Done + + + + Upload profile picture + + + + Choose an image for profile picture + + + + Make this my profile picture + + + + + UserList + + Members + + + + + UsernameLabel + + You + + + + + Utils + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + You need to enter a %1 + + + + now + Şimdi + + + Sun + + + + Mon + + + + Tue + + + + Wed + + + + Thu + + + + Fri + + + + Sat + + + + Jan + + + + Feb + + + + Mar + + + + Apr + + + + May + + + + Jun + + + + Jul + + + + Aug + + + + Sep + + + + Oct + + + + Nov + + + + Dec + + + + Yesterday + + + + Sunday + + + + Monday + + + + Tuesday + + + + Wednesday + + + + Thursday + + + + Friday + + + + Saturday + + + + NOW + + + + %1M + + + + %1H + + + + %1D + + + + words + + + + You need to enter a password + + + + You need to repeat your password + + + + Passwords don't match + + + + You need to enter a PIN + + + + The PIN must contain only digits + + + + The PIN must be exactly 6 digits + + + + You need to repeat your PIN + + + + PIN don't match + + + + The %1 cannot exceed %2 characters + + + + Must be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + Use only lowercase letters (a to z), numbers & dashes (-). Do not use chat keys. + + + + Value has to be at least %1 characters long + + + + Unknown + + + + < 1 min + + + + < 3 mins + + + + < 5 mins + + + + > 5 mins + + + + years ago + + + + year ago + + + + months ago + + + + month ago + + + + weeks ago + + + + week ago + + + + days ago + + + + day ago + + + + hours ago + + + + hour ago + + + + mins ago + + + + min ago + + + + secs ago + + + + sec ago + + + + + WalletView + + Wallet + + + + Networks + + + + DApp Permissions + + + + Testnet Mode + + + + + AcceptTransactionView + + Accept and share address + + + + Accept and send + + + + Decline + + + + + Acknowledgements + + Secure Your Assets and Funds + + + + Your seed phrase is a 12-word passcode to your funds. + + + + Your seed phrase cannot be recovered if lost. Therefore, you <b>must</b> back it up. The simplest way is to <b>write it down offline and store it somewhere secure.</b> + + + + I have a pen and paper + + + + I am ready to write down my seed phrase + + + + I know where I’ll store it + + + + You can only complete this process once. Status will not store your seed phrase and can never help you recover it. + + + + + ActivityCenterPopup + + Show more + + + + + ActivityCenterPopupTopBarPanel + + All + + + + Mentions + + + + Replies + + + + Mark all as Read + + + + Show read notifications + + + + Hide read notifications + + + + Notification settings + + + + + AddShowTokenModal + + Add custom token + + + + This needs to be a valid address + + + + Invalid ERC20 address + + + + Enter contract address... + + + + Contract address + + + + The name of your token... + + + + Name + + + + ABC + + + + Symbol + + + + Decimals + + + + Changing settings failed + + + + Add + + + + + AddWakuNodeModal + + Waku nodes + + + + Name + + + + Specify a name + + + + You need to enter a name + + + + History node address + + + + You need to enter the enode address + + + + The format must be: enode://{enode-id}:{password}@{ip-address}:{port} + + + + Save + + + + + AddressInput + + ENS Username not found + + + + + AddressRequiredValidator + + You need to request the recipient’s address first. +Assets won’t be sent yet. + + + + + AddressSourceSelector + + Invalid source + + + + + AdvancedAddAccountView + + Enter address... + + + + Account address + + + + This needs to be a valid address (starting with 0x) + + + + You need to enter an address + + + + + AppSearch + + No results + + + + Anywhere + + + + + AssetAndAmountInput + + Insufficient balance + + + + Must be greater than or equal to 0 + + + + This needs to be a number + + + + Please enter an amount + + + + Balance: + + + + Asset & Amount + + + + The amount is 0. Proceed only if this is desired. + + + + + BackUpCommuntyBannerPanel + + Back up community key + + + + Back up + + + + + BalanceExceeded + + Balance exceeded + + + + No networks available + + + + + BalanceValidator + + Insufficient balance + + + + + BlockContactConfirmationDialog + + Block User + + + + Blocking will stop new messages from reaching you from %1. + + + + + BloomSelectorButton + + TODO + + + + + BrowserConnectionModal + + '%1' would like to connect to + + + + Allowing authorizes this DApp to retrieve your wallet address and enable Web3 + + + + Granting access authorizes this DApp to retrieve your chat key + + + + Deny + + + + Allow + + + + + BrowserHeader + + Enter URL + + + + + BrowserSettingsMenu + + New Tab + + + + Exit Incognito mode + + + + Go Incognito + + + + Zoom In + + + + Zoom Out + + + + Find + + + + Compatibility mode + + + + Developer Tools + + + + Settings + + + + + BrowserTabStyle + + Start Page + + + + + BrowserTabView + + Start Page + + + + New Tab + + + + Downloads Page + + + + + BrowserView + + Search engine used in the address bar + + + + None + + + + Show Favorites Bar + + + + Connected DApps + + + + No connected dApps + + + + Connecting a dApp grants it permission to view your address and balances, and to send you transaction requests + + + + + BrowserWalletMenu + + Mainnet + + + + Ropsten + + + + Unknown + + + + Disconnect + + + + Assets + + + + History + + + + + BrowserWebEngineView + + Add Favorite + + + + + ChangePasswordModal + + Change password + + + + Change password used to unlock Status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + Change Password + + + + + ChangePasswordSuccessModal + + <b>Password changed</b> + + + + You need to sign in again using the new password. + + + + Sign out & Quit + + + + + ChangeProfilePicModal + + Profile picture + + + + Remove + + + + Upload + + + + Please choose an image + + + + Image files (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png) + + + + + ChannelIdentifierView + + Welcome to the beginning of the <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> group! + + + + Any messages you send here are encrypted and can only be read by you and <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> + + + + + ChatButtonsPanel + + Add reaction + + + + Reply + + + + Edit + + + + Unpin + + + + Pin + + + + Delete + + + + Confirm deleting this message + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well. + + + + + ChatColumnView + + Send + + + + Request Address + + + + Request + + + + + ChatCommandModal + + Continue + + + + Receive on account + + + + From account + + + + Address request required + + + + From + + + + To + + + + Preview + + + + Transaction preview + + + + Next + + + + + ChatCommandsPopup + + Send transaction + + + + Request transaction + + + + + ChatContentView + + Contact + + + + Not a contact + + + + Public chat + + + + %1 members + + + + 1 member + + + + Connected + + + + Disconnected + + + + Blocked + + + + This user has been blocked. + + + + + ChatMessagesView + + Loading... + + + + Failed to send message. + + + + + ChatRequestMessagePanel + + You need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messages + + + + Just click this button to add them as contact. They will receive a notification. Once they accept the request, you'll be able to chat + + + + Add to contacts + + + + + ChooseBrowserPopup + + Choose browser + + + + Open in Status + + + + Open in my default browser + + + + Remember my choice. To override it, go to settings. + + + + + ClosedEmptyPanel + + Your chats will appear here. To start new chats press the  button at the top + + + + + CollectibleCollectionView + + No collectibles available + + + + + CollectibleDetailView + + Properties + + + + Levels + + + + Stats + + + + + CollectiblesContent + + Something went wrong + + + + Reload + + + + + CollectiblesHeader + + Maximum number of collectibles to display reached + + + + + CollectiblesModal + + View + + + + Unnamed + + + + + CollectiblesModalContent + + ID + + + + Description + + + + + CommunitiesView + + Import community + + + + Communities you've joined + + + + + CommunityBannerPicker + + Community banner + + + + Choose an image for banner + + + + Make this my Community banner + + + + + CommunityChannelsAndCategoriesBannerPanel + + Expand your community by adding more channels and categories + + + + Add channels + + + + Add categories + + + + + CommunityColorPanel + + Community Colour + + + + Select Community Colour + + + + This is not a valid colour + + + + White text should be legable on top of this colour + + + + Standard colours + + + + + CommunityDelegate + + Admin + + + + Member + + + + + CommunityIntroDialog + + Welcome to %1 + + + + Join %1 + + + + Community <b>%1</b> has no intro message... + + + + I agree with the above + + + + + CommunityIntroMessageInput + + Community introduction and rules + + + + What new members will read before joining (eg. community rules, welcome message, etc.). Members will need to tick a check box agreeing to these rules before they are allowed to join your community. + + + + community intro message + + + + + CommunityLogoPicker + + Community logo + + + + Choose an image as logo + + + + Make this my Community logo + + + + + CommunityOptions + + Community history service + + + + Request to join required + + + + Any member can pin a message + + + + + CommunityOutroMessageInput + + Leaving community message + + + + The message a member will see when they leave your community + + + + community intro message + + + + + CommunityOverviewSettingsPanel + + Overview + + + + Edit Community + + + + This node is the Community Owner Node. For your Community to function correctly try to keep this computer with Status running and onlinie as much as possible. + + + + Welcome to your community! + + + + Invite new people + + + + Try an airdrop to reward your community for engagement! + + + + Airdrop Tokens + + + + Back up community key + + + + Back up + + + + + CommunityTagsPanel + + Community Tags + + + + Confirm Community Tags + + + + Select tags that will fit your Community + + + + Search tags + + + + Selected tags + + + + + CommunityTagsPicker + + Tags + + + + + CommunityWelcomeBannerPanel + + Welcome to your community! + + + + Add members + + + + Manage community + + + + + CompactMessageView + + Pinned by %1 + + + + Cancel + + + + Save + + + + + ConfirmAddExistingKeyModal + + Enter seed phrase + + + + Do you want to add another existing key? + + + + Add another existing key + + + + + ConfirmAppRestartModal + + Application Restart + + + + Please restart the application to apply the changes. + + + + Restart + + + + + ConfirmSeedPhrasePanel + + Write down your 12-word seed phrase to keep offline + + + + Reveal seed phrase + + + + The next screen contains your seed phrase. +<b>Anyone</b> who sees it can use it to access to your funds. + + + + + ConfirmStoringSeedPhrasePanel + + Complete back up + + + + Store Your Phrase Offline and Complete Your Back Up + + + + By completing this process, you will remove your seed phrase from this application’s storage. This makes your funds more secure. + + + + You will remain logged in, and your seed phrase will be entirely in your hands. + + + + I acknowledge that Status will not be able to show me my seed phrase again. + + + + I aknowledge that Status will not be able to show me my seed phrase again. + + + + + Constants + + Username must be at least 5 characters + + + + Only letters, numbers, underscores and hyphens allowed + + + + 24 character username limit + + + + Usernames ending with '-eth' are not allowed + + + + Usernames ending with '_eth' are not allowed + + + + Usernames ending with '.eth' are not allowed + + + + Sorry, the name you have chosen is not allowed, try picking another username + + + + (edited) + + + + Username already taken :( + + + + Username doesn’t belong to you :( + + + + Continuing will connect this username with your chat key. + + + + ✓ Username available! + + + + Username is already connected with your chat key and can be used inside Status. + + + + This user name is owned by you and connected with your chat key. Continue to set `Show my ENS username in chats`. + + + + Continuing will require a transaction to connect the username with your current chat key. + + + + + Contact + + Admin + + + + + ContactRequestsPopup + + Contact requests + + + + Decline all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to decline all these contact requests + + + + Accept all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to accept all these contact requests + + + + Decline all + + + + Accept all + + + + + ContactSelector + + Please select a contact + + + + Select a contact + + + + Contact does not have an ENS address. Please send a transaction in chat. + + + + No contact selected + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet + + + + + ContactVerificationRequestPopup + + %1 is asking you to verify your identity + + + + %1 would like to verify your identity. Answer the question to prove your identity to %2 + + + + Provide answer to verification request from this contact. + + + + Your answer has been sent to %1. + + + + Refuse Verification + + + + Send Answer + + + + Change answer + + + + Close + + + + + ContactsListAndSearch + + Enter a valid chat key or ENS username + + + + Can't chat with yourself + + + + Enter ENS username or chat key + + + + + ContactsListPanel + + Contact Request Sent + + + + Contact Request Rejected + + + + + CopyToClipBoardButton + + Copied! + + + + + CreatePasswordModal + + Store password + + + + Create a password + + + + Current password... + + + + New password... + + + + Confirm password… + + + + At least 6 characters. You will use this password to unlock status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + Create password + + + + Error importing account + + + + An error occurred while importing your account: + + + + Login failed + + + + Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. + + + + Incorrect password + + + + + CryptoServicesModal + + Buy / Sell crypto + + + + Choose a service you'd like to use to buy crypto + + + + + CurrenciesStore + + US Dollars + + + + British Pound + + + + Euros + + + + Russian ruble + + + + South Korean won + + + + Ethereum + + + + Tokens + + + + Bitcoin + + + + Status Network Token + + + + Dai + + + + United Arab Emirates dirham + + + + Other Fiat + + + + Afghan afghani + + + + Argentine peso + + + + Australian dollar + + + + Barbadian dollar + + + + Bangladeshi taka + + + + Bulgarian lev + + + + Bahraini dinar + + + + Brunei dollar + + + + Bolivian boliviano + + + + Brazillian real + + + + Bhutanese ngultrum + + + + Canadian dollar + + + + Swiss franc + + + + Chilean peso + + + + Chinese yuan + + + + Colombian peso + + + + Costa Rican colón + + + + Czech koruna + + + + Danish krone + + + + Dominican peso + + + + Egyptian pound + + + + Ethiopian birr + + + + Georgian lari + + + + Ghanaian cedi + + + + Hong Kong dollar + + + + Croatian kuna + + + + Hungarian forint + + + + Indonesian rupiah + + + + Israeli new shekel + + + + Indian rupee + + + + Icelandic króna + + + + Jamaican dollar + + + + Japanese yen + + + + Kenyan shilling + + + + Kuwaiti dinar + + + + Kazakhstani tenge + + + + Sri Lankan rupee + + + + Moroccan dirham + + + + Moldovan leu + + + + Mauritian rupee + + + + Malawian kwacha + + + + Mexican peso + + + + Malaysian ringgit + + + + Mozambican metical + + + + Namibian dollar + + + + Nigerian naira + + + + Norwegian krone + + + + Nepalese rupee + + + + New Zealand dollar + + + + Omani rial + + + + Peruvian sol + + + + Papua New Guinean kina + + + + Philippine peso + + + + Pakistani rupee + + + + Polish złoty + + + + Paraguayan guaraní + + + + Qatari riyal + + + + Romanian leu + + + + Serbian dinar + + + + Saudi riyal + + + + Swedish krona + + + + Singapore dollar + + + + Thai baht + + + + Trinidad and Tobago dollar + + + + New Taiwan dollar + + + + Tanzanian shilling + + + + Turkish lira + + + + Ukrainian hryvnia + + + + Ugandan shilling + + + + Uruguayan peso + + + + Venezuelan bolívar + + + + Vietnamese đồng + + + + South African rand + + + + + DateGroup + + Today + + + + Yesterday + + + + January + + + + February + + + + March + + + + April + + + + May + + + + June + + + + July + + + + August + + + + September + + + + October + + + + November + + + + December + + + + + DefaultDAppExplorerView + + Default DApp explorer + + + + none + + + + + DevicesView + + Please set a name for your device. + + + + Specify a name + + + + Continue + + + + Advertise device + + + + Pair your devices to sync contacts and chats between them + + + + Learn more + + + + Paired devices + + + + Syncing... + + + + Sync all devices + + + + + DownloadBar + + Cancelled + + + + Paused + + + + Show All + + + + + DownloadMenu + + Open + + + + Show in folder + + + + Pause + + + + Resume + + + + Cancel + + + + + DownloadPage + + Thanks for using Status + + + + You're curently using version %1 of Status. + + + + There's new version available to download. + + + + Get Status %1 + + + + + DownloadView + + Cancelled + + + + Paused + + + + Downloaded files will appear here. + + + + + ENSPopup + + Primary username + + + + Your messages are displayed to others with this username: + + + + Once you select a username, you won’t be able to disable it afterwards. You will only be able choose a different username to display. + + + + + EmojiReactionsPanel + + Add reaction + + + + + EmptyChatPanel + + Share your chat key + + + + or + + + + invite + + + + friends to start messaging in Status + + + + + EnsAddedView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + %1 is now connected with your chat key and can be used in Status. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsConnectedView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + %1 will be connected once the transaction is complete. + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsListView + + Hey + + + + (pending) + + + + ENS usernames + + + + Add username + + + + Your usernames + + + + Chat settings + + + + Primary Username + + + + None selected + + + + You’re displaying your ENS username in chats + + + + + EnsRegisteredView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + Nice! You own %1.stateofus.eth once the transaction is complete. + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsReleasedView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username removed + + + + The username %1 will be removed and your deposit will be returned once the transaction is mined + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsTermsAndConditionsView + + ENS usernames + + + + Terms of name registration + + + + Funds are deposited for 1 year. Your SNT will be locked, but not spent. + + + + After 1 year, you can release the name and get your deposit back, or take no action to keep the name. + + + + If terms of the contract change — e.g. Status makes contract upgrades — user has the right to release the username regardless of time held. + + + + The contract controller cannot access your deposited funds. They can only be moved back to the address that sent them. + + + + Your address(es) will be publicly associated with your ENS name. + + + + Usernames are created as subdomain nodes of stateofus.eth and are subject to the ENS smart contract terms. + + + + You authorize the contract to transfer SNT on your behalf. This can only occur when you approve a transaction to authorize the transfer. + + + + These terms are guaranteed by the smart contract logic at addresses: + + + + %1 (Status UsernameRegistrar). + + + + <a href='%1%2'>Look up on Etherscan</a> + + + + %1 (ENS Registry). + + + + Wallet address + + + + Copied to clipboard! + + + + Key + + + + Agree to <a href="#">Terms of name registration.</a> I understand that my wallet address will be publicly connected to my username. + + + + Back + + + + 10 SNT + + + + Deposit + + + + Not enough SNT + + + + Register + + + + + EnsWelcomeView + + Get a universal username + + + + ENS names transform those crazy-long addresses into unique usernames. + + + + Customize your chat name + + + + An ENS name can replace your random 3-word name in chat. Be @yourname instead of %1. + + + + Simplify your ETH address + + + + You can receive funds to your easy-to-share ENS name rather than your hexadecimal hash (0x...). + + + + Receive transactions in chat + + + + Others can send you funds via chat in one simple step. + + + + 10 SNT to register + + + + Register once to keep the name forever. After 1 year you can release the name and get your SNT back. + + + + Already own a username? + + + + You can verify and add any usernames you own in the next steps. + + + + Powered by Ethereum Name Services + + + + Start + + + + Only available on Mainnet + + + + + FavoriteMenu + + Open in new Tab + + + + Edit + + + + Remove + + + + + FetchMoreMessagesButton + + ↓ Fetch more messages + + + + Before %1 + + + + before--%1 + + + + + FleetRadioSelector + + Warning! + + + + Change fleet to %1 + + + + + FleetsModal + + Fleet + + + + + GapComponent + + fetch-messages + + + + between--1-and--2 + + + + Fetch messages + + + + Between %1 and %2 + + + + + GasSelectorButton + + Low + + + + + GasValidator + + Not enough ETH for gas + + + + + GroupChatPanel + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + Confirm + + + + + HistoryView + + Status Desktop is connected to a non-archival node. Transaction history may be incomplete. + + + + No transactions found + + + + Load More + + + + + HomePageView + + homepage + + + + System default + + + + Other + + + + Example: duckduckgo.com + + + + + ImageCropWorkflow + + Supported image formats (%1) + + + + + ImportCommunityPopup + + Import Community + + + + Entering a community key will grant you the ownership of that community. Please be responsible with it and don’t share the key with people you don’t trust. + + + + Community private key + + + + Import + + + + + ImportSeedPhrasePanel + + Invalid seed phrase + + + + This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. + + + + %1 words + + + + + Input + + Copied + + + + Pasted + + + + Copy + + + + Paste + + + + + InviteFriendsPopup + + Get Status at https://status.im + + + + Download Status link + + + + Copy to clipboard + + + + + InviteFriendsToCommunityPopup + + Invite friends + + + + Invite successfully sent + + + + Invite + + + + + JSDialogWindow + + Ok + + + + Cancel + + + + + KeycardCreatePINModal + + Create PIN + + + + New PIN + + + + Confirm PIN + + + + Create a 6 digit long PIN + + + + + LanguageStore + + Beta Languages + + + + + LinksMessageView + + Enable automatic image unfurling + + + + Enable link previews in chat? + + + + Once enabled, links posted in the chat may share your metadata with their owners + + + + Enable in Settings + + + + Don't ask me again + + + + + MailserverConnectionDialog + + Can not connect to mailserver + + + + The mailserver you're connecting to is unavailable. + + + + Pick another + + + + Retry + + + + + MainView + + DApp Permissions + + + + Networks + + + + Accounts + + + + Generated from Your Seed Phrase + + + + Imported + + + + Watch-Only + + + + + MembershipRequestsPopup + + Membership requests + + + + + MessageStore + + and + + + + %1 more + + + + reacted with + + + + You + + + + + MuteChatMenuItem + + Mute chat + + + + Unmute chat + + + + + MutedChatsModal + + Muted chats + + + + Unmute + + + + + MyProfileSettingsView + + Display name + + + + Display Name + + + + Biometric login and transaction authentication + + + + Communities + + + + Accounts + + + + You haven't joined any communities yet + + + + You don't have any wallet accounts yet + + + + + NetworkCardsComponent + + Your Balances + + + + No Balance + + + + No Gas + + + + BALANCE: + + + + Disabled + + + + + NetworkFilter + + All networks + + + + %n network(s) + + + + + + + + NetworkSelectPopup + + Layer 2 + + + + + NetworkSelector + + Networks + + + + Choose a network to use for the transaction + + + + No networks available + + + + Simple + + + + Advanced + + + + Custom + + + + + NetworksAdvancedCustomRoutingView + + Networks + + + + Show Unpreferred Networks + + + + The networks where the receipient will receive tokens. Amounts calculated automatically for the lowest cost. + + + + + NetworksSimpleRoutingView + + Networks + + + + Choose a network to use for the transaction + + + + + NetworksView + + Layer 2 + + + + Add Custom Network + + + + + NoFriendsRectangle + + You don’t have any contacts yet. Invite your friends to start chatting. + + + + Invite friends + + + + + NodeLayout + + Bloom Filter Usage + + + + Type json-rpc message... e.g {"method": "eth_accounts"} + + + + + NotificationSelect + + Send Alerts + + + + Deliver Quietly + + + + Turn Off + + + + + NotificationWindow + + Everything is connected + + + + + PINModal + + Authenticate PIN + + + + PIN + + + + Insert your 6-digit PIN + + + + Authenticate + + + + + PairingModal + + Insert pairing code + + + + Pairing code + + + + Insert the Keycard pairing code + + + + Pair + + + + + PrivateChatPopup + + New chat + + + + My Profile + + + + + ProfileHeader + + Chatkey:%1... + + + + + ProfileView + + Blocked + + + + Send Request + + + + Receive Response + + + + Confirm Identity + + + + You have confirmed %1's identity. From now on this verification emblem will always be displayed alongside %1's nickname. + + + + You have marked %1 as Untrustworthy. From now on this Untrustworthy emblem will always be displayed alongside %1's nickname. + + + + ENS username + + + + Username + + + + Ask a question that only the real %1 will be able to answer e.g. a question about a shared experience, or ask Mark to enter a code or phrase you have sent to them via a different communication channel (phone, post, etc...). + + + + Waiting for %1's response... + + + + Copied to clipboard + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Chat settings + + + + Nickname + + + + None + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + + PublicChatPopup + + You need to enter a channel name + + + + The channel name can only contain lowercase letters, numbers and dashes + + + + Join public chat + + + + A public chat is where you get to hang out with others, make friends and talk about subjects of your interest. + + + + chat-name + + + + Start chat + + + + + RecipientSelector + + Invalid ethereum address + + + + Address + + + + My account + + + + Contact + + + + Recipient + + + + + RenameAccontModal + + Rename %1 + + + + Enter an account name... + + + + You need to enter an account name + + + + This is not a valid account name + + + + color + + + + Change Name + + + + Changing settings failed + + + + + RenameGroupPopup + + Group name + + + + Save + + + + + Retry + + Resend + + + + + RightTabView + + Assets + + + + Collectibles + + + + Activity + + + + History + + + + + SearchBox + + Search + + + + + SearchEngineModal + + Search engine + + + + None + + + + + SearchResults + + Non contacts + + + + No profile found + + + + + SeedPhraseBackupWarning + + Back up your seed phrase + + + + Back up + + + + + SeedPhraseTextArea + + Invalid seed phrase + + + + This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. + + + + Start with the first word + + + + + SelectAccountModal + + Select account + + + + Select account to share and receive assets + + + + Confirm and share address + + + + + SelectAnotherAccountModal + + Your keys + + + + Add another existing key + + + + + SelectGeneratedAccount + + Import new Seed Phrase + + + + Generate from Private key + + + + Add a watch-only address + + + + Imported + + + + Add new + + + + Origin + + + + + SendContactRequestMenuItem + + Send Contact Request + + + + + SendMessageMenuItem + + Send message + + + + + SendToContractWarning + + Tokens will be sent directly to a contract address, which may result in a loss of funds. To transfer ERC-20 tokens, ensure the recipient address is the address of the destination wallet. + + + + + SendTransactionButton + + Sign and send + + + + + SettingsDirtyToastMessage + + Changes detected + + + + Cancel + + + + Save changes + + + + + SignMessageModal + + Signature request + + + + From + + + + Data + + + + Message + + + + Reject + + + + Sign + + + + Sign with password + + + + + SignPhraseModal + + Signing phrase + + + + This is your signing phrase + + + + You should see these 3 words before signing each transaction + + + + If you see a different combination, cancel the transaction and sign out + + + + Ok, got it + + + + Remind me later + + + + + StateBubble + + Pending + + + + Confirmed + + + + Unknown token + + + + Address requested + + + + Waiting to accept + + + + Address shared + + + + Address received + + + + Transaction declined + + + + failure + + + + Unknown state + + + + + StatusActivityCenterButton + + Activity + + + + + StatusAddressOrEnsValidator + + Please enter a valid address or ENS name. + + + + + StatusAddressValidator + + Please enter a valid address. + + + + + StatusAppChatView + + Join public chats + + + + Start chat + + + + + StatusAppCommunitiesPortalView + + Find community + + + + Featured + + + + Popular + + + + + StatusAsyncEnsValidator + + ENS name could not be resolved in to an address + + + + + StatusAsyncValidator + + invalid input + + + + + StatusBadge + + 99+ + + + + + StatusChatImageExtensionValidator + + Format not supported. + + + + Upload %1 only + + + + + StatusChatImageLoader + + Error loading the image + + + + Loading image... + + + + + StatusChatImageQtyValidator + + You can only upload %1 images at a time + + + + + StatusChatImageSizeValidator + + Max image size is %1 MB + + + + + StatusColorSpacePage + + Thickness + + + + Min saturate: + + + + Max saturate: + + + + Min value: + + + + Max value: + + + + Color + + + + + StatusCommunityTagsPage + + Select tags that will fit your Community + + + + Search tags + + + + Selected tags + + + + + StatusDialog + + Close + + + + Abort + + + + Cancel + + + + No to all + + + + No + + + + Open + + + + Save + + + + Save all + + + + Retry + + + + Ignore + + + + Ok + + + + Yes to all + + + + Yes + + + + Apply + + + + + StatusETHTransactionModal + + Contract interaction + + + + Wrong password + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Continue + + + + Choose account + + + + Sign with password + + + + Next + + + + + StatusEmojiSection + + No recent emojis + + + + + StatusFloatValidator + + Please enter a valid numeric value. + + + + + StatusGifColumn + + Remove from favorites + + + + Add to favorites + + + + + StatusGifPopup + + Search Tenor + + + + TRENDING + + + + FAVORITES + + + + RECENT + + + + Enable Tenor GIFs? + + + + Once enabled, GIFs posted in the chat may share your metadata with Tenor. + + + + Enable + + + + Favorite GIFs will appear here + + + + Recent GIFs will appear here + + + + Error while contacting Tenor API, please retry. + + + + Retry + + + + + StatusIntValidator + + Please enter a valid numeric value. + + + + + StatusItemSelector + + and + + + + or + + + + + StatusListPickerPage + + Search Languages + + + + Search Currencies + + + + + StatusNotification + + Open + + + + + StatusPasswordStrengthIndicator + + Very weak + + + + Weak + + + + So-so + + + + Good + + + + Great + + + + + StatusSNTTransactionModal + + Authorize %1 %2 + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Wrong password + + + + Continue + + + + Choose account + + + + Sign with password + + + + Send %1 %2 + + + + Next + + + + + StatusSearchListPopup + + Search... + + + + + StatusSearchLocationMenu + + Anywhere + + + + + StatusSearchPopup + + No results + + + + Anywhere + + + + Search + + + + In: + + + + In + + + + + StatusSpellcheckingMenuItems + + Add to dictionary + + + + Disable Spellchecking + + + + + StatusStackModal + + StackModal + + + + Next + + + + Finish + + + + + StatusStickerButton + + Buy for %1 SNT + + + + Uninstall + + + + Install + + + + Free + + + + Pending... + + + + Cancel + + + + Update + + + + + StatusStickersPopup + + You don't have any stickers yet + + + + Recently used stickers will appear here + + + + Get Stickers + + + + + StatusTagSelectorPage + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + + StatusUrlValidator + + Please enter a valid URL + + + + + StatusValidator + + invalid input + + + + + StatusWindowsTitleBar + + Status + + + + + SubheaderTabBar + + Step %1 of %2 + + + + + TabAddressSelectorView + + Saved + + + + My Accounts + + + + Recent + + + + Search for saved address + + + + No Saved Address + + + + No Recents + + + + + ToastMessage + + View on Etherscan + + + + Transaction pending... + + + + + TokenSettingsModal + + Manage Assets + + + + Add custom token + + + + + TokenSettingsModalContent + + Token details + + + + Remove token + + + + Custom + + + + Default + + + + + TouchIDAuthView + + Biometrics + + + + Would you like to use Touch ID +to login to Status? + + + + Yes, use Touch ID + + + + I prefer to use my password + + + + + TransactionBubbleView + + Transaction request + + + + ↑ Outgoing transaction + + + + ↓ Incoming transaction + + + + Token not found on your current network + + + + + TransactionDelegate + + From + + + + To + + + + At + + + + + TransactionModal + + Transaction Details + + + + confirmation(s) + + + + When the transaction has 12 confirmations you can consider it settled. + + + + Block + + + + Hash + + + + From + + + + To + + + + Gas limit + + + + Gas price + + + + Gas used + + + + Nonce + + + + + TransactionPreview + + From + + + + Recipient + + + + Unknown + + + + Asset + + + + Amount + + + + Network fee + + + + Data + + + + Data field + + + + + TransactionSigner + + You need to enter a password + + + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + Signing phrase + + + + Signing phrase is a 3 word combination that displayed when you entered the wallet on this device for the first time. + + + + Enter the password you use to unlock this device + + + + Password + + + + Enter password + + + + + UnblockContactConfirmationDialog + + Unblock User + + + + Unblocking will allow new messages you received from %1 to reach you. + + + + + UserListPanel + + Offline + + + + Online + + + + Inactive + + + + Do not disturb + + + + Idle + + + + + UserStatusContextMenu + + View My Profile + + + + Always online + + + + Inactive + + + + Set status automatically + + + + Online + + + + Offline + + + + + ViewProfileMenuItem + + View Profile + + + + + WakuNodesModal + + Waku nodes + + + + Use Waku nodes + + + + Select node automatically + + + + Waku Nodes + + + + Node %1 + + + + Add a new node + + + + + WalletFooter + + Send + + + + Receive + + + + Buy / Sell + + + + + WelcomeView + + Welcome to Status + + + + Your fully decentralized gateway to Ethereum and Web3. Crypto wallet, privacy first group chat, and dApp browser. + + + + I am new to Status + + + + I already use Status + + + + + main + + StatusQ Documentation App + + + + Status Desktop + + + + Open Status + + + + Quit + + + + diff --git a/ui/i18n/qml_zh_CN.ts b/ui/i18n/qml_zh_CN.ts index 4fe3a2d639..5b21091228 100644 --- a/ui/i18n/qml_zh_CN.ts +++ b/ui/i18n/qml_zh_CN.ts @@ -10867,6 +10867,50 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Privacy Policy 隐私政策 + + Check for updates + + + + Current Version + + + + Release Notes + + + + Our Principles + + + + Status desktop’s GitHub Repositories + + + + Status Go + + + + StatusQ + + + + go-waku + + + + Legal & Privacy Documents + + + + Terms of Use + + + + Software License + + AcceptRejectOptionsButtonsPanel @@ -10904,6 +10948,42 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Storage 存储 + + Watch-Only Account + + + + Generated by your Status seed phrase profile + + + + Imported Account + + + + On Device + + + + Derivation Path + + + + Remove from your profile + + + + Confirm %1 Removal + + + + You will not be able to restore viewing access to this account in the future unless you enter this account’s address again. + + + + Remove Account + + ActivityCenterMessageComponentView @@ -10911,6 +10991,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Mark as Read 标记为已读 + + Mark as Unread + + AddAccountModal @@ -10918,6 +11002,54 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Advanced 高级 + + Generate an account + + + + Wrong password + + + + You need to enter a password + + + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + Enter your password… + + + + Password + + + + Enter an account name... + + + + Account name + + + + You need to enter an account name + + + + color + + + + Loading... + + + + Add account + + AddEditSavedAddressPopup @@ -10933,6 +11065,38 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Save 保存 + + Edit saved address + + + + Add saved address + + + + Enter a name + + + + Name must not be blank + + + + This is not a valid account name + + + + Enter ENS Name or Ethereum Address + + + + Please enter a valid ENS name OR Ethereum Address + + + + Add address + + AddFavoriteModal @@ -10956,6 +11120,46 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Name 名称 + + Favorite added + + + + Edit + + + + Add favorite + + + + Please enter a valid URL + + + + Name of the website + + + + Please enter a name + + + + Remove + + + + Done + + + + Add + + + + Add Favorite + + AdvancedContainer @@ -10974,6 +11178,122 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. enable 启用 + + Fleet + + + + Minimize on close + + + + Application Logs + + + + Experimental features + + + + Wallet + + + + WalletSettingsLineButton + + + + Dapp Browser + + + + Community History Archive Protocol + + + + Node Management + + + + Keycard + + + + Bloom filter level + + + + Warning! + + + + The account will be logged out. When you login again, the selected mode will be enabled + + + + Light Node + + + + Normal + + + + Full Node + + + + WakuV2 mode + + + + Developer features + + + + Full developer mode + + + + Download messages + + + + Telemetry + + + + Debug + + + + Auto message + + + + Are you sure you want to enable all the develoer features? The app will be restarted. + + + + Are you sure you want to enable telemetry? This will reduce your privacy level while using Status. You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. + + + + Are you sure you want to enable auto message? You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. + + + + Are you sure you want to %1 debug mode? You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. + + + + This feature is experimental and is meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It's not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data. Use at your own risk. + + + + I understand + + AllowNotificationsView @@ -10981,6 +11301,15 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Ok, got it 好的, 知道了 + + Allow notifications + + + + Status will notify you about new messages. You can +edit your notification preferences later in settings. + + AppMain @@ -10988,6 +11317,58 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Where do you want to go? 你想去哪里? + + Profile Picture + + + + Make this my Profile Pic + + + + Invite People + + + + View Community + + + + Leave Community + + + + A new version of Status (%1) is available + + + + Download + + + + Your version is up to date + + + + Close + + + + Can not connect to mailserver + + + + The mailserver you're connecting to is unavailable. + + + + Pick another + + + + Retry + + AppearanceView @@ -11015,6 +11396,58 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. XXL XXL + + Preview + + + + Blockchains will drop search costs, causing a kind of decomposition that allows you to have markets of entities that are horizontally segregated and vertically segregated. + + + + Size + + + + Change font size + + + + Change Zoom (requires restart) + + + + 50% + + + + 100% + + + + 150% + + + + 200% + + + + Appearance + + + + Light + + + + Dark + + + + System + + BackupSeedModal @@ -11026,6 +11459,22 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Continue 继续 + + Not Now + + + + Confirm Seed Phrase + + + + Complete & Delete My Seed Phrase + + + + Confirm word #%1 of your seed phrase + + BackupSeedStepBase @@ -11037,6 +11486,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Wrong word 错误的单词 + + Word #%1 + + BeforeGetStartedModal @@ -11044,6 +11497,42 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Privacy Policy 隐私政策 + + Before you get started + + + + I acknowledge that status desktop is in beta and by using it I take the full responsibility for all risks concerning my data and funds + + + + Before you get started... + + + + Get Started + + + + I acknowledge that Status Desktop is in Beta and by using it I take the full responsibility for all risks concerning my data and funds. + + + + I accept Status + + + + Terms of Use + + + + Terms of service + + + + Get started + + BrowserLayout @@ -11051,6 +11540,31 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Transaction pending... 交易待确定… + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Error signing message + + + + View on etherscan + + + + Server's certificate not trusted + + + + Do you wish to continue? + + + + If you wish so, you may continue with an unverified certificate. Accepting an unverified certificate means you may not be connected with the host you tried to connect to. +Do you wish to override the security check and continue? + + ChatContextMenuView @@ -11070,6 +11584,66 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Are you sure you want to leave this chat? 确定要退出此聊天吗? + + View Members + + + + Add / remove from group + + + + Test WakuV2 - requestAllHistoricMessages + + + + Edit name + + + + Mark as Read + + + + Clear history + + + + Edit Channel + + + + Download + + + + Delete Channel + + + + Delete chat + + + + Leave chat + + + + Download messages + + + + Delete #%1 + + + + Are you sure you want to delete #%1 channel? + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this chat? + + ChatView @@ -11077,6 +11651,14 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Members 成员 + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + CollectibleDetailsHeader @@ -11091,6 +11673,18 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. description 描述 + + unnamed + + + + id + + + + View in Opensea + + CollectiblesStore @@ -11116,6 +11710,14 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Leave community 退出社区 + + Leave %1 + + + + Are you sure you want to leave? Once you leave, you will have to request to rejoin if you change your mind. + + CommunitiesPopup @@ -11139,6 +11741,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Search for communities or topics 搜索社区或主题 + + Access existing community + + CommunitiesPortalLayout @@ -11146,6 +11752,26 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Search 搜索 + + Find community + + + + Import Community + + + + Create New Community + + + + Featured + + + + Popular + + CommunityColorPicker @@ -11164,6 +11790,58 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Create category 创建分类 + + 1 Member + + + + %1 Members + + + + Start chat + + + + Membership requests + + + + Invite people + + + + Unmute category + + + + Mute category + + + + Edit Category + + + + Delete Category + + + + Delete %1 category + + + + Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. + + + + Create channel or category + + + + Error deleting the category + + CommunityDescriptionInput @@ -11175,6 +11853,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. What your community is about 介绍你的社区 + + community description + + CommunityDetailPopup @@ -11190,6 +11872,42 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Unknown community 未知社区 + + Public community + + + + Invitation only community + + + + On request community + + + + - ENS only + + + + %1 members + + + + Channels + + + + You need to be invited + + + + Request to join ‘%1’ + + + + Error joining the community + + CommunityEditSettingsPanel @@ -11243,6 +11961,22 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Kick + + Membership requests + + + + Community members will appear here + + + + No contacts found + + + + You + + CommunityNameInput @@ -11254,6 +11988,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. community name 社区名称 + + Community name + + CommunityProfilePopup @@ -11265,6 +12003,30 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Transfer ownership 所有权转让 + + Public community + + + + Invitation only community + + + + On request community + + + + Unknown community + + + + Invite friends + + + + Invite + + CommunityProfilePopupInviteFriendsPanel @@ -11276,6 +12038,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Contacts 联系人 + + Share community + + CommunityProfilePopupMembersListPanel @@ -11290,6 +12056,18 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Copied! 已复制! + + Share community + + + + Transfer ownership + + + + Leave community + + CommunitySettingsView @@ -11305,6 +12083,22 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Settings 设置 + + Overview + + + + Open legacy popup (to be removed) + + + + Back to community + + + + Error editing the community + + CommunityUserList @@ -11319,6 +12113,50 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Passwords don't match 密码不匹配 + + Have you written down your password? + + + + You will never be able to recover your password if you lose it. + + + + If you need to, write it using pen and paper and keep in a safe place. + + + + If you lose your password you will lose access to your Status profile. + + + + Confirm your password (again) + + + + Confirm you password (again) + + + + Finalise Status Password Creation + + + + Keys for this account already exist + + + + Keys for this account already exist and can't be added again. If you've lost your password, passcode or Keycard, uninstall the app, reinstall and access your keys by entering your seed phrase + + + + Login failed + + + + Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. + + ConfirmationDialog @@ -11342,6 +12180,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Do not show this again 不再显示此内容 + + Are you sure you want to do this? + + ContactPanel @@ -11353,6 +12195,18 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Send message 发送消息 + + Respond to ID Request + + + + See ID Request + + + + Rename + + ContactsColumnView @@ -11360,6 +12214,30 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Start chat 开始聊天 + + Chat + + + + Search + + + + Join public chats + + + + Contact requests + + + + Community imported + + + + Importing community is in progress + + ContactsView @@ -11367,6 +12245,46 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Contacts 联系人 + + Send contact request to chat key + + + + Search by a display name or chat key + + + + Pending Requests + + + + Blocked + + + + Identity Verified Contacts + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet + + + + Received + + + + Sent + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + Controls @@ -11394,6 +12312,22 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. XXL XXL + + 50% + + + + 100% + + + + 150% + + + + 200% + + CreateCategoryPopup @@ -11405,6 +12339,50 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. category name 分类名称 + + Edit category + + + + New category + + + + Name the category + + + + Channels + + + + Delete category + + + + Delete %1 category + + + + Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. + + + + Save + + + + Create + + + + Error editing the category + + + + Error creating the category + + CreateChannelPopup @@ -11428,6 +12406,38 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. channel description 频道描述 + + New channel + + + + Edit #%1 + + + + Name the channel + + + + Channel colour + + + + Pick a color + + + + Save + + + + Create + + + + Error creating the community + + CreateChatView @@ -11435,6 +12445,41 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Contacts 联系人 + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. + +Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be able to chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. + + + + You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. + + +Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be + able to +chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. + + + + You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. + + +Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be able to +chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. + + + + Confirm + + CreateCommunityPopup @@ -11486,6 +12531,14 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Community colour 社区颜色 + + Create New Community + + + + Create Community + + CreatePasswordView @@ -11504,6 +12557,14 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. View Community 查看社区 + + Edit Community + + + + Leave Community + + DerivationPathsPanel @@ -11511,6 +12572,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Reset 重置 + + Derivation Path + + DerivedAddressesPanel @@ -11522,6 +12587,22 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Account 帐户 + + No activity + + + + Invalid path + + + + Has Activity + + + + No Activity + + DisplayNamePopup @@ -11533,6 +12614,14 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Ok 好的 + + Display Name + + + + OK + + EnsDetailsView @@ -11548,6 +12637,22 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Connect username with your pubkey 将用户名与您的公钥相关联 + + Copied to clipboard! + + + + Release username + + + + Username locked. You won't be able to release it until %1 + + + + Back + + EnsSearchView @@ -11555,6 +12660,30 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Connect username with your pubkey 将用户名与您的公钥相关联 + + At least 4 characters. Latin letters, numbers, and lowercase only. + + + + Letters and numbers only. + + + + Type the entire username including the custom domain like username.domain.eth + + + + Custom domain + + + + I want a stateofus.eth domain + + + + I own a name on another domain + + EnsView @@ -11562,6 +12691,26 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Transaction pending... 交易待确定… + + View on etherscan + + + + ENS Registration failed + + + + ENS Registration completed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey failed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey completed + + ExemptionNotificationsModal @@ -11569,6 +12718,30 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Done 完成 + + %1 exemption + + + + Mute all messages + + + + Personal @ Mentions + + + + Global @ Mentions + + + + Other Messages + + + + Clear Exemptions + + GasSelector @@ -11584,6 +12757,78 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. High + + Must be greater than 0 + + + + This needs to be a number + + + + Please enter an amount + + + + Min 21000 units + + + + Not enough gas + + + + Miners will currently not process transactions with a tip below %1 Gwei, the average is %2 Gwei + + + + The average miner tip is %1 Gwei + + + + Gas Price + + + + Current base fee: %1 %2 + + + + Use suggestions + + + + Use custom + + + + Optimal + + + + Gas amount limit + + + + Per-gas tip limit + + + + Gwei + + + + Per-gas overall limit + + + + Maximum priority fee: %1 ETH + + + + Maximum overall price for the transaction. If the block base fee exceeds this, it will be included in a following block with a lower base fee. + + GroupInfoPopup @@ -11591,6 +12836,46 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. %1/%2 members %1 个成员 {1/%2 ?} + + Add members + + + + %1 members + + + + 1 member + + + + Search + + + + All your contacts are already in the group + + + + Pinned messages + + + + Admin + + + + Make Admin + + + + Remove From Group + + + + Add selected + + ImageCropperModal @@ -11609,6 +12894,38 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Pending 等待中 + + You need to enter a private key + + + + Enter a valid private key (64 characters hexadecimal string) + + + + Private key + + + + Paste the contents of your private key + + + + Public address + + + + Account already added + + + + Has Activity + + + + No Activity + + InsertCard @@ -11616,6 +12933,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Cancel 取消 + + Please insert your Keycard to proceed or press the cancel button to cancel the operation + + InsertDetailsView @@ -11627,6 +12948,38 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Profile picture 个人头像 + + Your profile + + + + Longer and unusual names are better as they are less likely to be used by someone else. + + + + Display name + + + + Chatkey: + + + + Choose an image for profile picture + + + + Make this my profile picture + + + + Your emojihash and identicon ring + + + + This set of emojis and coloured ring around your avatar are unique and represent your chat key, so your friends can easily distinguish you from potential impersonators. + + InvitationBubbleView @@ -11634,6 +12987,46 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Unsupported state 不支持的状态 + + Membership requires an ENS username + + + + You need to be invited + + + + Pending + + + + View + + + + Request Access + + + + Join + + + + Verified community invitation + + + + Community invitation + + + + %1 members + + + + Error joining the community + + KeysMainView @@ -11645,6 +13038,39 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Generate new keys 生成新密钥 + + intro-wizard-title1 + + + + a-set-of-keys-controls-your-account.-your-keys-live-on-your-device,-so-only-you-can-use-them. + + + + Connect your keys + + + + Use your existing Status keys to login to this device. + + + + Get your keys + + + + A set of keys controls your account. Your keys live on your +device, so only you can use them. + + + + Import a seed phrase + + + + Seed phrases are used to back up and restore your keys. Only use this option if you already have a seed phrase. + + LanguageView @@ -11652,6 +13078,54 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Language 语言 + + Set Display Currency + + + + Search Currencies + + + + Search Languages + + + + Date Format + + + + DD/MM/YY + + + + MM/DD/YY + + + + Time Format + + + + 24-Hour Time + + + + 12-Hour Time + + + + Change language + + + + Display language has been changed. You must restart the application for changes to take effect. + + + + Close the app now + + Layout @@ -11663,6 +13137,22 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. View Community 查看社区 + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + Edit Community + + + + Leave Community + + LeftTabView @@ -11670,6 +13160,34 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Settings 设置 + + Sign out + + + + Make sure you have your account password and seed phrase stored. Without them you can lock yourself out of your account and lose funds. + + + + Sign out & Quit + + + + Wallet + + + + Total value + + + + Add account + + + + Saved addresses + + LoginView @@ -11677,6 +13195,38 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Ok 好的 + + Welcome back + + + + Add new user + + + + Add existing Status user + + + + Connecting... + + + + Password + + + + Enter password + + + + Login failed: %1 + + + + Password incorrect + + MenuPanel @@ -11684,6 +13234,14 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Settings 设置 + + Apps + + + + About & Help + + MessageContextMenuView @@ -11691,6 +13249,62 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Jump to 跳转到 + + Copy image + + + + Download image + + + + Block User + + + + Unblock User + + + + Rename + + + + Reply to + + + + Edit message + + + + Copy Message Id + + + + Unpin + + + + Pin + + + + Delete message + + + + Please choose a directory + + + + Confirm deleting this message + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well. + + MessagingView @@ -11698,6 +13312,70 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Contacts 联系人 + + Allow new contact requests + + + + Show My Profile Picture To + + + + Everyone + + + + No One + + + + See Profile Pictures From + + + + Open Message Links With + + + + Status Browser + + + + System Default Browser + + + + Contacts, Requests, and Blocked Users + + + + Display Message Link Previews + + + + Fine tune which sites to allow link previews + + + + Image unfurling + + + + All images (links that contain an image extension) will be downloaded and displayed + + + + Message syncing + + + + Waku nodes + + + + For security reasons, private chat history won't be synced. + + MyProfileView @@ -11713,6 +13391,18 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Share Profile URL 分享个人资料链接 + + Change Password + + + + Edit + + + + Preview + + NicknamePopup @@ -11720,6 +13410,14 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Nickname 昵称 + + Nicknames help you identify others in Status. Only you can see the nicknames you’ve added + + + + Done + + NoImageUploadedPanel @@ -11727,6 +13425,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Upload 上传 + + Wide aspect ratio is optimal + + NotificationsView @@ -11742,6 +13444,150 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Anonymous 匿名的 + + Community + + + + 1:1 Chat + + + + Group Chat + + + + Muted + + + + Off + + + + Quiet + + + + Personal @ Mentions %1 + + + + Global @ Mentions %1 + + + + Alerts + + + + Other Messages %1 + + + + Multiple Exemptions + + + + Enable Notifications in macOS Settings + + + + To receive Status notifications, make sure you've enabled them in your computer's settings under <b>System Preferences > Notifications</b> + + + + Sync your devices to share notifications preferences + + + + Syncing > + + + + Allow Notifications + + + + 1:1 Chats + + + + Group Chats + + + + Personal @ Mentions + + + + Messages containing @%1 + + + + Global @ Mentions + + + + Messages containing @here and @channel + + + + All Messages + + + + Others + + + + Contact Requests + + + + Identity Verification Requests + + + + Notification Content + + + + Show Name and Message + + + + Hi there! So EIP-1559 will defini... + + + + Name Only + + + + Play a Sound When Receiving a Notification + + + + Volume + + + + Send a Test Notification + + + + Exemptions + + + + Search Communities, Group Chats and 1:1 Chats + + + + Most recent + + PasswordView @@ -11753,6 +13599,78 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Passwords don't match 密码不匹配 + + Create a password to unlock Status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + You will not be able to recover this password if it is lost. + + + + Minimum %1 characters. To strengthen your password consider including: + + + + This password has been pwned and shouldn't be used + + + + This password is a common word and shouldn't be used + + + + Password must be at least %1 characters long + + + + Current password + + + + New password + + + + Very weak + + + + Weak + + + + So-so + + + + Good + + + + Great + + + + Lower case + + + + Upper case + + + + Numbers + + + + Symbols + + + + Confirm password + + PermissionsListView @@ -11760,6 +13678,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Disconnect 断开连接 + + Disconnect All + + PinnedMessagesPopup @@ -11767,6 +13689,30 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Unpin 取消置顶 + + Pin limit reached + + + + Pinned messages + + + + Unpin a previous message first + + + + %1 messages + + + + %1 message + + + + Pinned messages will appear here. + + ProfileLayout @@ -11774,6 +13720,18 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Contacts 联系人 + + Testnet mode is enabled. All balances, transactions and dApp interactions will be on testnets. + + + + Secure your seed phrase + + + + Back up now + + ProfilePopup @@ -11821,6 +13779,90 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Add to contacts 添加到联系人 + + 's Profile + + + + Send Contact Request to + + + + Verify %1's Identity + + + + My Profile + + + + %1's Profile + + + + Send Contact Request to %1 + + + + Cancel verification + + + + Remove Contact + + + + Send Contact Request + + + + Mark Untrustworthy + + + + Remove 'Identity Verified' status + + + + No + + + + Yes + + + + Remove Untrustworthy Mark + + + + Verify Identity + + + + Verify Identity pending... + + + + Send verification request + + + + Verification request sent + + + + Confirm Identity + + + + Rename + + + + Close + + ProfileSectionStore @@ -11856,6 +13898,30 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Advanced 高级 + + Messaging + + + + Notifications & Sounds + + + + Language & Currency + + + + Devices settings + + + + About + + + + Sign out & Quit + + RateView @@ -11863,6 +13929,18 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Upload 上传 + + Bandwidth + + + + Kb/s + + + + Download + + ReceiveModal @@ -11870,6 +13948,22 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Copy 复制到剪切板 + + Receive + + + + Legacy + + + + Multichain + + + + Your Address + + RootStore @@ -11877,6 +13971,18 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. You + + Start a 1-on-1 chat with %1 + + + + Join the %1 community + + + + Join the %1 group chat + + SavedAddressesView @@ -11888,6 +13994,30 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Delete 删除 + + Saved addresses + + + + Add new address + + + + Edit + + + + Are you sure you want to remove '%1' from your saved addresses? + + + + Are you sure? + + + + No saved addresses + + SeedPhraseInputView @@ -11903,6 +14033,34 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Import 导入 + + Keys for this account already exist + + + + Keys for this account already exist and can't be added again. If you've lost your password, passcode or Keycard, uninstall the app, reinstall and access your keys by entering your seed phrase + + + + Error importing seed + + + + %1 words + + + + %1SeedButton + + + + Invalid seed + + + + Restore Status Profile + + SendContactRequestModal @@ -11910,6 +14068,26 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Paste 粘贴 + + Send Contact Request to chat key + + + + Enter chat key here + + + + Say who you are / why you want to become a contact... + + + + who are you + + + + Send Contact Request + + SendModal @@ -11917,6 +14095,46 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Transaction pending... 交易待确定… + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Send + + + + Max: + + + + No balances active + + + + Please enter a valid amount + + + + To + + + + Enter an ENS name or address + + + + Error estimating gas: %1 + + + + Wrong password + + + + View on etherscan + + SendModalFooter @@ -11924,6 +14142,18 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Unknown 未知 + + Estimated Time: + + + + Max Fees: + + + + Send + + SendModalHeader @@ -11961,6 +14191,42 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Transaction pending... 交易待确定… + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Choose account + + + + Network fee + + + + Transaction preview + + + + Sign with password + + + + Send %1 %2 + + + + Next + + + + Wrong password + + + + View on etherscan + + StatusAppCommunityView @@ -11975,6 +14241,46 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Send 发送 + + Message + + + + Please choose an image + + + + Image files (%1) + + + + Your message is too long. + + + + Please make your message shorter. We have set the limit to 2000 characters to be courteous of others. + + + + Bold + + + + Italic + + + + Strikethrough + + + + Code + + + + Unblock + + StatusChatListAndCategories @@ -11982,6 +14288,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. More 更多 + + Add channel inside category + + StatusChatListCategoryItem @@ -11989,6 +14299,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. More 更多 + + Add channel inside category + + StatusChatListItem @@ -12018,6 +14332,18 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Preview 预览 + + This is not a valid color + + + + Standart colours + + + + Select Colour + + StatusExpandableSettingsItemPage @@ -12025,6 +14351,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Back up seed phrase 备份助记词 + + Not Implemented + + StatusListPicker @@ -12039,6 +14369,11 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Open 打开 + + My latest message + with a return + + StatusStickerMarket @@ -12057,6 +14392,14 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. or + + Hold + + + + to post + + StatusWalletColorSelect @@ -12086,6 +14429,50 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Are you sure? 你确定吗? + + Your priority fee is below our suggested parameters. + + + + Current base fee + + + + %1 Gwei + + + + Current minimum tip + + + + Current average tip + + + + Your tip limit + + + + Suggested minimum tip + + + + Your price limit + + + + Suggested minimum price limit + + + + Change Limit + + + + Continue anyway + + TransferOwnershipPopup @@ -12105,6 +14492,14 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Copied 已复制 + + You should keep it safe and only share it with people you trust to take ownership of your community + + + + You can also use this key to import your community on another device + + UploadProfilePicModal @@ -12124,6 +14519,18 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Done 完成 + + Upload profile picture + + + + Choose an image for profile picture + + + + Make this my profile picture + + UserList @@ -12153,6 +14560,258 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. now 现在 + + Sun + + + + Mon + + + + Tue + + + + Wed + + + + Thu + + + + Fri + + + + Sat + + + + Jan + + + + Feb + + + + Mar + + + + Apr + + + + May + + + + Jun + + + + Jul + + + + Aug + + + + Sep + + + + Oct + + + + Nov + + + + Dec + + + + Yesterday + + + + Sunday + + + + Monday + + + + Tuesday + + + + Wednesday + + + + Thursday + + + + Friday + + + + Saturday + + + + NOW + + + + %1M + + + + %1H + + + + %1D + + + + words + + + + You need to enter a password + + + + You need to repeat your password + + + + Passwords don't match + + + + You need to enter a PIN + + + + The PIN must contain only digits + + + + The PIN must be exactly 6 digits + + + + You need to repeat your PIN + + + + PIN don't match + + + + The %1 cannot exceed %2 characters + + + + Must be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + Use only lowercase letters (a to z), numbers & dashes (-). Do not use chat keys. + + + + Value has to be at least %1 characters long + + + + Unknown + + + + < 1 min + + + + < 3 mins + + + + < 5 mins + + + + > 5 mins + + + + years ago + + + + year ago + + + + months ago + + + + month ago + + + + weeks ago + + + + week ago + + + + days ago + + + + day ago + + + + hours ago + + + + hour ago + + + + mins ago + + + + min ago + + + + secs ago + + + + sec ago + + WalletView @@ -12160,5 +14819,4202 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Wallet 钱包 + + Networks + + + + DApp Permissions + + + + Testnet Mode + + + + + AcceptTransactionView + + Accept and share address + + + + Accept and send + + + + Decline + + + + + Acknowledgements + + Secure Your Assets and Funds + + + + Your seed phrase is a 12-word passcode to your funds. + + + + Your seed phrase cannot be recovered if lost. Therefore, you <b>must</b> back it up. The simplest way is to <b>write it down offline and store it somewhere secure.</b> + + + + I have a pen and paper + + + + I am ready to write down my seed phrase + + + + I know where I’ll store it + + + + You can only complete this process once. Status will not store your seed phrase and can never help you recover it. + + + + + ActivityCenterPopup + + Show more + + + + + ActivityCenterPopupTopBarPanel + + All + + + + Mentions + + + + Replies + + + + Mark all as Read + + + + Show read notifications + + + + Hide read notifications + + + + Notification settings + + + + + AddShowTokenModal + + Add custom token + + + + This needs to be a valid address + + + + Invalid ERC20 address + + + + Enter contract address... + + + + Contract address + + + + The name of your token... + + + + Name + + + + ABC + + + + Symbol + + + + Decimals + + + + Changing settings failed + + + + Add + + + + + AddWakuNodeModal + + Waku nodes + + + + Name + + + + Specify a name + + + + You need to enter a name + + + + History node address + + + + You need to enter the enode address + + + + The format must be: enode://{enode-id}:{password}@{ip-address}:{port} + + + + Save + + + + + AddressInput + + ENS Username not found + + + + + AddressRequiredValidator + + You need to request the recipient’s address first. +Assets won’t be sent yet. + + + + + AddressSourceSelector + + Invalid source + + + + + AdvancedAddAccountView + + Enter address... + + + + Account address + + + + This needs to be a valid address (starting with 0x) + + + + You need to enter an address + + + + + AppSearch + + No results + + + + Anywhere + + + + + AssetAndAmountInput + + Insufficient balance + + + + Must be greater than or equal to 0 + + + + This needs to be a number + + + + Please enter an amount + + + + Balance: + + + + Asset & Amount + + + + The amount is 0. Proceed only if this is desired. + + + + + BackUpCommuntyBannerPanel + + Back up community key + + + + Back up + + + + + BalanceExceeded + + Balance exceeded + + + + No networks available + + + + + BalanceValidator + + Insufficient balance + + + + + BlockContactConfirmationDialog + + Block User + + + + Blocking will stop new messages from reaching you from %1. + + + + + BloomSelectorButton + + TODO + + + + + BrowserConnectionModal + + '%1' would like to connect to + + + + Allowing authorizes this DApp to retrieve your wallet address and enable Web3 + + + + Granting access authorizes this DApp to retrieve your chat key + + + + Deny + + + + Allow + + + + + BrowserHeader + + Enter URL + + + + + BrowserSettingsMenu + + New Tab + + + + Exit Incognito mode + + + + Go Incognito + + + + Zoom In + + + + Zoom Out + + + + Find + + + + Compatibility mode + + + + Developer Tools + + + + Settings + + + + + BrowserTabStyle + + Start Page + + + + + BrowserTabView + + Start Page + + + + New Tab + + + + Downloads Page + + + + + BrowserView + + Search engine used in the address bar + + + + None + + + + Show Favorites Bar + + + + Connected DApps + + + + No connected dApps + + + + Connecting a dApp grants it permission to view your address and balances, and to send you transaction requests + + + + + BrowserWalletMenu + + Mainnet + + + + Ropsten + + + + Unknown + + + + Disconnect + + + + Assets + + + + History + + + + + BrowserWebEngineView + + Add Favorite + + + + + ChangePasswordModal + + Change password + + + + Change password used to unlock Status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + Change Password + + + + + ChangePasswordSuccessModal + + <b>Password changed</b> + + + + You need to sign in again using the new password. + + + + Sign out & Quit + + + + + ChangeProfilePicModal + + Profile picture + + + + Remove + + + + Upload + + + + Please choose an image + + + + Image files (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png) + + + + + ChannelIdentifierView + + Welcome to the beginning of the <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> group! + + + + Any messages you send here are encrypted and can only be read by you and <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> + + + + + ChatButtonsPanel + + Add reaction + + + + Reply + + + + Edit + + + + Unpin + + + + Pin + + + + Delete + + + + Confirm deleting this message + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well. + + + + + ChatColumnView + + Send + + + + Request Address + + + + Request + + + + + ChatCommandModal + + Continue + + + + Receive on account + + + + From account + + + + Address request required + + + + From + + + + To + + + + Preview + + + + Transaction preview + + + + Next + + + + + ChatCommandsPopup + + Send transaction + + + + Request transaction + + + + + ChatContentView + + Contact + + + + Not a contact + + + + Public chat + + + + %1 members + + + + 1 member + + + + Connected + + + + Disconnected + + + + Blocked + + + + This user has been blocked. + + + + + ChatMessagesView + + Loading... + + + + Failed to send message. + + + + + ChatRequestMessagePanel + + You need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messages + + + + Just click this button to add them as contact. They will receive a notification. Once they accept the request, you'll be able to chat + + + + Add to contacts + + + + + ChooseBrowserPopup + + Choose browser + + + + Open in Status + + + + Open in my default browser + + + + Remember my choice. To override it, go to settings. + + + + + ClosedEmptyPanel + + Your chats will appear here. To start new chats press the  button at the top + + + + + CollectibleCollectionView + + No collectibles available + + + + + CollectibleDetailView + + Properties + + + + Levels + + + + Stats + + + + + CollectiblesContent + + Something went wrong + + + + Reload + + + + + CollectiblesHeader + + Maximum number of collectibles to display reached + + + + + CollectiblesModal + + View + + + + Unnamed + + + + + CollectiblesModalContent + + ID + + + + Description + + + + + CommunitiesView + + Import community + + + + Communities you've joined + + + + + CommunityBannerPicker + + Community banner + + + + Choose an image for banner + + + + Make this my Community banner + + + + + CommunityChannelsAndCategoriesBannerPanel + + Expand your community by adding more channels and categories + + + + Add channels + + + + Add categories + + + + + CommunityColorPanel + + Community Colour + + + + Select Community Colour + + + + This is not a valid colour + + + + White text should be legable on top of this colour + + + + Standard colours + + + + + CommunityDelegate + + Admin + + + + Member + + + + + CommunityIntroDialog + + Welcome to %1 + + + + Join %1 + + + + Community <b>%1</b> has no intro message... + + + + I agree with the above + + + + + CommunityIntroMessageInput + + Community introduction and rules + + + + What new members will read before joining (eg. community rules, welcome message, etc.). Members will need to tick a check box agreeing to these rules before they are allowed to join your community. + + + + community intro message + + + + + CommunityLogoPicker + + Community logo + + + + Choose an image as logo + + + + Make this my Community logo + + + + + CommunityOptions + + Community history service + + + + Request to join required + + + + Any member can pin a message + + + + + CommunityOutroMessageInput + + Leaving community message + + + + The message a member will see when they leave your community + + + + community intro message + + + + + CommunityOverviewSettingsPanel + + Overview + + + + Edit Community + + + + This node is the Community Owner Node. For your Community to function correctly try to keep this computer with Status running and onlinie as much as possible. + + + + Welcome to your community! + + + + Invite new people + + + + Try an airdrop to reward your community for engagement! + + + + Airdrop Tokens + + + + Back up community key + + + + Back up + + + + + CommunityTagsPanel + + Community Tags + + + + Confirm Community Tags + + + + Select tags that will fit your Community + + + + Search tags + + + + Selected tags + + + + + CommunityTagsPicker + + Tags + + + + + CommunityWelcomeBannerPanel + + Welcome to your community! + + + + Add members + + + + Manage community + + + + + CompactMessageView + + Pinned by %1 + + + + Cancel + + + + Save + + + + + ConfirmAddExistingKeyModal + + Enter seed phrase + + + + Do you want to add another existing key? + + + + Add another existing key + + + + + ConfirmAppRestartModal + + Application Restart + + + + Please restart the application to apply the changes. + + + + Restart + + + + + ConfirmSeedPhrasePanel + + Write down your 12-word seed phrase to keep offline + + + + Reveal seed phrase + + + + The next screen contains your seed phrase. +<b>Anyone</b> who sees it can use it to access to your funds. + + + + + ConfirmStoringSeedPhrasePanel + + Complete back up + + + + Store Your Phrase Offline and Complete Your Back Up + + + + By completing this process, you will remove your seed phrase from this application’s storage. This makes your funds more secure. + + + + You will remain logged in, and your seed phrase will be entirely in your hands. + + + + I acknowledge that Status will not be able to show me my seed phrase again. + + + + I aknowledge that Status will not be able to show me my seed phrase again. + + + + + Constants + + Username must be at least 5 characters + + + + Only letters, numbers, underscores and hyphens allowed + + + + 24 character username limit + + + + Usernames ending with '-eth' are not allowed + + + + Usernames ending with '_eth' are not allowed + + + + Usernames ending with '.eth' are not allowed + + + + Sorry, the name you have chosen is not allowed, try picking another username + + + + (edited) + + + + Username already taken :( + + + + Username doesn’t belong to you :( + + + + Continuing will connect this username with your chat key. + + + + ✓ Username available! + + + + Username is already connected with your chat key and can be used inside Status. + + + + This user name is owned by you and connected with your chat key. Continue to set `Show my ENS username in chats`. + + + + Continuing will require a transaction to connect the username with your current chat key. + + + + + Contact + + Admin + + + + + ContactRequestsPopup + + Contact requests + + + + Decline all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to decline all these contact requests + + + + Accept all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to accept all these contact requests + + + + Decline all + + + + Accept all + + + + + ContactSelector + + Please select a contact + + + + Select a contact + + + + Contact does not have an ENS address. Please send a transaction in chat. + + + + No contact selected + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet + + + + + ContactVerificationRequestPopup + + %1 is asking you to verify your identity + + + + %1 would like to verify your identity. Answer the question to prove your identity to %2 + + + + Provide answer to verification request from this contact. + + + + Your answer has been sent to %1. + + + + Refuse Verification + + + + Send Answer + + + + Change answer + + + + Close + + + + + ContactsListAndSearch + + Enter a valid chat key or ENS username + + + + Can't chat with yourself + + + + Enter ENS username or chat key + + + + + ContactsListPanel + + Contact Request Sent + + + + Contact Request Rejected + + + + + CopyToClipBoardButton + + Copied! + + + + + CreatePasswordModal + + Store password + + + + Create a password + + + + Current password... + + + + New password... + + + + Confirm password… + + + + At least 6 characters. You will use this password to unlock status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + Create password + + + + Error importing account + + + + An error occurred while importing your account: + + + + Login failed + + + + Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. + + + + Incorrect password + + + + + CryptoServicesModal + + Buy / Sell crypto + + + + Choose a service you'd like to use to buy crypto + + + + + CurrenciesStore + + US Dollars + + + + British Pound + + + + Euros + + + + Russian ruble + + + + South Korean won + + + + Ethereum + + + + Tokens + + + + Bitcoin + + + + Status Network Token + + + + Dai + + + + United Arab Emirates dirham + + + + Other Fiat + + + + Afghan afghani + + + + Argentine peso + + + + Australian dollar + + + + Barbadian dollar + + + + Bangladeshi taka + + + + Bulgarian lev + + + + Bahraini dinar + + + + Brunei dollar + + + + Bolivian boliviano + + + + Brazillian real + + + + Bhutanese ngultrum + + + + Canadian dollar + + + + Swiss franc + + + + Chilean peso + + + + Chinese yuan + + + + Colombian peso + + + + Costa Rican colón + + + + Czech koruna + + + + Danish krone + + + + Dominican peso + + + + Egyptian pound + + + + Ethiopian birr + + + + Georgian lari + + + + Ghanaian cedi + + + + Hong Kong dollar + + + + Croatian kuna + + + + Hungarian forint + + + + Indonesian rupiah + + + + Israeli new shekel + + + + Indian rupee + + + + Icelandic króna + + + + Jamaican dollar + + + + Japanese yen + + + + Kenyan shilling + + + + Kuwaiti dinar + + + + Kazakhstani tenge + + + + Sri Lankan rupee + + + + Moroccan dirham + + + + Moldovan leu + + + + Mauritian rupee + + + + Malawian kwacha + + + + Mexican peso + + + + Malaysian ringgit + + + + Mozambican metical + + + + Namibian dollar + + + + Nigerian naira + + + + Norwegian krone + + + + Nepalese rupee + + + + New Zealand dollar + + + + Omani rial + + + + Peruvian sol + + + + Papua New Guinean kina + + + + Philippine peso + + + + Pakistani rupee + + + + Polish złoty + + + + Paraguayan guaraní + + + + Qatari riyal + + + + Romanian leu + + + + Serbian dinar + + + + Saudi riyal + + + + Swedish krona + + + + Singapore dollar + + + + Thai baht + + + + Trinidad and Tobago dollar + + + + New Taiwan dollar + + + + Tanzanian shilling + + + + Turkish lira + + + + Ukrainian hryvnia + + + + Ugandan shilling + + + + Uruguayan peso + + + + Venezuelan bolívar + + + + Vietnamese đồng + + + + South African rand + + + + + DateGroup + + Today + + + + Yesterday + + + + January + + + + February + + + + March + + + + April + + + + May + + + + June + + + + July + + + + August + + + + September + + + + October + + + + November + + + + December + + + + + DefaultDAppExplorerView + + Default DApp explorer + + + + none + + + + + DevicesView + + Please set a name for your device. + + + + Specify a name + + + + Continue + + + + Advertise device + + + + Pair your devices to sync contacts and chats between them + + + + Learn more + + + + Paired devices + + + + Syncing... + + + + Sync all devices + + + + + DownloadBar + + Cancelled + + + + Paused + + + + Show All + + + + + DownloadMenu + + Open + + + + Show in folder + + + + Pause + + + + Resume + + + + Cancel + + + + + DownloadPage + + Thanks for using Status + + + + You're curently using version %1 of Status. + + + + There's new version available to download. + + + + Get Status %1 + + + + + DownloadView + + Cancelled + + + + Paused + + + + Downloaded files will appear here. + + + + + ENSPopup + + Primary username + + + + Your messages are displayed to others with this username: + + + + Once you select a username, you won’t be able to disable it afterwards. You will only be able choose a different username to display. + + + + + EmojiReactionsPanel + + Add reaction + + + + + EmptyChatPanel + + Share your chat key + + + + or + + + + invite + + + + friends to start messaging in Status + + + + + EnsAddedView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + %1 is now connected with your chat key and can be used in Status. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsConnectedView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + %1 will be connected once the transaction is complete. + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsListView + + Hey + + + + (pending) + + + + ENS usernames + + + + Add username + + + + Your usernames + + + + Chat settings + + + + Primary Username + + + + None selected + + + + You’re displaying your ENS username in chats + + + + + EnsRegisteredView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + Nice! You own %1.stateofus.eth once the transaction is complete. + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsReleasedView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username removed + + + + The username %1 will be removed and your deposit will be returned once the transaction is mined + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsTermsAndConditionsView + + ENS usernames + + + + Terms of name registration + + + + Funds are deposited for 1 year. Your SNT will be locked, but not spent. + + + + After 1 year, you can release the name and get your deposit back, or take no action to keep the name. + + + + If terms of the contract change — e.g. Status makes contract upgrades — user has the right to release the username regardless of time held. + + + + The contract controller cannot access your deposited funds. They can only be moved back to the address that sent them. + + + + Your address(es) will be publicly associated with your ENS name. + + + + Usernames are created as subdomain nodes of stateofus.eth and are subject to the ENS smart contract terms. + + + + You authorize the contract to transfer SNT on your behalf. This can only occur when you approve a transaction to authorize the transfer. + + + + These terms are guaranteed by the smart contract logic at addresses: + + + + %1 (Status UsernameRegistrar). + + + + <a href='%1%2'>Look up on Etherscan</a> + + + + %1 (ENS Registry). + + + + Wallet address + + + + Copied to clipboard! + + + + Key + + + + Agree to <a href="#">Terms of name registration.</a> I understand that my wallet address will be publicly connected to my username. + + + + Back + + + + 10 SNT + + + + Deposit + + + + Not enough SNT + + + + Register + + + + + EnsWelcomeView + + Get a universal username + + + + ENS names transform those crazy-long addresses into unique usernames. + + + + Customize your chat name + + + + An ENS name can replace your random 3-word name in chat. Be @yourname instead of %1. + + + + Simplify your ETH address + + + + You can receive funds to your easy-to-share ENS name rather than your hexadecimal hash (0x...). + + + + Receive transactions in chat + + + + Others can send you funds via chat in one simple step. + + + + 10 SNT to register + + + + Register once to keep the name forever. After 1 year you can release the name and get your SNT back. + + + + Already own a username? + + + + You can verify and add any usernames you own in the next steps. + + + + Powered by Ethereum Name Services + + + + Start + + + + Only available on Mainnet + + + + + FavoriteMenu + + Open in new Tab + + + + Edit + + + + Remove + + + + + FetchMoreMessagesButton + + ↓ Fetch more messages + + + + Before %1 + + + + before--%1 + + + + + FleetRadioSelector + + Warning! + + + + Change fleet to %1 + + + + + FleetsModal + + Fleet + + + + + GapComponent + + fetch-messages + + + + between--1-and--2 + + + + Fetch messages + + + + Between %1 and %2 + + + + + GasSelectorButton + + Low + + + + + GasValidator + + Not enough ETH for gas + + + + + GroupChatPanel + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + Confirm + + + + + HistoryView + + Status Desktop is connected to a non-archival node. Transaction history may be incomplete. + + + + No transactions found + + + + Load More + + + + + HomePageView + + homepage + + + + System default + + + + Other + + + + Example: duckduckgo.com + + + + + ImageCropWorkflow + + Supported image formats (%1) + + + + + ImportCommunityPopup + + Import Community + + + + Entering a community key will grant you the ownership of that community. Please be responsible with it and don’t share the key with people you don’t trust. + + + + Community private key + + + + Import + + + + + ImportSeedPhrasePanel + + Invalid seed phrase + + + + This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. + + + + %1 words + + + + + Input + + Copied + + + + Pasted + + + + Copy + + + + Paste + + + + + InviteFriendsPopup + + Get Status at https://status.im + + + + Download Status link + + + + Copy to clipboard + + + + + InviteFriendsToCommunityPopup + + Invite friends + + + + Invite successfully sent + + + + Invite + + + + + JSDialogWindow + + Ok + + + + Cancel + + + + + KeycardCreatePINModal + + Create PIN + + + + New PIN + + + + Confirm PIN + + + + Create a 6 digit long PIN + + + + + LanguageStore + + Beta Languages + + + + + LinksMessageView + + Enable automatic image unfurling + + + + Enable link previews in chat? + + + + Once enabled, links posted in the chat may share your metadata with their owners + + + + Enable in Settings + + + + Don't ask me again + + + + + MailserverConnectionDialog + + Can not connect to mailserver + + + + The mailserver you're connecting to is unavailable. + + + + Pick another + + + + Retry + + + + + MainView + + DApp Permissions + + + + Networks + + + + Accounts + + + + Generated from Your Seed Phrase + + + + Imported + + + + Watch-Only + + + + + MembershipRequestsPopup + + Membership requests + + + + + MessageStore + + and + + + + %1 more + + + + reacted with + + + + You + + + + + MuteChatMenuItem + + Mute chat + + + + Unmute chat + + + + + MutedChatsModal + + Muted chats + + + + Unmute + + + + + MyProfileSettingsView + + Display name + + + + Display Name + + + + Biometric login and transaction authentication + + + + Communities + + + + Accounts + + + + You haven't joined any communities yet + + + + You don't have any wallet accounts yet + + + + + NetworkCardsComponent + + Your Balances + + + + No Balance + + + + No Gas + + + + BALANCE: + + + + Disabled + + + + + NetworkFilter + + All networks + + + + %n network(s) + + + + + + + NetworkSelectPopup + + Layer 2 + + + + + NetworkSelector + + Networks + + + + Choose a network to use for the transaction + + + + No networks available + + + + Simple + + + + Advanced + + + + Custom + + + + + NetworksAdvancedCustomRoutingView + + Networks + + + + Show Unpreferred Networks + + + + The networks where the receipient will receive tokens. Amounts calculated automatically for the lowest cost. + + + + + NetworksSimpleRoutingView + + Networks + + + + Choose a network to use for the transaction + + + + + NetworksView + + Layer 2 + + + + Add Custom Network + + + + + NoFriendsRectangle + + You don’t have any contacts yet. Invite your friends to start chatting. + + + + Invite friends + + + + + NodeLayout + + Bloom Filter Usage + + + + Type json-rpc message... e.g {"method": "eth_accounts"} + + + + + NotificationSelect + + Send Alerts + + + + Deliver Quietly + + + + Turn Off + + + + + NotificationWindow + + Everything is connected + + + + + PINModal + + Authenticate PIN + + + + PIN + + + + Insert your 6-digit PIN + + + + Authenticate + + + + + PairingModal + + Insert pairing code + + + + Pairing code + + + + Insert the Keycard pairing code + + + + Pair + + + + + PrivateChatPopup + + New chat + + + + My Profile + + + + + ProfileHeader + + Chatkey:%1... + + + + + ProfileView + + Blocked + + + + Send Request + + + + Receive Response + + + + Confirm Identity + + + + You have confirmed %1's identity. From now on this verification emblem will always be displayed alongside %1's nickname. + + + + You have marked %1 as Untrustworthy. From now on this Untrustworthy emblem will always be displayed alongside %1's nickname. + + + + ENS username + + + + Username + + + + Ask a question that only the real %1 will be able to answer e.g. a question about a shared experience, or ask Mark to enter a code or phrase you have sent to them via a different communication channel (phone, post, etc...). + + + + Waiting for %1's response... + + + + Copied to clipboard + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Chat settings + + + + Nickname + + + + None + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + + PublicChatPopup + + You need to enter a channel name + + + + The channel name can only contain lowercase letters, numbers and dashes + + + + Join public chat + + + + A public chat is where you get to hang out with others, make friends and talk about subjects of your interest. + + + + chat-name + + + + Start chat + + + + + RecipientSelector + + Invalid ethereum address + + + + Address + + + + My account + + + + Contact + + + + Recipient + + + + + RenameAccontModal + + Rename %1 + + + + Enter an account name... + + + + You need to enter an account name + + + + This is not a valid account name + + + + color + + + + Change Name + + + + Changing settings failed + + + + + RenameGroupPopup + + Group name + + + + Save + + + + + Retry + + Resend + + + + + RightTabView + + Assets + + + + Collectibles + + + + Activity + + + + History + + + + + SearchBox + + Search + + + + + SearchEngineModal + + Search engine + + + + None + + + + + SearchResults + + Non contacts + + + + No profile found + + + + + SeedPhraseBackupWarning + + Back up your seed phrase + + + + Back up + + + + + SeedPhraseTextArea + + Invalid seed phrase + + + + This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. + + + + Start with the first word + + + + + SelectAccountModal + + Select account + + + + Select account to share and receive assets + + + + Confirm and share address + + + + + SelectAnotherAccountModal + + Your keys + + + + Add another existing key + + + + + SelectGeneratedAccount + + Import new Seed Phrase + + + + Generate from Private key + + + + Add a watch-only address + + + + Imported + + + + Add new + + + + Origin + + + + + SendContactRequestMenuItem + + Send Contact Request + + + + + SendMessageMenuItem + + Send message + + + + + SendToContractWarning + + Tokens will be sent directly to a contract address, which may result in a loss of funds. To transfer ERC-20 tokens, ensure the recipient address is the address of the destination wallet. + + + + + SendTransactionButton + + Sign and send + + + + + SettingsDirtyToastMessage + + Changes detected + + + + Cancel + + + + Save changes + + + + + SignMessageModal + + Signature request + + + + From + + + + Data + + + + Message + + + + Reject + + + + Sign + + + + Sign with password + + + + + SignPhraseModal + + Signing phrase + + + + This is your signing phrase + + + + You should see these 3 words before signing each transaction + + + + If you see a different combination, cancel the transaction and sign out + + + + Ok, got it + + + + Remind me later + + + + + StateBubble + + Pending + + + + Confirmed + + + + Unknown token + + + + Address requested + + + + Waiting to accept + + + + Address shared + + + + Address received + + + + Transaction declined + + + + failure + + + + Unknown state + + + + + StatusActivityCenterButton + + Activity + + + + + StatusAddressOrEnsValidator + + Please enter a valid address or ENS name. + + + + + StatusAddressValidator + + Please enter a valid address. + + + + + StatusAppChatView + + Join public chats + + + + Start chat + + + + + StatusAppCommunitiesPortalView + + Find community + + + + Featured + + + + Popular + + + + + StatusAsyncEnsValidator + + ENS name could not be resolved in to an address + + + + + StatusAsyncValidator + + invalid input + + + + + StatusBadge + + 99+ + + + + + StatusChatImageExtensionValidator + + Format not supported. + + + + Upload %1 only + + + + + StatusChatImageLoader + + Error loading the image + + + + Loading image... + + + + + StatusChatImageQtyValidator + + You can only upload %1 images at a time + + + + + StatusChatImageSizeValidator + + Max image size is %1 MB + + + + + StatusColorSpacePage + + Thickness + + + + Min saturate: + + + + Max saturate: + + + + Min value: + + + + Max value: + + + + Color + + + + + StatusCommunityTagsPage + + Select tags that will fit your Community + + + + Search tags + + + + Selected tags + + + + + StatusDialog + + Close + + + + Abort + + + + Cancel + + + + No to all + + + + No + + + + Open + + + + Save + + + + Save all + + + + Retry + + + + Ignore + + + + Ok + + + + Yes to all + + + + Yes + + + + Apply + + + + + StatusETHTransactionModal + + Contract interaction + + + + Wrong password + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Continue + + + + Choose account + + + + Sign with password + + + + Next + + + + + StatusEmojiSection + + No recent emojis + + + + + StatusFloatValidator + + Please enter a valid numeric value. + + + + + StatusGifColumn + + Remove from favorites + + + + Add to favorites + + + + + StatusGifPopup + + Search Tenor + + + + TRENDING + + + + FAVORITES + + + + RECENT + + + + Enable Tenor GIFs? + + + + Once enabled, GIFs posted in the chat may share your metadata with Tenor. + + + + Enable + + + + Favorite GIFs will appear here + + + + Recent GIFs will appear here + + + + Error while contacting Tenor API, please retry. + + + + Retry + + + + + StatusIntValidator + + Please enter a valid numeric value. + + + + + StatusItemSelector + + and + + + + or + + + + + StatusListPickerPage + + Search Languages + + + + Search Currencies + + + + + StatusNotification + + Open + + + + + StatusPasswordStrengthIndicator + + Very weak + + + + Weak + + + + So-so + + + + Good + + + + Great + + + + + StatusSNTTransactionModal + + Authorize %1 %2 + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Wrong password + + + + Continue + + + + Choose account + + + + Sign with password + + + + Send %1 %2 + + + + Next + + + + + StatusSearchListPopup + + Search... + + + + + StatusSearchLocationMenu + + Anywhere + + + + + StatusSearchPopup + + No results + + + + Anywhere + + + + Search + + + + In: + + + + In + + + + + StatusSpellcheckingMenuItems + + Add to dictionary + + + + Disable Spellchecking + + + + + StatusStackModal + + StackModal + + + + Next + + + + Finish + + + + + StatusStickerButton + + Buy for %1 SNT + + + + Uninstall + + + + Install + + + + Free + + + + Pending... + + + + Cancel + + + + Update + + + + + StatusStickersPopup + + You don't have any stickers yet + + + + Recently used stickers will appear here + + + + Get Stickers + + + + + StatusTagSelectorPage + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + + StatusUrlValidator + + Please enter a valid URL + + + + + StatusValidator + + invalid input + + + + + StatusWindowsTitleBar + + Status + + + + + SubheaderTabBar + + Step %1 of %2 + + + + + TabAddressSelectorView + + Saved + + + + My Accounts + + + + Recent + + + + Search for saved address + + + + No Saved Address + + + + No Recents + + + + + ToastMessage + + View on Etherscan + + + + Transaction pending... + + + + + TokenSettingsModal + + Manage Assets + + + + Add custom token + + + + + TokenSettingsModalContent + + Token details + + + + Remove token + + + + Custom + + + + Default + + + + + TouchIDAuthView + + Biometrics + + + + Would you like to use Touch ID +to login to Status? + + + + Yes, use Touch ID + + + + I prefer to use my password + + + + + TransactionBubbleView + + Transaction request + + + + ↑ Outgoing transaction + + + + ↓ Incoming transaction + + + + Token not found on your current network + + + + + TransactionDelegate + + From + + + + To + + + + At + + + + + TransactionModal + + Transaction Details + + + + confirmation(s) + + + + When the transaction has 12 confirmations you can consider it settled. + + + + Block + + + + Hash + + + + From + + + + To + + + + Gas limit + + + + Gas price + + + + Gas used + + + + Nonce + + + + + TransactionPreview + + From + + + + Recipient + + + + Unknown + + + + Asset + + + + Amount + + + + Network fee + + + + Data + + + + Data field + + + + + TransactionSigner + + You need to enter a password + + + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + Signing phrase + + + + Signing phrase is a 3 word combination that displayed when you entered the wallet on this device for the first time. + + + + Enter the password you use to unlock this device + + + + Password + + + + Enter password + + + + + UnblockContactConfirmationDialog + + Unblock User + + + + Unblocking will allow new messages you received from %1 to reach you. + + + + + UserListPanel + + Offline + + + + Online + + + + Inactive + + + + Do not disturb + + + + Idle + + + + + UserStatusContextMenu + + View My Profile + + + + Always online + + + + Inactive + + + + Set status automatically + + + + Online + + + + Offline + + + + + ViewProfileMenuItem + + View Profile + + + + + WakuNodesModal + + Waku nodes + + + + Use Waku nodes + + + + Select node automatically + + + + Waku Nodes + + + + Node %1 + + + + Add a new node + + + + + WalletFooter + + Send + + + + Receive + + + + Buy / Sell + + + + + WelcomeView + + Welcome to Status + + + + Your fully decentralized gateway to Ethereum and Web3. Crypto wallet, privacy first group chat, and dApp browser. + + + + I am new to Status + + + + I already use Status + + + + + main + + StatusQ Documentation App + + + + Status Desktop + + + + Open Status + + + + Quit + + diff --git a/ui/i18n/qml_zh_TW.ts b/ui/i18n/qml_zh_TW.ts index 54c955cca8..d5a339114c 100644 --- a/ui/i18n/qml_zh_TW.ts +++ b/ui/i18n/qml_zh_TW.ts @@ -10865,6 +10865,50 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Privacy Policy 隐私政策 + + Check for updates + + + + Current Version + + + + Release Notes + + + + Our Principles + + + + Status desktop’s GitHub Repositories + + + + Status Go + + + + StatusQ + + + + go-waku + + + + Legal & Privacy Documents + + + + Terms of Use + + + + Software License + + AcceptRejectOptionsButtonsPanel @@ -10902,6 +10946,42 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Storage 存储 + + Watch-Only Account + + + + Generated by your Status seed phrase profile + + + + Imported Account + + + + On Device + + + + Derivation Path + + + + Remove from your profile + + + + Confirm %1 Removal + + + + You will not be able to restore viewing access to this account in the future unless you enter this account’s address again. + + + + Remove Account + + ActivityCenterMessageComponentView @@ -10909,6 +10989,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Mark as Read 标记为已读 + + Mark as Unread + + AddAccountModal @@ -10916,6 +11000,54 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Advanced 高级 + + Generate an account + + + + Wrong password + + + + You need to enter a password + + + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + Enter your password… + + + + Password + + + + Enter an account name... + + + + Account name + + + + You need to enter an account name + + + + color + + + + Loading... + + + + Add account + + AddEditSavedAddressPopup @@ -10931,6 +11063,38 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Save 保存 + + Edit saved address + + + + Add saved address + + + + Enter a name + + + + Name must not be blank + + + + This is not a valid account name + + + + Enter ENS Name or Ethereum Address + + + + Please enter a valid ENS name OR Ethereum Address + + + + Add address + + AddFavoriteModal @@ -10954,6 +11118,46 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Name 名称 + + Favorite added + + + + Edit + + + + Add favorite + + + + Please enter a valid URL + + + + Name of the website + + + + Please enter a name + + + + Remove + + + + Done + + + + Add + + + + Add Favorite + + AdvancedContainer @@ -10972,6 +11176,122 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. enable 啟用 + + Fleet + + + + Minimize on close + + + + Application Logs + + + + Experimental features + + + + Wallet + + + + WalletSettingsLineButton + + + + Dapp Browser + + + + Community History Archive Protocol + + + + Node Management + + + + Keycard + + + + Bloom filter level + + + + Warning! + + + + The account will be logged out. When you login again, the selected mode will be enabled + + + + Light Node + + + + Normal + + + + Full Node + + + + WakuV2 mode + + + + Developer features + + + + Full developer mode + + + + Download messages + + + + Telemetry + + + + Debug + + + + Auto message + + + + Are you sure you want to enable all the develoer features? The app will be restarted. + + + + Are you sure you want to enable telemetry? This will reduce your privacy level while using Status. You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. + + + + Are you sure you want to enable auto message? You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. + + + + Are you sure you want to %1 debug mode? You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. + + + + This feature is experimental and is meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It's not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data. Use at your own risk. + + + + I understand + + AllowNotificationsView @@ -10979,6 +11299,15 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Ok, got it 好的, 知道了 + + Allow notifications + + + + Status will notify you about new messages. You can +edit your notification preferences later in settings. + + AppMain @@ -10986,6 +11315,58 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Where do you want to go? 你想去哪里? + + Profile Picture + + + + Make this my Profile Pic + + + + Invite People + + + + View Community + + + + Leave Community + + + + A new version of Status (%1) is available + + + + Download + + + + Your version is up to date + + + + Close + + + + Can not connect to mailserver + + + + The mailserver you're connecting to is unavailable. + + + + Pick another + + + + Retry + + AppearanceView @@ -11013,6 +11394,58 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. XXL XXL + + Preview + + + + Blockchains will drop search costs, causing a kind of decomposition that allows you to have markets of entities that are horizontally segregated and vertically segregated. + + + + Size + + + + Change font size + + + + Change Zoom (requires restart) + + + + 50% + + + + 100% + + + + 150% + + + + 200% + + + + Appearance + + + + Light + + + + Dark + + + + System + + BackupSeedModal @@ -11024,6 +11457,22 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Continue 继续 + + Not Now + + + + Confirm Seed Phrase + + + + Complete & Delete My Seed Phrase + + + + Confirm word #%1 of your seed phrase + + BackupSeedStepBase @@ -11035,6 +11484,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Wrong word 错误的单词 + + Word #%1 + + BeforeGetStartedModal @@ -11042,6 +11495,42 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Privacy Policy 隐私政策 + + Before you get started + + + + I acknowledge that status desktop is in beta and by using it I take the full responsibility for all risks concerning my data and funds + + + + Before you get started... + + + + Get Started + + + + I acknowledge that Status Desktop is in Beta and by using it I take the full responsibility for all risks concerning my data and funds. + + + + I accept Status + + + + Terms of Use + + + + Terms of service + + + + Get started + + BrowserLayout @@ -11049,6 +11538,31 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Transaction pending... 交易待确定… + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Error signing message + + + + View on etherscan + + + + Server's certificate not trusted + + + + Do you wish to continue? + + + + If you wish so, you may continue with an unverified certificate. Accepting an unverified certificate means you may not be connected with the host you tried to connect to. +Do you wish to override the security check and continue? + + ChatContextMenuView @@ -11068,6 +11582,66 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Are you sure you want to leave this chat? 确定要退出此聊天吗? + + View Members + + + + Add / remove from group + + + + Test WakuV2 - requestAllHistoricMessages + + + + Edit name + + + + Mark as Read + + + + Clear history + + + + Edit Channel + + + + Download + + + + Delete Channel + + + + Delete chat + + + + Leave chat + + + + Download messages + + + + Delete #%1 + + + + Are you sure you want to delete #%1 channel? + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this chat? + + ChatView @@ -11075,6 +11649,14 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Members 成员 + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + CollectibleDetailsHeader @@ -11089,6 +11671,18 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. description 描述 + + unnamed + + + + id + + + + View in Opensea + + CollectiblesStore @@ -11114,6 +11708,14 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Leave community 退出社区 + + Leave %1 + + + + Are you sure you want to leave? Once you leave, you will have to request to rejoin if you change your mind. + + CommunitiesPopup @@ -11137,6 +11739,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Search for communities or topics 搜索社区或主题 + + Access existing community + + CommunitiesPortalLayout @@ -11144,6 +11750,26 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Search 搜索 + + Find community + + + + Import Community + + + + Create New Community + + + + Featured + + + + Popular + + CommunityColorPicker @@ -11162,6 +11788,58 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Create category 创建分类 + + 1 Member + + + + %1 Members + + + + Start chat + + + + Membership requests + + + + Invite people + + + + Unmute category + + + + Mute category + + + + Edit Category + + + + Delete Category + + + + Delete %1 category + + + + Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. + + + + Create channel or category + + + + Error deleting the category + + CommunityDescriptionInput @@ -11173,6 +11851,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. What your community is about 介绍你的社区 + + community description + + CommunityDetailPopup @@ -11188,6 +11870,42 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Unknown community 未知社区 + + Public community + + + + Invitation only community + + + + On request community + + + + - ENS only + + + + %1 members + + + + Channels + + + + You need to be invited + + + + Request to join ‘%1’ + + + + Error joining the community + + CommunityEditSettingsPanel @@ -11241,6 +11959,22 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Kick + + Membership requests + + + + Community members will appear here + + + + No contacts found + + + + You + + CommunityNameInput @@ -11252,6 +11986,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. community name 社区名称 + + Community name + + CommunityProfilePopup @@ -11263,6 +12001,30 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Transfer ownership 所有权转让 + + Public community + + + + Invitation only community + + + + On request community + + + + Unknown community + + + + Invite friends + + + + Invite + + CommunityProfilePopupInviteFriendsPanel @@ -11274,6 +12036,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Contacts 联系人 + + Share community + + CommunityProfilePopupMembersListPanel @@ -11288,6 +12054,18 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Copied! 复制! + + Share community + + + + Transfer ownership + + + + Leave community + + CommunitySettingsView @@ -11303,6 +12081,22 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Settings 设置 + + Overview + + + + Open legacy popup (to be removed) + + + + Back to community + + + + Error editing the community + + CommunityUserList @@ -11317,6 +12111,50 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Passwords don't match 密码不匹配 + + Have you written down your password? + + + + You will never be able to recover your password if you lose it. + + + + If you need to, write it using pen and paper and keep in a safe place. + + + + If you lose your password you will lose access to your Status profile. + + + + Confirm your password (again) + + + + Confirm you password (again) + + + + Finalise Status Password Creation + + + + Keys for this account already exist + + + + Keys for this account already exist and can't be added again. If you've lost your password, passcode or Keycard, uninstall the app, reinstall and access your keys by entering your seed phrase + + + + Login failed + + + + Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. + + ConfirmationDialog @@ -11340,6 +12178,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Do not show this again 不再显示此内容 + + Are you sure you want to do this? + + ContactPanel @@ -11351,6 +12193,18 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Send message 发送消息 + + Respond to ID Request + + + + See ID Request + + + + Rename + + ContactsColumnView @@ -11358,6 +12212,30 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Start chat 开始聊天 + + Chat + + + + Search + + + + Join public chats + + + + Contact requests + + + + Community imported + + + + Importing community is in progress + + ContactsView @@ -11365,6 +12243,46 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Contacts 联系人 + + Send contact request to chat key + + + + Search by a display name or chat key + + + + Pending Requests + + + + Blocked + + + + Identity Verified Contacts + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet + + + + Received + + + + Sent + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + Controls @@ -11392,6 +12310,22 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. XXL XXL + + 50% + + + + 100% + + + + 150% + + + + 200% + + CreateCategoryPopup @@ -11403,6 +12337,50 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. category name 分类名称 + + Edit category + + + + New category + + + + Name the category + + + + Channels + + + + Delete category + + + + Delete %1 category + + + + Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. + + + + Save + + + + Create + + + + Error editing the category + + + + Error creating the category + + CreateChannelPopup @@ -11426,6 +12404,38 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. channel description 频道说明 + + New channel + + + + Edit #%1 + + + + Name the channel + + + + Channel colour + + + + Pick a color + + + + Save + + + + Create + + + + Error creating the community + + CreateChatView @@ -11433,6 +12443,41 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Contacts 联系人 + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. + +Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be able to chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. + + + + You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. + + +Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be + able to +chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. + + + + You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. + + +Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be able to +chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. + + + + Confirm + + CreateCommunityPopup @@ -11484,6 +12529,14 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Community colour 社区颜色 + + Create New Community + + + + Create Community + + CreatePasswordView @@ -11502,6 +12555,14 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. View Community 查看社区 + + Edit Community + + + + Leave Community + + DerivationPathsPanel @@ -11509,6 +12570,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Reset 重置 + + Derivation Path + + DerivedAddressesPanel @@ -11520,6 +12585,22 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Account 帐户 + + No activity + + + + Invalid path + + + + Has Activity + + + + No Activity + + DisplayNamePopup @@ -11531,6 +12612,14 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Ok 好的 + + Display Name + + + + OK + + EnsDetailsView @@ -11546,6 +12635,22 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Connect username with your pubkey 将用户名与您的公钥相关联 + + Copied to clipboard! + + + + Release username + + + + Username locked. You won't be able to release it until %1 + + + + Back + + EnsSearchView @@ -11553,6 +12658,30 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Connect username with your pubkey 将用户名与您的公钥相关联 + + At least 4 characters. Latin letters, numbers, and lowercase only. + + + + Letters and numbers only. + + + + Type the entire username including the custom domain like username.domain.eth + + + + Custom domain + + + + I want a stateofus.eth domain + + + + I own a name on another domain + + EnsView @@ -11560,6 +12689,26 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Transaction pending... 交易待确定… + + View on etherscan + + + + ENS Registration failed + + + + ENS Registration completed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey failed + + + + Updating ENS pubkey completed + + ExemptionNotificationsModal @@ -11567,6 +12716,30 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Done 完成 + + %1 exemption + + + + Mute all messages + + + + Personal @ Mentions + + + + Global @ Mentions + + + + Other Messages + + + + Clear Exemptions + + GasSelector @@ -11582,6 +12755,78 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. High + + Must be greater than 0 + + + + This needs to be a number + + + + Please enter an amount + + + + Min 21000 units + + + + Not enough gas + + + + Miners will currently not process transactions with a tip below %1 Gwei, the average is %2 Gwei + + + + The average miner tip is %1 Gwei + + + + Gas Price + + + + Current base fee: %1 %2 + + + + Use suggestions + + + + Use custom + + + + Optimal + + + + Gas amount limit + + + + Per-gas tip limit + + + + Gwei + + + + Per-gas overall limit + + + + Maximum priority fee: %1 ETH + + + + Maximum overall price for the transaction. If the block base fee exceeds this, it will be included in a following block with a lower base fee. + + GroupInfoPopup @@ -11589,6 +12834,46 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. %1/%2 members %1 个成员 {1/%2 ?} + + Add members + + + + %1 members + + + + 1 member + + + + Search + + + + All your contacts are already in the group + + + + Pinned messages + + + + Admin + + + + Make Admin + + + + Remove From Group + + + + Add selected + + ImageCropperModal @@ -11607,6 +12892,38 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Pending 等待中 + + You need to enter a private key + + + + Enter a valid private key (64 characters hexadecimal string) + + + + Private key + + + + Paste the contents of your private key + + + + Public address + + + + Account already added + + + + Has Activity + + + + No Activity + + InsertCard @@ -11614,6 +12931,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Cancel 取消 + + Please insert your Keycard to proceed or press the cancel button to cancel the operation + + InsertDetailsView @@ -11625,6 +12946,38 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Profile picture 个人头像 + + Your profile + + + + Longer and unusual names are better as they are less likely to be used by someone else. + + + + Display name + + + + Chatkey: + + + + Choose an image for profile picture + + + + Make this my profile picture + + + + Your emojihash and identicon ring + + + + This set of emojis and coloured ring around your avatar are unique and represent your chat key, so your friends can easily distinguish you from potential impersonators. + + InvitationBubbleView @@ -11632,6 +12985,46 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Unsupported state 不支持的状态 + + Membership requires an ENS username + + + + You need to be invited + + + + Pending + + + + View + + + + Request Access + + + + Join + + + + Verified community invitation + + + + Community invitation + + + + %1 members + + + + Error joining the community + + KeysMainView @@ -11643,6 +13036,39 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Generate new keys 生成新密钥 + + intro-wizard-title1 + + + + a-set-of-keys-controls-your-account.-your-keys-live-on-your-device,-so-only-you-can-use-them. + + + + Connect your keys + + + + Use your existing Status keys to login to this device. + + + + Get your keys + + + + A set of keys controls your account. Your keys live on your +device, so only you can use them. + + + + Import a seed phrase + + + + Seed phrases are used to back up and restore your keys. Only use this option if you already have a seed phrase. + + LanguageView @@ -11650,6 +13076,54 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Language 语言 + + Set Display Currency + + + + Search Currencies + + + + Search Languages + + + + Date Format + + + + DD/MM/YY + + + + MM/DD/YY + + + + Time Format + + + + 24-Hour Time + + + + 12-Hour Time + + + + Change language + + + + Display language has been changed. You must restart the application for changes to take effect. + + + + Close the app now + + Layout @@ -11661,6 +13135,22 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. View Community 查看社区 + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + Edit Community + + + + Leave Community + + LeftTabView @@ -11668,6 +13158,34 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Settings 设置 + + Sign out + + + + Make sure you have your account password and seed phrase stored. Without them you can lock yourself out of your account and lose funds. + + + + Sign out & Quit + + + + Wallet + + + + Total value + + + + Add account + + + + Saved addresses + + LoginView @@ -11675,6 +13193,38 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Ok 好的 + + Welcome back + + + + Add new user + + + + Add existing Status user + + + + Connecting... + + + + Password + + + + Enter password + + + + Login failed: %1 + + + + Password incorrect + + MenuPanel @@ -11682,6 +13232,14 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Settings 设置 + + Apps + + + + About & Help + + MessageContextMenuView @@ -11689,6 +13247,62 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Jump to 跳转到 + + Copy image + + + + Download image + + + + Block User + + + + Unblock User + + + + Rename + + + + Reply to + + + + Edit message + + + + Copy Message Id + + + + Unpin + + + + Pin + + + + Delete message + + + + Please choose a directory + + + + Confirm deleting this message + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well. + + MessagingView @@ -11696,6 +13310,70 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Contacts 联系人 + + Allow new contact requests + + + + Show My Profile Picture To + + + + Everyone + + + + No One + + + + See Profile Pictures From + + + + Open Message Links With + + + + Status Browser + + + + System Default Browser + + + + Contacts, Requests, and Blocked Users + + + + Display Message Link Previews + + + + Fine tune which sites to allow link previews + + + + Image unfurling + + + + All images (links that contain an image extension) will be downloaded and displayed + + + + Message syncing + + + + Waku nodes + + + + For security reasons, private chat history won't be synced. + + MyProfileView @@ -11711,6 +13389,18 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Share Profile URL 分享个人资料链接 + + Change Password + + + + Edit + + + + Preview + + NicknamePopup @@ -11718,6 +13408,14 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Nickname 昵称 + + Nicknames help you identify others in Status. Only you can see the nicknames you’ve added + + + + Done + + NoImageUploadedPanel @@ -11725,6 +13423,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Upload 上传 + + Wide aspect ratio is optimal + + NotificationsView @@ -11740,6 +13442,150 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Anonymous 匿名的 + + Community + + + + 1:1 Chat + + + + Group Chat + + + + Muted + + + + Off + + + + Quiet + + + + Personal @ Mentions %1 + + + + Global @ Mentions %1 + + + + Alerts + + + + Other Messages %1 + + + + Multiple Exemptions + + + + Enable Notifications in macOS Settings + + + + To receive Status notifications, make sure you've enabled them in your computer's settings under <b>System Preferences > Notifications</b> + + + + Sync your devices to share notifications preferences + + + + Syncing > + + + + Allow Notifications + + + + 1:1 Chats + + + + Group Chats + + + + Personal @ Mentions + + + + Messages containing @%1 + + + + Global @ Mentions + + + + Messages containing @here and @channel + + + + All Messages + + + + Others + + + + Contact Requests + + + + Identity Verification Requests + + + + Notification Content + + + + Show Name and Message + + + + Hi there! So EIP-1559 will defini... + + + + Name Only + + + + Play a Sound When Receiving a Notification + + + + Volume + + + + Send a Test Notification + + + + Exemptions + + + + Search Communities, Group Chats and 1:1 Chats + + + + Most recent + + PasswordView @@ -11751,6 +13597,78 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Passwords don't match 密码不匹配 + + Create a password to unlock Status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + You will not be able to recover this password if it is lost. + + + + Minimum %1 characters. To strengthen your password consider including: + + + + This password has been pwned and shouldn't be used + + + + This password is a common word and shouldn't be used + + + + Password must be at least %1 characters long + + + + Current password + + + + New password + + + + Very weak + + + + Weak + + + + So-so + + + + Good + + + + Great + + + + Lower case + + + + Upper case + + + + Numbers + + + + Symbols + + + + Confirm password + + PermissionsListView @@ -11758,6 +13676,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Disconnect 断开连接 + + Disconnect All + + PinnedMessagesPopup @@ -11765,6 +13687,30 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Unpin 取消置顶 + + Pin limit reached + + + + Pinned messages + + + + Unpin a previous message first + + + + %1 messages + + + + %1 message + + + + Pinned messages will appear here. + + ProfileLayout @@ -11772,6 +13718,18 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Contacts 联系人 + + Testnet mode is enabled. All balances, transactions and dApp interactions will be on testnets. + + + + Secure your seed phrase + + + + Back up now + + ProfilePopup @@ -11819,6 +13777,90 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Add to contacts 添加到联系人 + + 's Profile + + + + Send Contact Request to + + + + Verify %1's Identity + + + + My Profile + + + + %1's Profile + + + + Send Contact Request to %1 + + + + Cancel verification + + + + Remove Contact + + + + Send Contact Request + + + + Mark Untrustworthy + + + + Remove 'Identity Verified' status + + + + No + + + + Yes + + + + Remove Untrustworthy Mark + + + + Verify Identity + + + + Verify Identity pending... + + + + Send verification request + + + + Verification request sent + + + + Confirm Identity + + + + Rename + + + + Close + + ProfileSectionStore @@ -11854,6 +13896,30 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Advanced 高级 + + Messaging + + + + Notifications & Sounds + + + + Language & Currency + + + + Devices settings + + + + About + + + + Sign out & Quit + + RateView @@ -11861,6 +13927,18 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Upload 上传 + + Bandwidth + + + + Kb/s + + + + Download + + ReceiveModal @@ -11868,6 +13946,22 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Copy 复制到剪切板 + + Receive + + + + Legacy + + + + Multichain + + + + Your Address + + RootStore @@ -11875,6 +13969,18 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. You + + Start a 1-on-1 chat with %1 + + + + Join the %1 community + + + + Join the %1 group chat + + SavedAddressesView @@ -11886,6 +13992,30 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Delete 删除 + + Saved addresses + + + + Add new address + + + + Edit + + + + Are you sure you want to remove '%1' from your saved addresses? + + + + Are you sure? + + + + No saved addresses + + SeedPhraseInputView @@ -11901,6 +14031,34 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Import 导入 + + Keys for this account already exist + + + + Keys for this account already exist and can't be added again. If you've lost your password, passcode or Keycard, uninstall the app, reinstall and access your keys by entering your seed phrase + + + + Error importing seed + + + + %1 words + + + + %1SeedButton + + + + Invalid seed + + + + Restore Status Profile + + SendContactRequestModal @@ -11908,6 +14066,26 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Paste 粘贴 + + Send Contact Request to chat key + + + + Enter chat key here + + + + Say who you are / why you want to become a contact... + + + + who are you + + + + Send Contact Request + + SendModal @@ -11915,6 +14093,46 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Transaction pending... 交易待确定… + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Send + + + + Max: + + + + No balances active + + + + Please enter a valid amount + + + + To + + + + Enter an ENS name or address + + + + Error estimating gas: %1 + + + + Wrong password + + + + View on etherscan + + SendModalFooter @@ -11922,6 +14140,18 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Unknown 未知 + + Estimated Time: + + + + Max Fees: + + + + Send + + SendModalHeader @@ -11959,6 +14189,42 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Transaction pending... 交易待确定… + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Choose account + + + + Network fee + + + + Transaction preview + + + + Sign with password + + + + Send %1 %2 + + + + Next + + + + Wrong password + + + + View on etherscan + + StatusAppCommunityView @@ -11973,6 +14239,46 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Send 发送 + + Message + + + + Please choose an image + + + + Image files (%1) + + + + Your message is too long. + + + + Please make your message shorter. We have set the limit to 2000 characters to be courteous of others. + + + + Bold + + + + Italic + + + + Strikethrough + + + + Code + + + + Unblock + + StatusChatListAndCategories @@ -11980,6 +14286,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. More 更多 + + Add channel inside category + + StatusChatListCategoryItem @@ -11987,6 +14297,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. More 更多 + + Add channel inside category + + StatusChatListItem @@ -12016,6 +14330,18 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Preview 预览 + + This is not a valid color + + + + Standart colours + + + + Select Colour + + StatusExpandableSettingsItemPage @@ -12023,6 +14349,10 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Back up seed phrase 备份助记词 + + Not Implemented + + StatusListPicker @@ -12037,6 +14367,11 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Open 打开 + + My latest message + with a return + + StatusStickerMarket @@ -12055,6 +14390,14 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. or + + Hold + + + + to post + + StatusWalletColorSelect @@ -12084,6 +14427,50 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Are you sure? 你确定吗? + + Your priority fee is below our suggested parameters. + + + + Current base fee + + + + %1 Gwei + + + + Current minimum tip + + + + Current average tip + + + + Your tip limit + + + + Suggested minimum tip + + + + Your price limit + + + + Suggested minimum price limit + + + + Change Limit + + + + Continue anyway + + TransferOwnershipPopup @@ -12103,6 +14490,14 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Copied 已复制 + + You should keep it safe and only share it with people you trust to take ownership of your community + + + + You can also use this key to import your community on another device + + UploadProfilePicModal @@ -12122,6 +14517,18 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Done 完成 + + Upload profile picture + + + + Choose an image for profile picture + + + + Make this my profile picture + + UserList @@ -12151,6 +14558,258 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. now 現在 + + Sun + + + + Mon + + + + Tue + + + + Wed + + + + Thu + + + + Fri + + + + Sat + + + + Jan + + + + Feb + + + + Mar + + + + Apr + + + + May + + + + Jun + + + + Jul + + + + Aug + + + + Sep + + + + Oct + + + + Nov + + + + Dec + + + + Yesterday + + + + Sunday + + + + Monday + + + + Tuesday + + + + Wednesday + + + + Thursday + + + + Friday + + + + Saturday + + + + NOW + + + + %1M + + + + %1H + + + + %1D + + + + words + + + + You need to enter a password + + + + You need to repeat your password + + + + Passwords don't match + + + + You need to enter a PIN + + + + The PIN must contain only digits + + + + The PIN must be exactly 6 digits + + + + You need to repeat your PIN + + + + PIN don't match + + + + The %1 cannot exceed %2 characters + + + + Must be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) + + + + Use only lowercase letters (a to z), numbers & dashes (-). Do not use chat keys. + + + + Value has to be at least %1 characters long + + + + Unknown + + + + < 1 min + + + + < 3 mins + + + + < 5 mins + + + + > 5 mins + + + + years ago + + + + year ago + + + + months ago + + + + month ago + + + + weeks ago + + + + week ago + + + + days ago + + + + day ago + + + + hours ago + + + + hour ago + + + + mins ago + + + + min ago + + + + secs ago + + + + sec ago + + WalletView @@ -12158,5 +14817,4202 @@ Assets won’t be sent yet. Wallet 钱包 + + Networks + + + + DApp Permissions + + + + Testnet Mode + + + + + AcceptTransactionView + + Accept and share address + + + + Accept and send + + + + Decline + + + + + Acknowledgements + + Secure Your Assets and Funds + + + + Your seed phrase is a 12-word passcode to your funds. + + + + Your seed phrase cannot be recovered if lost. Therefore, you <b>must</b> back it up. The simplest way is to <b>write it down offline and store it somewhere secure.</b> + + + + I have a pen and paper + + + + I am ready to write down my seed phrase + + + + I know where I’ll store it + + + + You can only complete this process once. Status will not store your seed phrase and can never help you recover it. + + + + + ActivityCenterPopup + + Show more + + + + + ActivityCenterPopupTopBarPanel + + All + + + + Mentions + + + + Replies + + + + Mark all as Read + + + + Show read notifications + + + + Hide read notifications + + + + Notification settings + + + + + AddShowTokenModal + + Add custom token + + + + This needs to be a valid address + + + + Invalid ERC20 address + + + + Enter contract address... + + + + Contract address + + + + The name of your token... + + + + Name + + + + ABC + + + + Symbol + + + + Decimals + + + + Changing settings failed + + + + Add + + + + + AddWakuNodeModal + + Waku nodes + + + + Name + + + + Specify a name + + + + You need to enter a name + + + + History node address + + + + You need to enter the enode address + + + + The format must be: enode://{enode-id}:{password}@{ip-address}:{port} + + + + Save + + + + + AddressInput + + ENS Username not found + + + + + AddressRequiredValidator + + You need to request the recipient’s address first. +Assets won’t be sent yet. + + + + + AddressSourceSelector + + Invalid source + + + + + AdvancedAddAccountView + + Enter address... + + + + Account address + + + + This needs to be a valid address (starting with 0x) + + + + You need to enter an address + + + + + AppSearch + + No results + + + + Anywhere + + + + + AssetAndAmountInput + + Insufficient balance + + + + Must be greater than or equal to 0 + + + + This needs to be a number + + + + Please enter an amount + + + + Balance: + + + + Asset & Amount + + + + The amount is 0. Proceed only if this is desired. + + + + + BackUpCommuntyBannerPanel + + Back up community key + + + + Back up + + + + + BalanceExceeded + + Balance exceeded + + + + No networks available + + + + + BalanceValidator + + Insufficient balance + + + + + BlockContactConfirmationDialog + + Block User + + + + Blocking will stop new messages from reaching you from %1. + + + + + BloomSelectorButton + + TODO + + + + + BrowserConnectionModal + + '%1' would like to connect to + + + + Allowing authorizes this DApp to retrieve your wallet address and enable Web3 + + + + Granting access authorizes this DApp to retrieve your chat key + + + + Deny + + + + Allow + + + + + BrowserHeader + + Enter URL + + + + + BrowserSettingsMenu + + New Tab + + + + Exit Incognito mode + + + + Go Incognito + + + + Zoom In + + + + Zoom Out + + + + Find + + + + Compatibility mode + + + + Developer Tools + + + + Settings + + + + + BrowserTabStyle + + Start Page + + + + + BrowserTabView + + Start Page + + + + New Tab + + + + Downloads Page + + + + + BrowserView + + Search engine used in the address bar + + + + None + + + + Show Favorites Bar + + + + Connected DApps + + + + No connected dApps + + + + Connecting a dApp grants it permission to view your address and balances, and to send you transaction requests + + + + + BrowserWalletMenu + + Mainnet + + + + Ropsten + + + + Unknown + + + + Disconnect + + + + Assets + + + + History + + + + + BrowserWebEngineView + + Add Favorite + + + + + ChangePasswordModal + + Change password + + + + Change password used to unlock Status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + Change Password + + + + + ChangePasswordSuccessModal + + <b>Password changed</b> + + + + You need to sign in again using the new password. + + + + Sign out & Quit + + + + + ChangeProfilePicModal + + Profile picture + + + + Remove + + + + Upload + + + + Please choose an image + + + + Image files (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png) + + + + + ChannelIdentifierView + + Welcome to the beginning of the <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> group! + + + + Any messages you send here are encrypted and can only be read by you and <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> + + + + + ChatButtonsPanel + + Add reaction + + + + Reply + + + + Edit + + + + Unpin + + + + Pin + + + + Delete + + + + Confirm deleting this message + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well. + + + + + ChatColumnView + + Send + + + + Request Address + + + + Request + + + + + ChatCommandModal + + Continue + + + + Receive on account + + + + From account + + + + Address request required + + + + From + + + + To + + + + Preview + + + + Transaction preview + + + + Next + + + + + ChatCommandsPopup + + Send transaction + + + + Request transaction + + + + + ChatContentView + + Contact + + + + Not a contact + + + + Public chat + + + + %1 members + + + + 1 member + + + + Connected + + + + Disconnected + + + + Blocked + + + + This user has been blocked. + + + + + ChatMessagesView + + Loading... + + + + Failed to send message. + + + + + ChatRequestMessagePanel + + You need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messages + + + + Just click this button to add them as contact. They will receive a notification. Once they accept the request, you'll be able to chat + + + + Add to contacts + + + + + ChooseBrowserPopup + + Choose browser + + + + Open in Status + + + + Open in my default browser + + + + Remember my choice. To override it, go to settings. + + + + + ClosedEmptyPanel + + Your chats will appear here. To start new chats press the  button at the top + + + + + CollectibleCollectionView + + No collectibles available + + + + + CollectibleDetailView + + Properties + + + + Levels + + + + Stats + + + + + CollectiblesContent + + Something went wrong + + + + Reload + + + + + CollectiblesHeader + + Maximum number of collectibles to display reached + + + + + CollectiblesModal + + View + + + + Unnamed + + + + + CollectiblesModalContent + + ID + + + + Description + + + + + CommunitiesView + + Import community + + + + Communities you've joined + + + + + CommunityBannerPicker + + Community banner + + + + Choose an image for banner + + + + Make this my Community banner + + + + + CommunityChannelsAndCategoriesBannerPanel + + Expand your community by adding more channels and categories + + + + Add channels + + + + Add categories + + + + + CommunityColorPanel + + Community Colour + + + + Select Community Colour + + + + This is not a valid colour + + + + White text should be legable on top of this colour + + + + Standard colours + + + + + CommunityDelegate + + Admin + + + + Member + + + + + CommunityIntroDialog + + Welcome to %1 + + + + Join %1 + + + + Community <b>%1</b> has no intro message... + + + + I agree with the above + + + + + CommunityIntroMessageInput + + Community introduction and rules + + + + What new members will read before joining (eg. community rules, welcome message, etc.). Members will need to tick a check box agreeing to these rules before they are allowed to join your community. + + + + community intro message + + + + + CommunityLogoPicker + + Community logo + + + + Choose an image as logo + + + + Make this my Community logo + + + + + CommunityOptions + + Community history service + + + + Request to join required + + + + Any member can pin a message + + + + + CommunityOutroMessageInput + + Leaving community message + + + + The message a member will see when they leave your community + + + + community intro message + + + + + CommunityOverviewSettingsPanel + + Overview + + + + Edit Community + + + + This node is the Community Owner Node. For your Community to function correctly try to keep this computer with Status running and onlinie as much as possible. + + + + Welcome to your community! + + + + Invite new people + + + + Try an airdrop to reward your community for engagement! + + + + Airdrop Tokens + + + + Back up community key + + + + Back up + + + + + CommunityTagsPanel + + Community Tags + + + + Confirm Community Tags + + + + Select tags that will fit your Community + + + + Search tags + + + + Selected tags + + + + + CommunityTagsPicker + + Tags + + + + + CommunityWelcomeBannerPanel + + Welcome to your community! + + + + Add members + + + + Manage community + + + + + CompactMessageView + + Pinned by %1 + + + + Cancel + + + + Save + + + + + ConfirmAddExistingKeyModal + + Enter seed phrase + + + + Do you want to add another existing key? + + + + Add another existing key + + + + + ConfirmAppRestartModal + + Application Restart + + + + Please restart the application to apply the changes. + + + + Restart + + + + + ConfirmSeedPhrasePanel + + Write down your 12-word seed phrase to keep offline + + + + Reveal seed phrase + + + + The next screen contains your seed phrase. +<b>Anyone</b> who sees it can use it to access to your funds. + + + + + ConfirmStoringSeedPhrasePanel + + Complete back up + + + + Store Your Phrase Offline and Complete Your Back Up + + + + By completing this process, you will remove your seed phrase from this application’s storage. This makes your funds more secure. + + + + You will remain logged in, and your seed phrase will be entirely in your hands. + + + + I acknowledge that Status will not be able to show me my seed phrase again. + + + + I aknowledge that Status will not be able to show me my seed phrase again. + + + + + Constants + + Username must be at least 5 characters + + + + Only letters, numbers, underscores and hyphens allowed + + + + 24 character username limit + + + + Usernames ending with '-eth' are not allowed + + + + Usernames ending with '_eth' are not allowed + + + + Usernames ending with '.eth' are not allowed + + + + Sorry, the name you have chosen is not allowed, try picking another username + + + + (edited) + + + + Username already taken :( + + + + Username doesn’t belong to you :( + + + + Continuing will connect this username with your chat key. + + + + ✓ Username available! + + + + Username is already connected with your chat key and can be used inside Status. + + + + This user name is owned by you and connected with your chat key. Continue to set `Show my ENS username in chats`. + + + + Continuing will require a transaction to connect the username with your current chat key. + + + + + Contact + + Admin + + + + + ContactRequestsPopup + + Contact requests + + + + Decline all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to decline all these contact requests + + + + Accept all contacts + + + + Are you sure you want to accept all these contact requests + + + + Decline all + + + + Accept all + + + + + ContactSelector + + Please select a contact + + + + Select a contact + + + + Contact does not have an ENS address. Please send a transaction in chat. + + + + No contact selected + + + + You don’t have any contacts yet + + + + + ContactVerificationRequestPopup + + %1 is asking you to verify your identity + + + + %1 would like to verify your identity. Answer the question to prove your identity to %2 + + + + Provide answer to verification request from this contact. + + + + Your answer has been sent to %1. + + + + Refuse Verification + + + + Send Answer + + + + Change answer + + + + Close + + + + + ContactsListAndSearch + + Enter a valid chat key or ENS username + + + + Can't chat with yourself + + + + Enter ENS username or chat key + + + + + ContactsListPanel + + Contact Request Sent + + + + Contact Request Rejected + + + + + CopyToClipBoardButton + + Copied! + + + + + CreatePasswordModal + + Store password + + + + Create a password + + + + Current password... + + + + New password... + + + + Confirm password… + + + + At least 6 characters. You will use this password to unlock status on this device & sign transactions. + + + + Create password + + + + Error importing account + + + + An error occurred while importing your account: + + + + Login failed + + + + Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. + + + + Incorrect password + + + + + CryptoServicesModal + + Buy / Sell crypto + + + + Choose a service you'd like to use to buy crypto + + + + + CurrenciesStore + + US Dollars + + + + British Pound + + + + Euros + + + + Russian ruble + + + + South Korean won + + + + Ethereum + + + + Tokens + + + + Bitcoin + + + + Status Network Token + + + + Dai + + + + United Arab Emirates dirham + + + + Other Fiat + + + + Afghan afghani + + + + Argentine peso + + + + Australian dollar + + + + Barbadian dollar + + + + Bangladeshi taka + + + + Bulgarian lev + + + + Bahraini dinar + + + + Brunei dollar + + + + Bolivian boliviano + + + + Brazillian real + + + + Bhutanese ngultrum + + + + Canadian dollar + + + + Swiss franc + + + + Chilean peso + + + + Chinese yuan + + + + Colombian peso + + + + Costa Rican colón + + + + Czech koruna + + + + Danish krone + + + + Dominican peso + + + + Egyptian pound + + + + Ethiopian birr + + + + Georgian lari + + + + Ghanaian cedi + + + + Hong Kong dollar + + + + Croatian kuna + + + + Hungarian forint + + + + Indonesian rupiah + + + + Israeli new shekel + + + + Indian rupee + + + + Icelandic króna + + + + Jamaican dollar + + + + Japanese yen + + + + Kenyan shilling + + + + Kuwaiti dinar + + + + Kazakhstani tenge + + + + Sri Lankan rupee + + + + Moroccan dirham + + + + Moldovan leu + + + + Mauritian rupee + + + + Malawian kwacha + + + + Mexican peso + + + + Malaysian ringgit + + + + Mozambican metical + + + + Namibian dollar + + + + Nigerian naira + + + + Norwegian krone + + + + Nepalese rupee + + + + New Zealand dollar + + + + Omani rial + + + + Peruvian sol + + + + Papua New Guinean kina + + + + Philippine peso + + + + Pakistani rupee + + + + Polish złoty + + + + Paraguayan guaraní + + + + Qatari riyal + + + + Romanian leu + + + + Serbian dinar + + + + Saudi riyal + + + + Swedish krona + + + + Singapore dollar + + + + Thai baht + + + + Trinidad and Tobago dollar + + + + New Taiwan dollar + + + + Tanzanian shilling + + + + Turkish lira + + + + Ukrainian hryvnia + + + + Ugandan shilling + + + + Uruguayan peso + + + + Venezuelan bolívar + + + + Vietnamese đồng + + + + South African rand + + + + + DateGroup + + Today + + + + Yesterday + + + + January + + + + February + + + + March + + + + April + + + + May + + + + June + + + + July + + + + August + + + + September + + + + October + + + + November + + + + December + + + + + DefaultDAppExplorerView + + Default DApp explorer + + + + none + + + + + DevicesView + + Please set a name for your device. + + + + Specify a name + + + + Continue + + + + Advertise device + + + + Pair your devices to sync contacts and chats between them + + + + Learn more + + + + Paired devices + + + + Syncing... + + + + Sync all devices + + + + + DownloadBar + + Cancelled + + + + Paused + + + + Show All + + + + + DownloadMenu + + Open + + + + Show in folder + + + + Pause + + + + Resume + + + + Cancel + + + + + DownloadPage + + Thanks for using Status + + + + You're curently using version %1 of Status. + + + + There's new version available to download. + + + + Get Status %1 + + + + + DownloadView + + Cancelled + + + + Paused + + + + Downloaded files will appear here. + + + + + ENSPopup + + Primary username + + + + Your messages are displayed to others with this username: + + + + Once you select a username, you won’t be able to disable it afterwards. You will only be able choose a different username to display. + + + + + EmojiReactionsPanel + + Add reaction + + + + + EmptyChatPanel + + Share your chat key + + + + or + + + + invite + + + + friends to start messaging in Status + + + + + EnsAddedView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + %1 is now connected with your chat key and can be used in Status. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsConnectedView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + %1 will be connected once the transaction is complete. + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsListView + + Hey + + + + (pending) + + + + ENS usernames + + + + Add username + + + + Your usernames + + + + Chat settings + + + + Primary Username + + + + None selected + + + + You’re displaying your ENS username in chats + + + + + EnsRegisteredView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username added + + + + Nice! You own %1.stateofus.eth once the transaction is complete. + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsReleasedView + + ENS usernames + + + + Username removed + + + + The username %1 will be removed and your deposit will be returned once the transaction is mined + + + + You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. + + + + Ok, got it + + + + + EnsTermsAndConditionsView + + ENS usernames + + + + Terms of name registration + + + + Funds are deposited for 1 year. Your SNT will be locked, but not spent. + + + + After 1 year, you can release the name and get your deposit back, or take no action to keep the name. + + + + If terms of the contract change — e.g. Status makes contract upgrades — user has the right to release the username regardless of time held. + + + + The contract controller cannot access your deposited funds. They can only be moved back to the address that sent them. + + + + Your address(es) will be publicly associated with your ENS name. + + + + Usernames are created as subdomain nodes of stateofus.eth and are subject to the ENS smart contract terms. + + + + You authorize the contract to transfer SNT on your behalf. This can only occur when you approve a transaction to authorize the transfer. + + + + These terms are guaranteed by the smart contract logic at addresses: + + + + %1 (Status UsernameRegistrar). + + + + <a href='%1%2'>Look up on Etherscan</a> + + + + %1 (ENS Registry). + + + + Wallet address + + + + Copied to clipboard! + + + + Key + + + + Agree to <a href="#">Terms of name registration.</a> I understand that my wallet address will be publicly connected to my username. + + + + Back + + + + 10 SNT + + + + Deposit + + + + Not enough SNT + + + + Register + + + + + EnsWelcomeView + + Get a universal username + + + + ENS names transform those crazy-long addresses into unique usernames. + + + + Customize your chat name + + + + An ENS name can replace your random 3-word name in chat. Be @yourname instead of %1. + + + + Simplify your ETH address + + + + You can receive funds to your easy-to-share ENS name rather than your hexadecimal hash (0x...). + + + + Receive transactions in chat + + + + Others can send you funds via chat in one simple step. + + + + 10 SNT to register + + + + Register once to keep the name forever. After 1 year you can release the name and get your SNT back. + + + + Already own a username? + + + + You can verify and add any usernames you own in the next steps. + + + + Powered by Ethereum Name Services + + + + Start + + + + Only available on Mainnet + + + + + FavoriteMenu + + Open in new Tab + + + + Edit + + + + Remove + + + + + FetchMoreMessagesButton + + ↓ Fetch more messages + + + + Before %1 + + + + before--%1 + + + + + FleetRadioSelector + + Warning! + + + + Change fleet to %1 + + + + + FleetsModal + + Fleet + + + + + GapComponent + + fetch-messages + + + + between--1-and--2 + + + + Fetch messages + + + + Between %1 and %2 + + + + + GasSelectorButton + + Low + + + + + GasValidator + + Not enough ETH for gas + + + + + GroupChatPanel + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + Confirm + + + + + HistoryView + + Status Desktop is connected to a non-archival node. Transaction history may be incomplete. + + + + No transactions found + + + + Load More + + + + + HomePageView + + homepage + + + + System default + + + + Other + + + + Example: duckduckgo.com + + + + + ImageCropWorkflow + + Supported image formats (%1) + + + + + ImportCommunityPopup + + Import Community + + + + Entering a community key will grant you the ownership of that community. Please be responsible with it and don’t share the key with people you don’t trust. + + + + Community private key + + + + Import + + + + + ImportSeedPhrasePanel + + Invalid seed phrase + + + + This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. + + + + %1 words + + + + + Input + + Copied + + + + Pasted + + + + Copy + + + + Paste + + + + + InviteFriendsPopup + + Get Status at https://status.im + + + + Download Status link + + + + Copy to clipboard + + + + + InviteFriendsToCommunityPopup + + Invite friends + + + + Invite successfully sent + + + + Invite + + + + + JSDialogWindow + + Ok + + + + Cancel + + + + + KeycardCreatePINModal + + Create PIN + + + + New PIN + + + + Confirm PIN + + + + Create a 6 digit long PIN + + + + + LanguageStore + + Beta Languages + + + + + LinksMessageView + + Enable automatic image unfurling + + + + Enable link previews in chat? + + + + Once enabled, links posted in the chat may share your metadata with their owners + + + + Enable in Settings + + + + Don't ask me again + + + + + MailserverConnectionDialog + + Can not connect to mailserver + + + + The mailserver you're connecting to is unavailable. + + + + Pick another + + + + Retry + + + + + MainView + + DApp Permissions + + + + Networks + + + + Accounts + + + + Generated from Your Seed Phrase + + + + Imported + + + + Watch-Only + + + + + MembershipRequestsPopup + + Membership requests + + + + + MessageStore + + and + + + + %1 more + + + + reacted with + + + + You + + + + + MuteChatMenuItem + + Mute chat + + + + Unmute chat + + + + + MutedChatsModal + + Muted chats + + + + Unmute + + + + + MyProfileSettingsView + + Display name + + + + Display Name + + + + Biometric login and transaction authentication + + + + Communities + + + + Accounts + + + + You haven't joined any communities yet + + + + You don't have any wallet accounts yet + + + + + NetworkCardsComponent + + Your Balances + + + + No Balance + + + + No Gas + + + + BALANCE: + + + + Disabled + + + + + NetworkFilter + + All networks + + + + %n network(s) + + + + + + + NetworkSelectPopup + + Layer 2 + + + + + NetworkSelector + + Networks + + + + Choose a network to use for the transaction + + + + No networks available + + + + Simple + + + + Advanced + + + + Custom + + + + + NetworksAdvancedCustomRoutingView + + Networks + + + + Show Unpreferred Networks + + + + The networks where the receipient will receive tokens. Amounts calculated automatically for the lowest cost. + + + + + NetworksSimpleRoutingView + + Networks + + + + Choose a network to use for the transaction + + + + + NetworksView + + Layer 2 + + + + Add Custom Network + + + + + NoFriendsRectangle + + You don’t have any contacts yet. Invite your friends to start chatting. + + + + Invite friends + + + + + NodeLayout + + Bloom Filter Usage + + + + Type json-rpc message... e.g {"method": "eth_accounts"} + + + + + NotificationSelect + + Send Alerts + + + + Deliver Quietly + + + + Turn Off + + + + + NotificationWindow + + Everything is connected + + + + + PINModal + + Authenticate PIN + + + + PIN + + + + Insert your 6-digit PIN + + + + Authenticate + + + + + PairingModal + + Insert pairing code + + + + Pairing code + + + + Insert the Keycard pairing code + + + + Pair + + + + + PrivateChatPopup + + New chat + + + + My Profile + + + + + ProfileHeader + + Chatkey:%1... + + + + + ProfileView + + Blocked + + + + Send Request + + + + Receive Response + + + + Confirm Identity + + + + You have confirmed %1's identity. From now on this verification emblem will always be displayed alongside %1's nickname. + + + + You have marked %1 as Untrustworthy. From now on this Untrustworthy emblem will always be displayed alongside %1's nickname. + + + + ENS username + + + + Username + + + + Ask a question that only the real %1 will be able to answer e.g. a question about a shared experience, or ask Mark to enter a code or phrase you have sent to them via a different communication channel (phone, post, etc...). + + + + Waiting for %1's response... + + + + Copied to clipboard + + + + Chat key + + + + Share Profile URL + + + + Chat settings + + + + Nickname + + + + None + + + + Remove contact + + + + Are you sure you want to remove this contact? + + + + + PublicChatPopup + + You need to enter a channel name + + + + The channel name can only contain lowercase letters, numbers and dashes + + + + Join public chat + + + + A public chat is where you get to hang out with others, make friends and talk about subjects of your interest. + + + + chat-name + + + + Start chat + + + + + RecipientSelector + + Invalid ethereum address + + + + Address + + + + My account + + + + Contact + + + + Recipient + + + + + RenameAccontModal + + Rename %1 + + + + Enter an account name... + + + + You need to enter an account name + + + + This is not a valid account name + + + + color + + + + Change Name + + + + Changing settings failed + + + + + RenameGroupPopup + + Group name + + + + Save + + + + + Retry + + Resend + + + + + RightTabView + + Assets + + + + Collectibles + + + + Activity + + + + History + + + + + SearchBox + + Search + + + + + SearchEngineModal + + Search engine + + + + None + + + + + SearchResults + + Non contacts + + + + No profile found + + + + + SeedPhraseBackupWarning + + Back up your seed phrase + + + + Back up + + + + + SeedPhraseTextArea + + Invalid seed phrase + + + + This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. + + + + Start with the first word + + + + + SelectAccountModal + + Select account + + + + Select account to share and receive assets + + + + Confirm and share address + + + + + SelectAnotherAccountModal + + Your keys + + + + Add another existing key + + + + + SelectGeneratedAccount + + Import new Seed Phrase + + + + Generate from Private key + + + + Add a watch-only address + + + + Imported + + + + Add new + + + + Origin + + + + + SendContactRequestMenuItem + + Send Contact Request + + + + + SendMessageMenuItem + + Send message + + + + + SendToContractWarning + + Tokens will be sent directly to a contract address, which may result in a loss of funds. To transfer ERC-20 tokens, ensure the recipient address is the address of the destination wallet. + + + + + SendTransactionButton + + Sign and send + + + + + SettingsDirtyToastMessage + + Changes detected + + + + Cancel + + + + Save changes + + + + + SignMessageModal + + Signature request + + + + From + + + + Data + + + + Message + + + + Reject + + + + Sign + + + + Sign with password + + + + + SignPhraseModal + + Signing phrase + + + + This is your signing phrase + + + + You should see these 3 words before signing each transaction + + + + If you see a different combination, cancel the transaction and sign out + + + + Ok, got it + + + + Remind me later + + + + + StateBubble + + Pending + + + + Confirmed + + + + Unknown token + + + + Address requested + + + + Waiting to accept + + + + Address shared + + + + Address received + + + + Transaction declined + + + + failure + + + + Unknown state + + + + + StatusActivityCenterButton + + Activity + + + + + StatusAddressOrEnsValidator + + Please enter a valid address or ENS name. + + + + + StatusAddressValidator + + Please enter a valid address. + + + + + StatusAppChatView + + Join public chats + + + + Start chat + + + + + StatusAppCommunitiesPortalView + + Find community + + + + Featured + + + + Popular + + + + + StatusAsyncEnsValidator + + ENS name could not be resolved in to an address + + + + + StatusAsyncValidator + + invalid input + + + + + StatusBadge + + 99+ + + + + + StatusChatImageExtensionValidator + + Format not supported. + + + + Upload %1 only + + + + + StatusChatImageLoader + + Error loading the image + + + + Loading image... + + + + + StatusChatImageQtyValidator + + You can only upload %1 images at a time + + + + + StatusChatImageSizeValidator + + Max image size is %1 MB + + + + + StatusColorSpacePage + + Thickness + + + + Min saturate: + + + + Max saturate: + + + + Min value: + + + + Max value: + + + + Color + + + + + StatusCommunityTagsPage + + Select tags that will fit your Community + + + + Search tags + + + + Selected tags + + + + + StatusDialog + + Close + + + + Abort + + + + Cancel + + + + No to all + + + + No + + + + Open + + + + Save + + + + Save all + + + + Retry + + + + Ignore + + + + Ok + + + + Yes to all + + + + Yes + + + + Apply + + + + + StatusETHTransactionModal + + Contract interaction + + + + Wrong password + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Continue + + + + Choose account + + + + Sign with password + + + + Next + + + + + StatusEmojiSection + + No recent emojis + + + + + StatusFloatValidator + + Please enter a valid numeric value. + + + + + StatusGifColumn + + Remove from favorites + + + + Add to favorites + + + + + StatusGifPopup + + Search Tenor + + + + TRENDING + + + + FAVORITES + + + + RECENT + + + + Enable Tenor GIFs? + + + + Once enabled, GIFs posted in the chat may share your metadata with Tenor. + + + + Enable + + + + Favorite GIFs will appear here + + + + Recent GIFs will appear here + + + + Error while contacting Tenor API, please retry. + + + + Retry + + + + + StatusIntValidator + + Please enter a valid numeric value. + + + + + StatusItemSelector + + and + + + + or + + + + + StatusListPickerPage + + Search Languages + + + + Search Currencies + + + + + StatusNotification + + Open + + + + + StatusPasswordStrengthIndicator + + Very weak + + + + Weak + + + + So-so + + + + Good + + + + Great + + + + + StatusSNTTransactionModal + + Authorize %1 %2 + + + + Error sending the transaction + + + + Wrong password + + + + Continue + + + + Choose account + + + + Sign with password + + + + Send %1 %2 + + + + Next + + + + + StatusSearchListPopup + + Search... + + + + + StatusSearchLocationMenu + + Anywhere + + + + + StatusSearchPopup + + No results + + + + Anywhere + + + + Search + + + + In: + + + + In + + + + + StatusSpellcheckingMenuItems + + Add to dictionary + + + + Disable Spellchecking + + + + + StatusStackModal + + StackModal + + + + Next + + + + Finish + + + + + StatusStickerButton + + Buy for %1 SNT + + + + Uninstall + + + + Install + + + + Free + + + + Pending... + + + + Cancel + + + + Update + + + + + StatusStickersPopup + + You don't have any stickers yet + + + + Recently used stickers will appear here + + + + Get Stickers + + + + + StatusTagSelectorPage + + To: + + + + USER LIMIT REACHED + + + + + StatusUrlValidator + + Please enter a valid URL + + + + + StatusValidator + + invalid input + + + + + StatusWindowsTitleBar + + Status + + + + + SubheaderTabBar + + Step %1 of %2 + + + + + TabAddressSelectorView + + Saved + + + + My Accounts + + + + Recent + + + + Search for saved address + + + + No Saved Address + + + + No Recents + + + + + ToastMessage + + View on Etherscan + + + + Transaction pending... + + + + + TokenSettingsModal + + Manage Assets + + + + Add custom token + + + + + TokenSettingsModalContent + + Token details + + + + Remove token + + + + Custom + + + + Default + + + + + TouchIDAuthView + + Biometrics + + + + Would you like to use Touch ID +to login to Status? + + + + Yes, use Touch ID + + + + I prefer to use my password + + + + + TransactionBubbleView + + Transaction request + + + + ↑ Outgoing transaction + + + + ↓ Incoming transaction + + + + Token not found on your current network + + + + + TransactionDelegate + + From + + + + To + + + + At + + + + + TransactionModal + + Transaction Details + + + + confirmation(s) + + + + When the transaction has 12 confirmations you can consider it settled. + + + + Block + + + + Hash + + + + From + + + + To + + + + Gas limit + + + + Gas price + + + + Gas used + + + + Nonce + + + + + TransactionPreview + + From + + + + Recipient + + + + Unknown + + + + Asset + + + + Amount + + + + Network fee + + + + Data + + + + Data field + + + + + TransactionSigner + + You need to enter a password + + + + Password needs to be 6 characters or more + + + + Signing phrase + + + + Signing phrase is a 3 word combination that displayed when you entered the wallet on this device for the first time. + + + + Enter the password you use to unlock this device + + + + Password + + + + Enter password + + + + + UnblockContactConfirmationDialog + + Unblock User + + + + Unblocking will allow new messages you received from %1 to reach you. + + + + + UserListPanel + + Offline + + + + Online + + + + Inactive + + + + Do not disturb + + + + Idle + + + + + UserStatusContextMenu + + View My Profile + + + + Always online + + + + Inactive + + + + Set status automatically + + + + Online + + + + Offline + + + + + ViewProfileMenuItem + + View Profile + + + + + WakuNodesModal + + Waku nodes + + + + Use Waku nodes + + + + Select node automatically + + + + Waku Nodes + + + + Node %1 + + + + Add a new node + + + + + WalletFooter + + Send + + + + Receive + + + + Buy / Sell + + + + + WelcomeView + + Welcome to Status + + + + Your fully decentralized gateway to Ethereum and Web3. Crypto wallet, privacy first group chat, and dApp browser. + + + + I am new to Status + + + + I already use Status + + + + + main + + StatusQ Documentation App + + + + Status Desktop + + + + Open Status + + + + Quit + +